#change my name to sally or some shit
random percy headcanons:
wants to be the photographer friend SO bad and he technically is but like 70% of the pics come out blurry or weird bc there was a monster attack in the middle of them. his instagram is truly so chaotic looking.
literally always has seashells on him someone will ask him for a pencil or spare change and he has to empty all his pockets of shells to find it. drops his backpack and a bunch of shells fall out. kicks his shoes off and sand and shells fly out and his mortal friends are like percy What the Fuck
his eyes glow underwater!! bioluminescent king. no one told him though and he didn't find out until he joined his school's swim team and terrified everyone (he managed to convince them his contacts were having a weird reaction to chlorine lmao)
he really likes art!! he doesn't just pretend to for rachel's sake he genuinely enjoys painting with her. he likes splatter paint, collages and pop art styles the best. one day after splitting some edibles they realized percy could manipulate water colors and went CRAZY with it
will ask to be excused during class and comes back like an hour later with scorch marks all over his face bleeding from one of his ears covered in dust missing three fingernails rips in his jeans and a fat lip and the teacher is like percy what the actual hell were you doing in the bathroom all this time and he's just like uhhhhhh I have ibs
the brand from camp jupiter did unfortunately (for sally) Unlock something in him lmfao he keeps getting shitty little tattoos. usually stick-n-poke but someone's friends cousin's girlfriend's brother has a gun that gets brought to parties every now and then. most of them are sloppy but you can tell what they are HOWEVER he has one that was supposed to be a seal that came out looking like one of those shitty ms paint crying memes. annabeth laughed at him for ten minutes straight when she saw it.
he wanted to dye his hair blue but he was too chicken to bleach his entire head so he just did the tips. his hair is curly though so it looks absolutely ridiculous but he loves it
percy and annabeth get a crusty little yappy white dog in college and he carries it around like a baby lmao
back to his chaotic instagram, he's got so many pics of him like, relaxing at the bottom of the mariana trench or hugging a giant squid or riding on a whale shark and his mortal friends all think he's just really good at photoshop and this is a very specific bit he decided to commit to. they're always like lol percy where do you even FIND these pictures are you subscribed to like scientific journals for the laughs? but no he just took them all on his shell phone
has an ongoing prank war with annabeth's little brothers bobby and matthew but like it's Unhinged. they're playing 5D chess and she has no idea whats going on
weird tshirts!!! he loves them! like
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shit like this or those 'women want me fish fear me' shirts, anything with a funny or incomprehensible slogan is going in his closet right along with his band tees lmfao
bought estelle a panda pillow pet when she was born 🥺
can NOT bring himself to eat seafood no matter how many times poseidon has told him its fine. he's like NO these are my FRIENDS JONATHAN WAS TELLING ME ABOUT HIS GRANDDAUGHTERS WEDDING LITERALLY YESTERDAY WHY IS HE ON A PLATTER DAD. they had to give up and just start eating normal land food at the palace every time he comes to visit lmfao
gets into horsegirl antics with hazel she NEEDS to know everything the horses have to say. they spend hours gossiping in the stables.
movie nights in the poseidon cabin were 10000% a thing and when he was missing annabeth and thalia and grover (and a few others) would still sleep in there every now and then and talk about how much they miss him :(
percy and beckendorf had the worlds most elaborate handshake
he DOES impulse buy stuff just because they're ocean-themed. stuffed animals, home decor, school supplies, clothes, you name it he bought it if theres like a fish on it
has more scars from crashing off his skateboard than he does from monster attacks
grover is somehow the only person who's ever noticed percy is severely claustrophobic
has a deep passion for adele. I can't explain this one I just feel and know it to be true.
he and annabeth both proposed to each other at the same time and they were SO mad about it they kept yelling over each other's speeches lmao
he can SING but he doesn't know it. sally keeps trying to record him singing to himself but something always happens to the camera and she loses the evidence
called chiron a brony one time and mr d thought it was so funny he was nice to percy for an entire week
the camp keeps trying to convince him to teach sword fighting lessons to the younger kids but he can NOT bring himself to swing a sword at a 9 year old so he keeps getting injured
has the most complicated iced coffee order in the world his go-to local coffee shop finally just put the damn drink on the menu and named it after him
he IS the quiet kid in the back of your math class that always has his hood up to try and hide his headphones and eats increasingly elaborate meals out of his backpack when the teacher isn't looking. one time someone caught him with a rotisserie chicken in the middle of a geometry final.
he argued that he DID have enough to share with the class
currently obsessed with the image of him knocking back a container of sea salt as if it was a shot and his mortal friends being like hey! what the actual fuck! and he's just like uhhhhh anemia kills!
its his birthday<3
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thediaryofaurora · 2 months
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General HCs
Bloody Painter/Helen Otis
This bad boy is LONNGG, I included a lot of his backstory in this. Writers block is beating my ass. 💔
- Twenty one!
- 6’1. When I say this dudes lanky, I mean LANKY. Slim and naturally toned, his main exercise comes from chasing or climbing stairs.
- Both of his parents are Korean, but he was raised in Pennsylvania.
- His parents struggled with getting pregnant, most ending is miscarriages. His mom was completely batshit, so when the pregnancy stuck she swore she had some divine intuition that made her believed he’d be a girl. She didn’t even bother having an ultrasound, so when he was born and she saw that he was a boy she thought him being a girl was some sort of prophecy she needed to fulfill.
- His whole life she had always told him he was meant to be a girl and he would be going against ‘God’s will’ if he didn’t follow through. He was always dressed in feminine clothing and had an extremely girly room. His mother didn’t put him in school until he was about thirteen, since she thought the kids would taint his mind and make him think he’s a boy.
- When he was put in school he got bullied RELENTLESSLY. His name, the way he dressed, everything. After meeting Tom he slowly started to realize that all the shit he grew up with wasn’t normal and his mom was psycho, so he started borrowing his clothes and changing in the school bathrooms so he could feel less weird. Once Tom admitted to planting Judy’s watch in Helen’s bag, they argued on the roof while getting slightly physical. Tom had slipped off the edge, but Helen managed to grab him. Of course, a middle schooler isn’t necessarily strong enough to hold another off a building without going down with them, so Tom let go to save Helen. Rumors spread that Helen had pushed him, but no one cared enough to investigate.
- After that school year was over he started to dress more androgynous/ masculine and ignored his mom’s pressure, which lead to her abusing him both physically and mentally. Eventually, with his ignored mental issues and the abuse he completely snapped, killing his mom and several of his bullies right before a Halloween party. He was sent to a psychiatric hospital that Slender ended up taking him from.
- VERY polite and proper. He’s pretty soft spoken and his grammar is like never flawed, big word user. 1000% the type of guy to kiss your hand as a greeting. The most he’ll do if he doesn’t like you is give you the silent treatment or a dirty look.
- Weird little detail, but his fingers and SLIM and LONG. His nails are neatly kept. He likes to pamper himself.
- He does botany in his free time! Any flower arrangements in the mansion and the gardens outside are his doing. There’s a few residents that he brings bouquets to every other week so they can have something nice. EJ, Sally, and Jane are his usual market. Also does flower pressing.
- Used to do ballet when he was about 4-7.
- Definitely the safest driver, but that makes him a pain as a get away driver. Always goes the exact speed limit and follows every possible law.
- Mainly listens to classical music. However, he does like Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, even a little bit of Queen.
- His room is SO nice and very big. Long sheer curtains, velvet & silk bedding, a grand piano, flowers, tall bookshelves, chairs, a large bed with a canopy, big windows, and lots of sculptures and framed paintings done by him. He’s really into elegant things and floral patterns. Has a mural on his ceiling!
- Hangs out with EJ, Liu, Puppeteer, and Jane. Rarely does he talk to any of the proxies or any creeps he’s not close with. Awfully reserved.
- Loves the fine arts. Painting, writing, music, sculpting, all that jazz. Occasionally does poetry! Him and Liu both like to write, so sometimes they’ll get together and talk about it. He mostly reads old classic books & poetry.
- Jane has taught him how to sew, although he doesn’t find much use for it.
- He has a white persian cat named Juliette in his room no one knows about other than his close friends. She never leaves the room, but she’s content; it has enough room to have lots of things just for her. He has a MASSIVE painting of her renaissance style by her bed. (He got her one of those fancy cat beds that look like a tiny rich person couch.) Pampers her to death.
- I know in his canon design he has that denim kinda jacket on with the pin, but in my HC he wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that. Usually wears jeans and baggy button ups while he’s painting, but his day to day outfits are well put together. Rich person style in clothes — turtle necks, slacks, dress shoes, almost kind of dark academia.
- Super high standards in general, but especially when it comes to food. Fine dining for sure. Usually buys only enough ingredients for a serving just for him so he doesn’t have to leave them in the fridge. He doesn’t trust the other residents at ALL.
- This guy is ROLLING in it. He has so much loose cash from victims he can do whatever the hell he wants, big reason why his cat is living like royalty.
- Drinks at least one glass of wine a day. He has an entire rack in his room of old, fine wines. A lot of them are from Europe.
- For whatever reason, he’s an amazing masseuse.
- All of his candles and soaps are very high quality and expensive. He won’t settle for anything less.
- Can play the piano and the violin! He would kill to have a harpsichord, he might.
- He’s not big on history, but he could talk for hours about the titanic. He’s done paintings of it and has watched every possible documentary on it. Thinks the movie is a work of art.
I hope you all liked this! I love this fine man.
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fayes-fics · 11 months
It Had To Be You: Chapter 8 - I've Changed My Mind, I Take It Back
Masterpost PREV | NEXT
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Modern AU
Summary: The fallout from the best night of your life was never going to be pretty…
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artwork credit @colettebronte
Warnings: none, really... just some swearing and brief references to sex. Bit of angst and some arguing.
Word Count: 4.0k
Authors Note: A multi-chapter modern rom-com retelling of When Harry Met Sally. In this chapter, both reader and Benedict deal - poorly - with the aftermath of their amazing night together. Yup, it's a slice of angst while hopefully still serving some laughs. This is what has to happen before these idiots can finally see the truth in the next chapter. Thanks to @colettebronte for the advice and betaing and @sorryallonsy for cheerleading and feedback. I hope you enjoy <3
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The next morning, you watch silently, covers pulled up under your chin, as Benedict dresses—your stomach in an odd knot. It’s barely dawn, and you are both uncaffeinated, but still, it's the morning after the best sex of your life, and it’s awkward. And you don't know what to say to make it, well, unawkward.
“I have to go, stupid breakfast meeting about a gallery opportunity. But I'd like to see you later if you are free?” his tone is hedging as he sits on the end of the bed and pulls on his shoes.
“Err, sure. Dinner later?” you offer as he stands up and walks around to your side of the bed.
“Dinner sounds great,” he smiles with relief and leans in, placing a lingering kiss on your forehead.
You try not to wince, but a giant ball of something in the pit of your stomach wants to either push him away and make a joke, tell him to “knock it off, mate,” … or, much preferred, grab him by his stupid bloody shirt collar and give him a proper kiss, tongues and all. Haul him right back into your bed and ride him until you are both screaming.
