#can i press b. im pressing b. presses b. presses b. pr
trainingdummyrabbit · 4 months
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nic-coughlan · 17 hours
Maybe it’s just me but I don’t buy that the deleted polin scenes are just rumors. I think that nic and Luke when asked will say as such, but that’s only because they have to do whatever Netflix tells them to. They’d been alluding to specific types of scenes for months now, and I don’t think they would’ve promoted something that was never shot. Especially Nicola with her insane PR skills, i think she’d know better than to lead the fans on knowing that pulling that would end badly. Also I get that it’s easy to fake anything these days, but there was a leaked ss from one of the alleged deleted scenes that looked pretty real and pretty similar to some other leaks we got that ended up being true (the polin baby ss leak from ep 8). It didn’t look like ai and it didn’t look like photoshop either, but if it is lord help us all because it’s downright scary how real that looked.
I think that Netflix is or whoever is behind this are telling nic+luke/anyone involved to deny it because they either a: want to hold on to that footage for s4 and if they confirmed that it exists then we’d have a lot of polin moments for the upcoming season spoiled, or b: they don’t plan to ever release them, but want to settle angry fans upset about the cut scenes to try and get a better audience reception for part 2. I think what happened is Nicola and Luke shot those scenes, didn’t know it got cut because even as the press tour was ending they said they hadn’t watched episodes 7+8 yet, probably were taken aback when they realized, and now have to go around saying otherwise for whatever motives the powers that be (papa Netflix) above them have 🤷‍♀️
I’m aware this is fully speculation and I could be fully wrong and I’m okay with that! but hey we all have to have our tinfoil hat moments sometimes lmao. One thing’s for certain though: somewhere out there a struggling college student is definitely gonna use this press tour in their final paper about marketing and pr. Oh to be a fly on the wall in their pr team meetings lol
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can just imagine that paper just being pure bitchiness about the season and the PR tour
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anexlarrieblog · 2 years
Anon'd here before as someone who followed an actual gay closeted couple in a country where homosexuality is prosecutable and where one of the guys confessed to entering PR relationships, I kinda hope it might be insightful to explain how these went for the CT lurkers out there. From what I saw and tend to believe, at no point these relationships were ~staged~, they all looked genuine but then added a sprimkle of - listen carefully besties - !HARMLESS! PR stunts. Think whats his name, jake paul and his gf and their wedding they forced people to pay for lol. All the "stunts" I saw from the guy I followed were such - announcing all over the media that they're planning a ridiculous extravagant wedding hosted by hobama the only true ship; the public eyerolls, the wedding never happens. NOBODY is hurt by this, there are no "fake" kids and people being forced??? to fly across the world to pose for paps tf??? if you think that louis/harry are successful musicians, thinking that they can also afford to fly out to "stunt" are two mutually exclusive realities, where the latter is not where performers are booked for months to come but only revolve their lives around their partners. Moreover, muddling the details bc they might be too specific, but that one time when the already fake relationship was evidently real? he was talking about how much they love each other to the press and like the next day turned out that his gf was in the middle of giving birth to a kid from another man asdfg, and THEN the dude was like OKAY FINE we broke up ages ago no cheating there im not involved with her in any way nowadays. and the craziest thing, no it's not all about an uwu gay boy getting a beard. turned out the reason why they still pushed the romantic narrative like a year into the gal having another relationship was bc the circumstances of this gf and her new bf getting together involved like financially scamming and abandoning family members in their billionaire circle (re: rich people are fucking CRAZY!!!) and so shit DID hit the fan when the new relationship news leaked. so turns out the straight girl needed a beard for her heterosexual relationship and the "gay" dude was just chilling asdfghj (it is delightfully crazy but not unusual if you follow any showbiz circle like how thats any different from the kardashians). oh and why these "pr" relationships were originally genuine? bisexuality exists :) did they get "papped" together during that year? aha, but not ~elaborately~ on the streets, but at official events, as people with jobs. no one, not even this scum i used to follow who grab millions and support actual war crimes, have time for the elaborate multi-level stunts larries claim are happening with celebs who barely get a line about them once a month on tmz. getting photographed walking from point A to B with your partner is not a stunt, neither is enjoying your 3 seconds long holiday with your partner in the middle of 400 booked events. agreeing to stunt a whole ass child is absolutely a choice because there's a line you cant cross, and if your fave can under the whatever excuse, he is simply scum. straight up nobody has time or is willing to invest in what larries claim is a normal showbiz oppression practice, not even actual gay couples under the threat of persecution. the fact that these stories are still INSANE is irrelevant but my god lmaooo larry cant even beard properly, ask yourselves - is your fake partner as exciting as a scamming billionaire pregnant ex gf? is your elaborate beard just some woman who wants to be left tf alone?? if so, then huh....sounds like maybe the conspiracy is not the real one here.....
Hi anon, I do remember you! I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to this it was sitting in my drafts (I’m bad for that sometimes). Again I don’t know the ins and outs of who you are talking about so can’t comment on any of that, some of it sounds quite sketchy tbh and not sure how much I’d agree with but can’t comment back without knowing the facts. However, I get the general point you are making. Are bearding contracts etc for fake relationships a thing? No. Can relationships be used for PR? Yes. Have celebs stayed in the closet for the sake of their career? Yes. Was any of this forced upon them by contacts? No.
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Conjecture |13| The Final
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Idol Reader Au, Enemies to Lovers AU
Summary: Your management refused to renew your contract unless you collaborated, so you ending up working with Min Yoongi. A guy you’d disliked from before both of your debuts. There is more to their past than meets the eye.
Links to other parts:  | 1 |  2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |11|12|
Last Chapter guys.... thank you for everyone that has liked and commented.... it means an awful lot. :)
Hope you guys have enjoyed the series.
Warnings: SMUT!! (Slight exhibitionism maybe) Swearing. General sass.
Permanent Tags: @msunnsstuff  @rosey-roseu @eyelessmin @backtonormalthings
Reblog, Like, Comment
The leather straps were cooling across your chest; just as the strap was tight across your hips. You struggled, the buckles keeping you firmly stuck to the table. The white lights quietly warming the rest of your bare exposed skin. Your obliques teasing their way to the surface as you wriggled against your restraints. Cut here scissor lines decorated across the most common places women dislike about themselves. Crescents at your side, inner thighs, cupping your breast. Two figures hovering over you, crazed hunger filled looks scanning your being.
Lee Jooheon was stood over you in pale blue scrubs beneath a pearly white lab coat littered with scruffy black writing. He was stood menacing in the wielding of a scalpel while conversing animatedly with the person next to him. Im Changkyun was dressed to the brim in a perfectly fitted black suit wielding a clipboard with a picture of a barbie on. IM was shoving his fingers to the picture and then to you. Jooheon nodding intently in agreeance, scalpel still active in the air.
“CUT!” The director called. A bell vibrating round the warehouse. Jooheon immediately tearing the Velcro under the fake buckles and rushing to reach under the table for the large white dressing gown placed discreetly under the table. The basic black lace lingerie set was the only thing covering you as you hauled yourself off the table before coating yourself in white fluff.
“You good?” Changkyun asked lightly supporting you to your feet.
“All good” you affirmed.
“That was great guys, a clear cut. Scene done in one. We’ll get the stage set up and do the combined verse and Y/N’s solo then we’ll call it a day” The director confirmed. All you heard was
Break time
The three of you b-lined straight for the snack table. The crew around you slowly setting down their equipment to follow suit. A mini swarm of black tee’d crew descended onto the set working quickly to dismantle the makeshift operating room and prepare the next set.
“Glad I can finally put some clothes on” selecting the bag of wotsits crinkling over your words.
“Never thought I’d hear you say that” Yoongi’s voice creeped in from behind. The other two chuckled into their mouthfuls of carbs. Without even eyeing him your trajectory already planned to slap his arm on your rotation round. The Acne studios hat comfy on his head, the blue grey hair pressed to his forehead. Long black sweater draped over loose wash out ripped jeans which were tucked into hi top vans.
There’s a comfy boyfriend right there
“Never thought I’d see you conscious before lunch on a day off” you quipped back.
“Alright… it’s too early for your sass” Yoongi said in defeat to your ear, his arms encasing the shield of fluff around you with the sweet extra of a kiss to the forehead. His camera gentle in sway to your hip, the leather strap resting on his shoulder.
“Loved the set though” he added
More like loved the fact I was strapped down
“I’m literally kidnapping this Dr’s coat” Jooheon flicked the collar up of the coat.
“It’s such a cool concept” Jooheon added
“More female artists need to be speaking out about the image pressures companies force” Changkyun piped up.
“It’s 2020 dude, guys can write about it too you know” you teased
“There’s ten times more pressure on you guys though”
He was right. Your concept was the bomb though. You and your image held hostage by the agency only for you to rebel against them all accompanied by some aggressive thought-provoking rap.
What more does a girl want?
“And we’re here doing this project with you so we technically are” Changkyun added.
Also true
“You also know I wouldn’t have you let say no” One of the runners dropped your outfit off to you. You both exchanged silent polite glances.
Mid conversation you held no reservations, untying your robe. It slid off your shoulders Yoongi saving it from the floor. You shrugged on the tight-fitting scrub top. The top conveniently had slits through the fabric. Making its function as a top dubious at best. The shorts were free from any intentional rips and were nice and basic. Yoongi’s eyes flitted briefly to the ground, gaze not sure where to settle. You were still getting used the fact he wasn’t as comfortable with your skin on show as you were. Multiple times you’d teased him at how awkward and polite he still was when you were actually his.
“Are you sure you just didn’t want an opportunity to tie your two favourite rappers to a chair? Beside me of course” Yoongi teased as your reflection stared back at you in the mirror, mouth agape hand delicate finishing a perfect cat flick on your eyeliner.
“Jealous?” You paused the application of your makeup while teasing, the flicks won’t be ruined for anybody. Eye contact cheekily held in place.
He leaned in just a tad, enough to make his words inaudible to the fanfare around.
“Babe, you know I wish it was me. Just at home, with less clothes. You in that set I love, ooo and the way you love to ride me like that…” You shoved him away.
“Alright alright enough, don’t tease. Go over there and behave” You indicated with your pinky finger behind the camera. Puckering your blood red lipstick equally, crew swift in moving out of your way as you stepped up onto the newly built mini stage.
A lonely microphone on the small rectangular stage was all to keep you company. The two boys looking calm, jovial in their conversation to each other as you adjusted the stand to your height. Yoongi trying to shield a half-cocked smile. You flipped him off. He always liked to tease your height.
He’s not even got much on me, cheeky shit
“Ready on set!” The director boomed. Crew obedient falling silently in a heartbeat.
The strongly worded verse and chorus were the first lyrics you’d scribbled down in some painful PR meeting. The topic of you and your body image and how they wanted to sell it was just slowly infuriating you. You were an Idol, rapper whatever people called you now. This shit comes with the territory but the way they guy was talking about you just ruffled about every damn feather in your being.
The bell rang again and the major scuffling on set commenced. You jumped off the stage and raced to Chloe who’d returned from taking Ted for a walk. Completely bypassing Yoongi, dropping to your knees and ruffling the ball of excited fluff.
“Hey boy” you cooed, scratching the belly after the desperate drop and roll he gave you.
“Dude he wanted to play with evvveerryyyone today”
“Well he was probably excited to hang out with auntie Chlo”
“You love him” you added
“I can’t even lie about that; can your assistant be on holiday more often?” His attention quickly became focused
“You would get me into soo much trouble if you were my assistant”
“But you’d have the best time” The pair of you laughed knowing she was absolutely right.
“I’ll catch you in a bit” Giving Ted once last squeeze before you went to makeup.
All paint removed; hair now styled to perfection. Makeup fairly natural and light, the artist dabbing a pad around your cheeks catching any moisture. Heavily ripped boyfriend jeans sat at your hips finishing just at the lower end of your calves. Pristine snug white trainers cushioned the weariness of your feet. You had to change your underwear to a white set as to not show through the thin white tie up crop top. You secured the tie at your chest, even Yoongi would have to work at undoing the knot.
“Ready?” the director popped his head round the door. You responded with a bright mumble as you were mid swig of your water bottle.
“Sweet, we rolling in three”
“Seriously, how did I land you?” Yoongi purred making his way into the office converted dressing room. The artist leaving the room promptly.
“Looks good right” You agreed, puckering your lips in the mirror.
“Mmmhhhmm” he growled low at your neck; hands secured round the front of your stomach. The warm body pressed up against you.
“I love when you dress more casual” His fingertips elegant in their tip toe over your curved behind, etching their impatient way to the tie in the centre of your chest.
“Oi! Keep your hands to yourself” A weak willed play fight broke out. Yoongi going straight for where you were ticklish; leaving you completely vulnerable to him manoeuvring you round to face him.
“Careful Min Yoongi, don’t be getting yourself worked up for something you can’t have”
“Can’t have?” If stroppy pouts could melt you, you’d be in a puddle right now.
“Last I remembered you invited the boys round to mine for a recording sesh” Your stroke on his chin phased his eyes to roll regrettably.
“Pretty sure you regret giving Hobi the key now ey?” you crept the words in his ear, pressing your hand to his crotch. His cheeks puffed up, sulking against your smirk poorly disguised through your mouthfuls of water leaving the pouty boy in the dressing room.
The pout was a constant tell as much as he tried to hide behind the lenses capturing the formidable stage unit the three of you formed. The multiple takes had a thin layer of perspiration gracing the foundation on your skin. The second the final bell rang through the metal interior the three of you took a breath, or several before you bowed to all the staff before embracing the two guys. The make-up artist rushed over to where you’d sat drooping your legs on the temporary stage, padding at your face. You shooed her off prematurely, not bothering with how wisps of hair were loosely stuck to your skin.
“That looks ace, thank you so much guys!” You exclaimed bright as possible. The three of you snug crowded round one of the main cameras
“It was a pleasure” Their eyes both drifted off to their manager who’d stepped in a bit closer
“Well that’s our cue to leave” Changkyun mumbled the drop in his face noticeable but not obvious.
“That’s fine, don’t get yourself into trouble”
“Give him ten minutes” Jooheon quipped.
