#captain manifest destiny
sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
((All right, you twerps, if you don't like turkey, then what part of the traditional American Thanksgiving meal do you like?))
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“Hey, turkey is great! Just because rich people eat it more than poor people do doesn't mean we ca’tn get our hands on it our way: stealing it!"
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"Or just hunting it ourselves. Ruixiong and I actually had a grand time going out for some game."
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"As for traditional American thanksgiving meal…. I don’t think the indigenous people are that willing to share what they have. Or are you talking the English?"
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"I'd imagine the mishmash of English with the various native tribes of North America, given how they were kind enough to help earliest settlers with how to survive the harsh winters of the land when they realize how shit out of luck they were in initially."
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"There is also French, Spanish, and other early settlers. New France had the Choctaw and Chitimacha."
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"I think it’s worth an experience to go to the land and try out their celebratory harvest for the upcoming winter, but, uh….
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"Big landmass there."
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vulcanhello · 2 years
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 2 months
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🍨All you have to do is unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody . The creative powers of your subconscious will respond accordingly. Begin now, today. Let wonders happen in your life ! Keep on keeping on until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.
🍒The law of your mind is the law of belief . This means to believe in the way your mind works , to believe in belief itself. The belief of your mind is the thought of your mind , just that and nothing else. All your experiences , events , conditions and acts are produced by your subconscious mind in reaction to your thoughts. Remember, it is not the thing believed in , but the belief in your own mind that brings about the result.
🍨Every thought is a cause and every condition is the effect.
🍒You are like a captain navigating ship. He or she must give the right orders , or the ship is wrecked . In the same way , you must give the right orders ( thoughts and images ) to your subconscious mind , which controls and governs all your experiences.
🍨Change your thoughts and you change your destiny.
🍒Your subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions. It is the creative mind . If you think good , good will follow. If you think evil , evil will follow. This is the way your mind works.
🍨You must be very careful to give your subconscious only those suggestions that heal , bless , elevate and inspire you in all your ways . Remember your subconscious doesn't understand a joke. It takes you at your word.
🍒Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true , your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass . Believe in good fortune , divine guidance , right action , and all the blessings of life.
🍨All frustrations is due to unfulfilled desires. If you dwell on obstacles , delays and difficulties , your subconscious mind responds accordingly, and you are blocking your own good.
🍒Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best , and your subconscious will faithfully reproduce your habitual thinking.
🍨Know that faith is like a seed planted in the ground ; it grows after it's kind . Plant the idea ( seed ) in your mind , water and fertilize it with expectancy , and it will become manifest.
🍒There is only one process of healing and that is faith . There is only one healing power , namely , your subconscious mind.
🍨Whether the object of your faith is real or false , you will get results . Your subconscious mind responds to the thought in your mind . Look upon faith as a thought in your mind , and that will suffice.
🍒It is foolish to believe in sickness or in anything that will hurt or harm you. Believe in perfect health , prosperity, peace , wealth and divine guidance.
🍨Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become great acts.
🍒Know that you can remake yourself by giving a new blueprint to your subconscious mind.
🍨Thoughts of jealousy , fear , worry , anxiety tear down and destroy your nerves and glands , bringing about mental and physical diseases of all kinds.
🍒What you affirm consciously and feel as true will be made manifest in your mind , body and affairs . Affirm the good and enter the joy of living.
🍨When your mind is relaxed and you accept an idea , your subconscious goes to work to execute the idea.
🍒Imagination is your most powerful faculty. Imagine what is lovely and of good report. You are what you imagine yourself to be.
🍨What you consciously affirm, you must not mentally deny a few moments later. This will neutralize the good you have affirmed.
🍒When fear knocks at the door of your mind , let faith in God and all things good open the door.
🍨The idea of success contains all the elements of success. Repeat the word " success " to yourself frequently with faith and conviction and you will be under a subconscious compulsion to succeed.
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the-shinysnorlax · 2 months
Miguel O’Hara: A comprehensive reading guide
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I honestly don’t know if this has been done yet, and considering that there are multiple different main canons for Miguel, it’s even more confusing on where to start.
To clarify, there is 3 different “Mainstream” universes for Miguel. Earth 928 (The main universe for most Miguel media), Earth-2099, and Earth-6375 (The universe where he’s part of the exiles)
I’m gonna be starting with
(Note: I’ll try to put these in order as much as possible, but due to retcons and other things like Spiderverse it may not be 100% accurate)
Important reads are in bold
-Amazing Spider-Man #365 (Not really important, it’s just a preview of the first issue, but it’s counted as Miguel’s very first appearance so.)
-Spiderman 2099 vol 1 #1-10 (VERY important reads, they set up the universe and Miguel’s origin story)
-2099 unlimited #1-3 (Not really important to the lore, but they’re silly little stories that I have to mention them)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #11-15
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #16, Ravage 2099 #15, X-men 2099 #5, Doom 2099 #14, Punisher 2099 #13 (VERY important reads, highlights the fall of the hammer arc and shows Miguel’s relationships with other 2099 characters, especially Jake Gallows. Read in the exact order listed)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #17-22
-2099 unlimited #8
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #23-34
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 annual
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #35-38 (Venom 2099 arc, important read as it introduces Kron Stone properly)
-Spider-Man 2099 special
-Spider-Man 2099 meets Spider-Man (First introduction of Miguel to Peter)
-2099 unlimited 9-10
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #39-43
-Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #1-5
The following issues have been mostly retconned and are no longer canon. I’m listing them still for sake of continuity (Plus they’re interesting) but they are NOT canon to E-928
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 1 #44-46
-2099: World of tomorrow #1-8
-2099: Manifest Destiny
End of retconned comics
-Captain Marvel vol 4 #27-30
-Superior Spider-Man #17-19
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 3 #1
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 2 #1-12
Note during this time is the Spiderverse event and Miguel is featured in multiple comics that tie into it. I will not be listing them all due to time, plus he was mostly featured in his own comic for it anyways
-Secret wars 2099 #1-5
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 4 #1
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 3 #1-10
-Spiderman 2099 vol 3 #11-16 (I list them separately because this takes place during Civil War 2 and that also has a lot of tie in comics that I will not be listing due to time. But yeah. That’s a thing)
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 3 #17-25
-Amazing Spider-Man vol 5 #32-36
Earth 2099
-2099 Alpha
-Spider-Man 2099 vol 4
-2099 Omega (This and vol 4 are E-2099 Miguel’s origin story. I’m not personally a fan of the writing but it is essential to read if you want to understand the universe)
-Spider-Man 2099 Exodus Alpha, #1-5, and Omega
-Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #1-5
-Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man 2099 #1-5 (The best series we’ve gotten so far of this earth, not really important to the Miguel lore. I just like it lol)
Note that this is optional to read and I’ve heard some very mixed opinions about how Miguel is written here. If you want to read it, be my guest.