He hovers over you, and your eyes meet, his dilating as if he reads where your thoughts slid, and with a sharp inhale, he pulls back and folds a lip under his teeth as if forbidding himself from taking action, too.
You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and nod your farewell, burrowing deeper under the duvet, not wanting to see him to the door, not wanting a more stilted goodbye than it already is. You both know there is a shit-ton you need to talk about, but neither of you is capable of the intellectual space to unpack it at 6:30 am on a Friday morning.
As you hear your front door snick closed, you take a deep breath and reach for your phone. To contact the only person who might even begin to understand how seismic this is. 
“Holy shit!!” Kate shrieks, startling Anthony from his slumber.
“What?!? What is it?!?” he sits bolt upright, half-asleep but panicked, her tone causing bile to rise in his throat. Whatever it is has to be serious.
“It fucking happened!” she exclaims, clutching her phone to her chest, an almost maniacal grin claiming her beautiful features as she leans back against the headboard and kicks her feet up gleefully.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Anthony urges, anxiety rolling off him in waves.
She thrusts her phone towards him, and he snatches it, alarmed. There is a pause while he reads a text, and then he sighs, slumping his head into his hands.
“Kate,” he exhales, rubbing his eyes, “for fucks sake. I thought the world was bloody ending! Or at least someone had fucking died. Not that my brother had sex.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Kate retorts, taking back custody of her device and staring at him as if he is some alien creature. “Our best friends just fucked. HOW IS THAT NOT WORLD-CHANGING NEWS, VISCOUNT ANTHONY BRIDGERTON?!?”
Anthony slumps back onto his pillow with a huge sigh. “Okay, no need to whole name me. I thought you said it was bound to happen someday?” he stifles a yawn as he asks it.
“Yeah, so?! This is still huge news,” she argues, gesturing wildly, absolutely nonplussed by his total lack of reaction.
Anthony hums noncommittally, closing his eyes. Just then, his phone starts vibrating on his bedside table; the display lit up with a photo of his brother's drunken face.
“Is that him?! Get all the gossip!! I need deeeeeetails!!” Kate swats his bicep affectionately.
Anthony rolls his eyes and clicks the green button.
“No one I know would call at this hour,” he grouses in lieu of hello.
Benedict spends most of the ride in your building’s lift with his head pressed into the cold mirrored surface, eyes screwed shut, wondering if the world could swallow him up so he doesn’t have to think about anything. It takes every fibre of his willpower not to run back, fling your damn door open and bury himself inside you again. But that might make it weirder.
There's only one voice of reason he can think of.
“I know I'm sorry…” he replies abashedly to his brother's less-than-cheery greeting.
“So uhh, it happened, eh?” Anthony cuts to the chase, and Benedict realises you must have already contacted Kate. “How was it?”
“It was good. REALLY good. But then, this morning, it was like we didn't know what to say to each other. I just had to get out of there before I did something stupid like suggest we do it again. SHIT!! I have no idea what to do.” 
“You want to come over for breakfast?” Anthony asks, then raises his eyes to a frantic Kate, making a cutting motion. Anthony can only surmise she has just offered the same to you.
“No, I'm not up to eating. I'm just going to get a coffee and a shower and try not to think about whether I've just fucked up the best friendship I've ever had…” he sighs.
Anthony shakes his head at Kate as she sighs in relief. “Listen, so maybe it didn't work out. It would have been great if it did, but…” Anthony shrugs and mouths, ‘What?’ at Kate, as she smacks his arm and gesticulates wildly.
“Hang up before you make it worse,” she growls as mutely as possible. Anthony knows better than to argue with that face. Last time, he ended up on the sofa for two nights.
“I've uh got to go, but we’ll talk later, okay?” Anthony offers.
“Sure,” Benedict trails off and hangs up.
“God��.” Anthony flops onto the mattress, already disliking the day that has barely begun. “Tell me I will never have to be out there again,” he sighs, turning his head to look at Kate.
A beautiful smirk claims her face, and he is pleasantly surprised when she swings a leg over and straddles him, leaning in.
“Baby,” she breathes seductively into his ear, “you will never have to be out there again,” she adds silkily.
And suddenly, his morning is a thousand times better.
“It was a mistake,” you blurt out, unable to handle the silence any longer.
You have met Benedict for dinner at Pierre Victoire —something about their Beaujolais and Entrecote Steak et Frites just what you need to face this encounter; hence, it was your suggested spot. But you have barely exchanged a word since greeting each other.
A look of surprise briefly clouds his face, and then he agrees, perhaps a little too enthusiastically for your taste.
“I’m so glad you think so. I couldn’t agree more,” he gusts, a hand clamping over his heart in seeming relief at the break in tension. “I’m not saying it wasn’t great….,” he adds.
“It was,” you cut in, somehow needing him to know that more than anything.
He nods and continues, “It really was…we just should never have done it.”
“Agreed,” you chime in, mirroring his big exhale like a burden has been lifted.
“I’m so relieved,” he sighs as the waiter puts down your steaks.
And somehow, you are back to silence, unsure what else to say to each other. In fact, it stays like that for what feels like an age.
“It’s so nice to be able to sit with someone and not have to talk,” he opines at some point halfway through dinner.
All you can do is nod and take a huge gulp of wine.
Difficult, difficult, lemon, difficult.
“Okay, so most of the time when you sleep with someone new, you’re just getting to know each other; you have stories to tell,” you puff, feeling like you are dying.
Kate has dragged you to SoulCycle for a ‘fuckfest postmortem’ first thing the next day. It’s Saturday morning, and frankly, right now, you are wishing she was more of a Bellini-brunch-at-a-gastropub kind of person. She used to be; it's her drive to be ultra fit for her wedding that is at fault - it somehow now being a danger to your health.
“Sure…” she nods, looking enviably unsweaty and beautiful in her tiny lycra outfit. 
“But with him, we know all of each other's stories already. So once we had sex, it was like we just didn’t know what else to say to each other,” you struggle out.
“Hmmm,” Kate hums distractedly, checking her Apple Watch.
“Maybe you get to a certain point in a relationship where it’s just too late to have sex, y’know?” you shrug, certain a coronary is about to happen. To the point, you are almost grateful when your shoe slips off the pedal and you fall to the floor in an undignified puddle.
Yup, that seems about right.
“Is she bringing anyone to the wedding?” Benedict asks, pulling on the brocade waistcoat handed to him by the kindly old gent.
“Really, you want to do this? Here? Now?” Anthony shoots back exasperated, gesturing pointedly to his full white-tie outfit.
It's three weeks after the ‘incident’, as they have taken to calling it, and the boys are getting suited up for the wedding at the same outfitters on Savile Row that the Bridgertons have been going to for generations. One of those old-fashioned wood-panelled places that doesn't even have a real sign outside. 
“I was just asking…” he replies, defensive.
Anthony sighs. “She is seeing some software developer,” he admits, fiddling with some cufflinks. “I don't think it's that serious; Kate says he's not coming to the wedding.”
“What’s he like?” Benedict inquires, and Anthony wants to laugh at how badly he is masking his obvious jealousy with faux indifference.
“Rich, handsome, intelligent, athletic—your basic nightmare,” Anthony shrugs.
The sour face Benedict pulls tells him everything Anthony could ever want to know about just how bad his little brother has it.
BB: Miss you, Bluey.
It’s never a good idea to text at 1:30 a.m. Especially not someone you’ve been too embarrassed to contact for a month. And especially when you are pretty drunk and hiding in the toilets of a nightclub, avoiding your inebriated younger brother, Colin, on his birthday. Except here Benedict is, doing precisely that, chewing on his nail, awaiting a response.
Y/N: Bluey….?
Ah, shit.
In his drunken state, he temporarily forgot that’s a private nickname he’s given you. His lovely, little blue lobster. He doubts you even remember that FaceTime call all those months ago. He is trying to find a witty excuse when another message pops up.
Y/N: Miss you too, Nudey-face.
He barks a laugh, still entertained that you find his lack of a beard amusing, even though it's been nine months since he shaved it off.
Y/N: Don’t like that? I've got others…
BB: Oh, this ought to be good.
Y/N: Apple-guzzler
Y/N: Dance-ninja
Y/N: Half-assed-peeping-tom
He is giggling, something in his being so fizzy and light that you have slipped right back into your old ways of texting as if nothing happened. 
Y/N: Duvet-hog
That last one makes his heart leap, and his chest constricts, memories of your magical night together flooding back. Something wistful tugging in his gut; the idea that you could have more nights of fantastic sex as well as this fun, playful dynamic he has missed so much. But then he recalls with a bitter taste that you have apparently moved on. Emboldened, he decides to tackle that elephant in the room, whiskey doing the typing as much as he is.
BB: I hear you might have a +1 for the wedding…?
The three dots appear twice over, but then nothing. After eight minutes - he counts - he sighs and slips his phone back into his pocket.
Ah, fuck.
You chew your lip. Guilt burning behind your ribs, even as you know it’s ridiculous to feel as such. Part of you feels a hollow victory that he was the one to reach out first, but you know it’s pure liquid courage. Kate texted an hour ago that she had dipped out of Colin’s party, leaving all the brothers worse for wear. 
Twice you try to craft a response to his last message, simple then jokey, but both feel wrong. You decide it’s better to not respond. At least not at almost two in the morning with that possible plus one lying asleep next to you. It’s not even something you have broached with him, going to the wedding, and now you’re sure you don’t want him there. He’s nice, but you know it’s a rebound thing—an ego boost, a mildly pleasant distraction at most.
“Wear the fucking penises, you coward!” Kate slurs bossily, handing you the cheap plastic deeley boppers with glittery gold cocks.
You sigh. “Fine. But don’t blame me if they don’t let us into this place,” you grumble, tugging your coat tighter around your body and bouncing on your strappy-heeled sandals, trying to fight off the seasonal chill.
This is Kate's hen party weekend in Bath, and it’s not going as you’d planned. After the pampering spa day and fancy meal you had arranged as maid of honour, the evening has descended into debauchery. Her sister Edie had booked a male stripper who was almost traumatised by just how feral Kate turned after the vodka luge (also an Edie addition). Now you are all queued up outside some cheesy nightclub that wasn’t on the cards, but Kate insisted.
“How’s your fancy man?” Eloise asks, bumping you with her shoulder and winking. 
“Meh,” you shrug noncommittally, unwilling to confess that you dumped him the morning after Benedict texted.  “How’s the Bridgerton clan?”
Eloise pulls a face. “Colin and Pen are fucking too loudly. Hy had a new hobby, taxidermy. Yeah exactly. Greg is now into karate. Oh, and a friend is trying to put the moves on Ben. You know, the usual family ridiculousness…”
“Yeah?” You try to hide your acerbic reaction; part of you is desperate to know more, but another part never wants to hear anything about any woman he may be with.
“Yeah, she’s a baker.” Eloise continues, kicking a stone into the gutter. “She makes 3,000 trifles a week…”
“We’re in!!” Kate yells triumphantly as the bouncer unhooks the velvet rope in front of you.
