#can’t say the same for you even a little bit
yanderenightmare · 1 day
TW: angst, toxic traits, somewhat bullying, breakup
fem reader
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You’re his first girlfriend. He’d never bothered with anything serious before—it seemed too messy to trifle with. He doesn’t know why he suddenly decided. Suppose he’d been feeling a little bored, and something within him saw you as a fool-proof opportunity.
It wasn’t because you were anything special. Actually, it was more the opposite. You didn’t seem like too big of a risk. You were just a normal, honest, nice person—a bit of a loser, too, if he was being honest. He could do a lot better and pick someone of the same caliber as him, someone with a cooler style and presence, but then he’d only get caught up in the competition.
You were more to his appetite—a dorky, blushy lil’ nerd who giggled nervously at everything he said. In other words, no competition at all. You’d never dare break his heart because you frankly couldn’t afford it. And he found solace in that imbalance—knowing he held all the cards and that you could only be grateful he’d chosen you.
At least, that had been what he’d thought. But then, here you are, holding his hands from across the table in a cute little sundae café, telling him how this just can’t work anymore.
He’s confused for a whole minute before it sinks in.
You’re breaking up with him.
He’s confused afterward, too.
You’re breaking up with him?
That can’t be right. You must be joking. He almost laughs, almost cackles, but ends up staying completely silent. Something about that pitiful look in your eye makes his throat tight, and he almost thinks he’s going to cry instead. 
You’re breaking up with him. You, with him. His foot starts to tap. Have you hit your head or something? You’re dressed in a hoodie, for crying out loud, with not an ounce of make-up on—effortless, as if his perception of you wasn’t any of your concern while you’re fucking breaking up with him.
No way. There’s just no way. You must be confused about something, is all. There’s absolutely no way you’re doing this.
“What are you talking about?” It comes angry. Louder than he’d intended, enough to make you jolt in your seat. A couple of heads even turn your way. You wait for them to turn back before answering.
“I just think we’re a bit too different. And… I don’t know…” You were trying to find ways of telling him you weren’t in love with him but ended up deciding it was unnecessary—it wasn’t exactly something he needed to hear even though you had a lot you could say.
You’re rude and arrogant and treat me like some rescue pet you’ve nurtured back to health. You act like you’re embarrassed to be with me even though you’re the one without any friends. You’re selfish and spoiled and—
“If you don’t know, then there’s nothing to talk about. Quit being silly.” He has a furrow between his brows as he picks up the pink menu between the two of you, scanning the different types of milkshakes you could share and forget all about it. After all, you weren’t breaking up with him—that would just be absurd. “Let’s get strawberry.”
“Guess we could get mango if you want that instead—”
“I’m not sharing drinks with you—”
“What? You tryna lose weight or something? Not like anyone but me is gonna see you when all you wear are those baggy hoodies all the time. Speaking of which, you should wear mine instead, they’d suit you better—”
“Listen.” You stop his rambling. “I’m not sharing drinks, and I’m not wearing your clothes. I’m not being silly, either. I’m being serious. It’s over—”
“No, it’s not.” His fist bangs against the table—the look in his eye on edge and twitchy. “I asked you why, and you had no good reason—so it’s not, not until you convince me.”
You had wanted to avoid it, but it seems he wouldn’t allow you the grace to spare him. That being said, you hadn’t meant to be so brutally honest…
“You’re a narcissist. You don’t treat me like a girlfriend. I’m more like a charity case or some type of experiment to you. Half the time, it feels as though you’re just playing a game with everyone in your life like pawns for you to shuffle around the board as you see fit.” You’re the one with the furrowed brows now, unable to bite your tongue as you’d kept it in all this time. “I think you should seek help and get your controlling tendencies straightened out before having any type of relationship. Or don’t. In any case, I don’t think I’m the right girl for you.”
There’s a silence. The chatter of the café seems distant. You feel half inclined to apologize as you look at him and stare down the glassy tabletop as if trying to find his reflection for comfort—but then he beats you to the punch.
“You’re right…” he starts softly, mustering the words, and you’re almost proud to see him take it so well, but then there’s a viscousness to his next words. “You’re not the right girl for me.”
When he looks up again, his face is warped—callous and seemingly disgusted by the sight of you. Something about it even seems to lash out at you, seeking revenge.
“I can’t believe I thought I saw something in you,” he sighs. “Turns out you’re exactly what everyone warned me you would be—just a plane-boring old Jane. What a joke—wasting so much time on something so worthless. Forget breaking up with me, I should have broken up with you a long time ago.”
He gets up in a rush and bears over the table, both palms laid flat upon the surface.
“Charity case?” he seethes, then conjures a fake laugh and an even faker grin. “I couldn’t have put it better myself. Enjoy sitting here alone like the loser you are.”
And even though you’re the one watching him walk away while ordering a chocolate sundae for yourself, you can’t help but feel sorry for the poor guy… 
That had been the most emotion you’d ever witnessed come from him.
Obviously, he doesn’t take it very well, stumbling through the café before bursting out the door, but even he’s surprised by how disheveled it had made him. He’s hyperventilating when the fresh air hits him, almost sprinting to his car so that he can lock himself inside it.
But the car only makes it worse as he’s far from alone in there. You’re everywhere. On the hood, waiting for him with a smile. In the rearview mirror, waving at him. In the seat next to him with a pout, asking if you can stay over. In the backseat, naked with a coy twinkle in your eye.
He knows! He has some of your underwear at home—he’ll threaten to pass them around campus unless you beg him to take you back. No, what’s he thinking!? You’ll never come back to him that way. Fuck, what can he do, what’s he supposed to do!? He just called you worthless—what that fuck was he thinking?!
The tears startle him as they drip down and splash upon his whitening knuckles, where he grips the wheel for dear life even as the car stays completely still—safe and sound in the same plot.
There’s a light pink lip balm on the dash. Yours. You must have left it there—maybe on purpose? No… you don’t play games like that. You’d been honest in the café. The fact terrifies him—his heart seems to want to reject it at all costs, the way it tears in his chest.
He picks the slim pink stick up and rolls it around in his hand, which can’t seem to stop shaking. You’d sat on his lap in this very seat, laughing at something dumb he’d said while applying the very same balm on his lip—kissing his forehead while saying something sweet. He knows it wasn’t, but he imagines you’d whispered that you loved him.
When he smears the balm around his lips this time, he imagines kissing you and your soft lips and that everpresent smile he never bothered telling you was pretty.
He’s such an idiot. The birds in the parking lot take flight at the jostling of his car, but no one hears the roar.
And as he sits there in the following silence, wallowing in his own self-pity and regret, he can’t help but feel like the lead of some angsty teen romance.
And like the lead in an angsty teen romance, he swears… whatever it takes… he will win you back.
You will be his again.
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BNHA – Bakugou, Dabi, Hawks
JJK – Gojo, Naoya, some young type of Sukuna or Toji
HQ – Oikawa, Sakusa, Miya twins
BLLK – Reo
AOT – Eren
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tojisun · 8 hours
hockey player simon pt 03 // part of this plot // mlist
i swear it was just supposed to be a drabble w no plot
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jo heaves a sigh the moment you slide in front of her, and you would have been insulted if it wasn't for the gentle smile she gives right after. still, she's staring at you with that teasing tilt of her lips and her eyes narrowed in humour, one that you're not privy to.
"what?" you finally bite out, fiddling with your iced coffee, feeling self-conscious.
you fleet your eyes to yourself and, yeah, sure you're wearing the same pants as yesterday’s but c'mon? you didn't get to go back to your place after, well...
at least you didn't repeat your top, and is instead wearing a sweater you've stolen from simon's closet. cashmere, cream and soft, and the material comfortable, if not a little bit loose in the arms that droop past your fingers.
you thought you at least looked like those typical college students in the movies—effortlessly chic in a boyfriend sweater, if not a little haggard because who is not when in university?
she finally chuckles, the thrum of her voice easing up the frown that tugged your brows together. “don’t sweat it, superstar. it’s just that i’m still not used to seeing you be a sugar baby.”
you choke mid-sip, her words devouring you like an angry tide. you feel your eyes water in protest, the feeling burning as you sputter.
“i’m not–!”
“you’re not what?” tim asks, sliding into the seat beside yours.
you grumble, wagging a finger as you wipe your stained chin with your other hand. jo snorts and fills him in, chuckling all the while as she gestures at your sweater because she knows it couldn’t possibly have been yours.
tim’s smile turns cheeky, teasing, and he wiggles his brows at you.
“shut up, oh my god,” you whine, rolling your eyes at them, almost shyly, and you feel your cheeks warming. “i’m not– simon’s not my–”
“oh c’mon, babe,” jo says, playfully throwing her mechanical pencil at you. you huff before chucking it back at her, giggling to yourself when it bounces off her arm and rolls into the floor.
tim picks it up for her.
“he buys you expensive things—” her eyes flit to the new promise ring that you’re wearing. you unconsciously hide it behind your palm. “and pays for your tuition which i’m so, so jealous of.”
“doesn’t he fly you around too? in a private jet or something?” tim pipes up, shamelessly snagging away your iced coffee now that you’re too preoccupied to drink it.
“he doesn’t!”
twin brows quirk up in silent judgement.
“…he buys us first class tickets, not, like, a whole jet.”
see? they seemed to say with the way they cock their heads to the side.
you sniff. “it’s for work,” you mumble, remembering the first time simon flew you for his games.
“i mean, for him, maybe. but you? tell me what business do you have in winnipeg?” tim chirps and you almost want to jump him just to make him shut up.
“sugar baby,” jo finishes, singing. “but i mean, who can blame him, huh?” she grins, her voice dipping into a faux southern accent. “i’d spoil you too, sugar.”
“oh, you flirt,” you trill, taking the opening she offers to change the topic.
tim takes the bait and whines about how jo doesn’t do all those things for him, but jo is unmoved, eyeing you knowingly, but thankfully drops it too.
it’s just—
there’s a whole stigma to athlete’s girlfriends. for god’s sake, they even have a whole label—puck bunny—which is honestly just a dig made up by really shitty men who burn with jealousy . and you know that, but—
you can’t help but wonder if some, not all, of simon’s love for you is because of what you do to him. of what you give him in return. especially since he’s so busy all the time, either flying during the season and is rarely home, or packed with training and other physical regimen during the offseason.
so you wonder if this—flying you with him on the days the official WAGs are not being flown by the franchise, bringing you to vacation spots on the other side of the ocean, buying you everything you used to only dream of ever having—was his way of paying you back for your support and patience and care and love.
tim knocks his shoulder with yours, worry now lining his boyishly charming face.
“of course.” you lick your lips. “so did you ever get a copy of the lab sheet from rayan?”
you watch from the front seats as the team wrap up practice tonight, their coach looking pleased at their performance. it was still difficult to follow the game, but the players all look content too despite the sweat and their ragged breathing.
they never did know how to hold back even during a practice.
you say your goodbyes to the other people who came to watch, shooting simon a text that you’ll be waiting for him in the parking lot, and walk out.
the cashmere sweater, thankfully, is enough to fight off the cool air and the gentle breeze while you make your trek to simon’s distinct range rover, all sleek and pure black like he’s got the damn royals for a passenger.
it’s locked so you hover outside, stuffing your hands in the pockets of your pants, and entertained yourself with making puffs of air like you’re ten again. it’s honestly not too bad to be alone, if it weren’t for the sudden swarming of your doubts—the very same ones you thought you already shrugged off before taking the cab to the rink.
“hey, love,” simon’s voice pierces through your thoughts and you jump, barely smothering the yelp that almost tore itself from the base of your throat.
you swivel, heart pounding, and simon’s beautiful face creases into one of concern.
“are you–”
“si!” you greet, jogging to him.
he laughs and opens his arms for a hug, one that you excitedly give him. you tuck your cold face in the crook of his neck, breathing him in, taking in the antiseptic scent of rink soap and the faint smell of his shampoo.
his body is so warm against yours, and you can’t help but melt in his hold, body relaxing at the comfort he brings you.
“you ready to go home?” he asks like the insinuation that his home is also yours is not heart-stopping and world-changing.
you nod, unable to trust your voice right now.
there’s something different whenever it’s just you and simon—your thoughts, for once, are quiet and your confidence in yourself peaking like simon is the only place in this world where you can truly be yourself. it’s not just indulgence, nor tolerance, but it’s pure unadulterated acceptance.
and maybe it’s because of that realization, that flipped switch, that in the lull of your conversation with simon, you bring it up.
“did you know? my friends think that you’re my sugar daddy.”
you feel him freeze, body going rigid as your words spill into the space between you two. you continue to hide your face away from, avoiding a serious conversation as regret begins to build, shame licking up from your fingertips to your ears.
stupid, you think to yourself. why the hell did i bring it up? fuck—
then, simon laughs, soft and sputtering, his whole body shaking as he giggles, choked wheezes uncontainable. you tip your head up just enough to catch his eyes, questions filling your tongue, waiting to be spilled, but simon cups your cheek so tenderly before you could doubt anything any more.
“do i need to be one to spoil you rotten?” he asks like he didn’t just shaken the foundations of your doubts.
do i need to be one to spoil you rotten, he said like spoiling you was the norm. like showering you with expensive gifts and booking you expensive flights and helping you with your expensive necessities was something that boyfriends typically do. like your friends are the odd ones for thinking he had to be anything other the man you’re dating to be able to splurge for you.
“no,” you say, dizzy with the weight of your affections.
simon’s smile droops, his eyes clearing. “was that something that honestly worried you?”
the humour leaves him, and simon straightens up at seeing the gravity of the turmoil in your heart. his hands fall to your sides, thumbs hooked in the dip of your hips. he leans forward until his nose is brushing against yours.
“you know i love you, right?” simon asks, his voice quaking in desperation.
“yeah,” you sniffle, honest because god you mean it. “yeah, si. i know.”
“okay,” he says after a while, still intensely looking at you like you aren’t surely anything but a blob in his eyes with how close you two are pressed to each other.
then, his lips brush with yours, so faint, you almost missed it. you shudder at the feeling of it—how could a chaste kiss feel so intense?—your lips wobbling as something in your heart bloats.
you feel simon’s lips stretch into a grin from where they’re ghosting above yours, and then he’s kissing you again, this time deeper and longer. you curl your arms around his neck, feeling like you’re being swept off your feet all over again.
because simon is not good with words, truly, but he’s managed to swing an axe to the cornerstone of your self-doubt and made it crumble.
“oh god,” jo sobs in your arms, the two of you snuggled up under your sheets. “that was a joke! i promise!”
“i know,” you say, giggling. “i swear jo, it’s not you, it’s me.”
she looks up at you, eyes shimmering with tears. “are you sure?”
