#can hamsters eat tomatoes
allperfectpets · 1 year
Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes? Everything You Need to Know!
Hamsters are cute pets that adore nibbling. Nonetheless, as a capable proprietor, it's vital to ensure that the food you give them is protected and sound. Tomatoes are a typical family food, yet could hamsters at any point eat them? In this article, we will examine all that you want to be familiar with taking care of tomatoes to hamsters.
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aiweirdness · 2 years
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I used GPT-3 to come up with some novelty sock concepts.
GPT-3 Ada (2020):
“Cruxx” Slurpees with a fish in an orange “Fängche” with french fries on top of a pocket-full of ice cream A shirt made out of a jello stick – it looks like a hamburger, but it’s not. “A halved grapefruit!” with lollipops Some kind of replica of The Lord of the Rings party balloon, with rainbow balls, pink hoses, and blood in tributes to the Great Hair String of Friendship Over a million memory sticks made from stars “Shocking in the head!” more brightly colored balloons
In my original prompt format I used quotes for text that was actually written on the sock, which means that Ada's lollipops sock has the words "a halved grapefruit" written on it. And the jello stick hamburger item is not a shirt, but a sock with a picture of the shirt on it. Unless Ada has completely lost the plot and is not even generating socks anymore, which frankly is likely.
Babbage is the next-largest GPT-3 model from 2020, and it is doing better at being socks, although many of its socks seem very tricky to illustrate.
GPT-3 Babbage (2020):
Robots posing with some butter “Ink!” cats with pink blotches Violins and Prawns “Santa it is” with polar bears and elves in a sleigh “Dreamy ghosts” ghosts with binoculars “Rainbow Rap!” hot air balloons and boing! boing! A twin-headed dragon jumps through a trap door A potato upside down with superpowers A day going on but no moon just like a horror movie Slightly more coherent are the socks from the next-largest GPT-3 model, Curie.
GPT-3 Curie (2020)
The Statue of Liberty with a 3-sided pancake. Orca whale jumping through a ring of socks. Octopus holding lemons “Turtle is Delighted” turtle with a backpack A stampede with bulls and zebras Pumpkin patch with cutouts of squirrels having a picnic “Make a toast to the kachunkers” with a bear holding a glass of tomato juice Grinning neutrinos with dirty fingers “As above, so below” with cats on the moon A lion eating a Space Shuttle Hamsters skating down a rainbow
GPT-3 DaVinci (2020):
Massive group of goats wearing party hats Unicorn riding a rainbow Flying hedgehog Robotic bulldog Ninjas and kittens “Lmao!” a flatulent dog with a mustache Googly eyed donuts wrapped in bacon A set of eyes wearing suspenders and monocle “Come on in! The water’s liquid!” – grumpy cat in red bathing suit “I can Haz!” a sitting Trojan Horse “Bark like doggone it!” dancing dogs on black background
Note that as the models get bigger, GPT-3's socks start becoming more conventionally "trendy", like a lolrandom site from 10 years ago. Technically that's what it's going for - it's trained to reproduce the websites from its training data.
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louis-ii-reyes-strand · 9 months
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... hi... how y'all doing? remember how i said this would be published by the end of 2023? well i'm a big fat liar who lies (i added more to it (story of my life)). you can throw tomatoes at me now 😔 thanks @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @thisbuildinghasfeelings @bonheur-cafe @birdclowns for the tags this week! 🖤 and i'm very sorry to all the tags i've missed, life has been hectic!
“So,” Carlos began, food tucked into his cheek for a moment, like a particularly cute hamster. “How do you feel about the sopapillas?” 
TK almost didn’t remember that was what started this all, his quest to try new foods, to teach himself something new, to find a new passion. He had been so swept up in Carlos’s attention that he forgot it was only his for as long as it took them to eat the food that he had bought them. The ingredients for sopapillas and a few different toppings were already safely secured in his tote bag. 
“I don’t know.” 
Carlos raised his eyebrows. 
“I don’t,” TK laughed. “I’m going to try the recipe and see what happens.” 
Carlos smiled. “The more you know, the more you can create,” he said with a decisive nod. 
TK’s face screwed up in confusion. “What?” 
“It’s something Julia Child said, the idea that you learn the more you try.” Carlos's eyes slid over TK’s shoulder, a line appearing between his eyebrows and shoulders hunching upwards. 
“Do you do that often?” TK asked, wanting the smile to come back to Carlos’s face.
Carlos hummed questioningly, seeming to shake himself and focus back in on TK. His attention was almost overwhelming, it wasn’t until it had been directed away from him, that TK realised how singular it was. Everything else fell away under Carlos’s gaze.
“Try stuff out?” He prompted. “It seems like you know everything.”
Carlos huffed half a laugh through his nose. “I’ve never met a recipe I liked the first time I tried it.” 
TK wondered what that was like. He learned how to make dishes from his dad’s crew at the 252 when he was in his early teens, and he never deviated from the recipe since. It was the same with the beef wellington, he had a recipe that impressed the first boy he cooked for, and it hadn’t let him down yet.
open tag plus the folks i missed while i was away plus i like you a lot 🖤
@liminalmemories21 @carlos-tk @theghostofashton @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @chicgeekgirl89 @mikibwrites @lemonlyman-dotcom @welcometololaland @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @lightningboltreader
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If it's not too much, could I get your whole emoji ask list for the murder trio?
There are so many haha.
😨 - Is there anything other people can do to help your oc with calming their nerves?
Axe: Play some soft music, get him something to eat, and don't try to touch him.
Killer: depends! Sometimes giving him a hug would help while other times it could be dangerous to try to do that... most of the time just being around would help him if you're a friend.
Dusty: Just leave him alone, honestly... he needs to relax and calm down. Though you can give him his weighted blanket! It helps him relax and put on his headphones. It blocks out all sounds. After that, it might help him relax.
🔐 - What is your oc like as a roommate?
Axe: Awesome! As long as you take care of your stuff, he'll take care of his. He makes food for the house sometimes and always cleans up after himself. You just have to deal with him taking up quite a bit of space cause he's a big boy.
Killer: Annoying lol. He spends too much time bugging you and sometimes doesn't clean up after himself. Would do the dishes but only if you ask him and he's way too loud.
Dusty: Pretty good. He keeps mostly to himself, won't bug you if you don't bug him… might not even be around all that much.
🐩 - What is your oc's least favorite animal?
Axe: He doesn't like those small yippy dogs. They make him annoyed.
Killer: Weirdly I think he doesn't like goldfish. Doesn't trust them.
Dusty: hamsters. One bit him once.
⏱- How easily does your oc give up?
Axe: Not at all! He normally tries his best to keep pushing forward but if the work isn't worth the prize, he won't do it.
Killer: Depends on if it's funnier to give up or not. Normally, he won't though.
Dusty: It really depends. Sometimes he'll give up if it isn't worth the work.
🎈- What makes your oc laugh?
Axe: Dark humor. He loves dark humor, it's amazing and almost always makes him laugh.
Killer: seeing people falling over. He thinks it's amusing.
Dusty: Cat videos.
😶- Does your oc get lonely easily? What do they do when they’re feeling lonely?
Axe: He does! Normally he would spend time with Noodle or go to spend time with Killer and Dusty. Normally Killer, though. Killer is loud but sometimes when Axe is lonely, that's the best thing he needs.
Killer: Oh bro he is like a dog X1000000 normally if he gets lonely, he'll go and bug Nightmare. If Nightmare kicks him out, he'll go and bug the others.
Dusty: He does get lonely, but he normally doesn't do anything to try to change it.
🔔 - Does your oc sing in the shower?
Axe: He does not. Normally he doesn't even take showers, he takes baths cause showers cause water to get into his skull and it feels weird.
