#ch: nari
st4rdom-if · 4 months
Random lil questions, are there any canon sexualities for the characters? From what I remember Sofia is straight so I wonder what about the others, or are they hidden for plot purposes (like they get confused and stuff)
Sofie and Vi are both straight!
As for the others…
Nari is bisexual, Chang-ho is straight, Andy wouldn’t use any labels but pansexual is probably best to describe it, Seungho is also straight and Gracie is…questioning. I won’t say exactly for now, but MC will find out sooner or later :)
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crownsofesha · 2 years
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Nari Kim ~ Speaker of the House
Speaker Kim is one of the 24 Speakers of the House that help govern Esha. They are the head of the Agriculture department and advise the working royals on what issues are affecting or going to affect agriculture.
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femvaylin · 2 years
The grocery store played When She Loved Me and I'm instantly back in Revan/Exile hell
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brabblesblog · 9 months
Ch 2: Whither is thy beloved turned aside?
Astarion has ascended, and she has stayed with him. Life in the Crimson Palace isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Is there a chance for their relationship to go back to how it was? Or is it too late for the Ascendant and his consort?
This series is about Ban, my Tav, and the Vampire Ascendant. Will be angst and smut, with sprinkles of fluff.
This fic is a softer take on Ascendant!Astarion and of the changes he undergoes after the rite. Can Ban handle the change, and if a chance came, would she choose to run? And can the Ascendant win her back in time? Inspired by the concept of vampire wives and that IGN interview with Larian that discussed the ascension.
Professionally edited by @editing-by-night
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The invitation to the Withers’ party arrives at the Crimson Palace during a ball. Astarion allows her to go, with some caveats. Angst and smut.
Read on AO3
The invitation could not have come at a worse time for Astarion. They read it after the party, as the last of the guests prepared to depart.
He glanced at Ban, who was still staring at the letter. She looked a little lost, and he immediately knew she wished to go. If it had been up to him, the letter would have been tossed into the fireplace immediately. Seeing them, his old friends, would be an unwelcome reminder of who he’d been. He knew they preferred that Astarion: weak, someone who acquiesced to their wishes - with snide words, perhaps, but nary a protest. They had all slowly stopped talking to him after the rite. Not that he cared, he reminded himself; he needed no one other than his consort.
“So.” He broke the silence, tapping his fingers on the armrest of his throne. She was perched on his lap, still staring at the parchment, as if she hadn't heard him. He hated being ignored. Especially by her.
His hand slid down to grip her muscled thigh, squeezing a little harder than he normally would, aiming to draw her attention back to him. Ban’s eyes flicked up in surprise, then settled back into that detached expression she usually wore when talking to him in the presence of others.
“Yes, my lord?” she said mechanically. There were still some guests mingling in the ballroom, so she maintained the decorum befitting the Ascendant’s consort.
“If you wish to go to the reunion, pet…” he said, weighing it even as he spoke. He’d let her go. As much as he disliked the idea, she’d probably be delighted. But there was no way he'd let her out of his sight, especially not across that sort of distance. And especially not around the people who knew him before - people who had less than stellar opinions about his improved self.
“I would be glad to accompany you,” he drawled, masking the amount of time it actually took for him to decide. He stretched his legs as he spoke, as if it was a trivial matter and he’d decided on a whim.
He knew she exchanged letters with them, and it had never bothered him before. It did well to give her entertainment in between their work and overseeing the renovation of the palace. None of them had paid her a visit, however, and he found himself glad of it. Gods forbid they came and tracked mud on his carpets, touched his furniture with grubby hands, or worse - spewed supercilious, self-righteous drivel.
Ban put the parchment down. She was dressed in a tight dress with thigh slits that went up all the way to her hips, revealing the long, hard planes of her thighs. Astarion had chosen it, of course. It reminded him of the one she used to wear, the one that was given to them by Umberlee’s priestesses. His hand moved higher, rucking the dress up several inches, letting his greedy lust take over momentarily.
“We can go, pet, if you’ll let me have a little more than I usually get tonight,” he purred.
Ban nodded. Of course he’d ask for something in return. But this opportunity was far too important to pass up, especially after Gale’s most recent letter.
I may have come across some information that might be useful to you, he’d written. I shall look into it further and will update you soon.
“What… more… would you want to have?” she asked. Her pulse picked up slightly in apprehension, but also arousal. He could ask for anything, really, and if she were to deny him or push him too far, she worried it might finally be when he chose to compel her. And yet her body still responded to his words, to the mere idea of what he might ask for tonight. Still her beloved, even as they stood in the ruins of what they had built.
“I’ll let you know when we’re there.” He gave her haunch a light slap, indicating she should stand. She did, and he headed into the thinning crowd to see off the last of the guests.
She watched him go, his sharp figure cutting across the ballroom gracefully. As was their protocol during events like these, she headed for the doors, seeing the guests out and thanking them as they slowly ambled out of the palace. Her face felt tight, her smile too stiff. No one noticed. To them, she was simply the Ascendant’s plaything. No one was aware of exactly how much she contributed to his endeavors - just the way Astarion preferred it.
Before long, the ballroom was empty, and Ban headed back to their shared bedroom. The moment she opened the door he was upon her, his clothing already discarded on the floor. He growled as he pushed her against the wall.
“I have been wanting, my love. Waiting all night. I wanted to take you right in front of everyone,” he hissed against her ear, hands greedily grabbing every square inch of bare skin he could reach.
Ban arched her neck, moaning when he spoke. It was well-rehearsed and well-executed, and he usually bought it - or at least found it sufficient. Tonight, however, he did not. He drew back, arms on either side of her face, caging her against the wall.
The eyes boring into hers were as hungry and feral as ever, but then he shook his head as if to clear it. His erection stood proudly out from his abdomen, but he made no move just yet.
Ban eyed him warily, tonight’s discussion on her mind. She braced herself. “What did you want then, Astarion?”
As she said this, she slowly began to move to her knees. It was a pretty good guess; he did seem to like her in that position, to remind her who exactly was in charge. But she immediately realized it couldn’t be this. This was… normal, and he had asked for more.
Astarion’s hand on her shoulder stopped her, helping her back up. He gave her a long, thoughtful look. “Not that.”
Instead, he pressed closer. When he cupped her cheek, it was surprisingly, achingly tender. He pursed his lips, a small moment of uncertainty passing over his features.
“Love me,” he said, and it was a challenge. “You have not done that in so long, my treasure. Love me.”
It was one of those rare moments when he acknowledged that things had changed. She didn’t answer, but neither did she flinch. And he took that as his cue.
Hot, searing lips met Ban’s, yet another reminder that he was different. His free hand took hers and placed it flush over his heart. In the wilds, his slow, undead heartbeat had been a source of comfort to her; she had lain against it, listening to it night after night. Now it pounded and raced, something it had been incapable of before. She fought down the urge to draw her hand back.
“You haven’t done that in ages,” Astarion whispered as he broke the kiss. For a split second, he looked at her with desperate, longing eyes, but she missed it, her own eyes closed. “You haven’t listened to my heart, haven’t felt it beat for you. You used to,” he hissed, and there was anger there.
Did she prefer it when it was slow and abnormal? Did she prefer it to this one - strong, racing, living? It hurt him to think about it. Gods, it hurt him to think of before. The hand on her cheek tightened for the briefest moment, but he mastered himself. No.
“I need it again, Ban. If only for tonight.”
The words were a plea. Laced with demand, yes, but a plea nonetheless. His voice threatened to crack at the end of his sentence.
Ban exhaled roughly at his words. She was torn; a part of her wanted him to know exactly how to make her love him the way she used to. The other, larger part of her merely wished to pretend and get it over with.
“I love you,” she countered, “always have. Forevermore will.”
And that was the truth; for however changed and twisted he’d become, she would always harbor feelings for him.
Astarion wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up. It was a far cry from the time they’d slept together in the clearing, when he had hopped into her arms. He carried her to the four-poster bed effortlessly, setting her down on her back. He climbed over her, kissing his way up from her abdomen to her throat.
“You do?” the Ascendant said quietly. Inside, he was pained; he knew this to be largely true, but that resignation was there. That distance. Part of him wondered if that was the actual price of ascension.
Part of him thought that had he known, he would have refused it.
He kissed her throat, hiding his face. He let a growl escape him, let his hands grab her wrists and pin them above her head. He was not, would not, be weak. He wasn’t that mewling cur. Not anymore.
He had ascended. Now he must pay the price.
He brought a hand down to cup her breast. She whimpered when he gripped her wrists a little too tightly, and he instantly eased his grasp, sensing her discomfort. He lifted his head from her neck to watch her face. She had her eyes squeezed shut, face turned to the side to give him access to her throat. It was as if she was in the act of turning away from him.
How pathetic, he thought. I’m the king of my own little kingdom, and I feel as if I have lost everything.
But the Ascendant refused to let these thoughts rule his deeds. Vulnerability was something he had cleansed from himself. He released her wrists, his hands deftly undoing her dress. She shifted to help him strip it off of her.
As they finished, she finally spoke up.
“Yes, I do,” she said carefully, her face guarded and neutral. “I have loved you from the day I first laid eyes on you.”
And what a stupid godsdamned idea that had been.
Astarion wanted to push her, to force her to admit that the love they shared had been changed. By her. Because she wouldn't accept what he was. Because everything he’d given her - riches, power, sex - wasn't enough. Because she wanted the one thing he could not provide - doing so would pave the way for the ghosts of who they used to be. So he’d force them both to settle for this farce.
“And I love you, my dearest consort,” he said thickly, letting it go. He crawled his way back to her, settling his head between her legs. He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, feeling her muscles tighten under his lips.
“I am nothing without you,” he whispered, and they both knew it to be painfully true.
He sunk his teeth into her thigh.
It wasn’t horribly painful, and Ban forced her leg to stop twitching. She watched her lord suckle at the wounds, his fingers gently making their way to her mound and finding her clit. He thumbed a soft, circular pattern he’d mastered long ago. Licking off the last of the blood, he met her gaze with heavy-lidded eyes. The sanguine hunger had been cured in the ascension, but he still craved her blood, simply because it was a part of her.
One dark, hungry look was all the warning he gave before he spread her folds and dove in, his tongue lapping needily at her core.
Ban hissed at the sudden warmth of his tongue, growing wet almost instantly. Sex may have lost most of its passion, but that didn’t mean there was none, or that it wasn’t enjoyable. Astarion was still Astarion, after all.
What Ban worried most about were his thoughts during the act. Did he still dissociate? They had been sleeping together almost every night since the rite, at his behest, but she had never dared ask. Before the rite, he’d finally been able to let her touch him, and even still it had been fraught. It was one of those topics she worried would hurt his ego and remind him of his past.
But Astarion was incredibly present; had been for some time now. He’d vowed to erase his past, and that had included the damage done by the parade of bodies he’d had to lie with. There’d been a learning curve, but it hadn’t been too difficult. Being in the moment was no longer challenging, not something he had to work at. Not when there was no longer anything to fear. He was the master now: he took what he wanted, in the time he wanted and in the manner he wished it to be.
And of course, because it was her. His Ban, the only one he’d ever allow to touch him, see him, know him this way, and she was the strongest balm of all. He knew he would be likely to relapse if they invited others to their bed - that shared event in Sharess’ Caress had proved as much - but alone with her, in his palace? Surrounded by everything that was his? It was effortless to be present in the moment.
He licked at her clit eagerly, alternating soft, feather-light touches with longer, harder laps. Then he wrapped his lips around it, letting his teeth graze her bud gently. He was rewarded with a low whimper and he chuckled darkly, satisfied. As broken as their love was, at least he knew he was still able to bring her to the heights of ecstasy. He snaked a hand down, palming his cock, grinding into his fist and the bed.
He licked her a bit more, bringing her close to peak, and then slowly slithered up her body. He met her gaze and saw a mix of lust, love, and that ever-present and all-encompassing resignation.
“Let me make love to you?” His tone was gentle and a little uncertain. He disliked the way it had slipped out of him, but found her reaction - surprise and… hope - well worth it. He figured that if he wanted her to at least pretend to truly love him tonight, then he may as well give her something to work with.
She gulped, the facade broken. “Yes, Astarion. Just like before.”
At any other time that would have enraged him, but his need to feel her love was too great tonight. He bit back a retort, watching her face as he stroked his cock a few more times before lining up and slowly sinking into her wet heat.
As she watched him slide into her, a small thought occurred to her: there’d never been a time they’d made love without something being off. The first two times they’d been together, he had been manipulating her. Their time in the Shadow-Cursed lands and even those final days before the rite had been filled with exploration, but also with worry. His ability to enjoy intimacy had still been fraught with setbacks. Every time after that had been after he’d changed. It was ironic, she mused bitterly, that the closest they’d gotten to healthy sex had been him seducing her for protection.
And then all thought was quickly chased away by the sensation of his cock burying deep inside her.
Astarion began thrusting. He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see Ban’s pained expression. He needed to think of her as she’d been, laughing as they made love - that genuine joy in simply being with him. He imagined her in the clearing, wincing a little as he remembered uncharitably thinking her gullible. Shifting course, he brought forth memories of their time in the Shadow-Cursed lands, when they had finally started something real and stopped having sex, but had found other ways to be intimate. When he would touch her, make her come undone, and she would look at him like the sun rose in his eyes. Those, he realized belatedly, were the happiest moments of his cursed existence.
He would give almost anything to see that again. Almost.
He rarely allowed himself to think of the past, but tonight was an exception. He’d asked her to love him again for one night, and so he indulged himself. He thrust faster, driven by his memories, trying to use his body to love her broken pieces back together; trying to give her what he couldn’t back then.
Ban noticed, saw Astarion’s eyes were closed. He was usually very visually greedy, eyes eating up her every reaction as he fucked her senseless, but tonight he seemed like his old self. His thrusts were hard, but with the intention to give, angling himself so that he hit her spot with every pass. She felt tenderness breaking through her apathy and was unable to stem the flow. She couldn’t help it; she stroked his cheek, surprised when he whimpered in response.
His eyes remained shut, but his face was less pained. “Stay with me,” he said, his tone entirely different. It was softer, more earnest. “Just like this, forevermore.”
“I will, if you stay like this too.” It wasn’t a demand, rather a plea. A prayer, one she hoped her Astarion could answer from across time and whatever distance now separated them.
They were both nearing their peak, Astarion thrusting as hard as he possibly could without hurting her. He shook his head at her words, an agonized expression on his face. In those few moments he’d stolen from the Ascendant, he wanted to grant her wish. But he knew once he came, he wouldn’t be able to.
He would have to be the Ascendant again when the dawn breaks, and the Ascendant refused to be that spawn - refused to be anything that man was. The spawn could only ever be allowed to surface in the dark of night, between silken sheets and whispered words; a secret the Ascendant could not allow her to see.
And if that broke her heart, well, the Ascendant could live with that. She’d still be here, and they could both continue the dance they knew all too well.
Ban decided to try again. It was a risk, and she feared being compelled, but if there had ever been a moment in the past six months that it could work, it would be this one.
“I would stay. If you let me be free, Astarion, I would st-”
His eyes flew open, the moment evaporating instantly. Freedom? What? So she could run away from him? So he would be left with absolutely nothing, a wretched creature in far worse misery than he’d been in as a spawn? No. She could not be freed.
For a split second, he wished he’d made her into what he was under Cazador. But the thought was instantly swallowed by disgust and self-loathing. No. He would never.
But she couldn’t know.
Ban deflated at his outburst, the resignation returning to her eyes as she nodded. “Fine. For tonight, though, I can.”
He’d settle for that.
The Ascendant closed his eyes again, hips resuming their movement. He wanted to drown in his memories again, and so he let his mind fill with them, let his mind be caught in their current, allowing them to drag him under.
Her, laughing at some silly prank he’d pulled. Her in their tent, coming undone as his fingers touched her and his lips kissed her. Her, telling him she loved him for the first time, but not asking for anything in return.
The power of that final memory unraveled him. His climax washed over him, and the low whine that escaped his lips sounded nothing like the Ascendant. It was in that moment that his mind inadvertently reached for his creation - his bride.
They both gasped at the contact. He tried, frantically, to stem the flow of thoughts, and was mostly successful. Only one slipped through to her, the one which brought him to his peak.
He was reading a book while she rested on his chest, part of their usual nighttime routine. He looked down at her, brushing back a lock of her hair.
“You should sleep,” he said. “If we’re going to push for the nightsong tomorrow, you’ll need all your strength.”
She rolled her eyes and nodded. Tomorrow could decide the fate of the Shadow-Cursed lands, and she did need rest.
“I want to spend as much time with you as I can. Just in case things go wrong tomorrow.” Her hand splayed over his chest, and his undead heart sped up at the contact. He smiled.
“Once this is all done, darling, you’ll have eternity with me. I promise you that. As for tomorrow, we’ll be fine. I've got you,” he assured her lightly, miming shooting his twin crossbows.
Ban laughed, and her next words came forth unbidden.
“I love you, Astarion. You don’t ever have to say it back. I just wanted you to know.”
The memory washed over Ban and she felt the wild, intense surprise, the joy he’d felt at her words. The strength of his remembered elation stole her breath, and she stared at Astarion in shock. When the alien presence of his mind had entered hers, she’d thought he was finally going to bend her to his will. She had been prepared to fight. Instead, she’d seen this memory, one she had thought rejected by him.
Was he thinking about that? Was that on his mind as he came?
Astarion jerked back quickly, feeling threatened by this sudden, unwanted vulnerability, and much like a cornered animal, his only recourse was to lash out.
“How dare you,” he hissed. “You ask for freedom, but invade my mind. Look at me.”
He grabbed her by the jaw, turning her to face him. He was aware that it had been his mind that had reached out for hers; she didn’t even know such a thing was possible. But his need to never show weakness was too great. Indignation won out; he took umbrage at this evidence that she could coax that sort of softness from him still, that even the Ascendant could be swayed by her love.
”You will never be free. You understand? Everyone - everything you need is here. In. This. Palace.” He let go of her, his chest heaving. Tears threatened to prick his eyes but he refused to consider why, holding them back by sheer force of will.
“You’ve done as I asked. We will go to the reunion. And then you’ll see,” he sneered, “exactly how pathetic the past was, compared to now.”
With those venomous words, he turned away from her. He missed the determined gleam in her eye, the one that he used to find so vexing and yet so alluring, the one that had never failed to charm him.
Later that night, whilst the Ascendant was in trance, his creation began to prepare a bag. She packed her old armor and weapons from their adventure. In the morning, she would say that she was giving them to Karlach for her battles in Avernus.
And he would believe it, because he’d forgotten her strength, forgotten the stubborn determination that had lured him to her in the first place. He’d believe it because he would be there, watching her. Because he, in his insistence on keeping her a caged bird, had forgotten what she was capable of.
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
New in Town - Ch. 9: Second New Year
Ringing in the New Year after you and Joel's first year together. The last chapter of New in Town, found in its entirety on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Best Friend's Dad!Joel Miller x Female Reader
CW: Smut :D. No use of Y/N. Age gap (reader is 35 Joel is 47, not a focus of the fic). Minors DNI, 18+ only
Length: 6.3k
AO3 | First Chapter | Previous Chapter
“Sarah, if you don’t stop fucking with that it’s never going to stay,” you said, glaring at her in the mirror as you drew on eyeliner. 