You’d changed into a cool and floaty navy maxi dress. You’d fought and brushed as much product out of your hair as you could and shoved it in a loose pony. With only a few of the crew left on site, the wide-open space of the rooms seemed much larger, sound travelled heavier and echoed more. Yoongi was a picture holding your large D&G holdall glitzed with the gold emblem. He held the door for you leading into the drafty stairway. The grey concrete bleak, the bright blue railings guiding their way safely down. The walls were drab and plain.
You held out your hand, offering to relieve your boyfriend of the oversized bag from his slight frame. He began to oblige, eyes not wandering from his phone. His wrist caught in your hand yanking him into you and into the back of the wall. Did he resist? Absolutely not. Did he need any more guidance, most certainly not!
“Mmm” humming in between your chest where his head and kisses were firmly being planted.
“Touch me already” your arms were loose as they draped over his shoulders.
“Seriously here?” It was more of a check than a complaint. Strong eyebrow raised.
Fucking yes
The hem of your dress slowly crept up your leg, crumpling up over his hand. His lips nearly caressing yours, the warmth of his breath rolling over your skin. The knowing smile escaped onto your features
“Fuck babe!”
“What?...mmm” your tone creeping higher feigning innocence. His fingers ghosting at the apex of your thighs. The bundle of nerves buzzing at the slight contact, he brushed his cheek to yours
“It’s too warm for underwear” you whined, still pleading innocence. Yoongi knew better, knew the lack of innocence you actually held.
“I’m calling bullshit” Your head gently rolled back into the wall.
“I’m reallllyy not complaining…” he added pushing a bit more of his weight into you, growling into your neck. Your grip tightening round his neck.
“Well let’s play a game of hurry the…mmm fuck up” you urged, teasing his fingers hard against you. The way his hips jutted feeling the rush of how much you wanted him.  With the heat combusting through the heavy kisses, the air was thick and blissfully suffocating. Engulfed in heat he dragged your body round. It was your turn to be shoved hard against the cool concrete
“Careful…” you choked between laboured breathes.
“You’ll give yourself a problem we won’t have time to fix”
“My only problem is not hearing you moan my name” Aggressive hands crept back round the front hoisting your dress back up.
Metal clinked; voices echoed. Heartbeat petrified still in your chest.
Innocent coughs smuggling smiles, arms linked as the last of the camera crew polite in their bow as the gave passage to you.
“Thank you, you worked hard” you responded in kind as Yoongi let you take the lead single file past the biggest cock blockers of the year.
“UUUGGHH” you whined slamming your head back into the head rest as Yoongi parked the Land rover in your bay in the gated underground parking of your building.
“I’m soo sorry babe, you know I want to finish this track with Hobi and Joon…I promise I’ll make you…What are you doing?”
Knitted eyebrows with brown pools twinkling with rare mischief that only glistened with you. Like the first time he decided to be brave and go down on you in a dressing room. He’d missed you a hell of a lot, too much apparently for even unbothered Yoongi to take control.
You’d shuffled and maneuvered yourself to the back seat dropping to the chair with a success filled sigh.
“I don’t want to wait until later” A teasing lip bite was all he needed to be scrambling into the backseat to join you. The tinted windows offering you more privacy than what waited for you in the apartment.
“And what I want I get” Your legs were already snug on either side of his hips
“Don’t I know it” His hands already ruffling up your dress as your hands dived desperate to unhook his jean buttons.
You secured his hands round the back of the head rest
“Stay” you urged; hands remained obedient as yours went to elicit controlled groans from his throat as your hand wrapped around him. The need between your legs grew, your bites of his lower lip grew harder, hips rocking against a frustrating nothing. Your ponytail got pulled back sharply. Yoongi apparently had enough of you torturing yourself and him
“Turn around and let me feel you now”
“My hands not good enough for you anymore?”
“Not when I know your just desperate for my cock”
Fair point
Agreeing with complete compliance, invested in his way of thinking. You swept your hair to the front of your shoulder. Following a hard grunt, a deep wet kiss was pressed to shoulder blade you needed to take a beat adjusting to him.
“Mmpphh” you both grunted, head falling forward. Hand grappling behind looking to hook onto any part of him. Palm closing in on his thin waist. Circle movements heavy in your hip
“Better? Is that all my baby wanted hmm?”
“Mmmhmm…Just you” you choked as his hips jutted upwards.
“Yeah?” hair weaved in the long genius fingers tugged hard lips, soft teeth not so on your neck.
“Use me then”
Oh I’m going to
His hand not leaving your hair, hips refusing to offer you anything. The filth Yoongi whispered in controlled pants still offered the motivation for your movements. Every time Yoongi felt the tensing of your thighs or your moans reached a certain pitch too high he couldn’t help but buck up into you. The dusting of a chuckle would ease in through his grunts at your cries.
He wanted to tease. The grip in your hair, the honey on his smirk and the slight growl in the background of his words told you that. Min Yoongi was now unbothered about keeping his friends waiting.
Not today
“Min Yoongi if you don’t make me…mmm… cum in the next 10 minutes…fuuuck” His fingers now tight between your legs, each burst of movement causing you to clench round him with a desperate tension.
“Your body is telling me you need a lot less than ten princess. I certainly don’t”
“Prove it” you challenged. A Challenge you knew he’d destroy in minutes. The air seemed to dissipate from the car, the heat instead hovering round the two of you. Goosebumps erupted all over your skin. Legs beginning to store the tension building up like Jenga blocks in your muscles. Back arching into him forming the perfect crescent. Your moans escalating both in pitch and volume rattled through his brain, trickling in hot drips down his spine adding the pressure within him to breaking point. A breaking point which spilled over before he could gain any control. The hand secured round your pony tail released and dropped to your shoulders with his head following suit, a few heavy breaths later
“I’m sorry… baby, you just feel too good”
“Turn around again baby”
“Do I need to do some more training with you? Your stamina is …” you teased hasty in your shuffle round, hasty to not let your climax slip to nothing.
“Probably” he confessed
“Just be quiet and let me make you cum”.
The tips of Yoongi’s hair were damp, you tried to ruffle it but the damp ends still reflected against the midday sun. Your selfie camera informed you that out of the two of you, you were the only one that didn’t look like they’d just fucked in a car. Unfortunately for Yoongi his face always flushes a cute tinted light red. He hated it. You thought it was hilarious.
“Will you please do a better job of not smirking, you know how observant Hobi is” Yoongi scolded, amusement drained from his face.
“Sorry…” you chuckled. You passed your hand over your face, smirk disappearing. Normal face trying to hold while your hand pressed down on the handle. You were met with silence for a few seconds before you had Ted bounding for you. Soon followed by Joon and Hobi who had been sat on their phones on the sofa. The TV was a silent black.
“I said you guys can treat this as your own space when you’re here, no need to sit in silence” You reminded half chuckling swiping Ted off his feet into your arms.
“I know, I know” Joon acknowledged.
“Sorry we were late, shoot ran over” Ted was put back to scrambling excitedly at your feet as you maneuvered your way to the fridge. Your eyes shot to Hobi, controlled by the unconscious notion if anyone was going to pick up on your white lie it would be him. His eyes were hovering on Yoongi for more than they should.
“It’s alright we get it” With Hobi’s smile being as sweet and as kind as it was. It was hard to decipher.
“You guys okay to chill for like five more minutes while I grab a quick shower” Yoongi checked.
“I’ll even but the TV on for you” he added. At this point you’d already disappeared and enjoying the hot water streaming across your skin.
“Sure, don’t let that run over too though” Hobi jested emphasising the ‘run’.
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mayatheamazon · 4 years
Whats your workout routine? Im an absolute stick of a girl but i really want to be strong and plan on going back to the gym when things open up 💚 (i have some workout equipment here at home)
Oh SWEET! I love when fellow women wanna be strong! 💪🏽 😄💓
First of all I’m excited for you and luckyyy you got some workout equipment at home so that’s an awesome start :), secondly, just a disclaimer: I am in no way licensed for personal training or anything haha so without further ado:
For strength training I aim for at least 5-7 reps (repetitions of the exercise), which is good for warming up so you don’t waste your energy of doing 10 reps of weights you already feel comfortable with. It’s also a good amount for lifting those challenging weights.
My general guideline is if you feel comfortable doing 7-10 reps of a weight, you should try to move up to a weight that’s a lil heavier. That’s called progressive overload baybee! Because you’re progressively using weights that kinda overload your body a bit so you get stronger. I try to conserve my energy by taking breaks, drinking water, etc in between each set of reps.
Having a spotter / another person to save you from crushing your skull n shit really helps for making PRs (personal records) so you can lift heavier weights than you normally use, without yknow dying if the weights get to be THAT heavy, for your major exercises such as benching, squatting, etc. They only really help you usually by lifting 5-10 lbs of the weight youre trying to lift, sometimes not even that. Im about 100 lbs heavy, and made a squat PR of 155 one time without my mom even touching the bar!!! She was there tho, right behind me, so psychologically I felt 10000x more ready and brave enough to squat. And I went for 12 whole reps. Sometimes spotters help you to re rack your weights or unrack. I’ve gotten stronger from having my parents help me, and I’ve also done the same for my huge buff parents. Works well. Accepting help is the BEST!!!
So here’s my split and here’s what I do. My workouts are different every time but I always train LARGEST muscle groups - SMALLEST muscle groups/ isolate a muscle. Descending order of energy burn.
A lot of these I can’t even rly do because gyms are closed. I mostly improvise with homemade weights now or the dumbbells my mom shares w me now ; I do not have a homemade gym tho :,)
Green = core workouts, that I always include no matter what. They’re the “largest” muscle groups and are often seen in powerlifting competitions because they’re the most crucial for building strength.
- squats (front & back, changing foot position from straight on & shoulder width apart, to toes facing out wards, to legs being wider apart, to legs being super wide apart (sumo position))
- deadlifts (changing my foot position the same way as squats) — these do LEGS and BACK
- leg press (leg press machine & sled machine)
- hacksquats
- walking lunges, reverse lunges
- hamstring machine
-calves (I sometimes do it after leg extensions)
- leg extensions (isolating your quads this shit BURNS! I love to do DROP SETS (in which I do progressive overload and then do as many reps of my heaviest weight as I can before I can’t, then I DONT TAKE A BREAK I DONT STOP as I drop the weight down by a little bit, do as many reps as I can before my legs give out on this safe machine, and I repeat until I’m legit down to using like 5-10 lbs and can barely do reps of that. That’s how you get a SICK pump btw, by doing drop sets for pretty much anything if it’s safe of course don’t be dumb and do that for benching with no spotter and then kill your chest and die)
- sometimes I mix in more glute workouts like hip thrusts, hip abductions, donkey kicks, fire hydrants w a booty band, or I do wall sits for a few minutes at a time to kill/ pump my quads.
- then I do the stepmill machine squeezing the hell outta my butt and legs going up 2 steps at a time after my leg workout, pretty slow, just to get blood flow in all of my legs again. Or bike. Or any other cardio. Even some sprints. I don’t do much cardio when I’m bulking because I don’t like to lose my gains but some cardio is good for strength building.
BACK & BICEPS (my split does the complimentary opposite muscles, meaning to contract back muscles I use biceps too; and for chest pressing I’m using my triceps):
- lat pull downs with free weights (the plates) on a couple different machines because the change of hand position is EVERYTHING
- lat pullbacks with free weights (I do one arm at a time sometimes because short arms and that’s the only way I can do that)
- lat pull downs with different bars/ handles make all the difference in cable machines
- lat pullbacks with cable machines
- lat pullbacks with dumbbells
- pull-ups (not powerlifting comp exercise but still a core exercise for me; I do drop sets in the assist machines by adding assistance each time after doing it unassisted is too difficult), or if you’re doing it from home I use my kitchen counter.
- any other back or bicep machines gyms may have; I like to explore
- curls ( classic curls, curls where you stop and start at a certain point (not full range), hammer curls, standing vs sitting with your back to a bench, preacher curls, one arm at a time vs both arms)
- bench press w bar (I switch my chest days between incline and decline; often doing flat benching after either)
- that with dumbbells now
- chest press machine ( again, incline or flat/decline)
- Arnold’s (I do those on chest AND shoulder day) theyre hard to master
- chest flys with dumbbells, cables, and / or machine
- [for incline chest I have my head on the bench and my body hanging off, knees at a 90° angle, torso parallel to the ground, holding 1 end of a dumbbell making a diamond shape with my fingers without my Versagrips on and I lift a dumbbell over my head kinda like skull crushers except straight arms and I go past my head, fuck I forgot what the exercise is called]
- pushups (changing hand position by width does a lot. Sometimes even having hands together making a diamond shape w the thumb and index finger works the triceps like you wouldn’t believe)
- tricep dips
- tricep extensions behind the head with dumbbells
- cable tricep extensions
- skullcrushers ( gosh that name is so hardcore)
- tricep machines if they have anymore
SHOULDERS: (mix n match with arms)
- shoulder press with dumbbells (preferably sitting so no assistance from momentum but standing is cool too :))
- press with the smith machine, esp if no spotter
- once again Arnold’s
- lifting dumbbells from your side or front, having hands either vertical or horizontal, arms straight, til the hands are extended and right at shoulder or eye level
- holding a free weight like a steering wheel arms extended kinda above head level, turning the wheel left and right, slowly.
- shrugs (machine or dumbbells or barbell )
- handstand push-ups against a wall
- downward dog pushups
- any other machines I may b missing
CORE ( I do everyday because it’s all about burning the abdominals as consistently as possible if you want definition, same sorta w biceps; the weight you use doesn’t matter as much as just the act of pumping them):
- crunches ( lower ab crunch, full crunch, normal crunches)
- sit-ups (in the fitness gram pace test, not to brag but I fûçkin won for those so 😎 LMAOO)
- Romanian whateverthefucks Where you sit back reclining, feet on ground, knees bent, slowly bringing a weight/ kettlebell/ weighted ball left n right across the hips
- bicycles
- planks
- mountain climbers
- leg lifts holding onto an overhead bar
- anything else on the Internet; there are infinite ab exercises guaranteed and that’s the beauty of it
So that’s pretty much an exhaustive list of all the exercises I can think of; I don’t always get to all of them because I like to prevent overtraining and getting to eating ASAP after I get a pump to build my muscles and recover as fast as possible. Plenty of food, plenty of rest rest, plenty of water, plenty of stretching does the trick my guy. I like to do yoga at night before sleeping sometimes so I’m not sore as frick the next day (sometimes doesn’t work)
Anyways I love it all. The burn, the pump, the soreness the day after ... it’s all a sign of hard work and it actually working. Consistency is your bff. I believe in you. Time for being strong bb
Best of luck for your strength journey !!!!
