#hamster health
bethanyhamiltonsstuff · 10 months
How to Hamster Died & 7 Things You Should Know!
 Bringing up the subject of hamster death is important because it allows us to better understand what causes them to die and what steps we can take to keep them healthy.
It is critical to be sensitive and kind when discussing the death of a pet. Recognizing the emotional bond that exists between owners and their pets and providing support during this difficult time can assist people in dealing with their grief and finding comfort.
Understanding the Lifespan of a Hamster
The average lifespan of a hamster is determined by a variety of factors. Some species live longer than others, but most pet hamsters live for 2 to 3 years. However, with proper care, some people can live for much longer, even up to four years or more.
Several factors can influence how long a hamster lives:
Different species and breeds have different life spans. Syrian hamsters, for example, live longer than dwarf hamsters.
Hereditary traits or conditions can have an impact on a hamster's health and lifespan. Some people are more likely to get sick or have health problems because of their genes.
Health and care: How well a hamster is cared for has a significant impact on its life span. A healthy diet, good hygiene, regular exercise, and a nice place to live all contribute to their overall health and can help them live longer lives.
Environmental factors: Where a hamster lives can have an impact on its health and lifespan. Temperature, humidity, and the overall quality of their living environment should be monitored and adjusted to ensure that they are comfortable and healthy.
Symptoms of a sick or troubled hamster
Knowing how hamsters behave when they are sick or upset is critical for early diagnosis and treatment. Some common indicators that it has a health issue are:
Changes in behavior or activity level: Hamsters who become unusually lethargic, aggressive, or do not move as much as they used to may be sick.
Appetite loss or weight loss: A sudden loss of appetite or a noticeable change in weight can be symptoms of a health problem.
Wheezing or difficulty breathing: Lung problems can cause wheezing or difficulty breathing. These symptoms could indicate a cold or something else affecting the lungs.
Changes in fur or skin condition: Abnormal changes in fur, such as hair loss, bald spots, or skin lesions, can indicate a variety of health issues, including skin infections or parasites.
Diarrhea or poop that does not appear to be normal: Changes in bowel movements, such as diarrhea or poop that does not look right, can indicate digestive issues or infections.
Regular check-ups are essential for monitoring a hamster's overall health and detecting problems early on. Vet visits allow professionals to check on the hamster's health, administer any necessary shots, and address any concerns or health issues that may arise. When a hamster is in a lot of pain or has other serious symptoms that require immediate care, it's also critical to seek help from a veterinarian.
The Most Common Causes of Hamster Death
There are numerous factors that can cause a hamster to die. These causes can be divided into three categories: age-related factors, illnesses and diseases, and accidents or injuries.
Age-related factors
It will always age naturally, and as they age, their bodies become more susceptible to diseases and problems associated with aging. It's important to understand that hamsters don't live very long, and that as they age, their organs and bodily functions deteriorate gradually.
Degenerative conditions such as heart disease, kidney or liver failure, and arthritis, which are common in older hamsters, are examples of age-related diseases.
Diseases and health issues
It can become ill and contract diseases, which can be harmful to their health and shorten their lifespan. The following are some of the most common health issues that can kill a hamster:
Respiratory infections: It can get infections in its lungs, causing it to sneeze, cough, wheeze, and have difficulty breathing. If these infections are not treated, they can worsen and even kill you.
Digestive issues: Hamsters can suffer from digestive issues such as clogged intestines, diarrhea, or constipation. These conditions can be caused by poor eating habits, infections, or deeper-seated health issues.
Tumors or cancers can form and affect various parts and systems of their bodies. Depending on where the tumor is and how quickly it grows, it can have a significant impact on their overall health and life expectancy.
Diabetes: Hamsters, like humans, can develop diabetes. This condition makes it difficult for them to control their blood sugar levels and can lead to complications if not properly managed.
Heart problems: It is possible that it will develop heart disease, which will cause them to have difficulty breathing, feel tired, and move less. Heart problems can occur at birth or develop over time.
Kidney or liver disease: When a hamster's kidneys or liver stop working or fail, it can be fatal. These conditions can cause a variety of symptoms and may necessitate specialized care from a veterinarian.
