shinemon311 · 4 months
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inbarfink · 9 months
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hibanakabu · 2 years
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“Casey is an interesting Pokemon. I see it when I’m in the Isle of Armor, it just kind of floats around and teleports when you try to approach it.”
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Arquiusprite, Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Rosesprite, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 7583-7588
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Abra cafiddling dabra you silly shootnerds
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> My e%ceedingly STRONG work as the party's premier bodybuilding hacker is done
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Off I go
JANE: ...
ROXY: ur wake!
JANE: Roxy?????
JANE: U'r alive!
JANE: Er, you're!
ROXY: so are you!
ROXY: you were dead last time i saw you and also before i found u sleepin here but now ur awake and also alive!
JANE: Yeah!
JANE: You were dead too, because I...
JANE: But now you're??
JANE: Oh god, Roxy, I'm so sorry I,
JANE: I wasn't thinking straight when...
JANE: Please forgive me. :(
ROXY: aw janey you dont gotta worry about whatever sad incident that frowns about
ROXY: thats all water under a bridge from a reality i got no recollection of and therefore dont matter at all
ROXY: by which i mean......
ROXY: this reality here, so ok the reality is still KIND of relevant because we are literally inside of it atm
ROXY: but im new here!
ROXY: i came over to keep being roxy since the old one died or whatever thru hecka debacles
JANE: That... is quite an explanation!
JANE: Jeez, I missed you.
ROXY: cmere u extravagant bitch!!!
JANE: Hahah!
JANE: (Wait... what?)
JOHN: the hug pile doesn't stop from getting taller.
JOHN: the hug pile! there are more hugs, rose.
ROSE: I can see the hugs. I don't understand the pile thing.
JOHN: oh. don't you remember?
JOHN: a funny quote from one of dave's old comics!
ROSE: Ah. Yes, vaguely.
ROSE: It's been a long journey, John.
ROSE: I believe one of the most valuable lessons that comes with growing up is gaining the wisdom that gently informs you when it's time to retire a meme.
JOHN: heh...
JOHN: i guess i never earned that handy badge, or whatever.
JOHN: i like this, though. every time someone wakes up, or pops out of nowhere, it's fun times all over again.
JOHN: i feel like i should be playing reunion bingo.
JOHN: who will be next??
JOHN: my money is on the long awaited and insanely poignant reunion between me and casey the salamander.
ROSE: Surely you mean the dear Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer, right?
ROSE: And instead of you, you mean me.
ROSE: That's when the real tears will flow.
JOHN: what do you think she's up to?
JOHN: no, she is my beautiful daughter. :p
ROSESPRITE: Something tells me the good Viceroy has been busy.
ROSESPRITE: I sense he's been... scheming.
ROSESPRITE: Biding his time.
ROSESPRITE: Accruing dark legions.
ROSE: That sure is a thing that would be dumb, if true.
JOHN: hi nanna!
JOHN: jane, i mean.
JOHN: sorry, it's an easy mistake to make, because you're my nanna!
ROXY: lol
ROXY: real smooth shit john
JANE: Hello!
JANE: A pleasure to meet you, John. Or, poppop, as I used to know you.
JOHN: hehe, yeah so i heard!
JANE: You look so...
JANE: Young.
JOHN: thanks!
JOHN: so do you.
JOHN: my nanna, who used to be ashes on my fireplace, regained her old womanly visage when i turned her into a sprite, and she helped me along the way.
JOHN: so nanna is a sprite! did you know that?
JANE: Um... no?
JOHN: i thought you should know that. she's probably around somewhere. i hope you can meet her.
JOHN: oh, also, i'm your son technically. did you know that??
JANE: Yes.
JANE: It is... a pretty strange fact!
JANE: But also pretty cool.
JOHN: yup!
ROXY: ooh jane thats my daughter there say hi to her!!!
ROSE: Hi, John's hot mom.
ROSE: (Aw shit.)
JANE: Haha...?
ROXY: also thats umm ANOTHER version of rose who died and then i buried and a stupid cat unburied her for some reason and prototyped her
ROXY: so say hello to my cool floaty double daughter!
JANE: Hi, Roxy's hot double daughter.
ROSESPRITE: (Rose Prime, I believe you may have just been owned.)
ROSE: (God damn Dave's contagious-ass Freudian boners.)
JANE: Wow, I feel so out of the loop! Sorry if I still seem disoriented from my... nap, I suppose it was?
JANE: Or impromptu troll-coma.