💖- Maya
PS: have this pic I posted on my insta ( same url as my tumblr)
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11 months can do HELLA
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adcres · 4 years
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         howdy hey , pardnerrrs :> i’m rox ( she / her ) ‘n i’ll be playing yr residential sullen broodin’ boy , nico . i didn’t have the time to write out a whole new intro , given that i have back to back classes again today :-’( , so please forgive me for recycling his old intro akawodkgrsd ; . that being said , i did tweak around some tingz and i updated his wcs for him , so if yr down to clown around just hmu on my discord :   𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔫𝔦𝔞#2854 !  okie okie , i’ll shut da eff up now ♡ 
༉‧₊˚✧ kim taehyung , cis man , he / him / his — did you see that nicholas “nico” yoon was trending last night ? the twenty three year old street artist has been getting a lot of press lately . i think it’s due to them being so + quixotic & + free-spirited , but i always thought they seemed - withdrawn & - sybaritic . their fans always say they remind them of soft smoke rings spun in a dreamy haze , silver-ringed fingers rapping against polished oak , and waning light refracting against broken glass though . i wonder if they’ve found out about REDACTED yet … i guess we’ll have to wait and see . [ rox , 22 , pst , she / her , none ]
01 and 02 .
at first glance , nico reads as this aloof , arrogant type that doesn’t like to associate w the common public . always keeping the majority of people at a comfortable distance , nico moves almost exclusively within his own social network , and doesn’t like to deviate from what he knows best .  
not so much pretentious as he is lazy , making an effort to socialize with complete strangers is simply something that nico would never do . hehe ... he’s kind of shy like that .... ♡ though he’d literally never admit it ♡
despite giving the impression that he’s some intimidating and chronically indifferent kind of guy , nico is genuinely a sweet boy — ‏‏‎ one who’s in a constant state of confusion as to why people seem to be so scared of him . it always comes as a shock when close friends of his admit that they thought he absolutely hated their guts when they first met him .
b/c tho he’s p smart , nico is very oblivious at times , and he’s 100% the kind of guy who’ll walk away from a conversation thinking he did a rly rly good job trying to make a friend ... when in reality he prob said four words in the span of thirty minutes smh .
overall , nico’s a private person , especially with what he’s thinking ... and it’s really hard to get a clear read on what’s on his mind . sharing his feelings has never been one of nico’s interests b/c he just genuinely doesn’t think whatever he has to say is rly worth mentioning . so he usually just shuts da fuck up n lets other ppl talk so he can mentally gain the strength to continue socializing .
push nico’s buttons enough tho ‘n you’ll catch this mf speaking in full sentences .
lastly , it should b noted that nico is a romantic through n through ... this mf probably d*ed in the victorian era ‘n got reincarnated b/c he’s got that ‘ lets share furtive glances across the room but never say a thing to each other  ‘ thing on lock . mr. darcy headass
and while nico might play the role of long-suffering , ever pining lover to a T , he’s more in love w / the idea of love than he is w / any single person . and he literally cannot hold down a relationship w/o fucking it up for himself in some shape or form .
kind of sarcastic ... v much the teasing type .... 
can b very impulsive at times , loves to go on solo adventures at night , prefers his own company tbh ...
overview : melancholic , reticent , noncommittal , humble , mild-mannered , romantic .
a mix of : josh from clueless and j.d. from heathers
more here .
the chill of silver jewelry against flushed skin , forgotten graffiti on porcelain sinks , flickering motel lights , kisses sticky with vodka , eyes ringed with lavender , sleepless nights surrendered to the dull buzz of television , obscure art house films , sun-kissed cheeks , the surprise of summer rain , chest aching with lost loves , scattered baby’s breath and rosemary , and a shared smile between perfect strangers .
nico was born on a brisk wintry morning in the fashion district of los angeles ( january 21st , 1997 ) to a family of six .
as the second youngest child , and the only male son to boot , nico grew up with his only inheritance being a generational kind of hunger , one that demanded for more than what his struggling parents could offer
the arts stole nico at an early age ... ushering him into a world of creation and freedom beyond the four bleak walls he daily occupied . from spending lonely summers tucked away in some forgotten corner in the library to practicing on a borrowed violin from dawn to dusk , nico knew that even with nothing at his disposal , there was always something to be made w/ the tools he’d been given  
despite not having the money for private tutors to hone their son’s growing artistic talents , his parents did whatever they could to support his dreams , whether that meant working double shifts back to back or scrounging for loose change underneath the sofa cushions to pay for whatever materials nico needed .
it was in this strange way that nico grew up p spoiled . somehow having nothing while also having absolutely everything at the same time .
very much a family man , the first big purchase nico made once he broke out in hollywood was a house in beverly hills for his parents . now that he’s finally at a place where he can take care of his family , nico makes sure that his parents and sisters want for nothing
while he showers everyone else with generous gifts and obscene amounts of money , nico doesn’t particularly feel comfortable doing the same for himself . he’s a simple man through n through . one who’s content to spend his time walking his dog late at night , listening to a podcast on his airpods , instead of going out to a club w/ other well-known socialites .
a true artist at heart , nico refuses to conform to the current trends of hollywood , instead insisting on wearing thrifted clothes to important galas — ‏‏‎much to the frustration of his PR team and the chagrin of his stylists . but none of the choices nico makes seems to surprise anyone anymore . driving flashy cars and wearing designer clothes has never really been his style , after all . and it’s important to him that he remain authentically himself despite everything .
pr relationship ( open ) : someone that nico is contractually obligated to date ... i could totally see there being drama ‘n tension from having to pretend to actually like each other ... would b better if they rly did not like each other at all ... 
fwb ( open ) : buddies who bump uglies sometimes ... they both agreed they’d never catch feelings for each other but we’ll see ... 
frenemies ( open ) : someone that grinds nico’s gears but they’re a friend of his friend ... so they’re forced to keep it civil . i can see them exchanging hateful comments in the back of their friend’s car while simultaneously posting pics of each other on ig to keep up the rouse . 
unrequited crush ( open ) : likely nico would not realize if yr muse had a crush on them ... but it’d be fun to play it out like a kdrama anyway heh heh
a close friend group ( open / any ) : i thought it’d b so cute if there was like a small group of friends , maybe 3-4 ppl , that do stupid shit like ditch going to celebrity after-parties to break into abandoned buildings , get real high , ask stupid ‘ would u rather ‘ questions , and do sum main character type shit ... yk what im puttin down ... ‘n nico is def the type to open up in the presence of extroverts so i think having a group of wild outsiders of diff bgs would b v inch resting ..
enemies / rivals ( open / any ) : tbh nico prob rubs ppl the wrong way since he has resting bitch face ‘n never wants to talk to anyone .. so im sure there r ppl who just do not like this mf ... and rest assured that the feeling is mutual ...
bad / good influence ( open / any ) : nico’s known to mount his high horse often ... mr morality over here ... so i just know he prob would butt heads w/ the residential troublemaker . tho nico’s artwork can be controversial and out of the box at times , his art style and his personality are at constant odds , and it’d b interesting to have that bad influence / good influence dynamic w/ someone .
family friend ( open ) : someone who grew up w/ nico in dtla ... couldve gone to the same public school as him ... or their families couldve gone to the same church ...
ok my intro post has become a fucking behemoth so im going to stop here ‘n just say i have so many more wcs in mind so if u wanna plot lets just talk hehe :>
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ofcdove · 4 years
                                      𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝒹𝓊𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔… 𝕕𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 
          normani. cis-female. she/her.  /  dove darling just pulled up blasting pressing me by rico nasty — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty three year old actress/musician, i’ve heard they’re really stubborn, but that they make up for it by being so vivacious . if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say early 2000s r&b playlists, princess cut diamonds, and shiny lipgloss over perfectly lined lips . here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! 
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           sup it’s raq and im a failure at  life.  this  is  dove  she’s  my  new  boo  I  hope  y’all  stan  her  like  i do i’ll be poppin into yo dms for plots but like, pls don’t hate me if im slow cause im just... slow skjaf also if you don’t have a plot with my other muse noel  here’s a link to his info and we can discuss both while we’re at it ! thank u for dealing with me 
                                [ 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕤 ― ❝ THAT NATURAL BEAUTY ,  BEAUTY ❞  ]
full  name:  dove  dahlia  darling     
age:  twenty-three years old
date  of  birth:  august  8th
star  sign:  leo
nicknames:  dee,  birdie,  mostly  goes  by  darling  as  a  stage  name 
place  of  birth:   calabasas  ,  california  
currently  living  in:  los angeles , california
voiceclaim:  normani  /  doja  cat 
sexual orientation:  pansexual
TL;DR :   lowkey,  as  soft  as  her  name  implies.  such  an   angel ..... if  you  don’t  know  her  all  that  well. lives  for  her  squeaky  clean  perception  and  would  never  tarnish  that.  to  the  media ,  she’s   quirky,  saccharine,  and  really  down  to earth.  a  sweet  face  with  a  love  of  music.  not  that’s  all  untrue  but -- she  has  a  tendency  to  flake  if  you  aren’t  perfect  her  image.  basically  queen  of  pr  relationships  eye... skgaj  her  career  is   priority  over  most  things.  a  girl  with  big  dreams  from  a  veryy  young  age  who  had  a  little  luck  (  a  lot  of  luck  lowkey )  an  alot  of  work  to  get  where  she  is.  (  she’s...  a  piece  of  work. ) 
                         [ 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕  ― ❝ WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE  ❞ ]  
 folks *claps* lets get started. you’re gonna see alot of  name alliteration just.. deal with it  i like it 
born  august  8th  to  desdemona  and  d’andre  darling ,  dove  darling  is  the  youngest  of  all  four   the  darling .  desdemona  and  d’andre   are  some  of  hollywood’s  favorite  socialites -- both  of  them  coming  from  blue  blooded  hilton-esque /  kardashian   families.  everyone  knows  they’re  wealthy  but  like  why? idk  either  it’s  just  some  good  old  money  that  allowed  the  darlings  to  pursue  things  like  activism,  modeling,  and   writing in  more  recent  generations.  needless  to  say,  dove  twas  thriving  as  a  child.  pretty  spoiled.  really  wouldn’t  ever  need  to  work  a  day  in  her  life  if  she  didn’t  want  to . 
she  went  to  the  best  private  schools  in  calabasas   and  spent  the  majority  of  her  childhood  playing  dress up  in  her  mother’s  expensive  clothing  and  jewelry  collections.  
though ,  at  the  age  of  7  she  hung  around  her  grandmother  more  frequently.    more  colloquially  known  as  just  dallas  --  dallas  darling  was  a  famous  singer  in  the late  70s  to  early  80s.  diana  ross vibes .  with  spending  more  time  with  dallas,  dove  grew  to  love  singing  and  (  probably  more  than  anything  )  preforming. 
it  was  from  the  age  of  8  on  that  dove  wanted  to  be  a  big  time  singer   just  like  her  grandmother  when  she  got  older. 
and  boy ,  did  this  girl  dedicate  her  life  to  this  dream.  her  parents  put  her  in  singing  lessons  and  she ‘d  put  on  little  shows  for  everyone  in  her  family -- perfecting  her  act. 
by  13  she  would  be  signed  to  her  first  record  label . 
didn’t  go  well....  really  the  label  was  as  alot  of  music  labels  are  to  child  stars -- terrible.  she’s  had  a  handful  of  really  bad  experiences  that  she  thought  she could  fight  through  if  it  meant  getting  her  dreams.   just  wanted  to  push  her  as  “the  new  dallas”  and  (  while  she  looks  up  to  her  grandmother )  dove  wanted  to  be  her  own. so  she  never  released  anything,  they  ended  up  dropping  her  within  a  few  weeks. still  persistent  dove  started  uploading  onto  youtube  some  covers  and  a  handful  of  original  songs . never  went  to  college,  literally  spent  her  late  teens  just  in  her  childhood  bedroom  (  which,  idk  is  probably  the  size  of  an  average  apartment  on  it’s  own  side  of  the  house cause  hc  she  probably  had a  long - term  partner  during  this  time  so  wc)  trying  to  make  something  that  people  would  like . 
moo being  the one  that  blew  up  years  later  and  became  a  meme  finally  skyrocketting  her  out  of  her  grandmother’s  shadow. 
at  the  moment  she has  released  2  lps  which  i’ll get  around  to  releasing  but  bigger  hits  include  motivation,  moo,  go  to  town ,  and  tia  tamara .  
        [ 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 ― ❝   A LONG TIME SINCE YOU FELL IN LOVE  ❞ ]  
 ugh,  a  diva.  period. 
but  possibly  in  the  best  way?  i  wouldn’t  say  she’s  a  throw  a  tantrum  for  not  getting  her  way  kind  of  girl  ,  cause  she’ll  just  go  get  it  herself.  a  go  getter. 
will  drop  you  (  with  or  without  reason  or  warning ) and  pretend  you  don’t  exist  for  the  rest  of  her  life.  she’s  just  got  a  tendency  to  stop  caring  about  people  if  she  feels  unimportant  to  them.   
as  down  to  earth  as  a  rich  girl  from  calabasas  can  be. sgkjad 
but  she  loves  a  good  meme, she’s  got  a  good  sense  of  humor  tbh 
a  leo  .  just... periodt. 
definitely  the  girl  to  buy  all  of  her  friends  way  too  expensive  gifts  because  she has........ no  concept  of  why  people  save  money eye skfgjdsa
still  working  out  the  nooks  and  crannies  but  that’s  a  general ........  vibe. 
           [ 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 ― ❝ LET ME BE YOUR MOTIVATION ❞ ]
alright  exes?  good  time.  best  friends  are  great  i’d  lowkey  love  to  see  a  healthy  lil  squad  she’s  apart  of .  friends  ppl  ship  her  with  and  she  just... lets  it  happen  bc  clout .  collaborators.  exes  she  broke  up  with  because  of  their  public  perception. siblings  if  y’all  feeling  like  bringing  an  aj  saudin or  something.  would  love  to  see another  darling.  uhh  crushes?  first  loves ?  anything  my  guys. 
