#cancer crew edit
pink guy tha real barbie let’s bffr
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maxedmoefoez · 4 months
i havent edited in like a month but HURRAYYYY MAXIAN EDIT
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f-franku · 4 months
okay i’ll make an actual pinned soon if i don’t forget that i have this blog lol
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maxaep · 2 years
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i need more max moots, lmk if you wanna be moots and if you guys make edits comment ur tiktok or insta :DD (yes, my name is maxine !!)
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nerdytextileartist · 5 months
In this edition of "Sigh, Another Day, Another Tumblr Post..."
If the reasoning for why they keep shipping make Roy interact with Jason is because both Roy and Jason's stepmother were both addicts (BTW Roy is a recovered addict and Catherine Todd was retconned from dying of cancer to drug overdose which smacks of classism because Jason came from poverty), then what's keeping people from having Jason recruit Snowflame for his crew?
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Think about it, there's a bunch of fics that erase Dinah and Hal from Roy's recovery in order to force Jason into the role of caretaker despite Roy being eight years older than Jason. Let's see people write a fic where Jason tries to make and keep Snowflame- a villain who gets his powers from cocaine- clean.
Aaaaaand now I want there to be a "Red Hood and the Outlaws" with Snowflame instead of Arsenal in the roster. Now which D/C-list honeypot villainess should take over Starfire's slot?
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dcbbw · 5 months
The Odd Couples
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Hi, tumblrs! I’m back with yet another AU of one of my favorite AUs: it’s the DC gang, paired differently.  
(I know I haven’t written anything DC AU-related in a long ass five minutes, and I swear Chapter 6 of the original series is practically ready to post, just needs a deep-dive edit)  
So, this story is the product of two separate ideas: First, what if I hadn’t followed canon/fanon/personal head canons when pairing the couples up/off?  And the second idea comes from the What If episode of Friends where that gang ends up with someone different (Phoebe x Ross, Monica x Joey, Rachel x Chandler).  
Side note: Using throwback DC crew (Liam, Riley, Max, Leo, Liv, Drake, Madeleine, and Penelope). Also, check out the link to Leo’s shirt (if you make it that far). It’s the Leo-est shirt ever IMHO) 
Side Note 2: Mixing the pairings up means I have/will be writing pairings that others write/have written and are generally associated with said writer(s). While I am fully aware that no one owns ships, I realize this is a fandom and strive to be mindful of those who write rareships and respect their pairings.  
This is simply my take on my version of these characters when coupled differently in my world. 
To those who read over this story in parcels, pieces, and in whole ...THANK YOU!  
For those who do read this fic, THANK YOU! Your likes, comments, and/or reblogs are appreciated more than you realize. 
 Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. Microsoft Editor rates this piece as 99% error free.  
I’ll be back sooner rather than later with a submission for Hana Lee Appreciation Week, an angsty Driam/Riley love triangle, and some Stormholt.  
Song Inspo: Moments We Live For (Acoustic Version), In Paradise 
Word Count:  4,099
Pairings: SGL x Olivia; Drake x Madeleine; Leo x Riley B; Max x Penelope 
Rating: M for Mature themes 
SGL x Liv 
Liam Rys tipsily followed Olivia Nervakis into the hotel room, hip-checking the door to shut it while Olivia occasionally paused her steps to turn on table lamps. Her black stiletto heels made no noise against the carpet; however, the swish of her highly starched black and white polka-dotted dress sounded scratchy in the silent room.  
“Do you have to turn on every light?” Liam complained as he fastened the deadbolt. 
“It’s not every light, and not our electric bill,” his girlfriend responded tartly as she flipped yet another switch.  
The couple was in Baltimore for the weekend, attending a costume party thrown by Liv’s employer. There had been a buffet; an open bar; and a prize for the best costume, which Liam and Olivia did not win. Carlos Santiago, a member of the Environmental Services team, and his wife and three children came costumed as The Birds and The Bees and won the prize.  
Liam and Liv were The Ricardos: Olivia’s red hair was done up in Lucy’s signature poodle hairstyle, and her dress was a dead ringer for the world’s most famous housewife’s iconic frock. He had wanted to wear a tuxedo and carry a conga drum but settled for Ricky’s purple, polka dot silk smoking jacket with shawl collar, black pants, and black velvet slippers.  
“I can’t believe we didn’t win!” Liam muttered beneath his breath as he came behind Olivia, arms encircling her waist; his palms splayed against her flat, toned stomach. She responded by leaning against him, her back pressed against his chest.  
“Don’t hate!” she admonished. “With those Korean features and Boston accent, no way were you a convincing Cuban band leader. Besides, you have to admit Carlos had a pretty creative idea.” 
“Not more creative than my SOCK GAME! I mean, Liv … you gotta admit, it’s damn good tonight!” 
He was wearing black, knee-length socks with red hearts inscribed with “I Love Lucy” scattered all over. Olivia rolled her eyes in exasperation at the mention of his sock game. 
This man and his socks! Liam thought his sock game could cure cancer and bring about world peace. 
 “You’re sock game is great as it always is, darling. But it was a costume contest,” Olivia placated in a soothing tone as his fingers began removing bobby pins from her hair.  
She spun around, facing her boyfriend as her hair fell in soft curls that framed her face. Her green eyes twinkled as she pressed a quick kiss against his lips.  
“You big, spoiled baby,” she teased. “Wanna smoke, take the edge off? I brought a couple of blunts along.” 
He quickly shook his head. “No way am I going to be in BALTIMORE off some loud.” 
Olivia grabbed the lapels of Liam’s smoking jacket, pulling him closer to her. The tip of her tongue swiped his lower lip. “Makes sense,” she agreed. 
Liam pressed his palms against her ass cheeks; he sang softly in her ear as he swayed his hips against hers.  
And life is heaven, you see  'Cause I love Lucy, yes  I love Lucy  And Lucy  Loves me! 
“My name’s Liv”, Olivia corrected with a giggle as she gently wriggled out of Liam’s embrace. “C’mon, let’s get ready for bed,” she urged as she headed for the bathroom.  
Liam stuck out his tongue at her retreating back before glancing around the room. It was a typical hotel room, nothing really standing out or making it different from any other room. 
The door that led to the balcony was all glass with a brass doorknob; the hotel promised a 360◦ view of the city’s famed Harbor from the patio. The couple planned to have breakfast there in the morning. 
