#can actors I like stop being so much older than me THANKS
360iris · 11 months
A nice surprise was finding out Derek Luh is like a really sweet guy, especially when it comes to the people who take the time to support him.
Just a silly lil dude who models, makes music and acts while having a good time
So what I really found out is that he’s top tier babygirl material (while also being 9 years older than me, two things can be true at once)
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
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Like most people, Ewan Mitchell is accustomed to anonymity.
So during a recent trip to Manhattan, he was surprised by what a hotel doorman asked when he arrived: “You haven’t packed your eye patch?”
The actor is still getting used to strangers making the connection in public.
“I wouldn’t think people would recognize me, but they do.”
“I think it’s because of my strong chin.”
“When I’m dressed up as Aemond and catch myself in the mirror, he scares even me a little bit.”
When he’s not in character, Mitchell is soft-spoken and occasionally flashes a boyish grin, though he retains much of Aemond’s seriousness and quiet intensity.
He is also very private: He stays off social media and in the past has shied away from sharing much with the public.
“Once you lose the mystery, you can’t really get it back.”
“There is a point where you have to go, now’s the time to pull back the curtain.”
Like Aemond, Mitchell is a second son.
He grew up in Derby, an industrial town in the middle of England, and his parents expected him to follow his older brother’s footsteps and work at Rolls-Royce (the aerospace and industrial technology company, not the carmaker).
Inspired by films like “Citizen Kane” and “Taxi Driver,” Mitchell knew early on he wanted to become an actor.
When he was 13, his teacher asked each student in his class what they wanted to do when they grew up.
“Then it came to me, and I said, ‘I’m going to be an actor,’ and everyone laughed at me.”
His family could not afford tuition for drama school, so Mitchell attended a two-year vocational school, where he studied design and technology while working part-time at a restaurant and in customer service at a local soccer club.
Midway through the program, at 17, he was accepted into the Nottingham Television Workshop, a drama group that trains young people in acting.
Through the Workshop, Mitchell landed a leading role in a 2015 short film called “Fire,” about a young man who leaks fire from his hands.
Once the short was released, Mitchell downloaded it onto a dozen CDs, took the train to London and stopped by the offices of every agent he could find, handing them each a copy.
The one person who called back continues to represent Mitchell.
“By hook or by crook, I wanted to make sure that I was going to be in this business.”
Aemond’s growing prominence in the show requires Mitchell to embrace the spotlight as well.
“There is a point where you have to go, now’s the time to pull back the curtain.”
But being cast as Aemond in “House of the Dragon” has been his biggest professional turning point by far.
“Since landing him, I feel like I’m able to now steer the course of my career.”
Mitchell had been rewatching the classic Hollywood adventure film “The Vikings” (1958) and musing about how he wanted to play a morally dark character similar to the one played by Kirk Douglas when he received an email inviting him to submit a taped audition for Aemond.
When he eventually auditioned in person, he left a lasting impression on Ryan Condal, the showrunner for “House of the Dragon.”
“When Ewan came into the room, he just had this presence to him that I can best describe as unsettling,” Condal said.
“It was kind of quietly terrifying the way he performed it, and it was totally different than everybody else. And then he thanked us very politely and left the room.”
Condal recalls asking Kate Rhodes James, the casting director, “Is he always like that?”
She replied, “Oh no, he’s just a very intense northern boy.”
To prepare for his role, Mitchell did not watch “Game of Thrones.” Instead, he read portions of “Fire & Blood,” the book by George R.R.
Martin that inspired the show, and studied the performances of Michael Fassbender in “Prometheus” and Peter O’Toole in “Lawrence of Arabia,” each playing a figure who wields power for his own ends.
On his first day on set, Mitchell consulted with Condal and decided that he would avoid interacting with Matt Smith, who plays Aemond’s similarly menacing uncle and rival, Daemon, in order to heighten the tension between the two characters.
Mitchell had grown up admiring Smith’s performance in “Doctor Who.”
But on set Mitchell avoided any eye contact with him, keeping his distance until the climactic scene near the end of the first season when Aemond and Daemon finally face off.
“There’s this addictive kind of quality when you’re in the shoes of a character.”
“When you lose yourself for a moment, it’s almost like a dream.”
When he isn’t acting, Mitchell still lives at his family home in Derby and spends time with his dogs, three whippets named Eva, Bella and Bonnie.
“Now that I’m on it.”
“I’ve just got to stay on the dragon.”
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cowboyjen68 · 5 months
Hello Cowboy Jen! I was wondering if you had any advice for me
Here’s the situation- I’m a young lesbian (I’ll be 17 going into college) and I’m going to study geology. I’m assuming my classes and later on my work environments are going to be mostly men since geology is a male-dominated field. Any advice for being in spaces without very many women? And picking a different field’s not a very good option either, geology’s been my obsession since I was five and I doubt I could give any other field as much attention and focus.
When I was DEAD SET on being in the DNR or a Forest Ranger or some kind of Park worker I was in my tweens and early teens. I loved the idea of working with people and animals and outside and getting to use my hands and my knowledge of land and history. Then some Jack Ass at the Corps of Engineers station I volunteered at told me women couldn't really do the job right and it was too dangerous and I lost confidence. I stopped going and didn't reapply for the Mayor's Youth Parks program I had worked at for two years. I just left the idea behind. I see now all the older women park rangers that are around and read stories of women like my current boss who was a naturalist for years in our county. I work at a nature center almost entirely staffed by strong women with the exception of the CEO, the marketing guy and one outreach guy. If I had seen any of these women in my teens i would have said "heck yeah women can do this".
You are going to be that leader, that beacon. That is a thought to keep in your pocket on hard days.
The truth about working with men is, in general, they don't really care and they kinda just feel awkward. They lack social skills around women so they end up saying the dumbest stuff. I am not saying men can't be total pains in the ass or feel threatened by you being around, they absolutely can. At the end of the day we are all human and women are 50% of the population so at some point they have dealt with women in class or at a job.
Mostly just start off with giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Saying stupid stuff to try and be funny is not the same as harassment or hate. If you don't feel offended or insulted or threatened don't try feel like you are because you think you are supposed to be.
Look them in the eye, do listen to those who have good things to share, teach or discuss. Don't dismiss men for being men. Just as many humans, they want to share what they know and tell you what they have learned. I have been taught so much by the men I work with at the farm but I had to tell myself to listen and not just paint them in my brain as being bossy or mansplaining.
Don't shy away from questions when you need help. Ask when you need to ask and thank them for helping when they do. If you are interrupted by them say "I am not finished, please wait your turn" or something similar. Stand up for your right to share what you know or to get more information when you require it.
Basically, think of men as neutrally as possible until one proves he is to be avoided or ignored. Listen to your gut if you feel unsafe or degraded and keep notes on that behavior. If you must, tell your professor or a dept head if you feel like the bad actor will continue or possible endanger you.
Once you learn your trade you can recruit other women and share your love of your job/degree and some day it will not be more men than women around you!
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sideprince · 3 months
Hello hello, love your blog and all the meta! Do you have any thoughts or saved meta on Snape’s accent? I don’t remember us seeing any indications in book-canon about him having an accent that stands out in any way, but I’d imagine that a poor boy growing up in the midlands (or in the north, as we thought before Spinner’s End was revealed to be in Cokeworth), to have a strong regional accent. Since this is an obvious class marker would he have tried to tone it down or hide it as he got older in Hogwarts? Thoughts?
Hello! Thank you, I'm always surprised anyone reads my posts so that's such a nice thing to hear! I've actually been thinking about Snape's accent lately so I love this ask and also get out of my head.
The books seem to show Snape speaking the Queen's English (ie. the dialect spoken primarily in the South of England and considered by some to be "proper" English, those people being dismissive of regional dialects in ways I personally don't agree with). This can be deduced more from seeing how the dialogue of characters like Dobby and Hagrid are written than anything else. Hagrid is written as speaking with a thick West Country accent, with a lot of "yeh" instead of "you" and "ter" instead of "to" etc. You also see similar clearly denoted regional dialects with characters like Mundungus Fletcher (whose accent is Cockney):
“Blimey,” said Mundungus weakly ___ “Keep your ’airnet on!” said Mundungus
-Order of the Phoenix, Ch. 2
“Well, you’re a bunch of bleedin’ ‘eroes, then, aren’t you, but I never pretended I was up for killing meself -”
-Deathly Hallows, Ch. 11
Because we see these characters with their pronunciations clearly written into their dialogue, we're meant to assume the other characters speak the Queen's English, as no specific dialect is otherwise indicated. McGonagall is Scottish but it's never mentioned that her accent might be as well, and her dialogue doesn't indicate it is either. In fact, if you do a quick search on potter-search.com for the word "Scottish" the only instance that comes up in any of the HP books - which are set in the Scottish Highlands with McGonagall as a prominent Scottish character - is at the end of Deathly Hallows when the dragon the trio break out of Gringotts deposits them in the middle of a Scottish loch. It’s the only time the word Scottish is used in the whole series. I think that says a lot about JK Rowling as the writer and what her own biases are when it comes to writing representatively of the places her story - and its characters - inhabit.
