#carla is the one who gets christopher to the hospital but buck is the one that christopher comes to visit you know
chronicowboy · 2 years
there is something absolutely stunning about the flip from buck having his 'eddie never met carla' revelation to the scene where carla and chris are in the waiting room because it highlights the fact that this is the one area buck still undervalues himself. he comes out of the coma dream confident in his place with bobby and the 118 and even his biological family. but, for buck, there's still a disconnect between how he perceives himself in the diaz family and how the diaz family perceives him. because obviously buck is more to them than the introduction to carla but he reduces himself to that one act, giving a single parent a home healthcare aide, when in reality eddie manages juggling firefighting and parenting because he isn't a single parent, because he has buck. so to go from buck congratulating himself on giving eddie some help to carla being the decoy so that christopher can reach buck. the contrast between "he never met carla" and "i'm sorry but he insisted on being here". buck bringing carla into the diaz's lives to help them get through the red tape and carla bringing christopher to the hospital to find a workaround for the 'no kids in the icu' rule. putting carla and buck side by side and highlighting just how different their roles in christopher's life are.
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littlespoonevan · 5 months
sorry i'm just thinking about the whole circumstances of the shooting again and how absolutely batshit insane that was???????? like. first they had carla observe eddie and ana and insinuate ana wasn't what eddie wanted as she told him, 'just make sure you're following your heart, not christopher's.' and had eddie's face go on a Journey. then 20 minutes later, eddie gets shot in broad daylight and it was filmed Like That with everything slowing down and going completely silent as he and buck stared at each other and buck is covered in eddie's blood and eddie is falling and buck is shoved to the ground by mehta and eddie is dying but one of the last things he does before he falls unconscious is look at buck one more time and reach out for him and then buck rOLLS UNDER A FIRETRUCK in the middle of active fire to get to him and pull him to safety and when they're in the ambulance he's telling eddie over and over again that it's okay, that he's got him, that they're so close to the hospital, he just needs to hang on, and for the .5 seconds eddie is awake he sees the blood on buck's face and ASKS IF HE'S HURT?!!?!?!?!? because he's more concerned about buck than himself????????? and then buck has to go tell chris what happened and he breaks down sobbing when he finds out eddie made it out of surgery because he cannot fathom the idea that he nearly lost him and he takes care of chris while eddie's in hospital without having to be asked and in the brief interlude where taylor kisses him and runs away buck runs to eddie instead of running after taylor and then he Tells eddie that he lost it when he told chris what happened and that it would be better if he was the one who got shot and eddie sits him down and says he changed his will A YEAR AGO after the well so that buck would be chris' legal guardian if he died because no one would ever fight for chris the way buck would (not even his biological family) and then he calls buck evan and tells him he's not expendable and ALL OF THIS HAPPENS and they never talk about it again!!!! until 6x12 where eddie says he remembers getting shot and thinking he was about to die and then nothing else until he woke up in the hospital as if the memory of the whole ordeal isn't probably seared into buck's brain and i'm just??????????? what the fuck was that guys
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 1 month
I Can't Say Part 3 (Finale)
Summary: Everyone is waiting for Reader to wake up after surgery. Eddie finds out what has been causing her behavior and as soon as she wakes up he apologizes for doubting her. She knows she'll never lose him again after what he does next.
TW/CW: Eddie Diaz x Reader, Make Up, Injured Reader, Hospital Setting
Requested?: No   
Word Count: 3,194
A/N: Our grand total of words for this trilogy is 11,325… I’m ngl was kinda stuck on how I’d get from break up to make up but then I was rewatching season 2 the other night and well… Earthquake it is. Anyways, hope you enjoy the read! Love to all! Requests are Open!
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Part 1
Part 2
--- Third Person POV --- 
Hours later, the team has been given the go ahead to go home but every one of them is heading to the hospital in hopes of seeing (Y/N). Hen cleared it with Bobby first but decided it was best if she stayed with Eddie who has been pacing the waiting room the entire time since they sent (Y/N) back. She had sent messages to everyone she could think of, letting them know which hospital they’re at and keeping them updated. Unfortunately, the phones have only just now been able to start working again. Her phone begins exploding with notifications. Carla is bringing Chris as well as a change of clothes for Eddie. Athena says she and the kids are on the way but stopping for coffee and snacks. Karen confirms she’s getting Denny and Mara in the car now with a change of clothes for Hen. Maddie and Jee are on their way too. Every single person that Hen texted, responds except for the 118 members, Talia, and Tommy who all changed out of their gear as soon as they got to the station and piled into Bobby’s truck and Buck’s Jeep. 
Those who responded all trickle in with Athena, May, and Harry bringing up the rear as they drop several bags of snacks and a couple gallons of cold brew on the coffee table that everyone has gathered around. Carla and Chris have convinced Eddie, who is now nursing a cup of cold brew, to sit down and are posted on either side of him, Carla rubbing his back and Chris holding his hand tightly. Karen and Hen are playing patty cake with Jee while Maddie begs the nursing staff for an update. Harry, Denny, and Mara are quietly discussing some video game while they snack. Athena and May share a look before they make their way over to Maddie and gently tug her back to the group. It seems everyone lets out a breath they had been holding when the group of firefighters step through the glass doors. The waiting room is brought to life as everyone greets each other. Eddie on the other hand is rooted to his seat and staring at the floor. 
Just as Bobby is about to place his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, the doctor enters the waiting room. Everyone waits with bated breath as he approaches them, Talia and Eddie both rushing to meet him. He looks around at the rather large group before chuckling, “You’re all here for (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” Several in the group nod so he continues, “Good. She’s out of surgery. It was a little touch and go but she’s stable. The anesthesia will wear off soon but, due to the amount of blood she lost, it may take her some time to wake up. Once we get her settled into a room, I’ll let you all know.” Everyone nods in understanding and releases the breath they were holding. A few of them thank the doctor as he walks away. Eddie drops back into a chair, laying his head back against the wall, and grabs hold of Christopher’s hand again. Talia is pulls Tommy away from the group to ask him what’s going on between (Y/N) and Eddie, soon finding herself in tears upon hearing the news. Tommy pulls her into a tight hug, hating that he had to break it to her. The others strike up conversations to pass the time. 
A short while later, the doctor returns to the group, “She’s in a room. Anesthesia should be worn off but as I explained earlier, she’s not awake yet. That being said, you can see her now but you’ll have to take turns. I don’t want more than two or three in there at a time. You can find her in room A204.” As he departs, Eddie kisses the top of Christopher’s head and heads to her room.  
Everyone else has their eyes on Talia who hasn’t moved a muscle. Tommy places his hand on her shoulder, “Go.” She looks up at him and around the group with uncertainty but with a nod from Bobby she’s off toward the room as well. 
When Talia enters the room, Eddie is sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the bed from the door. He is holding (Y/N)’s hand tightly, tears streaming down his face, and mumbling under his breath, “(Y/N) please, you gotta wake up for me.” She takes a seat on the other side of the bed and the room falls silent aside from the steady beep of the heart monitor. 
A few moments pass before he clears his throat, “If it weren’t for you, she- she wouldn’t be alive right now.” 
Fresh tears paint her cheeks as she looks down at her lap, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.” 
He looks at her, head titled, “What do you mean?” 
“If it weren’t for me, the love of her life wouldn’t have broken up with her, she wouldn’t have been in that therapy office, and she wouldn’t have been run through with rebar,” she admits, struggling to get the words out through her tears. He is immensely confused at first but she clarifies before he can ask, “A few weeks ago I called her because I needed someone to keep me from hurting myself. She came no questions asked. She’s been stopping by to check on me a lot. She always answers the phone when I need her. Selfishly, I made her promise not to tell anyone because I didn’t want my team finding out.” Eddie’s heart breaks as he realizes but she continues, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t be in this mess.” 
