#ceaseless watcher turn your gaze upon all these guys
itsmxbee · 2 years
I just love it when a guy with too many eyes tells me a story.
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would u could u wear the Eros Blood Kink shirt
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themaidenofwords · 2 months
Ya'know, we all seem to be joking about how Jon and Martin are a little *too* into the whole "Ceaseless Watcher turn your gaze upon this guy I don't like" thing from season five, but I don't know if we actually acknowledge why they're like that.
Jon of course is the one to first realize that A.) he has the power to destroy his enemies and B.) He's excited about it. This is the man that has spent YEARS playing the part of "Avatars' punching bag". There have been points in time where he tried to directly fight back against the manipulation and threats to him and his friends (the Not!Sasha table incident) but those attempts to fight back always backfired. Every time Jon has taken initiative or taken an offensive stance it has only ended with one of his friends dead or another scar on his body. He has had years to become intimately acquainted with what it means to be helpless.
So, in season five, when he suddenly has the power to take revenge-- to take the reigns of fate into his own hands for once-- of course he jumps at the chance. But remember that after the first couple attempts at revenge he is the one to admit that he needs to stop. The declared reason was mostly due to the fact that Jon was trying to keep a hold of his humanity, but I think that Jon actually just realized that he still wasn't in control. His grand rebellion and his final moment of power didn't actually mean anything because his powers were only due to-- and likely approved by-- the Watcher. He still wasn't the one in control. He finally had his chance to fight back, but he wasn't allowed his own autonomy while doing it.
As for Martin, I think there's something similar there. Of course, Martin's dark side is generally a little surprising (even though we see glimpses of it in his stand off with Elias) but Martin has been through most of the same experiences as Jon. He has been helpless-- or at least VIEWED as helpless-- and he had the additional burden of having to maintain his cheerfulness throughout. He watched his friends fall apart around him, he watched Jon fall apart in front of his eyes, and there was nothing he could do. His mother hated him because of something he couldn't control, and he had no ability to help the people he cared about. The most Martin was able to do to "protect" his friends was to distance himself and even that didn't work out in the end.
So, yeah, both Jon and Martin's reactions to suddenly having the ability to fight back and take control for once is extremely understandable.
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pharmakon-ghoul · 3 months
MAG200 SPOILERS / AU rambles
I can't sleep so I'm thinking of my dream where Jon was a uni professor & he retained all of his Archivist knowledge prior to getting transported to a new world. So yes he knows everything within the limits of that, but if there's any new discoveries he won't just Know them. He's just some regular guy now who just happens to posses an abnormal amount of knowledge.
Anyway this isn't about that. I was thinking that if he ever were to be in a dangerous situation in this new, mundane life, what if he tried to use his little "Ceaseless Watcher turn your gaze upon this wretched thing" sheme only to realise. Oh yeah. This is normal life again. He loses his wallet in the process maybe but they really did it, him and Martin are just two old men in love living and growing old together.
I dont know what came of the fears though! I don't know if they'd simply be suppressed like in the old world, and if they followed them through. But if I wanna think of angst I'm totally going with that. Jon still being the Ceaseless Watcher's special little guy. Maybe the fears are licking their wounds, maybe it's only a certain amount of time until they resurface.
Idk. I don't even know if any of this makes sense. I'm tired but not really. I'm going to bed. But I do wanna write a fic based off of all of this eventually if I've got the time and if I sculpt this out a little better.
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vickozone · 10 months
The Magnus Archives
-S5 Notes-
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Handwriting translated below:
#161 old memories, tape that Gertrude should have gave them, Jon says “I love you”, they don’t need to eat to live
#162 Gertrude and Gerry bonding, Tim and Sasha talking about a very relevant subject and Jon and Martin are leaving the safe house.
#164 Gross statement about an infection in a town and Helen talking to Jon and Martin like a proud aunt is beautiful. “I knew you crazy kids would make it work!”
#165 “Ceaseless Watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing.” The Stranger statement. Not!Sasha messed up!!
#166 Martin suddenly is on a murder episode and a dude turned into a worm. Helen says “Slay!”
#167 “Yes, Martin, you are my reason.” Sweet bonding and why Gertrude didn’t have anymore assists.
#168 “I’m not going to kill a man just because you’re jealous!” “Why not?” Oh, Martin. Oliver Banks shall live another day and we are crossing The End domain
#169 Let’s willingly run into a burning building, disregarding your boyfriend and getting revenge together! Jude is now dead and Martin was just struggling in the background. He chose revenge over his boyfriend. Interesting. “We’re burning!”
#170 “I’m Martin Blackwood, and I am not lonely anymore!” “Oh… Hello!”
#171 No way I just spent 23 minutes listening to Jon talk about skin flowers in a botanical garden. “That your boyfriend?” “It is, actually.” “Oh.”
#172 Creepy theatre show that made me genuinely uncomfortable with The Web
#173 Where do you think all of the children went? That’s right! The Dark with Callum! Yay!
