imhereforbvcky · 5 years
Team Re-Building - Part 1
Summary: (Sam Wilson x reader, FalconCap humor/fluff) After the events of EndGame, the remaining Avengers head out on a mandatory team building exercise at your cattle ranch. The week turns out as unexpected for you as the idea was for them.
Prompt/Request: “Is that a horse?! Do I look like a cowboy to you?” For mine and @justsomebucky’s Cap² Challenge. I separated the prompt a little for flow, but I think I kept the spirit of it.
Warnings: None. Probably swearing. I’ve got a mouth and I can’t control it.
Word Count: 2061
A/N: This is just a little 2 part series. Part 2 is totally done. I’m planning to queue it to post in just 2 days! yay! 2 in 2 days, that’s easy to remember.
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“Are you sure this is it?” Bucky muttered. His eyes followed the wrought iron banner propped between two enormous raw logs rising to form the arched entry. Dead center, the flying K brand stood dark and resolute against the bright afternoon sun.
“No,” Rhodes grumbled, “I haven’t seen a road sign for at least fifteen miles. Just dirt and tumbleweeds.”
The group held a collective breath when the modified jeep rattled over the cattle grate beneath the arch. The all-terrain vehicle had been waiting for them at the tiny regional airport when they’d landed. Now it made sense. The road went from grated dirt to a rugged two-wheel cut path over hill and stone.
Sam tried to convince himself it was all part of the experience, but frankly, the kinds of experiences he preferred usually involved a cold beer on his patio or a jog along a beach. The mountains were, admittedly, something to see. Jagged stone fingers clawed out of the hills, reaching unknowable heights into the unending blue sky. The photos on the brochure hadn’t done it justice.
Still, he just wished he wasn’t seeing them with clenched teeth and fists tight around the roll bar of the jeep as it hauled them all further and further from civilization.
“Why are we doing this, again, Sam?” Wanda asked, her arm darting out to his shoulder to brace against the jostling.
“Team building?”
“And there’s no ‘team building’ in New York?” Bucky complained, leaning past Wanda to glare at Sam.
“Couldn’t we have done a trust fall or something?” Rhodes agreed with a smirk on his lips at his own joke.
“How long’re you gonna hold that over my head?” Sam complained.
“'Til that face you make stops being funny.”
“Well, that’s exactly why we’re here.”
“I still don’t see why we had to be here,” Bucky insisted.
“Look, if any of you have figured out how to skip out on Maria Hill’s orders, you let me know the magic words and I’ll get us out of shit like this next time.”
Before too much longer the little caravan had made its way over the foothills and pulled up to a large cabin. It looked old, like the stones had been there as long as the mountains themselves, but the logs were freshly sealed and the chairs on the sprawling porch looked deep and inviting with soft leather cushions and bright red pillows.
“Hi there!” The voice that greeted them sounded like it was made there in those hills. It rolled gently and warmed like the sun on the breeze. “Welcome to Kestrel Point.”
“Thanks for accommodating our crew,” Sam stepped forward, offering his hand. “Sam Wilson.”
A laugh tumbled out. “I think we know who you are. All of you.” Your smiling eyes darted to the group behind him, still righting themselves after climbing down out of the jeep.
Sam wasn’t quite used to that yet. Sure, he’d been an Avenger for years now, had worn the armor of a hero. But after the Decimation… after the fight in upstate New York… after he picked up that shield… Being known had a different weight to it; sat just a little heavier on his shoulders.
“Right,” he shook his head and glanced back at what was left of the team, at those who’d survived, who hadn’t been left too worn to continue the fight. It was his team to lead now, his to rebuild and hold together.
You watched the struggle dance across his features and saw it echo in the furtive glances among the others. But you didn’t remark on it, nor did you hesitate. It was your job to help them find their rhythm and rebuild their strength, not to dwell on the present cracks in the armor.
Offering the same wide smile, you introduced yourself and a few of your staff before clapping your hands together, brows leaping with excitement. “Well let’s get started! My guys will take your bags to your rooms, and if y’all will follow me, we’ll get you matched up and get you started.”
When you turned toward the barn, nodding for them to follow, there was no argument. At least not that you saw. Mainly because you didn’t wait for one. That didn’t mean there weren’t protests. There was a flurry of wide-eyed glances exchanged from everyone but Clint.
For once, Clint felt right at home. He’d made a beeline for the stables and perched up on the split-rail fence with all the ease of familiarity. They might be thick western saddles here instead of the sleek black tack of his memory but the sound of twisting leather and long swooshing tails took him right back. With a distinct brand of nostalgia, he recalled rows of agile white Lipizzans, practically glowing under the circus tent lights. Visions of children gawking at larger-than-life Percherons filled his head and a slow grin eased over his face.
While your ranch hands tied the last of the horses in a row before him along the fence, ready and waiting, you lead the rest group inside. They weren’t quite ready.
“Is that a horse?!” Sam balked as he approached. It suddenly all clicked for him what Hill had been planning and he was not a fan. He liked the smirk on Barton’s face even less as watching him stroke a hand down the nose of a particularly antsy Quarter Horse. “No. I think there’s been a fundamental misunderstanding on our end.”
You laughed as he backed away. “Miss Hill warned us this was not the most uh… experienced group,” you tucked your worn leather utility gloves in your back pocket and gently slipped your fingers around his bicep, easing him forward. “You have nothing to worry about Mr. Wilson. We’ll take it slow.”
You were meant to be comforting him, but the moment he felt your contact and looked down at you with the softest, deepest umber gaze you’d even laid eyes on and it was your breath that caught in your chest. The words suddenly vanished on your tongue and it was all you could do to mimic the slow pull of his smile at your playful word choice.
“Do I look like a cowboy to you?” he asked, teeth flashing that smile.
You coughed on a laugh and looked at your feet. Boots. That’s right. They needed boots, that’s what you had been doing before. Before Sam Wilson and his damn smile.
“Not yet,” you agreed, shrugging one shoulder. “But we’ll take care of that.”
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It took three full days to get everyone sufficiently steady on horseback. By the morning of day four, you’d decided it was sink or swim. The herd had nearly eaten through the winter pasture and before long the creek cutting across the valley would be swollen and racing with snowmelt. If you didn’t drive the cattle up to the newly sprouting summer lands soon, it would be too late.
A little instruction on the trail, couched softly in teasing and laughter might get the team where they needed to be skill-wise. If not, your own team flanked the Avengers, just in case. They might fight aliens and save half the galaxy, but they had never chased a scared new calf down a ravine.
Well, maybe Clint had.
He was, of course, a natural. Animals were his thing. Particularly large gentle ones whose affection could be bought with food. He’d spent his down time near the stables, figuring out what Apollo’s favorite snacks were and had stuffed his pockets with broken carrots.
The others… well they were lucky if they’d encountered a horse at a petting zoo before that week.
Bucky hadn’t seen a whole hell of a lot of cattle in Brooklyn between 1917 and 1943. And after that, war and survival had pretty much been his sole priorities until very recently.
Rhodes had no interest. He was a modern military man with his own Iron Man suit. Let’s face it; he had a better ride and more pressing matters anyway.
Wanda spent most of her life in a concrete cell. You weren’t sure if she had ever even seen a horse in person before climbing out of that jeep on your ranch. But she took to it pretty well. Those with a gentle demeanor usually did. You’d paired her with a sweet old mare that didn’t spook easily. Eventually the slow sureness of the horse seemed to have a calming effect for Wanda. She found herself enjoying her time away from so many people, away from their thoughts and fears. You could imagine her leasing out a ride now and again when she went home.
Bruce was… well half Bruce and half green and far too big to sit a horse. Didn’t stop him watching and teasing, though.
And Sam. Sam was maybe the most fun for you. He was all city, all soldier. Stiff but determined.
“I know you’re not laughing at me!” he hollered as you circled back and eased to a trot beside him. He looked so stiff and uncomfortable; you just couldn’t help but snicker. “Not again.”
“I’m sorry,” you managed, wiping tears from the corners of your eyes, grin so wide it hurt. “Just… You’ve gotta relax.”
“There’s a thousand pound animal between my legs!”
“And you think clenching up is gonna keep him from throwin’ you?” you teased.
It didn’t help. Logic flew out the window when fear came knocking. Sam only glared in your general direction, too anxious to look away for long. But you saw him fighting back a smile.
“Alright, well I think Ranger’s been a smooth ride and it’s high time you return the favor,” you tried again, reaching over and untying the lead you’d left on Sam’s horse.
Sam glanced down at his steel grip on the pommel. “What do you mean?” he asked, eyeing Ranger as if there was some lever that would make this all easier.
“You’re ex-military, right? I assume you had to carry a person at some point in your training?”
“Para-rescue. Carried injured friendlies out all the time. How’s that supposed to help?”
“Was it easier if the payload was stiff as a board or if they moved with you?”
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled. “I see your point.”
“It’s a ride not a beating. Treat it like a lady,” you joked, encouraging him to push again into a trot and offering advice as you continued alongside. “Move with him. ‘ll be easier on your ass and his back. Relax and let your hips roll.”
“Do you talk to all your clients like this, or am I just lucky?” He was smiling now, still looking down at his horse.
You, however, laughed beside him, relishing in his flirtatious nature. His easy smiles and quick wit had captured you early on. It had been a while since you’d enjoyed someone’s company this much. “You’re definitely somethin’.”
“That didn’t sound like a good thing.” He pouted, but with that little shine in his eyes, that extra roundness to his cheeks that betrayed the grin beneath. Like it was just waiting to erupt and brighten his whole face. The longer you spent near him, the greater the pang deep in your gut at the thought of what that full smile might look like. Would it be better than these secret hidden ones? Would it warm you head to toe? Ignite this heat that seemed to spark from something as small as a little grin?
You needed to breathe, get your head back on your shoulders. With a swift squeeze of your knees your horse notched forward.
The more Sam had talked with you, joked, and flirted, the less he had time to worry about his horse. He relaxed, consciously or not, he and his horse settled into a rhythm.
Satisfied with his ability and desperately needing the distance, you led the way out onto the soft green acres that sprawled beneath the rough granite peaks. Fresh spring leaves quivered in the breeze and blankets of snow still dominated most of the mountaintop.
You pushed ahead into a canter, resuming your duties checking in on the other guests – the other Avengers. But not before turning over your shoulder with a grin just for him, just for Captain goddamn America.
“I think I’m the lucky one this time.”
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Part 2 >>
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The Game
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Word Count: 776
Warnings: none really
Summary: You and Steve play a dangerous game. 
A/N: This is for @imhereforbvcky & @justsomebucky Cap2 writing challenge. I chose to write for Steve who I feel doesn't get enough love. 
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“Please Steve, don’t do this to me. I’m begging you.” You looked pleadingly into his deep blue eyes, your own filled with emotion. His face is cold and hard, his jaw set against you.
“You expect me to help you? After what you did? Y/N, you brought this on yourself.” Steve says, his voice steady and resolute.
“If you do this, you can’t take it back Steve. There will be consequences,” you threaten, trying to delay what you know cannot be put off.
“Consequences be damned,” he says, and he lays it all out in front of you.
Four draw four cards. Steve glances at your hand, almost empty with only two cards and he laughs maniacally. You didn’t think it was possible for America’s golden boy to be so sadistic.
“Language, Cap,” Nat quips wryly from the other side of the table. Steve casts her a weary glance as he watches you draw 16 cards from the draw pile, your face covered in misery.
The whole team watches, some gleefully and some with pity as you draw your cards. All of you had been playing for at least an hour and you had been on a winning streak. Everyone was ready to see you taken down a peg.
“I’m going to kick your ass Steve, one way or another,” You vow as you organize the ridiculous amount of cards you now hold in your hand. Steve throws you a mischievous grin and arches an eyebrow.
“I can’t wait to see you try, sweetheart.” You blush at the nickname and plot his demise.
The next few minutes fly by furiously as the team collectively tries to take you down but you pull out every trick in your hand. Ten minutes later you call out “UNO!” as you smugly lay down your last card. Nat shoots daggers at you. Bruce’s mouth is hanging open and Tony throws his hand down in disgust. But they’re nothing compared to Steve’s shocked and angry face.
You decide to call it a night while you're still ahead so you stand up and stretch, catching the way Steve glances at the bit of skin that peeks out from under your shirt. You decide you don’t care what the others will think and lean over, giving Steve a peck on the nose.
“I hate to say I told you so,” you say with a sultry voice as Steve’s ears turn bright pink and you saunter off toward your room. You hear the team break out in whoops and cheers, patting Steve on the shoulder as he mumbles something about calling it a night.
It's been a few hours but Steve can’t sleep. He can’t stop thinking about your lips on his skin, your breath on his cheek. He pulls on a worn white t-shirt and makes his way to your room, trying and failing to come up with a plan. He arrives at your door and knocks gently.
You’ve fallen asleep watching a show but the gentle knock pulls you from your slumber. You get up from your bed and pad over to your door, puling it open.
“Stevie,” You softly murmur through your sleepiness. You're dressed in sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt you’d stolen from Steve and your hair is a disheveled mess, the sight literally takes Steve Roger’s breath away.
“What’s a’matter Steve?” You ask. He hasn’t said a word since you opened the door and you're starting to worry you’d offended him at the game earlier. Your gentle voice pulls him out of his reverie.
“Why’d you kiss me?” He blurts out and you're startled by the question. Too startled to come up with a witty answer so you go with the truth.
“Because I like you,” you answer simply. Steve blinks stupidly for a moment before he steps closer to you, closing the space between your bodies. He looks down at you and his eyes are brimming with emotion. You lightly place your hands on his broad chest as he grabs your waist and pulls you in. One of his hands moves to the nape of your neck and now he’s kissing you with his soft full lips. You sigh softly into the kiss as Steve gently take you deeper, swiping his tongue across your lips. You break away, a soft smile curving your lips.
“What’d you do that for?” you ask, joking lightly.
“because I like you,” Steve answers, a smile playing on his lips.
You fist your hand into his shirt and drag him into your room. He steps in, leaning for your waiting lips and he kicks the door closed behind him.
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angryteapot · 5 years
Hard to Say
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: What happens when you tell Steve, your adorkably loving boyfriend, that you’re bored? He takes you on a midnight adventure and gives you the Universe. 
Warnings: So much sappy fluff you may very well barf. 
Word Count: 2532
A/N: My (slightly late) entry for @imhereforbvcky & @justsomebucky ‘s Cap² Challenge! Prompt is bolded. There was a few ways this could have gone, but @delicatelyherdreams told me to go in this disgustingly sweet direction. Thanks for always being amazing and going over my unedited fluff garbage! <3
To be added to the taglist, send me an ask or dm! My inbox is always open if you want to chat or rant! <3
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“Hmm?” He raised his eyebrows and hummed in response, still not looking up at you, completely engrossed in his sketchbook. 
You wiggled your socked feet, which were tucked under his thigh as you both sat on the sofa - him on one end and you stretched out, leaning against the armrest with a book and a mug of hot chocolate. 
“Y/N,” he laughed, “Give me a minute to finish this shading then, I promise, you’ll have my full attention.”
You harrumphed and muttered a petulant “fine” as you slumped back and let your eyes roam his concentrated face. When Steve was concentrated on his sketching, his eyebrows drew together, nose slightly scrunched, lower lip protruding adorably. You couldn’t help the small, adoring smile that painted your lips. 
You’d been in a happily committed relationship with Steve for the better part of four years, with two years of friendship prior to that, and yet each time you looked at him it was like falling in love all over again. 
You were still studying his profile when he finally turned to you with a wide smile, reaching his arms up to stretch. Amidst a satisfied groan he said, “Okay sweetheart, you have my full attention. What was it you wanted to tell me?”
Your mind blanked as his shirt rode up slightly from his stretching, exposing his toned stomach. 
He smirked and cocked one eyebrow. “Am I distracting you?”
“No…” you shook your head to focus and smiled sweetly. “Stevie?”
“Oh boy. Whenever you use that nickname, with that tone and smile, it usually means trouble.”
You adored this man. “No you goof, not this time. I’m just so bored! I don’t really have the energy to start a prank war, so I need you to distract me - not in that way, you perv!”
“Aw honey, you wound me,” his salacious grin had turned into a mock pout. 
Rolling your eyes, you scooted yourself over until you were tucked under his arm, staring up at him with puppy dog eyes. “C’mon Stevie, take me somewhere magical.”
“Y/N, it’s…” he glanced at the clock across the room, “It’s past ten, there’s nothing open but bars and food pl-”
You stared at him as he trailed off, a thoughtful look on his face before he grinned and continued, “Y’know what? I know the perfect place.”
