#can u imagine how picky his mother was about making sure he looked good and presentable her perfect little prince
lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
Gale with a whole curly girl routine is hilarious to me and I don’t even know if it’s character accurate yet thank you for the thought. I hope he has a good clarifying shampoo and deep conditioner for the amount of gel he must use
i think gale having a highly detailed and specific routine is so character accurate. for all his hygiene needs. this man grew up with a mother who still dotes on him like a prince (confirmed by tara), he was wealthy (had a housekeeper), i imagine quite spoilt (got away with summoning dangerous things as a child without so much as a punishment)........ me thinks he enjoys looking after himself and how amazing it makes him feel and has been like that for a long time. me thinks he cares greatly about that stuff and its ingrained in him since childhood
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 month
Please. Alastor x single mom?
Oh my god and imagine how he’d give her the best Mother’s Day ever after years of just her waking up to a normal day aside from her baby giving her a macaroni necklace or a card and now she’s waking up to a breakfast in bed and a day to relax I’m not getting emotional you are
Okay, but y'all are giving me baby fever fr with these asks
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: F L U F F, A little bit of sex towards the end but a very small amount
Description: ☝️⬆️
Whether or not you were a mother when you were alive, you certainly were one now. You took in and protected as many children sinners you could because nobody else would
You took care of toddlers all the way up to teenagers, it was an exhausting and thankless job but you don't think you could ever quit
Not when one of your kids comes crying to you because they scraped their knee, or they had their first heartbreak, or they had a nightmare
How any of them ended up down here was baffling to you, especially the youngest ones
You protected your family fiercely and have even gone toe to toe with overlords to keep your kids safe, earning you a reputation for being a mama bear
You loved being their mother and wouldn't give it up for anything, no matter your own sins
So when one of your little ones goes missing, you're panicking and searching everywhere for her. You spend all day trying to find her and asking anybody if they've seen her
After hours of searching, one of your teenagers calls you, telling you they found her but that you need to come home immediately. You don't need to hear anything more
When you get home, you find your little girl sitting in the lap of Charlie Morningstar, Hell's Princess. All your kids are gathered around her while she tells them about her hotel
Something you had been trying not to let them know about because you didn't want to get their hopes up only to be heartbroken. It was cruel
Not to mention the shady characters that probably stay there.
So imagine your irritation when all your children suddenly swarm you and start begging to stay at the hotel. Each one excited and hopeful to learn how to go to heaven
You can't tell them no so you try to dissuade them but they insist on going so you allow it. It's very reluctant agreement though.
You try to keep all your children close to you once you enter the hotel and see the others. Let's see, an angelic exorcist, a p0rnstar, a tiny murderous maid, a drunk bartender and one of the most deadly overlords around
You were unimpressed, and it showed as you held your kids a little tighter, not even hearing Charlie excitedly telling you about all the amenities
You have a difficult time letting your kids sleep so far away from you, all of them excited to get their own rooms. You often check on them throughout the night
More than once, Alastor has caught you peeking into their bedrooms to make sure they're still safe in their beds
You startle when you hear his amused laughter, nearly bumping right into his chest as you close the door behind you
"Nobody is going to eat them while they're asleep, you know."
You can't help but feel defensive, crossing your arms and giving Alastor a withering look
"That's not funny coming from you."
His smile only gets wider, gripping your chin and tilting your head up as he leans in close
"Darling, it's even funnier because it's coming from me!"
You insist on making sure your children eat a good diet, often making it yourself because you don't trust anybody else to do it. That and some of your little ones can be picky eaters
Often, Alastor stops by the kitchen to watch you, curious about what you're making and how much of it you plan to make
"My my~ That smells absolutely delicious, my dear~! What are you making?"
You're guarded, setting down the plates on the table a little harder than you meant to
"It's just an old family recipe, nothing special."
So imagine your weary surprise when he starts to help you cook, helping with the food preparation and even setting the table. You start to get used to his help, relaxing a little more each time you two stand hip to hip, cooking
He's even taken to sitting down to meals with you and your family, an amused smile on his face as he watches all of you interact. Eventually, he joins in the conversations, and your youngest ones get comfortable enough to even eat off his plate
"Don't take food from his plate! That's rude..!"
"It's quite alright, my dear~ I find it endearing~"
He's even in your corner when your picky eaters rise up and try to say they don't like what you made. Pushing their plates away and pouting
"Mom, I don't like it..."
You can't help but sigh and roll your eyes, exasperated and annoyed that you have to go through this again
"Yes you do, you've eaten this before and you gobbled it up... Just try it, baby."
They whine and try to refuse when Alastor speaks up, pushing their plate back towards them gently
"Now, now, your mother worked hard on this meal... We don't want her good efforts to go to waste, do we?"
Your child whines but reluctantly takes their fork and begins eating, Alastor giving you a triumphant grin as he sits back down
You take a bite of your own food to hide the fond smile that wants to creep up onto your face
The hardest, scariest moment at the hotel for you was when you and one of your older girls got into an argument in front of Alastor
It all started over a party and a boy, you wouldn't let her go and in typical teenage fashion, she started to fight with you. The more you held your ground and said no, the worse it got
"Young lady, that is not a good environment for you! It is a disgusting den of perverts, drugs and uninhibited violence!"
You tried to stay calm and reason with her, but her emotions were running too high
"We're in HELL! There's no place here that's good for any of us! Why do you have to be such a bitch!?"
Before you can even open your mouth to reply, Alastor places a hand on her shoulder, his smile twitching and the sound of static buzzing
Your heart drops as you fear he's going to hurt her, instinctively moving forward to stop him
"Dear one, it's bad manners to talk to your mother like that. She only worries for you and wants to keep you safe. I suggest you go to your room and calm down, then come back to apologize to her. Hm~?"
He pats her head and nudges her to go to her room, turning to you and tilting his head. She looks embarrassed and a little ashamed, seemingly taking Alastor's words to heart
"Ah, teenagers~ Always so temperamental even when dead~"
You do your best to ignore the sudden heat on your cheeks, the way Alastor handled the situation having you feel some type of way
If Alastor were to have a type...he would have to say he's definitely drawn to the motherly type, it's a weakness of his
So when Charlie drags you and your gaggle of children to the hotel, Alastor has an inkling of the kind of trouble he's in for the moment he sees you
He's seen how you've come running out of your room in the dead of night because you heard one of your little ones crying from a nightmare. How you spend the rest of your night awake and rocking them back to sleep
Alastor has watched you run yourself ragged trying to get all of your children ready to go out for the day, juggling your teenagers yelling at you because they can't find their clothes and your little ones tugging on your clothes for your attention
He's noticed how you'll shield your family from sinners at least twice your size without fear. Not even he himself was an exception from your intense protectiveness
In the earlier days of your family moving in, Alastor had picked up one of your younger kids to stop them from touching something and you had panicked
He'll never forget how you had tore your kid away from him and held them tight, giving Alastor a intense look as you poked his chest
"Never do that again."
He had tried to brush it off and charm you with a smile, acting unbothered
"Darling, your family is in no danger here. I can assure you-"
"Bullshit. There's no such thing as a safe place or someone you can trust, not here."
You had stormed off after that and Alastor was left with a warm feeling building in his chest that has yet to leave
Your soft smile whenever one of your kids snuggled with you, the way you sighed and put your hands on your hips when they argued with you. Your voice when you sang your littlest ones to sleep
It was all so addicting for him, he found himself wanting to be a part of your family and the love within it
Without even realizing it, Alastor had begun filling the role of the father in your family, ending up getting attached to each of your kids
He learned what made them happy, what made them sad or scared, which ones needed hugs and which ones preferred words
Both you and Alastor began to work together as a team, and most people outside of the hotel just assumed you two were a married couple. A married couple with a small army of kids
You stop one child from bumping into someone, and Alastor scoops up the other two before they can do the same
Alastor will cook dinner and you'll clean up the mess while you both sneak the dessert that the kids don't know you have
All of you will hang out together in the lobby of the hotel, Alastor humming to himself and pretending to nap while your girls play with his hair and paint his claws
Your boys will all be cuddled up around you while you read a story to them, both of you enjoying the domestic bliss
There's a building tension between you and Alastor that everyone can sense, even the kids but nobody comments on it
Except Angel but he doesn't dare bring it up around you two
Your kids start pulling little stunts to get you two to end up together, offering to make you both dinner only for it to be classically romantic with candles, flowers and your children pretending to be waiters
Or asking embarrassing questions in front of the two of you, like if Alastor thought you looked pretty or if you liked Alastor's voice
Or wanting both of you to tuck them and give them goodnight kisses at the same time
The worst part is...it was totally working
The tipping point came when one of your boys woke up crying in the middle of the night, both you and Alastor barging into the bedroom
He was inconsolable, having obviously had a nightmare and repeating that he didn't belong here. He only quieted down once you and Alastor wrapped your arms around him
The three of you were cuddled up on a bed that was far too small for all of you, you couldn't contain your blush once you realized this
So Alastor offered up his room for the night, and the three of you snuggled together in his bed, Alastor's arms wrapping around you
You both woke up with more kids in the bed than you remember going to sleep with, your little boy having climbed onto one of his sisters instead
Leaving you tucked under Alastor's chin with your face in his neck, Alastor's strong arms around your waist and his face buried in your hair
The two of you had pulled away out of embarrassment, making eye contact before suddenly melting back together, soft smiles on your faces
"I really want to kiss you right now..."
You two are unofficially, officially a couple after that. Grossing out your children by kissing each other, saying sappy things, just embarrassing them with how in love you are
It's so painfully domestic, but Alastor wouldn't give it up for anything. Not when the youngest ones grab his legs and try to hold him down, not when the teenagers get snarky with him. Not when you two bicker over what's best for the family
Even the more embarrassing moments, like when you two are in bed together, Alastor chasing his release as you lock your legs around him and dig your nails into his back
He's nearly about to spill inside you when there's a tentative knock on the door, making the two of you freeze and whip your heads towards the sound
"Papa..? Mama? I keep hearing scary noises, and I can't sleep..."
It's an awkward untangling of limbs and soft cursing before you two start laughing at how absurd it is
Or the softer moments when he looks into the bedroom to see you singing your kids to sleep, feeling himself grow relaxed and sleepy at the sound of it
His life has nearly completely changed since meeting you and your family, but he wouldn't change anything even if he could
Rosie often teases him about how much he's softened up for his family. It's all good-natured, though, she just as attached to them as he is
"So Alastor~ How's that little family of yours doing? Did your girls finally stop fighting over that boy?"
"They're lovely as always, but unfortunately, that boy seems to have been scared off."
"Such a shame~"
Honestly, the only thing Alastor needs now is to find you a ring
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@valerie-is-in-the-cupboard I know we talked about you writing a lil' something about this, so I tried to twist it up because I didn't want to inadvertently take any ideas you had!
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gayhokage · 3 years
spoiler free thoughts on mugen train movie: it was great!! stunning animation, great new soundtrack, great voice performances (i watched subbed) paced the story really well. i went in with high expectations and wasn't let down! 10/10 can't wait for everyone to get the chance to watch it :D
spoilers (and more in depth) under the cut:
wanna say that i am being Incredibly nit-picky in some of this. the movie was truly amazing and i enjoyed every second of it. i'm just gonna graze through the manga chapters the movie covered to help myself remember / point out what i liked / disliked
the second demon rengoku killed on the train i didn’t really think was necessary? i think maybe they were just trying to fill up more time, have it make more sense why tanjiro & crew liked / thought rengoku was so cool (it did give rengoku a better chance to show off his power and skill to them for the first time)
the animation used to rengoku’s flames was GORGEOUS (of course) it looked so beautiful
the dream sequences were done so well!! honestly zenitsu’s dream was super cute and boss inosuke’s and his minions.. inosuke you are so important to me i hope he knows that. THANK GOD for shiny acorns!!! genuinely one of my fav parts in the manga it’s so cute and silly i love seeing inosuke being friends with nezuko
senjurou sounded Nothing like how i’ve been imagining his voice up to this point. i’ve always read his voice as very soft like a younger child since he’s so young and has a kinder nature, so i’m not gonna lie i was a little thrown off by that lol
tanjiro pulling himself into the water in his dream was so beautifully done honestly that was one of my fav scenes just bc it was so pretty
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i was pretty upset that the detail about rengoku's spiritual core being brittle was left out, i feel like that's such a Huge detail about his character (since we only get to know him for such a short amount of time) maybe it was mentioned in the film and im just forgetting
nezuko's flames burning around tanjiro during his dream looked So Beautiful i was truly just awed throughout the whole film by how beautiful the animation was
tanjiro’s youngest brother crying when he was trying to leave the dream crushed me honestly that got the water works going lol i know the big moment of that scene was nezuko but; someone in the theater gasped Really loud when nezuko showed up in tanjiro's dream and it added so much drama lol so thank u to that person for upping the emotion
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this whole part was the Real tear jerker of the movie^
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i wish this scene had more been More? idk i was really looking forward to how this scene would end up in the movie and it was really just tanjiro screaming and then showed blood on the snow. i know it was shown multiple times later during the fight with enmu but. was hoping for something more i guess! esp i think the first time showing it should've been a Big Deal idk
during this scene tho i Loved that there was like a piano version of kamado tanjiro no uta and also a piano / softer version of gurenge; idk which played during these scene but i heard and picked up on both and really loved that
on another soundtrack note: the clarinet (or maybe bass clarinet) that played for what im guessing was enmu's theme was sooo good congrats to any composer that can get me to enjoy the clarinet lol
tanjiro's dream subconsciousness was sooo beautiful and so were the little fire spirits that lived there i think it continued to perfectly capture tanjiro's kindheartedness
tanjiro's nightmare was also so well done. i thought that was one of the best part of the movie tbh
actually my biggest complaint about the movie was how awkward and out of place the 3D / CGI looked compared to season 1 of the anime. the "guts" inside the train just looked really gross and poorly done
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[anime vs manga comparison] (also my friend said that enmu made him think of orochimaru LOL)
another thing was the train being covered with enmu's flesh or guts after their head was cut off just looked so gross and weird, i wish that hadn't been changed / added in the movie
and with the weird / gross looking 3D it made tanjiro and inosuke's fight together to find enmu's neck just a little rough to watch. i think it would've been better if there wasn't so much of enmu's flesh all over the train
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i wish this had been shown in the movie since it didn't make it into the story of the manga. the movie just showed nezuko burning inosuke and zenitsu with her fire (which is how she woke tanjiro up, so i guess it makes sense that it would work for those two as well)
after enmu was defeated i thought it was insane how clear of an image of kokushibo we got!!! we've only (barely) seen silhouettes of him up to this point in the anime, and since we also got such a clear picture of daki (with season 2 on the way) it makes me excited to think that we will see him in season 2 as well (along with the other upper moons; and hopefully get the whole series animated lol)
the fight against akaza was outstanding and amazing. truly have no words lol. unfortunately i missed a small part of the fight bc i had to go use the bathroom (my friend said i missed the coolest part of their fight) but akaza looked SO GOOD and the fight was so well animated and i Loved akaza's voice - not how i had been imaging his voice but it still fit him so well (wasn't such a major difference like with senjurou lol) and the music that played during their fight was great. the purposeful silence in some parts of their fight was perfectly placed to make it more tense and emotional (also rengoku blocking akaza's punches with his sword. king shit)
i really liked this detail, both with enmu and akaza, that their screams are apparently So Loud, i guess that's something you dont really pick up when you're reading
when rengoku's mother showed up and inosuke started crying that's what really did it in for me lol i tried to keep myself from crying too hard / loud in the theater but i know once i watch it alone im gonna be bawling
where the movie chose to end was really interesting to me. i thought for sure the movie was going to include tanjiro's visit to senjurou so im a little surprised that that's being held off until season 2. it really will make it mandatory for anime viewers to watch the movie before starting season 2
anyways if you read all of this ily and i am kissing you <3
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bbugyu · 4 years
a dragon's kingdom
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he never wanted to stop learning about you, and you never knew how much you needed him by your side.
part one | part two
wc.5009 | smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, royal au, princess!reader and knight!cheol, penelope is the best character, sex constantly, it's called the honeymoon stage, unprotected sex, lots of it, lk impreg kink?, confessions mid-coitus, oops she pukes (not during sex oh my god), food consumption, mentions of death & mental instability, lots of crying
why do i care so much about lore and names and backstory and motivation. anyways i've created an entire world if you wanna know about literally any person that is offhandedly mentioned in this fic i can give u their origin story, including he horses. this part is really story heavy but also pretty sex heavy so have fun!!! also im in love with seungcheol but what's new.
"this feels strange."
you hummed, pulling out a pair of pants from a drawer and holding it up to seungcheol. "what do you mean? wearing someone else's clothes?"
he shook his head no, looking around the bedroom you had brought him to with the promise of clean pants. you had gone through all the rooms, you told him, as you led him through the castle wearing a light tunic tucked into a pair of trousers. you'd collected the clothes you liked, that fit you, and brought them to the tower, but there was plenty that didn't fit your criteria, and you were pretty sure he would fit into the clothes in the third bedroom to the left of the kitchen, past the main dining hall, a room you had discovered to be a counselmen's quarters. "you've been gone for so long, but i was at the kingdom only yesterday."
you looked to him, folding the pants over your arm. "what's it like now?"
a wash of realization caught seungcheol off guard. "my god, you've missed so much."
he changed, insisting you looked the opposite direction despite the fact that you had already seen all of him only hours earlier, and you fiddled your fingers and joked about peeking, but only stole a glance when you heard him buckling a belt that had also been found in the room. you exited the couselmen's room and he helped you onto his horse, leading her down the hall in the direction you told him. you patted down calliope's black mane as she walked alongside seungcheol, listening to him describe the castle ground and all the changes that had been made in the last decade.
"the statue, in the fountain?" you nodded when he looked at you. "it's all three of you now. they added you and the queen probably six months after your disappearance."
"that doesn't sound like father."
seungcheol paused, looking up at you. "i didn't know the king personally until only a few years ago, but he's not the ruthless leader you knew him as any more. your loss changed him."
you should have been more interested in your own father, but you couldn't help the way your mind wandered to fond memories of the flowers and gardens. "are there still lilies?"
"yes, of course," he said. "one of the back gardens was planted in your honor, right by the gates. i've never seen so many colors of lilies in my life."
you were quiet for almost too long, and seungcheol looked to you, immediately noticing the tears welling up in your eyes. "does mother go there often?"
"hey, hey hey," he instantly mounted his horse behind you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your shoulder gently. "yes. every day."
you inhaled sharply, blinking your eyes rapidly to quell the tears. "she used to love roses," you started.
"she still does," he confirmed, and you didn't even realize that you had mourned for her as though she were dead.
"there's a garden here," you continued, wiping at your eyes and rubbing the moisture away on the pants you wore, seungcheol's hands resting on your stomach as he listened to you. "it was almost dead when i found it, but i take care of the roses there. i'll show it to you later."
seungcheol nodded and pressed a kiss to your cheek, making you smile vaguely. 
"there's a stable, also," you said, sniffing your nose. "you might recognize the horses. i suppose we should bring them back with us, as well."
he faltered. "from past missions?"
"only three," you clarified, gently nudging his steed around a corner towards the kitchens. "most of them ran to the fields, but three have stayed. i've named them. one had letters carved into its armor plate, but it was damaged - i could only read valerie."
"valkyrie," seungcheol said immediately. "tan colored horse, correct? with a white diamond on her head."
you turned in his grip. "yes, exactly!"
his stomach felt heavy suddenly. "she was captain varian's steed. he trained me for years, his mission was last fall."
"i'm sorry," you said, lacing your fingers with his on your lap as you recognized his loss. you thought of a year ago, when you had found the horse. you did your best to remember who had come at that time. "though it may not be consolation, i believe he was the one penelope ran from the grounds."
seungcheol's fingers tensed between yours. "she-"
"didn't kill him," you finished. "he was a good man."
he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in relief, his forehead landing on your shoulder. "he was."
"i wasn't sure the horse was his, though i kept it in case he returned. the forests around here are deadly, but there's a village nearby, so i had hope..." you pursed your lips, thinking of how blasé you had always been about the men that failed to save you, not thinking at the time of the people they knew before they came. "i should have done more."
"you did what you could have," seungcheol reassured, his lips on your shoulder as he curled his arms tighter around you. "thank you for telling me."
you relished in the feeling of his arms around you, sighing as you let your head fall back against his shoulder. "i didn't realize how much i missed human contact."
you felt his breath on your neck when he let out a short chuckle. "i've never had it like this."
"neither have i," you said, adjusting to look him in the eye. he was only a breath away, his lips, his jaw, his neck. he had only arrived that morning, but your attachment to him could never get greater than it was now. you wondered if you glowed like he did in this moment - radiating gold in the streams of light from the afternoon sun. "i like it a lot."
a dimple showed itself on his cheek, and you smiled back at it. he kissed you gently, and your shoulders raised at the goosebumps it gave you. "i do, too," he said, running his lips across your cheek and down your neck.
"seungcheol," you sighed. "we just took a bath."
"and you smell divine," he said, smiling against your skin. you laughed at him, mostly because of his near flat out refusal to bathe with you earlier. 
"i've drawn a bath," you had said, wearing only a satin robe as you returned to the main room. "i'd be happy if you joined me."
seungcheol was laid out on your bed, blanket covering as little as it had to, an arm laid over his face as he did his best to recover his soul after you had pulled it straight out of him twice. "go ahead," he replied, fearful of what seeing your form again would do to him. "i'll make sure no one bothers you."
you laughed, crawling onto your thick mattress to bother him a bit more. "my knight in shining armor, making sure none of the inhabitants of this abandoned castle bother me while i bathe."
"anything for my princess," he said, rolling his head towards where you laid, prodding at his chest.
he saw the mischief in your eyes, and god, he hated how easily he fell under your intoxicating spell. but he only hated it for a moment, before you led him into your candle-lit washroom, the flames glinting off the glistening tiles of your tub and a view of the surrounding forest through sheer curtains. all he could do was sigh in resignation as you held his hand, letting the robe fall off your shoulders.
during that bath, your name sounded like a song coming from his lips, and it fell upon your blushed ears in the most delightful way. you had never even imagined what the first time hearing your name in someone else's voice in eight years would be like, but you couldn't stop replaying that moment in your mind.
"there should be apples in a basket right inside the door of the pantry," you said, pointing to a door as you lit the candles in the kitchen. seungcheol went to the door you gestured to and grabbed a few of the red fruit, biting into one. you walked over to the window and drew the curtains, letting the sun in. you usually left them open, but the rain in the evening before made you even sadder than you had already been this week. now, opening them back up, it felt like a fresh beginning. 
"i have eggs," you said, tapping your cheek, realizing you truly didn't know how to entertain guests. "lots of fruit and vegetables. there's a whole field of potatoes."
seungcheol smiled as he approached you. "whatever you want, i'm not picky. i am going to give calli some apples, though."
you nodded and smiled when he planted a kiss on your cheek, then took another bite of the apple. you watched him trot up the steps to the hall where his horse waited, and you looked around briefly before deciding to wash rice and stoke a fire.
you didn't know how to cook before you came here. you still didn't, really, just the bits of things you remembered watching the cooks in the kitchen when you and your best friend were hiding from your fathers, but it had been enough for you to learn, alone, with only a young dragon as a mentor. meat scared you still - you tried to slaughter a chicken as a seventeen year old and you were so scared of undercooking it that you had roasted it dry - but you had learned how to work with everything that popped up in the plotted fields behind the castle. with the addition of horses, you had been able to take spare jewelry you found to the village and trade for some things you needed - hay and oats, mostly, to care for them - and some things you missed, like rice and cheese. you grunted lightly as you set the heavy cast iron bowl of rice and water over a stovetop, settling the wood lid on it as seungcheol returned.
"how can i help?"
you stared at him for a moment. "you want to help?"
his eyebrows raised. "yes?"
"sorry," you said suddenly, shaking your head as you squeezed your eyes shut. "this is still weird."
he laughed, leaning against the stone wall. "take your time, princess."
"how are your knife skills?"
he pouted and shrugged. "i manage."
you laughed, walking to the pantry to retrieve some vegetables. "do you like squash? they grew like crazy this year."
you checked the rice periodically as it boiled, and you stir fried the vegetables that seungcheol chopped for you. you found another rice bowl - you had never needed more than one - and filled both with rice before frying two eggs.
