#can’t wait for nerdy prudes
wigglys-dikrats · 1 year
a year ago today i was watching a vine compilation and saw the ‘i don’t wanna do the work today’ clip for the thousandth time
i knew that it was lauren lopez, and i knew she had played draco in avpm which i had watched a decade previously
it piqued my interest and i looked up and watched firebringer and i am so glad it was the show that got me sucked into the wild word of starkid
i watched all their shows over the course of a few days, completely awestruck with everything they’ve created
i’ve been in this batshit crazy fandom for a year and love starkid more every day because it feeds into my already existing insanity in the best way
happy to be here, y’all! and looking forward to everything these goons have to offer in the future!!
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icetobes · 10 months
this is very important my 6 year old brother drew the lords in black !!!!
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uncle wiley 😭🫶🏻
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
Bryce Charles is too fucking talented
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alicewoodward · 2 years
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This is how I win
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
i really hope that when we get the lords in black song on the soundtrack they mix that song to Hell And Back!!
like there’s so much potential for that song to do the thing where it switches between ears when you listen with headphones yknow??
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lestatdelioncourte · 2 years
maybe won’t be able to watch the npmd digital ticket until thursday….the horrors
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devintrinidad · 11 months
i need you to know i’m now getting insta reels about ur little clown guys
Enjoy them!!! Or watch the pilot at your leisure!
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familiarpiperscall · 2 years
Love how two different sets of people I follow on tumblr are about to go absolutely feral about things I won’t watch over the next few days
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imagionationstation · 5 months
I’m sharing this with you cause none of my friends like Tmnt and I wanna share this.
Two of my dumbest headcanons.
Both Raph and Donatello are HUGE musical theatre fans. Raph’s favorite is Heathers, Little Shop of Horrors or Sweeney Todd. Donatello’s favorite is Hadestown, Be More Chill or Nerdy Prudes Must Die.
I like to imagine Raph is huge on self-care and has a skin care routine that’s like…20 steps (maybe not that but it’s a lot lol) and when his brothers are having a hard time (ex. Donnie stays in his lab too much, and doesn’t take care of himself, Leo is feeling down maybe about Splinter etc etc) he forces them to do a self-care day with him.
idk I think these are silly lol
It’s so ironic that you’re commenting about having to share your stuff elsewhere because the people around you don’t get it because MAN I have had a night. Let’s just say that being the only person you know with an interest in something can be difficult.
I love dumb headcanons <3
My favorite part is how difficult they are for me because I am the poster board of every meme of everything needing to make sense:
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If anything feels SLIGHTLY off in my headcanons, my brain makes stalling noises. BUT THESE AREN’T MINE.
So take that brain.
I enjoy a few musicals, but I haven’t heard of half of the ones that you listed, so I wouldn’t know for sure if it would be up their alley or not. It’s amusing to imagine them sitting in Donnie’s lab, trading musical preferences to see which ones match up. Their brothers will never heard the end of it when they do. 🤣
NAH WAIT. I can’t get the image out of my head of them tied up as Raph helps them “relax.” One of the few ways that he knows to say “I love you you need to take care of yourself” is by sharing what he enjoys, even if they don’t care. He will make them care.
And the worst part is somehow it always works.
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I took notes on my thoughts while watching Nerdy Prudes Must Die because I did the same for Black Friday
DAMN Jon said “I am a TENOR”
I literally can’t get over how good he sounds
Bro these songs SLAP
Damn Mariahs hair is so long
Pete is such a mood
I’m literally terrified of being pantsed so bad
Omg hey Kim
When Cory enthusiastically agrees I’m dying
Omg Max likes Grace???????
Wait that’s so cute
Wait why’s he kinda fine
“His name is Jesus Christ” HELP 💀💀💀💀💀
It’s giving Apex Predator (from Mean Girls)
My jaw is on the floor the way Cory is talking to her
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?” ME LMFAO
The way hes like “this is about thermodynamics” me me me. I hate when people make jokes about the things we’re not even talking about.
Study date????????
Joey Richter my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
When Max enters and the crowd cheers
Max literally has a God complex
Why is Kim everyones mom?
