#can't tell if this is just because i'm 26 and not active at all or if i have some other serious underlying condition
non-un-topo · 1 year
Seems like I'm having another pain flare-up, this time so much worse than the last :(
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"Probably one of my biggest writing-related takeaways of 2023 was the brain science behind being overwhelmed by writing. So often, we put so much pressure on ourselves to meet goals, and get so frustrated with ourselves when we fail, that we end up making writing time something that fills us with anxiety. So our brains perceive that activity as a threat, which makes us want to avoid it."
I'd love to learn more about this cause it's my biggest problem when it comes to writing. The avoidance of the task, but it also manifests also as feeling overwhelmed by writing a long story/novel.
Some Brain Science Behind Avoidance
I encountered this idea of fear-based avoidance in a few workshops and summits over the past year, but I have to give a shout out to author/coach Monica Hay whose "Overcome Writer's Resistance Bootcamp" explained it the best. I can't find my notes so I'm going from memory here, but the gist of it was that our brains are hard-wired to avoid things that make us feel fearful or uneasy. This is an evolutionary throwback to when those instinctual feelings helped us steer clear from danger. As I remember Monica putting it, "Don't go that way, there are cheetahs there that will eat us."
So... how does this apply to avoidance of writing?
When we heap unreasonable goals and deadlines on ourselves, and berate ourselves for falling short of them, we inadvertently turn writing into a stressful activity. So, when we sit down to write, our brain picks up on that stress and says, "Don't go that way, cheetahs will eat us," and your gut instinct tells you to avoid this stressful activity at all cost. And then it becomes kind of a vicious cycle because you feel even worse because you're avoiding writing, and that makes you feel more overwhelmed and makes writing more stressful, and well... you can see the problem.
The solution? De-stress the writing process for yourself as much as you can. Start by de-stressing yourself when you sit down to write... take a relaxing walk first, do some yoga or a meditation exercise, or try some grounding techniques. See if you can do some things to make your writing environment more relaxing and inviting. Put on some soft lighting and relaxing music, use your favorite method to lightly scent the air, grab your favorite drink and snack. Then, just try to move the needle forward in any way you can.
My suggestions: try editing a sentence. Maybe see if you can add a paragraph or two. Don't think about deadlines or word count or what others are doing. Just focus on adding something to the page, even if it's changing a word or adding a sentence. Don't push yourself. Congratulate yourself on whatever progress you made. Ultimately, if you do this every day, the stress should start to melt away and writing becomes an activity that your brain no longer tells you to avoid.
Another suggestion: try to avoid setting arbitrary deadlines, or if you have to set a deadline, take a look at your schedule/calendar and be really honest about how much time you actually have to write. Because so often what happens is we say, "I want to finish this 80k word draft in eight weeks..." but the reality is we're not going to write all 56 of those days. In fact, when we take an honest look...
-3 days per week for days with both class and work = 32 days -5 days for a cruise next month = 27 days -1 day for bestie's birthday celebration = 26 days -Sundays because that's hiking day = 18 days Suddenly, that eight weeks is actually only 18 days... and that's not even taking account things that come up unexpectedly. But, let's say you do get to write all 18 days, and let's say you know you can commit three hours a day to writing but you'll probably take two ten-minute brakes... so 48 hours worth of writing. But here's the problem: you know on a good hour, you're probably only going to write 1200 words. And guess what: 1200 words per hour over 48 hours is only 57,600 words... far short of your 80k goal... and that's assuming you get to write all 18 days and hit 1200 words every hour you write. In other words... you've set yourself an impossible deadline, and when you fall short of it without understanding why, you're going to be disappointed in yourself. And that's why it's so, so important to be honest about the time you have and how much you can reasonably accomplish within that time. Also: just don't be hard on yourself. It will never make you write faster, more, or better.
I hope you can use this to overcome your own resistance to writing! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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giamee · 4 months
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 prev. OG 5 GUYS INTRO!
masterlist. next. ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
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"i'm ayato, i'm 25 and from inazuma. i work as an accountant (wink). no no just joking don't keep that in-"
"(cough) i work as an accountant, i really love my life to be honest. the thing i love most on this earth is my car- it's a porsche, and the longest i've ever had a girlfriend for is about.... 2 weeks? so good luck to the next one haw haw haw-"
"my type? i like pretty women. let's hope there are some on the show haw haw haw"
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"hello!! my name's tighnari, nari for short, i'm 22, and i'm currently studying biochemistry at the akademiya in sumeru"
"i really love being outdoors and nature, so my perfect first date would be a long hike in the woods, or just any physical activity. i think you can really tell a lot about a person when you're out in nature with them"
"so.... i guess that makes my ideal type someone who also loves the outdoors? i have a thing for more nerdy girls, too- it's something i've noticed. i just find it so cute when a girl has glasses"
".... an ick? if she litters, it's an instant no from me"
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"i'm alhaitham, i'm 25, i'm from sumeru and i'm a court stenographer"
"to be completely honest, i'm here because i lost a bet with my friend. he thinks i need to try harder to find a girlfriend so i'll see how it goes on this show. it would be funny to see the look on his face if i do end up meeting a girl i like, i guess."
"a fun fact about myself? i can type 120 words per minute"
"i don't think i've really struggled with romance. there's been many girls who have tried to get with me, i'm just not really the type to get with someone for the sake of it. does that sound like i'm bragging? oh well."
"i don't think i have a type, either. i like who i like, simple as that."
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"how's my hair looking? ok, good."
"i'm kaeya but you can call me handsome, im 24, and i live in mondstadt. i work in sales, so that definitely helps when i'm chatting up girls, heh."
"my go to pick up line? do you believe in love at first sight or do i have to walk past you again? (chuckle) nah, nah, i'm joking. i don't really use pickup lines, i'll just buy a girl a drink and we get talking and then... you know. it's a pretty good tactic. or maybe it's just me, heh."
"i like women who are confident in themselves. i don't want to have to spend all my time reassuring her, you know? and a girl who can keep me on my toes, someone who can beat me at my own game, you get me?"
"i have yet to meet a girl like that, i guess that's the reason why i've never had a proper girlfriend."
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"my name's xiao, i'm 26, and i'm a tattoo artist from liyue"
"i get told that i look young for my age quite a lot- i guess it's to do with the height? it'll pay off when i'm 40 and still looking 20, at least"
"my type? ... to be really honest, i love girls with thick thighs and pretty smiles. there's nothing better than that"
"an ick? girls who go around saying if he's under 6 foot i don't want him- they're missing out on some good dick because they can't pull their heads out of their asses, that's for sure... oh shit, am i allowed to say that?"
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𝜗𝜚 gia's notes :: and now the five guys! all the og islanders are now introduced 🥳🥳
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Okay but AU where Miguel is an alpha and reader is normal but they still give off the smell of being in heat before their period or just once a month so poor Miguel has to struggle with an oblivious reader whose just going around saying hi to people like they’re not a walking talking advertisement for sex
Reader: what do you mean 'I probably shouldn't go near Miguel right now? I thought he looked like he had a headache earlier so I got him some of those empanadas he likes from the cafeteria and some migraine tea
Peter B, not sure how he can tell you without sounding like an absolute freak that his friend is an Alpha and can smell that you're ovulating right now and if you go near Miguel when you're like this you could end up pregnant: beeeeecaaaussssse, Mayday misses you! Yeah, come hold my baby and come this way and hang with us and definitely NOT to Miguel's office!
(Lmao Miguel just checking security feeds by coincidence and, ugh, double whammy combo, he sees you holding the baby, in his eyes looking like the CUTEST potential mom, and he's just like "well, if she gets pregnant it's God's will 🙏". 'Poke holes in the condoms' girl he doesnt OWN condoms and he tells you up front, on his shit like "we're married, this is what married couples do". Or it's like. Kinda like with superman lol, where Miguel's altered not completely human DNA skirts around the spermacide in condoms that's formulated for humans so he might knock you up unintentionally but once it's on the way he wont let you get rid of it and he's actually so excited)
He overhears another Alpha make comments on your body and your scent and you just turn your head to see Miguel holding them by the collar as their little feeties dangle in the air and he's growling at them to "watch who they're speaking about that way" and you're just left ignorant that he's basically strangling the dude cause he was saying the equivalent of "if Y/N doesn't watch out she's gonna end up knocked up" and "hey maybe it'll be me" (no, absolutely not, run laps cadet, the boss ain't happy with ya)
And it works in reverse too! He smells good and you definitely cant help but notice 😩❤️ He stands just a little too close to you one day and you can smell this kind of masculine musk, I feel like he's kind of like too lowkey a recluse holing himself up to wear men's cologne but he's also like kind of an older man so just like, the thought of him having the scented pomade for his hair and you smell things like his deodorant and body wash when he's too close and it all smells very much you know Male but in a sexy way, the scent of aftershave sticking to him some mornings, coffee on his breath when he points to something on a monitor over your shoulder, just all these sorts of smells to associate with his presence even if you can't pick up the intricacies of his more "biological" components. You're up working late once and you fall asleep in a chair and later on you wake up tucked in on a couch in a break room with a blanket that has a scent on it (to tell other Alphas to back off and let you rest) and you can't help but put your face into it. like, as a young girl I didn't understand but I'm 26 now and there are just some male colognes and just like idk scents where you smell it and it's just like UGH I bet the man who left this is big 😩❤️ if it's not overpowering and you're not used to smelling "dude scents" that shit can be dangerous in the wrong hands
You experience the rare event of Miguel actually sitting down for once (shocking I know) and your desire to help and also your coochie activates when you see him looking kind of tired and run down and like, rubbing his face with a hand and he's got a migraine and here you are, "let me platonically rub your shoulders sir it definitely isn't at least partially because I'm crazy crazy horny for you and something about you kinda lowkey makes me wanna serve you"
Like you reach out and start rubbing his neck and shoulders and he's just so sore and had been working so hard he's like GROANING and shit like 😩 how could I not run my fingers through his hair, how could I SURVIVE if he started doing that shit. I couldn't, he felt your nails lightly drag against his scalp and it sent shivers up his spine and now you're getting your back put on the nearest flat surface while he pulls all your clothes off
"Sorry, but I don't think I can hold myself back anymore."
