#can i get dome creativity some originality
thistledropkick · 5 months
Desperado made a few different tweets about Narita Ren joining HoT, some of which are pretty long. I've put them all in one post here.
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"As partners and rivals working hard together, they became such an entertaining team
They developed such a good relationship, and their backstage comments went beyond expectations.
What a damn shame.
Such a half-hearted bastard.
I can see quite clearly why you're so impatient, but I'll deal with you as a member of STRONG STYLE after the Dome.
Don't underestimate us."
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"I was pissed off and went back to the hotel room and drank with my senpai, but now I've cooled down a bit and thought this over.
The three of us didn't have that many chances to fight together on New Japan shows.
We won the belts, but we failed to defend them.
And after that, the timing for the three of us to challenge for them again just didn't work out.
From self-expression to pro wrestling ability, the members of our unit are absolute beasts, and there's nothing we can't do in that ring.
But also, the clumsy way that the company announced the "Reiwa Three Musketeers" and the massive expectations around it resulted in a backlash from the wrestlers in question. And then the whole situation was left awkwardly up in the air.
As for those involved:
Shota has a costume that makes him look like a star, uncontrollable backstage comments, and a Moxley-like entrance and fighting techniques, giving him a royal flush of personality.
Tsuji's next-level lucha technical abilities and all his hard work backing it up, his physical potential and his creative expressiveness, all come together to give him the voice of a champion.
But his studies under Shibata-senshu had too big an impact on him, so when he used what he'd learned under Shibata, people could only talk about him in comparison to Shibata.
Things don't change in an instant.
Especially not a person's value.
A kick that he no longer uses, by his own choice,
and shin guards that he removed as well,
and also the Cobra Twist that we thoroughly discussed the use of.
It hasn't even been a year yet.
What percentage of pro wrestling fans in Japan were able to see him in person and say "That's Narita Ren"?
It can take an entire year for a technique to be seen throughout Japan, and even then you don't know if it'll get over or not.
And that's especially true for guys like you and me, who wrestle in a straightforward and persistent style.
You lack the courage of your convictions."
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"The whole reason STRONG STYLE originally began was because you were being bullied by House of Torture until me and Suzuki-san sent them scattering.
Did you already forget?
Are you stupid?"
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doorbloggr · 1 year
There is no dinosaur named Troodon
Sunday 23/4/23
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Alaskan Troodontid - Julio Lacerda @paleoart
A brief sorry for not writing for a while. Had a lot on my mind and also just struggled to get that jump-start on my creativity again. But after having a bit of nerd-out at a friend recently, I have a dinosaur related thing to talk about today.
For anyone knee-deep into dinosaur stuff, they'd know about the popular stereotyping around small meat eating dinosaurs. The likes of "Raptors" are often portrayed as problem solvers; coordinated, and clever. And although most modern birds have more developed brains than extinct non-bird dinosaurs, the exception of Troodon is often brought up.
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Troodon - @/the_meep_lord on Twitter
Troodon is a name that dino-nerds will bring up as a notable example of smart dinosaurs. It was one of the dinosaurs most closely related to birds, it had large eyes for its head, and in fact the largest brain to body size ratio of any non-avian dinosaur. But what many dino-nerds might struggle with, is that most palaeontologists believe that the genus Troodon is not valid.
Now when I first heard this information, my reaction was likely the same to yours reader. What do mean the genus isn't valid? Ask anyone what Troodon looks like, we have a very clear picture. How can we have full skeletons of a dinosaur that didn't exist? How come we have a significant clade of dinosaurs named after it (Troodontidae)? It is a dinosaur that even had unfortunate older stereotypes in its design (pictured below: the olive green smooth skinned Troodon that inspired the ugly Dinosauroid speculative biology thing).
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llustration of Troodon - De Agostini Library (unable to find artist)
The issue, as I'll try to explain, was an unfortunate game of guesswork and generalisation across the Palaeontological community.
Discovery and Naming
In 1855, a single fossil teeth was found in Montana, USA. This was a particularly jagged tooth, and seemed to belong to some form of carnivorous or at least omnivorous reptile. It was named Troodon formosus meaning "wounding tooth, well formed". This tooth was originally classified as belonging to a lizard, so the genus Troodon was born.
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Troodon holotype drawing, 1860
In 1901, it was decided that Troodon's tooth belonged to a dinosaur, within the group Megalosauridae. But as I've discussed previously, Megalosaurus was a wastebasket taxon, and other experts wanted to place Troodon somewhere more definitive. In 1924, Troodon was classified as a relative of dome-headed dinosaurs such as Pachycephalosaurus and Stegoceras. And since Troodon pre-dated many dinosaurs in this group, the family was at the time referred to as Troodontidae.
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"Sandy", Pachycephalosaurus specimen at Royal Ontario Museum
Troodon as a Pachycephalosaur lasted until 1945, when Troodon was finally reclassified as carnivorous dinosaur, and the dome-headed dinosaurs were renamed under the title Pachycephalosauridae.
Other Troodontids
For a long time, the issue with Troodon was that because it's teeth were one of a kind, they did not know how the rest of it's body looked. The first dinosaur to be classified under Troodontidae that wasn't named just for teeth was a dinosaur called Stenonychosaurus (meaning 'narrow claw lizard").
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Stenonychosaurus, Nix Illustration @alphynix
The original specimen of Stenonychosaurus did not have teeth, but it's close relative Saurornithoides did. And once both specimens had more complete specimens collected, they were classified under the group Saurornithoididae in the 1980s. But soon, scientists found similarities between the teeth of Saurornithoididae dinosaurs, and that of Troodon. The Principle of Priority states that earlier names for taxon are more valid taxonomically, so Saurornithoididae was considered synonymous with Troodontidae, and all specimens previously referred to as Stenonychosaurus were now called Troodon.
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"Troodon" Specimen, Perot Museum, Texas
Most of the facts we now think of as Troodon were originally attributed to Stenonychosaurus, and many other North American Troodontids were considered as possible synonyms of Troodon, but this received some push back.
The idea that most of North America's Troodontids all belonging to one taxa was questioned. So, as had happened to other wastebasket taxon prior, Troodon was reanalysed.
In the late 2000s, a Troodontid called Pectinodon was separated from the Troodon genus and considered its own taxon. In the mid-late 2010s, some material originally classified under Stenonychosaurus, and then Troodon, was given its own genus, Latenivenatrix.
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Latenivenatrix sculpture, @bookrat
Was "Troodon" really Troodon?
So the question of "What is a Troodontid?" had a very clear answer now. They were small to medium Theropod dinosaurs with narrow skulls, front facing eyes, larger braincases, and often restored with sickleclaws and feathers, similar to the Dromeosaurs. But the question came back to the Genus Troodon itself. We had sufficient material of many other Troodontids to tell what most of their body looked like, but the "holotype" of Troodon was still just one tooth.
In case you need a refresher on the terminology, a holotype is the first fossil a new species is named for. For another fossil to be named the same species, it needs to be identified as similar enough to the holotype. Holotypes are often fragmentary, it is common practice to fill in the full skeleton with details from similar relatives, but you still need enough details to identify who your relatives are.
The holotype of Troodon was so fragmentary, (again one bone), that it has been referred to as undiagnostic. Terminology lesson again, that means you CANNOT tell what it belongs to.
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The fragmentary Holotype of the more recent Troodontid "Talos sampsoni", was almost complete in comparison to Troodon's. Credit: Scott Hartman
The Troodon tooth was *similar* enough to Stenonychosaurus that they were proposed to be close relatives, but there were differences enough for there to be initial scepticism at their synonymy. The original explanation proposed that the Troodon tooth came from an individual who was older, or in a different part of the mouth to teeth found from Stenonychosaurus, but this was never scientifically scrutinised, just proposed. The whole absorbing of Stenonychosaurus into Troodon was based on heresy that had never been scientifically tested.
