#chan x tony
tastybrownie · 1 year
New chapter’s up :)
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pollyna · 1 year
Why the fuck Tony and Chan didn't fuck, oh my god.
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kachowcrusifino · 4 months
Strength in numbers, dominance as one.
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braveclementine · 16 days
Warnings: None, some angst
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Sam grinned, filming on his phone as Steve and Bucky pushed Mateo and Kisa on the baby swings. Rue on the other hand, was sitting in the sand, digging her fingers into it while Elizabeth stood to the side in a beautiful, easter blue sundress. 
They were at a park called Sharon woods, which was filled with parents and kids on the beautiful April day. There was a playground a few yards away, built on mulch with slides and monkey bars. They'd already helped the kids on the slides until they got bored of them, wanting to go on the swings. 
"I'm gonna send it to Tony." Sam said, ending the video and then sent it to Tony. 
"I wish they were here." Steve sighed a little as Kisa giggled, kicking her feet violently as she swung up. 
"Maybe we should invite them over." Elizabeth said thoughtfully. "Trang and Kat both live in mansions. I'm sure we can work out fitting everyone." 
Steve chuckled but Sam shook his head. "Nah, Nat won't leave the tower anymore. She's worried about Anastasia's safety." 
Elizabeth looked confused, "They're not taking the kids out?" 
Sam scratched the back of his head helplessly, glancing at Steve and Bucky. 
"But," Elizabeth protested. "The kids need other childrens' interactions. They need to go to playgrounds and play in the dirt!"
"You forget," Steve said quickly. "The others aren't as old as these three. They're only at the six month mark and barely. They shouldn't-" 
"I didn't forget!" Elizabeth snapped angrily, hands clenching into tight fists, eyes flashing. It was silent for a second as Rue looked up at her and Steve and Bucky stopped pushing the kids. Elizabeth's entire body was tense as a live wire and Steve sighed. 
"I- I'm sorry." Elizabeth whispered, guilt written all over her face. "Steve-" 
Steve pulled her into a hug gently and her entire body relaxed. "It's okay princess. It's alright. I'm sorry." 
Elizabeth took a couple of deep breaths and then pulled back. "I did forget. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I just. . ." 
"Hey. I understand." Steve said softly. He kissed her forehead. "Do you want to go home?" 
"No. I'm okay." Elizabeth shook her head, smiling a little. "Besides, we're actually going to see the others on the other side of the park." 
"Really?" Sam asked with more enthusiasm than necessary, trying to bring back the light, happy feeling. 
"Yeah." Elizabeth smiled, relaxing even more now and Steve smiled too, resting his chin on her shoulder. Bucky on the other hand, kept his piercing eyes fixed on her, trying to see if she was truly alright. She seemed a little tired and there was still some guilt in her eyes, but she seemed alright. "Although we should probably change them into their bathing suits." 
"We're taking them swimming?" Steve's voice climbed two octaves in equal excitement and nerves. 
"No, no, no." Elizabeth quickly reassured him. "But there's like a very tiny water. . . uh thing? I don't know how to describe it." 
They walked back to the car and while Sam and Bucky helped the kids into bathing suits, Steve looked out at the rest of the park. There was a visitors center that he had gone into already. It had included an indoor playground which was very large, a small gift shop, and another section that had tunnels and boards that informed kids about the different animals in the woods. 
Across from the visitors center was something called a heritage village. It wasn't actually a village back in the 1800s, instead they were buildings that had been saved from demolition and moved here as a museum of living history. They were beautiful houses and buildings, although very old. He wouldn't have minded coming back here to do a tour if he could. 
"You ever go to the heritage village?" He asked Elizabeth. 
"Twice." She answered him, putting a tiny water shirt over Kisa. "Once when I was in second grade, we came here for a tour. I don't really remember much. The second time. . . I think I was in fifth or sixth grade. And I went with a friend and her parents for the Halloween event. Once again, don't really remember anything about the houses. I just remember there was this competition to eat a doughnut off of a string without using our hands. I got powdered sugar all over my face." 
"I bet you won." Steve chuckled. 
"Nope. My friend did." Elizabeth shrugged and then added thoughtfully. "I wonder what happened to her. I didn't see her again after that. She switched to another school and I stopped doing girl scouts." 
"All done." Bucky said proudly, carrying Mateo out in his swimming trunks. 
Steve rolled his eyes. "Good job. You put pants on him." 
"Shut it punk." Bucky protested. "Do you know how hard it is to dress babies when they're fussy?" 
Elizabeth giggled, putting Rue into her car seat. "Hush you two. Get in the car." 
"Yes ma'am." Bucky teased, hopping into the back of the car to put Mateo in his car seat. Steve slid into the passenger seat. 
The ride wasn't long, maybe three minutes, before they were pulling into another parking lot with Wooly Mammoth statues out front. They parked and then got out of the car, going up to the playground. 
This one was a little larger, built on hard, blue foam stuff. There were two playgrounds with a wall of rocks dividing them. On top of the rocks was a statue of a sabretooth tiger, that a little kid was sitting on top of, while a parent took a picture of them. There was a pavilion area with a snackbar, which wasn't open at the moment. 
Steve saw the water feature immediately since Violetta was standing near it, holding Valentines' hand as small geysers of water shot out of different coloured holes in the ground. There were also very small dips in the ground with fossils attached, that had water running through them. Katya and Trang were standing in them, taking pictures. 
"Hey guys!" Trang squealed, running over to them. Steve opened his arms immediately as Trang barreled into him. 
"Hey pretty girl." The words slipped off his tongue and he realized right then and there that he hadn't just missed Elizabeth. He'd missed all of them. 
The others converged on them and soon, it was Bucky, Steve, and Elijah standing together, watching the girls, Lan, Josh, and Sam play with the kids in the water. 
"How's she doing?" Elijah asked. 
"Really good." Bucky said slowly. "Although she had a small episode today. Small though, lasted about fifteen seconds if that." 
"What happened?" 
"We were talking about the others back home." Steve spoke up, feeling like he should tell this part. "How Natasha isn't very keen on Anastasia leaving the tower. And when Elizabeth was protesting it, I used the words 'You forget' when explaining the kids were a lot younger than these three. And she sort've froze up. She also snapped at me." 
"She bite you?" Elijah asked, though he was grinning. 
Steve looked a little shocked and Bucky chuckled. "He's playing with you punk. Nah, she just sort've froze and then apologized almost immediately. Like I said, it was quick." 
"Get over here you three!" Vi shouted over her shoulder. "You're going to miss everything." 
"I prefer staying dry." Elijah called back, but he moved forwards anyways and the two super soldiers followed. 
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Steve was exhausted as they came back from the small club that the Ohioans had sang at all night. It had been a long day and the kids were exhausted too, fast asleep in their parents arms as Elizabeth opened up the garage door and they headed inside through the back door. 
"Okay, I'm gonna feed the bunnies, you three want to take them upstairs and brush their teeth?" Elizabeth asked, handing Kisa over to Sam. 
"Yeah." Steve murmured, heading through the side office door so they didn't have to navigate around all of the rabbit cages, before heading up the stairs. They gently helped each other to get the kids' teeth brush, before taking them into the bedroom they slept in. 
It was her brothers' shared room, the beds and everything still in place where they had been when they'd been growing up. But now on the other side of the room were three cribs for the babies to sleep in. 
Steve laid Kisa down to sleep, kissing her forehead and murmuring how much he loved her. She let out the most adorable cooing noise, looking so peaceful and relaxed. 
Suddenly, Elizabeth screamed. 
Steve tore away from the crib, telling Sam to stay with the kids. Bucky leapt over the railing as Steve dashed around to take the stairs, the two of them thundering down the stairs, skidding to a stop in the dark living room. Bucky flipped the switch on. 
Elizabeth was on her knees, her hands pressed hard against Heimdalls' chest, the all seeing god laying on the floor, bleeding out. Her head snapped up and she said, "Steve get me water, Bucky get me a towel. Get Sam to call Elijah and the others. Tell them to bring the family over and the sling ring. We have to get him to Bruce." 
Steve ran for the kitchen and Bucky ran back up the stairs. Steve grabbed a gallon water jug, bringing it back to the living room and poured the water out over Heimdall, before going back for more. 
He came back to find Bucky helping Elizabeth keep pressure on Heimdalls' wounds. 
Sam came down the stairs at that moment. "Trang can't get into contact with Tony at all." 
"Fuck." Elizabeth cursed. 
"They're on their way." Sam informed them. "Should I get the babies?" 
"Yes." Elizabeth said hurriedly as the water swirled around her, slowly closing up Heimdalls' wounds. "Please." 
Sam hurried back up the stairs while Steve and Bucky stayed kneeling next to Elizabeth. 
"Do you think the others' are okay?" Bucky asked softly. 
Elizabeth's eyes flashed lime green. "They're alive, but they're all badly hurt. Loki and Thor have been taken captive. A group of Asgardian rebels are trying to attack the tower. The others. . . they're okay too. But we need to get there." 
"Then let's get there." Lan said, as the others filed into the room, geared up for a fight. "Ya know, Avengers Assemble." 
Steve huffed out a laugh.
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Penny sighed as she watched the video Sam had sent Tony of the kids out at the park. They looked so happy and the park they were in looked beautiful. Penny glanced over at where Natasha was rocking Anastasia in her arms, playing with a butterfly toy, hovering it over her head while the red head child tried to grab it. 
Penny didn't blame Nat for being overprotective of her kids. But she also wished that Chamber and the others could be at the park with Rue, Kisa, Mateo, and Valentine. 
"I feel like we should make plans for when they come back." Tony said from where he was lounging on the couch, his head in Stephen's lap. Stephen had fallen asleep over his book, jerking awake now as Tony broke the sleepy silence. 
"You just want an excuse for another party." Rhodey yawned, answering emails on his tablet for the air force. 
"No parties. Not with the kids here." Natasha shook her head. "The Christmas one was bad enough." 
"Aww Nat, c'mon." Clint whined. "The kids will be fine. We throw parties here all the time and nothing happens." 
"No. Tony." Nat practically growled out. 
"But-" Tony protested but Stephen pinched his ear and muttered, "Leave it bubs." 
"Maybe just a party for us." Wanda said softly, trying to appease everyone. 
"May-" Bruce started before they heard a huge crash from outside. The room went silent, everyone alert. Stephen stood up, drifting over to the window. 
"It's an army." He informed them, a serious look on his face. "It looks like they might be from Asgard." 
"Do you think something has happened to Loki or Thor?" Bruce asked immediately. Penny felt that sick feeling in her stomach again. 
"I don't know." Stephen said slowly. "I'm going down to meet them." 
"We'll go with you." Clint said quickly. 
"What about the kids?" Wanda asked. 
"You, Natasha, and Vision stay with them." Tony ordered immediately, "Bruce, you too." 
The four of them nodded, gathering the children into the living room completely, while the others headed down through the tower. 
Penny approached the army hesitantly with the others, her hand on her gun. The army was massive, perhaps three hundred or so soldiers. Penny stopped dead when she saw that Loki and Thor were with them, but in terrible condition. 
"Loki." Tony gasped out while Stephens' hand shot out to stop Tony from approaching. 
The two Gods were on their knees. Thor was completely unconscious, head lolled to the side. His face was purple and it looked like he might have some broken bones. Loki on the other hand, was just barely conscious, swaying as he tried to stay upright. Blood covered his face, some of it still leaking from a cut on his forehead. His blue eyes were glazed in pain as they swept over Tony first, then Stephen, Penny, then the rest, before closing again.
