#ch: ian gallagher
soemotional · 1 year
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“What, so you gotta take in all these fuckin’ criminals and feed ‘em and shit and get nothin’ for it?! That’s a fuckin’ scam,” Mickey said, brow furrowed in confusion. The way of the world never ceased to fucking amaze him. “It’s still a house, ain’t it? You’d be like… the housewife or whatever,” he smirked. Mickey walked around the perimeter, arms crossed over his chest, and surveyed the apartment. “It’s too fuckin’ quiet, Gallagher, how are you gonna be able to sleep?”
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“yeah that’s pretty much the definition of charity, mick.” ian said flatly, then corrected, “it’s apartment, and i’m nobody’s wife.” he gave mickey a little shove, “you’re so fuckin’ annoying.” he wanted to kiss him, but the urge to explore his new apartment took over, “i like the quiet, mickey.” he walked over into the bedroom, trying to imagine how he’d arrange all this space when he remembered, “and before you ask, you can’t have your fuckin family over here.” 
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takeyourpillsbitchh · 2 years
✨Story Update✨
Silent Pain in Emerald Eyes - Chapter 8 preview
The bedroom is bathed in a cool blue-grey when Ian’s eyes open. Mickey is still cuddled in his arms, back pressed against his chest. Ian can’t help but bury his face in that tattooed neck and breathe him in, run a hand down his side, squeeze his hip and cuddle closer. Mickey grumbles something Ian can’t quite make out before he settles back down. Ian smiles to himself, wanting nothing more than for this to be his morning every morning.
He lays there, no idea how long, nosing at Mickey’s skin, tracing over his tattoos with gentle fingers, and pressing soft barely there kisses to his skin. The need to empty his bladder is what brings his perfect morning to a temporary halt. He gently unwraps himself from Mickey, scoots out of the bed and goes to the bathroom.
After he pees he steps over to the mirror taking himself in and he smiles. Yeah, his hair is a mess and he still has puffy red scratches on his neck but he doesn’t look tired or run down, there were no bags under his eyes. His face clearly reflects his feelings. Happy. Content. Well fucking rested for once. After washing his hands he quickly brushes his teeth, goes to the kitchen to take his meds and practically rushes back to Mickey’s room, needing to cuddle his man more before they leave for their breakfast date.
When he walks in the room though he stops. Mickey is still there, he’s rolled to his opposite side, curled up in the spot Ian had previously been in and he looks so sweet and Ian of course wants to kiss him. He doesn’t even realize he’s smiling until blue eyes flutter open and meet his.
“What are you smiling about?” Mickey asked, voice sleepy and rough and Ian doesn’t even bother trying to hide his smile.
“I’m happy,” He signs, watches sleepy eyes light up and it melts his heart. Those blue eyes never leave Ian’s as he walks over to the bed and crawls back in, pulling Mickey close and kisses him…kisses him because he can, because he’s happy, because—well, just because. And Mickey kisses him back, smiles into it and Ian thinks his heart is going to explode with all of the happiness and he doesn’t even think he would be mad about it.
When he pulls away from the kiss he caresses Mickeys face and they just lay there, gazing at one another, touching, taking in every feature of the other. Mickey’s foot slides up Ian’s shin, and Ian’s hand wraps around his waist that’s beautifully bare from his tank top riding up as he slept.
Ian loves it. Loves the closeness, the calm, the relaxation, the soft intimacy of just laying there and letting another person take you in. He never thought he would have something like this, thought he was too fucked up, ruined, not good enough, even before he was taken. He was always used for someone else’s gain, only needed if he had something to offer. But it wasn’t like that now. Not with Mickey. Never with Mickey.
“What are you thinking about?” Mickey asks softly, his hand stroking over Ian’s chest.
“You,” Ian mouths, grabbing the hand on his chest, bringing it up to kiss it.
“Mm,” Mickey hums, giving Ian a questioning gaze.
“You make me happy,” He mouths, swears he feels his eyes water, he’s sure he sees Mickey’s eyes well up to but eyes are closed and lips are pressing firmly against his before he gets a good look.
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theitgirlnetwork · 1 month
Ch. 15: A Gallagher (Happy Birthday Charlotte Part 2)
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Note: Helloooo! I'm backkk! Thank you for all of the love and appreciation you all have been showing this story. I took a break and now, it's time to get into act two, married life with Lip and Charlotte. As always I love the interaction and am extremely inspired by it so thank you for all of the reblogs, notes, and messages. It's a short one while I get back into the swing of things, but I'm excited for what's next. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Love ya! <3 MDNI!!!!!
Warnings: Mild sexual content, strong language
“Go ahead, baby.” Lip says smugly, his head cocked back in arrogance as Charlotte bounces up the steps, keys jangling in her hands as she twists open the lock.
“It’s…it works, s’ours?” she gasps, whipping her head to look back at them. 
He follows her up the steps at a slower pace, relishing in her happy squeal when he lifts her into his arms and carries her inside. The place is big, but not too big. There was room to spread out. To grow. It looks like what she’d described to him, her dream starter house. Maybe it was smaller. A townhouse and not a big four floor home like the one she was used to. But it was the one she pictured them in.
“Ready? Go ahead and press it, babe.”
The little junkyard robot (if you can call it that) whirs to life and starts spinning in circles in the small space Lip and Charlotte had cleared on the floor. Charlotte gasps and leans forward, leaving Lip’s chest cold as her back bends to look at the little invention closer. “He’s like a real robot. That’s so cool, bubba.”
“He’s a piece of shit model. Lost me a hundred bucks when I took him to one of those fights, embarrassed the fuck outta me.” 
“Aww, he’s so cute though. Like Wall-E.” Charlotte hums, poking at the moving scraps and smiling as the machine rolls backward again. She turns to face Lip, shifting in his lap while wrapping her arms around his neck. “You’re so smart.”
“Yeah?” he leans in, lips just a breath away from hers, cheek dimpling with his smirk. “Say it again.”
“No, your head already too big”
“Yeah, okay, c’mere.” he grunts, pulling her weight completely against himself, trapping her with his arms as his fingers start tickling her sides, dodging her flailing limbs. “Say, ‘Phillip, you’re so smart.’”
“Ph-phillip-” she giggles, catching his hands in her own and lowering them to her waist, rolling her eyes as she feels their descent to her ass. She brings her own hands up to his cheeks, rubbing his nose with her own before pecking his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” he murmurs, blue eyes locked on brown as he leans forward to capture her lips again. 
A crash sounds from downstairs and the pair jolts apart, Charlotte immediately crawls out of his lap and holds her hand out to him to help him off of the ground, only to squeak when he tugs her back against him. “Leave it, Fi and Ian are home.”
“Yeah, but, if we don’t check they’ll come up soon to get us anyway.”
It’s true. Lip thinks through all of the times people have just barged in on him and Charlotte. His siblings. Frank. Monica. V or Kev. The cops. He’s realized for the first time that he’s tired of it. 
Obviously, it's not the first time that he’d considered the concept of privacy with the thousands of children Monica and Frank dump off here, the constant inward and outward flow of fuck buddies until Charlotte and Mickey and the tendency of people to just run up into their house with no consideration. He’d come to the conclusion that he needed to escape numerous times. College was one. His professor’s house was another. Hell, sometimes depending on how old he was, his little stints with foster families when CPS got wise to their living conditions served as a nice little break from his family. Ultimately, Lip was not new to the idea of trying to get away. But he’d never thought of it in this way before. Never where he had someone he wanted to take with him. 
“Hey, Bunny?”
“Hm, yes, baby?” 
He glances away for a moment, willing away the blush that forms on his face when she says stuff like that. “You, uh, you ever think about where you wanna live?”
Charlotte tilts her head in confusion, absently brushing something off of his cheek as she thinks over his question. “What, like choosing between here and V’s?”
“No, like, when…uh when we move. Just us.” The girl damn near headbutts him. Her hair smacking his face as she buries her face into his chest, making a shriek-like noise and kicking her feet against his legs. “Uh, what the fuck?”
She lifts her head with a smug look on her face poking at Lip’s forehead, “You wanna live with me?”
His brows furrow as he smooths his thumb over the spot on her forehead she’d hit his chest with, “Fuckin’ careful, gonna knock yourself out. We already live together-”
“But it’s not enough.” Charlotte sings, continuing to poke at him. “You want me to yourself. That’s so cute.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Lip laughs, smacking her ass with one hand, pushing off of the floor with the other and lifting her with him, walking them over to the bed with one of her legs dangling as he carries her with his arm hooked under the other. “I take the question back.”
“Nuh uh,” she hums, grunting a little as he drops her onto the mattress, pretending to ignore his hands sliding up her shirt. “You put the offer on the table. I want our house to be green.”
Lip stops and looks down at her as she smiles up at him softly. Keeping one hand on her chest, he slides into the bed behind her, resting his head next to hers. “Yeah? What else?”
“Phillip.” Charlotte pouts, turning back to her husband after taking in the room. There’s no furniture, but it’s decorated with little lights and a blanket and pillows on the floor along with all types of different kinds of snacks and more flowers. 
“Uh…I figured you’d wanna get the furniture with me. And…we’re gonna have to wait until our next paychecks to get some. But…uh, I had Ian and Mickey help me set this shit up. And then I kicked em out because…Mickey’s an asshole and wanted to control everything. He’s into this shit you know…but…um…happy birthday, Charlotte.”