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Injuries and accidents
Accidents and injuries can occur, putting a hamster's life in danger. The following are some of the most common ways people die by accident:
Falls or injuries: Because hamsters are small and fragile, they can be injured if they fall or are injured in other ways. If you fall from a great height or are dropped, you may sustain broken bones or internal injuries.
Hamsters can become ill if they consume poisonous household items, plants, or foods. Toxic substances, if consumed, can make you sick or even kill you.
Improper handling or care: Improper handling or care can also lead to accidents or injuries. A hamster's health can be jeopardized if it is handled roughly, if the cage is not properly set up, or if it is given the incorrect accessories or toys.
How to Get Over a Hamster's Death
When a pet owner loses a hamster, it can be emotionally draining, and it's critical to recognize and address their grief. It's critical to understand how you feel after losing a pet and to find healthy ways to express and work through your grief.
When a pet dies, different people experience different emotions. Some people may experience intense grief, sadness, or emptiness after their hamster dies. Accept that these feelings are real and allow yourself to grieve.
There are numerous approaches to discussing and dealing with grief. It can imply discussing the hamster with loved ones and remembering happy times. Writing in a journal, creating art, or doing other activities that help you remember can also be soothing and healing.
Making a memorial for them is another way to cope with the loss. Making a tribute or memorial for the hamster, such as a photo album, a special spot in the house, or a personalized item, can assist in remembering it. Sharing your memories and stories with others who were there can help you feel connected and supported.
It is critical to reach out to others for support and understanding during the grieving process. Family and friends can console you and listen to your concerns. Through online communities and forums, people who have lost a pet can connect with others who have gone through the same experience. Furthermore, pet loss support groups, whether in person or online, can provide a safe space for people to express their feelings and seek advice from others who have gone through the same experience.
Consider the hamster's life and what he left behind.
Reflecting on the hamster's life and legacy can be a meaningful way to keep memories and special moments alive. It allows pet owners to reflect on the positive things they've learned from caring for their pets. This can be accomplished by recalling how much joy and companionship the hamster brought into their lives, as well as how much care and love they gave the pet.
Taking care of a hamster can teach you a lot about pet ownership and care. Understanding the importance of good nutrition, regular vet visits, and a healthy environment can help future pets live longer and healthier lives. Thinking about it in terms of life can also inspire you to be a better pet owner and to have more compassion for animals.
Where to go for more information and assistance
More information and assistance are available from the following sources:
Counseling and support services for pet loss: During the grieving process, pet loss counselors or therapists can guide and support you.
Books and other writings on dealing with the loss of a pet: There are numerous books and other resources available that explain the grieving process and offer solutions for dealing with the loss of a pet.
Local professionals and veterinary clinics: Veterinary clinics frequently have resources or can recommend local support groups or counselors for people who have lost a pet.
Understanding and discussing hamster death is critical for keeping these pets healthy. By emphasizing empathy, support, and education among hamster owners, we can better meet the needs of both hamsters and their owners.
Recognizing its impact and significance, even after it has died, allows all pet owners to be more compassionate and caring.
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thuzycheebum · 10 months
How to Hamster Died & 7 Things You Should Know!
 Bringing up the subject of hamster death is important because it helps us figure out why they die and what we can do to keep them healthy.
It's important to be sensitive and kind when talking about the death of a pet. Recognizing the emotional connection between owners and their pets and offering support during this hard time can help people deal with their grief and find comfort.
How Long Does a Hamster Live?
How long a hamster lives on average depends on many things. Some species live longer, but most hamsters kept as pets only live for 2 to 3 years. But if they are well cared for, some can live up to 4 years or more.
A hamster's lifespan can be affected by a number of things:
Some species and breeds live longer than others. For example, Syrian hamsters, on average, live longer than dwarf hamsters.
Genetic factors: Traits or conditions that are passed down from parent to child can affect a hamster's health and length of life. Some people may be more likely to get sick or have health problems because of their genes.
Health and care: How well a hamster is cared for has a big effect on how long it lives. A balanced diet, good hygiene, regular exercise, and a nice place to live all help their overall health and can make them live longer.
