#can you tell i like my faceless series?
kizzyedgelll · 5 months
i was tagged by @alexcabotgf, @rachelsennot, @saw-x, @pascow and @tthrawn (thank you darlings <3) to post my most popular and favorite sets from each month
JANUARY most popular: The Love Witch + pink favorite: The Craft
FEBRUARY most popular: Pulp Fiction "dance scene" favorite: "girls crying in front of the mirror"
MARCH most popular: EEAAO's Jobu Tupaki + outfits favorite: Wallace & Gromit + my "faceless" series
APRIL most popular: The Grand Budapest Hotel favorite: horror movies + flowers
MAY most popular: The Grand Budapest Hotel favorite: HTTYD + my "faceless" series
JUNE most popular: How To Train Your Dragon favorite: ghibli + pride colors
JULY most popular: Beauty and the Beast + my "faceless" series favorite: BATB + my "ABC" series
AUGUST most popular: Matilda favorite: Zendaya + films
SEPTEMBER most popular and favorite: Howl's Moving Castle + my "faceless" series
OCTOBER most popular and favorite: iconic Disney villains
NOVEMBER most popular: Anatasia's Dimitri favorite: The Lion King + my "faceless" series
DECEMBER most popular: Barbie favorite: 2023 film releases
a lot of people have made this so idk who to tag asjksfhdf if you feel like doing it, feel free to say i tagged you <3
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physalian · 2 months
What No One Tells you about Writing #3
Opening this up to writing as a whole, because it turns out I have a lot more to say!
Part 1
Part 2
1. You don’t fall in love with your characters immediately
But when you do, it’s a hit of serotonin like no other. I’d been writing a tight cast of characters for my sci-fi series since 2016 and switched over in a bout of writer’s block this year to my new fantasy book. I made it about ⅓ through writing the book going through the motions, unable to visualize what these new characters look like, sound like, or would behave like without a ‘camera’ on them.
Then, all of a sudden, I opened my document to keep on chugging with the first draft, and it clicked. They were no longer faceless elements of my plot, they were my characters and I was excited to see what they could accomplish, rooting for them to succeed. Sometimes, it takes a while, but it does come.
2. Sometimes a smaller edit is better than a massive rewrite
Unless you’re changing the trajectory of your entire plot, or a character’s arc really is unrecoverable, sometimes even a single line of dialogue, a single paragraph of introspection, or a quick exchange between two characters can change everything. If something isn’t working, or your beta readers consistently aren’t jiving with a character you yourself love, try taking a step back, looking at who they are as a person, and boil down what your feedback is telling you and it might demand a simpler fix than you expect.
Tiny details inserted at the right moment can move mountains. Fan theories stand on the backs of these minutiae. One sentence can turn a platonic relationship romantic. One sentence can unravel a fair and just argument. One sentence can fill or open a massive plot hole.
3. Outline? What outline?
Not every book demands weeks upon weeks of prep and worldbuilding. I would argue that jumping right in with only a vague direction in mind gives you a massive advantage: You can’t infodump research you haven’t done. Exposition is forced to come as the plot demands it, because you haven’t designed it yet.
Not every story is simple and straightforward, but even penning the first draft with your vague plan, *then* going back and adding in deeper worldbuilding elements, more thematic details, richer character development, can get you over the writer’s block hurdle and make it far less intimidating to just shut up and write the book.
4. It’s okay to let your characters take the wheel
I’ve seen writing advice that chastises authors who let their characters run wild, off the plan the story has for them. Yeah, doing this can harm your pacing and muddy a strong and consistent arc, but refusing to leave the box of your outline greatly limits your creativity. I do this particularly when writing romantic relationships (and end up like Captain Crunch going Oops! All Gays!).
Did I plan for these two to get together? No, it just happened organically as I wrote them talking, getting closer, getting to know each other better in the circumstances they find themselves in. Was this character meant to be gay? Well, he wasn’t meant to be straight, but you know what, he’d work really well with this other boy over here. None of that would have happened if I was bound and determined to follow my original plan, because my original plan didn’t account for how the story that I want to tell evolves. You aren’t clairvoyant—it’s okay if it didn’t end up where you thought it would.
5. Fight. Scenes. Suck.
Which is crazy because I love fantasy and sci-fi, the actiony-est genres. Some authors love battle scenes and fistfights. It comes naturally to them and I will forever be jealous. I hate fight scenes. I hate blocking and choreographing them. I hate how it doesn’t read like I’m watching a movie. I hate how it could take me hours to write a scene I can read in 5 minutes. I hate that there’s no way around it except to just not write them, or put in the elbow grease and practice.
Whatever your writing kryptonite is, don’t be too hard on yourself. It won’t ever replicate the movie in your head, but our audience isn’t privy to that movie and will be none the wiser of how this didn’t fit your expectations, because it’s probably awesome on its own. It could be a fight scene, sex scene, epic battle, cavalry charge, courtroom argument, car chase—whatever. Be patient, and kind to yourself and it will all come together.
6. Write the scenes you want to write first
And then be prepared to never use them. It can be mighty difficult working backwards from a climax and figuring out how to write the story around it, but if you’re sitting at your laptop staring at your cursor and watching it blink, stuck on a tedious moment that’s necessary but frustrating, go write something exciting. Even if that amazing scene ends up no longer working in the book your story becomes, you still get practice by writing it. Particularly if you hate beginnings or the pressure of a perfect first page is too high, you’re allowed to write any other moment in the book first.
And with that, be prepared to kill your darlings. Not your characters, I mean that one badass line of dialogue living rent free in your head. That epic monologue. That whump scenario for your favorite character. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out anymore, but even if it ends up in the trash, you can always salvage something from it, even if that’s only the knowledge of what not to do in the future.
7. “This is clearly an author insert.” … Yes. It is. Point?
No one likes Mary Sues, because a character who doesn’t struggle or learn to get everything they want in life is uncompelling. The most flagrant author inserts I see aren’t Mary Sues, they’re nerdy, awkward, boring white guys whose world changes to fit their perspective, instead of the other way around—they don’t have anything to say. I’m not the intended audience to relate to these characters and I accept that, but I don’t empathize with the so-called “strong female character” who also doesn’t have flaws or an arc either.
A good author insert? When the author gives their characters pieces of themselves. When the “author insert” struggles and learns and grows and it’s a therapeutic experience just writing these characters thrown into such horrible situations. They feel human when they’re given pieces of a human’s soul. They have real human flaws and idiosyncrasies. I don’t care if the author wrote themselves as the protagonist. I care that this protagonist is entertaining. So if you want to make yourself the hero of your book, go for it! But make sure you look in the mirror and write in your flaws, as much as your strengths.
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
My Favorite Customer
Summary: You’ve been buying weed from your new dealer for a few months now. Always leaving it in your mailbox while you’re at work, you two never cross paths until one Friday night when you come home early.
word count: 3k
Warnings: None really besides some kissing at the end. This just a little meet cute with our favorite weed dealer. (Not meant to be a series, just a fluffy one shot) mentions of weed obviously.
A/N: I missed Eddie and this idea came to me based off my real life of buying weed from my weed man for over a year. Have yet to come face to face with him, but there’s always weed in my mailbox when I need it lol. For my twin @boomhauer and thank you @superblysubpar for helping me find my Eddie voice again.
Lifting up the lid of your mailbox, the smirk that tugs at your lips can’t be stopped when a fresh bag of weed sits inside, his usual hand written note attached making your face hot. You look both ways before snatching the eighth quickly scuffling back into your apartment like you were hiding a pound of cocaine and not just enough green to last you a few days.
It had been like this for a while with Eddie. You’d call him up by the number given to you from Robin who swore up and down that he was the best.
You remember thinking his voice was cute the first time you heard it, and you started to wonder if he thought the same after the third call. A flirty edge hidden behind his words every time he’d pick up and realize it was you.
“Ahhh my favorite customer.” He’d tease starting to get these calls multiple times a week.
It wasn’t your intention to never meet Eddie, it’s just how it always seemed to happen. That first time you talked he could hear the desperation in your voice. The stress from the move here and starting your new full time job fresh out of high school, he could tell you needed to relax. Rattling off times he could come by, none of them ever lining up to match with yours.
“You got a mailbox or somewhere I could stash it?” He finally gave in after exhausting almost every other option.
“You’d do that?” You couldn’t help but be embarrassed by the obvious excitement in your voice and he just laughed.
“If the money’s there sweetheart, why not?” The nickname made your heart skip a beat biting your lip to try and hide your smile.
You don’t even know what he looks like.
So this is how it started playing out after that, you’d call with your order and he’d make you blush every time he’d kick the flirting up to ten.
Instantly comforted by his mellow voice, you found yourself looking forward to those few minutes so much that you weren’t sure if the amount you were smoking was from stress or from just wanting to hear his voice again. Then he started adding little notes to your deliveries and now you were almost positive it was the second.
His sloppy handwriting started appearing on each bag with the word ‘favorite’ always scribbled at the top.
Cheeks heating up the first time it showed up, you couldn’t stop trying to imagine what he looked like. Too scared to ask Robin, you knew she’d just follow your intrigue with a line of questioning of her own.
Settling for the vague faceless man you’d conjured up in your clever mind. You let the memory of his voice be the thing that secretly encouraged the movements of your fingers between your thighs every night.
Friday morning had you waking up with a smile, your stash low enough to do the thing you’d been thinking about since you hung up the last time. Taking a deep breath you dialed his number that you now had completely memorized. It only rings three times before his voice fills your end of the receiver.
“Is this who I think it is calling me this early in the morning?” The grin in his voice is evident when he answers.
Shuffling your feet nervously, the smile on your own face was starting to make your cheeks hurt.
“Do you always answer the phone like this?” You wonder if he can hear yours too.
“Only if I know it’s you.”his tone sends a shiver up your spine, legs pressing together on their own accord.
“And how’d you know that it was me Eddie?” You draw out his name sweetly, silently squealing when you hear the hitch in his breathing from it.
“Because sweetheart, you’re the only one who calls this early for weed.” catching the way he almost whispers the last part, you hear a gruff voice in the background.
“Boy if you don’t leave soon!”
“Sorry, is that a problem? I just wanted to catch you before it was too late.” The urge to crawl in a hole is strong as you slap your palm on your forehead.
Your eagerness to talk to him becoming more than obvious, the man yelling at him in the background definitely wasn’t helping your new bashfulness.
“Pshh are you kidding me? I love it. Get to start the morning off talking to my favorite girl.” He lays his response on thicker than syrup. Your palms start to sweat noting the way he didn’t say customer for the first time.
Your embarrassment subsides for a split second before the voice from before cuts in again.
“If I get another call that you were late again, boy I swear to -“
The line shuffles on the other end and all you can hear is the sounds muffled arguing before another loud rustle, his voice returning with more irritation in it than you’d ever heard before.
“You want the usual?” He’s short when he answers and you know it’s not supposed to be directed at you, but you can’t help but squirm.
“Y- yeah if that’s okay?” You didn’t mean to give yourself away by stumbling over your words, but when you do Eddie makes a quick recovery.
“More than, listen you have a good day at work today Sweetheart. I really gotta go, but check your mailbox when you get home.” Hanging up before you get a chance to finish saying goodbye you hear Eddie yell “I”m leaving alright?!”
Work was exceptionally slow for a Friday night, the unexpected thunderstorm that rolled through killed any possibility of a dinner rush. Cutting you less than half way through your shift, your giddy excitement couldn’t be contained. Friday evenings had become non-existent since you started at Enzo’s. So when the opportunity to actually have one came around you couldn’t turn it down. Stopping at Family Video on your way home, Robin helped you pick out something she swore was good while you did your best to ignore the eyes her friend Steve was giving you.
Strumming your fingers against the steering wheel while you listened to Kiss a little too loud, the heavy rain turned into something less than a light drizzle as your tires splashed through puddles. Planning out your evening alone you didn't even think of what this could mean as you pulled into your parking spot hours earlier than normal.
Too caught up in trying to land the notes to I Was Made For Loving You, you didn’t see the van parked in front of your small complex. Head in the clouds with the possibilities of the night mixed with your bad habit of looking down when you walked, you didn’t see who was right in front of you. The sound of the voice you’d been daydreaming for months about cuts through your mumbled singing. Stomach dropping to the floor when you hear
“Son of a bitch.”
Freezing in place, your eyes slowly trail up towards your front door. Standing at almost six feet tall was a curly haired metal head. Mumbling profanities as he struggled against the lid of your mailbox, his jacket looked caught on something. Broad shoulders covered by a battle vest adorned with a giant Dio patch, you still couldn’t see what his face looked like as he struggled with the sleeve of the leather jacket beneath. Taking in his ripped black jeans and scuffed white Reebok’s, your heart was already threatening to beat out of your chest. If his face was cute, you knew you’d be fucked.
A few more violent tugs of his arm, he finally breaks free as your mailbox creaks dangerously close to coming unhinged off the brick wall. His zippers jingle as he shakes out his wrist, flipping up a ring clad middle finger he chuckles proudly to himself before turning around. Big brown eyes meet yours like a deer in headlights, so cute they punch the air out of our lungs.
Yeah, you were fucked.
Brows furrowed under messy bangs his eyes go from your stunned face down to the keys in your hand with your VHS tape before he takes in your frame. Catching the way they linger just long enough to still be polite. He meets your shocked stare as something clicks in his head. A dimple filled smile pushes past his plush lips, yours threatening to do just the same at the sight.
“Eddie?” Surprised you were able to get his name out of your mouth, his face seems to light up even more as his suspicions were confirmed.
“That depends.” Rocking on his heels he crosses his arms over his chest “Favorite, is that you? Cause boy, you’re even cuter than you sound.”
Blood rushing to your cheeks hearing your nickname in person like this, you suck your bottom lip between your teeth at his compliment.
“That depends.” Looking up at him from under your lashes the dimples in his cheeks deepen at your response.
Twirling one of his curls over his lip, you notice all of his rings “What if it’s your favorite weed dealer?”
Cuter than anything you could have conjured up in your mind you were silently scolding yourself for not meeting him sooner. Straightening your shoulders a little you take a few strides closer to him, watching as his eyes don’t try to hide as they take all of you in.
“I’m sure you call all the girls that, but yes it’s me Eddie.” Smiling bigger than you can help, it’s his turn to take a couple steps closer.
“Nah, that nickname is just for you sweetheart.” Standing close enough to catch hints of corner store cologne trying to cover up cigarette smoke, everything about him made your brain short circuit. Looking down at the movie in your hand his eyebrows raise in disbelief before meeting your eyes again. “Alien?”
“Robin suggested it to me for my unexpected night off.” Flipping it over in your hand to read the back, you could feel his stare on your face rather than on the tape. “Ever seen it?” glancing up at him, he doesn’t try to hide what he was actually looking at.
Nodding, he grins down at you “Buckley’s got great taste.”
Catching the double meaning in his words an electric current that could light up all of Hawkins dances between your bodies. Static vibrating from your fingertips, you couldn’t stop the sigh that slipped between your lips.
The raindrop that hits you between the eyes is jarring, you blink fast before more start a slow and steady decent splattering all around. Raising a large hand up to try and shield his curls he looks annoyed that Mother Nature was cutting his time short.
“I hate to deliver and dash sweetheart, but I don’t wanna keep you in the rain.” Doe eyes taking in your face like he was trying to commit it to memory he moves to step around you.
Panic rises and constricts around your chest as you watch his retreating form, biting the inside of your cheek you work up enough courage to do something you’ve never done. Make the first move.
“Doyouwannwatchitwithme?” Words jumbled together and almost yelled as they fell out of your mouth, your mumbled nonsense stops him dead in his tracks. Turning around, having his full attention like this was making it even harder.
“Come again princess?” The new nickname threatens to send you six feet under when you feel your knees shake. Clearing your throat you gather whatever confidence you can muster under the intensity of his stare.
“Do you want to come watch this movie with me?” Using it as a makeshift umbrella you start walking backwards towards front door “I actually just got this pretty good shit delivered you should try it.”
The smile that breaks across his face is infectious, feeling it in the way your lips stretch so much it makes your cheeks hurt.
“Oh yeah? I mean if you’re talking about who I think you’re talking about, that guy’s got the best shit in town sweetheart.” The laugh he pulls from you, he swears it makes your face glow. “I’d be honored favorite, I thought you’d never ask.”
Your living room lays in a blanket of haze from two joints successfully smoked, touches lingering more and more as you two passed them back and forth. Half way through the movie you were giggling through cupped fingers leaning into him as you both sank deeper into the cushions of your couch. His bad jokes and over the top commentary kept you both laughing with shoulders pressed together for support. Neither one of you making any effort to move when you both finally calm down.
Peeking at him from the corner of your eye, you were mesmerized by how handsome he was this close. Your stare following the curve of his round nose to the fullness of not one but both his lips, a light sheen coating them from being freshly licked. The sharp planes of his jaw lead you to the thickness of his neck, catching the silver chain that disappears into his shirt.
Time is an illusion in your foggy brain - especially under his spell, losing yourself trying to remember every curve and scar on his face you stare long enough to to get caught. Chocolate eyes connecting with yours, the corners of his lips tug up and like looking in a mirror yours do you.
“Hey favorite”quiet enough for just you to hear, there’s a soft rasp in his voice from all the smoking.
“Hey Eddie”biting your bottom lip, his eyes watch the way your teeth scrape across the silk of it.
Leather creaking loud enough to hear over the sound of the movie and the rain outside, he drapes his arm over the back of the couch. The dip pulling you deep into the warmth of his chest.
“Is this okay?”for the first time you see a hint of nervousness in his eyes as he tries to read the expression on your face.
Nodding you slide a tentative hand up his chest feeling his muscle twitch under your palm, looking up at him you repeat his own question.
“Is this okay?”
His hand reaches up to cup the side of your face, the weed helping you melt into his touch as the pad of his thumb traces your cheekbone. Searching your eyes for any sign of protest he nudges his nose with yours. The heat of his breath fans across your parted lips as your eyes flutter closed completely overcome by him being this close.
“Sweetheart, if I’m reading this wrong please tell me now.” Your top lip brushes with his bottom when he asks the question and you think you might combust if you don’t close the gap.
Tilting your head just enough to get what you want, your lips move together like it was something they’d been doing for years. Each lazy drag setting your skin ablaze.
Swiping his tongue against your bottom lip he quietly asks you for more. Granting him access to something you’re sure you’ll never deny him, you don’t hesitate to let him deepen the kiss.
Tongues meeting each other in the middle, they battle for dominance as your fingers find their way into the thickness of his curls. Tugging slightly, you smile into the kiss when a groan erupts from deep in his chest.
With the rest of the world long forgotten, the two of you stay like this for longer than you can keep track of. Hands exploring curves and grabbing hips, it almost becomes too much when you nip his bottom lip.
Eddie’s the one who breaks away reluctantly when the need for oxygen becomes too much, and his body starts to react a little too strongly to your touch. The screen on the TV had gone blue long ago when the movie ended, leaving your dark living room in its pale bright light. The coloring of it all hitting his face just right.
Nudging his nose with yours he leans his head back against the cushions of the couch. Chocolate eyes looking at you through half closed lids, a lazy smile spreading wide across his kiss swollen lips.
“We should probably stop, and I should probably go.”jutting his bottom lip in a pout he catches the disappointment you try to hide flash behind your eyes. “Not that I want to, I just actually had other stops that I was supposed to make tonight, but it’s not like I was going to say no to you inviting me to hangout.”snorting like that was the craziest thing he could ever imagine, his face lights up when he earns a laugh from you.
“Yeah, I’d be pretty pissed if I was them.” Using his chest to try to push yourself up with your hands, he stops you from getting too far. Collecting your lips one last time, he only lets you pull away enough for your noses to stay touched.
“Besides having a few more drop offs, I’m hoping the next time I kiss you like that is after you let me take you on a date?”catching the nerves in his voice, you couldn’t actually believe he thought you’d say no.
“Bold of you to assume there’s going to be a next time.”raising a brow you do your best to remain straight faced as he narrows his eyes at you.
He brushes his lips lightly against yours again before asking “there’s not?”
Giving in almost instantly you add pressure pushing yourself closer, chuckling as he pulls away, you stop trying to fight the smile that’s threatening to spread across your own face.
“Fine, you caught my bluff.” Huffing in mock annoyance, this time he lets you push yourself up.
It still takes another thirty minutes for Eddie to work up enough willpower to get off the couch, your easy conversation and pouty soft lips making it a near impossible feat.
More stolen kisses and stumbled words fill the empty space on the walk to the front door followed by even more before he finally goes. Sweet just like the nickname he gave you, he couldn’t wait to make you his.
taglist: @munsonology @munsonmunster @elthreetimes
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planetpiastri · 2 months
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pairing: logan sargeant x fem!reader [no faceclaim, reader is faceless] summary: when alex's childhood friend makes an appearance on his instagram, logan is instantly smitten, but the universe insists on keeping them only as a missed connection, and alex isn't helping matters. notes: the long awaited part three! i'm currently giving all my fics a facelift, but the guilt about this update has been eating away at me, so here you guys go<3 i've decided to stop living in denial and just admit this is a full series now so here comes the (brief) angst era! [series masterlist]
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liked by lilymhe, georgerussell63, and 154,329 others
alex_albon winter break, you were fun 🫡 see you next year!
view all 2,876 comments
username1 try not to say parents challenge level impossible (failed)
lilymhe he stole that car
alex_albon you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!!
username2 looking good albono! excited to see you scoring points soon!
williamsracing Nice hat! :D
username3 guys can i confess something.... i miss yn :(
username4 you guys say this under all of his posts. obviously something happened and they don't post each other anymore for a reason, respect their space and stop bringing this up.
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liked by alex_albon, logansargeant, and 71,823 others
williamsracing the boys are back and so are we 👀
view all 3,012 comments
username6 the new suits are AWESOME, the boys are gonna kill it this season!!!!!
alex_albon who approved that corny ass caption
logansargeant Me alex_albon i'm gonna steal your tires
username7 even if yn has vanished off the face of the earth at least we can thank her for bringing the williams boys closer together so that we get to see them goofing off in the comments 😔
username8 yeah but it's all for show like they don't hang out off track anymore... landonorris oh are we just saying things in the comments? i wanna join!! george sleeps with a teddy bear georgerussell63 Don't drag me into this wtf alex_albon it's true, he does
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, and 71,013 others
logansargeant Some bits and bobs from the break
view all 2,789 comments
username9 what kind of whack british caption is that
username10 maybe the rumors about him and alex not hanging out were wrong, maybe they're hanging out TOO MUCH actually...
alex_albon i have taught you well, young padawan
username11 omg logan and oscar content we're soooo back
williamsracing Looking energized, Sarge!
username12 the fact that we never got a hard launch for logan and yn so we'll never know if they actually got together is my roman empire
username13 no fr!! they were flirting and bantering all over the place and then suddenly BOOM! she just disappears like wtf happenedddd username14 you guys talking abt a possible situationship not happening vs twenty years of friendship between alex and yn that's gone... have some priorities username15 hi just popping in to say you guys are weird af for speculating like this under his winter break dump 💀 move tf on
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liked by georgerussell63, oscarpiastri, and 68,578 others
logansargeant Quick trip back over the pond before locking in 👊 bring it on season ✌️
view all 2,549 comments
username16 wait did we miss a step
alex_albon that does not look like sim work
logansargeant Are you my dad or something? Get a life alex_albon DAMN
username17 um? um?? the last picture??? um??????
georgerussell63 What
logansargeant Who? georgerussell63 ?? logansargeant Asked
username18 please be a soft launch with that girl from the afterparty please please please please please
oscarpiastri Interesting.
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liked by ynusername, logansargeant, and 78,321 others
williamsracing Good times in Bahrain! See you next year, Sakhir 😉
view all 3,253 comments
username20 WHAT was that strategy guys
alex_albon "good times" literally where that was nothing but pain
williamsracing ☹️👉👈 we're sowwy awex alex_albon ew wtf don't say that to me
username21 guys? yn liked? she's alive?
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tagging: @sticksdoesart @hiireadstuff @minkyungseokie @thatoneembarrasingmoment @croissantbakerylws @dear-fifi @imjustme-n @kn1n3 @captainfrisbee @ssrcsm @rhythmstars @urfavnoirette
if you want to be tagged in future parts, fill out this form
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837 notes · View notes
vivwritesfics · 5 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Twenty-Five - Why
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
1.8K words
Series Masterlist
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Carlos Sainz's pregnant wife sat in a room small enough to be considered a cell. It was incredibly dark inside of this cell, with the only source of light flickering overhead.
