#cause ill be there before the store opens now
amoraffairs · 2 years
❁ Watermelon, Surfing & Butterflies
summary: meeting JJ & him becoming an absolute simp for you at first glance
“Alright I’m here” JJ announces as he walks into the surf shop. John B glares at him. “JJ we opened two hours ago.” The boys finally opened their surf shop they dreamed about, but we struggled with the actual working part.
JJ glances at you, who looks around the shop confused. As if,you’re not sure what you’re looking for. JJ could feel his cheeks flush just by looking at you.
You were wearing a flowy sundress, covered with tiny flowers, a bunch of brightly designed bracelets on your wrist, and dangly earrings of a shape he couldn’t make of.
Everything about seemed like you walked out of a Jane Ally—Jane Alston—Jane whatever book Kie mentioned. That didn’t stop the urge he felt to walk over to you.
“You’re right. Going to get started right now” JJ says walking towards.
“Wait really—Oh ok “ John B tells him a teasing tone in his voice.
JJ glares at John B but still continuing making his way toward you.
“You need help” His questions startles you as you been focused on trying to find what you were looking for.
“Oh um no thank you—actually yes please” JJ smiles which makes you feel at ease.
“Do you know what surf wax is. I attempted surfing the other day & I kept slipping off my board. I’ve got like five big bruises to prove it. Anyway the internet said surf wax was supposed to help with that.” You ramble.
“You live in OBX & are just surfing now?” It was rare to find someone at Outer Banks who didn’t know how to surf.It was staple there.
“Ohh i’m not from here. I just moved here. I start college here. I mean technically it’s community college. I decided if I can only attend community college then I might as well attend somewhere pretty.” JJ wouldn’t be so sure about the pretty part, but he wasn’t going to crush your fantasy.
Butterflies. Your earrings are butterflies, JJ finally noticed. JJ interrupts his starring and realizes you’re waiting on him to answer your question.
“Oh surf wax, yeah we have surf wax. “ He says, directing you towards the section where it’s located. He points out all the different scents before you finally decide on watermelon.
You were about to leave the store, thanking JJ for his help before JJ blurted, “You know, if you're still struggling with surfing we offer lessons.” They don’t, that wasn’t a thing.
“Really?” You ask hopeful. Any help you could get would mean so much.
“Of course, just stop by any time & Ill teach you” JJ knew how much of a fool he was making of himself, how desperate he looked but he couldn’t stop the words from coming out.
You let out a smile. A genuine smile, one that instantly causes JJ to make it his life mission to have you smiling all the time.
Once you leave the shop, JJ turns around to find John B & Sarah watching.
“Shut up. Shut up. Shut up” JJ mutters but is ignored by John B mocking him.“Oh I’ll teach you”
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
Two idiots in love (P2)
Joel Miller x anemic!reader
Summary: the three survivors try to find the supplies they left behind. The two lovebirds bond over the reader passing out.
Words: 2,135
Warnings: anemia, cursing, passing out, lots of bickering
Part 1 and Part 3
Masterlist <3
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She woke up long after Joel had gotten up. 
So, she didn't see the way he held her in their sleep. Or the slight smile on his face as he slumbered.
But Ellie did.
Now, the three were packed up, and ready to continue their journey.
They walked along a gravel road, gravel crunching under their feet being the only sound they could hear in the forest. 
"Have you gone this way a lot? No infected?" Ellie asked.
Joel was in a much calmer mood today, his voice soft, but his body still very much tense, his eyes scanning the area constantly, "Not a lot, no."
"What are you looking for?"
More silence. 
Joel started to notice Y/N taking smaller, slower steps. Her lungs expanded more than his. It was hard to keep up with his long strides, regardless of her illness. Joel was very long-legged, and the two girls were very much not.
But Joel's head turned to see her slowly fall behind. 
He looked forward once more, his steps naturally slowing until she was next to him again.
"Oh.... thank you, Joel."
He turned, "…You doing alright?"
She nodded, "Yeah, I feel okay."
He rests a hand on her shoulder, "Then don't thank me."
More silence.
The silence could be nice, if you made it so. Y/N certainly enjoyed it. It meant she could focus on her breathing and not the constant bickering of the teen and her partner.
Her smuggling partner.
But, as usual, Ellie broke the silence again.
"Are Bill and Frank nice?"
Y/N nodded her head, Joel answering, "Frank is."
"How'd you get that scar on your head?"
Joel let out a sigh, causing Ellie to smile.
"What? Is it something lame? Like you feel down the stairs or something?"
Y/N looked over Joel, "Ellie…"
"I didn't fall down any stairs."
"Okay, so what then?"
"Someone shot at me and missed."
"See, that's cool. You shoot back?"
"You get him?"
Another sigh comes from Joel, "No, I missed, too. It happens more often than you think."
"'Cause you suck at shooting or, like, in general?"
Y/N stepped in again, "Hey…"
Joel looked over to Ellie with a glare, "…in general."
More silence.
Y/N got a smirk on her face, "Be glad that they both missed."
Ellie immediately moved to walk by Y/N instead, interested in her story, "…what? What do you mean?"
Joel sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, the other hand kept on his gun holster. 
Y/N leaned in towards Ellie, "…why do YOU think, Ellie? You're a smart girl."
Ellie thought for a while before a huge grin appeared on her face. She pointed back and forth between Y/N and Joel, "You mean… you two… and that…?"
Y/N let out a soft laugh. "Yeah. Yeah, we did."
"That's so fucking cool! See, Joel? That's not lame, that's cool as fuck!"
Joel grunted, his voice dropping slightly, "I'm glad me almost fucking killing her is cool to you, kid."
Y/N grabbed Ellie's arm, giving her a small wink.
Ellie noticed the two different guns in Joel's holsters. "With it just being us, I was thinking I should pro-"
Y/N let out a breath, holding back a laugh. Laughing would slow her down- slow them all down. She was the weak link. She couldn't let things get the best of her. 
More silence.
"Cumberland Farms."
The three approached an old convenience store, the building covered in vines and broken cement.
Joel turned around to look at Ellie, "Hang back a minute. I gotta grab some stuff I stashed."
Ellie's head tilted, "Stashed? Why do you have stuff stashed here?"
"You ask a lot of goddamn questions."
"Yes, yes I do."
Joel opened the door, poking his head in to check for people.
"…so…. Are you gonna answer me or what?"
Joel sighs again, "We hide supplies on routes in case we find ourselves short on gear, which I currently am 'cause-"
"-No way!"
Ellie immediately runs in, approaching a mortal combat arcade machine. "You ever play this one? I had a friend who knew everything about this game."
Joel tugged at Y/N, pulling her to one of the tables, pushing on it to ensure it was strong, "Sit. You need to rest."
She huffed, pulling her self up to sit on the table, her legs swinging as she watched the girl.
"…there's this one character named Mileena who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and barfs out your bones! Oh, man."
The two girls turn their head when Joel kicks at a rack.
Ellie sighs, "You forgot where you put your stuff."
Joel looked up, "No, I'm just zeroing in on it. It's been a couple of years."
"Okay, well… I'm gonna take a look around, see if there's anything good."
"Trust me, it's all been picked over already."
Ellie's feet crunch over the glass on the ground, "Maybe, maybe not."
Joel pushes on one of the aisles against the wall.
Ellie moves further away from the two, "Is there anything bad in here?"
"Just you."
"Getting funnier."
Ellie then goes to the back part of the store, away from Joel and Y/N.
Joel mutters a quiet, "Fuck."
Y/N pushes herself off the table, moving towards him to help.
He looks up, "No. No, you go back. I'm fine."
She sighs, "I don't think you are."
He stands straight, his hands on his hips, "Alright, then, sweet girl, tell me where the fuck we left it?"
"I don't know, Joel. Ju-"
Ellie zones out on their bickering as she starts to get further and further away from them. She pushes on a door, opening it with a loud creak. She kicks at the stuff on the ground, inspecting it with her shoe. Eventually, she finds a trap door. She moves everything off it, opening it slowly.
She hears Joel's voice from the front of the store, "You all right back there?"
She jumps, "Uh, yep!"
She hears the two begin to bicker quietly again, prompting her to continue.
Y/N let out a light sigh, "Listen, Joel. It's been years. The odds that no one has taken our stuff isn't realistic. Let's just forget about it, yeah?"
He shakes his head, not even looking at her, "no. That's not an option."
"Not an option? Joel, everything we're doing now is a fucking option! It's not gonna be here!"
She steps back from him slightly, an involuntary breath leaving her throat. Her breathing picks up, hurting her lungs. 
His eyes soften at her reaction, his voice dropping again, "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I… Fuck."
She puts some distance between them, giving them both room to breathe. "I… what…. What's so important about what you left here, Joel?"
He looks up towards the ceiling, his hands moving back to his hips as he slowed his breathing. His voice became a low whisper, "…it's…. It's for you… your medication…"
Her face became one of surprise, "…what?"
"When… when we left stuff here… I left some of your medication because I knew… fuck, I KNEW something like this would happen and you'd need it."
She was speechless. He came here for her. To get her more medication. "…uh… thank you…"
He nodded, "Don't thank me, honey. Don't thank me yet."
But that moment was quickly interrupted by the sound of an infected's scratchy growl.
The two turned their head towards the noise. 
Joel immediately turned to Y/N, "You're gonna stay here."
She grimaced, but listened anyway.
He pulled out his knife, walking toward where he last saw the girl go. "Ellie…?"
She quickly came through the doorway, "Picked over, my ass."
A breath of relief came from both adults.
"Holy shit!"
The two turned to the hill Ellie was looking at, a plane crash's remains laid there, scattered over the land.
"You fly in one of those?"
Joel shrugged, "Few time, sure."
"So lucky."
"Didn't feel like it at the time. Get shoved into a middle seat, pay 12 bucks for a sandwich."
Y/N let out a laugh, Joel turning to her, "What, sweetheart? You find that funny?"
"Fuck yeah, I do."
He felt a smile grow on his face, "Jesus, you're something else."
Ellie jumped back in, "Dude, you got to go up in the sky."
Joel turned back to the crash, "Yeah, well, so did they."
A silence fell over them before Joel grabbed Y/N's wrist, pulling her with him. And they began the grueling walk again.
A little while later, Joel puts a hand out in front of both girls, stopping them, "We'll cut across the woods here."
Ellie tilted her head, "Isn't the road easier?"
"Yeah, it's just- There's stuff up there you shouldn't see."
"Well, now I want to."
"I don't want you to."
Ellie began to walk forward, Joel following, "Serious. Ellie."
"You're too honest, man."
Y/N sighed, starting to walk behind them, "Jesus, you two…"
Then she stopped. 
She was losing her vision, "Oh, fuck."
Joel turned immediately, "Hey. Ellie, stop. Sweetheart?"
Y/N brought a hand up to her head, as if it could stop the black clouding her vision.
Joel watched with a worried look in his eye, "You alright?"
She looked up, "I… I don't know…"
She fell to her knees.
"Oh Fuck!" Joel ran to her quickly, squatting down next to her.
Ellie watched the two from afar, not sure how to help.
"Sweetheart. You gotta lay down. C'mon. Lay down."
Y/N let out a groan, not wanting to move in fear of making things worse.
Ellie began to walk towards them, "what's going on? Is she gonna die?"
Joel's voice turned to stone, "SHE'S NOT GONNA FUCKING DIE!"
Ellie stopped walking, deciding to give them privacy.
Joel let out a sigh, his focus entirely on Y/N, "You gotta lay down, Sweetheart."
She sighed, "….help me… please."
Joel didn't need to be asked twice. 
He immediately shrugged off his jacket, getting his plan in motion.
He moved behind her, pushing her torso backwards towards him. He played his jacket on the ground in front of him, right where her back would meet the ground. 
He pulled her hair to the side, letting her head rest on his leg. 
"Alright, honey. How do you feel?"
"I… can't see… anything…"
He sighed, "that's alright. You need to sleep?"
She shook her head, but stopped seeing as it made things worse, "No… I….I'm…. Fine..." She was slowly losing consciousness.
"Shit. Shh…. Just.... Let it happen…."
He held her face with one hand, the other still resting on the gun on his hip in case of an emergency.
Half an hour later, her eyes opened to see Joel hadn't moved since she had passed out. One hand still held her jaw, his thumb brushing her skin lightly, but his other had moved to her hair, lightly playing with it. 
She saw Joel give a relieved look before his hands disappeared from her completely. "Oh, thank god. How you feeling, Sweetheart?"
She let out a groan, "achy."
He smiled, "Well, do we need to stop?"
She shook her head, "No. I can do this."
She sat up slowly, letting her body adjust to the feeling. Joel stood up, moving in front of her. He then held out a hand, offering to help her up.
She took it, of course. His other arm snaked around her waist for stability. When he decided she was stable enough, his moved his hands back, letting her adjust the rest of the way herself. 
She leaned forward, whispering in his ear, "…thank you."
He felt a little color come to his cheeks, "Don't thank-"
"Take my fucking gratitude for once, Joel."
He laughed, "Alright. Just this once. You're welcome."
Her head immediately looked around, trying to find Ellie.
She was not too far, her famous shit eating grin on her face. 
Joel knew he wouldn't hear the end of it. "Alright. Get up, Ellie. We go at Y/N's speed, got that?"
Ellie nodded, mumbling under her breath, "Yeah, you do everything her way, don'tcha?"
His head turned, "What the fuck did you just say?"
Her eyes shuffled between the two, "Nothing, sir."
He huffed, beginning to let Y/N take the lead on their walk. 
Ellie caught up with Y/N, "Say… you think you can tell me that story?"
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed, "…what story?"
"The one where you almost shot Joel."
She laughed, "Yeah… yeah, I can do that."
They heard Joel's voice behind them, "Hey. Watch it."
They giggled, continuing their journey with a smile.
part 3
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hotchswifey · 1 year
a little bit shy - rafael barba x reader smut
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i wrote this like a year ago and never posted it???????? oml i kept thinking it was unfinished but like it’s 2700 words  😭 😭 😭 😭
 anyways i’m not rewriting it or even rereading it so!!! anyways, this is shitty but it’s mine so it’s fine
warnings: shy!reader, smut, vaginal fingering, reader is a virgin (par hand stuff she’s done with rafael), reader owns a bookstore/cafe, written with an age gap in mind (rafael is like ?? 40?? 45??? reader is like 23/24), rafael is a babe and i love him, your honour, also rafael is a brief man and nobody can convince me otherwise, also like the office spoilers ig??? but nothing major, daddy/papi kink, the reader may have a slight humiliation kink (it’s self-projection babes), also the translation is through google so sorry if it is incorrect!