“yeah,” you croon, bumping foreheads with her. “...‘sides, simon’s taking me somewhere to make up for, and i quote, ‘making you doubt how serious i am about you’.”
she sniffs. “…permission to make a joke again?”
you grab your plushie from somewhere behind you and smack her ass with it.
“stop being dramatic—that didn’t hurt.”
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[giggles nervously] so uh. 🏃🏻
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theemporium · 3 days
❤️ #6 & 49 with Quinn hughes 🤭
Congrats on 10k babe
thank you for requesting! sorry it's a bit short!🫶🏽
49. “Do you seriously think it’s funny? Sending me shit like that while I’m at work?"
“You’re evil.”
“Hello, dear boyfriend. I’m fine, thanks for asking. How are you?” 
“Don’t get smart with me right now.” 
You tried to bite back your smile, even if he couldn’t see you right now. If you were honest, he called a lot faster than you were expecting. You thought you had at least five minutes to prepare yourself for his response, and even then, you expected a message. 
Not a phone call.
“You sound a bit tense,” you continued, faux concern lacing your voice. “Something bothering you, babe?” 
“You are fucking insane.” You could hear him shuffling around on the other side, the soft sound of his breaths the only noise you could hear beside the squeaks of doors opening. “Just sending me—”
“I thought you’d like it,” you retorted, failing to hide the amusement in your voice as you listened to him let out a whispered curse before another door slammed shut.
“Do you seriously think it’s funny? Sending me shit like that while I’m at work? Baby, I was in a fucking meeting with the team.”
“Bit rude, Quinn,” you pouted, despite the fact he still couldn’t see you. “I ordered it just for you. I just wanted to show it off, give you a sneak peak to what I’ll be wearing when you’re back.”
There was a pause. “You’re still wearing it?”
You traced over the little fabric currently covering your body, the lace trim tickling across the pads of your fingers. You glanced back up, catching your reflection in the mirror. You were still propped on the end of the bed, in the same position you had snapped a picture to send Quinn whilst he was at the rink.
“Mhm,” you hummed, listening to the way Quinn groaned on the phone. “Wish you were here right now. I’m so bored, babe.”
“Fuck. I can’t leave yet. We still have another meeting after this.”
You let out a wistful sigh. “I guess I’ll just have to lay here all alone…dressed up…might have to go into the drawer and grab—”
“Right, fuck, just—” He paused and your grin widened when you heard the telltale sound of his zipper through the phone. “Gonna be a good girl and listen?”
Something quite like desire and excitement bubbled inside you. “Always, Quinn.”
“Hm, lie back, baby. You’re not gonna come until I say you can, got it?”
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seresinhangmanjake · 13 hours
What Comes at Night
Feyd-Rautha x Atreides!Reader
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Summary: Your heart broke the day your brother stabbed Feyd. You spent weeks believing he was dead. And even though it turned out that he survived and the two of you are now together again, nightmares of the day you thought you lost the man you love haunt you. Feeling him is the only thing that provides any comfort.
Notes: Feyd is soft…again. I just like it, idk. Same Feyd x reader from The Harkonnen’s Sweet Thing and The Harkonnen’s Claim. *Can be read alone. 
Warnings: some smut, so 18+
Words: 1000
Feyd-Rautha Masterlist
You can hear it—the splitting of his flesh from the knife penetrating his ribs. You can hear the drop of his blood that drips off of your brother’s blade onto the floor. You can hear his breaths getting thinner after he collapses. 
Foreign hands are everywhere; Fremen men holding you back from reaching him. Their fingernails are cutting into your skin, drawing lines of red down your arms and legs as you struggle to free yourself. 
Then suddenly, the floor dissolves beneath you and your legs sink into the sand of Arrakis’ dunes. The men disappear, your brother disappears, the emperor and his daughter disappear, and now it’s only you and him trapped in the dunes that begin to move up and down, ebbing and flowing like the stormy seas of Caladan. And like the sea, the waves are carrying him away, stealing him from you, and you can’t even attempt to save him because the sand has swallowed you to your waist. 
You can barely see him. Only hints of his black armor show. He's being pulled under, drowning in golden grains, and a couple of his fingers twitching is the last you see of him before he disappears completely. 
He cannot hear your hoarse voice calling for him. You can barely hear your hoarse voice calling for him. Sand is seeping into your ear canals. It brushes your lips and crusts the edges of your nostrils, sticking to the snot brought on by uncontrollable tears. You try to take in some oxygen, just a little, but then you wonder why because you’ve already lost him and you’re about to lose yourself. 
With a blink, the sun has set, and the underlayers of the dunes turn numbingly cold. You don't think of freeing yourself, you think that maybe surrendering is the only way you can be together. A kick flutters within your belly but you don’t care. You’re done. You’re weak and you’ve lost. You can’t save anyone, so you let go. 
Hands are on your face. You detect a voice, but the thick fogginess clogging your ears keeps it far away. “Wake up!”—Is that what it’s saying? Your shoulders are shaking, head bobbing back and forth from a loose neck. “Wake up!” Yes, that's it. It’s cutting through the fog, pulling you to the surface, but then you realize you aren't breathing quite right. You're still choking on gritty sand as tears stream down your cheeks. 
“I’m here. I’m here, ok?” the deep voice says. “My love, look at me,” it says, but you can’t, won’t. It’s a trick. A lie. If you open your eyes, it’ll break your heart because he’s not here. He’s with the dunes. 
The hands tip your head forward and a soft pressure meets your forehead. “I’m with you,” you hear. 
You fight the grip around your wrist. Fingers pry open your hand so that it is no longer clenched in a fist but flat and pressed against heated flesh. A thump pounds under your palm. Once, twice, and once more. 
“Feel me,” the voice demands. There’s another thump. Another. You gasp and your eyes open to find blue irises searing into yours. “I'm here,” Feyd says. 
A sob leaves your throat. “More,” you whimper.
“Ok,” he quickly nods. “Ok. More.”
He carefully pushes you onto your back and eases on top of you. One of your thighs is nudged wide, and then the other. His hand pumps under the thin sheet covering your bodies. He hardens. The tip peels apart your folds, and then you’re full. So full. 
You wrap your legs around his hips and secure your arms around his neck, squeezing every bit of him to keep him close. Then he kisses you because you need to taste him and he knows that. He knows that it’s the final piece to start bringing you back to yourself.
“Move,” you mutter into his lips. So he does. Dragging out and then thrusting back in, allowing you to feel each inch, each vein of the column. His hand slides down your body, from breast to waist to hip and he cups your bottom, holding you more firmly against him.
His motions continue at the perfect pace. A well-practiced pace. The exact pace you need. Little electric shots spark in your brain and the coil tightens in your belly. He moans as you bite into his shoulder and you love that sound because it throws you right over the edge. 
You taste blood as you come. And then he comes. And then lips are dotting around your face and jawline. 
He doesn’t pull out. There’s no pulling out—not in these moments—because pulling out means emptiness. Pulling out means a void of space where he’s missing and you’re left wanting, and you don’t do that here. Here, you don’t want for anything because he gives you everything. 
He lets the heavy breaths between you settle before he rolls onto his back, taking you with him so he can remain snuggly inside of you. Your head rests on his chest as he runs his fingers down your spine. 
“Same one?” he asks and you nod. “They’ll stop; I promise. Just give yourself time, my love.”
“I’m trying.”
“I know you are,” he tells you, and you believe him. You believe him because he had nightmares of his own during the weeks you were separated. Servants told you he would go on a rampage after waking and seeing that you weren't in his bed. Nothing was spared, from furniture to slaves, and you weren't surprised. Fear does many things to the heart and mind. It makes one feel powerless, and Feyd does not handle that feeling very well. So, in some ways, you suppose you're lucky. At least when you wake, he's beside you. He's here to calm you down. But his presence has yet to soothe your unconscious. 
“I love you,” he whispers against your hairline. “You know that.”
It's a statement not a question, but still, you answer, “I do.”
A/N: @midnight-serendipity thank you for requesting this <3
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forsworned · 8 hours
It’s said canonically that simon riley has trauma around intimacy from torture 😔 If you feel comfortable writing it, can I please ask for a short fic of an Afab reader body worshipping/lovingly pleasuring Simon after they both work through his trauma and he’s getting all soft and emotional and babbling about how good reader is making him feel and how much he loves them and can’t believe someone cares about him this much? I always liked the idea of Simon being portrayed as vulnerable and soft and not this dom sex god a lot of people portray him to be. I really love your work and would love to see your take on this request :)
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Soft ft. Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Author's Note: So I do recall someone making a post about this and I have to say I do not agree with everything. Men definitely process trauma, specifically sexual trauma a lot differently than women do. While women experience guilt, men experience anger. And maybe it's not all men who experience it that way, but after reading the comic and making my own assessment, I can say that Simon does have lingering anger. Of course, he is hell-bent on avenging his dead family, but all that pent-up energy could be going toward trying to even the score. He is pretty level-headed and able to compartmentalize. He has support from his comrades as well as undergoes mandatory rigorous mental health assessments because that's military protocol. He needs to be able to perform his duties on the field without putting himself or others at risk. He also most certainly gets mandatory counseling. Although he may be reluctant, his superiors are very much aware of the possible impact that it has on his mental health. So all that to say that Simon is not without help. He is not as "damaged" as people may perceive him to be. He's not a broken individual. As seen in the remastered MW's, albeit reluctant he can clearly put his trust in others. He develops relationships with the people who he works closely with meaning he is capable of change. SIGH. I just wish people would break this down a little more, but I do get what you're saying. His masculinity, trust issues, and the type of secret operations he goes on can lessen the effectiveness of the therapy. He's definitely a very complex character with layers to him, but I just don't think he's as weak as you may think he is. It's also important to note that it hasn't been confirmed that this current Simon went through the same thing. He could have a completely different background. Honestly, Activision is so fucking inconsistent but ANYWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I hope you enjoy this. Also if you read this all the way through, I applaud you. But thank you for enjoying my work, I didn't mean to critique you and your request, but I just couldn't let it slide LOL
Warnings: PnV sex, AFAB!Reader, Some Canon Simon Lore, Sexual Content, Mentions of Sexual Trauma
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You sigh out in pleasure with every roll of your hips as you grind down on him. Your clit grazes against his lower abdomen, and his cock stretches you out pliant. Fingers dig into his shoulders, marking half crescents into his pale, scarred skin. But something feels off.
His hands loosen their grip on your hips, and upon opening your eyes you find him his half-lidded gaze distant in a familiar haze. He isn't present.
"Simon." You halt the rutting of your hips, cupping his stubbly cheeks. "Are you alright?"
His onyx hues fixate on you. He is clearly readjusting his withdrawn eyes to refocus on you. You didn't want to say it yet, but you had felt him go a little soft a few seconds prior. "We can stop."
"No, no." His fingers squeeze your middle as he sits up a bit. You shake your head, but he's not letting up. "Why stop?"
You firmly grasp his face and his blonde lashes flutter up at you with a seemingly unreadable expression, but you're no stranger to Simon's detachment. Although he loathes to admit it, it happens. The relearning of being intimate is tumultuous for him.
"Because you're not mentally here, my love."
He frowns. "But I want y'to finish."
You exhale sharply. He doesn't even deny it. "No, Simon. I'd feel disgusted with myself if I finished while you weren't here with me."
He struggles to reply. In all honesty, he doesn't know what to say. It's not exactly a common occurrence, but he's not too keen on having a conversation about it. You never pry though. His therapy sessions are his own, unless, of course, you join him if he so desires.
Couples counseling is mandatory. A rule you established when you first decided to tie the knot. If you had problems that were beyond just a sit-down talk, a professional would have to intervene. And Simon agreed. No fuss, no muss. To preserve the sacredness of your relationship, he'd do anything.
He sighs. "'m sorry, dovie." He caresses your sides, feeling the gooseberries on your skin rise. A small smile adorns his lips and you giggle at his smugness.
"Stop it." You begin to get off of him, but Simon holds you firmly. You feel his dick harden inside of you, now kissing your cervix. A little gasp escapes your chest as you readjust yourself.
"Y'like tha'?" Simon's grinning now. It's his confidence gleaming through the abysmal darkness of his mind. The life in his eyes feels revitalized, and you now feel his vigor—literally.
"Yes, but..."
"'m here, love." He reaffirms, squeezing your waist again. "'m here. Please, 'm achin' for you."
He groans a bit and bucks his hips when he feels you pulsate around him. You return your own moan, leaning forward but his fingers thread through your hair and he brings you into a sloppy, heated kiss. His hips thrust into you slowly and deeply, earning a guttural moan from him.
For a moment as you withdrew from the kiss, your gazes meet and Simon's eyes soften and become glossy with tears that brim over his oculars and spill over the corners of his eyes.
"Oh, baby." You coo, holding him close as you kiss his face. His sadness is silent, yet palpable. You're now babbling sweet, sweet words to him as you pepper him with kisses, and Simon holds you as if you're going to slip away. You gently guide him through the double inhale technique you learned from your therapist, and with the sweetness of your voice, the kindness in your eyes, and the tenderness of your touch, he feels at ease.
"I dunno how y'put up with me."
You grin, kissing the corner of his lip. "It ain't easy."
"Oh?" He flips you over on your back, pressing you firmly against the mattress and you giggle into the nape of his neck. "Wanna say that again, love?"
You thread your fingers through his sandy blonde hair and kiss the tip of his nose. "You're not hard to love, Simon."
His eyes soften once more and he kisses you deeply. Simon has never cherished anyone more in his life. You were always so patient and kind from the jump. You were truly the "greater woman" behind the "great man".
He rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes as you gently card your fingers in his hair.
"Thank you, lovie."
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thoughtsforsoob · 16 hours
Hii! I was wondering if you could do beomgyu fingering you under the table at a restaurant? Tyyy!!
a/n: hehe thank you for this anon! im going to try my best to make this good! inbox is always open!
beomgyu had invited you to dinner with the boys on this particular night. you agreed because you were excited to see the boys again and hang out with your boyfriend at the same time. so, when time rolled around to get to dinner, beomgyu had told you to get ready and that he was going to pick you up from your apartment. Having been told that, you immediately pick out your cute outfit (whatever you wanna wear) and start to do a little hairstyle and some makeup. beomgyu never expected you to dress up or even do any kind of makeup but it made you feel happy so you did it anyway. 
