#canon to me that that kid he was beating up said something about his mom
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
you think kids at school asked billy where his mom was and billy just made up different stories each time because he didn’t want to say that she left
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tigertofu · 1 year
ok i've been chipping away at this Thing for a long time and i think it's finally ready to be vomitted out into the internet. without further ado, here is my
Stupid-Long List of Trevor Headcanons
divided into chronological sections !
((the NSFW shit is hiding at the bottom))
CW's for: mentions of drugs/alcohol, addiction, cannibalism, violence, gross sex stuff. typical Trevor things
and heres a gif of him cuz ig thats the tumblr thing to do idk i never made one of these lists b4 :x
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the past
• he's a scorpio and the reason he has a scorpion tat on his hand is bc he's like. very mildly into horoscopes. he was born some time in november
• he doesn't have a middle name cuz his mom didn't give enough of a shit to give him one
• despite playing hockey and golf as a kid, he was never really that into the sports themselves. he only did hockey because he saw it as a way to beat up other children and not get reprimanded for it, and he did both in the hopes of being good enough at something to earn his mother's praise for once (it did not work :()
• hates his dad bc of how he treated his mom and is glad he abandoned him at that shopping mall when he was a kid
• he (w/ Brad's help) would play "pranks" on (aka BULLY) poor Lester during the north yankton days. some fav pastimes included (but were not limited to): pantsing him, hiding his walking cane, and replacing his asthma medication with laughing gas
• was highkey jealous of how easy Michael could get girls during the north yankton days. when he actually was able to convince a girl to come back home with him, he would make sure to be loud as hell about it so that Mike would know he wasn't the only one getting chicks
• all of his hand tats and a lot of his other tats were done in prison, even tho he was only in for like 6 months
• prison was a mixed bag for him. on one hand, anal. on the other, having to restrain himself from arguments and physical altercations so he could get out early on good behavior
• went thru a breakdancing phase in the 90's (i THINK this one might be canon. idk. could've sworn i've heard him try to tell Lamar this in an attempt to impress him. pls feel free to prove me wrong or right)
• one of the scars on his eyebrows is actually the result of getting a fresh eyebrow piercing ripped tf out during a barfight in the 00's. prob for the best that it was cuz we all know that shit wouldve ended up getting infected and rejecting out of his face anyways
• he moved to Sandy Shores not just because it's nice and isolated, but because it was the place most opposite of north yankton he could think of. never any snow. he absolutely fucking hates cold weather and snow because it reminds him of a certain bank heist that happened in '04
• between Ron, Chef, and Wade, Chef was the first one he met after moving to Sandy Shores. they used to cook meth together in a trailer out in the desert (another one that i THINK is canon but im not sure idk. it all blurs together, idk whats canon and whats not anymore, my brain is too rotted from spinning Trevor around in it like the world's most dried out little shriveled husk of a rotisserie chicken for the past three years, the fog is coming, yk how it is)
• he acquired Liquor Ace the same way he "acquired" the Vanilla Unicorn. the previous owner just mysteriously disappeared one day. nobody in Sandy Shores cared tho once word got around that the new owner was gonna start cooking crystal in the upstairs and selling it
• yk how in the game he said that his heart momentarily stopped once cuz he put an axe thru a power cable? he did that cuz the power had gone out in the middle of him watching an Impotent Rage episode he hadn't seen yet. for some reason (was prob very high and very angry) he thought that he could bring the power back by hitting the sparking wire with an axe. it didnt work. he smelled like overcooked bacon for a week afterwards. he enjoyed that part tho
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the present
• he makes Ron cut his hair with a pair of rusty kitchen scissors when he needs a trim. he used to go to the nice barber lady in Sandy Shores but got banned after loudly moaning about how good her nails felt on his scalp once
• once smoked an entire cigarette in one long inhale. Wade witnessed this and found it extremely impressive
• he'll eat pretty much anything but he especially likes foods with strong flavors. salty, sour, super sweet, spicy, etc cuz his taste buds are SHOT from the years of smoking/drug abuse. he abuses condiments, especially hot sauce
• thinks that any restaurant that doesn't have a drive-thru is a "fancy" restaurant
• LOVES candy cuz the meth has given him a major sweet tooth, but prefers anything with chocolate over fruity/gummy candies
• has a weird fascination with eating raw meat.....of any kind. except for sushi. he thinks sushi is "fancy prissy city people food"
• also has a weird fascination with making stews/soups similar to the eyelid one that he tries to feed Michael in that one cutscene. it's the only type of food he knows how to cook. may be a comfort thing for him because microwaving a bowl of canned soup was the most effort his mother ever put into making a meal for him when he was a kid. and she did it like, twice, maybe. he for sure remembers both times very clearly tho and considers them to be some of his fondest memories
• will go for days without eating anything solid before finally sitting down and consuming enough food to feed a family of 5. sometimes he just like. forgets that eating is necessary for survival
• can open beer bottles with his teeth. between that and the meth habit, its an absolute miracle he still has all his teeth
• go-to pizza order is a large meat lover's. he tries to make vaguely sexual passes about "loving large meat" at the poor pizza delivery guys every time he orders delivery. does not tip, but will say shit like "hey, if you come inside i've got a little tip for ya" while the delivery guy quickly vacates the premises
• honestly? i think there is a good 50/50 chance on whether or not he is ACTUALLY a cannibal. maybe he posters as one cuz he likes the reactions it incites, maybe he genuinely enjoys the psychosexual intimacy of consuming the flesh of another human being........ who knows !! not knowing is half the fun :)
• ok ok hear me out u know that stupid tiktok sound that was going around a couple years ago that goes "hi my name is carmen winstead -- HAAAAAHHHGGCHH" ??? look it up if u don't cuz that's what his snoring sounds like. the fucking "HAAAAAHHHGGCHH"
• once he's asleep he is out like a fucking light. guy could sleep thru nuclear war
• is not opposed to drinking hand sanitizer when out of other sources of alcohol. it tastes just like the shitty moonshine Ron makes in his backyard anyways and gets him even drunker so why not !
• hates horror films bc they make him angry. at least, any of the ones where somebody survives at the end. thinks the murderers in them are stupid. starts yelling shit at the TV like "HE'S GETTING AWAY YOU STUPID FUCK,, WHAT ARE YOU DOING !!!!"
• believes baby pink and orange are "his colors"
• will sit on his sofa or bed and try to shoot any cockroaches scurrying around his place with a pistol for funsies when bored sometimes
• enjoys playing darts at the Yellow Jack with anyone who'll play him but absolutely fucking sucks at it cuz of his shaky hands. accidentally threw a dart into another bar patron's head once. will rage and insist his opponent cheated when he loses. will then get physical if anyone tries to tell him its impossible to cheat at darts. is much less of a sore loser when playing with Mike, Frank, or Lamar tho he will still grumble about losing for up to hours on end afterwards
• is an illegal immigrant bc he never became a US citizen. does not own an actual ID, but has several fakes lying around, all with fake birth dates and fake names that are wildly varying levels of believable
• will absolutely flip his fucking lid if Wade comes around him while wearing Juggalo face paint
• speaking of Wade. yk how he has a shitty tattoo of his own name on his arm? (at least i think he does. i tried looking to see if he does and i couldnt tell so now im unsure if thats just yet another detail that my brain completely made up or smth that i actually saw). ANYWAYS, Trevor gave it to him (stick n poke. it was a longggg process but Wade didnt mind too much cuz he was high at the time and consented to it beforehands anyways) when Trevor first "took him in" cuz he kept forgetting his name and got tired of referring to him as "Hey, you" (which Wade did not respond to most of the time anyways)
• is an ugly crier. like, a butt-ugly crier. snot, drooling, wailing, red face, the whole nine yards and he is loud as hell about it too
• loves back rubs cuz ofc he does he's an old man. often makes Ron or Wade give him massages
• his boomer-ass super-zoomed-in LifeInvader profile pic was taken by Ron. it took them a dozen tries before they got it
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• he sucks at eating out.........kinda? but what he lacks in precision and consistency he makes up for with sheer (sloppy. slobbery) passion. and endurance. can stay down there (and will, if you let him) for hours
• is not much better at blowing. "accidentally" uses too much teeth every time
• ~4 inches. MAYBE 4.5. good girth tho. not cut
• has a thing for chubby/thicc ppl
• is a biter and won't ask before biting so uhh watch out ! part of the reason for the above is bc there's more to bite
• loooooves loves loves to suck on things. fingers, necks, tits, dicks, anything. also looooooves having it reciprocated. particularly likes shoving his fingers in your mouth
• loves to involve mouths as much as possible. spitting/being spat on, the aforementioned biting as well as being bitten, eating food off of your body or having food eaten off of him, the type of makeout sessions that involve shoving each other's tongues down each other's throats.. anything that involves mouths and/or the motions of eating drives him fucking wild
• will beg you even when not explicitly told to when he's not feeling dominant. will beg and beg and beg and beg and it's hot but can also quickly become incredibly annoying
• but he LOVES to be annoying on purpose too. via the begging, or by teasing/edging, mocking, etc. loves to get a rise out of you and loves the attention (even if negative.. ESPECIALLY if negative) it gets him
• occasionally cries after sex. will expect you to hold him while he does. will start to angry cry and say you don't actually love him if you refuse
• now ik this one is nothing groundbreaking and seems to already be the general consensus amongst the Trevor enjoyers but im gonna say it anyways. he def has a thing for public/semi-public sex. be careful about sitting next to him while in any public space. he WILL try to touch on you and it WILL be in a way that makes it obvious to everyone in the immediate vicinity what's going on. does he do it on purpose as an exhibition thing? maybe...... does he genuinely think he's being slick about it? also maybe. if ur with him, expect to be banned from multiple establishments
• lowkey has a breeding kink in the sense that he loves to finish inside (not just bc it feels nice but also bc of the intimacy of it) and thinks that pregnant women are hot as hell
• is most likely infertile due to the years of meth use tho
• loves to both overstimulate and be overstimulated. just bc you've both climaxed doesnt mean he wont keep going for god-knows-how-long
..................andd that's all she (i) wrote. ty for reading !! i've got more shit to say about Trevor cuz ofc i do but this is already like 2k words so if u wanna hear my headcanons on anything specific at all,, pls do throw it in my ask box ! <33
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Things My Dad Says That Modern AU No War Jake Sully Would Also Say:
Jake Sully is canonically a skxawng. But he’s also a little bit smooth with it, and I think he’d do it a little bit on purpose to make Neytiri and also the kids laugh.
-Neytiri and Tuk (also Spider) are the ones who will always laugh at his insane jokes. Neytiri especially. Like she always laughs. They’ve been married for like twenty years now and she’s still laughing like what he said was a surprise. Kiri and Lo’ak are NOT LAUGHING it’s NOT FUNNY shut the fuck up, Dad, oh my god. 
-Jake when Neytiri comes home from work: Neytiri, come here, let’s kiss in front of the kids and make them uncomfortable. 
-Every time they stop to get gas on a road trip and they go into the rest stop to pee while Neytiri fills the car, Jake says “Guys, don’t worry, this definitely won’t be the time she decides she can do better and just gets in the car and finally leaves us here.”
-Jake, every time Neytiri is sick: Make sure you pick the right last words for your mother in case she doesn’t wake up.
Lo’ak, always refuses to laugh at Jake’s shit: Oh really, what are your last words?
Jake, in the middle of making Neytiri tea for her sore throat: Goodbye, asshole.
Neytiri: *laughing so hard it turns into coughs*
-Every time Jake buys groceries like the good retired-veteran-stay-at-home-husband he is, he sends Neytiri a picture of the flowers and says he didn’t buy them because he knows she’d rather spend the money on the kids, and it’s their shared money anyway. He’s joking and it’s supposed to make her laugh, but she knows he’s also serious. They have five kids including latchkey child Spider, and do have to pay attention to every penny. On her birthday and on Valentine’s Day, he actually buys the flowers and presents them to her and says he scrounged the money up from behind Lo’ak’s bed. (Lo’ak: HEY!) It makes her laugh every time. It’s their cute little thing, it means he’s thinking of her every time he goes to the store even if he doesn’t spend the money every time. (Lo’ak: those are my flowers then.)
-Jake, pointing at the screen every time they watch any movie: That’s actually how me and your mother met. 
It was most egregious when they were watching Titanic. 