He reaches his hand across the bed for Talia’s who hesitantly takes it. He looks her dead in the eyes, “You cannot blame yourself for any of this. You did the best thing you could which was ask for help when you needed it. You don’t know where she would’ve been if not in that office with you. It could- it could’ve been much worse.” He pauses for a moment, looking back at (Y/N), “I wish I would’ve just believed and trusted her when she said she had a good reason.” 
Talia wipes her tears away; she still feels terrible about everything but knows (Y/N) would’ve told her the same exact thing that Eddie did. She squeezes his hand gently, “I know I’m not around you and the rest of her new family that much but I’ve heard a lot about everyone.” He looks up at her and she continues, “I’ve heard more about you and Chris than anyone else. She always has a blindingly bright smile on her face when she tells me about you two and I know without a shadow of a doubt that she loves you more than life itself.” Eddie nods as Talia squeezes his hand once more before dropping it and standing up to leave. Before she opens the door, she stops and looks back at him, “She still does. She wouldn’t hesitate for a second to take you back. Hell, I don’t even think she even let you go.”  
Eddie kisses (Y/N) knuckles as Talia leaves, “I don’t deserve it but I hope to god you can forgive me for being so stupid...” 
It’s not long before the door opens again, this time by Buck and Tommy. Eddie does his best to slap on a smile when he sees Chris right behind them. He watches his son take the seat Talia had been in previously and grab hold of (Y/N)’s hand, “Is she gonna be okay?” he asks hopefully looking up at his father.  
Eddie nods reassuringly, “Yeah, she’s just sleeping so her body can recover.” 
Chris nods and looks down at where his hand meets hers, “Where’s her bracelet?” 
“They had to take it off so it wouldn’t get messed up during the surgery and recovery,” Eddie responds. In his peripheral, he sees Buck and Tommy patiently waiting their turn. 
Chris seems deep in thought for a few seconds before stating, “She’s gonna kick their asses when she finds out. I gotta fix it.” With this, he gets up and exits the room on a mission. Buck goes after him, motioning for Eddie to stay put. 
It’s quiet again as Eddie and Tommy listen to the steady beep of her heart. Finally, Tommy takes a seat. Eddie makes eye contact with him, “I’m sorry. Talia told me everything. I know I fucked up and I know she means the world to you.” 
Tommy looks over at (Y/N) face and reaches up to brush her hair out of her eyes as he thinks. Taking a deep breath, he responds, “Just promise me that the next time you think about doing something stupid, we hit the mat first so I can knock some sense into you.” 
Eddie chuckles, nodding, “I will.” It’s quiet again while Eddie debates with himself before finally pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to Tommy, “Does this count as something stupid?” 
Tommy looks down at the ring box in his hand as his smile grows. After opening it, he answers, “Never in a million years.” He closes the box and hands it back to Eddie, “But you should know that Buck was looking forward to helping you pick it out. He’s gonna be heart broken.” 
Eddie puts the box back in his pocket, “Technically, he did help me pick it out. Whether he remembers that or not is a different story.” 
Tommy knits his brows together in confusion, “What?” 
Eddie smiles, “I went with him when he bought you that bracelet a while back. He was looking through the cases while we waited on them to bag it up. I was zoned out thinking about (Y/N) when he slapped me on the shoulder and very excitedly pointed at a specific ring saying, ‘(Y/N) would love this one!’” 
Tommy shakes his head chuckling, “So, you bought it?” 
Eddie shrugs, “Not right then but after a few days of constantly thinking about it, I had to.” Tommy laughs but Eddie’s face drops. At the tilt of Tommy’s head, Eddie adds, “I held onto it, trying to find the right time to ask her but then she started acting weird and...” 
Tommy sighs, “You still have it though. You didn’t let her go.” 
Eddie shakes his head, “I couldn’t. I broke up with her because I was scared of getting hurt but it hurt so much more to do so. I thought maybe if I just distanced myself from her for a while that it would stop but if anything, it got worse.” He takes a deep breath, “I just hope she’ll forgive me because I don’t know how much longer I can take this ring burning a hole in my pocket.” 
Tommy nods, “She will. She’ll do it in a heartbeat but then you gotta nut up and give her that ring.” 
Eddie smiles, “Would it be too much to ask her to forgive me and marry me in the same conversation?” 
Tommy shakes his head violently, “Absolutely not.” 
Eddie laughs, “Good.” 
Over the next few hours, people come and go. Everyone gets their own turn of checking on her and reassuring Eddie that she’ll be okay. Finally, with only Eddie in the room, she stirs. She squints up at the ceiling as she tries to process where she is. The sound of her moving her head to look around alerts Eddie who jerks up from where he lays on her arm, “Hey, you’re okay. You’re in the hospital.” 
She nods, trying to speak but her mouth is dry. Eddie hands her the bottle of water, Carla had brought him earlier, from the side table that and helps her take a few sips. When she pulls away, he sets the bottle back down on the table and brushes her hair from her face, “How are you feeling?” 
She stares at him for a few seconds before whispering, “I’m just glad you’re here.” 
He kisses her knuckles, “Of course I am, baby. I love you so much and I’m so sorry I doubted you.” The confusion on her face prompts him to add, “Talia told me what happened. I can’t believe I ever thought you’d do something like that. I should’ve known you had a good reason.” She smiles softly but he still feels the need to ask, “Will you forgive me?”  
She nods immediately, “Of course.” Out of habit she reaches to fidget with her bracelet but finds it missing, “I’m gonna kick someone’s ass.” 
Eddie laughs heartily, “Chris said you would.”  
She reaches up to cup his cheek, “I love you.” 
He leans into her touch, “I love you too.” 
The moment is interrupted when the door opens again but both are immediately delighted to see Carla opening the door for Chris who is overjoyed to see (Y/N) awake. He takes a seat as Carla waves with a smile before closing the door to give the small family a moment. With one hand, Chris reaches over and takes (Y/N)’s left wrist and wraps her bracelet back where it belongs with the other. She smiles brightly but Eddie is suspicious, “Chris, did you pester the nursing staff for that.” 
He grins proudly, “Yup, I told them my step mom would kick their butts if they didn’t give it to me.” 
Eddie and (Y/N) share an amused look before she ruffles Christopher’s hair, “Thanks, buddy.” He grins and reaches up to take her hand in his. 
Eddie’s eyes flick between the two before he stands and joins Chris on the other side of the bed.  (Y/N) is slightly confused when he places his hands on Christopher’s shoulder and whispers something in his ear. Chris listens intently before nodding incessantly, “Yes! Do it. Do it now.” 
Eddie grins and ruffles his son’s hair, “Alright, alright calm down. I will.” He places himself between Chris and (Y/N). She is utterly bumfuzzled but Chris is dancing in his seat excitedly. Eddie removes something from his pocket and drops to one knee causing her to slap her hand over her mouth. The man smiles up at her, “I know this isn’t at all the ideal time or place to ask you this but,” he looks around the room and then back at her, “I was very recently reminded that we aren’t promised tomorrow, especially in our line of work.” He opens the ring box and holds it up to her, “(Y/N), will you marry me?” 
Chris cheers happily upon hearing her answer, “Yes!” Tears of joy fill both Eddie and (Y/N)’s eyes as he slips the ring on her finger, stands, and kisses her with every ounce of love that he can. 
The couple parts when the door opens again as Buck and Tommy poke their heads in. Tommy grins, immediately noticing the ring on her finger. Slightly confused having missed the small but important detail, Buck stutters, “Sorry, Carla told us she’s awake. Are-are we interrupting something? We can come back later.” 
Tommy pushes past his boyfriend and makes his way to (Y/N)’s right side, making eye contact with Eddie, “I told you she would. Does your leg feel better without that hole burning in your pocket?” 
Eddie nods, laughing as identical looks of confusion settle on (Y/N) and Buck’s faces as Buck paces over to Tommy’s side. Eddie looks down at her, “I showed it to him earlier.”  
