#cha•°•James p.
addie-henderson · 1 year
the tip of his cock ran between your folds nudging your achy clit. he refused to go in a punishment for being 'ill behaved' in reality it was out of cruelty you'd done nothing he just got off on watching you babble hopelessly. "Jamie please-" you repeat, though barely coherent.
"hm? please please Jamie please" he mocks you as your legs shake. "please what baby?"
you begin to cry as you cum your stomach wound tightly into a coil that finally snapped. "wait wait-" you babble trying to pause the painful high that came with.
James stopped and you thought maybe he was going to go easy on you. maybe your pleads for a break were heard. the calm was short lived as the head of his cock probed your achingly empty hole. a soft whimper of pleasure falls from your lips as he pushes in to your soaked pussy
"there you go baby biiiiig stretch." he softly coo's at you, he really could be sweet even when he was mean.
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twistedtummies2 · 9 months
The Scarlet Pirate - Chapter 6
This is the finale to a six-part "Chapter Story" for my OC for Twisted Wonderland, James Killian - based on Captain Hook from Disney's Peter Pan. (Also featured are Smitty McCarthy, based on Smee, and Matthew Satyr, based on Peter himself...oh, and Nakoda - my Kaa OC - also has a role here.) The basic premise of this story has been in my mind for almost as long as James has, but for numerous reasons, it wasn't till just within the past few weeks I finally got a chance to develop and write it out.
The result is, I think, the single longest "Chapter Story" for any of my OCs for TW I've created so far. Take that information however you will. So long as this tale, that it went from a planned three-parter, to a planned five-parter, to now being a six-parter, standing at approximately 150 pages in total! Hopefully, all the work and length will be for the best. XD
As is typical for my Chapter Stories, I have been posting this one chapter at a time per day over the course of this past week. You can find the previous chapter here.
If you wish to start from the beginning, you can find the first chapter here.
WARNING: While this story, throughout all six parts, does not FOCUS on my kinks, there are instances of very mild stuffing/belching related content sprinkled throughout, as well as various instances of implied or near vore situations. If you're into these things, good on ya. If you aren't, just be warned they will show up here and there, although not with any degree of spectacle.
With that said...I hope you enjoy.
The skull-and-crossbones on the gauntlet flashed…and then it came again. The depression. The oppressive negativity. Sorrow and guilt, fear and pain, anger of the most hopeless sort…all of it flooded your mind. Hunger, cold, and darkness swarmed your mind, and you felt as if an anchor had been dropped upon you. All at once, you and your fellow students fell to the cavern floor, all crying out in the same tone at the same time: one of abrupt, gut-wrenching despair. Nakoda rolled onto his back, holding onto his belly, gasping and wheezing as if his gut was being compressed by some external force. Sebek was in a similar state, grinding his molars and curling up from pain. Azul was once again covering his ears, as if trying to drown out voices inside his own head. Matthew collapsed in front of you, directly beside Smitty, each clutching their chests, as if their hearts or lungs were in pain. Kes desperately buzzed her wings, trying to keep herself aloft, but as James began to walk closer, the waves of dark power that seemed to surround him overtook her, and she fell from the sky. “K-Kes!” Matthew gasped between harsh, ragged breaths, and caught her in his hands. “Wretched fairy,” snorted James, looking down as if the pixie were a vulgar insect. “James…James, p-please stop this!” Smitty begged. “How…how is this even…h-happening?” groaned Azul. “None of us t-touched him again!” meowed Grim. You couldn’t answer; it felt as if your tongue had gone numb. But you knew what had happened. Overblot always did this: everyone in Jamil’s vicinity had been put under his spell. Azul had easily begun to drain people’s powers. Leona had nearly turned the whole campus to sand. James no longer NEEDED to touch anyone; the magic was just POURING out of him at this point, and with it came the weight of Doubt & Despair. “Look at you all,” James grinned cruelly, pausing and lifting his clawed hand, flexing his fingers. As he did, you saw Nakoda start to writhe, as if every motion of that hand was creating lashings of new distress. “And I thought seeing you drop before me in the treasure room was pleasure enough. No…this. THIS is what I’ve LONGED for. What I’ve truly waited years to see! Everyone…at me feet…without a hope. Without a prayer. Dying of broken hearts and bad dreams!” A sadistic, unhinged laugh left James, jangling in your eardrums like nails on a chalkboard. As he cackled, Matthew held Kes to his face; she seemed weak. Frail. Her golden pixie light began to flicker. “No, Kes! N-No, please…please don’t go out!” he pleaded. “Oh, dear, dear,” tutted James Killian mockingly, noticing this, a wicked glint in his red eye. “Is somebody’s little pixie unable to take the weight of it all? Such a shame…” “James…you…c-can’t…!” “SHUT UP, YOU TRAITOR!” shrieked James, rounding on Smitty McCarthy. “I AM THE CAPTAIN HERE! I AM IN CHARGE! FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE, I HAVE EVERYTHING I COULD EVER ASK FOR!”
He froze…then grinned and looked towards the rock where the treasure chest still sat. “Well,” he snickered. “Almost everything.” James started to walk towards it…then stopped as he felt a hand grip his boot. He looked down and back, a repulsed look once more curling his features grotesquely as he saw Matthew Satyr holding onto his boot with one hand. “Leave them…alone…y-you stinking codfish,” he hoarsely rasped. James growled…and kicked the arm away. “You think I’ll take orders from you?!” he shouted at the top of his lungs. “YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE ANYMORE, SATYR!” James suddenly reached down, his gauntlet hooks snatching up Satyr by the front of his costume. Matthew’s hands loosened around Kes, and her little, limp form fell to the floor. Her wings twitched and she went still. Killian, meanwhile, dragged Matthew over to one of the stone walls, slamming his back into it. “I AM YOUR WEAKNESS! JUST AS YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MINE!” James roared into his face. “EVERY TIME YOU FALL! EVERY TIME YOU STUMBLE!” James Killian reached back with his un-hooked hand and began to punch Matthew repeatedly in the diaphragm. “I! WILL! BE! THERE!” James then tossed Matthew aside. Tears were in the half-fairy’s eyes. He started to crawl away. James let out a psychotic sort of giggle. “Oh-ho-ho-ho, no. No, no, no, you don’t get to fight it!” he grinned, with madness in his eyes. “LIE DOWN AND LOSE! JUST THIS ONCE! DAMNATION, LOSE!” James kicked Matthew, who cried out in pain. He then looked up, and grinned viciously, seeing his sword, still stuck in the rock at the top of the stone tower. He looked down, leaning close and patting Satyr’s cheek. “Wallow in misery for a second,” he said, softly. “I’ll be back in just a moment.”
As James began to ascend the tower, it was all too clear what he had in mind. A surge of light burst inside of you: this couldn’t happen! He wasn’t going to give up, but you had to stop him! Your eyes looked towards Kes. You bit your lip and began to crawl along the cave floor towards the fallen fairy. It was a slim hope, a slender chance…but you had to try. And that determination helped you crawl a little faster. “Prefect…ssstop,” you heard Nakoda hiss behind you. “Don’t…he might…might…see,” Smitty whimpered. You ignored them both. If James Killian was focused on Satyr, nothing would tear him away. You had to rely on that belief. You had to pray that you weren’t miscalculating. You had to stay focused. You had to believe. Your belief was answered. James Killian pulled his sword out of the stone, without ever noticing. As he did, the rapier-like blade changed in his hand, transforming into a cutlass, with a skull-shaped hilt, and ink staining its blade like black blood. He strolled back down the slope towards Matthew Satyr, who was shaking his head, as if trying to dispel bad memories. James paused, cocking his head with a smug look, as if taking in the despair…drinking in the moment… “How does it feel, Satyr?” he asked, calmly. “I didn’t get a chance to ask in the pit. What is it like? What feelings are filling your heart? What unhappy thoughts are weighing you down?” “Sh-shut up,” Satyr spat. “Let me guess,” James went on, inspecting his blade. “Loneliness, perhaps? The recognition that, for all your brass, you’re still an abandoned child, not wanted by fairy or human alike? Perhaps the disbelief that I’ve finally beaten you? Or perhaps the realization I was always destined to win to begin with?” “I s-said shut up!” Satyr responded, looking up with teary but indignant eyes. “HA HA HA!” James laughed uproariously. “Is that all you have to say?! Odds, bobs, hammer, and tongs, Satyr! YOU’RE PATHETIC LIKE THIS!”
With a beastly growl, James kicked Matthew again, and sent him rolling across the stone floor. You tried to ignore the scene as you were now just about arm’s length from Kes. You reached out; her little pixie eyes flickered as she looked up at you, her tiny chest heaving as she tried to breathe, to fight the negativity that threatened to put out her light. “Reach for me,” you whispered. “Trust me. Have faith.” Kes looked confused…but she seemed to believe you. Her little hand reached out, shakily, her miniature fingers just brushing yours… “I need you,” you whispered to her. “Matthew needs you. We all need what you can give us…and you know what that is, don’t you?” Kes’ wings twitched…suddenly, the light began to strengthen. You smiled, and felt the light in your own heart intensify… “Come on…we can do it. Together. If you believe in me…I’ll believe in you.” “What are you d-doing?” you heard Smitty whine out. “Using the one thing that James can’t extinguish,” you said, and began to hold yourself up on your hands and knees. “I just…need…time…!” Time was not something you had an abundance of. Matthew Satyr tried to pull himself to his feet, but James pounded his iron-clad hand down in a hammering blow, knocking him down again. “STAY THERE! Let me see it…let me see you weep, Satyr!” he spat. “Let the tears flow, like they did before! LET ME WIN AND DIE!” “You…you don’t…h-have to…do this…James, you’re…you’re not going to…survive this!” Matthew sputtered out, clutching the bruised parts of his body. “I’LL TAKE THAT CHANCE IF IT MEANS BEATING YOU!” screamed James. He raised the cutlass above his head. “SAY YER PRAYERS, MATTHEW SATYR!” “YOU FIRST, YOU OLD CODFISH!”
James Killian froze up, and turned to see who had spoken. He was astonished when he saw you standing, with Kes sitting in the palm of your hand, while all the rest remained on the ground. “Y-You?!” gasped James. “Prefect?” peeped Matthew…and slowly started to smile despite the pain. “K-Kes?!” “How are you up and about?!” roared James, pointing his sword at you. “YOU SHOULD BE PROSTRATING YOURSELF, CRYING FOR YOUR MUMMY AND DADDY!” “I haven’t cried for them in a very long time,” you said, gravely serious, then smiled. “I have a lot of bad stuff in my life. We all do. Everyone in this room has experienced terrible things, even DONE terrible things. I’ve lost people I cared about. But I’ve also gained friends, even a new family, and experiences people back in my world could only dream of. For all the reasons I could have to despair, there’s one thing I’ve learned since I came to this world.” “And what is that, pray tell?” snarled James Killian, scraping the edge of his sword and the claws of his gauntlet together threateningly. You just smiled wider. “There are three things in life that are certain,” you reminded him. “And it wasn’t what you said. Remember?” “If you’re about to sssay what I think you’re about to sssay,” you heard Nakoda mutter. “I ssswear to Chernabog I’m eating you…” “Seconded,” Azul grumbled. Sebek just groaned. You giggled at all their reactions, even as James took up a dueling stance, sword poised, claws held high. “I don’t think any of you have any place to argue,” you said, and looked towards James Killian as he began to inch towards you, eyes wild, like an animal ready to pounce. “Don’t you see, James? You’ll NEVER win! Not so long as there is Faith…Trust…and…” “Seriously, don’t say it,” moaned Grim, covering his ears. You said it anyway. “PIXIE DUST!”
Kes spun around you, sending a shower of golden, glittering dust onto your head and shoulders. James roared like a feral animal and plunged forward, ready to run you through with his blade… …And missed as you flew into the air, clean over his head. Every drop of despair and dismay fell away from you as you lifted towards the ceiling of the cave…then came swooping down, flying just above the surface of the lake. You caught some water in your hand and splashed it in the pirate’s face as you flew like a bird, getting behind him. You bowed tauntingly in mid-air, James eye twitching as his teeth gnashed. “No! NO!” he wailed, and ran at you, swinging his weapon wildly about. “I WON! I! WON! YOU CAN’T BE FLYING, TOO! NOT NOW! YOU CAN’T!” “Mere child’s play!” you teased, zipping away and flying out of the path of his weapon. Sparks flew as it scratched the stone wall. James hissed like a rattlesnake and whirled about, raking his hooked claws through the air to try and catch you, but you flew higher and further out of range. “GIVE UP ALREADY!” James yelled. “You first!” you mocked. Cursing in a wild, over-the-top fashion, James held out his iron hand. The red skull flashed again, and you could see a plume of dark mist come flying towards you. You dodged the wave of negative energy, flying in circles, racing out of the path of every shot of power. “DOUBT AND DESPAIR! DOUBT AND DESPAIR!” James howled, sounding very much like a toddler throwing a tantrum. “LET ME WIN! JUST LET ME WIN! JUST ONCE! I WANNA WIN!” You sighed and shook your head as you flew down and hovered near the ground. “Oh, James,” you said, sadly, then injected venom into your words. “Grow up.”
James Killian all but pounced towards you, sword and claws raised alike, as if he meant to cut you to ribbons. You flew out of the way just in time, and he crashed into the stone wall behind you. Hard. The instant he did, the wave of dreadful power that was overwhelming the others seemed. Cautiously, everyone began to climb onto their hands and feet…but James Killian was doing the same. He grunted and gasped, his clawed hand reaching up and slapping onto the stone wall… …Then, iron screeched against stone as James Killian let out a despairing, sorrowful moan…and finally collapsed, the Overblot effectively beaten out of him as unconsciousness overtook him. It was over. You touched down with a sigh, as you felt all the energy - positive and negative - fall away. Both spells had run their course. Kes zipped over to you and you smiled, holding up a hand as her own miniature mitt gave you a high-five. “Great work,” you said to the pixie. “I knew I could count on you.” “That might have been the corniest win I’ve seen in my life,” Azul’s voice spoke up, as he staggered to his feet, fixing his glasses. “But…I must admit, it seemed effective.” “Kes! You’re okay!” cheered Matthew, and flew over, weightless once more. The pixie flew into his hands and he smiled at her as she perched there like a little bird. “I’m so glad you’re safe…you stopped him! You saved us!” “Correction,” Sebek spoke up, rubbing his chest where his heart was, as it still felt a lingering heaviness from the fatal fury of James’ power. “A fellow student of Night Raven College has saved us. Your pixie helped, though. Proof that humans are not totally useless when aided by fairykind, I’d say!” “When I decide whether or not I should be insulted, I’ll respond to that,” you said to Zigvolt snidely. “Nya…what even happened?” Grim asked, staggering a little, as if dizzy. “It wasn’t a miracle, I promise you,” you chuckled, scratching behind his ears, then explained: “When James went into Overblot, and used his power on all of us at once, I somehow found it in me to realize that I couldn’t let him win. And in that moment, I realized something else: Matthew’s power was still working on us at the time. None of us were USING it, but it hadn’t worn off. I could still feel the light, still feel the happy thoughts; I just had to focus on them and replenish the pixie dust.” “Ssso it wasn’t AS cheesy as it ssseemed; jussst a matter of magical logic,” chuckled Nakoda. “I sssuppose I can avoid eating you for that. Thisss time.” “But how did you know that would work?” Matthew blinked. “Even I didn’t realize it!”
“You were being kicked around like a football,” you replied blandly. “I’ll forgive you for the oversight.” Satyr blushed, and you heard Grim snigger. Kes giggled, a sound like a music box, in the half-fairy’s hands. “I just had to have faith and trust to use Faith and Trust,” you shrugged, then gestured to your Night Raven associates. “If any of these guys are gonna kill me someday, it’s not gonna be from the mother of all depressive funks, I’ll tell you that much.” “I think we’ll have to remember that,” Azul said slyly, while Nakoda licked his lips and nodded in agreement. You blushed. The conversation was halted when all of you heard a familiar voice… “James! J-James, get up!” You all looked to see Smitty McCarthy, kneeling beside his friend, worry upon his face. James Killian was still in his Overblot form as the smaller man rolled him onto his back. However, as he was laying there totally unmoving, it was clear he posed little immediate threat. “James…James, please wake up,” whimpered Smitty, checking the pirate’s head. “I’m…I’m sorry, I…please…” “Relax, Smitty,” you called out, as your friends and allies approached the scene. “He’ll be okay. He’s just out cold.” “And I’m gonna guess not for long,” added Grim. “Nope,” you said with a shake of your head, and pointed to the white mist that was already starting to pool around Killian’s extremities. “Not long at all.” Smitty squeaked and jolted back; you caught him to prevent him from clumsily falling over. This was in reaction to James’ whole body shining like a pure white beacon, glowing like a star, as more and more silvery-white mist floated from his form. The mist gathered a few feet over your heads, creating an oblong, elliptical shape, like a mirror or a window. You all knew by now that meant. (Well, most of you did, anyway.) You watched as shapes formed in the center of the misty cloud, creating visions of days gone by. It was time to take a peek into the past…
“Come on, James! You have to do better than that!”
James Killian was younger. Smaller. Slighter. He was also much less flashy. Dressed more conservatively, almost shabbily, in the kind of outfit a humble sailor’s son might wear. His hair was shorter, and his expression slightly nervous. He was almost unrecognizable as the Killian of the Present. Two things were still visibly the same: the tattoo of a hook upon the back of his left hand…and the deft way he handled the rapier-like sword in his hand. Not deft enough, though, for his opponent, with a sudden, almost whip-like motion, knocked the fencing weapon from his grasp. It was sent spinning into the air…before being caught by said opponent. They didn’t have far to travel to catch it. After all. They were already airborne. Matthew Satyr grinned cheekily down at James Killian, as he held the hilt of the rapier out, his own weapon - a shorter sort of sword - held in his other hand. The half-fairy had not visibly aged or changed a bit.
“My game, James.”
James blushed and carefully took the sword. “It’s not fair,” he whined. “You always fly out of the way!”
“Hey, our instructor says use everything you can to your advantage,” shrugged Matthew, sheathing his sword blade and giving a teasing wink. “Can’t blame me for using my power, can ya? It doesn’t even generate blot!”
“You guys with light magic have it easy,” sighed James, then smiled. “Good form, though.” He held out his right hand. Satyr floated a little closer to the ground…and smiled before shaking that right hand. “You weren’t too bad yourself,” Matthew grinned. James smiled a little wider. His expression was bashful; his head dipped slightly. “Thanks,” he chuckled.
Matthew smiled back, his own grin widening as he gave James’ hand a light squeeze. Then both realized how long they’d been holding on and quickly broke away with a couple of awkward laughs.
“You’re gonna be more than ready when the contest comes up,” Matthew assured his friend, wiping his hand absent-mindedly on his dark green vest.
“Not as ready as you,” chuckled James. “I’m gonna need a miracle if we fight together.”
“Hey, you’ve beat me a few times!” Satyr replied, flying around James to his other side and placing a hand upon his shoulder. “I mean, I’ve beat you way more, buuut that’s just because I happen to be awesome.”
“Well, you aren’t very bashful,” smirked James, brushing the hand off his shoulder. “Got no reason to be,” Satyr giggled. “I’m half-fairy, I can fly, I’m super good with a sword, and everybody loves me! What do you expect me to do, lie?”
Before James could answer, two new voices broke onto the scene.
“HELLO, MATTHEW!” they called out at the same time.
The pair turned around to see the source of the twin call. Two young ladies - one a blonde with fair skin, the other a brunette with copper tones - came running towards the duo. Or, more accurately, they came running towards Matthew Satyr, not even seeming to notice James Killian.
“Hi, Gwen! Leela!” greeted Matthew, waving happily. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Gwen (the blonde) called out, with an embarrassed sort of look. “We thought you might be avoiding us.”
“Of course not!” said Matthew with a laugh, and flew over to the pair, gesturing back towards James. “I was just helping James practice for the contest coming up soon.”“Oh, Matthew, you’re always so helpful!” sighed Leela (the brunette), dreamily. She didn’t even look towards James, and neither did Gwen. “That’s why we came to find you!” “Oh?” blinked Satyr, cocking his head curiously.
“We were hoping you could join us for a study session,” Leela elaborated, while Gwen nodded in agreement. The two were nudging against each other, as if each young lady was trying to be at the forefront of Matthew’s vision, the center of his attention.
Matthew looked between the two. He seemed confused. “Well…I’d be happy to help, girls, but you know schoolwork isn’t my strong suit,” he chuckled nervously. Then his expression lit up, and he jabbed a thumb towards James. “Hey, maybe my friend can help you! James is super good with school stuff!”
James smiled, perking up a bit; he’d been looking rather dour and dejected this whole time…but his smile fell when, once again, the two ladies never even turned his way. “Ah, but it’s YOU we want to study with!” insisted Gwen, and smiled in a sneaky, flirtatious sort of way. “Maybe we can help each other.”
“Well, if you’re sure,” Matthew said, with a slightly uncertain sort of laugh. He didn’t seem to even remotely notice the almost vixen-like smirks on each girl’s faces, or at least, didn’t grasp what they meant. He then turned back towards James. “I’ll catch ya later, James! See you at the dueling competition, if nothing else! Stay safe, pal!” Matthew Satyr then flew off, with Gwen and Leela running fast to catch up behind him. He laughed, teasing them to go faster, while they giggled and chattered, bumping into each other, racing to see who could get closest to the half-fairy. James Killian watched them go, his expression hollow and sad. Silently, he sheathed his still-undone rapier and walked away.
The scene shifted to sometime later. James Killian was now sitting on a balcony, at the top of a great and mighty-looking clock tower. The tower stood high above a seaport town, and the Sun was setting on the horizon, coloring the ocean waters in gold and pinkish hues. “You shouldn’t let it get to you,” said a voice at his side. The younger, less spiffy James turned and smiled somewhat sadly. Smitty McCarthy sat beside him; each of them held a popsicle in one hand, as they sat high over the city.
“They never even noticed me, Smitty,” James said, softly. “Not once. It was like I wasn’t there. Like I was invisible.”
“I thought you didn’t even like Gwen and Leela,” Smitty said, between slurps of his popsicle.
“I don’t,” shrugged James, and gazed off towards the horizon once more. “But it isn’t just them. It’s…everyone. I don’t understand. I study hard, don’t I? I have better grades, I always do my work on time, and I have more practical knowledge than that silly boy will ever have. But because he can fly and is oh-so-sociable, everybody notices him.”
Smitty narrowed his eyes. “James,” he said, quietly. “Are you…angry with him?”
James blinked at Smitty. He looked surprised. “Angry?” he said, and chuckled. “Why would I be angry? No, no…I…I’m not…angry, Smitty.” He looked at the slowly-melting popsicle in his hand as if it were a magical mirror. “But I am…jealous, I’ll admit,” he murmured. “I wish…I wish more people would look at me, the way they look at him. I wish I could get that praise. I wish I could have that recognition. I wish someone would CARE about me the way they always seem to care about what he does, what he says.” Smitty looked hurt for a moment…then scooted closer. “I do,” was all he said. James looked at his friend again. He smiled gratefully. “Then know that you may be alone,” was all he said. “I don’t care if I am,” said Smitty with a smile. “You’re my best friend, James. You mean more to me than anybody else, Matthew included. I mean…it IS kinda cool how he can fly and do all the stuff he does, but…you’re just as good a swordsman, you’re way smarter, and you’ve helped me out a lot. That’s why I want YOU as my captain someday.”
