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TW - light violence
“You haven’t told her anything?” Cormoran blew smoke in the air as he leaned against the marble mantle in the great study of Casperius’ mansion, and cast his brilliant blue eyes over to his brother, who was now scowling at him with a matched set of his own. Cormoran’s eyes weren’t too friendly either, nor was his tone.   He couldn’t believe his brother was so daft as to get himself in the situation that he was in.  Mattheus hated them and if he caught wind that Casperius had a female of interest she would as well of had a target on her forehead.  Oh, their youngest brother wouldn’t kill her.  No, see that would end things and make it too quick for his liking.  What Matty would do, it would be much, much worse and both of them knew it.  
“When exactly does one bring up that you have a younger brother that wishes you dead, your older brother dead, and to take over the deal making empire you’ve run for millennia?  It’s not exactly something that comes up with a sprite that you haven’t known too long, Cor.”  Casperius rose from his chair, needing to get out some of the tense energy that he was feeling pent up inside him at the moment.  It wasn’t that he HADN’T thought about telling Teni, it was that he didn’t know HOW to tell her.  Not to mention telling her what Mattheus might do if he ever found her would terrify her, and he was afraid that would only drive her away.  Mattheus was a cruel bastard, something more than one female that had caught either of his older brothers’ eyes had found out the hard way.  They all had been left alive, but they were never the same; some devolved into madness til they were taken out by someone else, and others ended their own existence.
“Is she at least safe from him?” Cormoran asked after taking another drag, his irritation at the situation increasing.  His intense eyes hadn’t left his brother, who was now pacing the length of the large room.  Cormoran was studying him as one might study a caged animal, it wasn’t just Cormoran’s questions that were being used to scrutinize Capserius, so was his gaze.  He was barely containing his anger at his younger brother.  How could Casperius be so stupid as to not take precautions?  It wasn’t that Cormoran didn’t want Casperius to have love or someone in his life, but doing so without them was just opening both of them, and the poor unwitting female, up to a world of troubles.  Had Casperius learned nothing from the past and the repeated heartbreak it had brought to both their doorsteps?
“She isn’t even here in Imperium, on Earth, or in Caligo.  Her realm is one of forests and mountains that I’d never seen before until one of our clients wanted to meet there because it’s so clandestine that he was sure none of his associates would know of it.  There is no reason Matty would go there.” Caperius stopped and cut a sharp look over at his brother.  In truth, he hadn’t even considered Mattheus showing up where Teni lived.  After all, he had just found her by accident on the day they met.  Could his brother do the same some time when he was there for some other reason and Casperius was as well,  and therefore find out about her?  His heart seemed to stop at the thought and he felt like the demon’s brew he had was about to reintroduce itself to the room.
“Are you a complete dumb fuck?”  Now Cormoran had gone from just angry to completely and utterly enraged.  Casperius had lost all sense and put everyone in danger over a quick fuck?  Maybe not a quick fuck, the girl sounded nice, but his brother had lost his sense of self preservation and that could get both of them killed, and he didn’t want to think about what would happen to the girl. “She’s out there with no protection AND no idea someone could be hunting her because of you?” Cormoran’s arm shot out to point out the window.  “You invite me over here to tell me about wanting to make things more serious with her, and you’ve never thought to mention any of this shit to her?”  His one hand continued to gesture as he tried to control himself from beating sense into his brother since it was clear that all that Casperious had previously contained within his skull had leaked out his ears somewhere.  “She means so much to you according to you, but you’ve not given one thought to what Matty did to the last woman you just liked, not even loved.  Do you remember the state she was left in, what was left of her psyche when he was done with her?”  His jaw clenched, teeth ground, and his eyes flashed as he pushed off of the mantle and started to stalk over towards his younger brother, his posture and gate those of pure aggression.  His eyes had gone pure yellow, fangs dropping as he prepared for a physical confrontation.  They were pretty evenly matched in size, but at the moment, with how enraged he was, Cormoran was pretty sure he was going to kick Casperius’ ass without much problem.  “GET HER and get her safe before you ruin everything for everyone!  Either you do, or I do.  Full. Fucking. Stop.”  There was a tick starting in his jaw and it had his brother backing up. “I don’t think she’ll like it much if I do.  She might not like you too good afterwards either.” The look on Cormoran’s face was nie on a murderous rage.  
“If you hurt her -” Casperius started, his eyes going ice white as he started to challenge his older brother.  His hands balled into fists, white sparks crackling off of his skin, he was ready for a fight as well and a beat down if Cormoran even thought of breaking one hair on Martenique’s head.  Yeah, maybe he hadn’t thought of Mattheus, but that didn’t mean he was stupid and it didn’t mean he was careless.  Besides, she had those damned vines that always tripped him up.  They could protect her, couldn’t they? Give him time to get there if she needed him?
In a split second Cormoran had him against the wall by his throat, his fingers curling in to give Caserperius just enough air to not pass out.  He’d moved so fast that Caperius hadn’t even seen or felt them move, but he sure as fuck felt the impact of his back against the rock solid plaster.  If his brother’s earlier demeanor hadn’t indicated how completely exasperated he was, this move certainly did.  “You want to stop fucking around and have one girl, great. But you aren’t going to put all of the rest of us on the line to save one of your asses because you didn’t cover them.  Matty is unstable and we have no clue where that fucker went after that last confrontation.  So go fix your shit before I do it for you, because I guarantee that if I do, she’s gonna know everything, little brother.”  Cormoran’s face moved closer to Casperius’. “EVERYTHING.”
As suddenly as he’d grabbed him and throttled him, Cormoran was back on the other side of the room at the mantle and lighting up another cigarette.  “So which is it, little brother?  You or me?”  Casperius was still pinned by his brother’s glare and neither had released their tension.  Eyes still shining bright it was now a silent face off across the room from one another.
“I will.” Casperius finally replied, the thumping in his head not dissipating from where he’d been slammed into the wall that didn’t even dent under the force.  “And when she’s here, you’ll be nice. You hear?  This shit stays away from her til I can figure out how to tell her all of it. Or at least what she needs to know.” As enraged as Cormoran was, Casperius was in protection mode and he’d slaughter anyone who made her so much as cry.  “She knows kinda what I do, I can make it so she stays inside the manor. Horace and Gracie (the cook) will help.”  Casperius was still defiant and his jaw was set as he stared at his brother.  They rarely fought, but when they did, it was often one for the ages.  Last time they’d leveled someone’s house, this time it might have been Casperius’ own if both of them were not more concerned with keeping an innocent being from feeling the wrath of their younger brother.  “Anyone hurts her and I will take pleasure eviscerating them and feeding them their own entrails.  Ya know?” 
Cormoran relaxed back against the mantle with a sarcastic huff and sardonic smirk.  His anger was not abated, but for the moment he was satisfied that it was going to be handled and handled quick.  The point had been made to Casperius, and he knew his brother well enough to know that if the girl meant even a fraction of what he’d told him, then Casperius would do great and terrible things to anyone that did harm her.  “Yeah, I do.  I can see you doin it too.  But you gotta keep your head on your shoulders with her, Cas. Til we know what’s goin on with Matty, we can’t let our guard down.  If this girl is that important, I don’t know how you let this slip.”  His eyes closed and his head shook, memories of what had happened to some of his past loves flooding behind those closed eyelids to make his heart clench.  Guilt bubbled up from the depths he tried to keep it locked away in, threatening to overwhelm and drown him in it if he allowed it.  All three brothers might be demons, they might enforce the contracts that were freely and willingly signed, but neither of the two older brothers were violent and brutal sadists like Mattheus was to complete innocents.  They had their code and they stuck to it.  Mattheus had no code and enjoyed torture, torment, and suffering. It was that fact that had Cormoran forcing the guilt back down and locking it away once more.  He had to keep his head, just in case Casperius slipped in any way.
“It’s been a while since we’ve had a run in with him, that’s all.”  It felt like their father was back from wherever he’d fucked off to with the way Cormoran was dressing him down; but Casperus guessed he couldn’t blame him too much. Being immortal did not mean they weren’t able to be hurt, or, fuck all, killed.  He’d been so enamored with his gorgeous little sprite that he’d gotten careless, his brother was right.  She meant too much to him to not make sure that she would be safe in the future though.
