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April 7, 1930: Birthday of Comrade Vilma Espín, Cuban revolutionary, anti-imperialist guerrilla fighter, founder of the Federation of Cuban Women - Federación de Mujeres Cubanas. She made a crucial contribution as an early champion of queer rights in socialist Cuba.
Last year I learned from her daughter, Mariela Castro Espín, that Vilma initiated what would eventually become Cenesex under the auspices of the women’s federation. She was responsible for importing and publishing scientific and political materials from the German Democratic Republic on LGBTQ rights, contributing to Cuba becoming a leading example of queer and trans rights today.
Vilma also rescued the records of the Women's International Democratic Federation - Federación Democrática Internacional de Mujeres during the counterrevolution in Eastern Europe in 1990, and made sure Cuba undertook keeping the global women’s organization alive. Today Women In Struggle - Mujeres En Lucha is a proud member of the WIDF.
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belascoainyneptuno · 1 year
Viva la continuidad (IV)
Vivan Raúl y Lis Cuesta, Mariela y su CENESEX, el ministro del MINREX, Guillermo Tell, la ballesta que disparó a la funesta manzana que en la cabeza de su hijo era la certeza de que ese pueblo engañado ya era un fruto malogrado, producto de la vileza. ***Nota bene: Desde el 30 de noviembre de 2020, he publicado a diario en Belascoaín y Neptuno. Posdata: 14ymedio publicó las siete décimas “Viva…
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josivalblog · 2 years
A propósito de la nefasta penetración del evangelismo reaccionario en Cuba. Tomando como base comentarios de Alberto Roque.
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No lo conozco personalmente. No hace falta, basta percibir que el valor de lo que dice no transita por los senderos burdos del snobismo, ni la pretensión de estrellato fatuo o la búsqueda de sustentos mercenaristas. El criterio directo, llano, sin cantinfleos y valiente de Alberto Roque sobre un aspecto de la urdimbre de penetración conservadora y retorcida, en Cuba, como en casi toda América Latina, de las iglesias evangélicas reaccionarias y los serios peligros que de ella se derivan, me lleva a abrir un paréntesis en el perfil de contenidos del blog. En definitiva, esa problemåtica es consustancial con la libertad visual por la que apuesta el blog http://josivalblog.tumblr.com
Por tanto, con la anuencia de Roque, reproduzco aquí un comentario publicado en su página en Facebook. Pero, al final, adiciono alguna consideración mía: 👇
"1. Me opongo a la confrontación en espacios públicos con los colectivos reaccionarios evangélicos.
2. Condeno las expresiones homofóbicas, permitidas por el Estado, en nombre de la libertad religiosa, en cualquier espacio.
3. Repudio el uso de la confrontación con intenciones políticas provocadoras por activistas LGBTIQ opositores al Estado cubano.
4. La suspención de actividades públicas contra la homofobia (marcha o conga) por parte del #Cenesex demuestran una pobre estrategia de desarticulación del avance de las acciones de grupos reaccionarios evangélicos mientras los espacios de odio son ocupados con la anuencia del Estado/Partido.
5. Advierto sobre los peligros que corren el Estado de derecho y la pérdida de legitimidad de las instituciones y del activismo LGBTIQ ante hechos como estos.
6. Lamento tener que reproducir la noticia de un sitio cloaca para explicar mi posición, pero no me queda alternativa ante el silencio cómplice de los medios estatales de información."
Vale el comentario de Roque. Mas, creo necesario ahondar en la estrategia neo-conservadora del evangelismo reaccionario, concebido y abultadamente financiado desde Estados Unidos, mediante terciarismo para cubrir fachadas, y absolutamente conveniente a los propósitos de control de América Latina por parte de ese pesante país. Se les está permitiendo no solo expandirse con facilidad en Cuba, sino desbordar los predios internos de culto. Con sus prácticas de ayudas personales en tiempos difíciles se cataliza su alto poder de morbilidad, incluyendo en un sector de prioridad para ellos: los jóvenes, saturados muchos de sloganes e incongruencias entre la realidad y lo dicho, entre la cotidianidad y sus aspiraciones.