James smiled wider, and slurped on his popsicle thoughtlessly. “Well, we can only hope that day will come soon.” “Oh, I think it’s gonna be closer than you think,” Smitty said slyly. James frowned and raised an eyebrow. Smitty reached into the pocket of his coat and held out an envelope. “Some of your mail got mixed up with mine,” he explained. “Figured you’d want this.” James slung himself off the balcony edge, naturally onto the solid floor towards the back. Smitty did the same, leaning against the railing as he watched James step away and open the envelope. Killian scanned the message inside…and his eyes widened, his jaw dropping in amazement.
“This…this is…!” “You got accepted!” cheered Smitty. “I knew it the moment I saw! James, the Naval Academy wants you to join!” James laughed, disbelieving, running his hands through his hair. “I…I…Smitty, I don’t know what to say! I’ve been waiting for this for ages!” “I know!” grinned Smitty. “Just think! You’ll be able to go to sea, you’ll be able to study a-and start moving up in the ranks! Our dream is coming true, James!” James beamed from ear to ear, looking up at the sky. He clutched the message to his heart. He couldn’t believe his luck. Already he could imagine being at the helm of his ship…then he frowned and looked towards his friend. “But…what about you?” “Ah, don’t worry about me. I’ll get by till the time comes,” shrugged Smitty. “All you’ve gotta do is keep going the way you’re going, and we’ll both be closer to what we always wanted.” James Killian swore he had tears in his eyes. “You’re right. And…and really, what could go wrong now?”
These unintentionally ominous words heralded another scene shift. James and Matthew Satyr were now dressed in dueling uniforms, and seemingly in what looked like a locker room. “You ready for this?” Matthew asked. “You’re not my opponent, so I think so,” joked James. His smile faded when he noticed Matthew looking at a tiny vial of strange fluid, before the half-fae put it in his locker. “What’s that?” James asked. “Huh? Oh!” Matthew grinned. “Just a…little prank I was saving up for my opponent. The guy’s kind of a meanie, so I wanted to teach him a lesson.” James frowned and narrowed his eyes. “After the competition, I trust?” “No, before,” said Matthew. James blinked and tilted his head, very suspicious. “What exactly is it?” “A confusion potion. Makes everything look like it’s reversed in a mirror,” giggled Matthew. “That’s cheating,” James chastised. “Psh. Not if he’s not suffering the effects when we’re fighting,” Matthew scoffed, waving his hand about airily. “I figure it’ll just make him stumble around like an idiot. Maybe bumping into a wall or two will teach him to be less rude.” “What exactly did this person do?” James asked. Matthew paused…then beckoned James over. Curious, his friend approached and peered inside…then his eyes widened. A tiny, golden pixie sat inside the locker. One of her wings was clearly injured. She backed away with a jingling whimper at the sight of James Killian. “It’s okay,” Matthew soothed. “He’s my buddy.” “What’s her name?” James inquired. “Kes,” said Satyr. “The big dummy was treating her like a dragonfly he caught, hurt her wing pretty bad. I saved her and brought here so she could heal in peace.” James nodded and smiled gently. “Don’t be afraid, Kes,” he said, tenderly. “You’re safe around me.” Kes gave a nervous smile back.
The scene shifted once more. James Killian stepped onto the dueling field. This time, no words were uttered, the scene played out visually. Across from him stood a young man, with bangs that hid his eyes, in a dueling uniform. The two adopted their ready positions…but as the fight began, something was clearly wrong. James would lunge, and his enemy would abruptly, blindly swing out, gasping in alarm, as if he hadn’t seen the attempted strike coming till it was too late. He blocked each strike, but only just. He stumbled and staggered, and James had to struggle to keep his own form on the straight and narrow. The turning point came when, suddenly, James flipped off his opponent’s helmet. The young rival was supposed to call out “Touche!” and signal his turn had ended…but something must have gone wrong. Instead, he turned towards the blade, which had been given a point… …And a scream heralded the scene changing again. Now, James Killian was seated with a haunted, worried look outside of an office. Voices were chattering - one was yelling - inside. A few moments passed, then there was silence…before the door opened. Two people - a man and a woman - rushed the young man out, shooting a sour glare at James as they went. Their son’s face was bandaged. A moment later, another man came out, strict and tall in appearance. James looked up fearfully. “Headmaster?” he greeted questioningly. The Headmaster paused and knelt down. “I have good news and I have bad news,” he said. “The good news is that you won’t be penalized for this. No one can prove that you put that confusion potion in Mr. Dippet’s drink, and I don’t think you did.” “Confusion potion?” James repeated, eyes widening. “That’s…that’s what happened?” “He took a VERY large dose,” said the Headmaster, gravely. “He’s lucky something worse didn’t happen, since we were using pointed weapons. Both our school and his will be investigating the matter, but since you never had an opportunity to get anywhere near whatever he drank…” “What’s the bad news?” pressed James. The Headmaster paused again before answering: “I’m sorry, James, but…under the circumstances, you were disqualified. I don’t imagine that’s ESPECIALLY surprising, so I hope you aren’t TOO upset…”
James nodded sorrowfully, turning away. He supposed that made sense; he couldn’t be ranked for a duel he didn’t REALLY win, but it was still disappointing… “...But there’s something much worse.” James looked up in a start. “Worse?” he gulped. The Headmaster nodded. “Not so long ago, you received an acceptance letter from the Naval Academy. Well….I’m sorry to tell you this, James, but…they heard about what happened, and…I guess they smelled something fishy, because…they’ve rescinded their offer. You no longer have acceptance there.” James could only stare. “I know this hurts. That application meant a lot to you. Your father is furious - not with you, with them - but…there’s really nothing we can do. We could try to appeal, but…if they were willing to withdraw just for this…” James remained silent and staring. It was as if he were frozen. “There are other schools, of course. I’d personally suggest Night Raven College: they don’t have anything related to naval work, but…you might be able to find other avenues, and it’s  VERY prestigious school. If the Dark Mirror accepts you, you might have a chance at finding a way to…well.” The Headmaster trailed off. James was still staring at him silently. The man awkwardly stood up. “Ahem. Anyway, that’s…all I have to say, Killian. Given the situation, you are dismissed for the day. If you…want to speak to me about this later, you know my office hours. Good day.” The Headmaster retreated to his room. He never saw the look of absolute, gut-wrenching pain on James’ face as James looked out towards the glass door of the building. Something twisted when James saw a familiar, human-shaped shadow…flying through the air in the distance.
The scene shifted one last time. James Killian stood at the balcony atop the Clock Tower. He was facing away from the horizon. He could feel the clock gears turning, feel the vibrations of the mighty timepiece only yards below his feet. A sword was at his side. He felt, rather than heard, the moment a figure flew to the top of the tower behind him. His feelings were confirmed when an almost timid, bleating utterance of “James?” greeted him. He clenched his teeth, refusing to turn around…then took a deep breath to speak. “You’ve robbed me, Matthew.” Silence. “Why did you do it? Did you think it was funny? Making me look like a filthy, stupid cheat?” Silence. “No. No, YOU envied ME for once, didn’t you? You were afraid that just once, JUST. ONCE. I might win the tournament. And you had that potion right there. It must have been so tempting…” Silence. “I’ve lost my chance at the Academy thanks to you. My dream…Smitty’s dream…you’ve just gone and ruined it. I’ve wanted this all my life, and after all this time…all this time seeing you - hovering over my head, pretending you’re so important and special, and acting like YOU WERE MY FRIEND - you decide it’s time to make sure I can never have what we want most.” Silence. James turned, glaring, eyes misty and bloodshot. “Have you NOTHING to say?” Matthew Satyr’s face was hidden by the shadows. He simply…floated there. Silent. Unmoving. Hovering in stoic, unflinching silence. James felt his blood boiling hot in his veins. His fists clneched tighter and began to shake. “Tell them the truth,” he hissed. “That’s all you have to do. Just tell them what happened.” Matthew remained silent and still. “PLEASE!” James exclaimed, turning around fully. For a moment, the rage left his face. He became pleading. Desperate. “I’ll do anything you say, Matthew! I’ll…I’ll make sure nothing too bad happens! All you have to do is TELL THEM! Just…just tell them, I’m BEGGING you!” The silence and the stillness continued. James felt the tears run down his cheeks. They were very, very hot. He felt the anger flood him again.
“No. No, that’s too difficult, isn’t it?” he sneered. “You can’t tell the truth. You can’t feel guilt. You can’t even tell when people love you! You can’t even understand what it means to be someone’s friend, can you?! You IDIOT! You fly around, feeling like you’re better than anyone else, like you can’t do anything wrong! WELL, IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY! WHY WON’T YOU JUST TELL THE TRUTH?! WHY WON’T YOU JUST OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES?! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST GROW UP AND BE A MAN?!” Matthew Satyr seemed to flinch…and without a word, without a single other action…he flew away. James Killian reached for his sword…but then sheathed it halfway through. He ran to the balcony, looking around for Matthew, but couldn’t see him anywhere. “SATYR! SATYR, COME BACK HERE!” he shouted, his voice echoing across the harbor and the town. There was no reply. No sign of Satyr. James shuddered. He sobbed…then staggered back and collapsed, crying pitifully. A few seconds later, a small figure poked his head out from the doorway leading onto the balcony. A tragic look was on Smitty McCarthy’s features. He trundled forward, and smiled gently, reaching towards James. “Hey,” he whispered. “Hey, it’s alright. I’m still here, James. I’m-” James swatted Smitty’s hand away. He never noticed the hurt look on his friend’s face. James lifted his head, looking up at the sky. The sky that, even now, so high above the city, he could never touch. He reached out with his left hand, as if to do so… …Then closed it and growled, as the tattoo on his hand flared up with a crimson glow. “I’ll get you for this Satyr,” he hissed with pure hatred. “If it’s the last thing I do.”
Finally, the mist receded…and as the white cloud disappeared, James Killian - in his usual form - was seen laying upon the floor of the cave. The silence that followed was broken when Grim whistled, as if impressed. “Nya…I think that’s the longest explanation we’ve ever gotten,” he said.
You yanked his tail and he yelped. “HEY! What was that for?!” “For once in your flaming life, have some propriety,” you glared sternly. Grim just pouted in response. “Tell me what that word means first,” he mumbled to himself. You could only sigh irritably. “James.” You looked up to see Matthew Satyr had flown over towards the fallen pirate. He knelt down on the opposite side of Smitty, both looking worriedly at the scarlet-coated renegade. Matthew nudged him slightly. “Hey. James. Wake up,” he whispered. Killian groaned but didn’t react. “He must have hit that wall REALLY hard,” grimaced Smitty. Kes zipped over and rang her bells in both of their ears. “No, I’ve got this,” Matthew answered…and tugged on James’ hair. Hard. “YEOWCH!” exploded Killian, and sat up in a flash, clutching the side of his head. “WHAT SUBVERSIVE SAVAGE JUST ATTEMPTED TO SCALP ME?!” Kes giggled while Smitty sighed with relief. “Good as new,” he muttered to himself with a slight chuckle. James glanced about in confusion, as if startled…then his eyes fell on Matthew, who was still kneeling at his side. Satyr smiled in a sort of reassuring manner…which only elicited a growl from James. He looked around and saw his cane-sword - also returned to its usual state - on the ground beside him. He made a move to pick it up only to wince and half-collapse before he could. “Blast it,” he groaned, clutching his head. “Who hit me with the broadside of a galleon…?” “Memo to self: rock walls are very effective,” you chuckled to yourself. “I’m just glad that’s not what I got,” you heard Azul mutter. “Sssame,” shuddered Nakoda.
“James,” Matthew said, catching the attention of all again. “I…I think you and I need to talk.” “Oh, NOW you want to talk?” sneered James Killian, and heaved himself to his feet. “Well, regrettably, I feel the two of us are far beyond having anything worth saying to one another.” Matthew just looked at him. James glared back, then turned away, staggering a few paces away from the whole group. “Do you know what REALLY hurts?” he said, darkly. “About growing up? It’s not the dashed hopes. It’s not the aches and pains. It’s not even the stench of death, as it draws ever closer. No…” He glanced back coldly over his shoulder, at both Matthew and Smitty, the latter of whom winced. “It’s knowing that, one by one, the people you called your ‘friends’ will betray you, and abandon you.” “James, it wasn’t like that!” insisted Satyr. “I beg to differ!” James yelled, turning around fully, grinding his molars as he spoke. “This treasure is my key to getting what I always wanted! Something YOU took away!” “There were other ways to get it,” Sebek spoke up. It was strange to hear him NOT yell for a change. James shot him a heated glare, then looked back at Satyr. Matthew just looked with something like pity at Killian. “Why don’t you take it away again?” snarled James. “I’ve committed enough sins today to earn expulsion at best, and far worse beyond that. Go ahead, Matthew. Be the hero. Stop the villain. Send me away and win. We all know it’s too late-” “-To apologize?” James blinked. “Apologize?” he repeated. Then sneered. “You expect ME to apologize?!” “No,” Matthew said. He walked - not flew, walked - closer to James “I meant me.”
James could only stare. He seemed astounded. Matthew Satyr took a breath and looked up at the taller duelist, right into his eyes. “That day,” he explained, “I put the potion in the drink of MY opponent. But backstage, your opponent and mine…they were sharing the same room. I don’t know what happened exactly, James. Maybe I put the potion in the wrong drink. Maybe they two traded, or your opponent drank from the wrong cup. But I never meant to hurt you. I just…wanted a bit of fun, to get back at the person who hurt Kes. I never knew what was going to happen.” “You think that makes it better?” “No. Because you’re right: I should have owned up. I should have told the truth, and I never did,” Matthew admitted. He paused before finishing: “I’m sorry I did what I did. I’m sorry I hurt you, James.” James Killian just…stared. He was slack-jawed. Bug-eyed. As if he couldn’t believe at all what he was hearing. That was when you heard another intake of breath, and Nakoda Spivak stepped forward. “All of usss,” he hissed, the sound echoing through the cave and catching everyone’s attention. “We’ve been where you’ve been, Killian. I ssspent ssso much of my life feeling like I didn’t matter. Feeling like I was nothing but a worm; sssomething for others to ssstep on or ignore. I tried ssso hard to break that mold, and when sssomeone came along who threatened that desire…I sssnapped. I know what it feels like.” “As do I,” admitted Azul, stepping forward as well. “Like you, I reinvented myself from the ground up. I couldn’t stand who I was before. I couldn’t stand being weak. I couldn’t stand being seen as something lesser by so many.” Sebek squirmed. He didn’t say anything, but you knew memories of trying to live up to vast expectations were filling his mind. “Everyone in this room,” you said with a gentle smile, “Has a desire to be something greater, and everyone here has had to face a moment where that desire was threatened. But sometimes losing one dream just means there’s another out there you can find. And when someone makes a mistake, sometimes it’s best to forgive and forget. Because as long as you hold onto that hatred, that bitterness…you can’t escape it. Don’t let your rage consume you, James.” James Killian looked at all of you. His expression had chilled. It had become unreadable. He looked towards Matthew Satyr. Matthew’s own expression was unusually solemn. “When I was under your power, both times,” Satyr said, “You were my unhappy thought. It wasn’t fear of losing, James. It wasn’t feeling powerless. It was knowing that I’d let someone I considered a friend down, and all this time…I’ve never wanted to admit it. Just like you, I’ve had that buried deep inside me so long. And I think it’s time we made that stop.” He extended his hand. A hopeful smile was on his face. “It’s time we BOTH grow up, James,” he said, quietly. “If you help me, I’ll help you. That’s what friends are for, isn’t it?”
James hummed thoughtfully. “Friends,” he repeated, to himself, looking down at the offered hand once more… …Then a sadness flooded his face. A strange, unknowable melancholy. He seemed to smile, but it was a bitter, pained sort of smile, then he looked into Satyr’s eyes. “No,” he whispered, then turned away. “I’m sorry, but…no. It’s too late for that. Far too late.” Matthew’s hopeful expression fell. He closed his hand and pulled it back, crestfallen as he looked down morosely. “However…” Matthew looked up and saw James looking back over his shoulder. The brown eyes were warmer and more pleasant than they’d ever looked in a long time. “...Just because we aren’t friends…that doesn’t mean we have to be enemies.” Matthew blinked…then his expression brightened, and his feet lifted off the ground as he began to float into the air. James smirked as he turned to face him totally. “I will not rest till I defeat you, once and for all,” James promised. It sounded like a challenge, but not a threat. “And I will do so without any tricks. Without any magic at all. Nothing but my skills and my wits. I expect you to treat me precisely the same way. Do we have an accord?” Matthew nodded. “Sounds fair to me,” he replied. You and your friends smiled, looking at each other proudly. “Of course, since I won the game already this time, that will have to wait till next time,” Matthew added. All smiles fell. “Wait, what?” droned Sebek.
Matthew Satyr smirked. “Did you guys forget about the rest of my team?” he teased. “We figured out the clue ages ago! I sent them to find the ACTUAL prize chest, while I flew over to save Kes! And with how much time we’ve spent playing James’ own game, I’m betting by now they’ll have been at the beach AGES ago. So…yeah! I win again!” “Wait!” James exclaimed. “You…you KNEW it was a trap?! AND YOU KNEW WHERE THE PRIZE WAS?!” “I think I just said that,” giggled Matthew. “Seriously, James, subtlety isn’t really your strong point.” James eye twitched…and he roared, suddenly lunging forward to try and grab Mattthew Satyr. The fairy youth laughed, zipping to and fro as James danced around, trying to get hold of him. “SATYR!” he yelled. “Ye little crustacean-sucking, knock-kneed, squid-faced, plank-walking sack of soiled, sea-salted, unwashed fish buckets full of BAD BARNACLE BUTTS!"
“Wow, that’s gotta be one of your best insults so far!” laughed Matthew. “Too bad the game’s over! See ya later, James! Better luck next time!” So saying, Matthew Satyr flew fully out of James grasp and tipped his beret hat to all of you. “Same goes to the rest of you from Night Raven College! So long, suckers!” And with a whoop and a laugh - Kes trailing close behind him - Matthew Satyr flew out of the cavern and disappeared from sight. “COME BACK AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN! YOU DOUBLE-CROSSING PIPSQUEAK!” yelled James, shaking both fists and raging at the ceiling itself. “I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS! JUST WAIT AND SEE!” “In case you’ve forgotten,” Azul spoke up. “He’s the least of your worries right now.” James froze…and looked towards your group. Now that the sentiment had died down, he could see the anger in all of your eyes. He gulped nervously. “Ah…I…take it I’m not off the hook?” he peeped. “Not. Even. Clossse,” Nakoda glared.
“I will be benevolent and leave out the bit about you nearly feeding us to a giant crocodile,” Azul said. “But as team captain, I WILL be reporting how you were a very bad sport…again, to say the least. You jeopardized this game on more levels than I can count, even without counting your Overblot state.” “Let this be a lesson to you, Codfish!” boomed Sebek. “Thy cheating ways hath done thee in!” “Can we point out how I fell out of a tree thanks to him?” Nakoda suggested. “Oh, that will be an EXCELLENT start,” Azul assured the naga. James shrank back with seemingly every sentence. He chuckled nervously, face flustered. “H-Ha ha ha…ha…I…suppose I have no grounds to argue all this,” he said, in a strangled sort of way. “NONE,” you all chorused angrily, making him flinch. “Very well,” he mumbled, morosely…then, trying to salvage some dignity, he straightened himself up and adjusted his coat. “However, with your kind permission, I would at least like to ensure THAT…” He pointed to his boat. “...Will be returned safely to where I typically keep it, before we all return to campus.” “Ha! You think we’re gonna let you go off alone in that? You’ll run for sure,” huffed Grim. “Oh, I hardly think so,” Azul spoke up, and strode towards James. “After all, I think our Little Codfish knows that if he goes anywhere near the ocean in that little toy boat…” The octopus was almost nose to nose with James, his expression dangerously predatory in appearance. “...I won’t be far behind.” James gulped and blushed, and drew an X over his heart. “Back to school. No fleeing. On my admittedly dubious honor,” he squeaked out. “Good,” Azul crooned, and playfully patted James’ cheek, then looked towards your teammates. “Nakoda? Sebek? Pick up the treasure chest. If we can’t return with the ACTUAL prize chest, I think having that will make a decent consolation prize.”
“You’re not going to keep it!” Sebek gasped. “Why not?” smirked Nakoda. “Oh, no, he’s right, I won’t,” sighed Azul, looking VERY glum about that. “The Headmage will no doubt confiscate it and have it donated to a museum, or kept in a vault somewhere, or something like that…a shame, but I suppose raising our school’s clout will have to do. At least this will put us in his good graces for SOME purpose or another. Now come along.” Nakoda pouted, but obligingly helped Sebek lift the chest…not that Sebek needed much help, which he made clear as he pulled it clean out of Nakoda’s hands and started walking off with it, as easily as if it were stuffed with feathers. The naga in disguise called out - “Hey, wait up!” - before following as fast as he could, the pair following Azul towards the tunnel entrance. You lingered behind - you and Grim - standing beside James. The three of you watched the pair go, then looked at each other. “You fought well, for someone without magic. And you were quite clever in defeating me,” James congratulated. “Thank you for getting me out of that state; there’s nothing in which I revel as much as a worthy opponent.” “Nya! It was nothing!” grinned Grim. “I was talking to your human,” droned James, unimpressed. “Yeah, well, between you and me, I think I’ll leave the ‘swashbuckling hero’ act to experts from now on,” you said. James smirked and responded with a courtly bow, before turning towards his sailboat. “Come on, Smitty!” he called out. “We have work to do.” He paused after a few steps, when he realized no one was following him. Blinking in confusion, he looked back. “Uh…Smitty?” Smitty McCarthy had been quiet all this time. He was sitting beside the deep pool, and was looking into it quietly, as if peering at his own reflection. Something flickered in James’ eyes. He frowned, looking rather annoyed, and marched towards McCarthy. He soon stood beside him, hands on his hips. “Smitty!” he snapped. Smitty jumped, as if he’d just heard James speak and looked up, still seated. He blinked in an almost puppy-like manner up at the taller fellow.
“Why are you lollygagging about?” snorted James. “When I call, I expect you to follow!” Smitty blinked again. “You…you still want me around?” he peeped. James looked bewildered. “Why wouldn't I want you around?” he replied. Smitty bit his lip. He shuffled where he sat, tapping his fingers together guiltily. “I…w-well, I…I SHOT you, James. A-And I tried to hold you back! I…I u-used my-” “You betrayed me,” James cut in, glaring crossly. He waited till he was sure he had gotten Smitty’s attention before he continued: “You betrayed my trust. You betrayed our friendship. You betrayed everything I’ve stood for, for years, YOU LET ME DOWN!” Smitty flinched as James’ shout echoed through the cave. “Then…why?” squeaked Smitty. James’ hard glare softened. “Why?” he repeated. He paused…then sighed and knelt down. His expression was softer, kinder, than it had ever seemed before, as he looked into the smaller man’s eyes. “First of all, because you stopped me from doing something TRULY terrible. And second of all...do you really think you mean so little to me that a betrayal like that would make any difference?” James smile vanished instantly when he saw Smitty’s reaction. “Stop that,” he ordered. “With the eyes. Don’t do that thing with the eyes. How DO you do that thing with the eyes?! Brimstone and gall, it’s like they INFLATE!”