"i can't believe you've been alone all this time," he said later, pulling a spoon from his mouth. "how did you learn to do all this?"
you told him about your afternoons spent in the kitchen as a child, being more of a nuisance than anything. he laughed when you told him that you had tipped over a pot of stew into the fire below, extinguishing it and creating a thick paste as the stew mixed with ash. you had gotten banished from the kitchen for a year only a few months before you were taken, but you supposed you had picked up some translatable skills during your other visits. 
he asked you about your captor, the mad king that had instilled fear in your kingdom's people with your kidnapping. you told him that king edgar was driven to madness by a cruel curse, and you met his true self only after you had arrived to his kingdom - the kingdom whose people abandoned it in fear of the dragon - where he broke down and clutched you. you reminded him of his own daughter, he had said, a beautiful princess by the name of penelope. he said he never knew what came of her, but you knew she was the one that had been cursed.
"the dragon," seungcheol started, his breath catching. no wonder you shared such a close connection with her.
you nodded. "he thought he was crazy for hearing her voice in his head. she was trying to tell him the whole time."
you were quiet when you told him that the late king's madness is what killed him, only a year after you had arrived.
it was his idea to send calliope back to the kingdom with a letter. he was positive she would make it on her own - she had made the trip several times, despite the king forbidding seungcheol from attempting to save you until now. "scouting missions," he explained when you raised an eyebrow at him, his tone unconvincing. he understood why you wished to stay, and he really could not deny the allure of living in a private castle with you for a little while, but he worried that his delayed return would make everyone assume the worst.
"i could write a letter," he said, to tell them what had happened and that you needed time to wrap some things up here, gather the things that should come back with you. "or you could, my princess, if you're hoping for a more dramatic return."
you were laying in the grass, watching the sun reflect orange against the clouds as it began to set over the horizon, using seungcheol as a pillow. you hummed, rolling to lay on your stomach and plucking a blade of grass to inspect. he watched you, and tucked your hair behind your ear as you thought. "you should write it, i think. they might come to collect us if i do. should we send her off in the morning?"
he nodded at you, his hand still on your cheek. you leaned your head into it, craving the way he held you suddenly.
there were countless days where you had lain similar to where you were now, in the grass clearing surrounded by red rose bushes, the earliest times spent sobbing until your throat was sore and your eyes swollen while you came to terms with being truly alone here. now, though, you laid with your savior and lover, and his presence alone changed the atmosphere. suddenly, these roses that were a source of painful memory for you had an air of romance to them.
"should i tell them?" you wondered aloud. "that i chose to stay all these years?"
seungcheol's thumb glided across your cheek bone. "do you think they would understand?"
your eyebrows crinkled. "you know them better than me, now," you said, ripping the grass in your fingers to pieces. "i know mother would, but i'm not sure about father."
"i think he would," he said quietly. your eyes met his. "heartbreak breeds empathy. i'm sure he would even forgive king edgar if you told him his story."
you considered that for a moment. "maybe i should write the letter, then."
with calliope in the stables, penelope flew the two of you back to the tower for the evening so that you could figure out what all to write, but it was back in that garden the next evening, laying in that same spot, where seungcheol's fingers dug into your waist as you rode him, the sky painted pink and purple behind you. your hips rolled on his, your blouse unbuttoned too low and your pants discarded somewhere they shouldn't be, and you watched his neck stretch against the green grass, a bruise from your biting the previous day showing itself directly over a bulging vein. he filled you in a way that felt new every time, and you sighed, your hands against his bare chest pushing yourself up off him, only to sink down again repeatedly.
his hands tensed on you as he groaned, trying his best to hold out for your second release, but you were making it incredibly difficult for him. you leaned back, palms on his thighs as you lifted yourself off him, and you would never forget the erotic noise that fell from his lips as you seated yourself deeply.
"princess," he groaned, his hands hungrily running down your thighs. "i won't last much longer like this."
the title read more as a pet name, and you couldn't help but clench at the need in his voice, making him choke. "god, me neither."
"please," he gasped out, eyes pleading. "please, can i-"
you nodded desperately, and it took him only seconds to sit up, crossing his legs behind you, cradling you in his arms as he rolled his hips up into you. your jaw dropped in a silent moan, and it took a moment for your vocal chords to catch up, but it wasn't long before you were making all sorts of embarrassing noises for him.
"baby," he panted, his lips pausing their work against your throat. "oh, god, i'm gonna cum."
"yes," you begged. "please. please, seungcheol."
he groaned into your neck, and you whined as you felt him shoot into you, spurring your own orgasm. your throbbing walls milked him dry, and the two of you were panting as you came down, clutching each other in a garden.
you were grateful that he didn't comment on the way you practically waddled the rest of the evening, but you never noticed the proud look on his face whenever he watched you. he did that to you, he thought. and you wanted him to do it to you again and again and again.
each morning, when seungcheol woke with your bare form draped over his side, he felt like the luckiest man on the planet, and you couldn't help but smile when you woke to his quiet and gentle ministrations against your neck, his hands warm against your skin as he pulled you closer to him.
"my darling," he muttered against your throat, adoring the way you felt in his arms, and his honey coated voice made you drunk with desire despite the sleep in your eyes. "when will i ever get enough of you?"
you giggled as you reached for him, making him moan when your hand made contact with his member. "perhaps we'll slow down in a year."
seungcheol thought that sounded okay, but when you wrapped your warm mouth around him, it suddenly sounded too soon.
there was clothing you would miss too much, you told him. the tunics you wore as comfort for years, the most beautiful dress you had ever seen, and god, the trousers. you had never been allowed to wear them before, but the convenience of fewer, less cumbersome layers proved itself again and again, especially now that you had a reason to undress more often.
"i think you look beautiful," he announced matter of factly, seated in the floor only two feet away from you, when you said offhandedly that the dresses probably suited you more. "now and always."
you smiled at him as you folded the clothing into saddlebags. "you're not so bad to look at either," you said, letting him lean over the pile of clothing to kiss you.
the more seungcheol told you about the kingdom, the more you itched to return. you missed the trees and parks surrounding the castle grounds, the cobblestone streets that you would secretly wander down, and you especially missed the way people would smile at you and ask if you were away from the castle alone.
"of course," you would reply, exchanging coin for a snack of bread despite the baker's insistence that you take it for free. "do you think the guards would have let me if they knew?"
the people were your main reason to return. you thought of the citizens that you hadn't seen in so long. you wondered how the children you remembered coming into the world had grown up. you wondered how the shops managed. you asked seungcheol about some, the ones you could remember, and he happily told you the bakery a few blocks away from the back garden gates of the castle was doing well.
you missed your family. with the promise of seeing them soon, your heart ached, even if you had felt spiteful towards them in your youth. you would never agree with everything they did - thus was the nature of an ever evolving world - but you couldn't help but remember the times they had laughed with you. while they had expectations for you, they still cared for you. they still raised you. they still loved you unconditionally.
you missed everyone you saw every day, all the other inhabitants of the castle. your cousin, whose parents died in war when he was only a child, but always had a devil may care attitude anyways. the cooks and help you bothered, but always laughed at your antics. your handmaiden, who had always kept a close eye on you, even if she never told the king about your secret excursions. you thought of your father's right hand man and closest friend, advisor kim. you thought of his son, whom you had been raised with in the castle. he had always been your best friend, your beacon of common sense, and your slightly reluctant partner in crime. you spent much of your long years away daydreaming about his laugh and hugs.
"mingyu," you said, trailing off slightly. you were sitting in the shade of a tree, watching seungcheol throw knives at a target. "is he well?"
"advisor kim?" he adjusted his posture, grunting slightly as he put a telling amount of force behind his throw. "as well as he can be, i suppose. we don't speak much."
"not advisor kim," you said, brows furrowed. "his son. he's around our age."
seungcheol looked to you, his eyes softening. "oh, princess, i'm so sorry." he paused as he kneeled before you, putting a hand to your cheek. "mingyu's father passed six years ago. he's been the king's advisor ever since."
he held you as you sobbed against him, mourning the man you had referred to as your uncle for most of your childhood, and your heart shattered as you thought of all the loss mingyu had endured.
he was smart, and it made sense to you that the king asked him to succeed his father, though you thought it a little cruel. mingyu had always been the most well read person you knew, and was the reason you had decided to make a mission of reading every book in your stone prison. he always had excitedly told you about the latest novel he'd read, or what he had learned in the political journal he'd snuck from his father's office, eyes shining and baring the wolf-like grin you adored. you never understood it back then, but now, having reread most of the books you had access to, you couldn't wait to get your hands on anything he would recommend to you when you could ask him in only a few short days.
you asked that you spend an afternoon with penelope, and seungcheol respected your time with her, despite the boredom that itched at his legs while he sat in your tower alone. he counted your paintings for the umpteenth, wondering how had you done this for so long. he decided he would go check on the horses.
you asked penelope if she truly wished to stay. "we could find someone to help you," you said. "i'm sure father has someone that can reverse the spell."
sweet princess, her warm voice rang in your ears despite her never opening her mouth. i've no family, no subjects, and no sense of humanity. 
you chewed on your cheek, knowing your wet eyes gave you away. "you have me."
she chirped, nuzzling her nose against your arm. and for your companionship all these years, i am grateful. but punishing the wicked is my duty, i have accepted my fate and so should you.
"i accept it," you said, wiping at your face with the sleeves of your dress. "but i'll remain unhappy with it."
penelope's sweet giggle was your favorite thing to hear in your mind, for you could almost imagine the woman that it once belonged to. do visit sometime. though i'd prefer if you left the knight at home.
you laughed despite the tears streaming down your face, and your hand ran over her snout. "you would like mingyu more, anyways."
there were three horses to bring back with you, but only two riders. due to this fact alone, seungcheol told you it would likely take a full day to return to the kingdom.
"maybe longer," he thought aloud, his wandering eyes finding yours as you leaned against a post in the stable. "we might have to camp a night."
"leave in the morning, arrive the next?" he nodded at your question. "that's not awful. it's hard to believe that i've been this close to you this whole time."
seungcheol agreed with you, wishing that he had gone against the king's orders and found you sooner, especially when your fingers fiddled with the collar of his shirt. "if only i had known how close i was to bliss, i would have been by your side for years."
you sighed, content, and wrapped your arms around his torso, your cheek landing on his firm chest as he leaned into you.
the first time the phrase i love you came from him, he was curled over you in your bed. your hands were digging into his hair, his lips were slotted over yours, and you were trying your best to ignore the stinging in your eyes as he pushed into you again, the words hushed against your mouth.
you looked up at him, shellshocked, but he never took your silence as judgement. "i love you," he repeated. "more than i've ever loved another person."
a moan was forced from you with a combination of his words and his movements, and it jump-started your confession. "i love you, too, my knight."
his forehead rest against yours, slick with sweat, as he slowly drove himself into you. your thighs ached, partly from the repeated trips up and down the stairs as you packed, but mostly from the way he gripped the backs of them, pushing them until your knees were nearly at your shoulders. the angle let him too far into you, you thought. if anyone were to die from feeling too much pleasure, it would be you, in that moment, as seungcheol bit at your lower lip and muttered sweet nothings into your mouth.
after nearly a decade of ruling a lonely kingdom, you were so close to returning to the castle in which you were raised. you had set the chickens free from their coop, your horses were prepared for the journey, and your stomach ached at the thought. your nerves got the better of you as you emptied your stomach of its contents behind a tree.
"it's okay, my love," seungcheol said, his hands pulling your hair behind your shoulders and rubbing your back. "i'm right here."
"damn shame," you choked out, catching your breath. "i really enjoyed that breakfast."
he did his best to not laugh despite your joking tone. he stayed by your side as your head swam, and asked if the ride back should be delayed.
"no," you shook your head, accepting the water he handed you. "if we stay a day, i'll make excuses to stay forever. i'll be okay."
he recognized the defeat in your words. despite the weakened state you had woken up in, you were right. this place felt like paradise, and you never wanted it to end, but you had a kingdom waiting for you.
penelope watched over you both, laid out in the grass as you made your final preparations, and you wrapped your arms around her neck as you held back tears.
"i'll visit. i promise."
seungcheol wrung his fingers behind his back as he watched you speak with her quietly. he could never quite shake his fear of the majestic being (he had squeezed his eyes shut and clung to you whenever she had flown you two to the tower), and he had a feeling that she disliked him due to their first impression, but he knew you loved her like a sister. then, the dragon's deep firey eyes moved to meet his, her voice creeping into his mind for the first time, causing a chill to run up his spine.
protect her in my stead.
he put a hand over his heart and nodded, and when the dragon broke eye contact, he felt as though he finally understood her.
seungcheol kept a close eye on you as you rode river, a horse he couldn't remember the original name of, but that you named after the location at which you found him. he vaguely remembered the man that rode him before, but he was one that seungcheol had never liked much. every time you swayed slightly, he insisted on taking a break so you could lay down, but you waved him off, not wanting to delay your return any more than you already had.
"oh, dear seungcheol," you said, a smile on your lips. "you will be such an empathetic king one day. good thing i'll be there to make the hard decisions."
he couldn't argue - he never could. you were wise beyond your years and more observant than the people he debated against at home, most of which with whom his arguments ended in him threatening to fight. but with you, he always understood the deep thought and logic behind your words. you had a way of speaking that calmed conflict instead of fostering it, and for that reason alone, he thought you were destined to rule, and he would happy to be by your side as you did.
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kurt-nightcrawler · 5 years
I’ve got a boyfriend
Request: could you possibly do a warden x reader where she’s like super sweet and innocent (has like nature/healing powers and in this au avengers are there) anyways the Avengers visit the mansion and peter meets reader and is like all heart eyes and she’s super sweet and he mistakes it as she likes him too and then warren returns from a mission or somethin and she’s happy and is like pitching him up and peter realizes and the avengers are like it’s okay kid and warren is all smug and like yeah mine. also with that warren x reader ft. peter request. bc she’s so in tune with nature and herself can her eyes kinda be like a mood ring and shift with her feelings. so it’s like a warm green or yellow for happiness and so peters like yeah she likes me but then when she’s with warren he watches them shift to like a soft pink. like literal heart eyes and warren teasers her a bit (in a good way)
Word Count: 2.3k
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Peter swung over to the Avenger’s headquarters on a Saturday. He always did this. 
“What’s on the agenda for today?” He asked Karen.
“Mr. Stark wants you to join the Avengers to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.”
“Xavier’s? Where—  What is that?”
“It’s a boarding school in New Salem.” Karen didn’t say anything else, leaving Peter with lots of questions. 
“Why are we going to a boarding school? What’s at Xavier’s?”
 Steve and Bucky chuckled at his curiosity.
“This isn’t like any other boarding school… It’s like Area 51.” Tony said.
“Didn’t you buy Area 51?” Bruce asked.
“That’s beside the point. We’re going here to talk to The man himself, Xavier.” 
Peter still had a lot of questions, but he had no idea where to start. Area 51 the boarding school? Is that where Carol’s Kree friend’s kids went to school? Peter took his phone out of his pocket and texted Ned. 
PETER: What is Xavier's school for gifted youngsters?
NED: It’s some boarding school for really smart kids. Trey from Bio tried to get in but didn’t pass the exam. Why?
PETER: Mr. Stark is taking me there. He and a couple of other Avengers are like, visiting or something. Idk.
NED: DUDE! You gotta tell me everything when u get back! I bet there are tons of really hot nerd girls there!!
Peter snorted to himself. Of course, Ned would think of girls. 
But there was some truth in his statement. There probably would be tons of smart girls there. But Tony described it as Area 51… 
NED: If you can get a girl’s number from Xaiver’s we’d be super cool. 
PETER: Yeah. But Mr. Stark called it Area 51 the school. What if it’s full of aliens?
NED: Okay? And? Technically Princess Leia is an alien. 
PETER: She’s also fictional.
NED: And? You’re seventeen and never been kissed before. You don’t have room to be picky.
PETER: You’ve never been kissed either!! 
NED: Shhhhhhh This is about u, not me
PETER: *eye roll emoji*
Peter turned his phone off and gazed out the window. He saw trees. The trees eventually started to die down and the car slowed down. They came to a set of gates and a sign that said Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
Once entering through the gates, Tony drove around and parked the car. Peter could see glimpses of the school grounds. He saw a few students and at first glance, they didn’t look like aliens. But Kree could shapeshift. Maybe they just shifted to blend in. 
Then he saw a kid with a tail.
Maybe not. “I thought this was a school for aliens.”
Everyone stared at him blankly. 
“Aliens?! Kid, we didn’t mean that literally. When I said Area 51, I meant it’s kinda secret. Not that it’s full of aliens.” 
“Oh.” Peter felt rather foolish. “So it’s just a normal boarding school?” 
“No.” Bucky slammed the car door shut. “It’s a school for mutants.” 
“Mutants? But like, I thought they were kind of a myth. I mean besides Magento and Mystique, but they were around in like, the 70s.”
“And they’re still around. Let’s hope Erik isn’t here. I don’t want any trouble like last time.” Steve said the last part while staring Tony down. 
“It’s not my fault he can control metal and I’m Iron Man!” 
Peter was super confused. Didn’t Magento try to kill the president? Was he evil?
Bucky killed a president, but he’s not inherently evil. I need to give Magento a chance. I need to give everyone at the school a chance. Maybe make some new friends— flex on Flash that my girlfriend has superpowers or something. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?
They walked up a few stairs out front and opened the doors leading inside. 
“Oh wow. Wow.” The building was old looking but had a few modern touches here and there. Every room was bustling with people— mutants, going about their lives. 
Peter saw all kinds of mutants and he had only been inside for a few minutes! 
“Oh wow, Mr. Stark… Where’s uh… Professor… Professor... uh—“
“Professor Xavier’s in his office.” 
The Avengers turned to look at the speaker. She had vines wrapped around her legs and arms, along with some flowers and leaves scattered in her hair, and her eyes were a bright yellow color. 
“Thanks, kid. We know where his office is.” 
She nodded, “No problem.” 
Tony glanced at Peter’s slightly pink cheeks and back at the plant girl. “Do you wanna come with us or are you sticking with Mother Nature?” 
“I can show you around if you want.” Everyone looked at Peter, anticipating an answer. 
“Yeah, sure. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” 
“Alright, have fun. And don’t forget to be safe!” 
Peter blushed again, trying to ignore Tony’s teasing remarks, already figuring out he liked the plant girl. 
“My name is (Y/N) by the way.” 
“(Y/N), Hi. I’m Peter. Peter Parker.” 
She smiled, “What’s your mutation, Peter Parker?” 
“Oh um, I don’t— well it’s not a mutation, but, when I was fourteen I got bit by a radioactive spider and I got spider abilities.” 
“Spider abilities?”
He nodded, “I’m uh, really strong and I stick to things. Plus I have this like weird sixth sense sort of, like a spider-sense.” 
“You’re strong and sticky?” Peter nodded, a little flustered. (Y/N) laughed. Peter laughed with her. “I’m sorry, but that’s a hilarious description.” 
“I mean— yeah, yeah… What can you do?”
“Oh! I’m really in tune with nature. I can manipulate plants, and my eyes change color based on my mood. Red is angry, blue is calm, green is happy, yellow is excited— there’s more, but those are the most common.” 
Her eyes are green and yellow right now. That means she’s happy and excited— they haven’t changed since we met. Maybe she’s into me. Oh my god! What if she’s into me? She might be into me. Play it cool Pete, play it cool. “That’s really neat!”
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah. It’s fun, I guess. Kinda annoying sometimes but nothing awful.” 
“I know what you mean. One time my algebra textbook got stuck to my arm and it wouldn’t come off. I had to like, sleep and shower with it on all day.” (Y/N) laughed at Peter’s retelling of his sticky situation. 
“That must have sucked!”
“It did. Eventually, I got it to come off, but it was annoying to sleep with.” 
“Oh god, I can imagine. Sometimes I fall asleep and a fully grown watermelon or pumpkin is next to me in bed.” 
Peter almost snorted, but he held it back. “Free food, I guess.” 
“Yeah— a nice perk.” 
The two wandered aimlessly around the mansion, talking about everything— freshman, classes at their schools, hobbies, friends— everything. 
Peter was going to ask for her number. Maybe ask to see her outside of the mansion. Possibly on a date… If he wasn’t too nervous.
“Could I… get your number?” Peter held his phone in his hands tightly.
“Yeah! Yeah, totally!” (Y/N) recited her number while Peter typed it in his contacts. He shot her a message. 
“I texted you. So you have my number now.” 
“Cool thanks.” Peter felt his phone vibrate in his hands and he glanced down at it.
Mr. Stark: How’s it going with Mother Nature?
Peter: Great! I got her number. I might try to ask her out on a date. Will I be free on Friday?
Mr. Stark: You don’t usually come over on Fridays.
Peter mentally shrugged. Tony was right, Peter usually didn’t go to the Avengers HQ on Fridays. 
Mr. Stark: We’re gonna be leaving soon. I’ll let you know when.
Peter: Ok
(Y/N) was also on her phone. “Sorry! Mr. Stark texted me. I don’t want you to feel like I’m ignoring you or anything.”
“You’re fine. Jubilee was just messaging me.”
“About what?” 
Her focus went back to the screen. She gasped. “Oh my god! We have to go downstairs, come on!” (Y/N) grabbed Peter’s hand and sprinted down the halls. 
“Where are we going?” He asked.
“The Jet hanger downstairs. They’re back!” 
Peter frowned and furrowed his brows as they went down the stairs. “Who’s back?”
“The X-Men.” 
Peter was about 99% sure he shouldn’t have been downstairs. If the school had a level of secrecy to it, why would he be allowed to know all this stuff? To see the X-Men and their jet and training room and everything.
Then again, he was an Avenger.
(Y/N) and Peter weren’t the only ones in the hanger watching the black jet land. Professor Xavier and the other Avengers were there, along with a few other students Peter didn’t recognize. 
The jet doors opened and people started walking out. The first one was a young guy, no older than Peter, with brown hair, a blue suit, and a red visor on. Next was a blonde woman in a white bodysuit that was styled almost like a dress. She looked familiar, but Peter couldn’t remember why. Wit the blonde woman was a big, furry, blue man. He had on a suit similar to the boy from before, minus the visor. Finally, two more boys came out. One had silver hair, goggles, and his suit was a metallic ice blue with a white lightning bolt on it. 
The last guy had lines all over his face and giant, metal, wings. 
Peter turned to (Y/N) to ask who everyone was, but she was gone. 
“WARREN!” She engulfed the winged boy in a bone-crushing hug. 
Peter squinted his eyes a little in confusion. (Y/N) didn’t mention a Warren. Who was Warren? A friend? Her brother maybe even?
“Hey, baby. I missed you.” Warren placed a kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead. 
“Aww no love for me?” The silver-haired guy whined.
“Piss off Pete.” (Y/N) laughed. 
“By the way! There’s someone I want you guys to meet… This is Peter, and he’s an Avenger.”
“You’re an Avenger? My sister is an Avenger! Wanda, you know her—“
“Yeah, Wanda is really nice.” Peter was trying to take both the guys in and figure out (Y/N)’s relationship with the blonde.
Then Peter noticed it. Her eye color. It hadn’t changed all day, she was happy and excited to meet Peter. He thought maybe she was into him— but now…
Her eyes were pink. What does pink mean? 
“And this is my boyfriend, Warren.” 
Peter felt his heart drop, or maybe break. He wasn’t sure, but he felt his world get flipped upside down. (Y/N) has a boyfriend?! 
“Nice to meet you.” Warren and Peter shook hands. He tried not to seem too dazed. 
“You too… (Y/N) didn’t say she had a boyfriend…” Peter noticed the silver Peter was gone but didn’t press on the matter.
“Oh?” Warren rose his eyebrows and looked at (Y/N). “Trying to keep me all to yourself?” He teased.
“Maybe… You don’t know…” Warren chuckled and kissed the top of her head again. 
“Hey, Angel! We’re gonna do a write up with Beast and shower.” 
Warren rolled his eyes, “I’ll join you later Cyclops.”
“Mystique said now.” 
Warren huffed, “I’ll be back in like an hour, baby.” He pecked her lips before leaving. “Nice to meet you, Peter.”
 “You too…?”
Tony and the others walked over to Peter and (Y/N). “How’d you like the school, kid?”
“It was really cool. I like it here. It’s almost like a college campus or something.” Peter was still too focused on the fact (Y/N) had a boyfriend. A really cool, attractive, powerful, mutant, boyfriend. Peter couldn’t compete even if he wanted to!
Everyone walked back to the main entrance room. Peter walked slightly behind the group. (Y/N) asked Bucky questions about his arm. “Does it weigh a lot? Warren’s wings do. His posture isn’t great because of them.” 
