#caregiver!george weasley
tvbbosdarling · 3 months
AWHH I'm happy :(( I work weirdly hard on these moodboards- Yknow try to make em match the character and their vibes as best I can. I actually do have explanation for most images I use other then "ah pretty color >:]" which I also do sometimes -^- Anyway order up !!
Caregiver George Moodboard !!
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Really good at calming whiny babies down, or babies who get emotional quickly.. If gentle parenting was a man, it would be George weasley. Totally the type to pat your back gently while he holds you, may even rock back and forth on his heels.
Always carrying your preferred stuff animal with him, it's to the point his mom thought it was his.. Uh. "Prank candies" in his cloak but it was just your stuff animal, will totally give your stuff animal a matching pacifier <3
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Caregiver Fred and George Weasley Moodboard for @lunalovegood134
I hopes it okay!!!
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remusslove · 1 year
Hiiii!! I was wondering if you could do a George Weasley x little!male!reader? I been feeling down lately and maybe the reader could just be overwhelmed and needing of cuddles <3
A/n: omg I love this request sm, I can’t believe I haven’t wrote for George so thank you for requesting this!<3
“Daddy” you whined with a pout plastered on your face. He cooed hoisting you up into his lap before stroking your hair gently. “Tired my love?” He asked softly making you nod.
You made grabby hands causing him to chuckle before giving you his hand. You giggled beginning to play with the silver rings on his fingers.
“It’s time for a nap anyways darling” he said putting you down on the bed and grabbing the bottle that quickly apparated on the counter.
He placed it in your hands before tucking you in softly not forgetting to place a kiss on your cheek and forehead.
You whimpered as he stood up to walk away. You instinctively tugged on his baggy shit before whispering “stay pease’”.
He chuckled before laying on the other side of the bed making you grin and hide your face in his chest.
Not proofread<3 💌
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
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It’s kinda like the “Meet The Artist” Trend, but agere instead! Maybe this can start a cute trend. Who knows. Just kinda diving into the culture world, and love it. Therapeutic and healing 🫂
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Fred Weasley x Little! Reader x George Weasley: Unjust Punishment
Summery: When umbridge takes a punishment too far, the twins look after the reader and come to a few realizations. (GN)
w/c: 1654
TW: Negative selftalk, punishment, pain, crying, umbridge (She’s a whole trigger herself), and George and Fred being amazing Caregivers! This is a first-person fanfic, idk why I decided to write it like that but I did.
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God, I am so pathetic.
I couldn’t even make it back to the dorms, I am sat in an empty hall pressed to a wall crying. My hand hurt so bad and all I could do was cry wanting someone to make it stop. I was regressing at this point. 
Maybe I wasn’t designed to be big in these situations. As long as I could remember if I had big emotions or something bad happen, all I could do was go small. I was like a defenseless hummingbird in those situations. My brain interpreting all interactions like a child would.
I was too caught up in my own thoughts to notice the redheaded twins that were in the year above mine. They were walking together to do, only Godrick knows what, when they stopped in front of me. They immediately stopped chatting and laughing, casting glances at one another. They shared a look that said “are they?” or “Should we?” or even “Were we right?”.
Their glances quickly stopped and they began talking, Fred taking the lead, “Hey (Y/N), what’s wrong? What happened?”
The pair slid onto the ground on either side of me. I stared at his freckled face and brown eyes before turning to George and doing the same. They had different freckle patterns and the way they let their eyes and face rest were different, it was easy to tell who was who. I turned back to Fred to speak, “Umbridge!”
George and Fred spare a glance, apparently the word didn’t come out as clear as I was hoping it would. Each began pulling a hand towards them, I was quick to snatch them away. I was embarrassed of the words etched into my skin, I was embarrassed that I was regressing right now in front of two upperclassmen that I wasn’t close with.
“Hey, It’s okay, we just wanna help! We can get those cuts all cleaned up!” Fred said, tilting his upper body to fully face me. He wasn’t subtle in his attempt to see what had me pulling away from help.