JANE: Roxy, you have to clue me in on what happened here! Where are Dirk and Jake?
JANE: And for that matter, John, where are your other friends? Oh, Jade! Where is she? Is she still asleep?
ROXY: hey janey that is all like a lot of stuff to say and everything goin on here is faaairly complicated and heavily peopled
ROXY: dont worry ill ease you into comprehending shit again ;)
ROXY: well ok cliff notes are: jake fucked off somewhere and dirk recently fucked off BACK here through a window but he left again pretty quick...
ROXY: dave went with dirk at wherever their fucking off too now, i think to get ready for some swords fightin, and yeah jade is still asleep but a coupla trolls lugged her off somewhere safe for now
ROXY: the REST of the junk im still sorting out myself bcs like i said im new to this exact plane of shenanigans
JANE: Yes, you mentioned that.
JANE: I still don't know what you meant by...
JANE: Wait!
JANE: You and John came from another reality, where everything went horribly, right?
ROXY: m-hmmm!
JANE: I just remembered. Really, it's been such a rollercoaster ride for my memory, since I fell asleep.
JANE: Your and John's travels were a critical part of the illustrated story we reconstructed through our memories with Callie.
ROXY: wat!
ROXY: you saw callie in your dreams????
JANE: I did!
ROXY: hoh man
ROXY: how is she!
ROXY: i saw her in a dream a little while ago and we talked about lots of stuff
ROXY: she looked like a troll then
JANE: Yes, her trollsona! She had hers on when I saw her.
JANE: And we had ours on too!
JANE: She seemed to be doing well.
JANE: Nervous, of course, since she was hiding. But we passed the time with our stories.
JANE: It was a lot of fun! I'm so happy I got to meet her.
JANE: I wonder if I'll ever get the chance again?
ROXY: wellll...
ROXY: now that u mention it
ROXY: it IS one of my chief objectives to go lookin for her asap
ROXY: aaand not to be THAT ROGUE n brag all heavy but i MAY be in better touch with my void powers now
ROXY: soo maybe i stand a p good chance of trackin her down?
ROXY: cus i GOT somethin for her
JANE: You do?? What? :B
ROXY: just a lil presie, nbd
JANE: ...
JANE: I see.
ROXY: (s'magic to)
JANE: WOW!!!!!!!!!!
JANE: Ahem, so,
JANE: You mean a ring, then.
JOHN: yeah!
JOHN: oh man, that's a great idea roxy.
JOHN: you should try and give it to her as soon as you can!
JOHN: then maybe we can all meet her before we ramp up for this battle?
ROXY: hmm yeh!
ROXY: u think i can do it?
JOHN: sure!
ROSE: I like your chances too.
JASPERSPRITE: Me too roxy! :3
ROSE: I also have some experience helping people along in the right direction, when it comes to navigating the abyss.
ROSE: Maybe I could assist?
ROXY: yeah maybe!
ROSESPRITE: I'm pretty sure I have experience performing literally the exact same task, in a slightly different context.
ROSESPRITE: So maybe I can double assist?
JOHN: see roxy? everyone thinks you should do it, because they all believe in you.
JANE: That's right!
ROXY: shucks fuckers ._.
ROXY: yall killin me here <3
JASPERSPRITE: Meow im so happy!
ROXY: frigglish u silly bastard whats up?
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr purr...
JASPERSPRITE: All the humans being so close together and happy and friendly purr purr.
JASPERSPRITE: Its making me really excited and happy too and making me feel like i want to be a part of everything!
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr and get close to a nearby person and be happy at them with my body purrrr...
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, what are you...
JASPERSPRITE: I cant help it rose i want to cuddle im feeling so pleased and friendly! :3 :3 :3
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, no,
ROSESPRITE: No, don't!
JASPERSPRITE: :3 purrrrrrr
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abrastroubles · 7 months
This blog is for an untitled Mewtwo Dojinshi by いなり (Inari) on pixiv. All credit to the artist, please be sure to check out their account.
The comic itself is untitled, but the first chapter was titled Casey's Troubles, with Casey being the Japanese name for Abra. I decided to use that title for the name of this blog.
Start reading here.
Or by chronological tag.
Please note, that while I am not fluent in Japanese, I am not relying on AI to automatically translate this comic. This may take me some time, as I want to make sure that the text fits and is easy to read. This comic is also just over 400 pages long, so please bear with me.
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maximumcatfeels · 2 years
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I think I did ok!
I will be squishing the stuffing out poor Abra due to anxiety tho.
