#can u tell that I’m normal ab them
oodlesofowls · 8 months
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Inktober day 12: warm love <3
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bkgml · 1 year
hiii do u think u could write something where maybe bakugo has been stressed lately. never yells at his so, treats them so good but one night after a stressful day, he’s dreaming and his hands burn up a little while he’s holding their waist, and burns them and he doesn’t wake or anything and they try to hide it from him, he finds out and is like super upset at himself and is distant etc hehe :,-) i rlly like ur writing so i’d be excited if u got to write something like this or anything in general
omg omg this is such a great idea!
youre cooking dinner when you hear the front door swing open.
“hi, honey!” you call to him, ready to switch off the burner so you can give him a welcome home kiss.
in return, all you get is a sigh as he sits on the couch.
“katsuki?” you call as you turn the corner from the kitchen to the living room.
you see him, head in his hands and still in his hero suit.
you walk towards him and thread your fingers through his hair, pulling his head toward your stomach.
normally he’d wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle into your stomach.
but today, he got news that he was being sent on a mission to canada for three months.
away from you.
away from his home.
away from everyone.
and if accepts it, it’s practically a guaranteed job offer to being the number one hero, his dream. though, it would put a large rift in your relationship as he wouldn’t be able to contact you in any way.
he stands from his spot on the couch.
“uh, i’m gonna shower. need to think for a minute.” he says, giving you a lifeless peck to your temple before he turns to leave.
you’d be upset, but he seems stressed. so instead you decide to throw pyjamas in the dryer for him so they’ll be warm once he’s out and start plating dinner.
you set the table before hearing the water shut off.
“ack!” you yelp, running to grab his pyjamas from the dryer.
“hey katsuki?” you call to him, knocking on the door.
you see his pretty face, ridden with stress as he opens the door.
“hm?” he asks lowly.
despite his worry, you still smile at his tired eyes and soft voice.
before you speak, you press a sweet kiss to his nose and watch his eyes flutter shut at the contact.
“brought you warm jammies.” you whisper, kissing his nose again.
he sighs against you before opening the door wider and bringing you into his arms.
“hi.” you whisper.
“mm.” he grunts, but you know he means ‘thank you, love you’.
you pull away after a minute.
“get dressed, dinners on the table.” you smile.
he nods and you head back into the kitchen.
the two of you eat dinner in silence while he thinks to himself.
“what’s on your mind?” you ask as the two of you wash the dishes.
he sets the final plate into the cupboard and clears his throat.
“just work.” he says.
“hmm. i’m sorry baby boy.” you coo, dragging your nails up his arms.
he groans, leaning back into you.
you hug him from behind, reaching your hand under his shirt and brushing against his abs soothingly.
“you gonna tell me specifically?” you ask softly.
he sighs and straightens up.
“not until i decide what to do.” he replies, turning in your arms.
you smile sadly and take him by the hand into your bedroom.
“sleep on it then?” you ask and he nods.
as the two of you get ready for bed in silence you wonder what has him so stressed out.
if he couldn’t save someone he would be more upset and he would’ve told you.
if there was a deadline coming up for his report of a scene he would’ve worked on it today.
if he was being sent on a mission he would be happy.
“come to bed.” katsuki’s call for you interrupts your thoughts and you shut the bathroom light off before climbing into bed with him.
you stroke his cheek affectionately.
“you sure i cant help with the decision?” you try one more time.
he grabs your palm off his cheek and presses a kiss to it.
“not this time, sweetness.” he replies.
you sigh but nod nonetheless before turning away from him.
he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close, pressing kisses to your shoulder.
“i love you, katsuki. i know you’ll make a good decision.” you smile, turning your head to him.
he smiles sadly in return and presses a kiss to your lips, the first of the night.
it continues for minutes as he conveys every emotion within him.
his stress.
his love.
his anger.
his sorrow.
and you take it all, drinking it in and calming the storm brewing in his mind.
“i love you more.” he says.
you grin sheepishly and press a final peck to his lips.
“get some rest, kay?” you smile and lay your head on his arm.
“alright.” he says back, arms tightening around you.
as the two of you sleep, your mind is calm, full of white noise of love and laughter. while katsuki’s mind is plagued with darkness, storms returning with fury as he fights to make the right decision.
katsuki’s ferocious dreams bleed into yours as you feel white hot pain on your torso.
you open your already tear filled eyes and see katsuki’s hands burning into your flesh the same way his dreams burned yours.
you swallow a cry, a shout, you wrangle yourself out of his arms and throw yourself onto the other end of the bed.
you see your katsuki, eyes still closed, brain still unconscious, as he burns himself now.
“katsuki! katsuki wake up, baby. you’re burning yourself!” you shriek.
his eyes snap open and his quirk deactivates immediately.
“fuck! i’m sorry.” he apologizes for scaring you.
“did you hurt yourself? let me see!” you cry, lifting his shirt seeing the minor burns on his skin.
“shit… i really liked this shirt.” he attempts to joke but you huff and glare at him.
jumping out of bed you grab his hand and start pulling him to the bathroom.
“i need to clean your wounds.” you mumble.
he follows and sees your charred shirt.
“did i hurt you??” he asks, worry laced in his tone.
“i’m fine, you just got my shirt.” you lie, turning on the bathroom light.
the two of you step in the bathroom.
“sit on the edge of the tub. where’s the first aid kit?” you say looking around the room.
he sits silently while keeping his eyes locked on your torso.
you open the cupboard under the sink and find what you’re looking for.
you walk towards katsuki while opening the first aid kit and ruffling through it while mumbling to yourself.
when you’re in arms reach his hands grab the back of your thighs.
your mumbling ceases and the bathroom goes quiet.
setting the first aid kit on the toilet you thread your fingers through his hair similarly to when he first came home tonight.
“did i burn you?” he whispers, restating his question.
“no, katsuki. i told you, it’s just my shirt. let’s get you clean-“ you’re forced to cut yourself off as he lifts your shirt and sees the nauseating burns on your torso.
his breath hitches and you look down to see tears falling from his eyes.
“it’s not your fault.” you rush to tell him.
his eyes look to yours.
those glossy, heart shattering eyes looking to you for guidance, for an answer.
“it’s not your fault.” you repeat.
he looks back at your burns before his eyes return to yours.
“i burned you.” he whispers, voice cracking.
“you were unconscious.” you whisper back, leaning down to press your forehead to his.
“it’s okay. it’s okay. it’s okay.” you repeat as your arms wrap around his head and his face finds the junction between your neck and shoulder.
his sobs begin to fill the bathroom and you hold him and repeat to him.
“it’s okay. it’s okay. it’s okay.”
ten minutes later he’s calm enough.
“you going to tell me what has you this worked up, now?” you ask.
“they want me to go on a no-contact mission for three months. in canada.” he whispers, numb from his crying.
you kiss his dried tears and he allows his eyes to fall shut.
“if it means you get that number one spot like you’ve always dreamed then we can get through it, katsuki.” you say.