Conditions in the environment: Where a hamster lives can affect its health and how long it lives. To make sure they are comfortable and healthy, the temperature, humidity, and quality of their living environment as a whole should be watched and changed.
What a hamster shows when it's sick or in trouble
It is important to know how hamsters act when they are sick or upset so that a problem can be found quickly and help can be given. Some of the most common signs that it's sick are:
Changes in behavior or level of activity: Hamsters that act more aggressively than usual or don't move around as much as they used to might be sick.
Loss of appetite or loss of weight: A sudden loss of appetite or a noticeable change in weight can be signs of health problems.
Problems with the lungs can make it hard to breathe or sound like you're wheezing. These symptoms could be signs of a cold or something else that affects the lungs.
Changes in fur or skin condition: Abnormal changes in fur, like hair loss, bald spots, or skin lesions, can be signs of a number of health problems, like skin infections or parasites.
If you have diarrhea or your poop doesn't look right: Changes in bowel movements, such as diarrhea or poop that doesn't look right, can be signs of digestive problems or infections.
Regular checkups are important to keep an eye on a hamster's overall health and find problems early on. When you take your hamster to the vet, they can check on its health, give it any shots it needs, and deal with any concerns or health problems that may come up. Also, if a hamster is in a lot of pain or has other serious symptoms that need care right away, it's important to get help from a vet.
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How hamsters die most of the time
A hamster can die from a lot of different things. You can divide these causes into three groups: factors related to age, illnesses and diseases, and accidents or injuries.
Things to do with age
It will always get older on its own, and as people get older, their bodies are more likely to get sick or have other problems that come with getting older. It's important to know that hamsters don't live very long and that as they get older, their organs and body functions slowly get worse.
Degenerative diseases like heart disease, kidney or liver failure, and arthritis are common in older hamsters and can be caused by getting older.
Diseases and problems with health
It can get sick and catch diseases, which can hurt its health and cut its life span. Some of the most common things that can kill a hamster's health are:
Respiratory infections: It can get infections in its lungs, which can make it sneeze, cough, wheeze, and have trouble breathing. If these infections aren't treated, they can get worse and even kill you.
Digestive problems: Hamsters can have clogged intestines, diarrhea, or trouble going to the bathroom. Bad eating habits, infections, or health problems deeper in the body can cause these conditions.
It can get tumors or cancers, which can affect different parts and systems of its body. Depending on where the tumor is and how quickly it grows, it can have a big effect on their overall health and how long they live.
Diabetes: Hamsters can get diabetes, just like people. This makes it hard for them to keep their blood sugar levels in check, and if it isn't taken care of properly, it can cause problems.
Heart problems: It can get heart disease, which can make it hard to breathe, tired, and less likely to move around. Heart problems can be there from birth or they can start to get worse over time.
Kidney or liver disease: If a hamster's kidneys or liver stop working, it can be very bad for its health. These conditions can cause a wide range of symptoms and may require special care from a vet.
Accidents and hurt people
A hamster's life is in danger because accidents and injuries can happen. Accidental deaths often happen when:
Hamsters are small and fragile, so if they fall or get hurt in another way, they can get hurt. If you fall from a high place or are dropped, you could break bones or hurt yourself inside.
Hamsters can get sick if they eat poisonous items, plants, or foods that are around the house. If you eat or drink something toxic, it can make you sick or even kill you.
Handling or care that isn't right: Handling or care that isn't right can also lead to accidents or injuries. A hamster's health can be in danger if it is handled roughly, if the cage is not set up right, or if it is given the wrong accessories or toys.
How to Get Over a Hamster's Death
When a pet owner loses a hamster, it can be hard on them emotionally, and it's important to notice and deal with their grief. To deal with the loss of a pet, it's important to know how it makes you feel and to find healthy ways to express and work through your grief.
When someone loses a pet, they can feel many different things. Some people may feel a lot of intense grief, sadness, or emptiness after their hamster dies. It's important to let yourself feel sad and accept that these feelings are real.