Y la estrategia derechista conservadora está esencialmente clara: ofensiva evangelizadora capilar en todo el país, con apoyos financieros bien calibrados. Si se les intenta frenar, se intensifica la campaña mediática contra Cuba, esgrimiendo hipócritamente falta de libertad religiosa. Urdida por sectores políticos estadounidenses, esa táctica está concebida para el ganar-ganar de ellos. Si contenemos los excesos de los evangelistas reaccionarios, nos atacan. Si no los contenemos, podrán seguir penetrando y contaminando la sociedad cubana, y a la larga estarán en condiciones mayores de golpear las libertades a la diversidad en Cuba e incluso a la propia sociedad.
¿Conviene cruzarse de brazos?
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outmyclosetorg · 1 year
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For that last three years Out My Closet has extended our services across international borders to support under-resourced and marginalized communities, from supporting children in the interior regions of Guyana, to supporting an orphanage in the Dominican Republic and this year, supporting transgender women in Havana, Cuba.
Out My Closet delivered a tremendous number of resources including, clothing, shoes, cosmetics, hygiene products, beauty aids (nails, eye accessories, and wigs), sexual health contraceptives in support of Trans Cuba.
Trans Cuba is a part of The National Center for Sex Education (Spanish: Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual, CENESEX) is a government-funded body founded in 1989 in Cuba. The center is best known for advocating tolerance of LGBT issues on the island. The head of the center is Mariela Castro, daughter of the Cuban politician and former president of the Federation of Cuban.
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Team OMC, with Mariela Castro at Havana Pride.
While things are changing for the gay community, trans-people, although not officially counted in national census's have the highest rates of HIV in Cuba, a country with the lowest rates of HIV in the western hemisphere.
Malu Calabrara is a transgender woman who is an activist for transgender rights. She works with CENESEX and Castro to run the Trans Cuba network. Started in 2001, it is the only national social network for trans people in the country, designed to build social awareness, HIV prevention and family counseling.
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Team OMC with Malu Calabrara, Trans Cuba's President.
The TransCuba Network is comprised of about 3,000 people and of those people "more than 90 percent of the transgender people in Cuba live with HIV," Calabra said before one of the workshops she and TransCuba are running in Havana.
Malu—who is HIV positive herself—attributes these numbers to the amount of trans-people practicing prostitution. "I left my house at a very early age, when I was 13 years old," Malu remembered. "Then I came to live in the Capital City—of course I had a life full of prostitution, of crazy things," she added.
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Supporting Trans Cuba
Many trans-people move to Havana from the outer provinces and rent apartments. However, there is a price for sexual liberation in the more accepting capital city. Rents are high and as a result many turn to prostitution.
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Team OMC offering encouraging words to the clients of Trans Cuba.
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OMC's President, Michael Narain with George Maestre, who organized resources with NYC Night Life allies in support of the campaign, supplying wigs, cosmetics and other beauty resources for clients.
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Check out some more behind the scenes images on our Instagram Page @outmyclosetorg
Supporting Transgender women has always been a dual mission of Out My Closet. We've supported many trans lead and trans populous organization in NYC, South Florida and D.C.. Specifically, the Trans Latina organizations that OMC has supported were Ariana Center in Fort Lauderdale and CITG (Colectivo Intercultural TRANSgrediendo) in Jackson Heights, Queens NY. Recently OMC conducted a POP-UP shop to support CITG at their site, pictured below.
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havana-great-time · 2 years
September 20th, 2022. La Habana.
Mis amores —
And so the days begin to blur together, and time fails to pass in crystal-clear moments but becomes, instead, the comfort of cotidianidad. I would not bore you with repetitive details, but I did have some new experiences.