-Exiles #72
-Exiles #75-99
-Exiles annual 1
Honorable mention: Timesplitters 2009-2099 #1-4, Spider-Man, and X Men.
These technically take place in a separate continuity to all 3, but they are important enough that I listed them anyways.
Honorable mention 2: Edge of Spiderverse vol 2
Idk what continuity it takes place in. it is currently ongoing.
Other non comic media
The following is a list of media that Miguel is featured in extensively (Not counting all the mobile games because I mean those are just gacha games and aren’t important to the Miguel lore)
-Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse and Spider-Man across the Spiderverse
-Ultimate Spider-Man S3EP9 and 12
-Spider-Man Edge of time (Personal favorite adaptation of Miguel in media)
-Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions
-Araña and Spiderman 2099: Dark Tomorrow (Not confirmed but likely takes place in E-928 5 years after series ends)
And that’s about it! If there’s any appearances I missed, please don’t hesitate to say something and I’ll fix it as soon as possible.
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skywerse · 9 months
Have you ever wondered why Chip, Jay, and Gillion—a wannabe pirate, a soldier in training, and the champion of the Undersea, respectively—form such a fucking random assortment of people? The only thread connecting them seems to be their association with the Black Rose members.
Their meeting feels like destiny, doesn't it?
What if I told you it's not destiny at all, but rather the aftermath of Captain Rose's failed deal with Niklaus?
Join me on my yapping as I put together a theory that I wrote in my notes app at 4 in the morning!
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Firstly, let's look at everything in a grand scale of things.
I believe that the world of Mana, at its core, is fuelled by desire that got corrupted by the darkness that slithered its way from the abyss into this world. For millennia or centuries, these same desires have driven its cycles, repeating history in one way or another, compelling many generations to follow suit to ensure the safety of their world. Keeping the darkness at bay. 
What if I told you that the prophecy isn't solely about Gillion? Instead, it’s about thousands of other chosen ones over centuries, all destined for the same purpose: to protect, to fight, and to avenge the darkness.
The descendants of Aster, children of the sun, were also born to always follow the same mission— to seal away the darkness.
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Regarding the descendants of elemental casters, it's VERY speculative since we don't know enough about them. However, I believe they were destined to control the darkness, to take hold of it.
And for as long as this entity, this darkness, had such an effect on Mana, they joined forces to seal it away and safeguard their world.
But what if those cycles of history get suddenly shattered? Perhaps due to an unfulfilled deal, or maybe a deal never meant to be fulfilled… What if one of the descendants of the sun, blessed by Aster, who was meant to seal the darkness away, inadvertently unleashed it? Causing a disturbance in the universe, so violent and so unpredictable that it changes everything?
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This disruption could make those united against the darkness to turn on each other, inadvertently allowing the darkness to thrive.
Rather than sealing the darkness, the descendants of the sun are harnessing it for destruction.
Instead of engaging in battle, the Tritons have retreated to the ocean's deepest depths, selecting a sacrificial lamb who would single-handedly play the role of a protector and bear the burden of this fight alone.
While the knowledge about the casters is limited, judging by this pattern, they likely grew weaker, most likely losing their ability to control the darkness altogether. It's probable that it became concealed. 
(May explain why Chip's powers manifested very late—they were hidden away.)
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Now, consider this. Jay Ferin, a child of the sun and descendant of those olympians, blessed by Aster; Gillion Tidestrider, a descendant of the Tritons or the Leviathans, blessed by Lunadeyis' light; and Chip, likely a descendant of the elemental casters mentioned in the prophecy, capable of grasping the darkness…
They stand as the ideal heroes of the story, maybe one of the only ones with the original, uncorrupted desire still burning within them, the ones to single-handedly save the world.
It makes a good story, doesn't it?
The sun, the moon, the elements.
Descendants of the three main bloodlines.
The unborn kings?
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Now, let’s move to Niklaus for a moment.
Didn’t he say that he likes a good story? 
But first, I'd like to believe that in the grand scheme of things, Niklaus is merely a vessel, born in the abyss, for this entity, this darkness that threatens the world. He is bound to be the one to further its corrupting influence. And maybe with all this power in his hands, many centuries ago, he even self-proclaimed himself as a prince.
Didn't Niklaus once describe himself as a storyteller? What if this storyteller is fated to witness a tale that endlessly repeats itself? Such repetition can grow tedious and mundane. So eventually, a simple desire emerges—to instigate change, to sow chaos, and perhaps to find an opportunity to break free from the chains binding him to this world.
A vessel for darkness, born in the abyss,
Bound to spread corruption,
A nameless prince:
And then we have the guarding giant, still clinging to his original desire,
Holding the darkness at bay for as long as he can:
Does it make more sense now?
Now let’s take a look at things on a much smaller scale.
Have you ever wondered why Chip, Jay, and Gillion—a wannabe pirate, a soldier, and the champion of the Undersea, respectively—form such a fucking random assortment of people? The only thread connecting them seems to be their association with the Black Rose members. And their meeting feels like destiny, doesn't it? What if I told you it's not destiny at all, but rather the aftermath of Captain Rose's failed deal with Niklaus?
(Was the deal intentionally unfulfillable? Was it by accident? I dont fucking know!)
