#career woman
hibiscusbabyboy · 27 days
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Name Aesthetic:
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etherealbabexoxo · 3 months
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There's something cute and girlboss about breaking up with a boy who doesn't support your career! 💋
Go get those internships! 🎀 Go find a mentor in your field! 👒 Make smart decisions that are not controlled by a man!! 😤😤
If your boyfriend is limiting you!! Limit his privileges by breaking up with him!! 🥰🥰🥰
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aledisini · 1 year
Perempuan dan karir.
Perempuan bekerja untuk siapa? Diri sendiri pasti nya. Makannya perempuan bekerja itu dekat dengan aktualisasi diri. Walaupun ada juga perempuan yang jadi tulang punggung keluarga. Tapi tanggungan nafkah kewajiban nya dibebankan di pundak laki-laki.
Dulu pernah, gue dinasehatin panjang lebar. Jadilah muslimah yang berdaya, yang di rumah nya sukses tapi di luar rumah juga sukses. “Di rumah” disebut duluan sama beliau. Karena yaa di fiqh nikah tercatat jelas al ummu madrasatul ulaa. Ibu adalah madrasah pertama. Siapapun dia di luar rumah sesukses apapun dia, begitu kembali ke rumah dia seorang ibu, seorang istri, seorang anak perempuan. Family comes first before anything.
Lalu untuk apa perempuan bekerja?
Jawaban nya ada di buku yang gue baca 2 tahun lalu sebelum dapat kerja, yang terlupakan terus baru inget akhir-akhir ini. Perempuan bekerja untuk menjadi contoh. Jadi qudwah hasanah. Karena pada dasar nya aturan agama yang berkaitan dengan wanita karir itu cuma sedikiitt, walaupun kalau dikaitkan memang banyak. Jadi, perempuan yang bekerja bertanggung jawab atas diri nya sendiri, atas berbagai pilihan nya. Hitam putih nya pekerjaan dia semua nya ada di tangan dia.
Kebetulan umi gue juga kerja. Beberapa tahun yang lalu pernah ada rencana pensiun dini, setelah istikhoroh panjang dan minta pendapat sana sini. Batal. Inget banget umi gue dibilangin, “perempuan yang bekerja kaya kamu itu sedikit, kalo bukan kita yang mensyiarkan siapa lagi? Nanti di masa yang akan datang, kamu bisa jadi rujukan untuk perempuan lain yang ada di dunia yang sama”. Persentase jumlah perempuan di dunia profesional itu lebih kecil dari laki-laki. Apalagi muslimah, mengecil lagi angka nya.
Jadilah muslimah yang berdaya, yang punya kekuatan. Ini bukan berarti gue mengecilkan perempuan yang nggak kerja. Setiap kita memilih jalan ninja masing-masing untuk menuju surga kan? Semua nya sama-sama indah dan penuh lekukan. Tinggal bagaimana kita menyikapi dan melewati nya.
Semangat untuk kamu yang sedang berjuang di ladang masing-masing. Selamat menyeka peluh dan menyemai senyum.
Selamat Hari Kartini! Hidup perempuan Indonesia!
Selamat lebaran juga, taqabalallahu minna wa minkum shiyamana wa shiyamakum.
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frodothefair · 1 month
The recent post referencing “Professor and Mrs. Tolkien” made me remember this.
Mr. Nisile and I on our last vacation, checking into the hotel.
Receptionist: are you Mr. and Mrs.?
Me: (looks her dead in the eye) Doctor and Mr.
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mindfullymariah · 8 months
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My hair is getting so long
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christinaking · 2 years
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Going into the week with my nails done, brows done, my hair blown out, fresh lashes. Bring it on, world ✨
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I've noticed that Christian women have an identity crisis. We have to be a mother or a "career woman" to feel like we're enough. If we don't have one, we try to obtain the other to make up for our feelings of unworthiness. In some cases, we feel if we don't do both, we are failing.