RIP poor Casey.
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fiddletwix · 1 year
My Poke-Pinions #63-65: Abracadabra, Alakazam!
Abra Name: I absolutely love this line’s name scheme of Abracadabra Alakazam. While Abra on its own is nothing to really write home about, it’s really clever and cute when connected with at least Kadabra’s name. In Japan, it’s known as Casey, which is just too normal of a name to English ears for me to think it fits at all. It’s just awkward to call a Pokemon “Casey.” Being fair, it’s based on…
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quikyu · 3 years
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ourbastardofsorrows · 4 years
i mean abras been my fav since i was a kid but now that im older its just so funny to pair the chronic insomniac with the pokemon that sleeps through most of the day
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shinemon311 · 3 months
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askkrenko · 4 years
Kadabra has returned!
After 20 years, Uri Geller has given Nintendo permission to start using Kadabra in merchandise again.
Who is Uri Geller and why was it his decision, you ask?
Uri Geller is a ‘psychic.’ AKA a magician. His gimmick is having psychic powers and bending spoons with his mind.  He popularized the spoonbending thing.
But anything can bend spoons, right? Heeere’s the thing.
In Japanese, the Pokemon aren’t named Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam. They’re named after three well-known magicians. Abra is named Casey, after Edgar Cayce, a psychic who went into trances and was known as “The Sleeping Prophet.”  Alakazam is named Foodin, which is basically what you get when you try and translate “Houdini” into Japanese.  Here’s the thing, though,  Edgar Cayce and Harry Houdini are long dead.
Kadabra in Japanese is named Yungerer, which is pretty clearly a Japanese-equivalent of Uri Geller.
So Uri Geller got pissed that they’d made some sort of monster version of him, sued Nintendo, and though the court case was never noticeably resolved, Nintendo stopped using Kadabra in merchandise outside of the games. 
Earlier this month, Uri Geller agreed to just let Nintendo use the Pokemon that’s obviously him with no further lawsuits, so Kadabra should be returning to random merch soon.
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harukadrawsthings · 2 years
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Currently away from my home so I don't have access to my usual drawing equipment. I very rarely use my Android to draw anything digitally and this sketch shows xD. When Destiny starts her journey as a Pokémon Trainer she's unlucky for accidentally catching a Spearow with a very bad temper.
Do not repost. Do not modify. Always credit me!
Twitter || Ko-Fi
Commissions will be fully open starting at 1st September (1 slot available)
Destiny © HarukaDrawsThings
Spearow and Abra © Nintendo/TPC
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grim-grimmsnarl · 2 years
tbf kadabra's japanese name is literally "yungeller"
That’s fair, but the entire Abra line is named after famous magicians in Japanese. Abra’s Japanese name is Casey (ケーシィ) after Edgar Cayce and Alakazam’s Japanese name is Foodin (フーディン) after Harry Houdini. While those magicians had long passed away before the creations of the Pokemon, I can’t find anything about their families being upset about their names being used as Pokemon. I still think it’s a silly thing to get mad over, there was definitely no bad intentions with the naming.
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gabbysdawsons · 3 years
abra x clint for the couples ask??
also asked by @oliviahxlts!
I mean its impossible to not have a little Dawson and Casey inspiration
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oh oh oh the Jake and Amy vibes are perfect for them too
a little too perfect tbh
especially in this gif
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honestly there’s a touch of Jim and Pam
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little sliver of nick and jess too, but mostly for the roomates vibe and not the slow burn vibe
like I can see them doing this
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and finally there’s some green arrow and black canary inspiration in there
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shinegone · 3 years
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subject  line :  ❛ muns  of  canon  muses  questions ❜ from : @upshuring​
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05.  what  is  an  aspect  of  your  muse’s  canon  material  or  canon  existence  that  you  never  had  the  opportunity  to  explore,  but  really  want  to ?
     oh  there  is  so  much  i’d  love  to  get  into  with  his  life !  mainly  his  teen / young  adult  years  are  what  i  tend  to  really  want  to  explore  because  that’s  the  content  that’s  just  missing  entirely.  after  his  mother’s  death  would  just  :(((  the  pain  but  ???  i’m  really  one  of  those  people  that  wants  to  fill  in  all  those  GAPS !!  but  POST-CANON  stuff  too  is  really  neat  as  well  and  i’d  love  to  build  stories  for  dan  long  after  his  canon  timeline  ends.  oh,  and  i’m  super  sensitive  about  this  stuff  but  i  really  would  like  to  explore  those  really  bad  years  for  him  i.e  being  a  heavy  alcoholic  that  moves  around  constantly, never  really  holding  anything down.  but  since  those  are  really  heavy  subjects  i  want  to  engage  with  them  in  a  way  that  doesn’t  romanticize  or  woobify  it  since  dan  isn’t  particularly  the  best  person  around  those  years.
