#cat's can get away with getting revenge on their enemies
wishing I could just be a cat. that'd be great. cat's don't have to worry about job interviews, they can just sleep in the sun, oh to be a cat.
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thelittlestspider · 11 months
if i could actually focus long enough to write ths it would probably hit 50k easily.
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mayvnwrites · 1 month
Fox demon sy au, except more demon and less uwu.
After dying due to expired food, SY wakes up as a fox demon with a natural affinity to poisons and poisoning. He is unamused at the irony, thanks, but at the same time... he IS kind of in some chaotic demon realm adjacent like place and needs all the help he can get, so ... thanks?
His transmigration even came with a subspace for drying and preserving herbs and ingredients, and an encyclopedic manual of all the possible tinctures, ingredients, and handling procedures installed into his brain.
Pretty adequate, although the subspace can only take medicinal ingredients and can't be used for growing/raising ingredients, and the manual is so massive SY feels like it will take decades to read. (Spoilers: it does take decades to read)
Cool, SY thinks, I can be a wandering apothecary and stuff - but of course things don't turn out like that, because why wouldn't this world be full of poisonous plants that require... um ... *alternative* methods of healing.
After the fifth time someone tries to force SY to cure someone with papapa, he says fk it and, unable to escape in more conventional ways, he poisons his way out of the demon lord's castle.
SY is also beginning to understand which world he's been transmigrated to and is cursing a "Master Airplane" under his breath nonstop as he stomps angrily away from rando demon lord's territory, almost no guilt in his heart because the dude and his vassals eat people and are *assholes*.
SY starts using the direct method (aka poison) in refusing persistent inquisitors that want help he's unwilling to give (whether it's papapa or just a matter of principle) and slowly becomes known more for poisoning than cures. Doesn't help that SY has evolved from death-poisons to poisons that would make you wish you were dead.
Soon SY is known as a fox who would rather kill you than speak to you.
At first SY feels upset about this, because after all that work curing people, killing people is what he's known for? But eventually he's like, whatever gets people to stop bothering me~.
After decades, SY has embraced getting his way with his pretty face and poisonings, becoming a bit of a naughty foxy, and is enjoying his life away from the plot and with much less harrassment by the demons.
He's gained the title of Poisonous Shoutao (longevity peach), and his reputation as a venomous fox demon who could cure whatever ails you but would rather poison you has grown far and wide (as well as his foxy bewitching ways as he gloats over poisoning you).
SY has a long list of admirers and haters alike, including those grateful for his healing and those who want revenge for his poisonings, but what good demon *doesn't* have an enemy or 20?
And then one of his haters sets him up to be the scapegoat of a rash of poisonings in some human communities, and suddenly SY is the target of some pony-tailed pretty boy head disciple from Cang Qiong with a mole, who hasn't realized that the Poisonous Shoutao is outside of his capabilities... after paralyzing the boy, SY thinks about just ending the kid but... well, SY has used his pretty face to sway others before, but this is the first time he's been swayed by a pretty face.
B-besides, it's probably better to avoid making enemies of Cang Qiong, no matter where in the plot they are right now! So SY just teases the kid until the kid's practically steaming (out of anger? or...), reveals he's NOT the culprit, and disappears into the night with a faint scent of nightshade lingering behind.
Expecting it all to be done and dusted after that, SY is surprised to find out that the pretty boy now has a vendetta against him and has sworn to take him down.
Cue cat-and-mouse interactions all over the two realms with a poisonous (and slightly flirty) fox demon chased by a serious (but easily flustered - at least when it comes to a certain fox) young cultivator.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 4 months
Rafe’s revenge worked
Might make a part 3?
pt 1
Warnings: lying, slight manipulation, mentions of sex
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You unlocked the door to the chateau, your heart pounding at the afterthought of what you just did.
You had sex with your brothers enemy.
The 2000 dollars sat heavy in your pocket, you had no clue what type of excuse you would make for having it.
You went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. You downed the water, and when you turned around John B stood in front of you.
“Where were you?” He asked, leaning against the wall, asking as if he didn’t know the answer.
“Work… it’s Monday.” You said, as if it was obvious.
“What took you so long?”
“I stayed a little longer helping close up. It’s not that serious.” You shrugged, attempting to push past him.
“Don’t bullshit me.” He held his hand out, stopping you from walking away.
“What are you talking about? Are you drunk or something?” You scoffed.
“I know you were with Rafe, and I know you had sex with him.”
Your face dropped and your heart pounded. John B pulled out his phone, opening up the audio and shoving it in your face.
“I- I didn’t! That’s not even me!” You tried to defend yourself.
He then pulled out another picture, of Rafe standing with a giant smile and the apron with your name on it in his hands.
You looked down at your waist, fuck. You must’ve forgotten it.
“John B-“
He scrolled through the messages more, the conversation between the both of them proof.
“I’m sorry, JB, I’m sorry-“ tears started to fall down your face.
He sighed.
“I- I think you should leave for a couple days, y/n.”
“W-what? You’re kicking me out? Over this shit?”
“He- he- he tried to kill me, and my friends! I’m sorry, y/n. Go… pack your stuff and stay with one of your friends. Only for a little. Okay?”
You wordlessly went to your room, grabbing bags and shoving things in there.
“We can talk when you get back. I- I just can’t right now.” He told you as he followed you into your room,
He stuttered your name out when he walked onto the patio behind you, but you didn’t even look at him as you went outside, sobbing and walking. It was dark out, dangerous, and cold. You shivered as you walked through the cut.
“Oh shittt, look what the cat dragged in.” Kelce nudged Rafe. He had shown, and boasted to all his friends about you. Rafe turned his head, looking at your distraught figure.
“No shit.” Rafe scoffed, leaning out his car window and whistling to get your attention from the other side of the road.
You snapped your head over there, your eyes widening. You stormed up to him.
“Oh, shit, someone’s ready for round t-“
You punched him, square in the face. He groaned, and chuckled at it, and before you could do anything else he jumped out the car.
“The fuck was that for?”
“You’re such an asshole! You ruined my fuckin’ life! I got kicked out, and- and now I have to see your stupid fucking face again!” You hit his chest, him just having a smirk on his face the whole time.
“Oh, shit. I’m… sorry. How’d your brother take it?” He asked in faux pity, slowly wrapping his arms around you and looking over to Kelce in the car with a grin.
“He’s pissed!” You sobbed into his chest. “And he’s upset, and he- he-“
“Shh. Shhh. It’s alright. Uh.. if you want, you could hang at mines for a couple of days.”
“No. I’m just gonna-“ you pushed him off of you, realizing who it was again.
“C’mon, it’s cold, you’re literally shivering! I got blankets and shit in the car. You can’t walk all the way there.”
“Rafe, I can’t-“
“Think of it as my apology. Please. I feel.. just so bad. And… I just want you to stay, just for a couple days. Think of it, we’ll have the house to ourselves for days. My dad’s on some trip with my stepmom, Sarah’s hanging out with your brother” he said it with a tinge of bitterness, making you suspicious.
“and my other one is at her friends.”
“Did you-“ you sniffled. “Did you fuck me because your sister got with my brother?” You asked him, catching onto the distaste he had about it.
“What? Course not. What type of crazy shit is that?” He scoffed. Yea, that’s exactly what he did.
“Fine.” You mumbled when you felt another breeze blow past, the cold making you shiver again.
“Poor thing.” Rafe mumbled as he opened the door, motioning for you to get in the back.
“Here.” Rafe threw his jacket at you, you taking it and quickly pulling it over your shoulders.
Kelce looked at him with a knowing look, and Rafe held his hands up in mock defense, turning the car on again.
@sublimepenguinpeach-blog @haruvalentine4321 @theoraekenslover @ilovemensomuchagh
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rindough · 4 months
thinking ab boothill being seduced by someone working with the ipc so they can capture him... take the money and run by tamer... :3 - 💫
cw. gn! reader, fluff mixed w/ angst, strangers to fwb to lovers- then to enemies >:(, implication of suggestive themes
wc. 3,130
notes. STAR ANON IS HERE AGAIN :DDDD and wow this song, i LOVE IT, plus i think it rllyyy goes with the trope u gave. it gives the whole idea some sexy mysterious touch to it UGH but u know what makes it hit in the feels more worst? for this trope to take the "i shouldnt be doing this, but i must" typa route 😈😈 i actually edited the whole draft over the past few days, so i hope it's... understandable??? but oh man i rlly got carried away with this 🫨🫨 so have a seat star anon, get comfy n get something nice to drink and i hope u enjoy this AAAAAAAAAA
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This song really, really goes well with the trope- so mysterious, much alluring so that Boothill does not pry his eyes away from your back as he approaches. His thoughts run on how many glasses would it take for him tonight to drown the tiredness that's slowly creeping up to him.
All the running, all the shooting. Boothill definitely needs some touch up here and there later but it's all worth it. His thirst tonight could never beat the thirst for revenge he has for the IPCs, especially for that shitbag named Oswaldo.
Through the waves of people and memos, he observes as he walks. The way Siobhan smiles at you, the way the bar's lighting illuminate your features, how you're dressed, it all suits you, he thinks.
Who is this all too unfamiliar person in his all too familiar bar?
"Usual?" Siobhan asks from the other end of the counter, eyes fixated on the syrup she's pouring into the cup.
"Usual, two big glasses."
As she begins to make your drinks, he finally plops down and takes in the stranger beside him, prompting you to turn to him as well.
It all suits that hard wall he's come to face when you meet eye to eye.
"Why do ya got a wall up like that?" Oh Aeons, it took a while for him to process what he had blurted out. Yet, seeing your eyes widened like that, it intrigues him.
You had felt the way this man has pierced holes through the back of your skull. Even until now does it sting, it burns to be under his gaze like that. Dangerous, yet so tempting.
You study him.
From the boots on his feet to the awfully tight pants he's wearing, there was no denying that those iconic target in his pupils had took your breath away.
He was more attractive in real life than the pictures you've seen in your office and reports.
"Huh, cat got your tongue I supposed..." He pouts and turns to Siobhan, who's just finishing making your drinks.
Finally you spoke, "Where are your manners, mister?"
With how your words slid past your lips in a sly, hushed tone, it pulls him in. Scoffing, he turns to face you again. "Asking me why I got a wall up high instead of my name?"
He rolls his eyes, getting a bit more annoyed since the fact you've taken his usual seat. "Says the one eyein' me down like no one's business. Care to explain yerself?"
What a hypocrite, it was his turn to eye you down now. Going from the crown of your head to the the curves of your shoulders, he comes back to face the color of your pupils and the shape of your nose. Your lips.
He thinks he could spend all his free time looking at you.
"You two know each other?"
Two heads now turn to the bartender, the question lingers in the air but she quickly cuts it off, "Anyways, enjoy your drinks, Gallagher's not here so I can't stay and chat all the time."
Watching as the lady slides off to her next customer, your eyes now fall back to target pupils that have already rested on yours. A smile creeping on your lips at the feel of your knees touching each other, now that you're both facing each other.
"Y/n... very fitting for a person like you." He coos, smiling as he swirls the malt in his glass. Excitement boiling in him at the shy curl adorning your face. "Boothill."
There begins your interaction with the wanted man. He's a regular in here, yet from your studies there had been some days where the man in question does not come to the bar. However, the days you've picked out last week to visit Siobhan had became fruitful. Knees pointed to one another as you both engage in deep talks and quiet, flirtatious banter. Unsure when he'll see you again, Boothill offers you two days of each week for a rendezvous.
As selfish and attention seeking it may sound, he finds solace in your company, wanting nothing more than to bask under the light of your attention each night you two meet.
Hence, it's now the third week that you're here to visit him. It's a new routine you've been looking forward to in comparison to your work and other things in life. Now you're both here, knees once again touching, smiles exchanged while throwing in some flirtatious comments from time to time. But...
You have to push further. You have to lure the man in further. Partially due to your need to push the progress forward, and also to your dying urge to know him better, you asked:
"Do you feel anything, Boothill?"
He hums, his first drink already downed, leaving his hands to rest on the cool counter by your side. Through his side bangs, he blinks, having caught off guard by the question you've laid out to him. Yet, all he could do was reminisce that time whilst staring at himself through the reflection of the glass in his hands.
What has he come to?
Having put himself on the surgical table back then just to feel alive. Not an ounce of determination left him when he forced the request onto the poor doctor. But regret? Perhaps he did, he regretted back then knowing after the procedure he could not feel anything but pure weight.
"I don't feel anything, I suppose..."
Perhaps he had too much tonight now that he's running high on energy and feeling so many things, or was it the room that's getting more crowded by the second tonight and how vulnerable and alone he feels under your soft gaze?
"I don't exactly feel anything, more like can't feel much."
But what could he do, he drifts away from the glass and turns to you. It's better to look forward to things in his current state than to dwell on the past. It's something he tells himself from time to time, right now being one of them.
"I did it to maself," he puts up a hand between you, a playful look on his face. "But see? I do many cooler things now, this hand of mine's can do and has done many things."
The light weight of your fingers on the palm of his hand brings him to hitch his breath. He can't feel it yet he could tell despite being partially human, you still took into account how sensitive the topic was and to treat his hand like glass. The tension around you grows thick, air inside the bar getting hotter. He no longer feels timid and vulnerable, but more like he's determined to put a brave front for you to see and for you to seek comfort in. Your delicate dance on his metallic limp allows him to soften his gaze, but turns dark after hearing the words that leave your lips.
"What else can it do?"
"You do not what to know, angel."
"Oh, don't I?" Your gaze falls to how your hands lined up to one another, laid on the countertop. Even the cool countertop couldn't beat the heat that spread along the veins of your arm.
"What if I want to?"
"Fudgin' hell, ya sure don't give up eh?" He slowly sighs out the air he didn't know he's kept in, the smell of malt waves over your lips. He stood dangerously close, face daringly inching closer as if he was trying to tempt you, to scare you.
Yet, you know what he wants to do, and to be fair you wanted it too. It's hard to keep yourself in check when all you see, all you need- you want- is him. Maybe, you can let yourself go in this one. This one time.
There wasn't any time limit into how long you should capture him but definitely it should be done as soon as possible. That laughter of his that booms just loud enough for you to hear, that grip he indulges when you tug him out of the bar right then and there, and that praise and touch he leaves by the end of each coming rendezvous leaves you falling deeper into Aeon knows whatever this hole is.
Boothill knows he can't feel anything, but he does know that whatever's going on during your rendezvous is addicting. Not in the sense that he could drown himself in pleasure every week but he finds himself turning into someone he doesn't really know, or maybe someone he's lost a long time ago.
The cyborg himself knows he's different.
With a different body unlike his previous one, he could charge himself up to sleep, or be like a normal person and sleep in a bed. He could run on days without sleep and still be busting the IPC's asses and Aeon knows whatever stupid plan he has to ruin someone's day. Malt juice is now his go to for some sleep top-up and quick boost of adrenaline... but he realizes this later that it's unhealthy.
However, ever since this began he finds everyday to be less... taxing. To be less dull, less redundant, and he looks forward to it. Meeting you, catching up with you, ending the night with you, this whole thing is basically like a reward system for him. But because he knows this new routine is starting to change him for the better, he's happier. He's more pumped, getting more sleep, even he begins to try to be a little bit more careful during his fights or shenanigans.
And as the cyborg finds change to be an exciting challenge, he indeed loves it when it benefits both sides. He finds comfort in the way you turn in your sleep to curl into him, how despite you had to rush and leave for the morning you still find time to brush your finger along the scar by his eye. He finds solace in the words you speak and the secrets you shared amongst yourselves.
And tonight, there laid you in between the sheets in the all too familiar bedroom.
You study him.
The way the metallic surface rises and falls in rhythm to his breathing, his mouth slightly agape and head tilted aside in his sleep. How he without fail folds whichever leg in that's equivalent to the side of bed he's sleeping on.
Today, tonight, this time, you do not trace his chest. You mustn't, no matter how strong the urge was especially tonight. Silently cursing at how this had developed into a habit, you slip out of the sheets and into your pants and top.
Quietly into the night you ventured, feet in sync to your quick beating heart with fingers already dialing the familiar digits on your screen.
This mission was a curse. Meeting Boothill is a curse. Being with the IPC is starting to become a curse because this right here? It's self sabotage, but you know deep inside you can no longer keep up the facade.
"Two days from now, 20th system hour at Golden Hour's Dazzle Motel. Got it?"
The first day since the call was less painful, guilt was slowly creeping up to you at the back of your mind but it was bearable. It was easy to stay distracted thanks to Boothill's banter and finally (to the man's luck) trying out his favorite malt drink.