George took a different approach, he was stroking my hair, and took to whispering how brave I was. He said, “You made it so far from her office, almost to the dorms, you are so brave and strong. Bet you got introuble for fighting a dragon and winning, hmm?” He paused to squeeze my arm, as in to feel my muscles. I giggled through my tears, “Yeah, so strong. Maybe we could clean you up like squires would, since you are big and strong like a knight.”
I nodded before realizing he was talking to me like he knew. I pull on his shirt lightly to get his face a little closer and whisper through my tears, “How did you know?”
Fred must have heard cause he answered instead, “Cause we play close attention to you, little one.”
That was a nice nickname. I like it. Freddie began to stand up, I always forget how tall they are. The had to be at least 6’3. They made me feel tiny, their slender frames made them look even longer. Georgie stood up too.
George spoke when I didn’t stand up, “Do you need help standing up?”
Fred didn’t give me a chance to answer before asking a follow up, “Do you want one of us to carry you?
“Yesh pease,” I was too small to walk well by myself and being carried seemed less embarrassing than stumbling and crawling all the way to the gryffindor common room (Even if you aren’t that house they are taking you there to take care of you).
Fred and George nodded, Fred picked me up like I weighed nothing. Like I was tiny! I giggled, my tears were still dripping, however less and the pain was easy to ignore with the pair taking care of me. 
George walked behind Fred, tickling me or playing peekaboo. He was doing all he could to keep me distracted from the pain. Or from how far the walk to their dorm was.
When the fancy lady in the painting finally let us in, they made quick work of the magic that prevented the different students from entering the wrong dorm. Georgie opened the dorm door to their shared room. Fred carried me over to his bed before gentle throwing me onto the bed, his hands remaining under my armpits to keep me from falling or getting hurt. 
“Fly!!!” I giggle as I stopped bouncing, the pain in my hand remained but the twin gently taking care of me made me smile. They would be the best daddies ever! My giggles quickly stopped at the thought, they probably want to get my hand fixed so I will leave… I look over to see George with a first aid kit, this cemented the bad thoughts. They were just good people and they don’t like me even a little. Tears prickle my eyes again, watching George open the kit.
“Oh baby!” Fred caught my attention, “Why are you crying? Is the kit scary? It’ll hurt a little at first but we have to clean up your hand and get it all wrapped up.”
Fred was quick to sit down, and pull me into his lap, he waited to see me nod before placing my down on his lap. ‘He was like the knights from my story! He was kind and shiv- Chivo- Nice, he was nice.’ My brain was getting more and more fuzzy, they were babying me and treating me so nicely, but also I was in pain and I knew they were going to leave me alone!
“Baby, can you use your big kid words to say whats wrong?” Fred asked, bouncing me on his knee. He was rubbing my back and holding me to keep me safely on his lap.
I couldn’t keep the truth to myself, I threw myself into his chest and buried my face into his neck. I cried out, “Don wanna fix! Den hab to weave!” (Don't want my hand fixed, then you are gonna leave me!”
“Oh Baby,” The voice came from George, as he placed the kit down and sat next to Fred and I. His hand found the back of my head and pet it soothingly. He spoke again, “We will stay as long as you will let us. We want to take care of you and protect you. How about we spend the night hanging out after we get you fixed up and when you are big tomorrow we can talk about what happens next?”
With slow blinks, realization of all the words formed. I spoke again, “Sweepover?”
“Yes, a sleep over. We will put on a muggle thing called a movie! We have a projector! We will make you some snacks, and we can play and cuddle! Whatever the little (Prince/Princess/Royal) wants!” Freddie confirmed, kissing my forehead.
“Now, we do have to get that hand wrapped up…” George said, moving towards the first aid kit again. His hand leaving my hair, and Fred moved me so I was facing Georgie. I look at the wipe in his hand and realize the pain I was about to feel. Luckily George was quick to hand me a ‘beanie baby’, it was a kitty. 