Killer: If you can call what he does in the shower singing, yes.
Dusty: Not really, no.
👄 - What is your oc's least favorite food?
Axe: Least favorite?
Killer: Olives >:(
Dusty: He doesn't like tomatoes or anything with that fake coffee flavoring.
⏯- Does your oc believe in happy endings?
No :)
⚔ - Is your oc bothered by the sight of blood?
Again, no lol. (Axe will be a bit bothered if it's from someone he likes)
🌟- Does your oc like to let sunlight in or do they prefer to keep the curtains closed?
Axe: Shockingly, he loves the feeling of the sun. He sometimes lays on the ground to just feel the sun on him haha.
Killer: ehhh 50/50
Dusty: He would rather keep the curtains closed… the sun hurts his eyes.
❣ - How does your oc react to being told that they're loved by a loved one?
Axe: He would be shocked, then smile and start to purr. He was very happy to hear that!
Killer: "Ha! Thanks" It did mean a bit to him but he's gonna tease you about it.
Dusty: He doesn't respond at first, seeming to think before getting a small smile "thanks..." he mumbles.
😴 - What are your oc’s dreams about?
Axe: Sometimes he has nightmares about being back in the underground, other times he dreams about hanging out with Corn and helping him on the farm. Most of the time though, he has no dreams.
Killer: His dreams are always just blackness. He's floating in it, not able to go anywhere even if he moves.
Dusty: He doesn't wanna talk about it.
🌖 - Does your oc have any secrets? Why do they keep it a secret? Does anyone else know about their secrets?
Axe: Hmm... I feel like he doesn't really keep secrets. He sees no reason in it(if he has a secret, he forgot about it)
Killer: Haha! Wouldn't you want to know weather boy >:)
Dusty: He keeps a lot of things to himself. He thinks it's better that way.
💓- is your oc afraid of death?
To all of them, no. They all know that they will die soon.
💬- Does your oc swear? How vulgar is their swearing?
Axe: Normally if he does curse, it's just like shit or crap. Nothing too big.
Killer: He screams FUCK randomly just because he finds everyone's reactions funny.
Dusty: Hmmm you know, I can't see him cursing for some reason?
💧 - Does your oc know how to swim, and do they enjoy it?
Axe: No, he doesn't, and he doesn't want to learn either. He would just sink most likely because of his low magic levels and a few other things. Plus, you know, the whole hole in his skull.
Killer: He does know how to, but doesn't really like to swim all that much.
Dusty: He knows how to, just doesn't wanna.
💐 - What is your oc’s alignment? How does this show in their behavior?
Axe: Weirdly lawful neutral? He believes in his own rules and follows them. He never ate a human, he helped people when he could.
Killer: I think Chaotic Evil? Everything he does, he does because he was told to but also because he finds it fun! Though I could be wrong and maybe chaotic neutral.
Dusty: Weirdly maybe true neutral
✋ - How forgiving is your oc? Do they hold grudges?
Axe: Yes, he does. He does not forgive very easily and it's hard for him to forgive someone if they hurt him on purpose.
Killer: He's not way too forgiving but he doesn't hold grudges that long.
Dusty: The most grudge-holding one in the whole damn place. You step on his shoe? He'll step on your grave.
😣- Does your oc like being taken care of? Do they allow people near them when they’re injured?
Axe: He does like to be taken care of, but he would only allow a certain few near him if he gets hurt. Shockingly only really Nightmare and Noodle. Killer and Dusty are very close but he would still growl at them.
Killer: He loves to be taken care of! He would most likely make his injury sound worse just so he could have more attention.
Dusty: he likes to be taken care of, just won't act like it. If he's hurt though, he wouldn't want anyone near him.
🌆 - Is your oc a light or a heavy sleeper?
Axe: Heavy sleeper when he feels safe, very light sleeper if he doesn't
Killer: Eh half half.
Dusty: VERY light sleeper.
👊 - Does your oc have any bad habits, and if so, why? Is it possible for them to stop?
Axe: He scratches at the hole in his skull and hooks his fingers in his socket a lot. It's damaging to his skull, but also sometimes he would still go a long time between eating because he doesn't want to 'waste' the food.
Killer: He sometimes hurts himself just to feel something. He has stopped doing that though, he only does it rarely now.
Dusty: He scratches at himself a lot. It's why they have to keep his finger points filed down.
🌄- What’s the longest time your oc has gone with no sleep?
Axe: One time he went 4 days but then he fell asleep for like 2 and Noodle got mad at him.
Killer: the longest he stayed awake was for a week and that was when nightmare first got him and didn't realize that he needed to sleep. He stayed up then passed out.
Dusty: At least 3 days.
🎤 - What would your oc’s theme song be?
Axe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6DuWvmyqzY
Killer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8hURaX54GA
Dusty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y7bcbTgE5o
🍮 - What would your oc get as a midnight snack?
Axe: Most likely a ham sandwich.
Killer: Yogurt and bananas!
Dusty: string cheeses…
😞 - What is your oc like when they’re incredibly tired?
Axe: Sluggish. He would walk into walls and sometimes just lay down anywhere that he thinks is comfortable enough to sleep. There has been times where Killer laid on top of him since he fell asleep on the floor.
Killer: No change, but he will just pass out randomly. No warning.
Dusty: Do you think he was snappy before? He will glare hard enough to kill a weak monster.
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cartoonqueen16 · 1 year
The Elemental
In an RV, an old man drove with his two granddaughters. His eldest granddaughter Gwen was at the RV table with a nail kit beside her. In the back of the RV where the bunks were, was Jen his youngest granddaughter by a few minutes. Jen sat on her bunk with a phone to her ear, and a voice could barely be heard yelling at her from the other end. Jen's eyes were red and teary, she kept trying to speak only to be cut off by the person on the other end.
"Y-yes, I understand," Jen said in a faint voice, then hung up the phone. Jen set her phone beside her and pulled her knees to her chest, and rested her head on them. Jen hugged herself tightly, "It's not fair." she muttered, gripping her hands into fists. "Why can't I use my powers, but Gwen can turn into aliens?" Jen asked, not expecting to get an answer.
"Because Gwen can be stopped if needed." Jen looked up to meet her Grandfather's gaze in the rearview mirror. "Grandpa Max, you think I'd use my powers for evil?" Jen asked, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. Max went wide-eyed and was quick to correct himself, "No! I just mean if your powers got out of control, we couldn't stop you as easily as we could Gwen," he said,
"Then wouldn't it be better to let me use them and train?" Jen asked, hoping this was her ticket to using her powers. "No," Max said, then quickly turned his gaze back to the road, and Jen sighed, closing the curtain and reaching for her phone. Jen went to Spotify and played On Purpose by Sabrina Carpenter. Jen sighed, she laid back on her bunk and turned onto her side, and grabbed her teddy bear. Jen held the comforting object to her chest and slowly began to doze off. "It's not fair," Jen muttered, then fell into a peaceful sleep.
"Jen, time to get up," Max said, gently shaking Jen. Jen groaned, slowly opening her eyes she sat up still holding her teddy bear. "What's going on?" Jen asked, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. "We need groceries," Max said, then stood and walked away. Jen yawned and stood up running her hands down her front to smooth out her dress. Jen frowned, she was always forced to wear a sling classic Lolita dress. She looked like she was going to a tea party.
Jen sighed, and headed for the door, then stepped out of the RV. Jen closed the door behind her and then followed Max and Gwen. The family was at a Mega Mart and Jen could already tell this was gonna be a long shopping trip. These kinds of stores weren't the best places to buy octopus and sheep's bladder.