Lo’ak, confrontational: Oh really? You’re dead dad? And mom is like 90 years old?
Jake: Oh my god, Lo’ak, you never comment on a woman's age.
Neytiri: *hysterical laughter from the kitchen*
-Sometimes Lo’ak will forget something he needs for school and sprint back into the house to go back for it, and every time Jake and Neytiri are sitting at the kitchen table finishing their breakfast watching him and Jake goes “How can we miss you if you just won’t leave?” Neteyam copies Jake a lot and he says that shit all the time when Lo’ak, Kiri, or Spider forget something, they hate it (secretly love it).
-Kiri, complaining about what a kid did at school: -and then she told the teacher I didn’t do any of the work. Isn’t that crazy?
Jake, nodding sagely: Mhm. Do you want me to go fight her?
Neytiri: *surprised laughter*
Kiri, trying not to laugh: *deep sigh* You can’t fight a teenage girl, Dad.
Jake, pretend hurt: You think I can’t beat a teenage girl?
-Neytiri works at the hospital with Ronal. Ronal is a doctor and Neytiri is a nurse. Jake likes to put on episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and then tell Neytiri they could’ve used a better nurse during almost every scene. 
-When the Sully’s and Tonowari’s family have their first big family dinner after Lo’ak and Tsireya start dating, Jake comes down the stairs in his underwear and his stained marines t-shirt and says “I’M READY TO GO!’ and Tuk and Neytiri die laughing while Lo’ak has an aneurysm. 
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You're Just Like Quicksand
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Batman Beyond
Summary: Jason Todd is ready to go into semi-retirement after fifteen years working with troubled youth, but one case in particular forces him to confront the sins of his youth and painful memories from his past.
Chapters: 14/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Retired Jason Todd, Multiple POV, Hurt/Comfort, Parent-Child Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, Angst, Mourning Jason Todd
Chapter Fourteen: Fathers and Sons (Terry McGinnis' POV)
I hadn’t heard from Jason in over two years, but he was at the funeral. I thought it was strange. I wondered who invited him. I wondered why he stood so far away. Mom couldn’t move. She couldn’t process any of it. So, we stood beside her as everyone paid their respects and went home. They could go home. I couldn’t. I could never go home again. I had to officially move in with Mom once they let me into the crime scene that was once my dad’s apartment. Everyone left, and I stayed behind. Mom took Matt home, and Jason finally approached. I couldn’t pretend. I resented him for letting me go without a reason. So, I let him have it. I couldn’t remember what I said, but I know it was harsh. He stood there, tall and strong with sadness in his eyes. Jason didn’t move. He didn’t flinch. I tore into him until I didn’t have any other words to describe how I felt. And without missing a beat, he said, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you… But I knew you were good. I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t think you could handle it… But I missed it. Every moment.”
I swallowed hard. My stomach was in knots. It only took a few little sentences for me to forgive him. I knew he’d understand my grief. My anger. My emptiness. “What are you doing here?” I questioned, my voice breaking as I asked him. 
“I promised Mary that I’d look after you while you got your things. I also promised her that I’d try to get you to eat. We could get whatever you want,” Jason whispered, “We’ll go eat… And then we’ll get your stuff. I promise.” 
“Why? Why now?” I asked. 
“Because I lost my parents as a kid. And in retrospect, I think I needed someone who could show me how to process grief without being pacified with emotionally addictive coping mechanisms. Are you alright with me coming around for a little while?” Jason questioned. I wanted to say no. I wanted to pretend I didn’t need him, but I couldn’t lie. I nodded. 
After Jason took me to eat, we went to the apartment. Jason came with me, and he stood by quietly while I packed everything that I could into a box. Everything I owned fit into one big box. It made me feel sick and empty in my chest. I looked up at Jason, almost pleading for him to feel it for me. Feel my pain.  
“One of the kids in my program took my family from me. He got too attached… And he—. He developed a jealous streak. He thought I passed his case on because of my children… And he took them from me. I was afraid that those feelings would keep me from helping you… And I didn’t want to make the same mistake of passing your case onto someone else, so I stepped away. Besides, you were so independent. You didn’t need me as much. You and Warren were doing alright. But, he—. He called me. He said something changed a few months ago. What was it?” Jason questioned. The confession seemed out of place. 
“It wasn’t like that. I get into with some guy at school sometimes, but it’s—. Dad was swamped at work. He didn’t have the time to talk about it anymore… So, I stopped explaining. I’m not messing around with gangs or stealing anymore. I swear,” I promised him. He nodded. “I would’ve understood if you told me what happened to your kids. I’m sorry, Jason.”
“It’s—. Thank you… I probably should’ve explained, but I—. It’s a lot to dredge up,” Jason replied, “Which is why I want you to talk about this on your own time. I’ll be available whenever you feel like talking about him. I spent a lot of time talking to Warren. We became friends. He was kind to me.”
“What did you have in common with my dad?” I questioned. 
Jason smiled as tears slid down his cheeks. “He had a normal life… Normal problems… But this—.”
“Feels wrong… I don’t think Dad would’ve opened the door for those twips,” I interrupted him.
Jason nodded as he looked around. He must’ve seen something because his jaw tightened. “Terry, after today… don’t come back here. Something’s not right. This isn’t—. If you see something weird, I want you to call me,” Jason whispered. He stepped into the doorway, and I could tell there was something wrong in his eyes. A switch flipped, and he scanned over everything. 
“What is it?” I questioned. Jason shook his head as he took me to his car. His face went dark, and he looked around. 
“I don’t know… I just feel strange about all of this, Terry. Get in the car, and I’ll take you to Mary’s. It’s getting dark,” Jason whispered. He shut the door and got in the driver’s seat. I looked at Jason. 
“Does this mean I’m back in the program?” I asked. I felt stupid as soon as I asked it. 
“Is that what you want?” Jason questioned. 
He wanted me to say it. Not for his ego. I don’t think he had one, but it was all for me. He wanted to know what I wanted. And he needed me to ask him. I started hyperventilating, and Jason tapped the dashboard between us until I calmed down. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do without my dad,” I mumbled.
“And I can’t fill that space, but I can create a space for you to cope if you’ll let me help you,” Jason answered. 
We didn’t say anything else for the whole ride home, and he walked me up to the door and said goodbye to my mom and Matt before leaving. And somewhere in between me entering my room and seeing Matt, I dropped my dad’s picture and found the disc. And that’s when I decided to get involved with Bruce Wayne. I didn’t know much about the old man, and I didn’t really care, but I needed his help. I knew I couldn’t go to Jason because he’d tell me not to get involved. He would’ve taken over, and I wanted my own answers… and it was Mr. Wayne’s company. 
Jason picked me up from school after Powers’ people accosted me. He pinched the bridge of his nose, before sighing. Avery-Marie sat in the back seat, kicking her feet. She had noise-canceling headphones on. “Are you okay?” Jason asked.
“I’m alright… Is that Avery-Marie? She’s so big now,” I whispered. 
“Yeah… She’s in kindergarten… Why is Powers’ muscle hassling you?” Jason questioned. 
I shook my head like I didn’t know, and he accepted it. He knew I was lying, but he didn’t push for an answer. “Powerphones off,” Jason commanded, and Avery-Marie looked up. 
“Grandpa, can I have a cookie in the car?” Avery-Marie asked. 
“Sure, Avie. Did you see Terry in the front seat?” Jason questioned.
“Hi, Terry! Do you want a cookie too?” Avery-Marie offered. Her blonde curls reached past her shoulders, and she wore glitter star stickers on her face. “Grandpa, is Terry coming over to play?” 
Jason tapped the steering wheel as he started driving. “Not today, Sweetpea… Terry’s busy.” Avery-Marie pouted as she handed me a cookie.
“Maybe some other time… ‘Kay, Avery-Marie?” I offered. 
Jason nodded. “If he’s free, maybe he can babysit sometimes,” Jason suggested. He wanted me at the office. I knew what that meant. He wasn’t ready to let the situation with Powers go. Not completely anyway.
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vultureboi · 1 year
GUYS GALS AND NONBINARY PALS!! I saw a thing that Horikoshi said at a panel of some sort about revealing Izuku’s dad as a spoiler! .0.
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And here’s the thing, he said something along the lines of “revealing who his dad is” rather than “introducing his dad” SO DOES THAT MEAN WE ALREADY MET HIS DAD AND WE JUST DONT KNOW????
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That led me to think: okay. Well who could be his real dad? My first thought was AFO, but then I thought of All Might.
Here me out on All Might:
Todoroki had put together a whole fucking conspiracy theory of All Might being Izuku’s dad. It would be hilarious if it turned out he was right and at the end he just is like- giving himself a pat on the back like- “I knew it!”
But no, in reality, I’m almost 100% sure it’s AFO. Here are my reasons.
1: AFO when we meet him looks like a wrinkled thumb. He looked like that after All Might beat his ass. All Might also came out looking like shit. But at least he still had a face and hair!
So if you think of it, Izuku doesn’t know what AFO looked like before! But now, I’m the manga, he’s looking younger because of a quirk!!
So my thought is, when he gets to Izuku, will he be so young at that point that Izuku recognizes him as his dad? 0-0
2. We never saw Izuku’s dads face or hair color. AFO and OFA have white hair. And Izuku has green hair because of his mom. But that doesn’t mean his dad doesn’t have white hair! And it’s important to remember if it were really nothing, they wouldn’t have hidden his face!! It was always meant to be a reveal at some point!
3. OFA is quirkless. Or at least, thought he was. It turned out he did have a quirk it just was a stockpiling quirk or whatever.
But what if Izuku is the same? That’s why he was able to get ALL of the OFA’s previous powers! Because he’s blood related to the first user! And if he wasn’t quirkless this whole time like he thought? What if he had a similar quirk to the first user??? They just couldn’t detect it!!
4. The toe joint. Oh my god. It was mentioned ONCE in the series TO Izuku. And never to anyone else! It was never spoken of after that!! And we know the doctor who diagnosed him quirkless worked with AFO. So what if the doctor recognized that he had a similar quirk to OFA and just lied? He told him he was quirkless and made up some science fact that was complete bs? We haven’t seen X-rays of anyone’s feet besides Izuku. How do we know that all their feet aren’t the same?? And Izuku and his mom were lied to?
And if the toe thing IS true? What if they showed some other kids toe?
Another thing that could connect it is if Izuku DID have a quirk and it was stolen by Garaki. Garaki I’m canon had been producing and studying quirks especially with children if I remember correctly. What if he stole Izuku’s quirk? And going back to the X-Ray, they used a quirkless persons previous X-Ray to lie!!
5. In the manga, at one point, AFO and Garaki were talking about Super Regeneration. A quirk that All for One said he should have gotten sooner. When he said this, at first I didn’t think anything of it. But then, they went on to talk about an unnamed “boy” which seems to imply Izuku!
Kids get their quirk when they’re a few years old. And you don’t know what it is until it manifests. AFO saying he should have gotten the quirk sooner may imply that he knew the person would get the quirk but he just missed his chance or he waited too long to get it. If it was Izuku, doesn’t that mean he knew him before the quirk manifested? Like when he was a baby?
If Izuku had Super Regeneration originally, it could make sense why he gets hurt so easily. His body was meant to be able to heal itself. But now his quirk is gone, he doesn’t have the ability to withstand as much as he should have been able to.
All Might said that the quirk would hurt him, but he didn’t expect it to be difficult for him to use. But I feel like that’s because it’s not his quirk and so it feels wrong for his body to use it.
6. Hisashi Midoriya means “long gone” basically. It means a few different things but one of them is long gone. This could mean he left a long time ago, which would match a lot of the story. But it also could mean that the person that was Hisashi Midoriya is long gone and is now someone else.
I believe it also has something to do with “important lineage” or something? I saw somewhere that they were saying how AFO could be his dad because AFO and OFA are kinda important. Their descendants would be important too.
7. Hisashi Midoriya has fire breathing. That’s all we’re really given. But tell me. What if he had more than just fire breathing? If he wanted to hide from All Might, prepare a secret weapon of some kind, he might wanna try to blend in, right? So he reduced himself to one quirk, gave himself a new name, and had a family as coverage. That would make sense, right? Spy X Family has that.
So what if Inko didn’t know that he was AFO? She didn’t know he was a villain? Or maybe she did know and has kept it a secret?
