kimdracula6 2 months
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EKG exam with visible heartbeat in both breasts and neck pulse 馃珋
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loudcycleperfection 13 days
My pulse didn't go down after a strong session of chest training.
So I hooked myself up to a 3 lead ecg. I saw my heart rate was way too high for my actual activity, and it didn't go down. So I got my paddles, put some electrode gel on them and gave myself a controlled 20 joule shock. After it my heart was beating in a normal steady rythm.
But if I had actually shocked my self I may be dead so never do this!
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Yoo would never shock my self. I can control my heart rate very good so it looks real. Do never do that but keep ur phantasy running.
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icarusredwings 3 days
As a grown man, I don't smoke or drink because "I wanna take care of myself" I don't smoke or drink because my chronic illness specialists would be mad at me.
Shane would absolutely loose his mind if I said I started smoking and George would die of heart attack if I said I started heavily drinking.
I can't disappoint them?? They're my care team.
Can you imagine if Timothy was upset with me!??
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gunsandspaceships 2 months
Tony's Heart: Arrhythmia
For at least 5 years (from IM1 to the end of IM3) Tony suffered from arrhythmia and had a pacemaker and ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) in his chest along with arc reactor. How do we know this:
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IM1 0:25:55 - There's no need to "run a heart" if there's only shrapnel in the chest. Yinsen's words only make sense if there is something running the heart that requires electricity from the reactor - a pacemaker and ICD.
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IM1 0:51:10 - In the scene where Pepper changes his reactor and takes out the old magnet, we hear Tony's heart went into tachycardia and he was about to get a cardiac arrest (caused by arrhythmias). After connecting the new reactor, Tony received an electric shock and his heart rate returned to normal. What happened: It wasn't the shrapnel that caused this reaction - even without magnet, the shrapnel would have been too slow to cause immediate danger. A pacemaker-ICD is a power source, chip, and electrodes that go to a heart. In this case, the power source is the reactor itself, the chip is part of the reactor, and the electrodes run from the base of the socket to Tony's heart. When Tony connected the reactor cable to the base plate, he connected it to the electrodes so that his pacemaker could work and save him from his irregular heartbeats. Apparently connecting the reactor to the base plate was necessary to power his pacemaker and nothing else, since the old magnet had been pulled out by Pepper and the new reactor had its own magnet. Without reactor-pacemaker-ICD, he had no protection against arrhythmia. So when Pepper touched the socket walls, it gave Tony a shock and disrupted his hearth rhythm (similar happened to him in Endgame), then she pulled out the magnet and that stressed him enough to give him tachycardia, and as soon as the reactor was reconnected, the pacemaker-ICD worked again and corrected Tony's heart rhythm by sending him a therapeutic electric shock.
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IM1 1:37:00 - Stane pulled out the reactor with pacemaker out of Tony's chest. Without the pacemaker, due to temporary paralysis and stress Tony's heart went to bradycardia (abnormally slow heartbeat), which gives us the diagnosis - Sick Sinus Syndrome (tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome). Tony managed to get to his lab and connect the old reactor. Shrapnel and electromagnet had nothing to do with it, because, as I already mentioned, shrapnel is too slow to cause damage in such a short time, and we also have to remember that the old magnet was outside the reactor and was pulled out by Pepper. So there was no magnet in this reactor. From that moment until the end of the battle with Stane, the shrapnel in Tony's chest was free. Tony needed this reactor first to correct the arrhythmia, and then to power the armor, and not to stop the shrapnel. He plugged it in, received a treatment shock that eliminated the bradycardia, and may have lost consciousness, which is why he was lying on the floor when Rhodes found him.
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IM3 Deleted scene "Tony, Harley and EJ" - Tony saves EJ using his reactor's ICD function. He had to take it out of his chest and give the boy shocks, receiving them himself, which disrupted his heart rhythm. This sent Tony into ventricular fibrillation, and Harley had to reconnect the reactor so the ICD could deliver the treatment shock you see in the second gif.