Smitty giggled and wiped some tears from his very, very wide eyes and smiled happily up at James. Killian’s own smirk returned, and he stretched out a hand, helping McCarthy to his feet and dusting himself off as he stood. “Come on, you kelp-brained lummox,” he chuckled affectionately. “I’ll never have a chance of beating Satyr without you.” “Aye-Aye, James!” Smitty cheered. “We’ll get him next time!” As the two boarded the ship, you lifted Grim and let him perch on your shoulder…but before heading off, a thought struck you. “Hey, Grim?” “Nya?” “How’d you like to take a little cruise around the island before we head back to school?” Grim blinked at you, and tilted his head. “What’s a cruise?” he asked. You smirked and chuckled, then looked over to where James and Smitty were readying to get the Czarina out of the cave. “Hey, guys!” you called out. “You got room for two more?”
By the time you all got to campus you’d discovered two things. One, that it was really quite splendid sailing along the river of Sage’s Island. Two…that Grim got seasick. Horribly so. Some splendid things can only be experienced once…
…Or twice. “Ahhhh…thisss is the life…” You chuckled, opening one eye to glance to your side at the long and limber figure stretched out on a lounge chair upon the main deck of the Czarina. Nakoda Spivak was laying topless, wearing nothing but a pair of rattlesnake-skin-patterned swimming trunks and some sunglasses, soaking up the sunlight. Aside from his happy hissing, all you could hear were the gulls in the distance, and the sounds of the ocean waves - calm that day, and most serene - lapping against the hull of the sailboat. “Feels good, huh?” you teased. “Sssimply exquisite,” sighed Nakoda, and lifted his shades to give you a grateful smile. “I’ve never been on a ship of any sssort before. The jungle is wet, but there’s no real room for sssailing. I could grow to like thisss.” You shrugged, closing your eyes again and resting with a sigh of your own, expelled through your nose. “James has to do some ‘community service’ to make up for how he messed things up,” you explained. “I convinced the Headmage that giving some ‘seaside rest’ to his fellow students now and again could help. He wasn’t gonna say no, since it means he gets to sail and get easy points in the process.” “Hmmmm,” you heard Nakoda murmur, and then blushed as you heard his fingertips scratching at his bare belly as it gurgled. “And you decided to invite me because…?” “You saved us from that giant crocodile,” you replied. “The others may not know how to properly thank you for that, but I thought of a few ways.” There was a pause…then your eyes shot open as you suddenly felt the sun disappear. Your heart nearly skipped a beat as you found Nakoda looming over you, leaning across your lounge chair, smirking in his usual sultry, slippery way. “I jussst couldn’t bear the thought of anybody elssse having you for sssupper,” he cooed. “Yeah, well, get in line,” you mumbled, squirming in your seat. “Sss-sss-sss-sss!” Nakoda sniggered, and leaned closer still, voice dropping to a husky, dusky whisper. “Perhapsss there’s sssome other reward I’d like beyond a daytime cruise. Would you give it to me?” “Not even if you wiped my mind. So don’t bother.” Nako pouted. “You’re a ssspoilsssport sssometimes, you know that?” You smirked and booped his nose. Nakoda sneered and pulled back, blushing and covering his snout to protect it against further attack. “With pride,” you replied, then blushed anew as the serpent’s belly let out another whining gurgle. “Sounds like you could use something in that stomach of yours, though…” “Are you volunteering?” Nako grinned, uncovering his face…only to quickly cover it again when you lifted a finger threateningly.
“I can fix that!” called out a voice, and the two of you looked as James Killian himself, garbed in his usual red coat and carrying his gold-topped sword-cane in one hand (currently sheathed, of course), sauntered out of the cabin of the sailboat. He was carrying a very large lunchbox - a sort of miniature cooler - in his other hand. “Smitty packed an abundance of snacks for this voyage! Typically I’m used to simply shoving off alone, or just with him at me side. Tis grand to have fellow shipmates on this brief voyage!” “We’re just taking a little ride around the island,” you chuckled. “I don’t know if that counts as a ‘voyage.’” “Well, forgive me if I want to call it one,” sniffed James, snootily. “Now, do you two land lubbers want anything to eat or not.” “Mmmm, that depends,” smirked Nakoda, as he returned to his own lounge chair, making a point of wiggling his tush as he got comfy and sat upon it. “Is codfish on the menu?” James blushed. He coughed and responded: “Ah…actually, yes. Yes, it is.” Nakoda’s eyes widened. He looked overjoyed. “Ssseriousssly?” he breathed out. James hurriedly pulled something out of the cooler to show it to the snake. “I meant this,” he said, not making eye contact with the half-serpent. “Smitty, ah…made some codfish filets, and…packed them with ice. Ahem.” Nakoda blinked…then smirked and shrugged. “I’ll take it,” he replied, and then winked. “I can always imagine it’sss a particularly filling sssomebody here…after all, you’ll tassste exactly the sssame.” “Um…d-don’t you mean THEY’LL taste the same?” James corrected, mildly. Nakoda just grinned wider. “I mean what I sssay, and I sssay what I mean,” he replied. James blushed more, and cleared his throat. “Ahem…Smitty?” “Aye, James?” came a call from the helm. “How long till we return to our docking position?” “Oh, uh…another hour, I think, at least.” James looked at Nakoda. The hungry fellow winked flirtatiously and licked his lips, rubbing his bare belly with one hand. “Speed it up!” James barked to Smitty.
“I’ll do what I can,” Smitty called back, oblivious as ever. James rolled his eyes, while both you and Nakoda snickered. Killian then passed out some codfish filets, wrapped in wax paper, which you all began to eat. “I’m surprised you two don’t have any hard feelings, given my scurrilous behavior at the Scavenger’s Hunt,” James pointed out, sitting across from you two. “In my cassse, I learned my lesssssson the firssst time,” shrugged Nakoda. “Plotting revenge againssst people jussst ends up with me getting bitten in the tail…possssssibly literally.” James raised an eyebrow at this but said nothing. “As for me…meh. I think almost everyone on campus has either tried to kill me or nearly gotten me killed at some point by now,” you said dismissively. “Frankly, if I don’t go a month or two without nearly dying horribly, I start to worry the universe is outta alignment or something.” James and Nakoda chuckled. “Honestly,” you continued, looking seriously at James, “I’m surprised YOU don’t seem to be harboring any hard feelings. I’m, uh…kinda paranoid about it, to tell you the truth.” James smiled sincerely and looked out over the sea behind and beyond him. “No one till you was able to withstand against my Unique Magic,” he said, gazing off but addressing you. “If nothing else, that fact makes me curious. Perhaps you are more special than you give yourself credit for, Prefect, especially given all you’ve been through. Besides, I already have one obnoxious, brat-sized, bagoong-eating bootlick to hone all my rage against.” He turned to you with a slyer sort of smile. “Why form new enemies when I can form new…alliances?” “Still not fond of the word friends, eh?” you teased. “And I never will be,” said James, seriously…then added more softly, “But allies…those are always nice.” So saying, he passed out a few bottles of juice. You and Nakoda took them, and you held up yours like a cup in toast. “Very well then,” you said. “To alliances!” “Cheers!” chuckled Nakoda and James together, and the three of you toasted before drinking from the bottles. You and James took only a sip…but Nakoda slugged down the entire bottle. Soon, both yourself and Killian were watching, as if hypnotized, as each drop of fluid slid down the gullet, Nakoda’s Adam’s Apple bobbing in his throat with each swallow. “Paaaahhhhh!” sighed Nako, as he polished it off, then thumped his chest and belched crudely. “BLLLUUUURRRLLLLGP! Mph…sssweetly refreshing. Is there any more?” You and James were red as a couple of ripe cherries. You looked at each other wearily. “So, wanna bet on which of us is going to survive the rest of the trip?” you droned. “I think we’d both be lost causes,” James retorted. “Sss-sss-sss-sss! Don’t tempt me now, sssnacks,” taunted Nakoda. Smitty, from the helm, just rolled his eyes. His new friends were so strange…
As the four of you sailed on around Sage’s Island, you were unaware of a large pair of huge, green eyes, which poked up from the surface of the sea. They were attached to an equally huge, gray-blue head, and long, somewhat oily-looking black hair. A fanged sneer split a mouth large enough to swallow multiple sailboats whole, and a snort preceded the monster dropping back under the waves. “Let ‘em have some fun this time,” the sea beast muttered. “I’ve got bigger fish to feed on for now…” With a flip of a giant tail, the monster sank back into the darkest depths of the great ocean…but only for now. Pirates and serpents, it seemed, were far from the end of your adventures at Night Raven College.
The End
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identity-library · 5 months
Disability (Films)
All Together Now (2020)
Chad (Wheelchair User)
Ricky (Autistic)
A Quiet Place (2018)
Regan Abbott (Deaf)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Kashekim Nedakh (Blind)
Avengers: Civil War (2016)
James "Rhodey" Rhodes (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
The Ringleader (Partially Blind)
Brave (2012)
King Fergus (Amputee)
Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022)
Lola (Autistic)
Children of a Lesser God (1986)
Sarah Norman (Deaf)
Christmas Ever After (2020)
Izzi Simmons (Wheelchair User)
CODA (2021)
Frank Rossi (Deaf)
Jackie Rossi (Deaf)
Leo Rossi (Deaf)
Cyrano (2021)
Cyrano de Bergerac (Dwarfism)
Dumbo (2019)
Holt Farrier (Amputee)
Eastrail 177 (Trilogy)
Elijah Price/Dr. Glass (Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Cane/Wheelchair User)
Elio (2025)
Elio Solis (Partially Blind)
Eternals (2021)
Makkari (Deaf)
Feel the Beat (2020)
Zuzu (Deaf)
Finding Dory (2016)
Destiny (Low Vision)
Dory (Short-Term Memory Loss)
Sheldon (Allergies)
Finding Nemo (2003)
Dory (Short-Term Memory Loss)
Nemo (Underdeveloped Fin)
Sheldon (Allergies)
Forgive Us Our Trespasses (2022)
Paul (Limb Difference)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Daniel Taylor (Amputee)
Forrest Gump (Unspecified Intellectual Disability)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
David (Deaf)
Home on the Range (2004)
Lucky Jack (Amputee)
How to Train Your Dragon (Franchise)
Gobber the Belch (Amputee)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock ||| (Amputee)
Toothless (Amputee)
Inside I'm Dancing (2004)
Michael Connolly (Cerebral Palsy, Wheelchair User)
Rory O'Shea (Muscular Dystrophy, Wheelchair User)
Inspector Gadget (Franchise)
Sanford "Dr. Claw" Scolex (Amputee)
James and the Giant Peach (1996)
Earthworm (Blind)
Glowworm (Partially Deaf)
Keep the Change (2017)
David Cohen (Autistic)
Sarah Silverstein (Autistic)
Lemonade Mouth (2011)
Alex (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Love & Other Drugs (2010)
Maggie Murdock (Parkinson's Disease)
Luca (2021)
Massimo Marcovaldo (One Arm)
Margarita with a Straw (2014)
Laila Kapoor (Cerebral Palsy, Wheelchair User)
Marvel (Franchise)
James "Bucky" Barnes (Amputee)
Nebula (Amputee)
Nick Fury (Partially Blind)
Odin Borson (Partially Blind)
Phil Coulson (Amputee)
Stephen Strange (Nerve Damage)
Thor (Amputee, Partially Blind)
Maya and the Three (2021)
Zatz (Partially Blind)
Muppet Treasure Island (1996)
Blind Pew (Blind)
Long John Silver (Amputee)
Newsies (1992)
Crutchy (Limited Mobility, Crutch User)
Nimona (2023)
Ballister Boldheart (Amputee, Prosthetic User)
Peter Pan (1953)
Captain Hook (Amputee)
Pinocchio (1940)
Gideon (Mute)
Pinocchio (2022)
Fabiana (Unspecified Disability, Limp)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Franchise)
Mistress Ching (Blind)
Rogue One (2016)
Chirrut Îmwe (Blind)
Run (2020)
Chloe Sherman (Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Condition, Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Razor Fist (Amputee)
Sharp Stick (2022)
Zach (Down Syndrome)
Shazam! (2019)
Frederick "Freddy" Freeman (Limited Mobility)
Ship of Fools (1965)
Carl Glocken (Dwarfism)
Sound of Metal (2019)
Joe (Deafened)
Ruben Stone (Hard of Hearing)
Spies in Disguise (2019)
Killian (Amputee)
Star Wars (Franchise)
Darth Maul (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Luke Skywalker (Amputee)
Strange World (2022)
Legend (Amputee)
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Homer Parish (Multi-Limb Amputee)
The Fundamentals of Caring (2016)
Trevor (Muscular Dystrophy)
The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
Fidget the Bat (Amputee)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
Quasimodo (Hunchback)
The Lone Ranger (2013)
Red Harrington (Amputee)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Dr. Finkelstein (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
Zak (Down Syndrome)
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Mama Odie (Blind)
The Three Musketeers (1993)
Captain Rochefort (Partially Blind)
The Village (2004)
Ivy Walker (Blind)
Noah Percy (Unspecified Developmental Disability)
Tinkerbell (Franchise)
Lord Milori (Amputee, Limited Mobility)
Rani (Amputee, Limited Mobility)
Treasure Island (1950)
Long John Silver (Amputee, Crutch User)
Treasure Planet (2002)
John Silver (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Wish (2023)
Dahlia (Unspecified Disability, Crutch User)
Wonder (2017)
Auggie Pullman (Facial Difference)
101 Dalmatians (1996)
Mr. Skinner (Mute)
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tynatunis · 2 years
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Quelle admirable réalisation, angle de vue, couleurs, précision du dessin! #Repost @yoyomaeght Au Panthéon des Artistes, si je ne devais garder que quelques artistes de la fin XIXe, il y aurait, entre autres, Pierre Bonnard, James Ensor et Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, avec cette peinture sur carton "La Clownesse Cha-U-KO, artiste au Moulin rouge", 1895. . Danseuse au Nouveau Cirque et au Moulin Rouge, Cha-U-Kao doit son nom de scène, aux consonances japonisantes, à la retranscription phonétique des mots français "chahut" (danse acrobatique dérivée du cancan) et "chaos" que suscitait son entrée en scène. Contrairement aux séries de dessins ou de lithographies dans lesquelles Cha-U-Kao apparaît sous la lumière des projecteurs, le peintre nous donne ici une image plus privée de son personnage, représenté dans un intérieur, sa loge ou un cabinet particulier. . #toulouselautrec #henridetoulouselautrec #lautrec #moulinrouge #modernart #artiste #paris #montmartre #chefdoeuvre #peinture #cabaret #dessin #pastel https://www.instagram.com/p/CpW7u9fIGyo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
robin-cheng · 2 years
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⭐️Dress code : 大紅大紫⭐️ 🎉TLS 三週年紀念演出 盛大展開慶祝! ⭐️Dress code : 大紅大紫⭐️ ✅台灣最高規格的Latin Salsa Party ✅Taiwan Latin Smash✖️Taiwan Swing Switch 現場雙樂團豪華陣容 ✅頂級商辦「三層樓」擴大舉辦 ✅特別企劃-"Swing Dance"樓層解鎖 ✅知名舞團動感演出 ✅專業DJ嚴選音樂 ✅精選美酒供應 ✅16樓頂層SkyCofi 首次開放 - ❤️【表演資訊】❤️ 📅日期:2023/01/07 (六) 📌地點:SkyCo 南京復興 9F ⏳時間:19:30進場 🎫票價:600 (附兩杯精選飲品) 🎫🎟️學生票500。24歲以下(請攜帶學生證) 無論你是資深舞者、新進同學, 或是喜歡音樂、喝小酒、結交新朋友的人~ 我們通通都歡迎! 這週末,亞洲最優質的拉丁派對盛會🔥 感受豐富熱情的拉丁文化派對氛圍 以及國際級水平的交際生活體驗吧🎉🎉 三周年活動除了往常的Salsa現場大樂團live和舞團的精采表演之外,將有專業DJ們輪番於9跟6樓上場。本次更和Friday Swing及首次登場的爵士Swing樂團 Taiwan Swing Switch 合作,於16F SkyCofi 重磅登場 ,一票玩到底的多重體驗!敬��期待~❤️❤️ 音樂節的規格,讓大家2023開頭就high爆! - 【樂團介紹】 🎤Taiwan Latin Smash 台灣編制最完整的拉丁大樂團-「台灣拉丁重擊」現場LIVE演出 精選全球知名的多首拉丁經典及現代曲目 從Bachata到Salsa、Cha-cha到Timba 如同Salsa醬一般繽紛豐富的多種風格 用最具震撼力的動感聲響帶領你舞動 🎷Taiwan Swing Switch 三周年特別解鎖 爵士Swing 樂團 Taiwan Swing Switch 首次演出 帶給大家經典的爵士曲目 【地點介紹】 SkyCo。Nanjing Fuxing 由紐約知名設計總監✖️德國紅點大獎得主 攜手共同設計🙌 位於南京復興的頂級商務中心 【舞團介紹】 ⭐️Friday Swing 社交舞與搖擺舞 Friday Swing 提供給舞者一個最友善的交流環境 不分團體、不分族群、不分年齡 每周五晚上於台北市阿曼達舞場將舉辦常態Swing Dance Social舞會 陪伴大家度過每個禮拜的小周末 更多課程資訊可關注粉專 FB : Friday Swing 社交舞與搖擺舞 社交舞與搖擺舞 IG :friday_swing_social_tgif 【節目流程】 ✅6F DJ/Bachata/zouk : 20:00 Zouk 體驗 20:30 DJ Trevor B/Z 22:30 DJ Jenny B/Z 23:30 DJ Jonna B/Z 01:00 see you next time ✅9F Salsa / Bachata / Band Live 19:30 進場🎉 20:00 DJ James 21:30 舞團演出 (拉丁/搖擺) 1.Bailalo Student Team 2.Shelly's Championship Performance 3.Friday Swing的The Moon Hoppers 4.Rebecca Addiccion 5.Freya’s abacua 6.Iroko 22:00 Batuca Taipei (Brazilian drum Team ) 22:30 Taiwan Latin Smash (Live) 23:45 DJ Michael 00:45 DJ Kuan 01:30 see you next time ✅16F Swing social / Band Live 19:30 進場 🎉 20:30 搖擺雙人舞體驗 21:00 DJ & Taiwan Swing Switch (Live) 21:50 DJ 22:50 Taiwan Swing Switch (Live) 00:30 see you next time =================================== ⭐️English version⭐️ Celebrating for the 3rd anniverssary of "Taiwan Latin Smash"! ⭐️Dress code : red and purple⭐️ ✅The best Latin Salsa Party in Taiwan ✅Taiwan Latin Smash✖️Swing Switch, TWO awesome Band LIVE in one night. ✅Three independent floor in The TOP level Business center. ✅Bonus event-New floor for"Swing Dance" ✅Attractive performance for Salsa Dance Group https://www.instagram.com/p/CnETb2fJRu4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
todaysdocument · 3 years
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Treaty (p 1, sig. pg) Between the United States and the Wyandot Indians Signed at the Council House, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, 3/17/1842, and maps of land ceded in this treaty (via Digitreaties). 
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 240: Wyandot - Council House, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, March 17, 1842, 1789 - 1869
Series: Indian Treaties, 1789 - 1869
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government, 1778 - 2006
Image description: Map with a section of land outlined, which covers Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and east almost to Bucyrus. 
Image Description: Map with a section of land outlined, which covers parts of Wayne County and Monroe County, Michigan, including Oakwoods Metropark.
Transcription: John Tyler, President of the United States of
America, by John Johnston formerly agent for
Indian affairs now a citizen of the State of Ohio,
commissioner duly authorised and appointed to
treat with the Wyandot Nation of Indians for a
cession of all their lands lying and being within the
states of Ohio and Michigan; and the duly constitut-
ed Chiefs, Counsellors and head men of the said
Wyandott nation, in full council assembled on the
other part; have entered into the following articles
and conditions, viz.
Article 1.  The Wyandott [caret] Nation [/c] of Indians do hereby
cede to the United States all that tract of land
situate lying and being in the County of Crawford
and State of Ohio, commonly known as the residue
of its large Reserve being all of their remaining
lands within the state of Ohio, and containing one
hundred and nine thousand one hundred and
forty four acres, more or less.  The said nation
also hereby cedes to the United States all their right
and title to the Wyandott reserve on both sides of the
river Huron in the state of Michigan, containing
four thousand nine hundred and ninety six a
cres, be the same more or less being all the remain-
-ing lands claimed or set apart for the use of the
Wyandotts within the state of Michigan, and the
United States hereby promises to pay the sum of
Five hundred dollars towards the expences of
removing the Indians of the river Huron to Upper Sandusky
but before the latter clause of this articles is binding
on the contracting parties, the consent of the
head men of the river Huron Wyandotts is to be
had in writing.
[penciled in line count in left margin]
1   Article 2.  In consideration of the forgoing
2   cession, the United States hereby grant to the
3    aforesaid Wyandott nation, a tract of land
4    west of the Mississippi River, [penciled in bracket] in a square or
[page 2]
March in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and forty two have set their names
signed in presence of }   [signed] John Johnston
us.                                       }
[red wax seal with ribbon]
[left column]
[signed] John W. Bear
        Sub. Ind Agt
[signed] James Rankin  U. S. Interpreter
[signed] G. C. Worth
[signed] John Cary
[signed] Saml Newell
[signed] Stephen Fowler
[signed] Chas Graham
[signed] John Walker
[signed] Chester Wells
[signed] I. Duddleson
[signed] Andrew Gardner jr
[signed] John Justus
[right column]
Fran. A. Hicks
       principal =chief
James Washington  [his mark] X
Squeendehtee  [his mark] X
Henry Jaquis  [his mark] X
Tauroone (  [his mark] X
George Armstrong (  [his mark] X
Doctor Grey Eyes  [his mark] X
49 notes · View notes
what singers/bands/artists (?) do you think the fota characters would listen to (mortal au or maybe jude introduces cardan to 'mortal' music idk) your analysis and theories are brilliant btw :)
ahhh thank you so much nonnie!! glad you're enjoying them 🥺🙈❤️
okay so this is a beautiful question. obviously, i can only answer subjectively, based on artists that i already know. so other people's opinions will be different, but here's my take.
in TCP, Jude states she likes "sad ballads" (this is during the scene where she's telling Dain a bunch of stuff that may or may not be true, and she never tells us which one is a lie, but i'm just rolling with it).
so i'm thinking her more "upbeat" favs would include artists like: Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Florence & the Machine, Jessie Reyes, Hayley Williams, Paramore, Billie Eilish, Gabrielle Aplin (but mainly her old stuff)
anything that's "angst with a hint of angry".
and her more sobering favs would include artists like: Hozier, Bon Iver, James Vincent McMorrow, Adele, Sleeping At Last, Daughter, Julia Stone, Mree, Birdy, Of Monsters and Men (i think she'd be amused by this band name)
basically "forest pull me down with ivy".
i'd like to think Cardan would have a very eclectic taste in music.
if you gave him the aux he'd oscillate between Queen, Massive Attack, Lizzo, and Nordic Death Metal without warning.
he's the kind of person who would fall asleep with headphones on, and when Jude sees him passed out on the couch she tenderly removes them from his ears only to find he was listening to Skrillex on full volume.
i also think he'd appreciate The 1975, Carly Rae Jepsen, King Princess, Kehlani, The Veronicas (don't @ me, he would), Panic! At The Disco, and Lindsey Stirling. the bi essentials.
oh, and he likes every artist that Jude likes.