Fred started rubbing the stuffie into my cheek, tapping it around my face, and made it do funny voices. George was quick to clean my hand, Fred continuing to distract me. My hand was soon wrapped in a boring white bandage wrap. 
Georgie scooped me up once he was done with putting away the kit. I was giggling and squeal. Freddie moved to set up the projector and some snacks. George said we could push the beds together and make a giant fort! I put my hands on the bed and tried to push but i couldn’t. George pushed the bed like it was nothing, he was like a super strong daddy!
George hung some sheets to make the fort while I got to put stuffed animals, pillows and anything soft I can find. Fred and George have a lot of soft stuff, I think they were summoning stuff for us. Once it was done, George and I jumped into it, bouncing slightly. 
Soon a moving picture appeared on the wall and a cart of snacks was pushed to the side of the fort. Georgie left space in the fort for it. The view of the moving picture was soon blocked by Fred jumping into the fort, he landed right on me! At first I though it was cause I was super strong that I was’t hurt when he landed on me, but I soon realized it was cause he was holding himself up. 
As the movie played, my eyes start to droop. I didn’t mean to start falling asleep, but it was so comfy being nuzzled in the cuddle puddle. My thumb started moving towards my mouth on its own, soon I was suckling on it. Fred and George were whispering to each other, I wasn’t able to make it all of the words.
Fred said something about ‘won’t do’ and George said something about ‘get something for-’. I nuzzled my face into whoever was on my left. 
“You are one sleepy baby, aren’t you?” George said, so thats who I was nuzzling.
“Good night little one, you need to get a good night rest to heal quick.” Fred said, petting my hair again. A quick pressure was pressed to the side of my head, it was a sweet kiss that made me feel so cared about. 
I was very small and about to fall asleep, I murmured out a “Nini dadas.”.
Unknown to me, the twins looked at each other with huge grins. They wanted to jump around, high-five, or scream. However, the pair simply nodded and whispered about tomorrow.
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agerefandom · 6 months
Caregiver!George Weasley Headcanons
so many treats from the shop! 
endlessly creative and makes things just for you: cute little stuffed animals that come to life and nuzzle into your arms, paper birds that flutter above your crib and put you right to sleep, pacifiers that taste like lollipops but don’t hurt your teeth at all 
obviously the most devious tickle monster, you simply cannot escape from him 
knows the best spots around the Burrow to go to if you want to escape, or sunbathe, or swim in the clearest pond you’ve ever seen 
calls you ‘kiddo,’ and ‘troublemaker’ if you share his penchant for mischief, or ‘little angel’ if you don’t: both are with the same amount of affection 
silliest voices when reading stories: and always picks the best interactive books like ‘press this button’ or ‘the best book ever’ 
not the best singing voice, but he sings the best bedtime songs anyways: he knows that you don’t need him to be perfect and it’s all the sweeter that he sings to you 
ruffles your hair into your eyes to make you laugh 
smells like sugar and burnt wool, a lingering mark of his experiments for the shop 
blanket fort master: he can turn the whole house into one big fort for the two of you to crawl around inside
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b00inazkaban · 1 year
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Request: could you maybe do a caregiver George Weasley and a little male reader? I can’t find any :( and it make me sad. Any plot really but maybe the twins prank him while he is little on accident and he cries so George comforts him and finds out about his age regression? Thank youuu!! <;3🍉⭐️🧃
Fandom: Harry Potter; CG!George Weasley x LittleMale!Reader
Readers pronouns: He/Him (could be read as they/them but more towards male, he/him reader)
Warnings/includes: Little bit of angst, little space, comfort, crying reader, discovery of little space, pranksters
It was your 7th year, you and the twins were in the same year….and you were best friends the Weasley twins. But they just wouldn’t stop playing pranks on you. You had had some tramas growing up, so you discovered a thing called age regression and started using that to cope and you’d been scared the twins would play a prank on you while in little space…we’ll today it happen.
You’d been really stressed with all of your work for your last year at Hogwarts, you’d also began to slip into little space as you were working. The twins sneak in with confetti poppers, fireworks and a whole bunch of other nonsense. You’d started to slip worse when they decided to set them off. You got so scared and slipped all the way after you processed it you couldn’t hold your tears in any longer, and you started to cry.
