#carbon listing
liquid-luck-00 · 1 year
Carbon Listing 11
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A few months have passed, training for Izuku has gone well and his library of quirks is slowly being organized. a few he knows of and a few he just learned he had.
Toshinori was nervous.
He wanted this day to be perfect, and it was finally here.
The wedding has finally arrived and the butterflies all settle.
Toshi heard a knock at the door which he went and opened. There were three people standing there two of his oldest friends Sir Nighteye and David Shield, as well as a person who he views as a sort of father figure, Grand Torino.
Seeing them calmed some of the nerves in him.
He finally took a breath, nodded and left alongside them.
He made his way to the end of the aisle and watched the progression. His goddaughter, Melissa, scattering petals as she led the Bridal procession. Right behind her were Inko’s bridesmaids, followed by the bride herself who walked next to her son. Inko was breathtaking in a snow white ball gown with what looked like wild flowers blooming from the bottom of the skirt. Next to her was their son holding a cushion with the rings in one hand, while the other held his mother’s hand. The first part of the ceremony was a blur, all he could think of was just how beautiful she looked and how happy he was.
In the reception there were several friends on both sides, along with quite a few pro heroes who Toshi knew attended as well. Because of Izuku they invited Shinso, as well as his newly adopted fathers, who happened to also be heroes as well, Eraserhead and Present Mic. An old friend and confidant of All Might’s, Nezu, was also in the crowd. Not to mention  one of the few people who he not only trusts, respects, but is also mildly terrified of, is also in attendance, that being Recovery Girl.
Izuku couldn't decide what he loved more, seeing how happy his mama and papa were, or how many heroes were here and the hundreds of questions he needed to ask each one.
Which obviously led to him first looking for Shinso and his papas , meaning he has to ask a million questions to the young heroes. This however caught the attention of one of the other two children in attendance. The flower girl walked up to them and was listening along to all the questions and subsequent answers. All the same she asked her own which gave the two kids even more questions. The adults however soon found an opening and left as stealthily as possible.
"Uncle Might looks really happy." She commented not long after.
"Mama and papa do look happy don’t they?" Izuku said more to himself than the person actually posing the question, a soft smile spread across his features.
"I am Melissa by the way." The girl clasped her hands behind her back and smiled at the boys.
"Izuku." He smiled and gave a small little wave of acknowledgment.
"Shinso." The purple haired boy beside him responded and turned, having tuned out most of the conversation until that point.
"So what can we do at this party?" Melissa asked now that introductions seemed to be completely out of the way.
They decided on the only logical game any one of them could think of, hide, and seek. There were lots of places to hide in from behind the large towers of flowers and balloons. To the long tables that dinner was being served from. It was almost to easy for Izuku to find Shinso, but Melissa he didn't know well enough. Sure he could use his quirks, but that would be cheating. Instead he continued his search until he found her.
The first couple of games went just like you'd expect until another child decided to jump in.
"Deku!" A red-eyed, blonde boy came up to the three of them. "I'm bored, what are you doing?"
He only acknowledged Izuku, never once paying attention to either Melissa or Shinso.
"We were just going to start another game, if you want to join." It wasn't a question or even an offer, Izuku didn't want the interaction to go further.
He knows however the next words out of Kacchan's mouth before he said them, as he finally noticed he other two kids his age. "Name's Katsuki Bakugo and I'm going to be the next Number One Hero." He announced, pride filled the boy, as he puffed himself up.
"Really!?!" Melissa asked just as enthusiastically. "What's your quirk?"
"Explosion." Small pops shot off of his palms. "What about you?"
At the question Melissa got quiet. She shrank in on herself so much that she stepped back so she was behind Shinso and himself. Almost like she was going to run away from all of them. "I don't have one." She whispered it quietly enough that Kacchan barely heard.
Katsuki started to laugh before turning to Shinso. "You must be another lame extra like her, huh!" He taunted through a smirk and his brash laughter. "So, what is yours?"