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Avengers: Endgame (1:20:30) - Tony asked Scott to induce a mild cardiac dysrhythmia (another name for arrhythmia) in his 2012 copy by pulling out a pin inside the reactor. This appeared to disrupt the normal functioning of his pacemaker and caused him to have a series of abnormal shocks that led to an arrhythmia and him falling to the ground in convulsions. Note that Tony knew what to do and that it (probably) wouldn't kill him, meaning his pacemaker-ICD would eventually solve the problem on its own, even without Thor's help.
And finally:
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In case my evidence is not convincing enough.
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guysmedical2 3 months
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a few breaths of air through the ambu bag then a shock
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mrzastudies 1 year
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What do you do on your day off they asked
Nothing she replied as she turned another page
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resusc-187 2 months
ECG Examination
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Who would like to have an examination like this?
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im-not-even-sorry 28 days
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FYK I'm not a cardiophile but ik some people here would enjoy it so: have fun!
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aripresley 2 months
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hot girls have hearts that want them DEAD sorry I don鈥檛 make the rules
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heartpumper98 5 months
Some pretty slow beats this morning 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
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beaft 5 months
why are you suing the nhs? just curious!
i had some tests done at the start of march, and was told i'd get the results back in a couple of weeks at most. they never arrived, which wouldn't have been a huge issue if it wasn't for the fact that i'm having top surgery soon, and i can't be safely anesthetised until we know what's up with my brain.
i've spent the past month and a half calling the hospital, emailing the hospital, leaving voicemails, writing letters of complaint, contacting patient liaison services, and basically doing everything short of actual physical violence in an attempt to get them to stop holding my medical records hostage. the Scary Legal Letter i sent, in which i held them responsible for the potential loss of my surgery deposit and for mishandling of patient data/medical neglect, was a desperate final attempt to kick them into action. i didn't plan on actually suing them - i was banking on the threat of it being enough, which it was (thank fuck). it's been massively stressful and frustrating and i am so, so glad that it's over
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dr-cox 7 months
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heart from my embalming class
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writing-whump 1 month
Waking up
Isaiah wakes up after the operation. Mention of open chest wound, though not too detailed. Emeto down below.
Matthew sat down on the chair. Then got up just as quickly, barely stopping himself from pacing.
Seline sat straight on the other side, hands next to Isaiah's. She knew he had the operation, she was wrapping her head around the heart problems...but seeing it, seeing him like this, pale, unresponsive, with sterile thin gauze covering the long opening wound in the center of his chest...a gaping long line, like a bloody chasm-
Matthew gulped down audibly, gaze jumping from one corner of the room to the other.
Seline gave him an angry look. "You can't throw up here. If you can't stand it, go away."
Matthew flinched. He flinched almost everytime she spoke to him since the first talk with the doctor.
"No. I-I can take it." The red-haired man set his jaw resolutely, glaring at the opposite wall. After a minute he dared to flick his gaze towards Isaiah again. Like he was building up a tolerance to that sight.
Seline let out a tiny sigh. On some level she relized she was pretty hard on him. Espcially now, when they had bigger problems. But something about her seething resentment towards Matthew held her together. It was an easier emotion to focus on than the breath-taking sense of betrayal or stomach-clenching fear for Isaiah.
Or the horrible guilt in the back of her neck, like pressure gathering that told her this was all her damn fault for not noticing on her own.
For not being close enough, present enough to witness this, to help, to be someone they wanted help from.
Matthew was back on the chair, squirming on it. He braced his elbows on the matrass next to Isaiah taking slow measured breaths through his mouth.
Shouldn't blood be an easier sight for wolves?
Seline didn't know why it didn't bother her that much. There was more of a fascinated distant mortification that was a hole to Isaiah's inner organs, only with a bit of sterile gauze to protect it. She had to actively force herself to look away, cause it kept dragging her eyes towards it like a magnet.
Time lost all its meaning. Bodily functions didn't have any effect on them. There was no way either of them could eat or sleep or leave, and ignoring any tiredness in face of the tension in her back or Matthew's gritted teeth was easy.
This was the most alert emergency mode and it would probably crush them later. But right now the adrenaline was like 10 coffees in their veins.
So Seline had no idea how much time actually passed鈥攊t could have been a few minutes or two hours鈥攚hen Isaiah started shifting around on the bed.
A soft groan escaped him and his eyes fluttered for a minute as he fought the grogginess.
Seline and Matt were both standing by that point, each from one side, breaths held back.