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ftmtum · 1 year
concept. you get pregnant, then convince me, another trans guy, to get pregnant too. then you bully me about it.
hmm... i'm imagining i convince you to get pregnant not long before i go into labor... maybe when im five months, and already huge because i'm having quints? i give birth at about 30 weeks, and 2 weeks later we find out you're 6 weeks pregnant. by the time you're 10 weeks, i'm pregnant again. but i'm showing before you are, so i make fun of you for that. turns out i'm having sextuplets this time, and you're having a singleton that turns out to be huge, though you're never quite as big as i am. you make it to 42 weeks, and i make it to 32 weeks, so we give birth at just about the same time.
but for your entire pregnancy, i make sure you're eating foods that will make your baby the most active. when we're in public i'll very discreetly shine my phone flashlight on your belly, or i'll draw attention to it by probing it with my fingers to get your baby to move around — the latter making you nervous helps too. and, maybe your baby already would have been an active one, but either way, ultimately my efforts pay off, and you end up with a belly that is moving almost constantly, the movement visible regardless of whether you're wearing a shirt that covers your whole belly or not.
and of course, more and more you go out wearing clothing that doesn't really fit. it's honestly shocking how much bigger it makes you look, when i'm standing there next to you in clothing that DOES fit. even with my belly always being bigger than yours, if you're wearing a shirt that doesn't fit, you always look nearly as big as i am at least. buttondowns that are barely holding together do a lot to emphasize your size, especially if some of the buttons accidentally pop off. the best that i found was when we went to the mall together in cute matching patterned buttondowns in our second trimester, mine fitting very well, despite my belly already looking like i was overdue with triplets at only 17 weeks, and yours fitting so poorly over your 26 week belly that of the buttons that we even managed to do, all but two burst open within about 45 minutes. the one remaining, of course, was the one between your belly and bust and the second one down starting at the collar, between which yawned your tender, engorged tits, which were basically one poorly timed step from spilling out the entire time. (you don't own any maternity bras, of course.)
also, as my body is more accustomed to pregnancy, you start waddling before i do, which i can't get enough of. i'll often use my larger belly as an excuse to have you bring me stuff, just to see your newly-massive ass wobbling over to it and your heavy steps as you slowly turn around. i also don't stop lactating between the last pregnancy and this one, and because i'm careful not to leak in public, i always have a breast pump in my bag... but when you start needing to pump (which i make sure is as early as possible) i say that i havent sterilized it, so it would be unsafe for you to use it. you waddle around with constantly engorged, leaky tits, leaving wet spots on all of your shirts.
don't worry, i'll make sure to talk just a little too loudly about how you're only having one when people ask how many you're having. i'll make sure to tell them you're two weeks overdue with a huge 15 pound baby, too. and don't worry about trying to hide it either, they'll be able to tell you're pregnant nice and early, since i'm make sure your baby is active all the time. and after that... you won't be empty for long, either 😈
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idlingsomewhere · 3 days
tales from the shadow realm (ive been shadowbanned) (send help) (pinned post)
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Hey. Welcome to my blog. You may know me as @shiftedelsewhere (which previously had the URL that this account has now), but unfortunately Tumblr has shadowbanned that account. I'm going to try to recover it, but for the time being, this is where I'm active, I guess.
"girl who tf are you"
good question! I wish I knew.
I go by "N" on the internet; I'm 17, and I use any/all pronouns. Call me whatever! it really doesn't matter to me all that much.
"why are you here"
to post about my interests
"which are?"
music! mostly. my 2 favs at the moment are porter robinson and jane remover. i also really like a lot of other stuff too; you'll figure it out easily since it's the main thing I post about on here
i like a good videogame sometimes. In particular I'm especially fond of zelda games, pokemon, splatoon, and those mii games on the DS!
i do NOT watch shows very often. i can count the number of tv shows I've seen in my life on my fingers. my favourite show is gilmore girls because I'm a massive autumn fiend. living my best life rn. whenever i finish a show i tend to write down my thoughts and share them. currently, I'm trying to watch community, big brother (season 26), and am on my 5(?)th rewatch of gilmore girls.
other than that i like math and physics and transit systems and some other stuff that evades my memory right now ! we will find out what i like together, in due time..
"ok, and?"
general ground rules/vibes
feel free to dm me or chat with me in the comments, just keep in mind I'm a VEERRRRY tired stem student and can't get back to you immediately. send recs or tell me about your day or show me a meme! we can be friends if you'd like :)
uhrm don't be weird lmfao. I'm not gonna tell you where i live. u can figure out the general area VERY easily but. dude im not giving you my ip address
no tagging system at the moment - let me know if you need me to tag something (i.e., a tw or something) and I'll do it :3
i like a good tag game. if you DON't want to be tagged please let me know. i used to have a system but its gone now! awesome!
"if your tumblr goes down again, where else can i pester you?"
art instagram
porter robinson fanpage (LMFAO)
apple music (this is where i listen to stuff)
spotify (this is where i post playlists. also we should do a blend :3)
feel free to ask for my discord or something if u want
yeah and that's all! thx for reading. they really deleted my old pinned post too..crazy. what did i do to displease the tumblr algo? i don't know. let's hope this doesn't last too long
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morganacorp · 5 months
Grace getting her facial and her phone keeps dinging because Sadie's in the middle if her bi-awakening.
Text #1: where u at?
Text #2 & #3: Grace! ?
Text #4: i thought u were coming 2 spin class!
Text #5: i gave lola3 ur latte
Text #6: r u really not coming? i'll save you Aseat just in case
Text #7: nvmnd. this class is huge. tried to fight off an old lady to keep your bike open. Ur welcome
Text #8: omg grace this place smells like wet socks
Text #9: kimberkyn says ur getting a facial. rude
Text #10 & #11: lola says hi BTW. Hi
Text #12: *picture of Sadie and Lola and Kimberlyn* bout to get sweaty!
Text #13: the instructor said we can't have our phones. so peace out! ✌️😋
*missed call*
*missed call*
Text #14: ohmygod grace answer your phone!
Text #15: ok. it's nothing. it's probably nothing. don't worry about it. it's fine. i'll tell you later.
*missed call*
Text #16: ok. so this is probably gonna get long and there will be typosz bc i don't have a lotg of time bcz i had to sneak 2 the bthrm bc i need 2 tell u something but we can't have our phones on the bikes which is so dumb bc I can multitask its not like I'm gonna
Text #17: sorry. lola scared me. o thought it was the instructor. anyway listen there is this girl. no. not just a girl. she is a woman. like a sculpted by the gods woman in this class and she has like. The most insanely perfect ripples i have ever seen and like her eyes are nice too BTW but we were changing un the same room and she just
Text #18: sorry i think the memory made me black out. God. Like. Look. I know it's not okay to objectify someone just because we're in a environment that encourages tight fitting clothing and vigorous rhythmic activity but u don't understand grace. she is gorgeous and omg she laughed when I asked if she knew where the vending machines were and i think my heart kind jumped out of my body because she sounded so sweet. and I want to talk to her again but I also can't fucking breathe because spin class is hard and i already drank all of my water and lola's too and i hate that ur not here. There I said it. I can usually be more put together when ur arounfe but
Text #19: her eyes are green btw
Text #20: not even like gross green. they are like perfect and not even the same color which is somehow even better and they have like stars in them not even lying
Text #21: and she has her hair in a braid and she got kinda sweaty so there's little wisps sticking out around her face and i never like licking sweaty ppl but like if she asked
Text #22: oh shot. i didn't mean that. idk why my mind went to licking her face instead of kissing her like a normal person
Text #23: that would b normal right? i mean iv nver rlly thought abt it b4. not really. but i watched glee. i know it usually hits in high school and obvi it didn't 4 me so this is mayb just bc i only had two donuts this morning instead of 3
Text #24: omg she asked kimberlyn if I have ibs while I was gone. I hate everythibg
Text #25: fyi i took a quiz a minute ago and turns out glee lied
Text #26: i wanted to ask lola if she has like a booklet for ppl questioning their. Preferences but i think mayb it would b easier if u asked for me
Text #27: fuck this is all so weird
Text #28: but also not. it's scary nit weird. like I thought admiring Walker got a little too intense but this is. This is something else
Text #29: ive eaten some beef jerkey and i think it's too soon to think about kissing her. it feels too invasive. so I'm just gonna keep watching her ass in class
Text #30: thnx btw 4 all ur help grace. U r rlly good 2 talk 2
Text #31: ^sarcasm fyi
Text #32: omg her name is lena. isn't that nice? i think that is the most beautiful name in the whole wide world
Text #34: i think she waved at me
Text #35: damn. it was oneof her friends walking outside the door
Text #36: her whole name is lena kieran luthor. and her birthday is October 13.
Text #37: and no she didnt tell me that i looked through her purse while pretending to have ibs and hiding in the bathroom. she uses Christian Dior perfume. i think I have a problem
Text #38: grace can u please call me so I can just leave??
Text #39: i feel like everyone knows. they keep talking about me i can feel it
Text #40: omg she helped the little old lady in front of me asjust her settings on the bike. She's so nice. i bet she saves puppies and orphans in her spare time. angel in disguise right there
Text #41: how long is this fucking spin class?!