Penny's heart fluttered uncomfortably as she looked for Hogun or Heimdall or Sif or Fandral or Volstagg, but she did not see any of the other Asgardians. 
"You are the Midgardians friendly with these Gods?" One of the men in the front asked. He was larger than most of the others, clearly a general of some sort. 
"Yes." Stephen answered calmly. "What do you want in trade for them?" 
"We want their blood." The general smirked. "And yours. But. . . if you can point us in the direction of our Goddess, then perhaps we will consider sparing some of your lives." 
That wasn't comforting at all. 
"I can probably hook you up with Taylor Swift." Tony responded. Clint snorted. 
The general huffed, throwing some orb at them. Penny darted away, but then cried out as some sort of transparent wall appeared in front of her. Looking around, she saw they were in a semi-circle sort of contraption, none of them able to get out. Thick, clear strands started to unfurl from the ceiling and Penny dodged away from one. 
Rhodey cried out as they wrapped around his wrists, drawing his arms over his head. Penny's back hit the shield, trying to avoid them, but it was useless. There was no escape, and soon all of them had their hands over their head. 
She was glad now that Wanda and Vision had been the two to stay with the children. With Bruce and Nats' help, they could get the children out of here. Maybe regroup with the Ohioans and tell them what had happened. At least Steve, Sam, and Bucky were safe. Elijah, Lan, Vi, Josh, Katya. . . all of them were safe. 
"Let's see. . . them or you?" The man questioned, gripping Loki's face. Loki said nothing, squaring his jaw, before the mans' fist came down across his face. Stephen and Tony both jerked in their bonds while Loki crumped to the grass. "I guess you." 
The guards holding him raised their knives, but before either of them could stab Loki, they both fell over. 
The clearing was silent for a second. The Asgardian army was looking around in confusion while the general looked over their dead bodies. "Arrows!" He shouted, looking around. "HOGUN!" 
Hogun? Was he alive then? But it would be hard for one man to defeat three hundred people. . .
The general turned back to Loki, kneeling down, grabbing him by his hair. Penny wished she could cover her face with her hands as the knife was put to his throat. 
Suddenly, a golden trident flew through the clearing, stabbing through the man before Elizabeth stepped out into the clearing, the trident flying back to her hand. The man turned, staggering. 
"Pick on someone your own size." Elizabeth said as the general fell over, dead. The Asgardian army turned towards her and a smile slowly spread across her face. "Ohioans! Assemble!" 
Elijah and Mai flew across the sky, dropping into the Asgardian army, fire and electricity lighting the army up immediately. Sam and Katya flew across the sky, one shooting bullets from his gun, the other slinging arrows from her bow. Steve, Bucky, Elizabeth, Ahni, and Violetta charged across the grass, crashing into the army while Ghaida flitted across the field towards Loki and Thor. 
Trang flew down from the sky in her Iron Woman outfit, Riri soon joining her in her Iron heart suit. The two of them landed in front of the dome and Trang's faceplate came down. "Aww you guys look nice and safe in your bubble." 
"Really glad you're okay." Tony panted out. "You want to get us out of here?" 
"Maybe." Trang teased while working at the dome they were trapped in. "Riri, go get Heimdall, bring him to the lab." 
The African American girl nodded, flying back into the forest that the Ohioans had come from.
"Heimdall?" Penny questioned, gritting her teeth as the chains around her wrists tightened, clearly not liking whatever Trang was doing to the bubble. 
"He showed up in Elizabeth's living room unconscious." Trang explained. "We thought it would be best if we got back here immediately. Lucky thing we did too. Where would you guys be without us?" 
"Bahamas." Tony sighed. "Probably." 
Trang wrinkled her nose at him and the bubble came down. "Rude." 
Tony grabbed her hand, dragging her over to where Ghaida was applying medical to Thor and Loki. Penny dashed over to them as well. 
"They'll be okay." Ghaida told them right then and there. "Get them to the medbay, I'm going to go and join the fight." Ghaida got up, her palms suddenly alight with orange aura, leaping into the fight. Penny looked up to see her touch a man, him dissolving into dust immediately. Steve slammed a man across the face with his shield while Elizabeth and Elijah froze and flamed a man at the same time, him shattering into pieces as he turned into dried ice. 
Ahni slammed into another guard while Mai took apart tens of men, ripping through them with lightning. Trang soared into the battle, joining Katya and Sam in the sky as they rained bullets and arrows down on them. 
Penny ran forwards, taking the safety off her gun, firing into the heads of two men as she ran towards Steve. They fell immediately, three of them turning on her. Bucky wrapped his hand around one of the mens' throats, snapping his neck, while Katya put two arrows through the other twos' heads. 
"Hey doll." Bucky called casually like they weren't fighting for their lives. "What's new?" 
Penny rolled her eyes, wishing she could hug him. "Alright, she wants a spanking, noted." Bucky muttered to himself, before shooting another Asgardian. "Do you think its' cheating if we brought guns to a sword fight?" 
"I think they almost killed Loki and Thor and we could use machine guns if we wanted to." Penny responded, shooting another man who had gone to leap onto Violetta's back. 
Lan appeared out of nowhere, stabbing a man in the neck with his knife, before turning back into a microscopic fly, buzzing away to his next victim.
Suddenly, Elijah was landing next to them, grabbing Penny and Bucky's arms, "Run." 
"What?" Penny asked, taken by surprise, tripping over her own two feet to run with them. 
"Elizabeth's firing up." Elijah said. "and you don't want to be caught in the crossfire." 
Penny looked over her shoulder to see Elizabeth having risen into the air, a blue aura surrounding her with her trident in hand. 
"Where's Wanda?" Elijah shouted to Tony as they ran, "We're going to need a shield." 
"What did you guys use before you had Wanda?" Penny asked as Tony pointed up to the tower. 
Elijah glanced down at her, "We didn't. We could just withstand it." 
Suddenly, electricity crackled and Penny turned to see that Mjolnir had flown into Elizabeth's other hand. Loki murmured something and Stephen turned to him, "What bubs?" 
Elijah and Mai stood in front of the group, a wall of fire starting to surround them, while Mai reached down, touching the earth to lift it into a cliff for them to hide behind. 
Penny watched as the soldiers in front of Elizabeth started to drop their weapons, cowering on their knees. 
"Our goddess." Loki breathed out, before falling completely unconscious. 
"That's-" Tony cut off as Elizabeth slammed Thor's hammer into her trident and they all had to hit the ground as the air filled with a thunderous sound. It was louder than anything Penny had ever heard come from the sky before. New York city went dark as the electricity went out, and a static electricity mixed with water filled the air. Penny could feel her skin tingling as her fingers dug into the dirt. 
Then there was a silence. Ringing silence that filled Penny's ears and she whimpered just a little, putting her hands over her ears. She opened her eyes, seeing that Elijah had staggered to his knees, the fire put out. 
And then the ringing faded and Elizabeth hopped down over the cliff edge, looking weary. "It's over." And then she too, collapsed.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 months
Headcanons for being an Avenger with a low social battery
Avengers x reader
prompt: anonymous: “Can I have the avengers with a reader who has a really bad social battery. Like they can be out in public and then they just disappear and are like “nah I’m done with these mofo’s””
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the avengers are quite the rowdy bunch
but you always as excitable as them
these guys were often in the public eye, always being asked all sorts of questions
but you just couldnt handle it a lot of the time
"y/n, can i get a picture with you? you're my hero!" -fan
"uh...yeah, sure. big smile!" -you, completely exhausted
you tried to be nice and not obvious that you were drained but boy was it hard
especially when tony threw his parties
you'd typically sit in the corner with a drink and try to make it through the night
but there were always some guests who were just dying to come talk to you
"hey! why are you hiding over here, there's a party going on! come, have some fun!" -clueless party guest
"oh, i'm okay over here, thank you" -you
"i'll keep you some company, then. why don't you tell me a story of one of your avenger missions"
some people just could not take the hint
but the avengers usually knew when you'd had enough
"wanna get out of here?" -nat
"please." -you
you'd recharge alone whenever you escaped the madness
dont even get me started on the news
they would do anything to get an interview with you
"y/n! could you comment on the recent events in [country] that you accompanied the avengers in?" -reporter
"we were there, we saved the day" -you, obviously exhausted
"is that all you have to say?" -reporter
"hey! don't you want to hear what i have to say? huh?" -tony
"thanks, tony" -you
"no problem, kiddo" -tony
wanda got it
you liked spending time with her because she liked to be calm and alone sometimes too
you'd read or watch tv or listen to music together in silence for hours
it was nice
it was funny because sometimes the team would all be socializing and then bam
"hey, where's y/n?" -steve
"i think they tapped out" -clint
"oh. i'll go check on them" -steve
"no, just leave them alone, they'll be back" -tony
after a lot of missions you'd just wait for the avengers on the quinjet while they spoke to authorities or SHIELD or whoever
"just forward me the mission report, i'll fill it out" -you
everyone just kinda let you do your thing
which worked out just fine for you
it drove fury crazy back in the day
"just why are we giving y/n special treatment? what? they're tired?" -fury
"i didn't say that, i said they were over your shit" -tony
"you better not have said that, i'll give you one last chance" -fury
and that is just another reason you were depleted
some days were better than others, and sometimes you could keep up! but once your battery died, that was it
"'social battery,' you say? any way i could be of assistance? maybe a small jolt from mjolnir to charge it back up?" -thor
"oh, no, just a figure of speech, no need for...that" -you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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darsynia · 1 month
Hey, I hope it's ok to reach out like this but I'm back on tumblr with a new account after being away and am very lost, and as I love your fics, I'd love any recommendations for blogs to follow (in addition to yours, of course)!
I'm looking for non-dark Steve x Reader or Steve x OFC content. Preferably the fluffy/romantic/happy kind, although the torture-the-cinnamon-roll-before-a-tooth-rottingly-happy-ending will always be my jam too. Smut is ok! Am also open for Bucky or Tony as the male lead!
So any recommendations you (or should you answer this publicly, your followers) might have would be super welcome.
I hope you're having a good week and again, if this is silly, feel free to discard!
Well this was such a lovely thing to find in my inbox, given how much I like yours! I predictably Darsy'd this, setting up a bunch of links so I could offer a 'must-follow' list as well as some masterlists to dive into. I agree with @steviebbboi that if someone else had asked, I'd stick you on here 100%!
We'll start with some authors and masterlists (some have a mix of dark and fluff), in no particular order (I'm making Bucky purple. He'll get over it. Or he won't, and that'll be fun too) EDIT: I forgot the blog names are blue for me. Steve, you're pink now, I don't make the rules:
@ronearoundblindly Steve Series | Steve Oneshots | Bucky
@anika-ann Steve | Bucky
@stargazingfangirl18 Steve | Bucky
@navybrat817 Steve | Bucky
@targaryenvampireslayer Steve | Bucky
@thezombieprostitute Steve | Bucky
@buckets-and-trees Steve | Bucky
@witchywithwhiskey Steve | Bucky
@nicoline1998enilocin Steve | Bucky | Tony
@holylulusworld Steve | Bucky | Tony
Next we have a list of folks who make this corner of Tumblr a delightful place to be! Authors whose fics aren't quite the fluff you're looking for, readers we can't live without, mutuals who light up my life; this venn diagram is a complete, lovely mess.