“It’s driving me insane,” she groaned, leaning so close to the hotel bathroom mirror that she was fogging it with her breath, adjusting the false eyelashes for what had to be the millionth time. 
“Yeah, because you keep fucking with them,” you said. “You have to give yourself time to adjust to them. Or just take them off because I’m not spending half the night fixing them for you, drawing the line in the sand now.” 
“You are absolutely no fun,” she said but she smiled all the same. “It’s New Year’s Eve, I want to look extra good. Plus Nick thinks the long lashes are hot and I am ready for hotel room sex.” 
“I didn’t hear that,” Maria called from the bedroom where she was putting on her dress. 
“Hotel room sex, hotel room sex, hotel room sex!” Sarah called back. 
You laughed, picking up your mascara. 
“I don’t think it works like Beetlejuice where you say it enough times it just shows up.”
Sarah laughed back. 
“Fuck I hope not,” she said. “Really don’t want to manifest hotel room sex in front of my aunt and my mom.” 
She said the last word with a drawn out teasing edge and you had to pull the mascara wand away from your face so you didn’t end up with makeup in your eye from laughing so hard. 
“Swear to God if you don’t stop calling me that I will marry your dad just to spite you,” you said once you calmed down again. 
“You’re basically already married anyway,” Sarah said. “For the record, I would be fine with it.” 
You paused for a second, putting more mascara on the wand and looking at her in the mirror. 
“Yeah?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” she smiled at you in her reflection. “But don’t expect Mother’s Day gifts from me if it ever happens.” 
You snorted, returning to your makeup. 
“Better get a bouquet, box of chocolates, the whole nine for holding your hair when you get drunk.” 
You couldn’t believe it was already New Year’s Eve again. The last year had gone by so fast it didn’t seem like it could have contained quite as much as it did. But you’d spent almost the entire time so blissfully happy that it made sense that the time felt so damn short. 
Things with Joel had been going so well before Sarah found out that it was hard to believe it could really get better, but it did. Not feeling like you were hiding from the most important person in both your lives was like losing a weight you didn’t even know you were carrying. Neither of you were dancing around talking about how you were spending your time now, not being careful about what pictures you sent her and not having to just pretend like a huge part of your life didn’t exist when talking with her. 
When she went back to Seattle after Thanksgiving, the three of you started having weekly FaceTime calls, you and Joel sometimes on your couch or at his kitchen table or even in a hotel room in New Orleans once when you decided to get away for your first trip together as a couple. 
That Christmas had been the best you’d ever had. Not that there was much competition but Joel and Sarah both had completely brought you into all their holiday traditions. The driving around to look at Christmas lights with a thermos of hot cocoa, the annual trip to Mi Tierra in San Antonio so you could properly appreciate the Christmas lights that apparently were up year round. When Sarah came back to town a few days before Christmas, she dragged you and Joel to the mall and made the three of you take a picture with Santa. You got some funny looks in line - three full blown adults with nary a kid in sight - but Sarah whispered something to woman getting ready to take the picture and she smiled and nodded, helping the three of you get arranged for the photo. You sat lightly on one of Santa’s knees, Sarah on the other, Joel leaning against the side of the large chair. Joel insisted on getting the actual printed photo and, when you picked it up, they also handed you a candy cane and a small Santa figurine. You frowned at it for a second.
“First Santa visits should be commemorated,” the woman behind the counter smiled. “Merry Christmas!” 
You looked at Sarah for a second, worried you might cry and she smiled. 
“You have a Christmas decoration now,” she said. “But if you really don’t want it at your place, we can add it to the Christmas village at Dad’s!” 
You just hugged her and she laughed, hugging you back. 
That Christmas, the figurine and the picture sat on the book shelf in your living room, right where you could see them from your couch. The perfect image of the kind of life you’d always wanted to have, one that was filled with people who loved you. 
This year, the figurine and picture were at Joel’s because you were, too. 
Your lease was up in the fall and, by that point, the two of you were having a hard time remembering the last time you’d slept apart. You were wondering how to broach the subject with Joel - did you just ask if you could move into his house? Was not quite a year of knowing each other too soon? Did you just find a new apartment and never mention it? - when he brought it up one night over dinner. 
“Your lease is comin’ up soon, right?” He asked and you froze for a second, a bite of enchilada on your fork half way to your mouth. 
“Yeah,” you said when you remembered how to move and respond again. “Six weeks I think? They want me to decide whether or not I’m staying within the next two…” 
“Have you thought about if you might want to move in with me?” He asked, his jaw tense but his eyes soft. “Only if… you know… you thought you were ready for that. Just figure I’m at yours or you’re at mine most nights anyway and…” 
“Joel,” you smiled, setting your fork down and leaning on the table with your arms crossed in front of you. “Are you asking me to move in with you?” 
“Only if you wanted,” he said quickly. “Not tryin’ to… I dunno… put pressure on you or something. Never tried to do this before so…” 
You pressed your lips together, trying not to laugh. More at yourself than at Joel. Because of course he was thinking what you were thinking. Of course you were in the same place on this. Of course you were both nervous about bringing it up to each other. 
“I’d love to move in with you,” you said once you were sure you had yourself together. “As long as you’re offering because that’s what you really want and not because you think you should.” 
“Oh I want it,” he was smiling now and leaning toward you across the table. “Was considering just taking stuff from your place and moving it to mine, get you in the door before you even knew it was happening.” 
“That what happened to my sexy underwear?” You teased. 
“Nah,” he waved you off. “I stole those to jerk off with when you’re not there because you don’t live with me yet. Can have ‘em back when we unpack the moving truck.” 
You moved in a few weeks later. Joel cleared out most of his closet, his jeans and button downs taking up only a small corner of it to begin with, and built you shelving for your purses and shoes. He made space for your things throughout his home, for your favorite pots and pans in the kitchen, for your decorations in the living room. Setting aside the bits and pieces of his life to make sure it could hold yours, too. If he’d asked you to marry him in that moment, you’d have said yes in a heartbeat. 
“Oh shit,” you sighed, rifling through your makeup bag. “I think I left my fucking lipstick in my room…” 
You went to get your room key from your clutch but Sarah plopped a tube of lipstick in front of you first. 
“Use mine,” she said. “I’m almost ready and I don’t want to waste time with you up down three floors and all the way over to your room before we go to the party. I want cocktails, I want music and I want to flirt with my hot boyfriend while I wear a slutty dress.” 
“Maria is still getting dressed, I’ve got five minutes…” 
“No you don’t!” She called from the bedroom before coming to the bathroom door and turning around. “Zip me?” 
You laughed and obeyed, Maria adjusting the dress a bit before turning back around. 
“Hey sexy mama!” You whooped at her. “That looks like it was made for you.” 
“Right?” She flung her long braids over her shoulder before admiring herself in the full length mirror on the bathroom door. “My pregnancy boobs have shown up but the bump is still in hiding. It’s the perfect dress moment, had to take advantage of it.” 
“Hear that little one?” Sarah said, looking toward Maria’s lower stomach. “You’re making your mom look hot!” 
“Hotter,” you corrected. “They’re making their mom look hotter.” 
You settled for Sarah’s lipstick and the three of you headed for the elevator to go meet up with the guys. 
Your first New Year’s Eve with Joel had been far more low key. Sarah was in town and Joel invited Tommy and Maria over to watch the ball drop. You’d ordered pizza and gotten drunk and played charades with your boyfriend’s family and, at midnight, kissed Joel so deeply that you could taste the champagne on his tongue. 
This year, you had plenty to celebrate. It was Maria and Tommy’s last one before they became parents - you highly doubted they’d be up until midnight next year. Sarah had gotten promoted and you’d gotten her a job at the Austin branch in August. She had moved back to town just a few months before you moved in with Joel and the three of you had found a comfortable - if unusual - dynamic as a family. And it felt like you had finally found everything you’d ever truly wanted. 
Instead of staying home this New Year’s Eve, you all decided to go to a party at one of the nice hotels in Houston. You’d all gotten hotel rooms so no one had to drive and the boys had all gone on ahead to the rooftop bar to hold a table while the three of you got ready to go. 
“Crap, one sec,” Sarah said, frowning at her phone as the three of you went for the elevator. “Left something in the room, wait for me, OK? I don’t want to try to find them on my own!” 
You and Maria watched her run back to her room - where the three of you had been getting ready - and you frowned as she tottered on her high heels. 
“Is she acting weird?” You asked as Maria leaned against the wall. 
“Sarah?” Maria laughed. “She’s always weird.” 
She came back a few minutes later, tugging her dress down as she went and a little breathless when she got there. 
“OK,” she smiled and took a deep breath. “Now we’re good!” 
You were almost giddy as you rode the elevator up to the party, feeling the thud of music through the elevator doors before they opened. 
It was hard to say why you were just so excited. It wasn’t like you’d never been to a party before - you and Sarah had rung in the New Year at a party a lot like this one that your office had handled the advertising for in Seattle one year - but it felt like something new. Like you were stepping into the first year of your life where everything had finally fallen into place. 
“Hey!” Tommy yelled, standing and waving his arm over his head as he saw the three of you leave the elevator. You could barely hear him over the thud of the bass. “Over here!” 
“How many beers do you think he’s had?” Maria asked conspiratorially and you laughed. 
“Probably the same number mine has,” you replied, smiling at Joel as he craned his neck to get a better look at you. 
“Holy hell woman,” he said, getting out of the round booth as you got to the table. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and dropped his voice low. “Not sure I’m gonna take that dress off you later, might need to leave it on.” 
You smiled as he gave you a squeeze and you sat down, Joel sliding in beside you, one hand of his going below the table to the inside of your thigh. 
One thing that hadn’t changed in the last year was just how insatiable the two of you were for each other. You kept waiting for it to calm down a bit, to stop looking at him and immediately start thinking of how to get him alone and naked as quickly as possible. But Joel was still the single sexiest man you’d ever seen and was still far and away the best in bed. You couldn’t help but want to fuck him all day every day. You were just thankful he seemed to feel the same way about you. 
One of your favorite things about living with Joel was your after work routine. When you managed to make it so you left the office around the same time Joel left his job site, you’d join him in the shower, your hair in a knot on top of your head to keep from getting too soaked, Joel still a little sweaty and dirty from a hard day’s work. Sometimes, you just enjoyed each other. You loved the quiet intimacy of it, of being in such a private space together in just your skin, helping him wash the day from his body before he pulled you against him under the water. Other times, Joel pressed you against the cool tile and fucked into you, hard and fast and eager, making your back arch as your leg wrapped around him, the heat of his mouth and the steam filling you when you kissed him. 
The new routines had just given you more reasons and opportunities to fuck, it seemed, instead of sex getting lost in the monotony of daily life. Sometimes it was in the middle of late night TV when you were both getting tired on the couch. Sometimes it was when you were putting away laundry. Sometimes it was when you were making dinner. 
It was just that, sometimes, it required… additional boundaries. 
Sarah had a key to Joel’s place, of course, but she quickly learned that she needed to announce herself before just coming in the door when she wasn’t expected, her walking in the house without warning when he was deep inside of you while you were draped over the kitchen counter was a little too close for comfort for all three of you. 
“I have literally never wanted to know less about your sex life,” she shuddered a few hours later when you were sitting in Joel’s back yard, fully clothed with a beer in your hand. 
You laughed. 
“Never wanted you to know less about it so that works just fine for me.” 
You, Joel and Sarah all had dinner together at least once a week, another routine you’d come to love, and you got Sarah all to yourself most days over lunch, happy for the chance to laugh with your best friend.
You weren’t sure life could get much better. 
“Oh sweet!” Sarah said as the waitress came by the table, tray of drinks in hand, passing a cosmopolitan to Sarah. “Who knew this was just what I wanted?” 
“Happy to take credit for that,” Nick smiled, kissing her cheek and you smiled at him. He was a relatively new addition to Sarah’s life but he seemed promising. You’d never seen her quite so giddy over a guy before and you were trying not to mention it so you wouldn’t jinx it. 
When she finally owned up to being hung up on the man, though, you were going to start teasing her as relentlessly as she’d been teasing you. You were getting double wedding jokes lined up and ready, waiting for the perfect moment to hit her with it. 
But it was a holiday. You’d take it easy on her for a little while longer. Assuming she stopped calling you Mom. 
Joel had been paying attention too, it seemed, and the server handed you a mojito. Appropriate, since you’d just been lamenting the fact that you didn’t have fresh mint at home just two nights before. 
“How often are you really gonna muddle mint for a drink?” Joel asked, barely contained smile on his face. 
“At least once in a while!” You laughed. “Come on, we could do a whole herb garden in the yard…” 
“You are not gonna keep a garden alive.” 
“Yes I will!” You protested. He raised his eyebrows at you, incredulous. “If I have the motivation of cocktails I will.” 
“Fine,” he sighed but still smiled, kissing your forehead. “In spring I’ll build you a garden and you can kill as many herbs as you want, Beautiful.”
“Is this supposed to bribe me into you not making me a garden?” You teased, taking a sip of the drink. 
“Baby, I will make you whatever makes you smile,” he kissed your exposed shoulder. “But if I’m saving the lives of some poor, innocent plants by ordering you a cocktail…” 
You laughed and kissed him, the scratch of his facial hair on your skin comforting and familiar. 
The party really picked up not long after you got there and you, Sarah and Maria went to dance while the guys hung back to talk for a bit. 
“You don’t think they’re being too hard on him do you?” Sarah asked, watching the table. 
“Oh I’m sure they’re being super nice,” you said. “Joel and Tommy have never been protective of you, not once.” 
“Oh God,” she groaned but she smiled. 
“Wouldn’t worry too much,” you laughed. “It looks like he’s weathering it well.” 
“Hold on,” Maria smiled and shook her head. “We can get him some help…” 
She started waving to Tommy, who clapped Nick on the shoulder and got out of the booth to join his wife on the dance floor. You looked at Joel, eyebrows raised, until he met your gaze and you saw him sigh and smile before heading your way. 
You put your arms around his neck and kissed him, pressing tightly to him and feeling every line of him through your clothes. His hands went to your waist, pulling you closer. 
“You tryin’ to distract me?” He asked when you pulled away. 
“Trying to get you to play nice,” you teased. 
“Always play nice,” he said as you turned around in his hold, your ass going back against his hardening length. He lowered his lips to your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “Except when you ask me not to.” 
You resisted the urge to drag him back to your hotel room right that second. Instead, you pressed yourself harder against him, moving your body in time to the pulsing, thrumming rhythm. His hands slid to your hips and you couldn’t help but think of how they felt on your bare skin. 
But you managed to keep it together for a few songs, dancing until you were breathless and you really couldn’t take it anymore. You draped yourself around Joel again, pressing your lips to his ear. 
“Order me a water and another mojito,” you said, your hand sliding into his pocket, brushing his half hard cock through his jeans, as you grabbed your phone. “And check your texts.” 
You didn’t give him a chance to respond, just meeting his wide eyes for a moment before slipping into the crowd. You went around to the pool area of the rooftop, far quieter than the bar and the dance floor, the lounge chairs all stacked up next to a storage space that looked like it would provide the perfect cover from the dance floor. You took a selfie with just a glimpse of the thudding party in the background and texted it to him. 
“Come find me.” 
It didn’t take him long, coming around the corner while glancing back over his shoulder, looking nervous. You grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him into you, your back against the storage room. 
“You are up to no good,” he said, pressing you back against the wall, his mouth covering yours, his body warm against the cool night air. “Tryin’ to get us kicked out of the damn hotel?” 
His hand went to your breast, anyway.
“We can keep our clothes on,” you panted against him. “Be very well behaved. Like that time in the bathroom.” 
“Fuck, Beautiful,” he groaned, putting his thigh between your legs, your skirt covering part of his jeans. He rocked his hips against you, his hands going to your waist, the outline of his hard cock against your stomach. “Wanna make me come in my pants like a fucking teenager?” 
“Don’t think we’re making it to midnight any other way,” you were needy, aching as you ground your pussy down on the straining muscle of his leg. 
“Still gonna let me fuck you later?” He kissed down your neck, rutting harder against you, your hands on his shoulders, grip tightening. 
“You think I’m starting a new year without you inside me as soon as possible you’re insane.” 
He laughed a little and nipped at your collarbone before pulling you tighter against his leg, making you moan. You started working yourself harder and faster against him, pulling him tighter to you, your wetness soaking your panties. 
“You’re close, aren’t you, Baby?” He asked, voice dark. Your motions stuttered but you nodded frantically against him. “Gonna come all over my fucking leg aren’t you? Come from just riding my fucking thigh?” 
You were close enough that you’d lost the ability to speak. You just nodded again and he kissed you, hard and messy and deep and you pressed yourself firmly against his leg as you fell apart, the tight coil inside yourself snapping as your clit throbbed against him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He gasped as he pressed his cock hard against you and you felt him throbbing there, spilling into his jeans before slumping against you. His nose brushed yours for a moment and you smiled, kissing him lightly. 
“You’re going to kill me,” he laughed a little breathlessly. “More than a year into this and you still want me to fuck you so bad you’re dragging me away from a party?” 
“That’s nothing,” you teased. “Wait until we’re really old and we’re finding ways to sneak around the nursing home.” 
He laughed and kissed you again. 
“Love you so fuckin’ much.” 
It was easier to focus on the party after that. Tommy gave Joel a look when you made it back to the table and Joel told him to mind his own business and you laughed and drank your mojito. 
By the time midnight rolled around, you’d been pleasantly tipsy for more than an hour, draping yourself over Joel at every opportunity when you weren’t dancing with Sarah and Maria. As the countdown started, the six of you crowded onto the dance floor with everyone else, champagne in hand, Joel’s arm around you as he held you to his side. 
“Three, two, one!” 
Joel turned you to him and kissed you before you’d even had a chance to yell happy New Year and you sank into him, almost forgetting about the drink in your hand until some of it dribbled down your wrist, making you laugh against his lips. 
“Couldn’t let a second of the year go by before I kissed you for the first time,” he said, his lips still close to yours. The knot of heat and wanting that had eased after your antics earlier was back with full force. 
“Good,” you said quietly, drinking in the hungry look in his eyes. 
“It’s supposed to be a toast, you insatiable weirdos,” Sarah laughed and you laughed back, separating from Joel far enough to raise your glasses and toast with your new found family. 
It wasn’t long before all of you made your way to the elevators, piling into one with a handful of strangers, you happy for the excuse to stay pressed tightly against Joel. 
“Good luck!” Tommy said, a teasing edge to his voice when the doors dinged open on your floor. 
You frowned at him, confused, as the doors closed and you laughed a little as Joel led you back to the room. 
“Why do you need luck? Is Tommy under the impression that you have to work to get sex out of me?” You teased. “Because it’s sweet that you’d protect my honor that way but we both know that’s a damn lie.” 
“Tommy’s just a dumbass,” Joel replied. “Ignore him, that’s what I do.” 
You laughed, the tail end of your buzz waning. 
“Thinking we should take full advantage of that jacuzzi tub,” you said as Joel unlocked the hotel room door. “And use it to research the investment of a hot tub in the back yard…” 
“You’re insatiable,” he teased, opening the door for you. 
You laughed and were so busy looking at him - his thick, dark hair that was flecked with gray; his plush lips; his soft eyes - that it took you a second to realize there were roses and petals all over the room, a bottle of wine chilled in a bucket on the small table. 
“Joel?” You looked back at him and he just shrugged, smiling. 
