#chang seil
callofender · 4 months
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fiiniaofficial · 1 year
Wip - Seil Chang
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I've enjoyed playing Buried stars way too much, and I've had this lineart in my photoshop files for months now. It's been such a hassle colouring it, so I kind of left the colouring of it half finished.
Thinking of starting over from the colouring phase of this, as I was not satisfied with it!
Seil is not my favourite character, but I knew I had to draw him. Regarding my actual favourite, I don't think I could do Gyu-Hyuk justice.
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myimaginedcorner · 3 months
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Hello my dear readers,
WE DID IT! After a few weeks of wait and talks, I can finally announce that Scales of Justice has been officially accepted for publication, both on Hosted Games and on Steam! The current publication date is set for January 2025; however, if that changes, I will update you with new information.
You can now wishlist the game on Steam! Here's the link -> https://store.steampowered.com/app/3089710/Scales_of_Justice/
I am so, so grateful to everyone who has been here for me during these past 3 years. What began as a shy attempt at dreaming has grown into a marvelous project that taught me so much, brought me so many new experiences and skills, and is going to end with my first publication as an author. I cannot be more grateful and excited. I hope this is only the beginning of an amazing journey.
I am currently finishing my degree and working on preparing for the release; however, I will soon be posting a little more of my thoughts about future projects (including SoJ 2), continuing Torn Page, and being a bit more active around here. Until then, please, spread the word, and let's celebrate this together! ^^
Scales of Justice is a fantasy story that takes place in a world afar – a place called Therania. Albeit there was some interaction between Therania and other worlds a long time ago, now it’s solely a tale from their lost past… or, at least, that is the most common belief. Regardless, this story does not focus on extraterrestrial connections: its plot revolves around the people of Therania and their lives, their history and – what’s more important – their ‘determined’ future.
There are plenty of species living together in Therania, yet the human race is currently split in two: the one known as Hero kingdom, which is ruled by ‘heroes’, and the one named Vannais kingdom, controlled by ‘villains’. Both nations hate each other - here, the fight of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ is something that happens on a national level. The game is focused on lore, character development, and the player's choices: perhaps, your MC just wants to live a peaceful life... or maybe they want to save the world.
Or even rule it, if you’re into such things.
Set off on a new adventure towards Neutral Lands, to meet a mythic creature of all answers - The Visionary.
Play as a woman, man, or non-binary - straight, gay, or asexual.
Gather up to 3 companions to help you in your quest - befriend, romance, or rival them, the choice is yours.
Buy a horse - we know you want one.
Fight, conjure, support, speak or think - choose your way of handling a tricky situation.
Explore the kingdom of Hero up to Menai's shores, in search for someone - or something - to aid you in your journey.
The DEMO version of the book runs up to Chapter 5 and contains 276K words overall.
If you want to know a little more about this project and read chapters 1-5, I'll leave the link to the game here -> https://dashingdon.com/play/myimaginedcorner/scales-of-justice/mygame/
If you want to discuss anything on CoG's forum, I'll leave the link for SoJ here -> https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-scales-of-justice-new-project-announcement-and-demo-release/101088/16
If you want to send me a more extensive feedback, here's my email -> [email protected]
Shoren/Seile → Heir to the Hero kingdom’s throne, right where your journey starts. Also, your old friend who’s very attached to you. Likes to read and practices magic, enjoys adventure and heroic deeds. A recognised “hero”, with blonde curly hair, pale skin and a pair of sapphire eyes.
Robert/Reina → Order’s Paladin, defender of Hero and Knight of Fate. Brave and honourable, determined to protect the people of the kingdom. Very loyal to friends and very dangerous as an enemy. Has short brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build.
Valerius/Venis → An Outworlder caught by cultists in the Wicked Woods. Gracious, elegant and charismatic. Has long dark brown hair with a silver streak, olive skin and golden eyes.
Arion/Aria → Leader of Vannais, a recognised “villain” who escaped from Hero and now rules the enemy kingdom. Serious but temperamental. Prefers action over words and so, is always present on battlefields and amidst negotiations, even if in an unofficial manner. Has short blonde hair, pale skin and emerald eyes.
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scotianostra · 2 months
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On 15th July 1914 Gavin Maxwell, the Scottish novelist and naturalist, was born.
Maxwell was born and brought up in the tiny settlement of Elrig, north of Port William in Dumfries and Galloway, an area in which his family had owned estates for centuries.
He was educated at Stowe School and the University of Oxford, then became a freelance journalist, though ornithology remained his special interest. He served with the Scots Guard in World War II.
In 1945 he bought the island of Soay and described in Harpoon at a Venture, in 1952, his attempt to establish a shark fishery there.
His stand out book is came in 1962 with the best-selling Ring of Bright Water. It describes his life with two pet otters in his seaboard cottage in the west Highlands and was made into a film in 1969 starring Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna, parts of the film were shot in Ellenabeich on the Isle of Seil.
Maxwell followed Ring of High Water with a sequal, The Rocks Remain in 1963 and completed the trilogy with Raven Seek Thy Brother in 1969.
When Maxwell’s house was burnt down he moved to the lighthouse cottages he had purchased in 1963 on Eilean Bàn (‘White Island’), the island between Kyle of Lochalsh on the mainland and Kyleakin on the Isle of Skye.
