bearyyayay · 9 months
Is it just me or I just can't find like a bad traits for Tommy, sure he's a mobster but what if he ain't?
Then he'll technically be like a walking green flag right?
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oukabarsburgblr · 5 months
Accidental Kidnapping [Reverse Trope AU]
FEATURING : CANDID MALE (OC) x male reader
How often does one check their car boot? No statistics for that but the same goes for our dearest (m/n) and maybe he should've opened it before driving home, unintentionally bringing an unwilling high-rank mafioso who thought the end of his life was in the trunk of your car.
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reverse trope list (at the bottom), dubcon (on ocs end), con at the end, face riding, shitty inaccurate mafia depiction (i tried) profile
Find out more under the cut!
"Damn it! These guys aren't letting up-"
A bullet shot through the wooden pillar, effectively penetrating the man's head hiding behind it. Shouts and yelling of commands could barely be heard above the rain of gunfire at the entrance of the building.
Unfazed by the death of his associate, an individual crouched beside the waist-level brick wall. Strands of red hair that were loose from his hair bun tickled the nape of his neck, his sharp hazel eyes flickered before throwing a tantō behind him, killing a figure who tried to sneak up on him.
Half of his attire, premium Dolce suit, was drenched in blood, most of it didn't belong to him. His right heavily scarred hand gripping his sword's scabbath, his most famed weapon of choice.
Aito Sousuke.
Capo and a close associate to the underboss of a reknowned criminal organization. His dearest uncle, the caporegime, ordered him to settle a dispute and investigate a scheme their rival gang had carried out on the borders of their territory.
As soon as they had arrived to the building, a shootout occurred. And Sousuke's members retaliated with their own militia. Ultimately, they overpowered the mutts that creeped in on their area.
The redhead stepped over the pile of bodies, the building had an underground lab, his hand brushing over the white packets of powders on the metal table. Drug trafficking? That wasn't new to Sousuke. Did they lack clients in their own protectorate?
As his minions was sweeping out the rooms, one of them yelled in alarm, alerting Sousuke.
"Suicide bomber!"
Flashes of white struck his eyes as Sousuke was propelled to the floor by the explosions around the lab. It was an attempt to cover their tracks, getting rid of evidence in case of a blowout.
Sousuke cussed, seeing his body was layered with the white powder that had torn and splattered all over him. Immediately, he threw his jacket off and abandoned the lab, the drugs effects were unknown so he didn't know how much of a danger he was in. He grabbed a piece of document his eyes laid on before abandoning the lab and his screaming minions.
Passing through the alleys, he attempted to make his way back to a safe place, their commute was jacked with bullet holes and Sousuke could feel his body slowly shaking and his legs becoming more heavy.
Reaching the end of the alley, he yelped when he tripped on the curb, his body now suddenly weak as he fell into a carboot that had been conveniently opened and it was closed shut.
Sousuke yelled out, banging on the cover of the hood, his surroundings now cramped with metal tools, making him panic even more with his arms suddenly growing limp.
A certain (h/c) hummed to the song he was listening on his headphones, the music blasting shielding your hearing senses, rendering himself unaware of the mafioso he had accidentally locked in the trunk of his car.
(m/n) (l/n) had just finished doing his shopping in a hardware store, buying screws, hammers, etc. to finish his mini renovation of his house. He lived in the suburbs so he had to travel quite far to reach the store. Blissful ignorance had coated him as he hopped inside his car and drove, unknown of the scared redhead in his carboot.
"Shit shit shit-" Sousuke cussed, trying to reach for his phone, he screamed in frustration having losing it in the shootout moments before. Backup is probably focusing on the target building and no one knows where he is currently. How the hell did this fucker got me?
Sousuke thought this guy was ballsy for targeting him, the culprit had to have planned this meticulously if they had managed to kidnap him out of all people.
"What should I have for dinner..." (m/n) hummed, blasting his radio as he turned his corners recklessly. The redhead shouted, his scabbard digging into his side, the side effects of the unknown drug was getting to him. His face getting hot and his body pulsing.
Finally arriving to his house, Sousuke thought it was a second location for torturing-, (m/n) exited his car, slamming his door as he took out a bag of groceries he had purchased as well. He entered his house, almost forgetting his items in the trunk as he left the door open and skipping to back to his car.
"I think tempura with udon should do nicely- WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??!!"
(m/n) screamed, stepping back seeing a redhead inside of his carboot. "HUH?? I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU THAT- WHO DO YOU WORK FOR AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!" The redhead screamed back at him, disorderedly searching for something inside of his drenched vest.
Is that blood- (m/n) panicked and reached for his phone to call the cops but the click of a gun stopped his movements as the bloodied stranger aimed the muzzle at him. "No cops." He hissed out, clenching his side.
The (h/c) stared at the muzzle, raising his hands. "...No cops." He repeated after the redhead. "Who are you?" "I-I'm nobody! Literally I have no idea who you are!" "You kidnapped me." Hazel eyes glared hard at him, his messy red hair now loose from his bun and his figure sitting up in the carboot.
"I didn't kidnap you?? YOU SNEAKED INTO MY TRUNK!" The average person would never have the balls to scream at a gun-holding bloodied person but (m/n) was flustered at the accusation of being a kidnapper albeit him only doing his errands.
Sousuke scanned the area, his breath heaving deeper and it was obvious he was far from his gang's territory. Either he was in the rival's or a civvie. He studied the (h/c), who was only wearing some long-sleeved shirt and slacks. This guy really tried to pretend he was normal-
"Fuckk-" He moaned in pain, the throbbing in his side worsening and the burn in his head increasing. Sousuke looked to the side and saw the open door of the suburban building. "That's your hideout?"
"Hideout-? YOU MEAN MY FUCKING HOUSE??" "Shut up. I need it. Help me inside." "And why would I do that?!" (m/n) yelled exasperated, his arms tired for holding it up for so long. Sousuke frowned. "You're willing to let your captive die? And here's this."
The redhead waved the gun in his hand, his finger resting on the trigger. (m/n) contemplated his choices, staring at the glock and the scabbard he just noticed underneath his hand.
Unwillingly, the (h/c) helped the redhead, supporting him as they walked inside his house while he loudly complained about Sousuke staining his shirt with blood and that he wasn't a kidnapper. The redhead was annoyed and was dumbfounded on how someone was casually cursing and yelling at him.
As they stepped in and Sousuke forcefully closing the door shut, he groaned, the weight of the drug crashing down on him as he knocked over a lamp and stumbling in the living room. "That's brand new..." He heard (m/n) whining about his broken lamp.
"I...I need first aid. Now." His head was hot and he feel like he could die at any time, his heart beating irregularly and his legs spasming. "Don't you need a hospital instead-" (m/n) immediately swooped in, holding Sousuke's body up when he suddenly went limp, he just noticed his scorching temperature and his shivering body. "Woah, did you get poisoned or something?"
Hazel met (e/c) as Sousuke weakly gazed at (m/n), his bottom lip quivering, his eyes dazed and his face red. "Poison...?" He suddenly remembered the document he had snatched before escaping the building. "The drugs-" "DRUGS-?!" The redhead numbed out the rest of (m/n)'s words as he hurriedly searched for the paper, crumpled near his scabbard as his blurry eyes tried to scan the words on it.
"Shit shit- hey don't fucking die here!" Sousuke went limp in (m/n)'s hold, the (h/c) unable to hold up his dead weight, laid him on the sofa, Sousuke barely conscious as he was draped out on the furniture.
(m/n) noticed the paper and grabbed it, reading its contents out loud. "-new batch, target audience in the upper-tiered , target victims for sex trafficking??" The (h/c) glanced at the redhead, disgusted. "It's not me, you fucking idiot-" Sousuke coughed as he wiped his face, blood dripping from his nose. (m/n) fastened his reading, seeing the red liquid.
"-registering a small dose can be considered lethal, effects include muscle spasms, heightened senses, drowsiness, nausea, increased libido?? If not treated, symptoms will lead to a HEART ATTACK??!"
The (h/c) clenched the paper in his hands, the stranger had almost half of the effects already. "Are you in the fucking mafia or something-" He paused, remembering the sword and the gun the redhead held which was now on the floor. There's no way.... No way that a mafia member was now in his house, dying on his couch.
Sousuke let out unintelligible noises, something of a groan with saliva mixed as he laid on his side, his face flushed. (m/n) was now desperate to cure him or something, he didn't want to face the consequences of a gang chasing after him thinking he killed their member.
"-no treatment has been developed-" FUCK. "-as the victim must ejaculate to rid of the effects in his bodily system-" HUH? (m/n) reached the end of the paper, crumbling it in frustration, his eyes wide, contemplating whether should he just let the stranger die here in his living room.
Sousuke was convinced he was going to die here. His vision was wet and blurry, tears slipping out and his face was burning so much he felt he was going to melt at any second. He doesn't have any regrets he could come up with at the moment. Only the thought of his father laid in his mind along with his uncle.
Feeling his shirt shifting, he moaned when his pants were pulled down as he struggled to focus his eyesight. "Wuh-?" "Wake up. I'm gonna help you so don't kill me after this." The supposed kidnapper was snapping his fingers in his face, catching his focus. Why does he look embarrassed?
"The drug you took- roofied? I don't know but it's gonna kill you if you let it sit any longer in your system. You have to flush it out before you have a heart attack." "...So do I have to piss it out or what?" Sousuke felt drowsy while giving out half-assed answers. The (h/c) looked exasperated.
"Y-You have to...cum it out?"
Sousuke felt his breath stopped as he squinted his eyes at the (h/c) who looks flustered and waving the document trying to explain himself. "Is this your attempt at molesting me?" "FUCK NO!"
A gasp escaped Sousuke as his bloody nose dripped even more, he coughed out while his chest was heaving. "D- Just do whatever-" He groaned as he clutched his head in pain. "You better not kill me for this." His kidnapper grumbled while shuffling down Sousuke's wide pants, looking away as he tugged his briefs down.
"A-aanh mmff!"
The redhead covered his mouth, surprised at the sudden pleasure when a hand tugged his erect penis and began stroking it with a fast pace. "That fucking hurts-!"
"Just go through with it!" (m/n) yelled, mumbling an apology as he jacked off the redhead slower, he couldn't believe he's touching someone's bare dick, much less a mafia dude, to save his life out of all situations.
If the redhead died here, the police would've questioned how the hell did he end up in his house in the first place along with the drug in his system and a crime organization would've been after him the second that news spilled and who knows who they're in kahoots with.
Hence, why (m/n) decided to assist this stranger danger in masturbating so he could kick him out the second his life isn't threatened by some weird sex drug.
"You're enjoying this a bit too much..." (m/n) mumbled, now gazing at the redhead who was crying and moaning while bucking his hips up every time the (h/c)'s hand squeezed his base, precum dripping down his cock.
The redhead's head was fuzzy, the rush of pleasure coursing through his veins and he tried to keep his moans muffled. Tears slipping out of his eyes even more at the sensual gratification as his 'kidnapper' jacked him off. He felt his body was so sensitive, his thighs trembling and his body twitching.
(m/n) was frowning, sitting on the edge of the couch, trying his best to distract himself as he pumped the- , he just noticed how big it is, -cock in his hand. The moaning redhead on his couch wasn't helping either as he felt arousal strike his pants. His cheeks were hot, the mafioso's expression was a sight to see, his tanned skin red and wet from tears and sweat. Fuck was he always this handsome?
"S-Shit- mmngg ahh!"
He didn't realise how close he was to the redhead until the redhead came, semen spurting from his cock and few bits landed on his face. (m/n) stroked him for a while longer, letting him ride out his orgasm as he wiped his face clean.
Sousuke's body trembled, better than earlier when he was shaking almost like convulsing, his mind blank as he felt his legs slack. A blanket draped over his bottom half as the 'kidnapper' walked over to him, crouching near his face.
"Your temperature seems better. Guess it really did work." Wiping the redhead's face with a wet rag, picking off the blood near his nose as he pressed another cloth on his neck, cooling it down manually. (m/n) flinched when the redhead leaned into his touch who was enjoying the cool, he shyed away as he continued to wipe down the stranger.
Is this considered aftercare?
He wondered as he took the first aid kit and placed it on the coffee table in front of the redhead. "Take this and get out of here."
Sousuke only blinked up at him, now drowsy as he closed his eyes shut, forgetting all the dangers of sleeping in his 'kidnapper's' home as he fell into a slumber. His body was now relaxed, only a few bruises from the gunfight and his scabbard jammed into his side earlier.
"Remember- I HELPED YOU!" (m/n) screamed into the sleeping man's ear as he went to wash his hands in his sink, scrubbing it ferverently. He did his chores, closing his carboot which was left open the entire time, and tried to scrub out blood on his rug and furniture the redhead had left behind.
He might need to get a whole new sofa, the previously pristine furniture now stained with red and possibly baby batter.
(m/n) tried to put trust that the stranger would leave as soon as he woke up, believing at the fact that there was a misunderstanding where he thought the (h/c) tried to kidnap him so it makes sense that he would want to leave right? After he had oh so graciously saved his life?
His words were true when a couple of hours later, he heard his front door open and closed while he had barricaded himself in his bedroom with a baseball bat while reading through a novel, waiting for the stranger to leave.
Images of the redhead moaning and crying still lingered in his mind as it fueled his shameful arousal, (m/n) cussing on why someone who was possibly dangerous had to be so handsome.
"How are you, my nephew?"
A tall man, with short slicked back red hair clasped the shoulder of his supposed nephew who bore a similar colour in their tresses only Sousuke's were longer and was left to drape on his clothed back.