“But Ben doesn’t even like custard….” you mutter, frowning, as unseen by you, all the girls exchange knowing looks before piling into the club.
“Eloise’s friend still hitting on you?” Colin leans in, smirking.
Anthony’s stag do is a paintballing weekend. Colin had lobbied hard for a sleazy weekend in Vilnius, but Anthony had baulked, far too scared of Kate’s reaction to that idea. So here they all are, being rained on and sitting in a muddy ditch somewhere in Berkshire. 
“I don't know the polite way to say fuck off,” Benedict professes, screwing one eye shut to stare down the barrel of the rifle. 
“Why not have some casual fun?” Colin shrugs, reloading his paintball gun.
“Because when I asked her what she was doing when Boris resigned, she said, ‘Oh, I don't know, was he your assistant or something?’” he deadpans, with a terrible impression, unable to hide his disgust at her ignorance.
“No!” Colin guffaws, disbelieving.
“Exactly…” Benedict retorts, but it morphs into a pained yelp as a paintball smacks heavily into his chest.
“You’re dead motherfucker!!!!” Anthony yells, materialising from nowhere, a Rambo-style headband and vest in place, camouflage streaked across his face, seemingly having the time of his life. He ducks and sprints away before anyone can retaliate.
“Aren't we on the same team?” Colin scowls wearily, watching his retreating figure darting between the trees.
“Yeah….” Benedict sighs, staring at the bright pink splotch and already feeling a bruise blooming on his sternum. 
Just bloody great…
The wedding day. Kate looks beautiful. Aubrey Hall looks beautiful. The weather is beautiful—a crisp autumnal day with the trees at peak colour all over the grounds, golds and fiery reds glowing in the sunshine. It’s all too much, frankly. 
Then, to top it all off, Benedict walks in wearing his custom-fitted best man’s outfit, and you almost trip over your damn feet, even standing entirely still. You haven’t seen him in person since that awkward dinner, and you quickly duck behind a pillar before he can spot you as he takes his place in the processional. It’s only when you reach the doorway that you realise he’ll be standing right next to Ant as you walk up the aisle alone. 
I need wine… lots of wine…
His eyes bore into you as you take the slow, silly shuffle that you are required to. A weight on your being that seems to slice through right you, and the claret red silk you wear. You feel you deserve a medal when you make it without stumbling on your heels. You shake your shoulders fractionally as you take your place facing him, a frisson in your spine that feels dangerous.
‘You look beautiful,’ he seems to mouth as the bridal procession pipes up while everyone else’s attention cuts to the doorway. And fuck do you wish he were either a thousand miles away or less than an inch from you, his breath ghosting warm over your skin….
The reception is in full swing, the band playing and people dancing when a familiar scent that makes your heart leap fills your nostrils. 
“Hi…” it's soft, almost hesitant, as he pulls up beside you.
“Hello…” you try to modulate to casual, but it probably comes off as mildly haughty.
“Beautiful ceremony,” he offers, both of your eyes tracking Kate and Anthony as they dance, blissfully absorbed in each other, radiating joy.
“It was,” you concur politely.
A waiter materialises with a tray of canapes, and you take one, but you don't eat it; just spin the skewer in your hand. Something to fiddle with to deal with the discomfort.
God, I miss the way we used to be…
“How have you been?” you ask a little stiffly.
“Fine,” he offers, and you can tell from a mere sideways glance that he’s lying.
“Why can’t we get past this? This awkwardness. Are we going to carry this around forever??” you blurt out. It's exasperation, not words you have thought carefully about, just a knee-jerk response to your own frustration about how weird things are compared to how they used to be. 
“Forever?! It just happened!” he exclaims, his hands gesturing in frustration. 
Seeing that you are drawing the attention of people nearby, you spin around and walk out of the room. If this is all going to come out now, which apparently your brain has decided it will, you prefer it not to be witnessed by friends and family. Or be a talking point at your best friend's wedding.
“It happened five weeks ago!” you argue over your shoulder as you stalk down a narrow hallway beyond where the guests are mingling. You know that is not a long time in the grand scheme of things, but feeling the need to argue your corner.
“Yeah, well, you must live in dog years cos it sure as fuck didn't take you very long to find someone else. Obviously, it meant nothing to you,” he spits out, a world of hurt behind the spite in his tone.
You stop dead and spin around, an ache in your chest that is pure indignance mixed with self-hatred for how right he is. He can always hit the bullseye every bloody time when it comes to knowing you better than you know yourself. That fling was a classic rebound, an outlet for your frustrations. Moreover, a distraction from letting yourself spiral about how petrified you are that things will never be the same between you and Benedict and how you feel utterly powerless to fix it, even if you can never bring yourself to regret it. It was too spectacular for that. 
“Meant nothing to me?!” you hiss, having to temper your urge to scream. “Really?! You are the one who left! That very next morning, you couldn't wait to get out of there. Who the fuck has a breakfast meeting about art? You are such a liar and a coward!”’ you raise your voice, all your emotions about it finally bubbling over. 
“I didn't walk out!” he argues, frowning.
“No, sprinted is more like it!” you bite back bitterly, then turn your heel again, furiously tossing your untouched canape into the first rubbish bin you see. 
You flounce down a stone staircase at the back of Aubrey Hall, his footsteps loud behind you, ending up in the kitchens, bustling with catering people. 
“We both agreed it was a mistake!” he points out angrily.
“Worst mistake I ever made!” you hurl at him, uncaring of the catering staff around you, watching you both as if a soap opera, eyes pinging back and forth like it's a damn tennis match.
“What do you want from me?” he asks, holding his hands up.
“I don't want anything from you!” you lie, wanting to throw yourself at him. He looks so good in his crisp, tailed suit that it takes every effort not to.
“Let's clear something up,” he starts, jabbing his finger pointedly at the ground to his side. “I did not come over that night to make love to you. That is not why I came over. I came over to look after a friend, you asked me to. But you came onto me, and it took every ounce of my being to say no. You were drunk and emotional; I couldn't take advantage like that. But then, when you sobered up, you looked at me with those big, soft eyes and kissed me. And for fucks sake. What was I supposed to do?! I am only human…” you are transfixed by the vein pulsing in his neck and hate yourself for just how aroused you are by it, by this, by this argument, this fire between you.
“What are you saying?!? That I was a pity fuck?!” 
You know full well that is not what he's saying at all, but you just can’t help but poke the proverbial beast. Wanting to goad him into something. Ideally, kissing you senseless.
“There you are!!!” 
You both turn around to see Anthony in the doorway, well, more accurately, leaning heavily on the doorframe, apparently quite tipsy. You have no idea how much he may have overheard. “I've been looking all over for you shits. Kate is mad you disappeared. Sent me off to find you. Ooh, I did it. I’ll get an excellent husband gold star, won't I?” he perks with a triumphant arm raise, and you realise he's probably had a lot of champagne and no food.
Both you and Benedict exchange looks, knowing your window of opportunity to hash this out just slammed shut. 
Benedict wraps an arm around his sibling’s shoulder. “Come on then, brother. Can't keep the bride waiting. Let's go,” he accommodates, steering them towards the steps with a glance back at you that is weighted. 
You trail behind as they walk back to the reception, lingering so you are not drawn into any conversation. By the time you enter the room, Anthony is back at Kate’s side as she is making a toast to the crowd. Benedict is still hovering near the door off to the side, almost as if waiting for you.
“Everybody, I'd like to make a toast to our maid of honour and best man. To y/n and Benedict,” she raises her glass towards you, and everyone turns to see you both standing awkwardly about six feet apart. “If Anthony or I found either one of them remotely attractive, we would not be here today. So thank you!” 
The crowd laughs along good-naturedly, and all raise their glasses to you. Kate tilts her head sideways with that beautiful but shit-eating grin she uses when stirring up trouble before taking a swig, staring at you challengingly. Almost as if she can read exactly what has just transpired, or maybe Anthony told her something of what he saw. Either way, You can feel Benedict's eyes on you as you attempt bemusement at her toast and nod with a brittle smile.
Just fucking great…
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @amygdtjhddzvb @sya-skies
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girlboypersonthingy · 6 months
request for sal fisher x reader!! so idea one, coffee shop au, sal works at reader's fave coffee shop and they fall in lovee. or second ideaa reader is popular cheerleader who developes a crush on sal.
YEESSSSSSS FINALLYYYYYYY MY FIRST SALLY FACE REQUEST! I’m stoked rn 😆 I’m so in love with Sal, it’s not normal ✨ I’m obsessed with the barista x regular, daily customer trope, fuck yeah! Too cute! Enjoy~
TW: none really, just very fluffy and silly
Notes: Posted recently about how I wanted to write more fics where reader has a stutter bc I have a stutter so reader stutters in this fic 🥹 ah my heart is so full. Also, trying to write out how I stutter is very difficult…
UPDATE: part 2 is in the works!
Sal x reader- Coffee Shop AU ☕️💙
Coffee is a must. Coffee is a necessity. You just can’t function without it. So, of course that’s your first stop of the day every morning before you get started with your day. It’s worth getting up 30 minutes earlier just to sit and enjoy some caffeine and maybe a little snack while listening to music, checking emails, staring out the window, same old same old. It was a very repetitive start to your day…and you’re not sure if you like that or not. It is kind of nice to have a set routine every day and know what to expect each morning but…it’s quickly growing old. Maybe you should change up your drink order? Maybe sit in a different spot? Maybe both? We’ll see.
As you open the double doors of the coffee shop and step inside, warm air rushes up to you as does the smell of coffee, sweet syrups and savory pastries. Normally, you walk straight up to the counter, knowing exactly what you want. Depending on who takes your order, they even sometimes know your usual drink and know you by name. But today, you’re gonna change it up, remember? So let’s take a look at the drink menu, let’s look at the other food options too.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Morning! Just give me sec. I’ll be right with you.” A familiar voice calls out to you, a worker who you interact with often. He was nice, patient and polite. “Okay!” You stood up at the register now, patiently waiting as you tried to recite your new order in your head, making sure you get it all out correctly. Your phone buzzes, catching your attention for a split second. You glance down to check your notifications just as you hear that same familiar voice call out, “Sal! Sorry, dude. I’m trying to fix this faucet. Can you get that customer-“ And before the barista could continue, a deeper voice interrupted. “Yeah, I gotchu. No worries.”
As soon as this new barista was face to face with you, all thoughts of coffee went out the window. Wow. Geez. This is a lot to take in at once. His voice is…so nice. He’s got really cool hair. Is he…wearing a mask? Your eyes fell to his hands, his big hands with nails painted a deep blue color. Then you looked back to his face. His mask? His…face???
“Uh…you ready to order?” He speaks up, making you nearly gasp. “Y-yes, I’m sorry. Uh…can I get the w-….“ Just breathe. “Sorry, the w-w-“ The long pauses between your stuttering make him reach up and touch his cheek before softly mumbling, “It’s okay. It’s a prosthetic…if that’s what’s tripping you up.” He gestures to his face and now you’re blushing furiously, mostly because you’re embarrassed and a bit ashamed for staring but also holy shit, his voice is so nice.