Understanding replaces her confusion but Buck is still lost, “What hole? Showed who what? I’m so confused.” (Y/N) holds her hand up to Buck showing off her ring. He gasps for words as excitement floods his entire body and he takes her hand in his to inspect it. None of them notice as the doctor stops in the open doorway, observes what is happening, and then immediately makes his way to the waiting room. After a minute or so, Buck’s face drops to disappointment as he looks up at Eddie and Tommy, letting go of her hand, “I kinda wanted to help pick it out...” Tommy pats his head before wrapping his arm around his waist.  
Eddie shakes his head chuckling, “Do you not recognize it? You were so damn sure she’d like it that you bruised my arm to get my attention.”  
It takes a few seconds but realization finally smacks across his face as he gasps, “This is that ring?”  
Eddie nods as (Y/N) who is admiring the ring confirms, “He wasn’t wrong. I love it.” Everyone smiles as Eddie kisses the top of her head. Before anyone can say anything else, the door opens and their friends and family flood in. Everyone gushes over the ring, offers the couple their congratulations, and states how glad they are that (Y/N) is okay.
Talia takes a seat on the edge of the bed to (Y/N)’s right, “The doctor had to step out of the way of the stampede after he told us you had a ring on that you weren’t admitted with.” (Y/N) laughs, barely able to spot the doctor in the doorway through the crowd of friends and family. She gives him a thumbs up and he nods with a smile as he returns to his rounds.  
She looks to Talia and takes her hand in her own but before she can say it, Talia assures, “I know what you’re gonna say. Eddie already did.” (Y/N) looks to Eddie who is locked in a tight hug from Bobby with a smile on his face that is bigger than she’s ever seen. Talia leans over to whisper in her ear, “You weren’t kidding when you said Tommy is wrapped around Buck’s finger.” As (Y/N) turns back to look at Talia, she spots Tommy who is wrapped around Buck from behind. Both are smiling brightly as Buck and Maddie are already discussing bachelor party plans.  
“They’re next, I’m calling it now,” (Y/N) tells Talia who laughs loudly. Their hands stay locked together as (Y/N) looks back to Eddie who now has an arm around Christopher’s shoulders as they chat excitedly with Carla. Carla notices her looking and nods in her direction as she shoves the two toward her. Eddie takes the hand she offers him and Chris climbs up to sit beside her. An hour or so passes before a nurse squeezes through the crowded hospital room. She smiles at (Y/N) before proceeding to check her vitals and give her fresh bandages. Only when (Y/N) is nodding off and very obviously struggling to stay awake does everyone wish her well, promise they’ll visit again later, and head home. Soon, the only ones left are her boys. She kisses the top of Christopher’s head as she notices he has fallen asleep carefully tucked into her side. She pats the right side of the bed for Eddie to join her. The three of them have to scoot in real close to fit on the hospital bed but after the week she’s had, she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
More 911
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cinematics123 · 9 months
911 on ABC has the chance to do one of the funniest things in TV.
Check this: Buck is injured trying to save Bobby & Athena and goes to the hospital. Eddie realizes that Buck was already traumatized by the Tsunami and went into the water to save them anyway. Eddie says it should have been him out there in the water trying to save them.
Buck is about to get discharged from the hospital and pulls Eddie aside. He sits him down and says:
Buck: I heard you in here the other day wishing it had been you. I’ve had a lot of close calls, this wasn’t even my closest.
Eddie: Buck-
Buck: let me finish. After I died - after I got struck by lightning - I got to thinking and I went to my attorney and I changed my will.
Eddie: … wait. What?
Buck: So that someday, if I didn’t make it… Christopher would be taken care of… by you.
Eddie: Buck, what are you talking about? Christopher is my son. Of course I’m taking care of him.
Buck: Oh? And who has made dinner for the last 5 nights before I went into the hospital? Hmm? And who’s been taking out the trash and cooking since I’ve been in here… Carla?
Eddie: What?! I- I’ve been here…? Is this about me not taking out the trash Saturday night?
Buck: Chris and I were studying for his history test!
Eddie: it’s your week on chore board! I did the laundry and got the shopping - and you did not even drive me, let me remind you of that.
Buck: (nodding solemnly) my lawyer said you could refuse.
Eddie: Oh my God, Buck. Yes, I will cook for Chris if you ever, for any reason, are not by my side for ANY reason.
Buck: Good, mi amor. Because now we have to tell your mother.
Suuurprise canon domestic buddie!!
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pineapplehazard · 1 month
we always talk about bobby or maddie being the biggest buddie shippers but you know who I think we should have there too? who's been in the trenches of the buddie family thing since the beginning too?
cause you're telling me this woman was introduced to Eddie by Buck, that she saw buck come for the skateboard thing, saw Eddie use Christopher to get Buck out of his apartment, saw Buck take Chris to the zoo often, saw buck take care of Chris while Eddie was at the hospital,....
Also her being one of the first to see Eddie and Ana wouldn't work, and encouraging Eddie to date for himself and not for what he thought was best for Chris!
I think Carla is gonna be one of the most delighted about Buddie once they happen
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I just think a lot about Buck being Christopher’s safe space.
Christoper asking for and looking for Buck after they were separated in the tsunami, not his dad, Buck. He still trusted Buck to save him.
Christopher asking to spend Christmas with Buck the first year after his mom died when his dad couldn’t take the day off
Christopher running away from home and going to Buck when he is upset about losing people he loves
Christopher being comforted and looked after by Buck when his dad was in the hospital
Christopher calling Buck when something is wrong with his dad (not abuela and not Pepa and not Carla)
But also thinking about Christopher being one of the few people who is always trying to comfort Buck when he is upset
Christopher telling Buck “you’re gonna be okay, Kid” when he’s struggling with his injuries
Christopher searching for Buck after the tsunami because Buck needs him as much as he needs Buck
Christopher making Buck “get well soon” cards
Christopher comforting Buck when he breaks down after the shooting
Christopher trying so hard to stay cheerful and teasing while Eddie is in the hospital and Buck is looking after him
Christopher insisting his father break the rules and let him see Buck because he NEEDS to talk to him, he needs to do something to show him the way back home
Thinking about Buck being a lonely boy who always felt abandoned and Chris being so loved and yet having loss so much and how much love and comfort they have given each other just by being in each other’s lives…
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
could you please tell us more about why you think chris would freak out? 😊
Okay, I have been thinking this since 4x08 with Chris freaking out about the idea of Eddie dating in general. But the bottom line is, Chris has a delicious shade of abandonment issues. Eddie wasn't there when he was a baby, Shannon left, and then she died, his grandparents were as constant in his life as his mother and now he only sees them every once in a while, Isabel was constant in LA but she's back in Texas now, you can even make an argument that he felt left by Buck during the lawsuit, because while I do think Eddie was hiding behind Chris to say he missed Buck, Chris was attached enough to Buck to feel the fact that Buck suddenly disappeared a for a while (I like to believe Buck showed up at the house with a pile of legos and a bear like the one they won before the tsunami after, but, well, from a kid's perspective as month is a year, it might've been enough to create something there anyway), especially with everything that had happened to Christopher that year, Shannon dying, the tsunami, Chris worrying about Eddie's state of mind, Chris was at the barbecue and we have no idea what he saw or didn't see about Buck throwing up blood, so he had enough traumatic experiences in quick succession to do something to his brain before he was even 10. We also have a layer to play with if the show decides to go there, but the long-term effects of lockdown on a child were a lot more intense than in someone with a fully developed brain because their lives shut down and they didn't have the tools to deal with it and a child needs the interaction with other people and they were not getting that, and if adults struggled with it, imagine how a 10 yo with a first responder parent who couldn't stay with him felt, ykwim? We see that manifesting in season 4, Chris is scared that dating means leaving, he thinks that Eddie bringing someone into their lives just means someone else who will leave him. And we saw at the beginning of the season that he still believes that to be true. He has that moment of it's okay to play around because it doesn't matter if they love you, they will leave anyway. Chris most likely doesn't remember most of life in Texas with Shannon, and even when he's old enough to understand the circumstances around Shannon leaving, it will still have scarred him forever. And that kid has lived through one parent dying, the other in a hospital when he wasn't allowed to visit due to covid, and a constant safe adult he literally saw in a hospital bed. It doesn't matter if the show ever states Buck in a parental position for Chris before he becomes "stepdad Buck", Buck is one of the two safe adults Chris runs to in a crisis, exemplified by the way even though he's being raised by two first responders, his instinct when Eddie had his breakdown was not to call 911, it was to call Buck. We have enough to speculate that yes, Chris sees Buck as a parent in some degree, but we do know for a fact that Buck is an adult Chris trusts.
