#space force fanfic
tastybrownie · 2 years
I wrote a thing! It’s been a while but it’s nice to be writing again :)
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sockdooe · 1 month
I don’t know if maybe it’s just me, but is anyone else seeing a rise of people claiming that they could do a better rewrite of Voltron and then immediately say they’d make K/L cannon or Adash/ canon?
I don’t know about anyone else but I genuinely don’t think making ships canon would make the show better.
In fact I think It’d make it worse.
And considering shiro isn’t even mentioned in these and if he is it’s just to be Keith dad…. Is telling.
#listen do what you want but I’m really tired of people genuinely thinking they can do better and then forget the main story of Voltron#I’m being so dead serious#Voltron was never supposed to be about ships or which ones would be canon#it’s about 5 teens/young adult forced into space to be the ‘hero’ against a empire that’s been around for more than their entire life times#and the fact this shit keeps populating the shiro tag is what pisses me off more#I feel like I’m the only one in this fandom that enjoys ships for what they are: FUN#I have tons of ships!!! I don’t want any of them to be cannon!!! even if I love them so much!!!! why? because ships don’t need to be canon!!#you can just simply enjoy having your headcanons and making art/writing and have it be fun!!!!#nothing has to be canon#I don’t know why especially this fandom is so obsessed with it but it’s driving me CRAZY#and what makes it worse is that every time they talk about making K/L cannon is that ‘it deserves to be’#NO IT DOESNT#IT REALLY DOESNT#VOLTRON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ROMATIC RELATİONSHİPS#UNPOPULAR OPINION BUT IT REALLY DOESNT#you want to do a re-write do it! but dont do it just because you want to make a ship CANON#because that’s not re-writing it’s just fan fiction#you are just writing a fanfic#I want to re-write Voltron too but I actually want the show to improve and be BETTER AND LOVE ITS CHARACTERS#I WANT THEM TO BE BUIKT UO THE WAY THEY SHOUKDVE BEEN#ships don’t belong in canon#sure is it maybe nice when it happens cool but let it happen without dismissing the other characters#not because fans wanted it#also stop fucking populating the shiro tag lest I come at you with a lead pipe#Voltron#voltron legendary defender#vld
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writterings · 3 months
i sometimes genuinely l believe that most present day internet discourse on the morality of consuming specific types of fiction comes from the steven universe and voltron fandoms circa 2016-2018. but what do i know.
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benk625-blog · 2 months
Never be embarrassed of your fanfic. It is common knowledge on Tumblr that Star Trek invented "fuck or die". But that's not the only gift it gave us.
Star Trek Deep Space Nine S6E23
"Profit and Lace"
The Space Pope of Capitalism has been deposed by reactionaries after issuing modest reforms. His misogynistic son-in-law learns to respect women through the magic of being force femmed.
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Like, that is legitimately the episode. There's no B plot. This shit is canon in mainstream popular and successful franchise.
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istherewifiinhell · 7 days
reading a single tf comedy fic will confront u with the authors viewpoints on: heads of military, heads of state, stance on revolutionary politics, reporters, freedom of the press, cops, class stigmatized labour, civilian liberties, criminalized... miscreantism? blows big breath kicks can down the road... minorities?
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the-californicationist · 10 months
Gravitational Shift
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Captain John Price is having dreams. He can feel a powerful Force user somewhere out in the black emptiness of space, but it's not until he is confronted with her signature that he understands her true abilities as well as his own.
Price/FemOC Star Wars AU - Force Bond
And no, I don’t know what’s medically wrong with me for writing this, okay? 😂
Link to AO3
The captain’s mood had been foul over the last two months, and with each passing night, he became more and more withdrawn, spending most of his time alone in the galley, seated by himself in the corner table, staring out of the rear viewing pane. In front of him, millions and millions of miles of stars and planets stretched out like bright streaks as his ship hurtled through the empty blackness of space beyond the speed of light.
Somewhere, in this same galaxy yet far, far away, the Republic was losing its power to a fierce rebellion, and the Force had warped itself around that conflict. He could tell that it was struggling for balance. There weren’t many Force-sensitive people in this side of Canes Venatici, and the Empire didn’t much care to find itself or its stormtroopers out here in the badlands.
More than just sensing the disturbance in the fabric of the Force, Captain Price had started to dream. He never dreamed, and when he did, it was always because another Force user was near, their power corrupting his and sending false signals, emotions, and images into his mind. But, these dreams were different. They were so very vivid, and he could feel them on his skin. That was the problem. Whoever this Force user was, they were soft and supple, and he wanted to…
His first officer stalked around the corner of the galley door, and stood at a semi-formal rest in front of him. The man was enormous, and his masked figure took up the majority of the room.
