#ce answered
tedllasso · 2 years
Whats ur take on the whole Chris Albs thing..? Do u think they are together?
I think where there is smoke there’s fire but I also think fans entitlement over his personal life is out of control. I see ppl demanding an answer about alba like he owes us any sort of explanation. He does not and anyone who has an issue with his 'silence' of even his choices, that's on the person who's demanding whatever it is that they are demanding...it's actually THAT SIMPLE.
Let him have this part of his life for him for as long as he wishes. He will share with the public when he wants and if he wants to. Don't demand anything from him or any other celebrity really....
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sirnlish · 4 months
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Brandon for @puppycheesecake's Freak-ify Brandon CAS Challenge
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Will Binx get dressed up for the annual Curtis and Honey Halloween party? (I've decided it's an annual thing now, no takebacksies 🤭)
Babes, you say its a thing, It is now a thing. I deem it so, they have a annual halloween party with their friends. And of course Binx is gonna get dressed up! He wouldn't miss out getting all the attention because he was so cute all in costume. That cat is a fiend for affection.
How about we call this my first little entry to Horny Hoe's Hootenanny. Prompt is in bold.
Party Prep
A Curtis and Honey Drabble
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Curtis came in with a grocery bag of odds and ends tucked under his arm for you. a few last minute ingredients for making halloween themed snacks.
He wouldn't have minded doing the errand for you regardless, but you promised to let him taste test everything before anyone else and that was a job Curtis very much enjoyed.
Just being with you in the kitchen, watching you hum and chat excitedly while you were cooking, the man was smitten. He could watch you all day doing what you loved.
"I'm back." He called out, sliding the bag onto the table, figuring you were upstairs doing another one of your projects, so he went about taking care of the cold stuff when he heard a scuffle and mewl at his feet.
Glancing down expecting to see their black cat with sharp green eyes staring back up at him waiting for affection or treats wasn't what greeted him exactly.
Instead their were a pair of flimsy bat wings fluttering off Binx's back, making him huff in a laugh. "I see she got you too, Kid." Binx mewled again, stretching his front paws up Curtis's shin while he placed his hands on his hips, grinning down at the cat.
"I didn't make him do anything!" You protested from the kitchens entryway. "He wanted to dress up."
"That's what he told you?" Curtis arched an brow, amusment making his stoic features look softer, almost boyish.
You nodded while slipping in your pair of fangs, Curtis eyes narrowing on them. He remembered what they were, how you used them. Your voice was muffled a bit when you responded. "Yeah, told me he really wanted to play the part. Goes with the fangs." You snapped them teasing, backing up a step when you saw Curtis tense up.
"Well if that's the case... we better get upstairs, finish getting you in costume Pretty Girl." His foot nudged Binx back. "Get lost Kid, I gotta go play Count von Count for a bit."
"Count von Count?" You snorted, preparing yourself to bolt. You felt the anticipation travel down to your toes, just waiting for him to make his move. "Why the sesame street vampire?" You backed up a step towards the staircase, Curtis taking a step forward. "You gotta make this quick. I still have a lot to do." You warned him.
"Because we're gonna count all the times I ruin you till the party starts." He leapt, making you squeal and jump back, twisting to race for the stairs, Curtis right behind you following you up. "Fuck being quick Pretty Girl, Imma take my time. I will help you make your snacks." His hand swatted at your ass as you both tumbled into the bedroom.
Binx took all of two seconds to watch his people before bolting after them, his little bat wings fluttering in his actions.
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bellamyroselia · 8 months
Probably one of the funniest Kid Icarus jokes I've ever come across had Pit asking if Santa was real, with Palutena's answer being "Not yet, (some Roman emperor who reigned between 80-270 CE) is still in charge" and I haven't been able to stop thinking of it ever since
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coquelicoq · 2 months
j'ai l'intention de lire tout ces livres un jour ou l'autre, l'ordre seulement est en question.
il y a une réponse incorrecte et c'est du côté de chez swann. j'ai déjà lu les trois mousquetaires et madame bovary, mais seulement en anglais. j'ai regardé le film hiroshima mon amour, et j'ai lu quelque poèmes des fleurs du mal. quant au reste, je n'en connais pas grand'chose.
you can vote in this if you don't speak french btw. roman=novel, scénario=screenplay, poésie=poetry, pièce de théâtre=play, dictionnaire des synonymes=thesaurus, ouvrage de référence=reference work, roman-mémoire=autobiographical novel
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pixlokita · 9 months
Have you ever watched Phineas and Ferb? If so, what do you think of the show?
I owe my knowledge about what an aglet is to that show!! Big childhood fave tbh, the songs and humor were peak 💖
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Which babe would be the most likely to say they’re proud of you? Say you just got a job, or you did something scary, or you’re just plain existing.
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Couple of things What is a showmance? (I was not a theatre kid lol)
And now I’m thinking of a beauty and the beast au.
Like Soap can act just as “monstrously” and is probably more destructive in general than Ghost but he’s regarded as the beauty, And Ghost sure he can act the monster but he’s more self contained and wasn’t even responsible for his curse.
Jonny would love Simon whether he looked like a beast or not and Ghost ’d also probably view his form as keeping him safe from people (if he’s a scary monster people will leave him tf alone). Soap will not leave the poor bastard alone (if he didn’t want to hand around, there is no way you could keep him in place).
Roba cursed Ghost with his last breath but it didn’t take full effect because technically he killed then cursed Simon not Ghost, So his body changed not his mind.
