#cause I swear. If it's relevant to the character and/or story you don't need to make a disclaimer out of it. it'll come up.
tired-reader-writer · 23 days
Okay so for some unknowable reason I fell into watching a let's play series of a horror game, and now I'll definitely be jumping at shadows for the foreseeable future until the spell wears off. I'm not good with horror. I knew this, and yet I felt compelled to watch it—
But enough about me, let's kinda vomit out the AU brain mulch that has formed in my head in an incoherent manner.
This has to do with Hilmes, Ranna/Ashaya, and the Haunted Temple™ that will be featuring in the fic.
I would highly recommend you check out the link first to get some context on what the everloving fuck I'm talking about because this thing ain't coherent, baby!
Also, some stuff might contradict each other, I'm still trying to suss out what works and what doesn't, this is basically unfiltered brain soup.
Folk tale added to the Temple, it's deep in the woods, “don't go into the woods, don't go into the ruins, it'll eat you up” is a cautionary tale everyone knows about.
Wonky time mechanics. You wander into the Temple, you've only been there for a hour you swear but you come back out months later.
Folk tale as a foreshadowing device: a royal princess was said to have been snatched up by a bandit in this region— some say she was kidnapped, others say she fell in love with this bandit. Who knows, really? Is the tale even true?
The above folk legend as a foreshadowing device for Ashaya being 1) a secret princess, 2) joining the clan though I guess it's not much of a foreshadowing since they'll most likely be gone w Farangis in the same chapter the myth is mentioned [because the clan got mistaken for bandits and got killed in the first chapter, remember?], 3) falling in love with Alfarīd aka a bandit.
The tale could also be an “explanation” for a princess that actually went missing— a young woman who wandered into the temple for some reason (unclear) finds out something so terrible that she can't bear to face the world outside again.
(it's about Kaykhusraw's betrayal)
I'm still not sure whether I'll actually keep the princess part. It could be a neat bit of foreshadowing for Hilmes discovering smth, maybe he sees an imprint of her, but I feel there's no way to communicate her journey effectively in the story since nobody actually knows what happened to her
Still though, I like the idea of Parsian royal women having worldbuilding and perhaps even plot relevance. I don't think the family tree thing from the novel extras (iirc??) even provided female members of the royal line. Tanaka, I swear.
It'll be forever before we actually get to that point but I'm actually worried about writing Hilmes' (terrible terrible) time in the haunted temple turning into a side quest problem if you know what I mean? An arc/event so divorced from the rest of the plot and world that screeches the pacing to a grinding halt. I mean, the temple tumble is necessary to his character growth, but it really has the potential to become... tedious to read.
For the record, I'm worried about Alfarīd and Ashaya's scenes having this same problem too, since they break off from the rest of the cast to have an adventure together. But at least having them have a plot progression that ties into other plot threads is easier than doing the same with Hilmes because they're not trapped in an isolated location.
Wait, info about the bells can actually be revealed here, and not have the clan remember throughout? Or if they did remember the bells existing then the locations of where the bells had vanished to could be received from the temple.
They'll need to decode it first, though.
Okay, I'm not sure what to do with the Rukhnabad. I was originally gonna have Hilmes not pull it out and cause problems but I... kinda need the damn thing for the plot. Maybe he gets Shooketh™ from whatever he learned in the temple that it compromises his ability to be chill about the looming threat and he yoinks it out of desperation—
(or maybe Ashaya can be the one to take it, as a twist, though what would their reasoning for doing so be?)
Okay, so, death.
Sherine (Ashaya's original name before they changed it upon joining the clan) is dead. She died when she disappeared into the woods.
The clan has a death-and-rebirth thing going on. Someone joins the clan, they either choose to keep their name or not, but the self they were before they joined is gone, dead to the world, essentially. They could not belong in the living world, hence why they joined the “dead”. Folks who had complicated relationships with the parents who gave them their name, their old families, their old selves, those people typically discard their names (as Ashaya, Kashi, Kazai, etc did) while those who had a positive relationship with their families but lost them in a traumatic way would keep their names (as Farangis and Gieve would). I know I've talked about this before but I can't remember if I put it in a post or in a comment.