So, we have Chris with the mother of all abandonment issues of the show, which is saying something considering who he's up against, we have Eddie and Buck being the two constants when it comes to adults, and just the general concept of safety that he has had in the past few years, so Eddie and Buck are the two people Chris is scared the most to lose, Eddie for obvious reasons, and we see that reflected with Buck with him forcing Eddie and Carla to let him visit him so he can beg Buck to come back. But Chris is also watching both Eddie and Buck FUMBLE through romantic relationships. Like, they are BAD at romantic relationships, and, like, even Taylor was brought into Chris' life and then vanished, I'm not saying he got particularly attached to Taylor, but she was in his house, she lived with Buck, for an 11 yo that's as serious as it's gonna get, and then that ended too. So what Chris is picking up here is that romantic love means people leaving. Like, that was literally the conclusion he reached on his own when it came to dating. He understands that Shannon loved them and that there was love between Eddie and Shannon, but he only thought about the way she left that love. We also have everything about Marisol. Everything about her is about babysitting Chris, so he has a decent relationship with her, and she was moving in. I doubt that Chris didn't know that, but that's another development that got canceled and we know Marisol is not here to stay, so yet another relationship Eddie completely fumbled.
So take all that and put it next to the idea of Eddie and Buck becoming a couple. We know buddie is endgame. We outsiders with all the information watching as all-seeing gods waiting for them to just get their shit together know that when they get together, there's no separating them, that's it. Chris doesn't know that. He knows he loves Eddie. He knows he loves Buck. He knows none of them ever managed to make a romantic relationship work. And he thinks that romantic love means leaving. So Eddie and Buck dating means losing Buck. The only conclusion Chris is gonna reach here is "Buck is gonna leave" so he's gonna freak out. He's a teenager. Half of being that age is feeling things too intensely and the other half is reacting as intensely. He reacted like that to the idea of Ana and it wasn't even about someone he knew yet. Chris having The Tamtrun about Eddie dating someone he loves makes perfect sense. Because Chris doesn't know what a successful relationship looks like, sure, there are his grandparents, but he's not around them enough, and even then his grandfather travels a lot for work anyway so what would he have seen when he was kid, and a kid learns love from their parents. Eddie and Shannon were a disaster from Chris pov. They loved each other but she still left, so what does it take for a relationship to work? Because isn't it the thing we teach kids with fairytales and stuff? That love conquers it all? But he understands enough to know that's not true. Chris may know Buck and Eddie love each other in some degree, the same way he knows he loves Buck, and the same way he knows Buck loves him, but the instinct there would be to fight the change in their relationship because he doesn't want Buck to leave. If everyone Eddie or Buck dated disappeared from his life, what's stopping Buck from leaving him if they break up? Most likely scenario is that he would get big mad at Buck because the change in the dynamic will trigger his abandonment issues, and he's 13, so he's not gonna be rational about it. And that would create some interesting tension in the way that when Chris is mad at his parents, he opens up to Buck, if he's mad at Eddie and Buck, who is he gonna open up to? This is absolutely the type of thing that would make their dynamic stronger in the long run, but it would take a minute for Chris to get to the point where he's ready to talk about the fact that he's scared of the change, it would even take him a minute to probably get to that conclusion himself, because again, the horrors of being 13 are real. Chris himself might struggle to figure out why does the idea make him mad. And Buck and Eddie can't reassure him if they don't know what's wrong. They can't promise they won't break up either. So how do they navigate that?
Because Chris is the priority, they would never do anything that would hurt Chris intentionally, but I also think they would be like "I don't want to break up because he's mad" because that would be proving Chris' fear that they won't stay together right. And I kinda think this is the only route they can go with Chris' reaction because this isn't some "my divorced parents are getting back together" situation, Chris has no reason to hope for Buck and Eddie to get together, so I don't see how he would've already processed that. Sure, if they had gotten together when Chris was 10, he probably would've been a lot more chill about it, but Chris as a teenager? He's gonna freak out. That's literally the only logical conclusion here. And considering the beginning of the season, and the way he was handling dating, AND the way he opened up about it to Buck, all the pieces for that to happen are on the table. Buck has a relationship with Chris outside of Eddie, and obviously, Buck and Eddie are, yk, *motions vaguely* but actually getting Buck and Eddie together would add tension to the existing dynamic between the 3 of them. And it is a way to add conflict to buddie without adding the idea that they don't love each other or don't know how to handle the switch or might not be good at being a couple, because navigating this situation would just prove how solid they are. It's all there. The question is if they are gonna go for it or not.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
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appreciate you staying with him. carla offered to bring him to her house, but, uh, i figured this was overwhelming enough without having to sleep in a strange bed. he doing okay? better than me. uh...i kind of lost it when i told him you got shot. i-i’m sorry. i should’ve held it together. you were there for him when i couldn’t be. that’s what matters. still. i think it might have been better for him if i was the one who got shot.
[Image ID: four square gifs of Evan Buckley from 9-1-1 episode 4.14, "Survivors" in the hospital, after Eddie talks to Christopher and Carla:
GIF 1: Buck laughing self-deprecatingly as Eddie asks if Christopher is doing okay.
GIF 2: Buck apologizing to Eddie for losing his grasp on his emotions when telling Christopher about Eddie getting hurt. His expression is apologetic, slightly creased as he looks at Eddie.
GIF 3: Buck, in disbelief, saying "Still" with a furrowed brow, emotion shining in his eyes.
GIF 4: Buck looking away from Eddie as he says that it would've been better for Christopher if he was the one who got shot instead of Eddie, looking like he believes his words whole-heartedly. His expression is emotional, eyebrows furrowed to make him look like he's in pain.
/end ID]
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[BONUS ID: a square gif of Eddie Diaz laying in his hospital bed, an oxygen cannula hooked up to his nose, turning to look at Buck, clearly appalled by Buck's words even through his exhaustion. /end ID]
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sibylsleaves · 1 year
from the love to the lightning
5k | rated T | read on ao3
But when Buck tried to ask him if everything was okay with him, Eddie just said, “Me? Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?"
And Buck really didn’t have an answer for that so he let it go.
Because Eddie doesn’t hide that stuff from him, anymore. Not since the day Buck broke down his bedroom door and found him sobbing in a heap on the floor.
So when Eddie says everything’s okay, Buck believes him.
or, after the lightning strike, Buck recovers. Eddie doesn’t.
Healing is slow. Buck knows this. He’s done this before. Last time, he was too eager, probably, to get back to work.
This time, he’s learned how to be patient.
The first week, his parents hover around the loft, offering to do anything and everything for him, even though Buck is definitely capable of microwaving his own soup and fetching his own pillows. But he can’t deny it’s nice to have their attention. Their care. Although he can’t help but be afraid that the minute they get on the plane back to Pennsylvania, it will evaporate again.