Charlotte continues to gape at him in disbelief. Her eyes are wide, mouth opening and closing. She’s speechless as she stares at the man in the doorway. 
“You, uh, you like it?”
It’s a good thing he can carry her. Because the way she launched herself at him with no warning would’ve brought someone else to the floor. Instead he relaxes in her hold, wrapping his arms around her waist as she wraps her legs around his. 
Smoothing her hands over his blond curls, Charlotte looks at Lip. Really looks at him. She gives him that look only she’s ever been able to deliver him. The one he works for every time he busted his ass at work, or chose to skip out on getting a beer. Scraped together every spare penny he had for that look. “I love you.” she breathes, smiling at him. “You gave me a house.”
“You…you gave me a home so…it was the fuckin’ least I could do.”
All Charlotte could do is bury her face in his shoulder. 
But it was true. She saved him, gave him a purpose. She made Lip want to be a man. One that his family deserved. One that deserved her. 
Lip glances over at his sister from his spot in the empty kitchen, closing the fridge door before making his way over to her. “You like it?”
“This is…really nice, Lip.” Fiona slowly makes her way through the pace, peeking her head into the bathroom. “You can afford this?”
The blond shrugs noncommittally, crossing his arms. “Close enough. I never gave Charlotte’s dad back the money, and I’ve got my promotion, plus the money she and I have saved up…we’ll be straight.”
“Good. Good.” Fiona hums, looking around the room. She rolls her lips inward, taking a deep breath. “That’s good, Lip.”
Lip’s eyes narrow as he watches his sister’s demeanor as she takes in the extremely large decision he made and immediately feels a wave of insecurity wash over him. “Fuckin’ what?”
“Why’re you actin’ like that? All…like what you don’t think she’ll fuckin’ like it? Or…or-”
“She’ll like it! Jesus! What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you?!” Lip huffs, dragging his hands over his face. “Like, you think I messed up or somethin’?”
“Then what?”
“I’m proud of you, asshole!” his sister whips around to face him, pale face flushed pink as she sniffs, fresh tears pooling in her eyes. “I’m…I’m really fuckin’ proud of you.”
Lip stops, feeling the anger and embarrassment he had building drain from his body as it turns into concern for his eldest sister. He slides onto the wooden floor, leaning his back against the island and quietly pats the spot on the floor next to him. “And?”
Fiona sighs, dropping her purse to the side before slipping into the spot next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m really proud of you and…it should be me.”
Lip nods silently as he digs in his pants pocket and pulls out a pre-rolled blunt he’d been keeping to celebrate with Ian later. Fiona needs it more. Flicking his lighter to life he christens the townhome with the scent of weed, praying the neighbors wouldn’t complain before he even got to move Charlotte in. “‘Kay.”
“Like,” Fiona sniffs, grabbing the blunt and taking a deep drag. “I feel like all of a sudden you’ve got this normal ass life. Got a wife, a house, a real job. And I’m still here, still working bullshit jobs, still taking care of kids that aren’t mine, still fuckin’ the same losers-”
“Uh, that one guy had some money right? The uh…the drug addict’s brother? Jimmy-” Lip adds, glancing at her out of the side of his eye to see if he’d effectively lightened the mood.
Fiona nudges him with her shoulder, passing the blunt back. “Dude, fuck you, for real.” 
Lip chuckles, nudging her back before wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “But uh…for real, I wouldn’t…I wouldn’t have been able to get here without you, like caring about us not bein’ complete hoodrats growin’ up. So…um…thanks.”
The brunette looks at her brother with an amused grin, shaking her head as she takes in the man before her, barely able to recognize him as the snot nosed little brat that used to get the shit kicked out of him at the playground for conning kids out of their ice cream money in order to get them one to share. “God, you better hope you never fuck things up with her. Wasn’t me. That girl raised your ass.”
The pair spends the night wrapped in each other. They eat in their new house and it feels surreal. The quiet. The comfortability. For the first time since they got married, they got to feel like husband and wife, not two teenagers with promise rings shacking up in their parents’ house.
They make love on top of the blankets on their living room floor, sharing air and clutching each other close. The only sound echoing in the empty house is their heavy breathing and there’s no sense of urgency.
And when they’re done they shower, peacefully and in hot water.
As he watches his wife drift off to sleep next to him, his body serving as a cushion for her from the hardwood floors all he can think about is how maybe all of the shit he tolerated earlier in life was to prepare him to really be able to appreciate this.
“You’re gonna live here?” Debbie frowns, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares up at her oldest brother. 
“Uh, yeah, Debs, me and Charlotte are gonna be stayin’ here from now on.”
The day after Charlotte’s birthday the couple invited the remaining Gallagher siblings, Mickey, Kev and V over to see their new place. They were all sworn to keep the new address a secret from Frank and Monica if she ever rolls into town again. Some of their family members were taking the news of the move better than others.
Debbie loves Charlotte. She’s the girly, fun older sister vibe that she’s always wanted. While she loves Fiona, she’d always acted more as a mother figure than a sister, so she couldn’t necessarily be the fun one. But the real heartbreak was Lip. Debbie had always been a Lip girl. Carl had Fiona, Debbie had Lip, that was the way it worked. How could he help her with her homework, or pick her up from the bus stop everyday from out here? 
She’d been glad he’d gotten a girlfriend at first. She was nice, and pretty and made Lip nicer. And happier. She didn’t think she ever saw Lip smile as much as when he was with Charlotte. And then he married her and it was even better. But now…now it felt like Lip was becoming a part of something that had nothing to do with the rest of them.
“Great, so Lip gets to take Charlotte and gets to move out of our shit house, what do the rest of us get?” Carl huffs, kicking a box that was clearly marked ‘Lip’s shit’ causing the vein in his brother’s neck to pop. 
“Make your own damn money, how about that, shithead.” Lip slaps the back of his brother’s head before picking up a box and carrying it into the kitchen. 
Distantly he could hear Charlotte promising the kids that they would get to visit the house all of the time and that she and Lip will visit them so often it’ll feel like they hadn’t moved at all. He rolls his eyes to himself in some fake showing of irritation, but is inwardly proud to be with someone so kind to his siblings.
They’d moved the bed they shared at V and Kev’s house to theirs early this morning. So, now, they officially had one singular piece of furniture. They plan to work their way to getting more as time develops, mainly because Charlotte was not okay with looking over the shit people had thrown away before it hit the junkyard. Lip had tried to explain to her that it wasn’t technically trash until it got there, but she was strongly against it. 
Kev gifted them a hot tv that one of his customers dragged into the bar about a month ago and was currently mounting the small screen in their living room. The place was sort’ve coming together. At least to their standards.
Lip’s siblings stay for a couple hours and decide to head home when the second bus heads out. As Fiona slings Liam’s diaper bag over her shoulder and Ian picks him up, Charlotte and Lip exchange a look.
“Hey, uh, Fi, can we talk to you really quick?”
Fiona places the bag down, shrugging “sure.” before following Lip and Charlotte into the kitchen. The latter pushes her way up to sit on the counter and Lip stands between her legs, her hands resting on his chest as he leans back into her, facing his sister. “What’s up?”
Lip hesitates slightly. He knows this topic is gonna piss her off. He rolls his tongue in his cheek as he thinks about how to approach the conversation in the least damaging way possible, rubbing his thumb along Charlotte’s thigh for comfort. “We uh, has CPS reached out yet?”
“Not yet.” Fiona starts, tucking her hair behind her ear, wrapping her arms around herself. “The house is…pretty cleaned up, so as long as Hurricane Frank doesn’t hit before they come we should be alright this time. But, uh, when they come I’ll call you.”
“Right, we were thinking. That um,” Lip sucks in a breath, scrubbing down his face before deciding fuck it he was gonna have to get it out sometime. “Maybe, maybe Liam should stay with us for a while. We talked about it yesterday, and we’ve got room for ‘em so-”
There it was. The kicked puppy, ‘are you tryin’ to say I’m not doing a good job’ look that he wanted to avoid. And now here come the dramatics.
“Fi-” he sighs.
“No. No, why would he stay with you? He’s been perfectly fine with me at our house. You’ve got this place for like, two seconds and you already think you’re better than somebody?” 
Lip can feel the irritation building under his skin. His jaw works as he breathes out heavily and he feels Charlotte’s hand tug lightly on the hair at the nape of his neck.
“It was just a thought, Fiona.” Charlotte cuts in. “Lip is his legal guardian right? We just thought it might make things easier for the CPS visit. Easier on everyone, you know? We just wanna help.”
Fiona’s lips twist as if she was forcing herself to hold her tongue. She opts for shaking her head, moving away from the pair to leave the kitchen. “Help yourselves. That’s what Lip wants to do anyway.” 
As the couple hears the rest of their family be ushered out of the house and the door slam behind them, Charlotte pulls Phillip to her, placing his face in her cheeks. “Are you okay?”
The man sucks his teeth and shrugs. “Yeah, she’s just dealin’ with shit. She’ll get over it. She’s sensitive about the whole, me being Liam’s legal guardian thing and now she’s being a bitch about it.”
Charlotte nods, with an easy smile. “Yeah, but I mean with all of it. You’re moving out of your family home. Away from your younger siblings. It’s different, and I wanna make sure you don’t feel like…rushed or somethin’.”