Y'know the changeling thing? The died-but-came-back-wrong thing? The same principle, it's not literal, mind you, it's a metaphorical, symbolic thing.
So, a secret royal child goes into or near this place and is reborn as someone else (Ashaya)
Only years later, another secret royal goes into this place, gets trapped in it, and is reborn anew (Hilmes)
Words are not wording rn but you get the idea, right?
Also, mentioned somewhere that the temple holds onto things of the past, aka if you have a belonging on your person that represents something from the past that you cling onto, bye-bye item, you're not getting that back.
Aka, the temple snatched Hilmes' mask because it's a representation of his fixation w the past and everything that's tied to it aka his trauma his identity his sense of self etc etc
Hilmes can't get out bc he built his everything around his past, ergo, his whole person is a figment of the past
Like recognizes like, hence why he's trapped until he's forced to build a new identity that doesn't revolve around his, well, everything
Ashaya probably didn't get trapped bc, well, kid's not fixated to the past they just wanted out (from their shitty family situation)
Bloodstains, screams, inexplicable items vanishing and manifesting, hallucinations/visions that were probably actual memories of the past, Hilmes is not gonna have a fun time
The temple's haunted but in like, an intangible way, so to speak? No literal spooky ghosts floating about, they're fused to the building so the building itself is a haunting, you get what I mean?
Maybe there is one tangible ghost Hilmes can actually see. Maybe two, if I end up keeping the royal lady.
Okay, maybe I won't keep the royal lady.
But something could guide him through this whole ordeal and lead him to whatever truth bombs it wants to reveal.
Could his parentage be revealed here? Unlikely, the temple's hauntedness is it basically reliving the past over and over, not much space for... hm.
Maybe Kaykhusraw's journals could appear inside— no, no, probably too far-fetched.
So many specifics I need to nail down.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Ok here's how Atsushi can still get major character development via shin soukoku. Akutagawa is attacking Atsushi, but stops because he's becoming aware of himself. He's standing still, then looks up and his eyes are normal again. Atsushi smiles in relief, but then sees Fukuzawa is right behind Akutagawa, swinging his blade to get rid of his "defective tool."
And then its like slow motion, and we see Atsushi's thoughts as he moves forward, along the lines of, "Ah. I get it, now. Why Akutagawa saved me." He pushes Akutagawa down and away from Fukuzawa, but doesn't have enough time to dodge for himself. Atsushi's thoughts come up again, "I didn't realize it until now. That I really-" and then we see a large blood splatter on the ground, Akutagawa's horrified face, and Aya's screams cover the rest of the page.
(In my little scenario, we see the shadow of Atsushi's body without a head, calling back to Fukuzawa's comment in chapter 83.5. Akutagawa then violently kills Fukuzawa in blind rage and grief, stabbing through him a bunch like he did to Margaret but a lot more gorey. Then we see Tanizaki emerge holding Atsushi, alive, and the illusion of Atsushi's dead body disappears).
Sskk can still win i swear (smiling through the tears)
I'm proposing
This was such a ride oh my God. I swear to you there's NOTHING ///NOTHING/// better than the feeling of opening the askbox to an ask starting per “Ok here's how Atsushi can still get major character development via shin soukoku” followed by long text. I could get addicted to this.