“When we’re done here, I’ll go and get her.  Bring her back by whatever means necessary.  Good enough?” Casperius raised his brows and tipped his head, looking at his brother to ensure that the conversation was concluded.  They had other business to discuss and he really didn’t want to get in another fight with Cormoran over this.
“For now.” Was the only reply he got, but it seemed the matter was settled.  He knew his older brother though and this topic WOULD come back up, most certainly after they’d been introduced.  
“We have business to talk.” Cormoran walked over and sat in one of the dark burgundy leather wingback chairs that faced Casperius’ desk.  “There are contracts getting ready to expire, and we need to make sure we are poised to collect, and that we aren’t..” he paused with a smirk on his face, “distracted….” His point made, based on the deep breath his brother took and nodded, it was truly time to move on to business that they could not delay on.  If they did, then they might have contracts expire without consequence.  That was not something they could allow to occur.  Let a few beings slip and then everyone would think that they could get away with shit.  Not. Going. To. Happen.
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
Friday Kiss Tag
@writingpotato07 had open tag, so here we go.
I'm going to tag @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @silvertalonwritblr (i hope it's okay to tag y'all)
This snippet comes from an upcoming chapter of Casperius and Martenique. There may still be some editing that needs done so forgive if it is a little rough.
There was a warmth that spread across Casperius’ chest when she agreed.  His heart seemed to tighten.  Now she WAS his, and he was going to ensure she stayed that way.  “And the deal.  I promise that there are no other catches to it.  You want me to learn your language, I am just putting some incentive to both of us for it.” He grinned and pulled her a little tighter.  
“Okay, we have a deal too.”  She smiled, still nervous and feeling a little overwhelmed.  He was like none of the males she’d ever met.  Martenique wanted to know all about him, so if nothing else she would get that and it would be easier to talk to him.
“Seal the deal with a kiss?” Casperius knew he was pressing it, but he’d figured out she was pretty innocent and uninitiated into the darker parts of the Universe and creation at large.  If he was going to get what he wanted, he was going to have to be patient and move slowly.  This was at least one where he didn’t have to wait too much, because she nodded hesitantly.  
With a smirk, Caserius’s hand slid up her back and to the back of her neck.  He moved slowly so she wasn’t spooked, he knew he didn’t have to rush.  She was going nowhere, he could see it her gorgeous dark brown eyes that were wide and staring up into his.  When their lips met, it was softly and gently.  It was the most chaste kiss Casperius had given anyone in centuries, but one of the most enjoyable as well. She tasted of nectar and he had to keep reminding himself not to take it any further.  As much as he wanted to press for everything at once, this was the long game and just the beginning.
For her part, Martenique felt like her head was spinning when their lips met.  Sprites didn’t kiss.  Their procreation involved manifesting their wings and was completely different than human copulation, even if they did have the same sex organs as humans for the most part.  She wasn’t a virgin for a sprite, but she also had experienced nothing like Casperius’s lips on hers.  It made her feel weird, he was a strange male after all, but it was a good weird.
When he pulled back from the little sprite, once more Casperius had to stifle a chuckle at the wide eyed female in his arms.  She was certainly unique and he looked forward to unwrapping all the layers she had wrapped around the core of who she was.  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?  See, not all demons are evil.”  Not wholly the truth, they were all evil, but he currently had no evil intentions towards her.  
“No, not bad at all.”  More blushing as she looked up at the handsome demon that made absolutely no sense to her.  “You’re now bound by our agreement, yes?”
“Oh yes, my Teni.” He grinned.  Even if he lost, it wasn’t much of one because he would owe her a gift which meant that he’d learn something when she received it.  That could lead to more deals and more advantages for him.  He was always going to win, even if she didn’t realize it.
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transthomastaylor · 1 year
Tandem Pentiment lūdō fīnem fēcī. Quem statua significāret, statim, lūdum tollēns, cognōvī, sed quis necāret nesciēbam ūsque ad extrēmum tempus.
Omnēs mihi perplacēbant persōnae, itaque doleō fābulā perāctā, perēgisse autem amō. Lacrimāvī identidem. Andreās, Augustus, Casperius, Sabīna, Clausus, Magdalēna; hōrum nē ūnum quidem laeta relinquō :c
Facundiā autem latīnā plērunque caret.
Spoilers sequuntur minōrēs
Haec mihi imāgō perbene commodāta vidētur
Exsuperāmus Deum
Bellī et Arvōrum
super Mārtis efficiem īnscrīptum est; super Diānae:
Vincāmus Lūnam et
Etiam Sōlem Invictum
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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I was tagged by the awesome - @ceph-the-ghost-writer
I am going to tag @saltysupercomputer @late-to-the-fandom @shipping-through-eternity
Casperius' eyes squeezed shut and he breathed out heavily, a weight settling on him he'd been trying to avoid.  "Teni and I are not intimate." Even as he was keeping his voice low, he had opened his eyes to keep a close watch on her.  Knowing about Emma would destroy her, he was sure, and he had no one to blame but himself.  "I hadn't thought she would be here this fast.  I thought I had time to get things sorted." Another heavy sigh as the weight of his lie and the ones he'd have to tell her in the near future bore down on him further.
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casperius · 10 years
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While Casperius had been gone from her forest, Martenique had began to look about the small hut that she called home.  It wasn’t fancy, but it sufficed for her needs.  At one end was a series of hooks that her dresses hung on.  They were spun by the spiders and silk worms that also called her forest home in exchange for treats that she provided them.  Each had their own special color of silk and so she always had beautiful things to wear, even if they seemed so light and flimsy compared to what Casperius always had on.  The few pairs of shoes and boots that she owned came from the village where she traded goods with others.  That was also where she saw her friends.  For the most part, she lived a solitary life, that was until that day Casperius had wandered into her life.   All of her footwear were forms of leather and some were lined with fur for the colder months to keep her feet warm. She took special care of all of her belongings to make them last.
Everything was in its place and she kept her home clean and neat.  Before Casperius, she had never really thought much about her home.  Most sprites lived in a home much like hers, it looked very similar to the one she had grown up in with her mother.  Sprite dwellings were simple, clean, modest, and earthy.  She doubted that wherever Casperius lived was anything like she did, she could just tell from the way he dressed and carried himself.  It did make her wonder though, where did demons live?  Was it like the huge manor house that was near the village where the magistrate lived that ruled the forest and all the lands around it?  Was he as kind to the people under his purview? And would she fit into his world if she ever went to visit?
She had just finished sweeping up and doing her daily chores when she heard an unusual thumping outside, a loud male yelp that sounded like Casperius, and then a growl of some kind that she did not recognize.  Peri must be back, she had to laugh to herself, wondering what her vines and plants had done this time.  It was not at her command that the vines and foliage had started protecting her, it was just something that they did naturally.  However, she might have encouraged it a little after his last visit, enjoying the teasing and playful nature it seemed to bring out in him.  Instead of going out to see what had been done this time, she waited once more for him to call for her.  She kind of liked making him wait, more of that teasing and playfulness.
“Ok, my darling sprite.  Come out and let your minions know that the big bad demon is not here to do their goddess harm.”  Casperius’ amused voice filtered through her closed front door, sounding a little bit strange compared with the past though.  “You know you want to see me, Teni, don’t even try to pretend you don’t.” There was a definite undercurrent of tease running through it that her standing on the inside of the door, forehead pressed to the wood, smiling. “You’ll really want to see what I brought for you, although I guess I could just take it back home…” he continued to tease, knowing it would draw her out, and a little surprised she hadn’t bounded out.  But his sprite was playful, so of course she would make him wait.  Her playful and spunky personality was one of the things that the demon most liked about her. 
With a laugh, she leaned the broom that she still held in her hands against the wall then walked back over to the door and pulled it open, expecting the handsome demon to be standing somewhere in front of it.  Instead she was greeted by absolutely nothing but air and a view of the clearing in front of her home. Her brows drew together as she stepped out of the small hut to look around the clearing, wondering where he could be hiding and what trick he was playing this time.  Martenique was sure she had heard his voice close by, but she knew he held magic that could make him disappear.  So, where had he gone to, she wondered. And why had the vines let him go?
