#ch: the tempter
dreadreflection-if · 2 years
Character Playlist: Uriel
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1donoow · 1 year
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
<a/n>i somewhat explain why there's alot in my pin post
obiwan kenobi
Poe dameron
Din djarin
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obiwan kenobi
@galaxysiegefics - fluff headcannon
@absolutelyferal - bouquet
@dameronology - obi wan + a chaotic s/o
@underratedcharactersimagines - Being in a secret relationship with Obi-Wan would include
Poe dameron
@plainemmanem - your mine
- ___
@queen-of-elves - you think im cute?
@budcooper - ___(medic!reader)
- ___ (badass mandalorian!reader)
@starryeyedstories - ___
- ___
@dameronology - I'll push you back
- the one where you have to babysit the child
- to all the pilots i've loved before pt.1
- the one where he's your safety husband
- random poe hc
- insomnia
@rabbitfxxdinsxmniac - headcannon
@poedamern - headcannon/scenario
- you need practice, sweetheart
@dailyreverie - let me know if there's anything I can do
- how long are you staying for
- seeing you in a new dress/suit
- the knife
- trick or treat
- ___
@supernovafeather - the hidden nest
@ozarkthedog - ___
@writefightandflightclub - A cut above the rest
@spilledkauffie - asking you out
@geo-winchester - ___
- wait for it
- best friends
@usercecilia - at ease
- dating Poe Headcanon (Solo!Reader)
@ichorai - golden age
@starrys-night - nsfw alphabet
@stormkobra-5 - ___
@spider-starry - level of concern
@just-a-bit-of-a-nerd - that's not mine
@maeby-bby - smut headcannon
@multific - some kind of fairy
@beeslibrarycorner - poe dameron dating hc
Din djarin
@buckyhoney - early morning
@the-archxr - kar'taylir
- daylight
@makrokosmuss-blog - the mandalorian falling hard for you would include
- soft for you
@star-whores-a-new-hoe - headcannon
@writerlyhabits - headcannon
- ___
@letterfromvienna - ___
@thefuckinsandes - headcannons
@mandelirious - more than a feeling
@forever-rogue - ___
- ___
@whirlybirds - reunion
- reunion
@lavendertales - tempter
@misscampacyn - Imagine Omera doesn’t know that you are engaged with Din
- Imagine you and Din take off your gloves for the child
- Din wanting you to talk to him.
@blkgirl-writing - as you wish
@simp4hotch - learning mando'a
@spilledkauffie - dad!din djarin
- the pearl princess ch.1
@maeby-bby - smut headcannon
@kyber-kisses - children of wrath pt.3(jedi!reader)
@oliviajdjarin - comfort headcannon
- warmth
- breathe
@fabricated-misslieness - ___
@current-interest-writings - grogu learns first aid
- every baby needs a mom pt 2
@thesealard - family
@pedrito-friskito - sweet like sugar ♡
@firstofficerwiggles - grogu's teacher pt.4
@agremlinwrites - a mother ch.1
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stonewallsposts · 2 months
Jane Eyre- What Temptation looks like 
Vol II, Ch 7 is the chapter covering when Jane has returned to Thornfield after discovering that Rochester was already married to Bertha. In this chapter, Rochester tries to convince Jane to stay. I’ve been thinking, nearly every time I read this, that it might be good to do a breakdown of the various ways and methods Rochester attempts to dissuade Jane from her course of action. This acts as a guide to how temptation works in our lives. Sometimes others perform the part of the tempter, as does Rochester here; and sometimes we do it ourselves with our inner dialogues- also known as rationalizations or justifications.
This first thing Jane does is asks herself: What am I to do? 
Her mind immediately answers: Leave Thornfield at once. 
Her passion says: I can't do it. Or… I don’t want to do it.
Temptation is a desire to do something wrong or unwise. There is no temptation unless you really want to do something, but you know it’s wrong. Jane loves Rochester and loves the situation she has at Thornfield. She is respected and loved and treated as an equal. Essentially, she has found a place. The dilemma is that while she wants to stay, she knows she can’t stay with him as a lover, when he is already married.
The initial consideration occurred by herself in her room. She thought it over, but decided she need to leave.
Rochester enters the scene, and he will attempt to counter her reason, and get her to decide based on her passion.
Rochester, upon entering says he had expected a tirade but didn’t get it.
I’m not sure what to call this, but it’s a way of deflecting a reaction. It’s saying: oh, cool, I thought you were going to come at me with a frying pan, but I see you’re calmer.
He asks Jane’s forgiveness, and she grants it on the spot.
Seeking forgiveness by being appropriately repentant is of course, the first thing we ought to do when we are in the wrong.
Rochester tries to kiss Jane and she refuses. Rochester questions her and asks if she has decided to reject him because he is married, she says ‘yes’.
Rochester seeking a kiss was a first step to smooth things over. But forgiveness isn’t the same thing as just carrying on as if it never happened in the first place. Some things can be overcome like this easily enough. But Rochester’s situation- being already married, is not the sort of thing that can be overcome with some kisses. In fact, as Jane understands, a kiss in this situation is an attempt to ignore what can’t be ignored. The essential problem hasn’t been removed. It can’t be ignored.
Rochester says Jane is scheming to destroy him.
Rochester attempts to make Jane feel bad by transferring the problem to her: SHE is scheming to destroy HIM. Rather than acknowledge the real problem: she can’t stay around someone she loves, who is already married.
He badmouths Bertha. Jane says he is cruel since she can’t help her madness. He says that’s not the issue, he would not hate Jane if she became mad.
Rochester accuses her of misunderstanding why he is saying these things about Bertha. Perhaps if he can convince her that her own reasoning is faulty, then her objections can be overcome.
He promises to take Jane away from Thornfield.
Rochester still isn’t acknowledging Jane’s position: she can’t stay in the relationship with a man she loves, when he is already married. Instead, he offers to simply remove themselves from the situation so they can pretend it doesn’t exist.
He tells her to listen to reason or he might have to try violence. Jane replies that she will hear him out, reasonable or unreasonable.
Rochester’s attempt to scare her into submission is crappy. But Jane’s willingness to at least hear him out is admirable.
Finally, Jane breaks down and cries. Rochester softens his attitude, and leads with: So you don’t love me then? Jane is cut by this, and confesses she does, more than ever, but this must be the last time she expresses it.
Rochester attempts to guilt her into changing her mind by equating her need to leave as “you don’t love me”. This cuts Jane. She knows it’s not true, but it clearly carried some weight with her
Rochester asks if she can live there daily and still be distant. Jane admits she cannot, and THAT’s why she must leave. Rochester agrees she must leave, but promises to live with her in a different spot as man and wife.
This one is tricky. Rochester turns this around on Jane by agreeing with her: oh, you’re right, of course you must leave…. Then adds that he had no intention of staying here. They would go someplace else. This is a reiteration of what he had already said earlier, when he promised to take her away from Thornfield.
Jane counters that she would be nothing more than a mistress in reality.
Rochester begs for pity, which distresses Jane.
I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures: Rochester ditches pride and hopes to overcome Jane’s refusal by begging.
Next, Rochester tries to convince Jane why he not really married. He must only explain himself, and then Jane will see it like he does. He explains he was pushed, and duped, into a marriage with a lunatic, by greedy, manipulative family. In this situation then, he reasons it would not be correct to see him as married, as one might normally be considered married. Sure, he went through the ceremony, but there was so much deception involved, that the contract can be essentially considered null and void.
Rochester mentions that after this, he wandered Europe hoping to find a wife. He says he sought a wife among all kinds of women from Russia, Italy, France, Germany, but found none. Nor was he looking for rank or fortune, he simply sought a woman who would suit him. He then tried dissipation, but found no enjoyment in it. Then he tried mistresses, but that didn’t turn out well.
Rochester uses this to set the stage for his discovery of Jane. She can feel special because he went through such lengths to find happiness after the disappointment of the first union.
Rochester then recounts his own feelings about Jane: she had stayed with a perseverance, and spoken with at kind of authority. He noted Jane’s pleasure in her tasks, her smile and her hope. While she spoke to him, she was mindful to not commit any blunders, but she was also keen, daring, and had a glowing eye; she had penetration and power in her glances and ready answers. She quickly adapted to Rochester and felt the sympathy between them, he recognized how her manner improved him. Without going into every detail, Rochester noted Jane’s excellent qualities and how they improved him.
Rochester then focuses his attention on Jane, and her excellent qualities, particularly how they are of such that they have the power to raise him up too.