Men, on the other hand, don't seem to have this crisis. They don't feel like working makes them less of a father. They don't feel like fatherhood makes them less of an employee. They are able to accept their existence with less strings attached.
(Read this blog post for the solution...)
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newsontheplateau · 9 months
Empowering women
Hey guys check out my site
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queenie435 · 11 months
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gaaaaaaaayypr · 2 years
My brain cells want me to be a housewife but my lesbianism needs me to be a career woman.
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I finished high school with the highest honors and went to college at my dream university. All while serving my community as a youth representative. Long story short, I was on top of my game. A bright future was expected of me. But things took a turn when I got pregnant only a couple of months after graduating college.
For the entire duration of the pregnancy, I thought that it would be easy for me to get back on track career-wise thinking that I have all the qualifications. I am degree holder with years of serving the community hence a semi professional work experience. But motherhood is so much more than I expected it to be. It was a lot of work. Sometimes a little too much that it drains me.
Being a mother reminded me of how important it is for me to have a career. But at the same time, I might have unconsciously used it as an excuse to be stagnant career-wise. Rationalizing not having a career as a normal and automatic sacrifice of motherhood. But of course, I had to make ends meet, so I was able to still find a job so I'd have a source of income. I earn not as much as I hoped to, but just enough to pay the bills. Just when I was doing something that at one moment I thought I could make an incredible career with, baby fever overruled me, and I decided to have a baby again. Due to health concerns, childbearing meant another career pause for me.
A quarter after giving birth, I am back on track to finding a job. This time I am trying to find a job that pays me enough to sustain two kids and is flexible enough so I can still be a hands-on mom. I am also looking for one that will keep me mentally sane and make me grow professionally. I have submitted a few applications, and I've received feedback on only a few of them. To be honest, it frustrates me. I always perceived myself as an achiever. Someone any employer would be interested in. However, reflecting on how my life has been in the past 5 years, I've come to the realization that maybe I am not, or at least, I no longer am.
This entire process of finding a job that would give me the opportunity to professionally grow while being the mother that I aspire to be is harder than I thought. But more importantly, it has been humbling me. The process has been telling me to put my feet back on the ground. Telling me how much I should be working on myself. And this is very frustrating for someone who's used to getting what she wants in a snap.
I know that some of the coming days will be even more frustrating. I don't know what to do with this fact, but this is a good start, right? Acknowledging that I am feeling frustrated and acknowledging that I have things to work on with myself is a good thing, right?
I guess that's all for entry one. This mama needs to take a nap before either of the kids wake up and yes, good luck with my interview this morning.
**About the photos | pic 1: a quick snap before a job interview. Went to our shop's stockroom to avoid noise but ended up in a noisier one; pic 2: what I looked like after more than an hour of interview. Pumping my breastmilk because my ~~ are engorged and unsafe for little one to latch.
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quotesfromall · 2 years
No one was more effective than Catharine Beecher in convincing school reformers that the key to their whole enterprise was the preparation and hiring of low-cost female teachers. Beecher was anxious to create a niche outside the home for single women like herself and was willing to accept second-class citizenship as thee means to an educational and professional career for women
James W. Fraser, The Common School Movement
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minamimoriblog · 1 month
From Rants to Runway: My Journey into Fashion School
Hey readers! I just had to hop on here and spill the beans about my latest adventure. It feels like we’ve been on this journey together for 8 years now, and if you’ve been with me since the start in 2017, you’ve seen me evolve and grow in so many ways. From ranting about things I hated to now, where I’m opening up about my life as a woman and a single mom. Let’s rewind a bit. The past year or…
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moonlightaisha · 3 months
No one knows how annoying it is to be asked "when will you have kids?" It's like a requirement when you reached the age of 30 😔
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wellnesswithaleenalir · 3 months
My Work From Home Essentials
I could go into a long detailed explanation about how working from home has become popular and begin to describe to you all what remote work is and what it truly entails. Blogs like this drive me crazy, simply because I am way too busy to be spoken to like I’m stupid. Remote work has been around since before COVID, and COVID quarantine seems to have further popularized remote work. So, in the interest of saving your time and mine, we’ll keep this as simple as possible! 
