#(bc I absolutely am not ToT)
oodlesofowls · 8 months
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Inktober day 12: warm love <3
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burningcrab · 2 years
hiii crab hi. idk if you're still doing these but if you are. 🌻 + bo ruiz and/or tot best :]] i love They
write back soon, a fic about alieu’s very long letter to the shadows (including bo) in the two-day span between the besties shifting in and bo shifting in, and the consequences of it! oops alieu you accidentally convinced your friend to follow you out of the shadows
“I think we’re friends.”
“That sounds right!”
“I also think I’m mad at you.”
Borg nodded. “Yeah. I think I have that effect on people! I’m probably not supposed to be here.”
“Well, welcome to the Desert?” Alieu said with a shrug. He waved expansively at the expansive waves of sand. They rustled in the faint wind.
Borg smiled in a way that probably wasn’t visible through the mask. Huh! Borg hadn’t noticed the mask. “Thanks.” Pointing at a cactus, Borg said, “This is great. Love the décor! I can’t help but feel like, uh, it’s not what I’m here for? If that makes sense.”
Alieu frowned. “You shouldn’t be here at all. You should be back in the… the…” He rubbed his forehead. “Sorry. Lost my train of thought.”
“Yeah, I don’t remember either. Anything else besides sand and cacti?”
“There’s a giant purple eye that gives us confusing commands. But otherwise, no.” Alieu kicked some sand and watched it blow away. “Oh. And the ship.”
“The ship! Well, ships sound fun.”
“Nothing about the eye?”
Borg squinted up at the sky. “It’s alright. Wait, where — oh. Oh, wow.”
Alieu followed where Borg was looking. “Not too exciting.”
“Hey, friend.” Borg started tugging on his sleeve. “You gotta introduce me to them. I mean, wow!” Out of nowhere, without thinking, a deck of mismatched cards slipped into Borg’s hands. “This is definitely why I’m here.”
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vynegar · 2 years
regarding future s-chinese audio lines for vyn (jiang guangtao)
[please note that i am not fluent in chinese. i am only trying to translate the gist of this statement and there may be mistakes] 
On September 2, 2022, the official weibo for Tears of Themis posted a statement about future (S-Chinese) voiced lines for Vyn. [His S-Chinese voice actor is Jiang Guangtao.] Voicegem [the voice acting team that Jiang Guangtao founded and is a part of] has confirmed that Jiang Guangtao is temporarily unable to participate in audio recording.
After careful consideration, the Tears of Themis team has decided to use AI to create Vyn’s voiced lines. The first set of these will be officially released in the game on September 6 with the Gourmet Gastronomy event. They thank attorneys for their support and understanding.
[end translation of their statement]
The PV for the Gourmet Gastronomy event can be viewed here. Presumably, Vyn’s line is created by AI; his character voice in the post is also credited as “Vyn Richter”, instead of the name of the original voice actor like it is for the other men.
The reason for Jiang Guangtao’s unavailability is because he is being investigated for financial disputes. Here is a statement from his company’s weibo mentioning that.
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And here is an article that gives more information on the situation. For example, For All Time, another otome game that Jiang Guangtao voices a main character for, is also using AI to replace his character’s lines.
Original Tears of Themis weibo post here. The text is pasted below:
【《未定事件簿》莫弈后续语音调整说明】 亲爱的律师: 经项目组与@光合积木 沟通确认,莫弈配音演员@姜广涛 老师目前暂时无���参与语音收录的工作。 为避免后续游戏内莫弈相关语音资源的缺失,经项目组慎重评估,将基于逆熵AI技术制作莫弈语音。首批语音资源将在9月6日开启的「百味盈欢」活动中正式于游戏内上线。感谢各位律师的支持与理解。 《未定事件簿》项目组 2022年9月2日
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mcmorare · 1 year
On one of many evenings which answered the question, “what happens when you leave a bunch of ultra-repressed kids of strict religious families alone,” Katrina wove through the crowd of rowdy teens, partially-drunk bottle in hand. Honestly, this probably wasn’t anywhere close to a good idea. She’d told Ariane she wasn’t going out tonight. But she didn’t fucking care. She was too angry to care.
The moment her eyes locked on him from across the room, any bit of restraint went out the window. 
“Hey, liar!” she shouted, storming up to him. The bottle was tossed aside with little care for where it landed.
As Isaak turned and looked at her, taking in her slightly intoxicated, furious state, a smile of faux sympathy crossed his face. “Oh, Katrina. Don’t tell me you’re taking the breakup this hard.” 
She had half a mind to kick his fucking head in. “Shut the fuck up. What the fuck did I ever do to you? Why have you been such an asshole about all of this?” 
“Breaking up with you doesn’t make me an asshole, babe.”
“Don’t fucking call me that!” She stepped forward, rage etched into her expression. “And I broke up with you. After what you fucking did to me. Piece of shit.” 
The most infuriating part was that self-satisfied smile that wouldn't leave his face. “It’s your word against mine. And you’re drunk. You’re not remembering right.” 
