#catty surname
blackjack-15 · 5 months
Hi I just got through reading all of your liveblogging posts about The Bear! It was a delight to read all of your real-time predictions that ended up coming true, you really had this show’s number from the jump lol. Do you have any predictions for next season? Most fans think Carm and Syd are headed for an explosive confrontation, but are any other storylines, scenes, character beats, etc. that you think we might see?
This is super nice of you, anon! thank you so much for following my chaotic ramblings XD and hey it's a lot easier to know what might happen in the show when they've got such competent writers/directors! tho they surprised me a fair number of times (i don't think i'll be over the interplay/intercuts of claire, carmy, and syd at the end of 2X07/start of 2X08 any time soon), which keeps things fun
as far as predictions for next season...i think it's hard to say without having the first five minutes of S3 in front of me (they do such a good job setting up the tone and conflicts of the season in the first little bit of S1 and S2!), but i've got
a couple things i'm pretty sure about:
-more REM songs (only thing i'm 100% positive on)
-more kitchen/cooking time for our mains, especially carmy. last season's renovations + cliche john hughes nonsense kept him mostly out of the kitchen from ep 3 on, and i'm 99% sure he'll be back with a knife in hand come S3
-nat giving birth to a girl (i'd love it but am not solid on predicting she'd be named some derivative of 'mary' (or a name meaning 'victory', such as nicole), given the berzatto family prayer).
i know the temptation for her to have a boy named after michael is strong b/c it's TV, but this series (rightly, in my mind) tends away from Lionizing the Dead simply b/c they're dead, and after spending S2 breaking down mikey (and showing mikey and nat's relationship, which like ever berzatto relationship wasn't super healthy), i'm hopeful and trusting the writers to avoid this. it wouldn't make me hate the show or anything, but it would honestly disappoint me unless done in a way (i honestly can't think of what way) that would make it okay. plus pete kinda screams girldad to me, and seeing carmy and richie with a little niece would be incredibly precious
-sydcarmy dustup of some kind, but i doubt it'll be as explosive as we've seen in the past, mostly b/c syd was stressed but exhilarated by success at friends & family and b/c i think carmy's (lack of) mental health will be brought up in relation to it
-solidifying of a secondary staff at the bear to let our regulars breathe a bit and have the bear feel like a real, functioning kitchen, not a mom and pop greasy spoon -- this started at the end of s2 but it needs to continue
-cicero setting the tone of the first few months of The Bear (and probably his commentary on carmy's relationships) -- we're not out of the realm of Complete and Utter Failure yet, lads, and the money is gonna come due -- whether by the guise of Friendly Uncle Jimmy visiting with Nat, or the mask of Cicero the Loan Shark coming out in full force
-art storyline with carmy figuring out what will replace the awful painting (i'm going to guess it'll be something of his design, but it'll at least be something he feels represents him, given the comments last season)
-major theme of carmy figuring out what he wants vs what others want for him. him analyzing his relationship with claire by himself -- or, my preference, talking it out with Tina, who he seems to be able to open up to pretty well -- is part of this
things that have to happen but i have no idea how/to what resolution:
-carmy and richie addressing the "donna" fight/comment. it's gonna be multi-ep (neither one is great at complimenting the other to their face and tend to do it behind the other's back, but richie is especially bad at it), and it's gonna hurt.
