#cannot be put into words
noahreids · 26 days
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Red, White and Royal Blue 2 | Sequel Announcement!!!!!!!!
+ Bonus Smiles
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My guy, when I say I haven't been this level of feral in a while
I fucking MEAN it
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simoni-999 · 10 months
sasuke for blorbo bingo c:
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sasuke is a lifestyle ⚡⚡
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astrallar · 8 months
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This man holds my heart just like he holds these ducks
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bulldog-butch · 6 months
i’m gonna say something controversial yet brave: sexuality labels are a convenient tool we use to define something that is undefinable
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avianssphere · 11 months
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the man you love, your best friend
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mothmandibles · 4 months
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🇵🇸 May We Be Free, Together. One genocided peoples to another. We stand with Palestine, now and forever. 🇦🇲
Care for Gaza (Direct Paypal)
E-Sims for Gaza (Showing Where/How to give them)
Palestine Children Relief Fund
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Daily Click For Palestine (Help by at least clicking this daily, it may not be much but it counts for something at least.)
BDS's website, remember to follow the boycott.
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inkedmyths · 2 years
One of the hard parts about being a writer with a vivid imagination is that there are So Many Ideas, and they fall into so many categories, such as
Fics I want to write
Fics I want to read
There is just One Scene and I could write it but it would be waaaay more cool if I had all the build up to the scene but unfortunately. I can only figure out the Scene
I keep changing my mind. Where am I going with this
This has been done a million times before. But. Hear me out
I will 100% Never Write This. This is just my Emotional Support Idea no one can ever know about bc it makes sense only to me
Would be better as a comic...
This will be my magnum opus if I can just get my 50 pages of ideas into a coherent narrative
All I have are vibes
And, of course
WIP I started and haven't updated in 2 years and oh god its beEN TWO YEARS???
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sabellart · 1 year
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in honor of the s2 trailer
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riddled-fingers · 5 months
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you guys dont understand how emo i am abt this,,,,
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fluffyfangirl · 2 months
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So... @mikeslawyer, I hope I did your ask prompt justice! (because I loved it, thank you so much for it). (Continue for without the doodles.)
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thevirgodoll · 11 months
to all of my dolls finding themselves:
originality is the "aesthetic" you are looking for. individuality is the "it factor" you are looking for. from your personality, pieces, hair, cadence of voice...even down to your favorite foods or special interests. you aren't supposed to change every aspect about yourself to be more palatable for everyone you meet. that actually makes you BORING!!!
"but so and so is doing this" "but what if people don't like it" ... so??? don't take people disliking your aesthetic as a sign that you need to do something different. like, of course they don't like it or have second thoughts - it's because THEY wouldn't do it themselves because it wouldn't go with THEIR given aesthetic. HELLOO??????
unless they are like minded, stop asking other people to weigh in on the things you CLEARLY like about yourself. especially if it's a core personality trait or interest. your LIFE isn't a group project. your LIFE is not a co-op game.
and yes... people will try to force you to assimilate and follow the crowd by speaking misfortune on your rebrand, your expression, your hobbies, your chosen path out of jealousy. however, that jealousy is lowkey unspoken respect for the fact you have the candor to go against homogeneity.
your authentic dedication to everything that makes you YOU is what will bring you the illustrious life you so fervently seek in the end...not some book a celebrity wrote or a youtube video. it's in YOUR DNA to be a star already in anything you want to do.
there isn't one tutorial on this world wide web that will help you if you don't realize you have the components within you first. there is NOTHING wrong with you!!! you are EVERYTHING that is right already!!!
NEVER conform to the way they think you should shine.
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dotsz · 1 year
NEVER take an art and animation nerd to see the spiderverse movies they WILL go insane and talk throughout the whole movie about the style variations the camera work the blend of mediums the color grading the framing the references to past movies the ueegrgrrrghhhh
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jaarijani · 1 month
a snippet of Traffic - featuring Joost Klein
video source
and here is another, longer video 💙💚
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eddievedders · 1 year
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TED LASSO 3.06 — Sunflowers.
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tekitothemagpie · 22 days
Zoro probably felt fear for the first time in his life in Thriller Bark, when Kuma came to get Luffy's head.
Realized he could seriously lose Luffy, not see him achieve his dream, see him dead even.
And all he could do, as powerless as he was against the Warlord, was offer his life instead of his captains.
His one and only fear isn't not being able to become the strongest swordsman, it's Luffy dying without reaching his goal.
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