#cause it sure as hell ain't straight
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I'm terribly predictable and I don't like it
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strawburry01 · 2 months
Ain't No Love in Oklahoma
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Summary: Tornado wrangler Tyler Owens and his crew find themselves on your farm as a tornado touches down
2.2 k words, nothing crazy.
“What a view,” Tyler mused as he looked out at the great country landscape unfolding below him. Oklahoma wasn’t known for hills or anything that really detracted from its flat-ness, so finding a spot like this where someone could see a far distance out into the expanse was rare. For storm chasing- it was a downright game changer. Like now, him and his motley crue of chasers there was a dark gray cloud formation starting to look interesting to the north. 
“Dude this is so great. The thumbnails are going to go crazy if we can see one from here,” Boone agreed next to him, already swinging his iPad side to side to try and get it all. The crew of them had just been driving when they saw a break in the fence letting them get closer. Sure it might have been trespassing but who was going to care about them all the way out here? 
There was a loud crack that split the silence and the ground next to Tyler sent mud flying into his pant leg. He quickly turned. 
You sat perched on top of a brown horse, a few yards away, shotgun balancing on your hip. A wide white cowboy hat on your head covered your features, but he was equally turned on and terrified at the same time.
“Y’all got 30 seconds to start moving or the next shot won’t be as friendly,” you called out from your horse. You could see the tallest man chuckle and say something to the shorter one next to him before turning and leisurely jogging to you. What thoughts were running through his head to convince him running towards a woman with a shotgun was a good idea?
“Afternoon ma’am! Pardon my crew and I, but I feel like we’ve started on the wrong foot,” he said as he got closer. He looked straight out of a magazine cover. Chiseled face, scruff, blonde hair peeking out from his cowboy hat, with a red button down that was one button too unbuttoned. You did feel a pang of guilt for almost hitting him.
“Perhaps we did. I just don’t take kindly to trespassers on my property,” you said, swinging your horse to the side so you could face him better. Tyler rubbed his neck. Ah shit.
“That’s my bad ma’am- see we’re storm chasers, we’re always trying to find an edge to get ahead of the next storm or tornado,” he said, gesturing to the darkening sky. You slowly nodded. “My name’s Tyler Owens, you might’ve heard of me on Twitch,” he added with a charming smile as he held his hand up for a handshake. You slowly shook his hand, taking in the weird man.
“My name’s Y/N. What the hell is a Twitch?” you asked after letting go. He opened his mouth to try and explain, but decided it was fruitless. 
“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you miss Y/N. Apologies again for stepping into your land, but we’ve got the looks of an EF-4 starting out there on the horizon and damn it’s going to be a good one,” he said, turning back to the crew and the sky. 
“Hate to tell you Tyler but we don’t get tornadoes out here. It’s been years,” you said with a nod, but following his eyes to the sky, leaning closer to your horse and patting his neck whether for your own anxiety or his. As if on cue, a rumble of thunder rolled overhead which caused your horse to whinny. 
“Global warming Y/N. Spots in Oklahoma that have never gotten hit before are getting struck. It’s up to you, but-” he said as he turned back, the clouds getting lower, “I’d get low,”. Rain started to fall in big drops as you tried to think.
“I’ve got animals Tyler, I can’t handle losing this farm,” you said as you chewed your bottom lip. 
“My crew will help. Before we head out,” he said instantly as he started waving to his crew. 
“IT’S COMING TYLER!” Boone shouted, waving the iPad above his head, “IT’S A BIG ONE!”. Another roll of thunder went overhead and your horse brayed again, getting antsy. Okay maybe these strangers had a point. Seeing their suped up trucks and RV showed that they either had way too much money and free-time or they could actually be trusted when it came to this stuff. Fuck it don’t be stupid.
“Get on, I have to get the cows, but you’ll tell me if it gets closer alright?” you stammered over the rain, holding out your hand to Tyler, “tell your guys to head straight for 5 minutes, there’ll be a barn and a house,”. Tyler nodded and relayed the message to Boone as he slowed the truck down passing you. Boone passed a walkie talkie out to Tyler with a nod, and waved politely to you.
“Don’t you worry ma’am you’ve got the best on your side!” he chirped, before peeling out on the truck sending a wave of mud behind him and leaving a large dent in the ground. Best? Tyler sucked air in through his teeth and sheepishly turned back to you. Before you could try to help him up he was already behind you. Obviously not his first time getting on a horse which did catch you off guard. You slung your shotgun over your back as you started heading back to the house. You felt Tyler move closer to you, gripping his hands onto your sides as your tightened your grip on the reins trying not to overthink this. Dammit you can be horny when this is over, not when a tornado is about to come through. It had been a while since any man had been so chivalrous or intriguing to you. The rain started coming down harder, making it tough to see, which only increased the worry in your stomach as you reached the cows. 
“I’m gonna open the gate, you stay here!” you shouted to Tyler as you jumped down into the muddy grass, before hauling your ass to the wooden gate where the cows were already anxiously pacing by. You unlatched it and swung it open before jumping back onto the horse to start cornering the animals back to the barn. Luckily you only had a handful of cows this season, but it was still tough enough. You shouted over the rain to keep the cows moving and Tyler started doing the same. He turned his head and held a hand up to his forehead to try and get a better view.
“Y/N I don’t mean to alarm you, but I believe there’s been landfall,” he said, breathing close to your ear. You wanted to turn and check, but you also knew your job right now was keeping these animals safe. 
“Just tell me if we’re in danger Tyler,” you shouted back, willing your horse to move faster. By the time you got to the barn a few minutes later the rain had turned into hail. You slid off your horse as you tried to unlock your barn gate, but the adrenaline and water made it hard. Tyler appeared next to you and gently tried his own hand at unlocking the door. 
“The lock is 5999!” you shouted, the small number lock keeping the bigger doors shut. You mentally cursed this decision to have it locked at all. Tyler finally got the lock loose and threw the door open. You started pushing and shouting the cows to get inside, where the sides were already shuttering. Tyler grabbed your horse’s reins and brought him inside as well before he ran off in the chaos.
“Is that it?” Tyler asked in the doorway, wind whipping his shirt. You wiped your hands on your jeans to try to focus and dry off before nodding. Tyler suddenly grabbed the shoulders and faced you in the doorway.
“It’s going to be okay Y/N,” he said, locking eyes with you, “we have to get underground now though,”. You nodded furtively, going back to real life and focusing on the task at hand. Tornado, stay alive. You threw the barn door shut and locked it before grabbing Tyler’s hand and pulling him towards the house. The wind whipped against your face and caused your hat to fly off. 
“Shit!” you screamed as you watched it get blown away in the blink of an eye.
“Come on!” Tyler shouted back, pulling you forward again towards the house. Boone was on the porch holding the door open shouting at the two of you to get in. 
You two jumped into the house before Boone slammed the door shut behind you. You wanted to lay down and curl up right there, but Tyler’s crew were all trying to ask you if you had a basement or somewhere to hide or somewhere to keep down. Tyler placed his hand on the small of your back to try and help. “Hey guys one at a time alright,” he said, quieting the group. 
“There’s a basement, it’s not much and I don’t know if it’s storm-proof and all that but-” you said as you moved to lift up the small door that was in the corner of the kitchen. There was a dark staircase downstairs and you shouted for everyone to get in. You screamed as the kitchen window bursted in, letting rain and hail into the house. Tyler grabbed your waist and dragged you down into the basement, door slamming shut behind you both. Everyone was huddled in the corner, light illuminating from their phones as they watched the storm overhead, continuing to chatter.
You slumped against the wall and finally took a breath. You felt the presence of someone slide beside you. 
“How you feeling?” Tyler asked. 
“Tired. I don’t know how you do this for a living,” you laughed as you looked up at him, laying your head on his shoulder. 
“I’m not sure how I do it either all the time,” he sighed, “being able to help people feels good though. Knowing that the more we understand these things the safer the future can be,” he continued.
“Noble,” you remarked.
“When Boone isn’t recording all of it at least,” he chuckled looking over at Boone who was sure enough recording it all on his phone.
“So you’ve got fans?” you asked.
“Lots. Well, okay a fair amount? A million? Saying that to you makes it feel kind of stupid though,” he said.
“What do you mean?” you said, “a million is a lot of people watching you, that’s crazy,”.
“It’s nice and all, but damn. You have it all out here. Alone. Not needing a million people watching you. Just seems nice,” he explained, placing a hand on your knee as he waved his hand during his explanation.
“Lonely though. I bet you’re never lonely,” you murmured. He shrugged.
“I have friends, it's hard to keep a lover with this lifestyle though,” he said absentmindedly.
“Yeah, I can relate to that,” you said softly, “uhm, if we get out of this tornado thing, I’ll give you my number,” you quickly said, before hiding your face into your shoulder. Ugh what were you a high schooler? You felt his chest rise as he laughed.
“You’re cute Y/N, and I’d love to see your farm under less stormy conditions,” he grinned. Your chest fluttered. 
“I’d love to show you it,” you nodded. The two of you kept chatting as the storm went on for another 30 or so minutes. Luckily the basement did a sufficient job of keeping everyone safe, but you couldn’t help but think of the barn and the rest of the house upstairs. You talked about your time growing up in Oklahoma and Arkansas. About how he went to school for meteorology, and how you dropped out of OK State to take care of the property, but you had really wanted to go back later.
“Seems safe guys!” Boone said as he stood up and kicked open the door. The kitchen was still there, and so was the house. You checked out the window, and breathed a sigh of relief to see the barn was still there.
“Cut right through- spared your stuff by like 50 yards!” Tyler said, relieved. Seemed like the best case scenario here happening. You helped his crew get set up to head back out and slowly lead the cows back out to their slightly damaged pasture. 
Tyler stepped into his truck and rolled down the window. You stepped up onto the running board of the truck to get closer. You handed Tyler a post it note with your number scrawled onto it.
“Like I promised,” you said with a smile. Tyler grinned and stuck it to the computer screen in the middle console. He took off his cowboy hat and put it on your head.
“Since you lost yours. I’ll be back for it though,” he said as he moved your hair behind your ear. 
“Alright tornado cowboy,” you smiled as you stepped down.
“It’s tornado wrangler actually,” he noted before blowing you a kiss and rolling up his window. 
It was a few hours later when you were finally making dinner when your phone buzzed. 
Hey Y/N, hope you’re doing well. Sitting at a motel. Wondering what you’re doing.
AN: let me know if anyone wants a one-off of you trying to get divorce papers to your insane storm chaser husband in the middle of the midwest ->(https://www.tumblr.com/strawburry01/756685031316062208/all-yourn-summary-you-visit-your-husband-tyler)
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ataraxixia · 3 months
❦ 𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒. you stole Boothill's clothes to make him realise how (in)appropriate he dresses ❧ tags. boothill x reader, fluff, teasing, slight suggestive, ❧. a/n. I rlly can't get enough of this man
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"c'mon, darlin', I ain't one to play hide n' seek. where's that fudging pretty face of 'ya?" boothill practically shouted through your house, looking in every room and every corner to find you- to no avail, yet, since he didn't bother to look in the living room for some reason.
"for a bounty hunter you're really bad at finding people!" you could hear the low chuckle from him through the walls, the sound of his metal boots becoming clearer and louder.
"oh, darlin', now 'yer pushin' it." he said, arriving the corner of where your livingroom and hallway were connected. "there 'ya are, darl- oh."
the moment he laid his eyes on you, you could've sworn you saw steam coming out of his body. his eyes were wide and his mouth agape for a second before another low chuckle came from him.
"What's this darlin'? I don' think I did anythin' to deserve this."
"So, you see this as a prize?" you asked, a 'not-so-pleased' expression on your face. you were currently wearing your boyfriends clothes- if you can even call those pieces of fabric clothes. although too big on you, they covered almost nothing- his jacket at least.
boothill walked up to you, a smug smile on his face as he eyed you up and down, a small whistle escaping his lips. "well, if 'yer wordin' it like that, I'd say no." he took your chin in his hand and made you look up at him directly, stroking his finger over your lips- even if he couldn't feel it.
"but seriously now, why are 'ya wearin' my clothes? especially with nothing under it."
"do you wear anything under it?"
"I've got metal plates, you don't. that's different, pumpkin."
you rolled your eyes at him, swatting his arm, which held your chin, away and your hands on your hips- skin to skin, since those pants have hip openings for some reason. you really didn't understand the person who made these clothes for him.
"I could get used to this, though. 'Ya look like quite a meal." his face was close to yours now, his breath warm on your cheeks. He snaked an arm around your waist and you two practically leaned against the wall now. "Boothill, I only wore these to show how inappropriate your clothes are! they cover nothing!" you said, but he chuckled- again- and gave you a light peck on the lips, his shark-like teeth grazing your bottom lip.
"I ain't have anythin' to cover up, darlin'."
he gave you a smug smile again and you would've punched him in the gut if he still had one. you refrained though, mostly because you could break your hand if you actually punched him.
"you're impossible."
"only because 'ya make it so easy." he shot back, "now c'mon, you wanna change to 'ya old clothes, don't 'ya?"
"more than anything." you nodded, walking past him towards your shared bedroom and he followed behind- like a lost dog.
once you were back in 'normal' clothes again, you relaxed on top of your bed with boothill lying on his side beside you, steadying his head with the palm of his hand.
"What was 'ya point again, baby? Somethin' 'bout me dressin' inappropriately?" he asked with a sly smile, "because I sure as hell remember that 'ya ain't carin'."
