#can yall tell charlie is my favorite???
starcrime · 1 month
my miscellaneous dps headcanons (including some background characters)
has HORRIBLE eyesight. like wayy worse that meeks but he hates wearing his glasses
loves scavenger hunts
charlie helped him realize he's gay (they made out once to 'check' but never had any actual feelings for eachother)
is diabetic but doesn't know it
is so incredibly competitive it's ridiculous. he'll die before he loses a bet
selectively mute
gets his poetry / writing published at least twice. the first time was even before he turned 18
scrunches his nose when smiling
not a morning person. he's dead until noon
is a huge gossip and his grandma's favorite bc of it
can't lie to save his life
loves horseback riding
can't cook. at all. like he burns water
loves spicy foods and smells
his parents mostly ignored him and his younger sister during their childhood and basically raised his sister himself
but it also gave him a lot of freedom, especially during holidays and school breaks, since his parents always either pawned him off to family or just didn't care where he was 90% of the time.
like, really, they only care about appearances so they get on his back about being disrespectful every once in a while and ignore him the rest that's one of the reasons he acts out all the time he desperately craves attention he never got
tina INSISTS on doing his make-up everytime they hang out. he likes make-up and she's pretty good, so he just lets her
like todd, he's very competitive, but, unlike todd, he's not a sore loser
has a huge sweet tooth smells like it
was obsessed with nordic mythology in middleschool
matthew ("spaz") was his childhood bestfriend, but they grew apart over the years
is allergic to bees. somehow never remembers to take his epipen anywhere. it's a miracle he's survived this long
he's a car guy. wants to be a car mechanic
had a crush on neil in like 6th grade
scared of birds
has a stutter and used to have a lisp
gamer boi
not exactly a hc but yall can we acknowledge how sarcastic and bitchy he is??? he's hilarious
knows how to sew
gives the best hugs
once got arrested and had to call charlie to bail him out. charlie was so proud he bought him ice cream on their way back
has lexical-gustatory synesthesia
his bio dad is dead and he hates his step-father with a passion
is besties with gloria and she finds him hillarious
mr keating used to work as a line cook in his teens. also he was a lot like charlie during his highschool years (chaotic & funny)
chris used to do ballet as a kid, but has moved on to cheerleading and gymnastics. her parents are divorced. she lives with her mother and younger half-brother
ginny really should be wearing glasses but she hates them and her parents refuse to buy her more flattering frames. she can't swim. people always share their secrets with her bc she seems like she can keep them, but she’s actually a huge gossip
stick has a twin sister. he is nonverbal and communicates thru asl
gloria is training to be a hairdresser
tina can’t walk in heels taller than half an inch
hopkins has a huge crush on cameron
matthew is an origami master
mr mcallister knits in his spare time. he married a chinese woman who, when he met her, didn’t know any english
i take headcanon and one-shot requests btw
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mournings-stars · 3 months
Hey !!
How about writing romantic head-cannons with the hazbin hotel cast where the reader (could be AFAB) and has catlike features but also has a cat like personality?? (Like the reader is grumpy , tired , always frowning etc)
Obviously take your time , but hopefully this request will reach you well :33
catlike!reader x hazbin cast
anon u literally read my mind i was just sitting down to write something like this so i got u (charlie and vaggie can go together but i made them separate) also im including angel so reader is not fem but they can still be afab if u want — also also, i only included the actual hotel cast, so if you want more characters lmk!!
you know those cats that hate everyone except one person, that would be you with charlie
charlie won’t bother you or pester you about waking up for activities because you’ll just come when you can, and once you do you’re very engaged (only because it’s her)
as soon as you lie across her lap she makes sure she does not move 1. because you’re warm and she loves cuddling with you and 2. because if you got up and made a face at her before going to sit somewhere else she’d be devastated
she knows just where to scratch, massage, and pet you to get you to fall asleep or relax — she’s put very special attention into memorizing these things and literally everything else about you
you can be grumpy together (mostly with alastor, she values your grumpy support when it comes to the radio demon)
vaggie loves to cuddle — if you come to sit behind her legs or between them she could stay like that for hours or just fall asleep
you tend to sleep in with her, 1. because she, like charlie, would rather be still for hours than have you grumpy and moving away from her, and 2. she could use some relaxing time with you before having to work
she can’t keep up with your naps, but she will pause what she’s doing to give you a little kiss on the forehead so she can snap a picture of you stretching and curling back up
husk is already a little cat like (he’s literally a cat) so yall either get along great or you’re arguing all the time then sleep together (yk those cats that are hissing and growling and shit then cuddle while they sleep… yeah)
he lets you sit on the bar, but only because if he told you to get down you’d start knocking things off the counter “accidentally”
whenever he sits on the couch, if you’re not already asleep, you’re quick to sit next to him and lie on his lap. he might grumble a little, but he’s definitely running his hands over your hair and listening to you pur as you fall sleep
loves bedtime — as soon as you’re in either of your rooms, the first thing you’re doing is cuddling up and he might not admit it to anyone, but it’s his favorite part of the day
you know those cats that, no matter how much you move, they just won’t get off of you? thats you with al
he reluctantly lets you lie on him, but in the same way he lets niffty climb all over him, he’s not going to stop you. especially because he doesn’t mind how warm you are. not that he’d say it, but he does find you lying on him very comfortable after a long day and will definitely use it as an excuse as to why he can’t get up to do whatever someone is asking for
“can’t you see i’m needed elsewhere?” “i’m very busy at the moment!” and he’s just drinking coffee, reading the paper, and sitting with your head on his lap
when you’re alone, he’ll tell you that you’re welcome to lie on his lap “if you truly need to rest”
don’t get grumpy with him though, he’ll get up every time you come to sit with him
angel dust
don’t put it past him, he will carry you around if you’ve been lying on him and he needs to get up because 1. there’s no way he’s waking you up and 2. he’s not about to have you be grumpy that he moved (though there is a chance you’ll be grumpy that he moved you, but at least you’re still warm)
loves cuddling, but his favorite thing is making you purr by massaging your ears out scratching your head while you’re lying on him — and he absolutely loves when you lie on him
yes sitting on the couch is nice, but once he’s lying in his room and you come in and lie on his chest, he’s the happiest he’s ever been. especially after a long day at the studio
if he has to leave while you’re asleep, he’ll leave you food that probably won’t get eating until he comes back and wakes you up by moving your cushion slightly, making you all pouty — which he finds absolutely adorable
he can’t take any pouty/frowning/grumpiness from your seriously when it’s so adorable
sir pentious
you definitely have a bit of similarities when it comes to finding warm spots to relax in, and that probably led to you relaxing together because you refused to move, and he needed to be warm (that’s when he found out he actually enjoyed your company)
as quickly as he let’s you into his workspace, he kicks you out because you just keep knocking shit over, but then he let’s you back in cause you’ll just sit outside the door and sneak back in when he leaves momentarily
once he figures out how to get something warm in his workspace that you’ll just sleep on, he’s happy to have you there. especially because he finds you adorable
he probably stops working to sit with you, or kiss your head, or just wake you up because he does kind of miss you knocking things over even though he can’t stand it
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teddynivvy · 23 days
schlatt and server reader is literally plaguing my mind. need him coming in to sit in my section, tipping so well and then eventually getting all the coworkers to be like “who is bro??? and why he always tip you so good 😭😭” n then you’re like “oh thats literally my bf” and everyone’s like 😮
he’s like a regular with ted n charlie but if he’s like at the bar he’d be a couple drinks in and is like “is toots working today?? haven’t seen em in a while” and then you get sent out n you’re like “you been askin about me?” and he’s all smiles n “haven’t seen you in a while, just wanted to see my favorite server” n ted n charlie are like “yeah bro always talks about you” and boom love story
or hell yall work together and love to smooch in the back n he always runs your food out for you but everyone thinks it’s rlly cute, like you’re putting food in the system n he’s behind u rubbing your back being like “you forgot they wanted no gravy on the mashed potatoes”
but idk i didn’t rlly put too much thought into it…
wait bc why is server!schlatt kinda….. doing it for me…. also i hope u don’t mind i kinda mushed everything together LOL, let me know if u want more of this!!