“I didn't realize it until now. That I really-” is the new “You know the reason yourself don't you”. Like, it's just perfect in everything. You can't imagine how much I'd ADORE to have Atsushi return the favour and sacrifice himself for Akutagwa!!!! Like seriously peoples listen to me. Sskk is ALL about mirroring each other and story repeating itself and I NEED THIS FROM ATSUSHI. I need this growth for him I need Akutagawa to have changed him just as deeply and thoroughly as Atsushi changed Akutagawa. I need Atsushi to save Akutagawa I need Atsushi to require his love I need the circular narrative I NEED THEM. Like Atsushi looking up AND recognizing Akutagawa’s eyes AND smiling? The whole thing about him looking at Akutagawa's eyes and seeing Akutagawa in them - his Akutagawa - and that eliciting pure joy in Atsushi. The fact that Akutagawa is now okay and he can feel him by his side again and can feel his warmth and knows that he's okay. Atsushi being relieved beyond words for Akutagawa being safe. I’m so weak for them I’m going to faint. But seriously all theories aside after this I NEED Akutagawa to snap out of the vampire curse due to the power of love. I’m sorry, peoples' too good theories for my own good set my bar too high and now I need them to make out on screen by the end of this arc otherwise I'll die.
You’re right about everything I swear.  Akutagawa's horrified face I SWEAR it's such a relevant, precious? side of how his feelings for Atsushi effect him, how they make him experience a range of emotions - terror and care and dread and love and horror – that he //literally// never experienced before. And Akutagawa killing Fukuchi on the spot after he thinks Atsushi is dead- just, yes. As a side note, that’s exactly how the Beast version of chapters 84-88 would play out for me. Akutagawa's fury for losing Atsushi... The thing is, one would think that Akutagawa's death is tragic, but I believe that for him having to live in a world without Atsushi would be a way crueler fate. And it would be… kind of meaningful to bring a Tanizaki produced dead Atsushi illusion to the equation, as it would make a nice parallel to him doing it in chapter 4; a recall to how much Akutagawa has grown since then, from causing harm to Atsushi and trying to kill him, to being so inconsolably upset by his death he'd completely lose control and kill someone else for him. And this is the same “I'll kill you in six months” guy. What a loser
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PROMPTS they give me life please don't stop
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shakesthewizard · 2 months
Are y'all ready for my niche content
Deltarune characters as Knights Radiant from the Stormlight Archive let's go
Susie - "I will seek self-mastery." The Order of the Dustbringers. Susie is brash and self-destructive, and learns early on that her potential for harm won't keep her safe - it might just get the people she cares about killed. In the latter half of chapter 1 and the entirety of Chapter 2, we see Susie not only learning how to harness her great capacity for good, but we also see her defy the will of the narrative. Dragging ralsei away from time with Kris, and in the snowgrave route she even demonstrates the power to avoid a cutscene. The theme of self control (narratively and literally) is abundant for her.
As a Dustbringer, Susie controls the surges of Division and Abrasion, which are perfect to the point of redundancy. Do I even need to explain how they fit her character and themes?
Ralsei - Ralsei is tricky. You might say that Ralsei is a spren of some kind - maybe an honorspren, or even a highspren? This makes sense for a Darkner, being a kind of spirit that exists on behalf of human/monsterkind. If you go down that route you may even go so far as to call him a voidspren, or corrupted spren of some type. Maybe a corrupted Highspren? Serving the law of a malicious power against his will.
Ralsei has associations with both Knowledge and Healing, making him a good candidate for a Truthwatcher. He's even a lonely, bespectacled Prince! He fits the Renarin-alike bill pretty nicely - which would also make sense, given that his game-knowledge and apparent desire to tell secrets to Kris, but not Us, reminds me a lot of Renarin's future sight and its effects on Odium. Ralsei is undecided, largely because of how little we actually know about him.
Kris - "I will speak my truth." The Order of the Lightweavers. Kris has a LOT going on in terms of their identity, secrets, and fiction. Like Shallan, I think Kris is very close to a lot of powerful forces in the story that they're not showing us, and they know a lot more than we let them tell. Kris literally spends most of their time nowadays pretending to be someone else, even if they don't want to.
Here's the thing, though - I think Kris is possessed by a cognitive shadow, with Bondsmith powers. Whether through Ishi's honorblade or something else, Kris demonstrates the ability to bring people together for a common cause - but only while we control them. Otherwise, they're a weird, lonely kid who has historically struggled to make and keep friends.