“i’m not going.” he replies, snapping out of his numbed stare.
you blink at him.
“what do you mean? this is your dream and i’m going to support you every step of the way.” you smile.
“i’m not going.” he repeats as he grabs your hand and pulls you through the house.
you follow, confused.
“i’m taking your ass to the hospital.” he says, tightening his grip on your hand.
“we’re getting these burns treated.” he grabs his keys and opens the front door.
“i’m going to work ten times as hard.” he pulls you out the door and to his car.
“i’m going to be the number one hero.” he opens your car door and helps you sit.
“and i’m going to do it all right here. with you.” he confirms, grinning determinedly at you.
a bright smile takes over your face as you grab his cheeks and kiss him sweetly.
“i love you.” you whisper.
“i love you more and i’m sorry i burned you, baby girl. never again, okay?” he says, pecking your cheeks repeatedly.
you nod in affirmation and he closes your car door.
while he walks to his side, he takes in the fresh air for the first time since he felt the crushing weight of the rift between you and his work life.
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
⛧° sleepy nights - hoo boys
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⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
content: percy jackson, jason grace, leo valdez, frank zhang, luke castellan, charles beckendorf x reader - hcs on how they’d sleep with you
warnings: luke and charlie are 19
a/n: SHE’S BAAAACKK!! i’m finally not sick anymore (very questionable, but i’m definitely better) so i’m back to writing! at least i hope so. you can send your requests, preferably of not so long stuff cause i already have 5 super long drafts lol
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
now playing… sweater weather - the neighborhood
Percy Jackson
i honestly believe that he’s an awesome cuddler.
like, i just know that he likes to be the big spoon and wrap his arms around your waist and never EVER let go.
he’d totally lay his head on your shoulder and drool on it.
he plants a lot of tiny little kisses in your neck before you fall asleep.
i like to believe that he snores
but not like super loud snores and they’re not even annoying
its just super cute
and you feel so safe
he’s not super ripped, but he still has abs
so just leaning against them, warm in the night is just so soothing
he sleeps in two positions only, cuddling with you or as a starfish, with legs and arms thrown all over you and the bed
his body is naturally warm
not an uncommon warm, just normal warm
so sleeping with him is always good
whenever you sleep with him, he doesn’t want to get up to school/college the next day
he’s just too comfy to want to let go of you
and, subconsciously, he likes to trace patterns all over the exposed skin of your stomach
overall, a great person to sleep with
Jason Grace
my personal favorite for, uh, unrelated reasons
totally not because he’s literally my dream man no no
but hear me out, you won’t regret it
he’s canonically tall and muscular right
so just imagine resting against his delicious muscular chest and abs-
sorry i trailed off
he’s also a cuddler
but he’s kind of stiff in the beginning
like he’s completely touch starved
so he doesn’t really know how to act in situations like this
but the more you’re together the more he feels comfortable to cuddle and squeeze you
he loves to just pull you as close to himself as he can and bury his nose on your hair
because you just smell to good to not do that
he’s also a sweet talker
he just LOVES to whisper cute words in your ear as you’re about to fall asleep
and the first time he told you he loved you was one of these times
you were almost falling asleep in his arms and he just whispered “i love you”
you couldn’t even understand what happened until the next morning
he is the best person to sleep with
he absolutely loves when you just curl up in a ball beside him while he’s reading
he gets all fuzzy inside
he’s literally melting
he just loves you too much
Leo Valdez
look, don’t get me wrong, i love leo
but i don’t think he’d be the best cuddler in the world
for the simple reason that i think so
if u don’t like it just sush
BUT he absolutely loves to sleep on top of you with his head in your chest
i just know it
this is like super Leo Valdez of him
and you can’t tell me he doesn’t purr when you caress his hair
cause OF COURSE he does that
he’s the best person to sleep with in winter and fall, cause he keeps you warm and happy
but in the summer… not as good, i’ll have to admit
like, he’s too hot
in both senses of the word
so you just get overheated
not that you’re really complaining tho
it’s worth it
oh, and he LOVES to whisper words in spanish in your ear before sleep
if you can’t speak spanish, he’ll say… not so innocent things
our latino king fr fr
and if you can speak spanish he’ll just say how much you smell good or how pretty you are or how much he loves you-
not a cuddler, but a very good person to sleep with anyways
Frank Zhang
he’s tall and muscular
what more can i ask for my personal pillow?
oh, being a lowkey GENTLEMAN with every living being he interacts with
ok maybe that was a little bit out of context
but whatever
back to sleeping with him
if you want a best human pillow, you won’t find it
especially cause charlie died so-
i’m deeply sorry for that. not really.
he loves loves LOVES when you lay on top of him
it’s his favorite position ever
and he also loves when he can hold you
but not literally cuddle
just you laying with him, curled up against his chest but with your face to him, y’know?
i don’t know if it makes much sense
he likes to braid your hair while you’re falling asleep for you to sleep better
hazel taught him and he absolutely loves to do it in you
in the beginning of the relationship, you usually went to sleep with a dog or a cat
he was too nervous, okay? leave him alone
well, he got over it, thanks to you obviously
but sometimes he still sleeps as a dog
especially if you ask him to do it
he’ll be like “sure, if you want if” but deep down he loves it
it’s just too sooting for him when you curl up against him as a dog and pet his fur
its one of his favorite ways to sleep with you
Luke Castellan
oh, luke
i’ll never admit the uncommonly enormous crush i have on you
he’s just too hot
also i have a thing for blondes (hey jason and annabeth and a lot of other peopleee)
well, enough of me, let’s talk about this walking piece of MEAT
he love love loves to sleep cuddled up with you
like, it’s his favorite thing in the world
the only problem (if you consider it a problem. i personally don’t) it’s because he has to sleep holding at least one of your tits
he says it makes him sleep better
technically it does, because his hands are cold and your boobs are warm
but it’s mostly because he really likes ‘em
he’s not gonna tell you that, tho
he loves when you lay on top of him and lets him caress your hair
bros seriously whipped
he’d be damned if you told him you want to sleep alone
he’ll literally become a whiny baby until you surrender
and if you don’t, the next morning he’ll be so grumpy
but that’s obviously until you give him a kiss
if the kiss doesn’t fix, another thing will
cuddles, duh
dirty mind
if you like to wake up early for morning walks, he’ll wake up and watch you get ready
but most likely never join you
Charles Beckendorf
best human pillow EVER
only god knows how much envy i felt from silena for real
he loves cuddling ofc
but it’s not his favorite way of sleeping
he’d rather much more hold you against his chest, arms and legs interlocked
because in that way he can hug, admire and kiss you anytime he wants to
i don’t know if this position makes sense help-
he loves to caress your hair and kiss your head in the process
it’s soothing for him and he knows it’s soothing for you
whenever he comes back from bunker nine super exhausted he just lays down and you hop beside him
and it’s heaven in his eyes
sometimes when things go wrong in a project he's working on he goes straight to your cabin and just stares at you
biggest puppy eyes in the world by the way
he just stares in a way like "please let me sleep here"
and who are you to say no am i right
he LOVES to snuzzle his face in your neck and breath in your scent
he just loves the way you smell
it's just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off of you
sorry i love 10 things i hate about you too much
your smell is one of his favorite things in the whole world
he's just so in love is sickening to anyone who's watching
anyways, cutie pie
a/n pt2: i'm sorry if charlie is short, but im too annoyed right now. i had to rewrite this shit five times because TUMBLR COULDNT SAVE THE FUCKING DRAFT HOLY SHIT- anyways hope u liked
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thehighladywrites · 2 months
this is not a request just. thinking. ik you’re writing the boys as plugs but have we considered. the women.