Grief can be talked about and dealt with in many different ways. It can mean talking about the hamster with people you care about and remembering good times. Writing in a journal, making art, or doing other things that help you remember it can also be soothing and healing.
Making a memorial for them is another way to deal with the loss. You can remember the hamster by making a tribute or memorial for it, like a photo album, a special place in the house, or a personalized item. Sharing memories and stories about it with other people who were there can help you feel connected and supported.
During the time of grieving, it's important to ask for help and understanding from others. Family and friends can make you feel better and hear you out. Through online communities and forums, people who have lost a pet can talk to others who have been through the same thing. Also, pet loss support groups, whether in person or online, can be a safe place for people to talk about their feelings and get advice from others who have been through the same thing.
Think about the hamster's life and what he left behind.
Thinking about the hamster's life and legacy can be a meaningful way to hold on to memories and special times. It gives pet owners a chance to think about what they've learned from taking care of their pets. This can be done by remembering how much joy and companionship the hamster brought into their lives and how much care and love they gave the pet.
Taking care of a hamster can teach you a lot about other pets and how to take care of them. Knowing how important good food, regular trips to the vet, and a good environment are can help future pets live longer and be healthier. When you think about it, you might also want to be a better pet owner and care more about animals.
Places to go to learn more and get help
People who want more information and help can get it from the following places:
Counseling and support services for pet loss: Counselors or therapists who specialize in pet loss can help guide and support you during the grieving process.
There are books and other kinds of writing about how to get over the death of a pet: There are many books and other resources that talk about how to deal with losing a pet and how to grieve.
Professionals and veterinary clinics in your area: Veterinary clinics often have resources for people who have lost a pet or can point them in the direction of local support groups or counselors.
In the end,
To make sure hamsters stay healthy, it's important to talk about and understand how they die. By putting more emphasis on empathy, support, and education among hamster owners, we can better meet the needs of both hamsters and their owners.
Even after the pet has died, knowing what it meant and how important it was helps all pet owners be more kind and caring.
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allperfectpets · 1 year
Can Hamsters Eat Tomatoes? Everything You Need to Know!
Hamsters are cute pets that adore nibbling. Nonetheless, as a capable proprietor, it's vital to ensure that the food you give them is protected and sound. Tomatoes are a typical family food, yet could hamsters at any point eat them? In this article, we will examine all that you want to be familiar with taking care of tomatoes to hamsters.
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vetteldixon · 10 months
curling up in the warm soft light of retired seb basically saying be true to yourself and do your best
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fly-the-pattern · 1 month
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hopeinthebox · 6 months
tagged by the fabulous @cordiallyfuturedwight and @jimin-gaon <33 here's the december list
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apologies for being late again new year same me: @aprylynn @jiminsproof @pauls-mccharmly @thvinyl @visionsofgideontheninth @btsbs @kimchokejin @jihopesjoint @eoieopda @monismochi 💜 and anyone else who feels so inclined MWAH p.s. please do tag me anyway if you've already done it
#superfluous commentary in the tags as per usual:#i feel you - ADORE THIS TRACK i can't even explain what it does to my psyche except that it initiates a beach episode.#noso is a phenomenal queer artist and you should check them out#smoke and mirrors - ms faith back in action on the rotation i loved this album in 2009 and it still hits. for the love of GOD take me back#loving you - i am a paolo nutini stan if nothing else. exceptional#love is all around - i am in my frazzled english woman era hence the romcom soundtrack#and tell me who could possibly embody that frazzled english spirit better than four weddings hugh grant#boys don't cry - it's the cure by name and the cure by nature for one listen and i am FIXED!!!#she's always a woman - now billy joel is a great name for a cat or hamster but i digress. the stranger album of the year 2023 (again i fear)#little bird - was annie lennox in the last one?? i still have this on repeat.#googling the lyrics and it thinks i want the jonas brothers and it makes me want to sit right down and cry cry cry i'll tell you that much#jenny - paolo again can you blame me? i cannot express how much i adore his entire discography.#these scottish italians... deadly combination for my mental health. peter capaldi sit down#white flag - dido save me.. save me dido... my jihope anthem because i WILL go down with this ship#eternal flame - banger after banger it's almost as if i made this playlist myself!! can you feel my heart beating??? i apologise#as for the artist list#norah jones and jamie cullum christmas albums on repeat lord forgive me for i have listened to jazz#hozier and abba seem to make it without fail every month. for those who aren't familiar hozier is like if abba were irish. and bitchless.#NOW I'VE SAID TOO MUCH#the rest of the artists are fab of course but does olivia dean know i would die for her?#anyway. insert closing statements#tag#receiptify#MWAH
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potatocat · 1 year
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🌳 Nature time! 🌳
With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, please enjoy a discount on HAM HAM products in my shop to spread the care! 💕
❤️ Welcome to my little Shop (cute stickers, pins, prints and more!): YolinArt.Etsy.com
Visit my: Patreon | Redbubble | Ko-Fi | Twitter | Instagram | Storenvy (Preorder shop) | Etsy Shop
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fbwzoo · 1 year
Poor Joel, I don't why he puts up with us.
