#camille saroyan x reader
shelbgrey · 1 year
Comedy short: who broke the coffee pot?(Bones)
Paring: reader x jeffersonian staff
Summary: cam wants to know who broke the coffee pot.
A/n: bones requests are open!
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Cam called a staff meeting today... No one would have ever predicted that it would be about a broken coffee pot. Not a corpse, not a piece of broken bone, but a broken pot.
They all stood around the broken coffee pot confused, in the coffee maker it's self was large beaker from the lab in place of the pot. All of us minus Bones, she was aggravated she was taken away from her work for this.
“So...” Cam said crossing her arms “Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.” she said softly looking at everyone.
Everyone stayed silent as Seeley and Lance walked in confused. Lance walked up next to y/n looking at the broken glass. Before he could ask what happened y/n sighed when she saw everyone's silent panic and spoke up.
“...I did. I broke it.” y/n said trying to save who's ever ass broke it.
Cam shook her head and sighed “No. No you didn't, you don't even drink coffee. Dr. Hodgins?”
Jack looked insulted that she would even mention him, did he not relize how many beakers he's broken in the Lab? “Don't look at me. Look at Wendell”
The blond look bewildered and gave Jack a dirty look before turning to Cam. “What?! I didn't break it.”
Jack hummed and looked at Cam like he cracked the case “Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?”
Wendell started to get annoyed, he rubbed his fave then pointed to the broken glass “Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.”
Jack shrugged “Suspicious.”
“No, it's not!” Wendell said shaking his head. Cam, who just wanted an answer sighed right back and looked towards Seeley who interjected.
“If it matters, probably not, but Lance was the last one to use it.” y/n and Lance both looked at him shocked.
“Liar! I don't even work here!” Lance said stepping away from the group.
“Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart last night?” Seeley asked in joking matter, he wasn't really trying to blame him.
“Because Brennan asked me to get her a cup of coffee while I got y/n her tea. They were both working late last Everyone knows that, Booth” Lance quickly said and his story check out.
Angela sighed and put her hands up “Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Cam”
Cam stoped her and held up the lose handle “No! Who broke it!?”
Everyone stayed quiet, they all shared glances just waiting for someone to crack. Jack's eyes fell on Bones who was now checking her watch.
Jack glanced at Cam “Cam Brennan's been awfully quiet.”
Bones gasped, shocked anyone would accuse her of such accusations “really Dr. Hodgins?!”
Everyone starts arguing after that, the squints and the scientists that is. Lance and Seeley stared, still confused on what just happened. Cam just snickered and walked over to the boys. “I broke it by accident. It burned my hand so I punched it.”
Seeley and Lance started chuckling when they saw y/n throw a hand full of coffee stirrers at Wendell and Jack.
Seeley chuckled. “I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a skull on a stick.”
*Later at the Bureau*
“crap!” James sighed as the sound of glass shattering filled his ears, he quickly looked around for witness hoping no one saw him break the coffee pot in the break room.
Caroline sighed and pulled out her phone from a distance, James didn't see her dialing Cam's number. “Cam, tell me how you handled the coffee pot situation at the jeffersonian”
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cupidmydarling · 1 year
I need more Bones fanfic for literally anyone. There's just not enough. It's outrageous.
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the-creative-lie · 1 year
listen i know theres no demand for it but ive been rewatching bones and i *need* to write for dr zack addy
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number-0-iz · 1 year
I made a Bones discord server so if you want to join, let me know!
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byersbootyshorts · 2 years
Bones Masterlist
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Requests for this fandom are currently closed
Any of my works marked * contain explicit sexual content. Minors DNI
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Zack Addy:
One shots:
The Breakfast Anomaly After a long week at work you decide to start your day off by making breakfast for Zack. But when he tries to help you it takes a disastrous turn.
Comforting Zack when he’s upset
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Lance Sweets:
One shots:
Missed Reservation You and Lance get a little distracted before your Valentine’s Day dinner reservation, meaning you end up having to order takeout.
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alli-a-baba · 1 year
Happiness Is A Butterfly - Zack Addy x Reader
They/Them pronouns. 2,400 words. Pt.1.
Being a part of the rotating interns was difficult. Trying to keep up with Dr. Hodgins comments only his friends understood was difficult. Dr. Brennan's impossibly high standards for the professional environment were petrifying, and confusing from her friendly relationship with Agent Booth. Angela was emotionally intelligent but touchy on certain subjects. And Camille was the boss.
The way they flowed together was unmatchable, it was good for Y/N.
When the team was boiled down to their main characteristics; Hodgins was sarcastic and wanted someone who had thick skin to appreciate his pointed remarks, but smart enough to understand them.
Dr. Brennan just wanted you to do your job, and be understanding of how much time you have to allocate to keep the position. Agent Booth wants someone to understand his un-scientific humor.
Angela likes to talk about things you see outside of the lab, but also wants the discourse and drama of the people inside. Camille wants you to be able to testify and not annoy her with anything other than basic polite company and case related topics.
Y/N is a chronic people pleaser.
Then their is Dr. Addy. Dr. Zachary Uriah Addy, to be precise.
Dr. Addy was Brennan's previous grad student, her set grad student. Until he made pals with a serial killer and ate somebody. Their was little media coverage on who was caught for the crimes the serial killer committed, but it happening at the Jeffersonian?
People talked, and you listened.
It was fascinating to be in the place where it all happened, but you couldn't ask any of your coworkers about him. Anytime his name was said it was followed by a quick glance and a reminder that "Dr. Addy no longer works here."
Camille never referred to him by name. Everyone else did. The case you were working on now Hodgins had him at the forefront of his mind, "Zack would know more about this.", "Zack would've said that-"
You can't be Zack, but the fascination pressed on.