Gavin Maxwell’s memory is preserved in the books he wrote, which have an enduring appeal. He is also remembered by the The Eilean Bàn Trust & Bright Water Visitor Centre. This operates a visitor centre in Kyleakin and conducts groups of visitors around Eilean Bàn, visiting the lighthouse, wildlife hides and part of the lighthouse cottage in which Maxwell’s “long room” has been recreated. It also rents out part of the lighthous cottage on the island as a holiday let.
The island of Eilean Bàn itself has changed significantly since Maxwell’s time. In the early 1990s it was linked to both the mainland and the Isle of Skye by the construction of the two parts of the Skye Bridge, which opened in October 1995. Despite this, the island remains a haven for wildlife.
The Statue of Maxwell’s otter in the last pic is at Monreith Dumfries and Galloway
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streets-in-paradise · 28 days
I'm in the mood for other short troy meta debating with some of the most common perceptions I have seen about the film.
Following the line of my other posts on the topic, I want to talk of how I never understood the claim that Achilles' thirst for vengeance was cheapened or downplayed because it was made about a relative.
Here i'm going for the " WHO cares that much about their cousin?" argument.
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Look, I totally understand people can be frustrated because they expected romance and the movie made it about family, but HOW is it any less of a tragedy because they are related? In the film, Patroclus is not just his cousin. Not only he was little brother coded, the story makes it clear that Achilles feels very responsible for him since the lad became an orphan.
Fun fact: in the (luckly rejected) first draft of the script he was going to be his son. When Benioff did the rewriting, the family relation was changed to cousins, but something of the spirit in the first script remained in their dynamic.
Like i said before, it also had a plot function creating a pretty much in your face parallel with Hector and Paris.
Patroclus being like the little brother Achilles feels responsible for and he failed to protect brings him even closer to Hector. He is moved by the same motivation causing the death of Menelaus, Hector knows he is a dead man the same way the spartan king seiled his demise when he threatened Paris. It even creates a tragic parallel between Achilles and Agamemnon!
At the start of the film Agamemnon has for Troy the intentions of a colonizer. Destroying it is not in his original plan, he wanted to take over the economical and militar control keeping the trojan rulling class enslaved to mycenaean interests. The death of his beloved brother triggers this monstruous thirst for vengeance the movie uses as vehicle to explain the horrors of the sack of Troy.
In a similar way, Achilles' plans for his eventual combat with Hector were merely about personal glory. When he has the first chance of killing him, he doesn't do it because he doesn't have enough audience to make it epic, and he has nothing personal against him. With the death of Patroclus, he ends up desecrating the body of Hector guided by the same blind rage Agamemnon keeps since the death of his brother. The marks he leaves on the remains of Troy's fallen hero are an omen for the wounds Agamemnon will inflict in Troy itself later on.
In both cases, it leads to their deaths, but with different meanings. Agamemnon is at the peak of his vengeance during the destruction of Troy, he orders for no one to be spared and attempts to attack Briseis as perfect culmination of it.
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His death is not only a defensive act, but a revenge for the whole fallen city. In contrast, Achilles feels remorse for what he has done, gets inside the horse with the sole purpose of fixing something up, and ends up paying with his life when Paris gets revenge for his brother.
Unlike Agamemnon, who is surprised by death while going through the more evil version of that peak on revenge satisfaction he experienced when he dragged Hector's body with his charriot, he embraced the death he knew was awaiting him as a redeeming experience.
Achilles cares for his cousin with the same affection Agamemnon and Hector had for their little brothers. He killed Hector moved by the same grief leading Agamemnon to destroy Troy in memory of his brother because Hector couldn't watch his own brother die.
The film presents a tragedy structured on a chain of revenges moved by family. You are totally valid in disliking that, but it doesn't make it any less tragic.
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witches-and-weirdos · 8 months
Nillan Seil
“Ignorance and bigotry are the banes of peace.“
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[[This art was made by @equleart]]
Nillan Seil is a female human necromancer
She is a Death Shepherd, a wandering holy woman of the goddess of undeath. Her divine role is the creation, protection, nurturing and guidance of the undead, so that they may prosper.
Due to the widespread distrust and fear of necromancy and undeath, she typically passes between the common folk as an ordinary nobody, and is quite cautious about who to trust and to what extent with her true nature
Age: 28
Height: 173 cm (5′8)
Visual Identifiers (Nillan): Looks perfectly ordinary, pale greyish-blue eyes, short black hair, almost always appears very calm
Visual Identifiers (Shepherd): Skull-painted face, a bone chest-piece molded from a human ribcage, white cloak, partially painted hair
Main Goals/Motivations: - Help make unlife better - Minimize conflicts between normal people and the undead - Follow her goddess' guidance
16 personality types test: not done yet
Alignment: True Neutral
Shipping: Nillan is bisexual, she isn't currently looking for anyone, but she isn't outright rejecting the idea either
Nillan carries a shortsword "for self defense", though her magic is much more effective
She likes hiking, staying up way too long and just enjoying peace and silence.
Her skin is usually a bit cold to the touch, quite enough to notice and to maybe worry a bit, and it is fairly difficult to make her look anything but calm
Nillan's body is slowly transitioning from living to undead, though she is very much alive for now, the truly perceptive might notice that a few things are off about her.