-pete spilling the beans to Someone (not nat but not sure who) about donna being at f&f
-resident claire's poor little hurt feelings from trespassing into the kitchen and eavesdropping on then leaving carmy in the middle of a really, really bad attack (yes i'm phrasing it that way because it's true <3)
-something about tiff's upcoming wedding (marcus getting contracted/recommended to make dessert for it would be painful but oh so crunchy)
-carmy meets syd's dad. he's proud of her and her success and you know he's gonna want to meet her business partner
nebulous predictions:
-ebra's storyline with him carving out a niche at the sandwich window getting screentime
-tina coming more into her own and maybe getting a designated storyline (about what? no idea)
-more gary nonsense. man lives the wildest life and we see almost none of it
-carmy working through what cooking means to him and what it means in relation to the bear/the berzattos/sydney
-nat's water breaks/she goes into labor at the bear. not sure the baby will actually be born there (i'd guess probably not on the whole), but the process will Begin there
-syd distraction/love interest storyline. not even her dating particularly, just her attention being Split and having the shoe be on the other foot for carmy as they navigate what being business partners means outside the kitchen
-fak time. he's a little uncertain, a little wandering in the restaurant, and he was a major...antagonistic force, let's say? in S2. his place in the world of the bear needs clarification and harmony, and his identity needs solidity and sureness
things that aren't impossible/improbable but would be a Little Treat for Me specifically:
-chef jess being invited to the bear by richie (let the man have people outside the bear and his kid/ex! garrett may come too i'll allow it)
-the return of louie my beloved (helping out at the sandwich window? he makes a good foil to Young Carmy, so i would like to see him more -- carmy in Full Mentorship would be a thing to see, and it would be a being-better-than-mikey-was-to-him thing as well. it's narratively crunchy and provides lots of room for growth, but can be done in ways that don't involve louie, so that's why it's here)
-syd's best meal + comment about being a regular at The Beef coming back. do i think they eventually will? yes. am i aware that my desire for them is prolly stronger than it narratively should be be predicted? also yes. could this easily be combined with carmy meeting syd's dad? yes and i will break the sound barrier
-carmy drawing a dish syd comes up with. a hand-drawn menu for the bear would be Incredible, and syd's face looking at a sistine-chapel-style drawing of a dish she came up with? tremendous, chef
thing that i want to be brought up more than Anything but don't predict it'll be touched (at least directly):
-carmy yelling for syd during his attack in the walk-in (i'm sorry you can't have the man yelling "MARCUS GET ME SYD. GET ME SYD" and expect me not to want it on a billboard
that got long, sorry anon, but there we go -- 4am rambling off-the-cuff about S3...only months to go, hopefully....
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lassieposting · 8 months
Post-tadpole, Tav offers to help Astarion find a way to walk in the sun again, and she starts by going to different libraries and repositories and archives around the city to look for books that might be relevant. Astarion, obviously, has to stay in the rental room with the shutters closed during the daytime, so he can't come with her.
At some point, this takes her up to the posh part of the city, where the fancy ✨ scholarly ✨ archive is. She remembers most of the walk - it's not too far from the graveyard Astarion took her to, in the neighbourhood where he once used to live.
And like, it's never actually occurred to her that he could still have Actual Blood Relatives still living? It's not a topic she's ever thought to raise with him. But she has to sign in and out of the archive, and she just happens to notice the name three or four lines above hers: an initial and a surname she recognises.
The same name from Astarion's gravestone.
A parent? A sibling?
A niece or nephew Astarion has never even met?
Thus begins a secondary quest of trying to reunite a broken family. Astarion is willing enough to talk about the few memories he still has of the thirty-nine years he had with his family before turning - a drop in the ocean compared to the 200 years spent suffering under Cazador - but he shuts down when she nudges him towards the likelihood that Mr & Mrs Ancunín are still alive. He retreats back behind the selfish, catty survivalist he was when she first met him and claims he has no interest in ever reconnecting. The pain in every clipped syllable says drop it, so she does.
But then he asks her, very quietly, several days later, what the initial was. He doesn't really react when she tells him - there's no obvious recognition, and he doesn't ask any follow-up questions or try to discuss it further. He just goes back to his book. She watches him out of the corner of her eye though, as she skim-reads her own giant tome of magical artifacts. A very long time goes by before she sees him turn a page.