So in 2017, almost universally, it was decided that Stenonychosaurus be separated from Troodon as its own valid dinosaur. Almost all material that had at that point been assigned to Troodon were reassigned to Stenonychosaurus or Latenivenatrix. And now the genus Troodon had a problem. If all known fossil material came down to a single, very undiagnostic tooth, then what WAS this dinosaur actually like?
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Stenonychosaurus - Anuperator (deviantart)
The current take is that there was no dinosaur known as Troodon in the technical sense. The tooth may not even belong to a Troodontid. But since Troodontidae has become an established group with established diagnostic traits, we still get to keep the name, for the group at least.
Troodontids Now
Troodontidae is still a very popular mainstream group of dinosaurs, but the names Stenonychosaurus, Saurornithoides, and Latenivenatrix are not as well known as Troodon. Many recent paleoart projects, particularly animations have depicted Troodon-like dinosaurs. But for scientific accuracy, they often decide to use the catch-all term "Troodontid", so audiences know what dinosaur we're talking about without being unscientific.
The YouTube Animation series "Dinosauria" features an episode on Arctic North American Dinosaurs. The main character is referred to as an Alaskan Troodon. This dinosaur has been originally proposed as a larger subspecies of Troodon described from larger teeth found in Alaska. As of writing, this Troodontid still does not an official description or scientific name.
In the 4th episode of the Apple TV+ series, Prehistoric Planet, we again see a dinosaur probably based on the Alaskan Troodon, this time just referred to as a "Troodontid".
In both pieces of media, the Troodontids engage in intelligent problem solving, but nothing on the level of what Jurassic Park would engage in. In Dinosauria, the Troodontid uses vocal mimicry. In Prehistoric Planet, it uses burning sticks to spread a wildfire. Both behaviours that different modern birds engage in, but may have been a stretch for what non-avian dinosaurs were capable of.
Thanks for Reading
If you are still a bit confused as to what this all meant, that's OK, it took me a while to get me head around it too. I encourage readers to do their own research and come to their own conclusion as to what this all means.
If you did feel my explanations helped you learn something new today, please reblog and spread the word. Of course add on your own commentary to the reblogs if you have insight that would better clarify the topic.
Thankyou for reading, and I'll hopefully have something else to post on here soon.
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diroxide · 3 months
Out of curiosity… what do you guys want to see from me? I’m just with college still but I’m always daydreaming and thinking about Aurora Knight, Galacta, Aeon, etc. I have some big storyline/plot ideas going on my chrome dome that I really want to get out or express.
I’m just wondering if I should show the process of me cooking it up as I go or try to organize these ideas into a cohesive story I can gradually put out via comics/ask blog/etc.
My baseline idea of a story I’ve been thinking of is focused on both Galacta Knight and Aurora (Morpho) Knight (Morpho’s origins being told through a fan character who is supposed to be her before she was transformed into the fluttering dream eater). It involves characters such as Aeon Knight, my fan character and ruler of the planet they live (Aegis), Void Termina, and Meta Knight. The story still primarily focuses on Galacta and his origins as well.
Again, I’m just gauging interest! I’m really passionate about the ideas and headcanons I’ve generated in my head and really think you guys would enjoy them. If you don’t, that’s okay too. Agree to disagree while still being able to be supportive.
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dai-bendu-conlang · 1 year
hello! i’ve been doing a project recently where i’m creating a new writing script and i’m just getting to the designing stage (finally after a whole lot of research!).
i was wondering if you could tell me a little about how you designed the dai bendu writing system or any interesting things you decided to do with it?
Okay this is going to be much less impressive and helpful than you think it might be, my apologies xD
So, first of: we tried to create our conlang based on the scraps of Jedi language worldbuilding we were given. So when it came to script, we searched for whether there were any scraps. Lo and behold: the sequel trilogy is useful for once as it gave us the sacred Jedi texts and boom: we had a script.
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We copied pretty much ever “letter” of those pages and tried to see how many there were. We’d already decided that we were going for a phonological script, meaning that every letter would correspond to a singular specific sound. And then we looked at the letters we had and adapted them until we liked their look. After all, this is supposed to be a modernized script. And that is pretty much it.
Now, as an addendum: what we didn’t know when we did that is that the sacred jedi texts are even more lackluster in creative world building than we assumed. Here is a pretty good research article on what those pages might all be based on. So technically speaking the design of our script falls somewhere between Ge’ez and Coptic.
I’ll hand it to them, however. This is a step up for the absolute catastrophic fuck up that was using Hebrew for Sith originally. Shout out to Ben Grossblatt for fixing that, I’m sorry Disney never let you do more stuff for Sith.
I think the most interesting thing - and our one phonological exception - is the fact that we created a letter that means “Dai” aka “Force”.
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We went for three circles as circles keep showing up in Jedi art and we like the symbolism of a circle connecting all. This also enables some really neat calligraphy, which I think Jedi would enjoy practicing. Also fun fact: if you’re insane enough to for some reason sort how every single sith and Jedi temple we know looks like, you’ll discover that Jedi prefer domes in their building designs.
For you: I’d recommend looking into the environment of your culture. What did they first start writing on? What materials were used? How would that have changed? Did they have contact with other cultures that might have influenced the script? And also, is it writeable? Is this something you can do calligraphy with as easily as take some notes grocery shopping? If your script isn’t practical in every day life, you might wanna change it until it is. I’d recommend practicing writing it yourself.
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houseboatisland · 1 year
Watching the Moss Grow: A Rundown
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(he’s just a little guy)
Okay, because I got The ZoomiesTM last night, I ended up committing myself to creating ANOTHER original series, even though my other one’s not started either. Woe is me. This series, called “Watching the Moss Grow,” (credit to Jobey, who also helped me name the main lad,) will give me more creative freedom than “The Pasqueflower Line” in the sense that location, accuracy to history regarding engine classes, etc. are all immaterial. Everyone’s a freelance mutt of an engine, and the railway on which the engines live, the very anonymously named Joint Lines Committee, belongs to no specific part of England in particular.
Houseboat, you’re your own worst enemy, y’know that? Anyway, what’s WTMG about?
You’re so right.
WTMG revolves around the escapades of Moss, a soft, unassuming and impossibly small six-coupled goods engine, and his unusual little universe of my own creation. Set in a perpetual floating timeline of 1946-48, (because I don’t feel like explaining the JLC’s place in Nationalization, and the immediate postwar years of Britain are just so interesting to me,) Moss and all his friends and peers get on with the running of their line, with grit, resolve, and banter in spades.
Eh. Alright. Who are our characters?
Glad you asked, Me! Please note that this is a VERY incomplete list as more characters are created. Also, none of the engines belong to specific real life classes, so photo references of similar-looking engines will be provided. Forgive me for your having to fill in the gaps with your imagination where necessary, such as engines not having the same number of wheels!
Wheel Arrangement: 0-6-0
Livery: Forest Green/No Stripes/Brass Dome
A Similar Engine: [1]
Our eponymous main character!
Moss is a soft-spoken, chipper, and grubby little goods engine. Painted green and always in the background, he lives up to his name. He supposedly has an uncanny ability to appear out of nowhere, but really, it’s just engines realizing he’s been there the whole time. He revels in his status as a wallflower workhorse, and would give you the paint off his boiler. Moss is however a bit under-powered, which clashes with his chief flaw of being, to be frank, a pushover.
His usual duties when not biting off more than he can chew are short-haul goods and shunting.
Wheel Arrangement: 2-10-0+0-10-2
Livery: Black/White-Green-White Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
His name is misleading, for he’s the largest steam engine in all of Britain. (How the JLC got ownership of him is a company secret.)
Pup is an immensely powerful Garratt goods engine, and the line’s Big Cheese/Coolest Guy in Town. His main responsibility, pulling interminably long coal trains to London, often keeps him away from the others. When he is around, he's held in the highest regard by all for his endless charm and unflappable nature. If there’s a fight while he’s around, all it takes is a glare and some stern words out of him to force a peace.