Her goddess is Ginerva, The Grave Queen, in most places she is considered a Dark God, and thus knowledge about her is limited and her worship is forbidden
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[This was made by Stepan Alekseev]
Fantasy: This is probably already home territory for her. If necromancy is more accepted in the setting, she might be a bit more open about it.
Sci-fi: Probably no need to change anything here either, as long as the supernatural exists, though she probably also has a handgun here
League of Legends
Noxian, from the rural edge of the empire
Focuses mostly on neutral, "natural-born" undead, rather than the ones from the Shadow Isles or the Noxian revenant troops
Warhammer 40k
Ginerva is a Greater Demon of Nurgle here, joyously focused on creating various different types of undeath, rather than the more "common plagues"
As such, Nillan is a wandering Chaos Sorcerer with high psychic potential
Dead by Daylight (no recurrent memory erasure)
"This is not the afterlife I expected..."
Ingame Power: At Totems or anywhere after hooking a Survivor, she can raise Skeletons that harmlessly follow her. She can make Skeletons break breakable objects. or dangerously guard a small area. Skeletons can be destroyed with a holy Survivor item, but this notifies her, and they self destruct shortly if too far from her. Mostly a chase power to deny certain paths and loops from survivors, but also serves as a short term mid range info power.
Usual Playstyle: "Good guy killer", careful in chases, kills the guy pointing out your location, noobs get it a bit more easy
None yet
“Unlife is a difficult blessing. I am here to help you with the difficult part, and to see beyond it.“
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mikumutual · 5 months
ooh can i have do-yoon and date :3 thank u
yeas :D
do-yoon han
Sexuality Headcanon: gay... there's a few different lines that point me to this, but the one i have on hand is "do-yoon: what celebrity? inha: [sigh] you have no interest in anyone, do you? juyoung, of course" and like well i can think of Someone he has an interest in
Gender Headcanon: the trans potential is very convincing. i didn't think of it while playing but ur so real
A ship I have with said character: GYU-HYUK
A BROTP I have with said character: uuuhhh plughole lol. honestly do-yoon has so many potential ships but like i think hyesung is just his homie, i don't think he likes seil that much, i think suyeon would kill su-chang if he got together with do-yoon, do-yoon and woo-suk are totally exes, and gyu is just the realest and only option. oh also him and inha being besties is a great headcanon
A NOTP I have with said character: don't ship him with the girls are u crazy
A random headcanon: i think he puts a lot of effort into his appearance, and he canonically knows a lot about makeup, but i also think he had no strong opinion on bstars' costuming. like he fully cut his hair for the show and was like ok. i think he just didn't care about that very much. though if canon contradicts me lmk
General Opinion over said character: he's sooooo good. i always love protags. he's pretty funny in an unintended-by-him way, and he's a great conduit for the story. i LOVE his outfit and sprites. i love his commitment and dedication. i love the big reveal. i love everything he does and how much he cares. everything about him. god do-yoon is great
kaname date
Sexuality Headcanon: this man is bisexual
Gender Headcanon: i think he's cis but it'd be so fucking funny if he were trans. like. Which One
A ship I have with said character: kagami. look i know him and hitomi are canon but let me have this EDIT: AND AIBA. I FORGOT ABOUT AIBA
A BROTP I have with said character: date and mizuki family... date and boss fascinating... date and renju intriguing. i love how much he gets along with all the characters, but nothing will ever surpass the mizuki roommate friendship familyism
A NOTP I have with said character: there's like nine fucking people who flirt with date in these games and i don't mind most of them. my no-gos are ryuki and iris though. i respect ryuki for having a crush but it's not happening. and i forgive iris for being weird, because she wasn't telling the truth, she just wanted a bodyguard. but yeah date will never
A random headcanon: i think post-ai1 he ties his hair up in the same style, it just looks different 'cause it's spikier. i don't necessarily think he dyes his hair but i do like the fanart where he does and his roots show
General Opinion over said character: god he's so fucking funny. one of the best protagonists i've ever had the honor of playing. my favorite character in aitsf. so funny. so persistently horny. so good at what he does. so dedicated to solving the mystery. so kind when the time calls for it. dude literally goes into peoples brains and fixes their problems, how can you not like him. i love him so much genuinely. also his outfit is fucking fantastic. i do like his appearance throughout the game more than the epilogue but i'm so happy for him at that point that it doesn't matter. also the timeskip between aitsf and aini didn't happen
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r-18g · 1 year
Any pet angel thoughts?
i am assuming you sent this as a follow-up question to this post! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
god, yes, maybe too many. all of this is musing and so none of it is super concrete and definitely for sure decided, since this is still very much in its earliest stages of development, and so obviously this is all subject to change, but!
i feel like probably demon society has a few different sorts of like… camps of ideologies? in regards to how the angels end up treated.
there are some that fall into the group of treating their angels like objects to break, some that treat them like toys to play with (i suspect druj and seile fall into this category), some that use angels as slaves (i think some portion of this group likely playacts that they have some almost human-like decorum, where they sometimes call this treatment by more euphemistic terms; nonetheless, they’re as cruel as the rest of them), some who collect them like precious works of art, to gild and restrain and hold on display, and some who use them as simple trophies, as a way of flaunting their wealth—
and then there are some who treat their angels like pets, often in the cruelest of ways.
