titsoutfortntduo · 3 months
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I think its a disorder...
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mystic-myrtille · 1 year
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I wanted to finish at least one thing for Mermay, but recently I didn't have that much motivation to write (or rather edit my WIPs lmao), so instead I tried something new and made a comic. Didn't plan to color it at first but I did anyway and uuhhh yeah I finished my first comic thing and I'm happy with how it turned out:)
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generalluxun · 1 year
How much singing is there in the Miraculous movie? Is it like 3, 4 songs or is it like almost non stop singing?
Let me think 1 opener for Mainette that is full length. (which is good but the voice change is a shock the first time) 7 songs, but they generally blend neatly through the movie, so it doesn't feel like as much as it is. I'd say the first song is the one that stick out the most because it's the first time hearing the different singing voice for Marinette and it's a shock. The other times you hear it, I think it works a lot better(maybe you just adjust) some of the songs are very short. it's less than 19 minutes of the film total. They don't overstay their welcome, and I can honestly say the more I've watched the film the more I've come to enjoy them.
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(tw Maribat)
Mainette and Tim Drake: *exchange their "most effective coffe-smuggling tricks*
BatFamily and Ms Bustier's class: *"Oh no! There are two of them!" reaction*
My proof that this crossover could be GREAT if it weren't for the salt!
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vgckwb · 2 years
ML: Isolation Chapter 43: 14:59
As soon as Adrien left school, he got out his phone.
Adrien: Something happened.
Markov: Oh?
Mainette: Based on previous experiences, that doesn’t sound good.
Adrien: Lila asked me out.
Marinette: WHAT?!
Adrien: I told her “no” but she escalated things, so I just kind of snapped at her.
Marinette: Well, I’m glad you said “no”, obviously, but what do you mean?
Adrien: I just…lightly threatened to expose her.
Marinette: WHAT?!
Adrien: I maintained enough control to not get into specifics, but I did tell her I knew about her misdeeds.
Adrien: I still think we have the upper hand, but I think things are a little more difficult going forward.
Chloe: Ugh.
Adrien: I know, but there’s nothing we can do about it now.
Alya: Um, this was my fault actually…
Markov: How come?
Alya: After Nino and I announced that we were going out, Lila pulled me aside.
Alya: She wanted to talk about our little deal, and I kind of nudged her to ask you out.
Marinette: Why?!
Alya Well, I figured he’d say no.
Alya: I didn’t think it could go like this.
Chloe: Could this get any worse?
Adrien: Come on Chloe, it’s not that bad.
Adrien: I think we have everything we need to take Lila down. We just need a good opportunity.
Markov: Pardon me for asking, but based on Lila’s actions, she’s going to be more paranoid now, correct?
Marinette: That is true.
Chloe: Yeah…
Alya: But why are you asking?
Markov: Well, I just imagine it might be more difficult to get the camera from Marinette’s house now.
Markov: If Lila is willing to keep tabs on anyone, conspicuously going there would be an issue.
Adrien: Right…
Chloe: Are we just SOL?
Alya: Lila has to sleep sometime.
Chloe: She’s a diplomat’s daughter though.
Chloe: She might have a guard or someone on her ear.
Chloe: I mean, I have that, and I’m the mayor’s daughter.
Adrien: Hmmmmm.
Kagami: Pardon me for joining late.
Kagami: But I think I have a solution.
Alya: Oh?
Kagami: So, this was sort of a mistake on my part.
Kagami: But a strand of my hair fell at the music store, and the guy working there at the time found it, and deduced that it was me.
Chloe: WHAT?!
Kagami: It’s not bad!
Kagami: He just wanted to thank me because he put in the request.
Chloe: Oh!
Kagami: The point is, while Lila might be clocking us, I doubt she’d be clocking him.
Adrien: Hmmm. Sounds like a good idea.
Alya: What’s his name?
Kagami: Luka.
Marinette: Oh. Juleka’s brother.
Marinette: Yeah, I think that could work.
Markov: But if Lila might be keeping tabs on as many people as possible, wouldn’t relaying this information to him be risky?
Kagami: True…
Alya: I just think we need to distract her while Kagami brings Luka in.
Chloe: But when will that be?
Kagami: I could probably do it tomorrow at lunch.
Adrien: Alright. I think I can keep Lila distracted then.
Adrien: But now we just need an opportunity for him to get the camera.
Adrien: Sorry for scuffing that up.
Chloe: As much as you did, I can’t say I blame you.
Chloe: I’ve been wanting to give her a piece of my mind for quite some time.
Alya: I’m sure the opportunity will present itself.
Alya: I mean, with your confrontation, I’m sure she’ll try something to pull the rug from under you.
Marinette: I don’t know if I like the sound of that.
Adrien: I think what Alya’s saying is that we just need to ride this out for a bit so we can size up Lila and act accordingly.
Alya: Yeah…
Alya: I wouldn’t have put it like that, but yeah.
Alya: I need to get going.
Alya: Nino wants to hang out and stuff.
Adrien: Alright.
Adrien I think we have everything under control going forward.
Adrien: Later!
Marinette: Later
Alya: Seeya!
Kagami: Bye!
Chloe: Seeya!
Markov: Goodbye.
They went about the rest of the day. They had a new plan, and hopefully this whole mess will be rectified at the end of it.
The next day, Adrien entered the classroom to see his classmates turn to look at him intently. “Uh, hi.”
“Um, Adrien?” Juleka said.
“What?” Adrien replied.
“Well…” Ivan said.
“Is it true that you yelled at Lila?” Mylene asked.
“And threatened her?” Rose continued.
Adrien looked over. Everyone seemed concerned. He also noticed Lila smirking at him, as everyone else was paying attention to him. Hm. This might be working out better than anticipated. Adrien took a deep breath. “Unfortunately, the answer to that is yes.” The class was murmuring among itself, while Lila was surprised that Adrien just admitted to what he did. “BUT!” he interjected. “There is a perfectly good reason for it.”
“And that would be?” Nathaniel asked.
“Well, can we do this at lunch?” Adrien asked. Everyone was confused. “It’s just, there’s a lot to go over, and I don’t want to go to detention for explaining myself and delaying when class starts.”
“Well…” Rose said.
“I think that’s fair,” Alix said.
Everyone looked at her. “It is?” Mylene asked.
“Yeah,” Alix said. “I’ve learned that jumping to conclusions isn’t the healthiest thing to do. Adrien should at least have a chance to explain himself.”
Kim smiled. “I agree. Let’s hear Adrien out at lunch.”
“Yeah!” everyone agreed. They started to shuffle to their seats.
Lila was perplexed that Adrien had snatched this from the jaws of defeat. What is his angle? She went to sit down as well.
“You doing alright?” Alya asked.
“Yeah…” Lila said.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” Alya said.
“Oh, don’t be,” Lila said. “You couldn’t have known.” Could you? Hmmm.
As Nino and Adrien sat down, Nino turned to him and said “Hey. No matter what happens, I’m on your side dude.”
Adrien smiled. “Thanks.”
After Max sat down, he looked at Markov. “Is everything alright?” he whispered.
“Well it’s not ideal,” Markov admitted. “But it should be fine.”
“Hm. I’ll trust you,” Max said.
“Thanks,” Markov replied.
After Chloe sat down, she texted Kagami that Lila would be adequately distracted for lunch. “Chloe?” Sabrina asked.
Chloe looked at her. “Yeah?”
“Well, you’ve known Adrien longer than anyone,” Sabrina said. “Is he capable of doing something heinous?”
“Hmmm,” Chloe pondered. “I don’t really think so. In fact, it’s exceedingly rare for him to even get mad.”
“I see,” Sabrina said. “So Adrien’s fine?”
“Well, I’d like to think so,” Chloe answered. “But let’s wait until we hear him out.”
Sabrina smiled. “Thanks.”
Ms. Bustier entered. “Alright then, shall we begin?” Class started.
When the class was dismissed, everyone gathered around Adrien. “Oh! Well, I can’t say this was a surprise.” He chuckled.
“Well…?” Alix asked.
Adrien took a deep breath. “So, what did Lila tell you?”
Everyone was hesitant to answer. “Well,” Kim spoke up, “she told us that you got really mad at her after she just wanted to talk with you.”
“I see,” Adrien said. “Did she tell you what she wanted to talk about?” The class looked at each other nervously and shook their heads. “I see. Well, let me tell you what happened. She wanted to ask me out, and I said no.”
The class was confused further. “Why did you say no?” Rose asked.
“Simple,” Adrien said. “I already have a girlfriend.”
Everyone was surprised by this revelation. “Who?” Ivan asked.
“She works for my father’s company,” Adrien explained. “I've been trying to keep this private, both for my sake and hers.” The class went back to murmuring.
“Getting back to the matter at hand, I told her all of this gently, and tried to leave after that. However, she stopped me and insisted that my girlfriend, who she doesn’t even know, is a manipulative liar. And then I just kind of snapped. I couldn’t stand my girlfriend being treated like that, especially since, again, Lila doesn’t know who she is.”
The class was in a quiet uproar. “I will admit,” Adrien went on, “I may have gone overboard, and didn’t express myself in the friendliest of terms. I said some things that were vile and threatening.” He turned his attention to Lila. “If you’re willing to accept, I will apologize.”
All eyes were now on Lila. He is a class act all the way, huh. Lila thought. But all I have to do is one-up you somehow. Then you’ll be sorry for rejecting me. After a moment, Lila sighed and said “I’ll…think about it.”
Adrien nodded. “Very well. I await your answer.”
“Hold on,” Alix said. “Why didn’t you tell us all of this Lila?”