Price sighed,
“Yes, Lieutenant?”
“We are approaching Phath VI. Would you like us to initiate orbital sweeping?”
The captain nodded,
“Aye. I’ll be on the bridge shortly.”
The masked giant left him alone, and he stood to clear his empty bowl. He’d barely touched his Janari ramen, but he couldn’t think about eating lately. He wasn’t hungry for food. Price was hungry for…
The Force push that entered his mind nearly knocked him off of his feet. Price felt the warm, all-encompassing sensation of being plunged into hot water, sunk up to his neck, skin tingling and flushing from the heat. Suddenly, his clothes were clinging to him, making him suffocate in the heat of the pool, too constricting and too warm.
Then, before he could catch his bearings, his cock began to tingle. He began feeling lithe, eager fingers playing along his length, rubbing across his head over and over and over and over, and he was stumbling back into the dining chair, missing it and slamming into the ground.
His vision was doubly exposed, and he could see both the galley and the dark blue bathroom of the other Force user. She was seeing him, too.
Her eyes were black, like two gaping doorways to nothingness, and yet they held a comfort in them that made him want to dive deeply into her gaze. Her dark hair lay plastered against her sweating forehead and cheek, and a full, pouting mouth hung open and gasping. She needed him, wanted him badly, and she had crossed time and space to find him.
Her whisper in his mind was a sound and it wasn't,
There you are.
As he watched her strong, well-muscled arm twist and dip below the hot waterline, he felt her ministrations within himself. When her two, arching fingers found the tight fleshy bundle of nerves inside of her cunt, he felt her work happening inside of him at the same time.
His cock strained at the sensation, feeling warm and wet and stroked in all of the most unnatural ways, and Price was incapable of stopping it. Whoever she was, she was incredibly strong in her power, but she didn’t seem to understand how to wield it.
John sent out a touch to her, just as a test. A long, swirling tendril of his Force traveled far and wide to caress the skin of her breast, and he immediately regretted it.
She felt him, alright, and she used her own strength to grab him and yank him to her. His mind was towed across space to her bath, and his soul stretched through the inky blackness to land on top of her in the large, cerulean pool.
Back in his ship, his first officer, Ghost, had returned to find him on the floor of the dining hall along with his security officer, Soap, and his helmsman, Gaz. The three men were trying to help him up, thinking that his writhing was that of a man in pain, not realizing he was trapped in the overwhelming swell of her ecstasy.
“Let’s get him to the medbay, c’mon,” Ghost commanded.
“Cap? Are you alright? Talk to us, mate,” Gaz helped Ghost hoist him off of the floor and drug him down the hallway.
John Price couldn’t make a sound, not when his mouth was pressed to hers in a deep, sensual kiss. He was frozen in place, feeling her Force wind and tangle itself around and around his cock - from the inside and the outside - as if it were a long, constricting Yundari snake, with its smooth golden skin and thousands of tickling little legs.
Every little glittering, sparkling, explosive sensation she felt, he felt. She guided his aching dick to her hole and fit him in, pulling him into her with her magic, manipulating his huge body like it was nothing. Price gritted his teeth and wrenched his eyes shut, shouting,
“Fuckin’ hell!”
“Captain? Wait!” Soap almost had his hand caught in the door.
They had opened the port to the medbay, but just as they tried to put the captain inside the room, he had used his energy to shove his men out and crush the door’s latch behind him, effectively trapping them outside.
Finally alone, and knowing they would have to run all the way back to the armory for the laser saw to cut open the door, Price began to strip out of his uniform, wincing from her other-worldly affection. He kept having to stop undressing to catch his breath.
To his incredible joy, she was using her energy to overwhelm his fat cock, and it began leaking into his pants, slick with sweat and precome, throbbing against his clothing painfully.
It felt as if he were fucking her, guiding himself as well as being guided right to her most sensitive spot, every single kriffing time. As she increased her pleasure, she increased her hunger for him. Her mouth was on his neck, on his hairy chest, licking his skin and biting him every time another layer of the uniform came off.
For her, it looked as if his clothes were floating in the pool, strewn about like leaves on a pond, his boots bobbed in the water like fallen apples. Meanwhile, his cock was filling her in a way she had not imagined possible.
When she had dreamt first of this bearded captain, she had been terrified of him. She watched as he made his way, ruthlessly, across the badlands, killing swarms of Huttese pirates, casually taking out their death cruisers like it was a side-job of his. He was a merciless commander, and he spared the terrorists no quarter. Whole planets were saved because of John Price, and she began to feel herself admiring him - especially when he came back to his rooms covered in warm, green blood.