Y/N sat on the floor, her knees pulled to her chest. It had been three days and nobody had spoken to her. A faceless figure brought her food and water, but never spoke a word to her. She sat in that cell feeling grubby and grim.
Tears stained her cheeks, but she had long since stopped crying, with no tears left.
She was going to die in her. She and her baby were going to die.
On her fourth day in this grim cell, somebody approached. They walked over to Y/N, crouching down so that she could see him. The face she was met with was rugged and scarred, and at least fifty years old. He grinned a grim smile, his mouth missing a couple of teeth.
"Hello, Mrs Sainz," he said, his voice gruff, his accent British. He pressed his face to the bars of her cell and let out a laugh, a terrifying laugh.
She spat in his face. Her spit flew through the space between them, landing in his face.
His laughter halted for just a moment. But it started up just as soon as it had stopped and he wiped the spit away from his eyes. "And I thought you were supposed to be all meek and timid."
"A mothers instinct," Y/N said through a hiss.
His laugh got louder and he stood up straighter. Pulling out a camera he snapped a picture of Y/N as she scowled up at him. She was going to die in here, but she wasn't going down without a fight.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked him, her voice dry. "What have I done to deserve this?"
The man got back onto his knees in front of her. "Well, I suppose I can tell you. I will just be killing you anyway." Y/N's heart sank as he leaned against the wall opposite her. "I am owed a hell of a lot of money and you're going to help me get it."
She just stared at him, her mouth agape. "So, you kidnapped a pregnant woman, the pregnant wife of a mafia boss, because you want money?!" She cried. "My husband will find me. And he will kill you."
"Hang on now, pretty little thing." He had no right to call her that. If Carlos didn't kill this man, she certainly would. "You haven't heard the whole story."
A lump formed in her throat.
The feeling that settled over Carlos when he touched down in the Norris family private hangar was indescribable. Finally he'd be reunited with his wife, finally he'd be able to bring her home.
Carlos made his way to the Norris house, with Oscar in the passenger seat of the car. "I can't wait for her to see what we've done with the nursery," he said with a beaming smile. Oscar had never quite seen him grin like this. It was infectious, too.
It was maybe 6.30 in the morning when Carlos arrived at the Norris house. Lando wasn't awake yet and there had just been a change of shift of those watching over the house.
Carlos looked up at the window that he knew to be in Y/N's room. His wife, his pretty little wife. Soon she'd be by his side.
He knocked on the door and a very tired Norris pulled open the door. "Oh," he said upon seeing his brother in law, who appeared to be a lot more awake and coherent than he was.
Lando let Carlos into the house. "Do you want some coffee or something?" He asked, shutting the door behind Oscar as he walked in.
Those two greeted each other with a handshake. Carlos knew they were friends, but he didn't quite realise they were that close.
Carlos shook his head. "I'd just like to see my wife, please," he said, standing by the stairs.
Nodding his head, Lando began climbing the stairs. "I'll go and get her," he said, as if telling Carlos was an afterthought. God, he was tired. Unbelievably so.
Maybe ten minutes later Lando was making his way back down the stairs, running this time, his face as white as a sheet. "She's gone," he said quickly, definitely more awake this time.
Carlos was red with fury as he gripped Lando's pyjamas and held him up against the wall. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He roared. "SHE'S GONE AND IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU!"
What the two of them failed to notice was Oscar as he ran around the house, searching for his missing best friend. He searched her favourite spots, but she was nowhere to be seen. He checked through the whole house while Carlos screamed at Lando.
"Hey!" Oscar shouted as he walked back towards the two of them.
Carlos quickly dropped Lando. His hands were still balled up in a fist as he turned towards Oscar. "What?" He barked, his expression furious. There was a time where Oscar would have been terrified of him, but now he understood. He got why Carlos was as seething as he was.
"She's not in the house. What do we do now?"
But it was Lando who told them their grim reality. "We have to wait," he said. I can put my men on it, but there's nothing we can do until we have some sort of clue or something."
As uncomfortable as it was, the boys did just that. They waited.
"It was your mother who employed me originally," the man said, still wearing that grim smile. Y/N couldn't look at him, but she couldn't help but listen.
Her mother? Hire him? What would her mother want with a man like him?
But he was going to tell her just that. "There was somebody your mother wanted to get rid of, and it was my job to do just that."
"So, you're a hitman," Y/N said, but the man held his finger to his lips, effectively silencing her.
"Yes, I am a hitman. And your mother took out a hit on somebody. See, she was a part of the Mansell family as a young girl. The L/N's worked for the Mansells for years, but they never amounted to much. So, she wanted a bit of the high life. And she was going to do anything to get it.
"Norris had just had his first child and his power was raising. He was set to be the most powerful head of family in the United Kingdom. This, of course, was before we knew about Hamilton. Norris had a new baby and a wife he loved very much.
"Your mother knew what she needed to do. She needed to get rid of Norris's wife."
Y/N couldn't stop herself from gasping. Her mother wouldn't have somebody killed, would she? She had always been harsh, but she wasn't deadly. Her mother wasn't a killer.
"So, your mother hired me to take care of her little problem. I got rid of the first Mrs Norris, doing so in a way that made it took like an accident. That was my speciality, making things look like an accident. Norris never suspected a thing.
"He grieved tremendously. He was the head of family, he had an infant son and he had just lost his wife. Norris really struggled.
"So, your mother put herself in the right place at the right time. She caught Norris's eye and, three years later, you were born," he said. The smile he still wore made her shiver.
"I needed payment. It was a hell of a lot of money and I had done my part. Your mother owed me. Of course, all of her money was actually her husbands, and he didn't have a lot of it. She paid me in small instalments, but it wasn't enough. I am still owed close to a million.
"And then your mother died. She died and there was nobody to pay me. I watched you closely, you know. I watched you carefully. Where your father and brother tried their best to keep you a secret, I knew everything about you.
"I watched you the day Sainz and his boy had dinner with you. I followed you to Spain and watched your wedding. I watched through your window as Sainz's boy had his way with you on your first night of being married."
Tears sprang to her eyes. It wasn't something she wanted to be reminded of. That wasn't her Carlos, wasn't the man she was in love with.
"Your husband is a very wealthy man," said the man. "I realised that, through you, I could get the money I was owed. So, I hatched a plan. I got a team together and we raided every head of family, trying to get the information we need and opportunities for any more money.
"When we raided your husbands house, we were planning to take you. But we were stopped by fucking Sainz. He got in the way and gave you two time to escape. But we got what we needed and we got out. We knew we'd get to you another time.
"It was hard to locate your safehouse. But we followed that Australian boy and he led us right to you. But then your husband got you away. We spent two weeks looking for you, were about to give up hope, when Verstappen's son called your brother. Suddenly we knew where you were."
When Y/N let out a sob, the man stood up straighter and pulled out his camera. He pointed it right at his face and began talking. "Hello, Sainz. I believe I have something that belongs to you."
Carlos spent four days at the Norris house. But, to him, it might as well been four months.
On the fourth day, his phone buzzed.
Well, it had been buzzing on and off with the same thing since he'd first discovered Y/N was missing. Every notification he got was somebody saying that they hadn't found her. There had been a couple of times when he'd thrown his phone, he'd always managed to throw it at the sofa opposite.
This time, though, was different. This time the notification was from somebody he didn't know.
Carlos opened it, opened the video that had been sent to him.
It was hard to make out what he was seeing at first, the video too dark, the person not in focus. But then the person holding the camera adjusted it and the view of the person became clearer.
Carlos's eyes went wide.
"Hello, Sainz. I believe I have something that belongs to you."
Taglist (CLOSED): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @formulaal @graciewrote @biancathecool @evans-dejong @sparklyperfectionstranger @venusesworld @goldenharrysworld @cassie0sstuff @gracielukey @watermelonworries @celesteblack08 @shobaes @chonkybonky
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euphoricfilter · 7 months
domestic daydreams:
[cheese sandwiches at the park tomorrow]
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pairing: influencer! jungkook x f. reader
genre: fluff || established relationship || non-idol au ||
summary: a window into the life of jeon jungkook
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: just lots and lots of fluff its sickening
notes: am slightly tempted to turn this into a mini series because there's so much to talk about...
where you can find all my other stuff!!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
Jungkook thinks both you and himself had always been connected by the delicate knots of the red string of fate. Possibly a constrictor knot, because it only ever seemed to grow tighter with every moment you spent together, impossible to untie as your souls start to intertwine and lives mingle into one.
His ever-growing infatuation with you, evident to his online audience.
Because he had no issue showing you off, talking about you in videos and sharing you with the wider world. He thinks it must be a tingly sort of satisfaction he gets, knowing that no matter how many faceless people love you, he will forever love you more. No matter how many people compliment you with how pretty you are, comments flooded with praise for your mere existence, he will forever appreciate you the most. Your entire being a precious little thing that he has sewn into his fragile human heart, yours forever to keep.
He knows he’s able to touch you in ways no one else can. He knows he’s able to wake up to you each morning, press soft lips to soft skin, warm under calloused hands as eye lashes tickle tender skin as the sun leaks through the curtains. Each passing moment peacefully quiet until you murmur his name, fingers pressing into his skin as you pull him closer for a kiss.
He’d started posting online only months before meeting you, a little creative outlet to get rid of that itch of not taking media, but rather choosing game design. A subject he loved dearly, though desperate to visualise his life through moving image and all the cool things that come with that.
And during the months of you talking, his presence online slowly started to take off. What had once been only a creative outlet morphing into such a huge part of his life. Something he had wanted to keep from you for so long, a little whisper in his brain worried it would send you running. With some of the comments he received, dms from both men and women alike, he wasn’t exactly sure how to bring it up to you.
And he knows in hindsight it was a silly little worry because you loved every part of him. Loved that he shared little parts of his life with so many people. Passions clipped into videos, well-loved equipment laying around his apartment, something so wholly Jungkook you found yourself beaming whenever he would get the tripod out to film himself cooking, or planning a design for an assignment, or just little clips of nature when the both of you go on walks.
Because what had once been a video diary for Jungkook had slowly become a video diary for you too, perfectly crafted memories that you find yourself watching when you’re alone. Always so hard to keep the smile off your face as you see how happy you are. Because that’s what Jungkook makes you; incredibly happy.
You watch as he tries to balance his phone against a bag of pasta neither of you had wanted to put away the night before, chin resting on the palm of your hand as you watch him struggle.
“Why don’t you get the tripod?” you murmur, catching his attention.
Jungkook turns to look at you, eyes a little wide, “Because I just want to film me making our lunch” he tells you.
“Besides—” he continues, “that would mean I have to go into the bedroom, and I don’t feel like being apart from you today” he says as he turns back to his phone, fiddling around with the settings a little so the light from the kitchen window wouldn’t look so harsh.
Your lips quirk up into a smile, toes curling into the floor.
“I would come with you” you sit up a little straighter, catching a glimpse of his face on the screen of his phone, “we could even hold hands too”
Jungkook pauses, hands pressing into the counter as he narrows his eyes at you over his shoulder, “Are you patronising me?”
Your nose scrunches up at that, “No” you start, “just so you know, I love holding your hand”
He hums, “Well then I guess you’re lucky… I like holding your hand too”
“Oh—” your eyes widen, “It’s gonna fall”
Jungkook winces when his phone tips forward, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as he lifts it back up again.
You push the chair away from the table, slipping your own phone out of your pocket, laying it flat against the counter so his will stop slipping.
“Thank you, baby” he leans down, pressing a kiss to your cheek, face only an inches away from yours when he decides it isn’t enough and presses a firm kiss to your lips too.
“Now,” he nods, “let’s make us lunch”
You push yourself to sit on the counter by his phone as he hits record, smiling up at you as he starts talking.
“Me and Y/n went shopping earlier and saw this new cheese I wanted to try, so I’m gonna make us sandwiches for lunch” he says, pulling the chopping board closer to himself as he pulls the drawer open to get a knife.
“Cucumber” he shows the camera, quick as he cuts it up, “and today we’re having tomatoes, but none for the pretty girl because she doesn’t like them” he explains, showing off the produce his dad had been growing in their garden, proud smile on his face as he hands you a slice of cucumber to eat while he finishes preparing lunch.
You slip off the counter when he calls you over, hesitant to step in frame and see yourself on camera. Jungkook steps a little closer to you, arms slipping out of frame to hold your hands as he looks down at you, so much adoration in his eyes.
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes” he whispers, already knowing where your hesitation stems from, “always such a pretty little thing”
You glance over at the camera, video still recording, “Jungkook… your video” you murmur.
“Doesn’t matter” he shakes his head, “you know you don’t have to be in it if you don’t want to” he tells you, “Whatever you’re comfortable with, yeah?”
“We could film something tomorrow” you say, “we should go to that park again, maybe have a picnic?”
His lips quirk up into a smile, “I’d like that” he nods, “And if this cheese is any good, we can make even better sandwiches”
“Good point” you nod, “I’ll have to take you up on that offer if you make a solid lunch today” you step away from him, eyeing the finished sandwich sat on the chopping board.
“I always make the best lunches” he tells you, reaching into a cupboard for two plates.
“Our favourite girl doesn’t want to be on camera today” Jungkook mumbles, mouth half full of food as he looks at himself before glancing at you on the opposite side of the table, “But what’s the verdict, baby?”
You chew, nodding as you give him a thumbs up, Jungkook returning the gesture as his eyes curl up into a smile.
“Love you” he swallows.
“Love you too” you pucker your lips, watching as he leans over the table to press a kiss to your lips.
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ham1lton · 1 month
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-> pairings: lando norris x fellow driver’s sister!reader.
-> summary: two time f1 world champion. face of multiple different famous companies. part-time bassist, part-time model, and full time older sister to you. your older sister breaks barriers every time she breathes and you’re coming along for the ride.
-> lingo: o/s stands for older sister. mrs fluffkins is her cat. o/s/bff is her best friend who you find out more about in party in the u.s.a (link down below).
-> author’s note: reader is faceless and although o/s has a faceclaim, reader is her adopted sister. so reader is whoever you’d like her to be. the list is in chronological order and this series will be updated whenever people send in requests or i feel inspired! <3
tags -> all related works will be here.
nepo sister? ♥︎ - when o/s suddenly has a barrage of hate and online users comparing her to a certain lando norris, you’ve gotta step in and sort it out. even when the result isn’t quite what you expect.
the dinner - after o/s asked you to apologise, you fully anticipated grovelling for lando’s acceptance but to your surprise, he doesn’t seem mad. if anything he’s acting really weird? - aka the one where he tells you he likes you.
the talk - when o/s asked you to apologise to lando she did not expect for you to start dating him? you decide to break the news over lunch at her favourite restaurant. we’ll see how that goes…
my favourite interviewer - the one where you interview your two favourite f1 drivers. your boyfriend and your sister. you aren’t too half bad at this interviewer shit, even if you do say so yourself.
another day, another drama - the one where you think o/s is hiding something from you, so with the help of your boyfriend and his friends, you try to figure it out.
too bad you find more than you bargained for. ↴
— part two (COMING SOON)
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alternative storylines in the same universe.
these can be read independently of the nsu but will be more enjoyable if you read the other works!
party in the u.s.a! - before the miami grand prix, o/s posts you and charles goes on a journey to find you. too bad that time has plans of its own.
━ w/ charles leclerc x fellow driver’s bff!reader. ━
242 notes · View notes
ichorai · 10 months
hell, yeah ; roman roy ; part one (m).
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track ten of BROKEN MACHINE.
pairing ; roman roy x f!reader
synopsis ; pain was an old friend for the both of you.
words ; 16.2k
themes ; fluff, angst, drama, slowburn, suggestive, childhood friends to lovers
warnings / includes ; drugs, alcohol, depictions of abuse, mentions of death, hospitals, a lot of sexual jokes and general foul language, reader accidentally walks in on roman jacking off, reader is logan's goddaughter, a lot of business talk, roman being an asshole
series masterlist. main masterlist.
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Pain was an old friend of Roman’s. A friend of shadows and light, a simultaneous whisper and scream, a slap and a smile. It followed him throughout his childhood, where his father had beaten him with his leather belt for spilling a cup of orange juice all over an expensive carpet. It followed him throughout his teenage years, when his mother admitted to him that she never quite loved him. It followed him into adulthood, seeping into every porous crack of his being as he so desperately tried to wrangle it away. The pain was a friend, but it still stung no matter how much of a familiar presence it was.
There were very few constants in Roman’s life—there were his siblings, who were far too erratic to be considered constants. There were his parents, both of which were neglectful and abusive in their own ways. There was the pain, sure…
And there was you.
You were his father’s godchild, having been a close family friend of the Roys for as long as Roman could remember. In every one of his blotted, hazy memories of his past, he could faintly recall you always being there, a beacon of light within the desolate seas of his adolescence. Roman didn’t like admitting it, but you were the closest thing he had to an actual friend. How you’d witnessed dozens upon dozens of his beatings, and in turn, never laid a cruel hand on him. How you’d offer him sweet smiles and comforting words—words that he pretended not to listen to, but he did. He always listened. 
One of Roman’s earliest memories with you was when he was seven and you were six. He had pulled his mouth open excitedly, leaning forward to show you the gap between the bottom row of his teeth. 
“You lost a tooth?” you had asked, voice lilting with jealousy. He’d lost far more teeth than you. 
“Yup.” He didn’t want to tell you that he’d lost this one because his father had backhanded him over his jaw.
“Can I see it?” you asked, childish curiosity dancing over your irises. He held out the small tooth in the palm of his hand, watching the way your expression melded into one of excitement. 
“If I put it under my pillow, I’ll get a quarter,” bragged Roman. He knew he wouldn’t—there was never any money under his pillow when he’d lost teeth in the past. Maybe the tooth fairy didn’t care about him enough, just like his mom and dad. 
Your eyes widened. “I want a quarter.”
“Lose your own tooth, then.”
You smiled, roguish and wide. “Or I could just take yours.”
The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon gleefully chasing each other in the large, manicured yard, until you were both damp with sweat and your chests rose and fell in haggard, breathless motions. The tooth was long lost, abandoned somewhere in the grass, but the two of you had somehow completely forgotten about it, anyway. When the pair of you came slinking back inside, tracking mud and dirt onto the pristine floors, Logan yelled at his youngest son until he burst into a fit of hiccuping tears—but Roman tried not to think about that part as much. 
Another one of Roman’s prominent memories was during a New Years party. He was fifteen, picking at his nails in a bored fashion, sipping on a drink that most definitely had alcohol in it, but nobody cared enough to stop him. Dozens of faceless people strode by, laughing and dancing the night away. It was only minutes before midnight when you approached him, a flustered wave of heat sewn over your cheeks. The two of you were practically attached to the hip, so it wasn’t at all a surprise to Roman that you’d come seeking him out.
“Hey, Romeo,” you said, offering him a gentle smile. The affectionate nickname was one that only you called him—one that Roman often pretended to gag at but really, he couldn’t get enough of hearing you call him that. 
“Hey, fuck-face,” he responded, earning him an amused wrinkle of your nose. You were so pretty then, beneath all those dewy chandelier lights. “So, are you, uh, planning on kissing any of these corporate cocksuckers tonight?”
You exaggerated giving his question a long, hard think, sweeping your gaze over the mingling crowd. “Well, my options are between an old white man… and oh, look at that—another old white man. I’ll give it a pass.”
A snort fell from his lips. “Yeah, well, there’s me. I may be a pasty white, but I’m not old. I don’t look a day over forty.”
It was your turn to laugh, though it was more of a scoff than anything. He took another sip of his drink, before grimacing and setting it down by the edge of the table.
When the clock struck midnight, you leaned over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek, but for reasons unbeknownst to him, he turned his head at the very last second so that your lips fell against his. You pulled away quickly, eyes wide. Roman could feel his heart sinking down to his stomach—oh, he fucked up. He fucked up bad. He wanted nothing more than the ground to open and swallow him whole. 
Though Roman had expected you to crack a joke about how gross he was, you did nearly the exact opposite. You smiled, tilting your head to the side. 
“Happy New Year, Ro,” you whispered. 
The two of you never spoke of the kiss again.
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As the years flickered by, you and Roman were near inseparable, especially once you landed a top manager position at Waystar thanks to your godfather, Logan.
It was his eightieth birthday, and you along with the rest of the Roy family gathered at his lavish house to surprise him. He seemed none too pleased at the sight of a dozen people crowding the entrance to the elevator, but he went on to hug his kids nonetheless. 
Then his gaze swung to you, and you suddenly felt like an eight year old again, cowering beneath his scornful gaze with bated breath. Unlike Roman, Logan never laid a hand on you—though you weren’t exempted from his sharp insults and ridicule.
“Hi, Uncle Logan,” you said, trying your best to smile in a way that didn’t seem unnaturally forced.
Eyes brightening, Logan wound an arm around you, catching you off guard. “Y/N, my dear, it’s been so long! You look beautiful.”
“Ah, thanks—thank you. You look great, as well.”
You glanced at Roman, who gave you a thumbs up and mouthed, cocksucker.
Once Logan pulled away to go greet Connor, you jabbed your elbow into Rome’s side, who snickered under his breath. 
Soon after, Logan herded all his children off to another room, leaving you to greet Rava and her two kids with a kind beam. When Roman came slinking out of the room a few minutes later, he made a bee-line for you, a wiry smile on his face.
“What happened?” you asked, placing a hand on your longtime friend’s forearm. “What’s going on?”
“Dad fucked Kendall. He’s staying on as CEO.” Roman burst into a fit of giggles.
You narrowed your eyes. “That’s—that’s not funny, Ro. Why would he stay on?”
“I don’t know, because Kendall is a limpdick with bad ideas?”
Before you could respond, Logan burst into the room, shouting, “LUNCH!”
It didn’t go past your notice when Roman tensed beneath your touch. You squeezed his arm reassuringly, before gently nudging him into the dining room to be seated by a motherhenning Marcia. 
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The hospital was a cold and foreboding place. Logan had collapsed in the helicopter on the way back from the softball field, and never before had you seen Roman look so terrified. 
In the waiting room, Rome paced back and forth along the seats, his large coat suddenly looking twice its size and his knuckles digging into his squeezed-shut eyes as if he were a kid all over again. 
You took his hand, gentle and slow, lacing your fingers with his. There was a pause when Roman gave you a sidelong glance, the air stilling between you. 
“It’ll be fine,” you whispered, voice warbling. It was clear to the both of you that you didn’t quite believe in your own words. But he leaned into your lies nonetheless, like a fly driven to honey. “Ro, it’ll be okay. It’s Logan—he’s… he’ll fight through.”
The man sucked in a breath. Instead of replying, he pulled his hand away from yours and continued his pacing. 
Hours later, you were curled up on a seat, eyes drooping with exhaustion. Rome sat on the floor in front of you, the back of his head resting against your knee. You knew he was stressed, wanting to sign off the papers as per Logan's wishes, whilst Shiv and Kendall were starkly against the idea.
“He’s not gonna die,” Roman mumbled when Shiv began yelling at Kendall for discussing who would take over the business while Logan was unconscious in the other room. Then, he turned to look up at you, desperate to hear you backing him. “Right? He’s not gonna die.”
“He won’t,” you told him, brushing away a stray strand of his hair from his face. “It’ll be okay.”
Shiv’s tired eyes darted back and forth between the two of you as she huffed out a sigh. A large part of her had always felt jealous of your relationship with Roman—how you weren’t even dating her brother and yet you seemed closer to him than she would ever be with Tom.
When the doctors told the family that Logan had a hemorrhagic stroke and it wouldn’t be wise to operate, they moved him to a much larger and fancier room to keep a close eye on him. It wasn’t long before Kendall, Shiv, and Rome broke out into another large fight over who would take the company. To your surprise, Roman had even offered up himself, which was quickly shot down by Kendall.
“He was fucking playing you to get you to sign the change of trust! Do you even know what it fucking involves?” 
Roman reared back, both of his hands resting on his hips. “Are you calling me a dipshit?”
“No. I love you, man, but you’re not a serious person.”