I don't think Rowling put that much thought into Snape's accent and where he's from. The underlying message is that the Queen's English is the "default" accent and peppering her books with regional dialect in the dialogue of folksy characters like Hagrid gives them a bit of color, or that giving someone like Mundungus a Cockney accent denotes his being an untrustworthy criminal (and it's not exactly a revelation that she has unchecked internalized biases that show through her writing). But I also think that she wrote Snape with Alan Rickman in mind and that made her vision of him a bit conflicting, ie. she wrote his backstory as growing up in a Midlands slum and yet he speaks like the RADA trained actor she envisioned him as in her mind.
That won't stop me from coming up with meta about Snape's accent, though! I've been thinking about it lately, actually, because I see a lot of posts that talk about how he must have lost his accent at school to fit in with the other Slytherins, since there are, historically, many pure-bloods and Sacred 28 families in that house and he would have had a hard enough time fitting in as it was. I've always thought these theories made sense but lately I've been wondering if there could be an alternate reading of Snape's accent.
We don't really know much about Snape's mother but I've thought about how she might have come from a reasonably well-off wizarding family, or at the very least from a higher class background than she ended up raising her son in. Although most Brits grow up speaking with the accent of their region, some do grow up speaking how they're taught to at home if it diverges from other locals. The example that comes to mind is how John Lennon always had a scouse accent having grown up middle class in Liverpool, while Paul McCartney - also from Liverpool - spoke the Queen's English because his mother insisted on teaching him to speak it at home, despite their family being working class, in order to give him a leg up through the classist confines of British social classes.
So my own meta has lately been to play with the idea that Snape always spoke with the accent we see his adult self speaking with, because his mother wanted him to have a chance to do better in life than what she was able to give him (again, given how classist British society is, and was especially back in the 60s). It may also explain why he had so few friends as a child: if he was raised to speak the Queen's English in a working class slum, the other children may have ostracized him for it and he may have inadvertently alienated them.
The idea that Snape has always spoken with the accent he has as an adult is partly supported by the conversations we see between Snape and Lily as children, where Snape's accent isn't written in the regional dialects we see other characters having. There are a few minor moments where young Snape seems to have a Northern lilt, but it comes off more as something that slips into his speech than characterizes it, when compared to Mundungus or Hagrid (emphases mine):
‘We’re all right. We haven’t got wands yet. They let you off when you’re a kid and you can’t help it. But once you’re eleven,’ he nodded importantly, ‘and they start training you, then you’ve got to go careful.’ ______ ‘They wouldn’t give you to the Dementors for that! Dementors are for people who do really bad stuff. They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban. You’re not going to end up in Azkaban, you’re too -‘ He turned red again and shredded more leaves. Then a small rustling noise behind Harry made him turn: Petunia, hiding behind a tree, had lost her footing. ‘Tuney!’ said Lily, surprise and welcome in her voice, but Snape had jumped to his feet. ‘Who’s spying now?’ he shouted. ‘What d’you want?’
-Deathly Hallows, Ch. 33
There's a bit of Northern in how he says "you've got to go careful" and shortens "do you" into "d'you" but overall his speech is fairly standard Queen's English. It sounds more like a kid trying to sound cool, the way the Weasley twins and even Ron often do (Ron saying "geroff" to his mum, the twins shouting "oy" to each other or saying "blimey" even though they all grew up in Devon and their speech is generally also written following standard Queen's English).
Young Snape's accent may also have been something that caught Lily's attention or just put her at ease - seeing this skinny, twitchy kid wearing odd looking clothes and looking uncared for and poor but hearing him speak with a more familiar accent and vocabulary would have made it easier for her to connect with him. We see from Petunia's dialogue as an adult that she speaks the Queen's English, so we can assume the two girls grew up speaking it at home. There aren't really any colloquialisms in her speech, and what little (and it's really so, so little) we see of Lily seems to show the same.
Some people claim that Snape’s Northern accent comes out when he's triggered, but I can't find examples of it. At his most triggered in the Shrieking Shack in PoA, he still speaks as he always does:
'SILENCE! I WILL NOT BE SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT!’ Snape shrieked, looking madder than ever. ‘Like father, like son, Potter! I have just saved your neck, you should be thanking me on bended knee! You would have been well served if he’d killed you! You’d have died like your father, too arrogant to believe you might be mistaken in Black - now get out of the way, or I will make you. GET OUT OF THE WAY, POTTER!'
-Prisoner of Azkaban, Ch. 19
Even in HBP when he's fleeing and Harry triggers him, his speech is consistent with hiw it’s written through the rest of the series:
'No, Potter!’ screamed Snape. There was a loud BANG and Harry was soaring backwards, hitting the ground hard again, and this time his wand flew out of his hand. He could hear Hagrid yelling and Fang howling as Snape closed in and looked down on him where he lay, wandless and defenceless as Dumbledore had been. Snape’s pale face, illuminated by the flaming cabin, was suffused with hatred just as it had been before he had cursed Dumbledore. ‘You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? It was I who invented them - I, the Half-Blood Prince! And you’d turn my inventions on me, like your filthy father, would you? I don’t think so … no!’ Harry had dived for his wand; Snape shot a hex at it and it flew feet away into the darkness and out of sight. ‘Kill me, then,’ panted Harry, who felt no fear at all, but only rage and contempt. ‘Kill me like you killed him, you coward -‘ ‘DON’T -‘ screamed Snape, and his face was suddenly demented, inhuman, as though he was in as much pain as the yelping, howling dog stuck in the burning house behind them, ‘- CALL ME COWARD!'
-Half-Blood Prince, Ch. 28
There isn't really much in these moments to suggest a Northern accent coming out. So in a radical departure from the fandom, I've been mulling over the meta that Snape always had the accent we see him with. It's not as unlikely as people think, and certainly not impossible.
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beevean · 8 days
It’s here!
Reply: let’s gooooo or some shit i guess
“And get ready for some more of sassy Alucard.” oh thank god i was so worried he would stop being his usual asshole self
“What I can confidently say is in store for the fans is the biggest, craziest Castlevania fight scene ever,” Kolde tells Tudum.
Alucard vs. Sun Thundercat. I bet everything I have it’s just them.
Season 2 picks up as the French Revolution rages on, and the ruling class of oppressive religious figures and exploitative imperialists have been infiltrated by literal blood-suckers, including the vampire messiah, Erzsebet (Franka Potente).
… this is just S1 again?
“Alucard is going to lead Richter and Annette to Paris to try and find the last element that would allow Erzsebet to achieve the full power of Sekhmet and become even more powerful than she was in Season 1,” says Kolde.  
Of course. Of fucking course. He really is the damn protagonist of the Richter show.
Fans go crazy for Alucard because he’s “mysterious, charismatic, and powerful,”
guys, it’s the tits. don’t lie to yourselves. you know it’s about the tits.
Kolde says Alucard becomes something of a reluctant mentor to Richter and Annette. “I think Alucard has seen a lot of Belmonts during his time, but he finds a little bit of annoying joy with Richter,” he says.
*sigh* he’s going to call him a demented infant for old time’s sake, isn’t he. And now he’s several centuries older while Richter is fairly young, so he’s going to sound even more paternalistic. god i hate him so much
But wait. He has seen a lot of Belmonts? And then why didn’t Richter know who she is? Did he stalk the family from the shadows? goddamnit what happened in the time skip
Is Alucard’s name really “Dracula” backwards?
You bet! “I think he had a very narcissistic but unimaginative father,” says Bradley.
this only baffles me more regarding the fandom’s insistence on calling him Adrian, but whatever.
Season 2 wanders the French countryside between Machecoul and Paris, but there’s an occasional new location: Egypt. “Alucard’s research into Sekhmet has taken him to an ancient Egyptian temple, and we were flown there a few times,” says Bradley.
We all thought the same thing.
Can we expect more opera in Season 2?
Oui, oui! “There’s going to be more great singing from Sydney James Harcourt playing Edouard,” Bradley says.
At least, new fresh meme material. I am so happy.
The relationship between Richter and Annette is at the heart of the show and continues to evolve in Season 2, according to Kolde. “[Annette’s] being haunted by these images and spirits, and she’s trying to understand what’s going on,” he says. “[If] she can figure out how to communicate with them the right way, to calm herself to listen, [she’ll realize] they’re really trying to communicate with her what she needs to do for her role in stopping Erzsebet.”
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Franka Potente (Titans, Run Lola Run, The Bourne Identity) as Erzsebet Báthory. She’s the queen of vampires and, if all goes as planned, of the entire world. (Her character is very loosely based on the various folkloric stories and contested histories surrounding a real-life noblewoman.) 
They cannot even write one word to describe her personality i’m pissing myself eshfjkhsdjkghkjdhgkjsdhkj
spinning. spinning i can’t. too much peak and i haven’t seen one second of it already
… wait a second, they didn’t mention Juste in the list of voice actors????? goddamn you really hate him don’t you
Oh right, here’s the trailer
Ohh Alucard got red eyes like his dad, ohhhhh badass.