Day two though, was the beginning of your torture. Thoughts flood your mind and focus; it was silent tonight. The cyborg doesn't speak either, simply thinking it's one of those moments where you both fall into deep silence, listening to the crowd and enjoying in each other's presences. So, he finds comfort in the silence and never questions it. But he however questions your choice of seating today, leaving his old seat for him to sit as you sit in his 'new' seat.
But the silence tonight that lingers in the air leaves your heart to ache, it will be hard to end tonight. Especially noting the way his eyes glimmer and shark teeth beaming wide when you chug his usual down like a champ to drown your guilt. But he doesn't know that. He doesn't have to know that.
"Wasn't expectin' to see ya today, Y/n." He tries not let out a laugh, but fails when his amusement finally takes over. Peering through the rim of the tall glass, you smiled at him while swallowing the last bit of malt juice.
"I guess seeing you has become my favorite routine, wouldn't you agree cowboy?"
"Can't say that I disagree there-"
"And Boothill, maybe I want to discover more things about you, inside out." You confessed swiftly, turning back to face the glass in your hold, word vomiting without a care if he's able to catch up to what you're saying.
Eyes widened with a gasp flying out of his lips, your smile widens.
But oh the pain does not only accompanies your cheeks but also grows in that tear in your heart.
Perhaps you could make it count, now that damage was done.
With gaze so intense he watches the way you lean back slightly, eyes traveling up and down his figure but it's different this time. The weight in your gaze holds such sincerity and fondness, Aeons! He could feel his lips wobbling in happiness.
Was this a move? Is this how you finally make the move on him?
"So, what do you say?" The pair of twinkling eyes he adores comes back to meet with his, the skunk-haired man could only blink, trying to process it all deeply.
He wonders how long has it been since you've been 'seeing' each other... A month? Two? Your meetups for sure have occurred every week.
He snaps out of it, your face now turned towards the wall of soda and syrup bottles opposite the counter you both shared. "Well, too bad on my-"
You froze, cold fingers slip through strands of your hair and brush along the side of your cheek. Slowly you turned towards him, feeling his thumb rub the skin near your ear, his other fingers resting by your nape. He's got you trapped now, his body hovering slightly over your seated figure.
From his looks alone do you curse a million times again to yourself. From the soft plush and taste of his lips do you know it adds up to the tears that threaten to fall, that would accompany you on your days right after.
By the time you two step foot into the same place you spent every week, the front desk lady knew at this point what you've been up to and no longer pauses to hand Boothill the keys to the room.
You watch him, you study him, you remember him. The tight grip on your hand, the flow of his long locks under the cool hue of the dreamscape.
"Tonight Y/n, let's be honest with each other."
Your lips crash and the door closes with the help of your foot. You both turn round and round with eagerness to lead, hands coming up to pull his jacket with hands coming down to tug the hoops of your pants whilst moving deeper into the room. Each push and pull leaves you hoping, begging for this to be a nightmare that you'll both wake up from.
You'll remember every single part of this, even though it is short-lived.
You hold him back, resting your hands on the edge of his jacket. Catching your breath before you speak, "Wait." The softness of your voice elevates the running of his mechanical heart. Your gentle push right after causing the cowboy to fall back a little as he watches you turn your back and walk away.
"Where ya goin'?"
"Gonna lock the door." You glance back at him. "I want to start slow."
"How slow we talkin', angel?" His voice remains low yet it manages to bring a smile on your lips, just the tone alone could you tell the man was grinning as he spoke those words. "We don't got all night, I know you gotta leave for work by dawn."
"You can't stay back just for the day?" He asks out, despite being by the front of the bed looking all messed up and rowdy, he sounds as if he's holding onto the last ray of hope.
"I can't, Boothill." You turn to him, smiling but he catches how odd it was.
"You know I want to, but I simply can't."
He catches the force in it but oh it was all too late.
Arms now cuffed with the tight grips of the IPC guards, he watches as you exchange a few words with the 'front desk lady'. He don't have to ask what's going on, that look on your face was a dead giveaway to what you had done.
His engine runs harder, his fuel boils hotter. The clanks and screech from his thrashing could leave the guards' ears bleeding but he could careless. The noise grew as you stood forward, coming face to face with him.
"Darn it!" He barks at you, pushing forward only to be yanked back in place, his eyes squint with so much focus you're certain it'll pierce through someone.
Not that it hasn't pierced through you already.
"When I get back at ya- Oh, ho ho ho...."
You don't flinch when he jerks forward again, but this time, he stays silent. You don't dare to reach out to touch his face, his eyes bear so much of dying hope and light you couldn't help but to utter out to him in hopes he could forgive you.
"I'm sorry."
"Yeah right yer sorry." He growls through his teeth, his words adding to the final weight on your shoulders. "I was lenient with ya, I was careful for ya. Oh Aeons, I knew I shouldn't have let 'em guards down."
"May we meet again, Boothill."
"Don't ever come in my sight." He spits, eyes falling into despair as your figure disappear by the doorframe.
It is your fault.
You could have make this happen in a week's time, but hell- this was four months worth of visits, adding on a confession to a man you know so well could be a step closer to being lovesick. Adding on a confession that could make your dreams and longing come true.
But... what is there for you to do? What could you do now?
Meet him again? The audacity of yours.
The only question you could ask yourself day and night after this was how could you?
What were you doing?
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©  2024 rindough, do not repost or plagiarize.
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slvthrs · 1 year
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your ex-boyfriend decided to cheat on you- the sane course of action was sleeping with his enemy
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, praise n degradation kink, unprotected sex (use birth control idiots), dressing room sex, slight violence and blood, blood kink if u squint
word count: 2.2k <3
Not even anger or rage- it was pure fucking red wrath. Your boyfriend of 2 years was cheating on you. He had the fucking audacity to cheat on you, and try to hide it. 
God did you want to kill him.
Your bestfriend Elle had sent you a video of him making out with some rando chick at a party and then taking her into a room to obviously have sex. You weren’t even sad, you just wanted to hurt him.
It was 3 days after you found out your boyfriend was cheating on you and the wrath hadn’t gone away. You’ve been ignoring every text, every message, every call- he was going to be so pissed. You were doing a pretty good job of not running into him but today he had a gig and you would have to end up going.
You and Elle were sitting on your bed in your underwear and bra eating a huge assortment of candy and snacks while re-watching Sex Education. 
“Wait have you confronted Theo about cheating on you yet” Elle asked with a lollipop between her lips
You groaned you wanted to but every time you thought about it all you could do was want to punch him “I wanted to trust me but I just wanna hurt him y’know I don’t need his half-assed apology”
“Wait so why don’t you just ditch his gig” Elle inquired
“I would but imagine your girlfriend just ditches you with an explanation because remember he doesn’t know I know he cheated on me” You threw your head back- it was gonna be really hard to get him back
“Hmm does he have like y’know enemies that you can y’know… fuck” Elle suggested
“Elle we’re not in a wattpad fan-fic, Theo doesn’t have enemies per say” You rolled your eyes… but he did have someone who pissed him off to no end
You shot up with a plan in mind, “But he does have someone he kinda hates” You said while you carding through your closet trying to find an outfit
“Oooh who” Elle sat up like a curious dog 
“Vinnie” The name was met with a huff from Elle
Vincent Cole Hacker, lead guitarist and singer of his band and adored by girls all over the country.
His killer style mixed with his rough hair and piercings accompanied with the rings he adorned on each hand which trailed across his guitar with so much purpose you couldn’t help but think what else they could do.
The same Vinnie Theo hated, and the same Vinnie who could never take his eyes off you.
“Babe you're super hot but I’ve legit never seen Vinnie without his army of girls following him, are you sure he’s the one?” Elle probes and she's right Vinnie’s a chick magnet, you’d be lucky to find him alone, but Elle was also right about the fact you were hot, the way your hair sat, framing your face and the way you would bite your fingers, and look up at guys, batting your eyelashes and giggling- toying with their feelings- you had boys begging for you.
But Vinnie was the one you wanted.
“I know, I know, but I have a plan trust me” 
You didn’t have a plan 
All you knew was that Vinnie stared at you for far too long to be considered platonic, and no sane guy would give up a chance to hook up with you.
After about 2 hours, you and Elle were ready. She was wearing a denim skirt with a pink tank top and pink converse adorned with little accessories, while you were wearing a black cropped top with Dominic Fike embroidered on without a bra so you could see your nipples poking through the fabric. Paired with a black mini-skirt and pantyhose which looked like it was attacked by an army of cats and a pair of platforms with some other accessories here and there- you looked enchanting.
The pair of you got there around 30 minutes later and broke off, with Elle waking to the bar to get some drinks and you trying to find your cheating ass boyfriend. 
The bass of all the people walking around made you want to turn on your heel and walk away. You had endured it for the sake of your boyfriend but now the air was filled with venom rather than admiration.
“There she is, hi baby” It sounded so goddamn awful coming from your boyfriends mouth but you had to play the part of the oblivious girlfriend for a little longer
“Hi Theo” You say with the only respect you have for him left and kiss his cheek
As he continues his conversation with his bandmates you zone out and look around while drinking some fruity drink his bandmates gave you. As you looked around you caught the addictive eyes of your target, Vinnie, and unsurprisingly he was checking you out, who wouldn't tbh.
As your staring competition played out you were quickly brought back to reality by your boyfriend telling you they were about to go on stage.
“Hey babe can I talk to you for a sec?” You asked and he went along with it, presumably thinking he was about to get some last minute action.
“Yeah baby, what do you want?” He asked, so fucking oblivious to what was about to happen.
“Who the fuck is this chick your making out with in this video” You said while playing out the video on your phone.
His mouth hung agape, this cunt thought he could have the audacity to be shocked.
“B-babe I don’t know what that is, I-I’m pretty sure I was like sure drunk” Seriously, the ‘I was drunk’ excuse? 
He can do better than that.
“Are you fucking serious, I’ve been drunk plenty of times and I’ve never fucking cheated on you” Every gross and terrible emotion was bubbling up from inside you as you were about to overflow
“I-it doesn’t even matter I just kissed her your fucking overreacting!” Overreacting, this fucking bitch thinks I’m over reacting
With gritted teeth you said “Oh I’m overreacting? I’m fucking overreacting, well you wanna see overreacting?” 
You didn’t even register what your body was doing before,
Fuck, your hand made contact with his face and there was a stream of red trickling down his nose while your knuckles were bruising up.
“YOU FUCKING BITCH” He yelled pushing you up against the wall, while his blood spilled on to your chest
On any other day you wouldn’t have been able to push him off but with the immense amount of rage mixed with adrenaline you were feeling you pushed him to the ground, with your head spinning you ran off into another room trying to catch your breath.
As you finally stood up from your hunched over position and walked over to the mirror in the room- shit my shirt has blood on it, I look like I killed someone
You try to get some tissues to take the blood off but it’s no use the blood is congealed and staining your white shirt so you grab a closed water bottle and try to figure out what dressing room you're in.
You hand slides across a red leather couch with stains and find a stack of polaroids.
As you shuffled through them you see a drummer and bassists clearly drunk and passed out on a sofa, in another one you can see a brunette making a face and flipping off the camera, and in the final one its a group photo 4 boys playing a song in front of a smaller audience- in the photo you spot a particular face- Vinnie.
And as fate has been so kind the tall blonde walks into the room as if on cue, “Oh shit, what are you doing here?”
But before you you can answer his eyes widen and he walks towards you, “Fuck are you okay” He says with knitted eyebrows as his hand hesitantly swiping the blood of your shirt.
“Yeah, it's not my blood” You say with a smile as you try to reassure him, but which only leads him to look at you, even wider eyed.
“It’s Theo’s” You continue as you sit down on the red sofa, “He kinda cheated on me so y’know he deserved it”
You play with your hands in your lap as you look up at Vinnie who's now sitting next to you with an unreadable expression.
“Well he fucking deserved it then” He says breaking the silence as you look up to meet his gaze, “If you we’re my girl, I’d cut my balls of before cheating on you”
You let out an obnoxious laugh while he follows you, “I’m serious though I would never do that, your to fucking hot for that.”
“Yeah yeah” You breathe out as you tip your head back on the sofa as you let Vinnie’s eyes rake over your body, huffing your chest so your tits press against your shirt, watching how he bites his lips.
“So any plans now that you're single” He was obviously trying to hint at you, so you played along.
“I dunno Vinnie, do you have any ideas for me?” You said sliding across the sofa, closer to the blonde boy
He hands trail over the blood on your shirt, staining his fingers and dragging his hand onto your jawline pulling your face up to his, so close but so fucking far, “I have a few ideas”
“Yeah”, You breathe out, “Show me”
Both of your lips interlock at a slow pace at first until he pulls your face away from him to breathe but his gaze drops to your spit covered lips and flushed out look before he smashes them up together for the second time and pulls you onto straddle his lap.
“God every fucking time I saw you with that prick I wanted to kill myself.” He confessed, letting his hands graze up your sides pulling your top off.
All you do in response is giggle whilst you tip your head back so he can lay a trail of saccharine sweet kisses from the base of your neck down to your tits. Your hands scratch his shoulders, bawling his shirt in your first hoping he’ll take it off.
And if Gods looking out for you, he pulls his shirt of ruffling if his hair and goes back to attack your chest with love bites, your hands reach to the back of his head grabbing a tuft of his hair as you throw your head back and moan as his teeth catch your nipples in his mouth.
“Vinnie, fuck oh my god” You moaned out, his hands moved to flip up your skirt and fondling your ass while you grind down on his hardened dick, then he takes shuffles around with his belt pulling it of and tossing it on the ground keeping you too connected with the bloody kisses falling from your lips on to his tan skin.
“Whenever he kissed you, touched you, my skin felt like it was on fucking fire,” He pulls of his pants with one swift motion as they fall to the ground with a light, airy thud, “He doesn’t fucking deserve you, your too hot for him,” 
You pull off of him to stare into his eyes, “Vinnie, I adore you, but if you bring up my ex one more damn time while we're about to have sex I’m getting up and leaving” You say will as emotionless of a face you can pull.
He airs out a breathy laugh but rather than replying he flips the two of you over onto the sofa and rips your skirt of, “Yes ma’am,” He starts, “But we both know your not leaving to go anywhere” 
He looks for a condom but I stop him, “I’m on birth control and your clean, don’t worry”, you say with the most poise you can muster whilst your under a 6 foot man
With his new found confidence, he lines up your entrance with his dick, carefully sliding in, going gently through your folds whilst you arch into the motion gasping out for him,
As your hands hook around his head to pull both of you into a kiss, he sets a ruthless pace, pounding into you like his life depends on it but not letting you relish a single moment of freedom.
He doesn’t stop for a second, not letting you rest whilst the entire room echos with sounds of skin slapping and it doesn’t stop, turning the melody of your skins coming in contact and the rhythm of your synched breathless moans turns the room into a orchestra of pleasure and carnal desire as both of you chase your release.
And it’s not far, you cum first with a loud moan and arching your back with your mouth in an ‘O’ shape and he’s not far behind cumming in you and dropping down on to you to place more hickeys all over you and claim you even more as his.
They say revenge is an act of passion, and while you're laying there, breath panting, legs sore and your ex-boyfriends biggest rival laying on top of you rubbing circles into your skin… you can’t help but think they're right, because what’s a bigger act of passion than sex? And what’s a bigger form of revenge than betrayal? And the best betrayal is the sight of your ex-boyfriend watching you limp out of a dressing room with your hair and makeup messed up whilst his rival follows behind you in an even worse state.
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frost-queen · 7 months
Starcrossed lovers // part 4 (Reader x Peter Parker) NWH
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @minimin1993, @narniansmagic, @benonlinear, @canthebest1, @mellowdreamlandpost-blog, @thewhitewolfmarvel, @freek12569, @bookloverfilmoholic, @cigarettedaydreamsandcofee, @qalijahbydior, @gabriella-aesthetic, @fallenxjas, @fluffybunnyu, @minimin1993, @supernaturalstilinski, @cherrysxuya
Summary: There might be only one Peter can turn to in the hope to make sense of it all. Peter and Peter meet again, but this time clash. Ignoring a warning, Peter tries to make you remember him. Desperate to have you by his side once more. [ part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 5 & part 6]
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Peter was panting. Breathing loudly underneath his mask as he swung from building to building. His mind spiralling as this was not how he imagined meeting you again. The meeting of before flashed before his eyes, distracting him. His eyes started to get glossy visioning the glance you gave him.
Nothing in your eyes that could tell him you recognized them. They seemed dull, lost without their spark. Did he let himself get carried away, thinking you from this earth would love him as equally as you did from his earth? Had he perhaps envisioned hints that were never there. Bright lights blinded him followed by a loud long horn.