And then when his plan was ready, he says he has to go overseas for business? He leaves the family and they’re none the wiser!
A lot of things that I have noticed throughout the series is that AFO’s identity isn’t really well known. We know the first users name but not AFO. We just know him as All for One. But he must have a real name!
Y’all ever since I heard about that panel, my mind has been going into overdrive! I’ve been thinking up so many theories! I’ve turned into a Todoroki!! Help!!
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I’d love to hear what you guys think! Any hints, anything I got wrong, any ideas? I wanna have a discussion on this!!!
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gettingfrilly · 1 year
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Let's talk about Eddy's family
Out of the three boys, I feel we know the least about Eddy's family. We may have met his brother, the only adult to ever have a role in the show, but of the Eds, he talks about his parents the least. And I refuse to believe his brother is just Like That all on his own. Something happened to that guy and I wanna know what.
So, let's look at what we know:
Eddy was physically abused by his big brother. On the flip side, his big brother also passed his knowledge onto him, the show implying that his bro took on the role of a mentor in Eddy's life. Eddy also inherited a lot of his brother's stuff from him; whether Eddy's brother had a choice in that matter or not is unknown, since Eddy could have simply taken the items out of his brother's room after he was gone.
Bro is much older than Eddy, though we don't know exactly by how much.
in the episode 'Ed... Pass it on...' we learn that the older boys in the neighborhood (Kevin and Rolf), who would have clearer memories of him than the other kids, are terrified of bro.
Eddy idolizes his brother. He pulls his pranks, wears his clothes, and speaks his praises any chance he gets.
Eddy's dad is most likely a homophobe judging by the implications of the only direct description we get of him in the bible. He doesn't want his son to be gay and worries that he is.
Eddy's mom thinks Eddy can do no wrong. Now, I've seen a lot of people interpret the line about Eddy's mom as a continuation of the line about his dad, and that she, too, is homophobic but doesn't believe Eddy is gay. However, I think they're separate statements. Eddy is a guy who gets in a lot of trouble, and usually when a kid gets in trouble, their mom is the first to be told. I think what the bible is communicating to us is that Eddy's mom flat out doesn't believe the stories about the trouble Eddy gets up to. It's probably one of the biggest reasons he keeps making trouble without fear of consequences.
Here's where things get a little more up to interpretation-y:
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Here we have Eddy throwing a mug that says "#1 son" out of his closet. So. Yeah. He's the favorite child and his parents aren't afraid to say it out loud.
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Eddy's dad, like Eddy, seems to have a short temper and isn't shy of getting physical with people, including his own children (important to keep in mind that this is a hyperbolic, slapstick cartoon, and not any sort of canon proof that Eddy's dad is abusive.)
Then there's the way Bro is talked about in the bible. "Before his brother went... away," why the ellipses? Was there something else to be said other than just "away?" I think the hint here is that Eddy's brother didn't just grow up and move out. There was some sort of inciting incident that lead to him living on his own. There's also the fact that Eddy has no idea where his brother lives in BPS, and that when he does show up, the first thing his bro asks is "Do mom and dad know you're here?" Eddy answers "AS IF!" which tells me that Eddy's parents would not approve of Eddy being around his brother, and both brothers are aware of that. This is followed up by bro asking "Does ANYONE know you're here?" Which. Big scary imo. Really fucking weird thing to ask your little brother before you start beating on him. Like he wanted to know what he could get away with.
So with all that in mind, here's my own personal headcanon that is not in anyway present in canon this is just what i like to imagine happened:
Eddy's brother was the family's scapegoat, whereas Eddy (in his mother's eyes, at least) was the golden child. Extremely rarely do children grow up to be violent just because. I think bro learned that behavior at home. I've discussed before that I think Eddy has ADHD, and that shit hella genetic, so I think his bro has it, too. Their mom and dad were new parents when they first had bro, and probably knew squat about raising a neurodivergent kid, and neurodivergent children are more likely to be victims of abuse. When corporal punishment didn't end up working out so well on bro, I think his parents changed tactics for Eddy. I also personally think that his mom felt guilty for how bro was raised, which is why she's so lenient with Eddy. So now, bro is jealous of Eddy and bitter about his own abusive upbringing, and he takes this out on Eddy by being exceptionally cruel and violent towards him.
This led to bro eventually doing something bad enough to get his ass sent to either juvie or prison, depending on how old he was at the time. This was hidden from Eddy, who adores his older brother, and was told that his brother had simply moved out. And that's how things ended up how they are in the show and how Eddy's brother ended up the way that he is. Again, this is just my own imagination. While it makes sense as something that could be true when you look at canon, I don't think canon actually props it up as accurate in any way. Anyway, I'm curious to hear what you guys think of bro and Eddy's family!!! especially if any of you know what the hell "Eddy's genes are working the fastest" means.
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Angel By the Wing - TEN
Chapter Warnings: swearing (ofc), throwing up/nausea, a creepy guy for .02 seconds, canonical cancer of a character
Series Masterlist
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“I’m a little earlier than normal today,” you said from the doorway. After your fight with Jake, you just needed a moment to escape. Somehow, you found yourself on Sarah and Tom’s doorstep. Sarah ushered you in without questioning the stricken look on your face and she encouraged you to go on upstairs to Tom’s office.
The silver haired man beckoned you in and waved for you to sit in the chair next to his desk. He finished typing something on his computer and then turned to you, a raised eyebrow indicating his silent question.
“I’m fine,” you answered. “I just…stuff.” A vague hand wave punctuated his statement and he huffed out a quiet laugh before opening an application on his computer and typing something down.
Do you want to elaborate more on this stuff? The screen read. You rolled your eyes and shrugged.
“You don’t want to hear about my issues,” you assured him.
It’s better than getting my ass beat in checkers.
A small smile tugged at your lips and you sighed. “It’s nothing. Stupid boy stuff.”
His nose crinkled as he screwed his face up in disinterest. Despite being married for a few decades and having a daughter who was married with kids, Tom wasn’t particularly interested in dating drama, but he looked at you with careful consideration.
Any man should be grateful to know such an intelligent and kind young woman such as yourself. You’ve brought so much joy to our family in the few months we’ve known you. If they’re making you upset, then they’re not worth your time. And if he makes you cry, I do have a gun.
You laughed despite the tightening pain in your chest. You had read about dads in books, saw them shown on TV from Charlie Swan to Jim Hopper, but you never really had a dad. Your dad was physically in your life but he wasn’t actually there. He wasn’t someone you could talk out problems with or ask for advice or learn how to change a tire or whatever dads are supposed to teach you. He just came home from work, fell asleep on the couch, ate whatever your mom put in front of him for dinner, and then slept some more. He wasn’t a bad person, he just wasn’t present.
So having this man could have easily turned you away when you showed up on his doorstep looking like a lost kitten, but he took you in and made you feel safer than you ever have. Sarah and Tom never judged or criticized you. They were good, kind people.
“I’ll keep it in mind,” you teased. “Now, can I start reading? Or do you want to interrogate me on something else?”
He let out a huff of a laugh and leaned back in his chair, gesturing for you to proceed. You pulled out the Agatha Christie novel from your purse with a flourish and cracked it open where the bookmark held your place.
“Now, where were we…”
You were nearly to the part of the novel where Hercule Poirot started to piece together the evidence when a voice interrupted you.
You turned at the sound of a man’s voice. It was the guy who had been frequenting the Hard Deck. You had figured he was Navy, but this confirmed it. His gaze flickered to you and he dipped his head in greeting. 
“Ma’am,” he said. You glanced at one of the photos on his desk, noting that it was Tom and the man but much younger. Ah, Navy business. Standing up, you folded the bookmark between the pages and tucked the book into your purse.
“I’ll go help Sarah with dinner,” you said. You paused in front of Tom and reached down, squeezing his hand. He smiled up at you, pride shining in his eyes. He was proud of you.
The moment you stepped into the kitchen, you knew something was wrong. Sarah’s eyes were red-rimmed and tinged with a sadness you had seen before.
“No,” you breathed.
“Sit down, sweetie,” Sarah croaked out. She beckoned your forward and you sank onto the stool across from her. She reached out, her slim fingers interlocking with yours. You clasped her hands tightly.
“How bad is it?” you breathed.
“The treatments aren’t working and he’s just so tired, hun. When Maverick came by, it just hit me and…I don’t know what I’m going to do without him,” Sarah whispered. “It’s not like I didn’t see this coming. The cancer has been so aggressive, I’ve been preparing for this but it still…”
She trailed off and you could see it in her eyes. The pain. The grief that has been building. Your wounded heart shattered even more seeing her so heartbroken.
“Whatever happens, I’ll be here for whatever you need,” you promised.
“I know. I’m so lucky I met you.”
For a brief moment, you felt wanted for once in your life. Sarah didn’t treat you like a prop to show off like your mom and Tom didn’t ignore you like your dad. They were proud of you. They were grateful to know you.
“Oh, there will be plenty of tears to cry in the future. No use crying now,” Sarah announced. You could see how she pushed her grief back and let a smile settle across her face, no matter how false it was. Sarah pinched your cheek and then stood.
“You can help me make the pico and guac for dinner,” she said. “It’s nacho night.”
You accepted her hand as she pulled you up to join her at the island, various vegetables laid out before you. As you began chopping, you recalled what she said earlier.
“Maverick? Who is he?”
“Pete, he was a friend of Tom’s at Top Gun. They flew together a while back. He lost his partner when they were training. Goose Bradshaw. Horrible accident.”
Bradshaw. Like Bradley Bradshaw.
That was the man who pulled his papers. That was the man who made him weep on the beach. You thought back to that night pressed against Bradley, staring out at the ocean, as you sliced open an avocado. Your eyes cast over the sight of the creamy green insides that you had eaten plenty of times before.
But this time, your stomach turned at the smell and sight of the avocado. Biting back the involuntary gag, you turned away from the sight and raised the back of your hand to your mouth. Sarah looked up from where she was frying some chicken breasts.
“Honey? Are you okay?” Concern painted her tone and you could have nearly fucking wept at the sound of her kindness.
“I…phew, I just got hit with a wave of nausea. I might have caught a bug at the bar,” you said. You tried to shake off the queasy feeling, but it remained. “I’m sorry, but I should probably go home. I don’t want to get you or Tom sick.”
Her brows creased in a frown but she nodded. Sarah wiped her hand on a towel hanging from the oven and she came over, pressing the back of her hand against your forehead and then your cheek.
“No fever, but it could just be a stomach bug. Go home and rest, okay? I’ll call you tomorrow to check up on you.”
“Thank you,” you mumbled. You started to walk over to grab your purse, but you paused and pivoted on your heel to rush back and pull her into a hug. Sarah’s arms quickly wound around your back and she squeezed you gently.
“Thank you,” you whispered again before you pulled away and gathered your purse up.
The drive home was only a twenty-five minute drive away, but you groaned when you turned on your car and saw the little “E” sign on the dash. You had promised yourself that you would get it on the way back, but that was before you felt like you were going to hurl any moment.
Maybe you could stop by a gas station and get gas and some ginger ale. That sounded like a good idea. The closest gas station was about eight minutes away, but rain started to splatter across your windshield the second you pulled out of the neighborhood. By the time you parked in front of the gas station, it was steadily pouring.
You dashed inside and made a beeline for the soft drink section. Ginger ale. Blessed ginger ale. Carrying your treasure to the register, you were dimly aware of the shattering thunder outside.
“Looks like a pretty bad storm,” the attendant said in the classically chipper retail voice. You offered her a tight smile and nodded. You were relieved once the card reader chirped and you could grab your drink and head back to your car.
“Drive safe!” she called. Raising the ginger ale in salute, you pushed through the door and back out into the pouring rain. You slid into your front seat and cracked open the soda. Small sips, you reminded yourself.
You put your key into the ignition and turned it, but your car let out a pitiful whine and then dropped off.
Fuck no.
You tried it again and your engine wheezed and then spluttered into a pathetic silence. This couldn’t be happening.
And that’s when the nausea hit full force. Your hand scrambled to grab the door handle and you stumbled out of the seat. You barely had time to step into the rain before you were bending over and throwing up the contents of your lunch.
Tears sprang to your eyes, an instinctive reaction to whenever you threw up, and stomach acid burned your throat and nose. A sob spilled out of your mouth followed by another round of vomit.
“Fucking hell,” you croaked out.
