#can‘t wait to see it blow up in their faces
evansdiazz · 1 year
eddie: dating someone you rescue never ends well
eddie: *dates the girl who he rescued and who‘s in love with her own brother*
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kazraza · 5 months
Omg I‘m so excited for you new fic, you can‘t even imagine <3 I love, love, love your writing and the universe you build so much and I can‘t wait to meet Link and Zelda again in this third installment :‘) Can you tell us a tiny bit about it? Does it take place during or after totk? Is it canon divergent? I‘m just happy, please don‘t take this as me pressuring you or anything, take as long as you need.
omg thank you so much!!! that means so much to me!!
YES i would love to talk about my fic lmaooo. it takes place during totk with some flashbacks to pre-totk/post-resonance. part one is going to follow zelda's journey in ancient hyrule and part 2 will be centered on link and the sages.
it is canon compliant--but i'm gonna be adding SO MUCH of my own flavor and worldbuilding to it. ngl i kinda went crazy with the lore 😂 might have to cut some of it on the second draft we'll see..... also i realize probably no one wants a blow-by-blow of the events that happen when you just play the game so i'm gonna try my hardest to make it something different and special!
anyway ty for the ask!! if you are still interested in reading more please accept a humble wip from ch 3..... under the cut hehe....
Dusk has fallen by the time they reach Woodland Stable, blanketing the trees in dim blue light. Link helps her from her mount, his hands lingering at her waist as he steadies her, then leads their horses to the stables. Zelda tucks her long hair behind her ear and looks around. A deck overlooks a large pond, and across the still water she sees the bright blue glow of a shrine. 
Link returns to her side, following her gaze. “Want to go check it out?” he asks.
“Sure,” she says, even though she really has no interest in the shrine.
But as it turns out, neither does Link. 
He presses her against the composite metal wall, the grooved designs digging into her back. Link’s mouth is hot against her neck, and the trees muffle most of the sounds of her gasps, and the evening wildlife swallows the rest. 
Two long weeks, and she’s forgotten what it’s like to have Link’s hands on her. 
She threads her fingers through his hair, undoing his ponytail. The light from the shrine floods his features, reflecting in his eyes when he fixes her with a gaze that arrests her where she stands. 
“I missed you,” Link breathes, touching his forehead against hers. 
“We’ve been by each other’s sides this whole time,” she says, giggling. 
“I missed this.”
Zelda grins. “Me too.” 
He grabs her by her thighs and lifts her up, holding her against the shrine, and she wraps her legs around him. His lips are on hers and he tastes the way a stormcloud feels, like something dangerous, something wild. 
“Zelda,” he says, a whisper against her throat, and she responds with his name, again and again, her fingers twisting in his hair, nails raking across the nape of his beautiful neck. “Zelda,” he says again, and it’s more insistent this time, a word that demands attention, and he isn’t kissing her anymore.
“Yes?” she says, breathless, distracted. 
His eyes are dark and glassy, but they’re not looking at her. She can barely see his features in the dimness, but he seems to be looking behind her.
Hold on, that’s not right. She could clearly see his face just a moment ago, lit by the shrine’s blue glow.
He realizes what it is, what’s different and what’s wrong, at the same time she does. She unwinds her legs from around his waist and he lowers her gently to the ground. It’s dark, completely dark.
The shrine is no longer lit.
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bubacorn · 5 months
Hey Bubs, I just wanted to slide in here and leave some stupid thoughts. I‘m on a mission to make people smile today. So maybe this lets you smile a little. Know you‘re loved and important, seen and just a wonderful human being. This is what popped into my mind, while thinking about your blog. It got way longer than I thought.
You don‘t have to like it or answer. I‘m not sure what made me do this, but i hope you don‘t think this is weird🤷‍♀️
Vessel is in a mood today. But the sun is amazing. It‘s shining for the first time in ages. Maybe it will brighten his mood a little, when he goes outside. Maybe they should go to the lake. Yeah, he will ask.
He can’t find the Others. No one is around. Oh, he forgot that they went shopping and he didn‘t want to go. Or something like this. His brain is so foggy today. He just takes his stuff outside and walks down the path to their little lake.
Living here is just amazing. The manor, the garden, the forest surrounding everything and this lake. He missed being in the water and can‘t wait to get rid of his clothes. He hesitates a little, it‘s warm, but maybe the water hadn‘t enough time to warm up a bit. Who cares, after some minutes inside, he will feel better and the cold water won‘t bother him anymore. So one foot in front of the other he tiptoes in and shudders a little. Not as cold as anticipated, but not really warm either. He smiles. III would laugh about his behavior. He would run into the cold and just scream and splash around. He loves him for this. So since he started to think about his partner and his silly antics, he made it in the water until it hit his belly button. Such a weird height to stop. He should just let himself fall back and get it over with. 1,2,3! No, not doing it. He starts laughing. He‘s such a silly guy. Okay. The sun is warming him up and he just walks on. He has to swim a little soon, but in the end it will absolutely be worth it. Just sinking deeper in the water until his face is halfway hidden under the surface. Goosebumps are building up on his skin. He blows out some bubbles. He‘s scaring away all the little silver fishes living in this small oasis of theirs. He likes them, they‘re carefree and they look so beautiful shimmering in the sun. It‘s like little diamonds or stars shining in the sky. Maybe he can use a similar line in one of their songs. He totally has to remember this later, but right now, he just wants to float in the soothing calm of the water. It‘s not deep like the ocean, but it‘s still so quiet and really nice out here. The fishes are back,They‘re flicking around him. He’s on his back and tries to just let loose. They nip at him. They probably think he is a weird log and maybe some algae cling to him, so they try to get at it. Stupid thought, but still, it makes him smile again. And II always says smiling is important, not that he does it often, this little grumpy bastard. But he‘s his lovely grumpy bastard. Or better theirs. That he got lucky like this, should make him happy more often. They just complete each other. Add an important something to the entity they are! Everyone is still himself and just as important as all together, but with their mind connected and their knowledge about Sleep and the gifts they got. It‘s beautiful.
He feels seen. He feels safe. Understood. Everyone should feel like this. IV is the perfect addition to their little heap of silly guys. He sees them and gets them. Vessel doesn‘t know how he does it, because he did it before Sleep transformed him. He got under all their skin and made a home in their hearts. He even gets II to stop working and care a little for himself. III is a little calm koala bear, if IV lets him sit in his lap. And Vessel just feels so secure when he holds him.
IV is the missing piece they found. Or maybe he found them.
hi, love!!! 💜 i don't think it's weird at all, if anything, i'm sorry for taking this long to answer!
i can't even chose a favorite part about this. Vessel simply letting himself be in the water is so lovely. the fish nipping at him, and Vessel blowing bubbles from under the water. i love that image so much! Vessel being all soft and pondering by himself. a lovely piece of writing, thank you for sharing it! i hope you're doing well, you are so loved and wonderful, please keep writing if you like, i will always be happy to read it! 🫂
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a-mess-of-a-crow · 1 year
(Literally one person) @fluffychubbydragon
It's mostly Frisk and Sans tho
Frisk=„Did i ever tell you that all of your ideas suck?!??!“
Sans= „Yeah, but maybe next time i‘ll actually listen.“
Frisk= „Come on, admit it! You enjoy living!“
S= „Living and Urology are the same thing. Just because i do it, doesn‘t mean I enjoy it.“
F= „Please, come to the party... You can talk to other sanses, exchange experiences!“
S= „Great, I‘ll talk to them, they‘ll tell me their life story and I‘ll have to look interested, then they will remind me of all the things I haven‘t had in my childhood, I‘ll get depressed, next up we both end up drinking way too much and crying about how much life sucks. Nah thanks. I‘ll rather skip to the drunk part without the emotional burden. Much easier.“
F= „B-But you can‘t even get drunk?“
S= „Exactly. Not even able to drink my problems away. A shame.“
Vera="What are you saying? I'm totally immune to flirts, Cupcake. You're cute if you think you can make me blush. "
Cupcake="I may be a baker but i sure as hell would love to eat your cake~ ( oཀo)"
Vera="Holy macaroni-"
Celery=*holding a spoon* " You called?"
*Frisk, Cupcake, Zinc and Vera tease and make fun of sans*
Sans= *Looks at Shade* “See what I have to deal with every day?!“
Frisk=“Oh please, you pull pranks on me and the others too! Like installing pirate english onto EVERYONE! “
Sans=“Hehe yeah“
Frisk= "And just the other day you put gun powder in the coffee machine and the thing ended up blowing up in my face!“
Sans=“ What? That wasn‘t meant as a prank.“
Frisk=“It wasn‘t?? Wait, why the fuck would you unjokingly put fucking Gun powder in the coffee machine??!!“
Sans=“Thought it make it more liquidy.“
Sans=“And it didn‘t even liquify the Gunpowder.“
Nox (one of Sans's Blaster)=*gets dragged to sans, head and foot stuck in a giant metal cane*
Bun="I swear i was gone for just a minute."
Nox=*Gnaws at the metal cane*
Nox=*sad argue noise*
Nox=*quieter sad argue noises*
Sans=“I swear, no more treats for you, I‘m so fed up with your bullshit.“
*Sans frees Nox*
*Nox sits up straight*
*Nox licks his tail*
*He looks at sans*
*IMMEDIATE Playful pose and wagging his tail*
Nox=* whines*
Sans=*baby voice*“OOhhhhh i can‘t stay mad at chuuu. Who‘s my little boofus??? You are, YEAH YOU ARE!!! “
*aggressively pets the giant skeletal dragon canine... Blaster*
Frisk=“Congratulations, you held your authority for astonishing 2 seconds, new record might i add.“
Sans="LOOK AT THAT FACE! " *squishes Nox's face* "HOW CAN YOU SAY NO???"
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florbexter · 2 years
Yes, but Porsche is dumb. He is dumb and I mean that in the most affectionate way possible. He is street smart yes, he acts quickly on his feet but he is actively annoying some of the most dangerous and influential people of the Thai Mafia, annoying him on purpose and he will screw up so badly in the next episode because he doesn‘t want to be Kinn‘s bodyguard.
And Kinn doesn‘t want him to be his bodyguard either and I cannot wait for this clusterfuck because oh man this is going to blow up in Porsche‘s face so bad and tbh I think this drama will also be about Porsche‘s character growth (as much as that is possible in a Mafia drama) because yes, he loves his little brother (who got all the braincells in the family let‘s be honest) and wants to do everything he can to make his life better but he fails, he fails that and I just want him to have growth in that Mafia family and face some truths and become even more badass than he already is.
His questionable choices will be legendary I feel it in my bones.
And I get that people will say that it wasn’t easy for them, it wasn‘t, but Porsche had it easy in a special way because of his looks and charm and he was able to weasel through life and maybe hasn‘t grasped the seriousness of their situation until his uncles addiction dragged them down even further. At first I didn‘t believe that they want us to believe that Porsche is only 23 because he carries himself like someone a lot older but in his rather juvenil choices I see a young man in his early twenties.