Yesterday was noteworthy primarily for the fact that I was able to participate in class more than once, rather than only reeling from the rapidity of complex information exchange in what is ultimately still a foreign language. I am still not quite familiar with what professors want from their students in the way that I am at home, but I write in full hopes of approaching that knowledge ultimately.
In far more exciting news, I skipped class today (I know, loves. It is certainly not characteristic) in order to attend a panel on the Código de las Familias, with a variety of experts speaking on the topic. Perhaps most prominent was Mariela Castro, niece of Fidel and founder of CENESEX, the center for sex education and simultaneously the hub of national government-linked queer activism with activities ranging from research and policy development to rallies and movie nights. Perhaps the most fascinating part of her speech was her framing of the opposition; like my friend, she is convinced of the social media influence of outside anti-communist mercenaries. She went so far as to posit that the Catholic Church was particularly opposed to the Código primarily due to its anti-communist sentiments, even if she did not negate the role of its own conservative doctrines entirely.
I discussed this further with my program leaders; she pointed out the social and political power of other evangelical churches, though you will all be familiar with the fact that they do not share in my burning and singular research interest of religious institutions. I also spent some time yesterday wandering around the city, taking pictures of the signs and posters advocating for the Código. It must look silly to anyone passing by, but it is just fascinating to document. If only I could access the news! Suffice it to say that I am quite excited for this coming Sunday.
Los quiero,
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the-merricatherine · 5 years
From the director of CENESEX, Mariela Castro:
"Activists and friends !!! In the last few minutes, information has been circulating about the new formulation on marriage contained in the Constitution project that was just presented at the National Assembly of People's Power, unfortunately the message tweeted by our legislative body mutilated the new proposaland with an inappropriate approach launched into the arena what many people are interpreting as a setback. With all the responsibility I must clarify it: the new formula sustains the essence of the previously proposed article (68), since it erases the binarism of gender and heteronormativity with which marriage was defined in the 1976 Constitution. The variation in the new proposal is based on the substitution of "persons" for "spouses", an issue that maintains the possibility that all persons can access the marriage institution. In addition it places as a novel element the unions of fact, without tying them to any genre; This figure, in the long run and according to statistics, is the most used in our society. There is no setback, the essence of Article 68 is maintained, the struggle continues, Now let's give the YES to the Constitution and then close ranks to achieve a Family Code as advanced as the new constitutional text. Cuba is ours, Cuba belongs to everyone. We have not yielded or given in to the fundamentalist and retrograde blackmail that is politically opposed to the emancipatory project of the Cuban Revolution. "
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todocubaonline · 2 years
Mariela Castro destrona a Manuel Vázquez Seijido, su mano derecha en el Cenesex
La historia podría tratarse de malversación y de atribuciones a espaldas de la todopoderosa hija de Raúl Castro.
Mariela Castro Espín, hija de Raúl Castro y directora del Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual, habría defenestrado a su mano derecha y subdirector de la institución, Manuel Vázquez Seijido, por tomarse atribuciones en total secreto. Al parecer, el abogado suplantó a Castro en reuniones efectuadas en embajadas en La Habana, según cuenta el influencer Alexander Otaola en su programa de…
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sanchowish-blog · 4 years
Sociedad Civil Cubana en el Exilio - Boris Sancho Hablando Claro con Lazaro Mireles - Cuba Hoy
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lajirilibre · 5 years
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Técnica: Grafito y Digital | Medium: Graphite & Digital Illustration / Mayo 13, 2019
🇨🇺🏳️‍🌈 La Marcha Fue #11M / The March happened May11 LGTBQI Cuba
“Cuba será libre, yo ya lo soy.” “ Cuba will be free, I already am.” Reinaldo Arenas
Los derechos no se piden, se toman dice aquella famosa frase. Mayo 11 del 2019, various miembros de la comunidad LGTBQ dentro de Cuba, al cancelarse la marcha anual contra la homofobia por parte del régimen comunista, tomaron la iniciativa de organizar una marcha independiente y alternativa sin aprobación del estado totalitario. El 11M, se le cayó la careta una vez mas a Cenesex y Mariela Castro, la cual lleva usando a la comunidad LGTBQ cubana como herramienta política para limpiar la imagen de su padre y el régimen sanguinario de 60 años. La dictadura castrista persiguió y encarceló desde el principio a personas homosexuales como en los campos de trabajo forzado llamados la UMAP. Durante la Marcha Alternativa el 11 de mayo, hubo represión por parte de la DSE ( seguridad de estado ) y la policía castrista. No soportan que la sociedad civil se organize independientemente de ellos ni mucho menos les interesa los derechos de ciertos grupos como la comunidad LGTBQ. Articulo 20 de la Declaración Universal de Los Derechos Humanos plantea que: Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de reunión y de asociación pacíficas. El día en que nuestro país sea libre y democrático, estaríamos en un momento histórico mas abierto y amplio para las marchas por los derechos de cada individual o o comunidades como la LGTBQ en Cuba.