He has taken a shine (a platonic one? who can tell) to Moss, who is thus OFF-LIMITS to bullying in Pup’s presence. He and Wally, more on her below, are also smokebox-over-wheels for one another, and the sparks that fly on the occasions they do cross paths could light a thousand fireboxes, (his poetic imagery, not mine.)
Wheel Arrangement: 0-6-0T
Livery: Dark Blue/Orange Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
Florin is the Head Station Pilot at Eastport, the JLC’s biggest station. She runs a tight ship in “her” station, is the shunting equivalent of a chess champion, and has been at this her whole life apart from her recent mobilization by the War Department.
Now demobbed and back in her domain, Florin may come off as territorial and snappish, but really she’s just trying to keep a place in the one comfort zone she’s ever had. She thus has zero patience for Mutton, another of the shunters, who’s sluggish and carefree, and berates him accordingly.
Wheel Arrangement: 0-8-0T
Livery: Dark Blue/Orange Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
Mutton is one of Florin’s many subordinate shunters at Eastport, and her least favorite by miles, not that he cares a fig for her or anything else.
Recently purchased from a sleepy brickworks, he has no experience with the urgency of passengers, timetables, or the social construct that some engines rank higher or lower than others. Mutton’s a live and let live sort of bloke with no malice in him, but the more he’s scolded, the less he’ll cooperate. Florin, for all her cleverness, seems not to grasp this.
Old Hiccups
Wheel Arrangement: 0-4-4T
Livery: Black/No Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
Old Hiccups was once charged with running a hardly patronized passenger service on a backwater branchline. That has since closed, and he's found a new purpose as a semi-stationary boiler. He's never cleaned, can't move on his own, and sits around for weeks at a time heating carriages or powering machinery.
And he loves every minute of it, to the other engines' bafflement.
With his posh voice and prideful laziness, Old Hiccups strikes the image of a hedonist basking and being fed grapes. He without deviation addresses his colleagues as "dear" or "good fellow." He apparently gets a kick out of inconveniencing engines on other jobs to drop everything and tow him where his talents are required next.
Old Hiccups carries himself as if he has unlocked all the secrets to a peaceful life. The other engines think him mad.
Wally aka “Queen of the Belgians”
Wheel Arrangement: 4-8-2
Livery: Burgundy/White Stripes
A Similar Engine: [1]
Wally, (officially named "Queen of the Belgians," but never referred to as such by anyone except her nameplates and company logbooks,) is one of the JLC's express passenger engines.
Don't let her spotless paint and status fool you, she's actually very humble and genuinely concerned about others’ wellbeing. This makes her a bit of an outcast among the other express engines at times, but Wally hardly bothers for their approval anyway. And in any case, they rarely scorn her for long, before falling over each other to get her attention the next moment.
Wally much prefers the company of “real” working engines such as Moss, Florin and “that dashing brute” Pup.
Mr. Clarence Ireton
The nimble, mousy, and empathic General Manager of the JLC, who is most certainly NOT an expy of Clement Attlee.
Ireton has a progressive, (or to non-railwayfolk’s point of view, eccentric,) managerial style that hinges on regularly interfacing with the workers (*gasp*) and engines both. He can’t be everywhere at once, but everywhere he can be, he tries to help out whoever “has the right of it” the best he can. Apart from his cringe-inducing love of wordplay and improvised limericks, he’s a very pleasant sort. His motto is “Fairness is the Order of the Day,” and it’s invoked ad nauseam.
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Specially chosen Pokemon teams for the kids in The Ghost and Molly McGee
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I am revisiting one of my favorite franchises as a kid (pokemon) and I have been having fun taking shows I watch on Disney now (plus a couple old ones from Cartoonetwork) and making pokemon teams I think best fit the characters.I started doing this around the time I also started watching TGaMM, and I wanted to do a list for it, but at the time of season 1a coming out I had some ideas for Libby, but was completely stuck on every other character. Particullarly Molly whom from what  could tell would be as enthusiastic with a Pidgy as she would an Alakasam, and as happy with an Alakasam as she would a skunky. 
But now we are half way through season 2, character have been more fleshed out, and I found another pokemon/TGaMM fan who looking ats posts gave me the motivation to go back to work on what I think these characters teams would be (Hey shout out to @slowthypiglordblr​. I tried not to copy your ideas onto my teams, minus one pokemon for Molly that was just to perfect, but you definitely gave me some great inspiration for my structure and to think more about the characters and possible pokemon).
As far as structure goes for TGaMM I am giving each child/teen the total 6 pokemon. Since other characters connections to Molly are so important (she is basically at the center of Brightons support community now) each other character will have 1 pokemon that connects to one of Molly’s to show that friendship. Also I Originally wanted to give Scratch a team of 6 ghosts, given his new rank among the ghosts, but I could not figure out how to swing that. So instead I gave each child 1 ghost type to represent Scratch and the effect he has, be it directly or indirectly in the case of Andrea, had on heir lives.
Teams are Below. I am also trying something new with the pictures
Molly McGee
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Haunter: I give @slowthypiglordblr​ credit for thinking up Molly and Haunter first. Haunter is the perfect blend of silly and powerful for Molly. it’s right in the middle of a really amazing evolution line, and its nearly scratch shaped. So Haunter is Molly’s ghost pokemon
Sylveon: Here was another pick I felt was a pretty clear chose for Molly. Sylveon is a fairy type eeveevolution that represents companionship and intertwining, both of which are very important to Molly.
Alolan Muk: I really wanted to give Molly a rainbow pokemon. She slides down one in the theme song, and all things rainbows symbolize color, creativity, peace, love, the storm/flood being over... all things Molly could get behind. Alolan Muk’s colors and the rhinestone rocks surrounding its mouth do kinda look like a tween girls attempt at making Kanto Muk’s pretty, though I still wasn’t sure about Molly having a poison type. Then I read that Alolan Muk’s do not give off the foul stenches Kanto Muk’s do, and that you can feed them your trash instead of throwing it into dumps/landfills. So having one is in a way environmental. Boom
Gossifleur: I had to give “enhappifying” Molly a flower pokemon. Tat was a given the question was just which one: Sunflora? Belossom? Flabebe perhaps? Well after spending hours online going through all the flower pokemon I found Gossifleur! It is super colorful and cheery looking, its musical, and its pollen apparently has healing effects when made into tea for children or the elderly. a community service, “enhappifying”, pokemon all around. ...There is also a fourth reason I picked it, but that will be mentioned down on Ollie’s team list.
Gurdurr: Molly does show a liking for construction, such as when she organized the town rebuilding the Mega Dome. So I a giving her a pokemon that is based around construction. I will go with the second evolution on this one too. Molly is undoubtably very skilled in this field. But I bet their is still more she could learn and do. 
Plusel: A bright,cute, cheerleader mouse, with a great big plus sign on it. Already a great pokemon for Molly who again might as well be her towns official cheerleader with her quest to “enhappify the people of Brighton”. Also I will go ahead and say right here that it is her and Libby’s connection pokemon. Libby is Minun’s trainer.
Molly’s Team: Haunter, Sylveon, Alolan Muk, Gossifleur, Gurdurr, Plusel
Daryl McGee
(little note here I comprised his team entirely of prankster pokemon)
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Gastly: Darryl’s Ghost pokemon. Also his and Molly’s connection pokemon. I like the Idea of Darryl’s Gastly being the younger sibling to Molly’s Haunter too.
Spinarack: We know Darryl has a pet spider, so i looked into Spider pokemon. I think he would appreciate Spinerack’s more creepy design. Pus its webbing can apparently be sold as facial product or bandages, which I could see Darryl getting into since he does have some marketing/business interests.