As the three Tennyson's walked through the aisles of the store Max kept glancing at Jen. Jen kept her head down and her hands in the pockets of her dress. Max frowned, he hated seeing Jen like this, but there wasn't much he could do for her. At most Max could buy a few things Jen liked, and that thought gave Max an idea. Max stopped the cart and pulled a pen from his pocket and started writing on his shopping list. Jen and Gwen looked at him curiously not sure what he was doing.
"Jen, go get these things," Max said and handed Jen the list. Jen scanned the items on the list before nodding and walking away. "We'll be in the pet department when you are done," Max called after Jen, and Gwen groaned. "Please tell me you aren't looking for our breakfast." she hoped, not wanting to eat a hamster or exotic bird for...any meal to be honest.
Meanwhile, Jen walked toward the produce aisle still holding her head down. This wasn't gonna make her feel better, it didn't even come close. "At least he is trying to make me happy," Jen said looking at the list again. Jen set the list in the basket she grabbed and began looking at the strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries, trying to find the good ones. Jen gave a low hum after picking the ones she wanted then did the same with tomatoes and onions. Jen went down the list gathering the various ingredients until she got to powdered sugar.
Jen looked up at the top of the shelf where the powdered sugar sat. Jen hummed, she was too short to reach, and not stupid enough to climb the shelf....maybe. Jen hummed again then a smile crossed her face and Jen checked her surroundings. The aisle was empty. Jen smiled and pale blue lines stretched onto her hands and face to her right eye. Jen held her hands in front of her chest and began swirling them around and an air sphere began to form between her hands. A bright smile crossed Jen's face and she aimed for the powdered sugar. Jen knocked the ingredient into a basket and gave a small giggle.
Jen picked her basket up and headed to the pet department still with a bright smile.  When Jen found Gwen and Max she noticed they weren't alone. Not like a giant horned frog was easy to miss. "What the heck!?" Jen asked dropping the basket and her jaw. Max turned to face Jen, "Jen, get out of here it's not safe." Max said and jumped out of the frog's way as it jumped. "WAAAH!!!" Jen jumped and rolled out of the way before scurrying away.
Jen hid in another aisle and peeked around to see what was happening. Gwen transformed into an alien she called four-arms and began fighting the frog, but she was already losing. Jen took notice of the old man sitting on the frog's back, 'He could get hurt.' she thought.  "*sniff sniff*" Jen tensed up at the hot breath on the back of her neck and very slowly turned around. Jen stared into the red beady eyes looking at her and swallowed the lump in her throat.
The giant furry mutant starting at Jen roared and Jen jumped back. Jen landed and started running while the monster chased her. "GWEN, STEP BACK!!" Jen called as she approached Gwen and the frog. Gwen looked to see Jen running towards her with another mutant on her tail. "I got this!" Gwen stated in anger, "Ok, don't say I didn't warn you." Jen said as she got closer. Once Jen was close enough she stopped and bent the air and propelled herself up and out of harm's way. "Incoming!" Jen warned as she landed on a nearby shelf.
"AHHHHH!!" Gwen and the man screamed as the other mutant crashed into the frog and they all slide across the floor. Jen jumped off the shelf and ran toward the shelf Gwen crashed into. Max who had been hiding elsewhere was already on the shelf and he didn't look happy. "Jen, why did you use your powers? We have been over this a hundred times already." Max began lecturing Jen but the screams of innocent people cut him off.
"Why are people still screaming?" Gwen asked standing up and transforming back. A group of people ran down one of the aisles screaming, then a giant mutant bird followed after them. The bird stopped and hovered in the air with its eyes locked on Jen. "Why is it staring at me?" Jen asked as silence fell over the group. Jen took a step back and hunkered herself down slightly. The burd stretched and flew toward Jen, grabbing her in its claws. "WHOA!!" the bird flew out through a skylight with Jen leaving Max and Gwen shocked.
"Can anything good ever happen to me?" Jen asked feeling defeated. "Hope Grandpa and Gwen find me," Jen said seeing as she didn't have her phone to call for help. Jen sighed, she Decided to enjoy the view as she was carried.
"Whoa!" the bird suddenly flew up and crashed into the Washington Monument and knocked the top off. "What'd you do that for?" Jen asked and the bird screeched as it dropped her. "Ahh!?" Jen landed and was about to run but the bird landed and trapped her beneath it. Jen gasped as the bird gently nested Jen in its feathers and everything clicked in Jen's head. The bird was brooding and thought Jen was its egg.
Meanwhile, Max and Gwen raced through the streets of Washington trying to find Jen. Gwen looked out the window and watched the setting sun cast shadows over the city. "Grandpa, we have been looking all day, can we take a break?" Gwen asked and Max raised a brow. "Gwen, for someone so smart you say some dumb stuff. Your cousin has been kidnapped by a giant bird, we have to find her." Max said turning down a street and Gwen began to pout.
Gwen sighed and turned on the TV to see a news report. "Breaking news! The Washington Monument has been destroyed and turned into a roost by a giant bird. The bird appears hostile to attempts to get close and it appears it has a human child. " the news reporter said and Max took a hard left. "AHH!" Gwen fell out of her seat at the table and groaned in annoyance.
Back at the Washington Monument and rather large crowd had formed. The sight of so many people was making the bird nervous and Jen needed to do something. As Jen tried to think of what to do the screams of the crowd reached her ears. "Huh?" Jen began to wiggle and squirm away to see what all the commotion was about.
Jen managed to get free and looked down to see a T-Rex and the man from before. "Oh for crying out loud." Jen groaned and hung her head. Jen took a breath and light brownish-orange veins spread onto her skin. Jen looked down then threw one of her arms up and a stone killer formed knocking the T-Rex to the groan. Jen jumped and the veins changed to pale blue. Jen swirled the wind around her body and gently lowered herself to the ground.
The bird screeched and landed behind Jen with anger in its eyes. The T-Rex got back onto its feet and the man growled in annoyance. "Foolish girl, I'll teach you to mess with me Dr.Animo," he stated and a smirk spread across Jen's face but Jen didn't get a chance to respond.
Max quickly grabbed Jen and Gwen showed up as Diamondhead. Max carried Jen back to the RV while sternly lecturing her. "We will talk more about this when I get back," Max said and closed the RV door then went to help Gwen. "AGH, this is so unfair!" Jen exclaimed not noticing the veins on her skin. "Not fair!" Jen stomped her foot creating a rock wall in front of the RV by mistake. "Earth, water, fire, air, metal, light, and so much more. I can control all of it but I can't use it. IT'S NIT FAIR!!!" Jen stomped her foot again but this time she blacked out.
Jen hit the RV floor and curled into a ball.
Meanwhile, someone watches the RV from the darkness. The person was dressed in dark clothes which made them hard to see. "You'll get your wish." the person said then vanished into the darkness.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Sunflower, cymbidium, and ginger
sunflower - sun or moon?
Moon, I love looking at the moon. I love when you're in the car at night and the moon follows you, and when you can kinda see it in the day time. It's so pretty. I trust her she rules the oceans and female bodies. I swear I use the moon to track my period. I know I shouldn't dare have unprotected sex during the full moon. Or at all, be safe guys
cymbidium - sexuality? Bisexual. I realized my absolute adoration of my 4th grade teacher was a crush. She was so pretty and tall and super ultra curvy and sweet and had long curly blonde hair and she had pet hamsters we could play with. But real bisexual awakening was Taylor Swift when I was 13 and she's still awakening my bisexual
ginger - least favourite food? Do we have time? I am the pickiest eater. Firstly I don't like any meat on the bone, like I can't eat meat off the bone. I hate dark meat. I can only eat chicken breast. I can't even eat just straight turkey, I hate onions and tomatoes they have the worst texture, Also I love all leafy greens, but I just can't eat collard greens, not even when my grandma made it I can't it's the texture. And I hate the breakfast toaster pastries like with eggs and sausage I just hate it I can't even smell it. We can go on forever.