There was a workstation; a large, wall-mounted television; coffee maker and microwave; and the bed: queen-sized, four-poster, and centered against the back wall.  
His eyes widened when he saw the wall to the side of the bed. It was covered floor to ceiling, and side to side with a … mirror.  
Well, that was different.  
Liam approached the bed, kicking off his slippers as he went; he stared curiously at his reflection before climbing atop the bed and resting on his haunches. He then lay on his back, turning his head to continue staring at his reflection.  
He impatiently pushed his hair off his forehead before rolling over onto his stomach; pressing his palms against the bedcovers, Liam pushed himself up with his arms, still watching himself. He imagined Liv beneath him, her pale legs scissored across his back as they watched themselves. 
This could be fun.  
“LIVVY!” he yelled excitedly over the sound of water running in the sink. “There’s a MIRROR! On the WALL! By the BED!” 
The water turned off; Olivia sauntered into the room; her face was scrubbed clean of makeup, damp ends of her hair curling, and wearing a red lace bra with matching panties. A sultry smirk curved her lips.  
 Liam caught sight of her in the mirror’s reflection, and visibly gulped. Liv only wore matching underwear when they were going to have sex.  
“Ai yi yi yi”, he muttered as he bounded off the bed and hastily divested himself of the smoking jacket.  
Olivia was now standing directly in front of Liam; after guiding him to the other side of the bed, directly against the wall so he could see them both in the mirror, her red-tipped fingernails trailed a path from his throat to his belt buckle before unfastening the belt. She slid to her knees, pulling the pants zipper down with her teeth. Her eyes looked up at Liam.  
“Care to hear me do some ‘splaining?” she purred as her hand reached inside the opening and pulled his cock out.  
Liam never answered; he was too busy staring at Liv’s reflection as her mouth swallowed his manhood. 
Drake x Madeleine 
“Open your mouth, and stick out your tongue,” Madeleine demanded.  
Drake’s chocolate brown eyes stared up at her before raking over her body, his gaze settling on her chest. “Take off your shirt,” he countered.  
Madeleine exhaled a frustrated sigh that fluttered her bangs as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Damnit, Drake! You’re sick, and I need to take your temperature to make sure the meds are working.” 
Quickly covering his mouth, Drake Walker let out a series of deep, wet coughs that rattled the congestion in his chest.  
“They aren't”, he rasped as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “Tits would help. For sure.” 
With a horrified look, Madeleine hastily grabbed and thrusted a bottle of hand sanitizer in his face. “WIPE!” 
Rolling his eyes, Drake took the bottle; he then complied with his girlfriend’s first request. He slathered the disinfectant over his hands while Madeleine inserted a thermometer under his tongue.  
His temperature was 102◦; two degrees lower than it had been three hours ago. Uneasy relief washed over Madeleine’s features.  
“You should take the meds on a full stomach. You hungry?” 
Drake turned onto his side, adjusting the pillows beneath his head as he did so. “Not really, but we both know you’re gonna harp on it until I give in. I think I have some canned soup in one of the kitchen cabinets.” 
Madeleine nodded absently as she stepped into the bathroom to run the instrument under hot water in an attempt to kill the cooties her boyfriend more than likely transferred onto it. She heard Drake’s question when she turned the water off. 
“When are you giving up that broom closet you’re living in to move in with me?” 
“Don’t start,” Madeleine warned with a shake of her head as she re-entered the bedroom.  
“Start what? You’re paying $1300 a month to RENT A ROOM! You could move in here with me and pay HALF that and it would be a whole ass apartment! You could start saving, pay down that credit card debt of yours …” 
“I prefer to have my own, Drake!” 
Madeleine’s boyfriend rolled his eyes. “You HAVE your own RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!  Clothes! Shoes! Makeup! Oat milk! And if we’re talking preferences, I prefer to wake up with you in my bed every morning. I prefer to glare and glower at you from across the room when we argue instead of sitting on the phone in awkward silence. I prefer to not have to wait for make-up sex!” 
Madeleine shifted uncomfortably, scuffing the toe of her sneaker against the carpet. Her green eyes peeked up to sneak a glance at Drake, whose bleary eyes stared at her with a mixture of frustration and hopefulness. His fingers idly played in his chest hair. 
“Why won’t you just accept this greatness?” he huffed accusingly.  
Madeleine rolled her eyes in a here we go again way. 
She and Drake were in love with each other. They were the odd couple of the group: The WASP and the Blue-Collar Worker, but they fit each other like a glove. Most of the time.  
Cohabitation should have been the next logical step in their relationship. 
Madeleine found it nice to come to his U Street apartment after work and find him cooking them dinner while she mixed killer cocktails to help them unwind from their day.  
Or for her to be the first one awake and cook them breakfast, making sure to prepare the thick-cut bacon he liked, and brew the dark-roast coffee that was his favorite before sharing morning-breath kisses. 
Drake making sure Madeleine had the apricot and cream body wash that cost a small fortune, and high thread count Egyptian cotton towels she insisted upon for her showers. 
While their relationship was highly sexual, it was not sexually based. There were debates and discussions covering a gambit from international events and politics to cooking meats with mustard. The only thing they could never agree on was music: Madeleine was a Swiftie, and Drake was 70s rock and country. They shared a love of exercise and the outdoors; weekends usually found them taking day trips to Shenandoah to hike the trails, snacking on the beef jerky Drake loved and Madeleine tolerated. 
But people broke up all the time … over the most minute and ridiculous things. And Madeleine knew she could be an anal-retentive pill most of the time. She wasn’t going to be heartbroken and house hunting if things went south with Drake.  
Madeleine had been instilled from an early age that God blessed the child that had their own. 
“I’m not going to be that chick if we don’t work out," she stated in a small but firm voice as she sat at the foot of the bed; close enough to show support and comfort, far enough away to maybe being in a germ-free zone.  
“You’re saying that after I just asked you to move in with me for the 100th time?” Drake huffed before another coughing fit overtook him.  
While Drake hacked up a lung, Madeleine looked around the bedroom, wondering if he had any masks around. The couple locked eyes briefly, chocolate fastened on emerald. 
 “You could dump me at Target or something!” she countered as she alternated between awkwardly patting his back and scooting further away from him. 
When the coughing subsided, Drake pointed to the nightstand on Madeleine’s side of the bed.  