Clearly upset, Roman strode away from Kendall, making his way to you and curling up by your side, his arm thrown over your shoulders. “Fuck you, Kendall. He’s alive, and you’re not the fuckin’ boss.”
A headache began to pound at the forefront of your head. “Guys, can we please not do this right now? Please? Can’t this wait until morning, at the very least?”
A frown graced Kendall’s weary countenance. “You’re not even a part of this, Y/N—”
Roman’s grip on your shoulders tightened. “Hey, don’t you talk to—”
“Stop!” Shiv barked out. “Let’s not throw shit around. We’re right in the middle here—we just sit tight for now. No sudden moves.”
“Well, we need to move! The markets are going to want to know who’s behind the wheel. We need to control the narrative.”
Rolling his eyes, Roman scoffed, “‘Control the narrative.’ You probably yell that when you cum.” Obnoxiously, he stood up and rounded the couch just behind you, pretending to thrust into it while moaning out control the narrative! 
“Ro, stop,” you gently reprimanded, which made him straighten up with a sharp clear of his throat. 
“Fuck you,” Kendall hissed. “We’re in a goddamn hospital. People know. We have to say something!”
“No, actually, we don’t!” retaliated Shiv. “Nobody knows how serious it is, so we don’t have to say anything.”
The siblings burst into another round of arguments, and you finally got up onto your feet, effectively silencing them. 
“I’m just gonna—I’m gonna go home,” you said, voice quiet. It filled you with hot shame when tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You were overwhelmed, tired, sick of all the fighting, and worried for your godfather. “Can one of you please just… let me know if he’s okay?”
“Oh, yeah, uhm… alright, uh, sorry if we…” Roman made an incoherent gesture before roping you into a one-armed hug. You kissed his cheek, before turning to do the same to Shiv and Kendall. As much as they all frustrated you, they were practically your family—the people you grew up side by side with.
The three siblings watched as you gingerly shuffled up to Logan on the hospital bed. He was breathing funny—tubes up his nose, chest rising and falling shallowly. Your bottom lip trembled as you fought to keep the tears at bay. Sniffling, you leaned down to kiss your godfather’s forehead, before straightening yourself and walking back.
As you made your way out of the hospital room, you could hear footsteps shuffling after you. You turned, eyes softening upon seeing Rome leaning against the wall, acting as if he hadn’t been following you.
“You okay, Rome?”
“Yeah, I’m just—seeing you off. I don’t know. Can’t trust hospital hallways these days.” There was a melancholic look to his face. A plea for you to stay was on the tip of his tongue—how was he supposed to go about pretending like everything was fine without you there to back him?
With a gentle sigh, you leaned forward to press your nose against Roman’s cheek, forehead resting against the side of his head. “I’ll see you soon, Ro. I just need to be alone for a bit. Is that okay?”
He swallowed uneasily. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s—fuck. That’s okay.”
You gave him a smile, one that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “That’s a good boy,” you teasingly said in an effort to make him laugh.
Rome stepped away from you, scratching the back of his head and chuckling nervously. “Hah, yeah, fuck off. Bye, dickhead.”
“Bye, Romeo,” you replied with a certain kind of tragic fondness, and he turned to stiffly walk back into the hospital room.
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After several nights of limited, restless sleep, you found yourself back in your office, leaning back in your chair tiredly. Hundreds of emails flooded your computer screen—a large portion of them asking about the wellbeing of your godfather. It made you angry—almost irrationally so. You didn’t know. You didn’t fucking know a single thing. The constant reminders that you didn’t know anything about Logan’s fate weren’t helping one bit. 
The glass door to your office was pushed open by none other than Roman, the new COO, sporting a tired grin. 
“God, my back is fucked from this new trainer I have,” he announced, groaning as he sank into one of the pristine seats in your office. 
“You have a new trainer?” you asked, grateful to take your attention away from all those damn emails.
He scratched at the back of his head. “Yeah—I don’t know. Just trying it out. Whatever.”
“Shame, we could’ve worked out together,” you absent-mindedly responded, getting up from your desk chair to sit next to him, burying your face in your palms. “I could use the distraction.”
Because you weren’t looking at him, you missed the way Roman’s features softened for you, his hand patting your back. 
“I saw dad a while back,” he said, voice suddenly small. “He got like… tubes and shit up his nose and—” The words caught in his throat. 
You leaned your head against his shoulder, shutting your eyes for just a second. 
“I think I’m…”
“Scared?” you tried to finish for him when he trailed off.
There was a long pause before Roman cleared his throat. “Yeah.”
“It’s okay to be scared, Ro,” you said, lifting your head to meet his gaze and offering him a kind smile. “I’m here for you.”
Abruptly, Roman pulled away from you, standing up despite his stiff back. “Ugh, fuck. Don’t—don’t make those eyes at me.”
Brows kinking, you crossed your arms. “What eyes?”
“Those fuckin’... seductive eyes—I don’t know!” he glared at you before waving the matter away entirely. “Whatever, I just—”
“Ro,” you interrupted, voice still kind despite him lashing out. “I understand you're stressed out, but don’t make things weird between us because you’re so out of touch with your emotions.”
His voice raised an entire octave as he protested, “I’m not stressed. I’m fuckin’ peachy. Peachiest fuckin’ peach that’s ever peached. Look at me!”
“I’m looking,” you said, unimpressed.
With a frown, he made his way to the door. “You know what, fuck off. I came here to take a nap but I guess I’ll go find a breakroom or something.”
You narrowed your eyes, knowing damn well that he had his own lavish office to lounge in and he was just trying to make you feel bad for him. 
“I’ll come by later, Ro,” you told him. “We could get lunch?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever, fuck-face.” His words were harsh as ever but you could see right through his facade—he just needed someone to be there for him. 
He disappeared out the door, and you blew out a long sigh. Two hours flew by, and you managed to answer all your emails and organize some files, constantly interrupted by people coming in asking for you to sign contracts you barely cared enough about to read.
When your lunch break finally rolled around, you were quick to dash out of your office, eager to get away from work for a bit. The atmosphere around the building was so different now—what with Logan temporarily gone and Kendall as acting CEO, Roman as COO. 
You made your way to Roman’s office, eyebrows raising upon seeing that all the blinds were shut. Well, he had mentioned taking a nap. With pursed lips, you quietly pushed the glass door open, ducking past the beige-hued blinds.
Immediately, a breathy whine hit your ears accompanied by the unmistakable sound of—
Your eyes widened upon seeing Roman facing the window, both hands down his pants. 
“Oh, my god—oh, fuck—” you began, hurriedly backing up against the wall and throwing a hand over your eyes. Startled at the sudden noise, Roman turned his head over to see you blindly grappling for the door, trying your best to duck past the blinds. Before he could say anything, you were blurting out an apology, rotating on your heel to quickly throw yourself out of his office.
Fuck, Roman thought. His dick was even harder than it was before. Aroused shame curled within his stomach when he resumed touching himself, this time your shocked features imprinted into his thoughts. His forehead fell against the window when he came, a string of obscenities falling from his lips, and your name tumbling out with them.
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Lunch with Roman didn’t happen—you were far too embarrassed to answer any of his texts (he had spammed you nearly twenty separate messages by now). By the time dinner came around, you were just getting ready to go home when you heard a voice say, “Knockity knock knock.”
Roman came into your office without knocking. 
“You’ve been ignoring me,” he plainly stated.
“I’m just busy,” you said, refusing to meet his gaze, cheeks burning. 
The man across from you tilted his head. “Look, about what you saw, back there—”
“I didn’t see anything,” you quickly said. 
“Okay, well, you want me to explain it to you? I had my hand down my—”
Hurriedly, you shook your head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t even go to your office today.”
Roman narrowed his eyes, before smiling in a mischievous manner, patting your flushed cheek twice. “Look at you, you little liar! Come on—let’s go get dinner. My treat.”
Begrudgingly, you followed after Roman, allowing him to pull you into a car, and then into a fancy restaurant you couldn’t even pronounce the name of, and hoard you into your seat. It was nice spending time with him—even though you’d walked in on him jacking off in his office earlier, he was still your best friend nonetheless. Besides, it wasn’t often the two of you hung out together outside of work.
“So—charity gala next week. You got a date yet?” he asked, forking pasta into his mouth.
“Easy. You go with me,” said Rome. 
A frown crossed your face. “You could at least ask.”
“Why should I, when I know you’re going to say yes?”
“You’re so annoying.”
“Yeah, love you, too, schnookums,” he teased. “Eat your fuckin’ pasta before it gets cold. One noodle strand here costs, like, a hundred bucks.”
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“You need to tell dad to back the fuck off,” Roman announced as he stomped into Kendall’s office, startling his older brother. “You know he rehired Frank to babysit me? I don’t need a babysitter, okay? Especially one I don’t get to fuck. I already have Y/N for that.”
Flabbergasted at the sudden barrage of information, Kendall pushed back from his desk. “Really? Frank is back?”
“Yeah, I mean, you’re CEO. Can dad even do that?” 
“I don’t… it’s, uh, it’s a question.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “Okay, well, have a talk with him and tell him to butt out because we are running the show now. Go back to bed and, I don’t know, fuckin’ eat some soup. Get some rest. Old man shit.”
The older of the two stood up, holding his hands out in a placating manner. “Hey, relax, alright? The, uh, you know… the dinosaur is having one last roar at the meteor before it wipes him out. But look—you’re doing a great job.”
Roman dipped forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his brother’s forehead. “Thank you. Thanks, man, really. Urgh—it’s actually so fuckin’ good to hear. It’s a big job.”
“I know.”
“Well, do you want some help? We can tag-team it on Dad’s speech at Sad Sack Wasp Trap.”
There was a pause. “Uhm, yeah, I guess. I mean, it is a CEO thing, so, like, I have a whole thing prepared… with jokes and stuff—”
“You’re doing jokes?” Roman snickered.
“Why does everyone keep saying that? I’m funny.”
Giggling, Roman sarcastically bit out, “Yup! Of course you are, big bro. I’m sure you’re gonna kill it out there. Who you taking?”
Kendall’s face twisted with discomfort. “Uh, no one… Rava’s busy.”
“Doesn’t wanna go with you. Got it.”
Kendall didn’t have the heart to glare at Roman. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll roll solo.”
“How’s that gonna look? CEO can’t even get an ugly sister to go to the ball? You’ll be laughed at.”
There was a pause before Kendall offered, “You know who I’d like to take? Anna Newman—blonde chick from ATN.”
Roman took a second to think about who that was before saying, “Oh, shit, yeah. No, yeah, I’d fuck that in a minute. Take her!”
“It’s not cool. I’m her boss.”
“Oh, come on. What a pathetic beta-cuck!”
“Jesus, Roman, you’re a walking fucking lawsuit.”
“No—I’m just honest. I’m like, ‘Hey, you have a nice face, I wanna fuck your face, can I cum on your face?’ Which is exactly why my face is drowning in pussy and you don’t even fuck your wife.” After a second, Roman realized he probably stepped a bit too far. “Eesh, yikes. Too far. Sorry. Them’s the facts, though.”
Huffing out a sigh, Kendall asked, “Okay, then, who are you taking if you’re always drowning in pussy?”
“Well, I’m taking Y/N, even though I’m technically her boss.”
Shaking his head, Kendall sighed. “You’re taking Y/N? Are you guys finally dating or something, then?”
“Dating? Fuck, no.” Roman blew out a breath. “Hold on—what do you mean finally?”
Kendall’s lips slanted to the side. “I don’t know. We always just thought you two… you know…”
The memory of you accidentally walking in on him jerking off flashed across his mind. Roman clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Nope. Nuh-uh. Nothing there. Y/N and I are… pals who want to fuck each other but never have, never will. Because we love each other too much.”
Because he was scared of you becoming something he could truly lose.
“You wanna fuck Y/N?” Kendall’s brows inched closer to his hairline with the question.
Roman pursed his lips. “I didn’t say that. What? Fuck you.” 
“You just—”
Already, Roman was on his feet, swinging out of Kendall’s office with an elongated bye!
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Camera lights, flashing everywhere. Bright and blinding, leaving faint memories of colors in their wake dancing over your irises. Roman’s hand was curled over your waist as the two of you smiled wide for the paparazzi. You had coordinated your outfits—him in a regular black tux that you went out of your way to call boring, and you in a silken black dress with a plunging neckline that he went out of his way to call slutty. The two of you laughed about it regardless.
You were well aware of the headlines you’d make. Childhood Friends Reunited! Logan Roy’s Goddaughter With Youngest Roy Son: Star-Crossed Lovers.
It happened nearly every time you were seen out in public with Roman. And now that this was a large charity event, you only expected the headlines to double in number and grow more ludicrous in nature. Especially when Roman was not one to hold back, always cracking crude jokes.
Once the two of you made your way into the event hall, away from the snapping cameras, Rome leaned close to your ear to whisper, “Can I just say, you look fan-fucking-tabulous right now. Whew, I could just bend you over and—”
“God, Ro, have some decorum,” you replied lightly. “And don’t promise me things you won’t hold up to.”
He smiled, his lips faintly brushing the golden earrings you were wearing, before pulling away. 
“I gotta go talk to Dad,” he whispered, patting your hip as he slid away from you. You gave him a nod and a smile before making your way to your designated table, brushing past a frantic Connor who was murmuring under his breath about how the butter was fucked.
And as you took your seat, a handsome waiter with pretty eyes and dark curls came to your table, pouring you a drink with a smile. 
“Thanks,” you murmured.
“No problem,” he replied. With a charming twinkle in his eye, the waiter asked, “So, did your date leave you here all alone or did you come here by yourself?”
“He’s off doing… business. As he often does. He’s a friend.”
“A friend, huh?” the waiter echoed. It didn’t go past your notice when his brown irises darted down to glance at your form, the slopes of your curves accentuated just perfectly by the dark dress.
It was only then that Roman came skipping back, head cocked and brows raised at the unfamiliar face. 
“Hi,” he greeted, placing a firm hand on your back. 
When the waiter, looking awfully embarrassed, began to scuttle away, Roman only held his hand out to stop him, tutting as if he were scolding a petulant child. “Mmh. Fill my glass for me.”
It was a power play—an obvious one. You glared at Roman, but watched silently as the waiter you didn’t even know the name of poured your date some rich wine.
“Thaaank you,” he quipped, drawing out the first word obnoxiously long.
Just as the waiter turned to walk away, Roman stopped him once again. “Ah, ah, ah. You stick around, bud.” At your dismayed countenance, he quirked a brow. “What? Was I interrupting something? If you like my date so much, why don’t you just ask for her fuckin’ number?”
You blew out a sigh. “Rome—”
“No, I mean, you clearly want to, right?” Roman placed a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, you wanna give this guy your number?” 
Almost out of spite, you nodded your head. “Yeah, I’d love to give him my number.”
You locked eyes with Roman, watching the way his expression seemed to shift and harden. He was enjoying every bit of this.
Finally, he tore his gaze away from you, looking back at the waiter. “Why don’t you ask for her number then?”
There was a long pause. Hesitant, the waiter asked, “Can I get your number?”
A wheeze of a laugh escaped Roman’s lungs when you asked for a pen, quick to jot down your number on a tissue.
“That’s actually her number. Wowie. Y/N’s getting lucky tonight, huh?” You couldn’t quite tell if the lilting tone in Roman’s voice was mirth or jealousy. Maybe both.
“Just don’t blow your nose with this, alright?” you told the waiter with a sweet smile, handing it over to him. 
When the waiter turned to leave, Roman called out after him, “Fetch another bottle for us, will you?”
Once he was finally gone, Roman sat down in the velvet seat next to you, grinning like a maniac.
“I’d slap you if we weren’t at a charity event, Ro.”
“Oh, don’t talk to me like that. You’ll get my dick hard.”
“You were being rude.”
“I’m sorry, and who was the one flirting with other people when you already have a date for the night?” 
You sent him a sharp, heated look. “You’re my friend, Roman. What does it matter to you if I flirt with someone else?”
The man beside you pretended to give it a long, hard think. “You know when a dog gets really attached to a chew toy? And another dog comes and tries to take it?”
“Oh, you did not just compare me to a chew toy, Ro, I’ll fucking—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you were abruptly cut off when music started playing on stage, and performers in bright orange fabrics began carrying out an intricate dance. You wrapped your hand around Roman’s tie, yanking him close and snarling into his ear, “We’re continuing this conversation later.”
You let him go just as quickly as you grabbed him, leaving Roman disoriented, giddy, and mildly aroused.
Not long after the performance, Logan came hobbling up for his speech. He congratulated Shiv and Tom for their engagements, and drawled on about his pride for his children. Roman seemed to fidget uncomfortably at his words. And for the last announcement, Logan proclaimed that he was officially back in Waystar.
You and Rome glanced at each other rather incredulously.
By the time the party was coming to a close, Kendall was being blown off by his blonde date—Anna something—and Roman had come to console his brother on his loss.
“This is our charity. How much is a plate? You gotta get a blowjob at the very least,” he scoffed. “Right, Y/N?”
With a scowl, you rolled your eyes. “She doesn’t owe you jackshit. And I’m not giving you a blowjob, you asshole. Not after that stunt you pulled back there.”
“Oh, so you would’ve given me a blowjob if I didn’t nudge that waiter’s cock right into your vagina?”
Pulling a sour face, you crossed your arms over your chest. “God, Roman, you’re disgusting.”
It seemed both of you were too caught up in your argument that neither of you noticed when Kendall slipped away, too glum to try to break you two apart. 
On the ride back home, Roman had suggestively broached the idea of coming up into your penthouse with you, but you were quick to shut him down. He’d come over to your place a million times before but… tonight felt different. You didn’t think it was right to let him in tonight.
“Good night, Romeo,” you told him, kissing his cheek lightly. “I’m still mad at you, by the way.”
“Good. I like you mad.” The brown of his eyes sparkled with his admission. You had half a mind to carve them out with a hot spoon. The other half yearned to kiss them. 
You did neither.
You shook your head before slipping out of the car, watching as the driver pulled away from the curb and disappeared behind a row of tall buildings. 
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Logan always had you over for Thanksgiving. Your parents often traveled abroad for the holidays and you were far too busy to join them on their expeditions that usually lasted no fewer than two weeks. And thus, you always spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with the Roys ever since childhood. 
The holidays in your past were filled with fond memories from when you and Roman were small children playing out in the snow until your limbs began to freeze, stuffing dark charcoal down Kendall’s stockings, and exchanging silly, obnoxious gifts that had no real practical use to either of you. Of course, the laughter and the snow waned away after the years, turning more into promiscuous jokes and warming up by the fireplace together as the time drew on by. Nevertheless, the two of you were always together for the holidays.
Dinner was a large and lavish feast, consisting platters of fresh bread and butter, creamy mashed potatoes, juicy turkey meat, and so much more. Roman was stealing just about everything from your plate despite all the food laid out right in front of him. 
Once the meals were polished off, Logan had taken to showing off the war medals he had bought (not earned), but it was quick to dissolve into a fight with his estranged brother, Ewan, that brought back memories you’d really rather not think about anymore. It quickly ended with Ewan cursing the family out and storming out of the room and into the elevator to take his leave.
“This whole family is a nest of vipers,” he had said to his grandson, Greg. “They’ll wrap themselves around you and suffocate you.”
Though you doubted Ewan even knew who you were, his words resounded with you more than you were comfortable to admit. This family was poison—you knew it well by now. 
To ease the tension, Marcia herded everyone back into the dining room for dessert. It was a creamy pumpkin pie, with deliciously buttery crust and airy whipped cream sitting right on top of the thick filling. Roman had swiped off most of the whipped cream from your pie with his finger, licking it away before you even had a chance to protest. 
“Fuck you,” you gruffed under your breath, lightly kicking at his foot beside you.
“On Thanksgiving? For shame,” he teased, forking at his own pie with an impish grin.
“Can we do what my family does on Thanksgiving?” Tom asked everybody, smiling nervously.
After shoveling a piece of dessert into his mouth, Roman guffawed, “What? Fuck the turkey?”
Shiv laughed over her glass of wine.
“Go to other people’s dinners,” Logan dryly remarked. 
More prickly laughter.
“No, no,” said Tom, fidgeting with the collar of his dark turtleneck. “We go around the table and we each say what we’re thankful for.”
From beside you, Roman let out a loud retching noise. “Blegh.” This time, you couldn’t hold in your laughter, hiding your embarrassed smile behind a hand.
“I’ll go first!” chimed Marcia. “I’m thankful to have the family all together.”
“Nice!” Tom excitedly agreed, happy that his proposal wasn’t being completely disregarded. 
Surprising you, Roman was the next to go. “I’m thankful that, uh, Y/N used to sneak quarters under my pillows whenever I lost a tooth as a kid. I am… four dollars richer because of that. Oh, and that I wasn’t born a Siamese twin.”
You shot him a soft smile just as Shiv said, “Yeah, I’m also thankful for that—because being attached to you would be an absolute nightmare. But, mmh, I’m also thankful for the food.”
“Yeah, yes. Good food,” Kendall agreed.
There was a soft frown to Shiv’s features. “You can’t just piggy-back off of my thanks. Have your own.”
Before Kendall could even formulate a response, Greg cut in to say, “I’m thankful that Logan’s feeling better.”
Roman lolled his head to meet your eyes as he mouthed, suck up!
“I think we’re all thankful for that. It—it goes without saying,” Tom said in a haughty manner. “I’m thankful that I’m going to be marrying into one of the most vital and interesting and… kind and loving families in the world.”
 “Are you not going to marrying Shiv anymore?” asked Roman, feigning innocence. Laughter scattered around the table as Shiv flipped off her twin brother. 
Clearing his throat, Connor began speaking, “I have a little announcement. Uhm… Willa and I are pleased to announce that I’ve asked her and she’s agreed that we are to… take the next steps.”
Brows raising, Logan asked, “What? You—you’re not getting, uh…?” Married was what was left hanging in the air. 
“No, we’re, uh… going steady.”
Roman began giggling under his breath. “Jesus Christ. You guys are going steady? What are you, nine?” At his eldest brother’s slightly crestfallen expression, Roman shook his head. “Happy for you, man.”
Everybody else chimed in their thanks, before you were finally the last one left. With the entire family’s eyes set on you, you folded your hands over your lap and offered Logan a timid smile. “I’m just grateful to always be welcome here. My parents were never around so… it was nice to still have people I could call family. And I’m also grateful that I have the honor of being Roman’s only friend.”
Marcia abruptly clapped her hands, sensing that the two of you would’ve spiraled down into a childish argument. “Alright, everyone! Shall we play a game? Let’s gather the kids.”
As if you were cattle, she rounded up everybody into the living room, looping her arm with her husband’s, which Logan barely even was. 
The game was one of memory. A cold can of condensed milk was passed around the group as they chimed in what they’d bought from the market, along with what everyone else before them had bought. 
Once the can got to you, you smiled as you repeated, “I went to the market and bought… a shark tooth, a pony, a big fat hen, and this.”
You passed the can off to Rome, his hand brushing yours. “Uh, I went to the market and bought a crack pipe—”
A litany of protests burst out in the room. Rava covered her daughter’s ears and Kendall sighed out, “Roman!” 
“Alright, I went to the market and bought a gimp suit—”
“Oh, my God. Fine—I bought a, uh, potato, a shark tooth, a pony, a big fat hen, and this.”
Finally, Roman passed the spotlight onto his father, who seemed like he hadn’t really been paying attention to the game. 
“What’s it gonna be, Dad? A hot dog? China? Immortality? Souls of the innocent?” Roman asked, draping an arm over your shoulders. 
There was a long pause. Longer than what was deemed normal. Logan glanced around blankly. 
Marcia gently reminded him, “I went to the market…”
“Yeah, okay. I went to the market, and I bought… local TV.”
Tilting her head, little Sophie asked incredulously, “Can he buy that?”
“Yeah,” snorted Rome. “Dad can buy whatever he wants. So? Local TV and…?”
“Clock’s tickin’. Time’s running out. Local TV, and what did I say?” Rome drummed his fingers along your arm—a nervous habit. When Logan took far too long to answer, you pursed your lips, displeased. Of course he hadn’t been listening to Roman. Of fucking course.
Finally, Shiv cupped a hand over her mouth to whisper, “A potato.”