(word count: 2740)
You sat on the counter of your café, reading one of Stephen King’s books. You had closed up at 19:00 like you did every day (par Sundays where you closed up at 17:00); however, you had stayed behind in your store, deciding that you would leave when the rain cleared up - which, it hadn’t. You looked at the grandfather clock standing up against the wall - quarter past nine. The time had flown by as you were too engrossed in your book to notice the world outside and join the world written on the pages. You sighed as you jumped off the counter, folding the corner of (what was now) your personal copy of Doctor Sleep, realising that the weather would not get better anytime soon. Grabbing your hoodie (while cursing your past self for not bringing a coat to work), you turned off the lights, ensuring the ovens and such were also turned off. You grabbed your keys, preparing for the harsh weather, before stepping outside (albeit reluctantly). The rain hit your face harshly, the wind almost making breathing impossible, as you made your way quickly (or as quick as the wind would let your body move) down the sidewalk. You should have probably just called an Uber as you got to the corner of the street. But, then again, you had money to return to the shop. You halted on the corner, debating it but rejecting the idea. You were already soaking from being outside for a few minutes, so what were another... 20... to your apartment. It took you about ten seconds to go to Rafael’s apartment. You had only been dating for a couple months, but his place was, at most, ten minutes away from your shop, and you were freezing. You rushed down the sidewalk until you got to his building, standing underneath a roof; you quickly texted him with trembling fingers, asking if he could let you in, figuring he wouldn’t hear your voice on the intercom system due to the wind. The door buzzed open within seconds, which you were highly thankful for, and you made your way to the elevator, which you took to the top floor. Rafael answered the door after you knocked, still in his suit (confirming your suspicion that he had not stopped working even now; you were pretty surprised he was even home, as he was usually spending all his free time in his office). His eyes went wide immediately, taking in your wet form. “Hermosa, wha-” he cut himself off (something you didn’t know he was even capable of doing) as he opened the door wider for you to come in. “You’re soaking,” he said as he reached for the zipper of your hoodie. “Really? I hadn’t noticed,” you quipped back as you slapped his hands away, grabbing the zipper to try to pull it down, but you couldn’t quite do it with your trembling hands (which were a dangerously dark red). Rafael grabbed it again, slapping your hands away this time, pulling the zipper down and peeling the fabric off your skin as it stuck to you. “What were you thinking?” he looked down at you sternly, causing you to roll your eyes. “Calm down, I’m fine-” “You’re going to get ill,” he interrupted, taking your phone from you and placing it on the coffee table face down (which seemed to be his way of telling you I’m taking this because you are almost vibrating from how cold you are, not because I’m going to look through your phone, Hermosa). “you need a shower.” “I’m fine!” you argued, and Rafael looked at you with a deadpan look. You stared at each other for about ten seconds before you gave in, mumbling quickly, “Fine.” He walked you towards the bathroom as if you didn’t know where it was and opened the door for you. A quick “thank you” later, and you were peeling off the rest of your clothes before figuring out how to turn on the shower. After about a minute (which felt like an eternity, considering you were feeling hypothermic), you grabbed a towel before heading back out to find Rafael putting your hoodie in a washing basket. “Rafael?” he turned around at that, his eyebrows furrowing - he was cute when he was overly concerned. You suddenly became aware that you were naked and blushed heavily, “How- how do you, um, turn the... shower on?” Once he showed you and left the room, you basked in the water, feeling your previously numb fingers returning to life. You were highly aware of how long you were in the shower, not wanting to waste water or heat or anything. As well as the fact that you couldn’t stop thinking about how you were only one wall away from Rafael - totally naked. You took his (very expensive looking) shampoo and soap, cleaning yourself and your hair, before turning off the shower and leaving. Only then did you realise that you had no clothes - unless you would put on cold, wet ones. You wrapped the same towel around yourself before sheepishly entering the bathroom. Rafael smiled at you from his seat on his couch, his work abandoned on the dining table, his suit jacket on the back of one of the chairs and his tie looser than when he had answered the door, and a glass of scotch in one hand and the tv playing Netflix. “I don’t- um, I- I don’t have any... clothes,” you stuttered, looking down at your feet and fiddling with the towel. “You can borrow one of my shirts,” he said, as if it was the most casual thing ever, like you two always did this. he got up, pausing (in what looked like) the office (which you had convinced him to watch after it came to your knowledge that he had never watched it), and began to pull out a shirt from his drawer in his bedroom, handing it to you, which you thanked him for, still blushing from your current predicament. He went to leave before you spoke again. “I- I don’t have any-” you stopped talking, blushing too much before you could say ‘panties’. “You don’t mind wearing mine, would you? Because, you see, I don’t have any panties,” You blushed at his bluntness but shook your head to say, “No, I don’t mind. When, in actuality, you did mind, but only because the thought made you feel hot. Like everything else had once you had made your way into his apartment. You were naked. And, now, you were going to wear Rafael’s clothes. He left for you to get dressed; you shut the door, making sure it was locked, before you dropped the towel, pulling on his briefs and shirt. His shirt was white, and as you looked in the mirror, you realised that, yes, he could definitely see your nipples through the shirt. You buttoned three buttons before turning around and checking how much of your ass it covered. Thankfully, it fell to your mid-thigh, and even more, it smelt like him. You exited the bedroom, turning to close the door behind you softly to not disturb Rafael’s Netflix. What you didn’t see, with your back turned, was Rafael staring at you (specifically, your ass) and licking his lips. As you turned back around, you saw him sit forward and place his free hand (the one without scotch in it) on his knee - unbeknownst to you, he was trying to hide his growing member. You smiled at him, which he returned, and joined him on the couch, sitting about a foot away. You were right when you thought he was watching the office. He was currently watching Jim fax Dwight messages from future Dwight. You brought your legs up to your chest, sitting back on the couch. I watched as Jan told Michael that the branch was closing. “Would you like a drink, cariño?” he asked, making his way (very quickly, you noticed) behind the couch, as you watched the TV. You looked up at him, smiling, asking him for some coffee. He kissed you on the forehead, causing you to giggle, and then started on your coffee. But you swore as he turned around that he was... hard? Your eyes widened, and your cheeks grew hot as your head flew forward to stare at the TV. A smile grew on your face, and you tried to hide it multiple times, but you just couldn’t; it was... cute. Rafael was unbelievably cute right now - plus, his ears were pink, which made him look... well, adorable. You made sure he couldn’t see your face as you smiled widely, but you realised you were failing when he said; “What’s happening?” “What?” you turned to him, still smiling. “In Scranton,” he said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was, but you weren’t focused on the TV. You were focused on what was going on behind the kitchen counter he was standing behind. “Oh, right, there,” you said, although you were sure you sounded teasing, which you must have because Rafael’s eyebrows furrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean, ángel?” he asked, coming back to join you on the couch, handing you the coffee. He sat closer to you than you had previously sat next to him, not that you minded - you wanted to sit on his lap, not next to him, but you’d settle for this. “Nothing,” you smirked as you glanced at him - his trousers were still tight. Your eyes went wide momentarily, but it was enough for Rafael to notice. “What?” “What?” you sipped your coffee, covering your smile as you looked at him. he narrowed his eyes at you before putting his arm around you, bringing you into his chest. He put the coffee on the table for you, looking down at you as you turned your head completely to look him in the eye. “You’re hiding something.” “Am I, counsellor?” You moved your legs over him, and he pulled you onto his lap, causing you to yelp and him to chuckle, burying his face in your neck, nipping and kissing at your skin. Your cheeks began to burn again as your smile and teasing attitude disappeared, replaced with whimpers and gripping onto the hem of your (or, rather, his) shirt. You did notice, however, that you weren’t exactly on his lap but on his legs. Which meant he thought you hadn’t noticed his... situation. “What are you hiding, cariño?” he began to kiss further down, kissing at your collarbone. You reached down to palm at his slacks, the office still playing in the background. You heard his breath hitch, and his head flew up to look you in the eye. “What are you hiding, counsellor?” you grinned at him, blinking through your lashes. His ears burned, as well as his cheeks, and he looked pretty shocked, too. However, he quickly recovered. He smirked at you, gripping your wrist, causing you to pout. His lips found yours, and you whimpered into his mouth, causing him to smirk again. “I’m not hiding a thing, cariño,” he said against your mouth, moving your hand back down to his bulge. He hummed against your mouth as you squeezed him lightly. His hand gripped your thigh, the other resting on your cheek as he deepened the kiss. You whined into his lips, putting your hand, not playing with his bulge, on top of the one on your thigh. “Please, Rafael,” you whimpered. His hand on your thigh began to creep up your leg, coming up to the waistband of your briefs before slipping inside. That was new. Sure, you had done things with Raf before, but he was always very... slow. He just wanted to ensure you were completely comfortable with what was happening, but now? Seeing you in his shirt? His fingers teased your entrance momentarily before he gathered your slick and began rubbing at your clit with steady circles. Your hand immediately gripped his wrist, your fingers not even managing to close around his arm. Your back arched, your tits pressed against him, and pathetic whines fell from your lips. His lips were attacking your neck and collarbone, marking you. “Oh, god,” you whimpered out, his fingers beginning to speed up, his other arm wrapped around your waist to keep you against him. Your fingers, the ones not around his arm, gripped his waistcoat. His rubbing sent impulses up and down your body, your vocal cords working on their own accord and your limbs twitching. “Please, oh, god,” his fingers and mouth were the only things you could focus on, and the rest of the world fell away. You were becoming incoherent with your words, that much you were aware of, as you mumbled out, ‘please’s and ‘fuck’s. You were pretty amazed you had stayed coherent for that long, considering that you were usually a mumbling mess of a woman who couldn’t make eye contact or stop blushing when he touched any part of your skin. You brought his face up from your neck, wanting to kiss his scotch-flavoured lips. The passionate kiss did not stop you from whimpering against him or prevent you from moving his hand away from your clit and towards your entrance. "estás tan necesitado, ¿no es así, cariño?" his tone was teasing, though you had no idea what he was saying. You moaned as his fingers edged around your entrance, and you dropped your head into his neck to hide the growing blush, your eyes fluttering shut. Your hips bucked as best they could in the position you were in. You whined when he took his fingers away from you; however, after he had moved you onto his lap (and, therefore, on top of his hard-on), his fingers continued their previous actions. He sunk one finger into your heat, causing your hold on his vest to tighten and your other to clench as you lifted it, trying to decide what to do. Your legs fell wider as Rafael curled his fingers into your sweet spot (and, of course, he knew exactly where that was, despite only having done this a couple of times). “Please, Rafael,” your voice was heavily muffled by the fact that you were pressing your face against his neck. Still, he must have heard you because he added another finger into you, rubbing against your sweet spot with two fingers whilst his palm ground against your clit. “please, papi,” you mumbled out, causing Rafael to stutter in his pleasing ministrations and his cock to twitch. You immediately seized up, your eyes flying open against his neck. However, Rafael’s fingers continued without hesitation, his other hand moving to your ass and squeezing it, pulling you more towards him. He hummed against the side of your head. “Papi, cariño?” your cheeks flushed, the embarrassment of the situation catching up on you. Your hold on his vest tightened, and you were sure you were seconds away from tearing it. You whimpered against his skin, the humiliation only contributing to your impending orgasm. Rafael smirked down at you, loving how you looked, squirming and whimpering on his lap. he loved that you were shy. You were adorable when you were blushing and stumbling over your words whilst you looked everywhere but him. When you called him Papa? he almost groaned aloud. He could feel you pulsing around his fingers, your legs spasming and back arching. Taking his hand away from your ass (and slightly lifting one of his legs to not make you fall), he unbuttoned your shirt, kneading one of your breasts. Your whimpers turned into moans, gradually increasing in volume and frequency. “That’s it, Hermosa, cum on papi’s fingers."
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Decoding Scara. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Fluff. Some humor. Soft Scara. AU
a/n: I wrote this cause we all want someone to take care of us when we are sick. One of my dad's girlfriend's kids gave me this gnarly awful cough. Kid doesn't even cover his mouth 😭 I don't want this shit, no one does. Next on deck is Diluc smut. I should be on the last legs of this shit.
Scaramouche cringed.
You'd sneezed. You were sick. You had been for a few days now. Thing is, you were too proud to admit it. Sometimes, he thought you were more stubborn than he was.
Your cheeks looked flushed with fever, you sounded congested. You hadn't slept all that much because of it.
And Scaramouche had had enough of your shit. It ends now.
"Tch. Stop it, it's painful to watch you," He scoffed as he watched you from his spot on your bed, crossing his arms.
Up for a game of decoding? When you are dating someone like Scaramouche, you had to really listen to hear what he means when he talks. It's a weird thing for you to explain.
Decode: Please come rest, you are very sick and I am worried for you.
You rubbed your eyes before you looked at him. You looked so tired. "No, I still have things I need to get done," You said, giving him a soft smile before turning back to your laptop.
Scaramouche promptly got up, and closed your laptop. He rolled his eyes when you sputtered in protest. "No you don't. You look like you are going to drop dead any second now. "
Decode: It can wait. It's more important for you to get better.
You tried to open your laptop again, but Scaramouche kept his hand on your laptop to hold it closed. He picked you up bridal style and carried you over to your bed.
It really really freaked Scaramouche out when you got sick. He'd lost someone who he considered a younger brother to illness. He would be damned if he lost you like that too.
He wouldn't be able to bear it.
"I'm taking this," He picked up your laptop, and tucked it under his arm before he walked over to your bedroom door. "And I am locking the door from the outside while I am gone at the pharmacy."
Decode: Please stay in bed and sleep while I go get you medicine.
You knew there was no use in protesting. Scaramouche tucked the blankets around you, giving you a quick kiss before heading out to the pharmacy. He really did lock the door.
This boy, as soon as he got to the pharmacy, he grabbed one box of every cold medicine on the shelf. If one didn't work for you than you had others to try. The cashier gave him an odd look. He knew it looked totally shady.
"Fuck off, my girlfriend is sick," He snapped, glaring at the cashier. Unfortunately, the cashier didn't know how to decode Scara at all cause he didn't know him.
There was no reason to decode that one though.
After some coaxing and bickering, the cashier rang him up just so he would leave. That was fine with Scaramouche. He didn't like idiots holding him up, especially if they were preventing him from getting back to you.
Next he went to the grocery store. He bought various soups that would help sooth your throat, and a variety of teas, scoffing when he took a box of hot chocolate mix off the shelf. He despised sweet things, but he knew it would make you feel better.
The only sweet thing he didn't despise was you.
"Sc-Scara, what did you do? Buy the whole pharmacy?" You asked with wide eyes when he tossed the bag full of cold medicine onto your bed.
"Practically, just shut up and take your medicine. I also got you that mud you like to drink," He said, sitting down on your bed.
Decode: Take your medicine. It will make you feel better. I also got you hot chocolate because I know you like it.
Scaramouche spent the next few days hardly letting you get up for anything, making sure you took your medicine, and making you soup. He watched movies and TV shows with you, he would never admit it but he absolutely ate up reality shows for their drama.
Needless to say, once you recovered, you had your hands full taking care of Scaramouche when he caught what you had.
He would still kiss you even if you were sick.
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imababblekat · 1 year
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@lil-hun-bun​ , “Raph x fem!Reader where he's taking care of her because she's sick and they end up confessing their feelings for each other, perhaps?”
All it took was one word, and the red cladded ninja turtle was scaling across rooftops to your place of residence. Sick. That’s what you had texted him after rejecting his call to hang out. It had him notably concerned, as there had been times when even if you had a small cough you’d still at the very least enter a video chat with him. However, no interaction at all was very unlike you. 
Raphael did his best to conceal his racing thoughts, picking the lock on your window before making his way in. He couldn’t quite understand why he was so worried to begin with. It wasn’t like you were in the hospital or anything else of a more serious level. Part of him was actually quite irritated by the his fretful emotions. Not at you of course, more of what you seemed to do him lately. He’d never been this concerned over something so silly before. Even when one of his brothers or April would come down with a nasty cold, he’d just offer if they needed something from the store and leave it at that. In fact, in most cases he’d leave things to Donnie, unless it was said terrapin who had been ill. Yet when he’d received your message, the thought to ask Donnie or give his brother the heads up, didn’t even cross his mind. 
What was it about you in particular that made Raph of all people go out of his way, just by one simple text message? 
The answer had struck him when, after giving you a quick heads up to his presence, he entered your room to find you in an unsightly state, his heart dropping in his plated chest.
Across the room, snuggled under a pile of blankets and surrounded by tissues, you lay as pale as your sheets and covered in sweat like on a hot summer afternoon. The weakness in just lifting your head to peer over at the larger turtle and the croak in your voice had Raph’s heart strings tugged. 
“Raph? What are you doing here?”
It wasn’t even a second after finishing your question that you fell into a fit of coughs, and Raphael was quick to make his way to your beside, taking off and opening the small backpack he’d brought with him. Inside were bottles of water and multiple types of medicine he’d dumped in his rush to get to you.
“What da ya think? You don’t answer my call, send me a one worded text with no further explanation, and expect me to not show up?”
You gingerly reached for a water bottle he’d opened and offered you, sitting up as best you could to take a few sips and completely unware at Raph’s resistance to assist you. 
“To be honest, I would have expected Donnie, but you’re a nice surprise.”
Raph raised a brow ridge, sitting at your feet, the bed dipping with his weight and you’re feet resting against his thigh beneath the blankets.
“I’m not sure how to take that, so I choose to take it as a compliment.”
You giggled at his scowling face, eyes crinkling in the corner. Man, even when bed ridden, Raphael couldn’t deny the way you caused a light flutter of butterflies in his stomach. However, the sweet moment hadn’t lasted long when you suddenly erupted into another, heavier fit of coughs. Seeing you turn over to your side, nearly dropping and spilling the water in your hand had he’d not rushed to grab it for you with his quick reflexes, Raph felt a newfound type of panic.
“Hey, don’t go dyin on me now, doll. Tell me what I can do.”
His voice was softer than usual, you almost hadn’t heard him, but you did, and could just about feel the deep worriment dripping from each word. 
“Got any cough meds in that mystery bag of yours?”, you asked, laying back against your pillows, head pounding and body sore.
There was a minute of rummaging beside you, when your normally brutish friend procured a plastic bottle with red liquid within. 
“Um, I’ve got this?”
You took a peak, too tired to sit up again.
“Cough syrup. That’ll work.”
Raphael said nothing in reply, simply working to get the lid off and pour the heavy cherry smelling liquid into the small cup it came with. No words were spoken or asked, as a large hand, one usually so fierce had cradled and lifted your head with the upmost care and gentleness. Raph watched as you slurped down the cough syrup, cringing at the sickly gag you let out once finished, before just as gently resting your head back down against your pillow.
“Need anythin’ else?”, he questioned, hand resting on the dip of your side as you slowly rolled over to face him.
“Yeah.”, you mumbled, snuggling into your covers but keeping your gaze tiredly focused on his, “For you to know I mean it.”
A small chuckle left Raph’s beautiful lips.
“Mean what?”
“What I said earlier.”, you murmured, reaching a shaky hand from your covers to reach for the wrapped hand resting by your pillow. 
Even in such a weak state, the light caresses you made across Raphaels large hand was enough to cause his heart to skip a beat. He looked to the side, suddenly feeling pressure under your gaze, his cheeks tinting ever so lightly.
“Pfft, sure. You’re delirious.”
The full call of his name, as well as the light squeeze of his hand by your much smaller one, was enough to convince the ninja turtle to take a chance and look your way. Despite the bags under your exhausted eyes and the strands of hair sticking to your sweat clad face, you somehow managed to convey every bit of seriousness and truth to your next words.
“Why is me enjoying having you here instead of anyone else that unbelievable? You’re my closest friend. You know how much like being around you. . .how much I like you.”
The last words were said with your cheeks flushing a lovely red hue, and while you knew Raph was aware of the true cause, maybe, just maybe it could pass as due to being sick. Gently shaking your head, pushing aside the anxiousness in your own chest, you looked back up to offer a silent Raphael a gentle smile.
“And I’m not delirious.”, you reached up to gentle boop his nose. 
Raph grasped your hand in his, but didn’t release it as he had started to copy the same soothing motions you had done with his hand a little earlier. His heart felt so full. Just as you caused him to fret so much over a single worded text, only you could make his heart do ninja flips while looking like the plague. Honestly, that somehow made him even more fond of you. Just like all those times you had gone out of your way to care for him, a mutant turtle who people only saw as a burly ball of anger and furry. Perhaps those times of your unique kindness towards him was also why he’d go out of his way to care for you in this moment as opposed to how he would for anyone else. 
Maneuvering your hand, Raphael turned his face ever so slightly to place his lips softly against your palm, the feeling of a chaste kiss being left there as he spoke.
“Yah, I know, doll.”
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qqtxt · 1 year
[🌸] no hand? we got a problem. w/ txt
✿ pairing: ot5 x reader / minor cursing (none with ill-intention!) / fluff, crack (maybe LOL) ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 500 words for each member / altogether, word count: 1,902 words ✿ in which you playfully try to not let him hold your hand and...
✿ just a quick note of thank you for all the love and support! during the 500 followers mini fics, there’s plenty of people who came on board and i’m so grateful! i have loads planned for this blog but i figured i’d start off with something cute and silly 😛
[masterlist 🌸] / other members under the cut! / @kflixnet​​ 💞
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[🐰] soobin it was a simple stroll out today and everything would’ve been perfect if you hadn’t kept pulling your hand from his grasp every five god damn seconds. he knows you’re doing this to tick him off, as a way to be playful and he would’ve let it slide if it wasn’t for the fiery pit in his gut trying to get even, choi soobin!
his attempt is... weak, to say the least. just as you two pass by a café, it was his turn to whip his hand from your grasp. it seems like it catches you by surprise and it makes you giggle. so much that he forgets he’s supposed to get back at you but with the way you’re smiling at him, eyes locked with his has him in a trance. he gapes at the way you pull your hands back to yourself, crossing your arms in front of your chest with a cheeky grin.
he juts out his bottom lip out of habit; feeling the tinge in his chest as he catches up to your stride with a huff. his demeanour earlier crumbles to a helpless putty in your hand. he hooks an arm to yours, shoving his way through and anchoring his feet to the ground so that you’ll follow him to stop walking. at the side of the sidewalk, he blinks down at you with this frown on his face. the creases line his forehead, his dimples nearly showing with the way his face muscles are triggered and... okay, fine. of course you cave in.
unfolding your arms, you shake soobin’s arm away so that you can gently hold his hand in yours. you lace your fingers with his and he tests the waters by gripping back. raising his brows at you, a quick check of no more funny games? you give him a kiss on the hand you’re holding before nudging him to follow you to continue walking. the moment of excitement and playfulness earlier is something you two enjoy but... soobin enjoys this peace of being able to hold you close to him as you walk through the world together.
tl;dr: introducing, offended™️. initially, he would try to be petty with fine, i didn’t want to hold your hand either but... would crack when he sees you’re reeling your hands back. puppy eyes, dimples, anything to make you feel bad for him because get back here! long story short; he’ll try to get back at you but wouldn’t be able to pull through because he’d want to hold your hand :”) don’t be mean, hold soobin’s hand, you monster.
[🦊] yeonjun the clothing store that you and yeonjun frequented every now and then was surprisingly quiet (mainly for yeonjun’s wardrobe sake; his infamous have you seen this new (insert product name) that just came out?!) it wasn’t unusual for you to follow him around as he browsed through what he wanted to get or sometimes just for outfit inspiration.
yeonjun’s grip on your hand is loose but it still firmly lures you around to follow his lead. sometimes when you have something you want to see, you’d peel away from his hand and he’ll mindlessly follow you until he has your hand in his again. once... twice... you can tell if you do what you had done twice in a row, yeonjun will cause a ruckus.
you’re proven correct when you yank your hand from his grasp for the third time. his eyes shut momentarily, his free hand shoving the hanger of a jacket he was about to take a look and his other hand that was once holding yours is now empty, again. when his eyes open after a deep breath, you try to test the waters by smiling at him, hands behind your back.
you can tell he’s about to yell but it’s taking everything in his being to control himself considering you two were in public. he extends his hand out and uses his eyes to point at it. the piercing looks in his eyes that cross between being annoyed and just wanting to hold onto your hand gets you every time. you snicker and slip your hand in his, then effectively tugging him to follow you to where you’ve spotted a cute jumper. he yelps as he struggles to not trip over his own foot but when he sees how widely you’re smiling, with the way you’re squeezing his hand, he already forgot your little fiasco early on.
tl;dr: get ready for aggressive!jun because if he wants to hold your hand, he is going to hold your hand. if you two were alone, at the comfort of your own home, he’s going to yell because you play too damn much! he knows that you know he’s an affectionate being through and through so if you keep teasing him, he’ll either crack with overflowing aggressiveness or pettiness (usually a mix of both, making you cave to stop because of how adorable he’s acting).
[🐯] beomgyu  beomgyu has tolerated the previous times you’ve done it; when you two left the café, when you two entered the clothing store and now again when he’s trying to look at a shirt? he’s losing it. you’ve broken him. the second you yeet your hand away from him, he gasps so loud it nearly echoes in the store you two were in. half-embarrassed, you lower your head and glance around to make sure no one was looking as you take a couple of steps away from him.
his face morphs into one that looks like a hopeless puppy. wide eyes, a small pout lining his lips, brows lightly furrowed as he shamelessly holds his hand out despite being a distance away from you.
“come here and i’ll hold your hand,” you half-whisper, half-yell, hiding behind a mannequin in case anyone was watching, extending your hand out. he remains firm at where he is, shaking his head and keeps his hand out. 
“come back here and get me or i’m screaming so loud they’re gonna call the police.”
“that would ruin your reputation, not mine.”
“i’ll mention your name at every single given moment so either get back here or–”beomgyu’s words get all garbled up when you stride back to where he is and grab him by the hand. he snickers the moment he processes what’s happening, but more so when he feels your palm against his palm and he’s able to giddily slip his fingers between your own as a security measure so you can’t pull away as easily this time. (and you don’t. maybe it’s enough teasing for the day but you’d want to hold his hand just as much as he wants to)
tl;dr: drama bitch activated. if he’s feeling playful, he’ll say something like it’s a scheme that you no longer love him or find him attractive which is why you have resorted to banishing him like this. to shut him up for your sake, you’ll have to take his hand back willingly. (and never let go, you demon, how could you do that to sweet beoms who only wants to hold your hand and never let go?)