“Masks. Bottom drawer.” 
Drake knew her. 
“As for dumping you, you don’t shop at Target; it’d have to be Macy’s.” 
So well.  
Leo x Riley B. 
Leo Rys hefted an oversized, too-full sriracha red snapper taco in both hands before greedily biting into it. He let out a low grunt of satisfaction as flavors and spices exploded over his tongue and crumbles of taco shell fell onto his plate.  
Saturday afternoons couldn’t get much better than this: wearing his most comfortable shirt; hanging with his girlfriend Riley Brooks, who was his favorite person in the world; and lunch at his new favorite eatery, Tia Maria Tacos. Bonus: they had scored an upstairs window booth that overlooked the Potomac River. 
Normally for the pair, Saturdays were for sleeping in and being lazy; 24 hours of partial nudity and horizontal positions suited them just fine after clocking out of work on a Friday afternoon. Especially if they had worked a full week.  
But Riley had been in a funk lately; she had been to five job interviews over the past month; good interviews, where she had been a top-two contender. However, that hadn’t been good enough. Riley had been passed over every time, for each job.  
Requests for feedback had not been helpful; hiring managers told her they couldn’t go wrong regardless of who they chose for the position. Riley’s ego was bruised, her esteem low. Despite her having a job that she had worked for the past 10 years ... a job she did damn well ... she was now comparing herself to Penelope, for Chrissakes.  
Leo knew he had to do something, so he planned Date Day.  
They began at Lincoln’s Waffle House for breakfast followed by a couples’ massage in Cleveland Park. Riley wanted to visit a tarot shop; Leo was agreeable. They both got readings, and she purchased a deck of tarot cards along with a strand of chakra beads.  
From there they went to Georgetown, navigating the crowds and perusing shops. A French bakery was offering a European tea meal; Riley looked at Leo with hopeful eyes that quickly filled with dismay at his emphatic refusal. An hour later, laden with bags from a vintage clothing shop, a sex store, and a spice-filled storefront, they decided they were hungry; Leo suggested tacos.  
He took a long swallow from his bottle of beer, his gaze fixed on Riley who had a plate filled key lime shrimp, Korean BBQ, and spicy chicken tacos, along with a serving of nacho fries. She felt his gaze and looked up to smile at him before taking a healthy bite of the shrimp taco. 
Her eyes widened with surprise before closing in bliss. 
“Hmmmmmm, this is soooooo good, Leo! I mean, it ain’t Chinese food but still like, hella good! Thank you for suggesting this place!” she said around a mouthful of food.  
“Anytime, boo,” he replied with a wink as he reached into her plate for fries covered in nacho cheese and seasoned ground beef.  
“And thank you for cheering me up today. It’s the reminder I needed that the Universe is just doing what it does, and all those hiring managers are just bitches and heifers.” 
Leo dragged his fork through seasoned beans and rice. “They weren’t the jobs for you,” he assured her.  “YOU are smart, funny, kind, and the greatest asset any person or job can have, and the right organization will recognize that. Not to mention you’re fucking gorgeous, and do you have any idea how hot you are?” 
Riley bit into the spicy chicken taco, and quickly took a sip of her Sierra Mist with lemon. She nodded at Leo. “How hot I am? Yeah, I know ...  and the answer is not very.” 
Leo chuckled as he shook his head. This woman.  
He and Riley were the couple that were never supposed to be. Both had had extremely bad luck with love, resulting in deeply rooted trust issues; the issues were more prevalent on Riley’s end than Leo’s.  
They were both ambiverts, which loosely translated meant that there was no guarantee that plans made at 10am would still be in effect at 5pm. And you couldn’t be angry about it. 
Physically, neither was the other’s type. Leo was a touch too lanky and fit for the buxom Riley; for Leo, Riley had a few too many inches in height, and was a tad curvier than he was used to. They met via Tinder, and it was supposed to be a one-night stand. 
But their chemistry was off the charts.  
But the sex was too good.  
But their pillow talk left them curious to know more about each other while fully clothed.  
Long story short … she kept him wild, and he kept her safe.  
Before Leo could reassure his girlfriend that she was indeed VERY hot, her eyes trained on someone at a table near the back wall; they narrowed in anger as she tossed her food onto her plate while muttering, “What the actual FUCK?” 
Leo looked around puzzled, wondering WHO happened. Because with Riley, it was never a what.  If he could change two things about his woman, it would be her incredible grudge-holding talents and her penchant for public confrontation.  
Only one table in the far corner was occupied.  A Latina, facing them, was excitedly showing off one of her purchases to her male companion; Leo squinted, determining that the girl was proudly displaying a pair of earrings.  
He swung back around, a look of confusion on his face. “Who are we hating on here?” 
Riley dramatically pointed her index finger at the Latina. “HER! She told me I was a SHOO-IN for that freaking job!! AND THEN WENT WITH SOMEONE ELSE!” 
Leo looked even more confused. “Which job? There were five of them!” 
Riley didn’t answer. She was too busy scowling at the woman across the room while alternating between shaking her fist and making symbols with her fingers.  
“Babe, what are you doing?”  
“Throwing gang signs!” 
“DC DOESN’T HAVE GANGS!” Leo argued. 
So much for a peaceful outing and letting the Universe do its thing. 
Maxwell x Penelope 
 “I cannot believe you right now, Pen!” Maxwell Beaumont seethed as he rubbed the heels of his hands against his closed eyes.  
The Communications and Marketing Director inhaled and exhaled deeply, slowly. It was rare that anyone or anything upset Maxwell, much less angered him; but if anyone could knock him off his equilibrium, for certain it was his girlfriend, Penelope.  
His girlfriend stared at him with her wide, pansy-blue eyes before quickly licking her pink-glossed lips. She ran slender, pale fingers through her black hair, then tightened the belt of her pink silk robe. Penelope outstretched her arm, her fingertips grazing the fabric of her boyfriend’s shirt; at his look of frustrated rage, she quickly pulled her hand back.   
“Max,” she began in her breathy voice, “I know you’re upset with me, but I HAD to leave that godawful job! The commute sucked and who knew data entry was so … exacting? It’s a miracle I lasted as long as I did!” 
By the time she finished her explanation, her hands were gesticulating wildly about, and her tone of voice had become a shriek.  