When you were done doing all your steps to get ready, you met him outside and you both headed down to the restaurant together. nothing seemed different or out of place on the way so you were greatly surprised when you felt a hand on your thigh while appetizers were coming to the table. sure, beomgyu had occasionally rested his hand there but it only meant one of two things. 1, it was just a coincidence or 2, he was going to finger you. you were really hoping for it to just be a coincidence since everyone was surrounding you. you continued to make conversation with the boys despite this action. your face hadn’t changed in expression so you were good.
while finishing up your appetizers, you were talking to soobin about a bread recipe you wanted to try (you were asking if he wanted some when you eventually made it). suddenly, you feel a slim finger tracing up and down your slit, stopping at your clit to add extra stimulation, you bit your lip just a bit. soobin raised an eyebrow with concern, “are you okay?” you nod and let go of your lip. “sorry. im getting a cramp in my thigh.” you looked down at your legs and then back up at him. “I'm sorry.” he shook his head and frowned, “don’t apologize. you can’t help it. Are you going to be alright?” you nod and with that, you two continued your conversation. you left feeling the gently finger rubbing up your slit through your panties until beomgyu finally pushed then aside discreetly and slid a finger in. you looked over at him with wide eyes and leaned closer to his ear. “why?” you whispered lowly and he just gave you a smile, kissing your forehead. you felt dizzy from the whiplash his actions were causing you. He was completely disrespecting you under the table and being such a gentleman above the table. The boys hadn’t really been suspecting anything until you started to fade out of the conversation, eyes fixated on beomgyu. Taehyun was the one to speak up and ask if there was something wrong between you two. You immediately snap out of your daze and shake your head. “Oh no, he’s just really handsome.” They all playfully gagged at your answer and Taehyun was the one who remained suspicious. He didn't want to say what he was thinking but he gave beomgyu ‘the look’ and beomgyu gave it back to him. This made you suddenly extremely shy. 
Beomgyu’s movements did not falter as he locked eyes with taehyun. You didn't know what to think but you felt yourself teetering over the edge of an orgasm. You looked to beomgyu and he looked down at you. He knew exactly what you wanted because of the squeezing of his fingers. He just nodded and you leaned against him, letting yourself go. You tried to not make it so obvious but at this point, everyone at the table was watching you look absolutely blissed out. They didn't even want to ask what had gone on because they more or less had an idea. They just stared at you two as beomgyu raised his hand back up, trying not to draw attention to himself from the rest of the restaurant as he licked his drenched fingers.
(part two with a gangbang???? Guys i'm so tempted please make me do it)
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temis-de-leon · 3 days
Shy gn!reader goes to their first date with the Demon Brothers
Characters: Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo and Beel (x reader, separately)
Main Masterlist
Part 1 , Dateables version
Romance Anon: Could I request headcanons for Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus and Beelzebub react to shy gn s/o who asked what he would like to do for their first date because he made them happy by accepting their confession so they want to make him happy?
A/N: I asked my brain, "hey, how about we write a little bit" and it answered "how about we fucking don't"
He’s ready to turn every single one of your outings into a date, but he’s also excited to have the opportunity of organizing the best first date you’ve ever had.
He’ll make sure you won’t ever regret confessing your undying love to him.
It needs to be memorable and special, so going to the casino is a big no-no. You’ve gone together numerous times already and the image of losing every piece of gold in his pocket and his wallet in front of you on such a special occasion makes him shiver in fear and embarrassment.
A fair or a festival are good choices, but, as much as he’d love watching the city skyline on the ferris wheel or winning a plushie for you to cuddle and think of him, those aren’t available all of the time.
The idea of having dinner and a movie makes him remember the projector in his room, but his brothers could spoil that very easily and bile reaches his mouth at the possibility.
You could go shopping, but that doesn’t feel too intimate, does it?
He becomes desperate after hours of thinking and scratching his head and it’s not until he enters his car to go out for a drive and clear his mind that he realizes he has the perfect solution.
Having dinner together and watching the city skyline are romantic activities, but who says you have to do it at home or on top of a fair attraction?
It’s not even two days later when you find yourself sitting on his car’s hood with take-out ramen in your hands, patiently waiting for him to get a blanket out of the trunk.
The chirping sound of crickets and the distant city noises fill the cold night, but the only thing he can think of is the fondness of your embrace slowly warming his body and making him smile like a fool.
He’s already happy that you like him back and he kind of forgets about everything else, so your offer feels like a slap in the face. An enthusiastic reminder that you’re both now starting a relationship.
That thought makes him cry and yell in the emptiness of his room with non-contained happiness.
He fears you’re going to be disappointed with his ideas for your first date, though.
Going out of the house makes his heart pound in apprehension, anxiety quickly scratching his neck and prickling his brain with needles.
Reading through his manga collection, watching multiple shoujos and playing every otome game he has only make him feel worse and inadequate for you.
Why do you want to go out with someone like him? Reclusive, a bitter sad excuse of a demon who can’t get out of the house without an incentive or a pep-talk.
Do you still like him, despite all of that?
Or is it that… you like him including all of that?
Do you want to be seen holding hands with him? Do you want everyone to know that you like him, of all people?
He can’t set your first date in his room, that would be too pathetic; but, at the same time, going to a café like any other normie couple doesn’t feel like him at all.
What’s a place that combines the comfort and privacy of his room and the outside world?
He asks Henry and his beloved pet stares at him with unblinking eyes. Almost immediately, reality hits him like a train.
Of course! The Royal Aquarium!
The blue lights and the submarine life couldn’t be a better substitute for his room and you’d get out of the house! It’s perfect!
Plus, he gets the opportunity of showing off his knowledge of the ocean, something he hopes will impress you.
He wants to do more for you because you deserve it, but he needs time.
There’s a Ruri-chan convention in a few weeks. Maybe you could go together…
For your second date, perhaps…? No pressure, though!!
He’s a romantic at heart and he’s been picturing how your first date could go since you confessed to him, so you can’t imagine the happiness he felt when he was granted the opportunity to let all of those ideas become real.
A big gesture would feel impersonal and kill the essence of a newborn relationship, so, although he wants to impress you, Satan will not go overboard.
There are museums where he could show you his knowledge on Devildom’s art and history, but he doesn’t want to spend your first date speaking like a pedant scholar.
There are also high reviewed bookstore cafés, as well as his beloved cat cafés, where you could go to have a hot beverage in a soothing space, but that isn’t exactly what he wants.
He wants to talk to you, hear the nervous stammering in your voice while you blush and struggle to look at him in the eye, and going to a bookstore would quiet your conversations, so he keeps that idea for the future.
The cat café is his favourite, but you would expect that from him and he wants to surprise you at least a little.
He gets the perfect idea while feeding the stray cats behind the House of Lamentation.
Knowing where every single cat in the neighbourhood lives, as well as those who prefer the outskirts of town or even the countryside, shows him a part of the area that no one else has ever seen.
A few days later, Satan looks giddy and enamoured walking by your side while you both feed the cats you encounter, following a path full of flowers that lead you to an abandoned viewpoint.
You’re sitting together, surrounded only by the felines that know when to leave you alone, and, despite the beautiful scenery that displays beyond, Satan can only look at you.
His first impulse is to go all the way.
Showing you around for his fans to know that you two are dating sends a shiver of excitement down his spine, eyes glowing in delight while he ponders which outfit he should wear so he can match with you.
His plans for your first date seem generic, but a closer look into it lets you know that he has it all planned to make you both the centre of attention.
Other’s and each other’s centre of attention, that is.
You’re colour coordinated, your orders in the café are trending in social media and the weather is so good that little to no people are staying inside their homes.
The both of you are being seen just as you deserve.
Beautiful, together, happy.
Jealousy and envy surrounds you, all of his fans photographing your first date with a mixture of admiration and resentment, wishing to be you; wishing to be him more than ever.
The combination of your company, the external flattery and his own satisfaction makes him think that there couldn’t be a first date better than this one.
He couldn’t be more wrong.
You’re not truly alone until the night comes and the residents of the Devildom have no other choice but to leave you to your own devices to continue with their lifes.
You walk close to him, bumping your hips with his until you both start smiling and giggling. Your voices are almost a hush and he finds the way you lean into him to hear his words better quite addictive.
He feels your breath on his skin, your eyes on his. His hands are itching to bring you even closer and never let you go and it’s not until you kiss under a streetlamp in an empty park that he understands why your first date is so perfect.
You’re with him and he’s with you. That’s enough.
You already know what he’s thinking, although you may be misinterpreting his execution.
While, yes, he wants to take you out to his favourite dinners and restaurants, Belphie advises him to not go all the way. You don’t have the same stomach as him and ending your date feeling ill would leave a very bad impression.
He doesn’t want you to see him as a permanently hungry beast, anyways. It’s not what he wants you to think whenever he’s close to you, even if he acts like it most of the time, so it doesn’t take much convincing from his twin to agree and search for a more delicate plan of sorts.
He wants the full experience: drinks, starter, main dish, side dish and dessert, but why would you have all of that in the same establishment?
There’s a map in his head where every food related store is highlighted in bright neon colours.
A juice and smoothie bar to start the date followed by a true hamburger restaurant, not any of those fast food chains that only serve half of what is shown in the pictures. Far from there, a walk long enough for you to comfortably digest the food, is a stall specialized in fries. Made in a dozens different ways, they are the perfect last savoury treat to eat before ice cream or a pastry.
Asmo recommended him the retro ice cream parlor and Barbatos took him to the traditional bakery once.
If you don’t like burgers or fries, however, there are more places you could go, just tell him! Whichever you prefer, he’ll be fine with it!
His main goal is for you to have a good time with him, after all, and, although food is a necessity to keep his sin in track, he knows it won’t be what will make your first date perfect.
You being his date is what will make it perfect.
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manikas-whims · 23 hours
how Zayne from Love and Deepspace will react when he finds out you're on your period..
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You get a call from the Akso Hospital and are suddenly requested to pay a visit.
You don't understand what's happening but leave your work desk all the same.
The moment you arrive and speak to the receptionist, she informs that you have a check-up scheduled with Dr. Zayne for today.
You're slightly surprised and confused because despite being a little messy, you do keep up with your own schedule, and you clearly don't remember having any such check-ups.
Regardless, you head towards Zayne’s office.
[moments later]
You give a knock on the door to announce your arrival before walking in.
Zayne is already putting down the documents in his hands and by the time you reach his desk, he's scrutinizing you, as if searching for any signs of something off with you.
“What is it?” You ask in frustration. There's a load of mission reports waiting at your work desk that you need to finish and submit this week, and frankly you don't have much time right now.
Zayne merely raises a brow as if offended by your curt tone.
“Sit.” He commands.
You deliberately sigh loudly before taking a seat. “I don't have any check-ups today, Zayne. Why did you call me?”
“Correct me if I am wrong but it must be the second day of your menstrual cycle?” He states so calmly as if making an absurd remark about the weather.
You're quite mortified for a moment. But then mortification is replaced by annoyance. Doctor or not, your periods are your problem and Zayne isn't supposed to comment on how you deal with them.
You narrow your eyes at him. “That’s..none of your business.”
“It is since your captain called up.” Zayne supplies calmly.
“Jenna?” You're confused. Why would she?
“She informed me about your not so peaceful conversation with a guy from the Data Analysis Department.” He speaks, his lips slowly curving up into a smirk.
“Nero was the one who wouldn't shut up!” You tell him.
“And she also informed me how you choked the life out of your coffee mug using your evol. That's a misconduct if I've ever heard of it.”
Okay misusing your evol wasn't exactly right. But crumbling your mug with it did help with the stomach cramps. Even if just a teensy bit.
By this point you’re gripping the armrests of the chair a little too tightly. His knowing smirk isn't helping either. Combining all that with your mood swings enrages you even more.
But before you can lash out at him. Give him the same treatment you gave Nero and your coffee mug. Say something that you'll definitely regret later on, he leaves his chair and comes to stand right in front of you.
“Take the rest of the day off.” He says. Neither a friendly suggestion nor a doctor's advice. Just an outright order. And you don't like that.
“I can’t. I have reports to finish.”
He sighs before fishing something out from one of his desk drawers. Then, he pours a glass of water and comes back to you, offering the said glass along with a pill in his other hand.
You immediately recognize the painkiller and shake your head. “I don't take those.”
“You should.” He says emphatically, nudging the items towards you.
“Absolutely not!” You feel your voice crack a little. You have a lot of work left to do. You really need to get going.
But Zayne isn't deterred by your words. He steps even closer, and speaks in a softer tone. The same one that he uses only on rare occasions. When he's being earnest to you.
“Not taking the painkillers doesn't make you stronger than the rest of the women in the world.” He puts the glass in your hand, and offers the pill again. “You must acknowledge your pain, and work to overcome it in the most efficient ways.”
You bite your lip because he's only being reasonable. You must look like an absolute brat to him.
“Fine.” Your voice comes out a little shaky from holding back your tears as you accept the pill and swallow it.
“Good girl.” He pats your head. “Now let’s get you home.”
You agree to take the remaining day off but he doesn’t need to waste anymore time on you. He must realize that he has his own share of work to do. And you are a responsible adult. You can’t always rely on him. You can do things on your own despite the hardships.
“I can go by myself.” You mumble.
“I know. But let me help. I have the right to help you.”
“You have the right to?” Once more, annoyance begins flaring up in your head. “On what account? Being my personal physician!?”
He smiles softly. Genuinely. “On account of being your friend.”
His admission stuns you into silence and you avert your gaze.
How can he be so kind? He's being so unfair! Now you look even worse of a brat.
You feel ashamed for behaving the way you did.
“Come on.” He beckons, offering a hand.
You hesitate for a moment before putting your own palm into his bigger one.
His fingers curl around your wrist instead and he tugs you forward, helping you stand, his arm now coming to wrap around your shoulder.
“Let’s go.”
He's already directing you out of the room and locking its door when you murmur. “Zayne?”
“What is it?” He asks as he tucks away his glasses into the pocket of his coat.
“Sorry for getting mad at you.”
He scoffs. “It’s understandable in your current predicament.”
You watch him fish out his car keys and speak again. “No seriously. Thank you for everything you do. You're more than just a friend.”
He cocks his head to the side but you still catch him smiling wide this time. “The feeling is mutual.”
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Here it is! Hope y'all like it. I'm still new to writing for Love and Deepspace so bear with me 🥹
Rafayel version coming soon!
=» Love and Deepspace Masterlist «=
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freeuselandonorris · 3 days
❤️ here to request lando/max f, first kiss... pls :)
tysm this is the perfect prompt for nortrell!! i ended up doing a kinda 5+1 here ig? five times they could've kissed and one time they did? idk~
It could have happened years ago, is the thing. Almost has, a couple of times.