"Isaiah?" Seline called out softly.
Isaiah's face scrunched up, but his eyes finally opened. "Hmm? Where..." He looked to her, then to Matthew, scanning the room in confusion.
His eyes drifted downwards to his chest, the hospital gown, the blanket draped over him, several tubes and IVs sticking out of his hands.
The machine he was hooked to started beeping immediately as Isaiah's breath caught in shock.
Seline's put her hand against his cheek, coaxing him to look up at her. "Hey, hey, hey. Look at me, alright? At me, not there. You are fine, you are safe, everything鈥檚 gonna be okay."
Matthew's hand was on his shoulder, applying the gentlest pressure.
"You had a surgery after a heart attack," Seline settled on the truth. "But everything worked out. It was successful. You are okay and gonna be completely okay."
"Why-why is that-" His green eyes were wide and his breathing was hitching from how fast it came.
Matthew grabbed Isaiah's forearm, palm wrapped around his elbow. Isaiah's fingers curled into Matthew's shirt in a vice grip.
Seline mirrored the movement, taking Isaiah's other hand into hers, the other still on his face, stroking gently up and down his cheek. "Shhhhh. We are here. We are here. You will be alright in no time. They are just letting some pressure and swelling up. It will go down and they will stich you up in a few hours. Your shadow will heal everything and you'll be all good in no time."
Isaiah's head twitched in her hand towards Matthew, like he wanted to check it added up.
Seline knew, she knew how close they were, all three together. That this was good, having them both by his side. She had never felt threatened by the closeness Matthew and Isaiah shared. All the experiences and commonalities, the quiet understanding, the open affection.
Now it made her feel like an outsider, disgusting bitter taste in her mouth.
"It burns..." Isaiah said, mouth twisting, looking at Matthew. He was gripping his hand like he was about to break it. "Like silver."
"Yeah, I know, buddy," Matthew said gently, his face drawn in pained lines. "They had to use silver cause your shadow was healing up all they did, even sedated."
Isaiah looked ready to cry at that admission.
"But not the opening wound," Seline interjected. The doctor's explanation ran through her mind nonstop. "Just around the blocked artery. Once they sew up your chest, the anesthesia wears off and you will be able to heal it up with your shadow. It will be just around the heart that will take a bit. But patients after these operations get home quickly, in just a few days after."
Isaiah nodded shakily, his breathing still fast, but not rising anymore. His hold on her hand tightened.
Seline brushed some of the black curls out of his face, then kissed his forehead. "Everything's alright. You are safe. We're right here and not leaving."
Isaiah looked towards the ceiling. "I don't like hospitals," he said, lips twitching in an attempted smile that couldn't hold.
"Nobody does, man," Matt said quietly.
Isaiah swallowed heavily, lips chapped and dry. He squirmed in their hold like he was testing how much he could move.
His body jerked suddenly and he looked down and up again, breathing in deeply.
"Shhhhhh. What is it?" Seline said, trying to catch his attention with her hand still pressed against the side of his face, thumb rubbing up his temple.
"My mom." Isaiah forced his eyes closed than opened them to little slits like the light was too much. "She-she was in a hospital with her heart...send her home and she died of it." The jittery twitchy quality to his movements was persisting, his head flinching towards Matthew. "Am I going to die?"
Matthew paled more than Isaiah's hospital sheets. "No! Of course not. No way we are letting you die, right, Sel?"
Isaiah's eyes went to hers in such fearful hope her heart squeezed, eyes burning. "You are not dying, baby. You are very strong, very resilient. They are taking good care of you."
"We wouldn't let them hurt you," Matthew said in a gruff voice. "Promise."
Isaiah looked towards the ceiling, straining in their hold with involuntary movements. "I want to go home," he said in a small voice.
"We will go home soon," Seline reassured him, leaned down to kiss his forehead. "It won't take long. You'll go to sleep for a minute, your shadow will come back and them you will heal up completely at home. All good."
"We won't leave your side for a second," Matthew added. He was focusing on Isaiah's face intentely to not mind the covered wound. He held Isaiah's forearm still up in the air with one hand, rubbing his shoulder with the other steadily.
"Hurts..." Isaiah whined. A single tear slid down his cheek on the side she was stroking it. "I don't feel good."