"Ask him then." Y/N said bluntly. The skull had damage all over and they were examining it, subtly watching Hodgins mannerisms.
"It's not that simple and you know that" His face was a little red and he had a soft line in between his bushy eyebrows. He was annoyed.
"Would you hurry up with the head Brennan will be here any second and I have to get the particulates."
You raised your eyebrows and the sudden outburst. "Its 'The Cranium' actually." He gave a dejected snort and a small smile at your attempt to lighten the mood while handing over the skull.
"Why isn't it that simple?" He stopped, "What do you mean."
"Asking Zack?" He took a deep breath and kept walking back to his station. Inclined for an answer you followed.
"Right, I forget you don't know him."
"Dr. Addy did some bad things and isn't working here anymore that's all nothing more nothing less." Camille snapped a fresh pair of gloves on her hands.
"You said their was some flesh flakes for me Y/N?" You laughed a little, "Yes Dr. Saroyan theirs some skin left behind in between the metatarsal bones and phalanges on the feet, what do you make of the scraping? it's all over the remains." Camille's eyes slightly opened in recognition. She pressed her lips into a thin line, moving to the table the bones rested on, "I'm not sure that's more a... Dr. Brennan question."
"Okay sounds good I'll just wait I suppose." Camille gave you a tight lipped smile as she walked away to examine the skin.
"Put the markers on this and give it to Angela, I have to go talk to Brennan." Hodgins shoved the skull into your hands, the marks were rough to the touch. He shuffled down the stairs towards Dr. Brennan using the pole for support. Probably contaminating it with the gloves he carelessly forgot to remove.
While placing the identifying markers and cleaning the pole with a chlorine based disinfectant spray, Y/N listened in on their hushed conversation. Only hearing bits and pieces. Talk of Zack and the scraping looking familiar but deeper and more rigid. When they walked up to give Angela the skull, the conversation died out and Booth cleared his throat.
"I've placed the markers," Handing the skull to Angela, "-and the remains are ready for you Dr. Brennan."
"Yes lets do that now."
They suspect cannibalism, and you knew they were relating it to Zack.
Dr. sweets was your friend in all of this. Feeling left out of their flow you talked about them together. Growing up in a household with angry spontaneous parents, you read people. You knew what they were feeling and knew what to say to keep peace. Growing up in the foster system Lance did the same. You two had that in common.
"So the remains are covered in teeth marks, were suspecting cannibalism." Sweets choked on his Miami vice cocktail. He drinks them because he likes Miami vice as a show, but mostly he cant take the flavor of more 'manly' drinks.
"Sorry, here." you hand him a napkin.
"Their all relating it to Zack?" He said gingerly dabbing his mouth.
"Yeah, how'd you know?" He tilts his head to the side scanning the left side of his brain, recalling events.
"I was there when it happened. Even though I barely knew him, It's still the first thing in my mind."
You look down absent mindedly running the rim of your finger around the mouth of your drink resting your cheek on a loose fist. "What's on your mind Y/N?"
"Don't treat me like a patient Dr. Sweets," He gives a lopsided smile and ducks is head down to your slumped eye level. "They asked me to come back tomorrow since I've 'seen so much of the case already."
"And you're not happy?"
You sighed while sitting up to see him clearer,
"I'm happy, just tired." Sweets takes a sip of his drink to wet his throat,
"I'll see you tomorrow then-"
"Look whos asking questions now." He raises his eyebrows and gives you childish grin,
"They want me to ask Zack about some things, something sodium or the other. Which is salt so that is odd. I think everyone knows that's salt. Right? Anyone I was thinking someone should come with me but their all so hesitant to face him-"
"Sodium Bicarbonate, baking soda. We found traces if it on the remains- is that in invitation?" You both knew it was, but with sweets you don't need to read in between the lines when you can ask.
"Ill need to talk to Brennan and Booth but yeah, I need a mediator for the science talk."
"I think you could hold your own," You say, finishing off your drink, "but if I have to we should celebrate." they get up to order more drinks.
"Don't pretend like your not excited Y/N"
Case file in hand, you had everything laid out. You had your assumptions and everyone's findings written down systematically. Like how deep the teeth marks on the bones were, and the sodium bicarbonate particulates. As well as the traces of hydrofluoric acid in the left over skin on the toes. Having no clue on who he was besides talk, it was hard to think about how to act appropriately. So Y/N went with the basics. They dressed in blues since the color has calming properties, and parted their hair to the left, which conveys intelligence.
"Don't you look professional. Sweets said opening the door for them.
"I'm going for the nice kindergarten teacher look." Y/N said.
"More like the science teacher in middle school that plays movies every Friday after a shitty test." Perfect.
"Even better." He moves his arm behind their headrest to reverse,
"You nervous?" Completely and utterly, but saying that out loud made it true. Y/N was scared to meet him like one was scared to meet their favorite band. That they won't live up to unrealistic expectations.
"A little, but I'm mostly excited." He glances at you, he knows that's not the whole truth but it goes unspoken. The two of you are left with silence. But not a comfortable silence like usual.
"Don't get too excited he's not that cool." and then it melts away,
"Is someone jealous?"
"Get off your high horse, were here."
"Oh-" he softly grabs your hand and you flinch, "Y/N."
He takes the folder and sets it on the dash taking your other hand,
"are you okay?" He says quietly. You squeeze his hands and nod,
"You tore the folder a little with your nails, I know you're scared but he's harmless." Your eyes meet and he gives you a reassuring nod.
"He killed someone Lance, that's terrifying." He sighs and looks down before cupping his hand and whispering in your ear, "Between you and me, no, no he didn't"
"Please state your name and why you're here?" The guard says though the speaker.
"Here to see inmate Zachary Addy, I have an appointment for 12:30?"