@krirebr @bigtreefest @biteofcherry @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @brandycranby
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @steviebbboi @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @buckymorelikefuckme @caplanbuckybarnes
@eralen @nekoannie-chan @nowandjenn @secretswiftymarvelfan @rogerswifesblog
@petite-madame @rogersideup @levans44 @jobean12-blog @heli0s-writes
@deliciousangelfestival @jesevans @mrsevans90 @jamneuromain @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea
Full disclosure: Ro helped me with a few names here, and I just followed you *waves* so please don't be freaked out that I just followed and stuck you on a list! You come highly recommended!!
Thanks for asking, it's an honor and a delight to have an excuse to boost up some truly great blogs on here!
Had to add this, too. Tumblr told on me:
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Ps. that thing where you try to remember a really lovely person's username and you can't and you remember it a half freaking hour after you posted... (or a day later! Argh, I'm so sorry Jen! @late-to-the-party-81 absolutely deserves to be on this list. If it is any consolation I totally did the 'leaving out someone obvious' with wedding invitations and it never doesn't feel bad!)
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sam24 · 9 months
Chicken Butt
Summary: It was supposed to be a good deed. Really, it was. Tony had woken himself and the team up at ass o'clock to get ready for your morning birthday surprise, barking out orders like a dad on the morning of a road trip. Everything was supposed to be perfect. But a 6 foot something blond super soldier laying in your bed was not part of the plan.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Tony crept down the hall, motioning for the rest of them to follow his lead through the silent hallway.
His janky ass team clearly didn’t care as much as he did, grumbling loudly, their arms full of birthday kazoos and party horns that Tony had shoved into their hands earlier.
“I don’t think she’s gonna appreciate you waking her up by tooting horns in her face, Tony.” Natasha fixed the party hat that was sliding over her eyes. “Taking her out to breakfast would have been so much nicer.”
“Breakfast is temporary, carrot top. The memory of us working hard to surprise her and make her birthday morning special is permanent,” Tony whispered.
“I don’t know about that, Tony.” Sam piped in. “Those hash browns down the street are pretty damn memorable.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea.” Bucky’s lips were pressed tight together, looking a little nervous and queasy, like he ate a couple moldy hot dogs before hopping on a roller coaster. But Tony didn’t have time to call out the cyborg, especially when you could wake up any minute now.
“When did you suddenly start caring about birthdays?” Clint looked suspicious. “For my birthday you gave me a half drunk coffee.”
“Don’t be selfish, Barton. I was tired that day.” Tony dramatically turned his head to peer down the hallway, making a weird sweeping motion with his hand.
He turned around to see everyone staring at him questioningly.
“It means all clear, you imbeciles. Has no one seen Die Hard?”
“Oh, I have!” Peter raised his hand and let go of his balloon, and Bucky snatched it before it could float off with a roll of his eyes. “But it’s kinda more like this, Mister Stark-”
Peter tried to demonstrate but Tony silenced him with a glare. “Guys, you’re ruining the whole thing. I’m trying to be nice and surprise our friend without you chihuahuas waking her up before we even get to the door.”
“Why are you trying so hard to be nice, Tony?” Natasha shook her head. “It doesn’t suit you.”
“C’mon, are you doubting me? I love being nice. It’s my favorite hobby.”
Natasha was unimpressed. “Pepper told you to be nicer, didn’t she?”
Tony grumbled, choosing not to reply.
Okay, so maybe Pepper did want him to be a little kinder, especially after he sent a few too many interns home crying.
”It’s not my fault they don’t understand my humor!” Tony had insisted.
Pepper had just given him a firm look and told him that he had to put more effort into expressing his appreciation for other people.
Tony was offended, but he knew his wife was right (as always). He didn’t exactly know the right way to express his love, growing up in a house with minimal affection.
He had tried multiple techniques: saying kind words, giving out compliments like candy, and even going as far as squeezing in random hugs, but none of them felt natural to him.
His love language was remembering the little things, Pepper had told him after she saw Tony give you a full-sized cardboard cutout of Channing Tatum after you had mentioned that the Jump Street movies were your absolute favorite.
However, some didn’t appreciate his little gifts as much as you did.
Helen Cho was not very thrilled to see thermal underwear for hands, no, not gloves, on her desk after whining that the medical wing was always cold.
Tony had decided to change his affection tactics to something everyone could enjoy. Everyone likes surprises. Right?
He liked to act like he didn’t care about anything other than AC/DC and whiskey, but he honestly did. He loved his team to pieces and would do anything for them.
Plus, it would be some practice for his incoming child. His future daughter would probably prefer hugs and playtime with her daddy rather than a chicken butt magnet (but considering it was Tony’s kid, the chicken butt might have a chance.)
So, that’s how Tony ended up here, searching his pocket for the keys to your room that he bribed borrowed from the floor’s housekeeper.
He made a mental note to fire the lady for dangerously handing out keys to anyone who asked.
“Wow, Tony. Look at you. Breaking into girls’ rooms,” Wanda snorted. “That’s a new low.”
“Quiet, before I burn you at the stake.”
“I still don’t think we should do this.” Bucky shifted his weight uncomfortably.
“You know, I would’ve expected Steve to say something, he’s being weirdly quiet. Something like, Anthony, respect her privacy-” Tony looked up from the lock. “Wait, where is he?”
Bucky cleared his throat. “Uh I dunno.”
“You don’t know?” Tony raised his eyebrow. “I thought you two were telepathically connected or something.”
Bucky looked down, suddenly very interested in the carpet under his feet. “Um I don’t know but I think we should go-”
“Whatever, he’s probably running an ultramarathon right now for some senior citizen charity, doesn’t matter. We’ll save some cake for him. But make sure someone has a glucose monitor. I don't think Cap can handle too much sugar.”
Tony inserted the key, the lock settling with a satisfying click as he turned it. He slowly opened the door, bringing his kazoo closer to his mouth.
What he was not expecting was that the same Steve who he thought was probably helping an old woman cross the finish line right now was lying in your bed.
You thought you heard the creak of your door, but you mentally waved it off, classifying it as the creak of your fan.
You turned, not bothering to open your eyes, your hand feeling for your human pillow, who was unusually soft and an excellent cuddler for being built like a wall of muscle.
Your palm landed smack dab on Steve’s chest, and you buried yourself into his side with a smile creeping across both your faces.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.” You felt Steve sleepily pressing his lips into your hair and all across your face.
Fuck, his morning voice was so hot.
You were glad you had him to yourself for a little while before you two had to act like colleagues. It was a mutual choice between you two to keep it from the team. Some of them could be just a tad bit dramatic, and you two wanted a quiet relationship before it went public.
Bucky already knew, because he knew Steve more than Steve knew himself, and you suspected that Natasha knew as well because she’s Natasha and knows everything.
Everyone else probably didn’t know, and you’d like to keep it that way for a little bit before Tony would inevitably scream "PDA! PDA!" everytime yours and Steve’s shoulders grazed.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he buried his head into yours.
You mumbled something along the lines of “thank you” as you pressed kisses into his hair.
“I love you so much.” Steve lined kisses on your bare shoulder.
You heard a gasp followed by extremely violent shushing.
Your eyes flew open and Steve turned around in a split second, looking for the intruder.
You both were met with the team standing wide-eyed in your room, Tony in the lead looking like he was either about to pass out or throw the cake in his arms to the ground.
Steve tried his best to cover you with his body from his nosy team, trying to keep the blanket from slipping down his waist at the same time.
All eyes turned to Bucky, who was wearing a glittery-pink polka-dotted party hat that, by looking at the dents in it, seemed like it was wrestled on by someone.
He blew his party horn with a pathetic puff of air, smiling nervously at Tony. “Surprise?”
Thor launched his arms into the air. “SURPRISE!”
The commotion started.
“C’mon Cap,” Sam whined in the corner. “I thought I was your friend! How could you not tell me?”
“Knew it.” Natasha grinned cheekily.
“You two are so cute!” Wanda gushed. “Right Vis?”
Vision nodded, sending Steve an awkward thumbs up.
Bruce coughed, trying to respect your privacy by looking down at his shoes.
“Always thought you had a little crush on him,” Clint smiled.
“This is so cool! Wait, if you have a kid can I babysit please? I love babies. Oh my god, is it going to be a super baby?” Peter was bouncing with excitement. “Crap, I’m sorry, Mr. Steve. I didn’t mean to call your baby an ‘it’. I swear, I don’t see your baby as an object, I’ll be a great sitter.”
“Um, yeah, sure, kid-” Steve started.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Tony finally jolted out of his paralysis state. “How the hell did I not see this?”
“Are you telling me that the whole time I was trying to set you up with Matthew from logistics, you were getting pounded by Ol’ Captain here?”
“Jesus, Tony.” You grimaced. “Why would you put it like that?”
“So, this is why Steve was extremely against my brilliant idea of locking you and Matthew in the bathroom together? That jealous bastard!”
“Your what-” You choked.
“That wasn’t the only reason why, Tony.” Steve huffed. “That’s just plain weird.”
“You know what else is weird, Cap?” Tony narrowed his eyes. “The fact that you’re hoeing around with a girl who’s literally a baby compared to you.”
“I’m not ‘hoeing around’, Tony. I love her.”
Tony’s eyes danced between you and Steve until his face finally relaxed.
He sighed, coming around to your side of the bed and planting a kiss on your head.
“Happy birthday, kid. I would hug you but I’m pretty sure you’re naked under there.” He turned to face Steve again. “If you break her heart, hang onto your dentures, 'cause I’m blasting your dusty ass back into the ‘40s, got it?. ”
“Got it, Tony.” Steve smiled.
“Ew, don’t smile at me like that.” Tony made a face and looked back at you. “I had a backup present, just in case the whole surprise thing went to shit.”
Tony fished out something from his pocket, placing it into your hand.
"You mentioned something about how you loved to use that stupid chicken butt joke when you were a kid," Tony mumbled.
It was a chicken butt magnet.
You loved it.
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lemonnsss · 5 months
Moral of the Story: Chapter 8
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Warnings: Mild tangent based off of an actual conversation I had (I'm actually from D.C. so this was fun), one singular bad pun- it deserves its own warning, and probably strained warning.
Feedback is always appreciated
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Taglist: @vicmc624 , @mostlymarvelgirl , @yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy , @moonlightreader649 , @whattheduckisupkyle , @chrisevans-realwife, @nekoannie-chan , @mrsbarnes32557038 , @imyourbratzdoll , @weallhaveadestiny
Word Count: 1.8k
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“Apologies but until you had agreed and were here it was still considered confidential.”
“O-okay, um, where- or how should I start?”
The director stood across the bed from me, eyebrows furrowed, the room filled with silence apart from the constant, steady beeps of the machinery.
“How the hell should I know? You’re the one with the super-abilities.”
“Right, sorry, that was dumb. Do you know if any of his internal organs were damaged when he went under? Or have you had the chance to run any tests yet?”
“I’m sorry, what crash are we talking about?” Tony said, still standing in the doorway.
Fury pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance before responding, “When the Captain here decided to take a trip twenty thousand leagues under the sea he was in a, shall we say, pseudo-nazi aircraft with a fixed route on its way to the states. His options were to let the ship take its course and let millions die or take a nosedive, he took the latter, rather obviously. Speaking of,” the attention turned to me, “how did you know that?”