server!schlatt who for some reason always gets insane tips even tho he’s kinda an asshole to all the customers
immediately started flirting with u when he got hired… esp if you were training him LMAO
jumps in if ur tables are making u uncomfortable or flirting with u - and sometimes outright takes them over if they’re being assholes and is like “what you don’t wanna flirt with me? aren’t i pretty too?”
first kiss is def in the walk-in when he corners u and asks u point blank if u have a crush on him, and all u can do is kiss him bc he’s so close and has a hand beside ur head on the bin of lemons for the bar
manyyyy more rendezvous in the walk-in hehehe
when ted and charlie come in, he points u out to them while you’re working and is like “yeah seriously they’re so hot i’m kinda losing it” lol
ofc ted and charlie immediately tell u when u come by to check on their table, like “btw schlatt thinks ur super hot just fyi” and schlatt just blushes and hits them with his note pad
def a lot of little touches and spending time around u, looking to see if anyone else is watching while ur putting food in the system and he’s kissing your neck or rubbing your back
going out for smoke/vape breaks with him just to spend time together without anyone else there
wears a tight black t shirt and black pants every day, showing off the outline of his biceps and chest *drool*
always uses his cash tips to buy u a drink after work just so you don’t have to go home yet :) even tho he’s so exhausted from his shift
uses your purple frilly pen when he can’t find his lmao (def not because he likes it)
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beau-is-here · 3 months
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Why has Husk never stood up for himself, especially when uncomfortable over Angel's advances?
Well, what if it's because of the very deer who owns his soul.
ALRIGHT YALL, BEAU IS BACK WITH ANOTHER ANALYSIS. I'm so excited to be writing a Husk-centric one, he's one of my favorite characters!
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So, we all know Angel likes to flirt, and this is mostly because of the way he copes with his own situation. Husk makes it very prominent about his discomfort towards these gestures, as he's the main victim of Angel's fake flirting.
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While he shows his discomfort, however, he never actually tells Angel to stop. All he does is push him away, weather that is an annoyed reaction or literally pushing him away. He never sets boundaries, or even says no to him.
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This all changes when Charlie introduces the concept of boundaries to Husk, as she had crossed Angel's earlier with the Valentino situation. While Husk seems annoyed about her remark, he takes it to Husk.
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When Husk talks to Angel after saving him from being drugged at a club, we notice him setting boundaries for the first time, saying that Angel is always "pushing [his] boundaries". He also uses the same language he learns from Charlie earlier with the boundaries talk.
But why does Husk never set boundaries before this? Because he can not.
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Husk is on a leash, meaning he has to take every order from his boss, or he could lose his life. He can't say no.
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And Alastor's treatment only reinforces how not only hopeless he is, but how powerless he is over his own life. He can not back away from Alastor's grasp, and it makes him feel like he has no choice on how others treat him, especially with Angel Dust.
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I wonder who's situation this remind me of?
But it makes sense that one person struggling with boundary issues is the one to hurt someone else struggling with boundary issues.
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But when Husk opens up about his boundaries, it makes both parties feel better. Husk feels more in control of his life, having the ability to say no. Angel dust feels in control of his life as well, having the respect to not have to essentially sell himself to feel respected, as boundaries are in place to respect all involved.
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Because he is willing to open up about his boundaries, it actually makes Husk feel more comfortable around Angel Dust, as he knows Angel's remarks will only be that of light hearted rather than sexualizing (to an uncomfortable degree). This is why Angel and Husk are able to become so close; as the trust formed between them allows them to open up to each other. This is a healthy relationship. Romantic or not, HuskerDust has really gone a long way for the best!
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anangelwhodidntfall · 6 months
Good Luck Charms: Charles Leclerc
Formula One Masterlist
word count: 1.5k
description: You and Charlie met two years ago and he swore then that you and your niece were his good luck charms which still proves true now.
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*2 Years Ago* 
Charles had been making his way towards the Ferrari garage when his eyes landed on you. You were the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on and he was desperate to meet you. You stood there talking with Lewis as you held a child on your hip. Charles was getting ready to head to his garage when he heard Lewis call out after him. 
"Charles! Mate come here and meet my friend." Lewis called out to him. 
Charles shook the nerves out of his system, and made his way over to where you guys were, praying he didn't make a fool of himself. Once he got closer, he saw that you were wearing a Ferrari shirt which made him smile wondering who was your favorite him or Carlos. 
"Charles this is my good friend y/n and her niece Reign." Lewis said. 
"Nice to meet you y/n Im Charles. You're a Ferrari fan?" He asked you.
"Yes I am, you're actually my favorite driver but don't tell Lewis." You said with a laugh. 
"That hurts y/n." Lewis said making Charles laugh. 
"Secrets safe with me. And who's this cuties favorite?" He asked you. 
"We're still trying to figure it out, but I would like to think she takes after me and likes Ferrari." You said making him smile. 
"Or she'll end up like Mercedes." Lewis said as you rolled your eyes. 
"Sure she will." You said to him. 
Charles laughed as you watched you and Lewis argued back and forth with each other like you were siblings. 
"Drivers please report to your cars, the race is about to start." A voice said over the intercom. 
"Alright I've got to go, it was lovely to meet you y/n and Reign. I hope you enjoy the race and maybe I'll see you afterwards?" He said. 
"Maybe you will. Good luck Charles." You said giving him that beautiful smile of yours. 
Charles made his way towards his car with a big smile on his face, more determinate to have a really good race today since he knew you would be watching. The race was a tough and close one with Max winning, Charles in second, Sergio in third, and Lewis in fifth. Charles stood up on the podium eyes searching the crowd for you and Reign and smiling when he found you two, already making plans to find you two after everything. 
You stood by the Ferrari garage hoping to see Charles before you had to leave since Reign was getting restless. After thirty minutes of waiting, you gave up feeling a bit disappointed and decided to head back to the hotel so Reign could rest. You carried Reign gently in your arms making sure she stayed asleep until you reached your car still thinking about Charles. 
You reached your car and gently set her in car seat and buckling her in. You had just finished up when your phone vibrated making you pull it out as you saw a text from Lewis. 
