#cancer love horoscope
astrosolutions · 21 days
Cancer June Horoscope 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope Predictions.
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The Cancer June horoscope 2024 indicates that this month will be a time of embracing changes that can catapult you toward success and happiness. The cosmic influences present a pivotal opportunity for you to embark on a path of self-discovery and embrace the exciting new opportunities that present themselves.
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intuitively-her · 2 months
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Breakup💔- An ex or old fling wants to come back to you- Infidelity- Someone's lover/crush has a baby with someone else- Third party situation- Moving out- You think someone is "trashy" or lacks class😂- New romantic suitors- People chasing after you- Finally getting over that bum ass ex- Getting new wardrobe and upgrading your look- California- Stripper
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jeevanjali · 6 months
Cancer Yearly Love Horoscope:कर्क राशि के लिए रोमांस से भरा रहेगा साल 2024Cancer Yearly Love Horoscope: 2024 सकारात्मक रहने की संभावना है और आप निश्चिंत हो सकते हैं कि आपको अपना साथी मिल जाएगा। यदि आप किसी रिश्ते में हैं, तो आप इसे दीर्घकालिक प्रतिबद्धता में बदलने में सक्षम होंगे।
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horoscopedaily · 1 year
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Sidereal ASC signs that might be experiencing luck/blessings in relationships during 2024-2025:
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I’d like to be clear that it encompasses many types of relationships rather than strictly romantic ones, regardless if Jupiter aspects 5th house of love or 7th house of committed relationships.
This includes your casual flings, short term connections, clients, business partners, others in general, committed romantic relationships, marriage partner, etc.
Included a short insight for the two main signs involved in these influences the most below as well, enjoy!
• Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
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Scorpio, you will be having LOTS of luck and growth within your business till May 2025. Interactions with others flow comfortably, and getting others to connect with you will feel easier than ever. If you have planet/s sitting in Scorpio, then be aware that Jupiter will come to give you a reality and spiritual check on those matters. It will encourage you to deeply reflect on how those themes in your current life are aligning you to be in a mindset of abundance. If any relationship close to you or behavior you have towards others does not serve you anymore, then it will be requiring you to do some necessary changes. It could or could not be permanent endings, but in general adjustments. They would be towards mutually beneficial experiences without them standing in the way of your self development. Once you do, luck and blessings will pour like an open faucet. You must stay open towards relationships being more centered in freedom or a unique/special factor that works perfectly for you and the other/s. It’s more likely for you to have a random encounter with someone who could end up being your life partner, or for you to have plenty of options to choose from. If you’re in a close relationship, then expect things to quickly change for the better. In general, if you’re able to accept this period of transformation where the seeds are planted, then once your season approaches, you will reap the rewards of those efforts. Anything you’re able to start cutting off that delays or conflicts with your spiritual growth then Jupiter will be strengthened. You could meet a someone who could be like a guru to you, and truly guide you down towards possibilities outside of your scope at the moment.
• Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
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Taurus, even though you are feeling immensely blessed and making all sorts of decisions to benefit your family and loved ones, all of this current planets are aspecting your 7th house of committed relationships/business partners/clients/others. There will be some opposition faced directly from those relationships that might not go along with your vision. It doesn’t mean that there will be coming from wrong intentions, but they will definitely see you as “doing too much all at once”. Remember that although you are growing a lot at the moment, planting your seeds, watering, and watching them grow, too much of anything could hinder you in the future. Move cautiously as you usually do, and if you see major transformations occurring within your close relationships, simply accept that not everyone will see your vision. Do ask for healthy advice and trust your intuition. If someone acts out of place when you’re doing or feeling better, then perhaps their intentions need to be revised. Keep your ego and others on check! There is a likelihood that you will be feeling keen to investing in property, particularly for your home or family. Anything that is initiated towards those matters at this moment will certainly be pivotal in the future, just keep an eye on not gaining too much debt or putting all your eggs in one basket. You have been undergoing a lot of pressure, delays, obstacles and situations related to your career and profession that have been difficult to manage and understand. A relief is coming soon for you, and things will surely improve.