“George came back to check on you because he’d heard crying and sniffling. “Baby, what…oh my gosh was that cause of us? I’m so so so sorry baby I didn’t know you were in little space….” He said going and wrapping you in a hug and you sniffled into his shoulder. He picked you up from your chair at your desk holding you in his arms whispering soft comforting words into your ears as he grabbed a stuffier and went to the bed to lay with you. All he did was apologize, because he was oh so very sorry.
“It’s okay daddy, I know it was an accident I forgive you” you say as you started fading into your own little dream world. George just cradled you in his arms until you fell asleep, making a mental note to talk to his brother about not pranking you. He doesn’t ever want this to happen again because he felt so bed and guilty for pranking you while in little space.
A/n: sorry I haven’t been getting stuff out sooner I’ve just been having some bad mental health, but I think I’m doing better and doing y’all’s requests quicker now! :)
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ashesandhackles · 1 year
Chamber of Secrets reread
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Chapter 1, 2, 3,4
Harry's hope that Dursleys have not forgotten his birthday (hardly daring to believe it) - because it means Harry has not fully rejected them as caregivers yet. He does this in the next book - which is where Sirius steps in as the parental role Harry finally moves the Dursleys out of. There is this push and pull with Harry - he wants their approval, he wants to stay out of their way and not catch too much of the heat that comes with their attention. It is a very fragmented way of dealing with possible abandonment.
Vernon promised Harry he would flay him "within inch of his life". This, with descriptions of threatening body language gives such a strong implication that Harry was beaten up before being locked into the room with bars with lines like: "Uncle Vernon was as bad as his word (fade to black into next scene with Harry in room)". No wonder in Deathly Hallows that both Vernon and Harry wonder if Harry would actually rescue him.
love how charming The Burrow sounds, and how deliberately it is contrasted from the order of Dursleys. And how the most unusual thing about the Burrow was everyone there "seemed to like him." My heart.
The Weasley dynamics! Both Fred and George are so excited when Arthur is back home and genuinely want to hear stories of his job ( in contrast to Percy, who admits to being embarrassed of his father's reputation at the Ministry)! The other interesting festering family dynamic is that when Molly rages about them and brings up Bill, Charlie, and percy - Fred mutters, "Perfect Percy". It is a way to indicate jealousy of the approval and regard Molly gives Percy, although I doubt Fred would admit it.
"her face glowing like the setting sun". The sun imagery follows Ginny through the books. Harry refers to their first kiss as "several sunlit days" or the time he couldn't look in her eyes - "like gazing into brilliant light" "blazing look" and when Ron confronts him about kissing Ginny after the break up, this is the description when Harry says it won't happen again: "The day was cloudless, but he felt as though the sun had gone in."
Lucius Malfoy: ex terrorist and now a Tired Indulgent parent. His dialogue with Draco is hilarious. "You have told me dozen times already" - he tells Draco after Draco complains about Harry.
That said, @indigo-scarf has lovely meta on Hand of Glory and what it means for Draco's arc.
Chapters 5,6,7,8,9
Snape's Dramatic Entrance for this book - waits for appropriate moment behind 12 years olds to announce: "Maybe he's waiting to hear why you two didn't arrive on the train." Life of Severus Snape: Stuck in a job he hates, plans jump scares on 12 year olds for cheap thrills. (@incalculablepower also pointed out Snape's history with the tree in the infamous prank when he talks about Harry and Ron caused damage to a valuable tree)
Also his emo goth office with jars full of "revolting things Harry didn't want to know the name of"
Hagrid also picking up on Ginny's crush on Harry.(also for mystery plot, Ginny is scoping out the house cos of the roosters).