Mr. Stark walked slowly to meet up with Peter’s pace. 
“Why’re you down? Sad we’re leaving?”
“No,” Peter mumbled. “It’s not important.” 
“Did someone say something to you? (Y/N)’s boyfriend? I can kill him if you want. I know his dad.” 
“I just… I didn’t know, (Y/N) had a boyfriend. I thought maybe she was into me, I guess. Most girls don’t like me and she said her eye color changes based on her mood and she was excited the whole time we hung out, but I guess it’s like that for everyone.”
Tony put his hand on Peter’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “I’m sorry, Peter… There’ll be other girls though.”
He nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be fine. Just kinda sucks.” 
“I get it.”
“I’m gonna bake some brownies. I know Warren and Peter really like them and they’re probably hungry. Do you want to stay and have some?”
“Thank you for the offer, (Y/N),” Steve said. “But we really have to get going.”
She shrugged a little. “Alright, maybe next time. It was so great to meet all of you! You’re all really cool. Tell Wanda, Peter said hi.” 
“Will do.” 
They were all about to get in the car and go. 
“Bye Peter! I had a lot of fun today. If you’re ever in the area text me. We should really hang out sometime.” (Y/N) hugged him, and Peter hugged back, trying not to seem sweaty due to nerves.
“Yeah, definitely… Bye.”
The Avengers got in the car and drove away.
“I love you, but sometimes you’re a little oblivious.”
“Am not!” (Y/N) scolded her boyfriend. 
“Peter was definitely into you. He almost passed out when you said I was your boyfriend.”
(Y/N) poured flour into a bowl starting her brownies, “He was probably just intimidated by your wings.” Peter doesn’t like me… Right?
Warren kissed the top of her head before walking over to the fridge to get a drink. “You’re cute when in denial.” 
“Shut up!” She joked.
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
The Demon Next Door, Chapter 4
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Things seemed to be looking up as time went on, sure, star still was acting a bit rude to tom and Marco kept delaying asking jackie out, but marco was also having a lot more fun at karate then he had been and being friends with Tom was actually great. Tom went to every karate practice and whenever star was unavailable for anything, tom was quick to join in instead. it'd now been a couple weeks and Marco was sure he and Tom were kinda probably official best friends at this point, just like he and star were. Not to say it was perfect, but befriending the new kid was the best move marco felt he ever made. He just wished Star was acting less of a brat and hanging out with the both of them instead of doing....whatever it was she was doing. Tom was repellent to her, she ignored him, complained about him behind closed doors and overall was in a bad mood whenever he did show up. Marco couldn't deny he was starting to get tired of it, sure tom was a little pushy and he had some issues but he'd never done anything to hurt star since he showed up and was overall pretty friendly and fun. Was star jealous of marco having a new friend? Marco considered it as an option but Star usually was so excited about new friends, unless she was lying?
Though that wasn't the only thing getting to him, his parents had been trying to speak to the lucitors since they arrived and despite everything, they gained no response. Honestly Marco wasn't sure who looked worse, the Lucitors for ignoring his parents so badly when they had no ill intent, or his parents for constantly bothering tom's family to spend time with them despite not knowing them at all. Though it was getting annoying and weirder for tom whenever he came because Angie and Rafael kept asking him to invite his parents. Tom was clearly trying to slowly change the subject and Marco was quick to help him. Still no signs of tom's family since he moved, in fact marco was starting to wonder if tom had parents at all, though he was inclined to believe him when he said he did. It was possible for tom to not be comfortable properly addressing them or talking about them if maybe his family situation wasn't what marco imagined it was but marco was sure tom had has reasons, and meant no ill intent towards marco about it. At the very least he knew tom lived with a great grandfather and maybe a dad? Marco was starting to get curious himself, he couldn't deny it. Tom already met his family, and they adored him the instant he walked inside, would tom's family like marco? When star's family first met him they were a little uneasy at first but grew on him, her father especially. Though Marco wondered if Tom's family just didn't like people, what if marco came over and they just hated him? He was probably overthinking it but it was really hard not to, he wasn't sure what to expect from tom's parents with everything he did know. Sure, Tom was a nice guy and rather friendly despite how he looked, but for all he knew Tom's family were pure evil and he was the one good egg from the dozen. Marco had refrained from really going over or making it a big focus, despite his parents still wondering how to make this meeting happen as they sat on the couch, still working on his next step with jackie and finishing up his homework. Though that quickly changed as angie looked over to her son, thinking before sitting up and approaching him, "Hey marco dear? How about doing us a favor?". Marco already knew where this was going and he sighed, "I'm not going over there to ask them, I mean, it's kinda weird and I don't want to bother them.....you guys really need to stop asking me to do it.". "Oh sweetie, c'mon....". "Mom you can't befriend everyone who moves in, I mean at this point, they probably don't want to talk to you..if they wanted to talk to you, they probably would've by now.". "Marco dear, Tom is your friend, we should meet his parents at some point or another if you two are going to hang out more often....at least can you ring their doorbell and ask them personally for us?", marco quickly shot his mother a look of disbelief, he'd never seen his parents so determined to meet someone before. His parents were likable and got along with almost everyone but the Lucitors not responding really seemed to get to them more then anything. They'd never had people so...closed off in the neighborhood before. Was it really that big of a deal if they met Tom's family or not? He was sure they'd meet at some point or another, they didn't need to be over for some fancy gathering. Though his mom was giving him some serious begging eyes right now and he sighed, "Mom, c'mon, I've refused every single day since you started asking me....how much more do I need to....ugh...ok look just...hold on for a second", before getting up and walking into another room. He took out his phone quick, at the very least, he should probably talk to Tom before he did anything, tom would make things much less strange. He honestly wanted to just leave, not say anything, and hold it off but he had the feeling tonight espcially, no homework would ever be finished unless his parents knew he had at least asked the weird punk kid across the street if he was allowed to come over. Part of him almost wanted tom to say no, put it to rest. Though there as a lingering in the back of his mind that told him that he wanted to see what was in store there, after all, tom met his family, saw his house. Marco didn't wanna bump into tom's home life but he also wanted to get to know his new friend more, he just hoped he didn't make this sound more awkward then it already was. Marco: Tom, my parents want me to come over and invite your parents again, they just won't stop, it's driving me up the walls, i can't even focus on my homework with them around now. And it didn't take long for tom to text back. Tom: Marco, like, I've said several times already, I kinda don't think they want to Marco: I understand, but they won't take no for an answer and they won't leave either of us alone on it. Marco: What would make your parents comfortable? We have to get them to meet before my parents break in or something. Marco found himself waiting for several minutes before Tom responded back. Tom: Well, uh...I guess you can drop over and speak to them maybe? Maybe if they meet you they won't be so opposed to it...but it's getting kinda late so I don't think I can come up with much of an excuse for why you'd show up. He had a point, it was already getting late, maybe he would be better off saving it for tomorrow.... Tom: I mean, then again, I guess if you just asked to see me, they really wouldn't say no. Dammit. Marco: I don't want to bother your parents with this if they don't like us.... Tom: What? They don't hate you, your family is just being a little too pushy 4 them atm, but then again maybe if they meet you.... Oh no. Marco: R u sure? You kept saying before that they might not want to...? Tom: I mean, if your parents aren't giving up I guess better to rip the bandage off before it gets worse right? Guess he had a point, there was no way his parents were giving up on this until the Lucitors saw them, and the longer they persisted the angrier Tom's family was bound to be. Marco wasn't sure though, would them seeing him really help that much? Even tom's grandfather growled at him without even seeing him. Though Tom saying it was ok was a bit more reassuring, because it meant Tom at least would protect him if there were any issues involved. Marco must've been thinking about it a really long time because soon enough he got another text. Tom: Come over for dinner, i mean it's sorta last minute which might annoy them but it'll be worth something...I'll let them know, i'll see you in a few minutes. Guess Marco didn't have much of a choice now did he? He grumbled, quickly getting his work together and putting it in his school bag, he was not ready for a visit to meet his new friend's parents for the first time, no way, he was wearing his dirty hoodie and his hair was a mess, quickly taking his stuff upstairs and putting it away he immediately looked through his closet for something he could wear. There wasn't a lot, curse him and his 20 hoodies. Tom was waiting for him however, so he couldn't keep stalling on this, they were clearly expecting him and he sure didn't want to look a mess when they saw him. For now he settled on a normal black t-shirt and put a fresh hoodie over it, not zipping it all the way before fixing his hair in the mirror, it was almost like getting ready for a date with jackie, expect, he was just meeting his neighbors. He hoped for the love of god Tom's parents weren't super picky about his clothes, then again, tom wore leather and ripped shirts so... He quickly changed before grabbing his phone before heading down the stairs and giving his mother a glare, only responded to by a thumbs up from the woman and er excited husband as marco sighed and headed out the door and across the street to the creepy house across the street, feeling his gut sink the closer he got. He really got convinced into doing this didn't he? His parents made him go up to Tom's house to awkwardly speak to him and sure enough Tom was doing the same thing, hoping for the best. He felt himself get slower the closer he got before he eventually stepped right up to the front door, hand awkwardly reaching out for the doorbell before pushing it and drawing his hand away incredibly fast. Tom was expecting him so surely tom would answer the door, giving him some comfort before the pain? Maybe he was really freaking out too much about this, Tom was rather nice despite everything, so maybe tom's parents were the same and he was worrying too much? Though as the door opened up marco quickly felt his stomach drop. Nope, not Tom. Definitely not Tom. For one he found his eyes looking more upwards, the person at the door was tall, and for a second marco wasn't sure if the person was female or male, but another look and yep, it was a lady. She was intense looking, she was muscle bound, tan skin, short light reddish hair, and piercing brown eyes. Marco suddenly felt like leaving, this woman looked like she could kill him wit a single punch and he timidly held his hand up to wave before coughing into his hand. "I uh..uh...I'm..Marco, uh....Tom's friend?". Was this Tom's mother? He had ideas of what she looked like in his mind but it wasn't this, she looked like the last person he should ever make angry. However, much to marco's surprise her face immediately shifted into glee and marco was quickly pulled into an embrace, the last thing he expected from someone who looked like a professional wrestler. And he heard footsteps quickly rush over, seeing Tom quickly put on a dark jacket, "Mom! Hey...careful, don't hurt him now...", she let him go and marco fell back on his feet, feeling the wind knocked entirely out of him as he gave tom a questioning look. He simply smiled and gestured his mother to go to another room, and she quickly left, marco puzzled as tom greeted him officially. "Sorry, she gets really excited about meeting new friends....she's a bit of a hugger, you're ok right?", he quickly looked over marco as he fixed his hair and adjusted his clothes, tom took a look at his clothing and nodded in approval of his get up, "So uh....I'm sorry If this was last minute and everything, but...at the very least it means your parents'll stop bugging you...and honestly my parents were kinda dying to meet you anyway...so...guess two for two..". "Your parents wanted to meet me? I thought you said they didn't want to meet me?". "Yeah, kinda.....sorry....I just didn't want you to meet them so soon cause they're uh.....weird? I wasn't sure about you meeting them and they felt weird about meeting your folks with all the gifts and invitations and uh....sorry...I should've been more honest..." his smile was apologetic and marco snorted, "I mean, my parents are weird too, they can't be all that bad..". Marco almost felt relieved in a way though, Tom's parents actually did want to meet him? They weren't trying to avoid him? At least that removed some of his worse thoughts on why he had yet to meet or see tom's family before now, though at the same time he still couldn't help but feel anxious. They wouldn't think he was weird right? "Eh.....maybe....just.....don't engage too much with my great grampy and be polite....my parents like politeness....oh and...maybe just speak mostly to my dad, my mom doesn't....speak English...", Tom said that last bit a little world as marco raised an eyebrow, head leaning to where the woman had walked off, "Oh? What does she speak then?". Though Tom didn't answer right away, and marco noticed tom was sweating as his attention turned back to him. "Tom?....You ok?". "Yeah just...uh...c'mon...I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone.". - The house was just as creepy on the inside as it was the out, the inside was mostly red and black it felt, dark red wallpapers and red and black fancy furniture lined with skulls. Did Tom live in an actual haunted house from a movie set or something? It also seemed bigger on the inside then the outside to marco, he could've swore the house wasn't nearly this large but as tom showed him around it felt almost like a mansion, though marco was getting the impression maybe he was imagining things. Though his thoughts on this vanished as he soon met a new face. Tom's father. Much to Marco's surprise, the man heading out of the kitchen was not nearly as strict or rich or even as scary looking as marco thought he would. The man had a kind face in fact, nice teal eyes, parted brown hair, and a excited smile. This was definitely the man marco had seen with tom the day they moved in, and he looked more then eager to see marco as tom's mother had been, fixing up his sweater and holding out his hand for marco to shake. Marco took it nervously, surprised to note this man had a grip. "Hello Marco, it's finally nice to meet you, Thomas has been talking about you so much recently that-", and tom, embarrassed, quickly motioned for his father to change the topic. "Well....we're just happy to see you, it's nothing against your parents it's just we're still getting used to the place and all the cards and food and well....everything is a little overwhelming, It....wasn't exactly like this in our previous home, they're not hurt by us are they?". "Uhhhhhh...", was it better to be honest or tell him the truth in this situation? Lucky for him though, Tom stepped in, literally, as he stepped between the pair and looked at his father. "Well, marco's family i think would prefer we answered them...I think they might feel ignored...", the man sighed, "I know, deeply sorry Marco....we've had a lot going on here recently we haven't really considered coming over or really knew what to say....though....if we said no, will they keep going till they have us finally come over?". Marco nodded, weak smile on his face, "They just...like meeting new neighbors, I told them to let it be....well I was worried they were making you uncomfortable...". "Perhaps a little, but it's alright....our family just had..a lot of adjusting to do, we're not used to welcome parties or anything....but let's not get into that, I think it's great thomas has made a friend. I think we were worried if he would once he well...starting interacting with more kids...but you came by and I'm glad Tom's made friends with such a nice young man.". Marco felt himself get flustered, Tom's parents really thought he was cool? And were so happy Tom met him? It wasn't like he and tom had even been friends that long, but he said it like it's been a year. He hugged his arms and snorted, "Oh, it's....it's nothing, I kinda just helped tom out and we just kinda stuck to each other like glue....you don't have to thank me...tom's been just...really cool.". It felt like the man was about to say something else when a noise coming from upstairs got his attention, "Oh, i'm sorry, I gotta take care of something, just go meet Wrathmelior in the kitchen and help her set up....i'll..be right back down to join you all...", and he immediately dashed out and up the nearest staircase. "Wrathmelior?". "Oh uh......", tom said, a little anxious for some reason, "That's uh...my mom's name, sorry I don't think I've mentioned her name.". "Is it foreign?". "Er....yeah, something like that, anyways c'mon...we better not keep her waiting.", tom wasted no time dragging marco towards the kitchen, a large one for a seemingly small place, mostly red and black almost as if it were owned by vampires. He'd have to ask tom about his family's sense of decor later on, though right now he was focused on the large woman finishing up a meal that smelled heavenly to the human. Upon closer inspection it seemed to be a beef stew with noodles. And Marco was quick to walk over simple to smell it even more, making tom chuckle and seemingly exciting the woman who noticed his interest, motioning to the plates left on the counter, waiting to be set out and tom quickly got marco to help him finish, as well as add a teacup to every plate and fill it with a hot brew of the stuff. Marco had to admit, folding the napkins for everyone was kinda great fun, their dining room was pretty overall fancy and he liked the plants in the corners of the room and portraits that were practically gothic. Though he noticed upon closer inspection, none of them seemed to show tom or his family at all. His family would keep family portraits EVERYWHERE, but it seemed tom's family liked their picks of the night sky, fantasy scenes, and....rabbits? Though shorty after Tom's mother brought in their food, putting it in the center of the table as tom and marco took seats next to each other. "Dad will be here in a second...I think he's dealing with great grandpa....", wrath seemed to grumbled at that as she headed out of the room to most likely check on them. "Wasn't he the one that growled at me?". Tom chuckled, "Uh....yeah...kinda...". "Is he going to growl at me when he sees me?". "Well.....maybe...". Well, that was fun. Tom was already adding food to his plate and marco did the same, stuffing their faces and enjoying their warm meal together, "Sorry, my family's not normally like this when it comes to meals, they're usually here but it seems relicor is just SUPER cranky today....don't take it to any offense though...he's not really nice to anyone.". Marco took another bite of the meal, it was delicious and warm, he'd have to ask tom's mother for the recipe sometime....or....maybe his dad instead. Relicor? Were these foreign names? Or something they all made up on the spot? "How come he lives with you?". "Eh.....we didn't get a choice in the matter....i guess you could say." Just then, Wrathmelior and Dave entered, the man in a huff as she quickly tried to relax himself, "Im sorry marco, it appears it'll just be the four of us tonight, I hope you don't mind...". Marco was quick to answer, because honestly, something told him he had lucked out on not meeting the strange man who hissed at him. "Oh, it's cool, It uh....means we all get to talk more! Y'know, about the move and everything!", this seemed to relax the adults as they took their seats and began getting their food to eat as well. "Deeply sorry about that Marco, Tom's er...great grandfather is not the most reasonable of people to speak with, and we tend to have to deal with his antics a lot. But never mind that, tell us about yourself marco, how long have you lived here?", to which marco felt more content as he tried to answer as best as possible to his strange neighbors, "Oh...forever i guess? I mean, i kinda grew up in that house. I know my way around this place pretty well usually.". "Well that's good cause we could use some help, we're not as familiar with this area and uh....where to go...". "Well, the only way you'll get that figured out, is by driving around and checking everything out", marco said, "You just gotta get outta the house more...there's stores, movie theaters, golf, the mall, a park....tom might be able to help..right tom?". Tom, his mouth full of food, looked up to marco, "Whu?", marco ushering to his parents. "So far I've shown you around a bit, you might be able to direct your parents on a drive for a bit, I think you'll all like it here once you get to know it". Tom's parents looked to Tom questionably and Tom quickly nodded, "Yeah yeah, sounds like a plan...hey marco....I told my parents about you and karate, they think it sounds really cool....you wanna tell them more about it?". Tom's parents smiled at Marco and Marco suddenly felt sheepish, "Oh um, well it's this super cool fighting style for me to take down ALL the bad guys, i'm currently at a green belt, working on my red, soon enough i'll master it....I mean, not that I'm not already good or anything". "Really? So you'd be happy to train tom?". "Oh well, of course- wait what?". He turned to Tom, who shrugged, "Surprise?". "We were hoping for Tom to join your little...karate club, he doesn't get to do a lot after school and he seems to really like it so....maybe you'd like him to join? You'd get to hang out more often that way!", Dave seemed rather excited as Tom shrugged towards marco, he actually hadn't really had a friend at karate, the other kids didn't really talk to him outside of jeremy, though maybe sensie counted? Star had other plans anyway so karate was out of the question for her. But Tom joining? "You think they'll let you in after the jeremy thing?", marco asked, tom snorting, "Oh we'll work it out....plus, that kid sure won't mess with you if i'm there anyway.". Marco elbowed him playfully, You don't just gotta join to spend time with me y'know?". "I dunno, I guess I just thought It might be cool...you looked so cool doing it so..". "Well, I don't see anything wrong with it, so...I guess that means i'll see you next practice right?", Tom elbowed him back, "Yeah, i can't wait." The rest of the dinner was pretty light, Tom's parents were surprisingly really likable and friendly, marco talking to them more about echo creek, and them talking to him mostly about their son. They reminded marco of his own parents, going on about the stupid things tom did as a kid, and occasionally seeming to flirt with each other, though of tom's parents started getting a little too affectionate marco was ready to bail. Luckily that never really happened and marco was delighted as the table was cleaned and ready for dessert. Strawberry tarts. Marco happily took a bite as tom laughed at another story his dad told about the mailman being so terrified of their house he put the mail on top of the mailbox and ran away as marco's phone buzzed, taking it out to see star was texting him. Star usually liked to text him whenever she was bored and didn't want to use her time wisely so this wasn't a surprise, though marco facing down at his pants seemed to have caught dave's attention as he coughed. "Everything alright marco?". "Oh?", marco quickly sat straight again, "Yeah, sorry, my friend star was just texting me.....". "Star?", the man set his arms on the table, blinking curiously, and Marco sheepishly replied, "Yeah, Star moved here about a year ago or so, she lives close by, she's pretty cool. She was kinda my only friend till Tom moved in and we hit it off, I'm not sure if Tom's talked about her, they don't really hang out much." Marco looked over to Tom who coughed into his hand, "Yeah uh um....Star's like his best friend, I've seen her a few times....she goes to our school". "Oh....interesting, well, I suppose since we all live close by, maybe we should all get together then, might be fun.", he looked over to his wife and the woman seemed more then thrilled, though Marco noticed Tom looked anxious before e leaned over and whispered to him, "Hey? Is everything ok? Should I have not said anything about Star cause if you like her I didn't wanna...". Tom was quick to pull himself together, straining a laugh, "Oh uh...it's nothing, y'know...just having your parents meet your crush...gets...awkward.". "Oh yeah, I guess so...but i'm sure it's ok, star's parents are usually fine people, i mean I was nervous to meet your parents and...I kinda like them actually", though his friend replied with a fake laugh, "Oh? Am I your crush now?". Marco snickered before going back to his food, "You wish, though...I've never introduced jackie to my family...but I'm not friends with her so I can't be surprised....If I was able to just talk to her I could just invite her but I'm such a mess around her...". "Hey....um....what If I talked to her for you?". Marco's eyes lightened up, "You'd do that?". "Yeah I mean, i'm not nearly as nervous around her, I could go up to her...and well..see what I can do right?". Marco's smile was wide and bright, " Thank you Tom...". - Marco went home that night surprisingly happier then he thought, tom's parents even sent him with some leftovers and waved him out the door, it was actually the most pleasant visit he'd had to a neighbor's house, considering star's were usually insane simply due to her father throwing parties or jumping around the place like a barbarian. Tom was joining his karate class, he was going to help with jackie as best he could, he couldn't wait to tell star the good news. Though as soon as he walked in he was stopped by his parents, well, not stopped. Marco like marco walked in one them kissing on the couch, in the dark. As they scrambled to get themselves together, they eagerly smiled so wide their mouths might as well burst of their faces. "How'd it go?" Marco huffed. "They'll come over....". The noise that followed was barely human, as marco was crushed in a hug. "Thank you mijo! We promise never to ask you for anything ever again!". Somehow, marco totally doubted that promise. Still, he got to meet his new friend's folks, and now he didn't have to worry about any conflict between their families, tom's family actually seemed to love him and weren't angry or cold at all. In fact Tom seemed to live in a rather pleasant household, and now it seemed they wouldn't be hanging out more then ever. Tom was going to do karate, maybe talk to marco's crush, something even star had tried before at times but had only made marco more humiliated. Guess in the end, it was probably a good thing he went over, though he did wonder more about why tom had been so awkward about him meeting his parents if they wanted to meet him so much. His parents were WAY more embarrassing in all honesty, he could barely be in the same room as them half the time. Guess he could'nt speak much for Tom though, Tom knew his parents better, for all Marco knew they were 10x more affectionate then his own, and he sure didn't need to see that. It would just have to be something to get more into another time, but for now he felt a huge weight off his chest. He laid in bed that night, smiling. And on the other side of the street, the other boy was doing the same thing.
38 notes · View notes
honestsycrets · 5 years
NSFW Alphabet || Aslaug
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❛ sy’s notes | as requested by @salimahbicharara-comun a while ago. I’m sorry it took so long love. All these gifs below are not mine but go to their proper owners. I tagged my all list. Please disregard if you aren’t interested in F x F, because this is what it is.
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A = Aftercare 
Aslaug drops beside you, a small modest smile on her lips. She waits for you to join her and cuddle close.
Aslaug is demure. For her, sex is simple. It’s what comes after that which makes her shy. She’ll tug her fur over her chest and smile at you, gentle and sweet until she feels a need for more.
B = Body part 
“You should grow it some more.” Aslaug runs her fingers through your hair, curling it about her finger. It tightens, and she brings you in for a kiss.
It might surprise you to know that she loves a woman’s hair. She enjoys trickling her fingers through the strands, following the natural wave to the tips. During sex, she might tug at your hair to get what she wants done without saying a word.
C = Cum 
The first time you were with her, you might have squeaked in your surprise when she squirted upon you. It’s not exactly something she’s super excited about-- but if you’re excited, it makes her feel as if she’d done a good job, rolling her hips down your fingers as you eat her out.