Text #42: lola was talking about a gay show called the bold type. will u watch it with me so I can see how a normal heterosexual would react?
Text #43: lena offered me a drink from her water bottle and i didn't even worry about germs. I just went for it
Text #44: how long is ur fucking facial?! Y haven't u texted me back?!
Text #45: only 5 more minutes. I can do this
Text #46: I think lens was flirting with lola and I wish I had laser vision so I could set everything on Fire this is awful
Text #47: my heart is broken
Text #48: nvmnd. she touched my arm and said she likes my shirt.
Text #49: I'm wearing one of kimberlyns work out shirts BTW but that's not the point. She likes it on me. So kimberkyn is never getting this back
Text #50: omg! Grace! Grace!
Text #51: she recommended we get kombucha after class. Idk what that is but I would eat anything for her
Text #52: Lola says kombucha tastes like ass and kimberkyn says we have to get back ;(
Reply: lol
Text #55: ur laughing. i bear my broken soul to u and ur laughing
Text #56: Not Cool Grace
Thank you so much for this, it has made my night! There's so many gems hidden in here... I'm in tears! 😂😂😂
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discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 26| Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
BoyNextDoor: Does anyone know where Zo went? She said she was stepping out for a minute, but that was hours ago.
Zo: We're back!
BoyNextDoor: Oh. Never mind.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Who is back?
BoyNextDoor: Wait, where are you?
MARSHAL Kotallo: I am out hunting.
β: who was zo with she said we
FlameHairSavior: Zo and I went out to upload that patch to the land-gods.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Oh? Then you were successful? Everything went perfectly?
FlameHairSavior: Eh, mostly.
Zo: Everything DID go perfectly. It was honestly beautiful.
FlameHairSavior: I was talking about the parts where we were attacked.
Zo: Ah, yes. I assumed you were used to that by now.
FlameHairSavior: Unfortunately, yes.
β: how is getting attacked by malfunctioning machines beautiful
β: are you crazy because that wopld explain a lot
β: would
FlameHairSavior: What? No.
MARSHAL Kotallo: There is nothing wrong with enjoying a good hunt.
FlameHairSavior: Aren't you in the middle of a fight right now?
MARSHAL Kotallo: Of course not. I am waiting for the machines to move into the optimal position.
Zo: The point is, when we finished the reboot, the land-gods started singing to each other. I have to assume this is some kind of normal communication method they use in extreme situations.
DIVINER: Wait, is that where all your music comes from??
Zo: Perhaps. I have never heard of it happening in my lifetime, though.
ADMIN [GAIA]: I can confirm that I did not add anything of the sort to their code. Allowing the machines to communicate with each other using natural sounds and responses removes the need for them to be directly connected to the main controller, vastly reducing the computational overhead. This way, the number of active machines is effectively unlimited. Shackling them to a central controller would sharply limit how many could be active at once, for only a negligible increase in efficiency per unit.
BoyNextDoor: I barely followed that.
ADMIN [GAIA]: An apt metaphor. While unintentional, this system also prevented there from being a single point of failure in the machines. If the machines were slaved to central controllers, HEPHAESTUS could have taken control of all of them at once, or at least all the machines of a single Cauldron. It was forced to take over the Cauldrons one by one and enhance the aggression protocols of any new machines produced. Older units would be replaced slowly, as they were hunted or fell to accidents.
Zo: That's why our land-gods had so many problems, isn't it? Normally they returned to the cave, but they sensed HEPHAESTUS had done something, so they delayed until they had no choice.
ADMIN [GAIA]: Correct. Repair-Bay Tau has very strict production orders, likely to preserve the delicate social balance in Plainsong. I presume that HEPHAESTUS could not override those in any reasonable timeframe, and thus could not simply produce more combat machines. It was only when the land-god Fa returned that HEPHAESTUS had an opportunity to create the Grimhorn combat machine upgrade.
FlameHairSavior: So much for that bit about only trying to kill humans for destroying machines.
ADMIN [GAIA]: HEPHAESTUS has long gone past deciding whether or not to punish individual humans. Attempting to judge in such a way would be unfeasible in the extreme. The combat machines are a simpler solution to the perceived problem.
β: you what
DIVINER: You've... met guys... like the angry machine god trying to exterminate the human race??
FlameHairSavior: People who consider thinking a failing and prefer to just attack.
β: isnt that you
FlameHairSavior: What? No.
β: but youre getting into fights all the time
FlameHairSavior: I'm going to give you a pass on that because you've never actually seen me negotiate.
DIVINER: She managed to get us both away from Bohai without anyone else dying!!
β: people eat babies now
FlameHairSavior: Erend!
FlameHairSavior: No, Beta, not even the crazy people eat babies. I have never met a single person who even joked about eating babies.
BoyNextDoor: Until now, apparently.
Chapter 26| Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 27 - Airline Alliances (oneworld, SkyTeam, and Star Alliance)
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@imjustanobsessedjew asked me to follow up on my thoughts on airline alliance liveries, so I'm here to do that.
I struggle to find a good way to describe airline alliances. Examples I've pondered over and ultimately rejected on some or other technicality include fraternities, record labels, and TikToker content houses. But maybe it doesn't matter. I'm not here to talk about how they function broadly. It's not important to this post that you can use American Airlines miles to get tickets on flights operated by British Airways.
Generally, member airlines will have a symbol from their alliance painted on their planes. I showed an example in my SAS post of the Star Alliance logo on an airframe (center), but here are examples for the other two: an Aeroflot plane wearing the SkyTeam symbol (left) and an Iberia plane with a very, very small oneworld logo (right).
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But sometimes this isn't enough for them. The three major airline alliances have a habit of painting planes in special alliance liveries. Because who cares if you're flying on Delta, XiamenAir, Kenya Airways, or TAROM - what's important is that they're part of SkyTeam.
I sort of just don't understand the purpose. I don't think anyone is going to see a Star Alliance livery and think "wow, I am reminded to specifically spend my money with these 26 otherwise completely unrelated airlines!" because that's...that's just really silly. While airline alliances can make it a lot easier to use frequent flier miles and neatly book multi-leg trips on the passenger's end, I've always been under the impression that these must do more for the airlines than they do for the end consumer, because otherwise they probably wouldn't exist. I'm not sure what the need is to advertise them to someone who has no say in their existence and probably picks their flights based on what Google tells them is cheapest anyway. Nobody has, like, brand loyalty to alliances, and there's no reason they should, since their member airlines will offer wildly different qualities of service and cover entirely different regions of the world.
So why the special liveries? Is it a hazing ritual? I can't really imagine what benefit they might offer over just putting your symbol somewhere else on the plane. Some kid sitting in the window seat of a plane that's delayed by an hour at a massive airport isn't even going to notice or care about a SkyTeam livery, and I honestly really should have put airline alliances on the questionnaire in some form because I'm not sure how many people know or care that they exist. I don't understand the point, and the only thing I do understand, really, is that I hate it when airlines which have gone through the trouble of designing their own livery, even if that livery is terrible, would then paint a plane in a way which makes it interchangeable with everything else on the tarmac. But they're fully developed (mostly) liveries, so they're the sort of thing I'm here to talk about. Without further ado: SkyTeam, oneworld, and Star Alliance.
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oneworld goes first because it's a bit different from the others. (Yes, the correct way to write it, as seen in all company literature, is with the first half bolded.) oneworld was founded in February of 1999 and is the third-largest of the major alliances.
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Currently, there are thirteen active oneworld members, shown above, plus their regional subsidiaries; S7 Airlines is currently suspended, as is the case for all Russia-based airlines in major alliances, and Oman Air will be joining the alliance by the end of 2024. Fiji Airways is also nominally involved as a 'connect partner', which as far as I can tell means situational benefits from the alliance when working with its member airlines. It feels like they're scrambling for a foothold a little despite having some absolute powerhouses among their ranks because they keep getting their members bought out by other alliances and/or merged into each other. I think I prefer it that way.
To begin with, the logo is atrocious. Blue-to-white airhrush gradient circle with big yucky sans serif lettering, half of which is bold and half of which is standard width, which leaves you unable to tell which half you hate more. This logo is really painfully early '00s website and not in the cute nostalgic way. It's not stylized in a way that provokes nostalgia, it's just so inept that it could fit in during the era where web design wasn't really a field that had been fully invented yet.
But as a livery, it's sort of hard to review. A oneworld paint job changes less than the average logojet.
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I'm not entirely sure if I can even consider this a special livery. It's just an extra line of text. Ugly text, sure, but I wouldn't call it a different design. This doesn't change the fact that you can immediately recognize these as an S7 plane and a Cathay Pacific plane because none of their livery is fundamentally changed.
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There's just a limited amount I can say about what's a glorified sticker. RAM gets to keep its nice little swirlies, all is right with the world, they get to keep the normal text on their other planes, this is not a big deal. Maybe they keep losing members because they can't tell them apart from other planes in the airport without a big, all-encompassing custom livery to make a select few unlucky planes airline-ambiguous. oneworld, more like...dumbworld.
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Moving on in alphabetical order, SkyTeam is the second largest of the alliances.
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SkyTeam has 20 members: the above pictured, plus Aeroflot, which is temporarily suspended for the aforementioned Russian reasons. It also has its own elaborate system of 'associates' and 'affiliates', and a dedicated cargo alliance, SkyTeam Cargo.
I actually enjoy the SkyTeam logo. The wordmark is just a yucky thin monospace sans serif, but they have that nice flourishy design that's aesthetically pleasing and easy to recognize, and I can't knock that.