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We know that whatever deal Captain Rose struck with Niklaus aimed to leave behind a legacy that would change the world. However, Rose failed to uphold his end of the deal, leading to his corruption and transformation into a goopy yucky—essentially, his deal backfired.
You might wonder, in what way it backfired? What better way to leave a lasting legacy than to trigger an event so impactful that it halts the endless cycle of history, disrupting the very mechanism that powers this world? To plunge the world into chaos, only to mend it once more, by bringing together the remaining group of individuals to retrace the steps of their ancestors—different people bound by the same desires as those that came before them.
Yes, the same desires.
The last thing Arlin, Drey, and Finn heard after releasing the entity from the egg was,
"What do you desire?"
What did Arlin James desire most?
I'd have two guesses.
Firstly, while discussing their desires on the staircase, Arlin expresses his desire to find the rest of the crew. Later, after Drey kills Rose, Arlin's words are: "There's still others that need our help [...] Adventure's not over."
Secondly, Arlin clearly wanted the best for Chip. He wanted to be there for this scrawny kid with no family or home, offering him something solid to hold onto.
Why do I bring this up? Because Arlin's desires have been passed down to Chip.
Firstly, hasn't Chip been chasing this his entire life? To locate the members of the Black Rose Pirates, to reassemble the crew, and to relive the old days.
Secondly, the dynamic between Chip and Ollie mirrors this relationship. While Ollie might be more like a brother to Chip and vice versa, it's evident to me that Chip cared for Ollie much like Arlin would for him. Just as Arlin gave Chip a coin, Chip passed that same coin on to Ollie.
What did Drey Ferin desire the most?
I believe he yearned to prove himself—not just to be another Ferin, but to establish his independence, to carve out a name for himself. Maybe he harboured hopes of achieving something significant, something that would make his father proud upon his return home.
Why do I bring this up? Because Drey's desires influenced Jay.
Jay Ferin ventures out with a mission: to uncover her sister's killer and exact justice upon the pirates that are responsible. And in doing so, she hoped to earn her father's pride. Maybe she also sought a sense of freedom and independence, desiring not to be entirely under the navy's influence.
What did Finn Tidestrider desire the most?
Finn yearned to leave the Undersea, to broaden his research, and to witness the wonders of the world above first-hand. He aimed to dispel the notion that the surface was as intimidating as the Undersea made it out to be.
Why do I bring this up? Because Finn's desires influenced Gillion.
Who wouldn't, after years of rigorous training to become a champion—enduring beatings, breaking under relentless training, and being moulded into someone you're not—wish for it to cease, to break free and see the world for oneself? Upon witnessing the Elders negotiating with a human, perhaps it was that sight that pushed him over the edge. Maybe it was an impulsive decision, or perhaps it was his destiny all along. And once on the surface, Gillion's curiosity becomes evident. He wants to learn, experience, and judge for himself. Perhaps he also wishes to someday show his people that the surface isn't as menacing as they've been led to believe.
Niklaus was aware of all of this; he knows far more than he ever lets on. That's why, even before arriving in the town on Loffinlot, he was already trailing Chip, Jay and Gillion—the supposed heroes destined to save the world, or maybe aid him in fulfilling his own desire for freedom.
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Closing thoughts? 
This might be a load of bullshit!
I'm going to take a nap!
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lesbianchemicalplant · 10 months
I'm so fucking sick of the “capeshit was made to punch nazis!!!” spiel
why do you think Superheroes as a genre was allowed to thrive under McCarthyism and the Comics Code Authority, unlike many other comic genres? why do you think horror, fantasy, and science fiction comics were suppressed to an extent that capeshit was not? why do you think Superheroes endured in the west through anticommunism and “war on terror” invasions, as massive franchises now with military propaganda blockbusters that literally give the Pentagon editorial oversight?
“Captain Manifest Destiny America is antifascist!! Superheroes are about punching Nazis!!” you are so embarrassing. put it back in the deck already
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slices-of-naranja · 10 months
Thinking about just roll with it riptide and my interpretations of it as a work as an aroace person and the commentary of what love is.
I think Chip and Gillion and Jay all care about each other the Same Amount. Because obviously. They’re all co-captains, all a crew. But I think Jay sees them more as the siblings she loves and needs to protect and look out for. Because she loves her sister and in looking to avenge her, she found some more family along the way. If that makes sense.
I think Gillion sees them both as the physical manifestation of the love he never got growing up, outside of his sister. Familial and other things too. Not quite his siblings. But like a pack. Closeness without a name. Love without a label. And that’s scary to him because there’s a part of him that’s more devoted to them than he’d like to be. Maybe more devoted to them than he is to his so-called “destiny.”
And chip. Chip is just looking for someone, I think. Anyone. Yes, he’s looking for Arlin. Of course he is. That’s basically his pirate dad. But he’s also just looking for someone that cares for him as deeply as he needs them to. That will be proud of him and love him. In whatever way possible. Someone that will protect him, as much as he doesn’t want to need protecting. And he found that in them too. Evidenced by how he was going to give up being a pirate, his life long dream, his mission in life, for the sake of his crew.
Their love for each other fucks me up. They’re a crew. They’re captains. Maybe two of them are a little gay. Maybe two of them are siblings. Maybe all three cuddle at night when their dreams get scary. It doesn’t matter. These labels aren’t real. Because the word we’re all (or, at least, I am) looking for is friends.
Friends means whatever the fuck you want it to mean. They kiss, they cuddle, they sing, they fight the world for each other, they bicker, they love. They all see each other differently. They all love each other differently. There’s not gonna be one word for it. One description. I see most people going “yeah I don’t want fnc to be canon” because they don’t need to be!! And they wouldn’t work either!!! Because their devotion to each other, all three of them, goes beyond words and typical labels! They’re friends!!! They’re a crew!!! We don’t need to put other words to justify the deepness behind their friendship!!
They love each other. They know they’d fight the world for each other. I don’t know. I am so exhausted and got up in my aroace feels so let me know if none of this makes sense.