#174 Simon calling Jon killing him “rude” is hilarious and immediately dipping is iconic. Weird Vast domain with big explosions. Helen loves some good gossip.
#175 The Extinction items, hate for umbrellas, and Martin’s squelchy couch. We’re going to The Hunt next. Oh no.
#176 Adoptive uncle Trevor and Julia are dead. AWESOME HUNT STATEMENT! And we got Basira! :D
#177 ‘Dr. David’ Jon is so hot. This episode has so many trigger warnings. Helen is so silly. Basira is rad, staying with her boys. Won’t let them have a moment tho
#178 More Flesh. Gross processing line and Jon admits that the thing that traumatized him the most was Daisy going to kill him in the woods. Poor babies.
#179 Daisy is shot and killed. Basira is on her own and I have a reason to give Jon a cane.
#180 I have never felt more serene in my life. I can’t even describe it. I was smiling, giggling, and everything feels okay. Salesa and Annabelle are here and I love Salesa’s voice and HE CAN PLAY THE PIANO! Teaholding fluff, om nom nom, this episode is one of my favorites. The I-Spy game <3
#181 They decide to stay at Upton House for a bit longer before leaving. Jon feels his powers again and forgets the whole experience of ignorance. Pity. Seemed like a nice place. I like Salesa.
#182 Anatomy Class student hospital and Breekon asks Jon to kill him. I feel bad for him. :(
#183 “I’m sure I love you.” “I love you too.” THEY SAID IT!! Helen was concerned for them. She’s like a wine aunt who acts motherly to them. Also, Martin’s domain…
#184 Jon made Jordan an entity. That’s a lotta ants! Jon is just… so complicated.
#185 Ouch. Police brutality and wrongful imprisonment are rough subjects. That guy pleading out to Martin HURT. Martin is… somewhere at the end. Alone again, oh, Jonny, I feel horrible.
#186 Martin went from being a joke in Jon’s anger to being one of the most well-developed characters. He is either going to kill himself of Jon. Martin legit talks to himself. Statement made me cry. This better end with them being happy together.
#187 HELEN! D: Aw, man… I liked her. That poor woman. Calm down, Jon! Helen was their friend till the end. Dang it, that was a nail-biter.
#188 We’re in London now! Eyes, man. They’re everywhere. We grieve for Helen a bit. Did I mention EYES?
#189 MEL AND GEORGIE! OMG! They… made a cult and can hide from The Eye. Great.
#190 Fresh take on modern dating! Antichrist plus one! Archivist mocks poems, beloved pet turned monster, and a blind prophet
#191 Jon sleeps with his eyes open. Georgie wants to avenge her cat (I think I’ve seen this film before), mystery can, and Jon and Martin discuss death. Sobbing atm.
#192 Rosie is literally just going with the flow. It’s weird to see someone else’s perspective on things. Jonah’s incantation is awesome and gosh, I love Martin
#193 Elias 'high as a kite' Bouchard’s origins. Jonah’s distorted voice is hot.
#194 THEY HAD AN ARGUMENT D: After a gruesome metamorphosis statement, Jon tried to find Martin to apologize only to find he was taken to HILL TOP FREAKIN ROAD
#195 Just Basira and Jon, catching up and trudging through water. Omg. The Mr. Spider tape.
#196 Earth shattering rip-in-space time crap. Annabelle is wicked cool. Martin keeps getting sucked into things AND THE TAPES!! ASDFEKGLZMV
#198 If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you too? Ew, bones reforming. Chill ep. Silly.
#199 Group agrees on plan after ten minute discussion. Martin consulting Jon while he cries in his arms HURT!! Also, Mel thanks Jon. This is going to end horribly, isn’t it?
#200 Statement ends.
Crying tally: |||| |||| (I cried ten [10] times listening to this stupid podcast)
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chrromatose · 3 years
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new to embroidery, but here’s a ceaseless watcher!
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graedari · 2 years
What if I made an animated phone bg for myself 🥺​👉​👈​ (also thank you tumblr for just absolutely demolishing the quality. Bang-up job there guys)
Feel free to use as long as you don’t remove my signature and give proper credit if someone asks!
[Video ID: An animated digital drawing of Jonathan Sims from the podcast “The Magnus Archives”. Jon is depicted with long brown hair with various gray streaks in it. He is wearing a forest green waist-coat with gold buttons over a white button-down that he has the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He is wearing khaki pants and has a slight stubble. Across both his arms and the right side of his face are various circle-shaped scars and his left hand has a large burn scar on the palm and fingers. He is posed with both his hands outstretched, palms up and is looking directly at the viewer. Behind him is white text that reads, “ceaseless watcher turn your gaze upon this wretched thing”. The image animates to have the edge of the screen glow a bright green. As the light gets brighter, eyes begin to open and blink across Jon’s body; one in each of his palms, one on his forehead, two under each eye, one on his neck, and several over each of his forearms. They all glow bright green as well. Behind Jon and above the text, a large green eye opens and glows as well. /End ID]
Enjoy some stills below the cut!