“And now you are hiding because I did not come at you beckoning, Sir Peri?” She continued to look around, wondering where he was and how he had escaped the vines. Her language had gotten slightly better, she'd been practicing. “That does not seem very gentlemanly of you?   How are we to court if you abandon me?” It was hard for her not to laugh; she was sure he was not truly gone. “Look up.” Casperius replied, clearing his throat and smirking.  He had to hand it to the vines that protected his favorite female, they were original.  Good guard dogs too.  He didn’t have to worry about someone sneaking up on his little sprite while he was gone, which was good because he did not like people messing with anything that was his. Martenique was already his in his mind, he just had to keep coming out ahead on deals. He was going to do everything in his power to ensure that she was eternally so, believing that the sprite would be a source of constant intrigue and interest. Not to mention having her beauty around the manor would be a boon.  Unlike his bedmates, he actually missed her when they were apart.  Yes, she had done something to him he quite liked.
Slowly Martenique’s head tipped back so she could look up, and when she saw Casperius suspended above her, held upside down by his ankles, her eyes went wide.  “Oh dear!  Peri! I…I…”  She was trying not to laugh, but failing quite badly.  In fact, she could not even finish her sentence from the laughter bubbling up from within her.  Her hands covered her mouth but she could not hide the merriment dancing in her eyes. “Go ahead, laugh all you want.  I’ll just take my gift back home with me if you prefer me suspended midair rather than having me down there with you.  It makes no difference to me, you know.  There are lots of sprites that I could give my attention to.”  His voice was full of teasing, as was his expression.  Just to be sure she knew he wasn’t serious, Casperius threw in a wink.  After their misunderstanding before, he did not want another where she might have hurt feelings.  The eye roll, blindingly bright smile, and shake of her head that had her chestnut brown hair fanning out that he got in return told him that unlike their confusion over the unknown phrase last time, she understood what he really meant this time. It pleased him, she was absolutely perfect in every way, and after hearing her laughter again, he couldn't’ wait to hear it once more as well.  She was spinning some kind of spell over him, he was sure.
“Maybe I’m just keeping you up there because I can’t trust you not to be running around after every sprite, faerie, and pixie you see.  You are a demon after all.”  She crossed her arms over her chest and smirked smugly up at him.  Two could play at the teasing game, and she found it fun.  From the way he reacted, she thought he did too, and she liked making him happy.
“Ah, I see how little faith you truly have in me, Teni.  I’m wounded to the core.  Heart broken.  A demon destroyed.  Here I come bearing gifts and you regale me with accusations of infidelity.”  He sniffed and pretended to wipe his eye as if there were a tear.  The laugh that erupted from his beautiful sprite below again made his chest seem to vibrate and the rhythm of his heart change.  Whatever it was she did to him, he liked it. He had spoken to his brother Cormoran about her, and couldn’t wait for the two of them to meet as well. At the moment, Cormoran thought him half mad at his description of her.
“Now, we can’t have you all like that.  You might go and make a deal that goes bad.”  Martenique blew out a big sigh and once more rolled her eyes in an exaggerated way.  “I guess I’m going to HAVE to let you down.  But you must behave.”  She smirked and laughed as she wagged a finger at him, continuing the game.
“I will be on my best demon behavior, I promise.”  he winked and grinned at her, garnering another eyeroll.  If they could keep this kind of interaction going, he would gladly hang upside down all day.  The only thing better would be whisking her away back to the manor house and keeping her there with him always.  It wasn’t quite ready yet, just a few more days…
When she began to hum a soft melody, the vines began to lower Casperius to the ground.  When he was a short distance from being all the way down,  they wrapped around him differently so that in the end he was put on his feet about a foot in front of Martenique.  Gazing up at him once he was back in front of her, she wondered if he had grown even more handsome since he had last been there two days before or if she was just a besotted fool.  It was possible that it was both, but she was sure that she was just being a fool.
“This is much better.” He grinned, stepping to her and bringing her into his arms.  This time he did not ask or prepare her for the kiss, and he would not apologize afterwards.  It was still soft and chaste, he would let her determine when it was time to move forwards, forcing her would just cause things to take longer and he was impatient as it was.  He wanted and needed her trust to be able to keep her, and for her to want to be kept by him.  That he had not been able to return the previous day had almost cost a ghast its existence.  “And now that you have been properly greeted, I did mention a gift.”
Martenique wasn’t sure if his kisses would ever stop making her entire body tingle, but she was willing to repeatedly keep testing.  He was so unlike sprite males, in that he confused her and made her keep wondering what he was going to do next.  And now a gift, what could be the meaning of that?  And what could it be?  “Yes, you did.  I hope I got you down fast enough that you don’t feel the need to take it back with you.” One hand had made it’s way into the back of his hair and she now ruffled it playfully.
Casperius pulled her in flush with him, finding he had missed the feeling of her smaller body against his more than he had realized.  “I think that it was adequate timing to get your gift.”  His fingers played in her dark tresses, almost mesmerized by how soft and silken her hair was. “Close your eyes.”
She did as she was told, and when he stepped away from her for a second, Martinique had to fight the inclination to follow.  Her teeth caught her bottom lip as she waited, trying not to seem too impatient while doing so.  It had been ages since anyone had gotten her a gift that she was having trouble remembering who it had been from or even what it was for.
“Ok, you can open them.” He told her softly and when she did, Martenique was greeted by the sight of him holding up the most gorgeous dress she’d ever seen.  It was a teal that was the color of a peacock, and it had gold threads running through it so that it sparkled as it caught the light.  Along the bottom were embroidered peacock feathers and the edge was scalloped along the feathers.  She had never seen anything like it, even when she had gone into town to do her trading.
“Oh Peri, it’s beautiful but it's too much!  I can’t imagine what you must have…” her words were cut off by one of his fingers against her lips; he had quickly closed the distance between them with one of his large steps.  She didn’t even try to fight him, just looked into those sparkling blue eyes that were creasing at the edge because he was smiling so smug and proud of himself.  He knew she loved it, and she did. “No, it is not.  I want you to have it because I believe it will look beautiful on you, and I have ideas where we can go with you wearing it.”  He then looked down at the sprite shoes she wore, which wouldn’t really go with the dress.  “And I have some little black shoes I want you to try as well.  They are supposed to be very soft and comfortable.”  He leaned in more and kissed the middle of her forehead.  “Now go try them on.”
While Casperius waited for her, he went over all the plans for his manor house in his head.  Things were already happening, and it would only be a week at the longest till it was ready for her to visit.  Horace was sure he’d lost his mind as well, or that Martenique was in danger.  He’d had to talk to his butler more than once and assure him that neither was true, he’d just found a female who had captured his interest like none before.  Horace hadn’t been wholly convinced, but he’d show him when this little sprite finally was in Imperium.  
The creaking of her front door brought him out of his thoughts of back home and Casperius turned around to see that the fae had done an excellent job with everything.  The dress fit her perfectly and the way the color worked with her skin tone and eyes was breathtaking.  “I do hope that you will wear this when I visit sometime, Teni, you look amazing, my little sprite.”  HIS.
Martenique felt the blush rise to her cheeks and she didn’t know what to say.  Her eyes fell to the floor for a minute.  Which reminded her of the shoes he’d brought.  They were much different than her shoes she wore when in the forest, but they were comfortable and the insides were lined with some fabric that felt like fur but wasn’t.  It was wonderful.  “You are too nice.”  Again she smiled and felt her cheeks flame more as her eyes once more rose to look at him.  “And the shoes are very comfortable.  I don’t deser..” how he had moved so fast to have his finger on her lips, she didn’t know. 
“Now, if we are to get along, I don’t want to hear you say such things.“  Their noses almost touching, he was looking right in her eyes so she’d know he was serious.  When he took her home he didn’t want any of the staff intimidating her by picking up on her insecurities and feeding them, but he had a feeling they’d fall in love with her.  How could they not?  She was like sunshine personified.  He was the one that was normally  the darkest and most grumblesome in the manor.  “I told you, I like you and when I like people, I enjoy making them happy.”  An arm encircled her waist to pull her flush against him. “And I want to make you very happy, my little sprite.”  Maybe he had gone insane and Horace and Cor were right, but he was at least enjoying it.  He would not hurt her, he’d sworn that to Horace, damn ghoul all concerned.  She was so untouched by anything negative that he couldn’t help but want to know more and keep her that way.  The few times they had been together he could feel himself being different, and he liked it.  Like a weight was gone.