As a Lightweaver, Kris commands the surges of Illumination and Transformation. This makes sense, given that they are our window into this world, and they shape our understanding of it. They also literally perform transformation on a number of occasions - opening at least one dark fountain, and seriously squishing their own identity around with all the stuff they pull with our SOUL.
Noelle - "I will reach my potential." The Order of the Elsecallers. Or at least, she will be at some point. I'm really tempted to assign her corrupted Truthwatcher, given her propensity to stumble backwards into knowledge and secrets, and her possible connections with HIM. But I don't think this resonates with her character very strongly. Rather, I think Noelle has a lot of potential stored within her, and she needs to learn how to access it and command it for herself. Right now, she's being controlled by a host of powers; her mother, Us, Queen, and the aforementioned HIM. Many of whom are in agreement - this kid is going places. They all want to harness her for their own gain, and Noelle will swear the second ideal when she finally musters up the courage to ask Susie out.
As an Elsecaller, Noelle will command the surges of Transformation and Transportation. Truth be told, I don't see these as especially relevant to her character, besides their enormous breadth of utility. Ignoring everything else, I'd probably give her Edgedancer surges, but ces la vie.
Berdly - "I will seek justice." Order of the Skybreakers.
Okay, hear me out. He's a lot like Szeth.
I swear I'm serious, just bear with me, okay? He begins his journey by blindly following the strange laws of a strange land. Eventually, after doing nominal bad guy shit for half the story, he realizes that the law he was following sucked ass, and that he has no excuse for his behavior. As a first step towards growing, he pledges his service to the goals of a more protagonisty leader type while he figures himself out. Do you see my vision?
Berdly cares a LOT about the metrics of those in power. Grades, IQ, the law. His fatal flaw, in fact, is that he uses them as a tool for measuring his worth. His arc will be about reconsidering those things, and finding an attitude towards power that seeks justice instead of order.
As a Skybreaker, Berdly commands the surges of Gravitation and Division. He's a bird who people tend to avoid. What do you want from me?
Lancer - Lancer is Susie's Dustspren. Fight me.
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Season 2 Episode 5 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
I'm glad we're getting to see more of her character.
Wrecker taking Omega out on scrap hunting missions is adorable. 🥰
Tech looking at what Omega brought and being like "this is useless". 😭
Hunter, Tech and Echo in their civilian clothing! Happy to see the outfits changing up a bit more frequently this season. At least they're getting chances to relax.
Hunter and Echo are so the parents. 😭
They way they are constantly looking at each other like "🙄 oh well, should probably tag along and make sure they don't get killed". 🤣 (Edit: added "don't" in because I missed it out. Oops. 😭)
"To what?"
I swear, the more I watch this, the more I realise how much like Echo I am. 😭
Wanted Gonky, got Mel.
And while we're on the topic, R.I.P, Mel. ☹️
Although the moment they left her outside I felt like something was going to happen to her. And I was right.
Ngl, I think this has been my least favourite episode so far. It wouldn't say it was bad, I just wasn't as invested as other eps. 😕
The Batch feel very much like side characters in their own story this episode and I don't love it.
But I am happy that we got more Phee!
And Omega getting excited over treasure hunting is adorable. 🥰
Them getting split up was... kinda pointless. 🙁
Oh no, they were split up! What's going to happen?!
Nothing. The other three just walk around the side with practically no issue whatsoever, so... yeah.
Although Hunter, mate. If you could stop falling off of things that would be great. 🤨😂
Hopping back to an earlier scene, Hunter running over to check on Wrecker after Phee pushed him out the way was sweet.
So that's what the giant metal thing was.
Was hoping it would have more of a role this season, ngl.
Looked cool but was kinda underused.
Legitimately thought the Maruader was a goner though. 😥
I thought this episode was gonna be a 2 parter with the amount of stuff happening in the last few minutes. I guess the ending felt a little sudden but the episodes are short, so that's bound to happen.