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sgnsan-blog · 5 years
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hello howdy hi! i’m the mun of san ( bio / profile / plots ) here, she/her and in est time! this bb is my first and only son here @ seongnam!
he’s a twenty-one y/o senior majoring in business administration + minoring in pr, wolfbane’s treasurer also does student govt, debate, and dances when he can! but most importantly!!! he is also @sgnjongho​​‘s big bro ( their relationship is kind of uh.. complicated ) and will not hesitate to throw down over jongho, fr
but neither he nor i bite, i promise! if you’d like to do some plotting please press LIKE and i will pop up in your ims! just a warning tho i can be very very snail like from time to time b/c of life things but i will respond!! i swear!!! ims work best, but if you want my twt or discord just msg me!
some more info and plots under the cut if you’re interested:
a boomer in a zoomer’s body ( well, more like a millennial but it’s an inside joke )
ur local emotionally-oppressed-as-a-youth elite, kind of sort of wanted to be a dancer when he was in high school but had to drop the dream to take over his dad’s business
his younger brother is kind of a wild card and a general troublemaker -- basically the antithesis to him, but he still loves jongho ( albeit a LOT more quietly than he did as a kid )
pretty good student + excelled at public speaking, kind of spent a lot of his teenaged years trying to balance school, clubs, dance, and clean up after his brother to avoid getting him in trouble, didn’t really work out when the younger choi ended up being caught with drugs ( spoiler alert: he got framed ) and shipped off to america towards the end of hs for san
fell out w/ his parents after finding out that they knew about jongho being framed but still sent him to the us anyways, even more spiteful when they cut off all contact btw him and his brother
kind of had a late rebellious phase in freshman year in retaliation, dyed his hair blonde and partied ( a LOT ) but eventually mellowed out by the beginning of soph, came to terms w/ his familial situation and decided the best course of action is to just be the same Perfect Son as always so he can continue to do stuff behind his parent’s backs and focus more on keeping heat off of jongho
picked up dancing back in junior secretly but only as a hobby
basically, he’s just trying to Live his life and watch over his younger brother now, things just be like that sometimes
potential plots ( not gender specific )
( WOLFBANE, ENEMY ) if san learned anything from his dad, it’s that you should never have any weaknesses open to your enemies. unfortunately for him, you're both in wolfbane but hate each other, and guess what? you know the one secret he has that he can’t afford to let his parents know about: that he’s dancing again. he’ll do anything to stop you from snitching
( ANY ) his younger brother has wronged you in some way, but somehow, the number you’ve gotten ahold of is his, not jongho’s, and now you’re calling him and chewing him out for trespassing or vandalism that he didn’t do
( WOLFBANE, FRIEND ) you’re like his one (1) friend in wolfbane that he can actually kind of stand
( HELIOTROPE, FRIENDS ) heliotrope friends would be nice -- he’s on pretty good terms w/ most of the members, and probably hangs out with them often
( DANCE, FRENEMY? ) dance friends? in general? or maybe you didn’t expect ceo heir choi san to show up to the dance team in his junior year, and you think he’s either doing this for a bet, as a joke, or to put on his resume. none of those are true, by the way, but he finds it amusing how you’re trying to pin him as having bad intentions
( DANCE, FRIEND ) alternatively, you’re surprised at the fact that he can actually kind of dance ( although he’s a little rusty  ) + knows some stuff about dancing -- you’re from completely different backgrounds, but he doesn’t seem that bad. you vibe pretty well
( UNDERCLASSMAN, FRIEND ) give him an underclassman to take care of! maybe you remind him of his little bro, maybe you’re the opposite and instead remind him of himself. you text each other often, and when he’s not busy, you hang out from time to time.
( SENIOR, FORMER FRIEND ) you used to be friends in freshman year when he was actually into parties and stuff, but you’re no longer close after he went back to his normal straight arrow ways. but hey, who says you can’t go out once in a while, just like the good old days?
( ANY, CONFIDANT/LOVE INTEREST *MIGHT BE SELECTIVE ) clueless? at romance? haha that’s funny ( no really, he’s as dumb as bricks when it comes to this send help ) but essentially, you’ve been close for a few years now, and are probably one of the very very few people he tells personal things to ( i.e. about his brother, his past, etc. ). you and basically everyone else are like 99% sure he’s in love with you, he literally looks at you as if you’re his whole universe, gently brushes any stray hairs out of your face, does ALL the kdrama cliches, except here’s the catch: he himself doesn’t realize he’s head over heels? how is this possible?
( ANY, FRIEND ) he really needs to loosen up and learn to do things for himself. you’re good at that, and want to help him out
( ANY ) general friends/connections, pls sauce me i promise i brainstorm better ideas than whatever this is
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 May Tuesday 6th (part two)
- let[ter] this ev[enin]g 3 pp fr[om] M-[Mariana] Leam[in]gton dat[e]d the 4th inst[ant] tho[ugh] she h[a]s n[o]t writ[ten] she const[antly] th[ou]ght of me
‘I have forborne to wr[ite] as I fear[e]d to let my pap[e]r carry you the full[ne]ss w[hi]ch has nev[e]r ceas[e]d to press up[on] on my heart s[in]ce I rec[eive]d the let[ter] of the 15th of Ap[ril] I can't rem[ai]n long[e]r silent b[u]t will endeav[ou]r to foreb[ea]r writ[in]g an[y]th[in]g w[hi]ch can eith[e]r, annoy, or ma[ke] you th[in]k me mo[re] weak than you yet ha[ve] suppos[e]d me - Besides, all this, y[ou]r happiness is ver[y], ver[y] d[ea]r to me, and aft[e]r all the y[ea]rs you ha[ve] sacrifice[e]d to me, I ought ind[eed] to rejoice that your days of solitude are draw[in]g to a close - I don't apprehend that mine will ev[e]r co[me] , as I ha[ve] lit[tle] doubt b[u]t that the quiet ch[ur]ch at Lawton will rec[eive] he last of me, long bef[ore] an[y] oth[e]r change ta[kes] pl[a]ce in the fam[il]y - b[u]t if so, I am, as I ha[ve] alw[a]ys express[e]d mys[elf] to you , ent[irel]y satisf[ie]d that su[c]h sh[oul]d be the case, and now, I ha[ve] an addit[iona]l reas[o]n for the feel[in]g - b[u]t I will n[o]t wr[ite] yours[elf] bec[ause]I really am thankful to bel[ieve] you are as happy as I can desire -
Your having taken another to your bosom has not left vacant your place in Mary's heart. You have it too long and too exclusively to be brushed aside by any other. Fresh interest may squeeze themselves pretty closely by the side but they have not not and cannot encroach that my happiness is dear to you, I well know. Surely we neither of us can forget ‘if the sunshine of love has illumined our youth the moonlight of friendship may at last console our decline’ Let fate do her worst; there are remembrances of the past of which she cannot rob me this often steal to my heart and perhaps scatter away the darkest clouds -b[u]t Freddy , d[ea]r[e]st Freddy so[me]how I feel awkw[ar]d in writ[in]g to you I kno[w] n[o]t that I wr[ite] for you alone, and the th[ou]ght discomf[or]ts me ev[e]n th[ou]gh my let[ter]s m[i]ght be hung on the ch[ur]ch door - gi[ve] a faithful ans[we]r to this part of my let[ter] -
go[in]g to Lawt[o]n as yest[erday] for a week - on acc[oun]t of his schools and “bec[ause] change of air Mr. Pritchard thinks will do me good’- the holidays beg[i]n on the 20th prox[im]o and they are to rec[eive] the boys (Lawton's) at Leam[in]gton - mentions the Cam[ero]ns go[in]g away for the sum[me]r ‘ I shall finish my let[ter] here, for my th[ou]ghts will run in one channel- as I am qui[te] sure your und[e]rtak[in]gs are found[e]d on reas[o]n, it is b[u]t rath[e]r to ha[ve] lit[tle] doubt of their success - may heav[e]n ev[e]r bless you and pres[erve] you and be assur[e]d that I deep[e]r feel their assurances of pres[en]t and fut[ure] reg[ar]d - n[o]t less than ever affect[ionatel]y yours Mariana’ -
She writes as if too bitterly repenting the deed of her own doing as if much attached to me as ever how strangely inconsistent her conduct has been still by her own showing I am right ‘Virtutem incolumeum odimus sublatam in oculus invidi querimus’ – Poor Mary! She traded h[e]r happ[ine]ss for gold; and the pr[ice] was fatally too dear – wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today till 11 3/4 - fine day, rath[e]r dullish -fort[unatel]y for my ev[e]rgreens n[o]t m[u]ch sun - F62° now at 11 3/4 p.m. - W[illia]m Green told me today Jos[e]ph Wilkins[o]n s[ai]d he w[oul]d gi[ve] h[i]m as m[u]ch for his cot[tage] as I w[oul]d (£100 offer[e]d 94 before) and w[oul]d like me to let h[i]m and his wife ha[ve] it their joint lives at £5 per ann[um] - refus[e]d to enfranchise it (leasehold) - w[oul]d be oblig[e]d to me to let h[i]m ha[ve] it - or I h[a]d bet[ter] buy the f[iel]d it st[a]nds in - told W[illia]m to inq[uire] wh[a]t pr[ice] he w[oul]d ta[ke] for the f[iel]d - w[oul]d gi[ve] its worth, b[u]t n[o]t mo[re] and th[ou]ght W[illia]m h[a]d bet[ter] sell his cott[age] to me than to J[oseph] W[ilkinson] -
The quote is from Horace and pedestrianly translated means, “we hate virtue uninjured, but when hidden from view, even envy seeks it out.” (go find a better latin translator than me). I rather like repented Mariana, her regret is palpable.
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mini-pretzel · 5 years
a while - namgi
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Genre: BEWARE OF ANGST, also light fluff
Music: reminiscer
Additional tags: depression mentions, also mentions of mutual pining, Namjoon is too sweet im crying, Yoongi is an emotional softie
Word count: 2k
A/N: namgi is slowly consuming my life. help.
Yoongi's has always buried his depression.
And his feelings for Namjoon.
Yoongi knew that it would happen again. Every time it let go of him, it was only for a short period of time. A few days after it would always return, bearing that weight of helplessness that he has grown accustomed to in his everyday life.
Whenever it would visit, he would try to seem okay around the guys, but he knew how that never came across as, well, normal in their eyes. They would usually notice a change in his demeanor whenever it would take him, having lived together for so long. They knew he was no stranger to such dark thoughts and emotions, but he hated feeling like a burden to the group, so he would bury it until it would dissipate into nothingness. It was simpler that way. No drama, no therapist visits, no scandals, no bad PR.
That’s how things went.
“Wow, I can’t believe we won another award.” said a soft voice--Jimin’s probably--full of surprise and amazement.
They were sitting around in their living room, jackets shed and spread on the couches, with some of the members already showered and in comfy sweats.
“Yeah, we’ll need to get another trophy case if this keeps up,” another voice said and a chaotic laughter followed.
Yoongi could faintly tell who was talking, but he was feeling like slowly he was slipping more and more away from the conversation and into a blank void that was absent of emotion. The thing inside him was starting to pull at him and Yoongi felt his hands growing increasingly antsy in lap. He really needed to dissociate. Only in being by himself in his room could he truly go through all the motions of the apathy that was starting to plague his chest.
He somewhat understood that he needed to shower and get change out of his award show suit, but he just couldn’t bring himself to care. All he wanted was to curl under a blanket and pray that it swallowed him whole.
“Yoongi-hyung, you alright?” he heard a concerned voice of Jimin who was sitting beside him, but the elder just smiled tightly, eyes absent, and waved him off. He really needed to get away from the guys so as to not ruin their mood. They had just won another important award, and while he usually took his time looking at every little piece of detail the trophy had, that was the last thing on his mind as the sickening feeling in his chest softly whispered that none of it mattered and he really needed to be by himself.
“I’m fine, Jiminie, it’s just been a long day.”
The younger man pouted, his plump lips looking even more full, but didn’t pry further, which Yoongi found himself thankful for. His problems are the last thing that the guys need to focus on at during a happy time like this.
Speaking of which.
Yoongi slapped his knees as he rose from the couch, drawing attention from everyone around him.
“I’m heading to bed,” he announced to the group, trying to sound as normal as possible.
Jin and Jeongguk looked up from Jin’s phone, where the oldest, no doubt, was showing the youngest a funny video. They both said goodnight, but the air suddenly felt stiff in the room. Taehyung made a movement to hug Yoongi and he backed away before the taller man could envelop him into his bone-crushing hug, and somehow that only made things more suspicious.
Namjoon, with his smart eyes looked like was about say something but Yoongi purposefully ignored looking his way knowing how the taller man made his heart skip into his throat every time, making his crush painfully obvious. And he really, really did not want to deal with the inevitable rejection and awkward stares when the thing was rearing its ugly head. He could only deal with one thing at a time.
“Goodnight, everyone.” Yoongi said curtly, before speed walking upstairs and disappearing into the darkness of his room before anyone could stop him and question him on what was wrong.
As soon as he was secluded in the privacy of his room, he sighed heavily and stripped down to his boxers, leaving his suit in a small little pile on the floor before slipping into his bed.
Yoongi immediately folded his body into a fetal position as he brought the covers closer to himself. It was only there, under layers of blankets, where he could let go and cry as the thing inside his chest cavity wrapped a slimy grasp around his heart. There, in his little space, away from everyone else in the world, he would let it slowly devour him without retaliation, because there was nothing he could do. There, he could give up. There, he could hate himself. There, he could-
A soft knock interrupted his flow of thoughts and because it was so quiet in his room, as Yoongi has always been a silent crier, he could hear it clearly as if someone was beating down the door.
After a few moments, the knock returned, this time with more urgency, and Yoongi heard himself groan as he untangled his limbs from the sheets. He sluggishly stepped toward the door, his whole body feeling heavy, and opened it just a crack.
“What?” he said, wincing when his eyes were hit by a yellow brightness from the hallway light. He hoped he sounded grumpy and annoyed, and not pathetic like he felt.
A familiar pair of observant eyes looked back at him and it made Yoongi felt even more naked than he already was.
“Yoongi, are you alright?”
He felt Namjoon’s piercing gaze send a shiver down his spine.