There’d been a few nights even back when they weren’t much more than kids, sharing the tiny, basic hotel rooms Ricky Flynn rented out for them after kart races. Nights when they’d watched Naruto on DVD on Lando’s tiny little laptop, cross-legged on the same bed, and Lando would rest his head on Max’s shoulder to see the screen better, so close his breath warmed Max’s cheek. 
Or the first night out they’d had after Lando signed his F1 contract. They’d gone out drinking – the last big night, Lando said, because he’d have to be good from now on, had a reputation to think about – with Theo and a group of Lando’s other mates, some Max knew, some he didn’t. It had all been a bit of a blur after the sambuca shots, apart from the feeling of Lando’s arms around his neck as Max spun him round, whooping. Half a dickhead attempt to make him sick, half genuine delight. Lando’s mouth had smeared wet and slick across Max’s cheek, over his top lip. Max’s breath had stuttered in his chest and he’d dropped Lando from his arms. Lando had bumped his chin off Max’s shoulder, spilling his vodka cranberry down Max’s arm in the process. 
And there’d been lockdown, of course, when they’d seen barely anyone but each other for months on end and sometimes it hadn’t seemed to matter much what they did, because nothing was ever going to be the same anyway. The nights they’d fallen asleep curled in the same bed. Waking with Lando’s sweaty face pressed into the hollow between Max’s shoulder blades. The way Lando stopped bothering to shut his bedroom door fully even when he was wanking, and Max just got used to the sound of his soft, hitching breaths as he walked past to go for a piss. Their tangled limbs on the sofa. Entire days spent watching the Fast and the Furious movies in chronological order because there was fuck all else to do. Lando running his toes idly up and down Max’s bare calf.
The closest they’d come – the most dangerous night of all – had been after everything went tits up with Luisa. Halfway through a night of pizza and self-recrimination, where Max hadn’t done much but occasionally say hmm and yeah but you know what girls are like, mate, Lando had turned to him with a wild and desperation expression and said I just want – I want to not feel like this for a bit, I want to not have any thoughts. I want to not think about it. Max had swallowed hard and patted his knee, shuffled off to the fridge and returned with beers.
Lando’s career goes from strength to strength. Their paths cross every few months. Every time, Max feels the phantom pull of their bodies. Lando’s eyes on his face, tracing a well-worn path from his eyes to his mouth and back again.
Max realises he can’t remember any of the reasons why this is a bad idea.
When he finally lets it happen, it’s almost an anticlimax. There’s no reason for it. No special occasion. Just Max, on Lando’s sofa in his untidy Monaco apartment that smells of cleaning products and cologne. Stone cold sober, apparently in full possession of his sanity. Turning to Lando midway through PSG v Dortmund extra time, and pressing their mouths together. Simple as that.
It’s soft. Just a gentle touch of their lips. He feels Lando’s inhale, the tiny wet point of his tongue-tip. 
He pulls back just enough to look Lando in the eye. Lando blinks. He doesn’t look shocked. 
“Mate,” he says, a breathy giggle. “What took you so long?”
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sxulcxtcher · 1 day
( pathetic stalker sub , bondage , gags , sex toys , guys hear me out i love pathetic men , neglect play , reader is equally as insane as the sub tbh )
of course you noticed his beady little eyes everywhere you walked on campus. from 8 am til 2 pm, it felt as if holes were being burnt into your back.
it was obvious who your little admirer was. it started off as simple coincidences… meeting in the hallways, being in the library at the same time, walking the same way home… he swore to you it was just a coincidence.
that is until you caught him in your room. various garments of clothing have been missing for months now. you purely assumed laundry day messed them up with another guy’s load until you saw a familiar stalker rummaging through your wardrobe.
“e-eeh..? i-i-i sw-swear..! i-it’s not w-what it looks l-liike..!” he nervously rambled, dropping the shirt he had balled up in his hands. he was frantic, almost elated but the rejection… the idea of rejection from you sent him over the edge.
while you always knew that he was a freak, he couldn’t fathom that you were just as equally insane.
how long was he tied there? hours at least. he can’t even remember how you coaxed him into doing this. he simply remembered a kiss and being swayed with your hands… he was so malleable in your hands, god.
for thirteen hours he was cuffed to the headboard of your bed. his legs pried open with a metal bar between them to keep them cracked open. a silk necktie was wrapped around his eyes with an oh-so cute ball gag stuffed nicely in his mouth.
before being captured by you, he bolted to your home right as school ended… he knew every step of your schedule, he lived vicariously through you and knew you’d be working your part time. what he didn’t know was that the cafe didn’t need you today, so you were free to go home… sloppy.
his poor pants were thrown on the floor of your room hours ago with his shirt hiked up to expose his now marked chest. drool staining the remaining fabric stuck on his body.
a toy was shoved so nicely into his hole… a cockring nestled so nicely at the base of his cock, restraining him from cumming. he was convinced the toy was remote controlled from your phone, the way it would vibrate or spin inside him every so often causing his leaky dick to spurt more precum.
he loved the idea of being there. everything about it was almost great… almost. your scent permeated the air, he was laying in your bed, spilling his juices onto your mattress, but the fact that you weren’t there… it definitely dulled his fantasies.
hearing the rattle of the doorknob made him nervous, he was sure it was you but then again - you did live with other people. surely… no one else would walk in, right? fortunate for him, he was right.
you had just finished your part time, since you actually needed to work today. with a soft plop of your bag, you shuffled over to the poor pet on your bed. “was it painful? it looks like it hurts.”
you comment with a tinge of haughtiness in your tone. his poor dick was painfully red and twitching constantly. he let out a rather pathetic cacophony of pathetic noises escaping his lips in response. he felt you kneel onto the bed beside him. he was exhilarated to say the least. he craved anything from you, though he deeply wished for you to defile him - you simply praising/degrading him would suffice.
“poor baby…” you lovingly coo and gently tap his leaky cock with the back of your hand. his body juts up in response. he hadn’t felt touch in such a long time, he almost came from just that.
you hummed in response to his reaction, an amused hum that left him needy for more… “should we let you cum? you have been tied here for an awful long time.”
he eagerly nodded his head in response, wriggling his body closer to yours just because. you narrowed your eyes at his poor attempt of pleading,
“in a bit though… let’s have some more fun here.” you snicker and gently poke the toy deeper into him… he threw his head back into the bed and arched his back up, a muffled yelp barely escaping the ball gag before he finally calmed down.
rather leisurely, you gently tugged the toy out of his hole… prodding and poking at his gummy walls while doing so. “i’m almost jealous… i noticed how desperately you clung onto this toy.” you mumbled, pulling the dildo out with a soft plop. “we’ll get something bigger in here soon.” you snicker.
finally moving up to his top half, he wriggled and shook his head side to side with lewd, muffled groans slipping from his throat. “stay still.” just hearing your voice put him at ease, almost instantly he stopped squirming and laid as still as he could.
extending your hands, you unlocked the ball gag from around your adoring stalker’s mouth. pulling the silicone from his maw, you watched as the strings of saliva connected his tongue to the device break off. “u-uugnnh… ‘sssorrry.. nngsshorry…” he pleaded but was met with a plethora of soft ‘shhhs’
“tongue out, sweetheart.” sweetheart? god, were you tryna kill him? rather compliantly, he shakily stuck out his tongue only to feel your thumb tug on his wet muscle. “let’s make this cute mouth of yours useful.” you hummed. he could hear the rustle of your pants before feeling the warmth of your cock emanating beside his cheek.
he could definitely get used to this <3
hey… this was kinda long ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
i’m in this sorta dark/extremely risky smut mood..? something like that m(_ _)m i’m usually pretty vanilla so this is kinda new
i hope you enjoyed this one as well (*^▽^*) this one isn’t beta read as always so… sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors
i hope you have a wonderful day as always~
- 🎀
how anon is feeding us yet againnnn aaaaaaaaAaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA-
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foreverisntenough · 2 days
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, parenting, self doubt, body image, mention of the word ‘daddy,’ kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant/ baby logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Chapter 16 - Ready for Spain | ‘Ours’
Trent returned back to first team training in the beginning of the week and got to play about 60 minutes at the match over the weekend. In your opinion he played great and looked even better doing it. Trent had been told by the manager to chill a little bit. It wasn’t a high stakes game so he wasn’t going into it maybe with the same exertion he normally would so the internet had a field day. ‘He can’t defend’… yada yada the same old. It usually didn’t bother Trent all that much but after a while the repetition of it just got so tiresome. He was coming home from the match knowing no matter the game he had, the conversation would always be there. There would always be someone saying he played poorly. You felt terrible but all you could do was be there for him. 
“Tough day, pretty boy?” you cooed gently seeing Trent come in the house back from training. You had put Teddy down for a nap so you were sitting by yourself on your living room couch dressed in Trent’s sweat pants rolled at your waist and an Alo bra tank. Trent let out a groan and nodded before he came over and laid practically on top of you. He settled into your embrace nuzzling his face into your neck. 
“It’s so frustrating. There’s nothing to do but it’s like anytime I open my phone. Sky sports say this… Gary Neville says that… I just can’t get away from it.” He sighed, his voice muffled by his proximity to your skin.
“I’m sorry, baby.” You cooed, running your hands up and down his back. He hummed, enjoying the feeling. He cuddled a bit closer to you. “It’s irrelevant. You’re amazing. Teddy and I think you’re the best in the world, baby.” He nodded against you. At the base of his spine you slipped your hands under his shirt to be closer to him, grazing your hands over his warm skin. You wanted to comfort him the best you could. 
“Yeah? Still your baby? Even if I’m a ‘shit right back’” He asked you quietly repeating what he read. He just wanted to hear he was yours He knew he was, he just wanted to hear it. Hear it in your voice, in your accent. One of your hands continued up his spine to his neck, you wrapped your hand around the back of it scratching his skin gently. He closed his eyes and kissed your neck. As confident and strong and often guarded as Trent presented to the outside world, he found that he was able to be softer and more sensitive around you. You let him be vulnerable with you. It was something that Trent never had experienced before he was with you. The safety of letting your guard down with someone. He remembered telling you your first night together he had never called anyone baby in his life. He just was a total melt for you. He remembered the shiver running up his back when you called him each different pet names for the first time. At first he couldn’t believe he was acting this way but he just embraced it. Now, on hard days, the ones where he used to just want to be alone, he just wanted to be with you. He wanted to hear all the mushy things you had to say and you were more than happy to indulge him. 
“Yeah, always my T.” you cooed. You kissed his hair. “My baby, my husband.” you softly cooed again. You felt him shift a little in your arms. You giggled imagining what could possibly be running through his mind after you said that. He pulled away from your neck and placed his chin on your collarbone to look up at you. He smiled. “Just trying it out...” You giggled again. He lazily reached up to grab your jaw with one hand and pull your face down to his. He kissed your lips softly. 
“Say it again f’me, beautiful.” He looked up at you like you were an angel. He loved you so much. He had completely forgotten about all the shitty things happening online. He was soothed into a haze by your touch and the sound of your voice. You repeated it a few times before you got tired. He tucked his face back into your neck and sighed contently. For the moment, he wasn’t Trent Alexander-Arnold the footballer, he was just the man that was going to be your husband and there was not a more comforting thing in the world than that.  
“Want me to make you something to eat?” You cooed softly, rubbing your hand over his head. 
“Nah, stay right here, please” He mumbled against you moving his head onto your chest nuzzling his face into your boobs. You felt like someone in this house constantly had their face there whether it was him or Teddy but right now this was nice that it was him “ I love coming home to you.” He hummed soothed being back with you. It was nice until Trent was back to his old self and feeling particularly cheeky. It started with one peck to your chest, then a slow kiss onto your boob, moving to a bit more of a suck, and then essentially just a bite.
“Erm.. ow! Excuse you? You’re worse than Teddy. That hurt!” You giggled. His hands came around you began to massage your tits. You hummed getting lost in the moment loosing the pain from his bite quite  quickly. 
“I’m sorry, baby. Let me kiss it better, yeah.” He began kissing your chest. He pulled you more into him than he was on you now. You leaned back into him arching your back pushing your chest out. He kneaded your tits gently with his hands as his kisses got closer and closer to one of your nipples. He slyly pulled your top down, your boobs falling out for him. Both hands rolling the buds of your nipples between his fingers. 
“Oh T… fuck.” You let out a whiny cry not expecting this but honestly, you should have. You felt a shiver run through your whole body. He was being so gentle with you but you were so sensitive. He shifted to be behind you and pulled you into his lap. You laid back against him with your legs spread unintentionally. He pulled your legs even further apart though to drape over his, hooking your feet behind his calves to keep your legs open. His arms wrapped around you, hands back playing with your tits. He guided his hands down from your boobs over your stomach and teasingly into your his sweatpants. His fingers danced over your covered pussy and your breath hitched. Trent loved that the tables had turned. He was so vulnerable moments before and now he had you needy and squirming against him. Your head almost felt dizzy. You let out a pathetic whine as he began to stroke over your clit. He began to draw circles over it softly humming in appreciation of the dampened spot on your panties already without him really doing anything. He moved your hair off your shoulder and placed his lips on your neck. He dragged his tongue over your most sensitive spots, nibbling and sucking when he felt like it just to get you to moan.  You tasted so good though, you felt so good, so Trent got a little greedy. His free hand wrapped around your throat and turned your head for a kiss. Your breathing became erratic lost in his kisses, you couldn’t think. Trent never failed to take his time even with his kisses. He was so sweet with you yet simultaneously incredibly dirty. Kiss after kiss, you were so caught up you barely noticed his fingers move your panties to the side he did it so smoothly.  He picked up the pace of his finger now directly playing with your clit. Your pussy was sopping wet now, you were dripping all down your thighs. His fingers managed to be both tender and sweet and harsh and rough all at the same time. Your thighs began to quiver. You slumped back against Trent desperate for a release. He bit onto your neck a little, feeling himself beginning to get harder and harder just from your pleasure. 
“It’s okay, baby. Relax. Cum f’me, yeah? I got you. It’s okay to make a mess.” He whispered in your ear.  The sound of your wet pussy was lewd you had a hard time even listening to your words but you clocked the word 'cum' easily because you were about to.
“Ah fuck! Oh my god, T!” You whined beginning to babble. It was more pleasurable than anything but it was slightly annoying that he got you like this. Your pussy dripping in the living room all from playing with your clit.  “I’m gonna cum, baby. Please let me me cum.”