Sweets looked at you over his shoulder at you, apologetically.
"You can go through." The gate buzzes and slowly opens.
"We didn't have an appointment until Monday Dr. Sweets-" A voice says lowly through the door. As they walk through, he stops himself and stares at Y/N.
"who's that?" Zack asks tentatively, not bothering to ask you directly. His face was smooth having small patches of hair across his chin an jawline. It was light enough to be unnoticeable. It contrasted with his dark, disheveled hair.
"Their just here to explain the case better than I can Zack."
Zack thought for a moment, fiddling with the thick black gloves that encapsulated his hands.
"That was unnecessary, the file could've been handed over without explanation ." Zack holds his hand out for the folder, still staring at Lance. His eyes were dull and half lidded, emotionless to the situation. Sweets pulled out your chair for you and sat in his own, parallel to Zack. His hands were in cuffs with a chain linked to the table. It didn't calm Y/N's anxiety, he was a genius. Cuffs couldn't hold him if he truly wanted to get out.
The Dr. furrowed his brows in confusion, making connections in his mind. The cuffs, the way Dr. Sweets seemed to be so friendly with you, "You're my replacement."
He finally looked at you, his dull brown eyes swirled with something. Jealousy? Concern?
Y/N met his eye contact willingly, forcing the nervous cringe of their face back. You never show a predator weakness.
"Me an about a dozen other people." They flip open the folder and graze through the papers breaking the heavy eye contact, landing on the sheet that listed main points about the case. Picking out high resolution photos of the bones as well. They wanted to ask all about why Zack was in here. Why he was, how he could do that, what convinced him it was a good idea to cause such grief. Most of all if he really didn't kill that man.
He studied them, like a case of his own. Carefully looking them over, limb by limb, over the buttons on your shirt and the steady rise and fall of your chest. His eyes burnt into them, it was hard to focus.
"Their an intern Zack, we just have some questions and I'll be back tomorrow morning to pick up the file." Sweets was uncomfortable, Y/N handed him the sheets of paper so he could have a little control in the quickly unfolding scene. Lance gave you a small smile in return.
As he laid out each paper, you explained the case like you were on stand at trial. Dr. Addy never looked at the papers being placed on the table, opting to openly stare at Y/N. Wanting to keep their ground, they met his stare only glancing down every few moments to see which paper was next. It was a one sided conversation, and when you were finished he finally looked down at the images systematically placed in front of him.
"Can you work with that, Dr. Addy?" Y/N said, Zack's eyes widened at the professional connotation.
"Yes." Sweets stood up, "Great! Then were done here, Y/N?"
"I guess so." They stood up and ran their hands across the fabric of their top, smoothing out the imposed wrinkles from sitting down. Taking notice of Dr. Addy's brown eyes that followed the movement of their hands.
Zack stood up as well, stretching the chain on his cuffs to its full extent. He was tall. Taller than they thought, probably around 5'11 or 12. Y/N's eyes followed him up to the looming position he had over them. "I'll be seeing you both tomorrow then." His eyes met theirs, the smile paired with his relaxed eyes was unsettling. Involuntarily, Y/N shivered looking away at Lance. Breaking their stance in the unwavering staring contest he just wouldn't let go. Zack turned to Sweets, but never looked at him.
"No, just me Zack." He grabbed the folder that held the remainder of the case from your limp grasp, and tossed it on the table. The force made methodically laid out papers clash together. It startled Zack, his chains clamored together cutting through the silence. Lance grabbed your shoulder and pushed you to the door, swiping his card.
"Tomorrow then." Zack said.
Peeking out from behind Sweets, Y/N looked at Zack. The sides of his lips were turned, like he knew something they didn't. It was unsettling and you wanted to delve into his psyche and swim in his thoughts.
"Why won't this damn card work?"
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bonniebird · 9 months
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This is a list of current requests I have pending: 
This list will be updated as / when fics are queued.
Requesting information here
1. “Are you wearing my (Hoodie)?”
 Allison Argent x Male!Reader
- Requested by: @ab1nsur​
- Notes: Smut
2. “You're a vampire! I knew it!”
 Kol Mikaelson x Fem!reader
- Requested by: ​@thatweirdoleigh
- Notes:
3. “What will this alliance cost me?”
 Lucien castle x witch fem reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: Frenimes to lovers
Full Requests:
1. John agrees to help Dean find you after you’re taken by vampires during a hunt
Dean Winchester x Reader
- Requested by: @ellobruv
- Notes:
2. Stiles doesn’t trust Peter to protect you when you go with the other werewolves to help protect Beacon Hills
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
- Requested by: @ellobruv
- Notes: 
3. your brother Lucifer teams up with Mazikeen after they find out you have fallen for Chloe Decker
Chloe Decker x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
4. Lydia confesses her feelings to you when Magnus interrupts the wedding
Lydia Branwell x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Meeting and falling in love with Freya when you visit New Orleans
Freya Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. The Mikaelsons are shocked to find out tat you, their childhood friend, are still alive
Rebekah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Your brother Sweets accidentally reveals your private relationship with Cam
Camille Saroyan x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
5. Your childhood best friend Derek finds out that you and Emily Prentiss are dating
Emily x Fem!Reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
6. Confessing to your childhood friend that you're in love with them
Tyler Lockwood x female reader
- Requested by: Anon
- Notes: 
7. Hotch begins to panic when you're late for work
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Requested by Anon
8. You and Bill work together to keep each other safe during the Hogwarts battle
Bill x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
9. Finally meeting your pen pal, Ambrose Spellman, after your house arrest is up (Part three)
Ambrose x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Part One
Part Two
10. Alicent Hightower arranges for you, the daughter or Rhaenyra's closest ally to wed Aemond Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Face claim requested - Jodie Cormer
11. You and Rhaenyra Targaryen spend the night together after an argument
Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Oneshot format, smut
13. Aemond Targaryen finds himself in competition for his crushes attention when his cousin from Essos arrives at Kinglanding
Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Notes: Face claim requested - Jodie Cormer, Viserys GOT
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joelslegalwhrereads · 2 years
pairing ⁀➷  james aubrey x reader
word count⁀➷  900+
summary⁀➷ You and Aubrey are married but because you don't work together very often, the team doesn't know it yet, which changes when you all meet at the royal diner after a case.