“Walen place”?????
“Mom will you pass the butt stuff????” HELP SHES BEEN CORRUPTED
Awwww Grace is experiencing Catholic Guilt™ ❤️❤️❤️
Girl wdym “he’s gotta go”???
Laurens character is bisexual???????
“WAIFU MATERIAL”?????? I literally can’t get over Jons character
Wait Grace is a little fucked up actually
Wait since the Waylons built hatchetfield high and the starlight theater, could they have cursed the town somehow? Like I know about the evil brothers or whatever, but I’m not super familiar with the lore
Wait I kind of love Grace now
Mariah slays
“Am I reading as Ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?” AWWWWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“Your fucking useless Pete.” Tgwdlm???? In MY npmd???? It’s more likely than you think
I’m very suspicious about how fast they seemed to put the plan together…
I know the plan wont work and Im so nervous I’m getting secondhand embarrassment so bad rn
I need Max Jagerman actually
Awwww Max is a Theater Kid ❤️❤️❤️
I love how upbeat this song is
Omg Dan and Donna!
Slay Mayor Lauter
His reaction to being asked to the game is giving- “she asked me for the time” “no way” “way :D”
I like that the football team has only 2 players
I love when actors walk through the audience, but ESPECIALLY here when hes stalking Richie bro looks so good
Listen I know he’s about to kill Richie but HES SO FINE HELP
Im literally so Gay bro
When she says hes not hot anymore girl speak for yoursef
Please let Grace swear
Oh fuck they’re giving themselves away
Grace Chastity said “acab”
Cory needs more songs
Damn who is this girl in a trenchcoat 😍😍😍
Random side note but what happened to Robert? I was just thinking about how I wish we could see Hidgens again but is Robert still a part of Starkid anymore? Is he on to Bigger and Better things? Does anyone know what those are? I’d love to continue to support him.
The invisible bird. Literally high school theater
“Heahs the thang about ah bahbecue”
“Ah wawna remember who ah ayum”
Ruth is so real for not know when to do the lights bc the cue lines were wrong
Ugh Laurens voice is so good and I know ive said that about pretty much everyone but it’s true
I know shes about to die rn
The red lighting gave it away
Why did Kim scream like that
Awww Grace has religious trauma now ❤️❤️❤️
He gave her his number❤️❤️❤️
Hot chocolate boy!!!!!!!! I knew Peter was the hot chocolate boy but still
This duet is EVERYTHING
Obsessed with the fact he called MARIAH ROSE FAITH a MEAN GIRL
“Axe wielding maniacs?”
The Waylons did not dig that shit very deep…
im so sorry Zombie Max is So Fine
“Let me check my Christmas list”
“What do you want steph?” MORE tgwdlm? In MY npmd?
I feel bad for not knowing all their names
Max says bitch a lot
Damn this show is long
Omg this is so sad im tearing up a lil
Max is so fucking funny
Damn Grace is seducing Max this is hilarious
Fuck Grace Chastity or kill some nerds? One of the many difficult decisions in life
He decides to fuck Grace Chastity
Thats some fuckin Macbeth level shit
Kims teacher character is so cute awwwww
Paul and Bill dance Chaperones??????
Oh nvm that’s Jason
I don’t think I ever mentioned it but the dancing is really good
It’s very clean and crisp
In the last 2 hours I very quickly developed a massive crush on Will Branner
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showtoonzfan · 10 months
Anyways I want to talk about Nerdy Prudes Must Die real quick, Starkid’s recent Hatchetfeild musical. I love the show, it’s amazing in so many ways, I can’t say much about it that others haven’t already said so I won’t be really vocal about how good it is, at least yet. That’s why I really want to share just a few criticisms or nitpicks I have, cause I don’t see a lot of people talk about that and I’ve personally been itching to get these out lol. Keep in mind I love the musical to death and I just want to see if other fans have the same opinions I do or not, if you disagree that’s fine! Spoilers for the musical!