“Yeah, go on, baby.” He whispered again. The warmth of his breath against your ear, the feeling of his fingers on your pussy, his free hand fondling your tits. You gripped onto his knees hunching forward a little so overwhelmed by the high about to wash over you but your body crashed back against him seconds later. He kiss your collarbone. You whined when his movement became slow and precise. His rhythm was melodic and perfect. You impatiently grinded against his hand. You dropped your head back against his shoulder behind you. Your jaw slacked, your breathing only intensifying. You shut your eyes as white hot pleasure coarse through you. Your orgasm ransacking your every thought. “Good girl.” He smiled smugly, very proud of his handy work and your body’s reaction. He slowed his movements as your pussy continued to spasm. “Such a good girl f’me.” He whispered against your neck with a kiss. He removed his now wet hand and hugged your waist reverting back to his cute cuddly self. You turned your head tiredly to look at him. His eyes were bright with amusement. Teeth, pearly white, shining in his big gin as he breathlessly laughed. You knocked your head back against his chest once more in feigned embarrassment at what just happened.
“Erm… Okay, well.” You giggled a little, turning once more to look back at the gorgeous boy. “Let me make you some food please because now, I’m hungry and I need to get off this couch.” You spoke quietly with a slight laugh, your eyes filled with hearts gleaming up at him.
“Yeah, yeah fine! If you want” he teased, like somehow you making Trent food would be a burden on him. He pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Love you, baby.” 
The Champions League group stages had begun. Trent had played a home match already but the first away leg was approaching and in an exciting draw or, for Trent, a difficult one, Liverpool was playing Real Madrid. You thought it was cute when Trent played against his friends but he didn’t really view it that way. You were going to fly to Madrid with Dianne and Teddy for the match but you figured maybe, just maybe, your best friend had heard about the game and would be there as well. 
“Did you know our boyfriends are playing this week!?” You giggled on Facetime with Lauren. 
“Neither of them are boyfriends. T is your fiancé and Jude is… I don’t know what he is but he’s not a boyfriend, I know that” She quipped back with an annoyed face.
“Oh, you’re no fun! Come on! Joke with meee.” You whined. She smiled seeing you so excited. 
“Fine, Yes, Y/N, I am going to be in Madrid for the game.” She laughed at the enthusiasm igniting behind your eyes. You squealed. “You really think I wouldn’t be there? I am not letting you visit Jude over me.”
“I never know where you are! You’re always on the move!” You responded to her adjusting yourself in your chair at your kitchen island. “It’s not like I’m visiting him, I’m going to watch T but I mean if you two are together…..” You drew out the word putting an emphasis on the fact that when Lauren was in Madrid she was always staying with Jude, she had things at his place, they were definitely together.
“Y/N…. we are not together but I will be there.” Lauren was adamant about convincing you Jude wasn’t her boyfriend but no boy, no matter how nice they were, would do the things Jude was doing for her if they weren't in some capacity together.
“Can you say hi to nana, Ted?” You were walking on the tarmac with Teddy on your hip towards Dianne. The three of you were flying today to go to Liverpool’s clash against Real Madrid. Trent had already made his way to the city with the rest of the team. Dianne, Teddy, and yourself had decided to go on the day of the match.
“Who are these beautiful girls!?!” Dianne came up to you two. “Hello my sweet teddy girl!” She cooed. It was early in the morning and Teddy was still a little tired.
“Hi Di” you gave her a tight hug. “Ready for Spain?” You asked her with a tired smile. You were happy to go. Champions League games were fun no matter what. This was just that much better because you got to see Lauren and Jude as well.
“Yes, we are. Going to go see daddy right, Ted?” She cooed, pressing a sweet kiss to Teddy’s cheek. Teddy yawned and cuddled into your chest more. She was in a cute sweat set and you pouted looking down at her. She was being fairly quiet because she wanted to go back to sleep.
“Yeah, we’re so happy to be going to see daddy.” You kissed her head, rubbing your hand over her back. “Huh, sleepy girl? Ready to see daddy?” You cooed to Teddy. She whimpered out a tired ‘dada’ pushing her cheek further against you attempting to get comfortable enough to fall back asleep. By the time you boarded the plane and got seated operating with one arm as the other held Teddy to you she was out cold. You leaned your head on top of hers. Her tiny chubby arms trying her best to hold onto you. She was fast asleep and you were thankful because you weren’t sure how a tired and cranky 14 month year old was going to handle take off.  She was just fine though. Her perfect lips agape with a little bit of drool already beginning to drop onto your warm skin. You didn’t mind,  you wiped it away every so often for her but it was a lost cause. 
“You’re doing a good job, sweetie.” Dianne cooed from her seat across the way. Trent was nice enough to get you a private plane to take you to Madrid. It was a short flight only about 2 and a half hours but it was nice to have the space and privacy. 
“Yeah?” You responded by picking your head up to look at her. You brushed your hand over Teddy’s hair. You were nervous about what other mums thought about how you were doing. Dianne was lovely but you worried you maybe weren't doing things right or the way they were done in England so you didn’t know.
“Really good, hun. I’m so proud of you.” She cooed again looking at you and Teddy tucked in your seat. She seemed sincere and she was. Dianne wasn’t introverted but she definitely wasn't an extrovert. You got along really well and you were grateful for that. She was like a second mum to you but you of course were curious of what she thought and what she thought was that you were doing wonderful.
“Thank you, Di. It means a lot, honestly. Half the time I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. I just want to keep her happy for him.” You spoke quietly. It was true. You had no idea what you were doing being your first baby but all you wanted to do was keep Teddy happy. Dianne's validation felt incredible. 
“Oh Y/N. You make that little girl so happy. You make him so happy. You’re doing amazing. You should keep her happy for you though not for Trent.” She spoke softly making sure you heard her important words but that you didn’t disturb Teddy. It wasn’t lost on Dianne how hectic her son's life was. That in the middle of the week you were having to fly to another country to see him. It had a lot of perks but just as many difficulties and she was impressed with how well you handled them.
“I’m trying.” You giggled, kissing Teddy’s forehead. You talked for a little while longer but you started to get tired so your answers began to slow. Dianne picked up on your delay and the plane went quiet. Soon you were falling asleep yourself. You hugged Teddy and dozed off. Dianne snapped a sweet photo of you and Teddy cuddled up and sent it to Trent.  
Your girls coming to see you. Lucky boy, Trenty xx
My whole world 😘 See you tn
By the time you got to your hotel room in Spain you were exhausted. You laid Teddy down and called Trent. She had been fussy since you landed. She got so upset when the flight began to descend and you couldn’t really do anything to help. The plane had to land whether she liked it or not. You had a short window to shower while she napped but you hadn’t talked to Trent since you told him you’d arrived so you wanted to give him a call. You could multitask. 
“Oooof wow baby.” Trent cooed ogling at you as you peeled your shirt over your head in the bathroom. You propped your phone on the sink counter to speak with him as you got undressed for your shower.
“This isn't for you. I need to shower before the match.” You giggled still a little flattered by his reaction. You were trying to do two things at once not put on a show for him.
“Oh…” he looked a little hurt but then he smiled at you. “It’s always for me… just a little bit though, right baby?” He cheekily flirted with you pinching his fingers together trying to get you to say that you getting naked right now was secretly for him.
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, pretty boy.” You giggled picking up the phone now that you had sucesfully peeled your clothes off. You told Trent you had to go and got on with your shower as quick as possible. You got yourself and Teddy ready and met Dianne down in the hotel lobby to head to the match. You arrived at the Bernabeu with them after a traffic-filled drive and a spilt bottle of milk. You decided to wear a Liverpool jersey that was now quite messy so you changed into an extra t-shirt you had and Area high waisted jeans with a crystal embellished slit. You wore a pair of Prada red heels to pair with your top. Teddy definitely had started to develop a lot of opinions and in turn she had become a lot more particular about things, clothing included. You put Teddy in her jersey, of course, and thankfully she was happy with that. You assumed it was because she liked that she matched her dad. She had leggings on as well after two tries. She didn’t like the first pair for an unidentifiable reason. You walked up to where the Bellingham family sat up in a box high in the tall stadium. Lauren was already there sat with Jude’s mum. Denise hadn’t met Teddy yet but Lauren and Jude of course showed her plenty of photos. You walked in holding her so that was a give away but she recognized her face immediately. 
“Oh my goshhh, aren’t you gorgeous! You look even more like your daddy in person, huh?” Denise cooed seeing Teddy. She had gotten up from her seat and met you near the door. 
“My dada.” Teddy giggled pulling on your shirt with her grubby hands. She started introducing the word ‘my’ lately. She was clingy and possessive in a healthy baby type way so it was cute. You could tell she was very proud to clarify that Trent was her dad. You hummed to her in acknowledgement.  
“Let me see my cutie girl!!! Hii Ted!!” Lauren sang, jogging excitedly over to you in the box. You gave her a hug and then stepped back a little for her to see more of Teddy. 
“Can you say hi please to Lauren and Denise?” You kissed Teddy’s forehead in encouragement for her to say hello. You had noticed she definitely could get shy around new people and preferred to be just glued to you. You picked up her hand and squeezed it a few times. “Can we say hi?” You cooed. She got out a quiet ‘hi.’ “Good girl. You know Laur, yeah? And we know Judey. Daddy’s friend Jude?” She nodded against your chest hiding her face. “Yeah? You do. That’s Jude’s mummy, okay?”  You cooed softly, beginning to bounce her in your arms. Lauren reached out and tickled her tummy. Teddy didn’t want to but she couldn’t stop her giggles. 
“You like Judey, remember? You talk to him on the phone all the time with daddy, Ted.” Lauren reminded her with a laugh hearing her small giggles. Jude and Trent FaceTimed a lot… like a lot. Often, Teddy was along for the calls. She was usually just laying on his chest but nevertheless she was there. You went to sit down with Lauren and Teddy outside. Dianne and Denise stayed inside catching up. Warm ups for the game hadn’t even begun so you were scrolling on TikTok when you coincidentally saw an edit of Trent and Jude appear on your feed. You turned your phone screen for Lauren to see the video.
“Yeah, if only they knew how fucking annoying they were.” You laughed as you rolled your eyes. It was a thirsty video to say the least. Of course they looked good. They always look good but it was a little bit funny to knock them down a peg when you could. 
“I don’t knowww they’re pretty handsome.” She pouted at the video seeing them yap away together. Lauren grabbed the phone from you to take a closer look. When she reached out for it, you were quick to notice a shiny new Cartier Juste in Clou bracelet on her wrist. 
“Erm… when did we get that?” You prodded at the bracelet. Lauren didn’t acknowledge you she just continued on watching the edit loop for the third time. 
“He gave it to me yesterday.” Lauren said nonchalantly keeping her focus on the phone as she began to scroll through the comments on your phone.
“Erm… Jude did?” You questioned her casual tone. “Were you going to mention this?” You laughed with your jaw dramatically slacked awaiting her explanation.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Y/N. He just gets me little things. He buys stuff for me all the time just to be nice.” She explained resting your phone on her leg and turning towards you with an unimpressed face. 
“Did you hear that, Ted? He buys stuff for her all the time.” You mocked her. “It’s a £5,000 bracelet Lauren, it's not little.” You reminded her. It was really nice of him, that wasn’t what you were saying. You were trying to get her to realize people don’t just do that because.
“I never have so many girls here, this is so lovely. Especially you, cutie.” Denise cooed pinching at Teddy's cheeks eliciting a hearty giggle.
“It’s usually just us and occasionally Toby or Jobe.” Lauren laughed, squeezing Teddy’s chubby arm keeping her giggles flowing. She explained only furthering your confusion about the status of her relationship. 
“We need to see you more. Excited for the big day?” Denise looked at you with curiosity. You were focused on Lauren so you had to apologize and ask her to repeat herself. You spoke about the wedding until the game began. You told her it would be small but still special. You had gotten your save the dates out so she was telling you how much she loved the aesthetic of the cards already. Dianne gassed up how organized you’d been and how little Trent had done teasingly. 
“No, no, he’s been great. It’s just so hard in season so even next month I am flying to New York for a few days to get some things done for it by myself... well and with Teddy, obviously.” You smiled, waving off that Trent wasn’t helpful. You were flying in January while Trent had international duties but then it occurred to you where Lauren would be. “Lauren, will you be in town?” You asked in an cheeky tone. 
“I am spending the beginning of January in New York and then I think I'll be here.” She responded to your question with a sharp smile. You raised your eyebrows. The game ticked on. It was a little firey. It made you slightly nervous when games got this chippy but it ended in a draw. Thankfully to be honest. You weren’t super familiar with the stadium so Denise offered to take you down to the pitch once the final whistle blew. Jude texted Lauren to come down to meet them on the field after. You made your way down and were amazed at the scale of this stadium. Sometimes you wondered how the boys managed to just walk out and perform and look so calm. The stadium was emptying out and you felt stressed still even with the reducing amount of eyes potentially on you now. Trent came out the tunnel first with a sluggish Jude following. They had both changed out of their uniforms. The stadium had basically cleared out by the time they both were done with all their post match duties, only the ground keepers were left. You were sitting on the edge of the back of one of the seats. You were facing up away from the pitch chatting with Lauren. Dianne and Denise stood with Teddy further up in the sections stands. Trent came up behind you and smirked, placing his cheek next to yours. His face excruciatingly close to you made you jump. You could feel his aura encasing you immediately. He hugged you tight from behind. He sighed feeling his body relax with you back in his arms
“Missed you, baby” He whispered and you smiled as he kissed your cheek. He flicked his eyes up to his mum descending down the stairs carrying your little girl. He squeezed you extra tight and you melted.  
“Dada!!!!” Teddy squealed seeing Trent appear behind you. Dianne walked down closer to where you were holding her. She wiggled in Dianne’s arms so she put her down letting Teddy do the last two stairs by herself to reach you two. She ran up to you pulling at your jeans wanting you to pick her up. Trent leaned over the ledge separating you and the pitch and picked her up instead. He held her between you two. “Mama dada.” She giggled, kicking her feet excitedly in his arms.
“That’s right, my Ted. Good girl.” You applauded her. “Happy we’re back with dada?” You asked. You were met with a very rambunctious ‘dada’ from Teddy confirming she was.
“My girls. Did you miss me, Teddy girl? Huh? Were you good for mummy?” Trent asked her a million questions, excited to have her back with him. Teddy didn’t really answer any of them though she just clung to him happily.
“Look at you! Such a big girl now!” Jude came over to you three after he said hello to Lauren which you were a little annoyed you missed the opportunity to analyze their interaction. Dianne and Denise sat in a random row of seats watching you all. “I have her birthday present by the way.” Jude picked up Teddy from Trent, you nodded hearing about the present he didn’t need to get her. “Because you turned one years old! You’re so old now!” He laughed raising her up a little higher than she probably cared for.
“Mama!” Teddy squirmed in his arms reaching back out for you in a moment of panic.
