#cause i think tumblr fucked me over????
yanderespamton78 · 30 days
Edit since a lot of people seem confused - your "real" name is the name that you want to be referred to in real life. It doesn't have to be your legal name. So if you're trans and you have a different name to whats on your birth certificate, even if not many people call you by the name, it still counts as your real name.
Edit 2 : Holy shit guys please stop reblogging this post my poor inbox im getting like 20 notifs an hour asjfhkajshdkh /lh /srs
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ao3screenshotss · 11 months
sometimes i worry about my internet footprint and the fact that it might stop me from getting a job in the future or something (i literally run a blog posting screenshots from fanfics i read) but then i think ‘well damn, if they can find all this information about me then i don’t deserve the job cause i know i wouldn’t put in that much effort to find information on someone’ and i feel better
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princekirijo · 10 months
Finally graduated haha let's go 🥹
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
mkay not to be like. a little insane or anything. but god i've been going crazy over religion (catholicism) and blood lately. did anyone else drink blood as worship every week since they were seven. was anyone else inundated with images of open wounds as holy. is anyone else consumed by the thought of holding onto a crucifix tightly enough for the edges of it to draw blood. i turned in a poem about drowning in communion wine in an empty church while bleeding from crucifix-inflicted hand wounds and trying to talk to god and my creative writing professor gave me extremely normal critiques i feel like i'm losing my mind
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p2ii · 5 months
#0ne piece fans talk about zoro (and Luffy's tbh)'s intelligence and hygiene in a way that doesn't sound borderline ableist challenge#(failed) (impossible) (fuck you +'justification I don't care about' + 'sbs quote I don't care about' etcetc)#it's not even ABOUT HIM atp. just the way y'all talk abt that shit in a vacuum makes me so uncomfortable sometimes#like this is Tumblr entry level shit. lacking academic skills dosnt make you stupid and blanket judgement of poor hygiene (again. not talki#about mosshead specifically. I don't CARE about his workout routine) is a dick move???#like y'all remember real people struggle w that shit for actual reasons right?#also I feel there's a level where the directionally challenged jokes just stop being funny#ppl have 5 jokes abt zoro: he's racist (be so fucking FR) he's directionally challenged. he's dumb. he dosnt bathe#and yet ppl are mad when s@nji haters refuse to see the nuance of sanji's character over his CANONICAL sex offender joke#like one of these is alot more justifiable imo#not that people like considering zoro's character on a deeper level anyway#just the same 3 jokes with a 'devoted to luffy' thrown in ever once in a while if Ur lucky#zoro fans may be 'annoying' and I can't talk on the front of dudebro's cause idk#but like. we're right I think. and also the only ones not so fucking mean to him all the time?#silly bullying between friends and actually not understanding his character or being weird abt his 'flaws' or whatever are completely#different things#also the z/s traitors... sorry but unless it's ooc this ship exists for s@nji
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succubi-tch · 5 months
Thinking about the last roommate I had and how I wasn't allowed to use any sort of cleaning chemical in our dorm because she had some fuckass pet bird that if it inhaled a micron of Human Created Product it would fucking die
And evidently our counters were always dirty (and/or she was a fucking slob, cause her fat ass was) because a few times after I'd put ice in my tumbler for the day. The water would start to fucking taste like onions?? And I thought I was tripping for the first few days
Until I saw her nasty ass cutting up scallions, leaving them on the counter, and realizing one must've gotten stuck to the bottom of my fucking ice tray that I then stacked on top of another ice tray to save space in the freezer for her. 💀
I fished a scallion chunk out of my water tumbler that day. She thought it was hilarious and lost it and I also kind of laughed just so it wouldn't drive me insane, but hindsight? I should have just killed her to avoid literally everything (instigated by her) that precipitated the onion water incident.
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foxgloveinspace · 6 months
oh my god you gave permission to send vids and i lasted all of 30 minutes before needing to send something 😂
iv crying 🥺🥺🥺 the love for iii these last few shows has melted my heart and clearly the bands too
i cannot suffer alone with this one i’m so sorry
Well, as I watch this and suffer. here, sleep token official instagrams account second to last pic…. Our boy AdamRosssi knows what we want, haha.
Oh no……
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not to be a fucking femme on main but literally out here with a girl carving me bone, and when i tell her that carving is culturally significant to my people, and tell her that my siblings have carved their wives and kids pounamu as very loving gifts, she just told me she might not be able to get it that smooth but she'll try,, like wait,, am i stupid???