For a good long while, the family issue gets put firmly on the back burner. They have other shit going on. Sometimes, it's following promising leads on a possible workaround for Astarion's sunlight allergy. Other times, it's the kind of ugly, ragged-edged breakdown that so often follows a period of relative safety and stability after a major trauma. He's been running in survival mode for two centuries, and now he's finally starting to feel secure enough for the rest of his mind to come back online, and all the trauma he couldn't handle at the time, all the pain and fear and tangled emotions survival mode was protecting him from, is catching up to him. During those sporadic episodes, trying to keep him from falling apart is her top priority and, well, time gets away from them and by the time he brings up his parents again, months or more have gone by, and they have a fairly good idea of what artifact of daywalking they need to find.
By the time it comes to actually meeting with them, still more months have passed, and they have already found it.
It's horrible, and heartwarming, and heartbreaking, and healing, and hurting, and so many other conflicting things that for a while - a long while - Tav doesn't know whether she actually did the right thing encouraging him to reach out to long-lost loved ones. It's a mess of moments that makes her heart ache for a dozen reasons. She finds out that Astarion looks most like his mother, but has his father's nose. She holds him for hours while he shakes and sobs into her shoulder because they never even left the city, they were here the whole time, and they never found him - and he's so angry and full of grief he doesn't know what to do with himself. She accompanies him to the home he was raised in, and the once-familiar surroundings jog memories he thought lost for good - he's glassy-eyed, recounting them to her, but she's fairly sure it's the good kind of glassy-eyed, so she doesn't mention it. She tries to make conversation at family dinner while he stares at his hands in his lap, dissociated, looking even more uncomfortable than she feels, utterly lost in a world that once fit him like a glove. There are a lot of feelings to try and mediate. They are all hurt, all damaged, all afraid, all looking for the ghost of a loved one in the face of a stranger.
But, eventually, there is a day where she overhears Astarion having a conversation with his father, and he sounds like himself - not the persona he puts on in public - and his father laughs at something he says in a way that's entertained rather than awkward. There is a day where his mother reaches out and he doesn't shake his head or step away - he lets her hug him goodbye. They have not slipped back into the graves they crawled out of in each other's lives - they are all very different people now - but they are learning new ways to fit together, and he seems to be pleased about it.
So she thinks, yeah, it was worth it.
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rukafais · 4 months
I think it's important for ppl to know that drizzt's kid, Brie-Zara/Brienelle Zaharina is named the way she is because Catti named her for her dad and Drizzt named her for HIS dad and it's very cute
Cataline,” Catti-brie went on, “though I know not my first surname. It was changed to Catti, and the name Brienne added.” “Brienne, or Briennelle, is the woman’s version of Bruenor,” Dagnabet explained, for a certain dwarf king was not able to speak at that moment. “Catti-brie,” Catti-brie said. “And so I give to you, my dearest friends, Briennelle.” They started to cheer, but Catti-brie stopped them short with an upraised hand. “Brienne in the spirt of that which blessed us, and Zaharina in the hopes of what might be.” Zaknafein nearly fell off his chair. “Zaharina is the feminine of Zaknafein,” Jarlaxle explained. “Brie-Zara, then!”
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miraculan-draws · 7 months
Pls god tell me cuntiness runs in the Ancunín family. Like I already enjoy chewing on the myriad of feelings Astarion would go through upon learning he has living relatives who care for him, as well as meeting them. But the idea of them being equally as bitchy as him is so funny. Showing up 200 years late to a family reunion only to find out tht the reason he is the way he is is bc he spent his mortal years chasing after equally catty older siblings who have been doing it way longer than he has.
And this is just bc I have one sibling and they’re 16 years younger than me, so I’m sort of projecting, but he does sort of give not only youngest sibling energy, but Much Younger Than The Others energy. Like the rest were full grown adults when he was born and they were like what are we supposed to do with it? Which is why, despite being one of the “oldest” spawn, he’s yk [gestures] the way that he is w the rest of them.
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I DID HES THE YOUNGEST BY LIKE A SIGNIFICANT MARGIN. I will give a sneaky peek. Because I cannot shut up about my OCs.