“No, no! I’m sorry, I’m-m-“ And your confidence is slipping away every second you stand here, pathetically crumbling apart in front of this amazingly overwhelming stranger.
“Are you n-new?” You’re almost shouting now, unable to control your nerves. He nods, his blue hair shifting along with his movements. “I thought so. I mean, you’re doing great! I’ve just never seen you…before.” You notice his eyes squint, making you smile a bit. “Yeah, just started a couple days ago. I worked at a few different coffee shops before this so I kinda know the ropes. But, yeah this place is cool.” You nod along, nervously tapping your fingers on the counter. “Do you…usually work mornings?” You inquire, knowing that’s when you usually visit the shop. “Uh-huh” He nods again, leaning against the counter that separates you two. “Cool. Cool. Cool. Awesome. Then I’ll be seeing you often. I come in the m-m…early.” The way you cope with being stuck on a word, just using a synonym that is easier to say, earns a soft laugh from him, making your knees buckle under you because what a fucking cutie he is. Face or no face, doesn’t matter because everything else about him is so charming.
“So, uh…your order?” He pushes off the counter and looks at the computer screen in front of him, waiting for your response. You end up ordering your usual, excluding the food. You’re just too shaken up, too nervous, too excited to focus. Whatever. “And your name?” He finally looks back to you, and now you’re noticing his eyes. He’s got one bright blue eye and one that’s a more grayed out blue color.
“(Y/N).” You finally utter your name, watching as he writes it on your cup. “Cool. I’ll have it right up over there for you.” He points at the other end of the counter before walking off with your cup. Now, normally you’d go sit at the table in the corner near the big window but today, you just had to sit closer to where all the action took place. You were so intrigued by him, what a strange boy, not like anyone you’ve ever met before. You didn’t even know his name. Damn, you should’ve got his name…
“(Y/N)!” The same boy clouding up your mind calls out your name as he sets a cup down on the counter, staying in his spot as you shakily approach him. As you grab your cup, your eyes frantically search his shirt and apron for a name tag but there wasn’t one. “Have a good one.” As he turns, you panic and just blurt it out. “Whats your name?” And now your voice has him spinning on his heels, his hands quickly get shoved into his apron pockets. “Sal. Some people call me Sally.” And all you can do is stare again.
Sal. That’s nice~
“Thanks, Sal. I’ll see you tomorrow then, maybe?” “Yeah, same time, same place.” They eye contact lingers for just a moment and now it feels nearly impossible not to squeeze the cup in your hand and crush it completely, he’s just really getting to you right now. “Okay, cool. Have a good one.” As your voice begins to crack and betray you even further, you turn and book it out of there.
What a nice change in pace, though. Finally, something new, something different, something to look forward to. Someone to look forward to.
The next morning, you can’t wait to see him again. You want to know more about him, you need to hear his voice some more and, you must confess, you’re just dying to know more about his prosthetic and what’s underneath. Not that you’d ever rush him or pressure him into telling or showing you. But maybe you could casually mention it, test the waters…
“Morning, Sal!” You shout as you enter, heading right up to your new favorite morning person who’s already standing at the register waiting for you. “Good morning. The usual? Or are you switching it up today?” You could tell he was smiling under the prosthetic just by the way he spoke. “The usual, please.” He gets to work writing on the cup then suddenly turns away with it. “H-hey, wait! You didn’t charge me-“ “Yeah, I know. Don’t worry, it’s on me today.”
You’re a bit taken aback. “What? Why?” You ask with a small smile, watching as he shrugs. “You’re just really nice to me. I appreciate it.” And he’s off to work on your drink before the conversation can continue. You’re gonna have to literally cover your face with your hands to hide your sappy, goofy, love struck expression from him.
You sit at a table close to the bar where Sal is currently grinding up fresh espresso. Everything about him is so nice to look at- the way his arms move and flex as he works, the way he carefully tips his head to the side and wipes it against his sleeve to remove any sweat, the way he focuses as he pours your drink right to the top of the cup.
Soon after, he leans across the counter to set your drink down, his eyes watching as you saunter up quickly. “Thanks, Sal.” Is all you have the courage to say right now but Sal is starting to feel the connection too. He wants to know more about you too, wants to know why you seem so shy and flustered around him, why you’re so nice and polite to him when so many other customers treat him like a freak.
“Can I…sit with you for a bit? I’m about to go on a break.” Sal’s smiling so big under his mask at the stunned expression you’re wearing right now. “Of course! Sure!” Sal follows behind you as you walk to your usual table in the corner, slowly removing his apron. You both sit quietly for a moment.
“So, are m-most the customer not very nice to you? I mean, you said I’m nice to you but I figured I was just being as decent as most people.” Your voice has him stiffening up in his seat. “Yeah, I guess most people don’t take too kindly to blue haired, masked guys who are in charge of making their food and drinks.” “I thought it was a prosthetic?” “It is.” “Right.”
A short period of silence again. “So…what happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” He figured that question was coming soon but he didn’t think it would be this soon. Sal strangely feels comfortable with you though, like he’s known you for much longer than a day so he decides to take a chance on you, see how you respond.
“I was attacked by a dog. Well, that’s the easy version of the story.” With a nod and a consoling smile, you think it’s best to leave it at that and change the topic but Sal just keeps going. “I was uh…I actually…” But the words won’t come out, he can’t bring himself to say it. How does one casually mention they were shot in the face?
“Hey, I’m sorry I asked. Let’s just forget it.” A reassuring smile graces your lips as you watch him look down at his own lap. “I think more people have actually seen my face than heard the story of what happened to it.” “That’s okay. I won’t ask again, promise. And…I’m sorry about whatever you had to go through.”
Your sweet words of reassurance and comfort send his heart into an abnormal rhythm as his mouth suddenly goes dry. Why are you so fucking nice? He can’t handle how sweet and kind and nice and considerate and adorable you are. He’s like 99% sure you’re just really really nice but not into him romantically, and he’s 110% sure you’re waayyyy out of his league. He might as well give up now.
Most mornings, you saw Sal at work, sometimes you didn’t. The more you two interact, the more relaxed you find yourself becoming around him. But even then, you can’t help but feel like maybe you are just romanticizing these interactions. Sure, he’s nice but he’s at work, he kinda has to be. Yeah, he talks to you for a bit at the register but that’s kinda part of the job. Maybe you’re in over your head.
Regardless, you enter the store once again, smiling uncontrollably when you catch a glimpse of his blue hair as he rushes behind the counter. As the bell of the front door chimes, Sal’s head pops up as he looks over. “Morning, (Y/N). How are you?” He continues emptying the trash can in front of him as he looks back and forth between you and the task at hand. “I’m good. How are you, Sally?” A deep sigh leaves him as he lifts the crammed trash bag out of the bin. “Busy. Short staffed. Ready to go home.” All you can offer him is a pouty bottom lip and a hum of sympathy as you near the register. “Aww. I’m sorry. I’ll make it easy for you, okay? I’ll take my usual, here’s the cash for whenever you’re ready and keep the change. Take your time, too! I’m in no rush.” You slide your money across the counter towards him.
And at that, you go to your usual spot in the corner near the window, staring outside as you daydream. Not too long later, you’re startled by Sal setting your drink on the table in front of you. “Oh! Thank you. That was nice, you didn’t have to bring it all the way over here.” You look up at him and notice a change in his body language- he can be hard to read due to his deadpan prosthetic so you’ve learned to examine his body language and tone of voice as indicators of his mood. He’s not looking at you, instead looking out the window past you, he looks like he’s more closed in on himself, more unsure of himself. Weird…
“You okay, Sal-“ “I’m going on break! See ya later.” He zips off to the break room before you can get another word in. Geez, maybe he’s just having a really bad day. Maybe he just wants to be left alone. So, you decide to cut your stay short and get going. As you stand and reach out for your cup, you notice he had brought you a napkin too. Being the good person you are, you reach to grab it and take it to the trash but then you notice…Oh god…oh. my. god. No way. He wrote his NUMBER ON THE NAPKIN AND HOLY SHIT YOU MIGHT COLLAPSE DIE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.
You can’t help but glance up and towards the break room where Sal had just run off to, seeing him and his other coworker both peeking around the corner to see your reaction. With cheeks as red as pomegranate and a smile so big it hurts, you exaggeratedly stuff the napkin in your pocket before giving him a wave. “See you tomorrow, Sally~”
Don’t worry, as you walk out of the shop and start giggling wildly with your heart beating a million miles an hour, Sal is sliding down the wall in the break room as he clenches his shirt in his hand, literal heart eyes for you right now.
You haven’t even seen his face but you accepted his number? Shiiitttt…he’s got it baddddd for you.
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xiiaomii · 7 months
BEN Drowned
Headcanons !!
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Disclaimer before someone comes for me.. this is all my au!!! No, I am not using ‘my au’ as an excuse to be weird btw !! Majority of this won’t be canon in any sense and most of my account is nothing like the canon character.. so please don’t use my blog as a way to get canon information!! Just thought I’d put it out there before someone shits on my posts because it’s bound to happen soon 😞
Ben is the biggest blue razz flavour lover, aside from Laughing Jack, anything in that flavour he will absolutely devour it. (Totally canon, I’m Ben’s left big toe)
He will sometimes forget to eat, drink, change clothes and shower to play video games because of how infatuated he is with the game he is playing.
Flirts with all his friends in a joking way, everyone is his ‘pookie’ or something along the lines of that. Until he actually develops a crush on a specific person then he forgets his ‘flirting skills’ (that were never really skills, he just took some cringe pet names he overheard and started calling his friends them ironically).
Jokes about his trauma, you will rarely catch that mf talking about his past experiences in a serious, non-joking way. Doesn’t matter how bad his PTSD could be, he will never get caught being serious. (Probably a massive cry for help, just doesn’t know how to ask for it.)
Probably started vaping thinking it would make people in school like him, which it didn’t, then ended up doing weed to feel ‘happy’ with how everything was.
Sally is his little sister. Not biologically, he just kind of claimed her as a sister and she agreed since Ben is the only male in the house she can trust (since they’re similar in age range, Sally being 12 and Ben being 14 in my au).
RAGING aquaphobia, panic attacks and all sorts being near a certain amount of water he could be drowned in, not that anyone would do that to him again. Ben and Jeff was hanging out in the forest together once and Ben accidentally fell into a lake and started fully sobbing, first time he was caught crying by another creepypasta.
He was definitely one of them people with braces since the age of like 12 for having fucked up teeth, absolutely hating them and getting called train tracks at school atleast once a day.
Because he prefers to have longer hair, he probably forgot to cut his hair loads of times until he started to notice it turning into a bob hairstyle and cut it.
Grunge style, definitely called emo shit ton of times when he was alive and in school.
Somehow always smells of Lynx Africa.. (that one deodorant literally EVERY mf teenage boy has.)