This had to be a low for anyone. Standing in the gas station parking lot in rain drenched clothes, strings of vomit dripping down your chin and nose, and crying like a toddler who just spilled their juice and a dead car battery.
You dragged yourself back into your car and crawled into the front seat. Grabbing your phone from the cup holder, you hesitated when thinking of who to call. Sarah was closest, but you couldn’t inconvenience her like that. Penny would have just opened the bar so she wouldn’t be able to come until she could make sure someone was covering for her. Usually, you would be the one covering for her.
Phoenix could help, but she had mentioned that she and Sofia had plans to see a movie tonight…
Your thumb hovered over two names in particular. You hesitated before tapping the first name in your texts. The phone rang for a while before it went to voicemail.
“You’ve reached Seresin! I’m sorry I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message or send me a text. And if you’re a telemarketer, don’t bother. Always a pleasure.”
You cursed under your breath and flinched when someone tapped on the window of your car. A man stood there, his hand poised to tap again. You offered him a tight smile and cracked open your car door.
“Car troubles?” he asked.
“Yep,” you laughed, a little too high pitched to be natural.
“I can help you with that.” There was something in his eyes that made you wary. It was the look every woman recognized in a man. Something predatory, as though he would be rewarded for his unneeded service.
“No thanks, my boyfriend is on his way,” you lied. You needed your next call to be answered or you were well and truly fucked. Maybe you could call Coyote?
Without waiting for his reply, you slammed your door shut and checked that it was locked to be sure. You pressed on the second name and held your phone up to your ear. It rang once, twice, three times.
“Please pick up,” you whispered. You could see the guy hanging around near your bumper. “Please.”
“Hey!” Rooster’s voice met your ear and you nearly sobbed in relief. “What’s up? You aren’t at the Hard Deck?”
“Bradley?” you whimpered. God, this was pathetic, but you really couldn’t bring yourself to care. Your mouth tasted horrible, bile stung your throat still, your clothes were soaked and cold against your skin, and you really just wanted to go home to your shitty apartment and curl up in bed.
His voice sharpened, the background noise fading away. “Hey, what’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“I stopped for gas and my battery died,” you explained. “And, uh, a few other problems but that’s unimportant.”
You heard shuffling over the line and then Bradley said something to someone in the background before he came back to the phone. “Can you send me your location? We’re leaving right now.”
“Yeah, yeah, I can text it to you,” you sniffled.
His voice softened at the sound of your tears. “Do you want me to stay on the line?”
You hesitated. You were already being a bother, you didn’t want to inconvenience him anymore. But you also felt so overwhelmed that having someone to talk to would be nice.
“If you can,” you said in a quiet voice.
“How ‘bout I put you on speaker, okay? That way Hangman can join in. You know how he gets when the attention isn’t on him.”
“Jake?” His name tinged your tongue with hope.
“Hey darlin’, sorry I missed your call. I didn’t hear the music over the noise at the bar. Rooster said you were having a little car trouble.” That damn Texan drawl filtered through the phone and you laid your forehead on the steering wheel, relief surging through you.
“Yeah,” you choked back a laugh. “Think I might have caught a stomach bug too.”
Both men grunted, a mixture of disgust and concern. You could hear the sounds of a car moving in the background and you knew they were coming. They would be there soon.
Your boys were coming because you called.
You didn’t have the energy to tamp down the rush of emotion that bubbled up in your chest. Instead, you focused on listening to them banter back and forth as they tried to get you to laugh. It couldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes when Jake’s truck pulled up beside you. You ended the call and unlocked the door, but Bradley was already at your door and opening it for you before you could pull the handle.
“C’mon, Jake has some extra clothes you can change into. He’s on the phone with AAA to get a tow out here and take your car to a shop.” His warm hand enclosed around yours and he ushered you into the back seat of Jake’s cab. The blond shot you a smile from where he was seated in the front seat and Bradley took your key before he shut the door behind you and then went around to get your purse and other belongings out of your car.
Jake pointed at the gym bag parked on the floorboard of his backseat. You dug through it and found some basketball shorts and one of his t-shirts. Tugging your soaked shirt over your head, you quickly yanked on his shirt and then shimmied out of your jeans once the hem of his shirt fell across your thighs and pulled on the shorts. You knew he was trying hard not to look at the mirror, but it was nothing he hadn’t seen before.
Jake was a gentleman, however, and you appreciated that at this moment. Because you felt like shit.
Your stomach was beginning to settle, but now you were acutely aware of the empty feeling that remained thanks to losing all the sustenance that was in you. Vomiting always took a lot of energy out of you and now you were exhausted.
The door next to you opened and a rain-drenched Bradley greeted you with a bright grin and roving eyes. He wasn’t looking at you with the burning gaze he had at the wedding, but something more intimately caring and concerned.
“Do you want your ginger ale or do you want me to hold it?” he asked as he placed your purse down next to Jake’s gym bag.
“Can you hold it?” you asked. “I don’t think I need it right now but…”
He nodded and started to back away to go sit in the passenger seat, but you let out a soft sigh that made him pause. Jake must have noticed his hesitation because he jerked his chin towards the backseat and pulled his phone away from his ear.
“There’s more clothes in there, Bradshaw. You take care of her, I’ll worry about the car.”
Bradley climbed in next to you and you placed your forearm over your eyes as he began to strip. Jake chuckled, low and throaty in his chest, and you pulled your arm away so you could shoot him an annoyed look.
“It’s nothing we all haven’t seen before, angel,” he teased.
“Angel?” you questioned, a yawn taking over at the end of your question. He looked back at you, blue eyes soft and warm.
“Yeah, darlin’. How you feeling?”
“Better. Threw up twice in the parking lot. Some guy wanted to help me with the car but I didn’t like his vibes.” They both stiffened at your words, but you waved them off. “He’s gone now.”
Bradley settled back in the seat, clad in a pair of Jake’s sweats and another shirt that pulled across his chest in a delicious way. But you couldn’t focus on the way he looked right now. You just needed to lay down.
Without asking or prompting, you stretched out on your side and laid your head in his lap. Bradley’s hand settled against the back of your neck and he rubbed his thumb into your shoulders. You hummed at his touch and nuzzled your cheek against the soft fabric of the sweatpants.
“Thank you both for coming,” you murmured. “I’m sorry for ruining your night.”
“Nah, sweetheart,” Bradley assured you. “There’s no place we’d rather be.”
Your eyes were shut as you focused on keeping the lingering nausea at bay, so you missed the way the two men shared a look through the rearview mirror. Bradley nodded once and Jake looked away.
“Take a nap, sweetheart. I’ll wake you up when we get to your place.”
You curled up against him at the thought of returning to your empty, shithole of an apartment. The cold bed in the middle of the water-stained walls and sagging ceilings.
“Nah, she can stay at mine,” Jake said. It’s like he read your thoughts. You cracked your eyes open and looked at him in the mirror, finding that he was already watching you. “That okay?”
“That’s perfect.” You hesitated, figuring that your next request wouldn’t go over well. Jake saw the indecision flash across your face and he turned back to look at you.
“I just…” You paused and then sighed. “Would it be alright if Bradley stayed too?”
Jake glanced at the brunet and then back at you. “Yeah, angel, that’s fine as long as he’s cool with it.”
Bradley’s thumb now traced circles against the back of your neck, warmth seeping into your skin and making you sleepy. “Yeah, angel, that works for me.”
Tag List: @mizzzpink​ @xoxabs88xox​ @dreaminglandsworld​ @khaylin27​ @loveforaugust​ @phoenixssugarbaby​ @atarmychick007​ @mak-32​ @itsmytimetoodream​
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kingsmoot · 8 months
even with your explain asoiaf genetics still don't make sense to me, if it's internally consistent that the kids look like one of the parents then technically joffrey and co could be actual baratheon who just take after cersei if compared to the stark kids who are all actual starks that take after their mom? and the dayne's aren't all blonde since barristan described ashara dayne as having dark locks
also further on the baratheons if they all have special strong genes that makes the kids always dark haired with blue eyes why didn't rhaenys targaryen's, (the dance one not the conqueror) who had the baratheon look per f&b, kids take after the baratheons instead of taking after the platinum haired velaryons?
(sorry if this comes off as mean or smth that's not my intention, i'm genuinely trying to have a conversation i'm just too shy to reblog the post lol)
hey no problem man i appreciate your note at the end there 🖤
so to your first point: you are totally right. that is why there was not a general widespread suspicion of incest when all three of queen cersei's children came out looking exactly like her. because children being born as carbon copies of only one parent is something that happens all the time in westerosi great houses. the novel sets this up really easily too, because the starks and the lannisters are the first people we meet. we learn that arya and jon look just like ned, while robb, sansa, bran, and rickon look just like cat. then we learn that joff, myrcella, and tommen look just like cersei. yay!! we are in a world with end-of-any-disney-movie genetics.
MOST of westeros assumed exactly what you just said, that the baratheon children just all happen to look just like their mom. people who live in king's landing and see how cersei and jaime act, or how cersei and robert act, are either suspicious or certain of incest. people like jon or ned, who look into the history of baratheon/lannister marriage, know that the kids SHOULD all look like robert.
this also explains your point re: rhaenys. baratheon genes always win over LANNISTER genes, but they do not always win over targaryen genes. sometimes they do, tho, like with rhaenys' dark hair. but then the valaryon genes won out in her kiddos.
i mean my honest answer? rhaenys had dark hair so that rhaenyra's bastard children (fathered by harwin strong) would have a reason to be seen as possibly true-born in canon. george had already done the "they look just like their mom and nothing like their dad but don't worry :)" plot in agot. he was doing a new thing about passing off bastards as true-born. a variation of the same story. a woman takes agency in her royal marriage by cheating and passing off her children as true born. part ii.
i do believe 100% that the way westerosi genetics work is internally consistent. i would be happy to knitpick individual examples of this forever. because i like getting bogged down in details and am a naturally argumentative person. i'm jewish.
but at the end of the day, westerosi genetics work the way they do for the very simple reason that this is a high fantasy series. it's magic. it is also a very effective visual shorthand to show you who belongs to what great house. this is a series with THOUSANDS of named characters. when you meet someone new and they have blonde hair and green eyes, you know they're a lannister. when a great lord is pillaging and raping, or just eagerly sleeping around, and he wants to deny his resulting bastards, well he can't. they look exactly like him. when the lord commander of the night's watch is the secret last targaryen tenth of his name, we don't know that because he looks exactly like his BASED MAMA whose stark genes beat out every last ounce of dragon he had in him.
so. i do think it does make sense. i would happily go over more examples with you. but at the end of the day try to remember that westerosi genetics work the way they do for Plot Reasons. this is a good reason for them to work the way they do, and they remind me of a lot of well established and widely accepted scifi conventions.
westerosi genetics are good. i'd give anything to be born with box black hair and white sclera lenses.
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marinerainbow · 6 months
Hey! ^^ Hope you're doing well and work is better ^^
I was just reading our old Cousins chats and like- we accidentally write 'terry', so often when we're meaning Teddy! This made me start thinking about how Teddy and Terry might get along... and I think its safe to say they would get along XD They're both so no-bullshit!
Here are some Teddy and Terry things XD
They meet when Teddy's 4 and Shiny's babysitting her at the club (Teddy's easy. Shiny just has to keep her lemonade topped up and she'll just sit at the bar side and colour unless she needs to go pee. And she knows to ask Shiny to go with her when she does.). Shiny has him sit down next to the kid so no wierdo's sit next to her, cuz she trusts him. He talks to the kid a little bit ('Yer Wheezy's kid?' 'Yeah. You're Shiny's friend?' 'Yeah' 'For the love of god you two, broaden your vernaculars.'), but they're both pretty content to just Sit.
Imagine Terry protecting Teddy from a creep!! Whether she's 4 or 21- there are always creeps. And since Teddy likes the club (People watching is great there), she's in contact with them more then most. And Shiny beats them off most of the time but every now and then she leaves Terry in charge of the Teddy Guard. (Side note- imagine w h e e z y seeing a creep bother his kid)
Imagine Terry and Teddy sharing a look before Shiny does something particularly nutty. Like, they aint gonna stop her- but they know when its coming XD They know the signs well XD
Grandpa!Terry and Kid!Teddy sitting with newborn Jewel while momma and daddy work!! Teddy sits on top of the bar and plays with Jewel in her bassinet while grandpa Terry has his drink and watches over them both.