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hamsterpetcaretips · 9 months
What Foods Can Hamsters Eat? Feeding Your Hamster
What can hamster eat? Not all hamsters’ owners know clearly about their furry friends diet. What are the best choices for hamster foods? What do your hamster enjoy? Find out more with the article below!
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What foods can hamsters eat? Feed your hamster
Hamsters are small animal and furry rodents that make great pets. They are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. A healthy diet for hamsters should contain a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, and insects. Vegetables such as carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and spinach can be fed in small amounts. Fruits such as apples and pears should be given sparingly due to their sugar content.
Grains like oats and wheat should also be included in their diet. Nuts like almonds or walnuts can be given in moderation as treats. Seeds such as sunflower or pumpkin can also be offered occasionally. Insects like crickets or mealworms provide essential protein for hamsters and should be fed sparingly. Additionally, it is important to provide plenty of fresh water for your hamster daily to keep them hydrated and healthy.
Is human foods good for hamsters?
No, human food is not good for hamsters. Hamsters have a very specific diet, and human food does not provide them with the nutrients they need. Human food can also contain ingredients that are toxic for hamsters, like chocolate, onions and garlic. Giving your hamster human food as a treat once in a while is ok, but it should never be part of their regular diet.
The best way to feed your hamster is to provide them with a balanced, nutritionally complete diet specifically designed for them. This will ensure they get all the essential vitamins and minerals they need to live a long and healthy life.
What human food can hamsters eat?
Fortunately, there are plenty of human foods that make excellent snacks for your pet. Fruits like apples and bananas are safe for hamsters to eat in moderation, as well as vegetables such as carrots, celery and green beans.
Other healthy options include cooked egg whites, cooked lean meats like chicken or turkey, unsalted nuts, and whole wheat bread or crackers. Always avoid processed sugary treats like cookies and candy, as these can cause stomach issues for your furry friend.
All human foods should be fed in moderation and are not required if your hamster is fed a well-balanced pelleted diet. Hamsters can eat the following foods:
Sugarless breakfast cereals or grains
What fruit and vegetables can hamsters eat?
Sweet peppers.
What fresh fruits and vegetables can hamsters not eat?
Don’t feed citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons or grapefruits, to your hamster.
Spicy and seasoned foods.
Light green leafy veggies.
Tomato leaves and stems.
Plants treated with pesticides.
Swiss chard.
Bok choy.
Can I feed my hamster only fruits and vegetables?
No, Hamsters need a balanced diet that includes grains, proteins, and other nutrient-rich foods. Fruits and vegetables should be given in small amounts as treats. It is important to provide your hamster with a varied diet to ensure they get all the nutrients they need.
What is a hamster’s favorite food?
A hamster’s favorite food is typically a mix of seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. They also enjoy small amounts of cooked meat, eggs, and fish.
What should I feed my hamster daily?
– A hamster should have a diet of a high quality, nutritionally balanced hamster pellet or mix. You should feed your hamster 1-2 tablespoons of food daily.
– Fresh vegetables and fruits (such as carrots, apples, broccoli, etc.) can also be offered to your hamster in moderation – no more than 1 teaspoon per day.
– Hamsters also enjoy occasional treats such as cooked egg, mealworms, nuts and seeds. These treats should not make up more than 10% of your hamster’s total daily diet.
The Best Hamster Diet – Fresh food, Hamster Seed, Fruit
A hamster’s ideal diet consists of pelleted food supplemented by a seed mixture, with sporadic additions of fresh or dry produce, grains, nuts, and protein. If you feed your pet the aforementioned foods, there is no need for commercial treats because your hamster will receive more than enough “treat” from the extras. Of course, fresh, clean water must always be available to your hamster.
What pet store can you buy foods for hamster?
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Can Hamsters Eat Mango?
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renatorizzuti · 10 months
Perfect For Holidays, Special Occasions and Every day-Lasagna Alla Rizzuti
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Story, Recipes and Photo By Maria Rizzuti
Every Christmas Day, when I was growing up, my mother would traditionally make a huge pan of her great tasting lasagna.  We still do have her lasagna today, but I have also adapted my version of her recipe for my family and make lasagna during the holidays and for special occasions.
When it comes to lasagna, I always use high-quality meat and cheese, no counting calories here. That said, there are plenty of vegetarian lasagna recipes out there that are excellent if you so choose.
No two Italians compose their sauce or lasagna similarly.  Each region of Italy has it own particular way of making this pasta dish.  There is something about lasagna that makes any individual want to leave his or her signature on it.  You cannot be that far off when you start with a tasty tomato based meat sauce and then layer upon layer of melted mozzarella cheese and noodles.  When the sauce, cheese and pasta touch the edge of the pan, particularly in the corners, you get some crunchy and caramelized pieces. I will fight you for that corner piece every time. Seriously, what is not to like about that?  I have never seen any leftover lasagna go uneaten for long period of time in my household.
Even Garfield loves lasagna; you know that famous cat featured in the comic strip.  Popular culture has known about Garfield and lasagna for thirty years.  It was the first time you saw a cat have a thing for a pasta dish.  What is next, your pet hamster eating a creamy risotto with Grana Padano cheese? Maybe, but devoted fans love that cute cat named Garfield!
Did you hear about the US woman that attacked her husband with frozen lasagna this past August?  The police said that she attached her spouse with the frozen food during an argument. She must have been pretty mad at him. I wonder what he did to deserve the pasta punishment?  Next time you have a brawl with your other half, please do not use perfectly good food like lasagna.  Lasagna deserves to be eaten and not used as a weapon! What was she thinking?
Ever hear of dishwasher lasagna, lasagna fresh from your dishwasher?   Well, I have heard of poaching fish in the dishwasher, but lasagna?  Highly unlikely that I would try preparing a pasta dish and washing the tableware all at the same time.  I believe I will stick to the conventional stove oven as my appliance of choice.
If I told you this was the only lasagna recipe worth making, would you believe me? Well, you be the judge and try my recipe for Lasagna alla Rizzuti.
1 ½ cups shredded mozzarella cheese
2 hard-boiled eggs chopped (optional)
1 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
500 grams lasagna noodles
Cook the noodles according to package directions adding 1 tbsp of oil to water; drain and let cool before assembling the lasagna. Tip is to keep your pasta a little firm. Remember you will also be baking it.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a slightly oiled 3 x 9 baking dish add some of the Bolognese sauce spreading it evenly.
Start with a layer of noodles, then sprinkle some mozzarella cheese, egg and grated cheese and more Bolognese sauce.  Keep repeating the layers finishing with a layer of pasta, Bolognese sauce and mozzarella cheese last.
Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake 35 minutes then remove foil and bake for another 5 to 10 minutes or until golden. Remove the dish from the oven and let it sit about 15 minutes prior to plating the pasta.
5 to 6 servings
½ pound lean ground beef
½ pound ground veal
½ pound lean ground pork
1 large onion, chopped fine
1/3 cup of extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup Italian flat leaf parsley chopped
1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
½ tablespoon of oregano
½ tablespoons cracked black pepper
5 to 6 basil leaves chopped
½ tablespoon hot crushed chili flakes (optional)
Use a large casserole pot, preferably a non-stick sauce pot.  Add the extra-virgin olive oil to the pot and heat to medium high. When oil is hot, add the pork, veal and ground beef and stir with a wooden spoon to break apart while cooking. Make sure to brown the meat to a slightly caramelized state. Remove all meat from pan and set aside.