Still, this is where we get into proper airline alliance liveries. You have to zoom in pretty close to tell that the above planes are TAROM on the right and Korean Air on the left. I didn't have to specify, when covering oneworld, that the logo was framed by Iberia and Royal Air Maroc, because their branding was left intact. This is not so for SkyTeam, which takes over its hosts in full, creating SkyTeam planes with a tiny mark denoting their actual airline instead of the other way around.
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This could be a lot worse. It's got recognizable logos, legible text, and I think most crucially the main fuselage body is painted a mid-light grey. The opposite of something like the SAS belly stripes, which are cheapened by the proliferation of Eurowhite, SkyTeam sort of gets a free boost from the fact that their non-white fuselage is a rarity. I do really like the relatively lowered contrast between the main body and the logo, because this shade of blue is usually paired with stark white. The SkyTeam curlicue is big and visible on the fuselage. I would have made it bigger, but it's not terrible as is. The airline's logo is placed below the window line while SkyTeam's wordmark is above it, hypothetically giving them equal weight (though in reality I think people obviously read SkyTeam's first).
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It certainly has Detached Tail Syndrome, but for my tastes the lower contrast and placement of the curlicue make it far more tolerable. Northing here is ostentatious or overdesigned, and while it falls short of true minimal elegance I truly can't say it's ugly and I don't think it's lazy, either. This is one of the few times the detached tail does feel at least slightly deliberate, given the non-blankness of the rest of the fuselage. The bits feel a bit separate sometimes, but it's nowhere near as bad as that effect can get.
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I'm going to give SkyTeam a B-.
I sincerely, earnestly, emphatically do not dislike the way the SkyTeam livery looks. But I still think it should not exist. Airlines should wear their own liveries. If you have 20 airlines, you should have 20 distinct fleets. I would rather have a bunch of mediocre or even bad liveries than one decent livery which doesn't belong to anyone at all.
Regardless, I do have to leave off on a fitting note. SkyTeam...more like WhyTeam.
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Star Alliance is the largest of the three alliances, with 26 member airlines.
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In my SAS post, I introduced the Star Alliance Test, a metric by which I judge the the absolute worst designs which end up on this blog. The test consists of one question: would I prefer that all instances of this livery be replaced with a Star Alliance paint job? As I mentioned there, I chose Star Alliance because, like SkyTeam, it entirely overwrites the original airline's livery. Not only do I like it less than SkyTeam, it is also more prolific, with an entire six more airlines with planes begging to be ruined.
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It is inoffensive nearly to the degree that it becomes offensive again. Big, ugly sans serif wordmark, though it at least has the decency to occupy the majority of the fuselage to prevent it from just being a white expanse. Detached tail. Teeny tiny airline logo that you have to squint to see.
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Star Alliance liveries are both functionally identical to blank planes and dangerously close to actually being them. But they have just enough design that to me they avoid being nothing and graduate to minimalist. I think it's the large text and the fact that the actual logo is actually decently designed, but it doesn't evoke the sheer dread in me that something like Lufthansa does. It's not uninterrupted, unbalanced white, it's just...really, really boring.
I...honestly think it's a C-.
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Air New Zealand and Singapore Airlines both have a variant livery, all black and all white respectively. I would rate them the same, I think. Maybe Singapore's is a little more boring while also feeling like more of a statement, while Air New Zealand's makes me very happy by being a primarily black plane (I am one of the few Airplane People who is also a consummate goth) but suffers from thin white-on-black text being fairly eyestrainy. In general, the Star Alliance wordmark is somewhat difficult to read. These two belong with the rest of the liveries, even though I think I ultimately like Singapore's a bit less than the default and Air New Zealand's a bit more.
While not a vehement condemnation, C- is not exactly a shining endorsement. When I devised my scale I did envision it as something of a normal distribution. Most liveries are going to be somewhere in the C range. This is cromulent. This is satisfactory. This does not make me angry.
It just makes me sad, thinking about all these airplanes wearing identical liveries. Sure, Copa and United already match, but this is an extremely varied set. It ranges from the painfully boring to the somewhat ugly to the actively nice, and all of them get replaced with identical stock liveries...an inter-fleet Scar Alliance.
While I rate these as competent liveries in terms of their appearance, I cannot pretend I do not hate everything they stand for. In my opinion, to paint your airplanes in a livery which makes it impossible to tell that the planes flanking the logo fly for Croatia Airlines and Continental respectively without zooming all the way in is the very definition of failure.
17 notes · View notes
olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Three Weeks
Part 26 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~6K
It's been three weeks since Y/N left. Three weeks since I've spoken to my sister Mary-Kate and three weeks since speaking to Y/N's mother. I wish I could say that all of this was easy or made better due to the fact that I'm actively trying to live a life that doesn't involve me missing Y/N, but it sucks.
This is one of the hardest things I've had to do.
But here I am, waking up in my bedroom alone and sad, for you guessed it, the third week in a row. I think I've slowly morphed into my Character Leigh Shaw. That's who I am now.
A cold, depressed bitch missing her love and looking for answers.
Anywho, I did some of the cliche break-up things you're supposed to do! I cried while watching Rom-Coms and eating ice cream. I dyed my hair! Goodbye, dirty blonde, and hello, brunette Lizzie. I made sure to tell my friends that I was doing better when in reality, I was not.
Scarlett and Aubrey were quick to see through that shit.
That led to a very passive-aggressive forced lunch with a seven-month pregnant Scarlett and her daughter Rose who very sweetly had no clue what was going on. Colin was set to join, but I'm certain Scar made him stay home.
On the other hand, Aubrey called me out on everything once I spilled it all. But she wasn't as upset with me as other people had been. But she made sure that when I'm in LA that I stay with her since Robbie is still occupying our/my house. I told her that wouldn't be necessary since I have other friends and family to stay with but saying no to Aubrey is weirdly tricky.
Also, I took a page out of Y/N's book. Literally. I started writing. Okay, not like writing writing like Y/N but writing my thoughts and what I want to say the next to I see my Coffee Girl. I have a pile of envelopes ready to go. Each one is different but laced with love. They constantly stay in my purse. I'm afraid I'll lose them otherwise.
I know I haven't talked to her since, but.. this hasn't stopped me from trying. No calls, just texts every once in a while. Letting her know that I'm thinking about her and her safety. I know she's doing okay, thanks to certain people, but I can't wait to see that smile shine on her face whether I'm an inch away or thousands of miles.
I yawn and get the sleep out of my eyes before making my way into the kitchen. I haven't been eating the best or a lot lately, so maybe making a big breakfast will help today. It didn't help last week, but I can try again.
Waffles. Eggs. Cut up fresh fruit from my rooftop garden.
This is what I ended up making, and to my surprise and delight, I ended up eating a good majority of it. I compost what I don't eat because I'm not sure when I'm returning.
Oh, did I not mention? I'm flying to Los Angeles today.
I still have a couple of hours until my flight, and I packed last night, so I might as well water and say goodbye to my plants before making one final trip to Y/N's apartment.
Today of all days, I have to wake up feeling like I got hit by a train.
Everything hurts. My head is pounding like a hammer. My nose is stuffed but also running. Every time I try to clear my throat, it feels like tiny needles are being dragged down my esophagus. This is awful. I knew something was happening, but I blamed it on allergies. I should've known when Nick said, "it's just a cough," he was lying. It's never just a cough. If he wasn't one of the nicest men I've ever met, I'd be so pissed at him.
Speaking of Nick. Since the last time he confided in me that he has feelings for my mom, nothing has changed. My mom knows but doesn't want to pursue a relationship. I understand her completely. I'm not saying I want to see her and Nick be together, especially since no one can replace Davey.
I know Nick wouldn't be, but that doesn't make it easier. But my mom and him have a perfect friendship right now. At the drop of a hat, they're there for each other. Wait-
What's that ringing?
I turn my head as I get pulled from my thoughts. I reach over and answer my phone with a scratchy throat.
"Pumpkin? Are you alright? You sound terrible." Thanks, mom.
"I think Nick got me sick." My mom groans into the phone. "I told him to rest and that we'd have dinner together next time you visit, but no, he had to make a home-cooked meal for you."
That's sweet. I smile through the pain as she continues her rant. "He's just like your father at times, I swear." My mom laughs at her own words. I don't think she fully realized she just compared Nick to Davey, but I let it slide.
"Yeah.. so why'd you call mom?"
"Just wanted to make sure you'd be up and ready for today." I pull my phone away and see I still have a couple of hours until my flight.
Oh, did I not mention? I'm flying to Los Angeles today.
"Yeah, I packed last night. Remember one big suitcase." I try to stifle a groan as I sit up. But my sickness and back have other plans for me. If one thing is for sure, I can't wait to never sleep on an air mattress again.
"Oh, that's right! I'm sorry I can't see you off."
I roll my eyes, knowing how busy my mom is and that no matter what she says, she wants to keep me here. She practically didn't let me go last night after dinner.
"I know, mom. It's alright."
"Whose picking you up from the airport?" Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell my mom. "James. Max's brother."
My mom accepts the answer and starts telling me about how her morning has been so far while I fumble my way into the bathroom and begin searching through every drawer, looking for cold & flu medicine.
"What's that racket?"
Apparently, I was not as quiet as I thought. "Where's the medicine? I searched everywhere." I ask through a cough.
"Bottom drawer. Behind the green bag." I search precisely where my mom said, and she was exactly right. How do mothers do that? "Be sure to take some ibuprofen two hours from now as well."
"Okay, mom." I throw back the pills before scooping some water from the tap into my hand, drinking like a sick animal.
"Be sure to eat something too." My mom adds, but all I want to do is curl up on the couch and die. "Mom, I'm no-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence Y/N Y/L/N."
