#can i delete myself
iamanartichoke · 9 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but as a creator -
I am fine with "the audience" -
downloading my fics
printing my fics
copy/pasting or screenshotting my fics
sharing your saved copy of my fics with anyone else who might want them in the unlikely but never impossible case that my fics are no longer available on ao3
making a book of my fic(s) and running your fingers across the pages while lovingly whispering my precioussss
doing these things with anything I create for fandom, such as meta, headcanons, au nonsense like 'texts from the brodinsons,' etc
I am not fine with "the audience"
doing any of the above with the purpose/intent of plagiarizing my work or passing it off as their own in any capacity
feeding my work into ai for any reason whatsoever
Save the fandom things. Preserve the fandom things. Respect the fandom things.
Enjoy the fandom things.
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chipmuncher5000 · 5 months
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I love posing
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kinos-fortress-2 · 4 months
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i am aware that this looks nothing like them and i made them ugly af i just dont care anymore. and yes this is still tf2
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thedocs-in · 4 months
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You cannot convince me that this didn't happen.
Also, yes, I know, said I was gonna get the second part of the fic out. But I've been busy the past few days and out of the house, so now I can finally sit down and do shit. And I draw faster than I write, and I wanted to christen my new art tablet with a meme of an art piece. And the comic was mostly started.
This thing, this damn comic, has been sitting in my folder for about two years I think. The reason I say that is cause the original version I drew that's in my old style I started like a year or so ago. Never finished it, never plan on finishing it. Looking at my old art style makes me cringe lol. But, I actually started this one like, back in July I think.
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kanrix · 1 month
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I hate getting so obsessed with a character I want to name myself after them and want people to refer to me with said name. I NEED to die
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raccootic · 1 year
Everything is going to shit and The only reason i still exist at this very moment is to draw reigen and serizawa 😃👍
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So here is reigen and serizawa
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whyamihereat4am · 2 months
there's something so deeply enjoyable about shipping characters you know would loathe being shipped. Like, whether they have genuine hate for each other or are just offended anyone else would think they tolerate each other, they would definitely rip my head off for giggling maniacally while I draw them smooching in MS Paint like I'm pressing my Barbies' heads together- and not just because that's a generally uncomfortable thing to find, but because it's that person specifically. the knowledge that there is a wealth of erotica that involves them having biologically impossible children would inspire them to destroy the world. but they can't, because they're fictional. the fools. *cackles evilly and posts about who i think would be the bottom when they have hate sex*
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moonlume · 3 months
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tumblr said draw something bad so I did but I'm mad I still didn't feel anything
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deoidesign · 4 days
I hate posting on social media.
But I do it anyways.
Every time I post something, it risks people getting mad at me. Of getting big, too big, and coming back around to hurt me. It's happened before. It'll happen again.
And yet I post anyways.
Because I think a lot of people feel very much alone. And I think that the power of art is that it can, for a moment, make someone feel less alone.
When I look at art I can feel the artist behind it, saying "I made this, and I wanted you to see it. And I want you to see yourself in it too. And I want you to know I love you." And I feel a connection in the humanity of every stroke they made. Through millennia and cultures and lifestyles, no matter what, there is always the artist behind the work, and I know I'm not alone.
Every time I share something my art transforms, entirely against my will. While I'm working it's reflective, relaxing, explorative. I'm learning while I draw, about myself and the things around me and how I see things.
And then I post.
And now it's in someone else's hands. They see it, and everything I tried to put into it is irrelevant. It only matters what someone gets out of it.
This transformation is magical, but it is also extremely vulnerable.
And it's scary!
But I share anyways.
Because I made this. And I wanted you to see it. And I want you to see yourself in it too.
And I want you to know I love you.
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tokruta · 7 months
I can’t explain why, but this is my favorite hilson edit ever and I can/will watch it on loop for an uncountable amount of times
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buttertrait · 12 days
im just gonna say whats on my mind feel free to ignore this post its kinda petty but i just have to let it out
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nubimera · 8 months
Soo.... about that post you said you'd make with all your favorite Miguel O'hara bots....
The Abba quote destroyed me and i love it, thank you 💀😭
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🕷️- Miguel is your soulmate, but you are not his (Angst) (Actually my favorite bot in the list. I have never cried so much. In my role Miguel married his girlfriend, and User married Gabriel, but user and Mig always been in love with each other. It was terrible and I recommend it to everyone)
🕷️- Soulmate Au, but this time it's nice
🕷️- User's variant died during Miguel's canonical event. Now he's a little shocked to see User alive and well
🕷️- Mamma mia Au. Gabriella has invited a former flame of yours to her Quinceañera
🕷️- Silk Au. User and Miguel were bitten by the same spider (Technically nsfw, but can also be fluff)
🕷️- Black Cat User
🕷️- Miguel is pissed because User sucks at being a Spider-person (he's actually worried about safety but can't express himself in a normal way)
🕷️- FEM MIGUEL MY BELOVED (She Is so gnam)
🕷️- User is a soccer parent of a child in Gabriella's rival team
🕷️- User is a multidimensional variant of Gabriella's mother
🕷️- The user has never told Miguel that they have a child (the drama)
🕷️- Selkie Au
🕷️- User has ADHD (@ asher04 has tons of bots, so I recommend looking at their list or tiktok)
🕷️- Addams family Au (@ofherdesire is another creator with a lot of bots, and if I'm not mistaken she accepts requests on tiktok, i think?)