I don’t know. I don’t think we need to get caught up in “these three are all romantically dating” or “these three are all siblings” to justify closeness with each other. Using familial ties (yes, I know I used familial ties for Jay, sue me, family is the most important thing to her so it’s how she labels her love for them) or romantic labels to justify intimacy and love is just kind of silly to me. No offense to anyone who enjoys those headcanons. I personally love fnc and love people comparing chip and Jay to siblings. Do whatever you want, creativity is fun and encouraged! Different interpretations are valid!
But sometimes, as an aroace person, seeing them just being acknowledged as close friends means a lot. Like, yeah. They are. And just calling them “friends” doesn’t diminish how deep their love is. Because that’s what they are. Friends.
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lydiamaya · 2 years
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Football inspired major arcana tarot cards ^—^
I had a lot of fun making these and tried my best to fit them with what the cards actually represented.
Explanation on who's what card if you are interested in knowing —
0 – The Fool –> This card represents on the upright- innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit. On reserved it represents‐ holding back, recklessness and risk-taking. All of which I think perfectly describes Jack.
I – The Magician –> On the upright represents- manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action. On reversed- untapped talents. All of these remind me of Hakim and also his nickname is perfect fit for this 😉.
II - The High Priestess –> Basically a well knowledged motherly character who often works in silence. Who other that Luka.
III – The Empress –> A blonde beauty who is holding everything together.
IV – The Emperor –> Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure, dominance. He is Pedri and gavi's dad, enough sqid.
V – The Hierophant –> Spiritual wisdom, religious, freedom, someone who comforts. See Olivier comforting Kylian, and you'll see.
VI – The Lovers –> Love, harmony, relationship, Soulmate.
VII – The Chariot –> Control, willpower, action, success, determination, self-discipline. The soul of the Manchester City team.
VIII – Strength –> Strength, courage, influence, compassion, raw emotion, self-doubt. Strength of the Manchester United team.
IX – The Hermit –> Soul-searching, inner guidance, being alone, isolation. The guiding light of Arsenal.
X – Wheel of Fortune –> Good luck, Karma, destiny, a turning point, breaking cycles.
XI – Justice –> I don't know, Eriksen just fit the vibe.
XII – The Hanged Man –> Letting go, new perspective. Joao to Chelsea saga.
XIII – Death –> Ending, change, transformation, transition, personal transformation. Jude being Dortmund's captain and the transformation of power from older generation to the newer one.
XIV – Temperance –> Balance, patience, purpose, self-healing. These two are perfect balance of old and new in Argentina.
XV – The Devil –> Shadow self, restriction, attachments. He is holding himself a bit in my opinion.
XVI – The Tower –> Sudden change, chaos, revelations, awakening, personal transformation. The departure of Messi and the entire future of Barça being pushed into their hands in a way.
XVII - The Star –> Hope, faith, renewal, purpose, self-trust. He is the hope and future of Dortmund and Germany.
XVIII – The Moon –> I don't Mason just felt right.
XIX – The Sun –> Positivity, fun,warmth, success, inner child, overly optimistic, vitality. This card IS Haaland.
XX – Judgment –> The bringer of Judgment Day against anyone they played.
XIX – The World –> Completion, accomplishment, personal closure, delays. This card is Messi personified.
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jooheons · 1 year
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spider-man 2099 / miguel o’hara reading guide 
miguel o’hara was a young genetics genius employed at mega corporation alchemax, in the future city of nueva york of the year 2099 (a future universe where all superheroes got wiped out). he became spider-man when one of his experiments to replicate the powers of spider-man is used against him, his dna is rewritten and became fifty percent spider. 
essential reading:
spider-man 2099 (1992), #1-10
spider-man 2099, #11-14
spider-man 2099 annual, #1
2099 unlimited #1-3 *
spider-man 2099, #15
ravage 2099, #15 *
x-men 2099, #5 *
doom 2099 (1993), #14 *
punisher 2099 (1993), #13 *
spider-man 2099, #16-22
spider-man 2099, #23-33
2099 unlimited #8 *
ghost rider 2099 #7 *
spider-man 2099, #34-38
spider-man 2099 special #1
spider-man 2099 meets spider-man #1
2099 unlimited #9-10 *
spider-man 2099, #39-46 *
2099: world of tomorrow (1996), #1-8 *
2099: manifest destiny *
* in early 1996, editor joey cavalieri was fired. it led to the cancellation of the 2099 titles. for spider-man 2099′s case, peter david (creator and writer) chose to resign in solidarity with his editor, finishing his run with issue #44. the last two issues of spider-man 2099 were done without his input and the series ended with issue #46.
* cross-overs are optional reading, they’re grouped together with the original spider-man 2099 issues because it’s part of their collection. 
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non-essential reading (crossovers):
fantastic four 2099 (1996), #4, #6, #8
captain marvel (2000) #27-30
exiles (2001-2008), #72 *
exiles #75-99 
exiles annual #1
timestorm 2009-2099 (2009),  #1–4 *
* exiles!miguel is a variant (not the same from his 1992 run), he’s from earth-6375 here. 
* timestorm!miguel is a variant, he’s from earth-96099 here.
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semi-essential reading (main marvel universe):
superior spider-man (2013),  #17-21
superior spider-man #22-26
superior spider-man annual #1
superior spider-man #27-31
superior spider-man annual #2 
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essential reading (spider-verse event):
spider-man 2099 (2014) #1-5
amazing spider-man (2014) #1
amazing spider-man (2014) #9-15
spider-man 2099 (2014), #6-12
spider-man 2099 (2015), #1-5
spider-man 2099 (2015), #6-10
spider-man 2099 (2015), #11-16
spider-man 2099 (2015), #17-21
spider-man 2099 (2015), #22-25
spider-man 2099 meets spider-man (1995)
amazing spider-man (2018), #32-36
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semi-essential reading (back to 2099):
spider-man 2099 (2019)
spider-man 2099: exodus alpha (2022)
spider-man 2099: exodus #1-5
spider-man 2099: exodus omega
spider-man 2099: dark genesis #1-5
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other media:
spider-man: shattered dimensions (2010, video game)
spider-man: edge of time (2011, video game)
ultimate spider-man, the spider-verse: part 1 (2015, animated series)
spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018, film)
spider-man: across the spider-verse (2023, film)
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this reading guide will be updated should any upcoming projects arise! 