“No bars or crowded places? I don’t know if I’m up for that tonight,” you looked down at your socked feet and over-sized sweater (the one you stole from Bucky), and decided that you most definitely did not want to change into actual clothes.
“Just you and me, sweetheart. I promise there will be nobody else but us, and you don’t even have to change if you don’t want to… On second thought, you might want to put on some sweats, it’ll be a little chilly.”
“You have yourself a deal Rogers, gimme seven-ish minutes and I’ll meet you… where?” You hopped up with a kiss to his cheek, excited and already on your way to grab some sweats.
“Make it fifteen, I have to grab a few things. Meet me in the hangar, okay?”
“You got it!”
> > > Thirty Minutes Later > > > >
True to his word, Steve had been waiting for you by one of the jets fifteen minutes later. Your arms were laden with a few essentials for your mystery adventure, and you were bouncing with excitement as you both boarded the jet. 
Steve had immediately gone to the cockpit and punched in the coordinates to the mystery location and set it on autopilot. After the jet was in the air, he'd smiled and said he'd be right back, disappearing into the small room that usually housed a cot and medical supplies for emergencies. 
“Steve. Steve. Where are we going? I brought my blanket. And a thermos with hot chocolate," you called out to him from around the opaque glass. “If you tell me where we’re going, I’ll share with you.”
“Steve. Stevie. Stévano. Stevína. Ste- hey!”
You laughed as he stalked out of the little room, his glare playfully disgruntled by your name-calling.
"So… where we goin'?" Your cheeky grin was contagious, and Steve smiled softly at you before responding.
"Somewhere special. But it's a surprise, so you're not allowed to see. Is it okay if I blindfold you when we get closer?"
You were wrapped in his arms, a kiss pressed to the crown of your head as the question was asked. You looked up at him in bewilderment, "Blindfold? Wow, who knew Cap was so kinky?"
The teasing glint in your eye and the exaggerated wink you gave had him rolling his own eyes.
"No uniform, so Cap has left the building, you're stuck with plain ol' Steve. And the blindfold is to keep it a surprise, but I could possibly be persuaded to use it in… other situations."
You laughed out, "You're incorrigible. But uh, about that Cap thing…"
He blanched. "You didn't. Please Y/N, tell me you didn't."
"I did indeed, my dear Captain. I'm in my pajamas and you're in sweats and a t-shirt, it's time to even the playing field."
Turning around with a flourish, you reached into your bag and pulled out the set of novelty Captain America pajamas, thrusting them into his chest and pointing to the changing area.
"Step to, Captain!"
"Yes ma'am," he pouted as he walked around the partition to reluctantly change into the offending outfit.
A few minutes later, he emerged covered in gaudy red white and blue, a poorly-drawn replica of his shield covering the chest. You couldn't contain your laughter as you saw that his long legs had turned the pants into high-waters.  
"You're lucky I love you," Steve pouted as he crossed his arms, wincing when a ripping sound filled the air.
"I am indeed lucky you love me, thank you for humoring me, my dear Captain," you hugged him and leaned up to kiss his pouty lips.
 > > > > > > >
You had been in the air for several hours, which made you incredibly curious as to where Steve was taking you. The time was filled with card games and banter, even some light dozing on your part as Steve rubbed your shoulders. Said dozing was interrupted, a small snort of surprise leaving you, when the console beeped and F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced, "Five minutes to the destination, Captain Rogers."
"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y.," he acknowledged. He turned to you and nuzzled your cheek, whispering, "Time for the blindfold, sweetheart."
You acquiesced and let him slip it over your eyes, trusting him to guide you to whatever the surprise was.
Minutes passed, and you felt him stand behind you, torso pressed against your back as his hands gripped your shoulders.
A shiver ran down your spine as he whispered in your ear, "Do you trust me to guide you?"
"I'd trust you to the end of the Universe."
He told you to walk forward, maneuvering around obstacles with gentle nudges to your shoulder. He pulled you to a stop, telling you that there were steps in front of you, ten of them to be exact. He helped you up them, closely following as his hand rested on the small of your back to help you up.
It was a good thing that he was taller than you, because he was on the step below you but you could feel him reach up to unlatch the door.
"Are we going to the top of the jet?"
"Yes ma’am we are.  F.R.I.D.A.Y., are we in position?"
"You better not be planning to push me off, Rogers. F.R.I.D.A.Y. will avenge me if you do."
He only chuckled, listening to the AI's response.  "Yes, Captain Rogers. Would you like me to land?"
"No, keep it hovering, and turn on stealth mode please."
"Of course, sir."
"Stealth mode?" you inquired.
He shushed you and guided you through the hatch.
"Okay, you ready for this, sweetheart?"
You kept close to him; you didn't think he'd let you fall off the edge of the jet, but you weren't about to take any chances since you didn't know how high the jet was hovering.
"As ready as I'll ever be, Rogers."
He gently lifted the blindfold, kissing your eyelids and smoothing your hair down.
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"Oh," you gasped in wonder, eyes filled with stars. Not in the cliché sense, but in the literal sense - the stars were so vibrant and plentiful above you, even the Milky Way was splashed beautifully across the sky.
You looked over the edge of the jet, still clinging to Steve, to see a million reflected stars beneath you as well. With the jet in stealth mode, it seemed as if you were floating in the air, completely immersed in stars and magic.
"Steve it's beautiful. Where are we?"
Pulling you away from the ledge, he hugged you from behind, lulling the both of you into a gentle sway, "Bolivia. I was looking online for the best stargazing locations, and came across these salt flats. I looked up pictures and I knew that I just had to bring you here."
You turned around in his arms, wrapping your own around his waist and looking up at him adoringly. "You're such a sap."
He just smiled and held you tighter, "Dance with me?"
You guessed those were the magic words, because suddenly soft music permeated the air. You started dancing in time to the slow beat, trusting Steve to keep you away from the invisible edges of the jet.
You danced slowly for quite a while until it morphed into a mellow swing dance, Steve expertly swinging and lifting you, your eyes cast up to the stars and laughing freely. After dancing awhile longer, you both carefully made your way to sit at the edge of the jet, feet hanging over.
 > > > > > > >
You held hands and sat in peaceful silence, just gazing up at the breathtaking night sky. Steve fidgets a bit, squeezing your hand until you looked over to him. In the dark, lit only by the brilliant stars overhead, his beautiful eyes look iridescent.
"I love you," the earnestness in Steve's tone as he told you this was something new.
"A horrible decision, really," you quipped. It was a thing with you: never saying those three words back.
Of course you loved him and he knew that but actually saying it terrified you; it would make everything that much more real. Even after all those years of happiness, you were waiting for the other shoe to drop. You were Avengers, true happiness could never be in the cards for long. You vainly hoped that never saying those three particular words would keep away the inevitable heartbreak.
"I will give you everything in my pocket if, just for tonight, you hold my hand and say that you love me."
His words shocked you, lip wobbling with the fresh anxiety  that was crawling up your throat.
"Your Captain America pajama pockets?" You tried to joke, deflect, but his eyes spoke volumes of just how much he needed to hear those up.
Time to pony up Y/N, you thought to yourself. You loved Steve with everything you had, and he deserved to hear those words. Sure, you said it in obscure ways, or showed him with thoughtful actions, but you could tell he desperately wanted to hear those specific three words.
Shifting to face him better, you gripped his hands and tried, "I-" Your voice wavered, and you took a breath, steeling yourself before trying again. You looked him in the eye and announced with conviction, "I love you, Steve Rogers."
His eyes widened, truly not expecting the next onslaught or words and emotions.
"Oh god, I love you so much Steve," tears welled up in your eyes but didn’t fall as you flung yourself into his chest and babbled, "I love you so much, I just couldn't bring myself to say those words. But I adore you, you mean the world to me and I would follow you to the end of the Universe."
Steve was elated, rubbing your arms soothingly and peppering kisses to your forehead, eyelids, cheeks, finally meeting your lips in a passionate kiss.
You felt him squirm out of your hands, confused until you pulled back and saw what he was holding.
"I did promise you everything that was in my pockets sweetheart," his smile was sweet and nervous, "Will you stay by my side forever and make me the happiest being in the Universe?"
"Are you-" eyes wide, hands drifting up to cover your gasp.
"Y/N will you do me the honor of being my wife?"
The ring was beautiful, but nothing shone brighter than his hopeful smile.
"Yes, of course I will, you stupid jerk. God, you just had to propose while we're both in ridiculous pajamas, and my hair's a mess, and my eyebags are probably taking over my face, but it's beautiful and so stupidly perfect, I love y - mph!"
Steve laughed and interrupted your rambling with an elated kiss, pulling you away from the edge to lay half on top of him as he hugged you tightly.
You stayed that way, briefly getting up to grab the blanket, before laying with him on the jet roof. You both drifted off in each others' arms, woken mere hours later with a flash of light. You both slowly woke, sitting up to watch the world turn into a kaleidoscope of breathtaking colors as the sun finally rose.
You looked at your ring, mesmerized at how beautifully it sparkled in the new sunlight. You looked up to Steve and saw him smiling dopily, your own expression probably mirroring his.
> > > > > > >
You got up hand in hand and started the journey back home, eager to share the news. And to sleep in your soft bed rather than the hard surface of the jet. A few hours in the air and you suddenly blurted, "Was that planned the whole time?"
Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, Steve turned from the cockpit and said, "Not exactly. I mean, I've been carrying that ring for a while, but it never seemed like the right time. But last night, with the stars, and you looked so happy and beautiful. We were both in ridiculous pajamas, no plan, just a spontaneous trip. You were laughing, and there was starlight in your hair, and I just knew then that it was the perfect moment."
You walked over and half-heartedly punched him in the arm, face-planting into his chest as the joyful tears finally fell. "God, you're so stupid and sappy, I love you so much you idiot."
"I feel lovingly insulted, but I'm going to kiss you anyways."
"You better," you sniffled as he placed a finger under your chin and tilted your face up to meet his lips.
To some people it might have been a weird, imperfect proposal, but it meant the world to you. And if the other shoe did indeed drop, you would have Steve by your side to fight whatever came your way. 
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avengerscompound · 5 years
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Ambush: A AmeriFalcon Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Steve Rogers x Sam Wilson x Reader
Word Count:  954
Rating:  T
Square filled: @star-spangled-bingo - Planning a Vacation.  Also for @imhereforbvcky and @justsomebucky‘s #cap2challenge.  With the prompt:  “No way! I’m off the clock.”
Warnings:  None.
Synopsis:  Trying to get Sam and Steve to take some time off work is next to impossible.  So you decide to force the issue.
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Trying to get Sam and Steve to sit down and plan a vacation was next to impossible.  Each time you brought up them taking one they’d agree that yes, they were both overdue some time off.  That yes a little remote getaway just the three of you, no team, no bad guys, no paperwork, no world in peril, sounded really great and the three of you would definitely have to do something.  It was just anytime you tried to get them to sit down and block out time off and book something, they’d always be too busy.
You figured you had to take matters into your own hands.  You did the planning thinking about the differences between the two men and a holiday that would suit you all.  The beach was out.  Steve burned too easily and even though he healed right away, it was like the sun was out to get him.  Besides, unless you went to a private beach there would be paparazzi photos of Steve all pink and with no shirt all over every tabloid.  Steve would never agree to another holiday again.
You couldn’t do skiing either.  As much as the idea of them using the shield as a bobsled made you giggle, you knew it was never happening.  Once again Steve was the issue here.  The cold was something he barely tolerated.  He’d never actually relax if it was too cold.
You considered doing something like sightseeing in Europe but you knew that Sam would consider changing hotels regularly too much like work.  For him to relax he needed to just unpack and be able to switch off.
A few things seemed to fit the bill.  There was a remote hotel in Thailand on the border of Myanmar that had villas on the river Kawai.  You liked the idea of being so far removed from things, that tigers and elephants roamed the jungle around you and the in house day spa was very appealing too.  Unfortunately, it seemed very tied into the World War II tourism and you thought maybe Steve had lived enough of that, he didn’t want to make a holiday out of it.
There was a hotel in Ohio that was secluded, romantic and had private pools in the rooms for times when you really just had to skinny dip.  You felt that maybe Sam might go a little stir crazy though.  He could sit still for a while, but it wasn’t long before he’d need to actually get out and do things, which probably would mean you were doing day trips into Chicago every few days.
Then, the perfect thing came to you.  A European River cruise.  There’d be plenty of sightseeing but you wouldn’t need to keep unpacking and repacking bags.  It was warm without being too hot.  And with a deluxe room and private butler, it was romantic and relaxing.
So you went to work.  You approached Natasha, Maria, and Bucky for help.  They blocked out time for Sam and Steve without alerting them.  That way they couldn’t find an excuse to go.  You booked the cruise.  You even went and begged Tony to use the private jet.
With a week to go, you packed the suitcases in private and gathered up all your passports.  You held the secret close to you because you knew if either one of them found out something would come up and it wouldn’t happen.  The day you were planning to leave you went down to the training arena to find Sam.  He was practicing flight drills with Rhodey.
“Sam!”  You called.  “Steve said he needed to speak with you!”
He circled over you and landed, retracting his wings into their pack.  “God damn it?  What is it?  HYDRA?”
You shrugged.  “I don’t know.”
He huffed and took the pack off, and locked it back up then followed you upstairs.  Neither of you said anything and he strode along in full Cap mode, barely even acknowledging that you were there.
He shoved the door open and stood up straight, looking Steve over.  “What’s the word, Cap?”  He asked.
You closed the door behind you as Steve looked you both over, obviously confused.  “What word?”
“You sent for me,”  Sam said it, half statement, half question.
“No.  I didn’t.”  Steve said and both sets of eyes turned on you.
You couldn’t help the smile that slowly spread over your face.
“What did you do?”  Sam said, narrowing his eyes.
“We three are going on vacation.”  You said.
Steve sighed and ran his hand through the back of his hair.  “Sweetheart, I know you want to do this, and I promise we’ll find a time…”
“The time is exactly right now.  Your leave is put in.  Bucky and Clint and standing in for you both.  Hill and Nat are taking over the liaising stuff.  We have our bags packed.  Money exchanged.  The jet is waiting for us.”  You said putting your hands on your hips.  “So get up.  It’s time to leave.”
Sam blinked at you. “You’re serious.”
“As a heart attack.  So come on.  Chop chop.”
Steve stood up and shook his head as he began to tidy up his paperwork.  “Where are we going?”
“European river cruise.  Amsterdam to Bucharest.  It’s a big one.  We have a butler.”  You said.
“How long have you been planning this?”  Sam asked coming over to you and running his hands down your arms.
“Couple of months.”  You said with a shrug.  He laughed and kissed your temple.
“Sam, can you file this for me?”  Steve asked, pushing some folders towards him as he collected up a few others.
Sam shook his head and smirked.  “No way! I’m off the clock.”
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agent-styles · 5 years
without you | steve rogers
pairing: steve rogers x reader
prompt/request:  “I didn’t think it would explode.”
summary: you take some initiative in helping the team during a mission, and steve isn’t so pleased that he could have lost you because of it.
word count: 1.6k
a/n: i had so much fun writing this for the cap ² challenge (thank you for letting me be a part of it  @imhereforbvcky or @justsomebucky!!) /// i didn’t mean for it to be this long but i hope you like it <3 
warning(s): starts out angsty but ends with all da fluff
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“What the hell happened out there, y/l/n?!” Steve shouts with his arms raised and his eyebrows furrowed. He’s really mad this time, madder than that time when you accidentally tripped a landmine with one of Clint’s arrows. 
“I didn’t think it would explode, Steve,” you attempt to explain. Before you know it, a medical team surrounds you and ushers you to sit on a gurney. 
“But it did, y/n. What happened out there today is unacceptable,” Steve asserts. 
You glance over at him when a doctor doesn’t have a light in your eye or a stethoscope pressed against your chest, making you cringe at the contact of the metal with your bare skin. 
Steve’s hands are on his waist when he’s not animating his speech with hand movements. He paces around the room, mostly keeping his eyes pointed at the floor, but every so often they dart up at you. 
Most of the medics scurry away, leaving one to bandage up a gash on your leg and stitch up a cut on your forehead. The medic kindly smiles at you when she finishes with your leg, gently pats your other knee, and leaves the room. That’s when you try to explain yourself to Steve a second time. 
“I thought it was a tracker, Steve. It was a small enough device. I had no reason to believe it was a miniature bomb. It could have stuck to the car and led us to him. Maybe even to a hideout with dozens of people like him” you tell Steve. 