Whimscotte: Darryl’s one evolution pokemon (Hey he would still be a pretty new trainer). One of the pokemon worlds more notorious prankster Whimscotte apparently loves to sneak into buildings and rearrange peoples furniture or leave rooms covered in cotton. This Really sounds like a pokemon Daryl could have fun with
Nicket & Klefki: At this point these are pretty standard pokemon for me to give troublemakers. Nicket likes to swipe things, and Klefki collects keys that can help its trainer sneak into closed off places. Shenanigans ensure
Grookey: Well of course I mischief making kid would need a little monkey sidekick. I picked Grookey due primary due to its hyper and curios nature, matching Darryl. Also it can hit things outside with its stick and make them better, so people cannot get mad at Daryl for it doing so.
Darrly’s Team: Gastley Spinarack, Whimscotte, Nicket, Klefki, Grookey
Libby Stien-Torres
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Alright So we all know Libby’s favorite animal and trademark is the Turtle. Season 2 confirms that she has a total of 4 pet turtles. I tried to do 4 turtle pokemon, but with a 6 pokemon max , and other pokemon her team needed the most I had room for where 3. Libby’s three poke turtles are Torkoal, Chewtle  and Grotle. Grotle is at a higher evolution than Chewtle because It was Libby’s caught first. It’s both big enough for Libby to hide behind when she gets scared, and grows delicious berries. Torkoal of course does not evolve.
Lickwit: This is gonna be Libby’s ghost pokemon. I think she would be interested in its lore. Also she is a writer and I love the idea of Lickwit shining its flame on Libby as he she stays up late into the night working on her stories.
Goodra: The ace of Libby’s team and probably her first pokemon (from before she developed her turtle interest). I recently watched a lot of Pokemon XY(Z) and I love Goodra. Goodra’s shy, meek, but still friendly nature reminds me of Libby. I also like that Goodra is a decently powerful pokemon that started from a dragon type the pokedex says is considered weak. This also kinda reflects Libby since in her early episodes she seems like this scared and helpless girl, but as we see in episodes such as howling Harriet there is definet strength in just how much “X-factor” she posses.
Minun: Libby is not a cheerleader, but she could definitely use one to help boost her self-esteem. Also it again is her connecting pokemon to Molly, who is Plusel’s trainer.
Libby’s Team: Torkal, Squirtle, Grotle, Lickwit, Goodra, Minun
Andrea Davenport
side post here. When I did TOH I also said what I thought each character would be in the world of pokemon: Trainer, gym leader, cordinator, breader, etc.. After the owl house I decided that was too much work and stopped doing that. I am gonna dip back into that old rend with Andrea ntd say she is a showcaser/video maker like Serena. Some of these picks are chosen with that in mind
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FurFrou: Furfrou is a shaggy poodle like pokemon that is popular in the Kalos region because people like to trim and dye its fur, then decorate it with cute accessories for fashion shows. That is easily something I could imagine Andrea getting into and being very good at.
Alolan Vulpix: This is one pokemon I could really see Andrea loving because it’s just so cute, fluffy, and exotic. It’s also her connection pokemon to Molly, since I gave them both Alolan pokemon. Muk and Vulpix are not as closely connected as other pokemon on these lists. But Molly also isn’t as close personally with Andrea as she is others on this list. So it is what it is.
Geodude: She love rocks and geodes right? So here is a living Geode for her to train.
Frostlass: This is going to be Andrea’s ghost pokemon. I picked it for its beauty and dramatics. If she wanted to shoot more horror based videos Frostlass would be a great big star
Corsola: it’s cute, feminine,tough, and apparently you can make pretty jewelry or light chimes out of its shed spikes. That’s another thing I think Andrea would have a lot of fun dong
Pichu: The pikachu line is one of the most post/meme able lines in pokemon, and Pichu is the adorable baby of it. So yes Andrea’s social media page is littered with pics of Pichu to score cuteness points. It also the only pikachu clone to evolve, and has notably more color to it than Andrea’s other pokemon. This is intentional, as to reflect the evolution Andrea’s character is taking within the show, and how she as a character becomes more colorful as the show goes on.
Andrea’s team: Furfrou, Alolan Vulpix, Geodude, Frostlas, Corsola, Pichu
Ollie Chen
(My main goal with him was to give him a team that represented him, and was also different from Molly’s,because while I know they have similar interests they are different characters)
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Pancham: I gave him this Panda pokemon to represent his Chinese-America Heritage.
Chimecho: Ollie also really likes music and positivity in his community. Well Chimecho is a beautiful and soothing music pokemon that cheers up anybody who listen to its song
Cutiefly: This is his connecting pokemon to Molly. Cutie is what she thinks he is. Plus apparently are pollinators particularly drawn to Gossifluer, so the pair have symbiotic relationships. Ollie’s cutiefly is at the same evolution Level as Molly’s Gossifluer so that they can train and evolve them together.
Swoobat: Ollie is a research specialist. So that means he is good at searching information, and tracking...objectives down. Searching and tracking got me thinking about bats and their sonar and locating abilities. I gave Ollie Swoobat because it is blue and has fluffy hair.
Poochyena: Ollie is from a family of Ghost hunters, who are all terrified of Ghosts. So since Dark types have an advantage over ghosts, it makes sense to me that they would all have at least one dark type, to protect them in their fight against ghosts. Poochyena/Mightyena are honestly my favorite dark types. I gave Ollie Poochyena because it’s still a young dog and like Ollie is fully capable of learning new tricks, cough*not all ghosts are the enemy*cough.
Pumkaboo (smallest version): I thought really hard on Ollie’s ghost type. He is still unlearning his preconceived notion that all ghosts are evil and scary. So I wanted to go with a more duel typing half ghost pokemon. I am also taking into account 2x08 where he manages to befriend the ghost girl in the video store and as apposed to trapping her helps her finish her unfinished and cross over.
Pumkaboo’s lore says it houses the spirits of those trying to cross over. It is a ghost/grass type mix, so not full ghost. I am giving him the smallest of its four sizes, partially to make it as non threatening as I can, and partially so it will be small enough for Ollie to have an easier time hiding while the McGee’s help the rest of his family come around to ghosts.
Ollie’s Team: Pancham, Chimecho, Cutiefly, Swootbat, Poochyena, Pumkaboo.
Juniper (June) Chen
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So the rest of season 2 finally came onto DisneyPlus, Junipers is made aware of the existence of Scratch and other “Good Ghosts”, and I know have enough on her character to give her a team of six pokemon.
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Umbreon; Like I mentioned with her older brother , due to the Chen’s fear of ghosts i think they would all have at least 1 dark type pokemon. Since my rules up top state one of her pokemon has to have a similarity to one of Molly’s I decided on giving June an Umbreon, so they both had eeveelutions
joltik: She is a high tech wizz, who likes bugs. Joltik is a electric/bug-type pokemon that liks to cling to machines and tech to recharge itself. June’s joltik is likely one that snuck into her house and climbed onto one of her inventions. Also Darry has a Spinnarack, and since her and Darryl are good friends then I can say spider pokemon are a connection pokemon with them.
Pidgey: Aviation is another large area of interest for our girl, so she needed a bird pokemon. I picked pidgey, since it is a really docile little bird that would not give her any trouble to catch and train, and as she trains it it will evolve into a bigger and stronger aviary.
Goomy: an obvious pokemon for June. From what I have seen of her in episodes she loves things that are squishy and gelatinous in texture, so of course she would want a blob pokemon.I do not see June as a ditto or grmer/muk trainer. Goomy however, with its sticky invertebrate forum, natural stealth skills, dragon typing, and awesome evolution line is a great fit. Plus she could talk to Libby on how to train/evolve it and i really wish those two got more scenes together.
Jigglypuff: This one is a little harder to explain. But I wanted to take June’s autism into consideration and give her pokemon that could help aid her when things pop up that could cause sensory overload. wiki says she is sensitive to loud noises. So I tried to think of a more quiet and soothing sounding pokemon. I thought about jigglypuff, It is basically a softy, puggy, non popable balloon. June could pet it if she statred to get overwhelmed. If someone was really bothering June it could put them to sleep for her. Also if she got really overstimulated and needed to just disconnect to rest and recharge Jigglypuff could help her calm down enough to take a short nap. I basically I wanted her to have a comfort pokemon, while also giving her a secondary one to use in battle apart from Umbreon.