Now, she had finally been able to feel his energy signature. He must be close, she thought. She usually had no idea where he was or even when he was (time and space were funny that way), but he was always so lovely with her.
While he lay there, fast asleep, his subconscious would seek her out. He’d chase her through a mental glade, a prairie that existed only in his mind, hunting her down like a hound would a hare, and then he’d have her however he wanted. More often than not, he would eat her until she cried hot, passionate tears. His mouth and tongue would leave slick, wet drool along her folds, and he would use his Force to press into her walls in a rhythmic, thrusting motion, swirling it around her in a delicious pattern, lulling her into an orgasmic trance.
She had practiced on herself, trying to mimic his somnolent affections, but she always came up short. Hers was nothing compared to his immense power. The Force was almost physically visible around him like a golden aura. But, he didn’t seem to notice it, or if he did, he kept it under such tight control that he had forgotten just how strong he was.
He seemed to find it now, though. She felt him toss his men back like they were nothing, and his magic had melted the steel of his door together - which should have been impossible.
Naked and flushed red, he was ready for her now. She’d gotten the jump on him while he was vulnerable, thinking about her Force signature again in the kitchens, almost as if he was calling her to him.
Price gathered himself up and lay on the bed in the medbay, closing his eyes and entering into a deep meditation. He was hunting her.
Find me, John. Come find me.
I’ll find you, love. And when I do, you’re mine.
Meanwhile, she began to clench herself around him, pulling and tugging against his heavy rod like her body was her hand. John cried out in a dark shout, his back arching from the bed, arching above her in the bath, shoving more of himself deeper and deeper into her, his heavy girth stretching her cruelly.
He looked into her face with those bright blue irises, shining in the gleam of the pool. One by one, he pinned her limbs with his Force, spreading her open like a fresh specimen, trapping her beneath him. As part of his mind searched the galaxy for her, the other part wrapped itself around her like a vice, squeezing and pulling her body closer and closer to his, and yet she felt so far away, witnessing her cosmic pleasure as one witnesses an eclipse.
Price felt her come on him, her body vibrating beneath him as if she would explode, and the champagne burst of her fluids around his shaft were enough to make his vision hazy. He was dizzy from the pleasure, and his cock pulsed hard inside of her from the sensation.
He was ready to come with her, and he had no idea how mind-altering it would be. She had tightened her pussy and her power so fiercely around him, that he couldn’t move within her. He could only spread his Force inside of her belly, warm and thick, and use her like a sleeve. She sent him back the feeling he was providing to her, and they became trapped in a tortuous loop of white-hot bliss. Her walls ached from trying to contain all of his sticky come inside of her, and her womb swelled from its inclusion.
Then, in the middle of his languid kiss, he was gone. Something had severed their connection. She wailed at the loss, trying in vain to reach for him, splashing through the water like a shark chasing its prey.
Price jolted off of the bed, covered in come and searching for her. His Force reached farther than he had ever seen it go, hunting her down, still hungry for her.
Had she cut him out? No, something had though. He had to find her. He was close, that much he knew. She was somewhere in this solar system, but with seven habitable planets and two space stations, he was desperate to figure out how to narrow down his search. All he had were her eyes and the blue of her water.
It was enough. It had to be enough.
Sitting up, he rubbed a tired hand down his face and put his pants back on along with his boots and tunic. He burst open the lock with ease, something that should have surprised him but he knew his power now. She had shown him his own depth of Force, and he was shining with it.
Ghost and Gaz were still in the hall and they jumped back in shock.
“Captain! Did you just -” Gaz didn’t get to finish his sentence.
“Land the ship in Cassadaga City. We’ve got a new target.”
“Aye, sir,” Ghost acknowledged his order, but he kept and eye on his captain.
Something was definitely not right, and Ghost vowed to himself that he was going to find out what was affecting his commander.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
fragile space [topmew fanfic]
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mew meddles his way to top's world and tightens his hold. and mew whispers, knowing top won't hear this, a heartfelt, "i think i like you."
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naamahwrites · 2 years
Boots on the Moon - F. Tony x Reader
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Word count: 1,169
F. Tony Scarapiducci x Reader
Me being self indulgent because there aren't enough Ben Schwartz fanfics
Meal Armstrong's was the absolute worst place to work on the Space Force base. A majority of employees were acne ridden teenagers unaware of the concept of deodorant, and the pay was so low you honestly often considered becoming a sugar baby. Not to mention the constant sticky sweet ice cream you were usually coated in by the end of the day. But wanting to become a scientist on the site, you had to get the connections for an internship. And you figured being on the base would give you access to professionals in the field you wanted to get into.