[🐿] taehyun taehyun doesn’t mind following you wherever you wanted to go when it came to spending the day at the mall. whether it’s a bookstore or a clothing store you’d wanted to frequent, he’ll be right by your side. so when it’s his turn of wanting to look at the sports department for some gear he’s been eyeing, he’s constantly grabbing your hand every time you try that little trick of trying to not hold his hand.
five, six, seven... by the eighth time is when taehyun calls it quits when you remove your hand from his. after mindlessly grabbing it back each time, he lifts his head up to eye you this time. with a deep breath, he puts back whatever he was looking at with his free hand. turning to face you, he grabs your wrist with one hand, placing it in his other hand so he can hold it properly.
“if you let go of my hand again this time, i’m not holding your hand for the rest of the week.”
as much as you like to play around with taehyun, you also know when he’s reaching the point he’s starting to get annoyed. although taehyun was a fairly patient person to begin with, you figured it’s time to actually stop. with a small smile and a nod, you sway his hand in yours back and forth that it easily melt his nerves just like that. what a simp i’ve become, his mind sighs. the previous times you’ve done it easily dissolves to nothing when you giddily clutch onto his hand and get him to follow you to where you’re fascinated to look at next. (just like that, he forgot everything)
tl;dr: unbothered at first but the more it continues on, he’ll just tell you straight that either you hold my hand now or not at all for the rest of the week. he’ll know how to turn your game back on you and get you to comply, so when it happens just... surrender and stop the games. he’s fine with the teasing once in a while but when it continues on too much, he’ll know how to put a stop to it in a way you’ll listen (and you do, because kang taehyun doesn’t play around and you two know this).
[🐧] kai kai knew that you were doing it as a joke but he still, still gives you the kind of reaction that makes it all the more hilarious to begin with. in the midst of movie night with the boys, the two of you occupy one of the beanbags on the floor, snuggled up together with you resting in his embrace, arms banded around your waist as he plays with your fingers on your lap.
it was an animation film–soobin’s choice–and a lighthearted one, too. seeing the main character pulling the hand away from the other makes you grin, playfully doing the same when kai’s trying to draw circles on the back of your hands. a gasp nearly snaps through the entire living room and you’re surprised it drew a bigger reaction than you had intended.
now with yeonjun and taehyun watching, you’re watching as kai’s brows knit the centre of his forehead, a frown dragging his features down. when you keep your hands away from his reach, he starts to whine quietly that it elicits chuckles from the sofa behind the pair of you.
“just hold his hand, please? before soobs gets mad that we’re not paying attention.” yeonjun nudges the beanbag with a foot. you scoff a laugh and nod, already soothing your hands into kai’s grasp. it’s like giving candy back to a baby when he’s all smiles again, kissing your shoulder and squeezing your fingers between his own.
tl;dr: dramatic and petty king activated... except it doesn’t actually stay on. he thought he’ll be dramatic or petty but the reality is he’ll be more fixated on wanting to hold your hand again that he doesn’t really remember what his intentions were. would already look helpless and sad when you pull your hands away that it makes you feel guilty that you’ll hold his hands again. (yes, you monster, don’t do that to huening)
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suddencolds · 8 months
The Worst Timing | [3/?]
part 3 (6k words)!! you can read [part 1] here! (it gets worse before it gets better). this chapter is more character-centric (sorry again 🙇‍♀️). i wanted to post this before work eats me alive this week T.T
this is an OC fic - here is a list of everything I've written w these two!
Summary: Yves invites Vincent to a wedding, in France, where the rest of his family will be in attendance. It's a very important wedding, so he's definitely not going to let anything—much less the flu—ruin it. (ft. fake dating, an international trip, downplaying illness, sharing a hotel room)
It’s fine, until it isn’t.
Yves gets home, showers first (only after Vincent insists that he shower first), heads out into the living room, and shuts off the lights. The lights in the bedroom are still on, bleeding in from the doorframe. 
His head hurts. Every part of him feels cold. He burrows deep into the covers on the pullout bed, rearranges himself until he finds a sufficiently comfortable position, and shuts his eyes. 
Tomorrow, he’ll be away for most of the afternoon—with the wedding rehearsal, and then the rehearsal dinner with the rest of his family—and Vincent will grab dinner and drinks with some of Genevieve’s friends in the meantime. Yves will probably be home late. They won’t see each other for the entire day—at least, until he gets back from dinner some time in the late evening. 
Everything for the wedding is ready. His suit jacket is ironed, his shoes polished; his speech has been written for weeks and rehearsed first alone, and then in front of Leon and Victoire, who’d told him how to make it funnier (Leon) and more concise (Victoire). Two days from today, Aimee and Genevieve will be married.
All he has to do, now, is just see it through.
Yves wakes up coughing.
He feels distinctly wrong. His head is throbbing. His limbs feel strangely leaden, like they’re weighing him down, like it’d be a considerable inconvenience to move them—he isn’t sure if he’d be able to sit up properly.
He presses a hand to his forehead, in an attempt to gauge whether he’s running a fever. It’s no use—his hand is warm and clammy. He can’t tell.
Fuck. This is not good. 
One wrong breath leaves him coughing, harshly enough that the coughs seem to reverberate through his frame. His throat burns. He reaches blindly through the dark in an attempt to find one of the waters he’d bought yesterday night, at the convenience store. Had he left a bottle on the nightstand? Or had he gotten rid of the one he’d drunk from last night? His breath hitches, so sharply that he has practically no hope of holding back.
“Hhehh’YISHh-CHHiew! hhHEHH’iIDTSSHh-iiEW!”
The sneezes tear through him with little warning, leaving him flushed and shivering. It’s not warm enough in the living room. He doesn’t know if it’s the air conditioning in the room, or the relative thinness of the blanket he’s under, or if perhaps the window is open just a crack, or if perhaps he just hasn’t been moving enough to get warm. He’s not sure he could pinpoint the cause if he tried.
The only thing that seems evident to him, now, is that he feels immediately, uncomfortably cold. He could get out of bed and look for something to wear—he hadn’t packed any thick jackets, because Provence in March isn’t especially cold, but even one of the dress jackets would be better than nothing, so long as it’s one of the ones which can withstand getting a little wrinkled.
But when he sits up—or, rather, when he attempts to sit up—he feels the world tilt, uncomfortably. He braces himself on the frame of the couch, propping himself up with one arm up on the armrest. 
He definitely has a fever, even if there’s no way for him to verify that right now. Otherwise, it would be strange for him to feel so cold. Even now, only half-vertical, he finds himself shivering so hard he can barely move the blanket back up to sit comfortably around his shoulders.
One wrong breath sends a painful twinge down his throat, and he finds himself coughing, gripping the armrest tightly to keep himself upright. He should get out of bed. He should find water, put on a jacket, make an attempt to get back to sleep.
For now, all he can do is muffle the coughs as best he can into a cupped hand. His chest aches with every cough. Every breath he takes in feels like it only manages to irritate his lungs further.
Through the haze of his exhaustion, he thinks he hears footsteps. The knowledge that he’s keeping Vincent up is the last thing he needs, right now. 
Through the crack under the doorframe, he can see the line of light from the hallway, which is lit even at night. Maybe if he’s going to be up anyways, he should spend the night out in the hallway—at the very least, he’ll be a little quieter out there.
Someone presses a bottle of water into his hands.
“Drink,” Vincent says. “It’s uncapped.”
Yves brings the water to his lips and takes a short, tentative sip, and then another. His throat is sorer than it had been yesterday—the water burns against the back of his throat as he swallows.
Vincent steps past him, past the edge of the couch, to do—something. Yves doesn’t know what. He hears a click, and the lamp on the cabinet by the sofa flickers on, floods the living room with dim yellow light. Vincent regards him carefully, his expression unreadable.
“Sorry,” Yves says. The next breath he takes in exacerbates the tickle at the back of his throat, and he twists away, muffling cough after cough into a tightly cupped hand. “I didn’t mbean to wake you.”
Vincent’s eyebrows furrow. He looks… upset, somehow, though the light is dim enough that his expression is hard to make out. Yves tries to think of what else he should say, but his head feels heavy.
He tries to re-cap the bottle of water, though his hands are shaky enough to make it a little difficult. Vincent takes the bottle from him and screws the cap tight in one fluid motion. Yves tries and fails to think of something to joke about.
Vincent presses a hand to his forehead. His hand is comfortingly warm, and a little calloused. It’s strange, how good it feels to be touched—he knows and knows well that it means nothing, but the gentle press of Vincent’s fingers to his skin—when he’s spent the past few days trying to keep his distance from everyone—is strangely comforting. Yves leans into the contact, despite all logic.
Vincent pulls away, too soon. “You’re—”
“Warm?” Yves finishes for him.
“Feverish,” Vincent clarifies, with a frown. “Did you already know that?”
“I had a hunch,” Yves answers, honestly.
Vincent just stares at him, for a moment, frustration evident in the set of his jaw. Yves repositions the blankets over his shoulders, a little self-conscious. “It’s fide. I’ll take something for it,” Yves says. “You should go back to sleep.”
“We slept early,” Vincent says. “I’m not tired.”
“What time is it?”
Vincent glances at his watch. “5:34.”
“That’s still early enough that you should be asleep.” Yves sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. His head hurts, and there’s a prickle in his nose again. “Sorry. I can be quieter.”
His breath hitches. In a frantic attempt to keep his promise, he lifts the blanket to his face and stifles—or, rather, attempts to stifle—the sneeze into the fabric.
“hh—! hhEHH’NGKTSHCH-iiew!”
It’s still not very quiet, despite his best efforts, and the attempt to stifle leaves him coughing a little. It’s a good thing they’re not sharing a bed, he thinks. He hasn’t exactly been careful about keeping this illness to himself.
“Bless you,” Vincent says, rising to his feet. He ducks into the bedroom, only to be back a moment later with a box of tissues, which he tucks into the crook between the pullout bed and the sofa armrests, conveniently in reach. “Was it like this last night?”
“Were you unable to sleep last night?”
It’s not an accusation, but Yves freezes at the question, nonetheless. For a moment, he worries—that Vincent knows precisely how little sleep he’s gotten since they landed in France. That Vincent was awake last night—or worse, that Yves was the one who kept him up—which is why he’s asking this question now.
But if he knew, wouldn’t he have said something about it yesterday? 
“I slept fine,” Yves says. 
There’s a cold breeze coming in from somewhere—from the hallway, or from one of the air conditioning vents, he can’t say. Yves tries his best to suppress a shiver. He can tell, by the change to Vincent’s expression—the way Vincent’s eyes linger on him a little too long—that he doesn’t do it well enough.
“You should really have taken the bed,” Vincent says, with a sigh. “It’s warmer.”
“It’s warm here too,” Yves says. There probably wouldn’t even be a problem if he weren’t feverish—it’s just the relative temperature difference that’s making him shiver. “Are you goidg to stop interrogating me ndow?”
“If you stop giving me reasons to be worried,” Vincent says plainly, “Then I will.”
Yves sighs. He’s cold, and exhausted, and he wants this argument to be over. He doesn’t want to have to justify all of this to Vincent, who should be enjoying this vacation instead of worrying about Yves and whatever cold-slash-flu he’s managed to pick up this time. “This is not the first time I’ve been under the weather,” he says. “I—” he veers away to face the opposite direction from Vincent, pulls the blanket up to cover his face. “hHeh-!-hHEHh‘nGKTTSHH-iiIEw!”
“Bless you.”
“—I kdow what I’m doing, snf. I don't even feel that—hh… hHheh'iiDDZZCHH-iIIEW!” The sneeze comes on too quickly for him to stifle. “—that udwell,” he finishes, sniffling, though that’s not entirely truthful. He lifts an elbow to muffle a few coughs into it, blinking through the tears that are surfacing, irritatingly, in his vision.
“So you’ve said,” Vincent says.
“Yes,” Yves says. “You can trust me on this.”
Vincent looks at him for a moment. For a moment, Yves waits for him to refute this, waits for him to point out just how unprepared he is, just how little of a plan he has aside from sticking this out until he has the chance to crash and burn.
“What do you need?” he says, instead.
Yves blinks at him. It’s not the question he expects Vincent to ask.
“Nothidg,” he says, honestly. “Seriously. It’s just a cold. I’ll take somethidg for it when I wake up.”
“Cold medicine?” To Yves’s nod, Vincent says, “I can get it for you, if you want.”
“No need. I’ll probably just — hhEhh-! HhEHh’IITShh-iiEW! Ugh… I’ll pick somethidg up from the codvenience store on the way to breakfast.”
Vincent turns aside to muffle a yawn into a cupped hand. Yves is unpleasantly reminded that he’s probably the sole reason why Vincent is awake right now.
“You should sleep, seriously,” Yves says, insistent. “Maybe you’ll be able to squeeze in a few more hours of sleep before sunrise. I’ll be okay.”
Vincent blinks at him. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay,” Vincent says, softly. 
Then he stands, sets the bottle of water on the cabinet by the sofa, switches off the lamp, and heads back into the bedroom. Yves listens as his footsteps recede. His sinuses are starting to feel like they’re slightly waterlogged, and the pressure from behind his eyelids is back, throbbing.
The tickle in his nose heightens, momentarily, and he finds himself muffling another set of sneezes into the bedsheets. He desperately hopes it’s quiet enough to not be disruptive. It’s hard to be fully quiet when whatever he has leaves him sneezing so forcefully, but he’s determined to try. 
The coughing fit that follows leaves his throat feeling like it’s been nearly scraped raw. He clears his throat quietly, though that hurts, too. He takes another small sip of the water, though it goes down his throat with such difficulty he finds himself coughing again.
Two more days. He just has to make it through. He’ll grab a pack of cold and flu medication from the convenience store downstairs—the kind that’s supposed to smother all the symptoms—and then he’ll be good as new, he’s sure.
Yves shuts his eyes, turns to the side, and tries his best to get comfortable. He’ll be less disruptive if he’s asleep. It’s just getting there that’s the problem. He’s exhausted—that fact only seems to become more evident the longer he stays awake—but every time he finds himself drifting off, he’s jolted awake by another untimely sneeze which wrenches him back into consciousness.
In college, whenever he was up unreasonably late for some reason, Erika used to tell him to Stop worrying, Yves, I can hear you overthinking from the other side of the room. Ask anyone else and they’d say that Yves has his life reasonably put together—being the eldest of three does that to you. He’d spent his formative years growing up trying to be the sort of person Leon and Victoire could lean on—the kind of person impervious to the sorts of stressful situations he’d gotten regularly thrown into—and for the most part, it’d worked.
He’d learned, early on, that it is not really that difficult to keep things from people. He likes to think of himself as reliable, even if that means that whenever something does come up—something that feels frustrating and insurmountable—it doesn’t really hurt any less when he goes through it privately.
Erika had always been good at seeing through his bullshit. It was one of the things he liked about her—that he could lean on her if he needed to, without worrying that it’d take its toll on her. That she’d take a look at his problems, which always felt so all-consuming in the moment, and make them seem simple and solvable and almost trivial.
It’s hard not to miss her, now, when he’s alone in the dark, devoid of any and all distractions. Or maybe it wasn’t her. Maybe it was just having someone he didn’t have to hide from.
Yves wonders, faintly, what Vincent would’ve said if he were more honest with him. He and Vincent aren’t actually dating, but he thinks maybe Vincent would understand. He thinks that they’ve been getting along well, as of late—he might even consider them friends.
But then again, hasn’t Vincent agreed to do all of this—lying to Yves’s friends and family, falsifying their relationship, letting Yves drag him from one celebration to the next—because it’s easy? Because he is willing to tolerate going to a party, or a housewarming, or a wedding, where there are no strings attached, when after the night is over he can drop the act cleanly?
It’s a lie that they’re telling, but it’s a self contained one. The moment they step foot out of whatever event they’re attending, there’s nothing left to pretend. Yves can go back to living his own life, and Vincent can go back to living his. Would Vincent really have agreed to do any of this if that weren’t the case? 
It’s going to be fine, Erika would have said. Just breathe. She’s not around to tell him this, now, but he still tries.
The medicine will be enough to get him through today, and the day after. It has to be.
When Yves falls asleep, it’s the kind of restless sleep that sits somewhere in between unconsciousness and wakefulness. He dreams in fragments of scenes—him at Aimee and Genevieve’s wedding, the details hazy and illogical and unusually bright, the weddings he’d been to in the past all superimposed into one.
When he wakes up to the sound of his alarm, it’s to a pounding headache and what he’s certain must be a fever. He can’t seem to stop shivering. It’s already bright out—the curtains in the bedroom are pulled shut, but light streams in from the sliver of space between them.
He feels too cold and somehow entirely devoid of energy, though he doesn’t remember doing anything particularly tiring. Sitting up makes the throbbing pain in his head sharpen, so painfully that he has to grip the side of the couch to steady himself, blinking against the dizziness. If Aimee saw him right now, he thinks, she’d send him straight home—he’s in no state to attend a wedding, and he’s not sure if he’s in any state to pretend that’s not the case.
He breath hitches. He raises an arm to shield his face, habitually, even though there’s no one here to witness—
“hhEhh-’iZZSSHH’Iew!” The singular sneeze is, unfortunately, far from relieving. The tickle in his nose is irritatingly persistent, even when he reaches up to rub his nose, which is starting to run. “Hh-! hhEH-!! HEHh-’IDDZSCHh-yYew! hHEHH’iDDSCHh-iEWW!hhEhH-! H‘IIDzZCH-YIIIEEew! Ugh…” The sneezes scrape unpleasant against his already-sore throat, leaving him hunched over as he muffles cough after cough into his arm.
There’s a small packet of cold medicine on his bedside, along with an uncapped bottle of water, and Vincent is nowhere to be found. The medication is a relief. It’s strangely thoughtful—a part of him is a little worried that Vincent’s only gotten this for him out of a sense of obligation—but he’s grateful for it, nonetheless. 
It’s exactly what he needs. Surely if he takes something for this, his symptoms will be, at the very least, tolerable enough for him to function as usual.
He picks up the packet, squints down at the instructions. The text is inconveniently small, and he’s always been better at speaking French than he is at reading it, but he gets it eventually. It’s supposed to last six hours. If he times this right, he can take a dose that will last him until the end of the rehearsal dinner tonight, and then—if he’s not feeling better by tomorrow—take another before the wedding starts. 
It will be fine. He uncaps the bottle by the cabinet, downs two pills, squeezes his eyes shut, and sits there for a minute, forces himself to breathe, waits for the uncomfortable pressure in his temples to subside.
Then he shoots off a quick text—
Y: thanks for the cold meds :)
Y: sorry i essentially left you with some strangers (again)
Y: this seems to be a theme for me huh
Vincent texts him back just a few minutes later:
V: No problem. I hope you feel better soon
V: Leon and Victoire invited me out for lunch
Yves blinks. That’s a little surprising. But come to think about it, Vincent’s plans with Genevieve’s friends aren’t until dinner time, so it makes sense that he’s out doing something else.
His second thought is: he is definitely in for an earful from both Leon and Victoire.
Y: jealous! have fun! 
His phone buzzes not long later with Vincent’s response.
V: I considered waking you, but I figured you could use the sleep
V: Do you want me to bring anything back?
Sure enough, when he checks his unread texts, Leon has texted him, are u alive????? And then, a few minutes later, ur sick? dude worst fucking timing ever 😦, to which Yves types back, thanks for your glowing reassurance
Victoire has sent him, vincent told me you’re sick :((( and, feel better soon (preferably before 3pm tomorrow!!), to which Yves says, thanks, fwding this to my body. hope it gets the message ✌️
Then he sends back to Vincent:
Y: i’m good, but thanks for asking! enjoy lunch 
Vincent doesn’t say anything, to that, which means that he’s probably busy. Yves makes a note to thank him in person later. And again, much later—when all of this is over.
He just has to get the next day and a half to go according to plan.