“Who am I to argue with a demon?” She finally said when his finger had slowly slipped from her lips. 
“You’re not supposed to.”  Casperious winked.  “And I will do my best to be a good demon and not argue with you either.” Promises, promises, promises…he kept making them and wasn’t sure why other being around her made him feel more relaxed and she was still a puzzle that he wanted to solve.  Even if he got her figured out, something told him she would still be interesting.  “Just don’t leave me tied up in vines too long.”
“Never.”  She laughed. “Although you do look good tied up.” She couldn’t help but tease. Those words did something to him that almost had him growling, but not in aggression.  She had no idea about his world, and it was all he could do not to make a remark that would be pushing the boundaries of things again.  “You know that you have other ways of keeping me here.”  His voice was deeper and more strained as the thoughts of what fun could be had with either of them tied up were dancing through his head, and affecting his groin.  
“You mean you don’t always have to run off and leave me alone?”  She continued the mutual tease, but knew something had changed.  He seemed more intense and even his scent was different.  Whatever it was that was affecting Casperius, it made him more alluring to Martenique.
“I will always have to go make my deals, Teni, but I don’t have to be gone as long in between visits.” Casperius’ voice was lower and he kept his eyes firmly on hers while one finger danced along her skin, tracing the edge of the dress as the neckline descended between her perfect breasts.  The catch in her breath, the widening of her pupils, and the pebbling of her skin all made a smirk start to form on his lips.  He enjoyed the effect he had on her, and she had on him.  “All you have to do is ask.  I might be able to rearrange my schedule to slip in a few minutes for you.” 
“Just a few, I guess I must not keep your interest too much.” There was a sassiness to her smirk as she started to turn in his arms.  The feel of his hands sliding across the silken fabric of the dress, causing it to press against her skin under their weight sent a small shiver through her.  He certainly had the oddest effect on her, so unlike anyone else. “Oh, no you don’t, my little sprite.” Casperius’ arm shot out and caught her waist to bring her back against his chest with a soft thud.  Again that melodic laughter of hers floated in the air and he loved it; it bringing out his own as he picked her off of the ground and spun her around.  “I am just a busy demon.”  A kiss was dropped on the side of her head as he brought them once more to stillness.  “If I had someone who wanted me to find more time though, I might be able to clear some of that schedule up.  Would you happen to know someone?”  “Hmmm..” Martenique tapped her chin, a playful smirk playing on her lips.  “I just might know someone like that.  I mean, this courting thing we’re doing...we’re supposed to be spending time together right?”  She leaned her head back against his broad and muscled chest, tipping her head so she could look up at him.  Was there any angle he wasn’t handsome from?  More research would be needed to draw a firm conclusion, but for the moment she was quite content to stay wrapped in his arms with hers laying over his.
“You know, Teni, I think you might be right.” He feigned that enlightenment just hitting him.  “We are supposed to be spending more time together.  How could I have forgotten?  I hope you can forgive me.”  His gaze now dropped into those gorgeous chocolate pools that looked back up at him, light twinkling in them as she laughed lightly at him again.  Her little pink tongue poking out of her mouth made him chuckle.  “Is that a yes, my sprite?”
“It’s a - this time.” She teased and then dared to go up onto her toes and place her own kiss right along his jaw.  The raised brow and grin she got in return told her that he liked it.  It made her grin up at him and bite her lip a little as she swayed gently in his arms, a little proud of herself.
“I think I told you that you might be in trouble if you got to know me too well, but I think I was wrong.”  He watched one of her brows go up and the questioning look come over her face and almost laughed.  Their first miscommunication, and one he would have to tease her about for a time to come.  “I think I am the one in trouble.  Clearing my schedule, bringing gifts, what would the other demons think?”  He gave her a wink and she started to laugh.  Fuck what anyone thought.  The only one whose opinion that mattered was his brother Cormoran and he doubted that Cor would have a problem with her other than keeping his hands to himself.  But then, Casperius was having that same problem and only wanting her to offer herself to him kept him being a “good boy”.
“They will think I’m an amazing sprite.” Martenique raised her chin with a little bit of a smug smile as she kept looking up at him.  “And they will be jealous that you caught me first.”  Once more she went to pop up quickly and give his jaw or cheek a kiss, but he anticipated her move and caught her lips with his own, earning him a pleased little sound from her.  
“And if they touch you…” he cut himself off, he didn’t want to scare her.  He would cause great pain to anyone that touched her and positively kill anyone that hurt her.  A few visits and he was already to bring about ultimate suffering for her, but she was going to be the preeminent jewel in his proverbial crown.
“I would not wish to be them.” Since he did not finish, she did for him.  Even if she was not sure what he would do, there was something about the look that had flashed in his eyes that scared her a little on the inside.  He had never been anything but gentle with her, yet in that fraction of a second there was put into her a certainty that he could be capable of great and horrific violence.  It was something she never wanted to see, and hoped to never be the cause of.
“No, you would not.  But you, my beauty, never have to fear.”  He kissed her forehead softly, then the tip of her perfect nose, and then her petal soft lips.  “For you will be the most cherished and protected sprite in the history of all sprites.”  His arms around her tightened as he wondered inwardly exactly what did make him so affectionate and soft towards her, it was something he’d have to think on later to ensure that he was not allowing a weakness that others could exploit, possibly with dire consequences.
“You sound very positive of that, Peri.  You haven’t known me that long.”  It wasn’t that Martenique wanted to discourage him, but she did have her own doubts and insecurities.  “Ah, you have a point.  I guess I’m just going to have to spend  more time with you to ensure that I am not overlooking any horrid habit or thing about you.”  He narrowed his eyes at her playfully, which earned him a laugh.  “Speaking of which, I have never seen the inside of that cottage of yours.  Am I always going to be relegated to the outside and being mauled by your vines?”  
“Well, I guess if you promise to behave I can take you inside.  It’s nothing fancy, but it is home.” Martenique felt her cheeks heat up.  She wanted him to come in but was also nervous at Capseirus actually seeing her home.  What if he thought her too poor for him?  
As Casperius was getting a tour of the small cottage that Martenique lived in and wondering how she would react to the grand estate that he lived on, Horace was on that estate working with the other staff to try to ready it for the sprite’s visit.  Her cottage was much like the woman herself, beautiful and simple…and in the wrong realm.
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If you have not read it, this story makes more sense if you read the preceding one HERE
“Matty, Matty, Matty…you really think we weren’t gonna find out you were here.” Cormoran was now standing in front of Martenique’s house.  He wasn’t sure which of his brothers he wanted to murder more at the moment, but the youngest one was slightly in the lead.  If it hadn’t been for one little ace in the hole that Casperius had given Martenique, Mattheus might have eventually gotten the upper hand on her.  However on his last visit, right before he left, he’d swept his thumb across her wrist and put a little glyph there, a rune.  He’d told her if she ever needed him, needed him for anything, to rub it.  Right in the middle of them discussing business, she had and now both of them were there, and it was a good thing.
“This ain’t your business big brother.  I’m just visiting a sweet little sprite.  I have done nothing wrong.”  Mattheus’ voice came from above him, making Cormoran sigh.  This was fucked up and he was tired.  Casperius was gonna hurt later for this bullshit.
Martenique was almost at the top of a large fir.  The branches below her had moved closer together to conceal her location so that she could remain hidden.  Vines and other branches were making noises to distract Mattheus and lead him in the wrong direction. There was a new voice that was below her, but it wasn’t Casperius.  Whoever it was, it seemed to be against whoever this Matty was, so that was at least a bonus.
“Cas is gonna gut you if you hurt her. Ya know that.  Ya better hope we find her before you do.  Don’t know how ya found out about her, but this was stupid bro.”  Cormoran’s eyes scanned the trees again and caught sight of Mattheus’ shoes.  He slowly started to move, wanting to make sure their brother had the girl before he took on the youngest of the three of them.  It could get violent and downright bloody.  No reason for a female to witness that.