If you’d like to know further information on your sign, how likely this is to happen for you, the reasoning behind it, and even possible outcome book with me via DM for a transit reading 🦋✨
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etherealyoni · 2 months
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The Most High is making a way for you. There could be some exhaustion and burnout you’ve been experiencing. Please take this time to rest and recharge because you are due for a retreat, vacation, or even a self care day. Treat yourself because you are the one making things happen in your life. If anyone deserves the credit, why not you?
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Take your time feeling through these emotions. So much is changing around you and you just want to adjust. Don’t fight anything, simply let it flow. This may not be comfortable for you and this may be a time where it feels like challenges are always ahead. As unsettling as all of this is for you, you deserve to know that you’re doing an amazing job. In the midst of all the chaos, trauma, and conflicts you survived and there may even be a story to tell when the time comes. But know that you’re worthy of much more and you will have those experiences you could only dream of. Allow your creative side to come out, it seeks to express itself.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
I can see things are hard right now and something is taking a toll on you. It sometimes feels like your back is against the wall and if you scream and shout no one will hear you or even care to help. All of this seems to be taking place in the heart chakra for some. You’re going through enough and next thing you know the show isn’t even over. It’s not easy trying to get back up every time you get knocked down but it doesn’t make it impossible and it also doesn’t mean you have to take whatever is being given to you. Don’t settle for a lifestyle that makes a mockery of your pain and discomfort. Cultivate a reality where you feel safe and free enough to express yourself with no shame. Live the life that inspires you!
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Go have some fun, water signs. When is the last time you went out and did things you like? You gotta get into the groove of spending quality time alone or even with the ones you keep close. It’s not only rewarding but it's a part of life that can easily be missed out on if you’re not paying attention. I know life throws its curve balls but don’t forget how rewarding it can be to take yourself shopping, read a book you like, watch a good show or movie with your loved ones, and even doing the things that light you up internally.
Apply to your sun, moon, rising, or mars placements! I’m accepting love donations, if this reading resonated and you feel called to show your appreciation in some way
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
What you will Hoard 🛒 (2nd House)
The 2nd house is one's possessions but it is also a house of hoarding. Whatever sign you have here you will tend to build that up over a period of time.
Aries on 2nd : You are unlikely to hoard anything because you are very impatient to hold on to anything for long.
Taurus on 2nd: You tend to hoard money mostly but could also hoard food items and clothing.
Gemini on 2nd: You tend to hoard information and you may keep buying books or audio podcasts.
Cancer on 2nd: You tend to hoard emotions and memories. You have a great recall.
Leo on 2nd : You tend to hoard your creativity. So you may keep adding to your blog or YouTube channel etc. You build fame over time.
Virgo on 2nd: You will likely hoard self help or motivational books. You could also hoard repair tools.
Libra on 2nd : You will tend to hoard relationships. You may have lot of designs in your computer. Also bikes/cars.
Scorpio on 2nd : You tend to hoard lot of trauma. You can build a lot of resentments over time.
Sagittarius on 2nd : You tend to hoard knowledge and wisdom. You may listen to endless spiritual talks.
Capricorn on 2nd: You tend to hoard money and you take on a lot of responsibilities over time.
Aquarius on 2nd : You tend to hoard friends, connections and over time you build a large network circle. You can also hoard electronics and gadgets.
Pisces on 2nd : You tend to hoard sorrows and sad memories. Physically you can collect shoe wear and also hoard water ( like filling big bottles for a day)
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harmoonix · 10 months
This photo is radiating highly Cancer/Pisces/Aquarius and Scorpio placements vibes ( especially if you have them in your big 3)
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astrosolutions · 6 months
What is the Cancer Horoscope Prediction in 2024?