Rights are not asked for, they are taken, says that famous phrase. On May 11, 2019, various members of the LGTBQ community within Cuba, upon the  canceling the annual march against homophobia by the communist regime, took the initiative to organize their own independent and alternative march without approval of the totalitarian state. On #11M, Cenesex and Mariela Castro once again were unmasked. Castro has been using the Cuban LGTBQ community as a political tool to clean the image of her father and the 60-year-old bloody regime. The Castro dictatorship persecuted and imprisoned homosexuals from the beginning of the so called revolution by forcing members of the community into forced labor camps called the UMAP. During the Alternative LGTBQ march on May 11, there was repression by the DSE (state security) and the Castro police. They do not support civil society organizing independently, much less interested in the rights of certain groups such as the LGTBQ community. Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. With a totalitarian regime in place and the violation of human rights against Cubans, it becomes even harder to protest in peace for LGTBQ rights. Our country needs to be free!
Al CENESEX se le cayó la careta - 2019
‘Masa de ignorantes’: Así califica Mariela Castro a participantes en marcha LGBTI en La Habana -2019
UMAP en Cuba: “allí conocí el horror de los hombres contra los hombres”
La razón por la que la dictadura cubana tortura homosexuales
Memoria y Fango
Así fue el Stonewall de La Habana
Cuba gay rights activists arrested at pride march in Havana- 2019
Cuba: LGBT demonstration in Havana May 11
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By Gregory E. Williams
Before departing for Cuba, our delegation began learning about Cuba’s revolutionary new Families Code. But it was incredible to be among these activists — to hear about their work, life experiences, and analysis of the ongoing revolutionary process in Cuba. These activists vividly conveyed how far Cuba has come, rising from a legacy of colonialism and patriarchal values, even while impeded by Washington’s criminal blockade.
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belascoainyneptuno · 1 year
Oda urgente a la farsa electoral (II)
“Votaremos por Mariela —que dirige el #CENESEX— y también por el MINREX y por la larga secuela de violencia y triquiñuela, de mentira y de patraña, de terror, de mala entraña y, claro, de represión, porque esta Revolución es esperpento y cizaña”. #Cuba
Cartel: Claudia Patricia “Votaremos por Mariela —que dirige el CENESEX— y también por el MINREX y por la larga secuela de violencia y triquiñuela, de mentira y de patraña, de terror, de mala entraña y, claro, de represión, porque esta Revolución es esperpento y cizaña”. *** Nota bene: Desde el 30 de noviembre de 2020, he publicado a diario en Belascoaín y Neptuno.  Posdata: 14ymedio publicó…
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borges-triana · 5 years
Norge Espinosa: La Nación se reconstruye con todos y para el bien de todos.
Norge Espinosa: La Nación se reconstruye con todos y para el bien de todos.
Yo hablo por mi obra y por mi desacato, y sé que debo asumir las consecuencias de la una y de lo otro. Esa es mi área de libertad individual, y desde ahí despliego mi activismo.