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i suspect that it’s only on rare occasions that angels don’t get their wings immediately clipped, upon delivery to their new owner. it’s not permanent, after all, though the time-span it takes for the new feathers to grow is on a much longer scale than for any sort of mortal bird.
i think, though, that one of the major goals of many demons of the demons that fall into this category is to tame and break in said angel so much so that they don’t need to have their wings clipped, where the angel has lost the will to attempt to flee in the first place.
this leads into another concept i’ve been thinking about in this scenario, which is the idea of "pet" shows.
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obviously, they don’t function like humanity’s pet shows, but they riff a bit on them for some tongue-in-cheek humor. (they wouldn’t be able to run these things in the first place were it not for the humans who oh-so-graciously trade off these would-be protectors, after all.) and a near-universal rule to them is that if your pet’s wings are intact, you’re likely to get a far higher score than those with clipped wings.
i think the competition aspect of each pet show tends to vary a bit, with some blatantly meant for titillation and others meant to show off the genuine athleticism of the angels in competition, also displaying just how well they’ve been broken in, to not attempt an escape in a circumstance like this.
(occasionally some do try to get away, but—
it never ends well.
the angel does not always end up arriving home intact, after this.
sometimes it doesn’t arrive home at all.
it’s not unusual for bloodied feathers to be brought home from the spectators as a grizzly kind of trophy. for all of the trouble of capture, of course, and the consequent punishment, however harsh it became.)
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there’s a lot more i could say about this, but! i don’t want to get partway through another little segment about this and then lose focus and leave this ask unanswered and these thoughts unfinished. so! pet angels. there’s a lot to say about them.
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buried-stars · 6 months
👀👀 rubbing my gay little hands together... 001 + bstars, 002 + shinjiham, 003 + franziska :3 ily
oh god oh fuck (under cut for length lol)
Favourite character: i love basically everyone but juyoung min i can never forget you
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon): gyu-hyuk/do-yoon, inha/juyoung. that's it. unless you want to see me be really insane.
Character I find most attractive: juyoung
Character I would marry: ...see above
Character I would be best friends with: either inha or do-yoon
A random thought: hyesung definitely would wear heelies
An unpopular opinion: rash verdict is not a happy ending <3
My canon OTP: dont make me choose. gyuyoon & minnow are both basically canon
Non-canon OTP: seil/tae-yeon
Most badass character: inha and juyoung <3 they can girlboss without risking getting too close to the sun
Pairing I am not a fan of: any m/f pair or seil/hyesung
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): actually i don't think any of the characters apply here. like seungyeon sucks but she's supposed to
Favourite friendship: gyu & juyoung or do-yoon & inha. bestie squad
when or if I started shipping it: honestly it wasn't until i played p3p about a year ago where i decided to romance shinji on a whim and it changed my brain chemistry
my thoughts: when you're both doomed by the narrative but you're also desperate for human connection... choosing to love someone you know is on borrowed time... fighting for the sake of someone you may never see again... augh. augh. my heart.
What makes me happy about them: i like to think about them cooking together and minako sneaking scraps to koromaru when she thinks shinji's not looking
What makes me sad about them: what DOESN'T make me sad about them. how many ships do you get where they can BOTH die in the others arms.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: look i don't CARE that kotone is her canon name she'll always be minako arisato to me
Things I look for in fanfic: ....i'll read anything once! that's the life i live!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i'm not into any other shinji pairs but minako "patron saint of bisexuality" could easily go for aigis, yukari, akihiko, mitsuru, saori, rio...
My happily ever after for them: *smiles through my tears* very funny
How I feel about this character: ive adored her forever and i think she's really funny. her "little brother" is 7 years older than her. that's hysterical. when you're both traumatized but one of you hasn't figured that out yet
All the people I ship romantically with this character: it's literally just adrian
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i mean von karma siblings forever and ever they make me bawl. otherwise i like to think of her as being trucy's doting aunt and it confuses the hell out of phoenix bc he's never seen her be nice before
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk aside from being a frnmy hater i dont think there's anything i outright dislike about most interpretations of her...? i mean i think she doesnt go quite as hard on the fool/whip thing as an adult but idk
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I WISH THEY'D LET HER OUT OF THE BASEMENT I MISS HER SO BAD also she deserved more specific dev. she was robbed.
My OTP: fradrian FOREVER <3
My OT3: n/a
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adnanfinowings · 3 months
Educational Investment Opportunity: Best 5  Education Sector Stocks for 2024
Education stands as a pillar of societal progress in India, fostering individual development and contributing significantly to economic growth. With a literacy rate of approximately 77.5%, the education sector plays a pivotal role in shaping the nation's future by equipping individuals with essential skills and knowledge. For investors seeking opportunities in this dynamic sector, understanding the top-performing education stocks provides valuable insights into potential growth avenues and strategic investments.
Significance of the Education Sector in India
Education in India transcends academic learning; it is a catalyst for social mobility and national development. By empowering individuals with skills and knowledge, education not only enhances employability but also fosters innovation critical for economic prosperity. The sector spans from foundational schooling to specialized vocational training, addressing diverse educational needs and driving inclusive growth across the country.