13.  what  canon  character  do  you  really  wish  your  muse  could  interact  with  more ?
    more  characters  based  in  doctor  sleep  for  sure  !  the  whole  frazier  town  is  full  of  characters  and  stuff  but  mainly  billy  freeman,  dick  hallorann,  lucy,  david,  and  abra  of  course.  doctor  john,  and  casey  k.  would  be  welcome  interactions  as  well   !  the  cast  of  doctor  sleep  is  very  small  so  there’s  only  so  many  i  am  thinking  of  atm.  though  i’m  completely  open  in  terms  of  like  . . .  other  canon  characters  from  like  other  fandoms  and  as  always,  i  love  interacting  and  worldbuilding  with  ocs  ♥  
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mokkemusic · 5 years
Sub Episodes OS or other Pokeshipping/Misty Mentions/Cameos that are translated!
Full Sub episodes by kissanime.au (NOTE: This list does not include the movies cause all have been subbed even Master Mind of Mirage Pokemon)
(DP Buizel your way out of this)
(SUB ONLY, NO ENGLISH TITLE) Ep250 (The Ice Cave!)
Ep167 A Hot Water Battle (The Three of the Jungle! Battle in the Hot Springs!!)
Ep164 Carrying On! (The Carrier Poppo of the Poppo Store!)
Ep152 The Totodile Duel (Who Gets to Keep Waninoko!? Satoshi VS Kasumi!) Ep148 No Big Woop! (Lots of Upah)
Ep146 Tricks of the Trade (Sonansu and the Pokemon Swap Meet!!)
Ep70 Go West Young Meowth (Nyarth’s A-I-U-E-O)
Ep46 Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon (Resurrection!? Fossil Pokemon!) Ep45 The Song of Jigglypuff (Sing! Purin!) Ep44 The Problem with Paras (Paras and Parasect) Ep43 The March of the Exeggutor Squad (The Great Nassy Squad Match!) Ep42 Showdown at Dark City (Showdown! Pokémon Gym! ) Ep41 Wake Up Snorlax (Wake Up! Kabigon!) EP40 The Battling Eevee Brothers (The Four Eievui Brothers) Ep39 Pikachu’s Goodbye (Forrest of Pikachu) Snow Way Out! (Iwark as Bivouac) (Not Aired) Holiday Hi-Jynx (Rougela’s Christmas) (Not Aired) Electric Soilder Porygon (Computer Warrior Porygon) Ep37 Ditto’s Mysterious Mansion (Metamon and the Copycat Girl) Ep36 The Bridge Bike Gang (Stormy Cycling Road) Ep35 The Legend of Dratini (The Legend of Miniryu) Ep34 The Kangaskhan Kid (Garura’s Lullaby) Ep33 The Flame Pokemon-athon! (The Great Fire Pokemon Race!) Ep32 The Ninja Poke-Showdown (Sekichiku Ninja Showdown!) Ep31 Dig Those Diglett! (Lots of Digda!) Ep30 Sparks Fly for Magnemite (Do Coil Dream of Electric Mice!?) Ep29 The Punchy Pokemon (Fighting Pokemon! The Great Battle!) Ep28 Pokemon Fashion Flash (Rokon! Breeder Showdown!) Ep27 Hypno’s Naptime (Sleeper and Pokemon Hypnotism!?) Ep26 Pokemon Scent-sation! (Erika and Kusaihana) Ep25 Primeape Goes Bananas (Don’t Get Angry, Okorizaru!) Ep24 Haunter versus Kadabra (Ghost VS Esper) Ep23 The Tower of Terror (Capture at the Pokemon Tower!) Ep22 Abra and the Psychic Showdown (Casey! Psychic Showdown!) Ep21 Bye Bye Butterfree (same title) Ep20 The Ghost of Madien’s Peak “The Ghost Pokemon and the Summer Festival) Ep19 Tentacool & Tentacruel (Menokurage Dokukurage) Ep18 Beauty and the Beach (Holiday at Aopulco) Ep17 Island of the Giant Pokemon (same title) Ep16 Pokemon Shipwreck (Pokemon Adrift) Ep15 Battle Aboard the St. Anne (Battle on the St. Annu!) Ep14 Electric Shock Showdown (Electric Shock Showdown! Kuchiba Gym) Ep13 Mystery at the Lighthouse (Masaki’s Lighthouse) Ep12 Here Comes the Squirtle Squad (Enter the Zenigame Squad) Ep11 Charmander - The Stray Pokemon (Stray Pokemon - Hiokage) Ep10 Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village (Fushigidane of the Hidden Village) Ep9 The School of Hard Knocks (Pokemon Victory Manual) Ep8 The Path to the Pokemon League (The Road to the Pokemon League) Ep7 The Waterflowers oc Cerulean City (The Suichūka of Hanada City) Ep6 Clefairy and then Moon Stone (Pippi and the Moon Stone) Ep5 Showdown in Pewter City (Nibi Gym Battle!) Ep4 Challenge of the Samurai (Challenge of the Samurai Boy!) Ep3 Ash Catches a Pokemon (I Caught a Pokemon!) Ep2 Pokemon Emergency! (Showdown! Pokémon Center!) Ep1 Pokemon-I Choose You! (Same title)