“Maybe he shoulda kept it in his pants then.  Although seein her, can’t blame him, bro.  Gonna enjoy tastin when I find her.” Mattheus listened.  He wasn’t provoking Cormoran, well he was, but his oldest brother wasn’t the main target.  If Cormoran was there, then Casperius was.  That was who he was listening for.  He also hoped the little diamond of the forest was going to make a sound so he could find her and trace out before either of his brothers located him.
“Now, Matty, you really think we’re gonna let you do that?  Lay a hand on another innocent female after all you done?” Cormoran kept his eyes on those shoes that were balancing on the limb, and he could now see the bottom of Mattheus’ pants.  “What kinda demons you think we are?  We don’t go down in the torture pits, we got standards.  We’re not you.” At this point he couldn’t resist taking verbal swings at Mattheus if he couldn’t take literal ones at him.  
While Cormoran and Mattheus were verbally sparring, Casperius had been trying to figure out where the fuck Martenique was.  It was clear his brother hadn’t found her, but neither could he.  Finally he did the only thing he could think of, he talked to a tree.  He felt like a bloody idiot doing it, but it wasn’t like he had a lot to lose at that point.  “Listen, I know you can hear and understand me.  You also know I’m not going to hurt Martenique.  I’m here to help her get away from that guy on the limb over there.  He will hurt her if I can’t find her.  I’ll keep her safe, but you have to help me find her.  If he finds her first, he could kill her.” His forehead came to rest against the tree.  This was his only hope without Martenique doing something herself to let him know where she was, and that didn’t seem likely.
It felt like an eternity, but a vine wrapped around Casperius’ chest and he felt himself jerked off the ground.  Thank The Source, the forest had listened. Either that, or he was about to be suspended in the air and of no help to anyone.  Handed from one vine to the next, he was passed up, up, up and over till he was just below the branches Martenique was crouched on, hugging the trunk of the tree. When he saw her, his heart clenched, she looked terrified and was shaking with tears streaming down her face.  Instantly he wanted to rip Mattheus’ throat out with his bare hands. First things first, he had to get her the fuck out of there and let Cormoran know he’d found her. 
Quiet as he could, he got onto the branch and moved over to her.  She was so engrossed in watching Cormoran and Mattheus below her that she didn’t even notice him.  The closer he got and the more saw how truly petrified she was, the more enraged he became.  He could never let this happen again, and he had to find out how it happened this time.  Cormoran had been right, and he’d been too stupid to have seen it coming. He’d just been lucky that his brother had been there.  
Finally close enough, he looked down to ensure that Cormoran had Mattheus distracted with the verbal sparring they were doing.  Lunging forward suddenly, he clamped a hand over Martenique’s mouth while banding an arm around both her arms and her waist before giving a very loud whistle.  She immediately started trying to fight him and he was surprised at her strength.  Thankfully they weren’t going to stay around long enough for that to matter.  He had a good enough hold on her and she had let loose of the tree, so he traced them straight to his bedroom and onto his bed.  It was the softest landing place he could think of to land so she would not be hurt at all.  He figured she was already scared out of her skull, adding injury to that might earn him never being forgiven.
Martenique had thought that Matty had found her and was fighting for her life when all of a sudden they were in a cool, dim room and whoever had a hold of her was letting her loose.  Terror flooding her veins and sending her heart racing, she rolled over quickly to face whoever had grabbed her and fight to get away, only to come face to face with Casperius.  She froze, her eyes wide and breathing heavy, it taking a moment for her brain to catch up with what she was seeing and register that she was safe.
Their eyes locked on one another, Casperius wasn’t sure if the sprite was going to scream, hug him, or if he needed to fear for his balls.  Maybe grabbing her the way he did wasn’t the best idea he’d ever had in his life, but he wanted to have enough time to let Cormoran know he had her and for Mattheus to not show up on scene and grab her back.  Now they were lying on his bed and he was afraid that while he still thought it was best plan, that things could be permanently ruined with the first female who completely got under his skin the way she did. If she rejected him, he was resolute that he wasn’t going to give up on making it up to her and trying to keep her in his life.
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“HORACE!” Casperius’s voice echoed off of the stone walls of the large manor house he lived in as he threw open both of the large front doors as he strode through.  Long steps took him across the grande entrance as he waited for his butler to show himself.  There were things to be done and plans to be made, and Cas wanted them started right away.
“Sir?” Horace appeared from a side room, not sure what had upset his master.  Not that Casperius was a calm demon, but he normally didn’t come in yelling and upset.
“Come into my study.  I have plans to make and I need you to organize the staff and household.  Changes are coming.”  His tone left no room for question and it was an order, not a suggestion that it would be done.
Horace motioned for someone that had been in the room with him to follow and quickly caught up with Casperius.  He would ensure that whatever it was that his master wished would be done, and done to perfection.  It was one reason that he was so trusted by his master.  While he was a servant to Casperius, he was also a trusted advisor to  the noble demon.
As soon as Casperius entered his office, he went straight to the massive mahogany looking desk that dominated the room and stood behind it, waving his hand to bring up an illusion of the manse and grounds in the center, and off to the side a floorplan of the top floor where the residence apartments were.  He also brought up one apartment up.  Leaning over the desk, he studied the center portion first.  Things would be taken in order. 
Horace was quick to enter behind Casperius and his brows knit together when he saw what his boss was leaning over.  What did the demon have planned?  Close behind him was Visalus, the valet for both Horace and Casperius.  He was trusted by both and if there was something serious and extensive that was going to need to be done, Horace had a feeling that his aid would be needed.  Both men felt a sense of dread when they saw the situation that they were walking into.  Horace closed and locked the french doors that lead into the large room walled with floor to ceiling bookcases then turned to his master, “what is it you wish of us, sir?”
“Come.”  Casperius beckoned the two males.  He was glad that Horace had brought Visalus without having to be told to.  “The grounds have been rather plain around the manor house of my property that are not wooded.  This needs to be changed.  I want gardens, hedge rows, flowers, ponds with fish, reflecting pools, fountains.  I want it to be as grand as the Palace of Versailles.  There is a nature sprite who will be coming to visit in the near future.  I want her to be impressed and for what we have to leave her in awe.  This is not a request, this is an order. Am I clear?”  His gaze alternated between the two before him.
Horace’s brows rose and he looked over at Visalus.  A female?  A sprite?  They were doing extensive landscaping just for a visit from a sprite?  “Yes, sir.”  Horace answered in a clipped and efficient manner with a head nod.  He would not question, regardless at the moment.  Later, when things were progressing he would inquire what had brought this about.
“Good.”  Casperius nodded in acknowledgement and moved to the floor plans next.  “This empty apartment next to mine is to be redecorated immediately. A door is to be put between it and mine.  The fireplace and chimney are to be inspected and readied for use.  Colors are to be muted and of nature. Linens are to be silken and creams, pinks, silvers, and bluish-gray.  I am going to need a tailoress fae immediately.  This is to be done in the next few days.  Questions?”
Once more Horace and Visalus looked at one another, there were lots of questions that both of them had, but neither of them were sure if this was the time to begin asking them.  Both men gave small shrugs, the questions would wait.  “No, sir.  I will summon the fae immediately.”  Horace responded.  
“Good.”  Casperius nodded and now finally looked up at the two men.  “I need the kitchen staff to research and learn what nature sprites eat.  In coming days, I want sampling menus.  I want some of our normal dishes to be altered in ways that might make them palatable.  Food needs to be available for our guest when she comes, she may be staying.” 
“Of course, sir.” Horace nodded.  “We will ensure your guest is taken care of and welcome.  However, if I may take a moment, are we to assume that the sprite will now be a resident of the manor?  If so, will she require staff as well, My Lord?”  The changes that Casperius was making were bold and drastic, not something that the demon was known for.  He did not change things for others, only for his own purpose and pleasure.   If he was changing things for another now, then something had happened and Horace wanted to be prepared and to prepare the others.