warnings⁀➷ is marriage a warning?, some fluff, the case i mentioned is not a real case they had
a/n ⁀➷ i couldn’t resist writing for aubrey so i hope you’ll have as much fun reading as i had writing it x
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„I'm glad this case is over." Angela sighed as you entered the Royal Diner. „Me too. I'm afraid of marionettes anyway, I don't need them in my job. Ugh..." you shivered by the thought of the poor person.
You gathered around the table your team always had when you would go to the diner. At this point, any other table would feel just very wrong. „Are Hodgins and Aubrey on their way?" Cam asked the group. „Mhm, I guess. Aubrey told me he'd wait up for Hodgins because they had to take some notes for the report." Booth answered her.
This was your favourite part of every case, even though it wasn't all of you each time. Sitting at the diner together, talking about the things that happened, but also personal things. These people quickly became your best friends. They welcomed you from the second you stepped foot into the Jeffersonian and integrated you into their group. Now that Aubrey was working with Booth at the FBI, it would be even better.
„What can I get you guys?" Joanne smiled at us.
„The usual please." Booth and Brennan ordered, Cam didn't want anything but water and so did Angela.
„A burger, fries and a salad please." you smiled. „Alright, I'll be back in a sec." Joanne wrote everything down and left your table. You could feel the eyes of the others on you, „You seem hungry, Y/N." Brennan laughed lightly.
You chuckled, „Oh, it's for Aubrey.". Cam frowned and made the typical expression she always did when she was confused. Angela on the other hand already seemed to know what's up but kept it for herself.
„There they are!" Booth greeted Hodgins and Aubrey when they entered the diner. „Sorry it took longer than expected. He didn't accept the words normal people use." Aubrey sarcastically commented.
„Actually, it is usually very important to use the correct technical terms." Brennan commented. „Thank you." Hodgins said.
You grinned at the interaction between them. It's always like that, and it's exactly what makes them so lovable. Aubrey has been with the team for about a month, but you never had the chance to really work together during a case, until now.
Angela slid her chair a bit to the side to make room for Aubrey next to you, totally on purpose, of course. Hodgins meanwhile sat down on her other side. Just in time for the two to sit down, Joanna came back with a plate for Brennan, apple cake for Booth and your order.
„Here you go, anything else you'd like?" she asked. „No, thanks, Joanna." Booth smiled, and she nodded.
Aubrey smiled at you when he saw the plates in front of him. „Thank you." His hand caressed your tight. „I wouldn't dare to not order when I know exactly what your mood is like when you're hungry." you chuckled. The others were already in conversation, so they didn't listen to what you and Aubrey talked about.
He took a big bite of his burger, which he could barely get into his mouth, and exhaled happily. "I love you." he told the burger, and you had to laugh softly.
The others looked at him laughing. Everyone knew Aubrey's love for food.
Booth raised an eyebrow, "How do you even get that thing in your mouth?". "Oh, it'll fit somehow." Aubrey mumbled, his mouth still full. Booth just shook his head, but everyone could see the slight smirk.
"I really hope we can finally do a proper experiment next time," Hodgins sighed. "I'm not going to even ask what you're hoping for." Cam laughed. Hodgins started, „You know, we haven't-„
Suddenly they all went quiet. You chewed the fry you stole from Aubrey's plate. „Everything okay?" you asked carefully, swallowing. Aubrey looked just as confused as you did, as he handed you another one. Everyone's eyes got even wider at that.
Finally, Booth said, „James Aubrey does not share his food.", „Nor does anyone know what he's even ordering, as much as he always eats." Hodgins added.
Brennan's gaze would've almost been uncomfortable if you didn't know her so well. You chuckled, „Oh.". „We're married." Aubrey laughed, and you grinned when you both raised your hands at the same time to show them the wedding rings.
Booth looked like something hit him, „That explains a lot." Cam commented enlightened. „As if none of you have noticed," Angela laughed, „You're all so smart but so blind at normal things sometimes.". „I must confess that I should have noticed it. Congratulations, by the way." Brennan admitted and smiled at the last part of her sentence. "Thank you." you giggled. "Wait, how long have you guys been married?" Booth asked.
"Almost four years." Aubrey said, cracking a grin at Booth's facial expression. "So that's what Caroline always meant." Booth quietly talked to himself.
You could picture Caroline giving Seeley a poke in the back of the head for being so slow on the uptake.
„We don't make a secret out of it, I guess it just never really came up." you chuckled.
„Well now we know." Cam laughed. "As long as you let us know then when you're planning on having a little Aubrey or a little Y/N, I can just about forgive you for this one," Angela joked, and everyone broke out laughing. "Promised." You joined the laughter as Aubrey intertwined his hand with yours under the table and smiled at you.
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And there goes part 4. Last one of Motherhood series. I don't know if I should continue with fake texts, so let me know, send request or just leave comment.
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shelbgrey · 9 months
Code baby(Lance Sweets) Part 1
Paring: Lance Sweets x Wife!Reader, Angela Montenegro x Sister-in-law!Reader, Cam Saroyan x Best friend!Reader
Summary: Lance's wife gets unexpected suprise at work and word travels faster than she thinks
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“Can you pull the security footage from two weeks ago?” Cam asked. “sure..” Angela said and started typing on her iPad. The footage popped up on the screen and the three of us studied it.