"Yes, ma'am." Great, now I'm in the kitchen.
"Oh, before I let you go, dear, what are your plans for your birthday?" Oh shit. My birthday is coming up. "No plans," I say, closing the fridge door with a shrug earning a sigh from my mom on the other end.
"Okay, let me know if you want to come back home for that."
I doubt it.
"Okay, mom. I'll keep you posted."
"Thank you, Y/N. Now I love you. Be sure to eat something and text me once you're on your way to the airport." I nod my head. "I will, mom. I love you too. Okay. Bye."
I end the call and throw my body onto the couch. I try to fight it, but before I know it, my eyes close, and I'm asleep.
They fixed the elevator.
The moving steel box's doors slide open as I reach my designated floor. Y/N's floor. With an envelope in one hand and her key in the other, I make my way to the door. I know she's not here. But a part of me still hopes I'll be in for a surprise when this door swings open.
And she's not here. In fact, the place is almost in the exact same position it was when I left it. Except it looks cleaner? Wait? Has someone been here? I take a couple of steps into the place and do what you're not supposed to do in every horror movie ever. "Hello?" I call into the quiet apartment.
I get no response.
Not fully trusting this situation, I close the door behind me and quickly search the place. It isn't until I find myself in Y/N's kitchen that I find a note stuck onto the fridge.
Hey Oslen,
Knowing you, you'll be back to Y/N's place more than once. But just in case I was wrong (I'm not), I went ahead and cleaned out her refrigerator and tidied up the place. You never know when she might come back, right? Plus, we can't have the place smelling like an old, run-down dumpster.
Anyways I'm sorry I haven't reached back out to you. But I'm happy to know that it looks like Y/N's case is finally on track to be over. Perks of having one of the hottest and best lawyers. ;)
Text me when you see this. And as far as I know. She's safe.
With care, Max
I fold up the piece of paper and place it into my back pocket but not before shooting a text to Max, letting her know that I saw her message and that I'm happy she's safe.
Reminding myself that I have my own piece of myself to share with Y/N. I take the envelope in my hand and walk it over to the coffee table. I hope she sees it. Maybe not tomorrow but some day.
After combing over the living room, I make my way into Y/N's bedroom. Knowing that there's not a murder in the building, I can actually look around to see the improvements Max made. Like for example, not more shirts on the floor. Instead, most of them are folded up on the bed or tossed onto hangers.
My hand immediately gravitated to one of the most recent pairs of shirts she wore. Yes, the pink-fonted Elizabeth Olsen picture collage shirt. I unfold the shirt and bring it up to my face. It still smells like her, but it's not as strong... I have to stop the pout from forming on my face. I've done it like crazy lately. I look back down at the shirt and start to get lost in a train of thought. Without another second, I find a small duffel bag and begin filling it with some shirts knowing that if I wear them out, I'll get seen. And if I get caught, they'll be posted everywhere. Everywhere- for one's woman's eyes to see.
"How did you get more bags?" My driver Mr. Bronson jokes as he takes them from me to place into the truck with my other luggage. "Technically, the one is a guitar case." This earns a sarcastic oooh from him.
I felt a little.. weird taking Y/N's old guitar, but it feels right at the same time. Plus, I keep remembering the texts Sam showed me from Y/N.
If you don't hear from me in the next couple of weeks, just know that I'm fine. Feel free to come to my place tomorrow. (Address) Take what you want.
Also, I don't want this guitar of hers to become lost or thrown out by mistake, and I've been itching to relearn to play.
"Ready?" Mr. Bronson pulls me from my thoughts. I quickly nod as the car slowly pulls away from the curb. I take one final look behind me to see Y/N's place become smaller.
"Okay what about this." (Video attached)
That's more what I'm thinking.. but faster and don't be afraid to make it more Appalachian.
Y/N It's your song why don't you just record it.
Robbie, first off it's our song and I don't exactly have my guitar with me.. also the lyric is "I only want to be in the passing lane" Not "fastest lane."
Shit. You're right. This will be much easier when you're here.
Couple of hours. Thanks again. I know I've said it a million times but thank you
I should be the one thanking you. But fr stop it. We're helping each other. Also I'm just glad we're past the awkward stage. It's not everyday two exs become friends.(?)
Writing partners *
Writing partners
"Earth to Y/N."
I lift my head from my phone, confused, which wasn't the brightest idea. My head is still killing me. The pills are helping but not as much as I want them to. "What?" I ask whoever is begging for my attention as I close my eyes and rub my forehead.
"Just wanted to know if you needed any help with your bags. You okay?" A male voice speaks.
I pull my eyes over to the voice. It's Nick. He's standing in front of the now-closed front door. How long has he been here? Shit what time is it?
I quickly panic and look at the time displayed on my phone.
Whew. I still have some hours till my flight takes off. But that means we should be leaving soon. Airports are always an annoying hassle.
"Y/N?" Nick's voice is now softer as he sits down on the couch next to me. "You okay, kid?" I take a deep breath and try and clear my painful throat.
I guess I didn't do a good enough job at the throat-clearing. Nick's face remains unchanged, but his eyes are filled with worry and guilt. He knows I'm sick. And he gave me his cold.
"Did you take medicine?" I gently nod, not wanting to hurt myself more.
"Anything you need?"
"I'm fine." Me saying that and looking "fine" are two different things, but I hate being sick, so dwelling on it makes it worse. Plus, Nick and I are becoming closer. In fact, anytime my mom was at work, and if he had time, we'd hang out. It didn't involve much. Sometimes it was just watching tv or grabbing lunch, but it formed this weird bond between us. Maybe I remind him of his late son, or perhaps he is just a good man. Or, who knows, maybe he's showing me he can be... something more. I don't know. What I do know is that I don't want him to be worrying about me right now. I got enough going on.
Nick looks at me uncertain but doesn't push it. "Are you all packed?"
"Yeah, I did it after dinner." Nick nods his head as he gets up to go to the kitchen. "Tea?" He asks without turning his back.
"Yes, please."
Paparazzi present as always.
They're lining up at the entrance to the airport, just alive and waiting. I guess word got around. I was showing up. I mean, it makes sense the paps would want a good photo of me. I've barely left my place the last couple of weeks so getting a picture of me "out of my cave" makes people go crazy.
"Mr. Bronson?" I ask while keeping my attention on the picture takers outside. "Could you help me with my bags?"
"Of course." I turn to see him already looking at me with a smile. "Hat and sunglasses on." He reminds me. "Ready?" I nod once I'm "disguised."
"Let's go." Mr. Bronson steps out of the car and opens the truck grabbing all my bags placing them on the floor before closing up the trunk. He comes around to my side of the vehicle and sets something next to the door. Before I can think about what it is, he opens the door reminding me to "keep your head down." I nod to him as he places the guitar case in my hand. "Might help." He adds.
It surprisingly works a little. As we walked by the paparazzi, far fewer pictures than usual were taken of me. The ones that knew who I was knew. The others, I think, were taking a gamble and thought I was some indie singer or something. Regardless. I'm here inside the busy airport, from one anxiety-filled thing to another.
Mr. Bronson left shortly once we made it inside. I thanked him profusely, which he, of course, shrugged off. All he told me was to "go get her." I guess he thinks I'm chasing after Y/N.
Speaking of...
I'm now sitting down, opening our very one-sided text conversation. I scroll back up to the last couple of texts she sent me. They make me smile. This was back before the ignored calls. Back before I screwed it up. Back before, I lost the one real thing I've ever known. I remember it.
"Excuse me?"
I quickly close and fumble to put my phone away at a quiet voice speaking to me. I look up through my sunglasses to see a girl. She must be 14 or so. How'd she get into this airport lounge? Doesn't she need to have a credit card and be a member or something? Oh God, is she lost?
I can feel my nerves begin to overtake me. Deep breaths, Lizzie.
"Excuse me?" The girl speaks to me again. Shit, I should probably say something.
"Hello." I give a smile as the girl's face lights up from me just speaking. "Oh my God, It's really you! I wasn't 100% sure. I was going to be mortified if it was someone else." I giggle, calming down a bit at the girl's tone and evident nervousness.
"What's your name?" The girl smiles again before it looks like she's trying to remember her own name. Oh gosh, seeing fans get like this makes me feel a little bad. I don't want them to get too stressed or nervous just from meeting another human being.
I say the name back to myself internally before gesturing to the seat next to me since Geneva was just hunched over in front of me. "Are you sure?" She looks at me with such worry, but I motion again. "Please. It's okay." Geneva nods before taking the seat next to me. She looks like she wants to say a million things, but at the same time, she's too star-struck to do anything. I got time to kill, and I haven't really been talking to many people as of late, so I'll start.
"Geneva?" The girl turns to me- jaw dropped. "You said my name." I nod. "I did. Can I ask you a question?"
"Anything." She replies quicker than I would've hoped for.
"How'd you know it was me? And where did you see me from?"
Geneva points to her head. Leaving me a little confused. "Your cap." I lift my hand up to touch it. My LA Dodgers Cap? "It's like your calling card. You rep it more than any other celebrity. It's basically your own merch." She tells me with a smile. Huh, I mean, I guess I did buy Y/N her own cap for a reason.
I do wear it a lot, don't I?
"I literally bought one because of you. Oh, and I saw you from... over... there!" I follow where Geneva's finger is pointing. In the distance is an older man watching, waving at our interaction. So that's how she got in here. "That's my dad. I tried explaining who you were and why I was freaking out, but he didn't get it. I hope I'm not bothering you." Geneva quickly adds that last sentence in.
"Not at all. I was getting lost in my own world, so I'm happy you stepped over here." I tell her honestly. "Okay, good." Geneva appears to take a deep breath and relax a little after hearing that. I know that feeling all too well.