- My biggest complaint is that I feel like Stephanie doesn’t get enough screen time. Not that she’s not developed or fleshed out, but after rewatching NPMD a million times you’ll know that the two main characters that get the most screen time are Grace and Pete. (Especially Grace cause she steals the show, not in a bad way tho). However, Steph is supposed to be a main character but to me she kinda feels like a side character pushed to the back. I’d say this starts when the kids plan to prank Max, and moving forward she eventually goes from someone being at the front to a follower until the near end where they have to summon the lords in black. I will say of course it does make sense, for a cast like this you have to move main characters to the back to leave room to develop others, that’s fine, but I still can’t help but feel that Steph lacked more.
I think of all characters she should have gotten her own song too, I was disappointed to hear that she actually DID have one and even a reprise until it was cut. Jeff had said it was about her being a popular kid and how she struggles with that, and I think it would have been really interesting to see, it would have added more. Though of course cut songs are cut for a reason, Jeff had said it didn’t fit or add anything but it’s still something I wish we had.
- Some fans have already said this, but it is distracting how glossed over the deaths of the characters are, mainly Ruth and Richie. Max’s death makes sense here, because he was a jerk and the theme of how the town and the kids didn’t care for him when he died and glossed over his death was done on purpose, but for Ruth and Richie…the characters they were actually friends with didn’t seem to care. For starters after Richie dies no one notices he’s gone, and when the gang do find out he dies, nothing really comes of it other than a “wait Richies dead?” Then the characters just move on, Ruth dies and the same thing happens to her, only a “wait she’s dead?” line and that’s it. Pete was the closest to these two and we don’t even get to see him mourn, or a simple line indicating that. I don’t blame the characters themselves but if you asked me if I thought the writing for the musical was just a teensy weensy rushed, I’d say yeah.
- That also leads to my other problem, “If I loved you” feels misplaced. The song itself is good but it takes place legit right after Ruth dies, a character who got an amazing send off. There isn’t time to process it at all because now Pete and Steph are arguing over their relationship, and after that Grace bursts in to kick off them leaving. I feel like “If I loved you” should have been placed before “Just For Once”, that would have been slightly better.
- Okay so this is just a nitpick but I didn’t like “Best of You”. For a horror musical (especially for Hatchetfeild) it feels VERY forced and preppy and it just threw me off I’m so sorry. That’s why I was thankful “Dirty Dudes Must Die” was the true ending because that fits more with the universe and the tone of the show. I guess it makes sense though because Jeff had revealed “Best of You” was an in universe pop song that the students were just singing, so after I heard that it made perfect sense on why I thought it was so cheesy lol because it wasn’t supposed to be a song for the show itself.
Still like some others have said, the way everyone is so happy in the ending throws me off. I get that they establish a few weeks had passed but after ALL of the hell the characters went through only to cut to them carefree at prom it’s….off putting. Like Steph is literally an orphan now and Pete’s friends are dead. And it doesn’t get addressed or acknowledged AKSKKSSM 😭
And that’s pretty much it regarding issues I had with the musical. It’s damn near perfect, I just think the script is a little rushed and the pacing is kinda all over the place. Other than that? It’s amazing and I’ll definitely talk about it more soon. Feel free to disagree with me!
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amorhedera6 · 9 months
this is so self indulgent but fuck it. nerdy prudes hunger games au. except they’re all victors and meet in the capitol bc i love angst but not that much.
tws for violence death and child murder, all the expected hunger games tws
it’s long as hell so under the cut!
stephanie lauter is the daughter of a victor from district 7. her father holds the record for victor with the most kills and he takes great pride in it. he was elected mayor by snow and she doesn’t want to know what he did to get it. she’s not blind, she knows exactly how corrupt her father is. he wants her to volunteer and follow in his lead, but she refuses. when she’s 14, her name is pulled. she doubts it’s an accident. she plays up her legacy in the interviews bc its a good story, hopes her father will get her sponsors for following the story he wants. she partners up with the two district 11 tributes who have strong training scores and manages to play up the “i’m not as strong as my father im going to die” that she feels deep down. she has them protecting her for a while and does get close to them for a little while. when she can’t fall asleep, she hears them discussing plans to kill her soon so they can make it to the end together, and she steals their axe and kills them in their sleep the next night. she follows the careers around in the trees and sabatoges them slowly, turning them against each other. when there are three left, she kills the one closest to the leader with her axe, and the leader blames the other. the two tear each other apart, and she is the victor of the 69th hunger games.