“Hey! That’s cheating!” Roman bit out, suddenly taking the game far more seriously than he should’ve. “No hints. Come on, Dad. You got this.”
Did he?
You watched curiously as Logan glanced down at the can, as if only just realizing what he was holding.
“We can skip a turn,” you said, apprehensive. “It’s okay, it’s no big deal.”
Nodding, Tom said, “Marcia, you can go.”
The wife vehemently shook her head in a defensive manner. “No, he—”
Suddenly, Iverson stood up from his seat on the couch, trying to take the can away from Logan. “You lost, Grandpa,” he said. “You lose.”
The words seemed to anger Logan, and his grip tightened around the can, refusing to let the young boy grab it. 
“You lose,” repeated Iverson.
Infuriated, the can came crashing across Iverson’s face with a sickening thud, and the young boy’s head went snapping sideways with the impact. You were on your feet immediately, too stunned to say anything as shocked yells and curses flooded into the room. Repressed memories of an equally young Roman on the ground, being kicked around bloody by Logan’s expensive foot flashed across your mind. On instinct, you pressed yourself closer to Roman, fingers curling around his arm. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Kendall yelled, getting in between his father and his son. 
“I hardly touched him, it was just shock!” barked the older man. “Relax, son! Relax!”
“Take your hands off him! Get the fuck away!”
Both Rava and Kendall led a crying Iverson away into another room to inspect how badly he was hurt.
Silent, you slipped out as well, letting go of Roman to turn down the hall. You were breathing rather erratically, and had to press a palm to your chest to try and get your racing heart to quell its frantic pace. 
When Roman called out your name, quiet and concerned, you could feel tears prick the corners of your eyes. You hadn’t realized that he followed you.
“Sorry, I just—I’m sorry. I got overwhelmed,” you said, wrapping your arms around your stomach. You suddenly felt like a child all over again.
There was a lump in Roman’s throat as he watched you slump against the wall. He twisted his face in what he hoped was a reassuring expression. “No, yeah, it’s uh… a fuckin’ mess in there right now. I don’t blame you.”
“It just… reminded me of some bad memories. Of you. And your dad.”
The two of you locked gazes for a long while, both unsure of what else to say. Roman shifted his weight from foot to foot, scuffing the heel of his shoe against the pricey beige carpet.
“Fuck,” was what he finally came up with. “Sorry. C’mere.”
He held one arm open, and you leaned forward to just sink into him, loosely lacing your hands together around him, your forehead resting upon his shoulder. Neither of you really needed to say anything else—there was a silent understanding stretched thinly between you. You were there to witness the worst parts of him, and he was there to pick up the pieces of you that broke while watching.
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“Hey, fuck-face,” greeted Roman as he swung into your office, looking a bit more weary than usual. “I have an offer to make you.”
“That can’t mean anything good, knowing you,” you responded, raising an eyebrow. The click-clacking of your keyboard halted to listen to him, encouraging him to continue.
Fiddling with his tie’s knot at the base of his neck, he pulled a grimace. “It’s good, actually. Great. I don’t know. Dad wants us to do family therapy together—publicize the whole thing to make it look like our family business is still… a family business.”
“Oh,” you said, still miffed. “That’s… manipulative. Family therapy? Have you, uhm, met your family?”
Roman leaned his weight onto your desk, staring at you expectedly. “Come with me. It’ll be fun. Sand, scorpions, and drama. Imagine it like a weekend getaway.”
The thought of sticking yourself right between a family feud didn’t sound at all appealing. “I don’t know, Ro…” You paused to pinch between your furrowed brows. “With everything that’s happened—what with Logan firing Kendall and what happened with Iverson last time…”
“You don’t have to go to the fuckin’ therapy itself. Just come down to New Mexico.” Roman reassured. With a sigh, he tacked on, “Dad wants you there. It’s good for the image. You’re his goddaughter, remember?”
“How could I forget?” you dryly replied. “Fine. But I’m only going for you, not him.”
A smile etched over his features. “Aw, you love me. You fuckin’ sap.”
“Yeah, fuck off, Romeo.”
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You’d fallen asleep in the car. And, as per typical Roman fashion, he startled you awake by repeatedly flicking at your cheek until you swatted his fingers away. 
“We’re here,” he said in a sing-song voice. “New Mexico, baby.”
“Ugh, stop being so loud,” you replied, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
The two of you made your way onto Connor’s ranch. It was large and spacious, undoubtedly lavish while still keeping its old history intact—Connor was especially proud to point out the church on his property dating back all the way to the 1800s. Once inside, you greeted Shiv and Willa with a hug, Marcia with cheek kisses, and Tom with a steady handshake. Logan was last, who you awkwardly embraced, patting him on the back twice before pulling away.
“It’s good to see you here, Y/N. Thank you for coming,” he said. 
You knew he only wanted you here for the image. Did he even really care about you? 
“It’s good to be here,” you replied with a faux warm smile.
“You’ll be here for the photos tomorrow, yes?”
Roman watched as your smile faltered ever so slightly. “Yeah—yes, of course. I’ll be here.”
“That’s a good girl,” said Logan, taking another sip of his champagne. It seemed like every time you were around Logan, you were reduced back to a little child, nothing but an accessory to be dragged along and made the family look nice. 
There was a frown marring Roman’s features as he led you away from his father, to the other end of the room where his sister sat. “This is like a—like the first stages of an orgy. Kind of exciting but also super awkward.”
“And how many orgies have you been to?” you asked with a laugh, bumping your hip against his, knowing full and well that the answer was none.
“I’ll invite you next time.”
The atmosphere between Roman and Shiv was statically tense. They bickered for a few minutes about how Roman had left Shiv in the dark about the vote of no confidence. Your eyes darted back and forth between their argument until it finally ended with Shiv punching him in the arm.
“Ow,” Roman moaned, clutching his bicep. “Fuck you.”
Finally, the two of them begrudgingly smiled at each other. 
“I bet Dad’s gonna try winning at therapy,” said Shiv. 
“Well, he hasn’t done therapy with me yet. I’m an expert,” Roman quipped.
Both you and Shiv glanced incredulously at each other. “Really?”
“Mhm. This—” Roman pointed at himself, “—is what it looks like when you resolve all your issues.”
“Uh-huh,” Shiv skeptically said.
With a smile, you teased, “I don’t think someone who’s resolved all their issues would use humor as a deflecting mechanism.”
“Ugh. Shut up. You’re just jealous I’m funny,” Roman fired back. “Don’t even deny it. I see you giggling and hoo-ha-ing at my jokes all the fuckin’ time.”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Shiv said, “You know, my guy says that if Dad had had therapy, I wouldn’t need so much.”
You scoffed. “My guy says I have two father figures who didn’t really father me and left lasting impressions—which is just a nice way of saying they’ve fucked me up bad.”
“My guy’s surprised I got through it at all,” Roman chimed in. 
“I don’t think you got through it all,” snorted Shiv.
The two of them burst into another round of mocking imitations. 
Finally, Roman said, “I will have you both know that I’m very well-adjusted. You guys are just good at hiding it.” Then, as if to prove his own point wrong, he turned to tap Connor on the shoulder. “I just wanted to let you know that I think I’m going to reveal to him that you sexually abused me when I was a child.”
“Excuse me?” said Connor, baffled.
“Yeah, you just would not stop.”
You scowled. “God, Ro, that’s not funny.”
“You are one sick puppy,” Connor agreed. 
“You’re the one who kept trying to fuck me!” said Roman through a fit of giggles.
“Why would you say that? Stop saying that! You don’t really think that, do you?”
“Mmh, no. I’m fuckin’ with you. Like the way you fucked me as a baby.”
Connor frowned. “What is wrong with you? You’re exasperating.”
Both you and Shiv shook your heads. 
“Good luck with family therapy,” you told her. “Looks like it’ll be interesting.”
“Thanks,” she grumbled. “Really gonna need it. Ten bucks on someone running out before it’s finished.”
With a humored hum, you nodded. Though none of the siblings really wanted this to happen (well, Connor was up for debate), you doubted any of them would actually flake. “You’re on.”
When the therapist finally arrived, he went around the room, shaking everybody’s hand. Logan went up to the center of the room to acknowledge everybody present. “Right. Family. Mmh—we’re all gathered here in this beautiful home because there are things to address… and I believe we should address them. I think I explained all around that we’ll also have a small celebration of our coming together with photographs, tomorrow. Nothing fancy. Just a few simple, candid shots. Anyway, without further ado, Alon Parfit.”
The therapist stepped up next and gave his little speech about the courage it takes to go to therapy. Rome rolled his eyes to the side. It’s not like any of you were really given the choice.
“Thanks. This family is broken, and that has consequences,” said Connor. “A missed phone call today, and a couple dozen kids lose their jobs in China. Butterfly wings, but bigger. Huge wings—like a pterodactyl. Or the Smithsonian. So… let’s fix our wings.”
Both you and Roman glanced at each other, trying your best to smother down your amusement. 
“Barely comprehensible,” retorted Roman, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
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You strode out of your bathroom in your pajamas, having just brushed your teeth and done your nightly routine before bed. It didn’t at all surprise you that Roman hadn’t moved from his spot, eagle-spread over the mattress, playing a little game on his phone.
“Move over,” you said, shoving at his legs to climb on beside him. “You have your own room, you know. Why are you here?”
Ignoring you, Roman asked, “Why the fuck is it so cold in here? We’re in the goddamn desert. My nipples are so fucking hard—feels like they’re going to fall off. Touch them!”
“Ew, Ro, I don’t want to touch your nipples—”
Roman took your hand anyway, pressing it against his chest.
“Wow. Hard nipples,” you dryly remarked, fixing him with an unimpressed stare. “Thanks for showing me. Good night.”
As you began clambering beneath the comforter, Roman kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned a few top buttons of his shirt. Despite your half-hearted protests, he slid into the space beside you.
“Just like when we were kids,” you whispered, staring up at the ceiling with a faint smile. “I swear we slept in each other’s rooms more often than in our own.”
“You talked in your sleep,” Roman snickered.
“Yeah? You snored way too loud.” You began mimicking the way he snored in between giddy laughter. “Honk shoo. Hoooonk shoo—”
Prodding a finger into your side, Roman retaliated, “You moved around too much.”
“You liked to be the small spoon.”
“You would kiss your stuffed animals before going to bed.”
This time, you let out a loud laugh. “God, I forgot about that. I miss them. I missed this.” Your hand found his beneath the blanket, lacing your fingers together. 
“Don’t draw anything on my face while I’m asleep,” he warned, turning on his side to face you. 
“Shut up and go to sleep,” you replied, eyes already closing. “G’night, Ro.”
“Nighty-night, bitch.”
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He was nervous. You could see it in his eyes. The therapist had already called for the siblings and Logan to gather in the church for their session, but Roman lingered behind, scuffing his shoe against the sand. 
“Behave yourself, okay?” you told him, trying your best to give him a reassuring smile whilst buttoning up the top button of his dark blue shirt that was still hanging open. “Do it for Con and Shiv. I know this must be tough on all of you.”
Grateful for your tender comfort, Roman seemed a bit less nervous to head inside with the rest of his family. “Yes, mommy,” he teasingly bit out.
With a roll of your eyes, you shoved him away with a snort of indignant laughter, and watched as he slunk off to follow after his sister. Though Marcia and Willa and Tom offered for you to sit with them while waiting, you politely declined, needing some time alone in your room with your thoughts and a good book.
Not even half an hour later, Roman slipped through the doors of your bedroom, appearing slightly trodden on, scratching the back off his head in an anxious fashion.
“Ro?” you asked, sliding a crumpled receipt between the pages as a temporary bookmark, turning your full attention on him. “How’d it go?”
He gave you a smile—a weary one, full of secrets and doubt. “It was bullshit,” he whispered. For a moment, you wondered if tears were pricking his eyes, but that could’ve just been a trick of the broiling New Mexican sunlight. 
“You wanna talk about it?” You shifted on the bed to pat the spot beside you. With a small sigh, Roman crawled beside you, tugging his knees up to his chest, as if he was a child all over again.
“No. Fuck. Maybe later.”
“Okay, Rome. Are you okay?”
The man beside you rested his cheek against his leg. “Yeah, just… I don’t know. I fuckin’... I just clammed up.”
Without another word, you pulled him into a side hug, your nose pressing against the side of his head affectionately. 
“That’s okay,” you whispered, shutting your eyes as you leaned into him. “It’s okay to clam up sometimes.”
A hum, followed by a sigh. “Shiv is leaving. She has a meeting.”
“Lucky her. Will she be back?”
“I don’t know.” His voice was so quiet. Your heart ached for him. “Therapist wants us to reconvene this afternoon. If it’s just Connor and I with Dad… I don’t know. Doesn’t sound all that fun anymore.”
“Was it even fun in the first place?”
He gave you a half-hearted shrug.
You rubbed a comforting hand along his back. “We can always just bail.”
Pulling a grimace, Roman replied, “Dad would kill me.”
“Shiv bailed?”
Snorting, Roman shook his head. “Shiv doesn’t give a shit. Dad loves her anyway. Whatever fucked up version of love that is.”
A hesitant pause. “Well… if you’re staying, I’m staying.”
Your friend smiled loosely. “Don’t you ever… get sick of me?”
“Yeah, all the time, Ro,” you replied with no hesitation. “But I love you anyway. You know that, right?”
“Yeah. Whatever.”
The two of you laughed quietly, before you slipped your hands away from him, heading over to your bag to fish out a swimming suit. 
“C’mon—I saw a pool out in the back. How do you feel about going for a swim?”
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The two of you were sitting side by side by the pool’s edge, legs dangling in the lukewarm water. He would flick water at your face every once in a while, taking great pleasure in the way your nose would wrinkle and how you’d lazily tell him to knock it off. 
Just as you were about to sink into the pool, the therapist came up to the water, shedding his fluffy white robe onto a chair. 
“You coming in for a swim?” you asked with a sweet smile. “The water’s nice.”
“Mmh, yeah, don’t be afraid of what’s down there. Pretend it’s our subconscious and just go for it,” Roman chimed in.
Parfit hummed, stepping closer to the edge. “Yeah, I know how to dive.”
“You gonna jump?” you said with a laugh, not really being serious. 
“You want me to jump?” asked Alon.
Both you and Rome grinned at each other. “Jump, jump, jump!” the two of you chanted.
“Jump, you fuckin’ pussy!” exclaimed Roman, though he was quick to shut his mouth when his therapist flung himself into the pool face-first.
“Oh, my God,” you said, flinching back as a wave of water drenched the both of you. It was all a blur, really. One moment you saw the pool water darkening with blood, and the next you were jumping in to help Parfit out. Roman was yelling for help as you dragged him up over the edge, eyes widening.
He was conscious, which was a good thing, but when he parted his lips to croak out a question, you noticed with horror how the entire front row of his teeth had been knocked out. Unsure of what else to do, you wrapped a towel around him and told him to put pressure on the wounds.
When Connor and a few cleaners came asking what had happened, Roman told them, “He just dived in and hit the bottom!”
“Did you hit your head?” asked Willa in concern. 
The therapist said something, but it was muffled behind the towel.
“He hit his teeth?” said Connor.
“Well, his teeth are in his head—kind of a central feature there,” said Rome, wincing as he saw all the blood pouring out of Parfit’s mouth. “I didn’t think he’d jump in head-first!”
“Yeah, well, just don’t let him go to sleep,” you said.
Parfit’s eyebrows pulled together. “I don’t wanna go to fuckin’ sleep!”
As they checked out his mouth, Willa told him that he should go to the hospital, despite Roman’s half-hearted protests that he looked okay. Eventually, it was agreed upon that Connor and Willa would take him.
“Fuckin’ great!” you heard Logan grumble. “And I was about to take advice from a clown who dives head-first into the shallow end of a pool! And now everybody’s fucking off!”
Marcia rubbed a consoling hand on her husband’s shoulder. “No, no, Roman and Y/N are still here. They’re here for the photos. Right?”
Subconsciously, you stepped closer to Roman just as Logan swung his gaze onto the both of you. The last ones standing.
“Sure,” Rome reluctantly said with a shrug. “I give good cheekbone. You?” He turned to look at you with pleading eyes.
You pursed your lips. “Yeah, uhm, yes. I just gotta go wash the therapist’s blood off of me.” With a half-hearted grin, you shook your head. “That’s a sentence I never expected to say.”
With that, you scuttled off upstairs, Roman following after you, the both of you leaving a trail of pool water in your wake.
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The photoshoot went as well as it could’ve gone, considering both you and Roman were treading on thin ice around his father. You stood idly by the cameraman as Roman and Logan slowly treaded through the yellowed grass, discussing business matters beneath their breath. It wasn’t long before you were called forward, dressed in a smart white blouse and black slacks, to stand beside Logan while it was Roman’s turn to be benched. 
The fucked up godfather-goddaughter duo.
“So, uh, how has New Mexico been treating you, Uncle Logan?” you asked as politely as you could, walking alongside him. 
The older man shot you a sidelong glance. “Hot. Dry. Sandy. What else?”
“Ah, I, uhm—”
“Listen here, Y/N.” He stopped striding, and so did you. “You’re a good, dependable woman, with some wits about you. My son seems to be just the opposite.”
You frowned at his words, not overly fond of the way he always belittled your closest friend, his own son.
“I need you to guide him. Keep his head on his shoulders. I’ve just told him to call Japan, as COO, and handle a rocket launch. He’s in a big role now—we can’t afford him to be… easily swayed.”
We? you thought. 
“What are you asking me, Uncle?”
Logan resumed walking, taking your arm to gently tug you along for the photographer to snap more shots. There was a tight feeling in your chest.
“I’m asking you to keep him by my side. Deter him from any of my enemies, which have already corrupted his brother and sister. You’ve always been a loyal member of our company, and I see you as a daughter, more than anything. With you, Romulus will be a much more formidable force.”
You swallowed hard. Why did his words feel so hollow? “I…”
“Smile for the camera,” he said.
You nodded, smiling stiffly.
Finally, the photographer asked for Logan to step away so he could get a couple shots of you and Rome.
“So…?” your friend asked, immediately winding an arm around your waist. “Spill. What did pops say to you? You looked like you were about to shit yourself.”
“Shut up,” you told him. “I’ll tell you later.”
The cameraman waved his arm to catch both of your attentions. “Can you guys move closer?”
Obnoxiously, Roman tugged you towards him so any remaining space between the two of you was effectively gone. He smushed his cheek to yours with a wide beam, your heads bumping against one another. “This close enough for you?” At the photographer’s thumbs up, Roman retorted under his breath, “This guy probably has a kink for nonconsensual filming during sex. Bet he has an entire USB filled with this shit in his mom’s basement or something.”
You couldn’t help it—you bursted out laughing, clutching onto Roman’s forearms as you grinned so large it was a wonder your face didn’t split into two. Whether you were laughing at Roman’s crude predictions, or the ludicrous nature of the way your faces were pressed up against one another, you didn’t quite know.
The photographer snapped a couple dozen photos of you genuinely laughing with Roman grinning like a fool before finally saying he had gotten plenty of pictures. More than enough to appease the press, that was for sure.
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Kendall was in New Mexico, much to both your and Rome’s surprise. And, to worsen it all, he was high.
“Uh, can you drop me a pin so I know you’re okay?” Roman asked over the phone to his giggling brother, most likely coked up and inhaling several lungfuls of secondhand smoke. From your seat beside him, you could hear Kendall’s faint voice murmur something unintelligible. Growing frustrated, Roman spoke again, “Just drop me the fucking pin. I’m not going to come get you.”
He gave you a glance. You knew what he was asking almost instantly. The two of you were going to go get him.
“Just do it, Kendall. Do it now. Are you doing it?”
Another pause. Then a notification popped up on Roman’s phone. 
“Alright, Y/N and I are coming to get you, man. Just, uh… sit tight, okay?” With that, Roman hung up. 
His father, who had overheard the entire conversation, furrowed his wispy white brows. “Are you doing the call with Japan?”
Of course, he had just overheard that his son was out there, possibly on the brink of an overdose, and he was worried about a fucking business call. You squared your jaw and turned away from the both of them, shrugging on a coat to get ready to leave in search of Kendall. Though the two of you had a strained relationship at best, he was still more of a brother to you than anything. 
“Uh, yeah… yes, I will,” Roman finally said. “But, um, I’m gonna go get Kendall. He’s here and he’s not great.”
A tense silence. For a moment, you wondered if Logan would tell his youngest son to stay and leave his older brother to fend for himself. His eyes darted to you for a brief moment as you grabbed a set of car keys out of the dozens laid out. 
Kendall dying of an overdose would do Logan’s company no good. With a nod, he beckoned for the both of you to leave. Limbs suddenly unfreezing, Rome jolted towards you, ushering you out of the house to one of the cars. 
The drive was tense and quiet, occasionally interrupted by Roman nervously drumming his fingers against the steering wheel and asking you an absentminded question. You’d reply with a two-worded sentence, before the two of you lapsed into more worried silence. 
The house Roman pulled up to was dingy and dark, looking as if it were somehow sunken into itself. The flimsy metal fences were wilting and rusted. Roman knocked on the door with faded yellow paint thrice.
“Kendall?” he asked. “Kendall! Hey, open up!”
Abruptly, the door rocked open on its squeaky hinges, startling both you and Roman. The stench of piss and weed hit you like a shockwave. You lingered by the doorway, studying the room with narrowed eyes. Kendall was near the door, with a few other men smoking nearby.
“Oh, wow,” said Roman, shifting his weight from his toes to his heels. “Hi. You guys gonna offer me a cup of tea?”
High out of his mind, Kendall took another hit from a bong before slurring out, “Yo, Chang, show them your wolf tattoo, c’mon.”
With a greasy smirk, the man leaned forward and pulled his shirt down to show you a shoddy tattoo that only barely resembled a snarling wolf, howling obnoxiously. “You like my wolf, pretty lady?” He was getting far too close for your taste, so you stepped closer to Roman. 
“Very nice,” you dryly said. “Hey, Kenny D, can we go now? It’s, uh, it’s getting late—”
Ignoring you, Kendall began introducing the rest of the men in the ragtag group, “Yo, this is, uh, Chang, Tanner, and Mac.”
“So great to meet you guys,” Roman quickly replied, scratching the back of his head in a fidgety fashion. “Let’s get out of here. C’mon.”
Another hit. More smoke filled the room and you wrinkled your nose with distaste. Kendall drawled out, “You know, I was thinking I probably shouldn’t talk to you, given the, uh, ongoing situation apropos of my legal action against you as a board member, for your failure to fulfill your fiduciary duty and breaching my employment contract. Then I thought about it some more and was like—who the fuck cares?”
Snapping his fingers, Roman pointed at the white powder Kendall was lining up to snort. “What—what is this? What is that? Fuckin’... crank?”
Snorting, Kendall retorted, “We’ve been having a lot of fun, Mom. Seriously, you should try this.”
Heaving out a dry laugh, you spat out, “No, thanks. Roman and I aren’t looking to kill ourselves tonight.”
“I hear that shit makes you crash like an airbus full of eggs,” said Rome, eyeing his brother surreptitiously. 
“Not if you stay high,” chimed one of the other druggies.
Kendall snorted. “Tanner makes good points.”
“Tanner is too fucked up on thirty different kinds of drugs to make good points,” you haughtily said. “Kendall, please, let’s just get the fuck out of here.”
The older brother tried to click open his lighter, but it seemed to be out of gas.
“Oh, hey, I can fix that,” said Roman, plucking the little prism out of Kendall’s hands and chucking it across the room with a clang. “Great. Problem solved. Let’s go.”
“Fine, fine,” Kendall begrudgingly said. “Alright, I’m coming. Family therapy n’ all that.”
One of the other men blew out a stream of smoke before saying, “Hey, man, your friends fucking suck.”
“Not my friend,” slurred Kendall. “Brother. And his girlfriend.”
Neither you nor Roman had the heart to correct him.
Kendall clapped the both of you on your shoulders as you swung the creaky door open. “You know what, guys? They’re actually pretty okay. Pretty chill.”
The high group yelled a bunch of farewells as you rushed out of the house, the two brothers in tow. The returning drive was much louder than the journey on the way to get Kendall, because he kept turning on the radio to play music obnoxiously loud, and giggled and laughed and made crude noises as Roman took a work call about the launch in Japan. He so desperately didn’t want to disappoint his father, you felt sorry for him.