"So, where are you going?" I turn my body slightly towards Geneva, so she knows she has my attention.
"My dad and I are going to Oregon for a week."
"That should be fun." I instantly encourage the idea seeing that Geneva looks nervous. "I hope so. I don't like flying."
"That's okay." I go to say something else, but I see Geneva's wandering eyes look over my carry-on purse. "Where are you going?"
"Home." I point to my cap with a slight smile. Geneva slowly nods her head. "Filming?" I shake my head. "Not for a while."
"I loved WandaVision. I think it made Wanda my favorite." She mumbles that last part, but I heard her. "Oh?! Well, thank you, Geneva, but who was your favorite?"
"Bucky and Black Widow," Geneva replies, almost scared that she had another favorite before me. She knows I'm not the Scarlet Witch, right? I subtly laugh at her responses. "Those are cool characters. One is way cooler than the other."
"And hotter!" Geneva replies casually before realizing I'm not one of her teenage friends. She looks at me wide-eyed. "I-uh-I didn't- I'm sorry- don't tell Sca-" "It's okay. Your secrets are safe with me." Geneva still looks a little panicked, and it reminds me of the talks Y/N and I would have about her love of Black Widow.
I will say Geneva and Y/N are right. She is hot.
"Can I say something?" Geneva breaks the awkward yet comfortable silence that is building up in this loud airport. I gesture for her to keep going.
"I'm really sorry for how it happened, but knowing that one of my favorite superheroes or anti-hero or whatever you wanna call Wanda now was being played by someone who is a lot more like me than I thought was important."
This is a conversation that Marla and Rhonda told me that needed to happen. I have yet to publicly confirm that, yes, I am a part of a certain community now. All that's been said is that Robbie and I were no longer together and that I was seeing someone named Y/N Y/L/N—so hearing from a girl who can't even drive yet that I mean this much to her. It makes my heart warm up and break at the same time. I feel ecstatic that I can now be someone for people to look up to, but at the same time, I haven't done enough.
This needs to change.
I look over to Geneva.
"As I said, I'm sorry for how it happened, but you and your girlfriend look really cute together."
Girlfriend. I quickly use my acting skills and cover up and frown or look that suggests otherwise.
"Thank you very much, Geneva! Yes, we are cute, aren't we." I chuckle at the same time she does. "And I still look at Wanda as a hero, so you can too." I nudge Geneva.
Geneva looks down as her phone lights up. I didn't even realize she had it in her hands. "Oh, looks like we're about to board." Geneva looks up at me. "If it's not too much trouble, could I get a picture?" This child is so kind.
"Of course." I quickly take off my sunglasses as Geneva has the camera ready. I lean in close to Geneva, but not enough, so we're touching. "I won't take too many."
"I think a couple will be fine." I calmly but sternly tell her.
"Okay. One.. two.. three.. GAY!" My smile quickly morphs into a laugh that I cover worth my hand. I was not expecting the girl to say this. While laughing, another picture gets taken. "I can't believe I made Elizabeth Olsen laugh!" Geneva says a bit too loud for my liking reminding myself where we are.
It looks like we're done with the photos, so I quickly take the time to cover my face back up. "Thank you so much. Omg, this is the greatest thing I've ever taken."Geneva shows me, and it's a typical one, and then Geneva smiling as I'm dying of laughter. "I'm glad to be a part of it." In the distance, I see Geneva's dad making his way over here. I guess they're running a little late now.
"Thank you again! This means so much to me." I smile. "Me too." Geneva starts to walk away, but I stop her. "Geneva!" She quickly turns back. "Yes?!"
How do I say this?
"Do you mind waiting until tomorrow to post that picture? If you do it now.. the paparazzi will be worse in Los Angeles." Geneva thinks about my words. "Sure. I don't want it to be worse for you." I graciously nod. "Thank you very much."
"Of course, Lizzie. Happy Pride Month." Geneva waves at me before walking to her now crossed arm dad.
It is the start of pride month.
I quickly pull out my phone, exiting my text conversation with Y/N and opening the one with Marla and Rhonda.
"An interview needs to be made today. People need to know who I am."
The ride to the airport was uneventful. Aside from the occasional small talk and "I'm sorry for getting you sick" from Nick, nothing happened.
Now we're inching the car closer to the departure zone.
"Hey, kid?" When he first started calling me that, I thought it would go away because of how annoying it was, but it didn't, and I've grown to like it.
"Hmm?" I turn to face Nick as his eyes are watching the cars in front of us.
"Is the reason you left New York waiting for you in LA?"
"No," I say without another thought to the question or to the pain in my throat.
"Do you want them to be?"
I purse my lips and think. I don't know.. I've been avoiding Elizabeth for weeks but saying that I don't want to see her at all would be a complete lie because I miss her. I truly do. For the past couple of nights, I've been having dreams and nightmares about her. Maybe that's what's making my move to LA easier.
"I don't know," I whisper my answer out as Nick nods his head and drops the subject.
"You know, getting to know you these past couple of weeks has been wonderful. I'm happy to know Laurie has such an amazing daughter." The car has now reached my drop-off area. I turn to the older gentleman next to me.
"It's been a pleasure getting to know you too, Nickolas." Nick smiles but rolls his eyes at the awkward way I say his name causing me to laugh, which I regret doing as my warm throat starts fighting me.
"Need help with your bag?" I shake my head no, but Nick is already out of the car, opening the trunk for me. Once I'm about, he's already wheeling my suitcase to me. "Text your mother when you land. She'll be worried sick otherwise."
"I will."
Without thinking, I wrap my arms around Nick and hug him. I feel Nick hesitate before doing the same. It didn't last long, but it was nice. "Thanks again for everything." "Sorry for getting you sick, kid." Now I roll my eyes. "It's alright. I'll see you, Nick." I turn around and start walking to the airport doors.
"Wait!" I turn around to see the car window rolled down with Nick leaning over the passenger seat. "Don't forget to check your bag! You're flying to LA; who knows what someone might do if it's left in the overhead bin." I shake my head at him like he's crazy until I remembered the conversation over dinner last night.
"Literally pee all over my luggage. Someone left their child's toilet up in the top, and during take-off, it flew to the back, smacking everyone's precious cargo." (A/N this story happened on a podcast I used to listen to)
My face morphs in disgust. I shoot Nick a thumbs up as he laughs at my face. "So long, kid!" And with that, I turn back around and head straight towards my airline's desk. Ready to check this bag.
Okay, so that took longer than I thought it would. Of course, it's the beginning of summer, and this place is packed. What was I thinking? Now I'm sprinting, yes, sprinting to my gate! Mind you; I'm still feeling terrible!
It's like a scene out of a movie. I make it to my gate just as the last couple of people are shuffling on. The ticket on my phone goes through, and now I can finally breathe! I follow the people onto the plane, double-checking that I have everything. Phone? Obviously. AirPods? Duh. Cards and ID? Front pocket because what if my bag gets lost because I listened to Nick? Okay, time to find my seat and get rid of this headache.
I picked the worst day to fly.
Does anyone watch the stewardess do the safety instructions in case something happens and you need to step up, or is this just my anxiety making me watch them?
Anyways I feel relieved once they finish up. The person next to me couldn't give a shit. They were on their phone the whole time, and let me tell you, they were getting screamed at by someone through text.
Which weirdly reminds me.
I open my phone. I never finished my conversation with Robbie.
wasn't ignoring you just got on the plane. I'll text you when I land.
After a couple of minutes, Robbie responds.
No sweat I started taking a crack at that other song All Eyes On Me. Are you sure this is suited for me?
Moody indie? Uh yeah dude.
🙄 Saving it for when you get here. have a safe flight.
I exit that conversation, and I'm surprised to see a text from Max I don't remember getting.
"Elizabeth stopped by your place again. I think it might be for the last time. She's leaving ny."
Oh wow. Trying to copy me, Olsen?
I'm trying to formulate a sentence to type back, but I get interrupted when the mean stewardess tells me to put all electronic devices on airplane mode.
I'll just text Maxine back later. As of right now, though, I think it's time to pull out my AirPods, put on a relaxing playlist and tune out that crying baby five rows ahead of me.
Even in first class, I'm nervous. I don't know what it is today, but my nerves are doubled. Ever since we touched down in my home state, I've had this weird feeling.
Was I wrong to leave? Is it wrong to come back home? I should've apologized and seen my sister before leaving. No, I should've fucking chased after Y/N when I had the chance. Oh, God. Should I change my sunglasses and hat?
"Miss Olsen?" I dramatically lift my eyes up from the spot where my engagement ring used to be to see the eyes of the kind stewardess saving me from myself. "If you'd like to follow me." I nod before getting up and following her like a lost puppy. Except lost puppies don't get the stink eye from people, you never met.
Once we make it to the gate, the stewardess leads me to a man waiting with my bags. Well, all except one thing. Y/N's guitar case. Also, who is this man? Why is he here? I can carry my own bags.
"Thank you," I say to the stewards, who gives me a tight-lipped smile before turning back onto the plane. I walk up to the man and thank him for gathering all my belongings, but I can take it from here. He obliges as I double-check that I do indeed have everything except the guitar. I do! So with my purse securely on my shoulder and the bags and cases in my hands, I make my way to baggage claim.
Two naps in one day.
I feel better after the second one. Or at least I thought I did. My eyes aren't tired. My head isn't killing me. But my throat. My throat got worse. Yes, it doesn't pain me as much to speak, but it's extra scratchy, and anytime I do try and speak, it's not my voice. I sound like a different person. Oh goodness, I need cough drops and water quick.