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(please click/tap for better quality!)
[Image ID:
Image 1: A frame from the video; Jon looking at the viewer with his eyes open. The light is at it’s brightest.
Image 2: A frame from the video; Jon is looking at the viewer, his eyes open. There is no lighting or special effects; just a black background. 
/End ID]
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jonathan sims!
First impression
well this guy's a bit of a dick but he's got a soothing voice, so I guess I'll deal with it
Impression now
he's a mess but I love him <3
Favorite moment
I think this is probably a cop-out but "CEASELESS WATCHER TURN YOUR GAZE UPON THIS WRETCHED THING" is still so fucking cool
Idea for a story
hmmmmmm I don't know that I'd be the best person to write this but I want to know how Georgie and Jon know each other? I honestly can't remember if that was brought up in canon at all but they seem like such an odd pair that I want to know how they got to be close.
Unpopular opinion
I don't really know what the popular opinions are in fandom lmao um...oh I have one, I think the popular idea of him as a man of color is nice but personally Jon seems like the palest white man imaginable to me lmfao
Favorite relationship
I like Jon/Martin fine but actually I am gonna go with Jon and Daisy here because their dynamic just hits me in a different place I guess. Jon going into the Buried to rescue her is one of my favorite parts of s4. Also the way their arcs intersect and parallel?????? perfection??????
Favorite headcanon
I don't have any personally but I loved the comic I saw the other day about Jon being able to talk to animals, especially the Admiral, that just makes me happy
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wormsposting · 4 years
Everything I Know About TMA From All My Mutuals Slowly Turning Into TMA Fans
ok so i dont know much about a lot of characters so i’ll do this by season:
Season One:
this is the one where you think it’s just a nice old horror anthology podcast
and then it’s not
ok so we’ve got:
jonathan sims, aka jon, aka jarchivist (i cannot believe you people can say this in any sort of serious context like. guys. jean archivist)
he’s the head arhcivist, but not anymore, presumeabl
he’s described as ‘pedantic’ and he’s younger than he looks
he’s like 28, which??? compared to the one single other podcast i’ve listened to? baby.
avatar of the Eye, continuing the Podcast Eye Symbolism.
his voice actor, who is also the writer, is also named jonathan sims. jonathan sims the real one once claimed that jon’s name was spelled with an h to make it easier to differentiate. he is wrong. 
i personally am not over the fact that there is a real life man in real life with the name jonathan sims, which sounds far too much like, well, someone from a horror podcast to actually exist
he’s got a thing with tape recorders
bi ace. good for him
there is also: martin
he’s lonely.
he was in love with jon for a long time, and now he still is but now they’re dating. ship name: jonmartin. this fandom sucks at ship names. seriously. to be fair, jon and martin are hard to make into a ship name, but also, i just came up with this one: marchavist. bam. martin+ archivist.
anyways, he writes bad poetry
also there is: 
elias. he’s a crusty old man, but he’s played by this fellow named ben meredith, making him far too sexy for his own good
peter: i only remember him cause his name is peter. anyways he’s like this foggy old ship captain and he and elias were married but then they got divorced, but then they got married but then.... you get the point
daisy: i thought she was just a funky little lesbian but turns out shes a bad cop? and not a lesbian cause shes a cop? sad.
jared hopworth: is homophobic
tim: very cool. dead? a lot of these people are dead. 
basira: i got her on a ‘which tma character are you’ quiz. is this a good thing?
gertrude: badass eye grandma
jurgen lietner: stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen lietner. godamn clown laughed out of the circus, avatar of the whore, has fucked up if true books. i use the jurgen lietner monlouge when trying out new voice
also featured: michael, michael, michael, georgie?, helen?, oliver banks?? micahel,
at the end of season one john gets eaten by worms? or is that some other time
season two:
i have no idea about this one. actually
Season three: 
same here? wtf happens? i dunno
i think jon does something bad at the end that leaves him in a coma
season four
jon’s not in some of this one instead we have:
martin! he’s lonely and sad and in love with jon. 
but then he and jon get together? i think? 
season five:
see i’ve been watching this one. 
meaning every thursday i see things on my tumblr dash, including
cabin fever! jon trying not to behold! why the fuck is this so relevant to the current pandemic situation? more points to jonathan sims the person being an actual eldritch monster
the apocolypse
not sasha is dead. why? ‘ceaseless watcher, rest your gaze upon this wretched thing’
martin is not lonely!!!! he’s in love!!!!
there’s this guy who was/is an avatar of the end? oliver? he’s just vibing
helen? helen is happy for the happy couple
carousel. jon used to ride on the carousel.