“You’re a Belmont, after all.” go fuck yourself you are the first one who made fun of the whole clan
the animation looks just as mediocre as it was in S1. i guess it didn’t get worse. nice.
anyway 7/10 would WHEN I’M LAID again
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monrohakay · 8 months
I would love to see hear more about your headcannon about nico
Have a good day
Oh my goodness, I could go on forever about him and what I imagine his backstory to be. I’m so sorry for how long this will be, but you’ve unleashed a can of worms and I thank you for that! So here we go!
It started with me being convinced that if Nico and Kai ever met, they would have a rivalry going on and Levi and Amelia would find it adorable yet slightly annoying cuz they get along so well. And Levi would tell Nico not to annoy his mentor’s partner, but Amelia would just laugh.
We don’t know much about where Nico’s from or his family, except that he’s not out to them even thou he was out to people in his daily life and they can be really critical. So I imagine he grew up in a traditional Korean Italian home (cuz Alex Landi is Korean Italian, and I have person experience with homophobic Italian family members so I’m projecting). He’s a middle child with two brothers. He gives off competitive energy that comes with having siblings, and kinda seems like he’s used to being overlooked and fighting for attention, like a middle child.
His older brother (I’m going to refer to him as Siwon since that’s who I imagine his actor to be) is something his parents deem successful, I’m thinking a lawyer cuz I want Nico to have a totally different career path then him. He was an honours student, always top of his class. He has a beautiful wife (who he met in highschool), a son and a daughter on the way. His life is perfect in his parents eyes. He’s maybe two or three years older than Nico. Nico always felt like he was in his brother’s shadow, but he respected and looked up to him. I feel like their parents would constantly be comparing the two, like “Siwon was valedictorian, are you going to be?” and “Nico was nominated for homecoming king, are you nominated for prom king?”
His younger brother (referred to as Rowoon for the same reason as his older brother) is five or six years younger, and he’s spoiled by their parents. While they’re critical of the older two, the youngest is their pride and joy and they don’t mind him doing whatever he wants because the other two are successful enough. Rowoon loves Nico and idolizes him in almost the same way that Nico did with his older brother. But Nico is much kinder and receptive to it, and he’s always supportive to Rowoon. I think Rowoon would have much more natural talent and smarts, so he doesn’t have to work as hard as the other two and he has a lot less pressure. While the other two were expected to have a 98-100% average in everything, Rowoon’s sitting at like 95% and their parents are still proud of him.
Nico was raised with traditional catholic Italian and Korean views being shoved at him. So when he starts realizing he might like boys, it’s not exactly something he can come out and say or act on while he’s living with his parents. He probably wanted to go into sports, (likely baseball or soccer, but we’ll go with baseball cuz of his job with the mariners) rather then law or med school. He played baseball in highschool, getting scholarships to play for a few varsity teams. Only for his parents to push him to go to law school like Siwon, which he reluctantly agrees, figuring he can go in to sports law.
While Nico is in his last year of highschool, early on in the year, he meets this boy who he has a crush on. And they start seeing each other in secret. Until one night Siwon catches them, probably the cliche making out in Nico’s room when his brother barges in and freaks out. He kicks the boy out and tells Nico he needs to stop seeing him. Nico says he will as long as his brother doesn’t tell their parents and Siwon agrees, saying their parents can never find out. But having Siwon react in such a negative way ruins the image Nico had of him. So he decides he doesn’t want to go to law school, he wants to persue baseball mostly in defiance.
His parents hate that idea, and really push for him to still go to law school. He ignores them and does start to persue baseball in his undergrad, taking one of the scholar ships he was offered. He’s incredibly talented so while they aren’t happy, his parents still support him as long as he continues to be one of the best players on his team and maintains his high grades.
In his first year he gets an injury, something that requires surgery to fix. But the surgery goes wrong, and his career in baseball is over before it could ever really start. Despite pushing himself with physio and working as hard as he can to get back to being able to play, it’s just not possible in the time frame he would need for professional sports. He takes it incredibly hard, and while Rowoon is his major support system, his parents and Siwon treat it like a failure. So Nico decides to go to med school, to become an orthopaedic surgeon and make sure no one else has to go through what he did. His parents are ecstatic about the change, and it’s the first time he feels like they’re actually proud of him.
He quickly catches up, becoming top of his classes. He thrives in university, coming out to his friends and he’s genuinely happy.
But he still feels like he has to hide who he is when he’s at home and he hates it. He never has a boyfriend for long, because then he’d have to deal with bringing them home and coming out. It never mattered cuz he hadn’t met anyone he wanted to be with long term. But it’s still a massive part of his identity that he’s hiding from his parents and Rowoon, still scared they’d react in the same way his Siwon did. And while he would probably come out to his parents and risk it, he doesn’t want to loose Rowoon or put him at odds with their parents, especially while he’s still living with them.
So years later when he meets Levi, he doesn’t want to have to hide who he is in the only place he can be open. He’s hypocritical because he thinks Levi doesn’t have as much to loose as Nico and he sees it as wasted opportunity. And Nico doesn’t want to be that highschool boy his brother kicked out of his room all those years ago. He doesn’t want Levi to be ashamed of him like Nico was of that boy, and he doesn’t want the memories of being ashamed of himself and who he was to come back while Levi discovers his own sexuality.
Nico’s never had someone he cares that much about, never wanted to actually bring someone home to meet his parents or his brothers. But then he falls hard for Levi and suddenly it’s turning serious and he doesn’t know what to do about it. So he’s awkward and hypocritical and a pretty terrible boyfriend at times, but he is trying.
Then he accidentally kills a patient. And Siwon is showing up to make sure legally he doesn’t get in trouble. His parents find out through Siwon, and they seem disappointed which only adds to his pain. And Levi being overbearing while Siwon is in town doesn’t help, because he doesn’t want his brother to find out he has a serious relationship with a man. He’s also not good with emotions, or people seeing him when he’s emotional, which is why he pulls away so much.
And then the pandemic happens and he really misses Levi. He knows he’s not emotionally ready to commit to anyone yet, and they aren’t really good for each other at the time. But he figures if he can have Levi in any way he’s going to take it, cuz the world is a mess and he needs some kind of happiness. When Levi basically gives him the ultimatum of serious relationship or nothing, he chooses serious relationship. Because he doesn’t want to loose Levi, and it’s a huge wake up call that he really does care about someone in a way he never had before.
I think Levi pushing Nico away after he opened up to Levi hurt, really bad. Cuz Nico had never let himself be that vulnerable with another person, and he didn’t know how to cope with that. So he gave Levi the space that he wanted when he went through a similar experience. Not really realizing that Levi needed him to be there and to fight for them, until Levi told him. But even though he’s come so far and started to unravel his closed off, emotionless persona adopted by someone who’s parents didn’t let them be a child, Nico knows he can’t give Levi what he wants, not when he’s still dealing with his own internalized homophobia and inability to be honest with himself and his family. He thinks Levi deserves someone who is ready to be all in, and even though he thought he could be, that’s not him, not yet.
Nico saying his default is numb is really telling that he can’t process his feelings right away, he suppresses them. Which would make sense if he’s grown up with critical parents that expect him to be perfect all the time. He wouldn’t know how to deal with failure or rejection, because he’s never had the luxury of doing any of those things. Even loosing his ability to play baseball professionally wouldn’t have been a failure to him, because it led him to being a surgeon which his parents were much happier about. And I think that reflects in his relationships too, that when there’s any kind of conflict he just shuts down, he goes numb. He either gets overly agreeable or he pulls away from the situation entirely. And I think he started to realize that it’s not a healthy coping mechanism after his talk with Levi in the elevator.
So he jumps at the opportunity to leave and work for the Mariners. It’s a dream job, it’s one of the reason he decided to go to med school in the first place, and it gives him and Levi space to figure themselves out. It lets Levi experience different relationships and find himself, while Nico learns to deal with his emotions and not suppress them. But while he’s there, he finds out he hates it. He doesn’t like having to tell these athletes that their careers are over, he doesn’t like feeling like he failed him when there was nothing he could do. It reminds him of when he was going through the exact same thing. Even if his success rate is the highest it’s ever been, he still doesn’t think he’s good enough. Saving fifty patients doesn’t mean anything if there’s even one he can’t.
And then Rowoon finishes his undergraduate and moves out of their parents house. He goes to visit Nico and they have a long talk about what Rowoon wants to do with his career. He decided a long time ago that he wanted to follow in Nico’s footsteps and go in to medicine. And while he’s visiting, he sees that Nico’s background is still a photo of him and Levi, so Rowoon asks if that’s Nico’s boyfriend. And Nico is shocked because he didn’t know Rowoon knew. They have a heart to heart, and Nico realizes he doesn’t have to hide who he is anymore. Even if his parents aren’t happy with him, he has his little brother’s love and support, which is all that’s ever really mattered to him anyway. And even if he isn’t perfect, there are still people who will love him.