elain would %100 make her own edible pastries and give them to you in those colourful baggies with a bow. she’d invite you over to “make sure the new recipe I use is good for the next batch.” the watch movies and end up napping on the couch type
feyre would be the best if you’re a newbie and ever curious about anything. %100 is a bit of a push over for you and sometimes gives you a lil gram extra and offer to smoke with you. she would probably teach you (if you dont know) why you should put ice in your bong. i just know she smokes and paints. probably does art nights with you.
Nesta is pretty abrupt, definitely a one and done we dont small talk plug, but she is there for you if you need (like if you’re a newbie and greened out or paranoid or whatever) because she knows how scary it can be to feel out of control with your body. (replace her trouble with canon alcoholism with getting high every night. she knows how it can get to you.) tells you to drink water and sleep it off but is still hanging around when you wake up ‘just in case’.
mor is the plug thats more like a friend. would end up smoking half of the stuff she just sold you because you guys wanted to sesh and hang out. probably gossips about her other customers when you two get really close
idk anything for amren she probably only uses like cbd oils idk :/
anon i dont even know what else to add, this is so perfect😭😭😭 yess i’m agreeing with everything
also amren would probs smoke joints. i imagine her having one between her long manicured nails, she probs use magic on them to make them even more strong/she mixes in some crazy shit orrrr she has a cart, a fancy ass pen with diamonds and gem stones. when she offers u a hit, ur high for hourssss her shit goes crazy tbh, it’s probably borderline venomous
elain would have her own garden where she grows her supply, i imagine she’s a girl plug who have the cutest packages, they’re all pink with cute stickers that say “thanks for supporting my small business”
feyre is the curious one, down to try literally anything. so down to earth and would get high with you and paint you naked. she has one of those loose shirts with buttons and a pair of shorts, her hair is loosely braided as she mixes her colors, she’s so hot i literally need her rn
nesta is so real, like the helping out when u green out part is so accurate. ut her fav customer and she wants to make sure ur okay, she says it’s because she doesn’t wanna loose clients but in reality she likes u. she also throws in extra g’s but doesn’t say shit ab it
mor is forsure the friend turned plug, she put you on to her supply and ever since u buy everything from her. fav activity is eating infused food in public/meetings and trying to act normal. like at the high lords meeting, you eat a shit ton of edibles and then try to concentrate but it’s very obvious bc you both look stoned and you’re paying too much attention to peoples words, it’s not natural
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kyber-crystal · 11 months
For requests, maybe something with rooster where you like to play little tiktok pranks on him. like imagine telling him you paid $200 for premium air in your tires or supergluing a jar and he can't open it lol 😭😭 I just think he would have the best reactions to all of them
HAIJHSOJNSOJXN I JUST BUST OUT LAUGHING READING THIS (also despite being on tiktok i’m not super up to date on all the pranks bc they haven’t shown up a lot on my fyp. but i HAVE seen some stuff here and there so i will mostly be going off that haha). anyway i’m so sorry this was genuinely so cringe bc i haven’t done headcanons in a while but i hope it makes u laugh anyway :)) i have a better one shot coming your way i promise
rooster is the prankster of the group
but there’s only one person that can outdo him: you
this man practically falls to his feet when he sees you and worships the ground you walk on and somehow YOU CANT SEE IT
what this basically means is he will literally drop whatever he’s doing to listen to you
miraculously, cyclone is in a good mood, and thus decides to grant everyone three days off
this is the perfect time for you to mess with little rooster’s head :)
you know you go to the beach to play volleyball every friday. and this friday is supposed to be the hottest day of the month
this means that rooster will burn almost as quickly as he tans
while he’s busy chatting up some “game plan” with coyote, you swap out the sunscreen spray in his jacket pocket for baby oil
SO THEN he comes over to put it on, and not even ten seconds later he’s all shiny and sparkly and you try your hardest not to laugh (and gawk a little bc holy that man is TONED)
you’re able to get about 2 rounds in when he notices
“why do i smell like i just waltzed through a lavender field.”
“hmmmmmmmmm no idea” you smiled at him innocently
“it was you, wasn’t it” and he goes chasing after you as you shriek at the top of your lungs
(he managed to tackle you down and although you get a bit sand in your mouth and hair you count it as a win because you took him completely by surprise AND you got to see his bare chest but you wouldn’t fucking dare admit that to him, his ego is big enough as it is. rooster 0-you 1)
ok later that evening @ the hard deck, he’s on a phone call with one of his old college friends. for this one, you team up with hangman to hand him some of the most random things while he’s talking
you start off normal at first, like with a beer, then your hair tie (he always wears at least 3-4 of these on his wrist bc you always end up needing one at some point in the week.)
then hangman hands him a cube of ice. literally a cube of ice. but rooster barely reacts to this and just pops it into his mouth
then a lightbulb goes off in your head
knowing that rooster has an irrational fear of ladybugs, you quickly go out to the back to find one
then you come back and hold your hand out to him
and rooster, being rooster, LOVES physical contact (especially if it’s from you), and takes your hand in his as he continues talking
but then the bright red ladybug crawls onto his wrist and he almost immediately hangs up, drops the phone, and SCREAMS in the middle of the bar
you and hangman share a secret high five at this
but ALSOOO you kind of feel bad for scaring the shit out of the poor guy
that night you’re too lazy to walk back to your place so rooster offers to let you stay with him
and duh you say yes (it’s def bc you’re getting extra opportunities to pull pranks on him and not bc you have a fat crush on him and are hoping he’ll notice even though you’re the least obvious lil shit and prefer to show you care ab him by asking if he wants anything from costco or his fav restaurant down the street)
he ends up sleeping in the next morning, and you’re up pretty early, so you decide to make breakfast
you make a mental note to yourself to go on a grocery run together next week bc you were almost out of strawberry jam
he comes downstairs w/ messy hair and sits down at the counter
and he tries to open the jar of jam
but it won’t budge
he keeps trying for a minute straight but then gives up
so his eyes immediately go over to you and you play dumb
“i didn’t do anything i swear!”
“i’m innocent!”
he suddenly brushes your cheek with his thumb and you find this a bit strange since it’s so sudden. and still, your heart does that annoying thing where it skips a beat every time he touches you
“superglue…” he murmured. “i wonder how that got here?”
hahahahahahahaha you sure wonder. it’s not like you stole it while he was sleeping one night
later that night you ask him if he wants to go for a drive down by the coastline and he says yes.