Taryn would listen to a mix of soundtracks from musicals, 1980s-style synth-pop, and Ed Sheeran.
Vivi would listen to all the early 2000s classics to relive her mortal world days- The Killers, Avril Levine, Paramore, P!nk, Cascada, Evanescence, Green Day, etc.
Nicasia is a hard one to pin but i feel like she would enjoy Opera for some reason.
Valerian would probably listen to Screamo and Hardcore Punk.
Locke only listens to Nickelback and Instructional Dance Songs (i.e. YMCA, Cha-Cha Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Soulja Boi, The Macarena).
that's all i have! hope it will suffice.
–Em 🖤🗡
more theories & analysis
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surveyhoursss · 3 years
Bold the ones that you know of!
1.Who Let The Dogs Out? -Baha Men
2. All The Small Things -Blink 182
3. Amazed -Lonestar
4. Oops, I Did It Again -Britney Spears
5. Graduation -Vitamin C
6. Bye, Bye, Bye -N*Sync
7. Independent Woman -Destiny’s Child
8. Let’s Make Love – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
9. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 4000
10. I Turn To You – Christina Aguilera
11. I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden
12. It’s My Life – Bon Jovi
13. Breathe – Faith Hill
14. Shake Your Bon-Bon – Ricky Martin
15. Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65
16. Goobye Earl – Dixie Chicks
17. Let’s Get Married – Jagged Edge
18. The Bad Touch – Bloodhound Gang
19. The Real Slim Shady – Eminem
20. Say My Name – Destiny’s Child
21. It’s Gonna Be Me – N*Sync
22. Party Up – DMX
23. Sexual (Li Da Di) – Amber
24. Country Grammar – Nelly
25. Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) – Aaron Carter
1. Hanging By A Moment -Lifehouse
2. Allin’ -Alicia Keys
3. All For You -Janet
4. If You’re Gone -Matchbox Twenty
5. I’M Real -Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule
6. Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) -Train
7. Let Me Blow Ya Mind -Eve ft. Gwen Stefani
8. Thank You -Dido
9. Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!) -Blu Cantrell
10. Independent Women Part I -Destiny’s Child
11. Again -Lenny Kravitz
12. It’S Been Awhile -Staind
13. Stutter -Joe ft. Mystikal
14. It Wasn’T Me’ -Shaggy ft. Ricardo “RikRok” Ducent
15. U Remind Me -Usher
16. Where The Party At -Jagged Edge With Nelly
17. Angel -Shaggy Featuring Rayvon
18. Ride Wit Me -Nelly Featuring City Spud
19. Peaches & Cream -112
20. Follow Me -Uncle Kracker
21. Drive -Incubus
22. What Would You Do? -Alicia Keys
23. Survivor -Destiny’s Child
24. Lady Marmalade -Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & Pink
25. Ms. Jackson -OutKast
1. A Moment Like This – Kelly Clarkson
2. Hot In Herre – Nelly
3. Complicated – Avril Lavigne
4. Girlfriend – N Sync & Nelly
5. Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne
6. Can’t Fight The Moonlight – LeAnn Rimes
7. Dirrty – Christina Aguilera
8. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton
9. Heaven – DJ Sammy
10. Gimme The Light – Sean Paul
11. The World’s Greatest – R Kelly
12. Jenny From The Block – Jennifer Lopez Featuring Jadakiss & Styles
13. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) – Toby Keith
14. Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch
15. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie Minogue
16. The Game Of Love – Santana Featuring Michelle Branch
17. Young’n (Holla Back) – Fabolous
18. She Hates Me – Puddle Of Mudd
19. Starry Eyed Surprise – Oakenfold Featuring Shifty Shellshock
20. The Middle – Jimmy Eat World
21. Say I Yi Yi – Ying Yang Twins
22. Just A Friend 2002 – Mario
23. Hey Baby – No Doubt and Bounty Killer
24. Work It – Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott
25. U Don’t Have To Call – Usher
1. In Da Club -50 Cent
2. Crazy in Love -Beyonce w. Jay-Z
3. Get Busy -Sean Paul
4. When I’m Gone -Three Doors Down
5. Ignition -R Kelly
6. Baby Boy -Beyonce w. Sean Paul
7. This is the Night -Clay Aiken
8. Bring Me To Life -Evanescence
9. Right Thurr -Chingy
10. Unwell -Matchbox Twenty
11. Picture -Kid Rock w. Sheryl Crow
12. Drift Away -Uncle Kracker & Dobie Gray
13. Get Low -Lil’ John & The East Side Boyz
14. Beautiful -Christina Aguilera
15. I’m With You -Avril Lavigne
16. Miss You -Aalyiah
17. 21 Questions -50 Cent & Nate Dogg
18. Shake Ya Tailfeather Nelly -P. Diddy and Murphy Lee
19. All I Have -Jennifer Lopez & LL Cool J
20. I Know What You Want -Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey
21. Magic Stick -Lil’ Kim w. 50 Cent
22. Bump Bump Bump -B2K and P. Diddy
23. Flying Without Wings -Ruben Studdard
24. Here Without You -3 Doors Down
25. Work It -Missy Elliot
2004 (my birth year !! )
1. Yeah! -Usher
2. Burn -Usher
3. This Love -Maroon 5
4. The Way You Move -Outkast
5. If I Ain’t Got You -Alecia Keys
6. Hey Ya! -Outkast
7. I Don’t Wanna Know -Mario Winans
8. The Reason -Hoobastank
9. Confessions Part II -Usher
10. My Immortal -Evanescence
11. Naughty Girl -Beyonce
12. Let’s Get It Started -Black Eyed Peas
13. My Boo -Usher and Alecia Keys
14. She Will Be Loved -Maroon 5
15. The First Cut Is the Deepest -Sheryl Crow
16. Toxic -Britney Spears
17. Someday -Nickelback
18. I Believe -Fantasia
19. Breakaway -Kelly Clarkson
20. Slow Jamz -Twista
21. Dirt Off Your Shoulder -Jay-Z
22. Freak-A-Leek -Petey Pablo
23. The Way -Clay Aiken
24. Numb -Linkin’ Park
25. Dip It Low -Christina Milian
1. We Belong Together -Mariah Carey
2. Let Me Love You -Mario
3. Since U Been Gone -Kelly Clarkson
4. Hollaback Girl -Gwen Stefani
5. Boulevard of Broken Dreams -Greenday
6. Don’t Cha -The Pussycat Dolls and Busta Rhymes
7. Candy Shop -50 Cent
8. 1, 2, Step -Ciara and Missy Elliot
9. Gold Digger -Kanye West
10. Don’t Phunk With My Heart -The Black Eyed Peas
11. Drop It Like It’s Hot -Snoop Dogg
12. Shake It Off -Mariah Carey
13. Disco Inferno -50 Cent
14. Behind These Hazel Eyes -Kelly Clarkson
15. Beverly Hills -Weezer
16. Just a Lil Bit -50 Cent
17. Lose Control -Missy Elliot
18. How We Do -The Game & 50 Cent
19. You & Me -Lifehouse
20. Soldier -Destiny’s Child
21. Rich Girl -Gwen Stefani
22. Mr. Brightside -The Killers
23. Oh -Ciara and Ludacris
24. Pon De Replay -Rihanna
25. Hate It Or Love It -The Game and 50 Cent
1. Sexyback – Justin Timberlake
2. Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean
3. Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland
4. Everytime We Touch – Cascada
5. Temperature – Sean Paul
6. S.O.S. – Rihanna
7. Beep – Pussy Cat Dolls
8. Waiting On The World To Change – John Mayer
9. Pump It – Black Eyed Peas
10. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt
11. Maneater – Nelly Furtado
12. Single – Natasha Bedingfield
13. What Hurts the Most – Rascall Flatts
14. Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It – Dem Franchise Boys
15. Walk Away – Kelly Clarkson
16. It’s Goin’ Down – Young Joc
17. Dance, Dance -Fall Out Boy
18. Smack That – Akon & Eminem
19. I Write Songs, Not Tragedies – Panic! At the Disco
20. We’re All In This Together – High School Musical Cast
21. Ms. New Booty – Bubba Sparx
22. How To Save A Life – The Fray
23. Rompe – Daddy Yankee
24. Check On It – Beyonce Featuring Slim Thugg
25. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
1. The Sweet Escape -Gwen Stefani & Akon
2. Girlfriend -Avril Lavigne
3. Irreplaceable -Beyonce
4. Before He Cheats -Carrie Underwood
5. Crank Dat -Soulja Boy
6. Rehab -Amy Winehouse
7. Umbrella -Rhianna
8. Hey There Delilah -Plain White T’s
9. Glamorous -Fergie
10. I Wanna Luv U -Akon
11. Bubbly -Colbie Caillat
12. Walk It Out -Unk
13. Don’t Matter -Akon
14. Fergalicious -Fergie
15. Lip Gloss -Lil Mama
16. Candyman -Christina Aguilera
17. Break It Off -Rhianna
18. S.O.S. -Jonas Brothers
19. Stronger -Kanye West
20. Thks Fr Th Mmrs -Fall Out Boy
21. Pop, Lock and Drop It -Huey
22. Shut Up and Drive -Rhianna
23. Because of You -Ne-Yo
24. Home -Daughtry
25. Tattoo -Jordan Sparks
1. So What – Pink
2. Just Dance – Lady Gaga
3. Leavin’ – Jesse McCartney
4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
5. Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects
6. Damaged – Danity Kane
7. Shake It – Metro Station
8. Love Story – Taylor Swift
9. When I Grow Up – Pussycat Dolls
10. I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry
11. Don’t Stop The Music – Rihanna
12. Burnin’ Up – Jonas Brothers
13. Low – Flo Rida featuring T-Pain
14. Calabria – Enur featuring Natasja
15. Love Like This – Natasha Bedingfield and Sean Kingston
16. 7 Things – Miley Cyrus
17. Lollipop – Lil Wayne
18. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield
19. Circus – Britney Spears
20. Summertime – New Kids On The Block
21. Our Song- Taylor Swift
22. All Summer Long – Kid Rock
23. Closer – Ne-Yo
24. Viva La Vida – Coldplay
25. See You Again – Miley Cyrus
1. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas
2. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
3. I Know You Want Me (Calle Oche) – Pitbull
4. You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift
5. Lovegame – Lady Gaga
6. Don’t Trust Me – 3OH3!
7. Please Don’t Leave Me – Pink
8. Right Round – Flo-Rida
9. Poker Face – Lady Gaga
10. Goodbye – Kristinia Debarge
11. Say Hey – Evan Taubenfeld Michael Franti & Spearhead
12. New Divide – Linkin Park
13. The Climb – Miley Cyrus
14. Best I Ever had – Drake
15. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship Featuring Leighton Meester
16. Lucky – Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet
17. Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry
18. Paranoid – Jonas Brothers
19. Wanted – Jessie James
20. Fire Burning – Sean Kingston
21. Not Meant To Be – Theory of a Deadman
22. Love, Sex and Magic – Ciara & Justin Timberlake
23. Use Somebody – Kings of Leon
24. Day N Nite – Kid Cuti
25. Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus (they let us learn the dance at res)
34 notes · View notes
asfaltics · 3 years
attended to his letters; a course of reducing exercises
  or did you hear commentaries [     ] over the radio? I don’t have the time to do it. You don’t have time to do it.       1 and that, of course, you don’t have time to was taught the game       2   increasing the feed for / my dope, but you don’t have time       3 You don’t have time to investigate them fully yourself? No       4   It was hard work?   — Yes, sir. You have to be fast and do the best you can. You don’t have time       5 for nearly everything; you don’t have time       6   You don’t have time to bother about your neighbors, and you don’t       7 enjoy our own com . pany , as we never have any chance to see friends around home, for you don’t have time after and before       8   And in some cases wastefully?   — Not wastefully. Does not one involve the other?   — I don’t see it in that light. A man applies for relief. You don’t have time to see that man.       9 you don’t have time to spend one hour in thinking every day to see your business in a bigger, better, and cleaner way than it is today. [     ] desk covered with papers, unfinished business, no time to see       10   the “ticket” for large swamps. You don’t have time       11 You see, when you’re on the news end of a thing like this you don’t have time to get worked up.       12   “Well,” she said, “I suppose you are so busy at the office you don’t have time.       13 you are so terribly busy that I suppose you don’t have time to feel lonesome. Why can’t girls do something like that, too?       14   “How did you like it down there?” he asked. “Well” — she paused thoughtfully — “down there you can keep busy. There’s something to do all the time; you can keep so occupied that you don’t have time to stop and think and feel.”       15 you don’t have time to think of danger” But one foggy morning not long after...       16   today. always say you don’t have time to read. ward, like a girl       17 By the time he had days. When you’re busy you don’t have time to attended to his letters.       18   a course of reducing exercises, you don’t have time to think of that. I don’t believe I’m abnormal, perhaps I am, but       19 Well, I use two formulas; saying you “don’t have time” is part of the world of citation. Saying you “have time” is part of the world of translation. I think that the questioning typical of translation has always been absent in the plastic arts.       20  
sources   ( “you don’t have time,” all but two pre-1923 )
1 ex reporters’ transcript, April 20, 1959, The People of the State of California, Plaintiff, vs. Louis Estrada Moya, et al., Defendent, being part of the Transcript of Record, Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1960, No. 186, Luis Estrada Moya, Petitioner, vs. California on write of certiori to the Supreme Court of the State of California (petition filed June 9, 1960; granted June 27, 1960) : 200 aside — Google misdated this 1832; 1960 was outside of my search range. A well-known case (I was too young at the time to know it). Some sources : ◾ “A mother-in-law’s murder for hire scheme results in death penalty for all three participants” at vcdistrictattorney, in which this : “What made the case unique? The hired killers testified against Mrs. Duncan without commitment [that] the District Attorney would not seek the death penalty in exchange for their testimony... In fact, all three received the death penalty and were executed. Of course, today’s appellate courts would likely reverse a case in which a defense attorney failed to seek sentencing concessions in exchange for testimony.”   ◾ Arlene Martinez, “Love, scandal and murder: Ventura County case drew national attention,” VC Star (June 29, 2013)   ◾ Alice de Sturler review of Jim Barrett his definitive Ma Duncan at Defrosting Cold Cases (October 17, 2020)   ◾ Cecelia Rasmussen, “A Mother’s Love Was the Death of Her Daughter-in-Law,” Los Angeles Times (January 20, 2002; paywall)   ◾ Joan Renner, “Dead Woman Walking: Elizabeth Ann ‘Ma’ Duncan,” parts 1-4 (2013) at Deranged LA Crimes (True 20th Century tales of murder, mayhem, political corruption, and celebrity scandal) and, finally,   ◾ wikipedia 2 OCR cross-column misread, at Annie Eliot, “John Emerson Gaines’s Love Affairs,” The Manhattan 2:5 (November 1883) : 467-475 (468) snippet view only, opens to hathitrust. Annie Eliot Trumbull (1857–1949), author of novels, short stories, and plays; associated with Hartford, Connecticut’s “Golden Age”. wikipedia 3 OCR cross-column misread at H. E. Browing on “Pig Tails,” at The Swine World (Google titles it Poland China World) 5:2 (September 1917) : 11 4 ex Statement of William E. Johnson, chief special officer, United States Indian Affairs, before Committee on Indian Affairs, re: Senate Resolution No. 263 (Washington, 1910) : 367-400 (392) an intense exchange, on sale of alcohol on reservations. William E. “Pussyfoot” Johnson (1862-1945) was an energetic and resourceful prohibitionist and law enforcement officer. (wikipedia) 5 here, Julius Baum, examined by J. R. Lamar (January 29, 1896), in Contested Election Case of Thomas E. Watson Vs. J.C.C. Black, from the Tenth Congressional District of the State of Georgia, and published in/by the U.S. Congress, Committee on Elections (Washington, 1896) : 535 aside — an episode in the dismantling of Reconstruction institutions and Black suffrage.   ◾ Thomas E(dward). Watson (1856-1922) (wikipedia).   ◾ Watson is discussed in Jo Ann Whatley, her remarkable MA thesis Pike County Blacks : the spirit of populist revolt and White tolerance (1891-1896) as depicted in the Pike County Journal and other related sources (Atlanta University, 1984), available here   ◾ Watson was succeeded by James C(onquest). C(ross). Black (1842-1928) (wikipedia). “Black was declared the winner of the election but Watson charged that the vote was fraudulent. Black agreed to resign his seat just after the opening of the 54th Congress so that a new election could be held. In the October 1895 special election, Black prevailed over Watson again, and thus took his seat back to fill the vacancy caused by his own resignation.” J.C. C. Black entry, at Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 6 ex Investigation of Hazing at U. S. Military Academy, being “Testimony taken by the Select Committee of the House of Representatives appointed to investigate and report on the alleged hazing and resulting death of Oscar L. Booz, late a cadet at the Military Academy, and upon the subject of the practice of hazing at the said academy.” (1901) : 776 7 another contested election, here Mrs. Louise Roller under cross-examination by Mr. Goldsmith, in Scholl, Charles L. Vs. Bell, Henry A. Jefferson Circuit Court (Louisville, Kentucky), Chancery Branch: First Division, Chas. L. Scholl, Plaintiff Vs. Henry A. Bell, Defendant. No. 41519. / Second Division, Arthur Peter, Plaintiff Vs. Chas. A. Wilson, Defendant, No. 41524. : “Contested election cases heard together,” Transcript of Record, Volume 8 (10 volumes in 9) : 39 (snippet only, but in full at hathitrust) 8 ex report from Washington Division (by Cert. 9730), 23:5 (May 1906) [number/month uncertain, could be June] : 712 (opens to hathitrust; found via google snippet view) 9 ex the “Poplar Inquiry,” here an examination of Mr. P. G. Miles, Relieving Officer, in Transcript of Shorthand Notes taken at the Public Inquiry held by J. S. Davy, C.B., Chief General Inspector of the Local Government Board, “into the general conditions of the Poplar Union, its pauperism, and the admnistration of the guardians and their officers.” Presented to both Houses of Parliament... (London, 1906) : 141 On the Poplar workhouse, see workhouses.org.uk (scroll down (near bottom) to “The Poplar Union Scandal and Inquiry”).   ◾ Poplar is a district in East London (wikipedia) 10 ex E. Elmo Martin (Cleveland, Ohio), “How to hand the day’s work,” in National Lime Association Proceedings (Twentieth Annual Convention, Cleveland, Ohio; June 13-16, 1922) : 68-76 (73) (snippet view; full view at hathitrust) 11 ex H. Stimmons (Stark Co., Ohio), “More about coon hounds,” Hunter-trader-trapper 25:3 (December 1912) : 87-89 (88) (snippet view at Google, but full view at hathitrust, NW second paragraph) 12 ex Wayland Wells Williams (“author and artist,” 1888-1945), The Whirligig of Time (Frederick A. Stokes, 1916) : 335 Wayland Wells Williams papers at Yale YCAL MSS 551 13 ex T.I.M., “Dimpleton Stays at Home : A Story with a Real Moral,” in Life (July 25, 1907) : 155-158 (156) 14 snippet view only, at The Cactus (Austin, Texas; 1908) : 275 A journal “published by and for the students of the University of Texas”; 1907 and 1909 (but not 1908 alas) at hathitrust. 15 “down there” being Chicago, ex Henry Oyen (1883-1921), chapter 36 of “Big Flat,” in The Country Gentleman 84: (March 8, 1919) : 20, 22, 57-59 The novel was published in 1919, same passage at p 204 (NYPL copy)   ◾ Haven't located much information about Oyen; his published work is listed at his Online Books page 16 Homer Randall. Army Boys in the French Trenches Or, Hand to Hand Fighting with the Enemy (New York: George Sully & Company, 1918) : 199 Six “Army Boys” titles were produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate 1918-1920, all under the pseudonym Homer Randall : Army Boys in France, Army Boys in the French Trenches, Army Boys on the Firing Line, Army Boys in the Big Drive, Army Boys Marching into Germany, and Army Boys on German Soil (stratemeyer.org)   ◾ The Stratemeyer Syndicate records (1832-1984; bulk 1905-1984) are at NYPL  ◾ See also Stratemeyer pseudonyms and series books : an annotated checklist of Stratemeyer and Stratemeyer Syndicate publications / compiled and edited by Deidre Johnson (1982); Deidre Johnson, Edward Stratemeyer and the Stratemeyer Syndicate (Twayne Publishers, 1993); and wikipedia 17 OCR cross-column misread at Harriet Winton Davis, “With the Children : Don’s Knitting,” in The Congregationalist and Advance (August 29, 1918) : 241 Other (not this) issues at hathitrust 18 OCR cross-column misread (extended here), ex H. D. Morgan, Ph. C., “The Kid,” in the section Original and Selected : From the best writers, and the leading drug, medical, chemical and scientific publications of the world, in Practical Druggist and Pharmaceutical Review of Reviews (November 1908) : 529-534 19 Frank R. Adams (1883-1963), “The Heart Pirate,” (illustrations by Charles D. Mitchell), in The Cosmopolitan 72:3 (March 1922) : 43-48, 117-118 (44) — snippet view, but opens at hathitrust More — “... yell for a diet and start doing a course of reducing exercises, you don’t have time to think of that. I don’t believe I’m abnormal, perhaps I am, but just since this afternoon I have come to the conclusion that if you want to put down crime you’ve got to suppress more than just alcohol — you’ve got to suppress the modern flapper. They’re so damnably desirable...” (It gets worse...). See wikipedia; author’s papers at Oregon 20 ex Giuseppe Caccavale : in giardino, a buon fresco (content by Laura Cherubini, Giuseppe Caccavale, Chiara Bertola and Claudia Gian Ferrari; Charta, 2009) : 77
Tumblr media
Needed another line, and thought Samuel Beckett might provide. Search yielded no Beckett, but the above passage, fitting in its way and no more nor less ambiguous than anything else here. something recent — Giuseppe Caccavale « Projet Paul Celan », Residence Concordia, Parigi gennaio-ottobre 2020; testo e foto dell’artista. (1 February 2021)  
A friend reminded me, recently, that I don’t have time (for what is irrelevant here). Have been ruminating on (avoiding the consequences of) this, since. And thinking too about the place dimension of time, as discussed by Veronica O’Keane in her The Rag and Bone Shop : How we make memories and memories make us (2021) — “One’s sense of time is inseparable from events, but this is a sense of time. Might time have something to do with place cells?” (107) and “The whole concept of time is generally unhelpful in understanding science, be it physics or neuroscience... From the perspective of recording events, the present is consciousness. In a seemingly ironic twist, I myself think that the only place that time does not exist is in the moment of consciousness...” (113)
The encountered lines — all included above from my search in pre-1923 sources — have found their respective though non-chronological places in a kind of rocking, panning motion, in which sediments settle into their respective ripples / couplets.