"Brain Washing." Shin's fists balled at his sides.
"Seriously, Deku, you could do better than a villain and someone so useless." He snarked still laughing. "But then again, it's you."
"Yeah, but I'd pick them over you any day." Izuku grabbed each of their hands as he pulled them both away.
He was seething, but he knows this wasn't the time or place. Melissa was on the verge of a panic attack. While Shinso was angry for the way their newest friend was treated or probably he was triggered or even both.
"Are you okay?" He held both of her hands in his, while Shinso cursed and paced behind him.
"Mm-hm." She sniffled, tears threatening to fall. "Why are you on my side?"
"Because quirks don't define us."
"But almost everyone is like him." She sniffled.
"And they're wrong." He squeezed her hands.
"He's a bully, not everyone is like him." Shinso spoke up having calmed down a bit.
Her eyes met his before wiping her eyes and speaking again. "You don't care if I'm quirkless?"
Her voice was small but hopeful as she looked at both of them.
"Not a bit." Izuku answered as Shinso nodded his agreement.
She started to smile again, but they all decided to stay at that table, hidden in the corner a bit longer.
"I want to wear a princess dress, like your mama one day."
Izuku followed her line of sight and smiled. "But mom is in a wedding dress. You can only wear a princess dress when you’re getting married."
"We could get married then."
At this Izuku stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and Izuku gave a slight bow, then he kissed the top of her hand. "If that’s what the princess wants."
He smiled and she returned the smile before he pulled her to her feet and dragged her to the dance floor. There they danced, while in reality, it was more along the lines of dodging the grownups, but they had fun. Shinso got tired of staying alone back at the table so he eventually met them on the dance floor, where he promptly pulled both Izuku and Melissa off of it.
The rest of the night they spent mostly trying to avoid Katsuki, and for the most part they succeeded. The only time they couldn’t was when auntie Mitsuki wanted a picture of them all.
The later it got the harder it was for all of them to stay awake. The three of them ended up asleep in the corner. So at the end of the night they were all awoken  to say their goodbyes that is when Izuku made a decision.
He had slowly been going through all the quirks he had, when he discovered one he never knew of. He plucked one of the purple tulips from a vase, slowly through his fingertips and imagined the flower changing. Almost like it was being frozen and covered in glass, but in reality it was turning into a crystal. He doesn’t remember ever learning this quirk, he thinks it could be from that one time before, but he doesn’t know for sure.
He ran up to Melissa and presented the flower. "For you."
She took it and held it close. "Thank you Izuku."
She turned and walked away; he knew that no matter what she would be one of his best friends.
"What was that about little rabbit?" Toshi asked him, as his oldest friend left with his daughter.
"Melissa is a princess. And all princesses have flowers."
A big smile spread across his face as he watched his new friend leave.
It wouldn’t be until two months later when they receive their wedding video that both Inko and Toshi learn more of that story.
They saw the three children in the corner, little Shinso was pacing around. While little Melissa was sitting on a chair ready to start crying, as Izuku stood in front of her.
It took a bit for all three children to finally calm down and they just sat there in happy silence watching everyone dance around. At this point the videographer got a bit closer and you could hear the conversation a bit.
"You can only wear a princess dress when you’re getting married." They heard Izuku say.
"We could get married then." Came the voice of little Melissa.
At this Izuku stood up and offered his hand and when Melissa took it he placed a kiss on top of hers.
"If that’s what the princess wants." They only heard his answer but knew he had the biggest smile.
Izuku took that opportunity to pull her to her feet and took her to the dance floor out of the line of sight of the camera.
Were they going to use this as a little bit of blackmail in the future. Yes.
But in that moment, they knew they raised a good little boy. And he would grow to be an even better man and hero.
Of course Mitsuki had to design not only Inko's dress but also Toshinori's and Izuku's suits
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jscajones · 10 months
Henry complimenting Alex’s cologne in the storage closet
The way Henry pauses and gives a look after Alex asks “have I surprised you in any way?”