“Ted, you’re okay. You know Jude, yeah?” Trent cooed, reaching out to her reassuring her that she was fine. She didn’t spend a lot of time with Jude in person so she was still trying to connect the dots. She eventually did. She liked hearing him talk over facetimes. She looked up at Jude with big eyes inspecting him once she identified that she recognized him and his voice.
“Hi” she giggled then looked back at Trent who nodded confirming that she was okay. She reached her tiny hands up to Jude’s face. She pulled on his goatee. 
“Ouch!” He laughed holding onto her little arms now trying to get her to not. It didn’t actually hurt of course.
“Can we be gentle with Judey, please.” You cooed, pushing a curl behind her ear. She giggled and pulled his facial hair again. “Teddy girl…” you warned her in a more stern tone. She let go of him. Her mouth a little agape, not sure what to do now. She was a good listener. If you told her no she'd stop but then she didn’t know what to do once she was told that. “Maybe can you show Judey how you give a kiss instead?” You looked at her encouragingly. She pushed her lips out towards him. She smashed basically her whole face into his cheek. 
“That was so nice of you, Ted.” You laughed at the face Jude made. He was taken aback by her version of a kiss. 
“Wow, thank you so much. That was… that was…” Jude couldn't exactly find the words to describe the slobber of a kiss he just received. 
“Really nice of you, baby bear.” Trent finished his sentence for him. He squeezed Teddy’s danging leg. 
“Ted, you didn’t want to wear the jersey I got you?” Jude teased. He gave you a Bellingham jersey back when you were pregnant for her. To be fair, she probably could fit into it now but not a shot Trent was going to let her wear it, especially today. Teddy held onto the hood of his tracksuit with a death grip pulling at it watching you all laugh not understanding what he asked her. 
“Nah, my Ted’s a red.” Trent cooed, prying her hand off of Jude’s hood. 
“T, can we take a picture quick?” you asked. Trent nodded. Jude offered to take it for you so Trent helped you over the ledge dividing the seats and the pitch. You grabbed Teddy back from Jude. You walked a little further onto the pitch. Trents arms around your waist. You leaned your head onto his shoulder. He kissed Teddy’s hair before telling her to say cheese. She didn’t, she couldn’t, but she giggled when you tickled her a little so it ended up being a good picture. 
“Okay Fam!” Lauren yelled out smiling seeing your little family all together.
“Baby bear at the Bernabeu.” Trent cooed taking Teddy from you and lifting her up over his head and then back down. He’d toss her up and she’d scream. He laughed and kissed her cheek. Dianne came onto the pitch and asked to take a photo of the five of you. You loved the idea. It made you kind of emotional but you didn’t let anyone else know that. You gathered and Lauren took Teddy from you, wanting to hold her. Jude held Lauren in front of him and you tucked into Trent. It was crazy that this was your life now. On the other hand, Lauren couldn’t help the feeling pinging in her chest. She was next to her best friend's family, your fiancé, your baby and... this boy behind her, what was he? She joked a lot about it but it was hard to avoid when you’re taking a photo like that. She thought about in 5 years time if someone were to ask her who was in the photo, she’d say the Alexander-Arnold family and then… who? What were her and Jude? It was a fairly early game so Teddy was still wide awake. She stood next to you on the pitch holding your hand above her head swaying back and forth. She kept pulling your arm though once she noticed Trent and Jude kicking a ball back and forth as they stood further away on the pitch talking about the game.  
“Hello!?” You giggled. “Do you need something?” You looked down at her with a smile. She looked up at you with wide eyes and pointed over to them. “Oh I see. You want to go be with the boys. Do you want to play footie with daddy?” You asked standing with Dianne, Denise and Lauren. You called out to Trent and let go of her hand. She eagerly ran towards them with a giggle. Trent crouched down to her level and waited with open arms for her to reach him. He gave her a big hug and then placed the ball in front of her. She kicked it a few times and fell a few more times but it was cute. They were attempting to pass back and forth but you stopped paying attention after a while coming back into your own conversation in front of you. You heard Teddy squeal a bit later so you turned around to make sure she was fun. She was. Jude was chasing after her, actively trying to go slow so he didn’t catch her. 
“Dada!!!!” She screamed with a giggle. She ran to Trent and hid behind his legs. 
“Can’t get away from me, Ted, C’mere!” Jude yelled, running behind Trent and scooping her up. You watched Lauren’s face shift from intent focus on what Dianne was currently saying to a soft pout seeing Jude running carrying Teddy. It was all jokes and she’d never say but Lauren was processing a lot right now. Back on the pitch, they played a game of 2 v 1. Teddy and Jude versus daddy. Jude did most of the work but he’d get the ball to the goal and set it for Teddy to come and kick it across the line. Jude naturally made her do his trademark celebration. 
“Turn, Ted and then we face the big crowd, yeah? Put your arms out like this.” He instructed her pulling her arms up far and wide for her. “Good girl!” He cooed before tickling her tummy. She giggled and dropped her arms trying to protect herself. 
“Baby bear! You can’t be doing that wearing daddy’s jersey.” Trent pouted, making a sad face at her, taking a defeated seat on the grass. She ran over to him swiftly yet clumsily. 
“Dada, no sad.” Teddy cooed worried she had actually made Trent sad. She wrapped her arms up around his neck. She grunted adorably trying to get closer to him. 
“I’m okay, baby. We’re just having fun, okay?” He cooed, pulling her off him to look at her face. She nodded, pursing her lips and pushing them out towards him. “Want a kiss from daddy, now? You beat me in a game and now you want a kiss from me!?!!?” He yelled teasingly as she stood between is sprawled out legs with his hands around her. She giggled in his arms but kept her lips pursed out adamant she got one. “Mwah! C’mon, on my team now.” he instructed her, amidst Teddy's excited response to the kiss.
“Gotta score if you want to celebrate, mate.” Jude laughed standing in front of the goal with his hands on his hips watching Trent standing back up.
“See, Ted, you don’t want to be on his team anyway. He’s mean. You want to play with daddy, right?” Trent rolled a ball in front of her.  They played for ages but Teddy eventually got tired. She pulled at Trent’s joggers not wanting to move any more.
“Dada up!” She whined looking up at him desperately. “Up!” Her eyes beginning to water. Trent picked her up and gave her a cuddle before Teddy tucked her face in the nape of his neck sleepily. He kissed her cheek but didn’t abandon the game, naturally. Trent scored on Jude and ran with Teddy celebrating. 
“Get in! TAA’s take the win.” He held Teddy out in front of him and kissed her dramatically. Lifting her like she was a trophy. She giggled but eagerly grabbed to hold on to his neck when he brought her back down to stay tucked in his arms. 
“You’re the only person I know that is a sore winner. Teddy, be better than this. Be a better TAA.” Jude shook his head as the three of them walked back over to where you all were on the side of the pitch. 
“She is a better TAA.” Lauren cheekily poked at Trent.  
“A better TAA and a sleepier one too. huh?” You cooed, grabbing Teddy from Trent. She yawned and closed her eyes cozying up on your chest. You got all your things together and said goodbye to Denise. Lauren and Jude you were seeing later for a late dinner. Like very late but you were in Spain so maybe just late for you.
“Ted, want to lay with me? Can we let mummy shower please?” Trent cooed with a laugh. He was exhausted after the match laying in the hotel room bed. Teddy was sitting on the floor of the bathroom adamant about being with you but you needed to shower. “Come gimme a cuddle, baby bear.” He asked for her again, sitting up a little to make sure she heard him. That was it. Hearing he wanted a cuddle was all she needed to hear. She was immediately up and running to his side of the bed. He picked her up and tucked her in close to him. “Thank you for playing footie with me tonight. Did you have fun?” He asked Teddy, helping her get comfortable. She nodded, rubbing her face against his chest. Her tiny hands gripping the fabric of his shirt. Trent was focused on Teddy but definitely didn’t miss you exiting the bathroom a little while on in just your panties and a skimpy tank top. “Mmm c’mere mummy.” He cooed, seeing you. You rolled your eyes at his seductive tone but with Teddys instant call of your name you easily gave in. You cuddled with them for a little. Both Teddy and Trent out quite quickly. You were just happy to lay with both of them though. It was late so you needed to have Teddy stay asleep at this point but you also needed Trent to get up now.
“T… Baby, we have to get going. I’m sorry.” you whispered, stroking your thumb over his high cheekbone to wake him. “You promised you’d go.” you cooed, reminding the sleepy boy.
“Well I take it back.” He whispered in response, still keeping his eyes shut. You first felt a tinge of annoyance but then you just felt bad he was so tired. 
“Okay, I’ll tell Lauren we can't.” You softly told him, moving your hand to brush over his hair. You wanted to go out but whatever he needed was more important even if it was his sleep.
“Nah, nah, don't. I’ll go, baby, I’ll go.” He groaned but managed to open his eyes. He looked at you with a sincere but sleepy smile. “I’ll go, wanna take you out.” he cooed and sent you a wink. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t still get you flustered when he did that.  
“Would you mind taking Ted to your mum's room so I can get ready quick?” You asked him quietly, looking at Teddy still soundly passed out on his chest. He hummed a 'yes' following your sightline to her. You watched his eyes wake up more and gleam looking at his baby girl.  “She’s gorgeous, isn't she?” you cooed sweetly both admiring your tiny creation.
“Yeah, absolutely perfect.” He ran his hand up her back, pressing a kiss to her head.
“I love how happy and excited she is by things. Tonight, watching her run around the pitch with you was so amazing. I just want her to stay that happy. She has the most beautiful smile, I never want it to go away.” You gushed about how adorable you thought she was. Teddy could be shy which wasn’t exactly far fetched considering you and Trent’s approach to life but despite her fears, she seemed to want to try things. She’d cuddle close to you but then pull away wanting to go check something out. You appreciated how curious she had become but the smile on her face whilst doing it made it all the better.
“She will. You make her happy, baby. You make me so happy. Trust me, she has a mummy like you, she’ll be happy.” He turned to you, grabbing your jaw with one hand and tilting your head up to look at him.
“Yeah?” You asked him shyly for reassurance. “I love her so much.” You confessed the obvious to Trent.
“Yeah. You know, my mum texted me a photo of you two on the way here. I told her that’s my whole world right there” He explained before he kissed your forehead and then Teddy’s.
“My little Teddy…” You cooed, turning your head out of his hand's grip to look down at her. You pulled her tiny pajama top that had ridden up revealing her adorably pudgy tummy back down. 
“And you, baby. You. My girls are my whole world.” Trent whispered, still keeping his gaze on you. 
“You’re our whole world, T.”' You kissed his shoulder. Even in a foreign country, with you and Teddy with him he had never felt more at home. Trent carried Teddy carefully to Dianne’s room, ensuring he did not wake her. Dianne told you she’d watch Teddy for the night so you two could go out with Jude and Lauren which you appreciated. It was nice and honestly such a luxury you had such a willing family to help you out. You got dressed while Trent was down the hall in a Mui Mui sweater and tiny silver shorts paired with pink metallic Louboutins Trent said were silly to bring to a city with so much cobble stone but you disregarded him for the sake of a good outfit.  It was December but it was still Madrid so definitely warmer than where you’d have to fly home tomorrow. Trent came back into the room and plopped down on the bed. His outfit took about 1 minute in total to pull together. White t-shirt, tan trousers, out the door. 
“Explain this to me…” Trent asked you with a cheeky smile sitting on the edge of the bed inspecting your outfit with you as you stood in front of the hotel room's full-length mirror.
“What?” You picked your head up and looked back at him through the mirror.
“These.” He stood up and walked over to you before he pulled the short hem of the shorts down trying to do the impossible and get them to cover your ass. 
“You don’t like?” You asked him earnestly. Readjusting the waist of the shorts to return them to their original fit, a bit of your ass showing again. 
“Erm… you look good, trust me… you look really good but more in a ‘I want to take these off’ than in a ‘this fit hits.’ way.” He looked at you seriously trying to wrap his head around the outfit. 
“Maybe that’s what I was going for.” You spun around and kissed his lips. He laughed and rolled his eyes. You two joked that often if Trent didn’t ‘understand’ your outfit it probably meant it was good. You left the hotel to meet Lauren and Jude at a restaurant in a lively part of the city that they liked a lot. You trusted them and neither you or Trent knew Madrid so it was where you were headed. 
“Oh I’m sorry, are we interrupting something?” You giggled. When you walked in you immediately saw Lauren stood in between Jude’s legs as he sat on a bar stool. Her arms lovingly draped over his shoulders. Their lips ghosting over each others as they talked because they were that close. Lauren pulled away bashfully.
“Hiii!” You sang your greeting, smushing a kiss to Jude’s cheek. He rolled his eyes at your maternal affection. “Long time no see.” you cooed sarcastically.
“Mrs. TAA.” He kissed your cheek back.  “Just saying… I called this from early. I said Mrs. TAA before Teddy was even born.” He quipped trying to take ownership of something he had no affect on. 
“Jude, everyone in their mother knew this was happening you weren't exactly predicting the unpredictable.” Lauren laughed. He kissed her shoulder and you tried your best not to let your eyes widen. They seemed so… coupley. You did wonder to yourself if this was what they were like all the time and Lauren was just keeping the domesticity of it all hush. “Anyways! I love these!” Lauren cooed pulling on the belt loop of your shorts. You giggled and turned towards Trent to make sure he heard the compliment.  
“Trent is not on board.” you smiled at him smugly then turned back to Lauren to tell her the brand of the shorts. 
“I didn’t say that! I just… “ Trent began to prepare his defense but Lauren was quick to cut him off.
“What!? She looks so good. You’re just dumb.” Lauren dismissed his opinion. 
“I didn't say she didn't look good! Oh my days! Jude, back me up, bro.” Trent tried to get him to join his side of an argument no one really cares about. 
“Nah, this is a lose lose for me if I say anything here, mate, sorry.” Jude wasn’t risking his evening making a comment about your miniscule shorts. You got sat for dinner at a table tucked in the back of the restaurant far away from any chaos that followed Jude around the city. It was nice to catch up with them. You tried your hardest not to ask what was going on between them because you didn’t want to put them on the spot but just the way they were sitting had you dying to talk about it. Lauren tucked in Jude’s arms, head resting on his shoulder talking about the breakfast place they went to the other day. You were transfixed on every slight movement. 
“You gonna pay attention to me at all?” Trent whispered in your ear, sliding his hand over your thigh squeezing the inside. You smirked not realizing you had been so focused on them and not him. You apologized for not being very present.  “Nah, don’t say sorry. Just checking in. Making sure the most beautiful girl is all good.” You hummed letting him know you were just fine before he kept talking. “How do you do it, baby? Every country we go to, you're always the most beautiful girl in the whole place.” He cooed. 