He sat up straight cross-legged, his elbows on his knees and his face leaning on his hands. "'cause," he tilted his head, "'ya always wanting' to get these off myself when we're havin' a little fun-"
"Don't say stuff like that! It's embarrassing!"
"Only embarrassin' for 'ya, I enjoy it." god, why did he always have something to say back?
You grabbed the blanket and covered yourself, turning away from him. He frowned a little, a small pout on his lips as he shifted towards your figure, embracing you with his arms, even if he wasn't under the cover.
"'ya just gonna ignore me now? 'ya ain't thinkin' 'ya pushin' it?" he asked, his breath touching your nape. you stayed silent, only a shake of your head answering his question.
"fine, fine, I won't say stuff like that anymore, 'ya cowboy promises, happy?" you quietly laughed at his promise before turning around, the two of you face-to-face.
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acapelladitty · 5 months
sweeter than honey
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Fem!Reader
Summary: "You'd let me," Cooper pauses to allow the truth of the question to hold in the air, "rip my teeth into you and take a bite of you for myself? No knife. No healing. Just teeth." Groaning at the very thought as you consider the other wicked things those teeth are capable of, your thighs widen in open invitation. "Yes."
(warnings for: oral sex, cannibalism, biting, blood, sub space painkink, cum marking, masochism, teasing)
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
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Slick with sweat, your breath comes in shallow pants as every inhale breathes fresh life into your burning lungs while you drift in the pleasurable haze of your post-orgasm comedown. The sloppy mess which steadily drips free of your cunt to the leather duster below is quick to stain the fabric as Cooper's electric eyes gaze up at you from the flat position between your thighs where he'd long since dropped his body.
"Nothing like it, darlin'. Sweet as honey and enough to make a man want more."
His mouth and chin glistening with your release and his own spit, for someone whose own mess streaked the dusted ground where his groin has rubbed itself into a frenzy, Cooper didn't seem quite finished with you as he licks a lazy stripe across your slit - the simple move making your legs jerk as his tongue grazes your engorged and overly sensitive clit.
Brain fuzzy, you can only squeak out a casual acknowledgement as you lazily egg him on with a dopey grin.
"Take more if you want."
Cooper scoffed.
"Last time, your foot kicked seven shades of hell outta my jaw cause it was too much for you, sweetie. I ain't falling for that shit again."
"Not like that." You smirk, recalling the fantastic yowl which fled him as your overstimulated body acted of its own accord and cold-clocked his wicked mouth. "I mean take what you want."
"You know what I want." Low voice rumbling from his throat like an approaching storm, Cooper presses his lips to your thigh in a chapped kiss before continuing. "But some things just ain't likely, are they?"
"I'd let you do it."
"You would, huh?"
"I mean, if you wanted-"
"You'd let me," Cooper pauses to allow the truth of the question to hold in the air, "rip my teeth into you and take a bite of you for myself? No knife. No healing. Just teeth."
Groaning at the very thought as you consider the other wicked things those teeth are capable of, your thighs widen in open invitation.
Something savage, almost animalistic twists at his features as he takes the encouragement for what it is, his face rubbing against your thigh as he nestles himself against the flesh. His lips ghost across the skin of your inner thigh with reverence; licking the skin there with a textured tongue as he steals a taste of what's soon to be his.
"You sure, darlin?" It's an ask, more like a plea, as he tries to hold back the excitement in his tone - his blazing eyes flashing up at you for one final acknowledgement, a final chance to back out and forget the offer.
"Do it, Coop. Take what no one else ever will."
Teeth blunt and not designed for a clean tear, it hurts like fuck when he sinks them deep into the flesh of your thigh; the heat of the pain burning like hellfire and forcing your spine to go ramrod straight as you beat your fists against the floor and writhe in place against it.
"Fuck! Fuck- ow! Fucking hell, Coop!" You whine out, the words only able to break free of your gritted teeth as the white-hot pain levels out into a terrible ache which makes your limbs tremble and tears slip free of your eyes.
Despite it all, there's a heat in the actions - a thrill of pain and pleasure rolling across your spine as you glance down through watery eyes to see him swallowing down the small part of you he had ripped free.
Part of him now.
It was enough to make you light-headed. Well, that and the blood loss, as the fresh wound bleeds freely and droplets trickle across the skin of your legs as they follow the curve of your thighs to drip to the duster.
His mouth licking at the wound, almost like a cat as he catches the blood he can - his hands slips up to cup at your cunt and his fingers are quick to spread your lips as he sinks past the mess he left to circle his calloused digits around your clit.
Mewling out something incomprehensible, nausea and arousal making the pressure in your skull difficult to ignore, you can't muster up the energy to push him away as each gentle touch feels like fresh lightning scoring across your overheated flesh.
"Every part as good as the last, sweetheart." Cooper speaks eventually, flashing bloodied teeth at you as he covers the wound on your thigh with his free palm, the pressure making you squeal in discomfort. "A man won't be able to forget an experience like that."
"Remember it well, handsome, cause that hurt like fuck and I ain't doing it again."
The threat of an approaching orgasm quickly making your heels curl against the ground, you gasp out your response before his actions have you reduced to a babbling, sobbing mess - so lost in that hazy space where pain melts with pleasure that you doubt you'd even notice him sneaking his way in for a second bite.
Slipping higher until the sensation of his breath on your cunt makes your brain short-circuit, Cooper is as enthusiastic as ever as he growls playfully at your words.
"Noted, sweetheart."
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serene-destruction · 7 months
(Platonic) Reactions To Finding Out You're In Hell For Killing Your Abuser [Angel, Lucifer, Alastor, Vox]
TW: Mentions of childhood sexual abuse | Cannon typical violence | Mentions of suicide
A/n: this one is really dark so reader discretion is greatly advised. Read at your own risk.
Word Count: 4.5k
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Angel Dust
You and Angel Dust likely met at the hotel. You were a newer resident of hell that just so happened to be spotted by Charlie and taken in after wondering the streets.
He didn't take to you right away, considering he had his own issues to deal with. Not to mention that you were such a goody two shoes that it kinda made him feel even worse about himself. Despite his name he knew he was far from any angel and your presence only exemplified that.
By all accounts you seemed to save your shit together. A drug free, pure and kind person, through and through. You never faltered. So it takes a while for him to even stand being in your presence, longer to actually try and talk with you. He hates that he doesn't find something to hate about you. Just so damn perfect.
He should have known better, truthfully. No one gets sent to hell off a whim, there were reasons. He was just so blinded by your purity at first that he doesn't see it. He isn't the only one, either. Charlie would be the first to use you as an example of purity.
But all the same the two of you do end up getting close to each other. You may be a bit straight-laced for his taste, but he can't help but grow attached. You're a good kid, you really don't deserve to be here.
It only takes one night for his perceptions of you to shatter
It started with one of Charlie's trust games. You were all meant to share what sins brought you down here. In a place like hell that wasn't usually a very taboo subject. Murder, drugs, sex, Angel's heard it all. But despite that assurance you wanted absolutely nothing to do with the exercise. You had locked yourself in your room, refusing to participate. So while the others went on ahead Angel decided he'd talk to you.
“Kid! C’mon, it can't be that bad!”
“I don't want to!” You were adamant. He should have known it right then
“Kid…look, can ya at least let me in? I'm tired of yelling through the door!” He pleaded and, to his surprise, you did. Your eyes avoided him completely as you allowed him to step in the room. Even when the two of you sat down on your bed you didn't budge. You looked almost as terrified as the first day you came here.
“Look, I get that admittin’ what you done can be a bit…embarrassin’ sometimes,” he's tries to calm you.
“But none of us are perfect and you ain't any different. Hell, it might even be good for you” his attempt at comfort didn't seem to be working. In fact he might have made it worse, given how you turned further away from him.
“It’s not just because it's embarrassing! I- I just don't want to tell everyone!” you answer through a tightening voice. There's a pause as Angel considers your words before he speaks again.
“Then you don't gotta tell everyone. You can just tell me” He was surprised when the offer had you turning back to him, though your discomfort was still evident. You didn't say anything at first but eventually you found the words.
“...Promise you won't tell anybody?” he fought the urge to roll his eyes. He was sure you were being overdramatic. You probably told a little lie that got out of control or accidentally kicked a puppy or-
“Promise” he answered anyway.
And so you told him
“I…I was tired of him touching me” Angel’s stomach immediately drops at just those few words. All of his previous downplaying caused an explosion of guilt within him.
“He was always touching. Every day since I was little. Every time he was over, every time I was alone. I couldn't- I…I just wanted it to be over”
He knew where this was going.
“I-I snapped. I just couldn't take it anymore. Eighteen fucking years” your voice is a mix of rage and pain, a sound he didn't think you capable of until now.
“I'd never been so angry. I didn't- I didn't know what I was doing until it was over. There was blood everywhere- I killed him and…and I couldn't live with myself. I'd never done something like that before! I'd never hurt anyone! I couldn't live with that- I couldn't-”
Before you can spiral any further you feel Angels hand land on yours. With slow, purposeful movements he pulled you into his arms. You freeze for a moment, caught entirely off guard by the sudden comfort. He was careful not to hold you too tight and keep his breaths steady. Keep himself predictable.
“S’okay kid…You didn't do a damn thing wrong” his whispered words break through your shock, melting you into a pile of sobs in his arms, gripping onto him like your very soul depended on it.
After that night the two of you quickly become known for your fierce protectiveness over each other. Angel swears that if he ever sees the bastard he'll rip him a new asshole before shoving a spike in it.
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Lucifer Morningstar
You were one of many assistants to Lucifer, helping him with the many tasks he doesn't ever keep up with as the king of hell. You are most likely ignored and/or forgotten about for a while. He is far too, uh…busy for remembering much of anything, let alone names and job titles.
However you do manage to catch his eyes when he finally notices your apparent lack of any sort of social life in hell. Unlike the others he has working for him who seem all too happy to indulge in hells many depraved luxuries, you aren't one of them.
It triggers his curiosity, so he starts to remember your name and even manages to strike up conversations with you that don't sound like he's desperately trying to remember who he's even talking to.
You begin to be the first person he goes to when he needs something done and in turn you go to him when you need something as well. It's never anything too much, he notices. Always just small tasks that take him almost no effort at all. But you seem to beam at even the smallest kindness.
But then there is that ill-fated night…
It was late and you were still hard at work in your office.
Or at least you would have been, if you didn't feel like the weight of everything was weighing down on you as you stared down the two items Lucifer had left for you. A small note and a tiny rubber duck. You kept re-reading the note over and over again.
‘You're a good kid, Y/n. Keep it up’
The small gesture had formed a sickening guilt in you. You were the farthest thing from good. What you had done rightfully landed you in the shithole you belonged in. You didn't deserve his kindness, let alone his care. You felt so guilty for ever allowing him to think that you-
A knock at your door has you quickly wiping away your tears. Before you can say anything he opens it, his wide smile falling immediately.
“Oh no, what-” he pauses when he sees the death grip you have on the rubber duck he'd gifted, your eyes unable to even glance at him. He gives a nervous laugh at that. It sounds more worried than anything.
“You uh- don't like the gift, I take it?” At that your head whips to look at him, an attempt to calm your nerves written all over your face.
“No! No that's not-…no” your frantic words die down quickly as you quickly turn away again, unable to look the man in the eyes. There is a long silence that feels almost like an eternity passing. Then, to your complete surprise, he slowly pulls up a chair next to you, his eyes not turning from you for even a moment.
“Do you…maybe wanna talk about what it is then?” His voice is disarming, a mix of poorly feigned calm and genuine concern. It frightens you how quickly he makes you want to spill your guts.
“It's- I’m not-” You pause, trying to collect your words. You know then that you can't bear to tell him anything but the truth.
“I don't deserve this” you gesture to the toy and his letter. He doesn't seem to understand.
“You? Y/n, you're practically the only reason I get any work done around here! The least I can do is this, truly. Why wouldn't you deserve it?” His tone is full of disbelief, almost entirely sure that you must be avoiding telling him the entire truth.
“Because it isn't true” the bluntness of your words catches him off guard.
“I killed him and…and it felt good when I did it. It felt good to hurt him like he hurt me, it felt good being in control. It didn't feel bad when I put that knife through his throat, It didn't feel bad when I finally got him to stop touching me. It didn't…until it was over” the tears that had brimmed at your eyes fell like rivers, your attempts to wipe them away fruitless. You didn't dare look him in the eye, even as you continued.
“There was so much blood. I…I didn't know what to do. I- I didn't mean- no, no I did. But I just couldn't live with it. I couldn't live knowing that I killed him and that all I could think about was that he'd never touch me again! I couldn't-!” your words are cut off by the feeling of arms wrapping around you. For a moment you freeze, confused and horrified by the action, that is until the comfort of it seeps into you, knowing that the hands that held you now meant no harm. After that you sobbed into him.
Only once you'd calmed your sobs to hiccups and your grip loosened did he finally pull away. But he didn't go far and his eyes looked at you with nothing but pure concern.
“You listen to me, okay? I would never hold that against you. I couldn't if I tried. You did what you had to and I trust that you did it for the right reasons” his words of forgiveness strike through you, hitting you directly in your wounded heart. Never before had you believed anyone could look so kindly upon you knowing what you'd done.
After that day Lucifer had become quite father-like to you, treating you just like he would his own kid. You practically become an honorary Morningstar.
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You and Alastor have an…interesting relationship. the two of you very likely met at the hotel, considering he wouldn't have given you a second glance otherwise. You were, after all, just one of the many other souls, and not an impressive one at that. Meek, young and weak.