Top 5 Education Sector Stocks in 2024
1. Veranda Learning
Market Cap: 1937.26 6-Month Return: +51.11%
Veranda Learning, established in 2018 under Suresh Kalpathi's leadership, excels in preparing students for competitive exams across various sectors. With substantial growth in stock value, Veranda Learning is recognized for its comprehensive exam preparation courses tailored for state Public Service Commission, banking, insurance, railways, IAS, and CA exams.
2. Shanti Education
P/E Ratio: 221.25 Market Cap: 1055.36 6-Month Return: -22.46%
Founded in 2009, Shanti Educational Initiatives Limited (SEIL), part of the Chiripal Group, specializes in comprehensive school management solutions from preschool to grade 12. Despite recent market challenges, SEIL remains pivotal in educational infrastructure development and consultancy services, ensuring quality education delivery across its managed institutions.
3. Global Education
P/E Ratio: 16.49 Market Cap: 518.89 6-Month Return: -22.46%
Global Education Ltd., headquartered in Mumbai with a branch in Nagpur, provides strategic consulting services to educational institutions nationwide. Its expertise in branding, marketing, financial analysis, and growth strategies positions it as a key player in enhancing educational standards amidst competitive market conditions.
4. CL Educate
P/E Ratio: 16.19 Market Cap: 469.31 6-Month Return: +37.75%
Founded in 1996 in New Delhi, CL Educate Limited is renowned for academic support and vocational training programs. Specializing in test preparation and career development, CL Educate leverages technology and domain expertise to empower students and professionals in achieving educational and career aspirations.
5. Droneacharya Aerial Innovations Private Limited
P/E Ratio: 60.60 Market Cap: 424.84 6-Month Return: +31.19%
Established in 2017 in Karnataka, Droneacharya Aerial Innovations operates as a pioneering drone (UAV) startup under KEONICS, contributing to technological advancements and educational applications. Despite market volatility, the company's focus on aerial technology and innovation positions it uniquely in the evolving educational landscape.
Future Trends and Opportunities in Education
The education sector in India is poised for transformative growth with trends such as digital learning platforms, technological integration in curriculum delivery, and increasing demand for skill-based education. Companies embracing these trends are likely to thrive, offering investors sustainable growth opportunities and contributing to societal development through educational empowerment.
Challenges and Risks in the Education Sector
Investing in the education sector involves navigating challenges such as regulatory changes, technological adaptation complexities, global competition, and economic fluctuations affecting enrollment and funding. Thorough due diligence and assessment of company-specific risk factors are crucial for informed investment decisions.
Embracing the Future of Learning Through Strategic Investments
Investing in top education sector stocks such as Veranda Learning, CL Educate, and others mentioned here not only promises financial returns but also supports transformative initiatives in educational excellence. These companies are instrumental in shaping India's educational landscape, empowering future generations with essential skills and knowledge. By aligning investment strategies with innovative educational practices, investors contribute to the growth and leadership of institutions like Finowings Academy, ensuring they remain at the forefront of educational innovation and excellence.
Disclaimer:This article provides insights into prominent education sector stocks in India for informational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Investors should conduct thorough research, evaluate their risk tolerance, and consult with financial advisors before making investment decisions.
For more details visit : https://www.finowings.com
Why Education is Crucial for India's Growth: Impact on Workforce, Innovation, and Society"
Education plays a pivotal role in India's development by shaping individuals, fostering innovation, and driving societal progress. It serves as the cornerstone for nurturing a skilled workforce, fueling economic growth, and cultivating a well-informed citizenry. The transformative impact of education extends beyond academic learning, empowering individuals with essential skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a dynamic global economy. As India continues to prioritize educational advancement, investing in human capital becomes imperative for sustainable development and competitive advantage on the world stage.
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sisimortefi · 3 months
I know I said I'll record my writing in video format but I forgot to hit the record button so it'll be like this from now on.
Anyway, FIRST STORY!! yipee!!! Finally took a break from Tapas and start on short stories (I hope)
Part two: here
The moment Seile Holm opened her eyes, her brows were furrowed in confusion as the nightmare she had was unnerving.
Entering a creepy looking citadel during a rainy night along with ten others whose faces were blurry to remember, to confront some kind of evil looking creature was not to her liking at all.
That dream was gruesome and vivid to her liking, and she wondered where it was even inspired from since she never watched that kind of genre.
Not to mention she woke up right when that evil creature came right at her, so Seren had to force herself awake as she didn't like it anymore.
"Why can't I have at least one nice dream with my soul mate in it?" She grumbled, sitting up on her bed and scratching her upper arm idly. "Is it too much to ask, Lord of Dreams? I want to be happy at least in a dream."
With a disgruntled expression, she got off her bed to go to the bathroom in her parent's room.
She could have gone to use the common cr by the living room, however she had one too many encounter with spiders there during her nighttime use that she's now paranoid of them appearing before her.
One time, when she was about to turn around and sit, she saw a spider as big as her hand chilling by the toilet bowl cover and she bolted right out of that cr while pulling up her shorts.