“Sir, I’m a licensed teacher from pre-k to high school- I’m not by any means immune to misinformation; although, I do have a bit more knowledge on the topic than most people- not to mention my…” my mind trailed off for a moment before coming back, “former colleague taught history, rather fitting as he lived through it, too.”
His one eye began to look me up and down, “Remind me, where did you work last? Aside from with the X-Men that is.”
There was an uncertainty in his voice that made the agents who went down the elevator with us glance at each other nervously. What I had seen twice in my less-than-a-day stint of knowing this man seemed uncommon or unsettling for those who had known him longer.
“I don’t believe I said. Besides, doesn’t your file on me say?” We were both fishing for information, a push and pull I’d grown adjusted to on the flight over.
He remained silent, motioning one of the residents to come over.
“S-so we ran s-some tests-,” he took a moment to breathe and calm himself down, he spoke with a light stutter, likely to have been more prevalent in his earlier years. It sounded like he had gotten speech therapy, and was likely better, nervous, but better, “a lot of the scans were, well are, useless. His blood, everything about him really, was frozen, barely mobile. So the extent of the internal injuries he potentially sustained upon impact is uncertain. I sent for some new prints of the scans we took last week, but they haven’t come in yet; they’ll probably arrive today but it’s pretty touch and go sometimes.” He finished talking with a meek smile, likely proud of how he handled the situation.
“You did the scans last week and they’re only coming in today?” I could feel the look of confusion that overtook my face, he chuckled lightly and rubbed his neck.
“Yeah, we don’t have the equipment to produce the scans here so we send them over to the hospital over in Takoma Park to print- they have the most up-to-date machinery, and they were the only ones willing to work with us privately- so it takes a bit of time.”
“Perks of D.C., eh? Either have the most outrageous tax or go out of district.”
“Exactly! Say, did you grow up ‘round here?”
“No, up in Salem. I used to teach. I planned enough ‘government trips’ to last a few lifetimes.”
I could’ve sworn I heard him mutter a few “cool” s under his breath before he spoke up again, “It was nice getting to talk with you, but I kinda have some other patients I gotta check up on.” he moved by Fury, a “sir” slipping out as he passed and a little wave to me as he left.
The four who accompanied me in the elevator looked at each other, all but Tony practically questioning if this was normal for me.
The director cleared his throat, calling my attention back over to him, "When can you start?"
"Oh! Any time. I was only wondering how badly he was hurt so I can give you my best estimation for how long it'll take me to finish this."
“Will this not be a one-time excursion?”
“...No? Not likely.”
I was done with conversing, done with this nonsense. Placing my hand on the captain’s chest the area where we touched began to glow with a golden hue- I’d always been told my eyes did the same. It was unlike healing Tony a year ago- I didn’t have to rush, it wasn’t life or death- I could take my time and triage.
His biggest issue was hypothermia, unsurprisingly. I felt the cold move through his body to mine. A deep chill settled in my bones.
I pulled away, “Do you know if there’s a heating pad somewhere? Or something like it?” I hadn’t looked at them, afraid of how they would react. A few seconds of silence passed before I turned to them- Tony looked confused, maybe he didn’t see what my powers looked like, and he probably had some blood loss going on at the time; Fury stood unwavering with the smallest tent in his brow, but then again who could read him; the male agent who’d gone with us was standing, mouth slightly agape; and the female agent was gone slipped out without a sound- weird.
She looked like she’d be the ‘hard-ass’ type despite her being, what, 5’3”-5’4”. She was maybe Tony’s age, though it was difficult to tell, her seemingly ageless golden skin a potential factor, Tony’s substance abuse didn’t exactly help his cause though.
She walked back in, a wired heating pad in hand, she lifted it in the air inquisitively before tossing it to me.
“Thank you, Agent-”
“It’s no problem.” She cut me off gruffly.
I set the heating pad up in a chair and sat down, placing my hand back on the captain, and, over a few hours, I healed him as much as I could before returning to the hotel for the night. A comfortable cycle that lasted for a few months.
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I walked into S.H.I.E.L.D.’s office for what would likely be the last time, at least soon.
I walked up to the agents who had escorted me on my first day- Agents May and Coulson I’d learned.
“Ready for your last day?” Coulson asked a melancholic tone laced his voice.
“Are you excited to be done with babysitting me?” I teased.
I’d gotten more comfortable around Coulson, though it wasn’t exactly difficult with his rather ‘easy-going’ nature, and comfortable enough around Agent May to talk to her. We walked along the rather familiar path to Captain Rogers’ room. I made quick work of healing what remained of his injuries.
He still wasn’t awake. For whatever reason I thought Cap would wake up when I had finished healing him.
Coulson and I talked for a while before heading to the entrance once I’d gotten word back from Tony that his chauffeur was there to pick me up.
“I’m gonna miss you, kid.” he whispered, pulling me into a side hug.
“I’ll miss you too, Phil.” I replied, “ It was nice getting to know you, Agent-”
“May, call me May.” She cut me off, “And, unless you quit within the next year we’ll probably see you soon. Stark has an odd habit of getting in trouble with almost anyone and everyone.” 
“I’ll miss you too.”
A car horn was blaring outside for a minute and I knew it was Tony, “Guess that’s my cue, goodbye.” I sent them a soft smile and a wave before I got in the car.
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A few months passed by with ease with the Stark Expo taking up more time and paperwork than I could’ve imagined. I walked in one day to see Coulson in Tony’s office.
“Phil? Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you! What’s got you across the country?”
“It’s good to see you too, kid. I’m here because S.H.I.E.L.D. is requesting Mr. Stark’s presence.” He spoke rather cooly about Tony, a stark contrast to his normal.
“TONY! Did you break the Geneva Convention?!” Tony looked at me speechless, feigning hurt I would even think of it, Coulson stood beside me struggling and barely holding back a chuckle.
“No, unfortunately not. ‘We’ need to borrow him, more specifically the ‘Iron Man’ suit. As I was saying before, we have a helicarrier waiting for your arrival.”
“Okay, Tony. Please, stop being a bitch and get your shit. You’re lucky they step in enough to keep you out of prison for some likely war criminal activity. Suck it up and grab your bags.” I walked to Tony’s desk and put down his coffee before walking into my office and grabbing the duffel I had stuffed in the corner of the room.
I walked back out, “Where’d you say the plane was?”
Coulson showed me to the plane where we waited for about twenty minutes before Tony walked over with his bags. We piled in and got up to the helicarrier, a giant airbase I was told was legal.
May was waiting for us on deck and showed me to my room before leaving me to unpack.
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I had to have been walking through those damn near identical hallways for half an hour before giving up.
After yelling into my hands I spoke, to no one but myself, “How do people even get around these things? It’s a whole death trap, I swear.”
“Exactly!” A voice called out from behind me. I turned around to find a familiar face, Captain America, “I guess you don’t work here either?”
“Oh, um, no. You couldn’t pay me to stay on this thing.”
He laughed revealing a warm smile that fit his beautiful, angel-like face perfectly.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Steve Rogers.”
“Kyrie Eirsson- I’m Mr. Stark’s personal assistant.”
I saw his eyes widen in recognition at the second half, “Oh! You’re the person I’m supposed to find.”
“What? Oh, fuck, that’s embarrassing.” I held my face in my hands, my face flushing furiously, I moved my fingers to see the Captain’s face. He stood across from me, face turned away, fist in front of his mouth in a failing attempt to hide his wide grin.
“In any case, Stark’s having a fit without you on the bridge. Shall we?” He held out his arm for me to take.
“I disappear for what, forty-fifty minutes and he goes nuts without me, shocker.” I took his arm gleefully, laughing at how ridiculous the situation was.
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steviebbboi · 1 month
Hey, I'm trying to grow my list of blogs to follow since I feel like a lost grandmother here - so I'm going around asking recommendations from people whose fics I really enjoy!
So, any chance you'd have the time and energy to recommend me some of your favorite Steve x Reader or Steve x OFC authors here on tumblr? Bucky or Tony as the male lead is also fine.
Looking for authors who especially do romance and fluff, or the torture-cinnamon-roll-before-a-happy-ending kind of fic! Smut is fine, but full dark/dark!Steve isn't my personal cup of tea.
Thank you for the time, and I hope you're having a good week!
Hi Stellar! I'm so honored that you would ask me for them reccs -- if i could add you onto this recc list i so would btw, your work is amazinggg ✨ (ya'll check out @stellar-solar-flare over here and on AO3 - the good goodz)!
@bigtreefest knows that i, too, am a lil bit of a grandmother on here (i couldn't even find this section [Inbox] until I had Essie's help LOL 😂).
a couple of blogs that come to mind are definitely these lovely peeps! (they all have a wide range of CE character fics so its varieties of Steve tropes, smut and fluff, and ofc, any tropes of any other CE or SS characters that you may like).
***although, i do follow mostly smut blogs, theres also great fluffs in these masterlists here too! but read the ind. warnings of each fics ofc -- just in case i may have tagged some folx who may write some darker fics in the mix of writing all smut/fluff/dark!
if anyone tagged has more reccs, i'd also be happy to check 'em out alongside, (my fellow Grandma) Stellar-- as you can see, stevie is indeed my bb boi, and i can never really get enough of him.
@mercurial-chuckles @stargazingfangirl18 @nekoannie-chan @bigtreefest @sinner-as-saint
@navybrat817 @ronearoundblindly @the-iceni-bitch @americas-ass-writing @biteofcherry
@onsunnyside @holylulusworld @anika-ann @syntheticavenger @buckys-wintersoldier
@universitypenguin @thezombieprostitute @darsynia @ussgallifrey @buckyalpine
@buckets-and-trees @jamneuromain @rodrikstark @rogerswifesblog
happy reading and connecting, Stellar! :) i'm hoping you enjoy and that this is helpful xx
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saiyanprincessswanie · 6 months
SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List Weeks 189 & 190
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Welcome to weeks 189 & 190
A/N: Another slow reading week due to me getting back into writing. I’m trying to finish up a Bucky series so thank you for understanding.
Thank you again to those who gave me recommendations for fanfics. 💜 This week had me reading 20 fics. Absolutely amazing stuff here.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE.
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Caution - (Bucky x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie
IRL - (Jake x Reader) - @our-marvel-universe
Back To You - (Bucky x Reader) - @lives-in-midgard
Never Say Never - (Billy R x Reader x Matt M x Frank C) - @munsonownsmyass
All The Way Down - (Bucky x Reader) - @jamdoughnutmagician
Kind of war - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Extra training - (Brock x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Like There's No Tomorrow - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Reconnect - When We First Met - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Give and Take - (Bucky x Reader x Steve) - @rookthorne
Crabapple Harvest - (Steve x Bucky) - @hollybee8917
Wrecked (Part 2) - (Frank C x Reader, Billy R x Reader) - @tuiccim
Hot Shot Bucky - @animnerd
Moon - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Does it matter? - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Fluffcember Day 10 | All these years - (Andy x Reader) - @nicoline1998enilocin
best daddy ever - (Bucky x Reader) - @notafunkiller
Sleeping Beauty - (Tony x Reader, Jake x Reader) - @holylulusworld
The Lockpick - (Bucky x OC) - @rissararity
Claimed - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
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tastybrownie · 1 year
Chapter 4 is up!
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jtargaryen18 · 1 year
Jamie's Halloween Challenge 2023
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It's almost time for Halloween and no one throws a Halloween party like Tony Stark. No expense is spared and anyone who is anyone makes an appearance at the Avengers compound for the event. Tony also loves surprises, and he has plenty for the guests at this year’s event.