Jane begs him not to dwell anymore on this past. He counters that she is correct, they should look to the present and future. Jane is troubled that he is trying to overcome what she knows to be right.
Rochester her tries again to take what she is saying, and use it to dovetail into what he wants. She of course doesn’t want him to dwell on the past, since she knows she will have to leave him, and she doesn’t want to have to wrestle with it since it would only muddle the clear path she knows she must take. He attempts to say, of course we should dwell on it anymore since, you know, this great love we have holds so much for the future.
Rochester pleads with her to understand where he is coming from: he had been tricked and essentially denied love, and now he has found it- they are one and should be together. He apologizes for not revealing the truth earlier, but knew she would be too strict. But he then asks her to forgive it and come with him.
Jane acknowledges the ordeal: She could not hope to be loved more. She absolutely worshipped him. And yet she also knew she had to go.
Rochester promises to be hers.
Jane replies she will not be his.
He questions this, and adds a kiss to soften her, but she still stands firm.
Rochester then accuses her of wickedness; “It would not be wicked to love me”.
She responds that it would be wicked to obey him in this.
Rochester then says he will have no hope.
Jane tells him to do as she does and find his hope in God.
He tells her that she will not yield, she is condemning him to live wretched and accursed.
She counters that he should live sinless and tranquil.
Rochester tells her that having snatched love and innocence from him, she is flinging him back on lust, passion, and vice.
Jane counters that she does no such thing. We are born to strive and endure, he as well as her, so do it.
Rochester says he calls her a liar because he said he shouldn’t change and she is telling him he should. Then he claims that her ideas are perverse when they drive him to despair merely to avoid transgressing some human law, when no one is injured by it, since she has no living relatives to be offended by her living with him.
Jane admits to herself that her reason began to betray her. Her feelings were clamoring for her to change her tune: just cave in and bring the man some comfort because who cares for you? Who will be injured by what you do?
Then she reasons: I care for myself. She promises to live by her principles and leave the rest up to God. “Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this.”
Rochester reacts physically… stomping across the room, then grabbing her and holding her… but he sees she is unbreakable. He pleads with her more, but Jane, recognizing there is nothing left to be said, moves towards the door.
Here he breaks down sobbing. Jane returns to him, strokes his hair, and addresses him for his kindness before she leaves.
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thepeacetea · 5 years
Broken Angels Ch. 5
Hi everyone! Sorry this one came out a little later, but here it is. Though I do have to say, I don’t know where you guys got the idea that Marinette is Jason’s sister. I don’t think I ever remember saying that. Oh well. Anyway, thank you all again for the likes, comments, and reblogs. I tried to tag everyone, but if I missed you, just send me a message and I’ll get you next chapter. You all really seemed to enjoy the last chapter, so I hope ya’ll enjoy this one! Again, if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, let me know. Hope ya’ll enjoy! Peace!
“I swear, if you don’t get out of my way right now, I will kill you! NOW. LET. ME. GO!”
It wasn’t the threat that caused the family to pause. No, they received death threats everyday. Nothing new there. It was the pure rage, desperation, and panic that radiated off Jason that caused them to hesitate. They had never seen him like this. Sure, they had seen him angry, they had even seen him worried. But they had never seen him panicked. Ever. No one, that is, except for Alfred. As he watched the young man yell and threaten his family, his brothers, Alfred was reminded of the one time Jason had displayed that same amount of panic.
It had been three weeks since the boy had been in the hospital. Three weeks since Master Bruce had found him in that ally beaten half to death. Three weeks since he had been in the coma. Alfred had been coming in faithfully for those 24 days like clockwork. He would arrive precisely at nine and leave when visiting hours where over. Bruce would occasionally come for an hour or two and Dick had dropped in once or twice, but most days it was just Alfred. Most days he would just sit in the room and read. Nothing changed for three, long weeks.
It was around 4:00 p.m. on day 24 that the boy woke. The subtle shifting was Alfred’s first indication that he was waking up. The soft groan that followed almost made the old man smile. If the boy was feeling pain, then that was a good sign. It meant he was healing. The boy forced his eyes open and for the first time, Alfred looked into the blue eyes of the newest member of the Wayne family.
The boy blinked a slowly a few time, carefully shifting in the bed to scan his surrounding, muttering something that sounded like ‘Nettie’. Confusion flashed across his face as he surveyed the hospital room before landing on Alfred. For a moment, Alfred let the boy just look at him, giving him a chance to collect himself before speaking. But he never got a chance to.
In a split second, the boy’s eyes went from clouded with confusion to recollection. Alfred watched as the boy’s eyes grew impossibly wide as panic leaped in.
“NETTIE! WHERE’S NETTIE?” the volume of the question was more on tune with a scream then a shout as the boy shot up from his position, fully intending on leaving the bed.
“Sir, you need to calm down. You’re in no condition to be walking.” Alfred stated, rushing forward to prevent the boy from getting up.
The shouting caught the attention of the staff. Nurses and one of the doctor’s came running in a panic. They were greeted with the sight of the comma boy wide awake desperately trying to get out of bed, while his temporary guardian was trying to hold him down.
“Kid, listen. You need to calm down. You just woke up from a comma. You’re still healing.” One of the nurses said, rushing to help hold the boy down.
“NO, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! I HAVE TO FIND NETTIE! SHE’S OUT THERE ALONE AND I NEED TO FIND HER! I HAVE TO FIND PIXIE! I NEED TO FIND MY SISTER! NOW! LET! ME! GO!” He ordered, the panic giving him enough strength to throw the nurse and Alfred off him and into the wall.  
The doctor used that momentary distraction to his full advantage. Moving faster then the boy, the doctor injected a sedative into his body. The thrashing he was doing speed up the reaction as his body started to relax.
“No, please. I have to find her. She needs me. She needs me!” The boy said, his voice cracking as tears made their way down his face. “. . . . I need her.” he whispered the last part before his body relaxed. Forcing him into a state of forgetfulness.
As the medical staff buzzed around the boy, Alfred just looked at him. The boy may be asleep, but he wasn’t forgetting. The whimpers proved that. He wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon.
“Jason, we are not going to let you go out to do god knows what until you tell us what is going on.” Master Bruce’s voice snapped Alfred out of his memory. “And I think a good place to start is how you know that girl.”
“Yeah, its not like you’ve cared about accident victims before.”
“Or anyone for that matter.”
The last statement was from Damian, who had said it in an attempt to snap whatever state of panic his brother was in. Though he may not admit it, he was concerned for his older brother. Panicked was not something Jason ever was, and it honestly scared the youngest. He knew that it would snap him out of panic, but no one was ready for what it snapped Jason into.
Jason’s eyes flashed from panicked blue to almost murderous. If looks could kill, then the family would have been turned to ash. Everyone, including Bruce, fought the urge to step back. Jason never was one to keep his tempter in check, and the family had seen many explosive episode, but none prepared them for what they were seeing. To see Jason go from laughing, to panicked, to looking ready to murder them, in under the course of a few minutes, was terrifying.
“How do I know her? Why do I care?” he hissed, his mouth pulling back into a snarl, eyes flashing dangerously. “She’s my f*cking sister! That’s how I know her!” He yelled, his words echoing off the walls of the manor.
“I thought . . .  I thought she was dead for seven years. Seven! Then I see her on the news after almost getting killed by that frecking driver looking like someone’s been beating her! So get the hell out of my way!” he shouted, his voice hitching slightly at the mention of her injuries.
“Jason, think rationally for a moment. It’s late. Even if she still was at the station, they wouldn’t let you in. They would be monitoring everyone who’d go see her. Only her legal guardians could, even then, they would be under scrutiny because of the state she’s in. If you go down there like this, with no form of prof of your claim, they could very well arrest you under suspicion of abuse.” Bruce said, physically putting himself between Jason and the door. He spoke low, logical. It wasn’t quite his Batman voice. No. But it worked better.
For a few, very long seconds, the two men stared at each other, neither breaking contact. Both tense, ready to fight. Jason’s fists shook with pent up energy, his entire body taunt. The silence stretched from seconds to a minute, with no one daring to move.
“ . . . you have a sister?” Dick finally asked, breaking the tense silence with the question everyone had.
“Nettie. My little Nettie.” The confirmation came almost without thinking, Jason’s eyes never leaving Bruce. “She was always so tiny. No matter how much I tried to feed her, she never grew. We were both convinced she had some pixie blood that prevented her from growing. But what she lacked in size, she made up for in heart. Tch, her heart was always too big, ‘specially when I first met her.”