Without really realizing it I slowly started to tune out Cam and Angela by mistake, as they continued to talk about the case my stomach started to turn like it did early this morning and the. I cleared my throat and picked up the hot tea I was drinking, hoping all I needed was a drink. As soon as I sipped it tasted awful and smelled horrible. I forced myself to swallow it and set it back down on the table.
I took a deep and swayed slightly as I moved, I tried to focus on the surveillance footage on Angela's screen.
“N/n…” Cam asked softly and turned towards me. Angela stopped talking and looked at me with a concerned look. The two women watched me like I was about to combust.
My stomach started to turn more and I felt nauseous. “I think I'm gonna be sick…” I looked over at Cam and Angela then nodded. “Yup definitely gonna be sick” I covered my mouth and ran to the nearby bathroom, not caring who in the Lab saw me.
I sprinted through the bathroom door and ripped the biggest stall open making it fly backwards and banging up against the one next door. The noise stung my ears but I was glad it was masking the nauseating sounds of me emptying my sorry excuse of a stomach.
As I took a deep breath there was a soft knock on the door of the stall. “y/n? Can we come in? Are you okay?”
“Yeah... Everything is cool” I groaned to my two best friends from the closed bathroom stall, I screwed my eyes shut then finished emptying out my stomach then flushed the toilet.
“Do you think she's pregnant?” Angela mumbled quietly to Cam as the toilet went through its cycle.
As I unlocked the door of the stall, both Cam and Angela stared at me. Angela crossed her arms and had a slight smirk on her face.
“What?” I asked.
“Are you Pregnant?” Angela said, ripping the bandaid off so to speak.
“Cutting right to the cash aren't you Angie” I chuckled awkwardly.
Cam shrugged. "hey we're just worried is all... You've been acting weird lately and then you puked at just the sight of your tea and now you were in there puking.. just seems like all the signs ya know”
“Honestly I don't know…” I then started counting the days since my last period in my head, then I thought about last week when me and Lance had sex. “Maybe I am” my eyes widened as I chuckled in both happiness and nervousness.
Cam and Angela both looked shocked, but also had small smiles on their faces. Then Cam cleared her throat and looked down awkwardly. “how recently have you ummm.... you know...?”
“What?” chuckled and purposely played dumb. Cam wasn't one to be dirty minded...Nor talk about her sex life. But me being me I just wanted to hear her say it.
Cam sighed trying to not be awkward and stay her serious self. “How recently have you and Lance...You know…”
Angela rolled her eyes and cutted to the chase.“When was the last time you jumped Lance's bones?” Angela asked me, Cam elbows her.
“Umm...this weekend…” I trailed off then mumbled the last part. “In his office…”
Cam and Angela shared a look and busted up laughing. “You did it in his office?” Cam asked, raising an eyebrow, she almost looked impressed.
“huh… Didn't know Lance had it in him” Angela nodded, she looked completely impressed.
My cheeks started to turn red and hid my face in my hands as I laughed. “yeah…”
Cam and Angela kept laughing. “how did it happen?” Angela asked, laughing. “Com’on, details Sweetie”
The three of us never really hid anything about our relationships with our husbands. But Cam was a little less… Detailed then Angela. “mm... So I went to drop off some lunch for him... He was stressed from the case... Then ya know…” I trailed off.
The girls kept laughing. “So you did it right there?” Cam asked, laughing and Angela laughed even harder.
“I mean... The door was locked” I shrugged.
“So just on his desk?” Angela asked, trying not to laugh.
“You girls want a play by play?” I laughed and shook my head.
Cam and Angela kept laughing. “I mean your pregnant after what we just heard it seems like we might as well get the full story and enjoy the fact that you're not the first woman to get pregnant on your husband's desk” Cam said.
I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing she's probably right. “I still think I need to take a test”
“You're probably right,” Cam nodded, looking over at Angela.
I mean... We can use the Dna test again” Angela shrugged. When Angela was pregnant with Michel-Vincent she used a DNA test from the lab as a pregnancy test, then Temperance did the same thing. I haven't done it yet, but I know it as accurately as they come.
Cam nodded. “I can go quick to grab just one if you want”
“Yeah... Let's try it” I nodded.
Cam nods, with a smile on her face. “Okay I'll be right back” She walked out to go get the test, She came back about two minutes later. “all right we have get some blood and I'll test it”
I nodded and the three of us left the bathroom and went into Cam's office to do the test. We sat at her desk as she took a sterile needle and poked the tip of my finger,taking some blood. She put a drop of blood on the test then put it in a container so the test could do its job.
After a few minutes Cam looked at the test because I was too nervous to look myself. She looked at me with a big smile. “it's positive… You're pregnant!”
“Really?!” my eyes lit up as I smiled ear to ear.
Cam smiles, nodding. “You are in fact pregnant!”
Happy tears pricked my eyes and hugged both girls tightly.
--------(3rd pov)--------
Lance was in Seeley's office discussing the case and going through files. It was going slower than usual, but other than that it felt like a normal day for them. What they didn't expect was for Jack to knock on Booth's office door.
“Hodgins, what's up?” Seeley asked, Lance looked surprised to see his brother-in-law. Jack always stayed at the lab with y/n.
“So umm... I'm only bringing this up because the girls have done it before” by the girls he means Temperance, Angela, and y/n. “but umm…” Jack hesitated because in the end it was an odd thing to bring up.
Seeley crosses his arms. “Just spit it out, Bug Boy. What is it?”