So he leaves his job and goes back to Grey-Sloan, mostly because he preferred it, but also with the hope that he and Levi can at least be friends again. He wins Levi back, and finally introduces him to Rowoon. And to show Levi he really has changed, that he really is committed to their relationship, he invites Levi to his parent’s for Christmas dinner. It goes over horribly, his dad almost kicks them out and only relents to letting them stay when his mother says they can at least finish dinner, as it’s the holidays. It’s worth it to see the look of horror on Siwon’s face when he says Levi is his boyfriend, and the look of admiration Rowoon gives him when he holds Levi’s hand as they say goodbye.
I think Nico coming back this next season will be him saying I was just trying to give you space, but I always loved you and I will always be here for you when you’re ready. It’s kind of a repeat of the last time they got back together, but I’m hoping it’ll stick this time and they can have their happy ending. If nothing else, I just want them to keep his personality somewhat consistent.
I’ll finish with my Kai vs Nico thing that started it all! We never learn where he went to school, or how old he is. We can guess he’s early 30’s when he’s first introduced (I’m assuming he was on track with the norm, so when he’s introduced, he’s in his fellowship and he’d be 30-31). What we know about Kai (thanks to my best friend who has an incredible memory) is they went to John Hopkins a few years after Amelia. E.R. is only a year older then Alex, which I’m taking to mean their characters are a year apart as well. So we’ll say Nico is 31 when he’s introduced, meaning Kai would be 32.
While they wouldn’t have much overlap if Nico went to med school at John Hopkins while Kai was going for their phd, they could have very well done their undergrad at the same university and that’s where I think the rivalry would have started.
Kai is smart as hell, and I have no doubt they would be top of their classes. I think depending on the class it would go back and forth, but I really do think Kai would be beat Nico more often and he would hate that. It’s a healthy rivalry, there’s no actual animosity. I see them both as fun and sarcastic people, so I think they’d have amazing banter. And someone like Kai being smarter then Nico wouldn’t bother him as much, because they just have this aura that makes them impossible to hate? Even thou Nico is really frustrated that someone scored higher on a test, he wouldn’t really be too hard on himself if it’s Kai that beat him.
Because I can see him being really upset with himself the first time it happens, and he swears it will never happen again. So he pushes himself even harder for the next test and he does beat Kai. And then Kai would give the most relaxed non-reaction, would probably even congratulate him, and Nico wouldn’t know how to process that. He’s be so used to Siwon taking any loss so poorly, that someone being almost happy for him beating them is too foreign for him to comprehend. It would be the first step to Nico relaxing a little bit on his perfect persona, and allowing himself to slip. Which sets him up for when we meet him in the show, he’s a lot more chill and easy going, but still guarded.
This is so long omg, I’ll start to wrap it up!
Flash forward to Nico and Levi dating, and Kai and Amelia dating (no they never broke up in my head, they’re happy and will be for the rest of their lives, it’s fine. But even if they did, they found their way back to each other like Nico and Levi). Every time Kai comes to visit Amelia, they bicker with Nico. And no one knows it’s light hearted except the two of them. It would stress Levi out, thinking Nico was fighting with his mentor’s partner. I like the idea of Levi going in to general surgery, so while Amelia isn’t wouldn’t be the head of his department, she will always be a mentor figure to him and someone he respects.
Flash forward again, Rowoon does follow in Nico’s footsteps and comes to Grey-Sloan for his internship. He starts off thinking he’ll go in to ortho like his brother but quickly finds he gravitates more towards neuro. And then Kai comes to work on a project with Amelia, and they pick Rowoon to help them out. And he loves the research aspect of their project. He starts looking into it more and more. And ultimately decides, with the help of Kai, to switch into neuroscience rather then complete his surgical internship.
Nico is of course devastated that his little brother chose to work with Kai over him. But he’s a good older brother and supports everything Rowoon does, even if it means listening to him talk about how amazing Kai and the research they’re doing is for hours.
That’s all I got. Thank you anon for asking about his backstory and thanks to anyone who read this far! I would love to hear your thoughts on his backstory too, or any general greys thoughts you might have!
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asordinaryppl · 14 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 24: The Things You Have To Do
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eng proofreading by myuntachis!
Sakyo: … Is that good?
Gaku: It’s perfect! Oh, man~! Thanks!
Gaku: Lots of the members of my club watch this anime, they’re gonna be SO jealous!
Sakyo: The boxing was also depicted pretty realistically.
Gaku: Ah! I’d also like a handshake!
Sakyo: I don’t mind but, you’re exaggerating now…
Gaku: Omi-nii, take a pic!
Omi: Yeah, I’ll do that.
Sakyo: You sure we can make a pro do that?
Omi: Ahaha, well, since we have the chance.
Kai: Omi-nii, is this much soy sauce okay?
Omi: Yeah, that's good.
Kai: By the way, that anime is popular in my club too.
Kai: Everyone was surprised when I told them an acquaintance of mine appeared as a voice actor.
Kai: So, I’d like one more autograph to display in the rugby club’s room… And dad said he wants one too, so make that two more autographs…
Omi: Hey now–
Sakyo: I don’t mind. It’s a small price to pay for the dinner you guys are making for me.
Omi: But still.
Kai: I’m sorry for serving you such simple dishes…
Sakyo: Nah, this is more than enough. You take after your brother in the cooking department, huh?
Omi: You can take a seat over there, Sakyo-san.
Sakyo: Thanks.
Omi: Again, thank you so much for making time to come to my family home.
Omi: Though, I told them I’d just bring the autographs myself…
Gaku: I mean, if I got a chance to hear that voice live, of course I’d ask for it~!
Gaku: He was just a guest actor, but everyone agrees his character was the best!
Sakyo: You started uni this year, didn’t you?
Gaku: Yes! I’ve been doing boxing since high school, so I joined my uni’s boxing club too!
Gaku: I was a senior till last year, but now I’m suddenly one of the youngest members, the transition’s been rough~
Kai: You’re the kinda kid seniors love doting on, so it’s fine. You didn’t even feel like a senior last year.
Gaku: That is SO not true! My juniors all cried and said they’d miss me when I graduated, I was a good and proper senior to ‘em!
Gaku: Oh!
Gaku: That reminds me, I gotta treat ‘em sometime, as thanks for helping Omi-nii with that thing he’s been looking into–
Sakyo: What’s he been looking into?
Omi: It’s no big deal. Kai, shouldn’t you be thinking about finding a job soon?
Kai: Right. Maybe I should ask if I can join Sakyo-san’s company…
Sakyo: We’re… not exactly the most ethical place.
Kai: But it’s amazing how both of you can juggle your day jobs and performing for the theater company~
Gaku: I’ve got my club activities and reports, and I’m going crazy. How do you manage?
Sakyo: … You gotta make sure to not spend a single moment of your life half-heartedly.
Sakyo: As you grow older, the things you hafta do even though you don’t want to keep increasing, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on the things you want to do.
Sakyo: And when you find something you want to do, you must go at it with full strength.
Sakyo: The only way to get to doing what you actually want to do is by giving it your all on the things you don’t want to do.
Gaku: Gotta do what you don’t wanna do, huh… That hit right where it hurts~
Omi: Thank you so much for today. And for what you said before–
Sakyo: Sure.
Omi: I respect how you don’t neglect your work at Ginsenkai, you balance everything and still manage to work as a voice actor along with everything else you want to do.
Sakyo: It’s exactly because there are things I want to do that I'm able to work so hard.
Sakyo: What’s something you want to put your everything into doing, Fushimi?
Omi: ——
Omi: I understand that, just like Banri said, I have to find something to help me break out of my shell as an actor…
Omi: But the truth is, there’s something else bothering me currently.
Omi: I was told I’m being a hypocrite, and I’m not sure if it’s something I can solve. But I just can’t seem to stop thinking about it.
Sakyo: Then, isn’t that what you want to do most, right now?
Sakyo: If there’s something you really want to do, you should do it.
Sakyo: Keep turning away from the things you want to do, and your 20s will pass in the blink of an eye.
Sakyo: And those things will keep haunting you. Take it from someone with experience.
Omi: … You’re right.
Sakyo: The reason no one in the Autumn Troupe, myself included, is saying anything about your challenge, is because we know you’re not the type of person to slack off on this sorta thing.
Sakyo: What all of us wish for you is to do something that you truly want to do, even if it’s something difficult.
Omi: Something I truly want to do…
Omi: … Sakyo-san, there’s something I’d like to talk to you and the rest of the Autumn Troupe about when we get back to the dorm.
Sakyo: … You sure take your time when you have to ask for help.
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booktomoviebrawl · 1 year
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We are not judging how bad the movie is, we are judging which adapted the book the worst. There are good movies that are bad adaptions.
Propaganda below the cut (spoilers may apply)
The Witcher:
Henry Cavill, mostly. Also awful hair and makeup dept.