"I feel better now, sir. I thank you for your concern." Sousuke had been recovering at his uncle's estate, who was his caporegime, aka his boss, who was worried hearing his own flesh and blood had gone off the radar for a whole day and finding him injured and flustered at the borders of their territory.
"My assistant found the man you were looking into. Although it's a wonder why you're suddenly interested in him." He gestured to the file on the table besides them. Sousuke picking it up and flipping through the contents. "You did a good job at busting out the rats' lab, albeit our boys received a number on their amount."
Their organization had strict rules in their territory, which was how they maintained their influence over their city. So when rumours flew that drugs that were not in their regulations were being passed out in their district, they suspected it was sabotage. And it was, a new sex drug that was tested on their turf, to be used for malicious deeds. And Sousuke so happened to experienced it face to face.
"Do we have any dirt on him?" Sousuke questioned, skimming through the texts.
"No." The old man puffed a smoke, his expensive suit hugging his body while Sousuke was donning a loose haori. He was the only one who would wear traditional Japanese outfits despite being in a foreign country. It was a tribute to his mother who contributed to his half-Japanese genetics.
"Looks like a civvie. Recently moved to the out of city suburbs after graduating. Parents are clean. Never contacted any of our boys too."
Sousuke glared at the picture, the small photo of a man smiling. His eyes read the name. (m/n) (l/n). So he wasn't really a kidnapper... The redhead ordered for a background check of the (h/c), thinking he was still someone out to kidnap him but let him go for who knows why. Although his footman was confused when he described him in odd details, mentioning a nice body, pretty (e/c) eyes, etc..
It caught the attention of his uncle, so he did it for him.
"Has he done anything to you?"
The old man would kill anyone who would touch a single strand of his boy, his nephew, although they lived dangerous lives and Sousuke had proven himself to become a caporegime, he still looks out for his flesh and blood.
"...No, sir."
The hesitation was clear in Sousuke's voice. So it was a misunderstanding? A coincidence that he had landed in the car trunk and driven off to a secondar location which was (m/n)'s home?
Sousuke couldn't forget his touch. His fingers stroking and jacking off his cock, squeezing his base. He wasn't one to divulge in sexual desires, he was raised that lust was a weakness so for someone like him to experience that, it was a change for him.
(m/n) definitely felt like he was stalked.
A week had passed since that...incident. And he was relieved to find that the mysterious suit-wearing redhead didn't appear in his surroundings, giving him a sense of peace that he lucked out and the mafia was not after his ass.
Until he started noticing a minor detail.
A car was parked two blocks down from his house. He thought it belonged to the neighbours, but he had just noticed it would disappear every time he returned from his errands and would linger whenever he was home. He suspected it was the redhead.
Is he here for revenge? After I jacked him off?
(m/n) groaned into his palm, seeing that the car was still there as he walked up to his porch, carrying a few grocery bags.
Those bags fell to his floor when he caught sight of a man sitting on his furniture, his posture relaxed like he had been waiting for him. "YOU AGAIN?!" He screamed at the redhead.
Said stranger only frowned, crossing his arms, no guns or swords in sight. "If you keep hiding your key under your welcome rug, even a toddler can sneak into your house." (m/n) flinched at his words, as he walked straight past the man to set his bags on the kitchen island, ignoring how he followed him behind.
"You bought a new couch?" The redhead asked, tilting his head. (m/n) noted that he seemed to be a lot less of a screamer when he was sober. "Couldn't get the bloodstains out." He huffed. Or the cum spots as well.
That took a pretty penny out of his pocket. "...I could've paid for it." The (h/c) glanced at him weirdly as he closed his refrigerator door. "No need. I don't want to be associated with you." "You saved my life." "No need to remind me." "It was brave of you to-"
He slapped his hand over the redhead's mouth, his palm brushing against his lips. "I said no need for reminders. Hell, I don't even know your name and what you did. Why did you come here?" The redhead was silent, before gently pushing (m/n)'s hand away.
"The name's Sousuke."
The warm kitchen light complimented him well, (m/n) noticing his heavily scarred hands and his upper lip was nicked. His long red hair, resting on his back, he was wearing a black button up, a grey vest and matching pants.
"I'm here to settle my score."
(m/n) furrowed his eyebrows. "What score?" "My score with you." "I don't want a reward or anything like that. Just leave me alone." Sousuke's grip on his hand tightened. "I assumed the worst from you and was convinced you tried to harm me but instead you saved my life. I am indebted."
"You did fell into my trunk and I didn't notice so I think it's fair." Sousuke frowned at that. It was normal for people like him to repay their debts and he was confused why (m/n) was rejecting him. "Do you know how I work?" "I can guess but like I said, I don't want to be associated."
Sousuke fell silent before he turned around and walked away. "My men will provide protection for you. At least until my debt is repaid." "I don't need it!" "You do. You look weak." "FUCK YOU??"
(m/n) was about to throw a vase at the redhead before said redhead had exited his house, closing his door. He hurriedly went to lock it and screamed in annoyance. Am I going to have more scary people following me now or what?
That's close to what happened. (m/n) noticed that scary men would follow close to him and it would be different people on a different day and they followed him almost everywhere. He caught them blending in the crowd, sipping drinks when he was relaxing at a cafe of pretending to go through the cereal section when he was shopping for the week's restock.
He had enough of it.
"Tell your fucking boss that I don't want his stupid protection!" He confronted one of the man when he slipped into an alleyway to corner him, said man only stayed silent and nodded before (m/n) left him.
The next day, he received a gift. An expensive table lamp that didn't suit the rest of his aesthetic but he remembered that Sousuke did broke one of his lamps. He used it in his bedroom's bedside table instead.
"Can you at least tell me when you're going to sneak into my house?" He scowled, seeing the redhead at his kitchen island, casually flipping through a comic book he owned as he sipped a cup of coffee.
"I see you carry your keys now." "Yeah. So how the hell did you get in?" "Spare." "MOTHERFUCKER-"
A few weeks passed by and this had become his new norm. Sousuke would drop in his house, every few nights or so, claiming that he needed somewhere to stay low even though all he did was lounge in the living room flipping through tv channels.
(m/n) at first was irked by this, threatening to kick him out or call the cops but he got used to it and sometimes would even make extra dinner so the redhead wouldn't finish his.
Sometimes, Sousuke would come in bloodied and that scared (m/n), him remembering who he was dealing with but the demeanour he carried was so different than the man he was supposed to be.
His words were straightforward and tone bland, he only seemed mad when he thought (m/n) was trying to kidnap him and now he was gentle? No, it was more like he was relaxed around the (h/c).
"Do you have a hairtie? I lost mine."
And somehow, (m/n) felt like he has a roommate now, buying stuffs that he thought Sousuke would need them such as more bandages or hairties or claw clips for his long hair. Slowly, he felt like he could call themselves friends with how often the redhead was around him.
Sousuke never brought the whole drug thing after that, not even mentioning it in the slightest and (m/n) was confused. Shouldn't he be mad that someone helped him masturbate when he was drugged? Was this normal for him??
And sometimes in the late nights, (m/n) would think about his twitching hips, his wet crying face and his guttural desperate moans and his large cock- He would get hard at times. Looking away whenever Sousuke gazed at him a bit too long, moving to a different room when he felt that the redhead touched him too casually.
He caught his face flushed a couple times and he didn't know what to make of it, only shoving it deep in the back of his mind. Into the vault it goes.
It was one of those nights, where Sousuke would randomly appear in his house and they would eat dinner together, with civil oddly enough.
"I'm trying to get the heater for my shower working again but I might need to contact my realtor for that since it happened way before I moved here." (m/n) rambled, slurping the noodles he had made as Sousuke wiped the edge of his mouth with his hands.
"Mhm. So what are you going to do next?" He would listen to the (h/c) long conversations, only chipping in an answer or two since he couldn't exactly contribute much to the talk as his life was far from a civvie's. His uncle was beginning to question why the hell did he spent so many time out of their domain.
Sousuke kept telling himself that he wanted to repay his debt, watching over him until he saved the (h/c)'s life in a similar manner to how (m/n) did but truthfully, he wanted to stick around. The peace he had around (m/n) was bliss compared to the havoc he had been born and raised in his crime-filled life.
And he couldn't help but think he was starting to fall for the (h/c), their petty arguments, their meals together was healing his soul. He couldn't help but think to that incident, the sinful pleasure (m/n) had brought him, his hand wrapped around his cock, he tried to recreate it by himself but it could never suffice.
There is the fact that the drug did amped the libido effects but he didn't want anything nor anyone else to do it, except for (m/n). But he didn't know if the (h/c) even desired for him. With his ugly scarred body.
Now here they were, sitting next together on the couches as a movie played in front of them, (m/n) focusing on the screen while Sousuke paid no mind and opted to subtly stare at the (h/c) instead, his eyes lingering on his lips and darting away when he caught sight of his (s/c) skin from the collar line of his shirt.
"F-Fuck, you're so good to me!"
(m/n) quickly grabbed the remote, speeding the movie up when a sex scene appeared. Anything sexual related was heavily avoided by the (h/c) whenever he was around Sousuke.
"Do you...abhor these things?" (m/n) raised an eyebrow at Sousuke's sudden question. "What?" The redhead pointed at the tv. "Action movies?" "Sex." He choked on his saliva, patting his chest as he calmed himself down. "I don't think much of it. Why the hell are you asking me that?"
Sousuke was silent, his hazel eyes not meeting (m/n)'s as he stared at the tv. "I don't...divulge in it. Not as much as the average person do." But every mafia movies always had girls around them. (m/n) wondered, cupping his chin.
"It was my first that I was touched. In this room." (e/c) eyes widened as he turned to the redhead. "That was your first time??" When (m/n) had stroked his dick...that was his first time ever doing so?
"I was taught lust is for the weak." Sousuke turned to (m/n), his face holding a monotone expression although something dark was in his eyes. "...Yet my strength wavers around you."
Heat crawled up his neck as (m/n) covered his mouth with his hand. Is this- a confession?! When he turned around, Sousuke's face was close. So close that their breaths mingled and his red hair was brushing against his face. The redhead's ears were bright red, complimenting his tanned skin.
"I want more." He whispered, his eyes dazed with desire.
(m/n) was stunned, his lips slowly moved to speak. "Are you drunk?" "I'm sober." Sousuke's hand moved to grip his thigh. "And I want you. Please." He spoke in such a low manner as he delved his face into the (m/n)'s shoulders, his breathing hot and heavy.
The (h/c) felt his arousal rise, his face flushed and biting his lower lip. Sousuke's body was heavy on his and he could feel all the muscle lying underneath. "J-Just this once, okay?"
Sousuke slowly pulled back as he gazed into (e/c), his face completely red as he gently pressed his lips onto (m/n)'s.
"Like this?"
A slurping noise struck and (m/n)'s moans followed. "Y-Yeah you can take it in deeper- mmff!" His pants were gone, his bottom bare and Sousuke was taking his cock in his mouth, the latter saying he wanted to try everything out and the second on his list was a blowjob.
Sousuke moved his throat further in, taking more of (m/n)'s dick as he calmly breathed in through his nose. His tongue swiping at the base of the penis, pressing and feeling its veins with his wet muscle, unintentionally applying light pressure which further pleasured the (h/c).
They were on the couch, a hilarious parallel as (m/n) laid on the other end with Sousuke pulling his hips up, pushing his face deep in between his thighs. His mouth sucked (m/n)'s cock, alternating between being gentle and full-on milking his precum, the (h/c) screaming having being so stimulated.
"Aanghh ah ah s-stop! You're so rough- mmff!"
Sousuke pulled himself off with a pop, gazing down at the sweaty (h/c) whose shirt was pushed down, revealing his (s/c) torso. The redhead's nose brushed (m/n)'s thigh and he bit into it, sucking and licking the mark making the (h/c) cry out.
"You good?" (m/n) nodded, taking in deep breaths. "Y-Yeah. Haa haa..." "I want to do one of those numbers." "Numbers?" He hummed. "Was it 127? Or 68?" "You mean a 69?" "Whatever it was I want to try it." The (h/c) readied himself. If this proclaimed virgin really tired him out at his first blowjob, he couldn't imagine him eating his ass out.
"Okay- ah!"
(m/n) was crying, his legs shaking as he tried his best to lick the dick in his face, only able to give the tip a messy kiss before crumbling on Sousuke's torso.
The redhead was having the time of his life, spitting, fingering, thrusting his tongue in (m/n)'s asshole, playing with his puckered hole until the (h/c) began to cry on his cock, choking and gagging saliva all over his penis as he numbly thrusted into (m/n)'s mouth.
"T-Too much mmngghh urgh angh mmn!" He sobbed out, feeling one of Sousuke's knuckles rubbing his rim while the tip of his fingers were pressing against his sensitive walls, trying to find his prostate.
Easily pulling him up, Sousuke pushed (m/n), letting him grip onto his arms for balance as he forced the (h/c) to sit on his face. His nose brushing his ass crack and his tongue massaging his balls. (m/n) tried to raise himself only for his thighs to be pulled back down and gripped tightly as Sousuke ate his ass out.
His butt was dripping with saliva and precum by the time Sousuke released him, he heaved and whimpered while the redhead held him close, wrapping his arms around him and shoving his tongue down his throat, drawing more of those cries that he realised he loves so much.
The (h/c) refused to believe that Sousuke was a virgin. Not with how he pushed his legs up to his chest, his knees touching his shoulders while sloppily fucking him up, pressing his full weight on the (h/c).