I’ll share a short list of the things I absolutely cannot function without while working from home, but first - a few basic disclaimers (or better said) a better understanding of what it is I do for my “9-5” job, so you can understand how these tools have been useful and effective for myself and the role I play at work.
So… what does Aleena do for work?
If you can believe it, I’m a fitness manager for a gym located in Downtown Los Angeles… but I work remotely. I’m probably the only fitness manager on the planet that works remotely, most people can’t imagine this job being something that can be done remotely. Moving away from Los Angeles and transitioning to remote work allowed me more time in my schedule to also take on the marketing responsibilities of the gym, so in addition to being the fitness manager I am also the marketing coordinator. So… in short, I manage the fitness and marketing teams of a small luxury boutique gym. I love what I do, although it can admittedly be monotonous at times, I find so much joy in the fitness industry and I get to be creative with my work too!
Working remotely requires an extreme amount of organization, especially when I have 25 direct reports. So here are the tools I use (external to my organization) that keep me on track. These tools also make it easy for me to catch up when I fall behind.
Hands down the best free software I have ever used. I introduced Notion to our gym about a year ago. Since then it’s been the crux of our gym, but has also been beyond useful for me in my own matters relating to work. In Notion you are able to build out your own private pages in which you can take your own notes, create your own databases, and organize your own information. I use the private pages on Notion to keep track of road maps and growth plans for my team. I also use it to schedule the deadlines I set for myself that are internal to projects.
I’m a huge fan of time blocking my schedule, and it’s proven even more useful since I’ve transitioned into remote work. One thing about being a manager and working remotely - I get to create my own schedule. I show up to my desk at home when I want to, and I leave when I want to. This means, I need to stay active in building my schedule effectively to make sure I get my work done. Apple’s calendar app has been such a huge lifesaver. I used it before I moved away and was still working in the space, but it’s usefulness has tripled since then. I time block every hour of my waking days, and the push notifications allow me to stay on track with the hours I schedule for myself.
I have a tendency to group things, almost to fault. Running two departments can be exhausting and there is so much to keep track of. The Teacher Planner by Erin Condren has made this incredibly helpful. I relabel categories from the top and bottom to fit the categories associated with work the and dates I show up for work. This allows me to stay on track with projects, deadlines, communications, and literally anything else that may be thrown my way.
This one is a bit random. I worked at Starbucks for three years when I was in college. After far too many flat whites and blonde drip coffees, I realized I had to scale back on my caffeine intake. I switched to Earl Grey tea about 2 years into working there and since then Earl Grey has been a staple in Aleena’s pantry.I quite literally can’t sit down at my desk without my cup of tea. I suggest everyone find a soothing and mildly stimulating beverage to start their day with and to build a routine around the preparation of that beverage. I might’ve picked this habit up from my father. He had a daily morning routine in which he would get ready, wake his kids up for school, and while we sat at the dining table eating breakfast he was making himself a cup of coffee in a travel mug. I would look at him thinking “that is such an adult thing to do” and perhaps as an adult I’ve found it a necessary part of feeling like I’m having a productive morning. 
I do most of my work on a computer, but with my physical planner comes a need for a pen. I always recommend finding a pen that does more than just write. And yes, a pen is a pen is a pen, but THIS pen hasn’t let me down since I was in middle school. No other pen writes the same way this pen does, at least in my opinion and my experience. We’ve all had that moment when we write with a pen for the first time and think “wow, that’s a good pen.” I think a huge part of enjoying your work is enjoying the things you use to complete your work, so I choose to use these pens and these pens only for work related notes and planners. It just makes the process that 0.5% more enjoyable. Find the pen that soothes you. 
These are my absolute must haves to sit at my desk and get my workday started. What are yours?
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letmusicspeaks · 5 months
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