And that is the truth. 
Earlier in the day, you had been snooping in one of Stark’s many tech labs in the Tower, searching for something that could give the team an even larger upper hand in the field. Under a rather large re-imagined prototype of Pepper’s Rescue face plate, you found a small, black circular device. You fiddled with it and shuffled through what little paperwork was on the desk to find some instructions. Since Tony created it, all of the information about it was locked away in his cyber world. Your experienced past led you to believe that the object was a covert tracking device, not a ticking time bomb. 
“But it didn’t. It blew the car up and our mission with it,” Steve says when he finally faces you. 
“I know and I’m sorry about that. Really, I know how important this mission was for the team and especially you. Steve, I --” Steve cuts you off before you can finish your thought. 
His arms swing up once again, to gesture at your bruised and battered figure. “Are you kidding me, y/n?” 
You push your hands down into the gurney to straighten up your posture, to sit taller since you can’t stand tall during this argument. You wince as you adjust to the new position. Steve’s eyes quickly meet yours before drifting to something else in the room. 
“I know how important it is to you that we track down all of these rogue HYDRA agents and I messed that up,” you say softly. 
Steve bites his lip and shakes his head, eyes falling on some corner of the room. Anywhere but on you. “That agent has already been apprehended. Fury said S.H.I.E.L.D. caught him a block away from the explosion,” Steve reports, his tone now diplomatic. 
You face begins to tense up as you let that revelation wash over you. The target has been apprehended, yet Steve is cold and distant. He’s angry and usually he reserves that emotion for a lost battle or an argument with Stark. Never with you, not really. 
Especially because your explosion is what chased the target a block over for Fury and his team to catch. The tightness that crept into your shoulders when Steve told the truth makes those muscles ache, adding to the pain coursing through your body. The impact you took from flying back 40 feet from the explosion is a different kind of pain than the type you’re feeling now. This pain seethes like a fury that comes from secrets about a mission’s success and incomprehensible disappointment from someone you care about.  
You press your lips together before blurting out the question that needs to be answered, “Then what the hell is your problem, Rogers?” Bitterness drips from your tongue. 
Steve sighs and finally looks at your for longer than a millisecond. He eyes soften, his hands find their place on his hips once again, and then he speaks, “I thought I lost you out there, y/n.”
You shoulders finally relax away from your ears and you sit back against the gurney. Steve has suffered so much loss in his life. He has lived through unimaginable circumstances with the burden of saving the world on his shoulders, and in that split second that there was nothing but air under your feet, he thought your death was another tragedy he would have to survive. 
“Steve,” your voice is a mere whisper when you lift your right hand, reaching out to him. 
In three quick steps, Steve is by your side, gently sitting in the small, vacant spot on the gurney. His left hand lands on the other side of your legs, propping him up. Steve looks down at the hand in his lap, “I saw you, y/n. You hit the ground so hard.” 
You reach out and take his hand in yours. “Steve…Steve, look at me.” 
He still won’t look at you but the rate at which he is blinking tells you all you need to know. You let go of his hand to let yours find his chin. You turn his face so that his tear-filled, blue eyes are looking into yours. “I’m not going anywhere,” you assure him with a shake of your head. 
Your hand moves up to his cheek. Steve carefully moves closer to you, needing to feel your touch. He places right hand on top of yours and leans into your touch. But not for too long. He springs up into perfect posture and starts examining your wounds. He winces at the sight of your leg and brushes his thumb around the wound on your head. You chuckle softly at his actions. 
You smile at him when he takes your hand and brings it to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss to your scuffed knuckles. He lets your hands fall in his lap when you speak, “I promise I’m okay.” 
He nods, “Of course you are.” The tension in the air finally fades. You feel like you breathe around him again, and Steve looks like he’s breathing for the first time in the last twenty minutes. 
You squint your eyes at him, a smirk on your lips, “I’ve gotta be tough. I am dating the Captain America.” 
Steve leans back and chuckles; his right hand falls on his chest. Once he’s finished he looks you straight in the eye and says, “You’re tough with or without me, honey.” 
You nod with a knowing smile on your face, “And you remember that.”
Steve rolls his eyes and grins. You wish he would do that more often. Suddenly, Steve leans forward and takes your face in his hands. When his breath is on your lips, he searches your eyes for any sign telling him to stop. 
“Go ahead, Cap,” you whisper against his lips. 
Steve ever so slightly presses his lips to yours, afraid to apply any pressure in case it were to inflict any more pain on your already achy body. You try to let him know that everything is okay, that you’re actually the best you’ve been all day, by letting your hand tug at his soft, blond hair at the nape of his neck. Then you drop your cold fingertips to the skin there and pull him closer. Steve finally gives in and deepens the kiss, letting his left hand go to your waist in the process. 
Before you not, you are lost in each other. Still on that gurney. Still with a bandage on your leg and a gash on your head. Steve’s still in his Cap suit, and the two of you show no signs of stopping. His hands touch your bare skin under your top, just at your waist, and you just can’t stop kissing him. As it turns out, a near-death experience is enough to get Steve to loosen up in the workplace. But you have to stop things before they get out of hand. Well, more so than they already are. 
When Steve’s warm hand reaches around to your back, you flinch and yelp, “Ow,” through gritted teeth. 
Steve pulls away quickly but ever so gently. He starts examining you once again, “What is it? Are you okay? Do I need to call a medic back in?”
You laugh at his urgency, always needing to fix the problem. “Babe, I’m fine. I just needed to cool down the situation.” 
“You’re probably right.”
“I know,” you confidentially say and he smirks at you out of the corner of his eye. “Why don’t you help me to our room and we can pick up where we left off?” “I don’t want to make this worse,” Steve replies, his hand on your thigh. 
“Come on, Cap. I can handle it,” you challenge him. 
Steve rises from the gurney and walks to the handles behind your head. He leans down by your left ear, “Okay, but we’re stopping when it gets to be too much,” he demands. 
“Of course,” you agree with a reaffirming nod. You feel his smile against your face when he presses a kiss against you cheek. 
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sergeanttucker · 5 years
Get her back
Summary: After (Y/N) left because Steve had not done anything for their relationship, Steve was a wreck. Bucky persuaded him to bring her back.
Warning: angst!, SMUT! probably badly written but still, fluff, Harry Potter Spoiler? :D
Word Count: 4665 (It just happened.)
AN - My submission for @imhereforbvcky and @justsomebucky’s Cap2 Challenge. Thanks to you, I finally wrote cap again and it was a lot of fun! Oh, and thanks for hosting this challenge, we all need a lot more Steve and Sam in our lives. My prompt was “That was very un-Captain-America-like behavior.”
This is also the second part to Someday. I’m the weak bitch, remember? Have fun!!
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A month. A month had passed since (Y/N) left and she hadn’t come back yet. From Natasha, Steve knew that she had rented a small apartment and that she had a new job in a small bookstore not far from the Avengers Tower. It didn’t surprise him; Steve knew how much she liked to read and it didn’t matter what she had in front of her. From comics to history books, horror stories, romance ... She didn’t care. It has letters? Then be sure that (Y/N) read it.
 That was one reason Steve had fallen in love with her in the first place. For hours he had listened to her talk about The Lord of the Rings. He listened and comforted her when she read Harry Potter and cried over the deaths of Sirius Black and Dobby. Again.
Steve always admired her enthusiasm. It always made a smile appear on his face when she excitedly told him about the latest book she read. Or the latest movie she had seen. Or when she made him listen to her new favorite song. She had such a passion for all sorts of things, Steve often had problems keeping up with her. But that was just what made him rea(Y/N)e that she was the right one. And what did he do? He put his work over her and thereby lost her.
 Now, a month later, Steve was still sulking. He spent more time exercising, hoping it would make him feel better, but it did not help. The thought that she had left and now no longer belonged to him did not let him sleep. And knowing it was his fault that (Y/N) had left him was not helpful either.
 How stupid had he been? How could he just let her go? And why the hell did he treat her that way? Questions he asked himself in every free minute. The worst part was that he could not answer these questions. He did not know why he did it. What he did know was that he had to get her back.
 Steve walked down the street, which he knew led to the bookstore. This time (Y/N) did not go next to him, but Bucky. He was worried, not only about Steve but also about (Y/N), and he was the one who convinced him to talk to her, otherwise it would not have happened in the near future.
 Before Steve could open the door to the store, Bucky stopped him with one hand on his shoulder. “Steve, I’m your best friend but if you say or do anything stupid, I’ll kick your ass. (Y/N) is the best thing that could have happened to you. Do not make it worse than it already is.” He had a serious expression on his face and squeezed his shoulder before pushing him towards the door. “Now get (Y/N) back. I’ll wait here.”
 Steve opened the door and entered. A short melody that sounded as the door slammed shut told the bookstore staff that a new customer had entered the store. He stopped near the door and let his eyes wander. It had changed little since he was here the last time.
 It was a small shop that barely had enough space to stow all the books. Shelves of dark wood reaching to the ceiling occupied the most space. Two tables, also of dark wood, stood in the middle of the room, providing a place to read and take notes. Books that did not fit on the shelves piled up in different corners, waiting to be used. A sales counter was placed near the door. All in all, the bookstore was quite dark and smelled of old and used books. And that’s exactly what attracted (Y/N).
 As Steve looked around the store, he could see (Y/N) talking to an older man. She showed him various leather-bound books and gave him a charming smile. Steve swallowed the lump he had in his throat when (Y/N)’s eyes fell on him and her smile vanished immediately. (Y/N) clenched her teeth and as she regained her composure; she forced herself to smile so as not to alarm her client. She opened the door for him and when he was gone, she could see Bucky waiting outside. She gave him her best bitch face and Bucky just had an apologetic look on his face as he shrugged.
 The door closed with a bang; the tune filling the silence in the room. (Y/N) completely ignored Steve and went to one of the shelves and started stacking different books on a table before sitting down and writing some notes. Steve still had said nothing and just watched her, wondering what he should say.
 After a while of silence, (Y/N) spoke first. “Can I help you, Captain Rogers?” (Y/N)’s eyes were still fixed on her notes, her voice sharp. The tone of her voice unsettled Steve, he had never seen her so angry. Well, except the day she left. And of course, he knew that she had every right to be angry; after all, it was all his fault.
 Steve nervously rubbed his neck and took a few steps toward her. He stopped right in front of the table where she sat and looked at his feet. “I... I wanted ... I’m sorry.” His voice was low, and he did not dare to look at her. (Y/N) flipped through one book and marked some things before she wrote them down. “Is that all then? I have work to do.”
 Steve looked up and ran a hand through his hair, a sigh left his lips. He knew it would not be easy. “(Y/N), I ...” (Y/N) slammed her pen onto the table, making him shut up immediately. “You know what Steve? Sometimes a sorry isn’t enough. And this right here? This is a situation where it isn’t.” Her voice was calm, but Steve could see the hurt in her eyes. Shame bubbled up in his stomach. He did this to her.
 “I gave you everything, Steve. Everything. And you threw it away, so forgive me but a sorry is not nearly enough.” The words broke at the end. Tears threatening to fall but she wouldn’t let them. Of course, (Y/N) still loved him, but she needed more than what he gave her.
 “I’m so sorry, (Y/N), I know I should not have put my job over you, it’s just ... Everyone expects me to save the world, hunt down criminals and fight against Nazis or aliens and I’ve tried to live up to all these expectations and lost sight of what was really important to me.
I know that’s no excuse and I understand if you do not want to have anything to do with me anymore. “He dropped his gaze to his feet again and waited for the rejection he had already prepared himself for on the way there. No way would she forgive him; he would not if he was her.
 But to his surprise, he could see out of the corner of his eye that her facial features softened a little, and her voice had lost its sharp tone. “I know it’s not easy to be Captain America and all that and I understand that. But the way you have acted towards me these last months? That was very un-Captain-America-like behavior.”
 “I know, I also know that nothing I say could excuse what I did.
But I love you and I miss you. I really do. Please come back home. Let me make it right. I promise I will have more time for you and will not be away all the time. Please come home.” He begged. Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, begged her to come home.
 She did not expect that, but she could see in his eyes that he meant every single word he said. His voice broke slightly in the end and he fidgeted nervously with his hands. He looked desperate and (Y/N) could see he had not slept in a while. That she broke up with him hit him harder than she thought.
 “Steve, there’s nothing I’d rather do than go home with you and pretend that nothing happened, but the last months have been hell for me. I can not and do not want to do that anymore. “
 The last bit of hope that Steve still possessed shattered like glass. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and nodded. He felt tears forming in his eyes and cleared his throat before answering. “Yeah, I understand. I just want you to know how sorry I am. I’m sorry I interrupted you...” He turned around, his eyes fixed on the floor and walked to the door, his shoulders hanging.
“Steve, wait.” He stopped with the door handle in his hand and turned to look at (Y/N). She took a few steps toward him and stopped directly in front of him.
 “I can not pretend that nothing happened, but because I love you, I’ll give you a second chance. I’ll be home at 9PM.” “Really?” Steve’s voice was at least an octave higher than usual, and there was hope and a little confusion in his voice. His eyebrows were raised and, all in all, he looked very puzzled.
“Really.” A small smile spread across her face as she saw the overjoyed expression on Steve’s face. (Y/N) had not seen him so happy for an eternity.
 She turned and went back to work, leaving Steve standing there rooted to the spot. His eyes were fixed on her for a few seconds before he opened the door, but before he could leave, he was stopped again by (Y/N)’s voice. “Oh, and Steve? Do not you dare to shave; I quite like the beard. “Although she could not see it, he nodded before leaving the store. Both of them had a huge smile on their face for the rest of the day, and nothing and nobody could drive it away.
 Never had (Y/N) longed for the end of a day’s work like this day. Her mind was on Steve all the time and admittedly she was a little nervous. After she finally closed the shop, she immediately made her way to her apartment. She grabbed a bag and stuffed all sorts of things in without really paying attention to what she took with her. On the way out, she locked the front door and sprinted down the stairs, almost tripping over her own feet on the way down.
 A little later, she stood at the door of the apartment she shared with Steve until a few weeks ago. Her heart was racing in her chest; she could hardly wait to be reunited with the love of her life. After a deep breath, she fished the key she still had from her jacket pocket and opened the door. The bag fell with a dull bang on the floor.
 (Y/N) leaned her back against the closed door and dropped her head back. The apartment she had rented had never felt like a real home. The silly photos, countless pillows and blankets, books, plants, personal items such as the necklace (Y/N) had gotten from Steve, all the little things that made a house a home were still here. When she entered the living room, she saw Steve’s shield lean against the wall and smiled. It felt good to be back home.
 While (Y/N) stood in the living room and enjoyed being back home, Steve came out of the bedroom with wet hair and dressed only in a boxer short. When he rea(Y/N)ed that he was not alone, he stopped confused and ran his hand through his hair. His eyes fell on the clock hanging on the wall behind him, it was just 8:30 pm. “Oh hey (Y/N), I ehh... I thought I still have time to get ready. I’ll be right back.” As soon as he arrived, he disappeared back into the bedroom, leaving (Y/N) standing in the living room with a small grin, she shook her head in amusement and wandered around the room a little before going to the kitchen.
 She stopped dead in her tracks as she entered the kitchen. Everywhere were pots, pans, and various ingredients were distributed on the kitchen island. Flour and some kind of sauce were spilled, and in the sink stood a pot of indefinable content. Steve had apparently tried to cook, but he failed. “(Y/N)?” His voice echoed through the living room to the kitchen. “I’m in here!”
 Steve entered the room and scratched his neck awkwardly, a slight flush rising on his face as he saw the chaos in front of them. “Well, I ... I tried to cook dinner, but ... well, you see how it ended.” (Y/N) chuckled a little and piled some pots at the sink. When she wanted to turn on the water to wash the dishes, Steve grabbed her hand to stop her. “You’re not here to clean up the mess I made. I ordered pizza, let’s eat something. I’ll take care of the kitchen tomorrow.”
 He took her hand and led her back into the living room. On the coffee table were two pizza boxes, a six-pack beer, and the Harry Potter Blu-ray collection. (Y/N) smiled softly when she saw all this. “You really want to volunteer to see Harry Potter with me? Brave of you.” Steve chuckled and sat down next to her on the couch, he had already pushed the philosopher’s stone into the player and took the remote control to start the movie.
 “Well, what can I say? I love how you quote everything.” A small grin spread across his face as he saw the light red tone on her face. “Here, I ordered your favorite.” He opened one box and pushed it to her. (Y/N)’s mouth was watering with the sight of the still warm pizza. Just like she always ordered. Extra cheese, mushrooms and a lot of garlic. Perfect. Gratefully she accepted her and thanked him again when Steve handed her a beer. That’s how she always wanted to spend her evenings with him and now, finally, they did.