“Well…” Lila said, on the back foot.
Adrien smiled “She was just probably embarrassed. I can’t exactly blame her.”
“Uh, right…” Lila said. What is he doing?
Alix was still confused. “Yeah, but-”
“Just let it go,” Adrien said.
Alix was unsure, but decided to trust Adrien. “Fine.”
Adrien smiled. “Well, I think this is as settled as this can be for now. I suggest we go and eat.” Everyone agreed and filed out.
Lila was cautious of Adrien and what just happened. You think you’re so clever. Well just you wait.
Meanwhile, Luka was eating lunch, when Kagami came and sat down by him. “Oh, hey,” Luka said. “You look serious.”
“I am,” Kagami said.
“OOOOOOOK?” Luka reacted.
“I need you to do me a favor,” Kamagin said.
“Uh, sure,” Luka said.
Kagami slid him a piece of paper. “Here is my number. I’m working on a big Cat Noir mission. I will need your help in getting me something.”
Luka was thoroughly confused. ‘Why can’t you get it yourself?”
“It’s complicated,” Kagami answered. “But basically, someone is watching me, and this needs to be done discreetly.”
“Who?” Luka asked.
“The less you know, the better,” Kagami said. “You trust me, right?”
“Uh, yeah…” Luka said. “Um, can you at least tell me a little something?”
Kagami looked at him. It was sort of unfair, but she was worried about Lila watching him too. Still, she had an out. “Very well. The person who might be watching helped Mr. XY get more popular.”
Luka was surprised. “Really?” Kagami nodded. “Well then, I am at your service.”
“Thanks,” Kagami said. “Um, do you mind if I stay here and eat?”
Luka smiled. “Not at all.”
Kagami smiled back. “Thanks.” They ate their lunch.
The rest of the day played out normally, but with a rift between Adrien and Lila. As the days went on, the rift was a constant. Lila didn’t seem ready to forgive Adrien, and Adrien didn’t want to invade Lila’s personal space for the time being. He was waiting for the perfect opportunity, while she was cooking up her next scheme. The class was waiting for a resolution to this as well, hoping things could work out for them somehow.
It all came to a head Friday morning. Adrien was on his way to class when he saw Chloe walking away from class laughing her head off. “Uh, Chloe?” Adrien wondered.
“Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Chloe laughed, practically unaware of Adrien's inquiry. She continued on.
“Uh, OK?” Adrien said. He continued toward class wondering what that could be about. As he approached the classroom, he saw Alya sitting beside the door snickering to herself. “Alya?”
Alya happened to notice Adrien. “Oh. Hey.”
“What’s up?”
“You’re gonna wanna hear it for yourself,” Alya said. “Just head in.”
“O…K…?” Adrien said. He was still confused, but headed in anyway.
As soon as he entered, Rose called out “ADRIEN!”
“Hey Rose,” Adrien said, nervously. He noticed everyone was looking at him again. “What’s going on today?”
“Well,” Rose said. “Lila might be ready to go back to getting along with you!”
Adrien looked at Lila, who was again sporting her devious grin while everyone was paying attention to him. “Is she ow?”
“Well, sort of,” Juleka interjected. “Rose has a tendency to go overboard a little.”
“But I think this could be it!” Rose explained.
“Well, all she said was she knows someone who can help mediate,” Mylene said.
“Aw, come on Mylene,” Ivan insisted. “That’s still a positive thing.”
Mylene smiled. “You’re right.”
“So, who is it?” Adrien asked.
“Well, we’d rather let Lila tell you,” Nathaniel said. “We don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
“Although it was weird when Chloe and Alya left when she said it,” Max pointed out.
“Well, I’m sure they have their reasons,” Kim said.
“Hm,” Adrien grunted. “Alright then.” He turned to Lila. “So, who, pray tell, might this person be Lila?” he asked.
Lila’s smile widened. “Well, I didn’t want to say anything, since I didn’t want to make anyone jealous. Though I guess I made Chloe and Alya jealous a little. But I know someone at your father’s company who could maybe help sort things out between us.”
“Oh?” Adrien said. “This is my first time hearing about such a connection.”
“Well, you don’t know everything about the company, do you?” Lila asked.
“You got me,” Adrien said. “So, who would this person be?”
“Well, as I told everyone else just a minute ago,” Lila began, “I have a secret best friend. And I’m sure you’ll respect her. She’s smart, talented, funny, basically a Goddess.”
“Sounds like a really good friend,” Adrien said.
“Ofcourse,” Lila said. “And an even better designer. After all, my best friend is Ladybug: Mysterious Designer of Paris.” Everyone was in awe, waiting to see Adrien’s reaction.
Adrien himself was stunned silent. He had found his opportunity. Lila didn’t know it yet, but she served herself up on a platter.
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444names · 1 year
werewolf and french forenames BUT excluding "f"
Adavien Adavinès Adrégoran Agaber Agabrie Agnèse Alber Aleilde Aliane Alisephance Allexan Allexavil Amiel Amience Amiettel Amine Aminnièves Amonique Amorgitise Amoupo Amuette Amwolie Amélisa Anckas Andette Andrette Andris Aniahenie Anmaine Anmic Annieng Ançoisanne Ardanuette Arine Arite Arlexis Artia Audré Aulmath Aulme Auraurey Aurenjaccan Auric Auriduwaine Aurog Aurémicor Baphienée Baptite Barik Baris Barlexistia Berge Berice Berry Bette Bettelph Bleilieu Blenée Blexan Botoine Botoran Botwolphier Brudel Béatrine Béatte Candrisèle Canne Cargeoran Carkaël Chaan Chalérès Chard Charolloé Chaël Chaëll Chegann Chelvard Chloux Choba Chomathel Chrice Chrie Chrin Chrine Chrise Christe Chèle Chèlexand Chèleximoh Claine Clais Clane Clangeor Clannine Clantolphel Clarce Claud Claudi Claudrines Claureule Cléanatrine Cléate Clémilks Cléra Clérès Colph Conadant Condréline Coniantis Conistise Corania Coreki Corinie Cuandalient Cuandraph Cuannine Cyrice Céannick Cécianganny Cécin Cécistier Cédérène Céliette Célène Célènes Dalie Dallexime Dalwolph Daléancian Dalérène Dandristine Danne Dannevin Denrierc Dette Dolan Dolinnice Domille Dyloolie Emashugunte Emmahaël Emmarc Encell Encille Enrichrie Essine Eylvalle Eylyne Ganmirgale Ganue Gançoise Gariel Gaétine Geine Gence Geria Gestéph Getiste Ghiethugo Ghill Ghine Gildette Gille Grégo Gukas Gunte Géris Heegabie Helaine Helettell Helyn Helyne Henne Henzo Hrine Hugue Hurée Héliel Héroger Hérôme Irhakocel Isèlel Jaccathalph Jamil Jamon Jamuelo Jeacque Jeance Jeand Jeandie Jeandra Jeandrandan Jeane Jeanis Jeanlupe Jeann Jeannes Jeannonadi Jeantine Jeanue Jeançoise Jeançoistin Jenguadette Jocele Jocéathon Jocéatrie Jondig Joëll Joëllan Julilice Julle Jéradelenne Jérogent Jérômen Kascascand Kastoine Kevick Kevilks Kevine Laette Lasca Laudolice Laudollowey Laudolseph Laurette Laurémy Lette Lippe Louisan Loulmah Lowel Lowul Loémieu Lucante Lucançoine Lucatriste Lucine Lucis Ludette Lupernale Luperryunne Lupustéphan Lyangaëllia Lydine Lykasha Léralle Macquer Maette Magnès Maguerre Maguy Maine Mainette Maionick Mairhalwole Mairy Mandie Mandrégilks Manguel Manne Maran Maraymon Marcamélore Marcane Mardalbervé Mardandral Mardolphe Marick Marinette Maris Marite Markaël Marle Mathele Maulie Maume Micharie Micheega Michri Michrie Michris Miles Milio Milkas Millicel Mingérie Mirham Mohel Monadigille Monne Muell Mured Méloup Nadolph Nandristin Nasham Natri Naurie Nichlo Nique Niquerrezso Nistoria Nuencenne Odiencléme Odoll Odolphegand Odovin Olasca Pascard Pathie Pathine Pathobel Pathéo Patrin Patrine Paudette Paull Pheegaétal Phine Quell Ralançoine Raline Ralle Ranck Randoli Raneanic Rangane Rangeno Ranmaris Ranne Ranue Ranulle Ranunn Raoux Raphurie Rariamarise Raule Raylan Rence Renge Renniquel Renoé Rentis Rober Rogert Rolaumerge Rolphaël Roriethiste Rudolphus Rudrand Rédrik Régissi Rélie Rélieu Rémilkas Réminès Sabieche Sabienricel Sabriann Sabric Sabrick Sabridine Sabriste Sabrudolan Samélis Sanne Santi Sardall Sarick Sarnaur Sarobas Serthise Seylville Seyolse Sicami Simoh Sinès Skölles Skölletine Skölloul Solse Sophugory Stoine Sustelyn Suzan Suzanmic Suzann Sylanaure Sylvarcel Sylvell Sylvette Sévelouis Talaice Talucilkas Tascancie Tashugo Tastitte Tathéline Tchrielie Thaane Thelle Thilkas Thérie Toine Udole Udrand Ulione Ulios Ulrite Vandie Vandré Varca Vaylyne Vaymondre Vellandi Vient Vilden Viève Véran Vérène Vérès Welle Weylainette Wilber Wiline Xavick Xaville Yandrien Ylaniette Yvelan Yvelles Yverren Yvethel Yvethis Yvonette Yvoniquerre Yvonoé Élianmarka Élien Élient Élier Élivall Érolphure Étite
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tarekazizfba · 2 years
This post for those interested in mining.