“You look cold.”
The tiny voice startled Jason. He almost thought he had imagined it as it seemed to blend in with the wind. Looking up, he found an incredibly tiny two-year-old girl staring at him, wide blue eyes blinking slowly. The kid’s face was red from the cold as the bitter February wind tore through the streets of Gotham.
“What?” He hadn’t meant to ask that. It just slipped out.
“I said you look cold.” The tiny fairy said, waiting for an answer.
“That’s because I am cold.” Jason growled. He didn’t have the time or the patience to talk with this kid. He was trying to stay warm. He had gotten kicked out of his last place and he hadn’t been able to find a new one to hole up in. He didn’t want to spend time talking with an over curious kid.
A tug on his sleeve brought his eyes back to the girl. She was tugging on his coat sleeves, trying to pull him up. While she obviously couldn’t, Jason was a little impressed at the strength she did seem to have.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his brows scrunching together at the girl’s actions.
“Well, you said that cold so I’m taking you to my house. It’s not very warm, but warmer then out here.” She grunted, still trying to pull Jason to his feet.
“Thanks kid, but I don’t think your parents would be too happy with that.” He explained, gently pulling his hand out of hers. She seemed sweet. And caring.
“Oh, I don’t have parent’s, so they wont mind. An’ I have blankets an’ some food an’ you can stay with me.” She said, a cheer in her tone that caught Jason by surprise. This girl, this two-year-old was on her own and offering him, a total stranger, to stay with her.
“Kid, didn’t anyone tell you not to talk to strangers? And how old are you?”
“I’m five. An’ yeah, I’ve been told not to talk to strangers. But you’re nice. You won’t hurt me.”
“Really, and makes you think that?” Jason asked, momentarily ignoring the question of why a five-year-old looked so small, and focusing on why she thought he was safe. Her answer surprised him.
“Your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
“Yup. You have good eyes. You . . . care even if you don’t show it. You’ve been hurt before, but you still care what happens to other people. And you don’t always follow the rules, but you do what you think is best. You do what you have to do. You’re good.”
That answer shocked Jason. This little girl. This tiny, pixie like five-year-old, was telling him that he was good, that he was worth something. She was too trusting. Too soft. Something tugged at his heart at the thought of someone taking advantage of her.
“Alright you pixie, I’ll come with you. But just for tonight.” The words were out of his mouth before he could even register what he was saying. The smile she sent him seemed to make the air a little warmer, but it fell after a moment.
“I’m not a pixie, though. Pixie’s are pretty, and nice, and magical, and I’m not.”
Seeing how she seemed to shrink into herself, Jason felt that tug again. Smiling, he knelt beside her, gently guiding her chin up to meet his eyes.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. You’re tiny, just like one, you have the most uniquely beautiful blue eyes. And you seem pretty magical to me. You where able to tell I was a good guy just by looking at my eyes. And you’re offering me a place to stay, and that’s really nice. So yeah, I think you’re my pixie.”
For the longest time, the girl just stood there looking at Jason, as if trying to see if he was telling the truth. Finally, that same, heart warming smile made its way back on her face.
“I . . . I guess you’re right. But if I’m your pixie, can you be my big brother?”
‘Big brother?’ Those word caused something to tighten in his chest. He didn’t know how to be one. He had no idea how to care for someone younger. He wasn’t exactly the safest person to be around. He was in trouble more often then not. But . . . she didn’t have anyone to look after her. And she was too trusting. She needed someone to look after her. He couldn’t just leave her after everything he just said. The coil in his chest just tightened, agreeing with everything his mind thought of. Glancing at her, he found her looking at him with so much hope shining in those eyes, that he knew there could only be one answer.
“As long as I get your name, pixie-pop.”
“Marinette, but everyone calls me Nettie. What’s your name?”
“. . .Jason.”
The smile that she gave him sealed the deal. He was going to be her big brother. He was going to protect His pixie.
“Well then Nettie, lead the way.”
 @mystery-5-5 @captainmac6 @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @mochinek0@sonif50 @zalladane @thebananathatwrites @schrodingers25 @kuroko26 @miraculousbelladonna @souleaterlicestein @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @ijustwannabecanadian @ellerahs @ranger-paladinikoe @xxmadamjinxx @derpingrainbow @sassy-spocko @vixen-uchiha @mjisntme @iggy-of-fans @violentbisexualprophecywriter @valeks-princess @crazylittlemunchkin @redscarlet95 @alexzandria-747 @ayuchan07 @whomthefyck @rhub4rb @constancetruggle @rikku052 @kurogaya913 @shizukiryuu @spicybelladonna @zazzlejazzle @luciferge @mewwitch @emotionalsupportginger @grunklestantheman  @my-name-is-michell @northernbluetongue @chez-pezeater @shamefullove @goggles-mcgee @gingerdaile @zebrabaker @tinybrie @bluefiredemon @tbehartoo @god-is-dead-and-so-am-i @shyestofhearts @darkthunder1589 @fridayfirefly @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @yazi-ing @lunar-wolf-warrior @ladylb @vivilakitty @ghostcryptid @casual-darkness @yamadochie @thatrandomfandomgirl @mindfulmagics @myriad-of-passionate-pettiness @violatiger8 @seraphichan @synnesstra @friedchickening @kiara-rose-blackthorn
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jane-ways · 5 years
Of Things Made to be Destroyed, Ch 1
Read it on AO3 and SWG!
Title and description from Fuckmylife666 by Against Me!
In fairy stories, the kind he used to tell his nephew, the handsome prince sees the beautiful princess and falls instantly in love. She is radiant, and he, burning with passion, strides purposefully towards her, mind made up to ask for her hand in marriage. They dance, because they are at a ball (these sorts of things always seem to happen at balls), they kiss, and then they are married, and live happily ever after. (“What happens in the happily ever after?” Celebrimbor had once asked. Caranthir, stuttering, had told him to ask his father.)
This was not a fairy story. The first time he saw her, she was little more than a blur covered in blood and filth as he swept past her on horseback. In the back of his mind, Caranthir registered that she appeared to be the person in charge, and after his initial assault drove the attacking orcs back, he turned his horse, searching her out amongst the rabble. She fought close to the front lines, screaming orders to her soldiers above the din of the wind and rain, voice raw with the kind of fury that most often masks fear. (Something in the ragged edges of her words caught his notice, and he heard in them first his father and then himself.) He made to catch her eye and saw he had already caught hers. (Well, Caranthir reasoned, trying not to make too much of it, he was a mighty Elven lord on horseback who had just swept in from the rear with half his cavalry. Eru knew what he seemed like to this mortal woman.) Riding up to meet her, he spared no time for pleasantries and cut straight to the point, shouting the first words of his message even before he had quite reached her. Belatedly, it occurred to him that she might not speak Sindarin. He prayed that by some miracle these people had encountered friendly Avari who might have passed on Thingol’s language.
Luck, it would appear, was on his side. Slashing at an orc who had broken through the defensive line, she shouted back her reply over the howling of the wind. Battle plans thus agreed on, she returned her attentions to the orc as Caranthir charged forward to his soldiers once more, surging into the fray.
By the time the battle was over, the storm had subsided to a drizzle, no less damp and miserable but at least less noisy. Picking his way through the uneven ground, Caranthir guided his horse around the bodies of the dead and injured. Mannish and Elvish soldiers alike scoured the battlefield for fallen comrades, either to tend or to bury. The orcs they left. The woman stood a ways off, surrounded by a contingent of other Men, whom he guessed to also be women by the obvious swells of their hips and chests. (He wondered if perhaps that was why Men seemed to take so much stock of whether one was male or female—those being the only two options, as he understood it, although in truth he found Mannish sexual dimorphism, and the extent to which it seemed to govern their genders, their societies, and their daily lives, utterly mystifying.) With Elves he would not have so easily known, but then, with Elves it would not have mattered. Perhaps these women were considered more suitable counselors or bodyguards for a female leader? Or perhaps this was a society governed by women? Had Findaráto or the twins mentioned any tribes of the Edain with matriarchal systems of leadership?
His thoughts thus occupied, Caranthir did not notice when his horse failed to stop completely as he dismounted. Tripping ahead with the forward momentum, his leather riding boots slipped in the wet mud, and he stumbled with an “oomf” directly into the woman’s outstretched arms. Peering down at him, she blinked. For the first time, he could see her face clearly, and he found himself preeminently occupied with the sheen of sweat and rain on her skin, and how it seemed to glimmer as it rose in thin wisps of steam into the cold air.