The second time, she had already done relieving herself and had pressed the flush button...only for a spider to come out from beneath the toilet seat as if it was spooked by the sudden rush of water.
The third time, she was about to close the door after she entered when the spider skittled past the doorknob and disappeared somewhere.
Since then, she avoided using that accursed cr.
After doing her business and quietly leaving the master's bedroom, she saw the main door to their house laying open.
A slight panic overcame her, as she carefully looked around to see if a criminal had entered their home.
Making sure the coast is clear, she inched towards the door, holding onto the doorknob and peeking around it carefully to avoid any kind of jumpscare.
She frowned upon seeing nothing but darkness, which is highly unusual for a well lit subdivision like theirs.
Before she could think of anything else, what seems to be a dark hand reached out to her quickly and she gasped when it went straight through her chest.
She could feel that hand encircling her heart and it slowly started pulling it out of her.
The sensation was something she never expected in her dull life; forget about her physical heart being yanked out, she could sense a part of her soul being torn away from her very being.
Gasping and panicking, Seile grabbed the arm to prevent it from accomplishing its goal.
'I have...I have to scream for help...!' She wildly thought, however her tongue and mouth were clenched tight against the pain.
A hot flush spread throughout her back, her eyes focused on the forearm she was holding onto.
She wondered if this is how skinning actual live human being felt like, as every nerves that were being carefully pulled away like how one de-bones a fish were on fire.
With tears welling up in her eyes, she could finally see the wrist of that hand that rudely went into her body and pulling out a glowing white orb that has an iridescent sheen on it, while loose threads of various thickness clings to it like cobwebs do to an item left forgotten.
'No...I don't...want to die like this...' She thought weakly as her knees buckled under her and her hand finally let go of the arm as her strength left her.
The darkness before her seemingly changed appearance, with a large mouth and rows of dangerous teeth opening right in front of her, ready to eat that white thing it had pulled out.
Seile closed her eyes, hoping that this is all but a bad dream.
A baby's high pitched cry pierced the silence of the large estate and a large number of panicked people came into the room, as this was the first time they heard such distressful cry from the two month old.
A maid picked up the upset baby carefully.
"Oh no, young miss. Did you have a nightmare?" She asked as if the baby could understand and respond as she gently rocked the baby in her arms.
"Oh dear." Another maid said worriedly. "It must have been a terrible dream for her to wet the bed this bad."
"We'll clean it up. The others are already getting her change of clothes and diaper."
"Prepare some milk as well. It won't do us any good if His Lordship finds out she cried this bad."
The baby girl's cry slowly calmed down as the maid holding her continued to gently rock her, and she slowly opened her eyes to look at the person carrying her.
The maid smiled at the now calm baby.
"Don't worry, young miss. It's only a bad dream. No one would dare to come near a member of the Hyland family to hurt them."
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angelicakatebooks · 6 months
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She lived in the shadow of pain for years.
One little girl and her father just changed everything!
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myimaginedcorner · 2 years
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As promised, here I am!! It hasn't been too long, this time. Not even seasons had the time to change, and we're already here to welcome yet another chapter. Yes, you read right - Chapter 6 is now live, eager to entretain you for a peaceful evening! Take your preferred hot drink, wrap your cold legs into a warm blanket... or, if you live somewhere where heat is never gone, take a cold beverage and relax. Let your imagination fly together with our heroes!
As usual, I welcome any feedback, specially now that my beta-tester is quite occupied with her MSc (a strong woman in STEM, she is. Let's wish her a well-deserved rest during these Christmas holidays). If you have any issues, recommendations, or comments in general about my work, feel free to text me here or make a post in CoG forum, where I will be answering you to the best of my capabilities.
Explore Gold Breach, source of Hero's prosperity.
Meet with creatures only described in myths.
Meet Asha - another adventurer, just like you! What a surprising coincidence.
Split from your main party to learn a little more about your new acquaintance.
Chapter 6 is 66k words long, and is by far my most dramatic chapter. You've been warned!!
Sometimes, the image for Chapter 5's title doesn't appear at the beggining of the chapter. I'm unsure why, and thus the bug still persists.
Chapter 7 will bring your hero to Galeya, a great bastion full of life and events. As the last secure stay before the grand finale, you'll be granted the chance to spend an entire day with a companion of your choice.
Use your time wisely!
Scales of Justice is a fantasy game situated in another world, far away from Earth. There are plenty of species living together in harmony, but the human race is currently split in two civilisations: the one known as Hero kingdom, which is ruled by ‘heroes’, and the one named Vannais kingdom, controled by ‘villains’. Both nations hate each other and the fight between ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ here is something that happens on a national level. The game is focused on lore, on character development and your own perception of the world: perhaps, your MC just wants to live a peaceful life... or maybe wants to save the world.
Or even rule it, if you’re into such things.
If you want to know a little more about this project and read the first 6 chapters, I'll leave the link to the game here -> https://dashingdon.com/play/myimaginedcorner/scales-of-justice/mygame/
If you want to discuss anything on CoG's forum, I'll leave the link for SoJ here -> https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-scales-of-justice-new-project-announcement-and-demo-release/101088/16
If you want to send me a more extensive feedback, here's my email -> [email protected]
Any mistakes, concerns or questions you have, feel free to contact me through Tumblr! I am very excited to share this story with all of you, and I want to make it as good as possible with your help!