Sousuke wanted to see his face while they commit this sin, his face hot as he licked (m/n)'s salty tears, kissing his eyes and nose and he bit his earlobe too.
"S-So good! You're fucking me so good, Sousuke- aanggh!" He cried out, digging his nails in the redhead's clothed shoulder whose hair was now free and framing his face, intensifying the look of pleasure on the redhead.
"I'm glad- aanhh mmng! You're so hot, (m/n). So fucking handsome- hngg ahh!" He praised the (h/c), tears slipping out of his hazel eyes while moaning ardently into the (h/c)'s ear. His hips met (m/n)'s ass at a fast pace, wet squelches filled the living room as the sofa was slowly stained again with disgusting baby batter.
(e/c) eyes rolled to the back of his head as he clenched himself around Sousuke, feeling his orgasm pull through as his cum stained his own stomach and Sousuke's shirt. The redhead came as well, seeing (m/n)'s expression as he defiled the (h/c)'s ass for the third time that night.
Cum dripped out of the rim of his ass, Sousuke pulled out to see the naked (h/c) trembling under him, his cheeks wet with tears, his chin coated with drool and his skin littered with hickies and bitemarks in contrast with himself, Sousuke was still fully clothed except for his exposed crotch as he felt his knees almost buckling from the intense sex they had.
"Y-You're a liar. You're definitely not a dumb v-virgin." (m/n) pointed to Sousuke, his finger shaking while the redhead only hoisted the (h/c) onto his back, intending to carry him upstairs into bed. "I'm not lying." He almost stumbled down the staircase, quickly holding onto the wooden rail as he pulled himself and (m/n) up and recklessly staggered into the master bedroom, crashing onto the lush bed.
His legs were shaking lightly, this was truly his first and overboard was a statement of his performance. Sousuke laid like a starfish on a bed, pulling (m/n) under his armpit while grabbing a duvet and covering them both.
"We'll clean up in the morning. Now sleep." He shushed the (h/c) who was about to retort, immediately succumbing to slumber, not even giving a second to stay awake any longer as the post-sex was as tiring as it is.
(m/n) frowned, adjusting himself under Sousuke's hold, letting himself drift to sleep as well. This might not be the last time he lets Sousuke fuck his body. Who knows, maybe getting involved with a mafioso isn't all that bad.
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Sousuke a munch frfr
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I'm aware of the similarities in Daisuke's and Sousuke's names- ITS RELEVANT TO FUTURE PLOT OK
This fic kinda sucks ngl💀
I'm a PARENT atp for feeding you guys for the past two weeks since i made this acc😭
If i have to write a part 2, i would either write about how m/n got upset and ran away to sulk and smutty sex scene next or just them messing around w the sex drug (some bdsm???) HOHO comment for more ya sluts.
Oh and follow my tag pretty please
more of aito sousuke! 𖤓
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
hello everything is fine? I saw that requests are open and I would like to know if you can write headcanons for (Risotto nero, Bruno bucciarati and leone abbacchio) with a fem! reader who is a caporegime of passion and has a stand capable of healing fatal injuries and capable of stopping time like jotaro and dio? Thank you so much.
Risotto Nero, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbachio x caporegime!fem!reader headcanons
Author's Note: Died while writing Risotto's part. I enjoyed this idea so much, thank you for this request and your patience. Hope you'll enjoy it! (GIFs are not mine, I'm thanking the owners)
Risotto Nero
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- He respects you for your being a caporegime but that doesn't mean that he trusts you automatically. He needs to know more about you, and he will find out more. He thinks that there might be a reason why he met you and he starts overthinking about it.
- If you decide to visit La Squadra more often, that's how you slowly earn his trust. More precisely, by how you interact with each member, and how you get along with them. He always observes from afar, with his usual familiar face. He likes that you don't seem to care about your rank and don't demand any special treatment from anyone. He also likes how you treat everyone with the same amount of respect.
- When you discuss mafia matters with him, you notice how uptight and tired he looks and it concerns you. Risotto is stunned when you change the subject to tell him that he should take care of his well-being just as much as he takes care of his men. He is moved by the softness of your gaze and tone as it's something that he thinks shouldn't exist in a mafia gang such as Passione. You turn his world upside down with this simple gesture.
- In time, exactly during those visits of yours, he starts to notice his somatic reactions to your presence. When seeing and hearing you, he's more aware of his heartbeat, the way he starts to feel hot under his outfit, and the way his body just seems to lean in (he corrects his posture right away though). Nothing gives him away.
- When learning about your Stand's healing ability, Risotto automatically thinks about how useful it would be for his team's safety. He will ask your permission to have you on speed dial if something bad happens. You surprise him again by accepting right away with no hesitation and you can tell it from how his gaze softens. His eyes are more expressive than he thinks.
- Prosciutto is the first to notice a change in Risotto as days go by and understands what is going on. He knows exactly what he's implying when he suggests to Risotto that you two should discuss those mafia matters and plans alone. Risotto sighs knowing that it's starting to get obvious but it's grateful for Prosciutto pointing it out.
Bruno Buciaratti
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- It might look like you have his respect right away but in reality, it takes some time to earn the genuine form, not the forced one. However, he will always treat you right, he's always a gentleman towards a woman like you nonetheless. He will always shake your hand or even kiss it briefly when you meet. This is also a way of trying to get some reactions out of you so he can read you.
- Because he knows how your presence is more than beneficial, Bucciarati will have his ways to tempt you to spend more time with his team but that's when the chaos unleashes. He tries to instruct all to behave when you're around and surprisingly, they do. No funny businesses. It only lasts for a few minutes because Narancia and Mista decide to do something fun. Everyone can guess how it went. Bucciarati is boiling on the inside for this happening while you're there but then he hears you chuckling. Turning around with a surprised expression on his face, he sees you smiling at their antics. Seeing how you don't mind it and understand it even, he smiles too.
- In time, as he notices more of those genuine reactions from you, he looks at you in a different light. He enjoys how you're not as serious as you seemed in the beginning. His heart skips a beat when your smiles are directed at him. Plus, the others are so happy to see you all the time, it makes him happy as well.
- Finds your Stand extremely powerful but starts thinking of ways to protect your back while you're using the healing ability on others. He's very invested in ways to keep you safe during missions. You two will even decide on secret signals to know what you have to do for each other. Bucciarati is relieved to have someone as capable as you in his proximity.
- It's not a surprise for the rest of the team to see him developing feelings for you, they all thought it was about time. No one even jokes about it because they have been waiting for so long. Abbachio will always be the one to tell the others to follow him somewhere else for whatever reason just to give the two of you much-needed privacy.
Leone Abbachio
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- At first, he thinks that being a caporegime in Passione might be a little too much for a woman. He's NOT a misogynist, no, but he sees it that way because in his time working as a policeman he heard many horrors women went through for being involved with the mafia.
- And so, because of this, Abbachio has questions about you, about the other caporegime, about your role. He wants to be informed, not just because he doesn't fully trust you but because he can't help but feel slightly concerned deep down. He just hopes that you can handle everything. When you prove to him how capable you are, without you even knowing, he starts to trust you more and respect you.
- However, Abbachio will never give you special treatment because you're a caporegime, he doesn't care about this title (even if later on, he starts to find it hot but he won't admit it, not even if he were on his deathbed). He cares about your true nature and how you deserve that rank.
- To Abbachio, actions definitely speak louder than words. After one mission in which he got severely injured, you happen to be there to heal him, despite his stubborn protests. Instead of getting frustrated with him, you kept your calm and helped him with great care. With this, he discovers another ability that you have, the ability to put him at ease and make him feel better inside. You've given him too much to feel. Your carefulness towards him makes him start acting slightly different to you, less disdainful and less distant. He can't deny the warmth he feels when you ask about him.
- To him, your Stand is as impressive as you, he expected it. He has questions about it and most of them are about the time-stopping ability. He thinks of ways you two can combine your abilities. When it comes to your healing ability, he just sighs and rolls his eyes thinking about the similar effect Giorno's Stand ability has. In reality, he is relieved that there's another healer that can help if anything goes wrong.
- Abbachio doesn't need anyone's help to get alone with you, he has his ways to get privacy. The others can only grin as they notice his tricks, too afraid to tease him about it. His favorite way is by lighting up curiosity. He'll make eye contact with you for a while and then whisper close to you that if you two eventually will be left alone, you should remind him that he has something important to talk to you about and then walk it off. You'll get so curious about it that you're the one who will get the two of you alone somehow. When you ask him about it, he'll just say that he can't remember at the moment but if you're already there with him you can talk about something else.
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pinknipszz · 5 months
can i rq some mafia boss! sukuna hcs pls :3c
mafia au’s r my guilty pleasure! i’ve never written one tho, so this is prob injected with like a million inaccuracies. i still hope u like this!
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mafia boss sukuna who grew up as the runt of the litter in a commission that commits financial schemes, from embezzlement to bribery. later he learned that the commission was only part of a much bigger organization. at the tender age of six, he finally saw the boss, the ruler of the roost. even then, it was only in passing. 
mafia boss sukuna who met him again, this time in person, at eleven-years old. he remembers how he had spoken so eloquently for a man in dirty business, as if he held the mandate of heaven in his palm’s center, but sukuna didn’t think much of it. what struck him most was the little girl, who was not much younger than him, tucked under his robe.
mafia boss sukuna who was sorted to a different commission at nineteen, which put an end to his money laundering days. it was there that sukuna learned how to take charge of smaller tasks, like substance distribution (but never manufacturing; they didn’t trust him enough), and it was fun for a little while. by then, however, his needs grew teeth. 
mafia boss sukuna who finally saw you again after he just turned twenty-four. it was supposed to be a quick transaction between two commissions, an in-and-out operation, but you’re dangling in front of him like a succulent piece of meat, and you’re just so lovely, so unfit for dirty business. perhaps it’s the only semblance you share with your old man.
mafia boss sukuna who was finally promoted to head commissioner at twenty-nine, the youngest they’ve ever seen. the old bastard celebrated his accomplishment with a party at a caporegime’s home outside of the bustling city. parties aren’t his thing, but sukuna smiles when he sees you again before bringing his glass to his lips. third time’s the charm, right?
mafia boss sukuna who can play your papa like a fiddle. at the age of thirty-two, sukuna is in his prime, and so are you, his little lady—the way your belly swells sends a clear message to his subordinates. there’s still a long way to go before he can reach the top, but for now, sukuna is content with sitting across from your father at the dining table.
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cvlutos · 2 years
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Night Raven City.
A beautifully rotten city, ruled by crime and all the bad things within the world. Where the government and police are merely pawns to the real owners of this horrid city.
NRC is divided into seven mafias. Seven mafias that operate in different parts of the city and need each other to maintain balance. There are few places in which the seven don't rule, and you happen to live within the said place. Which is known as The Ramshackle. Home too many that want nothing to do with the powerful groups. And one rule within the Damshackles is, "Do not stay out beyond midnight." Nothing good happens after the clock chimes 12.
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Mafia Heartslabyul:
Heartslabyul, also know as the Queendom of Roses, is strict and as long as laws and rules are followed, you wouldn't even believe that you were within mafia territory. There's rarely crime's rarely crime, and the mafia doesn't bother the people within its territory unless said people are up to no good. Which causes a public showing of punishment, to deter others from crossing the Rose-Red Mafia.
Directly in control of healthcare and portions of the Law. All Hospitals must pay the H.M [Heartslabyul Mafia] taxes and go through them before working with anyone that could want to work against the mafia. As well as portions of the law are decided by people that are tied to the crimson group. Most simply pay what's owed and follow the strict rules within his district, unless you don't, which is like signing your own death certificate. Next thing you know, you'll find your head not attached to your neck.
༺❘✦Boss [Godfather]: Riddle Rosehearts
Title: Red-Rose Tyrant
Age: 22
The Boss is the head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather". The boss receives a cut of every operation. Operations are taken on by every member of the family.
The Heartslabyul Mafia works similarly to a Kingdom, with the next boss being chosen from birth. Passed down from his mother, then from her mother. Riddle is the first son after nearly 50 years of being run by women. He's seen as hot- headed when mad, but also extremely reliable. Placing the concern of his people first.
✦Underboss: Cater Diamond
Title: Tyrant's Lap Dog
Age: 23
The Underboss, usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of the family. The underboss often runs the day-to-day responsibilities of the family or oversees its most lucrative rackets. He usually gets a percentage of the family's income from the boss's cut. The underboss is usually first in line to become acting boss if the boss is imprisoned, and is also frequently seen as a logical successor.
Cater Diamond was chosen by Riddle's mother to be his Underboss, and he has kept that position since Riddle has deemed him reliable enough to stay. Cater is seen as the only real person within the Mafia, and he's persuasive.
✦Consigliere: Trey Clover
Title: Tyrant's Right-Hand
Age: 24
The consigliere is an advisor to the family and is sometimes seen as the boss's "right-hand man". He is used as a mediator of disputes and often acts as a representative or aide for the family in meetings with other families, rival criminal organizations, and important business associates. In practice, the consigliere is normally the third-ranking member of the administration of a family and was traditionally a senior member carrying the utmost respect of the family and is deeply familiar with the inner workings of the organization. A boss will often appoint a trusted close friend or personal advisor as his official consigliere.
Trey Clover has been friends with Riddle since childhood, as well as he's family has been involved with the Heartslabyul mafia for generations, which makes them basically family. Trey is extremely reliable and everyone within Heartslabyul view him as family, with his kind appearance.
