ela-loves-you · 7 years
Love Me Like You Do
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: floofs, swearing, allusions to violence.
Summary: Bucky Barnes is the bar manager where you work as a bar maid. You’ve had a decent crush on him since he started working there. It’s karaoke night and the bar is almost empty. What could happen?
 A/N: This is for caplansteverogers’ song fic challenge! Enjoy!!!
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Arms groaning in protest, you shove the tray of dirty glassware into the sterilizer, hauling the door shut and collapsing against it. Your lower back was throbbing and the heat from the sterilizer was a small relief you could afford to take this late into the night.
Nearly all the bar’s patrons had left and you’d been doing final clean up for an hour now. Closing time was always your favourite shift as there were less people in the bar, the other girls had gone home, leaving just you and the bar manager to close so you could relax a bit. You both needed it tonight.
He’d come to work at Jack’s nearly a month ago and you quickly realised work was not going to get any easier while your manager was around. The first week was quiet enough, not many people seemed to realise who he was as he was always wearing that tight fitted, long sleeved, black, cotton shirt that clung to his muscles so beautifully. It had covered his metal arm almost completely and he was so buff that he never seemed lopsided. Except when he walked he had a slight swagger, landing heavier on his left foot than his right but that just made him seem more relaxed and approachable. The man bun helped too. He always tied his hair back for work, like the girls, tucking the few rebellious strands that escaped behind his ear.
But, soon enough, word had gotten out that THE Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier himself, was managing the bar at Jack’s Tavern. Then the crowds of gawkers started coming in. It was good for business, sure, but you had seen the flickers of discomfort behind his carefully guarded expression. He always seemed so composed and calm when dealing with the rabble but they had really started to annoy you by the third week.
The girls were always fawning over him, trying to flirt or get a look at his arm. You could see it really bothered him even though he politely declined each advance. The guys were even worse, if that was even possible. They either stared at him with awe and asked where they could get his “mad skills” and “sick arm”, or they glared at him with such venom and hissed such horrible words that it took all your self-control not to knock them on their ignorant asses. More than once, you’d seen the latter type trying to get a rise out of him or force a fight. And more than once, you’d had to throw out full grown men who were acting like toddlers. It was those times that you and the other girls at the bar had seen Bucky slip off into the kitchen or sterilizer room. No one dared follow him but you’d all occasionally pop a head around the door as you walked by.
Tonight had been a particularly rough night. Ten men had surrounded Bucky in the garden bar and, before any of you knew what was happening, there were sirens everywhere. You knew now that Bucky had punched the silent alarm that summoned the police but, at the time, you were terrified that someone had been hurt badly. A few of the men were bruised but that was exactly what they had deserved. Bucky had locked them in the garden bar and, before you or any of the other girls could blink, he’d disappeared into the manager’s office. You had been desperate to follow him but you had to follow protocol, talk to the police and calm the other customers. Bucky had allowed the responding officers into the room with him to make a statement but, when they had left, he had locked the door behind them. You didn’t see him for another three hours.
When he finally came out, everyone in the bar had fallen silent.
He was covered in bruises and scratches. His eyes were blackened, there had obviously been blood coming from his nose at some point, his bottom lip was split and there were vivid finger marks on his throat. The sleeve covering his left arm had been torn off and the collar was ripped. None of that compared to the look in his eyes though. You had seen him upset and mildly frustrated but, this was the worst thing you’d ever seen. His usually striking blue eyes were dull and downcast. His whole body was slumped over a little. Your heart broke for him but the other girls were already swarming over. He shooed them away and shuffled back to his spot behind the bar, not making eye contact with anyone. Your chest had ached to comfort him but you thought that what he’d want right at that moment was normality so you carried on working.
Blinking heavily, you shook your head to clear it. The heat had been putting you to sleep while you were lost in thought. Pushing off the sterilizer, you limped across the room. You could hear the distinct yodelling of Big Joe, just finishing his awful rendition of Hit Me With Your Best Shot on the karaoke machine as you shoved the door to the sterilizer room open.
The bar was nearly empty. Big Joe and his mates were waiting to clear up their tab as you jogged up to the register.
“Split it 5 ways, could ya sweetheart?”
Joe winked as you plastered on your warmest ‘barmaid’ smile, and nodded, pulling your tattered cardigan tighter around yourself as you swiped his tab card through.
“Hell’ova night huh?” Joe shook his head, “I hope those rowdies get some serious time! Treating Mister Barnes like that… I tell you, if they were my sons, I would have smacked ‘em hearty for it!”
You handed over Joe’s receipt and genuinely smiled as you started putting through the other guys’ cards.
“If they were your sons, Joe, they never would have thought about it.” Came a soft voice from just behind you.
The guys all smiled and patted Joe on the back as they gathered their things and called out their farewells over their shoulders, the door swinging shut behind them. Bucky still has a soft smile playing around his cracked lips when you turn to face him.
“You alright?” You ask quietly, looking up into his clear blue eyes. You stare at him for a full minute before he drops his gaze quickly to the bar top mumbling, “… fine”. You swear you see a flicker of embarrassment cross his face before he seems to collect himself and looks back at you, smiling.
“Really, I’m okay, Y/N. Nothing I haven’t had before.”
He is turning to walk away when, before you could stop yourself, you reach out and grab his hand. Bucky freezes, sucking in a sharp breath, but he doesn’t pull away. You gently track your thumb up and down the back of his hand. He’s staring right into your eyes, trying to read your face. The longer he stares, the faster your heart beats and you can feel the blood rushing up into your cheeks.
“I-I’m sorry…” You step back, quickly letting go of his hand, and turn to clear the rest of the bar of dirty glasses. When you look up a moment later, he’s still standing in the same spot, staring after you with an unreadable expression. Turning, you ran the full tray of dirty glasses into the sterilizer room and slammed the door shut behind you, breathing heavily.
You stupid idiot! You kicked yourself, mentally, as you unloaded and reloaded the sterilizer. I can’t have feelings for him! He’s my boss!!! You stared hard at the door, as if it was the one that had embarrassed you. I’m fired… Sighing deeply and resigning yourself to your fate, you turn and walk purposefully out of the room.
Bucky glances up from behind the bar as you re-join him, carrying the clean glasses. You set the tray down, pull the dishtowel out of your back pocket and start drying the glasses, one by one, and placing them back on the correct shelf. You work quickly and quietly, humming along with the karaoke under your breath.
A gentle nudge to your elbow brings you back to earth, “You should have a go at that.” Bucky has a wicked grin on his face. He tilts his chin back towards the karaoke machine. “Seriously. If your humming is anything to go by, it might even be average.”
You crack an immediate smile and let out the breath you’ve been holding. “Yeah, no! Not unless you do it too!” You joke, prodding him sharply in the ribs. Bucky spins away expertly then performs an elaborate bow.
“Ladies first.”
Your jaw drops. “You can’t be serious?” You manage to gasp out, “I was only joking!”
A mischievous gleam is in Bucky’s eyes now, “Nah uh doll!” He waggles his finger at you, “you made a deal so no backing out now!” You stare at him until it’s very clear he is not backing down. Throwing your dishtowel down on the bar in mock fury, you stalk over to the karaoke machine, pausing briefly to strip off your cardigan and take out your hair tie, stuffing them both into your bag.
You scroll down the list of available songs, the back of your neck heating up under the spotlights and the fact that you are 100% sure Bucky is staring at you. You let out a little squeal as you recognise your favourite song! You quickly plug in the code before you can change your mind and turn to face the bar.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath as the song starts. Stepping up to the microphone you sing….
 You’re the light, you’re the night
You’re the colour of my blood.
You’re the cure, you’re the pain
You’re the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much.
 Your hands are threading through your hair as you relax into the music. You’d forgotten just how good singing could feel. It relaxed you to just let loose all of the stress of the day.
 You’re the fear, I don’t care
Coz I’ve never been so high
Follow me to the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
You can see the world you brought to life, to life
 You can feel your body swaying to the music as you open your eyes and stare directly into Bucky’s. Your nerve falters for only a second before you continue, this time singing directly to him.
 So love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do.
Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do.
Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do.
What are you waiting for?
 Bucky’s eyes widen as you toss your hair, pulling the microphone out of the stand and starting to really dance.
 Fading in, fading out
On the edge of paradise
Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I’ve gotta find
Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire
Yeah, I let you set the pace
‘Cause I’m not thinking straight
My head’s spinning around I can’t see clear no more
What are you waiting for?
 You bang your head twice with the drums, before continuing, one arm raised above your head, bouncing on your toes in time with the music.
 Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (like you do)
Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (yeah)
Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do.
What are you waiting for?
 You giggle slightly at the look on Bucky’s face and send a cheeky grin his way. His face immediately lights up in response as he grins back at you.
 I’ll let you set the pace
‘Cause I’m not thinking straight
My head’s spinning around I can’t see clear no more
What are you waiting for?
 Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (like you do)
Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (yeah)
Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do.
What are you waiting for?
 Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (like you do)
Love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do (yeah)
Touch me like you do, ta-ta-touch me like you do.
What are you waiting for?
As you hum the last notes and replace the microphone in its stand you hear slow clapping. Looking up through your lashes, Bucky has come out from behind the bar and is walking towards you with awe splashed across his features.
“Wow, Y/N! That’s quite some voice you got hidden in there!”
You laugh freely, jabbing at his side as you drop off the stage, mentioning that it was his turn with a wink.
He shakes his head, jabbing you back and fleeing for the relative safety of the bar.
“You little…” you grumble under your breath as you go to close the bar doors and stack the chairs for the night.
Bucky is watching you warily from behind the bar as he wipes down the surfaces and taps. You are trying to look as casual as possible carrying the last of the clean glasses up to the bar, humming as you work.
“Anything left to do before we go?” Bucky asks as you place the last glass in its tray.
“I don’t think so…” you sweep your eyes around the empty room in thought, “nope, all done!”
Bucky smiles genuinely as you both head to the cloak room to grab your helmets.
Part of the benefit of living down the street from your colleague was the free rides, plus he has a motorbike which just made your trips together infinitely better.
Bucky had his back turned, locking up the back door to the bar, when you seized your chance, tiptoeing up to stand right behind Bucky.
“This is for going back on your word, Mister Barnes.” You whisper in his ear before you plunge both of your pointer fingers into each side of his ribs, making him jump as if he’d received an electric shock. You laughed evilly as you danced away and grabbed your helmet off the back of the bike.
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Bucky hissed as he turned, dropping his helmet and tackling you into the pile of flattened cardboard. The ensuing tickle fight left the two of you breathless, clutching your sides from laughing so hard.
Leaning forward you rested your forehead against Bucky’s and closed your eyes, enjoying the cold night air playing across your faces.
“Hey,” Bucky whispered, his breath ghosting across your slightly parted lips, “you looked really beautiful under those lights tonight. You really should sing more often.”
You hummed in response, absentmindedly running your fingers up his arm to tangle them in his soft brown hair that had come out in the midst of your tickle war. Opening your eyes, you caught Bucky biting his bottom lip.
“I’m gonna kiss you doll.”
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
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AO3 account
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus size!reader
Warnings: Fat shaming, angst, fluffy ending
Word count: 2.302
Summary: Sebastian and Y/N are taking a time-out while Sebastian finishes up filming for his new movie. They’re not splitting up for Sebastian it feels that way and in one final attempt at making amends, he shows up unexpectedly at Y/N’s door.
A/N: Written for @caplansteverogers
Inspired by the song “Gasoline” by Halsey. Lyrics in italics.
All plus size fics can be found here
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Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me? Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me? Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me? Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?
It’s early when you can hear the doorbell ring, the display of your alarm saying it’s not even 6 a.m. on this dreary Wednesday morning. Swinging your feet over the edge of the bed, you stretch your arms and look at yourself in the mirror on the other end of the bedroom. You’ve got a royal bed head and your shirt is slightly crooked. In your dusty pink pyjama shorts and light grey t-shirt you shuffle towards the front door of your New York apartment, expecting to see your landlord to ask you about the rent again.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Y/N…,” the voice on the other side of the door responds when you want to slam the door back into his face. “I just flew all the way here so please, just let me in.” You relent and he closes the door behind him, a guilty look on his face, before following you over to the couch. He sits down but you don’t, instead leaning against the wall and keeping your distance.