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Those who have resentment/ itching/ anger about the mining are being advised to skip the post. Those who read, of course read the whole post.
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There are hundreds of upcoming coins in the crypto market at the mining stage. It is not possible to mining so many coins, and the future possibilities of all do not seem good. Last year I talked about pi coins. Because I saw the possibility inside it. I think and still it seems that the potential for pie coins is very bright. Although the official pi market has not yet been listed in the market, it is in the process of being listed. But in the meantime, some crypto market has been listed without the permission of the market. And that shows a power of pi. Although Pi's Mainette has not lunch and official transactions are not possible, the current price of Pie is within $ 5 to $ 5 (of course not the official price). When I really get the list in different markets, I do not want to worry about where it will reach its value. Because the future will say everything. So those who are not mining or stopped mining in the middle of the mining, if they are mining, you have nothing to do with it. Because there is no money and no money to mining. Pie Invitation Code: tarek2323
[New Project: Catstar Mining, Invitations Code: 4Z5ZQE
Now keep talking about pie. Today I will talk about another new mining project catstar. As I said earlier, hundreds of new mining projects do not attract me at all. But I do a little study about what attracts me. I think Catstar also has a good chance. The mining program of September 2222 started in full swing. Its global target is to add 1 million (1 lakh) miner to the market they will be listed in the market. Although it is currently in the early stages, it is being minimized at high levels (about 1+ Cat in one day). It seems to me that for those who are interested in mining it should be patiently mining. Most of the miners are involved in any mining project at the very end of the mining project that the mining is very slow and very low. Then they were disappointed. So if you want to mining high levels from the first to a project, now is the time to mining Cat. This is the time to be involved in a project from the beginning. If you think you can continue to mining for a few years, you can start using my invitations code. Otherwise there is no need to be involved in mining. If someone is suffering from psychological problems like stopping the mining in the middle, there is no need to join it. It is better not to join those who are expecting returns within a year after starting the mining. It will waste your unnecessary time. If anyone asks, when will I get the price or when to get its benefits, then my answer is, I am mining only with the possibilities, you can do. The future does not know anyone except Allah. In the future, if it can't give anything, I will have nothing to lose. Because I'm not investing in the mining every 12 hours, except for a few seconds. If you really want to be added to it, be sure to use this inferior invitation code 4Z5ZQE when opening the account. When you have an account, the user email and account password must be saved somewhere in such a way that you will not lose again after two days. The main reason for the resignation of many mining is to lose login details. Catstar Global Mining is currently in the USA 1 position and Bangladesh is in the No. 4 position. Play Store Mobile App Download Link Comment. Those who do the account must use my invitations code. Then you will be included in my team and I will try to help me as much as possible in future account problems. Moreover, it is my right! Thanks to everyone for reading the post.
Invitations Code: 4Z5ZQE
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thepeacetea · 5 years
Broken Angels Ch. 5
Hi everyone! Sorry this one came out a little later, but here it is. Though I do have to say, I don’t know where you guys got the idea that Marinette is Jason’s sister. I don’t think I ever remember saying that. Oh well. Anyway, thank you all again for the likes, comments, and reblogs. I tried to tag everyone, but if I missed you, just send me a message and I’ll get you next chapter. You all really seemed to enjoy the last chapter, so I hope ya’ll enjoy this one! Again, if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, let me know. Hope ya’ll enjoy! Peace!
“I swear, if you don’t get out of my way right now, I will kill you! NOW. LET. ME. GO!”
It wasn’t the threat that caused the family to pause. No, they received death threats everyday. Nothing new there. It was the pure rage, desperation, and panic that radiated off Jason that caused them to hesitate. They had never seen him like this. Sure, they had seen him angry, they had even seen him worried. But they had never seen him panicked. Ever. No one, that is, except for Alfred. As he watched the young man yell and threaten his family, his brothers, Alfred was reminded of the one time Jason had displayed that same amount of panic.
It had been three weeks since the boy had been in the hospital. Three weeks since Master Bruce had found him in that ally beaten half to death. Three weeks since he had been in the coma. Alfred had been coming in faithfully for those 24 days like clockwork. He would arrive precisely at nine and leave when visiting hours where over. Bruce would occasionally come for an hour or two and Dick had dropped in once or twice, but most days it was just Alfred. Most days he would just sit in the room and read. Nothing changed for three, long weeks.
It was around 4:00 p.m. on day 24 that the boy woke. The subtle shifting was Alfred’s first indication that he was waking up. The soft groan that followed almost made the old man smile. If the boy was feeling pain, then that was a good sign. It meant he was healing. The boy forced his eyes open and for the first time, Alfred looked into the blue eyes of the newest member of the Wayne family.
The boy blinked a slowly a few time, carefully shifting in the bed to scan his surrounding, muttering something that sounded like ‘Nettie’. Confusion flashed across his face as he surveyed the hospital room before landing on Alfred. For a moment, Alfred let the boy just look at him, giving him a chance to collect himself before speaking. But he never got a chance to.
In a split second, the boy’s eyes went from clouded with confusion to recollection. Alfred watched as the boy’s eyes grew impossibly wide as panic leaped in.
“NETTIE! WHERE’S NETTIE?” the volume of the question was more on tune with a scream then a shout as the boy shot up from his position, fully intending on leaving the bed.
“Sir, you need to calm down. You’re in no condition to be walking.” Alfred stated, rushing forward to prevent the boy from getting up.
The shouting caught the attention of the staff. Nurses and one of the doctor’s came running in a panic. They were greeted with the sight of the comma boy wide awake desperately trying to get out of bed, while his temporary guardian was trying to hold him down.
“Kid, listen. You need to calm down. You just woke up from a comma. You’re still healing.” One of the nurses said, rushing to help hold the boy down.
“NO, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! I HAVE TO FIND NETTIE! SHE’S OUT THERE ALONE AND I NEED TO FIND HER! I HAVE TO FIND PIXIE! I NEED TO FIND MY SISTER! NOW! LET! ME! GO!” He ordered, the panic giving him enough strength to throw the nurse and Alfred off him and into the wall.  
The doctor used that momentary distraction to his full advantage. Moving faster then the boy, the doctor injected a sedative into his body. The thrashing he was doing speed up the reaction as his body started to relax.
“No, please. I have to find her. She needs me. She needs me!” The boy said, his voice cracking as tears made their way down his face. “. . . . I need her.” he whispered the last part before his body relaxed. Forcing him into a state of forgetfulness.
As the medical staff buzzed around the boy, Alfred just looked at him. The boy may be asleep, but he wasn’t forgetting. The whimpers proved that. He wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon.
“Jason, we are not going to let you go out to do god knows what until you tell us what is going on.” Master Bruce’s voice snapped Alfred out of his memory. “And I think a good place to start is how you know that girl.”
“Yeah, its not like you’ve cared about accident victims before.”
“Or anyone for that matter.”
The last statement was from Damian, who had said it in an attempt to snap whatever state of panic his brother was in. Though he may not admit it, he was concerned for his older brother. Panicked was not something Jason ever was, and it honestly scared the youngest. He knew that it would snap him out of panic, but no one was ready for what it snapped Jason into.
Jason’s eyes flashed from panicked blue to almost murderous. If looks could kill, then the family would have been turned to ash. Everyone, including Bruce, fought the urge to step back. Jason never was one to keep his tempter in check, and the family had seen many explosive episode, but none prepared them for what they were seeing. To see Jason go from laughing, to panicked, to looking ready to murder them, in under the course of a few minutes, was terrifying.
“How do I know her? Why do I care?” he hissed, his mouth pulling back into a snarl, eyes flashing dangerously. “She’s my f*cking sister! That’s how I know her!” He yelled, his words echoing off the walls of the manor.
“I thought . . .  I thought she was dead for seven years. Seven! Then I see her on the news after almost getting killed by that frecking driver looking like someone’s been beating her! So get the hell out of my way!” he shouted, his voice hitching slightly at the mention of her injuries.
“Jason, think rationally for a moment. It’s late. Even if she still was at the station, they wouldn’t let you in. They would be monitoring everyone who’d go see her. Only her legal guardians could, even then, they would be under scrutiny because of the state she’s in. If you go down there like this, with no form of prof of your claim, they could very well arrest you under suspicion of abuse.” Bruce said, physically putting himself between Jason and the door. He spoke low, logical. It wasn’t quite his Batman voice. No. But it worked better.
For a few, very long seconds, the two men stared at each other, neither breaking contact. Both tense, ready to fight. Jason’s fists shook with pent up energy, his entire body taunt. The silence stretched from seconds to a minute, with no one daring to move.
“ . . . you have a sister?” Dick finally asked, breaking the tense silence with the question everyone had.
“Nettie. My little Nettie.” The confirmation came almost without thinking, Jason’s eyes never leaving Bruce. “She was always so tiny. No matter how much I tried to feed her, she never grew. We were both convinced she had some pixie blood that prevented her from growing. But what she lacked in size, she made up for in heart. Tch, her heart was always too big, ‘specially when I first met her.”
“You look cold.”
The tiny voice startled Jason. He almost thought he had imagined it as it seemed to blend in with the wind. Looking up, he found an incredibly tiny two-year-old girl staring at him, wide blue eyes blinking slowly. The kid’s face was red from the cold as the bitter February wind tore through the streets of Gotham.
“What?” He hadn’t meant to ask that. It just slipped out.
“I said you look cold.” The tiny fairy said, waiting for an answer.