You went further into the room and realized that it wasn’t just flowers and wine. There were framed pictures of you and Joel from the last year of your lives together. One of the two of you on Bourbon Street, another from when you decided to actually take those wine tasting classes you’d talked about, one from your second Longhorn’s game. There were at least a dozen, each one making it look so, so obvious that you made each other happy. That you gave each other the lives you wanted. 
You picked up the picture by the bedside, the first selfie you’d ever taken together. You were hiking and you’d held your arm out far enough to try to capture some of the view behind you. You were smiling hugely at the camera, hair grimy with sweat, Joel’s arm around your shoulders. But he wasn’t looking at the camera. Instead, he was looking at you. Looking at you like you were the only thing worth looking at. Looking at you like you made him happier than just about anything else on Earth. 
“What…” You trailed off, looking up from the picture to see Joel, on one knee with a box in his hands at the foot of the bed. 
You gasped and jumped, your hands covering your mouth on instinct, eyes wide. Your feet moved before you really realized what was happening and it seemed sudden that you were right in front of him.
“Joel,” you breathed, trembling hands slowly leaving your face. 
“For a very long time,” he said, his voice assured. “It felt like I’d gotten the only good thing I was going to get out of life. I had Sarah and seemed wrong to ask for more than that so I wasn’t lookin’ for it. Wasn’t lookin’ for you. But then I found you - or you found me, anyway - and I realized just how good life could be as long as I got to live it next to you. 
“You are the single best person I’ve ever met. You’re so smart and funny and creative and kind and the most fun I’ve ever had and I can’t imagine anything better than getting to live the rest of my life with you. Will you make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?” 
Joel wasn’t sure his heart had ever beat this fast. Maybe when Sarah was first born and there were the torturous few seconds of silence before she started crying, not sure how anything about pregnancy or babies worked. Definitely never since. 
But the silence between you seemed to drag on for an eternity even though he knew it could have only been a second or two. That didn’t stop his heart from racing. 
“Yes,” you nodded, your voice thick, tears in your eyes. “Yes, yes, yes, yes yes!” 
You damn near tackled him and he laughed, catching you and holding onto you as he lowered the two of you to the ground on a bed of rose petals. 
Joel, Tommy and Nick had been in here getting everything set up while Sarah and Maria kept you busy in Sarah’s room. There was a brief moment of panic when Sarah texted that the three of you were headed to the party and Joel had to ask her to buy at least two minutes because they were walking to the elevator themselves. 
“I’m so happy for you, man,” Tommy said, clapping Joel on the shoulder as they headed up to the party. “You deserve this, you really fuckin’ do.” 
“She ain’t said yes yet,” Joel said, feeling the nerves all sudden and hot under his skin. “Don’t jinx it.” 
“She’ll say yes,” Tommy said, sounding so confident. “Don’t ask me WHY but that woman adores you. She’s gonna love it.” 
He hoped you did. He hoped you loved the idea at all, that you loved the proposal, that you loved the ring. Sarah had helped pick that part out so he was more confident of that, finding a piece that was elegant without looking dated, something that he hoped you’d like wearing for the rest of your life. 
Because that’s what he wanted. He wanted you, wanted to make you happy, for the rest of your life. 
He slid the ring onto your finger, the diamond catching the light as he did. 
“Are you serious?” You asked, looking from the ring to him. 
“Serious about spending the rest of my life with you?” He asked. “Can’t think of anything better.” 
You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him, hard and needy. He leaned into it for a moment before he pulled back from you. 
“Should move to the bed,” he breathed. “Gotta treat my fiancee right.” 
You just nodded quickly and Joel got up before helping you to your feet. 
He tugged your dress up and over your head - as much as he wanted to fuck you in the sexy little thing you’d been tempting him with all night, the need to feel your skin was too great - and eased you down onto the bed. 
You moved to the middle of it and Joel got undressed, his eyes watching you hungrily, the glint of his ring on your finger making him somehow even harder. You removed your bra and cast it aside before you slipped your panties down your legs and tossed them to the side, leaving you exposed and bare. You were everything it seemed like he’d ever wanted and you were his, the proof of it right there on your hand. He fisted his cock, pumping himself once, twice, as he climbed between your legs. 
He wanted to make this last. He wanted to go down on you and swallow your pleasure until you were screaming with it. He wanted to kiss every inch of your skin. He wanted to tease you with his fingers until you were begging for his cock. But he wasn’t sure he could, not that moment. He had a feeling you wouldn’t be leaving the bed for a few days after this.
“Joel,” you panted, watching him, pupils blown and back arched. He smiled. For some reason, you wanted him like he wanted you. 
“Yes, Mrs. Miller?” He breathed, settling between your open legs, the apex of your thighs hot against his skin. You moaned and rocked your hips up against him, your needy little clit pressing into his skin. 
“Fuck,” you moaned, closing your eyes, fingers gripping his bicep tightly. “Love the sound of that…” 
“You have no idea, Beautiful,” he said, kissing you, grinding his cock against your dripping slit. You moaned, the movement of your hips stuttering for a moment before you adjusted the angle so the tip of him was catching on your entrance with ever pass, just enough for the most sensitive part of him to be enveloped in your tight, wet heat. 
“Need you,” you were almost gasping with it, desperate and wanting. “Please, please, need to feel you, I need…” 
“Always going to give you what you need, Baby,” he said, his cock dipping further into you this time before he pulled back and pushed himself against your clit again. “Always gonna take care of you, always.” 
He pushed into you then, firm but not to fast, your breath catching on your throat as he did. Joel kissed you, trying not to think about how damn good you felt, how it seemed like he belonged right there, deep inside you. 
“Fuck,” your nails dug into him but he held on. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good how do you feel this fucking good?” 
He could only moan in response, fucking into you, feeling you open up to him, your walls gripping him tight. He stayed still inside you for a moment, savoring it, the feeling of you around him while he was over you, the way you held onto him. 
But he couldn’t last that way for long. You - his fiancee. His fiancee, no one else’s, you belonged to no one but him - felt too damn good for him to last too long inside of you and he had to move, he had to. 
So he did, starting a little slower but still firm, pressing his hips into you so your hot little clit was against his skin. 
He could feel you starting to tighten around him, like your body was trying to pull him deeper somehow, your lips messy and desperate when they found his, trialing little kisses over his body when they don’t. 
“That’s it, Beautiful,” he panted into you. “Come for me, can feel how close you are, just let go for me, let me feel you. Need to feel you…” 
You gasped his name and pressed your whole body tight against him as you came around him, your pussy fluttering around him, working his cock, all warm and soft trying to pull him as deep as you could take him. He fucked you through it, hardly able to hold off his own orgasm, the aftershocks of yours still rippling through your tight channel when he emptied himself into you until he didn’t even have the strength to hold himself up anymore, collapsing on you, his head over your shoulder so he could smell your skin and your hair. Fuck, he loved that smell. Fuck, he loved you. 
After a minute, he adjusted the two of you so you were draped over his chest, your arms all soft and pliant, close enough that he could feel your heartbeat on his skin, feel your soft, little breaths on him. You held up your left hand, turning the ring back and forth in the light. 
“You’re sure about this?” You asked, glancing up at him as you fidgeted with the ring. 
“More sure than I’ve ever been about anything,” he said. “Would make you Mrs. Miller tomorrow if you’d let me.” 
You laughed a little at that, putting your hand down on his chest and taking a deep breath. 
“Doesn’t seem fair,” you said softly. 
“What doesn’t?” 
“You’ve given me so much,” you said. “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted - everything. Feels like I’m not holding up my end.” 
“You kiddin’ me?” He scoffed. “You’re so perfect I have to remind myself that you’re real sometimes, that I’m not just imagining you. You make me the luckiest man on Earth every damn day by just breathing in the same room as me. If anything’s not fair, it’s that I got too greedy asking you to marry me. Should know to quit when I’m this far ahead.” 
You laughed and pressed your lips into his chest, looking at the ring again, twisting it this way and that with your thumb. 
“Make you a deal,” you said, adjusting your head so you were looking at him. 
“What’s your proposal?” He asked, teasing. 
“You take care of me,” you said. “Make sure I’m not getting too overwhelmed or overdoing it at work or just getting too in my own head. I’ll take care of you, make sure you take time for yourself, make sure you relax, make sure you know how great you are. Deal?” 
He smiled a little. 
“Deal, Mrs. Miller.” 
You smiled bigger. 
“Excellent, Mr. Miller.” 
He kissed your forehead. 
“Don’t have to change your last name, you know,” he said, giving you a squeeze. “I can always just call you that for my own damn enjoyment without making it official.” 
You laughed a little. 
“No, I want to change it,” you said. “Sarah was right all along. I think I’m going to make a great Miller.” 
A/N: Ahhh! I hope you all loved reading the story of Joel and Sarah's best friend as much as I loved sharing it! These two are so fun and so sweet, I'm so glad I got to give them the happy ending they deserved.
Thank you so so much for being here, for following along with this little story that started as a one shot based on a request that came in after I wrote another one shot as a request. I so appreciate that you're here, that you've spent your time with this fic and these characters and all of your support. This corner of the internet means everything to me and it's because you're a part of it <3 Love you!
Taglist: @fanficismydrug
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wonbin-truther · 3 months
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book 2 - how to keep kids in their bed for the night
maybe it was your fault, but for the sake of your own conscience you'll say its doyoung's. since before minjun was born, you swore off bed sharing. you insistently told doyoung you would never let him in the bed. it wasn't that you wanted to be mean, you just knew the dangers that it brought. when he was finally able to be in his own room, you'll admit it was a lot easier to bring the crying toddler into the bed with you and doyoung rather than carrying him back into your room. it also eased your mind a lot more being able to check on him due to his close proximity.
you then swore up and down it was going to be different when nari was born. there was no way you were making the same mistake again but now here you were with your 4 year old and 1 year old making their way into yours and doyoung's bed every night.
"mommy," you felt the soft tug on the blanket next to you. you opened one eye to peak at who it was. you were startled how close your son was to your face, his nose practically touching your own. "honey what's wrong," you sat up. doyoung woke up next to you at the sudden shift from you, making his arm falling from around your waist. "i want you and daddy," your son reached up to get picked up by you. you hoisted him onto the bed and doyoung shifted over to make room for him. "min how about daddy stays with you in your bed?" doyoung yawned. your son shook his head, laying down. "as you're up check on nari please," you laid back down, getting comfortable in your spot.
you were almost back asleep when the sound of a baby cooing woke you back up. "another one," doyoung spoke quietly as he sat down on his side of the bed, your daughter in his arms. "couldn't get her back down?" you asked. he shook his head, "woke up every time i tried to put her back in the crib."
"my back hurts," doyoung complained as he stood in the kitchen making his coffee the next morning . "preach into the choir," you kissed his cheek, grabbing the carton of milk to make a bottle for nari. "tonight they sleep in their own beds," he declared making you laugh. "i've been saying this since minjun babe. you don't need to convince me."
the night quickly approached and the sound of nari crying rang out through the baby monitor. you and doyoung had already been awake and watching a movie in the living room; the cries of your daughter making you look at each other. "ill go," doyoung had began to stand up when you beat him to it. "i'll go. i know you and somehow our daughter will end up down here on the couch with us."
"hi bug," you lifted the crying baby girl out of her crib, wiping her tears with the pads of your thumb. you walked around the room with her in your arms as you hummed and rubbed her back. after not too long, her breathing slowed and her grasp on your shirt loosened. you stood still for a little, just to make sure she was asleep before you put her down in her crib. 'this is too easy,' you mentally told yourself as you set the sleeping girl back in her crib. you held your breath as you removed your arms from underneath her and prayed she stayed asleep. you mentally kicked yourself as her eyes immediately snapped open and she started to cry again.
you scooped her back into your arms and let her rest her head on your shoulder. as you were trying to settle her back down, you saw minjun peering around the doorframe. you motioned him to come over, "what happened honey?" "monster under the bed," you could see the tears in your sons eyes. "lets go see if daddy can take care of it," you took his hand, leading him down the stairs and to the living room where your husband sat on his phone. "daddy," your son let go of your hand, running over. doyoung gave you a questioning look, picking up the boy and letting him settle on his lap. "everything okay bun?" the little boy shook his head, "there was a monster under my bed."
doyoung stood up, placing the boy on his hip, "lets go fight it then." the boy cheered as doyoung went up the stairs with him. "dada?" you heard nari babble from your shoulder. "cookie you're still not asleep?" you frowned as you shifted the girl around to be in your arms so you could see her face. her eyes were red and puffy and it broke your heart.
you were sitting on your bed with nari on your lap when doyoung walked back in, "the monster has been defeated and minjun is back asleep." "nari's been up since 9 now," you sighed. "what time is it," doyoung sat on the bed next to you and ran his thumb over the girls pink cheeks. "10:45 i think."
"let me see," doyoung took the baby from you and she immediately started crying. he tried to soothe her but her cries only got louder. he placed her back on the bed and let her crawl over to you. "she's exhausted. i feel bad," you wiped the girls tears from her eyes and held her close to you. "she'll sleep eventually if shes tired," doyoung left a kiss on your temple.
it was 11pm and the 1 year old girl was still awake. she would doze off and you would try to place her in her crib and she would immediately wake up again. anytime you tried to pass her to doyoung she would instantly start crying. "babe i think its time to give up," you groaned, walking back into the shared bedroom with your wide awake daughter. before doyoung could respond, minjun ran into the room. "the monster is back," he shouted
the loudness startled nari, making her cry again. "sorry mommy," you saw minjun's bottom lip start quivering. "junnie no no its okay," you tried your best to comfort your son as doyoung quickly scooped him up. doyoung rubbed his back, "lets go defeat the monster." minjun nodded, a smile returning to his face as doyoung left with him.
"baby girl you're tired. just sleep please," you begged nari as she laid in your arms. her eyes were red from crying and her cheeks were bright red. "mommy has you just please," you bounced her gently as she stared up at you. something in her must have understood you, eyes slowly closing as she let out a yawn. you hummed to her as you walked towards her room. by the time you pushed open the door and stood over her bed, she was fast asleep. you prayed to everything you could think of as you leaned over and placed her down. you held your hands under her as she shifted around a little, not waking up. you slid your hands away and watched as her eyes remained closed.
you walked into your own bedroom, collapsing with your face down next to doyoung. "no baby?" he ran his fingers through your hair. "stayed asleep. i think she tired herself out. what time is it?" you rolled over onto your side. "2:14am," doyoung yawned. you cuddled into his side, his arm moving to wrap around you and pull you closer. "i missed this," he kissed the top of your head. "i missed a lot more than this," you joked, making him laugh.
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tags @seunghancore @daegalfangirl @beomgyusonlywife
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bidisastersanji · 10 months
IT IS HERE! the filthy french smut epilogue of the Zoro learns French story is here. Get it right here on this hellsite (ch.1 ch.2 , ch.3 and below) or straight from the source on AO3. Thank you to everyone who comments or screams in the tags you absolutely give me life
Special shoutout to @jooqlz for their wonderful art inspired by the story I'm still not over that check it out right here: (pt 1 & 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5)
And without further ado, please do not ever perceive me after reading this absolute filth. thank you.
Sanji had always been a very handsome man. A man so distractingly handsome that Zoro had to put effort into not noticing certain...things about the cook, effort to keep his eyes from wandering to dangerous places that would unfailingly leave him wanting and ears pink from the lecherous thoughts swirling between them. He’d retreat to the crow’s nest and train his impulses away, hoping that the heavy weights and burning muscles would ground him back into a relaxed, meditative state. 
It was the hypnotising way his fingers danced, so elegant and long when working in the galley- he simply couldn’t tear his eyes off them when they handled his impeccably sharp knives- or how deliciously taut and strong his calves and thighs would feel against him as they sparred. More than once had Zoro woken up breathless, drenched in sweat, uncomfortably hard and blinking away the vestiges of a dream where those deadly legs had been wrapped tight around him. There was just something so enticing about the resounding power emanating from Sanji- his mind going haywire from the knowledge that this man could handle him, meet him blow for blow all while cheekily throwing taunts and insults in his face. 
It was also how beautifully free his form looked when he jumped above him in a skywalk, the way his ocean blue eyes would crinkle when he laughed at the crews’ antics and how his soft blonde curls would catch the sun sometimes. Those moments were possibly harder for him to get out of his system, leaving him with both a heavy and fluttering sensation in his chest. 
And his ass. Oh fuck, his ass.  
Zoro was an ass man through and through: he’d sailed up and down the Grand Line and had never seen anything else like it. The cook’s proclivity for crisp, tailored suits that stretched decadently across his backside with every kick made it impossible to ignore. So many times had he been dangerously close to just reaching out and grabbing it. Fingers tensing at the primal urge to know how they would fit, would feel in his hands, it fanned the flames of an ever-growing heat in the pit of his stomach. Those perfect, round mounds of muscle just out of reach, teasing him whenever the cook bent over to retrieve something in a low cupboard or when he’d catch a glimpse of their bare pallor in the baths. No wonder he didn’t spend much time on hygiene- Sanji always took his damned time in there, and he wasn’t a glutton for punishment. 
The blonde also had a rather elegant neck, just begging to be kissed. To be fair, there was nary an inch of Sanji that Zoro didn’t think of kissing. For so long had Zoro fantasized about just tugging him by his tie or the lapels of his jacket to shut him up nicely, tasting his nicotine-stained lips. Which he had the pleasure of doing right now.  
He’d imagined this a hundred- no, a thousand times over, but it still didn’t compare to actually holding the beautiful man pressed against his body and hearing him let out positively sinful little whines of pleasure as they hurriedly kissed in the Sunny’s unoccupied first mate’s quarters.  
Brunch had been a rowdy affair as usual, with Zoro buzzing for it to be over as soon as possible, knowing the cook wouldn’t be able to relax until everyone had had their fill. 
The wait was worth it, he thinks to himself as one of his hands slithers its way down from Sanji’s flushed cheeks, enjoying the soft little exhales he lets out as his hand caresses down his neck, his chest, his narrow waist, his lower back, finally settling on his perfectly round butt. He pulls Sanji in even closer- the other man’s growing arousal poking against his thigh, firm and warm through the fabric separating them. Zoro treats himself to the enticing thought of that heat in his mouth but is quickly distracted by the fingers the cook had threaded into his short hair suddenly tightening, the pleasing pulling sensation on his scalp shooting down his neck like a shiver.  
Fuck. That feels good.  
Zoro can’t fight the needy groan that rips out of his throat at finally getting his hands on the cook’s ass, and his other hand quickly joins it, happily palming and squeezing it, fortuitously causing some delicious friction between their legs. He drops his head into the crook of Sanji’s neck, overwhelmed by the all-encompassing need coursing through his veins. Need to feel skin flush with skin. Need to make this man come undone and cry his name, over and over. This was a long time coming. 
“J-J’ai envie de toi...” he stumbles a bit on the delivery, the foreign words still unfamiliar on his kiss-swollen lips. (I-I want you...) 
Pressed up close, he doesn’t miss the high-pitched moan that Sanji tries to swallow down before he feels himself get tugged up by his hair, his eye brought back to level with the cook’s own. Maybe it’s the gratifying sting of his hair being pulled some more, or maybe it’s the heavy-lidded, wanton look that Sanji gives him, but he feels a shiver run across his skin. Nervously, the blonde’s pink tongue darts out to wet his lower lip, catching the swordsman’s eye. 
“Comment me veux-tu, abruti?” (How do you want me, moron?) 