“yknow, i paid $200 to get premium air for these bad boys!” you told him as you started the engine.
“for my tires!”
he looks flabbergasted
“y/n, i think you got scammed”
you keep driving anyway, the car did NOT feel any different like the mechanic promised it would
but you were no way in hell about to admit that to an already smug looking bradley bradshaw
rooster has finally, FINALLY started to catch onto your antics
so he starts scheming all week to figure out how to get back at you
during this week you’re extremely busy flying back and forth with payback, lessons with maverick, and staying up way too late with phoenix to talk about the latest season of your favorite show
so you don’t even notice that he hasn’t been around for a hot min
then one thursday afternoon right after you got out of the shower, you get a text from him that tells you he’s grabbing some fancy dinner with the guys in an hour and to dress fancy
this has you SCRAMBLING to change bc the place he’s referring to is absolutely legendary
so you show up to the restaurant all polished up and find him in a private booth in the back
rooster is suddenly speechless bc when he told you to dress nice, he didn’t expect you to look like an actual angel
“y/n…you look beautiful”
“thank you…but hey, where is everyone?”
“running a bit late, they should be here soon”
so you order first and wait. and wait. but nobody else shows up
and suddenly the space between you two felt like it had been chopped in half and now you were sitting a lot closer than you remembered
“okay i lied, i’m sorry” he says all of a sudden and you’re like huh tf u talkin ab “i never asked them to come. this is a date. we’re on a date.”
“we are?”
so in the end…it’s ultimately you who gets pranked :)
:) :) :) :) :)
taglist (add yourself here!): @uwiuwi @queenbbarnes @cosm1cfae @ellabellabus07 @vitanileon @criminalyetminimal @whatlovegattado @and-claudia @bittergomez @julia-marshal @elenavampire21 @totomoshi @lyn-lc @lunamoonbby @paintballkid711 @yeehawnana @hazelgirl355 @spawn0fsatan @teacactusworld @icemansgirl1999 @cherry-waved @littlebadariell @tallrock35 @hoedameronsworld @aerangi
also quick PSA: my taglist spreadsheet hasn’t been updated in a while so this list may not be completely accurate, sorry for any inconveniences : ‘/
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yonemurishiroku · 10 months
What r some of ur hcs about this ship?
Ok. I usually don’t spill the beans about what I plan to write (mainly bc I need to keep up the motivation), but this would be an exception bc I always make exception for rarepairs.
Anw. About Clovis and Nico.
I have many jumbling thoughts about them but Ig it all comes down to two things:
1/ Their stories
2/ Their powers, down to their very core.
When I say the stories, here’s the thing
Nico has a lot of history, whereas Clovis does not. Obviously. Nico has been around as the deuteragonist since book 3, whereas Clovis barely makes an appearance. The difference in their screen time is abyssal.
But look at it in the normal way. If Nico was to play a character, what does that make Clovis?
An observer.
Why? Because Clovis, as it turns out, has the potential to be the one who knows the most, seeing as the Hypnos’ cabin is literally the central station of the highway through which all dreams must pass through.
And dreams, essentially, are just fragments of one’s life stories.
So look at it this way. Nico is a character. Clovis is the observer, and from that, a story teller.
- He is frankly a stranger but he may know a lot more about Nico than a mere stranger would. Isn’t that romantic? (A little creepy but let’s not delve on that)
- Nico wouldn’t be alone. He might think he’s alone, but if we take in the assumption that Clovis knows about his struggles, he might offer silent help without prying too much.
Think of it this way. You’re struggling and you’re just so tired but every way you look at is a dead-end. And then suddenly someone comes and takes your hand and opens a new door and you just collapse in their arms crying as they tell you “It’s gonna by okay”
- Clovis is a son of the Underworld too. What does it mean? It means the “ppl don’t like children of hades” doesn’t mean shit. Clovis would be the exception to whatever Nico has had to deal with from CHB.
- Rick makes Nico an insomnia and I’m monopolizing it for Clovico bc not letting Clovis in this is obviously Clovis-erasure. The potential is hitting me in the face. I’m sending Nico off to Hynpos’ cabin at every chance I get.
- Sleep dates every night bc I SAID SO. Nico getting over his touch-fright thanks to piling up in pillows and blankets with the Hypnos children so much.
- Clovis falling asleep during meetings bc he has Nico relaying everything to him later. Bonus point if he is actually laying on Nico’s shoulders and everyone’s like “shouldn’t we address that” but Nico’s like “Shhh” 😭😭😭
- Brewing tea and warming milk for each other!
- Morning routine: opening eyes - “Do u feel like up and shining?” - “Nah” - proceeds to return to sleep until Austin comes rapping on the door
- “We have a date” and all ppl see them doing is just sleeping. JOKE’S ON THEM tho bc they’re having the best dates ever in the dreamland
Which brings us to the second point vvvv
Their powers overlap in one thing, and that is the dreams.
Throughout the series, we have been shown: Olympus, Erebus, Tartarus, Atlantis (idk ab that tho). You know what we haven’t touched?
The dreamscape.
No, not the misleading nightmares/ illusions of Epiales in TSATS. I mean the dreamscape. The land of one’s living mind.
It’s literally a new world right there.
And oh would you look at that. Who could enter this realm? Oh right! Children of Hades and Hypnos.
Nico and Clovis (and other children of Hypnos Morpheus ofc) have a whole world to themselves, no shit.
- Here’s a thing I like ab what Rick did in HOO: Through the dreams, Nico could connect with the Hypnos cabin in general and Clovis in specifics, thousands of miles away from them.
So what does this mean? It means that, no matter where Nico is, he can always find his way to Clovis.
Just fall asleep and then let his dream lead him.
Isn’t that romantic - that the one you love would always be there, behind your eyelids? 🫶🥰 And you can always see them just by closing your eyes?
Nico could be at the other side of the globe and they’d still be seeing, touching each other every day/night. Look me in the eyes and tell me another couple who could do it.
- The whole thing about death being a big, undisturbed sleep. But it’s 1:30 am i don’t have th willpower
- I have a whole thing which is Alice in Wonderland AU but again i have nothing
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scuderiahoney · 5 months
i come bearing more questions just because i felt like it :>
are u a makeup girlie? if yes, what are 3 things u can't live without in ur makeup bag? if no, what is ur favorite physical feature of yours?
what's the most memorable interaction u've had on tumblr?
do u have any piercings? if yes, where?
describe ur typical ootd
do u read any other people's fics? if so, drop your recommendations (can be fics/accounts, your choice)
i also now want a latte bc of the questions i asked u...
hiii again :)
i’m a makeup girlie in the sense of… my three must haves are my only three items? tinted sunscreen, cream blush, and mascara!
oh man! one of the bugs ones was when i posted my first couple fics and blogs that i followed started reblogging them. that was wild. also one time someone said my fic made them yodel. still thinking ab that
i do! my ears are pierced and I have a nose piercing :)
biiiiig sweatshirt girlie. typically wide leg jeans and a crew neck.
i do!! recs as follows: @theemporium @forzalando @enchantecafe @piastrification ;) and so many more wonderful people who im def forgetting
i forgot to tell you! i tried to get a chai latte yesterday but they gave me a normal one instead. i was extremely disappointed
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froggymarsh · 8 months
i was wonderin if u have any (more) little!grian thoughts? m actually super tiny (on call with mama >:3) so i’m thinking about it a lot… baby bird go brrrrrr…!!!!
i personally like it when scar and mumbo are his caregivers, i think tha scar would b super silly but mumbo would be very nervous, at least at first!! i hc tha scar has lots of cg experience but mumbos never done it before!! they’re so silly to meee i’m normal (autistic) ab them lol
(also may i b 🌟 anon? if u do that?)
can do !!