Shoren/Seile → Heir to the throne of Hero kingdom, where your journey starts. Also, your old friend whom is very attached to you. Likes to read and practice magic, enjoys adventure and heroic deeds. A recognised “Hero”, with blonde curly hair, pale skin and a pair of beautiful blue eyes.
Robert/Reina → Order’s Paladin, defender of Hero and knight of Fate itself. Brave and honourable, they are determined to protect the people of the kingdom. Very loyal to friends and very dangerous as an enemy. Has short brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build.
Valerius/Venis → An Outworlder, who was caught by cultists in the Wicked Woods. Gracious, elegant and charismatic, with ideas that you cannot always grasp. Has long, dark brown hair with a silver streak, olive skin and golden eyes.
Arion/Aria → Leader of Vannais, a recognised “Villain” who escaped from Hero and now rules the enemy kingdom. Serious, reserved yet respectful. Doesn’t like to stay behind hiding in the castle, an so always personally appears in battlefields and negotiations. Has short blonde hair, pale skin and greenish eyes.
Be careful! These characters have their thoughts and opinions on the world and your actions: if you want them to support you, convince them or take their side… or neither. That is your choice after all!
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random daydream scenario i used to have.
tbh i don't remember much of it. it was while i was still into miraculous ladybug. the plot was inconsistent and basically non-existant. basically, nathalie and emilie were this immortal goddess-like beings that existed since the ancient times. there was also this sun (emilie) and moon (nathalie) aesthetic going on. they've been existing and travelling the world together for centuries. also, nathalie could change herself into a bird. somewhere closer to the modern times after committing an undisclosed mistake (i think i was too lazy to ever come up with what that mistake was), another more powerful beings seiled away their powers and memories, and reincarnated them in mortal bodies.
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Business engine of a global faith (2010)
[The faces inside KOREA'S CONGLOMERATES]
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▲ Yongpyong Resort in Pyongchang, Gangwon is one of Tongil Group's key sources of revenue. The Winter Olympics were held at the venue. Provided by the group.
Once near dissolution, Tongil Group has been resurrected to the cusp of profitability by new CEO Moon Kook-jin.
[Moon Kook-jin was fired in about 2013 by Hak Ja Han.]
JoongAng Daily April 12, 2010
Tongil, or unification in Korean, means different things to different people.
Some associate it with the reunification of the peninsula, while others might think of Tongilgyo, the Unification Church, a powerful religious sect whose believers number at least three million worldwide. While even most Americans have probably heard of the Unification Church founded by Reverend Moon Sun-myung, chances are not many know Tongil Group, the Unification Church's business empire in Korea whose ventures stretch from manufacturing to tourism and newspaper publishing.
For instance, Yongpyong Resort in Pyeong-chang County, Gangwon, frequented by many Koreans especially during the skiing season, is one of the group's key businesses.
Tongil Group was founded by Reverend Moon on Oct. 4, 1963, nine years after he proclaimed himself the messiah and officially established the Unification Church in Seoul. The group started as a nonprofit whose gains were all to be pumped into the religious and educational activities of the church, and its core business back then was manufacturing, under affiliates that included Tongil Heavy Industries, Hankook Titanium and Ilsung Construction, among others.
In coming years, Tongil Group expanded into drugs, tourism and publishing. In 1971, it established Ilhwa, which makes pharmaceuticals, ginseng tea and the famous barley drink called McCol. In 1985, Tongil established Seil Travel, and in 1988, the top 10 daily newspaper Segye Times (Segye Ilbo) launched. The group also strengthened its presence in manufacturing, setting up Ilshin Stone in 1971 and Tongil Industries Company, or TIC, in 1988.
Tongil Group was hit hard by the financial crisis that engulfed Asia in the late 1990s. In 1998, five of the group's affiliates – including Tongil Heavy Industries, which was its flagship affiliate at the time – went into receivership. Poor management led to deterioration in the following years, so much so that in 2004, the group was saddled with some 40.9 billion won ($36.6 million) in debt. Group officials today look back on that sober time and say the group came very close to dissolution.
"Tongil Group was founded to support the activities of the Unification Church, but in those years it was the other way around – business was so bad that Unification Church ended up supporting the work of Tongil Group," said Ryu In-yong, a Tongil public relations manager.
But a few key investments put an end to those dark days.
In 2000, Tongil established Sunwon Construction, and in 2003, it acquired Yongpyong Resort from Ssangyong Cement with the cash raised from selling the land under the Segye Times building in Yongsan, downtown Seoul. Yongpyong Resort is now one of the group's biggest sources of revenue.
But the real "resurrection" of Tongil Group came in January 2005 when Moon Kook-jin, the fourth son of Reverend Moon, was inaugurated as the new chairman. Like Reverend Moon's other sons, Kook-jin was educated in the United States, with a bachelor's degree in economics from Harvard University and an MBA from the University of Miami. A hobby target shooter, he founded the U.S. arms manufacturer Kahr Arms in 1993. Today, the 40-year-old Moon has been trying to turn the debt-ridden Tongil Group into a viable conglomerate.