 (AN – Stop here If you don’t want to read the smut-part)
 After the first movie ended, they immediately started the second one. The pizza boxes were empty on the table. During the first movie, (Y/N) had moved closer to Steve and snuggled up to his side, his arm around her. A satisfied sigh left her lips as he pressed a kiss to her hair. How she had missed that. How she had missed him.
 The movie had been running for about an hour, but (Y/N) had been ignoring the screen for a few minutes and was looking at Steve instead. He was still focused on the screen and absently ran his hand through her hair, but after a while he rea(Y/N)ed she was looking at him and fixed his gaze on hers. A gentle smile graced his lips as he looked questioningly at her. “What?” His voice was soft as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
 (Y/N) smiled lovingly at him, her eyes falling to his lips for a moment before fixing his eyes again. “Nothing.” She whispered against his lips before gently kissing him. Steve did not move for a second, but as soon as he regained his composure, he returned the kiss and cupped her cheek, holding her to him. This was the first kiss for weeks, maybe months, and it sent electricity through her body.
 (Y/N) was not ready to finish the kiss yet and followed Steve as he pulled his head away. She climbed on top of him and sat on his lap, deepening the kiss. Instinctively, Steve put his hands on her waist and pressed her against his body. It went on like this for a while. Kissing and touching, getting used to each other again after such a long time without physical contact.
 But soon, it wasn’t enough and (Y/N) started to rock her hips, grinding down against him. A throaty groan escaped Steve, and he grabbed her hips, stopping her movements. He watched her face; her lips were slightly parted, her breath uneven and eyes dilated. “Doll, I...” (Y/N) stopped whatever he wanted to say with a finger to his lips.
 “Steve, please. I need you. Don’t let me wait any longer.” She laid her forehead against his and stroked his cheek with her thumb, looking him deep in the eyes as she whispered. His eyes momentarily dropped to her lips as she spoke. He wanted to tell her so many things, things she needed to hear, but for the moment he just nodded and kissed her again, tracing her lower lip with his tongue before pushing it into her mouth. She started grinding against him again, and as Steve grabbed her hips this time, he guided her movements to make them more fluid.
 (Y/N)’s hands went to his hair, tugging on it. The groan that rumbled against her lips made her whimper softly. Steve’s hand wandered up her body and under her shirt, feeling the soft, warm skin underneath. The shirt needed to go, so he tugged it up her body and over her head to discard it somewhere on the floor. His eyes drifted over her bra clad chest, his hands followed their movements and he softly cupped her breast into his big hands, kneading them over the annoying piece of cloth. (Y/N) sighed contently and pressed herself against him.
 Soft, slightly chapped lips started to kiss a trail down her jaw to her neck and finally to the top of her breasts. Goosebumps raised on her body when he started to suck a mark there, her hips rocking harder against his at the feeling.
 Steve withdrew his lips from her body to shed himself of his shirt, her bra following right after. He took a moment to admire the woman on top of him and let his eyes wander over her. How did he even get so lucky in the first place? (Y/N) was beautiful. Her soft skin slightly flushed, her hair tousled and eyes shining. He really was one lucky bastard.
 Without warning, Steve got up and still held (Y/N) in his arms. She squeaked startled and slung her legs and arms around him, making him chuckle as he walked them into the bedroom. He dropped her on the bed, her body bounced on the mattress as he crawled over her and trailed kisses over every inch of skin he could reach. Starting at the waistband of her pants, he nipped at her belly-button and kissed over her ribs to the underside of her breast.
 (Y/N) arched her back as his tongue circled her nipple before sucking it into his mouth. One of his hands crept up by her side and gripped the neglected breast, kneading it and squeezing her nipple as he bit the other. The breathless moan that reached his ears encouraged him to move his hand down to her pants. Steve opened the button and zipper and slipped his hand inside, rubbing her through her underwear as he switched sides and sucked the other nipple.
 (Y/N) let out a shuddering breath when one of Steve’s fingers circled her clit, her hips bucking up on instinct. “Steve please... Don’t tease me...” He let go of her nipple and looked up at her, nodding as he saw the desperation in her eyes. He leaned back up on his knees, pulled his hand from between her legs and hastily took off her pants and panties before he momentarily got up to get rid of his own clothes.
 Crawling back onto the bed, he spread her legs so he could get in between them. Steve took a moment to admire the sight in front of him; hair sprawled unruly across the pillow, skin a slightly red hue and breasts heaving with every uneven breath she took. Again, he was one lucky bastard.
  She bit her lip at the sight of his at attention standing cock. She would love to lick of the bit of pre-cum that gathered at his tip, tasting the salty essence but she couldn’t wait any longer. She needed him inside of her. Steve seemed to think the same thing. His hands stroked up and down her thighs before he gripped his cock and rubbed it up and down her slit, coating himself in her juices.
 She whimpered softly when his tip bumped against her clit, bucking her hips up to try to get more of the so much needed friction but Steve would have none of that. With his free hand, he easily pinned her hips down and chuckled darkly at her needy whimper. Even if he wanted to be inside of her as soon as possible he just couldn’t resist teasing her at least a little.
 He bit his lip and watched how she squirmed when he drew circles on her clit with only the tip of his cock. “Steeeve...” She whined and tried to rock against him but with no use. Of course, Steve was stronger than her.
 He continued like this, teasing her clit and slipping just the tip of his cock into her, up to the point (Y/N) could feel an orgasm creep up on her. She repeatedly whispered his name, her head was thrown back against the pillow, her eyes screw shut as she clawed at the sheets.
Steve’s own breath got labored as he watched her fall apart in front of him, her lips were red and swollen from how hard she bit them. “Don’t hold back, darling. I want to hear all the sweet sounds you make.”
 Her thighs started to tremble and her toes curled. She was close; he could see it. Doubling his efforts, he slipped the tip of his achingly hard cock into her hole and rubbed her clit with his thumb in fast circles, even faster so as her legs around his middle tightened. He leaned down and pressed his mouth against her ear, never stopping his movements.
 “Come on, Doll. I know you’re close, don’t hold back. Show me how beautiful you look when you cum.” The breathy whisper was all she needed to be thrown over the edge. She clawed at Steve, raking her nails down his back when he used the exact moment her orgasm shot through her to bottom out with one stroke. (Y/N)’s mouth opened in a silent scream; the sudden feel of fullness overwhelming her senses.
 Steve buried his face in the crook of her neck and groaned loudly. The feel of her contracting velvety-soft walls almost too much to bear for the super soldier. When he was sure he wouldn’t blow his load as soon as he started to move, he started to kiss her neck and jaw until he reached her lips. The kiss was slow and short; (Y/N) was still breathing heavily from her orgasm. “You’re so beautiful.” Steve lay his forehead against hers and pecked her lips one more time. “You ready?” (Y/N) just nodded and grabbed his hair to tug him down into another kiss.
 Steve pulled out slowly and pushed back in at the same pace. There was no rush in his thrusts nor in his touch as one of his hands stroked every inch of skin he could reach. His other arm lay beside (Y/N)’s head with his hand buried in her hair. His kisses were just as slow as his thrusts and made (Y/N)’s head spin from how soft and loving they were.
 He whispered breathy I love you's and I’m sorry's between kisses and cupped her cheek with his hand to make sure she looked at him. “I love you too, Steve.” (Y/N) pulled him in for another kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth to tangle with his.
 She started to buck her hips up against his, encouraging him to go just a little faster but Steve had other plans and slowed down even more. “Not tonight. Let me make love to you.” He pressed his forehead against hers and locked eyes with her, entwining their hands. Their bodies were pressed together, her nipples dragging against his chest with every thrust.
 It was so intense, so intimate, (Y/N) couldn’t handle all the emotions inside of her. Tears bubbled up in her eyes and a sob found its way out of her throat when Steve, once again, declared his love for her. He was worried for a moment and was about to stop and ask her if everything was ok when she pulled him down for another kiss.
 After a while, Steve’s hips stuttered and his thrusts lost its rhythm. He had to stop kissing her. He ran short on breath and several breathy groans fell from his lips; he was close but he wouldn’t cum before (Y/N). His thrusts were still slow, but they were slightly harder and every time he bottomed out he grinded against her, adding friction to her clit. “I want you to look at me when you cum. Can you do that for me?” He sounded wrecked, and it made (Y/N) whimper as she nodded.
 (Y/N) was a mess of breathless moans; her thighs started to twitch again. Her second orgasm was just around the corner; they both could feel it; she just needed a little push. “Cum for me.” The whispered words against her lips were enough to push her over. She tightly squeezed his hand and tugged his hair with the other. Her back curled up slightly and pressed her breasts tighter against Steve’s muscular chest as her legs tightened around his waist.
 The breathless moan of his name against his lips and the clenching of her walls around his cock were enough to send Steve tumbling over the edge with her as he groaned her name. Their foreheads were still pressed together and their eyes were locked on one another, making their orgasms much more intense.
 They stayed like this for a minute or two until they calmed down enough to move. Their breaths were mingling together and noses were touching as they watched each other closely. Steve cupped her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I love you you so much, (Y/N).” His voice was barely above a whisper and their lips were touching when he spoke. A soft smile spread on her face and she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “I love you too.”
 Steve smiled and pecked her lips once more before he got up and disappeared into the bathroom. He came back with a wet cloth and crawled back between her legs to clean her up. She winced at the sting but smiled reassuringly at Steve when she saw the worried look on his face. When he had cleaned up himself too, he threw the cloth to the floor and lay down beside (Y/N), tugging her against him before he covered them both with the blanket.
 She cuddled up against his side and laid her head on his chest, drawing invisible patterns on his middle while she listened to the beat of his heart. Steve’s hand stroked up and down her back and he kissed her head before he spoke. “(Y/N), I need to tell you someth...”
 Like earlier, (Y/N) didn’t let him finish his sentence and pressed a finger to his lips to make him stop. She leaned up and cupped his jaw in her hand, stroking his beard with her thumb before she kissed him lovingly. “Whatever it is, it can wait. We can talk tomorrow.”
Steve nodded and pressed another kiss to her lips before he tugged her back against him.
Before falling asleep, Steve made a mental note to thank Bucky for persuading him to go to the bookstore. He finally had the love of his life back in his arms and he wouldn’t be this stupid ever again.
Congratulations, you made it to the end !! I´m new to the writing thing and Feedback is highly appreciated! Oh, and if your eyes are bleeding from the bad grammar, then let me know! I’m from Germany and my English is a little rusty, so please point out the mistakes I made. Oh, and should you have a request, send me an ask!
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justsomebucky · 5 years
Make a Move
Summary: Canon-ish. Reader’s best friend is the new Captain America. With everything around them changing, will Sam and reader have time to figure out what they really want?
Pairing: Sam Wilson x reader
Word Count: 2,148
Warnings: language, fluff, sarcasm, cute stuff, cheese, i’m a dork, sam is perfect ok, don’t be fooled by the dream man in this story bc he’s fictional.
A/N: This is my submission for my and @imhereforbvcky‘s #Cap2Challenge. My chosen prompt was “Excuse me, this is my moment!” Look Mee, it’s not late! AND IT’S NOT TOTAL AU!
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“Come on, you should just do it! Just go for it.”
You made a face. “Why not?”
Your best friend of the last year and a half, Sam Wilson, mimicked your expression as he moved to the window, arms crossed over his chest. “Because I don’t want to, Y/N, that’s why.”
“Pepper had Maria send it directly to you, Sam. It’s for you. It’s super freaking cool, too. The least you could do is try it on.”
The two of you were arguing about the newest addition to Sam’s wardrobe: his own personal Captain America stealth suit, currently discarded on his bed after he received it special delivery that afternoon.
You moved closer to his bed, lifting the suit gently and smoothing it out so you could get a better look. It wasn’t exactly like Steve’s, but it still looked recognizable enough to be Captain freakin’ America’s getup.
“Look, I’m no Avenger, but –”
“Yet,” Sam interjected. “We’ve been asking you for months now. You’re here all the time, Y/N, you might as well just give in.”
“But,” you continued, “I can tell that this is both stylish and practical, probably something Tony had waiting, so you should just try it on. Just try it on, Sam!”
“You’re a bigger pain in my ass than Barnes sometimes, you know that?”
“You’re one to talk.”
He let out the most dramatic sigh of the day as he rested his head against the window. “It just feels like it’s too soon, you know? I don’t know if I’m ready for this. The shield already felt like too much, but Cap insisted…”
“Exactly, Steve insisted. He knew he wanted you to take up the mantle this whole time. And you trust him, right?”
“Yes.” Sam lifted his head and turned his eyes to you. “Of course I trust him. He showed up out of nowhere and changed my life. I feel like I’m finally proving my worth, you know?”
You held the outfit up. “Aside from the fact that you’ve been doing that this whole time, is it the suit? Do you not like it?”
“Nah.” He shook his head, moving to stand beside you as he reached for the surprisingly light material. “Suit’s fine. It’s a good look.”
“So, suit up! Bucky and the others are waiting for you to lead them.”
When he gave you another look, you gave him your cheesiest smile.
Sam ran a hand down his face. He never could resist you like that. “You really think I can do this?”
“I do. I believe in you. I’ve always believed in you, and it’s time for you to get it together, Cap.”
That seemed to help him. He matched your grin then, and with a final nod, he grabbed the suit from your hands and went to his bathroom to change. “Guess I’ll get ready then.”
“Be safe. I’ll see you when you get back,” you called over your shoulder as you left the room, not waiting for a reply.
It was a quick mission, but the media still caught wind of the newest incarnation of the Avengers making their first public appearance since Thanos was finally defeated.
Sam hated that name, the New Avengers. Everyone called them that.
They weren’t new, he’d amended. They were different.
Different pieces were in place to make up the moving parts, but there were big shoes to fill. Too many friends had been lost to death and retirement and in the case of Peter Parker (at least temporarily), high school field trips.
Plus, it just didn’t feel right to him. Without Steve on his right and all the faces he’d become so familiar with, he felt like he had to find his place all over again.
He never expected it to be at the lead.  
You couldn’t wait to see what your best friend could accomplish once he realized that this new different team was his just as much as the old other team was Steve’s.
He just had to see his incredible worth.
Sam Wilson had to step out of Steve Rogers’ unprecedented shadow and be his own version of Captain America.
Anyway, he had been all over every news channel wearing his new stealth suit and refusing interviews, despite all the reporters chasing after him and yelling questions to his retreating form. His eyes were alight and the expression on his face told you he was in all-business ass-kicking mode.
You were so damn proud of him.
“He’ll be back any minute. Are you going to finally tell him?”
Your eyes slid from the television to Wanda’s eyes. “He’s got a lot going on right now, Wan. I want him to have his moment.”
She rolled her eyes as she flopped down on the couch next to you. “He’s had his moment all over Barcelona, you just watched the broadcast.”
When you didn’t reply right away she glanced at you again, catching your big proud smile. You’d been smiling a lot lately, now that Thanos was gone.
“If the two of you don’t get your acts together soon, you might run out of time.”
Your smile instantly fell. She meant the slight chance of losing the person you loved. Wanda knew what that was like as well as anyone. “I know. It’s just not that easy. We’ve been best friends for so long, what if he doesn’t feel the same? Wan, I don’t want to lose him as a friend.”
“You’ll still be his best friend, Y/N. But now you’ll get the benefit of everything else about him. I mean, come on, you’ve seen him in that suit!”
Before you could reply, Bucky came trudging past, a towel slung over his shoulder.
“You’re back,” you stated, staring at him. He seemed to be in okay shape. The mission must not have been too hard on them after all.
“We’re back,” he corrected, raising his brows knowingly. “And Wanda’s right you know. You have to tell him.”
Your cheeks and ears lit on fire. “How much did you hear, Barnes?”
He stopped long enough to point to the door. “Enough to know that if you tell him how you feel, you have nothing to worry about.” With a final look, Bucky continued down the hall to his shower, leaving you staring after him in shock.
“See?” Wanda said firmly. “Time to go find your man.”
Sam had been so busy debriefing that he didn’t have time to talk to you for another hour after he returned to the new compound.
When he finally found you in the kitchens later that night as you searched for a snack to distract you, he looked a little tense.
You leaned against the counter, trying to play it cool. “Finally. I thought Maria was going to keep you in there all night.”
Sam let out a breath as he reached for an apple on the counter beside you. “Just had some loose ends to tie. It’s part of the gig now. I never realized how many damn reports Steve had to do.”