I also think that he has lost his trust in adults or should I say adults his parents age, because they left him (even though dying isn’t really their fault but it can feel like abandoment) and his uncle is no help so he thinks he has to shoulder all on his own and while I can‘t wait for the development of his relationship with Kinn I also want them to use the whole Mafia is a family trope and have Porsche have brothers and friends in the other bodyguards.
How can this be only episode 1, I am too obsessed already.
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vegetableknight · 3 years
Powder blue
Chapter 2
“Do you think I should have died?” A muffeled voice is heard from beneath his chin. She looks so inoccent, if he didn‘t knew her, would he even think that she killed so many?
“No, I don‘t.” he answers.
She pushes him away just a little and looks at his eyes.
“But I killed so many of your people. Others call me insane. The loose cannon. I should die. They think I should die. Everyone thinks the same. They‘re all the same.” He can already feel another panic attack incomming. So he takes her face in his hands. And in the calmest voice possible he utters.
“I told you that I don‘t think so. Yes, you killed many of my friends, I despise you for that. But for some reason, I can‘t bring myself to kill you. I know, it sounds strange for me too. Any sane person would not forgive you.” He scoffs. “Maybe I‘m just as insane as you.”
Jinx is Silent for a moment.
“No. You‘re just really stupid.” She tells him with a grin on her face. “What will you do?”
That‘s a question he didn‘t expect.
“What do you mean?”
She looks down. “You‘re holding your enemy in your arms. If your friends saw you, they would get some mixed signals, wouldn‘t they? I mean, I certainly would.”
She raises her hand to her head and knocks on it a few times. “I‘m also insane, ya know. How will you deal with me? Will everything just be over after our heartbreaking hug? Huh?”
Her emotions are all over the place. One moment she‘s calm and the other she starts doubting everything. Man, he‘s lucky she hasn‘t started exploding stuff yet.
He raises her chin with his hands. “I have a plan. But it will only work if you will cooperate with me.”
“Do tell, saviour boy, are you finally going to save me too?” she asks mockingly, it seems like she doesn‘t believe him.
“Come with me to the hideout.” He says, she can tell he‘s serious, it‘s in his eyes. But it still feels unbelievable.
“Your hideout? What if I decide to blow up everyone in there? How can you trust me?”
“I can‘t, but it doesn‘t mean I won‘t try.”
She scoffs. It feels unreal. “And how do you think everyone else will act? You think they will just accept me?”
Ekko let‘s out a breath. “That‘s the part of the plan you might not like.”
Jinx doesn‘t say anything, only looks him in the eyes, waiting for him to finish.
After a deep breath, he continues where he left of. “You will have to come with me as a prisoner.”
This makes her change her expression. The anger clearly shows up on her pale face. She knew it. Nothing good would come out of trusting him. People were all the same and no one other than Silco would accept her.
She was ready to push him off. But before she could, he spoke again.
“You won‘t be in a cell. And you won‘t be chained up either. But survailence will be with you at all times. Most of the times i‘ll be with you, but when I won‘t be able to be at your side, some other firelights will.”
Oh. OH. That‘s not what she expected. Would he really allow that. That... she doesn‘t completely trust him, but right now, he is the only close person she has. Without Silco here, there was no one else. So if there is some hope that she could find comfort in Ekko...
“I- Okay.” An agreement and a little nod is everything she gives him, but if he deceives her. That hideout of theirs will face more hell then Piltover ever did.
Ekko can hardly believe his ears, she agreed. It‘s a good thing of course, and he‘s even happy. Or at least he thinks so, the strange feeling in his heart must be happines. The only part that worries him is his friends. Their reactions won‘t be the prettiest, but he‘ll deal with it somehow. The most important thing right now is Jinx.
“You know, if you keep holding me this closely, I might actually start getting some mixed signals.” Jinx mocks him again, but this time it‘s more playful, more accepting. His ears heat up a little and he hopes she can‘t see it.
“Yeah, yeah. Well, let‘s say I wouldn‘t mind.” It‘s his time to smirk and her turn to be flustered. Seems like it‘s been a while since she heard these kind of words.
He enjoys this. It‘s been so long since he was so relaxed with her like this.
Maybe even she enjoys it too. Afterall, all these years she had no friends who could console her. Her guns and bombs were her only friends.
He‘d like for this to continue for just a bit more. Sadly, there‘s no time. If they stay here for longer, word might get out and firelights will deffinetly misunderstand this situation.
There‘s already a lot happening around him. He has to bring her home and explain everyone the situation.
He has to make sure everyone including her is safe.
“Well, lead the way, lover boy.” Jinx practically sings the sentence as she turns away from him to walk.
“Uhuh, let‘s g- WHAT?”
“Ups, it slipped out.” She laughs loudly.
“Nevermind.” He gets up, ready to depart. “Oh and, you‘re going to the wrong direction.”
Instead of saying anything she catches up to him and just walks together in silence.  
Jinx glances at him. There‘s a lot of thoughts mingled in her mind.
Is she doing the right thing? Silco wouldn‘t approve of it. Is this even going to work out? She should just quit right now. Maybe he‘s deceiving her and she‘s just falling right into his trap.
But another thought also pops up. It‘s a mutch warmer and positive one. A sentence she didnt think she would think of again.
‘Maybe this time, I won‘t be alone anymore.‘
Jinx: I prevented a murder today. Ekko: Really? How’d you do that? Jinx: self control.
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masterwords · 3 years
Hey! At work today I thought about Roy when his memory gets worse seeing Hotch with bruises on his face (from taking down an unsub) and Roy just gets angry and yells that he wants to kill „that damn Hotchner“ and everyone thinks he means Aaron and Aaron’s really scared and Jack‘s confused and Jess is embarrassed, but then he tells Aaron that his father can‘t keep beating him up and Hotch and Jack just loose it. I know that this was really long, but maybe that‘s something you‘d like to write
Hi Anon! What a thought to have at work, friend. You know I can't say no to writing Roy! I hope you like it! As always (I say this every time) I took a few creative liberties. (I also have another Roy story in the works, it should be ready by the end of this week!)
Warnings: brief mention of implied past abuse, bruises, swearing, dementia
Words: 1.8k
Pairings: Hotch/Morgan
Step On the Spark
“If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
It's late and they whisper their way down the long hallway to Jessica's apartment, footsteps in unison always, like a well-trained army. They're always in step. Morgan reaches around Hotch to knock on the door, first by only a second and grins at the other man's frustration with his tricks. He settles behind Hotch happily, crowding in a little too close as they wait for her to answer. They look terrible, bruises and little cuts all over their faces. It isn't the end of the world, but they look more than a little roughed up and it catches her off guard. They're smiling and laughing about something secret that bounces between them, ricochets from one banged up grin to the other. Jessica pulls them inside and gravitates to Hotch, eyeing him with concern.
“It's not as bad as it looks,” he assures her as her hands fly to his face, whisper delicate over bruised jaw and cheek bone, the stitches above his eyebrow. There are bruises on his neck that reek of near death, and he's telling her its not so bad but she's fairly sure there was a moment not so long ago that he wasn't certain he'd be showing up at her door tonight. “Really.”
“You should see the other guy...” Morgan chimes in, letting Hotch slide in front of him, enter the apartment in full first. This isn't his rodeo, he's just along for the ride, not ready to go home quite yet. He's hoping to blow off a little steam tonight but they have to collect Jack first, get him home and into bed.
“Is Jack ready to go?” Hotch asks, ignoring the way Morgan's hands find their way to his hips, fingers playing with the skin just beneath the line of his belt. She pretends not to notice and brushes the hair back from Hotch's face, inspecting a small cut above his eyebrow.
“He's down the hall with Clare, dad is having a bad day today...” she wants to warn Hotch, she really does but they came in too loud and she knows he's heard them, he's going to be up and out of his chair soon enough and she won't be able to stop it. She hopes he's lucid enough to spit a few rude words at Hotch and stop there, but she'd been furiously trying to figure out what to do in case things went sour.
“WHO IS IT? JESSIE? IS IT THAT DAMN HOTCHNER AGAIN?” Roy growls from his bedroom, and before she has an opportunity to respond he comes lumbering out, face twisted in an angry snarl at the sight of Hotch. Beady dark eyes dart from bruise to bruise, connecting the dots and it's like a flash, Hotch almost feels the time sucked out of the room, transported back to a moment just like this so many years ago. He can taste the stale cigarette soaked air of the Brooks living room as he stands on display, feel his gangly teenage limbs, he shivers at the abrupt change. He slips his hands over Morgan's, detaches them and pushes him backward almost imperceptibly. Morgan goes stiff behind him, tries to hold on, worried at the change in Hotch's demeanor. He's never met Roy, they've never come face to face but he's heard enough to understand what's happening and he doesn't know what to expect. He doesn't even register on Roy's radar, not yet. His eyes are trained on Hotch.
“What did he do to you?” he asks, staring hard, taking another step toward Hotch. He isn't afraid of Roy but he freezes because any move could be perceived as confrontational and that's the last thing he wants. He shifts, turns to the side only enough to glance back at Morgan as if to warn him out of his offense, it's not about him. Morgan opens his mouth to respond anyway, tell Roy he didn't do anything but Hotch shakes his head and nudges Morgan back toward the door, he knows where this is going and it's nowhere good. No matter what Roy says next, he'd rather not have an audience. It isn't that he goes out of his way to hide things from anyone, his past has long since ceased to hold him hostage but there are truths about him that he doesn't go out of his way to put on display either. It's a careful balance the two of them strike, shut mouths until they're not, until the gloves come off.
“Derek, go get Jack, Clare lives in 208b,” Jessica tells Morgan, following Hotch's lead. They've been here before, it hasn't happened in awhile but the look on Roy's face...they're in it now. He can't hold it in, that's the nature of his disease and they've long since accepted these outbursts. He doesn't mean anything by them, and he won't remember them, but until it passes they're held hostage in a time that they had both grown out of and Roy couldn't seem to shake. He lets loose all barrels once Morgan has gone, spews half-baked sentences with spittle at the corners of his mouth in his fury. He's a man in his prime and they're scrubby teenagers, he doesn't know where Haley is but she doesn't get in trouble like these two. She doesn't steal bottles of gin from his cabinet when he's sleeping, she doesn't party in the woods with the burnouts like these two. Jessica and Hotch stand silent, wait for the brunt of his anger, wait for the way it burns hot and fast, wait for the dying of the embers. They can take it. He's not furious at Aaron, not today, he's hollering about that damn sonofabitch Hotchner and the cowards that surround them. "He's going to kill that boy, Jessie, he's going to kill him and they say to quiet down or I'll be run out of town can you believe that? Bunch of cowards, all of them!" He's a ball of rage, face red as a tomato as he shouts at Jessica, tells her he's sick and tired of watching everyone in this town do nothing, he's going to go talk to that sick sonofabitch himself. Hotch slips his hand behind his back and closes the door, locks it so Morgan can't get back in. The last thing he needs is Jack walking in to this scene. It doesn't matter, Roy is yelling, his voice echoing through the long corridor.
The whole building can hear him.
“Dad,” Jessica says softly during a short break while he catches his breath, approaching him in his wild fury. He's vibrating, seething.