“I’m remembering perfectly fucking clearly,” she said, voice shaking with anger. “And you told everyone a lie, you fucking jackass.” Not only that, but he’d told half the truth too - the half that put her in the most danger. 
“I didn’t lie, Katrina. Not my fault you don’t want to accept what happened.” He shrugged, leaning back. “Why would I lie?” 
She could think of a few reasons, but ultimately she didn’t care. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he had fucking done it. He had done it and he had made her life hell and she wanted to return the favor.
She stepped forward and raised her fist, but before she could get a punch in, a pair of arms were wrapped around her waist, holding her back. Ariane. 
“Fucking let me punch him!” she yelled, struggling to break away - but Ariane wouldn’t let go. Isaak watched, smirking. Almost laughing. The amount of rage she felt was like her heart could burn a hole in her chest. 
For a moment he opened his mouth to speak, but Ariane quickly cut him off. “You’d better fucking watch it or I’ll let her at you and then go in for seconds myself.” She started to guide Katrina away. “You’re a pathetic waste of space shitbag and I hope you burn in the deepest pits of hell, Isaak. You’d better watch your fucking back.” 
Once they started walking away, Katrina didn’t look back. Just let Ariane’s arm around her shoulders guide her until the sounds of the chatter died out, and they were out in the trees on their own. 
“What were you doing there?” she finally asked, eyes still fixed on the ground. 
“I had a feeling you might try to do something stupid. Thought I should try and keep you from digging an even deeper hole for yourself,” Ariane said. Her tone was almost exasperated - but not quite, it was still too gentle for that. Just… tired, perhaps. She didn’t ask why Katrina had done it. Didn’t need to; she already understood. As much as it pained her to see. 
“Think you can get back in your room without too much trouble, or is it worth the shit to just say you snuck out to have a sleepover at my place?” she asked. 
Katrina shrugged. The chances of her getting away with this without her parents’ anger were slim. She was tired. And angry. And hurt. Part of her just didn’t care anymore. It was shit, it is shit, and it will continue to be shit. Maybe that was her punishment, she supposed. Penance for sins and all that. It took a moment before she noticed the tears on her cheeks. Her footsteps faltered and stopped. 
“Trina?” The moment Ariane looked back at her, her arms were wrapping around her in a hug. “I’m sorry, Trina.” 
“I can’t go back there.” Katrina’s voice was trembling and barely audible. “That house is killing me. This fucking town is killing me, Ari. I have to get out of here.” 
“I know.” It took all of Ariane’s self control not to start tearing up alongside her. “We’re going to get out of here. Just a little while longer, and then it’ll be you, me, and Vienna.” 
“I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” Katrina’s hands shook against Ariane’s back. “I can’t take it. I’m gonna fucking die here if I don’t get out soon. I can feel it. I’m going to fucking die here and then I’m gonna go to hell and then hell is just going to be me stuck in this stupid fucking town forever and it’s never going to end I’m never getting out of here-” 
“Hey. No.” Ariane pulled away slightly to look her in the eyes, her hands on Katrina’s shoulders. “You are not fucking dying here, Katrina. I’m not letting that happen.” Logically, there wasn’t much Ariane could really do - there were too many variables out of her control. But she still said the words with utter conviction. “You are going to get out of here. Okay?”
Katrina opened her mouth to speak, but all words failed her. Instead, she just nodded quietly. Hoping Ariane was right. 
“Alright. Now, you need sleep. We do have a match tomorrow, idiot,” Ariane pointed out with a small smile. 
Despite herself, Katrina smiled back. “Yeah, yeah. You know I’ll be there.” 
“You fucking better be. Come on.” 
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nordidia · 10 months
hello I absolutely love your art and how you portray the turtles and I was wondering do you have a favorite head cannon and do you have any favorite fidget things (I need some) I really hope you have a good day/night
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god i have so many favorite headcanons SOBS i have drawn most of my fav hcs but uhh uhh
well i can start with one of my hcs that blew up:
raph being princess peach's biggest fan!!!
i really like my "raph's brothers find the sound of his snoring extremely comforting" hc
i also have this random ass headcanon that raph takes someone's hands when crossing the street, especially casey. just because its something he does!
i love all neurodiversity/LGBT headcanons! i love that people project onto them positively, that others can see themselves in!!