You (or your OC) is there as an invited guest or maybe you work for Stark Industries. Your choice. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to write a sizzling Halloween story. It can be dark, scary, or just really sexy, but the goal is a smutty good Halloween read.
CHARACTERS: Reader insert or OC (your choice) x any of the established Avengers, their foes, or other important characters in the MCU. You can also select a character played by an MCU actor (i.e. Bucky Barnes or Nick Fowler, Charles Blackwood, etc.) Multiple partners are allowed. LGBTQ+ stories are welcome here.
PROMPTS: You must pick one and submit it with your character choices.
The Mysterious Neighbor: Your neighbor's house always seemed normal until Halloween night. You notice something strange and decide to investigate.
A Night in the Haunted House: I don’t know why you’re there when you’re supposed to be at the party. You tell me.
The Unusual Pumpkin Patch: One pumpkin in the local patch grows faster and looks different from the others. You take it home.
The Halloween Costume Comes to Life: Remember that episode of Buffy? You rented a costume and when you put it on, that’s who you are as long as you are wearing it.
Halloween Candy: Tony only buys the good stuff when it comes to Halloween candy. But be careful. There’s a reason there are no kids at this party. Some of the candies are a pretty potent aphrodisiac.
The Unexpected Visitor: On Halloween night, an unexpected visitor knocks at your door. It's not a trick-or-treater but something else.
The Disappearing Act: A drink at Tony’s party turns you (or your significant other) invisible for Halloween night. What do you do?
7 Minutes in… Where?: You know the game. Only when you and your significant other are locked in the closet for 7 minutes, you’re transported somewhere else.
The Frightening Feast: Tony has quite a spread at the party. Be careful. Each dish has magical properties.
The Portal in the Pumpkin: You carve one of the pumpkins Tony ordered, but this one turns out to be a portal to somewhere else...
You must be 18 to write for this challenge and it must be legal to participate where you are.
While a smutty good story is the goal, no incest, underage characters, bestiality, or toilet kinks.
Dark stories are welcome. Bonus points if they’re scary.
Stories can be reader insert (preferable) but can be OC.
At some point in the story, your characters must attend Tony’s party, be planning to go to the party, or just come from the party. Bonus points if Tony makes an appearance, even if it’s brief.
You must send me an ask with your characters of choice and the prompt of your choice. `(Example: Steve Rogers x Reader and Halloween Candy)
Minimum word count is 1k words. The max length is up to you.
For this challenge, the fic must be brand new. No tie-ins to existing fics or series. No recycled stories.
Please add a “keep reading” function after 300 words and apply all needed warnings and labels to your fic.
You don’t have to follow me, just tag me in your posts and use the Hashtag #JamiesHalloween2023. If I don’t reblog your story within 3 days, please DM me.
DEADLINE: October 31, 2023
I haven't done one of these in a while and I don't know if anyone will want to participate so no limits on characters or prompts. Each story will be amazing.
Thank you!
The Closet of Desire by @nicoline1998enilocin
Bad Moon Rising by @spectre-posts
Toys 'R' Us by @americasass81
Seven Minutes Pt 1 & Pt 2 by @anika-ann
The Past Always Catches Up by @holylulusworld
Something Else by @nekoannie-chan
Spiked Candy by @nicoline1998enilocin
Embracing the Darkness by @americasass81
The Mysterious House on Easton Avenue by @talesofadragon
Circles by @the-soulofdevil
Taste Me on Your Tongue by @autumnrose40
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nathscalet · 2 months
The price of a soul
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Hello guys, I’ll be posting here my fanfic, as many of you saw I posted q lot of fanarts of Dracula, but he’s only one of the love interest in this fanfic.
This fanfic it’s a crossover between a lot of fandoms but mainly Baldur’Gate 3, One Piece and castlevania.
This fanfic will follow the cannon story of one piece, so, I hope y’all like it.
The love interests
Boa hancock
Dracule Mihawk
Brook - Soul king 🛐
Sir crocodile
Nico Robin
Kento Nanami (Yes, he’s in the story.)
Astarion (The diva revived my Preminger obsession.)
Vlad Drácula Tepes
Platonic love interest
Nezuko chan (trust me on this)
Law (Y'all thirsting over the Emo boy, but I only see him as my protected child)
Luffy (Luffy's true love it's meat, he's aroace, I won't change the plot.)
Tony tony Chopper
Mereoleona (trust me)
Lúcifer Morningstar (AGAIN TRUST ME)
This will be a x reader fanfic that will portrait a lot of sensitive and explicit scenes involving violence, sex, language and gore(I’ve never written anything of the sort involving that so I’ll try my best)
Its also posted on Ao3, but I’ll also post here because I like to add comic relief in form of memes.
First Chapter
Second Chapter
Third Chapter
Forth Chapter
Fifth Chapter
Sixth Chapter
Seventh Chapter
Eighth Chapter
Nighth Chapter
Tenth Chapter
Eleventh Chapter
Twelfth Chapter
Thirteenth Chapter
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braveclementine · 26 days
Good Mornin'
Warnings: 18+readersonly, doctor kink, fingering, smut, praise
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Bucky walked down the quiet street, his hands tucked in his jean pockets, looking at all of the houses as he walked by. Two young boys and a little girl were playing on their driveway, chalk in their hands. The house across from them was quiet, an American flag waving in the slight spring breeze. 
The next house was also quiet, an elderly woman who he was pretty sure had been there when he'd been here the first time was watering her flowers. She saw him, lifting her hand as notice, before turning back to her flowers. Bucky had waved back, moving onto the next house. 
In the end of the cul-de-sac, the house had not changed one bit. The red Japanese bush still sat, red leaves bright and full, hiding the front porch from view. The shutters were still a dark blue, matching the door, which had an Easter reef on the front of it. A bird flew from the light as he approached the front porch, where he saw the bird had made a nest. 
He smiled, before turning to the blue door, lifting his hand to knock. There was no answer, which made him nervous as he stared through the glass pane. Behind the door was a small front room which contained a closet for the winter jackets and rain boots. Another door opened up into the main house. 
He could see three playpens, all lined up next to each other in the living room, right in front of the fire place- which was not lit. Rue and Kisa were both standing up in their playpens, tiny hands on the edge. 
Bucky tried the door knob and found it unlocked so he stepped inside, carefully making his way into the house, "Elizabeth!" He called out, looking around. The lights were off upstairs and it was quiet. There was a good smell in the air, like she had been cooking recently. Something filled with spice. 
Bucky walked over to the cribs, smiling as both Kisa and Rue made grabby hands at him. Mateo was fast asleep in his playpen, wrapped up with a yellow blanket and puppy stuffy. 
He scooped both of the girls up in his arms, kissing each of them on their cheeks, feeling lighter than he had all week, watching Elizabeth dance on the stage, knowing she was going home to an empty house. 
Semi- empty anyways. 
"Dada!" Kisa giggled, snuggling into him, while Rue shouted, "DADDY!" At the top of her lungs. 
Bucky chuckled and then let out a sigh of empathy as Mateo started to stir, whimpering at the loud noise. He put Kisa and Rue back down, picking up his son, rocking him until he started to go back into his sleep. 
Meanwhile, he looked around. There were books stacked up on the dining room chairs, most of them labeled SAT and ACT practice tests. They were labelled with boy names and Bucky felt a pang of sadness since they were probably what her brothers had been working on. 
On the table were several newspapers with headlines like Meteorologists, Scientists say 'There is no Climate emergency', Cities at 'Breaking Point' after welcoming Illegal immigrants, and Private Property seized in Civil forfeiture often not returned. Bucky looked at who had written the newspapers and saw that it was a place out of Hong Kong called The Epoch Times. 
He heard scratching noises behind him and turned to see that the kitchen had seven cages in it. Each cage held a different rabbit, making seven in total. One of the small ones, a fluffy black and white one, was standing on its back legs, paws on the edge, before coming back down again, drinking some water. 
The cages were larger than he would've expected for a rabbit, in fact the largest rabbit in the back was in what looked like a dog cage that would've gone out in the backyard. He was flopped on his side, nose twitching as he slept in a patch of sunlight. 
"Where's mommy?" Bucky asked softly, turning back to his daughters. Kisa didn't seem to understand what he meant and Rue frowned a little like she was concentrating. "Mommy?" Bucky asked again. 
Kisa pointed out the glass doors to the solarium, which would lead to the backyard. Rue started to stomp her little feet, like she was trying to jump up and down and said, "Mama!" 
Bucky smiled, putting Mateo back down in his crib so he wouldn't be disturbed, making sure that he was comfortable. Then he took each of his daughters by the hand, walking slowly with them until they were outside. 
He breathed deeply, spotting Elizabeth immediately. 
She looked beautiful, standing barefoot in the grass, her long brown hair swirling around her as the wind blew it around. She had a teal, plastic hamper by her feet, which she was reaching into, hanging towels up on the line. The towels were all colorful in dark greens, sky blues, navy blue, purple, and bright reds, even yellow. 
She turned, looking at him and all he saw was her smiling. 
He lifted both of his girls into his arms, hurrying off the back porch to go around it and join her on the other side, setting his daughters in the grass. Kisa sat down, immediately playing with a stick which Elizabeth quickly bent down, taking from her gently. Rue simply put her hand on the tree, looking up. 
"Elizabeth." Bucky whispered softly, reaching out gently, before she threw herself in his arms. 
"Bucky!" She giggled, leaning up and kissing his cheek. She pulled back a little and asked softly, "What are you doing here?" 
Bucky chuckled out of nerves and then murmured, unable to bring himself to sing it, "To come wake you up I've been dreaming of you To come wake you up Say you want me, too Help me forget my nightmares I wanna make a real dream come true with you-"
Elizabeth's eyes pricked with tears, burying her face in his chest. "I wondered if you would understand." 
"It was a toss in the air." Bucky admitted. "I felt like you wanted me to come, but I didn't know if that was just my own selfish desire. Good to see that I felt it out right." 
Elizabeth smiled, pulling away, wiping her eyes. "C'mon, I'm almost done with dinner." 
Bucky picked Kisa up off the grass while Elizabeth tucked the basket under her arm, taking Rue by her hand, the four of them heading back up to the house. 
"Lets' be quiet, Mateo is asleep." Bucky murmured softly, opening the sliding glass door for her. 
Elizabeth smiled, going upstairs to put the basket away, before coming back down. He noticed that she was wearing a slightly longer blue sundress than her previous dresses, but it still looked amazing on her. Her bump was showing more now, though he hadn't seen it on the tv and her outfits had looked amazing on her. 
"Here." Elizabeth smiled, leading him into the kitchen. It was a bit of a mess, and definitely a tight squeeze with all of the cages. Elizabeth smiled apologetically. "I had to keep them in separate cages so they didn't fight and I got the biggest cages I could. I try to have one of them running around, rotating them every four hours, but with all the dance competitions, its' been hard." 
"I'm sure I can watch them." Bucky said softly, seeing how curious all of the bunnies were. Well, the three large ones were still laying down, but the four small babies were standing on their hind legs like they were trying to look at him. 
"That's Sushi." Elizabeth said, pointing to the largest bunny. He was white with patches of gray on him. "He's half lion-head half English lop. Trang gave him to me for my birthday. And then. . ." Her smile faded a little, coming back a little sad, "That's Checkers." She pointed to a small black and white female rabbit. "She's a female and the mother of the little babies. Sushi is the father. She was a present for my brother Danny." 