The rest of the 118 gets back to work, and Buck surprises himself by only feeling a little jealous that they get to be out there while he’s stuck on his (brand new) couch. After their parents depart, Maddie takes a few extra days off from dispatch to make sure Buck’s taken care of, although he suspects it’s more to keep him company than anything.
But actually, Buck’s days are far from lonely. Because most of them—the weekends and the afternoons, anyway—he spends with Chris. Sometimes Chris and Carla. Sometimes Chris and Eddie, when he’s not on shift. And sometimes just the two of them.
It’s strangely like the time they spent together after the tsunami. Chris is older now, of course, almost a full-blown teenager instead of a round-cheeked eight-year-old, but he’s just as attached to Buck now as he was then. Maybe even more so.
When Buck heard about the ICU caper that Chris, Eddie, and Carla managed to pull off during Buck’s time in coma dream purgatory, he almost started crying on the spot. When he asked Chris about it, Chris just said, “I had to talk to you.” Like that was that.
“I’m really glad you came to see me,” Buck told him. “Even if it was against the rules. I heard you, you know. Your voice, telling me I had to come back. I heard it.”
“I knew you would,” Chris said, and Eddie, who was standing by the kitchen door watching them, looked away.
It’s nice, that Chris wants him around so much. Buck really doesn’t have much else to occupy his time while he recuperates, and it’s pretty hard to feel sorry for yourself when you’re hanging out with the coolest kid in L.A. They even go to PT appointments together, because Buck got a referral for Chris’s clinic, since they specialize in neurologic physical therapy.
“Hey, hope you two are hungry!” Eddie greets as Buck and Chris tromp through the door after a particularly rough session. 
“Starving!” Chris exclaims.
Buck looks at the takeout boxes on the dining table. “Is that Tito’s? Did you get—”
“Chili con carne?” Eddie asks, reaching into one of the bags and pulling out a foil-wrapped burrito.
Buck loves him so much in this moment he wants to cry. Instead, he takes the proffered burrito, but he must be staring a little too much because Eddie drops his gaze and starts digging in another bag for chips.
“What’d you two get up to today?” Eddie asks as Buck and Chris both sit down. 
Christopher launches into a blow-by-blow of their day. Eddie laughs and smiles and makes jokes in all the right places, but Buck can’t shake the feeling that something is off. 
It’s a feeling he’s been having ever since he got out of the hospital.
(keep reading on ao3)
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I’m sick and tired of hearing “buddie is never going to happen” because buck is with tmmy. Like I’m sorry. It pisses me off so much because for those who have watch since s1, we have wanted queer buck for SO LONG and we always were told “you guys are delusional” or “it’s never gonna happen” by the GP AND the SR”. IN IN INTERVIEWS canonically, at the time, THEY ALL talked about buck as STRAIGHT. 9-1-1 s1 came out in 2018 and here we are in 2024. It took them 6 years to make bi buck. As a buddie and someone who viewed these characters as queer coded, i always knew on FOX, it wasn’t going to happen. But now on ABC they made bi buck in ONE EPISODE. ONE!! Of course you are going to see posts about BuckTommy because people they are a couple who touch and kiss. We are to believe in a heteronormative society, that’s what shows you aS bi/queer/gay/etc. what we do know, in the show, the buck and Eddie/Christopher dynamic is the most different from everyone else in the show. Buck and Eddie both have been queer coded from the beginning of the show and NOW we are being policed as to what we are allowed to think? If anything, those same individuals who are policing your thoughts about gay/queer Eddie, they better have been shocked/angry/confused about bi buck if they “NEVER” viewed buck as a queer coded character. They scream “endgame” but yet has less screen time than Natalia. Ali had less but even her character we knew them AS A COUPLE. how are you screaming “endgame” but never did with Ali, Taylor, or Natalia or when buck said “i think she sees me”. Did they forget the way Oliver spoke about Natalia and bucks relationship after the finale? That’s what gets me??? While everyone (myself included) was happy we got bi buck and (yes even Tommy), but that was BEFORE i remembered who he was as a character. You need to ask, Are people excited because Buck is bi and dating/kissing tommy or simply because he’s a bisexual character who happens to be DATING A MAN. I’ve seen more of those people who ship BuckTommy, defend Tommy previous actions but then blame buck for his and don’t LOOK INTO the relationship for what it is. Becuase if they did, if Tommy was a FEMALE LI, her character would be getting ripped to shreds. Not dressing up. The disgusting comments. Not caring for buck. I can go on lol.
but if he was simply the “fun uncle” why did they make buck be the one to tell Christopher what happened to his dad? Why make Chris call buck when his dad was breaking down. Why did Chris leave to buck on the chances of his dad dating again. Why does the show continue to have buck be involved in HUGE moments in Chris’s life. Why involve buck in 7x10. Why CONTINUE to have him be there with the Diaz family? When Christopher left. Why? Why? Why? Why have the show allude to “good cop bad cop” and BOTH answering no. Why, “he takes Christopher there all the time” (the zoo). Why does buck essentially have be there, for Chris, after his dad is in the hospital ? Carla was already there and yet he’s there? Eddie has the breakdown? Buck takes him to school. Buck helping Chris with his school projects/homework? Buck Diaz having multiple dinners together? That’s the fun uncle? Where is all this with bucks own niece? Last but not least, they LOVE to use “Buck is a scapegoat” in 7x10 but Eddie himself says to Buck “I-I don't need you to explain it to him, I just...I need you to check in on him. I'm worried. He won't come out”. There he is never one asking anything of buck but to simply see how Chris is doing after everything. NEVER does he try to sway Chris’s opinions or trick him or anything of the sort. It reminds me of the talk Chris and buck had in earlier seasons of where Chris ran to buck. And buck and Chris simply had a heartfelt talk. Where is dynamic between chimney and Denny? They had 1 SCENE throughout the whole 7 seasons. Chim and hen have been friends LONGER. Where there the dinners scenes. Where are the school projects?
This season unfournately had 10 episodes. They did bi buck in 1 episode. BuckTommy had 3 dates (failed pizza date), second coffee date (where Buck gets Tommy order wrong and invites him to the wedding literally days after coming out?(SPEEDING RUNNING THE RELATIONSHIP) and then the dinner scene. 2 kisses. That’s it. Nothing special in comparison to his previous relationships. I’m sorry. This season in terms of Eddie, he also SPED RUN (or attempted) to with M. He moved her in quicker than when he was dating Ana. And yet, when he saw all her boxes, when does he do? Asks her to move out”. But why? It shows he’s more interested in her than Ana right? What gets me, is, in both relationship, specially Ana, they were lovely. I liked them together. What stopped them from being married. If Eddie ONLY wants a mother role for Christopher, there was his oppporotuinity. But just like Shannon told Eddie “i don’t need a provider, i need a husband”. If Eddie and Ana, were to get married, he would need to be IN LOVE WITH HER. Not only become a “step mom” to Chris. Eddie admitting he has catholic guilt. This season, AGAIN, was a continuation of Eddie doing for Christopher. He wants Christopher to have a “mother role”. Going into s8, this will be the first time, he has no girlfriend and NO CHRISTOPER. When was the last time this? Oh i didn’t know? Maybe before HE MET SHANNON!! Eddie had to grow up at the age of 10. He had to be “the man of the house”. He wasn’t allowed to be like his friends. Why he allowed to cry, was he allowed to express any emotions? This was at the age of 10. I can see this season Eddie going back to his childhood and having the opportunity to understand who is he WITHOUT his son and a partner.
I desperately hope we get an Eddie Begins Again episode this season… like you said. It would do him a lot of good to see what went wrong before he knew Shannon and had Chris. It would also make for some amazing Buddie moments interspersed with young Eddie moments.