Teddy being startled if she sees Terry slip away from his hands XDD Like okay... thats n e w-
Follow up- Terry showing Teddy 'its nothin' and reattaching his hands so she can see.
Imagine Uncle Smartass coming into the joint one day and seeing Terry and Teddy together and acting before thinking, of course, and almost decking Terry cuz he thinks he's a creep bothering his too-relaxed niece!! 😂😂😂😅 Shiny has to yell from the other side of the bar, like 'ITS OKAY MAN!! THATS TERRY!! HE'S COOL!!'
Tween!Teddy seeing a guy flirt with Terry and Terry not really rebuffing him like most men in this era would have (But also not really flirting back, cuz like-- theirs a kid here.), and Greasy who's at the club too rushes to try and explain to Teddy what being 'gay' is- but Teddy's just... doesn't react. Like 'yeah, okay uncle greasy. can we get cake after this??' 'em... sure. what flavour?- ' 'chocolate! ^^' Its just not in Teddy's nature to judge or care about harmless things, and besides- her mum's an lgbtqia+ rights advocate.
Shiny asking Teddy about kids she might 'like' once she gets to high school and Teddy makes the most uncomfortable, icked-out face around her drink straw!! Like, neither Shiny or Terry have ever seen Teddy give such a visceral reaction to anything!! They laugh at her XD ('Okayyyy then, I guess not!' 'Smart kid')
Okay, i wanted to do more but I have to go ^^ I hope you like these! We need to give Terry and Teddy more attention XD See ya! Have a good day! ^^
Omgggg I was wondering how Terry would fit into the cousin timeline! It actually makes sense that'd the kids would know him; not just Teddy, but the twins too (Poppy nor Psycho don't necessarily like the idea of their kids being in a club, but Poppy trusts Shiny and sometimes they needs a late night babysitter). And Jewel definitely like you said! If course she'd know about her mom's best man ^^
Ohhh if Terry saw a creep near Teddy (or any of the kids), I think that's the only real time he'll get scary. He'll actually shove the bastard off (he's not strong like Moony, but he is a factory worker and can wrangle in a good sized fish while fishing, so I'd say he's fairly built for his age and health) and tell them to get lost before he calls Shiny over. And any regular at the club knows that a police officer would be a lot more merciful than what that crazy woman will do. Or better yet, Terry will threaten to grab the kids father- and nobody wants to deal with a full blown gangster (I am very certain Wheezy will have zero patience for any creep looking at his kid)
Terry will apologize to Teddy for having to see that and get her a pretzel or something, too.
(I raise you; imagine navy, tough as nails Lottie witnessing a creep on any of her little cousins.)
And Terry and Teddy with Jewel at the club!!! Yes yes yes yes yes!!!! I've been debating whether or not Shiny would bring her baby to work, actually. She knows she can trust Terry and her coworkers, but also- which parent would be better for the baby to stay with? The parent that works in a night club, or the parent that works in the night under a much more sinister job?
As for the hands thing and high school crushes- yeah, he'd be amused XD Terry can't can't resist a snicker seeing the chill sister of the cousin group actually make a face other than lackadaisical. He considers that a win, "'Yer so much like your 'pa, y'know that, kid?"
I wish I could add more, but nothing can beat all this perfection! But this did get me thinking about Moony and how he'd fit in the cousins' lives. If Terry can be well acquainted with them thanks to his friendship with Shiny, than Moony's connection to Poppy definitely has to earn him an honorary uncle title for the twins.
Moony I can see him being introduced to the twins a week or so after they were born. He knew when the due date was, but insisted on letting Poppy recuperate before trying to visit. (It took a lot of convincing Psycho I imagine. His protective instincts were through the roof around this time especially.) He fell in love instantly.
Moony can't babysit all the time due to his morning work, but he pitches in whenever he can ^^ it's especially helpful since Pops and Psycho are working and are still figuring out their schedules so they can be with the kids enough. Moony will not let the babies out of his sight the entire time; he'll carry them around carefully in his jacket, too (can you imagine how tiny toon weasel and rabbit babies could be!?!? Omgggg I can't even!) So Cake gets to have roomies XD
Speaking of Cake; She still disapproves Psycho XD she'll stomp her foot the second she sees hom walk in through the door (it really is on sight with that weasel XD), but will dash over to Poppy and Penny and Percy and give them love. Cake is very obvious in who her favorites are XD
Moony helped the kids learn how to treat animals. He taught Percy to be careful with his claws while petting Cake, and Penny that she can't affectionately squeeze an animal while hugging it. He'd also help the other kids, too ^^
Moony with Jewel!! Percy and Penny's honorary sister!!! Ohhh my god Moony will not be prepared for the evil mastermind this child is XDDD he is genuinely shocked that Jewel isn't their biological sister, honestly XD though she could wind up telling him some cousin secrets-
Jewel, after Lottie dropped her off at Moony's house: She likes your butt and fancy fur, by the way.
Moony: ... What???
Jewel: I read her diary yesterday.
Moony: ... Ok we are gonna have a talk about that, young lady-
Moony and Teddy would be sooo chill, obviously. They could just sit down and watch TV together if they wanted to.
MOONY AND LOTTIE!!! Ok I'm surprised we haven't discussed them sooner; you've mentioned that Lottie would grow a crush on Moony when she was older. I'm pretty sure Poppy would have told Moony at least about her little niece, and they would have seen each other at least once before she went into the navy. But he wouldn't have been too involved, I think; he and Smartass don't know each other, and he understands that he has no place to raise this little weasel, so he gives the father and daughter some space. This guy has no idea Lottie thinks he's hot and his brain would factory reset if he found out 😆😅
Ooohhh Terry would be nothing compared to what Moony would do if he found a creeper around any of the kids. He will throw the guy away and will growl and snarl, with his claws bared. The only thing stopping him from going completely savage is knowing that the little ones are near. So he runs the guy off before worryingly checking the kids, regardless of how old they are.
... Ok an angsty thought, but; imagine if Moony is still in love with Poppy, how much it hurts to know she and Psycho are starting a family; Moony knows that Poppy is full blown 100% committed to Psycho now, and the chances of them getting back together are gone. It's painful, but he looks after the twins like his own children too.
As much as I want to add more, this is all I've got right now. Thank you so much for sending this ask in!! I loved it!!! ^^
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angiefsutton · 3 days
Quantum Leap (1989) Re-watch - S1, E8
As previously mentioned, I'm doing a re-watch of Quantum Leap (1989) now that I've fallen back into writing slash for it. And as I watched, decided to write up my off-the-cuff/stream of consciousness thoughts as I watch them. (I'm also doing this on my Dreamwidth.)
Season 1, Episode 8: "Kamikaze Kid" Date of Leap: June 6, 1961 Written by: Paul L. Brown
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If I recall correctly, this is where we learn that Katie was an abuse victim. {After watching: Yep, I was right.}
"Oh, my God: I'm a dork!" My dude: you have an IQ of 267, speak 7 languages, learned to read at the age of 2, do advanced calculus in his head at the age of 5, and beat a computer at chess at the age of 10. You also graduated from high school and went to MIT at the age of 16. You are ALREADY a dork/geek/nerd. ;-)
Yay - an 'Oh, boy!' leap-in.
Oh God: I forgot Jason Priestly was in this!
Sam is already the fighter of the bully. Yay!
"He's not wearing any underwear!" The first of many, I think. Also, blocked beautifully so you don't actually SEE anything.
Woo-hoo: shirtless Scott. Starting to wonder if him being shirtless and/or in jeans was part of his contract. :-)
That silver jacket and those shades for Al - so laughably futuristic!
(And is it just me, or is Al looking in at the 'naked' Sam when he gives him the 'rating' of the dive?)
We get that Al has Russian blood on his mother's side.
"You remind me of a stripper I know in Vegas: she starts out with empty TV shipping carton and then she ends up with a little teeny weenie Kleenex box right over her …." I love it. Something tells me Al would've loved the burlesque routine I saw at the Kansas City Fringe a number of years ago where the performer did a 'reverse' strip (started out mostly naked and put her clothes ON. One of the audience members jokingly yelled out at one point, "Put it on!").
Ah, TV in the 80s - when they had to reiterate basic ideas (like Al being a hologram) every episode for the newbies.
Sam's hilarious fall back into the garbage dump: it's so well done! Such a great 'pratfall'.
"Ah, young love: there's nothing like it." / "How would YOU know?" God these two are great together.
The waitress offers dessert. Al says, "Just put a cherry on top of your head!" and just bounces in anticipation.
"Did you ever notice that girls never cuddle up to guys unless they're driving a fancy car?" And thus the canon of Al having a 'fancy car' is born. ;-)
The way Dean watches and follows Scott when Sam 'remembers' about Katie's past - dear lord, he was a talented actor.
But Al's response of "I'm sorry, Sam" implies that this is the first time he's heard this. Huh.
Also - still no mention of Tom. Very obvious he doesn't 'exist' yet in canon, as there'd be some sort of comment about why Tom didn't help either.
Sam getting punched in the arm by 'his' dad - Sam's reaction is PRICELESS.
And then, "I hurt this arm" only for the dad to haul off and hit the other arm. I lol'd.
The pause Scott/Sam does when mom calls out "Cameron!" Total 'oh, fuck - what did I do wrong?' of a teenager.
Oh god - I forgot that the mom pulls out a Playboy!
"You gonna bring her to the wedding?" / "I don't know - she's awfully young." My dude. My man. You're a TEENAGER here. Remember? (Glad Al wasn't there, otherwise who KNOWS what he would've said.)
"Strange: now that I'll finally be doing what I always dreamed of …" / "It's a little scary." / "How did you know?" / "Oh, I've had the feeling." Daw - Scott's look! Bashful!Beckett once again!
"For one: he drinks too much." <-- obviously before Al was a recovering alcoholic.
The fixing of the car: Sam is apparently GREAT at improv by now!
"Tina'd look great without that on." Al Calavicci, I love you. (Also - if I ever DO get around to that 'Sam dresses in lingerie for Al', I may have to use a variation of that for his reaction.)
"Check out this black number in the Fredericks of Hollywood box." The EYE WIGGLE! Be still my heart!
"What are you going to publish: a lingerie catalog?" / "That's a good idea, Sam. I could do some 'inside research', if you get my drift." Don't ever change, Al.
"I thought lingerie was enough." Oh, yeah. DEFINITELY referring to this episode if I write that story. (And Sam's … fondness for Al in reaction: so sweet!)
And we get the bruises on her neck. Handled well, especially for the Afternoon Special feel of the plot.
Sam's stopping of Bob as he walks up is SO. GOOD. Kudos to Scott Bakula.
Sam being protectively violent. Oh dear LORD that's hot.
The rehearsal is at the TAIL O' THE COCK??? (Sounds like Al's kind of place .)
I forgot about the running joke of Sam getting punched in the arm.
I ALSO forgot he has to sit at the kid's table. (And gets smacked - in the arm - by one of the kids.)
And outfit #3 for Al. (Dear lord: how much did they spend on COSTUMES?)
Oh, god - the Michael Jackson 'kiss with history. Totally unneeded. Although watching Scott/Sam dance IS fun.
"You know: normally, I'm against spreading men's room gossip. But in THIS case…" Seeing Al … not angry, but almost OFFENDED, is great here.
"Ka-za-zoom!" God I love Al's … slang? Is it slang?
Sam: "Al!" {beat} "I love ya!" CANON. (And the two of them in that car is SUCH GOOD CHEMISTRY)
"Wasn't that a kick in the butt?" Is this the first time we get that phrase? I didn't note it in my other write ups. If so, huzzah! And that SMILE of Al's. They ARE in love!
Scott/Sam's 'jump' out of the way of Bob's car is SO. BADLY. FILMED.
And a right hook from Sam. YAY!
Really? Bob's gang just … decides it wasn't cool? REALLY? (I guess for an hour-long drama in 1989, it works.)
And the very slashy scene of Sam and Al singing "Let it Be Me" together.
And outfit #4 for Al - LOVE that blue shirt!
Yay! A canon 'Sammy' as well as an 'Al-y boy'!