“That’s because I am cold.” Jason growled. He didn’t have the time or the patience to talk with this kid. He was trying to stay warm. He had gotten kicked out of his last place and he hadn’t been able to find a new one to hole up in. He didn’t want to spend time talking with an over curious kid.
A tug on his sleeve brought his eyes back to the girl. She was tugging on his coat sleeves, trying to pull him up. While she obviously couldn’t, Jason was a little impressed at the strength she did seem to have.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his brows scrunching together at the girl’s actions.
“Well, you said that cold so I’m taking you to my house. It’s not very warm, but warmer then out here.” She grunted, still trying to pull Jason to his feet.
“Thanks kid, but I don’t think your parents would be too happy with that.” He explained, gently pulling his hand out of hers. She seemed sweet. And caring.
“Oh, I don’t have parent’s, so they wont mind. An’ I have blankets an’ some food an’ you can stay with me.” She said, a cheer in her tone that caught Jason by surprise. This girl, this two-year-old was on her own and offering him, a total stranger, to stay with her.
“Kid, didn’t anyone tell you not to talk to strangers? And how old are you?”
“I’m five. An’ yeah, I’ve been told not to talk to strangers. But you’re nice. You won’t hurt me.”
“Really, and makes you think that?” Jason asked, momentarily ignoring the question of why a five-year-old looked so small, and focusing on why she thought he was safe. Her answer surprised him.
“Your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
“Yup. You have good eyes. You . . . care even if you don’t show it. You’ve been hurt before, but you still care what happens to other people. And you don’t always follow the rules, but you do what you think is best. You do what you have to do. You’re good.”
That answer shocked Jason. This little girl. This tiny, pixie like five-year-old, was telling him that he was good, that he was worth something. She was too trusting. Too soft. Something tugged at his heart at the thought of someone taking advantage of her.
“Alright you pixie, I’ll come with you. But just for tonight.” The words were out of his mouth before he could even register what he was saying. The smile she sent him seemed to make the air a little warmer, but it fell after a moment.
“I’m not a pixie, though. Pixie’s are pretty, and nice, and magical, and I’m not.”
Seeing how she seemed to shrink into herself, Jason felt that tug again. Smiling, he knelt beside her, gently guiding her chin up to meet his eyes.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. You’re tiny, just like one, you have the most uniquely beautiful blue eyes. And you seem pretty magical to me. You where able to tell I was a good guy just by looking at my eyes. And you’re offering me a place to stay, and that’s really nice. So yeah, I think you’re my pixie.”
For the longest time, the girl just stood there looking at Jason, as if trying to see if he was telling the truth. Finally, that same, heart warming smile made its way back on her face.
“I . . . I guess you’re right. But if I’m your pixie, can you be my big brother?”
‘Big brother?’ Those word caused something to tighten in his chest. He didn’t know how to be one. He had no idea how to care for someone younger. He wasn’t exactly the safest person to be around. He was in trouble more often then not. But . . . she didn’t have anyone to look after her. And she was too trusting. She needed someone to look after her. He couldn’t just leave her after everything he just said. The coil in his chest just tightened, agreeing with everything his mind thought of. Glancing at her, he found her looking at him with so much hope shining in those eyes, that he knew there could only be one answer.
“As long as I get your name, pixie-pop.”
“Marinette, but everyone calls me Nettie. What’s your name?”
“. . .Jason.”
The smile that she gave him sealed the deal. He was going to be her big brother. He was going to protect His pixie.
“Well then Nettie, lead the way.”
 @mystery-5-5 @captainmac6 @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @mochinek0@sonif50 @zalladane @thebananathatwrites @schrodingers25 @kuroko26 @miraculousbelladonna @souleaterlicestein @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @ijustwannabecanadian @ellerahs @ranger-paladinikoe @xxmadamjinxx @derpingrainbow @sassy-spocko @vixen-uchiha @mjisntme @iggy-of-fans @violentbisexualprophecywriter @valeks-princess @crazylittlemunchkin @redscarlet95 @alexzandria-747 @ayuchan07 @whomthefyck @rhub4rb @constancetruggle @rikku052 @kurogaya913 @shizukiryuu @spicybelladonna @zazzlejazzle @luciferge @mewwitch @emotionalsupportginger @grunklestantheman  @my-name-is-michell @northernbluetongue @chez-pezeater @shamefullove @goggles-mcgee @gingerdaile @zebrabaker @tinybrie @bluefiredemon @tbehartoo @god-is-dead-and-so-am-i @shyestofhearts @darkthunder1589 @fridayfirefly @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @yazi-ing @lunar-wolf-warrior @ladylb @vivilakitty @ghostcryptid @casual-darkness @yamadochie @thatrandomfandomgirl @mindfulmagics @myriad-of-passionate-pettiness @violatiger8 @seraphichan @synnesstra @friedchickening @kiara-rose-blackthorn
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thekitsune · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug and Avatar The Last Airbender
So random question, if Marinette was sent to Avatar’s universe at the beginning of the series and joined the Gaang on their adventures...who would you ship Marinette with?
My choices are Aang, Toph...or Mai (The potential is great). Sooo...Aangnette, MariToph, and Mainette.
What about you all? What are your Mari ship choices for this kind of crossover? Let me know!
(Oh! I also ship Mari with the three characters together into one love pile ehehe. Sooo...MariMaiTaang)
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miraculermarinette · 3 years
Luka: So what do you have planned for the future?
Marinette: Lunch.
Luka: No, like long term.
Marinette: Oh...um, dinner?
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lovely-lazy-daisy · 3 years
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Marinette aesthetic.
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mako-neexu · 3 years
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me, a southeast asian dying from the heat trying to “cool” off
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amberwild420 · 4 years
one step back, two steps forward (pt. 2)
College Françoise DuPont
** **
College Françoise DuPont, a place that gives chances to many talented young people.
 That’s what was written on the pamphlet.
 Kaylan felt a part of her sanity leaving her, when she sat in front of the owlish principal.  He was incompetent, useless and down side money lover.
  How did she know that?
Perks of having her abilities.
And then came the teacher.
She was sure that one word was definitely not enough to summarize her ability as a teacher. And the living proof of her incompetent behavior was her new class. She felt like tearing her hair out and banging her head on the wall.
At least Marinette was nice.
Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie
Eyes wide open and jaws dropped Kaylan looked at the bakery. She than looked at the girl who brought her here. Marinette was smiling like an angel.
 When you said you were taking me your place I was expecting a house or an apartment, not a bakery.
Was she drooling at the thought of heavenly sweets she can get from them? Well sue her for having a sweet tooth that no one but her mother knows about.
Marinette giggled then gestured the other girl to come in. Inside were her what looked like her parents behind the counter.
 Maman, papa, I brought a classmate.
 Her parents frowned a little but it changed to cheerful smiles when they noticed Kaylan.
 It’s nice to meet you sweetie. I’m Sabine and this is Tom. Hope our Marinette is kind to you.
The said girl whined. But Kaylan was sweating bullets. Dear god who was that giant of a man? Why was he so tall? And what’s with the woman? Why was she so intimidated by a woman who was smiling like sun? AND WHY THE DANGER BELLS ARE RINGING IN HER HEAD?!!!
 I-i-it’s nice to meet you! Please take care of me.
She squeaked pathetically before a look of horror came on her face and she was bowing rapidly.
I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I don’t believe that happened. I’m sorry I disrespected you. I’m really sorry.
Hey it’s no worry. Stop.
Kaylan groaned and hid her face in her hands. Her ears were red telling them that she was just embarrassed.
 I haven’t lost my cool in my entire life.
Well, we tend to make people show their different sides.
 Sabine chuckled and welcomed the girl in. Marinette showed her way to her room. It was pink. But the half-finished suit on the mannequin was what caught her attention.
 This is good. Definetly better than most that i have seen. You made it yourself?
 Marinette flushed a little.
Ye-yeah! But it’s not that good. Just something to pass time. Not like its commissioned or something. N-no that’s not it. Oh Kwami!
 Can I commission something from you? I need a gift for mom in a few months so can you make me one. I’ll pay for it. You just have to tell me the advance for the material and I’ll pay you by the time you need to find the material and…..
 The knock on the door stopped their conversation and they realized their positions. (A/n: not like that you dirty minds. Get your heads out of the gutter)
 Kaylan was in her personal space, both hands on Marinette’s shoulder. They jumped back with loud apologies. Sabine entered with a smile carrying a tray of sweats.
 _I hope you enjoy. You can come anytime you want Kaylan. _
She gave a smile to her and a wink to her daughter. Both girls settle down to eat. Taking the first bite, Kaylan felt herself blown away.
This is soooooo gooood. I have never eaten something so tasty.
Marinette giggled and started telling or more like advertising and praising her parent’s bakery. Not that Kaylan minded that was so good that she had no problem admitting all.
Since Kaylan was new to Paris, Marinette told her about akuma and the Paris situation and how many things work. Though the things looked far-fetched but when she saw the video of a fight, it looked real. She had no choice but to ask about the do and don’t.
By the time they finished, they were returning school. They talked about minor things. then it turn towards Lila being liar and Kaylan telling her about jobs.
So, it was suppose to be a prank but Bryce thought it was funny to hug with all the paint dripping off him...…..
it was washable paint! We’re not that heartless!
…..and yet you still had to record. isn’t that...…..I don't know a disaster
In my defense, Cherami egged me on and i was feeling rather bored.
Kaylan, you did realize you worked with Bryce Papenbrook and Cherami Leigh.
Says the girl that designed for Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale.