Grian does NOT like regressing. doesn't like regressing, hates being small. it makes him feel weak and vulnerable and he hates having to ask for help, so it's really hard to him to get into that sort of headspace.
if he had his way he would never ever regress, ever ever ever, and if he absolutely had to regress then nobody would know about it!!! not even mumbo !!!
but. unfortunately, (for him), he does regress.
He's got a collection of age ranges- most of his casual regression (the stuff he does to avoid the brunt of it) is a lot older, from 10 to around 19 or so. being a teen makes him feel like he can get away without having a caregiver. he's old enough to look after himself !!
when he isn't casually regressing, (either because he was triggered by something or coaxed into it), then he's a lot younger. anywhere from 4-9, usually hovering around 5 or 6. (this is the age range scar usually bonks him down to)
when he's SUPER triggered by something he freaks out a LOT and gets absolutely tiny- this is when he's around 0-1. babyspace man, cannot talk, cannot move on his own. cries a lot.
he's always trying to cling to ages that give him the ability to DO things, so he tends to try to be as old as he can- so he's only in babyspace when something really really negatively triggering happened.
uuuhm personally i like watcher!grian so he's a watcher! personal watcher headcanons give him the ability to look into other worlds, peek at what his friends are doing, and give him shapeshifting abilities. normally he just uses his shapeshifting to give himself different types of wings, but when he's regressing he will lose control over the shapeshifting, and he will shift to look the age he feels like.
because mumbo consumed his soul in season 8, mumbo has shapeshifting as well, but it only really happens by accident while he's regressing. (mumbo doesn't mind, he likes being small enough to be picked up)
Scar, Mumbo, and Iskall are his main caregivers! other folks jump in where they can, (mostly soup group and sometimes cub if he's around). Grian claims to have no caregiver at all, he's so super big and doesn't need one, but when he's feeling smaller than normal he'll find himself gravitating towards Scar or Mumbo , depending on who's online and around and not busy.
Scar is super no-nonsense and does NOT put up with any of his crap. they sat down and talked about what the arrangement meant for the two of them- exactly what scar would be doing as a caregiver, what rules they have set in place, all those kinds of things. Scar will make Grian follow the rules they set in place- they're rules for a reason. he enforces them, punishes grian if he fights them too much, and all of this sounds negative but scar isn't mean!!
he enforces rules but he's also like. will pop in and make grian cookies out of nowhere. he knows all of grian's tells and will sneakily bonk him so the kid stops stressing himself out over stuff, so he can sit down and actually plan out the rest of his builds, so he can SLEEP once in a while. jellie is a sort of familiar to him, or is just kinda somehow always around, so he asks her to give grian cuddles all the time. she is excellent to hold during panic attacks or if he's trying to get kiddos to sleep.
on a good spoon day he will let grian ride around on his shoulders (the kid can shapeshift, and bird bones make him super light), on a bad spoon day he'll sit in bed with the kid and they'll color together or watch movies or play games.
Scar calls him things like uhh Little G, G-man, little bird, baby bird, sweet thing, fledgling, pretty bird, etc.
Scar is very clumsy and silly and all around a good time. very much lives up to his name this guy yes yes
Mumbo would be nervous at first, yes !! in season 6 when they're just getting used to each other and Grian is. Grian. he's super nervous about it and doesn't know what to do the first time Grian crashes with his elytra and starts sobbing his eyes out. it's a learning experience for both of them
Nowadays Mumbo's kinda like Scar?
and i'm realizing this as im typing, maybe i have them mixed up. Mumbo would be no nonsense, doesn't let Grian get away with breaking rules and things and Scar would be weak to puppy dog eyes and let Grian get away with stuff probably.
hmmm. idk. they're pretty similar this is probably fine sjdkflsj
depends on the day, i guess. maybe different grian ages. they're good at reading his tells, adapting to what the kid needs. most of the time they're pretty firm with rules, but if g needs them to be a little softer then they'll back off a bit and bend the rules a little :3
mumbo learned the hard way not to let grian near any form of. anything, (build, redstone, etc) when he's little cause it WILL get ruined beyond repair unfortunately,
Mumbo calls him bud and buddy and that's about it i think
uhhh what else. the rest of the people i said babysit and they're all nice and bend the rules all the time for grian and he gets away with so much. little bugger sjflksj
uuuhm what else. he has a baby blanket that he lugs around during mornings when he doesn't want to get out of bed, and he will beg his caregivers at night to let him warm up the blanket in the dryer or something so it can be toasty for him while he tries to sleep :3
he likes stuff that makes noise, so he has a few rattles and fidgety things that make noise
he has exactly ONE decorated pacifier- a gift from mumbo- the rest are plain cause the decorated one stresses him out he doesn't want to ruin it
he HATES onesies. he does have a parrot one and he hates it when they make him wear it cause it's childish and dumb and they can only get him to put it on when he's an entire baby <3
he has a little plush canary- a gift from the bad boys. its name is Rye :3 - he would probably have more plushes but idk what they would be tbh
has a couple of lightly decorated bottles and sippy cups, some with stickers or just the default designs in red and blue
and now. diaps.
he wets the bed sometimes, so he wears protection at night!
likes diaps that fit his aesthetic- so mostly red and bird themed. does NOT like wetness indicators cause he hates it when people can tell he's wet
sometimes wears them during the day because he'll get absorbed into a build and forget he has bodily functions (or ignores his bodily functions until it's too late, unfortunately,)
usually tries to change himself but does ask for help if he's small enough.
i need to watch more bigb but now i'm thinking about little g with caregiver bigb......
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webslingingslasher · 2 months
“hey, i might not wait til marriage but you are and that's fucking cool”🥹🥹🥹 this is so cute and made me feel so good AHHH <3
okay I need to SPILL.
first I wanna say i know this isn’t a big deal and when I eventually talk to him about it, he’ll be reassuring but I’m freaking out first and i wanna talk to the girlies first instead, but I do feel like I can tell him (bc if u can’t talk ab these things w someone, you shouldn’t have sex w them in the first place)
but bro I am FREAKING out HDNDNDND. we’ve been looking at rings. he hasn’t proposed because he said he still wants me to be surprised and stuff but we got carried away talking one night and he let it slip that he wants to marry me and somehow we started looking at rings. we went to a couple shops just to get general ideas bc I have no idea what I want!!