"Look what I picked up this morning." / "The girl or the car?" / "Both. Met her at the car auction. She offered to 'wax my hood'." SO MUCH TO SAY about this. First: being right on the heels of that very slashy moment, it almost comes across as a 'Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?' moment. Second: this was one of the ones that made me use "Susan: she's a gardener, and she lets me trim her bush at the front of the house." in my "OSHA Safety Guidelines Regarding the Quantum Accelerator … and YOU!" story. Headcanon that Al specifically comes up with these double entendres just for the fun of it.
Oh, the damn 'glow up' of Jill. I hate it almost as much as I hate the one on Ally Sheedy in The Breakfast Club.
Of COURSE Al is encouraging Sam to kiss the pre-teen. Because of course he is.
… did Sam just look at Al for PERMISSION/APPROVAL????
That is such a sweet kiss, too. Very obviously filmed keeping in mind the REAL age difference between the actors.
And another 'oh, boy' leap in. Glad to see that that became standard in the leap in this early in the series!
Final thoughts: This one aged pretty damn well (aside from that damned glow up). Scott and Dean seem to be having the time of their lives in this episode. We also get more backstory on Sam. (And technically Al.) I mean, it's basically an homage to Grease/Happy Days/American Graffiti, but when has THAT stopped this show? It's engaging, with great act cliffhangers. And the director does a good job showing everyone's reactions (especially the women) to Bob (and Bob's dad) when they are 'misbehaving'.
I want to say I read somewhere that this is one of the slashiest episodes of the series, and it definitely holds up there. Scott and Dean have SO. MUCH. CHEMISTRY. Thinking back over the series, I'd have to say this is one of my favorite episodes.
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sanrielle · 11 months
⭐️ - for the directors cut ask <3 hope you’re doing okay!!
I'm doing pretty well, thanks :D Hope you are too! Thanks for the ask :)
So this goes back a bit, but it's related to my smut fic, 'As Long As You Need Me', which was left kind of open-ended (mostly to avoid angst). I had ideas for a non-canon sequel--basically an AU--that would take place 20-25 years later. Rather than letting their issues/jobs get in the way of happiness, Toph and Sokka would end up with some accidental kids over the years and figure things out together.
I never wrote this fic, but I did write a scene. It's formatted as a diary entry from the POV of Suyin, the youngest of five. She has a twin brother named Koda, who is deaf and blind. Her other siblings are Kya (Sokka totally stole the name before Katara could use it lol), Ilia, and Lin. Suyin is meant to be ten in the fic, but she tells a story from when she was a couple years younger.
Anyway, I've dug that scene out of my dusty chest-o-abandoned-WIPs :D
Two years ago, we went to the Lantern Festival and Mom punched a guy in the face!! It was AWESOME.
(Since she started the police force back before Kya was born, she’s good friends with the Chief so she got off with a warning.)
But anyway, here’s what happened:
“We’re going to go find our friends,” Ilia said when we got there. She and Kya always went off on their own.
“Can I go with them??” Lin begged. 
“No way! We’re not here to babysit!”
“It’s not babysitting! I’m not a little kid!”
I just kept quiet while they argued, knowing me and Koda would be staying with Mom and Dad whatever happened.
“Mom, c’mon,” Lin said. “At least let me go find my friends.”
Mom probably would’ve let her go, but Dad interrupted.
“C’mon, Lin. It’ll be fun! Remember last year, how we snuck into the parade?”
“Ugh, that was so embarrassing!”
“Oh, give it a rest,” Mom said. “You loved it.”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little. Mom was right— She and Lin had ‘borrowed’ a dragon costume and run up and down the parade with it. Me and Koda stayed with Dad and climbed onto one of the floats. It was a lot of fun because I got to climb up to the top and wave at people like I was a princess or something.
Anyway, by the time Lin gave up arguing and agreed to come with us, Kya and Ilia were gone. I wished they’d come with us and we could’ve all gone together, but I guess they’re just too grown up to hang out with their parents and siblings :(
We walked around for a little while and played some games, then went to where there were a bunch of food carts by the park and got a little bit of everything. We sat in the grass and pigged out while listening to a band.
Koda was really happy that day. I guess he could feel the beat of the music or something because he got up and started dancing, making excited, happy noises.
He’s never said any words—how would he know them?—so the noises he makes sound a little funny, I guess. He makes different sounds if he’s sad or happy or scared or mad, but I think only people in our family can tell the difference.
Another family walked past and they had a boy about my age. I saw him point at Koda and say something to his dad. I couldn’t hear them but Mom has SUPER hearing and she must’ve heard what the dad said because she got up and stomped over to him all angry. Even though I tried SO hard to listen, I don’t know what she said, but at least I got to see her punch him right in the nose!
It was HILARIOUS! The guy fell right on his BUTT and his face was all bloody! Dad got up real quick and went over there. The guy was yelling and his wife was yelling. Koda was still dancing and making noises, not caring about anything else in the world, so I got up and danced with him. When Mom was done yelling, she and Dad came back and we all danced together—even Lin!
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sheyshocked · 2 years
What It Means to Be an Aussie
Summary: Mick Mundy, age eleven, is upset because kids at school laughed at him, telling him he’s no Aussie. When he comes to his mom for comfort, she has to face a dilemma: tell him he’s adopted or keep it a secret to protect him.
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Ship: None (familial Sniper & Sniper’s Parents)
Warnings: None
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Bullying, Adoption, Child Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Canon Compliant, Sad Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Australian Slang, Parent-Child Relationship
Wordcount: 737
A/N: This was a spur-of-a-moment fic written in two days, so be gentle, please. Incorporating Australian slang into it was a challenge, but at least I learned something new (ankle biter will never not make me smile), so I can use it later in my main fic Baby It’s All Just Chemistry. Writing Sniper and his family is hard, but I loved every second of it.
You can also read it on ao3!
It was late evening and Mrs. Mundy just finished knitting the last row of Mick’s new sweater. She was about to go to bed. Her husband was away on a hunting trip with his friends, so it was only her and their son in the house. Then she heard it. That small, hesitant rustle lingering by the door, as if whoever caused it was contemplating whether he should enter the room or not. She lit the lamp by her bedside and sat up, squinting at the lanky shadow cowering at the threshold.
Mick. Her little koala bear. Well, not so little anymore. He was barely eleven years old and already so tall. Soon, he would overgrow even his own father. But he never filled out the way his classmates did. “You’re just a late-bloomer,” they kept telling him when he came back from school with tears swelling in his eyes. “Give it time. Your father hasn’t grown a proper mustache until he was nearly fourteen.”
But they knew they were lying through their teeth.
“Micky?” she rubbed her eyes. What time was it? “What’s goin’ on? Can’t sleep?”
He shook his head, the poor thing. Then he slowly ever so slowly entered the room and without uttering a single word slipped underneath the cowers, diving beside her like he used to do when he was still a small nipper. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him like a warm blanket. Jonathan never liked it when the boy came to them at night asking if he could sleep in their bed with them. “He’s too old for that now,” he always argued. “He should just man up and go back to sleep like a normal adult bloke.”
But Mrs. Mundy shushed him every time and lifted the sheets for Mick to crawl under. Not many parents could say that their tackers still came to them at this age when they were hurting. It was beautiful, in its own way.
If only he hurt a little less often.
“They were laughin’ at me again, mom,” he finally spoke up in a shaky voice as if he was about to cry. “Said I’m not Aussie enough if I never want to fist-fight with them.”
Ah. This again. Kids really can be cruel. Mick was special, all of them could see that, as it was getting more obvious with age, and they feared him the way they feared everything they couldn’t beat up into submission.
“What’s wrong with me, mom? Why am I not like the others?”
Now this truly shattered her heart into tiny pieces. Maybe they should finally tell him the truth. But what then? Would he wonder where he was from? Or ask about his real parents and why they didn’t love him enough to keep him? And what would the other kids do if they found out he wasn’t from the outback like they were?
No, it had to remain a secret. Why should any of this matter anyway? He was their son. Maybe not by blood, but they loved him the same. And nothing would ever change that.
She hugged him a bit tighter, letting him snuggle up closer to her. “Oh no, ‘roo. There is nothin’ wrong with you. It’s them who should learn what it truly means to be an Aussie. Because it’s not about havin’ muscle upon muscle and bushy mustaches. It’s about what you have in your heart. And you are good just the way you are.” She heard a small, pitiful sob being pressed into her clavicle. Poor thing. She cooed at him until he calmed down a little, then went to stroke his hair. “You know what? Maybe next time dad will take you on a trip with him. Would you like that? He could even teach you how to shoot a rifle if you promise you’ll be careful.”
Mick wiped away the tear that got stuck on his long eyelashes. “R-really? You mean it?”
“Of course I do. If you’re gonna be good at it the way you are at throwin’ rocks, you will soon become the best hunter around.”
Finally, he smiled. “Thanks, mom. Love ya.”
“I love you too, Micky. You’ll never know how much.”
One day, Mick will grow up into something great and leave all those mean no-hopers behind. But for now... she held him as they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
Nipper – a child Bloke – a man Tackers - children No-hoper – somebody who’ll never perform well
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bloodyquillink-blog · 8 months
Sugar and Lemon, Chapter 1
A/N🪶: Putting this here while I try to find the time to write chapter 5, no changes. If I miss anything in the tags, feel free to let me know so i can update them. Also, Chapter 1 does not have a title so I’m just leaving it as “Chapter 1”. Enjoy!
Warnings: Fluff, Meet-Cute, Post-Canon, Mild Swearing, Selectively Mute!Logan Walker, Cafe Owner!gn!Reader, They/Them and “You” used for Reader, Implication of Trauma, mentions of therapy
Word Count: 2.3K
The fresh air was nice.
Granted, the amount of people out and about today was a little stressful. It was instinct to try to remember all of their faces and analyze their clothing for the Federation insignia or concealed weapons, even after three years in a ditch. There was still concern, reasonably, but the civilians seemed safe. Happy, even. When was the last time these civilians actually looked and felt happy? Logan shook that thought out of his head and continued walking alongside Hesh- er, David. Today was supposed to be a day of relaxation away from their duties and therapy sessions. He should savor it, he thought. Have something nice to write in the prescribed “victory journal” his therapist had given him.
“When you experience something that makes you feel good,” they explained, ”Write it down with as much detail as you please. Write why it made you feel good, but do your best to keep negative thoughts away from it. Give yourself something positive to hold onto, whether it’s a physical tangible object or a moment in time.”
In all honesty, it helped a bit. Granted there wasn’t much to write outside of the base, but Logan was still thankful. He remembered the day he, David, Riley and even Keegan had gone out for a break. They found a relatively grassy area that must’ve been a park or playground if the small baseball diamond that was definitely meant for kids said anything. The three men threw the dirty old tennis ball around and occasionally ran while Riley chased them until they threw it to another person. After a bit of playing, they had to wrangle Riley away from a raccoon. Thank whoever for replanting trees and preventing Riley from getting a new black, gray and red chew toy.
After that was the night him, David, Riley, Keegan, Kick and, most surprisingly, Merrick went to a less depressing looking beach. He nearly didn’t go but Keegan reassured him that if it would help, he would “handcuff all of them together”, like a fucked up friendship circle. That was the first time in a while he laughed at something, first time in a while the Ghosts had heard him laugh. If David had a victory journal too, that moment probably went right into his journal that same night. What Logan wrote about, though, was when the clouds parted while they all lay on the sand together and they saw the stars with a new clarity. At one point, there was a shooting star, passing right through a constellation. It was only then Keegan corrected everyone that it was the Little Dipper, not the Big Dipper. 
“Big Dipper, Little Dipper, what’s the difference other than size? Do you need someone to remind you that size doesn’t matter, Keegs?”, Kick joked.
“Kid, if anything, I think you’d need that reminder.”
That prompted a wrestling match that Merrick couldn’t be bothered to deal with… for about 15 seconds. The three ended up missing the second shooting star that, this time, passed through the Big Dipper. Rather than say anything, the two brothers just looked at each other and chuckled. While Merrick continued his attempts to separate or, from what it sounded like, beat the living shit out of Kick and Keegan like the captain he was, David asked something.
“Think that was Mom and Dad?”
And Logan responded.
“Yeah. Probably.”
It wasn’t like they were still children. It wasn’t like they didn’t know what shooting stars were. But the idea was nice to hold onto. It comforted them both. 
“Mom never liked letting us out of her sight. Never wanted to miss a special moment.” David mentioned.
“…Dad always said he’d follow her anywhere if he could.” Logan continued.