By the time the three of you made your way back onto Connor’s ranch, you were dead tired and in dire need of some sleep. 
Kendall was still excited and giddy, banging his fists against the windows and flinging the door open to yell, “What up, motherfuckers!” to everybody gathered in the kitchen. “Sorry I’m late. What are we arguing about?”
Shifty eyes darting to both you and Roman leaning against each other by the edge of the room, he barked out, “What the fuck’s wrong with him?”
“I’m off my nuts, folks. Off my fuckin’ nuts!” exclaimed Kendall, making for the fridge to touch everything inside, eventually grabbing an unopened bottle of beer. 
Roman cleared his throat. “Uh, Dad, just so you know—everything’s good with the launch. I talked to the guy, and—”
“He doesn’t fucking care, Rome!” interrupted Kendall. “He doesn’t even notice. Dad—give him a high five, or something. C’mon. He’s waiting… with those fuckin’ puppy dog eyes of his. Fuck.”
“Stop it, Kendall,” you said with a frown. 
Kendall only parroted your words with a mocking tone, which made Roman bristle beside you.
It seemed that Logan had no interest in putting up with any of his sons’ bullshit, instead placing all his attention on a sour Shiv behind the kitchen island. They argued more, Logan angry at his daughter for leaving their family therapy to go meet with one of his enemies. It was until Kendall made a distasteful joke about Logan being a high-class hooker that Willa abruptly stood up, bidding everyone a goodnight and storming upstairs. You felt bad for her, having half the mind to follow her up. But you stayed by Roman’s side, trying your best to swallow around the lump in your throat as Logan argued with Connor now.
Arguments after arguments. That’s all it was with this family.
Shiv was quick to turn tail and leave when Logan called her a coward, Tom hot on her heels. You buried your weary face within your palms. Just as you pulled your hands away, Logan was storming towards Kendall for cracking another distasteful joke—this time about his father’s abusive uncle.
Your stomach lurched with the possibility of witnessing Logan hit another one of his sons, and Roman let his hands slip away from you as he struggled with whether or not he should help Kendall. But before he could decide, Logan called Ken a fucking nobody and staggered off with Marcia in tow. 
Kendall pulled a grimace before taking another swig of his beer. He didn’t seem all too affected by his father’s harsh words.
“Good night, Con,” you quietly said as you slipped past him, going out of your way to ignore Kendall. 
“Night, guys,” Roman whispered to his brothers, crestfallen. 
The two of you wordlessly made your way upstairs and into Roman’s room, which was closer than yours. You didn’t bother changing—simply crawling beneath the cold bed’s blanket, making space for him to climb in after you. Roman dug his knuckles into his tired eyes. 
“I clammed up,” Roman whispered, pressing his nose into the base of your throat as you wound your arms around him. “Again.”
“That’s okay, Roman,” you said, repeating the very same words you had said to him only hours before. “I like clams, you know.”
“Yeah? I’m more of an oyster guy, myself.”
“Mmh. Those are good, too.”
Faintly, you felt his lips brush against your neck just before you fell into the gentle clutches of sleep.
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You’d honestly expected Roman to ask you to be his plus one for Shiv’s wedding. But, to your surprise, he’d found himself a girlfriend at Tom’s bachelor party—a beautiful blonde woman that had sucked the groom off and made him swallow his own load.
When Roman told you, you really thought he’d been joking at first. Nevertheless, you were happy for him, even if he was just with Tabitha to spite Tom in his own twisted way. 
By the time Shiv’s wedding rolled around, you decided to go without a date, more than happy to enjoy the night on your own. You stepped out of the car, thanking the driver with a smile, before heading into the venue, your eyes bright and wide as you took in the intricately decorated space.
You caught sight of Roman with his date by the entrance, his mother on his other side.
“Hello!” she greeted you with her lilting British accent. “Y/N, darling, how’ve you been? I don’t think I’ve seen you since you were a little doll—I remember your pigtails like it was yesterday. How you and Roman tracked mud into the house, covered in twigs and bristles.”
Leaning forward, she pressed kisses to both your cheeks and gave you a loose hug. “Hi, no, yeah—I’m, uh, I’m doing great.”
“Where’s your date, darling? Is he running late?”
For a moment, you let your eyes slide over to Roman, who gave you an apologetic shrug. 
“No date today,” you told her, smiling tightly. “Just me.”
“Splendid, splendid,” she said, and began to prattle on about how marriages were a miserable affair anyway. 
As politely as you could, you moved away from Caroline to hug her youngest son, your oldest friend.
“You look nice, Ro,” you told him, patting his freshly-shaven cheek twice.
“Me? Look at you!” he replied, whistling obnoxiously. Then, in a ridiculous British accent (in an obvious mockery of his mother), he crooned, “Give us a spin, love.”
You didn’t spin, but you rolled your eyes fondly. The dress you wore today was a deep shade of violet, with a tight bodice that criss-crossed over your chest and flowed loosely down past your hips. Your hair was up and away from your face, which effectively took the option for you to nervously fidget with it off the table.
Finally, you turned your gaze to Roman’s date. “Hi, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to finally meet you,” you kindly told her, holding your hand out to shake hers. 
To your surprise, she pulled you into a hug instead, smiling widely. “Yes, likewise! God, Roman’s told me all about you.”
“He has?” You arched a brow to him just as he glanced away, scratching the back of his head. “All good things, I hope.”
“Mostly, yeah.”
With a laugh, you shook your head. “Well, I do look forward to talking to you some more—enjoy the party and the company. Bye, Rome—Caroline.”
The first few hours flew by in a breeze. There was a whole commotion with Shiv being upset that Logan was planning on coming, despite her wishes for him to stay well away. Rome had quietly asked you if you thought he was coming because he was worried about the launch. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that Logan could really care less about it, which is why he handed the job over to Roman in the first place.
Then the party came next, filled with mingling socialites and expensive wines and drinks, food that tasted like it cost a hundred dollars a bite. You floated through, speaking to dozens of people who knew your name, but you didn’t know a single one of theirs. It felt lonely, in a way.
Finally, you were able to find Shiv amongst the packed throng, congratulating her on the marriage.
“You’re tethered to Tom now,” you joked, wrinkling your nose at the thought. “You’ll certainly have your hands full with him.”
The both of you grimaced at your wording. 
“Listen, Shiv, just know that I’m here for you if you ever need anything, okay?”
With a hum, the redhead took a drawn-out sip of her drink. “You took the photos with dad in New Mexico.”
“You with him, then?”
You blinked. “No… I mean, he’s my godfather, sure—”
“Yeah, well he’s my dad, but that seems to mean very little to him.” She regarded you over the rim of the champagne flute. “I can’t get a read on you, Y/N. You’re so obviously not happy with my dad. Why do you keep taking his side?”
Before you could respond, Roman came sidling up to both of you.
“Hey, dipshits! What’re we talking about?” he asked in a sing-song voice. 
“Nothing,” you quickly responded. “Where’s Tabitha?”
Waving away your question, Roman responded, “Eh. Off mingling. You know her.”
“Not really, actually—”
It was then that Caroline came up, having just asked two strangers how long they thought Shiv and Tom would last. She’d been asking just about everyone at the wedding that question, making them deeply uncomfortable as they were forced to stammer out a hasty protest that it’d last forever. Or, at the very least—a long time.
“I like your girlfriend, Ro,” she told her son. 
“Oh, thank you. I met her at a sex party where she was giving the groom a blowjob.”
You did a double take, not expecting him to be so abrash with his words to his mother, right in front of the bride. To your relief, neither Shiv nor Caroline seemed to take him seriously.
“Funny, Ro. So funny,” you said, trying your best to play off your reaction. 
With a nod and a hum, Caroline chimed, “You should marry her.”
This time, it was Roman’s turn to be shocked. “Excuse me?”
For some reason, you felt a sick feeling curl within your stomach. Caroline’s eyes burned into you, but you refused to meet her gaze.
Finally, she turned to her daughter. “Shiv, stop taking everything so seriously. I’m trying to sparkle. When people ask me how long I give it, I say forever. Or—at least, it’ll feel like forever.”
With that, Caroline hurried off, calling after a waiter carrying a tray of hors d'oeuvres. 
“She says she’s being impish,” Roman said.
“Well, we know where you get that trait from, then,” you dryly remarked, earning you a flick to the ear, which made you smile and swat Roman’s hands away.
With a tired sigh, Shiv pinched the space between her brows. “She’s being a stone-cold bitch.”
Roman snickered. “Freud is having a field day right now.”
“Fuck off,” Shiv spat, before taking her leave to find her husband.
“How’s socializing been? I saw you nearly fall asleep on a business associate a while ago,” leered Rome, mischief dancing amongst his molten irises.
“Trust me, you’d fall asleep, too. He just kept talking and talking about the future of cybertechnology—I already put up with enough of that from Connor.”
Clearing his throat, Roman patted your shoulder firmly. “Hey, listen—you heard what my mom said, right? That I should propose to Tabs?”
It felt like static started playing in your ears. “What?” you asked, baffled. 
“She said I should marry her.”
“Rome… you’ve known her for less than a month.”
“She’s—” You stared at him for a moment, incredulous. “Ro, she’s not going to say yes. You guys barely know each other.”
The way Roman’s features contorted into genuine disbelief made you pull your brows together. He scoffed, “Well, just because you said no, doesn’t mean she will.”
Again, you parroted, “What? What are you talking about? When have you ever proposed to me?”
“Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t remember.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “No, Romeo, I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about.”
With a sigh, Roman scratched at his head. “We were like, fuckin’ sixteen or something—I asked you if you wanted to get married, and you said no.”
Suddenly, the faint memory of Roman joking about marriage and the white-picket fence life came to the forefront of your mind. The two of you had found an abandoned playground and sat side by side on the creaking, rusted swings. They were clearly meant for children a decade younger than you, but neither of you cared. The night was cold, and Roman’s nose was red, his breath misting with each sigh he took. A wave of nostalgia overtook you.
“Ro, we were kids. And you didn’t actually ask me. You kind of just… told me that we should. You can’t—ugh. I didn’t know you were being serious.”
It ached within your chest when Roman drew himself away from you. 
“I wasn’t being serious.”
“Then why are we having this conversation?” you asked, hating the way your voice broke under the weight of your words. “You’re a grown adult, Roman. If you want to propose to Tabitha, you do that.”
With an unnecessary amount of hostility, Roman spat out, “Fine. I will.” But you saw right through him. He was putting up a front because of how hurt he was, just like he always did.
“Fuck you. When she says yes, you’re not invited to the wedding.”
There was so much you wanted to throw back at him. The sentences lodged in your throat—too many, all at once. With a sharp inhale and the familiar sting of tears in the corner of your eyes and the bridge of your nose, you turned away and stormed back into the party, your dress fluttering in your wake.
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She was brushing her teeth, and Roman was lounging on the bed. It was a tender moment of domesticity that was rare for the both of them. But her mind was on what she was going to do when she returned home, and his mind was on you. How you’d looked like he’d slapped you when he told you that you wouldn’t be invited to his wedding. If it was even happening. Which it would.
“You know, you’re fucking great,” Roman called out to Tabitha, face smushed against the mattress. 
“Thank you!” she said, smiling around the foamy toothbrush.
“You’re not a head fuck. Or a bitch or a leech.”
The blonde rinsed her mouth. “You say such pretty things.”
“Hm. You never once asked to stay over, or how it works with my dad, or the trust…”
Clearing her throat, Tabitha made her way from the bedroom to sit in front of the vanity table beside the bed. “I’m just pathologically incurious.”
A beat of silence. Roman scrutinized her reflection in the mirror, as she busied herself with rubbing moisturizer into her cheeks. “What if I was prepared to marry you?”
Her hands halted in their ministrations and she locked eyes with him through the mirror. “Hello?” she asked, holding the same incredulous tone you had a few hours ago.
She laughed as if it was a joke, and Roman shrugged. 
“What? Shiv’s getting married. Kendall got married, too—”
The woman nodded emphatically as she pushed away from the table and moved to sit beside him on the bed, “I see. So how about you come down from Mount Olympus and propose to a mere mortal?”
“Yeah, what if?”
The two of them stared at each other for a moment longer.
“No,” she said.
Giggling, she shook her head. “You’re crazy.”
“Why is this crazy?”
It took another prolonged second for Tabitha to realize that Roman was being genuine. “Because this isn’t a normal relationship, Roman.”
“What? Why?”
Tabitha chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Well… for one thing, we never fuck?”
A flicker of insecurity flashed across his face. “Yeah, we do,” he protested.
“Mmh, no, we don’t.”
“C’mon, Tabs. We do—we’ve just been busy, is all.” Roman slid off the bed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in his own skin.
Shaking her head, Tabitha replied, “No, you, like, kind of jerked off near me once. We didn’t even make eye contact!”
“Yeah, alright, there’s no need to be disgusting.” Shame coiled hot and heavy within his chest.
“To be honest, Roman, I’ve had way more sexual contact with the groom than I have with you.”
Groaning, Roman pulled at his face. “Ugh, c’mon, I asked you not to talk about that!”
“Look, I’ve slept with a lot of guys, Roman Roy, and if that’s gonna be a problem then you’ve gotta say—!”
“No, it’s not a problem. It’s Tom’s issue, not mine. I just—I don’t… look, do you wanna get married or not?” He finally locked eyes with her.
Tabitha smiled again, though this time it was distant and sympathetic. Tilting her head, she asked, “Babe… do you think this is how to get someone to stay?” Another long silence. Roman swallowed hard, and looked away from her. “Are you sure you’re not projecting on me? That you’re not overcompensating in this relationship for another one?”
You. It was clear she was alluding to you. She wasn’t mad about it, either. She could tell that Roman’s heart was given to another since the moment she met him, even if he didn’t know it just yet.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Roman stiffly said. With that, he stood up. “I’m gonna go. Satellite launch shit. Bye.”
Tabitha watched him practically scramble out of the room, uncharacteristically somber. 
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Three knocks on your door. They were soft and hesitant, only barely there. You’d only just gotten out of the shower, toweling off your hair, clad only in a loose white tee and your underpants. When you hastily slid on a pair of sweats, you made for the door, pulling it open just a sliver to see who it was.
Roman was on the other side. His hair was disheveled to no return, as if he’d been endlessly carding his fingers through the strands.
“Are you sucking someone off in here, or can I come in?” he asked.
With pursed lips, you stepped aside to give him space to amble through the doorway, and you gently shut it behind you. Roman was a mess, you could see it clear as day.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Why would I be? My sister’s officially getting married tomorrow. Woohoo.” He pumped a limp fist into the air.
“I see right through you, Roman Roy,” you said. The faux confidence in his composure seemed to slip right through the cracks of his fingers with each second.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you tentatively spread your arms. Relief flooded his features and he surged forward, embracing you tightly. His nose found your neck as he inhaled your familiar scent in, and his fingers curled within the fabric of your shirt.
“I asked Tabitha. She said no.”
“I know, Ro. Or else you wouldn’t be here.” You held him all the closer. “I’m sorry.”
“Shut up. Just… just hold me.”
And so you held him for what felt like hours, until you drifted off into unconsciousness. Roman stayed awake beside you, watching you, observing all your relaxed features he had already memorized for years by now. By the time the clock on the wall read three in the morning, he gently slipped away from your grasp, and made his way back into his room. 
Tabitha was deep asleep, and his side of the bed was left untouched. Roman bit into his lip so hard it began to bleed, before heading into the bathroom. He laid down in the cold bathtub and fell asleep there, as if he were a dog shunned out by his owners. 
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Shiv was beautiful in her wedding dress. Granted, she was beautiful in her salmon-hued outfit the previous night, but she seemed to glow on this particular day. When you had told her of such sentiments, Shiv merely rolled her eyes and scoffed, before tugging you into a hug.
“I wish I had sisters,” she whispered when she pulled away. “My brothers are so… eugh.”
“I know. Eugh.”
The two of you laughed, and linked arms when the photographer asked for the both of you to smile and look at the camera. Several snaps later, you were ushered off to the side so the families could take pictures with the bride and groom. Finally, when it was time for siblings and their respective partners, it left a dull ache in your chest to see Roman and Tabitha leaning all over each other, as if what Rome had told you yesterday hadn’t actually happened.
“Y/N, get in here,” said Shiv, beckoning for you. “C’mon!”
Hesitant, you scooched into the other end of the group, where Connor and Willa were leaning against one another. You smiled for the camera, and took great relief when you asked to see the picture later on, noting how your smile looked passably genuine. You’d always been good at masking your emotions. It was just a trait you had to adopt, growing up around the Roys.
Once the ceremony took place, the party took off in full-swing. You flitted from group to group, enjoying the amicable atmosphere and all the free food. 
It was when you were in an engaging conversation with Stewy about money laundering schemes did Roman finally rush up to you, a phone held up to his ear. Without even letting you say goodbye to Stewy, he was grabbing onto your arm and rudely dragged you away, despite your surprised protests.
“Shh—I’m on the phone, here!” He glared at you for a moment before speaking into the device again, “Sorry, yeah. Lemme get to some place more quiet. Yup, yeah, I got it—it’s streaming. Connecting.”
“Ro, is this about your little satellite launch thing?” you asked, allowing him to shove you into a ridiculously lavish gilded bathroom, squeezing in after you. 
With a frown, he replied, “It’s not little. I reorganized this shit and pushed the launch for today as, like, a fuckin’ wedding gift to Shiv, or whatever, but she’s being a stuck-up carbon-neutral bitch and doesn’t even wanna bother watching it. So you’re gonna watch it with me.”
You jumped onto the sink, and he leaned back so that your knee was grazing his side. You peered over his shoulder to look at the screen, which was still frozen on the livestream’s loading page.
“If nothing comes up in the next two minutes, I’m leaving.”
“Just shut up and give it a second—oh, there. Rocket.”
The two of you intently watched the shuttle prepare for takeoff. Plumes of smoke filled almost half the screen. That was normal for a launch right?
Then, before either of you could say a word about it, a large explosion tore through the entire spacecraft, angry shades of orange and ochre filling the screen. That definitely wasn’t normal for a launch. The blast looked so severe that it’d be a miracle if any of the billion-dollar equipment survived at all.
Dead silence stretched thin between the two of you. It was broken when Roman sharply inhaled, turning the power off and shoving the phone into his suit. He turned, brows furrowed, meeting your worried eyes. You were still far too shocked to say anything.
He cleared his throat and began to wash his hands beside you, arm grazing your thigh in his haste. Neither of you said a word. Once he toweled them dry, he patted your knee, checked his reflection, and strode out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened.
It took you a few seconds to get over your frozen shock and follow after him, meandering through the crowd. You murmured a hasty apology when you accidentally trod on a man’s shoe, calling after Roman, who was intent on disappearing behind everyone.
When you finally found him again, he was downing strong drinks that he had asked Tabitha to go fetch, having just listened to Gerri tell him that he was looking at potential corporate manslaughter.
“Roman…?” you asked, which startled him into sitting up straight on the couch. You fumbled for your words. “I, uh… are you okay?”
“Good. Great. Yup, yup, yup—I’m doing fantastic. C’mon, it’s time for dinner! Let’s go, mom’s probably going to make some shitty toast about how much of a slut Shiv was in high school. Don’t wanna miss that, do we?”
Pursing your lips, you put a hand on his shoulder. “Romeo, I just think we should, I don’t know, talk about this—?”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he stressed, stepping away so that your hand fell back to your side. “Gerri’s gonna take care of it. It’ll be fine.” Judging by his petrified countenance, he seemed not to have faith in his own words.
You watched as he walked off, taking Tabitha’s hand and leading her to the dinner tables. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you found your own seat at the end of the family longtable, downing the water in the glass in front of you in one go.
One by one, the Roy family gave their speeches for Shiv. Their words mostly flew over your head—you couldn’t really concentrate on the repeated sentiments when you’d just witnessed an explosion that Roman caused—which he refused to talk about with you. After dinner, it was time for more dancing, which you were really not in the mood for. But when Logan asked for your hand halfway through a song, you couldn’t find it in yourself to say no to your godfather.
You wondered if he knew about the launch. If he cared, even. Probably not.
“What’s wrong, dear?” he asked. “You look down. Did Romulus do something?”
“No,” you hastily said, a beat too soon. “I’m just a bit tired, is all.”
“Well, you know who to come to if something’s gone… awry.”
“Of course, Uncle Logan.”
The rest of the dance was spent in comfortable silence. Or, as comfortable as you could be around your tempestuous godfather. You thanked him for the dance once the song ended, before rushing off to go find a bathroom to lock yourself in for a quiet moment to yourself.
Half an hour later, when you psyched yourself up to slip out, you immediately bumped into Tom.
“Hey, Y/N, enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, uhm—yes, it’s been great. Congratulations, by the way.”
“Thanks, thanks.” He rocked back on his heels awkwardly. “So, uh, you heard about Kendall, right?”
“What? What about him?”
Surprise etched over his features. “You don’t know? He planned a takeover. Yeah, Shiv is furious about it. He’s disappeared for a while now, I don’t know where he is.”
Your mouth dropped open as you struggled for words. “Sorry, excuse me, I have to go.” You brushed past the groom, off to find Roman to ask him what the hell was going on.
When you finally found him, he was just beginning to call Gerri over.
“Did you hear anything yet?” he asked her. He gave you a glance once you came up to his side, and he slung an arm over your hips—which was his way of nonverbally apologizing for being an asshole earlier today. He needed your comfort now more than anything.
“Japan. Like, how many died—how many bodies they found?”
Gerri blinked. “Yeah, you didn’t hear?”
Dread filled your stomach. 
“None,” said the woman.
“None? Like—none none? None at all?”
Shrugging, Gerri said, “Two guys lost their thumbs, and there might be an arm that they can’t save but… they might.”
Instant relief lifted the weight off your shoulders. “So no casualties?”
“No, but it’s still tragic how—”
“Oh, my God,” Roman interrupted. “So—you’re—you fucking kidding me? This is amazing! Just an arm and a couple fucking thumbs? Jesus, this is great!” He burst into a fit of laughter, which made Gerri roll her eyes and walk away, clearly busy with the entire Kendall situation on her plate, as well. 
Roman grabbed at your shoulders, shaking you with his excitement. “Did you hear that? I’m not a murderer!”
You took his hands, squeezing them with a warm smile. “Congrats. The bar is in hell, but congrats.”
With a strange noise emitting from his throat, Roman surged forward to hug you, squeezing you so tightly that you had to tap his shoulder repeatedly to remind him to loosen up. 
“Do you wanna go dance? Let’s go dance!” he exclaimed over the surging music, pushing you to the dance floor. “C’mon, we’ll dance with Tabitha, let’s go, move your ass!”
For a moment, you let yourself forget about business and the takeover, smiling and laughing as you shuffled along to the beat with your best friend and his girlfriend. You let yourself believe that things were going to be okay.
Kendall joined the dance floor with his children an hour later. There was a haunted look to his eyes, but you chalked it up to his guilt for the company takeover without telling his siblings. 
The next day, when you learned of the caterer who got high off his mind and crashed into the lake not too far from the venue, you never put the pieces together that Kendall was in the car with him.
It wasn’t Roman who became a murderer at his sister’s wedding. It was Kendall.
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x OFC/Fem!Reader
Summary: You've been avoiding Wednesday's gaze lately.
Warnings: Angst. Protective!Wednesday. The Addams Family reunion. Larissa is exasperated. Enid, the gossip queen. Thing, the chaperone. Xavier, gets no breaks.
Series Masterlist | Library Blog | AO3
Reminder there’s no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Note: I rewrote this chapter so many times but I think it definitely explores the most intimacy so far. Likes, comments, & reblogs appreciated 🥺💘
Part Three
Opia: Noun. The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable. 
Wednesday is agitated. 
To succinctly summarize, you have been refusing to look Wednesday in the eye as of late. 
It took a while for Wednesday to notice, perhaps because your back was always turned to her when she met up with you nightly to apply the medicine on your wings. And when that was finished, you kept your eyes focused on the pond while you talked. 
And for a while, your witty banter and intriguing anecdotes had kept Wednesday distracted. The more time she spent with you, the more she began craving something she couldn't quite place. 
Wednesday found herself enjoying listening to you talk about your life before Nevermore. Of course, she could tell you were avoiding talking about anything serious, but there was a small relief that there were good moments in your life as well. 