“Stop…”  you hid your face behind your hands. He pulled them down. 
“I’ve been telling you since our first date don’t hide that face from me, baby.” He cooed, holding your hands in his. His finger stroked over your massive engagement ring. You turned your head to look directly at him and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. 
“Best thing I’ve tasted all night.” He whispered, ghosting his lips over yours. You giggled at the ridiculous flirtation. Your dinner ended with you and Lauren begging the two boys that had played 100 minutes of football tonight and just paid for the 2 hour dinner you had at a luxe restaurant to go out to a club. They did not want to go but either you managed to convince them or they secretly wanted to go all along. Regardless, you were now going. You had security escort you out. It’s not like you had not been around this type of attention or media circus before, especially being around Jude, but in Spain, in Madrid, this was a madhouse. Trent kept you tight to the front of him. One arm wrapped around your waist the other draped over your chest. You snuck into a club that had private areas which was important for the boys but in general it was a low key, relaxed place once you got inside. Trent and Jude of course, got stopped entering the club for photos. They stopped but told you and Lauren to head in. Lauren jetted off to the bathroom. Despite your pleas, Lauren told you she’d die if she didn’t go so there you were alone in a club in Madrid. You posted up against a pillar and not long after two men approached you. You hated being outnumbered anywhere but in a club with a language you didn’t speak stressed you out even more. They kept trying to talk to you so you’d give them a polite smile and tell them you didn’t speak Spanish. Finally though you just hit your limit of niceties. 
“I’m getting married and I’m literally a mum, I’m sorry!” You yelled into one of the men’s ears trying to deter them away. 
“No tienes una bebe!” One replied, shocked, ignoring the first part of your sentence. You didn’t speak the language but you could piece together words here and there so you understood what he was getting at. 
“You're way too sexy to be a mum… not with a body like this.” The other man piled on. You shut your eyes not flattered by the compliment but annoyed. Where the fuck were Trent, Jude, and Lauren! You looked down at your phone trying not to pay attention to the man refusing to leave your side. Then in an instant when you picked your head up you clocked a 6’2 angel boy cutting through a crowd of people towards you. 
“Hiiiii!!” You just about screamed wrapping your arms around Jude. Feeling relief wash over you. Jude draped his arm around you. He pulled you closer to him but was trying to play catch up with what was causing the uptick in affection. Of course, the two Spanish men’s jaws dropped seeing him. 
“Es Jude Bellingham! You have a child?” One of the men was shocked and confused trying to deduce if the child you had was Judes. 
“Yes! Yes!” You answered for him. Cuddling up to Jude. He tightened his hold on you but leaned down to whisper to you very confused. 
“What is going on?” He asked in your ear. He looked at the men then back at you and put two and two together so he smiled finally understanding. He difused the situation without bringing up the topic of a child. The men eventually left after a selfie with Jude. 
“Gimme a kiss baby… god, I love my baby mama so much.” Jude cooed teasingly, dropping his hands to your waist. 
“Oh fuck off!” You laughed moving out of his hold. “So ridiculous. I don’t understand guys like that. I told them I’m getting married, I told them I have a child and yet they stay.” You ranted to him. Trent appeared and you just fell into his arms. “I missed you.” you cooed, clinging to him.
“I missed you too even in the 5 minutes we were apart, baby.” Trent laughed pushing strands of your hair behind your ear coming to cup your cheeks. Suddenly the room felt small, the lights dimmer than before. You stared back at Trent and you could feel your heart thumping in your chest. You felt like a magnet being drawn into him. Your lips gravitating towards his without a thought. Your lips pressed into his perfect pout softly kissing him. 
“Sorry…” You pulled away giggling. 
“I’m not… c’mere." He pulled you back into him. His hands dropped down to your ass. “Maybe I like this shorts after all.” He whispered.
“Yeah? I thought you might.” He kissed you again slow but it heated up, your nails dragging over his chest.
“T…” You warned him. “People might be watching.” You were assuming because at the moment you couldn’t take your eyes off him but it was a pretty safe bet.
“I don’t care. Let them watch. I want people to know you’re with me.” His eyes were glued to your glossy lips. His hand movements getting cheekier and cheekier.
“Erm… okay, we’re going to the table. You can join us if you’re ever able to pry yourself off one another. “ Lauren interrupted you. You didn’t look at her, neither did Trent but you heard what she said.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter 🤍 SMUT will return in a big way in the next chapter I think...
Next part - Chapter 17 xx
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pouralaura · 3 days
I wanted to ask you this because I adore your Tav and how you write Raphael. Seriously I can’t get enough of them together. ♥️
We all talk about finding Raphael’s diary, but what if he found Tav’s? Tav who’s all prideful and teases him, acts like they’re not interested in him. Keeps their guard up, ya know? But he snatches up their diary and uncovers that they are anything but uninterested…
Basically just constant gushing, all of those embarrassing, obsessed, horny thoughts written down that Tav would rather die than admit to. ESPECIALLY to Raphael.
Thank you so much for the kind words! I love to write em mutually obsessed in the worst way. down so bad. 24/7 gross about each other.
here's a little something
Tav is out.
She's traipsing about with her companions (far less interesting than she; nuisances toward whom Raphael simply can't help his indifference) around the city, so it's a perfect time to do a bit of reconnaissance. Normally he'd demand this of Korrilla, but he is quite fond of Tav.
And sending Korrilla into Tav's private rooms at the Elfsong won't be quite enough this time. Some clients require a more personal touch -- more exclusive scrutiny.
(And, if he happens to find a delicious little morsel during his perusal through Tav's personal items, perhaps all the better.)
...Also helpful to have his little warlock downstairs to keep watch, just in case his target returns unexpectedly.
So: yes, Tav is out, and Raphael is in. He's poofed into her little bedroom, surveyed her meager possessions, and found...
...what has he found? Not much. Some emptied bottles and a wine glass that ought to be washed, a few books here and there in various states of being read, some dirtied laundry (but in a literal sense, not really what he's looking for).
There is, however, a small leather-bound volume on Tav's nightstand. Unassuming. Perhaps a journal.
He flips open to the most recent page, half-full of Tav's blocky print, and he discovers he's correct. Her writing is smudged inelegantly where he presumes she's rested the heel of her hand against the paper as she moves along. It's poor penmanship. Raphael tuts in disappointment.
But then he takes in the actual content of the page, and...
It's quite the discovery.
Oh, there's no mention of illithids anywhere. No reference to the Astral Plane, or their travels along the Sword Coast beyond a few landscape details. Not even a single acknowledgement of the long-awaited death of Ketheric Thorm.
No, it's something else entirely.
Her language is tentative and blushing at first, but grows more and more lewd as the paragraphs wind on. Such a hard-headed woman -- it's not a compliment -- headstrong and obstinate, keen and incisive...and she might as well have written a name in looping cursive surrounded by hearts all over these pages.
But what name? A lover from her past? Surely not one of her little friends.
Who is this man, who's clearly enchanted her so thoroughly? Tav writes of warm brown eyes and curls she'd like to touch and oh she knows he's absolutely fucking packing under those ugly-ass trousers --
Positively troglodytic language from his favorite little mouse. Raphael scoffs. How curious he is now to uncover the source of her more basal fantasies (aspersions cast on attire clearly notwithstanding). He flips another page, and scans the contents he finds.
Something tells me that man likes the sound of his own name more than anything. I'd say it all he wanted if I could have his mouth on me.
Raphael tastes iron and brimstone as he bites down on his tongue. His piercing gaze darts to the opposite page.
Would hate to stifle his sinful voice, though, even with it between my legs. Wonder if he'd sound the same with his cock buried so far in me he'd cum out my damn nose -- "Little mouse", he'd groan for me --
The devil blinks.
Well, well, well.
So it's he whom the hero of the story fancies so intensely, is it, now? Usually so quick to brush him off, to turn up her nose at his delivery...but ah, how her writing contradicts her demeanor. What a find. What a delight. Raphael's shit-eating grin nearly rivals his erection in size. (Also, yes, he's obviously packing; the little mouse is entirely correct. As if he'd glamour himself a small human cock.)
But he's not able to bask in this delicious revelation for long, as he feels the press of Korrilla's signature sending spell at the edge of his mind, signaling Tav's return to the inn. Much as he'd love to read more -- perhaps alongside a glass of wine, a hot bath, and the willing, pliant flesh of his pretty incubus (in the form of the Archduchess tonight, he thinks, as his cock aches) -- it's time to vacate the premises.
Carefully he replaces the leather-bound volume on Tav's bedside table exactly as he'd found it, snaps his fingers, and he's gone in a puff of smoke and glittering sparks. As if he'd never been there at all.
It's not a week later when he sees her again at the Caress, come to ask another question and draw out her inevitable agreement to his terms once again.
(He's in no hurry. He's not the one with a ticking time bomb in his pretty mortal head.)
It's not until she gets up to leave, her little friends in tow --
"See you later, Raphael."
-- that he makes his move. Stands with them as is polite, sweeps around elegantly to Tav's side as she follows her companions to the door.
Raphael places a hand delicately at the small of her back, giving her pause. Leans in close to her ear, pitching his voice low:
"How I do love the sound of my name more than almost anything else, little mouse. Particularly when it comes from your mouth."
Fingertips drift down further, tracing the line of Tav's hip to a point between decent and indecent -- the lightest of touches; almost-but-not-quite a caress. Raphael watches a flush travel from the apples of the mouse's cheeks down her neck, its trail further hidden by the unfortunately high line of her leather armor.
He thinks he's got her, but then she looks up to meet his eyes, and there's laughter behind her gaze as she delivers her line and exits stage left.
"The quilting on your trousers is ugly as all the Hells."
The devil is left bereft of words as Tav skips off to join the vampling and the Selunite at the door, casting one last (heated? mocking? both?) glance back at him. A wink in exchange for the sneering curl of his lip -- a rose for his thorns; a thorn for his roses.
But his scorn melts into a smirk when she disappears from sight. If it's more than a bit fond, who's to say?
He does love it when his clients put up a fight.
Perhaps he'll bring her to her knees in more ways than one. Give her an eyeful of the expensive quilting she seems to despise so passionately.
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deathblacksmoke · 2 days
Tumblr media
today’s filthy, disgusting thoughts are brought to you in part by a request i got from @somebodyels3 that’s been burning a hole in my brain. liberties were taken (and it’s a little longer than i planned). enjoy a little nicky x noah x f!reader phone sex thingy 🩷
part of the euclid polyverse / 18+ nsfw below the cut
nicky is back home in richmond for a little bit while you’re staying with noah in LA.
it’s a lot of lazy days in — lying on the sofa observing while noah is fucking around in the home studio, sprawled on the living room floor or on the couch having anime marathons, mid-afternoon naps all bundled up in bed with the AC blasting.
an early morning make out session in bed — slow grinding bodies, whispered praises, and roaming hands — devolves into something else when there’s an unbearable, painful pang in your chest.
“i wish nicky was here.” you say. you just can’t help it. it’s the only thing you can think about sometimes, how wrong it feels to be doing anything without him, how incomplete it all is. noah’s expression lets you know that he feels largely the same.
“i miss him too, sweetheart.” he responds, pity in his tone laced with what you know to be sadness. longing. the a lot goes unspoken, but you know it’s meant to be there. the so much is unsaid, but it doesn’t need to be. it’s clear in his tone, in the energy that lies heavy over everything when nick is gone. noah misses his boy just as much as you do. a gentle hand strokes your side, drawing you closer to him. “only a few more days until he’s back with us.”
you let yourself sink into him, barely soothed but happy to at least be here with one of your darlings. you love him so much and he is so good to you; he deserves to feel appreciated even if there’s a pit of misery in your gut as well as his.
it’s a comfort to the both of you when you start making your descent down his body, placing kisses to his exposed skin until you reach the waistband of his sweats. his belly tightens and relaxes beneath your palms and it dizzies you. his sigh when you pull down his waistband and sink your mouth onto him sends a rush of blood to your head — you almost miss the distant ringing and a familiar voice.
“hey, no.” comes a voice that can only be nick’s, and an excitement buzzes through you. you remain focused on your task, hoping to hide the sudden thrumming beneath your skin caused by the sound of your love’s voice. it’s something you’ve discussed before, for when the boys are on tour. you didn’t know it would be so soon, or like this, but you can’t find it in you to be displeased. you don’t want to.
“hi, nicky. we miss you, baby.” noah tells him. you work your mouth further down on him to distract yourself, wait your turn. noah gasps, it breaks off into a moan and he sounds so pretty — you find yourself basking in the sound of nick’s sweet laugh.
“i miss you both so much.” nicky responds, and you feel a little pitiful. you wish he was here. you miss him more. “what are you two doing?”
“our darling is a little occupied.” noah says as he runs his fingers through your hair, pushing it away from your face. you flit your eyes open to meet his, and there’s something mischievous in his eyes. you do your best work, gagging on him and feeling your eyes brim with tears. “do you want to talk to her?”
“please.” comes nicky’s reply without pause, and you feel as your cheeks heat. noah hands the phone down to you, but he shakes his head, a hand on the back of your head when you try to lift your head up. it becomes clear what he needs from you, as you work harder, sloppier, noisier for the both of them. “oh, sweet girl. our noah is putting you to work, huh?”
normally you’d nod, and he’d tell you to use his words, but you have a task and he’s not here. all you can do is whine, and nick’s groan is so unmistakable, and you really wish he was here with you. you wish he was here to help move your head on noah and hold your hair back how you know he likes to.
noah takes the phone back, clicks it off speaker and puts it up to his ear. it’s torment, but it only serves to make you work harder, make both of your boys happy and proud.
“yeah, nicky, her mouth is so good. you miss it, don’t you?” you wish you could hear the other end of the conversation — you wish you could hear nicky. the way he speaks to noah, so gently and so teasing, the way noah tenses and relaxes. you need to know what he’s saying, what causes noah to tighten his hands in your hair and buck his hips into your mouth. “i wish you were here. we wish you were here.”
almost none of the attention is on you other than noah’s hand in your hair, lost in flirty conversation with nick. envy courses through you and you find yourself needing noah to finish. the sooner he does, the sooner you can get the phone back and nick back in your ear. you pull almost all the way off, sliding your tongue through noah’s slit and basking in it when he yanks on your hair again and releases a painful, broken groan. there’s barely a tug on your hair as a warning when noah spills down your throat.
it’s with pleasure when you crawl back up his body, kissing him deeply before snatching the phone from his hand and putting it up to your own ear.
“come back soon, nicky.” you say. his breathing is heavy in your ear — it seems you interrupted something. you’re pleased to help him finish, too. “you miss my mouth too, don’t you, honey?”