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Cancer horoscope 2024: This year will prove to be favorable for you in terms of love and financial life. Your interest in religious matters will be awakened. This year you should pay special attention to your health. You will complete your work with full diligence and efficiency, which will strengthen your position in the job. You will also become pious and go on long journeys.
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ceriseeclipse · 9 months
Who the Signs Fall in Love With
ARIES: the confident risk taker
TAURUS: the careful love giver
GEMINI: the proud one
CANCER: the intelligent loner
LEO: the gorgeous one
VIRGO: the open-minded truth teller
LIBRA: the playful heart breaker
SCORPIO: the emotional dummy
SAGITTARIUS: the romantic mad-cap
CAPRICORN: the charming neurotic
AQUARIUS: the helpful hero
PISCES: the emotionless but strong one
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scorp-seeress · 3 months
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astrotalk1726 · 3 months
Why is Rahu in the 8th house bad?
In Vedic astrology, the placement of Rahu in the 8th house is often considered challenging due to the nature of both Rahu and the 8th house. Here are some reasons why this placement is often seen as difficult:
Transformation and Crisis: The 8th house represents transformation, sudden changes, and crises in one's life. Rahu's presence here can intensify these experiences, leading to unexpected and profound transformations that may be difficult to navigate.
Obsessions and Taboos: Rahu is associated with obsession, desires, and unconventional pursuits. In the 8th house, these tendencies may manifest in intense desires for power, control, or involvement in taboo subjects, leading to potential complications and challenges in dealing with such matters.
Secrets and Hidden Motives: The 8th house is also linked to secrets, hidden motives, and the occult. Rahu's influence here can indicate a preoccupation with secrecy, manipulation, or involvement in clandestine activities, which may lead to complications or betrayals in personal and professional relationships.
Health Challenges: The 8th house is also connected to health issues, particularly those related to chronic or hidden conditions. Rahu's influence may contribute to health concerns that are difficult to diagnose or treat, requiring careful attention and management.
It is important to note that while Rahu in the eighth house can create challenges, it also provides opportunities for growth, change and spiritual growth. How these energies manifest depends on various factors, including the individual's overall chart, planetary aspects, and dasha (time period). To know more you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 Software.
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horoscopedaily · 1 year
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saylessastrology · 3 months
Venus Square Mars: A Synastry Story of Passionate Friction The First Encounter
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venusiancharisma · 4 months
Ancestral Karma Through Astrology
Lately, I have been wondering why I seem to always experience such heavy karma in situations that are unjust on my side. I examine my actions, recall any wrongdoings or lack of integrity, and evaluate intentions as best as I can, and every time, I come out on the other side feeling as if I have been accountable in all areas and most importantly, aboveboard.
Maybe this isn't just me, or that's the thought that prompted this; So I decided to look into ancestral karma and let me tell you... What I have found to be my personal inheritance of karma that I have been doomed with since birth, completely aligns with issues that go unfavorable for me in this lifetime.
I checked my 4th and 8th house placements, 12th house placements, saturn placement and harsh aspects, pluto placement and harsh aspects, as well as north node. Combining all of these was so incredibly helpful because now, I can actively address these issues if that is my choice, or I can severe chords with inherited karma, knowing exactly what it is I am healing or severing. I'll post a synopsis of what my ancestral karmic inheritances are and how I can go about healing them in case anyone would like a reading.
DM me, it's an $18.00 guide toward healing ancestral karma and will include a chord cutting ritual I have done thorough research on.
If you feel like life just constantly brings you tower moment after tower moment, yet you are living in your purpose, doing right by yourself and others, you may also have pent up karma that needs to be addressed in some capacity!
this is absolutely a form of self love and in perfect time for the full moon we are gearing up for!! this is also an 8 karmic year, universally, so if you take action, with intention, you are for sure likely to receive all the fruits of your labor x10!! I'm so excited for this full moon, who wants to join?!
Ancestral Lineage Signatures:
Jupiter in 12th House Libra - Foreign cultures, global connections, working across divides, issues around truth vs deception.