Phantump: Here is her mandatory ghost pokmon, which she caught/bonded with after being introduced to the concept of not all ghosts being evil, and deciding she wanted to know more about them. I gave her a phantump because I do not think she would be to scared of a  woodland ghost who’s big goal in its afterlife is just to keep making friends. Also it goes with her older brothers pumkaboo.
Since the Chen parents are still scared of ghosts and phantump is a little harder to keep out of sight/pretend is a toy than Ollies mini pumkaboo Phantump for now lives in a tree that is at school or more likely in the Mcgee’s yard. Juniper visits it regularly/frequently. She really thinks her parents would like Phantump if only her and Ollie can first manage to convince them that not all ghosts are bad like the one her Dad met as a kid.
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m-to-z-andbackto-m · 28 days
I found out I could replicate Dark's art style the best but nothing beats the original oh my god they're so cool
And I struggled with MBlue's and Kia/Skelememer's, holy Hell- Oh! And HHeisa too, wonderful job guys, yes these are off the top of my head DON'T UNDERESTIMATE MEEE-
But I will force myself to postpone this study because Y'ALL REQUESTED DOME CUTE ARSE SHIPS AND I JUST GOTTA GET TO THEM HUEGFYRGSZH
Posting Ink and Outer doodles after school for their birfday, then I can get to requests c:
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averysmolbear · 9 months
9! 12! 14!
Thank you so much! Gonna have me out here making my brain do some serious creative work and I can’t wait to see how it turns out! Since there wasn’t anyone specified to go with the prompts, I’m going to write for each ship. I’ll give each one a prompt! And I am so sorry that it took me a million years to finally get to this. You probably forgot you even sent this ask in the first place!
And since it has been ages, here is the prompt list that the ask originally came from!
So yes, this is just all selfship stuff. And yes, it's about established relationships. And yes, that also means that there's quite possibly pet names being used and things of that nature in this. And it's long since it's about 3 separate selfships.
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9. Write about your ship getting dressed up in fancy outfits together. — Tessigami
Kunigami was complaining for what felt like the hundredth time about having to put on a tuxedo for this event. It was a big night for him though as he receiving an award for some charity work he had been doing over the last year.
When he had told me about it I had been so proud of him but Kunigami had just commented that at least it meant he would get to see me all dressed up for him because there was no way that he was attending without me.
When the day arrived, I had forced my boyfriend into a spa day with me which had concluded with a couple's massage. The point had been to relax the pro footballer before that evening's event but it must not have worked because by the time we had to get ready, well, he seemed to be wound tighter than he had been that morning after his early morning workout.
Kunigami was waiting in the living room of our shared home, grumbling under his breath as he tugged on the bowtie he wore. Finally he called out to me as I finished getting ready in our bedroom.
"C'mon, Tess. What's taking you so long?"
I could hear the way he was whining softly and I laughed as I smoothed my hands down the front of the silvery blue dress I had picked out for the occasion. I took one last look in the mirror before I called out to him over my shoulder. "Someone needs to learn some patience."
"You want to see impatient? Keep making me wait and I'll show you ... holy shit."
I laughed as I saw Kunigami's jaw drop as I stepped out of the bedroom, the strappy heels meant to go with my dress dangling from my fingers. "You'll show me what now? I don't think I heard you."
He stepped closer, his auburn eyes shining as he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off of my feet. He was smiling devilishly as he pulled me in close. "I think we should absolutely skip this event. There's clearly no reason for us to be ..."
I placed my index finger on his lips to quiet him, laughing when I saw his eyes widen as he looked at me now. "You're going to set me back on my feet. I'm going to put these ridiculous shoes on. Then we're going to go enjoy our night out."
Kunigami nodded slowly as he started to set me back on my feet again. "If you say so, beautiful." He kept his hands on my hips for the moment, not wanting to let me go right away.
"And if you behave yourself, I'll let you have your way with me once we get home."
That devilish smile was back on his lips as he nodded, leading me toward the door. "Let me help you with those shoes then so we can get going."
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12. Write about your ship going somewhere new together for the first time. — Tesshiro
Taishiro was so nervous, his palm sweating a bit as he held my hand. I looked over at him with a soft smile, nudging him with my hip before squeezing his hand gently. We were on a little Tokyo trip together and Taishiro had promised that he had a surprise for me, a place that he had planned to take me that he knew I would enjoy.
We were standing in front of the Yumenoshima Tropical Greenhouse Dome with Taishiro looking down at me. His lips were in a tight smile as he awaited my reaction. I looked up at him, grinning. Seeing my excitement, he relaxed slightly. He let out a soft breath as I giggled softly.
"This is the surprise?"
Taishiro nodded with a shy smile. "Do you like it? I thought you might like it." The words came out in a bit of a rush, his cheeks flushing when I giggled at him. "Because of your quirk ..."
"Yeah, I figured." I started pulling him toward the entrance excitedly. "I've read about the place before. I've always wanted to come here."
"Oh yeah?" Taishiro's chest puffed up with pride. He had only decided on the greenhouse domes because he knew that I liked going to parks and botanical gardens. He also knew that I had never been there and neither had he. It seemed like a fun place for us to explore together.
"Mmhmm." I nodded, already digging through my bag so I could pay for our admission. I was already paying by the time Taishiro realized what was happening. I looked up to see him pouting down at me as I let out a soft sigh. "Don't give me that look. You ... you can buy us lunch afterwards. Or ... or buy me something in the gift shop."
Taishiro still looked a bit like a pouty child as we walked inside, hand in hand. "Fine, I guess."
I giggled and crooked my finger at him, getting him to lean down toward me. I kissed the corner of his mouth gently with a wide grin. "You're going to spoil me after this, aren't you?"
Taishiro's cheeks were dusted with a pale pink as he shrugged. "Probably. You deserve it." He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles softly. "I've got my phone all ready to take so many pictures of you too, cupcake."
It was my turn to blush now, my face a darker pink than his as I shyly tucked some hair behind my ear. "If you say so."
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14. Write about your ship celebrating one of the members birthdays. — Tessirei
I blinked slowly as the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. With a yawn and a stretch, I sat up in bed only to be greeted by Reiner. He was sitting at the foot of the bed with a tray on his lap and a soft smile on his face.
"It's not as good as your blueberry pancakes but I thought I'd bring you breakfast since it's your special day," he said as he turned to place the tray on my lap. "Happy birthday, angel."
A plate of scrambled eggs and bacon with a small bowl of strawberries and whipped cream are placed before me and I couldn't help but grin. I looked up at Reiner and crook my finger. Bashfully, he leaned in closer so I could softly kiss him in thanks.
"Please tell me the kitchen isn't a mess," I teased before picking up my fork.
Reiner stole one of the strawberries and shook his head. "It's not. Well I still have to put the dishes in the dishwasher and take out the trash anyway," he said before taking a large bite out of the strawberry, nearly finishing it in one bite.
"Then I guess I need to eat fast."
"Please don't. I want you to enjoy your breakfast after all. When you're done, there's a gift waiting for you on the dresser." He stood up and with a cheeky grin, Reiner stole another strawberry. He left the bedroom as he hummed 'happy birthday', chuckling to himself.
I ate quickly, curiosity getting the better of me. I set the tray down at the foot of the bed and hurried over to dresser to find a long box wrapped in pastel blue wrapping paper. I opened it carefully to find a dress. I quickly changed and brought the tray into the kitchen where I found Reiner waiting.
"It fits perfectly." I grinned when Reiner looked up with a faint blush on his cheeks as he nodded his head. "Thank you, Rei."
He quickly took the tray from me and nodded to the table. "Let me get this stuff in the dishwasher and we can go."
I sat down with my brows furrowed slightly. "Go where exactly?"