“Bunny, I’m the one who got us the house. I’m fine. That’s my old life, right? This is my new one. I’m startin’ it with you.” Lip smiles, pulling her into a kiss and tugging her off of the counter, holding her up by her ass as she wraps her legs around him. “Now we have to find places to fuck in this house that we couldn’t living with all 5,000 Gallaghers.”
Charlotte rolls her eyes as Lip flips her up onto his shoulder, landing a loud smack on her ass. “My prince charming.”
“Yeah, fuckin’ better be, I bought you a damn house!” 
“Ha! How long are you gonna milk that?”
Lip meant what he’d said about starting a new life with Charlotte. 
It was the one thing he still believes her father was right about. He’d have to choose. Not to cut off his siblings and old life completely, but he couldn’t stay the way he was and be with Charlotte. He couldn’t have the life he wanted. He didn’t even know that he could live like this. 
Good, happy homes were things of fairy tales in the Gallagher house just like unicorns and magic wands. Nothing was gonna happen to make their lives better, they just had to make do. It was a hard lesson they all learned. Hell, Debbie was starting to see now. You work, grind, steal, and have small bursts of mania where you get to taste happiness, and then you fall hard. And Monica and Frank show up to trip you on your way down to make your fall even harder.
Even when Charlotte showed up, she was the lone beam of light in the otherwise deep pit he was born into. He didn’t know there was anything else. Until he started to set a routine in this new life with Charlotte.
Somehow, waking up at 7:30 to get ready for work was easier for Lip when he was with her. Don’t get him wrong, was he a morning person? Absolutely fucking not. But, having his sexy wife laying in bed next to him, waking him up with kisses and the occasional handjob definitely helped. 
“Goodmorning.” she whispers, kissing him again. 
Lip smooths his hand along her jaw and just stares up in awe that this is what he wakes up to. That they can have moments like this, where there’s nothing else, no one else. Just them. 
He’s at peace, spending the first few minutes of his day running his hand from the nape of Charlotte’s neck to her ass as she lays on his chest and rambles about what the fuck ever. The girls at one job or the other. Something crazy V was doing. Some tv show that it was apparently a crime he hadn’t seen. 
She doesn’t try to force him to talk, knowing he’s not into talking early in the morning. He just wants her next to him. He just wants her there.
By 7:40 she’s dragging out of bed, despite his loose grip trying to pull her back into it. “Bubba, shower, you have to leave soon and I wanna have time to eat breakfast together.” she pouts. 
He raises a brow, resting his arm behind his head. “Gonna be careful this time?”
Charlotte huffs, flipping him off with her bandaged middle finger. One of three injuries she’s sustained since they now have a stove that actually gets hot. 
Lip chuckles as he watches her storm down the hallway and start jogging down the steps. “I’m rubbin’ off on you!”
“Yeah, that’s the only rubbing that’s gonna be going on around here, jerk.”
Shaking his head he actually gets up and showers. And its fuckin’ wild. There’s hot water. He doesn’t have to wait 30 minutes for it to come and hurry up and scrub before it turns cold again. He doesn’t have to call out to go first and race to get there anyway. He either goes first, because Charlotte heads in later than him or they shower together. Lip can take his time but he doesn’t because he knows there’s food downstairs. It won’t be spoiled. It won’t be stolen. Maybe a little burnt if Charlotte hurts herself again. And he doesn’t have to pretend he’s not hungry after grabbing his plate because he can see there’s not enough for his little siblings to eat. 
Maybe Charlotte’s dad was right, there’s something to be said about choosing to move on with the person you’re in love with. Maybe there’s a reason normal people move out and get married and only see their original family once or twice a year. Maybe Lip thinks he is better than someone, everyone in the fucking hood he grew up in and God or whatever else was overlording his bullshit life up until this point finally decided he deserves more. And so they gave him his fucking wife. And now all he needs to do is not fucking look back. 
So he doesn’t. He moves on. Just him and Charlotte. Aside from a few texts with Ian, who was very understanding about Lip’s new resolve to move on from their shit filled lives, he was disconnected from everything Gallagher. A full two weeks go by without him visiting their old shack of a house. Fiona never calls and the only Lip thinks to miss is the kids. 
Charlotte thought the whole situation was bullshit.
“Hey, bubba, you spoke to any of your brother’s and sister’s today?” She asks, leaning in the doorframe to their bedroom. Lip is sitting criss-crossed on the floor, using the laptop the company gave him to get some work done that he hadn’t finished earlier. He doesn’t look up from the laptop as he holds his arm out, scooting the electronic to one leg so Charlotte can sit on the other. 
She perches herself on his leg, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and leaning her head on his. “Uh nope. What do you want for dinner?”
“Hmm,” she hums, nuzzling her nose into his cheek. “For you to call your sister?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Charlotte.” 
“I know you miss them. Moving out doesn’t mean cutting ties!” 
“Yep, off.” He says, lifting her up and off his lap, placing her on the floor next to him. “It’s normal to grow up and not see your siblings every fuckin’ day, Charlotte.”
“Yes, but this is a tantrum, Phillip. There’s a difference.” She huffs, watching him put a headphone in, snatching it back out.
“I’m working.”
“We’re talking, Phillip!”
“No, you’re fuckin’ yelling.” Lip sighs, scrubbing a hand down his face. “But if you want to have a serious conversation, we could talk about your jobs.”
“Again.” Charlotte rolls her eyes, flopping back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“I mean you’re still working there so…”
“It helps, Phillip. And I like the people there.” 
“Oh my fucking god, yes,” Lip snaps the laptop closed, standing and crossing his arms. “Please, baby, tell me how much you like the limp dick perverts that come to your jobs to eyefuck you.” 
“I’m not talking about them and you know that.” Charlotte grumbles, grabbing the blanket from the bottom of the bed and tugging it over her head. “You’re being mean and I’m just trying to help you.” she muffles. 
“Fuckin’” Lip grits his teeth, taking a deep breath before sitting on the edge of the bed, resting his forehead where he knows her stomach is. “I’m sorry baby, you married a dick.”
“I know.”
“You know,” he laughs, leaning more weight on her and scoffing at her ‘oof’. “You callin’ me heavy or something?”
“It’s…like…an…elephant is stepping on me.”
“Fuck you.” he chuckles. Lip pulls lightly at the blanket. “Look at me, Bunny?” The blanket folds down and Charlotte gives him her big brown eyes, staring up at him. “Baby, I fuckin’ love that you love my family, despite the absolute shit storm that they are. But I’ve spent my life dealin’ with that shit. I’m fuckin’ tired of beggin’ and crawlin’ back to the clusterfuck I was born into. I’m fuckin’ tired, Bunny. This is the family I wanna focus on. Us, baby.”
She smiles at that, smoothing her thumb over his lips, squealing when he lightly bites the digit with his teeth. “Ow, okay, jackass. Stop being cute.”
“Where did you get that goddamn language from? Shit.”
Lip looks up from the small television as his ears hone in on the sound of Charlotte’s slippers shuffling across the wooden floor. His girl comes into view with an absent look on her face. She’d finished doing her hair, the long black silk now split into a half up half down. Her body is covered (barely) by her short, white tank top dress.
They had people over. Charlotte had insisted that Lip at least try to make friends with the guys from work if he refused to mend the bridge between him and his siblings and start hanging out with them again. After a lot of whining, nagging and actual kicking, Lip promised to invite the guys to their new house to watch the game.
The guys from work were trying to be respectful. He could give them that. Whether it be because they know about what happened with Eric or because they genuinely are trying to be his friends, as she skips into view, her thighs shining in the light from the lamp, the short dress fighting to cover her ass, they all work to fix their eyes onto the screen.
“Phillip?” she says sweetly, slipping an arm around his neck and hopping into his lap, blindly trusting him to catch her. He obviously does. 
“Yes, baby?” He tugs her dress down as he brings her legs over his so she can sit more comfortably.
“Are you hungry?” She sighs, pushing his hair back, smiling when his eyes slip closed lightly as her fingers scratch his scalp. “I’m hungry.”
“Uh, no baby, m’not hungry, but uh-”
She lets out an annoyed, high pitched whine that has Lucas’ eyes darting over briefly. Come on Luc, I fuckin’ like you, hold it down. “Are your friends hungry?”
Lip peaks around her to address them, brows raised and is quickly met with several panicked versions of ‘no thank you’ ‘I already ate’ and ‘my girlfriend will kill me if I eat without her.’ “Charlotte, just eat those leftover noodles we made earlier and when the game’s over I’ll take you somewhere.”
She huffs again before leaning in and meeting Lip in a kiss, he had never realized how noisily they kissed until they were in front of other people. When she fully pulls away to pad off into the kitchen, a final smack sounds in the room that has his cheeks reddening and his hand refraining from patting her ass like he normally would.
Charlotte moving around in the kitchen doesn’t serve as a problem. She’s not loud and seems to be perfectly satisfied just preparing her snack and chilling by herself. Lip is temporarily able to focus on the game again, talking to Noah about how it’s number 9’s retirement year and how they need this win to stay in the season. 