*fabric rustle*
there’s this angry lesbian lady? jane? jane prentiss? is that someone else? everyone in this podcast has the same names
so jared has this flesh garden and he was like ‘hahah bro is that your boyfriend???’ and jon said, ahem, ‘yes, actually’ the fandom thinks this is very important
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bread--quest · 4 years
magnus archives episode 2!!
here is what i know. 1. deimos, my qpp, likes it, so it can’t be that bad. /lh 2. the main character, jonathan, is gonna end up being shipped with this guy martin. 3. there’s these fear entity things that you can become an avatar of, possibly not by choice. jonathan is gonna become an avatar of the eye 4. the phrase “ceaseless watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing” is gonna come up. possibly more than once 5. Eye Imagery 6. i am going to make so many night vale references 7. it’s going to end sadly :c
this has been what i know. no spoilers, please! and now, the liveblog.
theres a weird pattern here of the people being not sober when the encounter happens?? idk if itll continue tho
wonder which fear entity john is? maybe something to do with the unknown considering the,,, coffin thing mentioned in the beginning
brrr coffins. creepy
theres a zombie in there calling it now
trying to think if theres an entity id heard of that starts with J but i cant :/
so little starts with J
i know its supernatural or w/e but go to the fucking police
ewwww warm wood 🤢
coffins: the flashiest way to store drugs!
possible fears: fear of the unknown (unopened?) or fear of death
*creepy undead voice* hello i would like some juice 
i like this guy, he’s rational! just went “yeah im gonna leave it alone and not provoke it”
....ok i dont find singing creepy am i supposed to find singing creepy
you just have a pet coffin now :)
the ice thing is smart as well! i rly do like this guy im glad he apparently survives
theyre like “uh....fuck, he lived? we didn’t plan for that”
oh boy. the screaming you say.
“beacon + hope” jotting that down as well!
oh! jon was born in bourmouth! (is that how you spell it?)
yeah i noticed the drug use thing too...hrm.. (oh no im already talking to the narrator)
well THATS a bit creepy. did mr. gillespie know he was alone?
Night Vale Reference Count: 1 Scariness level (1-10): 2 as well despite the creepy voice work this was actually  not scary at all to me. i think the scariest part was when i thought he might open it but once he resolved not to i wasn't really scared at all Will I continue listening?: yes!!!! im starting to get a feel for the setup of this and its definitely interesting
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legobiwan · 4 years
Alright, I’m finally all caught up on The Magnus Archives. Quick thoughts:
The format of these “statements” is fabulous. It’s this weird, not-quite-episalatory rendering and great for establishing an unreliable, reliable narrator. But it’s also fascinating how much characterization we get from relatively short moments of reflection from Jon or the other workers in the Archive. And also the differences how each reciter delivers and reflects upon a statement. 
We would learn later that the Archive coming under attack from malevolent forces is...somewhat commonplace, but the lead-up into Jane Prentice’s first attack scared the hell out of me (just as it was such a departure from the established format fo the show).
It’s funny which episodes really stay with you. For me - cigarette Edinburgh man, the skydiving Vast, Robert Montauk’s arc, any of the Daedalus entries (space still scares the hell out of me), and Martin’s arc with the Lonely/that bastard Peter Lukas. Especially Martin’s arc with Lukas because...damn, that just hits a little too close, you know?
I love how...diverse and interesting our cast is. Basira, Daisy, Sasha, Jon, Tim, Georgie, etc. - the lot of them. It’s also such a queer-friendly story and none of it feels forced whatsoever. 
“ceaseless watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing“ HOLY FUCK GET THEM JON
Can we get a shoutout to Gertrude for being a badass granny? Because I totally stan her, despite her complicated morality.
Also, fuck off, Elias.
I adore the dark existentialism of all of this. And its unblinking (ceaselessly watching, I suppose), which I really appreciate. 
Alright alright - Jon and Martin are adorable but I have a really bad feeling about all of it. Jon’s powers? Is Martin now the avatar of the Lonely? I’m scared and I don’t think it’s going to end well.
Can we also talk about Melanie gouging her own eyes out and shacking up with Georgie? 
Yeah, I should have mentioned those episodes, too. The eye-gouging ones.
I’m low-key obsessed with some combo of the “Unknowing” and that dark!Amusement park mirror-world. Fun fact about your local lego: For years (and I mean since I’ve been a kid so we’re talking a while here), I’ve had a reoccurring dream about a desolated amusement park and being chased through it and beating up the bad guys. The whole...”circus” thing really plays on my imagination and let me tell you about this one AU I’m writing...
The one episode in Virginia had me cackling at all the US stereotypes. As an American who lived in England for a bit, I find this one thousand percent amusing. But also, being on the trail - alone - your mind can start to play with you. And there are dangers out there, especially in the backcountry.
So we’re nearing the end of this show and somehow I don’t think it’s going to end...well, it will end. And I get the feeling the finale will be not totally nihilistic but not happy-ever-after, either. I’m 5000% terrified for Martin. 