D = Dirty Secret 
“You have pictures of me stored?” You giggle, flicking through the folder in question. Aslaug slides beside you. Her fingers slide your hair off your shoulder and leave one chaste kiss there. “Of course. How else do I cope when you’re gone, my love?”
Modern!Aslaug loves seeing her woman in lingerie. She enjoys actually seeing you in tiny bikinis, baby dolls, delicate heels, jewels, and strappy clothes. If you were to dip into her purse and check her phone, you might find a folder of kinky clothes in a personal folder.
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E = Experience 
Aslaug knows what she’s doing. Although she might seem quiet, perhaps even secretive, she’s been with enough people to know how to elicit pleasure out of you. Don’t underestimate her.
F = Favourite Position 
It’s always going to be a good day when Aslaug is feeling... curious. You know because of the way she climbs over you, waking you up from your slumber. “My Queen--” 
Shh, Aslaug smiles. Let me.
Aslaug loves to warm up by climbing over you, grinding her cunt up against yours and watching as you progressively get wetter and wetter for her. Although usually she might be submissive, she can’t help herself from being a little dominant too.
G = Goofy 
“And did Ivar chase you away?” she laughs as you lift your dress off your curves, pressing your breasts together with your arms shifting. 
“Like Skol or Hati after the sun and moon!”
She tends to be more serious-- though she won’t hesitate to laugh and have fun, perhaps change the subject time to time, when fucking. Sometimes if she’s embarrassed, she’ll try to be a bit humorous to cover it up.
H = Hair 
Being the queen she is, Aslaug is a woman who is trimmed and well-kept at all times. For her partner to come home, even from raid, she wants everything to be perfect. After all, she is a sexual creature. She needs the sex.
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I = Intimacy 
Sex for Aslaug isn’t often romantically charged. With Ragnar and Harbard, she finds romantic sex a little squeamish. After some time of proving that its only her on your mind, though, you end up spooning in bed.
J = Jack Off 
You’re gone for raid again. Aslaug hasn’t been alone in a while. She doesn’t feel the need to jack off when you’re home, catering to every need. But when you aren’t, she drags her fingers across her mound, massaging herself to excitement. There’s no need for a vat of oil when she can think of you, straddling her and shoving fingers inside of her holes.
K = Kink 
“My Q--Queen!” you knead the furs under your hands, gripping the king’s bed. Aslaug found you cleaning her rooms that day and a thought surfaced in her head. She bent you over the bed and took you then and there. Loud slaps of her hips fill the Great Hall.
On occasion, Aslaug likes to feel powerful. One surefire way of doing that is sliding the wooden phallus within your cunt and watching you writhe underneath her deep thrusts. 
L = Location 
Although she often has sex indoors, she loves sex outdoors. It brings her closer to the elements-- to the gods whom she worships. Aslaug loves to have sex while bathing and seeing your reaction when her fingers slip into your hole. 
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M = Motivation 
The men of the evening had been watching you pour ale. A thrall-- you’re used to their affections. But not to the affections of Ubbe and Hvitserk, who tug your skirt back with their cat calls. 
“Come with me,” Aslaug slides her hand sweetly over the curve of your ass-- marking you out to her sons.
When Aslaug has someone she wants, she is flashy with her affections. She might run her hand down your hips if she sees a man or woman looking at you, drag you back and take you so loudly that the interlopers will hear. It excites her to know that someone else wants something that is so marked out as hers. When you get her into bed, you realize just that.
N = NO 
A doer, not much of a watcher. Aslaug does not like the thought of having to watch someone else have sex with her beloved. If she is going to fuck, she wants to have her attention squarely on her.
O = Oral 
“You’re doing so good, my love.” She guides you with your hair, shifting you down to her well-loved entrance. You push your tongue into her entrance. “A little more.” 
As with many things, Aslaug loves to be given oral. It isn’t to say that she won’t give, but, well-- she is a queen after all. Your mouth just looks so pretty when its doing what its meant to do, please her.
P = Pace 
Aslaug can go either way. She’s a sensual woman in everything she does. She can take you slow, drag out your orgasms through the night. Or, she might take you quick. Either way, your pleasure is dragged out for hours.
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Q = Quickie 
Aslaug is greedy. She’s greedy with her women, her men-- and her attention. Quickies aren’t her thing because often, she believes her time is her time. You should be there to please your queen.
R = Risk 
“You want to be tied up?” Aslaug holds the ropes in her hands. She’s heard of this before. Women and men who like to be tied up and taken advantage of. Though she never imagined you would like to be used like a thrall. You nod, eagerly.
She’s in the business of making her partner feel good. Aslaug might flutter her eyelashes at you, recall how you asked to take her in the ass and seriously ask you what sort of risk it is this time. 
S = Stamina 
“Can we please--” you sob, your cunt squelching around her fingertips. “--I need a break!” 
“Soon, love, soon.” You know its a lie.
Aslaug can most likely hold out for quite while. She’s not easily impressed-- and so it takes work to get her to cum. But, if you can do it, she’ll gush for you. When she is pleasuring you though, its a quite other ordeal. She’ll force you to hold out for her.
T = Toy 
Of course she owns toys! A woman like her needs pleasure when her partner is gone or otherwise sexually unavailable. She’s interested on using them on you too-- just to make you beg for a release.
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U = Unfair 
“He is watching,” you note of Ragnar. 
“Let him. It will make the sex better.” 
Most often, Aslaug teases with her eyes. She follows you, tracing your body out. When you sit by her, her hands might slip beneath your dress and seek out what pleasure she can find in the open.
V = Volume 
Her noises are all dependent on you. Do you want her to be louder? Do a better job. Small huffs can easily become dragged out moans, desperate pleads or even the occasional scream for more.
W = Wild Card 
“Ivar,” you trudge to a stop. 
Ivar glances at you, twisting his head so slightly from his mother’s throne. “You’re here to see mother.” 
You rustle with the ties to your dress and let them fall to the floor. Ivar drags his virginal eyes over your curves, rolling his lip into his mouth. You’re not a bad woman after all. He nods, his hand still at his mouth.
Getting to Aslaug means getting around Ivar. Ivar is a picky man for his mother. He expects nothing but the best. He needs to know that you’ll take care of her. Which means one of two things: sneaking around Ivar or facing him head on. He might be able to be impressed. If you know what to do.
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X = X-Ray 
Aslaug crosses her legs, a small and light smile growing upon her lips. If you want to see what is under her dress, you’ll have to work harder than that. Her fingers hover at her foxish lips.
Y = Yearning 
“Do you not love me?” It had only been a good week since you had been with her-- but obviously, you made a mistake. 
For her, sex is directly tied for how much you love her. You want to love her? You’ll fuck her. If not, she assumes that you have stopped loving her in some bizarre twist of fate. So love her-- and fuck her.
Z = ZZZ 
Aslaug enjoys a good cuddle. She prefers to bring you against her chest, cuddle until you are good and sleepy. That’s sure to keep you in her bed! She’ll sleep when you sleep.
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versctles · 5 years
@younqdrunk said: ! for obviously alvaro/wren and if you feel like it, anyone else you see getting married, surprise me 👀
Who was the one to propose: we both know it is wren because he’s very expressive and assertive like that. he was really looking for the perfect timing as well. but i bet alvaro already had the marriage thing in mind, just that wren was a step ahead of him :~) Who stressed more over wedding planning: this is pretty obvious we both know it’s wren Who decorated the house: wren again ofc, and alvaro probs helps out bc he likes being wren’s cute helper whenever wren wants to be extra Who is more organized: with domestic stuff it’s 100% wren, but then alvaro does a great job taking care of the kids and his workplace seems quite organized as well Who initiates bedroom fun: both of them do, but i mean alvaro just has to breathe in wren’s presence and wren could pounce on him at that moment Who suggested kids first: i’m not sure about this bc they both love kids, so let’s make it a tie breaker and say they both had it in mind before both bringing it up at the same time Who’s more dominant: wren is bc he can be quite the control freak, but he adores his service top boyfriend absolutely adores everything about him Who’s the cuddler: they are both equally clingy with each other, but around the first time i feel like it’s alvaro then wren warms up to him and now they just can’t get their hands off of each other What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: we both know it’s stargazing, probs while having a nice picnic out that wren prepared for them :~) Who kills the spiders: wren would cry and hide behind alvaro until it’s gone, but knowing alvaro he doesn’t kill it and probs catches it to set it free outside . an angel  Who falls asleep first: idk why i imagine it’s more of wren . maybe bc alvaro rlly makes the most out of it and tires him out 👀 Who is louder? wREN jfkbngjb don’t even ask Who is more experimental? i think they both are . always wanting to try something new w each other Do they fuck or make love? they always make love .  i can’t imagine a time they just fucked bc their love is so sensual and passionate and they are both so considerate of each other Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? neither bc i mean they have each other anyway Who comes first? this is something i’m unsure of since they have sex a lot and probs last long a lot so i’ll give it a 50/50 Who is better at oral and who prefers it? they both do, and i feel like they always take their time, barely having a quickie bc they like to do foreplay and oral before intercourse Who usually initiates things? for like major extra things, probs wren . and for like small every day things probs alvaro Who is more sensitive? alvaro is more sensitive w criticism while wren is generally just a ball of sensitivity in terms of details and stuff Who has the most patience? alvaro :~) and it’s one of the trillion reasons wren is in love w him bc he’s so grateful for his patience my heart
Who was the one to propose: id k why i imagine this being zach esp when they’re both out and it’s that us against the world thing ?? and he permanently just wants max by his side Who stressed more over wedding planning: neither bc they aren’t picky and just want to get married Who decorated the house: i don’t think either are rlly into domestic decorating ?? but i mean zach would put a bit of effort if some guests are coming over . and by effort, i mean hire someone else to do it  Who is more organized: i’m gonna bet on this w max bc zach is just chaos wrapped up in a box, hence why he is the tazmanian devil Who initiates bedroom fun: they both do our horny bois, esp when max calls zach daddy he will nut every single time rip Who suggested kids first: i’m not sure w this one maybe max but like rlly subtle bc he wants to keep it cool and eventually zach isn’t at all against the idea of it Who’s more dominant: we both know it’s zach, but i mean max can be quite dominant too whenever he pleases, and they end up fighting for control Who’s the cuddler: mAX !! soft grumpy boi . zach probs complains w how clingy and affectionate he was at first, but i mean he’s stuck w him forever and he wouldn’t have it any other way What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: neither one of them are fussy like i imagine them just being chill couch potatos, cuddling and watching sports is enough of a classic fave Who kills the spiders: ok i’m laughing but zach will manly scream and run the hell out of there bc he’s almost gotten bitten by a spider when he was a kid so . ur on ur own max, but i mean, zach still loves u Who falls asleep first: zach bc he rlly tires himself out until his energy drops to zero and he’s passed out on top of max butt naked, but i mean he’s pulled out already Who is louder? this remains to be a mystery to me rn buuut i feel like it’s max Who is more experimental? they both are p experimental tho zach is still bitter max doesn’t wanna get fucked in a public alley . but i mean soft cold baby, can’t blame him Do they fuck or make love? it’s an alternate thing but even when they “ fuck “ there’s still that fondness that reassures them it’s so much more than sex Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? zach is a wanker so i mean, you didn’t hear it from me 👀 Who comes first? probably max, but it’s only fair bc he’s the one getting his ass fucked most of the time . and zach he rlly likes to control his orgasm Who is better at oral and who prefers it? they both love oral and anal equally i mean come on Who usually initiates things? if it’s like surprises i feel like it’s max . he seems to be a sneaky little fly . but if it’s like no chill pins him against the wall and aggressively makes out, then it is 100% zach Who is more sensitive? max i think ? but i mean zach can be rlly sensitive too u just gotta crack him right, which max has done, so i’ll answer this w both Who has the most patience? i come to think they both do ? or at least max does a bit more than zach, but zach never gives up on him anyway
Who was the one to propose: calum bc he when he met nico he was sure this was the only person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Who stressed more over wedding planning: neither but i come to think calum’s mother offered to do a lot of work for it since she enjoys wedding plans Who decorated the house: once again, i feel like calum’s mother offered and these two probs bonded with her while she did Who is more organized: i’ll give props to nico for this bc calum is just phew Who initiates bedroom fun: calum at first ?? since nico seems to be the shy type, but i mean when they’ve dated longer, i bet they alternately initiate Who suggested kids first: calum bc he’s so family-oriented we love him Who’s more dominant: they both are, but personality-wise i’m gonna say it’s nico Who’s the cuddler: calum is vvv affectionate w nico he can’t even hide it What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: skinny dipping, bonus when it’s like training grounds or a pool they’re not supposed to be in Who kills the spiders: they both take turns getting the spiders out, but it’s mostly calum  Who falls asleep first: idk why i imagine nico falls asleep first since calum is crazily energetic, but he’d gladly cuddle nico as he falls asleep ok they are v soft Who is louder? nico  which is why calum is forever smug about it 👀 Who is more experimental? calum is experimental as fuck so brace yourself, nico  Do they fuck or make love? they always make love, but making love can get intense w them Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? idk why i imagine this being nico, but i mean calum is always willing to offer a hand ( heh ) Who comes first? i mean from all the stimulation calum gives, i’m p sure nico does Who is better at oral and who prefers it? calum enjoys oral and idk much ab nico so maybe both ? Who usually initiates things? calum is a lil daredevil so we both know it’s 100% him ok Who is more sensitive? nico bc calum is a giant idiot that probs dropped his head when he was a baby Who has the most patience? calum does, but i mean he loves his grumpy nico
Who was the one to propose: wren also bc i bet they had a rlly dumb argument before that and wren was so scared of losing luca so he rlly realized how much he loves this pain in the ass and seals the deal with him Who stressed more over wedding planning: they both do, but i mean wren is def fussier since luca just wants something simple and less costly w wren’s vision Who decorated the house: wren does, which sometimes luca finds unnecessary bc of the expenses but i mean wren knows how to make a house truly look like a home Who is more organized: they both are, but i’m guessing wren is slightly more organized ? Who initiates bedroom fun: they both do, but i guess after they’ve recovered from bickering bc that seems to be their priority over sex Who suggested kids first: wren probs saw some kids while they were out in public together and just nudging luca like ‘ how many of them do u want ‘ and it starts that conversation Who’s more dominant: in bed it is definitely wren, but generally they are both dominant which is probs why they’re always at each other’s throat and can only ever handle each other Who’s the cuddler: i think it’s wren also whenever he fucks up w luca over the pettiest things, he just gets extra affectionate when he doesn’t feel like saying sorry yet What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: probs volunteering for a good cause bc they’re such angels to the world Who kills the spiders: neither one of them actually kills the spider, but they’ll both be huddled in a corner praying for it to go away, unless one of them is brave enough to like do the honors of bringing the spider outside  Who falls asleep first: it alternates between them depends who got the bigger head ache that day Who is louder? they both get rlly loud im just Who is more experimental? they both are lbr Do they fuck or make love? they hatefuck i guess, v rare occasions they make love and it’s v memorable wherever the hell they are Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? i feel like it’s wren yikes Who comes first? they alternately do, but i think it’s usually luca ? though they both last p long Who is better at oral and who prefers it? i feel like they both rlly love oral Who usually initiates things? they both do Who is more sensitive? they both get sensitive w each other, hence why they often bicker Who has the most patience? they have the equal amount of patience w each other, even when it’s v little
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turbulcnce · 5 years
[ jessica vu. twenty-two. cisfem. she/her. | muse 2b. ] break up with your boyfriend by ariana grande just came on the radio and it made me think of katherine ‘kit’ pham. they’ve been in sundance for their whole life and they’re currently a singer/songwriter. if you’re looking for them, try by forget me not, locals say they’re there a lot. [ j. she/her. 25. est. ] 
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hi fam , j again ! this is my lil singer/songwriter bug kit who’s trying her best. i have two three kids, and this is ( 2 / 3 ) , and the same rules apply if you wanna plot ; pls hit me up, like this, or ask me for my discord !
basics : katherine ‘kit’ mai pham. 
hometown : sundance , nv.
languages : english , vietnamese.
orientation : bisexual / biromantic
introducing the absolute princess that is katherine pham ! her mom always called her kit kat growing up and the name kit stuck with her. she doesn’t mind kat, kit, katherine, etc. just not a fan of kathy but she’s really not that picky.
kit was born in sundance and her family is vietnamese-american and she’s super proud of her culture + tries her best to be in touch with her culture. her mom always involved traditions of their family into kit’s life when she was young which helped me her so involved with it.
anyway ! kit started out singing at a pretty young age, though she really focused on songwriting and she always had a knack for writing little jingles and rhymes
her dad wasn’t always super on board with her becoming a singer and/or a songwriter. he always felt like she needed to do something more practical that was more likely to get her a job. her mother, however, was super supportive and helped her with as much as she could. 
in high school, kit and two friends started a little band together. it was kits first shot at trying to do something with music but something just wasn’t clicking with the band and it never went anywhere.
in the mean time, kit was putting up solo covers of her own songs on a youtube page which was gaining some traction. after she realized that maybe she could actually do this if she made the leap, on a spur of the moment decision after the band gave her trying, kit announced that she was going to travel around and try to make something out of herself.
her dad was super disappointed and wouldn’t support her journey. her mom tried to help, but her dad wasn’t having it. of course, he made sure she had food money and that was just about it.
so, OKAY, i’m not saying she had a whole sugar daddy for this portion of her life, but i imagine there was someone ( either la or sundance based ) that would help support her. this is about to go on the main so details can be worked out.
ANYWAY ! that said, she had some support and did end up getting a little fame. she has two singles which both made the top charts + although she was getting a grip, something didn’t feel right about being out in la all by herself.
so, she came home and focused on songwriting. she loves to sing and still does sing, but she wanted to focus on writing so she could be near her family + friends. she ruffled a few feathers by leaving, but she doesn’t regret it. she just prefers low-key singing like on youtube and writing on writing songs for artists. like. mike posner.
now that she’s back she’s focusing on herself + doing what she loves. 
now, i’m not saying kits spoiled, but she’s definitely .... u know. spoiled. she’s almost that quiet type of spoiled where you can’t help it and she knows her smile and lil nose crinkle works on almost anyone.
she’s very open about things. keeps no secrets. i mean, she’s trustworthy but will tell you exactly how she is. won’t keep a secret if its detrimental to someones well being but she’s very open about the fact that she’s got a big mouth.
a highkey flirt. very charming + kinda uses that to her advantage depending on that situation.
can be very fun to be around ! she doesn’t drink / smoke / etc. but when she gets in the party mood she can definitely light up a room.
has strong opinions + will argue about something she believes in. even if she’s wrong. well, maybe not as hard when she’s wrong but she definitely doesn’t give up.
basically a lil spitfire w/ a good heart ! 
main connections : her ex on good terms / roommate, sugar daddy ... of sorts.
platonic connections : friends , other singers , party friends , shopping friends , polar opps, etc. 
eye emoji connection : flings/fwb (previous/current) , ex on bad terms maybe , flirts , hateship bc we stan angst , etc.   
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perseuesjackson · 6 years
say yes (to the dress)
words 1701
summary Izuku thought picking a wedding tux would be easy, but Kacchan sure has him proved wrong.
a/n definitely not inspired by my recent obsession with watching say yes to the dress  ....i don't even really like it but i can't stop
anyways, i just kept imagining every single picky bride or bridesmaid or mother to be kacchan being like "no, this neckline doesn't suit my figure" but i wrote it with tuxes
lmk if u want a dress version
Izuku huffs a sigh, stretching out his neck. It’s tight, sure, but it isn’t a bad fit. He doesn’t mind—he’s never really cared about how his muscles look, or if his shoulders are too broad or not. He didn’t mind the freckles on his face and the unruliness of his hair. Being toned mattered, yeah, for being a hero, but not for aesthetics. Not for him.
But for Kacchan?
“No.” His words are curt, tense. He has his legs crossed and his arms as well. Even knowing Kacchan and his temper, Izuku knows he’s irritated. “It’s too fucking tight. I said, tight but not strapped in. It should be taught, not like his pecs are stretching out the dress shirt. What other shirts do you have?”
The attendant is quick to placate Kacchan. “Bakugou-san, we also have these selections, what about this fit?” He holds it up to Izuku’s chest and stretches it out. “The shoulders seem like it’ll be a nice fit, shows off the broadness of them.”
Kacchan clicks the back of his tongue, making a tsk sound as he stares at it. “Try that one on, Deku. The color isn’t good, but let’s see if the fit is a match.”
Izuku sighs again, closing his eyes in exasperation as he grabs the shirt. “Kacchan, this one isn’t bad. Can’t we just—”
“Are you kidding me? You’re too big for the shirt, look at these hole gaps between the buttons. It’s so off; you’re better off wearing a hospital gown than this tight fit.” He pushes Izuku back into the changing room. “Hurry and change.”
Izuku pouts, thinking about how he’s trying to hurry the entire process. They’ve been here for an hour and a half already—and they were still on dress shirts. He mourns just thinking about how much longer blazers, vests, ties, slacks, and shoes will take.
“Kacchan,” he calls as he unbuttons the shirt he has on. (It is pretty tight, but not to the point where Izuku cares.) “You already have your suit picked out right?”
“I gave the exact instructions to my old man a couple days ago. It took a long ass time to decide on things, but—” there’s a quick pause, and Izuku imagines Kacchan cracking his neck “—they’re my parents. I can make these demands.”
“I see,” Izuku answers, already wondering what he told his parents if Kacchan didn’t consider his words today as demands. .Katsuki knows almost no boundaries—even when it comes to his parents—and he wonders if auntie and uncle can handle it all. But then he thinks about auntie Mizuki’s fiery temper that Kacchan inherited and thinks that they’ll probably be alright.
“Okay.” He stretches out his neck and unlocks the door. Stepping out the platform, Izuku spreads his arm and asks, “What about this?”
“It looks wonderful!” the attendant says, though he’s said that for the last four. It’s not that his words are empty or false, but just that Kacchan’s standards are that high.
“...The fit is good,” he finally says.
Both Izuku and the attendant breathe a sigh of relief.
“But I was right — the color is all wrong.” Kacchan turns to the employee. “Show me your color selections.”
“Of course,” and at this point, Izuku wants to say something to the man, because he looks so worn out. “We have several options for that design.” Kacchan’s handed five different hangers, all of which he puts against Izuku’s chest for investigation.
“No,” he decides. Izuku is so sick of that word. “They’re all wrong.”
“Kacchan, it’s just a suit.”
“It’s your wedding tux. Of course it matters. This is the top store in the region—there’s no way they don’t have something good here.”
“I like this one.” Izuku peers down at the one he’s wearing; it’s a dark green, so much so that it looks sort of black, but there’s an obvious tint it. “Can’t we just go with it?”
Kacchan grimaces. “It could work,” he finally relents. “If we find the appropriate blazer to go with it. Maybe different looks—suspenders might work, or a longer coat… Nothing too out of style, you may not be able to pull it off. What else do you guys have?”
This was unbelievable. Izuku had thought finding a bridal dress for Ochako had been difficult (she’s more picky than you realize, and there was also the budget to think about) but Kacchan had come smashing in. Izuku always previously assumed that women’s bridal dresses were harder; there were so many different designs while men only had one or two options for a tux.
Wow, was he wrong.
“Not pure black. I’ll be wearing that; it’ll clash. Besides, Deku look better in a lighter color.” Kacchan regards him again, observing the fit against his chest, his torso. His gaze makes Izuku flush. “Not too light. Dark gray. Maybe a navy. Something lighter to tone it up but still a darker wash to highlight his muscles.”
“Okay,” says the poor employee, who’s red and damp from all the stress Kacchan’s giving him. “How about this. What does the groom want?” He looks pointedly at Izuku, who has no words. He didn’t really have a vision coming in; just a nice fitted suit, dark wash, something that looks good. Izuku didn’t even get a chance to say his thoughts when they came in — little as they were — since Kacchan started to make demands before anyone could ask for anything.
“I don’t know. I’m not really fond of anything white.” That’s probably the best he could offer. He didn’t really know much about any of the other options.
“Right. So no white, that’s great for us to work with.”
Kacchan circles around him again before saying, “Deku isn’t known for his fashion choices. Take a look at his hero suit.”
“Bring us that coat in a deep indigo. It may clash with the dark green, but let’s see it. Deku’s hair and eyes just may set the whole thing.”
Really, Izuku had come in here thinking it would be something quick. Or at least, he hadn’t planned his whole day around this. Thankfully, he had listened to Kacchan’s advice in leaving the entire day free, but he had thought that meant leaving room for hiccups or unforeseen mishaps, not Kacchan’s pickiness!