“What are you doing here, Seb?,” you question him as you suppress a yawn, crossing your arms over your chest to hide your taut nipples pressing through the fabric of your shirt. You usually sleep covered under a million blankets, so you never realised until now how chilly it’s in your apartment without the heating turned up to match the early autumn cold.
Sebastian fidgets with the paper bag he’s holding, putting it on your living room table so you can look inside it. “I found these while cleaning up our bedroom.”
“It’s not our bedroom anymore,” you snap back before you can bite your tongue, regret coursing through your veins as you see his shoulders slump like a lost puppy from the corner of your eye.
Inside the paper bag is  your old college sweater, which you thought he would’ve just thrown out after your separation. There’s also the camera Seb broke on your trip to Vienna, when you first came out as a couple and were at your happiest.
“I thought you might want these back,” he mumbles under his breath, resting his back against the couch cushions as he folds his hands in his lap.
Lastly, a half-empty bottle of the expensive champagne you got for yourself the day you broke up. But instead of drinking it like you intended to, you poured it down the drain as soon as you saw a pic of Seb pop up on Instagram, the girl’s caption stating she was glad he finally got rid of this fat cow.
“Thanks for the sweater, I thought I’d thrown it out…,” you smile sadly at him, feeling grateful that you had it back. “But you can keep the bottle, though. And that camera is broken, so I won’t be able to use it anyway.”
Seb nods, already expecting such an answer, and gets up from your couch. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
Being face to face again with the man you loved so much, and still love so much, cuts your heartstrings in a thousand little snippets. That man knows just what to say and to do in order to tug the right memories. But you’re strong and just as long as he doesn’t say those three words, you’ll be fine.
Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me? Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me? Do the people whisper ‘bout you on the train like me? Saying that "you shouldn't waste your pretty face" like me?
Lingering a little too long for your taste, you push yourself off the wall and walk in front of him back to the door. He follows suit like a lost puppy until his chest is inches away from your back and as your hand stops seconds away from reaching the door knob.
“You still smell so good,” he whispers into your hair, his breath fanning your neck. “Like fresh laundry. Or an early spring afternoon in Vienna.”
You know what he’s trying to do by bringing up your trip to Vienna. The broken camera was a subtle clue and you didn’t realise it at first, but now you can see things clearly. “Don’t, Sebastian.”
The former brunet inhales deeply, running his hand down his face. “What am I doing, Y/N?”
“You were leaving,” you reply dryly, attempting to turn around again and open the door for him but his arm locks you in place.
“I mean, what are we doing?,” he rephrases, intense blue eyes burning holes in your face. “I love you, Y/N. I know we can’t go back to Vienna but maybe we can bring Vienna back to New York?”
Your fingers slide off the door knob and you sigh heavily. “I - I can’t go back to that life. I can’t go back to pretending to be someone I’m not.” Your eyes meet his and you immediately notice the painstaking hurt behind them.
“Look at you, Sebby.” You scan his clothes and give him a sad half smile. “You dyed your hair blond for your new movie. You dress up smart for big premieres and women all over the world swoon over you. They even write fan fiction about you.”
Collapsing your back against the surface of the door, you allow yourself to be cornered by Sebastian, his hands placed on either side of your head as he leans in closely. “Do you like the blond hair?”
Eyeing him curiously in confusion as to where this unexpected question came from, you shake your head at his silliness. “Of course I like your hair, Sebastian. But that’s not the point I’m trying to make here.”
Sighing softly, you press your hands to his chest and gently remove yourself from the door, tiptoeing back to the living room and onwards to the kitchen to make yourself a strong cup of coffee. “I don’t recognise you anymore, Seb. How can you keep your own unique identity if you continue to lose yourself in all these different characters?”
Again, he follows suit in uncomfortable silence, perched against the kitchen counter as he watches your every move very intently. “I’m just the girl next door, Seb,” you continue as you wait for the coffee machine to finish, “I’ve always been the girl next door.”
“But I don’t fit into your world. I’m not cut out for the glitter and glamour of the stardom. I don’t fit into the fancy gowns designers used to send me because I have a bigger body than the runway models they usually dress up.”
And all the people say "You can't wake up, this is not a dream You're part of a machine, you are not a human being With your face all made up, living on a screen Low on self-esteem, so you run on gasoline"
Pouring yourself a cup of coffee, you take a sip and revel in the warmth dripping down your throat and easing the soreness of the early morning wake up call, putting reality on hold for just a little while longer. Sebastian however, he doesn’t let your words wrap themselves around his heart. “I want to try this again, Y/N.”
You place your cup back on the counter, your hands falling limp at your sides as you cast your eyes downwards in contemplation. “I don’t think I can, Sebby.” The vulnerability in your words causes the goose bumps to cut like a knifes through your skin. “You promised to give me a couple days to figure things out. This isn’t exactly the time-out we agreed on.”
Sebastian takes a couple firm strides towards you, closing the distance until his hands cup your cheeks and his lips slant over yours. “I love you,” he whispers lowly and you know you’re done for. “I’m sorry but I can’t stand it anymore. You’ve been gone for too long and I’m going mad.”
“Sebastian…,” you try to reason with him but instead of letting you finish, his lips cut your off.
The kiss lasts longer than any other kiss with Sebastian before. Is it a minute or two? Ten minutes? An hour or two or three? You don’t know. You’ve lost all sense of time, only focused on the soft press of his lips on yours, that cheeky sliver of tongue slipping past your lips as you gasp when he squeezes your thigh.
He’s the first to deepen the kiss, but also the first to break it, instead peppering butterfly kisses down your neck and throat, crouching on his knees in front of you as he lifts up your shirt, looking up at you through thick, luscious eyelashes for permission.
The soft press of his lips on your tummy means your undoing. “I missed giving you tummy kisses. I missed your tummy, your thighs, your butt,… I missed my plus size girl.”
Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me? Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me? Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me? Pointing fingers cause you'll never take the blame like me?
It’s like the earth moves under your feet, your heart bursting as you run your hands through his blond hair. “You know just the right things to say, don’t you?”
“Can I take you to your bedroom?,” he queries gingerly as he gazes lovingly into yours eyes. You bite your lip in doubt but you’ve already given your heart to Sebastian a long time ago, so the choice will never be yours to begin with.
He carries you bridal style to the bedroom, shedding himself of his shoes, trousers, jacket and shirt before crawling onto the bed and joining you underneath the covers. You hadn’t even bothered to take off any of your clothes, because it’s not that kind of intimacy you’re both looking for.
What Sebastian and you have always sought in a significant other, it’s that unbreakable emotional connection that transcends anything physical. Not just plain, sexual desire but a deeper skin contact.
His hands dip underneath your shirt, his sweaty palms providing the necessary warmth you’ve been craving for all this time. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I should’ve paid more attention to you. I should’ve seen how you were feeling. I should’ve been there to help you.”
Resting your cheek on his broad chest, you hum sadly. “I’m not gonna lie, I was really unhappy, Seb. People would comment online about how sweet you were to take a fat girl to a movie premiere. And the more parties or screenings or other events we attended, the more people would chime in and voice their surprise that you, Sebastian Stan, are still in love with me even though I’m fat.”
“I’m so sorry, baby.” His lips press a chaste kiss to your temple. “I’m so sorry. I can’t apologise enough.”
“It’s not your fault I got fat shamed on the internet, Sebastian.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that I should’ve stood up for you…”
“You did defend me, Seb, but the damage had already been done. The worlds keeps on turning, spitting hateful comments at whoever wants to hear them. I was so close to depression I just – I just had to take a step back from everything. But I’m better now. I want you back, Sebastian, but we have to make some changes. Otherwise we’re going to get caught in a hurricane again.”
Sebastian doesn’t believe his ears. “I’ll do anything you ask of me. I will take care of you, I miss you so much. I miss having you around. I miss you so much every single time I lay my eyes on our photo wall. I can’t live without you.”
“We have to communicate more and better,” you state frankly, your voice very clear about what you want and don’t want. “We keep a low profile. No accidental videos posted on Instagram of the two of us. I still can’t believe the whole world saw me do a kissy face.”
“The whole world didn’t see you do a kissy face,” Seb chuckles playfully with a wink. “If the whole world saw you do a kissy face, then the whole world saw just how much I love you.”
“Sebastian…,” you whine quietly at his attempt to light that same flame again. But the wildfire between you never really died down because this kind of love cannot be contained.
“We’ll talk more. We’ll talk every day until you’re sick and tired of my voice. No more impromptu Instagram posts. Like I said, Y/N, I will do anything and everything. I love you.”
You know he means it and as you look into his eyes, you have to admit to yourself it’ll always be Sebastian, no matter what he looks like. “How long are you supposed to keep the blond hair?”
“Not that long anymore. Filming is almost over. Why?”
You run a hand through his hair, chuckling at the golden shine. “It’s just – it makes you look younger.”
His chest rumbles with hearty laughter. “I’m 35, love. That’s still young.” During a short pause, Seb pulls you on top of him, his arms tightly around your waist. “But old enough to make a serious commitment.”
“What do you mean?,” you pipe up as your brows knit together in thought, your lips pecking the tip of his nose as your mind mulls over his intentions.
“Y/N,” the actor exhales with a nervous chuckle, eyeing the woman in his arms lovingly, “Please move back in with me.”
Tagging: @avengerofyourheart @a-little-hell-to-raise @marvelingatthewonder @mrshopkirk @hardcorehippos @knittingknerdy @winterboobaer @italwaysendsinafightt @viollettes @hymnofthevalkyrie @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @austinamelio @volklana @howlingbarnes @themcuhasruinedme @theoneandonlysaucymo @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @emilyevanston @minervaem @howlingbarnes @buchananbarnestrash @youandb @you-and-bucky @fvckingsteverogers @thatawkwardtinyperson @barnes-heaven @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @its-not-a-phase-hux @melconnor2007 @ivvitm1109 @toofuckinfabulous @ailynalonso15 @hollycornish @delicatecapnerd @camigt1999 @learisa @curlyexpat @palaiasaurus64 @fanndas-snow-goddess @crisssivonne @yourenotrogers @tomhollandzs @supernaturaldean65 @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @aletheladyinred @sniktlogan @xbergiex @reniescarlett @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @lovemarvelousfics @yknott81 @rrwilson66 @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers @sammyissassy @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @kudosia @bellejeunefillesansmerci @lumelgy @mizzzpink @southernbellestatues @daringtodreamawake @neurotic-narwhal @cokamarie24 @blue1928 @movingonto-betterthings @breezy1415 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @jesspfly @weenie-butt @debzybrazy @fuckingchaotic  @always-an-evans-addict @petersunderroos  @thegreentgirl @nedthegay @eve1978
Tag list for all plus size stories: @suz-123 @kiwi71281 @whatisaheroanyway @ilovebeingjoyful @veronicalei @meganlane84 @thescarsweleave @isaxhorror @pleasantdreamqueen @georgiadean37 @revlismoriarty @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @evyiione @salamander-falls @taylorjacksonandtheolympians @jughead-wuz-here @jasmineladjevardi @sonofadeanwinchester @3dsaunt @marvel-at-bucky @nothin-after-79 @sexy-sea-basss @shesmade0fcandy @wtfisalltherandoms @mrs-dr-strange @disneymarina @secondsandstars @brandybucky @metal-armed-dino@amethyst09 @sydsmut @princess76179 @marvelsdaughter @spideynygma  @beautifulbri26 @allyp1023
733 notes · View notes
buckys-other-punk · 7 years
Bucky x Reader, (slight) Steve x Reader
Warnings: Jealously from everyone lol, angst (if you could call it that)
Word Count: 845 (without lyrics)
A/N: Jess, @caplansteverogers thank you for letting me do your song fic challenge, I LOVE YOU and if this is bad I am very sorry. Also don’t hesitate to let me know if you want to be tagged and feedback is appreciated! Please don’t mind any mistakes, I skimmed through this so its kinda unedited.