Since there was sometime before class, they decided to separate for the moment. Marinette wanted to check the art class and Kaylan turn towards bathroom. What they didn’t realize was the certain liar stalking the new girl.
When Lila opened the door, Kaylan was washing her hands. She locked the door, as quietly as possible. Not that she noticed the light twitch of her target’s lips. She knew or at least had an idea on what the Italian liar was going for.
Kaylan Fox, I’ll give you just one chance. Either you surrender or I’ll turn everyone against you.
A snort left her lips making the Italian surprise. Her laugh got louder until it was a full belly laugh.
For anyone outside it would be just a hearty laughter after listening to a really good joke. But Lila felt it. The insanity in that laugh. Suddenly she stopped and in a blink of an eye she was in her face. The cold sensation on her neck and pain in her scalp told her what actually happened.
The knife on her neck was like it came out of nowhere. She was being threatened. She was being threatened at the tip of the knife and by a new student no less. (here)
She wouldn’t do that. She couldn’t. She won’t get away with it.
Oh I can get away with it, darling. And I will.
That’s when Lila realized that she had said it out loud and worst is that she can’t get away from her predatory gaze.
But that’s not the problem is. The problem is that you, a mere fox dare to threaten me, a wolf.
That’s right. I, despite the name, am a wolf. I lurk in the shadows, play with my prey and when I get bore I kill it. You, a mere fox who had to hide behind a lion, is daring to threaten me. That’s funny. But don’t worry, I won’t kill you. It will be just a waste of my time and efforts.
She pushed her away and put the knife in her pocket, acting like she didn’t do anything wrong at all. Lila stayed pathetically on the floor.
I-I will tell everyone that you threaten me in the bathroom. And tried to attack me with a knife. When they search you, they will find it and you’ll be taken away as a murderer.
Oh! Will they? And do tell me how will they find it?
The gleam in her eye made her shudder. The angry response died on her tongue. She only made a few questioning noises. 
I mean they won’t find it, at least not on me. Do you know why? Because it will be in your bag.
I can give you a lot of scenario. More than a hundred. Hmm……… how about a demo! You run out of bathroom yelling that I tried to kill you with a knife, the students will panic and try to run away. The distraction will be enough for me to put the knife in your bag. By the time authorities, come to search me they will find nothing and then I will just casually add that it must be some other person, they will get suspicious of you because you were so sure that it was me and the search turned to you. Then there will be a knife in your bag and you will yell that you are being framed. The police will start with finger prints and there will be none and with no choice they will start questioning...…..
….But that won’t be all. Just today in the class you were telling about how one of your uncle was in the military and he loved you so much that he taught those fancy moves because he didn’t wanted you to get hurt and I’m pretty sure it will casually be mentioned. and thus the suspicion will solidify. you will be treated as a villain or worse a murderer …. or a possible one in the future. I’m pretty sure you can imagine what could happen next?
Kaylan said with a smile, like she didn’t just turn the threat around. Lila grit her teeth but she couldn’t do anything. The story wasn’t too elaborative but the way this new girl was talking with her, she knew, she would also do it as she said.
Wait did she said one of the scenario? Were there more of it?
Lila didn’t stay for too long but she left rather quickly, nearly forgetting that she locked the door. Once she was gone, Kaylan looked at the stall from the corner of her eyes.
Aren’t you gonna come out? She’s gone now.
A moment pass and the stall door opened.
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generalluxun · 2 years
Fanfiction: Chasing a Dream, Chapter 2.
Having launched herself on this cross-globe quest, Marinette is now stuck with her childhood nemesis in close quarters. It's... not terrible? Then it is. Then it isn't, then it is. Then an akuma attacks. An Akuma attacks? In Venice? Why? Ladybug's on her own to battle it, and this agrgessive akuma puts Cat Noir's absence in stark relief. Even after the battle is won, it might also be lost.
Chapter posted after the cut.
Marinette was in a flurry. Passing off the Ox was the easiest part of it all. She packed while breathlessly firing off the best excuse she could muster to her confused parents. “Last minute thing… opportunity… fashion… Shadowing Gabriel Agreste… school work sent along… variable length… hopefully home soon…”
It wasn’t a complete lie. They would be following Gabriel Agreste. He just wouldn’t know it if everything went well. She intended to get her schoolwork sent to her… somehow. This wasn’t running away from her problems. It was helping a friend, right?
Marinette was ready with a single rolling case when Chloé’s limo pulled up outside the bakery. Marinette kissed her still-bewildered parents goodbye and ran out the door. Jean took care of her bag and soon Marinette was ensconced in the back of the limo with her erstwhile traveling companion.
Icy quiet filled the air. Marinette forced herself not to fidget. Chloé seemed buried in one of her social media feeds. 
Without preamble, she broke the silence. “Give me your email, Du-pain-Cheng.”
Marinette startled out of her thoughts. Two green-eyed smiles had been merging and separating and she couldn’t tell which situation was better or worse. She stalled while her thoughts reorganized themselves, “My email? We’re right here, what do you need to email me?”
Chloé rolled her eyes and leaned in, prodding the air with one finger. “Not for me, for Sabrina. I assume you want to get the notes while we’re gone. She can also submit your homework via email for you depending on how long we’re gone.”
“Oh.” That seemed entirely too reasonable of an idea to be coming from Chloé. Marinette fumbled out her phone to buy more time. “Chloé, I don’t want Sabrina doing my homework. If- If she could send notes, I would be grateful though.”
Being alone with Chloé. Why, why, why did I think this was a good idea? I can do it. I won’t stutter. I can make it through this. This isn’t last year, or even the beginning of this one. I’m stronger now.
Marinette raised her eyes to find a frown on Chloé’s face. “Suit yourself, you always did like doing things the hard way, Du-pain-Cheng.”
Marinette shared her email, and they lapsed back into silence. Marinette was left to stew once more. Left to question herself, and yet not once did she make any move to stop this ball she had set rolling.
From car to airport, Marinette was like a lost sheep being goaded and even physically prodded by Chloé, who walked the terminals and tarmac as if she owned them. Marinette trundled along with her bag; Chloé walked free, and Jean carried two oversized bags while pulling a third. There was no gate. They walked out of the main terminal to a smaller tarmac and crossed to the plane. Marinette felt strangely vulnerable as they walked, and even trotted ahead. The roar of jets coming and going all around them was unnerving in a mundane yet inexorable way. Their plane looked so small among the giants before Mainette remembered, It’s only for the two of us.
Marinette climbed the boarding stairs and went from a world of thunder and heat into one of cool and calm. It was alabaster luxury, pristine. A short service cabin led back to curtains and through them something less ‘plane’ and more ‘entertainment lounge.’ Chloé had already curled herself up into one of the four main swivel chairs. Behind those were twelve luxury sized seats fixed forward. Further back was a cabin behind a closed door, sealed off from the rest of the jet.
Marinette dropped herself into the seat opposite Chloé, taking in more of the cabin's furnishings, including the two screens that dominated the front of the cabin. She’d never even seen the inside of a jet like this, much less flown in one. And I probably won’t ever again.
“Pick up your jaw Du-Pain-Cheng, we just had the rugs cleaned.”
Marinette looked over and saw Chloé had uncurled herself long enough for a smirk. “Hey, you like it when people gawk at all your expensive stuff.”
Chloé sat back and the smirk turned into a perky smile. She touched a fingertip to her lips in a mocking blush. “Guil-ty! Do go on, tell me how awesome I am.”
Marinette struggled not to roll her eyes. She sing-songed, “No one else could have pulled together a private flight in an hour, or would have either."
Chloé beamed. "And that, Du-pain-Cheng, is the complete truth."
One more smug little smile lit her face before the space between them was filled up with awkward silence again. Chloé went back to her phone, curling her legs back into her chair once more.
Marinette tried a different starter. "How long until we take off?"
Chloé glanced up, and this time, instead of confident, her expression looked nervous. She gestured vaguely. "Whenever they get permission and do all the things. The steward should be up front now. Just ask if you want something. It's two hours to Italy."
Marinette was surprised, but Chloé's chair was already swiveling and Marinette's, 'That's it?' fell on plush leather backing. Chloé's chair continued its slow spin though, and revealed the blond again soon enough, but she was even more curled around her phone now. Marinette took the hint.
The answer turned out to be, an hour and a half. Marinette occupied herself with texting her friends. Alya was both proud and thought she was nuts. Nino wanted a souvenir. Kagami thought she was being silly. Mylene was concerned about using a jet for just two people. Rose thought it was the most romantic thing ever, and Juleka just mentioned she hated flying.
Luka was Luka. His reply, 'Don't rush to the end of the song, it's the song that matters,' was cryptic enough to send her scouring Google for references. She found nothing concrete.
They were in the air by the time Marinette raised her head and combined a much-needed stretch with a look around. Chloé hadn't moved. Only her eyes and finger showed any signs of life, continually swiping in the throes of the social media doom scroll.
I should say something. What though? I could ask what she's looking at…and get my head bitten off.
Marinette sank back into her chair, and tried another number.
Marinette : Hey, how's Venice? Is it too soon to text? Your trip was the subject of a lot of the table talk at school.
Yeah, by me.
Marinette waited. She didn't know why she expected an immediate reply. She tapped her thumbs on a screen that stayed resolutely static.
Marinette : Where are you going next? Will you get to ride in a gondola or see some of the other sights? Are you going to Rome?
She waited several more minutes, then put her phone away.
Her companion had still not budged. It's weird, her being quiet. A thought struck Marinette. When have I ever seen what she does at home? Is this it? I figured it would be… what… parties? Shopping 24/7 with a score of servants to cater to her during breaks. Reality, if this was it, seemed very different. Even Chloé couldn't shop forever and… what else did she do?