He walked in with groceries to me going "hello, we're getting another rat? 👀"
"... what??"
".... well today in Kelsey Looked At Craigslist..."
😅😂💀 New baby at 2 today.
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xccentriktigress · 24 days
Are you okay, babe? You barely hamster danced.
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flonightingayle · 11 months
Sometimes, it’s easier to care for your brain if you personify it.
Instead of 3 lbs of neural tissue, you are now in possession of a houseplant, hamster, or other living being of your choosing. Anything that incentivizes you to care for it.
The hamster is sprawled beside its wheel? Let’s troubleshoot. Have we fed them? Have we drank enough water to keep them hydrated? Have we provided them with enrichment? Have we allowed the little fellow to climb off the wheel for a rest?
Sometimes hamsters get hurt (no, this is not the post to talk about horrific hamster demises). You can get a migraine, your mental health could worsen, or [insert individual specific thing here]. Do we get mad? Perhaps, yes, as these things are frustrating and it’s perfectly ok to be upset. However, the little chap is trying their best, so we should have grace and compassion for ourselves.
Take care of your hamster. Take care of yourself. You are worth it 🐹 ❤️
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allperfectpets · 1 year
Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries? A Comprehensive Guide
Hamsters are well-known pets and, as a mindful pet person, you want to ensure that your shaggy companion is getting the right food. While it's not difficult to track down business hamster food in pet stores, it's vital to understand what different food sources are ok for your hamster to eat. One normal inquiry that numerous hamster proprietors have is whether their pets can eat strawberries. In this article, we'll investigate the advantages and likely dangers of taking care of strawberries for your hamster, and give a few supportive tips to guarantee your pet's well-being and satisfaction.
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shang-qieckhua · 10 months
Shang Training
I try to slowly make him compftable with beeing held like this. But he wants MORE pine cores - how rude of me to only offer 2 😂
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hotdogvape · 3 months
warning! the following program blog contains scenes of graphic stupidity and:
click for blog content, tw/cw, dni, & about me :)
(& a pic of my hamster)
liminal spaces
impractical jokers
hozier, my chemical romance, other music
dan and phil
commentary & gaming youtubers (see tags)
star wars
mental health (vent, support, info)
queer shit, punk shit, shitposts
anything i find interesting (video games, recipes, poetry, aesthetic pics)
dni: bigots, bootlickers, nsfw accounts
tw/cw: mental health vents. i'll tw every post with specifics. substance use
about me: 20, transmasc queer, pagan, mexican/irish mainly. loves live music & festivals. kokobot enthusiast. animal & bug lover. substance user. activist. always tired. mentally ill, but more than my brain. trying my best :)
dms & asks always open! especially if you're struggling or wanna be friends
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furrama · 6 months
I'm never more happy than right after I ride by exercise bike. Not because I feel accomplished or exhilarated, but because I don't have to ride it again for a full 24 hours.
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rattbyte · 1 year
the worst thing about rodents as pets specifically is that they have such short lifespans. how is it they leave such a large imprint on your heart but live such short lives. how is that fair
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hecho-a-mano · 11 months
Due to the tragedies I will be
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