✦Caporegime [Capo]: Deuce Spade
Title: Tyrant's Guard Dog
Age: 19
A caporegime (also captain or skipper) is in charge of a crew, a group of soldiers who report directly to him. Each crew usually contains 10-20 soldiers and many more associates. A capo is appointed by the boss and reports to him or the underboss. A captain gives a percentage of his (and his underlings') earnings to the boss and is also responsible for any tasks assigned, including murder.
Deuce Spade was brought into the Mafia due to him messing with the wrong crowd and angering Riddle, so in order to not die, he pledged his loyalty. Over time climbing up the ranks from soldier to a Capo within 2 years. Many are conflicted with Deuce's sudden joining, but it isn't look down upon to join the Heartslabyul Mafia.
✦Associate: Ace Trappola
Title: Tyrant's Ace Card
Age: 19
An associate is not a member of the Mafia but works for a crime family nonetheless. Associates can include a wide range of people who work for the family. An associate can have a wide range of duties, from virtually carrying out the same duties as a soldier to being a simple errand boy.
Due to his father's business, Ace basically grew up running errands for the Mafia, and that hasn't changed. He works with his brother and has slightly closer ties to the Mafia due to his friendship with Deuce.
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Mafia SavannaClaw:
SavannaClaw District is damn near lawless and follows the rules of their mafia and the mafia alone. The Government and Police are basically useless. They represent the wild, with a lot of natural landscape, yet believe heavily in the idea of keeping women and children safe. Majority of the SavannaClaw mafia is made up of women. Crime happens often within their territory but is often handled with right away by their own civilians. The women of SavannaClaw don't involve themselves with average crime and hold a lot of power throughout all seven territories. No one dares to prevent them from getting justice.
SavannaClaw is directly in control of food resources and recreational places, such as parks, zoos, and nature parks. All stores and recreational places go to him directly and must pay the S.M taxes, as well as any other Mafias must pay S.M unless they have special permissions. SavannaClaw prides themselves on being fair and non-discriminatory. As long as you are respectful to them, if not, you'll find yourself within the lion's den.
༺❘✦Boss [Godfather]: Leona Kingscholar
Title: King of Beasts
Age: 26
The Boss is the head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather". The boss receives a cut of every operation. Operations are taken on by every member of the family.
Another Mafia that works similarly to a Kingdom, but also follows the circle of life. Issues that happen within the district of SavannaClaw will be solved by those who live within SavannaClaw. Many retreat there for safety, even despite its dog-eats-dog world.
✦Underboss: Ruggie Bucchi
Title: Heart of SavannaClaw
Age: 23
The Underboss, usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of the family. The underboss often runs the day-to-day responsibilities of the family or oversees its most lucrative rackets. He usually gets a percentage of the family's income from the boss's cut. The underboss is usually first in line to become acting boss if the boss is imprisoned, and is also frequently seen as a logical successor.
Ruggie also acts as both Underboss and Consigliere, due to Leona wanting no one else as his Consigliere, which gives Ruggie many jobs to take care of, but also an extremely reliable part within SavannaClaw. Some say before Ruggie, Leona had a Consigliere, who was a different man, a huntsman, only for said man to leave Leona for another Mafia.
✦Caporegime [Capo]: Jack Howl
Title: Lion's Blood Hound
Age: 19
A caporegime (also captain or skipper) is in charge of a crew, a group of soldiers who report directly to him. Each crew usually contains 10-20 soldiers and many more associates. A capo is appointed by the boss and reports to him or the underboss. A captain gives a percentage of his (and his underlings') earnings to the boss and is also responsible for any tasks assigned, including murder.
Jack Howl purposely chose to join Leona's mafia, after leaving Pomefiore once the current Mafia Leader took over. He enjoys the real atmosphere and enjoys the freeing atmosphere that Pomefiore couldn't grant.
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Mafia Octavinelle:
Octavinelle is one of the most dangerous parts of the city. Violence and crimes at all times, there are truly 2 parts to Octavinelle. Uptown and Downtown. Uptown is where the richest and wealthiest are, where the best restaurants are, the best stores, and the best everything. If you have the money and style, you can live the best life within Octavinelle.
Downtown Octavinelle is the exact opposite, dirty and grungy, the worse of the worse and the Mafia will simply turn a blind eye. Crimes happen often and no one solves them. If you're dead, then you're dead. Better luck next time. This Mafia is truly ruthless and isn't for the faint of heart. The police within its territory is as dangerous as the mafia, often paid to simply slack around, not to do their job.
Octavinelle gets most of its profit from restaurants, and stores, as well as making deals luring people into debt. His deals are super influential that not even the other six mafia bosses can intervene, except to tell others to be completely wary of him. There is no true honor code, aside from written agreements. Break his deal, and you'd possibly find yourself drowning.
༺❘✦Boss [Godfather]: Azul Ashengrotto
Title: Merchant of the Deep
Age: 23
The Boss is the head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather". The boss receives a cut of every operation. Operations are taken on by every member of the family.
One can view Octavinelle as a large capitalistic corporation, and Azul takes full advantage of his people without any trouble. He continues to try to expand his territory and plans to have Ramshackle under his jurisdiction.
✦Underboss: Jade Leech
Title: Calm-Headed Sadist
Age: 23
The Underboss, usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of the family. The underboss often runs the day-to-day responsibilities of the family or oversees its most lucrative rackets. He usually gets a percentage of the family's income from the boss's cut. The underboss is usually first in line to become acting boss if the boss is imprisoned, and is also frequently seen as a logical successor.
Jade has also taken control of the position of Consigliere for his own liking and is quite busy. Seen almost all the time in all places. Yet he isn't loved, he's absolutely feared. If you see Jade Leech around you, it's better to simply pray that he isn't there for you.
✦Caporegime [Capo]: Floyd Leech
Title: Sadistic Eel
Age: 23
A caporegime (also captain or skipper) is in charge of a crew, a group of soldiers who report directly to him. Each crew usually contains 10-20 soldiers and many more associates. A capo is appointed by the boss and reports to him or the underboss. A captain gives a percentage of his (and his underlings') earnings to the boss and is also responsible for any tasks assigned, including murder.
Floyd is almost as equally disliked as Jade. He's known for his aggressiveness and is often in charge of any major incidents that involve murder. It's best that if you see him, to walk the other way and look boring enough that he'll leave you alone.
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Mafia Scarabia:
The 2nd most violent district, after the new Mafia Boss, became in charge. Scarabia, also known as Scalding Sands, is beautiful in the land, and the people are genuinely sweet and kind, yet the violence is never checked, due to said kindness. Scalding Sands is also one of the largest district. The first largest SavannaClaw, aka the Sunset Savanna, 2nd is Octavinelle, aka the Coral Sea, and 3rd is Scalding Sands. This is an extremely rich mafia group, one of the largest due to its economy.
Scarabia gains profit from the selling of seasonings, oil, and rare minerals. Which gives Scarabia the nickname, The land of Gold. The Scarabia Mafia is tied closely to the Government, influencing them directly. Those that outright disrespect Scarabia, this will definitely leave you stranded in the desert.
༺❘✦Boss [Godfather]: Kalim Al-Asim
Title: Silly Sultan
Age: 22
The Boss is the head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather". The boss receives a cut of every operation. Operations are taken on by every member of the family.
Kalim was appointed by his father and is generous and kind, which is the primary cause for the heightened crimes and violence, due to his blind optimism and clear unawareness of the suffering of his people.
✦Underboss: Jamil Viper
Title: Level-Head Right-Hand
Age: 22
The Underboss, usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of the family. The underboss often runs the day-to-day responsibilities of the family or oversees its most lucrative rackets. He usually gets a percentage of the family's income from the boss's cut. The underboss is usually first in line to become acting boss if the boss is imprisoned, and is also frequently seen as a logical successor.
Jamil, in some circles, is seen as the true Boss of Scarabia, with his level- headedness and trying to actually help Scarabia. Though many more are loyal to Kalim. Some say that Jamil is a snake hidden, waiting for the best moment to strike.
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Mafia Pomefiore:
Pomefiore, once known as the Shaftlands, the Entertainment District, is filled to the brim with Models, Actors, and anyone that wants to be a star, famous, and beloved. This is the best district to live in if you want forever entertainment, even though it's extremely dangerous and fake. Following strict rules, especially if you want to succeed. This industry is cutthroat and not just anyone can be famous, especially since the Mafia controls the media. During the day it's a picturesque aesthetic, the same as the night sites. But if you're simply the average person, it's dangerous. Many escaped the tyrannical rule of the Pomefiore Mafia.
Pomefiore is in charge of NRC's entertainment and tourism, and NRC relies heavily on it, bringing in large amounts of the city's money. Pomefiore is one of the most aesthetically pleasing Mafia, that is a constant presence, that in some parts, seen as an honor to be graced by the mafia, in others, is a complete nightmare that could leave you poisoned.
༺❘✦Boss [Godfather]: Vil Schoenheit
Title: The Fairest
Age: 24
The Boss is the head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather". The boss receives a cut of every operation. Operations are taken on by every member of the family.
Vil rose to power due to his fast popularity, taking over Pomefiore single- handedly and modeling the District into his own. Many love him, while others are scared of him and ran to escape.
✦Underboss: Rook Hunt
Title: The Queen's Hunter
Age: 24
The Underboss, usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of the family. The underboss often runs the day-to-day responsibilities of the family or oversees its most lucrative rackets. He usually gets a percentage of the family's income from the boss's cut. The underboss is usually first in line to become acting boss if the boss is imprisoned, and is also frequently seen as a logical successor.
Rook Hunt, at one point, worked for the Mafia Boss of SavannaClaw, before the two Mafia Leaders clashed and Rook chose Vil over SavannaClaw, taking the position as Vil's Underboss and Consigliere. Many view Rook as weird and often avoid him as a whole. If you ever see Rook, that will absolutely be your last time alive.
✦Caporegime [Capo]: Epel Felmier
Title: Pretty Boy
Age: 19
A caporegime (also captain or skipper) is in charge of a crew, a group of soldiers who report directly to him. Each crew usually contains 10-20 soldiers and many more associates. A capo is appointed by the boss and reports to him or the underboss. A captain gives a percentage of his (and his underlings') earnings to the boss and is also responsible for any tasks assigned, including murder.
Epel was forced into the Mafia after causing some trouble with a group of kids. Vil liked the way Epel looked and forced him to train and work to become his capo. Epel hates it and actively disrespects him.
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Mafia Ignihyde:
No one knows much about the Ignihyde District, aka the Underworld. It is genuinely a ghost town during the day, and anyone you do see immediately runs. The city is operated by machines until the sun sets and Ignihyde is alive. With events and parties, with stores open and bright lights. Unlike the foggy day, where you can barely see 3 feet in front of you. Violence is extremely rare, due to the fear of getting chased by Ignihyde Mafia's robot dogs, which are extremely violent, and most people that interact with the dogs don't come out alive.
The majority of Ignihyde's income comes from the selling of technology and weapons. From security systems to machine guns. There is no project too difficult to complete if the amount of money is high enough. Ignihyde, though, is extremely protective of their machines and if you're caught tampering with one, it will lead you 6 feet under.
༺❘✦Boss [Godfather]: Idia Shroud
Title: King of Underworld
Age: 23
The Boss is the head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather". The boss receives a cut of every operation. Operations are taken on by every member of the family.
Idia was chosen by his parents and has been boss for as long as anyone could remember, though most have never seen what he looks like. Many believe that they have to be worthy enough to look upon him. They wouldn't believe that he's a huge, anxious introvert.
✦Underboss: Ortho Shroud
Title: Sibling of the King
Age: 16?
The Underboss, usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of the family. The underboss often runs the day-to-day responsibilities of the family or oversees its most lucrative rackets. He usually gets a percentage of the family's income from the boss's cut. The underboss is usually first in line to become acting boss if the boss is imprisoned, and is also frequently seen as a logical successor.
One of the youngest within the Mafia to have such a powerful position. He's both the Underboss and Consigliere and is constantly seen running any errands, big or small. Ortho is extremely friendly, yet if you disrespect Idia, you disrespect him. So, any ill speaking of Idia ends with your soul in the afterlife.
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Mafia Diasomnia:
Diasomnia District, aka Briar Valley, is the quietest and often forgotten, even though it has the most influential power. Many don't ever leave the Diasomnia District and never interact with the Mafia, so it's an honor seeing the Mafia in person. Similar to Heartslabyul, which Diasomnia is inspired by, so has various similarities to, it's an honor to be within the Diasomnia Mafia, and many love their existence. It's orderly and most of the people within Diasomnia have amazing influence and power. Little to none chaos or violence occurs, and is one of the safest districts, with slight problems due to discrimination.
Diasomnia has major control over everything and is super influential. Their money comes from everywhere and anyone, even if that means doing unsavory things. No one dares to talk bad about the Diasomnia mafia, lest you wanna be put into an endless sleep.
༺❘✦Boss [Godfather]: Malleus Draconia
Title: King of Briar Valley
Age: 28
The Boss is the head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather". The boss receives a cut of every operation. Operations are taken on by every member of the family.
No one has ever seen Malleus but knows of his strength within the Briar Valley, which is the for the Diasomnia District. Everyone fears, yet absolutely cherish him and never wants his reign to end.
✦Underboss: Silver
Title: Sleeping Knight
Age: 22
The Underboss, usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of the family. The underboss often runs the day-to-day responsibilities of the family or oversees its most lucrative rackets. He usually gets a percentage of the family's income from the boss's cut. The underboss is usually first in line to become acting boss if the boss is imprisoned, and is also frequently seen as a logical successor.