Reiner had his back to me, working diligently on filling the dishwasher as he spoke. "So I was thinking we go to the natural history museum first. We can grab lunch at the little cafe in there. Then we can go to the botanical garden before we meet everyone for dinner at that Italian restaurant you like so much."
"Sounds like a long day."
Reiner turned around with a grin, holding out his hand for me. "Well when we get home, I promise to take my time with you. So are you ready, birthday girl?"
I slipped my hand in his with a wide smile, nodding as I feel Reiner lace his fingers with mine. "That sounds perfect."
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domers-group8 · 3 months
Progress - Erik
A lot has happened within the sky environment itself. Let us have a look and see if I can explain what is new.
Initially, the first cloud tests with the help of a great tutorial by William Faucher was to get used to the mechanics behind clouds in Unreal Engine. How do they work? Can I stack clouds on top of clouds? The answer is yes, but the feature was never used after the group spoke about the feasibility of it in relation to the project scope and time scheduling. Faucher walked though some general basics behind how to work with the clouds provided in Unreal Engine in order to art direct a scene. This proved useful on our group project since it massively helped to kickstart the creative process.
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The current cloud scape is using some pretty neat tools discovered by Pavel. Low performance clouds, but highly detailed! Fortunately, real-time isn't anything to worry about when we're rendering using the sequencer where each frame get's time to settle down. Pavel discovered that both the clouds that I made and the clouds that were already in Unreal Engine was unable to bend with the Houdini simulation which is a major issue. The group discussed and from that some ideas came about. Bend the world using a post process effect. That would be really cool, so I did some research but was unable to find anything. The closest that I could think of would have been to render two passes. One with the dome and nothing on the outside, and another one without the dome and just the sky. This way, both cam be added in compositing. Doing this, the sky layer could possibly have been bent using some standard after effects tool, and then layered on top of the dome to create a perfect dome with a distorted sky. The second idea was to use the resources from Metaverse TechArt and move the buildings to align with the stormy clouds, ultimately achieving a similar effect to what was originally intended.
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I have a hunch that it would have been possible to use a post processing effect to twist the screen and achieve the desired result. I have manipulated the pixels on the screen in the past with other filters that distort the cameras screen, but nothing to the extent that would have been required. Should we have had just a bit more time, we would possible have been able to pull off a custom post processing effect that would have looked neat.
When it came to the rendering of the clouds in terms of performance, the general idea became to look pretty over running well since it isn't truly real-time due to how it is rendered. Up close, the clouds look much better and less blocky. The solution was fairly simple and turned out to just need an increase in volumetric resolution, with the default resolution sitting at just 128x128. It was increased to 4096x4096 for good measure, and to make sure Pavel's 3090 has something to work for. God bless.
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Epic Games Dev. “Volumetric Clouds.” Docs.unrealengine.com, 2020, docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/BuildingWorlds/LightingAndShadows/VolumetricClouds/. Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.
Faucher, William. “Volumetric Cloud Secrets [Unreal Engine 4 & 5] Works in UE5!” Www.youtube.com, 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=yolGEIrhu0s&t=241s. Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.
TechArt, Metaverse. “Volumetric Clouds & Sky Effects Part01 : Clouds Base Shape.” www.youtube.com, 2022, www.youtube.com/watch?v=paO-Its5P2Q&list=PLIxJB8bm2Y11ZX8oCMZQxtX4Nx_0kmwj3&index=1. Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.
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deanleivers · 1 year
Project Updates
The last six months have been busy with project work and various commissions the most exciting however was my work on the ‘Creative Communities’ project which was generously funded by The Mighty Creatives. This project was an opportunity to build on the foundations laid in my Arts Council England funded ‘Dependent Origination’ Project.
This form of the project is an innovation that bridges formal wellbeing tools (mindfulness) with creative practice, led by myself and poet/musician Akshay Sharma (AKA Mr Shay). We worked with all 360 students at Folville Junior School in Leicester (12 classes, years 3-6), the vast majority of which met at least one of the funders priority characteristics.
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The project used different creative practices to enable students to explore and experience the strength within each one of them. It introduces and spotlights the importance of Recognising (what’s inside and outside of ourselves), Recording (mentally or physically taking note) and Responding (taking action).
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Six classes in years 5 and 6 took part in 1 hour weekly mindfulness sessions following the .breathe curriculum (Developed by the Mindfulness in Schools project) over 4 weeks, integrating artistic processes and tools throughout in the form of drop in lunch time art workshops. These sessions were designed to be spaces where participants could “get away” from the busyness of the school day and take some quiet time for themselves to make art work (in this case illustrations) simply for the joy of creating a small piece of work.
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We also worked with six classes in years 3 and 4 who took part in 30 minute weekly mindfulness sessions following the Paws B curriculum (also developed by the Mindfulness in Schools Project) over 12 weeks. They also had access to a half a day workshop in a transparent dome on the school grounds experiencing artist-led sessions which built on the ‘recognise, record, respond’ methodology. Sessions in the dome were made up of two parts: -‘Environmental observation’ (paying close attention to the visual landscape) leading to a photographic workshop with photographic artist Dean Leivers using the analogue historical cyanotype process to create images using handmade treated paper, natural found objects and sunlight -‘Environmental listening’ (paying close attention to the soundscape) leading into a creative writing session with creative writer and performer Akshay Sharma, using sounds from the vicinity as a stimulus for writing poetry.
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The project also invited parents, carers, and neighbours to the school to see the children’s artwork and poetry on display in an after school sharing event which attracted over 200 visitors. A book was also created to act as a lasting memento for the school to house in its library for current and future staff and students to view and enjoy. A digital version of that booklet can be viewed online here.
The most rewarding highlights of this work have been seeing the pupils sharing their work (Cyanotypes and poems) with staff and parents/carers in the community sharing. Hearing them explain to parents the process and what they did during the workshops was wonderful and to witness parents actively engaging with not just their own child’s work but the work of other children was really pleasing. Getting to run a variety of my mindfulness curriculums with a range of ages has also given me a great insight into the ways that I can further integrate this into my art workshop delivery too, in order to create a workshop offer that covers all of the facets of my career and life interests and drawing from all of the skills I have to offer others.
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The huge success from this project though has been the chance to use it as match funded activity to secure further funding from Arts Council England so that myself and Akshay can further develop the workshops and tour the project in eight schools located in Leicestershire and Derbyshire starting in early May. There’ll be more updates on the progress of that project over the next few months.
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lghlynch · 2 years
Week 1: My Material object - Surgical Mask
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Key Questions:
1: What is your immediate response to your material object and why? - When I first saw my object, I knew what it was already as it was use for most of 2020 up until around the middle of 2022. I first thought that it would be easier to answer the questions for a face mask as it is a simple object. other then that I didn't really think much of it.
2: What is it? - A face mask is something that is used as covering to wear over your face, it helps to stop you from breathing in bad air or from spreading germs, or to protect your face when you are in a dangerous situation.
3: Where is it from? - I couldn't fully find where face masks originally came from but I have found out that Asian countries have always been wearing them even before covid due to air quality.
4: Who made it? - I can't find who made it but it says that the first known mask was made in the early modern age when the bubonic plague happened. The mask that plague doctors wore were filled with herbs, either clove or cinnamon or sometimes filled with liquid, that's why they had a beak on the mask.
5: What is it made of? - The material that is most commonly used to make face mask is polypropylene, which is a type of fabric made form a "thermoplastic" polymer, which helps make it easier to work with and shape at high temperatures. However face masks can also be made of polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyethylene, or polyester, which are all types of fabrics derived from thermoplastics polymers.
6: How does it work? - Blue surgical face masks are loose fitting and disposable. They are placed on your face to protect you from contact with droplets and sprays that may contain germs. The mask also filters out large particles in the air when the wearer breathes in.