"Sooo…" Marinette plunged into the silence. "Scrolling Insta?"
Chloé's head shot up as if she had forgotten Marinette existed. The look in her eyes was positively hunted this time, before a sharp veneer slid into place. "If you really must know, yes. I am dispensing my approval to the masses. While we have been sitting here I have liked fifty seven images, three stories, and commented on a dozen. I fill a valuable role, you know. Legions of fans wouldn't know what to do without me. It's much more important than whatever you're doing."
Marinette swiped open her phone. She could counter with her texts to Adrien. That would shut Chloé down in an instant. Halfway into it, Marinette stopped herself. Why am I letting this rile me up?
That was an easy question to answer: habit. Habit of their long-standing feud and Chloé's constant need to put everyone around her down, Marinette especially. That's just it though, need. What would she be if she wasn't putting people down? What's left if she isn't yelling on Instagram? Without eyes, without an audience, Chloé seemed a lot smaller.
And Marinette had learned a good deal in the last year about being bigger. "Do you know much about Venice?"
The change of topic took the wind out of Chloé's sails. She shifted in her seat. "Milan, in the hotel and convention centers," she admitted. "But it's all the same. The streets are just wetter, right?"
The affirmation-seeking act confused Marinette for half a second. The rise in Chloé's voice that might indicate an attempted joke took the other half.
Marinette forced a little chuckle. "Yeah, I guess. At least it's not Pisa, where everything is crooked."
Nervous laughter rebounded between them and died. Marinette wasn't sure where to go next, but Chloé didn't immediately retreat into her chair. 
“It's… your… first time in Italy?" Chloé sounded like someone was pulling the words from her physically.
Marinette nodded. "So far I've only been to Shanghai, New York, and London, outside of France." She hit upon an idea. "Tell me about your trip to Italy?"
It worked. Chloé brightened, and scooted to the edge of her seat. Marinette absorbed an infodump of epic proportions. Chloé had everything to say about the airport, the hotel, (It didn't hold a candle to Le Grand Paris, but was apparently acceptable) and the fashion shows, plural. It seemed a trip to Milan was a yearly thing. Marinette was inundated with descriptions of outfits she had seen in magazines and videos, but with added embellishment that only being there in person could add. On top of it all was the surreal experience of Chloé talking for more than two minutes without throwing barbs her way. Chloé was so absorbed in her retelling that she seemed to forget who she was talking to. Her face lit up as she painted the scene with words, and her venom was reserved entirely for ‘horrid’ designs.
Marinette only realized Chloé wasn’t the only one to lose track of things when her phone buzzed loudly. Chloé bit off a word mid-flow. Marinette peeked at her screen. Adrien! She held up her phone defensively. “I have to answer this.”
The spell was broken. Choé’s face twisted into her habitual pout, and she shrugged one shoulder. ”What ever . We’ll probably be landing soon anyway. Don’t forget your seatbelt, Du-pain-Cheng.”
Chloé swiveled away, and Marinette hated the tiny scrap of guilt that lingered as she looked down at her phone.
Adrien: I’m always glad to hear from you Marinette. Our first day here was pretty hectic. Yes, we got on a gondola. Lila leaned over too far and almost fell in. I saved her though. It’s kind of hard to enjoy much, we have camera crews following us for ‘candids’ in addition to our normal shoot. I don’t know if we’re going to Rome, I know our next big stop is Shanghai though. Small world, right?
Marinette digested the information. She glanced up as if afraid of being caught, but all she saw was the barest outline of Chloé’s profile facing away.
Marinette : Did you have to save her? I mean, right away? That’s mean of me, isn’t it? I’ll admit I’m a little jealous. Shanghai? That’s awesome. Maybe we’ll bump into each other again, right?
Marinette chewed her lip. She had to thread this needle carefully. She didn’t think ‘Lila is going to try and convince your dad to marry you off’ would be something great to lead with. She felt like they might actually be making progress and she didn’t want to ruin it all by acting crazy. Marinette, you’re on a plane to Italy with Chloé Bourgeois, you’re too late for crazy. She huffed at the voice in her head just as her phone buzzed again. She shot another look at her companion then switched it to silent.
Adrien : Haha, maybe a little. I’ll allow it though. Meeting in Shanghai, I can’t be that lucky this time around. While we’re texting, would you mind me asking a few questions?
Marinette: Questions? Sure, we’ll have an AMA. I’m an open book!
Marinette reread Adrien’s texts while she waited, lines popping out at her and wrapping themselves around her heart. Was she imagining things? Was Adrien interested? It was something she’d hoped for for so long, she almost couldn’t believe it. I haven’t even confessed yet! Isn’t that supposed to come first? He has to know how I feel. Her phone lit up.
Adrien : Okay, you can ask back if you want. Let’s see… something simple. Who’s your favorite character in Ultimate Mecha Strike 3?
Marinette’s heart had been in her throat, and now it dropped back into place allowing a nervous, but tickled giggle to slip out. She clamped a hand over her mouth and wasn’t sure if the exasperated sigh from across the way was real or imagined. With a smile firmly in place on her face, Marinette began her reply.
Marinette : I thought you said simple! You know how hard it is to pick a favorite? They each have their own strengths and weaknesses…
Back and forth they traded pieces of themselves until the sudden gut-dropping sensation of final approach had Marinette typing out a hasty ‘Gotta go!’ before stowing her phone.
It was evening by the time an airport shuttle dropped them off outside the Aman Venice hotel. Whatever brief warmth Chloé might have shown had cooled back into a perfunctory communication. Chloé didn’t seem inclined to make Marinette pay her own way, which was one thing Marinette was grateful for.
In fact, when Marinette brought up the price of the hotel, Chloé simply scoffed and waved a hand. “Du-Pain-Cheng, you could not afford to stand in this lobby without me here. I knew who I was dragging along when this started. Enjoy it.”
The room was opulent beyond reason. The bathroom itself was larger than an entire floor of her home. Marinette briefly wondered what Chloé’s room was like, but Chloé hadn’t even mentioned where it was. Marinette felt lost in the giant four poster bed. She opened the windows, and listened to the night sounds of the city and the quiet lap of the water that came right up to the side of the hotel. This was Venice, a city made for love, and she was all alone.
She amused herself taking pictures of what she could and sending them off to her friends. Responses were sparse though. Excited or incredulous as they were, they still had lives of their own. Marinette considered texting Chloé. We could… hang out? Maybe? The idea seemed alien, and in the end she abandoned it. I’m here for Adrien.
The boy in question texted her just as Marinette was trying to will herself to sleep.
Adrien : Looks like tomorrow is Rome after all. We’re leaving super early. I think we’re going to get shots in the colosseum. If you don’t get this until the morning, I hope you slept well. I’ll take as many pictures as I can, for when I get back. We can go over them when we get that ice cream!
Marinette sighed, but also fretted at the text. Should I text back? Is it too late? Will that seem weird, just waiting for him to text? In the end, and for the second time tonight, she just let it be. Marinette tucked her phone under her pillow and hoped for good dreams to come from it.
“ Rome ? What do you mean, Rome? We’re in Venice!” Chloe was stalking her way down the most insane continental breakfast line Marinette had ever seen. Marinette followed after, cautiously aware of how expensive it all looked while her companion was plucking fruits and pastries onto her plate with abandon.
“He only told me last night, Chloé…” Marinette picked out an orange.
Chloé huffed. “Why does he tell you these things and not me? We need a train to get to Rome, and it takes hours .”
Marinette’s reply was cut off as Chloé all but assaulted an omelet cook with a barrage of Italian.  That was something that had surprised Marinette. Chloé had always seemed like the kind of person to learn only one language, and that begrudgingly. Two seemed unthinkable. Yet she seemed quite able to be a menace in Italian, while Marinette was left struggling through with picking out the things that sounded close to French.
When the flow ebbed, Marinette ventured, “Is it hard to get a train?”
Chloé flicked her ponytail, and growled, “Hard? No, it's not hard. It’s pedestrian. Who knows if they’ll have first class seats? Ugh. If I have to travel economy I might just die. I’ll get someone on finding tickets. So much for Venice. What a waste. God, I’m going to pull Lila’s stupid sausage-locks when I see her for putting me through this, and…. What’s so funny, Du-Pain-cheng?”
Marinette only just realized she was laughing as it was brought to her attention. She slapped a hand over her mouth, and only when she had quelled the giggles did she lower it. ”Sorry.”
Chloé’s eyes narrowed. “Are you making fun of me, Du-Pain-Cheng? Here? Now? Of all places?”
“No! No!” Marinette waved her hands in negation. Sadly, this sent her lone orange rolling across the dining room floor. Marinette winced, tracking its progress with growing embarrassment.
She glanced back, and saw Chloé watching it too. The orange fetched up against a potted plant, and no one but the two of them seemed to notice its grand adventure. Chloé snorted. Marinette giggled again. Then once more the realization set in and they both looked anywhere but each other.
“Go get yourself something to eat, Du-Pain-Cheng, and keep it on your plate this time. You can sit at my table, it’ll make things easier.”
Breakfast was a quiet affair, except the part where Chloé called a concierge and demanded their bags be packed and loaded for a shuttle to the train station by the time they were done. From what Marinette could pick up, this was an impossible task. Chloé didn't seem to care that it was impossible. She wanted it done.
Marinette sank slowly in her seat as the tirade gained steam. She was out of her element here, and had no support. Chloé tearing into the help was every negative interaction she’d ever had with the blonde dialed up to 11, and compressed. It was only once Chloé had dismissed the concierge, and began to eviscerate her now-cool omelet, that Marinette could find her voice.