The only semi-enjoyable moments of working were when F. Tony Scarapiducci showed up. Tony was Space Force's media manager, often working beside General Mark Naird himself. He came by a couple times a week, ordering the same thing every time: two scoops of "Boots on the Moon" ice cream in a medium sized sugar cone. You'd smile every time you'd see him or hear his voice, knowing the engagement that would follow. He'd always ask about your day, nodding along to let you know he was still listening. Leaning down on the counter in front of you, he'd tilt his head slightly and smile up at you. You swore it was the cutest thing you'd ever seen. And when you asked about his day you'd try and stay as engaged as possible while preparing his order (which honestly wasn't very hard because it had become almost second nature).
Today was an especially slow day, the sky was overcast and the wind was particularly chilly. Perfect weather for ice cream right? You twiddled with your thumbs, spacing out into the grey sky in front of you. "It's a beautiful day for ice cream, don't you think?" Jolting you out of your trance you came face to face with Fuck Tony Scarapiducci. You chuckled and took a deep breath.
"Jesus Tony, you scared the shit out of me." He smirked slightly.
"Sorry Y/N. I figured you're probably bored out of your mind, so why not stop by and pay you a little visit?" He winked at you. You watched as his deep brown curls slightly blew in the breeze, and how his face creased up slightly whenever he smiled. Shit I’m staring. He raised his eyebrows, smiling even bigger. Shit he noticed.
“So... Tony...” You cleared your throat, “How about this weather right?” That was so dumb oh my god y/n. You had to physically resist the urge to facepalm yourself. He chuckled and raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.
“How about this weather?! Are you serious Y/n?” He laughed as you awkwardly chuckled. 
“I mean, I don’t know. Small talk is hard. And I already know what you’re going to order so...”
“You wanna keep me around for longer L/n?” Alright I’ll bite. You leaned over, elbows on the counter. Your faces less than a foot apart, feeling warmth coat your cheeks in blush.
“And what if I do Mr. Scarapiducci?” the right side of his mouth tugged up in a smirk. He glanced around in exaggeration, feigning deep thought before returning his gaze to yours.
Almost whispering, he finally replied, “Then I’d say get me that sugar cone with two scoops of Boots on the Moon ice cream and we can get out of here when your shift ends.” Your heart began pulsating quicker, the sound murmured in your ears. Holy shit, did he just ask me out?! Are we going out on a date?! Thoughts raced through your head as you turned around and started assembling his order. Your nerves were evident, as your usual calm and collected demeanor was gone, and replaced by a mousey and evidently shaking bundle of anxiety.
Tony watched from a distance the change in your attitude. Being used to seeing the confident and self-assured Y/n, it was kind of refreshing to watch you be nervous. It also confirmed that you were likewise attracted to him. A smile tugged on Tony’s lips.
Hands shaking a bit, you finally placed the last scoop of ice team into the cone. Exhaling you began walking to Tony to hand it over to him. And of course because it’s you, a small puddle of melted ice cream from earlier in the day caused you to slip and fall on the floor of Meal Armstrongs. Taking the ice cream cone with you. “Oh my god! Are you okay Y/n?!” Tony rushed over to the inside of the booth to sit beside you. This is so embarrassing.
You sighed, “I’m okay, just a bruised dignity is all.” He chuckled, when an idea entered his mind.
“When does your shift end exactly?”
You glanced at your phone. “In like 15 minutes, why?” He then got up, picked up the “Closed” sign, and put it up in the counter.
“Let’s get out of here now.” You smiled, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“I like the sound of that.” But looking at yourself you had to reanalyze. “But I am covered in ice cream right now.”
“I can think of something.”
“Are you sure that I don’t look like a complete doofus wearing this?” You ask, tugging on the Space Force merch that Tony graciously bought you.
“You look adorable Y/N.”
“Really?” You start sarcastically, “It’s an extra large, in bright orange. I look like a walking traffic cone promoting the least respected force in America.” His head falls slightly to his right shoulder, giving a look that reads as, are you being serious right now? He steps closer to you,
“Seriously Y/N, you look great.” He rests a gentle hand on your left shoulder. “And if you’re a traffic cone you are the sexiest traffic cone I’ve ever seen in my life, swear to God.” You lightly smack his arm in mock annoyance. Secretly, you love this kind of banter with him.
