#candle harmony
mrsoharaa · 4 months
(Because I didn’t just have some decent wine myself a few minutes agooo…and I’m not a wine person lmao)
But I’m thinking about civilian neighbor! Reader who invites Miguel over graciously for a simple glass of wine and friendly dinner. Things go so smooth, generous conversations, kind offerings to prepping the appointed meal (you refuse his help since he’s technically a guest, but with Miguel being well— Miguel, he stubbornly insists that he helps you in some sort of way)— about three glass of wines in, and reader starts to get giggly and giddy. Miguel, of course finds it adorable and luring. The sweet, soft tone of your candied voice entrancing his brittle heart. Butterflies swarm within his chest and stomach, the cute wrinkles that highlighted your distinguished features immediately capturing his entire attention. Hearts almost practically forming in his radiant pools of soft sable. And god, don’t get me started how tense the man gets when the gentle touch of your right hand softly taps at his broad shoulder, gradually lingering down to the length of his flexing bicep.
That man is on edge. Fighting back every elusive thoughts and hounding admiration to consume his slightly hazy mind. Bites his lips generously as he watches the glimmering smile you contort into, feeling the heavy weight in his chest become that much more weighty and overwhelming.
And when you suddenly loose some bit of balance, while sitting on your couch (you lean a little too forward closer towards him), you find yourself holding yourself up by the bulging muscles of his firm arms. Your dazed irises meet his own, a staggered breath catches tightly at the back of your throat. The eye contact between you both intensifying. The soften touch of his wide, rough hands subtly holding your leaning weight, pupils dilating with such pliant tender and lulling attraction.
But yeahhh, that’s where my mind is rn lol
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asiadoesstuff · 6 months
Frantic Stagehand is returning to Harmony Hall after being away as a Travelling Spirit for 2 Weeks! 💙🕯️🎪
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merlgeim · 7 months
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Harmony Cobel
(Severance season 1 episode 3)
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martacrystal · 7 months
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Some meditation after yoga
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angrybatgaming · 6 months
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beevean · 11 months
Just an experiment. Obviously the run can be improved, but I had tons of fun trying to dash through the castle as quickly as possible (while still minding enemies and hearts to collect).
I used this color hack for the novelty of it, since shaders don't appear in recorded videos.
Anyway Maxim Mode is a ton of fun and HoD is a game I enjoy a lot <3
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shilpaagrawalsblog · 8 months
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chronicparagon · 1 year
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thecupidwitch · 6 months
Candle Color Meaning
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🖤Black: protection, binding, banishing negativity, grief, secrets, endings, loss, cursing and hexing magick
🩶Grey: stability, concentration, neutrality, reserve, balance, adaptability, flexibility
🤍White: all propose color, cleansing and uncrossing, healing, purification, spirituality, higher-self, innocence, illumination, balancing, hope, protection, new beginning, peace, harmony
❤Red: love, seduction, passion, anger, strength, courage, charisma, survival, change, power, curse work, lust, sex magick
🩷Pink: self-love, companionship, affection, spiritual healing, kindness, beauty, femininity, marriage, sensuality, children, healing abuse
🧡Orange: business, creativity, justice, ambition, opportunity, attraction, abundance, confidence, energy, celebration, goals, success
💙Blue: peace, communication, expression, forgiveness, traveling, protection, truth, sleep, patience, trust, pregnancy
💛Yellow: joy, abundance, intelligence, reason, learning, memory, inspiration, imagination, friendships, sun magick
💚Green: growth, wealth, fertility, business, healing, nature, balance, luck, longevity
💜Purple: intuition, decadence, authority, wisdom, knowledge, influence, psychic abilities, devotion, enlightenment, overcoming fears, addiction, independence, spirituality
🤎Brown: earth magick, home, animal magick, family, stability, endurance, grounding, solidarity, strength, hard work
♡Gold: wealth, inner-strength, self-realization, sun, masculinity, abundance, happiness, overcoming addiction, luxury
♡Silver: intelligence, memory, moon magick, divination, money, femininity, fertility, hidden potential, success, awareness, wisdom, psychic powers
keep in mind that different cultures have different meanings for each colors. Use what correspondences fit you and your craft!
tip jar
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nariism · 1 year
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a/n: fluff!! neuvillette being a touch starved loser (affectionate) + lots of terms of endearment. happy belated neuvillette day! may all neuvillette wanters be neuvillette havers ≧◡≦
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Neuvillette can't stand coming home if not into your arms.
The deafening silence of a sleeping home drives him mad. It used to be welcomed after his terribly loud days. Now only serves to remind him of the millennium he spent alone, of the heartbreak he had to endure with no one to hold him, and of the growing emptiness within his heart long before he knew you.
It's unlike him to come home so late, but duty calls and as the Iudex of Fontaine he must go wherever summoned.
For days he has come home well into the latest hours of the night, sliding off his shoes in the darkness of the hall and allowing the silence to swallow him up whole. Five unbearably long days of missing your smile greeting him at the door, hands all over his face and squeezing his cheeks until he nudges them away in lieu of kissing you hello.
He expects tonight to be the same. It's so late that there was not a single soul wandering the streets of the city, no one awake to witness the very tired, very cranky Chief Justice.
You always find a way to defy his expectations.
The hall is quiet when he cracks open the front door. Crushing loneliness swells in his chest and sinks into the pit of his stomach when he realizes that you must have gone to bed long ago, as anyone sane would do. But then there's a click, followed by a small flame dancing in the dark.
You ignite an array of candles one by one, each additional glow illuminating your beautiful face in warm light. Neuvillette can't stop the hitching of his breath, nor the confusion knitted through his brows.
"What are you doing awake?"
You know he doesn't mean to scold you. Soft laughter fills his ears as you saunter over to him slowly. Realization crashes down on him as you approach, allowing him to see closer what has kept you up.
"Happy birthday, my love."
It's so late that midnight passed hours ago. He hadn't even realized amongst all the chaos of his work that the 17th had come and gone, making way for his birthday.
Only you would remember. It was a talent you had, memorizing every detail about him that sometimes even he lost track of.
("Neuvillette, dear, I picked up some dark roast on the way home today." He didn't even realize he had run out.
"Welcome home, I made ragout!" He wasn't aware he was craving it until you brought it up.
"Do you want this?" It's the last cookie in the bag, saved especially for him because you know it's from his favourite bakery in town.)
He leans in and blows out his candles, eyes never leaving yours as he blinks at you slowly. You look so beautiful even now, in the dimly moonlit hall. Darkness envelops your bodies again and yet he never tears his gaze away. Not even for a moment.
"Now put the cake down, please."
"Hm?" Your head tilts, clearly confused by his request.
"So I can hold you," he quickly explains, fingers itching at his sides because of how much he aches to hug you.