I don't like the way he's looking at you
I'm starting to think you want him too
Am I crazy? Have I lost ya?
Even though I know you love me, can't help it
He stared at her as she looked over her shoulder. She was beautiful, her (y/c/h) hair glistened under the sun. Her (y/c/e) eyes shined as she looked off into the distance. As he followed her gaze it landed on his best friend, Steve Rogers.
I turn my chin music up
And I'm puffing my chest
I'm getting red in the face
You can call me obsessed
It's not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It's my right to be hellish
I still get jealous
Why is he feeling this way? After all (Y/N) is married to Bucky. Looking over at his best friend as he glanced at his girl. Steve and (Y/N) looked at each other for longer than Bucky liked.
'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous
Bucky coughed to get his wife’s attention. She turn to look at him with her beautiful smile. He gave her a hesitant smile back. They continued eating their food. He needed to focus on their instructions. Steve, (Y/N) and him were on a mission to spy on a person who supposedly was working for HYDRA.
'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous
~Time Skip~
They arrived at the gala. The three all walked to the bar and waited for instructions from Natasha. The two boys were wearing tuxedos, Steve with a black one and Bucky with a dark blue tux. (Y/N) was in a beautiful long burgundy dress with a slit down the left side of her leg. (Y/N)’s (y/c/h) hair had perfect waves and if Bucky just met her he would instantly be in love again.
I wish you didn't have to post it out
I wish you'd save a little bit just for me
Protective or possessive, yeah
Call it passive or aggressive
With the mission Natasha said that Bucky would be great to get information from the secretary of the man they were spying on. Steve and asked (Y/N) to dance so Bucky can do his task. (Y/N) gave a hesitant look at Bucky to make sure that it was ok with him. He just smiled and nodded for her to dance with his friend. The two began to sway along the music on the dance floor. Bucky went to find the secretary. When he approached her, she smiled and lifted her drink at him. He smiled she was beautiful, but not as beautiful as his wife. “Why would a beautiful lady be drinking alone at a bar?” he asked politely. She smiled and shrugged. Bucky pulled her to the dance floor and they began to sway. Bucky tried to investigate her, fishing out information important to the mission.
You're the only one invited
I said there's no one else for you
'Cause you know I get excited, yeah
When you get jealous too
(Y/N) saw her husband dancing with another girl. She knew it was just for the mission, but she still felt hurt. Steve noticed (Y/N) looking at his best friend with a sad look. Steve started to cheer (Y/N) up and she began to laugh loudly. This was not unnoticed by Bucky, but he realized she was probably jealous of him dancing with another woman, right? He continued to talk to the secretary and she began to flirt with him. Bucky being coy he began to flirt to. It was in his nature and sometimes he doesn’t even know he’s flirting. The secretary began to pull him away from the party and out into the balcony. She began to get all touchy-feely with him. He was a bit intoxicated, but he didn’t mind. In his eyes he just pictured his wife instead of this other woman in order to complete his task for the mission. 
I turn my chin music up
And I'm puffing my chest
I'm getting red in the face
You can call me obsessed
It's not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It's my right to be hellish
I still get jealous
(Y/N) had pulled away from dancing with Steve and began to look for her husband. She went outside to the balcony and Steve was hot on her trail. There they were kissing. Bucky pulled away from the other woman. (Y/N) walked up to Bucky, smacked him and as she tried to hold her tears she took off her wedding ring and threw it at him. She went back inside to the party. Steve looked at his best friend shook his head in disappointment and walked back inside to find (Y/N).
'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous
There she was sitting, at the bar, alone drinking her sorrows away. Steve walked up to her and sat next to her. Steve had always been jealous of his best friend when he started to date (Y/N). He found her beautiful when he first saw her in the training area with Natasha. He looked over at her and she gave him a sad smile. A single tear ran down her face and she downed her alcoholic drink. She waved at the bartender to get her another drink. Steve gave (Y/N) a hug and tried to comfort her and this is where she began to sob.
Oh (that's why)
I still get jealous
Oh (that's why)
I still get jealous
Bucky still stood outside on the balcony. He saw his best friend comfort his wif- well he hopes she still would be his wife. Looking at the two sitting at the bar Bucky knew it should be him tending to his crying wife and apologizing to her, but he could move. He was scared that this was his final draw. He was jealous. Why was it always Steve who can comfort his wife in a way he never could? Bucky walked back to the secretary with a cloudy gaze.
“Who was that?” she said.
“Nobody.” he replied sternly.
Jealously was only the beginning. Bucky knew he could never make it up to (Y/N).
OMG! This got real sad real quickly!! I’M SORRY!! Guys let me know if you like this and if i should do a part 2! 
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thefandomimagines · 7 years
Dirty Laundry- Tony Stark x Reader
A/N: This is my VERY LATE entry to @caplansteverogers songfic challenge. I apologize profusely for the late entry. Also this was supposed to be Angsty, but I suck at Angst apparently, so it has a shitty ending. I promise I will have more fics out soon, seeing as I’m going to try and write on my breaks between classes. Please leave feedback if you’d like, and you can be brutally honest if you’d like. I know it probably sucks compared to other fics I’ve read. 
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That lipstick on your collar, well, it ain't my shade of pink And I can tell by the smell of that perfume, it's like forty dollars too cheap
 Walking into the room you shared with your fiancé, Tony, you noticed one of his white dress shirts stored in the closet. Instead of being hung up neatly in its proper place, it was crumpled in the floor, buried under a few discarded shoes. Picking it up with the intent of putting it in the clothes hamper to be washed, an unfamiliar perfume hit your nostrils. It wasn’t your perfume, you have only used one scent your entire time knowing Tony, this one was too cheap smelling to be yours. Upon further inspection, you noticed a pink lipstick stain on the inside collar of the shirt. You took a deep breath, telling yourself you were just imagining him being with another woman. You knew he wouldn’t do that to the one woman who had helped him through the darkest times in his life. Between Pepper leaving, and his nightmares, and one of his best friends becoming a fugitive and going into hiding. You sighed and picked it up and sat it on the bed.
And there's a little wine stain on the pocket of your white cotton thread Well, you drink beer and whiskey, boy, and you know I don't drink red.
 Looking closer at the shirt, you noticed a red wine stain on the pocket. You figured maybe it was an accident from a previous date night, but then you remembered that neither of you drank wine. He normally only had dark drinks, and you preferred tequila.
 Slipping on your heels, you headed to the lab with the shirt in your hand. You wanted answers, even though you knew what was more than likely going to be the truth.
 Tony looked up and smiled as he saw you enter the lab, he obviously didn’t notice the shirt in your hands, nor the frown that graced your lips. “Hello, my beautiful bride to be” he smiled. “How are you feeling today?” he asked, noticing the frown formed on your face.
 “I was in a great mood, I was doing some cleaning.” You looked him dead in the eyes. “And I found this” you said, holding up the shirt. You noticed his eyes blink a few times, more than likely stunned you found the shirt he thought he had so carefully hidden. He looked at you and sighed softly.
 “I can explain” he said, looking at you. “I swear to you I did not cheat” he said, you looked at him with a ‘cut the crap’ look, and he held his hands up. “I will swear on all of my robots that I did not cheat on you” he said.
 “You have one chance to explain yourself Anthony.” He grimaced at you using his first name, he knew you were pissed off at that point.
 “I was in a meeting with the wedding coordinator, you know Katherine, I was planning a surprise for you for our honeymoon, I requested a meeting with her, and when I met her in her office, she had a dinner set up for us. I know it sounds weird, and please don’t interrupt until I’m finished with the entire story, it’ll all make sense then” he said, noticing you opening your mouth to speak. “I was weirded out by her making dinner, but I knew you hired her, so surely she wouldn’t be crazy. Anyways, she drank a glass of wine, and offered me some, and as she was offering, she spilled some all over me. She was all over me then, hence the smell of her horrid perfume.” He groaned, he hated her scent, and he only preferred the smell of your perfume. He looked up, praying you were still with him on his story. “Anyways, after she got wine on me, she decided it would be a good idea to try and come on to me, hence the lipstick on my collar. She tried kissing my neck, and I quickly shoved her off. I swear I pushed her away.” He said, his eyes sincere. “She kept mentioning how I was a playboy and how everyone knows I would never settle down and be serious about one woman.” He looked up at you and bit his lip softly. “I swear to you, you are the only woman for me. I never thought I could feel this serious about someone before I met you” he said, taking your hand in his and playing with the engagement ring still placed on your left hand. “I swear to you, I love you and only you, I hid the shirt in the closet so I could wash it before you found it and accused me of cheating.” He said, meeting your eyes. “Please, say something” he said, looking at you.
 “T-Tony, I am so sorry. You know my past, and I am so sorry I was so quick to jump to conclusions about you. I am sorry I thought you would behave like Johnny would. I know better than that.” You smiled, holding his face in your hands. “Let’s just forget the big wedding, let’s go somewhere with an officiant and a witness, just you and me” you smiled even bigger.
 Tony smiled. “I think that is a wonderful idea” he smirked, glad that you weren’t upset with him anymore. You truly were his rock, and if he didn’t have you around he wasn’t sure what he would do anymore. With Steve gone and the Avengers all but disbanded, he only had you.
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buckysmetallicstump · 7 years
Side to Side
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1293
Summary: With your loud music playing, you wake Bucky up in the middle of the day but the song seems to grow on him.
Warnings: Implied Smut, bad writing
A/N – As you can tell, I haven’t been as active on this blog so I’m still getting into the rhythm of writing Bucky again. I apologise again.
A/N 2 – This is my entry for my girl @caplansteverogers #caplansongficchallenge – and to use the prompt Side to Side – Ariana Grande – I hope you like it even though I think it’s a pile of crap.
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I'm talkin' to ya
See you standing over there with your body
Feeling like I wanna rock with your body
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('bout nothin')
I'm comin' at ya
'Cause I know you got a bad reputation
Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('bout nothin')
Dancing around your kitchen, the music was blasting out as loud as you could get it. You forgot that you didn’t live alone, causing a grouchy, grumpy Bucky to stumble out of the bedroom that the two of you had shared.
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (side to side)
You pulled open the pancake mix and tossed it into a bowl, wiggling your hips at the same time Ariana Grande sang the chorus of Side to Side. When the milk and the rest of the wet ingredients were mixed in properly, you grabbed a ladle and set the frying pan on the heated stove.
‘Urgh, would ya turn it down!’ Bucky shouted over the noise. ‘It’s the freaking morning!’
Glancing at the watch on your wrist, you confirmed your suspicions when you saw that it was 1:37 in the afternoon.
‘It’s PM not AM, you ass.’ You hollered over the vibrating speaker system, walking over and turning it down so he would quit whining about the noise in the kitchen.
‘What is she even talking about? Rocking from side to side? Is that a sex joke that I’m not comprehending? I don’t-’ Bucky’s confusion made you laugh.
‘It has many interpretations but yeah sex could be one of them.’
Been tryna hide it
Baby, what's it gonna hurt if they don't know?
Makin' everybody think that we solo
Just as long as you know you got me (you got me)
And boy I got ya
Cause tonight I'm making deals with the devil
And I know it's gonna get me in trouble
Just as long as you know you got me
‘We should have sex to this song. It’s got a good rhythm.’ He simply said, not looking at you in your eyes and walking past you to make himself some coffee, the strong kind.
Rolling your eyes at his bluntness, you set yourself back to work on the pancake mixture, the pan slowly heating enough for you to ladle on the mix into the pan and instantly the aroma wafted through the kitchen and into your nose. It wasn’t often that you had a normal day where you didn’t have any assignments or missions to take care of. You could be in a place that was just you and Bucky, a place where the two of you could relax until the world needed saving from another alien invasion, probably tomorrow or later on today but for now you were going to domesticate your lives and pray that you could just eat your pancakes in peace with your man by your side. Well as much peace as you could when you thought about how loud Bucky could get when he eats sometimes.