🕷️- User is Miguel's personal assistant
🕷️- User is babysitting their niece, when they meets single dad!Miguel at the park
🕷️- Hanahaki Au (@gyufairyz has a sizable bot list and accepts requests)
🕷️- Regency Au bc i'm a big fan of Pride and Prejudice
🕷️- User is FtM/Masc-trans, and his father Miguel is helping him transition
🕷️- Miguel is a multidimensional variant of User's father
🕷️- T4T Miguel and User (chef kiss)
🕷️- Strawberry Miguel bc he's cute lol
Actually my favorite O'Hara brother is Gabriel so I also put my favorite bot with him: ☀️
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rpfisfine · 19 days
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inkskinned · 2 years
Genuine question, because I don't know a lot about the topic and you're:
If someone identifies as non-binary and genderfluid, which from what I've gathered means something like "human" instead of male or female, doesn't that imply that women are not humans , like whole complete people with richer inner lives? And why is a dislike for (performative) femininity combined with a preference for things that are stereotypically associated with maleness an indicator that one is genderfluid? Does that mean a woman is only a woman if she loves to do make-up, wants to be a mother, only wears skirts, dresses and high heels, shaves daily, is always kind and never angry, has long hair, hates to get dirty and so on? Because I have never met a woman who's exactly like that in my life, but plenty who liked gaming, sports, being loud, opposed to shaving & make-up, who wore pants every day.
I do not believe this is a genuine question, but I'll answer it as if it was, just in case other people have to deal with this, and would like someone who is patient enough to give them the words. The argument you're making here is something that already stems from a deep logical fallacy in the beginning argument. You assume "If you are neither A nor B, and instead C, you think that A cannot be C."
It is a logical fallacy to say "X implies Y" when it does not do so. By this logic, I also believe men are not human. By this logic, I believe only nb people are human.
Some - but not all - rectangles are squares. Some - but not all - animals are dogs. Some humans are nb.
I have given no information about how I present, nor my interests. I am not going to give you that information, because it's irrelevant. What I need you to understand is that, again, you are making the incorrect logical assumption that "If a person dislikes X and likes Y, they must be Z." For all you know, I dislike performative masculinity and like stereotypically feminine preferences.
You then assume your own statement is correct and move forward with your logic as if I had debated you. This is not a "genuine question" about how nb people work, this is assuming being nb is based on a series of preferences.
As a teacher, I do think it's important to tell you: even if this is coming from a genuinely confused place: you are conducting bad research. You begin with an inherently flawed question, as it biased and assumes a position I must defend against - "why don't you see women as people?" Then you make logical conclusions about my personhood and experiences and ask inflammatory questions as if you were debating me, which I am not interested in doing.
If you were my student, and genuinely curious about how nb people see gender, I'd have no trouble with you asking an out nb content creator. If you're really trying to collect information, ask honestly, without personal bias. Here's some examples of what a genuine question would have looked like: - Do your preferences play into your gender identity? - How has being nb informed how you see femininity and masculinity? - What tools do you use to express your gender?
You are mistaking gender expression and gender roles as being part of my identity.
You are most crucially mistaking being nonbinary as being part of the binary and having to exist "in opposition" to other genders in order for it to "make sense". One of the most freeing things about realizing I was nb is that I don't exist in opposition to anything - and also that all gender works similarly.
Gender is a describing word, and this can be confusing for some people. In general, we tend to learn describing words in binary - short/tall, old/young, kind/mean. Therefore, there are (many) people who think - feminine/masculine must be oppositional. Gender is also a feeling word - and again, these are words that can be taught in opposition to each other. Hungry/sated, happy/sad, feminine/masculine.
But because gender is such a rare type of word - feeling and describing - it exists outside of binary. It exists more like art exists.
Green can exist in opposition to red, but it also just exists as its own color. Blue is a part of green, but it is also a part of yellow - blue is still its own color, and yellow is still its own color, and green is still its own color. One painting titled "still-life with fruit" may be a series of vague colors and boxes. Another may be a hyper-realistic singular plum. They are both how the artist expresses their personal vision of the fruit. They might even be by the same artist! And although we may compare them, they are not opposites.
One song by Hozier is not in opposition to one song by Britney Spears. They are different styles, not oppositional styles. You may choose to see them as oppositional - but that is your personal opinion, and not fact. And some people may feel and experience those songs as being actually incredibly in-line with each other.
This is why we say: gender is a spectrum. That all gender roles are made up. Personality, interests, and experiences may shape how someone sees and feels their gender, but it does not define how they see and feel their gender.
When we question gender roles and gender expression like this, it tends to make people upset. People like me tend to make people upset. So much bigotry is based on the lie that "feminine" and "masculine" are oppositional. Opposition is rigid and important - it keeps white hegemonic structures in power. I don't have time or space in this post to talk about how rigid gender roles/enforced gender expression rules are not just sexist but also racist, classist, ableist, homophobic, and bigoted; but I really recommend you do the research on how disruption of the gender binary might put the patriarchy at risk.
The thing you feel trapped by - that "being a woman" is a complicated series of rules - is exactly the kind of thing a nonbinary person would agree with you about. We have to fight hard to be recognized for what is a basic truth about our identity - of course we don't believe that gender expression is equivalent to gender identity.
And truth be told... I think you kind of knew that. I think you kind of knew all of this. I am going to hope that you are young. I'll tell you this: I was raised by someone who was a far-right extremist catholic asshole. I certainly didn't have the research/knowledge/exposure to interrogate this stuff honestly until I was probably 23.
I am so much happier now. I hope one day you get the same opportunities as I had. I hope you choose to move away from bigotry.
love u anyway. all this in kindness only.
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liesmyth · 3 months
fuck it. elle liesmyth face reveal
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the indomitable impulse to take a photo whenever I walk past a broken mirror
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birdricks · 5 months
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admit it. you would have been me
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