“I’m fine.”
It was a blatant lie, and Yoongi knew Namjoon saw right through it.
“Can I come in, Yoongi?” his voice was gentle, so gentle it made Yoongi grip the door handle tighter and avert his eyes from Namjoon’s, a sudden warmth spreading in his cheeks.
“Because you’re clearly not alright.”
“I said I’m fine.” the words were cold and devoid, but he felt a fire stirring inside him. All he wanted was to be left alone. No one else was supposed to deal with this.
“Please.” the pleading tone in his voice made Yoongi look up to Namjoon’s eyes and see the taller man’s hand gripping the door, itching it to open further. “Let me help.”
Yoongi choked out a dry laugh, finding the vague proposition absolutely ridiculous, but stepped away from the door anyway, and with it letting Namjoon into his room. The boldness of this man, really. It made Yoongi’s head spin.
Namjoon closed the door behind him and Yoongi heard the lock click, but avoided turning back to face the new intruder in his personal space. His cheeks were already on fire, he didn’t need the man to see them too.
“Well, now you’re here. What are you going to do now?” Yoongi started saying in his nonchalant voice, “What could possibly hel-” his words were cut off when he felt the taller man’s arms wrap around him in a backwards hug.
“How long have you been feeling like this, Yoongi?” he heard the younger ask against his ear and shuddered from the hotness of his breath.
“A-A while.” Yoongi decided to answer. He didn’t know why he was being honest with the man, especially when it was much easier to not say anything. Namjoon had that effect on him, he supposed. He could make anyone talk about anything.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” the arms tightened around him, pulling him closer and Yoongi could really feel the warmth of Namjoon’s body now through the man’s shirt, the realization making him swallow hard.
“Not your problem to deal with.” he stated simply, feeling every pump of his heart in his throat.
“Oh, Yoongi.” was the response. And why did it sound so soft and full of care? It did nothing to help his poor heart.
That’s when Yoongi realized he was pretty much naked save his boxers in front of the taller man who was holding him against his chest. Yes, his heart was definitely not going to be able to handle this.
“What?” he tried to remain calm, but a part of him knew that his heartbeat already gave away his true feelings under his calm demeanor.
“You can always talk to us about anything that’s bothering you. Your problems are worthy of a solution.” Namjoon whispered with mouth pressed so close against his ear, Yoongi could feel his lips move with every syllable. “Please talk to us when you feel like this, we will support you.”
Yoongi’s breath stopped in his throat and there was a burning sensation in his eyes.
“I know you’d much rather hold it all in, but it’s not healthy, Yoongi.”
Damn it, Namjoon.
“We care about you, Yoongi.” he felt those pair of lips he thought about to too often when he was in bed alone press a firm kiss on his temple. “I care about you.”
With that, Yoongi’s heart stopped.
Then, hot tears trickled down his face and his shoulders quivered from the overwhelming wave of emotion. Suddenly the slimy grip on his heart wasn’t as tight was it had been before, and Yoongi speculated it was because of the long warm arms that were wrapped around him, as if shielding him from everything unsavory and dreadful.
Yoongi brought up one of his arms to touch Namjoon’s forearm and his fingers gripping the skin harshly as if it was the only thing grounding him in reality, keeping him away from the darkness hidden away in the corners of his mind.
So many thoughts were inside his head, but he didn’t know how to voice them.
Yoongi hummed for the lack of a better response, still dealing with the sudden outpour of tears.
“Would like for me to stay with you tonight?”
Stay? Stay as in-
“In my bed?” Yoongi breathed out, glad it was so dark that his blush could go unnoticed.
“Not necessarily. I can sleep on the floor,” Namjoon offered, “I just want to make sure you sleep okay.”
“B-bed’s fine.” Yoongi protested immediately. Why in the hell did he sound so damn nervous? It wasn’t like he hadn’t shared a bed with the guys before during their early debut days. Namjoon in his bed was not an unusual occurrence, but the pounding in his chest and the flush on his cheeks clearly showed that something had changed since their debut days.
He felt the taller man nod and pull away, before taking a step back and moving closer to the bed to raise the blankets so Yoongi could climb in first.
After Yoongi was safely tucked in and watching him, Namjoon shed his sweatpants and crawled in next to him, facing him.
As they stared at each other, Yoongi noticed how Namjoon’s face held so much compassion and longing that it made him wonder how long the taller man reciprocated how Yoongi felt about him. The faint moonlight illuminated Namjoon’s features and Yoongi felt himself slipping further into the whatever feeling he kept silencing and locking away deep in his chest for years.
It had all seemed unfathomable, ludicrous even. He didn’t even dare let himself think all those times where he saw the taller man staring at him for a little too long or laugh a little to hard at his jokes meant anything more than comradery.
For who could feel such affection for someone as broken as Yoongi?
“How long have you felt like this?”
Yoongi felt his heart almost leap out of his ribs. “A while.”
Namjoon tilted his head, that lovely dimpled smile forming on his cheeks. “Why didn’t you say anything about it?”
Yoongi smiled back. “Wasn’t your problem to deal with, Joon.”
The taller man laughed softly, “Oh, Yoongi.”
At that the smaller man pushed himself closer, eyes glued to the dark orbs staring back at him. Yoongi felt strong legs wrap around his thinner ones and a pair of hands dig into his hair, pulling him even closer until their bodies pressed together in the middle of the bed. And right there, in the warmth, hidden beneath heaps of blankets and barely lit room, one pair of lips met another.
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allfandomxreader · 6 years
Seven Months
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Pairings: Tom x Male!Reader
Request:Please make a oneshot fanfic tom Holland x male reader!! Im dying to read one and you’re amazing, love your works!
Warnings:none that I can think of
A/N: This one is lil short but I like it. I had no idea how to end it so the end is shitty my b
Seven months. Seven months of secrets, lies, cover stories, and playing pretend. Seven months. Seven months of quick kisses behind closed doors, loud laughter, and subtle brushes only you and him could pick up on. Seven months of falling in love.
To say you were smitten was an understatement, you were head over heels, madly in love with a boy and he was head over heels for you. There was no denying that Tom’s feelings were the same for you.
With you around, Tom’s smile would stretch a little wider, he’d laugh a little louder, and fall for you a little harder. The relationship you shared with your boyfriend was almost perfect.
Nobody knew. Well, nobody besides Harrison, Jacob, Zendaya and of course, Tom’s and your own family. Everyone adores the relationship the two of you shared. They could tell from a mile away the adoration the two of you radiated at all times that what you had was real.
The only people in the dark are Tom’s fans. You both agreed at the beginning of your relationship to keep it private for as long as possible, you wanted to be happy for as long as possible without press or hate. Tom wanted to guard you from hate for as long as he could.
Of course, his fans knew who you were. You’re constantly in his live videos on Instagram, always on his story, always traveling with him, always supporting him at every event or panel. You’re around Tom more than Harrison was, it was no secret that you’re best friends.
The fan’s love you almost as much as Tom does. They always leave nice comments on your Instagram posts or twitter feed. They saw how much you meant to Tom, and they welcomed you with open arms.
Keeping your love was one of the hardest things you’ve ever been asked to do. You always wanted to hold your boyfriend’s hand while walking in public, to kiss his cheek when you felt the urge, to just be a normal couple for two seconds. But Tom’s PR thought it was best to keep your relationship on the down low, not knowing how his fans would react to him being gay.
You follow Harrison and Tom out from the gym, sticky with sweat. Your eyes wonder over Tom’s arms, he has sweat stains from the rigorous workout you didn’t dare to attempt. The two men in front of you laugh at something you aren’t paying any attention to.
Paparazzi trail around the three of you, asking random questions and snapping pictures you know you’ll see on Twitter in the next few minutes. You all smile and wave, something you do on the regular these days.  
Once seated in the comfort of Harrison’s car, the crowd of flashing cameras disappear. Tom always sits in the back beside you when someone else drives. Slowly, his fingers lace together around your long fingers. “Hey,” He mumbles, causing you to look away from the window and to him, “What’s wrong, you seem to have a lot on your mind.” There was no use lying to the man, he knows you like the back of his hand. You only shrug at his question.
“Nothing,” You lie anyways, not really wanting to have your thoughts shared in front of Harrison. It wasn’t as if Haz didn’t know your feelings about how desperately you wanted to come out to the world as Tom’s boyfriend and not just his best friend, you talk to Haz about the idea more to Tom.
“Y/N,” Tom doesn’t buy your answer. For a split second, you make eye contact with Haz through the mirror, he gives you a slight nod, prompting you to share what you really had to say.
“I want everyone to know about us,” You whisper.
“Really?” Tom’s brows raise, a smile pulling across his features. “Me too,” He admits sheepishly, “I’ve thought about it for a while now.” You both beam at each other for the next few moments before he breaks the silence. “Haz, take us downtown, lad.”
Tom jumps out of the car as soon as it parks. He jogs around the side, tugging on the handle to let you out before you can even reach for it. “After you,” He smiles as you step into the bustling city.
Girls scream as they see the celebrity, already pulling out their phones and notebooks to snap pictures and ask for autographs.
Before you can even wave, Tom laces his large hand around yours. You grin at the sight of your hands tied together in the sunlight, something you’ve never seen before.
Tom kisses you, a soft and appropriate kiss for the situation. You hear camera lens’ click and hushed, excited whispers but that’s far in the back of your mind.
When you pull away, the crowd cheers, everyone grins at their favorite boys, happy that Tom is happy, happy that you’re happy.
Seven months a secret. Seven months in the dark, a lifetime in the sun.
Tags: @superfrankie111 @thoughts-for-tom
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runephoenix6769 · 6 years
Shattered. Part 3B
Widowmaker attempts to break free from Talon.
(one shots culminating in a collection of short fics, From all povs.. Lena is not overly friendly to begin with)
Ill be constantly editing before putting it to ao3 and ff.
Thankyou @call-signtracer for the title and first read
Part 3 is super long so not wanting to jam up your feed, Im going to split it into Part A and Part B.
                                     Shattered. Part 3B
Holstering her gun, the athletic woman turned, disappearing back down the hallway. Alone, Angela tenderly drew a strand of damp hair out of her former friend’s face.
Amelie, what have you gotten yourself into this time?
It was all too reminiscent.
A bright spring morning, Angela had been attending a conference in Paris when the call had come through requesting that she attend the townhouse Gerard Lacroix and his wife shared in the city as disturbing reports of an incident had come through. Information had been sparse, an phone call to the base in Switzerland from the Overwatch agent’s hysterical wife, barely discernible, was all they had to go on.
Morrison had assured her that he was on his way that it was probably nothing to worry about, it being more than likely linked to Amelie’s recent return from Talon’s clutches. Time was of the essence, keep the local authorities at arm’s length if need be. If that couldn’t be avoided, her orders were was to subdue the wife whilst Gerard secured all documents. Keep it contained.They couldn't afford another PR incident, not so closely on the heels of the unmitigated disaster of the Slipstream accident. Gerard knew the drill.
The press being held back by Officers had been the first indication that something was very wrong. Hover cars blue lights flashing, an Omenic police officer had let her though after inspecting her credentials.
The blue and white ticker tape fluttering in the spring morning zephyr had looked out of place on the idyllic cobblestoned drive way flanked by blooming cherry blossoms, twinkling in rays of the mid morning sun. The apprehensive knot as she walked up that drive way sometimes still, years later, gripped her in the darkest hours of the night. To this day she still recalled the sombre faces of the local officers, some refusing her gaze, others looking at her in pity. One officer had approached her,
“We secured the area, we didn’t want to go in until one of your lot came, but we had no choice.”
White knuckled, she had enquired,
“Where’s the patient?”
He had blinked,
“I’m sorry to say Ma’am, there isn’t one.”
Entering that townhouse, a place usually so full of love and life that had now been replaced with a heavy stillness, had taken all her courage.  Her feet had felt like lead as she followed the officer up the winding staircase that would lead to the bedrooms. She had paused, stock still in the doorway of the master suite.  The curtains had shifted in the double bay doors that she had known lead out onto a south facing balcony, the view into the garden had been Amelie’s favourite place, the breeze disturbing soft duck feathers that littered the French polished floor boards as the waft of cherry blossoms intermingled with the metallic tang of blood.  
The officer had stood to one side, remaining by the door as Angela had approached the bed, a lump covered over, one white hand limply dangling down the side, the other flopped on the mattress uselessly curled beside a revolver. Peeling back Egyptian cotton sheets had revealed a pillow placed over the face, duck down feathers mottled through the hole and dark maroon spittles.  She had steeled herself to remove the pillow to stare at Gerard’s once handsome face, marred by a bullet hole, unseeing eyes and lips blue from lack of oxygen.  
She had collapsed into a nearby chair and wept.
“We think there was in intruder. Someone he brushed up the wrong way. Bound to happen in his line of work.”
She had ignored his incompetence at the glaring facts. Better the locals think it was an intruder, rather than the dark suspicions that had grown in Angela’s mind.
“Where’s Amelie?”
“His wife!”
“We didn’t know she was meant to be here.”
“Find her!”
With a crackle of comms and urgent whispers in French, she had been left alone. And that is how the Overwatch leader had found her, in that room that stank of death failure and regret, beside the body of their friend. Morrison had drawn her into a hug as she had sobbed over and over,
“I was wrong Jack. I was wrong!”
Suddenly Tracer’s usual chipper voice replaced with gentle reproach, brought her back to the present.
“Are you ok there Angie?”
Cupboards banging echoed through the apartment. Looking up into Lena’s expressive face, Mercy gave the concerned young woman a small smile,
“I’m fine.”
“We’re gonna help her, right?” Holding up a surveillance sweeper, Tracer began scanning the walls, “I don’t wanna but it’s the right thing to do, init?”
The plucky pilot had been still been classed as MIA when the Lacroix incident had occurred and probably only knew Amelie as the Talon codename of Widowmaker. God only knows, she had every right to hate her; Angela had patched the youngster up plenty enough times after she had come worse off grappling on roof tops with the assassin, and how crushed she had been after the murder of Mondatta, yet the girl’s understanding and good nature gave Angela some hope.
“You’re a good kid, Lena.”
Lena let out a puff of air as she tossed her head in attempt to remove a lock of her unruly hair from her face, a habit she had and a tell-tale sign she was nervous at accepting the compliment.