Would, could, does this — sequence — work (whatever “work” means) without the anchorings / tetherings / bibliographic wastefull(ness; line 9 above) that follow it? They were needed in the making, anyway, and for there to be sufficient distraction for the making to sustain.
all subject to change.  
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krisisanerd · 3 years
and since i literally never shut up; most of my c!dsmp playlists sprout from a song or artist. here's like. some examples! under cut cuz its long af
mumza + phil; "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" by Blue Öyster Cult/songs from the 70s/80s
xd/hd/exe; "Lets Escape" by redrose, chevy/"Flowers of Flesh and Blood" by Nicole Dollanganger
exe; "Bored by Rasti/"spy?" by WHOKILLEDXIX/"Monster Smash" by Windy Crankage
eret; "The Moon Song" by beabadoobee, Oscar Lang/the album If Blue Could Be Happiness by Florist/Florist in general
dream; the artist Girls Rituals/"Staple Tape Worms on My Penis" by PASSENGER OF SHIT
dxd; "Personal Jesus" by Mindless Self Indulgence/the album Now You Are One of Us by The Paper Chase
gnf; "a dream i once had" by boone
sam; "Nowhere to Run" by Stegosaurus Rex/"When I Rule the World" by LIZ/"Sweet" by Phemiac
sapnap; "Hell to Your Doorstep" by Thomas Borchert/"Burn The Witch" by Shawn James/songs w/ fire related things in the title p much
bbh; anime/2010s edgy songs
tubbo; funny communist/"Thanks, Bastards!" by Mischief Brew/monster high theme song
ghostbur; songs w/ blue album covers that remind me of death or have to do with death/the album I Blew on a Dandelion and the Whole World Disappeared by American Pleasure Club/the artist Teen Suicide/the artist Dandelion Hands
quackity; "Cha Cha" freddie dredd/this one didn't really have a theme lol i couldn't figure it out
and the other playlists are shit/don't make sense :)
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addie-henderson · 1 year
thinking about James with a partner with a oral fixation who just puts his fingers in their mouth randomly. sfw n a little NSFW at the end
he hummed as Sirius drones on about... something. James suspected maybe it was fashion related. he'd stopped listening 15 minutes ago and he suspects his under-stimulated love hadn't been listening for much longer. he nods encouragingly to his friend hoping it was believable fake interest. as he leans back into the common room couch he felt a tug on his fingers and thought nothing of it.
"what do you think?" Sirius asked finally clearly in distress.
"huh? what? um," he thought about telling Sirius he'd missed what he'd said until he was startled but the warm wet feeling of his finger being in someone's mouth. he yanked them back on reflex. "Ick! my fingers are filthy, Lovebug."
you look almost startled and he frowns at the look on your face. "let me wash my hands first love. I'll be back, padfoot. "
and him listening to you trying to talk with his fingers down your throat. he thinks it's so cute.
or pulling his fingers out of your pussy and watching you take them in your mouth like they aren't absolutely filthy
176 notes · View notes
rogerioreal · 4 years
Nearly every track that Larry Levan played at The Paradise Garage.
2 Puerto Ricans, A Blackman And A Dominican - Do It Properly 198752nd Street - Cool As Ice 1983 52nd Street - Tell Me (How It Feels) (12") 1986 80's Ladies - Turned On To You 1981 Adele Bertei - Build Me A Bridge 1983 Adiche - Get Ready (12") 1985 Adonis - No Way BackAdvance - Take Me To The Top 1983 Affinity - Don't Go Away 1983 Al Hudson - If You Feel Like Dancing 1977 Aleem - Confusion (12") 1985 Aleem - Love's On Fire (12") 1986 Aleem - Release Yourself 1984 Alexander Robotnick - Problemes D'Amour (12") 1985 Alfie - Star (12") 1985 Alfie Silas - A Puppet To You (LP or 12") 1982 Alfie Silas - Communicate (LP Cut) 1982 Alfredo De La Fe - Hot To Trot 1977 Alfredo De La Fe Alicia Myers - I Want To Thank You (LP) 1982 Alma Faye - Don't Fall In Love 1979 Alma Faye - It's Over (12" ext. mix) 1979 Alma Faye - Stop, I Don't Need No Sympathy 1977 AM-FM - You Are The One 1982 Amii Stewart - I'm Gonna Get Your Love 1982 Andrea True - NY, You Got Me Dancing 1977 Andrea True - What's Your Name, What's Your Number 1977 Ann Margret - Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes (Larry played Instr. 1981 Anthony & The Camp - What I Like (12") 1986 Anthony White - Block Party (Inst.) 1977 Archie Bell - Anytime Is Right 1981 Aretha Franklin - Freeway Of Love (12") 1985 Aretha Franklin - Get It Right 1983 Aretha Franklin - Who's Zooming Who (12") 1985 Arpeggio - Love & Desire 1979 Ashford & Simpson - Ain't No Stopping Us NowAshford & Simpson - Bourgie Bourgie 1977Ashford & Simpson - Don't Cost You Nothin' 1978Ashford Simpson - Found A Cure &It Seems To Hang On! (Special Disco Remix) 1978Ashford & Simpson - Outta The World (12") 1985 Ashford & Simpson - Stay Free (LP) 1979 Atlantis - Keep On Movin' & Groovin' 1982 Atmosphere - Atmosphere Strut 1976 Sojka and Pike on Elite Atmosphere - Dancing In Outer Space 1981 Atmosphere - Disco Juice 1976 Atmosphere - Spaced Out 1976 Attitude - Love Me Tonight 1983 Aurra - Checking You Out 1982 Salsoul Aurra - Make Up Your Mind 1981 Ava Cherry - You Never Loved Me 1980 B.B. & Q Band - "On The Beat" 1981B Beat Girls - For The Same Man 1982 B.T. Taylor - You Can't Have Your Cake (& Eat It Too) 1982Babe Ruth - The Mexican 1973Baby'0 - In The Forest 1980 Bad Girls - Too Through 1981 Bananarama - Cruel Summer (12" Mix) 1984 Barbara Fowler - Come And Get My Lovin' 1984 Barbara Mason - Another Man 1984 Barbara Pennington - 24 Hours A Day (12" Vers.) 1977 Barbara Streisand - Promises (LP) 1981Barry White - Let The Music Play 1976Barry White - My Sweet Summer Suite 1976Basement Boys - Love Don't Live Here Anymore (12" or Comp. LP) 1987 BBCS&A - Rock Shock 1982 Bell & James - Livin' It Up 1978 Ben E. King - Music Trance 1980 Bert Reid - Groovin' With You (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Betty Wright - One Step Up, Two Steps Back 1984 Beverly Johnson - Can't You Feel It (LP) 1979 Bill Brandon - We Fell In Love While Dancing 1978 Billie - Nobody's Bizness 1983 Fleetwood rds Billy Frazier - Billy Who? 1980 Billy Nichols - Give Your Body Up To The Music 1979 Levan mix on West End rds Billy Ocean - Love Zone (12") 1986 Billy Ocean - Nights (Feel Like Getting Down) (12" Remix) 1981 Billy Ocean - Stay The Night (12" Vers.) 1981Bionic Boogie - Cream Always Rises To The Top 1978Bionic Boogie - Risky Changes 1978 Black Ivory - Mainline (12") 1979 P Adams and L Burgess Black Light Orchestra - Touch Me, Take Me 1977 Black Mamba - Vicious (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Garage rds Blackbyrds - Happy Music 1976 Donald Byrd Blackwell - Boogie Down & Mess Around 1978 Blancmanage - Feel Me 1982 Blaze - If You Should Need A Friend (12") 1987 Blondie - Rapture 1981Blue Magic- Look Me Up 1974Bo Kool - Love Money 1982 inspired 'Love Honey Love Heartache' On Tania records, UK track Bob-A-Rela - Spend The Night 1979 Bob-A-Rela - Stop 1979 Bobbettes - Love Rhythm 1981 Bobby Thurston - Check Out This Groove 1980 Bobby Thurston - You Got What It Takes 1980Bobby Womack ‎– I Can Understand It 1972Bohannon - Let's Start The Dance 1978 Boney M - Daddy Cool 1977 Bonnie Boyer - Got To Give In To Love 1979 Booker T - Don't Stop Your Love (12" Remix) 1981 Boris Badenough - Hey Rocky (12") 1986 Brainstorm - Hot For You 1979 Brainstorm - Lovin' Is Really My Game 1977 Brainstorm - We're On Our Way Home 1978 Brass Construction - Can You See The Light (12" or LP) 1982 Randy Muller Brass Construction - Changin' 1976 Brass Construction - Give & Take (12") 1985 Brass Construction - Walkin' The Line (12") 1983 Brass Construction - We Can Do It 1980 Brecker Brothers - Don't Stop The Music 1977 Brenda & Tabulations - Let's Go All The Way (Down) 1977 Brenda & Tabulations - Superstar 1977 Brenda Gooch - You And I Together 1980Brian Eno - David Byrne ‎– The Jezebel Spirit 1981Bruce Johnson - Pipeline 1979 Bruni Pagan - Fantasy 1979 Patrick Adams on .... Vanguard Bruni Pagan - Lovers (LP) 1979 Buffalo Smoke - Stubborn Kind Of Fellow 1978 Bumble Bee Unlimited - Love Bug (Original Red Greg 12") 1976 Greg Carmichael Bunny Sigler - By The Way You Dance 1978 CJ & Co - Devil's Gun 1977 C-Bank - One More Shot 1983 John Robie C-Brand - Wired For Games 1982 Cameron - All That's Good To Me 1981 Cameron - Boogie's Gonna Get Ya 1981 Cameron - Let's Get It Off 1980 Cameron - The Magic Of You 1980 Candi Staton - When You Wake Up Tomorrow 1979 Candido - Dancin' & Prancin' 1979 Salsoul Candido - Jingo 1979 Salsoul Candido - Thousand Fingerman 1979 Salsoul Capricorn - Capricorn 1980 Captain Rapp - Bad Times (I Can't Stand It) 1983 Captain Rapp - I Can't Stand It (12" - 2nd Press) 1986 Carl Bean - I Was Born This Way (12") 1987 Carl Bean - I Was Born This Way (Orig. Motown 12") 1978 Carly Simon - Why 1982 Atlantic WEA Carol Douglas - You're Not So Hot (12" or LP Vers.) 1983 Next Plateau Carol Hahn - Do Your Best 1982 Carol Williams - Can't Get Away From Your Love 1982 Carol Williams - No One Can Do It Like You 1981 Carol Williams - You've Reached The Bottom Line (12") 1983 Carolyn Harding - Gonna Get Your Love (12") 1985 Carolyn Harding - Memories (12") 1986 Carolyn Harding - Moving On (12") 1987 Carolyn Porter - I Said It And I Meant It (12") 1987 Carrie Lucas - I Gotta Keep Dancin (Original Vers.) 1977 Cat Stevens - Was Dog A Doughnut 1977 Celi Bee - Superman 1977 Central Line - Don't Tell Me 1981 Central Line - Walking Into Sunshine (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Cerrone - Cerrone's Paradise 1977 Cerrone - Je Suis Music 1978Cerrone ‎– Love In C Minor 1976Cerrone - Supernature (whole album) 1978 Cerrone - Take Me 1977 Cerrone feat. Jocelyn Brown - Cherry Tree 1980 Chaka Khan - I Know You, I Live You (LP) 1981 Chaka Khan - Tearin' It Up (12" Levan Remix) 1983 Change - Angel In My Pocket 1980Change - Paradise 1981 Change - The Very Best In You 1982 Change - This Is Your Time 1983 Chantel Curtis - Get Another Love 1979 Chantel Curtis - Hit Man (LP) 1979 Charlie Calello Orchestra - Sing Sing Sing 1979 Charo - Dance A Little Bit Closer 1977 Salsoul Chas Jankel - Glad To Know You 1982 Chemise - She Can't Love You 1981 Cher - Take Me Home 1979 Cheri - Small Town Lover 1983 Cheri - Star Struck 1982 Cheryl Lynn - In The Night 1981 Cheryl Lynn - Keep It Hot (12") 1979 Cheryl Lynn - Love Bomb 1979 Cheryl Lynn - Star Love 1977 Cheryl Lynn - You Saved My Day 1978 Cheyne - Call Me Mr. Telephone (12") 1985 Chi-Lites - My First Mistake 1977 Chic - Chic Cheer 1978 Chicago - Street Player (12" Mix) 1979 Columbia reds Chip E. - Like This (12") 1985 Chocolette - It's That East Street Beat (12") 1985 Choice 4 - Come Down To Earth 1977 Circle City Band - Magic 1983 Circuit - A Little Help From My Friends (12") 1985 Circuit - Release The Tension 1984 Cissy Houston - Think It Over 1978 Citispeak - I Don't Need Your Handouts 1984 Citispeak - Rock To Rock 1983 CJ & Co - We Got Our Own Thing 1977 Class Action - Weekend (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Sleeping Bag rds Claudja Barry - Down & Counting (12") 1986 Claudja Barry - Johnny Please Come Home 1978 Claudja Barry - Sweet Dynamite 1977 Clausell - Don't Let It Be Crack (12") 1986 Joe Clausell ??? Coffee - Purpose (LP) 1982 Colonel Abrams - How Soon We Forget (12" Remix) 1987 Colonel Abrams - I'm Not Gonna Let (12") 1986 Colonel Abrams - Music Is The Answer 1984 Colonel Abrams - Over & Over (12") 1986 Colonel Abrams - Speculation (12") 1985 Colonel Abrams - Trapped (12") 1985 Colors - Am I Gonna Be The One (12" Dub Vers.) 1983 Colors - Pay Me Back My Love (12") 1986 Columbus Circle - If You Read My Mind 1982 Conquest - Give It To Me 1981 Conversion - Let's Do It 1981 --> Leroy Burgess Conversion - Sweet Thing 1982 Cookie - You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover 1982 Cory Daye - Pow Wow 1978 Crown Heights Affair - Dancin' 1977 Crown Heights Affair - Don't Wanna Change You 1980 Crown Heights Affair - I See The Light 1980 Crown Heights Affair - Say A Prayer For Two 1978 Cuba Gooding - Happiness Is Just Around The Bend 1983 Streetwise rds Cultural Vibe - Mind Games (12") (Not the same record as Quest) 1986 Easystreet reds Curtis Hairston - I Want You (All Tonight) 1983 Curtis Hairston - I Want You All Tonight (12") 1985 Curtis Hairston - We All Are One 1984 Curtis Mayfield - Tell Me (How Ya Liked To Be Loved) 1979 Curtis Mayfield - What Is My Woman For? 1979 D Train - Keep On 1982 Prelude D Train - Music 1983 Prelude D Train - Walk On By 1982 Prelude D Train - You're The One For Me 1981 Prelude D.C. LaRue - Cathedrals 1977 D.C. LaRue - Let Them Dance 1978 D.D. Sounds - Cafe 1978 Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 Dan Hartman - Love Strong 1979 Dan Hartman - Relight My Fire 1978 Dan Hartman - We Are The Young (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 David Bowie - Let's Dance (12") 1983 David Christie - Don't Stop Me, I Like It 1978 David Joseph - You Can't Hide From Your Love 1983David Williams - Come On Down, Boogie People 1977 Dazz Band - Let It All Blow (12" Mix) 1984 Debbie Jacobs - Don't You Want My Love 1979 Dee Dee Bridgewater - Bad For Me (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Dee Edwards - Put Your Love On The Line 1980 Delegation - Heartache No. 9 1980 Denise McCann - Tattoo Man 1976 Dennis Coffey - Wings Of Fire 1977 Denroy Morgan - Happy Feeling 1982 Becket rds Deodato - Are You For Real 1984 Deodato - Keep It In The Family (LP) 1982 Deodato - Keep On Movin' 1982 Deodato - Night Cruiser 1980Deodato - Super Strut 1973Deodato - Whistle Bump 1978Deodato 2001 ‎– Also Sprach Zarathustra 1986Desmond Child & Rouge - Our Love Is Insane (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Dexter Wansel - Disco Lights 1977 PIR Dexter Wansel - Life On Mars Dhar Braxton - Jump Back (12") 1986 Sleeping Bag rds Diamond Touch - Love Line (12") 1985 Diana Ross - The Boss 1979Diana Ross - Love Hangover 1976Diana Ross - "No One Gets The Prize" 1979Diana Ross - Once In The Morning (LP) 1979 Diana Ross - That's How You Start Over (LP) 1983 Diana Ross - Work That Body (12" Version) 1982 Dianne Marie - I've Waited Much Too Long 1982 Dinosaur[/color] - Kiss Me Again 1978 Sire rds Dinosaur L - Corn Belt (Levan Mix; Comp. LP) 1986 Sleeping Bag rds Dinosaur L - Go Bang 1983 Sleeping Bag rds Direct Current - Everybody Here Must Party 1979 Don Ray - Got To Have Loving 1978 Don Ray - Standing In The Rain 1978 Donald Byrd - Love Has Come Around 1981 Donald Fagen - New Frontier 1982Donna McGhee - It Ain't No Big Thing 1979Donna Summer - Autumn Changes 1976Donna Summer - Bad Girls 1979Donna Summer - Hot Stuff 1979Donna Summer - I Feel Love 1977Donna Summer - Last Dance 1978Donna Summer - Love to Love You Baby 1975Donna Summer - MacArthur Park 1979Donna Summer - Spring Affair 1976Donna Summer - Summer Fever 1976Donna Washington - 'Scuse Me, While I Fall In Love 1981 SalsoulDonny Hathaway ‎– The Ghetto 1969Double Exposure - Every Man Has Got To Carry His Own Weight 1976 Salsoul Double Exposure - I Declare War 1978 Salsoul Double Exposure - I Got The Hots For You (12" Mix) 1979 Salsoul Double Exposure - My Love Is Free 1977 Salsoul Double Exposure - Ten Percent 1976 Salsoul Dynamic Superiors - Nowhere To Run 1977 Earons - Land Of Hunger 1984Earth, Wind & Fire - Africano 1975Earth Wind & Fire - I Think About Lovin' You 1971Earth, Wind & Fire - Moment of Truth 1971Earth, Wind & Fire - Power 1972Earth, Wind & Fire - Side By Side (LP) 1983 Eastbound Expressway - Never Let Go 1979 Ecstacy, Passion & Pain - If You Want Me 1981 Roy B rds Ecstacy, Passion & Pain - Touch And Go 1976 Eddie Drennon - Would You Dance To My Music 1977 Eddie Kendricks - Ain't No Smoke Without Fire 1978 Eddie Kendricks - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind 1973Eddie Kendricks - Goin' Up In Smoke 1976 Motown rds Eddy Grant - Living On The Frontline 1978 Eddy Grant - Nobody's Got Time 1980 Eddy Grant - Time Warp 1977Eddy Grant - Walking On Sunshine (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Ice rds Eddy Rosemond - Funk It 1979 Edgar Winter Group - Above & Beyond 1979 Ednah Holt - Serious, Serious Space Party (Levan 12" Mix) 1981 West End rds Edwin Birdsong - Rapper Dapper Snapper 1980 Salsoul rds El Coco - Cocomotion 1977 El Coco - Dancing In Paradise 1978 El Coco - Let's Get It Together 1976 Eleanor Mills - Mr. Right (12") 1987 Electric Mind - Zwei 1983 Eloise Whitaker - Don't Turn Your Back On Me 1981 Empire - Freakman 1981 Empress - Dyin' To Be Dancin' 1981 Prelude rds Empress - Take A Risk 1982 Prelude rds Erasure - Sometimes (12" Remix) 1987 Erotic Drum Band - Plug Me To Death 1978 ESG - Moody 1981 99 rds Esther Williams - I'll Be Your Pleasure (Levan Remix 12" or LP) 1981 Esther Williams - You Gotta Let Me Show You 1976 Evelyn King - Your Personal Touch (12"/LP) 1985 Evelyn Thomas - Heartless (12") 1985 Exodus - Together Forever 1979 Expose - Let Me Be The One (12" Remix) 1987 Extras - Haven't Been Funked Enough 1979 Faith, Hope & Charity - You're My Piece Of Mind (Ext. 12" 1976 Fancy - Come Inside (12" Mix) 1984 Fantastic 4 - Got To Have Your Love 1977 Fantastic Aleems - Hooked On Your Love 1980 Fantasy - You're Too Late 1981 Farley Funk - Love Can't Turn Around (12" Dub Mix) 1986 Farm Boy - Move (12") 1986 Fat Larry's Band - Act Like You Know 1982 --> see Whatnauts Fat Larry's Band - Lookin' For Love 1979 Fatback Band - I Found Lovin' 1983 Fatback Band - Is This The Future (12" Vers.) 1983 Fatback Band - Spanish Hustle 1976 Fatback Band - Take It Anyway You Want It 1981 Fatback Band - The Girl Is Fine 1983 Feel - I'd Like To 1982 Feel - Let's Rock Over & Over Again 1982 Sutra rds Fern Kinney - Groove Me 1979 Final Edition - Betcha Can't Love Just Once 1980 Fingers, Inc. - Can You Feel It (Comp. LP) 1987 Fingers, Inc. - Mystery Of Love (12") 1987 Fingers, Inc. - Never No More Lonely (LP) 1987 First Choice - Breakaway 1980 Salsoul rds First Choice - Doctor Love 1977 Goldmind rds First Choice - Double Cross (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds First Choice - Let No Man Put Asunder (Remix) 1982 Salsoul rds First Choice - Love Thang 1978 Goldmind rds First Love - Don't Say Goodnight 1980 Five Special - Why Leave Us Alone 1979 Flakes - Sugar Frosted Lover 1980 Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies (12" Remix) 1987 Flower - Classical Love 1979 Fonda Rae - Heobah 1983 Posse rds Fonda Rae - Over Like A Fat Rat 1982 Vanguard rds Foxy - Tena's Song 1978 France Joli - Gonna Get Over You 1982 Prelude rds France Joli - The Heart To Break The Heart 1980 PreludeFrankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Ballad of 32 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes 1984Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome to the pleasuredome (The Whole 13:40 version) 1984 Fred Fowler - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind (12") (Kendricks Remake) 1986 Freda Payne - I'll Do Anything For You (12" Vers.) 1978 Freda Payne - Love Magnet 1977 Free Life - There's Something Better 1979 Freeez - I.O.U. 1983 Fresh Band - Come Back Lover 1984 Frida - I Know There's Something Goin' On 1982 Frisky - You Got Me Dancing In My Sleep 1979 Aretha Franklin - Jump To It 1983 Front Page Orchestra - Love Insurance 1979 Frontline Orchestra - Don't