Thanks for reading!! I really enjoy making head canons for creepypastas and seeing people genuinely enjoy my posts makes me so happy omg 😭🫶!! <3 Honestly, I’m 99% sure most of this fandom is built off headcanons anyways BUT I’m so glad I’m not getting shitted on for having some interests 🫶🫶. Saying that, I know not much of this is canon in the slightest but I’m planning on writing a story for my AU where it’ll make more sense soon!! <3 Also, might make a pt.2 for my Sally Williams head canons!!!!!!!!!
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honklord420 · 1 month
Hello Hello !!! I figured that maybe I should do a little introduction post since there's actually a chance I may post stuff on here lol
My name is Olliver and I'm a 15yo trans man who is bisexual with a preference for masc leaning folks. Recently I've also lwk been questioning if I'm a therian or at the very least otherhearted however it rlly hasn't been that long since I've rlly started to look into it so I don't know anything for sure yet !!!
My interests tend to bounce around a lot however here are a few specific ones: Shameless, Bojack horseman, Creepypasta, Sally face, red dead redemption 2, Homestuck, Salad fingers, stardew valley, and any and all things that include CLOWNS !!!! I've also been in and out of the furry fandom for at least a few yrs by now and I'm super super into music !!! (Some of my top music artists include: Harley Poe, get scared, say anything, brokencyde, insane clown posse, Ozzy Osbourne, pierce the veil, my chemical romance, weird al yankovic, colter wall, and Dolly Parton :DDD)
I have undiagnosed autism and more than likely have ADHD as well but haven't rlly looked into it enough to be completely sure (I also have depression and an anxiety disorder but we don't talk about that lmao)
Fun facts about me: I have six siblings (four of which I have never met), I can wiggle my ears, I used to be in chorus for like half a year in fourth grade but I've never been that good at it, my favorite color varies a lot however my two main ones r pink and green (tho I absolutely despise the two colors together), and lastly my special interest for the past 10yrs has been horses !!!
I consider myself to be an anarcho-communist and I FIRMLY believe in acab along with blm, trans lives matter, free Palestine, etc etc
DNI: republicans, homophobes, transphobes, racists, anyone anti acab, anti blm, anti Palestine, anti therian, anti furry, anti agere, anti petre, dsmp fans, hazbin hotel fans, helluva boss fans, anyone who actively supports/gives money to problematic creators (I'm completely fine with watching/listening to stuff indirectly but if ur actively supporting the creator themself then plz leave!!), and anyone overly religious (I have nothing against religion itself however smth about ppl who make it their life's purpose just rlly bother me) I'm sure there r probably more things that I would put on this list however I can't think of anymore rn so this may change on the future :PPP
I've never made a post anything like this before and I've never rlly posted anything at all until recently so I hope everything is organized enough and isn't complete shit 😭😭😭
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11queensupreme11 · 22 days
Hey queen. I wanna ask you something.
How dark will this story go.
Will this go similar to like Tsunami and BloodFlood.
Yes I know Percy will unfortunately go through a lot later on in the story. But right now Percy is still unaware I guess you could say.
I wonder how she will change as a person. Like for now she is sunshine and rainbows.But what she will be in the future. A person filled with hatred and despair.
Cause Jack warned her about getting involved with gods. That it will only lead her to ruin. She even knows before all of this in her own universe about mortals getting involved with gods and them getting a fate worse than death most of the time.
Percy is VERY VERY vulnerable and it doesn’t help that she is dumb. She very lucky nothing REALLY BAD has happened yet. But her luck will go out one day and I doubt it will be pleasant.
I remember you put in a post once that Percy will go through many things that happens to Mizuhime and even more so.
What I wanna know how all of this will affect her and the bonds she has and will have for others.
I want to know how this will affect her relationship with Anthonius.
Cause I know without a question of a doubt she will fear the concept of love. After all the Yanderes hurt others, kill others, and hurt her all in the name of love.
Percy will not come out of this the same person as she went in. I won’t lie she is strong but there is so much a person can take.
I know im talking quite realistically that something doesn’t happen in story but still.
I hope you can answer my question.
so in terms of darkness it's essie series < tsunami/bloodflood <<< arsenic blues; so it'll be very dark ESPECIALLY once we get to act 3 where the yanderes' actions become irredeemable as i warned before
there's going to be a lot of rape, a lot of brainwashing, and a lot of psychological mindfuckery basically
it's gonna be a lot worse than what mizuhime's going through because mizuhime can at least fight back, but percy going up against gods??? gods who are crueler than the pjo gods???? she does not stand a chance; she has no physical, emotional, or psychological protection up against all-powerful beings who are amoral and don't care if they gotta hurt her to make her theirs
when she gets yoinked back to the pjo verse in act 4, she gets the mercy of having her mind wiped at least, so she gets some time to make genuine bonds with good people like frank and hazel (and there's also the vague traces of anthonius that she'll cling on that helps her keep going), so she at least gets that
she won't really be afraid of love per se, but more so afraid of the yanderes. she'll see other people like anthonius, grover, sally, other demigods that she travels with as figures of safety, so she won't be afraid of loving them and them loving her, just of the yanderes because she KNOWS that her friends/family would never hurt her.
she has the tendency to suppress her trauma (as you've already seen before) so her trauma with the yanderes is something she'll definitely try to suppress when she's out doing the quest and bonding with the others....... but when the yanderes actually make themselves known is when shit hits the fan for her because the pjo verse, the place she once thought she'd be safe from them, is now no longer as safe as she once thought...
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ganeshkfp · 11 days
To the anon that sent me an ask about asking my thoughts about the tv show, Im so sorry but something happened and I think it got deleted 😭 But dw I would still answer it here-
So this would be a critism post and I want to make it clear that everyone is free to reblog and comment their thoughts freely, while being kind. Critism is valid and its not rude, but any bad comments or hateful remarks to any actor, especially child actors, would be deleted. I dont like blocking so dont make me please!
Okay to start, I would be so honest and say I did not find the show successful and I did not like it. I would explain all the reasons, but did it make me feel nostalgia a bit? Yes it did. Did it make me cry at the end? Yes :) I would add pros at the end. But first:
Cgi was really bad, I mean that claiming scene would be a laughing stock in a few years. Chimera? Nope- Medusa's hair also looked better in that movie in 2010. Also they avoided showing Grover's legs so much, also didn't even show us riptide's change...They got 15M per episode and if these are the results, then it is a problem. Background of Percy and Ares's fight- so so greenscreen. I wish Disney can take things seriously.
Lighting was so dark, especially for the lighting thief. Which was such a humor filled book and it was way too colorful. Why make it all so dark and lifeless?
Also humor? Way too low for pjo. "But we are not reading Percy's mind!" Yet, there were so many jokes in the books that could have been add, but they didn't. Yes there are some good jokes (pinecone fate) but to the standart, I expected to laugh way more. Its pjo!
Changes? Well to be honest I am a person who keeps book and show separate, I dont think they are the same at all. So I dont complain about the changes at much. But most of the changes were pointless to me and so many things left unsaid. I wish they didn't make Gabe way too soft. Children's show, yes. But then again, what would you do for later seasons if they cant even show Crusty's dead. Sally's real reason to marry Gabe never get explained, why? 4 pearls, why? Missing deadline? Totally pointless. Not mentioning Riptide's name? Chiron might have say it. Love tunnel? Now its a long one. Rick explained they couldn't do spiders and its hilarious, you gotta do sea monsters man- And instead of a chance to see an actual comedy: live on Olympus and Annabeth losing her shit. We get to see such a early scene of Percabeth drama. Why changing one of the funniest scene in the books to drama? You needed more edits for view or smt? Hephaestus falling over to the speech of friendship was nothing but cringe to me. Moving on, Thalia's acting to Annabeth. Why she is not nice to her and Annabeth had to earn her love. The point was Thalia to remember Jason and taking Annabeth under her wings immediatly bcs of it. Medusa's scene- Instead of us laughing to trio's silly behaviours and falling to her trap like little kids would, we get to hear a monster-hero talk. Yay another speech! Ovid's side of the story also bothered me. Greek mythology, why adding Ovid? Just us to sympatize with Medusa. Lotus Casino scene- We could have watch them have fun and going crazy but noo- they had do add more drama with Hermes. Did not see the point of his appearing either. Why is he there? I wanted to see them being children...And wanted to see the magic of the place!
Now if I move to characters, Percy's I know it all side is just annoying and adds no suspense to the viewers. What's the point if he knows everything already? "But his mom taught him!" But guys, remember, the whole point of pjo was: us to learn with Percy! We were learning the Greek myths with Percy, who is new to the world. They go somewhere and Percy immediatly: "You are Crusty, my mom told stories about you!" 😑 What a relief then! You tell us. Percy's sudden bravery at the end? Dude, he has 5 books for that.
Annabeth turning to a stoic child soldier? Suddenly goody-two shoes? Where are her emotions? Her fears? Her flaws? Her fricking love of architecture? She doesnt need to know everything to be smart girl. She had ADHD, she is 12! Ofc she was supposed to fall in traps. We should have watch her blushing as Luke talks, getting all wet by Percy in the toilet, she was supposed to our little girl. She is not just a badass queen yet, please. Give her personality back. Why she only smiled once at the end of the series? And not having a childhood, not even watched a movie? You guys cant be serious- She grew up in chb! She picked up strawberries, she played games and she watched movies when she was little, remember? She was not in legion... She is one of the most emotional characters, should we remind this to Rick and writers? She cries, she has feeling! Dam she was crying when they left Cerberus! She was a trouble-maker, she stole clothes, remember? Her portrayal was awful...
And about the Gods- Just..."He is trying to make them look awful at the beginning" Then why the hell it was only Athena? Almost turning her to second Zeus- Are you kidding me? You make her suddenly a child killer, when in the books she was nothing like that. Why making her worse, when other gods(Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestus,Dionysus,Ares,Hades) seem way more human and nicer? You cant tell me he tries to make them worse when they are portrayed like that! No sir- Hephaestus is nice enough to release Percy after a friendship speech. Poseidon is suddenly a perfect dad, he is not sorry that Percy is born. Ares is just a dumb twitter bully, where in the books he was threating them to no end. And fricking Hades?! I am sorry but Hades like that- He should have been scary. But no, he is just a lonely cool guy. I thought he softened after Nico. Cant wait for the development now...
Other than that, one of my most important things: vibe. Sorry...Like I said, it was way too boring for pjo. Even that horrible movies had more vibe! Gimme the vibe!
Pacing? Has a problem and I hope they fix it. Episodes being too short? Also another issue.
Now for the chb, I was hoping to see more activity. Why the camp is not full of noisy kids running around, playing hide and seek like in the books, training wild around the areas, camfire and silly songs? Where are our children screaming and being ADHD demigods? Instead they play chess in the cabin- Please, give more life to chb.
Finally, for the things I liked:
Riptide song!!! That song is my favourite thing in the whole show- Like its soo good.
Seeing Sally's struggle to raise Percy. Also a plus for me. Because I was curious. Also adding Poseidon to the scene was okay. I loved that parts.