“Yeah, but he’s a fuckin’ idiot, they’re not goin’ anywhere.”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re watchin’ Gallagher, let him make the play and…”
Lip waits for Noah to finish his argument, ready to scoff at whatever bullshit response he has but it never comes. He looks around at the other guys to see them all watching something over his head. He turns, following their gaze over to the counter. “Fuckin’ shit.”
There’s his wife, sitting on their counter with not a care in the world. Her dress riding up, the flesh of her thighs spread on the cool countertops. Her head tossed back, eyes closed, mouth open and tongue out as she slurps down the noodles as if it was the first meal she’d had in days, stopping only briefly in between to pop her fingers into her mouth to suck up the fallen droplets of broth. Jesus Christ could he even blame them? 
He hops out of his seat as fast as his legs can carry him, blocking her from his guests' view. “Charlotte, c’mon baby, what’re you doin’?”
Her brows furrow as she fixes him a confused look, she swallows the noodles in her mouth and scoops more up with the chopsticks. “What? You said I could have ‘em, you wanted some?” she offers sweetly, bringing the food to his lips.
“Why are you eating on the counter?” He whisper yells, dragging her closer to him.
“You and your friends are in the only seats, where else was I supposed to go?”
“The bed?”
“I don’t wanna get food in there!” 
“I’d have given you a seat!”
“Or you could take me to pick out more chairs.” she hums, slurping the noodles he still hadn’t accepted into her mouth, moaning dramatically as she eats them. And then it hits him. “With my paycheck. From my job.”
“You little fuckin’ brat.”
“A brat who’s getting new chairs?”
Lip points his finger in her face, pushing her forehead gently. “You’re fucking irritating.” 
“I love you too.” She chirps, hopping down off of the counter. “M’gonna let you hang out with your friends. Go see what our family is up to. You want me to bring you anything back or…?”
“Just keep your purse close.” He mumbles.
Charlotte rolls her eyes, making a big show of kissing her husband before walking out of the door.
“Thanks for coming out to meet me. I know you have to work later.” Charlotte sips her water, running her finger along the cool condensation. “I’m really sorry about what happened a couple weeks ago, Fi.”
Fiona kicks Charlotte’s leg lightly. “I told you, stop apologizin’. I don’t blame you just because you’re my prick brother’s wife. I just don’t know where that kid gets off, you know? Acting like I can’t take care of our siblings, like I always have. I raised that little asshole too.”
Charlotte fidgets in her seat at that. While she still agrees it may be good for Liam to come live with her and Phillip, she also understands why the idea would hurt Fiona. Instead of arguing with the girl she just frowns and decides to address what she came for. “I understand that it’s not all on you or anything, but, don’t you feel like it’s been a while since you guys have talked?”
“Mm, not the longest we’ve gone.” Fiona says nonchalantly, eating a couple fries.
“But, don’t you guys miss each other?”
“Look, Lottie, Lip is being a fuckin’ Gallagher. He’s got something good goin’ right now so he’s jumping ship. Logging off, taking some vacation time from the job that it is to be part of this family. We all do it. Get high and mighty when we have something good we can latch onto.” She takes a sip of her soda before crossing her arms. “He’ll be back.”
“When?” Charlotte asks, shifting forward. “I know he misses you guys. I know you guys miss him. What about the younger kids?”
“This is what they know. Gallaghers get another offer and fuckin’ dip. And then we come crawling back when we absolutely fucking tank whatever good thing we had going. And the other Gallaghers know that we have to take them back.” Fiona sighs, resting her chin in her hand. 
“But…what we have isn’t going to end.” Charlotte says. “This time…this time aren’t you guys gonna have to learn how one of you can be happy and still keep a relationship with the rest of you?”
Fiona stares at Charlotte from across the table, lips pursed. The rational side of her brain tells her it’s true. It tells her that her little shithead brother was changing and evolving. That he’s a man now, with a family, and their dynamic would have to change if they were going to stay in each other’s lives.
But the other part of her still has doubts. It knows that Lip is Monica and Frank’s son at the end of the day. He’s a Gallagher. They break what they touch. Property, promises and people. As much as she loves Charlotte, she can only think it’s a matter of time before he fucks up and she leaves or he drags her down with him. As far as Fiona was concerned, Lip was playing house, and the game had to end eventually.
“Fuckin’ nasty.” Lip sneers, dumping the collection of beers his coworkers had left in the living room. Now that he has a generally clean house, it was easier to notice when it’s dirty. Dumping the trash bag next to the counter and making a mental note to take it out before Charlotte got home and made a big deal about it before dramatically tripping over it and declaring that Lip tried to kill her, Lip pulls his phone from his pocket. She’s been gone for a while.
His stomach grumbles and he decides to text her to see if she ever got around to getting food or if she wanted him to make her something too when he fed himself. He’d have to feed her before he dragged her to bed and taught her why she shouldn’t tease him while his horny, idiot coworkers are interloping in their home. 
As he’s sending the message the doorbell rings and Lip snorts. Taking his sweet old time as he shuffles over to the door. “Oh, someone forgot their fuckin’ keys again, huh, Bunny?” He smugly cracks his neck before pulling open the door, “How’re you gonna thank me for lettin’ you in, huh?”
“I…I just really needed to see you.”
Lip’s eyes shoot open and he immediately takes a step back in shock, almost reflexively slams the door shut. 
“Wh-Mandy what the fuck?”
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soulc-hilde · 21 days
Ch. 02 - No Good Fridays
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A/N: Even though the gif would've been perfect for the first chapter seeing as this happened in episode 1, I'll still use it because Jeremy's face is just perfect!
Pairing: Lip Gallagher x Black!OFC
Warning(s): Follows the FX tv show, Shameless, viewer discretion be advised. Depictions of grooming as well as non-consensual acts being mentioned, depictions and ideations of suicide, depictions of drug and alcohol abuse, racial and homophobic slurs, mentions of CPS/CYS and foster care, depictions and mentions of consensual sexual acts, depictions of violence (gun and maybe gang), depictions of mental health, depictions of inherited addiction, and so much fucking more.
Synopsis: All Lip Gallagher ever had was family and despite the praise over his intellect, the health and wellbeing of his people were far more important than him furthering his education. Lecroy was a young girl destined to face abandonment until the Gallagher clan came through. Using her own skillset and connects to build a better life for those she loves, she ties Lip and his family to her hip.
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Two of the greatest events in television history will broadcast tonight. One - The UFC pay-per-view and two - The Deadliest Catch Season Finale. Such a big event, that Frank went as far as trying to tie his soiled hair in a ponytail before meeting his little friends at the Alibi. Behind him, two cars pull in at the same time. Steve and Ian jump out the black BMW coupe with bags in their hands while Lecroy follows suit.
As the crew began to set up before the show, Lecroy's once relaxed posture turns fridged at the sight of Karen in the living room with Lip. Rather than greeting the boy, she walks past him and into the kitchen with Ian and Steve to grab the food.
"Burgers comin' through," Ian sings, leaving the kitchen. Fiona turns over her shoulder, "uh, Lip, napkins." Karen takes a step forward, "I can do it," but Lip was already ahead of her. "I got it," he shakes his head.
Fiona raises an interested eyebrow, studying the interaction. Wanting to test a theory, she watches as he goes for the kitchen as well, passing the only - other - positive woman in his life. "Hey, Peaches," he greets with a small smile.
However, he receives a rushed head nod and nothing else. Both of Fiona's eyebrows raise as she bites her bottom lip. Oh, great, a pissed off Murphy and a possibly puppy-eyed Lip, the eldest Gallagher huffs to herself.
"Only ketchup," Steve reads off the order. Debbie raises her hand, "me!" He then reads off the next one, "extra onions, jalapenos." V opens the front door, taking it, "me."
She climbs over the couch, landing beside Fiona just as Carl makes his way over. He tries to grab at her cookies only for her to pull it back, "uh-aht-aht, after you finish your shake and fries."
He sits back with a slight pout. Lecroy laughs, patting the back of his head softly before sitting him in her lap on the couch. "It's okay," she whispers, "I'll get you your cookies, bubba."
He now smiles, happily diving into his sandwich. V turns, catching sight of the unfamiliar blonde in her peripheral, "who's this?" Lip answers, coming back with napkins, "this is Karen."
"Hey, Karen. Nice top," V greets her, "what size are you?" Fiona cuts in, waving her hand, "shh! Shut up." As the narrator of the show begins to talk, Lecroy softly nudges V with her elbow.
The two meet eyes as the copper haired teen bounces her eyebrows before rolling her eyes. V's mouth drops, mouthing an understanding, "oh." In other words, Lecroy reminded the woman that Karen was the blonde neighborly pass around who not only is stealing her best friend, but is just an all round nuisance.
After watching maybe like... 2-3 minutes in? A bloody, pouting drunk Frank returns to the house, slamming the front door closed. Everyone turns, watching him with humor and wonder; mostly wondering who out of every Southside resident had the urge to rightfully punch him.
"You okay, Frank?" Steve asks, face scrunching with sympathy. Lecroy, on the other hand, snickers to herself. "Hey," Ian starts, eyes noticing something strange on his deadbeat father. He follows after the man from his seat. "That my shirt?"
At the question, the boy's father stops and turns in silence. On guard, Lecroy carefully sits Carl between herself and V in case she'd have to launch at the man. "Yeah," Frank nods, stepping towards Ian.