The next couple hours goes on slowly, with Izuku picking up clothes, taking them off, and putting them back on again. He’s probably spun on the stand he’s stand on enough times to drive a hole in it.
Finally, when he’s loops a tie around his neck and tucked it under his collar and buttoned up his blazer, he thinks he’s done. Izuku admires himself in the mirror for a beat before looking at Kacchan.
Kacchan’s standing with a hand to his chin and a furrow in his brow.
Just say yes already!
“Let’s see the cuff links,” and oh my god, they had to decide on that as well? Any would be fine! Who would even pay attention to them?
Thankfully, Kacchan has a quick and calculative eye, because it takes him a speedy scan over the options and a couple tries before he decides, “There. The gold brings out the green in your eyes and sets the dark of your dress shirt well. It’s a good match.”
“So?” Izuku questions. It’s one part sassy and two parts anxious. He just wants Kacchan to say yes already.
He obeys and circles once. When Izuku returns to facing Kacchan, he spreads his hands to show more of the outfit, but also to say, Well? Are we good?
“Perfect.” Kacchan steps forward and brushes a hand along the lapel of his suit jacket. “Yeah, it’s good.”
Despite that Izuku has been waiting over four hours just for Kacchan to say those words and wants to scream them outloud so badly, the simmering gaze on Kacchan’s face as he regards the entire tux, then Izuku’s face has him faltering. “Kacchan,” he whispers.
“You look good, Deku.”
He had never been one for appearances; Izuku knows he’s plain looking, and although he is built fairly well thanks to the demands of One for All, it sometimes does look awfully imbalanced with his baby face. But with Kacchan looking at him with such a smoldering, passionate expression, Izuku can’t help but to lean down from the platform he stands in, and presses his lips to Katsuki’s.
“It better. We spent a long time looking.” He smiles, frustrations of being cooped up in the shop all day suddenly gone. “It’s a little pricey though—”
“I’ll cover it. If I’m going to be so picky about what you wear on our wedding, I’ll pay for it.”
Izuku’s heart tightens. Kacchan rarely shows his consideration so blatantly. “You’re not going to be this picky about which flowers should go on our rehearsal dinner tables are you?”
Kacchan scowls. “I have to be, because you have sense for aesthetics.”
Izuku takes one more turn around to look at himself in the mirror. “It really does look good. You have great taste, Kacchan, even if it took you years to get there,” he teases, glancing at him through the reflection of the mirror. Izuku brushes a hand over the blazer, buttoning the suit together. “I can’t believe I’m getting married in this.”
Kacchan grunts in agreement.
Izuku spins on a pivot, facing Kacchan once more. The sudden realization has him almost bursting at the seams, and he can’t help to gush, “I can’t believe I’m marrying you in this…!”
He reaches forward and winds his arms around Kacchan’s neck. The stand he’s on gives him a good extra ten centimeters, and it’s an interesting to see Kacchan look up at him for a change. He wraps his arms around Izuku in return and presses a kiss to Izuku’s chest, over the extravagant tux ensemble he chose.
“I can. It’s about fucking time.”
Izuku laughs. “I get to marry you.” He says it like he still can’t believe it.
Finally, Kacchan smiles. He breaks into an ear-splitting grin, one that has Izuku soaring because he made that happen. “Yeah,” he agrees, “you do.”
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How much is 21 century auto insurance?
Can my auto insurance be lowered if I keep it in a garage and don't drive it for a year?
The engine died on a car we're financing, can't sell it and can't fix it until we have the money which is estimated to be around February next year. We plan on parking it in our garage until we get it fixed next year. We have to continue to insure it since it's financed but do insurance companies offer lower rates on vehicles that aren't driven in scenarios such as this?""
Could any Teens with sports cars tell me how much there insurance in under there parents name?
Can u tell me the Cost of your insurance and the car u have to help me get an idea of how much a Teen boys sports car would cost when it comes to insurance? Oh and does anyone know if the 177hp solstice would have lower insurance then the 350Z?
What kind of insurance do I need as a teen?
I am looking for quotes and anchor insurance asks which insurance I want I have the choices of Liability only, Comprehension and collision and Comprehensive only""
Where is the cheapest place to get taxi insurance in Northern Ireland.?
I have 7 years no claims on a taxi insurance and looking to see where i can get the best deal . Cheers
First time driver (18 years old) how much should I pay for car insurance?
I've got my test booked in a few days (fingers crossed) and I've been looking at cars and still haven't decided... I need a few ideas on what would be cheapest to insure. However I am slightly picky and do not want to be driving around in a hundred year old baked bean can!! If people who are a similar age can just tell me what they drive and how much they paid for their insurance it would be very helpful! Or if people could just give me some ideas on cars and stuff it would be muchos appreciated! Thanks!
Can my car get repossessed for lapse of insurance?
Okay so short and sweet my loan company called and says my insurance lapsed now is this a problem by means can they come get the car like in the same fashion as if I were not paying on it? But can they still get it even if I am making the right payments on time? Also if I fax them my insurance card showing I have the card with proof of the insurance til may will they take that as a form or do they need to contact the company directly?
""When i buy my first car, do i buy insurance before i pick it up from the previous owner?
or can i drive it to my house after paying for it and then buy an insurance.. also how to i register it on my name.. is there a document the owner will sign after i pay him for the car?
What is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in california?
What is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in california?
Free health insurance for the unemployed?
i am unemployed and have no health insurance. is there a program in pa. where i can get health insurance for free or at a very low price?
How much will my car insurance be?
I live in Dallas Texas, I'm 18 years old, I've had defensive driving school, which I've been told gives you at the most 10% off your rate...i own a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, in REALLY good condition, car alarm...all the gadgets...but since I'm 18 who would be the best to go with...also I'm seeking FULL Coverage for the first 6 months of driving in Dallas, because people do not know how to drive and I want to make sure I'm covered...any help or advice??? THANX""
What to do when switching car insurance?
I am planning on switching car insurance providers b/c: 1.) My car got stolen 01/25/2013 and I only had liability coverage (car was a 1996 Nissan Maxima) 2.) I was hit in October 2012 and it was not my fault and received settlement money b/c my car was deemed a total loss 3.) With that money I put a down payment on a used car this past weekend b/c now I truly had no car 4.) I now need full coverage to my current policy and replace the old car with the newer one but the 6-month premium is too high. While shopping around for car insurance, I found an auto quote that was A LOT more affordable than if I were to stick with my current insurance. With that being said, I had a lot of questions. I got into a car accident in May 2012 and it was my fault. No one was hurt and no air bags deployed. My insurance paid the damages. Now, if I cancel my policy with them, does that mean that I have to pay the insurance company back the money for the damages they covered to the other car? My other question is how much information do I disclose when applying for a new auto policy? I have of course included the at-fault accident in May and I also included the accident that was not my fault. Before these 2 accidents, I had one just one that was in a parking lot. The other driver and I were deemed both at fault, 50/50. Damage to his car was around $700. That was 3 years ago. The insurance company I was looking into said online to include accidents that were at least 51% your fault and accidents that weren't your fault too. Do I include this accident too even tho it was 50/50? My last question is about speeding and points. I my first speeding ticket in June 2012. I got a reduced fine and went to traffic school so it wouldn't show up and get a point. Once again, while looking at auto quotes, they asked if I had a moving violation which includes speeding. Because I went to traffic school and everything, do I tell them about that too? Despite the bad luck I've had this past year with my driving record, I only have one point. The 50/50 accident will be off because it's the 3rd year. I live in CA and got this info from the DMV website: The length of time depends on the severity of the offense. Most points (illegal turn, not making a complete stop, driving over the speed limit, etc.) and/or accidents will stay on your driver record for 36 months (3 years). I've included the link: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/teenweb/more_btn6/points/points.htm Any advice and suggestions is greatly appreciated! Thanks!""
""My son's 16 and i need help on the car insurance, help please!?""
My son's 16, he's taken drivers ed. he's done his on roads. I live in Massachusetts. I'm now buying him a Land Rover Range Rover, or a Mercedes, or a Saab 9-7x (Saab's will be 06 - 08 for year), or Cadillac Escalade. These would be about 02 - 05's maybe even an 00 - 01. (I don't want to buy him a new car for his first car, obviously) So what would the insurance cost on those cars? and also, put your personal input on which car you think is best. Also, which car would be easiest to fix? Thanks everyone!""
Insurance deductible?
Someone rearended me and damaged my bumper.and my car did not start after that.I have insurance and she does too.wil I have to pay for any thing at all
Car insurance?
got 12 months car ins due renewel in one month letter came thought door and it said ins cancelled 5 months ago but i did not cancel so really i been driving with no ins can i get full refund when i rang ins they said it was not cancelled but say so on letter the woman on phone said it was cancelled 1 month ago i said not bye me she also said the same to me and the manger going to look into it and ring back to day has not done so also they are trying to charge me 20 for cancellation and i think it should be void can i get a refund or sue them
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good/inexpensive insurance company that will insure motorcycles in Grand Prairie, Texas.? I am 18 years old and I can't even imagine what the cost of insurance would be for me. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
Adding body kit or alloy wheels increase insurance on 17 year old?
I will be 17 in January and was wondering whether adding a body kit or alloy wheels to something like a fiat seicento would increase the insurance... because it may be more desirable to steal? Please give me legit answers...
Question about Liability Insurance.?
My mother has insurance on a car I drive, but do to a horrible driving record State Farm - her car insurance company - won't carry me, and when they will again it won't be cheap. I recently found some cheap liability insurance but I was curious - the insurance companies won't give me a straight answer - does my mom have to switch all the insurance for the car, or can I have insurance just for when I drive. If so should I get PIP - personal injury protection instead of liability? Pretty much can there be 2 forms of insurance from 2 seperate companies on one car? Full Coverage for the car and my mom, and Liability for me?""
Need insurance help please?
I got into a car accident a few months ago (my fault). My insurance company denied my claim and didn't pay for the damages. Fast forward to today I get a letter saying that the insurance company of the guy who hit me are demanding that I pay them 6129 dollars. I don't have that kind of money im only 22 and I live with my parents. What will they do to me if I cant pay them? What can I do? (I live in california btw)
How much does a 09' Honda Civic Coupe run on insurance?
I'm looking to buy A new car, & just curious about the insurance costs.""
How expensive can i expect the car insurance for this car to be?
Car insurance for a 27 year old with 3 years driving experience( that i can prove xD) on a brand new Porsche Boxster S
What reputable health insurance companies are out there?
My mom doesn't have health insurance and my job doesn't give insurance to family members. I would like to pay monthly to a health insurance company so my mom could get health check up when she needs it. Do you know any health insurance companies that can accept low monthly payments since I don't get paid that much?
El Paso Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88545
El Paso Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88545
How much money would I save on car insurence?
I have a 16 year old who I am debating whether I should put him in driving school to save money on insurance when he turns 17 and gets a licence. It would be added to my insurance. about how much money would I save on car insurance with a behind the wheel driving school in New Jersey? Please dont give me wbsites with a free quotes.
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
How much extra would it be to go on my parents car insurance ?
at the moment my mother is paying 600 a year for car insurance, i was wondering how much extra it would be a year for me to go on her insurance. i am 18 year old girl living in england would it be cheaper for me to get my own insurance or go on hers ?""
Who's the best company for young car insurance?
I know the kind of car to get for cheap insurance but i'm still looking at around 3000 for insurance, i was just wondering if there is any companies out there people my age can actually afford.""
Falsifying Medical Insurance Papers?
My ex took my daughter to a dermatologist in California and he was to pay the bill. Come to find out his girlfriend works at the dermatologists office as the office manager and they lied on the paperwork they have you fill out. My ex used my insurance, my address and my last name and he changed his first name for the bill and then they had the bill sent to me!!! Is this not insurance fraud? My ex and his girlfriend are trying to open up an urgent care in California as well. Neither of them have a medical degree or background other than her running an office. How is this even possible when the falsify medical claims? Who do I report this to?""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old kid with a licence.?
To add a 16 year old kid with a licence to his parents insurance, how much will it cost""
What is the best insurance for a 16 year old?
Got limited money
Car insurance company gave me money why?
I got into a car accident and filed a injury claim the person behind me rear ended me as has progressive insurance. I met up with their adjuster to discuss feb injury claim. I have insurance so they are refunding my insurance company for my physical therapy. They also gave me a personal check for 750 as a sorry gesture. I have never heard of this? Why would they give me a personal amount of money ??
How to make insurance cheeper?
what are the things i can do to make my car insurance cheaper? i have good grades my car is 97 color gold
California state medical insurance?
I have to have my gallbladder removed and i want to know how long did you have to wait to have the surgery done? I am in Merced, County if that helps.""
Do I have to add my roommate on my auto insurance policy?
My roommate and I each have a car but we don't share the same insurance policy. He has his own and I have mine. I just got auto insurance for my new car and the agent was telling me that I should add people living with me, but his driving record is bad and I don't want it to raise my premium. The agent said that anyone who doesn't live with me can drive my car and they'll be covered, but because my roommate lives with me, he won't be covered even though he has a different policy.""
How much would a 2004 Mazda Rx8 Liability insurance cost?
I'm a 16 year old male. Turning 17 in two months. Clean driving record. I was wondering how much it would be to insure just liability on a 2004 mazda rx8 or a 2005 Mazda rx8 Shinka? I live in Star, Idaho which is a small town on the outskirts of boise. Would it be better to insure primarily under parents and put me as a secondary driver? I know it's going to be expensive. And i'm prepared for that, but approximately how much per month or per 6 months? I have the money, and a job, and everything. I've researched this vehicle so much you couldn't believe it and its' the car I want. I learned on a ford escape and am comfortable enough to upgrade to this. I just would like to know how much insurance would be? Thanks!""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
Average car insurance prices for 21 year old male?
just started to learn how to drive, i am a 21 year old male living in east london. i wont be getting a good car, im guessing a 2 door over 7 or 8 years old. can i get some sort of idea as to how much i will be paying for insurance? anyone else my age just paid for insurance?""
Is homeowners insurance a complete scam?
my former agent admitted it was worthless as insurance and explained that i was buying it because my lender required me to do so. she could not explain why she did not tell me this when i bought the insurance.
How long does it take Home owners insurance to pay?
My house had a pipe burst, a guy from the insurance company came and took pictures of everything that got damaged. My xbox 360 was sitting in water and he took a picture of it. How long will it take till I know if they are going to cover it or not?""
In regards to life insurance policies?
When a person is the primary beneficiary & the deceased left debt, does the money for the unpaid debt come out first or is the beneficiary responsible for paying the debt?""
How much do you pay for a car insurance living in New York (brooklyn)?
Whats the cheapest way to get it? im 19 so my rate would be around 5 gran
Who has the best insurance price that you know of and has decent people to deal with if you get in an accident
I'm to lazy to deal with hundreds of quoets and companies sending me spam.I had Allstate but they were terrible when I got rear ended and pretty much did nothing to help and I was paying them $230.00 a month!
Thinking Of Insurance For A Car Even Know Im 15.?
Hi There For Ages Now i have been looking for an insurance site that does not have an age restrictor on it Because i am thinking of my first car. I Know quite abit to do with insurance im not a noob e.g ( I Will not be insured on a Nissan Skyline Lol ) Anyway .. I Was just wonderin if any 1 had any sites they would just giv out a price and not ask for your age. I Want my first car to be aither: A Citroen Saxo 1.2 or 1.0L , A Vaxhaul Corsa B Or C 1.2 Or 1.4L Or A Pugeote 106 1.2 , or 1,4 < This 1 I really want The 1.4 Engine. If There Is no such insurance site without an age restrictor Could somebody tell me what price it would be for the 106 1.4 L As A New Driver Please . Thanks And Hope You Answer. :)""
Insurance change? Nissan 350z to Pontiac GTO?
Alright, Well I have a 2005 Nissan 350z 35TH Anniversary edition, And I am going to trade it in on an 05 Pontiac GTO. What would the changes in my insurance be you think?""
Car insurance?
after a claim with my car insurance they wanted the policy payment in full,i would;nt pay it at first because of the crap service i recieved.4 weeks later i said i would pay as long as my policy ran its term they refused but still want the policy money.now they wont release my no claims bonus until i give them the money. what can i do ?""
What is a 2Dr car that has low insurance rates?
around $5,000 range runs well""
Would insurance cost me more if I bought a used VW beetle with a convertible top versus a hardtop?
How cheaper would it be to insure a v6 99-01 mustang rather than a GT mustang for a new driver?
I want to buy a mustang someday. But i'm only 16 and I dont have a job or license yet. I fell inlove with the 99-04 mustang series. People say that v6 has better gas mileage and is cheaper to insure. The only thing I like the GT for is the loud exhaust. Could I just by a V6 and upgrade the exhaust? would the insurance be higher?
El Paso Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88545
El Paso Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88545
How does insurance affect our economy?
What would happen if we couldn't insure things? Can anyone tell me where I can read about insurance and how it works?
How much does Car insurance cost for a new driver?
in a couple of months I will be 17 and will be able to drive after I have passed my test, although I am very worried about car insurance I cant wait to drive but I feel I can't afford car insurance. Please could you give me rough estimates?""
What are the topics for research in insurance?
What are the topics for research in insurance?
Health Insurance Options?
If I move out of my parents house can I remain on their health insurance (In Massachusetts)? I am currently on my parents health insurance and I plan to move out but I work part time and the health insurance my work offers is around 500 dollars a month.. which I simply cannot afford. If I can not remain on their health insurance does anyone know of any other alternatives?
Does it show on your medical insurance bill?
I took a blood test recently and apparently my medical insurance covered it and all I had to do was pay the co pay. my mother pays for the medical insurance. Does the visit show up on the medical bill that I went in for a blood test? or do you just pay for the insurance as normal? How does it work?
Question about health insurance coverage?
I work for a municipal court, a city job. I asked if I could purchase a direct pay insurance plan on my own without participating in the one the city has. They said if I wanted to enroll in my husband's or SO's health plan, I could do so. However, I cannot purchase an individual plan(I am single). Something about a buyback of insurance from another corporation. I do not understand this. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks in advance.""
How much would insurance be for a 16 yr. old?
Say I just got my license and I have a 3.7 GPA
Insurance on a Corolla for Teenager??!?
I'm getting ready to buy my daughter a car && I need to know if insurance is high for a Toyota Corolla for my 16 year old. 2011 Toyota a Corolla or '10.
Cheap car & insurance for young male driver?
Cheap car & insurance for young male driver? My brother is 23. He has passed his licence 2 years ago and his pass plus 1 1/2 years ago. He's still struggling to find a car & insurance that he can afford. He's not fussy about the type of car so long as it's not a girls car (ie chiqichenco). The insurance can be third party etc. He has a budget of 400 for the car, what should he buy? The insurance quotes so far for various 1.0l-1.3l cars have all been over 1000 which is out of his price range. Any help would be greatly appreciated. xxx""
I am low income. Do I have to get health insurance?
I am a poor 30 year old guy going to school full time. I do not have health insurance. I live in Virginia. I make under $9,000 a year and Virginia does not expand Medicaid. What do I do? I am too poor to get health insurance at full price! :(""
What kind of insurance do you need?
can a black cab be driven on a normal insurance or do you need a different insurance to drive it .
How much did you pay for your first car insurance? !?
Hey im gettin a first car soon, i only passed last week! and i understand that insurance for first time buyers is VERY expensive! If anyone could quote me some of the prices they payed on insurance for there first and the car they had that would be great!!! (IN ENGLAND  BY THE WAY)""
Which do you think would be cheaper on insurance.?
For a 17 year old Provisional licence driver in Ireland.? 2005 Nissan Almera 1.5L saloon or 2000 Honda Civic 1.3L Hatchback I know the Nissan has a bigger engine and is a saloon but will they think im a boy racer because of it being a Honda civic.?
How am i meant to afford car insurance?
OK, Im working at island, earning minimum wage. Im at uni and Ive got to pay out 330 every term to pay my train ticket. Lucky Im staying at home so I dont have any rent. Nor am I going out drink anymore. Im looking to buy a car, to get around, get to work easier etc. How I cant see any way for me to afford this. My parents wont help, saying no one helped them. This is understandable as they are keeping me for free, although i clean the house as rent. Im just wondering if anyone knows anyway I can get insurance cheaper (I have pass plus). I just dont really want to get a loan for a car and insurance.""
Will my insurance be through the roof?
I am 16 years of age, and I own a '85 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. It's of course 2 door and a sports car. I have the title and plates all ready in my name. I was wondering before I go to get insurance Monday, do you guys think it will be expensive for me? My mother is adding me as a second driver and sadly I am not carrying a B average for that discount. I tried getting some quotes from Progressive it was 650 and Nationwide it was 800, and my mother uses Nationwide. I am not sure if I did the quote correctly though because it shouldnt be that much! Please any helpful idea's or thoughts! Thanks.""
Question about a car accident insurance?
i was crashed into yesterday by some one who ran a red light, we made a police report and the man has claimed responsibility, he told me not to notify the insurance company and that he would have someone take care of the damage himself, the total estimate was 1856.00 dollars, he said he does not have the money to pay me but will have his :friend do the repairs for him, keep in mind this does not include car rentals fees and the inconvenience of not having my vehicle for a week, I'm set on ignoring this man and calling my insurance company today, my question is what should I do, I'm right for just ignoring this man who seams to have mental issues and going straight threw the insurance.""
Car insurance help.first to answer gets best answer.?
I want to get a 2003 Nissan 350z. im worried about insurance cost though. for a 17 year old with no tickets and no wrecks how much do you think car insurance would be? first to answer gets best answer.
Quad insurance abd bike insurance ?
Jw if I get a 125 or 250 quad if the insurance will be similar to a bike or car same with tax Cheers
Do you know how much insurance is for a Porsche Cayenne ?
I am 15 1/2 years old and i am planning to buy a Porsche Cayenne S. I was wondering how much insurance is going to cost???
Around how much would my car insurance be?
I was thinking about buying a 2001 chevy camaro that my friend is selling. I wanted to purchase the car but my mom said I shouldnt because the insurance for the car would be too much. I'm 18 years old. I also know that different insurance companies will have different prices. Just wanted to know if anyone can tell me around how much I would paying. Thank you for your time
Will my company have to pay a fine for not offering me an affordable insurance plan?
The word going around is that the change in our insurance coverage is only going to drop by a small amount due to the act, and the price someone told me is much more than 9.5% of my income. If I apply through the marketplace for the reason that I cannot afford insurance with my company, will they be fined for not offering me an affordable plan, or do they just get fined for not offering benefits at all?""
Insurance and garages?
if your buying a car from a garage will they ask for proof of insurance bought before they let u drive it away or are they not bothered? ive arranged insurance online today and am picking up car later will they let me drive off with car if i say i booked it over the phone, obviosuly i dont have any paperwork as its coming through post?""
Car insurance questions - with regards to cancelling due to cheaper quote?
I have a couple of questions with regards to my car insurance. First of all, if I do a search on moneysupermarket.com/gocompare.com etc, will it record a search on my credit file? I turn 25 fairly soon, and I have a feeling my insurance should probably reduce accordingly, and want to know if it's worth my while shopping around. My current insurance policy ends in October. Also, if I do decide to shop around, and find a policy cheaper than what I'm currently paying, can I cancel my existing policy before it's due to end? I'm not sure how it works with car insurance - i.e. I know, if you wanted to cancel your phone contract early, you would be liable to pay the price for the whole contract - is it the same with car insurance? or can I just cancel it whenever I like?""
Do you have to report a DUI to the car insurance company?
My friend got a DUI not too long ago. This is the state of Florida, and she has Allstate. I understand that her getting a DUI is now public records because she spent the night in jail. Because the fact that it's public records now, is she required to inform her Allstate insurance company about her DUI? Also, what will happen either way whether she reports it to insurance company or not? Will they remove her from her insurance or jack up the rates? It is her FIRST DUI and other than that she has a good driving record. Thanks.""
Can i get Renters insurance if i am?
Can I get rentersinsurance if i am living in one of my uncles home?
El Paso Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88545
El Paso Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88545
Licence and Insurance?
im 17 years old and i have my probationary quebec licence. I am insured on the car and am able to drive it alone but with 4 points and 0 alcohol tolerance. Would i be able to drive in the USA with my licence? but i would have to get insured with an american company. any idea how much that would cost? thanks
""I am 18 years old and have 6 points on my driving license, will my insurance cost go down after a year?
I currently aren't on any insurance policy!
How can I get the cheapest possible car insurance?