What they did to Geralt is straight up character assassination and they destroyed his friendship with Dandelion. I will never stop being bitter
completely disregards the themes the books represent and Anglicizing the eastern european literary traditions present. they cast actors who were a poor fit for the roles and the writers expressing open disdain for the books. there is no point to putting work and effort into adapting a media you hate.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children:
While Miss Peregrine was one of my favorite books as a kid and incredibly unique in the way the story is written (The author basically took a box of weird antique photographs and created an underlying story behind a handful of them) the movie is incredibly boring. Like seriously I can't remember a single goddamn thing about the movie besides my extreme disappointment with it after leaving the theatres. It's probably because the original is a trilogy but they didn't want to make it a trilogy for the movie so they just scrapped the ending of the first book and rewrote a shitty climax where they threw snowballs at the nightmare child eating creatures or something. I remember THAT scene perfectly because it was so, so dumb. It was so stupid oh my God- ALSO, thank God I have a copy of the book from before the film came out because new copies don't have one of the photographs that the actual book uses as a base anymore and instead have the shitty movie poster! We truly do live in a society.
Changed way too much so it doesn't feel like the same thing. The main characters are these kids with different abilities (called peculiarities) and the movie switches around their powers and changes almost everyone's age. Emma and Olive switch powers so that Emma now floats (they also added that she can kind of control air to some extent) when she's supposed to have fire powers to match her fiery personality. Olive can make fire now and she's also aged up from an eight year old to a teenager and put her in this weird romance with Enoch. Enoch is also aged up from a grumpy thirteen year old to around the same age as Olive. Bronwyn, one of the older kids in the book and sort of a motherly figure to the younger kids, is now one of the youngest kids. Hugh and Fiona are aged down and basically have no interaction at all in the movie, even when their book counterparts had such a good relationship. The only one they didn't really change was Horace and Jacob. They also added these gorgon twins that do like two things. The antagonist in the movie is Mr. Barron who honestly isn't super memorable and isn't in the books whatsoever. The ending of the movie is weird too because they manage to turn back time somehow so Jacob's grandfather isn't dead and then he hops through loops so he can be with Emma and the other peculiars. I guess the problem of wights and hollowgasts is magically eliminated and we do not have to deal with the consequences. It took six books to fix everything. I appreciate that the movie engaged me enough to read the series but once I did, I could not believe they did my kids that dirty.
Yikes where to start. The 3 girl characters are all mixed up. There are 2 teens, one who's super strong and has a brother (I'll get back to him) and one who controls fire and is the love interest named Emma. The third girl is a child called Olive who floats. She's lighter than air.
In the movie, strong girl is the child, olive is now the fire girl and is for some reason super introverted, and Emma the love interest floats and gets given a super breath??? Power?? Like she rises a sunken ship by blowing in and keeps a man blown against a wall by blowing air at him. He makes a remark that she'll run out of breath eventually, which happens here because plot convenience, but not when she's blowing in the sunken ship.
The enemies in the book are terrifying Hollows. Creatures who have lost themselves and devour souls of those with powers... The movie decides they eat eyes now. And turn human again. And get busted up in a fair for the final act of the movie. Ugh.
The movie also decides randomly that time travelling through the loops is a thing; a loop being a pocket of time that replays the same day over and over. But apparently this means Main Character can travel back in time and stop his grandfather dying??? What?? His grandfathers death is the whole start of the movie and motivation for the character.
The movie undermines many of things that made the book amazing and even decides it's not a trilogy anymore!! Fuck the other 2 books, right?!
Tldr; it is terribly hollywood-ised and t tim Burton ruined a franchise by trying too hard to make it quirky and fun when the books already had a brilliant sombre and interesting tone to them.
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ao3cassandraic · 1 year
Firstly, can I say thank you for all your GO meta. I've spent much of my insomnia soaked night reading through your musings and the replies, and almost all of what I've read makes so much sense to me.
There is a question, honestly, but first..
I read GO when it first came out, and have probably been an avid Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman fan for longer than many fans have been alive. Loved the book, adored the first series, found myself completely floored by S2. The last 15 is probably. - no that's wrong, Definitely - the most beautiful, tragic, heart wrenching scene I've ever encountered. Realising what just broke you was played out by two middle aged, straight actors but all you've seen are two beings whose universe is each other and who are being ripped apart by what they are feeling. I don't have the words, I really don't. Sublime acting & writing.
My response surprised me, I couldn't let it go and I worried at it like a (small, red eyed) dog with a bone. Then I found Tumblr and realised I was far from alone. I've read all the theories and a fair bit of fan fiction (re Michael Sheen, "I love that the fans write their own stories, even if most of them involve David & I having sex"). Some of the POV resonate some don't. Yours do much more than most.
After all that, mine isn't a huge question, it's just a niggle I have. Maggie. Something doesn't feel right there and I wondered if she had set anything off on your radar? Given that NOTHING is accidental in a Gaiman story..
Maggie can't spell and it was highlighted. UGRENCY. (T.O.S.T.E, and Angle anyone) Maggie doesn't eat, though she loves a skinny latte, and doesn't drink alcohol. Claims the record shop is failing, but sends a pub in Edinburgh music for their jukebox? She was never a teenager, and whilst claiming to be tired of being scared is completely fearless. Won't leave Az on his own, is unfazed by demons and doesn't question what Cr & Az are, unlike Nina.
I'm not sure where I'm going with it, but something is off and I wondered if you had any thoughts?
Ok, enough, I'll stop rambling and step out of your questions now. Thank you for bearing with me if you made it this far.
First I just want to acknowledge and validate your adoration for Good Omens! This fandom exists For Reasons! Cheers, and thank you for your ask.
I've seen other folks wondering what you're wondering about Maggie; you're definitely not alone. For the little it's worth, I don't actually think she's ethereal or occult. I think she's a human being with some quirks. (I also can't agree with "doesn't eat" -- we don't see her eat, and she doesn't accept Aziraphale's offer of an Eccles cake, but the former is likely happenstance and the latter, well, I wouldn't accept an Eccles cake either if I had just taken such a giant monetary gift from someone. It's just too much; I'd feel that I was taking advantage and not being properly grateful.)
I actually don't drink alcohol, and I assure you I'm fully 100% no-question-about-it human. (Though there are those who would say I'm more than slightly demonic.) I had an alcoholic parent, which shaped my young life in some not-amazing ways, and I never understood how they got to be that way, so I decided to stay safe and just... not try drinking.
When I got older and more confident in my ability to steer clear of alcoholism, I tried a bit of wine and a bit of brandy and a bit of other thises and thats and discovered that I plain old didn't like them! So I drink non-alcoholic cocktails (I love this fashion! N/A cocktails can be creative and tasty!) and locally-made sodas and if that makes me weird, okay, I'm weird. It doesn't make me an angel. Doesn't even make me a "better" (whatever that is) person -- it's morally neutral. It just is.
(I'm not a skinny-latte person, though, in case you were wondering whether I'm Maggie. Chai is my coffeeshop preference.)
A thematic reason I think Maggie is human has to do with an extension of the Good Omens axiom that Heaven and Hell are just names for sides. Demons, angels, a vulnerability or a trick more or less and other than that they're basically the same. I want to believe that in the GOverse, that's true of humans too -- we have more in common with angels and demons than anyone cares to admit, despite the difference in lifespan and our superior inventiveness. Possibly including quirkiness!
I want this to be true because it means Crowley and Aziraphale needn't be lonely together on Earth even if Heaven and Hell do finally chuck them out for good. I want this to be true because it adds some intriguing resonance to a Second Coming of Jesus story. I want it to be true because I want Good Omens to keep saying go-be-properly-good to humanity.
I could be wrong, of course. I've had several of my headcanons contradicted by Word of Gaiman already, barely a month after s2 came out. I'm sure more will go the way of the dodo, and there are a few things I've said that I don't actually believe any more myself.
But I want Maggie to be human because I like her. I like her shy awkward approach to Nina. I like her willingness to explain How To Human When You're Crying to Aziraphale without shaming him for not knowing. I like her loyalty to her benefactor, which she doesn't trumpet but which is brave as all get-out when the demons show up. I like her flipping the bird at the demons, creatively defending the bookshop, standing up to Shax, giving Nina space to work things out.
Sometimes we humans are okay, you know?
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imzsuzsis-blog · 3 months
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"Second place again... I hate this whole thing."
"Lando, since you've been coughing, not so much, but we're scared of girls inside."
“Shut up!!! You know how shitty it was when I was out, sometimes one kicker, sometimes the other. Because they were really bothered by the loud noise my car made."
I sat and coughed on my cell phone to see what the news was about me.
"They're starting to screw me up again!!! What the fuck are they talking about, Martin's girlfriend? Huh? I only get a fucking jacket out of my closet because it was windy.”
I grimaced and hit the table with my palm, and yes, you felt that too, it was very embarrassing.
"No, stop it, it's embarrassing, please."
I pursed my lips, stood up and started to support the wall and caressed my growing belly to finally calm down.
"Girls, don't worry, no more loud noises, the day is over."