His proximity to you was making you nervous for the first time since you’d realized you were in love with him. He had already showered and changed and was back to just being your Sam.
He was though, wasn’t he? He was your Sam, your best friend…for now.
He could tell something was off about you, though. “Everything okay?” he asked, taking a bite of the apple.
You stared at his mouth as a little bit of the fruit landed on his lip. “Fine. You?”
“I’m great. I kicked ass today, Y/N. I wish you coulda been there, too. We’d make a great team.”
“You think?” Your eyes met his, and you were kind of surprised at the affection you saw in them.
Why it surprised you, you had no clue. He was always affectionate toward you…in a friendly way.
“I know so,” Sam said firmly. He set the apple back down, letting one hand rest on the counter beside you. “You gave me confidence. You helped me today and you weren’t even there, so imagine what we could do as a duo.”
Shit. He was so close, and he smelled so good, and…and you didn’t know if you could do this after all. Bucky and Wanda were gonna yell at you so much.
“A duo?” you echoed, as his words finally registered in the mush that was your brain. “There’s more than two people on the Avengers.”
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N, but you already knew that.” His dark eyes bore into yours. “Right?”
“I mean,” Sam continued, somehow moving even closer, “I didn’t think it could be possible, but I’m feeling so damn good, you know? I think it’s possible now. And I fought my fear and won once today, so why not keep it going?”
“What are you talking about, Sam?” You kept still, eyes wide as you waited for him to get to his point.
“Y/N, I –“
“WILSON!” Bucky’s voice bellowed from the other room. “The game’s on!”
“Excuse me, this is my moment!” Sam yelled back, clearing his throat. He shook his head. “That man has no respect.”
Your brows furrowed a little. “Can you please explain to me what you mean by this being your moment? Didn’t you just have your moment all over Barcelona?”
The tension was killing you. Was he going to give you the just friends talk? Was he in danger? What the hell was happening?!
“My moment,” he repeated. “Well it’s not going to be as good as I imagined, but it’s me we’re talking about, so it’s still gonna be pretty good.”
“All right, all right. I’m just gonna say it.” The hand he had resting on the counter moved to reach for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Sammy,” you said, smiling at him even though he sounded like he was putting you firmly in the friend zone. If that’s what he wanted, so be it. “I’m so proud of you.”
His jaw clenched just a little. “No, that’s…it’s not what I –”
He let out a grunt and turned his face toward the door. “Shut the hell up, man! I’m trying to woo my girl!”
It took about a half second for him to realize what he’d just said in front of you, and his eyes were wide as he looked back to see your reaction.
Oh, that’s what he meant.
He loved you.
Sam Wilson loved you. Sam Wilson loved you loved you.
Holy shit! That’s what Bucky was getting at earlier!
“What I meant to say was…”
“You love me?” you asked, wanting to hear it again just to be sure. “Like you’re in love with me love me?”
“I thought I accidentally made it pretty obvious.” He gestured behind him. “You know, when I just yelled that I was trying to woo you and everything. Was it not obvious? Should I start over?”
You finally let your big cheesy smile show. “Thank goodness. I was worried you would be too busy and too cool for me now that you’re Cap.”
“You were worried?” Sam lifted his hand to brush your cheek, and a different kind of fire spread across your skin. “Y/N, nowadays you’re the only person who doesn’t have to worry about that.”
“Oh?” Your smile faltered under his intense gaze as you silently prayed for him to just go for it.
His face somehow got even closer. You could see the lights of the kitchen reflecting in his wide eyes. “Yeah. I’ll always find time for you.”
There was no way you were reading his signals wrong. What was his deal? Was he waiting for permission? That’d be just like him.
Maybe he needed a push.
“Well?” You slowly slid your hands up his biceps to rest on his muscular shoulders. “Are you gonna make a move, Cap, or do I have to get Bucky to show you how it’s –”
Sam interrupted your question with the kiss you’d been waiting for.
You closed your eyes at the feel of his soft lips on yours, of his hand snaking around your waist to pull you a little closer. The tension you’d felt in his shoulders disappeared almost immediately.
Maybe some of the kiss was to shut you up. He didn’t want to hear about Bucky being anywhere near you in that way.
Mostly though, he just really really wanted to kiss you.
When he pulled back a beat later, you opened your eyes and smiled at his satisfied expression.
“How was my moment?” Sam raised an eyebrow at you. “Did my moves meet your approval?”
“Let’s hear it for Captain America,” you murmured, still beaming as he pressed his lips to yours again.
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uncpanda · 5 years
An All Out Fix
AN: This is my entry for the Cap2 Challenge. It was sponsored by @imhereforbvcky or @justsomebucky and my prompt was “I love your laugh” with Steve. So enjoy some fluff, and happy fix it fanfiction, cause we all need some happy in our lives. 
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You’d never been a country girl. You were a city girl. You liked having everything within walking distance, and the idea of being so far out from society was particularly worrying. But this latest venture by your brother is a safe haven where a battle was raging. 
You step outside onto the wrap around porch and the humidity hits you, followed by the heat. “You doing okay?” 
You look at the little girl, playing on the porch. “I’m good, Aunt Y/N.” 
You smile and slowly lower yourself onto the porch swing, your rather pregnant belly, making what should be an easy task a bit more difficult. You push back and forth, content in the sounds of nature when Morgan asks, “When’s my mom and dad coming home?” 
“Soon hopefully.” 
She nods thoughtfully and turns back to her toys. A second later she asks, “You’re having a baby right?” 
You go still, knowing that your answer could possibly lead to a conversation that Morgan is waaaaay too young for. 
“With Cap?” 
She nods and goes back to her toys, again, and then just as she turns to ask you another question a sound the resembles sizzling, comes through, and several portals open. The first person to come through has Morgan sprinting off the porch, “Daddy!” 
You watch as Tony swings his daughter up into his arms, as more and more people start streaming out. Your husband stands out among those coming out. He’s bruised, and scraped, and covered in dirt, and a feeling of ease washes over you for the first time since this whole mission began. 
“Hey there Mrs. America.” 
“Hi Tony.” 
“Thanks for watching the pipsqueak, was she any trouble?” 
You smile at your brother, and try to start standing up. You get halfway there when Tony reaches out and gives you a hand. You wrap your arms around him, “I’m very glad you’re okay. Everything’s okay, right?” 
He nods, “Everything is okay. And the pipsqueak?” 
“She was great once I stuffed her full of ice cream last night.” 
He rolls his eyes as Pepper and a young boy you recognize as Spiderman follow him into the house. You turn around to find Steve’s eyes on you. You make your way down the stairs to your husband. His arms are around you in seconds, and you can almost feel the weariness seeping from him.
He’s covered in scrapes, bruises, and covered in dirt. You run your fingers through his hair. You cling to him and he kisses your forehead. “Miss me?” 
“Very, very much. I think I almost ended up getting asked how babies are made by Morgan, and while Tony might have found it funny I don’t think Pepper would have.” 
He laughs and kisses you again, and you smile, “I love your laugh.” 
“I love you.” His hand goes to your baby, “And hows the kid?” 
You place your hand over his, “Good. Active.” 
“Dear Lord, you procreated.” 
You go on your tiptoes to stare at Bucky and move around your husband to hug his best friend. “Hey Mrs. America.” You squeeze him extra tight before moving to Sam. 
“Look at you!” 
“I know, I’m huge.” 
“You’re having a baby.” He nudges Bucky, and points at you, “We’re going to be uncles!” 
Before anything else can be said Nat is linking arms with you and talking about baby showers while leading you towards the house.
Steve laughs again, and you join him, happy that everyone is home, healthy, and happy. 
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empyreanwritings · 5 years
The Unhelpful Hand
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Status: Updated July 10, 2020
Pairing: Sam Wilson x FBI!Reader
Warnings: canon violence, some sexual references, language, really bad puns about birds
Summary: Sam believes he’s ready to take on the Captain America mantle after everything he’s seen and been through, but the higher ups in the Capital aren’t fully convinced. They assign you - an overworked FBI agent, who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about The Avengers or anything related to them - to help him transition into the new demands that come with being Captain America. Between his sass and your stubbornness, it’s a recipe for disaster. 
Chapters: 10 + Epilogue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
A/N: This series is written for @imhereforbvcky and @justsomebucky ‘s #Cap2Challenge! My prompt is “That was very un-Captain-America-like behavior” and will be bolded/featured in a later chapter! The goal is to upload every Monday as long as nothing crazy happens, so keep an eye out for updates. If you would like to be tagged, please send me an ask so I can keep track of it easily. Ily (: x
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imhereforbvcky · 5 years
The Cap² Writing Challenge
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It’s that time of year again when we’re gifted with Captain America fics and challenges! (Something about July 4th, I hear 😉) So the darling @justsomebucky and I have teamed up to host one for the two best Caps in the MCU.
Anyone & everyone is welcome to join! New writers, old masters, and everyone in between! We just ask that you reblog this post so others can see and play!
The Rules:
Steve Rogers or Sam Wilson reader inserts only - it’s a Cap challenge!
1 prompt per person
Each prompt may be claimed once for each Cap (e.g. prompt 4 can be claimed by JSB to write Steve x reader, and by Mee to write for Sam x reader. Make sense?)
Any length, any genre, can be canon or AU
Rules on smut: must be 18+ if you include it, absolutely no non-con, no underage characters engaging in le smut. All fics with smut will be noted as such in the challenge masterlist.
Use warnings in your author note if they apply!
Use a Keep Reading insert!!!
There’s no deadline to enter, but all fics must be posted by July 14, 2019
How to enter: 
Send an ask with prompt number and Steve or Sam to either @imhereforbvcky or @justsomebucky
When you post: 
@ us and use the tag #cap2challenge
Of course, you should use your prompt or song in the fic (whether you include lyrics is up to you)
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Dialogue Prompts:
"I will give you everything in my pockets if, just for tonight, you hold my hand and say that you love me." (Steve = @angryteapot, Sam = @fangirlextraordinaire)
“Well, I didn’t know I needed you until five minutes ago, so…” (Steve = @girl-next-door-writes)
“I’m not willing to risk you.” (Steve = @wxntersoldiers, Sam = @to-mars-and-saturn)
“I didn’t think it would explode.” (Sam = @until-theend-oftheline, Steve = @agent-styles)
"You've never smiled at me like that." (Steve = @siren-kitten-his)
“I’m just here for the snacks.” (Steve = @buckybarnes-xyou, Sam = @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics)
"If I can just stay still I might be all right. As soon as I move, it's all over." (Steve = @iliveiloveiwrite)
“Is it okay if I bring my dog?” (Steve = @fk12b, Sam = @ironmandeficiency)
"The longer you stay here, the more danger you are in." (Sam = @buckygrantbarnes, Steve = @whothehellisbella)
"You know the nearest hospital is twenty miles from here, right?” (Sam = @beccaanne814, Steve = @buckthegrump)
"Be safe, if you can be." (Steve = @ theliveshipparagon)
“Why would you go back? I’m standing right here.” (Steve = @one-armed-ice-soldier)
"It's alright, I'm a nurse."  (Steve = @captainsbuck)
“Excuse me, this is my moment!” (Steve = @fandomwritings-cm13, Sam = @justsomebucky)
"If you really wanted me to believe you were friendly, you'd drop the gun." (Sam = @avengersandlovers, Steve = @coffeebucko)
"If you don't get out of my car right now, you're getting a wet willie." (Sam = @macklovesu)
“So you expect me to help you?” (Steve = @captainamericasbeard, Sam = @akamaiden)
"Is that a horse?! Do I look like a cowboy to you?" (Steve = @thelookingglassalice, Sam = @imhereforbvcky)
"No way! I'm off the clock." (Sam & Steve poly = @avengerscompound)
“I really love your laugh.” (Steve = @teachingpanda)
“That was very un-Captain-America-like behavior.” (Sam = @empyreanwritings, Steve = @sergeanttucker)
“Tell me you didn’t just admit that out loud!?” (Steve = @averyrogers83)
“You thought that would hurt my feelings? Well, you were right.” (Sam = @redgillan, Steve = @littlemarvelfics)
“The most ridiculous part of this whole situation is that I love you.” (Steve = @whistlingwillows)
“Is that the best you can do?” (Sam & Steve poly = @brastrangled)
Songs Prompts:
S1. Say You Love Me by Jessie Ware S2. Silence by Marshmello ft Khalid (Steve = @sorry-didnt-mean-to-stab-you) S3. This Mountain by Faouzia S4. Make Me Feel by Janelle Monáe (Steve = @interstellarmess) S5. Riot by Sarah Haze
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Have fun!!!
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Marshmallows and Melodies
Word Count: 1551
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Lil’ bit of angst
Summary: They found each other amidst the silence
A/N: So, this is for @imhereforbvcky‘s Cap2 Challenge based off of the prompt: Silence by Marshmello and Khalid. I honestly loved this song when it first came out and would listen to it on repeat for hours, so hopefully I’ve done it some justice with this fic :)
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“Do you even know any of the songs on here?” she teased him, glancing at him through the corner of her eye as she flipped through the songs.
Steve caught a few songs that felt familiar, but he was sure that it was only because they were similar to the songs that played on the radio occasionally back at the camp during the war. The row of songs began to thin out, and he soon grew certain that he wouldn’t be able to find a single song that he knew. That was, until his eye caught a quick glance at the title ‘AC/DC’ scrawled out in shaky letters.
He swiftly plucked it from the pile and presented it to her.
“You know AC/DC?” her voice was playfully skeptical, her eyebrows cocking in disbelief. “I refuse to believe that America’s golden boy listens to rock and roll in his spare time.”
Steve chuckled at her as he flipped the record through his fingers. “Stark plays them all the time when he’s working in the garage, the songs seem to make the entire compound shake.”
“That I believe,” she grinned, but when he held it out for her to place it on the record player, she glanced down at her shuffling feet and gently bit her lip. “Would it,” she began, looking back up at him with guilty eyes. “Would it be mean of me to maybe not play it this time?”
Steve met her eyes, carefully making sure that he looked sympathetic rather than curious. “Is anything wrong?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s just that my ex was obsessed with them and their songs just kind of remind me of him, so…” She diverted her eyes back to the pile and let out a sigh.
He held himself back from giving her a hug, reminding himself that it would probably be weird considering they’d only known each other for an hour or so. They’d met when Steve asked what song she’d been humming to herself as she was working behind the bar, and soon they were discussing everything music even up until now.
“I'm sorry,” he gave her a gentle smile. “You choose a song, I'm sure I could do with a new taste in style considering I'm slightly out of date.”
Stepping back and moving his arm to present the player to the girl he was becoming more engrossed in, he felt his heart twitch at the small grin she gave him. He studied her practiced movements as she flicked back through the pile, her fingers moving with such ease and fluidity that there was no questioning that she knew every song there. After a few moments, their eyes met each other again, her hands gifting him a bright yellow record with a man flaunting a large, white square head over his own.
“Marshmello?” he quipped, turning the record over to reveal no other songs listed on it. The only word written on it in large capitals was ‘SILENCE’.
“It’s a single,” she spoke up, leaning on her tip toes to look at him from over the record. “I originally bought it for myself to play at home but considering that I spend most of my waking hours here, I eventually brought it in and well, now this is where it stays.”
Steve frowned, wondering for a second if he would actually like it, taking into account that the only songs he’s ever liked were old dancing songs from the 40s. He wasn’t so much into the DJs and upbeat rave songs of the 21st century, save for some of the artists like Adele, Queen, Marvin Gaye and George Ezra, who were all Natasha’s forced ideas.
However, pushing his doubts to the back of his mind, he slapped on a smile and nodded. “Let’s do it.”
As the song began to play, she took his hand and led him over to the pool tables. It was around two in the morning and the bar had closed, allowing them to sit themselves down onto the green velvet, her soft hand still intertwined with his. She closed her eyes and began to sway to the tune, and he gazed absentmindedly at the way her lips mouthed the lyrics, and how her eyes moved from beneath the lids, her eyebrows occasionally quirking. The tune, he immediately realized, was transcendental, a melody only fit for the girl beside him. He noticed how the singer’s voice had weaved its way into his head, the words melting into each other as he sang, the beat lifting his fingers and dropping them with a rush of sadness. The artist wasn’t one that he would typically enjoy listening to, but perhaps it was her influence that made him rethink what he tones he thought were dulcet and sweet.
Before long, the song had come to a close, and Steve was blessed once more with the colors of her eyes as they opened.
“So,” she shrugged with a smile. “Did you like it?”