Silver is unique out of the Mafia. No one knows where he came from, nor why he's important enough to be underboss, but he is. Having been raised to someday take the position.
✦Consigliere: Lilia Vanrouge
Title: General
Age: 32
The consigliere is an advisor to the family and is sometimes seen as the boss's "right-hand man". He is used as a mediator of disputes and often acts as a representative or aide for the family in meetings with other families, rival criminal organizations, and important business associates. In practice, the consigliere is normally the third-ranking member of the administration of a family and was traditionally a senior member carrying the utmost respect of the family and is deeply familiar with the inner workings of the organization. A boss will often appoint a trusted close friend or personal advisor as his official consigliere.
Lilia is scary. Frightening. Yet acts like that of a child. He's weird and his behavior is odd. Most remember him to have a more serious appearance, than the boyish one he has now, which confuses many.
✦Caporegime [Capo]: Sebek Zigvolt
Title: Cap' Croc, Yapping Crocodile, & Most Loyal Knight
Age: 19
A caporegime (also captain or skipper) is in charge of a crew, a group of soldiers who report directly to him. Each crew usually contains 10-20 soldiers and many more associates. A capo is appointed by the boss and reports to him or the underboss. A captain gives a percentage of his (and his underlings') earnings to the boss and is also responsible for any tasks assigned, including murder.
His title, Yapping Crocodile was created by Leona from SavannaClaw, due to his constant yelling in defense of Malleus, which stuck with him as he rose the ranks to Capo. Silver calls him Cap' Croc, cause it's also funny. Sebek is like any other member of the Diasomnia Mafia, is to prove himself.
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Magic exists, yet is rarely used. Outdated. And in some places, frowned upon. The existence of beastman, fae, and merpeople, as well as humans still exists. Immorality is still a thing—aswell as overblots. Mafia Leaders are still the only ones who use magic on a regular bases.
Each of the mafia districts had an original name. For example, The Heartslabyul District, but their district was originally named Queendom of Roses. This is due to the overarching power that the Mafia holds, that each district is named after the Mafia instead of its original Name. They are still identified as they're old names on maps, but they're lost to those inside the Districts, depending on their mafia.
Ramshackle isn't considered a district, even though it's big enough to be one, but is rather large and runs on its own, and is located on the outskirts of NRC. Ramshackle isn't under the control of any Mafia.
All 7 districts meet surround a circle of NRC, where the Government is mainly based as well as those rich that can afford to be outside of the Mafia but are still reliant upon them.
Anyone can visit different districts, though many choose not to unless they have written documents that allow you within other districts, as well as paying a small fee. Some Districts are harder to get into than others.
For example, SavannaClaw requires valid documents and as long as they're valid and you carry them with you at all times, you're completely safe and welcome. But if you want to go to Octavinelle and you don't live there, you're required to pay a fee of nearly 50 dollars ~ 100 thaumarks to simply visit, and if you want to leave, it requires months' notice. In some districts, it's better to stay than to try to leave.
Not all districts get along, though some are more respected than others.
For example, Pomefiore is one of the first and longest existing mafias within NRC, with Heartslabyul the second longest, having a deeply rooted influence that lasts generations. So Pomefiore and Heartslabyul highly respect each other.
Rivalries Exist. Due to the participation in sports, Each District has its own sports teams that compete with each other and the best players move on and can join NRC's main team. Though these competitions are extremely political and determine various things.
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NRC Government:
Controlled by Dire Crowley, who decided years ago that instead of continuous Mafia and Gang wars, they would merely allow the Mafia certain territories and districts in order to keep the peace and it has been that way since. Though many view him as unreliable and a coward, Crowley has prevented the deaths of many, to the best of his abilities, limiting the spread of the seven mafias. Forcing them to act only within their district and stopping them from spreading to other cities.
RSA Heroes:
RSA is a neighboring city that's been directly impacted by NRC's growing problem. The RSA Heroes are a group of people that actively fight against the Mafias, and aid those that want to escape NRC, which has gained the popularity of those within Ramshackle and has caused problems for the seven mafias. Some mafias which that personally want to get rid of the Ramshackles and force them to live within the Districts.
Noble Bell City:
An equally corrupt far-off city, that often meets with the mafia leaders of NRC, yet views them as brash. NBC isn't different from NRC, except for their current governor, Rollo Flamm, who controls all of NBC, which makes it a toxic and dangerous city. Has attempted to lure Ramshackle and make it part of NBC, which angered Diasomnia.
The Ramshackle District:
This is where you live. There's a rather healthy community of people helping people, and even if it's old and dirty, you love it. You live here with your cat, Grim, who you found digging in your dumpster. You work a simple job, running different errands, that often have you visiting multiple different districts, yet never once have you run into the Mafia. Simply cause you follow one rule, "Do stay out beyond midnight."
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Now, you love your home within the Ramshackle, your lil hovel, and your small garden with your cat. You love it, truly you do. You love your neighbors, and you love the festivals that the Ramshackle holds. You love it all.
Your leather satchel hangs off your hip, filled to the brim with different letters and papers from your most recent trip. You just returned from Scarabia, having a good easy delivery for the old man that lives up the street, and after a long day, you're finally home. You push past the old rickety iron gate, and up the stone pathway, eyes searching along for your familiar feline friend. He usually waits for you.
Hopping the old creaky steps, until you stop right in front of a card. Perfectly placed with gold decor. 'For Ramschackle's Perfect. You're invited to Crowley Hall' written directly on the front. Ramshackle's Perfect was only a joke type name among the people that lived in, said Ramshackle. Who else would call you that?
You pick up the letter, glancing around the porch, before slipping inside your home, and closing the door behind you. Crowley Hall, also known as the Grand Dinner Hall, a place where all important events took place, especially the meeting of all seven mafia leaders. Why would someone invite you with no other information? You flip the card, there's nothing else. Your shoulders slump, you shouldn't go. Yet, you stare at the words once again. It could be important or lead to trouble for the other people of Ramshackle. Your eyes drift over to your clock. It was only 7 pm.
You had five hours.
You glance back at the thick fancy card. Five hours before 12. You feel a familiar purr, and glance down at your cat, Grim rubbing against your legs. Five hours, and well, as long as you're back before midnight. You'll be fine.
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ⓒ 2023 cvlutos — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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mydaddywiki · 8 months
Paul Sorvino
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Physique: Husky Build Height: 6’ 3" (1.91 m)
Paul Anthony Sorvino (April 13, 1939 – July 25, 2022) was an American actor who often portrayed authority figures on both the criminal and the law enforcement sides of the law. Sorvino was particularly known for his roles as Lucchese crime family caporegime Paulie Cicero in Martin Scorsese's 1990 gangster film Goodfellas and as NYPD Sergeant Phil Cerreta on the second and third seasons of the TV series Law & Order. Sorvino died on July 25, 2022, aged 83.
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Tall, dark and handsome with an adorable smile, a lovely shape and was deceptively hairy. All that is nice, but what is important is Old Paulie packing a serious pair of nuts that I would love to have dragged all over my face. Also I have to mention that ass of his that I want my dick to take a swan dive into. I'm willing to bet Paul had to have some idea that us chasers love it.
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The Brooklyn native was married three times with three children from his first, including Academy Award-winning actor Mira Sorvino. The tough-guy actor was also an accomplished sculptor, a painter, a best-selling author, many, many things, even a poet, an opera singer.
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RECOMMENDATIONS: That's Life (2000 TV Series) - Shirtless Harlem Aria (1999) - Open shirt Joe Torre: Curveballs Along the Way (1997) - Open shirt Romeo + Juliet (1996) - Shirtless Parallel Lives (1994) - Rear nudity Very Close Quarters (1984) - Shirtless I Will… I Will… For Now (1976) - Shirtless It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy (1974) - Shirtless A Touch of Class (1973) - Shirtless
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sillystringsimpsons · 22 days
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Pic unrelated. I just think they're cute here. Lol.
A short fanfic set in The Good Ones [AU], featuring Johnny and Frankie.
"Something is wrong."
As he speaks, his leg taps incessantly beneath the dining table: little creaks and the rhythmic scuff of his socks against the linoleum punctuating the syllables and iambs in his anxious words.
"Somethin's always wrong with yous," I mutter. My words are muffled as I lazily press a chunk of bread, drowned to limpness with pumpkin soup, into the pocket my right cheek. "What's the matter, coniglio? Jeez, is it the bread? Sorry, baby, I know you ain't a fan of them baked-in olives, but it's all the bodega had out when I got there-"
"Gio, damnit! I ain't a frigging toddler, I can stomach some damn olives!"
I like his skittishness. I know it sounds a little patronising, but it's endearing to me; the constant fidgeting and wriggling is as much a part of him as the borrowed trace-scent of my cologne in the crook of his neck and the way he gets little crow's feet by his eyes when he smiles. But this, right now, is more than his day-to-day restlessness: he's cagey today: more so than normal. I can see it in the way his eyes dart frantically around the room, the way those dilated pupils can never quite seem to sit in one place, caught in that same little loop of endless motion as his squirming lower half.
As soon as he breaks the silence, I realise I've been absentmindedly holding my breath in - as if, if I had let it go, some inappropriate response to his seemingly unprovoked outburst would have slipped out with it. But he's taken the weight of the reply off my shoulders, leaving me with nothing to do but give a barely audible, shaky out-breath after I choke down the food still in my mouth with an unwittingly stilted swallow.
"I... I, uh, don't apologise, Frankie," is all I manage to offer, at first. "I shouldn't 'a cut you off like that. My foul, alright?"
"No, Johnny, it ain't your fault, babe, I just... I just-"
Ironically, he's never been very good at expressing himself: it's no real surprise that the words he wants to get lost at the tip of his tongue, leaving him with nothing but stutters and frustrated little grunts - and once he's run out of those, all he has left to give is a big, defeated groan as he buries his face into his hands.
"It's just... Things have been good."
That confession, meek and padded by the hum of his lips against his calloused palms, is the absolute last thing I expected to hear.
"Too good," he whines, still refusing to look me in the eyes. "Everything is too damn good, and I feel like somethin' awful is about to happen. I can't freaking relax, Gio, I feel like- Damnit, I don't know, it feels like my brain is full 'a fluid, and- And my head is going to explode- Or somethin'-!"
"What, like, a fever? Frankie, if you got a fever-"
"No, no, it's metaphor-ismical, or freakin'- Whatever you call it! I just... It feels like there are a million bees inside my skull, Johnny. Does that make sense?"
No, not really. The bees, at least: I can't particularly envision something like that, I've never been all that good at creative thinking - or whatever the ability to picture insects in your head is called.
But, what does make sense is the look in his eyes as he raises his gaze: only slightly, just enough to meet my own.
There's a frenetic, anxious energy there, one that I've seen time, and time again: in the eyes of the lanky, up-town sixteen-year-old who'd ride past my shop on his bike a suspicious amount of times every day, in the eyes of the point of contention sat across from me at one too many impromptu meetings of DiMaggio's inner circle, in the eyes of the disgraced caporegime reluctantly settling into his new place among the ranks of my crew...
In the eyes of the man sat opposite me.
I give my best attempt at a sympathetic smile.
"Yeah. It does."
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dailycaligura · 9 months
Day 47. Caporegime.
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Waiting for another mission to get started.
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rullakebu · 1 month
Mobster's temptations (F/M, tickling, fur fetish)
“Okay, she should be here any minute now,” Vince figured.
He stared at the objective briefing on a note in his hand: “Seduce Savarino’s wife and get the data about their operations.”
The Apolloni crime family had always had a rivalry with the opposing Savarino family. The feud went back to the start of the 1900’s when they had left the old country for new opportunities. The founders had initially been close friends but had a falling out due to disagreements in the code of conduct. It eventually led to a shootout and the two families had been at war with each other ever since. Sabotage, scams and espionage were not uncommon occurrences between them.
Vince, a devoted, yet newly appointed, soldier of the Apolloni family, had received a task from his caporegime. The higher ups had received info that Regina Savarino, the wife of the rival mob boss, frequents the club called “Tears of Joy” after sunset every weekend. The rumor around town was that Regina had not been all that faithful to her husband—a dangerous game.
Vince’s first official mission as a soldier was to seduce Regina for the night and gather info about Savarinos’ next business ventures. No one really knew of Vince yet so he was the perfect pick for the task: seducing a lady with deep connections in the mafia. Easy enough, right? That is if the rumors about Regina’s promiscuity held true.
Vince read the description: She was 36 years old, of Italian American descent, 5 feet and 10 inches tall. The data also notified that Regina had an affinity for high fashion, in particular fur clothing. She could be spotted around town wearing the fluffiest, softest and most luxurious fur coats, stoles, hats. The way an influential mob boss’s wife would dress.
“She wouldn’t be hard to miss. This club is full of chumps,” Vince thought to himself, lighting a cigarette.
He was standing by the entrance of a restaurant opposite of the club across the street. Rain had forced him to take shelter under a small canopy on the restaurant’s premises. The light of the club’s sign was reflected off a small puddle in front of the door.
Vince saw a black Mercedes coming from around the corner. It had custom rims and tinted windows. You could not see who was inside as it pulled up to the club. The chauffeur stepped out. Dressed in a black suit he walked to the right side of the vehicle and opened the passenger door. Out stepped a tall, beautiful brown eyed lady with straight shoulder length brown hair. On her she wore a sleek black dress, dark stockings, black heeled boots and a fluffy beige full length golden island fox fur coat.
“Regina, no doubt about it,” Vince mumbled to himself.
She thanked the driver and ventured inside.
“Time to move,” Vince determined.