Zoro honestly could go either way, but something in him stirs at Sanji’s provocativeness, and the following words spill out of him, words he’d have never said with a straight face before his run-in with a certain type of French literature.  
“Je-” his voice comes out raspy, deep. “Je te veux...plié en deux sur ce lit me suppliant de te prendre,” he starts, and Sanji’s breath hitches, his hand dropping to grip at Zoro’s shirt, steadying himself.  
“que tu te serves de tes satanées cuisses pour te bercer contre moi.” Zoro grins, confidence growing, feral at the sight of a lone drop of blood oozing from Sanji’s nose. “Et quand tu seras assez désespéré, je veux te faire jouir jusqu'à ce que ta voix se brise.” 
(I want you... bent in half on the bed, begging me to take you, using your damned thighs to rock yourself against me. And once you’re desperate enough, I want to make you come until your voice breaks.)  
He can almost feel Sanji’s brain short circuit in front of him. Things are a blur after that. It’s a race of getting each other out of their stifling garments, the singing relief of skin-to-skin contact, desperate kisses, nips, bites and nails pressing deep into Zoro’s biceps as he works the pliant man under him open with two lubed-up fingers. 
They’re both on the bed now, Zoro holding himself up over the writhing blonde, hair a sweaty, curly mess in a beautiful halo around his head and his legs hooked in a vice-like grip around his torso, arms wrapped around his neck. The messy, pleasured noises Sanji makes are positively obscene, shooting straight to his dick, and it’s taking all his concentration to focus on rubbing up against his sweet spot, just enough to drive the cook crazy but slowing down every time he can feel him clench hard, getting closer to the precipice. 
“Enfoiré! Si tu-” (Bastard! If you-)  
Sanji’s impassioned rant at Zoro edging him is immediately cut short by a third finger pressing against his rim, and he eagerly presses his hips up into the pleasant stretch of Zoro’s thick fingers spreading him even more, eyes screwing shut. 
“Mnh! Yesss,” he purrs into the swordsman’s ear. 
A wet heat envelops his earlobe and his three earrings chime against each other as Sanji decides to play with his them. Head foggy with lust, Zoro wonders how Sanji was so easily able to find this weak spot of his, his hand’s pace stuttering and slowing down at the sensual licks against his sensitive ear. 
“S-shitty cook-” 
“Bet you can’t say that in French,” Sanji coyly challenges him, a hot whisper in his ear. 
Zoro times his answer with a couple of sharper thrusts, making Sanji cry out at the onslaught against his prostate. “Cuistot de merde,” Sanji can probably hear his smugness in his voice. “What, you don’t think that’s one of the first things I asked to learn?” 
“You- hnng! You fucker, even in French you don’t call me a proper chef!” 
Zoro chuckles and decides this is a good time as any to still his fingers once more. Angry, needy eyes with blown out pupils crack open to stare deeply into his own. He takes the moment to wipe away the blood under Sanji’s nose and licks it, the metallic taste coating his tongue beautifully. 
“Fine. If that’s how it is.” The stubborn cook leverages his legs’ hold on him to fuck himself onto Zoro’s fingers. He slowly builds himself up again, simultaneously rocking on the swordsman’s hand and stroking his length with his own, and it’s not long before his eyes flutter close in concentration, chasing his release, brow damp with sweat. 
Zoro makes a little strangled noise, dumbstruck by how stupidly good he looks taking his fingers, how hot and swollen his dick is, and how the obscene wet noises and hypnotising dance of his hips are making the tip of his cock leak against his stomach. Why wasn’t he fucking him into the mattress again? 
Sanji’s breathless voice cuts through the fog. “You happy? ‘this what you wanted, mosshead?” 
Ah, right. He remembered now. “Close. I said I’d make you beg for it, curly.” 
“Fuck. You wouldn’t dare. Not again.” Sanji’s free hand shoots down to try and stop his thick wrist from pulling away. 
“I would.” 
Sanji makes a choked, desperate sound at the feeling of Zoro's hand starting its slow retreat, a small litany of ‘nos’ dropping from his lips as he once again feels his orgasm get away, his practiced hand stroking his dick not nearly enough to get him there at this point.  
Adorable. Zoro hears his blood roar in his ears at the sight, making a point to burn the cook’s desperate look into his memory. He’s aching to be inside him at this point, but unless he hears the magic word, he’ll keep holding himself back. 
After a few more fruitless pumps, head thrown back, Sanji seemingly makes up his mind. “Please,” he sobs. 
Zoro’s three fingers immediately resume their movements with purpose, pressing perfectly against Sanji on each powerful thrust. The swordsman is positively transfixed by the sight of the sweaty, flushed and desperate man before him, the shaky moans and gasps egging him on, driving him into a frenzy as he builds him up once more. 
Sanji felt dizzy with want after having been denied so many times. First, the stupid brute short-circuited his brain by whispering those filthy things to him with his cute stupid little accent, and then had the gall to call him a cuistot, and fuck! 
He honestly can’t even form a coherent thought at this point. He can only feel. His body is so strung-up and buzzing with pent-up pleasure, the mind-numbingly good stretch and press of Zoro’s fingers inside him and the stuttering jerks of his fist around his cock are all that his world have boiled down to, and nothing short of a buster call can stop him from coming into his lover’s arms. 
Distantly, he feels Zoro ghost his lips over his collarbone, whispering dirty nothings to him, licking up his throat, kissing his jaw... How dare he be so stupidly attentive, so good, so- 
“MMmn!” He bites down on his lip, hard. 
Sanji comes, dissolving into pleasure, rippling, splintering heat rushing through his body, muscles pulled tight as Zoro keeps working him through wave after wave, kissing his temple and holding him close as spurts of his cum stain their stomachs. He faintly registers that the moans and repeated cries of Zoro’s name and yes, more, please, right there are his own voice, but he’s too far gone to care. 
Once he’s semi lucid again, he loosens his legs’ death grip on the man’s torso, idly wondering if bruises will bloom there overnight. Chest still heaving, he opens his eyes and is met with a sight he’s sure to never forget. Zoro’s wild look of pure, unadulterated hunger as he licks a drop of his cum from his fingers would make his knees buckle if he were standing, and knowing he’s like this- a panting, flushed and sweaty mess because of him makes Sanji preen with pride. He’s barely even touched the man. 
Speaking of, he finally gets his hands on the broad, scarred chest he’s itched to grope oh so many times, letting his thumb experimentally start teasing a nipple. He drags his eyes down and wets his lips at the sight before him. He’d been right. Zoro truly has it all, and he can feel himself stirring again already. 
“Like what you see?” 
In lieu of an answer, Sanji reaches down and wraps his long, deft fingers at the base of the swordsman’s wonderful girth, earning him a little hiss of pleasure as he starts lazily gliding up and down the velvety heat. 
“Que veux tu mon grand?” his voice comes out hoarser than he expected, and the cook revels in Zoro’s nearly predatory gaze and the hitch in his breath. 
(What do you want, big boy?) 
“Mes mains?” His strokes get more precise, faster, taking care to rub the head just right. 
(My hands?) 
Zoro groans, and Sanji’s pink tongue darts out to lick his lips, smiling devilishly as he calls for the marimo’s attention there. “Mes lèvres?” (My lips?) 
“Ou...” he trails off and guides the aching, leaking length to his entrance, giving a little teasing wiggle of his hips.  
The dark expression on Zoro’s face is absolutely intoxicating. His callused hand grips Sanji’s hip and pushes up, wordlessly encouraging the cook to flip onto his front. Still a little blissed out, Sanji grins and complies and positions himself on his hands and knees. The blonde watches over his shoulder as the swordsman reaches for more lube, lathering a generous amount onto his cock before aligning himself with Sanji again, kneeling at the edge of the bed. 
Feeling a little vulnerable, Sanji can’t help teasing his lover. “C’est pour aujourd’hui ou pour demain?” 
(Are you gonna do it this century?) 
And then Zoro presses into him and oh fuck- the stretch of each thick inch sinking into him is a divine mix of pain and pleasure that steals his breath away. The swordsman's’ grip is bruising on his hips, evidently doing his best to let Sanji get used to him before he loses control. 
A few moments later he must hear Sanji’s breath even out a bit and he adjusts against him, finally burying himself to the hilt fully, hands possessively taking hold of his ass cheeks.  
“Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me like this,” Zoro’s words were going to be the death of him, Sanji thinks as his face burns like a furnace. He was sure of it.  
“Can I?” 
“Ye- mmn, yes go ahead,” Sanji spreads his thighs wider and braces himself on his forearms. 
He feels Zoro pulling out slowly, his fingers climbing up and digging into his slender waist, and then he’s being pulled down onto his dick once more as the man starts thrusting into him earnestly. With each slap of the man’s hips against his backside, each steady glide against his prostate, he feels so perfectly full, so good, and his toes curl when Zoro leans over and nuzzles his neck, his grunts and growls of pleasure a sweet melody he’ll never tire of hearing. 
“Tu me prends si bien...” 
(You take me so well...) 
Sanji bites the back of his hand to stifle a moan and keeps throwing his hips powerfully back against Zoro’s rutting. It feels mind-numbingly good to finally let go and be able to use his full force like this, knowing he can give as good as he’ll get. 
Zoro doesn’t think he’ll be able to last long if the cook keeps looking and sounding like that.  
Fucking hell, what a sight. His lithe, athletic form splitting itself open on each thrust, their bodies working together towards rapture, harmoniously in synch from years of sparring and fighting side by side. The swordsman briefly worries that he won’t be able to spar without getting distracted by the memory of this, of the blonde splayed out under him, back arched sensually and hands straining against the crumpled sheets. 
He’s not surprised that Sanji is a vocal lover- he expected it, has fantasised about it on some lonely nights in the crow’s nest. But he didn’t expect that each broken moan and sigh he fucks out of him would bring him closer and closer, fire pooling low in his abdomen and coursing through his veins. He straightens back up and off Sanji’s back for a better angle and oh no, that was a mistake. He groans. He’s once again met with the tantalising sight of his dick burying itself in Sanji’s ass, again and again, a small ripple dancing across the tempting flesh to the rhythm of his punishing pace. 
He slides his right hand around to take hold of Sanji’s dick, and Sanji melts at his touch, head dropping straight against the sheets and moaning his name with abandon at his ministrations. 
“Oh-oh god, Zoro, I’m so close-” 
Zoro redoubles his efforts, fucking Sanji into the mattress with abandon, chasing both of their releases. Sanji’s muffled mewls of pleasure grow into louder and louder moans and expletives, stuttering with the pounding of their hips and the fist milking his cock.  
“Come for me, cook.” 
The blonde stills against him, crying out his name as he comes, shuddering and tensing beautifully in the low-lit room. Zoro falls right after him with a shaky moan of his own, time slowing at the feel of Sanji’s glorious, clenching heat around him. Tight, white, hot electricity rolls like waves through his body as he spills, pulsing into his lover. 
Craving to stay close to Sanji, Zoro drops and rolls them to their sides, spooning the blonde from behind, arms tight around his waist and nose nuzzling the nape of his neck. 
“Je t’aime.” the loving words come out like a sigh. 
A dazed, sleepy Sanji hums and clasps his hands on top of Zoro’s, inching himself even closer against him. 
After getting its fill of sleepy cuddles, Sanji’s blissed out mind slowly comes back online and the questions that have been gnawing at the back of his mind return in full force. Just where had the stupid swordsman learned to speak French, let alone say things like that? 
His cheeks feel warm at the mere memory of it. Now that he thinks about it, it’s even a bit odd- he assumed that Zoro wouldn’t be the type to say such corny, vulgar stuff in bed- if he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was straight out of one of his romance novels. It was uncanny that he’d kind of played into exactly the kind of things Sanji was into. 
He lets out a small, amused sound at the thought of Zoro reading those kinds of books. Did Zoro even know how to read? 
“What’re you thinking, curly?” Zoro asks gruffly, his hands still distractingly caressing his skin from behind him. 
“Wondering where you learned that kind of language, marimo. ‘s not the typical vocabulary people get when learning French.”  
Sanji turns in his lover’s embrace to face him and waits for an answer, idly thumbing at the scar on his face. 
“Oh, that.”  
Was Zoro...blushing? “Yes, that.” 
“Learned it from those, uh, Harlequin books.” 
Sanji’s mouth parts, flabbergasted, but Zoro isn’t done surprising him. 
“I thought if you’d read that kind of book multiple times it must’ve meant something, so I kind of...went on a limb earlier.” 
Sanji is beet red. “W-wait so you,” he takes a steadying breath. “You've read my Harlequin book?” 
A sigh of relief. 
“I’ve read way more than one.”  
“From Mihawk’s private library.” 
“mIHAWK?!!!” Sanji sputters. 
“Yeah, I accidentally let him find out that I’d been learning a bit of French and then next thing I knew he was forcing me to learn it proper ‘n all.”  
Sanji feels his chest warming as he starts connecting the dots. “A-and you’d been learning French-” 
“-for you, yeah.” he grins. 
Unable to stop himself any longer, Sanji closes the distance and captures Zoro’s lips in a tender kiss. 
“Ton imbécile.” 
They both smile stupidly at each other. 
“I can’t believe you. I’m gonna tell everyone you accidentally learned French because of your crippling addiction to boddice rippers.” 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading this story, it's been so fun and lovely and your reactions make me so happy!!! I like to think that after this Zoro just takes advantage of the fact that only he and Sanji (and Robin) speak French to flirt and say absolutely debauched things in public to embarrass him. But also he uses it to say soft, romantic things when Sanji least expects it. and Sanji makes good on his threat and tells the crew about Zoro's peculiar French syllabus.
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krdc · 6 months
マジカルラブ (magical love) — full version
(lyrics & unofficial translation below)
magical love be with you wow baby
指の隙間でチラ見 (キミの smile)
yubi no sukima de chira mi (kimi no smile)
glancing through the cracks of my fingers (at your smile)
僕にはもったいないって? (ちょっと待って)
boku ni wa mottainai tte (chotto matte)
aren't you wasting it on me? (hang on a second)
今までだったらそれで終わり (チャ チャンス?)
ima made dattara sore de owari (cha-chansu)
if it had been before, this would've been the end (ch-chance?)
一味違うthis love wow
hitoaji chigau this love wow
this love is different, wow
masaka masakano tenkai
there's been a surprising turn of events
kokoro mo karada mo genkai
my mind and body are at their limits
寝癖 ドキり 照れる 素振り
neguse dokiri tereru soburi
your bedhead, your nervousness, the bashful way you act
超 cute ズキュン
chou cute zukyuun
they're super cute, they've struck my heart
瞬間 近づく鼓動
shunkan chikazuku kodou
the moment i got near your heartbeat
聴こえた マジかよ マジカル!?
kikoeta maji ka yo majikaru
i heard them, it's for real, it's magical?!
もう ムリ無理 見て見ぬフリ
mou muri muri mite minu furi
i can't keep pretending i don't see it
夢でも 胸高鳴り
yume demo munadaka nari
even in my dreams, it makes my heart race
運命変えちゃう love
unmei kaechau love
a love that changes destiny
君と 僕が? あわわっ
kimi to boku ga awawa
between you and me? i can't deal!
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
焦る i want you (yeah)
aseru i want you (yeah)
i want you right now (yeah)
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
四六時中 夢心地 (キミの voice)
shirokujichu yumegokochi (kimi no voice)
day and night, i keep dreaming (about your voice)
そんなの聞いてないって (もっとキテ)
sonna no kiitenai tte (motto kite)
saying things i've never heard you say (come closer)
想定外 好きが渋滞 chu (che cherry?)
souteigai suki ga jutai chu (che-cherry)
unexpected feelings stuck in a traffic jam (ch-cherry?)
大胆不敵 this love wow
daitan futeki this love wow
this love is fearless, wow
ippo susunde koukai
the first step forward, there's regret
二歩目は あら単純明快
ni home wa ara tanjun meikai
the second step, it's just plain and simple
a b c d x y z
mousou bakari jairarenai
i can't keep staying in my fantasy
敏感 本音と嘘
binkan honne to uso
my sensitive true feelings and my lies
気づいた マジかよ マジカル!?
kizuita maji ka yo majikaru
you noticed them, it's for real, it's magical?!
もう ムリ無理 見て見ぬフリ
mou muri muri mite minu furi
i can't keep pretending i don't see it
夢でも 胸高鳴り
yume demo munadaka nari
even in my dreams, it makes my heart race
運命変えちゃう love
unmei kaechau love
a love that changes destiny
君と 僕が? あわわっ
kimi to boku ga awawa
between you and me? i can't deal!
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
焦る i want you (yeah)
aseru i want you (yeah)
i want you right now (yeah)
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
隣にキミの笑顔 (love is the magic)
tonari ni kimi no egao (love is the magic)
with your smile next to me (love is the magic)
yeah (love is the magic) oh
魔法が解けたって 大丈夫さ ふたりなら
mahou ga toketa tte daijoubusa futari nara
even if the magic is undone, we'll be okay as long as we're together
shiawasesugite mo muri
i'm too happy, i can't handle it
mi taiken no munasawagi
the apprehension of something unfamiliar
世界の数だけ love love love wow
sekai no kazu dake love love love wow
for every world out there, there's just as much of our love, love, love, wow
hajimetedarake no sutori
in this story filled with our firsts
dare ni mo jamasasenai
we won't let anyone interfere
特別以上の love
tokubetsu ijou no love
a love that's beyond special
愛しい 嬉しい 気持ち
itoshii ureshii kimochi
and the precious, happy feelings
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
もう全部 i want you
mou zenbu i want you
i want you, all of you
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
magical love be with you
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goodomensafterdark · 3 months
Writers Guild Presents - Tethered - Ch 11 - Angel
Written by NegotiationReal6508 on our subreddit!
TW/CW: Angst, discussion of attempted suicide, implied character death, internalized homophobia, discussion of conversion treatment, mentions of child abuse.
Crowley wakes up in a mental hospital with no memory of how he got there. Without his demonic powers, neither the doctors, nor the people who claim to be his family will believe he is who he says he is. With the evidence against him mounting, his only lifeline to the real world is a cryptic note left by an unseen messenger. The longer he stays in this hospital, the harder it becomes to recall for sure, is Crowley really a demon of Hell? Or has his entire existence been nothing more than a delusion conjured by a grieving mind?
He stepped into the corridor, slamming the door shut angrily behind him. Fighting back his tears, Aziraphale touched his jaw where Crowley had hit him. He wasn't hurt. Crowley was too weak to hurt him in this human form. But the shock of it…
Crowley had never once, not even in the most heated of arguments, ever even shown the slightest inclination to throw a punch. Crowley could shove him violently up against a wall, and Aziraphale would feel in more danger of getting kissed than clocked. It was all an act, part of their dynamic. The unspoken rules of their unspoken game of riling each other up, getting heated, getting close, at times too close, and then backing off before anything untoward took place. Plausible deniability. It was the cornerstone of their alliance.
He had brought the tartan blanket for Crowley. He always looked so cold curled up in that hospital bed. Why didn't they ever give him an extra blanket? Knowing Crowley, he probably refused to complain about it. Always pretending to be so insusceptible, that one. Aziraphale had pulled the warm woollen throw over Crowley’s sleeping form, perching himself on the edge of the mattress.
He had watched him sleep momentarily. Normally, Crowley slept peacefully, face unpinched and slacken, as if he had nary a care in the world. At least, that's how he appeared when he napped at the bookshop. But here, in this place, Crowley’s brow seemed always to be ruched in distress, the complete opposite of how a peaceful sleep ought to look.