I’ve listened to this show in my car on the freeway, on the trail (one earbud in, the other ear free to listen for rattlesnakes/mountain lions/mountain bikers be responsible when you hike, people), and on my bicycle - but my favorite setting for listening has been just wandering close to my neighborhood after dark, looking into houses and watching the tall trees sway in the dark wind. 
Also, can we appreciate The Admiral? They purr audibly and need to be protected at all costs. 
Viola theme in the main theme is awesome, that’s all I can say. 
I’m probably going to re-listen to all of this on a desert trip relatively soon. I can think of no better combination than existential, queer horror and the fucking desert at 2am. Let’s fucking go.
The poem with the Sprial. Loved it. Crazy, almost Shakespearean. 
10/10. This is first time I’ve given a 10/10 to any media and the show hasn’t ended yet. I doubt I’ll be disappointed. This is really. fucking. good.
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slightlyloomingone · 4 years
Local Cryptid Tries His Best
As previously mentioned, I read a ridiculous number of time travel TMA fics and wrote this as a result. Inspired by lots of things, but especially The Guy Next Door, by pigeonanarchy, which is an amazing fic if you like time travel, Archivist Sasha, Jon being a cryptid and trying his best, jonmartin and the original archives team. Yes, all at once, go read it. This one has s5 Jon going back to pre-canon 2014 and trying to help statement givers, especifically Erin from MAG 63, so spoilers for that, I guess? Also warning for Brazilian writing British people.
At first, Jon thought he could just… scare Erin and her brother-in-law away from the entrance into St. James’ Church underneath St. Paul’s. He was rather scary, after all. He found his way inside the church shortly before midnight (he was getting better at this breaking and entering thing), and waited for them near the spot where he thought he could sense the Dark, assuming that would be the entrance they would take.
When they arrived, Jon would just have to do the Archive thing and drive them away. Easy.
He hadn’t counted on Erin Gallagher-Nelson’s response to his voice saying “you should leave this place” being to brain him with her torch.
“Erin, what the fuck! Did you just kill a guy?” a male voice was almost screaming while Jon lied on the floor, groaning. Not his best moment.
“Well, he shouldn’t have crept up on me like that, if he didn’t want to get hit!” Mrs. Gallagher-Nelson almost screamed back, sounding… halfway between unrepentant and concerned, actually. “Hey? Hey, you alright?”
“Fine…” Jon slurred, pushing himself up and blinking. There were spots on his vision. Concussion? “Mrs. Gallagher-Nelson?” he asked, feeling someone’s hands help him sit up, but then let go again at Erin’s next words:
“I’m sorry? Do I know you?”
Jon chuckled weakly and pressed his palms to his eyes.
“No…” he answered. “But I know you, Erin…” he forced himself to look up at the short-haired woman now glaring at him. “You came here to take pictures, right?”
“Yes,” she bit back. “What about it? Do you work here? Did someone warn you about me?”
“No on both accounts,” Jon tried to stand up, but then sat back down when his vision started spinning. “But I know for a fact you’ll regret going down to St. James’ tonight, if you don’t turn back now.”
He tried to give his best Archive Look, but Erin and Luke, now standing beside her, didn’t look impressed.
“Is that supposed to be a threat?” Erin asked, sounding incredulous.
“Because I don’t feel very threatened right now.”
“I mean…”
“No offense, pal, but you look like a strong wind could knock you down,” Luke added, and Jon glared a little at them both.
“This is not a joke,” he snapped. “If you go down there, I can assure you at least one of you won’t come back.”
“What? Are there murderous ghosts down there?” Erin mocked and Jon huffed at her.
“Not exactly ghosts, but definitely murderous,” he finally managed to stagger to his feet, feeling the Eye healing his concussion slowly. “Just go home, there are other places to take pictures of.”
They did not go home. Not even when Jon followed them down the entrance, almost slipping and falling from the ropes they had used in the process, which… didn’t seem to help when it came to convincing them to go home.
“If you fall and crack your head open, I refuse to be held responsible,” Erin warned while Luke placed the lightning rigs along the underground tunnel.
“Would that make you leave?” Jon asked, watching the walls a little nervously. No signs of shadows so far.
“Why would you ask…?” she sighed and shook her head, getting her equipment out. “Never mind, just stay away from the lights, we won’t take long here.”
“You really should leave, Erin,” Jon tried again. “This place isn’t safe.”
“Because of the murderous ghosts,” Erin mocked, preparing her camera as Luke finished setting up the lights.
“They aren’t ghosts.”
“Right, my bad,” she knelt down and adjusted the focus, camera pointed towards the tunnel. “Just stay put, we’ll finish this in a moment…”
This was not good. Jon watched the walls, remembering how the statement described the shadow of a person showing up in the pictures of the far wall. Were they already here? He tried to focus, to See, but the Dark was so antithetical to the Eye that it was hard to do so down here, if only he could find it…
“Luke!” Erin suddenly complained, and Jon realized she was looking at the pictures in the camera. “You’re standing in front of the lights!”