The way Henry is looking at Alex when Pez is telling Nora “you are the most exquisite woman I have ever seen in my life”
The way Alex is so distracted he forgets who he’s talking to because Henry is in his sightline
Alex nervously trying to figure out how to stand before Henry comes into the red room
The look Henry gives Alex when he walks out of his bedroom i.e. “I am very, very gay”
“And I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz was a mouthful” “He is” and the fucking LOOKS
“Can he ever belong to someone else?” “Only momentarily”
“Would it make a difference if I told you not to see him again?” IMMEDIATE NO
Alex at the beginning saying royalty in the 21st century is so antiquated…..Henry saying the same thing to Bea later
“I would never call you a coward”
The SHIT-EATING SMILE Alex gives Henry in the V&A when he’s putting his arms on his shoulders and making him dance, the little shit
Henry waking up next to Alex the next morning and his lil smile and the way he leans into Alex’s arm around him
Alex finally calling him HRH when he’s telling the world he loves him
Zahra’s face pretty much the entire movie but especially when Alex is literally waxing poetically about Henry’s eyebrows
Also how curly Alex’s hair is in that entire scene
The fact that Alex is wearing his ring
Touch me and die
& Henry’s sweet relieved baby face after he hears that
Collapsing on the stairs like the drama queens they are
Alex watching Henry play piano like the sun shines out of his ass and he has a vitamin D deficiency
Yankee Doodle
Alex’s slutty ass tight shirt
Alex’s pecs (I’m fine)
Henry’s smile when he notices Alex wearing his ring and fiddling with it in the same way he used to
They went out onto the balcony and they cried and I cried
Yellow roses
That long ass hug
Henry looking like a lost little puppy on the stage until Alex takes his hand
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tapefish · 1 year
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dont worry about me, got all the luck I need
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rhythmic-idealist · 2 years
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(Photo, otherwise unrelated, is for visibility/engagement).
Transcribed: "Hello friends! Today I am sharing a wishlist for household items for two Native elders who finally have a home of their own! Let's get them comfortable in their new home! RTs and QRTs help! amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls…"
@shotheekwe often fundraises for her community; I've been following her for a while now and appreciate everything she does.
To purchase from the Amazon wishlist see here. I asked permission and was given the go-ahead to share this to Tumblr. Please spread it around if you can!
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ally0fc · 6 days
I just woke up from a dream that was about Ruby and 15 and how they had to sentence people to death????? And then Ruby created a time paradox that made them come back to life??????
The tags are actually interesting on this one, guys, I swear
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pjharvey · 4 months
in general a lot of issues people pin solely to taylor swift yes including her ridiculous insistence on using a private jet to get everywhere i think are because it’s a lot more involved to look at these things from a broader lens and realize that anyone with a level of wealth and celebrity remotely close to her and really everyone in the entertainment industry is doing all those same things, including people whose art they personally like and whose level of fame they may view as more deserved, and being like “all of hollywood and even the concept of celebrity as it currently exists is deeply unsustainable and contributes to economic inequality, imperial interests, and environmental destruction” is a way bigger thing to have to tackle
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spacebubblehomebase · 1 month
Your art looks so yummy and soft it tastes like soft ice-scream with different flavours for each character. GIVE ME MOREEEEEEEEEE
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HOW'D YOU KNOW!!!? No one has ever connected those dots for YEARS!!! 👀 See my headline? "With Love Of Every Flavor..." That's something I wrote in my adolescence which I just never bothered to change. It pertains to my posts and how I make them with love (you can cringe), but I also purposely used it to allude to- you literally guessed it- ICE CREAM!!! Which, according to my family, I was infamously obsessed with. STILL super obsessed with actually! (Tho in my defense, the Philippines is hotter than HELL rn.) So yes! I do see my own art as scoops of ice cream. Have been for- again -YEARS! Besides a "space bubble" for introverts -and people who simply love in a different flavor- to feel safe in, that's EXACTLY what I wanted my art to be seen as!!! Which is why I mostly draw sweet things. (Key word: Mostly.) I wanted to convey the giddiness I feel whenever I eat ice cream with my art. So hearing you say that, tho I know naming the taste of an artist's work isn't all that new, really feels like an achievement! THANK YOU!!! ...Okay. Now that you made it this far through my sappy sugar rush induced writing, I know I went off on a tangent, but since ya'll have been really hyping me up lately, how about an update? On my AU? Just a short and sweet reward? Nothing big. Not much lore, but let's saaaaay... it'll beeeee... today? 🫣 Hehe. More, indeed. ^v^ Stay Tuned~! -Bubbly💙
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
Drabbles-MC: Altered Carbon Fics
Fic list under the cut!