Bucky moaned at the taste of the coffee on his taste buds. Your jaw dropped when he sighed, signaling that he was finished, he never ceased to amaze you that he could drink a scolding hot cup of coffee and not be affected but then you thought that it could have something to do with the super soldier serum that was running through his body. He moved onto making himself a second cup and proceeding to make you your third one of the day.
The music – still playing – seemed to have an affect on your body. You dipped and rotated your hips, Ariana taking over your body and making you move to her beat.
Bucky, this time, took a sip of his hot beverage and set it on the countertop where he had left yours. Taking a spatula, you checked the underside of the pancake to see its golden brown colour that had been left behind. With a nod of your head, you deemed that side of the pancake done and flipped so that the other side could cook.
Thankfully, the pancakes stacked up pretty quickly and you and Bucky could munch of the syrup drenched goodness.
Walking over to the docking station, you hit the replay button before the song could end. Finishing your small stack, you danced over to Bucky, tearing off a piece of his pancake and popping it into your mouth with a groan. He whined at your fast actions, you stealing some food off of his plate was normal but when it was the first thing that happened after Bucky had awoken.
It’s a dangerous thing; to mess with Bucky’s food but you would take that chance.
As you were about to head on back to the kitchen to clean up but Bucky had grabbed your arm to stop you from moving any further away from him.
‘What did you just do?’ Bucky’s voice held a sternness but a teasing measure to it too.
Disgustingly, you opened your mouth and showed him the remnants of the pancake that you hadn’t swallowed, ‘I ate some of your pancake, you want it back?’ With a full mouth, your words came in a jibberish jumble. You didn’t give him anytime to answer before you were chewing the last of it and swallowing it down with your coffee. Grabbing onto his hand, you slowly walked backwards, dragging him along with you.
Linking your fingers together, you brought his to your hips and wiggled them. The words holding a meaning of the formation of yours and Bucky’s relationship.
These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
‘I’m glad I didn’t.’ You whispered so quietly you thought you had to repeat it just in case he missed it as the song faded out of your ears, Bucky’s breath fanning over your neck as your feet slowed.
He hummed, low in his throat, the lack of words exchanged between you taking a toll on him. ‘And what's that, Y/N/N?’
Pulling away from him, you drug your fingertips over his growing stubble, sweetly smiling at him and his furrowed brows. ‘Not listening to the rest of them, not giving up on you.’
‘Me too. I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without you.’ He says sincerely, with love hinted in his eyes.
You can’t help but ruin the moment.
‘You’d probably be with Steve talking about how cool your new arm is.’
‘Shut up, ya little shit. In all seriousness, although I didn’t like the way we met,’ he gives you a glare with a squint in his eyes, still feeling your heel in his neck. ‘I’m glad you listened to Steve when he told you not to murder me.’
‘Eh, you were cute. And you were struggling to breathe, kinda made me a little happy, a little tingly on the inside.’ You winked at him, licking your lips and pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
‘Gee, thanks, Y/N.’
‘No problem.’ You smiled again, one that was toothy and cheeky.
Bucky shook his head and rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm around your waist and hoisting you up in his arms. He ambled over to where your phone and speaker were, holding them in one hand as the other held you up. Bucky was a man on a mission and you had a feeling you were going to live out his recently configured fantasy of having sex to the song that had woken him up past one PM.
Lemme know what you think…
 @thorne93  @winterboobaer @becaamm @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @jotink78  @shifutheshihtzu @hymnofthevalkyrie @capsheadquaters  @kurosaki224-new-blog @emilyevanston @themcuhasruinedme  @goody2shoessmut @vibranium-arm @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid  @sometimes-iwrite-blog  @caplansteverogers @mizzezm @brandybucky @howlingbarnes  @winter-in-wakanda @jesspfly @skybinx-blog @capnbbarnes  @buckyappreciationsociety @aubzylynn @notsoprettykitty @lilasiannerd @muliermalefici @melconnor2007 @emoryhemsworth @cojootromuelle  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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buckysmusculararm · 7 years
Talk Dirty (sfw)
Based on Jason Derulo’s Talk Dirty to Me - @caplansteverogers ’s 900 followers celebration. CONGRATS AGAIN BTW (IM SO SORRY I FEEL SO LATE)
Warnings: noneee really?? Maybe some small references in the song
Word count: 642
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It was Friday afternoon when you first heard it. The walls of your room were thumping, and faint singing could be heard. It didn’t bother you at first. Tony was always blasting music in his lab, the sound echoing into the halls of the compound. But this time you realized the music wasn’t coming from Tony. He usually blasted AC/DC or some other rock band and this was definitely something else. It sounded much closer, as in across the hall.
Being the curious person you are, you decide to investigate, setting down the book you held and pushing away from your desk. When you open your door, you feel the music amplify throughout the hall. Whoever was playing music, clearly didn’t realize that the walls aren’t very soundproof; you’d have thought that with all the money and resources that went into the compound, they would’ve made the walls a little less echoey and a little more impervious to sound.
You know the words to my songs No habla ingles Our conversations ain't long But you know what is
Your eyes go wide when you finally hear the lyrics clearly. When your ears finally track down the source of the music, you could have sworn you had a mini heart attack. It was Bucky. His door is slightly cracked open, the music growing louder as you inch closer, hunching down to avoid being caught.
Been around the world, don't speak the language But your booty don't need explaining All I really need to understand is When you talk dirty to me Talk dirty to me Talk dirty to me Talk dirty to me
You can’t help but peek in and oh my god. Bucky’s in nothing but his boxer briefs and socks, his shirt being swung above his head like a lasso. His hair is wild, attractively messy from how he’s shaking his head. Never ever, in the time that you’ve known Bucky, would you have expected to hear Bucky singing such an explicit song. Let alone singing in general.  
Uno, met your friend in Rio Dos, she was all on me-o Tres, we can menage a three though Quatro, ooh
2 Chainz!
Your mouth hits the ground when Bucky begins singing out loud, word by word the next few lyrics. And by god you can’t help but get closer. You were enjoying this way too much to back down now. You lean forward on the door to get a better look, because in all honesty who wouldn’t want to see Bucky dancing around shirtless? Unfortunately, you realize a little too late when the door gives way and you go tumbling in.
You burn bright red, embarrassed that you’ve been caught, but Bucky doesn’t stop singing. Instead, he sings even louder, pointing at you to join in. He yanks you up from the ground, throwing his shirt around your waist and pulling you closer.
Been around the world, don't speak the language But your booty don't need explaining All I really need to understand is When you talk dirty to me
You grin widely at Bucky, suddenly forgetting that you were just caught spying on him. You join in, screaming out the lyrics along with him. The proximity of him is exhilarating, and it feels like your body’s been shot full of adrenaline. You jump around, his hands linked with yours. Your hair is flying everywhere, and suddenly your hands are everywhere too. They travel along his arms, up to his shoulders and to his neck. His hands come to rest on your waist, pulling you til you’re chest to chest.
Bucky’s face is inches away from yours, and as the song ends, your lips are just a breath away from his. Just as your lips begin to graze one another’s, Tony’s voice pierces the air.
@the-silver-iris @wordsturnintostories
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your-highnessmarvel · 7 years
With You
Pairings: Loki x reader
Word count: 1359
Song choice: With You - Chris Brown
Warnings: none
Summary: Loki is being his usual grumpy self and you do everything in your power to make him smile again. 
Loki had been grumpy the whole week. Ever since he had learned that you had sneaked into the armory with Thor, and not him, he had adopted his signature envious look. He walked around with a slight frown knitting his brows and constantly shot you sour looks as if you had stabbed him in the back. When night settled in, he even went as far as sleeping at the edge of the bed, crumpled on the floor. Even when you asked him to stop being a child and to come to bed, he would roll onto his side, away from you.
You were used to his jealousy and almost over-the-line childishness. He would flip out at the smallest of things like when you laughed at Thor’s jokes or fooled around with Sif without inviting him or put your cold feet on his back. He had always been and always would be of envious nature, even if he had surmounted his initial jealousy for Thor and his thirst for power.
You had tried countless of times during the week to gain his attention, but you knew the only way to get him back was to let him be. So you watched him go, moping and frowning and grumbling under his breath. Sometimes you’d catch him reading in the library, bent over a book with his hair half hiding his face. Other times, when you were walking on the balconies in the height of the Asgardian castle, you’d go watch him train and fight with some of the warriors in training. He was fierce and fiery, his knives and tricks taking his enemies by surprise. You could see he was angry, but he kept his cool while fighting. He had learned many lessons.
One night, you had it with his childishness. You waited for him in your bedroom, deciding to wear one of your most revealing pajamas, which consisted of a flimsy camisole and a pair of cashmere shorts. Your curls lay astray over your shoulders while you waited, casually sitting on the silk bed with a book on your lap.
The door creaked open, revealing a tired and disheveled Loki, his brows pulled in a tight frown. You looked up, face empty of emotion, and watched as his burning green eyes gazed down from your hair, to your mouth, and finally to the revealing outfit you had thrown on. His left eyebrow rose so high you feared it would crawl off his face. Then his lips parted, and he breathed in sharply.
“Y/N,” he said slowly, his voice raspy and tired. He ripped his gaze from you and closed the door.
“Loki, darling,” you said, voice steady as you returned your gaze to your book. He went to the closet, where he took his coat off and peeled his clothing until he was in nothing but his undergarments. You looked up from under your lashes, a smirk playing on your lips, and you caught him as he turned and gave you a small look. Then he pulled on a pair of soft pants and walked towards the bed. You watched him closely, keeping his eye contact, as he walked slowly and sultrily towards the bed. When you felt the bed dip with his weight, you returned your eyes to the book still in your lap.
You ignored him, hearing him sigh and clear his voice. Then you felt a cool hand on your shoulder and lips grazing your skin. A smile broke on your lips as you let the book slide onto the silky sheets, turning your chin ever the slightest. He dragged his lips up your shoulder, using his hand to brush your hair back so he could plant a soft kiss on your neck.
“Did you finally decide to talk to me?” you said mockingly. His hand gripping your arm squeezed and you couldn’t help a small chuckle.
“Careful what you say love,” he murmured, his lips kissing up your neck until he reached your ear, where he grazed his teeth along the shell of your ear.
“Or what?” you asked. “Will you spend another week not speaking to me.”
With a breath, you found yourself on your back with Loki looming over you. His hair framed his face, his brows furrowed as he stared down at you. “Woah there cowboy,” you muttered. He had snuggly fit between your legs, his hands on each side of your head.
“Don’t mock me,” he growled. You rolled your eyes. He grabbed your chin with his hand and turned your face, so you could stare at him. “And don’t roll your eyes at me, Y/N.”
“Well maybe if you made me feel like we were actually together instead of ignoring me, I wouldn’t be so salty!” you shouted, taking him by surprise. His grip faltered, and it was enough for you to push your hips upward and roll him over, straddling his lap and pinning his arms each side of his head. “I am tired of being ignored whenever something doesn’t go your way. I understand you are angry and I understand we have not been together romantically for a long time, but I want you to talk to me. Don’t alienate me. I am here. Talk to me.”
You saw a small glimmer in his eye, as if he found all of this funny, and then it vanished to be replaced by sadness and almost pity. “I am sorry, Y/N.”
“Stop saying you are sorry, Loki,” you said through gritted teeth, tears brimming your eyes. “I am your courtship, your girlfriend. I deserve to be important in your life. Don’t hold everything from me.” He frowned, and you let go of his hands, sitting back on his lap. He lay back for a while, staring at you, watching you intently until he slowly sat up and brushed his knuckles against your cheek.
“Do you not know how important you are to me?” he asked lowly. You looked up through your lashes. “Do you know how you make me feel when I’m with you?” He rose a brow and you nodded slowly, a small smile stretching your lips.
“Loki…” you whined. You closed your eyes, embarrassed for being such a whiny girlfriend. Loki had been through a colossal amount of things in his life. You had no right to demand things from him like you just had.