She coughed politely and he realized with embarrassment that he had been staring. “You, ah,” he stuttered, “you fight well.” Regaining his composure, Caranthir righted himself awkwardly, all the while praying silently he would not slip again. “Thank you.”
“I am Haleth, daughter of Haldad, by right of succession chieftain of the Haladin.” She gave him a once over, flicking her eyes from head to toe and back up. Without thinking, he felt himself stand up straighter. “Who are you?”
“I am Morifinwë Carnistir, called Caranthir in the tongue of Elu Thingol; Prince of Thargelion, fourth son of the First House of the Noldor. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady,” he replied in what he hoped was the correct mixture of grandeur, magnanimity, and pleasantness. First contact protocol was an inexact science at the best of times, and he had met few Edain before—certainly not as the ranking prince in his side of the exchange. And certainly not having just tripped into their arms. Gazing at her again, he noticed the same intensity he had first seen on the battlefield, a veneer of authority with its foundation in insecurity. By right of succession, she had said. Even though her Sindarin wasn’t perfect, that much had come across clearly. So her parent had likely died in this battle, or at least recently enough that she had not been formally recognized as leader in her own right. Dimly, Caranthir recalled the name Haldad from the depths of his memory: a man’s name, he thought, so not a matriarchy—another reason for her overcompensation. Haldad—wasn’t he the one who had united the Haladin? Not a long or well-established line of leadership either, then. A wave of sympathy swept over Caranthir. Poor woman. At least his father, in all the blustering and recklessness of his last years, had been secure in his right of succession by birth and the strength of his line.
All these thoughts came and passed in the blink of an eye. Haleth, too, had been making her own mental review, and now she spoke. “Thank you for your aid, Lord,” she said carefully, picking at each syllable, although whether to better her pronunciation or bide for more time to think, he was unsure. “You have been generous in your help today, and in letting us settle your southern lands,” she continued. Caranthir saw that she aimed to go on, but he interjected, hoping to reassure her (and spare himself further effusive comments, which he found embarrassing—he had had enough embarrassment for one day).
“It is well enough to me that you should be settled there, Lady. My people make little use of these lands and your presence discourages more aggressive invasions from—” In the background, he heard the snarl of a wounded orc who had regained consciousness. There was shouting, more snarling, the clashing of metal, and then all fell silent again. “…More unsavory peoples than yourselves,” he finished pointedly. “In fact,” he found himself saying, in one of those all-too-common moments where he could feel his lips moving faster than his mind, with apparently no ability to control the words coming out of his own mouth, “it would not displease me if you were to remain here.”
“It would not displease you?” Haleth’s tone was unreadable but decidedly lacking in enthusiasm.
“With your own fiefdom, of course,” he added hurriedly. Why am I like this? he wondered mournfully. It’s like dropping something and just watching it fall. “You would be free to rule your people and live as you see fit, with as much or as little involvement in my affairs as you wish. I believe it would continue to be mutually beneficial for us both.”
“My Lord,” Haleth spoke deliberately, choosing her words carefully but firmly. “My Lord, is that not already what we have been doing? Living as we pleased, with as much as involvement in the affairs of Elves as we desired?” That is, Caranthir surmised unhappily, none at all.
Caranthir felt a surge of—annoyance? disappointment?—rise up in his throat. “Yeeess,” he answered slowly, drawing out each sound in an attempt to calm down. “To a degree. But as you have been living on my lands without leave—that is,” he caught himself as anger flashed across Haleth’s face—“without formal, legal documentation, you have also been denying yourselves access to certain special protections, public works and improvements projects, tax benefits, etcetera…” As he felt himself slip into what his brothers called “Accountant Mode,” he stopped and took a deep breath. He did not have the time or patience to teach this woman the finer details of administration. Either she had learned what she needed from observing her father, or she would now have to learn the hard way. And he would be damned if he begged a Man to stay on the lands she had already been illegally squatting on. (Even if that squatting had substantially kept the orcs at bay. And resulted in the land being cultivated and cleared of unwanted flora and fauna. And thus increased its real estate value.) Caranthir took another deep breath and settled himself.
Haleth gazed at him silently, considering her options. He guessed that she was not foolish enough to say aloud that she didn’t need him, and he certainly wasn’t foolish enough to insist aloud that she clearly did. One did not get to be as rich as Caranthir by being that stupid. So, what would it be, then?
“My people need time to recover before we can begin making plans for the future,” she said at last. A non-answer, then. Wise decision, he thought. It would give her time to consider her options while receiving more goodwill aid from his people. He would have helped her anyway, of course—he wasn’t a monster, despite what his tempter and his actions at Alqualondë might prompt some to say—but it was clever maneuvering not make that assumption.  Perhaps she had learned more than he had first assumed.
He bowed and took his leave, remounting his horse and guiding it over to his lieutenant. There was a tightness in his chest that he couldn’t explain, and for some reason he couldn’t pinpoint, his mind was filled with the fairy stories he had once told his nephew, and how when his father had first seen his mother, she had been covered in the soot of the forge.
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claudinei-de-jesus · 3 years
The origin of sin
The third chapter of Genesis offers the key points that characterize man's spiritual history, which are: Temptation, guilt, judgment and redemption.
1. Temptation: its possibility, origin and subtlety.
(a) The possibility of temptation. The second chapter of Genesis reports the fact of man's fall, reporting on man's first home, his intelligence, his service in the Garden in Eden, the two trees, and the first marriage. It specifically mentions the two trees of destiny - the tree of the science of good and evil and the tree of life.
These two trees constitute a sermon in the form of a picture constantly saying to our first parents: "If you follow good and reject evil, you will have life." And isn't this really the essence of the Way of Life found through the Scriptures? (See Deut. 30:15.) Note the forbidden tree. Why was it placed there? To provide a test by which man could, lovingly and freely, choose to serve God and thereby develop his character. Without free will, man would have been merely a machine.
(b) The source of temptation. "Now the serpent was more astute than all the animals in the field that the Lord God had made." It is reasonable to deduce that the serpent, which at that time should have been a beautiful creature, was the agent employed by Satan, who had already been thrown out of heaven before the creation of man. (Ezek. 23: 13-17; Isa. 14: 12-15.) For this reason, Satan is described as "that ancient serpent, called the devil" (Rev. 12: 9). Usually Satan works through agents. When Peter (though without bad intent) sought to dissuade his Master from the path of duty, Jesus looked beyond Peter, and said, "Behind me, Satan" (Matt. 16: 22,23). In this case Satan worked through one of Jesus' friends; in Eden he employed the serpent, a creature that Eve did not suspect.
(c) The subtlety of temptation. Subtlety is mentioned as a distinguishing feature of the serpent. (See Matt. 10:16.) With great cunning she offers suggestions, which, when embraced, open the way to sinful desires and deeds. She begins by speaking to the woman, the most fragile vessel, who, in addition to this circumstance, had not directly heard the divine prohibition.
(Gen. 2:16, 17.) And she waits until Eve is alone. Note the cunning approach. She twists the words of God (See Gen. 3: 1 and 2:16, 17) and then pretends to be surprised that they are so twisted; in this way she, shrewdly, sows doubt and suspicion in the heart of the naive woman, and at the same time insinuates that she is well qualified to be a judge on the justice of such a prohibition. Through the question in verse 1, she casts threefold doubts about God.
1) Doubt about God's goodness. It says, in effect, "God is withholding some blessing from you."
2) Doubt about God's righteousness. "You will certainly not die." That is, "God did not mean to say what he said".
3) Doubt about God's holiness. In verse 5 the serpent says, in effect: "God has forbidden you to eat from the tree because he is jealous of you. He does not want you to become as wise as he is, so he keeps you in ignorance. It is not because he is interested in you. , to save you from death, but in his interest, to prevent you from becoming like him. "
2. Guilt.
Notice the evidence of a guilty conscience:
1) "Then their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked." Expression used to indicate miraculous or sudden clarification. (Gen. 21:19; 2 Kings. 6:17.) The serpent's words (verse 5) were fulfilled; however, the knowledge acquired was different from what they expected. Instead of making them similar to God, they experienced a miserable sense of guilt that made them afraid of God. Notice that physical nudity is a picture of a naked or guilty conscience.
Emotional disturbances are often reflected in our features. Some commentators maintain that before the fall, Adam and Eve were dressed in a halo or light garment, which was a sign of communion with God and the dominance of the spirit over the body. When they sinned, that fellowship was interrupted; the body overcame the spirit, and there began this conflict between the flesh and the spirit (Rom. 7: 14-24), which has been the cause of so much misery.