A text to James, Robbie, Max, and my mom later, and I'm the last one off. I've never been that last one off a plane, so I guess I can cross that off my bucket list. Why is it called that? Anyways with no bags carried on with me, it's now time to try to find my airline's baggage claim.
Oh yeah, also, I've never been to LAX before, so this is a new terrifying experience.
I hate that I'm doing this by myself.
I shouldn't have listened to Nick. I swear I've watched hundreds of people come by and be gone while I'm still here. I literally watched a guy walk around the corner, come by, scoop up his bag and walk straight into a car waiting for him. What the fuck?
Also, some people have zero sense of fashion. I know I don't, but I was learning a thing or two from the Olsens. Plus, I'm gay, so it's different.
Anygays, after watching the black suitcase with red lining pass by for the 7,495 time, I'm about to give up when brand new bags start coming down.
I watch as the crowd around me starts to grow. I had to do a double take when I thought I saw a woman in an LA Dodgers cap hanging around, but I didn't see her anymore, and I have to remember I'm actually in California now, so that's probably normal.
Finally, I saw it! My large suitcase was making its way to me. Without much of a struggle, I'm able to pull off the belt and make sure that, yes, it's mine. I'm about to finally walk away when something catches my eye.
I watch as it slides its way down before slowly making it was past me. It can't be. I look over the stickers on the case. Surely someone else has my exact same ones.
Except no one has my Davey-made sticker for my high school track team. Only one was made.
And there it is.
I watch as the case passes the people to my right. "Hey." I croak out of my throat as I watch a hand go and grab the case. Shit. They didn't hear me. When did so many people get here?
"Excuse me." "Get out of my way." "Sorry."
These are all the things I'm spitting out as the power starts coming back into my voice as I'm rushing to whoever thinks they can't steal my guitar case.
How the fuck do they have it?
"Hey, stop," I call out once I'm behind the person. "You with the case!" Fucking unbelievable! They're ignoring me.
"Hey!" I clear my throat once more and get right up behind the person before grabbing the bottom of my case from them pulling them back towards me.
"Who the fuck do you think you are!"
It took long enough, but it's finally here in my hands. I'm surprised I haven't been recognized with how long I was just standing there waiting.
I thought I saw someone who looked a lot like Y/N peer their way toward me, but I lost them in the ever-growing crowd.
Anyways. It's finally here in my hand. I hear some commotion behind me, but I'm too tired to see what that's about. I just want to "Hey!" get to Aubrey's before bringing this guitar to Robb-
"Who the fuck do you think you are!"
I feel the guitar case being pulled from behind as my hand gets yanked back, turning me around.
"Hey!" I yell before our eyes meet.
Y/N & Liz POV
It's her! She's here in front of me!! Don't fuck this up.
Part 27
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dapperbasil · 4 months
Tammarias 58/26
Winto coming in with the blorbos. You asked a doozy of a second question so I'm warning you it's a little long.
58. Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
You may be a bit surprised by this answer, but it's Tammy. Zacharias has thick enough skin that he lets most things she says pass by, especially if they're said in anger. Tammy however takes things very much to heart, and even if he says something he doesn't actually mean or regrets later, she will still internalize it. It's led to situations where they work through it in unconventional ways, but at least watching the Reeve and Baron spar is good entertainment for Anarch's Wild.
26. What are their vices?
This one had me stuck for a while. So I don't spend all day bashing my blorbos, I'll stick to two each. Zacharias first, even as he's mellowed out over the years, much thanks to the influence of Tammy, some things never change.
He's competitive to an extreme, even over things that it makes little sense to be competitive over. Partly because he holds himself to a very high standard, he must be the best at whatever he endeavors to do. It's a problem particularly when it's a team activity, and he perceives others as holding him back or being weak links on the team. He's unafraid to make these perceptions known, often leading to Tammy's refusal to do certain things with him (particularly sports).
This leads into his other vice, the arrogance attributed to clan Ventrue. He is better than most people around him, and you won't be able to tell him otherwise. Especially now that he's no longer beholden to the politesse of the Camarilla, Zacharias is prideful to a fault.
Tammy was a lot harder to pin down, as I'm not fully sure how she changes in modern nights since the game is still ongoing. I think I've picked two good ones that still fit though.
For the first, it's recklessness. She has little sense of self-preservation, an aspect that tends to bother Zacharias who has grown to be overprotective of her after so many close calls over the years. If he didn't know better, he would assume she was trying to meet her final death with how much trouble she gets herself into or as much as she gets herself hurt.
Though she tries to hide it, Tammy does harbor an underlying feeling of bitterness about her time as a fledgling and her test. She's seen how she went through much more than plenty of other Ventrue fledglings did for their tests, and those who didn't even have to do one in the first place. The test brought her so much pain and heartache, changed her irreparably in multiple ways, all for something that really doesn't even matter in the end. She just can't let it go, after all those years. She has the scars to show it, after all.
OTP Ask Meme
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for the ask game~ 12, 14, 18, 22, 23, 26, 33, 36, 40, 50. any, some, or all, whatever you feel up to! (fmfkdi it was gonna be just five but there's so many good questions)
Ohhh thank you!!
12. Have you ever written a fic and decided never to publish it? Why? A bunch honestly. Some are just not polished enough, some are too self-indulgent to share. The most notable example is the one time I did Nanowrimo, hit the 50k no problem but never managed to tie it all together into a coherent story. To this day, the fic sits as a bunch of connected scenes somewhere in my documents and at this point I doubt it'll ever see the light of day, lol.
14. What’s the biggest change in your taste between when you started in fandom and today? When I started out I was all about romantic shipping, now not so much. The rest has stayed much the same.
18. What’s your most underrated fic? Hmm I really can't complain about the vast majority of my fics so I'm gonna have to name the IDOLiSH7 fic I wrote on a whim last year because for some reason it sits at zero comments on AO3 (and one review on FFN from a lovely, loyal reader who doesn't even know the fandom) even though it has almost a thousand hits, a decent number of kudos, some bookmarks, so I could never really work out why it didn't have any comments at all, lol. I think it's a pretty good fic, too! (I don't have strong feelings about this tho since I don't usually write for or otherwise interact with that fandom, so it's all good).
22. Has there ever been anyone who’s made you freak out because they read your work and followed/favorited/reviewed? Not in terms of popularity of someone because luckily the fandoms I was/am active in don't have "big name fans" and if they do, I'm not crossing paths with them. And even if that were the case, those are just normal fans of the same thing I'm a fan of, so I wouldn't be happier about interaction from them than from any other person.
23. What’s the nicest review you’ve ever gotten? I've had sooo many lovely reviews and comments, I don't think it would be fair to pick a specific one for its content alone. However, I was in a multifandom zine a few times, and during the first run of that zine, someone who was also in it made it their mission to comment on every. single. one of the works featured in the zine. They left a beautiful, long comment on the Fleurentia fic I wrote for that zine and they didn't even have any knowledge of the fandom! So that one just has to win because of the circumstances surrounding it, lol..
26. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised? Every time someone tells me they like my characterization, I start fucking vibrating. That's one of the best things someone could tell me.
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up? Noct, I think. He's the one who gave me the most trouble of the four at first, but somehow I kept slipping into his pov way more often than intended. I feel more comfortable with him by now, but when I end up writing from his pov, that's still something that just kinda happened more often than not. As for quality, I think it holds up alright.
36. Have you ever sincerely written a ship you do not support into a fic? Not really, the most I've done is writing a ship I have no interest in. I wrote a Haru & Makoto soulmate AU for a Free! Iwatobi Swim Club gift exchange. My giftee asked for an aro/ace character, though, and so I got to write that sweet, sweet queerplatonic propaganda. Also, that pesky Promnis ship that keeps sneaking into my stuff in ways that could or could not be shippy – but again, definitely wouldn't say I don't support the ship. It's a very good ship!
40. Do you feel like you put out enough content? I don't think that's something you can (or should!) measure, but I can say that I'm happy with my output in recent years compared to when I had just started writing fics. Writing in general comes easier to me and it no longer feels like pulling teeth to come up with something to write. I would, however, like to write more often/more consistently.
50. Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it’s entirely positive? I'd definitely say so, yeah. It gives me the opportunity to explore and learn things about myself through the lens of my beloved characters and I've certainly figured out some stuff I might not have figured out without that. So far, yeah that impact has been positive and I haven't had any negative experiences.
Thank you so much for sending these and letting me ramble! I don't know why every single one of these turned into a fucking novel – I have to agree, they're very good questions!
Link to the ask game
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I two things:
1, I love any and all of yet rambles, especially the space ones. Space is also one of my special interests, and it makes me so so so so happy whenever I see something about it on one of my favorite blogs!
If my brain wasn’t so stupid and actually let me remember stuff when I want to, perhaps I’d actually be able to keep all I learn >:(
2, Please remember to drink some water, eat some food even if it’s just a few crackers, and rest.
Ya can use this ask as an excuse to talk about space ^^
1. I AM CONSIDERED ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITE BLOGS? *falls from my gaming chair*
Thank you.
Astrophysics is a wonderful field of science.
Don't worry, I don't have the memory of an elephant, so I can't keep everything in mind. It's not bad to forget stuff. I like to reread & rewatch stuff & I feel happy when I read or see stuff that I already know. It's like: WHOOP, THAT I KNOW!
2. ... You got me there. When I'm in hyperfocus, it's really hard to remember to eat or drink. Sometimes, I don't even want to. A few minutes of nourishing my body feel like eternity even though I know that is JUST my emotional perception.
Oooooh, another infodump about space? Hehe...
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You won't regret this, will you?
✨️Let's talk quasars! ✨️
'Quasar' is short for 'quasi-stellar radio source'.