He quickly smoked his cigarette and threw it on the ground, stepping on it. Vince came out of the shadows into the light of the lamp posts. He reached into his pocket and put his trusty Colt 1911 pistol on safety. Wearing a classy suit, his dark hair slicked back and green eyes squinted he made his way across the street and opened the club door.
Classy piano music became clearer step by step as he ventured further from the door and into the club. He stayed for a moment scanning the club. The venue was relatively empty that night–perfect. Regina wouldn’t be hard to find. Vince glanced at the bar and there she was, the bar light highlighting her luxurious fur coat.
He gulped and walked graciously towards the bar, towards his mission. He stepped to the bar and leaned against it right next to Regina.
“Excuse me, Miss. I don’t believe we’ve met before. May I buy you a drink?” Vince suggested.
“Of course, thank you. A negroni, please,” Regina smiled.
“One negroni and one whiskey, please! I’m Vince, by the way. Vince Medici. Pleasure to meet you,” he grinned.
“Regina Savarino. And likewise,” her slightly deep voice sounding almost like a purr.
Vince’s heart pumped. He had to succeed in seducing her. Otherwise he’d be in big trouble and his future in the mob was at risk. Knowing how important first impressions are, he could not, under any circumstances, fuck this up.
“Regina,” Vince repeated, grinning warmly.
“So, Regina. What do you make of this place? Do you come here often?” Vince attempted to make conversation.
“Yes, I do. I practically live here,” Regina laughed, sipping her negroni.
“That so?” Vince laughed.
He took a look at her hands, adorned by long red nails. She didn’t wear a ring, hah.
“You said your last name is Savarino as in Don Savarino, the mob boss. However I see you’re not wearing a ring. Aren’t you married to him?” Vince asked.
“Well, I am but he’s barely there. And I like to keep my options open to be quite honest with you,” Regina purred, caressing Vince’s arm.
Vince's grin widened. Things were going smoother than he expected. He leaned in a little closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone.
"Smart woman," he murmured, his eyes locking onto hers. "But surely a woman as captivating as you must have suitors lining up at your door."
Regina chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down Vince's spine.
"You could say that," she replied coyly, her gaze holding his with an intensity that made his pulse quicken.
He couldn't afford to lose focus. This was his chance to gain the upper hand, to charm her into revealing valuable information that could give his boss the advantage over her husband's crew.
"Tell me, Regina," Vince whispered, his voice low and husky. "What's a woman like you looking for in a man?"
Regina's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in to match his intensity. "Oh, Vince," she murmured, her breath warm against his skin. "I'm looking for someone who can handle a little excitement. Someone who's not afraid to take risks."
Regina's gaze locked onto his, her eyes shimmering with intrigue. "And what about you, Vince? Are you a man who enjoys taking risks?"
Vince flashed a charming smile, feeling the weight of the moment. "Oh, you could say that. I'm always up for a thrill."
“I like that. Taking risks is… sexy,” Regina whispered, her breath tickling Vince’s ear. She caressed his face with the sleeve of her coat, the soft hairs brushing his cheeks, giving him goosebumps.
“So, Vince, what do you do? What’s your story?” she asked suddenly.
He had to come up with something quickly so as to not blow his cover. Luckily she had no idea who he really was.
"Oh, you know," he replied nonchalantly, his mind racing to come up with a convincing cover story. "Just a man trying to make his way in the world. But don’t worry about boring old me. I'm more interested in hearing about your adventures. I bet you have some stories to tell."
Regina raised her eyebrow as she smiled, slightly surprised by his response.
“Tell you what. Why don’t we continue our conversation somewhere else. I’ve got a VIP booth,” she suggested.
“Sounds good,” he replied delightedly. She was making this all too easy. This was going to be a piece of cake.
They made their way across the venue to the lone VIP booth, Regina’s heels clicking loudly. As they settled into the plush seating of the VIP booth, the atmosphere shifted, crackling with anticipation. Regina leaned in closer, her scent intoxicating Vince as she spoke.
"So, Vince, you never really told me more about yourself," she purred, her voice low and seductive.
Vince swallowed hard, realizing the importance of maintaining his facade. He had to keep Regina intrigued, keep her distracted from his true intentions.
"Well, there's not much to tell, really," he began, his words carefully chosen. "Just a guy with a taste for adventure, you know? Always looking for excitement, trying to live life to the fullest."
Regina sighed.
“You seem to have a thing… for women older than you. How old are you anyway, Vince?” she asked, squinting her eyes in curiosity. She caressed her coat up and down, the soft fur yielding to her hand with each stroke.
“I’m 25,” he replied.
Regina's lips curved into a knowing smile as she continued to study Vince, her gaze piercing yet playful.
"Ah, 25," she mused, her voice like velvet. "Such a tender age, full of promise and potential."
Vince shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny, acutely aware of the need to maintain his cover.
"Age is just a number, right?" he quipped, attempting to steer the conversation away from his youth.
Regina chuckled softly, a sound that sent a shiver down Vince's spine.
"Indeed it is, Vince. But tell me, what is it about older women that intrigues you?" she pressed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Vince hesitated for a moment, weighing his words carefully. He couldn't reveal too much, couldn't risk blowing his cover.
"I suppose I've always been drawn to maturity, experience," he replied, his voice steady despite the nerves that churned in his stomach. "There's something captivating about a woman who knows what she wants, who isn't afraid to go after it."
Regina's smile widened, a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. She was still caressing her fur coat gently. She looked at her hand teasing the soft fluffiness at the coat’s seams
“What do you think of fur, Vince?” she asked, her voice smooth as silk, a subtle challenge in her tone.
Vince's gaze followed Regina's hand as it glided over the soft fur of her coat, his mind racing with the need to maintain the illusion of charm and intrigue.
"It's... exquisite… elegant," he replied, his voice husky with desire. "There's something undeniably alluring about it."
He couldn’t and wouldn’t hide it. He found women in fur coats incredibly attractive. There was something about the softness, the status it added and the sensuality he admired deeply. Ever since a child he had seen women in fur clothing. He had always wanted to caress them and play with them but he wasn’t allowed.
Regina's smile deepened, a knowing glint in her eyes as she continued to stroke the fur with a delicate touch.
"I'm glad you think so," she purred, her voice a seductive whisper. "Because, you see, Vince, I have a particular fondness for fur. It's a symbol of luxury, of indulgence. And I have a feeling you appreciate the finer things in life, am I right?"
"Absolutely," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. "I believe in embracing pleasure, in seizing every opportunity that comes my way."
“Mm,” she acknowledged, her gaze filled with satisfaction as she tickled Vince’s chin. “Vince, why don’t we head out… and continue this conversation at my place?”
He had done it. He had seduced Regina Savarino. But he was really only half way there. His remaining objective was to have her reveal the confidential information about her husband’s activities. The capo would surely praise Vince for this.
“I like that idea,” he whispered, totally prepared for what was to come, and moreover step 2 of the plan.
Regina smiled slyly as she grabbed Vince’s hand with surprising intensity, her touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through him. Without a word, she began to lead him outside of the club, her movements confident and purposeful. Vince's heart raced with anticipation, unsure of what lay ahead but eager to follow wherever Regina led.
The chauffeur was waiting for her in the Mercedes leaning into the car smoking a cigarette. He saw Regina and Vince exit hastily from the club, the door almost flunging open. The driver swiftly opened the car door for the pair.
“Enzo, take us to my penthouse, pronto!” she commanded, excitement extruding out of her voice, yet there was something mischievous about it.
“Yes, ma’am,” Enzo replied.
As the sleek Mercedes pulled away from the curb, the atmosphere inside the car was charged with a palpable tension. Regina sat close to Vince, her presence a tantalizing blend of allure and mystery. The low hum of the engine filled the silence between them, punctuated only by the occasional sound of tires rolling over pavement.
Vince stole glances at Regina, his pulse quickening with each passing moment. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, a mischievous glint dancing in their depths. He couldn't help but wonder what awaited him at her penthouse, what secrets lay hidden behind its luxurious facade.
As they arrived at the imposing building housing Regina's penthouse, the Mercedes glided to a smooth stop. Vince's heart hammered in his chest as he followed Regina out of the car and into the opulent lobby. The grandeur of the surroundings only added to the sense of anticipation that pulsed through him.
Regina led the way, her steps confident and purposeful as they ascended the marble staircase to the private elevator. Vince couldn't shake the feeling of excitement mixed with apprehension that coursed through him with each passing moment. He was so close to completing his objective.
Finally, the elevator doors opened to reveal the lavish expanse of Regina's penthouse. The space was bathed in soft, golden light, casting a warm glow over everything it touched. Vince's breath caught in his throat at the sight, his senses overwhelmed by the opulence that surrounded him.
Regina turned to him with a smile, her eyes alight with excitement. "Welcome to my humble abode, Vince," she said, her voice a soft murmur that sent shivers down his spine.
As they stepped further into the penthouse, Vince couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration mingled with trepidation. Regina, ready to make Vince’s night, grabbed his hand once more and led him to the bedroom.
The bedroom exuded an air of luxury and intimacy, with plush furnishings and soft, ambient lighting casting a warm glow over the space. Vince's heart raced with anticipation as Regina guided him further into the room, her movements graceful and deliberate. As a contrast to the soft vibe, a white wooden X-frame, decorated with glowing golden accents and a head rest, stood tall at the corner of the bedroom.
Vince turned to Regina. “Regina, I bet as a wife of a mob boss, you harbor a lot of secrets. I’m looking forward to uncovering all of them. It turns me on so much. I love knowing what I’m not supposed to,” he whispered, incredibly aroused, oozing with desire.
“You’ve got no idea, dear Vince,” she whispered, her voice sensual and husky. “But don’t rush so much. I have a surprise for you. Stay right there.”
She strolled seductively behind a dressing screen. A tent was pitching in Vince’s pants and there was no hiding it. He waited with great anticipation what would be revealed from behind the elegant, mysterious dressing screen.
Vince heard heels slowly clicking as he saw a figure taking shape. Behind the screen emerged Regina dressed in black lacy 3 piece lingerie set the impossibly soft golden island fur coat still draped around her. She caressed the seams of the fur up and down slowly and seductively as she approached Vince.
His jaw almost dropped to the floor in pure lust. He couldn’t help but stare at her in total awe of her beauty. He pulled Regina close. “I can’t wait to uncover all of you: all your secrets and desires. I want to know what makes a lady like you tick,” Vince whispered, pulsing with desire.
“All in due time,” she whispered back, taking a hold of Vince’s jacket and unbuttoning it slowly. Next came off the shirt, as Regina admired his lean body. She caressed his midriff and up his chest with the sleeve of her coat, giving Vince shivers. The silky fur tickled slightly but felt pleasant traveling up his body.
Regina giggled as she saw Vince twitch slightly. “Ticklish, Vince?” she purred, blowing into his ear. She reached for his belt and started to unbuckle it. Down came the slacks and with them the underwear that was protecting his undeniable and visible excitement. She looked at his enlarged cock and smiled slyly to herself. “Your cock seems to like it when I touch you with my fur. I think I discovered one of your secrets, Vincy.”
Regina took a gentle hold of his arms and started to push him towards the X-frame looming in the corner of the lush bedroom. “One secret about me, Vince, is that I’m a bit… kinky,” she admitted playfully, acting embarrassed. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“I’m open to anything. Like I said, I’m always up for a thrill,” he grinned.
“Perfect… spread your limbs for me…” she whispered, taking a gentle nibble out of his ear.
Click, click, click and click. He was tied to the X-frame by his wrists and ankles, with no escape.
“You look so helpless and sexy right now, Vince,” she whispered, caressing his sides with her fluffy cuffs. “I could do anything I’d like to you, Fur boy. Aren’t you nervous?” she asked, continuing her stroking down to his waist and into his inner thighs.
“I like danger, Regina. You know that,” he moaned as the soft fur caressed his body ever so gently.
“Aren’t you afraid it would bite you back? That playing with fire would burn you sooner or later?” she questioned, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Her hands wandered back up again closing in on his exposed armpits.
“There’s always a risk, I guess,” he replied.
“You’re right, Vince,” she purred, her voice low and seductive as she leaned in closer, her breath warm against his ear. She started gently skittering her long red nails in his wide open armpits. “You’re absolutely right.”
The sudden tickling caught poor Vince off guard. His laughter erupted uncontrollably, mingling with Regina's soft chuckles. He squirmed beneath her touch, trying to evade the ticklish assault, but she persisted, her nails dancing over his skin with expert precision.
Regina leaned back slightly, a wicked grin playing on her lips as she watched Vince wriggle and squirm. "See, Vince? Sometimes, a little risk is exactly what we need to feel alive," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“WHATHEHEHEHEHE FUHUHUHUHUCK? LET ME GOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” he pleaded helplessly, his laughter echoing off the bedroom walls filling the room with ticklish sounds of despair and hopelessness. He bucked, left to right, front to back, trying to evade the spidering nails of his fur clad tickler.
Regina giggled evilly as she tickled his vulnerable flesh. She shifted her focus downwards, towards his sides. Tickling the hopeless Apolloni soldier gave her such immense satisfaction. Her nails moved with lightning speed. It was like millions of tiny tiny feathers caressed his sensitive skin.
Vince’s laughter only intensified when she targeted the new tickle spot. His heart pounding and adrenaline pumping through his veins. His fight or flight triggered, he couldn’t do anything but stay there, exposed and vulnerable. He could buck and plead as much as he liked but he was totally hers. Hers to tease, hers to torment, hers to tickle.