She comes up beside him, hands raised in surrender and offers him a feeble smile. He looks at her and he sees her but he doesn't recognize her, not immediately. There is a moment of quiet as his gears turn, twist inside of him and he tries to reconcile the woman with the crows feet and the smile lines approaching him with his teenage daughter. Her wild, untamed curls are the same but where did all of that gray come from? Hotch stays silent, this isn't his place – he was the trigger, and for now Roy is on his side but one word and he can tip the scales and direct the fury at him. For now he's a scared teenage boy in Roy's time-twisted eyes, just a frightened child with bruises made of furious confused love and whiskey soaked nightmares. He can keep his mouth shut and he can stay there in half a lie, impossibly silent, a ghost from Roy's tormented past.
“Jessie?” he asks, voice softened by wisdom and she reaches out, cradles his face in her hands, forces him to focus on her. Tears in her eyes shining bright, she smiles and nods.
“Dad, it's me,” she whispers, and they watch as his brain fights his eyes. Hotch unlocks the door again, he can see that it's nearly over, can hear Morgan and Jack on the other side. He keeps his back there, stays silent, eyes like a hawk trained on Roy. “Dad, Aaron's father died twenty years ago, Aaron is a grown man now and he got hurt on a case...” she says softly and he nods, a little ashamed for a moment. He mutters something about not being stupid, he knows Hotch is an FBI Agent and he knows he can't fight for shit, he's always been better at taking punches than handing them out. His eyes spit fire one moment and go blank the next.
“I don't care,” he grumbles, finally, shaking his head. “He can rot.” Hotch lets out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding at that, the return to the Roy that lives in the present. The Roy that hates him for everything that had transpired, the Roy that harbors nothing but blame and cold resentment for what happened to Haley. He turns around and ambles back toward his bedroom, his embers burnt to ash. Hotch nods at Jessica, another storm calmed to a whisper thanks to her, and opens the door. He finds Morgan and Jack on the other side, Morgan's hands firm on Jack's small shoulders. The boy looks scared, confused, stares up at his dad almost expectantly. Like Hotch might drop to his knees and offer some explanation but that isn't how he operates and they both know that, accept that. His father is a mystery, a puzzle to put together one piece at a time, and he's not sure where this new piece fits in yet.
“Grandpa just gets confused, he says things he doesn't mean,” Jessica says softly, pulling Jack to her for a hug. “You know that.” Jack nods, he knows. He knows that grandpa is losing his mind, but he also knows that grandpa isn't making things up, he's not weaving fiction he's being pulled into a past that is as real as they are now and that scares Jack.
“It's late,” Hotch whispers, collecting himself finally, ready to re-materialize and walk among the living. Put to rest once more the ghost of his former life. “We should go. Thank you, Jess.”
They turn to go, Morgan guiding Jack and Hotch following behind – more than a little shaken, but you'd have to look awfully close to see it. She sees it, and before he can cross the threshold she grabs his hand, tugs him toward her forcefully and wraps him in the tightest hug she can muster. The kind that presses the air clean out of lungs.
“I love you, dummy,” she mutters into his chest, blinking the tears away furiously. He nods, says it back into her mop of blonde curls. He holds her there for a moment too long, lets the calm wash over them, erase the moments before. Roy wouldn't ever remember, his short-term memories were nothing but sparks, glowing bright and burning off too fast and they'd managed to stop them catching fire, doing too much damage. Jack would remember what he heard but he would hold onto it, Morgan knew better than to ask, everyone could move forward like it never happened. Follow Roy's lead. Maybe Hotch and Jessica would find the raw places a little harder to cover up each time, but they had each other. “Go get some sleep.”
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
Can you please do a part 2 of toxic jun getting Y/N pregnant, where he comes to her apartment and they fight about the baby but they end up having rough sex, where yeonjun says:”Well, you’re already pregnant with my baby so there is no point in doing things calm” or something so he kinda adds up to it anyways?! idk please!
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𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | (𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥) 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐝!𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐱
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you sit on your living room couch with your knees to your chest staring at the ultrasound pictures splayed out on the coffee table. you couldn’t believe yourself. getting pregnant by yeonjun who barely even claimed the child in the first place. you wondered how could you be so stupid. but you know there was no way you could do this alone. you were still young and had a lot of growing up to do and combining that with caring for a child, you knew it was impossible.
and this was the very reason why there was now a knock at your door. you invited yeonjun over so he could see the pregnancy process for himself since he thought the child wasn’t his. feeling a little guilty for not claiming the baby firsthand, yeonjun knocks on your door coldly before stuffing his hands back in his coat pocket. you unlock the door opening it slightly before letting him in. you grabbed the pictures and slapped them on the kitchen counter for him to see.
you crossed your arms while watching him get a good look. “the doctor says I’m three months pregnant yeonjun. and you’re the only guy I’ve been sleeping with these past months”.
yeonjun shakes his head with his eyes still plastered on the pictures. “how do I even know that?”.
“you know because I’m telling you. I haven’t had sex with anyone else”.
“there’s no way that this is my child”.
“then whose child is it yeonjun? please tell me. I can’t believe you’re even acting like this”.
he shifts his eyes over to you. “I don’t even know why you invited me over for this bullshit. you heard what I said last time”.
“and you were wrong last time so I want you to see it for yourself”.
“what? did you think it was going to change my mind?”.
“why are you acting like such an asshole yeonjun?! why? why are you acting like it’s not a possibility?”.
“because it’s not”.  
with anger rushing through your veins you pushed him backwards.
“yes there is! you’re the father why can’t you just accept that?! you’re a coward!”.  
“don’t call me that”.
“you are!! there’s no other explanation for why you’re not owning up to it“.
“fuck you. I’m leaving I don’t have to deal with this shit”. he snatches up his car keys to walk towards the door but you push it shut before he could even touch the doorknob.
“you’re not going anywhere”. you say, caging him with your arms.
he leans in your face, thinking about how cute it was to see you thinking that you were stronger than him. “I can go wherever the hell I want”. he hisses.
you breathe with his face only inches from yours. he’s staring you deep in your eyes and you felt your legs turn into jelly right then and there. “you fuck me all the time,”-- you say, “so why do you think you can‘t be the father of my child huh?”. 
“because it’s not mine. I’m not claiming something that I didn’t make. now get the fuck off the door so I can go”.
with a clenched jaw you mindlessly threw frustrated blows at his chest. you felt your face grow hot. “its yours yeonjun!! it’s fucking yours!”.
“no! because you don’t fucking listen to me you don’t care!! all you care about is yourself!”.
within seconds yeonjun threw you over his shoulder angrily, you were thrown back down onto your bed.
“all those fucking cheap shots will get you nowhere. I said what I said”.
you lean up on your elbows, “because you’re a coward! just admit you’re scared”.
“I’m not a coward”.
“yes you are!”.
“no i’m not”.
“yes you are!”.
yeonjun grips your thighs and roughly slides you down to the edge of the bed. he grips a piece of your hair pinning it down to the sheets.
“stop calling me that”.    
you stared at his wet pink lips. “or what? what are you going to do about it?”.   
he shadowed his lips over yours and didn’t hesitate to mash them both. you hungrily kissed back with his tongue pushing past your clenched teeth to the moist space ahead. breathy, heavy, with your hearts pounding he grips your waist as if to keep you from escaping. you hated to admit it but you loved the way he kissed you so passionate and rough as if he was trying to flatten your lips.
his tongue licks stripes across your neck while you gasp and he’s shoving his hand behind the waistband of your shorts. you twitch at the feeling of his bare fingers running circles around your clit. measly whimpers bypassed your lips and his dark eyes poured into yours. he loved seeing you like this. your eyes half lidded, your mouth slightly parted and your needy noises flooding the atmosphere. he starts dragging his fingers up and down your slit while mushing his lips onto yours again, breathing in the moans that were waiting to leave your throat.
you felt yourself grow hot and wet the more he touched you. and with two fingers yeonjun teases your entrance slightly before pushing them both in. your jaw dropped a bit lower and you gasp while gaping into his eyes. he leans down and plants kisses along your jawline while inching his fingers in and out of you steadily. his other hand was still gripping your hair and pinning it down to the bed, restricting head movement of any kind. so you were trapped under the aggression of yeonjun’s lips and his gradual increasing fingers.
“is this what you called me over for?”. he whispers before kissing the corner of your lips. he pushes his fingers deeper into your core and you whimpered against his chin. “oh my god”.
“so we can fight and fuck?”. he asks again, this time staring down into your hopeless eyes while hiding his bottom lip behind his upper set of teeth. he knew you couldn’t answer and that’s exactly what turned him on. he uses his thumb to work your clit while he was finger fucking you at a rhythm that made you want to cry. the gaspy needy moans that you made was enough to make yeonjun’s dick twitch in his jeans. you shake your head no since you were unable to use your voice. he slides his tongue in your mouth for another wet sloppy kiss.
“you’re a liar”. you were throbbing around his fingers and words couldn’t explain how wet you were. you bucked your hips up a little following the melody of his strokes, wanting him so desperately bad that you didn’t care how you got your fix. he drags your shorts and panties down carelessly tossing them to the side. his lips meet your again while he unzips his jeans and stuffs his dick in place of his lost fingers. with your body moving up your grip his shirt blissfully satisfied with the way he stretched and filled you. he pulls you back down to the edge of the bed by your thighs and grips your hair tighter. he teased you with painfully slow strokes looking down into your open mouth and euphoric gaze.
“fuckk baby--do you hear yourself?”. he glances down below just to watch how your wetness coated his dick each time he pulled out. “oh my god”. he breathes with his dick twitching inside of you in need. what started off as painfully slow strokes turned into wild, rabid thrusts while you moaned loudly into jun’s mouth. with your hair still pinned to the bed he’s practically growling into your ear about how good you feel around him and fucking you insanely rough as if he’d never get the chance again. you felt hopeless with his hips rolling into you and you being able to do nothing but moan his name and cry.
the bed rocks, squeaked and jolt at the aggression of yeonjun and you didn’t know if you felt bad for the bed or your neighbors, because you couldn’t stop cursing and groaning at how deep yeonjun had buried himself inside you. he lost all restraint and was now obsessed with how flushed you looked every time he looked down at you. this fucked out sight was enough for yeonjun to grip your thighs leaving deep angry bruises in the both of them while he fucked you into oblivion. his chest was panting and you could tell he was trying to control his breathing but he just couldn’t stop himself. he delve into you over and over again with desperation. he bends down to let his teeth sink softly into your neck creating hickeys that you knew you wouldn’t be able to hide if you tried.
“junnie I’m going to cumm!”. you whined at his brutality knowing you were in for a hard gut wrenching orgasm if he didn’t stop. he applied pressure to your clit with his thumb, “please cum all over me”. he groans feeling himself about to reach his end too.  and at the sound of his voice while he said those exact words you released right then and there. he was still fucking you even while your body was spasming from the orgasm he was giving you and you couldn’t stop cumming until he was finished. you whined each time your hips jerked up and panted eagerly for the right amount of air. at the feeling of his hot cum spilling into you you felt his soft lips attach themselves to your neck with his dick still twitching inside of you.