The Lieutenant returned, holding out a threadbare bed sheet,
“This is all I could find.”
“It will do.”
Tracer continued to check the walls and surroundings as the two other women struggled to manoeuvre the Talon operative onto the sheet. Each taking two corners of the makeshift sling, they grunted under the weight as they shuffled out into the sitting room. Angela worked quickly and with a practised ease as she firmly but gently pressed a stethoscope to a blue breast bone causing Widow’s skin to give an involuntary shudder. Holding her breath, the Doctor listened intently for tell-tale signs of the heart.
Ba dum.  There it was, weak but there none the less. She counted out the seconds. Ba dum. slow, far too slow than was humanly possible. A number of medical situations ran through her head.
Hypothermia. Was it even possible for Widow to suffer from hypothermia?
Flipping the stethoscope over neck, she fished out a small flashlight and began to lift up Amelie’s eyelids to reveal sclera littered with purple dots similar to petechial haemorrhaging.
“She looks like a djinn.” Came the soldier’s brusque tone.
Rifling through her bag, Angela realised she was woefully unprepared for the situation. The last time she had attempted to administer aid to one of Moira’s experiments it had resulted in dire consequences from which no amount of science could return. She was damned if she was going to run the risk of another Reaper happening by her hand.
“We need to bring her to my lab.”
Momentarily, Tracer paused what she was doing,
“Ange, are you barmy? We can’t just waltz into Watchpoint with one of the enemy’s top agents. Its espionage 101, that is!”
From her vantage point, leaning against the wall, Fareeha added,
“Thank you for being the voice of reason.”
“I can’t treat her here, I don’t have what I need.”
“Can’t you just zap her with your staff?”
“It doesn’t work like that Lena. Her physiology is beyond field medicine. One wrong move and she could die, or worse.”
“What could possibly be worse?” Fareeha muttered, darkly.
Lena cocked her hip, the beeping of the sweeper forgotten,
“Look I’m not saying that we’re gonna,”She stressed the words, “Or that we should, but if we were, how the hell we supposed to get her out of here? Its not like we can just mosey on down the stairs and hang a right at the elevator.”
The two older women glared at each other.
“In a body bag.”
“Fareeha, you’re not helping.”
Before another argument could ensue, Lena butted in.
“No she’s right!  Think about it.” Lena began to pace, “We pop her in a body bag and Bob’s your Uncle if there’s anyone watching they won’t know who we have and they will assume whoever it is dead!” Tracer vibrated with excitement, “Its genius!”  
Anglea added, thoughtfully,
“We do have one in the hovercraft. Its standard issue.”
Fareeha rubbed her temples, staring at Mercy. After a long moment she let out a deep sigh,
“I want it on record that I think this is reckless and I’m against it!”
“Mint!” the Brit almost squealed before there was a pop and she zipped out of the door in a flash of light.
Putting her hand to her ear, Angela activated her comm,
“Genji, I need you to contact the base and tell them to prep the secure lab. Protocol 1426, contingency WhiskeyMikeAlphaLima.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I have a duty of care.” Angela replied, softly.
“Are you sure that is what this is?”
Angela studied the woman across from her. She sometimes forgot just how astute she was and how well over the last few years she had come to know her. Fareeha had been far too young to remember what had happened but it was common knowledge to her mother and the other senior members of Overwatch that Angela had taken to personally shouldering most of the blame. She and Amelie had been close at one point, not being part of the gung-ho commandoes; they had found an appreciation in other things such as the arts and a mutual respect had blossomed into a firm and fast friendship.
“I failed her once, I won’t fail her again.”
Fareeha’s features softened, as she quietly replied,
Tracer popped, breathlessly back into room, triumphantly holding up the bag,
“I got it.”
Taking the bag from the girl’s unresisting grip, Angela unfolded it, hating the sound of the heavy duty rubber. Too many times she had need of such a thing, she had always loathed the feel of it.  The Egyptian soldier reached out to help her, taking a corner to unfurl it next to the comatose assassin.
“Gather everything. And I mean everything. Not a single trace she was here. Understand?”
Lena buzzed about in a blue blur grabbing everything she could find, only pausing to flick the locks on an expensive state of the art guncase to find Widows Kiss safely cloistered within.
The two women lifted Amelie into the bag, careful not to zip it up all the way. All three Overwatch agents looked at each other.
“Now what?” Asked the Brit.
The lieutenant shook her head,
“I can’t believe I’m asking this. How close can you get to the building?”
“How close you want it?”
Mercy’s head snapped between the young women,
“What are you thinking?”
“We go out of the window onto the balcony.”
Lena grinned,
“I like your style!”
Fareeha pressed.
“Can you do it?”
Lena struck a cocky pose, breathing on her nails, and making a show of dusting then against her shoulder,
“They don’t call me an Ace for nothing.”
“Are you both nuts?”
“What other option do we have?” Fareeha asked, “Do want to risk dragging her ass through a civilian housing hub. All it takes is one idiot with a holocam and we’re all over the news. Puft, so much for a clandestine mission.”
“Can I do it, Mom?” Lena asked with an enthusiasm that belied the gravity of the situation.
Blinking in disbelief, Angela waved her off.  Tracer clapped her hands excitedly before, once again, the young pilot disappeared in a haze of blue light, casting after images of where she once stood, leaving the two women alone.
“Don’t thank me yet. When it goes wrong and it will, you can be the one to explain it to my mother.”
The low thrum of the hover craft, heralded its arrival. Through the window Angela could see Genji hanging casually in the aircraft doorway.  A gust of wind entered, as Angela opened the door as Fareeha , with Widow’s limp body unceremoniously slung over her shoulder, took Genji’s outstretched hand, the cyborg making ease of pulling her into the awaiting craft.
Once there precious cargo was inside, Genji began collecting the remnants of Widow’s belongings.
With one last sweep of the bathroom, Angela spied a small bottle. Picking it up, she gave it shake, the sound of pills rattling within. Slipping it into her pocket, she quickly grabbed her med bag.
“Are we ready Dr Zielger?”
Anglea nodded.
Stepping into the hovercraft, she gave one last glance as the bay doors closed behind her, Lena’s chipper voice coming over the comms,
“Welcome to flight Tracer. Keep all seat backs and tray tables in the upright and locked position. Please be aware of the overhead compartments as things may shift in transit and knock you the fuck out. Our ETA is two hours. Sit back and enjoy the ride!”
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lance-brady · 6 years
shut the front door she finally wrote an intro in a timely fashion
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the paparazzi have spotted lawrence brady, the twenty-eight year old actor who’s currently working as dr. jake bishop on paloma general. the tabloids have called them formidable and ambitious, but also calculating and stoic. during their time in the spotlight, they’ve been dubbed the tempest.
(tw: death, violence, gambling addiction, guns, general assholery)
i need to stop winging these but whatevs
okey dokey so this time we have lawrence james brady
he was born in bel-air, california, to super rich parents arthur and helen brady
probably won’t realise you’re talking to him if you call him lawrence – lance or brady is probs your best bet
he’s the oldest of three kids, with a younger brother and sister (who he’s super protective over)
okay now for the fun part (or not so fun?? depends whose side you look at it from)
so the brady bunch are absolutely nothing like the brady bunch. think more the peaky blinders
the brady family are incredibly well-off, but they didn’t exactly come about their money in the most legitimate fashion. there’s a more in-depth backstory at the bottom of lance’s bio page here but tldr:
papa arthur was involved in gambling and owed a lot of money to the wrong people. by dealing with the issue and disposing of the problem, he gained a reputation for himself. there was one incident after the birth of his 3 kids, when his wife was shot and killed by a bullet intended for him, leaving the kids without a mother.
his youngest son is serving a stretch in prison for multiple counts of grand larceny, extortion and assault. whilst arthur’s daughter remains on the right side of the law, for the most part, lawrence has had more than a few run-ins.
frequently through school, he was involved in fights and was suspended on more than one occasion.
as he got older, lawrence learned to deal with matters while keeping his own hands clean. he’s the literal definition of ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’. dirty cops, drug dealers, contract killers – you name it, lance probably knows a guy. that way, he keeps his hands – and more importantly, his reputation – clean, but still gets the job done. it’s a side to him that almost nobody knows, except for his family.
the side of him that everybody knows, however, is the rugged, stoic actor.
acting for lawrence began when he was essentially forced into being a stage-hand for a school production as punishment after being suspended – a sort of community service, if you will.
he found that he actually enjoyed it, but was more intrigued by what was happening on the stage than backstage. the next time around, he auditioned and surprised everybody with his talent. drama was his outlet in a way. it was a place that he could express himself and forget about his own life for a moment. towards the end of school, he used it as an escape from confrontational situations, knowing that he needed to pass and couldn’t afford to keep being suspended. he kept his head down and kept himself to himself.
choosing to forgo college, he headed straight for an acting career. like most, it began with minor roles as extras, and then secondary characters in tv shows and movies, but it didn’t take long for his career to kick off. he was starring in commercials, music videos, tv shows and movies left right and centre.
between (roughly) 2009-2014, lance found himself working as drew erickson on a show called afterlife. the attentive ones of you will recognise this as the same show that our very own addie was also in. the pair were (and still are) super super close, having been in a pr relationship for multiple years during filming.
fast-forward to now and lance finds himself working with addie once again, this time as dr jake bishop on paloma general.
for the perfect idea of lance’s personality, just think of tommy shelby from peaky blinders. that’s literally lance.
he’s stoic, calculating, and super ambitious.
super selective about who he chooses to let into his circle. like, you should be honoured if he actually attempts to make conversation with you
famous for his signature eyebrow raise and frosty glare that he gives when a) he thinks you’re talking bullshit or b) he couldn’t care less about what you’re saying and is asking whether you’re done
he’s secretive and seems quiet – it’s only because he knows that the less people know about him, the better strategic advantage he has over them
despite all of this, he’s incredibly loyal and would literally take a bullet for his closest friends
intimidating, powerful, assertive and domineering are the most appropriate words to use to describe lance
he’s the kind of guy who you could hold a gun to his head and he’d be like ‘i’d take off that jacket, if i were you. my blood will stain the fabric, and it looks expensive’.
he def has this silent look (probs accompanied by the eyebrow raise) that basically means ‘i could crush you like a bug’.
he does actually smile sometimes? if he doesn’t hate you, you might actually get a smile
also a flirt. he’s a flirt #confirmed. except he doesn’t like, smile and wink, he just drops some dry, flirty comment and you’ll have no idea if he’s joking or not because he doesn’t smile, or laugh, he just says it and walks away
the press are always surprised bc he’s super grumpy with them but quite nice to fans and will 99% of the time take a picture or sign something for them
probs has dozens of articles written about how he can make people go weak in the knees or how he’s a lovable bad boy or some shit, idk
kids love him. idk why, idk how, but they do. he’s just surprisingly good with kids
can play the guitar!! rly well!! he frequently takes himself off somewhere to play but like. not many people know that side of him??
despite being this super badass guy he’s terrified of flying and needles. will probs pass out if he has to have a blood test (but he’s mostly okay with tattoos)
couple of connections that are definitely the same as always because i’m uncreative as hell:
enemies. probably a fair few of them
exes left right and centre. definitely broke a few hearts
all of the one night stands
someone who knows about his mad guitar skillage and has heard him strumming some sad melody or something idk
that one person who doesn’t stop making an effort with him and being nice to him, despite the fact that he’s a massive arsehole to them
the honorary younger sibling who he takes under his wing and doesn’t hate entirely
current pr relationship to try and make him look less like a heartless fucker
neighbours! def rich enough to afford to live on his own but maybe someone lives rly near to him?
idk just come love us and we can brainstorm!!
this got so long im so sorry but there’s a bio page here and i havent done a connections page yet because i’m a loser but hit me up xoxo
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thinktosee · 5 years
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The view from the north-east of singapore, Sep. 18, 2019. In the foreground, the grass has browned completely. In the background, the island of Ubin is no longer visible. 
The haze hanging over the triangular region encompassing Malaysia, singapore and Indonesia, has been especially bad this time. Public health and rights are no doubt under siege. This is a result of slash and burn agricultural or palm farming in Indonesia and Borneo, coupled with an especially prolonged dry spell or drought. 
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Firstly, the term “Transboundary haze”  - what does this mean? Is nature supposed to recognize artificial boundaries? We shouldn’t either. Borders are dumb and fake. They are designed to keep us isolated or penned in silos, with overpriced and useless military establishments, to protect the elites or one percenters, from the masses. Observe what the tribes can do to the Arabian oil installations a few days ago with a few armed drones (1). The most sophisticated armed forces in the world couldn’t stop that! It’s reminiscent of the Gerald Butler movie, “Angel has Fallen” which depicts how multiple armed drones can make the most protected person in the world so vulnerable (2). It is also a lesson about the unsustainability of bloated military expenditures and their fake relationship to national security. 
Back to the haze  - the fact it encompasses the region is the real issue. Remove the borders and the problem will be dealt with effectively. For now, everyone is in a blame game – it’s political (3). Truly, there appears to be a glaring lack of commitment to our common heritage among the political leaders in the region. That’s what borders do. Every issue or tragedy is compartmentalized. The people divided and weak. The ruling elites wouldn’t have it any other way.
The sources of the haze problem are no doubt, slash-burn farming and prolonged dry weather. The first an economic, while the second a climatic issue. Both are human-made. A corporate palm oil lobby is reported to have denied direct responsibility in the first instance. Instead, they pointed the finger at the small farmers next door to their plantations, for slashing and burning (4). Is this silly PR stunt a demonstration of responsible leadership? 
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Image courtesy Google
Let’s be clear about something – the mega palm oil corporations are based in singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Here they are : 
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Image courtesy iuf.org
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Image courtesy cartoonresource.com
Now let’s see, the small palm grower harvests his crop and then trucks same to his sophisticated processing plant where the palm seeds are crushed and processed into oil. Following that, he trucks the oil to the nearest seaport to load onto his multi-million dollar palm oil tankers for shipment to the consuming markets. Let’s try to understand this picture – the small grower does all these? How? He’s barely making ends meet with his small farm! 