Add the finely chopped onion to the pot and sauté until soft and translucent. Add the diced tomatoes only at this time and cook for about 10 minutes.  Stirring and breaking down the tomatoes with the spoon.  Cooking the tomatoes first will sweeten them up. Then add the can of crushed tomatoes and add 1 ½ cans of water (42 ounces).  Return the meat back to pot and also add the chopped basil, parsley, oregano salt and pepper and chili flakes (optional).  Turn the heat to high and bring to a boil. The sauce needs to keep boiling on high heat for at 20 minutes then turn down the heat to medium high and make sure you continue stirring the sauce periodically. Cook the sauce for approximately one hour and 15 minutes or until reduced by about a third.
This sauce makes about 6 cups
That’s about it for some delicious Lasagna!
Buon Appetito!
Wishing you Happy Holidays, Happy Special Occasions, and Happiness every day!
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bethanyhamiltonsstuff · 10 months
Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes? Benefits, Risks, and More
Exploring Tomatoes: Are They Safe for Hamsters?
Tomatoes, the delightful red fruits hailing from the nightshade Solanum lycopersicum plant, are a treasure trove of nutrients. Packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, folate, and antioxidants like lycopene, they also offer traces of vitamin E, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. These juicy delights harbor seeds enveloped in a jelly-like pulp.
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So, Can Hamsters Savor Tomatoes?
Certainly, hamsters can relish tomatoes in moderation as an occasional treat. Tomatoes furnish vitamins and minerals that can enhance your hamster's well-being. Nevertheless, caution is warranted, as tomatoes contain compounds that could be detrimental in excess. Therefore, limit your hamster to a few nibbles of tomato, no more than 2-3 times per week.
In small quantities, tomatoes pose no harm to hamsters. The vegetable's nutritional value, hydration properties, and fiber content make it a valuable addition to a well-rounded hamster diet. But remember, excessive tomato consumption can lead to complications. Always keep a watchful eye for any signs of digestive discomfort in your hamster after indulging.
The Benefits of Tomatoes for Hamsters
Feeding your hamster small amounts of tomato can offer several advantages:
Vitamin C: Bolsters immunity and promotes collagen formation while guarding against respiratory infections.
Lycopene: An influential antioxidant that diminishes inflammation and shields cells from harm, potentially reducing the risk of cancer.
Potassium: Essential for muscle function, regular heartbeats, growth, and hydration.
Fiber: Encourages healthy digestion and wards off constipation.
Moisture: Maintains hamsters' hydration levels, with tomatoes containing around 95% water.
In summary, introducing a smidgen of tomato into your hamster's diet can contribute positively to their health, thanks to the vegetable's distinctive blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fluids.
Potential Hazards of Feeding Tomatoes to Hamsters
Despite their benefits, tomatoes carry certain risks for hamsters:
Solanine: Green tomatoes contain this toxic glycoalkaloid, capable of inducing vomiting, diarrhea, and neurological complications. Always opt for ripe, red tomatoes.
Acidity: The acidic nature of tomatoes, when overconsumed, might disrupt your hamster's gut pH balance.
High Sugar Content: Excessive tomato intake can potentially lead to diabetes due to its natural sugars.
Intestinal Distress: Overindulgence in tomatoes may result in loose stools or diarrhea.
Choking Hazard: Large tomato pieces could pose a choking hazard to smaller hamsters. It's advisable to cut tomatoes into bite-sized portions before offering them.
To ensure your hamster's safety, confine tomato consumption to just 1-2 bites per day. Additionally, never provide tomatoes with green, unripe parts or seeds that could get stuck in their cheeks.
Identifying Tomato Poisoning Symptoms in Hamsters
If your hamster overindulges in tomatoes, be vigilant for signs of solanine poisoning:
Lethargy and weakness
Dilated pupils
Muscle spasms and tremors
Breathing difficulties
If you suspect tomato poisoning, promptly seek veterinary care, bringing along the remains of the tomato for identification. Supportive treatment will be administered to stabilize your hamster. Prevention through responsible feeding practices is the optimal approach.
How Much Tomato Is Safe for Hamsters?
To maintain a balanced diet, tomato portions should remain minimal. Here are daily tomato feeding recommendations:
Dwarf hamsters: 1-2 small bites of ripe tomato flesh
Syrian hamsters: 2-3 small bites
Larger hamster species: 3-4 small bites
Prepare tomatoes as follows:
Thoroughly wash them.
Remove any green sections.
Discard all seeds and gel.
Chop the flesh into pea-sized morsels.
Mix these bite-sized tomato pieces into your hamster's regular food, ensuring they constitute no more than 5-10% of the overall diet. Additionally, provide fresh water to facilitate digestion.
Tomato Alternatives and Complements for Hamsters
For a diverse menu, consider offering your hamster these foods in moderation:
Cantaloupe: Rich in vitamin C, beta carotene, fiber, and a sweet taste.
Blueberries: Bursting with antioxidants, manganese, and vitamin K.
Carrots: Abundant in vitamin A for eye health, fiber, and a crunchy texture.
Cucumbers: Hydrating, fiber-rich, and refreshing.
Bell peppers: Packed with vitamin C, beta carotene, and moisture.
Apples: A source of fiber, vitamins, and interactive chewing.
Eggplant: Loaded with antioxidants, fiber, moisture, and a soft texture.
Zucchini: Mild in flavor, moist, and containing vitamins C and A.
Pumpkin: Rich in vitamin A, fiber, and digestive support.
Sweet potatoes: Providing vitamin A, potassium, and beta carotene.
Renowned hamster food brands include:
Oxbow Essentials Adult Hamster & Gerbil Food
Kaytee Fiesta Hamster & Gerbil Food
Supreme Petfoods Science Selective Hamster Food
Small Pet Select Hamster & Gerbil Food
Vitakraft Menu Adult Hamster Formula
In Conclusion
While hamsters can savor the occasional tomato treat, prudence is vital to safeguard their well-being. By adhering to these guidelines and diligently monitoring your furry companion's diet, you can ensure their happiness and good health.
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thuzycheebum · 10 months
Can Hamsters Enjoy Tomatoes? Benefits, Risks, and More
What Are Tomatoes, and Can Hamsters Eat Them?
Tomatoes, the edible berries of the nightshade Solanum lycopersicum plant, are packed with nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, folate, and antioxidants like lycopene. Additionally, they contain traces of vitamin E, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. These juicy red fruits house a seed compartment surrounded by jelly-like pulp and seeds.
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Can Hamsters Safely Consume Tomatoes?
Indeed, hamsters can indulge in tomatoes in moderation as an occasional treat. Tomatoes offer vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for your hamster's well-being. However, since tomatoes contain compounds that may be harmful in large amounts, it's advisable to feed your hamster only a few bites of tomato, no more than 2-3 times per week.
Tomatoes are safe for hamsters when consumed in small quantities. The vegetable's nutrition, moisture, and fiber make it a valuable addition to a well-balanced hamster diet. Nonetheless, it's essential not to overfeed tomatoes, as excessive consumption can lead to issues. Always keep an eye on your hamster for any signs of digestive discomfort afterward.
Advantages of Tomatoes for Hamsters
Feeding your hamster a few bites of tomato can provide the following benefits:
Vitamin C: Boosts immunity and collagen formation, preventing respiratory infections.
Lycopene: A potent antioxidant that reduces inflammation and safeguards cells from damage, potentially lowering the risk of cancer.
Potassium: Vital for muscle function, heartbeat regularity, growth, and hydration.
Fiber: Promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation.
Moisture: Keeps hamsters hydrated, as tomatoes are approximately 95% water.
Overall, incorporating a small amount of tomato into your hamster's diet can boost their health due to the vegetable's unique blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fluids.
Potential Risks of Feeding Tomatoes to Hamsters
While tomatoes offer benefits, they do come with certain risks for hamsters:
Solanine: Green tomatoes contain this toxic glycoalkaloid that can induce vomiting, diarrhea, and neurological problems. Always feed ripe, red tomatoes exclusively.