1. CAPTAIN Adonnae Ancunín- KING bitch. I wanted the family to be the nobles of a keep specifically so there would be reason for guards/soldiers, they're the security for like a small region with a handful of villages too far for cities/towns to protect. And Adonnae takes the job very seriously while also being one of the least compassionate people ever. He's stern. Aloof. He cares about protecting those villages because he cares about his job, but not so much the people. He was Tavyth's commanding officer—Tav was originally a guard for the keep itself, he was recruited as a soldier after Astarion left for the city. Adonnae ended up banishing Tavyth after a raid involving lycans from the bordering wilds, both for Tav ignoring orders to abandon the village he grew up in, AND for getting bitten. The only reason he was not executed was "in Astarion's memory."
2. PROFESSOR Althea Ancunín- slightly less of a bitch but also just like. Does not get people. She's cold but not in a mean way she just cannot be sensitive to save her life. She's a wizard in Waterdeep because I think it's hilarious that no one knows Astarion's surname until act 3. She's bEEN in Waterdeep so long that Astarion has very few memories of her and she only ever came home during special events.
3. Astarion wanted OUT of the keep, like chasing any opportunities that would take him elsewhere because he's the youngest PERSON there, like can you imagine??? How SLOW the day to day goings-on in a blue-blooded ELVEN house are?? They hurry nothing. Because they have all the time in the world to do it. I can picture Astarion being both frivolous and adventure-seeking, drawn to the city but morally uncaring about his actual job when he was there, as long as he was out. I also think. Because I am horrible. That he was only there for like six months before Cazador noticed him.
(Tavyth was like crushed when Astarion left because they spent like. Every day together. And Tav was going to miss him so terribly but never once did Astarion mention possibly missing HIM. Astarion just ..moved and acted and thought too quickly to stop and look at what was around him right then and there.)
(but vampire spawn Astarion...is observant. He watches. He's impulsive but also he's 200 years older. He's sly, because he has to be. Intelligent. He was a little bird and now he's a cat.)
(and Tavyth is also hardened and darkened by just. Battle and aimless wandering to look for someone who will give him coin to do more fighting. He's kind of a bitch too now. So now they match. And they got matching worms.)
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nachoaveragejoe234 · 2 years
Monster High characters if their names were normal:
Claudine Leclerq (Clawdeen) - She's half Haitian in my headcanon
Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein - Frankie's name is fine
Laura Dracul (born Laura Aurelius) - Born in Roman Italy
Sheena Blair (Lagoona) - Couldn't think of a name that sounded similar to Lagoona
Cleo Mohammed
Giulia De Carlo - Ghoulia is Italian Canadian
Abigail Barandova (Abbey) - Of course I see her as Russian even if she technically isn't
Demitrios Argopolis (Deuce) - Gorgon isn't really a surname (I don't think)
Michelle Dubois (Rochelle) - I am now being informed Rochelle is a legit name, I'm sorry Frenchies
Tammy Harrington (Twyla) - I see her as a Tammy for some reason
Rebecca Raj (Robecca) - Indian British
Christine "Operetta" Daae II - Named after her mother
Jennifer Wong
Elizabeth Constsntinescu (Elissabat)
Vanessa McBride (Venus) - She's Scottish-American
Lorelei Schweiz (Toralei) - Her name, but less catty
Persephone and Melody Danielson - I don't know why Danielson, I just did
Jane Doolittle
Iris Diamantis
Lorna McAlester
Zainab Farooq (Gigi) - Wanted her to have an actually Arabic name
Betsy Claro
Sarah O'Shea
Serena Von Berg - She's German-American
Kjersti Kristoffson
Kiyomi Takahashi
Bonita Ford
Silvi MacDougall - She's super Scottish
Ariana "Ari" Huntington - Named after Ariana Grande
Monica de la Rosca (Moanica) - Latina
Mercedes King
Luna Mathews
Elle Edelman Devon = Edelman Devon, or E.D.