Young Percy did awesome and he was such a good actor :)
Percy's dreams were good, I loved seeing them. Congrats! Andd, child accurate cast. It was important. But I wish they hurry so then we wont have it anymore 😭
That was it! Like I said, I find it a bad show, as a fan of 12 years. I waited this for so many years. I was dreaming this. But sorry, bad show is a bad show. At least it did give me some nostalgia and it did make me cry at the end :) I hope they improve because it would suck if they get a cancel before season 5. The bad thing is, I feel they knew we pjo fandom wanted a show for years. And they knew we would eat the crumbs. Its just not fair, you know. They would like it anyway, type. They are not taking it as seriously as they should. With that budget, look at other shows with that budget. I know, its still a kids' show. But I dont think its an excuse for them to upset the fans who waited this long...
Thanks for the ask anon! And like I said, feel free to add your thoughts :)
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bugflies00 · 5 months
the fostering AU masterpost
what is it? in short it's a dsmp modern AU that has lived in my brain rent free since july 2022 . its wilbur-centric and the bare bones of it is crimeboys are in the foster system and wilbur has to raise his little brother and navigate life and various shit it throws his way.
is there a fic? no. sorry . Maybe one day ill write some drabbles but theres no actual fic lmao it exists in textposts and a few drawings. UPDATE: there is now exactly 1 drabble of one of the scenes !!
as always, this is about characters, NOT CCs. abuser supporters are not welcome here nor the rest of this blog.
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The Original Post
the timeline (subject to change)
deciding the name
crimeboys and brotherhood
crimeboys and being protective
wilbur getting beat up + tntduo
rainduo's friendship
more about rainduo
even more about rainduo
sally & wilbur
phil & techno
fundy, wilbur and autism
quackity and being "self made"
quackity's scar
tntduo rekindling their relationship
tntduo rekindling their relationship (continued)
tntduo rekindling their relationship (continued CONTINUED)
tntduo proposal
wilbur telling tommy he's engaged
outfits for the wedding
tntduo honeymoon
tommy's records shop
wilbur and gender
wilbur's sweaters
fundy's teenage years
how wilbur got the white streaks
wilbur telling tommy he's engaged (2.2k)
tntduo through the ages
pride month!!
tntduo hugging
various tntduo faggotisms
quackity dressed up as britney spears
tntduo lil kiss ^__^
more tntduo kissing
wilbur in a leather jacket
quackity in lingerie
Why Fundy Went Undiagnosed For Years
the whole collection
wilbur outfits
tommy outfits
quackity ouftits
tnt + crimeboys collages
tommy, quackity, wilbur
quackity and wilbur
clingyduo and tntduo
benchtrio and crimeboys
wilbur and fundy
quackity getting accidentally pregnant lol
and final but important words :
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awesomeapplegirl · 8 months
Episode 7 thought lets go
-Once agin the show has made me feel 100 years old with the milk from the 90’s comment
-“I mean we’re all dying in a way” hilarious
-“You can buy yourself a new whistle” even more hilarious
(But rip ‘it was a big bathtub’)
-Cerberus is defeated with scritches and ball - hades your dog needs enrichment
-The design of hades palace is so cool holy shit
-Oh i have been that child sitting listening in on conversations about your brain and all the ways its wrong and it is no fun. Poor baby Percy. Poor Sally too.
- and the obligatory post new school interview ice cream date thats just filled with guilt and shame from every side
- im obsessed with the awkwardly long hades walk
- let me start the conversation half a kilometre away and just shout across the throne room
- hades being the awkward pun uncle is amazing
- the beautiful reveal that hades has no idea
-“I rarely cahoot”
- I love Hades so much
- he just wants his shit back and to chill in his opulent upside down hell palace
- “and the goat, I’ll throw that in for free” 😂
- im obsessed
- Percy ‘difficult is my middle name’ Jackson will not be handing over the bolt
- “hold fast mom” 😭
- and Australian?
- i feel like camp half blood should really set up visiting hours
Final thoughts
I really love that the show is showing us how some gods are trying to do better (Poseidon, Hephaestus, Hades) while some are just clinging to the past and their old ways (Dionysus, Ares) and how Percy and the other half bloods are going to be a force for greater change
Anyway I’m loving the show its great
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How would Wally aus react to a Sun s/o from solarballs???
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Tw: Cursing, name calling, Y/N being Bipolar? Idk.
Note: Now I think that Y/N will be called sun as a middle name or nickname idk, but your still the MC.
Also, I do not own any of the Wally's I just wanted to write headcanons nowadays as I'm still a Welcome Home weeb.
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Wally Darling 🍎
•I honestly feel like he may be confused by your sudden change of attitude, one second your happy, next second your mad?
•He will laugh at your jokes, or just not laugh at them, he thinks you and Barnaby get along very well.
"Wally why do you think people want me to take autographs!?"
"I don't know neighbor, why?"
"Because I'm a star HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!"
•He thinks you and Sally are related as you both are almost the same, Sally shines bright like the sun and so do you, but the only difference between you and Sally is that one is dramatic and one is a lunatic.
•I can see you throwing solar flares around, sometimes hitting home with them, Wally would be cautious with it, you almost burned his hair one time.
•Wally has a full ass list on how to not make you angry, because let's say, Wally accidentally poured a bit of paint over your perfect white shoes, and let's say, that he was surprised to see how red you got, he was traumatized, he dosent want to make you mad ever again.
•Feelings for you??? Hahaha you must be crazy for thinking he will like a crazy puppet like you...
•But fr, he did gain some feelings for you, especially when you stick around with him most of the time.
•In winter I'm sure he would be happily clinging onto you, I mean who could not? You were so warm, you were just as warm as the sun.
•I think Julie may be helping wally trying to get you and him get on a date.
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Opposite Wally 🍏
•This bitch will be annoyed by you, you are so loud, obnoxious, and annoying, this hoe probably hates your entire living being.
•He will trash talk your jokes, he dosent care if your mad at him...
•He changed his mind after you began shooting solar flares around
"God you're so annoying, your jokes are trash, your a emotional freak, and you are sooo clingy!"
"... I am WHAT!?"
"You heard me! Your're so annoying Barnaby makes better jokes than you!"
•Bro almost shit his pants as he saw you throw solar flares around, everyone in the neighborhood was hiding inside their house to prevent your wrath, Opposite had made it home in time.
•I'm 100% sure that he will do his best to not make you angry again.
•Now is he crushing on you? Of course a -00000000000.1% he is crushing on you.
•This man is afraid to be alone with you after what he witnessed the last few days.
•He will tolerate you in the future, probably will fall head over heels for you or who knows?
•You torment him in his dreams.
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•I think he would rather be amused by you?
•I'm sure he would also be annoyed by your constant jokes, but after seeing your papers, I'm sure he has listen on not making you laugh.
•He has seen you sneeze and accidentally burn someone with your solar flares.
•He wants to experiment on you, he wants to see of you have anything related to the Sun, because fr your middle name is Sun.
•The possibility that he may fall for you is very low, as well you falling for him, as you have eyes for a certain someone called Mercury, he's one of the employees around the factory, you always stick to that man like gum.
•But mercury probably dies and so there may be a high chance Walden gains feelings for you and you for him.
•Walden thinks you're a lunatic person as you laugh at everything and get mad at anything.
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•This bitch does not care, he loves you, he loves you and he loves you.
•He thinks your jokes are like music to his ears, well he doaent care but still he won't complain as he loves hearing your voice.
•Man will cling on you like a koala because you are so warm.
•He will never do anything to make you mad, he lives you so much to do so.
•He has seen you throw solar flares at home, maybe because home dosent let you inside, but you don't care and take risk.
•You are mostly toxic, but not that toxic, you don't beat up LS but you do threaten him, if he dosent laugh at your jokes that is.
•You once sent a solar flares towards wally, burned his hand, but he forgives yo,u how come he not forgive his ray of sunshine?
•After seeing what your capable of he puts a mussel on your mouth to prevent you from throwing solar flares, he lives you so much.
"I wonder how it would be if we get married, i wonder how our future kids would look like"
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•I think for him meeting you, you would have to be a new background character.
•I'm sure Reboot would be the last to meet you.
•He thinks your jokes are somewhat ok? But he sometimes gets annoyed when you don't let him talk and you just keep joking.
•He once made you mad, so you threw solar flares at him and almost burnt his hair, I'm sure he wouldn't dare do the same mistake again.
•He loves you 100% but his heart breaks when he sees you hanging out with another male puppet named Mercury...
•But he soon learns that Mercury is already dating someone(Ahem venus...)
•And he is happy that you're still available
•You are hsi knight 8n shining armor, for throwing a solar flares at his obsessive Fangirl Monday.
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So, as it's my first time blogging here, I'll introduce myself! :D
☆ you can call me whatever you want. especially if it's something related to space or a name that starts with the letter e
★ i'm a minor. so if you're +18 I'd prefer if you didn't interact with me
☆ pronouns? uhh he/any or ask
★ I'm an infp-t, gryffindor and black brothers kinnie i think... transmasc demiboyflux and unlabeled
☆ I love harry potter (fuck jkr), gravity falls, sally face, spider man, the marauders, omori, the perks of being a wallflower, stars, good omens, pjo, poetry, osemanverse, brooklyn nine-nine, my cat... I'm currently reading heroes of olympus and i overthink a lot
★ i like listening to david bowie, cavetown, queen, conan gray, abba, laufey, mitski, hozier, radiohead, tv girl, will wood, mcr, chappell roan...
☆ I'm just a shooting star who's still figuring out things about itself so I'll definitely change some things in this post over time. oh and i'm always bored, feel free to message me or send me asks :D (I'm a minor don't be weird)
★ bad at communication so sorry if i come off as rude
☆ sometimes i might not participate in tag games. you can tag me tho, i don't mind :b
★ I'm from Brazil so english is not my first language
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#shooting star spits glitter - bla bla bla talking about whatever the hell comes into my mind ig :F
#shooting star asks - i answer questions that sometimes aren't questions (anything that's in my askbox)
#shooting star lyrics - ...lyrics
#shooting star book - i talk about the book I'm writing
#shooting star writes shit - umm maybe some sad boy poetry?
#thoughts of a shooting star - vents but sometimes its just me saying incoherent things that make sense in my head
#shooting star weird gender - just me panicking about this fucker called gender
#cherry :3 - my silly silly cat
#ma lune <3 - my wonderful qpp @remusdooh <3
#PSYCHOOO!! - my beautiful friend @scabscribz :>
i think that's it! have a good day/night <3
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uncannyoceanz · 3 months
Lifeless Lucy HCs?
Lifeless Lucy Headcanons!
she is 11 years old.
She is a super great older sister figure, especially to Lily and the pour souls whom had fallen to the same fate as Lucy herself.
She is very overprotective and paranoid. She doesn’t trust adults most of the time and will watch their every move when around them.
her adoptive family members are: Lily Kennett (younger sister), Brokensoul (younger sister), Ying and Yang (Older sisters), Nurse Irena (Mother) and some more.
She is one of the many pastas whom got their lives destroyed on their birthday.
She is super depressed about the fact she ‘died’ on her birthday. But whenever that day comes around, her friends and family’ll cheer her up!