and the pretty much canon one that raph being angry doesnt even phase his family, no matter how guilty he feels they'll always reassure him that they genuinely dont mind, and doesnt really register it
all of @/timewoods' tot raph. especially him being nonverbal until the age of like 5. its very special to me
MY FAVORITE FIDGET IS TANGLE!!!!!! AAH I LOVE THAT SHIT!!! GRRHAGAGA I HAVE THREE i also fucking love those clicky chains and infinity cubes
tho i am very sensory sensitive!! so this is from someone who cant handle a lot of sensory input, the clicky chains sometimes gets too much
i also use my squishmallows for comfort stims... the fabric is soft to run my hands and fingers across, and thjeyre squishy so they can take alot of hugging. my fav squishmallow (Jerome!! i collect triceratops squishmallows and i'd love to show u guys my collection sometime!!!) has dents on his sides from hugging bc of my muscle tensing stimming LMAO
also one of my fav HCs lol. squishmallow lover raph, he's less of a full collector and more of a personal collector, he has a like 4-5 and is very attached to them, they all look very used and loved <3
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itwasnightwhenyoudied · 2 months
(this is jensensitive) Thanks so much for your kind words, I loved that my art inspired something so lovely 🥺💕💕💕
oh gosh, elle, you are MORE than welcome. you're so very talented and your art is so beautiful and rich and very obviously yours—i personally have no real style to speak of, so am always completely wowed when i can recognise someone's art, y'know? so cool.
and yes, you absolutely inspired me! i have such terrible, debilitating block rn. like, i've done around 30 pieces of art in the last year; i used to do that in a bloody week!! ugh. but the way you drew dean in the artwork i linked in mine made me not only appreciate (all over again) how wonderful jackles face is to draw—the mix of soft and hard lines in his features is so unique—but also made me gasp bc of the way YOU saw him... it really was like @cloverhighfive said (i am so totally going to screenshot those epic tags and rb again in a minute btw!):
your depiction of him was like he was one of michelangelo's or bernini's sculptures! and that just reminded me what it was/is to create ToT
my dean art had no real thought go into it, and isn't half as pretty as yours, imo, but oh my stars, it was fun to try and make something pretty again!
so, thank YOU, friend <3
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t4tklonoa · 11 months
you're one of the most based coroika fans ive ever seen . What are your thoughts on (and hcs for maybe?) the best 8
Thank u v much!!! I try my best.......
AND. I absolutely love the best 8 I think they are so silly. the designs are super cool (even if they ar just the promo kids) and their personalities are v distinctive and fun
although I think the group is alitttlle too big ? and I miss the side characters that are part of the teams getting at least a little spotlight like with Avi (I only rll hav this problem with the hierarchy). I am not asking that every side character gets one but at least one or two since the important teams are doubled would be nice. and from the looks of it (slight spoilers for chapter 75) Wire doesn't have a v important connection to any of his teammates.... BUT also it's v early to determine if any side characters will get more attention ! so u can tots just ignore this part (also buzz glasses and polpo may be the lucky ones since they appear alot with their captains)
also headcanons under cut bc I'm supppper normal abt the coroikers and hav one million headcanons ^^ (also haven't been able to read the most recent inkling almanac. some hc's may make no sense considering the new info)
It is so genderqueer ur honor. slaps she/it pronouns on her
she grew up along Kojake they are siblings... Mitsu and Kojake developed their own kind of sign language to communicate, it's v bare bones but they are living their best life out there man
I refuse to believe it collects junk as a hobby only. Poor thang doesn't have a house it lives in junk yards with Kojake
not a headcanon but she's so cool. wow
TRANSFEM ! she has facial hair and rll enjoys showing it off
has a crush on Mitsu maybe? maybe you'll never know (she does she is alesbian)
looooves collecting rocks and sharp things
girl who bites
considers all of his teammates as family :]
ABSOLUTELY. loves Polpo to death he's always talking abt how great his punk rock sis is the best
has a huge scar that goes thru his face. why? he fell off the stairs when he was little and landed on smth sharp
one million neos but orange's fav one is pop/popself
transfem also. she is besties with Hornmet
autism stares at u forever. also chronic :3 face
rll good at anarchy, especially clam blitz (SOMEHOW)
she's the oldest out of the best 8, due to this all her teammates are younger than her, they are all little siblings 2 her
she met her teammates when she randomly matched with them for a clam blitz round. they were rll struggling so she was like 'y'know what. I could help u get better ar this mode!' and then she adopted them
the most nonbinary to ever nonbinary. uses they/it/ika
Also autism stares at u forever. when ika met shellmet for the first time it was like !!!
missing a fang, got in a nasty fight to defend Flannel (they get bullied :( )
8 BIT !!!
exgender !!! goes by it/its and lots of neos (also goes by dynamo/dynamoself like Rider in my headcanons so they both get v confused when ppl refer to them and they are like. in the same room)
Also goes by many names ! Blaze and Flame are it's fav ones besides 8 bit
chronic fatigue, scorch is always drinking energy drinks
has a weird friendship with trisun... they talk nonstop for some months and then for some months they don't talk 2 eachother.
thang who bites
is rll into art and crafts, doesn't get the opportunity to do stuffies often but it rll loves its hobby (also boom encountered Goggles once in an art and crafts club once. boom was so akward abt it lol)
OCHO !!!