It had felt so wonderful the way the demon had sleepily curled up against him, like an affectionate housecat. It was so unlike him, but it was nice to feel… well, Aziraphale was not quite certain what he'd felt, only that it had been such a lovely feeling. Warm and electric…
Of course, it didn't last. Aziraphale could never have anticipated that this visit was going to go quite so poorly as it did.
Continue reading on AO3
Or start from chapter 1 - Dies Lunae
Special thanks to my beautiful betas: u/KotiasCamorra and u/blackjeans93
Also, go support u/gleafer on Patreon! It will improve your life in ways you may never fully comprehend!
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st4rdom-if · 6 months
since the ships probably won't be mentioned in the game, how do the ROs feel about being shipped with a MC they have a crush on? 👀
Oh yeah, about that…fans likely would not ship certain people like Andy and (maybe) Gracie since they wouldn’t know about their relationship with MC until it becomes public and official.
Nari would try to play it off, sometimes even joking about it with MC in public. Might even make a few suggestive poses just for the fun of it. That’s what it is, right?
Chang-ho would not show any sign of being affected by it, but sometimes he’ll look up the ship of him with MC. To make sure that it’s safe and hasn’t done any harm to MC’s image, of course. Just in case—
Seungho encourages it. He doesn’t mind it at all, to be honest. Sometimes he will let it slip and talk about MC without even realizing it. But yeah, he’s pretty cool about it.
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hwaightme · 1 year
Family for Hire (Ch.4)
(family for hire ml) (join series and/or permanent taglist!)
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☀️ pairing: single dad!seonghwa x business woman!reader ☀️ genre: fluff, romance, family, domestic, fake marriage, slice of life ☀️ ch. summary: settling into a new routine came with its challenges, of course, but you expected that. what you did not expect, however, was for seonghwa to completely derail your plans for quietude. ☀️ ch. wordcount: 4.7k ☀️ ch. warnings/tags: language, questionably edited, hwa being one jealous boy, a ton of coffee, implied missing breakfast, food/eating, a wild woo and yeo appear, rash decisions, implied lack of sleep, let me know if anything else! ☀️ perma-taglist: @doom-fics @legohwas @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven @cqndiedcherries @uwuheeseungie @hoshischeekss @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @mingigoo @michel-angelhoe (can't be tagged: @ate-ez) ☀️ a/n: in anticipation of seonghwa day, hope you enjoy some more single dad hwa~ much love, any reblogs, comments, thoughts, feelings appreciated! apologies if the chapter is chaos, but hey... croissants and coffee!
Chapter 4: When Croissants Fly
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Had you known that if you were to make it into the office on time and keep your promise of taking a certain kid to kindergarten, you would have to get up at hell o’clock in the morning – with hell being anything before six, you would have, respectfully, just left the conversation with standard goodbyes and not offered something out of the blue. Nothing could prepare you for the sheer amount of noise that a child could produce that early, when you were used to having an apartment to yourself, a nice, steaming, hot cup of coffee, and the human right to have fifteen minutes of sheer panic as you would realise if you did not hurry up you would be late. But even that panic was independent. You were not holding anyone up, no one was holding you up. You did not have to answer to anyone, nor did you have to be sitting there, in the driver’s seat, praying for a certain someone to ‘just… chill… out…”. Even though it had already been a three, now four days of you driving back and forth, back and forth like an expensive school bus, you still had a lot to get used to.
You glanced back as you stopped at a red light, catching Nari in deep conversation with her father about some drawing homework – something you were suddenly very jealous of. Why couldn’t adults have drawing homework instead of taxes? But nonetheless, no matter how simple the conversation was, each syllable was like a bass boosted hit of a dubstep remix in your cranium. Biting your lip, you attempted to focus on the sound of traffic outside and wondered if your fellow passengers would quieten down if you were to turn on the radio. You caught yourself hovering between being glad to be on better terms with Seonghwa and mini-Co, and wanting to let out an elaborate string of curses that had accumulated since your coffee machine broke this morning, and you, being a silly optimist when it came to appliances, had no alternative of source of energy fuel. This discomfort was apparently obvious enough for Seonghwa to pick up on it, and at the next red light you hear him tell his daughter to wait a second, and call out to you:
“Y/N, are you okay?” the note of concern in his voice made your heart ache and guilt for being so inwardly irritated spread through you. Peering out at the concrete jungle, you tapped the arm rest a couple of times, pondering the question before asking one back.
“What, do I look unequivocally dubious?” you tried to remain as neutral as possible, since Nari did not need to know what passive aggressive behaviour was, so early in her childhood, however Seonghwa was too finely attuned to emotional landscapes for your own good. Perhaps he could even give Yunho a run for his hard-earned ‘through thick and thin’ friend money.
“Oh, no! Not at all, it’s just that, um, I mean, this routine is quite new and must be very troublesome, so-”
“Do I look tired, is that it?” you interrupted gently, Seonghwa’s obvious beating around the bush turning out to be rather amusing, alleviating some of the headache that the day had been providing you with so far. It was hard not to notice how his upper body stiffened as he stared back at you through the rear-view mirror. Deciding to not keep up the limbo of whether he offended you or not, you cracked the brightest smile you could muster, and winked, “I know I do, don’t worry. I am an early bird by caffeine, and the love of my life broke today.”
“The love… of your life?” Seonghwa repeated cautiously, acutely reactive to your particular choice of words. Choosing to not mention how he leaned closer to you, with even his daughter shooting him an inquisitive glance, you simply elaborated on your morning ordeal.
Amidst your dramatic recounting of your battle with the ‘coffee monster’ you had made Nari burst into a fit of giggles, which was a win in your unpaid parenting work experience, though judging by Seonghwa’s unchanging pained expression, something about the moral of the story seemed to not quite fit the unspoken fairy tale standard, and as such, you trailed off into an awkward silence.
“Did you have… breakfast, at least?”
“Okay, then what was it?”
Somehow in that moment you felt as though you were not supposed to be sat in the driver's seat, and instead in a detention, or in a dim corner for a long timeout. One step away, and you could almost hear Seonghwa saying ‘I promise I am not going to get mad at you if you just tell me the truth’, a notion that made you shudder. What if, unbeknownst to you, he was the kind of parent that would snap too? There was no guarantee that he wasn’t. Many a times you had seen perfectly happy and peaceful kids coming home to… much less than happy families, so if he was going to shout at you, you should just take it. Your grip on the steering wheel grew tighter and you bit your lower lip. The thud of your heartbeat in your temples returned as you pressed on the gas pedal and accelerated, only a couple of blocks away from Nari’s kindergarten already.
“Good stuff.” You brushed the interrogation off, not because you were uncomfortable with your choices, but because it was more than likely that Seonghwa would be, and as such, you ran the risk of exploding in a defensive mode and exposing Nari to a not so pleasant argument. And you were not about that life. You were not into recycling old experiences into new hurt.
Fortunately, Seonghwa got the hint instantly. Like father, like daughter – Nari, upon seeing the young man’s reaction, took it as a sign that she needed to stay put and reserve playtime for later. The rest of the journey crawling through the somnolent sunlit streets was spent in complete silence. You watched and waved back to a once again excited little gremlin, as she hopped out of the car and shouted for her dad to stay back, because she was ‘grown’ and ‘independent’. He had inadvertently shot you a glance upon hearing the words, enjoying the game of pretending that Nari had taken after you a bit too much. You had not looked back, and even how you were supposedly following his precious girl’s run to the front doors had transformed into a thousand-yard stare. Once again, you were in your own world.
“Hey, mind if I move up front?” he pointed at the seat and tilted his head, jolting you out of your turbulent musings.
“Yeah, sure thing. Okay.”
At this proximity, you swore you could catch a hint of his perfume. The vanilla, floral notes and something you could not quite put a finger on was very memorable, and very him. You took a deep inhale and leaned back into the driver’s seat, ready to commence the journey back.
“You can… actually you know what you can drop me off in the business district!” a weight off your shoulders as he suddenly changed your plans for a smoother ride. Masking your relief, you asked for the handsome man to confirm.
“Are you sure? You will need to switch lines… once if I am not mistaken?”
As he ran a hand through his hair, fighting a pesky strand that was threatening to get into his eye, you took the opportunity to study him. Black shirt with a just barely visible patterned design, and the top button undone to reveal three silver necklaces, carefully selected to complement one another. Black trousers, a loose straight cut, falling onto the chunky black and white converse sneakers. And again, that damn perfume that you could not explain to your brain. You did not want to be creepy, but tilted your head towards the man to try and figure out what that mysterious note was. At least you had your question going for you, and your leaning in could be interpreted simply as interest in his response.
“True, but I have some business, ha-ha wow apt, to attend to in the area so…” did not sound like it, but you were not about to argue just when you were in hot water about your morning.
“Okay.” You rolled out of parking, and drove back out onto the street, now bound for your not quite beloved office.
Ever since Monday, you had cemented yourself as one of the first to arrive in the office, and almost always the first to arrive within your assigned team, which had definitely left a good impression on your manager who openly praised you for being so diligent – much to the dismay of the co-workers who enjoyed gossiping about you. But you could not care less since you and Yunho did the exact thing except in reverse. There were some benefits to waking up at hell o’clock, even if it came with socio-gastronomical sacrifices. Which apparently, Seonghwa made his mission to reverse as he sharply turned his head and made a pointing gesture.
“And I’ll buy you breakfast. Y/N don’t you dare argue with me I have access to some dark magic.”
“Here comes the airplane. Wildly effective. So, if you decline then do expect a projectile croissant.” He threatened, stifling a chuckle.
“What if I want to see a croissant fly?” you countered, shaking your head and gleaming, the greyness of the streets which you navigated not appearing so soul draining anymore.
“Well then I will organise that just for you.”
Seonghwa was not sure what had gotten into him, but his desire to step in and help was nearly unbearable. You were every bit a business person, rushing and dedicating your life to your career even if you did have friends and family. But as he knew from having been working together with someone who had an awfully similar mindset to you, such people often forgot to take care of themselves. It was as if you deemed yourselves either not worthy of time spent, or you never felt the need nor the appeal of caring. And if you were to be acting in the role of his wife, the last thing Seonghwa wanted to see was you masking a perpetual misery. You were striving for best behaviour when you were interacting with Nari, showing a playful and easy-going side of you that he thought that he would never get the chance to see again, and generally were working hard to impress his daughter. But it seemed that you needed a push in the right direction of how exactly you could make him even happier than he already was.
You were dangerously attractive when you were driving, he concluded. The unwavering focus on the road, paired with reflexive movements as you reacted to what you had probably predicted ages in advance was making Seonghwa unreasonably flustered, and he had to force himself to look at the lines on the road instead of constantly looking at you. You had been one of the few people in university who had been a ‘designated driver’, along with your closest friend through the years, since most of the others dismissed the skill as something for a ‘later time’ and not immediately important for studies. It had amused him when these same people would then beg for you to effectively become a carpooling service. Even more amusing was that you had always had the guts to decline.
Now, your driving style had gotten even more refined, more natural. It was clear that you had long passed the stage of novice driver, too many miles and experiences under your wheels to still be considered a learner. Cruising through the city, cruising through life. Seonghwa doubted that you would remember, but there had been one time when you two had been sat, just like this, listening to some indie music that you had said helped you focus. But now the silence you shared was heavier, the impact of every action having the potential to cause greater damage. As such, he kept the memory to himself, instead drifting into the pleasant rumble of the car engine.
Right when the sun washed over Seonghwa’s side of the car after having hopped out from behind a skyscraper, forcing him to flip open the visor, it hit you. Coffee. Of course that last note had to be coffee.
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With a croissant in one hand an a steaming takeaway cup of coffee in the other, mother goose in the form of a cheery Seonghwa ushered you towards your office, wishing you a good day at least twice, while you kept on trying to explain the best way to get to the metro station as, clearly, he had not planned his ‘business’ out in the slightest.
If you had been aware that his business was to make sure you had at least some form of nourishment and perked up to a satisfactory level, you would have probably thrown hands, so the young man had to resort to being cryptic, rocking on his feet, hands stuffed in his pockets as he said one last goodbye to you and followed your form as you entered your building, crossed a large reception area, passed some security turnstiles and finally, were swallowed by an elevator. So this was how this life was.
He closed his eyes and listened to the industrial noise. The whirring of cars all around him, construction of a new residential complex, designed not for aesthetic purposes, but to eventually raise the land price, the chatter of people who made the financial world, and as such the world itself turn, the whistling of a strong breeze that hit the top floors, zooming past antennae, wiring and air conditioning exhausts. A beautiful, cold world that he had previously imagined himself in. Seonghwa peeked out once again to take in the surroundings: the glossy windows, the sleek modern architecture and abstract expressionist sculptures installed in miniature street squares. Funny how, as he had seen you enter one of the many ant houses, a sense of clarity washed over him. This was your habitat. Your home. Not his. And he should not beat himself up over it. Especially when you were so much more passionate about it, and as such so much more deserving of the best space here.
You were there, behind one of the many windows, working hard for success. And now, he was part of that strenuous operation, at least by a fraction. That was what he could do, and how he could contribute. The possibility of you and him collaborating in enviable synchronicity was an exciting prospect, now that he could feel the space in which you worked. He could handle his tasks, you could handle yours – the domestic daydreaming left him breathless as he began to amble in a random direction, not taking his eyes off the bright blue sky.
Except his blissful state of ideation did not last long enough for him to plot as far as he would like. Two men in what had to be designer office wear were standing next to him at a pedestrian crossing, waiting for the light to turn green. But that in itself was harmless. It was the fact that the shorter of the two, the one who was explaining something very animatedly to his colleague, practically painting a scene with his hands, suddenly mentioned your name – each syllable resounding like a gunshot.
Could it be someone else? Maybe there was another Y/N out there, in this same district – there were thousands of people in these offices, so the chances were definitely not zero. But as Seonghwa discreetly listened in, it became clearer and clearer – these were your colleagues, and they were talking about you. And in a way that set off every single alarm bell in Seonghwa’s totally mission-focused brain.
“Look Yeo, I’m telling you she is super cute. And I don’t give me that look. So what if she agreed to a meeting only on Friday? It doesn’t mean you have zero chance.”
Sure you do. Seonghwa mentally responded, but furrowed his brows as he realised that he was being protective of someone who was not actually his someone, but a fake someone who, in reality, he was conducting questionable business with. Technically, that meant that you could date in secret – as long as it was hidden from the eyes of your superiors. Would you do it? There wasn’t exactly any infidelity to speak of if you did, since he was just an old college friend and a complicated present social tie-up. No. No you couldn’t. This kind of connection would risk your promotion, wouldn’t it? Whatever these fiends were plotting could very well ruin your career, and he, acting in the role of your husband, had to think of a strategy to put a stop to this.
“It just means that she is a busy woman, on her grind, achieving and thriving – just your type, isn’t that right?” the enthusiastic man who, much like Seonghwa, was dressed head to toe in black, and sported a long parted fringe that framed his beaming face, continued his encouragements. Except the mention of types, he was right, at least. You were busy. Too busy to consider them, so they should make their damn exit.
The stubborn light was still red as cars continued to dash past the trio. The man by the name of Yeo, which Seonghwa assumed was an abbreviation or a nickname, was good looking enough for him to be irritated. A muscular physique, with perfect skin and impeccably styled locks that highlighted his features that looked to have been sculpted by some aesthetic deities… yes, this man had to disappear out of yours and Seonghwa’s shared life immediately. Seonghwa did not need a man he ‘did not have to worry about’ right there in the same office space as you.
“Mm, right.”
A man of few words, huh? Maybe that was his problem. Then there was a chance that you would drop him fast as lightning – you liked your philosophical discussions, always did and if he could not formulate an opinion, he was automatically out of the game-
“But I do not wish to be a burden for her, Wooyoung. As much as I admire and respect her, I am only a slot in her timetable at the moment. And whilst I appreciate your support, we should remain realistic and pace ourselves.”
Shit. His voice was deep and dependable. And he had fantastic rhythm to his speech. Uh oh. Seonghwa suddenly wished that he was still in the café with you, and had, instead of letting you go to have the strong double shot of bitterness at your desk, insisted that you spent some more time together. Then he would not hear this atrocity, and since the café was not far from the building, they might have detected you in the shop front window.  Would have been a win-win situation. Alas, this Yeo, and his equally ambitious friend Wooyoung had to be combatted in more creative ways.
Seonghwa’s hands moved on their own accord as he took out his mobile phone, scrolling to the contact he had saved as ‘wife’, with not one but two upwards graph emojis as an ode to your job, and clicking the call button. As he heard you answer with a cautious, whispered hello and an elaboration that he should wait a second as you moved to a conference room, the initial wave of panic subsided and he relaxed into your tone.
“What is it, Hwa?” if only he could loop how you said his nickname and listen to it whenever he wanted… no, he must remain focused.
“Hey, Y/N!” he purposefully spoke louder, spotting in his peripherals that he had caught the attention of the duo. Their conversation had lulled, and they were pretending to be looking at the light to cross, but in reality, were tuning their imaginary antennae to pick up more of the conversation.
“Yes, ‘tis me. And we literally just spoke, what’s up?” he heard a sliding of a door, and the ambiance changing to that of a closed space, giving your voice more space to bloom and show its colour. Seonghwa smiled, stalling a bit before picking up a simple conversation topic, but pointing towards a mock level of intimacy that a certain Yeo should never reach.
“How’s the breakfast?” he refrained from chuckling as he saw Wooyoung appear particularly bewildered.
“Honestly it was exactly what I needed right now, I am already feeling so much better. Thank you for it, and for treating me, really.”
“Oh, not a problem at all! Anything for you.” Even though he inwardly cringed at the phrase, it seemed to have a desired effect on his audience who exchanged confused glances. At the same time, you moved the phone away from you and snorted in laughter.
“You sound so awkward right now what the hell? You good?” he needed to think fast. How could he avoid saying that he was ‘overstepping boundaries and barely a week into a fake relationship was acting lowkey possessive of you to the point where he felt the need to assert dominance over people who simply mentioned you’? That was right. What was going to annoy you enough to let go of his questionable behaviour?
“Uhm… well, could you point me in the direction of the metro again?” Bingo. The groan that you let out, and undoubtedly followed by a rolling of the eyes, was enough for him to confirm that you fully bought the little fib. He swore he heard that same man, Wooyoung, scoff, while Yeo remained suspiciously quiet.
“Are you kidding me? I literally just explained that from the café, you take a right, and then-”
“Ah, a right… so that’s where the problem is…” he continued, intentionally adding sprinklings of cluelessness to his act.
“You can’t be serious… Park Seonghwa where are you?” strict, but adorably concerned for his wellbeing, you asked.
“At a crossing.”
“What crossing?”
“There is a fancy fountain on the other side of the street.”
“You’re there? Damn, you know what, stay put, I will walk you to the station seeing as you are directionally challenged.” And with that, he could make out the sound of footsteps on a carpeted floor, a rustling as you probably pressed the phone to your shirt, distant ‘I’ll be back in a bit’ and, in a matter of moments, clicking and a much stronger echo to each sound.
“I’ll take that label and wear it with pride, Y/N. Then, see you soon, yeah?”