“the bbaby--is yours jun”. you stutter in shame that you even let him fuck you again after his big episode. you blink and his lips meet yours again, this time more passionate than rough.
“I know baby. I know”. he answers.
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firerose · 3 years
Dark Leo -Dark  seven au part2
@reading0mens Hope you enjoy it, I put a bit under read more because it’s kinda long XD
Leo‘s world is shattered after Jason‘s death
He knows it was a storm or fire
He knows that his cheating death caused the fates to take Jason away
At Jason‘s funereal he cries into Piper‘s shoulder
The boy that told him he was important, that made him believe he was worth something was gone
His sorrow makes him burst into flames and as Piper lets go he sinks over his friends grave
Things only got worse from there
He can‘t look at Calypso anymore
She was the reason he cheated death after all
He thinks about how she always complains about him, never truly helped him as Jason did
He goes back to Camp half-blood not caring that there is a battle coming for the Romans
He couldn‘t help them anyway
He locks himself in Bunker 9 building machines to distract himself from the cruel reality
Jason Grace was dead and he was alive
Calypso tries to get through to him but he yells at her that he regrets having saved her
He doesn‘t mean because of her of course but it is still her that he cheated death for
Calypso leaves in tears
Leo continues building and as his hands work on inventions his mind goes to Hera
Why didn‘t she save Jason?
He was her hero, wasn‘t he?
The bridge between greeks and Romans
So what kept her from saving him?
Anger begins to rage in him
Maybe Jason was just a tool for her
A weapon she could use and then forget
A scream breaks out of him and flames start floating over everything
He begins to despise the queen of Olympus just like he once hated Gea
At least Gea never acted like she wanted to protect them
He feels a desire to make Hera pay, to play with her just like she did with him
He knows that he can't take revenge on Hera all by himself Isn't there an emperor in new york
A plan starts to form in his head
Nyssa brings him the news
Camp Jupiter beat Caligula and Commodus now only Nero is left
The only change for Leo to take revenge on Hera
He leaves in the early morning
He is not nervous only strangely excited
Finding the emperor was not hard he could oversee the whole city on his metal dragon
„What do you want demigod?“, Nero asks coldly sitting on his throne arrogant as always
Leo only smiles darkly „I want to treat Hera just like she treated me and my friends.“
Nero has picked up many demigods from the streets but this one is special
He has an almost feral look in his eyes like he would be ready to burn the world
„And how exactly do plan to do that? Nero asks his voice full of curiosity
After hearing the plan Nero allows Leo to stay
He has a big room full of machines, engines automatons
Leo loves it
He builds robots small ones at first but his anger makes his talents grow
Somehow he manages to equip them with laser eyes ten arms that shoot fire canons, their fingers made of blades
He makes other inventions to ones that he prays to one day use on a certain goddess
A part of him is terrified of his work but another screams justice for Jason so he continues
Two weeks later Leo gives Hazel and Frank a surprise visit
They are happy to see him, they are his friends after all
Leo laughs with them, jokes as if everything was normal
One night he and Frank even mourn Jason together
When he feels real tears form in his eyes he is grateful for Franks hug
He can tell that Frank wants him to feel loved just like Jason once did
He is thankful and when Frank leaves his firewood feels heavy in Leo‘s hand
The next day horns are blowing, demigods scream in terror
A huge robot army is threatening to enter new Rome
The Legion is horrified but they swore to protect the city so they get ready for battle
None of them is showing their fear when they stand between the robots and their city
Reyna and Frank stand before their cohorts but Frank is not too worried
Those robots are made of metal and he sees in Hazel‘s smile that she knows this too
The daughter of Pluto raises her hand to save those she loves
But then a voice close to her speaks up coldly
„Hazel stop “, She almost did not recognize it
Leo stands a few feet away eyes gleaming darkly, Franks stick lays in his hand
Franks feels a cold dread in his stomach
„Leo…...what are you doing? Frank asks unable to hide his fear
Leo lets out a pained humourless laugh, I‘m destroying the god's ego by crashing their glorious temples.“ he explains and Hazel feels her heartbreak at his words
How is this the same boy who made her smile with his jokes
Reyna curses“ How dare you betray us? After Jason-“
Leo interrupts her with a mad shout
„That's exactly my point! Jason died because Hera for some reason refused to save him. We are all just puppets for the gods don‘t you see that!“I'm trying to save us from them but if you don‘t surrender now I will be forced to let you suffer for the god's crimes.“, Leo explains his tone almost hysteric
There is silence for a moment
The robots stand like dead status, new Rome's citizens glance towards them from behind the barrier, the roman soldiers are glaring at Leo
„Romans don‘t surrender.“, Frank finally responds his voice brave, his eyes full of pain
Leo smirks like he expected that answer
His whole body bursts into flame
Frank falls to the ground as his stick is swallowed by fire
Pain ignites in his heart, he hears Hazel‘s scream
He looks at his girlfriend a hand stretched towards her as if to hold her one last time
She stretches her hand towards him as well, her mouth moving as she sobs
A weak scream leaves his lips when a Robots blade impales her neck the blade coming out bloody at her throat
Her hand sinks, her body collapses into a puddle of her blood and Frank‘s world goes black
Leo stares at their unmoving bodies
The stick in his hands is now only ashes
He knows he should feel something
He should feel remorse
Instead, he just feels empty
The gods could have saved them but they didn‘t
If the gods would just be better he would not have done this
The gods are to blame not him
So he joins the massager
The demigods are fighting bravely but nothing prepared them to fight eight feet high machines
Blades are piercing through their bodies, the fire burns their flesh, dozens get trampled
Leo is in the middle of it all shooting fireballs burning everyone who gets too close
A fireball hits Reyna‘s hair and the Praetor is doomed to a firey cruel death
Soon the city falls, Terminus  barrier is not strong enough to hold the metal beasts off
New Romes citizens are slaughtered in their streets, their buildings, temples destroyed
Their screams ring in Leo‘s ears but he continues to fight
This is for Jason. This is for Jason
He keeps using this excuse even though a part of him tells him that Jason wouldn‘t have wanted this
When Leo the last screams finally have died new Rome is in ruins
On Olympus, the gods are raging
Their pride has never been attacked like this
Hera looks at Leo wandering through the dead city with worry
He was her hero once just like Jason but now he seems …..changed
Maybe somehow she could convince him to come back to her
She is his grandmother after all
So she goes down to him in the form of his old babysitter
Leo growls when he sees he sees her
„Now you decide to show up? After I slaughtered thousands of People? Wow you are a horrible patron goddess!“, He snarls
Hera looks at him in pity
„Leo I know you are angry but this is madness. Jasons death was in the hand of the fates and I couldn‘t do anything sometimes even we gods are powerless. Don‘t go down this road my hero it will only bring you to suffering.“ Hera warns but that only makes Leo more furious.
They are standing in the smouldering ruins of her city and yet all she can do is makeup excuses
„You ……..you are so arrogant Hera! First, you act like my protector, my babysitter for years and then you don‘t even save my mother, then you give me fake memories about my best friend and then when I‘m finally growing closer to him you watch him die too. I bet if I hadn‘t killed Frank today you would have done it! Jason Frank and I were just pawns whose lives you controlled and that you now don‘t need anymore!“, Leo yells his hands balled into fists.
Hera listens to her face showing guilty embarrassment
She is too lost in thought, that is why she sees the net that Leo throws over her too late
The strings are made of celestial bronze but when she tries to escape the net only grows tighter cutting into her skin
Leo smiles at her in amusement.
„I hope you enjoy your new home your high majesty., He mocks
Hera realized that this was all part of his plan
Destroying new Rome to get her attention, louring her here so he could capture her
„Let me go immediately demigod or my wrath-“. She is cut off when Leo gags her
He has enough to listen of listening to her
He just wants to visit Jason's grave one last time
Leo returns to Nero with his army and with Hera
She is carried by one of the Robots trapped in metal strings
Nero welcome Leo with open arms
This child is a blessing even better than Meg Mc Caffrey
He tells Leo that he wants to wait with his attack on the greeks
He wants the news about camp Jupiter to reach them first
Leo agrees and grins at Hera
The goddess tries to change from even her real one but the strings only golden
„They drain your godly essence. The emperors are no strangers to dark magic Hera. You won‘t get out of here unless I allow it.“, Leo mocks once he has taken her to his room
The image of Her lying helpless and restrained on the ground gives him chills of joy
He picks out a knife from his toolbelt, Heras's eyes widen
„Now let's see how you like being hurt without someone there to help.“ Leo muses and drives the blade into the goddess's arm.
He smiles at the golden blood and Heras agonized groan
He is going to have so much fun with her
Leo almost feels disappointed when Nero tells him that it‘s time for the attack
By now all demigods know what happened
Chiron evacuated Camp half-blood taking the younger Campers to safety
Nero knows it‘s only a matter of time until the rest disappears to
So Leo and the emperor fly to  Long island alone with Festus who hold Hera in his claws
The robots are deactivated until Leo's command, Nero wants to give his enemies hope of winning
A handful of Campers is already waiting for them at the top of Half-blood hill
Leo winces when he sees Percy and Nico
He had forgotten the people close to Frank and Hazel
„Surrender or face the same end as your roman friends!“, Nero demands
Percy spits to the ground
Nico gets out his sword his eyes piercing into Leo soul
„Do you think Jason still loves you after what you did Leo?“, Nico asks coldly
Leo‘s heart feels like it‘s torn apart
Nico‘s words are the truth in the back of his mind. The truth that his lust for revenge drowned out
Jason, sweet kind Jason would never love someone who killed his friends
Leo feels panic, he has to move forward he has to distract himself from his thoughts
„Let that be my concern.“, Leo spats and drops Hera to the ground
Her body is covered in deep cuts, golden blood covers the strings
The attack begins
Leo decides to take out Percy first
He shoots fire but Percy uses the lake to his advantage
Water and fire clash together in the air squishing as they meet
Leo gets more furious
He creates big flames that lit the threes next to Percy on fire, tiny flames to grasp Percy‘s hair
Percy seems to be prepared for everything
He protects himself with shields of water and creates tentacles in an attempt to drag Leo to the ground
Their fight is hard, full of hatred and so none of them notices Nico‘s fight against Nero
Until the emperor screams while he's being sucked into the earth
Neros household, all young brainwashed demigods panic and run
Leo yells in frustration
Why did he choose such bad allies?
Nico collapses from the uses of his underworld powers, the grass around him black
Leo wants to take his chance and flames flicker from his hand#
But then a big hand of water grabs him and lifts him off his dragon
Leo is taken by surprise but soon blind rage follows
„Now!“, He hears Percx yell and when he turns his head he sees Annabeth cutting Heras net with Nico‘s stygian sword
Desperation and fear will Leo
„No please!“, He Beggs but Percy drops him on the ground without mercy
Hera although wounded immediately grows to full size her eyes blazing with fury
„No wait!“, Percy says his eyes widened in shock
Leo knows what is coming, he has seen it once before
Tears of sorrow, of fear, of anger stream down his cheeks
He wonders if Hades will let him see Jason again after he murdered his daughter
In a last attempt to turn his fate he reaches for his toolbelt
But then he stops
How can he destroy the greeks after they took him in after they tried to make him belong somewhere?