You gently set the cake down on the entrance table before you get scooped into a warm embrace, pressed snuggly to his chest as he memorizes the outline of your body against his once more.
"I've missed you, my dear," he says, face burrowed into the crook of your neck.
"It's only been a couple days," you laugh, and then remind him: "I see you every day at lunch."
"No, this is different." He pulls away slightly, forehead pressed against yours as he looks into your eyes. There's something in there— vulnerability and love all mixed into a beautiful purple harmony. "I miss coming home into your arms after long days," he admits.
"Oh, love," you breathe, reaching up to cup his face the way he's so used to. "Things will settle down again soon."
His eyes close as he savours your presence, soaking up all the affection you're giving him in his moment of weakness. You've always spoiled him.
"I suppose so," he agrees, a smile finally settling on his lips. Your thumb runs along it, tracing the curve of his happiness. There's a beat of silence before you open your mouth again.
"What did you wish for?" You ask curiously, voice growing quieter as you lean in to kiss him. And the answer he gives comes naturally.
Neuvillette has always wished for things he read about in novels; imaginary promises of treasure and desire and fame, sealed with the wispy smoke of blown out birthday candles. He isn't even sure if he has ever actually wanted any of those. But as he looks at you, with the slow beating of his heart and the brushing of your lips against him, he can't think of a single thing he could want more than this.
"I did not wish for anything," he tells you honestly, giving your waist a squeeze. "I already have everything I could ever want."
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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astrodescent · 8 months
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aries mars:
- quick to anger, often explosive
- assertive and direct in expressing anger
- may cool down quickly but can hold a grudge
- deals with anger through confrontation and physical activity
- the fire inside is dynamic and intense, appearing as a burst of flames
taurus mars:
- slow to anger but intense when provoked
- displays anger through stubbornness and resistance
- may hold onto anger for a long time
- deals with anger by seeking comfort and stability
- the fire inside is steady and enduring, resembling a smoldering ember
gemini mars:
- expresses anger through words and sarcasm
- quick-witted and adaptable in heated situations
- may not hold onto anger for long, easily distracted
- deals with anger through communication and mental stimulation
- the fire inside is lively and changeable, flickering like a vibrant flame
cancer mars:
- sensitive and easily hurt, leading to passive-aggressive behavior
- tends to withdraw when angry, seeking emotional refuge
- may hold onto anger, especially if it’s tied to emotional wounds
- deals with anger by retreating and nurturing themselves
- the fire inside is protective and nurturing, resembling a warm hearth
leo mars:
- dramatic and expressive when angry
- seeks attention and recognition for their emotions
- may forgive but won’t forget easily
- deals with anger through creative outlets and self-expression
- the fire inside is bold and radiant, shining like a theatrical spotlight
virgo mars:
- internalizes anger and may not express it openly
- critical and analytical when upset
- holds onto anger through perfectionism
- deals with anger through problem-solving and self-improvement
- the fire inside is precise and controlled, like a focused laser beam
libra mars:
- dislikes conflict and may avoid direct confrontation
- seeks harmony and balance in handling anger
- may struggle with decisions when angry
- deals with anger through communication and compromise
- the fire inside is harmonious and elegant, resembling a delicate flame
scorpio mars:
- intense and passionate when angry
- can hold onto grudges and seek revenge
- may express anger through power plays
- deals with anger through deep introspection and transformation
sagittarius mars:
- blunt and direct in expressing anger
- values freedom and may react strongly to restrictions
- tends to forgive and move on quickly
- deals with anger through physical activity and exploration
- the fire inside is adventurous and optimistic, burning like a spirited bonfire
capricorn mars:
- controlled and disciplined in expressing anger
- may appear cold and detached when upset
- holds onto anger but keeps it hidden
- deals with anger through careful planning and self-discipline
- the fire inside is determined and enduring, resembling a slow-burning ember
aquarius mars:
- unconventional and detached when angry
- values independence and may rebel against restrictions
- may detach emotionally to cope with anger
- deals with anger through innovative solutions and detachment
- the fire inside is eccentric and futuristic, glowing like a neon light
pisces mars:
- passive-aggressive and elusive when angry
- sensitive and easily overwhelmed by emotions
- may escape into fantasy as a coping mechanism
- deals with anger through artistic expression and escapism
- the fire inside is dreamy and ethereal, shimmering like a gentle candle flame
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© spirit-of-phantom 2024
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 3 months
Could you do a benedict bridgerton x wife reader where she's having a bath when benedict interrupts and joins her
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Benedict Bridgerton x wife fem reader
Benedict arrived home later than usual that evening, the weight of the day’s engagements still lingering on his shoulders. As he walked through the grand hallways of Bridgerton House, the flickering candlelight cast playful shadows on the walls, creating a soothing atmosphere that promised respite from the bustling world outside.
His thoughts drifted to his wife, Y/N. Her laughter, her smile, the way her eyes sparkled when she was excited all these memories brought a gentle smile to his lips. He couldn’t wait to see her, to hold her in his arms and let the world fade away.
Benedict made his way upstairs, his footsteps soft on the polished wood floors. As he approached their private quarters, he noticed a faint, melodic sound. It was the gentle splash of water, accompanied by a soft hum. He pushed the door open quietly and stepped inside.
There she was, Y/N, sitting in the clawfoot bathtub, her eyes closed and a serene expression on her face. The room was warm, the air filled with the delicate scent of lavender and rose petals that floated on the water’s surface. Candles placed strategically around the room bathed everything in a golden glow, making the scene almost ethereal.
Benedict’s breath caught in his throat. He stood there for a moment, just watching her, entranced by her beauty and the tranquility of the scene. Y/N opened her eyes and smiled when she saw him, her cheeks flushing slightly.
“Good evening, my love,” she said softly.
Benedict’s smile widened as he walked over to the tub. “Good evening, darling,” he replied, his voice low and filled with affection.
Without another word, he began to undress, his eyes never leaving hers. Y/N’s gaze followed his movements, a mix of curiosity and desire in her eyes. As he removed the last of his clothing, he stepped into the tub, the warm water enveloping him.
He settled behind her, pulling her close so that her back rested against his chest. She sighed contentedly, leaning into him as his arms wrapped around her. They sat like that for a moment, enjoying the closeness, the feel of each other.
“Benedict,” Y/N murmured, her voice a mere whisper.
“Yes, my love?” he replied, his lips brushing against her ear.
She turned her head slightly to look at him, her eyes dark with desire. “I’ve missed you.”
Benedict’s heart swelled with love and longing. He cupped her face in his hands, his thumb caressing her cheek. “I’ve missed you too, more than words can say.”
Their lips met in a gentle kiss, a slow exploration that quickly turned passionate. Benedict’s hands roamed over her body, caressing her skin, sending shivers down her spine. Y/N’s fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss.