Acidity: The acidic nature of tomatoes might disrupt your hamster's gut pH balance if consumed excessively.
High Sugar Content: Hamsters consuming excessive amounts of tomato may develop diabetes due to the natural sugars.
Intestinal Upset: Overfeeding tomatoes can lead to loose stools or diarrhea.
Choking Hazard: Large tomato pieces could potentially pose a choking hazard to small hamsters. Always cut tomatoes into bite-sized pieces before offering them.
To ensure your hamster's safety, limit tomato consumption to just 1-2 bites per day. Furthermore, never offer tomatoes with solanine-containing greens, unripened sections, or seeds that could become lodged in their cheeks.
Signs of Tomato Poisoning in Hamsters
Should your hamster consume too much tomato, watch for these symptoms of solanine poisoning:
Lethargy and weakness
Dilated pupils
Muscle spasms and tremors
Breathing difficulties
If you suspect tomato poisoning, seek immediate veterinary care and bring the tomato remains for identification. Supportive treatment will be administered to stabilize your hamster. Prevention through proper feeding is always the best approach.
How Much Tomato Can Hamsters Safely Eat?
For a balanced diet, tomato should constitute only a tiny portion. Here are daily tomato feeding guidelines:
Dwarf hamsters: 1-2 small bites of ripe tomato flesh
Syrian hamsters: 2-3 small bites
Larger hamster species: 3-4 small bites
To prepare tomato:
Thoroughly wash it.
Remove any green portions.
Eliminate all seeds and gel.
Chop the flesh into pea-sized bites.
Mix these bite-sized tomato pieces into your hamster's regular food so that they make up no more than 5-10% of the total diet. Additionally, provide fresh water to aid digestion.
Alternatives and Supplements to Tomatoes for Hamsters
For added variety, offer your hamster the following foods in moderation:
Cantaloupe: Rich in vitamin C and beta carotene, with fiber and a sweet taste.
Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants, manganese, and vitamin K.
Carrot: High in vitamin A for eyesight, fiber, and a crunchy texture.
Cucumber: Hydrating, fibrous, and refreshing.
Bell pepper: Abundant in vitamin C, beta carotene, and moisture.
Apple: A source of fiber, vitamins, and interactive chewing.
Eggplant: Loaded with antioxidants, fiber, moisture, and a soft texture.
Zucchini: Mild in flavor, moist, and containing vitamins C and A.
Pumpkin: Rich in vitamin A, fiber, and promoting healthy digestion.
Sweet potato: Providing vitamin A, potassium, and beta carotene.
Notable hamster food brands include:
Oxbow Essentials Adult Hamster & Gerbil Food
Kaytee Fiesta Hamster & Gerbil Food
Supreme Petfoods Science Selective Hamster Food
Small Pet Select Hamster & Gerbil Food
Vitakraft Menu Adult Hamster Formula
In Conclusion
While hamsters can enjoy the occasional tomato treat, moderation is key to ensuring their safety and well-being. By following these guidelines and monitoring your furry friend's diet, you can keep them happy and healthy.
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fooddears · 1 year
Food Is Not Just Eating Energy. It Is The Love Of A Healthy Life.
FoodDares Embark on a gastronomic journey through tantalizing food challenges, unique recipes, and mouthwatering experiences
Food Dares
Are you looking for healthy food? You don’t know which foods good for you. Well, Don’t worry, we’re always ready for you. Will food dares help you live a healthier life.
Welcome to Food Dares! We make cooking easy and enjoyable for beginners, helping you create incredible flavors effortlessly. Join us on this flavorful adventure!
Vegetables Are Very Beneficial For The Human Body. We all eat more or less vegetables but we don’t know which foods have many benefits for our health. So it is very important for us to know this. Because if you want to live a healthy and beautiful life, you must eat good food. And if you want to find food for good and beautiful health, then you have to look at the vegetables first. We can give you some good food. Food Dares has been researching some foods for a long time and distinguishing some good foods. And they are sharing with you.
Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes | Vegetables?
If you are a hamster owner and a tomato lover, this article is especially for you informing about the hamster diet related to tomatoes. Whether we call tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable, We can’t imagine a single day ignoring tomatoes and our wonderful furry friend, hamsters. Imagine how free they live!
To diversify these domesticated animals’ regular diet, this question crosses into many hamster owners’ minds: Can hamsters eat tomatoes? If yes, what type of tomatoes can it eat? How much can it eat? Is it safe? By reading this article, you’ll find all the questions and answer that you may ask surrounding this topic.
So, let’s dive and enjoy it.
Can hamsters eat cherry tomatoes? Cherry tomatoes are small, round, glossy, and their colour is generally red, occasionally yellow. For their small and round shape, many people call them baby tomatoes. Now the question is: Can hamsters eat baby tomatoes or cherry tomatoes?
Cherry tomatoes consist of water, sugar, calcium, salt, phosphorus, acid, and fat content. If you observe the amount of each particular element in a cherry tomato, you’ll notice it contains a lot of water, a little phosphorus, sugar, and acidic element.
Due to the huge amount of water, it may upset a hamster’s stomach, and your hamster may fall into many health problems.
Can hamsters eat grape tomatoes? Grape tomatoes are a combination of cherry and plum tomatoes. Because they are about half or similar in size to cherry tomatoes.
Further, baby plum tomatoes are known as grape tomatoes. However, let’s come back to our main discussion, Can hamsters eat baby plum tomatoes that mean grape tomatoes?
Either you prefer cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes, no veterinarian never recommends any tomatoes to eat to your hammy. Even though, if your hammy devours tomatoes very rarely, don’t worry about its health.
No matter what type of tomato it eats, either cherry or grape, it will be excellent and safe if it takes a few bites. It is generally not considered toxic or poisonous, though it will be best if you avoid it totally.
Can hamsters eat cheerios? No other treatment is as great as cheerios because of its less sugar and salt. It is one type of breakfast. Potentially, plain and oats-based cherries don’t want any harm to them. Make sure that you feed two or three original cheerios per week outwardly flavourings and frosting with it.
Conclusion As a responsible and concerned owner, it’s important to know what’s beneficial and poisonous to this little creature. Keep in mind that if your pet seems reluctant to eat tomatoes, don’t force it because it is much better rather than eating.
Always remember, whatever you serve to them, moderation is a must and hand-feeding is better than putting the food in their cage.
Hopefully, you’ve caught out all the concepts clearly from this article.
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authoralexizeri · 1 year
Fun Facts About My MC
Since the first three episodes of my erotic bisexual fantasy romance adventure story, Empathy For the Devil, will go live on April 17th on Kindle Vella, I thought it might be fun to introduce the MC, Ian, with some random fun facts (that may or may not even be mentioned in the story).
Fun Fact #1: Ian's full name is Ian Arthur Keeler, named after his maternal grandfather's brother who was killed in the Korean War.
Fun Fact #2: All of Ian's pets have been named after characters from the Legend of Zelda game franchise. His fish that dies in the first episode is his third Zelda: the other two were a hamster and a cat.
Fun Fact #3: He once ran a half-marathon and finished in the top 100.
Fun Fact #4: Ian worked the summer between high school and college at a cannery and has been unable to stand the smell of fish ever since.
Fun Fact #5: Ian is allergic to pineapple and raw tomatoes. He can eat cooked tomatoes, though.
Fun Fact #6: He only wears dark-colored briefs because he doesn't like the phrase 'tighty whities'.