It takes a long while for Alastor to warm up to you, most likely because you avoid him at all cost. You learn quickly that Alastor doesn't like being avoided like that when he begins to follow you around.
It's through conversation that he grows interested in you. When you aren't blinded by your fear he's actually a great conversationalist, especially when he's alone with you. It seems almost like he drops a bit of his guard as well, something you explain away as you being of zero threat to him. The two of you often talk of your plans for the day and whatever latest idea Charlie has conjured. Small talk, for the most part. Never anything personal
Which is why you are so caught off guard when he asks the truthfully inevitable question.
It was a usual calm morning in the hotel kitchen. A bit of smooth jazz played from an old radio, the coffee machine churned, the constant static from Alastor flowed through the room and the sound of idle chit-chat passed between the two of you. Besides the fact that no one else joined the two of you, it all seemed relatively normal.
“I must say, for someone in Hell you have quite the kind heart, my dear. One might even ask how you managed to get yourself down here” Alastors words cause your heart to sink almost immediately. Your body tenses, your breathing catching for just a moment. You make sure to keep your eyes on the coffee pot and manage to give him a halfhearted laugh. But you know the moment he goes quiet for just that second too long that he noticed.
“How did you end up down here, if you don't mind telling me?” You feel your tongue go dry, your jaw clench, your entire being beg to leave this conversation. But you knew there wasn't a chance in all of Hell that you'd get out of this. If he didn't get an answer now he'd be sure to get one later.
“I uh…” you start, nausea threatening to crawl in.
“I don't know” you try to answer, hoping beyond hope that it would satisfy him.
It did not.
“Now now, one mustn't feel the need to lie to friends. I assure you I've seen worse than whatever it is you managed to do!” You pause at his words, finally turning over your shoulder to look at him.
“We’re…friends?” You ask, surprised to see him look almost just as confused by your words.
“Why of course! The both of us have quite nice talks with one another, why wouldn't we be?” He seems so confident as he speaks. Despite how skeptical you've been ever since meeting him, you can't help but feel that he might genuinely be growing on you. Fuck, you might even trust the guy. Not with your soul, mind you, but you were sure at least your words would be safe with him.
“Out with it then, what got you sent down to this lovely pit of fire and brimstone?” his tone is jovial and light, not taking this nearly as seriously as you felt he should be. You were weirded out when it actually helped you calm down a little.
“Well…” should you tell him? Would he even care? Would he blink an eye at your suffering? Would he laugh at you? All the possibilities ran through your head at once.
When you finally turned to face him he gave you an expectant look, fully anticipating an answer from you. So you took a deep breath and turned your head to gaze at a nearby wall before beginning.
“My uncle, he um…well he didn't really know how to keep his hands to himself. Ever since I first met the man he wouldn't keep his damn hands off me. Then mom died and I had to live with him and…” you pause a moment, trying to keep yourself together. With a deep breath you continued.
“He never stopped touching me. No one believed me, no one did anything. Not when I was eight, or ten, or fifteen. Not after either. I was just alone with him. Every day of every month of every year…until I couldn't take it anymore” your voice was quiet now, just above a whisper to keep it from shaking.
“I was cooking dinner when he came behind me and-…I snapped and…well I'm not really sure. I just remember being covered in blood and knowing that no one would believe me. So I did what I thought was the only thing I could do. Next thing I knew I found out I had been damned for all eternity” you hugged yourself in an attempt at comfort that wasn't working. You managed, by the smallest effort, to keep your tears in and your breath steady, but you knew you'd break at any moment. When you turned to him, his smile still plastered and staring blankly at you, you thought you just might have done so then. So you quickly turned back around to save yourself the embarrassment.
“But yeah. Pretty sure that's why I'm here-”
“That was quite brave of you” his words shock you still enough that you might have even felt your heart stop. Your head snaps back to him in an instant, unsure if you'd heard him right. He's standing now, smile just a little less wide and leaning on his cane. If you didn't know any better you might have mistaken it for a look of uncanny care.
“What?” You whisper the word. He stands a little taller at that.
“When the world stops caring then one must simply make it. Very few do so, and so I applaud your effort in taking fate into your own hands” he is serious, almost deathly so. His words aren’t what you expected, but they are actually some of the most comforting you'd ever heard. Not only because he believed you, but because he truly believed you'd done the right thing.
“...Thank you” his smile widens again and you catch how ever so slightly bigger his antlers have gotten and the small flicks of green that seem to only show in your peripheral. You choose not to say anything about it.
“Of course! Now I simply must be on my way! There is much to do and so little time. Have a pleasant rest of your morning!” he was out the door before you even realized he was leaving. You would have said goodbye yourself if you didn't know he was already gone. And without his coffee too!
After this little incident Alastor seems almost tied at your hip. You are warned time and time again not to get too close to him but after the way he took the news of your sin you honestly don't think you could push him away. He was the first person you'd ever told in Hell, the first person to ever believe you. And given how keen he is on keeping you safe both in and out of the hotel you are quite happy to call him a friend.
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The only way you'd be able to get even a second glance from Vox is if you worked for him and, let's be real, he couldn't have given less of a shit about you when he first met you. You were one out of thousands that worked on his many, many projects. You were lucky if he ever even read your name, let alone remembered it.
It takes quite the circumstance for him to notice you and it's likely only because of very selfish reasons. Maybe he picks you out of the crowd as a gag at first. The big CEO talking to this meek little low life, giving them a glance at something they'll never achieve.
But Vox has a way of getting attached to the strangest things sometimes and you end up being among them. Maybe it's the way you go along with whatever he's saying, playing to his ego. Maybe it's the way he knows you don't mean a single word and he feels he has to prove himself. Or maybe he just liked having a bit of a babyface around to impress. Either way, he ends up kind of taking you in.
You become a sort of protege to Vox as he teaches you all about his company and how to run it; mostly so he can hand you the tasks of the day that he doesn't feel like handling. You're a secretary of sorts. He does, however, try to keep a distance between you and the other V’s. Mostly because he knows they can be a bit much and he doesn't want to scare you off just yet.
But it's inevitable that you would meet them someday. And, as he expected, the first meeting didn't go very well.
You and Vox were on your way down the hall in the middle of idle conversation that was mostly work related. You liked having these conversations with him, mostly because he always seemed so pleased when you'd give him an idea he liked or a change he'd consider. You felt useful in a way you hadn't really ever felt before-
“My my, if it isn't Vox and his new little pet” the voice speaks behind you and both you and Vox turn to see who it is. You are set on edge when Vox gets suddenly nervous.
“Val! I thought you had work down in the studio today?” Vox’s voice booms in the way you know he only does when he's trying to keep his cool. You make sure to stand a little closer to him when Val walks up to the two of you.
“You've been hiding from me, love. So I figured I'd pay a visit. Good thing too” the moth man leans down to you so close you feel your entire being beg to disappear.
“I wouldn’t have met the darling that's been keeping Voxy so occupied. Cosita bonita” he looks down at you, his smile alone sending a cold shiver up your spine. He grabs your hand and instead of doing anything normal like shaking or kissing it, he instead begins to lick up your arm.
“Rumor has it your little fall from grace betrays how sweet as you look” Horrified and feeling very familiar fear consume your being, you freeze up. Luckily, and rather surprisingly, Vox very quickly pulls him away from you.
“Alright, alright that's enough of that!” his tone is that of a light reprimand, though the swirls in his eyes betray him. He effortlessly spins the moth man around in something similar to a dance, ending with the two of them facing away from you. Whispered words are exchanged, Val glancing back at you for only a moment afterwards before walking off with no complaint.
Vox straightens his suit, his performative smile falling for a moment before turning back to you.
“Let's get back on our way” he beckons you as he continues to walk. You follow along, compliant as ever. He leads you to an elevator where the two of you get in and he clicks whatever floor he'd decided he had work on. You think everything is relatively normal until, with a wave of his hand, the elevator stops.
“What did he mean?” The question confuses you.
“...about what?” You ask, unsure what he was getting at. He turns to you.
“About your ‘fall from grace', what was he getting at?” the realization dawns on you the same way acid would drip into an old wound. There was really only one thing that could mean and the fact that a man you'd never met knew enough to mention it made you sick to your stomach.
“Kid?” He calls to you and it's only then you notice tears build in your eyes. You quickly blink them away before making sure to avoid looking in his general direction.
“I…don't know” you tried, very unconvincingly, to feign ignorance. Unfortunately that didn't go over well with him.
“I don't think I've met a worse liar in the entirety of Hell than you” he states plainly and you can't help but agree. You hadn't really ever had practice in the field. Yet even with his call on your bullshit you chose to stay silent.
“Look, If Val knows then chances are I'm finding out anyway. He's not exactly great at keeping his mouth shut” he tries to convince an answer out of you but his words only make it worse. You didn't want that creep to know in the first place! But, being ever so horrible at keeping such a cold front up, you break under his gaze.
“It’s why I'm in Hell” you start off vague and you notice how he leans in just a bit closer.
“Seriously? That's what's got you upset? What, was it embarrassing? Because believe me, I'm sure I've heard worse” he was really trying to sell you that notion, what with the wide smile and undivided attention, but you couldn't help the nagging voice that told you he wouldn't believe you.
But still, you assumed it better he heard it from you than Val. After all, you and Vox were pretty close at this point. If there was anyone that you'd tell, it would be him.
“No it's- well it is embarrassing, but-” you stammer a moment, trying to find the right way to say it. Soon enough you fix your eyes on the metal doors and just spill.
“I had an uncle. I lived with him for a while, most of my human life really. And he uh…I was just a kid at the time and he- he couldn't keep his hands to himself. Just kept…touching me. For years” the way the information pours out of you is forced. Like you have to pry it from your own mind and shove it out your throat. But there was no point stopping now.
“And then I just couldn't take it anymore. I don't even really know what happened. One second I was cooking dinner and the next he came behind me and…and then everything was bloody and…” you trail for a moment, your mind brought back to that horrific memory. Without a thought you finally turn to Vox.
He looks completely deflated, stripped of that egocentric smile of his and leaving nothing but a shocked still expression in its place. His mouth hangs slightly open as if to say something, but no words come. You feel your tears sting your eyes at the sight.
“No one believed me when I told them what he was doing, no one believed me when I told them for how long. So I knew when I killed him it would just be the same. That they'd make him a martyr and I'd be the villain and- and I couldn't deal with that! I- I didn't want to live through that again!” your voice raises at the end, voice pleading to be listened to, to be believed. Fuck, even just heard.
You get what you ask for with his stunned silence and tense posture. After a moment though you can't help but feel like you want to take your words back, his silence disturbing you greatly.
Just as you're about to ask him to forget what he'd heard, to pretend like you hadn't ever said anything and move on like normal, his hands reach slowly for you. The movement confuses you so greatly that you don't even think to stop him when he silently pulls you into him. You stand rigid for a long moment before, bit by bit, melting into sobs. He holds you tighter in the silence of the elevator and you can't help but grip onto him like your afterlife depended on it.
It's after this that Vox becomes fiercely protective of you. It's incredibly strange for everyone, including yourself. He is adamant that it's just because you know so much about his company, that it's all purely business. But when you think back to that day in the elevator you can't help but believe that he might just actually care about you.
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neerons · 3 months
Some of Silvio Ricci’s best quotes
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"A heart? I'm a merchant, why would I need one?"
"Looks like there IS another thing that’s just as certain as death and taxes, and that’s people gettin’ stupid at a party." (—Silvio talking about most of the princes)
"…It was a slip of the tongue, okay? ‘Cause your sassy ass was actually cute for once!"
"Do ya know what we call guys like that? We call 'em perverts and stalkers and creepy assholes." (—Silvio to Gilbert)
"(…) you’re usually sassy as hell, but all of a sudden you actually looked kinda cute and charming."
"Okay, look… …It was a joke. Just a joke, okay? And I took it too far."
"…I can’t protect you. I haven’t got the strength to protect you from those assholes. Get it?" (—Silvio to Valerio)
"I mean… ain’t it obvious that I’m always thinkin’ about you, too? You take up so much damn room in my head I can barely cram the other stuff in!"
"Yep. Lucky you, huh? I ain’t interested in marrying any other woman, so I’m gonna give you the throne, too."
"…I don’t want ya to see me looking pathetic."
"As if the spies ain’t bad enough. You’ve got a lot of shitty hobbies." (—Silvio to Gilbert)
"A wicked woman, huh? You’re way too charming and cute for that, damn you."
"If people love you, it makes ‘em more likely to listen to what you have to say, even if the deal brings ‘em to a disadvantage. But I ain’t got that. I’ve never been any good at flattering people. I’m not like Valerio. No one’s ever been weird enough to wanna help me no matter what the cost to them. …The truth is, I always knew there were things that can’t be bought with money. (…) When I was young, I never had anyone. My brothers both knew how to be friendly and cute, so people’d dote on ‘em. But I could never manage it.
"If you don’t get plenty of water into you, you’re never gonna get better. Oh, and someone gave me some fruit. If ya think you can eat it, I guess I can peel it for—" (—Silvio taking care of a sick Emma)
"...They're touching." (—Silvio telling Emma he can feel her breasts against his arm)
"(…) go back to sleep! Rest until sundown! And don’t forget to keep your blanket on!" (—Silvio to a sick Emma)
"I’m pretty fond of that sexy voice of yours, you know. So stop trying to stifle it."
"Eat. (...) I'll shove it into your mouth. (...) You plannin' to starve to death, then?" (—Silvio to Rio)
"You really do have way too much goddamn charm."