His thoughts wander to Piper and his heart is split by deep guilt
Leo Valdez opens his eyes and stares right into the godly flames that even he can‘t survive
His last thought is a prayer of forgiveness to all he has killed in his path for revenge
Leo is buried at Camp half-blood
There are a lot of discussions about it but no one can think of a better place
Hera assures the Campers that in a few years there will be new roman demigods
This does not help the losses though
Percy and Annabeth spend many nights crying with each other about their lost friends, their lost future
Will has to hold Nico for countless nights too, Has to remind him that he always will be there for him
Apollo becomes a god again
And in California Piper Mclean cries out her prayers to the gods
She prays for them to free her out of these new fake mist reality
She prays for them to let her wake up in a world where her best friends are still alive
Honestly I wished Hoo went more into the fact that frank Jasons and Leos lives were all controlled by Hera! That would have been such an interesting dynamic!
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Mafia AU - Bokuto x fem!reader
AN:  GUYS I AM SO SOOOOO SORRY! it took me way to long but I��just count get myself to start writing again. but it’s getting better now... sorry again to keep you all waiting. and sorry that this chapter is kinda short.  ( also still not proof read )
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Chapter 10 - Jealous? 
Chapter 9 - Fear. ;  Index ; masterlist
wanings: NSFW
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Saturday 1 pm
The past day was filled with countless events and pure fear.
Fear that everything gets discovered, that your cover blows up.
Yet here you are, with your suitcase packed with most of your clothes and all the needed essential for university, standing in the living room of Bokuto’s flat.
Yes, yes you’re staying at his for an unknown time period.
That was the one condition of their boss, Forster. He accepted to help you and keep you save, yet you have to stay at Bokuto’s so he can make sure that you aren’t planning on something and also it would make the “Keeping you save“ Part easier.
While packing all your stuff, you texted Tosh and explained what happened and that you need to stay at Bokuto‘s now to get Sazukas plan going.
You texted him about five hours ago and as for now you haven’t received anything more than a read.
You groan and drop down on the floor sitting there with crossed legs and your face resting in your hands.
"Nawww, is our lil princess grumpy?“ You hear the teasing voice you have to listen to the past hours. "Okay. I‘m here now - can you leave now?“ you groan and look up to Atsumu.
"Nope, I can‘t - sorry, but i still don‘t trust you.“ and with that he sits down next to you and teasingly smirks.
"And why is that?“ you ask.
"Well... something has to be off - you‘re still sticking to Bokuto? Even after i offered you to switch to me?“ he jokes.
"Oh? I mean.. you haven‘t told me the advantages of switching to you.“ you teasingly flirt.
"I can show you the advantages of it right now?“ he leans closer to you, a playful smirk on his lips, while you bite your lips and wiggle your brows.
"I BELIVE that you can go now.“ Bokuto appears in the front door and glares down at Atsumu. Chuckling he gets up and walks over to Bokuto, "Chill, I was just joking.“ He nudges his shoulder and closes the door. Finally it‘s just you and Bokuto again.
"Is everything okay? Did Forster change his mind again?“ you ask and get up walking towards him.
"No, he didn’t.“ He says coldly. wrapping your arms around his torso, you nuzzle your face into his chest. "So... What’s wrong?“ you mumble. "I don‘t know if i want this..“ he says. "Want what?“ you ask him confused. "You interacting with the others.." he grumbles. "Kou... are you jealous?“ you chuckle and look up to see him pouting.
"Nawww... Kouuuu" you coo and grab his collar, pulling him down to kiss his lips. "As if I‘d choose Astumu over you.“ he smiles and kisses your nose, yet you continue, "Sakusa.. that‘s a different story tho.“ you shrug and Bokuto whines again. He wraps his arms tightly around you, "Nope, not letting this happen. I won‘t let you go- you’re mine now - see.“ and with that he licks your neck claiming you as his.
With a disgusted look on your face you wiggle out of his embrace and run away from him, while he‘s chasing you around the whole apartment. After about ten minutes he caught you. Here you are now, pressed against the bed, while he‘s pinning your hands and legs with his own body.
"Game over.“ He growls in your ear.
"Oh well so what now? Are you going to punish me?“ you whisper.
"Ohhh that‘s what you want? Me to punish you? Babygirl, after a few minutes you‘ll beg me to stop.“ he smirks and likes his lips. Letting out a soft moan you close your eyes imagining all the ways Bokuto would punish you. "Aww you like that? Don‘t you?“ he lowers his head and his soft lips find your neck. He starts nibbling on your skin, his tongue circling over it before he softly bites down and starts sucking on it. Encouraged by your moans he moves downwards and starts leaving soft kisses on your collarbone. He leans on one of his arms, his other hand caresses your waist, moving upwards as he starts massaging your right breast.
"Kotaro ...“you breath out and one of your hands find its way into his hair, pulling onto his grey strands, earning a whimper from him.
"We waited way too long for this.“ he whispers onto your skin.
"Well, if i knew sooner that it’s so easy to get you worked up, i would habe flirted with Atsumu way earlier..“ you tease. He looks up at you, his golden eyes seem to glow with passion and he immediately moves upwards and crashes his lips on yours. The kiss was soft, but on the same time extremely rough and passionately. His tongue likes your lower lip, asking you for permission, yet you decline. He smirks, "Oh? Is my little baby acting up?“ he growls. One of his hands wraps around your neck, while his index finger presses under your chin. "Do you really want to keep up that act?“ he growls again, his eyes getting darker and darker. "No.“ you whimper and part your lips. "Good girl.“ he says and kisses the left corner of your mouth. "Now... be a good girl and get rid of those clothes, yes?“ he lets go of your neck and pushes himself off of you, sitting on the edge of the bed.
It takes you a few moments to catch your breath again before you get up and start to pull of your shirt. "Hurry up, or else I can‘t promise that your clothes will stay in one piece.“ he whispers in a low voice, his eyes never leaving your body.
Saturday 2:30pm
Your body is presses against the cold window, both of Bokutos hands wrapped around your neck, his toned chest presses against your back, while his hips slam against you over and over again.
"Kou.. I .. My legs..“ you whimper and your legs start to shake.
"Don‘t worry babygirl, I got you.“ Quickly he turns you around and lifts you up, pressing your back against the window, while your legs wrap around his waist. His lips find your neck again and he starts leaving more marks on your already bruised skin.
"Here.“ Ushijima pushes the binoculars against Kageyamas chest, who chuckles. "I told you she‘s doing fine, you could have just trusted me.“ the sniper says and lays down again, looking through his rifle scope. "Oh you‘re enjoying this? Watching her getting fucked?“ Ushijima growls. "No - it‘s really nothing I ever wanted to see.“ he says genuinely with a slightly disgusted expression. "Then do not look.“ Ushijima huffs. "What‘s wrong with you?“
"What’s wrong?! I‘m seeing the girl i love getting fucked by some fucking owl. While you are watching them - no, while you also see her naked.“ he says in a dangerously low voice. "When you go in there now, you‘ll ruin everything.“ Kageyama says unimpressed, "The Boss told us about those man acting up again, let your anger out on them and use it for something more productive.“
Ushijima simply mumbles something unrecognizable and leaves.
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Taglist (open) :  @tendouthighs​ ,  @lilacshouko​ @softhourswithseb​@theperksofcoffee​ @cuddlesslut​  @shhhlikeme​, @kynyta​ @yammmers​  @asahi-is-jesus-periodt​ @hxnni-bxnni​@theduvetpirate​ @chromaticstudio​ @gywjd0131​​ @haikyuusimp91​​ @kara-grayson04​​ @saucysamu​ @brokeyiam​
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mothra-mcyt · 4 years
☾ "Maybe this side isn't too bad..." ☽
Chapter 2
No Warnings because this is more comfort and fluff
Pov: Technoblade
Link to ao3
(I’m also sorry for any errors english isn’t my first language)
The icy wind blew against my face making me squint my eyes together as i pulled the red cape tighter around my shoulders in hopes to keep myself at least somewhat warm.
None of us had expected the snow storm to be this strong and last this long.
After discussing what we were gonna do now with my winged friend i decided to check up on the dogs to make sure that they still have enough food and that they weren‘t too cold.
Stepping into the little hut i shook my head to get the snow off from my pink haired head. A smile formed on my lips seeing a few dogs cuddling together in a corner looking like a white ball of fur. Walking over to the feeding bowls i kneeled down to expect if the food was enough and still eatable.
A groan of pain left my mouth when i stood up straight again feeling the pain from past injuries flow through my knees.
 “Check on Ranboo!“
 “Ranboo might be hurt!“
 “Water hurts endermans help him!“
Oh shit right. The enderboi doesn‘t really have a good house yet and with the amount of snow that is falling he probably isn‘t doing too good. I should check up on him. Well time to die from social interaction.
Stepping out of the house i flinched back feeling small flocks of snow hitting my face leaving a cold wet feeling behind. With my glasses sitting on my nose and protecting my eyes from the icy wind i began walking to the little wood shack feeling the snow crunching under my feet. Curses leaving my mouth when i felt the storm getting stronger i started picking up the pace wanting to get back into the warm house as soon as possible.
When i finally was near the little hut the enderman hybrids mouth left my mouth and my feet stopped inches deep snow.
After waiting for a few seconds for an answer my brows furrowed in worry when nothing came from the younger. Opening up the spruce gate i made my way over to the body laying under a small blanket. My hand landed on the boy‘s shoulder wanting to shake the boy out of his unresponsive state but i flinched back when i noticed how freezing he was. Not quite being able to hold back the worry from my voice i called out his name.
When i again didn‘t get an answer from him i put my hand on his shoulder again and made him lay on his back. A gasped left my mouth when seeing how pale the hybrid was even on the enderman side of his face. Curses started leaving my mouth and i put my fingers against his throat searching for a pulse, a sign of life from the younger boy.
„Come on memory boy don’t die one me here. Please you can‘t do that to Phil...“
A relieved sigh left my lips when i felt the weak pulse on the side of his neck. Not even thinking about what i was doing i took of my red cape and wrapped it around the shaking weak body trying to at least make him somewhat warm. Putting my right arm under his knees i put my other hand on his back. With a groan i mustered up my strength and picked up the tall anxious boy. A surprised noise left my mouth when i felt how light he was clearly not having eaten anything real in some time which made my worry grow even more.
Not even thinking about walking back to the warm house slowly i started running feeling the wind blow against my arms weren‘t covered by my cape anymore.
„Please Ranboo hold on or I’ll fucking stab you.“
After only a few minutes of running i finally arrived at my home and slammed open the door immediately and made my way inside closing the door with my foot.
„Phil! Come quick and bring a healing potion!“
Looking down at the the shivering hybrid in my arms i quickly grabbed a folded blanket from one of my chests and wrapped it around his upper body while struggling to hold him in my arms. Hearing quick footsteps coming near i looked over to the ladder and saw my winged friend coming down with a few potions in his arms.