Turn Your Back On Me 1981 Full Circle - Workin' Up A Sweat (12") 1986 Full House - Communicate (12") 1986 Funk Deluxe - This Time 1984 Funk Fusion Band - Can You Feel It 1982 Funkapolitan - As Time Goes By 1982 Gary Criss - Rio De Janiero 1978 Salsoul rds Gary's Gang - Let's Love Dance Tonight 1979 Gayle Adams - Love Fever (12") 1981 Gayle Adams - Stretchin' Out 1980 Gayle Adams - You Brought It On Yourself 1980 Gayle Adams - Your Love Is A Life Saver 1980 Gaz - Sing Sing 1978 Salsoul rds Gene Chandler - Get Down 1978 Gene Dunlap - Take My Love 1981 General Johnson - Can't Nobody Love Me Like You Do 1978George Benson - This Masquerade 197 George Duke - I Want You For Myself 1979 George Kranz - Din Daa Daa (Original 12" Mix) 1984 George McCrae - Love In Motion 1977 Geraldine Hunt - Can't Fake The Feeling 1980 Gibson Brothers - Cuba 1979 Gibson Brothers - Oh What A Life 1980 Gino Soccio - Hold Tight 1981 Gino Soccio - I Wanna Take You There Now 1980 Gino Soccio - It's Alright 1982 Gino Soccio - Try It Out 1981 Gino Soccio - You Move Me (LP) 1982 Gino Soccio - Dancer 1979 Giorgio - I Wanna Rock You 1979 Giorgio Moroder - Evolution 1978Giorgio Moroder - Knights in White Satin (Full Album Version) 1976Girls Can't Help It - Baby Doll 1982 Gladys Knight & The Pips - Save The Overtime For Me (12" Vers.) 1983 Gladys Knight - It's A Better Than Good Time 1978 Gladys Knight - Love Is Always On Your Mind 1977 Glass - Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat 1982 West End rds Gloria Gaynor - Let's Make A Deal 1976 Gloria Gaynor - Let's Mend What's Been Broken (LP or 12") 1981 Goldie Alexander - Show You My Love 1982 Goody Goody - It Looks Like Love 1978 Atlantic --> Montana Goody Goody - Let Me Work On You 1982 Black Sun rds Grace Jones - Do Or Die 1978 Grace Jones - Don't Mess With The Messer 1979 Grace Jones - Feel Up (Levan Remix) 1982 Island rds Grace Jones - I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect For You) (12") 1986 Grace Jones - La Vie En Rose 1977 Grace Jones - My Jamaican Guy 1978 Grace Jones - Nipple To The Bottle 1982 Grace Jones - On Your Knees 1979 Grace Jones - Pull Up To The Bumper (Disconet mix)1981 Grace Jones - Slave To The Rhythm/The Fashion Show/Ladies & Gentlemen (all 1985 1985 Grace Jones - Sorry 1976 Grace Jones - Warm Leatherette 1980 Greg Phillinganes - Behind The Mask (12") 1985 Gregg Diamond - Danger 1979 Gregg Diamond - Star Cruising 1978 Grey & Hanks - Dancin' 1979Grover Washington Jr. - Mister Magic 1975Gunchback Boogie Band - Funn 1982 Gwen Guthrie - Hopscotch (LP Version) 1983 Island rds Gwen Guthrie - It Should Have Been You 1982 Gwen Guthrie - Outside In The Rain (Levan 12" Remix) 1986 Gwen Guthrie - Padlock (Levan Remix - EP) 1985 Gwen Guthrie - Peanut Butter (LP Version; Levan remix released in 1985) 1983 Gwen Guthrie - Seventh Heaven (LP Version) 1983 Gwen Guthrie - Seventh Heaven/Getting Hot/Peanut Butter (Levan Remix - EP) 1985 Gwen Guthrie - They Long To Be Close To You (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 Polydor rds Gwen Guthrie - Ticket To Ride (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 4th and Broadway rds Gwen McCrae - Funky Sensation 1981 Gwen McCrae - Poyson 1981 Hanson & Davis - I'll Take You On (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Fresh rds Hanson & Davis - Tonight (Love Will Make It Right) (12" Dub Mix) 1985 Harlequin Fours - Set It Off (12" - female version) 1985 Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F (12") 1985 Harvey Mason - Groovin' You 1979 Arista rds Heaven & Earth - I Really Love You 1981 Heaven 17 - Let Me Go 1983 Herbie Hancock - Tell Everybody 1979 Hercules - Seven Ways To Jack (12"/Comp. LP) 1986 Hi-Gloss - You'll Never Know 1981 Hindsight - Stand Up (12" Remix) 1987 Hot Cuisine - Who's Been Kissing You 1981 House People - Godfather Of House (12") 1986 Hugh Masekela - Don't Go Lose It, Baby 1984 Jive Africa I Level - Give Me 1981 I Level - Minefield 1981 Ian Dury - Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick 1978 Ian Dury - Reasons To Be Cheerful 1978 Ian Dury - Spasticus (Autisticus) 1981 Idris Muhammed - Could Heaven Ever Be Like This 1977Idris Muhammad ‎– One with a Star 1978 Imagination - Burnin' Up 1983 Imagination - Changes 1983 Imagination - Instinctual (12" Remix) 1987 Imagination - Just An Illusin 1983 Imagination - Looking At Midnight (12") 1983 Imagination - State Of Love 1983 In-Sync - Sometimes Love Lets You Down (12") 1987 Indeep - Last Night A DJ Saved My Life 1983 Inner City Jam Band - What I Did For Love 1977 Inner Life - Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Garage Mix) 1981 Salsoul rds Inner Life - I'm Caught Up 1979 Prelude rds Inner Life - Let's Change It Up (12") 1985 Inner Life - Make It Last Forever (Levan Remix) 1981 Salsoul rds Inner Life - Moment Of My Life 1982 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Body Shine (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - I Got My Mind Made Up (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Just Because You'll Be Mine 1983 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Slap, Slap, Lickedy Lap (Levan Mix) 1979 Salsoul rds Instant Funk - Why Don't You Think About Me 1979 Salsoul rds Intrigue - Fly Girl (12") 1985 Invisible Man's Band - All Night Thing 1980 Island rds Isaac Hayes - I Ain't Never 1980 Isaac Hayes - Moonlight Lovin' 1978 Isley Brothers - Harvest For The World 1976 Isley Brothers - Inside You (12" or LP) 1981J Geils Band- Give to me 1973J.M. Silk - I Can't Turn Around (12") 1987 J.M. Silk - Let The Music Take Control (12") 1987 J.M. Silk - Music Is The Key (12") 1985 J.R. Funk & Love Machine - Feel Good, Party Time 1980 Jackie Moore - How's Your Love Life Baby (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Jacksons - The Hurt (LP Cut) 1984 Jago - Are You Going To Go 1983 Jaki Graham - Set Me Free (12" Remix) 1987 Jakki - Sun Sun Sun 1976 Jamaica Boys - Spend Some Time (12" Remix) 1987 Jamaica Girls - Need Somebody New (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Sleeping Bag rds Jamaica Girls - On The Move (12") 1986 Jamaica Girls - Rock The Beat 1982James Brown - Give It Up Or Turn It Loose 1970James Brown - It's Too Funky In Here (12") 1979 James Brown - Living In America (12") 1985James Brown - The Payback 1973James Wells - My Claim To Fame 1979 James Wells - True Love Is My Destiny 1978 Jammers - And You Know That 1982 Jammers - Be Mine Tonight 1983 Salsoul rds Jan Leslie Holmes - I'm Your Superman (12" Disco Mix Version) 1984 Janet Jackson - What Have You Done For Me Lately (12") 1986 A&M rds Janice Christie - Heat Stroke (Levan 12" Mix) 1986 Supertronics rds Janice Christie - My Love Is Money 1984 Janice Christie - One Love (12") 1985 Janice Christie - Taking Me For Granted (12") 1987 Janice McClain - Smack Dab In The Middle (Levan Remix) 1980 Jean Carn - Time Waits For No One 1976 Jean Carn - Was That All It Was (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Jeanette "Lady" Day - Come Let Me Love You 1981 Jeanette Thomas - Shake Your Body (12"/Comp. LP) 1987 Jeff Lorber - Step By Step (12") 1985 Jeffrey Osborne - New Love 1982 Jeffrey Osborne - Plane Love (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 A&M rds Jeffrey Osborne - The Borderlines (Levan 12" Remix) 1984 A&M rds Jennifer Holliday - Hard Times For Lovers (Ext. 12") 1985 Jennifer Holliday - No Frills Love (Ext. 12") 1985 Jenny Burton - Bad Habits (12"/LP) 1985 Jenny Burton - Remember What You Like 1983Jesse Green ‎– Nice And Slow 1976Jimmy Bo Horne - Is It In 1980 Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank 1979 Jimmy BoHorne - Let's Do It (12") 1985 Jimmy Cliff - Peace Officer (Dub 12" Version) 1982 Jimmy Ross - First True Love Affair (Levan 12" Mix) 1981 Quality/RFC rds Jimmy Ruffin - Falling In Love With You 1977 Jimmy Sabater - To Be With You 1976 Jimmy Williams - All Of My Lovin' 1983 Joan Armatrading - Kind Words (And A Real Good Heart) (12") 1986 Jocelyn Brown - Love's Gonna Get Ya (12") 1985Jocelyn Brown "Somebody Elses Guy" 1984Joe Church - Don't You Wanna Be Mine (12") 1987 Joe Simon - Love Vibration 1978 Joe Tex - Ain't Gonna Bump No More 1977 Joe Thomas - Plato's Retreat 1978 John Davis - Night And Day 1976 John Rocca - I Want It To Be Real 1984 Johnny Dynell - Rhythm Of Love (12") 1985 Johnny Harris - Odyssey 1980Johnny Mathis - Gone, Gone, Gone 1979Jomanda - I'll Give It To You (12") 1987 Jones Girls - You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Joy - I Need Your Love 1983 Joyce Kennedy - Hold On For Love's Sake (12") 1985 Judy Cheeks - Mellow Lovin' 1978 Salsoul rds Juggy Jones - Inside America 1976 Jupiter rds Jungle Wonz - The Jungle (Comp. LP) 1986 Jungle Wonz - Time Marches On (12"/Comp LP) 1987 Junior - Mama Used To Say 1982 Mercury UK rds Junior - Not Tonight/Look What You've Done To Me (LP) 1985 Junior - Tell Me 1983 Mercury UK rds Kano - Can't Hold Back Your Loving 1981 Emergency rds Kano - I'm Ready 1980 Emergency rds Karen Silver - Nobody Else 1981 Karen Silver - Set Me Free 1981 Karen Young - Detour 1982 Karen Young - Hot Shot 1978 West End rds Karyn White - Facts Of Love (12" Levan Remix) 1986 Kashif - Help Yourself To My Love 1983 Kashif - I Just Gotta Have You 1983 Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (12") 1985 Kebekelektrik - War Dance 1978 Salsoul rds Keith Barrow - Turn Me Up (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Kellee Patterson - Turn On The Lights 1977 Keni Burke - You're The Best 1981 Key Of Dreams - Africa 1983 Kid Creole - Going Places 1981Kid Creole And The Coconuts - I'm A Wonderful Thing Baby 1982Kid People - Life's A Party (12") 1985 King Errison - Manhattan Love Song 1977 Kinky Foxx - So Different 1980 Kleeer - Get Tough 1981 Kleeer - Keep Your Body Workin' 1978 Klein & MBO - Dirty Talk 1982 Klein & MBO - Wonderful 1982 Klinte Jones - In The Heat Of The Night 1984Kokomo ‎– I Can Understand It 1975Kokomo - Use Your Imagination 1976 Komiko - Feel Alright 1982 Konk - Konk Party (12") 1986 Konk - Your Life (12") 1986 Kool & The Gang - Fresh (12" Remix) 1985 Kool & The Gang - Misled (12" Remix) 1984 Kool & The Gang - Open Sesame (9 min. version) 1976Kool & The Gang - Summer Madness 1974Koto - Japanese War Games 1983 Kraftwerk - Music Non-Stop (12") 1986Kraftwerk - Numbers 1981Kraftwerk - The Robots 1978 Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Express 1978 Kreamsicle - No News Is News 1984 Kurtis Blow - The Breaks 1980 Mercury US L'Amour - Let's Make Love Tonight 1984 Lace - Can't Play Around (Levan 12" Mix) 1982 Atlantic rds Laid Back - The White Horse 1984 Lamont Dozier - Going Back To My Roots 1977 Larry Graham - Sooner Or Later 1982 Larry Page - Slinky Thighs 1977 Larry played) 1982 Laurice Hudson - Feel My Love 1982 LAX - All My Love 1980 Legacy - Don't Waste The Night (12") 1985 Lemelle - You Got Something Special 1982 Lemon - A-Freak-A 1978 Lenny Williams - Choosing You 1977 Lenny Williams - Please Don't Tempt Me 1977 Lenny Williams - You Got Me Running 1978 Leon Huff - I Ain't Jivin', I'm Jammin' 1981 Leon Love - Once Is Not Enough 1984 Les Lee - I'm The One You Want (12") 1985 Level 3 - Central Line 1982 Level 42 - Something About You (12") 1985 Level 42 - Starchild (12") 1985 Level 42 - World Machine (12") 1985 Lime - Agent 406 1981 Linda Clifford - Gypsy Lady (Ext. 12" Vers.) 1978 Linda Clifford - Runaway Love (Ext. 12" Version) 1978 Linda Evans - Don't You Need 1979 Linda Hopkins - It's In Your Blood 1977 Linda Taylor - You And Me Just Started 1982 Lipps, Inc. - All Night Dancing 1980 Liquid Liquid - Cavern 1984 99 rds Lisa Lisa - I Wonder If I Take You Home (12"/LP) 1985 Living In A Box - Living In A Box (12") 1987 Liz Torres - Can't Get Enough (12") 1987 Liz Torres - Mama's Boy (12") 1987 LNR - Work It To The Bone (12") 1987 Logg - I Know You Will (Levan 12" Remix) 1981 Salsoul rds Logg - You've Got That Something 1981 Salsoul rds Loleatta Holloway - Catch Me On The Rebound 1978 Loleatta Holloway - Crash Goes Love 1984 Loleatta Holloway - Dreamin' 1976 Gold Mind rds Loleatta Holloway - Greatest Performance Of My Life (Levan Remix) 1979 Gold Mind rds Loleatta Holloway - Hit & Run (12" Remix Vers.) 1977 Loleatta Holloway - I May Not Be There When You Want Me 1978 Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation 1980 Salsoul rds Loleatta Holloway - So Sweet (12") 1986 Loose Change - Straight From The Heart (12" Mix) 1979 Loose Ends - Choose Me (12") 1985 Loose Joints - Is It All Over My Face (Levan Remix) 1978Loose Joints- Is It All Over My Face (Original Male Version) 1978Loose Joints - Tell You (Today) 1983 Lorraine Johnson - Feed The Flame 1978 Lorraine Johnson - The More I Get (Remake of Teddy - Larry played both) 1977 Love Club - Hot Summer Nights 1983 Love Committee - Law And Order 1978 Love Unlimited Orchestra - King Kong Theme 1977 Lucy Hawkins - Gotta Get Out Of Here 1978 M - Pop Muzik 1979 Machine - Is It Love 1980 Machine - Marisa 1979 RCA rds Machine - 'There But For The Grace Of God Go I' 1979 RCA rds Macho - I'm A Man 1978 Prelude rds Made In The USA - Melodies 1977 Madhouse - Six (LP) 1987 Madleen Kane - Forbidden Love 1979 Madleen Kane - Rough Diamond 1978 Madleen Kane - You Can 1981 Madonna - Everybody 1982 Madonna - In The Groove 1984 Madonna - Open Your Heart (LP/12") 1986 Magazine 60 - Don Quichotte 1984 Mahogany - Ride On The Rhythm 1982 Mai Tai - History (12") 1985 Mai Tai - Hold Me (LP) 1986Malcom McClaren - Buffalo Girls 1982Malcolm McClaren - Madam Butterfly 1984 Man Friday - Jump (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Man Friday - Love Honey, Love Heartache (12" Levan Mix) 1986 Bo Kool Man Parrish - Hip Hop, Be Bop (Don't Stop) 1982Manu Dibango - New Bell 1972Manu Dibango - Nights In Zeralda 1972Manu Dibango - Soul Makossa 1972Mandrill - Get It All 1973Mandrill Fench Walk- Fencewalk / Hagalo 1973Mandrill - Hang Loose 1973Marc Sadane - Exciting 1982 Marc Sadane - Sit Up 1981 Marcia Griffith - Electric Boogie 1983 Margie Joseph - Knockout 1982 Marianne Faithful - Why Did You Do It 1979 Marjie Joseph - Prophecy 1976 Mark IV - Rainy Days (12") 1985 Marsha Hunt - The Other Side Of Midnight (12" Vers.) 1977 Marshall Jefferson - Move Your Body (House Music Anthem) (12") 1987 Martin Circus - Disco Circus 1978 Martin Circus - I've Got A Treat 1978Mary Jane Girls - "All Night Long" 1983Mary Jane Girls - In My House (12") 1985 Mary Wells - Gigolo 1982 Mary Wells - These Arms 1981 Mass Production - Sun Dancer 1983 Mass Production - Welcome To Our World 1977 Master C&J - In The City (12") 1987 Matrix - Stay, I Need Your Love 1982 Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride (12") 1983 Maze - Twilight (12") 1985McFadden & Whitehead ‎– Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now 1979Melba Moore - It's Been So Long (12" Remix) 1987 Melba Moore - It's Been So Long (12") 1986 Melba Moore - Standing Right Here (Ext. Remix LP) 1979 Melba Moore - You Stepped Into My Life 1978 Merc & Monk - I Get Carried Away (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Metropolis - New York Is My Kind Of Twon 1978 Metropolis - The Greatest Show On Earth 1978 MFSB - Love Is The Message (14 min. Remix Vers.) 1981 PIR rds MFSB - Mysteries Of The World 1980 MFSB - We Got The Time 1976 Michael - Jackson - 1987Michael Mauro - Susie Q 1980 Michael Wycoff - Still Got The Magic (Sweet Delight) 1982 Michael Wycoff - Tell Me Love 1983 Michael Zager Band - Love Express 1978 Michele - Can't You Feel It 1977Michele - Disco Dance 1977 Michelle Freeman - Where'd You Get What You Got 1979 Michelle Goulet - Stop & Think (12") 1986 Michelle Wallace - It's Right 1982 Michelle Wallace - Jazzy Rhythm 1982 Mick Jagger - Lucky In Love (12" Dub Remix) 1985 Midnight Rhythm - Workin' & Slavin' 1978 Midnight Star - Curious 1983 Midway - Set It Out 1984 Mighty Clouds Of Joy - Mighty High 1976 Mighty Pope - Sweet Blindness 1979 Miguel Brown - Symphony Of Love 1978 Mike Anthony - Why Can't We Live Together 1982 Mike Theodore - Cosmic Wind 1977 Mike Theodore Orchestra - The Bull 1978 Mikki - Dance Lover 1981 Mikki - Itching For Love 1981 Millie Scott - Every Little Bit Of You (12" Remix) 1987 Millie Scott - Prisoner Of Love (12") 1986 Ministry - Work For Love 1982 Minnie Riperton - Adventures In Paradise 1976 Minnie Riperton - Stick Together (Ext. Mix) 1977Modern Romance ‎– Can You Move 1981Modern Romance - Salsa Rapsody (Import 12") 1981 Moment Of Truth - Chained To Your Love 1977 Mona Lisa Young - Rock Me Down (12") 1985 Mona Rae - Do Me 1981 Montana - Who Needs Enemies (With A Friend Like You) 1983 Montana Sextet - Heavy Vibes 1982Montreal Sound - Music (Very Special Disco Mix By PAJ) 1977Monyaka - Go Deh Yaka (Go To The Top) 1983 Morris Day - Color Of Success/The Character/The Oak Tree (All LP) 1985Mtume ‎– Green Light 1983Mtume - So You Wanna Be A Star 1980Munich Machine ‎– Get On The Funk Train (Part I+II) 1977 Munich Machine - Party Light 1979Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok (12") 1985 Musique - Push Push in the Bush --> Patrick Adams Musique - Keep on Jumpin' --> Patrick Adams N.V. - It's Alright 1983 N.V. - Let Me Do You 1984 Nancy Martin - Can't Believe 1982 Narada Michael Walden - The Nature Of Things (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Native - Love Ain't No Holiday 1984 Nature Zone - Porcupine 1976 New Birth - Deeper 1977New Birth ‎– Until It's Time For You To Go 1973New Order - Blue Monday 1983New York Community Choir - Express Yourself 1977 Nick Straker Band - A Little Bit Of Jazz 1981 Nick Straker Band - The Beat Inside (LP) 1981 Nile Rodgers - Land Of The Good Groove 1983 Nile Rodgers - State Your Mind/Stay Out Of The Light (Levan 12" Remix) 1985Nina Hagen - African Reggae 1982NJ Connection - Love Don't Come Easy 1981 Nona Hendryx - Keep It Confidential 1983 Nona Hendryx - Transformation 1983 Nona Hendryx - Why Should I Cry (12" Remix) 1987 Norman Connors - Once I've Been There 1977 North End - Happy Days 1981 North End - Kind Of Love (Kind Of Life) 1979 Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait (12") 1985 Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait (12") 1986 Nuance - Love Ride (12" Mix) 1984 O'Jays - Extraordinary Girl (LP) 1984 O'Jays - Put Our Heads Together 1983 Odyssey - Easy Come, Easy Go 1977 Odyssey - Inside Out 1982 Odyssey - Use It Up And Wear It Out 1980 One Way - Do Your Thang 1981 One Way - Music 1980 One Way - Shine On Me 1983 Originals - Down To Love Town 1976 Originals - Hurry Up And Wait 1976 Pam Todd - Let's Get Together 1979 Pamela Stanley - Coming Out Of Hiding 1984 Paradise Girls - Holding Back (12" Dub Mix II) 1986 Passion - Don't Bring Back Memories 1980 Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield 1983 Patrick Juvet - I Love America 1978 Patti Austin - Betcha Wouldn't Hurt Me 1981 Patti Austin - Honey For The Bees (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Patti Brooks - After Dark 1978 Patti Labelle - I'll Never, Never Give Up 1983 Patti Labelle - Music Is My Way Of Life 1979 Patti Labelle - Something Special (12") 1986 Patti Labelle - The Spirit's In It 1981 Paul Hardcastle - 19 (12") 1985 Paul Hardcastle - Don't Waste My Time (12") 1986 Paul Jabara - Pleasure Island 1978 Paul Simpson - Treat Her Sweeter (12") 1985 Paul Simpson Connection - Use Me, Lose Me 1982 Peech Boys - Come On, Come On (Levan 12" Mix) 1984 Peech