In turn, Wednesday shared anecdotes of her own childhood, tales of the times she had to rescue Pugsley because he was weak, squishy, and sensitive. Whereas other people had looked at her disturbed and passed judgment on her, you had grinned and laughed. 
Wednesday never minded the judgment from others, but she quietly admitted to herself that it was also pleasing to have someone enjoy her morbidity and harsh penchant for revenge.
So, maybe that's why Wednesday began to notice. Her discovery to see what your face looked like as she told her stories had led her to realize you've been avoiding eye contact. 
You made it seem like it wasn't on purpose, fiddling with flowers until they've been weaved into crowns or giving Thing manicures—he's been getting much too pampered between you and Enid.
But even when Wednesday called your name, you looked at her, but you weren't looking at her. It was like you were looking past her, like Wednesday couldn't even be seen by you, and she despised it. 
Wednesday detests people who can't look her in the eye. It was a sign of deceit, guilt, and secrecy. 
And Wednesday will be damned if she'll let you keep any more secrets from her.
"Oh my god, did you hear?" Enid leans her head forward at their table in the quad. 
Wednesday was reading her spellbook, her eyes occasionally trailing across the quad to where you sat with the faceless outcasts. You seemed very intrigued about learning how they communicated. 
"Hear what?" Yoko asks, adjusting her sunglasses. The vampire has taken to joining their table lately, and sometimes it would grate on Wednesday's mind to hear Enid and Yoki incessantly talk and gossip. 
"Ajax was telling me all about it this morning," Enid grins as she looks over to the stoners. "Apparently, someone changed one of the girls' bathrooms near the Gorgon rooms to nothing but mirrors. I heard that two gorgon girls walked in this morning and were stuck stoning themselves over and over."
"Shit, that's awful," Xavier frowns.
Wednesday smirks behind her book. 
"I wonder who would do that," Yoko casually comments.
They all look at Wednesday. 
"So, why'd you do it?" Xavier asks, resting his chin in his hand.
"Even animals know to have evidence before accusing someone," Wednesday flatly speaks, her eyes never leaving her book. 
"So," Eugene tilts his head with confusion, "you didn't do it?"
"I never said that," Wednesday's reply was uninterested.
Because Wednesday did do it. 
The investigation took longer than it normally would with her being distracted by you.  But finding out something so trivial, like who had hurt you, was child's play.
Wednesday had debated long about what to do. The idea of filling their rooms with tarantulas or poisonous snakes had first come to mind, but she knew it was almost guaranteed that Weems would discover it was her if the girls died. 
While she did save the school last year, it would be unlikely Weems would allow her to stay here if she did kill someone, as tempting it would be. 
Wednesday sighs lightly through her nose. It would've looked lovely on her record. 
But expulsion would mean being very, very far from you, and Wednesday couldn't have that.
At least—not before she at least found out why you've been refusing to look her in the eye. 
"Hi, everyone." 
Everyone's attention turns to you as you begin walking up to them. They greet you back, and Xavier, Enid, and Eugene are already throwing out the nicknames they came up with that week. 
"Tinker Bell!"
"Winx Club!"
"Eugene, that was literally just a rip off of mine," Xavier laughs. 
"Those are all terrible," you laugh along, shaking your head. "Are you guys just thinking of all things faerie-related only?"
"Well, yeah," Xavier blinks as if there couldn't be anything else. 
"Well, continue on then," you gave them a lopsided smile.
"Really? None of them?" Xavier sighs as he moves down his seat to let you sit between him and Wednesday. 
"Can you blame her?" Wednesday comments while turning the page.
"Oh, yeah?" Xavier raises his brow. "Let's hear what you've got then."
"And let you idiots ride off my coattails? I think not."
Xavier starts grumbling, and you chuckle. 
"Hi, Wednesday," you say softly, looking over at her. 
Wednesday looks up at you, but you start staring at her bangs as soon as she does. 
She glares. 
"Oh, hey, I think you've got some dirt on your back," Xavier says, his eyes squinting as he stares at your back. "Here, I got it."
Xavier lifts his hand and starts to descend upon your back when Wednesday reaches over and grabs his wrist, twisting it back. 
"Ah!" Xavier grunts. "What the hell, Wednesday!?"
Wednesday is holding up her book with one hand while holding Xavier's wrist in the other, glaring at him. "What are you doing, you oaf? Are you trying to dislodge her lungs from her chest?" She flings his wrist away, glaring at him while he shakes off the sting in his wrist.
"I was just trying to help," Xaiver mumbles, looking confused. 
Wednesday doesn't dignify him with a reply as she inspects your back carefully and does find dirt on it. "Were you rolling around in the grass?" Her tone is flat, but her lip is curled in distaste. 
Still, she carefully begins to brush the dirt off your back. It's a far cry from the hard pats you would've gotten from Xavier. 
"Maybe," you sound amused. 
"Christ, Wednesday," Xavier huffs. "Morgan le Fay over here isn't made of glass."
"It's a no to that one too," you shake your head. 
"C'mon!" Xavier groans. "You're not going to pick anything at this rate."
"You never know," you shrug, smiling. You look at your watch on the palm side of your wrist. "Class is starting soon. I'm going to head out." Turning your head to Wednesday, you tilt your head. "I believe your class is on the way. Do you want to go together?"
Wednesday nods jerkily, packing up her things. She doesn't say anything to the group other than giving a look and walking off with you. 
The walk down the halls is quiet, as it usually is. It's something Wednesday can appreciate that you never feel the need to fill the silence. But halfway through, you break the quietness. 
"I heard the bathroom near the Gorgon's dormitory was changed to mirrors," you say nonchalantly. 
"I see," Wednesday's tone betrays nothing. 
"My usual lab partners were absent as they were apparently stoned all day—over, and over, and over."
"How lucky."
You stop walking, causing Wednesday to stop as well. You face each other, but once again, you are staring at her ears.
"I told you it was an accident," you sigh. "She doesn't know my wings are hidden inside my back. No one does."
"Accident or not, she still slapped your back—and I don't care that it was meant to be jovial—hard enough to reopen your wounds," Wednesday snaps and then sneers, "What? Were her hands partially stoned when she patted you?"
You seem unsure of what to say to Wednesday. In the end, you sigh.
"Even though it was unnecessary, thank you." It's soft and sincere, and the gruesome butterflies are eating Wednesday's insides again. It probably would've been worse if you had actually been looking Wednesday in the eyes when you said it. 
"You're welcome," Wednesday says stiffly, and you turn to walk again. 
The silence resumes, and Wednesday is nearly so fed up that she's about to just ask you if she's done something wrong. But what actually comes out of her mouth is, "Are you looking forward to Parent's day?"
There's an internal frustration rising within Wednesday.
"I'm ambivalent," you reveal, your tone even. 
"I assume your parents won't be coming?" 
You chuckle. "Unlikely."
"Will you spend the day with Weems, then?"
"Maybe," you seem pensive. "But she'll most likely be busy talking to other parents. Are your parents coming?"
Wednesday sighs. "Unfortunately, yes. They'll want to know how I've suffered so far."
You chuckle. "They seem like horrible people."
"Thank you, they are."
"Oh, my little storm cloud, how have you been doing?" Gomez coos as he walks towards her.
"Wednesday, you look positively pale," Morticia comments. "It suits you."
Wednesday brushes off the comment, feeling awkward but nods at her mother to acknowledge it. Her eyes then focus on Pugsley, and she accesses him.
"Pugsley, you look feeble and squishy as per usu—are you sniveling again."
"I missed you, too, Wednesday," Pugsley smiled. 
The four of them sit at a nearby table. Wednesday's eyes skim the quad, catching her various friends with their families. Enid seems to be getting along better with her mother, but Wednesday will always despise that woman. 
"Who are you searching for, Wednesday?" Morticia's voice drags Wednesday's attention back to her family, who are all staring at her curiously.
"No one," Wednesday answers flatly.
But her mother only smiles as if she knows Wednesday's secret, which utterly irks her.
"So, how have you been faring?" Gomez asks, his face genuinely eager to hear.
"Dreadful," Wednesday replies. "Not once has my life been put at risk, nor have I been accused of any murders. Not even a single stalker."
Morticia and Gomez gaze at each other for a moment before back at Wednesday placatingly. 
"It's...quieter than your first year here, but not every year may be filled with mayhem," Morticia smiled. "At least, not in the way you expect."
"What do you know about faeries?" Wednesday asks, changing the subject as it was intruding on a topic Wednesday herself wasn't prepared to talk about. 
Morticia and Gomez seem lost in their thoughts as they contemplate Wednesday's question.
"Why do you ask?" Morticia finally answers. "Is that who you've been looking around for?"
Wednesday doesn't answer her mother's question, but the lack of an answer is an answer in itself. Luckily, her mother is merciful and only gives Wednesday a knowing smile. 
"Not much," Morticia answers. "I believe we had only one ancestor who has ever visited a fae realm. They might've documented it somewhere in a diary."
Wednesday's eyes sparkled with interest. "Is that so? Do we still have it?"
"Perhaps," Morticia muses, her voice dragging at the end, and Wednesday felt herself tense. She knows that tone and already begins mentally bargaining.
"Alright," Wednesday says evenly. "What do you want in return for sending me the diary?"
Morticia tilts her head to the side, a black widow-like grin on her lips. "Larissa let me know that the next Parent's day will be when students get to go home for the weekend. I want you to bring your fae friend."
"Why?" Wednesday demands, her eyebrows furrowed in displeasure.
"Because Wednesday," Morticia leans into Gomez, who puts her arm around her. "You rarely show interest in other people. Enid is a lovely girl, and I hope to host her one day as well, but she didn't have you sitting here asking your mother what I knew about werewolves."
"What makes you think my 'fae friend' will be available to come?" Wednesday shot back. 
Morticia doesn't chuckle in consideration for her prickly daughter, who was more likely than ever to say hurtful words now. 
"You've been looking around the quad, but your eyes haven't landed on anyone. If they're not here, then neither are their parents. And if that's the case, they'll be unlikely to show up for the second Parent's day," Morticia looks around the quad and then back to Wednesday. "It would've been nice to meet them today."
Wednesday says nothing about the last comment but contemplates her options. The idea of introducing her parents to you was dreadfully...uncomfortable. But the diary...Wednesday sighed an internal breath of defeat.
"Fine," Wednesday concedes. "I will ask, but I cannot control the outcome of the answer. I want the diary regardless."
"Agreed," Morticia nods.
"Alright," Gomez claps his hands together. "Why don't I catch you up on what Uncle Fester has been up to?"
Wednesday feels a casual headache forming. 
The day was long, and her family had been one of the last few to go. While her relationship with her mother improved after resolving the Garret Gates case, there was still a limit on how much time she could spend with her before feeling like she was on edge. 
Although, Wednesday was pleased that her brother was faring better in school and no one was torturing him in fear his killer sister would come for them. It made her smirk a little. 
But now that the day has ended, Wednesday finds herself craving something—craving you. She checks her watch, but it's still too early in the day to meet up with you for your salve treatment. 
Wednesday runs her tongue against the back of her teeth in contemplation. 
Friends...you were friends, weren't you? 
Enid had confirmed it. With the consistent hangouts, shared stories, and occasional walking each other to class...that was friends, wasn't it?
So, if Wednesday wanted to see you earlier, she could. With that, she turns in the direction to start looking for you. You were nowhere in the quad, so Wednesday began to look for you in places you usually were. 
In the end, Wednesday could not find you. 
And she was angry.
First, you were avoiding eye contact, and now, you've hidden somewhere without saying a word.
When she finds you, Wednesday promised herself repercussions.
"Enid," Wednesday calls out evenly when she spots the blonde dragging her feet through the halls.
"Oh, hey, Wednesday," Enid says tiredly and then smiles. "Survived Parent's day, did we?"
"There was never a doubt."
"What's up?"
"Have you seen..." Wednesday drags and then shakes her head. "Did you happen to see—"
"I saw Faerie Canary a couple of hours ago with Bianca," Enid cut in to spare Wednesday. "Bianca's parents didn't show up either."
"Back to the rhyming, are we?" Wednesday doesn't hold back the unimpressed tone.
Enid only makes a face.
"Are they still together?" Wednesday asks.
Enid shakes her head. "I don't think so. I only heard bits of their conversation when I passed by with my family earlier."
Wednesday tilts her head, waiting for Enid to continue. 
Enid looks mildly uncomfortable as she rubs the back of her neck. 
"Enid," Wednesday's eyes narrow threateningly. 
With a sigh, Enid mutters, "This isn't the type of gossip I'm into." But then she focuses back on Wednesday and looks at her seriously. "Don't repeat what I'm telling you. Not only do I think Bianca will stab me with her fencing sword, but I don't think Fae will talk to me if this spreads around."
Wednesday nods, and Enid looks around. Satisfied that there's no one in sight, she leans in closer to say quietly, "Bianca was talking about how it was unlikely her mother would visit again after last year. Their relationship is strained and complicated, but Bianca said she knows her mother does love her and wants the best for her. Bianca said how every mother wants the best for their kid, even if they have a fucked up way of showing it, although it was between her mother and mine for winning an award for the way they went about it." Enid scrunches her nose at that.
Wednesday nods, unsurprised by the comment. 
Enid pursed her lips. "Well, then—" Enid huffs. "Fae just laughed, and then she said, 'Unless your mother's best for you is your demise, I think my mother has both of you beat on that.' I don't think she elaborated on it and left shortly after."
Wednesday was silent, her face furrowed as she thought about Enid's words. There was something uncomfortable nagging at her, and it was going to result in something Wednesday would despise.
"I see."
Enid nods. "If you find her, you didn't hear it from me, okay?" Enid gives Wednesday a look. "I also might not come back to the room tonight. I'm going to hang out with Yoko and Ajax."
Wednesday nods. "If you don't provide me an update at night, I will assume the worst and their murders will be the reason for my second expulsion here."
Enid smiles widely, doing her best to refrain from hugging her friend. "I will let you know I'm safe."
Without saying anything else, Wednesday turns and begins to head somewhere else.
Principal Weems's office.
"Principal Weems," Wednesday calls after she knocks once and then proceeds to enter without waiting for a reply.
"Wednesday," Weems sighs deeply when she sees the gloomy girl. "How lovely to see you in my office. I assume your parents' visit went well?"
"It went fine. My mother was delighted to hear you weren't murdered and made a full recovery during the summer," Wednesday says bluntly. 
Weems tries not to roll her eyes, especially when she remembers Wednesday's concerned face hovering over her when she had been injected with nightshade.
"Yes," Weems says dryly. "Surviving was the highlight of my summer." Then Weems sighs. "What can I do for you, Wednesday? Are you looking for our resident faerie? I've been told about the contest for coming up with a nickname. So far, I've heard some...interesting suggestions."
"She told you about that?" Wednesday narrows her eyes.
"Fae tells me about most things," Weems reveals. "But as her legal guardian, it's also my job to know."
"You call her Fae?" Wednesday frowns.
Weems smirks. "She actually quite likes it. I believe outside of her own amusement, Fae had her own hopes about the results of the contest." 
"What does that—"
"What can I help you with, Wednesday? It's getting late."
Wednesday clenches her jaw in annoyance but tries to relax, remembering her objective of coming here in the first place.
"I want to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth."
Weems nods. "I'll do my best."
"I'm aware that her parents couldn't visit today for her safety," Wednesday looks at Weems expectantly, who nods. 
"But I was under the impression that it was their judgment that it was too dangerous," Wednesday's face was impassive. "That's not exactly true, is it? She had said the more in contact they are with her, the more it exposes her location—which is true to keep other faeries away, but the full truth is this place is meant to guard her against her parents too, isn't it?"
Principal Weems sighed, looking both annoyed and impressed as she looked at Wednesday. "Well, since you've already figured out this much from what she's told you, I assume you'll find out soon enough because you're incessant and nosy." Weems rolled her eyes. "And I would prefer you don't alert the entire school as you do your investigations, so I trust what I'll say remains between us."
Wednesday felt her jaw tightening, her position staunch as she waited for Weems to come out and say something that would irrevocably change things. 
"Yes, it is too dangerous for her parents to visit," Weems confirmed. "But not because they deem it so, but because I do. I wasn't offered guardianship because her parents brought her here and requested it, but because she escaped and found me."
So few little things make Wednesday's heart beat faster. Usually, it's from excitement, but Wednesday doesn't feel the excitement from the words, 'she escaped.'
Wednesday had been wrong.
Wednesday is filled with dread, rage, and vengeful thoughts—promises. 
"As you know, night faeries are outcasts within their own group. Many people dread their existence, and some are even violent enough to take matters into their own hands before they believe calamity ensues," Weems's hands were tightly clasped together on her desk. "I will never allow her parents to step foot on these grounds because her mother was the one to try to cut her wings off." 
Wednesday turns and leaves the room, slamming the door behind her.
There's nothing like the frustration of not having your number when you're nowhere to be found. Wednesday considers coming up with some ridiculous nickname and forcing you to accept it the next time she sees you. 
There's only about an hour before she usually sneaks out to see you for your salve treatment, so Wednesday decides she'll play the cello to get her mind off things. 
It'll be difficult with the hot rage that beats furiously inside Wednesday's chest. Her emotions dictate she avenges you because that's the only way she knows how to show she cares. 
Wednesday opens the door to her room and finds it empty, as expected, with Enid not returning tonight. But when she looked out the balcony, she could see a silhouette of someone sitting on the railings. 
Immediately, Wednesday made her way over and opened the window to see you gazing at the sky, swinging your legs as Thing sat next to you. The noise makes you turn around, and Wednesday can't explain the immense relief at seeing your face.
"Where have you been?" You ask with a tilt of your head.
"I could ask you the same," Wednesday asks with a clenched jaw. 
"Around," you shrug your shoulders. "But I wanted to see you earlier than our usual time, so Thing let me in about half an hour ago."
"So, you've been here for half an hour?" Wednesday glares.
You nod.
She was going to break Thing's fingers, but the disembodied hand looked confused at Wednesday's irate behavior, and she had no choice but to let it go. 
With a deep breath out of her nose, Wednesday steps out onto the balcony and joins you in sitting on the railings. It was quite a far drop-down that guaranteed either a lifetime of being a paraplegic or death. 
It was kind of nice. 
"How was parent's day?" You ask softly, staring out into the view.
"I survived."
You smile. "Your parents and brother are refreshing. It looked fun."
"It was not," Wednesday immediately corrects you. "You saw?"
You nod. "For a bit."
It was silent for a bit before Wednesday spoke up again.
"I talked to Weems before I went looking for you." Wednesday looks at you, but you don't look at her. "She's spilled all your secrets."
You laugh, and Wednesday frowns.
"I told her she could tell you if you asked," you reveal, a quirk on your lips but still refusing to look at her.
"Why?" Wednesday demands. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
"Because somewhere along the lines, you stopped asking me."
The words hit Wednesday in the gut, making her feel unwell and breathless. It was true, and Wednesday can't even remember when she stopped asking and started assuming. 
It was so unlike her. 
All of this leads towards something Wednesday knows will make her face a revelation she's not sure she's ready to. 
Still, Wednesday needs to ask because that's how mysteries are solved. 
"Why have you stopped looking me in the eye?"
There's silence, and despite how much Wednesday has loved it all her life, she wishes you'd say something now.
You grant her wish. 
"Do you know what I think about why you stopped asking me questions?" You ask instead of answering her question. You don't give her time to answer it, though. "Everybody has told me you've got an obsession with solving mysteries. But somewhere along the lines, you knew deep down your interest would continue even after you got your answers. That would mean you're vulnerable—and you don't want to be."
Wednesday felt herself clenching her jaw and fists so tightly she could draw blood from her palms. 
"So, when you asked me why I stopped looking at you in the eyes, it's because it’ll push you towards being vulnerable." As if to prove your point, you finally turn and look at Wednesday—really look at her, like she's been wanting for weeks.
You look at Wednesday, locking gazes, and Wednesday feels like she sees galaxies and constellations in your eyes. It's opening her up to your bottomless, gleaming pupils. It's invasive and vulnerable, but the thing is—Wednesday can't tell if you're looking into her or if she's the one who's looking into you. 
Wednesday thinks she sees something in you that you didn't mean to share, just as you saw something in her. 
You turn your head, almost ripping your gaze from Wednesday's. 
"Unpleasant, wasn't it?" You say with a self-deprecating smile. 
"Yes," Wednesday answers, swallowing. 
You nod stiffly. "Then, for both our sake, stop—"
"But in a way that I favored," Wednesday cut in. 
You slowly turn your head back, catching Wednesday's intense gaze. 
Wednesday's face somehow softened, her brows less tense and eyes less narrow. It was minuscule, but you noticed.
"I'm not good at this—whatever this is," Wednesday says quietly. "I will most likely devastate you at some point but for now, all I can vow is to ask you questions if you stop avoiding my gaze."
You stare at Wednesday, analyzing her face, and she wonders exactly what you're thinking. 
In the end, you chuckle. "Deal, but no questions tonight. My wings are sore, and I hear you're an excellent cellist."
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onskepa · 5 months
Left behind: Prologue
Here is the first of many chapters for the long awaited series! Enjoy!
Left behind series
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Jake’s pov
Earth has always been our home. Us, humans. And like parasites, we leeched off of our provider. Always wanting more and never getting our fill. And now, what made us humans, is dying. There is little to no chance of saving it. 
As earth dies, so does the human spirit. Over mass population, consumption, greed. It is clearly taking a toll on all of us. Whenever something pure, something untouched is found, the greed of humanity taints it. Corrupt it. 
As is the youth of our children. 
With what hopes and dreams the kids have are instantly killed. The adults are blunt and cut throat in telling kids today there is no hope for earth. Being molded to think one way, molded to be fitted in a box and not have any form of creativity. To think of a certain way. 
And it is disgusting. 
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Third  POV 
After a nasty fight at the bar, Jake went home. He got the money, less than last week but it's enough for the both of them. 
Yes, both. 
After being discharged from the marines after his life changing incident, Jake sully didn't have a clear vision of what to do. Learning that his new life will contain him in a wheelchair, Jake's mind darkened and stayed like that for a while. Dull and colorless were his day. 
Would go to bars and make a fool of himself if it meant getting some attention and money for more booze. Made many mistakes in his dark days. Mistakes that aren't so easy to take back. Many regrets and doubts. But there was one thing that Jake would never see as an accident or a mistake, was his only reason to live. 
His daughter. 
A little angel sent from above to take him out of his dark days. 
Jake could barely remember the women he spent the night that conceived his child. Some faceless lady that gifted him his child. Really the only good thing left in his life. And because of his little star, did Jake push on. Still not making good choices, but hard ones to make it by.
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Jake’s pov
The door opened and I pushed myself inside. Home sweet home. A small apartment, not the best, but its plenty. 
“Daddy daddy daddy!!” I can hear my little girl call out to me. 
Turning, I caught her just in time. Quickly climbing on my lap, her little arms hugging me. “I missed you daddy!” she tells me. I couldn't help but smile widely. My little angel, my little star, a gift from above. 
“Oooh I missed you too, have you been good for Misses Morve?” I asked her, moving her little messy hair away to look at her beautiful blue eyes. She nodded fast. And on cue, the kind lady we have as our neighbor came to us. 
A nice little old lady across from our door. 
“She has been so good, I am surprised she hasn't caused any trouble, '' Misses Morve tells me. “Thank you, you don't have to watch over her tomorrow. I'm staying in” I was informed. Saying our farewells, she left our place. 
My little girl turned back to me, “daddy! I saw on the hologram that the tigers came back from the dead! I saw them and they looked so cuuuuuuute!!” 
Animals has always been her favorite thing to learn about. I buy second hand books for her. School has become too expensive for an average family. So I try my best to teach her what I know. 
“Really? Maybe one day we can go see them together” I tell her. Her eyes sparkle in excitement, cheering and clapping. Letting her chat away of what we can do should one day we go to the zoo. 
I know it might not happen, but nothing wrong with giving a little hope right? 
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Third pov 
As the father-daughter duo chatted, a sudden knock was hard on the door. Both stood silent, misses Morve just left, Jake wasn't expecting anyone else. 