"Hey, you look a lot bigger than I remember. You been working out? (…) Good for you. But make one move on my woman and I’ll throw you to the sharks, you hear me?" (—Silvio to Dario)
"(…) I didn’t want it gettin’ scratched up and stuff. I take it with me on some trips as a good luck charm, but other than that, I keep it here all the time. …Ugh, look what ya made me ‘fess up to." (—Silvio talking about a bracelet Emma gave him)
"If it was me, I'd slam my fist straight into your smarmy face. You massacred their people. Why should they let an asshole like you anywhere near the damn service?" (—Silvio talking about the Rhodolitians to Gilbert)
"(…) because it wasn’t just my achievement, I gave my brother an earring made from the gold that was mined there." (—Silvio talking about Valerio)
"Dammit, I know it’d be quicker to just ask her, but I want this to be a surprise." (—Silvio’s thoughts about which fabric to use to make a new dress for Emma)
"Emma has real beautiful skin, y’know. Blue looks amazin’ on her. And she loves the ocean. I’m sure she’ll like the wave pattern on the fabric here. But also… More than anything, she’s real sweet and gentle. And this fabric’ll bring that out perfectly. She gets embarrassed easy, see, and always turns bright red. It’s… Honestly, it’s real cute. I think this shade of red would made her look even cuter when she blushes. And look here. See how it glitters when the light hits it just right? If she wears this, then when we dance—huh?" (—Silvio talking about Emma to rabbit Emma)
"It ain't your style to be visiting me at this hour. Did you fail to find yourself a woman?" (—Silvio to Nokto)
"You’re beautiful, you’ve got a good head on your shoulders, and you have a good personality when ya ain’t bein’ a cheeky brat."
"I don’t even wanna think about the guy I used to be before I met you. That’s how much I’m head over heels." (—Silvio’s thoughts)
"No matter how long I travel the seas, I’m never gonna find anything more beautiful than you."
"Ahh dammit, I love you, I love you!" (—Silvio's thoughts about Emma)
"Just let me give you one kiss! (...) No, I want it now!"
"Are we talkin' about the same guy? The guy with an eye-patch that looks like he rules hell, but in a happy way?" (—Silvio talking about Gilbert)
"I can't believe that I feel this great when my body is sick. No one had ever taken care of me like this before." (—Silvio's thoughts about Emma)
"Aaaaargh! Damn you! When ya say crap like that, I just wanna hold you so bad!"
"Maybe I have been too overprotective. She'll be fine on her own. She doesn't need me to shield her every step of the way. (...) I didn't stop to consider how she would feel and just did whatever I wanted. I need to fix this bad habit of mine." (—Silvio's thoughts)
"You could never love anyone, even though everyone loved you. That's just who you were. ...You were always so damn unfair." (—Silvio's thoughts about Valerio)
"How long is she going to keep blue-balling me for?!" (—Silvio's thoughts)
"The more I have you around, half of me wants to pamper you, and half of me wants to tease you to tears."
"Wrong. She just paid for her own crimes. How is that Valerio's fault?" (—Silvio talking about his mother to Emidio)
"...Ah, there's the cheeky bastard I know. Much better." (—Silvio to Valerio)
"Everybody loves you, they always have! But no one's ever loved me. Not even once. So how the hell am I supposed to know what to do about it?" (—Silvio to Valerio)
"I ain't ever said I didn't want you there! (...) It was tough on me because I DID like you bein' there! 'Cuz it actually felt pretty good bein' with you..."
"Ever since the night I'd seen beneath my mother's mask, I'd started asking myself what I could do to protect Valerio and his mother. But the weapon I was after wasn't a sword—it was money, money I could use to buy people to wield that sword. (...) I'd put that money to good use, and I'd bought plenty of people in the royal court. I'd used fake names so neither the king nor my mother would realize it was me, and I'd hired bodyguards to secretly watch over Valerio and his mother. There was nothing I could do to ever make up for all the bullying I'd done, but I found plenty of ways to protect him." (—Silvio's thoughts)
"Damn. That was close. I'd almost blurted out something ridiculous about her being more beautiful than the ocean, but I managed to swallow the words at the last second." (—Silvio's thoughts)
"Stop doin' that! Not in front of everyone! (...) You're gonna make me grin like a stupid idiot in front of all these people!" (—Silvio reacting to Emma holding him)
"The dress she wore today was supposed to be simple and understated, but on her it was anything but. With it, Emma looked as bright and beautiful as a rose in full bloom. I could have watched her forever." (—Silvio's thoughts about Emma)
"You're beautiful, you know that?" (—Silvio's thoughts)
"You never gave a damn about me growing up. All your attention was always on the mutt. Don't pretend to be a father to me now." (—Silvio's thoughts about his father)
"I love ya too, okay?! A whole damn lot! With all my heart!"
"Talk shit, get hit, ya little twerp!" (—Silvio to Valerio)
"Even when he was a kid, Valerio's always been fascinated by my seafaring stories. It was pretty much the only thing he was interested in talkin' to me about. His eyes would sparkle every time I told him about one of my journeys, so I figured I could at least bring him along for one that was less dangerous." (—Silvio's thoughts)
"I want him to be free and happy like that more. All his smiles are all weird and fake now. It creeps me out." (—Silvio's thoughts about Valerio)
"Havin' matching ones means we can show that we went on that journey together. And every time I look at my own earrin', I know that the joy I saw from ya that day was real." (—Silvio's thoughts about his and Valerio's matching earrings)
"Ugh, I hate you. I really do. It ain't gonna change the fact that you're my little brother, though. No matter how many times ya get on my nerves, I still gotta step up as your big brother." (—Silvio's thoughts about Valerio)
"For all the shit I say... I have to admit, I don't exactly hate spendin' time with Valerio at all." (—Silvio's thoughts)
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lovetei · 1 year
Okay so, someone headcanon that Lucifer interact with Cerberus very seriously like no baby talk or any normal petowners behaviour…? This is actually kinda canon now? In the recent Lucifer’s card. He be trying to get his lepus doing smth by acting like they’re business partners and the lepus keeps electrocuting him in the progress lol.
And just imagine MC being the lovely troublemaker they are keep sneaking in the underground tomb to see Cerberus to give him belly rubs, snacks and all of the things Lucifer didn’t do because MC feels bad cuz Cerberus can’t experience all the “good boys stuff” he deserves
Then one day, Cerberus just break out and just running around the house to find MC cuz they forgot to give Cerberus his daily without Lucifer knowing snacks, and daily cuddle too! What a crime. How would the bros react to that?
I was surprised Fluff and crack dominated the poll I created last post 😭
But this cute as hell.
I'm back on my long post era :b
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MC who thinks Cerberus is just a giant puppy that deserves love cause he's a good boy
Warnings: Grammar errors, spelling errors, long post, Mentions of starving, Mentions of eye bags, Mentions of some real threats
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
He's a very serious pet owner
He doesn't punish his pet though, no fasting or whips just some soft scolding and lecturing
On the other hand, there's you who as a pet fever, always hyperventilating when you see Cerberus
He figured that you might turn his stoic and monstrous three headed dog into some giant puppy
So he made sure that he adds one more barrier, specifically preventing you from entering the tomb
But guess what? You're the shit.
Ain't no barrier gonna stop you.
So you sneak out late at night while struggling to hold all the large sized snacks you starved yourself to get your hands on just make Cerberus feel like the good boy he is.
Of course, Lucifer noticed this but he's not really sure and he does not want to confront you about this.
Like, what if you're not actually going to the tomb to pet and give Cerberus belly rubs? He'll look like a fool.
But it just kept getting worse.
The eyebags around your eyes
And how Cerberus gets more and more whiney
What the fuck is on about you two
So as a punishment, he decided to give you a break (Wow)
You're not allowed to leave your room until the dark circles under your eyes disappear.
And to his surprise, and prediction, Cerberus managed to break out of the magic he applied on the tomb that prevents him fron going out without his permission
He's both disspointed and proud.
Disspointed because his dog is disobeying and proud because his dog is actually really strong.
And as to his guesses, he ran up straight to the HOL and broke the door open.
And just like in those movies
You guys met halfway and life dramatically cried out as if Lucifer prevented two lovers from meeting each other.
He's just standing on the background like :l
Cause he expected this much.
He liked the dog don't get him wrong
It's just that, he's not as crazy as you are about them
Plus that three headed tree pisser tried to kill him multiple times
And he's NOT happy about it
It's not like he can get any time to bond with the dog too since Lucifer is keeping a tight leash on him both literally and figuratively.
That might stop him
But not you
As your first man, he already know you're up to something the moment he saw you, through his crows, carrying large sizes of food, now human food, dog food.
He also knows that you're someone who don't actually want someone to know about this little secret of yours
So he just kept quite and stood at the bay
Watching you sneak around the house, trying to get to the tomb by yourself
Who knows? Something might go wrong and he needs to be by your side to save you as your babysitter and as your first man.
He started getting worried as soon as he saw those eye bags though
So he admitted that he knows what you're up to and suggested that you stop
You got mad
Of course
He knew it
He snitched on you by the way
He didn't straight up told Lucifer that you're going out to meet Cerberus
He just pointed out that you have like the worse eye bags ever and subtly said that you might be on some late night rendezvous.
He's glad that Lucifer gave you that time out.
He's sorry for snitching on you too but your health comes first before some belly rubs and dog treats.
When he heard the door of HOL crashing down though
He knew damn well who it was
He actually opened (broke) the door for you.
He's not that much of a dog person
More on reptiles and amphibians
But he understands why you're all crazy about dogs
I mean it's a common thing among humans right?
He's pretty sure Lucifer won't let you near Cerberus though since all about the string, guard dogs type while you're all down for cutesy belly rubs and treats.
Then one night, when he's about to get water after playing video games all night he saw you
Sneaking out
And he thought "What if MC actually have a hidden identity like in those anime?! That would be so cool!"
And so he followed you
And saw Mammon following you too
Mammon explained what's happening to him.
He's actually surprised you would go this far.
He started following you every night too of course
Even though he knows that you can knock out Cerberus with a single hit if you're actually serious
He even started watching anime about dogs and reading managas about them too then recommending them to you
He just loves the expression you make when you're so excited and your heart is melting because of the cute illustrations.
Is Mammon snitching?! On you?!
He's surprised cause, what the fuck, he's actually the last person he thought will snitch on you
It's understandable though, 'cause he's actually near on doing the same.
He's just glad that you got mad on Mammon instead of him
So you got your rest and you're not mad at him, it's a win win for him.
He also got to record the whole dramatic reunion between you and Cerberus.
He's a cat person
He can barely care
About Lucifer and his pet
But if it's you then... Maybe he can bare with it.
He just loves how you look at dogs like how he looks at cats.
You guys really are soul mates.
But why would you starve yourself for dog foods..?
He got a little mad because of it but he knows you just love Cerberus so much
And that you want to treat him like the good puppy he is because the so good Lucifer FAILED to do so.
He knows you're sneaking in and out of HOL to go in the tomb and meet Cerberus
He applied a few spells that made you seem more approachable to animals and be more sneaky without you knowing too.
But his guts are just telling him to close this book and follow you.
And so he did.
And he saw not one,
But two of his brothers trying to act sneaky and following you down to the tomb you knowing
He didn't expect this to be honest
He thought Mammon would be too dumb to find out and Levi will be watching too many animes and play too many games to even notice.
But he guess he underestimated their feelings for you
That doesn't mean his is in any way less than them though
That's why he's here
Although he knows that Lucifer would find out sooner or later
He didn't expect Mammon to be dropping hints when you're his absolute partner in crimes
What a traitor
He would've killed him and fed him to his crows if he did that to him.
But he knows that Mammon is just as worried as he is
Plus he knows to himself that he will be telling you to Lucifer if this gets any worse.
So he is really no better than Mammon
Putting you on some sort of time out and forcing you to rest is a good way of punishment, he expected it, Lucifer spoiling you.
But Cerberus barging in the HOL is not something he thought would happen.
He knows how disciplined Cerberus is, he's Lucifer's pet after all.
He also thought the dramatic meeting was cute and he chuckled a bit.
Oh... Dogs?
He doesn't like stray fur on his clothes though...
But he guess he can understand you.
Cerberus is indeed one big, fluffy dog after all.
Despite being locked down inside the tomb
Cerberus is actually squeaky clean and always smells good.
He's one of the dogs Asmo will be okay being close to.
He can understand you buying him treats and sneak one or a couple of times
But sneaking out in the middle of the night just to give him treats and belly rubs?
Even starving yourself to buy him food is outrageous
You could've asked him for help, he has all these money from modeling just rotting away
Waiting to get spend on some shoes and pearls.
Like Mammon, he dropped subtle hints, commenting on your eye bags but Lucifer seems to not take him seriously as he thinks that Asmo points out even the slightest difference.
He's dissapointed, he means, it's your health on the line here!
So he resorted into confronting you
He thought that maybe following you to your late night sneak outs and pretending to catch you will work
He didn't expect Mammon, Levi and Satan following you too though
He's looking at them all shock cause what the fuck?
And then when he's about to scream Satan just pulled him and covered his mouth with his hand.
When you're about to leave though, he tried to break free from Satan's grasp and proceed with his plans but instead earned shushes from everyone.
Out of all people
He didn't expect Mammon to snitch on you
He actually thought that Cerberus snitching on you is higher than Mammon telling you on.
But he's glad to hear that you're under house arrest and is prohibited from tiring yourself
You really need this rest, honey.
He's one of the people that took care of you that day, actually.
He painted your nairs and gave you a spa day inside the bathroom.