Peter snapped out of it, just in time seeing a truck head frontal at him. He shot out a web, doing a flip so he would be higher up. The web snapped as he was weightless in the air for a moment. Aiming his hand out, another web shot out. Sticking to a rooftop as he got flung towards it. His feet came in contact with the rooftop, sending him rolling.
Breathing loud, he set his elbows down, slowly lifting himself up. Getting up, he neared the edge. The sound of sirens going off in the distance. Peter took of his mask, taking a deep breath. His gaze fell on his wrist. Where a watch hung, given by Strange for him to find his way back home.
His fingers neared it, almost touching it. In that moment, he thought about leaving. Returning home with the bitterness inside of him. He felt it grow inside of him. Ever since you died on his earth, he came bitter. Sought revenge in his enemy’s. Sought out the dangers just so he had a way of raging out his grief. Peter let his head hang, lowering his hand.
He didn’t want the bitterness. It was tiring. Hollowing him out to become a shadow of what he once was. Overlooking the city, his mind immediately went to one person. Hoping they hadn’t forgotten about him. Peter launched himself off the building. Soaring the streets to reach his destination. Finding the way almost came easily to him. Just a few more blocks and he’d be there.
Peter’s hands pressed hard against the window from the impact. Panting loud as he looked inside. – “Peter?” – Peter’s eyes lighted up with relief when he saw Peter… your Peter hurry over to the window. Peter was laying on his bed, startled out of his wits by a loud thud against his window. At the sight of Peter three, he rushed over. The window slid open as Peter three crawled into his room.
“What are you…” – Peter asked when Peter three grabbed him tight by his shoulders. – “You remember me right? You know who I am!” – he asked frantically. – “Yes.” – Peter answered, shrugging his grip off. – “What are you doing here? How did you even get here?” – Peter wanted to know. Peter three had exhaled relieved. – “Y/n doesn’t remember me.” – Peter spoke desperate.
Peter, your Peter furrowed his brows. – “You went to see Y/n?” – he questioned. Peter three nodded saddened. – “Why are you here?” – Peter asked loudly. – “I…” – Peter three replied wanting to answer, but his mind went back to you. – “Why can’t she remember me?” – he begged to know. – “Strange’s spell.” – Peter answered casually before turning back to his questions.
“How did you even get here?” – Peter wanted to know. – “Strange.” – Peter three responded scratching the back of his head. – “What spell? What spell did he cast?” – Peter wanted to know. – “The one I asked him to do, but went wrong.” – Peter one answered annoyed, waving his hands across. – “What do you want with Y/n?” – he pressured on. – “Why do you have this obsession with Y/n?” – Peter pushed Peter three back.
Frustrated and angry at him. He wasn’t blind. He noticed the way he acted around you back then. Peter three lowered his head. – “Y/n… Y/n…she was my MJ.” – he explained with teary eyes. Peter’s eyes widened as it all became clear. – “I…I didn’t think I’d ever see her again. Being around her gave me hope. I was bitter, she cured that.” – Peter explained. – “So what you just think you can steal her from me?” – Peter replied rudely. – “No, no.” – Peter three said in defence.
“That is why you are here right? To take her from me?” – Peter one shouted back. – “She’s not your MJ!” – Peter three called out. The emotions running high. – “She’s my friend!” – Peter one yelled. – “Your Y/n is death so stay away from mine!” – Peter made clear. Peter three felt desperate. He wasn’t going to let everything die because his equal said no. – “You still have MJ!” – Peter three grunted out. – “No I don’t!” – Peter one replied loud.
Peter three was taken by surprise. A look of surprise on his face. Peter one sighed loud letting himself sit on his bed. – “The spell. Strange’s spell. I just wanted the people to forgot I was Spiderman. Not my friends… the spell doesn’t work that way… I lost my friends because of that spell.” – Peter said staring at his empty hands. Peter three had taken a deep breath, having calmed down. He approached Peter, coming to sit with him on the bed. – “Maybe he can reverse it?” – Peter suggested. – “No.” – your Peter responded.
“What if you tell them again?” – another suggestion from Peter three. Peter one shook his head. – “They are saver without knowing me… or the secret…” – Peter wiped his cheek with his sleeve. – “You should do the same.” – he spoke. – “I can’t…” – Peter three whispered. – “If you care for her, you let her be.” – Peter one dropped getting back up. – “I’m sorry Peter…” – he answered getting up as well. Peter neared the window. – “I can’t do that.” – with his final words he left out the window. Peter one sighing deep.
Peter was standing by your house, watching your window in the rain. His shoes filled at the bottom with water. Memories from his life with you passing by like a movie. His first encounter with you at school. The moment he held you after a break-up. The first time he told you his secret. Doing study-sessions together. Going on a first date. Your first kiss. All the memories that made him think of you.
The lights had gone down as he knew you had gone to bed. Peter kept watching your house till the morning glow. The door swung open as you rushed out. –“Bye mom!” – you shouted loud, hopping on one foot to pull the end of your shoe over your ankle. Flinging your backpack better over your shoulder, you started jogging over to the bus station. You saw the bus stop is the distance as you ran.
Hoping you’d be in time for when the bus would come. A person came in your way by the stop, having stepped forwards from behind the billboard poster on the stop. You slammed hard against them as they caught you. – “Oh sorry.” – you said out of breath, looking up. – “Hi.” – the person responded with a soft smile. Your eyes widened in surprise. – “You’re the spiderman costume boy.” – you said making him breath out a laugh.
“Yes… yes I am.” – he responded letting you go a bit. – “You must be a real fan of him to dress up like him.” – you spoke putting your backpack better over your shoulder. – “So not really Peter Parker, what’s your actual name.” – you were curious about. – “Actually my name is Peter.” – he responded. – “Oh.” – you answered sheepishly. You noticed Peter kept looking at you. Making you feel a bit shy. You tried to look at anything but him.
The way he was gazing at you, was heart stopping. In the distance you saw the bus appear. It rode to the front, stopping at the stop. The doors opened as people got off. You followed the line of people wanting to get on. You were about to set your foot on the bus when you felt a tug on your wrist. – “Can… can you skip the bus?” – Peter asked you when you looked confused over your shoulder.
“I…I have somewhere to be.” – you told him nervously. – “I promise you’ll be there on time.” – he answered. You sighed soft setting your foot back down on the pavement. – “Are you getting on?” – the bus driver asked.  You shook your head as he closed the door. With a little bit of pain, you watched it drive off.
You turned around to Peter with a deep breath. – “I normally don’t just agree with strangers so quick, so this better be worth it.” – you told him. – “I’m no stranger.” – he replied making you furrow your brows. – “That doesn’t count.” – you reminded him, only seeing him once before didn’t count as not being strangers anymore. Peter took your hand as he started pulling you along with him. – “Where are we going?” – you called out tagging along, trying to catch up with him as he kept pulling you along at his pace.
Peter led you into an alleyway. – “What… what are you doing…?” – you questioned, feeling a bit frightened now. A part of you knew you shouldn’t have followed a stranger. – “This will be quicker.” – he responded as he took off his jacket. Revealing the spiderman suit underneath it. – “That’s a bit too much isn’t it.” – you commented, thinking he was exaggerating in his fanboy obsession for the spider.
Peter breathed soft approaching you. He moved his hand around your waist, making you gasp soft. – “Do you trust me Y/n?” – he asked. You blinked surprised at him. – “How did you know my name?” – you wanted to know. – “Like I said no strangers.” – he simply outed.
“So do you trust me?” – he asked again pressing you closer to his side. – “That depends…” – you responded wary. Peter smiled as he moved his hand up. – “You better hold on tight.” – he said before shooting a web. He launched himself up as you clamped onto him with a loud scream. Nearly damaging his eardrums from your scream.
Peter let go of the web, falling a bit before he shot out another web. Still holding you, he had to launch himself with just one hand. You had wrapped your legs around his waist, arms tight around his neck. Continue to scream till your lungs burned. – “You are insane!” – you called out to him as you felt like being on a rollercoaster. That feeling in your stomach before the drop bouncing up and down once in a while.
Peter chuckled when he felt you tighten your limbs around him. – “Put me down!” – you cried out, burying your face in his neck. – “Almost there Y/n.” – he told you swinging from one building to the next. You let out another scream when you were weightless in the air. Right before the web grabbed a target, making you swing in the air to go forwards.
Peter landed on the platform as your limbs felt sore from clenching so hard. With shaky legs, you let your feet down, touching vast ground. A bit angry, you push yourself off Peter. – “Are you insane!” – you shouted at him, knees buckling as you walked shakily up to the metal bars, grabbing onto them. – “Do… do you recognize this?” – Peter asked watching you closely. – “I could’ve fallen!” – you panted out, needing to catch your breath.
“I would never let you fall Y/n. Do.. do you remember anything from this place?” – he wanted to know approaching you. You groaned frustrated slapping his hand away. – “This is kidnapping!” – you outed catching the statue of liberty in the corner of your eye. – “Why are we here?” – you yelled panicking at him. – “Don’t… don’t you remember Y/n. The battle. The three of us.” – Peter pointed at himself.
“No!” – you screamed at him. – “Now take me back!” – you insisted upon. – “Please try to remember Y/n.” – Peter neared you wanting to touch you. You groaned pressing your palms against your eyes. – “I don’t know what you want from me!” – you sighed out.
“I want you to remember me.” – Peter answered saddened. – “Take me back now!” – you stomped your foot on the ground, having enough of this. – “Alright Y/n…” – Peter answered giving in. This wasn’t working, he knew that now. He moved his hand around your waist, already extending his arm as you pushed yourself off him. – “On second thought I’ll just walk.” – you told him, backing away.
Waving your hands across, you didn’t want another swing session. You kept backing up, feeling a metal bar slip underneath your foot. It made you lose your balance, sending one leg of yours up. You fell backwards, waiting for your back to hit the ground as your fall got broken off. Halfway you were hanging.
Looking surprised at Peter’s hand tightly around your wrist. Keeping you in place. You blinked confused seeing flashes of a fall. The same hand reaching out to you. Blinking again, it was gone. Peter took a hold of your elbow, pulling you upright. – “You okay?” – he asked. You could only nod breathlessly at him. – “I’ll take you back.” – he said with sadness in his eyes.
He took your hand, guiding you carefully to the metal stairs. – “Peter.” – you called out making him stop. He looked back at you with a hopeful smile. – “Will you be gentle?” – you asked. He nodded. Taking a deep breath, you let him take a hold you once more. You grabbed on tight to him, swallowing nervously. Squeezing your eyes shut, you buried your face in his neck. Supressing a scream when he swung down with you.
Peter landed slowly in an alleyway. He kept holding you till he was certain your feet had found a steady underground. – “Are you okay?” – he asked. You nodded with a soft hum. – “Your destination is right around this block.” – he informed you with a point towards the streets. You kept gazing up to Peter. Tilting your head a bit. Peter caught you staring at him, smiling faintly.
You tilted your head to the other side, thoughtfully. Narrowing your eyes just slightly. – “I’d thought you’d hide your identity better?” – you spoke as Peter snorted loud. It brought him back to the moment he first told you his secret. You were so cool about it. Not even panicking or shouting at him for lying.
You simply accepted it as if it was a common thing. – “Maybe I just know who I can trust.” – he responded teasingly. You gave him a playful shove with a puff of making fun of him. – “Alright spidey boy.” – you joked back. Peter laughed as he felt like you had returned to him a bit. You stepped towards the streets out of the alleyway when you sensed Peter following you.
You turned around, pressing your hands against his chest to put a stop to him. – “Whoah spider boy where are you going?” – you asked. – “I’m seeing you off.” – Peter responded confused. You tilted your head a bit, hinting his suit. – “Not dressed like that you are.” – you told him with a smile. Peter rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. – “Y/n!” – you heard another voice from behind you. Turning your head you saw Peter Parker stand at the alleyway.
A soft glare on his face. Peter three took in a deep breath as you still had your hands on his chest. Confused at to what Peter Parker was doing here. You let go of Peter, turning around to block his suit from his prying eyes. – “It’s not what you think. He’s a fan.” – you said chuckling. – “You told her!” – Peter Parker shouted at Peter behind you. Taking a step back from Peter, you stared confused between the two of them.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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Matt and Peter trying to see who can fuck you better but they both fuck you so good that you become a babbling mess
i meshed two requests together, this one as well as matt and peter fucking villain! reader :)) i had a lotta fun with this one, enjoy!
Pairing: Peter! Matt! x Vigilante Black Cat! Reader (enemies to lovers)
Word Count: 8.8k
Warnings: SMUT, praise and degradation kink, mocking/ babying, petnames, teasing, swearing, mentions of blood/ violence (matt also bandages readers wound), bondage, dry humping, masturbation, breeding kink, man handling, overstim, fluff tho<33
"and i don't dress for villains, or for innocents.. i'm on my vigilante shit again. i don't start shit but i can tell you how it ends..."- vigilante shit, taylor swift
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You had married the night.
It was your escape, your desires, your dreams. The stars were rings upon your fingers, the moon a shining spotlight through the clouds as you’d stalk your prey during the hunting hours.
You came alive in the darkness.
You felt like a burst of light, energy and power bursting through your veins. It was when you could take charge. When you could sneak up on people, make them fall to their knees and beg for salvation.
It was when you could get revenge on the people who deserved it most.
You had trained yourself to be a soldier. To have your guard up, to be alert and stealthy. The Black Cat, is what they had called you. You were quiet and flexible, getting in places the average person couldn't.
It was ideal for stealing.
“Stealing” things that didn't belong to the people who had stolen them in the first place. They didn't belong to the white, rich old men the prowled the upper parts of New York.
They didn't belong to the thugs and gangs in Hell's Kitchen either.
They belonged to you.
It was a waiting game, finding the right time to swoop in from your spot on the rooftops to scurry down and collect the goods. But it was one you were willing to play. You had played many games since your time on the streets in the twilight hours, like cat and mouse.
Matt Murdock and Peter Parker were crawling on you like spiders, and you had run into them more times than you could count. As fast as they appeared, you had fled.
They had no idea who you were, but you had made headlines. The thief in the night. The media didn't know anything. They liked to spin and twist lies for their own benefit, so that things would sell and people would become frightened.
What they didn't know- is that you only stole from people who deserved it.
Your own version of justice.
And right now, the men you were watching from the alleyway deserved it. You had been watching the Pirus gang now for days, hiding behind old warehouse containers and perching yourself upon balconies and ledges to spy upon them and their dirty deeds that made your own hands feel greasy with grime.
They had something that belonged to you. You had noted the 18k gold ring getting pocketed between them, a ring that had been gifted to your mother before she had passed.
You didn't care about the imaginary price tag that was attached to it, like these crooks did. You didn’t care you could sell it and easily make a hundred thousand dollars, waving goodbye to student debt and mortgage rates. You just cared that it was in a safe, and valuable place.
Tucked away in the little vintage jewelry box she had gifted you before she took her final breaths on that old, creaking bed.
A growl ripped through your throat as you saw them flip it up like a coin, hearing their mutters about ‘thank god the bitch is dead’. They were just a leap away. With a push, you could jump down upon the pavement, ripping them to shreds with your claws.
You had been patient enough, a clock ticking in your head with each second that had passed where the ring wasn't in your possession.
The ring was an easy target, and you shifted your weight stealthy to propel your body forward.
It was all coming together. It was easy.
Almost too easy.
As you guided yourself, eye on the prize- a sharp jerk yanked you back. The breath was stolen from your lungs, your scream muffled as a hand was placed across your mouth.
“Shhhh. Not a word.” the low voice murmured in your ear, his warm breath making the hairs on your neck rise with anxiety as you struggled against his chokehold grip he held on you against his large, solid body.
You were brought back in through the large warehouse window you had so stupidly turned your back on, too focused on the activities below to realize what was going on behind you.
Who was behind you, for that matter. You twisted your foot to step on his own, but he avoided it, clearly trained in combat as he fought back against your contained fight.
“Don’t make this harder for yourself sweetheart.” he growled, twisting you around to smash your body against the cold brick, the wind knocked out of you, too stunned to cry for help as he tossed you like a rag doll.
A black bandanna covered his eyes, toned body was hidden under the same black fabric, blood smeared across his cracked knuckles. You searched him for some recognition of who he was, but you were too dazed from the sudden assault, heartbeat racing too loud in your ears from adrenaline to think clearly enough.
“She's got fight in her man.” the mystery man smirked, as if you were a wild animal in a cage, desperate to get free.
Shivers broke out across your skin from under the leather as shocks went through your whole body, white, sticky webs clinging you to the wall like a mouse in a trap.
Then it clicked. Oh. Fuck.
“Oh you fuckers.”