The macabre Headless Hunt goes with gothic vibe of CoS: something lurking in the castle from the underworld. A young girl possessed by a great evil etc etc. (going to reference this meta by @stuckwith-harry about Ginny's experience in the books and how her gender plays into it)
As was pointed out about Draco and hand of glory in early CoS chapter, we get Peeves breaking the vanishing cabinet here in this chapter. The cabinet Draco repairs in HBP, once he discovers the connection with the one in Borgin and Burkes, thanks to Fred and George shoving Montague in there.
the attack on Mrs Norris enlightened Hermione more clearly to dangers of being a Muggleborn. She was doing nothing but reading after the attack - and it feels like a measure of control she is trying to exert over her environment.
Chapter 10, 11,12, 13, 14,15
the opening scene where Harry had to enact a scene from Lockhart's book is comedy gold. Where are the fanartists with this scene??? This book is so funny, I swear to god.
"I never thought I'd see a day where you would be persuading us to break rules" - ah, Hermione. We see that its creeping up to her, the fact that she is another in the wizarding world and she deals with it the way she knows how - cognitively, making a plan of action: Polyjuice.
I have a lot of feelings about the political consciousness that Dobby showed here. "ah if Harry Potter only knew! If he knew what he means to us, to the lowly, the enslaved, us dregs of the magical world - but mostly sir, life has improved for my kind ever since you triumphed over He Who Must Not Be Named". I have written about how slavery is handled in the books here.
Hermione, the pyromaniac, book 2 edition. She is conjuring waterproof fires now, graduating from her blue flames in PS
Harry picks up the Expelliarmus from Snape, as he sees from duelling club. The only time Harry ever refers to Snape as a professor voluntarily - "shouldn't have let professor Snape teach us that one"..
Snape throws Harry a shrewd, calculating look when Harry speaks Parseltongue. I think this aspect of Harry makes him a bit curious - as he pretty much says this as a half truth in Spinner's End chapter in HBP. (that there were rumours about Harry being a dark wizard, and he was curious and not at all inclined to murder him. Spinner's End chapter is masterful in lot of half truths).
what a lonely braggart Lucius Malfoy is : he is sending his 12 year old son newspaper clippings of how his work colleagues he loathes is facing an enquiry. Who does this, lol? Probably because most of his friends are in prison, he needs to tell his son the gossip.
i love that what Ron sees in Mirror of Erised is that he is Head Boy, Quidditch captain, and here, he says in disgust, "Prefect, Head Boy - probably top of every class". It shows his tendency to devalue his needs and wants (of course, that's not truly what he needs - it's recognition, but it's interesting he sees this in the mirror and still reacts like this). refer: "I have seen your heart: exploring Ron's arc" by @bluethepineapple
Harry notes that Tom "had jet Black hair" ("strange likenesses ...we even look something alike" Tom notes in the final chapters. The twin imagery is strong with Harry and Voldemort, not just with the appearances but the twin cores as well.)
it's interesting to me that the injustice Hagrid suffers is also integral to the vein of CoS (he is a suspect, he was expelled and had his wand broken) and in POA (the Buckbeak trial).
"you will find that I have only truly left the school when none here are loyal to me". Dumbles being god like.
really have to admire Ron that he was even able to move and grab Fang when the car came in when they were talking to Aragog. He was apparently frozen with his mouth open and eyes popping. Ron Weasley is extremely brave.
Chapter 16,17,18
Tom displays bitter rage against his father, and emphasises his lineage from his maternal line. He also seems to think his father abandoned Merope because she was a witch, which I think is what he found out or guessed, as opposed to the story we know.
Fawkes enters with a song, and it makes Harry's heart grow twice its size (metaphorically). But we see a version of this in GOF - where priori incantentem between wands also makes Harry hear the phoenix song. It's very good vs evil. Also, the phoenix is described in such a grand, colourful way in this dark underworld chamber - a splash of colour. It is a very nice image.
Ginny wakes up from a harrowing experience and sees blood-soaked Harry holding the destroyed diary. No wonder that she "never really gave up on you, not really". I think this kind of thing would be embedded in her psyche.