Hunter is so exasperated, omg. 🤣
Poor Wrecker took a bit of a beating as well. 😭
Wrecker throwing the monster thing out the window! 😭🤣
I know loads of people were calling the last episode pointless and filler, but I actually feel like this episode was less relevant.
Probably gonna need to sit on it a bit and pick it apart to see where it really starts to tie in to the main story.
Oh, and we got to see a little hint of Hunter's enhancement coming through! Liked that little touch. 🥰
Was really excited to see Echo again and he was there! But he was very much giving S1 Echo.
And by that, I mean he was there but he wasn't really doing anything. 😕
Echo and Hunter feel particularly grumpy atm, though. Something to do with the nugget delivery? Something to do with finding out what the others had been up to last episode? Tensions causing problems? 🤔
That's what I'm more interested in. The changing character dynamics in the Batch. We seem to have put that on the back burner atm.
Isn't always a bad thing (look at last ep for example) but I hope we go back to exploring the conflict soon.
Turns out I was wrong about the Tech and Omega stuck in a cave thing. Wonder when that is going to turn up. 🤔
Overall thoughts about this episode is that it was alright. I didn't dislike it, but it just didn't click with me the same way every other episode has.
Seeing more Phee was great, but the Batch felt like side characters in their own story, which I don't always love. Omega had a little bit of time to shine, though, which I appreciate.
Little bit annoyed by the lack of decent Echo content this episode. Was hoping with him being gone for 2 eps he'd have more time this episode and he didn't. He was just kinda there. But hopefully we'll get more of him next ep. We know that he's with Omega and Gungi at some point and I feel like it would make sense for that to come up soon.
We did get some Hunter content, though! Very much giving off tired parent vibes. But he's letting Omega do her thing and I love that. 🥰
But yeah, overall I thought it was fine. Not desperate to rewatch it like I was with the other eps but I'll definitely sit on it. Hopefully, if I mull on it and go back over the ep I'll get more into it.
Once again hoping for more Echo content soon. ☹️
Also, where is Gonky at???
Edit: Thanks @eriexplosion for pointing out the missing word! "Make sure they get killed". Ffs, how did I miss that? 😭🤣
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c1tyhaunts · 11 months
music note but x5 (also hi omg it's been forever)
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♬― Ricky - Denzel Curry;; My daddy said "Trust no man but your brothers // And never leave your day one's in the gutter" // My daddy said "Treat young girls like your mother" // My momma said "Trust no hoe, use a rubber"
IF I EVER NEED A SONG PLAYING AS I'M ABOUT TO THROW . SHIT. DOWN. This is the song. I will scrap up to this song. This is the BEST kind of fight song. It's taunting, it's boisterous, it's loud, it's nasty in all the best ways. What makes it better is the Genius commentary about Denzel's history alongside it, and how he's striving, fighting for greatness. I relate to it personally, and I love every beat of this song. This was a solid repeat for me in 2022 when I was getting my career & job started. Highly recommend Denzel; he's a great talent if you're interested in Alt. Rap individuals.
♬― Elephant- CupCakke;; They're like "cupcakKe, you gotta do more, why the fuck you don't do features?" // 'Cause it's no face, no case, that's why I don't do the shit, let me teach you.
EIGHT. Count it: 8 DIFFERENT FLOWS in ONE FREESTYLE. Cupcakke is so underrated in her potential and artistry. Her word play? Her rhythm to the beat? She found a way to speak in different cadences in ONE SONG, ONE CONSISTENT BEAT. And again, her wordplay and the story she's telling in this freestyle are so solid and so fun too. It was very relevant when it was released in 2020, and when people undermine Cupcakke to say she's just a "joke rapper" it makes me want to start swinging because she has some BANGERS and people need to give her music a chance. Special mention to Squidward Nose, cause that's a banger too. All her music: bangers.