“Uh-huh, oh directionally challenged man. I’ll be there in five. Stay put and don’t get lost in the square please. Like, find a bench or something and don’t move.” A ding of an elevator. You ended the call. And now, each stride like that of a victor in a ruthless battle, he overtook the two men who were not so discreetly gawking at him, with the goal of finding some bench in the square to sit on and await your arrival.
Seonghwa thought that his performance was over, and relaxed into the seat that he had stumbled upon: partially in the shade of a green maple, but still welcoming some of the more amiable sun rays. But little did he know that, instead of this being an epilogue to the indirect interaction with your colleagues that threatened his pride, he had just inadvertently completed a tutorial, and now was in for a game of a lifetime.
“Uhm, excuse me? Pardon for my very rude behaviour, but I believe I overheard you mentioning a certain Y/N that works around here?”
Seonghwa raised his head, which had previously been resting on the back of the bench, only to discover that the two men he had perceived as a threat to his status, in particular that Greek statue in the form of Yeo, were standing right in front of him, expectant.
“Yes… I did indeed. And who are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Ah, before we introduce ourselves, would you confirm if this is L/N Y/N you were talking to?”
“…Yes?” Seonghwa stood up, in a last-minute effort to be polite towards the gentlemen, who only a few minutes ago, he wanted to erase from the planet, or at least from your plans. They accepted the gesture and gave him space.
The sun was beating down on Seonghwa more aggressively than before, making him wonder whether this was due to it actually getting hotter, or because he was more and more enticed by the idea of the ground opening up beneath him and letting him exit the conversation.  
“Right, sorry for the suddenness. It’s just that we are her colleagues. Well, from different departments but still. I am Jung Wooyoung. Human Resources.” A bow, another bow. Wooyoung did not look too pleased, clearly reading his every micromovement.
“I’m Kang Yeosang. Cybersecurity.” Passive enough, neither of the two cared enough to try and be threatening.
“And you?” Wooyoung inquired, raising his eyebrows.
“Ah yes, apologies. Park Seonghwa. Department not found.”
Polite chuckles. Dead silence. Wind whistling. Where were you? The three fumbled for anything to say, finally settling on the weather, and then moving towards neutral work topics. Evidently, Wooyoung had a lot more to say, and with each passing minute, the coil on which said questions were contained was being wound tighter and tighter, until it was ready to damn near detonate.
“What is this gang meet up, huh?” finally, you appeared from behind a tall hedge, your work pass hanging around your neck from a lanyard, swaying with each step you took. Once you approached the group, you looked at each member of the trio, pausing when you saw Yeosang.
“Ah hello! You must be Yeosang, right? I guess we are meeting sooner than expected.” Chuckling in pure corporate, you nodded in greeting.
“Indeed, we are. Nice to meet you.”
“So, Y/N, care to explain… this mister Seonghwa?” Wooyoung interjected, his curiosity getting the best of him.
This was deeply disconcerting, you concluded. There was an element to this ordeal that you were missing, and this element was crucial to understanding how Wooyoung was going to proceed. He was smart, perceptive. You could even dare to say ‘cunning’. And it was apparent that he had caught onto something, and was not going to let go until everything came to light. You bit the inside of your cheek as you glanced at Seonghwa, who was doing everything in his power to avoid eye contact. There was one clean way out, and one that was inevitably going to make you, and the man in front of you snowball into something only fate could decide the outcome of. While chances were slim, nevertheless you took the first option…
“Well, you already got to know one another. I’d say that’s enough. Now, I need to take this man to the metro so if you don’t mind, we will be heading over yonder-” …only for it to fail miserably as Wooyoung saw through you.
“Oh no, no, like… who is this? A friend? A boyfriend? I need details, you are having breakfast and stuff together… who is he?”
If looks could kill, then you would be a fake widow. It did not take much brain power to figure out that the conversation you had over the phone had been staged for whatever reason. And now, you were in a mess where your little sitcom for a promotion might shut down… unless you committed. Fully. Wooyoung was staring you down. Yeosang had one eyebrow raised and arms crossed, judging. And Seonghwa was only a few levels away from impersonating Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’. To hell with all of this. Deep breath in. Breath out.
“My husband.”
192 notes · View notes
magicstormfrostfire · 18 days
The Wild Hunt
Cynonari fanfic 🔞
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Don't worry, I’m here. Just tell me what you need me to do. Is there anything I can get out of your supplies?”
“No, nothing that will help; the rut won't break just doing things to myself.”
Cyno watched with curiosity as the hand that was clenched over Tighnari’s stomach moved lower under the blanket.
“And I don't exactly have another Valuka Shuna in my backpack.”
“Does it… need to be another Valuka Shuna?”
“...it doesn't have to be, no.”
Ch.6 Carnal Apple, Woman Filled, Burning Moon
9 notes · View notes
faegoddessog · 7 months
Woman in Red Ch. 8/17
Chapter 8: Be My Guest
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Series Summary: She's a very successful woman who can't seem to find a partner that can keep up with her. He is just wanting to find someone who likes him for HIM, not his fame. Neither of them are prepared for what hits them when she walks into that coffee shop.
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, outdoor nudity, Unprotected PiV (play safe ya'll!), butt plug, masturbation, vaginal fingering, unprotected anal sex, unrequited shower sex.
A/N: In this story, I make no mention of birth control or condoms or STI's. Please, darlings, please love yourself enough to protect yourself appropriately when you have sex. <3
Message me or leave in in a comment if you'd like to be added or removed from my tagged list!
@purejasmine, @slowsweetlove, @richardslady121, @austinbutlerslovers, @tadpoleteef
Here is the Woman in Red Masterlist
Here is the link to all my posted work: My Dirty Little, and not so little Stories.
Chapter 8: Be My Guest
Aya hears Austin’s stomach growling when she opens the bathroom door. 
“Geeze, I heard that from over there,” her arms drape around him from behind. 
“Yeah, I’m a growing boy you know,” he smiles, playing off the age gap, “do we have dinner plans for the evening?” he asks. 
“Of course, let me text…,” she grabs her phone, tapping with one hand, not finishing her sentence. Austin waits patiently, lightly rubbing her forearm.  
“OK, Dinner will be here in ten minutes. Hmmmm, whatever will we do with our time.” Aya tosses her phone and presses her mouth to his skin. She kisses down to that sensitive spot at the crook of his neck. She sinks her teeth in just enough and sucks. Her fingers play lightly at his nipples. Gooseflesh trails down his arms. 
“Oh, Mmmmm,” Austin’s eyes flutter closed. He had forgotten how triggering his neck was. He reaches around behind him and pulls her into his lap, cradling her. 
“You are incorrigible,” he whispers, hand on her jaw, “I fucking love it.” His mouth is on hers. His full lips softly playing on hers. 
They stay here, softly lost in one another.  Their lips and tongues tender, languishing in sensation. 
‘Ding, ding’ goes the door chime. Austin pulls away from her confused and looks towards the bedroom door. 
“So,” Aya sits up, nonplussed that someone just walked in her house unannounced, “you can either stay in here until she leaves, or put clothes on, she’s only 18 so… .” 
“Who.. what?” Austin reaches for his clothes, he definitely missed something. 
“Oh, sorry I must have had that conversation in my head,” she makes a face, grabbing a pink tank and pulling it over her head, “I do that sometimes. I have employed my neighbor's daughter to make us dinner. She takes care of Kato during the week and when I’m gone.” She steps into a maxi skirt, “She is a fantastic chef and as soon as she is out of culinary school I am going to hire her as my full-time personal chef.” She starts, barefoot, down the hall. 
“Oh, well I’m gonna use the restroom, then I’ll be out.” he calls down the hall, “Personal chef?” he murmurs, wondering just how wealthy she is. 
When he steps out, a feast has been laid out on the marble bar of the kitchen.  A dark haired teen, diminutive in stature is unloading the last of her bags. She is telling Aya the dishes at breakneck speed and with nary a breath taken. Austin leans on the wall just inside the hallway, listening and trying to follow along.  
“Sea scallops, obvi, and beef carpaccio with the Italian olive oil you brought me. God that is amazing stuff. Lobster ravioli with mushroom reduction, Yes it’s THE wine.” she shimmes her shoulders excitedly. “I know you SAY you don’t like it, but I brought a nice beluga caviar service, just in case it changes your mind, plus your date might like it. Really, Aya, you don’t know what you are missing. A nice cheese plate with some goat and sheep’s cheeses too because I know how you are. Then for dessert I tried my hand at basque cheesecake. I think it’s ok, but you tell me. Then I was debating some dark chocolate truffles, but they totally didn't work. I don't think I’ll ever be a chocolatier, so, knowing you need chocolate, I whipped up my dark chocolate mousse with raspberries. Who do you have over? I thought you didn’t bring dates here? They must be special. Oh hi Kato,” she follows the movement of the cat, turns and sees Austin leaning with arms crossed. 
“Oh HI! I’m…. “ she pauses,  “Wait… you’re…“ Her mouth falls open, rendering her magically silent.  The girl looks at Aya in astonishment. 
“Austin, this is Bee,” Aya introduces her. 
“Nice to meet you Bee,” he waves, his voice soothing. Dammit, his sister is right, he slipped right into 'fan mode.'
“You too, Austin, ” she recovers her voice, “Damn Aya,” she casts a sidelong glance at Aya, “You cougar, you.” Then back to Austin, “Listen, if you like my stuff, you owe me a selfie.” She smiles.
“You can have one right now if you want,”  he says with a little smile.  
“Oh no, I want to know if you like my food first,” she smiles, “I have priorities.”
“You let me know if you want me to come clean up,” she says to Aya, waggling her eyebrows. Then she whips back to Austin, pointing at him threateningly, “You had better treat her right or else.” 
“Yes Ma’am,” he says, nodding seriously. 
“Good… enjoy you two!” and she walks out the front door. 
“Wow, she’s…” Austin starts.
“A teenage girl,” Aya shrugs, “But just wait until you taste her food.”
They ate out on the deck under the stars. He was astounded by each and every dish. Truthfully, it was better than some of the fancy Micheline star places he’d been. Aya doesn’t touch the caviar and neither does he. He doesn’t  mind caviar, but he is planning on putting his mouth on hers later. 
“Text Bee and tell her I owe her a whole bevy of selfies.” he says after tasting her mousse. 
Aya just laughs. 
Bee comes back to clean up, getting pics of him eating her food, a few selfies and an autograph. He helps her clean up, he just can’t help being polite and sweet. “I like him, you should keep him,” she says to Aya as she leaves. 
Aya’s eyes go wide and her lips press together, “Bye Bee” she says tight lipped and trying not to laugh.  
Bee just giggles and walks out. 
Austin pours the end of the bottle of wine into their two waiting glasses and motions for her to lead the way. He watches as she peels off her tank top and tosses it on the couch. With a coquettish glance over her shoulder, she walks outside. 
“I love being naked outside,” she says as she grabs a glass from his hand, sipping. 
He glances around, her back yard is completely secluded with vegetation  on either side. The ocean beyond was down a steep embankment of rock. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been naked outside,” he sets his glass down and peels his shirt off. 
She raises her eyebrows, and looks pointedly at his lower half. 
He shrugs and pulls his joggers off, leaving them in a puddle  on the deck. 
A randy smile crosses her lips. She tilts her chin towards the couch. 
He sits down, wine glass in hand, sipping. 
He gives her skirt the same look as she sidles up to him. She puffs out a breath with a slight shake of the head. She drains her wine glass instead.  She gathers the hem of her skirt in her hands and straddles his thigh. He knows she has nothing under her skirt, he watched her put it on for christ’s sake. But the feel of her nakedness against his thigh is still exhilarating. He wasn’t quite hard before, but he can feel his balls tighten under her skirt. She was right to leave it on, sexier this way. 
Aya settles down, knees on either side of his hips. 
“Sasha, dim the lights please,” she speaks as though to someone in the house. The lights lower, even the outside ones
“Who is Sasha,” Austin looks side to side nervously, painfully aware of his nudity.  
“It’s the house, silly,” she grins, “I like the whole smart house thing, so I named it. Makes it more fun.” 
He huffs out a laugh and shakes his head in slight embarrassment.  His hands slide up her thighs to her sides, moving with the expansion and contraction of her ribs. His thumbs are under her breasts and he can feel  as much as hear the vibration of the low, sexy ‘mmmm’ rumbling in her chest.  He pulls her to him, flexing his quads.
She is licking and biting her lip, looking down at him. Good lord he is agonizingly fine.
“Now for the real dessert,” she murmurs into his mouth just before she kisses him. 
 She pushes away only to let him pull her pussy lips back again over his muscular thigh. She pulls away from his lips with an audible smack. Her head falls backwards as the moon peeks out from behind a cloud, bathing her prominent tits in ethereal silver light. She looks fae. He wouldn't be surprised if she sprouted wings, pointy ears,  and horns at this point. Her panting increases as does her hip movements. He is mesmerized by her use of him, even just his thigh. 
“God I want to fuck you more,” the words slip from between his lips. 
“Do you now,” she purrs, looking down at him, her eyes seeming to glow. “And how do you want to fuck me more,” she mimics his tone and cadence for the words ‘fuck me more.’
She moves to straddle his whole lap, his cockstand pressed between them, the fabric of her skirt catching on his tip.
“Any way and all ways,” he gathers it in his hands, the stretchy waist of the maxi skirt easily allows him to pull it over her head. “That’s better, I like you naked,” he lightly runs his hands down her frame. 
He angles his hips, pressing forward and up. She lifts up, but not high enough to capture his long cock, only paint the shaft with her juices. His face is a mask of torture.
“Do you want this pussy, Austin?” she asks, her hands lock behind his neck. 
He looks up at her, hunger in his eyes, “Yes, yes I do.” 
He knows he sounded a little desperate, but he just doesn’t care. It doesn't matter that he was in her an hour ago, he wants her again.  When her hot pussy blissfully envelopes his hard cock, he realizes he might never be able to get enough of her. She is a Venus that needs to be worshiped at all costs.  He refuses to take his eyes off hers as he flexes his glutes, pressing into her. Her forehead creases, little mewls of pleasure squeak from her. It just makes him want to fuck her harder. 
So he does. 
Her ample tits bounce as he thrusts into her. He bites his lip. Lord she feels so damn good, looks so damn good, is so damn good.  He’s gonna cum if he keeps this up. 
He fills her to the brim, ramming into her over and over. She holds herself up just a bit. She could cum like this. But then she remembers something. 
She rises to her feet, pulling off him mid thrust. His eyes flash with frustration for a millisecond.
“I believe you promised me an ass fucking, Mr. Butler.” Her voice is sultry and smooth. 
His chest expands slightly,  whether from exertion, the abrupt cessation of his pleasure, or the way that she said ‘ass fucking’, she doesn’t know. 
He wasn’t going to remind her, wasn’t going to force her to make good on his mad threat from last weekend. He is actually slightly embarrassed that he even said it in his frenzy of dark mojo. Thank the lord for the bottle of wine they had already consumed, liquid courage and all. 
“I did, are you cashing in on that promise now?” his eye brows raise. He’s not well versed in anal, he’s tried it once or twice, but he’s never had a partner that really was into it.
“Oh yes,” she breathes out, running her finger tips along his shaft, “if you are ok with that.” 
“I am,” he nods, his dark self flaring up, “ but I might need some guidance, I’ve not done it much and not with much success.” 
“I got you, Austin.” she holds out a hand. “C’mon,”  she leads him toward the still open glass doors of her bedroom. 
“Just so you know,” she stops in the doorway, “it’s my plan to make you lose your mind.” 
Austin nods, capturing his rich bottom lip between his perfect teeth.
“In that case, I should inform you that I want to make you forget everything but my name when you cum,” he winks. 
“It’s Austin, right?” she teases. 
He purses his lips in a smile and narrows his eyes, but says nothing. 
She walks to the drawer beside the bed, reaches in and pulls out a clear bottle with a pump top. 
“You ok?” she asks, she’s not sure why. 
“Oh I’m more than ok,” he whispers, stepping to her and leaning into a passionate kiss. 
Aya hands him the lube, ”I'll be back in a few. when I do, you’d better have that cock lubed and ready.”
“Oh, I’ll be ready,”‘ Austin promises, his voice barely above a whisper. 
She disappears into the bathroom. 
He smiles, shaking his head to himself. 
“Jesus, that woman…” he murmurs. He is so turned on, she just hits things in him like no one else ever has. 
He positions himself by the open door, so he’ll be silhouetted by the low lights outside. He stands sideways, his hand full of lube, waiting to hear her bathroom door open. He knows how to put on a show, if nothing else. He knows just how magnetic he can be, and he wants her dripping the moment she sees him playing with himself. 
Aya steps into the bathroom and blows a long breath out into the mirror. “Fuck me, he is so unbelievably hot.’ 
She hurries to clean herself inside and out. She brushes out her long hair. She debates slipping  into a pair of red crotchless panties and a red lace crop top, but then remembers him saying he liked her naked. She pulls out her pretty steel butt plug. She is about to lube it up and push it into her ass, then she has a thought. If HE puts it in, he will be well on the way to losing his mind. She smiles deviously.
She walks out with it and a towel in her hand, Austin is standing, back lit, in front of the door.  His lean form is situated with his side to her. His back is arched, hips pushed forward so his cock juts out. The entire front of his body is outlined in the sparkly lights from the deck as he strokes himself slowly. She can hear his breathy moans. 
“Oh… my,” she is barely audible and stopped in her tracks, “You are so fucking sexy.” 
Dropping the towel on the bed, she quickly closes the distance between them, pressing her mouth to his in desperate need. His free hand wraps around her back, feeling just as needy. 
“You are…” she hesitates, panting slightly, “are you trying to make me lose control, Austin?” 
“Oh yes,” he growls into her mouth, pleased at her reaction. 
She almost loses it, almost shoves him down on the bed to ravish him. Almost slides her legs on either side of him. Almost pushes herself onto that gorgeous cock. Almost. She takes a big breath, tensing her jaw. She is determined to stay in control of herself. 
“Come over here,” she hooks a finger around his and leads him to the bed, ready to play her own card in this game of sexy one-ups. 
“I need to stretch my ass a little, if I’m going to take,” she runs two fingers lightly  over his lubed cock, ”this magnificent thing. So I got out my favorite butt plug." She holds it up for him to see, "I hope it's big enough." She holds it down near his hard cock, comparing the sizes. His breath catching in his throat is all the response she needs.  She climbs on all fours on the tall bed and holds up the plug. 
“Do you want to? Or shall I?” she says with a wicked glance over her shoulder. 
“Oh, well,” his eyes widen, taking it from her. “I’ve never… but I’ll try.”
“Be my guest,” she leans over and switches on a string of hanging lights that adorn the back of her bed. They give enough light, but keep the mood sexy. She leans her head down, ass up, opening her legs wide.
“Good lord that is a sight,” he murmurs.
He drips lube onto her exposed asshole. It’s a little cold, as is the steel, but it feel oh so good as he rubs it around in the lube and against her tight ass. 
“Just go slow, Austin.” she says 
“Yes, Ma’am.” he starts pushing. 
She inhales sharply, her mouth open.
He pushes harder then relents, her ass pushing it back at him. 
“Oh god yes,” she moans, fisting the sheets. 
He smiles, ‘who’s gonna make who lose all control?’ he thinks. 
“Fuck me with it.” she says, looking over her shoulder, eyes hooded in desire. 
Oh Dammit.  She is too hot all bent over and just the right height, he could fuck her just like this. No he will fuck her, just like this. He slides the plug in and out, going deeper each time. As it nears the drop off point,  her ass grabs it and pulls it from him. 