I love that the story combines the grand, mythical nature of things - Dumbledore as God, Fawkes as Holy Spirit, the chamber as the underworld, and then it's also a story where themes of classism, systemic injustice against Muggleborns, slavery is introduced. The banal evil antagonist is Lucius Malfoy - who tries to discredit a poorer Arthur Weasley by setting up his daughter, who gets Hagrid sent to Azkaban and gets Dumbledore removed - all by using his power and position. I think this book toes the line between mythical evil (Basilisk that needs to be slayed, Tom Riddle diary) and banal evil well.
@urupotter made a post about how Lucius appears to be using Occlumency against Dumbledore in the final scene between them.
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hchollym · 1 year
Little background I'm childfree, so I have two relevant head-cannons. Feel free not to answer if you feel these are too political.
What is do you think Molly and Arthur's reaction be if one of their favored kids, say Bill or Ginny be if they decided not to have kids (ignoring the last part of DH).
Maybe Ginny knows there is no way she can be a pro Quiddich player if she gets pregnant or Bill decides he wants the married life but not kids. I imagine with the others while it would hurt the relationship, but it could be excused for any number of reasons.
Based on a common 'bingo' asked of childfree women, do you think it's possible that the bad with money Molly and Arthur assumed that their kids would take care of them when they are elderly. Which kid do you think got saddled with them?
Growing up I'd assume that Percy was the son chosen for that task especially when the older brothers yeeted upon graduation. I just get the feeling that Percy was initially chosen to be the one but after the fight, I'm not so sure.
I don't mind answering political questions at all. 😉
Oof. That is not going to go over well, and I don't think it matters much if it's a favored kid or not. Either way, Arthur doesn't really care, but Molly tries to guilt trip them constantly - crying, talking about how children give your life meaning, saying that she doesn't want them to miss out on such a precious gift, etc. It puts a definite strain on their relationship, and whoever it is gets tired of having to deal with it, so they don't come around much.
I highly doubt Charlie came back to visit often, because Molly kept setting him up with blind dates (i.e. inviting women over for dinner) no matter how many times he told her to stop. It would honestly be bad for any of them, but I imagine it's worse for Bill & Ginny because of their partners. Bill would have to constantly deal with Molly blaming Fleur, and Ginny would have to constantly deal with Molly's horrible comments about how she's depriving Harry of happiness and the family he never had growing up.
To answer your second question, I do think Molly & Arthur assumed that one of their kids would take care of them when they got older (if necessary), just like Molly assumed she would take care of Aunt Muriel when the time came. It may not have been spoken about, but the expectation was always there.
I think it's (subconsciously) part of the reason they tried so hard for a girl - statistically speaking, daughters are far more likely to take care of ailing parents than sons (and that expectation is yet another way the Weasleys are misogynistic). So I think they originally hoped Ginny would do it, but that obviously didn't work. I'm not insulting Ginny at all, but I definitely don't think she would be the one to care for them.
Once they realized that, Bill was their next best hope. He's the oldest, cherished son, who does try to act responsibly when he's in town (letting Ron stay with him, distracting Molly when she gets upset about Percy, trying to keep the peace with her by being passive, etc.). That's partially why Molly hated his marriage to Fleur so much, because Fleur threw a huge wrench into that plan.
I do think Bill would help them financially - he has a decent job and makes enough money that he could manage, and I picture him as feeling a fiscal obligation to them. But if Molly & Arthur need physical help (such as moving in with him, needing help changing/bathing, etc.), then that's a giant no. Bill (and Fleur) are not doing it.
Similarly, I also think George, Ginny, and Ron would help financially (if possible), but that's about it, and to be honest, I doubt Charlie would even help in that way.
So that leaves Percy.
Percy and his spouse get stuck with the physical and emotional burden. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Percy has Oldest Daughter Syndrome. His parents may not have originally expected him to be their caregiver, but when you think about it, it was pretty much inevitable the whole time. 😢
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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ur-fav-is-agere · 10 months
George Weasley from Harry Potter
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Is a caregiver!
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comicfive · 4 months
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"𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥, 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐝."