The steam from the bath began to fog up the windows, creating an intimate cocoon that shut out the world. The heat of the water and their rising passion mingled, making the air thick and charged with electricity.
Benedict’s lips trailed down her neck, eliciting soft moans from Y/N. He could feel her heartbeat quicken, matching his own. Their hands moved with increasing urgency, exploring, teasing, igniting a fire that consumed them both.
Y/N turned in his arms, straddling his lap, her eyes locked onto his. There was a moment of stillness, a shared breath, before they came together in a fervent embrace. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, a dance of love and desire.
The water sloshed around them, spilling over the edge of the tub, but they paid no mind. The world outside ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them, lost in each other. The windows were now completely fogged up, the room filled with the sounds of their passion.
Time seemed to stand still as they reached the peak of their desire, their cries of pleasure echoing softly in the steamy room. They clung to each other, their bodies trembling with the intensity of their release.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, they remained entwined, their breaths mingling, their hearts beating as one. Benedict pressed a tender kiss to Y/N’s forehead, his fingers gently stroking her back.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
“I love you too, Benedict,” she replied, her eyes shining with tears of happiness.
Eventually, they reluctantly left the tub, the chill of the air sending a small shiver through Y/N. Benedict, ever attentive, quickly wrapped a plush towel around her, his hands moving gently as he dried her off.
“Let’s get you comfortable,” he said softly, guiding her to the bed.
He retrieved her nightgown, a soft, silky garment that felt like a caress against the skin. Benedict helped her into it, his fingers brushing against her bare skin, sending shivers of a different kind down her spine. His touch was tender and filled with love, his gaze never wavering from hers.
Once she was dressed, Benedict guided her to lie down on the bed, her muscles already beginning to relax. He straddled her hips, his strong hands starting to knead the tension from her shoulders. His thumbs worked into the knots with practiced ease, eliciting a deep sigh of contentment from Y/N.
“You’re so good to me,” she murmured, her eyes fluttering closed as she let the sensation of his hands work their magic.
“You deserve nothing less,” Benedict replied, his voice low and soothing.
His hands moved down her back, working out every bit of tension, every stress of the day. The warmth of his touch seeped into her muscles, relaxing her completely. Y/N felt as though she was melting under his ministrations, her body becoming languid and heavy with contentment.
As he finished, Benedict leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her neck. “How do you feel, my love?”
“Wonderful,” she whispered, turning her head to capture his lips in a soft kiss.
He smiled against her lips, his hand cupping her cheek. “Good. Now, let’s get some rest.”
He lay down beside her, pulling her into his arms. They fit together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle, their bodies molding to each other as if they were made to be together. As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms, Benedict couldn’t help but feel grateful for the life they had built together.
And with that comforting thought, he drifted off to sleep, holding the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
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bloddysnow · 2 months
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Summary: You are an emperor, and you have your own harem consisting of four consorts.
Pairings: Sub! Bottom! Zayne/Sylus/Rafayel/Xavier x Dom! Top! Gn! Reader
nsfw minors dni
They have different features and characters, each of which is a unique combination of beauty, strength and charm.
The first consort, Zayne was a skillful healer, known for his wisdom and insight. He was not only handsome, but also smart. His knowledge of herbs and medicines helped to keep you in good health, helping to stay full of strength and energy. He often gave you valuable advice in governing the state. He had a refined taste and exquisite grace. His outfits have always been made with elegance.
The second consort, Rafayel, has a passionate temperament and burning beauty. Something about him always makes him the center of attention in any room. He chooses the most precious fabrics and jewelry to emphasize his beauty. Rafayel spends his days perfecting the art of dance, demonstrating flexibility and ability to control his body. He was not only a talented dancer, but also a skillful musician. In the evenings, he plays the lyre, hoping to attract you with melodic sounds and his angelic voice. His talent was known far beyond the palace.
The third consort, Sylus is famous for his wisdom and deep knowledge of poetry and philosophy. Passion and temptation permeates his every movement and every word. His eyes burn with the fire of thirst, giving mystery. He is also a master of martial arts. His grace and dexterity delighted everyone who saw his training. He often quotes poems and philosophical thoughts, hoping to win your heart through mind and soul.
The fourth consort, Xavier is known for his innocence and sincerity. He wears light and bright outfits that emphasize his young beauty. Its beauty is emphasized by simplicity and naturalness. He likes to walk in the garden and pick flowers. He wants to attract you with his purity and innocence. His room is filled with the scents of fresh flowers and the soft light of candles since he every evening hopes that you’ll want to visit him.
They dress up in frank clothes that barely cover their bodies to better demonstrate the traces of your caresses - dark spots and red marks from love bites that cover their delicate skin with a marble pattern. Every sign you leave is considered a pride, and they do not hide them under their makeup, but show them out.
At public meetings, banquets, parties and most social events, your consorts properly stand right behind your back and will always accompany you. Their presence behind your back symbolized the unity and strength of the imperial family. They’ll hide their faces under face veil, leaving only their eyes open. Since childhood, they have been taught that their bodies belong only to the emperor, and this knowledge is deeply rooted in their minds. Because of this, they cannot get physical pleasure on their own, knowing that their purpose is to serve only you.
As an emperor, you are aware of the importance of fair and respectful treatment of your consorts. And you try to pay equal attention to them all, making sure that each of them feels loved and valuable.
Evenings in the garden with Xavier have become an oasis of calm and happiness for you. The garden has an atmosphere of peace and harmony created by the rustle of foliage, the singing of birds and the quiet murmur of the fountain. Xavier brings the book he chose in advance and sits on the soft grass under the shade of an old oak leaning against it. You settle down next to him, putting your head on his lap. His hands begin to gently stroke your hair. He opens the book and starts reading aloud. His voice, soft and expressive, fills the space around you. Closing your eyes, you enjoy every minute spent with him.
Sylus often asks you to practice with him. One of your rules was the following: if he wins, you will fulfill any of his wishes. He attacks quickly and deftly, trying to find vulnerabilities. You, in turn, fight back, always trying to keep a balance between defense and attack. However, despite his aspiration and skills, he has never managed to defeat you. You are always one step ahead. You know that the real goal of these trainings is not victory, but time spent together. And this ends with Sylus breathing heavily with his hands around your neck, feeling the warmth of your body. Your hands wrap around his waist, pulling him closer. His lips are warm, persistent, conveying all the passion that he may have been holding back for a long time.