“No, I’m not!”
Jon saw her look back at her brother-in-law, look away from the far wall, and right there, standing in front of it, he saw it.
“Step back,” Jon said, and he was suddenly standing between Erin and the shadow on the wall. “Stay away from them.”
He could see the shadow better the longer he focused on it, and it looked like a person, but in a few moments it wouldn’t be.
“What are you doing?” Erin asked, sounding annoyed. “I said to stay away…”
“Hey, Erin…”
“I said to step back,” Jon blinked and there were two shadows, so he didn’t blink again. “I see you,” he warned.
The lights were flickering. Jon could feel the Dark creeping closer, trying to hide their creatures from his view, and it made him glare at it, furious that these things would try and challenge him.
“Hey, I don’t know what your deal is, but we have work to do here, just get out of the…”
The shadows were wavering. Turning less human-shaped. Turning into something monstrous. Jon glared and opened his eyes wider.
All of them.
“I See You,” he spoke in the static-filled voice of the Archive, and there were gasps of fear behind him, but the shadows were trembling, growling and snapping teeth towards him. “Leave them, or not even the Dark will protect you from me.”
They hissed and growled and the lights flickered and then. Went out.
The moment they did, Jon felt the sharp pain of something piercing his stomach. He cried out and then forced himself to bite down the sound. He wouldn’t give the Dark the satisfaction. There were frantic sounds of fear behind him and then a camera flash, bright and blinding, but still a source of light.
He glared at the shadows again, snarling and calling the Ceaseless Watcher's gaze upon them.
“I See You!" he said one last time, and it was finally enough.
The lights flickered back on with the shadows' retreat and Jon staggered in place with a gasp.
“Oh, my god, you’re bleeding!”
“What the fuck, what the fuck…!”
Jon covered the wound on his stomach with a hand and turned around, stumbling a little. He looked at Erin Gallagher-Nelson and Luke Nelson, feeling exhausted.
“We really should leave now,” he managed to tell them.
“Fuck!” Erin hurriedly put the camera back in her bag and Luke, for some reason, stepped forward and put Jon’s arm over his shoulders. What? “Come on, Luke, just bring him here, we can… we can use the ropes and… and...”
“What are you doing…?” Jon muttered as he was half-dragged, half-carried to the spot where the ropes still dangled from above.
“Just keep putting pressure on the wound or something,” Luke babbled at him as they walked, and Jon kept some eyes open to watch their back just in case, and he knew Luke could see them, he knew he was afraid, but he was still helping him. “Come on, come on, Erin, call an ambulance when you have signal!”
“Yeah, I know!”
“I can’t go to the hospital,” Jon mumbled. Wow, he felt light-headed. His hand was pressed on the wound and it felt sticky with blood. Gross.
“Well, I can’t have you bleed to death right in front of me, so shut up and deal with it!” Erin snapped, untangling the ropes and waving the two of them closer at the same time. “Bring him here, Luke, don’t you stop putting pressure on that, you creep!”
“I don’t understand what’s happening,” Jon muttered as they started tying him up with the rope, for some reason.
“Just keep pressing that, pal, you’re gonna be alright, yeah?”
“Help me out here, Luke!”
Jon may have passed out for a moment when they started using the ropes to pull him up from the tunnel. In his defense, being stabbed really hurt. He didn’t remember it hurting this much the last time it had happened. Or maybe it was that this wound in particular hurt a lot? Either way, he came back to his senses lying on the floor of St. Paul’s Church with Erin and Luke arguing as they knelt above him, and, oh, no, she was using her phone…
“Please, don’t call an ambulance,” Jon groaned, pushing himself up. The wound was healing, but… very slowly, he thought. Probably because he had used Beholding to deal with the shadows and didn't have enough in him to take care of it. He was still bleeding a lot, although Luke had apparently been putting pressure on it with a jacket.
“What are you doing?” Erin snapped at him, her voice shaking with something that could be anger or fear. Probably both. “Lie back down, do you want to bleed out?”
“Not particularly,” Jon muttered. “But I still can’t go to a hospital. So.”
“We won’t tell anyone about the… the eyes, if that’s the problem,” Luke whispered, his own eyes wide with terror. “You can hide them, can’t you? So just… just…”
Jon looked at him and he flinched. That made him sigh. He really was going to bleed out if he didn’t do anything. Actually. He tried to check on the wound, which made Erin snap at him again to stay put, and it was bleeding a lot, and fast.
“I don’t think I’ll last until the ambulance arrives,” Jon mused, still feeling a little dizzy.
“Well, you won’t if you don’t stop moving…!”
“I really didn’t want to do this, this time…” he mumbled, shoulders sagging. “But…” Jon raised his eyes to them, remorseful. “I’m really sorry, but, please, tell me what you saw in the tunnels.”