The wedding rehearsal is mercifully uneventful. They walk twice through the processional, and then twice through the recessional. Yves picks a seat near one of the back rows, shivers through thirty minutes of run throughs, and tries to cough as discreetly as he can. He stifles every sneeze into a vague approximation of silence—he’s never been good at stifling—and does his best to ignore the mounting congestion in his sinuses, the persistent ache behind his temples.
It's easy enough to ignore all of those things in his excitement. He’s happy to be back—here, in France, surrounded by his whole extended family A part of this still feels unreal to him. He’s really here, in a place that feels familiar and simultaneously so novel, to watch someone who’s influenced him so fundamentally get married. 
They’re all dressed for the spring weather. For the wedding rehearsal, Yves picked out a gray blazer over a dress shirt, chinos, and dress shoes. It’s not quite as formal as what he’s planning to wear tomorrow—the shoes are the only item he’s planning to rewear—but he finds himself distinctly grateful for the blazer jacket when the wind threads through the trees, knocking his tie slightly out of alignment.
It’s not unusually cold out—this would probably be considered temperate weather here, in March—but the wind is cold enough to offset the otherwise agreeable temperature.
The cold medicine helps, too—it keeps him feeling well enough to stay upright, which is already an accomplishment. He’s congested—his sinuses hurt a little, like everything’s a little waterlogged—but at least he isn’t sneezing as much as he was last night. His head still feels heavy, but the pain is a little duller, a little more muted; he’s tired, but he thinks right now he could stay awake on pure adrenaline alone.
“Dude, you sound awful,” Leon says, after the rehearsal ends.
“Thadks,” Yves says, muffling a fit of coughs into his elbow. “You always kdow just how to flatter me.”
Leon looks him over with a frown. “Are you sure you’re good for tomorrow?”
Yves doesn’t know. “Let’s hope so,” he says. “I don’t have any contingedcy plans for if I’m not.”
“I’m sure Aimee would understand if you told her.”
“I’m sure she would.” Yves looks over to where Aimee’s standing—she’s in the middle of a conversation with Yves’s parents and some of the adults on Genevieve’s side of the family. He’s too far to make out what she’s talking about, but she looks happy—she’s gesturing animatedly, her eyes bright. Every so often, he sees her flash a smile at Genevieve, as if to make sure Genevieve is following along.
Leon seems to understand that Yves has no intention of telling either of them, because he sighs. Yves changes the subject before he can say anything. “How was ludch with Vincent?”
“I like him,” Leon says, brightening at the question. “He’s surprisingly pretty funny. I hope you guys stay together.”
“Just because he’s funny?”
“That certainly doesn’t hurt,” Leon says, grinning. “But you work with him, right? If he’s a nice person while he’s looking at like, tax forms, or whatever, he’s probably a great person when he’s doing anything else.”
“Yves! Leon!” someone waves them over. When Yves turns, he sees it’s Roy, one of his younger cousins from his dad’s side of the family. “Pictures!”
“Coming,” Leon shouts back. 
Yves has no idea why there are pictures happening today when the wedding is tomorrow, but he fixes his tie hastily and heads over to join them both.
When dinner rolls around, Yves finds he has no appetite, but he eats what he can and spends the rest of the time making conversation with some of his aunts and uncles. He’s always found this kind of small talk to be more enjoyable than it is tedious. They ask about his job, about his workload, about life in the states, about his parents, about Vincent—all things that he knows intimately, and has no problem speaking on. He thinks that speaking in French makes him a little more deliberate with his answers, partially because he has to spend some time formulating the sentences when they get more complicated, and he likes that, too. It has all the camaraderie of a family gathering—warm and crowded, welcoming, a little chaotic.
He finds Genevieve after dinner, sitting out on the steps.
“Hey,” he says, in French. She looks up, and he motions to the steps beside her. “Do you want some time alone before you get swamped with codgratulations tomorrow, or can I crash your alone time early?”
She smiles up at him. “You can sit here,” she says.
He takes a seat on the steps—a few feet away from her, because he doesn’t want to risk passing whatever he has onto her. He doesn’t know Genevieve very well. He knows her best through Aimee—through the stories Aimee has told about her, through the way Aimee’s entire disposition seems to change around her—but he’s exchanged very few words with her outside of that, all over the summer during their yearly family reunions in France. His extended family is large enough and the family reunions hectic enough that he can probably count the number of conversations he’s had with her in person on one hand.
“So,” he says. “How are you feelidg before the big day?”
“Do you want the good answer, or the honest answer?”
“The honest one,” Yves says. “hit me with it.”
For a moment, Genevieve doesn’t say anything. Yves zips his jacket up a little higher, just to have something to do. Genevieve pulls her legs in towards her chest.
“I’m terrified,” she says.
“You think somethidg might go wrong?” Yves asks, surprised. “You guys have planned this all out so thoroughly.”
“It’s not that,” she says. “It’s more like—this is probably going to be one of the most important things I’ve ever done,” she says. “You know, when something is really important to you, so it’s just that much more crucial that you don’t mess it up?”
“You’re the bride,” Yves says, clearing his throat. “I don’t think you can mess up. Unless you like, hheh-! hHheh… HEH’IIDZschH-YIEEW! snf-! Unless you get cold feet and say no when you’re supposed to be saying your vows. I wod’t forgive you if you do that, by the way.”
She laughs. “God, no. I’d never do that. It’s just—there’s all this perceived… I don’t know. Like, fragility around the moment. Like you’re just waiting for the moment to crystallize, and once it sets, it will be like that forever, so you have to make sure that it crystallizes right.”
“I’m guessing you’re ndot a fan of, like, pottery,” Yves says. He tries thinking about what other kinds of art carry the same lack of tolerance for backwards revision. “Or sculpting.”
“I haven’t tried either of those things,” she says. “Though I would probably be bad at them.”
Yves looks off into the distance, towards the countryside, the rows of verdant green hills which unfurl before them, the white cobblestone paths, the houses lining the winding roads all the way to the horizon.
“I think you don’t have to be so concerned about what it’s supposed to be,” he says. “You can give yourself permission to just—live it. Enjoy it, free of expectations. Who cares what you think about it after, right,” he says. “You’ll have a ring on your left hand. That’s good enough to offset any—well, awkwardness, or clumsiness, or anything, because as the bride, you are sort of incapable of doing anything wrong, by default.”
“I guess,” Genevieve says.
“It’d be a disservice to Aimee if you spent the wedding worrying about how to get things right idstead of like, just living,” Yves says, turning to face her. “What’s the worst that could happen? Like, you spill your drink during the wedding toast, or your mascara smears a little, or you trip on your wedding gown and you have to be helped up by the woman you love most? I think that almost makes it more romantic,” he says. “Because however the moment crystallizes, it’ll be you.”
“Did you learn all of this through pottery and sculpting?” Genevieve asks, wiping at her eyes. She looks a little better than before—she’s sitting up straighter, and the tension in her shoulders is less pronounced.
Yves grins at her. “I have a younger brother and a younger sister,” he says. He clears his throat again, though it doesn’t really do a good job at making his voice sound less hoarse. “It’s exactly as bad as you think it is. I have to be the one to talk them out of their stage fright like, all the time.”
Genevieve laughs. “It must be lively,” she says. “Your whole family is very accommodating.”
“They’re certaidly a handful,” Yves says, with a laugh that tapers off into a short cough. “I love them to death. And I’ll be happy to have you as part of them.”
She smiles at him. The evening light strikes the windblown strands of her hair gold. “Thanks for this.”
“Yeah,” he says. “No problem.”
They sit for awhile in silence. Yves crosses his arms in an attempt to conserve warmth and tries his best not to shiver too visibly.
“How did you kdow it was her?” he asks—a sudden, impulsive question.
As soon as he says it, he feels the urge to take it back. Genevieve is already stressed out enough about the wedding without him asking her difficult, abstract questions the day before the ceremony. He opens his mouth to apologize.
“There was never any doubt,” she says.
When he looks over at her, her expression looks a little wistful.
“Like, one day I woke up and I realized that whatever future I imagined for myself—in Marseille, or elsewhere; as a copywriter, or a journalist, or a director, or something entirely different—she would always be there.” Yves understands that—back when he’d been dating Erika, he’d felt like that too. That she was going to be the last person he’d ever date. That there was no conceivable future for him that didn’t involve her.
“Those kinds of revelations would come at the most insignificant of times,” Genevieve says. “I’d look over her halfway through morning coffee, or I’d watch her pick groceries from the aisle, or I’d watch her fiddle with the radio as she drove, and then it would strike me.”
“That you wanted to be with her?”
“That I was happy.” Genevieve tilts her head back to face the setting sun. “I’m really happy. It sounds like such a simple thing, and it is, but even a few years ago I’m not sure if I could’ve told you that that was true. And I think that finding someone who makes you feel that way—like they’d guard your happiness under any circumstance—is really something special.”
“You were the one who proposed to her,” he says. He remembers Aimee texting him about it, the night after it’d happened, remembers how he’d excused himself from dinner somewhere or other, ducked out of the room to get on call with her. She’d sobbed recounting it, the engagement ring on her finger.
“I was,” Genevieve says. She smiles. “I knew that if I gave up this chance I’d be kicking myself for it for the rest of my life.”
When he gets back from dinner at last, it’s late.
The cold/flu medicine he took from earlier is starting to wear off. His whole body aches—spending the evening outside in the cold probably didn’t help with that—and even in the relative warmth of the hotel room, he finds that he can’t stop himself from shivering.
He takes a hot shower, which feels pleasantly indulgent in the moment, but not long after he shuts off the water, he finds himself shivering again. The absence of the hot water makes him a little dizzy—he finds himself gripping the tiled wall, pausing for a moment behind the shower curtain to catch his balance.
His head really hurts. It’s the kind of sharp, throbbing pain that makes him all too aware of his heartbeat. He gets changed, towels his hair dry, and steps out of the bathroom.
Vincent is sitting on the bed, reading something. He must’ve gotten back at some point while Yves was showering. At the sound of the door, he puts the book down and looks up.
“How was the wedding rehearsal?” he asks.
“Great,” Yves says. He clears his throat, but clearing his throat irritates his throat enough that he has to muffle a few coughs into his elbow. “How was dinner with Genevieve’s friends?”
“They were very nice,” Vincent says.
“Ndicer than my friends in New York?”
“I felt less like I was being evaluated,” Vincent says, with a smile. “But if they were to express their disapproval of me in French, I would be none the wiser.”
Yves laughs. “I’mb sure that even if you learned the ladguage in full, you wouldn’t hear any disapproval from them.” He takes a seat on the couch, if only because he can’t quite trust his legs to keep him upright for the entire course of the conversation. “What did you guys talk about?”
“Lots of things. Life in France,” he says. “Life in the states. Individual freedom and the formal institution of marriage.”
“Do you believe in mbarriage?”
Vincent looks at him. “I think I believe in it just as much as everyone else does,” he says. Then, after a moment: “It worked out for my parents.”
“The busidess competition proved to be a good edough reason?”
Vincent traces a finger down the spine of the book, over the gold lettering. His shoulders settle. “They weren’t in love when they got married,” he says. Hearing him state it so plainly comes as a surprise to Yves. “Strictly speaking, I’m not sure if they ever were in love. But I think they came to love each other eventually.”
“What about you?” Yves asks. “Do you think you’ll fall in love someday?”
“Is that really something I’d choose?” Vincent says. “It either happens or it doesn’t.”
“Sure, but there are plenty of ways you can seek out love actively.” 
“If I found something worth pursuing, I’d go after it,” Vincent says.
Yves laughs. “That’s very like you.” he wonders what kind of person Vincent might be drawn to enough to see as worth pursuing. Wonders if, after all of this is over, he’ll even be in Vincent’s life for long enough to know.
His head hurts. The slight prickle of irritation in his sinuses is already tiringly familiar.
“hHEh… HeHh’IIDZSCH-yyiEW!” The sneeze snaps him forward at the waist, messy and spraying. He reaches for the tissue box Vincent left him this morning, still nestled into the crook of the couch, and grabs a generous handful of tissues. “Hh… hehh-HEh-HhehHh’IIzSSCH-iEEw! Hh…. HEHh’DJSCCHh-IEew!”
The sneezes leave him coughing, afterwards. His throat feels raw and tender—he raises the tissues back up to his face to blow his nose.
“You sound worse than you did last night,” Vincent says, with a frown.
Yves opens his mouth to speak, but he finds himself coughing again. He can feel Vincent’s eyes on him. It’s embarrassing, he thinks, to be seen when he’s like this by someone who’s usually so well put together. “I’b a little prone to losidg my voice when I’m sick,” he admits. “It’s pretty incodvedient.”
“I’m probably not making it any better by talking to you,” Vincent says. That might be true—Yves is half sure that any time he does lose his voice, it’s because he typically makes no effort to converse any less than usual—but Yves likes talking to Vincent. Besides, they haven’t talked all day. 
He opens his mouth to say as much, but then Vincent asks: “How are you feeling?”
“Good as new,” Yves says. When Vincent raises an eyebrow, at that, he amends: “Good enough for tomorrow, at least. The ceremony doesn’t start until three, but I’ll probably be up earlier to see if there’s anything else Aimee and Genevieve ndeed help with.”
Vincent’s eyebrows furrow. “If anything comes up, I can help.”
“It’s fine,” Yves says. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You don’t have to ask. I’m offering.”
“I can handle it on my own. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I— hHHEh’IDJZSCHh-yyEW! snf-! I’mb really fine. I swear.”
“I’ve done this before,” he insists, which is true, too—he’s certainly been through worse. It would be wrong to put himself first, to take things easy when he might be needed still. “It doesn’t have to be your problem.”
For a moment, there’s something there, to Vincent’s expression—a flash of something that looks suspiciously close to hurt. Then it’s gone. When he blinks, Vincent’s expression is carefully neutral, as usual. He wonders if he’d imagined it.
“Okay,” he says. He sets the book gingerly on the bedside counter, and pulls the cord on the lamp. Darkness engulfs the bedroom. “You should sleep soon, if you’re able to.” A pause. The rustling of sheets. “Goodnight.” Yves wants to say something. He has a feeling that he’s messed things up, somehow, though he’s not entirely sure how. 
But what can he say? He just—he just wants, desperately, for all of this to be okay. He wants the wedding to go just as planned, wants to be as present and as reliable as Aimee deserves for him to be. All of that responsibility falls on him and him alone, doesn’t it? 
“Goodnight,” Yves says, instead.
[ Part 4 ]
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danthepillerman · 1 month
this is a dumb toji x nanami smut fic cause i made a joke and now im just running with it!!
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tw: nsfw and alcohol 😱😱
its another day in the Shoko Ieiri household, she had a few people over. Those people being Nanami Kento, Megumi Fushiguro, Ryomen Sukuna, and Toji Fushiguro. two of them gouging themselves on shokos supply of beer while she drank wine.
Nanami and Toji were the two drunks, Tojis arm slung over Nanamis “hey new buddy!! pass me a beer” his voice slurred and deep as ever. Nanamis eyes look at Toji then at the case of beer. The blonde smirks and grabs a beer tossing it at Toji, “yeah here buddy.” Its clear to anyone in the room Nanami saw Toji as anything but a drunk.
The two continued to drink finishing the case and pouting about it. “Dudeee no fucking way theres no more” Toji grumbled to Nanami. The blonde hums “i can drive us to the store- trust im a GREAT driver when drunk” a drunken grin plastered on his face.
The two stumbled out shokos house, the woman walking out with a raised brow “i can drive you two, you do know that right?” She was obviously less drunk than Toji AND Nanami combined. Toji groans “dont be a buzzkillll me and kenny will go” a grin on his scared lips “no im serious ill drive you” she says one more time before the two drunk men duck into the car. “GO GO GO!!” Toji shouts and as he does nanami STEPS on it. The two stay mostly quiet with a but if small talk from Toji about the music he was playing.
Toji never realized but Nanami was pretty damn attractive, the street lights shining onto him as he drove. One hand tightly on the wheel the other propping his head up. The car swerved here and there but other than that nothing major. The two get to the store, parking HORRIBLY as they do so. “Hey dude youre a great parker” Tojis voice full of playfulness. The other male laughs “yeah id expect to be so, ive been doing this for yearsss” arrogance laced his usual monotone self. Nanamis eyes wander Tojis body. He was kinda hot..?
“So are we paying or not?” Toji was use to not paying for half his drinks- either some pretty girl with prettier money bought it for him or he just walked into a store and ran out. Thats just the type of dude hes become. Nanami thinks for a second and pats his hip “oh shit- i didnt even bring my wallet.. ehh its fine we can just steal. Ill distract and you get the beer” never in a million yeard would The Nanami Kento expect himself to be stealing beers with a ‘homeless guy’ (he called Toji this earlier in a groupchat)
Nanami walked to the register two apples in his hands “lovely night no? How you doin” a kind smile on his face. The cashier looked tired and already annoyed “yeah..great night- HEY!!” The cashier shouts when toji runs out with a 24 pack of beer and two apple (silly little add on) the two men run out grins on both their faces. Nanami gets into the drivers seat and bolts out. “Hey want one?” Toji says holding up a beer after grabbing his own, his green eyes wander over nanami, his strong arms, his beautifully chiseled face, his tired eyes. Everything about Nanami made Tojis heart race.
Nanami looks over taking a bite from his apple then tossing it into the backseat “yeah sure, open it for me” Toji nods and cracks it open handing it to Nanami while he drank his own. As the blonde swerved the streets he couldnt help but even ask where they were going, before he could get a word out Toji spoke up “lets go to my apartment, we can drink there and not bother shoko.. she might be a little mad i stole 1000 yen from her wallet” the green eyed man sighs, a laugh erupted from nanami, his chest bouncing with the laugh. “Sure man, where is it?” Nanami turned to Toji, finishing his beer and tossing it into the back with the apple.
Toji pulls out his phone that was definitely NOT stolen. He types in his address and shows Nanami, the blonde hums “easy, lets go” he speeds up, petal to the fucking metal man. All Toji could do was laugh. Nanami never really drank with other people, this was new to him. Drinking with anyone but work buddies. In all honesty he was having fun. Nanami reaches over grabbing another beer and driving the two of them to Tojis little one bedroom apartment.
Once at the apartment the two crash onto the couch, drinking another five beers. “Dude these feel so easy to drink now adays, like usually theres a weird taste to em” Toji said his arm slung over the couch and his head tilted up, Nanami hums nodding along with what the black haired man said “yeah i think thats just the alcoholism though” Tojis laughs at that. He sits up and looks at Nanami, his eyes falling onto his lips. “Wanna make out?”
What a way to go straight to the point huh? Toji was surprised by it himself, laughing it off “nah im joking thats gay.” His eyes dart away. Nanami laugh along with him “fuck it? Why not” he shrugs a smirk on his face. Toji looks back a bit surprised “seriously?” Nanami nods at the question and gets in closer to the other man, his hand grabbing Tojis chin. He leans forward and crashes his lips onto Nanamis. Tojis hand pulling him closer by the back of the head.
Nanamis hands grab onto Tojis neck kissing him deeply, Tojis tounge darts out from his scarred lip gently tracing over the blondes bottom lip. Once the other mans lips part and pushes his tongue into Nanamis mouth, his hands gripping at the suit wearing mans hips. Holding him tightly. Toji was in heaven, and he needed Nanami to know. “Fuck kento, you taste like heaven” his voice full of lust and need. Desire ran through both their bodies as their tongues intertwined.
Nanami groaned at his words, his cock stiffening in his trousers. Toji was just as hard just less noticeable from his sweats. The black haired man pushed the other down onto the couch his rough hands unbuttoned Nanamis shirt. Once it was off his hands wander all over the males body. Tojis lips trail down, biting Nanamis neck roughly, his jaw, his shoulders, his neck, all of it Toji wanted to claim it as his. He bit harder onto Nanamis neck, the blondes lips parting with a gasp escaping his drunken lips.
“Hey, kenny, you alright with me marking you up?” It mightve been too late to ask but Toji still had some decency. Nanami nods “hell yeah, i dont mind” and with that last bit of words Toji began to bit and suck at nanamis chest.
His lips wrap around the blondes chest, right above his nipple. Tojis teeth sink into his porcelain skin sucking at it and leaving a red mark, his tongue smoothing over the redden surface. “Na-haaa.. mmm” Nanami moaned, gently gripping at Tojis hair. His hips grind his Tojis thigh, he needed some sort of friction, anything, everything, all of it. Thats what Nanami wanted.