WRITTEN these are all credited to @zdbztumble AG132 The Scheme Team (Enishida and the Battle Frontier!) Ep273 Gotta Catch Ya Later! (Goodbye…and Then, Setting Off!) Ep267 Love, Pokemon Style (League Preliminaries! Battle of the Magmarashi Flame!!) Ep216 Dueling Heroes (Whirlpool Cup! A Big Battle in the Water Colosseum!!) Ep100 Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon? (Nidoran’s Love Story) Ep93 Navel Maneuvers (Navel Gym! Snowy Mountain Battle!) Ep91 Bye Bye Psyduck (Goodbye Koduck! Come Again Golduck?
So that is everything I can find. I wanted to make this list for myself as a catalog of what I am still hoping one day to find or someday will be translated. I think the top ones that still need to be are.. (this is going in the order of what I would want most-least and not chronological)
AG Ep44 The Princess and the Togepi (Enter Kasumi! Togepy and the Mirage Kingdom!!)
AG Ep55 A Togepi Mirage! (Other Side of the Mirage! Togepy’s Paradise!)
Ep52 Princess vs. Princess (Fierce Fight! Pokemon Girls Festival)
EP61 The Misty Mermaid (Hanada Gym! Underwater Battle!)
Ep217 The Perfect Match! (Satoshi VS Kasumi! The Final Battle in the Whirlpool Cup!!)
Ep132 For Crying Out Loud (Crybaby Maril)
Ep103 Misty Meets Her Match (Yuzu Gym! Type Battle 3 VS 3!!!)
Ep110 The Stun Spore Detour (Nyoromo and Kasumi)
Ep157 The Fortune Hunters (Pokemon Fortune-Telling!? Battle Royal!)
Ep169 Hook, Line, and Stinker (Azumao! Fishing Battle!!)
Ep183 Troubles Brewing (The Five Sisters of Eievui! Battle at the Tea Convention!!)
Ep193 Sick Daze (Takeshi Collapses! A Dangerous Camp!!)
Ep155 Forest Grumps (Ringuma Shock!!)
Ep206 The Joy of Water Pokemon (The Nurse Joy Who Hates Water Pokemon!? Kasumi’s Angel)
Ep226 Espeon, Not Included (Eifie and Sakura! Enjoy City Once Again!!)
Ep256 Just Add Water (Ryugu Gym! Battle in the Water!)
Ep121 Illusion Confusion! (Hoho and the Mysterious Forest!)
(OS)Ep50 Who Get’s to Keep Togepi? (Who Gets to Keep Togepy!?)
(OS)Ep57 The Breeding Center Secret (The Secret of the Breeding Center)
This is another thing I mean when I say “If anyone would like to help with this project in any way” I have already started to message a translator for work on some specific clips. It is going to cost to me so I have to pick and choose. So if someone does have something not on this list and knows a translator or anything that could be of some help and lower my bill it would be greatly appreciated. I want this so much for myself so thats why I will do some translations out of pocket but when I do have translated clips I will be posting them for your benefit too. So if anyone wants to help.. please do message me. Maybe you have something i’m not aware of already translated or on the back burner and if so I would really appreciate hearing about it :)
If somehow I actually had the SUBS for specific scenes in my possession I would do all the editing and embed them into the clips themselves. Even if they are just written translations it would be helpful.
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