Rafayel, dressed in light silk clothes, slowly goes to the center of the hall, illuminated by the soft light of candles. The sounds of darbuka and qanun begin to fill the space. Smooth waves run through his body, starting from his hips and rising up his spine. He skillfully uses his shoulders. His hands gently twist, repeating the curves of the melody, and his fingers touch the invisible strings, adding a touch of magic to the dance. His hips make graceful movements, synchronously swaying in the rhythm of melody. His body is the true perfection of beauty. Each muscle contraction, each movement emphasizes the ideal lines of his figure. The light of candles plays on his skin, creating a game of shadows and emphasizing every muscle. When he looks at you, it seems that time stops. His eyes are full of depth and passion, you can drown in them, forgetting about everything in the world. It's like they bewitched you, and you can't take your eyes off him. They reflect the whole world, full of mysteries and secrets that he is ready to share only with you.
In the majestic imperial palace, immersed in luxury and splendor, your life was surrounded by Zayne's care and attention. Not trusting the servants, Zayne personally followed every aspect of your daily life. It was his personal privilege and duty that he was proud of. Taking care of the emperor gave him some pleasure. He chooses your outfit for the day, also takes care of your hairstyle, skillfully styling your hair and giving it a neat look. He makes sure that consorts didn't bother you and asks you every night if you wanted to visit someone's quarters. Zayne takes care of his emperor with awe and love, trying to protect you from all possible troubles and worries. As a sign of gratitude for his tireless care and devotion, you often took his hands in your own and gratefully kiss them. Zayne was always embarrassed at these moments, looking away.
Their hearts are pounding in anticipation of your next choice, and each of them is eager to be in emperor’s quarters again. When they find themselves in your bed, their moans and screams become loud and passionate, breaking the silence of the night. It's not only an expression of their pleasure, but also a way to show others your closeness to them. They cry, clutching your cock buried deep inside them, and whisper through tears: "I'm y-your favorite, right?" Their voices tremble with emotions, and their hearts beat in the hope of confirming their uniqueness and love.
Their bellies become swollen from the amount of sperm inside their wombs. When you gently press on their stomach, white sperm flows out of their hole, and they whine, asking you not to waste it. Each of them dreams of giving birth to the first heir, who will strengthen his position in the harem and give him power and respect.
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winged-scribe · 4 months
Twilight Bonds
tws : primal play, power dynamic, knotting, breeding kink if you squint, mirror sex.
fem!reader x tp!Link - commission by anonymous
wc : 3.4 k
It was in the quaint village of Ordon where our tale unfolds, under the watchful gaze of the setting sun, painting the sky in hues of fiery passion and serene peace.
[Name], a maiden with eyes reflecting the depth of the twilight, and a spirit as untamed as the wind, was a wanderer at heart. Her journey had brought her to Ordon, a village that seemed to exist in a space where time flowed gently. She entered the village, excited for the new sights and people she would meet.
As [Name] eagerly walked through the village, she took note of her surroundings; Ordon Village was a tapestry of pastoral beauty, nestled in the embrace of nature’s undisturbed splendor. The cottages, with their thatched roofs and walls of warm, sun-baked clay, huddled together like old friends sharing secrets. Smoke curled lazily from chimneys, carrying with it the scent of freshly baked bread and the earthly aroma of burning wood. Their gardens bloomed with a riot of colors, from the fiery reds of geraniums to the delicate blues of forget-me-nots, each petal a testament to the villagers’ harmony with the land.
Keen to become a part of this idyllic setting, she approached some villagers with a smile. However, the response she received was far from the kind embrace she had envisioned. The villagers, bound by the tight-knit fabric of their long-standing relationships, viewed her as an outsider. Their greetings were curt, smiles forced, and their conversations ended almost as quickly as they began. She attempted to engage with them, complimenting their lovely village, asking about their traditions, and expressing a genuine interest in their ways of life. But [Name]’s efforts were met with cold shoulders and suspicious glances.
Whispers followed her and doors closed upon her approach as she walked through the main street back to her inn. She couldn't understand the cause of their aversion. Was it her unfamiliar accent? Her different attire? The rejection from the locals weighed heavily on her mind, the village’s frigid demeanor a stark contrast to the warmth of the hearth that greeted her as she entered her room. It was a small, cozy area, with walls adorned with woven tapestries. A sturdy wooden bed, covered with a quilt of patchwork colors, beckoned [Name] to rest, while a side table by the window held a basin and pitcher for washing away the day’s weariness. Across from the bed, a large mirror took the pride of the place. Its frame was a work of art, the wood polished to a shine, reflecting the craftsmanship of the village’s artisans.
She moved to the window, pushing it open to let in the cool evening breeze. The once lively village had begun to fade into a hushed lullaby. [Name] found herself gazing at the setting sun, stars slowly appearing across the night sky.
With a sigh, she turned away from the window and lit a small candle, its flickering flame casting dancing shadows throughout the room.
She sat at the edge of the bed, her hands idly tracing the patterns on the quilt. The fabric told stories of harvests and festivals, of a community woven together by shared joys and sorrows.
In an attempt to distract herself from the cold sting of rejection, she decided to take refuge in the one thing that brought her consolation–a walk. The open air should clear her mind. She stepped out of the Inn, the wooden door closing softly behind her, and ventured into the twilight. The village was completely quiet now, only the soft chirps of crickets filled the silence of daily life retreated into the privacy of homes and hearths. [Name] wrapped her shawl tighter around her shoulders, the fabric a small comfort against the crisp evening air.
The path before her wound through the village and out into the fields beyond, where the land stretched out like a canvas waiting for the night's brush. The sky, a mosaic of deepening blues and purples, was the first to welcome her, the stars beginning to twinkle like shy eyes opening to the night. Her footsteps were silent on the soft earth, the only sound being the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant call of a nightingale. The beauty of Ordon, untouched by the shadows of Ganon, enveloped her in its serene arms. Here, among the whispering grasses and watchful trees, [Name] found a peace that the village had all but denied her.
As she continued the path, her thoughts drifted like the clouds above. She pondered the walls people build around their hearts, the fear of the unknown and difference that drives them to shun what they do not understand. Yet, she felt a kinship with the world around her–a world that asked for no explanations, that accepted her presence without question.
[Name] stops abruptly, a new sound gracing her ears–a sound that seemed both foreign and familiar. It was a flute, she realized. Its notes floating through the air with a poignant beauty that tugged at her heartstrings. The melody was haunting, filled with longing and a touch of sorrow, yet it carried a strength that spoke of hope and courage. Drawn by the music, [Name] followed the sound, her steps light, as if she were being pulled by an invisible thread.
The melody led her to the spring, a place where the water mirrored the sky’s twilight canvas. Slowly peeking from the brush, she saw him for the first time–Link, the village’s guardian, his fingers moving expertly over the instrument, his eyes closed as if in communion with the song he played.
He hadn’t noticed her, too immersed in his music, he continued playing. [Name] approached quietly, not wanting to interrupt the magic of the moment. As she drew closer, the music enveloped her, wrapping around her like a warm embrace. She stood there listening until the final note drifted into the evening air and silence fell.