Boys - Don't Make Me Wait 1982 Peech Boys - Life Is Something Special (Levan Remix) 1983 Peech Boys - On A Journey (Levan Remix) 1983 Peech Boys - Warm Summer's Night (LP) 1983 Pennye Ford - Change Your Wicked Ways (12" Remix) 1984 People's Choice - If I Knew Then What I Know Now 1980 People's Choice - You Ought To Be Dancin' 1980 Pete Shelley - Witness The Change 1981 Peter Brown - Disco Love Breakdown (Flip of "Do You Wanna Get Funky With Me") 1977 Peter Godwin - Emotional Disguise 1982 Peter Jacques Band - Fire Night Dance 1979 Philip Bailey - I Know 1983 Phreek - May My Love Be With You 1978 Phreek - Weekend 1978 Phyllis Nelson - I Like You (12") 1985 Phyllis St. James - Ain't No Turnin' Back (LP Cut) 1984 Pieces Of A Dream - Warm Weather 1981 Pilot - You Are The One 1984 Planet Patrol - Play At Your Own Risk 1982 Players Association - I Like It 1977 Players Association - Love Hangover (Inst. Remake of D. Ross' version) 1977 Pleasure- Take a chance 1980Pleasure Pump - Fantasize Me (12") 1987 Pockets - Come Go With Me 1977 Pointer Sisters - Automatic (12" Remix) 1984 Pointer Sisters - Dare Me (12") 1985 Pointer Sisters - Happiness (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Pointer Sisters - We've Got The Power 1980 Positive Force - We Got The Funk 1979 Positive People - This Feelin' 1981 Poussez - Boogie With Me 1979 Powerline - Journey 1981 Precious Wilson - I'll Be Your Friend (12") 1986 Pretty Poison - Catch Me (I'm Falling) (12") 1987 Prince - Controversy 1981 Prince - Just As Long As We're Together 1978 Prince - Sign Of The Times (12"/LP) 1987 Prince - When Doves Cry 1984Princess & Starbreeze - The Drought (12"/LP) 1987 Princess - Say I'm Your Number One (12") 1985 Private Possesion - Are You Wid It (12") 1986 Private Possession - This Time (12") 1986 Professor Funk - Visions (12") 1987 Project - Love Rescue 1979 Projection - Love Struck (12") 1987 Pure Energy - Breakaway 1981 Pure Energy - One Hot Night 1984 Pure Energy - Party On 1980 Pushe - Don't Take Your Love Away 1984 Q - The Voice Of Q 1982 Quando Quango - Love Tempo (12") 1987 Quartz - Beyond The Clouds 1978 Queen - Another One Bites The Dust 1980 Queen Samantha - Take A Chance (12" Vers.) 1978 Quest - Mind Games (12") 1986 Rainbow Brown - Til You Surrender 1981 --> Patrick Adams Rainy Davis - Sweetheart (12") 1986 Ralph McDonald - We Need More Calypso (12") 1985 Ramona Brooks - I Don't Want You Back 1980 Ramsey Lewis - This Ain't No Fantasy (12" - Female Vocal Side) 1985 Randy Crawford - Don't Wanna Be Normal (LP) 1986 Raw Sex - Stop The War 1982 Raw Silk - Do It To The Music 1981 --> Nick Martinelli Raw Silk - Just In Time And Space 1983 Raww - Don't You Try It 1984 Rebbie Jackson - Centipede (12" Mix) 1984 Reel To Reel - Love Me Like This 1983 Relevation - Feel It 1981 Rene & Angela - Keep Running 1983 Revelation - Holdin' On 1982 Rhonda Parris - No No Love (12") 1986 Rhyze - Just How Sweet Is Your Love 1980 Rice & Beans Orchestra - You've Got Magic 1977 Richard J. Smith - Don't Go Walking Out That Door 1982 Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (12" Remix) 1987 Rick James - Glow (12") 1985 Rick James - You And I 1978 Ripple - The Beat Goes On 1978 Rita Hart - Pardon Me Mister 1984 Ritchie Family - Alright On The Night (LP) 1982 Ritchie Family - I'll Do My Best For You 1982 Ritchie Family - Life Is Music 1977 Ritchie Family - Put Your Feet To The Beat 1979 Ritchie Family - Quiet Village 1977 Robert Gorl - Darling Don't Leave Me (Import 12") 1983 Roberta Flack With Donny Hathaway ‎– Back Together Again 1979Roberta Flack - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 1972Roberta Flack - Lovin' You Is Such An Easy Thing To Do 1981 Rochelle Fleming - Love Itch (12") 1985 Rock Candy - I Got Love 1982 Rockers Revenge - Walking In Sunshine 1982 Rockers Revenge - Walking On Sunshine 1982 Rod - Just Keep On Walking 1982 Rod - Shake It Up (Do The Boogaloo) 1980 Rolling Stones - Missing You (12" Vers.) 1978 Rome Jeffries - Good Love 1983 Ronnie Dyson - All Over Your Face 1983 Roschelle Fleming - I Know Just What You're After (12") 1987 Rose Royce - Do Your Dance 1977 Rose Royce - Love Me Right Now (12") 1985 Rose Royce - Still In Love 1982 Roundtree - Get On Up (Get On Down) 1978 Roundtree - Hit On You 1982 Roy Ayers - Don't Stop The Feeling 1979 Roy Ayers - Running Away 1977 Royal House - Can You Party (12"/Comp. LP) 1987 Rufus - Any Love 1980 Rufus - One Million Kisses 1983 Russ Brown - Gotta Find A Way (12") 1986 --> Tee Scott Salsoul Orchestra - 212 North Street 1981 Salsoul Orchestra - Don't Beat Around The Bush 1976 Salsoul Orchestra - How High (Levan Remix) 1979 Salsoul Orchestra - It's Good For The Soul 1976 Salsoul Orchestra - Love Break (Remix 12") 1982 Salsoul Orchestra - Magic Bird Of Fire 1977 Salsoul Orchestra - Run Away 1977 Salsoul Orchestra - Take Some Time Out For Love 1982 Salsoul Orchestra - You're Just The Right Size 1976 Salsoul Orchestrat w/ Loleatta Holloway - Seconds 1982 Samantha Fox - Touch Me (I Want Your Body) (12") 1986 Samson & Delilah - I Can Feel Your Love Slippin' Away 1984 Sandy Anderson - It's Over (I'm Through) (12") 1987 Sandy Mercer - Now That You're In 1979 Sandy Mercer - Play With Me, Lay With Me (12" Vers.) 1978 Sandy Mercer - You Are My Love (12" Vers.) 1978Santa Esmeralda Starring Leroy Gomez ‎– Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 1977Santa Esmeralda Starring Leroy Gomez ‎– Esmeralda Suite 1977Sarah Dash - Low Down, Dirty Rhythm 1983 Sarah Dash - Sinner Man 1979 Satin & Green - Spectacular 1982 Screamin' Rachel - Fun With Bad Boys (12") 1986 Seawind - Whatcha Doin'? 1980 Second Image - Can't Keep Holding On 1982 Secret Weapon - It Must Be The Music 1982 Serena - Get Your Body Up 1983 Sergio Mendes - I'll Tell You (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Serious Intention - You Don't Know Pow Wow or Easy Street records? (1986) Seven Deadly Sins - Lust 1977 Shades Of Love - Keep In Touch (Body To Body) 1982 Shalamar - My Girl Loves Me (12" Ext. Promo Only) 1985 Sharon Bailey - Cosmic Dust 1981 Sharon Brown - I Specialize In Love 1982 Sharon Paige - Tonight's The Night 1980 Sharon Redd - Beat The Street 1982 Sharon Redd - In The Name Of Love (LP) 1982 Sharon Ridley - Changin' (Closing Song at Garage) 1978 Sheryl Lee Ralph - In The Evening 1984 Shiela & B. Devotion - Spacer 1980 Shiela E. - A Love Bizarre (12"/LP) 1985 Shiela Hilton - The Bed's Too Big Without You 1980 Shirley Lites - Heat You Up (Melt You Down) 1983 Side Effect - Always There 1976 Siedah Garrett - Do You Want It Right Now (12") 1985 Silver Convention - Dancing In The Aisles 1976 Silver Convention - Mission To Venus 1978 Silver Convention - Voodoo Woman 1977 Silvetti - Spring Rain 1977 Sinnamon - I Need You Now1983Sinnamon - Thanks To You 1982 Siren - Open Up For Love 1979 Sister Sledge - Lost In Music 1979 Skatt Brothers - Walk The Night 1979 Skipworth & Turner - Can't Give Her Up (12") 1986 Skipworth & Turner - Thinking About Your Love (12") 1985 Skyy - First Time Around (Levan Remix) 1979 Skyy - Here's To You 1980 Skyy - Let Love Shine (LP) 1983 Skyy - Show Me The Way 1983 Skyy - Skyyzoo (Levan Remix) 1980 Skyy - Super Love 1980 Slave - Feel My Love 1981 Slave - Wait For Me 1981 Slimline - If You Can Dance, You Can Do It 1982 Sly Cabell - Feelin' Fine 1982 Smokey Robinson - And I Don't Love You (Levan 12" - Larry played Dub) 1984 Sofonda C. - Pick It Up (12") 1987Soft Cell - Seedy Films 1980Soft Cell - Tainted Love 1982Softones - That Old Black Magic 1976 Somethin' Special - Come Make It Feel Good 1981 SOS Band - Take Love Where You Find It 1980 SOS Band - The Finest/Borrowed Love (LP) 1986 Soul Sonic Force - Planet Rock 1982 Southroad Connection - You Like It, We Love It 1978 Space - Carry On, Turn Me On 1977 Sparkle - Handsome Man (Levan Mix) 1980 Sparque - Let's Go Dancin' (Levan 12" Remix) 1981 Sparque - Music Turns Me On 1982 Sparque - Take Some Time 1984 St. Tropez - Fill My Life With Love 1978 St. Tropez - One More Minute 1979 Stainless Steel - It All Comes Down To Love 1978 Stainless Steel - More Than Meets The Eye 1978 Staple Singers - Slippery People (12" Mix) 1984 Stargard - Wear It Out (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Starshine - All I Need Is You 1983 State Of Grace - That's When We'll Be Free 1982 Status IV - You Ain't Really Down 1983Steel Pulse - Blues Dance Raid 1982Steel Pulse - Ravers 1982Stephanie Mills - Medicine Song (12" Remix) 1984 Stephanie Mills - Put Your Body In It (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Stephanie Mills - You Can't Run From My Love (12" Vers.) 1983 Steve Arrington - Dancin' In The Key Of Life (12"/LP) 1985 Steve Arrington - Nobody Can Be You 1983 Steve Arrington - You Meet My Approval (LP) 1983 Steve Hurley - Jack Your Body (12") 1985 Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle 1976 Steve Miller Band - Macho City (12" Vers.) 1982 Steve Shelto - Don't Give Your Love Away 1983 Stevie Nicks - Stand Back 1983 Stevie Wonder - As 1977 Stevie Wonder - Go Home (12" Remix) 1985 Stevie Wonder - Love Light In Flight 1984 Sticky Fingers - Wastin' My Love 1978 Stimulation - Stimulation (12") 1985 Sting - If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free (12" Remix) 1985 Stone - Time 1981 --> Tee Scott Strafe - Set It Off 1984 --> Walter Gibbons Strikers - Body Music (12" Levan Remix) 1981 Strikers - Contagious 1982 Strikers - Inch By Inch 1981 Subject - Celebrate (12") 1986 Subject - The Magic, The Moment (12") 1985 Sun Palace - Rude Movements 1980 Supremes - High Energy 1976 Supremes - Let Yourself Go 1977 Suzi Lane - Harmony 1979 Suzy Q - Get On Up And Do It Again 1981 Suzy Q - With Your Love 1981 Sweet Cream - I Don't What I'd Do 1978 Sweet Life - I Get Lifted 1983 Sweet Pea Atkinson - Dance Or Die 1982 Sweet Thunder - Everybody's Singin' Love Songs 1978 Sylvester - Body Strong 1979 Sylvester - Dance (Disco Heat) 1978 Sylvester - Do Ya Wanna Funk 1982 Sylvester - Don't Stop (12") 1983 Sylvester - Give It Up 1981 Sylvester - I Need Somebody To Love Tonight 1979 Sylvester - I Need You 1980 Sylvester - Menergy 1983 Sylvester - Over and Over 1977Sylvester - Stars 1979 Sylvester - Too Late (12" Mix) 1984 Sylvester - Trouble In Paradise (12") 1983 Sylvia Striplin - Give Me Your Love 1980 --> Uno Melodic rds Syreeta - Can't Shake Your Love (Levan Remix) 1981 System - You Are In My System 1983 T Connection - At Midnight 1979 T.C. Curtis - Body Shake (Instr. 12" Version) 1982 T.C. Curtis - You Should Have Known Better (12") 1985 T.S. Monk - Can't Keep My Hands To Myself 1981 T.S. Monk - Candidate For Love 1981 Taana Gardner - Heartbeat (12" Levan Mix) 1981 Taana Gardner - No Frills 1981 Taana Gardner - When You Touch Me (Levan Mix) 1979 Taana Gardner - Work That Body (Levan Remix) 1980 Talking Heads - Burning Down The House 1983 Talking Heads - Slippery People (12") 1983 Talking Heads - Swamp 1983 Talking Heads - Take Me To The River 1978 Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place 1983 Tamiko Jones - Can't Live Without Your Love 1979 Tammy Lucas - Hey Boy (12") 1986 Tasha Thomas - Shoot Me (With Your Love) 1978 Tata Vega - Get It Up For Love 1978 Tata Vega - I Just Keep Thinking About You Baby (Ext. 12" Mix) 1979 Tavares - Don't Take Away The Music 1976Tavares - Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel 1976Teddy Pendergrass - The More I Get, The More I Want 1977 Teddy Pendergrass - You Can't Hide From Yourself 1977 Temper - No Favors 1984 Tempest Trio - Love Machine 1979 Tenderness - Gotta Keep Trying 1978 Tenita Jordan - I Don't Wanna Think About It (12"/LP) 1985 Teri DeSario - Ain't Nothin' Gonna Keep Me From You 1978 Terri Gonzalez - Treat Yourself To My Lofe 1982 Terri Wells - I'm Givin' All My Love (12" or LP) 1984 The Affair - Please Don't Break My Heart (12") 1985The Clash ‎– The Magnificent Seven 1980The Cut - Kindness For Weakness (12" Levan Mix) 1986The Edwin Hawkins Singers* ‎– Oh Happy Day 1969The Emotions ‎– Flowers 1976The Emotions - I Don't Wanna Lose Your Love 1976The Family - Screams Of Passion (12"/LP) 1985 The It - Donnie (12") 1986The Jackson 5 - Dancing Machine 1974The Jackson 5 - Hum Along And Dance 1973The Jackson 5 - Mirrors of My MindThe Jacksons - ABC 1970The Jacksons - Show You The Way To Go 1976The Joubert Singers ‎– Stand On The Word 1985The Limit - Say Yeah 1984 The Police - Voices Inside My Head 1980 The Quick - Rhythm Of The Jungle 1982 The Quick - Zulu 1981 The Who - Eminence Front 1982 Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way 1976 Thelma Houston - I'd Rather Spend The Bad Times With You 1984 Thelma Houston - I'm Here Again 1977 Thelma Houston - If You Feel It (12" Remix) 1981 Thelma Houston - Just Like All The Rest (Dub 12" Vers.) 1983 Thelma Houston - Saturday Night, Sunday Morning 1979 Thelma Houston - You Used To Hold Me So Tight (12") 19 84 Theo Vaness - I Can't Dance Without You 1979 Theo Vaness - Nobody But You 1978 Theo Vaness - Sentimentally It's You 1979 Third World - Dancing On The Floor 1981 Third World - Lagos Jump 1983 Third World - Now That We Found Love 1978 Third World - One To One (12") 1985 Thomas Dolby - Dessidents: The Search For Truth 1984 Thompson Twins - In The Name Of Love 1982 THP Orchestra - Good To Me 1979 THP Orchestra - Two Hot For Love 1978 THP Orchestra - Who Do You Love 1979 Three Million - I've Been Robbed (12") 1983 Three Ounces Of Love - Star Love 1978Tim Curry ‎– Paradise Garage 1979Timmy Thomas - Stone To The Bone 1977Timmy Thomas ‎– Why Can't We Live Together - 1972Tin Tin - Kiss Me 1982 Tina B. - Honey To A Bee (12" Mix) 1984 Tina Turner - Afterglow (12" Promo) 1986 Tom Browne - Crusing 1983 Tom Tom Club - Le Elephant 1981 Tom Tom Club - Pleasure Of Love 1983 Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood 1981 Tomorrow's Edition - You Turn Me On 1982 Toney Lee - Reach Up 1982 Tony Cook & The Party People - On The Floor 1984 Tony McKenzie - Ha-Chica 1983 Tony Orlando - Don't Let Go 1978 Tony Paris - Electric Automan (Levan 12" Remix) 1985 Total Contrast - Takes A Little Time (12"/LP) 1985 Total Contrast - The River (12") 1985 Touch - Love Fixation (12") 1987 Touch - Without You (12") 1986 Touchdown - Ease Your Mind 1982 Tracy Weber - Sure Shot (2 different 12"s; one has a Instr. Version that 1982 Tracy Weber - Sure Shot (Instr. Version released as "B" Side of One Step At A Time) 1983 Tramaine - Child Of The King (12") 1986 Tramaine - Fall Down Spirit Of Love (12") 1985 Tramaine - The Rock (Levan 12" Remix) 1987 Trammps - Body Contact Contract 1977 Trammps - Can We Come Together 1976 Trammps - Disco Party 1977 Trammps - Love Insurance Policy 1979 Trammps - People Of The World 1977 Trammps - Stop And Think (Remix LP) 1977 Trammps - Wha Happened To The Music 1983 Troiano - We All Need Love 1979 Trussel - Love Injection 1980 Twennynine - Fancy Dancer 1981 Two Tons - Do You Wanna Boogie, Hunh? 1980 Two Tons - Earth Can Be Just Like Heaven 1980 Two Tons - I Got The Feeling 1980 Ullanda McCullough - Bad Company 1981 Undisputed Truth - You + Me = Love 1976 Unique - What I Got Is What You Need 1983 Universal Robot Band - Barely Breaking Even 1982Universal Robot Band - Dance & Shake Your Tambourine 1977 Unlimited Touch - Searching To Find The One 1981 Upfront - Infatuation 1983 Valerie Oliver - Get The Money 1983 Van McCoy - Party 1976 Van McCoy - Rhythms Of The World 1976 Vanilla Mix - Easier Said Than Done (12") 1987 Vanity - Under The Influence (12") 1986 Vesta Williams - Don't Blow A Good Thing (12" Remix) 1987 Vicky D - This Beat Is Mine 1982 Vikki Love - Stop Playing On Me (12") 1985 Village People - Fire Island 1977 Village People - San Francisco 1977 Viola Wills - If You Could Read My Mind 1980 Visage - Fade To Grey 1980 Visual - Somehow, Someway 1983 Visual - The Music Got Me 1983 Voice In Fashion - Only In The Night (12" Dub Mix) 1987 Voyage - From East To West 1977 Voyage - From East To West 1978 Voyage - I Love You Dancer 1980 Wally Badarau - Chief Inspector/Novela Das Nove (12") 1986 Wally Jump, Jr. - Don't Push Your Luck (LP) 1987 Wally Jump, Jr. - Private Party (12") 1987 Wally Jump, Jr. - Turn Me Loose (12") 1986 Wanda - I Must Be Dreamin' 1982 War - City Country City 1972War - Deliver The Word 1972War - Galaxy - 1977War - Southern Part of Texas 1973War - The World Is A Ghetto 1972War - You Got The Power 1982Wardell Piper - Super Sweet 1979Warp 9 - Light Years Away 1983 Was (Not Was) - Tell Me That I'm Dreaming 1982Was (NotWas)- Wheel Me Out (Long Version) 1981Weather Girls - No One Can Love You More Than Me (12"/LP) 1985 Webster Lewis - Let Me Be The One 1981 Weeks & Co. - Go With The Flow 1982 Weeks & Company - Rock Your World 1981 Whatnauts - Help Is On The Way 1982 Whitney Houston - Love Will Save The Day (12" Remix) 1987 Whitney Houston - Thinking About You (12") 1985 Will Powers - Adventures In Success 1983 Willie Colon - Set Fire To Me (12") 1986 Willie Colon - She Don't Know I'm Alive (12") 1986 Willie Hutch - In And Out 1982 Winners - Get Ready For The Future 1978 Wish - Touch Me (All Night Long) 1984 World Premiere - Share The Night 1984 Xena - On The Upside 1983 Yarbrough & Peoples - Don't Waste Your Time (12" Remix) 1984 Yaz - Don't Go 1982 Yazoo - Situation 1982 Yazoo - State Farm 1983 Yello - Call It Love (12" Remix) 1987 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Computer Games 1979 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (12") 1983 Yoko Ono - Walking On Thin Ice 1981 Young & Co. - I Like What You're Doing (To Me) 1980 Young & Company - Such A Feeling (12") 1986 Yvonne Gage - Garden Of Eden 1981 Zena Dejonay - I've Got To Find A Way 1983 Zulema - A Mother Cries 1981Zulema - Change 1978Zulema - What's In It For Me 1982Roberta Flack - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 1972
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gbumr · 3 years
Nike - Further Than Ever from Ian Pons Jewell on Vimeo.
Composer: Guy Farley / Siren Music
Featuring some of the most incredible Chinese athletes...
Li Na, the first Grand Slam singles champion from Asia and the first to break into the world’s top 10… despite constant critique about her career choices and outward personality, she rose to become an icon in Chinese sport.
Lan Tian, paralysed from the waist down, took up skiing despite pressure from doctors and family and went on to live independently without support.
Shao Ting, WCBA basketball champion and PHD graduate, breaking the stereotype in China that a woman shouldn’t aspire so highly.
Nina Guo, blogger and climber, broke the rules by talking pubclicly about how climbing has helped her overcome many of the obstacles faced by mental illness.
Cecelia Yeung, born into a poor family, pressured not to pursue sport due to the difficulty in making a living from it. Ended up as the HK high jump record holder, the first full-time high jumper in HK and broke the HK high jump record three times in one day.
Wang Shuang, despite pressure from family and local coaches not to leave home, she became the first Chinese female football player to play outside of China and AFC Women’s Player of the Year.
Kung Fu Cha Cha, the first Asian team to row across the Atlantic, the youngest team to cross the Atlantic and the first female champions who broke Row Like A Girl’s record by 6 days.
Can Zongju, became the the greatest boxer in Chinese history and the second best female boxer in the world.