ruth flemming is 15 when her younger sister is reaped. she’s only just turned 12, and she has no chance of living. ruth volunteered to keep her sister safe, not because she thought she’d win. it’s not the first time someone volunteered for a family member, nor will it be the last, but it makes her stand out. she plays it up, the poor little district 5 girl who took her sisters place for her safety, but will not win, cries in her interview. she plays dumb in the training sessions and gets a low score, but grabs a pack of throwing knives on her way out of the cornucopia. she hides in the forest and eats plants. she is easily forgotten, and gets only a few sponsors who pity her. she doesn’t really get anything of use though, she ends up sneaking back to the cornucopia to steal food and meets a tribute for 4, much bigger than her, definitely will overpower her, and she throws a knife in his throat. takes it out, gets her food, and grins maliciously at the sky. after that, she gets more sponsors, more knives, some food. bread from her district. she waits out her time hiding in the forest, occasionally picking off tributes as she comes across them alone. she ended up killing six people before the careers thought they were the last ones left and turned on each other. when the cannons started going off for them, ruth watched from a safe vantage point until only one was left, then threw a knife into the back of his head. she was the victor of the 70th hunger games.
stephanie spends her first games as a mentor with her eye on the innocent girl from 5. the two tributes from her district have no promise, and neither does the girl from five. but steph can’t shake the feeling that she got watching ruth volunteer. she knows from the start who’s going to win. at the end of ruth’s victory tour, stephanie pulls ruth aside, compliments her game, and helps her find a quiet place to breathe. they talk and quickly become friends. steph promises to help ruth get through her first mentoring season.
richie lipschitz was reaped at the age of 15 from district 11. he had absolutely no faith in himself, nor did anyone else. his brother sobbed in his arms at their goodbye, his parents, his uncle paul, they all thought it was goodbye forever and richie did too. he considered himself as good as dead the second his name was pulled. he’s half-deaf, has chronic pain, and does not have it within him to kill. his main hope is just that he gets killed quickly so it doesn’t hurt too much. he doesn’t want his family to watch him be tortured or something. in the first ten seconds, a career slices his leg open and leaves him out to bleed. he collapses and plays dead, and they assume he is. he drags himself off to a cave to die slowly, but he doesn’t. he even gets food from sponsors, he truly has no idea how it happened. apparently his utterly defeated interview made some people pity him enough to send him some food and water. he rations it out and watches the faces projected against the sky every night. the careers survive to the end, and like always, start to tear each other apart. only one boy is left, a guy from 2, who starts to go mad that he already won and hes still in the arena. he’s there’s rain, and he’s flooded out of his cave, it was only a matter of time, and is forced to come face to face with the guy who tried to kill him in the first place. the guy comes at richie with such force and aggression, his knife raised, richie closes his eyes and prepares himself for death, but the fucking idiot trips over a rock and falls, the knife landing at richie’s feet. richie picks it up, the career curses and comes chasing after him. richie, just a few moments to think, remembers the girl who won last years games with her throwing knives. he never had great aim, so when richie aimed for the guys face, the knife stuck him in the heart. he was the winner of the 71st games, and he was given a prosthetic leg to replace the deeply infected wound he had.
over the course of richie’s games, steph and ruth would watch together. as younger victors, there were other people who kept track of some sponsors and things, while they mostly prepped them during the before. the most recent victors help with game strategy. ruth sobbed when her tributes were killed, and steph just finished her drink with a grimace when hers did. once every seven hours or so, the cameras would cut to the injured boy from 11, hiding in a cave, just to remind everyone he was still alive. steph sees the wounded animal look in his eye and doesn’t think he’ll make it past the next day. but he keeps on surviving, until suddenly there are people all over the capital rooting for the injured underdog. ruth wants him to win because he seems so good, compared to the bloodthirsty careers. at the end of his victory tour, the two commandeer him from his party and show him their hangout spot when they’re back in the capitol. by the time the 72nd games start, steph and ruth both learned sign language to communicate with him more fluidly.