Maxwell turned his back on Penelope to go into their kitchen; still hot Italian food sat on the stove, wrapped in plastic bags. He hollered at her while he began unpacking what was supposed to be a celebratory dinner for Penelope’s new job.  
“IT WAS A TELEWORK POSITION! That you were LATE for BOTH DAYS you worked! And it was MAIL MERGE, NOT DATA ENTRY!” He turned to glare daggers at her. “I don’t know what’s worse, the fact you put forth entirely ZERO effort into at least TRYING to become a member of the working class, or that you lied to me the entire week about still having the damn job!” 
An angry retort sprang to her lips; Penelope debated continuing the argument but thought better of it.  She had known the lie would catch up with her, but she had been hoping it would have been after the dinner. Carmine’s had the most amazing food, and Penelope was in love with their broiled Lobster Oreganata, Porterhouse Pizzaiola, and pasta with meatballs and sausage.  
With Maxwell’s back facing her, Penelope quietly tiptoed into the kitchen, trying to neither be seen nor heard. She peered over her potentially ex-boyfriend's shoulder, salivating at the sight and smells of containers filled with pastas, meats, and sauces.  
Maxwell felt his girlfriend’s eyes on him and exhaled a silent breath. He should have known from their first meeting that Penelope was not relationship material.  
They met at 9:30am on the elevator at the office building Max worked in; it was Penelope’s first day at a company occupying the entire third floor. At 11am, Max was back on the elevator hellbent on a Starbucks run; the elevator stopped at the third floor and Penelope entered, her blue eyes filled with tears.  
She had been let go from her new job in less than 90 minutes. 
Max was a sucker for a damsel in distress. He dried Penelope’s tears, treated her to a coffee, and offered to take her out on a date. That had been over two years ago, and if the woman had worked a cumulative 40-hour work week since, he knew nothing about it.  
He had asked the gang if their companies were hiring; Liam laughed so hard, his drink came out of his nose. Riley, who worked with Max, rolled her eyes as she muttered, “You already know.” Everyone else shook their heads vigorously. 
For a brief period, he had even let her be a stay-at-home girlfriend, but that definitely didn’t work out; Penelope couldn’t cook and had no concept of housekeeping. He had to pull from his savings to replace his wardrobe when she tossed his lights, darks and half a bottle of bleach into the washing machine. She was asleep when he left for work, and asleep when he returned home.  
Irresponsible was too inadequate of a word to describe his girlfriend. She was a money pit in addition to being careless, thoughtless, and an emotional vampire. 
But Maxwell Beaumont loved Penelope Ebrim. She could be sweet, buying him small gifts that brought a smile to his face. She mixed mean cocktails, had a killer sense of humor, and was a terrific dancer. She just needed to find her way.  
Apparently, God had chosen Max to help her do so.  
“Pen, you have GOT to find and keep a job!” Max stated in a firm tone that brooked no argument as he prepared her a plate of lobster, pasta with garlic and oil, and shrimp parmigiana.  
When Penelope saw Maxwell piling a plate with Italian yumminess, she had moved to the cabinets to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses. She was setting them on the dinette table as she debated coming clean in her reply. 
“I may have found something; I’m supposed to have an interview Monday.” 
Max set the serving spoon down as be swung his head to look at his girlfriend in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me this?” 
“I was waiting until afterwards so I could surprise you!” Penelope crowed happily.  
“Well, where? With who?” Max’s smile covered his entire face as he resumed plating food. 
Maybe things were looking up.  
Penelope expertly removed the wine bottle’s cork and began pouring sparkling merlot into the glasses.  
“The interview is at The Greene Turtle, and it’s with a temp agency called Daddy’s Little Girl. Basically, I would be having lunches and meetings at hotels with older men for an hourly rate.” 
Maxwell had plates in both hands, which he slowly lowered onto the kitchen counter; his every movement displayed his disbelief. There was no way his girlfriend had applied for a job as an escort.  
“You’re going to be a prostitute?” he choked out.  
Penelope had just taken her seat. She looked up at Maxwell in horror at his words.  
“NO!! Why would you say THAT?  How could you even THINK THAT of me??’ It’s like lunch meetings or something!” 
“NAKED LUNCH! Pen, NO ONE is paying a woman … a PRETTY WOMAN … to just “have lunch”!! And meetings in HOTEL ROOMS? What the ACTUAL fuck?” 
“It’s working lunches, sometimes dinners, with out-of-town business entrepreneurs who need someone to take dictation!” 
Max’s face dropped into his open palm.  
“The going rate is $150 an hour! I was told with my looks and appearance, I could be in huge demand,” Penelope argued.  
“WHEN DID THEY SEE YOU?” Max yelled as he threateningly shook a plastic spatula in Penelope’s direction. 
“I saw the ad on Craigslist and called the number in the listing, then did a Zoom with the manager.” 
Maxwell Beaumont stared at his girlfriend for a long, silent moment before exiting the kitchen and heading for their bedroom.  
“MAX! Where are you going??” 
“To have a talk with God.” 
Penelope stared at his retreating back with a furrowed brow before shrugging and rising to fetch her dinner.  
“Tell Him I said heyyyy.” 
Max’s response was to slam the bedroom door. 
Tagging: @ao719 @jared2612 @marietrinmimi @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @mom2000aggie @liamxs-world @liamrhysstalker2020 @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @beezm @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @gardeningourmet @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @alj4890 @lovingchoices14 @lady-calypso @walkerdrakewalker @queenjilian @kristinamae093 @choicesficwriterscreations
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 3rd Dec 23
In the 3rd Dec 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Heroic action by Israel’s first all-female tank crews.
In clinical trials, new Israeli treatment cures liver cancer patient.
14 Israelis awarded European research grants.
Israeli pen reads handwritten text to the visually impaired.
Israeli startups improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion.
Israeli soccer players won’t take “no” for an answer.
The IDF prepare to celebrate Hannukah in Gaza.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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American Israelis (and other Anglos) celebrated Thanksgiving just over a week ago. In Israel last week there was much to be thankful for - the release of many hostages, temporary respite from running to shelters, and more reports of heroic rescue actions on Oct 7, from a farmer, a foreign asylum-seeker and all-women tank crews. Please read the rest of this newsletter for many more positive news stories that we can all be thankful for. The photo of flags flying on our balcony is our personal thanks just for having the blessing and protection of our own State.