Seline thumbed the tear away, pressing her forehead gently to his. "Just keep looking at us, okay? None of this is important. You are okay."
"Want to go home," Isaiah repeated. The coherence was waning, his voice growing weaker. He blinked in exhaustion, another tear coming up.
Seline fought tears of her own with all she had, heart beating painfully against his ribs. She let go of Isaiah's hand in order to push the call button on the side.
It felt horrible, cause knowing he was awake, they would sedate him and check him if they could close the wounds...which was good, but it scared her that he would be closing his eyes again so soon.
Isaiah shuddered as the doors opened, people rushing in. "I don't-I don't want-"
"Just for a bit, buddy," Matthew said softly, cupping the side of Isaiah's face for a second before letting go. "We'll be here, when you wake up. First thing you see, I swear."
When the whole team of people came fussing over, Seline was forced to let go of Isaiah's hand. She never wanted to be a doctor more than in that moment to just know what was happening, what they were doing with the IVs, what they were checking him for.
A nurse ushered them out, saying they were about to roll him away to close the chest.
Seline stood in the hallway a little lost how quickly everything was happening.
A muffled groan interrupted her thoughts.
Matthew was leaning against the wall with an arm, pressing his palm against his lips with a nauseous expression.
He really held out that long for Isaiah, hadn't he?
Seline's heart wrenched at the realisation. She stepped closer, putting her hand on his elbow. "Come on. I saw a bathroom on the way."
Matthew let her steer him away from the wall to the small one-stall bathroom around the corner. She shut the door behind them to give them privacy, glad she could follow him in.
Matthew gagged against his hand, lowered himself down to the toilet in haste and burped emptily over it. "Ugh."
Seline hesitated, but then crouched down next to him as Matt shivered, gagging again. "That was a horrible sight," she agreed.
Matthew hiccuped, burying his head inside the bowl. His shoulders rolled with another empty gag. Then another muffled noise that sounded dangerously close to a sob.
Seline winced, risking to put her hand in the middle of his back. Her eyes were burning and her throat was all closed up. "Just get it up. You'll feel better in a minute. Deep breaths."
Matthew's shoulders hitched, wrapping both hands around his stomach as he heaved and heaved.
It made her suddenly wonder how much of this was Matthew's shadow reacting badly to stress, to having so many strangers around. How much did the pack behaviour play into this? Stressing him about the fact that was their pack leader too?
Shadow wolves weren't good with strained situations, emotions running amok easily. And Matthew's shadow was a hassle on good days.
She rubbed his back up and down gently, then added more pressure, thumping at his shoulder blades.
The motion ushered up a sickly burp and finally a gush of vomit spilled out.
"There you go," Seline said, stroking wide circles on his back.
Matthew let out a whine. His stomach was gurgling so loudly it echoed through the tiny bathroom. His whole back arched into her hand as another wave of sick splattered into the toilet, liquid against liquid.
He coughed against a choking noise before straightening up, nose and lips dripping with saliva.
Seline tore a bunch of toilet paper and handed it over. When he didn't take it, she gently dabbed at his face on her own, then threw it into the toilet and flushed.
"A bit better now?"
Matthew swayed dizzily, grabbing onto the porcelain rim for support. His eyes were glazed over and shimmering with moisture.
Seline made a move to stand. "I'll get you some water."
His hand on her wrist stopped her. Matthew didn't tug at it, just held it weakly. "Wait."
She lowered herself back to her knees with a sigh. "What is it?"
"Just-just stay." He looked away in shame, sniffling. "Please."
Even her anger didn't reach that far. And after seeing Isaiah rolled away with that gaping hole in his chest...
She pulled her hand out of his grasp only to take it properly. A tiny squeeze.
Matthew hang his head, not looking up, his elbow braced against the toilet seat. His breathing was evening out and he didn't seem so nauseous anymore.
Seline couldn't stand that look no longer, reaching over impulsively to wrap her arms around him.
Matthew gasped in suprise before letting himself sink into her embrace. His hands came around her waist, pressing tightly like that was all that he wanted the whole time.
"It's okay. We're gonna be okay," she said into his hair, burying her nose into it. She hadn't realized how much she craved this, how much more complete she felt with Matt pressed against her like this.