“Alright, alright, where are we going Romeo?”
“I was thinking... Clément’s?” You’re taken aback. Clément’s is this absurdly fancy French restaurant in Denver, you wouldn’t even know about it if not for Tony telling you that Zendaya ate there like two weeks ago. 
“Clément’s? Are you fucking with me?”
“I may or may not know someone who works in the kitchen... as the head chef.”
“I mean, that sound amazing! But honestly, it’s a bit above my price range. Like a lot.” He bits his lip softly, as if debating whether or not to say something.
“I mean I was thinking that I could pay for it. If that works for you, I mean, I was the one who asked you on this date.” He begins to ramble, “And my friend in the kitchen said that if I used the Space Force twitter account to promote the restaurant, he would give us a huge discount-”
“Us? You told him about me?” Tony blushes with embarrassment. 
“I may have mentioned something about wanting to take a beautiful woman out to dinner.” 
“Even one who looks like a nationalistic pumpkin?”
Hey fellow Ben Schwartz fans! Let me know if you liked this quick lil story. I started writing it a while ago but didn’t finish until recently. I’ll probably be writing a part two with y’all actually going out to dinner :)
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jigsawcreed · 1 month
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A mysterious figure waits among the stars. The creed predicts an insidious creature will exterminate the human race. She cannot save the humans, however, but instead awaits to rescue a single soul.
The child who will undo the taboo.
Or so they can merely pray for.
Welcome to my blog!
Sooo yeah, this is a Nintendo AU blog! Feel free to ask questions on my AU and common (or uncommon) Nintendo characters.
Here is where I will share my AU of the Nintendo universe, how it all connects, and what became of the ever disappearing human race among the stars.
How a girl became the queen of an alien planet, and how two average plumbers managed to rescue her.
Why a singular human lives among a community of humanoid animals.
The sole human on Ripple Star.
How Shiver Star came to be.
The Master and the Crazed.
The ultimate taboo.
And how mankind is a force to be reverentially loved and feared.
Main games explored in the story:
Mario games
Animal Crossing games
Banjo Kazooie 1 & 2
Kirby games and show
Jet Force Gemini
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roominthecastle · 2 years
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A definition not found in the dictionary Not-leaving: An act of trust and love. (- Markus Zusak)
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tastybrownie · 1 year
New chapter’s up :)
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bxkfreakazoid · 1 year
Chapters: 15 and counting
Fandom: Ben 10 Series
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Kevin Levin/Ben Tennyson
Characters: Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Gwen Tennyson, Julie Yamamoto, Max Tennyson, Original Male Character(s)
Tags : Kind of Canon Compliant, Implied Relationships, Sexual Content, Psychological Trauma, Angst and Fluff and Smut, space adventure, heist
There are far too many aliens in the cosmos for Ben Tennyson to memorise, so he thinks it doesn't matter when one of them gives him a little scrape. Apparently, it matters. A lot. Unfortunately. 
[REMASTERED from 2012]
just a little something-something I've been rewriting from my old days.
id say this is part ‘space adventure’, part ‘angst love story’, part ‘me projecting mental health healing onto my favourite characters’ but then that's just me :)
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cursed-elo-images · 11 months
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Pilot Hugh & Co. Is Getting A Sequel!!!
Here’s the book cover!
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skellymom · 1 year
Pencil sketch of my OC Maadienne "Mad Momma" Dax from my "Vagabonds" Bad Batch fanfic series. Yes, it screams SPACE GOTH! The inspiration was from Siouxie Sioux, Mad Max, Arcane, and Chiana from Farscape. Will post the inked version when finished.
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lara635kookie · 1 year
My ao3 profile:
My Nyah Fanfiction account:
I currently have stories of: (Wattpad)
Sweet Elite (otome game)
Avatar (James Cameron Movies)
Bridgerton, Wednesday, Lost In Space, Money Heist Korea, Meteor Garden, A Series of Unfortunate Events (Netflix Series)
Top Gun:Maverick (Movie)
Glitter Force Doki Doki (Anime)
Ever After High Series (planning on a Monster High one too but not there yet)
Girl Meets World (Disney Series)
The 39 Clues (I have two. The first one is complete and the second one is still in progress)
They are all in brazilian portuguese, my native language, but if you traduce it with google or any other device, to english, spanish or another language I suppose It's understandable(I tested with english and spanish and got good results, I imagine it must work with other languages too). I'll post things on ao3 soon. Bye!
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chloefraazers · 9 months
sometimes i’m sad i never got to finish stuck au before burning shores came out… i just dunno how to go back to it now tho… sigh.
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