Hemigirl ! goes by he/they/bird/sparrow
has a special interests in birds, owns one million pet birds (rich kid) he loves them all tho (I have to get around to deciding their names and species ough).
had a crush on trisun but now he doesn't know how they feel abt xem (it was v one sided, Ocho barely talked to trisun. later on I think they would b qpps tho!)
doesn't have friends. has been like that their entire life... till bird met Wire ! kinda. he rll wants to get closer to them but Wire is a complex individual and Ocho has no idea how to socialize
WIRE !!!! (get ready for my autism)
nonbinary swagger. they/them
they are mute !!
fast learner, really flexible. they play many different weapons but prefer playing as support most of the time
was trained by shellmet for a bit, developed a huge ego due to this. they think they could've made it as far as they did without shellmet, bc why did they surpass her (lie they believ. they are both as strong) if they aren't just. naturally talented amIright ? (they have problems)
owns aloooot of bracelets. including chewy ones bc they rll enjoy chewing on stuff.
constantly chewing or licking their lips and fingers, they hav alot of scars around their mouth, on their lips and fingers due to this
thang who bites (u)
they have a pet Sparrow (that's how they and Ocho met) and a pet sea slug (Yellow edged polycera)
(chapter 75 kinda spoilers for tha next headcanons)
they and their team have known eachother for most of their life (paralleling blue team!) they are not the same age tho. (buzzcut is the oldest, Wire and punk are middle and the youngest is double-bun) ALSO. they all know ASL
punk does a lot of the talking for them if the ppl they are hanging out with don't know ASL or Wire is too tired to sign (punk knows Wire v well so they can tell most of the time basic stuff Wire wants to say)
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tickly-stuff · 2 years
ALSO ALSO IN THE MINI EPISODE WHERE OUR TURTLES WERE LIL BABYS AND LEO WAS THE VILLIAN I think that when the villian gets caught they tickle the shit outta him (esp leo bc yk how he is he wouldnt give up so quickly LOL)
Hero’s and Villains
turtle tots!!💞
Summary: Leo get caught as the villain during training but doesn’t wanna face the consequences
Today was a calm and quiet day in the lair. Well, it would’ve been if the boys weren’t busy training. It was a game called “Hero and Villain”. And they loved it. It wasn’t necessarily training. It was just in good fun.
The objective of the game is for one of the four turtles to be a villain, and the other three to be the heroes. If the villain gets caught, they get tickled until they say the code word “cowabunga”. And Mikey was the villain for this round.
Mikey was currently winning, running away from the three constrasting turtles with all his might. He was carrying “artifacts” which we’re actually just random items from Splinter’s room.
“Mwahahaha!! You’ll never catch me fiendish villains!! Wait. I’m the villain. So would it be fiendish heroes? Whatever!!” Mikey stated with mirth in every word.
“You can’t run forever Mikey!!” Leo yelled. It was more of a Tom and Jerry kind of situation. Mikey had the upper hand due to his size. He was small, which allowed him to fit through certain spots. And he was energetic enough to tire the others out for a little bit to buy himself some time.
Meanwhile while his brothers were catching their breath, Mikey had hid in a nearby closet.
“Phew! Alright! I think I’m safe. I have all of my precious artifrcats. They’ll never find me here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!” Mikey attempted an evil laugh, trying to stay in character. He was never really fit to be a villain but he was nominated for the game and those were the rules. Whoever is nominated or outvoted has to play that position. And he really tried his best.
Unfortunately, he had laughed a bit too loud. So loud that his hiding spot was no longer hidden. Suddenly two big hands wrapped him and scribbled themselves all over his sides.
“Gotcha Mikey!!” Raph exclaimed. Continuing his tickle attack.
“GAH! Aahat least give mehe a waharning first!” Mikey said between giggles.
“No chance little bro! You can’t just tell the villain ‘I’m gonna tickle you now’! ” A different voice said behind him. Tickling the back of his neck.
“LEHEHO!!! Cuhut it ouhut!” Mikey said with full blown laughter. His knees had gave out and he was now in a ball on the floor.
“Nuh uh! You have to say the code word if you want us to stop! And for your information, it’s ‘artifacts.’ ” Donnie said, squeezing Mikey’s knees.
Michelangelo. Totally. Lost it.
The three brothers immediately stopped their tickle attack and went to aid their brother.
“You good Mikey?” Raph asked sympathetically. The four of them made sure that they never went too far. With anything. And if they did, they would do whatever it takes to make it up to one another. That was their agreement. Their bond.
“Yeheheah ihihm fine. Thahat was fun.” Mikey stated. The phantom sensations causing him to giggle to himself a bit. A wide grin plastered on his face.
A few minutes had passed. They decided to rest for a bit to give themselves a break. But all they had to do was look at each other, and they all stood up.
“So who should be the villain this round?” Mikey asked.
I personally vote Leo! I’m sure he would fit the job! He’s agile, swift. You can do it! Right Leo?” Donnie stated. The spiny soft shell turtle’s words leaked of amusement. He knew Leo wouldn’t last. He just wanted to get him back for eating the last slice of pizza last week.
“What!? No way!! I am NOT. read my lips. NOT being the villain.” Leo said nervously with a shake to his head.
“Aww is the wittle baby leo scared of his brwothers? scared of being tickled?” Donnie said with wiggling fingers.