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bigothteddies · 1 year
friendly reminder that your favorite content creators are actual people and not note-generating robots for your pleasure. I know that it’s a really popular post format right now to send completely random nonsense phrase jokes to big blogs on anon but think about what you’re saying and who you’re saying it to. Is it appropriate? Can it be misinterpreted? Does the blogger answer these kinds of asks? Are they going to pick up on the context to know it’s a joke meant to follow that style of popular ask-response posts? Some people are okay with those kinds of asks. Some people aren’t. Just because you see those kinds of funny anon interaction posts on your dash doesn’t mean everyone consents to receiving asks like that, especially without the context that you’re trying to imitate those trends.
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boomerang109 · 8 months
i need to be able to teleport because i don’t think i can drive right now but also i need to be at the beach
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widevibratobitch · 9 months
uni on monday. kicking myself into the sun.
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thelostboys87 · 1 year
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this post really is the blueprint for RR felix vs lover boy felix 
#literally RR felix is like an annoying piece of shit at first because he thinks hes got his life under control#and then he realises he doesnt and hes like omg everything is falling apart nothing matters let me get hedonistic and silly with it#then hes like wait no i want my life to be okay i want to be a good person :(#ASTRONIMIC crisis over that because he thinks hes gone past a line#(so much of RR thematically is feeling like you're a 'lost cause' bc of childhood trauma hehe)#and then lover boy felix is like oh i made positive progress with myself#but its just made me feel fragile because i feel like i have more to lose#mfs with trauma will finally reach a sense of peace in their life and its the opposite of peace because it makes them so scared#but its still funny because RR felix is like doing cocaine in the bathtub on a wednesday afternoon#lover boy felix works at a kindergarten and is probably well hydrated#i dont think he realises how much progress he's made and when he does that's when he gets scared#especially because now hes more intentionally unpacking his trauma which is a lot#but like instead of fucking people and fighting people and breaking into houses to cope he like gets a caramel frappe and has a cry#LMAO#because he's like one wrong move and ill go back to how i was and ruin everything (which he does almost do exactly that BUT)#he will return to being messy at some point though....gotta have him falter which will scare him so much#also has a mild gender crisis between all of this too#that's my infodump on tumblr of the day so many thoughts in my head that i cant do anything with#thats really cool dallon have you been evaluated for autism#lover boy is like the normal spongebob of my wips because its tragic and emotional#but the characters dont feel like theyre basically or literally fighting for their lives every day LOL#it's refreshing i cant lie
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trans-estinien · 2 years
Sometimes I feel like doing this with my brain
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#its 12 am and i should probably sleep instead of rambling but#man. its rough having your fav blorbo be a fucking terrible person#cause on one hand you have the villain woobifiers and people who just completely ignore major aspects of a character for a fucking ship#and on the other hand you have people who hate you for enjoying a character. and thinking said character is interesting#and yeah yeah i know not everyone will like me and i should just ignore it and keep on doing what i enjoy but. ugh.#and im also constantly worried that ill fuck up and become a villain woobifier myself#and im also constantly worried that when im writing my cannon blorbos ill fuck up and write something super ooc and people will get mad.#i think fandom was a mistake#but i also wouldn'tve met the besties without fandom so? you know. everything's got two sides#this is such a stupid thing to get all upset over but.#unfortunately i am a horrible man enjoyer this has been consistent my entire life.#and people usually dislike people who like your typical tumblr sexyman type character. which is fair most fans are insufferable#veils if you read this far this isnt abt you it's abt someone else. dont want to like start shit so i wont say names#but i saw. a vauge post from someone i thought was cool and i just. i knew it was directed towards the tags i left on their post#and i felt bad so now im having big anxiety over it. its really stupid i know#i am just going to retreat to my corner and hope to creation that im left alone. im just playing dress up with the blorbos#and like. they're entirely allowed to have their opinion im just. brain is convinced everyone hates me now for no fucking reason.#i gotta. work on this but idk how. therapy fucking failed cause i forgot about it 💀#but. i should sleep. its past 9pm so my brain is not to be trusted.#ok fuck it ill just say it i feel guilty that Emet-Selch is not only my favorite character but also my comfort character.#im not going to stop liking him because that wouldn't be fun. plus others opinions dont really matter i can like whatever characters i want
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asyourshadowfalls · 11 months
people who don't understand how long distant friendships can be healthy and safe really infuriate me. sorry babe you don't even know how to navigate a streaming site without getting ads if i don't give you a pay by play, i get that you're a dumbass when it comes to how people can be digital yet safe. but fucking hell throwing away a 10 year relationship over your fears? rooted in truly thinking i must be a dumbass who didn't do my due diligence in checking all the details of a person who's been my friend for 3 years. if i were a petty bitch i'd tell her how fucked it is that as she believes im going into a dangerous situation is when she's okay with stepping back and losing my trust? like yeah because that's the right thing to do when youre worrying about someones safety. also petty x2 would be saying how i kept my mouth shut beyond initial complaints when she was in toxic relationships because i knew i needed to be someone she felt safe coming to when she finally got to the point of leaving.