Lew 🏎️💨: Your boyfriend is headed to meet you at your car, so don't freak out and swing on him 👀
y/n 🫢: First off not my boyfriend 🙄and second off I would never punch his gorgeous self 😡
After texted Lewis back you looked up and saw Charles running over to you, making you look at him with a smile.
"Thank god your here. I swear I tried to find you and Reign as soon as I could." He said. 
"It's alright Charlie, I understand but I'm glad that you still found us before we left." You said to him. 
"Me too. I hope that I am not begin to froward with this but could I maybe have your number?" He asked you. 
"You can." You said as two exchanged phones to put yall's numbers in. 
"Oh and congratulations on second place, you did really good today." You told him after he gave your phone back. 
"Thank you! I think I had a good luck charm there today." He said making you smile. 
"Is that so?" You asked him. 
"Yeah I think I have two of them and I hope that I will see them again." He said to you as you felt the heat rush to your cheeks.
"I have a feeling you will. Good night Charlie." You said before climbing into your car. 
Once I got Reign asleep in her bed, I jumped in shower washing the day away while still thinking about Charles and how charming he was. After you showered you climbed into your bed, and were watching some tv show until your phone went off, making you smile when you saw who it was. 
Charlie 😘: hope you and reign made it to your hotel safely ♥️
Y/n 💗: we did, thanks for checking in! I hope you have a great night and congratulations again on second place 🥹
You and Charlie had been dating for over a year now and were very much in love. You, Reign and him and become a mini family with how much you guys watched Reign for her mom aka your best friend  and her mom absolutely loved him once she saw how good he was to you and Reign. You two were currently in Singapore, getting ready to head to the track where you were surprising Charlie who had no idea. He had called you a week ago and asked if his girls or his lucky charms as the fans called you and Reign were coming to the race and at the time you weren't able to since you had work and reign had school but with a little shuffling around and some help from your best friend, Lewis, and Carlos you two were about to surprise your boyfriend. 
"y/n? Are we going to see Charlie?" Reign asked. 
"We sure are bug, but he doesn't know that we are." You said as you guys walked out of the elevator. 
"Ooh are we gonna surprise him like we did with Lewis?" She asked making you laugh as you remember how you all surprised Lewis for his birthday this year. 
"Just like that. But this time Uncle Lewis and Carlos are going to help us surprise Charlie." You said to her as you guys walked to your car. 
"Oooh Uncle Carlos!" She said as he was currently her favorite uncle right now. 
You smiled at her as you got her buckled into her seat, and you guys drove to the track where you texted the guys that you two had made it since you were in a group chat. A few minutes later you saw Lewis make his way over to you guys. 
"Lew Lew!" Reign said running up and hugging him. 
"Reign bug! Look at how big you've gotten." He said picking her up and spinning her around. 
"Hey y/n." He said setting her down and hugging you. 
"Hey Lew Lew. Thank you for helping me do this for him." You said. 
"Of Course. Carlos is distracting him well trying to, he's really upset that you two couldn't be here." He said making you frown.
"I know but I hope he'll be happy to see us." You said taking Reigns hand and following Lewis. 
"Trust me he will be. You two are the light of his world." He said squeezing your shoulder in reassurance. 
You nodded your head as you guys made your way through the paddock trying to avoid being seen as much as possible. You guys finally made it to his drivers room, where you could hear Carlos talking to him. 
"I missed them so much Carlos, it's so weird not having them here with me." He said making your heart swell. 
Lewis nodded his head and you gently opened the door and let Reign run in first followed by you and Lewis. 
"Charlie!" She said running over and tackling him with a hug.
"Reign bug what are you doing here? Y/n amour what are you doing here?" He asked shocked as you made your way over to him. 
"Because I could hear how sad you were when I told you we wouldn't be able to come today so between Reign's mom and these two we came up with a plan to surprise. So surprise!" You said placing a kiss on his lips. 
"Surprise indeed! I'm so happy my girls are here. Thank you guys!" He said to Lewis and Carlos as he hugged you and Reign. 
"Of course mate, we knew you needed your good luck charms for today's race." Lewis said as him and Carlos left the room. 
"I'm really happy you both are here." He said looking at you as Reign sat in his lap. 
"Me too. I love you Charlie." You said smiling at him. 
"I love you y/n." He said pressing a kiss to your lips. 
Eventually it was time for the race to start, so you guys wished him luck with a good luck kiss from you and good luck handshake from Reign. The race was so close with Charles and Max constantly battling for first place until it came down to the final lap and Charlie overtook Max and Charlie won the race. 
"Y/n! Charlie won!" Reign said cheering and looking at you with a big smile on her face. 
"I know angel, I'm so proud of him." You said as you lead her out the garage to watch him do a burnout up close. 
You thought he would've done a burnout but instead he climbed out of the car, and made his way over to where you two were and picked Reign up and then pulled you in for a kiss. 
"Congratulations baby, we're so proud of you." You said smiling at him. 
"Congratulations Uncle Charlie." Reign said wrapping her arms around him.
"Thank you, I couldn't have done without my good luck charms. I love you both so much." He said hugging you both tightly.
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porcelainmoth · 22 days
Lean on me
Warnings: Depression, mentions of Alcohol, Language, Reader is referred to as "kid" by Husk but the reader's age is undetermined. Nicknames, Fluff/Comfort.
Author's note: This was inspired by a prompt I found on Tumblr. This is my first fanfic so it's not the best but I tried. I really tried to make it give off Dad! Husk vibes but it's up to the reader to choose how they want to interpret it. My Lucifer fanfic is still a WIP but I'll get back to it Asap. I hope y'all take care ❤️
Prompt: "I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay." https://www.tumblr.com/eloquent-edits/743056289024868352/omg-protection-prompts-yall-feel-free-to?source=share
Summary: When life gets tough you think you're great at hiding your feelings but nothing gets past wise old husker. Perhaps you could use a bartender's shoulder to lean on?
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"Breakfast is done!" Charlie chirps sitting down a plate full of a variety of your favorite food on the table.
"Aww, Charlie you didn't have to." You say timidly rubbing the back of your head.
"Well you are a special guest after all. Besides it's no biggie really." She smiles sitting down with a plate full of hot cakes.
"Thank you." You smile back and gather your plate to take to your room when an unexpected but familiar voice cuts in.
"You're really going to eat in your room all by your lonesome again?"
You turn around and look over at the source of the voice. There sits husk at the bar. Wearing his usual look of disinterest. He takes a quick swig of booze before going back to the same wine glass he was
"Are you really going to sit there and rub the same glass all day again? I think it's clean by now." You giggle.
"Touché" he smirks sitting down the glass and goes back to nursing the bottle.
You roll your eyes and thank Charlie again before taking off to your room.
"Hey kid?"
You groan stopping once again not even bothering to turn around.
What the fuck do you want? you want to say.
"Yes?" You say through gritted teeth not feeling like talking at the moment.
"You okay?"
Like hell I am.
"Y-yeah I'm good." You lie and storm off before anything else can be said.
Charlie gives Husk a worried glance and Husk just shrugs and goes back to cleaning the bar.