“Fuuu-uu-uu-uck” she says,  rocking her hips, letting the weight settle. 
“God that is hot, babe,” he breathes, hand caressing her round cheek. 
She pulls herself up on her knees and turns around to look at him with a lopsided smile,  “‘Babe?” her tone questioning. She shakes her head, she is not doing a good job of managing expectations here.
“Uh… well…um,” usually quick with a retort, his brain is completely derailed with how sexy she is right now. On her knees, looking over her shoulder, her hand fondling her own ass. Her hair flows down her back, begging to be wrapped around his fist. 
“You wanna fuck me with it in…Babe?” her words are slightly taunting, but her body, eyes and tone say something completely different.  
He crumbles at the sexy, wanton look on her face, not even registering her tease. “Oh, yes Ma’am,” he hears himself say.
She smiles, knowing she just knocked another notch from his self control.
”How do you want me, Austin. You want to be able to see it? Play with it?” This is not her first rodeo, she knows men. 
Holy hell how does she know exactly what he is thinking?
“I want you in every way, darlin’”, the way ‘darlin’ drips from his lips all southern-like is intoxicating. What’s better is that he doesn’t even seem aware that he’s doing it.
She is suddenly too turned on to care what he calls her. They reach for each other, lips crashing together hard and passionate.  His hand captures her breast, her spine twists to meet him. The heat in the room blazes between them. 
His cock is throbbing and he can’t help but hump against her hip. Fuck he needs her and right now, to hell with control. He pushes her back onto all fours and then manhandles her by the hips, pulling her back to meet him. The silver steel of the flange glinting at him in the tiny fairy lights. He rubs his lubed tip in her wet folds, groaning at the warmth. He nudges forward into her clit just a bit while pressing the stopper with his thumb. If the shaking of her hips and her soft throat-born moans weren’t enough to clue him in, the arching of her back and the pressing of her ass toward him was.
Holy shit, she had forgotten how much she liked being tossed around like this. Then to feel his tip entreating entrance? Fuck she wanted him now, control be damned. Her clit and ass pulse together straight  into her core as he touches them. He pushes, slipping his head into her wet folds.
The bulge of the plug presses against him. Like the plug going into her ass, once his head gets past the roundness, he feels sucked in as her pussy contracts around him. He can feel it slither up his spine. It doesn’t stop until he is deep in her. Even then she seems to want to draw him deeper.  He jostles the plug slightly. He can feel it moving against him, feel the vibrations as he taps it. Her moans of pleasure egg him on. 
She is so… full. His cock deliciously stuffing her pussy. Her ass hugging the steel of the plug. 
“Please, Austin, fuck me, please,” she moans. She means it, and she also knows that one of the two best ways to make a man go crazy is to show him how needy you are for him. 
“Begging for it, huh?” he teases her, pulling back “Ok, but only if you cum on my cock, can you do that for me darlin’.” 
Fuck, there it is again, that hint of southern gentleman laced with the promise of dirty deeds. 
“Uh-huh, just, my god, fuck me, I need you,” her breathy voice pleading. The other way to drive a man to delirious passion is to cum for him, on him, in front of him, because of him. 
He chuckles behind her ear and wraps her hair around his fist, making her wait.   Then he thrusts quickly, using his grip on her hip for leverage. 
She squeals out a tiny ‘oh’. He thrusts again and again, his growl reverberating low in his chest. 
Reaching between her legs, she can feel him entering her and how dripping wet she is.  His rhythm gets steadily faster, harder.  Her ‘oh’s get louder, more explosive as each plunge into her clicks her gears tighter and tighter. 
She knows her body well. One minute on her clit will set her off. She lightly flicks her swollen nub.
“You are so fucking hot under me. No one could even come close to how fucking sexy you are.” He means it too. Austin is not new to women. He knows the effect his voice has, using it to tell a woman just how sexy he finds her is his secret weapon.  And good lord, Aya takes the cake on being sexy as hell. 
“Oh fuck I’m gonna…”  she groans. She is suddenly shivering; arching and curling her spine in an explosive and sexy version of  cat/cow. Her pussy is clenching and unclenching on his cock. She fucks herself on him. Low wordless, moans flow from her. He comes perilously close to creaming her pussy. The pressure from her plug is almost too much. Luckily she jerks off of him to lay face down on the bed, panting and shivering. 
He smiles knowing he made her cum first. He can't help but reach out and tap the plug, she groans and twitches. 
Then, unexpectedly, she says, “Pull it out, I need that cock.” She lifts her hips up to him. He pulls on the plug, slow and steady. She is rubbing her pussy, her fingertips peaking out from between the bed and her cunt. 
“Fuckyes, fuckyes! Oh. My, God!” she almost cums again as it suddenly slips out. He puts it on the bedside table.
She rolls over, her eyes clouded with lust, her arms open. “Come’re” her voice sounds almost angry as she crooks her fingers at him.
She envelops him in her arms, pulling him down, desperate to feel his body along her own.  Her mouth is greedy against his. She wraps one leg around his waist and pushes against the bed with the other, flipping them over.
She sits up on him like a tiger in the jungle, ready to pounce. She pumps lube into her hand, then wraps it around his cock. She looks for all the world like she is stroking her own cock between her legs. It’s deliciously provocative. 
“You sexy mother fucker, I am so … oh .. god… you,” she says with a shaky breath. He is a fucking muse under her.
His hands clamp down on her thighs as his hips lift up into the friction of her hand
“Oh yeah? Well I …. You… are… fuck,” his cock bounces in her hand.
Neither of them are able to form full sentences. The lust is thick and palpable. 
She nods at him, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.  He nods back, not trusting his tongue. He is nervous. She reaches behind her with a lubed hand, smearing it on her asshole.
“Hold still,” her voice is commanding "I'll have to go slow at first."  'Torturously slow', she thinks. 
He’s never seen anyone so hot as she is at this moment. She leans forward, holding herself up with one hand on his shoulder. The other holding his cock tight against her hole. It takes everything in him not to flip them and rail her into the mattress. But he is willing to take orders, especially from her. He can feel her sphincter tight around his head as she slowly eases down onto him. He is shaking, trying to control his body from thrusting into her. Her ass is unbelievably tight, he didn’t know it would feel this good. 
Holy hand grenade, he feels so damn big in her ass. She is breathing though the stretching, she knows if she can get him in and relax, she will adjust. Panting out little breaths she finally makes it down his cock. She pauses there, forcing herself to relax with long breaths. 
“You ok?” he asks, trembling. He is so sweet. 
“Yeah, just give me a minute,” she breathes,”you are… big.”  
A red blush rises to his cheeks and he huffs out a breath, looking down and away. 
“Are you being shy?” her eyes narrow playfully as she leans forward slowly, moving on him. “Austin, darling, your big, gorgeous cock…” she can’t help but moan, “...is b- buried, in my tight, little, ass.  There is no room for shy now, sweetheart. 
Apparently they call each other pet names now. 
His jaw is set as he looks up at her through his long eyelashes. His tight little moans accent her movement. He is determined to not thrust as she slides up and down on him a few more times. 
She stops with him deep. His face is scrunched up trying to keep himself in check. Even so, he is utterly breathtaking. She leans down to kiss him. He involuntarily moans at the forward movement. 
“Oh look at you, all that control,” she taunts him, a slight panting to her breath, “when I know you just want to ramrod into me until you fill me. You wanna watch my pussy grasp at nothing as you fuck my asshole? You can,  I’m ready for it now.” she whispers in his ear.
“Oh… you vixen. I may ruin you,” the glint in his eye sparks as his lip curls into a smile, his hands clamping down on her hips. 
“I dare you to try.” she smiles slyly at him. It’s always better at this point, when they can take control. 
For a split second, Austin considers teasing her back. Pushing her off him and not giving her what she so clearly wants. But where is the fun in that? He locks his hands onto her hips and in one motion, rolls her over in the big bed still buried in her ass. 
“What I want, is to watch you come undone on my cock,”  he tries an experimental slow thrust into her. 
“Oh I will, OH! “ she moans below him with her head back, tits pushing forward, wrapping her  legs around his waist, pulling him further into her.
“Ohmigod.. so tight,” he moans as he rides her slowly. “Can I… are you?… fuck it’s so good, Aya.” He is lost. 
“Yes and yes…” she nods, “and you are right, it is.” God he feels so fucking good.
He continues to move slowly, just luxuriating in the sensations. His arms thread under hers, his hands cup her head. He shakes a little as he pushes in, inhales as he pulls back. It is so completely intimate. 
She is giving herself over to it, matching him breath for breath. Her fingers digging into his bulging upper arms. It feels so damn amazing. All her senses are focused on the friction. On the in and out of his cock. It winds her slowly tighter and tighter. She is about to reach between them to get to her clit. 
“I want to see it,” he says simply and suddenly. 
He sits back on his wide knees, pulling her with him. Her hips tilt and he nearly slips all the way out. 
“Oh fuck it’s so good Austin!” she moans loudly as he pushes back in.
“Fuck that is hot” his fingers casually pet her wet labia, exploring. Her pussy is engorged, open and willing. Her clit is glistening, beckoning for his touch.  His eyes are glued to their joining. 
“Oh lord, Austin,” she clenches, even the lightest touch magnified. 
He watches her pussy wink at him, he smiles deviantly. Pushing his cock deeper. 
“I’m gonna finger this pretty pussy now,” his voice is deep and authoritative, “and you are gonna cum.”
With a nod, she feels his ring and middle finger slide easily into her dripping pussy.  He begins to steadily work her.  Her eyelids flitter as he pushes and pulls his cock in her stretched asshole. His opposite thumb trails down her inner thigh and alights upon her clit, tracing a soft circle. It feels beyond amazing. 
“Oh, oh, oh” each separated by a panting inbreath. She opens the eyes she didn’t realize she had closed to see him staring at her. His nostrils flaring with lust. He looks dark and predatory. Patiently, steadily and inch by inch ensnaring her into orgasm.
She is like a mythological siren under him. Every whimpered vowel, every heave of her chest pulls at him. Her very being seems to be begging him to abandon his steadfast approach and just have at her ass. He will, he tells himself, as soon as she cums. He will pound his cum into her. It won’t take that long, she feels so damn divine. It’s like her tight little hole makes him feel bigger, more sensitive. It’s wild. 
Her breath begins to come in rapid gasps. Her hands grasping the back of her knees. She curls up, body straining to cum. 
“Please harder! Fuck me harder!” she begs.
 He refuses, keeping her on that sweet edge for just a little longer. His thumb, however, can’t help but flash across her clit. 
She is poised at the brink, in that maniacal place of almost. She wonders, in the back of her mind, if she’ll pass out before she cums, what with all her panting. His cock fills her ass over and over. His fingers burrow in her pussy, are there three now?  Then his thumb sparks across her clit and there is no more precipice to balance on, she is cast into the abyss. Her whole nervous system ablaze, lit up with his cock, switched on by his fingers.
“Austin, Austin, AUSTIN YESSS AUUUUUS-TIIIN!!" she screams from the depths of her soul. 
He’d heard women scream his name before, on the street, in bed, at red carpet events. He had never heard his name quite like this. It was primal, like a wild incantation. It triggered him deep in his primitive brain. It pried opened an inner damper as she squirted all over his hands. LIttle flecks of moisture peppered both their stomachs, her inner thighs and the root of his cock. His wet fingers dig now, into her thighs. His body let loose, he rages into her, slamming his hips against her ass.  
She keeps screaming “YES! YES! YES!”
He was right. It doesn't take long, or does it? Time has lost all meaning, only reaching the edge and leaping off it with her matters. She thrashes, trapped under his demanding body. She cums and cums, Jesus how much. 
Finally he thrusts deep, pumping his cum into her shaking ass. His ‘ugh’ begins as a whimper and cascades into a deep vibrating growl. His hips give a final jerk into her.
With the sudden cessation of his thrusts, Aya can feel his cock throbbing in her ass. She pants, strung out on vivid pleasure. Her eyes flutter open to see him above her, head hanging forward, his mouth hanging open. His fingers still clamped onto her thighs and shaking. He lifts his gaze to hers. They are both just shocked at how good it is. They stare at one another each trying to find a way back, an anchor point. She moistens her lips, dry from moaning and panting. The corner of her mouth lifts in a half smile. He returns it, licking his own lips. He moves to back away and pull out. 
“Wait!” she grabs his hands and he freezes, “go slow.” 
He nods, looking down at her empty swollen cunt. She reaches between her legs, rubbing her clit side to side with rapid strokes. He pulls out so slowly. It feels so fucking good, her pussy clenches, releases, clenches, releases. She shakes, cumming yet again, spine undulating. Her voice hoarse with moaning. When he is out, she curls up on her side, eyes closed, breath shaky. 
“Hey,” he curls up in front of her, “you ok?” He has no idea if this is normal or if he hurt her. 
She nods, trying to recover her breath. His arms wrap around her, holding her steady. She presses her forehead to his chest, needing the grounding. 
“Yeah, that was just… intense and fucking amazing,” she finally says.
“Mmm hmm,” he nuzzles into her hair, inhaling her scent.  
“Come on, we need to shower after that,” she says after several minutes. 
“Hmmm, yeah,” his voice is sleepy in her ear, but he pushes himself to sitting. 
Aya goes first, just wanting to wash her body, not her hair. Austin slips into the big walk-in shower with her, soaping up her back. She turns around to kiss him, his soapy hands gliding over her torso. 
“Lord you are gorgeous Austin,” Aya says, ”It feels like a travesty, to have you in my shower and not have the energy to fuck you, that’s twice now.” 
“You take my breath away, Aya,” he says simply. “It’s ok, we can take a rain check on hot shower sex.” Again with the promises of more to come.  
Aya is standing in the doorway, the cool night air raising goosebumps on her naked skin. Moonlight streaming in. She turns to see Austin step out of her bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. Yup, a total travesty. 
She had offered him one of the guest rooms, but he said he preferred to sleep with her. She liked the idea of his beautiful self merely an arms reach away all night.
“If I wake you by riding your morning wood, will you mind?” she says both cheekily and seriously. 
“Not unless you mind me doing the same,” he smiles. 
“It IS the best way to be woken up, that and ba- ay -ay con,” Aya yawns. 
As he curls around her from behind, Kato balled up at their feet, she thinks just how good this feels, how much she has missed having something like this.  Before she drifts off, she quietly smothers her inner voice, the one that is reminding her of personal vows made long ago.
Austin feels her deep breaths, feels her fall asleep. He gently brushes her hair away from her neck.  It’s been a long time since he felt anything like this. Like a kid in love. Sure, he’s cared about those others, but this feels next level.  
‘Why am I having these feelings? Jesus, who is this woman?’ he thinks to himself. ‘It’s just an orgasm-induced oxytocin release, Austin, calm down,’ he tells himself. ‘Yeah but no,’ is his internal rebuttal, ‘I don’t think it’s just that. She is so… I don’t know… just...more. Maybe it’s just the newness of it all.  Well, I can either run for the hills, or wait and see how this all plays out.' He shakes his head, heaving a big sigh,  just before a well deserved sleep overtakes him.
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oshinohoshi · 2 months
Oshi no Ko Ch 157 thoughts
I'm a little late but I enjoy throwing my thoughts at the wall so here we go. I have several not so positive things to say, however I want to start out with the things I liked.
The Ruby/Aqua sibling dynamic as well as the twins' relationship to Miyako is just so wholesome
Aqua drying Ruby's hair is a cute throwback to interlude 4. It's sweet that Aqua is still keeping this up
The twins making Miyako dinner is everything. I figured this was a semi-regular thing and I'm glad to have it confirmed
Now to address the elephant in the room. The reader may be wondering why it's been 14 chapters since The Kiss and nary a reference to it, but the truth is, there was no kiss. It was all a fever dream
It's hilarious that the incest plotline is so flimsy when it's been such a huge focus from readers as well as people who are only aware of OnK because it's "that incest manga" (love that)
I never wanted AquaxRuby because it veered away from the sibling dynamic I enjoy and then there's the weirdness of them having been an adult and child in their past lives. Plus, a romantic relationship would likely lead to codependency and isolation
However, it's going to be a thing, then make it a thing! Explore the repercussions of incest in a real way
I also hoped for a parallel between Ruby using the word "gachikoi" to describe her feelings for Aqua and how Ai's fans did the same to her. It felt like the perfect opportunity to dig into the positives of obsessive love for a celebrity/person, such as how Ai brought joy to Sarina's painful existence, as well as the negatives which got Ai killed and caused Ruby to regress to seeing Aqua as Gorou. I guess that was too much to ask for
As for Aqua's reaction to the kiss, I'm not sure that we'll ever see him reject Ruby to her face which is disappointing
It leaves us in the funny position of AquaxRuby truthers pointing to this chapter as confirmation of their ship and everyone else scratching their heads as to why Akasaka is baiting them
Somebody please tell me why we got four pages of recap because I don't get it
As for the chapter placement, it's just beating a dead horse to talk about how strange it feels, but it does. Sure, it's the calm before the storm, but it seems like it ought to take place after the resolution of whatever Nino is up to
Ruby is wearing a shirt with the word "garbage" on it. I have no further comment
I just spilled a lot of word about things that bothered me about this chapter but I actually don't dislike it. The cuteness of it mostly outweighs the rest.
Next week: Melt chapter because why the hell not at this point.
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chthonicgodling · 4 months
an Elysium Drama Update!
ahem that is, another textual Elysium drama update, in my hopes and dreams I want to draw things SO MANY THINGS but I have many things to draw first and i have zero energy lately so. TEXT POST disclaimer this did get very very long what a shockerrr but woo
recap: here. Crucial to read that first! (and its linked predecessor!) *our timeline is all fucky wucky right now: Elysium time has been like. a day. two days.
Tory and Maci divided and conquered through the palace to try to scope out if Loki was like, hiding in another room. he is not—oh my god he is not. he’s really gone. Elysium Loki-pregnancy number 3 officially 3 for 3 on cryptically panic vanishing.
cat was kind of let out of the bag as mentioned in my last informal update when Tory stumbled upon Vali, Nari, Eisa, and Einmyria and accidentally told them about the baby. (not who the other parent was!) AND NOW, here’s what’s happened since, ending with where we are right now which is a genuinely unexpected and pending hilarious twist of events! READ ON✨✨
So, aforementioned four Lokikids went off to convene another Sibling Meeting with Rane about newfound baby info and Loki’s REAL disappearance while Tory went off to find Maci. did we find him?!?! no, says Tory very quietly. Maci’s whole face falls she’s now in tears. (“…He really left…?”) okay.,, well. NOW what do they do?????
Tory mentions that some of the kids know what’s going on now and that they were calling a meeting together; maybe they could pop in and see if the kids had any ideas on how to find Loki so they could all work together. okay great plan! Only problem: this is a TOP SECRET meeting.
….Problem quickly solved by ambushing Libby (worst liar of the litter) in the hallway.
Unfortunately when Libby returns from asking Rane if they can join, Rane’s apparent answer was not even a no, it was an ABSOLUTELY NOT. too fucking bad though— Tory and Maci follow Libby and crash the meeting.
it is here that Maci and Tory — and we, the eagerly watching distressed audience — now discover some things about the LokiKid clan:
1: hilariously, Rane is in charge as self appointed leader. - she is 11 years old yes. ruling with an iron fist. No one questions this, not even much older and bigger brothers Fen & Jör, who are present through this meeting as looming figures OVER HER SHOULDER backing her up. Rane is holding court.