“So, the girls have used DNA tests from the Lab as a pregnancy test in the past and when I was taking evidence to Cam's office I saw an unlabeled DNA test…” Jack Cringed now wondering why he even came all the way down the Beauro to bring it up.
Seeley blinks, processing this information, Lance did the same thing but with a more psychological sense to it. “So what? You're saying the unlabelled DNA test from the Jeffersonian was a pregnancy test?” Seeley asked.
“Probably” Jack nodded. “because if it was evidence for a case it would be labeled and with the remains”
Lance thinks through this, trying to process which of the female scientists may be pregnant. Booth snapped his fingers, making Jack and Lance look up. “Wait a second- Hodgins, do you know if the unlabelled test was positive or negative?”
“P-positive…” Jack looked at Seeley and Lance. “One of our wives are pregnant”
Lance raises a brow, but still wanted to hear what Jack had to say. “So wait... you're saying that one of our wives is pregnant but you have no clue which one?”
“It wasn't labeled!” Jack shrugged.
“That's fantastic, just fantastic Hodgins” Seeley rolls his eyes as he says this. “So we have the entire day ahead of us, going nuts trying to figure out who is pregnant, is that correct Hodgins?”
“Would you rather me not tell you guys?”
“Probably” Lance shrugged, closing the file he was reading.
Seeley sighs. “It's fine. So who do you think it is?”
Jack shrugged. “How should I know? I don't your your sex lives” Jack then looked at Lance. “and I rather not know his because he married my sister”
Seeley and Lance both snicker. “Alright then, we need some more information. When exactly did you find the test?”
“about an hour before I came here”
“I think we should keep this to ourselves…Especially if it is one of our wives, they should be the ones to tell us when they are ready,” Lance added.
“Now I think about it… All three of them have been acting kinda strange” Jack said.
Lance was staring off into space, counting in his head. Seeley looked over at him with a questioning look. “Something on your mind, Sweets?”
Lance ignored him and continued counting on his head. Seeley raises his brow “Okay... what the hell are you doing?”
“it's regarding y/n, Do you really want to know?” Lance asked bluntly. Dispite y/n being Seeley's best friend he indeed didn't want to know.
“nope... I'm good”
“It's gonna be a long day” Jack sighed, regretting what he found and just wanted to know who it was.
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Criminal Background
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
Summary: the Jeffersonian team finds out about (Y/N)'s criminal background
Warnings: none
Word count: 1K
Gifs credit: @jigsmave
• Requested by @cass-danvers
( I hope you like it love, I did my best! )
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"Hey, (Y/N), can we talk for a moment?" Angela called you from the front of her room, her own personal digital lab. 
"Yeah, of course, Ange" you stopped on your tracks and then went towards her, the folder in your hands being held carefully because the pages inside it were important to the newest case. You followed Angela when she mentioned for you to go inside of her lab with her, your eyes on the folder. "I was just about to take this new piece of evidence to Doctor Brennan..." when you raised your eyes to look at Angela, you froze. 
The whole team was there. 
Gathered around the room, side by side like they were all about to hear some new evidence Angela has discovered. But you knew that wasn't it. They all had their eyes fixed on you, the most various expressions on their faces. You were the center if attention in that moment, like there was a spotlight over your head that only you couldn't see. 
You instantly, got worried. 
"(Y/N), we need to talk" Doctor Brennan spoke, and her words sent chills down your spine and caused your mind to race while you thought about what you could have done wrong. 
"W-what's going on?" you couldn't stop your voice from failing. Being under everyone's serious gaze made you want to run away, hide youself. 
You had been working in the Jeffersonian Institute for two months now. Being hired after such a hard selective process, you had gained everyone's trust and they seemed to really like you. What could have you done to change that? 
"I searched your background, (Y/N)" it was Booth who spoke this time. Instantly, you understood everything. Why they were looking at you like that, why the serious expressions. Why Booth was there when he usually just came under the circumstances of new evidence. 
"Look, please, you don't have to fire me" tears filled up your eyes, blurring your vision. You had worked so hard for that job and now it was going to be taken from you. "I do my best here everyday, I never wanted to..." 
"(Y/N), calm down" Cam realized how desperate you were and went towards you in a rush, placing her hands on your shoulders and making you look at her only as the tears streamed down your face. "We just want to talk, no one is firing you" 
"Yet" Doctor Brennan said, in that cold septical tone of hers, making you have to shallow the knot that had formed itself on your throat. 
Cam gave Temperance a hard look and then, made you sit at Angela's chair in the corner of the room, in a way that had you in front of everyone. They could see you, and you could see them. All those gazes. 
"Your father was in a gang?" Booth walked around the room as he spoke, hands on his hips as he squeezed his lips on a thin line. He did not look mad. Instead, he seemed... surprised. 
You nodded. "Yes. He became a member as a teenager and continued on it until he died"
"And now your brother is the gang leader" Booth said, as he stopped walking and crossed his arms over his chest. His brown eyes were fixed on you and nothing else. 
"I haven't spoken with Tyler in a long time" you stated firmly, since there could be no doubt. Taking a deep breath, you passed your eyes through all of them, seeking understatement. "Please guys, I swear, I have nothing to do with him and his way of living. I neglected it since I became old enough to live by myself. I made my own path, I have been honest all my life. Please, don't judge me by my family's mistakes" 
"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Hogdins looked at you with empathy as a sight escaped his lips. You had been working a lot with him lately and see that he was actually the benefit of the doubt, helped you to stay calmer. 
"If I had told you, would I have been hired?" you asked no one in particular, but yours ended up falling upon Doctor Brennan. She was the one that chose the new members of the team. She always had the final word. 
"I suppose no" she said and you bit your lower lip, trying to prevent more tears from falling. 
Defeated you got up from Angela's chair, digging your nails into your palms for the fact of being ao stupid as to think that no one there would find out. That this time, you could achieve your dream without the past being brought up. 