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okaymybeloved · 3 years
dates with enhypen (*≧∀≦*)
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since he’s the oldest i feel like he would want to take you somewhere impressive
he takes you out to a nice restaurant
you both are enjoying yourselves and talk about your careers and future plans
but you both feel kind of unsatisfied? after it? like somethings missing?
somehow you both end up at the amusement park
riding all of the roller coasters and ending it off with the cliché ferris wheel
“no offense hee, but this was much better than the restaurant”
“i paid good money, how dare you”
“it’s the truth, babe”
sharing a loving evening together, watching the city lights below you was one of the best things you could ever ask for
you both shared a sweet kiss under the stars, making your hearts flutter like little high schoolers with their first love
[ more members under the cut! ]
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he tells you to dress your nicest and that you did
as soon as you walked out of the door, his jaw was on the floor
as soon as you walked out of the door, his jaw was on the floor
“wow, i am so lucky”
“oh shut up”
“you’re blushing!!! how cute!!!”
he brings you to one of seoul’s best restaurants, requesting a table with the best view
you both shared a bottle of wine together, laughing at all his ridiculous trainee stories
whenever you talk, he focuses all his attention towards you
heart eyes going crazy rn
you finish dinner and get into the car
“did you enjoy it?”
“of course i did. anything with you, i always enjoy”
jay gets so flustered, face red as a tomato
you thought it was hilarious and teased him more by giving him a kiss on the cheek
“please stop, my heart can’t take it anymore” he means this in the most loving way
i think he would enjoy simple dates, like picnics or going out to do little things
he loves cuddling, so he decided to do a fort date
grabbing all the blankets and pillows in the house, even the couch to make the comfiest fort
sososo nervous and excited for you to come home and see what he did for you
as soon as you walk into the living room, jake is waiting for you with matching onesies and open arms
you were so excited and got changed quickly so you can jump into his arms
in the fort, he pulled you into his arms and picked to watch rapunzel
being in jake’s arms was heavenly
you turn your head up at him, smiling, “thank you, love”
“anything for you”
i think most people would write about how he would teach his s/o ice skating for a date but i think otherwise
he’s one of those people who really enjoys quality time so i feel like he would make a date to learn about something you love to do
an example would be a painting class
you love painting and have always wanted to take a class, so sunghoon took it this opportunity to make it a date
he surprises you at your apartment but doesn’t tell you where you guys are going
arriving at the class, your eyes immediately lit up, taking your seat right away
he looks at you throughout the class, loving how much passion you put into painting
after the class, you were so happy, showing him your painting multiple times
“sunghoon, look! i cant believe i painted this masterpiece!”
“did you have fun, my love?”
“yes! thank you hoonie! i love you!”
walking hand and hand to his car, his heart is filled with love for you and sharing your passions with him
he’s a major foodie
he heard about a night market nearby and asked if you wanted to go with him
you said yes of course
you both walked in, hand in hand, looking at all of the different stalls and what they had to offer
getting food from the most popular ones, you found a table and sat down with all the food spread out
of course you had to take pictures, taking most of sunoo bc he looked so pretty, but some of the food as well
eating and enjoying each other’s company made this one of the best dates
after finishing, there was a game area that you wanted to play in i’m just describing the la night market at this point lol
he won a hamster plushie and you won an octopus plushie
while walking out, you gave him a kiss on the cheek
“thank you for today, i got to spend time with my favorite person while eating yummy food”
“i wouldn’t want anything else different, cutie”
he’s still young so he would most likely will take you out to somewhere small and cute
he brings you to a little cafe that you haven’t been to
ordering for the both of you, even getting your favorite chocolate bun
as he was ordering, you were looking around at the cute place
a small meow came from behind you and you realized that he took you to a cat cafe
immediately, you put the cat on your lap and started petting it
jungwon came back with the order and just melted as soon as he saw you with the cat
“wonie, i might cry. it’s so cute”
he sits next to you and pets the cat as well, somehow he attracts 3 more cats
he puts his head on your shoulder while petting the new cats
overall, you were just having a great time petting cats with jungwon
you were gonna do it, you were going to say ‘i love you’ for the first time to him
“hey jungwon, i love you. a lot.”
he immediately jumps up and stares at you with wide eyes
he surges forward and gives you a peck on the lips
“i love you too”
he loves your hugs and cuddles so much, but he can’t bring that out in public so the next best thing is bringing you to his dorm
okay maybe it wasn’t the best idea inviting you to a dorm with 6 other boys but he just wanted to spend time with you :(
as soon as you get there, he greets you with a giant hug
the other boys wanted to watch the new horror movie so you guys got situated on the couch
to be quite honest, you didn’t really mind horror movies, they’re actually more entertaining than scary
however, ni-ki was the complete opposite, but you thought this was adorable
“y/n, please hold me i’m scared”
“i got you love, don’t worry”
when the movie ended, you both were so sleepy
both of you guys were cuddled up next to each other under a soft blanket
you guys already fell asleep before the rest of the boys got up to get ready for bed
awoken by a camera flash, you saw the culprit, jake
“sorry, you both were just so cute!”
looking at ni-ki and smiling, “actually, send me the pic later”
you gave him a kiss on the forehead
“goodnight, love”
cuddling further into him, ultimately falling asleep as well
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rosyl-stuff · 3 years
Pretend You Like Me
Paring: Ji Changmin (The Boyz) x reader
Genre: eeehmm… fake dating!au; enemies to lovers/friends, angst?, some short fluffy moments
Word Count: around 1.8k
A/N: i had some trouble with finding out if this has any triggers or not, if you found it triggering, please tell me why and i add those as warnings
You took one last look in the mirror. You looked good, you decided. Still, you couldn't help but be nervous as hell. Your stomach felt like it was turning the whole time and, you wanted to change again and spend the evening in bed. Unfortunately, you couldn't, because the charity event tonight was organised by your own mother. She expected you to be there and act like the perfect child. The perfect child, of course, also included the perfect partner, successful and good-looking. And you had this kind of partner until three weeks ago. He broke up with you. He no longer had feelings for you and was falling in love with someone else. He didn't cheat on you, but you were still hurt and had feelings for him. To make it worse, he was a friend of the family and therefore, he will attend the event tonight, most likely accompanied by the person he had fallen in love with.
A glance at the clock told you that your date was late. Of course, you thought. Ji Changmin was a colleague of yours. He was successful and good-looking. However, you didn't like each other very much. He knew everything better and only cared about himself. He probably thought you were bitchy and overbearing. But he was the best choice if you wanted to keep your dignity tonight. Who knows, maybe you could even make your ex jealous and come back to you.
Changmin was 10 minutes late by now. If he's any later, you thought, I certainly won't help him with his project. Convincing Changmin to go to the charity event as your date was kinda damaging for your pride, but he didn't think much of you anyway, so why not try. It probably even gave him satisfaction to see you begging him. Of course, he wanted something in return. He wanted you to help him with his upcoming big project. Not like you don't have enough work on your desk already, you thought.
Finally, the doorbell rang and, you pulled open the door to your apartment. "About time. My mum will kill me if we're any later." He just rolled his eyes and muttered, "Nice to see you too." At his car, he opened the passenger door and let you in. He jogged around the car, got in and drove off. Both of you were silent and, it wasn't a pleasant silence either. Changmin seemed to feel the same way because he cleared his throat and said, "Shall we go through our story again?" "It might make sense!" you sighed and started, "Well, we know each other from the company. Probably the only thing that isn't a lie!" "We used to have lunch together. And I liked you for quite some time, so I mustered up all my courage and asked you out," Changmin continued, his words dripping with mockery. "I was a little surprised, but I agreed. On our first date at an Italian restaurant, we found out that we get along really well and have a lot in common", you continued the story unimpressed by Changmin's behaviour. "Like tennis, for example" "I hate tennis!" you interjected. "Not tonight!" Changmin returned, grinning. "Do you have to make it harder than it already is?" you sighed. "Yep!" Changmin returned cheerfully, "Sometimes it's easier, to tell the truth! You'll learn that tonight!" "Are you threatening me? Listen, if you ruin this tonight, you can forget about my help with your oh-so-great project. And I promise you, your job at the company will feel like hell!" Changmin laughed, obviously not bothered by your threat. "All good. I'll try my best to impress your mother. After all, there are many influential people there tonight." "Are you using me to make new connections?" you asked, shocked. The thought hadn't occurred to you.