She grabbed bowls out of the cupboard, putting them down on the counter and continued her introduction. "This is Da Baby, yes named after the rapper but my other brother always had that sense of humor." She laughed a little, eyes still sad. The bunny in question was another female rabbit and if Bucky dared say it, the most beautiful of them all. She had a glossy brown coat and cute little ears. She was a mini English lop. 
Bucky tilted his head. "She sort've looks like that one. . . uh. . . what is it? Poke-mon?" 
"Pokémon." Elizabeth smiled. "And yes, you're thinking of Eevvee. I think she does look just like her. Anyways, these four are the babies. Peanut and Oreo are both males. Margo and Bucky are both females." 
Peanut looked like his father, although the gray patches on his father were black on Peanut. Oreo looked exactly like his mother in colouring with the black on both ends, white in the middle, but had the fluffy face fur from the lion-head part of his father. 
"They're lion-head, english lop, dutch, tri-breds." Elizabeth explained. 
Margo and Bucky were both pure black, though Margo had two white paws and a white stripe across her chest. Bucky was completely black except for one white paw. 
"You named her Bucky?" Bucky asked with a grin, unable to help himself. 
"Well, you know." Elizabeth blushed darkly. "She's got one white paw, the rest of her is black. You've got one metal arm, the rest of you is flesh. Do you like it?" 
"I love it doll." Bucky smiled. "Do you think I could hold her?" 
"No, not her." Elizabeth laughed. "She hates being held. She'll twist out of your arms, run into a corner and stomp her feet for five minutes. Peanut on the other hand, will love your attention." 
Bucky chuckled as she reached into the cage, gently lifting the small white, black spotted rabbit out of his cage. Elizabeth gently helped place the rabbits front paws on Bucky's flesh shoulder, while he used his metal hand to cup his bottom paws, his flesh hand holding the rabbit close to him. 
Elizabeth's eyes softened, watching him hold the rabbit. She started to ladle the food into the bowls. She quickly set the table while Bucky petted the rabbit
"Alright, put him back and wash your hands before you come out here and eat." Elizabeth said firmly as she headed back into the dining room. 
Bucky laughed, putting the rabbit back in his cage carefully, locking the cage top, and washed his hands. 
"It smells amazing." Bucky complimented her as he came out to join her in the dining room. All three of the little babies were up in their high chairs, very small bowls of what looked like chili in them. "They can eat this?" 
"Small amounts." Elizabeth answered. "You have to cut it up real small of course, give them tiny tastes, but it's alright. This is pretty much a liquid." 
"Can I help?" Bucky asked hesitantly, sitting down on the seat next to her. She turned to look at him, her face astonished. 
"Of course Buck." Elizabeth said softly. 
Bucky helped Elizabeth feed the kids. After Kisa grew fussy with the food, Elizabeth breast fed the kids and Bucky couldn't help but watch her. Elizabeth smirked a little. 
Even though Bucky was with her, he felt desperate. He knew she could sense it as she washed the dishes after laying the kids back down in their playpens. She went out and grabbed the laundry to bring it back in. He helped her fold the towels, putting them away with her. 
The night grew darker and she took Mateo and Kisa into her arms. He picked Rue up gently, following her up the stairs to the second floor, flicking on the light switch as they did so. 
He followed her to where he knew her room was and found it just a little bit changed. Her bed was still in the corner of the room, pressed up against the front and side wall. All of the medals and ribbons she had won in gymnastic competitions were still hanging on the walls, trophies still on the top of her bookcase and on a small shelf above her bed. 
The desk that used to sit in her room was gone, replaced by three cribs, which she laid Mateo and Kisa down in, while Bucky laid Rue down in the last one. Elizabeth smiled at Bucky, slowly undressing, grabbing her pajamas. 
Bucky breathed out, seeing her smooth skin and the baby bump. He ran his hand over the baby bump, before Elizabeth turned out the light, pulling him into the bed. The bed was covered with stuffed animals and he recognized almost all of them. They were all of the ones that he'd gotten her throughout the years at HYDRA. She had kept all of them. The only one he thought was missing was the Penguin Pillow Pet, because it was at the tower in her room. 
The bed was small, only meant for one person, but they made it work, his arms wrapped tightly around her as she slept with her face pressed against his chest. 
"Doll, I love you so much." Bucky whispered softly against her hair. 
"I love you too Bucky." Elizabeth whispered softly. 
"God I've missed you calling me Bucky." He smiled a little. "You called me James for so long while your memories. . ." 
Elizabeth laughed a little, snuggling into him. "I will forever call you Bucky. You don't have to worry about that." 
Bucky hummed softly, hugging her tighter. "Doll. . . have you been okay? Really?" 
She was silent for a little bit. "Yes. . . for the most part. I love being here but its' also hard. Everything reminds me of my brothers and my dad and. . . and even my mom. I mean. . . I know she loved me, truly. I know everything she did, she thought she was doing for me, to protect me, to make me stronger." 
Tears fell down her cheeks. "It's so hard because when I didn't have all  my memories, I just understood she was HYDRA and that meant she was bad. But with every memory uncovered now. . . I think I actually miss her. She was loving. I- I miss her tucking me in." A small sob escaped Elizabeth's mouth. Bucky tightened his arms around her, letting her cry into his chest. 
"I can see the ghosts now." Elizabeth whispered against his chest. "They come and go, they don't always stay. But they're all happy, they're all together. My brothers and father and mother. . . It's kind've nice to see them like that." 
"I'm glad." Bucky whispered softly, wondering in the back of his head if he'd ever be able to talk to his sister or mother again. He knew Tony had gotten to speak to his father for a short period of time. "Doll?" 
"Hmm?" She asked sleepily. 
"I just. . ." He hesitated and then changed his mind. He would ask that question later. He didn't want to ruin his visit, though he was worried if she was really ready to be around him and the others. Then, he remembered that she must be ready if she was meeting up with the others to choreograph dances. "I love you." 
He could feel her smiling into his chest as she sleepily murmured, "I love you too." 
👨‍🚒🛅 𝐏ㄖ𝔳 ℂhⓐNﻮᗴ 🧳🐻
"He just left?" Tony demanded at breakfast the next morning while Penny silently burped Chamber. He was glaring angrily at Steve, who was fixing a coffee for himself, looking tired. 
"Yes." Steve sighed, running a hand over his face. "He said he wanted to check something and I let him go." 
"Where do you think he went?" Sam asked, looking worried and a little hurt. Nat squeezed his shoulder softly. 
"I don't know." Steve murmured. "He was acting a little weird last night, very anxious. I think he just needed to get out for a little bit. So I let him. Whatever he needs." 
Sam nodded, but Tony didn't look as lenient. "Someone should've gone with him." 
"Let him have some space." Vision spoke up from where he was helping Wanda cook breakfast. "It's been a hard couple of months for him." 
"And you can't disagree with Visions logic because you created him." Stephen smirked, kissing Tony's cheek. "I know we're worried about James, but Vision is right." 
Tony huffed, finally sitting down at the table, lifting Long into his arms to feed him. "I just don't want him to get hurt." 
"I know." Clint said, rubbing his shoulder. "He'll be fine." 
Thor walked into the kitchen at that moment with Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, and Heimdall. Penny immediately noticed they were all dressed in Asgardian combat armor and she saw Lokis' eyes narrow. 
"Where are you going?" Pietro asked with a frown. 
"Asgard." Thors' voice rumbled deeply. "Heimdall said he saw an attack on the castle so we're going to fight." 
"We can come." T'Challa offered. 
"That's what she said." Tony, Pietro, and Scott muttered at the same time. Stephen smacked Tony in the back of the head while Wanda hit Pietro over the head with a wooden spoon. Hope just stomped on Scotts' foot. 
"We're heading out now." Thor said, kissing the back of Pennys' head, before kissing Chambers' forehead. The Asgardians moved along the kitchen, saying their quick good-byes. Pennys' stomach felt weird and she pushed her food away. 
Loki got up from the table, his Asgardian uniform appearing on him. He quickly kissed Stephen and Tony, saying, "I'm joining." 
"Good to have you brother." Thor said. 
Penny hugged Loki tightly as he kissed her lips and then they were leaving the kitchen, heading out the door. After three minutes, they heard the sound of the Bifrost and the flash of light was bright outside the windows. 
Tony stood up without another word, stalking out of the kitchen. Steve groaned, leaving as well, Sam quickly following after him. 
"I'm exhausted, I'm going to catch a nap." Penny murmured, standing up. Rhodey took Chamber from her and she went out to the living room, flopping down on the couch, drifting off to sleep, worried about Bucky, Thor and Loki. 
🧗‍♀️🐼 Tᶤмⓔ 𝕤кƗƤ 👩‍✈️✊
Two days had passed and neither Bucky nor the Asgardians had returned. Bucky had called to let Steve know that he was fine, just needed some time, and that he would see everyone soon. Penny could tell that Steve and Sam were both worried about him, but trusting him that he was, indeed, fine. 
They were excited to see what todays dances would be, and it seemed like they were songs from other countries. A lot of K-pop music and dances were performed and the Ohioan team danced to BOOMBAYAH. 
However, as they slowly turned into different songs, there was a song that Penny didn't recognize, but it sounded beautiful. Penny thought the language might have been French, but she couldn't be certain. 
[For the first and second dance parts of this video, its the same. But the third part, change so that it becomes a partner dance. And completely ignore both stair parts]
The dance lights revealed Elizabeth, Katya, and Violetta wearing white. Lan, Elijah, and Josh were wearing black. They were dancing in triangle formation as they danced slowly, to the beat of the music. 
It was beautiful, and dramatic. The choreography was perfect. It was clear that this was a song they had spent a lot of time on. Elizabeth sang all of the lyrics in a perfect accent and tone. 
The lights faded and when they came back on, Penny gasped. She wasn't the only one either. Ghaida and Trang had joined in on the girl side. But on the boy side, Bucky was in the middle, the Asian boy none of them knew in the back corner next to Lan. 
Steve's mouth was dropped as they watched Bucky dance in perfect sync with the others. As the music took off though, the other four did their thing while Elizabeth and Bucky completed a different dance. As they all went back into sync, Penny squeezed her thighs together. 
The crowd had gone made, screaming and cheering as Bucky danced, a small, shy smile on his face. 
the music changed again, dramatic and slow. The two groups turned to face each, taking slow and deliberate steps towards each other. Elizabeth and Bucky, Elijah and Trang, Lan and Violetta, the Asian boy and Ghaida, Josh and Katya. Elijah and Tang, along with Josh and Katya did a separate dance. Lan and Violetta, the Asian boy and Ghaida also did a separate dance. Bucky and Elizabeth took up the middle, performing their own dance as well. 
It was absolutely beautiful, watching them, especially as Mai and Ahni appeared behind all of them, doing their own dance as well. 
Bucky and Elizabeth spun around the dance floor, their movements both sharp and fluid. It was all perfect, as Elizabeths' voice carried the song on the air. 
As the song came to a stop, Elizabeth, Trang, and Violetta were on the shoulders of the boys while Ghaida and Katya were in the splits beneath their boys. 
The cheers were ear numbing, even through the TV screen, while the cameras slid back to the panel hosts, all of which were wearing shocked expressions. 