peter spankoffski is not the first of his family to be taken into the games. he lost his older brother to them almost ten years ago, and being only 15 he doesn’t remember him much. but he wants to honor him and he wants to do that by not dying in the games. district 9 hasn’t had a victor in a little while, so his strategy maker was the same one who had sent his brother to die. he encourages peter to play up the dead brother aspect, and peter wants to punch him badly, but he’s sure he’d just break his hand. he works in nets and edible plants, concealing yourself, anything that will help him survive the longest. he has no illusions of winning, doesn’t even bother with weapons. he made friends with a boy from district 3 named travis coulson, and the two establish an alliance once inside the arena. they work together, peter getting them food and stealth, while travis kills anyone who threatens them. travis has a high kill count, as he eventually takes down the careers and makes them the final two. peter is excited until he realizes what it means, until travis gives him a big broad smile and turns his spear to peter. he tells peter that he has more to live for, travis has no one at home and no life to return to, begs peter to kill him. peter cries as he does so, and he cries all through his interview as the victor of 72nd games.
the trio of victors have the same hard time as usual. steph drinks a lot during, ruth cries and bites her nails and throws things. it’s richie’s first time as a mentor, he watches with baited breath and solemn silence. it’s hard for them, but they’re together. when the games end, ruth makes a joke asking steph if she’s adopting this one too, and they laugh, but they all know they totally are. when peter arrives in the capitol, they hardly let him get though his first round of hellos before they’re dragging him off to their shared space. he cries to them about how horrible he feels, the blood he feels stuck to his hands, and they comfort him as best they can as teenagers who went through the same thing and have not at all healed. it’s a hard bond to break.
grace chasity is reaped at the age of 14 from district 5. ruth is her mentor, and writes her off quickly because everyone in district 5 knows grace chasity. she’s the daughter of the head peacekeeper, a goody goody, never breaks a rule, strictly does what her parents say. she’s a nerdy prude, to be frank. but she gets a pretty good training score, and starts to get this look in her eye. the same spark steph saw in ruth. when she gets in the arena, she manages to join in with the career pack and lets them protect her for a few days. they treat her like a pet, a cute thing they let follow them around, since they don’t think she’s a threat at all. she waits a few days, there’s about 10 tributes left other than her, and then she picks up a sword from the pile of weapons the careers have accumulated, and goes fucking apeshit. she kills all ten of them and it’s bloody. she comes out of nowhere and surprises everyone. it wasn’t even like she played up the innocent girl act like ruth did, she just was that girl until she wasn’t anymore.
it’s a bad games to be a mentor. they try, as a rule, not to hold it against each other if the new victors killed their tributes, but grace is purposefully violent and seems to enjoy it more than the usual careers, who are proud of their survival ability. after peters first tribute is killed in he bloodbath, and the second is taken by the careers not so long after, he tries to watch with the others and be supportive of them, but once grace starts, he can’t. ruth is excited one of her tributes won, but she’s also extremely worried for grace mentally. she still cries watching all the gory details, but she at least didn’t lose two people from home. steph worries she’s becoming too desensitized to the games, since she mainly drinks and thinks about grace’s incredible strategy. richie watches silently, just like last year, and then when it’s over has a total meltdown. peter and steph try and help calm him down, and ruth cries. it’s hard for everyone. it’s not always that bloody.
grace’s victory tour is a whirlwind. she’s a good victor for the capitol, but her tour through the districts is hard. ruth has to go with her all the way, seeing the faces of the parents of the children grace killed, seeing their anger and sadness. she helps grace through her night terrors and terrible guilt. grace keeps talking about how she was a different person in the arena, how something took over her, how god spared her but at what cost. ruth just tells her that no victor has clean hands, it’s impossible to, and she’ll find people who understand. it’s no surprise when, at the capitol party, steph materializes at grace’s elbow opposite ruth and just tilts her head towards the exit.
grace has a hollow look in her eyes that steph recognizes across the room. it’s the face of someone who doesn’t understand what happened in the arena, how it got this far. steph sees it in the mirror. she’s talking to pete at the bar when she catches her face, puts her drink down and tells pete to find richie and meet them at their spot. he falters but does , cautious about grace because of how violent she was, but trusting steph’s judgement.
they all meet in a secluded room in the capitol’s party hall, the place steph has claimed as Their spot. peter and richie have accumulated some drinks for the night, because when you’ve survived a child murder game, no one really gives a shit if you’re below the drinking age. steph and ruth bring grace in and she sits silently.
she tells them that what happened in the arena wasn’t her. they know. they understand. they’re one of a select group that do. but now they have each other.
they have each other through the war. they have each other in the aftermath. they have each other for the rest of their peaceful lives.