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"Hey Husk have you seen squirt anywhere Charlie's group therapy thing is about to start and uhh...." Angel trails off. "Ya know come to think of it I haven't seen much of em' in a week or two." He says wringing his hands. "I tried knocking on their door a couple of times but they won't answer. Think ya could try talking to them for me? Since y'all are close?" Angel says.
Husk raises an eyebrow. "Yeah I S'pose I could try."
"Okay thanks. See you at Charlie's group exercises. Not like I'm going..." He snickers walking off.
Husk sighs and hops off his stool putting a closed sign on the bar and heads up to your room. Stopping at your door he hesitates a minute but takes a deep breath and lightly knocks at your door hearing shuffling behind it followed by sniffle.
"Hey Kid?" He says "Charlie's group bonding is about to start." He says then knocks a bit harder than the first time.
"Kid-" you cut him off.
"I'll be out in a minute...." You say quickly wiping your tears and doing your best to tidy up your appearance combing through your messy hair and putting on a fake grin you open the door.
"Husker! Nice to see ya! As always...." you say with fake enthusiasm.
"Long time no see...." He takes a moment to get a look at you. Your skin is paler than usual. You have bags under your eyes and your eyes are bloodshot red. He can tell you've been crying. He notices your smile slightly wane.
"Hahaha Yeah...." You respond nervously rubbing the back of your head.
"Is everything alright?"
"You heard me." He says taking a few steps closer crossing his arms.
You gulp trying to avoid looking him in the eye. He sighs and goes to cup your cheek in the palm of his paw. You slowly melt into his touch sighing.
"Baby you know you can tell me if something's wrong."
You pull his away from his grasp and turn around huffing, wrapping your arms around yourself in a self soothing manner.
"You can cut the act. Tell me what's wrong and maybe I can help-"
"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW OKAY?!" You snap hot tears begin streaming down your already red cheeks.
He winces backing up a bit. He knows you didn't mean it. He knew you were just hurt.
"Baby I-"
"I don't NEED your help! I said I'm FINE." You shouted quickly turn on your heel shutting the door. You slide down with your back pressed against it hugging your knees to your chest crying harder.
He listens from the other side his heart breaks hearing your broken sobs. He kneels down in front of the door this time.
"You're still there? I thought I told you to leave..." You whimper not even trying to fight it at this point.
"I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay." He speaks up.
"Well clearly I'm not...." You sniffle.
"You know I can get up and leave but we both the truth. You hate being alone."
You calm down a bit listening to him on the other side of the door.
"I remember the first day you arrived here. You were scared and all alone. I could tell. But you still fooled everyone with that sweet smile of yours." He says sighing deeply.
"You know we all love you...." he chuckles. "Charlie's been talking nonstop about how proud she is of you and always tells me every little detail about the progress you've made since you arrived here. Angels even bragged on you about what a good friend you are. Always helping with Fat Nuggets and trying to cheer him up after a bad night. Vaggie, That girl is a tough nut to crack but I see the way she smiles at ya." He says grinning to himself like a proud father. "Hell even Al. He's definitely something else.....but I've noticed he's seemed to take a liking to you as well. And Niff. Well I don't even think you want to know.." He trails off snickering.
"Yes I do! What about Niffty?"
"She may or may not have a collection of your hair that she may or may not keep locked up in her "Secret" shrine of you. Don't ask how I know that...." He says cringing.
You snort and laugh at that. He chuckles.
"So...may I come in now?" He asks. You quickly jump up opening the door and dive into his chest wrapping your arms around him tightly. He gasps but returns the big embrace.
"Careful Kid. You nearly knocked the nine lives outta me." He huffs. "Well nine after lives?"
You giggle and melt into his warmth as he runs his claws through your hair. You sniffle again causing him to perk up.
He looks down at you running his paw down your cheek wiping away a stray tear.
"What's the matter?" He asks his gaze softening.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you and pushed you and everyone away....." You say crying softly.
"Oh baby don't worry about it. We were just worried about you." He replied humming softly while rubbing your back. You play with his wings and he notices this. Slowly he wraps his red velvety wings around your figure. You nuzzle deeper into him content. You yawn and he scoops you up in his arms to lay you down in your room.
Just then Charlie and Vaggie walk around the corner along with Angel dust close behind them. Charlie goes to speak but quickly examines the situation causing her eyes to tear up and break into a wide grin.
"Awwwwwww." Her and Angel coo in unison while Vaggie just smiles putting her hands on her hips. Angel laughs.
"Well well well, guess Ole Whiskers has a heart after all." He snorts.
"Zip it Anthony."
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A/n: Well that's it. This ended up longer than I thought it would be. Hopefully it isn't too bad but I finally finished it. I wanted to write something comforting without to getting too deep into the depths of depression. I hope that's okay. As always take care ❤️
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syunkiss · 1 year
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Hi, we are the TWU sys! TWU stands for "The Wine Uncles."
We stand with Palestine! Palestine WILL be free! 🇵🇸
last update: 12.06.2024 (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
Please read the informations below before proceeding to scroll :)
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"Making such a mess, It's getting permanently painted in my head, and there's no going back. So love me like I'm dead until there's nothing left and watch me decompose, till I'm skin and bones, vulnerable ..." /lyr
system moodboards: #system moodboard
host rentry ::: click here
ship blocklist ::: click here
hello! we are your favorite weird tbmc system
neurodivergent • heavy fictive !!
> frequent fronters are Chuuya {🍷} , Charlie {🐧} and Rimbaud {☁️} <
☆ lgbtqia+ . . agere caregiver n little . petre pet and caretaker . ☆
we love drawing, writing stories/AUs and our major hyperfocus is bungo stray dogs and malice mizer !!
chuu's babbles are usually under the tag #🍷.txt
"Mama, there's a war outside, can I go play with it?" /lyr
IMPORTANT 🌡but if you prefer something more simplified, click here :3
dni: well, follow the basic dni criteria. proshippers >>i dont care if its fictional characters . i dislike incest and pedophilia and whatever like a normal person and idc if theyre fictional or if theyre real .<< (principally odazai or morizai shippers get the fuck out of here.), radqueers/transmed, MAPs, NOMAPS (basically pedos who dont want to touch childs), anti-antis, "transDID/transOSDD" whatever, pro-ana/pro-sh, xenosatanists and all those shit.
yes I am an anti but i am not harassing anyone . im just blocking yall . im not directly harsssing anyone and if i ever did it just tell me :3 im not wasting my time and going to yalls askbox just to send things i am just blocking and moving on stop being stupid.
Its ok but meh: irl g0re centered accs, n$fw accs (nothing agaisnt yall it just make me very uncomfortable) if you post abt Twitter (X) or has your twt acc link on your account (nothing agaisnt you too! it triggers me deeply for personal reasons.)