Honey Swann
Glory Mantel
Gilda Papandreou
Freyja Magnusdóttir (Kala) - She's Icelandic
Finnegan Ioannadis - He's actually Greek, believe it or not, not Irish, in G3 he seems to be a siren, so I went with Greek for him
Anisa Perbesi (Amanita) - Amanita is Indonesian
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into-september · 6 months
FELIX FELIX my boy Felix!
2 (fav canon thing) 12 (fav headcaon) and 20 (ideal bestie)?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
HE DOES MAGIC. why don't we ever talk about that.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
It probably doesn't count as a headcanon any longer since canon stayed true to its agenda of scrubbing every morally grey character of any shred of interesting ambiguity, but Felix Fathom: Gentleman thief will forever live rent-free in my head and the obvious play on "phantom" is the only reason I'll accept his canon surname.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I genuinely struggled to answer this one. The most intriguing canon relationship is probably with Chloé but I don't see either of them ever having the patience to offer the other more than hostile politeness; the one "never saw them interacting in canon but I want it" is with Luka (the irony) and strictly romantic.
The only non-adult canon character with whom he has a canon relationship that is
a) at least partially positive
b) fraught enough to leave tension that is interesting to explore
is... Adrien. With whom we know that he had a sincere friendship as children, but who he is also more than happy to stab in the back at a minute's notice. Felix is also one of the very few people with whom Adrien doesn't even pretend to have the patience, and that boy is in desperate need of people who lets him bring out the catty side of him.
Thanks for asking!
(questions here)
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gaiuskamilah · 4 months
oh btw if i sound catty or mean or idk intimidating on here i dont mean to at least most of the time 😭i promise im just someone with a tumblr blog. it took me days to realize that the rose/thorne surnames are matching and years to realize that oph mc's "valentine" last name is a pun on open heart
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Ahhh I finally made a proper reference for Victoria!
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She’s an oc I made for purposes known as “kissing Eugene”, and she’s supposed to be Anna Log’s sister.
She doesn’t have a punny surname unfortunately. If she worked in Gareville she’d be Catty Log :>
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utilitycaster · 6 months
ok finished Starless Night! I think I SHALL be reading a drizzt book every week or other week this year, actually, and making a singular post about each for fun and truly, zero profit, so anyway have the notes from the first quarter of the book I took on an old piece of cardboard in the mechanic's waiting room yesterday:
count (which I stopped tracking after I got home, idk the total) of drizzt eye mentions: 1 violet orbs, 1 violet eyes, 1 lavender eyes
Drizzt @ the Mask of Trauma: this does not spark joy
I noted that Cattie-brie has two hands but I honestly don't know if this is about Drizzt and Wulfgar, whom I know eventually returns to my great chagrin, or if this is about Alustriel. In my heart it's her and Alustriel.
"This reads like when Ben reads his Star Trek TOS fanfic to April in that episode of Parks & Rec where they get stuck in a DC parking garage" I think this is about Drizzt getting in touch with his emotions?
"Jarlaxle is BACK and wearing the cuntiest boots"
Underdark has special tarantulas so fuck that
(in conversation with the above note about that mask) Jarlaxle @ Menzoberranzan: I love mess
I think I posted about how really no one can take the phrase "elderboy Gromph" with a straight face. His brothers are Dantrang and Berg-inyon. I truly don't know how the drow names are invented because there's like, no linguistic unity.
just the words "El-Viddenvelp" which did appear as the surname of an illithid but sounds like it comes from an SNL sketch making fun of the western European avant-garde.
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krikeymate · 1 year
It's been a while since I've watched Wynonna Earp but I just remembered some details and it got me thinkin about the au:
Are we keepin with the show's canon and going with a "Tara's not even a Carpenter (or I guess Loomis in this au)/fully human" twist? If so, how would that go?