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perlukafarinn · 5 months
This has been done a million times before and no one asked but I decided to rank the songs from Nerdy Prudes Must Die.
Let's go Nighthawks!
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15. Cool As I Think I Am
I actually do love this song but when I listen to the full album, it’s one of only two songs I sometimes skip. The sound of it is very sweet, just like Pete, and it’s a great song to establish his character and his conflict in stepping outside his set social role (also props for originating the “I’m not a loser” refrain that repeats several times throughout the show to great effect). It’s just maybe not as exciting as the rest of the songs on the list.
14. Bully the Bully
Very catchy and fun, and the “cool beans” verse holds a special place in my heart (as do Grace’s little spins). Half the fun of it are the (very cute) dance moves which makes this song a little less effective when just listening to it. I love the guitar riffs and hearing all the nerds teaming up and happy for the only scene in the entire show.
13. Bury the Bully
I don’t usually prefer the shorter reprise but this song is too unhinged for me not to love it. Some highlights: Grace’s immediate acceptance of the situation and detailed knowledge in disposing of a body (and the casual “how else he gonna fit?” like she’s not suggesting something absolutely psychotic), “oh god, she’s snapping again”, Ruth coming around faster than the rest of the nerds because she’s apparently only slightly less unhinged than Grace, the discordant slamming on the piano keys after every “hack all his limbs off”.
12. Dirty Dudes Must Die
Would be much higher if only it were longer. This was the heel-face turn I was waiting for and Angela absolutely kills it, the deranged energy is off the charts. Grace singing “who will pray for you” and pointing at the audience gives me chills as does that final “run”. It feels like another story is just beginning.
11. Go Go Nighthawks!
I love all the sounds in this song - the beats that sound like lockers closing, the school band drums and trumpets, the jocks grunting and the “caw caws” from the cheerleaders. They add so much and convey such a strong sense of the setting, a must for a show that doesn’t really have any sets lmao. Also, fuck Clivesdale!
10. The Best of You
This song is just super cute and it makes me happy to listen to - Lautski own my entire heart, I can’t help it. Many have pointed out the Disney channel sound of it but it also reminds me a lot like those mid 2000s pop punk British boybands (think McFly and Busted) and I think that was deliberate with the British accent Joey and Mariah put on a couple of the lines. Anyway, I love how overwhelmingly bright and happy this song sounds, because it almost rounds back to sinister as you just know this can’t be the end of the show - we don’t get endings this happy in Hatchetfield!
9. Just For Once
This is the other song I sometimes skip but only because it’s five minutes long and such a character piece that I’m not always in the mood for it. Lauren blows me away with her ability to perform in character. That switch from Ruth’s amateur acting in the verses to the more sincere chorus is so beautiful. And that ending, oof. “I used to dance”, gets me every time.
8. Hatchet Town
I love a good mob song and this is an all time favorite for me. The Hatchetverse has been successful in establishing a multitude of interesting side characters that make the world feel lived in and that really pays off here; the song works if you don’t know most of the characters but it’s so much better if you do. 
This is the first scene in the show that expands the story outside the school and the characters there, and it makes the danger feel all the more pressing, especially with how frantic and sinister it sounds. It’s also endlessly quotable; in a way, aren’t we all Dan Reynolds (with Action News, weekdays at 10 PM)?
7. Dirty Girl
Seems like I’m a much bigger fan of this song than many but I could never resist a musical theater song about sex. I love how weird and gross this song is while also containing some masterful lyrics. I love this bizarre look at sex through Grace’s warped, sheltered worldview. Most of all, I love that this is the first time we hear the line “will you pray for me” in the show and every time it appears after it’s in a wildly different context.
6. Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise) 
This song makes me cry and I’m not afraid to admit it. It's the way Pete starts the song being so brave and so gentle as he convinces Steph to make an impossible choice, how they come together in the middle of it, finally completely honest with each other about their feelings, and how at the end the song slows as they’re both overwhelmed by the tragedy of the situation. “I’d have to let you go” let me go curl up and cry for a week, maybe.
5. High School Is Killing Me
A killer intro (heh). This is how you set the mood for a show! The slow start with Richie and Ruth is perfect and then the beat kicks in and I ascend to a higher level. A really strong aspect of the songs in this show are the harmonies and we get some incredible ones here - they sound so good together. This may also be the catchiest song on the soundtrack.
4. The Summoning
Oh my god this song!! First the intro with the chant, the trio’s bright voices underscored by the creepy whispers in the background, and then the descent into immediate chaos as soon as the Lords enter. I guess this is more of a “theatrical” song in that it’s not really something you listen to out of context of the musical but it works so incredibly well in context. Hearing all five of the lords together and taunting our protagonists is so insanely good. And I love how this song works musically, too, with the guitars and drums in the louder parts almost battling it out with the piano in the slower parts. Jeff Blim really popped off with this one.
3. Literal Monster
God, the foreboding atmosphere in this song is unmatched. The incredible build-up to our antagonist, managing to make a believable threat out of a cliched high school bully. Kim Whalen belting “He roars, and we cry” lives rent free in my mind. And then Will Branner shows up and lives up to every single expectation instantly. 
2. Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Extremely basic opinion to think this song is great (the real unpopular take might be that it’s only number two) but what do you want me to say? That the similarities to the Halloween theme don’t make me wanna clap my hands with glee? That the music and lyrics don’t both absolutely slap? (“Will you pray for me” I will give you my entire life actually) That Jon Matteson belting “I’m not a loser” might not be the single greatest moment in the entire show? This is why they invented musical theater. I will take no further questions.
1. If I Loved You
Look I am Lautski trash, I will fully admit that, but this song is also just a bop. It’s the most fun song in the show to sing along to, by a mile. It is young, stubborn love boiled down to its most entertaining bits. It is two people almost coming together but missing each other by a hair and that hair is having too much pride to be the first to admit you’ve got a crush. This song has drama, it has fun, it has two characters vehemently denying their feelings for each other while insisting the other only deserves the best. “Don’t need a lover boy, need a lover man” marry me, Mariah Rose. How about that? Also, Joey Richter’s improvement as a singer has been severely underappreciated and this song shows his voice off perfectly. 
I am ranting but that’s because I cannot coherently express how much I love this song. In a soundtrack filled with nothing but hits, this one hits me right in the heart. 
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xotrashratxo · 1 year
My Thoughts During the NPMD Premier last night Part 1
these start from ABOUT 30 minutes into the show when I realized I could write it in my notes app and not just live posting to Tumblr lol. I have so many thoughts let me know for a part 2, cause character limit hated me for this.
Peter Wants Song Takes 20 Minutes in universe
bro is too good at playing a prick
It’s giving God Complex
they sound like they’re from the 50s
Why does he refer to his wife as mother
Anyway I kinda love them.
Oh no she’s gay and ILL…. Oh she’s horny.
Actors are too good at acting
I’m dead, I’m the Nerdy Prude that’s dead.
I hate men.
What I hate about live premieres is that I can’t skip ahead
I love women.
Why’s this kinda a slay tho wait
Angela ate. Men make me so uncomfortable. 
Yessss queen blame the bitch. 
oh wigs. 
Oh Brenda EATS.
No yeah, I’m in love when Peter. 
Oh I love Grace.
Grace and Steph are in love. They’re in love. 
She’s so evil I love her
RUTHY IS CHARACTER AI 1. Hate, 2. Friends, 3. I LOVE YOU. 
*Lauren twerking.* 
This shits funny. 
This is so sweet! 
Oh, just when I started to like him. 
Rip I guess. 