„What happened Techno- Oh shit! Ranboo are you okay?!“
Phil‘s eyes widened in concern when he saw the half enderman freezing in my arms. Walking over the blond haired man put a hand on Ranboo‘s forehead a hiss leaving his mouth when feeling how cold he was.
„I found him like this laying on his bed. He‘s unconscious but fortunately he still has a pulse. It‘s very weak though.“
Pointing over to the ladder i realised what the shorter man wanted from me and brought the younger up the ladder as safely as possible.
„Lie him down next to the fireplace while i go and grab some more pillows and blankets to warm him up and make him more comfortable. Also here take the healing potions.“
As gentle as possible i put him down next to the crackling fire and laid down a pillow under his head to prevent him from getting even more hurt. Grabbing one oh the healing potions Phil gave me i brought it down to the enderman hybrids mouth trying my best to make him drink it without spilling it. After only a few seconds i could see the burn marks that the snow made on his cheeks fade away. A hopeful smile appeared on my lips a curse leaving my lips when i realised it.
„Don‘t get attached again!“
 “He will only betray you!“
 “Stab him!“
Bringing up my hand to my hair i pulled on it from the pain starting to flow through my brain. A ringing noise became louder making my me clench me teeth together. I was snapped out of my thoughts when i felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. My head snapped around to look behind me but i relaxed when i saw a comforting smile on the older man‘s face.
„Here put these pillows under his legs so that more blood floods to his brain.“
Grabbing the pillows out of his hand i gently picker up the legs of the tall being and put the pillows under them laying his legs back down. A yawn left my mouth making me realise how tired i actually was.
„Don‘t worry Techno he‘s going to be fine. You can go to sleep I’ll stay with Ranboo and watch over him.“
„But are you sure i can-„
„I‘m sure Techno. Go rest you need it.“
A grumble of defeat left my mouth and i walked over to the ladder to go upstairs to my bed. Looking back one last time i saw Phil pulling the hybrid up to lay against him and putting his wings around the younger making a smile appear on my lips. Turning backs round i made my way up the ladder and slendered over to my bed. Too lazy to do anything else i took of my boots and laid down. Already half asleep i pulled the blanket over my body and fell into the land of dreams.
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poeticaddiction · 4 years
Straight from the Heart
(Part 1/5) Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: What will happen when Chris finds out the real reason you cancelled the wedding with your ex-boyfriend?
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Chris was sitting on his balcony with a cup of coffee and a cigarette in his hands. It had been a quiet week with only him and Dodger enjoying each other’s company. No movies, no interviews. Just him and the warm spring wind blowing through his brown hair.
His thoughts were interrupted by a cab pulling up in front of his apartment building but he tried not to give it anymore attention which didn‘t work out because he suddenly heard someone scream his name.
He stood up from the chair and walked up to the railing to see you standing there on the street with a big suitcase in your hand.
,,Well there goes my peace.“, Chris mumbled to himself as he walked to his door where he greeted you after you finally arrived.
,,Oh how much I missed you. How long haven‘t we seen each other? 4 months?.“ you wrapped your arms around his big frame and felt his big strong arms hug you close to his chest.
,,Don‘t get me wrong I‘m really happy that you‘re here but why are you here? Shouldn‘t you be in the middle of your wedding plans?“
Chris watched you walk into the living room sitting down and pat the couch which should show him to sit down with you which he actually did.
,,That‘s why I am here..Me and Jamie broke up. There will be no wedding and I wanted to ask you if I could stay here for a few days till everything is settled and-"
Your rambling was interrupted by Chris raising his hand and placing his index finger against your lips so you would shut up.
,,Wait wait wait. You and Jamie broke up?! Why would you do that? I mean the wedding was already planned and all of the sudden things change? You called him the love of your life.“
You got up from the couch and paced around the room with you hands tucked in your dress.
,,I was sitting there with his family for dinner and as they kept talking about us getting married, me having many kids and being a housewife I thought I didn‘t hear them right. My whole life the people I dated were pushing me into their direction and I don‘t want this. What happened to the politician I once wanted to be or the artist or whatever. I want to live my own life..I never got the chance to do so...that‘s why I broke up with him and now I‘m here.“
Chris was still processing everything that had just happened as he watched his best friend head to the kitchen and grab herself a can of coke.
,,Y/N it‘s totally normal to get cold feet before a wedding but you just can‘t break up with him.“
,,Why the fuck is it so important to you that I marry him? You didn‘t like him in the first place Chris.“
Chris sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before looking back to you.
,,Yes I know..it‘s just that I want you to be happy and maybe it’s just a phase you‘re having now. I don‘t want you to regret your decision of leaving him.“
You were standing with your arms crossed in front of him completely angry. How could he be like that?! He should be happy for you to be a free woman now but instead of that he was trying to do the complete opposite.
,,I won‘t regret it. I’ve thought about it long enough.“
You grabbed your suitcase and marched into Chris Guest room where you sat down on the bed and burried your face in your hands.
,,Y/N...can I come in?“
Chris was leaning against the doorframe and as you stood up to open it he had to catch himself before falling to the ground.
,,Listen I‘m sorry. I didn‘t mean to make it sound that harsh..I‘m just worried about you. Are you sure that you‘re alright? I mean you‘ve been together for 3 years..“
You simply nodded and walked over towards him, wrapping your arms around his body. He did the same and held you as tight as possible, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
Your little moment was interrupted by your Phone suddenly ringing.
It was Jamie.
,,I can‘t talk to him right now. Can you do it for me.“
You put your phone in Chris large hand and watched him furrow his eyebrows where he contemplated if he really should answer but as he saw your pleading eyes he had no other choice than to do so.
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aylinaliens · 4 years
It looks like these next few months are going to be jammed packed with bl series! I know I’m not the only one struggling to keep a handle on them so here’s a somewhat long list of all the series that will be released from August to December.* All shows are directly linked to their page on mydramalist so you can easily find out more about them.
*only the ones that have ‘confirmed’ airs dates will be included on this list. it will be updated/fixed according to any news that is released. 
Still2Gether | ยังอยู่ด้วยกัน (AUGUST)
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Is there any need to wait 10 years to see if the love between Sarawat and Tine lasts? In these special episodes we will see their relationship in Sarawat’s point of view. How he chased after Tine, even when it was only fake. At least until it became real, and Sarawat could be with the one he had been in love with for years, while Tine was still unaware of this connection. Finally we can see the lives of the other couples as they continue to love and care for each other. Man and Type, Phukong and Mil, how are their relationships lasting after all this time?
Love By Chance: A Chance to Love | รักนี้บังเอิญคือคุณ 2: โอกาสที่จะได้รัก (AUGUST)
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Continuation of Love By Chance with TinCan as the main couple. Can is learning about what love is and the obstacles that come with it. Kengkla tries to reconcile with No.
Oxygen  |  ออกซิเจน เดอะซีรีส์ - ดั่งลมหายใจ (AUGUST)
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Orphaned at a very young age, Gui, a fourth-year engineering student, has had to work hard and earn for himself for as long as he can remember. Still, through the test of time, he still has a soft demeanor and a smile on his face. Solo, a freshman in the Faculty of Music, can get anything he wants with a flick of his wrist. Money, fame, good looks, the boy has everything, except his smile. When Solo's mother passed away, she took with her his smile. Nothing could fill this missing hole in him... that is — until one day when he sees a smiling boy working at a cafe. One night the two worlds collide in a small coffee shop. For a cup of hot milk and a warm smile, Solo finds himself back in the cafe every night. For a soft boy who reminds him of a husky, Gui finds himself waiting for a late-night visitor with a cup of hot milk, night after night. Night after night, the two boys continue to meet. At the same spot, at the same time, until they soon come to realize that they have become each other's breath. A necessity. Just like Oxygen.
GEN Y  |  วัยรุ่นวุ่นYรัก (SEPTEMBER)
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In the world of Y, many relationships might happen from imagination but how many times does that relationship comes from the real world?
My Gear and Your Gown |  เกียร์สีขาวกับกาวน์สีฝุ่น (SEPTEMBER)
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Meet Dr. Bai, a smart medical student, former head of the school's academic club. He doesn't have confidence about his facial appearance and lastly, he doesn't believe in LOVE. Brick, a handsome engineering student and the former head of the sports club. No matter what happens, my gear only matches with your gown.
Interpret My Love With Your Heart | แปลรักฉันด้วยใจเธอ (OCTOBER)
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The story of two high school boys who were learning their deep relationship through complicated and unstable feelings like a storm that blows the boat away from its path. It was contrary to peaceful Phuket where they lived.
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Dr. Tawan often hires Mork, a motorcycle driver, to drop him at his dentist boyfriend's apartment after work. One day, however, when Mork knowingly makes Dr. Tawan late for his date, Dr. Tawan finds out that his boyfriend has been cheating on him. Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, Tawan breaks up with his boyfriend. In the meantime, his friendship with Mork continues to grow. This drama is about sweet and innocent development of a friendship and then love between a rider and his passenger. 
Thonhon Chonlathee  | ต้นหนชลธี (NOVEMBER)
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Chonlathee, a shiny boy with a love heart, secretly has a crush on a guy next door, Thonhon, since he was a kid because P‘Thon always takes care of him as if they were real brothers. But Chonlathee can only watch P‘Thon and his girlfriend from afar. Until the fortune favors him as P‘Thon updates his status as single, Chonlathee decides to change his look to win P‘Thon‘s heart. The closeness starts to change into a deep bond. The tsundere P‘Thon starts to feel confused with his feelings. His mouth keeps saying that he doesn’t think of Nong that way but when Nong goes with someone else, he feels insecure inside. He can‘t help but keeps being possessive and worries about Nong. Not to mention that his ex-girlfriend comes back and makes things more complicated. Also, those fans of Nong are having eyes on him. How will this love wind up?
Manner of Death |  พฤติการณ์ที่ตาย  (NOVEMBER) 
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Dr. Bahnjit is a medical examiner who works at the provincial hospital. One day, the body of a woman who died as a result of hanging comes in and after carrying out the autopsy, Dr. Bahnjit concludes that it not suicide but in fact a murder case.  This suddenly makes him a target of someone powerful.  As a result of his statement, Dr. Bahnjit has an anonymous man break into his house and threatens him to change the report to suicide. Dr. Bahnjit doesn't take this man's threat seriously, until one day one of his friends, who is a prosecutor disappears. He begins to secretly conduct an investigation of his own in order to get to the truth — and somehow all clues lead to a man called Tan as the main suspect. Tan, however, denies everything and instead convinces Dr. Banjit to work together in order to get to the bottom of this and find the real murderer together.  
TharnType 2: 7 Years of Love (DECEMBER)
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leyla676 · 5 years
beautiful stranger
This is a short se.xy story, hope you enjoy it =)
Warnings: 18+, smut, charming Billy
Words: 1900
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That time you ran the miles the last time in your life was the time when your knee felt like hot iron. The pain shook your body and you collapsed during the marathon. The emergency brought you to hospital and the diagnosis shocked you: your meniscus was torn, you wouldn‘t be allowed to run anymore.
As you heard that the only allowed sport for you would be swimming, you decided to go to the only indoor pool you knew.