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hungergamesbookclub · 2 months
Next Read
While the plan was to next read a book with a more diverse perspective than the works Suzanne Collins has referenced as influencing THG, I didn't get a lot of suggestions for the diverse read. So there is an option to stick with the books Suzanne has referenced if everyone would prefer that. Here is the last poll we did, to give an idea of the work we might read. As for the other books, descriptions of each book is under the cut if you're unfamiliar/want to read more about them.
Book descriptions below cut:
The Parable of the Sower: When global climate change and economic crises lead to social chaos in the early 2020s, California becomes full of dangers, from pervasive water shortage to masses of vagabonds who will do anything to live to see another day. Fifteen-year-old Lauren Olamina lives inside a gated community with her preacher father, family, and neighbors, sheltered from the surrounding anarchy. In a society where any vulnerability is a risk, she suffers from hyperempathy, a debilitating sensitivity to others' emotions.
Precocious and clear-eyed, Lauren must make her voice heard in order to protect her loved ones from the imminent disasters her small community stubbornly ignores. But what begins as a fight for survival soon leads to something much more: the birth of a new faith . . . and a startling vision of human destiny.
As Long As The Lemon Tree Grows: Salama Kassab was a pharmacy student when the cries for freedom broke out in Syria. She still had her parents and her big brother; she still had her home. She had a normal teenager’s life.
Now Salama volunteers at a hospital in Homs, helping the wounded who flood through the doors daily. Secretly, though, she is desperate to find a way out of her beloved country before her sister-in-law, Layla, gives birth. So desperate, that she has manifested a physical embodiment of her fear in the form of her imagined companion, Khawf, who haunts her every move in an effort to keep her safe.
But even with Khawf pressing her to leave, Salama is torn between her loyalty to her country and her conviction to survive. Salama must contend with bullets and bombs, military assaults, and her shifting sense of morality before she might finally breathe free. And when she crosses paths with the boy she was supposed to meet one fateful day, she starts to doubt her resolve in leaving home at all.
Soon, Salama must learn to see the events around her for what they truly are—not a war, but a revolution—and decide how she, too, will cry for Syria’s freedom.
These is my Words: A moving, exciting, and heartfelt American saga inspired by the author's own family memoirs, these words belong to Sarah Prine, a woman of spirit and fire who forges a full and remarkable existence in a harsh, unfamiliar frontier. Scrupulously recording her steps down the path Providence has set her upon—from child to determined young adult to loving mother—she shares the turbulent events, both joyous and tragic, that molded her, and recalls the enduring love with cavalry officer Captain Jack Elliot that gave her strength and purpose.
Braiding Sweetgrass: Drawing on her life as an indigenous scientist, and as a woman, Kimmerer shows how other living beings―asters and goldenrod, strawberries and squash, salamanders, algae, and sweetgrass―offer us gifts and lessons, even if we've forgotten how to hear their voices. In reflections that range from the creation of Turtle Island to the forces that threaten its flourishing today, she circles toward a central argument: that the awakening of ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. For only when we can hear the languages of other beings will we be capable of understanding the generosity of the earth, and learn to give our own gifts in return.
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captainkaseykirk · 2 years
I’m absolutely obsessed with Sisko’s emissary arc because not only does he comes to terms with his fate and the important role he plays in rebuilding Bajor, but his acceptance of this role and the responsibilities it comes with makes him less Starfleet™️ (which is a rant for another day). But, ironically, the more Sisko falls in love with Bajor, the better captain he becomes.
Much like the prophets, Sisko is “of Bajor” and his acceptance of this destiny is what ultimately protects Bajor, the most important & vulnerable planet in the galaxy, from Dominion takeover. Embracing his fate helps save the Alpha quadrant, and, quite honestly, the entire Milky Way Galaxy. If Bajor had fallen to the Dominion, the Federation wouldn’t have stood a chance and the last stronghold preventing Dominion rule of the Milky Way would have ceased to exist
I just love how Sisko slowly fell in love with Bajor so much that he would risk his life, his job, and his own son for it’s safety. His devotion to it also manifests in his desire to retire to Bajor and live out his days among the Bajoran people.
Not to mention the religious aspect! You could interpret this in SO many different ways, but through my religious lens, sometimes he reminds me of a few Abrahamic prophets. He was a man of little faith in the wormhole aliens, but by the end, he was a devout believer in them. So much so that his faith surpassed Kai Winn’s (The Reckoning)
Everyone likes to talk about Sisko being the best Star Trek captain, but they don’t often talk about his commitment to the Bajoran people.
Sisko was a great captain, but he was an even better Emissary.
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ruiniel · 10 months
Vodou symbolism in Castlevania Nocturne
Vodou developed among Afro-Haitian communities amid the Atlantic slave trade of the 16th to 19th centuries. Its structure arose from the blending of the traditional religions of those enslaved West and Central Africans, among them Yoruba, Fon, and Kongo, who had been brought to the island of Hispaniola. There, it absorbed influences from the culture of the French colonialists who controlled the colony of Saint-Domingue, most notably Roman Catholicism but also Freemasonry. Many Vodouists were involved in the Haitian Revolution of 1791 to 1801 which overthrew the French colonial government, abolished slavery, and transformed Saint-Domingue into the republic of Haiti.
At the heart of Vodou are the symbols known as vèvè. These cosmograms are intricate drawings made with cornmeal, coffee, or flour, and they serve as the visual representation of the spirits and deities (known as lwa, also called loa or loi) honored in Vodou. Each vèvè corresponds to a specific spirit, and invoking them involves drawing the corresponding symbol on the ground. This is often performed by an initiate who has learned the technique and is an essential part of Vodou rituals and ceremonies.
Let's look at some of the symbolism shown in Nocturne.