"Well," The host who seemed to hate the team the most started, "That was. . ." 
"God hes' hot." The youngest judge sighed, stilling craning her neck as the team retreated off the stage. 
Suddenly, Tony stood up, stalking out of the living room, which made Penny start, looking around. The huge smile that had been on her face while watching Bucky and all of them dance slid off her face as she realized the others seemed tense. 
"What?" She asked, confused. 
"He didn't say he was going to her." Clint frowned. 
"No." Steve said, "He didn't say anything." 
But everything made perfect sense to Penny and she quickly spoke up. "You guys didn't pick up on it? The song Elizabeth sang specifically for Bucky?" 
Everyone looked over at her, curious. 
"Song?" Wanda questioned softly. 
"Yeah." Penny said, "The good morning one? Where she said to come wake her up out of her nightmares? I mean, it's all play on words, but I saw it meant something to Bucky. And it's been the only time she ever pointed at the screen the entire time she's sung and dance." 
Natasha hooked her phone up to the speaker and called Bucky. It picked up on the second ring. "Nat?" Vis' voice came through in surprise. "Watcha calling for?" 
"Why do you have Buckys phone Vi?" Nat asked, chuckling a little. 
"He thinks he lost it." Violetta cracked up laughing. 
"VI!" Elizabeth's voice said on the other side of the phone. "C'mon, you gotta give that back." 
"No, no, c'mon, help me keep it from him." Vi laughed. Penny smiled. "C'mon, we can tease him about being an old man." 
"Nah, we should wait until it's Steve." Elizabeth teased. 
Steve leaned forwards, "I dare you brat." 
Everyone heard Elizabeth gasp on the other side. "VI! You didn't tell me it was on speaker phone! Who called?" 
There were crackling sounds and then Elizabeth's voice came through. Tony popped his head in through the door, apparently not having strayed far. "Hi guys." 
"Hey little bird." Clint piped up first. "You guys looked amazing on stage." 
"Aww, you're watching us!" Elizabeth squealed happily. "Did you guys see Bucky?" 
"Yeah. . . we were actually calling about that." Sam said. "He didn't say anything to any of us though." 
They heard sounds of someone being smacked and heard Bucky mutter, "Ow! Demon child, what are you doing?" 
"You-" Elizabeth's voice was cut off as the call died. Then, it rang a few seconds later for a facetime call. Natasha swiped her thumb, which made Violetta's smirking face pop up. 
"Elizabeths' really having fun right now." Vi snickered, the screen turning so that they saw Bucky bent over the table in what looked like a dressing room. Lan and Katya were in the background, ignoring the fact that Buckys' pants were down around his ankles and Elizabeth was spanking him with her bare hand. 
Pennys' breath hitched in her throat, hearing Bucky groan and count. 
"Holy fuck." Steve and Tony muttered together. Rhodey's eyes were round. 
"Fuck~" Bucky moaned, "Fourteen." 
His ass was turning red very quickly and Penny bit her bottom lip, curling into Stephen, feeling his length against her back. He was throbbing painfully, watching this little display. 
"'M sorry!" Bucky cried out, his face pressed against the desk. 
"Yep." Elizabeth cooed, rubbing his ass, before stepping away, "Now go apologize to them." 
Bucky staggered backwards, pulling his pants up. His eyes were a little dazed, his face as flushed as his arse. He took the phone from Vi, sitting down on the chair with a wince. "'M sorry Stevie. Sam. Everyone. I. . . I was afraid I read the message wrong and I didn't want to get everyones' hopes up that she was ready and then. . ." 
He drifted off, glancing up at something. 
"Are you okay Bucky?" Sam asked softly. 
Buckys' eyes filled with pure love. "I'm amazing. Oh-" He put the phone aside so all they could see was the ceiling for a moment, before he brought it up, Rue sitting in his lap. He murmured something softly in her ear. 
"Daddy!" She squealed, giggling happily, lifting a finger to her mouth. "Daddy! Dada!" 
"Aww." Wanda squealed happily, while the men blinked tears out of their eyes. 
"Yeah, c'mere little man." Bucky chuckled, lifting Mateo up into the view as well. Bucky looked up at the camera again, smiling. Penny smiled again, watching Bucky with the kids. And then Bucky frowned a little, "where's Heimdall?" 
"Him and the other Asgardians left for Asgard two days ago." Rhodey supplied helpfully. 
"Why?" Bucky asked, kissing the top of Mateos' head. 
"Something about the kingdom being in trouble." Pietro shrugged. 
Suddenly, someone hopped up behind Bucky, wrapping her arms around him. "Hi guys!" Trang said excitedly. She winked. "Hi Tony." 
"Hey Trang." Tony couldn't help but grin. 
"Guess what?" Trang asked with a grin, "We're coming home in two weeks!" 
"All of you?" Stephen asked. 
"Yep!" Trang smiled. 
"Hey Trang, we gotta go talk to the others." The Asian dude none of them knew said, coming on over, holding his hand out to her.
"Whose that?" Tony asked immediately and Trang giggled, plucking the phone out of Bucky's hand. 
"Hey!" Bucky smarted. 
"Guys this is John, John these are the Avengers." Trang grinned. "John is one of our backup dancers when we need to evenly match boys and girls. He can do astral projections as a superheroes." 
"Yeah, yeah." John said, blushing a little. "Nice to meet you. Talk later." He dragged Trang out of the picture. 
Elizabeth quickly took Trang's place, wrapping her arms around Bucky's neck. Bucky closed his eyes, looking so at peace that Pennys' heart yearned for him. She sweetly kissed his cheek, mumbling in his ear. He nodded as she looked at the camera. "We gotta go. Talk to you guys soon. Love you." 
"Love you." Bucky smiled while the others in the room repeated it back, smiles on their faces. The call blinked out and Penny smiled as she curled up more in Stephen's arms. 
"Everything seems good then." Wanda said happily. 
"Indeed." Vision echoed softly. 
Penny looked up at Stephen who winked down at her. "Want to head upstairs?" 
"Sure." She grinned, and let him sweep her off the couch and out of the room. 
They went up to Pennys' room and he laid her out on the bed quickly, wasting no time in lifting her skirt up her hips, moving her panties to the side so he could shove his fingers into her sopping wet pussy. 
"No." Penny moaned, pushing his hand away. "I want your cock Doctor." 
Stephen grinned, stripping his clothes off while she lifted her shirt up over her head. "You are desperate, aren't you?" 
"Yes." Penny breathed out as Stephen thrusted into her, burying himself to the hilt. Penny moaned, arching her back, fingers scraping at his shoulders. He waved his hand, thick orange chains wrapping around her arms, attaching them to the headboard. 
"Be good now." Stephen mumbled lowly, before setting a slow, burning pace. His hands gripped her hips, his knee pressing one of her legs up, his thrusts slow and heavy. 
"I'm always good." Penny whimpered in protest, walls squeezing around his length. 
"Sure you are." Stephen murmured, kissing up her neck, before capturing her lips. He thrusted into her again. "Always so good." 
She couldn't help but preen under the praise, delighting in it. Stephen continued to kiss her face and neck, while she dug her fingers into his shoulders, lifting a leg to wrap around his waist. He thrusted harder and harder until she was cumming and he came inside of her. 
Stephen kissed her one last time, before pulling out slowly. "Do you want me to go and run a bath?" 
"Nuh uh." Penny murmured, stretching a little on the bed as Stephen laid down next to her. Penny rolled over and Stephen wrapped his arms around her. She could feel his lips lightly touching spots on her shoulders. 
"Hey Steph?" She asked sleepily. "Do you think Tony is okay?" 
"Yeah, he's alright." Stephen murmured back, his fingers now lightly stroking across her stomach. "He just gets worried when we're not all together. Bucky and the Ohioans are states away. Loki, Thor, and the rest of the Asgardians are planets away, universes away. He wishes we were all just able to stay together." 
"I get that." Penny murmured sleepily. "Hopefully everyone is back soon." 
"Yeah." Stephen murmured. "Now hush and go to sleep." 
Penny giggled, closing her eyes to do just that. 
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kikimatcha · 29 days
Love under Surveillance
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[Pairing:] Bang Chan x reader
[Genre:] Thriller, fluff, angst
[Synopsis:] Juggling weekend gigs on cameras and runways while navigating college life felt like living in two separate dimensions. Little did you know that sharing this part of your life would become essential in stopping a serial killer who also happened to be you stalker.
As for him, all he ever knew was work. He never expected that acting out a relationship would become part of the equation. But here he was, staying in a spare bedroom, trying to put an end to the terror in New York City.
You came from completely different worlds, but fate brought us together to play roles that seemed to complement each other.
[Warning:] murder, stalking, eating disorder
Chapter 1
It's raining in NY city. Droplets of rain pour from the sky and fall onto cold concrete. Lakes and puddles start to form on the streets, washing away the dirt and trash. It's a reset of the city for another time to offer it the chance to take a deep breath. The pools of water reflect a hazy view of the grayish sky, creating a contrast to the slowly awakening city, that fight it's way out of the winter sleep.
The parks and gardens try to absorb the water and nutrition to finally call in the spring and let the first snowdrops and crocuses bloom to bring some colour into this place. It's what the city is missing to finally bloom with life again, to break free from the cold winter season. You sigh and imagine to take a deep refreshing breath, feeling the cold air refill your lungs and smelling the wet earth. Just putting life into the queue and listening to the sound of rain hitting the pavement and drops of rain fighting their way through the first leaves.
There’s just one problem-. The drops of water turn into a Whirlwind of little lightning bolts and from there into flashlights. The wet streets transform into a white-greyish floor that not even the room of a beige Mom could compete against. The facades became people, lights, cameras, tables, and seats. And finally, you see Tony in front of you. He's kneeling in front of you, at the edge of the white paper you stood on. His black outfit consisting out of a black turtleneck sweater and jeans fit in perfect with the black umbrellas that catched the light and directed it at you.
The only thing that remains is the relaxing sound of the rain pouring onto the roof. -you had no time to life on hold.
"Could you please lean a little more into your back Y/N?" Tony mumbles into his camera but his words find their way through to you. You nod slightly. “Of course.” You place your hands on your lower back while making sure with a Quick Look that the magnificent gold bracelet that hides your whole wrist is good to see. 
You couldn't deny that it looked quite good but at the same time, you couldn’t help yourself and wondered how someone would be able to pull off that thing without looking like Tony Stark was able to only get on one part of his suit. 
You couldn't help but smile to yourself, yes that damn-ass superhero obsession still haunted you but you were proud that you remembered stuff like that like a familiar language.
You took a deep breath, lengthened your spine, tilted your head slightly, and leaned into your back, while ignoring the two loud cracks your spine made and softened your facial expressions. Tony lifts his thumb. “That’s perfect”
Tony (that had nothing in common with the superhero) you currently tend to see more frequently, than your own family, lifts the camera again and starts snapping dozens of pictures while changing his position every few seconds and you start to think to yourself how often he stretches to be able to deform himself to that level. Definitely more often than you, that’s for sure. You can't help but start to think about how Ivanova would have loved him as a ballet student. It truly wasn’t a lose for her when you left the ballet school and switched it out with acting school.
On the other hand, your muscles arched, reminding you of yesterday. You were sure that you would never take a Pilates class with Monica again, especially not one day before a shooting. Yesterday was an exception that you would never let happen again. 