2) "And they sewed fig leaves, and made aprons for themselves." Just as physical nudity is a sign of a guilty conscience, in the same way, trying to cover nudity is a picture that represents the man trying to cover his guilt with the dress of forgetfulness or the costume of excuses. But, only a garment made by God can cover sin (Verse 21).
3) "And they heard the voice of the Lord God, who was walking in the garden at the turn of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden." The guilty man's instinct is to run away from God. And just as Adam and Eve sought to hide among the trees, so people today seek to hide in pleasures and other activities.
3. The judgment.
(a) About the snake. "Because you have done this, you will be cursed more than every beast, and more than all the animals of the field; you will walk on your belly, and the dust you will eat every day of your life." These words imply that the serpent was once a beautiful and honorable creature. Then, because it became the instrument for the fall of man, it became cursed and degraded on the scale of animal creation. Since the serpent was simply Satan's instrument, why should it be punished? Because it is God's will to make the serpent's curse a type and prophecy of the curse on the devil and on all the powers of evil. Man must recognize, by the serpent's punishment, how the curse of God will wound all sin and wickedness; crawling in the dust would remind man of the day when God will bring down to the dust, the power of the devil. This is a stimulus for man: he, the tempter, is standing upright while the serpent is under the curse. By the grace of God, man can hurt his head - he can overcome evil. (See Luke 10:18; Rom. 16:20; Rev. 12: 9; 20: 1-3, 10.)
(b) About the woman. "And he said to the woman, I will greatly multiply your pain and your conception; in pain you will have children; and your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you" (Gen. 3:16). Thus said a writer: The presence of sin has been the cause of much suffering, precisely in the manner indicated above.
There is no doubt that giving birth to children constitutes a critical and painful moment in the woman's life. The feeling of past faults weighs in a particular way on her, and also the cruelty and madness of the man contributed to making the process more painful and dangerous for the woman than for the animals. Sin has corrupted all relationships in life, and particularly the marriage relationship. In many countries, women are practically slaves to men; the sad position and condition of widowed girls and mother girls in India has been a horrible fact in fulfilling this curse.
(c) About man. (Verses 17-19.) The work for the man had already been assigned (2:15). The punishment consists of the eagerness, disappointments and afflictions that often accompany the work. Agriculture is specified in particular, because it has always been one of the most needed human jobs. In some mysterious way, the land and creation in general have participated in the curse and fall of their master (man) but are destined to participate in their redemption.
This is Rom's thinking. 8: 19-23. In Isaiah 11: 1-9 and 65: 17-25, we have examples of verses that predict the removal of the curse from the earth during the Millennium. In addition to the physical curse that has taken hold of the land, it is also true that human caprice and sin have hampered labor in many ways and have provoked the most difficult and hardest working conditions for man. Let us note the death penalty. "Because you are dust, and in dust you will become." Man was created capable of not dying physically; he would have physical existence indefinitely if he had preserved his innocence and continued to eat from the tree of life.
Even if he returns to fellowship with God (and thus overcomes spiritual death) through repentance and prayer, he must nevertheless return to his Creator through death. Since death is part of the penalty of sin, complete salvation must include the resurrection of the body, (1 Cor. 15: 54-57.) Nevertheless, certain people, like Enoch, will have the privilege of escaping physical death. (Gen. 5:24; 1 Cor. 15:51.)
4. Redemption.
The first three chapters of Genesis contain the three revelations of God, which throughout the Bible figure in all of God's relations with man. The Creator, who brought everything into existence (ch. 1), the God of the Covenant who enters personal relationships with man (ch. 2); the Redeemer, who makes provision for the restoration of man (ch. 3).
(a) Promised. (See Gen. 3:15.) (1) The serpent sought to make a covenant with Eve against God, but God ended that covenant. "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed (descendants) and your seed." In other words, there will be a constant struggle between man and the evil power that caused his downfall. (2) What will be the result of this conflict? First, victory for humanity, through the Representative of man, the Seed of woman.
"She (the woman's seed) will hurt your head." Christ, the Seed of the woman, came into the world to crush the power of the devil. (Matt. 1:23, 25; Luc. 1: 31-35,76; Isa. 7:14; Gal. 4: 4; Rom. 16:20; Col. 2:15; Heb. 2: 14,15 ; 1 John 3: 8; 5: 5; Rev. 12: 7, 8, 17; 20: 1-3, 10.) (3) However, victory will not be without suffering. "And you (the serpent) will hurt his heel." On Calvary the Serpent struck the heel of the woman's Seed; but this wound brought healing to humanity. (See Isa. 53: 3,4,12; Dan. 9:26; Matt. 4: 1-10; Luc. 22: 39-14,53; John 12: 31- 33; 14: 30,31; Heb 2:18; 5: 7; Rev. 2:10.)
(b) Prefigured. (Verse 21.) God killed an animal, an innocent creature, to be able to dress those who felt naked before his sight because of sin. Likewise, the Father gave his Son, the Innocent, to death, in order to provide atoning coverage for the souls of men. ... A origem do pecado
O terceiro capítulo de Gênesis oferece os pontos chaves que caracterizam a história espiritual do homem, as quais são: A tentação, a culpa, o juízo e a redenção.
1. A tentação: sua possibilidade, origem e sutileza.
(a) A possibilidade da tentação. O segundo capítulo de Gênesis relata o fato da queda do homem, informando acerca do primeiro lar do homem, sua inteligência, seu serviço no Jardim no Éden, as duas árvores, e o primeiro matrimônio. Menciona especialmente como duas árvores do destino - a árvore da ciência do bem e do mal e a árvore da vida.
Essas duas árvores afetam um sermão em forma de quadro constantemente a nossos primeiros pais: "Se seguirdes o bem e rejeitardes o mal, tereis a vida." E não é esta realmente a essência do Caminho da Vida encontrada através das Escrituras? (Vide Deut. 30:15.) Notemos a árvore proibida. Por que foi colocada ali? Para provar um teste pelo qual o homem pudesse, amorosa e evoluir, escolher servir a Deus e dessa maneira desenvolver seu caráter. Sem vontade livre o homem teria sido meramente uma máquina.
(b) A origem da tentação. "Ora, uma serpente era mais astuta que todas as alimárias do campo que o Senhor Deus tinha feito." É razoável deduzir que a serpente, que aquele tempo deveria ter sido uma criatura formosa, foi o agente por Satanás, o qual já foi lançado para o céu antes da criação do homem. (Ezeq. 23: 13-17; Isa. 14: 12-15.) Por essa razão, Satanás é descrito como "essa antiga serpente, chamada o diabo" (Apoc. 12: 9). Trabalha Satanás trabalha por meio de agentes. Quando Pedro (embora sem má intenção) aguarde dissuadir seu Mestre da senda do dever, Jesus olhou além de Pedro, e disse, "Para trás de mim, Satanás" (Mat. 16: 22,23). Neste caso Satanás investigou por meio de um dos amigos de Jesus; no Éden empregou a serpente, uma criatura da qual Eva não desconfiava.
(c) A sutileza da tentação. A sutileza é mencionada como característica distintiva da serpente. (Vide Mat. 10:16.) Com grande astúcia ela apresenta sugestões, como quais, ao serem abraçadas, abrem caminho a desejos e atos pecaminosos. Ela começa falando com a mulher, o vaso mais frágil, que, além dessa circunstância, não tinha ouvido diretamente a proibição divina.
(Gên. 2:16, 17.) E ela espera até que Eva esteja só. Note-se a astúcia na aproximação. Ela torce as palavras de Deus (Vide Gén. 3: 1 e 2:16, 17) e então finge surpresa por estarem assim torcidas; dessa maneira ela, astutamente, semeia dúvida e suspeitas no coração da ingênua mulher, e ao mesmo tempo insinua que está bem qualificado para ser juiz quanto à justiça de tal proibição. Por meio da pergunta no versículo 1, lança a tríplice dúvida acerca de Deus.
1) Dúvida sobre a bondade de Deus. Ela diz, com efeito: "Deus está retendo alguma bênção de ti."
2) Dúvida sobre a retidão de Deus. "Certamente não morrereis." Isto é, "Deus não pretendia dizer o que disse".