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concook20 · 27 days
Wild Kratts Headcannon! (2) (Villain Edition)
Zach/Khris Cratt/Donita/Dabio/Gourmand
Villain: 2/5
Khris Varmitech Cratt
Age: 22 (as programmed)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual
Birthday: July 19th (as programmed)
Zodiac Sign: Cancer (as programmed)
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 1,450 lbs
Body Shape: Fit, cause he's like Chris, only more stronger cause he's a robot
Favorite Color: Red
Verts: Ambivert, mostly extrovert though
Phobia: None
Hobbies: Combat training and choreography, playing chess, and cardistry
Family and Relationships
Obviously, he's a robot, so he doesn't have a family, but he was made by Zach, so he is basically like his body guard and best friend
Chris and he are different, but Khris actually likes Chris, considering the fact they're so different, but he finds him enjoyable and interesting
He and Martin are mortal enemies, doesn't matter if they're in the same room, they would fight...which Khris would win in
He and Donita would bond over fashion things, even sometimes, he, forced or not, would be used for her outfits and modeling
Dabio is the Owen (TD) to Khris's Noah (TD), like a big himbo being friends with a sarcastic genius
He and Gourmand are alright, but he does mostly call him "Chubby Ramsey", considering he's a picky chef
Zach bots and Khris are like brothers, cousins, and such, as they're family with Zach
Facts For Khris
Khris wears an outfit Donita made for him to be different from Chris:
Red leather jacket with with rolled up sleeves.
Black sweater under it.
Gray khaki pants.
Black combat boots.
Black fingerless gloves.
Khris never listens to music, unless its for him to do training or when he's bored.
Khris never thinks much of love, but he does flirt with Aviva to piss off Martin... But it doesn't mean he wants love, he's sometimes like WALL-E desperate looking for love secret.
The reason why Khris wanted to fight was because his family, Zach Bots, kept getting destroyed by the Kratt Brothers, with Martin being the one to do it more and more.
Khris doesn't do anything without Zach's permission.
Khris is the "Well, Actually" person, as well.
This moron couldn't be programmed to make coffee, so he eats coffee beans!
He, even, eats some inedible things to see if it tastes good or what!
Khris is like the minion to Zach's Megamind, only more sarcastic and funny.
That's all for now! If you have any questions, please comment down!
(Also I picked Khris as a villain, because I love this idea of him being the part of a villain group, and I also think he would be an interesting thing to the Kratt Crew)
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athingofvikings · 5 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 104: Proliferate And Disseminate
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Chapter 104: Proliferate And Disseminate
Much like birds and bats, dragons have an aggressively active immune system in comparison to humans, and for much the same reasons.  Simply put, for a flying animal, an inflammatory response in the face of an infection is often a death sentence, so there is significant selective pressure for immune systems which can deal with an infectious agent quickly.  In the case of draconic immune systems, this goes one step further, as an unchecked infection of the dragon's hydrocarbon organ system can have literally explosive results. 
As such, while there are diseases that can affect dragons—especially ones that target the dragon's symbiotic bacteria—on the whole, a typical dragon's immune system resembles a military base swarming with constant armed patrols and barriers of razor-tipped wire.  A disease attempting to stage an infection of such a system needs to be extremely effective at intrusion, starting with thwarting the symbiotic bacteria in the salivary glands that are the immune system's first line of defense.  These bacteria not only help dragons create the biofilm mucuses that aid with fire resistance in the otherwise vulnerable soft tissues of their mouths and throats, they are primed to help their host with fighting off any microscopic invaders who attempt to get a toehold in the tissues of the mouth and gut, as the bacteria secrete a variety of antibiotics, antivirals and antitoxins—this last being significantly important in breeds whose breath can have toxic byproducts—all of which are refined by selective pressures on the symbiotic bacteria for maximum efficaciousness. 
That being said, there is still a range within the greater dragon species in terms of immunological effectiveness.  If a typical dragon's immunological response is akin to a military base on high alert, then those dragons whose diets expose them to biological hazards up the ante, to being more akin to a forward artillery base with active minefields and with gunnery crews in possession of itchy trigger fingers.  The saliva of many Boulder-class dragons are rich in antitoxins, including ones that can encapsulate elements such as arsenic, rendering them relatively harmless and ready for expulsion in the dragon's fecal waste (although this is not a universal defense, as the radiological poisonings from the ingestions of radioactive materials and the cancers caused by the ingestion of asbestos both demonstrate). Meanwhile, Buffalords, the premier example of a draconic immune system taken to extremes, consider botulism to be a spice in the vein of how humans consider mint or caffeine, raw pufferfish is seen as a tasty snack, and cyanide is a treat.
—An Introduction To Dragon Biology, 17th Edition, Oxford University Press, 1793
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andiatas · 6 months
Masterpost: Royal Authors
This is a text version of the original list I curated, which can be found here. The royals are listed chronologically based on their first name (not title). The books are listed with the oldest book first & most recently published book last.
Some of the mentioned people have published books or lent out their names for books as private citizens; this post & the original list only cover royal members & books published under their royal title. This means that some books & some people have been excluded due to not falling under those criteria.
Note: Some of the following links are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission on every purchase. This does not affect the price you pay.
Princess Akiko of Mikasa
Reconsidering early modern Yamato-e: perspectives from Japan, the UK, and the USA (2013)
Japan: Courts and Culture (2020)
Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester
The Memoirs of Princess Alice Duchess of Gloucester (1983)
Memories of Ninety Years (1991)
Catherine, Princess of Wales
Hold Still (2021)
Puzzles for Spies: The brand-new puzzle book from GCHQ (2022)
King Charles III
The Old Man of Lochnagar (1980)
Tomorrow is Too Late - A Celebration of Our Wildlife Heritage (1990) (with Sir David Attenborough, among others)
The Prince's Choice: A Personal Selection from Shakespeare by the Prince of Wales (1995)
Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World (2010)
Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World - Children's Edition
One Is Deeply Concerned: The Prince Charles Letters, 1969-2011 (2011)
The Prince's Speech: On the Future of Food (2012)
The list is too long; that man puts his name on literally everything. Check the page for more.