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thewiscryptid · 11 months
starkid's nerdy prudes must die : pt 2
sentence meme / nsft themes / adjust pronouns or wording as needed!
- I’m trying really hard to feel bad about what we did. But it’s hard to feel bad when everything is objectively better! - You smell like an open asshole right now. - The world is just too well behaved— it needs to be saved. - You can see I'm much improved, which is bad news for you. - Who will pray for me when I’m gone? - Is this the eternal dark without a dawn? - This is the consequence for what you’ve done! - I'm not a loser. - Please don't kill me. - I can’t find my WWJD bracelet. I took it off before we dismembered the body. - Just shut up and keep your beans cool! - I knew him. I just fucking hated his guts. - Well, I certainly don’t love killing. - I saw that in New York. It was fuckin’ transcendent. - You're not as half as smart as you think you are. - It was GOD'S plan! And now he's leaving me out to dry! YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH! - And he gives me his number~! Very smooth. - I have been waiting for what feels like 5 fucking years and I still have not received my hot chocolate! - We both know you can't ignore me because you're crazy about me. - You can't stay away from me! - If I loved you, you would know it. - LEAVE ROOM FOR JESUS! - Gimme a cup of hot water and make it strong! - She's bisexual and dead, where else would she be?! - The three of us need to get out of town. - Don't comfort her, she's fuckin' weird. - Please, I've been bugging your phone since you were 12. - I don't give a shit who you kill but you just had to do it in that house, didn't you? - Assuming this isn't all some big mind-fuck, what are we going to do to stop him? - K-yuck, k-yuck, k-FUCK! - I have connections. I have friends. I can buy you beer! - I have no idea what I'm doing. - Hello, fwendy-wends. - We've been watching you. Someone's been a little naughty~ - Don't be so formal. We're all pally-wals here. - Whatever we want? Hm. - We just want what you cherish most. That's all. - You can lie to yourself but not to me. - Pay the price... or fuck off! - All my life, I just... wanted a girl to like me. But I guess it's not all roses, huh? - I didn't want to like you. You made me. - Let me be cool this time. Let me take the bullet. - Careful with that. You might hurt someone and that's my fuckin' job. - You fuckin' JUDAS! - I always thought there was something about your wrath that was so... Old Testament. - Shut your fuckin' fart-hole! - I paid the price. Now fuck off! - Whatever! It was fuckin' worth it! - You're such a nerd but the bow-tie is really growing on me. - That was disgusting! Kissing? On the first date?! - Did you think I'd stop with him? - RUN YA LITTLE BITCH!
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pastriibunz · 10 months
The Kai Who Didn’t Like Musicals: VOICED!
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If you don’t know already, I’m pastriibunz, and I wrote The Kai Who Didn’t Like Musicals, a OC insert fanfic based off of The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals!
After writing, I had thought to myself: “What next for Kai And Hatchetfield?”
Now, I could’ve started scripting Kai into Black Friday (black kaiday lmao) or Nerdy Prudes Must Die (nerdy prudes must kai lol), or maybe I could’ve started writing out ATDTU (a trip down to unington) or ATUTH (a trip up to hatchetfield).
there were 3 problems with this, however:
I hadn’t even started writing the outline for Kai in BF or NPMD
ATDTU and ATUTH are ongoing, and to be honest, I don’t think they’re ever gonna end
I honestly wasn’t ready to move on from TKWDLM, it holds a really special place in my heart
so, what to do?
I was going to do what I wanted to do with TKWDLM from the start:
Voice Act it!
with the help of 7 of my friends, 3 of which being @local-soda-can, @chillibeanos, and @your-favourite-goat, we’re going to Voice Act the entirety of TKWDLM!
it will either end up being:
A.) Voice acted fully with the scene notes added in, but no (moving) art, think nightmare time-esque/audiobook
B.) Voice acted fully without the scene notes, but with moving art, like a rough animatic (this one is less likely out of the two, as i would have to do all the art myself, I want the art to be in a consistent style and I don’t wanna ask my art friends to learn an entire different style just for this)
I’m not sure which of the two it will be, but either way, it will be Voice Acted!
thanks for reading, and I can’t wait to show this off!
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