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wannabanauthor · 2 days
Based on @kirkaut ‘s post
I wrote a little unedited snippet for BuckTommy. Hopefully I’ll be able to complete it before Season 8, if I remember:
Buck’s mouth goes dry as he’s introduced to this mountain of a man who happens to be the same height as him.
(Insert Tommy description here)
“Hey, newbie, I’m Tommy Kinnard, your trainer,” the mountain speaks in a deep voice that could drop Batman’s panties.
His neutral facial expression makes him look even hotter.
Hotter? What?! No!
“Hey, I’m Evan Buckley. Most people call me ‘Buck’,” Buck replies and shakes Tommy’s hand. He’s entranced by the man’s blue eyes that he shakes for longer than he intended.
Tommy pulls his hand away with a slight smile. “Come on, let me show you around, Evan, and introduce you to everyone. Oh, do you mind if I call you ‘Evan’?”
You can call me whatever you want, Buck thinks. “That’s fine.”
With every step Tommy takes, Buck can see every muscle on the man’s body clearly defined. He makes a mental note to ask him about his workout routine. Buck wouldn’t mind adding more muscle to his own physique.
In more ways than one, his subconscious whispers softly softly that he barely hears it.
His eyes glance down by chance, and he definitely needs to know Tommy’s workout routine because his ass looks better than the famous marble sculptures in Italy.
The low timber of Tommy’s voice washes over Buck like something he can’t describe. He likes listening to the man talk and is glad that he can multitask so he’s not missing out on the information Tommy gives him.
He’s thankful for familiar sight of a red fire truck, and Tommy goes into explaining all its details and features.
“These can weigh up to 35 tons,” Tommy continues as if reciting a speech from memory. He looks so focused and serious, and Buck can’t help but tease him a bit.
“You look like you could bench that easily,” Buck says while his eyes sweep over the man’s large frame.
Tommy pauses for a moment and raises an eyebrow before continuing to list everything they keep inside the truck.
Tough crowd, Buck thinks.
Once the tour and introductions are over, Tommy shows him the locker room and where his assigned locker is.
“Look, kid, you’re young and new here, so let me give you some advice: This job is serious so you need to treat it seriously. However, leave some room for levity or the heaviness of what we deal with everyday will consume you. Find the right balance for you, but for now, you’re on probation, so you need to be on your best behavior, or else you’re out of here,” Tommy says as Buck puts his stuff in his locker.
Buck nods along then turns to face Tommy. “Sir, yes, sir,” he says with a mock salute.
Tommy crosses his arms and frowns. “I used to be in the army.”
Buck drops his hand with a look of horror on his face. “Great way to start a new job,” he murmurs.
“You did it wrong,” Tommy points out. “You’re supposed to make two fists and place one on your chest and the other on your back.”
It takes seconds before it clicks in Buck’s brain, and he looks to up to see Tommy grinning at him.
Buck smiles back at him, his pearly white teeth showing. “Big anime fan?”
“Of course,” Tommy says with a big smile that briefly makes the sun illuminate his presence, or at least that’s what happens in Buck’s head.
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nhasablogg · 2 days
Lace shirt
Fandom: Red, White and Royal Blue
Characters: Henry/Alex
Anonymous said: I had a little prompt where maybe Alex and Henry are getting ready for an event and one of them is tying the others tie and fixing their collar and discover that the other is ticklish ??
A/N: Changed it up a little bit!
Words: 800
Alex is wearing a lace shirt which leaves little to the imagination and all Henry can think of is that he wants to rip it off of him right now. It’s all black, collared and loose on him, the perfect size for Henry to easily slip his fingers beneath it which he’s done one too many times since Alex tried to start getting dressed.
“We’ll be late,” Alex says with a laugh as Henry once again pushes up the hem of it to splay his fingers over his lower belly.
“The parade isn’t going anywhere,” he replies, although he knows it will be in poor taste to arrive late to their own makeshift pride parade, which they have worked tirelessly on the past few months. It was Alex’s idea to play around with their usual suits for the occasion. Henry’s attire is much more tame than Alex’s, with illustrations of oil paintings where men are kissing all over it. Alex says it’s more fun and creative, but Henry is too blinded by how hot he looks in his to see it that way. 
“What tie should I wear?” Alex asks and redirects Henry’s attention to the two on the bed.
Henry reluctantly lets him walk away, hands slipping out of his shirt and hanging hopelessly by his sides. “I still think you should wear a collar.”
Alex snorts, although Henry can see the heat rising on his cheeks and grins at him. “I need to look somewhat put together, you know.”
Henry approaches him, eyeing the options. One is dark green, a color that looks incredibly good on him. The other is light pink, a color which coincidentally matches some of the hues on Henry’s shirt.
He picks it up and beckons Alex over, wrapping it around his neck wordlessly. Alex stays still, eyes glued to Henry’s face, although Henry makes a point to keep his own on the tie as he works the knot. Alex had been surprised that he knew how to tie a tie so well. “I reckoned you had people doing that for you,” he said and Henry had rolled his eyes before kissing him silly.
He’s tied Alex’s tie for him before. He had a theory that Alex wasn’t as bad at it as he pretended to be, but who was he to complain? He leans closer now, Alex’s scent so intoxicating, and he lets his finger brush over Alex’s throat mostly as an attempt to regain his composure, because he knows Alex will recoil with a whine and look at him with that stupidly beautiful grin. Henry grips the tie tighter to keep him in place and watches the flicker of panic on Alex’s face as he tries to determine whether Henry will do that again.
“Don’t,” he tries, even though Henry knows he doesn’t mean it. “We really can’t be late.”
Henry tilts his head. “Let me fix your collar.”
Alex scrunches up his shoulders as Henry slips his fingertips between the collar and his neck, dragging them gently over the skin in a way he knows tickles like crazy. “Oh my god, wait-”
There go the giggles, giddy and high pitched and making Henry want him even more. Alex grips his elbows, but doesn’t push him away, and so they sway on the same spot, back and forth depending on how Alex tries to evade him. He’s doing a poor job of it, but Henry doesn’t call him out on it. Instead he zeroes in on that spot on his right side, insisting that he needs two hands to fix it and curls his fingers repeatedly over the whole area.
Alex tries a new tactic and leans his head forward, so close that their foreheads are touching now. Henry can feel his laughter in his bones. Can feel Alex’s hands nearly crushing his elbows as his grip keeps tightening. That stupid lace shirt. This ridiculous pink tie.
“Let me fix the back too,” he says, grinning when Alex whines and shivers as he runs his fingers over the nape of his neck. He leans back to try to block him which leaves his throat perfectly exposed. Henry has never once resisted the opportunity to press his lips to it thus far, and today was no different.
“Henry, please,” Alex finally begs, pushing at his chest, his laughter melting into something different. “I don’t have time to be horny.”
And Henry laughs only because he knows it’s true and because he knows he will tear this stupid tie off of him in approximately eight or so hours. Henry has always been the patient one of them, although he carries that badge quite reluctantly now.
“The pink one,” he says as he straightens, straightening the tie all the same. “It looks quite good with the shirt.”
Alex clears his throat. “Thank you.”
“Oh, my absolute pleasure.”
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idontplaytrack · 3 days
Janis shows up drunk at Regina (or reader, depending on what you want ig) and she is just a really dumb drunk, and Regina takes care of her, pretending to be annoyed but finds her to be weirdly endearing and cuddly 🫶😭
It’s You That I’m Missing
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George
Warnings: drinking, angst & fluff, coarse language
They no longer hate each other. But it still gives Regina a shock of her life that Janis shows up at her door, drunk off her ass
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Regina was sat before her vanity, doing her nightly skincare routine when she heard a string of obnoxiously loud knocks come from the foyer. She contemplated ignoring it, obviously not expecting anyone to be over at her place, at this hour of the night no less. It was nearly eleven.
The same string of knocks were heard again, followed by a, “Hello?”
Regina’s ears perked up as she sat up straight, squinting. Quickly, she stood up and peeked out the window. What on earth? She hurries downstairs to let the girl in. “Oh. Good, you’re home.” She laughs, evidently drunk.
“What are you doing here, Janis? Why are you alone?”
“I’m always alone.” Janis laughs again, dryly.
Regina squints, telling her to sit down. Janis plops down on the couch. “Where’s Damian?”
“He has the flu.” Janis answered airily, finger wagging around. Regina hesitated, but sat down anyway. “And where the hell did you go?” Regina says but quickly bites the inside of her cheek. “Nowhere. I drank—” Janis inhales sharply, “At home, then I came allll the way here.”
Regina asks, “Why?”
“I…I don’t know, Gina.” Janis sighs, throwing her head back against the headrest.
‘Shit’ Regina thought, ‘That nickname. I haven’t heard that in years.’
“I know we don’t hate each other anymore, but why did you just show up here like that? The girls don’t even do that.”
Janis groans, facepalming, “I don’t know. I don’t know…why I decided to come here. I was bored— then your address was somehow the only one I remembered.”
“What? Come on, you don’t have to lie.”
“Lie, for what?” Janis looks at her right in the eye, “You know what I don’t get? That I can’t seem to forget you calling me that fucking name in middle school for months. You knew it was wrong, and yet you did it. That is so fucked up— being a kid was no reason for you to do it.”
“Janis…I’m sorry.” Regina apologizes. She wasn’t even shocked.
“Yeah, it won’t cut it. It’ll always stick with me and it sucks because I have someone who loves me now and I love her. So damn much, but it still haunts me.”
That, shocked Regina. Regina didn’t know that Janis had been dating someone. You.
“You meant the world to me and you just became my biggest bully overnight.” Janis laughs at the end— a little thing she had when drunk. “But whatever right? Let bygones be bygones? Everybody loves you now, but yet people like me, like my girlfriend have to be so careful about where we go because some people hate people like us. “Janis, you don’t have to forgive me. But if there’s anyway I can make it up to you, please. Tell me.”
“There’s nothing you can do.” Janis answered bluntly, “I honestly don’t know why I came here…thinking things could somehow be different. But the truth is? Things will never be the same anymore. They haven’t been since the second you called me that name— along with everybody else.”
Regina was stunned into silence. She also recognised this behaviour of Janis’. How she’d avoid crying by laughing it off. “Me coming here was a mistake. I shouldn’t even be talking to you. I have y/n now.”
“Where is she?”
“That’s all you have to ask me?” Janis bites back a scoff.
“Why isn’t she taking care of you? You’re wandering the streets alone.”
“She couldn’t come over to my house. Her parents were arguing and she couldn’t leave.” Janis blinks profusely, “I should— I should probably go.”
Janis tries to stand up but Regina stops her. “No, stay here for a bit. Until you sober up.”
“Okay.” Janis pouts, snuggling up in a corner of the couch. Regina couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, her heart melting. “Do you feel like you might throw up?”
“Are you nauseous?” The blonde asks again.
“Ohh, yeah.” Janis realises.
“Alright, up we go.” Regina focused on getting her back on her feet and to the bathroom down the hall. They sit in silence for awhile. Until Janis threw up a bit. “My God, how much did you have to drink?”
“I…lost count.” Janis says, eyes drooping shut, “After three.” She holds up her three fingers in front of Regina’s face but she could barely hold her own head up.
‘Damn it.’ Regina sighs internally.
“I wanna sleeeeep.” Janis whines.
“Okay.” Regina helps her up and into her own bedroom. “Sleep.”
“In your bed?”
“Well, would you rather be on the floor?” Regina snarked unintentionally, catching herself too late, “What if you feel sick again and need to get up?”
“If you want me to sleep in the bed, I’ll sleep in the bed.” Janis didn’t put up too much of a fight anyway.
“Good.” Regina says flatly, “Just sleep.” Once Janis crawls under the covers, Regina does the same beside her, contemplating putting a bolster between them but Janis kept her distance and faced away already so she just allowed herself to start drifting off.
“Good night, Janis.”
“Night, Regina.” Janis murmured.
“Oh, God. I showed up at your door out of nowhere and you just let me sleepover?”
“Because it was late and you were drunk off your ass.” Regina reasoned, “Sit down and eat your breakfast.”
“Aw, you made me breakfast?” She teases.
“I can throw it away if you don’t want it.” Regina plays along.
“Didn’t say that.” Janis sulked and sat down at the table, “Thanks.”
What Janis told her last night wasn’t forgotten but she wasn’t going to bring it up again. Janis was now back to her usual self— she didn’t want to upset her again. All Regina could do from now on was to focus on being a better person and not hurt someone else again.
“Last night, you told me you were dating y/n. I didn’t ask, you just…told me. And if you didn’t want anyone to know—”
“Ah, it wasn’t like we were hiding it anyway. We just don’t really…do PDA.”
Regina nods, “How’s your head?”
“Feels like it could explode.” Janis jokes, shoving a forkful of pancakes into her mouth. “Take an Advil before you go. Do you want a ride?”
“Nope, thanks.”
“Do you need a ride?”
Janis glares at her, exhaling, “No. I’m gonna walk over to y/n’s after this.”
“Oh? She lives nearby?”
“Yes, she does, Regina.” Janis smirked, “I’m surprised you even knew who I was talking about.”
“I know people outside of my own circle, Janis.” Regina replies, feigning offence.
“Not that.” Janis stifles a laugh, “It’s just that she’s more of an introvert. She doesn’t really talk to that many people often. Obviously, you two haven’t talked.”
This was the most time the ex-best friends have spent together since middle school. It was bittersweet— Janis missed her best friend, someone who was hers, someone who she thought she could spend the rest of her life with. But what did little Janis know? Nothing much. Now older, she knew better than that. Some stuff’s just gotta hurt until it doesn’t anymore.
Regina misses her too, but knew after last night that she was definitely never getting that friendship back ever again. Life had to go on. But that didn’t mean that they couldn’t be on good terms now. Acquaintances.
After breakfast, Janis departs. “I’ll see you around, Janis.” Regina brings her to the foyer. “Yep.” Janis nodded, giving the girl a crooked smile, “Thanks for uh, watching out for me last night and breakfast.”
“You’re welcome.” Regina flashes her a similar smile. Regina hesitates, but Janis was engulfed in a hug eventually. After an initial shock, Janis hugs her back. “See you, Jay.”
“See you, Gina.”
With that, Regina watches the brunette leave before shutting the front door and continuing with her day. Her heart ached, but she also felt knowing that she had some sort of closure from the monstrosity of a situation back in middle school— she had a crystal clear understanding of where Janis stood regarding the situation and where she herself stood in Janis’ world. Nowhere like before, but now better than it has been for years.
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@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: Can’t sleep, but at least something came out of it lol😓
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