Princess Christina, Mrs Magnuson
Days at Drottningholm (2016)
Diana, Princess of Wales
British Sign Language: A Beginner's Guide (1988)
PEOPLE OF THE 90's: In Aid of the Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children (1995)
Hannah Riddell: An Englishwoman in Japan (1996)
Head Injury: A Practical Guide (1997)
King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor
Launch! A Life-Boat Book (1932)
A King's Story: The Memoirs of the Duke of Windsor (1951)
The Crown and the People, 1902-1953 (1953)
Prince Edward, Duke of Kent
Jackie Stewart's Principles of Performance Driving (1986)
Australia Bound!: Story of West Country Connections, 1688-1888 (1988)
Deep into Blue Holes: The Story of The Andros Project (1989)
The Institution of Industrial Managers: A History 1931-1991 (1991)
The Story of E. H. Shepard: The Man Who Drew Pooh (2000)
Tribal Odyssey: A Photographic Journey Among Tribes (2000)
Chasin' the Sound: Tales and tunes from the career of Pipe Major Brian B Heriot, Scots Guards (2016)
A Royal Life (2022) (his memoir)
One Crew: The RNLI's Official 200-Year History (2024)
Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother
The Country Life Book of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1978) (actually by Charles & Godfrey Talbot, not her)
Henrik, Prince Consort
Fit for a Royal Dane: Gastronomic Views and Recipes of Prince Henrik (2002)
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
Together: Our Community Cookbook (2018)
Princess Michael of Kent
Crowned in a Far Country: Portraits of Eight Royal Brides (1986)
Cupid and the King: Five Royal Paramours (1991)
The Serpent and the Moon: Two Rivals for the Love of a Renaissance King (2004)
A Cheetah's Tale (2017)
Princess Märtha Louise
Why Kings and Queens Don't Wear Crowns (2004)
The Spiritual Password: Learn to Unlock Your Spiritual Power (2014)
Emperor Naruhito
Costume at Castle Howard (1975)
The Thames and I: A Memoir of Two Years at Oxford (1993; 2006; 2019)
Queen Noor
Art of Jordan: Treasures from an Ancient Land (1991)
Landmines and Human Security: International Politics and War's Hidden Legacy
Leadership and the United Nations: The International Leadership Series (2003)
Leap of Faith: Memoirs of an Unexpected Life (2003)
Breaking Ground: From Landmines to Grapevines, One Woman's Mission to Heal the World: Transforming Mines to Vines (2020)
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh's World Tour 1956-1957 (1957)
Selected Speeches 1948-1955 (1957)
Prince Philip speaks: 1956-1959 (1960)
Environmental Revolution: Speeches on Conservation, 1962-77 (1978)
Men, Machines and Sacred Cows (1984)
Down to Earth: Speeches and Writings of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, on the Relationship of Man With His Environment (1988)
Survival or Extinction: A Christian Attitude to the Environment (1989)
The list is too long. Check the page for more.
Queen Rania
The Sandwich Swap (2010)
Prince William, Prince of Wales
Blown Away: From Drug Dealer to Life Bringer (2022)
Puzzles for Spies: The brand-new puzzle book from GCHQ (2022)
Earthshot: How to Save Our Planet (2021)
The Earthshot Prize: A Handbook for Dreamers and Thinkers: Solutions to Repair our Planet (2023)
(this post & the original list is a work in progress & will be updated whenever "new" books come on my radar)
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the way he blushes in the intro i’m literally exploding
(also i have so much backlog i literally forgot i had this account helpppp)
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maxedmoefoez · 26 days
max edit from june 😇
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I take a deep breath because I can.
Edited: They have found a debris field near the Titanic.
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Mortality is never far from a cancer patient's mind. We all die, cancer or no cancer, fairly or unfairly. The universe is the universe and keeps on going whatever the big, beautiful, horrifying, and deadly universe keeps on doing. It's not my mortality that I've been thinking about the past few days, though it's never far from my mind. It's about five people I didn't know.
People hate death. It gets in the way of the happy endings that we've been spoon-fed over decades. We want to see happy endings, see absolute miracles, so much that we won't agree that there is a line where Happy Ending Land stops and reality begins. The media is complicit and people dwell in denial to the point where it's psychosis.
CNN is my case in point this morning.
If that submarine did not have a catastrophic hull failure on Sunday morning, there are now five bodies on a garage-built unclassed, uninspected, 'experimental' submarine on the floor of the ocean. The iar is gone, the battery power is gone, they are breathing in each other's carbon dioxide, hungry, thirsty, hypothermic,in the absolute dark. Billionaire hatred aside, I cannot think of a more horrible way to die nor anyone I would ever wish it on - the same way I would never wish cancer on anyone. I am walking the measured mile, these folks were locked in and dropped down. The fact that people signed an extensive multi-page waiver to board this thing makes me scream in horror.
One thing nobody wants to talk about on TV is the very real probability that one hour and forty-five minutes into it's dive, the sub experienced catastrophic hull failure and crushed down to something the size of a Weber kettle grill. All the air would have been pushed out of every component, including the humans inside. It would have taken a couple of seconds at that depth, just fifteen minutes from the bottom and the wreck of the Titanic. Apparently losing contact with the sub happened often enough that it was not reported until eight hours later. That is the best case scenario. A better case would be that they find it, bring it up to the surface, and show people the actual real consequences of hubris and stupidity.
Worst case is that they hung on in the dark, in the cold, hearing rescuers above them as they died this morning.
Their friends are saying that they could still be alive. These men were experienced adventurers, they would know how to conserve oxygen. The FFS section of this post begins below with OceanGate's co-founder talking to CNN.
While life support supplies are now believed to be running low, a co-founder of the company that operates the missing Titanic submersible says he believes the crew's expertise will extend the "window available" for rescue. Guillermo Söhnlein made the comments in a statement to CNN. He specified her was speaking on behalf of himself and not the company, OceanGate. He said OceanGate CEO and co-founder Stockton Rush — who is aboard the sub — and the rest of the crew would have "realized days ago that the best thing they can do to ensure their rescue is to extend the limits of those supplies by relaxing as much as possible." Based on the crew members' expertise, the "window available" for rescue is longer than "what most people think," Söhnlein said. Thursday will be a "critical day in this search and rescue mission," he added. "I continue to hold out hope for my friend and the rest of the crew," Söhnlein said. "I would encourage everyone to remain hopeful for getting the crew back safely."