 “Was that really necessary, Chloé?” Why am I whispering?
Chloé shot her a piercing glare across the ruination that was her plate. “You don’t get anything done unless you scream. Everyone is always shirking all the time. They don’t do things, because things are hard . They fake, and pretend, and try to get one over on you.” She jabbed at Marinette with her fork. “Don’t they, Marinette ?”
There was more to Chloé’s burning blue stare than the question. Marinette shifted in her seat and began picking apart her croissant to burn off nervous energy. “I don’t think so? I mean, everyone’s just trying their best, aren’t they? Yelling doesn’t seem helpful.”
The door slammed shut on whatever had been in those eyes. Chloé snapped her head to the side. “Goody-goody nonsense. It’s ridiculous, utterly ridiculous . Just you watch. Our bags will be ready to go when we’re done. Speaking of, quit playing with your food and eat, Du-Pain-Cheng.”
With that, silence descended on the table. It was a hard silence this time, not just awkward. Marinette picked at her breakfast and checked her phone compulsively to fill the space. She jumped to her feet as soon as Chloé made to stand, which earned her an eye roll. Marinette followed Chloé out, and true to her word, their bags were packed in the lobby, and a doorman was there to help them into a cab.
She can’t be right. This isn’t how you should do things. Kindness is how you get things done. Marinette pulled out her phone and sent a text while Chloé rattled off instructions to the driver.
Marinette : Help! Tell me something inspiring and uplifting. I’m having a Chloé crisis here!
Her phone buzzed just as the car pulled away from the hotel.
Alya : Isn’t everything related to her a crisis? Is it really that bad? Scratch that, I’m sure it’s that bad. I’m surprised you made it to Italy in one piece. Are you getting close to Adrien? I’d say:  Keep your eyes on the prize, Marinette. You’re strong enough to pull through. If you aren’t though, I could start a collection to get you a ticket home.
Marinette snerked, but after rereading the text she stole a glance at her companion. Chloé was once more deep into her phone scrolling, curled against the door of the car.
Marinette : That’s the problem, it’s not that bad. But it somehow just makes the bad stuff worse, and there’s no one else around. It’s so strange. I’ve spent more time around her in the last twenty four hours than in all the years we’ve known each other. What if Chloé turns out to be a person?
Alya : Of course she’s a person, Marinette. She’s just bad at being a person. Nothing excuses how she behaves. Don’t be fooled. You can be all heart sometimes.
Marinette bit her thumb. Alya was right, but what good did it do, being right? Marinette was here with Chloé now, all her avoidance and distancing skills were moot. Marinette glanced at her companion side-long again, but just as she was formulating something to say the car pulled to an abrupt stop. Chloé jerked forward at the sudden halt, and launched into an instant flood of Italian invective at the driver. He responded with equal measure this time. Chloé pulled at the back of his seat, craning up to look out the front windshield. Marinette tilted her head to peek around the passenger seat just as a sharp, metal-rending sound and screams reached them.
Up the narrow street a large blue… fish… shark… thing, thrashed among the cars before diving back into the canal alongside. Marinette caught only a glimpse, but it didn’t look remotely natural. It couldn’t be… She couldn’t take the chance that it was. Instinctively she pushed open her door and leapt out. A sharp grip stopped her though.
“Where do you think you’re going, Du-Pain-Cheng? Get back in here! You’ll end up as tacky fish food! Worse, we’ll be late for our train!”
A million prepared excuses didn’t work when she was a thousand miles from Paris. Marinette tugged herself free, a surprisingly difficult task. “I– I forgot something back at the hotel! I’ll be right back!”
Without waiting, she ran off back along the line of cars being rapidly abandoned. The creature  launched itself from the water again, swallowing a car whole, before diving back into the canal once more. Ladybug can do something, someone has to. Bless this old town’s narrow alleys! Marinette scooted out of sight behind some rubbish, and with a ‘spots on!’ Ladybug launched herself up onto the rooftops.
Her first thought as she scanned the waterways below was: No Cat Noir, he’s missing a ton of fish puns. She picked out the ripples of the creature moving under the water and aimed a yo-yo strike. “Here, fishy fishy. Come see why all of Paris is hooked on Ladybug.” Oh why…?
Her trick worked though. The creature snapped at the yo-yo and held fast. Ladybug braced herself… and was yanked clean off the roof. She clipped a bridge on her way down and then found herself submerged in the murky canal water. She held on for dear life as the thing pulled her through turn after turn. It was luck more than anything else that slammed her into a footing. She used it as a brace and heaved for all she was worth. With a sudden jerk the line went slack. Ladybug surfaced with a gasp then reeled in her line empty handed. “Talk about the one that got away.”
Treading water, Ladybug tried to gather her thoughts. The lack of Cat Noir highlighted itself as ripples appeared heading straight for her. Ladybug splashed for the side of the canal, but teeth clamped around her right leg and pulled her under. She flailed once more, blind in the muddy churned water. Punches and kicks did little to help, the pressure on her leg was overwhelming, and her exertions demanded more air. A blow hit something soft and she was released. Ladybug flailed for the surface, sputtering this time and throwing her yo-yo to gain herself altitude. Jaws snapped at her heels as her yo-yo pulled her up onto another roof.
Down on one knee, Ladybug tried again to focus. Three close calls, and she still didn’t know what she was dealing with. She needed a plan. She needed a partner. Could she use Voyage to get someone? No, it would take too much time to recharge. If this was an akuma there was no way of knowing how long it would last. People were already gone, down that giant maw. Whatever its purpose, it wasn’t here for her earrings. There’s no way Shadowmoth could know I was here, is there?
There were too many variables. One stark truth pushed to the foreground. She’d been lucky so far that her fights had been so very basic. Fight something with an obvious weakness who very much wants to be engaged with the fight. This fight was nothing like that, and she was drowning in the reality of that as much as she had been in the water. Waterbug food? Maybe. It won’t help me see. Get it out of the water? How? What do I do if I catch it?
One facet resolved itself for her. The creature splashed above the surface and began yelling at her… in Italian. She had no idea what it was saying, but it's speech meant it wasn’t just a natural creature. She also picked out the fact it was wearing a comically ill fitting jacket, and had a long pole tied to its piscine body.
Okay, I’m going to bet Akuma. Jacket or pole. Pole? It looks like one of the ones that the gondolas have. It’s smashing cars. It’s as good a guess as any. While the akuma continued to berate her, gesturing wildly with its fins, Ladybug took a chance and lashed out with her yo-yo, hoping to snag the pole. The creature dove seamlessly under the water before her yo-yo could connect though. Of course it can’t be that easy.
The akuma didn’t immediately resurface and Ladybug used the time to summon her Lucky Charm. Into her hands fell … a car jack? “Of all the times to be cryptic.”
Ladybug scanned the surroundings. The first plan that sprang to mind, was to get the beast to chomp down on the jack, forcing its jaws open. While it struggles the pole should be easy pickings. This was the part where she needed her partner. Cat Noir had the skill, speed, and bravery to lure any akuma and make them focus on him. It would make jamming this into the beast’s maw a piece of cake. I’m alone now though, and it’s my own fault. Still, I can do this. I’ve got a plan. I’m Ladybug.
The plan was simple really, get the beast to try to chomp down on her. Use one person to do two jobs. Simple did not mean viable. Sacrificing her water-macaron gave her more mobility, but of course now that she wanted to force a confrontation the fish weren’t biting. Ladybug swam the canals of Venice to exhaustion chasing the akuma, but it preferred its rampage to a polka dot treat. Time and again it leapt from the water, smashed or devoured a car, then dove back into the water just as Ladybug caught up to it. She was getting nowhere but tired.
She pulled herself from the water, flopping over onto old cobblestones and in desperate need of a new plan. Her earrings finally chirped in her ear, putting an urgent punctuation on things. She could tell by virtue of the sun’s position that she had already been at this for hours, not minutes, but didn’t have time to question her blessing.
Maybe if I portal into its mouth? That could get messy. Venom? It hasn’t let me get close. Clout? Punch all the water? Ladybug laughed humorlessly at that image. I should have thought more before getting myself worn out. This is harder than I gave it credit for. Why is this stupid thing even here? What is Shadowmoth doing here? No- Later, I don’t have time. Stupid Akuma just wants to chomp down on cars, taxis actually. Maybe if I was a car I could make him come after me. Wait…
Ladybug sat up. It might work, and she was running out of ideas. She pulled out the fox Miraculous and put it on. With a ‘Trixx unify!’ She became Lady Rouge and pulled out her flute. First she stopped at the first un-wrecked Taxi she could find. She set up her lucky charm and cranked it to full extension, from floor to ceiling in the cab. Second she piped up a skyward illusion of herself, with a big booming voice to match. Thanks for the idea, Shadowmoth .
“ Hey, Sardine! It’s me, Ladybug! You’ve got a thing against cabbies don’t you? Well, I’m here to tell you I’m guarding this one. You think you can take it out? Come fight me, or is your success so far just a fluke? ”
Ugh, I can’t be missing Cat Noir this much, can I? Ladybug shook her head. She had time to wonder if her plan worked before a bestial roar reverberated along the water. A rushing torrent, like a miniature tsunami rippled up the canal at her. Ladybug ducked behind her trap and prayed.