It was then that Link opened his eyes, a sense of tranquility surrounding him. Tranquility gave way to surprise when his gaze fell upon [Name], who stood at the edge of the spring, her figure bathed in the twilight's last embrace. For a fleeting moment, their eyes locked and a myriad of unspoken words passed between them. [Name]’s heart raced. A sudden fear gripping her–a fear of the unknown, of the intensity she saw reflected in Link's eyes. It was as if he could see into the very depths of her soul, and the vulnerability of that connection was overwhelming.
With a sharp intake of breath, she turned on her heel and fled, her footsteps a hurried whisper against the soft earth. Link’s hand instinctively reached out, a silent plea for her to stay, to understand that whatever just happened was to be cherished, not feared. But as she disappeared into the veil of night, Link remained still, the wisdom of his heart telling him to resist the urge to chase after her. He understood that some bonds, like the rarest of flowers, needed space to bloom. He stood there, the longing etched in his stance, a silent vow forming in his spirit to wait for her, to give her the time she needed to understand the depth of their connection.
Trees become a haze as [Name] runs through the underbrush. Her heart pounded like the drums of a frenzied dance as she re-entered the village, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. The cool night air whipped against her face, tangling her hair into wild tendrils that whirled in the wind's chaotic rhythm. The cobblestone beneath her feet was a blur, each step propelling her further away from the spring, from Link, and from the intense heat his gaze gave her.
She reached the inn, a sanctuary of wood and stone, its windows glowing with the promise of solitude. With trembling hands, she pushed open the door, the silence a much needed relief from the pounding of her heart. [Name] made her way to her room, thoughts in disarray, each step she took felt heavier than the last.
Once she entered her room, she leaned back against the door, closing her eyes as she tried to steady her breathing. She moved to the window, her hands gripping the sill as she gazed out into the night. Thoughts of Link invaded her mind, unbidden yet persistent. She remembered the way his music had stirred something deep within her, a longing she couldn't quite name. His presence had been a balm to her loneliness, his melody a thread weaving through the emptiness she had felt since arriving in Ordon. But [Name] couldn’t deny she was drawn to the mystifying figure known as Link.
[Name] moved to the bed. As she sat at the edge, the softness of the mattress contrasted sharply with the turmoil within her. The room, bathed in the gentle glow of the candle, seemed to hold her in a tender embrace, a silent witness to the storm in her soul.
Her thoughts returned to Link. The memory of his eyes, deep and fathomless, lingered in her mind, a haunting presence that she could neither embrace nor escape. The melody of his flute, a poignant echo of their brief encounter, played over in her head–a symphony of what-ifs and maybes.
As sleep’s gentle vines began to weave their way around [Name]’s consciousness, her last thoughts were of him. She imagined his strong hands deftly coaxing music from the flute, his focused gaze as he poured his soul into the notes.
For the next four nights, as if drawn by an unseen force, [Name] found herself at the spring. Hidden in the shadows, she watched Link play his flute, each tune a new story told in the language of music. The melodies were varied–some joyful, some melancholic, but all of them touched by the magic of twilight.
She stayed only long enough to commit the music to memory, slipping away like a wraith before the final notes faded. Each retreat was a battle between her desire to stay and the fear of discovery. Yet, with each passing night, the music wove a stronger spell, and her heart grew ever more entwined with the enigmatic guardian of Ordon Village.
On the fifth night, under the cloak of darkness, [Name] once again found herself drawn to the spring. The melody of Link’s flute filled the air, a haunting tune that seemed to speak of longing and unfulfilled desires. She nestled into her usual hiding spot, her presence masked by the shadows.
The night was still, the only sound was the music and the occasional hoot of an owl. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. A stray twig lay hidden beneath the blanket of fallen leaves, and as she shifted her weight, it snapped—a sharp, betraying sound that shattered the silence.
Link’s music ceased abruptly, and their eyes met across the moonlit clearing. Time seemed to stand still, the world holding its breath. [Name] couldn’t seem to move, even as Link strode towards her. The air thickened around her, clinging to her skin like a damp shroud. Her heart raced, like a wild stallion was galloping through her chest.
Link’s eyes were dark and half-lidded with desire, something starved and primal seemingly stripping [Name] down where she stood, tracing over every feature of hers. His stature seemed larger, and more frightening up close. The moonlight painted his features in stark relief–the sharp angles of his jaw, the taut line of his lips. Shadows clung to him like a second skin, and [Name] wondered if this was the same man she had been sneakily listening to.
“Why do you keep running?” Link’s voice startles you–seeming low and strained. It was a low growl, a primal rumble that echoed through the spring.
She tried to speak, but her tongue felt heavy, and uncooperative. The world tilted, and she swayed, dizzy with conflicting emotions. Fear and desire warred within her, a typhoon threatening to consume her being.
“Link,” [Name] whispered, her voice barely audible. “I don’t-”
He took a step closer to [Name]. His scent—a heady mix of pine and musk—wrapped around her, intoxicating and dangerous. [Name] backed away, her mind a whirlwind of confusion. He cups his hand against her face, idly tracing his thumb over her cheek.
Link leans in, his lips ghosting over the shell of [Name]’s ear, having to forcibly hold himself back from pouncing on her right at this moment as she shivers from the contact. She finally stands in front of him, finally within his grasp and his for the taking.
“Run,” he whispers lowly. [Name] looks up at the man towering over her, eyes becoming wide and doe-like. A growl rumbles from his throat. “But if I catch ya,” he drawls, his lips slowly moving downwards, teasing the skin of her neck. Link stops and hovers over her pulse, mouth watering over her scent. “I'll take you.”
Heat flooded [Name’s] core, arousal leaking through the fear and unease. Their eyes lock, unspoken words exchanged between the two of them as Link begins to count backwards from five.
“Five.” Would she make it back in time?
“Four.” How long would the chase last?
“Three.” Would her room at the inn be the safe spot?
“Two.” What did Link plan to do once he caught her?
“One.” Then, the spell broke, and [Name] turned and fled, her heart thundering in her chest.
This time, however, Link’s instincts took over. He could no longer be the silent observer, his feet moving before his mind had time to protest. He gave chase, his form a blur of motion, driven by a force he couldn’t name.
They raced through the village, [Name]’s breath coming in ragged gasps, Link’s footsteps a relentless echo behind her. The night air was a rush of adrenaline, the village a maze of shadows and light.
She reached the inn, her sanctuary, and with a desperate surge of strength, she burst into her room. She barely had a moment to catch her breath when she saw him—Link, framed by the window, his silhouette a testament to his otherworldly agility.