1. Agwe Arroyo or Agwe Tawoyo/Agwe 'Woyo - "Agwe of the Streams"
Captain of Immamou, the ship that carries the dead to the afterlife. He cries salt-water tears for the departed. He assisted the souls of those that suffered crimes against humanity during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Agwe is called to calm the waves of the sea or ensure happy sailing, but mainly he is worshipped by those who fish and whose life depends on the life in the waters. People under his protection will never drown and water will never harm them.
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2. Kouzen Zaka, or Azaka
The patron lwa of farmers, but he is also known as a lwa travay, a work lwa. Kouzen Zaka, represented by this vèvè, is the guardian of the fields in Haitian Vodou. The drawing of his symbol showcases elements of agricultural activity, including the earth, machete, sickle, hoe. Zaka is closely tied to work and is revered by farmers and those who rely on agriculture for their livelihood.
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3. Erzulie Dantò or Ezilí Dantor
The main lwa of the Petwo lwa family in Haitian Vodou. She is a powerful and protective mother figure, often depicted holding a knife, symbolizes justice and will forcefully fight to protect her children, who are her loyal followers. She is a single mother, a Haitian peasant who is fiercely independent and takes care of her own, a strong protector of women and children.
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4. Legba: The Guardian of the Gates
Papa Legba, the first spirit to manifest during a Vodou ceremony, holds a special place in the Vodou Pantheon in Haiti. His vèvè symbolizes his role as the barrier between the two worlds, with two perpendicular axes and his cane. Known as a trickster Loa, he usually appears as an old man on a crutch or with a cane, wearing a broad-brimmed straw hat and smoking a pipe, or drinking dark rum. The dog is sacred to him. He carries a sack on a strap across one shoulder from which he dispenses destiny. He is believed to speak all human languages. In Haiti, he is the great elocutioner: Legba facilitates communication, speech, and understanding. During Vodou ceremonies he opens the spiritual gateway that separates the Loas from our physical world.
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In addition, Papa Legba is the guardian of portals, doors, and crossroads. His role is critical in any Vodou ritual, as he's the one who grants access to the other Loas and allows them to manifest themselves during the ceremony.
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What we hear Annette chant in the series is 'Papa Legba: Ouvè Baryè'a' (Papa Legba: Open the Gate).
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There's a lot more to dive into, but this was a summary.
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elisabethbabarci · 1 month
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To establish equilibrium one must emancipate the soul from giving your power away to an illusionary force of fear. Fear is a construct, it is a mindset, a belief system, patterned behaviour in response to a perceived threat that does not exist. When one gives away their sovereignty, liberty, fundamental freedoms to others, you make them your master, captain, and ultimate commander. To live in the present, one must remain mindful and consciously aware of what is within their control, not to be stagnated in paralysis to past events or leaping forward into an unknown future. What you give power to, controls you, in every facet of your life. Being mindful of your daily intake of thoughts, words, actions, environmental factors that are within your periphery will be in an indicator of the frequency and vibration of what is within the realm of your influence. When you give away your power, you sign away your rights to emancipation — to live freely is to remain sovereign. To act, think, live to your own purpose, is the definition of true liberty. Do not allow imaginary curtailment to deter you from reaching or accomplishing your potential — no one can define, label, take away your power without your consent — do not allow it and do not sustain misaligned treatment. In all aspects of your life, seek justice not revenge, to be liberated means to focus with passion, patience, perseverance, and determination on your achievements and to fulfill your manifest destiny. You can not give away parts of yourself to remain whole, you must be solid and secure within yourself to face any challenge or obstacles that may be presented as a viable learning experience to observe, experience, and extract wisdom to impart on others. Your body, mind, and soul are your inner sanctuary with ancient sacred knowledge from your past. To live with moral purpose, to stand in your truth, to see beyond illusions enables you to become your own force of light which lives in internal peace.
Evoke introspection, nurturing, reflection, and empathy in all aspects of your life, including yourself. Our natural state is that of peace, if it is not peace, it is not the truth. Misalignment occurs when individuals, situations, experiences, and phases do not align with your frequency, vibration, or energetic imprint. If we are experiencing barriers, blockages, or fragmentation, it is not for our highest and greatest good and universally we are not facing rejection rather redirection to align along our universal path, mission, or journey. When you stand firm in your ground, call back all of your energy, and begin again. You are not possessed or paralyzed by your wounds, you will emancipate from the situation with integrity to observe that you are not the body, you are just experiencing a state of emotion, universal lesson, universal truth, or it is an opportunity for fundamental change within your own construct or state of mind. Change propels us to confront the unseen, to magnify what traits, elements, or aspects we are not comfortable with, to align with our true nature which is that of equilibrium, harmony, love, and peace.
If you give your power away to that of what you perceive is a higher force, you enable a chain reaction of fear to set in to cause destabilization of the mind, body, and soul, and within that state you will be eclipse with misguided thoughts, actions, words, which will create resistance rather than open to the possibility to take your power back. No one has control over you, you determine your own state of peaceful coexistence which starts with healing within, to have it mirror externally in your environment. You can not expect harmony when you do not feel harmony within, you can not expect peace when you do not heal within, you can not experience love when you do not have love for yourself, you can not expect respect if you do not evoke discernment, boundaries, and a mindset of healthy relationships. Change begins with you, within, in the here and now, the present, the now. Express your willingness to confront aspects of yourself, to take the steps to correct behaviour that is not in alignment with your goals. You can not make excuses or justifications for non ethical actions, take accountability, responsibility, rather than empty explanations that only serve as distractions, focus on internally healing what hurts you to the core, sit with it, breathe, confront, and evoke patience. Be selective with what you engage in, where you shift your focus, or you will enhance its impact. Our words, actions, thoughts, create miracles or disaster in our experiences, you can either be the solution or remain the problem. Giving yourself the permission to reclaim your power, sovereignty, and peace enables you to reach and achieve unification of the soul which leads to a prosperous harmonious coexistence with others. Never disassociate from your reality — to live fully, embrace all elements of life. Disconnection from the present fragments the soul as it is living in a timeline of what has either passed, or a future that is uncertain, with endless possibilities. To live with patience, to face reality, to live with hope, faith, passion, and ambition rather than ambiguity or control will enable you to have a liberated mindset to embrace experiences that will awaken your soul. Your strength is how you process your healing not what caused you to feel fragmented, broken, disconnected, fearful or powerless. Command your power back. You deserve to know what not giving up on yourself appears like — when you invest in yourself, your future, your loved ones, you rebuild.