I looked down and inside I knew I shouldn't be here, I should be somewhere else, but not here, because this belly is already too big to sit in a car, but there is a big trial, Pato can't be here and we don't know how long I will compete.
"Pato, you have to live there."
I muttered sadly to myself and looked at Loki, who was talking to the object of my deception, Oscar. I would have liked to have gone there, but I froze at the sight because I knew I was committing a crime by cheating on Loki, with Oscar, and all this was due to the fact that I was kidnapped.
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I was sitting next to Lando in the car, we were late again as usual, the formula 3 will soon be on the track, we're fucking late, Pato wrote that he's already in Vegas at the airport hotel if there's a problem, he'll be there in Silverstone with his sister if he can.
"Lando, is everything okay?"
"Not really... My throat hurts so bad I can't even swallow a cup of tea."
He said very sad and with a cup of tea in his hand.
"Relax, Pato wrote somewhere in Vegas, he's in an airport hotel, he'll come as he can."
"Calm down, calm down... Don't say shit... It's like Bia sitting in my place, you bastard."
"Deep air Lando, think about it, you picked it up somewhere and now your throat hurts. It could be vocal chorditis, I had it a few years ago."
"If it was, I wouldn't be able to speak, stupid."
"Maybe, but if it's more serious, I'd take my tonsils out, you fucker."
He got angry next to me and then ran away with a plastic cup of tea and drank it while doing so. In his eyes, I've become the rotting scumbag he can beat on the track today, both in the sprint and the time trial.
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"Ahh, hello, are you Loki?"
I turned around and a completely different guy than Lando was standing in front of me.
,,Yes me... Ohh You are Oliver's brother..."
,,I am interested..."
,,No, he is not pregnant by me, but by Ollie Bearman"
,,Thanks, but..."
,,Ah...According to my last information, Magui is currently in Portugal. "
"It's not her, the little bitch doesn't even excite us, I'm happy for her if she's hung up on the family and doesn't want to get on them and other celebrities, the money-seeking bitch."
"Is it the (cold) Influenza?"
"No, why is he dating a guy who is even older than him, who isn't even famous yet?"
“ It doesn't bother me, but the media, as I see it, does... “
“That my younger brother is not dating a celebrity..."
I looked at my cell phone, which was full of it. That Lando Norris is not dating a model, social media, singer, athlete or actor. But with someone whose occupation is mundane and earns little in comparison. I put my phone down and hugged Oliver with tears in my eyes because everyone was a jerk to us, I love being a teacher and I wouldn't leave my job for any money. Not even when they write about us.
"Loki, he's my brother... Everything... I'm still talking about the Spanish Grand Prix and last week... Fuck you..."
I held my mouth and cried. Idiot teens record my every fucking move and put it on fucking TikTok without my permission. I've reported and banned several such fucking accounts there. Due to invasion of privacy and harassment. But unfortunately, most fake profiles and they are powerless against it. As with Insta, I don't dare leave the house anymore, even if Amanda strongly recommends it to me.
"Lando, Lando, I have already reported and banned such things, not only on TikTok. But Insta is also, and yes, most of the fake profiles are from somewhere in Africa. Or from parts of America who just want to parasitize or abuse your name. Because they know if you don't have ASD and they love to take advantage of that."
The reality
Lando, snoring and for some reason in his nightgown, crossed his arms and slept soundly, I couldn't get it together and I was dreaming wild things again. I took his arm off me, got up and went to the window and yawned and looked out, but I couldn't see anything except the dark sky and the constellations. I started sipping my water, this stupid dream prepared me for him and Oscar to fight over a competition, stupidity. Lando also got up and blinked at me, he couldn't speak, not only his team doctor and the pilots' doctor told him, but also in the hospital. He has vocal chorditis, but unfortunately he is forced to speak because his profession has to somehow communicate with the press.
"My dear, don't speak, you know you need to rest your vocal cords."
I went back to him unfortunately, he was still coughing as bad as before, he was taking the medicines prescribed by him, which they said a pregnant man could take, but it was of no use to him.
"Would gargling be good?"
I kissed his forehead and felt that his stupid fever was not going away.
"Siri, Amanda!"
I told him in despair, afraid that it was a big problem.
"hospital, Loki, you two may have done everything, but how dangerous was it for the girls..."
I couldn't believe it, we touched our foreheads too, and he too burst into tears when he heard the word hospital. Until now, we only used homemade prakits so that the girls would be well and survive the whole nine months, but not now. He caressed my face while crying and shaking his head he coughed into his other forearm, much uglier than before.
"I have viral pneumonia and I was expecting the news."
I bit my lip, I think it was like that for Loki, how could he have told him that I have Covid again.
"Loki, there's no problem working on it so that you can... Sorry... compete, if my brother isn't here, they'll sit here instead of me, and at the next grand prix... Sorry... Pato will go instead."
"Lando, this is bullshit. Oliver is a simulator racer, they will just find someone who can take your place while you will be a guest of a nearby hospital from tonight."
He hugged me and showed me the ugliest cough in the world and looked down.
"Next time... I'm sorry... But Bia is there."
I saw that it was going to be a gas, he closed his eyes, opened them and passed out.
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vaultedthewall · 7 months
Chronicles of Amber Fancast
Prefacing this with what I actually want from a Chronicles of Amber series is that tweet about not actually wanting an all star cast but ten unknowns and a scriptwriter that is deeply unwell. But if I'm gonna pick and choose big name actors here is who I would like based mostly on vibes, attractiveness (to me), and the likelihood it would really upset certain subreddits. AKA everything important in life. Mainly just the children of Oberon in the first five books bc it's already long enough as is.
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Corwin - Oscar Isaac
Charismatic enough to make me forget how much I fucking hate Corwin, also he can sing. Thanks to Moon Knight we know he can totally rock "Protag who is just as confused as the audience as to what is going on" which is v important for Nine Princes In Amber.
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Benedict - Idris Elba
Tall, 100% Done With This Family's shit, can carry the vibes of someone who only doesn't have the throne because he doesn't want it and everyone agrees if that was different he'd just have it.
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Eric - Taika Waititi
Can balance both absolute piece of trash bag of dicks while still being charismatic which is really what's important about Eric.
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Deirdre - Kali Reis
You want a battle maiden you'll get a battle maiden. If anything the main problem here is there's no way on god's green earth you could convince me she'd need Corwin and/or Random to come to her rescue for anything, but hey adaptations are for changing things.
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Fiona - Sophie Turner
For all the redheads I thought it'd be important to pick people who normally play affable everymen/heroes/people you're used to seeing as goodguys, even if the nature of adapting a book series that's older than most of the people you'd cast in it means the 'big twist' of who the traitors are is something everyone sees coming. So someone well practiced at ingenues would be perfect for the actual baddest bitch in charge.
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Bleys - K. J. Apa
We're gonna give him a better dye job than Riverdale though okay I promise.
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Brand - Jack Quaid
Absolutely 'just this guy you know' vibes. Easy to overlook. Would YOU believe he was the big bad? Come on.
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Llewella - Halle Bailey
Yes I'm making a Little Mermaid joke, try and stop me. But also given how shafted she was in the books I think it's important to use someone who can do a lot with having few speaking lines (though hopefully again that would be fixed in an adaptation)
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Caine - Vico Ortiz
Literally I just want to watch them doing all the scenery chewing bullshit you know Caine has to get up to while they are manipulating and spycrafting their way through shit. Can fully believe they'd pull a finding a copy of themself to kill and leave so people don't know they're still around behind the scenes. Especially in their Blackbeard fit, come on.
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Julian - Conrad Ricamora
Did I just cast my absolute most favorite Mister Darcy as my number one blorbo Julian? Call the fucking cops on me idgaf. His resting bitch face and sarcasm are second to none. Also watch Fire Island (2022) on Hulu.
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Gérard - Jason Momoa
Along with being the biggest canon kinda implies he's also the hottest of all of Oberon's sons so absolute massive dreamboat Jason Momoa it is. Also for the lolz of him and Vico being the navy people.
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Florimel - Jamie Clayton
Did you ever see a woman so beautiful you started crying?
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Random - Bex Taylor-Klaus
They can absolutely go through the journey of youngest sibling in the jester position/fuckup because who cares > most responsible one after all.
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Bill Roth - Wil Wheaton
Look I adore his narration of the last five Amber books!!! I want him somewhere so the reliable chillax lawyer from earth who somehow just rolls with becoming the family lawyer for what amounts to gods of reality. I know I said I actually want a bunch of unknowns for the actual series but I will cry at whoever I must to make this happen. Please.
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musicallisto · 11 months
CLARA BELOVED!!! I am so happy you’re back, and this event is amazing!! Could I pretty please ask for a 🐚 with the zoom zoom boys in Formula One??
Some stuff about me:
So, my name is Dolly (you knew that), and I’m a panromantic asexual person. My gender is… weird (😂), because really I think gender is an odd social construct and I don’t really care what people refer to me as. I’m also autistic, and some of my special interests include musical theatre, books, true crime, superheroes, and mythology of all different kinds and cultures. I don’t get the opportunity to talk about my special interests a lot, but once I do, you’ll have a hard time getting me to stop talking.