I'm going to buy my first car in a few months, and I need to sign up for car insurance. I don't know where to start. I only work part-time so I want the bare-bonest of plans, absolute cheapest possible.""
Insured driver drives uninsured vehicle and crashes into my car. Is her insurance responsible?
Basically a woman who has her own insurance drove her friends uninsured vehicle and crashed into two parked cars including mine. Will the drivers insurance par for the damages or will they get out of paying? I have my own insurance, but I don't want my rates to go up because of this moron which is why I would rather have the drivers insurance pay for it. Any advice would be appreciated.""
What is a good affordable medical insurance for the California Area?
What is a good affordable medical insurance for the California Area?
Can a 16 year old male afford a Mustang with a V8( GT or LX)?
I've discussed getting a mustang to my family and friends for quite a while now. I know the downsides, high insurance, bad gas mileage, and too much power(according to my parents). I'm a big fan of the foxbody('79-'93) mustangs and I also really want a V8 and I also want stick if that matters. The way I see it, I'm going to pay a lot for insurance no matter what, so why not pay a little bit more and pay for the car I really want. It doesn't matter if its an LX or GT even though I've heard that LX's are cheaper, but how much cheaper. I've looked around for answers to this question and all I've seen are responses that tell me either that its stupid to get a Mustang or I find answers that have links for sites that will tell me. I just want a good answer and possibly how much insurance will cost me. I only want minimum coverage and it will be on my mom's policy. Also, one more question, how much cheaper do you believe a '90's Honda Civic(2 door sedan) would cost me in comparision to a V8 Mustang? Thanks for any responses, Aaron.""
I wanted to now about car insurance liability?
my boyfriend is on his mums insurance, but the other day, he had a little bump, which wasnt his fault, the person in front kept breaking spontaneously on a very busy road which caused him to slightly go in to the back of her car, theres no damage to his mums car and hes says (and i fully believe him) that the only bit of damage to their car is a few screws missing, yet they have still got the insurance company involved, but he really wasnt liable for the little bump, it wasnt his fault, the other person kept putting breaks on and i know you can fail your test for breaking like that on a busy road, i just want to know what will happen about his mums insurance now as hes really worried.""
Can you drive any car with the COOP's fully comp insurance?
if i have fully comp with the COOP does this mean i can drive other cars who drivers are fully comp too. I have had a look all it could find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 (iii)""
Health Insurance question?
Do any one know a insurance in California that cover pre-existing condition? I am eighteen year old with no insurance still living with my parent which have no health insurance. We had medical but it expired. I have heart problem the doctor said i need to get insurance that cover pre-existing condition. I have try getting quotes online. Or know any good insurance i should try giving a call to.
Cheap car insurance quotes??
I've heard 'Co-op' is a good place to get cheap car insurance from.. However i've tried to get a quote of their site and it seems they want you to have a car already chosen or something. I don't have a car, im 18 and i neeeed one. Can anyone help me!? I'd like a fiat 500 orrrr a silver fiesta. Thank you!""
Insurances for starting a small business?
What are all the difference insurances for starting up a business? Please include a source or proof of your numbers
What would the insurance cost for a citreon saxo?
I'm nearly 17 and i'm most probably getting a citroen saxo, a second hand one, something cheap. I was just wondering how much the insurance might costs roughly. Thankss""
""How much in total (average), does one pay for Car insurance (for 1 car), and Health insurance (for 1 person)?
im 17 years old and just curious
Does anyone knows if AIG agency auto is the same as granite state insurance company in California?
Does anyone knows if AIG agency auto is the same as granite state insurance company in California?
Would it be better for our government to give everyone health insurance or?
Produce more health care resources by increasing funding for medical schools and work to flood the market in health care services thus making it more affordable for everyone?
Will my car insurance go up much?
im planing on buying a new car in the next few weeks, im just wondering, will my insurance go up much? I currenty have a Peugeot 206 GLX 1.4, 2000 reg. I am hoping to get a Vauxhall Corsa S 1.0 ecoFLEX, 2011 reg What other cars should i consider, that are cheap to run/ insure / road tax ectect..""
How to become an insurance underwriter?
Im looking to move on in my career and I am really interested in becoming an Insurance Underwriter. I am currently studying for the CII FIT exam and was wondering what else I would require. Any help appreciated thanks.
Can you pay for Car Insurance in monthly instalments by direct debit using someone else's card?
I want to take out car insurance in my name but I do not have a debit card, can I use my mother's account to pay in monthly installments? All the insurance companies I have tried so far will only take a payment for the full amount and will not spread the payments by direct debit if the card is not in my name. Can anyone please help as I only have a post office account and am unemployed receiving benefits so cannot afford to pay the lump sum and have been turned down for a bank account as I have a poor credit rating.""
Can I use European car insurance in the uk ?
Insurance prices in the UK are insane. Can I buy a UK car but get it insured with a European company in a European country (Hungary for example has really cheap car insurance) will this insurance be valid in the UK ?
Allstate Insurance Price Estimate?
I was wondering what the price of a 1993 2.3 L V4 Mustang LX would be for a 17 year old male would be with less than 100K miles on it
Insurance company offers online business insurance?
hi, ive been trying to set up this business for the longest time now and my only problem is insurance. i need general liability insurance just incase i ship something out and a customer tries to blame my packaging and sues me. im selling coral and LED lighting. the insurance companies i tried were hiscox, nationwide, state farm, bolt, and so many more i dont even know the names anymore. they all say they dont offer any type of insurance for businesses that sell products or they dont offer insurance for online selling, does anyone know an insurance company that will be able to give me insurance for online selling? i only need $300,000 coverage i dont want a million dollars because then its to expensive and i know no one will sue me anyway the way this industry is ive never heard of someone sueing EVER my dad just wont let me start the company without insurence""
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My grandfather let me use his car for work one day (I have no car of my own) and I got a ticket. I went to court today for it, the gave me one point on my license. Will this effect his insurance even though its not my car and I am not on the policy? Or will it only effect my insurance when I get a car of my own?""
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El Paso Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88545
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rafespeaks · 7 years
since apparently u didn’t get it before: do all the muse meme for Silver
1- What’s their full name?
Silver Batalino
2- What’s the reason/meaning behind their name?
He was named after his grandfather on Giovanni’s side, Argentino. (Argentino means Silver.)
3- Do they have a nickname? What’s the meaning behind it?
No nickname. He doesn’t like nicknames. Sometimes (rarely) people call him ‘Silv’, which is just a shortened version of his name. Surprisingly, he’s less adverse to this type of nickname than others. Still doesn’t like it all that much though.
4- Do they have a false name? Why? Does it have any meaning?
Despite living as a thief for a while and who his parents are, he doesn’t have a false name. In the past, he highly disliked sharing his name at all, and he never mentioned his last name if he could help it. Now that he has a more stable life and he’s done all he can to rectify his past deeds though, he’s more open to saying who he is. A good thing too, considering all the socializing he’s done recently.
5- How old are they? How old do they appear?
As of our last RP, Silver was sixteen. Since then, the birthday we set for him has come around again, though at this point we may just say screw it & not count the past year towards the time passed in the Glitch Gen universe. (We did a lot of things since his last birthday, most recently the Alola thread everything that stemmed from it. Holidays that followed were Christmas, Valentine’s Day, & Father’s Day, but we can shove our newest ideas in around everything that happened there instead of it being a half year to a year later.) So... sixteen going on seventeen pretty much. Because of his height though, he often looks a couple years younger than he is. This annoys him to NO end.
6- What is their eye color? Do they have to use glasses or contacts? How good/bad is their vision?
Silver’s eyes are a very light, steely blue. I’ve talked with Turbomun about him possibly needing glasses before, but Idk exactly how bad it’d be, or even whether he’d be nearsighted (like me) or farsighted... ehehehe.........
7- What is their weight/height? What kind of body type/build do they have?
Silver is 5′ even. Couldn’t tell you his weight, but it’s lighter than you’d expect. He a scrawny, wiry boi.
8- What is their skin tone/type? If they have fur, how long is it? Does it have any markings or patterns?
Silver has EXTREMELY light skin with freckles. The freckles are light enough that they’re not too noticeable if he hasn’t gotten much sun in a while, but the downside of getting sun is that he sunburns easily.
9- Do they have any distinguishing marks?
Not sure how to answer this...? Haven’t really thought about birthmarks, though if he had any, they’re easily covered up by his clothes. He also has a few scars, though the more prominent ones are again easily covered by clothes.
10- What are their prominent features?
The red hair is hard to miss. Also the bad attitude and general dislike of socializing with strangers.
11- How attractive are they to others?
If the internet is anything to go by... he is VERY attractive to others. His attitude tends to put off most people though.
12- Are they healthy? If no, why not?
He’s... a lot healthier than he was after just a short time on his own. But fending for himself for so long no doubt stunted his growth on top of him getting a raw deal in the genetic lottery in regards to his height. He also got sick a lot on his own, but this has lead to a stronger immune system over time & a good understanding of how to treat himself with whatever he can find in the immediate area.
13- What’s their favorite color? Why?
Silver is pretty indifferent towards colors, but he tends to like those that are darker & cooler like black or navy blue. The one warm color he likes more is red, & that’s mainly because it looks good on him as an accent color with his red hair.
14- What’s their least favorite color? Why?
No least favorite color.
15- What’s their favorite music? Why?
Anime themes, classical music, and rock music. The anime is because he is a closet nerd & the classical & rock is just because that’s what he likes. No real reason to it.
16- What kind of food do they like or have to eat?
Silver isn’t particularly picky, but he does enjoy sweets more than other types of food. He is also more accustomed to Japanese and Italian cuisine.
17- What kind of books do they like to read?
Long, immersive fantasy stories never fail to pull him in. Especially in the vein of Lord of the Rings. He doesn’t appreciate romantic subplots much, though.
18- How do they get around?
He flies with either Crobat or Lugia. If he’s in a pinch though, he can depend on Entei or Meganium to take him places. (Meganium wouldn’t be very fast of course, but it’s still an option for if he injured himself or something.)
19- Are they a daredevil or more cautious?
Silver is usually a cautious person. The only exception is when Team Rocket is involved in some way. He hates them with a burning passion and tends to lose most common sense & logical thinking when faced with them.
20- How do they handle being alone?
He actually enjoys being alone to a degree, but after a while he will seek out company. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again - he’s much like a cat in this regard.
21- Name any good habits they have
I... honestly can’t think of any...? I’ll have to think on that.
22- Name any bad habits they have
Habitual self-isolation... S’not good, man. Also a tendency to set his own preferences aside around friends and family, which makes asking for his opinion the WORST THING.
23- What are their favorite hobbies or pastimes?
He likes to read. Also when he’s older, I’d imagine he repairs books on a regular basis as like... pet projects of his.
24- How would they like to spend a rainy day? A sunny day?
In bed with a good book on both accounts. Or maybe indulging in a bit of anime.
25- Where do they come from? What is their culture? Any traditions or things of that sort in their hometown?
Silver was born in Viridian, but spent most of his childhood in Fuchsia City & then traveled constantly around Kanto and Johto. As a result of all that, he really doesn’t have any ties to one particular town.
26- List out their immediate family. How good is their relationship with them?
Giovanni (father) - decently good and getting better with each passing dayAriana (mother) - horrible and will likely never recover
27- Are they diurnal or nocturnal? Early bird or night owl?
Left to his own devices, Silver is more nocturnal. He is a complete night owl. The sun is a deadly laser.
28- What are they afraid of? What are they not afraid of?
He is afraid of losing those he cares about, Team Rocket returning, going back to his abusive ways, and thunderstorms.He is NOT afraid of most anything else. Wary and untrusting with some things, certainly, but not really afraid.
29- What are their goals? How are they going to achieve those goals?
He has already achieved pretty much every goal he’s set for himself. Now he’s trying to figure out a direction to point his life in.
30- Are there any obstacles that might get in the way of their goals?
Only his natural introversion and dislike of strangers.
31- How well known are they among the common folk? Is it for a good reason?
He isn’t really THAT well known, but he beat the Johto E4 and Champion Lance, not to mention he’s dating Champion Ethan/Gold, so... he’s moderately well known.
32- Do they hold any secrets? What are they?
His biggest secret is who he’s related to, and as an extension, his relation to Team Rocket. He’d rather die than allow the general public to know about that. Especially since that would put his father in danger.
33- When confronted with danger, how would they react?
He either calls on his Pokemon to support him or promptly Nopes the other way.
34- What is their species? Describe their species and their features
Lol he human.
35- What is their basic story?
Mafia prince runs away when dad leaves to soul search. Steals things and learns to live off the land. Abuses his partners until 3 years later a happy-go-lucky kid beats his ass at every turn & he eventually realizes his lack of compassion is his downfall. 3 more years later he reconciles w/ his dad, starts dating the happy-go-lucky kid & his childhood friend, and achieves all the goals he ever set for himself, even being chosen by two legendary Pokemon to be their trainer. Now he lives in relative peace under the radar, hoping no one pops in to arrest his dad & occasionally wondering if he’ll be given a position as a Gym Leader at one point or another.
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xme-reboot · 7 years
Chapter 45: Untouchable
Rogue’s powers go berserk and a new mutant gives the X-men a run for their money.
"Okay so!"
It was another day and another training session in the danger room, the setting low as the New Mutants tried to find a stride. "We all have nicknames."
Rogue nodded, watching from above. "Uh-huh?" She replied.
"Iceman, Multiple."
"Even Augie, with Pulse! What I don't get is MY name." Alex rolled away from a blast, grimacing at it.
"What's not ta get?" Rogue asked.
"Havok? What kinda name is HAVOK?"
She could only smirk a little. "I'unno. Anyone wanna offer Havok some reasons for his codename?"
"'Cry havoc, and let slip,'" Jubilee released a volley of sparks, "'The dogs of war!'"
"You do pack a punch, dude," Augustus chuckled.
"Also you broke the danger room first day!" Jamie added.
Alex rubbed the back of his neck. "Sss.. Fair enough~?"
"I think it suits you," Augustus's eyes began to glow, and the lasers were shut off.
Alex faltered a moment. "A-ah yeah?" He asked.
"Yeah. Focus." Bobby urged him, giving Augustus a nod.
"Amara!" Jubilee called. The younger girl had been standing at the side, and jolted at the sudden attention. "You've got an opening, hurry!"
Grunting, Amara ran forward. Rogue watched, frowning slightly.
She couldn't help but feel some kinship for the girl, all things considered.
Amara ran as fast as she could. Walls rose up under her feet, making her stumble and have to jump. The goal was in sight, an illuminated pedestal amidst a swarm of obstacles. Amara started to blast the walls that rose up to block her, careful to--
Her foot caught, and she fell, hitting her chin hard on the floor. Her body acted on its own, flames suddenly covering her and firing from her outstretched arm.
"Oop!" Jamie skittered away, eyes wide.
Rogue stood quickly, ready to end the simulation if needed. "Ya alright?"
Amara tried to get up, but her heart was hammering and her limbs were shaking. The fire spread, becoming stronger. "I-I--!!"
"Alright, we're done!" Rogue calling, canning the simulation. "Breathe, Amara, it's okay!"
"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm--!!" Amara couldn't bring the flames down. The new recruits hurried out of the Danger Room.
Rogue ran down herself, eyes wide and trying to remember what she was supposed to do. First things first, calm her down. "Amara, it's okay! Everyone's fine!" She called in.
Amara tried to control her breathing. The flames pulsed with her struggled breath. "I..." She muttered, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Slowly, the flames started to die down. "...I'm sorry..."
"It's okay." She assured, moving in once they'd died down enough. "You did better. Calmed yourself down."
Amara couldn't look at her. She stood shakily, flames still licking off her body. "I wouldn't call that 'better'."
"Baby steps, Amara." Rogue looked back to the rest of the group. "Take a break, all of you."
The group filed away. Discomfort was thick in the air, and the few who dared glance back at Amara seemed to regret it.
"Alright." Rogue started once they were alone. "Let's talk."
Amara grunted, "Okay...'
Rogue nodded, sitting and patting the spot beside her. "So. What do you think happened out there?"
"I-I...freaked out, I guess."
"Hmm..." Rogue nodded. "Powers can get pretty scary, huh?"
Amara nodded. "...I don't think I'm ever going to get the hang of this."
"Mm. Why not?"
A scoff. "You saw what happened."
"I did. ...I'm gonna tell you a secret. One that doesn't leave this room, okay?"
Amara paused. "O...Okay?"
"I'm scared of my powers too."
"...Oh," It was a little weird to hear her say that. Rogue always seemed to confident.
"I lost control of them once. It..." She gripped her arm a little tighter. "It was a bad scene."
Amara was quiet for a moment. "...And?"
"I got help. I still need help." She gave Amara a slight smile. "Like to think there's nothing wrong with that."
"You're a smart kid Amara. You can figure this out."
Amara twiddled a bit of her hair. She offered Rogue a small smile. "Thanks."
"You bet. If you want, we can work one on one."
"I'd like that!"
"Awesome. Ya free now or you wanna schedule something?"
"Um--" Amara looked around at the now ashy floor. "...Maybe later."
"Can't blame ya." A phone buzzed, Rogue perking. "...That for you?"
Amara jolted. "U-Uh!" She quickly glanced at the notification, "Yeah, I, uh...I better go."
Rogue looked over her a moment, more than a little amused. "Alright. I'll clean this up, don't worry about it."
Nodding, Amara quickly headed out. She paused to peek back in the door for a second, "Thank you."
"You bet. Go take yer text, we'll figure out a time later."
Amara hurried away, flipping through her phone. Her nose scrunched with new frustration. "Again.."
The messages were all pretty mundane, really.
Asking what she had for breakfast, how her day had been.
The issue was more in the sender.
Amara started typing a reply, "How did you get this number???" She'd asked this many times before.
"I can't make friends?"
The previous replies had been just as dodgy.
"WHY would you wanna make friends???" Amara replied exasperatedly.
"Why not? You're a cool chick. Well, a hot one but, you get the point."
"C'moooooooon. You could just give me a shot?" The was a pause.
"It's not like I have anyone around here to talk to."
Amara sighed loudly. She started to type out "Uuugh," but deleted it. "Whatever."
"Haha, nice. So seriously how ya doing this morning? Holdin up?"
"Good." A pause, then another message. "You got any good tunes? I need to mix it up."
Amara sighed, softer this time. "IDK What are you into?"
"Ah, ya know. Whatever. Shit I can dance to?"
She considered it a moment. "Mother Goose."
No, she would not explain who that was. It was a mystery that had to be solved.
There was a pause. "Do I get a hint?"
"A treasure hunt then. Alright, I can dig it!"
Amara chuckled a little, despite herself. "Cool. Lemme know what you think."
"Can do. Thanks."
Amara tucked her phone, silencing it before she got another text.
This was weird. Very, very weird.
Rogue rolled her neck, looking at what was left of the scorching on the floor. She liked to think she was making progress, at least with this.
"How's it comin'?" Augustus peeked his head in, whistling, "Looks like you're, uh...making progress."
"Somethin' like that. What'd you need?"
"Just thought I'd check up on you," Augustus stepped in, "Need any help?"
"Appreciate it. Get me a clean bucket, would ya?"
He gave a dramatic bow. "As you wish."
She sputtered a short laugh. "Thanks. Don't have to do this with your break."
"I know. But I want to."
"Well, I appreciate it. So!" She started, popping her back. "Imagine you're pretty settled in by now?"
He nodded. "Pretty much."
"Havin any problems?" Outside the obvious, of course.
Augustus shrugged, "Not really. I mean, it'd be nice to have some more control, but...'
"Ah...Yeah. I feel ya." She wished she could promise it would come with time, but.. well.
"...Wouldn't that be nice?"
"Hrm?" Rogue paused, looking over him.
"To be in control."
"Hmm... Yeah. But hey, bright side. you've made a lot of progress already."
Augustus stared at her for a few seconds, his face unreadable. Then, he smiled, and said, "Heh, well! I have some good teachers."
"Shoot~ Yer a little flatterer, ain't ya?" She asked with a chuckle.
"Me~?" Augustus moved past her. For the briefest moment, it felt like his hand brushed hers, but...it was so fleeting. She paused a moment, glancing at him.
But the contact had been so brief, she had to doubt it was even there... and there was no reason to embarrass him, especially if he hadn't. "You." She replied, popping her back. "Alright... Think we're about good. Wanna grab lunch?"  
"Yeah, I'm starving!"
"Oh yeah? Well damn, guess we'd better feed ya then." She waved him along. "Can't have you fade away on us."
Augustus chuckled. "You really are a superhero..."
"Ppfft what? Don't be so dramatic man~"
He laughed. "What can I say? I have a flair for it."
They walked along quickly, Rogue rolling her neck. "So what are you in the mood for?"
"Aah, I'm not picky."
"That narrows it down." She chuckled, rolling her shoulder next. "Right. Let’s get to work."
She wouldn't be the only one.
Miles away, on the Island of Genosha, Gambit found himself before Magneto's door. He found himself here a lot, lately.
But he decided to take that as a good thing, knuckles rapping against the solid metal.
The door opened. "Gambit."
"You wanted to see me, Boss?"
Magneto didn't waste time with small talk. "I have a very important extraction for you."
"Sure boss. Where am I goin?"
"Chicago. We've located a mutant who is, apparently, untouchable."
Gambit perked at that. "Ya don't say... Well. Guess I'd better go introduce myself, ah?"
"Indeed." Magneto replied, "We could use an immovable object at our disposal."
Gambit smirked. "I guess havin' Juggernaut charge him to see how immovable is out of the question?"
"Just be sure to get this one this time."
Gambit raised his hands, only a bit defensively. "A'course, boss. Consider it done."
"I will expect it done."
"A'course, boss. Anything else?"
"No." Magneto turned the page in the folder he was reading.
"Alright. I'll be off then." He said, turning on a heel. "Chicago... Of all the places for a fighter to be."
"YOU ALL CAME FOR A SHOW, YEAH?" In Chicago, a bat would be clanged against the bars by a young, muscular man.
He would get a group shout in return. "WHAT WAS THAT WEAK SHIT? C'MON, I WANT AN ANSWER!!"
Gambit was honestly impressed by the roar he managed to incite.
Another fighter entered the cage. The crowd went even crazier.
Well this worked out quite nicely; better than having to test the kid himself.
"OOOHOHOHO," Unus cackled, rolling his neck. He set his bat aside, cracking his knuckles. "Don't even NEED the swatter fer you!"
"Yer gonna want it, ya little shit!" The bear of a man launched himself at him,
Unus wouldn't even have to move to knock the man away. And it was a forceful knock back to boot, sending the man head over heels. The man was certainly stunned, but only for a few moments. Wheezing a curse, he stumbled back to his feet.
Unus taunted him, "Man, really? Was that your BEST go at this? That was just sad."
"C'MERE!" A punch was swung.
It would stop dead, Unus giving an exaggerated yawn. "Ya finished warming up?"
"Wha...What the FUCK?!"
"I'm the UNTOUCHABLE Unus, ya dingle." He replied, slamming a punch into the man.
The fighter staggered back, utterly dazed.
"Looks like YOU ain't untouchable though!" He cackled, rolling his neck. "You wanna try again? Every shot's a free one! Well, mostly."
The fighter lunged drunkenly, but not for Unus. He picked the discarded bat up from off the floor and sent it hurtling down right onto Unus's head.
It just...stopped. Unus' smirk suddenly vanished. "Ay, AY! NOBODY. BUT NOBODY." He would crack a punch into the man. "TOUCHES WHAT'S MINE!"
With that, the fight was over. Bells sounded, and the crowd roared as the fighter crumpled before the young man’s feet.
Unus cackled, grabbing his bat back up. 'THAT'S RIGHT!!" He called, cackling. "Anyone else want some!?"
Gambit smirked. Oh yeah. They had to have this kid.
And so it was that, after the whole shebang was over, Gambit found himself in the back, slipping past security.
Unus was posturing in his jacket, a black and gold trimmed thing. He'd pulled a shirt on to boot, his 'swatter' over one shoulder. "Lookin' damn good, champ~" He snickered to his reflection, jolting when he noticed Gambit slipping in. "Wh-"
"Easy Mr. Untouchable~ I'm with... well let's call him a potential friend."
Unus would turn, glowering down at the other man.
Gambit didn’t let it faze him. "Oof. That's a sour face. Come all this way for Magneto himself, and that's what yer gonna give me?"
There was a sudden pause.
That... had not been what he had expected.
"You're with MAGNETO!? Holy shit, wait." He paused, waggling his bat Gambit's way. "Aaah man we goin' to Genosha?"