You would be very careful you promised yourself, you couldn‘t take this pain any more. The surgery took several hours, you collapsed a few times during it but fighted yourself back to life.
As you entered the indoor pool, you searched for a locker, then you undressed yourself and got into your bikini.
The air was hot, as it used to be in an indoor pool, and you catched your breath.
You laid down your towel and jumped into the soft water. It was like a thousand clouds cuddling you and heal your body.
You can‘t imagine how much rounds you swam, it felt like you swam forever. As you stopped and got out of the water, you saw a young man walking straight to you.
He was the most beautiful human you have ever seen. His abs were trained, his skin was sun kissed, he got little freckles on his beautiful face. The red pants he wore were just as tight as they had to be, cute little curls hung from his mullet and he had ocean blue eyes. Wow, this blue eyes. And lashes you were already jealous of.
He held your towel and smiled at you.
„Wow, you are looking good in the water“, he smiled at you and you felt his eyes run all over your body.
„Thanks a lot, it feels pretty awesome“, you answered friendly and took your towel to catch the little water drops running down your body.
He came closer.
„You know it‘s late, don‘t you? I have to close the pool in a few minutes“, he said and tilted his head.
„Yeah, just wanted to get my stuff and go home“, you giggled. Your body was on fire already, without any touch of him.
„Well“, he came closer, „you want to come here more often?“
„Y… yeah, I do think so...“, you stuttered and held your towel tight.
„Mh“, he murmured, „I could teach you how to swim faster“
You felt how you blushed and tried to catch a breath.
„I am happy that i am able to swim. I had a surgery“
„Yeah, and I am the right teacher for you“, he took a strip of gum and slowly slid it into his mouth.
„Teach what?“, you whispered.
„I know all styles“, he answered, „freestyle… butterflies… breaststroke“
He put one hand at your waist and you felt your skin explode. Your towel slided out of your hands, fell on the floor and he immediately picked it up for you by saying „You okay?“
„Yeah… just… have to go now“, you smiled and took it.
He stood there and watched you go to the shower.
As you turned on the hot water, you felt your heart beating fast. Who was he? And what was he up to? Did he flirt with you? Or was this just a gimmick of your head? You didn‘t know.
Your muscles relaxed under the hot water as you tried to clear your thoughts about this god you just met.
If he would work here more often, you could not resist him any longer and you knew it.
Suddenly the shower curtain was torn to the side and you turned around.
„Enjoying the shower?“, he asked you and patterned you, breathing hard.
„What…?“, you stuttered and he came close.
„Just enjoy it“, he growled and grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to him. You nearly lost your mind as you held yourself on his strong arms.
„Let me f*ck you“, he whispered in your ear and you knew that was enough.
His blue eyes, his freckles, the mullet… he was not your type but at this hot moment, you knew that you needed him all over you.
He pressed his lips harsh against yours, his tongue found its way to taste every inch of your mouth, his hands were all over your ass and tits and you melted under his touch.
„W… wait“, you stopped him and he let go of you, watching you with this damn blue eyes, „What are you doing there?“
„I want you“, he whispered and you saw his pants getting tight.
You couldn‘t help yourself. The need inside your body spoke for itself.
He was breathing heavily as your hands stroked his perfect torso. You laid your hand on his neck, the other one found it‘s way through his hair, as you pressed yourself against him and his lips.
You felt him grow under your touch and moaned softly, causing him to grab you by the waist and sit on his hips.
„I want to f*ck you. Hard“, he moaned and you nodded. What else could you do?
He opened the strings of your bikini top, let your breasts free and liked your nipples. The thick trunk between his legs threatened to burst as you pressed yourself against it.
Suddenly he let you back down on your legs to tear down his pants. His fingers caressed your belly, slowly sliding down your bikini pants.
When you saw his thick cock pumping up, you knew that it would hurt. A LOT.
You went down on your knees, took his throbbing cock in your hand and kissed his tip.
„Oh yes...“, he moaned and you felt his hands on your hair, making a ponytail.
You had trouble taking all of him in your mouth, even if you would be able to deep throat, he wouldn‘t fit.
His pressure guided you through this blow job, he growled and moaned and you started to finger yourself, massaging your clit in circles.
When he realized it, he pulled you by the hair away from him, making you stand up. He licked your collarbone, kissed your neck and left a big hickey.
You closed your fingers again around his cock, massaged him gently and he started to shiver.
„Turn around“, he ordered.
You saw yourself turning around, placing your hands on the cold tiles, spreading your legs. He went down on his knees.
As you felt his hot tongue between your legs, how he kissed you down there, you felt like you would pass out.
He knew any spot to make you scream and you did.
„Oh, please… please do me“, you screamed and you could feel him laugh out toneless.
„Beg for it“, he ordered.
„Please… Please f*ck me“
He stood up, laying his strong arm around your belly, pressing him against you and you felt his tip entering your dropping wet cunt.
„You sure?“, he moaned and you nodded.
Then he entered. Slow. Passionated. Caring.
You felt the pain, he was thick and big. And he was long, oh my god, he filled you up with all he got. It took a moment for you to get used to his size.
„Fu.ck… so tight...“, he growled at your ear and you felt the knot in your belly tighten.
He didn‘t even start and you nearly came around his cock.
As he glid out of you and pumped back in, you were getting closer and closer.
„F*ck me, stranger“, you yelled at him, pressing your hips against him.
„Billy“, he answered.
„F*ck me Billy“, you groaned.
„You won‘t be able to walk for weeks“, he whispered and stabbed into you brutally. It hurt. In a good way. Every time he got into you, his tip found your sweet spot and you screamed, whined, never in your life had fucked you someone this hard as Billy did.
You were getting closer and closer, his cock filled you up in every way, he massaged your breasts, slapped you on the ass, held you tight.
„I‘m close“, you whispered.
„Come for daddy“, he sighed. „Come for me“
Billy put his hand around your throat and killed your last moan as you came around him, fulfilling yourself, he slapped you once more and then finally blew his sweet juice into you, growling a load moan into your ear which you would remember a lifetime.
„Oh Baby“, he yelled, you could feel his cock twitch inside you as he bit your neck.
Few moments later you found both of you sitting, he held you close and kissed you gently.
„I want to be yours forever“, he whispered in your ear.
As you looked up to him, you saw the glitter in his ocean blue eyes. He smiled at you in a way that made your heart melt.
„Search for me“, he told you.
„Search for me Baby“
You didn‘t get what he said, you were absolutely confused.
Suddenly he was like… burning in front of you. Covered in the whitest light you have ever seen.
„Billy“, you whispered as he slowly disappeared.
You opened your eyes and looked around, found yourself in a steril hospital room, the machines around you beeped.
The doctor was checking your knee as you asked „am I dead or am I just dreaming?“
„You will be able to walk again in a few days. The surgery went great, it will heal very soon“
„Where is Billy?“, you asked him and he stared at you.
„Who is Billy? Is he your boyfriend?“
„N… no… i don‘t know… I met him at the indoor pool“, you answered.
„There is no Billy in your contact list, young lady. You passed out during the marathon, don‘t you remember? I am sure you will recover soon“, the doctor answered and you nodded.
Was it just a dream?
Five weeks of working hard on your recovery later you were allowed to finally go swimming.
As you entered the pool, your heart nearly skipped a beat. You didn‘t know if he would exist but you just HAD to find out.
You went through the shower rooms, felt your belly getting hot. As you entered the swimming hall you couldn‘t see anyone. No one was here.
Except of him.
He was sitting at his lifeguard chair, wearing his red pants, looking bored.
As he saw you entering, he recognized you and smiled at you.
You went straight to him, as he got off his chair and walked to you.
„Hey, you know it‘s late, don‘t you?“, he said, tilting his head just like he did in your dream.
„I know. Shut up and follow me“, you took his hand and he followed you pretty confused.
„What are we doing here?“, he asked you with a little grin on his lips.
„I want you. All over me“, you ordered and saw his pants tighten.
„O… okay“, he laughed and blushed.
You found your hands on the waistband of his pants and looked at him.
„What are you doing?“, he whispered.
„I want to feel you all over me“, you answered and he grew under your hands.
He wanted you. And you wanted him to do the things to you you felt in your dream.
„Are you a goddess?“, he asked you, came closer and kissed you.
„I just wanted to be yours. Finally“, you answered in the kiss.
Billy held you close, pumped his cock against your belly.
„I don‘t know who you are but … I already love you, Baby“, he moaned and put down his pants.
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jizemderler · 5 years
I don‘t hate you (Steve Rogers)
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A/N: Being a Stark isn´t easy. Especially not when Tony is your big brother and Steve is your lover. No spoilers. As always, enjoy!
“I don´t like him.”
“You don´t have to.” you said not interrupting your meal prep and Tony went up and down the kitchen like a restless tiger.
“We´re not on speaking terms.” he tried again but you just chuckled.
“It´s a pitty that I don´t care.” you overly pronounced the last word and turned around to look at him. Finally he stood still and crossed his arms infront of his chest. “He´s going to get you killed.” he said and knew that it was a low blow. “So could you, brother. So can I, for godssake. But we can´t do anything about it, can we?” you scooped a bit of batter with your finger and licked it off. “Mmh. Doesn´t that come with the contract of being a hero? I´m pretty sure it does.” you said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes. “Your Stark is showing. If your going to become a Rogers you might as well act like one.” he said and acted like a petty little kid. “I leave the overly optimistic part to Steve. He´s really good at it.” you answered not bothered which bothered him even more. 
“If he hurts you in anyway...”
“You´ll kill him. I know. So will I, believe me. Can we eat in peace now?” 
You were standing infront of the big mirror looking at the white dress that was hugging your body. “I think I liked the last one better.” Nat said and you looked at her through the mirror. All the woman who lived in the tower came with you to shop for a wedding dress. You sighed and turned around to them and put your hand against your forhead. “This is stupid. With everything what is going on...I´m here picking a dress.” you said now feeling guilt rise up in your chest.
“You should enjoy every minute of it. We´re not going to press pause on our lives just because of a few aliens. Now shut up and tell us if you like it.” Wanda said and sent you an encouraging smile. “I don´t think Steve will like the beats on your shoulders. Maybe try on something a little more 1920s?” Peter suggested ignoring what you just said and you looked at him with a raised brow. Peter was the only male allowed to tag along because A he was still a boy and B he was really usefull. He seemed to know Steve and Tony better than anyone out of the group which was a bit concerning but really helpfull. “I mean he would´ve married back then if he hadn´t got frozen for 70 years. I think the style from back than stuck with him.” he rambled and put a smile on your face.
“Alright kid. You have a point.” you said ignoring the little sting in your chest remembering Steves past. 
You were lying in bed with Steve, snuggled into his side while his arm was wrapped around you. You closed your eyes and let your other senses take over. He came out of the shower half an hour ago so the smell of his shampoo was still lingering around. His firm chest under your fingertips moved up and down with every breath he took. His heartbeat was right under your ear and was the only sound in the room beside your breathing. You inhaled deeply before placing a kiss on his neck and looked up to him. He had this peacefull expression on his face that you saw not enough of lately.
„Steve?“ you interrupted the silence and he looked down to meet your eyes. He had a soft smile on his lips and it made you rethink your question. But you asked him anyway.