Toji grins when he feels Nanami grind into him, so he does something he think would help the other male. He cups Nanamis bulge into his hand, palming at Nanamis cock through his pants. “Oh fuck- oohh” Nanamis hand grabs onto the other males wrist, his hips moving to grind into his palm. The way Toji pressed onto his bulge made his even harder. Honestly he didnt mind making a mess of his pants if it was Toji who made him to it.
Tojis eyes were on Nanamis beautifully contorted face. He lives how his brown eyes shut tightly, how pretty Nanami looked when he moaned. “Aye, ken, can i take these off you?” Tojis voice slurring as he tugged onto Nanamis pants. The blonde nods “yeah.. take em off” he was already so out of breath from something as small as being palmed, maybe it was the alcohol.
The two ripped their clothes off Tojis lips crashing back onto Nanamis once they were completely naked. Tojis hand gripped and squeezed at Nanamis ass. (gay as hell but tojis an ass guy.) Kento moaned into the kiss, his cock twitching and bumping Tojis in the process. This didnt go unnoticed from the other male, his hand reached down grabbing both their cock into one hand.
“Shit your- youre leaking so much pre..” Toji was honestly in awe about how much precum was trickling from Nanamis soft pink tip. “Oh shut u-up.. thats not alot..” he responded to toji, his cock twitching like crazy. They were both around the same size, Tojis having a bit more girth to it while Nanamis has length. “Nah kenny thats a lot” Tojis said, teasing nanami for being more excited than he was. His rough thumb pressing onto Nanamis tip, swiping up the precum and licking it. “fuck…” Nanami flushed more at Tojis actions. He bit down onto his Tojis shoulder once the males hand started stroking both their cocks with one hand.
Nanamis bites down harder causing Toji to squeeze their cocks and moan out a curse. “Fuck, fuck ken nit so ha-hard” his voice rougher than normal. His hand continued to lump their cocks. “Ken, look at me” Toji mumbled, it was hard to talk when youre trying not to moan or whine, but Nanami listens letting go of his shoulder and looking at Toji.
Tojis hand lets ho of their cocks and reaches up, his thumb caressing Nanamis bottom lip before pushing past his lips and teeth pressing onto his tongue. All that mattered in this moment was them, and their drunken passion for eachother. Toji kisses Nanami again sucking and biting at the blondes lip. Toji pulls away after what felt like hours, both their lips swollen. “Go to my room. Its the first one on the left” Toji reluctantly pulls away and lets Nanami stumble his naked ass up the stairs and onto his bed, Toji gets up from the couch and grabs a box from his bathroom closet.
Toji never really had people over and the few times he did have someone over that he planned to fuck into next year, they always wanted him raw. But he still had a pack of condoms just in case. He made his way to his room and saw Nanami on his bed, face deep into Tojis pillow sniffing his scent, every few seconds his hips would move. That damn freak. “Aye im back” Tojis said with a grin, Nanami shot up and composed himself “wait i have to get it in the ass??” Nanamis words slurred together, it honestly barely made sense. “Uhh duh, my condoms”
What felt like forever of them arguing whos getting it in the ass finally cane to an end once Nanami shouted a finale “Fine!” with a huff. Toji had the condom snug around his fat cock. “Look at you, ass up and ready to be fucked.” Under any other circumstances Nanami wouldve drop kicked the person and stomped their lights out, but this? This was TOJI. And Toji was too sexy to resist.
Slowly the black hair man pressed his cock to Nanamis ass, gently pushing inside of him. The blonde gasps and grips the sheets. “Fu-fuck youre tight.. so fucking tight” Toji groaned, he waited a few more seconds before pulling back then slamming back in. Moan after sweet delicious fucking moan left Nanamis lips. All Toji could think about was how good Nanami felt around his cock. Hes never had sex with a guy but fuck was he happy he was doing it with Nanami, who seemed to be an ass virgin.
Tojis hips didnt slow, not for a single second. He pounded Nanamis ass in a fast and rough pace, he didnt wanna stop. Nanami hated how his eyes were watering from this but he loved how it felt, how his body was in a frenzy, how he couldnt stop moaning. His precum dripping onto the bed with every thrust Toji sent his way. Tojis head was spinning, his hand gently smacking Nanamis ass. In Toji’s opinionhe had a pretty nice ass, it jiggles with every slap, it was smooth, it was cute. He loved it and never wanted to leave it.
They didnt stop for a good hour or so going a few rounds switching out condoms, but when they did boy-o-boy were they exhausted. On the last round Nanami insisted no condom, swearing he was ready to take it raw. His hole was pretty lubed up but Toji still prepped him with his fingers. Once he deemed him ready Toji hovered over Nanami pressing a deep kiss to his lips while pushing his cock inside of him. His hips moved frantically, all rhythm thrown out the window like a steaming hot honey bun at a homeless man. Toji was started to get more vocal, moaning into the blondes lips, small things like “tight..so fucking tight” and “fuck yes, fuck yes” Toji was in heaven with Nanami and he never wanted to leave. With one fínale thrust Toji came inside Nanami.
The two stayed like that for a second before Toji pulled out and grabbed a wipe from his nightstand. He gently cleaned his cock then grabbed another wipe to clean Nanamis. He tossed those into the trash can and getting one last wipe to clean up any cum on Nanamis ass or thighs. Once tossed he laid down and looked at Nanami “maybe next time you can dom” Toji said with a drunk sleepy grin.
Nanami chuckled and nodded “yeah..” his brown eyes fluttered shut leaving Toji to gaze at him. He felt so much in that moment. But before he went to sleep he leaned in and kisses Nanamis lips, pulling away a second later and getting comfortable on his bed.
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river13245 · 9 months
Say Don't Go Pt 2
Navigation / Masterlist
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Summary : After Joel utterly broke you. How were you going to mend the pieces back up? You shut yourself out from the world and basically stayed in your home for months on end. Who is able to bring you out of your hibernation and back into the light. And how do you begin to fall in love with someone again.
It has been months since you had spoken to anyone, or even seen anyone. How many months...you weren't sure exactly. Just that the season had changed from fall to snow and now its beginning to warm up and turn into spring.
Spring and winter were your two favorite seasons. Summer was nice too just can become way to hot and you were a sweater person. Usually you would be out enjoying the weather and hanging with friends but you couldn't even go out. The only times you went out was to the store and straight back home.
You knew your friends were beginning to be worried even when you texted them like once every two months that you were very much alive. Just feeling to much to actually get up and pretend. It was too much.
Today however it had been a bit easier to get up and get a cup of tea. So you were standing by the counter with the tea in the kettle waiting for it to warm up when there was a knock on the door. You only questioned for a second who it was until it started opening up.
Heavy footsteps were heard, not Joel heavy but boot heavy and so you knew that it was Tommy who was the visitor. "y/n" He says in the living room as he takes off his shoes. "I'm in the kitchen"
His footsteps were lighter now that his boots were off and when he sees you he takes in your appearance. You were in one of your baggier hoodies with shorts on and your hair was messy and you looked tired.
Tommy walks over to you and places a hand on your arm lightly. "how about you go sit down on the couch and turn on a movie. Ill make you breakfast and bring it to you" you nod. "ill clean up after. Thank you" your hand rests against his arm lightly before you walk over to the couch and you turn on "the wedding date" which is one of your absolute favorites.
As soon as you turn it on and the music plays Tommy laughs and shakes his head. The two of you have been friends for many years and he would know this movie by heart. "Wedding date really?" he says in a teasing tone causing you to smirk and laugh softly. "you know you love this movie too"
He didn't respond because he knew that you were speaking the truth. Ever since you shown this too him all those years ago it became one of his favorites.
As you watched the movie he made your favorite breakfast and put it on this tray and put your tea on it too and then carefully walked it over to you and placed it on your lap. "thank you Timmy" you tease and he rolls his eyes at the name.
The first time the both of you ever met you had been told his name was Timmy so you called him that for about a week until someone told you and when you apologized to him mortified he just laughed and said it was okay. So that's where the joke came from.
He sits down beside you and gets comfortable. The both of you watch the movie and soon enough you finish your food and set the tray onto your table and sip on the tea. Sometime during the movie you gravitated towards Tommy and your head rests on his shoulder. his arm instinctively wraps around you lightly.
there's a comfortable silence between the two of you until the end of the movie and you go and pick the dishes up. He beats you too it and shakes his head. "I've got this, you however need to get ready. We are going out today" You look at him and go to complain but he gives you a look. "I'm not letting you stay cooped up in here one moment longer. We are going out, Ellie and Dina will be there too"
This shut you up because you did miss those two girls and so you walk into the bathroom and take a shower. You do your whole routine and let yourself relax and then when you finally get out you walk into your room and end up putting on a dark forest green shirt and black pants along with your black light jacket since there is a breeze outside. Then you do your hair and then when you look into the mirror for the last time you look better than you had in months. You have worked out over this period of time because you just needed something to do so you are more toned now.
When you walk back into the living room your kitchen is cleaned up and so is your living room and there is Tommy leaning against the wall on his phone. When he hears your footsteps he looks over at you and his eyes raise slightly. "You look really good" this causes you to laugh because his voice is softer than you've ever heard it and so you walk up to him and place your hand on his arm. "thank you"
He walks you to his car and then the both of you go to his place. Ellie's car is parked in the long driveway and so when the both of you walk into his home there Dina and Ellie are. Dina walks up and pulls you into a hug causing you to freeze momentarily before smiling and hugging her back.
Ellie takes a quick photo while Tommy looks at the both of you hugging as he smiles. Then when the both of you pull away she speaks "How are you doing? Are you alright?" Ellie comes up and gives her a look and she stops the questioning.
You look at her and smile "I think I'm feeling a little better since Tommy came. Maybe I did need to get out of my own home" She smiles and then Ellie pulls you into a hug and you hold her close for a moment before she pulls away and gives you a look "you look terrible. Have you not been sleeping"
A sigh escapes you and shake your head "not really but I'm fine. Ill sleep tonight" You were going to say something else but then Tommy walked in with a dog beside him and your eyes go wide. "oh my god when did you get a dog?!"
He looks at you and shrugs "I didn't. You did. Its yours, I know you have wanted one" The dog runs up to you and you kneel down for it to jump up and lick your face. You say some cute things to it as you pet it. "im naming you Dug"
This caused a laughter to go throughout the room and Ellie to ask "did you seriously just name your dog after the one from UP" When you look over at her you nod "yes I did"
Ellie and Dina joined you and pet the dog and you guys just sit down and play with the dog for a while. Tommy had taken a moment to just look at you. You were smiling as you and the dog played. He felt something ache in his chest for just a moment as he looked at you but he was quick to walk into the kitchen.
Eventually you all go to the living room. You order take out food and just talk. Tommy talks about the job and some things that have happened and the girls tell you about literally everything. Telling you stories about people and their own personal lives.
It was a great day and you missed these people but eventually the sun was beginning to go down and so Ellie and Dina both said their goodbyes leaving you and Tommy on the couch. You had been fighting sleep for almost an hour now and so once the door shuts Tommy taps your arm. "come on. You can take my bed its getting late and you need sleep"
You only yawn in response and were too tired to argue so you walk into his bedroom and flop face first into the mattress. Tommy rolls his eyes and hits you with a pillow. "come on get under the covers before you wake up complaining in the middle of the night"
To his words you flip him off and move. You cover yourself up and then scoot over in the bed. "look you are not sleeping on the couch. As much as I love you I do not want to hear you complaining about how your back hurts in the morning. Just lay here with me. Not like it would be the first time we have been in the same bed
He seems to think about his options before getting into bed with you. It doesn't take long for the both of you to get comfortable and to fall asleep holding each other. Lets just say its the best sleep you have gotten in a long time.
A few months go by and you have been practically living at Tommy's place. Your routine consisted of waking up and having your breakfast either inside watching a movie or taking it outside and enjoying the sunshine. Once you were finished you would work out and then get ready for the day.
Sometimes Tommy would come over and hang out for a bit before going to work or you would go over there. Dug has grown more attached to you. Everywhere you sat he was by your feet, everywhere you went he was by your side. It wasn't annoying because you knew he was doing it to keep you safe. As if he knew that you needed him.
Dug would come with you too Tommy's. The two of them were buddies too. The only time Dug would leave you was to go to him. That dog saved you in many ways. He motivated you to get up out of bed every morning, take him on walks, got you out of the house. He was wonderful and you couldn't thank Tommy enough for giving you him.
However over the past few months feelings had been blossoming between you and Tommy. You had felt something for him for about a month now. Hell you might have felt something for him all those years ago but here they were again, and you didn't have any idea if he felt the same for you.
But he did
Tommy had always felt something for you. When the two of you met he was married and he stayed loyal to her. His feelings for you were so deeply buried that he hadn't known they were there.
The moment he began to feel something for you again was when he saw you with Ellie. Ellie was a young teenager and was struggling still to get accustomed so you showed her the in and outs of the town you lived in. You showed her your garden, your library and many other places. However you saved best for last. Your music collection.
That's one thing the two of you had in common was your love for music. The both of you bonded over that and when you had walked her back to Joel and Tommy the both of you were laughing about something and just the sound of your laughter had him wanting you.
He promised himself he would wait for you. In fact he thought it would be the hardest thing in the world...but it wasn't. It was painful yes. To watch the person that he loves caught up with Joel and his foolishness was painful. It wasn't because he was jealous it was because he knew how this would affect you. And just as he feared...it happened and then you distanced yourself from everyone.
Ellie and practically everyone else could see how he felt for you. Everyone except you. and over the course of these past few months there had been certain times where he was sure he couldn't love you more.
These times being when you and Dug met. You were so gentle with each other. And your laughter. Then there was when you were reading a book with tears in your eyes and when he had asked what happened you said "he confessed his love for her. Its beautiful", Next was when you all went out for drinks and someone had started karaoke. You sang to a Queen song and brought Ellie on stage with you. You were laughing and dancing with Ellie and smiling.
You have done a lot of smiling the past few months and he could see just how much joy just radiates from you when you are happy. Its contagious, everyone around you cant help but be a little happier.
Something else that's been happening the past few months is that you have been sleeping like a baby. When you were at home you slept with soft music playing and didn't wake up till the sun rose. And on nights when you slept over at Tommy's the both of you would hold each other and sleep in late. and in doing so you looked the best you ever had.
Then this brings you to now its been about a year since that day Tommy had made you get our of your house instead of moping around and you were getting ready. It was now fall so you could wear your sweaters now without looking like a crazy person.
You put on your light brown sweater and some comfortable pants. Then you walk downstairs and Dug is already sitting by the door as you get your shoes on. Once your shoes are on you grab your wallet and phone putting them in your pocket before opening the door.
Dug had never needed a leash. He had always stayed by your side unless you specifically told him he can roam around freely. So now as you take him to the park that's around your home you bend down to pet him. "Okay buddy we can play for a bit okay but I would like to get some reading in" he wagged his tail in response and so you get out his ball and throw it. Dug takes off after it while you sit down on the bench.
Pulling out your book you open it and begin to read. You expected to only get a page in before he came back with the ball but when you see him dart in the other direction you look and when he reaches a person its none other than Tommy.
Tommy looks over at you and your eyes meet as he waves before throwing the ball again. As Dug goes after it again he walks over to you and sits beside you. "thought I might find the both of you here" you look up at him "am i really that predictable Timmy"
The both of you laugh softly before he asks what book your reading. "I'm reading Pride and Prejudice. I'm trying to finish it before the week is over" he nods and listens to you. "I remember watching that movie years ago. The love interest was kind of a dick to her right?"
This causes you to nod "Well yes you are correct BUT he ends up apologizing. He didn't realize the harshness of his words and he ends up changing up his act for the better and the two of them fall in love. Its sweet really" He looks at you as you speak and a soft smile forms on his lips. "What's sweet. The fact that he loved her enough to change himself. For the better and for her to be happy too?"
You meet his eyes and nod "exactly. To be loved is to be changed..is what I like to say" Tommy nods and then looks into your eyes. Its the kind of look that seems as if he could look straight into your soul and see every bit of you. "I agree with that. Loving someone will change you in the best way possible."
At his words and his gaze you could feel how your heart was beating. "are you speaking from experience?" you knew that your voice was wavering but you couldn't care especially when his response was "oh definitely. Cant you see just how much you have changed me"
You were at a loss for words so you instead bring your hand up to the side of his face. Rubbing your thumb across his cheek and jaw you pull him into a kiss. The kiss is soft and gentle so when you pull away you can speak. "cant you see how you have changed me? I mean take a real good look at me Miller"
He places his hands on your sides and smiles "oh hun I always take a good look at you. You are my heaven on earth"
Now Tommy has never been a very religious man especially after the out break but when those words escaped his mouth you couldn't help but kiss him once more. And the only reason you pulled away as soon as you did was because Dug had placed his head on your lap along with his slobbery ball.
This was your family, along with Dina and Ellie. This is the life you will choose every day and you knew that they will stay. pint
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msxrik · 7 months
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ill never get tired of this man i swear.
Nsfw under the Cut
Someone asked for the Elevator man Masacrik so i delivered. This one may be a little more toxic guys dont cancel me. also my req's r open!!!
Warnings: porn with little plot. Not read proof. Stalking, toxic behavior, dubcon, mentally ill reader istg, drugging, aphrodisiac used, stalker!masacrik, yandere, kidnapping, mention of needles (onky one time) oral, blood kink, squirting,
It was a normal day. You just checked in the new dorm you got and oh boy it was perfect. Too perfect. It was clean and tidy but.... you had that awful feeling of being watched. Ever since you met that guy in the reception. Masacrik? Was his name. You know the one that makes sure everything's fine in the building. He was also responsible for the elevator there. It was old and rusty so you thought it was normal that he got in there with you. You could swear that you still felt his eyes on yourself even after locking the door.
You unpacked then took a shower, it was a long day so you wanted to rest. There were vending machines in the lobby so you decided to go there and get yourself a snack. It was too late to go to a store anyway.
When you walked out of your room you jumped. As the elevator was already on your floor. Open. It was empty. But the moment you stepped inside you felt someone behind you. There he was. His tall figure hoovering over you as you slowly turn around.
-Hello miss. Where are you headed at this ungodly hour?
You could recall his face from somewhere but you had no idea from where
-uhm. I was just. Going to buy something from the vending machines down stairs.
-Ah. I was making sure everyone's in their dorms by now.- he said as he pressed some buttons and the elevator moved with an ungodly screetch.
-im sorry i didnt want to cause trouble.
-its nothing dear. Just get what you want and lets hop you back upstairs shall we?
You felt your heart skip a beat. As you were deciding on the food you want. You looked up at the reflection in the glass of the vending machine. it hit you like a bus. You've seen him. Yesterday. And the day before. He always was near you. Following you around the town. You felt a shiver run up your spine as you were deciding what you should do. As you were ready to take off to the exit he grabbed you by your hand pulling you close to him. One of your hands was now on his shoulder. And one of his on your waist. You blushed a little. Yes he scared you. But he was so handsome. And his embrace was nothing but comfort for some reason.
-I've finally caught you sweetheart- he purred as the elevator doors closed and he sat down pulling you on his lap.
You looked at him with tears in your eyes.
-oh honey-his tone was so sweet it made you melt into his embrace- dont cry. We're going to be happy. I'm the only person you'll ever need alright? I'll treat you well sweetheart. Not like the other people in your life
Tears started rolling down your face as he was telling you about the smallest details of your day to day life for like 2 years back into the pass.
Was this scary? Really. But did somewhere in that twisted deprived mind of yours you found this cute? Also yes. Nobody cared about you that much as he did. You lost yourself in thought as you felt his cold hand brush away your tears. Then the elevator Stopped and he pulled you into his room. As you walked in the only thing you saw where pictures
A t o n of pictures.
-Pardon the mess princess-he said looking for something.
You looked around a tad shocked. Then you felt a sharp sting in your neck and everything went black.
You woke up in some room. You didn't recognize it. The thing you did recognize tho was the warm embrace of the man behind you. You turned around to look at him
-where are we..?
-somewhere no one will find you doll. You hungry? You were out cold for two days.-he said Giggling
-a bit
He picked you up carrying you to the kitchen. Then gave you some food and then some weird looking pills
-for the headache. Trust me Baby- he purred at you
You DID take them. And when you were washing your hands you felt them kick in. The warmth spreading through your body as you gripped onto the sink. You felt so woozy you barely walked out of the bathroom.