— 🌙🍼🪽🌌 — five hargreeves' little girl <3
⭐️ | hi, little space cadets / and or cg stars ! <3
🌙 — im moon, you can call me moony, moon, any fem term <3 | im a 15 year old age regressor that regresses to the age of 2-5 ! i do not have a caregiver and yes i am looking! :) 🍼
(ill have a google form, your age will have to be confirmed because I AM a MINOR 🚨)
i would love to talk to anons, my asks and requests are open! here’s the things i offer :)
headcanons (for shows and things i know :))
dni banners!
paci icons!
short one shots ! :)
⭐️ — ABOUT ME 🌙
𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒: moon <3
𝑎𝑔𝑒: 15
𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑔𝑒: 2-5
𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑠: they/them (fem nicknames & petnames preferred)
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑒: est :)
the umbrella academy!
harry potter!
stranger things!
etc <3
the umbrella academy: five, klaus & viktor ! <3
harry potter: draco malfoy & george weasley <3
heartstopper: charlie spring <3
stranger things: will byers <3
mlp: fluttershy <3
bluey: bingo <3
descendants: carlos <3
txt: OT5 <3
racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia, anti agere, nsfw, ageplay, etc.
ANON LIST: no one yet :)
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tsukishimasbaby · 4 months
Harry Potter Agere Headcanons! (Part 1)
A/N: Nobody asked for this, however, I don’t care! Also JK Rowling sucks, I just really like her characters.
Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
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⚡️ I think he’s a flip with no lean. When he regresses, he’s usually about 2-3, so quite tiny. He’s very reserved and quiet and mainly keeps to himself, but he does really like attention from his caregivers. When he’s a caregiver, he’s very protective and cautious and makes sure his little doesn’t leave his sight.
⚡️ Takes him a while to warm up to age regression. He’s the chosen one, the boy who lived, and he feels silly for resorting to agere to cope with everything.
⚡️ A lot of people help take care of him, but his main caregivers are Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.
⚡️ Hermione has to take his wand away when he’s little or else he might try to hex Draco or something.
⚡️ He himself helps take care of Ron when Hermione can’t and Luna when Neville can’t.
👑 Flip with a caregiver lean. When he regresses, he’s usually about 4, and he’s very, very hyper and chaotic. He causes Hermione a lot of stress. When he’s a caregiver, he’s very chill and laidback, and even encourages a bit of mischief, but he’s still very attentive and makes sure his littles needs are met.
👑 He often feels bad because he doesn’t have the means to spoil his little or give them everything he wants to. Harry helps pitch in a lot and will often buy his little gifts but Ron would like to buy more stuff on his own. He feels bad about it.
👑 When he’s regressed, Hermione takes care of him, and sometimes Harry if Hermione isn’t available.
👑 He helps take care of Harry as well sometimes, but usually if Harry is regressed, Ron regresses too within a couple minutes of the two being around each other.
👑 Fred and George go out of their way to encourage bad behavior. Hermione is in shambles.
📕 Caregiver. She’s definitely a mama bear caregiver. Very protective and cautious. She baby proofs literally everything she possibly can. Does well with littles of all ages, but has a little bit more patience with slightly older littles, mainly because they’re more independent. But she’ll love and protect you no matter what age you regress to.
📕 She loves to take her little to the library and just read stories to them or help them study! She won’t judge you or make fun of you if you’re struggling with something and need her help. She’ll help you take notes and write down things you need to memorize, too.
📕 Takes care of Ron and Harry when they’re regressed. The two are quite a handful but they already act like children most of the time so to her she doesn’t really see much of a difference.
📕 Harry likes to push away his regression a lot, and she scolds him for it often. She often gets panicky and anxious during the summer because she knows that Harry’s being abused and doesn’t have anyone to care for him. When the summer is over, the trio all have like. A week straight. Where Ron and Harry just regress together and Hermione takes care of them.
📕 Fred and George are #1 public enemies to her. The twins LOVE to encourage misbehavior and it gets out of control sometimes.