"I will get my things and leave" you turned around and started to walk out of the room, every step hurting more than the last one. 
"(Y/N), wait" Doctor Brennan's voice made you freeze on your spot. It didn't sound cold like the usual, no. It sounded emotional. Turning around, you saw that she had a mix of sadness and pride on her expression. "You're not fired" 
"I-I'm not?" you mumbled, unable to believe such a thing. 
"No" she stated, more firmly this time. A shadow of a smile on her lips. "Criminal background or not, you were the best of the candidates for the job. You have talent and skills. So no, you're not fired"
"Thank you so much Doctor Brennan, you won't regret this!" filled with joy, you went to her and hugged her tightly, only for moments after to pull back with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I just... thank you. Thank you all" you looked at all the other members of the team there, smiled to every last one of them. 
"No problem, kid" Booth winked at you with a smile. "Just keep doing the right thing"
Angela hugged you, seeming extremely relieved for you being allowed to stay in the Institute. Cam did the same. 
"Can I say that I think it's super cool that you have a gang leader as a brother?" Jack had that mischievous smile on his face as he said so, raising his eyebrows at you. 
The slap on the arm Angela gave him made everyone laugh.
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make-me-imagine · 6 years
Headcanons: How the Jeffersonian team reacts to you dying during a case
Tv Show: Bones
Requested by: Anonymous
-When Booth came back to the Jeffersonian, silent and solemn, everyone could tell something was wrong
-The way his eyes were swollen, his face still and almost angry
-They would be quiet, waiting for him to speak
-Angela would notice something, where were you? “Where’s Y/n?”
-Booth would look up at her, and the look in his eyes told them that something happened to you, something bad
-“What happened? Booth?” Brennan would ask, fear in her voice
-“Y/n was shot and the suspect got away”
-The others would gasp, fearing for you “Are the going to be alright?” Hodgins would ask, the thought of you being dead having not come to his mind
-“Y/n's dead” his voice was angry, but soft
-Angela and Cam would immediately tear up, the others standing in shock, unable to grasp what they just learned
-Booth would be so mad that he couldn’t stop it, Brennan would deny the truth, the others would all be still and silent, wanting so bad for this to be a dream
-It would take them a long time to be okay, and they would never get over the fact that you were gone
-They would hunt the man that killed you down and send him to prison for the rest of his life
-But this didn’t stop the pain that they felt after losing you
-And during every next case, they always had you on their mind, always telling themselves that they would continue doing what they did best, for you
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Logo - Vincent Nigel-Murray
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Pairing: Vincent Nigel-Murray x Reader
Characters: Vincent Nigel-Murray, Camille Saroyan, Temperance Brennan, Jack Hodgins
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 620
Author: Hannah
Everyone had always told you how difficult long-distance relationships were; the fact that they never worked, someone would always cheat and many more things.
It was never nice to hear those things or to have such doubt put onto you, but you tried to make an active effort to never listen to such things.
When Vincent told you that he had accepted an internship in D.C. who were you to tell him not to go; you loved him, you were in love with him and had been for the past three years.
And so, he went, the two of you kept in touch all the time as best you could – you called whenever you could, texted when you couldn’t and visited each other at every available opportunity.
An opportunity had come up for you to be able to travel D.C. and so you had taken it upon yourself to surprise Vincent as the Jeffersonian.
It was easier to get to the lab in the Jeffersonian than you thought it was going to be, once you explained to security that you were there to see Vincent, they just let you in.
So, there you were walking into the lab with your suitcase behind you, dressed in one of Vincent’s university hoodies.
You spotted the platform and saw Vincent’s colleagues up there as you recognised them from photos you had been sent.
“Excuse me?” you called out as you reached the steps of the platform.
Camille turned around and looked at you in confusion. “How can I help you?”
You smiled slightly nervously. “I’m looking for Vincent.”
“Nigel-Murray?” Jack questioned, coming to stand by Camille.
Nodding, you smiled at them both. “Yes, I assumed he was here.”
Camille nodded as she walked off of the platform. “He is, I’ll go and get him, but I just ask that you wait here please?”
Again, you nodded, letting go of your suitcase as you put your hands into the pocket of your hoodie.
“Hey, I recognise that logo,” Jack pointed at your hoodie as he spoke. “Vincent has a computer case with the same one.”
Before you had a chance to respond you heard your name being called out.
“Y/N?” you turned to see Vincent walking towards you, confused but rather ecstatic.
You smiled at him as you ran to meet him and he caught you, enveloping you in his arms.
“What are you doing here?” he questioned, his hand splaying out on your back.
“Work gave me an at home assignment for a couple months,” you explained. “So, I thought, if you’ll have me, I’ll spend it out here with you.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Of course, I’ll have you my love.”
You smiled again as he leant down to kiss you but at the sound of a throat cleaning you pulled away.
It was then that you realised essentially al of Vincent’s colleagues had crowded you both in confusion. “Who are you?” Dr Brennan quizzed, crossing her arms.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, my name is Y/N Y/L/N.”
“And why are you here Miss Y/L/N?” Dr Brennan asked again.
Vincent cleared his throat and came to stand by your side properly, his arm going around your waist.
“This is my girlfriend; she’s come to stay with me for a couple of months.”
Jack’s mouth dropped open as he stared at you.
“Wait, you had a girlfriend back home this whole time?” he questioned, looking utterly shocked.
You giggled but nodded. “I’ve visited here a few times, but this is my first time in the Jeffersonian.”
Camille smiled at you before she gestured to Vincent. “I believe you should show her around Mr Nigel-Murray, make the most of your lunch hour, yes?”