“If things go according to my plans, then she will be a permanent resident of the manner.  However, she will not require additional staff other than a permanent tailoress fae.  Find one needing long term employment and who can keep her mouth shut.  I want one with discretion.”  Horace was familiar with how lose lipped fae could be and he understood the concerns of Casperius.  He gave a curt nod in response to the request.  “She will be mine.” 
Horace’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, he knew he had heard Casperius right but the true meaning behind it he was unsure of.  “Yours?” He finally managed to get out in a tone and inflection that said it was a question of so much meaning.
“MINE.” Casperius stood erect and looked Horace straight in the face.  What about that declaration was so confusing to people?  Martenique had been confused by it as well.  That Horace did not seem to understand the stated and unstated implications of it displeased him and Casperius’ face reflected that.   Visalus stepped back some, unsure of what was going on, but not wanting to feel his master’s ire.  “She has agreed to court.”
“To court?”  Horace asked, clearly flummoxed and confused.  Had his master struck his head? He was not sure if demons could get traumatic brain injuries, but that would at least explain this sudden change.  Maybe the sprite was really a seductress of some kind and had him under some kind of enchantment.
“She is quite…unusual.”  Casperius picked the word that he thought would best fit her.  “She is unique and when she comes here I want her to be so enraptured with all that she sees that she will not want to leave.  You two will make it happen.”  A smirk formed on Caperius’s lips and the look on the rest of his face indicated to both of the males before him that failure was not an option.  Pain and torment would be the only rewards for not meeting his expectations.
“As you wish, sir.” Horace bowed slightly and Visalus mirrored it, both men now confused on what had caused such a change in their master.  If a female had indeed captured his interest, it could cause great change in the manor.  If she was of the same mind as Casperius, may Lucifer help them all.
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Chapter 2
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Martenique lived alone in the forest.  That didn’t mean that she knew no one else.  The sprites were just solitary creatures unless they were mated, which she was not.  When she wanted to be around others, there were places that she could go.  In the days after Casperius’ visit, she went to where the sprite’s gathered a few times.  She never shared that she’d been visited by a demon, just listened to the other sprites talk about beings that had visited the others.  None of what they spoke about seemed to apply to Casperius, which greatly vexed her.
While Martenique was trying to figure out him, Casperius was also trying to figure out her as well.  He had been unable to get the svelte sprite out of his head.  He had even discussed the matter with one of the few people he trusted with his thoughts, his butler Horace.  Horace found it amusing that his boss was captivated by the female, and that his intrigue was so almost pure in nature.  Sure there was attraction, but there was little mention of wanting to bring her back to fuck her.  It was on that fact alone that Horace had encouraged Casperius to visit the sprite once more.
As soon as Casperius had appeared in the forest for the second visit, Martenique had known.  The plants had notified her, but she had paid it no mind.  She was waiting for him to announce himself.  When he didn’t after a few minutes, her tune changed to signal the vines to once more capture him in the way that he had been previously.  She was intrigued as to why he had come again and seemed to be alone from what the plants were telling her, yet did not seem to be wanting to speak with her.  He had been quietly watching from behind the tree line that surrounded the clearing where her home was located.  His motives once again perplexed her, so she wished to inquire of him why he was there.
Instead of being suspended in the air, this time Casperius found himself bound against a tree, but he was not surprised that the vegetation in the forested realm seemed to be protective of Martenique and wary of him.  “Lady Martenique, your guard vegetation has detained me once more,” he called out when she did not come over after the vines had stopped tightening around him.  He tried not to laugh, he was sure she knew and figured this was some kind of test.  This nature sprite was quite interesting indeed.
“And what is it that you wish for me to do about that, Lord Casperius?” Martenique called, but did not cease what she had been doing.  There was a teasing smirk on her lips though as she continued to gather wilted leaves and fallen limbs to put onto her cooking and heating fires.  She did not cut down trees or vegetation, she found that the forest always provided.
“It was my hope that you could convince the vines to release me, dear Lady.  I mean you no harm.” Casperius was amused.  He had a feeling she was making him wait, but would be over to see him soon.  Surely she had to be as curious about him as he was about her.  As his eyes swept the underbrush around him, he could see no sign of her.  He tried not to be disappointed she had yet to show herself.
“Why would I wish to do that, sir?  My vines are making sure I know right where you are.”  Martenique was trying not to laugh as she circled to the side of him to approach, studying him from a distance.  He was just as handsome as before, and he was smiling.  It looked nice on him and she wondered why she cared.  
“Do you always bind your guests to your trees, little sprite?” Now Casperius couldn’t contain his laugh.  He knew she was getting closer, he could hear it in the change of volume of her voice the last time she had spoken.  So, she was playing games with him, but not malevolent ones.  It made him more intrigued.  There were not many beings who would potentially antagonize a demon by keeping him bound like she was.
“Not always.”  Her head popped around the trunk of the tree to appear next to one of his shoulders, a smile beaming on her round face.  This close she could see how bright and true blue his eyes were, they were like beautiful gems that the pixies mined from the earth on the other side of the realm.  “Do you always just pop into realms uninvited and fail to announce yourself?”  She popped her chin on his shoulder and gave him a smug grin.
She was either brave or foolish, possibly a little bit of both.  Whichever the answer was, Casperius liked her.  “Not always.”  The sound of her laugh that came at his answer made his heart do some funny rhythm that intrigued him as much as the sprite who still had her chin on his shoulder.  “Just when I’m hoping to catch candid glimpses of precocious sprites unaware in the forest.” He moved his head, stretching his neck, so their faces were closer together.  “And how would a demon get an invitation into a sprite’s forest?” There was still a grin on his face, but there was a seriousness in his eyes.  He wanted to know more about her, about what and who she was.  She had piqued his interest and that was something rare for him, as old as he was.
“Are you saying you wish to return in the future, sir demon?” Her chin moved forward on his shoulder a little and one hand came up and ran along his forearm to rest over the vines at his wrist that was elevated.
“Aye, my beautiful sprite.”
“To make deals? Or for another reason?” When Martenique ran her fingers over the vines, they immediately released his wrist and that arm.
Nifty trick she was able to do there.  He would always keep in mind that this was definitely her domain.  “There is only one reason, and that is to visit a sprite who I find intriguing and beguiling.”  With his arm free, he brought it down and around her waist, gently drawing her closer to the rest of his body and looking down at her beautiful face.  “I wish to know more about you, Martenique, for no other reason than you have been on my mind and I wish to know more.”
Her?  He wanted to know her?  Why?  Those thoughts were interrupted when she found herself drawn against him the way her vines had drawn him against the tree.  She imagined his body was just about as hard as that tree, not that she minded, he was better looking than the tree.  “I guess that will be okay.  You are invited back to visit me, but not to wander aimlessly around my forest.  No business either.”  She tried to look serious and smug, but she was inwardly too happy to completely hide it from her face.
“I have no intention of doing either of those, little sprite.”  There was no missing the soft blush on her cheeks of the light in her eyes and that she was looking forward to it.  He wasn’t going to lie to her, he was too. “I also promise that I will not be gone long.”  Now being free from the rest of the vines, he brought her into both his arms and liked the way she felt there.  The beauty was a mystery and one that he was looking for to solving and completely delving into every corner of.
“And why is it you are so…” Martenique stuttered, floundering at the right word for what she wanted to say in the language he could understand.  She hated that he only understand one language she spoke, and it was one she spoke badly.  “You have to learn my language if you want to come back.” She finally said, tipping her chin up more as she looked up at him.
His chest shook as he laughed, partly at her being flummoxed at not finding whatever word she had wanted but he still understood what she meant, and the other part at how adorable she looked demanding something of him.  “Is that a condition of my returning?”  He gently caressed her back as she nodded resolutely at him.  “I’ll make you a deal, little sprite.”  He watched her swallow hard and couldn’t help but smirk.  “You will teach me your language, and if I do all the words perfectly each time I get a kiss from you before I leave.  If I do not, then I have to bring you a gift on my next visit.  Is it a deal, my Teni?” He’d shortened her name on purpose.  He loved the look on her face when he slightly threw her off balance by increasing their familiarity.  He liked a challenge and making a deal, with her he was going to get both and often.