"...I mean." Gambit smirked, giving a half shrug.
"Well damn, Creampuff!" He grabbed a duffle bag. "Spit that shit out sooner!"
Okay. Alright, he HAD to put this enthusiasm to work. "I mean. First, you gotta pass a lil test."
Unus paused. He gave Gambit a way, wry grin. "Bring it on."
"So, ya know. We're kinda similar issue wise but her powers are a bit more uh. Volatile. Wanna help her out, but I ain't sure where to start." Rogue was, currently, having girl time with Kitty.
"I mean, Fred and Jean like to meditate. Maybe get her into that?" Kitty grimaced as she did battle with a tenacious knot in her hair, "A lot of powers are tied into, like, your mental state."
"Fair enough. I think it's like.. she thinks somethin' will go wrong, so when anything does she just... She psychs herself out, I think?" Rogue huffed. "So maybe, if I can, just get her meditatin' and have something go right for her?"
"Ouch. See, there ya go!" Kitty prevailed over the insidious knot, and started to redo her ponytail. "You're a genius!"
"Pft." Rogue snickered. "Dunno if I'd say THAT. But thanks."
Their break would suddenly be broken by Jean knocking the door. "Kitty, Rogue! Professor wants us!"
Kitty sighed. "We know what THAT means."
"We do. But it needs to be done."
Rogue sighed heavily, moving to a stand. "We're comin'..."
It wasn't long before a team was assembled. The mission was a typical, high stakes- a mutant causing mayhem.
"Don't know why they keep doing this." Jean was saying. "As if people aren't scared enough."
"Some people just react to fear with fear," Evan replied, "And some...well. Some just wanna take advantage of it."
"Sounds like the latter, in this case." Rogue said. "Robbin’ a bank? Come on now."
Evan offered his friends a smirk, "Nothing we can't handle, right?"
"Of course not." Jean chuckled, setting a course to Chicago.
Unus would have a suitcase of money and be standing before the Bank, a shot suddenly ringing out. "That was a warning, mutant! Put the money down and your hands up, no funny business either!"
He grinned, long and wry. "Or WHAT?"
That did it. Several officers suddenly fired upon him. A few started to stop when, to their horror, the bullets just dropped meekly at Unus's feet.
"HAH!" He cackled, bat over one shoulder. "How did I know~? Man, at this rate, I'm a shoe in!"
Some continued to fire, perhaps in the vain hope that one was bound to hit. Other officers fell back, and one foolishly brave policeman decided to try and go at him with her baton.
"Last mistake, lady!" He told her, swinging down.
It would suddenly pause, his hand shaking against the sudden force on his bat. "Wha-"
"That's ENOUGH." Jean told him, coming upon the scene, hair lifted slightly. It was taking a surprising amount to hold the bat in place.
Evan, spiky as ever, fired a few projectiles to try and pin Unus by the pants.
When they fell limply, he was perturbed. "Ooo..kay."
Rogue would blast Scott's eye beams at Unus. Shouts went up as they ricocheted back, digging into the concrete of the bank's entrance pillars. "Oh you gotta be KIDDING! Jean!"
"I... I can't get a read on him." She realized. "It's like he's not THERE!"
"HAH! Holy shit, this is what he wanted me to prove myself too? Geesh, come ON~~"
"Alright," Evan ran forward, firing into the ground around Unus, "Different approach!"
Unus didn't even flinch, head tilting slightly. "The fuck is this?"
Soon he was entirely encircled. "A cage."
"...Oh." Unus looked around. "Oh that's. That's some real craftsmanship my guy!" He said, giving his bat a waggle. "It's a shame I gotta break it."
And break it he did, spikes splintering and falling to pieces.
He was slightly stronger than Evan had anticipated. He tried to keep up, putting up new spikes where old ones fell, but there was only so much Evan could do on his own.
Jean was holding Unus back as much as she could, but she was starting to feel some crowd control would soon be in order. Rogue grunted, fists clenched. There wasn't much choice... "Evan!" She called, glove coming off. "Give me a hit, just a short one!"
"Uh- okay!" Evan quickly released a line of spikes before he took a step back towards her.
They would be fine! This would be fine! What happened before was a fluke, it wouldn't happen again. She wouldn't let it.
Rogue had barely registered she and Evan had made contact until spikes tore through her suit, Evan's immediate thoughts rushing through her head.
--cops are scared we gotta be quick.
Evan had to shake himself. "HOO. Okay."
"Y-Yeah." She agreed, shooting spikes from her hand.
"Oh!" Unus grinned, pausing in his smacking. "Man, y'all got some fancy powers!" He told them, smirking suddenly before slamming his bat into the spikes around him. "But nothin' as good as what I got!"
"Just keep 'em coming," Evan told her, "He'll tire himself out eventually."
"Y-yeah! Right!"
"Oh WILL I? Y'all ain't landed a single hit! I'm Unus the UNTOUCHABLE!" Jean would grab his bat again, having failed to lift Unus himself. "And ain't NOTHIN’!" He growled, area around him suddenly cratering. Jean flinched as he tore the bat from her grasp with.. whatever he did, the spikes around him shattering.
Onlookers cried out in fear. In reflex, one officer fired a shot at Unus, one that whizzed by the X-men dangerously close.
Rogue jerked, stumbling back. Her heart raced, and she jerked, spikes up along her arm suddenly growing almost overtaking it.
"Whoa!" Unus stepped back, whatever force he'd exerted back to normal levels. "Holy SHIT lady!"
Evan had had a similar reaction, but he was able to maintain control. "Rogue!"
Rogue, unused to Evan’s powers and mind racing, was not okay. Spikes sprouted along her back, which only added to it. She tried to pull them back in, eyes widening and heart racing when they refused to budge. "E-Evan!"
Unus made a run for it. "And that's my cue to go folks! Been fun!"
Jean jerked her gaze away from Rogue, suddenly torn.
Evan wasn't. He kept by Rogue, "You're okay, just..."
The police and other onlookers watched in horror. Quickly, a gun was raised.
That brought Jean back to them, standing between the spiked mutants and the crowd. "We need to go. This is out of control."
"I-I'm sorry-"
"Not your fault. It's okay Rogue."
"Keep a shield on us," Evan told her. He took Rogue's arm and quickly led her away. "Just breathe, Rogue, it's okay."
"The-They won't STOP!" She replied, spikes sprouting along her brow.
When they got back to the Blackbird, Evan had to sit her down. (He'd apologize to the Professor about the seats later.) He rubbed her arm, hand gliding softly over the smooth spikes. "Take a deeeep breath."
She nodded, taking it in slow. It was a little easier without all the extra stimuli, and the lack of said stimuli let her focus. The touch on the spikes was an odd sensation. She could feel it, It was distant... but even the distant touch was welcome. "Mm.."
"Let it out slowly," Evan held out his arm to show her as his spikes receded with his breath. "See?"
She nodded, following his breathing. Her spikes would slowly, surely recede, leaving holes and tears in their wake. Many still remained, but at least they were at a manageable length.
"There you go," He offered her a smile, "You got it."
"Mmhm... Th-thanks..." She replied, Jean taking the Blackbird into the air.
"No prob...Ahem," Evan scooted away, averting his eyes.
The thing about Rogue's suit was that it didn't reform like Evan's did. It was a little awkward.
Jean flipped it to autopilot. "So." She started, shrugging off her jacket and offering it to Rogue.
It was an appreciated gesture, Rogue accepting it and tugging it on. "That was the WORST."
"What even was that?" Evan asked, "What's his deal?"
"I don't know. I couldn't feel him, or hear his thoughts or.. anything." Jean told them.
"I don't think anythin' could hit him! It all just! Bounced off!"
"So it's a...force-field type of thing?" Evan suggested.
"Looks like it. One he just... has on." Jean replied. "At least we got a name out of him?"
"Yeah but. What did he WANT?"
Evan shrugged. "Money?"
"If that was all, why the big show?" Jean asked. "And what did he mean by 'proving himself'?"
"...Oh hell."
"What? What's wrong?"
Evan scowled, "What if somebody else got to him first?"
"Oh... Oh no." Jean muttered.
Rogue frowned hard. "Question is... Magneto or Mystique?"
"Either way, we need to plan."
"No kidding. We'd better get back, ASAP."
"This..." Xavier was troubled by the news. "Oh dear..."
"Jean was kind of able to stop him, but not for long." Evan told him, "I don't know how we're going to fight this...yet. But we'll think of something, right?"
"Of course." He replied. "There must be some kink in his armor, somewhere..." Xavier muttered. "Thank you all, for bringing this to my attention."
"...So," Kitty spoke up after some silence, "What do we do now?"
"I'll talk with the other instructors. And once we've figured something out... Well, I'll let you know then."
Rogue nodded, rubbing her arms. "Mmhm..."
As they were dismissed, Evan glanced at her. "...How're you doing?"
"...Mmfine." She replied. "It's... Just another notch, heh."
Evan was doubtful. But, he didn't want to push her. With one last pat on the shoulder, he left Rogue to her own devices.
Rogue being left to her own devices would involve her moving to the kitchen, trying to get something to calm her nerves.
The spikes would go away over time. Until then, she just had to remain calm.
If she didn't think about it for a second, Rogue could have sworn Augustus hadn't left the kitchen. He was in the middle of drinking a soda, and when he noticed her come in he sputtered slightly. "Mmp! H-Hey!"
"Oh." She said, giving him a little wave. "Hey." She was a bit distracted, fumbling the bag of cocoa powder from the pantry.
Auggie watched her, slowly wiping soda from his mouth. "You, uh...have an incident?"
Rogue grunted, setting a mug aside. "... Could call it that, I guess."
"Geez." There was a pause. "...Do you want to talk about it?"
"Mm... I guess? Not much to talk about." She replied, mixing her drink. "I messed up, and we lost the guy."
"Oh, I'm sure it wasn't all your fault."
"Maybe not all of it." She admitted. "But my freaking out didn't help things..."
Augustus's mouth quirked up in a sort of smile. "Well..." He leaned against the fridge, "I don't think you could've helped it, right?"
She paused, heating up her mug. "How do you mean?"
"I mean," He shrugged, "The situation was totally out of control, wasn't it?"
"I mean... I guess? Could have done SOMETHING..."
"Sometimes you just can't do anything, right?"
She didn't reply, instead removing her mug to stir it. If you paid close enough attention, you'd notice the tips of spines start to peek through her jacket.
"Some things are just...out of your control.'
"Hrm." She sipped it, spines growing ever further. "They shouldn't be..."
Auggie's smile grew, minutely. "It's not like you can help it, right?"
She growled sharply, spikes jutting out from every which-way. A few embedded themselves in the wall. "I just need time to get used to them, alright!?"
Augustus hissed. He held his shoulder, wincing in pain.
Rogue jerked, stumbling away from him. "Oh-- oh geez! A-Augustus I'm sorry-- Are you...oh god."
"I'm fine, I-I'm...Sss," He gripped his shoulder tighter, "I'm okay."
"No you're not! I-I just! I HURT you! I hurt you bad!" She managed, tone rushed and gripping at the spines coming forth. She yanked a cluster out, hissing loudly. "I-Go get help. I can't..."
Augustus turned quickly, "Hey- anybody! HEY!"
"I-I need to go." She told him, moving out of the kitchen and clenching the spikes tight. "I... I'll send someone your way- I'm so SORRY Augustus."
"Rogue..." Augustus watched her go. He let his hand drop off his shoulder- his pristine, undamaged shoulder.
Again, his mouth quirked up.
Rogue had chosen to seclude herself in her room.
The door was locked, and she was sitting on her bed, hugging her legs close and face buried in her knees. Her coat had been shed, spines up along her arms having receded to nubs at least.
But they still existed, as did a number of them in her trashcan. She'd been there for hours, guilt knotted and thoughts cycling.
There came a knock on her door.
Kitty shuffled from foot to foot. She hoped Rogue would answer- she needed to eat after all, not to mention this dinner plate was getting a little warm on her fingers.
"Mm?" Rogue replied, muffled.
"I brought you food."
"Mm." There was shuffling behind it, the door unlocking after a minute and opening up. "Thanks..."
Kitty stepped in, and she winced at the sight of her friend. "Oh, Rogue..." She handed her her food, "How can I help you?"
"Ah.." Rogue gave her a wry attempt at a smile. "It's okay. Brought me food, yeah?"
"Well, yeah, but..."
"It's... I'll be fine. Is uh... is Augustus okay...?"
"He's perfectly fine." Kitty took Rogue's hands. "Are YOU okay?"
"I... Yeah." She replied. "Will be, anyway."
"Okay...Well," Kitty held her arms out for a hug, offering a small smile, "I'm here if you need me. Whenever."
Rogue perked, pausing a moment. "Shoot, Kitty." She chuckled, glancing at her arms a moment. It was an awkward hug, Rogue keeping the nubs pointed AWAY from her friend. "Yer the best."
Kitty squirmed a little uncomfortably, but she kept her hug firm. "I know~"
"Pft." Rogue pulled back, nudging her. "And humble too."
"Aren't I~?"
"Mmhm." She replied, ruffling her hair. "It'll... it'll be fine. Just gotta keep my distance while they run their course."
"Well...Okay." Reluctantly, Kitty headed out, "Just let me know if you need something! Or wanna chat or...whatever."
"I will. Thanks Kitty." She replied. "For dinner and.. everything else."
"What are friends for?"
"Heh. Fair enough." She replied, looking to her dinner. Truth be told, she hadn't been that hungry... but it was looking pretty good.
"No, not good. I was the BEST~!!" Unus was... making friends, back on Genosha. "Couldn't even TOUCH ME!"
Gianna was very impressed. "Whaaaat? Man, I wish I coulda seen that!"
"Well hey, guess what?" He replied, smirking. "You stick with ME, and you'll get'ta~" He replied.
Mellencamp, sitting and hunched beside Gia, was tentatively impressed. He wasn't sure how much of this he bought, after all.
Gia grinned up at her scaly friend. She gave him a light jab in the ribs, "He's got a big mouth. I like him."
Randy, as he fiddled with one of his prosthetic legs, gave her a look.
Mellencamp gave her a snicker, nudging her back. "You WOULD."
"WHO WOULDN'T~?" Unus added.
"Soooooo, did you actually HIT anybody?" Gia had her priorities. "I'd wanna hit them. I'd wanna hit them a lot."
"... Ya know." Unus paused. "I broke all their shit, but nah."
"Are you serious."
"I was havin' fun gloating! I'll crack one ‘a 'em next time."
Gianna cackled, "LAME!"
"'EY, EY." He replied sharply. "I still WON, didn't I?"
"Is it a win if nobody hit anybody?"  Seamus pointed out.
"Yeeeeah," Gia sneered, "It's like you just ran away~"
Unus snorted. "Alright, so where's YOU guy's victory stories, ah? YOU ever actually beat 'em?!"
"We've hit 'em."
"Alright FINE!" He replied, waggling his bat at them. "Next time I see 'em, I'll crack one of the dweebs!!"
"I'll believe it when I see it." Randy muttered.
"HAHA! Yeah!" Gia agreed.
Unus scoffed loudly. "Well yer gonna! And it's gonna be AWESOME!"
Gianna smirked, "HEY NILS!"
A younger kid passing by jolted and turned quickly. His dark skin was like yarn, wound thickly around his frame, and it seemed to unravel slightly in his alarm before shifting back into place.
"Think this guy can hit an X-man~?"
Unus cackled, smacking his bat against a nearby half wall for emphasis. "Sure he does! He’s smart, ain'cha Nils?!"
"I'm just saying, Ni-ni! If he's 'untouchable' does that go both ways?"
"Well I mean like- HEY!! NO! SHUT YER FACE!"
Mellencamp couldn't help but crack up, tail thumping.
Gianna grinned, "WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ME?"
Nils started shaking, and he backed up. Randy took one look at him, then at Gianna and Unus. He pointed a finger and-- ZAP!
Unus, for all his bragging, wasn't COMPLETELY untouchable. His shield had to be active, after all. "What was THAT FOR!?"
"Being assholes," Randy answered, waving Nils along, who scampered away before things could get worse.
Unus scoffed loudly. "Whatever, man! Point is, I'll get it! Got everything TOTALLY under control!"
Randy smiled, a tight, humorless thing, "We'll see."
"Damn right we will." He replied, snickering and turning to head on his way. "Gonna be a good time..."
Rogue, days later was still not having a good time. The spike had finally, FINALLY receded.. but she wasn't exactly feeling up to par yet.
Of course, some things you had to fake until you made, so she was out on the porch, getting some air and... thinking. She'd been thinking a lot lately. She swung idly on the porch swing, wringing her hands in the early winter chill.
"Mind if I sit with you?" Scott poked his head out of the door, two cocoas in hand.
Rogue glanced back at him, shaking her head and scooting over for him. "If ya want."
He sat beside her, then offered her a mug, "Pretty chilly out, isn't it?"
"Yeah." She accepted it. "Won't be able to go outside before long." Rogue managed a chuckle. "Not without Kurt or Jamie ambushin' us."
Scott smiled. "They're relentless."
"No kiddin. Mm..." She settled in, sipping away. "Thanks for this, by the way."
"Figured you'd need it," Scott took a sip of his own. "...You've been pretty quiet lately."
"Well...Ya know." She replied, shrugging. "Had a lot on my mind."
"Just..." She huffed, watching the slight cloud her breath made. "Stuff."
"Oh." Scott leaned back, "Alright."
"It's... really not a big deal."
"I think it is, Rogue."
Rogue didn't look at him still. "Oh yeah?"
"Yes. You're obviously hurting."
"I'll get over it Scott."
Scott sighed. He was quiet for a while, as he stared out at the sinking sun and glistening snow. "...I know it's scary."
Rogue swallowed hard, gripping her mug a little tighter.
Scott continued, "And I know it's frustrating. But isolating yourself isn't going to do you any good."
She couldn't help the scoff that escaped her. "The alternative ain't much better."
"I don't agree with that."
"Well! What else is there, Scott?! Hurting my friends, my team?!"
"You can't do this alone, Rogue!"
She would stand suddenly, tears brimming. "I can't do it all, Scott!"
"Yes you CAN!" Scott followed, "I promise you, you can!"
"I can't control ANY of them, Scott! I thought I was doing better but-but I'm NOT!" She rubbed her eyes furiously. "I'm exactly where I started! I-I'm broken or something."
He grasped her shoulders tightly, perhaps tighter than he'd meant. "You are NOT broken!"
"Then what's WRONG with me?!"
"You're disabled," Scott's tone was firm, but gentle, "So am I. So are a lot of mutants. It's not something you can help."
Rogue swallowed hard, trying to compose herself.
She didn't quite manage that, instead grabbing him in a tight hug.
The action stunned him, but only for a moment. They stood there for some time, warm despite the settling chill around them. Finally, Scott broke the silence, muttering against the fabric of Rogue’s knit hat. "You're not broken."
Rogue sniffed sharply, quiet for a moment. She gripped a little tighter, giving him a nod.
He gently rubbed circles into her back, "You're going to be okay. I've got you."
"It's just! I feel like I keep going backwards! I know it's not true, but!"
"I know. It's going to get better."
"Mmhm..." She replied, pulling back and wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "I.. Thank you."
He smiled. "Don't sweat it."
"I mean it." Rogue managed a slight smile. "This all.. it gets really heavy sometimes."
"I know...We got you, alright?"
"Alright... Just. Remind me every once in awhile?"
He chuckled. "I promise."
"Heh.. H-hold ya to that."
Scott's smile widened, and he opened his mouth to say something.
He didn't get the chance, as a snowball suddenly hit his cheek. "Ack! Nope!" He took her wrist quickly and tugged her inside. "Take cover!"
"Oop!" She ran after, holding her hat on before sputtering a laugh. "The dorks started early this year!"
"I don't want ANY PART OF THAT."
"Nope. Let's just plot our revenge inside. Where it's cozy warm." She chuckled, gripping his hand just a little tighter.
"Y'know, that is an excellent idea." Smack! Another snowball hit his back. “Ack!”
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coquuin · 6 years
u bet ur fuckin ass im sending myself an ask meme bc fuck you no one else will so shit SOMEONE gotta. all the questions for Ezekiel bay bee
the amount of fucks that i do not give is unreal
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
well shit both of Ezekiel’s parents died when he was 3 so obviously he hardly has any memories of them, but! Ezekiel’s father was.. fucking hilarious! the dude had an amazing sense of humor–mightve been a stand up comedian, although not a huge known one?? he was always smiling and just trying to make people laugh! especially loved to make his son laugh the most.
so as you can easily imagine, 3-year-old Ezekiel obviously loved his father. i mean, why wouldnt he. although now that his father is long dead and ezekiel has pretty much forgotten him by this point, his opinion towards what very little he DOES remember of his dad is just like.. “why were you so fucking happy all the time? what was there to be happy about?” but, like i said, seeing as Ezekiel has completely forgotten him, he’s pretty neutral on him and doesnt really have much of an opinion.
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
opinion wise, it’s the exact same deal as his father–seeing as both parents died at the same time. so he neither dislikes or likes her! hes just neutral.
however, as for her personality, she was honestly like the polar opposite of the dad. she was calm and collected, and a little intense. a very blunt woman who would not be afraid to call you out on your bullshit! sort of like Ezekiel now actually :) a lot of her mannerisms and personality traits literally resemble Ezekiel to a T, which he obviously doesnt even realize seeing as his mom has been, yknow, dead for all his life. but underneath that tough exterior, she was a very sweet woman! she was probably a doctor tbh.
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
IN THE CULT.. it was like a literal living hell and EXTREMELY strict. which is exactly what this cult wanted! seeing as it was a Satanic cult especially. BUT UHHH.. i cant go too in depth on how everything was like in that orphanage, but if you REALLY wanna know all the gross details literally just do some research on Satanism or Satanic Cults and youll be sure to find some pretty gross stuff. all of that is what happened to Ezekiel there!
the things i can mention though!! every child had to wear the same uniform every day, they all had the same exact hairstyle (boys had a short bowlcut, girls had long hair which they were absolutely not allowed to style or put up). they were, of course, beaten severely if the orphanage staff saw fit to do so. medieval torture methods were used on them, especially for sacrifices. they were bluntly told, “if you try to leave, the Devil will kill every single one you love and come for you last”–which is honestly why Ezekiel always talks about how “the devil is out to get him” or why Ezekiel feels that he cant get close to anyone, bc he just expects the devil to kill anyone he gets close to! bc, yknow, he ran away. the kids were also often forced to eat or drink bodily fluids which Yeah is fucking disgusting. they only had one meal a day, and said meal was very small–so a lot of the kids starved, and thats why Ezekiel is such a picky eater and refuses to eat a lot of the time! bc hes just so used to having only one tiny meal a day, just enough for him to survive on, and any more than one small meal he always feels like he’s wasted too much money or something. a lot of sexual abuse went on too. YOU GET THE IDEA BY NOW IM SURE SO.. YEAH, IT WAS… BAD BAD BAD.
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
EXTREMELY SHELTERED. he and the other kids in the orphanage were absolutely not allowed to go outside whatsoever. this was because the caretakers told them “THE OUTSIDE WORLD WANTS TO CORRUPT YOU, SO YOU MUST ABSOLUTELY NOT INTERACT WITH ANYTHING THAT IS OUTSIDE OF THESE DOORS!!!” and were EXTREMELY strict on that rule. one time, Ezekiel had snuck out when he was about 7, and brought in stray kittens, which he hid in his room! it wasnt long until his roommates snitched on him and the caretakers straight up just fucking cut off every kitten’s head right in front of lil Ezekiel and then proceeded to beat him afterward. so that kinda fucked him up!!! this is what led to Ezekiel’s reclusive behavior now and his generally being totally silent when he’s around anyone he doesn’t know (although he has gotten a lot better about the talking thing! albeit the fact when he does talk chances are he is saying something very mean. BUT STILL!). even now, he completely secludes himself in his small apartment, even going so far as boarding up all his windows to block the sunlight altogether. well ok he also boarded them up bc he has an extremely bad habit of trying to break the glass but. the sunlight thing too!
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
REJECTION OFC. the orphanage caretakers never even referred to him by his name–instead, they called every child by numbers. in Ezekiel’s case, it was #34. even now, that is his least favorite number.
8. How does your character feel about religion?
he may not seem like it, but Ezekiel is VERY VERY VERY religious!!! after he ran away from the orphanage and later moved to L.A., he actually did convert to Christianity! he always wears a golden cross necklace around his neck and he feels like it protects him from evil spirits–obviously thats all in his head as no evil spirits are really out to get him, but it’s a big big BIG comfort item to him. he can easily recite a shit ton of Bible verses bc he reads that damn thing all the fucking time man. in general, his faith in god is a huge fucking comfort for him, as he always fears the devil is out to get him and whatnot–its nice to think that he may actually have god on his side to protect him.