#fuck#god i needed to rant#it just boggles my fucking mind#like im fine with her thinking my choice is absolutely stupid AND with her telling me that#i expected that#but going no contact for over a week after telling her the news?#“sorry i forgot cause i was coming home from mexico”#babe that aint a 10 day trip home#and you know what N has adhd too so yeah he has also forgotten to respond for days at a time#but when i drop a bomb like moving out of state#you bet your ass he'll be remembering the need to respond before being reminded by me 10 days later#although to be fair ive never dropped a bomb like that on him#but we've had many breaks in convo between his and my forgetting but when its something that he cares about ofc hes reaching out#and thats the point#anyway if only she still read my tumblr lmao#i just don't get how she seems to not even know who i am and what processes i went through to make this choice#shit was like a year in the making#she's known about the possibility! fuck#petty x3 would be telling her that if she had followed through with our plans to move in together when her lease ended#right at the perfect time of when i would have to move out#well then id still be here. but no she did what was right for her and her boyfriend#which obviously frustrating but i fucking respected it#personal#liz#she just sent me a snap#im curious but no#i refuse#ill check it in 10 days lmao#its been 40 minutes but im back baby#i just remembered that she even knows that i was “catfished” when i was like 12
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thatfuckincat · 1 year
im actually so fucking mad right now. holy shit. Wow! i havent felt this frustrated in years if i do remember right! typing this to avoid having a breakdown in the middle of school in fact!
Music related vent below
Context: I love singing. Music in general is my favorite thing ever, and singing is easy and fun, since ive done it since 1st grade. However, in the summer before my 7th grade year, puberty hit and notably to this story: my voice dropped a whole 2 octaves. My falsetto disappeared, i had to relearn notes in the bass clef, i kept accidentally going an octave down, and a host of problems with projection. But i could deal with those just fine, only took a year or two and i was goin strong again.
Except for one area.
now, I could get lower than anyone else ive ever met in person (A1-C2), but on the flipside, I couldn't even get higher than F3 on a GOOD day!
I only found out i was accidentally going an octave down in 8th grade, and when i tried to correct it, i couldnt hit the notes! in choir i could only get to maybe 60% of the notes, and barely 20% of them in showchoir!
But thats not all, no way. I found that notes above around C3 actively strained my voice to the point where my throat would hurt and eventually just *close* after singing them for an hour or so. which cut down the notes i could consistently practice even MORE!
This lasted another 6 bloody years, and only got worse when i realized i was trans cause ⭐️Dysphoria⭐️. Most of my current self esteem issues can be tracked back to half of my vocal range being completely useless in all but a couple songs per year, even though nowadays i can get to and stay a note or two higher atleast.
Of course, until now. I finally figured it out. It all started a week or two ago when i was talking to my choir director about it. He told me something revolutionary: Apparently, not everyone has that problem when they go high! apparently most people's voices just crack at a specific point when they go too high! So i got to experimenting. i kept trying to figure out what i was doing wrong with my voice, and as of 1 hour ago i have succeeded.
What was the problem? what was causing me monumental frustration and sadness for a 3rd of my life?
Mother. Fucking. Placement.
It was as simple as adjusting my jaw a bit to open my vocal chords, and placing the sound at the front of my mouth. I did it by ACCIDENT!
And 1 month before i graduate no less. i get to take advantage of this new knowlege for 2 performances.
this was the reason i never even tried to join higher choirs. this was the reason i never thought i could get a career involving performing. The reason i was resigned to just keeping music as a hobby in private. My hatred of my own voice was a solid half of the reason i considered suicide.
i dont even know what to do now. I want a career in performing, but i let so many opportunities to sing more slip by cause who would want a voice that cant even hit middle C? who had to pretend to sing more often than not?
i certainly didnt.
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Staring at my Cohen brothers boxset like. I could study up on screenwriting before my course...or I could watch barbie and the fairy secret on Netflix 🤔
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