We are mogai and antishipper (as said before, anti-harassment. just block and move on.), multishipper and rareshipper. selfshippers are also very welcome here :) (proship/comship/darkship block us and go away)
we will post about cultural topics sometimes too. i just love my country's culture
We don't mind jokes or lines with sexual connotations but please don't overdo it. || we have littles in our system so please be respectful towards them if they post something (it'll be tagged)
i am also very anxious and easily triggered by specific things so dont mind if I post vents here sometimes. its our safe space. however block the tag "vent" if youre uncomfortable w it. -Chuuya
• be careful ahead: monsters awaits /silly
- your local host is Chuuya! ☆
chuu's sfw blog (inactive) : @vampoth-baby
arts blog: @slugidiot
Rp blogs : @lippythepup (inactive) @corpse-to-ability @cafe-uzumaki @stoicsleuth @sora-s-conscious @wimpiest-in-the-east @aka-s-sheep @violence-services
blogs of some of the other members of our system: @cnidaerio @odasd @rimbadance @ttsukipii
we also run @bungo-agere-dogs ;)
Blinkies and images !!!
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fav posts ever :: X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , ○ , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X
the ones with "○" may be triggering
old usernames: @ hartedfearsys
tags to block : # vent # tw # angry rant
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...Top five Charlie moments, I'm curious.
Sorry this took so long!!! I had many feelings lol
Here we go!
5. Her ranting to Alastor
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It's just a cute moment to me! I especially love Alastors aroace stare of death the enitre time but also i think its a good moment to highlight how Charlie works? If that makes sense. It was nice to see her ranting to him, frustrated and confused over the situation with Vaggie. A runner-up to this is definitely her talk with Rosie, but i particularly enjoyed seeing Charlie just. Ranting lol
4. Her Hugging Angel
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YALL HAD TO KNOW THIS ONE WAS COMING i Have so many things to say about the end of episode 4 but this this is my favorite scene. Like they could have easily played it off or not really addressed it but Charlie waiting up till Husk brought Angel home???? Specifically so she could apologize to him?? Just overall her realizing that she messed up. Angel accecpting the apology and telling her he understands that she genuinely wanted to help him.
This scene means a lot it was so sweet it was so kskfkwkfkekdkwkd Charlie is such a kind hearted person and it was eating her alive to know in her fury and anger to protect Angel she inadvertently made things worse,,,,god. Sweet girl im so happy they hugged im so happy he reassured her it was okay, he knows her heart is in the right place.
3. "Just, come see what im trying to do here. It's really important to me."
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I just aaaaaaa god FUCK. She genuinely cares about them so much. Charlie has found company and family in this band of misfits and at this point knows they all believe in her, and this scene melts me. Charlie telling her dad how important this is (and the flash to Angel and Pens faces and how those words alone mean so much to them ill cry)
Charlie believes in them so much. She calls them her family to adams face later on, and i melt
2. "What makes you think you can treat him like that!?"
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Just. Angry Charlie. Charlie looking ready to beat Valentinos ass into the ground (and she probably would have had Angel not stepped in)
Like I genuinely believe she'd be pissed if she saw ANY of the other Hotel staff being treated like this, but I do think it being Angel played a part in HOW mad she got.
(Let me cook here okay)
Its like. Angel up till then had been making a point to not let on bad things were for him. He only ever called Val his "Boss". He actively hid and covered up his text messages. Charlie had been operating under the impression that Angel was an addict and sex worker, but she had absolutely no idea he was a victim.
Thats why i love this moment. You see it click in her head. The way she watches Val push Angel, the way her eyes follow, you can literally SEE her putting the pieces together, the Realization of just how much Angel was dealing with.
I can only imagine what was going on in her head but I think a big reason why she got SO angry in this scene is because she finally understands.
And shes ready to kill over it.
1. That's princess of Hell to you, pig."
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I have very little to add to this besides that this is badass. I LOVE angry Charlie. i LOVE seeing her pissed off. She has been building up to this. She deserved this moment to look Adam in the eyes and remind him EXACTLY who the fuck hes talking to.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
It's late and I have no one else to rant about these things so ur the victim<3
1:I genuinely love Charlie and finn so much. Finn was my introduction to yuuri's content, I was in love with his comp thumbnail and was like, "Hey that's cute, oh it's kinda long. Let's see how this goes ig" and then I fell in love with him. I won't lie, before Charlie, I listened to Lucien and Faust's audios first! In order it was Finn, Lucien, Faust, Charlie, Bittersweet boy's, then Jack! And in complete honesty, My favorites will always be Charlie and Finn. They're tied lmao
They're both just so.....idk I just love both their vibes and how silly and skrunkly they can be<3
2:As previously stated, Lucien was one of the first Yuurivoice boy's I listened to! And I love his design {Huge shout-out to the artist I love her sm} and I sometimes find myself thinking about his design specifically. I love demons, designed a couple myself, and I so badly wanna draw my rendition of him cuz it genuinely seems like so much fun. {Mainly has to do with giving him ram legs and all that grunge/emo/whatever genre that is, stuff}
3: Faust. Just Faust. I love that twink so much. Tbh I didn't know why at first, thought it was just his design or something, but after thinking about it for awhile, I realized why I like him so much! It's because {at least so far} you can totally view {some of} his videos as platonic/just a blooming friendship! And I LOVE that. I love the fact it doesn't just full dive into romance, I love that he has his issues, I love that he's trying to fix them, i love that about him and Charlie, i love them allllll im gonna start crying 😭😭😭
God I'm so sorry for the wall of text, plz ignore this if u don't feel like responding/reading, I just really needed to get that outta my system🫶
Bro I love when people tell me stuff like this! Yall are 10000% allowed to come into my inbox and just yap I'll listen dw
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
A half-baked mix of SFW and NSFW Charlie headcanons because if I try to make two different lists my brain will leak out of my ears.
@jaffacakerebellion @sldghmmr I HOPE YALL ARE HAPPY
Mega clingy, always holding you near, tugs you close by your belt loop when you walk off. Noone is dumb enough to bug you two if they see you together. Sometimes he likes to sit you on his lap and watch stuff with you on his phone backstage.
Just not afraid of PDA in general, will kiss you and grab you at every opportunity.
He's so scary and mean to everyone else but he absolutely babies you.
If anyone even looks at you funny they're screwed, even if its someone on Die Familie. He's a guard dog in human form.
He'll speak up for you too if you won't. He won't stand for anyone walking over you or taking advantage of you. Even if it's something small like getting the wrong order at a restaurant.
He loves hearing you talk, loves holding you close and hangs on to your every word
He just prefers for you to do a lot of the talking anyway he's just not a talkative person
Will constantly get on your case for not taking care of yourself. You accidentally let it slip you forgot to eat breakfast? Whoops. Now you're sitting on his lap being fed a parfait. Don't let him find out you've been working too hard. On your days off he'll pamper you and won't let you lift a finger the whole time
Bad at telling jokes but the amount of effort he puts in is so cute
You'd be the only person in the world he'd let play with his hair
Constantly calling you "baby, doll, Princess, babe,"
He's a massive sadist. A soft sadist, but a sadist nonetheless.
Hates flogging, if he's going to spank you it's going to be with his hands, he likes the feeling against them and seeing his work show up on your skin. He also loves the control, crops won't even do it for him.
Degrades you in the softest ways imaginable. "Look at yourself, my dumb baby can't stop drooling, huh?" "Poor doll can't even think right, there's really nothing in that pretty head of yours is there...