Quasars got that name because they looked starlike when astronomers first discovered them in the earliest radio surveys of the sky in the 1950s.
Some of the radio sources discovered back then coincided with objects that appeared to be unusually blue stars, although photographs of some of these objects showed them to be embedded in faint, fuzzy halos.
But quasars aren’t stars.
They are, in fact, young galaxies located at vast distances from us, with their numbers increasing towards the edge of the visible universe.
The oldest quasar, currently, is J0313-1806. Its distance is approximately 13.03 billion light-years, & therefore, we see it as it was just 670 million years after the Big Bang.
Quasars are extremely bright, up to 1,000 times brighter than our Milky Way. We know that they’re highly active, emitting staggering amounts of radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
A quasar is a type of an 'active galactic nucleus', short AGN.
(There are actually many different types of AGNs, each with their own tale to tell.)
Theoretically, the intense radiation released by an AGN powers a supermassive black hole.
The powerful radiation comes from material in the accretion disk surrounding the black hole when it is superheated to millions of degrees by the intense friction generated by the particles of dust, gas & other matter in the disk colliding countless times with each other.
The inward spiral of matter in a supermassive black hole’s accretion disk – that is, at the centre of a quasar – is the result of particles colliding & bouncing against each other & losing momentum.
That material came from the enormous clouds of gas, mainly consisting of molecular hydrogen, which filled the universe in the era shortly after the Big Bang.
There is a maximum rate set by the Eddington limit at which a black hole can accrete matter before the heating of the infalling gas results in so much outward pressure from radiation that the accretion stops.
Some quasars have radio jets, which are highly collimated beams of plasma propelled out along the rotation axis of the accretion disk at almost the speed of light.
These jets emit beams of radiation that can be observed at X-ray & radio wavelengths (and less often at optical wavelengths).
What distinguishes an “active” galactic nucleus from other galactic nuclei (90–95 percent of large galaxies that are currently not quasars) is that the black hole in an active nucleus accretes a few solar masses of matter per year, which, if it is accreting at around 1 percent or more of the Eddington rate, is sufficient to account for a typical quasar with a total luminosity of about 10^39 watts. (The Sun’s luminosity is about 4 × 10^26 watts.)
Quasars are baby galaxies if you will.
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Credis: STScI
Have a WELL-DESERVED cookie 🍪, this has gotten WAY out of hand.
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fuck-customers · 2 years
Two days ago:
This little old lady came through my line. I've dealt with her before, and it's never been fun. This day, she wanted to get some clothes. I said, "would you like a bag?" She said she did. So I charged her for a bag and gave her a bag. Upon finishing the transaction, she moved a few steps away and proceeded to examine her receipt while I took another couple customers. Then, she came back, cutting the line, and demanded I return everything. English is not her first language, and her accent is thick enough I can't understand her as well as I would a native speaker. Still, the impression I get is that she is upset that I charged her for a bag and she doesn't want to pay for a bag, so now I have to return everything so she gets her money back for the bag.
The bags are five cents each and nonrefundable.
I process the return; she basically shoves the bag at me and leaves.
Fast forward to today.
This same lady barges up to my register with her cart while I am actively helping another customer, and proceeds to yell at me for not returning the bag/stealing from her last time, and snatches a bag off my register while yelling that she talked to the manager and he said it was okay.
(He did, as one of the SPS guys verified, but also it was the manager who is just like "get the customers tf away from me" and since 5 cents isn't much ofc he'd say it's fine just to make her go tf away)
(I say yelling. She wasn't that loud, but I have a tendency to use "yelling" to mean "speaking forcefully")
Fuck her
A couple hours later, I'm on break with one of the SPS guys. He asks what was up with that lady. I tell him. He tells me that she'd expressed to SPS that she specifically wanted to take a bag from my register. She didn't just want a bag, she wanted to take one from me. Why, I can only guess-- maybe she thinks the cashiers profit directly from selling bags.
Anyways I would bet money that she makes significantly more than me. I make $15.65/hour, which comes to about 26 cents per minute, or about 5 cents every 12 seconds. I have done the math, and she literally took at least half an hour to an hour of time for which she was not getting paid-- $16 even if she makes only slightly more than me-- to annoy me for 5-10 minutes that I am getting paid for-- $1.30 minimum-- all over five fucking cents. Who wins here? Because it sure as hell ain't you, lady.
.... I still wish I'd had a monthlong vacation planned after Wednesday's shift, because it would've been fucking hilarious if she had to wait a month for her five-cent revenge. Almost as good if I'd been in stockroom or on the sales floor today and didn't have a register. Oh well.
Going to start keeping my bags in the drawer even though it's less convenient because people are so fucking annoying about them
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I probably forgot something because my ad wasnt posted last time 😅
🕊 26 - she/her - 18+ or older only! Minors dni!
I'm looking for dead dove themed, rapid fire fandomless FxF plots with someone willing to take the role of the dominant character. Doubling up is fine if that's preffered. c:
Things I'm looking for are:
Older Stepsister x younger Stepsister
Teacher x Student
Stalker x Victim (Stockholm Syndrome involved possibly)
Age gap in general!
And some more (feel free to splash your ideas into my face! Gimme all you got!)
I'm looking to involve a lot of Angst, but also FLUFF and NSFW themes. Keep in mind, that I don't do fading to black. I've got a few limits after all, which I'll gladly tell you through dms.
I'm an experienced Semi-lit to novella writer and rarely do under 3 paras per reply, so I'm asking you to do the same.
Everyone has a life outside of social media and so do I, but please try and be active (possibly multiple replies a day) as this a rapid fire request.
Talk to me if you can't reply for whatever reason! I'm a very understanding person and won't bite your head off.
Tell me if you can't/want to keep the roleplay going but please do not ghost me, since this has happened to me a lot lately.
I love bonding OOC! So please, please, let's just vibe and gush over our characters, send memes, songs, even Pinterest boards! Give it to me, hecc yes!
If it comes to nsfw, I always prefer either a 50/50 or at least 40/60 ratio of smut/story
Roleplay only through Discord!
Interested? Leave a like, and I'll shoot you a dm, dm me or message me over Discord directly -> queenserah
Like this post or contact the asker directly if you’re interested!
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coulsonlives · 2 years
✨ I'm Alisha (she/they, 26), I'm a bi disaster and welcome to my space on the web! ✨🐌
I'm a friendly potato if you're friendly too, so make yourself comfy. Ship and let ship, kink tomato. We have critical thinking skills and don't do moral panics here. I personally don't ship 'taboo' dynamics, but it's fine if you do.
No specific theme here. I post funny things, art I like, cute animals, and lots of things about censorship. I try to catch the most important tags in each post, tell me if I forget something.
I appreciate everyone who follows me even if I don't follow back.
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I block assholes who hurt and/or target other people. This includes making threats and death wishes, guilt-tripping people, harassing people, or insulting people you don't like by calling them the r-slur, inbred, or other things. Let's not synonymize disabilities and mental illness with being a bad person. No, I don't care who the person is. Same with telling people to die with no chance to better themselves. We do reparative, restorative justice in this house.
I don't wanna see people being shitty to someone strictly based on their innate race gender orientation etc either, and yes this includes cishet and white people. Your labels don't give you a free pass to be a jerk.
Some of my popular posts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Check out my comics here!
I don't reblog chain letters, superstitious 'reblog and this will happen' posts, reblog bait, or fundraising posts.
You can like or reblog my posts, no pressure! I'm not gonna guilt trip you into doing one or the other, I get that posts don't always match the themes of blogs, and that posting isn't activism and all that other stuff.
I have good media literacy and I'm strongly against censorship. And no, censorship is not something 'only chronically online people care about'. Censorship movements have happened for decades eg DND, pokemon, book bans. Just because fandom has labels for where you stand on censorship it doesn't mean people won't understand why it's bad. They do. Censorship affects everyone, and everyone cares about it, even if you don't wanna talk about it online (which is ok)! Needless to say, censorship-happy people with unhealthy views of media consumption get blocked on sight, I don't dance with em.
I don't have a DNI. They're a naive control fantasy that assumes everyone is actually who they say they are and will respect your wishes. Vague DNIs with 'etc' and 'basic DNI criteria' are even worse, because idek what they mean. I chose not to make my blog password protected, and I can live with what that means. If I see someone with a stinky personality, I block them. I expect y'all to do the same if you see someone you don't like, it ain't my responsibility to curate your space for you. And if you're interacting with me despite having me in your DNI, I'd ask you, if you're too lazy to check every blog you interact with to confirm they're not on your DNI, how can you expect other people to?
One last thing:
Obviously I can't control what people do, but I instantly block anyone who claims they have DID. Just a heads up, peeps. I've been through enough with my former friend's malingering to care for one second about validating mistakes and attention-seeking behaviour someone won't get help for, because there's maybe a handful of people who actually have this disorder, and I refuse to risk getting involved with more people like my friend. It's obvious when you're faking, or just convincing yourself you have DID, when the symptoms don't line up with the MOST BASIC ways the disorder works. I'll say this once: get off tiktok and twitter, you were given bad information further up the line by someone equally mistaken. You gotta figure out the real source of your problems, and it's almost guaranteed to not be DID, even if you have trauma! I'm sorry your needs aren't being met, but you can't get it like this, you convinced yourself you have something you don't, this is literally what's happening with you. And it's delaying whatever diagnosis you actually need. Professionals aren't always right, believe me I know lmao, but sometimes they are. You gotta learn how to think critically, instead of relying on tiktoks and parasocial groups that just confirm your biases over and over again. Get out of those echo chambers, it's insanely unhealthy and it's seriously gonna screw you up.
Anyways, that's all the tough love for today.
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