As we evolve to new enlightened states of consciousness and interconnectivity, celebrate our milestones of our achievements and the wisdom it imparted, we begin to recognize our inner truths and inner wounds. It is imperative that during the onset of your spiritual expansion that you dissolve patterns and repetitive stories that were constructed based on others perceptions of reality or an individuals narrative that was constructed to dismantle, stagnate, or label who you are as a human being. All human beings are complete, whole, and one, with endless potential, possibilities, achievements, intelligence to comprehend all situations and circumstances with a rational and ethical mind — to give another the power to define you, paralyzes your growth for further expansion if you allow the words, statements, phrases or narrative curtail your sovereignty. No one can define your worth other than yourself as you are your own temple of truth, that is consciously aware of what has occurred, the truth, and what you are capable of. Always remain on higher ground, and not allow the actions of others that did not appreciate you change your giving nature.
Evoking interconnectivity in all aspects of your existence entails processing and accepting feelings, experiences, thoughts, memories, feelings, surroundings, and unity. Remaining open minded to new possibilities, changes, environmental shifts, and adopting new perspectives and perceptions will align the conscious mind to be in the mindset of love, integration and collaboration, peace, versatility to enhance adaptability and strength. Living your true authentic genuine self will foster journeys of self discovery, inner wisdom, to embrace the self, and to live with purpose. It is to set yourself free from traumatic experiences which fostered a belief that you should be in seclusion, to coil up, hidden, retract to infancy or to cause the illusion of deterioration.
Establishing a stronger foundation to enhance your energy, frequency, vibration, self care, self worth, emotions, reactions, responses will allow you to vocalize from a place of peace rather than destruction and disturbance. When we embrace divine guidance, divine direction, divine peace, divine love, and equilibrium we restore our sacred home which is within. Lead by the heart, with true integrity and generosity — to give is to connect, to establish a bond creates union, coexistence then enables us to recognize that we are all part of our creator. Seeking refuge in our own wings, to rediscover our innate abilities, wisdom, and strength fosters cohesiveness within as we seek help from our internal compass and knowledge, rather than being reliant on others to guide us. Your souls identity is a tapestry of all of your culminated experiences, which transmutes negative experiences and promotes inner growth. Your fabric within is unique, divine, sacred, which is why you are here, to make a profound difference in your own unique signature. No force is beyond the divine, and when you listen intuitively, that is true alignment. Embrace transformation, expansion, challenges, obstacles, experiences, shifts, awakenings, and ascension for it will reveal what is meant for you. Once you rediscover divine truth, it enhances your gifts, which generates new possibilities, outcomes, and enhances our trust within. Seeking solace from within is the first step to build trust in one’s abilities — within silence we are more attuned to the universe and universal messages, and is a source of restoration. You are not broken, dismantled, or misaligned during healing, you are returning to your true higher self. Embrace it. Stand in your truth, evoke higher purpose, begin your evolutionary journey.
Anchor your energy, ground yourself in the earth, embrace all seasons and their natural states, as it will foster awareness of time, release, focus, inner power, and will enable us to hold higher standards which lead to healthy boundaries. Your metamorphosis will enable great transformations. Choose words, actions, and thoughts carefully as hindsight is not an excuse for lack of ethical behaviour. To be cautious on all of our approaches, to maintain integrity, discretion, mindfulness, secures a future of leading with conviction rather than blindness. As human beings, we must always hold ourselves within an ethical manner. Understanding and comprehension of our emotional responses and behaviour will enhance the human experience as we will learn adverse effects of situations have on the functioning of our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and psychological wellbeing. Seek self improvement, and progress rather than validation.
Enhancing empathy enables us to analyze experiences from other perspectives, to understand, to attune to the emotional, spiritual, social, cognitive processes that a community or close relationships may face. It is emotional intelligence, leadership, to have the ability to unselfishly comprehend the needs of others before our own. It is the definition and the prime example of unconditional love, acceptance, and inclusiveness. It is seeing beyond conditions, distractions, narratives and having the integrity to do what is right and just. Unconditional love is never conditional. Teaching others how to encompass self love, self care, self compassion and self empathy enables them to live harmoniously within their internal environment. Being conscientious and conscious in all of your pursuits translates to living with true aligned moral judgment and moral principles. You have great potential of establishing anything you set your mind to, envision a better future for future generations, allow that to be your legacy.
Intentionally express yourself through love, peace, and unity. Place into practice the wisdom you have learned to instruct and help others. Your experiences serve as valuable tools to enable and foster powerful change for the future. With confidence, decisively decide that no one defines your worth, value and that you can liberate from the negative constructs of the past to emancipate for a brighter future. You are the embodiment of love, compassion, self reflection, self discovery, inspiration and valuable insight. You are more than your sacrifices, pain, trauma, you are a soul that has liberated to new depths of imagination, creativity, independence and personal freedom, who by nature, will always reclaim your life, power, time, and inner peace. You are a precious gift from the divine, do not allow others to masquerade what your true potential is. Assess what is truly important and valuable within your life, and begin your journey. With an authentic, adaptable, and empathetic spirit, you will prevail and make significant impacts within life. With focus, perseverance, resilience, and vision, set your life into motion.