Definitely into ropes. Loves to praise you and tell you how good you're being while he ties each knot
Also enjoys soft bondage like simple scarves
Definitely a biter, leaves love marks on you everywhere
Constantly teasing you. Like obviously he's going to stop when you tell him to, but if you're whining underneath him from overstim he's just like "First you don't want me to stop, now you can't take it anymore? Which is it, babe? I'm so confused..."
Especially when he's edging you, which he's very good at doing.
Totally a dacryphiliac. Getting you to cry from fucking you so good is his favorite thing in the world. Especially when you let him kiss away the tears going down your face while he's bouncing you on his lap. You're his precious little crybaby who he wants to spoil and completely ruin all at once
Loves experimenting with toys. Seeing how long you can sit with a wand against you before you beg for mercy, taking you out places and controlling the vibe in you on his phone. Cockwarming you on his lap with a toy stimulating you. The man is far too clever and inventive.
Plays with you hair and softly praising you while you give him head. Maybe he's not even paying attention, maybe you've just got him in your mouth while he idly scrolls on his phone but he just keeps it up.
He'll take you anywhere and everywhere, in any position you let him bend you in.
Not really into exhibition but sex in public places is a different story. Pulling you into closets, bathrooms, alleys while out shopping? He can do that.
Of course, if you just want something slow and simple for the night, he can also do that. Slow missionary in bed with him mumbling how much he loves you over and over again? He can also do that.
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inourtownofhawkins · 1 year
I was tagged by @gracelcdomas (thank you Milo my beloved ilysmmm) to answer these questions
Your name: Buffy
Sun sign: Leo
Last thing you listened to: LIMBO! by Nature (It's a good song yall are just mean)
What are you wearing: My pink pajama bottoms and my boyfriend's Marvel t-shirt (because I'm the definition of fashion)
How tall are you: 5'1
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Glasses or contacts: None
Last drink: Coke
Last thing you ate: Steak and curly fries for dinner (10/10 would eat again rn)
Any pets: None
Do you have a crush on someone: I have a crush on my boyfriend but don't tell him that, it'll make it weird
Favorite fictional characters: Steve Harrington, Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Natalie Scatorccio, Eddie Munson, the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond. There's more but brain no worky because of the cold
A movie you think everyone should watch: Quest for Camelot
A book you think everyone should read: The Enemy series by Charlie Higson (I need more people to screech about it with)
The last place you travelled: Scotland in like 2019 - you can really tell I get out a lot lmao
Tagging: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple, @eddiemunsonsmum, @corroded-hellfire, @hellfiremunsonn and @paranoidmunson <33
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xdamngina · 1 year
let me tell yall how many pets we have. Because shit is ridiculous istg. its a damn zoo.
We started off with Bella. Shes queen. Bellatrix Lestrange. She was an only child. then came Ezra.
After Bella, Anthony and Pricilla found a kitten outside and they locked it in my closet. His name is charlie, Charlie Thackery Binx, hes from the hood. Hes a hood cat. the favoritism for charlie is at the highest order, hes allowed to sleep in the beds. he had a rough life. hes from the hood.
after that, My stepmom decided to call Claudia over, and Claudia came home with two kittens. Mr.Pinks, Hes the orange Fluffy cat and Luna Maria Guadalupe. They are siblings.
Luna decided to Make Charlie her baby daddy. I explained to her, hes from the hood, and theres no telling how many baby mommas he has, but she didnt care. And she popped out his twin. Tokyo. Yes, Tokyo from Casa Del Papel. this bitch has a staring problem.
Later on, Anthony and Pricilla bought a bunny for their girls. His name is Chico. After Chico outgrew his cage, they dropped him on my doorstep. He came in a little pink cage, it was a serious case of child neglect. I since bought him a mansion. He started from the bottom now he here. Bunnies have a high sex drive, so we gave him a tiny cow. He loves that cow. he fucks that cow day and night. thats his wife.
after this, My niece calls me up and asks if i can take care of her dog because my niece was pregnant. So now i have Princess, shes an orphan, shes also from the hood. She is the alpha of all our animals.
Luna decided to runaway and get herself knocked up again, and we had 5 baby kittens, some died, negect on her part. The rest we rehomed. Ezra got attached to one kitten and we kept it. His name is Geralt Of Rivia. AKA Geraldo Antonio
we are one big happy family. No more pets. we are done.
One day Anthony, again... calls me up, he says Hey, i got you a puppy. a real, bailed me out of jail thank you gift. the dog was a golden retriever. me and Claudia had been wanting a golden retriever for a long time, but we were going to wait until we bought a house.
it was Sooner, than expected and now we have Benito. Yes like bad bunny.
Benito, had really bad social anxiety. he ran from people. didnt play. hid under tables and chairs. Someone hurt him. and it broke our hearts. So we thought we can get him another dog to play with.
One day, i disappear off into the sunset and return home with Kaizer, hes a german shepherd. this is my dream dog. if we were going to get another dog, might as well be a dog we planned on getting already.
Now we have 5 Cats, 4 dogs, 1 bunny. we assumed we were going to end here. but of course.... we didnt.
now we have a jumping spider named Peter. and a bird egg in an incubator.
originally our plan was to have the cats, chico, the tiny dogs, and then move to a house with land, and eventually get a golden retriever, german shepherd and a blue pitbull, the smiley kind. some chickens, ducks, goats, pigs, all the works. we want to live on the land, grow our food, leave the city, live in peace, with our animals, and have Ezra and Cami grow away from technology and all that bullshit.
trying to move this zoo to oregon is going to be a bitch.
I am counting down the fucking days until i leave texas istg.
All the wedding events coming up are going to go by so fast. Eventually, I'm going to be sitting bedside Claudia, listening to our babies heartbeat.
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wondernus · 2 years
Hi hi im already on the taglist but i was wondering if you could change @/sapphichui to my new one, the url im sending you the ask with
Also i didnt even realize it but i wasnt following you? I love your smaus idk why i think tumblr may have unfollowed you djxnbxnx
Lastly, the jun smau, as you probably saw from my spamming of tags, which im sorry about, has me in a chokehold, i can tell you right now that it made me cry and im mto ready for what is gonna happen to vernon, and im not ready for the development of yn and juns relationship
My delusional tendencies are really kicking in with this fic, you have such an unbelievably juicy brain and you should be so so so proud of yourself!!!!