And then he heard a loud crash
He just rolled his eyes and stopped fanning your wet finger nails and just let you run out of the room
He must confess he thinks the reunion is dramatic but it was cute
All the heads of Cerberus whining and crying
But your nails dear!
Beel loves Cerberus too!
It's just sad that Lucifer won't leg him take care of him as much as he wants to
Cerberus' main job is to protect the tomb where their grimoires are located at so he understands why.
Lucifer doesn't want Cerberus to end up all cutesy greeting each 'visitor' that enters the tomb like he's friends with them
He want Cerberus to not even think twice and attack anyone who would enter the tomb except Lucifer himself.
But aside Lucifer, Beel is the second most close to Cerberus as he's the one that take him to walks most of the time
And when he found out that you like dogs too
Specifically Cerberus
He looked at you with obvious adoration in his eyes
Cause, finally, someone can get him
He wants to treat Cerberus like a good boy too almost just as much as you but Lucifer won't let him
But you have a plan?!
Wait, why are you starving yourself..?
That's bad...
If you just want to buy Cerberus dog food and treats you can use his money
But why do you insist that you want to buy his food yourself?
By what money? The money you got from starving yourself?
He knows he can't stop you though
So he just cooked extra portions when he's on duty and insisted that you share foods with him
So, problem number one solved
But now there's another problem
And it's you sneaking out late at night just to feed Cerberus!
Look at yourself MC!
You barely get any sleep!
He actually decided to start feeding Cerberus himself after he saw the dark circles under your eyes
But after he saw Mammon, Levi, Satan and Asmo hiding behind a big rock he already knows he's late and that you're in the tomb again
When Asmo tried to go out and confront you though
His heart dropped
Cause "What if MC thought were stalkers?!" "MC will think we're controlling!"
Though, Mammon snitching on you is something he expected
People might think that he'll die loyal and never snitch on you but he knows better than that
He knows that Mammon will put your health above everything and would snitch if needed
For him, house arrest is a light and well thought punishment
He doesn't know why you need to receive it though
He means, you did nothing wrong, you just feed and play with the dog
He thinks the dramatic meet up is cute too!
He's standing on the background looking like ^^
He likes Cerberus
He has fluffy fur and would carry him when their together
He's unbelievably large too so he's like a giant, moving bed for Belphie
And he understand why you would go crazy over Cerberus
He is indeed one of a kind considering how he has three heads
But he can't understand why you would go through such lengths just to play with the dog
Don't get him wrong, he knows that you like Cerberus and sees him as a giant puppy
But Cerberus guards their grimoire and that grimoire is very important to them
So he's also one of the people that actually prevents you from going in the tomb to play with the hell hound
Lucifer trained them to be a strict guard dog for a reason
And he knows it and it's for his own good too
Though, he knows his explanations won't stop you considering how you're starving yourself to buy him dog food and toys
And even wake up late at night just to sneak out and give it to Cerberus
He wants to protect you of course
Cerberus is still a hell hound that's above thrice your size
So he did the unthinkable and stayed up late
Wanting to spy on you
He saw you sneaking your way down the hallway and so he decided to follow you
And then he saw them
Not Cerberus
But Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo and even Beel spying on you too
He guess he underestimated them
He just joined them behind the rock though and rested on Beel's shoulder
He's more assured now since his brothers are watching over you too
But when he heard the sudden rustle made by Asmo trying to struggle to confront you
His eyes shot open and helped Satan on strangling him down
Hell, he almost turned to his demon form
You falling ill is something he's scared of, but you getting mad at him is another
And both are as bad as the other
Actually, the way he glares at Asmo as Satan covers his mouth is terrifying
He might as well just point a knife at his neck at this point
And then the next morning what woke him up is not Lucifer
But the door of their house falling down and creating a loud thud
And is followed by loud howls and whines he knows too well
He's wide awake now and is staring at the two of you, dramatically hugging each other as if Lucifer kept you away from each other for years
Mammon snitched on you?!
Oh... So you've been on an house arrest since earlier this morning and not even a day passed and Cerberus is already running after you?
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privateanxieties · 5 months
these final hours
Summary: When your job becomes too overwhelming, Frank decides enough is enough. A brief conversation reveals that things run deeper than he thought.
His verdict comes down one Sunday evening, breaking you from the melancholic stupor you're well into traversing.
"Alright, that's it."
There's a part of you that wants to protest immediately. It's always the first one to make itself known, because it's the one that feels the most fear. No, you cannot just quit your job, no matter the toll it's taking on you. No matter how many people tell you it's making you fade. No matter how little you stand to gain from keeping it up. Because if you do, then - then -
"Don't look at me like that. I said that's enough. You ain't going tomorrow."
There is, however, another part of you: the one that could cry out in sheer relief just by being presented with an out.
You don't even know what it is, exactly. Everyone has to work who was not born fortunate. People have much harder jobs than you do, and they get paid even less. So many struggle to make ends meet. You have neither the long, nor the short straw. The work is completely average, though perhaps below your capabilities. Definitely below your studies - God knows you're not justifying any of those student loans, save for maybe lots of jobs requiring some kind of degree these days. No, you can't quite grasp where all this melancholia with regard to your job originates.
When you really look at your situation, you have to abstain from getting carried away by overwhelming disappointment over how unjustified all this grief seems. Things could be a hell of a lot worse. People go through things at work that render them suicidal, and here you are, on a Sunday night, sad that you have to wake up for your commute.
"Sweetheart, you gotta talk to me. Alright? Can't handle seein' you like this. Nothin's worth it, you hear me? Ain't a goddamn thing in this world worth what this shit does to you."
Frank's hand on your knee makes you immediately tense up. It's instantaneous sensory overload from a simple touch and you can't explain it. It bothers you that you can't explain because it's another thing that's wrong with you. Another overreaction to an inoffensive event.
Before you can move away or even just barely take a breath, the warmth of his skin disappears. You hate the relief that washes over you. Who feels better when someone they love stops being affectionate? You, apparently. Always against the grain.
"You know I'm not making you do anything. Yeah? Need to hear that you know that."
A nod is what you manage, but eye contact has yet to happen. You theorize that if it were to happen, if you were to see him in this moment of wild vulnerability, you'd probably want to run from him and all else in the world.
"You don't have shit to prove to anyone. You included. Can't try to beat yourself into a mold if that mold's just gonna take away all the best parts of you."
Your chest rattles, and you try to keep your breath from becoming a pained gasp.
"You know, just 'cause I read doesn't mean I'm good with words. That's all you. But I'll say whatever I gotta say to get through. I ain't losin' the woman I love to a fucking job. And I sure as shit ain't letting her believe she's gotta do what the world says she's gotta do. Break herself as many times as she has to just to get approval. Can't do shit with approval, I'll tell you that."
Against all odds, words tumble out of you like a knocked over pot of crayons. Sharpness everywhere.
"I fail at - at everything. I haven't done one thing right my whole life. I quit everything I start. Everything - Frank, I can't st-"
An involuntary sob rips straight from your heart.
"I can't stand myself. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of my days not belonging to me. I'm tired of getting nowhere. I'm tired of not having any good reason to be like this. Every day I have to know, I have to wake up and go to sleep and never stop knowing that I am the way that I am. And I wish something would just happen so I don't have to keep-"
It stops. The flow of words you've never said out loud, even to yourself, stops dead. The silence floods the remaining space without delay but it, too, does so fruitlessly.
Frank has heard enough. Enough to know exactly what you've sworn you would protect him from.
"Will you look at me?"
The softest plea. You don't think you've ever witnessed it.
"Need to see it. Yeah? I need to see it in your eyes, what you just said. And then we'll figure it out. But I need to know, sweetheart. Because if I gotta protect you from your own mind, Imma be honest with you - I need different gear."
It's a weak attempt at humor, but not completely unsuccessful. Mostly you just know that Frank means every word. And you know, as your gaze meets his at last, that the part of you that always resists outside help has lost some strength. You're not too far gone to be able to admit that your thoughts have been getting bleaker. It's a newness that scares even you, who's been down this path before. Somewhere, it seems a turn arrived that even you weren't aware you'd taken.
But Frank is nothing if not relentless. There is no road he won't track you down on and no path inaccessible to someone of his determination. You can see it in his eyes, along with the subtlest glimmer. You're making him worry, and when Frank worries, he plans. Ten, maybe twenty steps ahead - which is why he locks away your phone with his guns for the night. It's safe to say you won't have an alarm for tomorrow, and the relief that fact brings isn't unaccompanied by guilt. Frank soothes it with promises and his unique brand of realism - you'll get through everything together, as long as you're honest. No more hiding, no more detours.
You're not sure how good you'll be at it, and when you voice the thought to him, Frank doubles down as he pulls the covers back from the bed and you both slip under them.
"You know what being good at therapy looks like?"
You hum your curiosity.
"Not needing relief anymore. Promise to let me know when we get there. Yeah?"
You press your fragile promise into the skin of his cheek, tucking your head below his chin and wrapping as much of your body around him as possible and, for the first time in weeks, drifting off instead of fighting to sleep.
A/N: just a short piece that I hope brings you some comfort if you need it.
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entitled-fangirl · 7 months
Two idiots in love. (P8)
Joel Miller x anemic!reader
Summary: Joel makes his decision to leave Ellie. But what will he decide about the reader?
Warnings: crying, cursing, fighting, yelling, blood, guns
Author's note: I'm crying- this hurts my soul.
Part 1 and 9
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Joel walked up the staircase of the little house that was now theirs.
Tommy agreed to take Ellie to the fireflies in the morning, and he was relieved. 
He carefully climbed up the stairs, opening the master bedroom door.
Y/N was sound asleep on the bed. Joel could tell from the way she slept on top of the covers with a tissue in her hand that she had fallen asleep crying. It broke what was left of his heart knowing that he was the cause of it.
He shut the door quietly and moved to Ellie's room.
Ellie was quite awake. And angry.
"Is this really all they had to worry about?" She asked while staring at a diary from before the breakout. "It's bizarre."
Joel nodded, "Listen-"
"-Why are you here? If you're gonna ditch me, us, then ditch me."
"What exactly did you hear?"
"'I have to leave her. You have to take her.'"
"I made this decision for your own good. You're better off with Tommy. He knows the area better than I do."
"Do you give a shit about me?"
"Of course, I do."
"THEN WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?" Ellie sat in the silence, "I'm not her, you know. Maria… she told me about Sarah-" "-Don't." Joel growled. "Don't say another word."
"I'm sorry about your daughter, Joel. But, I've lost people too."
"You don't know what loss is."
"Everyone I have ever cared for has either left me or died. Except for you and Mom. So, don't tell me I'd be better off with someone else, because the truth is.. I would just be more scared." Ellie froze, realizing she had just called Y/N Mom.
Joel sat on his thoughts. "You're right. You're not my daughter. And I sure as hell ain't your dad. And I'm goddamn sure Y/N isn't your fucking Mom. Now, come dawn, we're going our separate ways."
He turned to leave, but Ellie spoke up just barely, "What about Y/N? Are you just abandoning her, too?" 
He stopped, turning around to face the girl again. "Y/N has enough in life that she won't miss us."
And he slammed the door behind him.
Y/N peered out from the doorway of her room with puffy eyes and messy hair. Her voice was soft and concerning, "…Joel?"
He left out a breath at the sound of her voice. "…what."
"Is everything okay? Is Ellie alright?"
"Ellie is just fine. She's leaving in the morning."
She tilted her head, taking another step out into the hall.
But Joel stopped her before she could go too far. "Don't. Just go back to bed."
He wished he wouldn't have seen the tears that filled her eyes as she closed the door once more.
The next morning, Y/N sat with Ellie on her bed, helping her pack her things. 
"You know," Ellie sighed, "Joel said something about you yesterday… while we were fighting."
Y/N shook her head, "Let's not talk about that. Let's just enjoy what we have left with each other, yeah?"
Ellie nodded, "Alright. I like that."
They continued packing the girl up, trying to make small talk about the trip ahead of her.
"Why are you staying? Why can't you come with me?"
Y/N stood straight, "I'll be extra weight. And… as much as I want to go with you, I can't leave Joel. He needs someone just as much as you do. And you'll have Tommy."
As if on cue, a knock sounded on the bedroom door.
Y/N held her breath to see Joel. 
But it was Tommy.
Y/N sighed and helped Ellie carry one of the bags, "Mind if I walk with you guys, Tommy?"
He shook his head, "I'd never mind that."
The walk was quiet and awkward. 
But what made it worse was the sight at the stables.
Joel was strapping a saddle onto a horse.
Ellie grumbled, "Come to say goodbye or something?"
"No," Joel immediately replied, "I came here to steal one of these horses and go."
Y/N felt her heart drop. He was going to leave her behind like that with no remorse?
"I woulda gave you one." Tommy replied.
"I know." Joel nodded. His gaze finally moved to Y/N and his shoulders slumped just barely, not thinking that she would be there. His gaze quickly shifted from her from the guilt he felt. "Anyway, that was 30 minutes ago and I guess…" 
He sighed as he approached Ellie. "You deserve a choice. I still think you'd be better off with Tommy-"
"-Let's go." Ellie replied, throwing her bag at him.
"O…Okay." Joel nodded. He sighed and turned to get the horse.
Y/N grabbed at his sleeve. Her voice was weaker than she would've liked, "What are you doing?"
He did everything he could to avoid her eye contact, "I'm taking Ellie, I guess."
"Bullshit." She reasoned, "You're gonna take me, too. You were gonna wake me up, weren't you? Before we left?"
"We?" Joel asked.
Y/N's mouth fell open and she took a step away from him. "You were… gonna leave me here?"