“It was beautiful,” he answered honestly. She rolled her eyes as she hopped off of the table, leaving his hand horribly cold and empty, and carefully replaced the record back into its cover.
“I think it’s sad and lonely if you ask me. And yet there’s something about it that just… hits you hard with a feeling of finally understanding yourself,” she rambled as she shoved the box of records back to beneath the player.
“How does it help you understand yourself?” Steve asked with curiosity, his eyes remaining on her body as she returned to sit back next to him.
Twisting her body to face his, she crossed her legs and began to roll one of the pool balls between the palms of her hands, a laugh escaping her mouth. “Oh, that’s way too deep for such an early time, buddy. I doubt you wanna talk with a stranger about her woes right now.”
“I’ve found that it’s the times when the world sleeps that you can talk about yourself the best,” he recited, remembering all the deep conversations he’d have with Bucky until four in the morning. “Maybe that’s just me, but it’s easier to talk deeper when there’s not so much background noise.”
She raised her eyebrows and shook her head at him, and for the first time that night, Steve noticed the ghost of an exhaustion hidden in the crevices of her face. “If you say so, Rupi Kaur.”
And even though he had no idea who Rupi Kaur was, he remained silent as she took a deep breath and relaxed her tense shoulders.
“Me and my ex split up about two months ago because he’d been cheating on me with my best friend for the majority of our relationship.”
Steve’s stomach dropped as he heard the words. She looked both tired, angry and desolate all at once, and he couldn’t help but feel guilty for her as well as wanting to punch the guy for hurting such a kind and sweet girl.
“Yeah, it’s sad and all. But I think it hurt more because so far, every one of my boyfriends has split up with me because there was someone else. Because my friend was better, or the barista at the coffee shop was better, or my sister was better,” she then let out a dry laugh, causing Steve to flinch slightly at the pain behind it. “It’s funny, because I’ve shared every one of my relationships with someone who was better than me. And I tried so damn hard to keep it all going, to work better and try harder to get them to stay, but they never did. So, when I found out that he’d gone and had his own private relationship with my childhood best friend for over a year… I don’t know, I guess I got tired of fighting because it’s the only thing I’ve ever done. You know?”
Steve nodded. “To some degree, yeah. All my life I’ve been fighting the bad guy, literally in this case, and I'm still fighting them over seventy years later. I guess I'm tired of all of it, and all I wanna do is go home and hang up the shield, but I don’t think I ever will.”
“That sounds lonely,” she looked at him with knowing eyes, and all Steve could think was that this girl, someone who hadn’t lived the life that the team had lived, and someone that didn’t have to suit up every day because they had nothing and no one else, understood.
“It is,” he agreed. “I go home to an empty apartment, I wake up to an empty apartment, and my day job is one where I have no idea if I’ll return back to that empty apartment.”
Steve’s mind had been wandering off as he stared absently at the carpeted ground of the bar, but he broke out of it when he felt her hand on his shoulder. She looked at him with something other than pity for once, something different than ‘I'm sorry you’re in the wrong time with the wrong people’. It was a mix of understanding and her own isolation. She didn’t try to fathom his experience, but somehow, she connected with his words and for one rare moment, he didn’t feel alone.
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blushingbarnes · 5 years
i’m not leaving you- Sam Wilson
Pairing: Cop!Sam Wilson x Reader
Prompt: "The longer you stay here, the more danger you are in."
Warnings: descriptions of violence, all that good good stuff. Swearing, angst, and then some fluff
Note: this is my entry for @justsomebucky @imhereforbvcky cap writing challenge <3 Also there’s a cool little reference to the actual mcu Sam Wilson, tell me if you catch it ;)
Being best friends with a detective isn’t easy, and that said friend also being undercover at the moment wasn’t easy either.
Your best friend Sam Wilson had been undercover for some 6 months now? You weren’t given a lot of information other than it was a huge operation and it could last a long time.
You frequently went down to the station to see if there was any update on the case. And Sergeant Barnes always gave you to the same answer.
“You know we can’t disclose that information Y/n” He would say every time.
You were sick and tired of it. Sick and tired of your best friend being gone. Sick and tired of not being able to talk to him, hug him, everything.
You walk into the 107th precinct, walking up the stairs to the bullpen. You greet the detectives and Captain Rogers before going up to the Sergeant.
“Any update on how Sam is doing?” You ask hopefully, full on expecting him to give the same answer he does everytime.
“Actually, we haven’t heard from him in a while..” Sergeant Barnes replies. “Oh. Thank you Sergeant.” You say firmly, before turning to walk away.
“He’s going to be fine ya know!” He calls after you, but you ignore him as you almost run to the stairs. Your breath catches as you bump into a uniformed officer. You quickly apologize before darting outside.
‘what does this mean? is sam going to be okay? I told him not to go on this stupid operation.’ You think as you walk down the street to work.
It had been a horrible week at work. You hadn’t been able to focus due to Sam’s lack of communication. You didn’t even know if he was alive at this point.
You flop yourself down on your bed after work on Friday, hoping to just melt into it. After resting your eyes for a bit you decide to get changed out of your uniform.
You change into a shirt, that you don’t know if it’s Sam’s or yours, and a pair of shorts. You head to the living room, and just as you get situated in front of the tv with a pint of ice cream, there’s a knock at the door.
You groan out loud and head to the door, grumbling to yourself about how inconvenient this is. You unlock the chain and open your door. You’re met with none other, than Sam Wilson.
Before he can even get a word in, you throw your arms around him. “Sammy! Are you really here?” You ask, as you hold on to him for dear life.
Taken aback by your sudden hug, he laughs out a “Yeah, I’m here.” You pull away slightly and look into his eyes. You snap out of your trance and smile, “Well come in!” You exclaim.
“I was just about to mope around and watch the breakfast club, but tell me all about your operation, well, if you can.” You tell him. He sits down on your couch and gets ready to tell the whole story.
“Well, I can’t say much. But I was undercover as an agent in this really big mob, organization thing. And yeah, some crazy shit went down, I can’t lie Y/N.” A flash of pain went across his eyes before they went back to normal.
“Well are you okay? On Monday Bucky said they hadn’t heard from you in a while, I got really worried.” You say, hugging your knees to your chest.
“Yeah I was just trying to get them to trust me more, they thought I was a mole for a while. But it’s all good now Y/N. Don’t worry.” He reassures you.
You nod and smile at him. “So, it’s Friday night. Why don’t we go to a club or bar or something?” Sam suggests. You nod and tell him to wait there while you go change.
You change into a simple shirt and jeans and walk out. “M’lady” Sam says and holds his arm out, you link your arm with his and walk out of the door.
You enter the bar and get two beers for you and Sam. You nod to the pool table, “let’s see if your skills have gotten worse these six months.” You tell him with a smirk.
“Y/N you know I’m the worlds best pool player. Cmon, you can’t beat me.” He replies. “Rack em up Wilson.” You tell him, taking a sip of your beer.
He does so and tells you to break. You do so and begin the game. You bant back and forth as the game goes on.
“Top right.” You call, setting up your shot to win the game. You shoot the ball and it goes into the intended pocket.
“See Sam? That’s how it’s do-“ You’re interuppted by an explosion at the opposite side of the bar. “Shit Y/N! Get down!” Sam tells you.
You crouch behind the pool table as you hear Sam speak into his radio, “this is Wilson badge: 611231514, requesting backup at Shaw’s bar now!” He shouts into the radio.
You see Sam pull the gun out of his hip holster as the two men that supposedly made the explosion speak. “Now we don’t want any trouble! We just want to speak to a man named Jake Williams, and his friend.” one of the men yells.
“Fuck, Y/N you need to leave. Go out the back door. Now.” Sam tells you quietly. “What? No, I’m not leaving you.” You say quietly.
“Y/N, darling listen. Jake Williams was my undercover name in the organization. They are going to take you if you don’t leave.” He explains very firmly. “I can’t leave you, what if they don’t get here in time?” You ask him.
“The longer you stay here, the more danger you are in. Y/N, please.” He begs you. Suddenly you feel a very strong urge to do something.
You grab the back of Sam’s neck and pull him close to you, you press your lips against his as you hear faint sirens in the background.
You pull away and whisper to him, “go do your, thing, and don’t you dare die on me.” You tell him. Sam stands up and puts his hands up.
“Alright man, you got me.” He speaks to the men. “Where’s the girl?” One of them speaks. “Leave her out of this Rumlow, it’s me you want.” He tells, rumlow you guess.
You hear a door being broken down and hear police barge into the doors. You peer around the corner and see the man grab Sam and push a gun to his temple.
You whimper slightly. “Listen officers, I’ll kill him and then you if you don’t let us leave. I just need to get some information out of him.” Rumlow tells the officers. You see Bucky among them.
You study Sam closely and see him nod in Bucky’s direction. It all seemingly happens in slow motion as Bucky aims the gun down to Sam’s leg and shoots him.
You let out a small shriek as you witness Sam use this to his advantage, and get out of Rumlows hold. Sam points his gun at him and speaks.
“It’s over Rumlow, come on.” Sam speaks, clearly wincing at the pain in his leg. You see Bucky cuff both the men, and then out of the corner of your eye, you see Sam collapse.
You run over to him and see if he’s okay. “Hey! We need an ambulance!” You yell, at you don’t know where.
You sit beside Sam’s hospital bed in a very uncomfortable chair. They had to do minor surgery to remove the shrapnel from his leg.
You see Sam’s eyes slowly open and look at you. “Hey darling.” He says to you. You smile at him and tears come to your eyes.
You almost fall on top of him as you hug him. “I’m fine Y/N, calm down.” He tells you, laughing. “You scared me, you big idiot.” You say softly.
“I know. But I’m here right?” He tells you. You nod and you can see happiness in his eyes. “So, are we gonna do that kiss again, or does my life have to be in danger?” He smirks.
You giggle, and press your lips to his. He smiles into the kiss and pulls away after a moment.
“So what did they have to do to my leg anyway?” He asks you. With a completely serious face you answer, “oh, they had to amputate it.”
Sam’s eyes go wide, “what the hell?” He says as he moves to blanket off his leg. “I’m kidding.” You giggle. He sighs.
“You might actually kill me one day.” He tells you. “Good, then I get to do this.” You reply, and kiss him again.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 5 years
You Make Me Strong
A/N: Posting this again as I’ve been made aware that it isn't loading! Here’s hoping it posts again but please let me know if it doesn't!
A/N: So I haven’t posted in a while and I’ll be honest: life got in the way. I’ve been finishing my degree and sitting interviews for the next degree so I’ve had very little time for anything. Anyway, this piece is part of @imhereforbvcky and @justsomebucky Cap 2 challenge! I hope it’s okay that I’m posting this early but I had an idea and I had to run with it. Thank you for letting me be a part of the challenge! My prompt was: “If I can just stay still I might be all right. As soon as I move, it’s all over.” - the line is written in bold.
Warnings: DEATH - not of a major character but death is involved as well as talks about grief.
Title: One Direction - Strong
Summary: Reader gets some distressing news.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Requested: Nope.
Tags: @justsomebucky @imhereforbvcky
Word Count: 1032
Something didn’t feel right. From the minute you opened your eyes, you felt off. As if devastating situation had happened but you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was.
Steve knew something was wrong but since you didn’t bring up the subject, he decided not to press you. Instead, he made you breakfast and kept an eye on you for most of the morning. Until his phone rang, and he had to go into work.
“I don’t have to go.”
“It’s fine, the minute I find out what’s wrong, I’ll let you know. Try not to worry, you’ll get wrinkles.” Your joke fell flat though, your emotions not up for fun and games.
“Ok. Ring me when you figure it out. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He kisses you, and then he’s gone. And you have the flat to yourself; negative thoughts start to fill your brain, but you push them back, but you start to wish that you hadn’t taken the day off work. Cataloguing antiques sounded like heaven now that your brain wouldn’t keep quiet. The odd jobs keep you busy, but the overall negative feeling doesn’t escape you. Going over every possible scenario, nothing comes to mind that could have happened. You are so deep in your thoughts you don’t hear your phone ring for a good minute.
“Shit.” You mutter to yourself. Your mother, ringing.
You rush to answer, “Hello Mum.”
“Hello darling.” Her voice is off, however. She’s upset about something – as if she’s been crying for a while.
“How are you? What’s wrong?”
“Oh darling… it’s your grandad.”
“What’s happened to him?”
“He’s gone, dear. He passed way this morning. Oh, I’m so sorry to have to tell you like this…” She barely finishes the sentence before bursting into full sobs that break your heart. You swallow any tears that come, you have to remain strong for your mother. At least, while you are on the phone to her.
It wasn’t a very long conversation, you trying to comfort your mother who had lost her father. Coming off the phone, you made her promise you that she wasn’t going to do anything for the rest of the night except sit down with a big mug of tea. In return, you promised her that you would return home within a week or so to help with the arrangements.
After that, there really wasn’t much for you to do. You rang work to let them know of your situation and they were extremely understanding, they told you to take as long as you needed. Once that was done, you simply sat down on the couch and let your grief consume you.
You sent a text to Steve stating that you figured out the issue. He replied within minutes to let you know that he was on the way home.
You wanted to cry, and you wanted to scream but neither came. Instead, you sat on the couch, staring at nothing, hearing nothing.
“Babe?” Steve called.
“In here.”
“What’s happened? What’s wrong?” He asks, kneeling in front you, taking your hand in his.
“Mum rang about an hour after you left,” You take a deep breath, “My grandad died this morning.” Your voice cracking, the first tears making their appearance.  
Steve has you wrapped in his arms immediately. He’s shushing you as you apologise for crying all over his work shirt. You both sit like that for hours, or what feels like hours. Steve presses a kiss into your hair before asking how you’re feeling and if you want food.
“If I can just stay still I might be all right. As soon as I move, it’s all over. And I have to come to terms with the fact that he’s gone, and I won’t get another birthday card from him and I won’t get to hear his voice again. I didn’t even get to say goodbye, Steve. So, I’m gonna sit here a little bit longer, if that’s okay.”
“Of course it is. I’m going to order us some Chinese food, don’t feel like you have to eat it. I’ll be right back, I love you.”
“I love you too. Thank you for coming home from work for me.”
Steve heads into the kitchen and you’re quickly overwhelmed by your feelings for him. He loves you and you love him. You wouldn’t get through this without him; his very presence next to you helps make this that little bit easier, makes you a little bit stronger. As if you could weather the storm about to hit.
When Steve returns to the couch, you lean into him instinctively and he wraps an arm around you. You could sit like this until the end of time itself but you have something to ask him.
“Will you come to the funeral with me? You don’t have to if you don’t want to and I’d understand that since you’ve had your fair share of death in your lifetime. But the thing is, and it sounds cheesy, but you make me strong. I know that with you by my side, loving me the way that you do, so wholly, that I’ll be able to face whatever challenges come my way. And truthfully, I really don’t want to do this without you.”
“I’ll come. Of course, I will. I’m due some holiday at work so they won’t mind if I take it now and if they do, then they’ll have to deal with it. You need me, and you’re quite possibly the most important person in my life. I would never leave you to deal with this on your own, grief can be too much for one person, but I can help shoulder some.”
You kiss him quickly, emotions a mess and tears streaming down your face. “Thank you, I love you so so much.”
“You’re welcome, I love you too.”
The next few weeks were going to be the most stressful and emotionally draining of your life. Grief takes its toll on people, and it’s a hard thing to manage, but as long as Steve stood by your side, you knew you could weather whatever storm.
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Equestrian Training
Pairing: Steve Rogers (Captain America) x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1343
Summary: Training time at the compound with Steve, Nat, and Clint.
Square Filled: Horseback Riding @star-spangled-bingo 
Cap2Challenge-Prompt: Is that a horse?! Do I look like a cowboy to you?  @imhereforbvcky and @justsomebucky 
You walked along the grassy pasture that led away from the compound. You wondered why you were told to report to the north field for training. Practicing sneak attacks in the flatlands? You crested a hill and saw a neat barn with a few paddocks. There were some chickens wandering around a coop, some sheep grazing. You saw Lucky, Clint’s dog eyeing the sheep. He was laying in a sunny spot by the barn.
“Hey Lucky…are you training me today?” You frowned, it wouldn’t be the strangest thing you had done since being recruited.
Lucky favored you with a chuffing noise then went back to watching the sheep.
“No. I’ve got you today.” Clint came out of the barn leading a horse.
“Is that a horse?! Do I look like a cowboy to you?” You eyed the horse with mistrust. “How many missions will I need to be on horseback?”
“It’s an excellent workout and helps you center yourself. Plus it’s a horse! Stop complaining.” Clint lovingly petted the horse along it’s nose.