(Also do you got any thoughts about who the other characters would be? Like who would be the stand-in for Doc/Nicole/Xavier/etc. Omg wait you could combine this au with the other half-sister au and have a Willa stand-in as well)
SWAGGER. (that's just how i refer to you in my head. i know you have a name. sorry.) THANK YOU FOR ASKING.
So I have virtually no story actually planned out, but like everything else, it will lightly follow the plot and I'll pick and choose what is most fun. I have most of the character's roles planned out.
Tara not being a Loomis is 100% happening. She got that ~ angel ~ blood in her.
(I made Christina's maiden name Carpenter in this, along with several other AUs for simplicity. And like, technically we have nothing in canon that disapproves the idea that it is her surname and her husband took her name. Obviously, that isn't true, but it exists in the area of small things that are never mentioned because why would they.)
SO. Tara was always called Carpenter. Billy never let her take her name, he knew she wasn't his all along. Christina tells Sam it's just because Sam is the heir, not Tara, so only Sam can take the Loomis name. Sam changes her name to Carpenter too after her grandmother Nancy loses it shortly after Billy's death. She wants to distance them from all that.
I really thought hard about whether I wanted a Willa in this AU, and ultimately decided not to. I think Sam has oldest-sibling vibes and fits growing up under the weight of a legacy, and Tara is only going to have Sam on her side vs Waverly who was loved by her mother and Wynonna.
ANYWAY. Some other characters!
Kirby Reed (27), Deputy Marshal of the Black Badge Division, and her lab technician Mindy Meeks-Martin (21). They show up after Sam gets back into town and some bodies start happening. (The Dolls and Jeremy characters, except Mindy is there from day 1.)
Chad (21) is a Mercedes-type character. Just around to serve looks, be catty, and run the family property business after his sister decided to abscond to some secret government lab job.
Stu 'Doc' Macher. Sidekick to the Ghost of the West, and recently, Billy. Billy finds him in the well shortly after Sam is born, and keeps him around to help take down the revenants. Billy throws him back down the well shortly after his wife leaves, blaming him. He'd caught them speaking together in hushed tones shortly before, and acting suspiciously. He even accuses him of being Tara's father. He acted as a bit of an absent uncle to the girls.
There's not really a Nicole figure. What there is is Judy Hicks, fresh into town because Sheriff Dewey Riley needs a deputy. She brings with her her son, Wes (19). Wes works at the station doing grunt work, and when he's not working, he's being sweet on Tara. Judy is ignorant of the supernatural, and even after things start to happen, she remains in denial.
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lovethewayyoudoso · 3 months
Another thing that us normies wouldn't think about that affects the famous or relatively famous would be the hate mail and hate messages, specifically on social media. My latest thinkings have been around when Toshiya and Rosaire have finally kind of become official, or serious. Not sure what the right word is. Anyway when Rosaire makes some social media post declaring that he loves Toshiya, after some sort of epiphany he hand where he realizes such, he quickly realizes he needs to warn his man.
Toshiya doesn't have social media, see, and he never has. He understands the gist of it, he's seen the memes and the funny screen caps, but he's never seen how downright cruel people can get. Rosaire is careful to only ever include his man's given name, never his surname, and he's pretty good about obscuring locations when they're not particularly calling out something (like 'wow last night we had an amazing meal at Fancy Restaurant!'). So when he makes the revelatory post, something like a picture of them together and that says 'I love him', some of the depths of social media scum go frothy.
Rosaire isn't as famous as actors and singers but he has a decent following, even if most of them don't know exactly who he is. He's beautiful and says catty things and is obviously wealthy so many young people desire his lifestyle. There's a particular following of young queer men who lust after him and a subsect of those people is who really lose their shit. They try to dox Toshiya, to get any info about him. Someone comments, meaning well but being oblivious, that they went to school with both of those guys. This helps narrow it down for the crazies.