2: less hilariously and actually very upsettingly - this may be the worst possible moment to discover, in a crisis, how apparently most of Loki’s kids seem to FUCKING HATE TORY AND MACI. oops! uh-oh! Especially Rane and Vali, glaring the most predominantly.
After a tense stand off with Rane (finally with Tory desperately threatening to pull rank on her to let them attend this meeting; Rane’s response, dryly: “Don’t bother. Your titles carry no weight amongst the children of Loki. We only humor you to be polite.”) Eisa and Einmyria convince Rane to let THEIR parents stick around, also helped along by Tory finally telling them that the new baby on the way was sired by him.
…mass shock. Oh so MACI drove him out?!??! QUICK reassurance that no no no she’s on his side now she’s just as devastated that he’s gone— no one’s really even buying this and tensions grow.
Because well, the kids want him back but THEY know the drill. Loki leaves when he has babies. He’ll send for THEM eventually, privately, but he’s not to be disturbed - certainly not for Tory and Maci, eeeugh. Rane (and Vali) are the most coldly vicious about this but lmfao all of them are kindave in agreement, at least no one’s correcting them. They go back and forth, Tory trying to explain in increasing frustration - the baby is Too big and Loki is weakened. Loki’s a fucking idiot and running from his problems and is not in a good mental space. They love him they need him he has to come home. He just has to.
But Rane, and on behalf of her siblings in a United front, is having none of it- YOU KNOW WHAT some choice canon convo snippets and oh my god I desperately want to draw this REMEMBER RANE’S 11 AND WEARING A FUCKING TOP HAT - btwwww Rane’s ALWAYS been like this, in my brain. this is her very first opportunity to shine! ahem,
Rane: “How arrogant it is to presume he’s better off with you, of all people, than caring for himself.”
Tory:  “Is he better off without us?”
Rane: “Well. My father’s judgement of his own circumstances is absolute. Seeing as he’s no longer here, you tell me.”
Vali: “Well, here we are. He always has reasons for fleeing as well.”
Maci: “Your father’s an anxious self-destructive wreck, who we love and care about. His judgements and reasons historically suck, and he needs to come back home.”
Rane: “You especially have no business seeking his return. You’re an enemy of my family. And now you’ve driven him away.”
melting melting melting AHHHHHHH
this back and forth goes on and on until finally LIBBY interrupts, watching this whole thing timidly as newest Lokikid, adjusting to the dynamic;
what happens, says Libby, if we don’t find him and bring him home?
well, worst case scenario, says Tory, is injury to the child; to Loki himself; or both. Maci points out that he could end up losing his powers and stuck somewhere where no one can get him, as he had lost his powers during pregnancies before (Rane herself even.) suddenly the gravity of this all hits home when Nari points out that their pantheon can die - Loki could DIE. childbirth is an injurious death. Suddenly, it’s not a matter of what Loki would want (they know what Loki would want, to be left alone) but what’s BEST for his well-being (bringing him HOME). Reluctantly…,,, the tune changes. Vali is the last onboard, but Rane’s word is absolute (lmao).
…Fen also admits he was going to look for Loki anyway regardless of this meetings outcome.
So! How to find him? Finally, the kids share with Tory all of Loki’s usual hiding places. Across realms, though with a baby he’s probably too weak to do this. Often in the upper world, cloaking houses in disguise and blending into Midgard. And finally, in the POCKET VOIDS of the Underworld……..
IMPORTANT INTERLUDE! Now, the pocket voids are an Elysium canon thing. When Loki magically fused with the Underworld long ago, the aftershocks of the magical turnover created many little spaces and gaps “between” physical spaces of the Underworld. They’re almost impossible to find, shifting and infinite, private and discreet. …unsettling and empty. Kind of a collection of “backrooms” of the Underworld, liminal spaces that no one but Loki, as accidental creator, can get into. Only Loki knows how to thoroughly navigate them.
The existence of the pocket voids was discovered when Thanatos escaped back in 2013, I promise I’m going somewhere with that thought. as this was a series of areas that Thanatos was able to escape to. well how was Thanatos able to get into those himself?? I’ll get to that. :3
For now, back to the present — so, Rane assigns her siblings to look for Loki. Vali and Nari are adept at haunting the upper world and could potentially find him up there; Fenris and Jör can travel between realms; the other kids can spread across Elysium, the Underworld - finally as for those pocket voids- still hold that thought! Anyway!
The meeting disperses with Rane refusing to give Tory and Maci an assignment to look for Loki. oh you’ve done MORE than enough, she sneers. Just wait around for him, if you really must. ….ummmm Firstly never forget that Tory’s got JUST as much as a temper as Maci does - it’s just.,, downplayed due to how much time he spends next to Maci, who is worse fgkfkf. But here now, Tory, angry and upset, demands to know exactly what he’s even done?! This isn’t fair!
Rane responds,
“What have you done? You’ve driven our parent away from here - the harder you cling, the further he runs. Not with any of us - but we know him better than you do. And though he may come and go, as through the births of myself and many of my siblings, the child you’ve given him could properly kill him, and now he’ll have to be dragged back against his wishes. Furthermore, you’ve inserted yourself into a private gathering of which you’re not welcome.
We will handle this. Your involvement is no longer needed beyond what you’ve already begun.”
Tory snaps back,
“He consented to having the child. Everything I’ve done was performed with Loki’s permission, gathered beforehand to avoid this situation, but he ran anyway.”
and Rane, coldly,
“That’s your fault for believing him, then.”
S… so.
Both of them fuming and… hurting and trembling,, Tory takes Maci’s hand and retreats with her. They make it as far as their bedroom before Maci bursts into tears (“Holy fuck, that was horrible”), oscillating between raging at how that had gone, the fact that Loki really fucking left; to devastation, over the helplessness they feel and the fact that Loki really left.
Tory makes it as far as Maci choking out that she doesn’t know what happened “he was happy! I thought he was happy.” before Tory is also quietly in tears (and blaming himself! probably because Rane told him this was his fault!)
and so Maci and Tory spent the evening clinging to each other, ANXIOUS about Loki’s wellbeing, furious that he’s gone, and above all, utterly, utterly, heartbroken.
so…. currently.
Let’s lighten the mood - Return to those pocket voids.
There is actually one other person besides Loki who can get into those - NOT Thanatos; in fact.,
the ONE other person who can access the voids is CHAL.
First discovered by Chal when she was on the run from Ker long long long ago, Chal has always been able to break into, reside in, and teleport through the pocket voids of the Underworld (and had brought her father there during his prison break Shh oops). It’s where Chal was finally discovered and “captured” when they brought her to the Elysium house. Though she hadn’t known it until very recently, it turns out that Chal’s realm of Reincarnation - a slipping of shades across the thin life and death veil - has granted her unprecedented access to slipping across the thin veils of the spaces of the Underworld itself. Though she can’t NAVIGATE them like Loki, she’s always been able to get into them, and is the only person besides Loki himself who can.
Now here we are back during that meeting where, all potential Loki hiding spots are covered except for this one; the biggest, and the one Loki is probably most likely to actually be in.
Libby volunteers Chal to look!
(chal, notably NOT present during this meeting)
here lmao actually, another canon snip:
Libby: “Chal knows how to get into Loki’s pocket voids, maybe I can look with her.”
Rane:  “Ugh, no. Your horrid rude sister isn’t going to do any favors in courting Father back.”
Einmyria:  “Hey, that’s our sister too! …Agreed, though.”
Tory:  “Maybe if she took Bel with her as a buffer?”
Libby:  “Sure, he’s slightly better.”
Slightly lmao 💀And so here in current canon!!! in a truly shocking turn of events!! of ALL FUCKING PEOPLE, Chal and Bel are currently looking for Loki through the voids!!
will they find him?!?! will they convince him to come back?!?! IS THIS THE MOST INSANE LEFTFIELD TWO MESSENGERS TO SEND AFTER LOKI??????? I can’t believe this but it is SO good! currently:
Chal: “…Loki used to— Loki was a fucking, supervillain. Isn’t Loki fucking dangerous? Is this dangerous? Is he going crazy in a fit of fucking rage? What if we have to fight him? I, I can’t win against him in a fight. I don’t even know if I know how to fight anymore and I can’t do magic.”
Bel: “He hasn’t been overtly malicious in a long while.”
Chal: “Maybe he turned overtly malicious while he was running away. Maybe he’s gonna be in a real overtly malicious fucking mood about me and you trying to talk to him.”
some very welcome brevity from Maci and Tory sobbing in each others arms around the gap in the bed where Loki was though. again I do want to draw any of this but!! IN NO TIME SOON SOOOOOO
HEY SORRY I DID SAY this was ALLLLL AN excuse for ANGST….. PHEW!!!!
and so if you made it to the end!!!! first of all jfc gbless ily. second of all: STAY TUNED!’ updates of course to follow!!! maybe art one fucking day too fgfkfkgkkgkgk
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prettyhobii · 1 year
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Six weeks later
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Day in, day out.
Nari hasn't been able to get a goods night sleep in weeks.
She felt dirty, she felt used. This wasn't what she wanted, taking her clothes off for old men who bought twenty minutes of her time.
Sure the money was good, but the multiple sexual assaults along with the occasional fights made her feel worthless.
But still she kept up with her deal to Soomin, and worked everyday. Stripping.
Every week she sent most of her wage to her siblings, Jennie and Rosé came over to Nari's apartment last night. For what they called an "intervention", they tried their best to give back the now increased money their older sister sent them, while Felix, their younger brother FaceTimed Nari every night from his training at Hybe.
"We're doing okay Nari, we have money, but look at you. Let us help you for once."
She declined. Obviously.
Back at work, Nari was stripping for a group of elderly men, who we're definitely not afraid to try to touch her.
She didn't care, the drugs she took earlier seemed to calm her in situations like this.
Lisa was now working at the bar, for a higher salary then Nari was stripping, but Nari didn't care. She was just glad Lisa didn't have to do the job she does now anymore. Lisa was a sweet girl, she didn't deserve it. None of these girls deserve this.
"Come on baby, give us a bit more," one of the men jeered from her left, as another groped her from behind.
"Don't touch me." She warned, her eyes narrow with hate at the drunk men surrounding her.
"Don't be a prude, come on, be our slut for tonight huh," another pulled her closer to him.
Nari had enough. Even the drugs couldn't calm her for this one. She turned around rather quickly, and slapped the man, who dropped his drink in shock.
"You fucking dirty whore, how dare you slap me," he pinned her down by her neck, tightly blocking her airway.
Nari hit back, in an attempt to get him off of her, while the other men took his as an opportunity to film and Assult her.
"Okay gentlemen, times up." Soomin walked in with a rather large smile on his face.
"This bitch slapped me, teach your sluts some manners before I do it myself."
Soomin quickly apologised to the men, before grabbing Nari up harshly and dragging her out of the room.
He took her into the back, where he himself slapped her harshly.
"Listen here you fucking bitch, one more wrong move and You're fired. I'll hire your sisters, I'll make their lives a living hell." He hissed, slamming her against the back wall, "when men ask you to do something, you fucking do it." He snapped, before kneeing her in the stomach.
Nari groaned and fell to the floor.
Soomin quickly dragged her back up to her feet by her hair, "you will fucking listen. If you don't listen to me. I'll get those bastards back in here and I'll kill you with them." He whispered to her as he slammed her back against the wall in a chokehold. "You're nothing but a dirty slut. This is your last warning."
Nari nodded as she was thrown to the floor in a fit of rage by her boss.
"Now wipe your tears, and get yourself back outside, I have a group waiting for you."
Soomin left, leaving Nari on the floor, half naked and crying. A red mark left around her neck, and bruises from earlier from the men that attacked her.
Now she truly felt hopeless. She knew she didn't want to be alive anymore, but she had to. She couldn't leave her siblings, especially not when her parents are still alive.
She quickly prepared herself for the new group, before putting on her signature fake seductive smile on her face, and walking outside towards the bar area.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Are you sure this is the place?"
"Are we even sure this is an actual vision?"
"It is, I told you. I saw this girl in my dream last night. She's ours, I swear to you."
"Okay, but what if it was just some weird sex dream, maybe you just miss having sex with a girl."
"Maybe you should shut the fuck up Jungkook, I know what I saw."
The seven boys made their way into the club, not knowing what it was. They drove thirty five minutes just because of a dream one of them had about a girl who worked there. He was convinced she was their final soulmate.
"Yes gentlemen, what package are you wanting?"
The boys looked between themselves, before Namjoon spoke up.
"No package, we just need to speak to one of the girls that works here."
"Sorry guys, you have to choose a package to speak to one of them. Can I interest you in number twelve, you get a choice between eight girls, and an hour session."
Namjoon sighed, "look we just need to talk to someone, she has dark hair, brown eyes, and what else did you say Jimin?"
"Be a bit more descriptive? Most of our girls look like that," Soomin rolled his eyes in a playful manner as he downed the last of his whisky. "If you want I could show you the girls we have, and you could pick from there, but you would need to purchase a package."
"Whatever, give us the longest session, just show us the girls." Yoongi snapped, rolling his eyes as he leaned against Hoseok, who looked a little nervous.
"Right this way."
Soomin took the boys into a different room, it was quite large, velvet purple seats, a large pole in the middle of the room, champagne on a table to the side; with a picture of eight girls all piled together.
"Take a look through these, see which one you want, and let me know." Soomin stood by the door, arms crossed whilst Jimin quickly looked through the pictures of the girls.
Right at the back was Nari's picture. Jimin recognised the girl from his vision instantly. "This is her, we want her."
Soomin narrowed his eyes as he saw Nari's picture being held up by the younger man.
"Are you sure? We have much more experienced women in our selection, women that aren't as new." He said, expression tight and fixed into a nasty scowl.
"Just give her to us." Namjoon gave Soomin a stack of cash as a payment, and leant back against the velvet.
Soomin nodded, counting the money before leaving the room.
The boys looked at Nari's picture,
"She's very beautiful, but are you sure that she's the one from your vision though?" Asked Taehyung, as he poured himself a glass of champagne.
He took one sip before spitting it back in the glass, "tastes like piss, don't try it."
Jimin grimaced at his soulmate, "I wasn't planning on."
"I'm nervous," said Jungkook, "what if she actually is our soulmate, what do we do then?"
"Oh so now you're nervous?"
"Yes. What if she doesn't like us, or what if she thinks we're too forward. I'm scared."
Jin leant over and kissed the youngest's head, "no matter what happens you have us, okay?"
Jungkook nodded and softly leant into him for comfort, as the others just admired the rare sight infront of them. Usually Jin and Jungkook argue or joke around with each other, this was unusual to say the least.
Moments later, Nari walked into the room.
Jimin breath hitched as he instantly recognised her.
She was wearing a black two piece, a short crop top, showing off quite a bit of her cleavage, and a short skirt, along with heels which showed off her legs.
Soomin quickly walked in, put his hands on Nari's shoulder, which for some reason made Jimin very angry.
He whispered something to Nari, making her nod quickly, her eyes glancing up to the corner of the Ceiling in the room.
"Enjoy," he simply said before making his way out, closing the black curtain behind him.
Nari, who didn't look any of them in the eye simply got to work. The quicker this was over the quicker she could get paid and go home.
She grabbed ahold of the pole and began swirling herself around on it.
"You don't have to do that for us, you don't have to do anything." Namjoon spoke up, "we just want to speak to you."
Nari thought for a moment, before looking up at the camera at the top right corner. She rolled her eyes to herself before she continued doing her job.
"Please, sit down."
"Look, I can't. I'd love to. I don't want to do this," Nari murdered, "you see the camera up there?" She glanced up at it, "I'll be in deep shit if i don't do my job."
Namjoon nodded, seeming to understand he let her continue, trying his best not to get overwhelmed at the sight infront of him.
"Are your initials M.N?" Jimin asked randomly, as he moved his fingers gently over his mark.
Nari stopped. She looked over at Jimin, "why?"
"Are you?" Asked Hoseok gently, as he two instinctively touched his soul marks.
She didn't say anything, instead only nodded slowly, "why?"
"I'll just say it, because we need to know. We're soulmates, and Jimin," he pointed to the red haired man sitting on the left side," saw you working here in a vision. We all have M.N as a soulmate, and we think you're her." Yoongi said confidently, as he leaned back with his arms crossed.
Nari ignored what he said and continued doing her job, she began taking off her clothes, starting first with her top, as she showed off her figure to the seven men infront of her, who sat wide eyed.
"Soulmates or not, you payed for this. I'm under a contract to give you what you paid for."
She walked seductively past each boy, but got dragged onto one of them accidentally as he grabbed her arm.
Yoongi turned bright red, as his half naked soulmate sat on Hoseoks lap right next to him.
Feeling an unbonded soulmate so close to him made him feel all of the urges he felt with the boys. It was clear to him now that she was indeed their final soulmate.
"I'm so sorry," Hoseok said, helping her off him, "I just meant to see your marks.
"You can't see my marks." Nari simply said.
The boys looked at her puzzled.
Nari grabbed hoseoks arm, pulling him up against her, making him insanely overwhelmed and hot at what's happening.
"You can't see mine, but I'll let you know wether I am or not," she said with a straight face.
Walking backwards, dragging Hoseok along with her, she placed him directly infront of the camera, so she couldn't be seen.
"Wheres your mark?"
Hoseok gulped, "on my chest."
Nari nodded, "of course it is." She felt herself internally facepalm. Way to make things awkward.
Slowly, she lifted up Hoseok's shirt, and touching where his marks ware. She traced her fingers softly over her initials, which transformed into her snowflake mark.
"It's true," Nari smiled at him, "I'm your soulmate."
Hoseok, who's face was red with blush smiled back at her, as he leaned in for a hug. Nari dodged it, cringing to herself as she saw his smile fade, she didn’t want to make this seem unprofessional to her boss.
"Look, I get you just wanted to find your last soulmate, but I'm not allowed."
"What do you mean you're not allowed?" Asked Jungkook as he got up from his seat.
"I can't say," Nari sighed, as she pressed herself up against the wall seductively.
"Come with us." Namjoon said, as he stood up to leave.
"That's not an option for me, I want to. Believe me, but I can't. I have things to do. I need to earn a living."
"We can support your every need," Hoseok said, standing back up on his feet, making his way towards her, obviously feeling the effect of the bonding process already. "Just come with us."
"You don't even know my name."
Nari turned to face Jimin, who was standing directly behind her.
She narrowed her eyes in shock.
"The vision, remember?"
“And why couldn’t you have told us her name in the first place?” Yoongi asked with an irritated scowl. “Would have made the whole finding her process easier.”
Jimin simply grinned at Yoongi, shrugging his shoulders before being interrupted by Nari.
"Listen, I want to. You guys seem great, but I seriously can't."
"Atleast give us your number, we don't have to be in a romantic relationship," Jungkook said shyly, "I mean you've already started the bonding process with Hoseok, so it's only fair to keep in touch with us."
Nari sighed, but agreed with the boys. She didn't have many people to talk to anyway, so perhaps it would be nice to have some friends for once.
She quickly typed her number discreetly into Namjoon's phone, before the boys ended their session early, most of them being shy, leaving her with a little wave, Hoseok however kissed her cheek gently.
It wasn't long, but enough for them both to last a few nights without physical affection from the bonding process.
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