-Doll could you come here please?
You did. You aren't that stupid you wouldn't disobey him he was being so nice to you. You came up to him and he made you sit in his lap
-You know i love you dearly sweetheart right? -he whispered into your ear stroking your head.
You only nodded smiling like a fool
-That's why you trust me right?
His hand started stroking your inner thigh going a little under your skirt. Then you felt a tingle in your lower stomach. You got so aroused that you shivered all over. Was that normal..?
-Right...-your breath hitched. Nothing mattered to you at that point. You didn't know him at all. But he knew you. More than you knew yourself. You leaned into his touch shifting in place
-needy are we?
You nod trying to roll your hips against his fingers
-A aah don't move. -his hand held you in place as the other one was creeping up your thigh. Just to gently brush over your clothed pussy. Rubbing your clit gently as you spread your legs more resting them on the comforters of the armchair.
-mhmm~ i will make you feel good. I know how you touch yourself.. -He purred into your ear as you blushed.
And he did know. the moment he took off your panties two of his long fingers were inside of you. And his thumb was rubbing your most sensitive part.
You moaned. the aphrodisiac in your veins making you way more sensitive to his touch. You were putty in his hands.
-if you'll be a good little girl ill reward you. So obey.
He lowered his pants making you palm his dick through his boxers You did and oh. The reward? He had you sit at the edge of the armchair with your legs spread as he ate you out. Him, in front of you on his knees. As you tug and pull on his soft red hair. You cried his name as the coil in your lower stomach was threatening to snap really fast.
-Im.. uhg~! -you threw your head back as you felt the sharp pain in your thigh. His nails dig into your thighs drawing blood from them as he smeared it all over you. Making you snap. You came all over his face and he drank every last drop of it. He did not stop, making you shake and close your legs trying to make him pull away.
That was your greatest mistake. He looked up at you his face coated in blood and your cum.
-Get up. Now.
You did. You tried.. actually your legs were giving out. He sat down there pulling you to his lap again this time lining his hard dick with your entrance.
-wha-wait b-but..
-You'll handle this. -he said as he lowered you on himself. You grasped at his hands whining
- 's too big.. fuck.. wai-MnGh!~
-i Told you you'll live. Now behave love i would hate hurting you.
After a moment of discomfort you relaxed the aphrodisiac taking over your mind again. He was scratching that itch you had deep inside you forever. He kept a steady pace as he whispered into your ear
-look down princess you see how well you're taking me? Fuck i love you so much baby you're so good ugh~ -he moaned tightening the grip he had on you.
-mnGh~ i needed t-this.. uhghh..~ -you purred out. The sweet words of affection spilling from you as he gets more worked up from each and every one.
He quickened the pace losing himself inside you. Chasing his own high. He started hitting that one spot. It made you want to squirm away with only a few hits he had you cumming on the spot but when he kept hitting it not caring about your cries of overstimulation he made you squirt. And the sound you made and the feeling of your slick and cum running down both if you dragged him over the edge. He came inside not caring to pull out.
You both tried to calm your breathing as you curled up on his chest hugging him. After a moment of comfortable silence you sleepily asked
-what if they come looking for me?
-No one will look for you, and no one will ever find you have me and i have you. Not a single soul more kitty, now sleep -He said as he picked you up to wash you up a little and carry you to bed.
And you do, you do fall asleep hugging him tightly.
Rmemeber. He Love's you deeply~
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hanayori89 · 3 months
🪶🪶Lesson 8: Sky Break!🪶🪶
It was almost offensive how perfect the day was.
The clouds swirled in a dance that made you feel a rush of adrenaline, as the time to show off your moves with Sava in the ballroom of the sky was fast approaching. The marriage of perfect, cottony clouds was accompanied by a temperate breeze swooping over Skyloft.
The scene of the skies around you were oddly rejuvenating, even with your lack of sleep. 
The reason for your sleepless night could be chalked up to a certain knight's face clouding your mind every time you felt your eyelids droop. Pain streaked across his expression, forcing you to startle yourself back awake. Link may not know what was said, but your reaction the night prior was enough to confirm any conspiracy theories he may have created about what occurred behind Gaepora's doors.
Link has his own future to focus on, and so do I. Whether that future involves one another, well, that is not up to me.
As you watched the clouds continue to revolve in a splendid waltz, you felt an elbow jab your side.
"Oh boy, now is not the time to have your head in the clouds." Karane's panicked tone prodded a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach.
"I take it you haven't seen Link?"
Oh, I've seen him. Every second of every hour in my thoughts. You bit your tongue, stifling back the intrusive thought that wanted to escape. "No, why?"
"He's wearing a knight's uniform."
Before she could add anything else, a ruckus of applause gathered around you. You turned to see Zelda walking past everyone, Link's hand secure within her own as he trailed behind.
She wore a white ceremonial gown, its white bell sleeves tangled with the ends of her lustrous blonde hair as it cascaded behind her. You could hear Karane bitterly murmuring beside you. "Well, doesn't she look like a goddess?"
You opened your mouth, only to clamp it shut. If only you knew.
As they strolled past, Link's eyes fell on you once again. You had to escape the concern present in his sweeping gaze. You looked down at your feet.
Please don't look at me like that.
The clouds that had put on an encore presentation now hung stagnant; their heavy hoarding masses felt crushing, as did the bodies of the other students loitering around you. 
Oxygen felt sparse, and your knees began to shake. Were you having a panic attack?
You forced yourself to focus on taking deep inhalations of breath as Zelda and Link stood before everyone. Gaepora then joined them front and center, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.
"Has Link already been knighted?" It was obvious to you that Karane was merely speaking aloud without wanting a response. Her voice was not the only one audible among the student body, as whispers and pointing let you know everyone was equally confused.
You finally found the courage to glance at Link in his knight tunic. The tunic you wanted to wear. And now, as he stood before you, showing it off, the small carton of hope you still had stored within you had officially been punctured. The sight of him had caused it to leak, dripping slowly away.
And somehow that wasn't even the worst part.
No, the worst part was that he looked ridiculously hot in it.
He had shed his ill-fitting Skyloftian clothes for the tailored knight's tunic. His shoulders hung broadly beneath the weight of layered chainmail, and his waist was whittled and defined with a simple brown leather belt.
Then there was the tunic's shade of green, which created an undertone of radiance and warmth to his skin that had not previously been present thanks to the drab beige of his Skyloftian tunic, which, you hated to say it, washed him out.
"Y/N, you, okay?" You turned to see Karane narrowing her eyes at you. It wasn't long before a gargantuan grin took over her face. "Ah, I get it. I had the same effect when I saw Pipit in his tunic for the first time. It leaves a lady speechless, doesn't it?"
You couldn't even defend yourself, because your best friend was right.
You had been able to ignore Link before, but as long as he wore that tunic, there would be no more ignoring him.
Gaepora held his hands up, signaling for all conversation to cease.
"My dearest students, it is with great pleasure for me to present my dearest daughter Zelda, who will play for us a song from the goddess to kick off this year's ceremony. Each one of you standing before me displays either tremendous courage, unadulterated wisdom, or an irrevocable hunger for power. But only one possesses all three, and they shall be named this year's knight."
With his hands folded behind his back, Gaepora disappeared into the shadows as Zelda rested her harp against her upper arm, her fingers deftly beginning to strum each necessary string.
"Ugh. She is so nauseating." Karane ripped her hat from her head and punched her fist inside of it, reshaping it so it would lie snugly on top of her small head.
"I don't know... she is rather talented with a harp." As soon as the compliment left your lips, your throat grew tight as if you had inhaled a whiff of pollen and wanted to cough. Karane raised her eyebrow in your direction. 
“Are you sick? You know that's Zelda standing up there, right? Contender for Link's heart and your rival in love?"
You wanted so desperately to tell Karane everything. If she knew who Zelda actually was, she would refrain from saying anything negative about her ever again. 
At least, much like yourself, who was now afraid Hylia would strike you dead if you dared even snicker in her direction.
As Zelda continued to croon before everyone, Link's eyes fluttered in your direction.
"Not so subtle, is he?"
"Karane!" You hissed.
"What? He isn't. Maybe he wants to piss Zelda off, so she'll stop singing like a skinned remlit."
Your head pointed down to your feet as you bit your lower lip and suppressed a laugh. Your eyes flickered upward once again, sheathed beneath your lashes as you glared in Link's direction, but his eyes were back on Zelda as she concluded her performance.
A ripple of accolades passed through the students as Zelda bowed. "Thank you, everyone!" She was then joined by the presence of her lavender Loftwing and Link's crimson one, who chose to land by the side of his pilot and friend. 
"It is with the great pleasure of the goddess that I offer all of you a benediction to be safe during this year's competition. It is also my honor to recognize a certain knight, one who has demonstrated great valor and dedication, and it is time I brought to public his tenure." She turned toward Link as he got down on one knee. The sight of his hand in hers invoked the same tightness in your chest from earlier, the sensation of the land around you shrinking, and the familiar urgency to run away.
Except you couldn't.
Zelda held Link's sword, tapped each shoulder as she recited a christening.  Karane dismissed the spectacle with a long, drawn out "pfft." She laced her fingers in between yours and gave you a sympathetic glance. The feeling of your friend holding your hand in support helped you feel less flighty, and more grounded. You gripped her hand tighter. 
"If he is a knight, then he better not be competing." She growled beside you.
After the dubbing was over, Link rose. "Now, it is only fair that this competition be held for the next knight; without further ado, let us begin. This year's judges will be myself and Link, our newest knight." 
"Everyone, secure your Loftwing and head to the ledge." Zelda and Link walked over side by side, with Link's head slightly cast over his shoulder as if he were searching for you. 
Karane dropped your hand. "Good, at least he isn't competing that wouldn't be fair. Come on Y/N, let's show them who the real knights of Skyloft are."
As you stood on the ledge, peering beneath the tundra of clouds, in the far-off distance, an ominous fissure flickered to life.
That's strange.
You surveyed the faces of your classmates to see if they noticed it too, but they all just stood with their arms splayed as they looked at their Loftwing sailing among the clouds.
"Alright, everyone into position! On the count of three, the competition will commence. 1.." Zelda sat nestled behind Link on his Loftwing. You looked at his face to see his eyes lasered in the direction of the mysterious cleft that was pulsating into creation. 
Link's eyes snapped in your direction, and his face transformed into a feral scowl. A seething rage blossomed openly, and it was unlike any emotion you'd ever seen him display. You knew instantly that whatever he had warned you about was real. 
Real and headed this way. 
A wall of bodies with their arms outstretched collapsed, falling into the skies below. The sounds of whistles erupted from all different layers of the clouds as Loftwing dived toward each of the students.
You still remained on the ledge; your body frozen stiff at the sight of the spiraling tornado headed this way.
Karane gently pushed you down. "Y/N, come on! What are you waiting for?" 
You began to fall, with Karane next to you. Only for her Loftwing to swoop her up and take her back to the minefield of obstacles laid out above.
You continued to plunge, Karane screaming above you. "Y/N? Whistle! Whistle for Sava! Y/N!!!!"
But the vicious cyclone that had broken forth from the aperture in the clouds now whirled beneath you. A wind tunnel suctioned around you, swallowing you and digesting you down into its core. 
You could hear Karane's frantic cries as she watched you be suctioned from the sky. The shadows of other students streaked above, fluttering around in sheer horror. The cries of Loftwing followed you to the depths of the cyclone, its savage winds not loud enough to erase the sounds of pandemonium above you.
But there was no Link. After all, he had a choice to make, and that choice was his goddess. 
It was then, as you closed your eyes to an uncertain fate, that you decided this was Hylia, and she was getting you back for laughing at the remlit joke.
Edited: 6/18/24
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enjoythesilentworld · 4 months
Wille's Month - Freedom
day 23!! @youngroyals-events <3
Wille and Simon go out to enjoy a nice, summer day in town. Something is weird, though, and they can’t quite place what it is.
read below or on ao3 (G, 800)
Wilhelm was used to people staring at him. He’d gone his whole life that way; still remembers the first time he realized that his life was very different from his friends’ lives, and that not everyone had to walk out on fancy balconies in a suit at 6 years old and wave at crowds of cheering people. While he wasn’t necessarily okay with it – in fact, he rather hated it – he knew how to handle it. 
Simon, on the other hand, was not used to it. He’d been unwillingly thrown into the spotlight first by August, and then for a second and third time by Wilhelm. What made it even worse was that the stares Simon got were unkind stares. They were judging and sneering, whispered gossip and smothered giggles. 
So, now, despite the fact that Wille’s stepped down and it’s been years since the video and the speech, whenever they go out in public, Wille no longer knows how to handle it. He doesn’t mind the stares on him, but knowing it makes Simon uncomfortable, knowing his beautiful boyfriend pretends it doesn’t, makes Wille all the more nervous and angry. How dare they continue to gossip when they don’t even know Simon at all? How dare they make him hesitant to be in big crowds or, God forbid, anywhere near a royal monument? 
He is never thinking about it directly, but the anxiety is always there bubbling in the back of Wille’s mind. So aware of Simon, always aware, and never wanting to cause him any more undue harm; which, that’s the problem, isn’t it? Even after all this time, it’s still Wille and his (former) royalty status that brought all this shit down on them. 
It’s a gorgeous summer day, the sun finally out in full force after a rainy spring, and they’ve decided to go out to run a few errands and maybe have lunch at a park. At this point, it’s second nature for him to keep tabs on their surroundings, prepared to throw glares at anyone who dares look at Simon wrong for even a second. They make it to the main thoroughfare of shops without incident, though, and the worry fades to the background. 
Simon looks absolutely radiant in the warm sunlight, blissful and smiling. They swing their hands between them as they walk, admiring the pretty window displays and commenting on the delicious smells coming from a bakery nearby. A street performer is playing the violin, and they drift over. Wille wraps his arms around Simon, and they sway there for a moment, enjoying the music and the gentle breeze. As they continue down the path, they pass a jewelry store and Simon eyes the rings in the window. When he turns and sees Wille’s giddy expression, he giggles and shakes his head. They already know; the promise is there. But, they have time. Not yet, but soon. 
By the time they grab a few sandwiches and settle down on a park bench, Wille can still feel something weird wiggling under his skin. Glancing around, he doesn’t see anyone staring at them or any ill-disguised camera phones. 
“Does today feel kind of weird to you?” Simon asks, looking over at him with a smear of mustard on his cheek. Wille reaches out to wipe it away, then sucks his finger into his own mouth to clean up. Simon smiles in thanks, then continues, “Not a bad weird. Like, today is lovely, but just kind of weird?”
Wille hums when Simon brings a clean hand up to rest against the back of his neck, fingers gently brushing the short hair there. “Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. I don’t know what it is.” 
They both look around for a moment, admiring the ducks circling in the pond before them. Somewhere across the way, a group of children laugh and chase each other through the grass.
“Oh my God,” Simon gasps out, grip tightening on Wille’s neck. He drops his sandwich onto the paper wrapping in his lap, and turns back to Wille, mouth open in shock.
“What?” Wille sits up straighter, scanning around them in fear. 
“No one’s looking at us! No one’s been looking at us all day!” Simon exclaims, wide eyes still trained on Wille. 
It can’t be. Wille looks at the groups of people around them, then thinks back to their walk through the shops. That feeling he’d had wasn’t anxiety, it was confusion.
“Oh my God,” Wille repeats. 
Simon laughs joyously. “Are we finally irrelevant?” 
Still not fully believing it, Wille continues to think. Not even the cafe attendant spared them a second glance when they’d ordered their sandwiches. They’d even asked Wille for his name for their order – Wille had never given his name for anything like that in his life. 
A smile grows on his face, large enough to rival Simon’s. Finally, he looks back over at his beautiful, beautiful Simon, chest bursting with love and glee.
“No,” Wille says, shaking his head. “We’re free.” 
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kana-daydreams · 4 months
𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲
summary: the anger of the general is quelled by the power of a cute black-and-white bear?
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𝐏𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Days off. 
One of the most anticipated days of many, if not every, employed and unemployed individual’s life.
They were days most cherished by Warumono and days which held his most fondest memories.
But today?
Today is a day off the general loathes.
Today is a day off he despises. And will never in his life cherish for as long as he lives. He swears it on the existence of every panda past, present and future of this ill-fated earth. 
Why? Because...
Today he was having a very bad day. 
First, it started with all the liquified ice-cream in his freezer from the sudden power outage at his apartment complex. No power also meaning he was unable to stream any panda videos on the internet.
Second, to resolve his ice-cream problem, he'd made a trip to the convenience store only to find out that the strawberry ice-cream, his second favourite to the sweet potato flavour, was out-of-stock. 
But the worst case of them all? A nightmare? 
The zoo was closed.  
And work called.
Now, as his day off reaches close to nearing its end, Warumono aimlessly trudges along a narrow stretch of road with sluggish footsteps, slumped shoulders and face set into a deep frown. All while, he unintentionally wards off any passer-by with his gloomy and menacing aura.
He manages a few more paces, slowing his steps when his eyes latch on to an item displayed behind the storefront glass window of a small shop to his left. His eyes glimmer, gaze riveting on the panda-themed tea set, before flickering to the sign beside it that reads “limited stock.”
Promptly, he’s inside the store and in front of the checkout counter voicing his request.
“I’m sorry sir, but the last one was sold to the couple behind you.”
At the sale clerk's words, a tense and unsettling silence engulfs the room, and Warumono’s body shudders violently as he feels all rationality elude him. 
He feels his human disguise succumbing bit by bit to his formidable true nature, his mind narrowing in on one thought, and one thought alone. A self-made promise.
That today is the day he will single-handedly rain hell-fire upon earth.
That today he will enact his vengeance on every. living. creature— excluding pandas—for ruining his special—
 “Step away from the counter!”
Warumono snaps his head around with a growl at the demand of a familiar voice, anger and annoyance burning in his yellow eyes. All instantaneously doused at a sight that causes his breath to hitch; and a sight he deems the most adorable in all the galaxy, standing a few feet ahead of him.
“I told you. One slip up and—”
“Y-You’re…half panda.” Warumono’s voice, laced with genuine surprise, interrupts. 
Your face contorts into utter confusion. “Huh? What nonsense are you spouting, villain. I’m not half panda. I’m human.”
“But…you have panda ears.” He points an index finger at your head.
“Dim-wit, these aren’t real. It’s just a headband.” You remove the fluffy, panda ears headband from your head. “See.” You say before fixing it back to your head.
Warumono makes a beeline in your direction, his sudden closeness catching you by surprise. More surprised when he reaches his large hands towards your head to tug on the black ears of your band.
“They’re so soft.” He murmurs, a soft blush painting his cheeks.
“Stop doing that!” You groan in annoyance, swatting his hands away, before distancing yourself from him; and you swear you notice a sad pout on his face. Or maybe you’re just imagining it?
Warumono clears his throat, attempting to compose himself. “Uh…where did you get it?”
You quirk an eyebrow at his question. “ …Three stores down.” 
You’re barely finished with your sentence when you feel a rush of wind lash against you— making you, for a second, clench your eyes. 
And when it subsides, you open them to see Warumono nowhere in sight.
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© 2024 kana-daydreams
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equallyshaw · 1 year
king of my heart | colton dach.
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little blurb😌
Warnings: some angst ofc, some swearing.
Word count: 4.7k
Time skips/slow burning (:
'the first meeting'
angela pulled her shy and quiet cousin piper, from her room one evening, forcing her to participate in the group shenanigans. piper sighed, letting her cousin drag her from her room after putting up quite a fight. she argued that her midterm essay was more important than whatever was going on in the living room. which to be frank it was, but to angela she wanted piper to meet the somewhat flashy, arrogant and charismatic colton dach. best friend to her boyfriend, nolan allan. a golden retriever and black cat, match made in heaven angela and nolan believed.
nolan spotted her from the living room, as he looked to the kitchen which peaked in just a bit in his view. "ah my favorite ricci!" he said jumping up and going over to greet the girl. angela and piper were the closest of the cousins, practically sisters because of being the same age. therefore, once nolan came into the picture, he took her in as a sister. "ahh yes, one of the annoying canadian's." she huffed filling her water bottle. "hey now, you've got more in there that could fit that bill." he mused pulling her in for a bear hug. "watch the hair, dude." she gritted causing angela to laugh heartedly. "ok come on you two." she said pushing the two towards the 2008 mario kart competition that was happening between nolan, colton, bedard, reichel, vlasic, and korchinski. "she's hereee!" angela announced and piper rolled her eyes. "if it isn't the famous piper!" vlasic said causing piper to roll her eyes, "hi alex, nice to see you again." she said sitting down beside him on the couch. the other guys looked over to wave and introduce themselves. colton was the furthest from the girl, sitting on the ground, and waited his turn to say hi. as soon as the two locked eyes, he felt himself get incredibly nervous. his stomach filled with Butterflies. she gave him a small smile before snatching the controller from vlasic and taking over for him. "oh oh its on!" nolan announced, ready to or at least attempt to beat the skilled girl. "you have to realize at some point babe, that you are never going to beat her. not with her constantly playing by herself." angela said without filtering what she was going to say. "you say that if it's a bad thing, angie." alex said quickly defusing the situation and taking the blow just a bit. piper swallowed hard, focusing in on her character. she gave a small nod to alex, thanking him. colton watched from his spot on the floor, before turning back toward the screen. he was intrigued by that little comment.