He heard the click of a recorder running someehere. Luke was the one who started talking, but Erin picked it up, and soon enough, Jon was lost in the familiar rhythm of a statement. Yes, he had heard this one before, but it was different enough now, and it was… it was still fresh. He breathed in when it was done and let out a quiet sigh that was undeniably satisfied. Then he looked at the two wide-eyed victims in front of him and whispered:
“Thank you,” he gently removed Luke’s hand from his stomach and then the jacket, checking the wound. It was halfway to healed now. “Yes, that’ll do.”
“What happened?” Erin asked quietly, still watching him. Jon sighed and pushed himself to his feet. “Wait, you were… you were just…”
“I’m really sorry,” Jon said again. “I wouldn’t have done this if I had any other choice,” he paused, trying to decide what was the appropriate response. “You should avoid tunnels for a while. Or caves, or… dark places, really. Stock up on torches, and batteries, and stay away from, well, from churches too, probably. Hm.”
“Will they come after us again?” Luke whispered and Jon winced.
“There’s a chance,” he admitted. “I never figured out how to counter it, but…” he frowned. “Actually, maybe you should just leave this church as soon as possible? I don’t think it’s safe here…”
“What?” Erin was starting to glare at him again.
“Well, they stole your camera last time…” Jon muttered and then took a step back at Erin’s look of indignation. “Just avoid churches in general, just in case? Don’t forget the torches… um…” he decided it was time to leave. “And… and I’m really sorry, again,” he said one last time, retreating a few more steps.
“Hey, wait a second…”
“Sorry! I’m really sorry, I have to go…”
He almost ran out of the church, ignoring the two of them calling out behind him.
That. That could have gone better.
Also, being stabbed really hurt.
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
ok so fear soup theory DOES mean that the end of 165 went like this
jon: ceaseless watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing
the infinite and unending eldritch being who encompasses all possible fears and has been answering to several different names in several different guises for a while now, but is now free to be itself, incomprehensible and confounding: lmao ok little guy, just for you i’ll cut off that hangnail
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grimark · 4 years
ok you guys were all right, “ceaseless watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing” was kinda hot
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gayedmundo · 4 years
rank the tma characters from the most to least fuckable
may i just say how delighted i was to get this ask out of the blue thank you yes i will absolutely do this
(this won’t be every tma character just a few major ones)
1. Tim Stoker- he’s absolutely my type if i ever met this man i would immediately be into him. sexy, brave, funny, bisexual? tim stoker marry me
2. Annabelle Cane- sexy spider woman... nothing else to say, i think we all wanna fuck her
3. Sasha James- i don’t have much to say about this i just think she’s cute and smart and probably very pretty and i’m into her
4. Melanie King- goth gf!!!!!!! must i say anything else.
5. Georgie Barker- i don’t have to explain this she’s great and she has a cute cat what’s not to like
6. Agnes Montague- she’s so hot (literally lmao) and i love her kinda sympathetic yet evil vibes.... only reason she isn’t higher is the downside that fucking her would probably be the most painful experience of your life and might kill you but honestly it’s worth a try
7. Basira Hussain/Daisy Tonner- they’re tied for me bc i love them and i know they’re hot but the fact that they used to be cops is a turn off for me.... but they’re not anymore so yes i would fuck them now
8. Jonathan Sims- while I support all you Hot Jon Warriors out there I think we all know he’s probably not that hot.... however...... “Ceaseless Watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing” by itself was enough to make me want to fuck him
9. Gerard Keay- greasy thing kinda a turn off but the goth thing with the piercings and the tattoos.... hot.
10. Gertrude Robinson- ...... GILF.
11. Michael/Helen- that would be weird but also fun lets go for it
12. Elias Bouchard- fucking bastard man. he’s got a sexy evil energy about him which kinda makes me wanna fuck him at times but also fuck that guy he doesn’t deserve it
13. Martin Blackwood- i love him with every bit of my soul but i cannot say i want to fuck him i’m sorry martin but also i’m pretty sure you’re gay so it’s prob fine with you
14. Peter Lukas- i do not want to fuck this man. 
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flickafire · 3 years
THE QUOTE'S 1 2020
Some people say" do not smoke the herb It will Give you memory problem " and to that I say had empty and I like it that way.
My parallel dimension my rules.
If you think life can't get any worse just remember  that God has abandoned us and the earth is dying Welcome back to watch Mojo.com This is our top 10 reasons why the industrial revolution and it's consequences was a  disaster for the human race at number 10-.
Just About  mcfucking had it.
Crying on an 💖adventure💖
Fuck you anxiety and insecurity Not today begone
 forgive and forget no resent and remember
I'm fuking crazy but i am free
Not trying to flex on anybody when I say I live in a constant seemingly irrepressible state of shame at any given moment I am both ashamed and embarrassed just to be alive so suck on that Liberal
I don't feel good I don't feel great I feel bored and depressed Yeah man This sucks dude Damn!