There was an intensity in his gaze, a silent question that hung in the air between them as they stood unmoving. [Name]’s eyes were wide and frightened, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as Link’s hungry gaze trailed the frame of her body, fully taking her in. Link stalks toward her, tightly snaking his arms around [Name]’s midsection as his lips brush against the cusp of her ear.
“Caught ya.” He murmurs, voice deep and husky with thinly veiled desire.
Link pushes her against the door, eager to claim what the Goddesses had gifted him. He trails his lips against [Name]’s neck, kissing and sucking whatever he could reach. [Name] couldn’t stop the noises that fell from her mouth, Link seeming to know exactly where to direct his onslaught of frenzied affection.
Their breath mingled in the air, a symphony of gasps and moans filling the room as they surrendered to the intoxicating pull of their bodies. Link's hands roamed over her curves, igniting a fire within her that burned brighter with each touch, each kiss, each whispered promise of ecstasy.
Link slots his knee between [Name]’s thighs, pressing against her core as his fingertips dig harshly into the plush flesh of her hips. His hands rock her into his thigh, setting the pace agonizingly slow. Link groans into her lips, his cock throbbing in time with her moans, and he finds that he is unable to wait any longer.
He lowers himself to the floor, his fingers hooking around the hem of her waistband— tugging her bottoms off and tossing it to the side. Link’s breath fans across her clothed heat, his nose bumping into her clit as he desperately laps at the fabric. He seemed as if he were a starving man, and they hastily tear the remaining clothing from their bodies, exposing their unmarked skin to the moonlight.
His breathing grows ragged, his chest rapidly rising and falling as one hand reaches up to cup her breast, and the other tenderly pushing a digit into her as his lips latch back onto her bundle of nerves. Link’s eyes roll back at the taste, his fingers slowly pumping in time with each roll of his tongue on her clit.
[Name] gasps at the welcome intrusion, fisting Link’s hair to bring him closer. He moans at the pain and adds another digit that causes her to spasm with pleasure. He suddenly stops his abuse, and looks up at [Name] from beneath his lashes, eyes half-lidded with a ravenous, instinctual hunger.
“Why did you-“ [Name] begins to question. But Link cuts her off by picking her up and taking her in front of the mirror. Her face flushes with embarrassment as she meets their reflections, her core clenching around nothing. Her eyes connect with Link’s pulsing length, widening as she realized he was indeed not like other Hyrulian men.
His cock was flushed a pretty pink, the base plump with arousal, and the head a thick bulb. [Name] begins to panic, how would that ever fit inside her? Link notices her anxiety and sloppily trails kisses along her neck in an attempt to soothe her.
“Don’t worry, lil’ bunny. I’ll go nice n’ easy on ya.” Link purrs, chuckling darkly. He aligns himself with [Name]’s entrance, swiping his cockhead along her folds - leaving a silvery string of arousal connecting them.
“Look atcha, Bunny…you’re drooling f’me. Can’t handle a little heavy petting?” Link all but groans, slowly sinking into her gummy walls. [Name] clenched around his cock like a vice, a soft whine leaving her lips that nearly snapped Link’s remaining patience. His jaw slackens as his fingers wrap around [Name]’s jaw, forcing her to watch as he slowly thrusts into her.
“Be a good girl and watch me make a mess of ya, Bunny,” he murmurs in her ear. “If you don’t, I’ll stop.”
Once she was accustomed to his size, her soft whines rising in volume, Link increases his pace. His hips snap into her, breathy groans parting his lips as his knot begins to swell. Their gazes meet in the mirror’s reflection, tears bubbling in [Name’s] half-lidded eyes as he gains speed.
“Doin’ so good for me, bunny.” Link praises, his breath growing heavy as he begins to lose himself to the feeling, his thrusts growing sloppy. [Name] whines in response, her walls pulsing and fluttering around Link’s swollen knot.
“Not yet, bunny. Gotta cum with me.” He growls, his fingers finding purchase on her hips, digging harshly into the skin. His knot throbs inside of [Name], low groans and whines filling the open space as the two grow closer to their climax. Each thrust becomes harder, faster, a cacophony of lewd squelching and sounds of ecstasy.
“Nngh.. I’m close, bunny… a little more and i’ll fuck you full of my cum, yeah? You’ll be good and take it f’me, won’t you, bunny?” Link growls.
[Name]’s mind is spinning with pleasure, melting into a soft mush. Her stomach tightens at Link’s words, her body growing hotter as she watches the man rut into her. “Link… I can’t-“
“Yes, you can. You’ll hold it f’me, okay? Such a good girl takin’ my cock like this.” Link rasps between quick breaths. His praise alone makes her tighten in pleasure. “Fuck, bunny… I’m gonna cum..!”
“Cum with me..! Cum with me, bunny-“ Link moans through gulps of air, his knot locking inside her gummy walls as he weakly fucks [Name] through their shared orgasm. Hot ropes of cum spill into her womb, her body trembling as her orgasm washes over her. Tears spill down her cheeks from the sheer intensity.
Link bites down on the apex of [Name]’s shoulder to muffle his sounds of pleasure, a pained whine erupting from the woman. Even after their orgasms have passed, Link slowly continues rutting into her, instincts demanding that he doesn’t waste a drop. He presses a tender kiss to her pulse after some time, inhaling the aroma of her natural pheromones and gently pulls out of her.
“You did so good for me, bunny.” Link murmurs softly, padding off to the bathroom to find something to clean her up. When he returns, he carefully cleans [Name] up and slides into bed with her - an arm draped over her waist as he pulls her close to him.
“You don’t have to run anymore, [Name].”
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simdertalia · 11 months
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🎍 ACNH Harmonious Set 🌺
Sims 4, Base game compatible | 55 items
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I hope you enjoy!