Jake gave his daughter a look and quickly she left to go hide in a cabinet. Jake grabs a gun hidden from a shelf and preps it. As he got closer, another knock was heard. “Who is it?” he asks loudly. 
“Is this Jake sully’s residence?” A voice was heard. 
“Who are you?” Jake asks. 
“We are from the RDA. We came to look for Jake sully. It is urgent we speak to him”. 
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Aaaaaaaand that is all for this one! Hope you all like it cause there will be more chapters in the future! Until next time! see ya!
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neobomb · 7 months
give into things i (dont) want to [lee jeno]
(yandere ish) creep/stalker! popular fuckboy/badboy!jeno x christian!reader, hints of shy boy! (kinda dumb) naive! christian!mark x reader. Part of the give into things i (dont) want to series. Warnings: mature themes, toxic behaviour, manipulation, stalking, forcing??, inappropriate behaviour, choking, menstions of perv behaviour, MDNI, there will be smut in part 2 Word Count: 2.3k Summary: Jeno is on a mission: to assist his friend Mark in getting with you. But is he genuinely helping Mark or leading him down a questionable path? © 2023 @neobomb. Unauthorized copying, translation, manipulation, or alteration of this work is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
“Would you really do that for me?” Mark's eyes sparkle with hope. The excitement bubbling within him was palpable, but Jeno knew he had to temper it. For the longest time, Mark has had a crush on you, yet never mustered the courage to approach you. It was heart-wrenching to see, truly pathetic. 
“Don’t worry, you can trust me.” Jeno assures with unwavering confidence. “She will be head over heels for you if you just do as I say.” 
Mark is overly trusting to believe that Jeno, of all people, will help him get with you. You, L/N Y/N, the one Jeno has been hopelessly in love with over the years, the one who captured the heart of THE fuckboy Lee Jeno. Jeno's deep feelings for you are something he'll never confess. He's vowed to himself to admire you from a distance, never allowing himself to get close. Jeno understood his nature, believing that a pure, innocent soul like you shouldn't be entangled with a bad boy like him. However, that doesn't mean he'll let anyone else get near you, especially not Mark. 
“I trust you, Jeno. You’re the rizz king after all.” Indeed, Jeno had been with more girls than most guys his age. With his captivating looks, undeniable charisma, and seasoned charm, he can enchant just about anyone he desires. Flirting was second nature to him. For Jeno, it was not just about the sex; it was a way to establish himself as the school's most sought-after boy. A simple power move. 
“I’m just… a bit uncomfortable with some of your suggestions.” Mark says, sounding skeptical as he scratches his head. “It just seems a bit… odd… maybe creepy even.”  
“I promise you, girls love that shit.” Jeno takes a step closer to the clueless boy. “Haven’t you read Twilight and all those cliché romance novels that girls love? Girls are fucked up enough to eat that shit up.”
"You're right." Mark concedes, deciding to place his trust in Jeno. After all, Jeno has no reason to lead him astray, does he?  
"Let's do it then," Jeno says, extending his hand towards Mark for a handshake, to which Mark readily reciprocates with a firm handshake.
The deal has been sealed. Jeno has Mark right where he wants him. Mark was just dumb and naive enough to believe the bullshit Jeno has been telling him. 
A handwritten note was attached to the string of the bouquet with tape. 
Dear Y/N, Not a day goes by that you don't cross my mind.  Your lover, lee. 
It began innocently enough – with sweet intentions and harmless beginnings.
Then there were the photographs — snapshots capturing moments in your bedroom, some pictures intimate, others harmless.
new message from lover lee: new image has been sent
Then, items began to vanish — your favorite cherry-flavored chapstick, your bra and your panties were the first to go.
What started innocently has now morphed into something more ominous.
In your room, a place that is supposed to be your safe haven. An unsettling feeling grips you—a paranoia over who might be watching. A faceless someone, so infatuated that they'd shadow your every move. You find yourself overly aware of your surroundings, constantly casting a discreet glance over your shoulder, wishing for no one to be standing right behind you. Thankfully, it is clear. It always was. 
It's become so unnerving that sleep eludes you. Night after night, you retreat to the corner of your room, ensuring every window is securely fastened, window blinds down, your gaze fixed intently on the doorway that separates your sanctuary from the main hallway. Clasping your cross necklace close to your heart, you'd whisper prayers, hoping fervently that no one lurked nearby. It had become a routine at this point. 
The bell chimed resonantly through the corridors. Finally, a reprieve from these tedious classes, Jeno mused. He strides down the hallway, eyes darting to the windows of each classroom, searching for a glimpse of you. 
There you are, seated at a desk away from the windows, with sun rays casting a gentle glow on your delicate cheek while you hold a book. To him, you are the epitome of beauty, with an innocence in your eyes that captivates as you survey your surroundings. You appear deeply fatigued, as though you haven't had a moment's rest in the past month.
“Y/N, I’ve noticed that you look very tired lately. Is everything ok?” Lifting your gaze from your desk, you find Jeno looking at you with evident concern. 
"Uh, yeah, I'm okay. Just some trouble sleeping," you reply, your voice carrying a hint of surprise at the sudden attention from Jeno, the school's renowned handsome bad boy. You rack your brain, realizing you haven't actually spoken to him since preschool days.
"Hey, Y/N," Mark says, appearing behind you with a wide smile that briefly startles you. "I noticed you at church last Sunday. I didn't want to intrude… you seemed deeply engaged in prayer…. as one should be..." Mark winces slightly at his own awkwardness. Your presence has a way of making him momentarily lose his grasp on social cues.
“Anyways…” Mark casts a meaningful glance at Jeno, hinting that he should give the two of you some space. “I’ve been wanting to ask you… if… you might want to… maybe… go… uhm…. I’ve been wanting to tell you something and it’s very important.” 
“Uhm… ok” you respond in a confused tone, looking back at Jeno. “I want to do it somewhere, preferably more private… uhm… maybe dinner at Kun’s… this evening…” Mark stumbles over his words, stuttering through the simple sentences.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" you clarify, boiling his words down to their clear intent. “Yes…” the shy boy confirms. 
Mark is undeniably cute — a devoted Christian, diligent, yet reserved. You have always had a little crush on Mark, but you never anticipated that he would make a move. The realm of dating had always seemed uneventful to you; you felt as if you were invisible to boys. But not until this very moment. Going out with Mark couldn't be harmful, could it? At the very least, it might provide a welcome distraction from your current stalker situation.
“Yes, I would love to.” you answer with a radiant smile, sending the timid boy into cloud nine.
Mission one complete. And so Mark thought…
On this typical Friday evening, the restaurant buzzed with activity, patrons streaming in and out. Amidst the bustle, you notice Mark seated at a table tucked away from the main dining area. 
"Hi there," he greets, rising to envelop you in a friendly hug. "I got here a bit early and took the liberty of ordering for us — Peking roasted duck… I hope that's alright… it's your favorite from the menu." His remark piques your curiosity. It's oddly specific knowledge for him to have. You have barely talked to Mark. How did he know your preferred dish? Strange.
"Please, have a seat," he offers, pulling out the chair for you. With a moment of hesitation, you take the offered seat.
“I’m curious about what you’ve been wanting to tell me. Seems like you were very eager to spill it out.” Perhaps it was premature to confront him, but your curiosity was too strong to resist. But with your question, you can almost feel Mark's panic. His hands tremble slightly as he opens his can of soda. 
He inhales deeply, steadying himself before he responds to your question: “I have to confess something. Uhm… I wanted to … uhm tell you … that I’m … lee, your lover” 
You stare at him in stunned horror, mustering all your composure to prevent yourself from trembling with fear and revulsion. The revelation hits you like a thunderclap — Mark Lee, the same person sitting across from you, is the stalker who has been haunting your nights with fear.
“I can’t fucking believe it. You scared me shitless.” You immediately rise from your seat, getting yourself ready to leave the restaurant. 
“What do you mean?” Mark says in a confused tone. 
“The letters, flowers, …. the creepy text messages, … the photos of me in my room, … my fucking missing underwear, constantly feel like I’m being followed, it’s all you??” Struggling to keep your voice level, the sense of betrayal washing over you was unparalleled.
“What?” Mark yelled in question “What do you mean photos?? missing underwear? All I did was send you secret letters.” 
“I swear to God it’s not me, Y/N.” Mark pleaded with you, his eyes imploring, begging you to believe him.
“Nothing you say can change what I’ve heard.” You declare, swiftly collecting your belongings before storming out of the restaurant. 
It had never crossed your mind that Mark, the quiet, church-going boy who seemed devoted to his faith, could be capable of taking such extreme actions. The revelation seemed surreal, almost too contrived to be true.
A few months have passed since the unsettling discovery of Mark's unsettling behavior. Every ounce of your bravery has been summoned just to face him at school each day. Whenever he attempts to draw near, desperately trying to weave a tapestry of excuses, you fend him off with the threat of a restraining order. There's nothing he could say now to sway your resolve.
In the span of those tumultuous weeks, you found solace in Jeno. As the days passed, you and Jeno grew increasingly close, an unforeseen twist given that the popular boy had seemingly never noticed you before — or so it had seemed.  But his kindness and understanding provided comfort, especially when others doubted your account of events. 
"Thanks for walking me home from church, Jeno. You really don’t have to do it again. I promise you this will be the first and last time." you say, casting a wary glance at Mark, who lingers near the church entrance. Having Jeno's company is a source of comfort amidst the chaos, even if your home is just a two-minute stroll from the church.
"Of course, it's the least I can do to ensure you feel secure." Jeno says, casually draping an arm around your shoulders while guiding his bike with his free hand. His steps seem confident, almost familiar with the path to your home, despite the fact that in all the years of your acquaintance, he has never once been at your house, or even close to it. You try to dismiss the peculiar sense that he knows the way a little too well, reminding yourself that he's never been invited over, but the thought lingers, troubling in its implications. Strange, you thought.
Just as you near your house, the skies open up, unleashing a sudden downpour. You urge Jeno to come inside, suggesting he wait out the torrential rain before he ventures back home. To pass the time and since Jeno had never been to your place before, you decided to give him a tour.
"Oh here is your favorite place to sit and read" remarks Jeno, his tone carrying a hint of familiarity as he observes the cozy corner of your living room. How did he know it was your favorite reading spot? His ease within your home is uncanny, almost as if he's retracing well-known steps rather than discovering them for the first time, inadvertently reversing the roles of guest and guide. Strange.
The final stop of the tour is your room. Pointing to a large photo album, you say, "Here are snapshots from my childhood," and you flip it open to share a visual journey through your past. You point to a cherished childhood photograph, depicting a younger you, grinning with abandon, your face comically smeared with Peking duck sauce, as you gleefully twirl noodles around your chopsticks.
“Oh you looked so adorable while eating peking roasted duck. Must have been your favorite dish for quite some time. I guess some things never change.” He smiles at a particular photograph of you. It was a response that strikes you as odd. You hadn't mentioned your favorite dish to him before. Strange. 
“How did you know about my favorite dish? I’m pretty sure I haven’t told you about it.” you query, attempting to piece together the perplexing puzzle that has been preoccupying your thoughts. Upon hearing your question, a shadow flickers across Jeno's features, replacing the cheerful, lively demeanor of moments ago with something more somber. The spark in his eyes dims, giving way to a serious, almost foreboding intensity.
“What do you mean?” He inquires, his lips curling into an uneasy, almost disconcerting smirk.
“I… I just think you’re acting a bit… uhm… strange. It’s the first time you’ve ever walked me home, and you seem oddly familiar with the area I live in…. and you seem to know my house like you've already been here before … uhm … and you pick up on these small things I haven’t told you about before.” As you address his odd demeanor, a growing sense of regret takes hold with each passing second; his eyes darken, casting a shadow of menace that chills you to the bone.
In that instance, Jeno aggressively pins you down onto your bed. One hand holding your wrist, the other at your throat. 
“You know too much, Y/N. You should’ve just kept your pretty little mouth shut.” He whispers in your ear before tightening his grip around your neck until you are no longer registering his words. His voice faded into a muffled echo as your thoughts withdrew into a separate reality. Your hands clutch at his wrist, attempting to loosen his hold, while your eyes nearly close from the sheer force of the moment. His grip on your neck slackened, and he watched as you sucked in breath, your complexion regaining its normal hue as vitality slowly reclaimed your shaken form. As you caught your breath, Jeno abruptly pressed his lips against yours. The fervor of the kiss was overwhelming. Saying hello to lee, you did.
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paddingtondos · 7 months
I will fully cop to the fact that Undead Unluck is like basically a melting pot of shit that is quintessentially me-core, and that 100% colors my view of it. However, on the other hand, I don't care, this shit is still fucking complete fuego top to bottom.
Like, i get that the humor at the start is very unsavory and hard to swallow for some people, and I don't hold that against them. But the way it pays off on the initial rocky relationship between Andy and Fuuko is 10000000000000000000000000000% worth the price of admission.
And like, the character designs coupled with the art scratch a fucking primal itch in my brain. I could *look* at Undead Unluck forever. It's such a goddamn FUN style, and it's matched by a strong grasp on slick, readable page layouts. Not to mention the way the series is constantly moving its setting. In the first, like, thirty chapters alone, they go to Japan, Russia, The USA, Brazil, Australia, etc. I'm such a sucker for globe trotting.
The cast is very visually diverse. They all look cool, and so it's appealing to me on that level, but you can also just TELL that Tosuka adores his OCs. Like, fucking Void Volks, the basically nameless and faceless redshirt from volume 1? Yeah he's a core member of the cast now. Gina? The woman who died in volume 2 to advance Fuuko's plot? No she gets her happy ending actually and she gets to actually be friends with Fuuko. Like you want to talk about side cast utilization, this series should be setting a new fucking gold standard in WSJ as far as im concerned, One Piece notwithstanding.
And the worldbuilding. God, the worldbuilding. I'm a sucker for SCP/Magnus Archives-esque shit on a subatomic level and UDUL doesn't disappoint at all.
God, and how the powersystem is intrinsically tied to the worldbuilding on such a goddamn fundamental level, and how basically every superpower in the series has a purpose outside of combat, and just god shit fuck it's so fucking god damn good and I just wish I could like fucking bottle up the feelings that I feel about this series as an Imbibable Liquid and have you all drink it to actually understand how much I love this series because I genuinely feel that a) I will never be able to *fully* articulate why I love this series and b) I also totally understand why someone would think I'm a fuckin maniac for just how strong my feelings about it are. Like it's probably the epitome of like, "That Pretty Good thing that is just randomly a masterpiece to one specific person on the planet." But I happen to be that one specific person, and to me, Undead Unluck is That Pretty Good Thing.
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dollysilena · 1 year
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ao3 | series masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
five years ago, you stupidly had a fling with inarizaki athlete, miya atsumu– now, present day– he had a son he knew nothing about. you made sure it was going to stay that way, but as fate would have it, he unexpectedly stumbled back into your lives, now as volleyball’s biggest star.
wc & notes: 2.2k words — miya atsumu wrap it before you tap it challenge (level: impossible)
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Miya Atsumu is like a sledgehammer going through the glass of your well-protected life. In a blink, everything was in pieces.
You stumbled onto the nearest seat you could find, still clutching Haru protectively to your chest. Unlike you, your son seemed ecstatic over the appearance of Miya Atsumu, one of the beloved players he watched often. He was excitedly babbling into your ear about the famous athlete suddenly walking in, but you couldn’t hear his chatter when you were overwhelmed with your own frantic mind. 
How on earth could he have come in here? Was it a coincidence or… You faltered when you saw Atsumu stand beside Osamu. No, it wasn’t. You remembered where you were, Onigiri Miya. You were wrong earlier, the restaurant did share its namesake with the person in question. The name Miya Osamu now rang clearly in your head. It was the name of the faceless brother you had never met in high school. Your fling with Atsumu was so short that you failed to consider running into his family of all things.
God, why didn’t you remember that Atsumu had a brother? You felt so stupid, how did you not recognize his face, his name, anything? You were so careful the last five years, and it all came crashing down in an instant. One stupid mistake and now your worst nightmare finally came true. 
The air was still and you could hear a pin drop in the restaurant with the nauseating silence surrounding you. Atsumu stood silently with his brother, unsure of what to do. You saw his glance towards Haru, and the look in his eyes was enough to tell you that he knew. And with Osamu standing beside him timidly, it was clear that he somehow must have figured it out and told Atsumu to come.
“(Y/N), I’m here!” A voice suddenly screeched as the door slammed open, disrupting the silence. You looked up to see Naomi panting like a dog at the doorway of the restaurant. Wait, was she holding a taser?
“Aunt Mimi!” Haru gasped. 
“You!” Naomi exclaimed, jabbing a finger at Osamu. “How dare you try to hold my friend hostage!”  
Osamu’s skin turned five shades paler when he made eye contact with the taser Naomi was holding fiercely in her hand. Atsumu stood in front of his brother, sticking an arm out to protect him from your crazed friend.
“Hold on!” Osamu yelped in response. “I can explain!”
“Just because you’re hot and you know how to make some riceballs doesn’t mean!--”
“Naomi, hold on!” you interjected, barely choking out the words.
Naomi paused and turned to you in confusion as to why you weren’t running away given the opportunity. Her face softened when she noticed the grief-stricken expression on your face. “(Y/N), what’s going on?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words died on your tongue. You weren’t sure how to respond, because you honestly weren’t sure at all. How the hell were you going to explain that your child’s long lost biological father happened to stumble in?
The silence returned and nobody was sure how to fill it. Osamu approached you slowly, and once he realized you weren’t going to pounce on him, he kneeled beside your seat.
 “I’m sorry for how I approached this, I’m Miya Osamu, Atsumu’s brother. Ya probably don’t know me since we never met in high school, but I recognized you as Atsumu’s ex and…”
You shakily exhaled, realizing that somebody figured it out. Somebody figured out your dirty little secret, and out of everyone it could’ve been, it was Miya Osamu.
“I saw Haru and I realized.” Osamu continued, looking at the little boy looking at him curiously. “I called Atsumu after that.”
You looked back at Atsumu, a man you haven't seen in nearly five years. You saw that he was still wearing his sports uniform and had a fresh sheen of sweat, had he run here straight from practice? You may have seen him in the media, but it was all different when he was infront of you. He looked older now, more mature, he wasn’t the same teenage boy you foolishly had a fling with all those years ago. You had only the memories of a cocky high school boy, one that was impulsive and overly confident, but it was replaced by the new one standing before you. You thought if you were to ever see him again, that he would be standing tall and proud, something inline with his confident nature, but he stood timidly before you, with his head hung low, unable to make eye contact with you.  
“(Y/N),” Atsumu shakily said before a long pause followed.“Could we talk?”
You hesitated for a moment, your nerves locked like steel. His brows knitted together and his face was tense, an unreadable expression washing over his face. You followed his eyes, looking down at you and the little boy you were holding. You looked at Haru in your arms, still blissfully unaware of what was happening. You set him down besides Osamu, who you were feeling much better about now that you realized he wasn’t some sort of crazed serial killer. 
“Can you take him away?” You whispered to him. “He doesn’t know yet.”
Osamu nodded, taking the boy by the hand. “Haru, you’re gonna come with me for a little bit, alright?
Haru tilted his head. “Why can’t I stay with mama?”
He was obviously confused by the situation, and it made your heart drop even lower into the pits of your shame. He had no idea. You swore that one day you were going to tell him, but you wanted to wait until he was older, and more understanding of why things had to be the way they were. But it was too late for that now. The little world you had built for you both came crashing down in an instant.
“It’s okay, baby,” you said shakily, brushing his cheek. “It’s only gonna be for a few minutes while mama deals with some grown-up things, alright?”
“Naomi, can you go with them?” You asked, looking up at your friend. “Osamu can explain.”
She looked worriedly at you, before nodding hesitantly. Osamu led Haru by the hand to the other side of the restaurant, out of earshot, with Naomi following closely behind.
When you were finally alone, Atsumu took a shaky seat across from you at the restaurant table. You didn’t have the nerve to look up at him, and neither did he. You fought back the burn in your eyes, you never thought you would have to be here, facing him. When you ran away all those years ago, you were also running away from this very moment, the moment where you had to face him. Both of you sat in silence before he finally decided to break it.
“He’s mine, isn’t he?”
You swallowed stiffly, the repulsive taste of shame on your tongue. “He is.”
Atsumu looked up at you with pained eyes. You didn’t realize how different he looked now. Even when you saw him on TV, it didn’t give you as detailed of an image as when he sat in front of you. His features were the same, but he seemed to have grown into them. He held himself more seriously, more like an adult unlike the boy you knew in the past. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Atsumu--” you barely stammered. “We were two highschoolers who barely knew each other, we weren’t even dating--” God, how long had you even known Atsumu at that point? A few weeks? A month, at most.
“I would have still wanted to know still,” he replied, the hurt evident in his voice. It made your hands clench, and the guilt burned in your chest like your heart was trying to collapse in on itself.
A beat of silence passed. You stared down at your hands in your lap. 
“I was scared.” 
You could still feel the weight of the dingy plastic pregnancy test in your hands. Two lines. Positive. He didn’t reply.
“Everyone knew you had such a bright future ahead of you,” you continued in a murmur. “You were gonna go pro and be the great athlete everyone knew you’d be. You didn’t need a kid holding you back. It was easier for you not to know, and for me to leave.”
You had carried the shame for years. It piled on your heart every day Haru grew and the more he started to look like his father. Of course you wanted to tell him, you wanted your son to have a father, but it just wasn’t that simple. Some days, you were tired of keeping the secret and you just wanted to burst back into Atsumu’s life to tell him he had a baby boy. 
There were several times where you almost broke. The day you went into labor, the nurse had asked if you planned to invite anyone into the delivery room. You almost said yes. When Haru took his first steps, you almost called Atsumu, whose number you still had saved on your phone. Even something as mundane as a school report card you considered sending to him. But you always stopped yourself. How were you supposed to tell Japan’s rising superstar athlete that he had a family?
You felt the tears pricking your eyes. You felt as if you were back in that dingy convenience store bathroom, still clad in your school uniform, as you realized that you were going to be responsible for a child. You shakily inhaled to stop yourself knowing you had to keep yourself together, for Haru’s sake. You’re not that scared teenage girl anymore. 
“He looks alot like you,” Atsumu commented, making you stop swimming laps in your thoughts. You looked back up to see him looking at Haru from afar, who was being distracted by Osamu and Naomi with a game of rock paper scissors. Haru grinned a toothy smile, familiar to the man across the table. He had a glisten in his eyes, the same eyes Haru shared.
“I always thought he looked more like you,” you chuckled, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. Atsumu smiled softly. You saw the dimple indent he had on his left cheek, that didn’t match on the right. You forgot he had that. You felt a twinge of a smile.
You stopped yourself. You had forgotten Miya Atsumu, and it should stay that way. You dropped your smile and looked back at Atsumu.
“I won’t say a word about me or Haru, not to the press, anyone at all,” you stated as firmly as you could, but it didn’t stop the inevitable tremble in your voice. “I can even sign an NDA if you want me to, you can go back to living your life and I can disappear again, it’ll be easier that way.”
Atsumu looked back at you, and it was clear he was shocked by what you had said. You were taken aback as to why he seemed surprised, surely that’s what he wanted, right?
“What are ya talking about?” He stammered hurriedly, as if you were about to run again. “Disappear? I can’t just let ya leave--”
“Atsumu,” you replied, the name feeling foreign on your lips. “You don’t have to deal with this, you were never meant to find out.”
“But I did. And I’m glad I did.” 
Now it was your turn to be shocked. Atsumu took your hands into his from across the table, and you could feel the warmth reverberating off his calloused fingers. Another thing you forgot was how it felt when he touched you. “Listen, I know ya didn’t want me to know, and this certainly isn’t the way I imagined finding out I was a father,” he started nervously. “But I can’t just go back to living my life knowing ya and my son are out there. I wasn’t there when it mattered and I don’t wanna be some deadbeat and pretend ya don’t exist.” 
There’s a certain bitterness in the last sentence you barely catch. Atsumu looked back at you and you couldn’t ignore the way his eyes burned into yours. You almost forgot how intense they could look.
“Is it too late for me to be a part of his life?”
You sat back, stunned as the words echoed in your ears. You almost thought you didn’t hear him correctly, that you were reliving the daydreams your teenage self dreamt up. But when Atsumu continued to look at you for an answer, you realized what you were hearing was real. 