Oh god all I can think of is them singing different songs together and that’s how the start bonding because humans will always find a way to make music. (Different universe but now the dancing and the dreaming is stuck in my head so thank you for that)
a "showmance" is basically a romance that starts during the run of a show, sometimes between leads and sometimes between people in the rest of the cast and crew! there are a bunch of real life couples who met on set or in rehersals and got together either during or after a show's run! (not all of them are Great or healthy, but thats a whole different story lmao)
but for this, i was thinking of simon riley who was a well established, well liked west end singer and actor (the west end is the equivalent of broadway but for the uk) but had to leave the stage due to some undisclosed reason. maybe family troubles, maybe something else, i dont know yet this is still very nebulous in my mind XD but after everything settles, he ends up joining an off-west end production with an up and coming actor - john mactavish! its basically shaping up to be like a sweet, fluffy, slightly angsty (because when isnt there angst lmao) fic! price is directing, nikolai is conducting maybe? roach is in the sound and lighting booth or a stagehand behind the scenes. yeah!
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST AUS ARE MY FUCKING JAM OKAY its my favorite fairy tale of all time and the animated version is my favorite disney movie of all time and i have to make at least one batb au of my current fandom (also, as a side note, if anyone finds a ghoap batb au please link it to me ive been searching and i havent found any yet T-T)
i absolutely agree that soap might seem like the stereotypical "beauty" role in that hes got the looks and the smarts and the charisma, but that man is a Menace who does not take shit standing down! >:D my favorite interpretations and tellings of batb are when both people have something to learn from the other. for ghost, its that he isnt a monster despite what everyone else has told him in the past and he is worthy of love and respect and dignity despite what hes done. and for soap, its that he doesnt have to react to every little thing with anger, that he is more than his looks, and that he has value outside of what he can provide others. they make each other better <3
and ohhhhh dont get me started on the dancing and the dreaming i will cry for several days and i will have my therapist send you the bill (/j) XD
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tedllasso · 2 years
since you're from Lisbon could you do one for the team and try to find if chris is actually dating alba. please.
😳 I don't play for team 'stalker' I play for the team 'none of my business'.....
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 9 months
I honestly don't mind who's going to date next hoping she's a good soul as he's always wished, nothing else matters because it's HIS life and his choices and we need to respect it. but I want him out of this mess ASAP!!!! I want hottie happy healthy Chris back and not upset professor "life sucks" mode on which is lowkey hot ngl 🤭 but healthy is better 😭😭😭 💙💙💙💙 ///
THIS THIS THIS. I want to add that certain PR blogs are convinced he doesn't date younger and much younger but when did he say he cares about the age gap, he literally said “I just want a woman/partner with a good soul and everything else (meaning: age, race, religion, etc.) is negotiable” so, why those people keep twisting his words and deciding for him?? 😩 as long as she's a kind soul who loves him and he loves her, things like the age gap are nothing and none of our business tbh. Plus when we become adults, it becomes insignificant.
#IstandwithCE and Mod 💙💕
The poor guy just wants an awesome girl. Honestly, he really just wants something real. Ofcourse not to the point of creepazoid territory, but he wants a good fully-grown adult, who's just good.
Once he gets a perfectly decent person, the Fandom will quiet down, and probably fawn over Chris and FS, like we do for Tom and Zawe 😍
Chris just has to ensure he survives this shit storm, and so does the Fandom... 🫶
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Awwwwwww, An🫶n... That's so sweet 🥹
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brandycranby · 8 months
Do you have a fairytale au for Curtis? (Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ye--)
i do i do!!! hehe it's sleeping beauty AU with curtis 🥺 he's not a prince though, just a poor woodcutter reader befriends throughout the years. some highlights include:
dirty filthy curtis dripping with sweat, a tall stern figure in dark wool, breathing heavy but ready with a small smile for you
angst and isolation, you don't have any fairy godmothers with you. just mother mason and father franco, and they make sure that you never forget your place in your story
cottagecore coziness, bathing together,
an unspoken forbidden love for curtis, your secret friend from the village. he'll be your first, your lover, and your hero
happily ever after? 🤔
hehe :)) this is going to get written if it's the last thing i do, i swear (curtis says, preparing to assault the tower with only his axe)
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none-ofthisnonsense · 9 months
tu as trois tomate(s?)-cerises : une jaune, une rouge, et une orange. Laquelle tu mange en premier ? (Asking for a friend) (the friend is me)
(ma réponse change dépendant du nombre de tomates que je mange)
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ananxiousgenz · 1 month
fork found in the kitchen…. i fear u ate me up in the tags i’m ngl
i may not be a frequent monsterfucker but by god I will defend my comrades in arms
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tedllasso · 1 year
Confirmed by who?? Gossip rags? Get real.
believe what you want. now go mourn in peace. bye bye. you won't be missed.
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covertstrings · 2 months
answered meme ♡༉ ⟆ clover w. perry ⟅ @rcvcrics sent ; ❛ you okay? caught you staring off into space again. ❜
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"hmm? me? oh, i'm fine. like ... super fine. i was honestly just imagining this really bizarre scenario. like, who would win in a fight? captain crunch, or count chocula?"
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jikangairodo · 5 months
"nanami, i have a really important question and i need your input. please help."
Kento’s eyes immediately narrow in suspicion. Experience has taught him that the definition of ‘important’ differs vastly between them. And he is 99.9% certain that whatever question awaits is more likely to be trivial than substantial. It’s the 0.01% chance that this is serious, coupled with a sincere sounding ‘please’ that prevents Kento from promptly excusing himself and walking away.
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“Alright, alright,” he relents, the words slipping out with a long sigh. Externally, Kento folds his arms, fingers tapping against his biceps in a rhythmic motion. Internally, he braces himself. “I’m listening.”
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