ANYWAYS. I was super excited and I had a full blown freak out earlier😀 I’ve been waiting til marriage my whole life (I’m 23) but he hasn’t, he had multiple sexual partners in high school and college and a couple before he met me. I was just thinking ab our future wedding night bc it’s getting super real now and I don’t think it’ll be that far in the future and I was like omfg. this whole wait and it’ll be over in one night. like “that’s so exciting, FINALLY” type thing bc the wait has been hard😭 I’m just a girl and he’s soodkdjdkskskksskso sexy😭
and then I was like…. It’s all over in one night
and I was like, wait. I’m a virgin virgin. he isn’t. even just fingering/head (which I literally cannot WAIT for😭) is gonna be new bc I’ve never had another guys fingers in me and whatever. and I’m not nervous at all, I’m so excited, I’ve waited so long as u can imagine JDJDKDK but I was like realistically, it’ll probably be overwhelming. and then ur meant to do everything in one go? even in most ‘normal’ relationships where people aren’t waiting till marriage, you don’t usually go from 0-100 in a single night😭 that’s kinda insane. like ‘oh you’ve only kissed a boy? well here is literally everything under the sun!”
and I think I just realised today, for the first time, that maybe that wont realistically be what I want. like doing some things and then the rest after. like we’re gonna be married forever (that’s the plan😭) so we have all this time to go it yk. not that I’d necessarily wanna wait super long after we’re married, but I just feel kinda… bad. like, he’s waited this whole time, just for me. imagine we get married and he’s super excited to finally get to hit and in like “actually……..🤣”
idk. I just feel a little alone because even the religious/non-religious ppl I know (who decided to wait just because), none of them felt this way. they were so ready to just jump in and start boning (as they should bc the wait hasn’t been easy😭) but idk I feel… idk. I feel like that might not be me, like I feel like I might need a little more time just to get used to like, everything in reality yk. bc it’s all fun and games saying it rn but I realised earlier, when I started really thinking about it, that I haven’t done anything and realistically, even ppl that don’t wsit need more time yk.
he obviously won’t make me feel bad for this either, he’s not a monster & he’s very understanding but I’m just spiralling.
this might not even be a problem, realistically the second we’re married I might not even make it to the after party and just be like “dick in me now pls” but… ifkdjdjddjdjw
I’m thinking too much lol. I’ve waited 23 years and it’s so real now that my mind is spinning. I’m sorry for the ramble but thank u for listening & for the girlie talk JDJDJDX💗💗💗💗💗💗 i love u so much
(I am sooo ready to get married tho😭💗)
i am so happy for you both!!! i really wish you the best of luck!
i think him being experianced will help out so much in the long run, but girl, there's nothing to worry about! if he's waited this long, what's a little more? like you said, you may change your mind but you said you wanted to wait until marriage. so i'm with you, why does it have to be your wedding night?
it sounds like he's going at your pace and he's in no rush to bed you either. you already know you're gonna talk to him about this so kudos! and coming from me, it sounds like you're ready for sex and that's awesome.
you're excited and that's the most important. (after loving and trusting your man.) trust me, it'll be worth the wait and i can't wait to hear about the proposal!
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screampied · 5 months
i love ur writing sm idk like im kicking my feet giggling screaming sobbingn into my pillow ☹️ would give u the biggest sloppiest kiss on the mouth if i could for feeding us more yummy wummy in my tummy content of these delicious men to consume 🙏🙏
as you can tell i’m so normal about them
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I'm glad u enjoy ofc ofc!! same same im totally normal ab these men 💁. mwah but!!!! i appreciate u, my luv, kiss kiss smooch <3333
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circular-bircular · 7 months
i think the phrase "Strictly speaking, there are far more singlets that plurals" is kinda a strange phrase. because if we view pluraltity and systemhood as a binary opposite to singlets, and you either are one or the other, maybe yes. but i do think it is a spectrum, and there's more people who lean really close (if not 100%) on the singlets side, but there are people who are between being singlets and being plurals, and there are people who aren't singlets but who are also not plural (systems like u) or people who are systems but who also identify as singlets, or people who are both systems and plural (either at the same time as one thing (ie, plural systems) or as distinct experiences but parellel (plurals who are systems or systems who are plural) and such)
i think there is something to be said about normality and healthiness and such, because in reality there is no true normal, and you can be as abnormal as abnormal can ab the normal, but you can still be healthy. similarly, you can be very normal and also very unhealthy in some (or many) ways. also, perspectives on normal change from culture to culture and land to land, so it can vary. in some places, systemhood/plurality is the norm, and in many others, it's definitely singlets that rule / are the norm.
also, ofc i think hearing characters isnt inherently plural. there's many non-plural reasons why someone might experience hearing characters (ie, active imagination plus vivid inner narrator, hallucinations, them actually being alters and not headmates (if we're separating plurals from systems at least, some are one in the same but some are different), etc), and while it can definitely be a plural experience, it's like how people can have DID and have parts but still consider themself a singlet / not a system or plural in the way others do. im really shocked people say it's inherently a system/plural thing. yes, maybe everyone has the capabilities of being a system/plural, but not everyone is or will be, and some experiences are just... experienced different by different people.
All of this has been really cool to think about — genuinely, thanks for your insights. I wasn’t particularly considering plurality as a spectrum (sometimes can be hard to wrap my head around that) so thanks for reminding me of that.
Also, I do… vaguely see myself as plural?? It’s hard. The alienation is strong from the plural community. I used to strongly identify with the label and still do, but I feel almost like I can’t due to a lot of factors.
I also like your additions about normality. I have complex thoughts that my brain can’t put to words atm, but I wanna emphasize that normal isn’t a synonym of healthy, and abnormal doesn’t mean unhealthy.
Last addition, to loop back to the whole writer thing: the “this is inherently plural” thing has been frustrating, particularly because I don’t think EVERYONE I’ve seen talking about it is meaning it that way. A lot of the time, I see folks say, “it’s not normal to hear your characters autonomously in your mind, you should consider the idea that you’re plural!!” And while that’s valid… it is absolutely a “normal” experience — what people who read that interpret that as is “this isn’t a singlet experience.” And singlets do experience it.
I’ve seen at least 3 people now start identifying as plurals and systems *directly because* “well I hear my characters in my head and that’s apparently plural!” And while, again, this could be fine (not my place to tell folks what they’re experiencing), it had led to genuine distress in people I know. I hate seeing folks in distress like that over something that might just be… well. A “normal” experience. Not sure how else to describe it rn.
Anyways. Lordie. I’m gonna head to therapy now. Thanks again for your insights — it’s given me a lot to think about!!!