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begebege28 · 3 months
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This is by no means hate to this individual, but I’m sick and tired of hearing “buddie is never going to happen” because buck is with tmmy. Like I’m sorry. It pisses me off so much because for those who have watch since s1, we have wanted queer buck for SO LONG and we always were told “you guys are delusional” or “it’s never gonna happen” by the GP AND the SR”. IN IN INTERVIEWS canonically, at the time, THEY ALL talked about buck as STRAIGHT. 9-1-1 s1 came out in 2018 and here we are in 2024. It took them 6 years to make bi buck. As a buddie and someone who viewed these characters as queer coded, i always knew on FOX, it wasn’t going to happen. But now on ABC they made bi buck in ONE EPISODE. ONE!! Of course you are going to see posts about BuckTommy because people they are a couple who touch and kiss. We are to believe in a heteronormative society, that’s what shows you aS bi/queer/gay/etc. what we do know, in the show, the buck and Eddie/Christopher dynamic is the most different from everyone else in the show. Buck and Eddie both have been queer coded from the beginning of the show and NOW we are being policed as to what we are allowed to think? If anything, those same individuals who are policing your thoughts about gay/queer Eddie, they better have been shocked/angry/confused about bi buck if they “NEVER” viewed buck as a queer coded character. They scream “endgame” but yet has less screen time than Natalia. Ali had less but even her character we knew them AS A COUPLE. how are you screaming “endgame” but never did with Ali, Taylor, or Natalia or when buck said “i think she sees me”. Did they forget the way Oliver spoke about Natalia and bucks relationship after the finale? That’s what gets me??? While everyone (myself included) was happy we got bi buck and (yes even Tommy), but that was BEFORE i remembered who he was as a character. You need to ask, Are people excited because Buck is bi and dating/kissing tommy or simply because he’s a bisexual character who happens to be DATING A MAN. I’ve seen more of those people who ship BuckTommy, defend Tommy previous actions but then blame buck for his and don’t LOOK INTO the relationship for what it is. Becuase if they did, if Tommy was a FEMALE LI, her character would be getting ripped to shreds. Not dressing up. The disgusting comments. Not caring for buck. I can go on lol.
For example, ppl view buck as the “fun uncle” to Chris BUT
but if he was simply the “fun uncle” why did they make buck be the one to tell Christopher what happened to his dad? Why make Chris call buck when his dad was breaking down. Why did Chris leave to buck on the chances of his dad dating again. Why does the show continue to have buck be involved in HUGE moments in Chris’s life. Why involve buck in 7x10. Why CONTINUE to have him be there with the Diaz family? When Christopher left. Why? Why? Why? Why have the show allude to “good cop bad cop” and BOTH answering no. Why, “he takes Christopher there all the time” (the zoo). Why does buck essentially have be there, for Chris, after his dad is in the hospital ? Carla was already there and yet he’s there? Eddie has the breakdown? Buck takes him to school. Buck helping Chris with his school projects/homework? Buck Diaz having multiple dinners together? That’s the fun uncle? Where is all this with bucks own niece? Last but not least, they LOVE to use “Buck is a scapegoat” in 7x10 but Eddie himself says to Buck “I-I don't need you to explain it to him, I just...I need you to check in on him. I'm worried. He won't come out”. There he is never one asking anything of buck but to simply see how Chris is doing after everything. NEVER does he try to sway Chris’s opinions or trick him or anything of the sort. It reminds me of the talk Chris and buck had in earlier seasons of where Chris ran to buck. And buck and Chris simply had a heartfelt talk. Where is dynamic between chimney and Denny? They had 1 SCENE throughout the whole 7 seasons. Chim and hen have been friends LONGER. Where there the dinners scenes. Where are the school projects?
This season unfournately had 10 episodes. They did bi buck in 1 episode. BuckTommy had 3 dates (failed pizza date), second coffee date (where Buck gets Tommy order wrong and invites him to the wedding literally days after coming out?(SPEEDING RUNNING THE RELATIONSHIP) and then the dinner scene. 2 kisses. That’s it. Nothing special in comparison to his previous relationships. I’m sorry. This season in terms of Eddie, he also SPED RUN (or attempted) to with M. He moved her in quicker than when he was dating Ana. And yet, when he saw all her boxes, when does he do? Asks her to move out”. But why? It shows he’s more interested in her than Ana right? What gets me, is, in both relationship, specially Ana, they were lovely. I liked them together. What stopped them from being married. If Eddie ONLY wants a mother role for Christopher, there was his oppporotuinity. But just like Shannon told Eddie “i don’t need a provider, i need a husband”. If Eddie and Ana, were to get married, he would need to be IN LOVE WITH HER. Not only become a “step mom” to Chris. Eddie admitting he has catholic guilt. This season, AGAIN, was a continuation of Eddie doing for Christopher. He wants Christopher to have a “mother role”. Going into s8, this will be the first time, he has no girlfriend and NO CHRISTOPER. When was the last time this? Oh i didn’t know? Maybe before HE MET SHANNON!! Eddie had to grow up at the age of 10. He had to be “the man of the house”. He wasn’t allowed to be like his friends. Why he allowed to cry, was he allowed to express any emotions? This was at the age of 10. I can see this season Eddie going back to his childhood and having the opportunity to understand who is he WITHOUT his son and a partner.
For reference i added the interviews Oliver talked about buck and Natalia after s6 finale. One would say, screams endgame right? “Things are aligning for them”
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deluweil · 2 years
This! This scene, with dream Christopher, it's love and sadness and acceptance.
Christopher asks Buck if he can help him find his dad.
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Buck apologizes and tells him that he's not real. And that he's got to go.
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Then he says something peculiar, I'm always going to feel guilty for that one.
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Guilty for what?
Losing Christopher in the tsunami and not being able to get him back to Eddie?
For letting Eddie get hurt, and not being able to get him to his dad during his stay in the hospital because of covid regulations?
Maybe it's Buck feeling that even though he co-parents Christopher with Eddie, he's not really his kid.
But then it occurred to me that Christopher symbolizes the baby that will biologically belong to Buck but won't be his.
He apologizes to the child who will grow up not knowing his biological father, and may find out the truth at some point and will come looking for Buck, the way Denny, now went to meet his bio dad, trying to figure out who he is and where he came from.
Because Christopher is already Buck's, maybe not biologically, but Buck has been helping Eddie raise him for a long time, he's always there for his Diaz boys, he's never failed them, no matter how at times he thought he did.
But this scene comes after Buck's realization that he was the game changer in Eddie's and Christopher’s life, having introduced them to Carla, so this isn't necessarily old baggage, but rather Buck acknowledging and maybe briefly mourning the loss of a kid who biologically is his, but will never be his to raise.
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babygirl-diaz · 11 months
In It For the Long Haul (Buddie Fanfic)
((Based on a prompt I got: Eddie gets second degree burns on a call and Buck has to carry him out))
“This is it. This is how I’m gonna die,” Eddie thought to himself as he lay there face first on the ground and watched everything around him get engulfed by fire. He couldn’t move. A piece of the ceiling had fallen on his back, pinning him to the floor as he was attempting to leave after getting everyone out of the house. He was trying to push it away and get up but he didn’t have enough strength left in him. His once pristine gear was now tattered, which made it easier for the flames to burn him. He screamed in pain and tried pushing the concrete ceiling off of himself again, but failed. 
As he began to lose consciousness, he thought about Chris. Chris, who was still so young. Eddie wondered if he would still remember him if he died here today. Buck would take good care of him. Give him all the love Eddie would have given him and some more. Buck, god, Buck would probably do something reckless and put his own life in danger. Eddie really hopes he doesn’t because Chris is going to need him more than anything. Thoughts of Buck and Chris started to disappear from his mind as he started to lose consciousness. He was ready to let the flames engulf him when he heard voices. 
Eddie opened his eyes to see someone with an oxygen mask hovering next to him. He then heard a familiar voice, “Eddie, Eddie, stay with me!” 
“B-Buck?” Eddie’s voice sounded so small and broken to his own ears. 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me, Eddie. Just keep your eyes open. Please,” Buck begged him. 