This is fucking nutty. This is denial. Nobody wants to think that corporate hubris killed five people including the co-founder, engineers deal in reality. These people are dead. You can't spin dead. You can't wish away dead. Dead is the hardest, coldest fact of all and one of the hardest to live with, whether it's yours or someone else's.
Side note. On Monday it will have been a month since my mom's death. I knew it was coming either from dementia or COPD. The stroke moved it up. Nobody, including her doctors, saw it coming. There was no high blood pressure, her vascular health was excellent. With directives in place, she was as comfortable as possible. I remind myself that hemipaleigic, with dementia, and COPD would have been the ultimate cruelty. I still get the urge to pick up the phone and call her. I can't. Death is the hardest reality.
Next is a friend of two of the men in the sub.
“I know that the adventurers on board are experienced, very experienced,” said Per Wimmer, an adventurer who was previously signed up for two canceled trips on the Titan. Wimmer is an acquaintance of Hamish Harding and Stockton Rush, two of the five people on the missing vessel. He said Harding, a British businessman and trained jet pilot, and Rush, the CEO and founder of the company leading the voyage, are both very experienced adventurers who would know to conserve oxygen. “They would no doubt know what it means to slow down, take it easy, and use as little oxygen as possible, and therefore extend the potential timeline as much as possible," he added. Wimmer said that the presence of OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush on board the vessel is helpful, as he knows “the ins and outs of how this submersible works.”
Again, the Bulletproof Fallacy is at work. "I have never been shot, therefore I am bulletproof."
They've deployed a medical team with a specialty in dive medicine and equipped with hyperbaric oxygen chambers. There is hope, yes, and then there is acceptance that the ocean is as merciless as space. It is hostile to our life form in that if our artificial environment is breached, we can't continue to live.
They've found a debris field. It may or may not be part of the 1912 wreck.
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bojackandherb · 1 year
Me explaining my aus
slightly less badly
(Part 1)
Declared Dead au: Crackerjack doesn’t die! However, everything thinks he does, so everything that happened with Honey still happens. Crackerjack comes home a year later after having been through hell and back only to find his whole world has changed. So this messes him up quite a bit I would say. Also a few decades later he eventually ends up adopting Bojack. So that’s nice
Ghost Bojack au: hey u know that line about how Bojack’s mom tried to drown him in the bathtub when he was 22? Haha yeah
Anyway Herb is completely heartbroken. But then strange things start happening around him… (Bojack was never particularly good at moving on.)
Deserted island au: welp, getting stranded on an island and forcibly removed from all your addictions (drugs, alcohol, and fame) is one way to be forced to confront your problems!
Aka Bojack and a good chunk of the Horsin around crew get stranded on an island together and are forced to go through Character Development
Drift away/foster care au: yeah so I was listening to Drift Away from SU and I started thinking “how could I apply this song to my current hyperfixation”
Anyway Beatrice dies and Butterscotch is Not A Good Dad. Butterscotch never really wanted to be a parent, and he’s certainly not going to do all the child rearing himself!
On the plus side though Bojack eventually makes a good friend in foster care
HNDJD (Herb’s Not Dead, he’s Just Done): okay so what if things still happened the way they did in canon but Herb didn’t die? His cancer goes into remission and he just. Doesn’t hit a peanut truck. He lives and the funeral never happens and so Bojack never reconnects with Charlotte. Because of this, Bojack has a much different biggest regret when on his apology tour with Sarah Lynn.
(Also despite the fact that this au diverges from canon a lot later than my other aus, the divergence point being season 2 episode 3, the actual first divergence is that Bojack doesn’t sleep with Sarah Lynn because. He just doesn’t okay. )
GTMAC AU (Give This Man A Cat): 90s Bojack gets redemption arced via the power of an itty bitty kitty :) Edit: now has a fic I wrote
Never Fired au: Herb doesn’t get outed and fired during Horsin around. Instead, Herb gets outed and fired a few years later while working on a different show. Despite the fact that they haven’t been super close for a while, Bojack goes to check up on Herb when he hears about what happened, and considering practically everything else has abandoned him at this point, it means a lot to Herb. They end up becoming best friends again, and then the whole thing evolves into a decades long slow burn
Bojack Catman au: Instead of marrying Butterscotch, Beatrice says “screw it” and gives him up for adoption instead. Bojack is adopted by a family of cats and acts like one. This au started off mostly crack but then I started adding feels
Part 2
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rank the fob and mcr albums or i'll smash your kneecaps
Love you too bestie <3
I had to drag out my laptop to type all this but they are under the cut...
Three Cheers is my fav ever, thanks for the venom is my all time favorite it is never not playing in my head, I have the 3cheers shirt and everything. also ykwtdtgluip is another fav and helena just... i cry. and headband. it is a solid album start to finish.
Then I'd also have to do bullets because drowning lessons? sunsets? did i metion drowning lessons? A fav that has got me through some SHIT.
Black Parade is iconic and bangers front to back I am still spiralling cancer disenchanted I DON'T LOVE YOU (and it's GORGEOUS video). And blakc parade. My first karaoke song ever, sang it for my first acting class bit and put on eyeliner while doing it... I was a legend that day.
Danger Days. My love. The whole concept here though a wildly different color vibe from others was so good. My old discord name was dstroya after the song. It really ties with TBP if im being honest and again bangers cover to cover, s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w and bulletproof heart and nananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananana and need i go on, you get the point. (edited)
now, FOB. FOB is my baby and everything they do slaps and i like being kept on my toes for the vibes.
From under the cork tree is my #1 always, i have a tattoo based on olmuctnotsswwgs it is my ALL TIME fave song ever. the first album of theirs i ever owned. Nobody puts baby in the corner and sophmore slump are some favs and of couse sugar. I mean, com on.
Next I'd probably ( god I hate ranking my CHILDREN) Folie a duex. So many good ones, some Urie vocals. Coffee, idc, nosebleed, america's sweethearts, DONNIE my baby... need i say more?
3) take this to your grave. I will be buried with this album solely for it's title but also Dead on Arrival is my fav banger here, saturday, grand theft, reinventing... I like their early sound and the unhingedness of these songs
then I'd have to say... shit. um. Save rock and roll and AB/AP are a tie, these two bleed together for me and idk why but Centuries reignited my obsession with them and there are too many bangers here between the two: jet pack blues, alone together, young volcanos, ELTON FREAKIN JOHN, and sue me i think demi in irresistible was so good. I like the version with her and i will not apologize for that. Both albums bop equally hard for me.