His son slowly steps back, shaking his head, "uh, I'm just asking." Frank nods, forcing his forehead down onto Ian's nose with enough force that the teen flies and lands on the table. Everyone jumps, screaming as Fiona begins asking Ian if he was okay.
"Guy in the bar said to pass it on," Frank explains. Immediately, Lecroy pounces at the father.
Sending a right hook at his trachea, the older man collapses to his knees as he fights for oxygen. Clasping onto his throat, wheezing, his eyes widen with delay as her denim clad knee jabs into his glabella. His body falls back without resistance, comparable to a ragdoll.
Steve and Fiona's eyes widen as they try to pull her away from him. Steve's arms wrap under her arms as he tries to lift her away. Fiona calls out, urgently, "wait, no, don't--" but it was too late. Lecroy's elbow forces down into the man's ribs eliciting a gasp, edging on a whimper, to escape.
"She's so strong," he winces, holding his sides. Keeping face, he turns to glare at the drunkard. "You don't do this to your kids, Frank," he grits his teeth. "What are you, a tough guy, Steve? You think you're a fucking tough guy?" Frank teases.
He steps forward, "because you look like a premenstrual Filipino." He points at a glaring Lecroy who stood beside a wincing Ian. "If anyone's tough, it's that baboon bitch--"
Without hesitating, the girl picks up the tray of milkshakes and hurls it at him. He stubbles back, slightly hissing at the sting, glaring toward the teen.
"What the fuck, Frank?!" Lip belts in outrage, happily watching her mop the floor with him. "What the hell did he just call her?!" V shouts, pushing Carl to hide behind her back.
"You wanna come at me, Babygirl," he teases, "then let's go. Let's see how long you'd sit in Juvie this time. Even better, that might put ya in the loony bin."
She forces him against the wall, gripping him by the collar. Repeatedly, she forces him against it until Steve forces her off without getting hit again. Fiona hops in front of the girl, bending down in hopes catching her eye would settle the teen.
The older woman's eyes water at the dark, dead eyes that seem to stare through her. "C'mon, Le," Fiona quietly pleads, "calm down. He's not worth it, okay? Not again."
She pulls her into her chest, hugging her tightly, "go upstairs and calm down, a'ight. It's okay, it's okay." Feeling her shoulders slacken, Fiona slowly turns her to the steps, not allowing Frank to fall in her sight.
As the teen shuffles up the stairs, silent, like a zombie, Fiona turns to the others. Steve puffs his chest, ready to swing on Frank, but she quickly pushes him back and gets between the two. "Steve, go. Get out. Hey, just go!" She orders.
"Please," she pleads, she points at the door as Debbie softly shows him out with a skillet still in hand. "Come on," Franks yells, "don't go. Come on. Puss, puss, puss."
On the table with napkins trying to stop the bleeding, Ian chokes on some blood that slips down his throat. "Ice," V orders. Frank brushes his hair back, "it's a bloody nose. He's not dyin'."
"Shut the fuck up, Frank," V grits, her mind overworked and exhausted as it bounced from Ian being hit by his own father to the man egging on a 16-year-old with explosive anger.
He goes to walk away before turning to them, "anybody notice that I'm bleedin'?" Ian waves away everyone's hands, marching up the stairs, "I got it. Where's Croy?" Lip follows after him, the brothers now in search of the manic girl.
Lodged in the boys' bedroom, Lecroy sat on Ian's bed with a lit blunt hanging from between her lips. Instead of actively inhaling and exhaling the substance, she simply partook in allowing the smoke to swirl inside her body with every passive breath in and shooting out of her nostrils with every breath out.
Her onyx eyes take a pitch of black that gives her a soulless appearance in the nearly dark room. They stare at the floor with a blank glare, not a thought emerging behind those pretty eyes. Lip and Ian, hell anyone who's a part of the Gallagher's close circle, was no stranger to Lecroy's bursts of rage.
It was as if she was her own Hulk, but without the heroic music playing in the background. She could threaten to tear a building from the inside out and mean it, enjoying the pain that licked at her skin with every hit. To the Gallaghers' it was a part of who she was, who they knew Lecroy to be. In her family, however, this was an unspoken of reality for them; a curse, as her grandmother would put it.
Each Gallagher teen takes a seat on her sides. Lip gently pulls the blunt from her lips, inhaling some for himself as Ian changed shirts. "You should've hi'im' back," Lip opens the conversation.
Ian looks down at him, "if I ever do, I'll fucking kill him." The blip of anger seeps between his teeth as he forces the clean shirt over his head. He nods to the blanked out girl between them. "Besides, Le was ahead on that mission," he scoffs, humorlessly.
"So?" Lip shrugs, "eight to ten for manslaughter. Get laid as often as you want. Tattoos and everything. It's gay heaven, man." Rather than respond, Ian takes his seat beside Lecroy, blotting at the blood on his face.
He takes the offered blunt before passing it back. Feeling her bones come to a settle from the enraged shaking underneath her skin, the girl begins to slowly blink as she comes to reality. Noticing the loss of weed in her lungs, she grabs the blunt from Ian's fingers and places it between her lips.
Lip, who waited his turn in the session, softly smiles and lands a quick peck on the girl's temple. The three musketeers, as always, had won another battle against the world. Rather than going home, she stayed the night at the Gallaghers.
In the morning, she cooks breakfast while Debbie sets off to steal the neighbor's paper in search for coupons and Ian, with the help of V, steals milk and creamer from Conrad, the local delivery guy for all the corner stores. Basically, a regular Friday.
Plating up the food, it was a simple menu of sunny side eggs with toast and bacon. Setting a plate down for every Gallagher, she received the usual thanks -- one of them being a soft pat on the rear by Lip -- as Ian sat a half gallon of milk on the table.
"Don't forget V's coupons," Debbie states. The boy nods, walking back outside. In the meantime, Fiona comes down with Liam and grabs the mail. Lip helps her set him up in the high chair.
As she sorts through the mail, gratefully taking the cup of coffee Lecroy made for her, Ian comes back inside with V's coupons. He looks at his sister, "any pizza left from last night?"
Both Fiona and Lecroy glare over at him. "No pizza. Fruit or juice," Fiona answers. Lecroy then states, "besides I'm making a whole breakfast. We've got eggs, bacon, and toast. Take it."
The two girls smile at his disgruntled yet satisfied look. "OJ's in the top, grape's in the bottom drawer," she directs. Over at the table, Debbie reads off all the coupons they've received.
"Poptarts, Frosted Flakes, Bisquick, Heinz Ketchup, and ooh-ooh! Even got a couple two-for-ones for Tide," the young auburn girl grins, waving the coupon beside her head.
Leaving the fridge, Ian looks over at her, "any coupons for meat?" She nods, "yeah. They got a special on ground chuck at Costco and Hot Pockets." Fiona chuckles, "great. We'll go tomorrow."
Lecroy sits between Liam and Lip, feeding the toddler some eggs and finely crumbled pieces of bacon. As his pouty lips fumble around the tips of the plastic fork, slowly swallowing the egg, Lip watches the two. He sets a sippy cup filled with milk in front of her. She sends him a small smile before giving it to Liam.
"Lip, you seen Frank?" Fiona asks, after reading the postal stamp on a yellow envelope. The teen pauses, swallowing, "uh, no." She hums, "what day is it?" He answers again with a sigh, "Friday. Why?"
Fiona skips up the stairs, searching for him without an answer. A firm knock rings from the back door, Ian sets down a plate in front of Carl before answering. Lecroy side-eyes the boy as he licks at the yolk, shooting a piece of bacon at his forehead.
He glances up at her, a small frown taking over his face. She sends a mocking one back, "eat your food, not disrupt the masses."
From behind him, Steve walks through with donuts and cups from the local coffee shop. "Mornin' campers," he greets them.
"Whoa, what'chu got?" Lip asks.
"Jelly, plain, and glazed," he sets the stuff down, winking at Lecroy, "I even got you a couple bostons saved."
The girl smiles, "and to think, I was gon'a be mad that you interrupted a healthy breakfast. All's good now." The two laugh as he hands her the cup labeled: 'hot chai latte.'
He leans over, watching as Carl continues to lick at the yolk of his eggs as Lecroy was distracted. Quickly, he takes a piece of bread from his plate, quickly tapping it against the yolk as the boy side-eyes him.
"Bet you hate when that happens," he teases. Ian scoffs in disgust, "they're his tits. It's the only reason he eats eggs."
Lecroy shakes her head, "I've stopped the ranting and just started throwing things at him," she leans over, playfully glaring at the boy, "like a dog."
Debbie's face scrunches in disgust, "he just licked that one." Fiona comes down the stairs, slowing at the sight of Steve. She looks down, noticing the donuts and coffee.
"Oh, great," she sighs. "Le and I've been trying to get them to eat a healthy breakfast." Munching on a boston creme, Lecroy mindlessly waves the older woman off.
"I already chewed him out about it, Fi," she pauses mid-chew and side eyes her, "the bostons are mine."
Steve smirks, gesturing to the table, "I bought all the essential morning food groups: caffeine, sugar, lard," he lands a peck on her lips, leaning back with a content hum.
She pulls him to the side, "I'm sorry about last night." He shakes his head, "never apologize for your parents. Believe me, I don't. So you can let go of that." Flustered, she sends him a quick smile before looking at the group with a confused frown.