👀 = smut, 💔 = angst
- Gone Soft (Takeshi Kovacs x F!Reader)
- Small Price to Pay (Takeshi Kovacs x F!Reader)
- Once in Twenty Lifetimes (Takeshi Kovacs x Kristin Ortega)
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whollyjoly · 7 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms
I was tagged by the amazing @mutantmanifesto!! Thank you so much, I had a blast doing this!
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Eugene 'Doc' Roe - Band of Brothers "Oh Lord, grant that I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, or to be loved as to love with all my heart."
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Star Wars “And you, Master. What does your heart tell you you’re meant for?” “Infinite sadness,” Obi-Wan said, even while smiling.
Bucky Barnes - MCU "I am no longer the Winter Soldier. I am James 'Bucky' Barnes, and you're part of my efforts to make amends."
Grantaire - Les Misérables “Gentlemen of the human race, I say to hell with the lot of you.” 
Riley Blue - Sense8 “Death doesn’t let you say goodbye. It just carves holes in your life, in your future, in your heart.”
Spock - Star Trek (TOS + AOS) "Logic is the beginning of wisdom...not the end."
Allison Blake - Eureka "Momentous, isn't it?"
Greed(Ling) - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood "You humans think greed is just for money and power. But everyone wants something they don't have."
Duck Newton - The Adventure Zone: Amnesty “If we ever fight a monster that could control the power of heart, we’re all fucked, because that is the most powerful element imaginable. I mean, I’ll fucking stab love, I don’t care.”
The Professor - Watcher Entertainment "Woah, we got a couple of sea dogs out there! B̴A̸R̶K̸ ̴W̸I̶T̴H̷ ̸M̵E̴!"
Tagging @blood-mocha-latte @footprintsinthesxnd @ronsparky @everything-or-anything and of course any one else who ~feels the vibe~ 🥰
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viejospellejos · 1 year
¡Voy a enseñárselo a Papá Noel!
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fcbabyx · 2 months
100 pages left…Head in the Clouds recon.
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anghraine · 1 year
Star Wars movies ranked by perceived quality are out, SW movies ranked by the intensity of personal fannish investment in them are in!
Return of the Jedi
The Empire Strikes Back
Rogue One
Revenge of the Sith
A New Hope
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace
[Leaving out the ST because its fandom is The Worst.]
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The horrors <- realising all your favourite characters can be described as one thing, and that one thing is a mirror.
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stonedpiece · 10 months
Top 5 beverages
dr pepper, brisk ice tea, mcdonalds sprite, pussy juice, bong water
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dix-rose · 4 months
I just want to make it clear that you can like an artist and still criticize their actions
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mamanbou · 4 months
the thing of it is if we all just individually liked or disliked taylor swift, it would be normal, but as it stands there are people who are obsessively reverent (and defensive) over everything about her and those people are insane and insufferable and wrong. and there are people who hate her vehemently and refuse to entertain the idea of any value (or even acknowledge talent) in anything she makes and those people are generally not insane but they're also kind of insufferable and observably wrong. everybody needs to stop talking about this woman online until we can figure out whats going on
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