'callin me babe'
it was a few weeks later when piper was by herself at the apartment finishing up some textbook reading when she heard a knock at her door. she looked at the time, and knew that angela was still in class so it couldn't be her. unless she forgot her keys ofcourse. piper hopped off the kitchen barstool and headed over towards the door, and she was surprised at who she found on the other side. "hey colton, right?" she asked and he nodded. a small blush appearing over his cheeks. "how can i help ya?" she asked, opening the door further for him to enter. "i left something here a few days ago, and nolan said i could come over and grab it. or well downstairs." he said chuckling just a bit. "oh, yeah for sure! you live upstairs?" she asked and he nodded, going to retrieve the item. "yeah, i just started a sublease for the time being." he said coming back into the kitchen where she was. "oh nice!" piper said from behind the counter. colton walked back in and stared at the girl for a few seconds, "i couldn't find it." he said and her eyebrows creased a bit. "nolan should be back from the store soon, do you wanna wait here until then?" she offered and he nodded. "you can watch tv or play the wii or do whatever. ill just be in here if you need anything." she said smiling softly and he nodded. "what are you working on?" he asked as she sat back down. "uhh just some light case reading." she joked, flipping the 3rd page of the 12 page case study. she unclasped her highlighter, and read the first line when colton spoke again. "angela said you're studying psychology right?" he asked and she nodded, continuing to read. "that's neat, she said you wanna do non profit work?" he questioned and she looked up from her packet and nodded at him. "yeah, how much other info has she given out about me?" she asked half serious. though, colton couldn't tell. "uhhh...." he stuttered and she giggled. "I'm kidding, i promise. its always nice keeping you hockey players on your toes." she hummed, sipping her water. "oh really?" he asked cocking an eyebrow, leaning across the counter in front of her. "ah huh. nolan is easy ofcourse, little shit. and then alex can catch it sometimes but he's still a dummy." she explained causing colton to laugh. "nolan is special, what can we say?" he played and she giggled. colton thought for a second, "you and alex?" he questioned and piper caught on. "oh god no! angela and i have known him since we were younglings. our two brothers used to play hockey with him. he's family." piper said shaking her head. colton nodded, "why do you ask?" piper questioned. colton thought for a few seconds before responding, "had to know if i had a chance with ya." he said confidently. piper looked down at her case study before looking at him, anxiety rising within her body. "is that so?" she quirked and he smiled. "ya know it babe." he mused, causing her to blush.
it had been a few weeks since then and spring break was now rolling around for the girl. the two still hadn't gone out with one another due to her cramming last-minute essays in and him away on the road. though they had hung out with the group a few times, over dinner after a game or a sunday brunch which was piper and angela's favorite thing to do. colton made his way down from upstairs with two cups of coffee this rainy and foggy, monday morning. he let himself in with a key nolan had given him and korchinski who was colton's roommate. "morning lovebirds." colton announced walking into the living room and angela flipped him off from under the blanket. nolan laughed softly, "long night, I'm sure piper is feeling the same." nolan explained and colton's eyebrows crinkled. "she drank?" he asked and nolan nodded. "i thought she didn't." he said and nolan shrugged, "she got a bad grade. she's upset about it." angela groaned, and colton nodded walking down the hall towards piper's room. he knocked softly, hearing the box fan on the other side and quickly slipped in. piper was awake but had her eyes shut, "hey babe." colton said softly, setting down the coffee on her bedside table. she turned over and smiled softly, "hi." she said opening one eye to look up at him. she looked lovely in his eyes, her brunette hair laid across the pillow, her green eyes lighting up in the sun that peeked through her blinds and the softness of her voice, laced it all together. "i was just thinking about this, thankyou." she hummed sitting up and pulling the cup to her chest. she looked back up at colton and padded the spot next to her. he nodded, walking over and hopping in. this was not the first time he'd ended up in her bed. the other three times were from becoming too tired or exhausted to go back upstairs to his own bed. that was it, nothing else. she sat against the headboard, shutting her eyes for a few seconds. it was instant, she felt his eyes on her. "can you not?" she teased, setting her coffee down and turning over on her side. colton set his down and turned on his side to face the girl, watching as he did so. "hi babe." she hummed, smiling. "whats your plan for the day?" she asked, and he looked up as if he had to think. but he wanted one thing, "whatever you're doing." and that made her smile. "well, if dancemoms is on your schedule than perfect, cause i have nothing else to do." she said cheekily. he laughed, "ofcourse! what else would i want to do on a rainy day." he responded filling her with butterflies. "good." she hummed. "good." he responded, "now that we have that settled, which season are we watching?" he questioned, and she smiled widely jumping up a bit. "season 2 the best one of all!" she said excitedly, turning on her tv.
'king of my heart'
it was now thursday of that week, and the blackhawks had pulled out a huge win against the detroit red wings, with the team having the rest of the week off; the little group of younglings - well hooligans according to piper, were on their way back to their apartment after a long dinner. piper drove her and colton through the city streets, as she felt concerned about him driving in the city. she commented on his driving one day they went to get starbucks together with korchinski and she felt as if she was going to die as they were michigan avenue. she took her right hand off the wheel and laid it down on the middle console as the two were only a few blocks away from the apartment itself. colton took that opportunity to grab ahold of it, causing her to blush. they pulled into the parking garage, with colton not wanting to let go of the girl's hand. she took her time collecting her things from the console and making sure his seat was back in it's original spot, so he took that chance to walk over and open the door for her. "why, thankyou." she beamed, taking the hand outstretched for her. "ofcourse m'lady." and she laughed at the dorkiness. the two walked through the garage, holding eachother's hand seeing nolan and angela walking on the other side of it.
piper smiled at angela who was skipping around nolan, pretty thankful and happy they beat the wings. as they got closer, piper could hear the lyrics coming out excitedly from the 5'5 girl, causing her to laugh. as soon as the chorus came up, piper joined in, screaming at the top of their lungs; doing the little 'one goal' dance from the previous era. "oh god." vlasic said walking with korchinski, bedard and reichel. the cousins took each others hand and spun around in a circle, "i fear angela may have had too much to drink tonight." nolan said laughing, as they tried to move the two along. "how rude!" angela defended, causing the group to laugh. "none of yall are allowed to come over. not even you nol baby." she said leaning on her cousin, "nol baby that's a good one!" colton said laughing, with nolan rolling his eyes.
the group made it up to the apartment, music on swiftly and drinks given out. piper took a seltzer and headed over towards her room for a brief moment, to put her hawks jersey back in the closet. she heard a knock at the door, and she knew it was colton. she turned towards alex instead, and she had a perplexed look on her face. "hey bud." she said shutting her closet door. alex sat on the bed, well sprawled out on it. "whats up? girl troubles?" she teased, laying down from the opposite side. he chuckled, "you could say that." he said coolly. she rolled onto her side, putting her head in her hand. "well as much as i would love to talk about girl drama, we've got to celebrate." she said slapping his chest softly. "i feel so loved." he huffed, standing up and began to walk out. she pushed him out and saw colton coming down the hall. she leaned on the threshold and smirked as he got closer, "what can i do for ya?" she mused, kicking the door open wider for him to walk in. she shut the door behind them, and she sat down on her bed and he followed, now sprawling out himself. she looked down at him, crossing one leg underneath her. she quirked an eyebrow, as he sat up. he did not break eye contact, as he leaned in. his mouth so close to hers, she felt his breath on hers. he leaned in a few inches more, and connected the two's lips. oh how she'd been waiting for this, she thought. she wrapped her arms around his neck as his found her lower back. slowly pushing her into her pillows, they broke the kiss after a few more seconds. he pulled back just a bit to read her face, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. she would not make eye contact. "been waiting to do that for some time." he said blushing nervously, and she met his eye. "been waiting for ya to do that for a bit too." she hummed, pulling him back in. the taste of your lips, is my idea of luxury.
he was the one she had been waiting for some time, a best friend and lover in one. somebody to be the king of her heart.
the season was winding down now, just as her school year was finishing as well. the two falling for each other more and more, over the course of a month and a half. trying not to think about how he would be going back to canada and she'd be staying here in chicago with her parents, and older brother. the two had kept what was theirs a secret, not wanting to bring the group in just yet. though angela had a sneaky suspicion, based on how happy piper was. her black cat personality was opening just a bit more. the two spent countless nights together, colton sneaking in and out of the apartment late and night and early in the morning before anybody could spot him missing. or she would go up to his. the bedroom becoming their sacred place to talk about life, their biggest hopes and dreams, what makes them tick, their family and so much more. but they did so much more, together. colton would pick her up after class and the two would get coffee or food, maybe hit a museum or the navy pier. sometimes a matinee. she was showing him, her chicago, and what made her fall in love with the city at a young age. she was bespoken with the city and all the opportunities it possessed. he saw a different side of her when the two were in public, he saw how much of a free spirit she was. things were quickly becoming more serious between the two, and that win over detroit night cemented it.
that night he saw a different side of her, one that he had been slowly peeling back for some time. she was quiet and shy by nature but had a rambunctious side to her. angela watched as the two did a rendition of 'wonderwall' at the apartment, and the look that colton had in his eyes; she knew that the two were smitten with one another. and she knew that piper was completely and wonderfully comfortable with him, something she had never had with a guy up until that point. she had fallen for the canadian, him fully captivating her heart.
angle and piper were having their morning cups of coffee on a saturday morning, piper reading a book and angela finishing up her morning tiktok. "has..has colton said anything to colton about what he plans to do now since the season is over?" piper asked shyly. angela thought for a second, thinking how she wanted to break the information she pried out of nolan a few nights back. "uhh not too sure, i know he plans to go home and stuff. he said he had some people to see." angela said trying to end the conversation, by standing up and getting some more coffee. "oh, okay." piper said putting her bookmark in the spine and shutting it. maybe i was just a little fling? or not even on at all? "I'm gonna head over to my parents." piper said standing up and walking back to her room. angela sighed, pinching the crease of her nose. nolan walked through the door, and walked over towards the kitchen. "hey love." he said kissing her and moving towards the fridge for a water bottle. "has dach said anything about piper? she's currently freaking out." angela whispered yelled and nolan connected the dots. "oh, no he hasn't. but he did mention his ex reaching back out to him. as we were clearing out our lockers." nolan said feeling bad, and angela nodded. "if you'd like to go tear him a new one, by all means you have my support babe." he said and they heard a bag drop. piper dropped her overnight bag, hearing the full conversation. "ill see yall later." she said grabbing her water bottle from before and heading towards the front door. nolan looked up, cursing dach.
colton hadn't responded to her text three days ago, and now she figured out why. she understood, and she was glad that they hadn't done anything that would have made it harder for her to get over him. she threw her bag into the trunk and slammed it, and headed towards the drivers side. she put on some music, and pulled out rather quickly. not realizing the car coming from her left to be colton's and Kevin's. the two saw her pissed-off demeanor as she drove by, not acknowledging them. "ohh you fucked up." kevin said as they parked. colton sighed getting out. piper drove 20 minutes through traffic toward her family's lincoln park townhouse and parked down the street. she unlocked the door, and threw her bag down at the door heading towards the kitchen. "oh hi hun, how are you?" her mom asked as she and her dad came into view. she looked at her mom and began to sob. "oh hun." her mom said wrapping her arms around her daughter, and rubbed her back; her and her husband's heart breaking.
her mom massaged her back a little while later, as the two were now in her bedroom talking. "i really liked him ma, i really did. he hasn't responded to my messages and now i find out he's talking to his girlfriend again whos probably the first person he's seeing when he gets back home." she cried. this was the first time she heard about colton, her daughter being famously closed off from the family. not for any particular reason, but she was just quiet. the brunch that was supposed to be the meeting between her parents and colton never happened. a few days with food poisoning prevented him, and therefore she never brought him up. "what if i was just a fling? or what if i wasn't even that?" she sobbed, as her older brother opened the door. she turned her to see who it was, and she put her face in her comforter embarrassed. "what has my baby sis so upset?" he asked sitting up against the bed next to her. she sniffled, "is it boy problems?" he questioned and she nodded after a few seconds. "i'm sorry pipes." he said rubbing her back. "can i stay here for a few days?" she asked and her mom nodded quickly. "ofcourse hun, perfect timing with your semester ending too. eric can retrieve some things from the apartment if you'd like." she said volunteering her son who nodded. "can you get anna the bunny?" she questioned looking at her brother. anna the bunny was a build a bear bunny, that was the very last gift her grandfather gave to her as a kid shortly before he died. she cherished that stuffed animal more than anything. "ofcourse, ill call angela to let me in." he said smiling before kissing her temple. "ill be back." he said shutting the door behind him.
he was the king of her heart, but maybe she wasn't the queen to his.
she had made up her mind, she was better off alone.
he drove over to the apartment, quickly pulled into the guest parking spot and headed up the elevator. "please act civilized you two, we have a guest." angela threatened towards nolan and colton who were arguing with one another, about piper. "eric hey, good to see you too." she said hugging her cousin. "ill show you where everything is." she announced, pulling him through the living room. "nol." eric said fist bumping nolan who nodded at him, "her stuff is in here." angela said opening her door. "whos that?" colton whispered to nolan who chuckled. "that's her older brother, asshole." nolan said walking over towards the two in the other room. "whatcha doing?" he asked leaning against the threshold watching as eric and angela packed a bag. "I'm grabbing some stuff for pipes. she staying at home for a bit." eric explained and nolan nodded. "why?" he asked, and eric sighed. "cuz of some asshat who played her." eric said a bit angrily. "oh." nolan responded, before walking back out. "you are dead." he said sitting down on the couch in front of colton. "does she need anything else?" angela asked as the two walked out, eric clutching the bear in his right hand tightly. "uh i don't think so. if not, ill swing back around." he said. "sorry i didn't introduce myself, I'm eric - piper's older brother." he said holding out a hand for colton to shake. "colton." he said nervously as eric put two and two together. "you little shit!" he said angrily, and colton took a step back. "you know you hurt her right?" he threw out and colton nodded. "you do, do you? then why haven't you said anything to maybe clear things up huh? or are you too busy using her to get back with your ex?" eric asked heatedly. "nobody knows about us. your sister and i. nobody knew-" angela cut him off, "we suspected." "i never told anybody, nor did she. and i don't want to get back with my ex, she reached out to me, but i never responded. and the reason i haven't responded to your sister is because i've been busy preparing to go back home. but i wasn't going to not talk to her about us, ok? i planned to today but then she drove off and i realized i blew my chance. once i got back today, i was going to come up here to talk. i swear to you!" colton defended himself. eric thought for a moment before looking at nolan and angela, "you have to believe me." colton pleaded and eric sighed. "do you know who gave piper this bunny?" eric asked, knowing that if he knew then he cared for the girl and vice versa. nobody knew who gave the bunny because it meant so much to her. colton smiled softly "your grandfather when she was 9 before he died. her most prized possession." he said and eric sighed. "clearly you mean a lot to her, because she doesn't tell anybody that." angela explained. "hell, nolan doesn't even know and we've been dating for three years already." angela added. "i promise you i wasn't leading her on or anything, i care very much for your sister. i had planned to make things official and ask her to come to canada this summer." colton said hoping it would get through to eric. eric nodded, "i hope youre right." he paused before looking at angela, "angela will give you our address. I'm sure my little sis would like to see you and clear all this up." eric said before walking out.
colton knocked on the front door of piper's family house, and bit the inside of his cheek, plagued with nerves. the door opened to reveal a brunette women, piper's mom. "you must be colton." she said and he nodded nervously, "come in." she smiled opening the door for him. he saw an older man on the couch, look over and do a double take. "you must be pipers dad, im-" he cut him off, "yeah i know who you are." he huffed before looking back at the news program. "she's upstairs,first door on the left." her mom said placing a hand on his upper back. "its fine, you can go." she said when he looked back at her husband. he nodded, taking the steps two at a time. piper was on the other side, watching the office, hoping that michael scott would help her laugh but it wasn't working. her mind twisting and turning with thoughts, that would not shut up. she perked up a bit when she heard a knock at her door and she got up when nobody walked in. she opened it rubbing her eye, and stopped as she took in who was at her door. "colton?" she questioned before he placed his hands on her lips, taking a step into the room. she shut the door behind him, wrapping her hands around his wrists. their lips fitting together like before, one's that were addicting. she pulled back, resting her forehead on his head. she stared at his chest, before looking up. "what was that for?" she questioned, "had to take my chance, incase it was the last time you'd allow me to." he said and she frowned at how nervous his voice was. "colton." she softly whined, pulling him in for a hug. "i did not mean to hurt you pipe, not for one second. i promise." he began and she nodded, "and i never responded to my ex. she was the one to reach out and i deleted it. because-because i am deeply and madly entranced and quite frankly, besotted with a 5'2 brunette midwest gal who could watch the office at all hours, who adores coffee runs, a good detroit beating and most importantly, the girl who has captured my heart." he confessed. she pulled back with tears in her eyes, "colton, i-i- " she paused breathing in and out deeply through her nose. "why did you not respond to my messages? why did you leave me hanging?" she asked, and he shook his head. "no important or monumental reason, i just hadn't responded which is a dumb response but its true. kevin and i have been busy with the apartment, and finishing the end of media for the season and just my parents have been on me about coming home. don't for one second, think i was gonna leave you hanging for the whole summer. i was actually coming to talk to you when you drove past me like a mad man." he chuckled and she giggled. "i was coming to ask you to become my girlfriend officially, and was seeing if you wanted to come to canada with me." he said searching her eyes. she smiled widely, "well its a good thing you've become the king of my heart dacher. you are quite literally the one I've been waiting for, for so long." she paused as he smiled. "one problem though." she started up again and he quirked an eyebrow. "i need a passport." she confessed, and that made him laugh. "give me about a month and a half, and you can book me a flight." she grinned and he chuckled. "oh so I'm buying you a ticket now?" he grinned, "wouldn't have it any other way." he smiled pulling her in for a kiss.
all at once, this was enough. he had his american queen, and her canadian king. king and queen of each others heart, all was well.
told yall there was angst.... but i hope yall enjoyed !!! please like and reblog if you did (:
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abyssal-ali · 10 months
'tis the damn season
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Pairing: Luka Couffaine x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: T | Ao3 | Masterlist
WC: 3.8k
A/N: For my wonderful Twinsie @wildbookcat 💜 Beta'd by @sneksnacc
Tiny flakes of powdery snow danced through the air, carried around by the whims of the wind. Luka envied their carelessness. Somehow, he had ended up at the Charles de Gaulle International Airport, waiting for his high school ex-girlfriend, who was also his little sister’s best friend, and thus someone he couldn’t avoid.
It wasn’t even that he was still heartbroken about the end of their ill-fated relationship (lie), or that they had ended on bad terms (was both parties being broken-hearted and depressed for the next several months ‘bad terms’?), the issue was that he didn’t know how Marinette was going to react.
They were now both adults, had a collective handful of ended relationships under their belts, and were mature enough to look past that summer, right?
Another gust of wind blew through the man-made wind tunnel–aka the main doors exiting the airport–and caused a shiver to go down Luka’s back. He was still affected by his reptilian Miraculous, though he’d returned it after Hawkmoth had been defeated seven years ago. He wondered how Marinette would deal with the snow and chill when she arrived, since she was even more attuned to her Miraculous than he had been, and she continued to wield the gems occasionally. Ladybugs didn’t like the cold either.
The doors slid open, another batch of travellers entering the snowy grey afternoon with a shiver.