"Has anybody seen Dad?" She asks once again. Debbie answers, "he was asleep behind the armchair." Fiona sighs, marching for the chair with the others following with curiosity.
Leaning over the back of the chair, her face scrunches as she snatches at the polyester material. "It's a tent," she acknowledges, turning to the others, "why is there a tent in the living room?"
"Oh, uh, drying it out," Ian confesses, "ROTC training in Wisconsin next week."
Debbie bends down, "I thought it was Dad. I left him a cup of coffee LeLe made this morning." She picks up the cup, "I thought I heard him say thanks."
Fiona leaves without a word, most likely going to V and Kev's for answers. Fiona returns with a final declaration, "I think Dad's missin'." Like clockwork, Lecroy and the Gallaghers start calling across the neighborhood in hopes anyone had seen the drunkard.
"Hey, Ted," Lip speaks into the phone, "yeah. Yeah. Since Michael Jackson died?"
Debbie sits on the landline, "hey, John, it's Debbie. Have you seen Frank since last night?"
Laying on the floor in the doorway of the living room and the kitchen, Lecroy is caught up in her own two conversations on two phones. One being with her mother:
"Yeah, has he been checked in at all since last night? This morning?" She pauses, "nah, ma, everything's fine... somewhat. The old bastard done went Houdini."
And the other being her boss, or dad:
"Baba, I know," she huffs as the man falls into a rant, "yeah, you wouldn't let him in the shop, regardless, I just need to know if you've seen him? I don't care if you drove past his body on the sidewalk, it'll count."
Fiona stations herself on the couch, "since last night, at the Alibi."
Ian sat on a phone as well, "sorry about the door. And the window. y-yeah, so, anyways, I was wondering; have you seen Frank?"
"Hello, has Frank been down at the department say last night or this morning?" V asks the receptionist at the Police station.
All of a sudden the landline from her house is snatched out of the window, the phone whipping from her hands. "Shit!" She yells, leaning out the window to see the phone being roped down the sidewalk.
"What the fuck? Motherfucker," She wonders to herself, rushing out of the Gallagher house. Still on the phone, but now sitting up, Lecroy laughs with a shake of her head.
"That's some ghetto ass shit," her smile drops as muffled voices begin cussing her out on both phones.
Laying back down, she blurts out rushed apologies into both receivers, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! No, 'm not shoutin'a' ye'."
Soon after Kev had roped V back to the house, everyone's phone calls came to a stop. "Anything?" Fiona asks, looking at them. They all shake their heads.
Ian answers, "nobody's seen him since yesterday." Debbie whines, her freckled face falling. Fiona consoles her, "hey, hey, don't worry, Debs. We're gon'a find him, okay?"
Her small body falls into small tremors. From behind, Lecroy plants a gentle peck on her crown, softly rubbing her shoulders. Ian leans over, muttering words of comfort.
Fiona looks at everyone, "we split up. All the regular spots, okay? Go."
Everyone splits up. Lip and Karen go together, much to the Murphy's chagrin. Instead, Ian and herself ventured off in her Jeep, pulling off with a screeching. They travel around the block, searching every nook and cranny the piece of shit could possibly hide in.
Even going as far as whipping open port-a-potties until Ian accidentally showcased a shitting man. Quickly, all three scramble to shut the door before the two redheads run off to their next spot.
Rounding corners of junkyards and even the neighbors' backyards, they began dumpster searching for him. It was a great idea until Lecroy loses her grip and front flips into one of the bins.
She leaps out of the stank container with a cry, trembling in disgust as Ian laughs his ass, falling in the alleyway. The duo steals a tarp and tucks it over the driver's seat before returning home. However, things weren't much better there.
Pulling in front of V and Kev's place, they walk in, eyes lighting up at the sight of Fiona and Steve. Stepping deeper in the room, they falter at the sight of Veronica ironing a shirt while topless for the webcam.
Ian smiles at the ridiculous scenery, "hey, V."
The woman's portrayal of some sort of sexy housewife doesn't falter as she greets him back, "hey, Ian."
Lecroy, on the other hand, couldn't snatch her eyes off of the woman's breast, blinking with a deadpan. "God, I love women," she mutters shamelessly.
"Um, sorry, Fiona," Ian changes the subject, "Debbie needs you. It's bad." Lecroy nods, jaw clenching as her focus falls back onto what brought them in the first place.
Back in the Gallagher house, a panicking Debbie sobs as she's surrounded by everyone. "Again, Debbie," Fiona speaks. The girl fumbles across her words, sounding as if she was singing hymns.
"Uh, Holly thought she saw a body under the tracks on Halsted," Ian explains. Fiona looks at him in shock, "what?" Steve denies the false tale, "it's not him, Debs, or the police would've contacted us by now."
Lecroy pats her head gently, "besides, it's Holly, honey. She's been in the third grade for four years." Fiona nearly growls, "I'm gonna deck that little bitch."
The Murphy girl shakes her head, "let me do it. I got a pre-buried hole in my backyard anyways." For a second, Steve pauses and glances at the teen with concern before looking back at Debbie.
"Does that even make sense, Debbie?" He asks, bending in front of her. "Why would your dad be in Halsted when he lives in the opposite direction?"
Lip steps in from behind, "well, depends. How was he lookin' when you, uh, left him at the Alibi Room last night, Steve?" He stands up, called out as Fiona follows. "When?" She asks.
"Uh," the man stammers, "ten? Ten thirty. Went to apologize, bought him a drink, then went home." He begins to light a cigarette, trying to appear collected under the lie.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Fiona asks. The front door opens as Kev walks in, "hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" The elder Gallagher steps toward him to the side.
"They found a body under the L," he says.
Once again, the family races off to the tracks, their hearts pounding against their chests in hopes that the body wasn't their father. Sliding to a stop at the circle of officers, Fiona speaks first.
"Do you know who that is?" She pants. "Stay back, okay? Stay back," the officer orders rather than answering her question.
They watch, silently as the coroner studies the body before flipping it over to reveal some homeless man who was very obviously not Frank. Veronica and the kids squeal with cheer while Lip and the others puff out a sigh of relief.
Wiping his hands down his face, the cyan eyed boy takes a hold of Lecroy's left hand, squeezing it into his chest. She looks at him, gifting a small smile, nodding. It's okay, she mouths to him. He simply returns with a smile, looking at the younger Gallaghers.
Off, behind them, Karen watches with studious eyes, lifting an eyebrow at the slip of affection. Despite the continuous ride on the Thrilling Gallagher Adventures thanks to Lip, she could care less about the boy's obvious yet simple need to involve her in his life.
All she needed was a fuck buddy and he seemed to keep her entertain, much like the rest of her roster. However, that doesn't mean she's willing to give him up and allow him to fall into the Murphy teen's arms. While Karen's... extra-curricular activities were a known fact, not much was known about Lecroy.
Her mother's a nurse, takes care of the Gallaghers and is an advocate for DV, her father owns a small auto shop, her nana runs the neighborhood daycare center, and the teen was a certified hustler.
That was it. Not too detailed. Not too vague. A respectable, working class family. Karen could fucking barf.
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Oookay, so, this is probably the longest piece I've written yet and this is just 30 mins of episode 2. The rest will be added into Chapter 3, later on.
As we've slightly touched on Murphy's mental health - specifically -- disruptive behavior disorder, at some point we will take a dive into just exactly what she's inherited from her family and how it affects her daily life.
Don't be afraid to inbox me or simply heart, reblog, comment, and/or follow me for more content! Ask me any questions, my time is yours right here,
Much Love!!
Taglist: @slytherinroyalty16 @v1rgorl
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mmmichyyy · 2 years
🖤gallavich fic rec list🖤
i combed through my ao3 bookmarks and tumblr archive so here are some (but not all!) of my fave one-shots, wips, completed fics and tumblr ficlets i read & reread this year, ranging from newer fics to ones published in the past years ✨ there's almost 50 (!!) recs here so hopefully you'll find something new to read 🖤
check out the fic rec list i compiled last year!
(i didn't include the fics i've already mentioned in the last list plus the endless fics posted this year to avoid making this list longer than it already is, but if i had infinite time & space i'd include them all 🥰 onwards!)
seal my fate by allyasavedtheday (s2 canon divergence)
fix me up by biblionerd07 (Mickey has a lot of scars. Ian has a lot of feelings about those scars.)
shut the door and let go by @tellmegoodbye (s3 sleepover re-write)
these days, life is better by biblionerd07 (Ian realizes Mickey is the most romantic guy on Earth.)
in the romance section by kissteethstainred (When Ian moves to a new area, he starts to frequent the local bookstore. Eventually he begins to visit the bookstore for the owner more than the books themselves.)
icarus is online by @mishervellous (AnonMate is all everyone is talking about. Ian wants in on it.)
beginners by @bravemikhailo (Ian and Mickey meet the day they graduate college and all they've got is one night together.)
start again by allyasavedtheday (A little look at how Ian (and Mickey) comes to terms with his bipolar disorder.)
falling for you without a second look by xylodemon (s3 roadtrip)
for his honey by @squidyyy23 (ian’s impressed when his husband’s business savvy helps them expand their farm. and he's going to make sure he knows it.)