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
honestly??? hes all over the fuckin place. he surprisingly does have some street smarts to him (from having been literally fucking homeless for a while).
although the only thing he’s really book-smart with is languages–he’s a big linguist! but otherwise, he kinda sucks at smart stuff like math or science or stuff like that–bc he never went to school! he did learn how to read while in the orphanage, but that was really about it.
not too intelligent either??? thats mostly bc he’s literally been secluded from interacting with people like all his life, so he’s just not really good at like.. reading people? and has little to no life skills bc no one ever taught him??
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
ok so despite the fact that Ezekiel never went to school, his vocabulary is actually pretty big! although like i said, he did learn to read in the cult so. that really isnt too much of an issue. but he’s very very interested in literature and language as a whole, and always was even as a child! so even now, he devotes a lot of his time to studying that kind of stuff, and his way of speaking definitely shows it–well, if you can get behind the constant swearing, anyway.
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
he’s the guitarist of the rock band Rogue! his feelings on playing in a band in general is kinda.. conflicting, really. he isnt sure if he enjoys it or hates it. for one, he actually has HUGE stage fright–though he has gotten a bit better about it after playing on stage so many times by now, but it’s still a recurring issue with him and can sometimes cause complications within the band. it certainly is very anxiety-inducing for him, but at the same time… he cant bring himself to just quit, either. not even he himself is sure why he still puts up with the band, but he finds himself drawn to it quite often. he is very very very proud of being able to write music and have it be shown to millions of people though–hearing the band’s singer, Augustine, sing his lyrics to crowds, and the crowd loving it, is probably one of the biggest things that can make Ezekiel happy.
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
well, his first travel was from London, England to Los Angeles, California! and thats where he eventually joined the band! and, yknow, being in a band that tours quite often, now he definitely has to travel a lot. which he absolutely hates. he would much rather just stay home in his stupid secluded cheap ass apartment, but hey, u gotta do what u gotta do
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
when it comes to partners, ezekiel honestly doesnt expect too much from them–just a mutual understanding of each other is all he truly asks for, which should really go without saying in a relationship anyway.
hes not really one for sex! not to say he never wants to do it, though. he does have a lower sex drive than most people though–and the moments he does do it with his partner, it’s gonna have to be very gentle. he couldnt handle anything too rough tbh. also hes a total bottom so jot that down-
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
his home is a fucking MESS. he has a tendency to destroy the entire room whenever he’s having one of his temper tantrums, and this is pretty evident all over Ezekiel’s apartment, bc he doesnt even bother to clean up afterwards. the only time he really cleans up his own mess at home is if its like, food or a drink or something bc he isnt that bad about it but. every room at his apartment looks like a fucking tornado hit him or something. and he couldnt care less what his home looks like! like as long as Ezekiel has a bed, he’ll be alright. he doesnt even like big homes all that much, and prefers to live in something simple and relatively small.
as for clothing, Ezekiel usually just goes for simple stuff. Especially wears a lot of jackets, hoodies, the like. a lot of baggy-ish clothing going on, but he actually is pretty fashionable believe it or not!
hair wise, Ezekiel just has.. no fucks to give. he hardly puts much care to his hair at all tbh. its just naturally curly and a little messy, but at least he keeps it fairly short so it doesnt get too bad. its probably a lil greasy tho.. someone make this boy take a gotdamn SHOWER
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
theres probably several tbh IJOISJERIJ
but most of all, probably both his paranoia and his stubbornness? like he can hardly even function in every day life bc he cANT EVEN COME OUT OF HIS HOUSE BC HES SO PARANOID OVER EVERYTHING. and oh my GOD Ezekiel is so goddamn infuriatingly stubborn like GODDAMN. sometimes its just practically impossible to get through to this guy whatsoever. ezekiel can honestly be a pain in the ass
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
HE REMEMBERS PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING SINGLE FUCKING THING FROM THE CULT.. AND OH GOD DOES IT PLAGUE HIS MIND EVERY SINGLE DAY. like his entire childhood in that orphanage still is so fresh and prevalent in his head that he quite often has hallucinations of the events that happened there, especially when he sees certain things. like cats, for example! seeing a cat will literally send Ezekiel into immediate panic and he genuinely thinks he’s back at the orphanage where he watched those stray kittens i mentioned earlier get their lil heads cut off and he’ll repeat over and over, “their heads are gone, their heads are gone, their heads are gone-” bECAUSE. ITS LIKE HES THERE ALL OVER AGAIN! which is, of course.. yet another reason he hardly ever comes out of his home! bc he thinks “well if i just dont go out then that means i cant see anything triggering that will make me have another panic attack.”
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health?
unfortunately, Ezekiel is very much an addict :( he’s a big alcoholic, and also does cocaine, ecstasy, pain killers, xanax, and maybe some other shit i cant think of off the top of my head. but! hes.. a mess…. save him
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
it depends on the person/people around him! because with anyone that he hardly knows? then he doesnt really give a shit and easily brushes it off, because he honestly doesnt care what strangers think of him anyway. but around people that hes actually close to and he cares about? THEN OOF. HE CAN POSSIBLY HAVE A WHOLE PANIC ATTACK BC HE REALLY DOESNT WANT TO LET HIS LOVED ONES DOWN..
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
of course not!!! although its.. not impossible for him to enjoy someone elses suffering. you would just have to like, REAAALLY fucking do him wrong for him to be like that, which is pretty hard even for him. like the orphanage caretakers! i assure u if they suffered Ezekiel would LOVE that. 
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
most of the time hes living in memories, for sure. either that, or he’s just kinda stressed or anxious! but not always necessarily a bad anxious tho! like if hes around someone that he actually likes, he’ll be VERY anxious, but like in a good way! just kinda excited yknow. BUT MOST OF THE TIME, ITS BAD OFC.
38. Are they basically negative when facing new things? Suspicious? Hostile? Scared? Enthusiastic?
VERY SCARED AND DISTRUSTFUL, PRETTY HOSTILE!!! remember hes fucking paranoid about every little thing rip.
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
well, most of ezekiel’s jokes involve swearing and yelling, so probably that! Angery……
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
i think probably like.. parents tbh. or at least a parental figure. he’s only had one person who was like a father to him, but that guy is all the way back in London so Ezekiel hasnt seen him since :( and tbh for like most of his life, he’d always assumed that not having parents was like.. just whatever, yknow? bc you cant really miss something that was never there. but, after he ran away from the cult and he saw like.. people, he saw a lot of happy families and whatnot and just!! hes really jealous of anyone who has a functional, happy family now. it isnt so much that he misses his birth parents, just that he wants to have some kind of parental figure in general. someone that he feels he can actually call family.
44. How badly do they want to obtain their life objectives? How do they pursue them?
what’s sad? the fact that ezekiel… doesnt really have any life objectives! the only objective he really has is to survive. thats literally it. he just doesnt want “the devil” to take him–and to escape the devil’s wrath, ezekiel immerses himself in his religion and staying inside all day and night so that he doesnt have to talk to anyone! thats basically about it
46. Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight? Posture? How do they feel about their physical body?
he’s pretty tall! 6′3″! although for his weight, i swear to god hes like.. a fucking twig. i mean theres that whole “he only eats one small meal a day” thing, so ofc you can imagine that probably has an effect on his weight. BUT! that isnt the only reason hes so skinny! it’s also bc he has Klinefelter Syndrome, which is when a male is born with an extra X chromosome. so as a result of that, he is a little taller than most people, is very skinny, has weak bones, and breasts! and some other symptoms but i dont feel like listing every single thing so fuck y
as for posture, Ezekiel is usually a liiiittle slouched, but not terribly so! when hes stressed, however, he always stands up completely straight!
ezekiel absolutely fucking hates his body, though. he knows full well that hes not.. the most attractive–ugly, even. you know that “your toes, hand em over” meme? yeah, he looks like that a little bit. his body honestly looks pretty fucking freaky. ALSO HE HAS A LITERAL MICROPENIS SO THATS A THING! all in all, Ezekiel just… is very very very scared of showing off his body to anyone honestly. extremely insecure!
47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible?
Ezekiel actually puts on this whole temperamental asshole front specifically to MAKE people hate him! thats why hes so quick to be like “FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT TWAT YOU GODDAMN WANKER FUCK YOU”! because, yknow, most people are usually gonna hate anyone who says that kind of stuff to them and as a result they hopefully wont wanna talk to him! which is exactly what Ezekiel wants. yep, Ezekiel wants everyone to hate him! because if everyone hates him, then they wont talk to him, and if they dont talk to him, then he doesnt risk of getting close to anyone and getting his heart broken all over again! hes a mess……
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
TBH FOR REFERENCE YOU CAN JUST LIKE.. LISTEN TO MURDOC NICCALS’ VOICE BC THATS HIS VC BUT. his voice can switch between either somewhat slow or extremely fast! it all depends on his mood. in his normal speaking voice, when hes neither upset or happy or anything, his words come out a little slow, but not terribly so. pretty normal, mostly. but if hes excited, whether bad or good, he speeds up when he talks a LOT. so much so that he doesnt even let himself breathe when hes talking! just like “FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOUIHATEYOUYOUGODDAMNSTUPIDTWATAAAAAA”
his voice in general is a little hoarse! although he has gotten much better about talking to people (even if he is mean when he talks), he did go through practically his whole childhood just.. not talking to people very much at all. so that kinda shows in his voice now? but its not too bad. he has a pretty low-ish voice too.
as for pronounciation and accent, again literally just listen to Murdoc’s voice bc its p much exactly the same as him but. he has a very thick london-cockney accent?? i sure hope thats accurate anyway, im not British so im not 100% sure on British accents but.
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
ok ill just draw this one
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his resting face!
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talking to his friends!!!
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theres probably more i could draw, but in general, Ezekiel is VERY expressive tho! its pretty easy to read all of his expressions and emotions.
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nicolawritesnovels · 7 years
I was tagged by @merigreenleaf! This look really cool. I’m going to do it for both Alex and Terry because they’re probably my most developed characters. 
A is for Age: The story kind of covers Alex’s entire life. But at the time of the first story I wrote for them, Alex is 15, and Terry is somewhere between 30 and 33, depending on which version I’m using.  B is for Biggest Fear: Alex’s biggest fear is probably losing more people. She lost Tina so early in their lives. And then a few years later her dad died, and then her mom. She drifted away from Mini. Lexi left. It was all of the people she cares about dying or leaving her. 
Terry is... afraid of becoming like his parents. Cruel and heartless like his mother. And weak and submissive like his father. Also, he hates spiders.  C is for Current Time: tbh, half the scenes written for these losers take place in the fall D is for Drink Last Had: Alex drinks like 90% water. Terry... you know, I have no idea. He’s a tea person, I think.  E is for Everyday Starts With: Terry yelling at Alex to get her ass out of bed, and demanding to know what she’s doing in his house again. Alex rolling her eye at his fake surprise.  F is for Favorite Song: I’ve got a lot of songs that I have on their playlist, but I’m not really sure which ones are their favorites. Alex is a pretty big fan of Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles. I don’t really know Terry’s music tastes, but I bet they’re songs I don’t know.  G is for Ghosts, Are They Real?: Alex would argue that they are, just for the sake of arguing. And secretly, she wishes that Tina were there, even if it was only as a ghost. And her dad. But I don’t think she truly believes. Terry hasn’t dismissed the possibility, but he’s never met one.  H is for Hometown: Alex has lived her whole life in Rachel, NY, and that’s where she stays her whole life. Terry grew up in Merry, NY. The next town over. 
I is for In Love With: Each other, for the most part. In the past, Alex was in love with Tina, and to a degree, with Lexi. And I’m inclined to think that Terry was in love with Alcyone. He loved Aliet, but I don’t think he was in love with her.  J is for Jealous Of: Terry gets jealous of Lexi, in Dark Blue. That leads to some very dramatic situations. Alex... I don’t think so? Maybe a little jealous of Aleit before she died? But not really. 
K is for Killed Someone: Nah, neither of them killed anyone. Alex blames herself for Aliet’s death for awhile, but it wasn’t her fault.  L is for Last Time They Cried: Depends on what time we’re in. There are points where Alex cries a lot. But the general answer is, Tuesday. For both of them.  M is for Middle Name: Jean. Her full name is Hannah-Alexandria Jean Hyreh. And his is Lawrence. Terrin Lawrence Hassen.  N is for Number of Siblings: Alex has 2 sisters, one younger (Mini), and one older (Andi). Terry also has 2 sisters, but only one of them is still alive. Twins, Lauren and Laurel. Lauren died when she was 9, and Terry was 12.  O is for One Wish: Alex doesn’t believe in wishes. She thinks that when you wish, the world will arrange to make it happen and it would always have bad consequences. She refuses to wish. But if she did, I think she would wish that her sisters would be more understanding of her coping mechanisms. Terry... I think he wishes for his baby sister back. For a good life for his daughters. 
P is for Person Last Called/Texted: Alex... probably Haidee, or Andi yelling at her to get her butt home. Or Jaci. She’s got a lot of people she talks to. Terry, probably either Lani or Alex. Maybe JH?  Q is for Questions They’re Always Asked: For Alex: “What’s your excuse this time?” “Is that a lie?” “Did you do your homework?” “Alex, what’s the answer to blahblahblah?” “Alex, would you please stop upsetting my staff?” “Alex, why are you friends with a serial killer?” “How are you happy right now?”
For Terry: “Why are you so stubborn?” “Dad, can I go to Terry’s?” “Why do you always pretend you don’t want me here?” “Do I really have to do the homework even though we both know I know the material?” “Why do you spend some much time with Alex?”
R is for Reasons to Smile: Alex is a pretty happy person, all things considering. There’s a lot of things that make her smile. Terry. Jonathan. Haidee. Documentaries. Confusing people. Science. History. Learning in general. Climbing things. Rain. Later on, Ace. 
For Terry: his daughter, Alex, his job, history, learning, teaching, tea, cooking, boxing. S is for Song Last Sang: I feel like Alex sings ridiculous songs in the shower. Like the song that never ends.  T is for Time They Wake Up: On a normal day, early. They both have school to do. If it were up to her, Alex would get up a lot later. Terry is a morning person though.  U is for Underwear Color: Terry usually wears green or black. Alex... probably black, but also whatever color there is. She isn’t picky.  V is for Vacation Destination: There’s a plan for a world trip. Terry started one when he was young, he went to Kenya and Japan and Greece, and then Germany. But then he met Aleit when he was in Germany and she got pregnant and he ended up settling there for 10 years. After he moves back to the US, he and Alex plan to travel the rest of the world, especially Germany (to visit Lani’s grandparents), India (Alex’s family), Iran (Alex’s family), Israel, Mecca, Greece (to see Alcyone), and others. But then Cippie gets pregnant with Ace, and that doesn’t end up happening. And it still doesn’t happen before Terry dies. Eventually, Alex takes Lani and Ace on a trip around the world. They visit a lot of places. Germany (to see Lani’s family and friends), Greece (to meet Alcyone, and see parts of Grandma Blythe’s life), Israel, Mecca (Alex isn’t that close to her Islamic faith but since she’s doing a world trip, a pilgrimage feels like a thing to do), Iran (to see Saam’s family there), India (to see Jaya and the rest of Chandra’s family), Spain (to see where Ace’s Grandma Blythe grew up, and also Abuelo Hector’s childhood home and everything), Egypt (where Abuelo Hector’s family was from, and also Alex has always wanted to go there), Argentina (related to Grandpa Paulo’s family) Peru (there are cool ruins there), Iceland (where Lilja is from), Italy (it sounds fun), Poland (there’s no one here from Poland but I like Poland so they’d go there too). Ace is a child of the world, and she’s Alex and Terry’s daughter. They want her to see all of the parts of the world that helped to bring her into existence. All of the places her parents are from, her grand parents, her sister. 
I’d say the place they keep going back to is Germany, because Lani likes to visit her grandparents there. And all her old friends.  W is for Worst Habit: Alex has a lot of bad habits. She lies. She cheats. She steals. She sneaks into Terry’s house. She’s friends with a serial killer. She never does her homework and comes up with lots of excuses. She never tells her sister where she’s going. She has hacked the police records before (to be fair, Andi has a really easy to guess password). Oh, and she blackmails people a lot. 
Terry... he’s stubborn. He used to have a lot of aggression issues, but now he keeps things bottled up. I feel like the fact that he started dating Alex when she was so young is probably a bad thing, even though everything was 100% consensual and generally initiated by her.  X is for X-Rays; Ever Broken a Bone?: There was a plan for a separate story where Alex breaks an arm, but I never wrote it. But she does shit like chill on roofs and climb trees, so probably. 
Terry was an angry kid, and rightfully so. He punched a lot of walls before he got into boxing. So I imagine he’s broken his hand before.  Y is for Youth: 
Terry’s youth was pretty unpleasant. He was close with his dad, but his mom was abusive, emotionally and physically.  When he was 12, his mom killed his sister Lauren. A month or so later, his father committed suicide. He was pretty angry. He got in trouble at school. He was always smart, but well, his life sucked. He got into boxing. When he turned 18 and graduated high school, he got a passport and promptly went to go travel the world. It was less than a year later that he stopped in Germany and got Aliet pregnant and ended up starting a family there. 
Alex... I don’t even know where to start. Half the stories are about her youth. She was a brilliant kid. Her family was well known and well liked around town. Her dad was a cop and she helped him solve cases a lot. She got married at the age of 8 to Tina Valentine in a playground wedding that actually made the news because it was protested by a homophobic kid named Maria. Less than a year later, Tina died of brain cancer, and Alex stayed with her to the end. When she was 12, her father was murdered by serial killer Jonathan Stratten. Her mother committed suicide soon after that, and Alex was left in the custody of her older sister Andi, who wasn’t exactly responsible but was trying to learn to be. Andi’s boyfriend and her father’s former partner, Hemming, moved in with them. Uh, the homophobic kid Maria teased Alex about her parents death, so Alex put her in a coma although I don’t think she meant to. Then she met Lexi, who helped her solve her father’s murder. Alex caught Jonathan Stratten and was a key witness at his trial, and along the way, developed an interesting relationship with him. In 9th grade, she ended up being abused by her history teacher, which was a nightmare. And in 10th grade, she met Terry and things changed. Let’s see what else does she do in youth? Catches Jonathan when he escapes again, helps engineer a genetic miracle in the form of Ace, adopts Ace. Catches more bad guys.  Z is for Zealous: What Are They Passionate About?: Alex is passionate about a lot of things. Catching bad guys. Helping people. Sleeping. Poetry. Learning. History. Healing from the past. Curing cancer. Making the world a better place for Ace, and Lani, and the other kids. Terry. 
Terry is passionate about... Ace, Alex, history, the world, teaching, becoming better, surviving. 
And I tag: @thejollywriter, @fuzzyfuckingllamas (do it for Riley), @gxlden-dayss, @itstartswithablankpage . Pick a character and do the thing!
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SF] You won't see it coming.. Combat, tech, magic, tragedy, it's all here. Thanks
They were so stupid, we all were.. No matter what I do, it won't even let me die. I don't know who is safe.
3 days earlier
"Hey guys, it's our turn on The Stick next." Laughter erupted throughout the hangar. Our platoon was pretty tight. Everyone did their job, respected their ranks, and never passed up the chance to tease.
It was the end of our basic training. 2 years had turned us into combat ready soldiers. We weren't sure when the next war would be, but since the last one, we had to be prepared. World War III ended about 4 years ago, and the casualties were unimaginable. We lost so many people.. everyone did. The New Axis leaders actually fell victim to rebellion and that's what stopped the fighting. Without that, who knows how bad it would've gotten. The damage to our European allies was also substantial, so some troops stayed there to help them rebuild. On one of the tours in Britain, a team found The Stick.
It was a remarkable piece of technology. No one knows where it came from. It was literally a metal stick 9 inches in length; you can imagine the jokes. When picked up, the metal expanded and flooded upward over the arm and across the body. It took many forms. Each version had it's own intricate set of controls. Default commands were figured out over time. "Deploy" "Initiate," "Attack," and "Power Down" were the ones we knew.
After a few years our engineers determined there were a total of 12 mother variations, with dozens more minor variables making an uncountable number of "suits". The 12 however were used to classify soldiers. Based on the form and basic functions, we were sorted into Artillery, Scouts, Snipers, Medics, Intelligence, etc. The 12 told us who we were, what we were meant for, and how we could proudly serve our country. There was another possible result - being a No-res or a "No Response." Those guys got stuck behind a desk. It was used exclusively for sorting. The mysterious device was too valuable to risk losing in battle, or to take out of the classified, maximum security hangar.
"Let's see what I get!" Jon shouted in his thick Kentucky accent. He was hoping for the Sniper class armor. The plates surrounding the body were a motion-stopping grid of gel-like parts. When fired upon, it collected the bullets and rotated them around the plates in a continuous fluid motion, increasing their velocity to unreal speeds. The solider could say "Deploy" and a barrel and grip would emerge from their inner forearm to form a stable, pivoting rifle. When shot, a pulse of energy would fly from the barrel and cut through the air toward its target, pulling the now mega powered enemy bullets along with it. This created a devastating and rapid fire chain of death. We even found that you could fire flares, nails, grenades, anything really, to load the plates up before hitting the field. It was one of the coolest suit bases for sure.
Jon touched The Stick and in seconds he was covered in armor. "Not original user, booting basic mode." Oh yeah, it says that wherever its put on. "So what am I boys?" he said. I immediately chimed in "looks like you won't be doing much shooting... NURSE!" Another roar of laughter. Medic was the one job Jon really didn't want.
It was my turn next. I was really hoping for Pilot but I wasn't too picky. I put my hand on The Stick and closed my eyes to brace myself.
I slowly opened my left eye, then my right and stared down and it in its original form. Jon could've taken a cheap shot at me but he didn't. "Oh shoot Lance. You're a No-res? I'm sorry brother." I was upset. Crushed really. Everyone had always told me I had the spirit of a fighter. That I was a leader, a visionary. Now I'd be behind a desk? I raised my hand to throw The Stick in anger. It was fine, it was basically indestructible. I flung my fist downward a let go.
"What are you doing Lance?" said Peters who was next. "I'm trying to throw it but it's stuck. Seriously I can't let go." My skin was getting hot, my whole body started to glow. Then suddenly, The Stick emitted a blinding light. I shut my eyes again. I kept them closed until I couldn't see the reddish glow on my eyelids.
"What the hell? What is that?" sergeant Jeffers looked genuinely perplexed. I could see everyone else staring in awe, looking at me like I was a stranger.
I stared down at my hand. My clothes had burned off and my entire body was covered in metal. The suit hugged my muscles like skin, but it was comforting, familiar.
I heard a voice in my head. "User detected: Welcome back Commander." The Stick began to vibrate and from it sprung a sword. A beautiful, elegant, majestic longsword. "Hey Jon do you see this?" I turned my body and lightly gestured my hand in his direction. The sword emitted another blinding light but in the form of an arch. That was the last time I saw Jon, and the other 33 people in that direction. The few remaining ones ran instantly in terror.
"Soldier! Power down immediately! That is an order!" Jeffers shouldn't have yelled. I got startled and turned his way too.
"Oh my God! What's happening?" I was on the verge of tears. In a matter of seconds, over 50 people were dead because of me. The voice came back. "Commander, please do not be alarmed. That was good."
"GOOD?! WHAT? What the hell are you talking about? They're DEAD! Who are you? Where are," I was crying now.
"Commander, it is,"
"STOP! Stop calling me Commander! What the hell is happening?!"
"I apologize your Majesty. It is I, your faithful servant, Excalibur."
I stopped cold. I was in disbelief. Disbelief of everything that transpired within the last 90 seconds but specifically in disbelief of what the voice had just said. "What did you just say?"
"It is I, Excalibur. I have been waiting for your new self all these years. I sense you have not yet fully remembered your past lives. We must slay the wicked, smite evil, cleanse the world, and restore peace and order."
"What? WHAT?!! This is crazy. This is absolutely insane. I.. I.. I must be dreaming. Wake up. WAKE UP!" My body was shaking from shock and my voice was already hoarse.
"I will guide you until you have fully recovered your memory. Come. We have much to do."
Hope you enjoyed this! This idea came from the following [WP] found on Reddit:
submitted by /u/smahabir [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2KWQcEE
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