“Stop it D! I’m not scared! And I’m not a baby! And stop wiggling your fingers like that!” Leo said with a slight blush to his cheeks. “Fine. I’ll do it.”
They always gave the villain a 10 second head start to get themselves situated.
Whereas the other three we’re strategizing on how to capture him, Leo was contemplating. He knew Donnie was out for revenge and he knew that he would find him in no time. He would make it his mission. Any minute now he would burst through that door with Raph and Mikey screaming- “LEONARDO!”
“AAAAHH!!!” Leo screamed and ran as fast as he could. It’s not like he minds being tickled. But being tickled by Donatello? Could. Not. Stand it. He would always tease you about how much he was right.
Donnie was right on his tail. He wasn’t as fast as Leo but he sure wasn’t slow. Mikey and Raph followed behind.
Leo took a sharp corner to quickly hide behind a wall. This was no longer Hero’s and Villains, oh no. This was sibling war. One has the upper hand due to smarts and the number of people. But the other has speed and agility.
Due to Donnie’s lack of speed he hadn’t seen where Leo had went. So he started searching. He had made hand signals that told Mikey and Raph to split up.
They had understood and the hunt was on.
They looked everywhere. Donnie’s room, Raph’s room, Mikey’s room, Splinter’s room even Leo’s own room! Still no sign of him.
Until Donnie had looked around and found two. turtle. feet.
Leo wasn’t paying attention at all. So it was Donnie’s turn to strike.
He slowly crept up to Leo. Trying no to make any noise. When he finally got up to him, he reached for his foot and took it swiftly with a “HA!” and began tickling it.
“WOAH!! DOHOHONNIEE KNOCK IHIT OHOFF!!” Okay. Leo lost. He tried every trick up his sleeve and Donnie STILL caught him!! well. He had a good run.
“Never!! You were caught!! Some villain you are. RAPH! MIKEY! I FOUND HIM!!” Donnie stated.
Raph and Mikey immediately came and started tickling him everywhere. His neck, hips, torso, underarms and sides.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA WAIT GUHUYS!!!!!” Leo was completely losing it. Raph pinned Leo by his hands with his knees so he wouldn’t and couldn’t move. So he just endured the tickling. Besides, it felt nice to laugh like this.
“Well Nardo, do you admit defeat or would you like this to continue?” Donnie said in an evil voice.
“COHOHOHOWABUHUHNGA!!!!” Leo yelled out. And the tickling immediately stopped.
“Glad you finally came to your senses brother.” Donnie said to Leo with a noogie.
“Yeah yeah whatever. I NOMINATE DONNIE TO BE VILLAIN THIS ROUND!” Leo said with a prod to Donnie’s side that made him yelp.
Leo had a wide grin on his face. “This is gonna be fun.”
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i’m actually dying i did not just send that off anon JDJEJNE i cant breath
but, eddie would def love to fuck you to the point you can’t form proper sentences, just absolutely cock drunk.
proof? my brain. and i am always right so 🙄
also would def love to fuck you on your period but we don’t speak of that.
oh and i am most likely going to forget to turn the anonymous thing on again at some point bc i am literally so dumb 🤭
but it’s never to early to be a whore, 1 pm? perfect timing 😻
okay i need to stfu now
~ 🕷 (i actually remembered to send this anonymously so be proud)
You don’t need to be embarrassed this happens all the time 😢
No omg my god he would
Like completely fucked out just going along with whatever he’s doing and he’s like “y’okay baby? Y’still with me?” With his little laugh and y/n just weakly nods
And he loves watching her cum when she’s so fucked out bc she can barley move and she’s all shaky and grabbing at him and whimpering 😢
And he would be so gentle after 🥹
Giving her head kisses and cleaning her up tot he best of his ability’s until she had enough energy to shower
And he would get her some water and a little snack and maybe even some pain pills bc he knows her body is going to be achy
Stop we are actually going to talk about it because it needs to be talked about
He would love fucking her on her period…
He loved how warm and wet everything is
He wouldn’t even care to lay down a towel because “my sheets are already stained enough. What’s a little blood going to do?”
“Um yeah. We’re going to wash them after this…”
And he would let her run off to the bathroom and do her business before coming back all ready for him
And it would be so sloppy and messy but that’s how he likes it
He doesn’t mind if blood gets on him, it’s all natural and it never hurt anybody before
Omg… this is what we don’t talk about
He would love eating her out when she’s on her period…
That man loves blood idc
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manofmanymons · 4 months
thanks so much for responding to my ask about Ryo x Minoru!! the stuff you wrote was so cute, especially the “this could be us”picture (I 100% could see Minoru sending that) also the idea you had of them kissing because they thought they were gonna die…your mind omg. I could also see them doing one of those “thank god we’re alive” kisses where they thought they were gonna die but when they live they’re so happy and that the other person is happy that they just. smooch lol
also I did see that other post you made about them and I loved it! but it’s funny that you see everyone being shocked when they say they’re together because I hc that they’d both be super obvious even when they try to hide that they like each other (esp Minoru, the word subtle isn’t in that boy’s dictionary). if either of them confided in Kaito for whatever reason, I can 100% picture him saying in the most deadpan voice, “congrats, you’re officially the last one to know.” I think it would specifically be obvious because they’d talk about each other all the time, even if it was about things that “annoyed” them and then trying too hard to play it cool by immediately following up with “not that I care about him or anything!!!1!” or something like that.