„Did you talk to Tony?“
He closed his eyes and groaned while massaging his temples with his free hand. „We‘re not on speaking terms right now.“
„He said the same thing.“
„Because we‘re not.“
You reached up and cupped his face with your hand and stroke his cheek gently with your thumb. „I‘ll leave it to you. Just know that I want you both at my wedding.“ you teased him while rolling off the bed. „Where are you going?“ he asked you and the peacefull expression was turned into a troubled one.
„Peter asked me to help with his project. I‘ll see you later.“ you said and leaned down to kiss him on his lips. „He doesn‘t like me.“ he said suddenly and made you chuckle. „He‘ll get around. He secretly really cares for you. He‘s just hurt. But being Tony, he will die before he admits that.“
„You Starks are stubborn as hell. And fucking petty.“
„Watch your language, Cap.“ you teased him knowing that he normally never swore.
„You‘re forgiven. Talk to him.“ you said before blowing him a kiss and leaving to meet up with Peter.
„...and I guess I should‘ve brought a flower but MJ was so pretty that I forgot it in the car and aunt May drove off before I could even remember that I had bought..“
„..her flowers. But you know she can be really intimidating sometimes. Which is also..“
„..why I was so nervous to go to the dance woth her. She‘s just so..“
„Parker. If you don‘t shut up.“ you interrupted him as you reached the front door of the tower and unlocked it to walk in, „I‘ll never help you again.“
„Sorry. I‘m just so happy and thankfull.“
„You’re welcome Peter. Anytime.“ you said while shrugging your coat off.
„More thankfull. Or more happy. Well I guess more thankfull towards you and more happy for myself. But really..“
„Alright Peter. Bye.“ you cut him off and smiled to yourself after ending the call. There was no project you could help Peter with. He was a really intelligent kid. A genius really. But because May was out of town for the weekend so you were the first one he turned to for advice on his second date with MJ.
You were walking towards the living room, well much more like a gathering room for all the superheros, when you heared heated voices come through you. You hid behind the wall when you realized that it was Steve and Tony talking.
„She‘s my little sister for gods sake.“ Tony hissed and you knew inmediatly that the conversation wasn‘t going very well.
„I know Tony. She wants us to get along and so do I. We will become a family after all.“ Steve said and you shut your eyes out if instinct waiting for your brother to make a snarky remark.
„Don‘t go there lover boy. I might take her to another planet just to prevent that.“
Steve rolled his eyes and made a huffing sound while turning away from Tony and shook his head.
„She‘s my only family Rogers.“ Tony said after a long pause and it hit you like a truck. Tony wasn‘t so hesitant about the wedding because of Steve or whatever beef they were having. It was because he felt like you were leaving him. Alone. He was left behind several times and you marrying anyone, Steve or not, was horrible to him. He might not express his love and gratitude like other people but that didn‘t mean he wasn‘t feeling it like other people.
That definetly caught you off guard and sent chills down your spine.
„Mr. Stark, Miss Stark has arrived.“ F.R.I.D.A.Y.s voice echoed through the tower before you could gather yourself and you damnd the technology in this household.
„How long have you been there?“ Tony asked as soon as you stepped out of your spot.
„Not long.“ you said and Tony raised a brow.
„Long enough.“ you added and he rolled his eyes in a very Tony stark way. After a few silent seconds you walked over to emrace Tony in a hug and squeeze him as tight as possible. „You‘re a stupid ass brother if you believed I would forget about you.“
„Do you kiss your man with that mouth?“ he asked meaning your language but when you rose your eyebrows with a grin on your lips he shook his head and looked away.
„Nevermind. Don’t answer that if you want him to live. Wrong choice of words.“
„I love you Tony. Don‘t ever forget that.“
„I love you too, kiddo.“ he said before placing a kiss ontop of your head and letting you go.
„I don‘t hate you, Rogers.“ he said pointing at your fiancé. „But I can‘t like you too much either because you are taking her away from me. So stay in your lane, capice?“ he said half jokingly half threatening but you knew that his heart was in the right place. And you loved him for that.
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marvelxreader · 6 years
Stop and Stare
Requests: Hey Lara, can I request a Tom Hiddleston imagine where you have been dating for a while and you finally make it official? Thank you, I love your blog!!
Hi! May i request Tom Hiddleston x reader fluff? Going to a carnival, holding hands and him winning you toys and stuff? Thank you lovely .x
Tumblr media
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,5 k
A/N: Sooo.. I really don’t know how I feel about this one, please let me know what you think!
Y/N = Your Name
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Tom and you met at the set of the upcoming Avengers movie, where he asked you out on the second week of shooting. You’ve been dating since then but decided to keep it on the low, because you didn’t want the media to ruin it. He was hands down the best boyfriend you could ask for, but you were afraid that something might change if you made it public. There was  this other side of you though, the one that wanted to shout your love from the rooftops and show the whole world what an amazing boyfriend you had and after these couple of months, you felt like it was finally time to take it there.
„You ready, Tom? We need to go now, or we‘ll be late for the interview“, you shouted from downstairs, already waiting for him at the door, as he almost tripped over his shoes while sprinting down the steps.
„I told you to not leave them lying around everywhere“, you chuckled, earning a glare from Tom. The two of you left his apartment and the cold air instantly made you shiver.
„I told you to bring a warmer jacket“, he mocked you as he took off his coat, wrapping it around your shoulders.
„Do you think that‘s a good idea? The paparazzi will lose their shit if they see me walking around with your clothes on“
„I‘d rather risk our relationship getting public than watching my girlfriend freeze“, he answered, earning a smile from you.
After a few minutes, your chauffeur arrived and you got in the back of the black Range Rover, Tom following right after.
„Welcome Ms. Y/L/N, welcome Mr. Hiddleston. I‘m Josh, your interviewer for today. Please, take a seat“, a tall man in his twenties greeted you and pointed at the two chairs in front of the camera, while his eyes roamed your body from head to toe.
The two of you sat down beside each other and the questions started right away. Josh asked Tom about the shoot, the costumes and the movie in general, before he turned to you.
“So Y/N, as we all know, you’re the newest member of the Avengers. You play a very physical role, how long have you been training for this part?”
“Well, since I do most of my own stunts, I need to be in the best shape possible, so I’ve been training for about one and a half years non-stop”
“Wow, that’s dedication. Is there a reason why you do your own stunts, or do you just enjoy a bit of pain?”, Josh winked at you, making you feel uncomfortable and you could see Tom shift in his seat from the corner of your eye.
“You can see my face in a lot of the fight scenes, so I have no other choice than to do the stunts myself”, you answered, trying to sound as confident as possible.
“I understand. So, your costume is mostly out of leather and metal, right? How long does it take to get out of it?”, he asked, his eyes lingering on you.
„Shouldn‘t you be asking how long it takes her to get into the costume?“, Tom interfered, the anger in him slowly rising.
You considered stopping the interview, but you knew it would blow up in the news by tomorrow, so you just kept it professional and let it slide.
“It takes a lot of people and time to get me into the costume, but after a long day of shooting I can’t wait to get out of it. It’s just so uncomfortable”
“I can only imagine.. It’s also very tight, so everything underneath it would probably be visible. Do you wear anything beneath the costume?”, a smirk grew on the interviewer’s face, “Or are you just nake - ”
“You know what? I think that’s enough for today. Let’s get out of here, love”, Tom interrupted him before taking your hand and leading you to the exit.
The two of you were walking out of the building and onto the streets of London, when Tom turned to you.
„What the hell was that?“, he asked, still upset about the previous situation, „You shouldn‘t tolerate that, darling. He was being so disrespectful to you“
“If I had turned him down, the media would have portrayed me as a dramatic bitch. You know how it is“, you said while keeping your eyes on the ground, causing Tom to stop in his tracks and lift your chin up.
„Listen Y/N, he asked you inappropriate questions and you had every right to stop the interview back there. Next time something like this happens, you stand up for yourself, okay?“, he said before giving you a kiss on the forehead.
„We‘re still out in public, you know that, right?“
„So what? They must have figured it out by now“
„Does that mean we‘re making this official?“, you grinned at him.
„I guess so“, he said, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, “You know what? I don’t want to go home yet and there’s a carnival down at Crystal Palace Park. Let’s go there”
And with that, he intertwined his fingers with yours. The two of you have been dating for a while now, but this was a whole new experience. You never hugged, kissed or held hands out in public, but the feeling of not having to hide anymore was overwhelming.
The both of you were sharing some candy floss at the carnival and giggling at a stupid joke, when a teenage girl pointed at Tom, screaming in excitement.
“Oh my god, it’s Tom Hiddleston! Can I have a picture with you, please?”
“Of course”, he said with a big smile on his face. 
The girl handed her phone to her mother before she came running towards you. You wanted so step out of frame so that she could get a photo with your boyfriend, but instead Tom tightened the grip around your waist, pulled you closer to him and smiled into the camera. After a couple of pictures, he turned to her and started a conversation. You knew how much he enjoyed chatting with his fans, so you wandered off to give them a bit of privacy.
“You’re great in ‘The Night Manager’, I never miss an episode of it!”, the girl said, “and by the way, your girlfriend is very beautiful”
“I know, right? I’m a lucky man”, he looked at you while you watched the bumper cars a few feet away. 
“You sure are. Anyway, thanks again for the picture! Have a great evening”, and with that, she walked off again.
You were eating the remaining candy floss by yourself, when Tom’s arm snaked around your waist. You turned around and looked up at him, before giving him a peck on the lips.
„I love the way you treat your fans. Promise me that it will never change, no matter how famous you get“, you said in a low voice.
„I promise, darling“, Tom answered and you smiled in response.
„The sun is about to go down. Let‘s go on the Ferris wheel and watch it“, you suggested.
„Didn‘t think you were such a hopeless romantic“, he grinned at you while wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
„I‘m full of surprises, you should know that by now“, you winked at him.
„I do, and I can‘t wait to see them all“
Lucky for you, there weren‘t many people standing in line for the Ferris wheel and after a few minutes, the two of you sat in a capsule 200 feet above the ground.
You were watching in awe, as the warm sunlight consumed all of London and the last sun rays sparkled on the surface of the Thames, but Tom was too distracted to notice any of it.
He rather watched the golden light illuminate your face, making you look like a goddess. There was this sparkle in your eyes when you smiled and even though Tom had his whole world right in front of him, you were completely unaware of your beauty, so he felt the need to change that.
„You‘re stunning, darling. I don‘t even know what I did to deserve you“, he said, his voice nothing more than a whisper. He brought your hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles, making you blush.
„I‘m so in love with you, Y/N“
You turned to him with a big smile on your face. Tom told you about his feelings before, but it wasn‘t a common thing. He was more about making you feel loved than just telling you every day. You respected that and the best part was that it made you feel even more special when he actually said it.
You reached out for his collar and pulled him towards you, before you pressed your lips against his. Tom‘s hands cupped your face as he smiled into the kiss, proud to be yours.
„I love you too, Tom“
„We should’ve made it public sooner, this is so much better“, he chuckled, before kissing you again.
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