Coming into the post, Chairman Moon gave a frank assessment. "Survival itself will be the biggest challenge," he said, but Tongil "will never fail." As he predicted, in three years the company was able to rebound.
Its operating income improved from a loss of 40 billion won in 2006 to one of 6.2 billion won last year. Its percentage of debt to assets was also drastically reduced – from 767 percent in 2004 to 194 percent last year.
Tongil Group believes that the turnaround was possible because Moon put results, rationality and transparency above anything else, streamlining its businesses. He sold off losing companies, reducing the number of affiliates from 34 to 15.
The group's total assets stood at 1.75 trillion won last year, up 33 percent from 2004. The group is still mostly private, with Ilshin the only publicly traded affiliate. That company reported last month that although sales and operating profit had decreased, by 11 and 33 percent, respectively, it posted a record net profit of 1.9 billion won last year, up 228 percent from 2008.
Moon's streamlining efforts also shifted Tongil's key business from manufacturing to tourism and leisure, moving 70 percent of its assets into resorts and leaving just 18 percent in manufacturing and 6 percent in construction.
"I believe the resort business is something that can bring synergy with our religious activities," Moon said. "We use resorts for religion-related meetings, conferences and educational programs. Also, leisure activities at resorts can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of their religion or race.
The group's biggest current task, according to Tongil Group officials, is a project to build a world-class marine tourism and leisure complex in Yeosu, South Jeolla, to include golf courses, football fields, hotels and condominiums, by 2015. Worth some 1 trillion won, the project is spearheaded by Ilsang Ocean Development, a Tongil affiliate. The southern port city is set to host the Yeosu Expo in 2012.
Taking a closer look at Tongil affiliates and their CEOs, Ilhwa is led by Lee Sung-kyoon, who joined the company in 1978 and worked his way up through departments such as planning, pharmaceuticals and food.
At the helm of the Segye Times is Yoon Jeong-ro, who served as the vice president and secretary general of the Peace Unification Family Party, a political entity set up by the church that has been defunct since 2008.
Yongpyong Resort and Ilsang Ocean Development are both led by Jeong Chang-joo, who joined the Segye Times in 1998 as a planning office director.
Song Sang-yoon, a veteran of the industry, is CEO of Sunwon Construction, and Park In-sub, a Cornell graduate and son-in-law of Reverend Moon, operates Seil Travel.
Other units include stone materials supplier Ilshin Stone, metal-related products and technology manufacturer JC and auto-parts maker TIC.
Chairman Moon, in a recent interview with Forbes, said he has high hopes for TIC, and that he is proud the company produces axles for armored vehicles. TIC was established by merging several subsidiaries of Tongil Heavy Industries, which previously supplied hardware for the Korean armed forces.
Other units include building management company Seilo, helicopter operator Tongil Air Systems and agricultural company Pyongnong.
Through these entities, Tongil Group finances about 20 religious and educational institutions, including the Sun Moon University, Sunhwa Arts High School, music group the Little Angels and others.
But Tongil Group is not the only fiefdom in the Unification Church's business empire. It's not to be confused with Unification Church International, which is run by Kook-jin's older brother Hyun-jin and whose major businesses include The Washington Times and True World Foods in the U.S. as well as Marriott hotels and the Central City complex [now sold] in Korea.
The CEOs and their styles differ, but on the surface Tongil Group and UCI share the same goal – to support the Unification Church, with another brother, Hyung-jin – the youngest of Reverend Moon's 14 children – leading the congregation since he was appointed president of the church by his father in 2008.
By Kim Hyung-eun
Moon owned shares in Central City sold for $925 million dollars
SOLD! Korean HQ in Seoul Sold Without Warning Given to Members
[Exclusive Report] Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center. Claims have been made that hundreds of billions of won (hundreds of millions of dollars) were embezzled from Unification Church followers.
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Port a'Mhuilinn
On the map, this small rocky bay area is called Port a'Mhuilinn which is gaelic for "port of the mill" and is where the tortuous road across the island of Seil finally reaches the sea again. The foreshore rocks are slates and phyllites, and further up the road is the island of Easdale, where slate quarrying was a major industry.
The character of the rock formations here similarly can be found in other coastal areas in Argyll, however here I feel these are quite special as the body of water is known as The Firth of Lorn. A firth is where several flows of water converge into the sea creating rapid and perpetual ebbs and swells and movement, so much so that a maelstrom known as the Coryvrecken further out into the Atlantic can be found closer to the Isle of Jura.
The behaviour of water has shaped this small patch of landscape alongside the volcanic flow of magma and shifting tectonic plates of sediment millenia ago. Not to mention, our moons gravitational influence on our tidal patterns was birthed from an geological event on a supermassive scale even further back in time not so long after The Big Bang, relatively speaking.
But here we can see how the water flooding and waning here has changed the surface of the rock, smoothing and softening jagged edges and even forming rivulets and ravines in the rock where the water pools. The process is arrhythmic but a repetitive constant that's quite hypnotising. When you look closer, in contrast to the smoothened rocks, you see the layers of phyllite and sedimentary rocks underfoot. Like rings in a tree, it portrays a changing history and almost a lifecycle. It manifests in distinctive parallel linear patterns and squared off edges. This is because slate and phyllites have a pronounced fissility (a tendency to split into sheets or slabs).
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