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Do you think you could maybe do a George Weasley caregiver moodboard?? With a Hufflepuff regressor???
Hiii!!! Yes I absolutely can, I hope this is okay!!!
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
People who drink the love ron weasley kool-aid annoy me. Kid Ron(1-3) maybe I understand, but in later books he's just an asshole who never grows. Draco Malfoy had better character development than him and Jk Rowling hated Draco. And don't give me that "but he was poor and had all those brothers" bullshit. I call bullshit. Especially in books 6 and 7. Ron was the worst in those two.
Everyone who cry about him being “poor” and that being the reason for his personality problems annoy me. They were all poor, none of his brothers grew up to be as envious and assholish as him. First, and it’s something that bothered me the entire time, how poor are they? They have their own house that fits their ginormous family, they have enough money for the cuisine Molly constantly cooks, and it’s not just something to fill themselves with, it’s tasty and good and all. They’re all always been clothed and it’s NORMAL to wear clothes older ones outgrew. It’s not a sign of “they’re so unfortunately poor” it’s LOGICAL! Children grow a mile a minute, why would anyone just throw it away? Where I come from, it’s not even siblings in many cases, it’s just: your parents know someone who has a kid younger than you and it goes “oh! We have so many clothes just laying around! Here, let them try these and keep it if it fits/they like it”. And the same was done to you by someone with an older kid. And no one thinks it’s a sign of poverty, it’s sustainable if anything.
Plus, his brothers all have something specific going for them, they all found their “niche”, they’re all distinctive. Bill, as an oldest, has been shown as additional caregiver (I despise when parents turn their older children into additional parents for the young ones, but well, I already mentioned what I think of Molly as a mother. And Arthur is just so not there most of the time), but he also has a job that his passionate about and everything. Charlie had quidditch and, of course, DRAGONS. Percy is passionate about politics and he genuinely believes that he’s choosing what will be better for the world. (Honestly, with the way he was treated by his brothers and how his parents did nothing about it… I can understand his resentment. And I don’t think that I would ever trust Dumbledore as blindly as all the rest of Weasleys did, there is something incredibly creepy about a school headmaster, who inspires children for the war and prior to Book 5 seems to be the one actually ruling the Magical UK…). Fred and George are the pranksters and they manage to make it into profitable business BEFORE THEY LEFT SCHOOL! Plus they’re awesome at quidditch as well. They all have their own thing, distinctive from the rest and Ron… is just there. He has NOTHING, absolutely nothing going for himself except that he has Harry Potter for a best friend. He’s not his own person at all.
So, to excuse Ron being an envious ass because he grew up poor and because he’s the youngest brother is just… why would that be an excuse?
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cherry-pop-elf · 10 months
Hi! I’m Belladonna! I am 22 years old, ((Jan:17)) any pronouns, disabled, and love to roleplay, draw, write, and have create in general. Rep for my fellow disabled people! I also do regress at about nine ((9)) and I am a PROUD caregiver to my little sugar plum. Your hermano loves you very much! 🌻 🌻
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Currently married to George Weasley thank you very much!
I am a Wheelchair Bound Trans Man, who’s Majoring in Chemistry with a Minor in Environmental Science. Goal is to work with Marine Science Some way, somehow!
Here is my little hell hole where I cope with life, and be gay and do crimes
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OC’s/OC Refs below 👇🏽
Cherry Cherry-Wood
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Olive Fredrick Weasley
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Trio Ref
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lima-bean57 · 3 months
Hey I would like to start writing and I need some requests.
Who I write for (this list will be updated frequently)
Harry potter /hogwarts legacy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Cedric Digory
Mattheo Riddle
Ominis Gaunt
Maze runner
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Dave Strider
John Egbert
Rose Lolonde
Jade Harley
Terezi Pyrope
Karkat Vantis
Dirk Strider
Kanaya Maryam
What I write for
Caregiver x little reader
Character x reader
Non caregiver x little reader
Angst to fluff
What I don’t write for
Caregiver reader x little character
Character x character
Just angst
Anything to do with self harm or eating disorders
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