A second body hung from the ceiling, emerging from the darkness into the dingy warehouse lighting, attached to a web as he waved at you from upside down.
“Well hello there!” he said cheerfully as if the three of you were all buddy-buddy and this was an everyday event.
“Was that a goddamn Star Wars reference?” you huffed, wanting to strangle the both of them.
“Yes. Maybe. Maybe yes.” He dropped from the ceiling, bouncing on his heels as he looked at you with interest through his mask, head tilted with curiosity.
“You need to slow your heartbeat. Calm down.” the masked man murmured lowly, listening to the increasing speed of its thumps as he neared you. It was then your vision cleared, and you could get a good look at them in the dimmed lighting.
Matt and Peter. 
“I would be calm, if I wasn't webbed to a fucking wall right now.” you sang sweetly, making him smirk.
“It's for your own good.”
“Well technically, it’s for our own good because if she weren't bound she’d be clawing our faces off right now.” Peter noted, his voice fading in the distance as he found some random old chairs that were scattered in the corner.
“Peter’s right ya know.” you played along,  the dragging of the chair's feet against the stone floor coming to an abrupt halt.
“You know my name?”
“Well duh. I’m not stupid, no matter how much you and Mr. Matthew over here may think I am.” You couldn't keep the sly smirk off your face, knowing you had them right where you wanted them.
You couldn't defeat them, and you knew the gang had most likely scrambled by now, along with your ring- but you could keep them talking.
“It's nice for us to finally be acquainted again.” Matt sighed, watching as Peter brought up the chair, plopping himself in one directly in front of you. As if you were a circus act, or the hottest new movie in the box office.
You huffed, not meeting his eyes as Peter curled his feet under him, sitting crisscross in the old, rusting chair. “What is this a therapy session?”
“Does it need to be? Tell me, my darling- how is your relationship with your father?” Peter asked mockingly, making you hiss out in response.
“Alright, alright enough. We just want to talk to you…”
“I’m not giving you my name.” you replied sharply, slightly struggling against the webs, having no luck of them weakening.
“How is that remotely fair?” Peter scoffed.
“Peter- enough. Fine, be that way. As I said, we just want to talk.” Matt exclaimed, cracking his knuckles as his head tilted to listen, surveying the nearby area with his ears.
“I think they left.” you murmured, and he nodded in response, mouth drawn into a hard line. “They left cause you scared them off with all your thrashing. Settle down woman, the webs won't break that easily.”  Peter hinted, watching in amusement as you finally gave up, putting your head down in defeat.
“I hate you.” you murmured softly, quiet as a pin drop as you stared down at the cold concrete.
“Yeah, yeah tell us something we don't know.” Matt sighed, your eyes flickering back up to look at Peter, his legs still crossed in an almost childish manner as he leaned his head in his hands- appearing bored.
“Let's get this over and done with. What do you want to talk about?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
They were going to threaten you- obviously, or they'd try and talk you over with their magical words of wisdom, about how being ‘good’ was better than whatever the fuck you were doing. You didn’t care for it.
But you knew they wouldn't let you go until they said what they had to say.
You fought the urge to shiver, a cold breeze filtering through the broken windows, seething to chill your bones. Your nipples hardened, and you swore Matt’s head tilted slightly, a smirk dotting his face.
“You. Helping us.” Peter retorted, and before you could stop it, you laughed.
You laughed and laughed and laughed because what the fuck? That was the last thing you had expected them to say, his words seeming like an inside joke you weren’t involved with.
The cold had now disappeared, replaced with a warmth and bubbliness that pooled in the pit of your stomach.
“What?” was all you could gasp out, your sides hurting from the continuous laughter that poured out of you. You laughed partly because yes- it was funny, but also because you were confused and anxious. Not that they needed to know that of course.
“We need your help taking on Kingpin.”
There it was.
The laughter stopped. That name had left you scarred, your insides shriveling up at the whispers of memories that trickled through your brain.
“I don’t get involved with him.” you stated, voice hardened like cracked sugar. The air was sucked out of the room, and you saw fear and darkness slither across the brick.
“I know you don’t. That's why we’re now asking you to get involved with him, with us. We need another hand to play in his card game.”
“I don’t. Get. Involved.” you hissed, drawing out each symbol as if they were illiterate. Which they must have been. They must have been borderline stupid to think you would help them, with Kingpin nonetheless.
He was way out of your territory, and there were even lines you didn't cross once they were drawn.
“We’ll help you get your mother's things back.” Peter said cooly from his side of the room. Your head whipped towards him, eyes wide.
Maybe you didn't have the upper hand afterall.
“I don’t need your help.” Peter snorted, hand extending to the broken window, the one you had been perched out of a few minutes prior.
“Yeah. I’m sure.” he said sarcastically. “I had it under control, until you two showed up and ruined it.” you snarled.
“We saved you. They had multiple firearms on them, and you were severely outnumbered. The second you dropped, you would have been shot on the spot, too many bullets to stand a chance.” Matt replied to your outburst coolly. “But you wouldn't have known that, would you? They were tucked away, in their boots and under their jackets. Because if you did know, you would have been openly committing suicide, and that seems unlike you since theres jobs that still need to be done.”
You were silent. They had you in their webs. Quite literally, at that.
“I don’t have much of a choice, do I?”
“You always have a choice.” Matt replied softly, his demeanor seeming to change. Almost as if... as if he felt bad for you. As if he could see right through you, could feel the pain and sorrow in your heart that ripped and clawed at you daily, could feel the loneliness and anguish that haunted you.
Maybe he didn't have many choices in his lifetime.
His words were nearly comforting, but you knew they were one-sided. You did have a choice, but if you didn’t accept their offer- things wouldn't turn out good. Not that they would working with them anyways.
But what ‘choice’ did you really have?
“Fine. When do we start?” 
“It’s fucking cold.” you groaned, the air around you seeming brisker with each passing second. New York never seemed to be warm, the skin-tight suit plastered to you not helping the cause.
It was lightweight and stretchy, its fabric perfect for fighting and climbing- but it provided next to no warmth.
The sirens shrieked as they passed by under you, the city lights illuminating the two men next to you as you sat perched on the roof.
It had been a few weeks since the webbing incident, and you now waited- bored out of your mind for an instruction. It was unlike you to listen and not lead, but you wanted to see how the dice would roll.
You crouched low, the concrete block rough and bitter to the touch as you knelt at Peter’s level.
“It’s not cold. You’re just being a pussy.” Peter drawled, the wind whipping through his messy locks as he looked down, taking in the bustling traffic below.
The cars were all fancy here, all Porches and Bentleys on this side of town. It made you feel out of sorts, and uncomfortable in your skin.
“Did you just call me a pussy?”
“He meant it romantically.” Matt replied, your eyes meeting his sharp jawline as he sourced out the area from the other side of you.
“I did not.” he scoffed, a blush burning on his cheeks as he turned away, suddenly very interested with the stone ledge.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. When are we moving in?” you asked impatiently, rocking on the balls of your feet anxiously. It felt like you had been sitting up here forever, despite meeting them back near Hell's Kitchen over half an hour ago.
So in reality, you had really only been sitting here for a good twenty minutes. Yet, it dragged on.
Where was the action? The fighting? You were sick of waiting.
“Don’t even think of moving in without my signal.” Matt stated, sensing your anticipation as you sighed.
“What are we even waiting for?!”
“For them to take their fighting somewhere else.” Peter snorted, obviously as anxious to get going as you were, but it appeared he was more collected. He had been working with Matt a lot longer than you had, and you hoped to keep it that way.
You watched as Matt listened closely, obviously aware of the conversation that was appearing behind the glass in front of you. The two men were tall and build, almost double the size of you. Anger was written across their faces, buried in the creases of their foreheads as they yelled, hands frantically moving. Their black suits were wrinkled, blood dotting one's forehead as if a fight had occurred before this one.
You tilted your head, curious.
Were they not on the same side? Were they not both fighting for Fisk, defending him?
“They seem pretty angry for people who appear to be on the same side.” you hinted, trying to think of reasons they could possibly be so mad.
“You’d be surprised how competitive his men can get, when he's angry the way has been lately.” Peter stated, looking to Matt for instruction as a gun was cocked, hands going up in surrender.
“Should we intervene?”
Matt just shook his head.
“Let it play out.” was all he said. You despised how calm and collected he was about this. Part of you wanted him to be rash, so you could save him and yell at him for how stupid he was. But that wasn't his style, and you knew it never had been. He and Peter waited in the shadows, counting down the minutes until it was right to strike.
Suddenly another man appeared from the hallway, breaking up the fight. They left the room, and you felt your body instinctively moving forward, ready to leap, though you couldn’t reach.
“The documents Peter and I need are in the office across from that one, in a safe behind the painting behind the desks. All the offices look the same, it's an industrial office. You’re in charge of making sure no one comes up on this floor.”
“So what I’m on watch duty? You brought me along so I could protect you guys while you play capture the flag?” you scoffed. Seeing as to how they quite literally webbed you to a wall, asking for your help- you figured it’d be for something much cooler than this.
“For now.” was all he said, a tone in his voice indicating something else was on the table for a later date. “I don’t really have a choice in this.”
“You always have a choice.” he repeated, words echoing those at the warehouse.
“I’m going to fucking punch you.”
A laugh escaped Peter and he was quick to cover it with a slap to the mouth as he watched the stand down you had with Matt. Nothing was coming out of this, and you weren't expecting it to. But it was still fun to try and bother him anyways.
Nothing seemed to get under his skin, which irked you even more. He was the water to your fire, the voice of reasoning. Fuck his reasoning.
“Punch me and I’m telling you right now things will not end in your favor.” Matt snarled, hand grabbing your wrist as you raised it.
“I’ll take my chances.” you hissed back, hair raising on your arms like a cat’s from under your suit.
“Go.” he commanded sternly. “What?”
“Go. The floor is clear, for now. Peter’s taking you over.”
“Wha-” Before you could beg to differ, confused about what the man meant, you felt an arm wrap around your middle. Matt's grip released from your wrist, yet you could still feel the warmth of his skin against yours, the area where his fingers brushed you starting to tingle.
The wind rushed in your ears as Peter grabbed you, a web shooting from his wrist as he swung you off your feet. It took everything in you not to scream, the movement so quick and sudden you felt your lungs come out through your ribcage. You were soaring through the air, Peter's grip tightening on you as you watched the world blaze by in a blend of colours from under you, coming to a standstill as he stuck to the side of Fisks building.
You looked over to where you once were, finding it empty. Matt had already disappeared, not a whisper or a trace that he had ever been there remaining.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” you whispered, looking down and regretting it immensely.
“I thought you liked high places? Don’t all cats?”
“Not this high.” you whimpered, willing for him to pry open the window quicker than he was currently. Although you gave him credit, he was doing it one-handed after all.
“Just don’t look down. That's what I did before I got used to it.” he shrugged, and you clung to him tighter, breathing in the cologne he wore through his suit. It was nice, you realized, sort of hating yourself for liking it as much as you did.
All of a sudden the two of you were much too close, the air becoming hot and saccharine despite being almost twenty stories high, the wind whipping through your hair wildly.
He let out a small grunt as you heard the window click open, the glass freeing enough space for you to wedge your body through.
“This is the storage room, down the hall from the office we’ll be at. Stay close.” he instructed, and you scrambled to grip onto the window ledge. “And don't let yarn be a distraction.” he added teasingly, darting away before you could let out a sly remark in return.
“Asshole” you muttered to yourself, slowly and quietly shutting the window behind you. You had landed upon a shelf, filled with cleaning supplies. The smell of chemicals burned, your nose twitching with disgust as you took in your surroundings.
It was quiet in here, minus the gentle hum of the air vents. Dark as the night outside, you were stealthy and careful not to knock anything over as you leaped to the floor, the hard tile cold under your hands.
Mops, buckets, vacuums and brooms all were dotted against the walls, cleaning chemicals so advanced you didn't even know if you could pronounce them. Sometimes you forgot how much money this man really had. It seemed unimaginable.
Kingpin could probably buy the entire city if he wanted, in all honesty. You were rather confused why he hadn't yet, since that always seemed to be his endgame. Changing the city. Changing the way people lived, changing the way the economy ran to better suit his needs.
All this change that didn’t need to happen. He could change his shitty attitude, or even the paint colour in here. You thought with a sigh, dusting your hands off as you rose to your full height, on high alert as your hand reached for the door handle.
It was quiet outside. Too quiet.
You held your breath, feeling your lungs tighten as you slid beside the door. Your back was to the wall, heartbeat thumping in your chest as you heard a voice call from the end of the hallway, turning the corner.
Waiting wasn't something you were very good at, but you knew you had to time this right. The whole mission- and your life, depended on it. Just as his foot hit the hardwood in front of your hidden alcove, you swung the door open, arm reaching around his throat.
A meer gasp escaped him as you pounced on him, dragging him into the cleaning closet with you. His arm went back to hit you with his gun, but you had wrapped around him like a koala bear- his arms unable to you. His gun clattered to the ground as you kicked it, squeezing your arm around his airways even tighter as he fell back against a shelf.
You winced as the pain shot up your arm as he slammed you back against the wooden ledges, cleaning supplies rattling in the struggle.
“Can you pass out quieter?!” you hissed, feeling his grip lack as he slipped into unconsciousness. You jumped off of him as he thudded down to the ground, limbs spread out as his breathing steadied.
You sighed, dusting off your suit again with the quick bush of your hands. He had got dirt on you- the bastard. Grabbing underneath his armpits, you attempted to trudge the large, beefy man to sit against the shelf.
If he was going to be unconscious, he might as well ruin his posture in the process. It seemed like a fair trade, seeming as he almost pointed a gun at you and smacked your shoulders hard enough to see little black spots dot across your vision.
He would be out cold for a while, hopefully, long enough for your little boy scout duo to get their shit and scramble. You watched as he slouched over, proud of your handiwork. You were lucky he wasn't as large as the other guards you had seen, or else you weren't so sure your strategy would work.
Remembering you had a job to do, you slipped back over to the closed door, poking your head out slightly as you heard the ever so slight creak of a window close from the office down the hall.
Good. They got in.
You were scared to breathe, scared the rush of air whooshing through your trachea would set off some sort of alarm or trigger. It was like walking on pins and needles. The air seemed tighter here, stuffy as it weighed down on you. It was almost an unfamiliar presence was lurking nearby, someone you had seen in a nightmare once before, but had convinced yourself they weren't real.
Shivering, you tried your best to ignore it, slipping off behind the corner- somewhere you knew the cameras wouldn't be able to see you. Peter had already mapped out the floor plan earlier- his long, elegant fingers gliding over the page, his words tuning out slightly as you felt warmth spread through you the longer you watched his fingers point and tap.
You thought of them now as you watched the empty hallways, knowing they were probably gliding across the ridges of the mahogany desk as he waited for Matthew to finish his task.
They brushed against you now as you felt the hairs on the back of your neck raise, a ghost slipping through you.
Someone was watching you. Someone was here with you, and it wasn't Peter.
Before you could turn fully, hands reached for you, tugging you under an invisible wave. You were dragged under the surface, the shock and adrenaline causing you to gasp for air as they yanked you back against the wall.
Men came from all directions, swarming you. You kicked and clawed, getting in a good few punches as you struggled.
You were caught. Again.
But this time, they wouldn't be willing to talk- like Matt and Peter were. You didn’t know what they do, which was the scary part.
“MATT-” You managed to call out, quickly silenced as a butt of a gun was hit to your forehead, the force so strong your neck snapped back, head rolling limp as the sound of the crack reverberated through your ears.
The world turned dark, and you prayed deep down he had some idea what was happening to you at the time being.
He was a catholic. He’d hear.
The world was fuzzy.
Everyone said that, that when their eyes opened it was difficult to see for a bit, shapes and colours blending together. But it was bad. Worse than they put it in the books, when they didnt know how else to change the scene, so they just made the character unconscious or whatever.
You feared you were trapped in a watercolour painting as your eyes opened, hand reaching up to grab the place where your head was throbbing like a jackhammer.
You ached for it to stop, moaning out in pain as the word started to reform itself.
“Shh, shh relax.” a familiar voice called, though he sounded slightly out of tune and distant. Matthew came into view as you turned your head, his hand reaching out to press you back into the pillows.
“What happened?” you croaked out, trying to hold back the tears as you felt dried blood crust on your forehead. There was the sound of water trickling as he twisted out a clean rag, the bowl on the bedside table scattered with medical supplies.
You managed to move slightly, allowing him to sit next to you on the bed, a slight frown on his face as he sighed.
“Peter ran out to back you up, but we were outnumbered. He grabbed you and we took off. There were too many of them swarming us for it to be a decent fight, especially because you were knocked out.”