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Title: Delirious
Pairing: Saroyan x reader
Based off of this anon request:
yay im so glad requests are back open your writing is amazing!!! if you dont mind could you write something where the reader is cams girlfriend and she (the reader) is sick so cam stays home to take care of her and just fluff i guess? thank you so much!! <3
A/N: I think I captured Cam pretty well. Let me know if I didn’t lol. I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting! Thank you for being patient 😘
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“I’m fine, really.” You groaned from the bed. “You need to go to work. You’ve got people to save!” Your arm rested on your face, blocking the light from your eyes.
“And today, you are one of those people.” Cam placed a cold washcloth on your forehead. “What are your symptoms?”
“I’m dying.” You feigned. Cam raised an eyebrow at you. “Runny nose, sore throat, fever, obviously.”
“I’ll be right back. I think I have some medicine in the bathroom.” Cam leapt off the bed. You watched as she hurried down the hallway and laughed to yourself. “What’s so funny?” She yelled from down the hall.
“Nothing.” You leaned back and closed your eyes, a wide smile on your face. 
“What?” She came back holding the cough syrup out to you.
“You’re just so cute. You get so excited to help other people. It’s one of the reasons I love you.” Your eyes went wide. You hadn’t meant to tell her you loved her yet. Especially not now when you were delirious and she might not take you seriously.
“Did you…” She blinked at you.
“I mean… Yes. I love you, Camille.” You looked up at her, insecure about the moment. She started towards you. “Don’t kiss me!” You yelled. “You’ll get sick!” 
She disregarded your protests and planted her lips right on yours. She pulled away a moment later.
“Now take your medicine.”
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shelbgrey · 1 year
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Dr. Camille Saroyan aesthetic
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Can you do a Zack Addy x gn reader where reader goes to the Jeffersonian to bring him food and eat with him and everyone is confused because they didn't know Zack had a partner please?
Who's got him smiling like that?(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x reader.
Summary: while y/n has lunch with their boyfriend Zack, the Jeffersonian tries to figure out what's going on between the two of them.
A/n: sorry this took so long and that it's shorter than my usual content. I hope you enjoy though.
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Seeley, Cam, Temperance, and Angela looked down from the balcony on the second floor of the lab. They leaned against the railing confused as they watched Zack laughing with y/n while they ate the lunch y/n brought.
“gotta be a sibling” Booth said, rubbing his hands together. In his eyes Zack was just a child genius that didn't have time to date.
“all of Dr. Addy's siblings are in New Jersey, but that could be a possibility,” Brennan said, looking at Booth then back down at Zack. Something about seeing Zack laughing like that with this beautiful person made her heart swell with happiness.
“Maybe it's just a friend,” Cam shrugged.
“No. I've never seen him laugh like that, he's definitely in love with whoever that is” Angela smiled. She felt so happy seeing him laugh. She could tell all that mattered to him tight now was y/n.
--------(1st pov)--------
“So, how's work?” I asked, nibbling on the last of my fries.
Zack nodded, munching on his onion rings. “well we found some very interesting set of particulates, something neither me nor Hodgins have seen on a victim before, and the humerus…” he stopped mid sentence.
Even though I never really understood all the science mumbo-jumbo I still like hearing him talk about it. There's something about seeing him get all excited and talk about something he's passionate about.
“no, no, keep going. I love it when you talk Science-y” I said resting my chin on my fist.
“'Science-y' isn't a word… And it's fine” Zack said, putting the rapper his burger came in and his napkin in the brown paper bag. “on another note, how's everything in the animal kingdom?”
I worked at the local animal shelter in town, it was an amazing job and I got work and take care of all kinds of dogs and cats. “well… Now that you mention it…” I started and gave him an innocent look. Zack tilted his head and gave me a warning look. “no! I know that look” he said, pointing his finger at me.
“Aw, but he was so cute”
“we already have two dogs... And a cat, that cat still dislikes me” he mumbled the last part.
“It's a small dog though,” I said, giving him a pouty lip. “it's a weiner dog mix, he'll stay tiny” we already had a black lab and a golden retriever, then on top of that I brought home a white cat home three months ago.
Zack playfully rolled his eyes. He always said he admired my love for all animals and loved how compassionate I was for all of them. Not so much when I keep bringing my ‘work’ home with me as he says.
“just imagine a cute little sausage dog curled up in your lap, helping you read Science stuff for work��
Zack sighed playfully.
“I'll let you name him” I smiled and gave him the puppy eyes he can't refuse. He sighed again. “don't give me the look”
Zack groaned in a very monaton way. “... Fine”
I immediately wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. “thank you babe”
“what are you doing?” Hodgins asked, walking up to the others. He looked over the balcony to see what everyone was staring at. He smiled when he saw y/n and Zack together.
“trying to figure out who's with Addy,” Booth said.
“Oh, that's y/n” Hodgins smiled.
Everyone gave Hodgins a confused look as Hodgins yelled down at the couple “Hi y/n!”
Y/n left Zack's arms and happily waved at Zack's best friend. “hey, Hodgins”
“soo… Who's y/n?” Angela asked Hodgins.
“Zack's partner” Hodgins smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“your telling me Zack… Our little child prodigy is y/n's boyfriend” Booth asked, shocked but at the same time impressed Zack snatched up a beautiful person like y/n.
“trust me I didn't even know y/n existed until Zack tried to seek them in one night when he was still living with me” Hodgins said.
“Well, y/n seems to make him happy,” Cam smiled down at the couple.
“y/n's great… Zack just seems so much happier now”
The team smiled at the couple, Zack and y/n were in there own little world talking about the knew puppy and the case Zack was working on. Hodgins was right, he was so much happier with y/n in his life, he felt more alive and human. He just couldn't help but smile everytime he was in y/n's presents.
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