Set contains: Buy: -Azumaya Gazebo | 4 swatches | 9302 poly -Bamboo 1 (sprouts) | 2 swatches | 986 poly -Bamboo 2 (trees) | 2 swatches | 2932 poly -Bamboo Basket | 3 swatches | 1109 poly -Bamboo Bathmat | 3 swatches | 324 poly -Bamboo Candle | 3 swatches | 992 poly -Bamboo Deer Scare | 6 swatches | 1194 poly -Bamboo Divider | 3 swatches | 1028 poly -Bamboo Drum | 3 swatches | 1186 poly -Bamboo Grass Tanabata | 1 swatch | 1202 poly -Bamboo Lamp | 3 swatches | 1146 poly -Bamboo Lunch | 3 swatches | 1202 poly -Bamboo Noodle Slide | 1 swatch | 3484 poly -Bamboo Shelf (decluttered/liberated) | 3 swatches | 1706 poly -Bamboo Shoot Lamp | 2 swatches | 1036 poly -Bamboo Vase | 3 swatches | 1197 poly -Bamboo Wall Decor | 4 swatches | 1217 poly -Beanstalk | 5 swatches | 4784 poly -Flower Vase (liberated from shelf) | 3 swatches | 399 poly -Glow Moss Ceiling Decor | 16 swatches | 1198 poly -Glow Moss Jars 1-6 (6 items liberated from shelf) | 8 swatches each | low poly -Glow Moss Pond | 6 swatches | 9418 poly -Glow Moss Shelf (decluttered/liberated) | 8 swatches | 2046 poly -Glow Moss Wreath | 16 swatches | 612 poly -Gong | 2 swatches | 2400 poly -Japanese Coffee Table | 6 swatches | 1216 poly -Jar of Bamboo Shoots | 1 swatch | 602 poly -Kadomatsu | 2 swatches | 1194 poly -Kagami Mochi | 1 swatch | 1194 poly -Katana Display | 5 swatches | 2270 poly -Kimono Stand | 4 swatches | 2342 poly -Kimono Stand Fancy | 5 swatches | 2176 poly -Moss Accent Table | 16 swatches | 1924 poly -Moss Rugs (round & rectangle) | 6 swatches each | 340 & 465 poly -Moss Seat | 16 swatches | 1178 poly -Peacock Chair | 7 swatches | 1234 poly -Plate Decor (liberated from shelf) | 3 swatches | 338 poly -Sakura Vase | 1 swatch | 2699 poly -Samurai Statue | 6 swatches | 2551 poly -Sanrio Bridge | 1 swatch | 4732 poly -Stone Bowl | 4 swatches | 673 poly -Stone Bowl w/ Sakura Petals | 4 swatches | 693 poly -Surichwitteok | 1 swatch | 934 poly -Tanuki Statue | 1 swatch | 1205 poly -Tatami | 2 swatches | 140 poly -Vine Hat Decor | 5 swatches | 858 poly -Vine Rug | 4 swatches | 543 poly -Vine Stone Seat | 5 swatches | 1201 poly
Build: -Moss Brick Wall | 1 swatch
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which jungkook can sleep without you, but he’d rather not to.
> fluff, suggestive, they’re so in love it hurts typa angst / wc: 2.4k
> warnings: jungkook is hard and tipsy and sleepy and needy for love and oc is ready to risk it all, making out, grinding, allusion to s/x
note: just a lil sumsum to indulge in the painful blues and sappiness i’ve been having lately <3 you can blame this one to my hormones <3 reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated :]
you almost trip on your own feet, sputtering out a string of whispered, panicked curses as you stumble inside the dark apartment. jungkook’s beloved galaxy projector lamp illuminates the space you also call your own, and although you adore it as much as him, you wish he didn’t turn off the light by the door in favor of it.
“oh, jungkook.” you murmur softly, dropping your bag as a careless heap on the floor as you kneel beside his vessel in slumber on the couch. he fell asleep on his stomach, side of his face smushed against the outstretched arm he’s using as a pillow. you pry off the remote control from the confines of his left hand, turning off the television before setting it down on the center table.
the distinct scent of fabric softener permeates the air— unmistakably kindled by your boyfriend’s affinity for scented candles. the soothing crackles of the candle wick burning on the side table contests with jungkook’s snoring, and you can’t say this is the first time you’re listening to this unique harmony.
you tenderly caress his hair, moving down to his beautiful face, and the pad of your thumb brushes over the apple of his cheek. and as your watery eyes take its sweet time adoring his godly allure, you decide to worry about how you would bring him to bed later. he just looks so peaceful like this, and you do not have the heart to wake him up.
you plant a loving kiss on his forehead before you stand on your feet, picking up the bag you left on the floor, and you jolt in surprise when a hand seizes your wrist.
jungkook utters your name, hushed and slurred that you almost don’t recognize the word.
“is it you? you’re home?” he croaks out, blinking his eyes to adjust from pitch black to his current surroundings. “what time is it?”
“four in the morning,” you sit down beside his stomach, whispering to him quietly as if there was anybody else in the room you could possibly wake up. “i didn’t drink. at all. not even a drop. i lost in rock-paper-scissors and ended up being the designated driver. for the second time in a row! i’m cursed!”
he slowly stretches out his lethargic limbs as he shifts to lie down on his side, chuckling at the sound of your grouchy tone as you laid out the story before he could even ask how your night out went.
“my poor baby- would’ve helped you but i needed to be taken care of, too.”
“made it home safe, so it’s fine.” you smile as you give his cheek little pats, and he catches your hand in his to press kisses to your knuckles. “go back to sleep. i still need to go wash up.”
“my goodnight kiss.” he puckers up his lips in a doll-like pout, urgently demanding for affection before you can leave.
you lean down to grant his request, and he guides your face in his warm hands to connect his pillowy lips with yours. you instinctively hold on to his forearms so you won’t collapse on top of him, heart skipping multiple beats as you find yourself lost in the feeling of your lover relishing in the intimacy of having no distance between you. a second feels like a minute, a minute- an hour.
the kiss breaks, but he still keeps you close so that his nose lightly brushes against yours. “jelly? you smell like jelly… i like it.”
“now, you do, too.” you’re the one to completely pull away, wiping away the boysenberry gloss smeared on his silken lips using your thumb. its saccharine scent replaces the hint of beer that lingered around him. “go to bed, my love.”
“nuh-uh. i’m already too comfy here.” he protests weakly, curling up into fetal position and burying his face into the cushion of the couch.
“okay, okay. suit yourself.” you roll your eyes, grabbing the edge of the blanket pooled below his feet and draping it over him until it reaches his shoulder. his heart flutters at the thoughtful gesture, but when he turns his head to look at you, preparing to persuade you into sleeping with him there, you’re already out of sight.
your melodic humming of ‘my funny valentine’ echoes in the bathroom, unable to shake it off after singing the song with your friends in the karaoke room. you waltz around as you return the products you used in the cabinet next to the mirror, and then you wipe the floor dry from the drops of water that fell when you stepped out of the shower booth.
when you deem yourself satisfied with the cleanliness of the bathroom post your bedtime routine, you conclude that it’s finally time to allow yourself much-needed rest. you were all over the place for the past twenty-four hours, and the promise of drifting off into unconsciousness with jungkook sounds like paradise.
you swing the door open and-
“oh my god!”
…your knees nearly give out, heart jumping out of your skin when you’re met by a ball of figure on the floor, enshrouded by your own dark shadow. but the bathroom light manages to shine over the little yellow star patterns on the navy blue blanket wrapped around the mystery person, and you just know.
you clutch at your aching chest with a sigh of relief, still breathless as you sputter out. “what are you doing here? i thought the sofa was comfy?”
jungkook lazily lifts up his head, most of his hair falling on his face but he couldn’t care any less because if you give him one poke he would definitely be sent straight to the dreamland among the clouds. his round doe eyes have turned into slits as he squints up at you, his lips forming a permanent pout.