The warm cloth was pressed against your gash, and you flinched from the sudden contact as he tended to you.
Who would have thought? Not you.
“I thought the Matthew Murdock never backed down from a fight?” you asked curiously, knowing it would twinge a nerve or two. But it didn’t. He just shrugged, setting the cloth back down next to the others.
“I do when someone who is on my side is hurt.” he stated, voice seeming to be filled with an emotion you couldn't quite decide on. It was a factual statement, and you were honestly shocked he wasn't more upset with you.
You were silent as he stood, bed creaking slightly from the removal of his extra weight, his arms hanging limp at his sides. It was then you could get a good look at him, though the lighting was dim in his apartment.
His knuckles were slightly smeared with dried blood, some slashes dotted across his forearms that seemed fresh.
But he was unbothered.
He had put on the mask you had put on so many times before, becoming a soldier. Becoming guarded.
“It’s not as bad as it looks.” he noted, sensing your gaze on the marks that dotted across his exposed skin. All you could do was clear your throat as you peeled your eyes from him, desperate to think of anything else but running your fingers across his skin.
You focused on the red numbers from the analog that stared at you, seeing it was an odd hour in the early morning. The heavy rain pattered against the windows, the comforting sound reminding you of nights at your mother's, listening to the rain hit the tin.
Her soft perfume would wrap you in an embrace as she’d lie with you, book in hand as you’d drift off to sleep. The sound always brought you back to a place of serenity, even in the toughest of times. You urged to find yourself back to the memories of her, but were interrupted by the sound of the door slamming, and the squealing of wet boots.
“He returns triumphant.” Peter called from the entrance, a plastic bag dropping to the ground with the water that dripped from his coat as he shrugged it off.
You groaned, forcing yourself to swing your legs over the bed, the hardwood cold against your feet. Pushing up, you wobbled slightly as you rose to your full height- feeling like a fawn on its new legs.
“Did Claire cause a fuss?” Matt asked, flicking on a light from around the corner. You heard water run from a faucet as Peter shook out his dripping hair, running his fingers through it before carrying the bag over to him.
“No, no she seemed fine with it. Kinda rushy but-” His attention slid over to you, concern across his features.
“Hey, hey you're supposed to be in bed.”
“I don't like you.” you murmured, trying to shoo him away as he walked towards you.
“I don't care. You’re supposed to be resting.” he sighed, rolling his eyes as you protested. Peter's hands were warm, despite being outside in the crisp, chilled New York air as they picked you up gently.
He treated you as if you were a piece of fine china when he walked, moving ever so slowly to avoid jutting you around more than necessary. It was odd, considering you both had given each other the side eye more times than you could count.
You weren't used to the attention. You weren't sure if you liked it or not, it was too unfamiliar and new. But you accepted it, tucking your head to your chin as you clutched his sweater tighter, the clenching of your fists bringing you relief.
He carried you to the bathroom, the brighter lighting making you squint as he entered. Matt stood at the vanity, the bag of goods Peter had picked up scattered out on the counter. You gulped at the sight of the medical tools, the needle and thread making your skin crawl.
“I think I’m fine.” you said, anxiously clearing your throat as Peter set you down beside the sink. Matt resumed his doings, gathering the thread as if this were an everyday occurrence for him.
It very well could be, you realized.
“Seriously, I’m okay-”
“Hold her still.” Matt insisted to Peter as you made a move to slide off the counter. Panic swarmed you like flies, maggots chewing away at your lungs as you found it harder and harder to breathe.
It wasn't because of the boys, far from that. They had taken quite good care of you, despite the circumstances. It was the needle, the damn needle that made your stomach turn in on itself.
The idea of something sewing through layers of your skin did not sit right with you. You wanted to turn to the invisible camera,  break the fourth wall during this shit.
“Can you believe this shit? I can help take down Fisk, but I’m scared of a small needle? (and commitment sometimes)”  
“Breathe.” Matt commanded sternly as his hand gripped your thigh, sensing your bubbling fear. You shook your head frantically, your stomach starting to clench.
A gentle touch to your other thigh startled you, and you looked over in alarm as Peter's fingers brushed your skin, his eyes seeming to bleed raw with empathy. He seemed genuinely concerned for you, and you welcomed his touches with open arms as you started to shake and buzz with nerves.
“Kitty, it’s okay. I promise you, he knows what he’s doing.”
”I used to stitch up my dad after his fights when I was a kid. I’ve been doing it my whole life.” Matt replied softly. “It’s not that it’s just… it grosses me out. The needle- I mean.”
Matt tilted his head slightly, a small little smile on his face. The one you had seen so much when you were around him in the short period of time, the one he did when he was teasing you.
You wanted to rub it off his face, smear it like chocolate into his skin with the palm of your hand.
“You’re a brave lil thing. You’ll be okay.” You closed your eyes, doing anything to dissociate, anything to convince your mind you were in a better place. Knuckles clenched around the counters edge, nails scratching the sharp surface as you keened.
“I’ll be gentle.” he murmured in your ear, close enough so that you could breathe in his scent, could feel the heat that pulsed off him in a sinusoidal wave. 
He was far, yet so close in your mind, sight like tunnel vision as you tried not to be consumed by him. But it was impossible. The soft gentle squeeze on your thigh took away from Matt's actions, and you exhaled softly, steadily.
In for four. Hold for four. Out for four. In for four. Hold for-
“Which one of them did this to you?” Peter asked you benevolently, finger strumming a steady rhythm. You were scared for him to stop.
Suddenly, you didn't want to be left alone anymore. It was strange how the human body could react like this, how it could change and fluctuate depending on each situation was thrown at it. It wasn't equipped to handle them alone. It was a machine, but was unusable, nor was it well-oiled if someone wasn't there to support it.
In some cases, that was the last person you'd ever expect in your life to keep its maintenance.
“I’m not sure. He had a scar, right across his cheek. That’s all I could see of him, before the others came.”
Silence. Then another beat.
“We’ll kill them all.” was all he said, eyes slipping up to admire Matt's handiwork. Matt nodded, humming to himself softly as he patched you up with ease. Your eyes threatened to bulge out of their head at their comments, shocked that they could talk about this so… so lightly.
And for you? They would kill for you, someone they could barely stand to work with. It rubbed you the wrong way.
There was more to this than you realized.
“I thought the two of you didnt kill?” you asked hesitantly, gritting your teeth so hard they hurt as you felt Matt tug on the final stitch.
The two of them just shrugged. You didn't like how much they shrugged.
“We don't really.”
Then this was personal. This was about Fisk. You needed- no ached for more answers for the more questions that brewed in your mind,
Why Fisk? Why bring you into this? They most likely weren't planning on killing them because of you. You seemed too insignificant. There was a larger cause behind this, if it was driving them to killing instincts.
“So why?” You couldn't help but speak your current interest, too many questions churning deep inside the labyrinths of your mind.
“Done.” Matt sighed, ignoring your questions. A chill spread through your thigh as you felt Peter's hand slip from the surface of your skin, slightly scarred but smoothen after healing.
It felt like a shock, his hand retracting as if he was zapped from you. As if the trance was broken, and things were back to normal. Where you hated him, and he hated you, and neither of you could look at each other for more than two minutes without making faces like children.
His footsteps were silent, cat-like as he removed himself from the tension sharp enough you could cut it with a knife- as he should.
You’d go, or he would.
You slipped from the counter, watching as Matt started to put his supplies in random drawers, although they weren't random to him. He opened each one swiftly, knowing exactly where to put each item where.
You stood still, hoping he’d provide you with the answer you desired. You didn't want to leave this apartment without one.
But he ignored you, acting as if you weren't there. A childlike tendency was brewing inside you, and you fought the urge to not stop your foot against the cool tile and huff.
Why won't you tell me anything? Why am I being left in the dark? Why, just why can't you tell me anything? But you didn't want to push anything.
It was too soon. You had a feeling deep down, small but visible, that’d they'd tell you at some point. Patience was key. It was key in that cleaning closet, and it was key now. It had overtaken so many parts of your life- being patient. It was difficult to master, but it was essential for independence.
“Thank you. For stitching me up, and taking care of me. I appreciate it.” you nodded, not waiting for a reply before you stepped out of the bathroom, heart heavy in your hands.
It had weighed on you- how exhausted you were. It was a lot for your body to handle, in such a short period of time. It was hard for you to admit it to yourself, but you registered the fact you hadn't done something as extreme as this.
Of course you had taken down organizations before, small little street gangs and such that caused disturbances to your true targets.
But this? Fisk? It was a lot. And you had a very strong feeling it wouldn't be ending soon.
The sound of a glass shifting across the table made you jump, the scraping of the glass against the mahogany an uncomfortable pause in the everlasting silence.
Peter’s hand closed around the cup, adams apple bobbing as he chugged the water back.
“You gonna sleep in just that?” he asked, eyebrow raised with a sly grin on his face. You looked down, the oversized tank top hanging down just past your knees.
You presumed it was one of Matt’s considering how large it was on you- and the fact all you had on you at the time was your suit.
They had seen you mostly naked. Oh my god.
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you looked back up at him, determined not to let the humiliation you felt win. Besides, Peter was more pretty to look at than the floor anyways.
“What else am I supposed to wear? You gonna be a pervert?” His hands flew up in mock defense, eyes widening.
“No, no I’m a gentleman. Just worried you’ll be cold, that's all.”
“These floors better be heated then.” you shrugged, snagging a warm fuzzy blanket off the arm of the couch.
���No ones sleeping on the floor. I’m on the couch, you're with Parker in the bed.” Matt chipped out, emerging from the bathroom at last. It was as if he was your conversation- not wanting to interrupt in case someone said something snarky and he’d drop the popcorn.
It took you a second to understand what he said fully, feeling incompetent.
“The bed?”
“The bed.” You shook your head hectically, the room blurring.
“I can sleep on the floor.”
“I know you can.” he replied, hand touching the lower area of your back as he passed you, making you shiver.
“But it’d be much better if you slept in the bed with your injuries. And besides, what guest sleeps on the floor?” he asked coyly, fluffing up the couch pillows.
Peter’s smile was mischievous as ever, a glimmer in his eye as he took you in.
“C'mon kitty. I don't bite. Promise.” You refused to trust a promise from Parker. But you felt your feet begin to automatically walk over to the comfort of the bed, with its warm sheets that smelt of lavender.
Today was bundles of nightmares all smashed into each other, toppling over one another to cram themselves into the twenty-four hours.
What would sleeping next to Parker do to add to that? 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ He added a lot.
Though it wasn't nightmares- the opposite in fact, it was more trouble to your own morals than you thought was possible.
You woke just as the sun rose, only managing to muster a few hours of shut eye despite the events before. Though your injuries were numbed from pain meds, it was spent tossing and turning between the sheets, trapped in the labyrinth of your own mind.
You were internally angry at yourself, mad at the attraction you felt towards the two men. It had only been a few weeks, and anytime their eyes lingered on you for too long you felt your panties start to dampen.
You wondered if they could tell.
The idea that they could excited you even more.
This wasn't supposed to happen, this little rendezvous of sexual tension between the three of you. You were the villain, they were the heroes. The villain wasn't supposed to clash with the hero in that way- it was off-script.
Yet you felt frozen in place as the birds chirped, Peter's warm body so close to yours you felt the hardening bulge in his pj pants- his large arm draped over your body.
Everyone was still asleep as far as you knew, but you wouldn't be surprised if Matt was awake. He was as quiet as a mouse, most likely listening to your quickening heartbeat as Peter's arm brushed against your hardened nipples, and you opened your legs slightly.
You swallowed, too afraid to make a sound.
“Mmm here kitty, kitty.” he whispered, voice husky and laced with sleep against your scalp.
Your eyes widened.
Was he dreaming about you?
Shifting, you brushed the curve of your ass against his bulge, making him groan. There was no harm in a little fun- was there? It’s not like you were in love with them or anything.
Who said you couldn't mess around for a bit- act on that sexual tension?
You heard his breath catch in his throat, eyes opening slowly to feel you pressed up against him.
“Were you dreaming of me?” you asked innocently, starting to slowly tease him, his fingers brushing circles against your hardened nipples.
“I like when you do that, ya know. They're so sensitive.”
“You minx. You're being a tease.” he growled softly, pinching your nipple harshly as you softly yelped.
“Don’t you like it when I’m a tease though bug boy? It just means you’ll have to train me real good.” you smiled, turning back to give him puppy dog eyes, resulting him practically dry-humping you.
You knew Matt could smell your sweet arousal, and you wondered how long he would hold off before yelling at the two of you to stop fucking around on his bed.
“I thought you hated me?”
“I do. But you feel so good.” you sighed, coy smile blooming as he shimmed lower, teeth sinking deep into your neck as he slid his hand down to part your legs even further.
“Such a fucking whore. Just some cock will shut you up- won’t it?”
You nodded frantically, the hiss that slipped from his lips sounding like music to your ears as he felt how wet you were through the flimsy fabric.
“Please. Please I’ll be so good I promise-” you begged, squirming with anticipation as he chuckled lowly.
“Oh so now she switches up hmm? Silly girl.” he cooed, slipping your thong to the side. You couldn't believe this was really happening. It made your head spin, made your limbs tingly at the thought alone how wrong this was.
Wasting no time, he tugged down his boxers, slowly teasing you as he slid the tip along your wet folds. You knew he was doing it just to spite you, and you were insistent on not giving him the satisfaction.
Biting your lip, you shivered as he toyed with you- a cat playing with its dinner.
“Oh so no back talk now? Good.” he growled, sliding it in to the hilt, making you slap your hands over your mouth with a means to silence the moans that threatened to escape.
Though there was no point, Matt heard every little breath and whimper you protruded, cock hard and heavy in his hands as he stoked it like some pervert.
Peter stuffed you to the brim, brushing your g-spot as he tossed his head back in pleasure.
“F-fuck-” you whimpered, almost unable to speak with how sudden the stretch was. It sent fire coursing through your veins, an adrenaline rush bringing you back to when you were in his arms on the rooftop.
“Fuck is right, Jesus Christ you feel so good. So fuckin tight.” he moaned, slowly sliding out of you, feeling your juices coat the base of his cock as he thrust into you hard enough to send your body jolting before he steadied you.
A new body had entered the room, his presence searing and as hot as embers. Little moans escaped your mouth as you stared at Matt, mouth agape, eyes wide as Peter hammered into you.
“In my bed? Really?” he smirked, and you followed his happy trail down to where his large, veiny hand palmed himself as he heard your heartbeat skip a beat.
“Well someone’s happy to see me. Hmm kitty?”
You moaned, hiccuping on your spit and drool as Peter’s thrusts became more erratic. By the way he was handling you, you knew he didn’t care how quickly you came.
He was using you as a toy, a means to get off. That turned you on even more.
“You’ll get your turn with her after Matty. We talked about this.” he mused, watching your breasts bounce from his harsh manhandling.
“Oh, I know. It’s only fair, isn't it kitty?”
“Y-yeah.” you choked out, Matt’s fingers reaching out to wipe the drool that had dribbled from your lips, swirling his tongue around the coated digit and releasing it with a pop.
“She’s already going dumb. Like a bitch in heat.” Peter smiled, him and Matt holding you steady as your body instinctively attempted to wiggle away from the intense waves of overstimulation, his moans ringing out throughout the room as he came in you with a grunt.
“She just needs to be bred.” Matt smiled, tugging off his boxers and your eyes nearly rolled at the sight.
This was addicting. The way they were making you feel, the way they spoke to you as if you were just a toy for their pleasure. But that's what you liked. Which made it so you knew it would be even harder to avoid this scenario again. It was like a drug.
His hand gripped your chin, forcing your gaze on his as Peter slid out of you, cum oozing out all over your puffy, swollen cunt as you whined from the abrupt emptiness.
“Shhh. You’re fine.”
Your body was limp as Matt took over, flipping you on your stomach, knees bent with your ass in the air. Kisses trailed down your spine, thin tanktop slung somewhere in the room.
You didn’t know. You didn't care.
All you cared about was the way he handled you, so gentle compared to Peter. But you knew he’d get rough soon.
“S’too much-” you mumbled sleepy against the sheets, feeling spent.
“She's spent. Fuckin whore is cockdrunk.” Peter smirked, shrugging on a t-shirt as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
It felt dirtier with him watching in a way, knowing his eyes would linger on you in your most vulnerable state.
“But she had so much backtalk with us these past few weeks. What happened to that now angel?” Matt asked mockingly as he slid back in you, stuffing Peter's cum back into your abused hole again.
“Mhm-” you moaned, fisting the sheets as he entered you. He was more patient than Peter, slowly filling you instead of slamming to the hilt- but the stretch was just as delicious.