No one in the stable dared to say a word.
"Listen, I left you a note."
"Fuck your note, Joel Miller."
His jaw clenched. "You don't mean that."
"I fucking do. And fuck you."
"Calm down."
She scoffed and took a few steps back to give herself a moment to breathe. When her breathing went back to normal, so did her tone. "I don't understand."
"You have everything you need, here."
"But, you're not here."
Fuck, he thought. This was gonna be harder than he anticipated. 
"No," he reasoned, "But you can have a life here. A good one."
"How many times do I have to say it, Joel?" She pleaded. "I don't want any run-of-the-mill life. I want a life with you. I don't give two shits what we do. You… and Ellie… that's the only family I'll ever need."
If only she knew what she was saying.
Joel fought in his head how to tell her. What to say. 
If only he would've left earlier, and she would've woken up to the note.
The note that told her everything.
The one that was sitting on the coffee table in the living room, written in his scribbled handwriting- that note.
The one that said he loved her too much to make her choose. So, he was making the decision for her.
He knew she wouldn't be saying all this if she knew the truth.
But his heart was too damn selfish to tell her.
"Alright." He sighed, "Go pack your shit up. We leave in 30 minutes."
The small shred of happiness that broke through her face only tormented Joel more.
She placed a hand on his chest, "Thank you. Really. Thank you."
But Joel's eyes were looking at Tommy, whose was nodding his head slowly, taking in Joel's decision to hide the truth.
Y/N had never ridden a horse until here in Jackson, and she was nowhere near comfortable on one. 
Hence, why she was on the back of Joel's.
It was nice to be this close to him. Her arms were wrapped around his waist. She could smell that overwhelming scent of sweat and pine that he could never seem to wash off.
And she knew she made the right choice in pleading.
And Joel knew he made the wrong one.
He knew the second he said okay that he was being self-centered and foolish.
But he could never deny her.
He knew that he would have to hold this secret until they returned to Jackson.
Then she could scream and cry and curse him all she wanted. And turn to her own family.
But he couldn't help but be relieved that he could share just a little more time with her.
"Wide right. You're flinchin'." Joel smiled.
"The target's too small," Ellie tried to reason.
"That target is fucking huge," Y/N smiled.
"And I'm not flinching," Ellie continued, "rifles just suck."
"Just give it." Joel muttered.
"Okay, but it doesn't aim right."
Joel smiled with a low hum. "A deep breath in, slow breath out. You squeeze the trigger like you love it. Gentle, steady, nice and slow-"
"-You gonna shoot this thing or get it pregnant?" Ellie yelled.
Y/N let out a breathy laugh, trying to mask her amusement. Ellie caught it and decided to keep pushing, "Is that how he fucking does it?"
It was Joel's turn to laugh as he watched Y/N's entire face turn a bright shade of red.
"Leave her alone," he finally said, still laughing.
"Alright." Ellie sighed, "But this isn't gonna work. It doesn't aim right."
Perfect shot.
"You. Dick."
Y/N smiled again despite her red cheeks, happy to be with her little family.
She placed her hands on Joel's shoulders and leaned over him, giving him the lightest peck on the cheek. 
And he couldn't help but smile, too.
"So, I've been thinking," Joel mentioned as they rode through the university, "I don't want a sheep ranch, actually. I mean… if the deal is that I can do anything?"
"Yeah," Ellie said, "That's the deal."
"Well, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a singer."
Ellie began to laugh.
He turned to her on his horse, "Why is that funny?"
She straightened up on her own, "Well, you gotta sing something now."
"Oh, Ellie," Y/N smiled, "I've heard him. It's actually pretty decent."
Joel looked over his shoulder at the woman, "Respectfully, sweet girl, shut the hell up. Quit telling the kid stuff."
She laughed loudly, almost falling off of the horse.
As they rode through the university in search for the fireflies, they found it to be abandoned. 
Each guard station left deserted.
Finally, they tied their horses to trees and decided to take a bit on foot.
He helped Y/N down carefully, "You got your gun?"
She nodded in a worried manner.
They wandered through one of the buildings before hearing a noise.
Joel barely peaked out of the window to see four men wandering outside in search for something.
"Out the back."
The ran as quickly and as quietly as they could towards their horses. But due to their place out in the open, Joel knew they'd have to make a run for it.
The girls nodded.
He led them out to the horses and began to throw their bags onto the them. But he was distracted. 
He ducked in time to miss the swing of a baseball bat from one of the men. The bat broke as it hit the tree behind him.
Joel grabbed the man and head butted him harshly before putting him into a chokehold.
The sound of his neck snapping was unmistakable.
Joel dropped the body and turned to the girls to check on them.
Y/N let out a soft breath and put her hands on his chest, "You alright?"
He nodded, letting his fingers go to her hair, "Yeah… yeah?"
"Y/N…" Ellie said quietly.
She turned to look at Ellie and saw the girl's concerned gaze at Joel.
Y/N turned back to Joel and followed his gaze too.
The broken bat handle was protruding from Joel's stomach.
"Oh, fuck…"
Y/N was frozen as she looked back up to his face.
He grunted and took a hold of the handle, pulling it out with a yelp.
"Joel.. get on the horse," Ellie reprimanded. 
Y/N saw the other three men approaching at a run, and it spurred her into action. 
"Get him on the horse, Ellie!" She yelled.
One they got him on, Y/N pushed Ellie onto her own before getting on Joel's and riding off in the nick of time.
While Joel steered the horse, Y/N was holding her hands to the wound from behind. 
She was grateful that his body was blocking the sight of his blood on her hands.
"I think we're good," Ellie finally sighed. "Joel.."
Y/N gently pushed against the man, wishing she could see his face, "Joel…?"
His pale body fell from the horse.
Y/N jumped down, as did Ellie.
They kneeled on either side of him.
Only then did Y/N see the bright red on her hands. 
The way it colored the white snow around them.
"I can't…" she cried, "I can't do this, Ellie…"
"Fuck!" Ellie yelled as she tried to wake Joel. "Y/N, c'mon. You gotta help."
"I can't, Ellie. I'm not strong enough…."
"Please," Ellie pleaded, "I need you."
Her words immediately struck something in Y/N because she began to move back to Joel with determination. 
She couldn't let her only family fall like this.
Tags: @lover-of-books-and-tea, @pedropascalfan221, @lottieellz101, @bambisweethearts, @hiroikegawa, @elliaze, @littleshadow17, @n7cje
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Can't wait for this Shinobu Vs Douma fight to be animated so y'all can see how badly she was whooping his ass. It's clear as day how she SHOULD HAVE won. but of course, they needed to fit kanao somewhere in the story (I'm not sure why) and even if they wanted to include her, it could've been Shinobu, Kanao, and Inosuke (while shinobu was alive💀) Vs. Douma. That would've been so much better. Shinobu was fast as hell, and she managed to stab him 8 times without him even knowing. She also stabbed him and drove him all the way into the wall (ceiling? I think it was cause she fell) even when her lungs were completely slashed. Yet she "was too weak to behead a demon" and then we got muichiro that's like 2 inches taller than her doing it💀 She very clearly should have won, and then she got eaten by him. Which is just bullshit. Then you got fucking giyu over there getting turned into a donut like rengoku did by akaza and that mf lived. Just straight bullshit. The dullest character survived while the best ones died. Mitsuri dying was just plain old mean and pointless. Why would you even do something like that?! Obanai dying made sense cause he carried. (I hate obamitsu as a ship) Idgaf, Tanjiro didn't carry AT ALL. (I hate tanjiro) Genya died but I don't really care cause I ain't care for his character. Sanemi deserved that pain. He said he ain't have no brother so god said "ight bet" and took him. Muichiro dying hurt. He didn't deserve that. I don't care for gyomei, but I gotta give him his props. He definitely carried when fighting kokushibo, and one of my favorite panels was when muzan turned into that big ass baby and gyomei pulled his ass back. Kaigaku Vs zenitsu was mid asf. (I hate zenitsu he the weakest of the group) Inosuke is the MOST UNDERRATED CHARACTER. He created his own breathing style, he can dislocate his joints at will, he kept up with zenitsu when he was using Godspeed technique💀, and he can shift his organs. Tanjiro pushed the rock with his slayer mark, inosuke never got one and did it💀 bro is BETTER than tanjiro at this point. I wish that rengoku's dad, shinjuro, fought during the battle. That would've been so tuff to see him fight akaza🗿then you got tanjiro that knew him for like 3 hours going on for 2 seasons and a movie about it🙈 Imagine if tengen got his slayer mark, and didn't have to retire. Would've been so OP. That blew me cause they really removed the BEST hashira 💀
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strawb3rrystar · 2 months
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Rehab and therapy.
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Pairing: Angel Dust, Husk x Masc! Reader
Summary: An addict, addicted to all things drug centered or related, seeks out Hell's greatest hotel to get fully sober once and for all.
Warnings: Substance abuse, drug usage, references to sex and prostitution, alcoholism
Word count: 968
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You were wasting away in Hell. Like most sinners, you were somebody before you died. Someone who never wronged anyone but himself. You tried, really tried to get sober the last few months of your life. But a breakdown caused you to go on a bender which led to your untimely death. An overdose, what a pathetic way to die. You died the same way you lived, alone in a dark alleyway.
Being a sinner had very little limitations. And seeing as you couldn't die by any normal means, you kept doing lines of coke off of some guy's dick. Every hit needed to be stronger, every high needed to last longer for you to be satisfied. Even if you were in Hell, that shit ain't cheap. So you ended up doing the most disgusting things just for another shot of heroin.
It wasn't until Hell's vanquish on Heaven that you learned about the Hazbin Hotel, and what it was about. And you eventually made up your mind that you were going to get sober and give redemption a shot.
So, you marched your ass to the hotel after its renovations and grand re-opening. The main lobby area was very nicely decorated and fairly clean. Giving you high hopes that you were going to enjoy it here. After a few seconds of looking around, you saw a lanky, blond woman coming down the stairs. You immediately recognize her from TV as the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar. She notices you and comes straight over. "Hi! Hello! What can I help you with today?"
Her upbeat, bubbly personality was a breath of fresh air in contrast to the rest of Hell. Your eyes were fixed on her features for a moment as her big eyes stared back at you. "Um.. I'd like a room. Please."
Charlie claps her hands together, a smile stretching across her face. She moves to stand behind the front desk, disappearing underneath it for a moment before she's back up again. "I'll need you to fill out some forms and then we can get you settled in."
You sat down in one of the many plush chairs in the lobby, filling out and signing the forms. Most of the questions were 'why do you want to be redeemed?' or 'how did you die?'. Basically the type of questions you would expect to fill out at a doctor's office. 'Extensive medical history' bullshit. You made sure to read the fine print to make sure you did not have to negotiate for the price on rent. You didn't have a stable job currently and barely had enough money to buy you a crappy joint.
Satan, you're here to get sober, quit it with the drug references.
Reading the fine print caused you to quickly discover that there were no fees for staying there. Perks of being the daughter of Lucifer, I guess. You handed Charlie the forms after you finished filling them out. She did a quick scan of them before handing you a room key. Like a good host, she showed you up to your room. "I'll have Angel Dust come give you a tour of the hotel in a few minutes. But get settled in and enjoy your stay!"
You didn't have much with you. Just a small suitcase of your clothes and a few personal items from your last almost bare apartment. You thought that after you got sober enough, you would get a 'normal' job and be able to get yourself more stuff. These thoughts circled your head as you unpacked your stuff. Then, you were interrupted by a knock on the door. You sigh, fixing your hair in the mirror for a second before opening the door.
You're met face-to-face with Hell's most famous porn star, eyes widening a bit in surprise. Clearly Charlie's words went right over your head. Angel ended up giving you a decent tour of the hotel. He mostly just told you where you should avoid and where the best places to sneak people in are. Not that you were planning to do either, but still. The tour ended at the bar, where you met the bartender, Husk. Angel sat on a bar stool, gesturing you to join them as Husk poured the spider a drink. "For you?"
As you sit down, he asks you a question. It takes you a second to register it before you shake your head. "Just a water, thanks."
"Come on, this is Hell. Loosen up a bit." Angel lightly nudges your shoulder, taking a sip of his drink. Husk rolls his eyes, setting the glass of water in front of you. You pick it up in your hand before replying to him. "No thanks. I'm here to finally sober up, stop being a drug addict. I don't need to add alcoholism to that."
Angel raises his eyebrows in surprise, not expecting that answer. "Well, I've been there, toots. I know how fucking torturous it can be to get clean in a world like this."
The three of you talk for three very long hours. Well, it was mostly Angel and you, while Husk refilled your drinks. Until Angel drops something unexpected. "Hey, toots. Me and whiskers were goin' to watch a movie tonight. Wanna join us?"
You blink in shock a few times, strangers you just met a few hours ago were inviting you to join their movie night? No way would you turn that down. So you agree with the invitation. This finally felt like a turning point in your life. A brand new novel waiting to be written, where you could just start fresh. Maybe a few new friends could guide you through that experience. Join you on your journey. And who knows, you might just have met your soulmates.
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Star's notes -> This was my first time ever doing a request from AO3, so I hope I did well.