♬― Rich N*gga Problems - A$AP Rocky;; Got a mink doormat that say, "N*gga, we made it" // Got all white neighbors and most of 'em racist // They put your name and faces when you goin' in places // Then black ain't enough, you just don't wanna be famous.
See, imma be real with y'all. Some people say Rihanna should be with corny ass Drake, and I heavily disagree because I think A$AP Rocky is the better rapper, lyricist, and somewhat a generally better person (I won't forgive him for the colorist comments... but he supports trans right... he's a character). Anyway, A$AP I think is also highly underrated by his artistry. I think his lyricism is on point, especially in this song. It's about the negative aspects of being black and famous and I think the story is told very well in this song. Another rotation song for myself in my day to day. Another special mention to Babuskha Boi, cause that one is a BANGER.
♬― Ungrateful - Megan Thee Stallion;; If I was still doin' broke shit with your broke ass // Then your broke ass wouldn't want beef.
MEGAN. MEEEGAN. Just stay in this lane, cause I love when Megan is just unabashed, confident, and loud. She deserves it. She's so great. And this song really highlights it, cause you can see she has a lot of talent when you give her the room to do so and let her rap in a flow faster than her standard flow. This is just a great song. In the rotation!!!
♬― Is There Someone Else? - The Weeknd;; And I don't want to be a prisoner to who I used to be // I swear I changed my ways for the better, the better // 'Cause I wanna be with you forever, forever.
As I am currently going through a bitter divorce from The Weeknd due to his... antics, I do have to, unfortunately, admit this is a favorite song of mine (which y'all might have seen pop up on the blog for a while). I just love the synth wave, the heartbreak, the tragedy. It's all camp. And I just slurp it up because it's so pertinent that this is the theme song of most of my girls on this blog and I hATE IT.
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❯ #ATLAS ( 21 + WRITER )
Mental Illness
I write Tate Langdon as being an undiagnosed personality disorder. I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, but I don't think Tate has BPD (he might?) and I also don't think he's a psychopath, like Ben Harmon diagnosed. I read that more as Ben Harmon just trying to be cutting and cruel in that moment, instead of giving a professional diagnosis.
Bad language (albeit censored)
Tate Langdon has a bad mouth and curses enough. I am going to censor these to the best of my ability because I am not trying to get into the habit of swearing anywhere... facebook is annoying about cursing and stuff... and it's my main roleplay platform.
Dark themes
American Horror Story covers a lot of dark themes like murder, r*pe, self-harm, ghosts, death, and what not. I will not cover r*pe and sometimes I forget that Tate Langdon r*ped Vivien Harmon. As someone who struggles with r*pe as a trigger, I'm not sure if I pretend it didn't happen or make Tate remorseful... but regardless, I don't really want to mention it anymore.
Horror elements
At the end of the day, American Horror Story is considered a horror show. It may not be scary, but elements from horror movies and novels and what not are all present in American Horror Story and will be present in this blog.
Heads up - I do not strictly follow canon and I do take some liberties.
Do not metagame - Example of this is: Tate Langdon is a ghost, but due to the ending of American Horror Stories, I write him as wandering around Earth. He would look human and alive to anyone who sees him without knowing him.
Definition: Using ooc knowledge to influence the plot when your character has no relevant knowledge or awareness.
Do not godmode. I write as Tate Langdon - please do not start writing my replies for me. Please don't tell me how he feels about something your character did, that is up to me.
Definition: taking control of another writer’s character during rp.
Do not feel you need to match my length. Tate Langdon is a character I feel a lot of passion for because I've had him for so long and so sometimes my replies may be very long.
I get excited. You can ALWAYS DM me to ask that I shorten my replies. I may be rusty as he's been shelved since 2016… but yeah.
4. Do not pressure me to write smut. I don’t feel comfortable. Tate Langdon is still 17 years old.
He may have had sex with Violet Harmon in season one, but I don't feel comfortable writing smut regardless, espeically given he is under 18 and I am over 21.