7: How can it be used as a tool? - It can be used as a tool to protect people from becoming ill or either passing the illness onto someone else, for example, when covid started to calm down it was important to wear a mask when going out anywhere or when visiting family or friends, so that you are keeping them safe but also yourself safe. it was also used as a tool to protect those whose immune system was already fighting different illnesses, such as, those with cancer and other illnesses.
8: How can it be re-used? - There are many different types of masks that were around during covid. Due to covid and having to wear masks constantly and having to throw them away every time you used them, which became harmful to the planet after so long. So because of this people started to wear IIR polypropylene medical masks that can be washed up to 10 times and autoclaved 5 times, or washed then sterilised with radiation or ethylene oxide, without any deviation of their filtration or breathability properties.
9: How can it solve a problem? - Face masks help to prevent the spread of coronavirus, even now, when you get sick. even if its just a little cold you are still advised to wear a face mask so that you don't spread the germs, and instead manage to control the spread of the cold to reaching other people.
10: How can it respond to a theme? - ////
11: How can it create something new? - ////
12: How can it be connected to something else? - ////
13: How can it be used creatively? - Masks can be used in many different ways, for example, a designer named Tobia Zambotti created a couch and a coat made from blue surgical masks. Architectures named Amanda Schachter and Alexander Levi designed a Turntable which rotated using soda bottles for the outer skin and face masks for the interior dome.
14: What are its ethical implications? - The mandatory use of face masks poses some ethical questions, firstly some say that it paternalistic actions. Secondly the principle of precaution becomes questionable when some people think that there is no clear benefit-risk relationship. Thirdly, it can result in social stigma and discrimination against those who do not wear one, even though they well may have a good reason for doing so.
15: What are its ecological implications? - Though some masks are described as disposable, they never actually disappear. With no official guidance on how to recycle them, they're then destined to hang around in the environment for tens, maybe even hundred of years. Disposable masks will eventually break down into micro-plastics, which often end up in the sea and rivers, which then cause harm to the aquatic life.
16: What are its cultural implications, from the point of view of race, gender etc? - ////
17: What are its limits? - ////
18: Who has criticised it? - There have been many people, for instance, people in America that criticised masks, as they thought it was a lock on their freedom of rights when it was mandatory to wear them, they thought they were stupid and were a waste. Due to them disliking wearing the masks covid ended up skyrocketing in America and sadly there were many deaths due to it.
19: How would you criticise it? - Truthfully the only way I would criticise face masks, I due to how they weren't recyclable and a lot ended up on the floor or in rivers/oceans, which endangered animals. other then that I don't have anything else to criticise face masks with.
20: How does it raise further questions? - ////
21: How has it changed the world? - I think the way that face masks have changed the world is that it did make people extremely cautious to go anywhere without at least having a handful of masks with them, as in some stores you were not allowed to enter without one. However, I think that it has also changed the world by making people see how quickly everything can change and how the world can stop due to things like covid and how many people sadly lost their lives due to covid.
22: How could it change the world? - ////
Thought / Reflections:
Due to being familiar with the questions, I felt more comfortable going into these key questions with my material object as I knew what I would need to research and how to word my answers. There were again some questions that I missed out where I wasn't 100% sure how to answer them.
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crackedlemonade · 2 years
The least trustworthy character in Power Rangers
I grew up loving The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I rushed home as a kid from school to catch it on TV. I was in that perfect age group to see it from the beginning and was just sold on the 23 -ish minute toy commercial that it is. It was 90's as hell and a show still enjoyed by many. I loved the Green Ranger turned White Ranger turned red ranger and eventually Black Ranger Tommy Oliver. Green with evil was a really good storyline and the shows were always I fun to look back on as a child and a teenager.
In 2012 I discovered the source series Super Sentai and was hooked into the franchise with their anniversary season Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. That eventually lead me to other series and slowly Power Rangers became something that I revisited to something that I had a distant appreciation for.
Recently I just started thinking about that show and specifically Zordon and I don't understand why anyone actually trusted this character. Within the first 10 episodes we get tidbits about him but never actually any full backstory. I blame that on the 90's and that really not being much of a focus but in hindsight it's just a bad call. So what do we learn about Zordon? We learn that he is a morphological being caught in a time warp.
Morphology is the study of the study of the size, shape, and structure of animals, plants, and microorganisms and of the relationships of their constituent parts. Morphological would indicate that he is somehow related to the concept of morphology. A time warp is is an imaginary spatial distortion that allows time travel in fiction, or a hypothetical form of time dilation or contraction. So a combination of words that kids would not question is what Zordon actually is.
We also learn that at some point 10,000 years ago he was fighting Rita Repulsa and that fight concluded with Zordon being trapped in a time warp and Rita being trapped in a trash can. Somehow after that exchange Rita was launched into space with the trash can.
Multiple questions here that are never answered in the show. Why were they fighting? What was Zordon's relationship with Rita prior to and leading up to said fight? WHAT THE HELL WAS ZORDON DOING FOR 10,000 YEARS WHILE RITA WAS FLOATING IN SPACE? Questions that were unfortunately never answered or asked during the original running of the show. I also am aware that Power Rangers has a comic book now and they probably have answered that question in their own way. However at that point it's kind of an interpretation of the original media with another set of creative minds working on it.
We will never know what happened to Alpha's 1-4. We will really know Zordon's true intent of being on Earth. We will never know what Zordon was actually doing on Earth especially since in Power Rangers Turbo they write him off the show by saying that he needs to travel to his home planet of Eltar because it is in danger. Meaning that he could have left the Earth at any time but he chose to chill out and make a Command Center and a secret Command Center under the Command Center in case the command center gets bombed, but I am kind of getting ahead of myself.
Another thing that I found suspicious is the fact that he told the Power Rangers to keep their identities secret even though on Episode 1 Rita knows exactly where the command center is and sends Putties to attack the rangers directly outside of the command center. Zordon teleports the teens from the juice bar, gives them access to the morphers and they say the whole thing is crazy and leaves. Zordon doesn't take the morphers back, he offers no rebuttle and out the rangers go trying to navigate their way home from some weird mountain dome. Conveniently, the main antagonist is right on the money with a pre-emptive attack.
In the first episode the main antagonist already knows where the heroes base of operations are and knows the identities of the people Zordon selected to fight. She could literally go after their families, she could show up at their school and expose their secret identities, Rita literally has a huge upper hand that she never actually takes advantage of. I say all this to point out that one rule from Zordon already has a huge flaw in it from the first episode.
So why teenagers? Were they the perfect age group to get immense power and not ask any probing questions? How may teams did Zordon actually have? Has Zordon tried escaping the time warp before? How? Zordon just has too many questions and not enough answers. We assume that he's a good guy because he mobilized the Power Rangers against Rita who was trying to take over the Earth, but was that actually the case? The world will never know.