I just think they’re neat and I’m honestly surprised that there aren’t more people who ship them. like they spend a good amount of time together, they both have come running when the other one is distressed, and I also noticed that falcomon is the only kemonogami who can understand kunemon, and since the kemonogami represent their partner’s hearts, I feel like it shows that they both understand each other. also if Minoru gets captured by dokugumon in chapter 1, ryo will complain about Minoru being a pain, which makes Minoru mad, but falcomon reassures him that Ryo’s just making such a fuss because he was worried about Minoru (which Ryo denies and gets embarrassed over ofc).
on a less serious note, I feel like they would be kinda like those two old guys from the muppets once they start dating where they bond over roasting other people/each other. I also get reminded of them when I see that one post where it’s like “I had a crush on someone in my class and didn’t know how to deal with it so I just wrote a letter that said ‘get out of my school.’” like they both are soft™️ on the inside but have such a hard time expressing it.
sorry i totally rambled about them but it’s just nice to see someone else who ships this rare pair!! i wish more people enjoyed it/wrote about it! I literally made one of those dumb comic sans powerpoints about them one day because I was bored and because digimon survive hyperfixation™️ and because i freakin love them. so thanks so much, i really appreciate it!! 💕
Y'know what anon, I see the vision. I see the poorly concealed crush disguised as annoyance. Them thinking everyone would be surprised only to be met with "guys we literally all knew." I love that we both decided they would not shut up about each other though XD
Also 100% in love with the idea of their partners being a reflection of how well they get each other. You're so big brained aaaaaah.
They absolutely would talk shit together lmao. Mean old ladies on a porch swing except they're both teenage boys XD Also why are they actually both the "he's bullying you because he likes you" one in the relationship ToT
I am dying to know about this powerpoint lakdjfakj I also am surprised more people don't ship it tbh like at least for me they are like THE pairing from the game that falls the most into my usual preferred tropes. Annoyances to friends to lovers. Sunshine x grumpy except they're both a little grumpy. "He's an idiot but he's MY idiot." Rowdy boys. "I hate you (affectionate)." They're so good together. They should kith.
I should provide further context that she has a point redeem for talking in a high pitched voice so that's why we were talking like that lmao.
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wonderlandcrown · 7 months
IM ALIVE (i did a uquiz and im gonna make it YOUR problem!!! <3)
the really fucking funny thing about this is I got this :
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savanaclaw, fucking savanaclaw.
i am absolutely not atheletic at ALL. im gonna die 2 seconds stepping into this dorm ToT
but this is also real funny bc i took a "which twst character are you?" quiz before and got vil lol leona and vil are really two sides of the same coin huh? source : me
also its funny bc i thought i would get ignihyde (*leona voice* radish sprout)
anyways- here r the tags : @prince-kallisto (i might have to start calling you radish sprout now bc im in leonas dorm beware 0^0) @jelsah27
also plz check the tags its funny hehe haha :]
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yyyyanyan · 3 months
Book Club: Trials of Apollo series (1, 2, 3) by Rick Riordan
part 3 of camp halfblood chronicles! I'm done with this man lol I don't want to keep reading
So I happily went off to read fanfiction after finishing Heroes of Olympus and I got caught off-guard by a cute little spoiler :) and I was like "no way is this canon right? it's not canon right?" but I was too spooked to keep reading fanfiction. I could not be at peace. I had to start the next series. So I went and did that
and goddamn idk what it is about this series but it's such a drag. I don't particularly like Meg or Apollo (I think Meg is interesting, but I'm not particularly attached, and I can see when Apollo is meant to be funny, but I'm not amused) and I'm just not drawn into the story. I also somehow feel like it moves simultaneously faster and slower than the other books? Like I feel like I'm moving through molasses trying to get through the story, but when I reached the end of the book I was like "Wait, that's it?"