They held onto each other in that tiny bathroom, Isaiah's tears fresh in their minds.
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thistelltaleheart 1 year
So I've discovered something interesting.
I've had a hypothesis for a while now that everyone's heart sounds different because they are different, but I'd always assumed that most heartbeats sound semi-alike and I wouldn't be able to hear all the differences until I had appropriate training. (I'm pre-med.)
Well, yesterday I stumbled upon a YT short of a sound designer who needed to record some heartbeat foley and just used her coworkers (LOL). And not only can you tell the difference right off the bat, but the heartbeat fits the person perfectly. I couldn't tell you why or how, but it just does? Granted, she had really high-res equipment, but apparently, hearts have no interest whatsoever in sounding the same. The generic heartbeat sound we think of is the tip of the iceberg. No one's heart is exactly that. It's so much more.
But yeah, hypothesis officially confirmed. That's awesome.
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tangocardiaca 11 months
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-Um, Tae? Is it really necessary for me to wear it? -Come on, Sae. This whole Phantom Thieves case got you on the edge of your health. You look exhausted. I need to know, if your heart is working correctly. This kind of stress can give you huge problems. You don't want Makoto to give you CPR, right? I need to know if you don't have any Long QTs. -Ugh, if you say so... -Besides Sae, you look cute in this one. Imagine, heart is a beautiful part of your body. All the electricity gathered there. Doesn't it make you fell love? *wink wink* PS: I am dumb. I forgot to give credit to original creator. Original creator: Tommy AKA Kingdukeee Source: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4967242
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gunsandspaceships 2 months
Tony's surgeries in the cave: Part 1. Why there were 2 surgeries
As I mentioned earlier and as suggested in this post, Tony had to undergo two surgeries in the Afghan cave: the first to remove the shrapnel and attach the electromagnet to his sternum, the second to implant the socket for the arc reactor, pacemaker for Tony's heart, and finally the reactor.
We were not shown the second surgery on screen, but there had to be one for the following reasons:
Yinsen did not implant reactor's housing and pacemaker during the first surgery.
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Here is the only shot from the movie showing Yinsen inserting the electromagnet into Tony's chest. We don't see the socket for the arc reactor or a huge hole. Because at that time, Yinsen obviously had no plans to place a reactor there. All he did - bolted a shallow electromagnet to Tony's sternum.
Yinsen was not an engineer. Despite what you can read on the MCU fandom wiki page about him, he wasn't "Master Engineer". You don't have to be an engineer to know that electromagnets attract metal. Yinsen was smart, educated, and had extensive experience dealing with shrapnel wounds. That's all. As we see in the movie, he wasn't particularly confident with technology. Under those circumstances, he could not build a pacemaker and an arc reactor housing on his own. You can see how complex it was in that post about reactor. The only person who could do it was Tony. And during the first surgery he certainly wasn't able to build anything.
For all the technology that was implanted into Tony's body, Tony and Yinsen needed a lot of things, such as titanium, a pacemaker or parts to create one, surgical mesh, etc. Unlike rusty electromagnets and car batteries, these things are not found in caves. They had to order it or take from other stuff they were given after the first surgery.
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Making things like a pacemaker and the socket takes time. If you are Tony Stark - less time, if you are a biomedical engineer - more time, not an engineer - much more time or eternity. No way Yinsen would have been able to do this before/during the first surgery even if he had all the necessary components.
Tony didn't need a pacemaker during the first surgery. Yinsen didn't mention that something's wrong with Tony's heart itself, that Tony needs a pacemaker or that he implanted one. Something happened to Tony's heart after that, so pacemaker became a necessity, and it was implanted along with reactor.
Complexity of the procedure: as you could see in the post, such a surgery requires serious changes in the patient's chest, affecting the bones, heart, lungs, muscles, nerves, etc. It would require a huge amount of time, a lot of drugs, including a good general anesthetic (chloroform and an awake patient are incompatible with such a procedure), a ventilator, and a lot of recovery time.
You're probably thinking that Marvel made a mistake and forgot about the second surgery, but I'm telling you, they just didn't show it for the sake of time and PG-13 rating. It was there, and I'll prove it. Stay tuned.
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