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tennant10goldberg · 2 years
Simple Recommendations For Mastering Effective Web Design
Choosing to learn graphic design at this particular time is ad advantage search for greatly have over others. With the booming technology now, everyone wants to learn how to make artistic graphic designs and videos. In fact, companies are also looking for good graphic designers readily available to make their advertisements and commercials. From magazines to billboards, a good graphic designer is very much in needs. So if you plan to study graphic design, you need to begin learning the basics first. Flash stays dominant round the web, using a new version always ready in red wings you'll up to hurry with any new features quickly. The remainder you're in competition with other designer in the commercial. Learn how also included with the new tools, but use them imaginatively. Ask yourself how you can catch the eye of prospective employers. Corporate clients will want notice that 100 % possible produce work that considers the accessibility laws watertight and weatherproof abide via. You may be able create some great web design work, but this ought to be context of regulations that your client is all too aware of. In the commercial world that will pay your mortgage, there is little room for design for design's life! Save this for your personal web creations. B: Have prepared for being creative and utilizing most of your time designing? Be inspired by what's out there for ideas. I was told that content articles have an innovative block, stop, relax and go take steps you get pleasure from. Go back and try again when in order to more calm and positive. Dome glasshouse. This design can only be freestanding as akin to no side walls. Just like Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Multi11 Prophet Free downlaod crack says, the structure is dome-shaped looks like half a ball landing on the flooring. Because of Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Multi11 Prophet Free Crack and structure design required, this greenhouse design is a little bit more expensive. Inkscape - Vector Graphics, easy to use, dynamic and a tool that I use daily for web design, web graphics, logo design and in such a way more. Eat the results I experienced through design Crowd been recently due for this package. Use the Space: Reap the benefits of originates from you supply at your disposal. Now, that doesn't imply you goes overboard and fill up each each square inch of the sign with information! Which might possibly be challenging to with. It's easier read through larger letters from farther away, so be certain that the biggest text is on the sign the first. Those are the crucial elements to take into account. Once the text is in place, then you can certainly can resourceful ! with the rest empty space to make sign better and eye-catching. A sign with white space (or "negative" space) as it's very sometimes called, can be even better than a design crammed to every square inch with something to read or examine. After becoming aware of your intended market, create a web site or graphic design that appeal to them and not you. So research distinct on the demographics of your client's market but also on their tastes exactly what they find attractive and appealing. The Design Studio is excellent in order to make individual personal customized t-shirts quickly and simply. In Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Multi11 Prophet Free Download full version to clothing, may get also design your own accessories like tote plastic bags. If you do dont you have any images handy things your own design, it's totally simply use the extensive clipart library provided the system. You will have a wide range of options in order to assist make your perfect advancement.
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angelsaxis · 3 years
All you people are making the same bingo card joke
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strunmah-mah · 2 years
I hate comic books, I love comic properties, but I hate comic books.
Comic properties have such wonderful creative potential. These are properties that are willing to just go there and be weird and be themselves push boundaries, ya know. But the comics they’re based on can be such a slog to get through.
I grew up on TMNT (2003). I adore that version of the turtles. When I got older I decided to branch out and try reading the IDW run of the  Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. I was four issues in when they had a foot not in one of the panels *Want to know what these characters are talking about? Go read the Donatello Miniseries! It was a brand new continuity, what do you mean I already have to do homework for it by issue 4? I dropped it on the spot. If I had missed that what else could I have missed? I don’t enjoy doing homework for my hobbies.
When the MCU started to get big. I was one of many who became a Loki fangirl. And about that same time Marvel decided to do a Loki solo series. Loki: Agent of Asgard. It was good and I loved it. But around that time Marvel also did a continuity reboot, where they merged their main (616) universe with the Ultimates continuity that way the publishers only had to make stories for one universe and everything was supposed to be staring from scratch as an easy jump in point for new readers. Except some characters were to be able to remember their old universes and Loki was supposed to be one of them.
This confused me. Why would do a continuity reset but have select characters remember? As a reader, how were you supposed to know which characters did or did not remember their old universe. It was weird, but I rolled with it. Loki had just undergone massive character arc and I was glad he wasn’t getting erased. He was also dragging his new best friend, Verity Willis (a character original to his solo run and one of the best things about it) into the new universe with him. So I picked up The Might Thor #1, the next series Loki was supposed to appear in, and started reading.
It sucked. Despite the reset the new Thor run started right where the previous run had left off. In the middle of political shenanigans with characters I had never heard of before. I had no idea what was happening, but I hung on for Loki. In Loki’s solo run he had become something of a neutral figure verging on heroic with some new powers to boot. And I was curious to see how he would team up with Jane Foster as Thor. So imagine my immense disappointment when Loki showed up as a full blown villain. All of his character development gone, Verity Willis erased. But they kept his final look from his solo run and some of his new powers. It felt like a betrayal and I dropped the run.
I enjoyed the movie Batman: Under The Red Hood. I got attached to Jason Todd, So I wanted to read his solo runs. Lost Days was very good, Talia as a mentor figure to Jason was great, right until the last issue where the characters went fro mother/son to jumping into bed together. It was weird gross and uncomfortable. So I picked up Red Hood and the Outlaws the new 52 run. That teamup felt like someone picked a bunch of names out of a hat and said “let’s right about them.” I couldn’t figure out why they stuck together as a team when at least one of them ways always running off and doming something on their own. A Jason Todd who says you shouldn’t murder child traffickers and slavers in not my Jason Todd.  And there was something wildly wrong with Starfire’s character too. Some of those issues were physically exhausting to get through.
Again and again this happens. Christopher Nolan’s batman trilogy? Great! Wayne family Adventures? Awesome! Batman titled comic runs be it solo or team up. Batman the character is the worst part of those.
My sister and I watched Transformers Prime together It was our bonding activity for a while. She decided she wanted to read some of the Transformer Comics too. Except the series she picked and liked kept changing it’s title at random and she couldn’t keep track of what issue to buy.
How come comic based cartoons and movies can be so good? But the comics they are based on can be such pains?
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natalieironside · 3 years
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SO#6: Power Outages Sweep County
[By Tammy Lynn O'Hanrahan, correspondent]
Many Scruggsdale  residents are without power following last night's thunderstorms, with  the first outages reported around 10:00 PM and continuing on into the  early morning. Most of the county has been effected, with interrupted or  intermittent power reported as far west as Black Creek Road and as far  south as the Bloody Bayou subdivision, including St. Enda's Hospital and  Newton Knight Elementary School.
Though it's a ponderous  process given the size of the effected area, recovery teams are hard at  work getting everyone's power back on, with some having braved the storm  to roll out as soon as the first outages were reported. Those driving  along Euronymous Boulevard early this morning likely spotted Scruggsdale  resident and IBEW Local 420 electrician Jennifer O'Hanrahan perched  atop a telephone pole to repair a blown transformer, her big green eyes  narrowed in steely determination, her gorgeous strawberry blonde hair  pulled back into a ponytail that whipped behind her in the wind, a  smoldering cigarette clenched between her teeth as her strong hands  deftly wielded tools the way a samurai warrior might wield a blade;  strong, firm hands that can just as deftly caress a lover. An ancient  goddess incarnated in human form but who could just as well have been  chiseled from six feet of marble.
One Scruggsdale resident  described Mrs. O'Hanrahan as "the most beautiful woman I have ever seen  in my life" and "my wife who I love very much and who is probably the  only person in this town besides my mom who still reads the local  communist rag."
Many have expressed frustration with the interruptions, with Scruggsdale resident Throckmorton O'Shaugnessy telling the Organizer  that "I was in the middle of playin that damn Overwatch when the power  gone out and I'm about pissed. Terry went and hooked up the generator  right away but the damn Internet's still out and I got them new smart  light bulbs so fuck me I guess. What the hell I'm payin a power bill  for, huh? I got ten pounds of ribeye steak in the deep freeze and Terry  says we only got so much diesel to run the generator so y'all better get  the damn power back on or somebody's gonna hear about it. Goddamn."
Oddly, work crews have  reported that very few lines are down, attributing the outages to a  power surge originating from the National Guard armory out past the old  paper mill by the cypress dome. The Organizer reached out to the  base commander, Mississippi National Guard colonel Donnie O'Donovan, for  comment. Colonel O'Donovan at first expressed confusion, attributing  the outages to the night's thunderstorms, but when this reporter  mentioned the utility workers' findings outlined above, he responded  with a very long and creative stream of cuss words and informed the Organizer  that there were no power outages and that reporting on non-existent  power outages would be a violation of national security. This reporter  reminded the colonel that the Organizer is an independent media  outlet with a standing policy to disregard gag orders, and he concluded  his remarks by dramatically sighing before stating, "Aw, hell. I'm gonna  hear about this one for sure."
In other news, local  sportsmen have reported that the fishing is especially good this spring,  as catfish in the cypress dome seem to be heading for shallow water, as  if fleeing the center of the lake. The Scruggsdale Fish And Wildlife  office stated early this morning, "Don't worry about that. That's  normal. Totally normal. Yup."
This has been Tammy Lynn O'Hanrahan, reporting.
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