So on one hand I think Apollo's memory/knowledge is handled brilliantly and it adds tension without feeling like a straight up nerf. I also think Meg's backstory is SO interesting and I'm totally curious to learn more about her. But on the other hand... I'm so bored LMAO
I think Calpyso totally saved book 2 simply because I love her <3 She and Apollo are literally so funny together. I also think the drama of like, trying to save the little girl (I'm so sorry I already forgot her name) was really good? This one was way more interesting than the first one. But I feel like I was also just interested because my faves (I also love Leo btw I just didn't say his name) were back and less so bc the story was more interesting to me lol
anyways book 3. I'm salty about this one!! very very salty!!!!! So first I found out my faves (Piper and Jason) have BROKEN UP and then my fave (Jason) DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so upset about this one fr ToT HOW COULD JASON DIE????? HE HAD SO MUCH LEFT TO DO!!!!!! anyways the tension was really cool except I'm MAD that he died ToT like literally that's my big takeaway from this book.... Jason died............ I'm like extra mad because I just don't think things got wrapped up well for him!! Like I mentioned in the Heroes of Olympus post but his Roman/Greek conflict thing was soo interesting and I really don't think it was in any of the other charas so I was looking forward to see it expanding. I also thought his promise to Kymopoleia was going to be amazing and I got so excited seeing his little monopoly houses :( and then... you're telling me he's gone..... :((((
I kind of wonder if the Jason and Piper thing gets explained more because in my opinion it came out of absolutely! nowhere!!! so I just went and read some discussion/saw some spoilers about it and I'm just like :/ damn. I think like with all of the facts together and Hera/Juno's influence and how it felt like it was forced on them then then yeah it does make sense that they broke up :/ but like someone commented, I'm upset because the narrative didn't treat it like that! I'm just like really sad bc all of that happens offscreen and we don't get to see it happening and plus I totally thought they worked through the false memories (cough 6 months between Lost Hero and the argo II sailing cough!!). I think I could accept it if I saw hints of it but it totally blindsided me and THEN Jason just dies???? like ugh :( also I was shook when I was googling and I found out people didn't like him ToT he's always been my one of my faves lol :'D
Anyways I borrowed book 4 and I'm like a fifth of the way through I think? But it's been like a week at least and I'm tired and I've moved on so I'm going to take a break and maybe (probably not) come back to it another time. I'm curious how it ends/what happens but not curious enough to keep going. I am totally cut up over Jason and I'm too salty LMAO
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 10 months
💜 slight update on my routes/games atm:
ok ok i managed to finish dalim's second run through (gonna finally read jonah's now ...from brother in law to love interest dang 👀) and im about to finish (ikesen) kanetsugu's epilogue, have to speedrun rio's with my hoarded tix to see if i can finally get thru silvio's (& sariel's) so i can have read everyone at least once 😩👏 wasn't currently on one in slbp prior to my break, nearly midway thru sebas (ikevamp) but im so sorry bb i will absolutely drop you like a sack of potatoes for charles bc ive been waiting like 2yrs for this bitch- 😭 think that's all regarding routes atm but still have a bunch of tot cards & chapters to catch up on as well hahsjdjjf plus grinding for magic! too 🤧 lowkey given up on obey me, but too attached to delete both of em just yet.. oops? but ah well im just tryin my best here
dalim's route was so good and the dramatic end absolutely wrecked me, even the his side story 😭 between that, kanetsugu's dramatic ending, and being midway thru rio's route rn........ i don't even wanna imagine throwing charles and silvio into the mix atm, i am gonna be suffering SO MUCH .....welcome to the ikemen series, buckle up, grab some tissues, and sign the feels trip form, cause we're going for a ride, bitch! with the frizz? no way!
...i did started midcin awhile back but barely touched it after going & picking nico. just had too much going on, but he seems cute & it and ikepri feel like lost cousins or smth lol
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ad-hawkeye · 2 years
Random thoughts: do you think, at some point in his life, Artem has written fanfic of his favorite sci fi stories or even interacted with fandom at all?
Related thought: imagine Artem going to a sci fi convention and having a complete misunderstanding of what this kind of convention would be. Like he thought it would be a more serious, business-like convention where people have serious discussions with authors and scientists and people-with-titles, but he gets there and it's a bunch of people in costume chilling out and having fun. There are still serious discussions happening but it's like between someone dressed as a cyberman and someone dressed as a borg. Would he eventually get into the spirit of it or just continue to be confused through the whole event?
Sorry, I was in the shower and started thinking about Artem being his adorable, awkward, nerdy self.
i think about how artem is a sci-fi nerd so often, it’s one of the things that def cemented him as my fav tot boy. so i have many self indulgent thoughts. please excuse anything that seems off, i’m just letting loose and being the little trekkie fan fic writing whore i am.
as for writing for his fav sci-fi stories, i think he’d go about it like one of his mockingbird reviews in terms of writing an essay about what would be “more narratively satisfying”... like he’d ramble on about this theoretical ending he’s crafted, but the more mc reads it, the more she’s like. hm. if you adjusted this slightly and added dialogue, it’d be a story. you should try writing artem, this is really good.
artem just kinda brushes this off bc he’s the most self depreciating mf on this planet when it comes to anything that isn’t law, but i can see him trying to write his own original, non-fandom sci-fi stuff in the future.
god speaking of fandom, i always forget artem is gen z. i wouldnt be surprised if artem stumbled upon fucking like. 2016 tumblr or something as a teen.