A pink pom-pom caught his eye, and Luka stepped out of the car to wave at its owner.
Her head turned to him, surprise overtaking her features, before being replaced by a smile. “Luka!”
Her cheeks were already flushing pink, matching her coat and hat, Luka noticed when she stepped back from la bise. He picked up her suitcase, slung her bag over his arm, and motioned towards his blue VW Golf.
“Your parents were busy with the holiday rush, so they asked me to come get you when I was over there saying hi yesterday,” Luka explained, getting into the driver’s seat once he’d stored her things in the hatch.
“Couldn’t stay away from their pain au chocolat, huh?” Marinette teased him easily.
Luka exhaled soundlessly as he pulled away. Maybe this would go okay, after all.
“You know it. So, how long are you here for?”
Marinette settled back in her seat. “I’m not actually sure. I want something new, but old…no, familiar, at the same time.”
Luka hummed. “I hope you find it.”
“Thanks. So, why are you here? It’s been a while since either of us were in Paris,” she commented, blowing hot air on the window and doodling hearts and smiles with her fingertip.
“I thought it was time. Haven’t seen Ma and Juleka in a while, and I have friends here I wanted to catch up with. I’m currently on a break from producing, so I figured now was as good a time as any.”
“Right,” Marinette agreed. “It’s nice to see you again.”
And now the awkwardness was seeping through the car.
“You too; it’s been awhile,” he said softly. “I’m always happy to see you.”
Even if it hurts when I don’t.
Her gaze darted down to her mittenless hands, fidgeting with her short, buffed nails. Luka could see the calluses from being constantly pricked on the pads of her fingers; a thin red scrape on the side of her hand likely came from brushing against a pincushion the wrong way.
The snowflakes had gradually become larger and more frequent, so Luka turned on the wipers.
“So, I saw you snagged the honour of designing Clara’s outfit for the Grammys next year,” he commented to break the silence.
Usually, he was fine with silence, especially around Marinette, who often needed it, but right now he was acting very unlike himself. Coming back to Paris had stirred up all these old feelings and actions, and he cursed it in his mind.
“Yeah. I’m hoping coming back here will provide some inspiration. I want to pay homage to her roots,” Marinette explained. “We could go for a drive around all our old haunts, maybe. Oh, but you’ll probably be busy, sorry. I can drive around.”
“I’m not that busy.” He blurted the words before he thought. “You still don’t have a license, right? I don’t mind being your chauffeur.”
The snowflakes appeared to have come from Marinette’s sparkling eyes. “Thank you, Luka!” She watched him drive in silence for a while. “You haven’t really changed, even though you’re famous.”
He flicked a glance at her, slowing down for a red light. “You think so?”
She nodded. “You look older now, because you are, obviously, and your image-controlling people have changed your appearance somewhat, but at your core you’re still the same Luka I know from seven years ago.”
The light turned green, and Luka wondered if it was a sign for one delusional second before he pressed the gas again.
“Is that a compliment or not, Mari?” he asked, settling for a teasing inquisition instead.
‘It’s a good thing!” she insisted. “Okay, you’ve matured, but your essence is the same. You’re like…like a nice red wine! Aging improves a good thing!”
“Oh, so you’re calling me old now?”
Mari sputtered. “That’s not what I said at all! And men say women take things too seriously! Pfft!”
Luka couldn’t hold back his laugh as Marinette crossed her arms, her puffy jacket turning her into  a cocoon of pink.
“I know what you meant, Mari; thank you for the compliment.”
She sniffed at the traces of humour in his penitent tone, but uncurled her arms.
“There’s the bakery. We should just have missed the closing rush,” Luka glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “Have a good time, Marinette.”
“Thank you, you too! Oh, you can text me when you want to go for a drive. I still use the same number.”
A wave of pink coated her cheeks. “You still remember it?”
I stare at it for a good half hour every week debating calling you or not. Of course I know it; it’s seared into my memory.
“Yep. I kept my old number too.” He popped the trunk and lifted her bags out.
“Yep. Say hi to your parents for me!” 
He placed her bags just inside the door, and then beat a hasty retreat. Why do you still remember my number? 
How could she forget his number, when it spelled out her name?
Marinette sighed, waved goodbye at Luka’s car, then shut the door, ready to greet her parents.
“Maman! Papa! Guess who’s home!”
“Marinette! Sweetie, you made it!” Once the overwhelming hugs and bises had been exchanged, her parents looked curiously at the empty space behind her. “Luka got you here safely?” asked Sabine.
Mari nodded. “He was waiting for me at the airport; he asked me to say hi to you for him. He said you were busy with the holiday rush.”
Tom agreed. “We were sorry to miss picking you up, but our seasonal helper was sick, so we weren’t able to close and get you after all. Luka coming by and being free was fortunate.”
“It was nice to catch up with him,” Mari agreed. “I’ll just bring my bags up to my room and then we can catch up while we make dinner?”
“That sounds good,” agreed Sabine. Tom brought the luggage up, then left Mari to settle in after one more hug.
Looking around her room, Mari smiled at the remembrance of all the memories she had made in the pink space. Pictures clothespinned to her wall of fairy lights danced in the breeze as she twirled, releasing a deep breath and closing her eyes at the peace of being home again.
She could feel the ideas coming for Clara’s outfits.
It was a brilliant idea to come back to Paris.
It was a horrible idea to come back to Paris.
Why had he said yes to picking Marinette up?
Why had he said yes to driving Marinette around?
Why had he answered her text as soon as she sent it, at 2:08 am?
Why had he showed up at her door at 7:30 am, why had he let Tom drag him to the kitchen and feed him pastries (okay, that one was self-explanatory), why had he lingered and chatted, why why why.
The answer to all his questions was sitting in the passenger seat of the car he was borrowing from a friend, looking devastatingly beautiful and chattering away about how things had changed since she had left, a year before he had, and contrasting it to Los Angeles.
If he’d wanted to hear about her failed relationships after she defeated Hawkmoth, broke up with him, and moved away, he would have asked.
Luka was well aware that he was sulking, but he didn’t care at this moment. They were driving by College Francois Dupont, and the memories of that time weren’t the most pleasant.
“Ooh, I have an idea! Can you park here? I want to walk around for a bit.”
Luka dutifully pulled over, parking in an empty space between the school and the Methodist church down the block.
Marinette strolled around the quiet street, the fluffy flakes floating down muffling her footsteps and muttered monologue. 
She returned to him eventually, scribbling away at her sketchbook.
Luka’s hand raised before he realised what he was doing. 
“Luka? What are you doing?”
He blinked down at her, his hand frozen as she glanced up at him from under her bangs.
“You, um, snow-”
Why was he making this awkward? Biting the bullet, he gently brushed the accumulated snow off the top of Marinette’s ponytail.
She flashed him a smile and climbed back into her seat.
“Where to next, Mari?”
“So, any plans for your break?” Mari clutched a mug of cocoa in her hands, careful not to drop it over the edge of her balcony on the head of some unsuspecting passersby out admiring the lights.
Luka leaned his back against the balcony, blowing on his own mug. “I haven’t made anything firm yet, but I expect my schedule will fill up rather quickly.”
Mari hummed. “I guess I should book our hangouts while you’ve still got room for me then, Mr. Hot-Demand.”
“I’ll always have room for you, Mari.”
She smiled at him before turning back to the cityscape. “I’ve missed this view.”
The real view nudged her shoulder. “Old memories coming back, huh? I’m glad you’re able to miss it, Mar.”
“Did you miss it?” She turned on her back to be companionably side-to-side with him.
“The city? Not so much. The people in it? Yeah, I missed them a lot.”
She nodded in understanding. “Did you miss the people who weren’t in it, too?”
He sipped his cocoa. “Everyday.”
Marinette opened her eyes, breathing deeply. There was nothing like a full ten hours of sleep in your childhood room, warm and cozy under blankets as the snow drifted by the window hypnotizingly, your secret love snuggled up beside you-
Oh yeah, she’d made Luka stay the night, saying it was too cold to walk back home as her excuse to have him sleep here. Her fingers brushed a teal lock back from his forehead as she took in his peaceful features. Honestly, they weren’t much different from his usual everyday expressions. She envied his calm, never being able to stay still for long. 
Luka shifted, blinking sleepily at her, a sleepy smile curving his lips. “Morning, Mari.”
His arm raised to trace a feather-light path down her cheek to cup her neck and pull her towards him.
She let him guide her closer, her breath catching in her throat.
“Mari, if you’re up, could you help out at the register for a bit?” called Sabine through the door.
Luka jerked away and Mari rolled out of bed with a thump. “Be there in a minute, Maman!”
“Are you okay?” he peeked over the edge of her mattress.
“Just fine,” she rubbed her behind. Luckily, the duvet had cushioned her fall.
“Er, sorry about that,” Luka ran his fingers through his messy locks.
“It’s fine,” she shrugged off the hurt, grabbing a pair of jeans and a flower-embroidered sweater off the back of her chaise. “Want me to save you anything for breakfast when I go down?”
“A quince pastry would be nice.”
“Got it. See you!” She fled down the stairs to the secondary powder room to change and twist her hair into a braid. Ready to suppress the feelings stoked by Luka’s earlier actions, she washed her hands and prepared to face the public.
Luka wandered downstairs a while later, looking neat and as if he hadn’t slept in her bed and almost greeted her with a kiss before they were interrupted and then ignored it. 
She could feel Sabine and Tom pause in their work as they took in the situation and incorrectly interpreted it.
“Oh, I thought we missed you leaving last night, Luka,” smiled Sabine. “Are you-”
“Here’s your pastry,” interrupted Marinette, thrusting the napkin-wrapped goods into Luka’s hand. “You’re lucky I saved you the last one.”
“Er, lucky, yeah. About that. Can I talk to you? Later, I guess, when you’re not busy,” he cast a glance at the blatantly listening bakers. 
“Sure. We can go for another drive in about an hour? Around one?”
“Sounds good, I’ll see you then. Bye, Tom, Sabine.” With a wave, he ducked out the door, leaving a bill in Marinette’s now-empty hands for the pastry.
She turned to her parents. “It’s not what it looks like. It was late and cold and I didn’t want him walking home in the snow-”
“Mhm,” Sabine raised a knowing brow. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Marinette shook her head. “Not yet.”
Luka shook his head, sending accumulated flurries flying off his hair. He’d had the most lovely dream, waking up to Marinette cosying up to him in his bed, smiling at him lovingly. Except it hadn’t been a dream, and he’d almost kissed her.
He was not going to go down the path they’d travelled in school, with the secrets and barriers between them. She still didn’t know he knew she was Ladybug and the Guardian, and she hadn’t told him. He wasn’t going to lie to himself; it hurt a little.
Realistically, he knew there were several reasons why she wouldn’t bring it up (not the least of which because she didn’t want to dredge up those traumas again) but emotionally, he was simply hurt by her still not trusting him with her identity even though she’d entrusted Sass and literal timelines to him.
Still, his therapist in the States had done him good. 
He was going to tell Marinette he knew on their drive this afternoon, get everything off his chest, and then leave it in her hands while he returned to LA and broke his heart over her for the last time. Yep, sounded like a good plan.
Marinette climbed into the car. Luka closed her door, crossed the front, and slid into the driver’s seat. 
“Where to?”
“I thought maybe we could just drive around this time, unless there’s somewhere you wanted to go?”
“No, that sounds fine.” He took a sip from the mocha she had supplied them with, humming appreciatively. “This is perfect; thanks, Mari.”
“You’re welcome.”
He started the car and pulled away. 
They drove in silence for a while, occasionally pointing out some place they and their friends had adventures at. 
Luka pointed at the tip of the Eiffel Tower. “That thing was destroyed more times than I can count.”
She made an agreeing noise, thinking back to some of the battles the Tower had seen. 
“Marinette, I need to talk about something with you.”
She nodded, looking at the un-Luka-like tension in his body language. “Okay.”
“I was Viperion, on the Miraculous team. I reset so many timelines. It was impossible not to know who my allies were, with all the mishaps occurring. I’ve known you were Ladybug for years.”
She stilled, breathing stuttering as old trauma resurfaced. Someone knew she was Ladybug, something bad happened.
Reminding herself that Hawkmoth was gone, she wasn’t Ladybug anymore, and she was safe, she regulated her breathing and thoughts. 
“I knew you were Ladybug when we were dating, and that your identity was why you were so hesitant to open up. I thought now would be a good time to tell you that you don’t have to keep that secret alone anymore.”
“Luka, I-”
“It’s okay, Mari. I didn’t hold it against you. After all, we were all kids. Just thought I could even the score before I leave, since we both know each other’s secret,” he muttered. 
“I- you-” she stuttered, falling silent as her thoughts whirled.
“I’m flying out tomorrow afternoon,” he broke the silence after a few minutes. “Don’t worry, I haven’t told another soul and I never will. But, if you ever want to talk about it…you have my number.”
She nodded, still processing. “Thank you, Luka. For- well, everything. I’m sorry for what I put you through.”
He gave her a smile meant to be reassuring and forgiving, but she knew it was fake. “Have a happy new year, Marinette.”
Strangely feeling like she’d been broken up with, she closed the car door and walked into the bakery, where her parents met her.
“Everything okay, sweetie?”
She shook her head. “I think I need to take you up on your offer to talk about it.”
Luka packed his suitcase methodically, thoughts with one person miles away.
He wasn’t quite sure what he’d expected when he’d told her he knew. 
Maybe for her to ask him out again since they had no secrets between them anymore? Okay, that was his wildest dream, but he supposed she hadn’t changed that much, still taking her time to process things. Not that he blamed her–having a magical emotional terrorist attacking your city didn’t exactly inspire impulsive actions regarding your feelings.
His therapist had told him that there were seasons in one’s life, and sometimes people were only meant to be with you for a season, like a flower. Others were like trees, there no matter the weather. He wanted her to be a tree, but maybe she was only a flower. Whatever she was, he’d always remember the beauty of her blooms and the sweetness of her perfume. 
“‘Tis the damn season,” he mumbled, slinging his guitar case over his back and picking up his suitcase.
He’d left her with a reminder of his phone number. Hoping she’d call him one day, he drove to the airport. He only realised he’d chosen the route that took him by the bakery as he passed it, peering in the window to catch a glimpse of Marinette working the register. 
Marinette wasn’t having a good day. She’d taken forever to fall asleep, tossing and turning as she stewed over Luka and her parents’ advice.
They’d understandably been surprised by her explanation of the inner workings of her and Luka’s short-lived relationship, but provided some valuable outside-perspective commentary.
After a fitful sleep, she’d been working the register while her parents worked on a rush-order of pastries, her mind consumed by thoughts of Luka.
“Here’s your change, ma’am. Have a happy new year!” Handing the coins over, she wiped her hands on her apron and tidied up the counter space.
Clean up complete, she ran upstairs to change into jeans, boots with Ladybug pom-poms, a turtleneck, and her favourite Viperion hoodie she’d worn thin.
She tossed a quick goodbye over her shoulder to her parents and ran out the door, waving her hand at an approaching taxi. 
“International airport, please,” she huffed, buckling her belt.
“Hope you’re not late for your flight, mademoiselle. The snow is slowing traffic,” said the driver.
Marinette clasped her hands to stop her nervous fidgeting, calling on all of Tikki’s luck that she’d arrive before Luka’s flight left. 
~~~ Luka wasn’t having a good day. He’d slept off and on, was leaving his first love behind, and now he couldn’t even do that because of the sudden snowstorm. All flights were postponed or cancelled for the time being.
So far his flight was only cancelled, so he found a comfortable piece of carpet to claim and began strumming an imaginary guitar while he waited for updates.
Snippets of lyrics floated through his brain as he composed a piece containing his feelings in the moment. 
“I won’t ask you to wait…if you don’t ask me to stay…” He hummed softly.
The sound of running feet made him look up, curious who thought they were late for a flight that wasn’t taking off.
“Marinette?” “Luka?”
She paused in front of him, catching her breath.
“Why are you here?” he asked cautiously, getting to his feet.
“To see you,” she panted. “Didn’t want you to go.”
His heart picked up pace as if he’d been the one running through the airport. “Really?” “Really. I want you. I have for years. Is there any way you can stay?” she asked softly.
“I’ll stay any way I can if you ask, Ma-ma-marinette,” he grinned. “I love you. I never stopped.”
She tiptoed to be face-to-face with him. “I love you too,” she whispered in his ear before greeting him with a soft kiss. It felt like home and the beginning of everything and the end of everything and the past and future all wrapped up into one amazing kiss in the present.
He cupped her face in his hands, resting his forehead on hers.
Luka drove them back to the bakery, keeping her hand entwined with his. They stepped into the entry, stomping snow off their boots. Sabine and Tom greeted them as if it was an everyday occurrence, though Marinette saw the happy spark in their eyes.
“Just in time for the party!” boomed Tom. “Dinner is ready; let’s sit!”
After a festive new year’s eve dinner and delicious buche, Luka and Marinette carried their flutes of champagne up to Marinette’s balcony to watch the firecrackers and revellers beneath them.
Chanting filled the air, little sparks in the distance showing where firecrackers had been set off.
“10! 9!” The countdown to the new year had begun.
“My new year’s resolution is to have the woman I love become my girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?” Luka asked.
Marinette nodded vigorously. “Yes!”
“3! 2! 1!” 
Horns sounded, firecrackers popped, and hollers filled the air, but Marinette and Luka heard none of it, too wrapped up in each other. 
“Joyeuse annee, Luka.”
“Bonne annee, Marinette.”
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Theo hasn’t celebrated his birthday since he was 8 and Liam makes him cry for celebrating it. Thing is, he doesn’t make a big deal out of it. He doesn’t throw him a big party. It’s just the two of them. And it’s the best birthday he’s had in a long time.
Of course Jenna does make a nice meal and gives Theo a vegan muffin with a candle, which makes him laugh.
Later, after everyone has gone to bed, Liam and Theo are watching a movie on the couch when Liam brings out one more surprise for him.
“Liam, I dont need any gifts. This is perfect right here.”
“Well, I’m not taking it back, so you might as well just take it.”
Theo doesn’t say anything as Liam quickly runs to the closet and retrieves something. It’s kind of big, but Liam tries to hide it behind his back. Theo looks at the wrapped case as Liam holds it in front of him. The wrapping paper had squirrels all over it and was quite hideous, but was totally all Liam. Theo stared at the package with wide eyes. He glances at Liam, who’s giving him his best puppy dog eyes. He can’t look at him or he’ll break. 
“Are you… going to open it?”
“No,” he says tightly.
“Theo,” Liam whines.
“No, I can’t take it, Liam.”
Liam sighs. “Here,” he says as he tears the wrapping a little, splitting down a squirrel. He imagines it’s the same way his coyote tears through a small animal. Theo can see the top of the guitar case and the start of the company store name where Liam got the guitar and, no doubt, the leather case with it. Strings and Things, the musical shop off the corner by Sinema. Theo has been in there countless times, always wanting but never able to afford a new guitar. So he’s seen the price tags, and he knows there’s no way Liam could’ve afforded something like this. “I know you lost your old one when your dad…” Theo looks at Liam with slightly watery eyes. “Anyway, I just… I know how you loved to play, and it’s my fault you lost it anyway, so here.” Liam pushes it closer to Theo and Theo pushes it back. “Theo,” Liam exasperates. Huffing harshly, he pulls the wrapping off the rest of the way. He tears through the badly wrapped present and opens the case. The tears that had been so steadily collecting in Theo’s eyes fall and he sucks in a breath as he sees the guitar in plain view. The very guitar that he has stopped to look at every day at work.
Liam is freaking out. He thought this would make him happy, but all he was doing was making him cry.
“Do you not like it? I know it’s not like your old guitar, but the guy at the shop said it was one of a kind and that no other guitar plays like this one—” Liam stops rambling as he suddenly has his arms full of his coyote boyfriend. Theo sobs softly into his shoulder, his arms tight around him. “Theo im sorry. I thought you would like it. Ill take it back, okay?”
Theo shakes his head and looks at Liam. “Dont take it back.”
“But it made you cry.”
“Cause I'm happy you dumbass. I love you so goddamn much.”
Liam smiles, suddenly getting it. “I love you too.” He says before kissing Theo. The guitar lies forgotten till the next morning. Which is the best night of Liam Dunbar’s life. November 23rd is now his favorite day of the year.
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