(Thank you, ActTasLam on AO3, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @alexandria-fandom @corruptcoder @perfectlycraftychaos @stressedbleach @ghostdoodlen
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icycoldninja · 6 months
I’m sorry I just love this idea so hear my out: DMC 3 Dante X fem gf reader where they have like a really cute and fluffy late night call (basically phone pillow talk) cause y/n’s parents forbid her from dating Dante
Alright, here it is, extra fluffy! Enjoy! 💜
Secret chat (DMC3! Dante x Fem!Reader)
Giggling softly, you crept towards your bedroom door and quietly slipped out of it, padding down the hall to your parents' darkened bedroom. You pressed your ear to the door and listened intently for any sounds of movement or talking, but were thankfully only able to hear soft snores. Glad that they were finally asleep, you returned to your bedroom just as silently as you'd exited it and shut the door carefully before snatching your phone from your nighstand, leaping into your bed and sliding under the covers, a wide smile on your face.
Your fingers practically trembling with excitement, you dialed your boyfriend's number and (im)patiently waited for him to pick up. After two rings, you heard a click, followed by his voice.
"Hey, babe, miss me?" A massive grin erupted on your face as you eagerly responded,
"I sure as hell was. How are you?"
"Good, pretty good...been missing you a lot though. Folks still being hard-asses?" You nodded, sighing softly.
"Yeah. They caught me texting you once and threatened to cancel my phone service if I contact you again, so now I can only call you when they're asleep."
"Damn, that sucks. Can't wait for ya to get the hell outta there and come live with me...think of all the cool shit we could do together," Dante chuckled lowly, his voice echoing through the phone. "Could cuddle all day 'n night...no need to look over our shoulders cause we're free as birds." You laughed, adjusting your position and pulling the covers further over your head.
"I'd love that, but I love my parents, even if they are bit strict. I can't just up and leave."
"Yeah, alright," Dante sighed, though there was a tinge of laughter in his voice. "Should've guessed--my girl is the sweetest and most loyal chick to've ever lived." You felt yourself blush at the compliment, and unintentionally out a small grumble-whine. "Aww, what's wrong?" Dante cooed, laughing some more. "My girl not know how to take a compliment?"
"Shut up," You retorted, jokingly, before changing the subject. "So, did you do anything interesting today?" Dante let out a long exhale before responding,
"Nah, not really. Well, I did kill this giant demon lizard with 400 eyeballs, but not much else. You?"
"I mostly just missed you all day."
"Aww, baby..."
"What? It's true! I miss you whenever you're not around."
"Ah, you're so sweet. I miss you too, y'know. I love ya."
"I love you too, Dante." At that moment, Dante yawned, prompting you to yawn as well.
"Ya tired?" He asked, yawning again. You nodded, sighing and rolling over.
"Very." He yawned again, then groaned; judging by the cracking of limbs your heard in the background, he was stretching. "Wanna go to bed?" You hesitated, before shaking your head and responding,
"Nope, I wanna stay up and talk to you some more."
"What? C'mon," Dante sniggered playfully, "You'd pick me over a good night's sleep? Now I know you ain't thinking straight."
"How can I?" You giggled, grinning. "I'm crazy over you."
"Ah, you're just butterin' me up," Dante chortled, "You're so sweet and I love that 'bout you. Well, to be honest, I love all of ya."
"I love you too, Dante," You answered, blushing madly. "I love you so, so-" You paused to yawn, "-much."
"You sound real tired," Dante remarked, "No wonder, it's almost 2 A.M. Go get some rest, babe, otherwise your pretty face'll have dark eye circles."
"Ok," You conceded, reluctantly. "Love you, baby."
"Love ya too, sweetcheeks. Sweet dreams. Can't wait till our next secret chat."
"Me too, Dante, me too," You agreed, puckering your lips to make a kiss sound that Dante could hear. Then, you hung up, turning your phone off and sliding it back onto your nightstand before curling up under your blankets and getting ready to drift off to sleep.
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froglegzsblog · 3 months
To people that make black Butler X reader fic or more specifically the Sebastian Michaelis X reader ones stop making them cringe. It’s like reading Twilight Reject from 2014 if you don’t put some balls on and start writing good fanfic. You’ll are writing like 13-year-olds come up with something original and do not make it where the reader is powerful and bullshit like that. Also, make more Female readers That isn’t smut also I’m kinda tired of reading fanfic, and halfway through I see “they” ( listen y'all no hate to the people that read it) but god damn (no disrespect to the lord name), and like I need new material for Sebastian I’ve been a fan since 2013-2014 so I’ve been through a lot of cringes in my lifetime and was IN 2024 give me something new and I’m an absolute hater when it comes to Yandere Sebastian like it just grides my gears and along with Sebastian Claude that bitch ain't even canon and him and Alois was a bitch to so fuck them (to people that like that them that’s your cup of tea). Some of y'all make Lizzie seem like bitch or a brat she ain't she a boss bitch like I can't be the only one that saw a book of the Atlantic and cause sure as hell everyone did so get you’ll shit straight.
Anyway, y'all thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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evillex11 · 2 months
tldr: geto ain't all that /j. he (may) actually never had his shit straight, gathered, and set as many thought he did (incl gojo). u can skip to the conclusion cuz this is way 2 long
i have the idea of geto being set on his goals drilled into my head so much that I forget how vulnerable he really is. he isn't really as “i've already decided and I won't stop at anything to pursue it” as I remember him to be 
like, I already know that geto's goals aren't solely for his personal gain or interests, he's not as selfish/cold-hearted as he might come off. he wanted to create a world where it's easier to live as sorcerers .... and it's not just bc he was almost killed by a nonsorcerer (toji) for a greedy reason and doesn't want it to happen to him again ... but he also had his friends and colleagues in mind—he doesn't want to see another innocent kid who had a shot at living the way she desired be killed again, he doesn't want gojo to be a tool anymore, he doesn't want to have piles of other sorcerers’ (his colleagues!!) bodies to be at the end. and mind you, when he decided to abandon everything he had, he was a teenager that saw too much as was spiraling out of control. he wasn't fully mature when he made his decision 
and if u maybe squint, u can see hints of regret in his decision... maybe uncertainty or just not wanting to pursue it as much as we're all led to believe. he was away for 10 years... that's a lot of time, what exactly did he do? he was running a cult and gathering curses for his grand plan of ridding the world of nonsorcerers. but in those years, he never posed any serious threat to the jujutsu world or nonsorcerers despite his already powerful technique ,, not until his declaration of war at least. but even then, it wasn't even like he was guaranteed to win bc of how strong he's gotten... he declared that war knowing he had a good chance of losing, it was half-assed (lack of a better term). and when he did lose, he didn't bother to run away. he let gojo get to him, he let himself to die in his hands
all that to say, maybe geto didn't know what he was doing exactly—he wasn't as sure about his end goal, where he was going exactly, how he was going to do it and whatnot. it feels like he just decided on something without as much thought as he should've and is bound to that decision and felt inclined to just... keep going. dare I say, the whole thing was to give himself a new purpose. your whole life being you're a tool, a thing with an innate purpose to fulfil, isn't very pleasant to realize isn't it? (would like to add: purpose/value of life is explored multiple times in jjk). so maybe he wanted to take control of his life back by steering his goal from the one instilled to him as a sorcerer to one that he decided for himself. 
his lack of actual, impactful violence is telling of this. he was shaken up by the events that stacked onto him that it caused a decision to be made when it's heaviness fell on him. he had a crisis n felt like he needed to get a hold of himself, his ideals/morals were slipping away and he needed to grasp it again, somehow. it's not actually as grounded as I remember, it's not as set in his mind as we think. it seems otherwise by the way he seems accustomed to his new life, how untroubled he looks when we see him in jjk0, how fulfilled he is with how it's going. he has new acquaintances, a family, a goal which he won't stop at anything to reach. but we dont see what's behind that... we don't see how he feels through all this, how relieved he might've been to have gojo kill him finally. 
sorry for being so redundant lol I'm blabbering. but basically, geto may seem like he laid a clear path towards a goal bc of how confident he left everything the day of the KFC breakup, but he's actually unstable and unsure as hell. he stalled a LOT on doing actual impact and taking BIG steps to reach his goal. deep inside, he actually doesn't wanna go down that path, he just said he will to have a hold of himself, his ideals, his purpose.
but what do I know? I haven't rewatched jjk0 yet and I'm not done rereading the entire manga so… I don't trust my memory that much. might've remembered some things wrong or forgot a detail so ..  feel free to point that out !!! as always, discussion is always appreciated :3
also this makes me a bit happy cuz now my “the deal” by mitski x geto suguru vision is now perfect<3 I'm gonna have fun making that animatic!!!! in my head almost each line fits him now, I'm so happy. I love u geto I love u mitski. I do hope I get to make that damn animatic. I'm telling you it's so geto-coded!!!
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American Wasteland
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Note: I don't think Rust is a big fan of getting head cause I think that it's much more aligned to Marty's character. However, I think it fits all too well with Crash era Rust so this is me trying to reconcile the two. I also don't think my Philosophy teacher would be too overjoyed knowing I'm using what she taught me to write foreplay but at least it stuck.
Warnings: 18+, violence, drugs, alcohol, reference to sex work, implied past abuse, rough sex both past and present
There are a lot of ways that you can get fucked up by a liquor bottle. Rust knows this. But mainly, there are two ways. The first is the classic act of getting drunk out of your mind: the type of drunk that can only end in violence. Rust doesn't always need to gulp down a bottle of Jameson, straight and hard, to feel the acrid burn of repulsion and vomit in his stomach. Sometimes, the slow sipping of a 12 pack of Bud or Lone Star is preferred on days where he's more lucid, has more of that sickening desire to punish himself with Sofia's face and blood and gurgling cough. Tearing that beer can and slicing at his skin might be a more effective, visceral act of punishment, but it's too quick. No, he brought her into this meat grinder of a world, he should feel that same machinery gnashing away at his being before he is allowed to slide into the stagnation that the piss warm beer allows him. Then, you have the far more crude way to fuck someone up; the jagged edge of smashed glass will do that just fine. Quick, cuts easy into the supple flesh of the cheek and makes a hell of a show. As he glances over the bottles of whiskey, Cassandra lets out a low whistle,
'Johnnie Walker Blue Label. This was the shit my dad used to blow rent on. You'd think for such a piece of shit loser, the man would've had cheaper taste,' and Rust can see a faint lacquer in her eyes, the impenetrable kind making her relive those scenes of her slurring daddy with a heavy set jaw and even heavier hands, the musk of her own fetid sweat mixed with talcum powder on her t-shirt in a pathetic, 8 year old's attempt to get the smell out, the hum of a refrigerator while a little girl cries at the kitchen table cause she doesn't get to feel safe around daddy. Hard to reconcile that image with the 20 year old in a white cotton sundress that ends too soon and is cut too low; the blueish lighting giving her skin a cool sheen. Cassandra puts the bottle back and walks over to where Rust is slotting his usual Jameson under his arm as he picks up a second bottle. From his crouching position, he can see the delicate purple hue on her thighs, arranged in the pattern of his fingerprints. A sickening sense of pride settles itself next to the self-disgust in Rust's gut at the marks and the satisfaction with which Cassandra is looking at them.
'Roughed you up pretty good, huh?' Rust says, gruffly. Cassandra glances over a delicate shoulder from where she's inspecting the Bourbon shelf,
'They hurt.'
'Bullshit, baby. You think I didn't see you were tracin' 'em in the truck, on the way here.'
'Doesn't mean they don't hurt.'
'True,' Rust stands to his full height, 'but d'you know what it does mean?'
'What?' she turns to face him.
He walks over to her, giving her cheek a couple, little pats his fingers, 'That you liked it.' Cassandra gives a derisive scoff but not one that can hide that glint in her eye: relief. Not just that Rust has indulged her infatuation, fucking her into the mattress until she forgot how to say 'Crash', but the protection that those bruises afford; the bruises of a young girl turned woman, bruises who's shade of blue show that the man who gave them is a tough son of a bitch.
'I hate it when you do that,' Cassandra states, somewhat petulantly.
'Do what? Point out that you can't do one over me?'
'No,' she says, narrowing her eyes, 'When you slap me around like that. I feel dumb.'
'That ain't slappin' around, trust me. And you ain't dumb, that's for sure, Cass,' Rust huffs, looping the plastic casing of a Lone Star six-pack through his fingers, 'But you shouldn't look to me to affirm that for you.'
'I don't need you to affirm shit for me.'
'Good, cause I ain't got the fuckin' time or will for that, too. Pick up your head, Cassandra. Stop fuckin' poutin',' Rust's tone is sharp. Cassandra rolls her eyes but she struts behind him, following him to the cashier. As Rust waits in line behind some trucker, Cassandra scuffs her boots against the floor, pulling her gum taught over her tongue until to snaps.
'You snap your gum,' Rust states. Cassandra looks up at him from where she was analysing the snake skin on the point of her boot,
'You don't blow bubbles, you snap your gum.'
'I ain't gonna give the men 'round here the whole school girl routine. Fuck that,' she scowls. The corner of Rust's mouth twitches slightly at her sharpness; that guile about her never fails to dump buckets of ice cold water over his perception. His smart, smart girl, knowing that a quick, hard fix of money isn't shit next to the promise of survival that grit can give. Leave the milk boxes and cotton socks to the little girls, you're a woman now. It takes a certain intelligence to be sexy, to bear the soft, supple skin of ass, tits and thigh in a delicate veil of lace, and to still keep the wolves at an arm's length. Give them the scent of your blood, hot and throbbing, let them believe that the practiced gasps and rolling neck are just for them, but don't let them tear your skin. The wolves are ravenous in this wasteland, they get a taste for blood and they will gut you from the inside out.
Rust pays, ignoring the cashier's mild look of disapproval or envy at how Cassandra comes to stand next to him. She watches as the bottles get bagged up and Rust turns to leave. She gestures to him as they walk out, her boots clacking on the baked asphalt like one of those old, clunking clocks,
'Let me carry one.'