3) Dúvida sobre a santidade de Deus. No versículo 5 a serpente diz, com efeito: "Deus vos proibiu comer da árvore porque tem inveja de vos. Não quer que chegueis a ser sábios tanto quanto ele, de modo que vos mantém em ignorância. Não é porque ele se interesse por vós , para salvar-vos da morte, e sim por interesse dele, para impedir que chegueis a ser semelhantes a ele. "
2. A Culpa.
Notemos as evidências de uma consciência culpada:
1) "Então foram abertos os olhos de ambos, e conheceram que estavam nus." Expressão usada para indicar esclarecimento milagroso ou repentino. (Gên. 21:19; 2 Reis. 6:17.) As palavras da serpente (versículo 5) cumpriram-se; porém, o conhecimento adquirido foi diferente do que eles esperavam. Em vez de fazê-los semelhantes a Deus, experimentaram um miserável sentimento de culpa que os fez ter medo de Deus. Notemos que a nudez física é um quadro de uma consciência nua ou culpada.
Os distúrbios emocionais refletem-se muitas vezes em nossas feições. Alguns comentadores sustentam que antes da queda, Adão e Eva estavam vestidos com uma auréola ou traje de luz, que era um sinal da comunhão com Deus e do domínio do espírito sobre o corpo. Quando pecaram, essa comunhão foi interrompida; o corpo venceu o espírito, e ali começou esse conflito entre a carne e o espírito (Rom. 7: 14-24), que tem sido a causa de tanta miséria.
2) "E coseram folhas de figueira, e fez para si aventais." Assim como a nudez física é sinal de uma consciência culpada, da mesma maneira, o cobrir procurar a nudez é um quadro que representa o homem a procurar cobrir sua culpa com a indumentária do esquecimento ou traje das desculpas. Mas, somente uma veste feita por Deus pode cobrir o pecado (Verso 21).
3) "E ouviram a voz do Senhor Deus, que passeava no jardim pela viração do dia: e escondeu-se Adão e sua mulher da presença do Senhor Deus entre as árvores do jardim." O instinto do homem culpado é fugir de Deus. E assim como Adão e Eva procuraram esconder-se entre as árvores, da mesma forma que as pessoas hoje em dia procuram esconder-se nos prazeres e em outras atividades.
3. O juízes.
(a) Sobre a serpente. "Porquanto fizeste isto, maldita serás mais que toda a besta, e mais que todos os animais do campo; sobre o teu ventre andarás, e o pó comerás todos os dias da tua vida." Palavras Essas implicam que a serpente outrora foi uma criatura formosa e honrada. Depois, porque veio a ser o instrumento para a queda do homem, tomou-se maldita e degradada na escala da criação animal. Uma vez que a serpente foi simplesmente o instrumento de Satanás, por que deve ser punida? Porque é a vontade de Deus fazer da maldição da serpente um tipo e profecia da maldição sobre o diabo e sobre todos os poderes do mal. O homem deve reconhecer, pelo castigo da serpente, como a maldição de Deus ferirá todo pecado e maldade; arrastando-se no pó recordaria ao homem o dia em que Deus derribará até ao pó, o poder do diabo. Isso é um estimulo para o homem: ele, o tentado, está em pé, erguido, enquanto a serpente está sob a maldição. Pela graça de Deus o homem pode ferir-lhe a cabeça - pode vencer o mal. (Vide Luc. 10:18; Rom. 16:20; Apoc. 12: 9; 20: 1-3, 10.)
(b) Sobre a mulher. "E à mulher disse: Multiplicarei grandemente a tua dor e a tua concepção; com dor terás filhos; e o teu desejo será para teu marido, e ele te dominará" (Gên. 3:16). Assim disse certo escritor: A presença do pecado tem sido uma causa de muito sofrimento, precisamente do modo indicado acima.
Não há dúvida que dar à luz filhos constitui um momento crítico e penoso na vida da mulher. O sentimento de faltas passadas pesa de uma maneira particular sobre ela, e também a crueldade e loucura do homem contribuíram para fazer o processo mais doloroso e perigoso para a mulher do que para os animais. O pecado tem corrompido todas as relações da vida, e muito particularmente uma relação matrimonial. Em muitos países a mulher é praticamente escrava do homem; a posição e a condição triste de meninas viúvas e meninas mães na Índia têm sido um fato horrível em cumprimento dessa maldição.
(c) Sobre o homem. (Versos 17-19.) O trabalho para o homem já tinha sido designado (2:15). O castigo consiste no afã, nas decepções e aflições que muitas vezes acompanham o trabalho. A agricultura é fontes em particular, porque sempre tem sido um dos empregos humanos mais comuns. De alguma maneira misteriosa, a terra e a criação em geral têm participado da maldição e da queda do seu senhor (o homem) porém estão destroçados a participar da sua redenção.
Este é o pensamento de Rom. 8: 19-23. Em Isaias 11: 1-9 e 65: 17-25, temos exemplos de versículos que predizem a remoção da maldição da terra durante o Milênio. Além da maldição física que se apossou da terra, também é certo que o capricho e o pecado humanos têm dificultado de muitas maneiras o trabalho e provocado como condições de trabalho mais difíceis e mais duras para o homem. Notemos a pena de morte. "Porquanto és pó, e em pó te tornarás." O homem foi criado capaz de não morrer fisicamente; teria existência física indefinidamente se tivesse preservado sua inocência e continuasse a comer da árvore da vida.
Ainda que volte à comunhão com Deus (e dessa maneira vença a morte espiritual) por meio do arrependimento e da oração, não obstante, deve voltar ao seu Criador através da morte. Visto que a morte faz parte da pena do pecado, a salvação completa deve incluir a ressurreição do corpo, (1 Cor. 15: 54-57.) Não obstante, certas pessoas, como Enoque, terá o privilégio de escapar da morte física. (Gên. 5:24; 1 Cor. 15:51.)
4. A redenção.
Os três primeiros capítulos de Gênesis estudados como três revelações de Deus, que por toda a Bíblia figuram em todas as relações de Deus com o homem. O Criador, que trouxe tudo à existência (cap. 1), o Deus do Pacto que entra em relações pessoais com o homem (cap. 2); o Redentor, que faz provisão para a restauração do homem (cap. 3).
(a) Prometida. (Vide Gên. 3:15.) (1) A serpente juntar fazer aliança com Eva contra Deus, mas Deus por fim a essa aliança. "E porei inimizade entre ti e uma mulher, e entre a tua semente (descendentes) e a sua semente." Em outras palavras, haverá uma luta constante entre o homem e o poder maligno que causou a sua queda. (2) Qual será o resultado desse conflito? Primeiro, vitória para a humanidade, por meio do Representante do homem, a Semente da mulher.
"Ela (a semente da mulher) te ferirá a cabeça." Cristo, a Semente da Mulher, veio ao mundo para esmagar o poder do diabo. (Mat. 1:23, 25; Luc. 1: 31-35,76; Isa. 7:14; Gál. 4: 4; Rom. 16:20; Col. 2:15; Heb. 2: 14,15 ; 1 João 3: 8; 5: 5; Apoc. 12: 7, 8, 17; 20: 1-3, 10.) (3) Porém a vitória não será sem sofrimento. "E tu (a serpente) lhe ferirás o calcanhar." No Calvário a Serpente feriu o calcanhar da Semente da mulher; mas este ferimento trouxe a cura para a humanidade. (Vide Isa. 53: 3,4,12; Dan. 9:26; Mat. 4: 1-10; Luc. 22: 39-14,53; João 12: 31-33; 14: 30,31; Hb . 2:18; 5: 7; Apoc. 2:10.)
(b) Prefigurada. (Verso 21.) Deus matou um animal, uma criatura inocente, para poder vestir aqueles que se sentiam ante a sua vista por causa do pecado. Do mesmo modo, o Pai deu seu Filho, o Inocente, à morte, um fim de prover uma cobertura expiatória para como almas dos homens.
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madewithonerib · 4 years
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Life without Lack | Why Such Lack & Evil? [P1,2,3]
Living in the Fullness of Psalm 23 by Dallas Willard
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For most of us, the thought of a life without lack is unimaginable because we live in a world so obviously full of lack—lack of kindness/fairness/compassion, all of which are more precious because they seem so rare.
         So much is going wrong all around us:
   injustice/oppression/natural disasters/ broken relationships/    perversity/selfishness/pride/apathy, so much pain that it seems    we would need to block it all out & pretend that all is well    to have any hope for a semblance of safety & sufficiency.
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          Yet it is not pretense we need, but understanding.