“A-Atsumu, you realize what you’re asking right?” You stuttered. “You’re agreeing to be a father, which you just found out right now of all things. It’s a commitment, no take backsies.”
“No take backsies?” He snorted. Your cheeks flushed when you realized he’s chuckling at you.
“I hang out with kids a lot, if you couldn’t tell.” You smiled meekly as his hands tightened around yours.
Atsumu looked back at Haru, celebrating that he won another round of rock paper scissors against Osamu while Naomi cheered him on. Osamu pretended to act defeated which only inflated Haru’s little ego, it reminded you of when Atsumu won a point at volleyball games in high school. 
He smiled again, “yeah, I’m sure.”
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Hi! I’ve noticed these days that my writing is struggling between sounding very formal and proper versus sounding casual. On one hand, I’ll have a sentence that looks like it came straight out of a 1940s British series, but two lines later there’s some casual dialogue that’s closer to an American teen novel. I grew up with both types of books tbh, so maybe that’s why? How do I stabilize my writing style and make it a little more consistent? Thank you!
Stabilizing Voice in Writing
There are three types of "voice" that play a role in how your writing sounds... authorial voice, narrative voice, and character voice.
Authorial voice is your writing style as an author. In many ways, it's your "writer personality." It's what makes your writing distinctive from another writer's. While authorial voice tends to be consistent across all stories, it will evolve with time and may even change slightly for particular projects--especially when crossing genres. Authorial voice includes things like how much/little description you use, how simple or ornate that description is, how you use word play, and the types of words you use. Narrative voice is the "voice/voices" with which the story is told. This is made up of point-of-view (the perspective from which the story is told, for example, first-person or third-person limited), as well as your writing style and use of language. Anything the narrator says falls under narrative voice.
Character voice is the way a character's personality comes through in the things they think and say. It includes things like whether they're concise or wordy when they speak, slang and catchphrases, quirks of speech like saying "um" or "uh" a lot, how their attitude is reflected in what they think and say, accent, and the kinds of words they use.
When you have a first-person narrator, narrative voice and character voice are combined, because the character's voice IS the narrative voice.
So, there are several quick exercises you can do if you want to stabilize the voice in your writing:
1 - Do a little analysis of your own writing style (so far). Remember: writing style is something that evolves over time, so you might not have a fully established writing style yet, but you should be able to look at what you write and start to see some patterns. In your case in particular, do you gravitate more toward formal speech than casual speech? Can you think of any writers whose style matches what you'd like your writing style to be? Try reading more of their books, or read a chapter an analyze the writing style to see what you can mimic.
2 - Think about the narrator of your story... Even if it's a third-person omniscient, faceless narrator, it can still help to assign a sort of mental picture for who this person might be and who they're telling the story to. Is this someone who experienced it telling the story in third-person long after the fact, with 20/20 hindsight, to someone who might be interested? Is this a god who watched it all unfold and is retelling the tale to an audience of other gods? Is it an old grizzled storyteller telling the story to a rapt audience around a campfire? Try to choose something that makes sense as far as who might be telling this story, who they're telling it to, and why. It's not that you're including this as part of the story, but rather as a sort of placeholder for your brain any time you're in narrator mode. If you can slip into this narrator's shoes as you write the narrator parts, it sometimes helps you "get into character" and stick with a consistent, relevant narrative voice.
3 - Establish character voice... Character voice does have an impact on narrative voice, even if the story isn't told in first-person. In third-person stories, who the characters are can tell you a lot about who your narrator might be (so it might help to do this step before #2 above...) For example, if your characters do happen to be a bunch of 1940s Brits, you can start to think about who they are and what they experience to figure out who the narrator might be. In this case, it probably wouldn't make sense for the narrator to be a god telling the story to other gods (as that feels too mystical for this narrator), but a grizzled storyteller recounting the tale around a campfire might make sense.
If your story's being told in second-person (You walked to the window... Like a Choose Your Own Adventure) or first-person (I walked to the window...) character voice relates even more to narrative voice, because in second-person, even though the narrator is not the POV character, the narration is still being filtered through the POV character's personality, knowledge, and experiences. And in first-person, the narrator IS the POV character, so the narrative voice and character voice are one and the same.
By doing these exercises, you can start to hone each of these voices to find some stability. Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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stusbunker · 3 months
Spotless: Eco
Chapter Eleven
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Bobby, Bela, Dick Roman and Kobe Bryant mentioned (look, he wasn't supposed to be here but I did my research and well, he had to be), Anael, faceless paps
Word Count: 1683 with pictures
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, tour planning, brunch and shopping with Bela, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
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“Okay, well the official schedule from the touring company arrived, so I have maybe a week to set up the promo interviews before they announce it publicly,” you said over the phone.
“Yeah, with Crowley it’s probably gonna be sooner. Annie’s gotta find someone to step in for the whole year with this so she’s already interviewing. Let me know if you need anything, because I’m just sitting on my hands until we’re actually rolling out,” Bobby replied solemnly.
The give me something to do, please, was implied.
“Check with Benny and his boys, I know the label is supplying some guys too, but I trust you to secure the crew and security schedules,” you said as you made another note on your ever increasing list of to do’s.
Two months may have seemed like a long time, but it was the shortest turn around you’d had for a tour since taking over as publicist for Phantom Traveler and you’d be damned if you fucked it up.
“With the holidays coming up, we’ll be in a pinch to get everything nailed down. But all the commotion with Bela and everything, people will be chomping at the bit to get actual news,” you added, staring unfocused at your computer monitor.
“And he’s got that interview coming up you said, just Dean for that one?” Bobby asked.
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I really hope Meg doesn’t eat him alive. But it’s his chance to give his side of things and for people to see where his head is at now.”
“The sassy little brunette, right?”
“The very one.”
“Is it going to be a tit-for-tat thing? Is Cas gonna be next for a tell-all?”
“Bobby, I don’t think Cas would do an interview and talk bad about Dean even if they paid him. He’s moved on.”
“If you say so, Dean didn’t exactly play nice.”
“He must have had hundreds of offers for the dirt since leaving the band. And everything I hear about him now is just about the kid he’s working with and how they’re creating something unique.”
“I just know how that reporter liked him— the last time.”
“I’m sure she’s going in with the bias against Dean here. Time will tell if she can be swayed,” you admitted. “Plus, Dean won't be alone. We made sure there'll be a few of us there to make it easier.”
“To keep him from making a damned fool of himself you mean.”
Bobby sat on the other end of the line with his gruff silence before continuing, “you going home for Christmas?”
“Yeah, got the usual stuff with my folks for Christmas Eve then I’m helping Ellen on Christmas day. I’m flying so I won’t be gone more than a few days. Probably end up spending half of it at airports with my luck.”
“Okay, just checkin’.”
“You guys have any plans?”
“Just service on the night before and maybe something with Annie’s cousins. Might just be a train of open houses.”
“Wow, I’m impressed.”
“Hey, I didn’t say I’d enjoy myself.”
You laughed and wrapped it up with a promise to touch base before you left town. The next two days were a whirlwind of emails and phone calls. You put off confirming brunch with Bela for Sunday, but relented from guilt, as she now had regular visits from paparazzi outside her townhouse due to her and Dean’s night club-hopping. You finished up your Saturday errands and plopped yourself onto your stationary bike in a last ditch effort to fend off your restlessness until it was a reasonable enough time to crash.
God, your life was so exciting.
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Bela poured you another glass from the endless pitcher of mimosas. “Anyway, I guess Dean got us tickets to the Lakers’ game tomorrow night, like I actually care about baseball.”
“Basketball,” you corrected, taking a sip.
“Exactly,” Bela smirked.
“How good are the tickets? He doesn’t really follow it either,” you continued, worried they’d be in an embarrassing section.
“I think he said something about getting the label’s box for the game?” She tried to play innocent.
You almost spit out your drink. “The entire box?”
“It’s not floor seats’ exposure, but it will be worth it at least. I think he said he called in a favor with Dick?”
“Dick Roman is giving Dean access to his exclusive luxury box at the Staples Center?” You were floored, you opened your phone and googled who they were playing. “Holy fuck, they’re retiring Kobe’s number tomorrow. It’s going to be insane. There’s no way that box isn’t gonna be packed, but at least you can bump elbows with the uppity ups.”
“Kobe Bryant, yeah? He was quite prolific,” Bela seemed pleased. 
“Uh, yeah, played his whole career here,” you added, but put your phone away. Unwilling to text Dean a ‘wtf’ text while you still had another hour of drinks and foodstuffs to get through. “What are you going to wear?”
Bela slid her most compelling face on. “I was hoping we could find something together. It’s been ages since we drunk shopped. Plus, it’s the holidays so I will need to be a bit tipsy if I want to deal with the crowds.”
You had literally nothing left to buy for Christmas, but drunk shopping was a time-honored tradition between the two of you. Plus, it was fun watching Bela work her magic and pull a stunning outfit together out of seemingly discordant pieces.
“Three stores and I’m getting my own ride home, missy,” you warned with a firm pointer finger.
“Of course!” Bela chuckled and tucked into her eggs, eyes flitting back to you with conspiratorial delight.
You finished off your mimosa and finally saw to your french toast.
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Bela’s driver took you to all of her favorite haunts and naturally she weaseled her way in to see the best stylists, at least those who were actually on hand on the Sunday afternoon before Christmas. At Sister Jo’s boutique, the owner herself greeted Bela with a double cheek kiss and hug. 
“What are you doing here? Wait, don’t tell me, you need an outfit asap because your little rocker boy toy needs arm candy,” the woman, who was actually named Anael, teased.
“You know me too well,” Bela replied. “This is my dear friend, Y/N, and we’re a bit on the tilt from brunch, but I simply had to come see you. I need something casual and sexy. It’s for a basketball game.”
You waved as she nodded in your direction, not wanting to break the momentum.
Anael frowned and looked Bela over, with much consideration. Then she hummed before asking, “how do you feel about hats?”
Nearly two hours and a top off on champagne later (to keep your buzzes going), you and Bela walked out of the shop with a bag each and a receipt ensuring Bela would be back in the morning for the alterations on the remaining garments.  
“Well, I’d say that was a successful outing,” Bela said with pride, the pink in her cheeks the only hint of her lingering inebriation.
“I’d say,” you agreed, opening the back door of her pre-ordered ride. “I still can’t believe they had something that would work for me for New Year’s.”
Bela waited on the curb until she could slide in the other side, but continued your trail of thought. “Anael is good people, if she likes something, she carries it. Doesn’t matter the size or price, she is all about how an outfit makes you feel,” Bela explained.
“Well, it worked, because I just spent more on myself than I have the entire year because of how good it felt on, so I get it,” you said, patting the bag at your feet.
Bela confirmed your address with the driver and then hers, thanking them for going out of their way in a way that she wasn’t actually apologizing for being a burden.
“You got eyes on you lady,” the driver warned, pointing towards the corner where a camera lens was trained on the car.
“Ignore them, they’ll find someone else before they follow us very far,” Bela promised and you could see her almost glaring at the rearview mirror for the driver to get the lead out.
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You sat on the couch in your robe and sleep pants, hair still wet and wrapped on top of your head. You had crashed for a late afternoon nap after shopping and had rebounded with a blissfully long shower and skincare treatment. Now you watched mind numbing television and plotted out your schedule for the coming week. Even though it was cut short with holiday travels, it was full-to-bursting with things to get done.
You sighed and dragged out your suitcase from under your bed, dropped it on the couch and unzipped it to start packing. At least you could watch something while you organized. 
Just after ten your phone buzzed with a text message. You ignored it for a minute until you could find the remote beneath your pile of socks and paused your Lord of the Rings rewatch.
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You stared at the conversation with the movie still paused, dumbfounded. One, that Dean sent you a goodnight text of all things and secondly that he was going to willingly give Bela his phone to post on social media about them. Because it’s not official until they’re both posting each other, or so they say. This was going to be big for the fan girls. You already knew Becky would be emailing you the second she saw it. But as far as fanclub presidents went, she wasn’t the worst. Then again, she would be more than a little bitter if Sam and Madison were the ones flaunting their relationship.
You put a reminder in your calendar to cover an extra sweep of SM while you were waiting out Dean’s interview Tuesday morning and then you tossed your phone back amongst your clothes. You were done for the night and so you shoved your half-packed suitcase on the floor and restarted the movie.
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Chapter Twelve: Hook
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Nameless, Faceless: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Summary: Not even four hours after the case in Canada, you're thrown into another one. This time, without Hotch. You have a sinking feeling he's not just blowing you off to get some sleep. There's something wrong.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: welcome to the first episode of season 5! i hope you enjoy this series just as much as i loved writing it! <3
I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
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"A weak man has doubts before a decision. A strong man has them afterwards." - Carl Kraus
Four hours. Four hours of sleep you got after ending that grueling case in Canada. Four hours later, you are called into another case. JJ didn't disclose the details of the case since you'd get them as soon as you arrive. You and Spencer meet up with Derek at the same time, and Rossi and Emily greet you who are already outside of the newest victim's house.
You freeze in your tracks and put a hand to your stomach that grinds and churns painfully. You gasp and look at Spencer who puts a hand to your back in comfort.
"What's wrong?"
"Where's Hotch?" you ask.
"I don't know. He hasn't arrived yet."
"Are you okay?" Rossi asks.
"Yeah, my stomach hurts. It's probably from the lack of sleep. I'm gonna call Hotch." You take your phone out and call your boss but he doesn't answer. "He's not answering."
"He probably has it on vibrate. He'll show up eventually."
You don't tell them that you think something is seriously wrong with Hotch. If there isn't anything wrong, then you're going to worry everyone for no reason. You push down the feeling of uncertainty and focus on the case at hand.
"We're not working a case. Why call us to a crime scene?" Derek asks.
"I was hoping you knew."
"JJ said the police told her it was urgent."
"With four hours of sleep after what we went through in Canada, it better be," Derek sighs.
You five walk inside the victim's house where JJ, the detective, and the CSI agents are. Your stomach churns again and Derek notices the way you wince in pain.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine."
Something is wrong with Hotch, you can feel it. You don't want to worry anyone without knowing more details.
"Oh, you guys are already here. Do you guys remember Detective Walker?" JJ asks.
"Thanks for being here. I understand none of you are working on much rest."
"Who's the victim?" you clear your throat.
"His name is Nelson Martinez. From what we can figure, he answered his door, was forced into the apartment at gunpoint, and then shot in the chest. It was all pretty sloppy."
"No disrespect, but I don't understand why you need us here," Derek says.
"Two days ago, a local doctor named Tom Barton found a note addressed to him at the hospital. It said the person was planning to kill his son. If Dr. Barton tried to keep his son hidden, one person would die every day in his place."
"You think this is connected?"
"There was a note on the body. It's signed L.C. Yesterday, we had another victim with multiple gunshots outside the apartment. The shooter wrote L.C. in white chalk next to the body."
"Unless Dr. Barton puts his son in harm's way, we're gonna keep having a victim a day," Spencer says.
"We're Barton now?"
"He's at home," JJ answers. "He doesn't know about this victim yet."
"Where's Hotch?" you ask again.
"He's not answering his cell. I assume it's on vibrate. He'll get the message when he wakes up."
You hope all he's doing is sleeping.
"Try him again. He can meet us at Barton's house."
You leave the house first and grab your phone to call him again. Like the half dozen times before, it goes to voicemail.
You've reached Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. Please leave a detailed message. Thank you.
"Hotch, it's Y/N again. Listen, we're gonna need you to meet us at a house in Mclean, Virginia. 120 Kensington Road. Call me when you get this."
The sick feeling in your stomach only gets worse by the time you reach Dr. Barton's house. He is eager to let you into his house because this whole thing has him freaked about protecting his own life as well as his son's.
"Barton, where is your son right now?" Emily wonders.
"I asked him to stay up in his room."
"What did you tell him?"
"I told him that there was a threat against me at the hospital. I told him the police didn't take it seriously, that they wanted me to stay here for a few days, and that I wanted to have him with me."
"What about Jeffrey's mother?"
"She died when he was ten from breast cancer. Would someone really hurt Jeffrey?"
"Two people are dead already. Whoever sent that note is obviously serious."
"If I don't let Jeffrey out of the house, then another person's gonna die? He's only fifteen. I cannot put him in danger."
"We're not asking you to. Even if you were willing, we can't send him to school knowing he would endanger every student in the building. What we need to do now is go over everything we know and piece together how this person fits into your life," Rossi says.
"I can't think of anyone who would want to hurt Jeffrey," Dr. Barton stutters.
"Whoever wrote that note was putting you on notice. This is personal. He wants you to remember who he is, and until that happens, he hasn't accomplished what he set out to do."
"I know you've been asked this before, but please think again. Do you know anyone with the initials L.C.?" you wince in pain.
"I've looked everywhere," he sighs. "In my day planner, emails, and patient lists. There's no one."
"Have you noticed anyone who might have been watching you either at the hospital or here in the neighborhood?"
"No. I'm sorry."
"Both the victims he's killed have been Hispanic men in their forties. Have you had a patient recently that fits the description?" Detective Walker asks.
"I'm a trauma surgeon in D.C. I have endless patients of all demographics."
"We're gonna need records of all your recent surgeries."
"Of course."
"I'll call Garcia," JJ announces and steps off to the side.
"I don't understand. If he's mad at me, why not just kill me?"
You leave the group and walk over to JJ who is texting Penelope.
"Hey, is there any word from Hotch?"
"No, nothing."
"That's not like him," you sigh and touch your stomach.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I think it's from the lack of sleep," you lie.
Dr. Barton's phone rings and he eagerly picks it up thinking it's good news.
"Hello? ... Jeffrey? ... What's happening? Are you okay?" Derek immediately runs upstairs to check if Jeffrey is in his room only to discover that his window is wide open. "Jeffrey, what's going on? Talk to me."
"He's not up here."
"Jeffrey, where are you?" He hangs up regretfully and looks at everyone in the room. "He's at school. He says he's fine but for how long?"
"Let's go. JJ, you're with us. Prentiss, Y/N, and Reid stay with Dr. Barton and go through all of his case files. The unsub is in there," Rossis takes charge.
Dr. Barton doesn't give this two thoughts because as soon as half the group is out of the house, he goes running after them.
"Dr. Barton, please!"
"You need to go back inside," Rossi says.
"I'm coming with you. I'm gonna get my son."
"Sir, right now nobody is getting your son. Agent Prentiss or Y/N will explain it."
"I don't need an explanation. I'm getting Jeffrey."
"You need to listen right now. Once your son left this house, the safest place for him to be is at that school. We can control access in and out. Detective Walker will organize an evacuation as soon as the school day is done. If we incite a panic now and the unsub is outside, a lot of kids are gonna die," Derek explains.
"What if the killer is already at the school?"
"Then we'll be there, too. Let us do our job."
"Jeffrey knows better than this. He doesn't put himself in danger."
"I think he's just trying to do the right thing. He sees what his father does for a living. This is his way of trying to save lives, too."
"You'll be there?" Dr. Barton asks after a moment.
"Tell him I'm not mad at him. Tell him I love him, and I'm proud of him."
"We will."
Rossi's team leaves for the school while you, Emily, and Dr. Barton head back inside to where Spencer is. He's on the phone with Penelope going over the case files over a certain time period. This unsub started killing recently, so his case might not have been that long ago. The feeling in your stomach gets worse just as a new pain erupts in your side.
Something is seriously wrong with Hotch.
"This guy is a trauma surgeon working in a major metropolitan area. We are talking thousands of surgeries."
"Confine it to the last six months."
"That's still hundreds. Do you want biological information or full medical charts?"
"Can you get the full medical charts?"
"You know, for a smart boy, you still ask a lot of dumb questions. You'll have them in seconds."
"Ask her if Hotch checked in with her," you say.
"Did Hotch check in with you?"
"He's not with you?"
"He's probably on his way. Uh, thanks for everything. Bye." He hangs up on her. "She's going to email the files. We'll print them out from here."
"I could have my office send over the files."
"Trust us, this is faster. We need to dig through your life and try to figure out why this is happening. Let's start with the most recent cases first. Something set this guy off and odds are it's in your files. Let's concentrate on the note. For starters, we know that he's male."
"How do you know?" Dr. Barton asks.
"Women tend to add adjectives and very specific details to their notes. This has none of those," Emily explains. "Males are also more direct. The first sentence is 'I plan to kill your son'. Their notes tend to be more about themselves than the person they're writing to. For example, 'I watched you every day' and 'I will watch you lose everything'."
"We know he surveilled you and your son which means he either has enough money to be away from a regular job or he's currently unemployed. He's most likely a father because he's clearly grieving. He's taken great measures to make sure you feel his pain."
"Let's start with cases involving teenagers that were killed, but also anyone with a strong family presence. Just because your son is fifteen doesn't necessarily mean that his child is the same age."
"Have you had a lot of cases like this where someone taunts you with what they're gonna do?" Dr. Barton asks.
"A few."
"How did they end?" No one answers his question because it's not something he should hear. "Please."
"Suicide by cop seems to be an effective way for them to make their point while ending their suffering all at once," you answer.
"Jeffrey is leaving school in five hours. There's no way we can get through all these patients at this time."
"We already narrowed the list."
"We still have a hundred left." Dr. Barton is clearly upset with the way things are and he realizes he's lashing out. He takes a few deep breaths before continuing. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be callous but when you work in the ER, you don't remember names. You operate and you move on."
This is your opportunity to check in on Hotch. Please let him be sleeping.
"He's right. There are too many files here for us to profile in such a short time. I'm gonna go get Hotch. You two stay here and start filtering through the list. I should be back in half an hour."
"Who's that?"
"He's our supervisor. We weren't supposed to work today. We're having trouble getting ahold of him."
"We need more eyes. I'll be right back."
You kiss Spencer's head when you pass by him.
"The note doesn't say that he'll kill Jeffrey today. It says, 'If not today, tomorrow, or the next day'. Let's say he gets home safe. How long will you all be around to make sure he's okay?" Dr. Barton asks worriedly.
"Let's just get through today."
The principal of the school is more than happy to help the FBI once she hears exactly what is going on in her school. She wants to take action immediately but the team isn't so keen on the idea.
"I need to notify all the parents," the principal panics.
"We think that's a mistake."
"I'm in charge of keeping these kids safe, agent."
"Exactly, and there's a natural end to this day when buses and parents come to pick these kids up. Whoever's doing this is not an effective shooter. His killings are sloppy. So, if there's a panic, a lot of people could be caught in the crossfire," Derek explains.
"Can't you just take Jeffrey home?"
"If we do that and the unsub is watching, someone else is gonna be killed."
"Then what are you going to do?"
"We'll lock up every filter point except the front door. Nobody comes in. We say it's school policy so there will be no questions, and if someone needs to see a student, we bring the kids to them."
"I'll need a complete list and employment records of everyone already inside the building," JJ says.
"I'll brief your security guards and take care of all of the exits. After that, I need you to gather the faculty into small groups and bring them to me. We'll treat it as routine, and in the meantime I need you to get Jeffrey out of class as casually as possible. Can you do that?"
Derek, Rossi, and JJ follow the principal to the classroom Jeffrey is in and she steps inside alone.
"Jeffrey Barton. Could I see you for a moment?"
The other students mutter in curiosity as Jeffrey meets the principal in the empty hallway. He sees the three FBI agents and becomes worried.
"Hey, Jeffrey. My name's Derek Morgan. I'm with the FBI."
"I saw you in my living room."
"Listen, the first thing I need to know is if you've told anyone about what's happening?"
"Are you sure? Because even just one text message could set this place off."
"I'm sure."
"Alright. We're gonna keep you safe, kid. In order to do that, you're gonna have to stay calm and trust me. Do you understand? Every time you step out of class, I will be right here. Now, it's gonna look like I'm just another adult in the hallway with Principal Findlay, but I got your back."
"Is my dad okay?"
"He knows you were just trying to do the right thing. He just wants to get you home safe."
"Do you think somebody's trying to kill me to get back at him?"
"It's possible."
"Do you know why?"
"That's what we need to figure out."
Jeffrey goes back to class knowing he is going to be safe from whoever is targeting him. Even as he goes from class to class, he sees JJ and Derek right there watching him. He has no doubt that he is going to be safe, but the same thing can't be said for Hotch.
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