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s-4pphics · 11 months
I ALSO HAVE ANOTHER ONE WITH THAT SAME TEACHER (I don't think she was a teacher I'm pretty sure she was a dean but whatever) but it was a diff teacher this time and she was holding the gates for us so we can go home and while I was walking me and this girl were arguing and she called me fat so I called her a fatass back and ig the teacher who was holding the gate didn't hear when she called me fat so she said "oh you're fat too" like? YOURE A WHOLE ASS TEACHER CALLING A CHILD FAT? and then the teacher who called me out in the lunchroom LAUGHS AT THE JOKE (I went to a school in the hood too as a black girl so this was kinda normal I also didn't tell my mom ab this so that's why the teacher didn't get any consequences for saying allat) and the way I have so many of these stories too
omg there was this one time in elem where i befriended a new student i’ll never forget that hoe anyway
i befriended her and i thought we had gotten pretty close over the next couple of months like we had lunch together everyday and we were neighbors so we would play after school a lot
she ends up befriending this other broad and they get super close and she just stops talking to me like i was still around them and whatever but she was treating me like a damn ghost🙄🙄 even moreso when she got her little shitty booty boyfriend
anyway time passes and it’s the last day of school before summer break and i’m looking for her so i can say bye and give her a hug. i found her, that girl and her boyfriend standing by the tetherball court and she’s like giving the two of them something out of a gift bag. i walk over and ask what they were and she was like “oh i collect rare shells and i’m giving them to my best friends” and when i asked well…. where tf is mine at she was like “oh i dont have one for u no hard feelings tho”
LIKE I LAUGH AT IT NOW BC FUCK ALLEM HOES but my little girl feelings were really hurt at the time like😞😞😞
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quillsink · 2 years
my troy + abed + annie roommate HCS!! tagging @abednadirsgf (no pressure btw obv)
troy and abed are Obsessed with bubble wrap. they just are. abed sometimes carries a bit with him to fiddle with and one time the two of them go Crazy and tape bubble wrap to the dreamatorium walls, floor, and ceiling and spend a day in there just popping all of it.
yk how in remedial chaos theory we see abed fiddling w a pencil? he does that All The Time and i hc he picked it up frm annie like she does that when she’s nervous and he picked it up. aaaagh i just love shared/influenced mannerisms we are all mosaics of everyone we love!!!
AND!! in relation to my last hc the REASON he picked it up is bc the two of them study together (I Love Them.) like yea it starts out as spanish bc the group never actually studies and they both want good grades but then it jusr becomes them Vibing together. abed will bring his film class stuff and annie’ll have her administration work and they’ll just vibe in annie’s room, abed sitting cross legged on the bed pencil behind his ear whistling doodling cameras and scribbling concepts on a notepad while typing up a script and annie’s lying on her stomach next to him highlighting a textbook!!
at first it’s just them studying in silence or abed asking annie a q ab spanish but one day abed is having a Brain Not WorkTM day and has a midterm tomorrow and is Freaking Out and troy’s at dance class so abed’s like “hey annie. hey annie are you free” in this very calm voice. and she’s like hey sure what’s up. and he’s like oh nothing i’m just going insane what about you. and she’s like What and he starts pacing and ranting and she’s like hooooly shit dude chill. and then they sit on her bed together and annie opens her laptop and opens a folder titled “ADHD” and then flips through a bunch of stuff til she finds the executive dysfunction doc, and she says “ik adhd and autism aren’t exactly the same, but executive dysfunction is a shared symptom so maybe this can help!!” and she walks abed through some techniques she uses and they work and he just gives her one of his little smiles and says “thanks :]”. and he’s mentally like hmm. i want a hug but how do socialise. agh. and she’s like “AWWW ofc abed!!” and hugs him and he does his little :] smile again and hugs her back!!!
all three of them hold hands, this is because they are best friends and they love each other, btw. if u even care. 
annie helps troy realise he has adhd!!! he casually mentions stuff here and there like memory loss and some auditory processing difficulties and shes like “ohh yea that sucks huh!! adhd can be the worst sometimes :/” and he’s like sorry the What. and she explains adhd, and he’s like. tell me more. and then it somehow winds up as a montage with a powerpoint and one of those boards with red yarn because it’s community, it’s annie, of COURSE it does, and soon troy’s like, wow. holy fuck. okay wow this explains a lot. and then has a slight anxiety attack like holy SHIT this changes EVERYTHING im not normal aaaaaaAAAA and starts rocking back and forth so annie freaks a bit bc holy shit what has she done to her best friend and then she just ends up holding him and tells him it’s okay, troy, it’s okay, you’re still who you are, now, you jusr have an explanation, like. and she explains how she felt when she got her diagnosis, like the puzzle pieces fit together, and yes it sucks life can be harder bc of adhd but also learning ab it explains it all. and then she gets out her computer and shows him all the folders and tips and he’s like. holy shit i love u. 
They Are Cuddly. these are some touchstarved motherfuckers. like troy and annie are very physically intimate w friends but abeds a little more hesitant bc he’s scared of reading things wrong. but he learns w troy and annie they’re okay with it. they initiate and enjoy hugs and hand holding and cuddling and they smile at him if he initiates it so he stops being worried about it and soon the three of them are just Like that. avg friday night u look in at apartment 303 u see them all huddled on the couch, abed curled into troy’s side and annie sprawled across the two of them holding abed’s hand with her head on his shoulder. I Love Them So Much It Is Unreal.
btw. friday nights are movie nights for them. they will cancel every other appointment damn it all to hell friday nights are for Them and for Them only!!! they take turns picking the movies and they love it, annie makes microwave popcorn for her and troy and abed makes buttered noodles but still sneaks some of troy’s popcorn and he always puts two forks in the buttered noodles so troy can have some. even after they’ve all graduated and left when troy comes back to america whenever the trio meet up it’s always on a friday night, for old times’s sake.
okay wow this got long!! if u made it this far thank u for reading i love u here have a cookie 🍪 
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coldbones222 · 2 years
so y’all . I know from the shxt I post I prob sound toxic asf but I’m actually a deeply understanding person. I wanna tell y’all a bit ab myself so u can understand me better
I’ve been to mental hospitals 6 or 7 times I can’t remember which but def 6 at least and not 8 times so in between there. I’ve been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder , complex ptsd and major depressive disorder and i grew up moving around a lot. I went to a lot of different schools and never kept friends for long . I always just cut ppl off. Or ruined things bc I could.
those times I went to hospitals, I probably wouldn’t have went if I had someone to talk to abt what was going on, my mom couldn’t handle all of my issues and never listened to me. she’d get overwhelmed and so I turned to sh and s0bstances , a lot of them..
I’ve been completely sober for over a month now and on nov.12 it’ll be 2 months!!!!! it might not sound like long to some ppl but for me, I used to party so much, every single day, and used s0bstanzes recklessly . one time I d1ed and had to be brought back to l1fe at the emergency room bc of an od.
I’ve been given another chance at life and I want to be happy. The happiest times of my life in these 19 years so far have been when I was at my lw…
I’m not sharing that fact to encourage anyone to l0se lbs or to say u won’t be happy unless ur th1n . ur perfect the way u r. but for me, even tho I was diagnosed w atypical Ana (atypical bc my body weight isn’t underweight but everything else aligns with “normal” Ana. idk. I rly don’t understand it but the way I was treated made me feel so special. I’ve never felt more special and beautiful than when I was at my lw and that is my motivation.