Moon in 8th House Taurus - Generational resilience, survivalist instincts, loyalty, and possessiveness.
4th House Capricorn/Aquarius Stellium - Legacy/dynasty builders focused on establishment of enduring structures.
Pluto in 2nd House Scorpio - Financial power struggles, regenerative capabilities around resources.
Inherited Psychic Gifts:
12th House Jupiter - Prophetic visions & dreams, spiritual attunement.
8th House Moon - Unconscious psychic absorption abilities.
Water Astrology Emphasis - Intuitive receptivity and emotional intelligence.
Sagittarius North Node - Exponential wisdom over lifetimes.
Karmic Patterns Needing Healing:
Hidden agendas and denial of truth - Jupiter lies
Addictions and avoidance of emotions - Moon
Control issues and power battles - Pluto square Saturn
Past life tyranny and lack of integrity - Pluto
Ancestral Lineage Signatures:
Occultists, healers, strategists and potent mystics rest in your genetics
Executives who forged dynastic outposts
Forces who worked unseen realms behind curtain
Wisest counselors occupying chambers of power
Those governing populous regions stamp your ancestral tree
Healing Directions:
Process pain through rituals and artistic expression
Practice brutal self-honesty
Establish healthy boundaries
Forgive self and predecessors through spiritual practices
Invoke freedom from contracts binding you to past errors
Step fully into destiny as a teacher, healer, guide
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tara-girl · 7 months
🦋Now Reading are Open again.🦋
🧚🏽‍♀️ Unlock Universe has to Offer you ?🧚🏽‍♀️
Venus is a feminine energy. When you see something with the intention of embracing it. This feeling of embracing something is the feminine energy.
Venus represents beauty, comfort, luxury, pleasantness, wife and girlfriend.
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Primarily How it differs from Mars?
But when you see something with the intention of its usefulness. Then that feeling is masculine energy which is Mars.
There are two ways of getting blessings of Venus.
Live the Venus- one should live the beauty instead of conquering the beauty.
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Try to keep yourself clean and beautiful.
Wear branded clothes and branded jewelleries.
Decorate your house.
Spray fragrance and perfumes.
Maintain a soft and calm voice while speaking.
When you feel pleasant, your pleasantness goes into your sub-conscious mind. That sub-conscious mind is connected to universe. The nature of universe is neutral. Therefore, Universe will return that pleasantness to you.
2.Spread Venus- one should spread the happiness.
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Apart from your decor items and things that you use usually. You should donate rest of the things which you are not using for years.
Because happiness increases when you spread it. Thus Venus will increase.
Now I will tell that the result of any planet when badly placed in your horoscope and making an impact over venus also.
If Sun has a bad impact on Venus- You will be showing ego to your wife or gf on taking credits of providing all the luxuries and comforts to her, then you will lose your money and happiness.
If Rahu has a bad impact over Venus- You will be expecting show off from your wife/gf which she finds difficult to do in the society . Overall, you will not have money but you will show artificial happiness everywhere.
If Ketu has a bad impact on Venus- You will feel detached from wife/gf. Thus, your beauty in life and money will be detached from you.
If Jupiter has a bad impact on Venus- You will not have wisdom and thus you will not be able to make your Venus auspicious for you.
If Saturn has a bad impact on Venus- You will give controlling vibes to your wife/gf. Then, your money or happiness will be restricted upto a limited amount.
If Mars has a bad impact on Venus- You will do violence/arguments/disputes with your wife/gf. Therefore, your beauty in life or money will go away.
If Moon has a bad impact on Venus- If your thoughts are continuously negative about your wife or gf then you will lose all or either Wife or Gf or your money because Moon easily manifests your thoughts.
If Mercury has a bad impact on Venus- You have knowledge and talent but you don't know how to implement it to get the gains from the Venus. Thus you will not be able to expand your wealth , relationship and money.
Overall, Venus decides Happiness and Money in Your Life. Protect it.
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