“Hey, baby, look at me,” he chuckled, pressing his palm against your cheek. You gingerly opened your eyes and stared at him. “Even though you’ve got a hot little figure, there’s so much more to you.” He kissed the tip of your nose, which made your snort. “I’m so glad to be yours.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled, wrapping your hands around his neck and pressing your forehead against his. You hated when he started this; complimenting you non-stop.
“Little cutie,” he chuckled, “when you talk to me, I swear the whole world stops. You're my sweetheart and I'm so glad that you’re mine. You are one of a kind.” He pressed his lips against yours, bringing you closer to his body, the warmth of his bare chest seeping through your little camisole.
“And you mean to me what I mean to you,” he continued, breaking the kiss to look at you with a sly smile. “And together baby, there is nothing we won't do.”
You laughed out loud, completely taken aback by the sudden sweetness in his voice. He took the time to press his fingers into your thick curls. “Oh Loki,” you chuckled, tangling your own fingers into his dark mane. “You know exactly what to say, don’t you?” You smiled at him and he shrugged nonchalantly.
“Now,” he said, raising his brows, “can you stop emasculating me and let me show you a good time?”
You gasped dramatically, slapping his shoulder lightly, chuckling when he broke into a sly smile. “Since you’re offering,” you giggled. He spun you back on your back, taking your breath away with a dizzying kiss. If this is what it felt like to be Loki’s girlfriend, then you didn’t want anything else in the world but him.
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Sorry Not Sorry
Fandom: MARVEL
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Prompt: Sorry Not Sorry- Demi Lovato
Warnings: Language, a little bit of angst
Word Count: 1,577
Summary: You live in Asgard and are the daughter of an esteemed general. You have to go to a banquet being held by Odin. Loki just broke up with you, and you’re feeling insecure. After talking with your friends, they convince you to go to the banquet and just to ignore him. However, that’s not what actually ends up happening.
A.N.: This is for @caplansteverogers‘s writing challenge. This is the reader’s dress for the banquet. This is set before Thor Ragnarok. Lyrics are bolded. Flashbacks are italicized. 
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“I’m not sure that I want to go,” you complained looking at yourself in the mirror. Sif was in your bedroom helping you get ready while you facetimed with Natasha and Wanda on your laptop that Wanda had given to you before you left Earth. They had taught you how to facetime when you came to Earth with Thor to help fight against Ultron.
“No. No way. You can’t back out now,” Wanda said firmly.
“Besides you look gorgeous!” Sif beamed looking at you. She had helped you pick out the green lacey dress. She also had styled your hair and had done your makeup. “You’re going to show him up like I knew that you would in that dress.”
You began laughing and adjusting your dress while looking at it from different angles.
“I just don’t want to see him at all,” you groaned.
“Fineness is the way to kill, and after he sees you he’s going to be dead,” Natasha said. “You’re going to be the one who looks amazing, and he’ll be sorry he ever left you.”
“Are you sure? What if I look like an idiot instead?”
“You’ll be fine. Besides, Sif and Thor will be with you,” Wanda encouraged.
Sif looked at you and nodded. Knowing that she was going to be with you the entire time gave you confidence.
“Maybe it will be okay,” you muttered.
“It’ll be more than okay! It’ll be great to see his sad little hurt face as you strut past him!” Nat seethed. She had been so angry that Loki had hurt you. She even told you to bring her to Asgard, so she could “show him what real pain felt like.”
“Sif, make sure you give me all the details about his reaction!” Nat continued.
“You're right! His reaction is going to be priceless. And probably pathetic. Too bad I don’t have a phone, so I could snap a picture,” you laughed starting to feel better.
“Oh watch out! Y/N’s being a badass!” Wanda joked.
“Being so bad got me feeling so good,” you said back beginning to feel the confident anger burning in your chest intensify. Tonight was the time your revenge, and he was going to be sorry he ever hurt you. “I have to help get Sif ready, but I’ll facetime you as soon as the banquet is over.”
Wanda and Natasha said their goodbyes and logged off. You did Sif’s hair and makeup which was pretty easy, because she liked the natural look. You two began walking to the banquet hall as Thor met up with you to escort you.
“You look beautiful Lady Sif and Lady Y/N,” Thor complimented.
“Thank you,” you blushed. You weren’t used to getting compliments on your looks from Thor.
With each step you hyped yourself up more and more. However as soon as you saw him, you froze. Memories came rushing back to you.
It had been a perfectly normal and peaceful day. You and Sif had practically been talking all morning about different things. Then you went to training, and came back to your room. Everything was fine until he had to come and ruin it. Loki had been getting more and more distant with you, but you figured he was just busy. All of a sudden, he stormed angrily into your room.
“Hey. Are you okay?” you asked with worry lining your face.
“I’m done,” was all he said. You paused, silently encouraging him to continue, but Loki said nothing.
“With what? With Thor? He’s not as awful as you think.”
“With you.”
“Excuse me?” you asked bewildered. Where was this coming from?
“I’m done with you. I’m done with hearing your voice. I’m done with seeing your face. I’m done with seeing you.”
Tears began to well up in your eyes, but you refused to let him see how badly he hurt you. You wanted to cry, you wanted to punch him, but most importantly you wanted to know what had caused this. Suddenly, you saw Loki’s body glitch for a moment. Finally, you snapped.
“I cannot believe you,” you began angrily. “You don’t even have the courage to come in person and say it to my face. Coward!”
You threw a book at the hologram as it disappeared. You then threw a lamp at the door. You flung open your door ready to confront Loki when you ran into Sif. You collapsed into her and began crying. She led you back to your room, and you explained what had happened. After calming you down a little, she facetimed Nat and Wanda. You spent the rest of the night in your room talking with your three closest friends about anything and everything but him.
You felt a strong jab in your arm and looked between Sif and Thor.
“Are you okay? You seemed spaced out,” Thor mentioned.
He knew about the entire incident and hated his brother for hurting you. Thor had always been super protective of you, and he once said he thought of you like his little sister. He was there for you the entire time and bugged you nonstop after the break up seeing if you needed anything. Of course Loki didn’t know how close you and Thor were.
“I’m fine,” you lied.
However as soon as you saw Loki look your way, you regained your confidence. His face drooped in sadness as soon as he saw you. His smile vanished. A look of regret was plastered on his face. He looked you in the eyes, and you confidently smirked at him. Then Loki turned his eyes towards Thor. You knew seeing you arm in arm with Thor would absolutely destroy Loki. You smiled once again as he made eye contact with you. Now his eyes were filled with a passionate anger. You smugly waved at him, then turned away from him, and began talking to others. You knew you had won. As the night went on you drank and feasted while talking amongst friends. You were happy that Sif, Nat, and Wanda had convinced you to come. Suddenly a hand wrapped around your arm disrupting your thoughts. You turned to face the person.
“I thought green was my color,” Loki whispered into your ear.
“Baby, I’m sorry,” you began mocking an apologetic tone, “Not sorry. Besides, I think green looks better on me. Don’t you agree?”
You turned to resume your conversation that had been interrupted when Loki turned you towards him again.
“We need to talk.”
“No, we don’t. Now I’m out here looking like revenge. The best I ever been, and suddenly after months of silence and ignoring me, you want to talk. No. I know how bad it must hurt to see me like this. You made your decision, and now you have to live with it.”
“Please Y/N.”
“It’d be nice for me to take it easy on you, but no. I’m not that easy. I’m not simply going to drop everything I’m doing just to talk to you. You’re out here looking like regret, ain’t too proud to beg. This is a second chance you’ll never get.”
“Y/N. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-”
“No. You meant it when you broke up with me! Remember? You were done with me. I know you thought you had bigger better things. Bet right now this stings, but I’m done with you too, Loki. I’m done.”
You began to turn away, but just as before Loki grabbed you and pulled you back into him. Except this time, his pull was stronger than before, which caused you to twirl in his arms and crash into his lips. You tried to pull away until you felt his lips begin to move passionately against yours. You began kissing back, missing the feeling of his lips against yours. You realized what you were doing and breathlessly pulled away to look at him.
“Y/N, I’m truly sorry. I’ve been wanting to tell you, but I couldn't find the right time.”
You looked in his eyes, trying to decide whether or not he was being honest. The kiss felt honest, but then again, he was the god of mischief. You thought of his last statement, that he didn’t have the opportunity to talk to you. It was true. Anytime you saw him, you had tried to escape, hiding in the closest room. However, this kiss had brought back all your old feelings for him. It had warmed up your frozen heart. But you couldn’t just go right back to him. You had a point you were trying to prove all night, that you were done with him. But were you ever really? Someone began yelling which broke your thoughts.
“Hey! Don’t you dare touch her!” Thor yelled.
As Loki turned to see Thor, Sif came from behind and kicked the back of one of Loki’s knees causing him to fall to the ground in pain.
“Stop!” you yelled as Thor raised his hammer.
You looked down at Loki trying to figure out if what you were going to do was right or not. You reached your hand towards him to help him up. Sif and Thor gave you looks of confusion. You simply gave them the face that said I’ll explain later. Your eyes pleaded with them to trust you. Once Loki stood up and regained his balance, you turned to him.
“You’re right. We need to talk.”
Thank you for reading! Please like/reblog. Requests are open. :)
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captainmarvels · 7 years
Summary: Sweet loves with a bittersweet ending. || modern au
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: ANGST [I am so, so sorry...]
Word Count: 2252
A/N: Here’s my submission for @caplansteverogers‘s song fic challenge! My song was I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie, and I recommend you listen to the song while reading this. Once again, I am so sorry for the angst. Feel free to yell at me. | masterlist
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Could someone really exist without it?
What comes to mind when you think of love? Is it happiness? Joy? A smile forever etched on your lips, even on the darkest of days? An endless effort and push for the best of the best, with your true love by your side?
Love is nothing more than a paradox. An inconsistency in humanity.
Love is a sham. How could you ever believe that there could be someone out there in the world, right this moment, meant to find you? Meant to fall in love with every part of your being? How could you let yourself be so stupid? So naive?
Love is nothing more than a traitor.
It shouts from the rooftops of the happiness, the purity, the endless stream of passion and emotion it will bring to your life. It speaks of tales with happy endings; ones where the love is forevermore; a river that never runs dry.
What love never admits is that it comes with a price.
A price that no sane human being would ever pay. Why do you think love is a traitor?
Love lies to and betrays everyone it woos. It never speaks of the price every lover must pay.
That price?
Pain. Doubt. Loss. Heartbreak.
Love comes with a cost, and it's one that no one is ever prepared for.
Love will betray you at any given moment. No warnings, no foretelling what love will do. All you’ll feel when it happens is that your heart is gone. Shattered beyond repair.
When you fall in love, you’re making a deal with Satan himself.
In exchange for happiness, love takes the one thing you cannot live without. Your heart.
The soft, warm sunlight slipping past the parted curtains of the bedroom gentle strike his cheek. His eyes flutter momentarily, the warm light stirring him awake. He’s laying on his back, one arm splayed on the bed, his other wrapped around your torso. He feels you snuggle into his warmth, your nose brushing against his soft skin. You sigh sleepily, your hand finding its home atop his heart.
He knew you slept best on his chest, where you could tell he was there with you. Always.
He finally opens his eyes, his lips spread in a wide smile as he watches your head rise and fall in time with his breaths. Your hair is radiant under the sliver of sunlight, your skin glowing like his own personal sun.
How did he end up so lucky?
“Why are we here again?” Bucky’s leaning against a nearby bookcase, his arms crossed over his chest, practically huffing his words out. Steve looks over his shoulder, rolling his eyes as he skims his hand across the worn covers.
“I need to find the book I was reading last time I was here. I swear, I left it here,” Steve scans the shelf, his gaze finding the now empty spot where his book once was. “Shit,” he mutters, his head resting against the cool wood.
“What now?”
“It’s gone.”
“Huh. You said we were here for a book… you sure ‘bout that, Rogers?” Bucky chuckles lightly, his gaze peering down the narrow corridor between the tall stacks.
“What’re you on about, jerk?” Steve says, poking his head out to follow Bucky’s gaze. He quickly pulls away, leaning against the bookcase as he tries to catch his breath. Bucky’s watching his every move, trying his damn hardest not to laugh, even with the stupid grin on his face.