That moment lasted not even a minute longer before Merrick’s captain’s voice boomed to get moving. With that, the group got up but not before a picture was taken. One of the few each of them had without their masks and face paint, now in a small white envelope with the picture side against a square of a mylar sheet, all contained in a paper pocket on the last page of the hardcover victory journal.
The journal that now resided under Logan's arm as the brothers continued their walk down the street. The plants that had grown over many of the buildings had been torn down. Any surviving floors of multi-level buildings stayed with minor renovations while any that were unrepairable unless you tore the whole building down were chipped away at. Aside from that, restaurants returned, the post office was open and the sky wasn’t filled with helicopters. Logan avoided thinking about how many people could be killed if the Federation pushed an airstrike or if soldiers appeared from the roofs, weapons hot. Instead, he kept his focus on following Hesh. Slowing down when he did, moving around a fire hydrant or an older couple looking at a giant menu displayed outside open doors. They stopped in front of an intersection.
“Could’ve sworn Kick said the place was around here somewhere.” David thought as he scratched the back of his neck. “Called ‘Morning Routine’ or something?” David looked over to see Logan gesturing past him on the other side of the street. “There we go.” They continued once the light turned, taking a quick glance at the small blackboard sign sitting near the entrance. “‘Hot and creamy drinks with a side of sexy scones’,” David read, “Subtle.”. As they walked in, the gentle waft of fresh coffee and cinnamon floated through their noses. They both inhaled and sighed. Despite the sizeable, and rather tasteless, meal they had earlier in the morning, their stomachs grumbled.
They slid into a cushioned booth, looking over the usual options on the laminated sheets of paper framed on the wall against the table. Most of it was coffee, which was to be expected.
“Probably wouldn’t be good for your anxiety.” David mumbled.
“Wouldn’t be good for yours either.” Logan shot back with a smirk. David glanced at his brother, a smile slowly lifted the corners of his mouth.
“Heh, Keegan’s smartass-edness is really rubbing off on you, huh?”
“Maybe a little.”
Their eyes went back to the menu. A sandwich and some chips sounded nice. Logan’s stomach growled again. Maybe two sandwiches.
“Know what you want?” David asked.
“The, uh,” Logan did a small double take at the name, “’CrissCross’ sounds good.”
“The ’CrissCross’?”
Logan pointed at one of the three menu pages in the frame.
“Ciabatta bread, roast beef, tomatoes and shredded mozzarella, that does sound good. I might try a bite if you get it.”
“Of mine?”
“Why not just get your own?”
“‘Cuz I’m getting,” David looked at the menu again, “‘The Lottery BLT’. ‘Sandwich of champions and very hungry customers’.”
It was Logan’s turn to look back at the menu, briefly reconsidering his choice at David’s expense. His brother observed him, probably aware of the choices swimming in his head.
“You can try mine and I’ll try yours.” David compromised. Logan nodded and got up to order. David almost stopped him, but instead stopped himself. If Logan was feeling comfortable doing this himself off of base, that was good. At the very least worth a try. David knew he’d be here if Logan needed help and vice-versa. He just had to let him try. He sighed and leaned back against the cushioned booth.
Logan walked up to the counter closest to them. There was a small board beside another menu that pointed toward slips of paper and a pencil. “A Silent Solution!”, the board read. He was confused, to say the least. Solution to what? Was this like a complaint box but more open? Where would the paper go if there was no box? Wouldn’t other customers see the complaints? Wouldn’t that ruin their experience too? He didn’t notice you walking towards him.
“Hello, sir! Do you need any help?” You asked, the kindness in your voice one of the first things he could feel. The second thing was that you had a very nice smile, the third thing was your hair, the fourth being your eyes. So pretty and bright. The fifth thing he noticed was his own staring. He snapped out of the daze, remembering the food. His voice wasn’t working. Not the way he intended at least. Fuck. He was left only saying “uh” and “um” and whatever other variations slipped out. He looked at the board and paper again. Thank the Lord, you caught on.
“Oh, this is for people who are mute or just don’t feel like talking. They can write down their order here for me and I’ll get it set up in the register. Do you need a moment to write it down?” He nodded, jaw clenching as he gave as much of a smile as he could muster without being creepy. You nodded and went to another register where a customer waited. Logan immediately got to writing, glancing back at you every once in a while. He almost forgot what his brother was ordering. He finished writing, folded the paper and stood back up from his hunched over position just as you walked back. He handed the little note to you. You recited the order, typing on the screen while Logan pulled out his wallet.
“Alrighty, you can insert your card here.” He nodded and did as you said. “Oh, did you want a drink with that? I can also just give you water, it comes with the meal.” He nodded again. “And finally, can I get a name?” He paused for a moment. Fuck, he still couldn’t talk. Now was not the time to talk. What if you thought he was weird? What if-
“Oh, here’s the paper and a pencil. Sorry!” Oh… yeah, the paper. Logan wrote his name down… his full name. Good lord, you didn’t need his full name but the pencil didn’t have an eraser. Maybe he should just rip that part off. No, but that was still weird. Dammit, maybe he should’ve stayed home-
“There we go, Logan. I’ll let you know when that’s ready!” You smiled at him.
He smiled back and walked back to the table clenching his fists. Once sat, Logan put his face in his hands as David looked up from his phone. Likely having texted Keegan about their outing.
“You okay, Logan?” He asked. He already sounded concerned. Logan just slowly nodded, face still buried in his hands. He looked up after a moment, taking a deep breath in.
David stared for a second. Logan was blushing. His face wasn’t too far from looking like a tomato. Last time that happened was in grade school. He was also avoiding eye contact with David. David followed his gaze and looked at the counter. He smirked. There wasn’t a problem, no impending panic attack or near-death experience. Just a cute person.
“Is it the person at the register or the person ordering or the old man waiting behind them?” He asked quietly, smugness palpable in his voice. Logan deadpanned at his brother who laughed. “Okay, register person?” Logan looked back at you. The redness on his face returned. He looked at his hands, rubbing them, trying to soothe himself. “We should come back tomorrow with the guys, I know they’ll wanna see this.” Logan glared at his brother whose smirk grew by the second, now he spoke up.
“I don’t even know if they’ll be here tomorrow.”. You probably would be but Logan just didn’t want to think about the jokes that all of them would make about him. He could already hear the teasing and Merrick’s classic “when I was your age” stories. David was typing on his phone. Logan reached for it. “You better not be telling them about it.”.
David dodged his brother’s hand. “No but I am looking at the website and uh,” He chuckled and showed Logan the screen. Any redness drained from Logan’s face. “Apparently, they’re the owner so they’ll likely be here as long as it’s open hours.”. Logan sighed as David continued looking through the website and sending the link to Keegan. As Logan tried to relax himself, the order for them was called. He looked up to see you smiling at him and waving him over. Logan tapped David’s arm and tilted his head towards the counter as he got up. They picked up their plates and drinks, David watching Logan smile at you and managing to mouth “thank you” before coming back. Oh, he liked you, and David was gonna do what he could to make sure you saw him after today. He would think of all the ways to do that after they ate though. 
The boys did their best not to scarf their sandwiches down but holy shit, was that better than anything they’ve had on base and during missions. They shared bites and ultimately decided to trade one half of their sandwiches with the other. Damn, you made delicious food. Maybe Logan would come back again, maybe even on his own or with Riley. He wondered if you liked dogs and if you’d like seeing him again. He’d just have to find out.
Once the meal was over, they neatly stacked their plates in the dish return area and wiped leftover crumbs off the table. Heading to the door, David turned around. “Thanks for the food, we’ll be back soon!” You smiled at them and waved at Logan.
“Glad you liked it. See you next time, Logan!” Logan waved as he continued walking before he almost blue-screened. You said his name specifically. Maybe because you didn’t know David’s name but… his name sounded nice coming from you. David slung his arm around his brother’s shoulder and kept walking. David noticed it too. The two brothers walked with a smile on their faces and bellies full. The blush was coming back to his face and his thoughts came back to you.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
Five Stages of Mamma Mia
Fandom: Batfam, DC Comics
Summary: AU where Catherine Johnson is Jason's bio mom and Jason doesn't know who his father is. (Jason Todd is Jason Johnson for fic reasons).
Chapters: 11/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Jason Blood, Catherine Todd Mention, Bruce Wayne, Willis Todd Mention
Relationship(s): Past Catherine Todd/Jason Blood, Past Catherine Todd/Bruce Wayne, Past Catherine Todd/Willis Todd
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Mamma Mia-inspired AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Long Lost/Secret Relatives, Father-Son Relationship(s), Jason Todd Experiences the Five Stages of Grief
Chapter Eleven: When All Is Said And Done (Bargaining)
Jason slept until late into the night, tossing and turning, mumbling something about his mother. After a few minutes, he sat up with a start and called out for her. Jason took a breath once he realized where he was, but seeing Bruce in the room startled him so terribly that he hit the back of his head on the headboard. "Ouch!" Jason whined. Bruce jumped up from his chair and checked the back of Jason's head. "I'm okay, you just—. You scared me," Jason reassured him. Bruce relaxed his shoulders. "I've only had one other child in my life, and —objectively speaking— I was terrible with him. I made a lot of mistakes with how I—. That's not your problem. I'm oversharing, aren't I?" Bruce smiled an awkward half-smile.
"It's okay... Does your other kid not like you or something?" Jason asked. "Dick's his name... Right?" Bruce nodded.
"How do you feel?" Bruce asked. Jason nodded. "You—." "Mr. Blood went out, didn't he?" Jason interrupted. Bruce nodded his head. "You're probably not doing as bad—. Well, I'll show you." Jason carefully pulled out the small stack of photos from his mother's diary and looked through them until he found one of himself and Catherine when he was four. He handed it to Bruce. "How'd you end up in the hospital?" Bruce asked. "I met the third guy once, I think. Willis. He babysat me for a couple of days when my mom was sick. He gave me a watch. I tried to sell it to buy food when I got older, and do you know the pawn shop owner had me arrested?" Jason chewed his lip as he held back tears. He took a deep breath. "I never thought that he could be my dad. Why would I? I mean... What kind of dad offers you a watch and then beats you so badly that you end up in the hospital for a week and a half because you won't take it?" Jason turned his head and wiped his tears away with one swipe of his sleeve. "Jason—." "Before that happened, he was nice to me. So nice that after my mom came home and called 9-1-1 and I woke up in the hospital, I lied to the police. My mom told me to tell the truth, and I wouldn't. I didn't want to get him in trouble. I'd never seen my mom that mad at a guy before... I think that's the only time I was ever afraid of her. Looking back, I think she was hurt because she trusted him. She'd only ever left me with him. Nobody else. Ever," Jason let out a shaky breath, "I wished I had told the truth when she was alive." "He's dead," Bruce revealed without thinking. Jason pulled his knees up to his chest and swallowed hard. "Did you—? Did—?" "No. No, absolutely not. I don't kill anyone," Bruce reassured Jason. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that until Jason—. Mr. Blood got back. And if you said all that to me because you're afraid of me, you don't have to worry." "I didn't tell you because of that. I told you because I couldn't remember it until now, and I wanted you to know the bar isn't all that high for me," Jason whispered. Bruce sat at the edge of Jason's bed. "You're gonna stay here even after I go back to sleep, right?" Bruce nodded. Jason lay down, and Bruce pulled his blankets up. "I feel like I should say something comforting," Bruce whispered. Jason shook his head. "Can you tell me a story instead?" Jason asked. Bruce nodded and moved to sit in the chair across the room, but Jason grabbed his arm. "I just shared something about my childhood with you. You don't have to go." Bruce nodded and lay back.