For some reason the weird racist groups come out stronger than usual. Some of them are straight up anti-interracial relationships, other are just plain racist against Asians or blacks. (Toshiya is most horrified when he somehow sees the comments on a post that call him 'some gay-ass chink'. "That's so rude! I'm not gay! This is bi-erasure!" He's not sensitive to racism about himself.)
Beyond social media, Rosaire has to explain some things about how he might be treated going forward. He's given a separate mobile phone for use with Rosaire and given other obfuscations to apply to his life (as a 'normie' I can't imagine what these are but I can imagine you'd change bank accounts and take weird routes everywhere, etc). He really doesn't like some of it. Toshiya is just a guy! He's never been anything special, never been wealthy, never been particularly popular outside his friend group... He doesn't really like this limelight being imposed on him, but he loves Rosaire so much..!
He learns to deal with it, and honestly by the time the worst of the initial adjustment period and the psycho online trolling is done he's able to return to relative normal. He can go back to biking to work, to riding the train in peace, and gains a new level of respect for the thick skin that Rosaire must have.
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kaibaspuppy · 1 year
since my girl valerie got put in @homemadegirlbossbattle heres some information about her! shes not in the current poll cycle but she will be in the next one ^_^
5'10 with heels, 5'5~ without
her fiancée was named briar
she comes from french and italian immigrant families (yes i know her surname is dutch) and she knows a bit of both languages, but isnt fluent in italian.
shes got something of drinking problem, somehow looks poised as ever while managing a hangover at work
puts a lot of effort into maintaining her image at work and in the public, constantly playing 4d mental chess with her peers to keep it that way
was friends with mia fey in law school and had a huge vcrush on her, even after getting together with briar. im not kidding when i say that if mia hadnt died valerie wouldnt be half as fucked up
she hates edgeworth, but she despises the von karmas. they have the same better-than-you attitude as bratworth, but increased tenfold.
shes lucky enough to have never faced mvk in court, and avoids franziska (who came to america after val changed careers) because as much as she loves being catty she doesnt want to get skin lesions from that whip yk
she also really hates her job, but insists to herself its a necessary and vital step to getting revenge. (but its also something of a punishment for herself)
mellows out in a massive way when she goes to prison, starts getting counseling and writes in a journal regularly
generally believes that she shouldnt be forgiven for her crimes
she can play piano, but she doesnt do it anymore because it reminds her of her dead wife :(
either takes her coffee either black or as the sugariest frappuccino known to man, it entirely depends on her mood (bitter or less bitter)
goes to get manicures often because she always ends up either biting the polish off her nails or chipping them
regularly sleeps in these bad boys:
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Coco Haggleslak, the Brown Drewman
Be Good
Rank: A- (Major Character)
Aesthetic: Cool
Visual Inspiration
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Other Character Bases
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The Best of Breed
Coco is Rudy and J.’s pet dog. Okay, well, maybe less “pet” and more “catty canine freeloader roommate”. Coco is highly intelligent and fancies herself the refined sort with her sophisticated tastes, but she’s still a dog with all the antics that entails.
Sometimes Coco has the incredible urge to enter establishments that are crawling with people with pet allergies. To that end, she becomes Karma, world famous movie star, fashionista, and gazillionairess. She’s, like, super famous, so you’ve definitely already heard of her.
Fun Facts
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Coco’s surname is derived from the Dutch hagelslag, essentially chocolate sprinkles eaten on bread.
Coco’s alter ego, Karma, derives her name from “caramel”. Also because, y’know, Karma’s a-
Coco is the only main character to have a nose or ears.
Coco’s tail is meant to resemble a cartoony piece of kibble.
Coco, during the Rough Sketch era, was originally drawn by Rudy. This connection is still canon to It’s Color Theory, but the shifted ages of both characters means it happened much longer ago.
Coco steadily grew up as RS went on. In ICT, she starts off as an adult, and with more of an attitude at that.
Coco was originally named “Brownie”.