“i was, but i don’t want to fall asleep without you again.” he scoffs out the complaint as he attempts to rub off the sleep from his eyes. “i need your love, please.”
you don’t think jungkook realizes— just how courageous it is to build camp infront of a door asking to be given love, holding his pounding heart in the palm of his hands, and trusting that you will accept it in yours to handle it with the gentlest of care.
he has come a long way from when he would bend himself backwords to make you happy and comfortable despite your constant reassurance. he wanted to retain your attention, to occupy your thoughts, to make a bigger space for him in your heart. he was afraid of appearing weak, too needy, not worth the trouble. and no matter what it took, he wanted you to never run out of reasons to stay. however, for the jungkook of today, control is an abandoned form of self-destruction and he can tell you in confidence that ‘here i am in all my glory. there are unfixable, fractured parts of me and i am laying them out on the floor for you to see- you can take me or leave me, but i know you’ll always choose the former’ and ‘i am stubborn and i do not give up’ and ‘i want to buy a house in the countryside with you’ and most of all ‘i need your love.’
often times you hear the question ‘how you can make a relationship last?’ being asked. beyond love, patience, and respect— you think… what makes a true love ‘true’ is faith. and out of all these feelings and capacities, to be honest, it might just be the most difficult one to surrender to another soul.
“babe, literally, you were already asleep down there.” you put a hand over your hip, giggling in amusement.
“no, i wasn’t!” he strongly denies. he reaches out to his side to show you the glass of scented candle you failed to notice until now. the melted wax sloshes around like waves crawling to and from the shore. “i was watching the candle to keep myself awake. like this-”
he demonstrates the earlier scenario with a small smile of mischief tugging at the corner of his lips. like an enamored moth, he draws closer to the candle that casts a subtle orange glow on his skin. the flickering flame forms a burning star in each of his wide eyes as it frantically dances to its own beat: making itself smaller, stretching taller, and swaying back and forth.
time stands still. he looks absolutely breathtaking, too good to be true, like an angel that only appears in dreams. you’re almost sure that this life is a hoax and he’s come to take you away. the crackling of the candle gradually lulls you to sleep, and when you wake up, he will be a distant memory.
but then he playfully grins at you and he crosses his legs to switch positions— the weight of his calf almost crushing your toes reminds you that he’s tangible. you chuckle, heart swelling in ten sizes because you can never imagine yourself getting sick of his simultaneously endearing and humorous antics.
“okay, babe. sorry for making you wait.” you coo, fingers carding through his messy hair to gather it on the back of his head and form a ponytail in your fist, a little paranoid that a strand would dip in the candle and burn. still, his bangs escape and cascade down like waterfalls. “let’s go to bed and you can have all the love you need.”
“about damn time.” he enunciates the curse word, instantly springing on his feet, and the sudden movements blows out the treasured candle he’s been carrying around. his expression drops. “oh shit- it fainted-”
“it just fell asleep, don’t worry.” you support his silly joke. “wait- i forgot to close the door of the shower.” you huff in annoyance, catching a glimpse of it when you peeked in to flip off the lightswitch.
jungkook, on the other hand, sneakily speedruns to return the blanket on the couch and the candle beside its many other siblings. they have turned into an organized mess of a collection on the small corner of the living room, along with three of those long stick of lighters and assorted remote controls of your appliances.
the second after you shut the door behind you, your boyfriend is already enveloping you in a bone-crushing hug. you giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck to drown yourself in the comfort of his embrace, and before you know it, the fuzzy slippers spill from your feet as his strong arms sweep them off the floor. your legs automatically encircle his waist as he walks to your dimly-lit bedroom.
“i swear i’m stealing you from your friends for the rest of the week.” he says in a raspy voice before pressing a kiss to your temple. “have i told you that i missed you?”
“hmmm-” you tilt up your chin to look at his face, scrunching your nose as you pretend to be in deep thought. “not yet. i don’t think so.”
“i missed you.”
“then i’ll meet you in your dreams.” you smile sweetly, poking his supple cheek as he kneels on the bed and gently lies you down on the mattress. he settles down beside you, using your arm as a pillow. a squeak escapes your mouth when he squeezes you closer to his body, breathing out a sigh of sheer contentment because he is cuddling with you at last.
“goodnight, baby. i’ll dream of you.”
listen, you know, you’re drained. your ankles are soulless ghosts and your eyes are drooping heavily. but you can feel his hard-on poking your bare thigh, only separated by his sweatpants, and you can’t fucking brush it off because it’s also waking up something very carnal in you. you harshly chew on your bottom lip before you muster up a voice.
“want me to take care of you, baby boy?”
jungkook’s eyelids flutter open, and he raises an eyebrow sternly at your offer. “you’re tired. and you need to wake up in a few hours for work.”
“you’re more important to me than work.” you throw caution to the wind, tucking his hair behind his ear to pepper featherlight kisses all over his face. “besides, i did say that i’ll give you all the love you need, didn’t i?”
the tenderness of your ministrations makes him fold, swallowing thickly as he mutters. “oh, fuck it.”
you gasp as he easily manhandles your body on top him, capturing your lips for a searing kiss as he grinds his hips against yours in a slow, coaxing rhythm. you shudder under his touch— his desperate hands slip under your shirt to caress your waist, tracing your curves as if he’s mapping out your figure, and your fingers tightly curl around the fabric of his sleeves to cling to your remaining shred of strength and sanity.
“i love you- hmmph-”
he doesn’t allow you to finish your sentence. with a filthy moan, he swallows your words to satiate his thirst, sliding his tongue in your mouth to taste more of peppermint and honey and bliss. he smiles into the kiss when you vibrate with a sulky whine, pushing you far enough to see your face. he plants an apologetic peck on your lips, pulling up your t-shirt to reveal the expanse of your skin to the cold air, but he quickly remedies it as he strokes your lower back with his smooth palm.
“i love you more.”
his lips part, a glossy dark shade of pink, and his bunny teeth tug at the silver ring adorning the corner of his mouth as he gloss over your facial features. the sun is about to rise in the east, and it is another day of existing in this beautiful and wretched world with you.
“i’m so fucking lucky to have you, you know that?”
you break free from his hold to properly straddle his small waist, and it’s almost embarrassing how he’s too eager, putting his tattooed arm beneath his head to get a better view of bewitching temptation in its finest. his free hand, shaky with desire and anticipation, finds your bare thighs to caress.
“i know.” your cocky grin turns him on even more, testing the blurry limits of his compromised self-control. his lovedrunk eyes drink you in as you begin stripping off your black t-shirt, which he then recognizes to be his. “but remind me again after i rock your world, will you?”
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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