"Okay... Are you too old for fairy stories?" Bruce asked. Jason nodded. "You want something real or a metaphor?" "A metaphor," Jason whispered. Bruce settled in and took a breath. "There used to be a strawberry patch at the center of the world. It was the first of its kind, and since then, there's never been another like it... In that strawberry patch lived all sorts of creatures. Snails and frogs, cats and dogs, but most importantly, birds... And as I said, the strawberries were special. The seeds were no ordinary seeds. "The seeds weren't seeds at all. They were jewels that granted wishes. Their heart's deepest desires were just a bite away, but there was a catch, as there always is... They could only make one wish a day. There were a variety of birds that lived near the strawberry patch. A starling, a magpie, and a jackdaw were among the few. "The first to make a wish was a goldfinch. The goldfinch ate a single strawberry and wished to be warriors. They fiercely protected their own but often succumbed to bouts of cruelty. "The magpie came next. It had stars in its eyes and wished for riches. However, the concept of wealth was subjective, and the magpie's eye for things that glittered in the sun proved to be too much for the little bird—." Jason breathed heavily before throwing an arm over Bruce. "Jason? I never told you what the jackdaw wished for," Bruce whispered, "The jackdaw wished for nothing... And in turn, he got everything..." Bruce patted Jason's arm and smiled at him. Etrigan entered through Jason's window and pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead. He left the room without a word, and Bruce stayed in place by Jason's side. "I think you ended up with three fathers anyway," Bruce grinned, "Sweet dreams, I guess." He stared at the ceiling, wondering if he'd made a mistake telling Jason about Willis Todd. He'd have to explain that to Mr. Blood in the morning.
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alfairy · 2 years
My thoughts on Sonic 2 right after my first viewing (HUGE SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE AND POST CREDITS SCENE)
Remember, spoilers under the cut!
So Longclaw really did die…. ;-; Longclaw lives truthers are probably crying rn. We’ll never forget you
Fan artist and fanfic writers are gonna have a field day
The only thing I kinda disliked was that the wedding and GUN arrest scene went on too long. I turned to my mom and was like “when are we getting back to sonic” but the human characters are all very enjoyable and Rachel was hilarious and gets her time to shine
Sonic and Tails friendship was so cute! Personally, I felt Tails was a little underutilized in the film, but I loved the bond between him and Sonic, and how Sonic quickly became so protective of him!! Quickly stepping into that big brother role!
Knuckles did not disappoint, and he was so badass while also simultaneously being stupid as fuck, we love you king. Easily one of the best characters, everyone in the theater was dying laughing at him, but it never felt like the filmmakers were belittling him or making a joke of him, most of his humor comes from him not understanding earth culture and being so serious and blunt about everything.
Also side note, I found it weird that he’s literally standing 2 feet behind Robotnik and Stone at one point while Robotnik is causally mentioning within earshot how he’s gonna backstab him later to steal the emerald. And he just…. Doesn’t hear or react at all??? They’re right in front of you dude. I guess he was focused on something else lol.
LITTLE BABY KNUCKLES!!! He was adorable and it looked like he had a nice father. Ken Penders is probably throwing a bitch fit watching that scene and we all know it. Die mad about it 💕 We now know what baby Sonic and baby Knuckles looked like, and it’s a crime we haven’t gotten to see Baby Tails yet. O wait…. Tails still is baby….
So stonebotnik is canon right. Or at least as canon as it can get in order to sneak past the censors lol. Stones got it BAD. The maid outfit made me SCREAM
THE TEMPLE SCENE. My sonknux peeps… If u know u know… 👀
The filmmakers rlly were like “we’re gonna make sonic get beat the fuck up and pass out and almost die so many times 💕”
Knuckles, unironically: let’s punch him in the dick that’s the most vulnerable area
Living Chaos Emerald theory doesn’t appear to be canon, so Sonics powers are still unexplained. Which is weird since they make such a big deal about them in the novelizations and previous movie. Then again, Knuckles has powers and it’s never really explained, so it’s whatever I guess. Maybe they’ll bring it up in the third movie, since a certain you know who is coming ;)
SUPER SONIC AHSHDIEKDIIDJEJEJSJD HE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. i was kinda scared for a moment when they were like “that’s not the sonic u know anymore he is consumed by power” and then he summons a chili dog out of thin air and everyone’s like “o never mind he’s fine”
Idk how Robotnik could survive that fall, but Stone is fine so I guess he’s in hiding somewhere. Maybe in movie 3 he’s partially robotizied? Who knows? They never found him but we all know he’s lurking out there
THE POST CREDITS SCENE….. just…. OOF. People in the theater GASPED out loud when they said “we found a file from 50 years ago,” like we all KNEW in that moment. This movie still had its light hearted fun moments in it, but honestly if they’re gonna be covering a Sonic Adventure 2 adaptation, or the third movie is based loosely on it, then I think the third movie is gonna be a WHOLE lot darker. Cause you can’t have Shadow without Maria, and we all know what happened to her….. if sonic 2 is about found family, sonic 3 will be about ANGST
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
Hi!! Could you write for Bucky prompts 4 and 26??
♡ Hi, Anon!! I love this prompt pairing so much! Thank you for requesting this, and for waiting on me to get around to it! In this one, Bucky and the reader visit a park in Brooklyn that stirs up some nostalgic memories. But what he doesn't know is that, later that night, he'll learn that he's going to be a father. There's some pretty fall imagery and lots of sweet moments. I hope you like it! (Note: this isn’t canon regarding Bucky’s true age)
♡ Prompt 4: "Remember we used to come here when we were kids?"
♡ Prompt 26: “I’m not reading this thing wrong, am I? You’re really pregnant?”
All I Ever Wanted
There was a crispness to the evening air as the beginnings of fall settled within Brooklyn. The trees of Prospect Park, once green, were slowly transitioning into rich shades of orange and red. As you and Bucky walked along one of the pathways, leaves crunching beneath your shoes, there was an absence of car engines and horns—it was peaceful. All there was to be heard was chirping birds, the soft chatter of other park-goers, and the occasional whir of a cyclist’s wheels whenever one passed by.
Upon reaching a wooden bridge, the gentle sound of flowing water emerged as well. Beneath it, was a slender waterfall that fed into a small pond with dead leaves floating on the surface. Bucky wrapped an arm around your waist as the two of you admired it from over the railing. Somehow the whole day, including that moment itself, had managed to feel like a dream.
The two of you hadn’t been to Prospect Park in what felt like forever. Life had a way of sweeping you up in winds of responsibility that kept you from enjoying moments of stillness. But those winds had since drifted elsewhere, leaving the two of you with the freedom to simply be. Venturing out into nature and away from the noise had been Bucky’s suggestion earlier that morning. There was no place like the outdoors that was capable of soothing the soul.
“Look, doll,” he said eventually. Your eyes followed where his free hand pointed.
On one of the big rocks peeking out of the water below, a yellow butterfly had perched itself on a rock. “Yeah, I see it. It’s so pretty.” You smiled when he gave you a gentle squeeze.
“You know what butterflies symbolize?” You met his gaze, willing for him to continue. “Life and new beginnings,” he said, pressing a kiss to your temple.
For a fraction of a second, you froze. You’d managed to keep yourself collected for the entirety of the day, but hearing those words quickened your heartbeat. Enough so that you became all the more reminded of what he didn’t know—not yet.
That morning, as he spoke to you through the bathroom door about going to Prospect Park, you’d been staring at a positive pregnancy test. You barely had enough breath to agree to the outing. And when he’d asked if you were okay, you told him you were fine, but left out the fact that your lives would be changing forever in the months to come.
The two lines on the stick explained weeks worth of your body trying to communicate to you. It explained that deep sense of knowing that refused to go away. To say that you wanted to merely tell Bucky would’ve been the largest understatement of your lifetime. With all the emotions that stirred within you, you wanted to scream, cry, and jump at the same time.
A voice within you encouraged you to make the moment you told Bucky really special and intimate. Especially considering every turn that his life had taken over the years. So you vowed to wait until the two of you arrived home from your evening at the park.
“Life and new beginnings,” you repeated. You were already aware that such was associated with butterflies, but hearing him say it in that moment carried a certain magnitude. “I love the sound of that.”
Later, after walking further, you found yourselves nestled on one of the benches overlooking the lake. The water sparkled in the warm light of the sun as it prepared to set. A couple men stood peppered along the bank fishing. Children giggled as they chased after each other. Paired with the fall trees and colors all around, it was nothing short of a beautiful scene.
You let your head rest on Bucky’s shoulder, and took his real hand in yours to play with his fingers. There was a time, years ago, when the two of you would play along that same lake—throughout the whole park, actually.
You were the first to speak after a while, “Remember we used to come here when we were kids?” You straightened up from his shoulder to look at him.
“Of course I do,” he said, a smile starting on his face. “Especially during the summer. We’d always try to find open fire hydrants to play in after we left. And if we were lucky, our mom’s would let us get ice cream or shaved ice,” he recounted, chuckling. “Those were the days.”
You shook your head. “I know. Now look at us.” About to have a child of our own, you thought.
“Yup. Time flies when you’re having fun,” he said, casting out a brief look around at the serenic evening. Then he focused back on you, his tone shifting, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah...” you tried not to answer too fast. “Why?”
Bucky narrowed his eyes a bit and gave a shrug. “I don’t know, I can just tell that something’s on your mind—ever since this morning,” he noted. “But you have yet to tell me what that something is, pretty girl.”
It took everything not to tell him right then and there, as you sat under a blue and orange sky in the park you knew like the back of your hand.
You offered him half a smile. “I’m that easy to read?”
He lifted a shoulder. “Not necessarily. I’ve been reading you for a long time so it’s easy.” You allowed yourself to chuckle when he playfully quirked his brows. “So am I gonna have to work really hard to coax it out of you?”
You shook your head earnestly. “I promise I'll tell you when we get home… I have something to show you.”
On your way out of the park, there was a mama duck waddling under a tree with her ducklings trailing behind her.
It wasn’t until after you and Bucky made it back to your apartment, and had changed into something comfortable, that you told him you were ready. He sat on the edge of the bed as you went to retrieve the small gift box holding the pregnancy test. It was a miracle that you had had enough supplies left over from birthdays and holidays to be able to make it look as presentable as it did.
You extended it to him from a couple feet away. So much anticipation had built within you that you felt light, and as though you were buzzing.
Bucky accepted the box, and looked up at you. There was a sparkle in his blue eyes. “Why are you standing a mile away from me? C’mere.” You inched closer, and laughed when he pulled you to stand more so between his spread legs.
As he began to undo the white ribbon on the box, your lower lip was secured between your teeth. It seemed as though he was moving entirely too slow and fast at the same time.
As soon as he popped the lid off to reveal the pregnancy test sitting on top of little strips of crinkled, beige paper strips, your heartbeat sped up. Bucky’s attention lingered on the test. When he finally looked up, his gaze attested to the influx of thoughts that had been sparked into motion within his mind.
“I’m not reading this thing wrong, am I?” He briefly looked back down to stick again. Two lines. “You’re really pregnant?”
A smile broke across your face. With the news out, it felt as though you were uncaging a group of birds that had been longing for freedom for way too long. Before you could say anything else, Bucky set the box aside and stood to press his lips to yours. You stumbled back at the intentness in which he gripped your waist. It was a kiss that you felt every part of him through; his love, his passion, his warmth. And an intoxicating mix of joy and expectation.
He pulled away just enough to speak. “We’re gonna be parents?” His breath fanned over your lips. Then he leaned back in to kiss you once more, a soft peck. “You’re carrying our child?”
Bucky’s hands slipped under your shirt, and the feeling of palms against your skin was pleasant in the best way. One was cooler than the other, but they were both gentle and reverent.
“Yes,” you breathed. “I found out this morning.”
He scratched gently at your stomach, sending a shiver through you. “You managed to keep it to yourself the whole day. That’s what was on your mind?” He kissed you again.
“You have no idea how bad I wanted to tell you. No idea.” You brought your hands up to his cheeks, the budding stubble scratchy against your palms. “But I wanted to wait until we came back from Prospect.”
Bucky released a breath after a few beats of silence. “I don’t even know what to say,” he said, voice low. “This is so crazy—a good crazy.”
“I know. I’m happy and terrified at the same time,” you admitted. “I’ve never felt this way in my entire life, but it feels….”
“Good,” he finished.
A laugh escaped you. “Yeah.”
Seconds later, he was getting down onto his knees to be level with your stomach. It wasn’t until he lifted your shirt to press a kiss to your stomach that the reality of the moment set in. For the first time since learning about your pregnancy, tears slipped down your cheeks.
Bucky heard you sniffle, and stood back up to take your hands in his. “This is all I ever wanted, you know that, doll?” A few tears had come to the waterline of his eyes. “A beautiful wife, a family. This is all something I thought I’d never have.”
You sniffled again, nodding. “You deserve everything,” you murmured.
“I have my everything right in front of me.”
Without waiting another moment, you wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed him tighter than you had in a while. Parents. The two of you were going to be parents.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment, if you'd like. For more fluffy Bucky Barnes fics, click here.
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