He called her HIS again.  What did that mean?  She wanted to ask.  She wanted to know so bad it was on the tip of her tongue and about to pass her lips.  Then it hit her that he’d shortened her name and it was another thing that confused her.  What was he doing?  She did not understand this.  He was so strange.  Everything he’d said in this visit was so perplexing.
“Your?” She gently inquired.  Martenique had to know what he meant. Before she could agree to anything, she had to know more of what she was getting herself into.  He was a contract demon, and she knew enough to know that people lost a lot to them, and the odds were always in their favor.  Even if all that was on the line was a kiss, this time.
So she had caught it, Casperius had wondered when she hadn’t said anything the first time.  “If you’d like, Teni. I would like to know you better, to formally court.”  Where had that come from?  Court?  Did people do that anymore?  Normally he just fucked whoever and wherever he wanted.  When was the last time he hadn’t?  A century?  Two? Maybe even longer.  It had been so long since someone had caught his attention for more than primal pleasure that he couldn’t even remember a name or a face.  Few had intrigued him like this little sprite from a realm that he couldn’t even remember the name of at the moment.   Something was different about the Martenique, something new and fresh.  Was it even sexual with this little beauty?  He still had his favorites back in Imperium he’d fucked since they’d met, it wasn’t like he was going to be celibate; he was a demon after all.  
“I..I don’t know what that means.” She admitted, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks.
“I will come and visit you and we will learn one another.  And someday you’ll visit where I’m from.  If we want, eventually we just stay together.”  He could use a friend that wouldn’t betray him.  She would know none of his enemies, would be loyal only to him.  If they ended up in bed together, all the better.  But she would be HIS and only HIS.  Already there were plans in his mind forming. What she didn’t know about what he did when they weren’t together, well that would only be a boon to him.
For a moment Martenique considered this courting that Casperius wanted in addition to his deal.  It sounded interesting.  It was a foreign concept to what sprites normally did.  Coming together during mating season in the hopes of producing offspring and otherwise living solitary lives.  What could it hurt to get to know him more?  If she didn’t like him then she could just make sure he couldn’t bother her.  He was at least very nice to look at.
“This courting sounds nice, I will agree.”  She smiled nervously at him.  There were some little worries in her mind, but she tried to silence them.  
There was a warmth that spread across Casperius’ chest when she agreed.  His heart seemed to tighten.  Now she WAS his, and he was going to ensure she stayed that way.  “And the deal.  I promise that there are no other catches to it.  You want me to learn your language, I am just putting some incentive to both of us for it.” He grinned and pulled her a little tighter.  
“Okay, we have a deal too.”  She smiled, still nervous and feeling a little overwhelmed.  He was like none of the males she’d ever met.  Martenique wanted to know all about him, so if nothing else she would get that and it would be easier to talk to him.
“Seal the deal with a kiss?” Casperius knew he was pressing it, but he’d figured out she was pretty innocent and uninitiated into the darker parts of the Universe and creation at large.  If he was going to get what he wanted, he was going to have to be patient and move slowly.  This was at least one where he didn’t have to wait too much, because she nodded hesitantly.  
With a smirk, Caserius’s hand slid up her back and to the back of her neck.  He moved slowly so she wasn’t spooked, he knew he didn’t have to rush.  She was going nowhere, he could see it her gorgeous dark brown eyes that were wide and staring up into his.  When their lips met, it was softly and gently.  It was the most chaste kiss Casperius had given anyone in centuries, but one of the most enjoyable as well. She tasted of nectar and he had to keep reminding himself not to take it any further.  As much as he wanted to press for everything at once, this was the long game and just the beginning.
For her part, Martenique felt like her head was spinning when their lips met.  Sprites didn’t kiss.  Their procreation involved manifesting their wings and was completely different than human copulation, even if they did have the same sex organs as humans for the most part.  She wasn’t a virgin for a sprite, but she also had experienced nothing like Casperius’s lips on hers.  It made her feel weird, he was a strange male after all, but it was a good weird.
When he pulled back from the little sprite, once more Casperius had to stifle a chuckle at the wide eyed female in his arms.  She was certainly unique and he looked forward to unwrapping all the layers she had wrapped around the core of who she was.  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?  See, not all demons are evil.”  Not wholly the truth, they were all evil, but he currently had no evil intentions towards her.  
“No, not bad at all.”  More blushing as she looked up at the handsome demon that made absolutely no sense to her.  “You’re now bound by our agreement, yes?”
“Oh yes, my Teni.” He grinned.  Even if he lost, it wasn’t much of one because he would owe her a gift which meant that he’d learn something when she received it.  That could lead to more deals and more advantages for him.  He was always going to win, even if she didn’t realize it.
“Don’t think I’m going to let you slide on it, Peri.” Since he’d taken the middle of her name, she decided to call him by the middle of his and the chuckle she got in return for calling him made it clear that it had been a good choice.  “I’ll be watching you.”
“Will you, now?” He smirked and narrowed his eyes playfully at her.  “Better be careful, little sprite, you might like what you see.  And then, then you’ll be in trouble.”
Once more her eyes went wide and Casperius laughed, which just caused her to look confused.  Her confusion caused more laughter.  “Why are you laughing?” She started to try to backup and pull against his hold.  “What trouble?”  What had she done?  Could she void the deal?  Her heart started to speed.  The demon had tricked her and now she was going to be hurt.  She started to panic and tears welled in her eyes.  Stupid!  She was stupid…
“Teni, Teni, calm down.  You’re fine.”  He had to control his laughter.  She had to stop being so damn adorable!  “I was teasing you.  You know teasing, yes?’ Eyes still wide, she nodded.  “Not real trouble, it is a saying in the realm I’m from that means…”  he tried to think how to explain exactly what it did mean and not confuse her, well confuse her more than she already was.  “It is said in teasing to mean just the opposite.  I was just laughing because the look on your face was so cute.  I liked it.”  The backs of his fingers lightly caressed one cheek.
“So, you were actually saying that if I watch you too closely that I might like you and then something good might happen?”  Her face was still a mask of confusion still and her sentence took a little bit to get out as she chose her words and also made sure she was saying what she was thinking.
“Yes.  It’s just a tease.”  He watched her closely, looking for any indication that she was understanding.  It wasn’t just the language barrier that was going to separate them.  They were going to have misunderstandings like this, but it made her even more intriguing and interesting to him.  All of the beings he dealt with on the regular were pretty much the same.  Oh, there were nuances that made them different, but nothing like this.  Never had he tried to explain a figure of speech that everyone he’d ever known knew the meaning of innately.  “OK?  I would never laugh to hurt you.” Where did that come from and why was it true?
Martenique still eyed him suspiciously, but nodded.  “Why?”  She wasn’t challenging him, she was curious.  This male was so strange.  Were all demons like him and she had just been mislead by the others she knew, or was he the unique one?  
“Because I like you.  It is as simple as that, Teni.”  Sometimes telling the truth did more to get you what you wanted than lying and this was one of those cases.  “You are unlike anyone I’ve met in a very long time.  But I must go for now, my little sprite.  I have some meetings and deals to do.  I will be back soon.”  Again his fingers lightly caressed her cheek. Her skin felt like satin under his fingers.  “Don’t forget about me while I”m gone.”
“How could I?”  Martenique looked up at him through lowered lashes with blushed cheeks.  She was completely flummoxed by the male in a way that none other had ever done to her.  Before she had a chance to realize what he was going to do, Casperius had once more kissed her.  Soft, warm, chaste, and perfect, it left her wanting another.  Unfortunately she knew that it would be the next time he visited before she would get it because as soon as it had ended, he backed up and was gone.
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Casperius had just finished his deal and the other party flashed off when he heard a melody carried to him on the breeze that blew softly through the forest he was standing in.  It was enchanting and the language was foreign to him, yet it called to something in him just the same.  As a demon who specialized in making deals, there were few languages that he wasn’t fluent in, even fewer he hadn’t encountered at least once; yet this was one he had never heard before and that alone intrigued him.  Never one to deny his curiosity, he followed the sound towards its source, ensuring that he moved soundlessly while doing so. He may be new to this realm, but that didn’t mean he was new to moving unnoticed.  Whoever or whatever was the source of the enchanting melody that danced upon the wind, he did not want to spook it and cause the pleasing sound to cease.