I hope you have a great week i am sending so so so much love <33333
SDLKFJSLDAASLKJF I love reading tags and I loved reading your tags. I think my favorite ones were "op ur sick" and the hai cheng ones 😭😭😭 but dw I changed your username for the tags :3
I also literally DO NOT know how to respond to people telling me that the vernon chapters made them tear up bc I was probably listening to megan thee stallion or charli while writing 💀 I'm so glad yall liked it but I'M SO SORRY. vernon's parts were thot shit fueled (which doesn't make sense I know) (but at the same time it's kinda on brand for him but asdfghjkl i'm sorRY)
also you have one of the prettiest pfps I've seen on this website omg. the transparent background x jun's head popping out of the star is just *chef's kiss from gusteau from ratatouille*
tysm for your compliments you're too kind!! they mean so much to me ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ I hope you have an amazing start of your week :33
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inahallucination · 2 years
how do you think the poets would react if they knew in 30 years there would be entire blogs dedicated to their gayness?? :0 {also i do still think you're very cool}
so this kinda turned into them somehow being able to access tumblr lol
charlie: would be so fucking thrilled,, a. he's famous, people now he's the shit now, b. it's gay like no further explanation needed,, it might be a bit strange since this is the 50's so an online blog is a pretty unique concept,, but i don't think he'd delve on it too much,, he’d definitely tease anderperry since they’re the most agreed on ship and i think he’d totally rank all the poets he’s shipped with and totally hold it over their head (”charlie can you-” “is that anyway to speak to someone you’re in love with?” but like to all of the poets since he’s shipped with all of them) 
cameron: i feel like he'd be really awkward about it,, like on one hand, i think he'd feel a little pleased, but on the other he wouldn't really know how to react, cuz man, this is the 50's the concept of a blog being dedicated to him would totally freak him out,, he’d say he doesn’t care about it, but he’d totally secretly read everything to “get an accurate assumption”
knox: him being gay would get in the way of him and chris, so he might not be too in love with the idea of it, but it's more of an annoyance that people don't really ship him with chris all that much that'd get to him
meeks: i feel like meeks wouldn’t even think about the dedicated part as much as he’d be completely enthralled by the futuristic tech,,, eventually though he’d try to see the content to decide if he likes it or not, he would and his favorite part would be the anderperry fanfiction, he’d tease anderperry about the m-e rated and cry over the fluff,, he also would really adore headcanons and go through all of them to find which ones are accurate or close  and which ones are completely wrong
pitts: same as meeks as in he’d be fascinated with the tech, i feel like he’d be pretty happy to know him and meeks are always together, even if some people don’t ship them,, i don’t know why, but i feel like he’d be pretty into theories and headcanons rather than flat out fictional (”todd, why didn’t you tell me you were a time traveler???” “...what?”) 
neil: oh he’d love every single part of it until he reads the angst,, he seems like the guy who likes to cry over fiction, but he wouldn’t like dps angst since the person being angsty is typically todd or charlie, he’d definitely avoid that whole mess, he’d be thrilled at all the anderperry content, and how it’s pretty much accepted as canon,, would definitely spends hours looking at fanart and edits. he read fanfiction but he stumbled upon an anderperry rated e pwp and couldn’t look todd in the eye after
todd: would be so flustered to see the blogs, i feel like there are a lot of blogs that are either named after todd or have him in the username that would just turn him beet red like, from the top of my head @toddmybeloved​ @gaytoddanderson​ (not to bother yall lmao but ur the first ones i thought of) ,, he’d be pretty flustered and i don’t think he’d manage to look through any thing tagged todd either,, he’d be pretty fucking happy with the neil and anderperry content tho (he read every neil being a simp post)
this is the time traveler thing btw by @aedan-mills
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Title: Fake it till you love me part 2
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x F!Human!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, future smut, abusive ex boyfriend, angst, terrible mother, cute ass grandmother
Summary: Y/N has returned home for her little sister's wedding and asked Elijah to be her fake boyfriend. Elijah gets to meet the rest of the family and meets Granny M for the first time and comes to adore the older woman.
Part one - part three
Y/N woke up finding Elijah's face buried in her neck and his arms wrapped around her waist as he woke kissing her neck making her blush hard. Elijah smirked hearing her racing heart and moved caging her under him.
"Goodmorning dear " Elijah said softly leaning down making Y/N's heart flutter wanting to kiss him but Y/N didn't know were this affection Elijah was showing her coming from. Her face exploded with blush when his nose brushed against hers, Elijah was going to use this trip to win Y/N'a heart. Elijah leaned closer to kiss her as her hands shook and heart race but the door was slam open making her jump as Elijah calmly leaned away.
"Now yall' get out of bed! Everyone is waitin'." It was Loretta. Y/N groaned annoyed because she was close to finally kiss Elijah and maybe tell him how she felt. Loretta pulled out a sundress for her daughter and a nice suit for Elijah.
"Got it momma." Y/N tells Loretta as the woman walked out hearing her yell at Amelia to hurry up. Elijah slipped out of bed a bit angry that they were interrupted and Y/N got up to take a quick shower.
"Can you tie this up please?"
"Of course darling." Elijah said smiling gently lacing up the dress then sat her down making her blink and felt Elijah run a comb though her damp hair. Y/N relaxed under Elijah's magic fingers as he braided her hair putting it up in a bun and pinned it in place.
"Wow, you are too good at this." Y/N said as she watched Elijah put her heels on his hand trailing up her smooth leg stopping just below her knee.
"Well being around Rebekah for all of my life, I learned a few things." Elijah said watching Y/N cheeks turn pink as he leaning up kissing her forehead and helped her up and headed down to breakfast that was being served out in garden. Loretta came by taking Y/N to see her aunts while Elijah was approached by a older woman.
"You must be Elijah, Y/N's boyfriend." Elijah heard a sweet voice say and looked to see looking old lady dressed in a lovely cream colored dress and white cardigan.
"I am ma'am."
"Oh dear call me Granny M." Granny M said smiling taking Elijah's arm when her held it out to her.
"You are a lot sweeter than James. Just so you know my grandbaby loves pink roses." Granny tells Elijah making him smile as they walked to the table getting James's attention seeing the Originals charming Granny M.
"James is not your favorite?"
"No. That man crushed Y/N, ruined her. I remember her coming to my home sobbing. But with you, I can see her glowing." Granny said patting Elijah's hand with a smile as Elijah looked to Y/N seeing her smiling as she talked to her aunts. Elijah's eyes was twinkling with adoration and love which Granny M caught on.
"You are really in love with her." Granny said softly getting Elijah's attention making him lower his head smiling.
"I am."Elijah told the old woman honestly as she smiled brightly reaching for his hand and Elijah smile softly. Elijah talked with Granny M making her laugh and smile telling the Original that Y/N was lucky to have him. James walked over smiling as he had enough seeing Elijah easily charm Granny M.
"Granny M, good to see you."
"Hello James, I'm surprised you here." Granny M said sounding annoyed as Elijah looked James over seeing that the man was dressed to impress Y/N while Elijah didn't know just what James did to her but Elijah wasn't going allow James to be alone with Y/N.
"So what are you both talking about?"
"I am just getting to this lovely woman." Elijah says with a smile as Granny smiled also while James hid his anger for Elijah with how well he was getting alone everyone. Y/N walked over before James could say a word as she placed a hand on Elijah's shoulder.
"Hello Granny, Elijah....James." Y/N said ignoring how James looked at her as Elijah gently grabbed her hand kissing the inside of her wrist. Granny M cooed with how cute it was when Elijah gently tugged Y/N into his lap while James felt a flare of jealousy.
"You two remind me of how me and my late Charlie was." Granny M said with a soft smile making Y/N blush hiding her face in Elijah's neck feeling him chuckled. James sat at the table still glaring at Elijah.
"Alright everyone breakfast is being served. Later to all those in the wedding party must go get suits and dresses. All guests must ready their outfits." Loretta says talking though a microphone. Waiters came placing down plates on the table the was breakfast.