The akuma jumped from the canal up the street and thrashed its way through the line of cars towards her. Ladybug swapped flute for Yo-yo, letting the illusion drop. What I wouldn’t give for Chat’s baton right now. The beast devoured its way through metal, teeth as large as her hand gnashing steel like paper. Three, two, one, it chomped down on the Cab and the charm held. The Akuma’s beady eyes widened and it flailed in place, clenching and flexing its jaw against the obstruction. Ladybug dashed to the side, lashing out to snag the pole. Her yo-yo hit the mark this time, but as it came back to her a flash of white loomed in her peripherals. She raised her arm, and it might have saved her life, though it cost her pain. The Akuma bit at her in its frenzy, and snagged her arm, yanking her off her feet, pinned between tooth and the twisted metal of her own trap.
She was in the air, slammed against the ground, and pitched up again. She still had the pole in hand. As she spun in the air she snapped it and luck was with her, the Akuma sprang free. Gravity began pulling her back to earth, Twisting, she saw the gaping maw turned up to swallow her. Ladybug twisted again as she fell, an over the shoulder toss caught the butterfly. Purification took precious feet of her fall. The yo-yo snapped open. “Miraculous Ladyb–”
Pain, crushing pain. Rending pain saved from gore only by the miraculous magic of her suit. Still, the girl inside was flesh and bone. Blackness slammed down on her as her brain cut off senses in self preservation. She slumped, half in half out of those massive jaws.
Pain, but a different pain. The pain of a sleeping limb regaining feeling, but it was her whole body. Ladybug gasped into wakefulness and sat up. A bewildered boatsman sat opposite her, and all around tourists and locals were creeping back to their morning routines. What did– Did I–? The memory replayed itself. I– Ladybug hugged herself, people were starting to gather, but she had no eyes nor ears for them. Cat Noir, is this how it feels, every time?
The voices pierced her thoughts, though she didn’t understand most of the words. Another sound, an insistent chirp, joined them, and Ladybug was jolted to her feet. “Sorry people, I’ve got to bug out!” She didn’t wait for recognition or permission. She latched onto a nearby chimney with her yo-y,o and fled for the dark confines of an alleyway to transform back.
Marinette slumped against the old bricks of the alley wall while Tikki and Trixx hovered anxiously. She had food, somewhere… digging in her pockets she found a cookie and split it in two, “Sorry, Trixx.” The Kwami didn’t seem inclined to rebuke her.
“Are you okay, Marinette?” Tikki asked between bites.
Marinette started with an easy excuse, but a phantom pain across her stomach stilled her, and her answer was a more honest, “No, not really. Tikki, that all went bad so quickly. I’m used to partners, and working as a team. I’m used to having people helping, and protecting me. I’m Ladybug, the idea person. I solve the problems. I– I need to talk to Cat Noir.”
She swallowed, and the lump in her throat finally went down. Tikki moved in to sit on her shoulder, “I understand, Marinette. Hopefully you can see him soon. Until then just remember, we’re always here to talk to, too.”
Marinette smiled gratefully and gave both kwamis little head scritches until they finished. “Alright, let’s get going. We’ve got a train to catch.”
Marinette wasn’t ready for this. More than half her brain was still back in the akuma’s maw, and most of the rest was desperately wishing she had Cat Noir’s phone number. She didn’t have a choice though. Chloé had been standing by a pile of their luggage, but she stalked up to Marinette as soon as they made eye contact.
“Sorry, Chloé.” Looking contrite was easy, she was in the right emotional space for it. “I ran off without thinking, and then there was all the screaming, and then Ladybug…”
“ Ladybug? ” Chloé’s nostrils flared and her flushed cheeks reddened still further, “Don’t tell me you were standing around gawking at that useless, no good, excuse for a hero! You were gone for hours Du-Pain-Cheng. You really are that spotted failures number one fan, aren’t you?”
Marinette didn’t have any reserves to weather the assault with grace. She lunged into Chloé’s space, “She’s a hero Chloé, which is more than we can say for you . She was helping people, or didn’t you pay attention to all the screaming and dying ? What would have happened if Ladybug wasn ’t here? Sorry a major villain attack is such an inconvenience for you!”
The unexpected retaliation stunned Chloé, but only for a heartbeat. She snapped right back, “Maybe if she didn’t play with Shadowmoth all across the globe people wouldn’t keep getting hurt! She still hasn’t caught him, not with her entire little fail brigade. You know who came the closest out of everyone? Me , Queen Bee! I had my hand on the peacock miraculous after my third time out! Did she ever get that close?”
It was Marinette’s turn to balk. What? She did? When? Third time? Miraculer? Why didn’t I… I never asked. Damnit, I never asked anyone anything back then. Marinette growled at her not-long-ago self. Trial by fire left a lot of burns. Even with this new information she wasn’t done. Her adrenaline wouldn’t let go of her.
“She’s been close plenty of times! She’s fought harder than anyone, and for what? What does she get? Nothing but beat up, time and time again. She gets to see her partner hurt. She gets to fight and run away because no one can know who she is. There’s no end to it, she’ll be at this forever unless Shadowmoth makes a mistake. Forever, Chloé, can you even imagine that?”
Marinette was panting and shaking. She had the vague notion that people were staring, she didn’t care. She was choking between breaths, fighting tears. She couldn’t calm down, but she wouldn’t fall apart, not in front of her nemesis.
Chloé didn’t look much better. She was as flushed as Marinette had ever seen her. Her hands were balled into fists so tight her fingers looked bloodless as she waved them in frustration. “She has a statue ! Everybody loves her. Who cares what she has to do when she can have that? Why does she even matter to you, Marinette? I thought this was about Adrien . We missed our train. Our ride is long gone. I’m standing here on the side of the road in this soggy Italian nightmare all because you went running off! Do you even care ? No! Chloé will get more tickets. Chloé will figure it out. Chloé knows how to travel. Chloé has money. That’s all she’s good for. Lila might be sinking her fangs into Gabriel as we speak and YOU DON’T CARE. ”
Chloé snapped around. Marinette gulped for air. She’d had too long to stew during Chloé’s rant and emotional reaction was kicking in. Chloé was too close to the truth, and Marinette couldn’t even defend herself. The vital secret kept her lips locked and that meant that Chloé’s truth was the only truth visible. Marinette struggled for words, “But–”
Chloé rounded on her. “WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE, MARINETTE?!”
The blond finished with an ear piercing shriek of frustration. She thrust a hand into her purse and then flung her arm out. A spray of Hundred Euro notes splashed across Marinette, dazing her for the time it took Chloé to grab and struggle several steps under her heavy luggage.
Marinette reached out from the fluttering cloud of bills, “Chloé wait.”
She didn’t turn around. “I’m going back to my plane, Du-Pain-Cheng.”
Marinette knew she could follow her, talk to her, convince her. Well, maybe another me could. There’s only this me right now though, and…
Marinette slumped to the cobblestone sidewalk and began scooping up the scattered money.
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stareyedmoonchild · 5 years
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Tim had a habit, a habit that always put Marinette's legs to sleep for hours. It didn't matter where they where, he would always do it.
What is his habit, you ask? It's falling asleep in Marinette's lap.
The first time he fell asleep on her lap was when she forced him into his room. To say he was confused would have been an understatement, but he chose not to question it. Mainly, because the look on her face said to not push her buttons.
She sat themselves on the bad and placed his head on her lap. If Tim was confused be before this, then about now he dumbfounded. She then started to run her fingers through his hair, in a slow relaxing rhythm. It didn't take long for him fall asleep. After that time, it just became routine whenever she was over.
"You know this habit of yours is getting way out of hand," Marinette said.
Opening his eyes, Tim stared up into her pretty bluebell one's. He watched as the spring breeze ran through her loose hair, as they relaxed under the shade. It was one of those rare nice days in Gotham where it was just partly cloudy, and warm. It was only natural that they went outside.
"It's not my fault your lap is comfortable," he says, closing his eyes once more and pleasent smile dancing on his face.
Rolling her eyes, Marinette said, "I can't feel my legs."
"Well, your just going to have to live with it."
That day was a nice day. He remembered chuckling when she said that. He remembered jokingly telling her he would carry her when he woke up. Even offered to take her out on a date. He remembered how big her eyes got with shock, how pink dusted her features. That was the day they began their relationship. That day was a like a dream, but now five days after that beatiful moment of peace and happiness, it all turned into a nightmare.
One of Wayne enterprises building was bombed, and everything around them was either buring, falling or both. The two of them responded and were now making sure that everyone was evacuated. Tim wasn't paying attention as he was too busy going from room to room making sure no one was inside. He didn't notice a that a large chunk of the ceiling beginning to fall, but Marinette did. Pushing him out of the way, it was her to be half buried instead.
He freaked out and called her name worridly. Over the comms he could hear the rest of the family wondering what happened. Looking up at him, eyes filled with panic she said, "I can't feel my legs."
When help finally came, everyone but themselves had been evacuated.It was Tim and Damian who pulled her out as Batwing held up the rumble careful not to cause anymore damage. Tim held her tightly in his arms as she detransformed, and Tikki appeared.
"Can't you do something," he asked, desperately hoping that Tikki and use her magic to help Marinette.
Looking down solemnly, Tikki shook her head saying that her powers did work that way.
It was on that day, twenty year old Marinette Dupain - Cheng, became paralyzed.
Send me a number.
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maristoryart · 8 years
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Lady Marinette Miraculous Ladybug Fan comic
Chapter 1: A city of Lies: Pages:  01 02   03 04   05   06 07   08   09
Chapter 2: Complicated Love: Pages:  01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11  
Chapter 3: The Truth: Pages:  01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14  15   
Chapter 4: LadyButterfly: Pages:  01  <– Click & follow the rest of the links to read Chapter 4!
Thank you so much for reading my fan comic! ^^ ~Mari
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