“M’so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” you mindlessly babbled- for what you didn't know. You just wanted to be good, to make them happy, and to please them. If that meant shattering your ego, then so be it.
“Silly girl.” Matt provoked, gripping your hips hard enough to bruise as he started to use you as he saw fit. You sunk your head deeper into the pillows, tears starting to stream down your cheeks from the sensitivity.
“M’gonna cum-” you hiccupped cautiously, seeing as Matt’s pace was not stopping for anything, or anyone.
“Yeah? Go ahead baby. I’ll let you, since Parker was being so cruel.”
“She was being a tease. She had to learn a lesson.” Peter mused, teeth digging into his lower lip as he watched where you and Matt connected, knowing his cum was being shoved further into you.
“But she’s such a sweet girl. Deep down, you just wanna please us, don’t you baby? Your little demeanor doesn't fool us.”
You felt your brain go fuzzy, his voice sounding distant as you came around his cock with a high pitched whine.
“Atta girl kitty.” Peter called, creaming Matt’s cock as he stilled, filling you up just the same. His grunts were like music to your ears, following you as you came down from the little cloud you were perched on.
“So good baby. Just stay put, yeah?” Matt murmured, and you didn’t even have the strength to nod as he slowly inched his way out of you, both of their cum now slowly spilling out of you as your legs twitched and quivered.
You couldn't move even if you wanted to. Your body felt like jello, and you felt your lower half slowly slide down onto the bed as you whimpered.
“Hurts s’bad.” you groaned, Peter's hand finding its way to stroke your cheek bringing you some form of comfort as you heard Matt start to run the tap, warm water spewing out onto a clean washcloth.
“I know kitty. But you did so good for us. It’s okay, just go back to sleep yeah?”
You nodded, eyes starting to droop as you clung to consciousness.
“I fucked her better you know.” Peter called, making Matt scoff as he returned with the damp fabric in hand.
“Yeah right. Older men just do it better Parker.” he shrugged, and you almost wanted to deride them. They were bickering like children and if you were in the position to bicker back- you would.
The feeling of the cloth against you made you jolt, and Peter reached out to steady you, rubbing small soothing circles on your back as Matt cleaned you.
It was strange and unfamiliar, the kindness and soothing physical contact the men were showing you. You bathed in it, scared it would all slip away like sand when the after-orgasm haze wore off.
“I’m sure Murdock. But who got to have her first?”
“Because she was sleeping right next to you! In my bed, may I add.”
You rolled your eyes, their endless arguing lingering over to the kitchen as you clung to the warm blankets that smelt of them.
It was going to be a long day indeed.
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venus-haze · 1 year
Got No Reason To Run (Homelander x Supervillain!Reader)
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Summary: Homelander fantasizes about you, his supervillain arch-enemy, and getting the revenge he so desperately craves.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used. This is based on some of the headcanons I wrote here. I’m definitely open to writing more of a supervillain!Reader with Homelander. This is short because it's PWP, honestly. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Sexually explicit content which includes masturbation. Non-con, violence, intentional scarring, mild bloodplay, and dacryphilia in the context of a fantasy. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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Homelander’s eyes were glued to the television as soon as the story about you began to run. Rosethorn. More like a thorn in his fucking side. Ever since Vought decided to let you wreak havoc on the streets of New York because having an arch-enemy was good marketing, you were inescapable. Every interview inevitably derailed into questions about you, the Homelander Vs. Rosethorn comic series was almost out-selling his solo ones, and to make matters worse, half of the internet seemed to ship you, the marketing team bafflingly thrilled the first time #Roselander trended on Twitter.
All of those things he could reasonably deal with, but among the people who regarded you as an anti-hero rather than a supervillain, they’d developed a conspiracy theory of sorts that you were somehow as powerful as, if not more so than, him. He often seethed in rage over it. You were only alive because you were useful to Vought. At least, that’s what he told himself after the first time the two of you were face-to-face, and you spit your venom at him, burning through his costume and blistering his skin, to both of your shock. The faint scar on his arm became a point of sensitivity for him, few people had ever seen it. To him, it was a symbol of failure, but even worse, it fed into the paranoia that what your handful of supporters were saying was true.
He watched the news replay the security footage of you and your accomplices, a rotation of other, less powerful supes, robbing a bank. You could secrete incredibly potent, acidic poison through your saliva and breath at will, though most people were too scared to put up a fight and see what damage you could do to the human body. You practically skipped over to the vault, spitting on the metal door which quickly melted into twisted scrap. Your goons wasted no time in collecting the money and valuables that were then ripe for the taking.
Your gaze landed on the security camera that had caught the whole crime in action, and you grinned, staring directly at it—eyes crystal clear and haunting, as if you were looking into his soul as you stalked over like a tiger waiting to strike. 
“Homelander, you can come and get me,” you said with a playful wink at the camera before disappearing in a toxic haze.
Something stirred in him at that. He grabbed the remote, playing the clip back over and over until his cock was half-hard. If he were there, that bank robbery would have gone a hell of a lot differently. He licked his lips as he thought about how he would have made his appearance, crash through the ceiling or laser through the wall—no, he would’ve walked through the doors like he owned the damn place.
He had a firm grip on his cock as he pumped the length, imagining the bank was empty and dark, after hours with no hostages in sight. You grinned at him from inside the bank vault you’d just half-obliterated. It was all a game, as usual, playing cat and mouse until you’d make your escape. Not this time. 
Vought’s orders to avoid grievously harming you were endlessly frustrating, but in this instance, he was the one calling the shots. If he had his way, he’d make sure you faced the specific brand of justice a supervillain like you deserved after years of getting away with countless crimes with little more than bruises and scratches. You were too cocky, too smug. He’d be more than happy to knock you down a few notches and remind you who exactly your arch-enemy was and what he was capable of.
“Homelander, come and get me,” you repeated, voice light and airy, clueless as to what his true intentions were.
He strode across the threshold of the bank, his steps strong and purposeful as he closed the distance between you. The ensuing fight was laughably easy since he was actually trying to cause some damage, and from your place on the floor, disheveled with blood trickling from the corner of your mouth, you looked betrayed. 
You attempted to push yourself off the ground, only to be met with his boot on your chest, his gaze nothing short of mean.
“Do you have any idea who the fuck I am?”
Your confused silence infuriated him.
“Answer me!” he shouted, his eyes glowing red.
“You’re—you’re The Homelander.”
“That’s right. So I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, Rosethorn, but injuring me? Scarring me? I don’t bleed. I don’t break. I sure as hell don’t scar,” he raged, droplets of spit flying in your face. “I can’t let that stand.”
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered pathetically.
He scoffed. “You can do better than that.”
“Homelander, please, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scar you. Forgive me.”
His silence was accented with the sound of your racing heart, the blood rushing through your veins. You were terrified. Good. 
“We both know you’re not sorry. You loved every second of it, didn’t you?”
“No, Homelander I didn’t–”
“I think I should return the favor.” 
Your eyes widened, and you began shaking your head frantically upon realizing what he intended to do. He grabbed your arm, and his teeth broke the skin with ease, just a bit of pressure from his razor blade smile to cut you open. Your blood on his lips almost tasted sweet, at least, he imagined it would. 
"Scream all you want, there’s no one to hear you," he would snarl at your weeping figure. Now you had matching scars, now you couldn’t look at yourself in the mirror without being reminded of him too. In a disturbing display of dominance and possession, he licked your open wound. You wailed. He squeezed your arm tighter. You should have been grateful he didn’t try to cauterize it himself. Finally, he released you, but this temporary freedom wouldn’t last.
“You’re a monster,” you sobbed, clutching your injured arm.
“Me? No, I’m The Homelander. I might as well be god. You? You’re only around to make me look good.”
Then he heard it, the way only he can, the sound of your spit collecting in your mouth. He grabbed you by the throat, hauling you to your feet. “Try it, and I promise I’ll take all the time in the world to kill you.”
Teary-eyed, you nodded. When he released your throat, he heard you swallow. 
“Now, how to properly serve you justice for being caught red-handed robbing a bank," he mused.
“Fuck you.”
“That’s not a bad idea at all.”
The fear that would glaze over those eyes that he couldn’t get out of his mind made him jerk his hips, and he slowed how quickly he was pumping his leaking cock. He didn’t want to cum, not yet. Digging his teeth into his bottom lip, he exhaled through his nostrils, trying to ground himself.
Where was he? Fear. You were afraid of him, of what he’d do to you, as you should be. You weren’t rivals, the implication that you were as powerful as him was outright offensive. His lip curled in disdain. 
He pushed you against the wall, tearing off your clothing with little effort, reveling in the way your body shook against his as it was suddenly exposed to the cool air in the vault. He reached from behind, his gloved hands feeling how wet you’d gotten. The squelch of leather squeezing into your wet pussy made him moan out loud, but in his fantasy he was in control, mocking you for being turned on and how easily he was able to fit two–no, now it was three fingers inside you.
Tears streamed down your face as you begged him to be gentle, to slow down. Your legs were shaking as you tried to stay standing despite the overstimulation from his strong fingers curling inside you and pumping in and out. He wouldn’t get exhausted, not from brutally fingering you until you were little more than a blubbering mess. You begged him to stop, to at least have some mercy and give you a break.
“What’s the matter? You told me to come and get you, and here I am,” he taunted. “Don’t think I’m even close to being done with you.”
You cried out in response, or maybe you’d just cum. It didn’t matter, this was about his pleasure. In that moment, watching you sob and struggle got his proverbial rocks off, and he turned your head to capture your lips in a messy kiss. Your mouth stayed open as your desperate protests disappeared down his throat. His tongue curled. He wanted to swallow the noise, digest it, let it sit in his stomach. A wave of pleasure rocked through him. He was close, dangerously so.
He pulled his hand from your cunt, soaked and stretched out for him. Your juices glistened on his gloves, and he broke the kiss to suck each of his fingers as you utilized the time to catch your breath, or at least try to while he gave you this short break. You’d taste perfect, and he’d lick his fingers clean, his mind almost wandering to what it’d be like to eat you out.
Instead, he unbuckled his belt, observing the way you clenched your thighs at the sound of the metal hitting the floor as he rid himself of his spandex bottoms. His hands gripped your hips tightly, and you gasped as he pulled your ass to press against his hard cock. You tried wiggling out of his grasp, and he almost laughed. Stupid girl.
“Beg me not to break you in half right now,” he ordered, his voice low and husky.
You choked out your plea through sobs. “Homelander—don’t do this—don’t—please don’t break me in half.”
“No promises.”
With that, he slammed his cock into your wet cunt, grinning to himself as your eyes squeezed shut and you clawed at the wall, a near-animalistic howl tearing from your throat. He kept a steady, unforgiving pace that made your legs finally give out on you, relying on him wrapping a strong arm around your middle to keep you up. He dipped his head down to press a kiss to your temple.
“C’mon baby, you’ve made it this far,” he purred. “Why not see this thing out to the end?”
He kissed down the side of your face, his lips lingering along your cheek and jaw, covering them in open-mouthed kisses as he moaned into your skin. Your pussy clenched around his cock, and when he glanced at the wound he’d inflicted on your arm, he gave a forceful thrust that had you reaching back to grab some part of him to hold onto. 
You were his. You wanted to be his. You wouldn’t have permanently marked his skin if you didn’t. You laid claim to him first. It was only a matter of time before he reciprocated, showing you what you were really in for. Part of him wanted so badly to just kill you, but the part of him that was winning out was buried deep inside your cunt with the intention of filling you with his cum.
Briefly, his mind wandered to keeping you in the tower, maybe in his own suite, tied up pretty like a present for him to come home to at the end of each day, or maybe isolated in one of the supe containment cells where through time and pressure you’d be begging for him to use you, just to get some physical contact.
As much as he could dream, the main event beckoned him back to that bank vault he’d conjured up, his thrusts into you still strong, but more erratic, and he felt your pussy milking his cock as you came, your voice strained as you cried out his name.
Homelander, you can come and get me.
He orgasmed, and you were gone. Back to reality, just him, his hand, and the remote control he’d accidentally crushed. Fuck. He ran his clean hand through his hair, taking another look at the paused frame of you smiling in the security footage. 
Maybe he would come and get you.
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liknws · 1 year
[ 001 ] Brand Spankin' New.
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⎯⎯ PAIRING: lee minho x reader/oc ⎯⎯ TAGS: enemies with serious tension, childhood friends to enemies, revenge eras, college au, angst, bad humor bc i'm not as funny as i think i am, misunderstandings, unrequited feelings ⎯⎯ RATING: 18+, mature ⎯⎯ WARNINGS: drug use (weed), excessive cursing, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, mentions of sex and sexual themes (non explicit) ⎯⎯ WORD COUNT: 4k (4.972)
⎯⎯ SUMMARY: karma (kar·ma) defined as "(in hinduism and buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences". you've always been a big believer in karma and the universe, knowing that eventually all energy is returned. so when your life is ruined by someone you used to call your best friend, you wonder why karma is taking it's sweet time in retaliating against him. what hurts more is your university won't punish something based on hearsay and so it's up to you to find the proof that lee minho is an evil mastermind and get his ass removed from school for good.
[ masterlist ]
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“Did you guys see her newest tweet?” There’s a voice off to the right but you’re not paying much attention. The smoke curls around you in a comforting way that has you leaning back on the beanbag and letting out a content groan. You know exactly what they’re talking about, you’re the one who posted the tweet after all. Not that they know that, no one knows that. Not even your best friends, the people that you’ve shared every embarrassing detail of your life with.
“How do you know the account is a woman?” One of those aforementioned best friends speaking up. Mae, the calm to your storm, the one you find yourself relying on more and more these last few weeks. She never left your side, even supported your idea to take that much needed leave of absence from school after he ruined your life.
But the new year is here, the fall semester officially starts in one week and it’s the first day of rush. The weather is cooling off from the blistering summer, the leaves are changing, and you decided to take their lead and change with them. No more wallowing, no more hiding in your apartment while everyone else has a life without you. Your break is done, you kept up your end of the deal with the dean to take your finals when it came time. You passed, thankfully, and that meant you could start your third year of university with a clean slate.
The discussion draws you back in, hearing the argument about who the mysterious twitter account holder could be. The voice, belonging to the boy Mae had invited, continues. “The way they hate him, it has to be an ex.” You want to snort but instead you just shift in the beanbag, wondering if you laid here long enough if it would just swallow you slowly like quicksand. “You had to admit, he’s dated some questionable people in the past. I wouldn’t put it past a few of them to do this.”
You remain silent, best to not say anything in case you come off a little too smug or a little too prideful of that last tweet. Really you’re not the one coming up with most of the tweets, people are sending so many messages to the anonymous twitter account that you’re having a hard time working through them all. Some are good ones, things you schedule to post through the day. Some messages, you can attest, are from some of his more unstable exes. Those you just delete when you get them, deciding not to entertain the possible storm that could create.
“Who’s dated questionable people?” A new voice, one familiar that raises the imaginary hackles on your back. Really if you were a cat you’d be puffed up and hissing at the newcomer, claws swiping at him to leave.
“Your best friend.” The words taste like venom dripping from your tongue as you open your eyes, settling them on Jisung with a sneer. He at least has the decency to shrink away from your glare. He looks startled, as if he wasn’t expecting you to be there at all. Maybe he’s terrified because of the vitriolic tone you used in addressing him. You don’t care, you don’t want him in your safe circle, sucking up the smoke that’s keeping you calm.
“You’re- I-” He stammers, rubbing the back of his neck while looking away from you. “I didn’t know you were going- that you’re here.” So he didn’t expect you to return after his mentioned best friend had broken you so deeply, left you with scars that lingered and barely healed. Some days they were fresh wounds, some days they were scabs that you couldn’t stop picking at. Today it’s a bright pink scar, tender and the slightest brush makes you wince in pain.
“Look like you’ve seen a ghost, Han Jisung.” You level him with your gaze again, watching with a satisfied smirk as he shrinks further away from you. You say his name like a curse, as if it’s the most horrific sounds your lips have shaped.
“Stop.” The singular word draws your look from Jisung to your best friend, catching her eyes and you calm down a little. She presses a hand to your thigh, fingers gripping into your thigh in warning. “Hi, Jisung. Are the other’s here?” She glances around, looking past him in search of those other six familiar faces. You wonder the same thing but she’s always been the softer of you two, the quiet breeze compared to your tempest winds.
“Yeah, yeah. They’re, um, around.” He looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. The others in the circle, the few people you were just talking to and passing the blunt around with have gone silent as they watched the exchange. They all know why you glare at the chipmunk cheeked boy, why you spit venom at him every time you open your mouth. It’s the worst kept secret on campus, how Lee Minho had all but sold out your body as a prank. You don’t like thinking about it but it’s hard not to be reminded when strangers stare at you in pity, or you’re reminded when his friends are around.