“Am I dead?” Eddie asked. 
“No. And I won’t let you die.” There it was. Buck’s determined voice. 
Soon the flames started to dissipate around them, and the pressure was soon off his back. He cried out simultaneously in pain and relief as they lifted the ceiling off his back. 
“Buck, we got it!” Eddie heard Bobby say. 
“No! I wanna be the one to do this!” 
Eddie noticed as Buck struggled to pick him up. Even through the mask, Eddie could see there was anguish and deep-rooted fear in his boyfriend’s eyes, which then turned into something more determined. Eddie groaned in pain as Buck hauled him up, threw him over his shoulder and practically ran out the door.
Everything was a blur after that. Eddie vaguely remembered the ride to the hospital. He remembered the commotion around him before darkness took over him. 
Eddie heard the beeping before he opened his eyes. Bright lights made him groan and close his eyes again.
Eddie heard a familiar voice and slowly looked over to find Buck standing there with a concerned look painted across his face. 
“Hey,” Eddie greeted him hoarsely. 
“Oh, Eddie, thank god you’re awake.” 
Eddie could see the relief on his boyfriend’s face. He looked so tired. There were bags under his eyes and he looked like he hadn’t slept for days. “Are you okay?” Eddie asked worriedly. 
Buck let out a humorless laugh. “I should ask you that.” 
“I’m good,” Eddie replied and tried to smile. 
“Of course you are,” Buck huffed. “Gave me the scare of my life and says he’s okay.”  
 Eddie noticed the bandages on his arms and he could feel one around his torso too. “How bad is it?”
“They said you have second-degree burns,” Buck replied. “But you’ll make a full recovery in a couple weeks.” 
“That’s good,” Eddie said, relaxing his head against the pillow. “Where’s Christopher?” 
“Christopher’s in the waiting room with Carla,” Buck replied. “He insisted on coming here, and I let him, but then we got caught.” 
“Of course you did,” Eddie let out an amused chuckle. “You’re terrible at being discrete.” 
“I guess I am,” Buck replied and gave Eddie a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I thought I lost you,” he said after a while. 
“But you didn’t,” Eddie pointed out. “I am here for the long haul.” 
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Buck & Eddie: Their love is in the looks they share
The love they have for each other is in the looks they share with one another.  Buck's and Eddie's true feelings for each other were shown from the beginning and they were and have continued to be VERY LOUD. They started intensely looking at each other in 2x1 "Under Pressure" during their first argument on Eddie's first day and it happened inside of the firehouse gym.  Buck was breathless while he stared at Eddie and Eddie bit his lip when he stared back at Buck.  The looks they shared between them only intensified as time progressed including the ones they shared later in the same episode while they were both inside and outside of the ambulance dealing with the grenade Charlie had in his leg.  They intensified even more and as a result of that intensity, their looks have morphed into one of the ways they communicate with each other and includes their silent conversations. 
The looks they gave each other in 3x9 "Fallout" while they were in Buck's kitchen were not only intense, they were filled with a lot of sexual tension.  Buck putting his hand on this belt buckle while he deeply stared into Eddie's eyes illustrated exactly what he "wanted" to do to and with Eddie.  Then he escalated the sexual tension when he asked, "Do you want to go for the title?".  Eddie showed that he was all in and he agreed with it when he slightly nodded his head while he sipped his beer.
One of their most intense looks happened in 4x14 "Survivors" while they were in the back of the 133's firetruck.  It was a CHOICE to have Eddie look directly into Buck's eyes before he went unconscious.  It was almost like he was telling Buck, "I love you" with one final look because he thought he was never going to get the chance to tell him.  Remember, Carla told him to follow his heart but he waited too late and almost missed his chance.  Buck's responding look was just as intense as Eddie's look because he was looking right into Eddie's eyes right before Eddie went unconscious for the last time.  Buck's heart shattered into a million pieces. It was like the ground underneath him opened up to swallow him whole and he knew he wouldn't survive if Eddie died.  He returned to his catatonic state after they got Eddie to the hospital and he remained that way until he made it to Eddie's house to talk to their son, Christopher.
In 5x1 "Panic" while they were in the loft of the firehouse, playing pool with the rest of the 118, the way their eyes met while no one was looking also included one of their silent conversations and it was easy to see how Buck was jealous because Eddie's relationship with his girlfriend was getting serious. Based on Eddie's responding look, it seemed like Eddie might have told Buck his relationship wasn't serious and it may have happened during one of their off-screen conversations.
The look Buck gave Eddie in 5x5 "Peer Pressure" after he said he was putting in for a transfer was filled with sadness and anguish. He was talking to Ravi but he was looking at Eddie the entire time that he was talking.  It was like he wanted Eddie to know that even though he was planning to leave the 118, he wouldn't be leaving him and Eddie's responding look was like he was telling Buck, 'I've baby trapped you and you're not going anywhere'.  But after he asked Buck, "Who replaces me?" and Buck said it would be Cap's decision, Eddie ran his hand over his face like he wanted to say, 'Buck, we just talked about Maddie and Chimney so WTF happened after I left your loft?'  The audience knows what happened and it was TK's advice that confused Buck because he was fine after he talked to Eddie in 5x4 "Home and Away".
They've always been tactile with the way they communicate with one another and they've continued to touch, smile and look at each other but the intense looks they've shared had to be intentional.  Some of the main cast members have mentioned during interviews that there's little to no improvisation during filming.  Therefore, Buck's and Eddie's deeply intense interactions were either already included in the scripts and/or the person directing the episodes was told by the decision makers to capture them so that they would be included in the final edit of those episodes. It appears decisions were made and they continued to make them throughout 6A even when it seemed like Buck and Eddie were being purposefully separated and not allowed to talk to each other on-screen.
Let's be real, people who are best friends, bros, platonic friends, in bromances and are work partners DO NOT LOOK AT EACH OTHER THE WAY BUCK AND EDDIE LOOK AT EACH OTHER.  The looks they share are of two people who are madly in love and who can't live without each other.  Will their intense and sexually tense scenes increase in 6B? Only the showrunners, writers and producers know the answers to that question.
GIFs 1-8: 2x1 Under Pressure
GIFs 9-10: 2x4 Stuck
GIFs 11-12: 3x9 Fallout
GIFS 13-14: 4x4 9-1-1 What Your Grievance?
GIFs 15-16: 4x5 Buck Begins
GIFs 17-18: 4x14 Survivors
GIFs 19-20: 5x1 Panic
GIFs 21-22: 5x5 Peer Pressure
GIFs 23-24: 6x1 Let the Games Begin
GIFs 25-26: 6x9 Red Flag
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buddieswhvre · 1 year
The Butterfly Effect
(a snippet)
/Post lawsuit, a sniper shoots Eddie, and Buck gets stuck in a timeloop/
cw: mention of getting shot, coma, injury
A loud bang followed by a splash of warm liquid all over Buck’s face. It was all so overwhelming that for a moment Buck’s mind was numb. It can’t be - this must be something else except the loud thud that followed with Eddie’s body falling to the floor was unmistakable. The sight of his best friend, his confidant, and his partner in every sense was agonizing. It was as if his chest was compressed, and every breath was becoming painful as seconds passed.
“Eddie!” Buck’s scream rang through the empty apartment. Empty and lifeless just like he felt right now. Eddie was hurt, he was hurt, and Buck couldn’t do anything to lessen the pain. His best friend was still fighting for his life in the hospital, but Buck, like the coward that he was, was hiding in his loft. Leaving Christopher with Carla was almost as hard as leaving Eddie in the hospital but he knew it was necessary or at least that’s what others told him.
He picked up his phone to check for any messages only to find it switched off. Figuring that he could drop by the station to get his charger before going to the hospital, Buck rushed towards his car.