“Clint…I’m not good with big animals. Cats and dogs, fine. But I cannot…center myself on a horse.”
“We didn’t get much training on equestrian lessons at the academy.” Natasha came from around the barn, pushing her sunglasses up into her hair. Steve was walking with her. They had obviously just finished some training in the woods.
“Thank you.” You gestured to Natasha. “Did you learn to ride these?”
“They fear her.” Clint frowned. “But yeah, she learned.”
“What about you? Did you ride many horses in WW2?” You asked Steve.
“I’m sure that this is a good skill to have.” Steve sidestepped the question, going to pet the horse.
“Glad you think that. Cause you’re learning, too.” Natasha smiled.
“I don’t think-”
“Not the best-”
“Don’t scare my horses.”
“Look. Like you said it’s a good skill to have. What if you were stranded somewhere and you needed a horse to get away. Are you questioning my training?” Natasha asked Steve.
Facts were, Natasha loved sticking Steve and you together. She enjoyed how you bothered each other. Several training sessions had ended with Steve wearing his ‘disappointed ‘ face and you frustrated as hell.
“So everyone mount up.” Clint shrugged and climbed into the saddle. He muttered to the horse and gave it a sugar cube.
“He really likes animals.” You chuckled.
“Steve had to implement an animal control or he’d have more animals than people here.” Natasha was settling herself on her horse, it stood perfectly still.
“Even animals respect her.” Steve was trying to find the best way onto the horse. He swung himself up effortlessly and sat confidently. You remembered Tony saying he’d like to punch Steve in his perfect teeth, you could concur.
“Okay horse. I’m not trying to bother you. Or annoy you. If you let me on your back, I’ll give you a sugar cube. Let’s just try and work together.” You figured out the easiest way would be to use the fence as a ladder.
You were graceful, all those years in the academy had made sure of that. But you didn’t trust the horse and he knew it. You didn’t carry the threatening air that Natasha did, so the horse tried to knock you off the fence. You finally got settled and saw all the superheros were watching you with amusement.
“Red Room graduate.” Natasha rolled her eyes and smiled.
“They taught me to kill with my thighs, not grip monstrous creatures…except that one time.” You furrowed your brow.
Clint went through the basics and the four of you took off. It wasn’t very calming, you didn’t feel centered. Clint was next to you, giving advice. Natasha and Steve were behind you.
Soon your abs were burning trying to keep your form. Nat and Clint had moved in front of you, they were talking. Steve was behind them and in front of you. He was looking at the woods. The trotting was sort of nice, you understood why some women really, really enjoyed this. You were enjoying it enough to be staring at Steve’s ass. It was a crime really that such an ass was attached to such a stoic person. You watched the muscles clench and unclench. You startled and the horse gave a noise of displeasure.
“Sorry, sorry.” You apologized and the horse whinnied. He was clearly not impressed with your equestrian skills. Neither were you. Paying more attention to Steve’s ass than the ride was not a good move.
“Are you still back there?” Steve turned his head slightly.
“Yes. Just enjoying the scenery.” You cringed.
“I think we’re ready to try faster.” Clint called back. Natasha took off like a shot. “Not that fast cheater!” Clint yelled and took off after her.
“And they’re gone.” Steve looked through the trees.
“What the fuck? Is that the end of my lesson?” You tried to see where they went without pissing off your horse.
“They’re not great teachers.” Steve frowned.
“My ass is asleep and my horse hates me. Do I pass?” You asked.
“We’re almost back to the barn. You can get down if you can’t take it.” Steve offered.
“Some of us don’t have super soldier butt cheeks.” You hissed as you brought your horse to a standstill. You slid awkwardly to the ground. Your horse seemed pleased to be free. You took the reigns and strode past Steve.
“I thought you were a ballerina. They have…somewhat strong…” Steve trailed off. He didn’t know how to end that sentence.
“Strong?” You closed your lips around a smile.
“You’re strong.” He finished.
“Thanks. But it’s not the muscles, it’s the saddle.” You stretched your legs and continued to walk.
“Shit.” You heard him dismount and he was walking next to you leading his horse. “You had to mention that.”
“It’s probably worse for guys.” You nodded and pulled a leaf off a tree, twirling it in your fingers.
“You know Nat puts us together because she likes to make me uncomfortable.” He said, conversationally.
“I make you uncomfortable?” You gasped in mock-shock.
“You like doing things your own way. That makes me uncomfortable.”
“You plan every moment. Everything done to code then you go on the run as a wanted criminal. You are hard to read and that makes me uncomfortable.” You shrugged. “I like to be able to read people and you I cannot nail down.”
“It’s a big team. You could just avoid me.” Steve glanced at you.
“You’re the FIRST Avenger. I feel like we’d run into one another.” You sighed. “It’s not a big issue. As soon as I repay Natasha for getting me out of there I’m retiring.”
“Retiring?” He scoffed.
“Yes. In the country or the mountains. No horses. Maybe the beach. I’d just like to rest for once in my life. You know?” You tossed the leaf.
“Are you not following orders so you can get kicked out?” The barn was in sight now. You had no idea where Clint and Nat were. Their horses were back in the stalls. “You can leave any time.”
“Well, not really. I owe Nat. She said that she made amends for what she did by helping. So…I’m helping. And if my old employers found me I’d be dead. So kinda need you all to protect me.” You didn’t see a point in lying. You’d already spilled your guts. The damn horse ride really did center you.
You led the horses into the barn and into the stalls. With some trial and error (and looking it up on your phone) you got the horses un-saddled and settled in with some water, food, and a carrot.
“I wonder where your trainers went.” Steve looked around. Then there were noises from the hayloft.
“This hay is making me itch.” Clint complained.
“Let’s just take one of the crops back to our room.” Natasha’s voice followed.
“I’m not training with them anymore.” You fast walked out of the barn with Steve on your heels.
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fk12b · 5 years
Anubis: The Doggo & The Goddess
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Steve Rogers x Goddess!Reader
The Cap² Writing Challenge by @justsomebucky & @imhereforbvcky
Summary: When the balance of the world is in danger, you know it’s a battle you can’t fight alone.
Main Characters: The Avengers Assembled
Reader’s Special Abilities: Scientific engineer, guns, expert tactician, hand-to-hand combatant, elements control, goddess
Prompt 8 from the challenge: “Is it okay if I bring my dog?”
“I got no plans tomorrow night”
325 - “You look… okay… I MEAN…”
Warning: Mentions of blood and angsty events. Just fluff. Sam and Bucky being Sam and Bucky
Word Count: 4989 Words
A/N: I might or might not bassed reader’s doggo on Flerkens, but it can be considered a Flerken because it’s a dog. So I don’t know let’s name this species a Krakken Dog  (x) (???) (X)
Reminders: Y/N/N -> your nickname
Based on these songs -> Where Did Party Go - Fall Out Boy & Fourth Of July - Fall Out Boy
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“I have a bad feeling about this mission” you shared your worries in a whisper “and it’s not because tomorrow is Steve’s birthday and don’t have a present yet”
Currently, you were sitting between Natasha and Wanda in the debriefing room while Fury explained what consisted your mission on. At first look, the HYDRA base looked like it was abandoned, but, why would they build one in the middle of nowhere surrounded by mountains and leafy forest to abandon it? It makes no sense.
“How is that so?” Natasha leaned in to whisper to you.
“Look at the location” You whispered back without tearing your eyes from the screen in front of you. “The tall mountains are perfect for area look-outs. The forest is also perfect to catch by surprise any offensive groups”
“I agree” Natasha nodded “No one puts too much effort in their defenses to throw them away when they get tired of the location”
“I bet fifty it’s an underground base” you turned to look at your friend
“Fifty more they’re waiting for us” Natasha agree with a smirk
“I bet fifty too” Wanda joined tapping your right shoulder to gain your attention “That we are outnumbered,” She said when you leaned closer to her.
“Ladies” You heard your boyfriend Steve whisper placing his head between Natasha and you “stop betting and pay attention” you turned around as he leaned back in his seat and watched how he bet with Sam and Bucky.
“Says who?” you raised an eyebrow at them.
“You saw nothing,” Bucky said while Pietro and he placed their index finger in front of their lips. Shaking your looks you turned your attention back to Fury who was about to wrap up the meeting.
“That would be all. Any questions?” Fury asked looking at each one of you “Yes?” He motioned for you to talk when you eagerly raised your hand.
“Is it okay if I bring my dog?” If you were going to be outnumbered anyway, better bring more help right?
“I don’t see why not” Nick nodded making you smile and clapped his hands “Now go away, try not to die and bring me those files”
“yes sir,” you all said each one of you leaving the room, Steve waiting for you outside to walk with you.
“What was that important that you girls couldn't wait to bet about?” Steve asked falling into step with you.
“I could ask the exact same, captain” you looked up to him with a questioning gaze. He looked at you for a second then sighed giving in.
“We were betting on if the elevator would go up or no with Mjolnir inside” He clarified pressing the call for the elevator.
You turned your attention to your boyfriend who was deep in thought and biting his lip and hands on his hips when he didn’t answer if he knew where was your four-legged friend.
“Babe” you giggled when Steve hummed as if he just realized you were there right now, “I asked you if you have seen Anubis somewhere”
“Oh no” He shook his head “I haven’t seen him. So, I was wondering” Steve placed his hands on your hips to drag you closer to him. “I got no plans tomorrow night, you got no plans tomorrow night” you hummed in agreement lacing your fingers at the back of his neck arms around his neck to bring him closer to you “What do you say we do something special?” He nudged his nose with yours before resting his forehead against yours.
Steve was about to kiss you, he only got to brush your lips with his, when the elevator dinged and something collided with him sending him to the floor. It was Anubis, the Doberman that accompanies you everywhere, who started licking all over Steve’s face, not leaving any room for him to move.
“H-Hey, bud!” The supersoldier said between giggles trying to break free to no avail “Come, on. Stop”
“Anubis!” you squealed happily grabbing the dog’s attention. You positioned a leg slightly forward than the other so he could jump. You gave your dog a hug when he placed his front legs on your shoulders and when you let go he sat in front of you and barked happily. “Ready to go on a mission?” you asked the Doberman and he replied with another happy bark. Happily, you help your boyfriend off the floor and together went to get ready for the mission.
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The Quinjet was filled with different conversations. Clint was at the controls with Natasha next to him. Steve, you, with Anubis between your legs, and Tony were sitting in the three seats behind them, and all of you were discussing last-minute details of your escape plan. Bucky, Sam, and Thor were discussing the properties of the Asgardian liquor and its effects and Bruce was in the last row of seats along with Wanda, Pietro, and Vision, trying to explain them a complex application of the biomedical advances. Everyone was immersed in their own conversation.
“I’m curious” Tony suddenly spoke, from your right shifting in his seat so he was facing you, when he heard the conversation Thor was having behind him,  “How much alcohol do you need to drink so you would get drunk?”
“Well it depends” you started explaining turning to Tony “For a goddess or god, like my kind usually takes five liquor stores or two whole breweries”
“Lady Y/N” Thor joined the conversation leaning forward in his seat “Do you have any kind of liquor in Dvasia?”
“Like Asgardian liquor?” you wondered turning your head to look at the blonde god and he nodded “Yeah, we have to kinds. There’s the Nectar, that works like human alcohol in minor gods, goddesses, and angels and makes a god or goddess, like my kind, lose the perception of time the more you drink. And there’s the Elixir, this is a harder liquor, and a lot stronger than the Asgardian liquor. Gods usually bet on how many shots will take a god before they blackout”
“That seems fun. Is there any record set?” Thor asked eagerly very keen on how the conversation turned.
“Yeah, Leth was the one who took the most shots. Ten shots. He didn’t wake up for two centuries” Thor and you let out a full laugh “Well, that’s not a very good record considering he spends most of the time drunk.”
“He seems like a cool guy” Tony nodded in approval “What is he like when he’s sober?”
“Not that cool” you sighed “Last time he was sober he destroyed the necromancers’ kingdom and the first magic war between the seven kingdoms started. One of the worst dark periods of Dvasia.”
“Oh, well, better not invite Doctor Jekill to any party” Tony joked “This information was very useful, but that’s not what I asked you” he smirked at you.
“How much do you have to drink to get drunk?” Natasha repeated the question making an exaggerated emphasis on the word you.
“I won’t give any kind of information you could use against me” you leaned on your seat closing your eyes.
“Steve?” Sam asked his friend sticking his head between both of your seats “How many drinks did you have to buy her until she agreed to go on a date with you?”
“Nah Sam, he would have ended up broke, and he’s not Al Capone” Bucky chimed in “The punk tricked her somehow but not with alcohol, he’s too old to go to those called night pubs” the ex-assassin frowned at his friend.
“Shut up jerk” Steve groaned rolling his eyes “I didn’t trick her, okay?” he raised a hand almost smacking Sam in the face.
“Y/N?” Sam tapped your arm “Did you charm him?” he raised an eyebrow at you with a smirk. “Seriously, you could have charmed someone younger”
“Of course I didn’t!” You protested turning to face Sam completely. You rolled your eyes when Bucky raised another eyebrow at you “I have a lot of powers but making someone fall for me is not one of them”
“Then, how do you explain that lovestruck face?” Bucky pointed to his friend.
“Lovestruck? I thought that was his stupid face, Hey!” Sam rubbed the back of his head when Steve smacked him.
“To be honest” you questioned “I don’t know what he saw in me” you frowned focusing on the landscape ahead.
“Are you serious right now?” Steve turned to you dumbfounded.
“Guys thirty minutes to jump” Clint’s voice cut everyone “we’re almost there”
“We should start getting ready” Natasha commanded unbuckling her safety belt and stood up. In seconds the Quinjet was filled with movement.
“This conversation is not over” Steve pointed a finger at you making you chuckle at his frown, before kissing you softly.
“I think I’m gonna throw up” Sam made gagging noises earning him a punch from Natasha and Wanda and a bark from Anubis.
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Once everyone was ready and Clint announced there were only ten minutes left, you still felt uneasy and couldn’t stop fidgeting with your hands. You have been on plenty of missions. But, the one at hand is supposed to be an inside-out, although it screamed danger. Anubis whine startled you from your train of thoughts.
“What’s wrong?” Bucky asked placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, he could recognize the fear in your eyes.
“I don’t know” You let out a nervous breath “but I have a bad feeling about this mission” you shared your worries fidgeting with your necklace.
“How is that so?” Pietro asked frowning tilting his head to look at you.
“I can’t quite pinpoint it” You took a step back unclasping you luck charm from your neck “But I think something dangerous is waiting for us”
“Come on, Y/N/N, we have two gods on our side” he pointed at Thor and himself with a smirk “What could possibly go wrong?” Tony tried to reassure you with a joke but didn’t make any difference
Shaking a bit your head you looked at the charm in the palm of your right hand. The golden pendant that looked a medium-sized medallion had two figures on the opposite sides of it representing the bad and good luck. As the goddess of balance, when you were in doubt of what the world needed from you, or simply to know if the odds were in your favor or not, you would spin your luck charm with your magic and the side that shows may be the fate.
“We also have a birdman and a doggo” Tony added “I don’t know what Clint is doing here, though”
“Moral support?” Clint tried to joke turning around to take a look at you all with a shrug.
You sent him a small smile and focused completely on the charm in the palm of your right hand.
“We have Y/N/N for that” Natasha teased him moving to stand on your right “She’s a goddess after all” Wanda added with a smirk standing behind you, making the man turned to focus back on the controls muttering something around the lines of ‘I don’t know why I bother’
“Twenty seconds to jump” Clint announced pressing some buttons.
Extending the hand holding the pendant and blowing some golden dust towards it, it began to spin in your palm.
“Ten seconds” He called again activating the autopilot and opening the doors.
Something was very wrong the pendant should have stopped spinning seconds ago, but it didn’t. When the final countdown began the charm stopped edgeways, almost hesitant to land on a side. At the last second, your worst fears became true.
“Bad luck” Both girls whispered with a worried look.
“I’ll watch over you” You reassured them while placing the pendant back around your neck retrieving its sun form everyone knew. “Make sure you always have Thor, Hulk or me near you”
“Good luck everyone” Vision spoke in a reassuring voice.
“We will be needing all of it” When you nodded the first team jumped.
“Safe landing” You heard Steve’s voice in the intercom next was Natasha
“On air” You heard Tony say “The perimeter is safe” that made you relax a bit, that meant that the air radar was not in use.
“Next team” Clint commanded activating the autopilot. Vision, Pietro and Bucky took a step forward “Go!” Clint shouted and they jumped off the Quinjet.