“Tell them I say hi,” you say to him, shifting to sit up a little in the beanbag. He takes a step back like he expects you to pounce on him, teeth bared and claws extended. Instead you just smile at him, tight lipped before reaching for the joint that’s passed your way. You turn attention back to your circle of people, clear that your words were meant as dismal. You almost feel bad for the dejected look in Jisung’s face as he walks away.
“Hey.” Mae’s grip on your thigh tightens just slightly, a gesture to grab your attention. She’s looking at you with too inquisitive eyes. “Do you want to go home?” Truthfully, yes, you do; leaving now means that he wins again and you refuse to give that satisfaction. No doubt Jisung has already run back to his group to tell them he saw you. Your suspicions are confirmed when two familiar faces poke around the corner. It reminds you of a cartoon, just the sight of two heads extended past the wall, one on top of the other.
When they spot you, the shorter of the two bolts out from behind the cover of the wall and all but runs to you. Your name is slurred a bit in greeting, his lanky arms wrapping around you before you can protest. You have just enough forethought to pass the joint to Mae before he’s on you.The awkwardness of the beanbag you’ve chosen for the night means he either can crouch to greet you but it wouldn’t be Felix if he did things the normal way. Instead he lays on top of you, face buried into your neck as he hugs you tightly. He might be Minho’s friend but he’s been your sunshine since you met last year.
So you allow his crushing hug. “Nice to see you too, Lix.” You’d hug him back if you could but he’s got your arms in the vice grip he’s calling a hug and they’re trapped at your sides. You resign to your fate, even letting out a soft laugh as he clings to you. You catch a little of what he’s mumbling into your neck, though you do catch how happy he is to see you and that he missed you while you were gone.
The second of the two walks over with his hands shoved into his pockets. You can tell by the way he’s holding back a smile he’s just as happy to see you but his affection is far less physical than Felix. You catch his eyes, giving the best wave you can while still trapped under your sunshine “Hyunjin, hey.” As much as you had wanted to hate them for their association with Minho, it was impossible and you were quick to forgive them for their unfortunate choice in friends. They at least respected you enough not to mention him around you and effectively let you carve out a small part of the dance department that wasn’t tainted by him.
“Ji said he saw you so Felix had to come find you.” Hyunjin offers as a greeting and explanation, reaching down to grab his best friend by the collar of his leather jacket and hoist him off you. “Are you coming back?” He’s never been one to beat around the bush with you, something you respect. “We’ve missed you around the department.”
You feel a warmth in your chest that’s been gone since you left last year. While the leave of absence had given you time to heal, it had also left an emptiness in you that you know was because you were missing such a huge piece of yourself. Dance had always been your safe place, always been your home whenever you needed it. The idea of leaving your apartment had put such a crippling fear into you that you thought you would never be able to return. It had taken months of hard work but you felt okay enough to return, to fall back into the warmth of a dance studio again.
“Mhm,” you offer as confirmation, nodding as well. Their smiles are infectious, eyes crinkling and lifting a dark cloud you hadn’t realized was lingering. In the most dignified way that you could, you stood from the beanbag. “I’ll see you guys later, I need some air.” You looked to Mae who rose with you but gestured at her to stay, you really only intended to slip out the front door for a quick breath of fresh air before coming back.
You part from the circle, patting both Hyunjin and Felix on the arm as you pass, before walking out the front door. It’s a lot more quiet outside on the front lawn. The party wasn’t a rager by any means, more of a too large gathering with slightly loud music and drinks to share. Tame in comparison to some parties you knew would be going on across campus. You had purposely avoided Greek Row, knowing those parties would be exactly that. You hadn’t counted that the people you were also looking to avoid wouldn’t be throwing their own party on the Row.
A handful of people are mingling outside, not one person paying attention to you as you take a seat on the steps. The concrete is chilly underneath you, coupled with the cooler night air and it sends a shiver through your body. The calm out here has done exactly what you wanted, cooled down your temper and brought your beating anxiety to a manageable level. Seeing Jisung had done more than you wanted to openly admit to yourself, knowing that behind the producer lurks the reason for your anxiety. You needed to flee before you caught eyes with the rest of the group.
You’re unsure how long you’ve been sitting out here, you’re only vaguely aware of people coming and going from their own breaks of the party. The cold metal of the railing pressed into your forehead is comfortable, eyes closing a bit as you relax into the iron banister. The music from the house raises in volume and then quiets again, your assumption being that when someone opens the door and closes it again. You assume you haven’t been out here long because Mae has not come to find you but you wonder if that’s wrong too as a jacket settles over your shoulders.
The smell is familiar and warm, woodsy and deep and full of memories that you can’t seem to bring to the surface no matter how hard you try. You know the smell, you can’t figure out why you do, but it brings a sort of comfort nonetheless that has you pulling the jacket tighter around your shoulders and burying your nose into the collar. The music is loud and then muffled once again and you’re left alone outside with your new jacket and your fuzzy thoughts.
Only when your mouth feels a little too dry and your ass has gone numb from sitting on the cold steps, you finally wander back into the party. Mae’s moved from the spot you left her in and you’ve got enough sense to text her to check on her. A quick exchange, making sure she’s okay. Confirmation from your roommate tells you that she’s alright and you don’t need to wait for her if you want to go home. A simple thumbs up emoji on the message and a thanks for the jacket are sent before closing your phone. You don’t see her confused reply, asking what jacket since she didn’t give you anything.
A red cup pulled from the stack and run under the tap for a drink of water is your destination. The slightly earthy taste from the water is a comfort, reminding you of warm weather back home and spending sweltering days in ponds and lakes to cool off.
Your arms slide through the sleeves of the jacket, settling into the warmth of its soft fabric. The sleeves extend just a little past your fingers, you realize. Mae must have grabbed it from her date, you think, raising the cuff to your nose to practically nuzzle into the hem. It’s a soft jacket and you don’t want to give it back and you wonder if you can convince her to let you keep it as a roommate tax for letting her invite a date to what was meant to be a girl’s night out. Not that you can really blame her, you guess. You’ve spent nearly every waking minute together and most nights cuddled in her bed instead of your own. The nights are the worst, that’s when the anxiety and the fears settle in like they’re meant to call your chest home.
Without your roommate to wait on, you don’t see the point in staying at the party much longer. The place is still as lively as it was before but your social battery is nearing zero quickly and the call of your bed is strong. You won’t admit that the sight of that group has ruined your night, the good mood you were clinging to so desperately has gone with it. Your phone is back in your hand, a quick text to the house chat to let them know you’re headed home and don’t worry about being quiet when they all arrive at their own times.
Lucy is the first to reply, sending a simple blue heart emoji. It makes you smile and you’re shoving your phone back into your pocket while using your other hand to pat down for the key to your apartment.
“Giving yourself a feel because no one else will?”
The voice makes your blood boil immediately, smiling slipping from your face as you turn to look at Minho. He leans against the island counter in the middle of the kitchen. Silently cursing your luck, you just roll your eyes and go to walk away but a tug on the hood of your jacket halts your steps. An extremely undignified sound escapes at the yank of the hood and you’re flailing backwards for a second until a hand presses to the middle of your back to halt your fall.
“Falling for me?” He grins at you when you turn to face him.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” you snap at him while shoving his hand off you roughly. You should have guessed Minho would show up once Jisung had spotted you, you should have made your escape then and never come back into the house. Now you’re living with the consequence of your decision to stay instead of just running then, all because you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction that even the idea of him sends you in the opposite direction.
His hands come up and make a gesture intended to placate the anger thrown his way. “Sorry.” Somehow you doubt his apology given that it’s coupled with that stupid, ugly smirk of his. “Heard you were back.” There’s a slightly awkward pause when you choose not to reply, arms crossing over your chest. A facial expression meant to tell him to go on or shut up settles over your face. “Can’t wait to see your introduction performance this year. Break a leg.” You choose to believe he’s mocking you, in no way do you trust his words to be sincere at all. It’s Lee Minho, he doesn’t know how to be sincere.
Eyes narrow as your stare levels on him, mouth opening to say something nasty in retort. The words die in your throat when a gentle hand clamps over your lips and pulls you backwards by your wrist. You watch as Minho is swallowed by the crowd as you’re dragged out of the kitchen and back into the cool air. Outside smells fresh and you wonder if there might be a storm tonight. Part of you hopes there might be, as a way to wash away everything tonight.
“Go home.” The words are barked at you. Oh right, someone dragged you here. Yanking your arm from their grip, rounding to look at them with the insult that was primed for Minho now ready to be flung toward your captor. His glare makes you stop, shrinking back just a little before remembering you’re not afraid of Christopher Bahng.
“I don’t remember you being in charge of my life.” Shoulders square, taking a step to stand toe to toe with him. Damn, did he get wider? You don’t remember him being quite so filled out. “And the bastard approached me first.” You note how his jaw twitches as he clenches his teeth when you argue with him, when you step closer and won’t back down from him. There’s that stupid voice in the back of your head to swing, that you could take him easily.
“Be the bigger person and go home, Cherry.” His voice is much softer but the look on his face doesn’t change. Your lips purse however at the nickname, sucking on your teeth in annoyance of his casual use of that name. He was the one who came up with it after all, him and Minho had adopted that name for you when you were much younger. A way to tease you for always wanting cherry flavored everything- popsicles to hard candies and everything in between. The name tugs at your heart just a little. Traitorous organ.
“Why do I have to be the bigger person?” Your refusal to back down doesn’t seem to bring a surprise, in fact he seems to have expected it. Once again he grabs you with that large hand, wrapping around your bicep and dragging you away from the house into the street.
“Still live at the same place? I’ll walk you home.”
“I don’t need a fucking escort, Chris.” You shrug his hold off. “Touch me again and I’ll break your hand. Make it hard to perform your live introduction piece with a shattered hand I bet.” There was once a time these threats would never have passed your lips in his direction, never at him. Only ever in his defense, only ever to protect those you cared about. Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away. Some bullshit like that.
“I’ll make sure Mae gets home safe but you need to go, okay? Just- please.” He almost seems.. desperate? You two are standing in the dark of the street, the street lights too spaced out to illuminate your faces. You can only assume his tone, unable to see the look on his face. If it was light you would see that his eyes are soft, pleading with you to just once listen to him. To take his warning and to go home.
“Awa’ an bile yer heid,” you mutter as you turn away from him and start walking to the bus in order to get back to your apartment. His concern leaves you lost for words, lost for a better retort so you just drop the first dismal you can come up with.
“Speak fucking English!” Chan shouts after you, laughing a bit. You don’t risk looking back, knowing you’d find him watching you with that smile. That smile and those stupidly adorable dimples of his. You raise a hand, sending him a single finger salute without looking back at him. Now that you’re truly alone out here, it feels colder as you walk to the bus stop. Pulling the jacket tighter around your middle, pulling the sleeves down further to hide your fingers from the chilled wind.
Just as you near the bus stop the first raindrop of the autumn season hits your cheek.
  The morning is crisp after last night’s storm but the clouds have parted for the time. By the time you’re holding your second cup of coffee that morning, your other roommates have joined you out on the back patio in varying degrees of wakefulness. Lucy grumbles something and pulls the mug from your hands, much to your protest, and curls back in her lawnchair with your stolen mug.
“You came home early last night.” She breaks the settled silence, looking over at you.
“Aye, I was wanting to go to bed so my best friend could steal my coffee in the morning.” You’re attempting to reach for your coffee but she bounds out of the chair far faster than someone half awake should be able to. “Chris basically kicked me out.”
“Wait, kicked you out? I thought you weren’t going to Greek parties?” Elsie turns from where she was smoking and smushes the half smoked cigarette under her boot. “You know, to avoid him and his satanic best friend.”
“We didn’t go to the Row.” Mae comes to defense quickly, poking her head up from your lap, eyes opening for the first time since settling in on top of you. “They were there, not our fault. Jisung saw us first and then ran away to spread the news as quickly as he could.”
“That tiny chipmunk bastard can’t keep a single thing to himself, can he?” Elsie rolls her eyes, dropping into Lucy’s now abandoned chair. “Has to play Minho’s ever loyal bitch- ow.” Lucy’s fist remains on top of Elsie’s head where she’d knocked her knuckles into her sister’s head in warning. “Sorry. Loyal pet- fucking ow.” Elsie reaches up to swat at the other’s hand.
“Basically Minho was being Minho, trying to start something and Chris came to the rescue as always. He dragged me out of the house and told me to go home. Basically ordered me, the fucking bastard.”
“I love when you get angry and your accent is so thick I can barely understand you. Really love the mental workout this morning.” Mae loves to tease the three of you for your accents, according to her they make you almost unable to be understood when speaking English around the house. She often jokes that learning to speak Scots is now her third language.
“Lap privileges revoked.” You shift so her head is no longer in your lap, using the opportunity to stand as well. “I need to head to the studio anyway, finish working on this routine for the introductory performance next week.”
“Lu already packed you lunch. It’s in the fridge and your favorite water bottle is in the freezer to take with you too.” Elsie is quick to inform you with a grin. Lucy beams from where she’s sitting, eyes still closed as she drinks (your) her coffee.
“I’ll come with I need to finish mine,” Mae says between struggling yawns before heading to your shared room to get ready. When you tell her you’ll meet her outside she sends you a thumbs up over her head in acknowledgement.
  “So whose jacket did you take home last night? I’ve never seen that one.” That same jacket that is thrown over one of the chairs in the corner with your bag. Your head lifts to follow her accusatory finger before dropping back down, the dull thud of your head hitting hardwood sounding a lot louder in the empty studio space than reality.
“I thought you gave it to me last night. When I went out to get air.”
“Nope.” She pops the ‘p’ on the word. “Did you just steal a jacket?”
“Yah! I don’t just steal things. It was given to me, thank you very much.”
A contemplative hum through closed lips but she doesn’t say anything more. You can almost see the cogs turning in her mind and you want to ask what she’s thinking but the subject is changed quickly.
“How are you feeling about the dance?” She watches you in the ceiling to floor mirrors before turning to actually face you. Your head rolls to the side, looking at her now instead of staring up at the ceiling.
“Nervous. Director Yun gave me some really great advice and feedback after looking at my taped final. I don’t know, I’m really outside of my comfort zone here- but that’s the whole point right? I’m not here to perfect what I already know, I want to learn where I’m weak. How else can I be a big time choreographer if all I can do is a pirouette and a chassé.”
“You’re not doing ballet this year?” A new voice chimes into the conversation and you swear your eyes might just roll hard enough to fall out of your head. It would be far more preferable than this conversation. “So the old dog does know more than one trick.”
“We’re the same fucking age, Minho.” You're propped up on your elbows now, eyes narrowed as he stands in the doorway. He’s not alone of course, you note. He’s never alone. You wonder if he’s still holding the fear of being alone, that at the end of everything he’ll just be as lonely as he was before.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“And I’m not going to.” Moving to sit up, you reach for the discarded canvas pirouette slips. “Leave so I can practice.”
“No.” You don’t even need to look at him to know that stupid smirk is there.
“No? The fuck do you mean no?” He ignores your question and walks in, Chan following behind. You watch the both of them with hands on hips before glancing back at Mae. The confusion and fury is written all over your face but the two newcomers are either choosing to ignore it or just don’t see it. You’d bet your life savings that it’s the former.
“You’re not the only person needing to practice for the introduction performance.” As if that is meant to explain why he’s trying to kick you out of the room you’ve been using. His dance bag drops on top of yours. “I’ll help you and then you can leave so I can use the room.”
“I don’t need your help.” You hate how it comes out more like a question. Stomping over, you grab his bag and shove it back at him. “The fuck do you have in there? Bricks? The fuck it’s so heavy for.” You attempt to shove him and his bag out the door but the canvas on your feet means you just end up sliding a little. Real dignified.
“You said you weren’t doing ballet this year for your dance. Seriously, let me help.” Wow, he almost sounds genuine. Which only makes you far more suspicious. Eyes narrow as he watches you, standing in silence that’s too heavy and too tense. The other two in the room don’t say anything, afraid of leaving with bite marks should they get between the two fighting cats.
“Fine,” you snap, dropping his bag and watching with pride as he fumbles it a little as he wasn’t really holding it. You toss a look to Mae that says more than you could voice right now. Surprisingly she’s already grabbed a couple chairs off the stack, presumably with Chan’s help, and sitting shoulder to shoulder with him. A cheerful thumbs up from her settles the butterflies you didn’t notice had taken up residence in your gut.