'tis the damn season by @sweetcresta (Ian comes home for Christmas and old habits die hard.)
sneaking in by @ianandmickeygallavich (Sneaking into a movie feels different. It shouldn’t, friends go to the movies, families go to the movies. But….Ian can’t help thinking about the fact that it’s a classic choice for a date.)
eighty-four by kissteethstainred (college/time-travel au)
if you love me, won't you let me know? by kissteethstainred (college au)
five times mickey wears ian's clothes and one time ian wears mickey's by @teatimeallovertown (A brief look at the journey of Mickey and Ian through the clothes they share.)
i'd follow your love down a dead end street by zoeplacid (Ian Gallagher wishes his soul mate was Mickey Milkovich, but the universe seems to have other ideas.)
wildfire by ilostyournumber (Ian is a bipolar stripper and Mickey is deep in the closet and they try not to tear each other apart.)
'til our compass stands still by biblionerd07 (Mickey just assumed they'd have smooth sailing from here on out. It never occurred to him being in prison together might be the easiest part of their relationship.)
sweetpea by @whatthebodygraspsnot (shapeshifter!cat!mickey! 🐈‍⬛)
reckoner by @thisdivorce (Ian Gallagher is married, stable, happy working as a Paramedic and trying to start a family, but a chance encounter with the foul-mouthed father of one of his patients—who has more ties to Ian than either of them know—threatens to blow it all up.)
selfless acts of the illegal variety by @abundanceofnots (The last thing Ian Gallagher thought he'd be at 19 is married—and to a grumpy Ukrainian bouncer called Mickey who's barely said ten words to him since they first met, no less. But when a rare chance at love knocks on your door, you don't just send the cute guy in dire need of a green card back to his homophobic father in Kyiv, right?)
your question has been received by @celestialmickey (a tumblr AU with a bit of a twist)
change like shifting shadows by @thisdivorce (priest!ian)
bound & free by @sunoficarus (magic/fantasy + marriage of convenience au)
a beginner's mind by @spoonfulstar (a collection of stories that take place after the events of ch. 27 of you'll never see us again)
the fine art of falling for you by @goodkwuestion (Teaching the Arts is hard enough, but mastering the art of falling in love might just prove downright impossible.)
paragraphs by @palepinkgoat (Ian has an opportunity to be a reading tutor for ex-convicts. He meets one in particular that catches his eye.)
things beyond mistake by @gallavichy (Ian, a high school teacher in need of a fresh start, returns to his childhood home after nearly 20 years to find himself once more sharing a lonely dirt road with Mickey, the boy he once knew and the man he's desperate to get to know.)
rebuilding (series) by freespiritedone (After almost 6 years in prison during which he was simultaneously built up and torn down, Mickey is free and embarking on a brand new life in New York City. Everything is different and yet some things never change - even if he wishes they would. Coming to terms with a new life while contending with the old is harder than anything he could have imagined. *long, slow burn)
technically by @annatrow (Ian Gallagher has grown up in the foster care system for most of his life, and he’s pretty sure he’s got his future figured out. That is until he falls for the bad kid who is about to change the entire course of his life.)
please don't say i'm going alone by biblionerd07 (Ian shows up at Mickey's wedding and asks him to run away together. Somehow, Mickey finds himself stupid enough to say yes.)
geometric progression (series) by romanticalgirl (angsty s4 au) *sidenote: i reread this all the time when i feel down just to feel even more depressed :')
these foolish games by @suzy-queued (A workplace rivalry becomes a love quadrangle. With laser tag.)
through the dawn (series) by spock (a semi-au set in a universe where mickey and ian didn't grow up in the same neighbourhood.)
SLOML (series) by @good-then-dont (short fics exploring Ian and Mickey’s own exploration of their relationship in a world where 3x6 never happens.)
ian the friendly ghost by @sunoficarus (ghosts au where Mickey thinks the house he moved in is haunted because the doors seem to close on their own and his shit somehow gets neat and tidy and Ian's just a very polite ghost who's got a bit of a crush on the adorable grumpy guy who's just moved in)
the little things give you away by kissteethstainred (When Ian first sees them, he thinks they’re twins. They both have similar looks, with pale skin, dark hair, and blue eyes. They act similar too—both of them are quiet, they fidget in the same way, and they make some of the same facial expressions. Ian wants to know them.)
my nine lovers by @annatrow (Secret Agents Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich find themselves working together multiple times over the course of ten years.)
mickey mantle vs. the t-rex by zoeplacid (angsty alternate s5)
broad-shouldered beasts by biblionerd07 (Six years after Mickey goes to jail, he's released on parole. He does his best to build a "normal" life and a relationship with his son while juggling the scars of his past.)
OSHA compliant by romanticalgirl (It's been two years since they broke up. And Mickey's got his life together. Which means it's about time for something to come along and screw it up.)
you make me feel human by dragona (In which Ian is a cold-blooded serial killer with a soft spot for a certain South Side asshole.)
tumblr ficlets:
fiction in the archives by @gardenerian (ficlets and 5+1 prompts)
what we talk about when we talk about love by @bravemikhailo (a collection of one-shots, ficlets and prompt-fillers originally posted to tumblr)
tumblr fics ✨ by @gallawitchxx (collection of ficlets, 5+1 prompts, scene fillers)
time travel au part one / two / three / four / five by @whatthebodygraspsnot (s1 ian & mickey meet their s11 selves)
who's more cold & happy husband weight gain by @iansfreckles (& all their drabbles!)
magic au & migraine ficlet by @arrowflier
& of course, check out @galladrabbles for a wide range of 100 word ficlets written by our talented community & @gallavichfanficlibrary for more specific rec lists ✨
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squirrel-fund · 1 year
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Chapter 3: 20 fucking questions
Year after year, things started out great for Ian Gallagher, and he felt excited, hopeful even, that this year... 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 fucking year, would be 𝘩𝘪𝘴 year. A year he wouldn't have to wad up and throw away. One to look back on and feel happy about.
And when Homicide Detective Mickey Milkovich sets his sights on Ian Gallagher as a possible suspect in a string of murders, he sets up surveillance and waits.
They're both about to learn that sometimes, when it seems like everything is falling apart, it might actually just be falling into place.
Read ch 3 here, or from the beginning here
* Based on the song Answer by They Might Be Giants and beta'd by the amazing @kimberlovesgallavich
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never did this so here's a proper introduction/abt me post <3
Theo or Theodore
17 3/4
August Leo
Scorpio rising, Sag moon
Autism, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, anorexia
Writer, artist, reader
It (Seen Ch. One 23 times, Ch. Two 5 times)
Stranger Things (Seen 2 times)
Harry Potter (Read 20+ times)
Grey's Anatomy (Seen 4 times)
Adventure Time (Seen 2+ times)
The Maze Runner (Seen TMR 5 times, read it 3 times, seen TST 3 times, read it 2 times, seen TDC 4 times, read it 3 times, read TKO 2 times, read TFC 3 times)
Twilight (seen 1 time)
One Direction (seen the movie 1 time)
Red, White, & Royal Blue (read 3 times, seen 24 times)
Gravity Falls (seen 2 times)
Friends (seen 10 times)
Heartstopper (seen 3 times)
Young Royals (seen 3 times)
I Am Not Okay With This (seen 1 time)
Descendants (seen 3+ times)
Teen Wolf (seen 1 time)
Over The Garden Wall (seen 4+ times)
Luca (seen 6 times)
Sabrina: The Teenage Witch (seen unknown amount of times)
Shameless (seen 4 times)
Byler (Will Byers x Mike Wheeler - ST - fandom otp)
Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson - ST)
Ronance (Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler - ST)
Elmax (El Hopper x Max Mayfield - ST)
Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak - IT - fandom otp)
Stenbrough (Stan Uris x Bill Denbrough - IT)
Stozier (Stan Uris x Richie Tozier - IT)
Hanbrough (Mike Hanlon x Bill Denbrough - IT)
Stanlon (Stan Uris x Mike Hanlon - IT)
Stanlonbrough (Stan Uris x Mike Hanlon x Bill Denbrough - IT)
Kaspbrough (Eddie Kaspbrak x Bill Denbrough - IT)
Bichie (Bill Denbrough x Richie Tozier - IT)
Steddie (Stan Uris x Eddie Kaspbrak - IT)
Wolfstar (Remus Lupin x Sirius Black - HP - fandom otp)
Jegulus (James Potter x Regulus Black - HP)
Drarry (Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter - HP - fandom otp)
Linny (Luna Lovegood x Ginny Weasley - HP)
Scorbus (Scorpius Malfoy x Albus Potter - HP - fandom otp)
Newtmas (Newt x Thomas - TMR - fandom otp)
Schmico (Levi Schmitt x Nico Kim - GA - fandom otp)
Slexie (Mark Sloan x Lexie Grey - GA)
Calzona (Callie Torres x Arizona Robbins - GA)
Japril (Jackson Avery x April Kepner - GA)
Bubbline (Bonibel Bubblegum x Marceline Abadeer - AT - fandom otp)
Larry Stylinson (Louis Tomlinson x Harry Styles - 1D - fandom otp)
Gallavich (Ian Gallagher x Mickey Milkovich - Shameless - fandom otp)
Luberto (Luca Paguro x Alberto Scorfano - Luca - fandom otp)
Will Byers (ST - fandom fav)
George O'Malley (GA - fandom fav)
Arizona Robbins (GA)
Lexie Grey (GA)
April Kepner (GA)
Ginny Weasley (HP - fandom fav)
Newt (TMR - fandom fav)
Marceline (AT - fandom fav)
Eddie Kaspbrak (IT - fandom fav)
Richie Tozier (IT)
Bill Denbrough (IT)
Stan Uris (IT)
Bill Denbrough (IT)
Alice Cullen (Twilight - fandom fav)
Remus Lupin (HP - fandom fav)
Sirius Black (HP)
Colin Morris-Jones (It's A Sin - fandom fav)
Stanley Barber (IANOWT - fandom fav)
Scorpius Malfoy (HP -fandom fav)
Albus Potter (HP)
Mal Bertha (Descendents - fandom fav)
Stiles Stilinski (TW - fandom fav)
Lydia Martin (TW)
Wirt (OTGW - fandom fav)
Greg (OTGW)
Luca Paguro (Luca - fandom fav)
Ian Gallagher (Shameless - fandom fav)
Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)
Mandy Milkovich (Shameless)
Sabrina Spellman (STTW)
Salem Saberhagen (STTW - fandom fav)
Taylor Swift (fav album ttpd or fearless)
Louis Tomlinson (fav album walls)
Harry Styles (fav album hs1)
Niall Horan (fav album flicker)
Liam Payne
Zayn Malik
Ryan Reynolds
Wyatt Oleff
Jaeden Martell
Finn Wolfhard
Jack Dylan Grazer
Sophia Lillis
Noah Schnapp
Chyler Leigh
Dove Cameron
Maya Hawke
Sabrina Carpenter (fav album emails i can't send)
Lana del Rey (fav album born to die)
Olivia Rodrigo (fav album guts)
Renee Rapp
Gracie Abrams
Billie Eilish (fav album wwafawdwg)
Conan Gray (fav album kid krow)
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imikhailotakeyouian · 2 years
To the moon and back
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"What do you wanna do next time, stargazing AND howling to the moon?"