The footsteps that would usually be feathery and light while walking into his second home, were heavy today. It was as if every step drained him like he just run a marathon. The nametag ‘Diaz’ in the locker room was like a big glass of cold water on Buck that left him shivering even in the hot weather. Eddie was not here, he wouldn’t be for a long time. With Eddie in a coma, Buck wasn’t sure when things would be normal again, if things would ever be normal anymore.
“Hey Buckaroo, welcome back!” Hen’s chirpy voice came from behind and a sense of deja vu fell over Buck.
“Sorry, Bobby is still not in a celebratory mood but I got a cupcake for you. It bleeds when you cut it.” Buck knew that he had heard these words before but his confused mind couldn’t place it. Moreover, how was Hen so happy and didn’t Bobby already forgive him? 
“Hen, Eddie-”
“I know Buck-���
“Eddie, what?” A voice. A snarky voice that Buck was so used to hearing. He could hear the same voice from miles ahead and still recognize it. Recognize the brown-eyed man who was standing in front of him with annoyance painted all over it. It can’t be - It surely can’t be what Buck was seeing right now. His mind must be playing a game with him because wasn’t Eddie shot? Wasn’t Eddie in a coma? Buck knows that because he spent hours crying near his bedside. 
But the one standing in front of him was also his Eddie. The same Eddie that was angry at him and yet cared for him. So what if this was a dream? Buck would still cherish it with all of his might. He rushed towards Eddie forgetting about the cupcake that nestled in Hen’s hands.
“Eddie, oh my god Eddie, you are okay, you are okay,” Buck repeated it like a mantra while checking Eddie all over to check on him. His hands were removed from Eddie’s body who looked even more annoyed.
“What even is your problem?” Eddie said angrily before rushing towards the locker room. 
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
What do you think it might mean to have Eddie wearing Buck's blue henley (or a copy of it at least) from 2x01 in the upcoming episode?
Hey Nonnie
I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about seeing Eddie in that blue Henley!! For starters it is definitely the same blue Henley Buck wears in 2x01! Eddie just doesn't wear blue all that often (18 times out of 140+ non uniform costumes!) so the fact that we have him wearing blue and not only blue but a blue Henley we've seen before on Buck is an interesting choice and hints at a couple of things. We of course need to remember we have no idea which scene/scenes this Henley is appearing in and who those scenes will be with and that may have an impact on why this particular Henley was chosen.
Firstly we have the scene we saw Buck wearing this blue Henley - in season 2 - he gets home to find Maddie in his shower having mistaken her for Abby, we have Buck cooking for Maddie and having a conversation about lying low/ hiding out before Buck shows her a picture of Abby.
The most interesting and probably important part of the conversation is the 'Eat, Pray, Love'  section. The idea that Abby is out exploring the world, but actually exploring herself and getting in touch with herself on a sexual level. Its especially interesting when we think about Buck comparing himself to Ana in season 5 because; Abby had a serious relationship which didn't end on her terms, she then dated Buck (having been pushed into it by Carla) to get herself back out there before leaving to escape and find herself. its implied that Abby slept around a bit before meeting Sam and finding her happily ever after with him.
Its interesting how that concept kind of ties in pretty well with Eddie's own dating trajectory - his relationship with Shannon didn't end on his terms, he dates Ana to get himself back out there (having been pushed into it by Bobby) and now we've got him going on a few dates as he figures himself and what he wants out, before in theory finding his version of Sam (cough Buck cough) and getting his own happily ever after.
Eddie dating around and actually discovering himself in a romantic and possibly sexual sense - something we've been give enough clues in canon to know hasn't really happened before now. Whatever his dating life is going to look like in the next couple of episodes (cough Marisol cough) its going to be about him exploring rather than settling down in a serious relationship - the settling down comes after the exploring in the same way it did for Abby.
The other side of the coin is the Eddie wearing blue. Like I said, its not a colour we see him in often, In fact we only see him wearing blue (other than his uniform obviously) a few ties - I'm including denim shirts in this 
2x04 - dark denim shirt -Eddie is with Abeula in hospital - Carla comes in with Chris 2x07 - Navy blue suit - touring Durrand School - light blue denim shirt - Shannon comes round to discuss Christophers new school 2x10 - light blue marl tee - Eddie and Shannon have sex and Chris comes home 3x03 - light blue denim shirt - Eddie drops Chris back off at Bucks post tsunami 'Theres no one I trust more with my son than you' scene 3x04 - (more teal than blue but I'm including it) Chris wakes from a nightmare 3x09 - navy blue tee - Therapy with Frank - post fight club 3x12 - dark blue waffle sweater -Eddie gets called to Christophers school - meets Ana 3x18 - light blue button up shirt - Mays graduation party 4x08 - mid blue denim shirt - Eddie introduces Ana to Chris as his girlfriend 4x14 - navy blue tee - Hospital - the Will scene 5x10 - navy blue shirt with dot pattern - Chris wakes from a nightmare 5x14 - light blue/lavender long sleeve tee - dream sequence in kitchen with Chris 5x17 - white henley with a blue shirt over the top - Christophers bedroom - conversation with Buck and then in Texas seeing family 5x18 - navy blue shirt with dot pattern, blue blazer -HenRen vow renewal 6x08 - dark blue distressed tee - Eddie helping Chris get ready for his school dance 6x09 - dark blue shirt - Eddie asleep on his couch 6x13 - Blue check suit for the Poker game
The thing I hope you're picking up from these occurrences is how much they are tied to family. every single one of the scenes when Eddie is wearing blue represents a key moment in Eddie and Christophers family life and how it is developing. Central to it all is Chris as all of the scenes are connected to him in some way even when he isn't present (perhaps especially when he is not present) even the scene in Franks office in season 3 is about Eddie not wanting Chris to end up like him, while the shirt and blazer worn to HenRens vow renewal is very much focused on strong family dynamics - especially his dynamic with Chris as we see in the flash forward/back scene.
However, in season 6 we have started to see the blue break away from being quite so tied to Chris and family dynamics and be a bit more focused on Eddie from 6x09 - its interesting that we see this split happen when Bobbys voiceover is talking about the Santa Anas coming to an end and the city resting before the cycle starts again. Eddies arc in that episode is about Eddie 'separating' himself from Chris - becoming more than just a father (and firefighter) and because the editing ties that scene to Buck and the blue check suit worn to the poker date connecting so heavily to Buck seeing where this next blue shirt is worn is going to be interesting.
Its because of this use of blue on Eddie that I'm inclined to think that the reuse of this Henley is more to do with it being blue and therefore about some key moment in the Diaz family dynamic/ the Buck and Eddie dynamic than it being connected to potential eat pray love experiences, although its entirely possible that both concepts are valid and correct in this case as we do have Eddie wearing Blue in connection with Ana (and with Shannon although she was less of an eat pray love thing!).
Until we know more about which episode its is definitely for and who else is in the scene its impossible for me to parse out meaning as I haven't seen the script and so much of what I glean from the costumes the wardrobe team put the cast in is derived from the text - which is the same way the Costume designer would make the decisions they have about the costumes we see on screen. Without that text for context, I really am only guessing as to the meaning of a costume and I'll always lean more into colour theory than I would anything else which is why if pressed I'm more inclined to think that they are reusing the Henley for the simple reason that its a Henley in blue. Eddie wears a lot of Henley's - its a key part of his wardrobe - and if they needed a blue one, why spend more money when you already have one in stock (I would have different feelings if it was Buck rewearing it rather than Eddie being seen in it for the first time, then it would definitely be about connecting the scenes) especially when Buck doesn't wear Henleys any more, so I am more inclined to lean towards it being worn in a key moment for the Diaz family/ Eddie and Buck's dynamic in some way over the eat pray love connection because of the Eddie in blue of it all.
Sorry I can't really give you a more focused answer than that, I just really have so little context to go on because even the bts gives us no vague context to work with!!!
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