As for hobbies, I spend most of my time either reading or writing fanfiction (and sometimes original short stories), listening to music, and watching movies or TV shows. I mostly like all kinds of music, but I’m not really the biggest fan of rap. I’m also really into true crime podcasts, and I have a love for older TV shows, such as M*A*S*H and The A-Team, as well as all the Marvel and DC movies and TV shows. I’m also a pretty decent singer, at least depending on who you ask. I really love books, and my ultimate career goal is to be a librarian (although if you asked me my absolute dream job, the answer would be a voice actor). I’m also a half-decent singer, at least depending on who you ask.
Personality-wise, I kind of cycle between being bubbly and cheerful and quieter and shyer (a textbook ambivert, me), but no matter what, I always do my best to be a good listener and to make my friends (which includes you!!) happy, because I am very loyal and I love them a lot.
Alright, hopefully that wasn’t too much (😅), or even if you need more, just let me know! Thanks in advance, I’m excited to see your answer, and I hope you’re doing well, love!! 🩷🩷🩷
okay, so I know that you are partial to the one and only danny ric (because who isn't?? literally who dislikes this dude. you are not seeing the pearly gates.) but let me introduce you to this underrated but very interesting association: you and charles leclerc ✨️
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we all know charles is musically inclined in his spare time, so he'd love to listen to you sing around the house when you're absorbed in whatever you're doing and forget he's even there. he just can't get enough of your voice and begs you to send him voice notes so he can listen to you when he's away
he'd even ask you to duet him on his piano compositions!! fans go absolutely feral
he's more of a chill homebody than a party rager himself so expect a lot of movie night dates with snacks and warm blankets
i can see him being into true crime documentaries and other fucked up stuff as well, it's the morbid curiosity <3 and also the violent urge to murder his engineers and get away with it <3
which by the way it's a great thing you're a good listener because BOY is he gonna vent to you about ferrari's piss poor tactics asjfksjfdjdj
we love our pathetic wet cat of a man so much
also gaming nights with the boys (: you're reading in the background even though he told you he's probably gonna be loud and overexcited and that might disturb you, but you're just glad to sit quietly in his presence especially since he isn't around that often because of his work
all his friends make it a point to say hi to you as obnoxiously as they can and to embarrass charles in front of you :)) idiotic gamer boys. we love them
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basilone · 8 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine, ty! 💚
A band you don’t like that many others do:
Coldplay. I am absolutely mesmerized by how popular they are, because every single song of theirs I’ve ever heard gets on my last nerve.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
I used to do ballet and got to perform in a huge theatre once. I remember hanging out backstage, watching the older dancers, getting to see what the lighting crew was doing… It was a brilliant time, though the hassle to get hair and make-up done had a lot of people yelling and losing the plot. (I learned how to do stage make-up myself when I was a lil older, partially because that’s how you roll in drama classes but also because of that experience hahaha!)
Least favorite animal and why:
Listen. Listen to me. We do not need lightbulb fish. We do not need them. We do not require their presence in our waters.
Hot fandom take:
Do you know how many hot takes can fit in me? It’s a lot. I’m going to go with two hot takes because it’s my party and y’all have never ever seen me post one to this blog before.
Numero uno: readerfic is not OC fic, OC fic is not readerfic. If you name your character, it’s an OC. Even if you write them in first or second person POV. If you write Y/N, it’s readerfic no matter how much backstory you try to chuck at it. Learn to tag it properly. A fic cannot have both the canon character/OC and canon character/reader tags. Please do my last remaining pieces of sanity a favor and don’t make me read Y/N with my own two eyeballs just because you mistagged your fic.
Numero two: smut belongs under the cut. I don’t make the rules. If you start your fic with smut of any kind, put it under a readmore. Especially do this if that smut contains highly specific kinks. Aside from the fact that there are minors on this website who’ve got no business being subjected to that, people should be given the choice whether they want to see that level of smut on their daily newspaper dashboard scrollthrough first thing in the morning.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
I do, though not all the time. One of my fave pieces is a small ring with an eight-pointed star that I wear on my pinky finger.
A movie others liked but you didn’t:
Titanic. I know it’s got many many many fans, but I was cheering that iceberg on.
Three things you love about yourself:
My creativity, my ability to switch gears and learn on the fly, and my hair that does whatever I want it to do.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Dude, have you seen the state of the world lately? I think I’m just gonna hope to visit my bed later on today, much safer.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
I have Tom Cruise blacklisted on this hellsite for good reason. The good reason being that I think he’s batshit and that people should stop entertaining his presence in anything. I’m not drinking that cult juice, thanks.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
My birthday’s coming up on Feb 9!
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
At the risk of getting utterly disowned by a good number of folks that follow me: Webgott. I have gone for an outing or two in this ship, if memory serves me correctly, and I think I understand why people like it. I love banter in a ship as much as the next person, and the push-pull of opposites can be fun. But I also think Lieb deserves a lot more than someone who’s fundamentally at odds with his life and his POV. I think that the discussion they have in that final ep is indicative of something so major that it is a dealbreaker in that ship. (Plus, Web is just… not my fave character. Putting this mildly.)
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
Vikings. Hands down, no contest. Absolute toxic cesspool of lies, backstabbing, and badmouthing. There are a few very good reasons why I’m no longer on speaking terms with people I used to call friends (at least one of whom was also in our lovely little war fandom back in the day) and why I’ve all but given up on doing any new gifsets or writing in that fandom for the foreseeable future.
List three things you find beautiful about life:
I’m gonna all caps this like a particularly obnoxious internet citizen because !! important !!
Any dreams for the future?
I just want to live a life that’s good. I don’t really do future plans or dreams, it’s all vibes. I will know the move I need to make in the moment it needs making. Everything else is confetti.
How are you really feeling today?
Tired! (She says while about to embark on a screencap-to-gif journey. You might note the tiredness by the fact that I have completely lost my filter somewhere down the line of answering these questions, lol.)
lmao I feel like half this fandom got tagged already and I’m very shit at remembering usernames and who likes tagging games sooooo. uhm. ain’t tagging anybody today.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I hope it's okay to vent here for a second.
I was just watching the clip of him and JDM where they were talking about what they want to accomplish this year or whatever. And Jensen talks about wanting to do films, something outside the box. JDM makes the joke that he doesn't care what Jensen is in as long as he's sexy, Jensen responds with "Yeah, I don't think I'm going to do, like, The Whale. Well done, Brendan, but man, I don't think that's for me." JDM says no way and Jensen laughs and agrees, saying "No way!" Then he tries to soften it by saying he put his body through enough getting ready for Soldier Boy and he doesn't know how people Christian Bale can lose all of that weight and Brendan Fraser can gain all of that weight, it's so hard. JDM says yeah it's hard on your body as you get older and then Jensen makes a joke about how hard it is for him to fit into his jeans now.
Is he serious? That is not what you were thinking of, Jensen, and you realized you said something you shouldn't have because you immediately went about to explain (really justify) it. A lot of people are unhappy with the film, calling it fatphobic, but regardless it's still about someone who suffers from obesity and an eating disorder. Why the fuck would that be the first thing you would say when JDM made that joke about you being sexy?
This right here tells me all I need to know about him. How many people does he meet at these cons or see on the streets that are obese? Or who may be suffering from an eating disorder, obese or not? Everyone talks about how Jensen might have felt seeing that sign Alyssa made him hold up in her photo op, but people should be talking about how fucked up this "joke" was. If the film was about an obese woman with an eating disorder, I wonder if his fans would still laugh as hard as they did? If JDM would still laugh?
It's one thing to make a joke but when the film you're referencing (which earned Brendan an Academy Award for Best Actor by the way, something Jensen should respect if he can't scrounge up any ounce of compassion or empathy) is about something serious like this, don't be an asshole and don't make that joke. He's said some questionable things this past year and a half but wow, this takes the cake.
I got so disgusted after that and his "explanation" that I immediately closed out the clip. All I kept saying to myself is "what a fucking asshole". Like dude, while it's your body and you do whatever you want, no shame, you're getting botox and possibly fillers in your face. You're drinking alcohol nonstop and it's showing in your face. And you make that kind of comment? To impress JDM and your fans? All you did was make yourself look like an asshole. He and Danneel deserve each other and no wonder he and Misha get along so well. Let all three of them continue to work on whatever this alleged project is so it can crash and burn that much faster. Bullies, all of them. And they think they're better than everyone else and apparently better looking than everyone else, too. Newsflash...not so much. JDM is more attractive to me and he's older and not my type at all lol.
Jensen really shouldn't do cons without Jared anymore. Something tells me that joke wouldn't have been made if Jared was there or Jared would have somehow made it better because he always provides the compassion and empathy when it comes to the two of them, gold panel or main panel. And Jensen, JDM didn't laugh that hard, either. Even if he thought it was beyond hysterical, he knows not to show that publicly. Perhaps you should take some tips from him before you say something way worse at these cons to impress your fans who see you as nothing more than a sex object and get yourself cancelled. Stop being an asshole.