She moved her fingers down to his waist as she came closer to the cackling Vince. “Say, you’re awfully ticklish Vince. I cannot say I was totally surprised. Caressing you with fur made you shiver and twitch,” she said, skittering her nails under his stomach. “You have a bit of a fur fetish, don’t you, Vince?”
He couldn’t answer. He was too busy laughing and bucking. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I- I- I- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Only ticklish laughter, no words. Regina knew he couldn’t respond but wanted to tease him anyway. She had learned that psychological teasing is almost just as important as physical teasing.
Vince’s cock pulsed and jolted around as he bucked around trapped to the beautiful, white X-frame. Regina took notice of it, letting out a sultry low giggle. She stopped tickling him for a second to caress him with her fur again. “Tickling doesn’t really turn you off, now does it?” she whispered, the soft hairs of fur stroking around his pelvis. He was charged with arousal but he couldn’t say a word. He panted like a dog and tried to catch his breath after the ticklish exploitation he had endured.
Knock knock. Someone was at the door. It opened and in stepped a 60-year-old man with a suit, his gray hair parted in the middle and a cigar in his mouth.
“Hey, honey,” Regina greeted.
Don Savarino. He walked closer into the bedroom taking a puff. “Now would ya look at this? Another little fly caught in the web. What’s your name son?” he asked.
“Vince… pant… Vince Medici…” he replied.
“You with the Apollonis?” Savarino questioned.
“Go… pant… to… pant… Hell…” Vince cursed.
“Heh, guessed as much, son,” Savarino snorted, knowing exactly who Vince was now. “You Apolloni boys never learn… or anyone else for that matter.”
“What do you mean?” Vince asked, puzzled by what Savarino meant.
“Ya hear about my wife and then think to yourselves with ya little monkey brains that wooing her would help ya milk some info outta her. And they always end up in this situation. My wife’s a big tickler but I’m not really a fan of all that so we figured this way she’d have some fun too. I catch some snoopers and she gets to make some poor sucker laugh to death. Win win,” Savarino explained, the scheme now unfolding in Vince’s mind.
“You’ll pay for this, Savarino!” Vince yelled.
“Yeah yeah, keep yapping. Have fun ya two!” the don waved his hand as he made his exit.
“We will!” Regina chimed in as she turned to Vince and wiggled her fingers. She struck at his ribs, wreaking jolts of ticklish havoc instantly on his helpless body. “At least I will. Tickle tickle, Fur boy!” she teased. Her tickle talk made Vince blush even harder than before, not even considering that first he had been tricked so easily into being tickle tortured, he had to endure a personal humiliation from Don Savarino himself and he couldn’t hide his arousal.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FUCKING BITCH! LET ME GO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” he laughed and cursed, his face red with defeat.
“Aww, you don’t have to be embarrassed. You aren’t the first chump I’ve tickle tickle tickled to bits. But the fact, Vince, is that I like you. Furs and tickles turn you on, you can’t hide it. So just keep laughing for me like the good Tickle boy you are… and I’ll give you some love too,” she said slowly, caressing his erect sex with her fluffy fur whilst scribbling her fingers on his skin making sure to not pleasure him too much. For a second his laughter mixed with moans as the fur glided on his sensitive skin, eliciting an arousing mixture of softness and tantalizing tickles.
She started tickling up and down his arms, her movements feather-light yet relentless. Vince's laughter grew louder, his attempts to escape her touch becoming more frantic. Regina reveled in the sound, her mischievous grin widening as she enjoyed the playful interaction between them. With each ticklish squirm from Vince, she felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing she had the power to both tease and delight him in equal measure.
“See? You love me and my ticklish touch. You’re not fooling anyone here,” she notified, stopping her tickling and walking over to her wardrobe.
Vince watched, twitching in ticklish ecstasy, as she graciously opened the huge door of the wardrobe and pulled out something fuzzy and long. It was silver in color and glistened in the bedroom light, its soft texture inviting yet mysterious. As Regina approached him with the object in hand, Vince's curiosity piqued, his face warping into eager anticipation.
“What do you think about fur stoles, Vince?” she asked as she set the fluffy silver fox fur stole around her neck, the luxurious material draping elegantly over her shoulders. Vince's eyes widened in admiration at the sight, his gaze lingering on the opulent accessory. She walked closer to Vince, her stole slightly swinging with each step.
“One could say even more elegant than a coat," she mused, a playful glint in her eyes as she adjusted the stole with a graceful motion. "After all, a stole adds a touch of sophistication and allure, don't you think?" Her lips curved into a knowing smile as she awaited Vince's response, already aware of the effect her sartorial choice had on him. “But that’s a matter of taste.”
Regina looked at Vince’s cock. It was begging for attention.
“They are mainly sexy accessories,” she said, taking the long stole off her neck and kneeling down. “But who’s to say that they can’t have other uses… as tools,” she continued, wrapping the stole gently around his manhood. “As tools of pleasure, of soft ecstasy.”
Vince moaned as the fluffy stole entwined around his penis and Regina started pumping the soft accessory up and down, giving him a furjob. The soft tickle of the fur felt relaxing yet tantalizing. Each fluffy caress, sending signals of pleasure and desire to his brain. His pulsating member was totally engulfed in impossibly soft and teasing fur.
“But I’m not done with you yet,” Regina announced, unwrapping the stole so cruelly from Vince and setting it around her neck once more.
“Please continue!” Vince pleaded.
“Don’t worry, you’ll feel my stole again. But for now I have something else for you,” she consoled.
Regina moved over to a big white chest next to the X-frame. She opened it and picked up something. “I hope you like feathers, Vince,” she said, pulling out a massive feather duster. It must’ve been around 3 feet long, adorned with pearl white ostrich feathers on top of a wooden handle.
“I had this custom made… for ticklish men like you,” she said, twirling the huge tickle tool around. “A tease for the eyes, isn’t it? Imagine all these feathers, exploring and engulfing your body in unimaginable ticklish softness. Would you like that?”
“Don’t tickle me, please,” Vince begged.
“Don’t lie to yourself, Tickle boy,” Regina rolled her eyes slightly amused.
The ocean of feathers descended upon Vince’s body, sending soft tingles of ticklishness coursing through his senses. His cock jolted as the pleasurable feathers swayed all over his ticklish form tantalizing his flesh. Up, down, left, right the feathers traveled leaving heavenly tickles in their wake. His mind was scrambled and the only word he could think about was tickle… tickle… tickle….
The feathers covered every inch of where the duster was targeted. His arms, sides, chest and legs. No spot was safe from the ticklish feather cloud of the duster. Vince didn’t know whether to laugh or moan, as his voice became a mixture of both: ticklish despair and pure unadulterated pleasure.
“Please, let me go… hahahaha… I’ll give you all the info you want… pant…” he pleaded
“Don’t you understand, Vince? I don’t care about any of your Apolloni stuff,” she clarified, coming in close whispering. “The only thing I want is to tickle you. And we both know you don’t wanna leave. You want me to keep tickling you. You want me to keep pleasuring you. And that’s exactly what’s gonna happen, Tickle boy.”
Vince was still squirming, trying to evade the feathers, but Regina was having none of it. She set one of her hands behind his back, the fur of her coat softly caressing him, and pulled him closer directly towards the duster. Despite his efforts, he couldn’t pull away, caught in the irresistible grip of her playful coercion, engulfing him in a whirlwind of ticklish sensation. Regina directed her tickle tool to his burning crotch. She wiggled her duster as the ostrich feathers totally enveloped his package filling him with ticklish pleasure.
“That’s it. Let the feathers take hold over you, let them tickle you. Embrace the sensation, coochie coo,” Regina whispered into Vince’s ear.
Vince moaned loudly as she giggled with soft sadism. “My duster’s lovely, isn’t it?” she teased, her voice dripping with playful satisfaction as she watched him squirm under the ticklish assault. The duster's feathers danced tantalizingly over his genitals, eliciting a mixture of pleasure and torment that left him utterly stunned in ticklishness. It’s like an angel of God was sent down to Earth to personally tickle him. It was no angel, however. Rather a tickle demoness.
Regina stopped slowly easing the duster away. “But I miss your laugh,” she informed, setting the duster on the bed next to them.
She walked behind the X-frame and pulled a lever. To Vince’s surprise, the bondage device tilted back 90 degrees and he was now lying down. Regina went back over to where his feet were now exposed. And alas, the ticklish scribbling of her nails met his sensitive soles.
“NO! NOHOHOHOHOHO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Vince begged, laughing hysterically. The tickling before had been unbearable and he wasn’t sure he could take in anymore. Regina was a true sadist. She took pleasure in seeing Vince squirm and scream in ticklish despair. It turned her on.
Regina bowed down slightly, broadening her reach. Her fur stole swang side to side almost touching the floor as she tried to keep up with his wiggling feet. She was having the time of her life tormenting him and so was Vince. His cock was already dripping with precum ready to explode.
Regina’s nails explored his feet thoroughly. She moved to his heels and back to his soles. Her nails ran up and down his ticklish arches, causing him to howl with helpless laughter. The tickler’s fingers rose up to the balls of his feet making him spring and jolt in his restraints.
“That’s it. Laugh for me! Don’t hold anything back! It tickles! It tickles so much! You can’t help it! Laugh!” she urged, so incredibly aroused by his ticklish helplessness.
Vince’s stomach ached from laughing so much, and it worsened every second Regina’s nails glided along his feet, exposing every ticklish weakness. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes, his breath coming in short gasps between fits of laughter. Despite the discomfort, there was a strange thrill in surrendering to Regina's torment, each ticklish sensation sending waves of both agony and ecstasy through his body.
Regina ceased her assault and walked between his legs. She leaned forward and continued by targeting her talons to Vince’s ticklish vulnerable armpits once more. The fur of her coat caressed his sides as she scribbled in and around his poor pits. Her stole, moving as she tickled, caressed his inner thighs gently teasing him to bits.
She quickly moved her hands to his hips, deliberately keeping her arms close to his body, ensuring that her soft fur stroked him along with every tickle. Regina reached over to the bed and picked up her duster again, a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she prepared to unleash a newfound mixture of ticklish torment upon Vince.
She laughed sadistically as her left hand still spidered along his left side and hip, as she fluttered the huge feathered tickle stick along his defenseless body with her right hand. Regina tickled his face quickly with the duster as she grabbed a tail of her stole and stroked it up and down his cock for a moment, resuming the tickling right after.
The soft and intense hurricane of tickling left Vince breathless and utterly defeated, his body writhing with uncontrollable laughter as Regina's skilled fingers worked their magic. Every nerve ending tingled with sensation, his senses overwhelmed by the dizzying whirlwind of pleasure and torment. Surrendering completely to the ticklish onslaught, Vince found himself lost in a state of euphoric exhaustion, unable to do anything but succumb to the irresistible power of Regina's domination.
“Aww, had enough of your tickles?” Regina teased, giggling at his helplessness.
“Alright, alright, Fur tickle boy,” Regina consoled, as she relented with Vince gasping for air.
She set the duster back on the bed and stroked up and down his legs. Vince tried to twist his body closer to Regina, who was still standing between his legs. Her fox fur stole still hung in his inner thighs looming near his genitals and he was trying to get closer to it.
Regina raised her eyebrow puzzled at his movements until she looked down. “Oooh, you miss my fluffy stole, don’t you? Well, you’re in luck because she missed you too,” she winked, personifying the fur stole, as she lifted the soft accessory from her shoulders.
“She missed coiling around you… and tickling… and pleasuring you,” she whispered in a low, husky and sultry manner as she wrapped the stole around his manhood once more.
“She missed having her fur caress every sensitive inch of you, engulfing you, making you moan as her soft fluff brings you closer and closer to pure heavenly bliss,” she teased, stroking the soft fur on his flesh.
Vince moaned in pure lasciviousness as he looked at Regina smiling gently while stroking the stole up and down his cock. The fur truly felt blissful after the relentless tickling he had endured a few minutes prior. Regina had put him through Tickle Hell and Fur Heaven was the reward for his endurance. Vince stared at Regina as he saw her eyes squint, as if she had just got an idea.
“But Miss Stole isn’t selfish. She likes sharing,” she said as she started to stroke his inner thighs with her golden island fox coat, still pumping the silver fox stole with one hand.
Getting closer and closer to the edge Vince moaned loudly aroused by the double fur treatment. The soft tickle of the fur around his genitals and inner thighs awakened new heights of arousal, desire and lust within him. He wished he could stay like this forever. Pleasured by Regina and her ever-so-soft furs.
“You see, I can be nice to people I like. Sink into the feeling of my fur, Vince. Sink into it. Let it bring you closer to paradise. Let it stroke you. Let it caress you. Let it tickle you. Let it pleasure you until you scream with ecstasy,” Regina teased, taking joy in making him ooze with desire.
As Vince neared his orgasm his whole body was on fire. He was so ready to explode in blissful pleasure. He was so close. The amazingly soft fur felt so good rubbing him all over his most sensitive parts. Each hair, each strand, each piece of fur joined in an ecstatic orchestra aiming to send Vince to Cloud Nine.
“Cum. Cum for me Vince. Let my fur bring you to orgasm, Tickle boy. Cum for your fur goddess,” Regina urged.
Vince had been tickled, pleasured, tickled and pleasured again. His cock felt like it was about to split in half. His senses heightened, he felt every single individual fur caress his sensitive skin. His limbs were tingling and cramping. The stole and the coat felt so good tickling between his legs.
And so he came as he yelled in pure, unfiltered and raw bliss. All of his muscles joined in unison as he sprung up in his restraints. The intense screams of pleasure echoed throughout the bedroom as hot sperm spewed out of Vince’s penis. Every nerve in his body tingled down towards his crotch.