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   We live in a world under the care of a wholly good GOD    with unlimited power, who lacks nothing & intends only    good for HIS creation.
   Why then is there so much lack & evil?
   As we will see in the next chapter, the secret to a life    without lack is faith in GOD & in GOD's full capacity    & willingness to meet all our needs—& more.
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   But what is faith?
   It is simply an understanding of how things are,    wedded to a commitment to live one's life    in light of that understanding.
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   Part of the problem with our faith today is we    don't truly believe in the reality of the spiritual,    either the good/evil side.
   In our world people maintain their sense of respectability    by rejecting everything except what they can    see in the natural world.
   To accept there is more than that threatens their self-identity    as proper/intelligent citizens of the modern world.
   But the world's POV is not aligned with the BIBLE.
         And it is the biblical POV that is the primary          source of lack & evil in the world today.
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1.] Temptation = Freedom to Choose
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   As we see in the story of Job, Satan occasionally goes into    the highest of the heavens, into the presence of GOD.
   Why would GOD allow that?
   GOD is demonstrating to all the citizens of the heavens    that HE has an agenda.
   As we have seen, this involves creating a community of    free beings who have the power to act contrary to GOD    & to undergo temptation.
   Satan is serving GOD's purposes on earth    as part of that arrangement.
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1.1] Agent of Evil
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   Satan is described in SCRIPTURE as a special angel    who at one time oversaw what we call earth & possibly    the entire solar system.
   This is what Paul was referring to when he called    Satan "the prince of the power of the air" [Ephesians 2:2]
   Initially it would have been a benevolent rule,    overseeing part of GOD's good & perfect creation.
   At some point, however, he desired to be like GOD,    & fell away from GOD.
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         We see this in Isaiah 14:12-13
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      As is so often the case in Hebrew prophets,       we find Isaiah dealing with a situation specific       to his time. Then suddenly his words project       beyond that to another time & place.
      As the CH begins, Isaiah is clearly discussing       the earthly king of Babylon.
      But then suddenly in v.12-13:
            How you have fallen from heaven,            O morning star, son of the dawn!
           You have been cut down to the ground,            O destroyer of nations.
           You said in your heart:
           “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my            throne above the stars of GOD. I will sit on            the mount of assembly, in the far            reaches of the north.
   His prideful boast continues in v.14, & sounds very    much like the serpent's temptation to Eve:    "You will be like GOD" [Genesis 3:5]
           Isaiah 14:14 | I will ascend above the            tops of the clouds; I will make myself            like the MOST HIGH.”
   The prophet Ezekiel further describes Satan's rebellion    against GOD. In the beginning of CH28, Ezekiel is    dealing with a specific historical situation involving    king of Tyre.
   But then v.13 states, "you were in Eden, the garden of GOD."
   Once again, as in Isaiah, we find the shift that so    often happens in prophetic books, & suddenly    another figure begins to emerge.
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      We see this in Ezekiel 28:14-17
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           Ezekiel 28:14-17 | You were anointed as a            guardian cherub, for I had ordained you.            You were on the holy mountain of GOD;            you walked among the fiery stones.
           From the day you were created you were            blameless in your ways until wickedness            was found in you.
           By the vastness of your trade,            you were filled with violence, & you sinned.
           So I drove you in disgrace from the            mountain of GOD, & I banished you,            O guardian cherub, from among the            fiery stones.
           Your heart grew proud of your beauty; you            corrupted your wisdom because of your            splendor; so I cast you to the earth;            I made you a spectacle before kings.
   He was a powerful being, & many were with him.
   In rebellion against GOD, he fell from his exalted    position & became the tempter of humans.
   The only way the devil can hurt GOD is through humans,    so he focuses on us.
           His strategy is to try to frustrate            GOD's purpose for humanity.
   Beginning at the garden of Eden.
   Through deceit & temptation he succeeded in    diverting the plan of GOD for Adam & Eve,    and their descendants.
   Satan can do nothing about GOD's unshakable    Kingdom directly, but only indirectly through    human infirmity & rebellion.
   His way of doing that is to persuade,    and to tempt, & to deceive humanity.
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1.2] Put an End to Evil
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   JESUS came into the world to end this evil.
   From the opening chapters of Genesis to the concluding    chapter of Revelation, we see this pattern.
   GOD achieves HIS ultimate purpose for human beings,    & defeats Satan deception with truth.
   As 1 John 3:8 says,
           1 John 3:8 | The one who practices sin is of the devil,            because the devil has been sinning from the very start.            This is why the SON of GOD was revealed, to destroy            the works of the devil.
           John 8:44 | You belong to your father, the devil,            & you want to carry out his desires. He was a            murderer from the beginning,            refusing to uphold the truth,            because there is no truth in him. When he lies,            he speaks his native language,            because he is a liar & the father of lies.
   In the GOSPEL of Matthew, when Joseph learned that    Mary was pregnant & considered divorcing her, an    angel appeared to him & said,
           Matthew 1:20-21 | But after he had pondered these            things, an angel of the LORD appeared to him in            a dream & said, “Joseph, son of David,            do not be afraid to embrace Mary as your wife,            for the ONE conceived in her is from the            HOLY SPIRIT. She will give birth to a SON,            & you are to give HIM the name JESUS,            because HE will save HIS people from their sins.”
   To save people from their sin is to destroy sin,    which in turn is to destroy the works of the devil.
          Satan then is GOD's primary target, for he is           the one who bears the primary responsibility           for all that is wrong with the world.
   Now you may say that I am not giving humans enough    responsibility in this. Well, we do bear sufficient    responsibility, for we make choices & we bear the    consequences as we live with the mess that is    human history.
   While it is true that much of the pain & suffering in the    world could be avoided if humans would not just lie    down & accept it all.
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   The question is, why don't we actively resist it?
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   The answer is, because Satan deceives & misleads    people & thereby prevent us from making the kind of    connection with GOD that would work against the    effects of sin in the world.
           2 Corinthians 4:4 | The god of this age has blinded            the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see            the light of the GOSPEL of the glory of CHRIST,            who is the image of GOD.
           John 9:39 | Then JESUS declared,            “For judgment I have come into this world,            so that the blind may see & those who see            may become blind.”
           1 Corinthians 2:14 | The natural man does not accept            the things that come from the SPIRIT of GOD. For they            are foolishness to him, & he cannot understand them,            because they are spiritually discerned.
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Daniel Casson | @dpc_photography_ via @delta-breezes​ eBook: https://books.google.ca/books/about/Life_Without_Lack.html
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flowerhoebi · 7 years
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anyway,, @illustre-bin thanks for the dongmin!figure skater feelings (the rest of the members are to come, but i had to get this off my ch est). his theme was temptation, and he used the christian tree of knowledge & the tempter snake as inspiration!
uses references of yuzu & eunwoo; final picture looks like shoma uno
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“Prove to me from the Holy Writings that I am in error,” he said, “and I will abjure it.” GC 114.4 “The Holy Writings!” exclaimed one of his tempters, “is everything then to be judged by them? Who can understand them till the church has interpreted them?” GC 114.5 “Are the traditions of men more worthy of faith than the gospel of our Saviour?” replied Jerome. “Paul did not exhort those to whom he wrote to listen to the traditions of men, but said, ‘Search the Scriptures.’” GC 114.6 “Heretic!” was the response, “I repent having pleaded so long with you. I see that you are urged on by the devil.”—Wylie, b. 3, ch. 10. GC 114.7 https://www.instagram.com/p/BthllCmADTv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jt9ogjqv0dn0
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dreadreflection-if · 2 years
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Discovery. Temptation. Sin.
He leads others down a familiar path of vice…
…wishing to forget the knowledge forced upon her long ago.
Name: Uriel
Age: ???
Gender: NB (genderfluid)
Height: 5′10″
Orientation: Omnisexual
Faith: [redacted]
Alignment: [redacted]
Uriel loves to be a mystery. Each person she meets is told a different lie about her past - sometimes she is born in the glamorous city of Levkarest, sometimes in the tragically plague-stricken Pont-a-Museau. He can be a priest keen on converting others to the Church of Ezra, or the victim of a terrible crime searching for a new home. He is kind and funny, or aloof and haughty.
Uriel is whatever he needs to be at that moment to get what he desires.
She knows she has no actual history to share: it was ripped from her mind many years ago, destroying any plans she had for the future. All she has left to focus on is the present - and she intends to enjoy it to the fullest. That is why she molds herself into different personas, and why he can freely make promises he has no intention of keeping. Focused on his own enjoyment, he leads others down a road of temptation - uncaring if they get lost along the way.