Fundamental lessons: dismantle the illusion, for if you give a situation power in the mind, it becomes your reality and your master. If you believe, will, or manifest it, you will make it true and your constructed existence. When one gives away their fundamental freedoms, power, it enables others to construct, contort, label, provide a false narrative or control your experiences or situations. Nothing is true, unless thinking makes it so. Your reality is what you construct. If you allow distractions, disturbances, turmoil within your existence you then welcome chaos, which then becomes your environment and changes your fundamental structure and character. Your power is the decisions you make in the tough, neutral, and peaceful states. Your karmic imprint is embedded within every decision of your experiences and circumstances. We heal from not what broke us but the power within to prevail despite the odds. You have the power of choice to do what is right, moral, and just, always seek justice and peaceful resolutions for your leadership will echo onto those you mentor, love, and future generations. The decisions of today will become the imprints of tomorrow. Be the change that is needed, and that you wish to see with moral conviction, solid foundation, and peaceful nature. Allow your soul to awaken. With forgiveness, please know that Your wounds do not possess you, they are indicators that you survived a challenge and have moved on with good moral judgment and character, to retain your inner peace within. Transmute negativity to enhance emancipation, and to achieve an elevated state of consciousness.
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lesbianchemicalplant · 2 months
Captain Manifest Destiny. Captain NATO. Captain Amerikkka
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arclundarchivist · 1 year
Have to say, even though it failed that was an amazing Orym moment. Need art of it stat. His conviction to make this work, the steel in his spine and hell Laudna’s too when listening to this woman who *knows* nothing of what they’ve gone through say that Ludinus has a point.
Then the plea filled with gravitas aided by a woman who lost everything twice due to cruel machinations of those devoted to thinking *they* could do better than the status quo and this simple man who has had destiny thrust upon him through no fault of his own.
The epithet manifestation of the Mad Mage of Wildemount.
And it fails. It’s unfortunate but he immediately pulls the trigger to get into this and still attempts to see this end without righteous, if misguided people on both sides dying needlessly as the world ends a continent away.
Captain Exandria indeed.
And I am terrified of what comes next. I don’t want them to become full enemies of Vasselheim, because yes while the institution is warped and many allow the faith to simply be a tool to better their own lots, they need all the help I can get.
I don’t trust this Uber-laced Paladin, but she’s needed.
I definitely don’t trust the Elder, she’s too engaged with Ludinus’s words.
On top of the reveal that the Eidolons are Elementals, with the knowledge of the Hishari’s dark dealings and the fact that just recently another warped elemental cultist attempted something to distract Keyleth prior to the fight.
The grudge between the Elements and the Gods goes back to the very beginning!
I just…I’m so worried about where this is going.
So many Dawnfather ties emerging and I have to wonder if I’m the end some of the Gods are gonna get are but not all allowing others to rise into their place after Predathos is (hopefully) inevitably defeated/sealed if they are released at all and that brings me around to Laudna’s point.
Okay, the Gods go, there is no freedom. There is no independence.
Are all the Gods noble, factually no.
But we *know* the types that will attempt to step in and take over.
Even if I’m wrong about my main fear that Predathos will sense the Luxon and just view Exandria as yet another meal to be had.
Without the Gods, who takes power? Why the beings who already have the lion’s share.
People like Ludinus, and yes of course some good individuals could rise to become replacements all their own, I mean Keyleth is practically already there.
But…the war that would follow to get to level would likely kill *so* many, and who is even to say that any good will triumph at all!
Think about all the beings that have ascended into Godhood or attempted to.
The Raven Queen is the *only* moralistic one out of the lot!
Vecna, would be God Emperor, Necromancer Supreme, Mind-Thief.
Lucian and the Somnovem, an arrogant jackass and an almighty all consuming idiot.
Ludinus combines all their terrible traits into one, a mad narcissistic mage who consumes Fey to lengthen his lifespan beyond the normal means. Powerful ones as well it seems.
Also, what the fuck would be the interaction between Tharizdun and Predathos? The former isn’t like the Prime or Betrayers, who would consume who, and without the Gods, and their powers what would stop it from consuming the Material regardless of Predathos’s actions?
It is utterly *inane* to me to believe that the loss of the Gods will “build Exandria back better.”
Not with all the dark powers eagerly waiting in the wings.
Regardless, nervous and excited for next week.
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anti-workshop · 1 year
Ok so I read someone's lovely awesome post about being brave and putting our creative stuff into the world and maybe someone will like it even if it's crap, and to care less about creating crap and really embracing crap, so I GIVE TO YOU MY CRAP!
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The Earth is Under Attack
In no uncertain terms, the world is being terrorized by forces beyond the control of the majority of humanity. Pollution threatens the air, the water, the soil, the very core of our living planet. 
The 5 Holy Custodians
Thankfully, the Earth is not defenseless. Decades ago, the planet summoned five children from around the globe, each with a sacred destiny: to come to the aid of all living things. 
As is often the case with prophets and avatars, each of the custodians was rescued from dire and cruel circumstances by their righteous purpose. They were selected by mysterious fate to make manifest a glorious and regenerative future. 
Together, under the tutelage of a wise benefactor and with their magic rings of power, the holy custodians trained for one purpose: to meet all threats to the planet head-on, and to defeat them. They are:
Water — Tabitha Lupescu (Transnistria)
Air — Lee Min-Hee (N. Korea)
Earth — Eudes Muamba (Congo)
Fire — Levi Hoch (America)
Soul — Janu (Tibet)
Through their rings of power, they can each commune with their specific element, controlling the very nature of reality. When all else fails and the odds look bleak, they can join forces to summon the champion of the planet to come to their aid: Gaia Man.
The Final Fight
Now adults, ten years since their last disastrous mission, the custodians of Earth must reunite one last time to face the greatest danger the Earth has ever witnessed.
It will not be easy. Myriad vile forces have convened to hinder their progress and threaten their lives. Despite the odds, and with the help of old friends, the guardians of Earth will gather their significant prowess to take a stand against the forces of evil.
Gaia Man is the first in a duology of books, based loosely on a beloved children's cartoon show from the 90's: Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Gaia Man takes the general mythos of the series and spins it on its head, playing with more adult themes and situations. The book postulates that any group of magical children tasked with protecting the planet would inevitably find themselves labeled enemies of the status quo, and asks the question: what would they be willing to do to get the job done?
246 pages. 50,460 words.
SO YEAH...um, there it is, out there in case people wanna read it. I AM BEING BRAVE!
You can download it for free on itch (name your price. $0.00 is totally fine with me, just please let me know what you thought of it if you read it)
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