“So, definitely here for the gal. What’s her name, punk?” Bucky whispers, still grinning as Steve blushes, running a hand through his short hair.
“Dunno. Haven’t had the courage to say anything to her just yet.” Steve’s blush only grows as Bucky smirks, holding a hand up before walking away. “Bucky, no!” Steve calls out, unable to do anything as Bucky walks just out of his reach. He slumps back against the bookcase again, closing his eyes shut as he mentally plots the eventual death of his best friend.
He opens them when he hears Bucky’s voice on the other side of the bookcase.
“Well darlin’, I swear it was here. My friend Steve was here the other day, said he’d left it right around here.”
“Steve? A tall, blonde guy?” Your voice asks quietly, and Steve’s heart damn near leaps out of his chest.
“That’s the one. You know him?” Steve can just picture the smug little smile on Bucky’s face, wishing he could just wipe it right off.
“I’ve seen him around. He seems very kind. Never really talked to him, though.”
“Ah, I see. You know what, doll? I might be wrong. Maybe it was on the other side of this row, ya know?”
“Doesn’t hurt to check.”
Steve’s eyes widen as panic settles in, his heart racing a mile a minute in his ears. He turns to his left, ready to make his escape when he collides with something… no, someone. His arm instinctively wraps around your waist, his free hand grabbing ahold of the bookcase as he breaks your fall, pulling you up, right into his chest.
“‘M so sorry, oh my gosh, I’m-” You stop mumbling when you find yourself staring into heavenly blue eyes. Steve shakes his head, dropping his arm as he steps back, nearly tripping over a stack of books. You grab his hand, keeping him balanced as he sighs in relief, his free hand carding through his golden hair.
“Thank you for the save, sweetheart. And sorry about earlier, I wasn’t really looking, until now,” Steve whispers the last words, his gaze dropping to the floor as he rests against the bookcase.
“Until now?” You whisper back, a shy warmth washing over you. Steve meets your gaze, a pink tint coloring his cheeks as he smiles.
“You caught me, doll. Both literally, and figuratively. Sorry, that was really cheesy,” He chuckles, blushing even more as you giggle.
“Cheesy, but cute. Glad we’re finally talking, Steve.” You smile, resting a comforting hand on his arm.
“I’m glad, too.”
Steve’s heart clenches just a little tighter than usual at the fond memory.
He opens his eyes, his gaze landing on the bleak scene before him.
The machines across the room beep quietly, your heartbeat illuminating the black and green monitor. He sighs, reluctantly glancing over to the bed.
You’re asleep, your chest rising and falling with every slow breath your lungs take and release.
He knows each one could be your last, which is why it hurts him all the more to sit there and watch.
How will he know when the end will dawn?
Love has come for his heart, but he never thought it would be this damn soon.
There’s a soft rap on the door, dragging him out of his thoughts. He takes a deep breath, carding through his long locks as he makes his way to the door. He steps out, taking one last glance at you before shutting the door.
Bucky’s face doesn’t do anything to lighten the weight on Steve’s soul.
“How is she?”
“Same.” Steve’s monotone voice is a knife twisting in Bucky’s heart, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
“Have you decided yet?” His words hit Steve right in the gut, and he can’t help but wince at the subtle pain.
“What do you think?” He mutters, pushing past Bucky for the seats on the adjacent wall.
“I know it’s hard, man, but you have to decide on something. For her. For you.”
“Don’t you think I know that, Bucky? I can’t do it. Every time I look at the damn sheet, all I can think about is her smile. Her laugh. Her. Steve rests his head on his hands, Bucky’s own hand resting on his shoulder.
“I have until tomorrow night before the doctors come for my answer. I gotta do something for her, first. Before I do anything.” Steve feels the hot tears on his cheeks and nose, but he ignores them. He pushes aside the stinging pain in his heart, because all he can focus on is you.
“You need help?”
“I need pen and a paper. And a lawyer. Think you can handle that, Buck?” Steve finally looks at him, his eyes red. Bucky gives him a sad smile, nodding his head as he reassuringly squeezes his shoulder.
“Anything for you two. You know that.”
“I don’t know how you’ve done it, Y/N. Steve’s a changed man. Changed for the better, of course!” Everyone in the room roars in laughter, Bucky’s face the reddest of them all. Steve punches him in the arm, smiling as he pulls you against his chest, nuzzling his nose against your neck as you reach behind, gently pulling on his hair.
“I did what you never could, Barnes. Put him in his place!” Bucky was a tomato, and the more he laughed, the more it seemed like he was running out of oxygen. Steve bit your shoulder at your words, laughing when you smacked his thigh.
“You didn’t put me anywhere, darling. All you did was make me fall in love with ya, is all.”
“Still means I won, Rogers. Surrender to my almighty power!” You shout, giggling as your best friend Natasha gives you a high-five, earning her a stern glare from Steve as everyone around continues laughing.
You turn around on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands settle on your waist. He looks up at you, the happiest smile painted on his lips. You lean down, pressing soft kisses on his forehead and nose, avoiding his lips at all costs.
“Don’t torture the man, Y/N. Leave the teasing for the bedroom!” Sam hollers, his laugh turning into a shout of pain as Bucky tackles him to the ground. Everyone laughs once again, tears of joy streaming everywhere.
“You heard the man, my love. Give me a kiss, huh?” Steve gives you his best puppy eyes, pouting just a bit. You roll your eyes, catching him off guard as you kiss him, your teeth digging into his bottom lip as he gasps in surprise. You pull away before he has a chance to do his damage, leaving him to chase your lips, only to meet your finger halfway.
“You heard the man, baby. Leave it for the bedroom,” You wink as Steve rolls his eyes, gripping your hips, pulling you into his chest. He leans forward, kissing your jaw until his lips brush the bottom of your ear.
“We’ll see about that, sweetheart.”
“Everything ready?” Bucky’s adjusting his tie, nodding his head as Steve nervously shifts around.
“Steve, stop that. Matt’s on his way; everything will be fine.”
“Sam’s on his way. Natasha’s in the bathroom, making sure she doesn’t lose her shit, like you are right now. Breathe, punk. It’ll all be okay.”
Bucky rests a hand on each of Steve’s shoulders, staring right into his eyes.
“This is gonna hurt, a lot. Don’t forget that we’re here for you both. All of us.”
“Bucky - oh, sorry. Am I interrupting something?” Steve and Bucky pull away from one another, glancing over at the newest arrival.
“Never, Murdock. Steve, you know my lawyer. Matt, Steve” Matt sticks a hand out, smiling as Steve smiles back, taking his hand and giving a tight squeeze.
“A pleasure.”
“Thank you for this, Matt.” He shakes his head, adjusting the glasses perched on his nose as he looks between the two men.
“No problem at all. Shall we get this show on the road?”
“So this is all… legit?” Natasha whispers to Bucky, gasping when Matt chuckles.
“Yes, it is, Ms. Romanoff. Steve and Y/N got the marriage certificate notarized before, you know. All it takes is a lawyer and signatures, which the lady of the night as already procured for us. Now, I think it’s time for the vows. Steve?” Matt steps back, pulling a small table away as Steve steps up to the foot of the bed, a small velvet box in his hand.
“I never thought we’d be doing it this way, sweetheart. Just goes to show, you’re still full of surprises, huh? Well, here goes nothing.” Steve smiles, moving to the side of the bed, sitting right on the edge as he takes your hand in his. He clears his throat, ignoring the hot tears already welling up in his eyes.
“Well, sweet love of mine. You once told me that someday you’ll die. I remember I laughed, saying that I would be close behind, no matter what. Holding your hand so tight, just waiting for a hint of anything. Remember the first time we held hands? Sparks flew that night, that’s for sure. My love, we have seen everything to see. The soles of our shoes were so worn down, our anniversary gifts for each other were brand new shoes. No one knew why, but I don’t think either of us have laughed as hard as we did that night. Anyways, back to the point here. I love you, darling. Someday is today, and I know I said I’d follow you into the dark, but I also know you won’t let me. The time is now, and you told me not to cry, and I’m really trying my best here, baby. We’ll hold each other soon; that I know for a fact. So do me a favor, sweet love. Let go. I’ll be close behind.”
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axidental-pol · 7 years
Bad things with you...
A/N: Congratulations to Caplan for hitting 900 followers! She's awesome with her Marvel Mobster fics and ugh shes just a freaking awesome writer that inspired me. Here's my first attempt at a Steve x Reader fic. I hope I did it justice!
Warnings: Slight bondage?
“Ugh… Dammit!”
A crash came from upstairs as the sound of struggling echoed through the house. The rest of the team went out for the day and left the tower to you and Steve.
“Steve?” you made your way up the stairs as grunts could be heard from the closed door of his room.
“You alright?” you knocked on his door and the noises paused as his voice came out strained.
“(Y/n), can you come help me?”
The door creaked as you entered his bedroom. You didn't know what you expected but it certainly wasn't an image of the Captain flailing on the ground.
His arms were tied behind his back and you couldn't help but laugh at the sight of a slightly disadvantaged Steve.
“Stop laughing and help me, please!” He pouted making you laugh harder. How much more adorable could this man get?
“What happened to you?”
He growled.
“Bucky happened. He wanted to practice and made me his unwilling victim.”
Tears were coming out of your eyes as you tried to hold in your laughter. Steve was red in the face from struggling against the chains.
A bright idea popped in your head. It was a bad idea but you couldn't miss the opportunity to have Steve Rogers under your mercy.
The click of the phone camera made both you and Steve froze.
“(Y/n)...” Steve whispered. His voice low as he stopped struggling against his bonds.
“You did not just take a picture.”
You bit your lower lip. An angry Steve Rogers was more terrifying than the Hulk but he was chained anyway so what was the harm.
Boy, were you wrong.
He flipped himself over so he was facing you. His legs curled around your ankles as they caught you by surprise. You landed with a grunt as you hit something hard and the sound of chains clamored around you.
Falling face forward onto Captain America was definitely not how you imagined your day going but there you were, chest to chest with the infamous super soldier.
“Steve!” You slapped his chest, reprimanding the man.
“Not so funny now that you're in the same position is it, (Y/n)?” He grinned mischievously.
God, that smile was charming. Wait, get yourself together, this not the time to fall head over heels.
“Idiot. Now how are we supposed to get out of here now that you tied me up too?” you huffed as you tried to wriggle away from him.
“Stop moving.”
You ignored him as you tried to slide down his torso but met with strong arms holding you firmly. What the heck was he doing?
“Steve, I'm trying to get us out of these chains.”
You looked at him. He was frowning with flushed cheeks, “I don't think that's a good idea.”
“What do you mean it's not a good idea?”
He turned away, hiding his face as you took his silence as an answer of approval.
You tried to wiggle your hips but his fingers dug deeper into your sides.
“Ouch! Steve what the heck are you-”
“Sorry, but-” he grunted “Just don't move (Y/n), please…”
You must have flushed scarlet as you felt something hard against your thigh. Silence. The both of you were avoiding each other's gaze and it was an awkward few minutes until you started to get stiff. You had to get out of this position.
“Um, Steve?”
“I didn't want to um… my uh…” You didn't know words. How is it that his eyes are so blue?
You fidgeted as you tried to get into a more comfortable position but your movements made him hiss. Alarmed, you attempted to get up putting more pressure on certain areas of his body.
“(Y/n), please…”
“I'm so sorry, Steve! I-”
His lips silenced yours as he gripped you closer to his chest. You groaned as he pulled away, looking at you with dark eyes.He nipped your bottom lip making you whimper. His lips parted slowly, his tongue peeking out and caressing your lips in an enticing way. His tongue slipped through your parted lips, dancing with your own passionately.
You didn't want it to end but air was calling your name. Breaking the kiss, you breathed in and out quickly, trying to calm yourself.
Steve's bound hands seemed to have found themselves lower than appropriate as they gripped your ass. You squeaked at the unexpected contact making him grin wickedly.
He leaned over to your ear, “I've wanted to do that for a while.”