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Image courtesy iuf.org
Like most things named “business,” the big guys have the wherewithal – by this I mean cheap financing, cheap labour, modern factories, logistics and supply chains, political connections, PR agents, negligible tax exposure (singapore, Labuan, etc.) and large plantations, to game or monopolize the business. The small farmer sells his produce for processing, which are very costly contraptions and are therefore owned by the corporations. These few big guys control the business from A to Z. The small farmer is at their mercy in terms of the price for their produce and hence, for their survival. The corporations and their political patrons are merciful of course – they let him and his family subsist, as slave labour in the plantation. Bullying as this has few equals. 
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Image courtesy Pinterest
Some of these corporations have “audited” sustainable practices (5). That is, they are officially certified to be environmentally-friendly. I used to work for a major petroleum company. I can testify to what their “audit for corporate and environmental risk management” is worth – zilch. That’s because many employees and contractors for a corporation are careerists. They are not paid or needed to think critically. Instead, they adhere robotically to the commercial imperatives of their corporate culture. Which reminds me of something the US Secretary of State in the 1970s, Dr. Henry Kissinger reportedly said about his staff – they may not be competent, but are loyal (6). That’s what “institutionalized meritocracy” is about folks. We only need to be loyal to be successful in our career. Seriously, unless we start to take things into our hands and work positively to eradicate the causes of the haze, nothing is going to change.
Here’s a story of irresponsible or, I should add, loyal leadership : 
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M/T Kirki, sans her bow. Image courtesy Amazon.com
Many years ago, a major maritime accident occurred off the pristine waters of Australia. It centered on an old rust bucket, named Kirki. The subsequent investigation by the Australian maritime transport authority (a very competent bunch of pros) discovered glaring omissions to safety by the oil company and the ship managers concerned (7,8). The same oil company also regrettably was involved in a tragic accident and oil spill in the US Gulf coast years later (9). The financial claims for this are stupendous, illustrating the massive affliction to life and the environment (10). Tragedies as these are avoidable if we had more professionals and less careerists in charge.
Political and corporate leadership built on old boys’ club, ethnicity, family, clan, religious or masonic network is NO LEADERSHIP. We the People should not look to them to solve our problems or to rule over us.
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Image courtesy picpedia.org
Hold those responsible DIRECTLY accountable.
Years ago, I wrote to the governments of the region about tackling the haze. A simple solution was proposed – haul the corporate heads of the major palm companies before the world’s mass media and ask them collectively how they are going to solve the problem they have created! Here’s an excerpt :
“There is little benefit in a blame game………
Actively involve and hold accountable……the corporations having a direct or indirect stake in the blazing landholdings. By this, a simple call to the CEOs of the companies to step forward and give a blanket undertaking that they will do all within their power…..to reduce and ….eliminate the threat of haze-causing fires on their landholdings. The region’s public health demands this. This undertaking will be made public at a press conference called by ASEAN ministers and attended by the CEOs. The CEOs are to be held personally responsible for the fires not only within their landholdings, but also to those which their companies have a commercial arrangement – their supply chain. I am sure this complies with acceptable sustainable requirements.” (11)
Sadly, nothing was done then, and nothing again now. The reason I believe, remains the cozy and symbiotic relationship among the political, business and media elites in the region - a clubby bunch, as shown by this chart. Four ASEAN countries among the top 10. 
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Source : Forbes; IMF; The Economist (12)
Some years ago too, I wrote to the governments in the region about coordinating their efforts to deal with climate changes, especially the need to develop strategies and technologies for abating same. Again, nothing was done, as we can see from this current and intense dry spell, which has normalized in the last few years.
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Image courtesy news.mongabay.com
The haze will go on recurring. It is an evironmental disaster. We will be wise to avoid blaming the small farmers. They have been victimized enough (13). Farming is their livelihood. Stick the blame where it truly belongs – irresponsible, avaricious and crony political, corporate and media leaders. Hold them accountable. It is our right. 
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In the Spirit of David Cornelius Singh
David’s father
1. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/14/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-refineries-drone-attack.html
2. https://angelhasfallen.movie/
3. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-southeastasia-haze/malaysian-pm-to-write-to-indonesias-leader-as-row-over-haze-flares-idUSKCN1VX0VE
4. https://www.todayonline.com/world/we-didnt-start-fire-say-malaysian-palm-oil-firms
5. https://www.greenpeace.org/international/press-release/18485/greenpeace-investigation-wilmar-brands-palm-oil-deforestation-indonesia/
6. Memorandum of Conversation, Washington, April 11, 1973, 294, U.S. State Dept. Archives
7. https://www.amsa.gov.au/marine-environment/incidents-and-exercises/kirki-21-july-1991
8. https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/1991/mair/mair33/
9. https://www.dw.com/en/the-legacy-of-deepwater-horizon-what-researchers-learned-about-oil-spills/a-37662810
10. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bp-deepwaterhorizon/bp-deepwater-horizon-costs-balloon-to-65-billion-idUSKBN1F50NL
11. Letter to ASEAN ambassadors dated Sep 29, 2015 titled : “Lazy, Hazy days of Autumn.”
12. http://infographics.economist.com/2016/Cronyism_index/
13. https://news.mongabay.com/2018/04/indonesian-farmers-file-judicial-review-on-palm-oil-fund-as-big-companies-dominate-the-fund/
0 notes
drunkenonmysofa · 7 years
++mobile masterlist +b&b masterpost
parts; (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six
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summary: you’re a world-famous pop star which everyone learned to either love or hate. when a video of you making out with 5 seconds of summer’s bassist leaks, your management decides to make it seem like you’re dating calum.
word count: 3,594
warnings: none that i know of
author’s note: i like this series so far!!! but tbh this part felt so rushed im creasing at my badd grammar but anyways i feel like i made y/n into an asshole lol uhhhhh enjoy??!!?? (i still dont know how to end these things)
A good night’s sleep is what usually prevented you from short temper. When your management told you that you could have a five-month break from touring to write your songs for the next album, you were ecstatic. Especially since this meant you could sleep as long as you want on most days of the week.
Despite nothing interesting happening in your life, you found yourself always inspired so that you could write songs for your album. Even though in the long run, your producer would dub it as too vulnerable for your pop insignia, the sugar-coated version of the phrase, ‘it’s absolute shit’. This never stopped you from writing your own material, though. It was discouraging at times, but you had to admit that it was fun recording pre-written songs that you came to like.
The whole writing process involved famous song writers that wrote solely pop music. Sometimes, if Lancelot was feeling generous, he’d let you write with them. Most of the time, the writers were incredibly thankful for your ability to create songs that made their jobs easier for them. The fact of the matter is, the lyrics were either too political or ‘edgy’ for a popstar to sing, and the song ends up getting trashed.
Occurrences like those make you want to either cry or walk out of the studio in anger, but you had to stomach it in since you’ve already signed the contract that held you in the management for another two years. Maybe then you’d make the music you’ve always wanted to make.
After the fight with Calum, he didn’t make an effort explain why he said those nasty things, more so on what he was ‘bitter’ about, but you weren’t really surprised. What’s surprising you is that Nina called you to go to the studio with 5 Seconds of Summer to co-write and record one of the songs that’s going to be their next single. Apparently, you were going to be singing with them, too.
“I don’t think I can.” Call it childish, but you try to make yourself sound sick anyways, coughing right after you finish your sentence. You couldn’t look at Calum, not after everything that’s happened a few days ago. “I’m sick.”
“No you’re not.” Nina sighed through the phone, immediately calling your bluff. “That’s not how you sound like when you’re sick.”
You groaned. “Let me rephrase, I don’t want to. I’m sick of Calum.”
“Well, you can ignore him. You can talk to the other boys, I’m sure they’re nice.” Nina said, trying to convince you to go. “It’ll be good PR. Your fans would love the new song. You can come by the studio after lunch.”
“I’m releasing an album in five months. They can wait.”
You could sense Nina’s annoyance radiating from the phone pressed against your ear. “You can write whatever you want for the song. Just see if the band likes it.” She said, her tone deflated and defeated.
Relatively, you rolled your eyes at it, but you can’t help but feel a little pity. “Fine, just this once.” And besides, writing was one of the favorite things you did, so why not give it a try?
Even though you still didn’t want to be in the same room as Calum Hood, you were happy to meet his band mates. Ignoring the thought that they might be just like Calum, you enter the recording studio of the band with a smile on your face and a cup of warm coffee in your hand. The excitement of writing with other people and other producers always overcame your pessimist thinking, making Calum the last thing in your head right now.
As you walked to the door of the studio, you could hear the laughing of guys on the other side. You could almost see them through the fogged glass doors. Nevertheless, you knocked so at least they would know that you’re about to enter. As you opened the door, the band’s laughing quieted down, noticing your arrival.
“Y/N Y/L/N!” The one with curly, light brown hair, Ashton, said before standing up from the couch and shaking your hand. He smiled with the smile that you always saw in his pictures. “It’s nice to see you! We really love your music.”
You blushed, smiling at his compliment. “Thank you, really. I love your band’s music too.”
Looking around the rather spacious studio, you noticed that you’re not the only girl here. There’s another three that you don’t quite know, but you smile at them anyways and they return their gorgeous smiles to you. As Michael and Luke introduced themselves and joined you and Ashton’s conversation, you notice that Calum isn’t here.
Michael must’ve noticed you looking around the room in search of a certain Maori. “Calum went out to get some food, by the way.”
You nodded in acknowledgement, sitting on the wide sofa and the other boys followed suit.. “Shall we start?”
“Calum usually needs to be here since he’s the main writer of the band.” Luke said, looking up from his phone briefly before returning his gaze back to the device.
“Yeah, we kinda need to wait for him, if that’s okay with you?” Ashton asked. It baffles you how nice they were compared to Calum. If he spent most of his time with them then why wouldn’t he inherit their kindness? But you don’t think much of it. Instead, you nodded at Ashton’s question, reassuring him that it’s no problem.
“And you haven’t met the other girls yet!” Michael said, overly enthusiastic about the fact that you’re here. He gently tugs at your wrists to make you stand up from the couch and walks you over to the other end of the room where the three girls are. “This is Bryana, Ashton’s girlfriend,” He lets go of your wrist to point at the girl you thought was gorgeous enough to be a model. You smiled at her as she stood up and wrapped her arms around you.
“Hey! You’re so much prettier in person!” Bryana said, her arms hugging you firmly before letting you go and sitting back down with a bright smile on her face.
“Thank you so much.” You blushed at her compliment. “You’re a lot mire prettier than me, though.”
Before Bryana could reply, the girl beside her with colorful hair stood up and briefly hugged you, too. “Hi! My name is Arzaylea.” She shook your hand with a soft smile on her face. “That lanky blonde is my boyfriend.” She said before pointing to Luke, who was still stuck to his phone. “And Bryana is so right, you’re so pretty.” Arzaylea complimented, sitting back down next to the other girls.
You couldn’t help but blush at her compliment. Michael walked over to the last girl, giving her a peck on the cheek before introducing her. “This is Crystal, the absolute love of my life.” He said, smiling at her.
Crystal playfully pinched his cheeks before standing up and shaking your hand, a lot more laid back than the other girls. “I’m Crystal, nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you girls, too.” You said, addressing the three of them as you shook her hand.
After a few minutes of small talk, you decide to go back to where the other boys were, striking up a conversation on how they want the song to sound like. You knew they relied heavily on lyrics and instruments rather than electronic music, you honestly envied them, but since you were writing a song with them, you figured you were going to know the basics.
“Do you play guitar?” Michael asked, taking an acoustic guitar that was on a wall stand and handing it out to you.
“Yeah, I’m a bit rusty, though.” You shyly replied, taking the guitar by the neck and resting it on your lap.
“We usually start with a tune and build from there.” Michael said, sitting down next to you. “But we need a theme first.”
“A theme?” You question, wanting them to explain further.
“Yeah! Like, a city or unrequited love. Y'know, the works.” Luke speaks up and puts down his phone. “Maybe we can try a breakup this time.” Michael and Ashton agree and asked for your input. You replied with an ‘I think I can do that’ before they’re reminded that Calum needed to be here and they reserve the songwriting for a few more minutes.
You smile, fiddling with the guitar and trying out a few chords before the boys talk about how amazing their upcoming album is going to be. “How many songs have you written so far?”
“Twelve.” You hear Calum’s voice say as he’s walking into the room, tossing everyone, including the three girls who are engaged in a conversation about a TV show, a burrito from what looked like Chipotle. You hear a chorus of thank you’s from around the room before he’s facing you and handing out a burrito in front of you. “You want some?”
You face contorted in confusion before giving him an answer. “Yeah… thanks.” Hesitantly taking the burrito out of his hands, you can’t help but shoot him a look of confusion before awkwardly averting your gaze. You don’t catch his reaction and suddenly, you feel your excitement for the writing drop in the sight of him. “Uh… can we start?” You quietly asked Ashton as he’s about to bite into his meal.
“You’re not gonna eat?” He replied to you with a question, biting into his burrito anyways and gesturing you to take a bite.
No, I’ve quite lost my appetite. “Maybe later.” You said, feeling Calum’s gaze on you as you try and shrug it off by playing a few chords on the guitar on your lap. Ignorance seemed to be bliss as you tried to not be bothered by his presence.
“I’ll help you get started.” Your head perked up to Calum, who was seated on the sofa chair a few feet from you. His face held a soft smile, one that you’ve never seen in person before, and this made you quite speechless. A few seconds of awkward silence between you passed before Calum sat next to you, everyone oblivious to what was happening as they were too engaged in their own conversations.
You, however, wanted to run out of the room as soon as Calum had the balls to sit next to you after everything that’s happened. But you try to bury the thought at the back of your head, thinking about how good for business this is and it was nothing personal.
Sighing, you turned around and faced him, the acoustic guitar still in your hands and a half-hearted smile on your face. “Okay.”
There you are again with that word, Calum thought. He didn’t know what was going on with you, but he’d already apologized. What else did you want? Still, he took the notebook off the desk and started flipping through the notes. After finding the right page, he held out the black notebook to you rather hesitantly, feeling a little insecure on sharing his writings to people other than his best mates. Especially you. “It’s… still unfinished and the chord progressions are all wrong. All I’ve got so far is the first verse. I don’t even have a title yet.”
You took the black notebook from him, reading the lyrics in his messy but fathomable handwriting. Your stoic face slowly turned into a small smile as you read his lyrics. “You wrote this?” You glance at Calum before returning your gaze back to the notebook. “This is amazing.”