My ONE trigger does not apply to Tate Langdon - it is teacher x student. I am not comfortable with it and it causes me a bit of distress. I’m listing it just in case.
I don’t feel comfortable writing with minors.
While I am an adult, please respect that I do not feel comfortable writing smut. I will not write smut with Tate Langdon because he is 17 forever.
I prefer third person and novel style when writing as Tate Langdon, but I will still write with you if you write asterisk/script style or in 1st person. I would just have to reply in third person/novel style.
I write both #crackrp & #seriousrp — it’s whatever I am in the mood for with Tate Langdon. All of my posts are open, even if not specified. They are only closed IF I state that it is a closed roleplay.
If you really want to reply to a solo/drabble that I posted for Tate Langdon, you can go right ahead. I do not mind in the slightest.
For character information - click here.
For headcanons - click here.
For verses - click here.
For open starters - click here.
For storylines - click here.
For solos and drabbles - click here.
For relationships - click here.
For RP wishlist - click here.
For media (edits, songs, memes, tiktoks, etc) - click here.
For starter calls - click here.
DISCLAIMER: I struggle greatly with my mental health and lately my memory’s been slipping really, really bad due to private reasons. I am extremely forgetful lately and this leads me to forgetting replies, forgetting details about specific things. I struggle with constant migraines now as well as dizzy spells and vision issues. This can cause me to go offline without much warning sometimes.
Hello there! Atlas here. Welcome to my Tate Langdon tumblr blog. I am over 21 years old. My activity can be a bit spotty due to real-life stuff and I apologise in advance.
My pronouns are she/they. I've been writing Tate Landgon since 2014.
I am prone to social fatigue, despite being extroverted and relying on socialisation to feel my best. I will never ignore you out of malice or ill will.
I am LGBTQ+, Puerto Rican, Roma-Jewish, and neurodiverse. Please no homophobia, transphobia, racism, antisemitism, or ableism. I grew up speaking broken English so my grammar can sometimes be incorrect. I apologise.
I also have no idea how to roleplay on tumblr, none of my friends are willing to traverse this platform with me, so I feel kind of alone, ngl. A little scared to look stupid tbh.
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Yo guys I'm back at my shit with the tinfoil-head traitor/villain!Kaminari theories
Listen, I'm sorry.
I know.
But I was rereading the late manga chapters, including the more or less mind-blowing traitor reveal and I know it's a fan translation so maybe this is bullshit but uh
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Kamis reaction to Aoyama's exposure. He's distressed, naturally, I always chalked that up to how attached he is to his classmates and stuff, but keeping in mind one of the latest chapters makes me go hmmmmmm.
Okay point: "This makes no freaking sense!!" I'm supposed to be the traitor.
Now this assumption is hugely based on this wording which might be bullshit as all hell cause in another translation he says something like ("There's no way...") "...we're walking away from this!" So uh. I guess?
But his face holds so many emotions that it might still work if you think of some other factors.
Mainly these not-essentially-villains but definitely-shady fellas with similar design to an otherwise pretty unique character.
Shady maybe-or-not-Yakuza dude. I totally forgot about him in my last post where I screamed about the civilian infiltrators at UA, but this dude actually has the same color-scheme as Kaminari in the anime. Blond hair, black streaks, and what gets me everytime is that his eyes are hidden. One of Kaminari's distinguishing features. Why not show them if there was no correlation? (Just because of course but as I said, tinfoil.) We don't see him during the raid and afterwards he's never mentioned again. Sus. Hori didn't necessarily need to create a character as Eri's caretaker with no further relevance to the story. He could have used him at least in the raid.
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Shady Liberation Army Commander with shady electric quirk and shady lightning streak in his hair. I know Kaminari fought that bastard. It doesn't rule out that they're related. Sometimes I'd like to fight my family too. If I recall correctly, he's also the first other manga confirmed character with an electric quirk. At least the first with significance. (Let's not talk about the Hero appearing for exactly three seconds at the beginning of Heroes Rising even tho I'd absolutely put her down as Kaminari's mother or sister have you looked at the lady?)