“Really? I think you can do better than that, soldier.”
You smirked back at him as you wriggled your hips, making him groan.
“You're a bad girl, (Y/n).”
“Sure I am… the question is what are you gonna do about it?”
He flipped you both over. He was hovering above you as your back ended up on the floor. His weight made you feel tingly as he covered every part of you.
“Oh don’t worry darling, I have it all planned out. I’m gonna do real bad things with you.”
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haven-in-writing · 7 years
Blue ain’t your color
Summary: Tony walks into a bar and finds himself in the presence of an angel. If only he could get her to smile.
Song: blue ain’t your color by Kieth Urban
@caplansteverogers this is for your song challenge and I hope it loaded right cause I’m at work! Enjoy! 😊
Pairing: Tony Stark x reader
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He hadn’t been in the bar more than five minutes before his eyes found you. A complete stranger that happened to catch his eye for whatever reason, until he actually looked at you.
Everything about you was mesmerizing in a breathtaking tragedy kind of way. The yellow dress you were wearing, while a little worn and worse for wear, complemented your skin beautifully. How the dress hugged your beautifully shaped body. He wanted to walk over and see if your skin was as soft as the silky dress.
He loved the way your hair complemented your face, it was beautifully designed. As if god himself had crafted each part of you carefully in detail and then magnified it by a thousand. The glow of the bars lights caught you in a fiery halo and had you shining like a beacon in the cold winter. It was a soft yet incredibly defined moment and Tony swore that time itself had stopped. Even with the mascara smudged under your eyes, the tear trails on your skin, Tony knew he was a goner. How could he not be, he was looking at an angel.
Deciding to make his way over to you, without the intention of bedding you, He saddled up beside you and was cut off before he could speak.
“I’m not buying what you’re selling so back off dude,” your ice cold voice sent a knife through Tony’s gut, which he promptly ignored.
“I’m not here to hit on you, sweet cheeks, I was gonna ask you to dance,” he recovered smoothly, but honestly.
“Why?” Her question was so simple but it practically shattered Tony’s brain. Why was he doing this? He’s never done this before so why now and why her?
“You just look like you could have a little fun tonight, no worries and no thinking, just some honest fun,” Tony answered after a short beat of silence between the two. He was shocked to hear his own answer cause he didn’t think, it just came out.
“Hm.... what did you have in mind, stranger?” She asked with a gentle teasing tone in her voice, rhythmically tapping her fingers against the bar creating a little beat behind the song that was playing.
“Well first things first, stranger, my name is Tony Stark,” he had a little swagger in his voice as he introduced himself to you. He saw how your eyes had a slight sparkle now and your hair was almost enough to hide a small smile creeping on to your face. Tony caught these small changes and was close to preening he was so happy that he was the one to open you up a little.
He watched as she wiped under her eyes, trying to make herself a little more presentable, before turning to him and extending her hand.
“Y/n L/n, nice to meet you Tony,” she smiled, laughing a little and Tony knew he was in love with this fallen angel.
Cause blue just ain’t her color.
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kjs-s · 7 years
New Rules
Pairing Pietro Maximoff x reader
Summary: The aftermath of your break up with Pietro
Song fic based on Dua Lipa’s New Rules
Word Count: 1105
Warnings: None.
A/N: This is my entry for @caplansteverogers song fic challenge. I hope you will all like it. Thanks for reading it.
@writing-journeyx   @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse  @ohyesmarvel @agentpeggicarter  @buckys-fossil @romantichen @once-upon-an-imagine
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This was the fifth time in two months that you and Pietro had an argument. Compared to the latest one, all the others were insignificant. The reason for this fight was that you saw him kissing someone else.
He tried to deny cheating on you but you didn’t give him a chance to explain himself. You had overlooked way too many of his faults in the past, but now you made up your mind. Leaving him was the only solution in order to save your heart from breaking again and eventually be happy. Every other argument had led to him begging and eventually persuading you to come back. However, your decision now was irreversible.
After the fight, you couldn’t stay at home. You needed someone to help ease your pain so you asked your best friend Natasha if you could spend the night at her place.
‘’I just don’t understand why he would do something like that. He knew how I feel about cheating and yet he chose to betray me. Did I do something wrong?’’ You couldn’t help yourself; you kept doubting yourself in this relationship. You constantly thought whether or not you were a good partner for Pietro. His cheating only made you lose the confidence that you sometimes had about doing a decent job.
‘’Of course not, how can you say something like that? You have been the best partner anyone could ever ask for. You cooked for him, asked him about his day, you put effort to bond with his sister, you even tried really hard to manage your temper to make this relationship work. He was ungrateful and selfless.’’ She gave you a reassuring smile and a piece of the red velvet cake she had made earlier that day to sample for a friend’s birthday party.
‘’I guess you have a point. I did try my best to make it work. And all I asked of him was on the occasion he fell in love with someone else to have the decency to end things with me first. I don’t believe that’s too much to ask of him.’’ You were telling this now but during the relationship, you couldn’t help but feel like a burden to him.
As you said that, your phone began ringing. Seeing his name being displayed on your screen made you subconsciously reach for it. However, Natasha placed her hand on your shoulder and stopped you.
‘’Don’t pick it up. You remember what happened the last time, do you want to live it again?’’
This was how your reconnections usually used to start. He would always call and when you picked up he would start guilt tripping you about how sorry and lonely he was. This time around is different.
‘You are right; he’s probably calling just because he's drunk and alone. Or maybe his new partner decided that he is not worth it and now I’m the only alternative.  I decided it and I will write it down as a rule, I won’t pick up the phone.’’
 The following evening you went back to your home. Your breakup with Pietro still hurt a little but you were determined to not go back to him. While you were trying to decide what to make for dinner someone knocked on your door.
‘’Who is it?’’ You looked through the peephole only to see your ex standing in front of your door. He looked charming as always and the smile on his face was mesmerizing. He knew you had the habit to check who’s knocking on the door so he was expecting you to melt in his sight.
‘’It’s me, darling, I missed you last night. You didn’t answer my calls so I had to come by. You know we belong together (Y/N). Come on baby, just open the door.’’
Is he serious right now? Does he believe I will fall for it again?
You opened your mouth to yell at him or at least answer him and tell him to stop. However, your phone started ringing and startled you.
‘’Hi Nat, you won’t believe what’s going on right now.’’ You inform your friend who just called to ask you whether you want to have dinner with her. You had every intention to either make Pietro wait for a response or not get one at all. He would eventually get bored and leave to go find someone else.
‘’Let me guess, Pietro tried calling you again. As for right now, I can only assume he resorted to texting to let you know he misses you. Am I right?’’ Her tone was a little sarcastic knowing what Pietro is capable of.
When he was trying to win you over and agree to date him he gave you a new love letter every week. Sometimes he asked the rest of your mutual friends to help him out. They even ended up serenading you outside your door.
‘’Not really, he is outside in the hallway. He is waiting for me to open.’’ You rolled your eyes not even thinking about it. You knew better.
‘’No don’t do it. You must not let him in. You are well aware from past experiences that you’ll have to kick him out again in the morning.’’
‘’You are right, I know. I just need to repeat it to myself that she is only interested in me to pass the time and tomorrow he will leave me again.’’ Something similar has happened way too many times before. At one point people thought your relationship was on and off, but you thought you were both happy.
‘’And one more thing you need to bear in mind is to not be his friend.  You don’t owe him anything, especially a person to listen to his sob stories and a shoulder to cry on. That will only lead you to bed and if you wake up next to him you won’t get over him.’’ Natasha has been there every time a situation like this has happened before so her advice was solid.
‘’You are absolutely right; I just need to learn it by heart. I will eat, sleep, and breathe it. I will inform him of my decision right now. Thanks, Nat.’’ You hung up the phone and prepared yourself to confront your ex.
‘’Pietro are you still there?’’ You were determined to finally make him understand.
‘’Yes (Y/N) are you going to open the door?’’ He sounded hopeful.
‘’No Pietro, I’m not letting you in and you know why?’’ You took a deep breath.
‘’ Because when it comes to you, from now on I got new rules.’’
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kaunis-sielu · 7 years
I knew you were trouble - Taylor Swift for the #caplansongfic by the lovely @caplansteverogers
Again, when I️ do a song fic they’re based on the feeling or idea that I️ get from listening to the song.
“He’s on his way back in. Fix him fast and get him back out there.” One of your superiors snaps and you nod, gathering your medical equipment into your travel bag. You get to the exam room first, standing with the door open in the far corner. You keep your hands at your sides like you’ve been instructed to do, you need to be as unthreatening as you can.
He walked in, boots thudding heavily against the hardwood floors. You knew the second you turned around that you were screwed.
Dark hair that fell to his square jaw, bright blue eyes that seemed to see everything, and the danger that’s built into every inch of him. He’s never been rough or scary to you, which was probably why it took you about four seconds to completely fall for him. Falling for him was one dangerous thing to do, and pointless. The Winter Solider didn’t love or care about anyone, you were just his healer.
“Soldier.” You say softly, he nods, acknowledging your presence but doesn’t say anything. He strips down to his underwear, leaving everything on the floor. You pass him a blanket before gathering up his jacket, pants, boots, gloves and mask and after folding them you put them outside then close the door.
“Any injuries I should know about?” You ask gently.
“I was stabbed.”
“Where?” You don’t see any blood. He shows you his mechanical arm, it’s been ripped open. Who could have done this to him?
“I’ll let the mechanics know. Any injuries I️ can tend to?” All you get in response is a shrug. You walk around him, you can see bruises forming. One that concerns you is one on his abdomen and the one on his right shoulder. “I’m going to make sure you didn’t break anything.” You’re gentle as you prod the skin around the bruises but nothing feels broken and he doesn’t flinch.
“I knew him.” He mutters and you freeze, searching his face.
“What?” You breathe and those blue eyes meet your own startled ones.
“The man on the bridge.” I knew him.” He says it louder this time and you slap a hand over his mouth.
“Shh!” You hiss, you get as close to him as you dare then whisper, “Do, not, tell anyone else that! They’ll wipe you and if they find out I know they’ll get rid of me.” He peels your hand off of his mouth then whispers,
“Get rid of you? They’ll kill you?”
“I don’t know. All I know is you remembered back in ‘91 and right after that I was assigned to you. Your last healer went missing.” He tugs gently on the hand he’s still holding and you tumble into his blanket covered lap.
“I won’t let them hurt you.”
“Unfortunately Solider. I don’t think either of us has a say in the matter.” You sit quietly for a moment then slide off of his lap, pull open a drawer and hand him new clothes. “You should go. They’ll be waiting.” He changes into the clean clothes quickly then studies you for a moment over his shoulder in the doorway.
That was the last time you saw him. You were currently locked in a Hydra jail cell, it’s freezing and you’re exhausted. He said something. He had to. There was no other reason why you should be locked away in here. Hydra brought you down here right after they’d wiped him, you’d heard his screams. You don’t know how long ago that was, but no one has been down here in a long time. Your stomach aches with hunger, your head hurts and your vision is blurry from lack of sleep. All you can do is wait, to be punished or to die.
Or maybe your punishment is the waiting and the knowing. Knowing, you’ll never see him again.
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jennareedus · 7 years
Bucky Barnes x Reader
What About Us
Summary: Based on the song ‘What About Us’ by P!NK. Here’s a link <3 
Word Count: 528
Warnings: Slight violence, something you can barely call smut but I like to warn people :)
A/N: I have no idea what I just wrote, I really like it though and hope you guys will too! I wrote this for the song challenge from @caplansteverogers. Have a lovely day <3 
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We are searchlights, we can see in the dark We are rockets, pointed up at the stars We are billions of beautiful hearts And you sold us down the river too far
Bucky kissed you passionately as he pushed you roughly against the wall, your bodies close together as the moment passed on and you tried to remember everything that happened but as soon as he let his hand slowly move across your leg and you felt his fingers moving up your skirt, you didn’t care any longer. You didn’t care where you were or which day it was. You only cared about him.