Hot take. I hate putting it so low but I do love MANIA. Some of the songs i could take or leave but the others I am living for (because of), wilson is easily my top on this album, church, young and menace (ha, me), the begining of stay frosty when it just hits. Actually, looking at the track list again, i like more songs than I dislike here. My initial reaction to the more mainstream sound clouded my judgment at first and i didn't like the album, but everytime i listen to it I find new songs i like.
Now. Infinity is also full of bangers. Im like a lawyer (WERE THE NEW FACE OF FAILURE), hum halleluiah, bang the goldrums, ginasfs, and all the iconics that are on this album.
I know this is a ranked list but really they all tie for first and second place, I have my most faves and then the slightly lesser faves becasue my mans pete wentz and his crew can do no wrong. **I didn't rank Stardust because, well, but i alraedy know i am going to live for it. i love everything they do, I don't dislike any of thier songs, though some of the mainstreamers do rub me the wrong way if im in a bad mood because im sad they were a bit overplayed. Except for sugar, that one never is unwelcomed.
Also, some fun immages I feel you would appreciate
FOB is my baby and everything they do slaps and i like being kept on my toes for the vibes.
From under the cork tree is my #1 always, i have a tattoo based on olmuctnotsswwgs it is my ALL TIME fave song ever. the first album of theirs i ever owned. Nobody puts baby in the corner and sophmore slump are some favs and of couse sugar. I mean, com on.
Next I'd probably ( god I hate ranking my CHILDREN) Folie a duex. So many good ones, some Urie vocals. Coffee, idc, nosebleed, america's sweethearts, DONNIE my baby… need i say more?
3) take this to your grave. I will be burried with this album solely for it's title but also Dead on Arrival is my fav banger here, saturday, grand theft, reinventing… I like their early sound and the unhingedness of these songs
then I'd have to say… shit. um. Save rock and roll and AB/AP are a tie, these two bleed together for me and idk why but Centuries reignited my obsession with them and there are too many bangers here between the two: jet pack blues, alone together, young volcanos, ELTON FREAKIN JOHN, and sue me i think demi in irrisitable was so good. I like the version with her and i will not apologize for that. Both albums bop equally hard for me.
Hot take. I hate putting it so low but I do love MANIA. Some of the songs i could take or leave but the others I am living for (because of), wilson is easily my top on this album, church, young and menace (ha, me), the begining of stay frosty when it just hits. Actually, looking at the track list again, i like more songs than I dislike here. My initial reaction to the more mainstream sound clouded my judgment at first and i didn't like the album, but everytime i listen to it I find new songs i like.
[8:09 PM]
Now. Infinity is also full of bangers. Im like a lawyer (WERE THE NEW FACE OF FAILURE), hum halleluiah, bang the goldrums, ginasfs, and all the iconics that are on this album.
I know this is a ranked list but really they all tie for first and second place, I have my most faves and then the slightly lesser faves becasue my mans pete wents and his crew can do no wrong. **I didn't rank Stardust because, well, but i alraedy know i am going to live for it. i love everything they do, I don't dislike any of thier songs, though some of the mainstreamers do rub me the wrong way if im in a bad mood because im sad they were a bit overplayed. Except for sugar, that one never is unwelcomed.
also, some images i know you'll appreciate...
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mylovelyhyunjin · 2 years
230320 Happy Hyunjin Day 🥳
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To celebrate hyunjin’s birthday, his cfanbase held cafe events in china and placed ads in osaka and manila, at seoul’s subway stations, bus stops and buildings near jyp, at 1300+ olive young stores and 934 gs25 stores (in seoul, busan and incheon), and many more❣️
(btw ads in osaka and manila were placed when skz were there for the tour)
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Ads -Display on Kyobo Bunko’s 127 electronic screens in 34 kyobo bookstores, on seoul’s bus 5626, malls, in kkt, and in china (beijing, shanghai, hangzhou, chengdu, xi’an, changsha, shenzhen, wuhan, guangzhou, nanjing, chongqing).
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Bouquets with purple tulips (hyunjin’s birth flower) and white roses (in pwf video) will be made available at a flower house in china
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you can also print pcs at 69 lotte cinemas and get 4cut photos in china! there’s multiple templates to choose from
an led truck will be placed outside of atlanta’s state farm arena (skz‘s next tour stop) as well.
there will also be a random play dance segment (hyunjin birthday edition) in china! songs include skz’s title tracks, play with fire, motley crew, taste, etc.
there is an offline and online hyunjin bday event in withfans as well. the offline event is held in beijing.
his cfanbases have also donated 3200 yuan ($461 usd) to a charity that provides hygiene products to girls in mountainous areas, another 3200 yuan to guide dog food donations, 2000 yuan ($287 usd) to a pink ribbon charity (breast cancer),
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9000 yuan to help underprivileged students ($1300 usd), 6000.48 yuan ($870 usd) to promote reading for children in mountainous areas, and 5000 yuan to provide sports equipments for children in underprivileged schools. all were donated under hyunjin’s name.
additionally, hyunjin’s cfansites have also placed ads in 100 7-11 stores in beijing, on the walls of the paris baguette near jyp, at 32 kyobo book centres, and ! there’s also ads in china (shanghai, nanjing, hangzhou, zhengzhou, beijing, guangzhou)
hyunjin’s cfansites have also donated 3168 yuan ($459 usd) to a campaign that helps rural left-behind girls protect themselves from sexual assault. another 3200 yuan ($461 usd) went towards helping stray animals.
hyunjin’s passionate love for art has led to a cfansite donating to a charity that allows children in mountainous areas to receive art education.
6 rescue dogs in china have also been adopted. these were all done under hyunjin’s name as well.
besides cfanbases and cfansites, other cstays are doing birthday projects as well! some are hosting cafe events and placing ads in china, while others are doing donations.
3200 yuan ($461 usd) was donated to help care for stray animals on zhejiang university’s campus.
side note the scale of birthday projects keeps getting bigger each year… for the past 2 years a hyunjin cfanbase has been placing ads at gs25 stores. it went from 271 in 2021, 590 in 2022, to 934 in 2023.
thank you so much @CourageousHyun! ❣️
there’s a lottt being done for his birthday he’s so loved 🥹
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