Mickey has said it as a joke, moking his very old self who disown his own words and ended up, indeed, not only on a blanket stargazing with Ian, but even using a flower called Stargazing Lily for their wedding.
Ian turned him in a fucking sap, that's how Mickey justifies himself.
But Ian is used to Mickey all barks and no bites attitude -he fell for it, between all things.
And he loves to provoke Mickey, pushing him until he can stand it, knowing very well his husband's limits at that point, after countless fights and, more importantly, after years of love.
So when Ian brings Mickey up a hill on a full moon night and spreads a blanket on the ground, he sees his husband cocking a sarcastic glare at him before they would both burst out in a loud laugh.
"Alright, Red. It's not our anniversary and we are already married, is it another special occasion today?"
Ian shakes his head and sits on the blanket. "Nope, but you did mention stargazing AND howling at the moon, so why not take advantage of this full moon night?"
"Jesus Christ," Mickey chuckles while sitting next to Ian. "Do I really have to overthink every single word I say?"
"It's the absolute opposite!" Ian cheers him next to him with a kiss on his cheek. "I crave all these little, special moments with you."
Mickey rolls his eyes, but Ian knows it's just an act. "Stargazing and howling at the moon?"
"Why not? Lay down with me."
Mickey does as requested, accepting Ian’s right arm as a pillow. And while Mickey is pretending to be annoyed, Ian can see he is smiling softly.
"I love you, you know?"
Mickey snickers and turns to look at him. "Course I do. Love you too, E."
Ian leans over to kiss him on the cheek before staring back at the night sky. "This feels so normal."
Mickey's eyebrow raises skeptical. "This feels normal to you?"
"It's a very normalish couple thingy to do, actually."
"According to whom?"
"Everyone?" Ian shrugs a little. "A romantic night, stargazing, spread on a blanket. If we get lucky we can even jerk each other off."
"We don't do normal, Gallagher, we already established that," Mickey's voice is proud: they are not like every normal couples, and that's how two difficult personalities like theirs can work so well together.
"So, we gotta do something abnormal now?" Ian asks, his tone challenging.
"Abnormal how-"
Mickey can't even finish his sentence when Ian starts howling at the moon.
"Jesus Ch-"
Ian howls even louder before turning and challenging him with a smartass look on his face.
Mickey opens his mouth but doesn't find it in himself to keep protesting. He sighs dramatically and then he just does it. He starts howling at the moon like a man possessed.
Ian smiles satisfied before joining Mickey, so now they are just two adults, madly in love with each other, howling at the moon like two werewolves.
They finished their silly show between laughter, both of them turning on their sides to kiss and cuddle each other's cheeks.
"Why was it so important to you?"
"I just wanna," Ian shrugs and pecks Mickey on the lips. "I just wanna do everything with you. I wanna do silly things we couldn't do when we were younger. We skipped all the funny, stupid things young couples do. I just wanna, you know, create many happy memories with you."
Mickey smiles softly and rubs their nose tips together. "It's always been your love language, you know, the quality time thingy."
Ian nods. And well, between the two of them he is sure they belong to all the languages love can offer. "So, was it that silly?"
"Well, we are still two grown ass adults who just howled at the moon," Mickey says and they both laugh. "But every second spent with you is never wasted. Silly or not."
Ian grins satisfied: grumpy and cranky husband successfully melted.
"Let's take a photo," He says then, and after grabbing his phone with the right hand, lifts the left one in a half heart shape. "Cmon, grumpy."
Mickey sighs but ends up obliging. He always does, eventually. He lifts his right hand and completes the heart. "Let me guess, we are gonna print this one."
"Yes!" Ian says enthusiastically while snapping a photo. "We gonna name it, uhm-"
"The night we howled at the moon like two idiots?" Mickey interrupts him before turning on his side and throwing his arm over Ian's belly in a soft hug.
"What about," Ian says instead completing that hug holding Mickey's arm. "I love you to the moon and back?"
Mickey rolls his eyes, but he is actually smiling. "Sap."
"Take one to know one."
Mickey hides a chuckle and they stay quiet for a while before snickering, "About that handjob...?"
Ian laughs out loud before shoving him and pinning him down below his weight. "Fuck, I love you."
Mickey winks, "To the moon and back, baby."
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libertymoon · 1 year
Answer to (Spoilers) Does every member of the Gallagher family in “Shameless” (US TV series) have a specific mental disorder? by Alantis Perkins https://www.quora.com/Spoilers-Does-every-member-of-the-Gallagher-family-in-Shameless-US-TV-series-have-a-specific-mental-disorder/answer/Alantis-Perkins?ch=18&oid=269442418&share=8d473611&srid=PEeTQ&target_type=answer
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khaoray · 3 years
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Favourite Character Meme ✳ 1/4 Relationships [Lip and Ian Gallagher]
She's my best friend. No, I'm your best friend.
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soemotional · 1 year
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"What the fuck is wrong with you can't ya fuckin' see I was tryin' ta fuckin' sleep?" In a half awake stupor, Mickey groans at the other for barging into his room.
(Gimme any shameless boy ya want)
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"but mick-- listen--" ian began, licking his lips in excitement as he held the leashes of about three stray dogs. without regard for mickey's annoyance, he launched into an explanation, "i figure, we put up adoption posters for all these guys on the north side and people will come running and we'll have some extra cash." ian spoke a mile a minute as he crouched down when one of the dogs barked. he scratched it behind the ear. "i need your help making the posters though." then as an after thought, "and a place for them to stay."
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ivyobriens · 4 years
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1x08  /  11x01
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tamiettitami · 3 years
First sentence for a fanfic!
Ian doesn’t really know what he expected to see, but his husband dancing on top of the bar with his kind-of-sister-in-law definitely wasn’t at the top of his list.
pathing the way for tami/mickey besties maybe 👀👀👀
ian doesn’t really know what he expected to see, but his husband dancing on top of the bar with his kind-of-sister-in-law definitely wasn’t at the top of his list.
“oh, my god, ian? ian—guys! ian’s here!” tami exclaims, slurring her words together as a result of the six vodka shots she’s downed. she forces mickey off of the bar by tugging on his arm, and ian has to stand by the stool they’re using as a staircase and help them down individually.
ian scoffs at tami and redirects his attention towards mickey. “what the fuck are you doing here?”
“tam—motherfucker, stop starin’ at me—frida was actin’ like a bitch, so i told her to ditch the baby meat for awhile.”
“it’s fred, and i need you to watch our baby meat. it’s your night with micaela!”
tami lightly punches ian’s shoulder and garbles, “but we’re having fun!”
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five
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mskrianna · 4 years
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Ian Gallagher ~ «Shameless»
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herestohistory · 5 years
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ON THIS DAY: First use of the Rainbow Flag, June 25th 1978
Use of the rainbow flag by the (American) gay community began in 1978 when it first appeared in the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day Parade. Borrowing symbolism from the hippie movement and black civil rights groups, San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker designed the rainbow flag in response to a need for a symbol that could be used year after year. Baker and thirty volunteers hand-stitched and hand-dyed two huge prototype flags for the parade. The flags had eight stripes, each color representing a component of the community.
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heymacy · 3 years
my ian & mickey playlists are linked in the two new sets i just posted but here are the links again just in case anybody wants them 🥰💛
“i’m fucked for life anyway” (mickey)
“i’m not broken, i don’t need to be fixed” (ian)
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