Minho is at your side in a beat, his stuff placed back on top of yours. A very are-you-for-real? look in his direction that he just gives you a smile, bunny teeth and all. Mae’s been in charge of the music and you give her a look through the mirror to start it again. On the count you step out into your first move and get lost again in the feeling of your body moving to the music. All you see is yourself in the mirror, critical of every single twitch of muscle and wrinkle of skin. You catch Minho’s eyes in the mirror and you can’t look away.
The intensity in his eyes is captivating, watching every small step and maneuver you put your body through. You’ve seen that look on his face before, years ago, when he would watch you practice your ballet routines or when he was helping with taekwondo. It’s somehow comforting to see him tracking your hands, your feet, watching how you throw your body through the air as if you’re made of a feather instead of a human body.
You can’t take your eyes off him watching you. His eyes meet yours in the mirror. All you can see is him. All he can pay attention to is you.
What you two don’t see is Chan and Mae shaking hands over a friendly bet and sharing knowing smiles.
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@pearbunny, @smhlino, @5stxrstay, @borahae-reads, @bettybeako, @ana-marais98, @katsukis1wife, @kpopsstuffs, @chaotic-world-of-the-j, @pinkskzs, @ylixbok, @eternitywaveshello
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valyrra · 4 months
NAURETH // MK 9-11 timeline
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Name: Naureth
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
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Birthday: 23/03
Ethnicity: Netherrealmer (Scottish heritage)
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Tarot card: The Hanged man
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Appearance: Tall, hourglass shape figure, hip dips and strong arms and abs. May have skipped the leg day so her thighs aren't that muscular. Naureth has a "long" face structure, big eyes with dark eyelids and green iris with a small dotted pupil. Her nose is long and slightly crooked. Small and wide lips are often spread in a smirk or scowl.
Height: 178cm / 5,9 ft
Eye Color: Green, if she uses necromancy they glow with mint color. Later looses right eye.
Hair: Straight black, lower back length
Voice Claim: Diana (League of Legends)
Prominent Features: Her left arm and right leg are covered in black tattoos with asymmetrical patterns, missing right eye [picrew link]
Talents: Speaking with the dead ones, demon taming
Strengths: Loyal, practical, creative
Weakness: Private, reserved, reckless
Fears: Dying, Losing her pet, betrayal
Weapon: ✨magical✨ sword [picrew link]
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Combat style: Sorcerer style combat. Tries to distance herself from the enemy, uses summoned flying swords and skeletons. If enemy is closed she fights with a sword.
Combat moves: [LINK]
Pets (?): Demon cat Moz [picrew link]
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Casual clothing Style: Silk lower face mask, dark robes
Combat clothing style: Eyepatch. Chest armor that resembles skeleton ribs, long loincloth, over-knee boots, metal gauntlets and metal pauldrons [link1] [link2]
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Friends: Shinnok, Sareena, Jataaka, Kia, Noob Saibot, Quan Chi
OC friends: Ombra and Falkus @theelderhazelnut + Lydia the Zatteran @esolean, Moz, Ghost
Rivals: Ongran (OC), later Raiden, Scorpion (Hanzo), Ashrah, "Good" forces
Love interest: Shinnok, Ermac
Short lore: Necromancer and a summoner with a split heart and stolen life time, adept of Shinnok.
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Bio: Naureth comes from a secretive family of hereditary witches from medieval Europe who long ago found a connection to the Netherrealm. For decades, the women of the family fed their powers from there, in exchange for sacrifices and loyalty to demonic forces. They have, for the most part, kept their blood pure, remaining human. If necessary - they were infiltrated into politics and the church, at the behest of the Netherrealm demons and the current ruler.
Wanting to live longer than the rest of their family, the aging high witch of the cult - Ongran decided to sacrifice her granddaughter in order to get a longer life. Naureth was about seventeen years old at the time. She had inherited the ability to see the souls of the dead who had fallen in battles on Earthrealm. After performing a ritual, half of Naureth's heart was desiccated and forever chained to Netherrealm, transferring half of her life time to Ongran. Deeply hurt and maddened, Naureth decided to run away from her family, in search of greater powers, so she can get revenge on her Grandmother.
Fueled by rage, Naureth travelled the Netherrealm for 5 years. Looking for artifacts, trying to find anything that can fuel her powers, until she met Jataaka, who brought her into the Brotherhood of Shadows, where Naureth found her sorcery mentors.
After Naureth joins the Brotherhood of Shadows, she becomes a follower of Shinnok and apprentice to Quan Chi. After several years of training, she masters necromancy, decay magic, and undead mind control. When Shinnok decides she is ready, he sends her on a mission to dethrone Ongran as supreme witch, get revenge and lead the cult to serve him and Quan Chi.
With the help of Jataaka and Sareeena and Kia, Naureth kills the witch, but the life forces do not return to Naureth, leaving her with half of her life still shortened.
Dying, her grandmother remarks that she is proud of Naureth, but Naureth is outraged. The cult joins forces with Quan Chi's army, and she marches off to Shinnok.
Shinnok, says that only under his command will she be able to live longer, and bestows the black crown of Ongran, powers that can extend her life, making her life almost infinite as long as the crown is on her. Of course this was a lie, he could give her life back, as it was sealed in Netherrealm. Without knowing it, Naureth simply stays in the brotherhood. Quan Chi appoints her captain of the undead squad along with the witches from her cult.
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Playlist: [link]
Inspirations: The Knight (DBD), Kel'Thuzad, Lich King and Death Knights (WoW), Mannimarco (TES), Bwonsamdi (WoW), Vergil, V (DMC), Kylo Ren (SW), Hela (Thor)
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bonefall · 2 years
Just imagining the end of the final battle and everyone is just staring down a ranting and raving tigerstar while all the clans (and starclan!) watch. Then suddenly as it goes quiet you just hear “excuse me. Pardon me. Scusey let me through please” And finally stepping out of the throng of cats is firestar. He takes one look at his lifelong enemy and goes “get ready to die again you dusty ass bitch!”
Firestar, looking at Blackstar and Iceheart, two cats he respects greatly, wiped out and bloody. Iceheart is smiling feebly but with deep love. Blackstar is wincing in pain and embarrassment.
Firestar shakes his head, "You really make a mess of things, Tigerstar. What's even the point of this?"
"The point?! The point is to destroy everything you ever loved, if I can't fix the Clans, I'll tear down as much of it as my claws can cut!"
"That's so very, very sad."
"...I- what?!"
"I think you've spent your whole afterlife thinking about me, Tigerstar. You had four strong children, two of them wanted to know you so badly they visited you in hell, you ruled the Dark Forest and have done something no cat has ever been able to do before, and probably never will again... and you haven't been able to enjoy a single accomplishment."
"I enjoyed watching you die, and I'll enjoy watching you die again!"
"...even now, Tigerstar. You've beaten some of the most powerful warriors the Clans have ever known, and you're still only looking at me."
"Enough! You think you can shame me with your drivel, but I am a warrior! I live for battle and exacting my revenge on my enemies, and I've gotten it against these weaklings. But you?! I'm going to shred you the way I should have done the first day Bluestar dragged you away from your soft kittypet home."
Firestar sighs and dips his head. Tigerstar has youth in his muscle and no gray flecks on his muzzle, but he is old. Truly, truly old, "Your ideas are outdated. The world has become a better place without you in it," he slips into the comfortable crouch that was taught to him many years ago, when he was just an apprentice in the sandy hollow, "By the Stars above, by the Clans below, and by the power their love invests in me, Tigerstar, I will take you out again!"
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caffe1ne · 2 months
I saw a post saying that c!Dream is Sol but before I could repost I lost it so I'm making a seperate post about it
I used to be really passionate about Warrior Cats until I read most of it and didn't get time to read more, so my memory might be a little bad about certain things and characters. Sol I know his appearance in the 4th series? But I don't know his backstory much
Based on an animatic I saw, I assume he was abandoned as a kitten, wasn't accepted into Skyclan, met Midnight and tried to get rid of all the clans in revenge, using his knowledge of the Eclipse. He portrayed himself as a God (like c!Dream).
Yeah I can see something that resembles c!Dream there, the not accepting him into a family because he's different for some reason. But there is a difference.
Sol and c!Dream are pretty smart in their moves, they both have a greater goal in mind and rely on solidarity. C!Dream wanted to bring everyone together while Sol wants to bring everyone apart. In revenge. That's his motive. C!Dream's motive was a big, happy family. Unity.
C!Dream drifted away from his friends, got a target planted on him as the big bad villain so the SMP could unite against him. Sol already saw himself as everyone's enemy and played it smart by pretending to "warn" them. There plays the manipulation.
C!Dream never got the control he desired. Sol did, temporarily.
Their mindsets resemble each other's, but they're not the same.
I see c!Dream more in Scourge than in Sol, but at the same time they're different, too. Scourge wanted to get rid of the wild cats. Per Tigerstars request. He didn't like them anyway, but he let them be until Tigerstar showed up. Dream wanted to get rid of L'manberg all along because it drove people apart and caused conflicts that he wanted to avoid when he created the server.
Both Scourge and c!Dream are very powerful and strong, but c!Dream is a more reliable ally than Scourge is, given he killed Tigerstar (though I have another headcanon on Tigerstar's death/lives). C!Dream never backstabbed his allies.
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guess-that-ship · 10 months
S8 Round 1
Time travel yuri
It’s Character A’s mission to kill Character B. Problem is, she hasn’t figured out how to accomplish that, and ends up pretending to be Character B’s friend to learn more about her. Character B has the power to control time. She’s been through all this before, and knows it ends in both her and Character A’s deaths. Except that Character A couldn’t bring herself to kill Character B after everything they’d been through, and a third party is the one that kills them both. So Character B turns back time. Knowing she’ll die one way or another, she’ll only allow herself to be killed by the girl she loves. So she wipes her memory, only leaving her love for Character A intact, and tries again (and again, and again…)
life could be a dream
cw: spoilers
In the most romantic version of their story, Cat and Dog become friends trying and failing to rescue Cat's ex from a brutal prison. Dog learns Cat is carrying some heavy baggage that night and accepts him anyway--maybe is even into it. Dog and Cat help each other with their problems over the next few years, and when Dog helps Cat with a dangerous rescue mission (from the same prison) that Cat nearly ruins due to his aforementioned baggage, Dog talks him down. Cat later apologizes, and warns Dog that he is a dangerous man, his obsession with Dog is dangerous, and Dog should send him away.
Dog instead affirms his affection for Cat, they begin a romantic relationship, and ultimately move in together. Cat supports Dog when his mother dies. However, as the years pass, Cat's life gets harder. His baggage drags him down. His mental health is careening downward. He is desperate to rescue everyone from the prison and destroy all the similar prisons around the world. While Dog is supportive as much as he can be, the order is quite tall. Cat eventually lies to Dog to get his help for something he doesn't want to implicate Dog's conscience in and ends up killing a lot of people to save the prisoners, include clergy.
Dog is hurt and angry…that Cat didn't trust him to help and expected Dog would kill him in revenge. Instead, Dog backs his play completely, carves a path through their enemies, kills their primary foe, saves the surviving prisoners, and runs off with Cat as fugitives together, to spread the news to the other prisons and push them to rebel against their jailors. The stories say they're still deeply in love to this day.
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yumestar19 · 7 months
Black Butler X Splatoon 3 Headcanons
Ciel Phantomhive
Preferred Weapon Type: Shooters
Main Weapon: Splattershot
Favourite Mode: Splat Zones
Sebastian Michaelis
Preferred Weapon Type: Dualies
Main Weapon: Jet Squelcher/Dark Tetra Dualies
Favourite Mode:
He is the one everyone is the most scared of and he is indeed pretty above average, being damn fast, not missing a shot and handling the battlefield like a master of situations, buuuut... As long as Ciel gives him orders from behind, he cannot put his full potential to use.
If he loses a battle, it is only because the referee cat distracted him.
He forgets to press continue at least once per session because he can't get enough of the cat.
In the lobby he hangs out near the cat every time, watching it and wishing to touch its fluffy paws, then realising it's just a game and getting depressed.
He loves Splatoon 3 for the sole reason that it has cats as referees.
Elisabeth Midford
Preferred Weapon Type: Brellas/Dualies
Main Weapon:
Upon seeing her low rank, you are going to assume she's a total noob and doesn't move the team forward, but then surprise, she's the one who leads everyone to victory, slaughtering one by one and competing even with Grell.
She's actually a pacifist, but Splatoon 3 makes her forget all morals and good manners, mercilessly killing players who are just standing around or swimming up the walls.
She is a team player, shielding her teammate and rushing to their rescue, but she is also great at solo.
When Ciel is near, her skills are skyrocketing. If Ciel is killed, you have hopelessly gotten yourself in a deadly situation, because she will go berserk, wiping out the entire opponent's team.
Edward Midford
Preferred Weapon Type: Brushes
Main Weapon:
Favourite Mode:
He is relatively average, a little less good compared to Lizzy, Sebastian and Ciel, but does his job decently. However, if you kill his sister, then running away won't help you anymore, because he chases you all over the field and won't rest until he slaughters you. Probably dies as well during the attempt, but he doesn't care, as long as the opponents dead
Also, he gets absolutely pissed if the opponent kills him before he could take revenge
One of his strategies is to hide behind his sister's shield and then race fast behind the enemy and finish them off. This won't work every time.
Preferred Weapon Type: Chargers
Main Weapon: E-liter 4K Scope
Favourite Mode: Turf War/Anarchy Battles
She is the incredibly talented sniper that you won't notice until the very moment you die. Always changing positions and never staying in one spot for too long, she's hard to kill and even harder to avoid. She can wipe out an entire team and protect the base like no one else. However, if you manage to get close, she struggles with her short weapon range and easily gets killed. Her skills also vary depending on the stage.
Preferred Weapon Type: Blasters/Splatlings
Main Weapon: Range Blaster
Favourite Mode: Turf War/Rainmaker
Preferred Weapon Type: Sloshers
Preferred Weapon Type: Stringers
Main Weapon: Tri-Stringer
Favourite Mode:
He would actually be useful in battle IF he wouldn't
Grelle Sutcliffe
Preferred Weapon Type: Splatanas
Main Weapon: Splatana Stamper
Favourite Mode: Anarchy Battles
William T. Spears
Preferred Weapon Type: Chargers
Main Weapon: Snipewriter 5H
Favourite Mode: Tower Control/Salmon Run
Ronald Knox
Preferred Weapon Type: Rollers
Main Weapon: Dynamo Roller
Favourite Mode: Clam Blitz/Splat Zones
He abuses the boyaah-button far too much
Preferred Weapon Type: Shooters
Main Weapon: N-Zap '85
Favourite Mode: Turf War
In General
For absolutely no canonical reason: if Mey-Rin and William were to fight each other, it would be an extreme battle between two professional chargers. It would be difficult to judge which of them would win.
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pjchatters · 1 year
I feel like it’s so poetic how Jimmy is so angry right now at everyone and everything and so hell-bent on revenge (in the most pathetic wet cat way possible) and he’s on his villain arc now and all that nonsense, but the second he takes a look at the photo of Best Buds, he calms down significantly and cheers up, when a few months before he would’ve exploded with rage at the mere sight of Joel, but now it’s one of the few things that can bring him comfort and a smile on his face.
"It always brightens my day when I come back to Tumble Town and I see the Best Buds, man. I see those best buds... To think at the start of this series we were mortal enemies and we hated each other, now we are great friends.”
- Jimmy Solidarity, ESMP S2 Ep. 35, 4:00-4:13
I like to think he keeps a photo of it in his pocket at all times so he could sometimes look at it and remind himself that he has someone on his side still. Even if he doesn’t believe that that person respects him, he believes they are best buds genuinely. 
Even though arguably, Joel is the one to inflict the most damage on him; like he’s been tormenting Jimmy since the beginning of the season with toy jokes and was the one to set off a chain reaction that made everyone on the server not respect the sheriff, even in a joking way. But he’s also the first one (and currently, the only one) to come to him and request a friendship, with the promise that he’ll stop calling him a toy, and until now he’s honored that promise and their friendship. 
It also says a lot about Jimmy’s character on how he chooses his friends, which is basically anyone who is consistently nice to him, even if they prank him at times. It’s actually interesting how quickly he latched onto Joel despite their former rivalry, considering how the time they formed their friendship was also the time Scar had to leave and go back to Hermitcraft.
Anyway yeah, the burning hatred he had for the god developed into a warm comforting flame and I will forever think about how they are just two lonely men who desired friends and they found it in each other, because they might’ve pushed everyone else away with their antics but not them, never them. They were a constant pain in each other’s asses, but now they’re a constant reminder that they have someone to turn to when the going gets tough, and I think that’s beautiful. 
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