I just wanted to share a little bit ab myself here bc I’m still pissed ab this girl I talked ab in a post a few hrs or so ago, the girl claiming she was in recovery and she didn’t like that I said recovery triggers me.
it made me mad bc I felt misunderstood. She said my post saying recovery triggers me was stupid asf.
but it’s not, to me. it never will be. I didn’t say that to be trendy or whatever she thought, or to be pro. I’m not pro except for myself , and i mean that. I look at ppl with so much love and respect no matter their weight.
it’s just with myself, I have experienced two completely separate lives. one when I was overweight, and one when I was at my lw. and the feelings I had then, I want back so badly. THAT is why I’m here on tumblr.
also to be there if anyone needs someone to talk to. it would make me feel better to be able to use what I’ve been through to be able to help someone else bc I’ve been through so much terrible shxt I couldn’t control and was dragged into by my family growing up. I just wanna be that person I wish I had to talk to during those hard times.
it doesn’t matter if nobody understands bc nobody is me, but I wanted to explain myself just bc I can. there is logic and emotion behind my actions , and I was triggered by that girl. she’s like so many ppl who tell me I don’t need to lose weight.
when ppl tell me I’m fine the way I am , it just makes me feel like they don’t see the happiness I see in me being th1n, which in turn makes me feel very alone.
ofc I hope someone reads even just a part of this post, bc I rly wanna feel seen and understood, not just some wannabe sk1nni girl.
the emotions I feel are very real and although what I post about may seem shallow, the feelings behind my posts run very deep.
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lqfiles · 1 month
oh and about the friend fallout,, i don’t even feel bad nor do i think i want to reconcile ever because im just angry at how things were handled and it’s now clear to me that he lacks a backbone and the lack of communication and confrontation skills is somehow worse than mine,, all of my (three) friends r saying im not at fault but ill always feel like i was in some way but the gist of it was literally just that his partner told him that they thought i didn’t like them. and he kept that information to himself instead of trying to resolve the problem, he kept hanging out with me and talking me like normal because we were basically best friends (i can’t imagine being friends w someone if ur partner thinks theres animosity towards them regarding said friend) and i didnt know they thought that up until i brought up that the partner removed me as a friend on FORTNITE 💀💀 all this bc of fortnite……goofy ass…. anyway he went on saying like it seems it’s just a misunderstanding and they felt like you weren’t talking to them when we played together and i noticed other things too (didn’t tell me what the other things were) then we were just radio silent for all of april until i noticed yesterday he broke our mutual on ig so i finished the job, broke our tiktok and fortnite mutual so its basically over. im not sad over it because i don’t want to be friends with someone who’s in a codependent relationship and can acknowledge it and not see the problem with it… the whole thing feels very much like middle school drama we are GROWN mfs are ab to be in their 20s bruh…
this was sooo long sorry but i can’t help it i have a need for gossip….
this is DEFINITELY not your fault. first off, why wouldn’t your friend ask you if you dislike his partner when finding out about that worry, it was never that serious to keep it to himself like what 😭 a quick “oh what do you think of x, be honest” would’ve done enough but instead he pretends like it isn’t an issue (even tho like u said his partner felt some type of way about u) secondly, the fact that YOU had to address it instead of him or his partner is strange because it was them that had an issue with you at first (without telling u) and you having to find out there is something up through fortnite is unserious as hell omgg this can’t be real 😭 thirdly, it doesn’t seem like you were looking for problems at all, seems more like you were trying to figure out WHT the problem was and he brushed it off before he completely ghosts you and silently removes you, i’m sorry but it was NEVERRRR this serious istggg??? both of them are very immature for their age, this is such a small issues that could’ve been resolved easily if both of them just were upfront with you 😭😭😭 it’s clear that he chose his partner over you too which.. okay.. but at least have the guts to say so :/ i’m sorry fren you deserve better people in your life than that and i believe you did well by removing him too. funnily enough i had something very similar happen where i didn’t talk to a friend for a day because of something they did that turned me off and then i check my private insta and find out she removed me with both her main and priv 💀💀 finished the job as well and haven’t talked to her ever since either (even tho we’re in the same class) AND FUNNILY ENOUGH she was also codependent on her partner 😭
i was talking about this with a classmate today about how i don’t think i could ever put a relationship above friendship.. it sounds bad but like idk i believe friends are more reliable than a relationship that requires a lot of trust in each other
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moonrisecoeur · 6 months
KISSES YOU bc ur so nice and patient and reassuring !?!?!? i literally AM so in love with you /j /j
i do genuienly get so happy to see pookie online tho like literally get too excited to see when u answer me like the freak i am 🥺
and i really get what u mean, its especially bad for me during depression episodes and i know saying this cannot stop the little rats in ur head either but! its soso hard but its just something u have to work on slowly, like communicating how u feel and not going thru w ur thoughts. like its soso hard n i know that from experience like it took me so long to actually start talking ab stuff that im afraid of or that bothers me, even if it takes a few days. im used to being hurt, but im also used to being loved too? and i cant let that go, and i love loving, and it hurts but i cannot imagine going back to when i refused to love so strongly bc its what keeps me going yk? i know what its like for ppl to fear my love n i dont want the ppl who love me to think that ever bc i love them sm. U R INCLUDED ILY
anyways on a lighter note- i am LITERALLY puppy anon!?!! i love dog leon!!! im literally writing werewolf leon hcs RIGHT NOW bc im so so so normal ab my puppyman. (im so attracted to werewolves.) hes gonna have multiple tags on his collar!!! we can share!!!!! im taking his leash too!!!!
im thinking sooo much ab excitable werewolf re2 leon its not even healthy! i literally have to keep taking breaks with what im writing bc i LITERALLY keep kicking my feet thinking abt him.
why are u joking. u shouldn’t be joking. you should be on your knees begging me to marry you obsessively in love with me. don’t joke about this this is serious.
but also!! yeah i try to be!! i usually just like to say the things that would help me to hear! obviously telling you ‘you’re not a bother’ is nice but at some point you don’t believe it when people say that!! because what if they’re lying just bc they feel bad and they wanna be nice to you but don’t really care for what you have to say? is that irrational? yes, yes it is. but i can’t blame ya!!
so instead i just acknowledge that the rats in ur head won’t believe me so i just !! i tell u that ur attention makes me feel popular instead of telling you you’re not bothering me and i tell u that i’m only being nice to u because i like u not because i feel like i have to be nice to u bc i’m nice to everyone.
fineeeee he can have multiple tags on his collar and you can hold his leash but i wanna pet behind his ears, watch him get all ditzy and happy from the tight leash and pets that he starts panting and drooling aifnsjsjdb im so so so sane
tell me about werewolf re2 leon. GIVE HIM TO ME NOW !! rahhhhhh
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