After several minutes of tracking, and a few times of backtracking to get around obstacles that would have caused him to make too much noise, Casperius drew close to a large clearing.  In it was a small rounded hut and beguiling female who was moving in lithesome motions as she seemed to be entrancing the foliage around her.  Slender, graceful in her movements, chestnut hair dancing about her shoulders in soft waves, her limbs long but her height not near matching his, she was in all things a picture of perfection to him.  He thought her to be a wood nymph at first, but during one of her twirls, an ear was exposed and the upper part of it curved rather than coming to a point.  What was she?  And what was that melody?
Casperius had become so enamored with the female, he was not paying close attention to his surroundings, quite unusual for him.  While he had been observing the female, vines had been snaking quietly along the ground and winding themselves around his ankles.  Similar vines made their way around his wrists, which was made easier since he had braced his hands against trees as he had observed the female.  All at once the vines tightened, suspending him above the ground in a spread eagle position and causing him to cry out.  This got the female’s attention and brought her serene and enchanting melody to a stop.  Her head cantered to the side before she slowly began to approach him, eyes narrowed, and an expression of confusion on her face.
Slowly she approached, confused and slightly afraid but knowing that the animals and plants of her forest would defend her if needed.  Her head cantered one way, then slowly the other way as she studied him.  The male was restrained and not even fighting the vines.  She asked the same question in different languages she knew until he seemed to understand it.  “Who are you and why are you here?”
“Casperius Daemoniacus.  I’m a Contract Demon and I was here to make a deal.  I heard your song.  It was beautiful.  And you are?”  Casperius was curious.  While he was restrained, he didn’t feel he was in any danger.  
“You came to my forest uninvited?”  Her head tipped the other way once more, and Casperius watched the way her hair fell across her forehead and transferred from one shoulder to another.  She wasn’t sexy like a succubus, she wasn’t gorgeous like an enchantress, but she was cute..beautiful even.  It brought a smile to his lips, which earned him narrowed eyes.  
“I am Martenique LaFee, Nature Sprite and protector of this land.  Why should you not be imprisoned for your trespass?”  She hoped she was using the right words.  Why did he have to use one of the languages she wasn’t as good at?
“I mean you no harm, Lady Martenique.  This was the realm picked by the one who summoned me.  I only lingered because of your singing.  It is as beautiful as you are.” He wasn’t lying but he could see from her face that the sprite was not so believing of him.
“Flattering will not save you.” Martinique stepped closer to him, as she slowly struggled with enunciation and picking words.  He was huge she observed.  At least a foot taller, she could see his defined muscles even through his clothing, and he dwarfed her in every way that she could observe.  If he’d struggled against the vines, he would have won.  His hair was lighter than hers, and his eyes were the blue of a placid lake, which was a stark contrast to her own earthen brown.  
Casperius had to stifle a chuckle, this was obviously not a language she was familiar with from the way she talked.  So, they were at least on even footing there.  “I am being honest.  I make deals, Lady Martenique, I do not lie.  Your singing is enchanting, and you are beautiful.”  While he had been keeping his eyes on her face since being discovered, he now let his eyes take her in from head to toe so she could judge his reaction for herself.  Once more he admired the way the shift she wore clung to her body and pondered whether it was an iridescent white, silver, or gray.  Whichever it was, it looked like it had been made from spider silk.  While it was opaque, the way it highlighted the curves of her body called to every male part of him and he wasn’t trying to hide that.
As his eyes traversed her body, Martenique almost felt like she was naked and it made her uncomfortable.  Since she often WAS naked, that was odd for her.  This male was strange.  She had heard of demons, but had never encountered one before.  Were they all so strange and forward?  And massive?   “What are your intentions here?”  Her chin lifted in slight defiance and definite challenge.  Not fear though, she was not afraid of him.  This was her forest; while he was huge, she believed herself to have the upper hand.
“I have none.”  It was the truth once more.  He was enjoying the little back and forth with this sprite, something he rarely did with other beings.  Cute, she was definitely cute..in all ways.  He liked her and was in no rush to end this.  “What is yours?” Now he challenged her with a smug smirk forming on his lips.
That was a question that Martenique hadn’t anticipated and it made her eyes widen a bit, her head draw back, and she blinked quickly a few times as she considered the question the demon had asked.  “To determine if you are a threat or not.”  He had been honest from what she could ascertain, so she repaid it with honesty of her own.
“I’m not.”  Casperius answered almost before she’d finished, surprising even himself and obviously her from her expression.  It hadn’t even been a thought, just an automatic response.  Not something usual for him.  “I am no threat to you or your forest, Lady Martenique.  You have my word.  And if you know anything about Contract Demons, we cannot break our word.” That smirk became even more smug and self assured.  
She didn’t know how to react to that.  Martenique knew nothing of demons other than she had been told to avoid them.  However, this one seemed to be honest about at least a few things.  Singing a soft melody, the vines lowered the male to the ground.  “Please do not bring others here to make your contracts in the future, sir.  I will not guarantee such a placid reaction next time.”  Her words were still slow as she tried to make sure that she was using the right ones.
He stepped forward boldly, but not aggressively.  Taking her hand, he brought it to his lips.  He had no intention of bringing anyone else there but he had a feeling it would not be the last time that he saw the lovely sprite.  “On my word, dear Lady, I will bring no one to your forest.  You are safe from and with me.”  A second kiss to the back of her hand and he released to step back and traced back to his home in Imperium.
For a full minute after he had disappeared, Martenique stood in place and blinked.  Such a strange male.  He had done her no harm, something she had always heard that demons would.  He had been charming, and was quite handsome.  Had he entranced her somehow?  Used magic she wasn’t aware of?  She wasn’t sure.
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Fun Fact
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If you haven't figured out, Martenique is not at all like Casperius. He is a demon, which more of that will get revealed later, but she is a fae, a sprite. By all accounts she is happy and woe to anyone that upsets her. Eventually she and Horace the butler are going to bond over cookies and gardening. She is the light in Casperius' dark and very bloody world. These are the kinds of cookies she would make, and one very grumpy demon, and maybe more, will laugh and eat them happily. No one around him will a say a thing about them either, they like living...
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A forest fae, Martenique had lived a very solitary lie in the vast forest of the realm that she was born in. That all changed one day when a certain demon was there to make a deal with another being. That chance meeting would entwine their paths and combine their futures. Calm and serene, she is the antithesis of his rage and explosiveness. One of the few who has never and will never feel his wrath, she is also the only one that can shorten his name and live to tell about it.
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You have heard the saying to make a deal with devil? Well, Casperias is that devil. He's a slick one that demon, with a forked tongue that you don't see coming. His deals are always much more complex than what it seems, and the deck is always stacked in the house's favor. Well you certainly never want to cross him, what you want to do even less is ever harm the one thing that means more to him than his deals: Martenique.
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
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Hmmm...which of these two demons should be up first? Sprite in distress? Smut? Hmmm.... I guess we'll find out tomorrow over on @theimperiumchronicles
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
“And now you are hiding because I did not come at you beckoning, sir Peri?” She continued to look around, wondering where he was and how he had escaped the vines. “Look up.” Casperius replied, clearing his throat and smirking.  He had to hand it to the vines, they were original.  Good guard dogs too.  He didn’t have to worry about someone sneaking up on his little sprite while he was gone, which was good because he did not like people messing with anything that was his.
 Slowly Martenique’s head tipped up and when she saw Casperius suspended above her, upside down, her eyes went wide.  “Oh dear!”  She was trying not to laugh, but failing quite badly. “Go ahead, laugh all you want.  I’ll just take my gift back home with me if you prefer me suspended midair over down there with you.  It makes no difference to me, you know.  There are lots of sprites that I could give my attention to.”  His voice was full of tease, as was his expression.  The eye roll he got in return for his words told him that unlike their confusion over the unknown phrase last time, she understood what he really meant this time. It pleased him, she was absolutely perfect.
 “Maybe I’m just keeping you up there because I can’t trust you not to be running around after every sprite, faerie, and pixie you see.  You are a demon after all.”  She crossed her arms over her chest and smirked smugly at him.  Two could play at the teasing game.
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