Thank you for letting me get that out. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.
For reference, this happens in the Gold Panel starting at about 11:20.
Vent away, anon. It sounds like Jensen immediately thought of the most unsexy role he could think of, and came up with the Whale. And this is where Jensen will always fall short of the excellence that AAs expect from him. He's not willing to go the extra mile for a role. In fact, he even mentioned his ideal job would be a half-hour multi-cam because you only work about 8 hours a week with three weeks on, one week off because it's easy money. At least JDM mentioned his ideal jobs are anything with great writing.
In looking for this clip, I saw parts of the main panel, and then the Gold panel, and it just felt like a bunch of frat boy behavior from guys who are old enough to be past all that, from talking about what you mentioned, to laughing about how Jensen and Danneel got together (by cheating on their SO's), how it's best they stay away from home, their joking about drugs, and just the general vibe of the panels. It wasn't entertaining, it was watching grown men revel in being assholes.
Jensen tends to mirror whoever it is he has a panel with, which is why panels with Jared are so much more entertaining and heartwarming. Jared elevates the people around him, whereas Jensen, without Jared, tends to devolve.
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alittlefrenchtree · 6 months
My problem (mine, my personal opinion) is when a fandom has to behave like a cult otherwise you are immediately labeled as a hater and as a person who wants to prevent others from being happy (who's stopping you? seriously), when you have to have the same opinion as everyone or you're a hater, when you have to swallow any product that's passed to you just because that actor is there and you have to show hype otherwise you're a hater, when you can't have half an opinion on certain things because you are a hater.
It's also absurd that every time we express an opinion on something regarding Nick we have to make full-page disclaimers specifying that we are not haters that we love him that he is very talented otherwise it seems like we are attacking him, this too is becoming very annoying for me in this fandom. I love Nick, his first film I saw was Cinderella (better if I don't say what I think of that movie or they will think I'm an hater) but he's not (objectively) an untouchable Hollywood actor and this glass bell they're dropping on him is annoying.
For me, The Idea of ​​You is a problematic film, I'm sorry, not so much for the story of the older woman who has a relationship with a young boy plus the daughter's musical crush (even if... Imagine it had been with reversed roles and it was a adult man and a young girl.. Today they would be canceling that film as if it were a crime) but it is problematic for the background of the story and it is problematic that it is all clearly inspired by a real existing person (from whom they also copied movements and clothes from when he was a boy as well as being inspired by a relationship he had when he was 17 and with a 40-year-old woman) and unconsciously or consciously continuing to use his name for this promotion.
It's not Nick's fault, although I doubt over time he didn't know what was behind that story and I find it ridiculous to sell it as the "film of the decade" (it was literally written in a review) and think such a thing is even possible? That's where objectivity is missing. Have fun with two hotties having sex (and when I read that the cinema was screaming with such scenes I felt a shiver of horror) but at least the objectivity of admitting and accepting that it will definitely not be the film of the decade ☠️ You can be fan of someone and being objective, I swear.
I'm obviously too snobbish and boring to close my eyes and watch anything just because the actors are beautiful, but give others the opportunity to express different opinions without getting angry as if someone had offended your family member.
Thank you for answering with your own words. I won’t share much more on this topic I think because it doesn’t make much sense to post it on my blog when I’m just a spectator of it and mostly because it comes back to the same thing:
Find your own people. Plenty people who love Nick have no problem not loving every single work of his. Well, even most of them won’t even mention Purple Hearts because they hate it so much, so you know, people with their own contradictions. Fandom is no unity and all Nick’s fans aren’t sharing the same opinions about everything.
About the Idea of You — I might not entirely agree here. I agree on the gender switch and double standards on age gaps but. Just because the thing it was inspired by something that might be perceived as problematic doesn’t mean the movie is problematic. The book (that I didn’t read) was already something different from reality and the movie is different from the book so I’m not sure how much the problematic label can still stand. Hayes isn’t 17. Real people with real stories that aren’t all morally above reproach inspire art all the time. Most of the time, you just don’t know about it because fiction changes and mixed things and make them different.
I’d take "the film of the decade" with a pinch of salt but for reasons that seem different than yours. In other words, not because TIOY can’t be that but because the concept itself doesn’t mean anything. The film of the decade according to who? Based on what? Grades from audiences? Grades from professional? Box office money? Streaming numbers? Awards? So called objectivity?
What would be the movie of the decade then? Dune? It won’t be the people who won’t see it or who won’t like it. It won’t even be for all people who saw it and loved it so how do you decide what is a potential contender to be the movie of the decade? I don’t see the point of asking people to admit anything, even more when they aren’t the ones who have written the words. It’s a fun movie, people are having fun with overly enthusiastic reviews because the premiere was a fun night for them. Most people know that already. It’s no big deal. Like it's no big deal if you don’t like the movie or think it will be trash.
Turns out even if I agreed with some of the statements you made previously, I don’t agree much with the development of some ideas.
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artinvain · 2 months
hii! i was wondering what you believe being a lesbian means? i’ve heard a lot of people say women loving women, afab loving afab, nonmen loving nonmen, etc. i only realized that i was a lesbian recently and im trying to understand more about the community beyond typical femme and masc standards.
congratulations on your beautiful realisation. coming out as a lesbian saved my life!! I hope you’re doing fab💖
whew this is a rough one just because there’s so much to be said. I know I don’t speak for the entirety of the lesbian community but from what I’ve seen irl, in my university studies and on the internet this is what I personally believe. and I think this may help as I this is how I went on my journey and have seen this for many other lesbians :)) 🥰🥰
so I’ve always known I was a lesbian. from like 5-10 when we first interact with romantic interests (I know it started young for me - long story), I was wanted to be around girls, hold them, touch them, when I saw women on tv I wanted to kiss them - be the guy they kissed (this is all known retrospectively).
when my mom started to ask me about who I would marry one day (of course she inserted a man bc I grew up in a religious house hold), I told her I wanted a man who was as handsome as an actor, as rich as bill gates (I had no concept of money ok) and spent time travelling (so we wouldn’t have to be together).
when she asked me if I wouldn’t be lonely I told her “of course not” because I would be with my best friends (all women) 24/7.
I then went on to push this narrative, told boys I couldn’t date them because I was Sabin myself for jesus and my unattainable husband. I touched my best friends “too much”, I knew I wanted to kiss them but kept praying the feeling would go away.
when I got to university I moved in with my older gay sibling (thank god) who has many queer friends, pan women, trans men, bi men! they were all soft and gentle and welcoming. I realised there was nothing scary or unholy about such a loving community.
so when the romantic feelings for women started to seep though again. I didn’t stop it. and then it was overwhelming and I realised I never wanted to be around or with men anyway, I had always been hiding this love inside me.
so I started getting into queer basics by dating and what I learnt in my gender studies courses.
for me lesbians understand me inherently without having to say a word (black lesbians specifically) but this goes for general sapphics as well (sometimes).
Because lesbians are socialised as women and or black and poc people, we don’t have to rediscover the systematic dynamics of oppression and patriarchy in our relationship because we both have grappled with that and it’s so easy to speak about and we understand that those ideas don’t pertain to us. we share the same special love for each other, something deeper than what can be explained with words.
“I know you,” is how it feels. the energy, time and love to learn and keep learning about your partner. growing in the same parallel lanes. I know her body, the lesbian body because it is also mine in a way.
so yeah as you can tell I love a good les4les and I looove a good deeply sapphic woman!!!
Lesbians have carved out our own slice of identity by creating a culture and partaking in a gender and sexuality that has been made outside of the patriarchy and the male gaze.
I do know a lot of trans masculine people identify with the lesbian community because some of these lesbians who are more butch and masc leaning sometimes decide to take t, have top surgery for example.
I know a lot of the transmasc people in my life who used to be lesbian are in a transitional space out of the community and into one that better suits them and where they are understood by other queer transmen. but they’ll never completely have no connection to the lesbian community, because that’s where they were socialised for most of their lives, it’s the community they’ll helped build. So they’ll always be a loving ally. A part of the family.
however many lesbians do not like to be with people who identify as men especially if they socially transition because it can cause a shift in dynamics, when one partner is now benefitting from the patriarchy on the basis of passing for example. Others believe it is disrespectful to date transmen and call themselves lesbians because for them lesbian is a specifically feminine aligned word and that feels invalidating to the trans man’s identity (and many trans men feel the same).
So yeah — there are too many nuances to count. But if you want to make it easy for yourself!? Think about what you want, what you are attracted to and what you like. really hone in on that and be comfortable with yourself in your lesbian identity, read some books on it, hell read some lesbian smut to get comfortable in the pleasure that is lesbianism. It’s about what you like and go about it kindly xx (and be smart and safe please)
Also often people will say that trans women can’t be lesbians but if you know that gender expression and sexuality are different things then you know that isn’t true :))
Ummm yeah that’s what I think at least 👁️👄👁️
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