he feels like the type to dislike most conventional, modern day fandom spaces. top ten guys who would bitch and moan about a lack of critical thinking after reading one bad take, type up a whole essay to rebuke the take, then delete the essay once he realizes it’s not worth it
i totally agree with the convention bit 100% HAHAH. i think with the right prodding he’d get into the spirit of things. aka, with mc’s influence. she was the person who got artem to wear a little costume and to act in a play. and act in multiple other things. also the person who put bunny ears on him in one of their cn server dating cards. if mc was like we should couple cosplay!! he would simply be Okay Alright Sure (and i think his theater kid ass would secretly get such a kick out of it too)
random side headcanon with absolutely no basis, so please indulge me, but i agree w the many others in this fandom who think artem would be a trekkie (a next generation or deep space nine enthusiast if i were to wager a guess).....
hmm and for fun, here are my #takes on the other nxx members... luke would probably be a star wars guy (with a nostalgic fondness for the prequels and intense opinions on the clone wars). mc is the middle ground of liking both sw and st. these three are the most intense nerds. marius would like the original star wars trilogy and vyn would disgust and dismay the group after admitting he has not seen anything from either. which like... nxx viewing party in order? perhaps?
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
uhhhh so i'm starting to think about thinking about how to play genshin seriously for the first time ahahaha 🤡
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*scratches head*
honestly most of the time i'm nothing but a casual player and my absolute weakness in any game i play is WASTING MY MATERIALS FOR THE WRONG THINGS 💀 like i'm not serious enough to be searching and thinking "okay i need THE BEST BUILD AND EQUIPMENT" but also i think hard enough to get at the very least decent and effective enough damage to not die right away in boss battles LOL
even now, while i have all those notes planned out, i'm not exactly aiming for the best of the best characters i could ever get - if anything i just want qiqi and a faster dps, which is why i'm wanting ayaka now that her banner is here - and even then, i'm way too lazy to pay attention to pity system either (because i want qiqi anyways LMFAO) so i beg that if anyone sees this pleaseeee don't roast me for my taste in characters or something ToT literally only put ayaka, xiao and hutao bc i've trialed them at least a few times and am somewhat familiar w their playstyle
anyways. yeah i'm just here scratching my head in utter confusion fr AHAHASJDBASD
if anyone wants to know my current main team is diluc, kaeya, xingqiu and ganyu ^^
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dearestdoe000 · 1 year
tell me about your ocs??? please??? (when you have time ofc)
Hii!!! I took super long to answer this since I was (and am still) on vacation! And now I’m super sick w a cold so I finally have time to sit and write the lengthy response I wanted to TwT
Ok so ima tell you about two of my fav characters :D ok I’ll start with my bby Magma
So Magma, or 078032 as she is officially known, lives in a dystopia. Now, I’m still working on this world and I’ve done and redone it so many time ToT so I’m not really gonna get in specifics, but basically she has to work in harsh conditions almost all day as a metal worker. Metal gets shipped to her quadrant and her and her coworkers have to mold it into whatever is ordered. Her sister was killed because of defiance but she denies her sisters entire existence because it hurts less that way.
She used to be pretty defiant and bold until her sister died. Now she is overly nervous and never talks. She has the spine of a wet piece of cardboard and will avoid confrontation by all means possible. She does NOT have ur back. I would die for her. She joins two rebels because they lie to her and say that if she does she will be promoted to a noble in the queens office (Magma is a major suckup). She then ends up falling for one of them bc they have so much enby swag. Big plot stuff happens, the rebels end up thinking she’s cool and it’s emotional bc she was planning on turning them in and they were planning on ditching her but now none of them want to do that.
Basically she is my fav girl and all I do is draw her and think abt her. She’s tall af too and I love her.
The next one is Bella. Same story as Magma, but she’s the evil queen! Kinda. She’s the public face of the country, mainly because she’s young and beautiful (40 looking 25, yk) and very easily idealized. Her mom does everything behind the scenes and basically tortures her. Now this is not to say she isn’t to blame for everything being awful. She’s an absolute scum of a person. But I love her.
Her story is very long and convoluted since it has gone under far less reboots than Magma’s, so I’ll simply it. Her family consists of her, her mom, her dad, and her brother (ftm). Her mom is v homophobic and transphobic and very very abusive. Her dad tries to leave with her brother but her mom ends up killing her dad in a fight. Her brother runs away and is presumed dead. She decides to just do what her mom says after that.
Important to the story is her good friend Reeha. They are lesbians. Very secret lesbians but very lesbians. Reeha tries talking bella into realizing how messed up her country is and during one such outburst, Bellas mom catches on and orders Bella to administer this chemical that wipes Reeha’s memory and basically makes her brainless. It’s worn as a crown, think the ice kings crown how it changes him. Anyways, that isn’t enough and so her mom makes her slash Reeha across the face with this sword thing (it’s v symbolic and stuff but I don’t have time to get into it) and Bella does. And then she’s like super depressed and stuff. Like she’s always been, but it’s like. Really bad now.
Magma and Bella meet at the worst points for both of them, and it’s very interesting. I haven’t really decided what to do after this.
Thank you for the ask @ham-nah !! It made my day when I received it and writing this has made my day again!! I hope ur having a great day! And you should tell me abt ur ocs if you have any :DDD
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