Uriel never explains the motive behind her actions. It is an enigma, just like everything else about her. Some have tried to speculate, but he knows they will never guess. They did not see what he saw, all those years ago.
They did not see what lurks beyond the borders of the Mists.
Uriel is full of confidence and charisma, able to easily deceive others with his performances. He can successfully act as anyone, using his insight to tailor himself to his current partner’s preferences. She can be surprisingly wise, but rarely shows this side of her to others. She has never been interested much in intelligent conversation - any talks of books or writing bore her. Uriel’s main goal at all times is to have fun. He never worries about the morality or consequences of his actions, and dislikes feeling tied down. She hates anyone who would forcibly try to change her - she has already been put through that once.
Personality Trait: I enjoy being mysterious, and lie about anything I can.
Personality Trait: I have a habit of abandoning things when they are no longer interesting to me.
Ideal: Freedom. The future does not matter, so everyone should live how they want in the present.
Bond: [redacted]
Flaw: It does not matter to me what happens because of my actions.
Uriel has a beauty that almost seems unreal - though she denies using any magic to enhance it. She has pale ivory skin and her upturned eyes are an unusual pink. He has long lashes, and a beauty mark sits below his bright red lips. Her hair is maroon and frames her face: female Uriel keeps it long, down to her back; male Uriel keeps it short, at his ears. He wears clothing meant to draw the eye, and is always adorned with expensive accessories. Though she wears many bright colors, the ones she seems to favor are pink and red.
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Specific content warnings for Uriel’s route include: amnesia, body horror, hallucinations, and mind control.
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hoseastudy · 7 years
Day 40:  Safe
Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847) and his wife Ann were faithful pastors of a little fishing town in Devonshire England, for 23 years. Although Henry's health was compromised, he worked tirelessly ministering to his parish, taking care of his family, and writing poems and hymns. In 1844, Henry was diagnosed with Tuberculosis. Over the next three years his physical condition deteriorated until finally on September 4, 1847, at the age of 54, he stood in the pulpit for the last time to deliver his farewell message.  That same afternoon, after taking a walk on the beach, Henry retired to his room. He emerged about an hour later with a written copy of Abide With Me. He left soon after for a trip to Italy, to get away from the cold, damp coastal weather. While en route to his destination, he mailed a revised copy of Abide With Me to his wife. A few days later while resting in a hotel on the French Riviera, Henry went home to be with Jesus. A fellow clergyman who was with Henry during his final hours reported that Henry's last words were Peace! Joy! Abide With Me was put to music by William H. Monk (1823-1889), and made its debut at Henry's memorial service.  (www.sharefaith.com)
Journal for awhile as you feel led and then start the study below...
Read Hosea  Ch. 13 in your bible and write down the verses that stand out to you.
v.2 And now they sin more and more, and make for themselves molten images, idols skillfully made from their silver.
v.4 Yet I have been the Lord your God since the land of Egypt;  and you were not to know any god except Me, for there is no savior besides Me.
v. 5-6 I cared for you in the wilderness, in the land of drought.  As they had their pasture, they became satisfied, and being satisfied, their heart became proud;  therefore, they forgot Me.
v. 9  It is your destruction, O Israel, that you are against Me, against your help.
sin - châṭâ'
Brown-Driver-Brigg's Definitionto sin, miss, miss the way, go wrong, incur guilt, forfeit, purify from uncleanness
savior - yâsha‛
Strong's Definition A primitive root; properly to be open, wide or free, that is, (by implication) to be safe; causatively to free or succor: - at all, avenging, defend, deliver (-er), help, preserve, rescue, be safe, bring (having) salvation, save (-iour), get victory.-
satisfied - śâba‛
forgot - shâkach
​Brown-Driver-Brigg's Definitionto be satisfied, be sated, be fulfilled, be surfeitedto be sated (with food)to be sated, be satisfied with, be fulfilled, be filled, have one's fill of (have desire satisfied)to have in excess, be surfeited, be surfeited with 
Brown-Driver-Brigg's Definitionto forget, ignore, witherto forgetto cease to careto be forgottento cause to forgetto make or cause to forgetto be forgotten
Lord I don't want to miss all that You have for me and the way You have paved for me by making for myself idols of desires that are not of You.  Purify Me of all uncleanness and anything that is not of You please.  Lord I have no safety, no salvation, no defense, no freedom, no victory, no wide open pasture apart from You.  Lord please abide with me.  Rescue me from myself and my pride!  I need Thy presence every passing hour!  I want to be satisfied only with You.  Help me to not live in excess of worldly things but only in excess of Your presence.  Please help my heart to abide with Thee today and to REMEMBER and not forget or cease to care about or ignore You.  You alone are my help!  Help of the helpless, O abide with me...In Jesus' precious and holy name, amen 
Love, Tessa
Abide With Me
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;the darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide.When other helpers fail and comforts flee,Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;earth's joys grow dim; its glories pass away;change and decay in all around I see;O thou who changest not, abide with me.
I need thy presence every passing hour.What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power?Who, like thyself, my guide and stay can be?Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
I fear no foe, with thee at hand to bless;ills have no weight, and tears not bitterness.Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory?I triumph still, if thou abide with me.
Hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes;shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;in life, in death, O Lord, abide with me. 
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lit-nerd · 8 years
Main characters
The Master
no name, no real residence -existence; has written the novel -had the inspirational moment- but did not ’finish’ it: did not turn it into an independent, stand-alone work of art; it is like the lottery win: given by chance, and almost lost again
quote from M&M website:
The master writes a novel which is heavily criticized. It's the story of the inner struggle which Pontius Pilate experienced when he was confronted with the Nazarean Jesus Christ. The criticism on the master's novel  is a reflection of the press campaigns against Bulgakov's own novels like The Fatal Eggs and The White Guard, and his theatre plays, especially The Flight.
Margarita Nikolaevna
at home in Stalinist Moscow and Woland’s world - in everyday and imaginary life-, only bound by her love ’to share the fate’ of the master; cf Banga in the Pontius Pilate plot!
comment on ’love’?
Ivan Nikolayevich Ponyrev (Bezdomny)
first a dynamic young poet, has just written a poem with a powerful Jesus figure; made ’homeless’ by his meeting with Woland -or his failure to dig deep enough -make sense of, cope with and put order to the things that suddenly emerge; ‘disciple’ of the master, narrator of P2 of the Pilate plot -ch 16;
at the end a historian who ’knows everything’, but every year with the coming of the spring full moon he loses control, and his wife has to ’reset’ him.
Pontius Pilate
powerful character ’in middle management’, has a moment of revelation, epiphany, but doesn’t follow it up, with grave consequences.
For a thorough discussion of parts of the Pilate plot -especially the character Afranius, ‘chief of the Secret Service to the Procurator’ (version Aplin. p 312), and his potential meaning for the novel, cf. Pope. Ambiguity and Meaning. in Links.
Woland - Satan - The Prince of the World
Very often in lit and film the devil is the tempter and seducer trying to get people’s souls pledged for some gift, temporal support, or superhuman power.
Not so in ’The Master …’ In this novel Woland can be rather likened to the merciless taskmaster -a Saturn-like figure- or the great revealer of lies, untruth, and deception -here Pluto comes to mind. This, the idea of long periods of absence and return, is also supported by his reference to Jesus, Pilate, Kant etc. whom he has all known and had intercourse with.
Other noteworthy qualities are the use of his supernatural skills and his feats in the service of ’balancing and settling’ essentially moral or ethical accounts, and equally his status of ’intermediary or authorised agent’ between humans and ’him’. Most of this is equally true for Woland’s retinue.
He may show some of Mephisto’s qualities -suggested by the epigraph of the novel, but a close example is Louis Cyphre in the film ’Angel Heart’, even if that figure acts in a more covert manner.
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dreadreflection-if · 2 years
Why are some of the ROs listed in black and some are in red?
The ones I put in red are what I consider to be the red flag ROs. While all of the ROs have the chance to be influenced by the corrupting powers of Ravenloft, those three have already made some form of dark deal before the story begins.
I think the best way to put it is for all the other ROs, you would have to actively work to corrupt them. But for those three, you have to actively work to redeem them - if you even want to redeem them at all.
I want to clarify, though, that this does not mean their relationships will be abusive or they’ll always treat the MC poorly. It just means they have a lot more… questionable morals than the others.
I hope that answered your question! If anyone needs more explanation or has more questions about this, please let me know. 😊
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