As he blasted the last drop of cum from his cock, Vince was exhausted. He panted heavily, still strapped to the X-frame. His legs shook as cold sweat dripped down his body. Vince felt his eyes become heavy.
Vince heard one last thing as he slowly fell into a slumber, passing out: "That's it, Tickle boy. Go to sleep."
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citylighten · 5 months
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WHAT HAPPENS AFTER "THE BIG SCORE"? The year is 1992. Eve DuBois, a thief whose adventures have taken her from Tartosa to Windenberg, is now quietly residing in Newcrest working as an art gallery curator, but her life takes an interesting turn when she befriends Rosaria Impellizzeri, the wife of a significant mob boss in the city's underworld. Keeping a friendly distance with the mob wife doesn't go according to plan when Rosaria's brother - Don Impellizzeri's caporegime - takes a romantic interest in her. His larger than life, fiery attitude both worries and enchants Eve, but just when she thinks there could be a life with Salvatore, a member of her old crew suddenly comes into town, restless from 'retirement.'
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bearyyayay · 11 days
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joestvr · 10 months
༺✮ atashi no kimyona jinsei // あたしの奇妙な人生 ✮༻
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༺✮ summary: five years after the fall of diavolo, you, y/n romano, who was sent away to japan at 11 to further your studies—find the courage to come back to naples after living out your schoolgirl & gaijin university student facade in morio-chou to see how your clan’s worsened—as well as become the “donna” of your father’s gang, il terrore, while your older brother is the real leader behind the scenes, just using you as a front. with plans to murder your clan, you seek the particularly handsome young don of passione for friendship. with your tyrant father’s intervention, your friendship with the don turns to something you never saw coming.
★ 1 // il terrore // ★ 2 // bella //★ 3 // viva romano
"Welcome home, Y/n." Your father said. You could see the cigar burning and sitting on the ashtray beside him. 
"I'm not happy to be here. What do you need?" You responded.
"God, you're still the same condescending bitch you were 5 years ago." He stood up to face you. 
"I said, what do you need?" 
"You need to become the leader of Il Terrore. I've already announced it to everyone. " 
Your heart dropped and you slowly backed away.
"N-No... What about Alexander?"
He grabbed your arm and yanked you towards him. 
"Your brother is nothing but an arrogant fool! He is unfit to run our organization!" 
"You're joking, right?! He's your firstborn son!" 
"You ungrateful bitch!" He yanked you toward him and slapped you across the face, then pushed you to the ground, scowling. 
"You're just like your fucking mother. Leave my sight." He waved you off and you got on your feet, dizzy.
You got out a pack of cigarettes and lit one with a sigh, blowing smoke out of your mouth.
You turned around and your face lit up. "Vince?" 
Vincenzo Sayyid. 23 years old. Your childhood best friend and one of the most prominent caporegime of Il Terrore. He is the first person in your father's personal guard and was brought up in Naples. 
His mother, Francesca Marino-Sayyid, was your mother's good friend and a Sicilian. His father, Azam Sayyid, is from Kandahar, Afghanistan who stays in Kabul and manages the branches of gangs there.
He has tan skin, green eyes, thick brown hair that's usually slicked back with a strand sticking out, and stands at 193cm (6'4). 
"Oh, Y/n, is that you?" He smiled, hugging you tightly, and kissing your cheek. 
"It's me." You said into his neck. 
"Have you seen Trish yet, tesora?" He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and going behind you. 
"No, I might see her soon, though." 
"Why not now?" 
"I'm to arrange a meeting with the Don of Passione, I'll see her then, because she's apart of his personal circle.”
"Shall I get the guys together, Donna?" He took the cigarette from your mouth and put it in his. 
"I heard a rumaru— ru— rumor—" You struggled to pronounce the word correctly. 
"You have a Japanese accent now. Ha!" He teased. 
"As I was saying, I heard a rumor he stabbed himself with the reku- Requiem arrow. And his personal guard has some insane sutando— Stand Users."
"Hahaha! Your pronunciation is so funny now!" He laughed. 
You sighed and lit another cigarette, taking out your flip phone, dialing Trish's number. 
Trish was sitting at a table in a restaurant with the gang. She was eating her spaghetti talking with Bucciarati when her phone began to ring. 
"Sorry, Bucciarati, hold on." She said, taking the phone out and answering. 
"Trish, it's me." She slightly gasped upon hearing you, hunching down and lowering her voice. 
"Wh-What's up?" She replied. 
"Where are you? What are you up to?" 
She covered her mouth and continued to speak into the phone so Fugo couldn't use his powerful mind to lip read. 
"I'm at a restaurant with the guys." 
"What guys?" 
"You know." 
"Oh, you're with the gang? Without me? Rudeee." 
"Very funny," she started to get concerned at Narancia poking at her arm with curiosity, "Honey, I need to get going." 
"Alright. I'll see you soon." 
"Bye, babe. Love you." 
"Love you too, Trish." 
She kissed into the phone and hung up, smiling to herself, chuckling. 
The men's eyes widened upon the words that came out of her mouth and the gestures made. 
"So, Trish..." Giorno started, smirking. "Care to share the contents of your phone call that caused you to be so secretive?"
"Yes, Trish, I'm quite eager to know." Bucciarati continued. 
"Yeah, Trish. Tell us about your secret boyfriend." Mista laughed. Narancia seemed oddly jealous.
"Have you all lost your minds?" She said. 
"Trish, there's no need to keep information from us. We are your family." Bucciarati smiled. 
"I promise you guys it's not what you think." She began to eat again. 
"So what is it then? You're a lesbian?" Narancia blurted out.
She nearly spit out her wine with surprise. "Wh—What?" 
"It's okay if you are a homosexual, Trish." said Fugo reassuringly. 
"I am not a lesbian, nor do I have a boyfriend, everyone, please." She cleared her throat. 
"Well, who are you calling 'Babe' and 'Honey' and telling 'Love you' to?" Bucciarati crossed his arms in an oddly fatherly way. 
"Giorno, can you please tell him to stop?" She looked at the blonde haired boy, furrowing her eyebrows. 
"No, I'd like to hear as well. Who is so important to you that you have to kiss into the phone when telling them goodbye?" 
"Let's change the subject. Do you know the gang Il Terrore?" 
"Yes, I heard the new leader is a clueless prick. We don't even know if he is a stand user. How absurd.." Fugo answered.
"He probably is. I heard the Romano family has quite the collection of Stand and Requiem Arrows. The guy probably has an insane team of guards." Mista responded.
"Is he a threat to us?"
"No." Trish interrupted. 
"Alright then."
"I do wish you'd stop smoking." Alima sighed.
Alima Sayyid-Romano. Your sister in law — Also Vince’s cousin. 30 years old. Born in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Her father is Vince’s father’s older brother. She came to Italy 18 years ago with her parents to make a deal with your father and set up a marriage with your brother.
You scoffed and lit another cigarette. "Who do you think I got it from?" 
"I remember how your dad and Alexander used to chain smoke all day." She chuckled. 
Alexander Romano. Your older brother. 34 years old. He married Alima when he was 18, and had their son, Leo, at 20, and their daughter, Elena, at 25. Though their marriage was arranged, they've had a deep romance ever since they met. 
Your relationship with your brother has always been complicated, and it was estranged for many years due to your father driving you apart and also, well, the 14 year age gap.
Now, you'd like to think you're on good terms with each other but he doesn't always approve of the way you live. 
"Where is he, anyway?" You turned on your hair straightener, waiting for it to heat up. 
"Who, Alexander? He's with the kids at the plaza." She answered, unpacking your clothes, folding and putting them in drawers. 
"They're always at the plaza. There's so many thugs and tweakers there, God knows all the drugs they're on." You started to straighten your hair, scowling. 
"Take that cigarette out of your mouth, Y/n. It's a fire hazard." 
You sighed and put your cigarette out in an ashtray.
"Here, I bought this for you in India." You took a gold ring off your finger and put it on her.  
"Thank you. 22 karats?" She grinned and examined the intricacy of the design. 
"Yup. 24 is too soft."
She hugged you and kissed your cheek. "Love you." 
"Love you too, Sis." You returned the kiss onto her cheek. 
You heard the front door open and a familiar voice yell, "We're home!"
You gasped and ran downstairs, jumping into your brother's arms with delight. "Mio bel fratello!"
"Mia bella sorellina!" He embraced you in a hug, kissing your cheeks and laughing, spinning you around. 
"Oh, how I missed you, Alexander!" You smiled. He put you down. 
"I missed you more than anything, Y/n." 
You looked at Leo and gasped, smiling wide, pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek. "Kyaaaaah, my Leo is so grown up now!" 
"Relax, Y/n, come on..." He groaned, hugging you back and kissing your cheek back. He was already taller than you. 
"Kyaaah!" You squealed again in delight, then looked at Elena. 
"Long time no see, principessa!" You hugged her tight, and she giggled. 
Alima came down, laughing. Alexander pulled her close to him and kissed her hard. 
"Ew! Stop that!" You exclaimed dramatically. 
"Go upstairs then!" Alexander shouted. 
You stuck your tongue out at him then went upstairs, opening your laptop and sending a message to the Don of Passione. 
Ciao, Don Giovanna, you wrote, I'd like to make a deal. You pressed send and sighed. 
The gang was back at their home, relaxing and talking. 
"Hey, Giorno, you got a message." Narancia said, handing the computer to him. 
"Someone wants to make a deal." Giorno said, his eyes fixated on the screen. 
"Well, who is it?" Mista butted in, shoving Narancia off the couch and sitting next to him. 
Who's this? Giorno typed, then eagerly waited for a response. 
Forgive my lack of manners. I'm the leader of Il Terrore. 
Giorno slightly gasped. "Il Terrore? That's strange." 
Trish's head shot up from her constant texting and she smiled silently to herself.
Okay. What kind of deal would you like to make? Giorno responded. 
I want to be allies. I have heard of your immense power and your drive to keep drugs out of Italy deeply impresses me. 
Giorno gasped louder and Bucciarati looked at him. "What's wrong?" 
"He wants to be allies." 
"Ask what he'll do in return if you grant him friendship." 
What will you give me in return?
I'm sure you've heard of my family's collection of the Arrows. I'll give half of those into your possession, 10 million lira, and whatever else you wish for. 
Giorno's eyes widened. Mista leaned over and smirked seeing the offer. 
Can we meet in person? 
"He wants to meet in person." 
"He's going to murder you in cold blood." Abbachio decided to join the conversation. 
"Don't be ridiculous, Abbachio, he's not going to do that. The Romano family is a very respected one." Fugo said.
"Whatever. Go if you wanna get killed." Abbachio rolled his eyes. 
Giorno sighed and typed his response, Sure. 
Meet me at the restaurant Libeccio tomorrow at 1600, and we can talk then. 
Sounds good. 
Grazie, Don Giovanna. See you there.
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arsynnotarson · 8 months
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color / imagery meanings . . .
outer brown - what i imagine the word "mafia" as a color (dark slate grey) and tinted red
inner, lighter brown - the different leagues of mafia members (associates, soliders, caporegime, etc)
innermost, lightest brown - the family heritage that mafias hold
dim green - the money that is greatly associated with organized crime
maroon stripe - the covert ill mafias are responsible for
chains - how one is trapped, or "chained" to the mafia if they happen to be born in the lineage (though transmafiamember doesn't always mean you are bound to the title!)
when you want to be / feel like you should have been / are connected to being in the mafia in any way
subterms for this are welcome!
if this is a recoin, please provide the original coining and consider this an alternate flag!!
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
- Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Masterlist -
Things you do that make their heart melt: La Squadra di Esecuzioni x reader headcanons
What they do for you after a rough mission: La Squadra di Esecuzioni x reader
Ghiaccio romantic headcanons (sfw + nsfw)
Ghiaccio general headcanons
Risotto Nero romantic headcanons (sfw + nsfw)
Don of Passione!Giorno x childhood friend! reader headcanons
Panacotta Fugo, Kakyoin Noriaki x reader relationship headcanons
Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia Ghirga x hardworking, book smart, shy reader headcanons
Risotto Nero, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbachio x caporegime!fem!reader headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati, Giorno Giovanna x reader proposal headcanons
Jotaro showing affection with the help of Star Platinum headcanons
Husband!Lawyer!Dio Brando x reader headcanons
Wamuu x reader headcanons (NSFW)
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crimsonsharked · 2 months
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In order you have
Boss/Don (Crimson)
Consigliere/Right hand (Alessio) - Basically functions as a close trusted family friend and consultant.
Capo/Underboss (technically was Moxxie) - A powerful second in command. Usually family and someone who is intended to take over!
Caporegime - The second in command to the Underboss! Aka a Mafia Lieutenant
Soldier/made man - are the lowest ranking in the family. To usually become one they have to take an oath of silence called omerta. In some cases, these men are told to commit murder. While low ranking they still command respect.
Associates - Men who are part of the crew but have not made an oath to the family. They commit crimes and are typically protected under the family. (Chaz counts)
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Also, Given that Moxxie was a capo/underboss, it can explain some of Crimson's absolute disappointment in him. This isn't really that uncommon for kids in these families to face when they leave.
It's why there can arise A LOT of conflict if the parenting style is different. if Crimson's wife wanted to raise Moxxie differently, she was hindering the success and future of the organization and family.
A crime family can easily fade and disappear if people die that are directly related to the Don/Boss. Securing an heir or someone to take over is important.
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sig-got-a-gun · 5 months
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