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Shady civilians helping AfO destabilize UA. What stuck out to me where the guys eyes, and the woman's hair might very well blonde, but it's possibly over interpretation. Also the big beautiful ass close up of Kaminari right after that scene.
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Maybe Kaminari comes from a villain family. Maybe they're "just" criminals. We have no idea about his family, we haven't seen them at UA yet, and I like to remind everyone from time to time we know basically nothing about him and his past.
Maybe one reason he's crushed by Aoyama's reveal is because he rebelled against his family, and AfO, and realizes it was all for nothing. Maybe he's simply stunned.
I wouldn't put it beyond AfO to have a failsafe for the traitor in place. After all he did say he still has friends, plural. That could include multiple informants in the faculty.
Guys I swear I am going to stop painting him as a traitor and/or villain.
Once the bloody series is over and it wasn't a plot point. Peace out.
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
I’m sorry for asking so much about genshin, I just don’t have many friends who play it and I like to talk about the lore and the game itself haha but what did you think of itto’s character demo? he’s so dumb and adorable, I loved him very much and sara got a special invitation just for her! they’re so cute! I hope itto is merciful and comes home at like 20 pity and I win his 50/50 cause I want to save up for yae and ayato… I want to have all hydro characters and kokomi will be the only remaining one since I had to skip her to save up primos for my childe’s c6 and his weapon… I regret not having her cause she’s so pretty
also continuing the last ask about genshin: someone said that it makes no sense for sara to get itto’s vision cause she’s a no one with no relevance on the story and deals no damage and I was so angry. that woman has been trained part of the shogun’s army since she was a child, she became the general and right arm of the mighty shogun herself and I think that to get yourself such position you’d need to impress the electro archon right? itto is a oni but she is a tengu and she has the training, how do people expect a random guy to win against her in a fight? also, using the archon missions to talk about character developments is kinda useless cause these missions only develop the traveler the archons and teyvat itself, side characters rarely make a difference and get some importance and we must remember that right now the traveler is canonically the only person capable of defeating the fatui harbingers, so it’s obvious sara would lose.
Please, please, please do not apologise for talking to me about Genshin! I don't have as many people to talk to about it either so I love getting messages like this!!
Honest to god, I fell in love with Itto the moment I heard his birthday message to you where he just fucking starts beatboxing at you. I swear I died of laughter when I heard it the first time. I also absolutely adore his demo T-T Someone said that Itto didn't lose his memories when he lost his vision but his braincells and considering how he acts, I definitely believe it XD
I'm so glad we got to see a little bit of how he lost his vision to Sara and a bit more of how they interact. Ittosara shippers are definitely being fed (it's me, I'm the ittosara shipper XD).
While I love his character, he's not actually one I'm going for as I want to save up for other characters too T-T Definitely Yae because she meets all the requirements I need to love a character (plus she's a kitsune and I cannot resist that) and maybe Ayato. I'm going to try and pull for Gorou though so if I do end up getting Itto I won't complain.
I kind of regret skipping Kokomi's banner because I've heard she's a great healer and I agree she's really pretty! Maybe next time T-T I definitely don't regret using the gems I saved with her to pull for both Childe and Hu Tao though.
In regards to people criticising Sara, I don't know how it doesn't make sense she took his vision? Why? Because she's a woman? Because she uses a bow? What criticism of her skills are they basing this assessment off? I've never seen anyone say that Sara is weak in canon. Also who would have taken Itto's vision other than her? She's literally the only vision holding general we know of and there's no way any one but another vision holder would have been able to take down Itto. To say she has no relevence in the story when her relevence was taking people's visions was just dumb.
Yes she was defeated by Signora but Signora was known to be powerful. She's one of the harbingers for a reason! Not to mention Sara in that moment had her world shook and wasn't exactly at 100 performance. People hold the most ridiculous complaints T-T
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