She doesn’t like Jeff…Why? Nobody really knows. Most pastas just think it’s cause Jeff is a dickhead and likes annoying people.
She knows Candy Pop, Cause the guy’ll usually just hang out around the kids a lot because they lure in free prey (Dumbass adults.).
She is a ghoul, more specifically a Banshee. She has the ability to burst people’s eardrums and even make them go insane. Whenever she is in this ‘state’ of form, she has sharp claws, pale skeleton like skin, black eye sockets with glowing blue pupils, no nose like a skeleton, and sharp fangs. Her hair is also crazy like this. (Picture will be at bottom).
She will beat the absolute fuck out of anyone who even tries to touch her siblings (mostly Lily.)
yes, Lily and Lucy are the closest siblings you’ll ever meet. They are like synchronized twins that almost never part from each other.
she is super strong when angry.
she is a quiet but somewhat peaceful girl most of the time.
Speaking of her powers and abilities, she can appear and re-appear whenever or wherever, float, change ‘opacity’, ghost walk/phase through things, move and touch physical things, be invisible, use telepathic-like manipulation, and more.
she loves butterflies, especially the blue SCHMETTERLING 🦋🇩🇪
her favorite color is sky blue.
she likes bows.
her bff is Sam, Sally, and Elizabeth Vazquez.
It takes her a while to trust people.
she likes to lurk around abandoned hospitals, jails, prisons, mental asylums, forests, parks, cabins, you name it. But she mostly can be found around the place she was murdered.
she knows a thing or two about dr*gging people.
After she was murdered, her parents were informed by the police as to what happened; her parents loved her very much, and were heart broken by their daughter’s death. So, every April 5th, They celebrate her birthday as a tribute of remembrance to her.
help I’m about to cry :(
Shit fuck man :( this shit is so fuckin’ sad dude-
anyway yeah :’)
here’s the picture I had drawn a while ago for her:
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
random mayans thoughts, 5x10 aka series finale edition:
on a personal note: the more I use the word fuck the more mad I am. so no one make "how many times did she say fuck" a drinking game, you'll end up with alcohol poisoning tonight.
- Miguel brought the letters and photos to Felipe's funeral and hadn't EZ run his fucking mouth he would've finally told him and Angel, who spotted the letters anyway, that they're brothers. fucking hell, we spent FOUR SEASONS invested in the they're brothers storyline and what came of it? ultimately nothing. what was all of that for when there was no resolution whatsoever?! fucking disappointing and frustrating. and why the fuck did Potter call Felipe "Ignacio Cortez" when he showed up? his name was Ignacio CORTINA, you fucking morons. writers can't even remember their own characters' names, huh?
- I fucking hate what they did to Miguel this season. and I'm not even talking about murdering him, I'm talking about how they first changed his entire life's history to some shit that didn't make sense at all, that Felipe knew the entire time he's his father, the letters and photos popping up out of thin air. and if that wasn't enough they insulted Miguel's intelligence because not for one second has he noticed how much Emily hates him? Miguel in season 2 sent Nestor to keep an eye on her when he didn't trust her, he knew she was lying to him. but this season, where she was even colder, more distant he doesn't see it? he seriously thought after everything, they could just start over fresh and she'd be fine and love him like nothing ever happened? who is this person that looks like Miguel Galindo? this is not the man I knew and fell in love with. the Miguel I knew would've never let his guard down like that, only to be murdered in a way he never even saw coming. it's such a big fucking disappointment and I'm so mad, I feel like my skin is on fucking fire. and what's even worse in all of that is that Emily got away with everything. how did the camera not catch when she asked Luis to carry Cristobal upstairs? they must've heard that he was nowhere near when Miguel went down. or when he came running back down yelling after the shot? how did that not end up on the audio?
- that "war" at the Sons clubhouse did not feel like a war at all. hell, it was a lot worse when the Mayans came for the Vatos Maldiots back in season 2 and there were a lot less Mayans with a lot more and heavier guns at the time. it was hard to follow everyone on screen because of the fast fight sequences and camera angles but Guero delivered some good punches, I just know he had a ton of fun. Isaac got what he deserved, I just didn't think he'd go out this early in the episode.
- as fucked up as the episode is as a whole, Bottles putting his glasses on Guero and them joking around at the party was a fun moment and damn, that man looks cute with glasses, lmao.
- Marcus has given up the club life for good, Izzy gave birth to their baby boy and they're a happy family. life is good for them. when Bishop came to visit, that was an actual sweet scene, him assuring Alvarez that he's doing the right thing.
- fucking Downer, he changed his mind and wanted to help Cielo get away but she panicked. I get it in a way, she's just a normal chick who got caught up in that life and what are you gonna do when you think they're coming to kill you? defend yourself. but man, it was unexpected and it hurts. and then she turns herself in and gives Potter the ammo he needed all along to come for the whole club.
- Letty is on a revenge path but was it just me who thought that maybe a revolver with only, what?, 6-8 rounds would've been her own death? now she's back with the Broken Saints instead and we won't ever find out but I'm sure that return didn't go over so well either. I'm not saying they killed her but she definitely has a lot of explaining to do before they take her back in. at least she rescued Sally, that poor dog has seen enough.
- the Reyes brothers talking on that bridge was a good scene too, Angel realizing that he has to leave to live for his son. I hate that he never found out Luisa died, he still thinks she just up and left them. even if painful, he would have deserved that closure. but what did he mean with "you put the Mayans on top" because that's not true. not even a little bit. their entire pipeline blew up. even if it hadn't ended the way it did, they would have been neck deep in trouble with the other MCs, with Cole and Grant, with the prisons. we spent a whole season watching them fight for that pipeline and again, what did we get? ultimately nothing. no resolution. no end. just a whole lot of plot holes so big you could drive a truck through them, which is fucking frustrating.
- that scene in the templo was fucking brutal, even for my standards. I predicted EZ would die slowly and painfully in front of a lot of people but holy fucking shit, everyone taking a stab at him is not the method I thought of. man, Clayton really pissed off someone in that writers room because Angel lost, with exception of his son, everything and everyone in half a season. and while yes, EZ the rat had to go, doing it was not just brutal on Angel. everyone seemed to struggle to wrap their heads around what was happening. but hey, they finally patched in Nestor, he earned it. and so did Bottles for killing Sofia. if they were gonna eliminate Cielo for knowing too much, naturally Sofia had to go to. just that whole pregnancy thing was completely unnecessary. I’m glad Angel and his son got out in time before the raid and can live their life free. I hope they get therapy as they recover from the tragedy they left behind, Mav might be young but he’s already been through a fuck ton.
- the ATF raid, I can't fucking believe Potter of all people has the upper hand and walks away free to do whatever fucked up thing he does next. I hate that there's no closure as to who lives and who died after they shot up the clubhouse because as a general rule I hate open endings. a couple weeks back, friends and I joked the military would just drop a bomb on Santo Padre and turn it into a parking lot, unbelievable that this wasn't even that far off... but we didn't get to see bodies so the status quo is that Guero is alive. he might have caught a bullet or three to the shoulder, maybe the stomach and a leg but he's alive and recovering! and yes, probably facing 25 to multiple life sentences but that’s still better than death. don't you dare come at me with canon and how no one survived, JD himself said in an EW interview "it is up to the imagination of the viewers". I lost Miguel, twice basically, so I'm not gonna lose Guero too, I need one win. if you disagree, that's your choice but this is where I plant my flag.
and that concludes not only season 5 but Mayans MC as a whole. it was a fucking mess and had been for years and I'm laughing at the thought that this is how they planned all along the show would end because seriously, it was kind of pathetic. I'm sure there is a lot more to be said about the hundreds of plot holes and loose ends they left us with but for right now, fuck this shit is exhausting, lol.
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bitterwaters · 22 days
Lacquer Brands
so one day I went to a fugue and wrote a 2000 word essay on nail polish brands
We got four tiers of nail polish brands: overpriced luxury bullshit, drugstore, boutique, and indie. 
Overpriced Luxury Bullshit
Don’t buy these! Just don’t! You’re paying for name, not quality. Chanel charges $32 for an 11 ml creme, the second cheapest polish type there is. That’s ludicrous. Every review I’ve seen of a “high-brand” from a real swatcher has been negative. Fuck ‘em all.
This is every other mainstream brand, whether it’s from CVS, Walmart, or Ulta. Wide range of price and quality. In general, you’ll probably get what you pay for. Sally Hensen Insta-Dry is classic and Acceptably Okay; if you don’t have the patience for a full manicure, just slap some of that on. Look for brands that are 3-free or 5-free--that means that won’t have a few nasty chemicals. Anything over 5 is fake and doesn’t matter.
My preferred drugstore brands:
Zoya: Jellies, glitters, shimmers. Tends to have a very thin formula--leave the cap off for a few minutes to thicken it up.
Orly: Cremes! The absolute best, well-pigmented, buttery smooth cremes. Persistent Memory is my perfect dark red. The bottles are generously sized, they have a nice paddle brush, and I love the big rubberized cap. They’re just really pleasant!
OPI: I only use their matte top coat but I use a lot of it. It’s the best! Get their matte top coat! I’ve seen recs to use their polishes over Essie’s, but I’ve never tried either.
Now we’re getting into the Good Shit. There’s a price jump here, but there’s also a huge jump in quality. These are small- to medium-sized online-only businesses with semi-industrial production and ample stock. They’re big enough to ship within a few days. They use a LOT more pigment and glitter than drugstore brands, and have far more variety in finishes.
You might see them on Amazon or Etsy--skip it and go order from their sites instead. Shipping costs the same and you can save up reward points.
Charmed Lacquer: Brand new, recently announced, will open in a week or two. Started by a streamer named Janixa. I’m not familiar, but her followers seem excited enough to check it out.
Cirque Colors: CONTROVERSY! I like Cirque. I have a ton of their polishes. A little pricey, but they have frequent small sales and are high-quality. Best known for the jellies and some really stunning magnetics like Mood Ring and Black Swan (which have since been rampantly duped). So why the controversy?
Mystery bags: idk people get het up about ‘em. I kind of feel like if you gamble on a bunch of polishes you don’t choose, you risk pruglies.
Coronation: This is a purple polish with a red-green shift shimmer pigment called, I shit you not, Unicorn Pee. UP was made unavailable for public sale years ago (the suspicion is that it’s now used in some currency). Cirque keeps finding stashes and re-releasing Coronation. There have been complaints that it’s not the same shade as the original, that it’s over-priced ($18.50 is a LOT for a polish), and the FOMO marketing. It always sells out fast. I have a bottle. It’s okay.
Jaritos: The current teapot tempest. Cirque just put out a Jarito-themed line of jellies that’s FOURTEEN FUCKIN FIFTY a bottle. Their regular jellies are two bucks less because JELLIES ARE CHEAP. They have less pigment than other finishes. Cirque has also been caught editing pics from swatchers. Some of the Jaritos shades are outright dupes of existing Cirque colors--but when Cirque reposted swatcher pics that compared them, they changed things to make them look different. Little shady!