Calum gives you a tight-lipped smile. “Thanks.” He said before asking you if you could add a few more lyrics.
“I think so,” You said, resting the guitar on the coffee table. “Do you have a pen?”
Calum nodded slightly before giving you the pen he retrieved from the pocket of his black ripped jeans.
This time, you don’t hesitate to take the pen from him, jotting down a few lyrics in a hurry as you noticed Calum struggling to look at what you’re writing. In the heat of the moment, you scoot closer to him, almost immediately feeling the warmness of his sweater-clad body. What you didn’t notice, is that Calum tensed up as you made contact with his physical body since the last time you saw each other. “So you’ll see the notes better.”
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop staring at you. How some of your hair fell on your face when you eyed the notebook in concentration, the way you would poke out your tongue at the corners of your mouth, and at how pretty you looked in the studio’s dim lighting.
It wasn’t until both of you were half-blinded by a flash that Calum broke his gaze off you.
“Mate, what the fuck?” Calum said, irritated at the pale, blonde boy sitting on the couch across him. “Did you just take a picture?” He inquired before shooting Michael a look as he laughed along with Ashton.
“Some PR stunt,” Michael nudged Ashton, making him laugh once more. “Adam’s gonna love this.” Michael said before posting the picture of you two on Instagram.
On the other hand, you were practically oblivious as to what was happening. While the three boys, Luke, Michael and Ashton, chuckled as they looked at Michael’s phone, Calum was shooting glares at the boys. This eventually bought you back to reality, realizing that you were so close to Calum that if he turned to face you, he would be inches from kissing you like he did in the video that started it all.
So you jolted up, immediately feeling heat rush to your cheeks as you put down the pen and notebook on the coffee table in a hurry. “I’m going for a walk.” Grabbing the coat off the rack, you quickly exited the studio, leaving the remaining people in the studio speechless.
“I’ll talk to her.” Calum said aloud before following after you.
You chose to keep walking away from the building, lucky enough to have no fans outside the studio. You chose to keep walking away even though you heard fast footsteps behind you. You especially chose to keep walking away when the person called your name in attempt of getting your attention.
“Y/N, please. Just come back to the studio.”
The tone of his voice makes you walk even faster, the urge to just avoid him growing stronger. It wasn’t until he was walking next to you that you stopped. “What are you doing?”
“Walking with you.” Calum didn’t stop walking until he noticed you halt, turning back slightly to meet your cautious eyes. “Are you coming?” The Maori held his hand out, his brown skin looking a little bit more golden in the presence of sunlight. You’re stuck wracking your mind on whether you should take his hand or not, still somewhat awkward with the thought of talking to him after everything that’s happened in the car.
It’s got you thinking that maybe you were overreacting, that it was just plain teasing and that you should accept his apology. But could you? You didn’t know Calum very well in the first place. For him to act like a total asshole to you on the first ‘date’ surely changed your opinion of him. You didn’t know if he’d try that shit again or not in the future.
Instead of taking his hand, you ask him one question that’s been in your head for a long time. “What happened at Josh’s party?”
“I’ll tell you if you’ll walk with me.”
The smile on his face reassures you that he’s telling the truth, so you take a chance. But you don’t take his hand, proceeding to walk next to him instead. Still, the smile remains on his face because he got you to agree, his hand falling to his side as he started slowly walking on the sidewalk. Luckily, the studio was located somewhere in the suburban part of L.A., making it easier for the both of you to talk without fans interrupting.
“So?” You looked up from your gaze on the asphalt ground to meet his brown eyes. “You gonna tell me or what?”
Calum tore the eye contact between the two of you, making an expression that you considered as disgruntlement. “I don’t know if you’ll freak out like you did last time.”
“If you don’t insult me then I might not.” You said with a slight twinge of sarcasm lacing your voice.
“We were both high when we went up to Josh’s room.” Calum started, making you somewhat nervous based on the tone of his voice. “It looked like you were already tipsy before I even introduced myself. We went to the couches and smoked some weed. Then we went upstairs because you said you wanted to sleep.”
You huffed. “The video. We were making out. How did that happen?”
“You really don’t know what happened?” Calum raised his eyebrow at your inquisition. “You pulled me upstairs and started kissing me.”
“That doesn’t sound like me.”
Calum squinted at the light of the sun that was shining in his face. At this point, he didn’t know if he was getting annoyed at the sun or at you for not recalling a single thing that occurred that night. “Yeah. I didn’t know the door was unlocked. That’s why the video leaked.”
“And what happened after?”
The question hangs around the air for a few seconds before Calum hesitantly answering. “You passed out while we were still making out. Then I left. Nothing happened between us, don’t worry.”
His hesitance and delayed answer made you wonder if he was telling the truth or keeping something from you. “Is that all?”
Then he smiled and nodded slightly, figuring that you could find out more in the right time. Both of you had to go back to the studio anyways. “That’s all.” He said, intentionally keeping the memory of you drunkenly telling him that you thought the songs he wrote was, quote on quote, something that no one can take seriously along with other words that threw daggers in his chest. But still, it was just words. He needed to get over it anyways. Right?
After Calum told you that the both of you should get back to the studio, you agreed. In the midst of walking, a title for the song that you’ve been writing with him popped up in your head. “I know what the title of the song should be.” You told Calum, glancing at him for a mere second. “Broken Pieces seems to be a good one.”
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julesthxmas · 7 years
cooperblossom + kissing in the rain! thanks very much! :)
ahhh thank you! i love these assholes sm! i hope you like it! :))
The rain beatsdown on the windows of Pop’s so loudly that Betty has to scoot away from herusual spot of being  practically pressedup against the glass, her mouth pulled down into a frown. The storm had beenbeating down the small town of Riverdale for nearly half an hour now and didn’tlook like it was gonna let up anytime soon.
“You okay?” Shetears her eyes from the puddles outside the diner and looks across thetable to see her girlfriend of six months  looking at her with barelymasked concern “You checked out for a second”
Betty nods as shereaches across the table and takes Cheryl’s hand in her own, a comfort for themboth (even if Cheryl would never say that out loud) “Yeah just got distractedby the rain–it looks bad and I have to be home in a like an hour”
“I’m sure yourdevil mother will understand that you can’t drive in this kind of weather”Betty sighs and cocks her head and raises a brow “Right”
“I should texther” Betty opens her purse and digs around for a second before groaning “Shit”
“I left my phonein the car” they both look outside to where Betty’s car is being beat down onwith rain “She’s going to kill me”
Cheryl rolls hereyes “Don’t be dramatic, sweetheart” she grabs her own phone and hands it toher girlfriend “use mine” Betty looks down at the device likes if she moves tooquickly, it’s going to get spooked and attack her “What’s wrong now?”
“I can’t”
“She’ll ask whosenumber I used and–” she sighs “I can’t tell her I’m using Cheryl Blossom’snumber”
The redhead nodsas she knows that would open up a can of worms that they won’t be able tocontrol, a can of worms way too risky to open “Probably not” she grabs herphone back and places it back in her purse “Well what are you going to dothen?”
“I don’t–”Betty’s sentence is cut off by the bell above the diner’s door letting out a ‘ding!’, she turns around to see Archiesoaked to the bone “Arch?”
Cheryl rolls hereyes as the other redhead spots Betty and gives them his ‘all american boy’ smile–it’s no secret that she’s slightlypossessive of Betty especially when the blonde was convinced she loved Archiefor years and don’t even get her started on Veronica freaking Lodge.
“Hey, Betts” heslides in next to the blonde and rests his arm on the booth behind Betty,dangerously close to wrapping his arm around Betty herself.
“Archie, what thehell are you doing out? It’s crazy out there” Betty’s voice is all concerned asher brow furrows and Cheryl really hates that Betty is the kindest person onthe face of the planet and worries about everyone (she really doesn’t but whenshe’s looking at the concern that Betty has for Archie, she can’t help butthink she does).
“I know, I knowbut there’s like no food at the house so I came to get some food for me and dadand then my car breaks down a block away”
Betty chuckles“Because of course it does”
“Exactly and–”Cheryl tunes Archie out as he continues to speak because whatever he says willliterally never have any impact on her life. She leans back into her seat anddoes her best to not openly glare at the boy because she promised Betty shewould work on how she treats Betty’s closest friends.
But, some days,she just can’t help it. He, Veronica, Kevin and the other one (Jughead) havesomething she’ll never have with Betty. A good past. Archie’s been her friendfor years as has Kevin and the other one and Veronica may have fucked up atfirst but she fixed it as quickly as she could whereas Cheryl–well, Cherylspent the better part of middle school and the first two years of high schoolbeing nothing but a bitch to the blonde only just recently rectifying thesituation.
“Oh yeah, Betts,you can just use my phone. It’s still pretty dry, I think” Cheryl looks up tosee Archie hand her girlfriend his phone.
“Oh my god,Archie, thank you. I think you just saved me from getting grounded for the nexttwenty years”
Cheryl inhalessharply as she struggles to not lash out at him–she should be happy that AliceCooper isn’t going to have a reason to yell at her girlfriend but she can’thelp but be just plain–jealous.Betty can text from Archie’s phone because Alice knows that they’re friends,even if she doesn’t like it, she knows and Betty doesn’t have to hide Archiefrom her mother.
Unlike Cheryl whohas been in Betty’s house exactly twice since they’ve started theirrelationship.
“Anytime, Betts.You know I got my girl anytime she needs me”
And that’s kindof the breaking point for Cheryl.
“You know Archie,Betty confessed her love for you nearly a year ago, you had your chance toactually be with her and appreciate her thenso how about you stop trying to get into her pants now that she has someoneelse, huh?”
“And you–” shedoesn’t mean to turn on Betty but it’s reflex at this point, to lash out whenshe feels hurt or threatened, something she’s feeling at the very moment “Whydon’t you stop him when he does shit that is so obvious or are you just thatoblivious? Or do you just crave everyone’s attention and approval that much, Betty?”
Betty looks likeCheryl just told her that their entire relationship was just a joke with howhurt Betty looks and the redhead immediately feels like she could throw up.
“Here, Archie–”the blonde shoves his phone back into his hands “I don’t need it. I’m leavingnow”
Cheryl feels herchest ache “Betty–”
Archie cuts in“Betts, you can’t drive when it’s raining like this” at this point it’s let upjust a little but it’s still pouring for the most part “it’s too dangerous”
“I’m not gonnadrive” she snatches her keys out of her purse and slides them across the tableto Cheryl “Here. take it for when it finally stops raining”
Cheryl grabs thekeys with shaking hands “Betty, wait–”
“I’ll see youboth later” she gently shoves Archie out of the booth before walking out thefront door and walking away from the diner.
“Shit” Cherylfeels her eyes burn and she does her best to not let them fall, she takes aminute to compose herself before deciding that there’s just no pulling herselftogether “shit, shit” Cheryl quickly gathers up her stuff and throws down fiftyon the table to pay for the meal before sliding out of the booth.
“Cheryl, youcan’t drive–”
“I’m not youidiot, I’m going after my girlfriend” she snaps at him and yeah, okay, shefucked up because not even that made her feel better. She pushes the door tothe diner open to see Betty’s figure barely in sight “Betty!” the blondedoesn’t even look back “God damn it” she looks up at rain and sighs–ruiningher hair and makeup for Betty is a small price to pay if she can get the blondeto forgive her.
She rushes outfrom under the cover and gasps as soon as the cold rain hits her skin but shequickly stuffs her purse inside her coat and presses on.
“Betty!” not aglance, she sighs and runs as best she can in her feels “Betty Cooper!” shetaps into her head cheerleader voice, a commanding and stern voice.
“God, what?!”Betty whips around and stops walking giving Cheryl some time to catch up “What,Cheryl? Did you not rip into me enough at the diner? Want another shot? Wannatalk about my mom or dad or sister–what?!”
Cheryl feels herheart crack at Betty’s eyes–the rain hides the fact that tears are runningdown her face but her eyes are red and swollen giving her away “Betty, Ididn’t–” Cheryl sighs and blinks, grateful that the rain masks her own tears“I didn’t mean what I said–”
“But you did! Youmeant every word!” Betty snaps back “God, Cheryl, Archie is my friend! My bestfriend! And so is Veronica and Kevin and Jughead–they’re my friends, you can’tbe angry every time I so much as spend five minutes with them!”
“I’m not–”
“Please, I sawthe way you looked at him. I’m surprised you didn’t reach across the table andtry to hit him”
“Betty, I–”Cheryl sighs and forces out the words she never says “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’tmean what I said–I was just threatened or–or hurt–”
“But why?!Cheryl, I’m with you, I chose you and I want to be with you! Are you that–”
The redheadgroans “God, Betty, because I love you!” Cheryl screams out “I love you, okay?I love you and I just got so–so fuckingpissed because your mom doesn’t know and because Archie will always havesomething we don’t and he’ll always be there to help you in ways that I can’tand I just–”
“Do you–do youmean that?” Betty cuts in
Cheryl sighs“mean what?”
“I love you” abeat “do you mean that?”
The redhead feelsher chest ache for two reasons in that moment a) she never pictured this as thefirst time she told Betty those three words and b) because Betty is so scaredthat Cheryl will take it back.
Cheryl nods “Ido. I love you, Betty Cooper” neither girl breathes for a moment and then inone quick motion Betty takes two steps to grab Cheryl and tug her into a heatedkiss with her hands cupping her face. The redhead’s hands fly up and cup andgrip onto Betty’s forearms as she whimpers against Betty’s mouth. The kiss iswet and tastes salty from both of their tears despite the rain beating down onthem but it’s the best kiss Cheryl has ever had. It’s full of love and promisesand ‘im sorry’s’ and it’s just–so good.
“I love you too”Betty pulls back and presses her forehead against Cheryl’s “I love you so much”the redhead lets out a watery chuckles and presses her mouth against Betty’sagain.
She pulls backonly slightly “I know this doesn’t fix everything and I know you’re gonna makeme apologize to number two ginger–but I’m going to try harder, okay? I swear”
Betty smiles,brightly and Cheryl just knows she’ll do everything in her power just to getBetty to smile like that as often as she can “okay” They’ll have to deal witheverything later, they both know it, they both know that nothing is fixed andthat there’s still stuff to be talked about and dealt with but in that moment?
They feel prettyperfect.
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