What about us? What about all the times you said you had the answers? What about us? What about all the broken happy ever afters? What about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster? What about love? What about trust? What about us?
Bucky screamed at you, this time. Something about jealousy and kissing someone else. But you couldn’t hear a thing. Not one word he was screaming. He yelled and threw things at you and all you could do was let it happen. You looked at the way his lips moved fast and the vein in his neck, getting bigger. You smiled softly but it only made him more angry with you and then he pushed you on the floor. And you let it happen.
We are problems that want to be solved We are children that need to be loved We were willin', we came when you called But man, you fooled us, enough is enough, oh
Bucky loved you, you told yourself. And when he walked into your room, oh how he loved you. He said he shouldn’t have yelled at you and pushed you. That he was sorry. But all you could say that you were sorry and that you loved him. And all you could think about was how he came back for you. And then you weren’t sure if he was lying or not. 
What about us? What about all the times you said you had the answers? What about us? What about all the broken happy ever afters? What about us? What about all the plans that ended in disaster? What about love? What about trust? What about us?
Bucky held you tightly in his arms, assuring you he would never let go. That you were his. And all you could do was believe him. You had to. There was no other choice. He would hold you forever. He kissed you and hugged you and whispered sweet things in your ear. And you kissed him back and couldn’t let go of him. Not anymore. He promised. 
Sticks and stones they may break these bones But then I'll be ready, are you ready? It's the start of us, waking up, come on Are you ready? I'll be ready I don't want control, I want to let go Are you ready? I'll be ready Cause now it's time to let them know We are ready
Bucky fought with you. For you. He could barely stand up but he kept on fighting for you. Everytime you and him would stand up, hit after hit. And you would keep on fighting for the one you loved. For each other. He didn’t care how much pain he was in and you didn’t care about the way they said you fought like a girl. You kept on going. It was all you could do.
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anaboo-thewriter · 7 years
Summary: You’re at a club that you didn’t want to go to in the first place, but a man named Steve makes things better.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: Vomit
A/N: This is for @caplansteverogers Song Fic Challenge. It’s based on the song Here x Alessia Cara. Please reblog this if you like this and leave feedback. Tags may be added later.
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The club was the last place you wanted to be, but your friends dragged you there anyway. All you wanted to do was stay home and enjoy the seclusion and watch Netflix until your mind went numb. The peace and quiet you wished for were replaced by the sound of the bass thumping against your eardrum and the uncomfortable feeling of people dripping in sweat brushing against you while you made your way to a remote corner in the back of the room, resorting to people watching.
It wasn’t a surprise that everybody was drinking, you managed to steal a drink from the bar before observing your surroundings. Most people were dancing, your friends included, as they grinded their backsides into strangers’ crotches with the possibility of going home with them. Some were talking about how much they hated their lives. You rolled your eyes at the situation as you were stuck between a couple drunkenly displaying their affection with sloppy kisses and constant groping and a woman loudly explaining how much people at her job hated her for something trivial.
Through your disgust, three guys who looked like they didn’t belong entering the club caught your attention. One of the men was black and slightly shorter than his two compatriots as well as more eager as he danced through the crowd with an ear-to-ear grin. The long-haired brunette with a muscular build followed closely behind, but was distracted by all the women and almost made a handful faint with just a wink. The last man was a blonde and the least comfortable in the trio. His body was rigid as he tried to squeeze past people while expressing his forgiveness for possibly ruining their fun as he broke away from his friends and headed towards you.
The tall blonde’s hands were shoved in his pockets as he shifted his feet back and forth to ease his discomfort. He was the most attractive man you had seen all night along with the soberest, making the party more bearable if you talked to him.  
“Hey,” you called for his attention over the deafening music and gave him a gentle nudge with your elbow. He nearly jumped out of his shoes at the contact, placing a hand on his chest to calm his racing heart from the scare.
“Sorry,” he shouted with a smile, “I didn’t hear you calling me,”
“It’s fine,” you matched his volume, “That was my fault. I should have made myself known. I’m Y/N,” you held out your hand to shake.
“Steve,” he took your hand in his and gave it a firm shake, but careful enough not to crush your hand.
“What’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?” you laid on the charm, hoping he could entertain you and maybe even get his number.
“Oh, my friends dragged me here,” he said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I didn’t really want to come, but they convinced me that I needed a little break from my work,”
“Can I join this ‘I don’t want to be here party’ because my friends are doing the same thing to me,” Your joked earned a laugh from Steve.
The two of you grew more comfortable with each other. You had forgotten about your displeasure about being at the club and Steve’s tense muscles relaxed as the conversation continued. You failed to hear a groan from a drunken partier dragging his feet next to you. The groans turned to gags, followed by a flood of vomit all landing on the hem of your dress and heels. You jumped back in revulsion almost landing in Steve’s arms to get away from the random guy as he continued to throw up.
“Fuck!” you shouted. Steve ran away from you but quickly returned with dampened paper towels, kneeled down and gently patted the foul stain from your mid-thigh length gown.
“This looks like this isn’t coming off well,” he said with discouraged eyes. He stood to his feet and took off his leather jacket to wrap around you, “How about I’ll take you to my place to clean you up better,”
“Please, get me as far away from this place as possible,” you pleaded.
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Only You To Trust (AU) - part 2
Word Count: 1,395 words. Summary: All the glitz and glam that LA is known for only served to hide the painful truth about people. Warning(s): Angst. Suggestive themes.  A/N: my entry for @caplansteverogers. Feedback would be appreciated. Happy reading!  PS Bucky will make an appearance in the next parts so stick with me and this may not have been proofread sorry
part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4
You stirred from your sleep when you felt warm hands settle on your stomach, strong arms wrapped around you. Instinctively you inched closer to the body next to you, feeling their chest hit your back. You hummed with delight when you felt their lips kissing your shoulder, making you scoot closer into their touch.
For a brief moment, you forgot what had happened the night before, caving into this moment of intimacy and comfort, one that you’ve longed for a while since Bucky’s left for his job in New York.
It was then that you remembered who was next to you. Spooning was not something you both agreed to doing –the closeness and tenderness of such thing would mean crossing the line between lust and love. You’re about to pull away, guilt crawling its way back to your heart but Clint doesn’t let go.
You open your eyes slowly, seeing the morning rays spill into your bedroom almost blindingly.
God, this is wrong, but Clint’s not letting go and you feel this shift inside of you, a warmness that settles inside of your chest as a smile creeps its way to your lips. You can’t even suppress its approach, and selfishly, sinfully, you settled back and allow to have this moment. Clint’s probably had a little too much last night, his mind probably thinking you’re his girl instead of you. You take in the smell of warm morning scent of last night’s perfume and sex in the air, letting it suffocate you to remember how immoral this act was.
“Can’t we stay like this, (y/n)?” he groggily asked, shifting from behind you.
You stilled for a moment, taken back from the question. You won’t need coffee today because that question will make you stay awake for a while.
Your mind paints an image of many lines this moment has made you cross, and your heart does a somersault in your chest, instincts screaming ‘run now’.
Soon as the words left his mouth, Clint’s eyes are wide open and when you lay in his arms motionless, he knows the trouble he’s caused between you both. In no way was what you and him did last night, and the many nights before, was honorable but he’d like to think that by not crossing that line he was keeping yours and his hearts from falling into a pit of foreign feelings.
“Shit” he curses, untangling himself from you. You swallow the lump in your throat and sit up, dragging your sheets to cover yourself, your back suddenly so adamant to face him.
Behind you Clint is stumbling to get into his jeans, but his eyes never leaving your sight. You’re sitting wordlessly at your side of the bed, hair falling to your bare back.
Your mind is racing, trying to recover from the slight shock. You’ve been quiet too long now, and you should say something to him in an effort to defuse the tension. You want to so badly ignore what he said, but it’s still so fresh and it’s echoing inside your head, his words somehow distorting itself to something much more cynical.
Clint pauses what he’s doing, gaze carefully analyzing you. He’s about to say something, a lame excuse that he was out of it and was being delirious, but he doesn’t get the chance to.
Not when your door is pushed open, and a woman with Brown hair comes in, her big green eyes bulging with terror.
“Wanda!” you shriek as you immediately stand up, grimacing at the abrupt movement. Your head is killing you now, painful throbs picking around your head as your throat scratches.
Her eyes land on Clint, then you, before her legs finally react to the command she’s been yelling; move and get out. Your door is slammed behind her, mouth still agape at the sight of you in your sheets as the man next to you is clad in his jeans, undone.
The image burns her retina, and so she repeatedly blinks in an attempt to remove it. But it’s still vivid with each flicker as she walks to your living room, intent on walking out.
But she’s forgotten that the team is here.
Pietro’s eyebrows furrow at the sight of Wanda emerging from down your hallway, looking as if she’s witnessed a murder.
“What’s wrong?” he asks immediately. It didn’t take him long to get his answer when you appear just behind Wanda, silk robe draped around you, followed by a man he’s seen before. He puts two and two together, and without a second thought, Pietro’s at your door, not allowing your management team and interns from stepping foot into your house, not until Clint manages to sneak out.
“What were you thinking?!” screamed your manager, but you didn’t care. His words don’t matter to you since you know his job entails for him to cover this mess you made. The interns have all been made to hand their phones and other devices in, for fear that they’ll leak any information –the first act your management’s done to secure this scandal to stay within the four walls of your house.
You don’t hear him, not when Wanda has suddenly taken an interest on the art of your wall more, her face impassive as she stares at an abstract portrait.
The truth is she’s disappointed. The shock and anger inside of her had turned into amber when Clint disappears through the back door, leaving you to handle this mess. She’s disappointed that you’ve fallen this far, have lowered your sense of worth to this standard, stooped low when everything high is at stake. She can’t spare a glance to see the ticking time-bomb of destruction that is you.
Pietro is fuming, probably even more than your manager. His chest is heaving, anger seething inside of him. But he’s not sure who he’s angrier at, you or Clint. He’s seen him from a previous photoshoot, and with the way he was looking at you sent every red alarm blaring inside of him.
He senses the trouble. He could see it with each click of camera and flashlight coming from Clint’s camera as you posed for him, that twinkle in your eyes dancing wickedly behind your innocent smile.
Pietro is protective, it’s what big brothers do, even though you technically aren’t related to him by blood. But he’s considered you his sister the moment he’s joined your team in the beginning, seeing your offer as an escape from the small provinces which he grew up. Nothing good was going to come out of that place, and both he and Wanda needed to escape, itching for adventure in the promising land of California.
He’s seen a lot, experienced a lot under your wings –the good, the bad, and the dirty. He just didn’t want to see his prediction come true, especially with so many eyes and ears around here. You and this team has worked hard to enjoy the hard labors everyone’s had to deal with on the road of success, and he doesn’t want it tainted with this mistake.
When your manager finally stops, too spent to yell at you, he exits out of the room. But the twins stayed, silence engulfing the heavy air around you all.
“You need to tell him, before it gets out”
Those were the first words that comes out of Wanda, the truth that you’ve always ignored throughout the prolonged weeks of disloyalty. You know she’s referring to Bucky and she’s right. A moment of weakness and a longing for comfort had led to something much more atrocious.
Pietro sighs heavily before taking a seat next to you, hands wriggling together.
“He deserves the truth coming from you first” he says, his tone deadpan.
Time moves, but you all are stuck in that moment, your mistakes hanging in the air.
A knock on the door made you turn, your publicist mirroring Wanda’s expression form this morning, just with a more alarmed look.
“You need to see this” she says, handing you a tablet.
There, in clear definition, was Clint sneaking out of your house, hair disheveled and his attire messy, a clear suggestion, a tale-tell sign, and above him a title in big, bold font that knocks the air in your lungs
Trouble in paradise –what will Bucky say about this?
Tagging: Angst Queens @hellomissmabel @rotisserierogers @minervaem @heartmade-writingbucky @captnbarnesrogers @alphaabucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @barnes-heaven @buchananbarnestrash || @lovely-geek  @corie-the-writer @iamwarrenspeace
taglist is open. send an ask if you want to be tagged or scream at me
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