I still got Mxcn Cola
Holo Taco: I don’t go to this school. It seems fine. Owned by a YouTuber with a pretty big following, Simply Nailogical. The brand has devoted followers, but I’ve never been real impressed. I feel like I can get everything they do somewhere else for a buck or two cheaper. Lots of limited-time bundles.
ILNP: MY LOVE! Shimmers, glitters, holos. Their formulas are just fantastic. If you follow lacquer reddits you’ll see a TON of posts featuring Flower Child and Fairy Dust; they aren’t for me but I see why people love them. They’re really good with shimmers--Flicker glows like a candle in a dark window. I also like their flakie toppers and magnetics. You really can’t go wrong with anything from ILNP. 
One of the rare lacquer companies that doesn’t do FOMO. They never remove anything from their line-up. New collections get a 10% discount for a week at release, and they have an annual Black Friday sale.
KBShimmer: They’re pretty good! They don’t get as much love as I think they deserve--probably because they aren’t quite as flashy and highly-marketed as other brands. They also aren’t as heavily pigmented/glittered. Still pretty good though! I really love All Fired Up. They have big 15 ml bottles for only $12, no matter what finish. KBShimmer is a great place to start if you’re just dipping your toe beyond drugstore brands. Pick up their polish thinner (suitable for every brand except Orly) and glitter smoothing top coat. 
Lights Lacquer: Don’t. They have some nice shades, though they tend to be as subdued as drugstore polishes. I was really disappointed by their cremes--the formula isn’t at all self-leveling. That’s just weird in this day and age. And then I found out that black swatchers refuse to work with them because the owner has been openly racist. Her non-apologies did not improve relations. Skip it.
Mooncat: CONTROVERSY! I have over a dozen Mooncat polishes and do love most of them, but it's getting harder to recommend the brand. They specialize in intense shimmer/glitter/holo/flakie/magnetics--all the fancy stuff. They have a few unique polishes that I haven’t seen duped elsewhere. Their formula can be gloopy, especially their flakies; easily fixed by a few drops of thinner. Why controversy?
they’re fukkin expensive bro. Like $15 a bottle. I do feel that you get what you pay for--it’s good stuff. I’ve never been disappointed by a Mooncat. But part of what you’re paying for is brand aesthetic.
they’re fukkin annoying bro. Their site, marketing, and even customer service emails are all lower-case dramatic gothy stuff. Never “nails,” always “claws.”
Their bottles keep shattering. This has happened occasionally in the past, then become more frequent starting in April. Seems like there was some supply change that thinned the glass. Mooncat was also filling about 14 ml instead of the promised 12 ml. Temperature and air pressure changes during shipping started to cause a lot of bottles to break. One person ended up in urgent care to get her hand stitched. Mooncat has promised to make changes and has been quick to refund/replace broken bottles, but there’s still a lot of ill-will simmering in the community. I think we’re past the tipping point--I’m no longer seeing broken bottle posts, just love for their new Power Puff Girls collab--but if you like something, I would wish list and wait another month. That should be enough time to make sure the bottles are safe and the weather has cooled.
Every single indie nail polish company is one or two people working out of their basement. That is not a joke. They hand-makes every small batch, fill the bottles, pack, and ship by themselves. That’s in addition to designing and testing polishes, and just living their lives. 
That means that if you order from an indie, expect to wait. Most list a turn-around time of up to a month (they usually say 7-21 business days--people read three weeks but it’s a month). That’s padded to give them safety--nearly all will ship within a week, maybe two. But if they get hit with life stuff or a ton of orders, it really can take a while. My longest order took over a month arrive. It was entirely worth it.
Indies tend to have a big focus on fancy finishes. The biggest trend right now is sheer lacquers that are loaded with aurora shimmer. They’re color-shifty and glowy, and a lot of fun. That’s starting to stagnate a bit--every base color/shimmer combination has been done, so a lot of dupes are emerging--but it’s also starting to evolve. I’m seeing more and more shimmers that also have holo, flakes, or reflective glitter. I’m betting we’ll get some thermal shimmers as fall rolls in and temperatures drop.
Indies have some phenomenal variety and creativity. They’re doing the coolest stuff with the most love. Many also rely heavily on FOMO, and some are just plain not open much of the time. Instead, they have monthly or seasonal release windows. They usually drop a new collection and may retire old ones.
How do you keep track? The Reddit Laquerists (sic) Nail Polish Release Calendar. You can also subscribe to brand newsletters--most give a small coupon on your first order. A lot are on Instagram and Facebook.
There are at least two dozen indie brands, and it’s hard to know where to start. I highly recommend Lyn B. Designs. I love her lacquers, absolutely flawless formula. She has big bottles, fast turn-around, and lots of variety. Get her top coat! It’s the best. But most importantly, she has a 50% off code for ALL products every time she launches a new collection. You can get top-quality lacquers for $6 each, and the big top coat refill for $12.50. No brand of any size can match that value. You can either follow her on Facebook for the code or check the calendar on launch day.
Others I like, in no particular order:
Bee’s Knees, Dam, Polished for Days, Great Lakes Lacquers for fantastic shimmers and reflectives. Garden Path and Rogue Lacquers have great flakies. Lurid Lacquer is pretty new, and she’s doing some really interesting things with intense shimmers and color-shifty chromes. Sassy Sauce keeps a small, tidy line-up, but it’s all quality and creative stuff. She’ll also have some nice thermals once October hits--she doesn’t ship them during summer, which I respect. 
Cupcake is kind of a workhorse brand like KBShimmer: nothing too spectacular, but everything is solid and reasonably priced. Likewise, Glisten & Glow isn't too exciting but IS cheap and high-quality. Emily de Molly is Just Good. Drunk Fairy has really nice jellies and cremes. Wildflower Lacquers is closed for rebranding, back 09/06; I don’t have any from her yet but I gotta give props for big bottles, a fan brush, and surviving in Oklahoma. 
Death Valley Nails is a little pricey but they’re doing the weirdest, most absolutely unique shit out there. They’re making polish out of rocks and wildflowers. One looks like the sink after your boyfriend shaves. It’s great.
Clionadh gets some hype but IMO they’re overpriced and overrated. They definitely up the saturation on swatch pics. I’m unimpressed by Femme Fatale’s formula and teeny 9 ml size. Shleee polishes don’t self level at all. Stella Chroma still sells Harry Potter themed polishes and I'm very over that.
But really, the best way to check out indie brands is…
Indie Preorders
There are two big indie collabs every month that work on a pre-order basis: Polish Pickup and Hella Handmade Creations. They open for a week each month and feature unique, one-time only products from a ton of indie brands. They can cause major FOMO. If you feel that might not be healthy for you, stay away! But if you’re okay with the possibility that you may never be able to replace a bottle you finish off, you’ll find some great stuff. They’re an excellent way to explore new brands, and creators get to be a little experimental. PPU has fun monthly themes; HHC doesn’t have a general theme, but many creators do a series of fandom-themed designed. Indie polish creators tend to be pretty nerdy.
If you want to try non-US brands, go to Color4Nails.They’re a stockist that carries several brands, drugstore, boutique, and indie. They also have monthly pre-orders for a few Brazilian brands like Phoenix Indie Polish and Penelope Luz. I find the Brazilian brands to be a little pricey, with smallish bottles and fairly thin consistency, but they’re doing some interesting stuff. I’m pretty consistently impressed with Phoenix; PL less so.
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Ep 5 reactions
spoilers beneath the cut for s1e5 and minor spoilers for most of the books, but I censored the traitor's name. mostly positive tone.
"Im the last one to realize this aren't I" A LITTLE BIT
I love Percy admitting there he was really ONLY in it for Sally. Poseidon does ONE good thing and all of a sudden it's "wait I think the conspiracy to start war betten the gods is... important?" SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MEET REASONABLE PARENTING EXPECTATIONS? A certain god could be taking notes, specifically the patent of [REDACTED]
go off Percy with the emotional intelligence. A for effort
and an A PLUS to Annabeth for the sharing important info and being vulnerable.
I see that coat covering the bike seat. there's human skin on that thing, isn't there?
LIVING the portrayal of Ares as man-baby who starts twitter fights. average maturity level of anyone who likes war.
"there's no fear in you, is there?" STAWPPP
THEY KEPT THE MANHUNT PLOT🎉🎉🎉🎉 also the Gabe is Gabe-ing. Manipulate mansplain manwhore on the most literal level. except disney probably cut the womanizer bit.
the whole "Im immature as shit but my threats are real, I hold all the cards" THE GOD OF WAR IS GODOFWAR-ING
"can I walk them to the door" IS HE GONNA RUN FOR IT? they're really letting Grover miss out on this quest, huh? I mean I guess it makes sense. PLUS it means more Grover-exclusive scenes! MY BOYY
that's a lie. there HAVE to be corny movie nights at camp, right?
ALSO botl movie date, anyone?👀👀👀👀
is that? a JOKE I HEAR??? poking fun at Percy? a little. Genuine? ALSO TRUE. If you told me that "amusing" line was Liften from the book and I've just forgotten about it all five million times I read it, I WOULD BELIEVE YOU
Annabeth who complimented Circe's loom when Percy got cursed🤝 Annabeth who complimented Hepheastus when Percy got trapped
the way she says push before telling him what it is😭😭😭
songs about feelings that was PERSONAL
*insert Coach Hedge talking about nature*
Annabeth asking what Ares need the kids for if he wants the bolt/thinks their quest means nothing🤝 Grover gaslight girlbossing : doing detective work under Percy's nose
OOOH good detail with Percy being caught up with all the "3000 year-old goss" because HIS MOTHER TOLD HIM hi sally i fuckign love u
"don't even try to tell me not to be weird about this" we love an honest queen. While I kinda miss book Annabeth being a bit stompy and whiny at this part, I do think that the show version suits its own characterization of Annabeth, saying whatever she thinks needs to be said.
this whole show, I've been able to see everything. episode five DO NOT be the one to let me down! PLEASE!
THE SONG omg i wasnt expecting that. miraculous movie flashbacks fr.
W CONVO. DOUBLEYOU CONVO. nothing to add. perfection.
Also. don't shoot but the song choice unironically fits Hephaestus's story.
is that a giant gold naked statue of Hera? to taunt them for cheating on him? hypocrite.
"they like to ignore what doesn't fit their narrative" [REDACTED] APOLOGISTS TAKE NOTES.
okay there's no way Annabeth doesn't know that story. there's ONE way to take a god's power and she doesn't know it? at least let them tell it in tandem! a little "Yeah I recognize the chair, what of it?" THEN let the touchy-feely boy present the bargain. AT LEAST.
"do you need some help?" "FUCK OFF" that's Annabeth
in the one hand, I am not a fan of depriving Annabeth of her super wisdom hero moment. on the other hand, placing responsibility to fix things on the perpetrators instead of those kids from Season ONE queen shit, and showing people can change. slay, but PLEASE let Annabeth do some more puzzle shit!
OH so [REDACTED] and Ares conspired to make sure the trio never makes it there, not just using the magic things that activate at a certain place, but also by DIRECTING THEM TO THE TIME FREEZE ON PURPOSE
that interaction. SO THEM
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