Prod Co: Academy Films Director : Ian Pons Jewell
 Executive Producer : Medb Riordan Producer : Jon Adams DOP: Mauro Chiarello Operator: Gimbalninja (Florian) Choreographer: Eddie Clements Editor :Gaia Boretti
Sound Designers: Anthony Moore, Jon Clarke & James Utting Composer: Guy Farley / Siren Music 
Art Director : Olly Williams Wardrobe Stylist : Victoria Mesenbrink

Service Co: Playfull Service EP: Wolfie Wong Local Producer: Carson Ng 
Line Producer : Areta Mak
 Production Manager: Bugs Hartley / Manley Hua Production Coordinator: Steven Chung 
Location Manager: Kevin Liu
 Production Designer : Olly Williams
 Art Director Assist: Billy Kong
 Props Master : Zhang Feng
 Props Assists : Zhou Hui
 Casting Director: Fang Hui

Wardrobe Stylist Assist : Zhou Yu
 Wardrobe Assists : Jolene Ang 
Hair and Make Up : Keke / Xiao Nan 
Gaffer : Dickson Lim 
Key Grip : Eric Xi
Wieden + Kennedy Shanghai Executive Creative Director: Ian Toombs, Vivian Yong / Creative Directors: Matt Skibiak, Dong Hao
 / Senior Copywriter: Matt Meszaros
 / Copywriter: Ruby Li / Art Director: Josh King
Junior Art Director: Moon Qi / 
Executive Producer: Bernice Wong
Film Producer: Bernice Wong
Art Buyer - Juni Zhu
Senior Planner: Leon Lin
Junior Planner: Carina Huang
Business Director: Dino Xu
Associate Account Director: Chuck Xu, Qinna Ye Account Executive: Laura Yu
Head of Design: Fish Ho
Designer: Meng Meng; Zhangzhe Peng Business Affairs: Jessica Deng, Kathy Zhan Senior Studio Production Manager - Vic Zhang Senior Studio Print Producer - Stone Xue Retoucher - Lee Chang Qing / Linda Zhang
FA Artist - Austin Hu
Post Production
Assembly Room UK Assistant Editor : Stanislav Semeniuk Producer : Daniel Breheny
VFX Supervisor/Creative Director: Barry Greaves
 3D Lead: Chris Kalata
 3D Supervisor: Jacob T Oommen
 3D Team: Alexey Petryaev, Yao Zhang, Isaac Liu, Chamishka Gamage, Aram Hakze 2D Supervisor: David Rouxel Executive Producer: Jamie Loudon VFX producer: Alvaro Montenegro Colour Producer: Leianna Campbell Colorists: Richard Fearon, Nikola Stefanovic 2D Team: James Corden, Qiu Cheng, Tingting Su, Robin Liu, Eason Wu Comp Leads: Ginesh Gandhi, Venkata S Comp Team: Marielle Santens, Madhuka Gunasekera, Allegra David, Minnie Chen, Iman Javaherypour, Karthik S, Amresh Kumar, Shalwin Shaiju, Vaishali Awaghade, Saravanan D, Manideep Sanisetty
 DMP team: Radhakrishna R (Lead), Gowri, Bakiyaraj P FX team: Abhinandan Madhu, Ivan Richard D costa, Mohan Pugaz
Matchmove team: Ganesh Kumar S (Lead), Konduru Achi Raju, Ankit Dheraj Toppo, Shridhar Bhat, Venkatesh Jeyaram, Vishal Darkunde
 Roto: Sudev
 Clean up team: Silambarasan R P (Lead), Jay Joshi, Sudheesh TV, Ajeet Pratap Singh, Arulanandhan, Abdul Labeeb, Naresh, Kajal Pandya, Vamsi Krishna Reddy, Yasasvini.V, Trishul, Phani Mishra, Manu PS, Akhil K.P., Padma Priya, Maneesh Kumar
 Senior Line Producer: Pooja Pandya
Senior Production Coordinator: Meghna Shetty
Sound Design

Factory Studios London Audio Producer: Lou Allen
SIREN Music, London  Composer/Arranger: Guy Farley Music Producer/Supervisor: Sean Craigie-Atherton
Music performed by the Budapest Scoring Orchestra
Conductor – Zoltán Pad Orchestrator – Rich Jones
Music mix – Tim Harrison
Special Thanks Matilda Finn
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ieatsurveys · 4 years
Popular Songs of the Early 2000s [xspinningisfun – keep tag on <3]
Bold the ones that you know of!
2000 1.Who Let The Dogs Out? -Baha Men 2. All The Small Things -Blink 182 3. Amazed -Lonestar 4. Oops, I Did It Again -Britney Spears 5. Graduation -Vitamin C 6. Bye, Bye, Bye -N*Sync 7. Independent Woman -Destiny’s Child 8. Let’s Make Love – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill 9. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 4000 10. I Turn To You – Christina Aguilera 11. I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden 12. It’s My Life – Bon Jovi 13. Breathe – Faith Hill 14. Shake Your Bon-Bon – Ricky Martin 15. Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65 16. Goobye Earl – Dixie Chicks 17. Let’s Get Married – Jagged Edge 18. The Bad Touch – Bloodhound Gang 19. The Real Slim Shady – Eminem 20. Say My Name – Destiny’s Child 21. It’s Gonna Be Me – N*Sync 22. Party Up – DMX 23. Sexual (Li Da Di) – Amber 24. Country Grammar – Nelly 25. Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) – Aaron Carter
2001 1. Hanging By A Moment -Lifehouse 2. Allin’ -Alicia Keys 3. All For You -Janet 4. If You’re Gone -Matchbox Twenty 5. I’M Real -Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule 6. Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) -Train 7. Let Me Blow Ya Mind  -Eve ft. Gwen Stefani 8. Thank You  -Dido 9. Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!)  -Blu Cantrell 10. Independent Women Part I -Destiny’s Child 11. Again  -Lenny Kravitz 12. It’S Been Awhile  -Staind 13. Stutter  -Joe ft. Mystikal 14. It Wasn’T Me’  -Shaggy ft. Ricardo “RikRok” Ducent 15. U Remind Me  -Usher 16. Where The Party At  -Jagged Edge With Nelly 17. Angel  -Shaggy Featuring Rayvon 18. Ride Wit Me  -Nelly Featuring City Spud 19. Peaches & Cream  -112 20. Follow Me  -Uncle Kracker 21. Drive  -Incubus 22. What Would You Do?  -Alicia Keys 23. Survivor  -Destiny’s Child 24. Lady Marmalade  -Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & Pink 25. Ms. Jackson  -OutKast
2002 1. A Moment Like This – Kelly Clarkson 2. Hot In Herre – Nelly 3. Complicated – Avril Lavigne 4. Girlfriend – N Sync & Nelly 5. Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne 6. Can’t Fight The Moonlight – LeAnn Rimes 7. Dirrty – Christina Aguilera 8. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton 9. Heaven – DJ Sammy 10. Gimme The Light – Sean Paul 11. The World’s Greatest – R Kelly 12. Jenny From The Block – Jennifer Lopez Featuring Jadakiss & Styles 13. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) – Toby Keith 14. Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch 15. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie Minogue 16. The Game Of Love – Santana Featuring Michelle Branch 17. Young’n (Holla Back) – Fabolous 18. She Hates Me – Puddle Of Mudd 19. Starry Eyed Surprise – Oakenfold Featuring Shifty Shellshock 20. The Middle – Jimmy Eat World 21. Say I Yi Yi – Ying Yang Twins 22. Just A Friend 2002 – Mario 23. Hey Baby – No Doubt and Bounty Killer 24. Work It – Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott 25. U Don’t Have To Call – Usher
2003 1. In Da Club -50 Cent 2. Crazy in Love -Beyonce w. Jay-Z 3. Get Busy -Sean Paul 4. When I’m Gone -Three Doors Down 5. Ignition -R Kelly 6. Baby Boy -Beyonce w. Sean Paul 7. This is the Night -Clay Aiken 8. Bring Me To Life -Evanescence 9. Right Thurr -Chingy 10. Unwell -Matchbox Twenty 11. Picture -Kid Rock w. Sheryl Crow 12. Drift Away -Uncle Kracker & Dobie Gray 13. Get Low -Lil’ John & The East Side Boyz 14. Beautiful -Christina Aguilera 15. I’m With You -Avril Lavigne 16. Miss You -Aalyiah 17. 21 Questions -50 Cent & Nate Dogg 18. Shake Ya Tailfeather Nelly -P. Diddy and Murphy Lee 19. All I Have -Jennifer Lopez & LL Cool J 20. I Know What You Want -Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey 21. Magic Stick -Lil’ Kim w. 50 Cent 22. Bump Bump Bump -B2K and P. Diddy 23. Flying Without Wings -Ruben Studdard 24. Here Without You -3 Doors Down 25. Work It -Missy Elliot
2004 1. Yeah! -Usher 2. Burn -Usher 3. This Love -Maroon 5 4. The Way You Move -Outkast 5. If I Ain’t Got You -Alecia Keys 6. Hey Ya! -Outkast 7. I Don’t Wanna Know -Mario Winans 8. The Reason -Hoobastank 9. Confessions Part II -Usher 10. My Immortal -Evanescence 11. Naughty Girl -Beyonce 12. Let’s Get It Started -Black Eyed Peas 13. My Boo -Usher and Alecia Keys 14. She Will Be Loved -Maroon 5 15. The First Cut Is the Deepest -Sheryl Crow 16. Toxic -Britney Spears 17. Someday -Nickelback 18. I Believe -Fantasia 19. Breakaway -Kelly Clarkson 20. Slow Jamz -Twista 21. Dirt Off Your Shoulder -Jay-Z 22. Freak-A-Leek -Petey Pablo 23. The Way -Clay Aiken 24. Numb -Linkin’ Park 25. Dip It Low -Christina Milian
2005 1. We Belong Together -Mariah Carey 2. Let Me Love You -Mario 3. Since U Been Gone -Kelly Clarkson 4. Hollaback Girl -Gwen Stefani 5. Boulevard of Broken Dreams -Greenday 6. Don’t Cha -The Pussycat Dolls and Busta Rhymes 7. Candy Shop -50 Cent 8. 1, 2, Step -Ciara and Missy Elliot 9. Gold Digger -Kanye West 10. Don’t Phunk With My Heart -The Black Eyed Peas 11. Drop It Like It’s Hot -Snoop Dogg 12. Shake It Off -Mariah Carey 13. Disco Inferno -50 Cent 14. Behind These Hazel Eyes -Kelly Clarkson 15. Beverly Hills -Weezer 16. Just a Lil Bit -50 Cent 17. Lose Control -Missy Elliot 18. How We Do -The Game & 50 Cent 19. You & Me -Lifehouse 20. Soldier -Destiny’s Child 21. Rich Girl -Gwen Stefani 22. Mr. Brightside -The Killers 23. Oh -Ciara and Ludacris 24. Pon De Replay -Rihanna 25. Hate It Or Love It -The Game and 50 Cent
2006 1. Sexyback – Justin Timberlake 2. Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean 3. Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland 4. Everytime We Touch – Cascada 5. Temperature – Sean Paul 6. S.O.S. – Rihanna 7. Beep – Pussy Cat Dolls 8. Waiting On The World To Change – John Mayer 9. Pump It – Black Eyed Peas 10. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt 11. Maneater – Nelly Furtado 12. Single – Natasha Bedingfield 13. What Hurts the Most – Rascall Flatts 14. Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It – Dem Franchise Boys 15. Walk Away – Kelly Clarkson 16. It’s Goin’ Down – Young Joc 17. Dance, Dance -Fall Out Boy 18. Smack That – Akon & Eminem 19. I Write Songs, Not Tragedies – Panic! At the Disco 20. We’re All In This Together – High School Musical Cast 21. Ms. New Booty – Bubba Sparx 22. How To Save A Life – The Fray 23. Rompe – Daddy Yankee 24. Check On It – Beyonce Featuring Slim Thugg 25. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
2007 1. The Sweet Escape -Gwen Stefani & Akon 2. Girlfriend -Avril Lavigne 3. Irreplaceable -Beyonce 4. Before He Cheats -Carrie Underwood 5. Crank Dat -Soulja Boy 6. Rehab -Amy Winehouse 7. Umbrella -Rhianna 8. Hey There Delilah -Plain White T’s 9. Glamorous -Fergie 10. I Wanna Luv U -Akon 11. Bubbly -Colbie Caillat 12. Walk It Out -Unk 13. Don’t Matter -Akon 14. Fergalicious -Fergie 15. Lip Gloss -Lil Mama 16. Candyman -Christina Aguilera 17. Break It Off -Rhianna 18. S.O.S. -Jonas Brothers 19. Stronger -Kanye West 20. Thks Fr Th Mmrs -Fall Out Boy 21. Pop, Lock and Drop It -Huey 22. Shut Up and Drive -Rhianna 23. Because of You -Ne-Yo 24. Home -Daughtry 25. Tattoo -Jordan Sparks
2008 1. So What – Pink 2. Just Dance – Lady Gaga 3. Leavin’ – Jesse McCartney 4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz 5. Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects 6. Damaged – Danity Kane 7. Shake It – Metro Station 8. Love Story – Taylor Swift 9. When I Grow Up – Pussycat Dolls 10. I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry 11. Don’t Stop The Music – Rihanna 12. Burnin’ Up – Jonas Brothers 13. Low – Flo Rida featuring T-Pain 14. Calabria – Enur featuring Natasja 15. Love Like This – Natasha Bedingfield and Sean Kingston 16. 7 Things – Miley Cyrus 17. Lollipop – Lil Wayne 18. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield 19. Circus – Britney Spears 20. Summertime – New Kids On The Block 21. Our Song- Taylor Swift 22. All Summer Long – Kid Rock 23. Closer – Ne-Yo 24. Viva La Vida – Coldplay 25. See You Again – Miley Cyrus
2009 1. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas 2. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas 3. I Know You Want Me (Calle Oche) – Pitbull 4. You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift 5. Lovegame – Lady Gaga 6. Don’t Trust Me – 3OH3! 7. Please Don’t Leave Me – Pink 8. Right Round – Flo-Rida 9. Poker Face – Lady Gaga 10. Goodbye – Kristinia Debarge 11. Say Hey – Evan Taubenfeld Michael Franti & Spearhead 12. New Divide – Linkin Park 13. The Climb – Miley Cyrus 14. Best I Ever had – Drake 15. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship Featuring Leighton Meester 16. Lucky – Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet 17. Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry 18. Paranoid – Jonas Brothers 19. Wanted – Jessie James 20. Fire Burning – Sean Kingston 21. Not Meant To Be – Theory of a Deadman 22. Love, Sex and Magic – Ciara & Justin Timberlake 23. Use Somebody – Kings of Leon 24. Day N Nite – Kid Cuti 25. Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus
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im-the-punk-who · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Black Sails, Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson, 18th Century CE RPF Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Captain Flint | James McGraw/Thomas Hamilton Characters: Captain Flint | James McGraw, Thomas Hamilton, James Oglethorpe, Coosaponakeesa | Mary Musgrove Additional Tags: Pastiche, 18th Century, Slavery, Colonialism, Period-Typical Racism, Period-Typical Sexism, Period-Typical Homophobia, Unreliable Narrator, Pirates, Blood and Violence, 18th Century True Crime, Treasure Island Compliant, Ableism Summary:
Being the entry for JAMES M'GRAW, in the Malefactors' Sanguinary Chronicle, Or: Infamy Descry'd to Extensive View, containing Accounts of the most Notorious Criminals from the Beginning of This Present Century, compil'd by Jno. Stockwood & Chas. Wm. Wheelwright, & publish'd by P. Catchpoll at Spy-glass Passage, Bristol, 1781.
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spamzineglasgow · 4 years
(REVIEW) Tongues by Taylor Le Melle, Rehana Zaman and Those Institutions Should Belong to Us, by Christopher Kirubi
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In this review, Rhian Williams takes a look at Tongues, a dazzling zine edited by Taylor Le Melle and Rehana Zaman (PSS, 2018), with* Christopher Kirubi’s pamphlet ‘Those Institutions Should Belong to Us’ (PSS). 
*I [Rhian] use ‘with’ here in homage to Fred Moten’s use of that preposition in all that beauty (2019) to ‘denote accompaniment[]’. This pamphlet was interleaved in the review copy of Tongues that I received from PSS.
> Onions, lemons, chilli peppers, fractals, hands, patterns, palms pressing, tears, avocados, pomegranate, mouths, finger clicking, deserts. Screenshots, flyers, placards, transcripts, textures, temporalities. Tongues is an urgent gathering in, a zine-type publication that works as a space where Black and Brown women (bringing both their intersections and the tension of distinction) enact memorial, exchange, jouissance, resistance, collaboration, support, listening. Edited by Taylor Le Melle and filmmaker Rehana Zaman, whose work generates many of the dialogic responses interleaved in this collection, this ‘assembly of voices’ was brought together in this particular format in the wake of Zaman’s exhibition, Speaking Nearby, shown at the CCA in Glasgow in 2018. But, as Ainslie Roddick explains, in ‘an attempt to reckon with the trans-collaborative nature of “practice” itself’, Tongues resists academic mechanisms that fall into reiterating the violence of individualism, moving around the figure of the single author/editor to seek to capture ‘a process of thinking with and through the people we work and resist with, acknowledging and sharing the work of different people as practice’ (p. 3). As such, ‘[Tongues’] structure, design and rhythm reflect the work of all the contributors to this anthology who think with one another through various practical, poetic and pedagogical means’ (ibid.). Designed and published by PSS, this is a tactile, sensory production: its aesthetics are post-internet, collage, digi-analogue, liquid-yet-textural, with shiny paper pages that you have to gently peel apart, gleaming around a central pamphlet of matte, heavier paper in mucous-membrane pink and mauve, which itself protects the centrefold glossy mouth-open lick of ‘I kiss your ass’ between the leaves of Ziba Karbassi’s poem, ‘Writing Cells’, here in both Farsi and English (translated with Stephen Watts). Throughout, Tongues reiterates the sensuous, labouring body as political, as partisan.
> Tongues’ multivalency is capacious, nurturing, dedicated to archiving that which is fugitive yet ineluctable; so, inevitably, its overarching principle is labour, is work. The entire collection of essays, response pieces, email exchanges, WhatsApp messages, poetry, transcripts, journaling, and imaginings are testimony to effort and skill, to the determination to keep spaces open for remembrance and for noticing within the ever-creeping demands of production. It is not surprising that this valuable collection is stalked by perilous attenuation, the damage of exhaustion. It is appallingly prescient of the first week of June 2020. Moving my laptop so that I can write whilst also keeping an eye on what I’m cooking for later, setting up my child to listen to an audiobook so that I can try to open up some headspace for listening and responding, nervous about how to spread my ‘being with’ across multiple platforms (my child, my writing, the news, other voices), I am taken by Chandra Frank’s meditative response piece to Zaman’s Tell me the story Of all these things (2017) and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictee (1982), which vibrates with ‘the potency and liberatory potential of the kitchen’ (p. 9) and movingly seeks to track and honour ‘what it means to both feel and read through a non-linear understanding of subjectivities’ (p. 10). But I only have to turn the page to realise my white safety. I am at home in my kitchen; my space may feel like it has turned into a laboratory for the reproduction of everyday life under lockdown, but it is manifest, it is seen in signed contracts, my subjectivity is grounded on recognition and citizenship. For Sarah Reed, searingly remembered by Gail Lewis in ‘More Than… Questions of Presence’, subjectivity was experienced as brutalisation, manifested posthumously in hashtags, #sayhername. (Reed was found dead in her cell at Holloway Prison in London in February 2016. In 2012 she had been violently assaulted by Metropolitan Police officer James Kiddie; the assault was captured by CCTV footage.) For the women immigrants engaged in domestic work in British homes, as documented here in Marissa Begonia’s vital journaling piece and Zaman’s discussion with Laura Guy, subjectivity is precarity and threat, their dogged labour forced into shadows. Lewis’s piece pivots around a ‘capacity of concern’ generated by ‘the political, ethical, relationship challenge posed by the presence of “the black woman”’ (p. 18), urging that such concern be of the order of care by walking a line with psychoanalysts D. A. Winnicott and Wilfred Bion in recognising that ‘in naming something we begin a journey in the unknown’ (p. 19). If that ‘unknown’ includes understanding how the British state is inimical to the self-determination and safety of Black and Brown women born within its ‘Commonwealth’ borders (#CherryGroce; #JoyGardner; #CynthiaJarrett; #BellyMujinga), and further, how its ‘hostile environment’ policies – named and pursued as such by the British Home Office under Theresa May – are designed specifically to threaten those born elsewhere, by reiterating Britain’s historical enthusiasm for enslavement of non-white labour (see the 2012 visa legislation, discussed here, that, for domestic workers, effectively put a lock on the 2016 ‘Modern Slavery Act’ review before it had even begun), then consider Tongues a demand to get informed. This is a zine about workers and working. It is imperative that we come to terms with what working life in Britain looks like (see the Public Health England report into disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19 – released June 2 2020, censored to remove sections that highlighted the effect of structural racism, but nevertheless evidencing the staggering inequality in death and suffering that is linked to occupation and to citizen status, and therefore tracks race and poverty lines). It is imperative that we scrutinise how ‘popular [and, I would add, Westminster] culture perpetuates a notion of working class identity as a fantasy’ (p. 52) that literally spirits away the bodies undertaking keywork in the UK. The title of Frank’s piece here, ‘Fragmented Realities’, is exquisitely apt.
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> Bookended by Roddick’s and Zaman’s radical re-orientating of the apparatus of academia – the introduction that resists assimilating each of the forthcoming pieces under one stable rubric, instead simply listing anonymously a sentence from each contributor in a process of meditative opening up, and ‘A note, before the notes. The end notes’ that counter-academically reveals weaknesses and vulnerabilities, is open to qualification and reframing, is responsive ­– Tongues constitutes a politics and aesthetics of ‘shift’. Collated after a staged exhibition, anticipating new bodies of work to come, and ultimately punctuated by a pamphlet that segues from reporting on an inspiring event that took place at the Women’s Art Library, Goldsmith’s University of London to imagining a second one in paper (the ‘original’ having been thwarted by bad weather), the entire collection has a productively stuttering relationship with temporality and with presence. As Shama Khanna writes about working groups and reading groups, workshops and pleasure-seeking in gallery spaces, this is the moving ground of the undercommons. It is testament to its intellectual lodestars – Sara Ahmed, Fred Moten, Stefano Harney, and, especially, the eroto-power of Audre Lorde. Along with Christopher Kirubi’s pamphlet, ‘Those Institutions Should Belong to Us’, which comprises a series of seven short ‘prose poems’ documenting the anguish of writing a dissertation from a marginalised perspective, the entire project of Tongues with Those Institutions is to upend academic practice, to recognise the ideological thrust of academic method, to stage fugitive enquiry. Kirubi’s plain sans-serif black font on white pages rehearses the anxious dialectics of interpellation and liberation (‘there is a need to see ourselves reflected in position of agency power and self determination in a world which does not really wish to see us thrive at all’ (part 3)) afforded by their academic obligations, but inarticulacy is a higher form of eloquence:
Even though I know at some point I am going to have to yield to these demands I feel I have to say now that I want to take in this dissertation a position of defending the inarticulate, defending the subjective and defending the incoherent, without having to arrive at a point of defence through theoretically determined foundations, but to feel them.
> Since its structuring principles are those of women’s work, and of Black and Brown experience, nurturing and shielding within the exhaustingly cyclical nature of toiling for recognition, respect, and protection, Tongues dances in the poetics of circles, of loops and feedback, of reciprocity and exchange. Recognising, however, that circularity is also the shape of repetitive strain, Zaman leaves us with a spiralling gesture, in homage to the Haitian spiral, ‘born out of the work of the Spiralist poets’ (p. 61). This ‘dynamic and non-linear’ form insists on the mutuality of the past and contemporary circumstances, is ‘a movement of multiplied or fractured beings, back and forth in time and space demanding accumulation, tumult, and repetition, adamant irresolution and open endedness…’. We are in that spiral now. Such demands must be heard, power must be relinquished, established forms of control – enacted in the streets and on our pages – must be terminated. Writing in early June 2020, this feels precarious; no one is exempt from giving of their strength.
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Please pursue further information here. If you are able, these organisations thrive (given the paucity of state support) on donation:
Voice of Domestic Workers: https://www.thevoiceofdomesticworkers.com/
Cherry Groce foundation: https://www.cherrygroce.org/
BBZBLACKBOOK (a digital archive of emerging & established black queer artists): https://bbzblkbk.com/
Reclaim Holloway: http://reclaimholloway.mystrikingly.com/
Text: Rhian Williams
Published: 16/6/20
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