Coco was J.’s dog in her very first design, Rudy’s throughout Rough Sketch, and both (them being retooled as brothers) in ICT.
Coco is one of very few characters to have a color aside from one of their own on their color palette. In her case, it’s a red tongue.
Coco is technically a Drewman, just an animal-type one.
Coco has the uncanny ability to generate thumbs when she wants to. Not just from her hands, mind you. She can infinitely create thumbs on any surface. This is a cursed ability she has sworn not to abuse again.
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genrerolereversal · 1 year
Northanger Abbey (Catherine)
Here I’m playing as Catherine but in the matriarchal version with everyone else’s gender flipped. A bit like reading Pride and Prejudice with Mr Darcy as the protagonist.
Not much commentary to be had here--this is more me having fun, so read at your own risk (of spoilers and bad jokes).
In general:
Men and women are referred to as Mr and Mrs respectively, regardless of marital status. Unmarried men are called master, which seems only natural as it is already used in real life for boys and young men of a certain status. But there is some inconsistency with Catherine’s title being Ms instead of Mrs like other women
Women are also called madam by default, as opposed to miss. This makes sense, as in a matriarchal society, a woman’s identity is not defined by her marital status
Because it is the plot of the canon, the story mostly pushes Catherine to seek out Mrs Tilney, regardless of whether she is attracted to women or not. Jane also takes an interest in Catherine for seemingly no reason. Well, you can always read into it...
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I can respect this approach. I mean, the only thing that really needs to be considered in a matriarchal society is the gender roles concerning reproduction and children. Things like who does childcare, or how paternity and bastardy are conceptualised (if there is even a need for such concepts to exist). But it’s not necessary to explore those subjects if they are not actually brought up in the story.
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This may be a continuity error. Shouldn’t her parents’ genders be flipped? I thought Catherine was half-white on her mother’s side (which is why her surname is Morland).
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Wouldn’t this be the expected behaviour for teenage girls anyway?
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You have learned to curl your hair and pinch your cheeks, and spend at least three hours a day wistfully longing for balls.
Note: both of these lines apply to male or female MC.
There’s no mention of Catherine joining an apprenticeship or starting a job, which I would expect from a young woman in this society. I think this would have been a great opportunity for some early branching for each gender choice. Something about her being good at her work, but still struggling to attract the attention of a gentleman, perhaps. 
(For comparison, Catherine’s sister Jemima is training to be a priest.)
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I, for one, would love to bring back handsome as a compliment for women.
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The option to be explicitly gender-nonconforming! I very much appreciate this.
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I don’t know if it was normal for men to keep a journal in the Regency era, so no comment on that. But I will say it sounds rather odd to hear Helen say this about her own gender. “How do you do, fellow ladies?”
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You know when you go shopping for groceries with your mum, then she comes across a friend and they take ages to catch up with each other? This is exactly that.
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Something tells me there are people who would go after a character like Mr Thorpe.
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*eyerolls affectionately* Why do men never say what they mean...
Though, I think it would have been nice to have this as a choice, with Catherine either taking the initiative to ask Isaac to dance or him having to give the cue.
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Pfft, you’re only four years older than Catherine! 
Isaac is so dramatic, but it comes across as fun and not whiny or annoying. He’s a sweet fella. (But if you know the story, this impression will not last...)
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I was actually kind of hoping that Isaac would be a little catty instead of supportive. If he is (pretending to be) attracted to Catherine, that is. I wonder how Jemima would feel about that.
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He sighs deeply and gives you a significant look.
Heh. Just when I was wondering if Isaac would start making sheep’s eyes at Catherine.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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galaxina-the-pyro · 2 years
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Phiniverse Shenanigans~. Phineas is done with everybody’s sh*t, Catty needs to chill tf out or lose some teeth, and not even Isabella can escape the nonsense of her counterparts (though she absolutely WOULD join in if there was patches involved, let’s not kid ourselves).
For an art trade with @lyllaotterofhalfworld 🥰🥰🥰
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