Rust barely spares her a glance, 'You're underaged. Shouldn't be drinking.' That almost makes her laugh,
'You're fucking kidding, right? I'm a stripper. You remember that, Crash?'
'You're also in college. Need to stay sharp, baby.'
'It's a Friday,' her tone dry, 'Plus, you're always offering me beers.'
'No,' Rust corrects, 'You take my beers and I let you get away with it.'
Cassandra rolls her eyes as they climb into their respective sides of his truck and Rust would be lying if he didn't feel the twist in his stomach at the practiced ease of the act, the facility of their place in the other's space. Rust starts the ignition,
'Stop rollin' those eyes at me.'
'Fuck off, Crash,' she retorts, only slightly annoyed and Rust just hums,
'You're real fuckin' cocky for someone who's in my hands about how many times they get to come, tonight.'
Cassandra almost opens her mouth before clamping it shut, making a big show out of rolling down the window. Smart move, baby, Rust thinks. A sentiment that holds up, after he bends her over the sink, bunching her dress over her hips; gripping her hair, forcing her to look at herself in the mirror as she takes him deep and hard. What Cassandra doesn't know is that the mirror is almost more for Rust's reflection than it is for hers. Forcing himself to look into his own glacial blue eyes, this way he can't indulge in the complete bliss of Cassandra's wet, tightness. No, if he's going to allow himself this then he's going to be fucking straight about it: he's a coked up, undercover narco currently using some vulnerable 20 year old girl who has no clue who he actually is. Rust wishes that the reason he's fucking her so hard, scraping his nails on her scalp, is that he hates her, sees her like one of the hookers that the Iron Crusaders systematically violate; it would make this shit a lot easier. But he doesn't and it's not. Rust is past indulging delusions for the sake of comfort. It was Nietzsche's idea, if he can remember correctly: embrace the pure fucking horror of eternal return, this ontological prison we're all stuck in, and you might finally find some enlightenment amongst the squalor.
'Put your leg up. Let me see those bruises,' he grits out, hand clamping onto her thigh in an attempt to lift to up.
'No-fuck-I won't be able to hold it up,' Cassandra stammers out, knuckles white as a scar on the ceramic rim of the sink out of exertion of holding herself in place when Rust shoves her forward with a particularly brutal thrust of his hips.
'Tsk, wrong answer, baby,' Rust says, shoving her leg up and bending it at the knee so that it rests in the sink bowl. The new position opens her up, not only showing the patterns of bruising on her inner thighs but the glistening wetness of her seam as he pushes into her again. The mixture of the two is a lurid depiction of what sex is around here; its inextricable connection to violence. Like meat and salt. The drop of thin, clear arousal now running down Cassandra's leg, the cracked scabs on his knuckles from a bar fight, the clunking rumble of the AC boxes outside the trailer: blood, sex and heat. Rust reaches a hand down and gathers the drop of wetness on his fingers, he brings it to his mouth and tastes it. Cassandra looks like she wants to cry as he catches her eye in the mirror.
'What's that face for, baby? Ain't never had a man taste you before?' Rust's voice thick from exertion and desire, her tartness covering his tongue.
'That's a really fucking intimate thing to do,' she says and poor baby sounds like she might either sob or come.
'No, it ain't, Rust lands a heavy slap on the bruises, as if to reprimand her for the implication, 'It's how a man fucks a woman.'
'So, I'm a woman to you now?'
'I don't fuck little girls, so yeah,' Rust says, his hand in her hair coming down to grip her throat. That's the one small mercy of innocence, Rust thinks, it can only be corrupted once. He yanks her head up by the chin,
'Look at yourself real good, Cass. This what you want? Some doped up biker with a load on, fucking you, leaving you all roughed up-Look at me, Cassandra,' he snarls, his tone harsh to conceal the begging behind it,
'Yes! Fuck, yes I do!,' she cries out, her adamance mixed with the first tremors of her impending orgasm. Rust lets out a growl, something deep and atavistic, as he yanks up her knee to bend her leg around his hips, now obscenely deep. Cassandra is now halfway slumped against the skin, the cold metal of the tap pressing into her sternum. This shit is good, too good, like the cool bliss of the moment the heroin hits your bloodstream and everything feels fucking pure. He pulls out as her feels her begin to pulsate around him and she cries out. Good, Rust thinks, wanting to punish her for being so goddamn complacent, Get used to crying if you want to fuck around with this shit, baby. He manhandles her to her knees as the muscle in his jaw twitches at what he's about to say to her,
'You want it that bad? Show me,' Rust deadpans, hand twisting into the dark mass of Cassandra's hair. She looks up at him and has the fucking audacity to arch her eyebrow at him before she takes him into her mouth, gagging slightly. Rust has never really seen the appeal of getting head, once he moved past the initial adolescent fascination. It makes him feel out of control, undisciplined, subject to his body's pure evolutionary need to procreate. It's one of the most self-serving, vapid states you can be in, mouth wide open, dumbstruck by ecstasy, unable to form of coherent thought except to mindlessly shove yourself further into the other person who probably isn't enjoying it anywhere near as much as you. Yeah, that's what Rust hates about the whole act, the mindlessness of it. But, fuck, his body isn't even his anymore, belonging to some fucking DEA's office to dope up and regurgitate whatever information they need to peddle their case further, without ever getting their hands dirty or doing some real fucking work. So, he may as well abandon himself to the weakness of his innate biological need.
Cassandra tries to give herself some respite by licking a long stripe up his length but Rust is having none of it: he presses her down so that her nose flattens against his pubic bone making her gag again and harder, shoulders convulsing too.
'Come on, baby,' Rust croons cruelly, using his spare hand to light a cigarette, 'Thought you said you could take it.' Cassandra briefly takes her hand off of the back of his thigh to give him the middle finger, quickly reinstating it as Rust presses as hand to the back of her skull and thrusts harder,
'Keep that shit up and I'll make you gag on your own finger, next.'
A few more chokes and constrictions of Cassandra's throat, and Rust is coming hot and heavy down it. He doesn't let her catch her breath,
'Get up,' he says, fastening his belt with his cigarette still hanging from his mouth. Cassandra just slumps against the bathroom floor, held up half by a trembling arm and half by leaning against Rust's leg. She glances up, hearing the clink of his belt,
'You're getting dressed?' a slight desperation to her voice.
'No points for deduction, Cass.'
'No, no, wait-,' she says, clambering up, or at least trying to, on shaky legs, 'Crash, Crash, I didn't come. Please-'
'What did I tell you about you bein' grown? Grown women fix their own messes,' Rust says, face and tone stoic as he casts to the slick that has dripped down from the apex of Cassandra's thighs onto the floor just under her, her smeared lip gloss, her nipples hard and visible through the thin cotton of her dress. He gives her hair a harsh ruffle before walking out the bathroom. As he grabs the Jameson bottles and beer, he stops in front of the trailer's door calling out behind him,
'Get to work, Cassandra.'
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fairly-linked · 10 months
Extra ✨ (Twilight x GN!Chubby!Reader)
I've had this on the brain all of a sudden and it's too good not to write. Strong ranch man with chubby lil' reader and a side of body image comfort? Mmm. Yes.💖
Reader is biologically fem but non binary.
Twilight sighed as he entered the inn room. You were already inside, just having taken off your boots. He was exhausted; the last few days had not been kind to anyone in the chain, but thankfully, they'd reached a village earlier that day, and were able to stay someplace warm for the night.
He grinned tiredly, watching your figure with fondness. He loved the way you moved, the curve of your hips, your laugh, your voice-- hell, everything about you; and he wasn't afraid to show it. You were his? He still couldn't believe it, even if it had been almost a year already.
He watched you sigh and sit on the bed, leaning back into a reclined position. Then, he walked over to you, climbing eagerly into the bed beside you and resting his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist and snuggling into you, sighing contentedly.
This makes you giggle.
"Hell yeah," he yawns. "You're like a pillow-- Ooh, you smell good, too," he mumbles, sniffing your hair. This causes your face to turn pink, and he notices it immediately, laughing.
"Aww, is that a blush I see? You're too darn cute, honey bunny," he laughs, resting his head back on your chest.
"Oh, shut up..." you mumble, sighing at his antics. He laughs once more.
"No way. Ain't nothin' prettier than your sweet lil' face turnin' ruby red."
"Twi..." you whine. "Knock it off already."
"Mm.... No," he says with a shit-eating grin, moving away from you. He sits up, scoots down toward the end of the bed and gently parts your knees.
Your face heats up, assuming the worst (or best? You're not sure)--
He rolls back over, lying on his back with his head on your lower stomach as he pulls your thighs onto his shoulders to cradle the back of his head. He sighs loudly, shifting to get comfy and feeling content.
"That's better," he says with a grin and giggling like an idiot. "...You blush any harder, you'll burst into flames, baby doll."
"S-Shut up!"
He laughs heartily, rolling over and squeezing your stomach, not realizing how it might affect you negatively.
"Aww, look at you! You're so--..."
He freezes the moment he sees the look on your face. He... Oh. He thought you two were having fun, but that look... He knows you're uncomfortable with something he just did.
He scrambles off of you, hastily coming to sit cross-legged on the bed next to you.
"Hey, hey... You okay? What happened?" he mumbles worriedly, his gaze holding nothing but concern for your well being. "Did I do somethin'?"
You don't speak for a moment, but he doesn't miss the way your gaze shifts from his face to where his hands were on your stomach moments ago.
...It doesn't take long for him to put two and two together.
"...Lovebug...?" he questions softly, almost coming to put a hand on your shoulder, but freezing when he thinks better of it.
...He never wanted his touch to hurt you.
"....Honey, are you... Do you..." he swallows, trying to think of the best way to word his question. But when he thinks of it, he gazes straight into your eyes when he asks the question.
"...Do you... not like this part of you?" he asks softly, his face only a few inches away from yours.
He watches as your expression turns a bit bitter as you nod slightly, and his heart breaks a little. He'd never meant to hurt you...
"Oh, honey... I'm sorry... Can I hug you...?" he questions once more, his voice remaining soft.
He's more than a little relieved when you nod, and he pulls you into a hug faster than even he knows what he's doing. He sighs, his hand cradling the back of your head as he rocks you gently.
"...Honey, I'm so sorry... I didn't realize..." he whispers, unable to hide the guilt in his tone.
He feels you shake your head, and your voice comes out in that soft, broken way it always did when you were upset.
"N-No, it's okay. You didn't know..."
...And here you were, forgiving him on the spot. You were too sweet... but it didn't make him feel any better, knowing he'd hurt you.
"....You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to, hun," he sighs, still rocking you. "But... is that something you were picked on for when you were younger?"
He feels you nod again, and he sighs once more. He loved the kids in his village dearly, like his own little siblings; but he remembers when they'd fight and it'd bring him back to his younger days, he himself having been bullied somewhat as a child. Children can sometimes be more cruel than adults, since they're not old enough to have a filter and understand the weight of their words and the damage those words could cause...
...Whoever it was that coined the phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" was a goddamned liar.
He sighs a third time, pulling away to caress your face, which he now notices has a single tear slipping down your cheeks. His warm gaze stares straight into your own, his thumb coming up to brush away the tear.
"...You do know I think you're stunning, right?"
The way your gaze flickers around his face as you sniffle tells him you aren't entirely convinced.
"Baby... Look at me, sweetheart," he demands softly. You do as told, looking him in the eyes, and he smiles a little.
...Good pup.
"...I know you may not find yourself as stunning as I do, but..." he pauses, sighing again.
"...I wish you could see what I see. One person's trash is another one's treasure... and you are my treasure, whether you like it or not. This?" he says softly, pointing at your stomach. He doesn't want to touch it again, fearing he may upset you further.
"...That's beautiful to me. You might not understand it, but it is. If I was disgusted by anything about you, I'd have probably dated Ilia, or anyone else. But you know why I didn't?" he questions softly.
When you shake your head, he smiles.
"Because they're not you, babe. They don't have this... gentleness like you do. You're so... caring, so loving, so... comforting... I love that, and I want to give you that in return. They don't have it. And even if they did, I wouldn't want it, 'cause it ain't you."
When you don't respond, he keeps going.
"...You should know I like mine a lil' thicker by now," he says with a chuckle and squeezing your thigh. "A lil' extra never hurt nobody. You're perfect for snugglin' with at night."
This causes you to laugh a little, and his smile grows wider.
"Aww, see? There's that precious laugh," he says with a bright smile, leaning closer to you.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, sweet thing. And if you can't love yourself, I'm gonna make you," he scolds with a smile. "I'll tell you you're pretty over and over. I don't care if you get sick of hearin' it. I'll say it anyway, as many times as it takes for you to believe me. Okay?"
With your tears having stopped now, he melts a little at the way you look down, smiling a bit shyly as you nod. He chuckles again, kissing your forehead.
"There we go, that's better. Now, why don't we get somethin' to eat, bring it in here and cuddle for a bit?" he asks with a smile, leaning close to you and whispering.
"...And after that, maybe I'll make you feel just how much I think your body's a work of art."
Your face turns a bright red again and he pulls away, laughing heartily.
"You're too darn precious, my lil' lovebug," he chuckles, standing from the bed and putting his boots back on before holding his hand out for you to take.
"C'mon, sweet thing, let's get some food. I'm starvin'."
When you take his hand, he pulls you into him gently, giving you a hug and kissing the top of your head.
"I love you, (Y/n). You and all your flaws and scars. You're a beautiful person with a more beautiful personality; never forget that, baby doll."
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