“Ready” you heard in the intercoms
“Bruce, Wanda, Sam” You commanded placing a knife on your thigh holster watching how Bruce transformed into the Hulk “you go next” you nodded Hulk smirked back at you and jumped. Sam went next saluting you before jumping backward while Wanda nodded back with a smile and fly down.
“The best team is ready” You heard Sam joke
“Thor, Anubis, Y/N” Clint turned in his seat “You ready?”
“We are ready” Thor nodded picking Anubis, who barked and held Mjolnir in the other. You nodded patting his bicep and went off with a smile.
“Clint?” you asked your friend and he stood up to give you his full attention “Watch our backs and don’t fly too away”
“Good luck” he nodded with a confident smile.
“We will be needing all of it” after that, you were down in the woods in a second, landing gracefully. “Nat, Pietro, Wanda. I’m right behind you” You looked up to the sky and saw Sam fly above you and saluted him.
“Okay team” Tony spoke “ready to kick some asses?” Tony asked rather cheerfully.
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As you all expected, nearing the base was easy and didn’t require many bullets. Just blow up a couple of wagons, headed towards each group that you detected, thanks to the three golden snakes you cast and sent underground in the direction of each group. They also allowed you to sense any ground vibrations confirming that the compound was, in fact, an underground base.
You were currently inside the building, in the second basement, hiding with Natasha and the twins in one of the corridors you cleared. The only source of light you had where the emergency lights in each corridor because in order to get inside you had to cut the power.
“There are three archives. One is on the north side, second basement where we are” Natasha whispered “The second is on the west side, third basement, where Cap’s group is, and the last one, on the east side first basement where Tony’s group is”
“Nat give me your gun” She handed you her guns and you replaced the bullets in one of the comprising some energy into them and creating some blasts and returned them “In case something goes wrong” you handed Wanda one of your bracelets that will allow them to create a protective barrier or go invisible. “Guys wait a second I’m going to clear the corridors”
“I got your back” Natasha agreed standing next to you
You rounded the corner and started walking down the corridor using the shadows to hide your form, even though your tactic gear was similar to Nat’s. In a second, five men twice your size, were in front of you pointing their rifles at you. With your powers you twisted the barrels, so they were pointing to each of the men before they shot killing each other.
You heard Nat firing her guns behind you towards the other end of the corridor and picked one of the guns straightening the barrel back when the noise alerted another ten men that rounded the corner at the end, but you fought them easily, using the stock of the gun as help. Running to the end of the corridor, you crouched down sliding through the floor. In a fluid motion, you pointed to your left killing three agents standing there twisting your body to stand up and pointed to your right killing the last two agents standing there.
“Clear” Natasha and you shouted together “Second basement clear” Wanda spoke walking up to you.
“We need back up” You heard Bucky speak in the intercom.
“I’m going to help the others” You announced to the three of them.
“Okay we take it from here” Natasha nodded.
“Bucky” You spoke retreating back from the corridor you just cleared to the end of it and turned to your right teleporting your self right behind him, startling Steve in the process, who was crouched in front of him, protecting both of them with the shield. “Back up is here” you spoke standing side to side with Bucky and started firing taking down the agents that came towards you. The last agent managed to avoid the bullets and stood in front of you.
“Not today,” you said you said sending him to Morpheus arms’ by hitting him in the temple with your gun’s stock.
“I’m out of bullets,” Bucky said taking out the magazine.
“Give me that” You held your hand to him and Bucky handed you the empty magazine. You held it between both of your hands and concentrated your energy in it filling the magazine with yellow energy. “That should last even for two more missions”
“Energy blasts?” Bucky smirked placing the object back in the gun.
“Energy blasts” you smirked back but it instantly fell when you felt an explosion above you, near Tony’s group position. “Tony? What was that?” you asked pressing the intercom more to your ear. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, Y/N,” Tony said out of breath “We’re fantastic. Just broke through a wall and are inside the archive”
“We’ve got data from the second basement” You heard Natasha inform “We are ready”
“The outside is clear” you heard Sam shout in the intercoms.
“We are about to get inside the archive,” Steve said nodding towards you.
Bucky readied himself while you balled your fist and light them with fire creating a source of light, and you both nodded back. Steve broke the lock with his shield and opened the metal door. Bucky stood at the door covering your backs in case more agents came through the corridor while you followed the blonde supersoldier inside the room, and lighted it with your fire.
“We are inside” You commented the team while Steve proceeded to turn on one of the many computers and insert the USB.
“Data is cleared from the first basement” Tony cheered on the intercom almost making you deaf.
“Third basement cleared” you called once the USB’s light turned green indicating the data has transferred correctly.
“Let’s get out of here” Steve commanded grabbing the hand that wasn’t lighted with fire and motioned to Bucky to lead the way.
You didn’t take more than two steps when the red alarm lights lighted up and the metal door banged locking the three of you inside the room.
“Guys, what’s going on?” Pietro asked on the intercom.
“I think we are locked inside the rooms” Tony explained.
“No shit sherlock” Steve retorted making you slap his arm.
“Retrieving the data from the computers might have started the emergency protocol” Natasha guessed.
“Tell me it’s not the self-destruction code” you feared when there was a harsh shake making you three loose balance.
“Guys, you have to get out of there right now” Sam commanded “The building is going to crumble down”
“All right I’m gonna get you out of here right now,” You kneeling on one knee to place a hand on the ground.
You closed your eyes to focus on calling the snakes you cast earlier, making them the size of a train, and making sure each one went to the locations were the three groups were located. After some seconds, the head of a golden snake broke one of the walls of the room.
“What the fuck is that?” Steve, Tony, and Pietro asked bewildered
“Our way out” You simply said nearing the golden snake and petted it. In return, it opened its mouth “come on, get inside”
“The fuck, are you nuts?” Tony screamed.
“Oi, come on Stark!” you laughed “Big bad Tony is scared of a snake?” you asked feeling the building shake violently “we don’t have time get inside!” you commanded. Steve and Bucky reluctantly got inside the snake’s mouth.
“I could use a little hand out here” Thor’s voice boomed on the intercome “The building is surrounded by a HYDRA army” Vision added.
“What are you doing?” Steve screamed at you when you didn’t get inside
“Trust me” you simply said “as soon as you all get out of the snake, start firing okay you commanded” They all agreed except Bucky and Steve, and you sent the other two golden snakes outside.
“What are you going to do?” Steve queried taking a step towards you, but you stopped him with a kiss.
“There’s no time for explanations, just trust me, okay?” you asked softly when you pulled apart. Your boyfriend nodded reluctantly taking a step back. You then nodded at Bucky confidently who returned it just as confident
The last thing Steve saw where your shining golden eyes, and your from being engulfed by the debris, before the snake’s jaw closed and led them outside.
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Steve was worried sick. Even though you tried to reassure him, he couldn’t help it. He lost too many people, and he wasn’t sure if could bear losing the best thing that happened to him since Peggy. But he trusted you, and the smile you sent him before the snake brought him and Bucky safely outside, meant that you had an ace under your sleeve. Still, he was worried. It has been a minute since everyone started fighting outside, on the north and the south sides of the crumbling building, and still, there was no sight of you. Suddenly there was an explosion and something broke free from the inside, leaving the area covered in dust.
“What was that?” Steve asked looking up to the sky trying to see something through the dust, to no avail, while the Hulk kept smashing agents and tanks
“I can not recognize it” Vision spoke analyzing the new situation “It is to fast to be identified, but I can guess it’s humanlike”
The men in front of the half of the team stopped firing when the heard a loud screech coming from the south area.
“What the fuck was that?” Clint trailed off looking at each of his teammates.
“I have no idea” Natasha answered him.
The dust cleared a bit to let everyone recognize Sam, Tony, and Wanda flying towards them. Thor landed between Steve and Bucky placing Anubis back in the floor.
“What the fuck” Pietro gasped making everyone turn to look at what he was looking.
In a second, Steve recognized it was you who was walking out of the crumbling building behind you as if nothing happened. But you looked different. Instead of the black and navy blue tactic gear you were wearing moments ago, you wearing a golden and crimson gown that left nothing to the imagination; rings bracelets, and necklaces adorning your tanned skin a brown cape floating behind you, as well as your loose Y/H/C mane that shone goldenly. What stuck out the most were your eyes that shone every color and your red lips.
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With a firm step, you walked up to them, sending a wink to Steve when you walked past him, making him blush, Anubis following you walking on your right. Once you both were standing between the Avengers and the HYDRA army you stopped. You heard the men moving, and all the guns were pointing at you in a second. Anubis moved to stand himself in front of you and started barking startling everyone.
You knew what was coming next. As the guns were still up, the Doberman’s barks turned more aggressive making his eyes start shining red, and before any gun was fired, Anubis opened his jaws unleashing a mess of tentacles that circled all the army, and gobbled them up as if nothing happened. Crouching down, your four-legged friend run to you licking your face while you patted his back. After a moment, you stood up and turned to look at your friends, who had different reactions plastered on his faces.
“That was creepy” Natasha was the first one speaking pointing a finger to the dog “but I still like him” she added making Anubis let a happy bark.
“Did he… just…” Bucky was pointing to the dog with a look you couldn’t quite decipher. It was a mix of horror and bewilderment. He placed both of his hands in front of his mouth and gestured with them imitating an octopus, making you chuckle.
“Yeah” you smiled looking down at your friend “He’s a special kind of dog from Dvasia. They are famous for the mess of tendrils kept within their mouths. Some of the sprouted tendrils host a nest of fanged and ravenous maws which can bite down on and gobble up just about… anything” you explained to them as best as you could.
“Like an army of bad guys,” Thor nodded proudly “Exactly”
Anubis walked up to Thor and sat in front of him with an innocent look. Nudging his leg to be petted he laid down in front of him gibbing the blonde god the puppy eyes, who immediately crouched down to pet him. Anubis the run to the Maximof twins who also petted the dog happily. Vision also patted awkwardly his head when Wanda placed his hand on the dog’s head. Anubis the ran to Hulk to lick his big green hand what made the big guy chuckle.
“That sounds disgusting” Sam commented making a disgusted face. “And looks disgusting” He added. The happy dog ran towards Steve, startling him and sending him to the floor to start licking at his face again.
“Okay, buddy calm down. We’re still friends” The blonde supersoldier chuckled and the Doberman let go of Steve and went up to Bucky, laying down in front of him.
Anubis whined when his metal armed friend didn’t make a move to pet him and nudged his leg with his head. Bucky seemed glued to the spot just looking intently at the dog, trying to take everything that happened in less than a second in. He relaxed a bit when Anubis moved so Bucky’s metal hand was on his head and barked happily.
“Give me a moment, bud” Bucky reassured the dog with a chuckle “That was creepy as hell” the soldier scratched behind his ears Anubis barking again. “It was cool, but scary dude.” Bucky laughed he jumped to lick his face like he always did. “Yeah, yeah. You’re a big doggo”
You walked up to your boyfriend to help him stand up, while the others were busy with the dog. Steve seemed glued to the spot and couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“Is this your true form?” the captain asked quietly “You look… okay… I MEAN…” He stammered motioning to your form with his hands trying to find the best words making you chuckle.
“Yes, it is my true form” you smiled at him “Do you like it?”
“I love it” Your boyfriend smiled but then he frowned “How come no one is commenting on it?” Steve asked curiously.
“It’s because only some can see it” you explained “When there’s a golden glow around me only other gods, goddesses, angels or those who share a special bond with me can see my true form. Right now, only you and Thor can see my true form”
“I understand” Steve noded “I like your eyes, though. They shine different colors” He complimented making you blush.
“Thanks,” you said looking down shily, but Steve placed a finger under your chin to bring your face up so you were looking at him. Once your eyes locked he took the moment to kiss you passionately.
“OH NO!” Sam’s shout startled you making you break the kiss and turn to look at him. He was backing away from Anubis who was looking at Sam intently. “I know that look. Don’t” Sam commanded taking another step back pointing a finger to the dog “Stay put!” Anubis simply stood in for legs ears perked up. In a second he launched towards Sam who started running away as soon as the dog made a move.
“I’M ABOUT TO GO SAMURAI JACK ON YOUR ASS!” Sam shouted running as fast as he could “I’M ABOUT TO GO SAMURAI JACK ON YOUR ASSES!” Sam shouted again, as he ran towards the woods in the direction of the Quinjet. you all started heading back too. Steve had his arm around your shoulders pressing you to his side.
“Sam?” you chimed in “Who are you talking to? Anubis, us or just me”
“ALL OF YOU!” Sam didn’t need the intercom to speak or shout. You were sure they heard him in China. “ALL OF YOU! INCLUDING AMERICA’S ASS HERE!HEY!...NO! GET OFF OF ME!... NOT IN THE FACE!” you all let out a full laugh.
“Are you going to show the others?” Steve whispered in your ear making you look at him with a frown “Your true form I mean”
“I thought you wanted to enjoy your birthday present first” you winked at him. Steve after hearing that, he placed an arm under your legs and held bridal style making you squeal and held onto his neck. Once you were holding him tightly, he hurried to Quinjet.
“What’s with the hurry?” Clint asked Natasha watching Steve and you walk faster.
“Young love, my friend” Natasha joked patting her friend's shoulder.
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Hope you like it and I’m sorry if this was badly written. Thanks for letting me participate in this challenge. I love y’all 3000. <3000
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this is for @imhereforbvcky Cap2 writing challenge!
A/N: hopefully this isn’t terrible, but I had a lot of fun writing it!
Sam Wilson x reader
Word count: 577
Summary: Sam is a good friend of yours, why not ask him out?
Warnings: none
(GIF not mine)
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Sam sat at the other end of the table, looking very bored.  No one liked these “Official Avengers Meetings”.  But Steve and Tony insisted it was important!  But everyone knew it was just Fury pressuring them to be more professional.  Oh well, gave you more opportunities to stare at Sam’s gorgeous face.  Sigh.. Even when he was bored he looked handsome.
Gosh was he pretty… and funny… and smart… and friendly.  He was an overall amazing guy!  That’s why you were going to ask him out.  You had been good friends for a while and you loved being with each other, so why not take him out for coffee?
When you told Nat about wanting to ask him on a date, she said you should give it a shot yourself.  Well, her exact words were, “go for it, just be obvious, he and the other boys are a bit stupid,”.   She wasn’t even wrong…
You approached Sam confidently, grinning as you sat in the swiveling office chair beside him.  “Having fun?” you joked, poking his shoulder.
He looked up at you from his phone, dragged out of his haze.  “I’m having the time of my life,” he replied sarcastically.
“Well, now that I’m here, improving your quality of life, you really are having the time of your life,” you sang, making his laugh.
Nat shot an approving look at you.  Yeah girl!  Get your man!  
“Y’know, I hate these meetings,” you groaned, “there are better things to do with my time than listen to Steve point at charts and replay footage from the news while holding his belt buckle like an awkward cowboy,”.  
Sam stood up, doing the classic “steve pout”, holding his belt buckle.  “We need to improve our collateral damage control, the government expects us to save the world from aliens and be clean about it!” Sam mocked, doing a silly voice to mimic Steve.
Water nearly shot out of your nose as you laughed.  “Why did you have to do that while I was drinking water?!” you choked, laughing.
“Well why did you drink while I was being funny?” he laughed, sitting back down.
“Steve is annoying, but what makes them so much worse, is that he and Tony can’t be on tie for once in their damn lives,” you laughed, gesturing to the people in the room.  Everyone was there, sans Steve and Tony.  “Why do we come here at ‘8am sharp’ when they won’t even get here until 8:45?” you asked, mocking Tony’s voice when you said the time.
“To be honest, I’m just here for the snacks,” he chuckled, nodding his head in the direction of the fully-loaded food table behind him.
“Well I’m right here,” you flirted, bumping up against him, swiveling in your chair.  Honestly, these things were too entertaining for office use.
Sam smirked, catching your drift.  “You looking for something, (L/N)?” he laughed, teasing you a bit.
“I’m really in the mood for chocolate,” you hummed, making him roll his eyes.  You just laughed and chortled.
“What are you implying?” he chuckled, smiling at you.
“I wanna take you on a date, you moron,” you chuckled, slapping his shoulder.
Sam grinned, leaning back in his chair.  “Tonight at 6, we’ll go and grab some good food,”
“Or we can leave this useless meeting and grab some ice cream?” you proposed.
“Why not both?” he shrugged, getting out of his chair and sprinting for the door.
@paranoid-borderline-insane @buckyshattergirl @bitchy-tacos @httpmcrvel
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