  Norge Espinosa no es solo un reconocido intelectual cubano, ptanto por su quehacer en el área de la poesía como en el universo teatral en proyectos como la agrupación El Público, dirigida por Carlos Díaz. Además de…
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zoevaldes · 6 years
Mariela Castro habla sobre diversidad sexual cubana en Valencia – PERIÓDICO CUBANO
Mariela Castro habla sobre diversidad sexual cubana en Valencia – PERIÓDICO CUBANO
El matrimonio igualitario estará plasmado en la nueva constitución de la isla, pero no la libertad ideológica y artística…
Origen: Mariela Castro habla sobre diversidad sexual cubana en Valencia – PERIÓDICO CUBANO
Lo que hay que ver, qué asco me dan todos esos que la han invitado. puaf.
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recursotranslatino · 6 years
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girllibre · 7 years
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Although Havana has great taxis (vintage american cars), we prefer riding our bikes around the town. And if you're spending couple days here you should definitely rent one. It's the best way to explore Havana! @thaira.music used to be a professional cyclist for a Cuban national team before she started her music career, so she loves all the cycling gadgets. This is her new personalized water bottle with a very special memory from a lovely event we went to in Santa Clara with Mariela Castro Espín, daughter of Cuban president and director of @cenesex_2017 and our good friend Juani. Mariela is a great inspiration for us and an amazing Cuban role-model, because thanks to her activism, awareness raising and fight for equal human rights (check out #Cenesex program), Cuba is one of the most progressive and active countries when it comes to equality promotion and LGBT rights. Juani is a main character of the documentary I'm working on and as you can see, he has a very deep affection for Mariela. Thanks to her the biggest dream of his life came true. Stay tuned for the documentary release sometimes in 2018... I am still shooting it :))) #cycling #waterbottle #lgbt #humanrights #equality #cuba #stayhydrated #transgender #transman #documentary #havana #santaclara #pridemonth #pride #pride2017 (at Santa Clara, Cuba)
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infos-lgbt · 5 years
Cuba : La police interrompt la gay pride non-autorisée
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La police cubaine a interrompu samedi une marche pour les droits des LGBT organisée comme alternative, sans autorisation, au traditionnel défilé annuel de la Gay Pride annulé en début de semaine par les autorités. Ils entendaient protester contre l'annulation de la traditionnelle "conga" organisée chaque année lors de la Journée contre l'homophobie et la transphobie par le Centre national pour l'éducation sexuelle (Cenesex) sous le parrainage du ministère cubain de la Santé. Au moins trois manifestants qui ont refusé d'obtempérer ont été interpellés, selon des journalistes de l'AFP. L'interruption de la marche "ne me semble pas juste, parce que nous ne faisons rien de mal", a déclaré à l'AFP Laydel Alfonso, 31 ans, serveur dans un restaurant de la ville, le visage dissimulé derrière un masque argenté et brandissant un drapeau arc-en-ciel symbole de la communauté LGBT. L'appel a participer à cette marche a été lancé sur les réseaux sociaux avec pour solgan "Marchons pour non rêves, pour la diversité, pour une Cuba diverse". Cette semaine, le Cenesex, dirigé par la députée Mariela Castro, fille de l'ancien chef de l'Etat et premier secrétaire du Parti communiste (parti unique au pouvoir), avait annoncé que la "conga" n'allait plus avoir lieu. La décision était justifiée par "les nouvelles tensions dans le contexte international et régional" qui affectent la vie quotidienne à Cuba, sans d'autres précisions, le Cenesex demandant néanmoins de respecter les appels officiels. En dépit de l'absence de défilé officiel, les journées contre l'homophobie se tiennent du 7 au 23 mai avec une trentaine d'activités prévues dans la capitale cubaine et la ville de Camagüey. Le projet de la nouvelle Constitution cubaine prévoyait l'autorisation du mariage homosexuel, mesure qui a été abandonnée avant son entrée en vigueur en mars.
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