Changmin didn't answer any more, because you had arrived. After he parked, he got out and opened the door for you. You took another deep breath before you took his hand, which he held out to you. It was pleasantly warm and warmed your nervous cold hands. His thumb gently stroked the back of your hand as if he had sensed your nervousness.
Shortly after you entered the event hand in hand, your mother floated towards you. She hugged you and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "How nice that you finally found your way here." "Hi Ma, this is Changmin. Changmin, this is my mother." "Nice to meet you! Sorry for being late. Y/N had a bit of an outfit dilemma." said Changmin with a charming smile. Your jaw dropped. Did he really just say that you thought. Your mother paid no attention to you, laughing at Changmin's comment, "Yeah, that's how you know them." "Come along, there's someone over there I want you to meet." She led the way and, Changmin held out his arm for you to hook onto. You took his arm and whispered to him, "What was that all about? You were the one who was late!" "Yep, but that doesn't make a good impression!" he said with a grin. You gave him one last dirty look before putting on your charming smile as you were both introduced to a handful of important people.
After a while, you had a little break from Changmin as he was deep in conversation with some businessman. And then you saw him, your ex. Before you could hide, he had already spotted you and came to you. "Y/N! How nice to see you!" he said and gave you a quick hug. "H-Hi!" you stuttered and were probably already as red as a tomato. "Your mum said you're not here alone?" your ex asked. "Y-yes, um no. I'm here with Changmin. From the company." "Oh really? I always thought you didn't like that guy." "Yeah." you said, laughing nervously, "Turns out he's quite nice." Your ex eyed you sceptically. "And we have a lot in common. Tennis, for example. I love tennis."
Before the conversation could get any more awkward, you felt two arms wrap around you from behind and how someone gently kissed your cheek. "There you are. Shall we go to the buffet?" said Changmin and pulled you closer to him. You were a little speechless and stunned by the sudden closeness to Changmin and only glanced at your ex, who continued to look at you sceptically. Changmin followed your gaze: "Hi, I'm Changmin," he said, but his friendliness seemed fake. Your ex only nodded briefly and turned to leave.
Changmin pulled you towards the buffet and whispered: "My God, that was pathetic. Stuttering around and blushing. Not being able to get a sentence out. Your ex couldn't have been that great." Annoyed, you pushed his arms away from you and stomped to the buffet on your own. Changmin followed you and asked with a grin, "Did I upset you?" Swinging, you turn around and glare at him angrily, "You're a fricking idiot! You don't have to like me ok? But please pretend tonight." You barely managed to stop the tears, turned around and disappeared into the toilet.
Fortunately, no one else was there and Changmin did not follow you. It took a while, but then you felt ready to face the world again. When you left the bathroom, Changmin was standing there, waiting. When he saw you, he came up to you and pulled you into his arms. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." "Yes, you did," you grumbled, but you wrapped your arms around him anyways and returned his embrace. A hug was exactly what you needed right now. And it didn't matter now that the hug came from someone who didn't like you. Changmin gently stroked your back, "How long does your mother expect you to stay here?" "Until the end, I'm afraid!" you sighed. "And what if you're not feeling well?" Before you could answer, your mother came up to you. "Are you all right? Have you been crying?" she asked you when she saw your face. You were about to shake your head when Changmin said, "They're not feeling well. I'll take them home now." "Oh, they shouldn't make such a fuss! I'll get you aspirin and you'll be fine," your mother replied. "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but we're leaving now," Changmin said firmly and pushed you past your mother towards the exit.
The ride home was silent, but this time it was a more comfortable silence. "Thank you!" you whispered barely audibly, but Changmin seemed to have heard because he reached for your hand and his thumb began gently stroking the back of your hand as he did before. A little later, you realised Changmin was driving the wrong way, "Changmin, you should have turned right." "I know, but I'm still hungry and I thought we both deserve a proper meal now," he said, stopping in front of a fast-food restaurant.
Totally overdressed, you went into the restaurant and ordered. While you were eating, you noticed Changmin's hamster cheeks and started giggling. "What is it?" he asked. "You look cute with your hamster cheeks," you said, still giggling. Changmin glared at you, "You're on thin ice. Very thin ice." You laughed even more and, he couldn't help but smile a little too. During the rest of the meal, you had your first real conversation and realised that you actually had some things in common. And it really wasn't tennis. Afterwards, Changmin drove you home and accompanied you to your flat door. When you were standing in front of it, it was kind of awkward. Do you now shake hands or hug each other goodbye? You opened the door and turned to him again: "Thank you very much. I don't know how I would have done it without you today." "No problem. Sorry again. You're not pathetic." You rolled your eyes with a smile, "I know myself that it's high time for me to get over him." "If you need help again, let me know," he said. "Thanks!" you said again and then wrapped your arms around his body and buried your face in his chest. A little hesitantly, he also wrapped his arms around you and gently stroked your back. A little later, he gently kissed your temple. "It will be alright," he murmured as you broke away from each other. You smiled at him one last time and then went inside. Maybe he's not that bad.
Back in the car, Changmin let his head fall down on the steering wheel. He couldn't get the sentence: "You don't have to like me ok? But please pretend tonight. " out of his head. At that moment, he would have liked to reply, "But what if I actually do like you." But no, he had to stand there like an idiot and said nothing.
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kiseiakhun · 3 years
What if we threw MiaTim in to the HalKyle JayConnor DickRoy mess. Just to see what happens
"Oh, call him a soggy wet turnip sack of do-gooder hypocrisy and bad fashion choices again, that'll really show him."
Kyle mouths along to Tim, and then shoots Jason a confused look. "When did you start swearing like a brady bunch villain?"
"You've never read those books, have you?" Jason shakes his head. "Whatever. I'm not about to swear in front of the kid."
Across from him, Lian cheerfully tries to stick an entire stalk of celery in her mouth. "My fashion choices were good," Dick complains as he tries to stop her from choking yourself. "You guys just aren't on my level."
"I don't know," Roy says. "Some of your choices..."
The table watches as Lian's cheeks bulge out horizontally, like a hamster. She shoots a victorious look at Dick, while Dick just looks at Roy and says one word.
Roy sinks low in his seat.
Tim passes Mia a contraband pack of sour gummies under the table, while everyone else is distracted watching Lian try to chew the ranch-drenched piece of celery without making a mess. "I still think the condom helmet was worse," he says.
"Yeah," Mia nods. "The helmet you wore when you kidnapped me was much better."
Jason groans. "Can you stop bringing that up? I said I was sorry."
Thoughtfully, Roy eyes the breadsticks in front of him. "I bet I can do what she's doing."
Lian makes a muffled, indignant noise that roughly translates to "no way, I'm better than you."
"Don't forget to chew your food, honey," Roy adds. "We don't want you to choke."
Dick snatches the basket of breadsticks away and places them in front of Connor. "Don't even try it."
"Can you let me go now?" Jason pauses to eat a piece of bread that Connor feeds him. "This is fun and all, but it's really hard to eat when I can't use my arms."
Kyle glares, and makes the shackles around his wrist bigger for good measure. "I should just gag you."
Jason whistles loudly. "Got yourself a freak, huh?"
Hal opens his mouth. Oliver shoves a cannelloni in his mouth, smearing tomato sauce along his cheek. "Not in front of the kids."
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