The way Monica at least doubled all the exercises you normally did and made you rethink your level of fitness, makes your nails curl and your stomach twist.
Still at the end of the class when hair was sticking to your face and your legs were shaking, Monica still looked like she should be on the cover of Vogue and you were sure that when that woman took off her sweatpants and shirt she would expose herself as she-hulk or Wonder Woman. Even though her long blond hair that looked like liquid honey in the sun tended to remind you more of Sailor Moon.
She indeed was right when she told you that her classes are on a more advanced level compared to your typical ones. But you couldn’t fight your massive ego that reminded you how embarrassing it would heave been to just turn around and leave.
And it didn't help that yesterday you also went clubbing with Jess afterwards. Which was another exception that wasn't on the list for redoing. Still, you needed to admit that it was funny. For sure it was but sometimes you seemed forget when to stop and where your tolerance for alcohol ends. But how could you blame yourself when that damn pina colada tasted so good and was cheap as well. The way the bartender was able to make you feel like you were on vacation with a drink fascinated you and needed to be studied, even though all your collected information seemed invalid because now the only thing that pina colada made you think of was stomach cramps and the bitter after taste of vomit.
Actually, you had no idea what really happened yesterday night but with the headaches you woke up with this morning there was a possibility that you hit your head on the bed again. But maybe there was a chance that it was better that you couldn't remember.
Back to the here and now, you felt the upcoming urge to yawn but that would stop the rain of flashing lights that Tony caused or end up in a dozen of pretty embarrassing photos, Tony would sell to Jess or Monica again.
Unlike Micheal who was yawning like an old man that would spent half of his day in a rocking chair on his veranda or watching the same movies and tv shows in an endless loop and didn't seem to hold himself back, you needed to perform right now. He stood next to a table with equipment, his phone in one hand and a coffee in the other, to refill the lack of caffeine in your bloodline. (Eventually, Jess was right and in your bloodlines was coffee because, after five minutes without it, you could already fall asleep again.)
He was yawning every few minutes and the dark prominent dark circles were not to be overlooked and made his blue eyes shine even more. But unlike you, he was most likely answering emails overnight and not the bartender. His brown hair started to become grey over the years and also his suits started to become too small, now he always left the first button of his shirts open to not suffocate. His fluffy and messy eyebrows were knitted together with wrinkles in between them while he stared at the display.
"Okay, Y/N you can go and change, I expect you to be here again in ten minutes. Lizzi, you're next." The voice echoed through the nearly empty hall and pulled you out of your thoughts.
”Of course.” You said quickly and didn't hesitate to go to Michael while a stunning woman with tanned skin, brown eyes and brown wavy hair walked past you. You couldn't help yourself and followed her with your gaze. She looked like she escaped a perfect beach or surf commercial. She was probably one of those woman that was plastered onto hundred of girls beach Pinterest boards.
It was like the sun-kissed her, her lean and toned body was gorgeous, and her cheekbones could probably cut someone open by how sharp they were. Those small little freckles that were painted over her cheeks. 
You gulped hard and tore your gaze away from her. Your hands brushed over the fabric from your dress and you couldn't stop yourself from pressing a bit harder to feel your body underneath, just to make sure everything was correct.  
You fixed your posture and walked away from the shooting. On the way, you took your old sweater and pulled it over your shoulders. You sighed at the feeling of the soft fabric against your skin. There was nothing better than a piece of fabric that it’s fabric and smell spent comfort. You would probably never find out if clothes can really smell like sunny breezes and crashing waves because you would never switch the 3x fresh breeze washing powder against anything else. 
Michael his hand came into your vision and handed you the paper cup filled with coffee without saying something or looking up from his phone, like always.
"Thank you." You took one sip out of the mug. “You’ve been booked for a run way next week in Los Angeles.” He said in his deep raspy tone. You felt droplets of happiness and excitement pour down on you mixed with hail of anxiety and exhaustion. You felt your stomach becoming queasy but ignored it and took another sip of coffee. 
Your father will not be happy to hear about that. Another two day of university getting skipped and another two days you will need to learn to keep up with that damn business major. You couldn’t hear it anymore. Another word about finances and marketing would make you reconsider all your decisions but it wasn’t like you had a choice. 
“You mean that one for Ashley?” You normally didn’t check your emails but sometimes you liked to scroll through them to be up to date and you couldn't deny that you got a little excited when you saw the email from Ashley two days ago.
Michael hits a smile and nods. “Yeah, that one. They expect us on Thursday while the runway will be on Friday.” His voice is monotone and doesn’t change an octave like usual. You nod approving before heading towards the dressing rooms 
One yawn after the other finally finds its way over your lips. You really set all your chips onto this coffee. If this bit of caffeine couldn't help you right now, who could?
The dressing room was just around the corner but before you could enter it another woman came out of it and directly ran into you. Before you even had the chance to stop yourself, you crashed into her.
(You both collided with a loud gasp, some coffee spilt onto your sweatshirt before you were able to hold it far enough away from you and take a step back to let the rest drop onto the floor and form a puddle.)
You cursed under your breath. Now you had two brown stains on your sweater, at least the red-haired girl in front of you seemed to be coffee-free. "I'm sorry, I will just wash the sweater so there's no need to worry." You said, smiling at her. She had a frowning expression written over her face and you could already imagine where this was heading. 
"Like I would care. Oh, and the next time you better watch out where you're going." She answered disparagingly and left. Normally you would be angry but this wasn't the time for it. Later you could be resentful. Still, you could hold back a tight-lipped smile that exposed your feelings at least a bit.
You entered the overfilled and sensory overloading room. Everywhere were hangers full of clothes, bags of make-up, shoes, and accessories in every colour and potential way and in the middle your blond-haired friend. 
She ran around the room like a headless chicken. Collecting some things from one side of the room to walk through it like she’s in a roundabout and place it somewhere else. It was hard to believe that she considered this chaos as her Tidiness. But the fact was that if someone dared to try cleaning or organizing anything she would get stressed and kick that person out and hand them a lifelong house ban as a farewell gift. 
That was the exact same reason why Michael wasn't tolerated here anymore.
"Hey, Monica." She turned around, exposing her claw clip that was hanging onto the last strand of her silky hair while all the other pieces were standing out, making her head look like beargrass was growing out of it.
She scanned you and stopped at your sweater. "What happened to you?" She walked to one of the cabinets and took a box of tissues out of it. It was typical for her to skip the greeting and go straight to the point. You flicked your hand. 
"It doesn't matter." You sighed but she handed you the box of tissues without an option. “Thanks.” You mumbled with a tight-lipped smile and took some tissues out of it before putting it in one of the few free spots on one of the shelves.
Without hesitation you searched for the nearest spot were you could sit to relax your legs that felt stiff like bricks.
“Having sore muscles?” Monica laughed and watched you through one of the mirrors. A groan ran over your lips. “Don’t even get me started.” You mumbled. Monica started laughing and continued her treasure hunt.
 You rubbed the tissues over the stains trying to get as much coffee out as possible while Monica was picking out all the other stuff. But as hard as you would try, the stains were still very visible. 
At least you could live with the coffee smell if it had been beetroot juice or another lavender tea it would have been your last straw. You used to actually love the smell of lavender until Jess drenched you in her lavender sleep tea and you could swear that your clothes and you yourself smelled like grandma's lavender bags she always puts into her shoes for two weeks straight. Now only the slightest bit of lavender in a fragrance stick makes you scrunch up your nose and Jess her sleep tea was exchanged with a valerian one.
"I told you that the class was on an upper level and now come here and sit," Monica ordered you over to one of the chairs she was pointing at. 
"Yes, boss." You chuckled before taking a seat. This time she handed you a bag of make-up wipes and left you alone while collecting her stuff. You started to wipe the make-up off with the cold wipes even though Monica only applied it around an hour ago. 
“You could’ve had some sympathy with me, you know?” You referred to yesterday but Monica shakes her head. 
“You don’t know how much happiness your suffering brought me.” She grins at you through the mirror. “You’re way too evil to be looking like Aurora.” 
“Call me Regina George if you want.” She said while shutting another cabinets closed. With an uncomfortable loud ‘clack’ the cabinet falls into its lock and Monica turns around to watch you through the mirror. Her eyes were directly staring at you while she cleared her throat.
“They say you’re a homeschooled jungle freak who’s a less hot version of me.”she quoted in a high pitched voice and caused you to burst out into laughter. Without another reaction she turned around and opened another cabinet.
"You knew that when you would be a bit more organized you would find everything faster and better." Chuckling you watched her searching through cabinets and boxes, just to close one after the other, seemingly not satisfied with the things she found.
"You know the drill -" but before she was able to end her sentence, a scream pierced through the halls. 
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moonlit-imagines · 6 months
Headcanons for being the forgetful Avenger
Avengers x reader
a/n: it not too long i so sorry
prompt: @glitchy-bean: “Hi!!! I hope you're doing good!!! Could I request smth with a really forgetful reader + the avengers gang? More like found family than anything romantic at all with a teen reader if that's okay!!!”
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“well sorry” -you, consistently “i cant remember everything”
“you can’t remember anything” -nat
“yeah, y/n, were you dropped on the head as a baby or something?” -tony
“cut it out, guys. it’s not their fault they forgot thor’s birthday. besides, hes had a couple thousand” -steve
“are you calling me old, captain?” -thor
“at least im not the only one” -steve
it wasn’t just birthdays you forgot
much much more serious than that
rendezvous points, mission details, plans of attack, perp descriptions, where you put your keys, where you put your gun
you name it you forgot it
i mean—not always, but enough for it to be the running joke
“keep your comms on, y/n. not having a disaster like last time when you couldn’t remember whether to cut the red wire or green wire” -tony
“you wish i cut the wrong one” -you
“uh, no, that’s very harsh. i moreso wished you didn’t scare us half to death by nearly digging your grave” -tony
“oh ok i forgot” -you
“who left their macaroni and cheese in the microwave?” -vision
“damn! its cold. and crusted a little. how long did i leave this in here?” -you, poking your tray with a fork “and why are you using the microwave? you dont eat”
“this is a shared space, is it not?” -vision
“he’s got you there” -steve
“you’re just ganging up on me because you’re all miserable and you want me to be miserable too. i’m going to drive one of tony’s expensive cars now, you can’t stop me” -you, storming out
you walked right back in
“what’d you forget?” -steve
“wallet, phone, keys” -you
tony noticed
“where is y/n going with my car?” -tony
“not sure, just out” -steve
“probably gonna forget their turn signal and crash into someone’s car” -tony
as far as missions went, though, you were a bit of a powerhouse so you didn’t really need to be looked after on that front…just had to make sure not to blow anyone else’s cover
“hey, what’s the codeword again?” -you
“check your wrist, kid” -nat
“oh, right…okay thanks” -you
“*gasp* was i supposed to give the signal? i just kinda went in” -you
“ok, who told y/n they could give the signal. speak up now” -tony
*clint loudly snickering over comms*
kinda forgetting what you’re talking about in the middle of sentences sometimes but like, just glitching out
“something smells like it’s burning” -you “my cookies…”
you forgot to set a timer
and forgot you were making cookies
the avengers honestly did find it endearing
just a hyper kid who cant get their thoughts in a solid line
but they’d continue making jabs at you constantly
“maybe wanda can fix your memory problems” -tony
“i will not” -wanda
“oh well nevermind then” -tony
honestly with all your forgetfulness, you worried as you dusted away if anyone would forget about you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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