When will the suffering end when? Until death
You know what else is a common incurance? Wanting to drop dead
 hold up hold up stop the music somebody left ice on the floor and now my sock is wet who the f*** want to die-
Day 23 in the chamber ain't found me yet but when they do they're going to be surprised
I'm a sparkly b**** Glitter glitter glitter m***********
Become door
No go on I dare you I tripled door dare you to have the audacity To tell me that I'm not a door
2020 might not be The end of your world but it's the end of mine skirt skirt
Ceaseless Watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing.
My body is not a temple It's more like a bar and grill
" I think dogs should vote!" - Griffin Mcroy
This is a PSA do not leave me alone I will have a mental breakdown aaaaaa
"Shut up and go on pace"
"Please speak to me through the body language the Gods"
"If I believe that an animal is capable of choosing evil Then it's a person - Johnny Sims
God is dead it's worm time baby
Mother I crave violence alternatively father I crave violence
Hippity hoppity your knees are now my property
Ladies and gentlemen the volume inside of this bus is astronomical
God dammit which Ninja Turtle are you, We can't possibly all be Donatello It's not mathematically possible, Somebody needs to be that stupid rat
F****** f****** f*** they them what are you plural? YES I'M 3 DOGS IN A TRENCH COAT AND  YOU WILL REFER TO ME AS SUCH
 the people love me does anybody Love you no but I'm really good with guns now dance bitch!
I made a hat that's powered by sadness
Coliseum 2 We gave the lion a gun and you won't believe what happens next
Whenever somebody asks what you're doing say I'm invested in demons
 and if anybody asks you if you're okay or how are you just say something that isn't what a person would expect
 like  nothing much how about you or the Demons Inside of My Soul is telling me to commit arson but you know or even I don't know
Drink some water also f*** Society
 no one's stopping except the police and if you release enough trained rats not even them
I have not slept for a week my blood flows with Red Bull and Xanax
Yeehaw Chucklefucks
 mercury: What What's up with kids nowadays You never see them having a good wholesome time at a bar
Juno: they changed the age from 8 back to 18 years ago
Mercury :How do you like your whiskey J
Juno: with an active desire to do me harm Mercury: asked about your whiskey not your men but okay
This maze goes up three stories three stories of Fun guys
 Nureyev: Juno turn away please I'm going to stab Mr angstrom to death now
No passion Deep hatred
At the speed and power of lesbianism I'm here
I just bit like four people And then ate mud
No one's crisis is so bad that they change their cereal and their deodorant in same day
I'm in the mood for violence and I reckon that you might be too
 Martin: Oy dick head come down here so we can kick your ass
Tommy :Grab a soda I'll help you see faster!
Bubby :Take that you damnable b****
I just got a random burst of energy and I think it's my body is the last hurra before it completely shuts down
Golden I've graduated preschool every day of my life
I am not breathing hyperventilating at this point
 I will punch lightner and is sad old man twig bones will simply Lake apart under my epic huge meat Fest and he will disintegrate until all that's left is one final book he kept on him at all times simply titled now you fuckd up in ancient Yiddish
Yeah sure You may be verified on Twitter but are you verified in the eyes of God
Where the f*** is Jurgen Leitner If he's still alive I will so deeply wish he wasn't
All going to hell Goodbye♡
Oh baby just wait until I start wreaking havoc in the this trailer Joe's
I'm going to wreak so much havoc cause some drama in the past aisle IDK punch a cantaloupe
Shut up You skin tone chicken bone Google Chrome no home flip phone disown ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadomn genome full-brown monochrome loan Indian Jones Flintstone hormon friend zone Sylvester Stallone sierra leone AutoZone professionally seen silver patrone headass the fuck up
Lactose cuz I can't tolerate you
All my friends hate me and they think I'm an idiot Have a nice day
Time to commit human rights violations to myself
This Utilitarian  spoon is the same spoon I will eat God with after I kill him but for now peanut butter
a freckle quote -"Cuz it's Freckle up in this b**** hey kid I have no I f****** clue well I'm supposed to be doing here how is your feelings I am definitely not on drugs"
I don't know but I kept in my hate drawer
Golden robot gondoliers!
Me thinks the _____ doth protest too much
I Is he!
 been alive for 7 hours!
So where do we get hold of all these corpses!
You fuckers you fuckers you motherfucker I will rain hell Fire upon you
 sometimes I think*long pause*and sometimes I don't
Knife detected security alerted
You look like a Vendiagram
 nothing ventured nothing gained
What you have a problem Have you tried blowing it up
Why did you drink my moisturizer
Cardinal fang
We are three Buzzwisers We are going to Joe's Crab Shack and we're going to beat up some kids grandma
Some people like slinky they have no real purpose but it makes you smile When you push them down a flight of stairs
Warning spoilers for the end of season 2 of the Magnus archives[ brutal pipe murder intensifies]
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