"Now tomorrow the wedding starts at 8 am so please up and ready." Loretta said smiling. Y/N moved to leave Elijah's lap but he kept her there telling her it was fine.
"So Elijah I am surprised you are dating Y/N. I thought someone like Amelia would be more your type." James said taking some bacon off the serving plate as the woman in Elijah's lap freeze while Elijah rubbed her side smiling.
"I am more surprised that she chose me. Seeing how gorgeous she is, she could have any man." Elijah said smiling feeling Y/N hide her face in his neck blushing hard againg as Granny giggled finding them adorable.
"Elijah!" Y/N whined into his neck as Elijah kissed her head rubbing her back chuckling. Breakfast went smoothly and for the rest of the day Y/N and Elijah spent time with Granny M as the older woman adored Elijah. Y/N found herself falling for Elijah more seeing how great he was with her grandmother and the woman was debating if to tell Elijah how she felt if his affections was something that could give her hope.
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jammi13 · 3 years
I’m so in love with you - Charlie Gillespie x Reader(Fluff)
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A/N: This is my first fic ever. So please go easy on me. Charlie is one of my favorite people and I couldn’t get this scenario out of my head no matter how hard I tried. So, enjoy and let me know what you think! lolol
Warnings: Mentions of weight and insecurities 
Word Count: 1.4k
When you and Charlie first met you guys hit it off right away. Everyone could see the instant connection between you two. Innocent hang outs with the group quickly turned into both of you guys waiting for everyone to leave so that yall could stay behind and stay up all night talking and cuddling. Charlie was such a touchy person and to his surprise your love language was physical touch as well. It started with his “accidental” leg brushes underneath the table. All the way to you rubbing your hands on his thighs to calm him down when he felt overwhelmed. It was a match made in heaven, honestly. 
You would run your fingers through his hair, and rub his back as he laid on your lap reading new scripts for auditions, and he would do the same for you while you also analyzed new scripts for directing gigs. Touch was such a big part of yalls relationship, to the point where you guys made it a rule that no matter how you both were feeling whether it be angry, frustrated or sad you would always greet each other with a hug and a kiss. Always. 
So it was odd when Charlie came home from filming and threw his jacket and shoes on the floor and instantly walked straight to your shared room. You watched him from the couch and you knew right away something had made him extremely upset if he would ignore you like that. 
You hesitated a bit overthinking whether or not you should go check on him. Wanting to give him his space but remembering one time when he was very angry and he told you when he felt like this he didn’t want space from you. If anything he wanted you to come looking for him. It was a weird concept considering you’d never been in a relationship where they wanted you to come looking for them. But Charlie was different and you knew that.
You get off the couch and slowly walk down the hallway to your room. As you get closer you hear silent sobs. You open the door and Charlie’s head snaps straight to you. You don’t waste anytime as you hurry to him and pull him into a hug between his legs. His head rests on your chest and you feel his sobs get a bit stronger. You pull away from him kneeling down to get a better view. His eyes were red and puffy. You grabbed his face in your hands as you begin to stroke his cheek, hoping to calm him down just enough to tell you what’s going on. He closes his eyes and leans into your touch. You examine his face and whisper to him. “Baby, come on, look at me.”
He waits for a second before he finally flutters his eyes open, letting a pool of tears fall down his face. You let go and begin to wipe his tears away. 
 “What’s wrong, Charlie? Talk to me. It’s just us. I’m here for you.”
He licks his lips before patting the empty side of the bed. Wanting you to sit next to him and, so he could have just a couple seconds to regain his thoughts before speaking. You both sit in silence for a bit rubbing your thumb over his hand before he finally takes a deep breath and asks you. “Why are you even with me?” He can barley get those words out before the tears begin falling from his eyes again. You scoot closer to him furrowing your eyebrows shocked at the question coming out of the love of your life’s mouth. You bring your hand up to his cheek.
“Char, where is this coming from?”
He reaches for your hand and moves it away from his face. Shaking his head, trying to hold his tears, gesturing to his body.
“Look at me, I’m ugly. Everyone is telling me that I’m too ugly and “fat”  to even be with you. I have thousands of people in my DM’s telling me that I need to workout more if I want to keep you interested in me.” 
He pulls his phone out and shows you the picture circling Instagram. He was at a restaurant with Owen and Charlie had filled his plate a little more than Owens. The caption read, “If Charlie doesn’t watch it with the food y/n wont want to be with him anymore. Looks like he’s been letting those plates get to him already... Yikes..” You scroll through the comments and see so many people agreeing with the account.
You feel your blood start to boil. People don’t know that food was such a touchy subject for Charlie. He had been struggling with his weight for most of his life and he was finally at a point where he felt confident in himself and the work he’s done to get his body where its at. And this account just comes and wrecks his progess with this post. 
It’s not until you finally look up to Charlie that you realize he can’t even look at you. You reach for his face and he grabs your wrists pulling them away. “Charlie, please. Look at me.” You break from his hold and you reach up again, more successful this time. You try to bring his gaze to you but he keeps moving away. “Baby, look at me. Charlie, baby, don’t let that random person tell you how I’m going to feel about you. I think you are perfect. in my eyes you are so perfect and I love you more than there are words.”
He still doesn’t look at you. You smile a little getting an idea. “Baby, will you do something for me.” You tilt your head a bit trying to get him to look at you, with no luck but you see him nod. “Can you take off your shirt and pants and move up on the bed, lay over here?” He shoots a confused look at you but does it anyway. He finally gets into position and you straddle him. He shakes his head. “Baby, no. I do-” You interrupt him “Calm down Charlie, I’m not trying to seduce you.” You earn a small chuckle from him.
“I love you so much and I just wanna show you just how much I love you.” You lean down and kiss his lips. You can feel his hesitation before he falls into the rhythm. You leave a trail of kisses from his lips to his jaw before moving down to under his ear where he loves to be kissed. He takes a deep breath as you kiss him. You whisper in his ear between kisses. “You mean the world to me.” “I couldn’t imagine life with out you.” You lean up again and kiss his lips before moving down to his chest, making sure to kiss every part right until you got to his tummy. His face scrunches and his body flinches as he tries to cover up. You sit up and move to his face, wiping the hair out of his face grazing his forehead with your thumb. “You are so beautiful. You’ve made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world everyday since we got together and now its my turn to show you just how beautiful I think you are.” 
You kiss him again and move back down to his tummy, this time with no flinches from your sweet boy. You kiss down his tummy and down to each of his thighs and legs then back up to his arms. You grab both of his hands and bring them to your lips leaving kisses all over them. You interlock you hands with his and for the first time since you started you catch his gaze. You stare into eachothers eyes and even though there were no words being spoken there was so much love being shared. Charlie sits up and brings your face into his hands and he leave a longing kiss on your lips. This kiss was different. It was full of love and endearment from both sides. You finally pull away. Leaning your forehead on his. Just enjoying the moment. The moment where yours and Charlie’s breaths were perfectly in sync and neither of you wanted it to end. He whispers loud enough for you to hear. 
“I am so in love. So incredibly in love with you.”
He looks up into your eyes and you bring him in for another kiss.
“And I love you, Charlie.”
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